#also it was a million degrees and she was wearing all knitted stuff
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vignette of nyc pride, specifically when the worlds smallest tiniest old italian lady kept trying to speak to me in italian which i have no understanding of but did make sure to listen really hard every time she tried to talk to me because she seemed to be completely lost as to what was going on. the most words she ever said in english was “this isn’t columbus day”. hope she eventually got to that grocery store she was on the way to. imagine being on a normal errand and running into 10 million gay people
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puckinghell · 5 years
Mittens | Tyson Jost
Summary Requests: you never wear mittens so i knit you a pair and leave them for you to find as a gift from an anonymous person because i’m shy
your family ditches you for the holiday so i take you home with me, except my family thinks we’re dating now, and i don’t know how to tell them that we’re not Word Count: 3.8k Note: this is dedicated to @thesmutpeasant‘s knitting behaviour
When you finished your PR degree, you wouldn’t have said that working for a hockey team was your ultimate dream. You didn’t even know hockey. But working for the Avs has pretty much been the best time of your life, so far.
Where else could you spend an hour of your work day talking about Christmas gifts? 
So far, the boys have decided that for Christmas, Gabe needs to get some hairspray, Z needs a new wardrobe, and Mikko needs a girlfriend.
“What about Tyson?” you ask JT. “Have you gotten him a present yet?”
JT laughs. “No, I haven’t, but I think someone should get him a blanket or something. He’s not good with the cold.” “Hey, fuck you!” Tyson yells from the other side of the room. “It’s freezing here, we can’t all be cold blooded like you!” JT huffs. “He says that, but he’s dressed like he lives in California or something. Never wears a hat, or gloves. And then he complains about the cold all the time. One night he even asked if he could have my duvet.” “That was in Winnipeg, and you know how cold Winnipeg is,” Tyson protests. “Besides, I asked you to cuddle me warm first, but you said no.” It’s teasing, and JT rolls his eyes, but you know Twitter is gonna explode at this. “Thanks boys,” you say, putting down the mic, and the cameras finally leave the room. “What do you want for Christmas, Y/N?” Tyson asks. Out of all the boys - although you would never admit it - you like Tyson the most. He’s always chatting with you when the cameras turn off, and he asks you things like he cares about the answer. You’ve become friends, in the past few months. He’s also really cute. You shrug. “Some sleep would be good,” you say, because it’s been a long road trip, and Tyson laughs. “Same.” --- The next morning Tyson brings you a cup of coffee to the plane. “How is she gonna sleep on the plane now?” Burky teases, and Tyson turns bright red. You make sure to take a picture of Burky from an unflattering angle in retaliation on Tyson’s behalf. Not that it necessarily makes Burky look any worse - that guy doesn’t have bad angles - but it’s the thought that counts. You sleep on the plane and keep yourself busy during the day, but when the evening rolls around, you sit in your quiet apartment and busy your hands as your mind winds down. Knitting may sounds like a grandma hobby, but it calms you down, thank you very much, and it means you’ve always got a personal gift for someone. For Christmas, your grandma has asked for a scarf, your mom wants a hat, and your aunt asked if you can knit a romper for your few months old niece. You have no idea how to do that, but surely you can figure it out. However, today, you don’t really feel like knitting any of those. Knitting those requests feels a little too much like work, right now, and you wanna knit just to knit. You don’t even realize you’re knitting mittens until you’re halfway through the first one. You don’t need mittens; you’ve got a good selection of them, a wide variety of colors. You remember your talk with JT and Tyson, yesterday. There’s someone who needs them. --- It’s weird, that’s something you’re sure of. To just give Tyson a Christmas gift, a handmade Christmas gift, and not have anything for the other guys. They would chirp you to hell and back and you’re not sure you’re ready for everyone to know about your teeny tiny crush on number 17. However, you can’t deny the fact that you knitted these mittens with only one person in mind, and it would feel weird to give them to anyone else. So, one morning, when Pepsi Center is still dark and there’s nobody around, you put them in Tyson’s stall without a note and decide to never think about it again. Which would be easier if you’re not the one having to do pregame interviews that day. “So, the Blues are obviously the reigning Stanley Cup champions...” - EJ pulls a face and you can’t help but agree - “how can you make sure you take the two points here tonight?” “Probably score some goals,” EJ says with a deadpan voice and a wide toothless grin, and you’re about to yell at him for being an awful person to interview when there’s a loud noise on the opposite side of the locker room. “Ah, sick!” The entire room turns to Tyson, who is beaming with excitement and looking at the mittens in his hands. “Someone got me gloves!” “Those aren’t gloves, those are mittens,” Cale says wisely. Tyson stares at him for a few seconds, then obviously decides to ignore him. “There’s no note,” he wonders out loud, and you really, really hope your blush isn’t too noticeable. EJ’s eyes are a little too fixed on your face. “Maybe it’s a secret admirer,” Mikko offers. “Maybe it’s someone who’s just as sick about you complaining about the cold as I am,” JT says. “Where are my mittens?” Z ponders. “You’re not getting any, you don’t deserve them,” says Nate, and Z goes to put him in a headlock. The boys start arguing about why they do or do not deserve mittens and EJ turns back to you. “So,” he says, “any more questions?” --- The boys win in OT and there’s excitement radiating through the locker room. You’re not doing the postgame; Lauren is, but you follow her around anyway, mostly because you love the locker room after a win. The happiness is contagious, and you find yourself smiling all evening. Most of the guys have gone home when Lauren packs up her final stuff. “What a game to end with before Christmas, huh?” she says, giving you a quick hug. “Merry Christmas, Y/N!” “You sure you don’t want to come?” JT’s voice is filled with enough worry that it catches your attention. You pretend to focus on packing your bag, the door slamming shut behind Lauren as she leaves. It’s just you, JT and Tyson, now. “Nah, man, it’s okay.” Tyson sounds a little down, which is not what you would’ve expected, after he scored to put them into OT earlier. “You’re with your girl, and I don’t wanna be a third wheel. I’ll be fine.” “But you can’t be alone on Christmas.” JT is clearly indignant. 
You’re just standing up when Tyson gives JT a playful shove. “Go, Comph. Go have a fun Christmas. I’ll be chill here.” JT rolls his eyes but gives Tyson a quick bro hug. As he’s leaving the locker room, he sends you a smile, a “happy holidays” and then he’s gone. You turn to Tyson. 
“You’re staying here for the holidays?” Tyson shrugs as he puts on his coat. It’s not nearly thick enough to be a winter coat, and he’s not wearing a scarf. He does however, take the mittens and put them on his hands. “My mom is on a cruise and Kacey is celebrating Christmas at her boyfriend’s house. Everyone is leaving me alone this year.” He’s trying to sound light, like he’s joking, but there’s a sharp edge in his voice that tells you it matters more to him than he’s willing to let on.
Something squeezes in your chest. Nobody should be alone on Christmas. “My family is coming to my apartment on Christmas Eve to have dinner, do you want to come?” You blurt it out before really thinking it through; it’s probably gonna be hard to explain to your parents, that you’re suddenly having a guy over for Christmas, and maybe Tyson will think it’s weird that you’re asking him: you just heard him tell JT no, so why would you think he wants to come hang out with you? But when you brave looking up at him, Tyson is smiling widely. “You sure?” he asks. “Is it not too much trouble? I can help you cook if you want. Or, you probably don’t want that, because I suck at cooking, but I can do whatever else you need me to do. I’d bring gifts for all your family, of course, and…” He’s rambling, and it’s cute. “Tys,” you interrupt him, and you can’t help how fond you sound. “They’ll love having you around. My dad is always saying it’s not fair, four girls and one guy, and my sister is bringing her girlfriend, so I could use a partner in crime, too.” “Okay, that’d be awesome,” Tyson says truthfully, “thanks so much, Y/N.” He smiles at you brightly and then puts on his mittens. “Dude, these are so warm, I love them.” You nearly promise to make him a hat and scarf too, but then you figure you might’ve exceeded your maximum amount of weird for the day by inviting him to Christmas dinner, so you quietly follow him out to the parking lot while he excitedly chatters about Christmas movies. --- It’s the morning of Christmas Eve and you’re this close to having a mental breakdown. Your house is a mess; you figured you didn’t need to clean it, your family has seen it all, but now Tyson is coming and you would like him to not think you’re the biggest slob in the world. Also, there’s the fact that an extra mouth to feed means more food necessary, so you have to go to the store and get more groceries. All in all it means that when your doorbell rings, you’re still wearing an old Avs hoodie and leggings, and you’re pretty sure there’s cookie dough in your hair because you decided you needed dessert after all. It’s not like Tyson gets to sin all the time. Christmas is as good an excuse as any. “Hey,” Tyson smiles. He’s looking annoyingly nice, wearing a grey jumper and dark blue slacks. As soon as he sees the state of you, he frowns. “What is that in your hair?” “Cookie dough,” you tell him honestly. “You look nice.” “Thanks,” Tyson grins proudly, “I Facetimed Kacey to pick out the colors.” He walks into your apartment like he’s been there a million times before, pushes a bottle of wine into your hands and starts unpacking the bag with presents he brought, putting them under the tree. “Am I early?” “A little,” you admit. “I, uhm, kinda still need to shower. You know, get the cookie dough out of my hair.” You think about it, for a few seconds, then decide that you can trust Tyson with this one thing. “Can you take the cookies out of the oven in 10 minutes so I can shower?” Tyson nods, throws you a thumbs up and then parks his butt on the couch like that’s where he belongs.
It makes you feel... things.  And, well, you might take a little longer to get ready – putting a little more effort in your make up and hair than you would’ve if it had just been your family -  but the last thing you expect when you come back in is for everything to be ready. Except it is. There’s candles lit on your coffee table and the presents are all under the tree. Your mom has a glass of wine in her hands and greets you with a “honey, there you are!” Your sister and her girlfriend aren’t there yet, but your dad is standing at the dining table with Tyson. The dining table is fully laid and Tyson has a half eaten cookie in his hand. “Sorry,” he grins, when he spots you. “They just looked too good not to touch.” You must’ve been staring at the scene a little sheepishly, cause your mom laughs. “You okay there, honey?” 
“Uh yeah,” you bring out. “I see you met Tyson?” Your mom’s face instantly brightens. “Oh yes, we have, but if you want to do proper introductions…” For a split second, you panic, because you don’t actually know how to introduce Tyson – a friend? A coworker? You can’t really say an unreachable crush – but you’re saved by the door bell. “Y/N!” your sister says, giving you a quick sideways hug. “Amy and I brought some extra wine, in case you didn’t have enough booze and we have to listen to dad talk about baseball all evening while sober…” She stops dead in her tracks as soon as she sees Tyson. “Oh, hello.” “Thanks, Meg,” you mumble. “We uh, have enough, probably, cause Tyson brought some too.” Meg turns to you, wiggling her eyebrows. “A boy that brings wine? Keep him around, will ya.” You’re about to tell her to shut up, when your mom stands up. “Time for dinner!” --- It turns out Tyson fits in with your family right away, and you’re not even halfway through the night when you realize your catastrophically big mistake. Seeing him like this, as if he’s an integral part of your life already, does nothing to help your massive crush on him. Because Tyson is perfect. He talks sports with your dad and interior design with your mom – “My mom used to redecorate our place every year or so, you pick up some stuff” – and falls into a flawless routine of teasing you with Meg. He tops up glasses, passes the salt without being asked, and every now and then he sends you a smile that has your stomach turn in your body. It’s not until after dinner, when you’re standing in the kitchen with your mom, cleaning dishes, that you understand your mistake has been even bigger than you thought. “I’m so happy for you, sweetheart,” your mom coos. She’s looking at you with fond eyes. “I was worried, you know, that you never introduced us to a boy or girl. I don’t want you to be lonely here in Denver. But Tyson is such a lovely guy. You can tell he really loves you.” You can… what? “Oh, no, mom,” you stutter, “he’s not… He doesn’t…” “Oh, but he does,” she interrupts. “I see it in the way he looks at you, you know. When a person really loves someone, it’s in their eyes. And Tyson looks at you with love. You deserve someone who cares about you, babe, and I’m just so happy you’ve got someone here in Denver, when we’re so far away. I just don’t want you to be alone.” And, fuck, your mom clearly thinks you’re dating Tyson, and you realize you still haven’t introduced him properly to your family, of course they think you’re dating, who brings home a guy to Christmas for platonic reasons? You know you should tell her that you’re not dating, you know that, but she looks so genuinely happy, and you know if you tell her now it’ll break her heart. Quietly, you sneak a glance towards the living room. Your dad laughs at something Tyson says while Tyson ruffles through Meg’s hair. She swats at him, and Amy is smiling. Every single one of them would be upset to hear that Tyson is nothing more than a crush that’s way out of your league. 
You know you have to tell them. But maybe just not tonight. Maybe, just for one Christmas, you can let them be happy. “Thanks, mom,” you force out a smile and your mom returns to the dishes. It’s not even a few seconds later that Tyson wanders into the kitchen. “Hey,” he smiles, “can I help?” He leans into you and puts a hand on the small of your back and your heart flutters and it’s innocent, sure it is, he’s just trying to be friendly, but your mom gives you a knowing look as she says: “Sure, you guys finish up here,” and demonstratively closes the kitchen door behind her, leaving the two of you alone. “Your family is awesome,” Tyson grins, as he starts to dry the dishes. “Meg tells me you guys go skiing every February. Me and Kacey usually try to go during bye week, Meg said maybe we can go together!” And something inside of you bursts. “My family thinks we’re dating.” Tyson frowns, puts the plate he was drying down. “Oh, really?” He doesn’t sound upset by the fact, simply curious, and you sigh. You’re gonna have to explain this one. “I guess I just didn’t really think to tell them who you are or like, what we are? And so they just saw that I invited a guy to Christmas and they assumed that we’re together. They absolutely love you, Tys, and they always worry so much about me having a boyfriend, and I just…” You pause; you know you’re turning red and it’s impossible to get out the words. “Hey, it’s okay,” Tyson says gently. He reaches out, his hand landing on your arm in a gesture of comfort. “You don’t have to tell them now. We can just… date.” He flushes. “Fake date, I mean. For tonight. Or, like, however long you need us to.” “Really?” you ask, relieved, and Tyson laughs. “Don’t sound so surprised. As if it’s such a hardship, to pretend to be your boyfriend.” He shoots you a wink, puts the final plate away and wanders back to the living room. Leaving you absolutely stunned, wondering what just happened. --- “Gifts!” Meg says, clasping her hands together. “The true meaning of Christmas!” Your mom gives her a disapproving look, but even your dad is eyeing the presents under the tree with a little too much interest.   “I’ll go first,” Tyson says with shining eyes, “being the new one in the family, and all that.” “Ah, yay, it’s not me anymore,” Amy giggles, and you swear to God you are going to die. Somehow, despite not knowing your family, Tyson nailed his gifts. Your dad is over the moon with his new slippers, your mom keeps sniffing the scented candle he gives her, and Meg smacks Tyson across the head with the Avalanche beanie he got her, until she notices there’s two tickets to a musical that Amy has been wanting to see in there. 
You’re a little jealous, because you love gifts like that, until Tyson hands you an envelope. “I heard you tell Gravy how much you like them,” he says, and he sounds a little off. Nervous, even. “And if you need a plus one…” He wiggles his eyebrows and laughs, but even his giggle comes out a little nervous. In the envelope is two tickets to your favorite band, who are playing in Denver next month. You didn’t end up getting tickets cause they were sold out stupidly quickly and were ridiculously expensive in resale. “Oh my God, Tys, that’s way too much,” you tell him in awe, but Tyson just shrugs. “No use for an NHL salary if you can’t spend it on the people you care about.” It sounds weirdly genuine, a deeper level of something ringing through, but it’s way too much to unpack right now. You feel a little stupid about your gift for him, now – a nice wallet cause his old one looks like it’s been through a lot – although Tyson seems really happy with it, even gives you a hug to say thank you. For the rest of your family, you’ve got a normal gift and something knitted, as extra, and it’s not until you catch sight of the deep frown on Tyson’s face that you realize something. Fuck. You forgot about the fucking mittens. “Isn’t it cute, Tyson?” your mom says, as she wraps the scarf you made her around her neck. “She always knits people gifts. I swear it’s her way of saying how much she loves them. She spends so much time on these.” She pauses. “I mean, you’ve probably been with her while she makes them, you know.” “Yeah,” says Tyson, slowly, although you know he has no clue. After that, it’s like you can’t even really enjoy the rest of the night; you can’t focus on the Christmas movie Meg puts on, can’t focus on how cute it is when she cuddles up with Amy, can’t focus on how fondly your mom is smiling down at you or your dad’s soft snores as he falls asleep halfway through. You can focus on Tyson’s thigh pressed against yours, and how you have no idea how to explain to him why you knitted him those mittens. Finally, your mom stands up, gently kicks your dad’s legs, and smiles at you. “I think it’s time for us to go,” she says. “I’m sure you two wants to enjoy some part of Christmas Eve in privacy, too.” “Mom,” you scold her, feeling your cheeks heat up. Tyson grins at you. By the door, as your mom gives you a hug, she whispers: “He’s a keeper, honey,” and you nearly tell her everything. “Yeah, he’s alright,” Meg says way too loudly, and you hear Tyson giggle in the background and you decide to shut up. The door closes behind them and immediately, Tyson stretches out on the couch. “Ah,” he says. “I’m pretty good at impressing the in laws, no?” You don’t remind him that they’re not actually his in laws. Instead, you fall back onto the couch and groan. “Are you not gonna make fun of me for knitting you mittens and leaving them anonymously in your stall?” you ask, because you might as well get over it. Tyson frowns. “Why would I do that? Those mittens rock, my hands haven’t been cold since.” You blush. “Yeah, but, don’t you think it’s weird that I made those? I didn’t make any for the rest of the team.” For a second, he seems to think about that. Then he moves a little closer, his hand coming to rest on your thigh. Electricity zips through your veins at the contact. “I kinda hoped that meant something,” Tyson says slowly. “Tell me if I’m wrong?” You only had two glasses of wine but you feel like your world is spinning as Tyson moves closer tauntingly slowly. Finally, his lips touch yours, and you understand every cliché ever written into any romantic Christmas movie. When his hand moves to your thigh, settles on the skin right below the hem of your dress, you yelp.
“How are your hands still cold?” 
Tyson chuckles. “I mean, I haven’t been wearing my mittens, so...” 
Years later, you’re laying on the couch with your daughter, watching a Christmas movie after having just set up the tree.
“Daddy, what was your favorite Christmas present Santa ever gave you?” your daughter asks. 
Tyson sends you a private look above her head, then focuses on her. 
“A pair of hand knitted mittens.” 
“Like the one mommy made me?” she asks, and he grins.
“Yeah, kinda like that.”
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faggerardway · 3 years
hello stinky i would like to know who is your favourite mechanism and why, i expect a 2k word essay on my desk by friday
ah fuck ah shit they’re all so excellent i will instead list my favorite things about all of them in order of my vague memory of when they joined the crew. also i smell good how dare you. also FYI for anyone not informed about the Lore, all the shit i’m gonna reference below is a hundred percent canonical.
-jonny: has an ego three thousand times larger than his short ass, king of hubris and not understanding anything. loves his sister dearly, but draws the line at random orgies, which i respect. drags corpses onto the ship like a cat bringing home a kill and tells carmilla to fix his new friends. eyeliner and belt game slay me. (four belts? FOUR??) sad and totally made up backstory, he just lied to everyone’s face about his daddy issues and they were like “chill, let’s write a song where you play all the parts and burn down a casino.” eats people sometimes, which is a positive trait in my heart.
-nastya: my god, finally a voice of reason- ah never mind. her vibes are impeccable, my mysterious trans lesbian queen is unique and absolutely vibing <3 “fuck the ship-!” “i do :3″ is my favorite line of dialogue in anything ever. machinefucker and very proud of it, to an almost concerning degree. that one picture where she’s resting two of her fingers on her chin and cocking her hip as she looks up at the sky makes me Yell.
-toy soldier: my beloved it/its inanimate enby ts!! i love it bc it just. vibes. it has so much fun singing and playing instruments and just fucking around with its friends. who would’ve thought the war criminal with a stolen voicebox would be the most babey of this group?? SPEAKING OF ITS VOICE HOLY SHIT. TRIAL BY SONG CAUSES HEART PALPITATIONS. adorable little nutcracker with the saddest fucking backstory infinity/10
-tim: so very very done with jonny but we all know they make out in “secret”. hit that fucking high note as loki so well, my god, he put his whole pussy into that! go gayboy relive that trauma! plays out of tune guitar like a champ and has a ten minute long song dedicated to him blowing shit up, what a power move. excellent hair and long sweeping coats, extremely gender of him.
-brian: ohhh sweet boy. but also totally commits atrocities? like he wouldn’t kill an octokitten that was eating marius alive but he’d let a million people die just so he didn’t have to hurt anyone, and that’s just on mje mode- his morals are so fucked, poor man. also hung upside down inside a sun for a century and respects the hell out of trans people and brings people back to life and those are just a few of my favorite things about him. he fully committed to the steampunk look when he got mechanized and i love that so much. also has the potential to be a tumblr sexyman.
-ashes: ASHES!! ashes ashes ashes. first off what a fucking good name that’s like a murderer naming themself Dead People. they’re the hottest, it’s just a fact, sorry everyone but they are just. mmm. carries around gold bars and cigars and gasoline and nothing else which i respect so much. (though where do they put that stuff? their hat??) sings excruciatingly beautifully and snarks at all the idiots they call their friends and practices the three r’s (rage, repression, and radicalness) so i cannot not love them.
-ivy: mystery wife! her whole thing is stories and yet she doesn’t know her own that’s so fucking pog of her. what does an archivist on a spaceship even do dawg it’s not like the other guys care about the cultures they’re annihilating, i’m pretty sure she just sits in her bunk and reads. why did she need her brain replaced? why does she have such crazy memory problems? how does her new brain calculate all these percentages? we don’t know! she’s very cute and wears fishnets and has a mohawk-ponytail which i adore. play me to sleep on ur flute please miss
-raphaella: twenty points right off the bat for having wings and wearing a knit crop top. what is she going for with her look, we don’t know, but she could do horrific experiments on me and i’d thank her, so it’s working, clearly. alternatively tortures and tops the shit out of marius, i will die on this hill. also a terrifyingly good singer, those little “the void siIings” in losing track make my breathing stop and the entirety of ties that bind is so fucking amazing i. hhhh
-marius: christ i love you mr neither a baron nor a doctor. the other guys are dumb but he’s the himbo of the group just for being That Way. also most of his characters’ (who are also himbos) lines are something along the lines of what the fuck or i don’t understand so i’m gonna punch you. he’s adorable and has such bastard vibes, even his outfit is ridiculous and cute. even though lyf was a cop he deserved to get a happy ending with them ok?? i just love him and his liddol raccoon face and he deserves a slow burn criminal/detective to crew mates to lovers.
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spiritmaiden23 · 3 years
This is a headcanon sheet that will go deep into the depths of Sky Zel, namely for fantasy verse because I do have another post to dissect Zel’s character as a whole coming up! Fantasy verse I feel needs more info than what I have for her character sheet this way more people can understand her and hopefully play around in that verse because hunny witch zel is an excellent concept I refuse to go to waste. I’d love to rp with more people in this verse because it’s refreshing as well. Anyhow! Bear was kind enough to provide the sheet and now here I am taking advantage of it! Be warned fellas, it’s gonna be a long. Like very long, this took like an hour or two to complete. With all dat juicy details. Feel free to copy and paste this if you want, it’s good for main characters or OCs. But it is long as hell! Let’s jump into it! 
Character’s Name: Zelda Lockewood  Character’s nicknames: Zel, Zellie, Zeldy, witch of the woods, Hylia’s apprentice Gender: Female  Righty or Lefty: Righty  Age: 19-20  Height: 5′3 around 161 cm  Weight: 104 lbs  Eye Color: Light blue, similar to the skies. They twinkle with mischief intent yet benevolence is within her gaze. Hair color: Golden blonde, often tied with ribbons and in a very low ponytail  Distinguishing marks: She has a scar on her chest below the collarbone and at the end of her ribcage where the scar has a slight turn to it towards the left, right above her heart. After a summoning spell gone wrong, she was stabbed there by the creature, thankfully miss OP Hylia was there to save her from dying.  Describe physical traits in one passage: Whew, ok I sound like a broken record but here we go. She often has red cheeks that tend to grow redder when angry or embarrassed or shy or when she has the dokis. Very long ears that also can grow red towards the tips, as such people have mistaken her for an elf which is why she wears the witch’s hat in the first place. She likes to tie her hair in a low ponytail in order to work without it getting in the way but out of her hair is super long to the waist. She has blunt bangs or hime cut as I like to call it! And is petite but don’t let that fool you, she does have monster strength much like main verse.  FAMILY/ RELIGION  Parents: Hylia is her biological mother within this verse, she’s unaware of the fact and believes her mother to be dead. She lives with her adoptive father, Gaepora.  Siblings: An only child  Significant Other: None thus far! But I’m open to shipping here ;v;  Children: Again, none but it’s something she’d want in the future!  Other relatives: Gaepora keeps his family at an arms length, though jolly and wise he tends to be a bit of an introvert at times as such Zelda doesn’t really get to meet with her family too much or get to know them.  Pets: Her familiar, the Loftwing Indigo! Black cats seem to like her as they surround her though! Friends: Tons! But well in case future RPers are interested I can’t really fill it out.  Enemies: Sorceresses are typical enemies to a witch, she tends to avoid other witches too due to their cold-hearted nature.  Relationships (other): It’s tough to put Wylan in a category so this might be best. Though he is an annoyance and she finds him a bit of a troll slowly she’s starting to get to know him bit by bit.  Ethnicity: A witch! With connection to the gods thanks to her mother being the Goddess of Witches who goes by the name Circe to mortal realm and witches, her true name is Hylia though so don’t be confused by this. She comes from a nation called Lanayru, so prehaps Lanayruen if you wanna call her that! Religion: Most witches tend to follow something akin to Wiccan belief, Zelda follows that! Superstitions: When making a potion, she often likes to pray to the Goddess of Witches and sing a small tune while making sad potions as a means to break the silence. She doesn’t look at mirrors in the dark or but two mirrors opposite of each other as it’s believe it could make a portal of sorts for demons and other evil beings, as such she often covers her mirrors and doesn’t look at them too much aside from when she has to get ready. It’s silly, she knows, but it’s trauma from opening the portal when summoning a being far beyond her skill.  Diction, Accent, ETC.: So, she has a light accent that’s typical for those coming from Lanayru. Certain words, you can hear it spilling out. It’s best to describe it as a sing-songy accent where certain vowel sounds are stretched out. She’s learned to shorten the vowels though, trying to fit in with the nation she lives in now! Which is Hyrule a land far more bigger than her humble homelands with advancements in magic and certain technology. They have a more... I wanna say North american accent that can range from Canadian to the typical eastern accent for USA to southern accent from again, USA.  SCHOOL/ WORK / HOME  Education (Highest): Hmm, college equivalent of fantasy world? She was a fast learner and skipped a few grades which is why she graduated so early (it helps being the daughter of the Goddess of Witches too, demi god to be exact haha) she and had a natural affinity for magic, also she was studious as well and often aced tests.  Degrees: Oh damn... well she doesn’t have the title Hylia’s Golden Apprentice for nothing. So let’s consider that a degree, or maybe a degree in magic pft! Vocation/Occupation: A potions seller! Employment History: Let’s explain how she has experience in this! She worked with a brewing master, who owned a shop that was full of wares and while some cursed and forbidden, as well as the owner being sketchy, she learned about how the potions business works while working for him from 14 to 18. Four short years! Nice! Upon moving to Hyrule, she kept her potions making a bit lowkey. Selling her wares in the small town near the lost woods known as Tarrey Town. Under the guise as a merchant, it was soon discovered that she was a witch and while certain residents tend to avoid her due to low reputation of witches as a whole, many are attracted by her refreshingly friendly nature and excellent quality in potions. Rumors begin to spread out and she does tend to travel to the big city, Castle Town, from time to time to sell her wares. Though she’s still learning the ropes, and though her business isn’t really that big, she’s doing not too bad. Salary: Potions aren’t cheap, she’s her own boss as well. So, let’s put it that way. HWEOH  Status and money: Despite how well her business is doing, she’s not exactly rich but she’s not too worried about her money situation either. Resourceful, she tends to save her money by collecting her own ingredients in the Lost Woods, though if she has to she will go out to get the ones she couldn’t find within the forest and while some are expensive, she tends to barging with cheapening the price somewhat.  Own or Rent: OWN! She made her little hut deep within the woods through magic of course, it’s hard to find unless you know how to navigate within the ever changing nature of the Lost Woods. It’s a bit like OOT in that regard, ALTTP with the mysterious fog you can get lost in, and well... I’m also taking small inspiration from Paper Mario 64 with the spooky forest in one level since the Lost Woods here is a bit... well, spooky!  Living Space: It’s a small, humble sized cottage crafted with grey bricks for the chimney and front entrance sticking out with some tudor elements to the building where the house is half-timbered walls! The outside has a white little gate with a plant arch full of roses, and there is a garden full of flowers and herbs, with ivy crawling up the building towards the back of the house along with a weeping willow within her large yard, a lake is nearby and there is a lovely waterfall but beware of the creatures lurking within! The window in the kitchen is the biggest window in the house, almost like a bay window of sorts but you can’t exactly open that window yet there is a another on the lower floor where you can, while her bedroom has a slightly smaller window where they are opened outwards and always opened in the daytime, there is a large window seat, large enough to sleep on it with comforting pink cushion as well as little pillows she’s knitted herself. There are drawers underneath where she stores extra stuff. Now, as for the inside, aside from the kitchen and her bedroom along with the bathroom, it’s a big mess! The small space is cluttered with tons of books and tomes, some on the millions of shelves (along with tons and tons of potion battles) she has and some on the floor with pages scattered throughout the wood flowering. She has plants like wisteria hanging on the walls and several others like witch’s herb among other examples hanging from the celling. There’s a small sitting area with a wooden desk and stool and that’s where she often works with her research. It’s pretty much well lived in and is the result of working too much to notice the mess. It’s two stories, with a small attic being the second floor. Her bedroom is located on the first floor and despite the window seat, she has a nice slightly small queen sized sleigh bed in the center and up against the wall, it looks super comfy, like you can sink into it and well it’s possible! Along with a vanity mirror with brushes for light makeup she wears for special events, and a small bottle filled with flowers, her knitting area with a small basket full of yarn balls and a wooden wardrobe to keep her clothing in. There is a cute rug on the floor to bring the room together. Along with book shelves. It’s a cute yet ery simple style.  Work Space: As described above, it’s a wooden desk within the main hub area of the house. It’s in the corner of the room, near a window as a means to get sunlight and fresh air! Her cauldron is not too far from the desk and once again, she has tons of flowers. There’s always her research papers and books on it, a quill with a feather, annnnd a small candle stand in case she’s working late in the night! Main Mode of Transportation: Either her “broom” which is an enchanted feather from her Loftwing or her Loftwing himself! She thinks it’s silly to ride on a broom and wanted to be more creative! PSYCHOLOGY  Fears: Well when you face near death and actually saw the reaper’s scythe coming at you hot, you tend to not fear much. She doesn’t really like to summon things though due to that accident, so there’s nervousness whenever she absolutely has to. Mirrors there’s a slight fear due to how they can act as portals into the other realm. And losing loved ones, failing to protect them. Perhaps knowing the truth about her birth is also a fear, as she will deny being a demi god let along to the Goddess of Witches. There’s this feeling she has where she knows she’s not an ordinary witch but out of fear she does not investigate too much with a slight hint of curiosity.  Secrets: Much like main verse she can hear the gods and spirits of the realm, something she denies and keeps to herself. While she can do wandless magic, a feat only known to Hylia, it’s a bit hard and her spells tend to go wild so it’s why she likes to stick to tomes as it better handles her powers. Whenever mana blockage happens, she tends to get embarrassed and will only reveal it if she has to.  IQ: VERY HIGH as expected of someone with a lot of wisdom despite her age. That is all for this one... Eating Habits: NOT VERY GOOD!!! She just throws together anything that’s edible enough and eats it, while it doesn’t taste good she’s always in a rush to get back to work because she’s a bit of a workaholic in this verse! Sometimes, she’ll take elixirs to suppress her hunger if she’s working very hard on something like research or recipe hunting, at times she doesn’t always get the potion right so she tends to try again and again until she does. Neglecting her need to eat. Pretty much, it’s like putting fried rice, egg, and leftovers in a blender and eating that disgusting mess. And though she can cook mainly simple enough dishes, she tends to not do it too much. Someone get this girl some food.  Sleeping Habits: AGAIN NOT VERY GOOD THIS POOR BABY!! When cramming in the night, she gets so focused she tends to stay up until four o’ clock by drinking lots and lots of coffee... and that’s when the sleepiness tends to hit her once that caffeine is all gone, you’ll most likely see her asleep at her desk. Being an early bird though means she won’t get much sleep so ;v; That said when not cramming, she tends to get sleepy once the sun’s down so she does get normal hours of sleep mostly. She loves the morning and always wakes up to the sun greeting her as she tends to leave the curtains open, not at all afraid to do that since like... no one goes deep into Lost Woods aside from Wylan pft.  Book Preferences: She loves reading research and recipe books! It’s always fun for her to learn new things and as such she always has her head buried in a book that discusses tons and tons of research. When not learning and sitting back to relax, she likes tales of adventures and will sometimes read romance novels as well.  Music Preferences: Harp and lyre along with other string instruments! She tends to love folklore as there is a history behind it and she does find that super interesting. Though she can somewhat play the harp/lyre she’s not as talented as say the bard Kina! Groups or Alone: While good enough in a group as she does like teamwork, she’d rather do things on her own. Blame being responsible to a fault for that one alongside slight hero complex for more dangerous things she has to face HJKA! Leader or Follower: Are you kidding? Leader all the freaking way! She has a natural charm about her and is ambitious in a sense, she would make a good leader because she’s wise enough to make good decisions when in a pinch. That said she can be a little bossy when worry wart tendencies pops up and will def assume that you need her help. She’s just trying to be a good friend who believes in you and your potential, don’t mind her. Just... her supportive attitude is pretty strong haha!  Planned Out or Spontaneous: With her carefree nature, you’d think she’d be spontaneous and while she can be at times because adventure is fun, she tends to plan a lot of things out... of course, her plans never work out. But again, she’s resourceful enough to work around the issue she may come across.  Journal Entires (Do they keep one?) YES OF COURSE MY GIRL LOVES TO WRITE!! She actually has a few, four in total. One for researching plants and other things, another to keep track of her inventory, one for folklore and ghosts/monsters findings perhaps, and one for her personal feelings. If you find the last one, she will end your life.  Hobbies, Recreation: Girl loves to knit! It’s very relaxing and she’s really good at it along with sewing her own clothing! She loves flying, and collecting plants in case that wasn’t obvious already. She also loves monster hunting despite how dangerous it can be, but due to how unique the monsters are in Hyrule she just can’t help it! Catch her taking pictures whenever she comes across one while a friend grabs her and runs for dear life. Jam making is a fun things she enjoys and gardening. Overall, really good hobbies she has! How Do They Relax: A nice bath filled with floral oils that’s meant to relax you and certain flowers as well. It’s how she’s got that flowery scent after all. She tends to read in the bath, and well reading in general along with writing is how she unwinds! She loves knitting and gardening and jam making is relaxing from time to time. Drinking tea while sitting underneath the weeping willow. She does love practicing her magic and hexes too!    What Excites Them?: MONSTERS DESPITE HOW DANGEROUS THEY ARE AND SNAPPING PHOTOS TO RECORD THEM, finding new spells, new tomes and other books! Seeing friends will make her super happy, flowers, wild plant life never seen before. Whenever other people from distant cities learn about her potions shop, new cauldrons, successfully making a new potion, exploring new cities and towns, traveling, flying, learning new things because she’s a nerd with a thirst for knowledge... pretty much she’s very excited over tons of things, it doesn’t take much to excite her, actually haha! Pet Peeves: Wylan breaking into her house, she has tons of charms in the place so it’s a bit worrying and annoying to find him in there doing whatever, messing up with a spell or burning potions, hunger pains when she’s deep at work along with her natural sleepiness once it’s dark out, prideful hero types mayhaps where they’re all talk and no action more like (she does value bravery though), bullying since strong sense of justice, and finally gossip and judgement.  Prejudices: She... doesn’t really have one? Aside from not liking bullies and again prideful hero types who are all talk and no action... liars too? And creeps who flirt with her. Flirting is fun but not when it’s unwanted. Yeah... that’s about it I think! Attitudes: Very determined and ready to face the day and is a hard worker! She’s a cheery girl through and through and very kind but don’t let her kindness fool you as she’s not afraid to put her foot down and call you out. She’s charming and a playful girl who has a love for learning. And is very supportive but can be a busybody if she worries for you. And though somewhat scared about the truth of her origins, once the time comes she’s ready to face those fears. She tends to get either angry or embarrassed (it’s ambiguous really) whenever Wylan is around doing... Wylan things actually haha! Stressors: I guess failure or deadlines that she can’t make if the recipe for the potion is too hard. As well as vague customers too because what sorta potion do you want from her she can’t read minds? Tarot cards and palm reading, while she knows how to do these things as it’s natural for all witches, knowing the future is scary and she’d rather live in the now while looking forward to the what the future has in store without knowing of her fate. Also, dark magic. She tends to stay away from it, corruption is a thing that can happen causing her to become a mindless yet very OP being known as sorceress.  Obsessions: WORK. Very much a hard worker to a fault actually due to her high sense of responsibilities playing into that. It’d be cash money if someone could help with relaxing her.  Addictions: Book collecting, along with flower collecting too and finally she has a super bad sweet tooth. That’s about it.  Ambitions: Right now, she wants to become a bigger name in order to help out people as she loves helping others, and well, the extra money doesn’t hurt either. She wishes to become a bit more powerful as she already is, up to the Grand Witch Hylia levels and wishes to increase her mana, not that it’s low but just in case! As Seen by Others: A cutie pie! Who’s kind though sometimes people do avoid her since Witch.  As Seen by Self: She’s cute and she knows it haha! Aside from that she doesn’t see herself as kind but someone who wants to do the right thing, there’s no reason behind this aside from it’s natural for her to be this way. That said she wants to work harder than she already is someone stop her. ASTROLOGY/PHISIOLOGY (hoo boi i know shit about that but let’s go) Birth Date: March 20 Time of Birth: 3:07 AM, right during witching hours with the magic number seven in it, that’s why Hylia went “oh crap she’s gonna be powerful like me and make poor life decisions if she sticks with me time to yeet this baby outta here” Western Astrological Sign: Pisces  Traits Associated with Western Sign: I’m lifting this from a sight but strengths are Compassion, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical. While weakness is fearful (not really she’s pretty brave but does have some fears) overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr. Some traits don’t really fit her, I guess you can say she’s the odd man out with typical pisces haha!  Chinese Zodiac Sign: That’s a little difficult since it goes by year rather than date but I’ll try! Year of the Monkey! It fits her best I feel! Traits Associated with Chinese Zodiac: according to this site monkeys are fast learners and crafty, they tend to have many interests, they are clever and creative and love to accept challenges. They tend to have magnetic personalities are witty and intelligent but can be naughty aka playful. I feel this fits her better than Pisces... or maybe a mixture of both haha! Handwriting: DOCTOR’S WRITING!! SHE... HAS SLOPPY CURSIVE THAT ONLY SHE CAN READ HWEOH but she can write neat cursive it’s just she’s always in a rush to get her thoughts out there.  Sexual History: Girl was too focused in her studies she did not date anyone. She’s not one for ahem “hooking up either” So... no history there I guess pft.   General Health: Healthy as can be! Medical History: Aside from that one time where she almost died, her medical history is really not that interesting. She does get mana blockage from time to time and they hurt hard and makes it harder to use magic. Her spells going haywire.  Allergies: Hmm... I don’t think she has any. Chronic Illnesses: Nope again! Handicaps: And again no on that either.  OBJECTS Purse / Bag: She has a leather bag around her waist, it’s charmed to be a hammer space of sorts so like... tons of things. Books, tomes, scrolls, diary for ingredients gathering, another journal for folklore and monster tracking, pictograph/camera athame knife just in case because you never know, wallet and plenty of others stuff Wallet: Well, it’s a pouch that’s full of money, a lot just in case. That is also a hammer space of sorts! Fridge: NOT A DAMN THING she’s better at storing bird food for her loftwing and cat food for any stray cats hanging around her area but her fridge is like... leftovers from the little meals she makes from time to time, jam, potions that need to be stored in cold place, veggies, and one battle of water that’s it.  Medicine Cabinet: While she knows some healing spells it doesn’t hurt to have bandages just in case! Along with medical brews that’ll help with things such as colds and other illnesses. Tooth brush and paste of course... and uh the little makeup she has because this girl a goddess and doesn’t wear it too much.  Glove Compartment: CARS DON’T EXIST BUT ACCORDING TO BOTW MOTORCYCLES DO, that said she doesn’t have a motorcycle so like... nothing! Junk Drawer: Utensils, knives for food... for one draw. As for the other real junk drawer full of papers, dried and pressed flowers, journals, and extra quills alongside some cute jewelry! Kitchen Cabinets: Plates, bowls, and glasses of course with spices in another and any food to help with cooking!  Bedroom Hiding Place: Underneath her bed is where the personal journal is... for the most part. Closets: Clothing, it’s a small closet along side other junk like her old wand, and anything relating to her school memories such as supplies.  Backback: Isn’t that the same thing as purse/bag? Either way, read above! Locker: None Desk: WEEPS DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF ON THIS? Read above with living situation.  Clothes pocket: Mostly letters for her father... a pocket watch, and sometimes she’ll have the athame knife in there too. There’s not much she can store with her dress apron! 
OTHER (bitch we almost done!!)  Halloween Costumes: SHEET GHOST!! She won’t go as a witch since well she is one, sheet ghost is probably meant for laughs really. Also she’d make her own black cat costume due to her affinity with them. A black dress, with cat ears and whiskers drawn on... yeah that seems good! Tricks: Little things like charming you to float! Or having giant rabbits chase after you before they cuddle you! Spiders crawling out from your ears! Bats following you. See? Nothing harmful but something funny to witches yet not so much to mortals or other supernatural beings for that matter.  Talents: Magic, she’s insanely talented but it helps having a Goddess mother who created magic and witches/mages in the first place! She’s good at knitting as we established and sewing, very good at brewing all sorts of potions as they’re always high quality, very good at researching stuff. ETC ETC.  Politics: Hmm well,,, Hyrule is absolute monarchy where the king and royal family lie about being descendants of gods so... yeah! Not much to say there since she’s not one who’s tied to mortal virtues.  Flaws: Worrywart which turns to her assuming things and taking the wheel so to speak she’s trying her best to support friends but well being nosy and like this isn’t always the best, sometimes while good with words and advice to comfort someone she doesn’t always say the right thing to comfort said person, she works too hard and is responsible to a fault, she often likes to give others the benefit of the doubt despite being screwed over. And perhaps... she doesn’t worry about herself so much as she worries about others. Not only does she think she can handle most things but also it’s a bit of a hero complex or something similar to that where she always sacrifices herself for others. Because, it’s the right thing to do. She tends to get embarrassed easily and has a bit of a nasty temper at times but it doesn’t take long for her to get overall as she’s not one to hold grudges.  Strengths: Very joyful and charming, many find themselves drawn to her as the result of this. Kind as well to everyone, aside from mentioned above in prejudice section and dislikes, she likes to treat everyone equally as best as she can. Reasonability is her middle name and tends to always get things done. She’s also very wise for her age and someone who encourages you to do your very best because she believes in you and sees this great light in you that gives you great potential for the bright future. She can be a little flirty towards someone she likes once she gets over her initial shyness upon discovering her feelings but well romance is new to her so sometimes she’ll miss certain romantic intentions. And playful girl who’s a bit witty too. She has talents for magic and is a fast learner for the most part. Also love learning too and is a nerd. She has a creative side to her! Drugs/Alcohol: Nope! Passwords: Probably her birthday for like things that require numbers such as safes and the like! Email Address, Home Page, Blogs, etc.: Well none pft Time and place: Very vague middle ages that takes inspiration from the Magic Technology BOTW has along with other games too such as TP and SS.  Special Places: The sky... does that count? And the Haunted Grove deep within the Lost Woods.  Special Memories: Meeting her familiar for the first time, any time spent with her dad as he was loving and kind, getting accepted to become a student for Hylia despite her wanting to keep a distance but takes her under her wing just in case. 
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spacenerrrd · 6 years
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover: Chapter 2
Sander Sides
Word count: 2,948
Characters: Patton/Creativity, Virgil/Anxiety, Patton/Morality, Logan/Logic
Warnings: School stresses
Summary: Logan runs a library in a small town, allowing him to share his love of books without feeling left out. His business partner and friend Roman helps by running the bright Disney themed cafe that attracts more people to stay for longer. The two clashing but somehow perfect match of a friendship went their days peaceful in their small community until one day a new pair of brother; Patton and Virgil, moved into town and showed the owners a new way of live.
Chapter two: Getting to know you
Chapter 1
“So you understand that the y-intercept can be found by knowing the gradient of the slope?”
“No I don’t get it. How can you do that? I don’t understand the equation Logan.” The red haired girl hid her freckled face into the heels of her hands.
“Well, let me write it down for you. The equation is y=mx+b and the m stands for….Lucy?” Logan heard sniffles coming from the girl and his face softened from his usual serious tone when he was tutoring. “It’s alright ok? You’ll pass this test because you’ll understand it.”
“But what if I don’t? I need to pick up my grades in Maths otherwise I won’t make my dream university.” She mumbled in her hands, voice rough from her recent crying.
“Don’t you dare say that you won’t make it. I know you can, believe me. You are one of the most brightest and intelligent young ladies I know and you can do this.” Logan scooted his chair closer and rested a delicate hand on her back. “Look at me Lucy.”
She hesitantly looked up, her shining blue eyes glistened with the tears ran down her cheeks, sticking strings of her hair messily across her face.
“Let’s take a break. Why don’t you get that book you come in when you’ve had a bad day and you can read it to me?”
“How did you-”
“It’s my job to know this stuff. Now go.” Logan gave a soft smile that lit up Lucy’s face as she ran off to search the shelves. He sighed, sorting out the sheets of study papers and notes. He didn’t need to see it to notice the person sit across from him, and somehow feeling the smile radiate off them it would really only be one person. “Greetings Patton, I’m glad to see you back again.”
“Hiya Lo! Gee, this place is just oh so lovely that I couldn’t stay away!”
“Thank you for the compliment. May I ask where Virgil is?”
“Oh! Yea Virg is just at the cafe. Needs a big ol’ cup of coffee before diving into the books.” Patton’s happiness seemed very dramatic for the situation, but Logan guessed that’s just how he was.
“So he’s still in school.”
“Yes sir-ry! Very much into the music industry and arts. Such a brilliant kiddo he is!”
“He sounds wonderful indeed. Now I’m sorry Patton, but I have a tutoring session currently and she will be back any minute.”
“So that’s who that pretty young chooken was! I saw how you handled her emotions and it just made my heart swell with joy. You seem to be so good with the children. Do you help them a lot? She seemed to be just so comfortable with you like my golly. I would not expect that from you Lo, but I guess you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, am I right?”
Before Logan could even get a word in to reply to any of the questions Lucy had already returned, grinning ear from ear that made him blush.
“Oh yes, sorry, teaching session going on. I’ll get out of your way.” Patton was still smiling, shuffling his chair back until Lucy spoke up.
“Wait Mr, you can stay. I haven’t seen Logan smile like that in ages.”
“I was not smiling Lucy and you know better.”
“Oh yea, totally. But can you stay? I was only going to read this book anyway. Do you want to sit with us?”
Logan was about to protest the idea before Patton spoke up. “My golly, I would be honoured to listen. You have such a lovely voice.”
Lucy giggled, a light pink covering her cheeks that made her eyes shine brighter. “Why thank you Mr.”
“Please, my names Patton, but most people call me Dad.”
Lucy laughed, smile unfortunately spreading across Logan’s face from seeing her happy. She opened the book, and to little surprise by Logan she started reciting the words from Alice In Wonderland. “Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?'”
Logan looked over at Patton who was resting his head in his hands, eyes sparkling as he listened like she was an angel from heaven. Logan cringed at the small smile that was on his face, but he unfortunately couldn't help it as his heart fluttered that tiny bit more.
Virgil had his headphones ear so loud that it was a wonder how his ears weren’t bleeding. The purple hood covered his face in a shadow, hair assisting as it fell over his eyes. He stood in front of the counter, trying not to smile at the Disney puns of names before he was snapped back when a hand waved in front of his face. He disgruntledly removed a headphone and looked up at a smirking Roman.
“Well hello emo child, glad to see you back here.”
Virgil stared at him. “You’re the closest coffee place….and the best tasting in town.” he grumbled, trying to decide on what to get.
“I suggest the Black Cauldron. It’s the biggest and strongest coffee we have, perfect for study time when you hardly have any sleep.”
“I am not-”
“Bag slung across one shoulder that is shaped to hold books and a laptop, too lazy to wear properly as it’s too close of a walk. Although you seem to cover it with your heavily done eyeshadow, the bags under your eyes are still visible and almost draws attention away to your beautiful eyes.” Roman smirked. “You’re not the only student who’s a favourite here. Soon I’ll know your timetable.”
Virgil stood there speechless, blushing furiously as his eyebrows knitted together. “Just make my damn coffee will you?” He slammed the change on the table and stomped off to one of the tables, the smirk growing wider.
Virgil had his music pumping into both ears again, setting up with a textbook, sheets and an art book he was currently sketching in. He was drifting off from the real world, getting lost in how the pencil worked against the paper until a coffee slid in front of him and someone occupied the spare seat. He sighed heavily, trying to ignore Roman as he took a large gulp from his cup and went back to his book. The boy would of kept going if it wasn’t for the fact that Roman shuffled closer, trying to peer at what Virgil was drawing. He tilted the book away, getting words from Roman that he couldn’t hear. He pulled an earphone out, earning a smirk.
“Whatcha drawing handsome?”
“None of your business.”
“It will be if you’re going to becoming in regularly. Just got out of an art degree myself last year, along with theatre, so I’m making sure you guys actually keep going on the work.”
“How did you know I’m taking an art-”
“I also can tell you’re taking music. Do I really need to go through how I know this, Senior.”
Virgil flushed again, nails digging into his palms in agitation as he pulled his jumper sleeves down.
“I’m not here to pick, we’re here for support, and quite honestly you’re a cutie so I don’t want you to be getting behind sweetheart.”
“I am not sweet. If I was coffee I’d need as much sugar as that coffee did yesterday Princey.”
Roman’s smile faltered at the name, Virgil about to apologies before Roman spoke up again like nothing happened. “You wish. I’ll get the soft side out of you, just wait. I-” Roman was cut off by a small child tugging at his sleeve. The small boy had chocolate brown eyes that matched his hair, small freckles covering his face. “Well hello Miles. What would you like?” “Isn’t it story time Ro? We wanna know what happens next!” The small child pointed to a large clock, the arrows pointing to the words STORYTIME in silly font instead of the number 3.
“Well would you look at that it is! Why don’t you go tell the other’s that I’ll be there in just a giffy.”
Miles smiled wide, running of to spread the word to the other children playing.
“I’m sorry to cut our date short, but the children will attack if I don’t go over soon. I’ll come back just after playtime if you’re still here though.”
“This wasn’t a date-”
“See you later hoodie boy.” Roman winked before standing up and walking over to the the small children who cheered in unisation. Roman smiled at them all, taking his seat in the throne and picking up a book. All the children gathered and sat patiently, wide eyes and bright smiles facing Roman as he narrated the book, facial expressions and different voices for the characters packaged in that had the children laughing.
Virgil tried to make it not obvious that he looked up to watch Roman from time to time. The way the kids seemed to love him to bits that made it extremely hard for Virgil to force a smile down.
Once Lucy had been feeling better and convinced Logan that she was fine to keep working, they went back to work. Patton still sat patiently across from them, learning too from listening to Logan.
Lucy looked at her phone for a moment before having to take a double take, eyes going wide. “Oh god, it’s already 5. I really need to get back home.”
Logan looked confused until he got a glimpse of the time himself. “Oh god Lucy, I’m sorry. I should’ve been looking at the time.” His face turned to one of guilt.
“No no, it’s alright. It’s my responsibility. It shouldn’t be too bad today anyway. Dad’s not home so Mum should be out and won’t even notice.” She smiled, hiding a million different emotions behind it. “See you later Logan, and thanks for spending time with us Patton.”
“Anytime kiddo, I wish you luck for your test.” Patton waved Lucy off, smile still wide. He looked back at Logan and the expression on his face made him worry. “Come on Lo, being home a little bit late shouldn’t be too bad, right?”
Logan looked at Patton, trying to hide any emotion on his face but his eyes betrayed him. “Lucy doesn’t have the best living arrangement at this current moment. She doesn’t have the money to live in campus so she needs to stay there for now.”
Patton smile faltered for a moment. “Oh… well at least she has you and your library to come back to a safe place.”
Logan gave a quick small smile. “Yes, I guess that is a positive.” he started cleaning up the textbooks and scrap paper left on the table, grateful for the silence until Patton was speaking up again.
“I never would of thought you would be so good with kids Lo!”
“I’m not good with humans. The only thing I know how to do well is to teach and the point of that interaction was to teach.”
“No way! She was crying and you calmed her right down to where she was smiling. If I don’t call that good then people don’t call me Patton.”
“I was merely being factual, it was just a plus that she found it comforting.”
“Whatever you say Lo, but we both know the truth.”
Logan gritted his teeth. Why couldn’t Patton just trust that he was bad with human interaction? If he was good then they would’ve stayed, not hurt him. He wouldn’t be here if he was good with human interaction , so why can’t Patton just admit it. He stayed silent, afraid to open his mouth and walked away to put the textbooks back on the shelf. Logan thought he would be left alone until he could hear the soft skipping on the carpet that was unmistakably Patton. He stayed silent though as he sorted out the textbooks and some other books that he saw were out of place. The entire time Patton trotted behind him, smile still there as he quietly admired everything. Something about the silence was worse than Patton’s talking but he wasn’t going to mention anything. Once he had finished organising the books he turned around to the ball of sunshine following him. “Do you need to get home? I think Virgil has been studying for a considerable amount of time..”
“Oh yes! I bet he’s gotten so much work done. Gosh, i’m just so gosh darn proud of him, ya know?” Patton said cheerfully like everything else, starting to head to the cafe.
“I do know, as you have expressed it in the past before and it is very evident in the way you speak about him.” Logan state, not understanding the question Patton said was mainly rhetorical, but still getting a bright grin in return. He walked over to the cafe, Patton happily trotting alone up to the table Virgil was sitting at. With both of his headphones in he didn’t realise the two coming up and saw him looking over at Roman who was playing with a small girl, parents must of still been at work. The small soft smile being wiped off and being replaced by a flush of red after hearing Patton’s exclamation.
“AWWWW VIRGE!! You’re smile is adorable!! If it was making you that happy you should’ve just asked to join them.”
Virgil’s eyes went wide, turning to see if Roman heard to be met with the princes shining eyes and a laughter tumbling from his lips. Virgil stared at Patton who was oblivious to what he was doing wrong as he started to back up his work. Shoving it into his bag, mumbling something under his breath before stomping off to the exit.
“Well it seems like someone’s on the Virge about something.” Patton grinned, giggling at his own joke. Although he did not find it that amusing himself, Logan found himself giving a small smile about something. “Well I guess I better get him, make sure he doesn’t get lost on the way to the car. I’ll see you later Lo!”
“My names Logan, and goodbye Patton.” He waved off the bouncing ball, taking a seat at the cafe to watch Roman play. Even though it was past the playtime, as evident by the hands on the big clock being past the words PLAYTIME that replaced the 4 and 5, he still played with the little girl who was left as their parents were late. Logan just couldn’t understand how he was so good with people. All the students who came in and went to him seemed a little bouncy on their toes as they left. Roman claims the same happens to the kids he tutors but he denied it, saying he couldn’t see any difference in them. Logan didn’t realise how long he had been sitting there for, lost in thought until Roman pulled up a seat beside him. He sighed when he saw his massive grin. “Nothing did or will happen.”
“I never said anything did. I was grinning about that I saw you smiled at a pun. Honestly I feel offended that you smiled at his because I’ve been telling you some for years and haven’t even gotten the smallest sign of a smile yet he could get one out of you just like that.”
“I wasn’t smiling at the pun.”
“Oh, so there was something else.”
“Why can’t I just smile and have it be over nothing?”
“Because you don’t smile anymore.”
The tone suddenly dropped, a silence falling over the two for a bit. Logan didn’t look up at Roman who was giving him a gentle stare. After a few moments the Logan suddenly stood up, the chair scraping against the wooden floors. “You know how to pack up.”
“Oh Lo, you know I didn’t mean-”
“Don’t call me that.” Logan snapped, making Roman shut his mouth. Logan’s expression softened slightly, eyes apologising. “I will see you in the morning.” He received a nod from Roman as he walked out. Even though there was still an hour until they were suppose to shut, there was currently no one else in apart from them and some students who offered to clean up the shelves for some pocket money. Logan’s leather shoes trotted along the pavement as he made his way home, hands in the pockets of his heavy jacket. Soon the keys were clicking the lock open and they were dropped with a clank into the bowl that sat upon the table. The jacket was shrugged off and hung up neatly through routine, shoes shortly following suit. Logan made his way straight to the his office, sitting down in the dark blue leather chair that was positioned behind the oak desk. The draw was slid open to allow him to pull out a black fabric covered book. It was opened, revealing pages upon pages of neatly writing words, dates differing from hours to months. His mother taught him that showing pain and emotion was weakness, so to allow a book to keep them locked up and safe was the better option. Logan found a new fresh page, crisp white seeming to shine in the dim light. A fountain pen was picked up from the cup that kept his desk neat and was soon spilling its ink along the pages, expressing emotions it shouldn’t be able to.
Here’s Chapter 2 y’all! I hope you all enjoy this one because I really enjoyed writing this. If you’d like to be tagged in future ones and aren’t on my tag list let me know and I’ll happily join you in!
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imgilmoregirl · 6 years
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Notes: WARNING: This chapter has mentions to suicide and abortion.
The Truth About Him
It took Belle almost two months to decide that being a housewife wasn’t healthy for her. She felt absolutely bored during the first week but tried to convince herself that if she tried harder, it wouldn’t look so bad, so she started doing some non-stoppable cleaning, reorganised all the things Gold had gotten out of place – well, actually out of the place Belle considered right for them – brought all her stuff back from the library’s apartment, made research about Sarah’s future treatment with the stem cell, read lots of books and even tried to cook, but that life wasn’t for her.
She could do a million things in a day and she would still feel useless. It was during an afternoon tea with Alice and Grace in which she complained about how stagnated her life was that her friend suggested Belle could take a job at the school. Alice Madden was a teacher. One of the good ones, all the kids loved her and her joyful way of presenting new things. Belle had a Literature degree, but she had only ever worked in the library, so at the beginning she wasn’t sure if that could work.
Alice insisted in taking her there anyway and she met Jasmine Shirin, another teacher who was in need of an assistant. Belle had taken a walk around the corridors, seeing the children running around with notebooks in hand and suddenly, she smiled for herself, knowing it was something she could do and that would bring her a lot of joy, so she accepted the job and went home to tell the happy news to her husband.
Gold of course, was thrilled for her, he wanted her to take a rest from what was making her mind troubled and he was glad she had now found something that was healthy for her to do. Sarah spread the news about her mama working at her school in the next day, so then most of Storybrooke was knowing and whispering about it. She didn’t care. Belle told Archie this new job made her feel good and secure about herself in a way she hadn’t felt in months and he also supported her decision of taking it, so that was enough for her.
On Monday morning, Gold dropped Belle and Sarah at Granny’s for a special breakfast while he went on his journey of collecting the rent. It was her first day at the school, he had bought her a diamond necklace to celebrate it and they made passionate love in the night prior, which made Belle a bit sore in actual fact, but she couldn’t quite believe how happy she was feeling. She had a scan booked for the weekend, they would see their baby, discuss the plans for the birth and Sarah’s treatment and everything would be fine. Except for the one thing she didn’t want to think about.
After the scan, she planned on going to the cemetery and take some flowers to Bae and she hoped it wouldn’t affect her. The more her pregnancy advanced and the happier she felt, she was also reminded that Baden was no longer there to enjoy any of this with them.
Taking a long sip of her tea, she looked up at Sarah who was currently playing on the other side of the counter at Granny’s, being all spoiled by Mrs. Lucas, Ruby’s grandmother, while Ruby herself shoved a few – much more than a few – questions at Belle, who tried not to get annoyed at her best friend’s clear concern.
"Are you sure about that?"
"About my work?" Belle inquired. "Of course, I am. Alice was very gentle to help me getting it and I can't wait to start."
"But you quit from the library because you didn't want to face people," Ruby pointed out.
Sighing, Belle lifted her cup again, drinking all that was left of her tea before pushing it into Ruby's direction. She knew everybody had reasons to believe she couldn't do it, she was reluctant at first too, but Belle understood that her problem wasn't dealing with children nor with books as she did her whole life, but other people. Will, Regina and Hades were the main reasons why she decided to quit from the library.
"Yeah, cruel adults I mean," she shrugged. "I'll be working with kids, there is nothing wrong with that. Jasmine said they are learning how to read. It will be fascinating."
"I'm glad that makes you happy, Belle..." Ruby trailed off gesticulating towards her middle section. "But you're pregnant."
Oh, she was pretty aware of that. Her stomach was getting bigger and, in most clothes, people already see the solid curve of her bump, even with the loose dress she had chosen today it was pretty visible. She would never do anything that could put her child at risk, it was the sparkle that was shining from within her, bringing hope back to her life with the promise of saving Sarah too. Belle was careful, but she needed to do things for herself too.
"Ruby, I appreciate your concern, but you're not my mom! I will be fine, I promise."
"Alright," she snorted. "Guess I'll have to trust you."
"Good," the brunette smiled touching her shoulder before standing up. "Come on, Sarah, let Granny work, you and I have to go to school."
Rolling her eyes, Granny picked up a cookie and gave it to Sarah, pinching her rosy cheeks tenderly before letting the little girl follow her mother out of the diner. The school wasn't far from there and Belle thought a good walk was a nice way to start the day. She wasn't wearing any of her beloved high heels, which made it easier, but she considered earlier that the school wasn't the right place for this kind of shoes. And God forbid her from accidentally tripping and falling in her condition.
Belle took Sarah to her classroom first, leaving her with Mary Margaret and Alexandra who had also already arrived as her mother always had to go to work pretty earlier. She was glad Sarah didn't have to stay there all alone and went to the teacher's room with a lighter heart for knowing the two girls were currently colouring together in a good mood. The greatest part about being back home with Robert was that they could give her all those family moments she had been lacking in the past few months. Sarah never complained but both of them knew how much happier she was now. It was clear in the way she laughed and jumped cheerfully around the house.
Her dreams about Bae hadn't quite stopped, most mornings she would tell them about how they had spent hours talking and playing in a beautiful garden and how glad Baden was that their parents were back together and expecting a new child. Bobby and Belle got to the conclusion that Sarah missed him too much to simply let go. She looked healthier now that the meds were working, although sometimes she would still be too tired to do anything and would just want to sleep.
Caressing her bump, Belle told herself that very soon she would be cured and be back to who she was. She pushed the door open and peeked a look inside to see a bunch of women talking around a big table, some of them writing in notebooks, some just having a delayed breakfast. A petite brunette lifted her eyes to Belle and smile widely, waving at her.
"Hey, Belle, it is very nice to see you," she started, standing up and making her way towards her. "I think the kids will love having you around."
"Thanks, Jasmine."
She joined the teachers, being introduced to everyone and feeling nice for the first time in the presence of so many people. When the time came, Jasmine guided her to their classroom on the second floor and they waited until all of the children were settled on their tables before Jasmine stood in front of them.
"Alright you all," she started, gesticulating for Belle to stand up too. "Say hello to Mrs. Gold, our new class assistant."
"Hello, Mrs. Gold," the kids answered in unison.
Jasmine started her lessons and Belle sat back by her table, taking a few notes before she stood up and started to walk around the classroom to see if any of the children were having trouble doing them. She stopped by a little blonde girl and kneeled beside her, seeing how she stared confused at the words.
"Do you want some help with that?"
The girl nodded and presented herself as Amy and Belle helped her to put the letters together, repeating the sound of each one of them with her like she used to do with Bae and Sarah.
"Did you eat too much?" Amy asked at some point, dropping her eyes to her bump. "You have a full tummy."
"Oh, it is not food," Belle chuckled. "I'm having a baby."
Amy's eyes got wide and she had a few questions to Belle before she moved to the next child. Apparently that girl had never seen a pregnant woman before, which was quite amusing. She kneeled beside a skinny boy with a way too pale skin and black curled hair.
"My mom is afraid of your husband," he said as soon as she approached him.
"Is she?" Belle blinked.
"He always wants his rent and we never have enough money."
The kids had an interesting opinion about her husband, Belle found out. That was probably due to all the gossip about him and although she didn't agree with the way Gold used to threaten his tenants, but she knew that if he was a soft man with everybody he would never get his payment. It just didn't make her feel any less sorry for the people who really didn't have money to pay for the rent every month, like that poor boy.
By the end of the day, Belle was exhausted, but also very happy. She gathered her things and picked Sarah up from her class, thanking Mary Margaret for her day of work and going out of the school to find her husband waiting for them with a bouquet of red roses in his hand. Smiling at him Belle kissed his lips, tucking Sarah inside the car alongside with their things and the roses which she thanked Gold for. He caught her in his arms, kissing the top of her head as he caressed her stomach.
"So, what do you think of your first day of teaching?"
"I think we are lucky parents," she said with a sigh. "They are a bunch of curious brats, but I like it."
"I'm glad you found something to do," he answered nuzzling his face at her neck. "I'd be sad if knitting was your only hobby."
A laugh escaped her at the remembrance of Gold and Sarah arriving home after a long day just to find her curled up on the couch, knitting white baby hats. She had never been good at it, but she got way too bored of everything, Belle opened her laptop and searched for video tutorials, thinking it would be a great way spending her time. Robert made fun of her whenever he found her knitting, telling Belle how much she reminded him of his aunties when she was doing that.
Stealing another kiss from his lips, she considered murmuring on his ear all the things she wished him to do with her that night, but Belle didn't quite have time for it, as a man approached them with a perfect sceptical smile on his lips.
"Mr. and Mrs. Gold," Jonathan Hades greeted them. "Hello."
Clutching her husband close, Belle felt her heart race in that painful pace it hadn't reached in weeks.
"Mr. Hades," Robert murmured back, nodding at him and trying to swallow the lump on his throat.
"Lovely afternoon, right? Sometimes I like taking long walks, watching the town moves and remember about remarkable events. The tool bridge and the park have seen quite memorable ones," Hades said with a dark smile that made her stomach twist and a shiver pass through her body. "I thought you weren't together anymore, but that's not a big surprise I guess."
Gold was still in her arms, his jaw clenched and his arms possessively wrapped around Belle, one holding her back as his left hand remained splayed on her bump.
"We should always fight for the ones we love," the brunette answered, wishing he would just go away.
"Oh, you're right, my dear," Hades agreed. "Now what really is surprising is that you have another bread on the oven."
Looking down, Belle noticed that her biggest fear was becoming true. Hades had found out about her pregnancy, well that counting that he hadn't yet heart about that. She knew every single person in town would eventually know about it, as her belly grew bigger to nestle that new life, but out of all the grumpy old people who could spread all the bad humours about them, the only one she feared knowing about that was Hades. Robert still knew things that could put him in jail and he could still want them dead.
"Our miracle," Belle finally replied, joining her hand with Gold's above her stomach.
"That's just touching," Hades said. "Miracles happen once in a while, but of course, you need to take care to not let them die or fade away."
"What - " Gold started but Belle interrupted him.
"Have a good afternoon, Mr. Hades," she finished off, letting it clear to him that this conversation was over.
"You too."
Hades dived his hands into his coat's pockets and followed his way down the street, leaving Isabelle and Robert Gold alone again. She saw as her husband released the air he was holding and his hands tightened in fists as he dropped them to his sides.
"God help me, Belle, I'm going to kill him."
"No," she exclaimed. "No, my love, you have to promise me you won't do this! I was wrong when I said I wanted Hades dead, we shall not avenge Bae with our own hands."
"He has just threatened our baby and he killed our boy," he yelled back and Belle was glad there was no one else around to hear it.
She took a look inside the car and saw that Sarah was thankfully distractedly playing with a stuffed duck singing to herself and not paying attention at all at her parents.
"I know," Belle whispered, covering her belly with a protective hand.
"The gun is still in my safe," Robert confided her, talking about the objected he had acquired right before Robin was killed and it became clear that Storybrooke was no longer a safe place to live. "I thought about taking my own life with it many times during our separation but now I think it can be of better use."
"Bobby..." Belle trailed off, taking a step into his direction and palming his cheek. "Please, don't speak like that anymore, I don't want you to ever feel like this again."
He snorted, but nodded, taking her back into his arms and pressing his forehead against hers.
"I won't," Gold promised. "I thought I would never find happiness again, but you are right, Belle, we must fight for the ones we love and that's why I must get rid of Hades."
"Look at my eyes," she asked as he had them shut close. "We have what we need and we will stay very far away from him, alright? Now, please take me home."
Kissing her wrist, Gold nodded, opening the car’s door for her and making his way to the driver’s side, not quite ready to forget Hades’ threat, but willing to take a break from his murderous thoughts towards him to take care of his family.
Rogers initially had plans of going straight to San Francisco as soon as Will Scarlet told him about Zelena Mills, but when in the next morning after it, he found out the idiot had been arrested for harassment, he decided to be careful and not trust his words so easily. Along the next few weeks, he made the most innocent questions he could to people around town about Robin as he tried to take any information about Zelena from her sister, the mayor.
When she confirmed that Zelena had moved to San Francisco, Rogers decided to invest everything in trying to find her. He couldn’t simply ask Regina for an address, because the stress of the whole situation would only cause a bomb to explode in town and, if Hades was crazy enough to kill Robin and sabotage the Gold’s car, then Rogers was pretty sure he would anything to shut up anyone who tried to put in in prison.
He went back to his home in Seattle, the agitated Hyperion Heights, so he could use the precinct’s resources to make a proper research, while he caught up some lost time with Sabine, his girlfriend, who was really upset by his absence. Tilly was happy to be back and spend some time with her soon-to-be step-mother too, mainly because Sabine was always cooking for her and well, Tilly loved food.
Those were nice weeks but work still called him – most literally as his phone usually had a hundred missing calls from Regina daily – and he had to meet up with Zelena at some point. He left Tilly behind, for safety reasons and begged Sabine to not let Eloise, the little girl’s mother, get any near to her.
He spent a whole day at the hotel, revising his notes about the case and trying to memorize every detail about this twisted story that he had collected before going to the gym where she worked as a spin instructor. Rogers waited outside her class for almost an hour, annoyed by the loud music until the people started to come out of there and he could finally enter the room. Zelena was all alone, drying her sweaty face with a towel.
"Zelena Mills?"
For a second, she went still, then her hand disappeared inside the opened pure in front of her to appear again a moment later with a gun in it. One that was being pointed right at his chest.
"Who are you?" Zelena inquired, wildly. "Who the hell are you?"
"Whoa, calm down," he begged, opening his distinctive for her, which made Zelena drop her hands to her sides, lowering the gun. "I'm detective Rogers, I'm investigating the murder of Robin de Locksley. Can we talk?"
She bit down her lip, getting her purse in hands and gesticulating towards the door behind them.
"Come inside."
He followed her to what looked like a mini-kitchen, very, very tiny, will dark walls, a huge fridge that took most of the room’s space and a counter with four stools in front of it. Zelena opened the refrigerator’s door and took a bottle of whiskey from it, pouring a glass for her and taking a second with a question shining in her eyes.
"Do you want a drink?"
"Ah... No, thank you."
Nodding, she took a seat and, after a moment, so did Rogers. He didn’t quite know how to start talking, for the very first time in his entire career, because Zelena looked scared as hell as she took a long sip of whiskey and sighed deeply, avoiding his glance.
"You want to know why Hades killed him," it was her who started.
"Robin was trying to help me," she confessed. "It was my fault."
Well, it seems Scarlet was really right about that. He took an attentive look at Zelena, trying to catch all the emotions she was feeling, but only noticing how different she and Regina were. The woman in front of him was a tall redhead with light blue eyes, with Regina was way smaller and had chocolate hair and eyes. His best guess was that they were just half-sisters, but then, it didn’t matter now.
"I've hear you were going to marry Hades."
"Yeah, I was," she murmured. "I loved him, very much. In the beginning he was sweet and full of love, but then things changed, he wanted to rule my life, he wouldn't allow me to work or to visit my sister… I was all alone and when I tried to stand up for myself, he beat me. I had to run away."
"I understand," Rogers said, sincerely. "But how exactly did Robin get involved?"
Along his years as a detective, Rogers had seen a lot of cases with women like her involved, but most of them ended-up being killed by their abusive partners, or simply disappearing without leaving a clue. Never a second person other than the female victim died. At least, that was what most experiences showed him, but this story somehow, had a unique ending. One which’s reasons Roger’s needed to find out.
Truth be told, he thought it would be way harder to get anything from Zelena, but she seemed to have the need to speak up. Probably because she had spent years holding the truth for herself.
"He used to do some gardening for us once a week, so one day when he came over I begged him to help me," she told him. "I knew it was dangerous and I would anger Hades, but I needed to go, so he drove me to New York first. I spent a full month hidden in there, changing from hotel to hotel until Will Scarlet managed to fake an ID for me and I came to San Francisco."
"But why didn't Hades kill Robin all those years ago when you first disappeared?"
"He didn’t know what I did," Zelena said, drinking more from her whiskey before lifting her cold blue eyes to him. "Listen, Regina has no idea of what really happened, she thinks we just broke up and I moved out of town, so one day she told Hades I had a daughter."
Rogers blinked. Now things were starting to make more sense.
"You were hiding his child?"
"No," she said with a shook of her head, tracing the border of her glass. "Thank God, my sweet Margot is not his, but my husband's, Chad. Hades just didn't know that until very recently as I was pregnant when I left. He spent years looking for me because he thought I was keeping his child from him, but when he finally decided to give up on his search and went back to Storybrooke, Regina told him I had a daughter and was living in here, so he came looking for me."
She hissed at the thought as if just the remembrance of that day made her feel some kind of invisible – and maybe psychological – pain. Rogers must not know every detail of this story yet, but he could already say that Hades was a bastard who should be sentenced to many years in prison.
"Did he hurt you?"
"He tried. Chad stopped him," Zelena snorted. "When I told him that I had made an abortion he went mad. I thought he was going to kill me."
"So instead he came back home and killed Robin," Rogers concluded.
The redhead nodded and a tear slid down her face, falling on the dark counter in front of them.
"Yeah. Robin was my saviour. He booked the appointment at the clinic and held my hand while the doctor worked..." Now she was shaking and Rogers could tell none of this had been easy for her. Whoever Zelena Mills was and whatever she had done, she still suffered for it. "I wanted to have that child, but I couldn't bear to be bonded to Hades forever."
"I'm not judging you. I just wanted the truth," Rogers affirmed. "You need to come to Storybrooke with me, Zelena, so we can put Hades in prison."
Waving her head at him, Zelena slid down from her tall stool, grabbing her purse and leaving her half-empty glass on the counter.
"You don't have any real proof that he killed Robin," she started. "When you do, we can talk again, so I'll be sure I won't expose myself for nothing."
Opening up the door again, Zelena Mills disappeared, leaving Rogers alone to wonder what the hell he could do with the truth if she was totally right and he had no real ways of arresting Hades. At least, not yet.
Ultrasounds always got Belle nervous. She would be pacing around the room if Ariel hadn’t already covered her skirt with towels so the gel wouldn’t ruin it, but she guessed that having her husband sat by her side, murmuring how much he loved her was a great incentive to be still while they waited. Doctor Whale appeared after what seemed to be a long hour but was actually just a few minutes.
He was holding a red folder in his hands, which he was calling “the miracle” folder as it contained all of Belle and Sarah’s medical story, from their diagnostics of infertility and multiple organs failure to a surprisingly pregnancy and a sudden waken from the coma. Ever since she found herself expecting, he was tracing down the best ways of doing every single thing and she was glad to have someone as dedicated as him taking care of them.
"Hey," Whale greeted them. "Nice to see you two again, although I'm happy our meetings are not so frequent anymore. I'm glad Sarah is alright for now."
"And so are we," Gold said, petting Belle’s hair. "But I can help worrying about her all the time, I think that sometimes she looks way too pale and she is always tired."
"It all will come to pass when we start the treatment with the stem cells, which leads me to something I want to discuss," the doctor started, taking a seat on his tiny stool by the ultrasound machine. "I think this baby should be delivered with a C-section. I know you must want a natural birth, Belle, but this way we will make sure everything goes according the plan and both the baby and the cells are perfectly safe."
She wetted her lips. Belle hadn’t thought about that. Her previous delivery had been natural and she just assumed this one would be too, painful contractions and all, but now the reality hit her. She needed to understand that the child wasn’t the only factor to be considered, but the blood that contained the cells too and without it, they would lose Sarah, so she better agree with anything the doctors proposed.
"I - I think we can do this."
"Right," Whaled smiled. "I have two friends from Seattle who would love to work with us. They are very interested in you and Sarah, for medical boring reasons, so if you allow you'll have the best paediatrician and the best neo-natal surgeons coming over to Storybrooke to take care of you."
"Oh, that's fine," she said, amused with the fact anyone would want to come all the way from Seattle just to help with a labour and an anaemia treatment.
"And suddenly it becomes a show down…" Gold trailed off, also impressed.
Whale laughed, picking up the bottle of gel and spreading some on Belle’s stomach with the help of his probe. She had to admit that she didn’t enjoy being pressed by that thing, but then it was needed if she ever wanted to see her precious miracle baby on the black and white screen.
"Doctors have funny hobbies, Mr. Gold," Whale said. "Now, let's see the little one."
For a moment, Belle closed her eyes. It was her fear of something – anything – going wrong that made her feel so anxious again, although not in the way she had been feeling after the accident. Some days were so good and so normal lately that she considered if she had been cured of her anxiety, but then, all of the sudden her heart raced and she knew she would never be truly free of it.
"Everything seems to be just fine," the doctor murmured.
"Can you see if it is a boy or a girl?" Belle asked.
"Yes. Do you want to know?"
She looked up at Gold and he nodded, excitedly.
"We do."
Whale moved the probe down on her belly and pointed at the lower parts of the baby, making a red circle with a button of his machine.
"Here," he said, pointing it out. "No doubt a boy."
The whole world stopped. She wanted to cry. Curl herself in a corner and just weep because she was so overwhelmed with this that she couldn’t really find words to say how much. Gold helped her to clean herself of the gel when Whale left and then, took Belle to the corridor, but she was walking as if she was blind, only focused in the thoughts of little Baden walking around with small chubby legs and a giggle that warmed her heart in the most special way.
"Sweetheart, are you alright?"
"We are not replacing Bae, right?"
"Oh, Belle, of course not," Gold guaranteed, cupping her cheeks and kissing the top of her nose. "He wanted a little brother, remember? You've said it yourself."
"But he won't be here to play with him,” she sniffled. “I miss our Baden."
"We will miss him forever," Robert whispered. "I can't spend a day without thinking about him, remembering his laugh or the times he crawled into bed with us, talking about a bad dream."
Some tears were falling from her eyes, but he promptly brushed them away. Belle was glad he was there, because if she was doing all of this alone, then she thought that she wouldn’t be able to take it.
"It breaks my heart to remember."
"Let's not be sad right now, we should be celebrating this news," Gold said. "We have a healthy son on the way, Belle."
A little smile appeared on her lips and she felt for the very first time a quick coming from within her. She took Gold’s hand above the place and it kicked again. Their son, making his presence known, assuring her that her fears were stupid, because she would never stop loving Bae just because she now loved him too. And oh, how much did Belle love him!
"I already love him very much, Bobby,” she felt the need to say. “I want him to look just like you."
"Poor thing," Gold chuckled.
The moment was interrupted by a shout that came from the other end of the hallway, which led to the maternity waiting room.
"Jefferson?” Gold inquired, glancing up at their friend that looked way too messy, as if he had come straight from his bed. “What are you doing here?"
"She is born," Jefferson exclaimed. "My daughter is born! Come and see her!"
Belle blinked but got a hold of Gold’s hand and followed them to the room where lots of babies were laying, some of them sleeping peacefully, some screaming loudly. Jefferson pointed at a tiny baby girl, wrapped in a white blanked with a pink hat on her small head.
"There my dear friends, is Margaret Elizabeth Madden."
They smiled, the babies cried, the little boy that was still to be born kicked and Belle Gold felt hope.
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sachertortes · 7 years
Congratulations! I'd enjoy some Darcy/Tony, funny meeting at a party theme #1 If you do this, thank you sooo much. Your writing is pretty spectacular.
:D :D :D Thanks so much! Of course, I’ll try my hand at Tony x Darcy (it feels a bit wobbly to me still, but I hope you enjoy!)
Prompt: Funny meeting at a party, #1,  “i was on my balcony and you started loudly quoting romeo and juliet at me”
Pairing: Tony x Darcy
Rating: T
Notes: I gave our girl a PhD in this bc it’s in my power to do so :P *Oprah voice* you get a PhD! you get a PhD!!!
Darcy leaned against the balcony, grateful for the cool night air across the back of her neck. Stark’s parties were always amazing, but sometime around 1am she usually started to feel claustrophobic and too hot. She must be getting old.
She sipped at her candy apple martini (it was bright red, and had gold leaf on the rim because Tony Stark was the least subtle person on the planet) and listened politely as Helen Cho talked about her plans for the rest of the weekend. (Genius geneticist and an avid free climber? She was a madwoman.)
Cho was in the middle of lamenting the cost of proper rock shoes when suddenly, there was giggling from below them.
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks! It is the east and Darcy is the sun!!” The man called out loudly and flung his arms dramatically to the heavens.
Helen nudged her none too gently and Darcy’s drink sloshed dangerously in its glass. “Darcy, that’s Tony Stark!”
“Oh my god,” Darcy squeaked as Helen threw her head back and cackled with laughter  “What in the world is he doing? How does he even know – ”
“The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly into your service!” Tony yelled. His tie was loosened, and he was grinning up at her. Bruce Banner stood next to him, pinching the bridge of nose and trying desperately to blend in with a topiary.
“He’s mixing up the plays,” Darcy said, one hand on her hip.
“That’s what you’re getting from this?!” asked Helen incredulously.
She handed her drink off to Helen, then leaned over the railing.
“How drunk are you, Stark?”
“Rude! I was in the middle of a solil – a solay – I was in the middle of wooing the beautiful scientist!”
Darcy rolled her eyes.
Apparently she was being wooed. By Tony Stark of all people.
Okay, so she wasn’t completely immune.
Tony Stark was hot. He was confident. He also had like, a million advanced degrees and Darcy, herself the recent recipient of a PhD, was a person who’d quite inadvertently surrounded herself with geniuses of all disciplines.
Smart was sexy as hell.
But she also knew that Stark’s penchant for going through women like…well, a playboy billionaire, was legendary.
She was understandably cautious.
“So whaddaya say, Lewis?” Tony called out again. “You, me, dinner? Or you, me, Italy? I can have the jet ready tomorrow. Sunbathing on the Amalfi coast, baby!”
“Sleep it off, Romeo!” she yelled back, even as her martini-addled brain was coming up with interesting new ways to break public indecency laws on the beach with Tony. She told her brain to shut up and dragged a pouting Helen back inside.
On Monday morning, Darcy shuffled blearily into the lab before her morning coffee no less, to find a giant unicorn on her desk.
It was pink. Its horn was a glittery purple. It smiled manically at her with big shiny eyes.
“What – ”
“Tony,” Bruce finished for her distractedly, while swiping his way through a holo-screen littered with equations. How he could do advanced mathematics before 9am would always be a mystery to her.
Darcy groaned and picked up the phone.
He answered after the first ring.
“Do you like it?” he asked, sounding a bit breathless.
There was grunting in the background, the sound of machines whirring. Morning workout then. She scrunched her nose. At least she hoped it was a morning workout.
“Stark – ”
“Tony. Why is there a giant mythological creature on my desk? Before I’ve had my coffee?”
“You don’t like him? His name is Periwinkle. He told me he likes rainbows, and sparkles, and says there’s a reservation waiting for us at Pearl at 7 this Friday if you’re up for it. He says to wear those heels that do that thing that make your ass look – ”
“Yes, darling,” he purred.
“I am not your darling. No thanks to the dinner.”
“Huh. …And the unicorn?”
She paused. “I’m keeping it,” she said, and hung up on him.
“Is Tony trying to ask you out again?” Bruce asked, a small smile playing on his face.
Darcy shrugged, and ran her fingers through the Perwinkle’s hot pink mane. “I guess.”
“He went straight to the stuffed animals. He likes you a lot.”
“He likes the chase a lot. He likes buying stuff a lot. Jury’s out on whether he actually likes the sarcastic lady who yells at him sometimes.” She took the unicorn off her desk, and petted it a little sadly. “You men are so weird,” she said as Bruce went back to his work, completely oblivious. “I wish Janey was here.”
On Thursday afternoon, there were a shit ton of flowers waiting for her in her apartment.
“Whaaat the fuck,” Darcy stated as she took in the lilies and orchids and roses that were on her sofa, on every surface in her kitchen, the garland (an actual garland!) strung over the doorway to her bedroom. It was as if Tony watched that one scene from The Great Gatsby movie, shrugged, and said, ‘I could do better.’
Tony himself was standing in her living room, holding one single white orchid, smiling hopefully.
He gestured at his surroundings proudly.
“You keep buying things,” she said, simply. “And you broke into my apartment.”
Tony raised one shoulder. “I’m good at buying things. And you keep your key under your doormat.”
“You can be good at other stuff.”
“I’m good at that too,” Tony said waggling his brows.
“So I’ve heard,” Darcy said with a bit more bitterness than she wanted to. Tony’s features softened, and he was no longer leering. She sighed, moved a bouquet of white roses out of the way, and sat down heavily onto her couch motioning for him to join her.
“Actual romance,” she said, after he sat down next to her. “Romance you can’t buy.”
Tony smiled with a gleam in his eyes. She knew that gleam. That was his ‘Challenge Accepted’ gleam.
Oh no.
That Friday, Tony gawped at her.
“I’m sorry, did I hear you correctly? Did you say that you want to drive into Manhattan? On a Friday before a holiday?”
Darcy shrugged. “Not drive. I’m taking the bus.”
Tony made a face like she just suggested he run Windows Vista in his suits. “That’s it. Get your stuff, and meet me in the garage in five.”
For that entire afternoon, Tony gamely followed her around no less than four used book stores and even accompanied her to Zabar’s when she decided that what people really needed at the facility were black and white cookies. No small feat considering the holiday crowds.
Finally, laden down with bags of old books and treats, Darcy called for a break.
“Let’s get something to eat,” she said to Tony, who had seen her purchase of The Long Goodbye and was idly flipping through it in the middle of the cheese section, much to the annoyance of other shoppers.
“Thank god. I’m starving, I’ll just call – ”
“No, no fancy places with reservations. Just…follow me,” Darcy said and took the box of cookies from Tony before he could eat them all.
A bit later, they were sitting on a bench in Riverside Park eating hot dogs. Tony had a spot of mustard at the corner of his mouth.
“You’ve got a…here.” Darcy reached over and swiped at the spot with her thumb, then licked it off her finger.
Tony grinned. “So.” He looked at her with barely contained mirth. “Aren’t we just the cutest – “
Darcy sighed. “Don’t ruin the moment, Tony.”
“Who me? I’d never. I was trying to say that we make a good team. Why, what’d you think I was doing?”
Darcy rolled her eyes but smiled anyways. She nudged the toe of her red Converse to his Oxford. He winked at her then took another bite of his hot dog.
Sunday night, Darcy walked into her apartment to find that it was already occupied.
She was ready to scream at the intruder but then she saw the familiar scarf and the familiar face beneath the knit hat.
“Jane!” Darcy yelled and flung herself into her best friend’s arms. Jane hugged her back, laughing, tightening her arms around the other girl.
“Surprise!” Jane said, voice slightly muffled by Darcy’s hair.
A soft cough alerted Darcy to Tony’s presence. He stood off to the side, hands in his pockets, watching with a pleased look on his face.
“You’ve brought me Jane?!” Darcy grinned.
Jane smiled into the fabric of Darcy’s sweater. She pulled back, flicking Darcy’s nose gently.
“Hey! I brought myself. The conference was a bust anyways. Boring and totally, as you’d say, a sausage fest. Tony did call me and offered to fly me back though.”
“I didn’t pay for it!” Tony interjected, before Darcy could say anything. “I used my frequent flyer miles.”
“You have frequent flyer miles?” Darcy asked.
“I got to sit in First Class. My god, the leg room,” breathed Jane happily. “And they gave me champagne and cookies!”
Tony shuffled a bit, looking as unsure as she’d ever seen him and said, “Alright, Lewis, I’m going crazy here. Did I pass or –“
So Darcy just walked up to Tony Stark and planted one on him. Not to be outdone, Tony kissed her back just as fiercely, grinning all the while and winding an arm about her waist. He was doing things with his tongue that made her feel like her hairs were standing on end.
Vaguely, over the buzzing in her veins, Darcy heard Jane’s voice. “Um. Did I miss something? And why do have so many flowers in here?”
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ughandalso · 5 years
Inside voice
If I had to describe Memorial Day Weekend 2019 to you in one word, that word would be wet. I was damp on Saturday when it was 88 degrees and I was damp on Sunday when it rained all day. I was damp on Monday because I washed my hair and then put it up and went to my brother-in-law’s house, where there is a pool; I swam in the pool and then put my hair back up and it was mostly wet until this morning when I washed it again. (It still smells like chlorine.) It’s dry now, but I still had to put it up because it is humid and my hair, never great under the best of circumstances, is very ugly in high humidity.
I’m sorry, I know we’re supposed to practice self-love and body positivity but I don’t like my hair! It’s not great hair. It’s mostly just okay. But it looks like shit when it’s hot and humid outside and that is just the fact of the matter. Deal with it, self-love movement!
I would have been less damp most of the weekend but we haven’t turned on our air conditioning yet, not because we are virtuous (I am the opposite of virtuous when it comes to air conditioning, I am an Air Conditioning Whore) but because it needs freon in order to manufacture cool air. The HVAC man is coming tomorrow, when the high temperature is in the 60s. SUMMER IN OHIO ladies and gentlemen!
When I was bemoaning my hair one recent morning my husband suggested that I wear it curly because it is “cute” that way (also, probably to get me to stop talking about it). When I was young and my hair was very long, I did wear it curly. I washed it every day and used a big damn diffuser on my blow dryer and carefully coaxed and scrunched it into a million spiral curls. My hair is very fine, though, and if I am not labor-intensive about this process (washing it every day!) it looks like sweaty baby hair or a cone of cotton candy spun by someone who has never spun a cone of cotton candy before. It’s not good. 
Anyway I casually told my husband that I haven’t worn my hair curly in years, not since someone I worked with told me I looked like Doc Brown in Back to the Future. I mean:
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That’s not a flattering comparison. And when I told my husband this he got very why I oughtta about the person who had said this, and I just brushed it off by saying, “People say stuff like that to me all the time.”
He was all, “...what?” And I proceeded to explain that yeah, all my life people have said just sort of cruelly casual shitty stuff about my looks and I’m used to it and I guess I probably deserve it because my worth has been determined by these ragingly awful off-the-cuff comments about me, and now here we are, I enjoy being a girl!
I did not really say most of that, but as the words were coming out of my mouth it sort of sounded like that? Going by the look on my husband’s face, I think he was gobsmacked and it made me think how fucked up it is, that I just carry around all these mean comments starting from like...forty years ago and that they still inform how I feel about myself.
Many years ago, at my first job, a woman my own age took one look at my chubby body, which I had dressed that day in a cozy, off-white cable knit sweater that I loved, and said “You look just like a big, fluffy snowman!”
As recently as three years ago, my boss told me I looked like the Hamburglar, which I empirically do not. Not even if I was wearing a mask and a legit cape would I look like a bucktoothed orange puppet. But I never wore that black and white striped dress again. Not to work or anywhere, I donated it. And I had loved that dress.
What possesses people to say stuff like this? I have a weird thing with my hands where I can’t hold up three fingers, like when you ask a little kid how many they are. I can do it but my fingers don’t want to straighten out, they look like a little claw. It’s a thing my husband and his siblings and I laugh about, like “I’m a monster! Look away!” But last weekend we were at my sister-in-law’s house and she held up her hand to show me her (allegedly) swollen fingers. “Look!” she said, trying to hold up three fingers. “My fingers are like yours because they’re so fat and swollen!”
I know what she meant. But it still sucked. And I just feel like I have all of these comments inside me, piling up. A landfill of negativity and thoughtlessness. And mostly it doesn’t matter but sometimes it tells me how to look at myself and how to feel about myself. What I can and can’t do. What I should and should not wear. 
It’s true that as I get older I care less about this. Other things matter more, like just the fact of being alive for one thing, or seeing other people happy and healthy, or being grateful for everything that you have. I do wish there was a way to empty the trash and pour out all the bad stuff I don’t need anymore, or to tell people “this thing you said to me six or twelve or twenty years ago was rude and bad” without sounding very crazy. 
If my husband ever sees the Doc Brown comment guy he is definitely going to say it for me, so maybe I should focus on making sure they don’t meet.
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tombaragwanath · 7 years
138 Haiku for Ahm-Ree-Kah
Said Whitman one time: “America: that great poem.” The greatest, even.
In this tradition, let me present most humbly a Whitman’s sampler.
Only with fewer Cashew Clusters™ and slightly more facetiousness.
Los Angeles
Who has ever seen such strong light hitting green hills? And highways, highways.
A smiling man in a green and white food truck hands me three tacos.
Golden, delicious, they go well with the soda people keep on hand.
Big Sur
Mountains roll sharply into angry green-white surf. Bridges span chasms.
Where did Kerouac sleep, as a local? Was it in this log cabin?
Likely not. This spot is muddy, expensive, and less than fully Zen.
Cannery Row
Rattlesnakes, dusty- eyed and serene, fill my thoughts of this dream-like place.
In reality, Mac & co have moved on. The hotel looks nice, though.
Steinbeck and Ricketts: dudes sharing their many loves. Got to commend that.
I think I buy this book for people because it is short and punchy.
In that it punches the reader in the heart with warm contemplations.
Look, just go buy a copy for yourself. Hell, send me your damn address.
San Francisco
Orange steel stretches impossibly across churn and wash of green salt.
How could you not love the city of Al Ginsberg? Rain falls in warm streets.
I run up to the big red radio tower. A glorious view.
This one other dude was running close behind me. I felt I knew him.
Amtrak: San Francisco to Chicago
The furnishings may be dated, but the burgers? Salty. Prepared weekly.
Who cares? This train goes through snowy mountains, deserts, and seven (eight?) states.
The viewing car is full of folks taking it in with icy cold drinks.
Everyone wants to talk at lunch. Wrestling, birds, democracy, Trump.
Good thing every one of these passengers is well over sixty.
Plenty of time to gather esoteric facts for polite strangers.
There’s a kindness, a lulling passivity of wheels over tracks.
We share a “roomette”. Lordy, to be paid to come up with product names.
Seventy hours on the train. I could have stayed on no problem at all.
Where can we find Jeff Tweedy? I guess I thought he would just be around.
Those cake stand towers are right outside our hotel. Black against blue sky.
The freezing wind lifts from Lake Michigan like a swift kick in the teeth.
The lines in the grey city stay sharp as night falls over the water.
In the donut shop a young kid clutches pastry tight in his fingers.
If we lived here I’d likely revert back to him. They were that damn good.
“Fire Cakes”. Hell of a name for sugar, pastry, cream. Better than DD.
I keep a lookout for ambiguous danger, but I need not fret.
Once shrines to commerce, now dusty car garages. I guess it happens.
Some dude is buying up city blocks and hiring his own police force.
How do locals feel? Is the cash grab members-only? Who is invited?
Our Uber driver has a kind face. He tutors math on Monday nights.
He drives us to Grosse Pointe. “Old-school rich Detroiters.” He knows a few souls.
A bored waiter feeds us some gourmet duck fried rice. We talk past closing.
New York City (Vol. 1)
Hello again, dear friend. I see your street vendors are still hustling dosas.
We walk in Central Park under light snow. Who keeps knitting dog sweaters?
Bowling, falafel, Animal Collective, beers. Sleepy subway home.
We walk a mastiff cross named Mischa. The sidewalk salt hurts her paw pads.
The temperature? Negative butthole degrees. Still kids play hockey.
Poutine, coffee, sleep. When wearing two coats just isn’t enough.
A guy selling ham sandwiches knows about home. “Mate! Bro!”, he exclaims.
We walk the brick lane of Paul Revere’s freedom trail to get cannoli.
Can one highway off- ramp cleave itself into four? In Boston, it might.
Brattleboro, Vt.
Sweet land of Bernie! Syrup, pie, cider, pecans. Anarchist bookstores.
We find a brewery serving solely sour brews with faux-Catholic names.
“The Angry Bishop.” “Cardinal’s Peach Party Ale.” You get the idea.
Who knew a maple latte could actually be good? Fuck Starbucks™.
Our dear friends have a small human baby! We read Hairy MacLary.
Boston (again)
So much brotherhood present tonight at the men’s candlestick bowling.
They let Dianny rent shoes, but keep an eye out for any girl stuff.
City of the Roots! Of Federal Fried Chicken! Of Kurt Vile’s soft drawl!
Isaiah Zagar. His name is colour, movement; a poem in itself.
We visit all the historical stuff. Highlight? Hot cheese steaks. No shame.
Washington D.C.
We stand hemmed in with a million other people. And yet, no ruckus.
Except the ruckus of a giant yarn uterus. That’s dedication.
On the bus homeward passengers doze against each other, smiling, spent.
Four-storey spiral shark tank. Kindly swim clockwise, or you’ll be gnawed at.
Aquarium, then Shake Shack™. Penguins, tortoises, wee sloth family.
They have these fishes that aim spit at bugs, knocking them into the stream.
Our Uber driver is a chicken connoisseur. He suggests Popeye’s.
Our burgers make him peckish. We offer to share. He laughs. He’s all good.
We spend the morning with Bloody Marys and some crab cake Benedict.
And the afternoon sharing cheesecake, fudge blocks, and enjoying Face / Off.
Blue Ridge Parkway
It is my birthday. And our anniversary. Waffle House™ it is.
Two lovely old chaps man the lonely tourism centre. It’s winter.
We’re likely the sole visitors for the day. They seem just fine with that.
The long drive rewards us with thick stands of fir trees dripping with winter.
A recreated length of train tracks shows us where commerce once began.
Are the bears sleeping? Unclear. Better keep any Snyder’s™ in the car.
We come upon an abandoned farm house. Trees grow clear through the iron roof.
Grizzled red cattle stand in the shade of an old leaning wooden barn.
Dianny takes a bunch of photos. I prepare myself for locals.
The parkway sometimes seems to run itself purely into the blue sky.
The precise hue of the blue hills evades capture   in these meagre words.
Suffice to tell you: the breath quickens, the heart swells, and everything stops.
We wind up stopping in Asheville. They have a sweet pinball museum.
Murakami would thoroughly lose his shit with the range of machines.
We eat salty fried green tomatoes, cheese grits, and Madras chilli fries.
Yo La Tengo are fans of Prince’s Hot Chicken. Take their word for it.
Did you ever eat chicken so hot you had to avoid touching…parts?
Trust me, dearest friends. Do not mess about with these rocks of pure hellspice.
The old Drake Hotel. “Stay where the stars stay!” In the seventies, perhaps.
We meet a couple from Carolina outside the Bluebird Café.
They have one ticket between them. She goes in. He peers through the glass door.
We continue to eat the kind of barbeque one might brag about.
A sign outside a bar proclaims the presence of Bill Murray. Cheap trick.
Doesn’t stop us from pulling off the road in a cloud of gravel dust.
What a pair of chumps. We practice our lines in case he needs two more friends.
An anti-climax, but we still enjoy foaming ale (and more pinball).
Our BNB host has framed pictures of Xena, Warrior Princess.
She is thrilled to hear where we’re from. Less thrilled to hear we don’t know Lucy.
Tickets for Moonlight. Two other people in the cinema. Both leave.
More great barbeque. Cornbread, sticky ribs, collards. One meal for the day.
St. Augustine
A diamond-shaped stone fortress keeps the harbour safe from the English hordes.
Portly volunteers fire the neutered guns hourly just to scare tourists.
Okay, we did it. We went to Universal™. We have few regrets.
Di got to pretend to be a wizard for a time. Wand included.
Turns out Butter Beer is a kind of ginger fizz with marshmallow foam.
My younger stomach was far better at dealing with roller coasters.
Still, I ride them all. Because I am a tightwad. And also, reals tough.
Two days of this stuff is enough for me to crave a quiet darkened room.
Will Smith was correct. Miami certainly does bring the heat, for real.
We sneak in to some hotel lounge chairs and disguise ourselves as ballers.
No one is convinced, but the waiters humour us. I get lobster burnt.
I get to practice my toddler-grade español with real life toddlers.
Donde es Tomas? El es aqui! El es muy fuerte, y tonto!
Es peligroso para tocar los…raccoons...  (I don’t know “raccoons”).
New Orleans
There is a riot of big band horns lifting through the hot fragrant air.
Carry your open drink anywhere you like, friend. Just be nice, or leave.
We rent bicycles and spend long warm afternoons avoiding pot holes.
A boisterous young dude yells to us through a broken window as we pass.
Stay off Bourbon Street. It’s like Courtenay Place, but somehow even worse.
We stumble upon an impossibly raucous Mardi Gras parade.
One float shows paper mache Putin gleefully rogering Donald.
Another Donald is roped above a sharp-toothed  sarlacc vagina.
Elsewhere, Donalds endure a colourful range of brutal torture.
All of the craft stores must have sold out of his shade of neon orange.
The vile bloat of his maniac features seems a popular float choice.
Just not popular enough for the popular vote. Can’t help myself.
Our cab driver is most delighted to hear us use the term “had beef”.
He tells us he has always wanted to travel to Australia.
New York City (Vol. 2)
NYC round two! It’s so nice to be back in your cathedral streets.
We create habits: Morning run, bagel, coffee, then museums.
A couple of films, a trip to Katz’s deli for pastrami on rye.
An afternoon in Bushwick, fossicking about in the vintage aisles.
Time is running out in a nice way. Three months is likely sufficient.
Last day. JFK. John Mayer sings with great breath in duty-free aisles.
A table of young Russians pick hot pineapple from pizza slices.
Soon I will not speak the language. I think I was alright at charades.
Thank you, Ahm-Ree-Kah. Your people have been a trip. All the best with Trump.
0 notes
Ravenclaw Sweater Tops The Merch Charts
Ravenclaw Sweater are a huge part of Irish heritage, notably in the Aran Islands the place the sweaters originate. For Ravenclaw Sweatshirt follow the link here.
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It can be quite troublesome to get this sort of sweater to look good, and it is probably more suitable for individuals who are more nicely built. Others could by no means give sweater storage a thought and just hold sweaters within the closet with plastic hangers.
Ravenclaw Sweater;
Since the first sweater version was a bit too broad between the wings and drooped within the front, she used string to take it in for a more cosy fit-like the revised sweaters I've made. Wear a red excessive-neck sweater with a pair of white linen pants to your Saturday evening movie date. Sweaters not only serve to cover the poor, bare hens' exposed skin as a barrier from the chilly, but additionally they protect from the other chickens' pure tendency to peck away on the exposed areas of their peers. A brown vest could be matched with pinstripes or a different pattern, colors of the shirt needs to be complimentary, in fact. The sweater artesian will then take 4 to eight sweaters that blend well along with color, distinction and lots of of those beautiful sweaters even make an announcement.
You would not go exterior in the midst of winter or head out throughout rainy weather carrying just your normal garments and a pair of flip-flops, so be sure that your pet can be dressed appropriately always! If you end up putting your sweater back, you must understand that hanging them may cause dents in the shoulders or can make them pull out of form.
Knitted fabrics are typically considerably elastic and have a softer hand (feel or drape) than woven fabric, sweaters which are more tightly fitted or have a soft drape might conform effectively to the body without requiring tailoring obligatory in a woven garment corresponding to darts, flares and gores.
Some women are pear shaped with a smaller upper physique and waist than their backside and legs. I've been on the hunt for cute sweater cuffs that may make good coffee coozies :) Cherished this lens! Buying from wool sweater online store can really help folks in settling upon the very best deal and also valuing funding.
Picture this: lots of Ravenclaw Sweater, sorted by coloration and ready to be made right into a one-of-a-form sweater only for the reward recipient at Christmas. In the course of the cooler climate months when chickens are likely to molt, they lose some or (in some instances) most of their feathers.
Starting from asymmetrical sweaters to belted sweater wraps and sleeveless sweaters these woolen garments can raise one's fashion quotient up just a few notches. There are some suggestions girls have to find out about it before shopping for it to avoid misappropriates appears. This item is actually impressed by the Nightmare on Elm Road films, so it doesn't simply have a sweater. Learn that again and ponder the message you might be sending ladies along with your vibe. Principally plus measurement ladies tops are appropriate when is matched with a pair of leggings. Layering and the benefit with which it permits for temperature regulation is a significant advantage of the sweater as an article of clothing. I was recently at a craft festival the place somebody was promoting mitten produced from recycled sweaters. This merchandise has a whole lot of different stuff for guy avatars, however the sweater appears great on anyone.
Fashionistas throughout the global substratum exemplify how a trendy asymmetrical sweater wrap can rev up one's complete look. Care is taken so that the wool retains its pure oils (lanolin) which give the knitted sweaters their water-resistant high quality. Long beaded neck items or colorful scarves on a stable chilly dress could make heads turn. A warm little sweater or coat on a cold day can make being outdoors a more pleasant expertise for your tiny pooch.
Guests to Vancouver Island or the Cowichan Valley could spot these distinctive sweaters in shops across the West Coast area and they may even see locals sporting them. The grey stripe was a boy's sweater, I minimize the higher a part of the sleeve, after felting both sweaters, then I minimize the cuffs from a black cashmere ladies sweater.
With so many to choose from, to call a number of can be the Patagonian lambswool cardigan sweater which is created from super-smooth three-gauge lambswool. In addition to, we will add some trend accessories when carrying the dress resembling belts or bracelets with a purpose to create more trendy looks. My husband is into felting (all the time haunting our native thrift shops for wool sweaters) so I am going to have to indicate him this. Solutions for the office social gathering include silk blouses and skirt/trousers for ladies, smart trousers and shirt or t-shirt plus jacket for men. I'd recommend to hen owners to not depart your birds unattended while they are sporting sweaters.
In the present day, many of these sweaters are machine-made, but the handmade Aran sweaters can still be bought, though they price significantly more. Sweaters additionally serve to protect injured/rescued hens whereas they heal, they usually permit the hens to remain with their flock reasonably than being separated during the transition.
That stated, there isn't any doubt that earlier than the islanders started making what are at present known as Aran sweaters, they made the same kind of sweater. Crippled canines and cats who spend much or all of their time mendacity down can develop sore spots from sweaters which have underbelly fasteners. Sweater, when the temperature rise to 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit) or more, for men, sweater subject is very simple: don't put on. It's now a coveted piece of clothing each amongst women and men and has found a place in wardrobes of all those fashionistas. Supersoft crew neck sweaters are simple to throw on and go for a busy day, however they're good with our womens jeans for extra relaxed moments, too. If the dress has a low neckline, crew it with a thin sweater in a corresponding shade to provide you a whole new look.
This is because machines cannot reproduce lots of the intricate stitches which are seen in Ravenclaw Sweater knitted by hand. First I felted the sweater by inserting it in a pillow case tied shut and washed it with gentle soap for about 30 minutes in extremely popular water. These sweaters won't itch as much as wool sweaters and an individual ought to nonetheless feel snug whereas carrying it. Wool blend sweaters are normally much less cumbersome, however can nonetheless preserve the physique heat. Chunky bracelets and earrings are great equipment to wear with the trendy costume. Did you know that the majority girls knitters made intentional errors in their knitting, so that if a body was recovered after a sea accident, they would be able to identify the body simpler.
Machine-made sweaters are noticeably totally different as they are usually produced from finer wool and have considerably less advanced patterns. Myntra's collection of sweaters is simply what you could brighten gray winter days. They are essentially the most designed to be worn with a pair of leggings pants and every other outfit that matches it. It will depend on the colo0r of the ladies tops that tell one the colour of the pants to be worn. You possibly can add some pizazz to your look by teaming a solid coloration sweater gown with patterned or vibrant shade tights. Rolling a sweater is a much better solution and might assist you to put more of them away in a smaller space. Then seventh and the final tip is to convey your dog with you whenever you buy a dog sweater.
The federal government has designated the Cowichan sweater as an object of national historic significance. These beautiful and sturdy wool sweaters had their genesis with the West Coast Salish people. The cashmere wool has a silky and luxurious touch which makes the cashmere sweater a novel high quality and expensively priced. It isn't simply the top of wool sweaters kinds quite there's a wide variety that continues to be unexplored. So here I'll talk about just a few several types of sweaters you can buy for men.
I was within the mall, at a clothing store, about to carry out a plan to steal a sweater. If I am not busy upcycling old sweaters.. - I may be writing on Squidoo or using my motorbike. Whatever may be your style or style, a properly designed sweater can add oodles of panache to your look. Sweaters are gorgeous tops and a should have because there's at all times one for each occasion they usually come in a million completely different designs which are available in varied shades of random colours! However, many historians agree that these sweaters probably have more recent origins - only courting again to the early 1900s.
Particularly on days when a canine feels arthritic, a dog sweater or coat will provide aid to keep their our bodies at ease. It could possibly be mentioned that the Cowichan sweater tells the story of the Coast Salish knitters and their journey previous poverty and racism. The high quality woollen sweaters are available in numerous pure blends (fibres that increase the wear and tear-potential like stretching) and totally- usual interweaves. In addition to purebred dogs, there are numerous blended-breed canine whose need for sweaters is just as vital. So this means that you should purchase a canine sweater that can do this type of job for your pet. As fishing within the stormy Atlantic was typically harmful work, if a fisherman had been misplaced at sea, he could be identified by the design on his sweater.
The cashmere sweater is among the highest quality forms of sweater as it is constructed from cashmere wool which is taken from the cashmere domestic goats. Because of their bulk, sweaters are by far the most confusing and complicated accessory to retailer. This sort of sweater is nice to wear for outside actions and through raining season. Look fierce by carrying a cropped black or brown ladies's vest with a free, frilly shirt. However, you possibly can change the look of your costume by simply including some fascinating accessories. A girl's winter wardrobe is hardly equipped for the season's festivities with no fabulous sweater.
Designers have wrecked a pleasing havoc within the line of ladies's casual attire, particularly in sweaters. Men will opt for sharp and 'man about city' whereas women need attractive and glamorous. These winter coats for women are in numerous lengths and rely upon a girls taste and preferences. Strive teaming a protracted sleeved ribbed entrance open sweater with black leggings and a white shirt. The Aran islands have been residence to communities of fishermen for centuries and it was they who first wore these sweaters. The funny thing is, the emotions I felt throughout this ordeal have been the same emotions I felt after I approached ladies after I was younger. Also within the spirit of selling, these sweaters are sometimes called fishermen's sweaters to additional drive the point dwelling that Aran sweaters were worn by fishermen.
Thirdly, you'll be able to store for these dog sweaters at many native pet stores which are in your area or yow will discover these in many on-line pet shops. While the men of the Aran islands fished, their wives wove these beautiful cream-coloured sweaters to guard them from the bitter chilly of the Atlantic. Patterns similar to those used in Aran sweaters have been found on Irish megaliths as well as in pictures discovered in the Guide of Kells. The plus measurement girls tops are enticing and make somebody in them appear smart and sexy. Or perhaps a striped sweater shrug with a short costume and boots can be extra your fashion. Whereas the sweater is what we are looking at here, the item also has hair, glasses, and extra. The massive storage bags that will let you collapse things right down to a small width are a good way to retailer your total sweater collection.
Males are extra fortunate in that they can mix and match accessories with a swimsuit which is less complicated and much less time consuming. Since this discovery concerning the properties of wool, the wives of the fishermen improvised a form of sweater for their husbands. Citation wanted Sweatshirts are also almost completely casual apparel and never dressy as some other sweaters could also be. Sweatshirts might or could not have a hood, and will or might not have a zipper. For those who only wore your sweater briefly and find it is not dirty, you can deodorize it by hanging it in the sunshine briefly.
With a purpose to be more noticeable with this sweaters pair it with a straight leg pants, or a skinny jeans if you have skinny legs. A trendy black sweater dress can look professional, in addition to being simple to jazz up for after work actions.
Baja's near-perfect weather is likely one of the most desirable qualities for snow-sure and humidity-soaked explorers like yourself. A Mad Males impressed pencil skirt and designer sweater worn with pointed courtroom footwear and gold earrings will move muster as will a midi dress or a sensible trouser go well with. This legend may have its origins in advertising with the aim of creating an virtually mystical really feel surrounding the sweaters so as to sell extra sweaters. They come in all kinds made for all sorts of occasions from hanging out in the mall to attending events and what's more sweaters are made out of various kinds of supplies so you possibly can pick what fits you best for Ravenclaw Sweater.
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