sesamestreep · 1 year
50 jyn/cassian? 👀
50. the hands of fate (from this prompt list)
After such a crushing defeat, Cassian decides that what he and his teammates really need is another round, and since everyone else is still arguing over the finer points of the last question, he decides it’s up to him to make that happen. Luckily, the bar is not particularly crowded at that moment, so he’s able to get the attention of the bartender right away.
“What can I get for you?” she asks, leaning slightly across the bar to hear him better.
It takes him a minute to remember why he’s there, because he’s been doing trivia at this bar for the last few months and he’s never seen this bartender before, which is only notable because she’s exceptionally pretty. She’s got bright green eyes, and hair that manages to be messy in a way he suspects might actually be fashionable, and she’s wearing a black tank top that shows off some very cool-looking tattoos on her biceps. The usual Thursday night bartender barely even looks at him when she takes his order, let alone going so far as to actually speak to him in full sentences.
“Did you want to order something?” she asks, warily, and her expression shutters in the way of an experienced customer service professional who’s used to dealing with drunk people and skeevy men with alarming frequency.
Cassian shakes his head, as if to clear his mind so he doesn’t (rightfully) earn this bartender’s wrath by staring for another minute. “Yeah, sorry,” he says, adopting what he hopes is a genial expression. “We just got our asses handed to us at trivia, so my cognitive function hasn’t fully returned yet.”
The bartender offers him a half-smile at that and nods. “Take your time.”
“Uh, I think I’m just going to get another round for everyone,” Cassian says, and then rattles off his team’s drink orders. The bartender nods and, even though she doesn’t stop to write it down, he has a feeling she’s got it memorized.
She starts making a drink in front of him, and only looks up a moment later when she realizes he’s still there. “I can bring them over when I’m done,” she says, pointing her chin in the direction of his table while her hands are occupied pouring vodka into a cocktail shaker.
“Oh, right,” Cassian says, stupidly. “That would be great. I, uh, already mentioned my brain’s not working, right?”
She laughs a little, which feels sort of like a victory, and shakes her head. “Must have been a tough loss.”
“We came this close to winning for once!” he can’t help griping. “But no one on my team knew the names of the three Fates in Greek mythology.”
The bartender tosses the shaker from side to side in a practiced motion, and gives him a barely interested look. “You mean, the Moirai?” she asks.
Cassian barely stops himself from gaping at her. “I, uh, think they wanted the individual names, actually.”
“Oh, so like Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, then?”
“Jesus, do you write the questions?”
She smiles and pulls a glass out from under the counter. “No,” she says, as she deftly pours the contents of the shaker into the glass. “I just went through a very intense Greek mythology phase when I was a kid.”
“Thank god. I was beginning to think I was just stupid!”
“The two ideas are not mutually exclusive,” she replies, breezily, as she tosses an olive into the drink. “I’ll bring your drinks right over, unless you want me to keep talking to you about mythology.”
There actually isn’t anything Cassian wants more at the moment, but he’s already lost so much dignity at trivia that he can’t afford to lose anymore getting shut down by this beautiful bartender, so he nods and thanks her before he heads back to his table. Bodhi has finally stopped reading Wikipedia on his phone (a time-honored post-loss tradition for them) and is sitting with his head resting on Taidu’s shoulder. Melshi, on the other side of the table, is slumped in his chair, staring into the dregs of his beer.
“Another round incoming,” he says, clapping Melshi on the shoulder.
“Thank god,” Melshi replies, sitting up.
“We are bad at trivia,” Bodhi proclaims, which is also a time-honored tradition.
“We did better this time,” Taidu counters.
“Yeah, but we still lost.”
“Progress over perfection.”
“Stop being reasonable,” Melshi groans. “The wound is still too fresh.”
“You know what’s great for treating wounds?” a voice over Cassian’s shoulder asks. “Alcohol!”
The beautiful bartender appears then, with their drinks on a small tray and starts depositing them on the table, where Taidu immediately helps divvy them up to their respective recipients.
“What are you doing here?” Bodhi asks her, which seems like an odd response. Cassian looks between the two of them, puzzled.
“I told you I was working tonight,” the bartender replies, resting the now-empty tray on her hip.
“No, you didn’t.”
“I sent you a text!”
“Oh,” Taidu says. “That was your first mistake. He never reads his texts.”
“Shut up,” Bodhi says, thumping him lightly on the shoulder. “I read texts! I even reply to them! I am a functional person!”
Taidu and the bartender scoff at the same time, and Cassian is definitely missing something.
“So, why are you working tonight?” Bodhi asks, before Cassian can figure out a way to ask what’s going on without seeming rude. “I mean, I read your text, for sure, but like…remind me?”
“Kennel no-call, no-showed and Baze asked me to fill in.”
“What?! Tell me everything!”
“I just did. She didn’t call out or give notice so I have no idea what happened.”
“Okay, that’s more boring than I expected,” Bodhi says, sounding disappointed. “I always thought she’d get fired for coming after you with a knife or something.”
“You and me both, buddy,” the bartender says.
“Kennel is the usual Thursday night bartender?” Taidu asks, speaking for all of them.
“Yeah,” Bodhi says. “She’s fucking nuts.”
“Good riddance,” she agrees. Then, she turns her attention to Cassian, pointing at him with her elbow. “I put the drinks on your tab, by the way.”
Cassian blinks at her in surprise. “Oh, right. Yeah. Good. Did I—sorry, I don’t think I gave you my name, so…”
“No, but I know Bodhi, which means I also know Taidu, naturally, and I’ve met Melshi before, so I guessed you were probably Bodhi’s other co-worker, Cassian, who he does trivia with but whom I’ve never met and there was a card with that name behind the bar, so…”
“Okay, seriously, are you some kind of savant or something? Between this and knowing all of the trivia answers…”
She smiles. “I have the distinct advantage of being more sober than almost everyone in the room, which gives the impression of genius where there is none.”
“Bodhi, you didn’t tell Cassian your roommate worked here, did you?” Taidu asks suddenly, sounding amused.
Bodhi smacks himself on the forehead. “She doesn’t normally work Thursdays,” he admits, miserably, before looking up. “Cassian, this is my roommate, Jyn. She works here.”
“Jyn. Right,” Cassian says, feeling some puzzle pieces slot into place. “I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet.”
“Same,” she says, extending a hand for him to shake and giving him a mysterious smile. “Though Bodhi did say you were the ringer on the trivia team, and you didn’t even know the names of the Moirai.”
“Cassian is the ringer,” Melshi says, “which just goes to show how terrible the rest of us are.”
“I think Kay was technically our ringer,” Cassian replies.
“Until he got perma-banned,” Bodhi adds, dejectedly.
“Kay?” Jyn asks. 
“My roommate,” Cassian specifies. “It was for the best, he argued with the host too much.”
“Oh, that guy,” she says, nodding. “Baze and Chirrut have his picture hung up in the office. We throw darts at it, uh, lovingly.”
Cassian waves away the sheepish look she gives him. “I live with him. I understand the impulse. Anyway, that’s how Taidu ended up joining us.”
“Lucky them,” he says, raising his glass in a mock toast. “I know nothing, it turns out.”
“I mean, if they ever need someone to answer a question about the intricacies of Formula 1, you’re their man,” Jyn says.
“Taidu watches a lot of F1 at our apartment,” Bodhi explains. “He’s trying to get Jyn into it.”
“It’s not nearly violent enough for my tastes,” she says, mildly. “Anything else before I go back to the bar? Need me to name all the Argonauts, perhaps?”
“Oh, you’re going to be insufferable about this, aren’t you?” Bodhi asks, covering his face with his hands.
“It’s going to be like the eagle, pecking out Prometheus’s liver every day, only it’ll be me taunting you with Greek mythology facts.”
“Mythological facts, huh?” Melshi asks.
“I’m sorry,” Jyn says, leaning in close. “I have trouble hearing people who’ve never won bar trivia in their lives.”
“You’re right,” he replies, holding his hands up in defeat. “You got us there.”
“Next week,” Cassian says emphatically, “is going to be our week. I’m calling it.”
The pitying look Jyn gives him before she leaves their table does nothing to bolster his confidence—nor does it quell the spark of attraction he felt when he first saw her. He was really hoping the revelation that she’s Bodhi’s roommate might help with that, but no such luck. If anything, he likes her more now; Bodhi has always talked about Jyn in glowing terms and Cassian can see now that she lives up to her reputation. 
He realizes only a little belatedly that he’s been watching her walk away, which feels like a bridge too far, and catches Melshi giving him an unimpressed look. He schools his expression into something overly innocent and Melshi snorts before returning his attention to his beer.
They hang around, replaying their demoralizing defeat for the tenth time and vowing (as always) to do better next time, until their drinks are finished and then everyone gets ready to leave. Melshi heads off for the train with a sardonic salute and Taidu and Bodhi head off in search of a cab, while Cassian lives close enough that he’s just going to walk home. He is already halfway out the door when he realizes he left his credit card at the bar.
He does a heel turn and heads back in, waiting at the least crowded corner of the bar until he can get someone’s attention. He’s seen a few people milling around behind the bar all night, but as far as he can tell Jyn is the only bartender on and she’s the only one there now, which means she’s busy, so he settles in to wait once he catches her eye and she gives him a nod to say she’ll be right with him.
“Sorry about that,” she says, when she finally makes her way over to him around five minutes later. “We’re short-staffed, as you know. I didn’t know Thursdays were this busy!”
“No problem,” Cassian says, signing his receipt and handing it back to her while he pockets his card. “I’ve got nowhere to be.”
Jyn drums her fingers on the bar as she considers him. “You should know,” she says, after obvious deliberation, “I only date people who win at bar trivia.”
He could not possibly have heard that correctly. “I…what?”
“I think it’s only fair that you know this about me, since you’re making your interest known.”
“I wasn’t—that’s not what—I wasn’t saying I’ve got nowhere to be like that, just that I wasn’t in a hurry! I was not trying to—”
“I’m serious. It was just an expression!”
She treats him to the most exaggerated, patronizing nod of all time. “Right. And you were absolutely not checking me out earlier.”
“I was not doing that,” Cassian says, and it’s frankly embarrassing how transparent of a lie it is.
“I don’t blame you,” Jyn says, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m very cute.”
“Huh. Now that you mention it…”
She smiles, one of those mysterious, knowing ones he finds so intriguing. “Bodhi did always say he thought you and I would get along if we ever met.”
“Too bad you have such high standards,” he replies, easily. “I could think of a few ways we could get along better.”
“Well, there’s always next week,” she offers.
“You mean, next week when we’re going to win trivia and you’re going to give me your number? That next week?”
Jyn shakes her head, but he can see she’s fighting a smile. “I admire your optimism.”
“Get ready to admire my intellect too,” he says, “when I win bar trivia.”
“Whatever you say, Cassian.”
“So,” Cassian says, as he leans up against the bar a week later after trivia has wrapped up, “are you absolutely sure you couldn’t be talked into dating someone much much dumber than you?”
Jyn’s answering laugh, surprised and delighted and unrestrained, makes him feel so much prouder of himself than winning trivia ever could. Not that he knows for sure, of course, never having done the latter, but if he had to guess.
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coquelicoq · 5 months
moi j'ai même pas l'option de prendre des mauvaises décisions météorologiques wesh, on est en alerte rouge cycloniques, donc interdiction de quitter le domicile. du coup tu devrais nous accompagner dans notre confinement je trouve! même sans obligation externe, décide tout seul comme un grand d'être prudent et de rester chez toi, yayyy?
alerte rouge cyclonique, c'est très inquiétante ! j'espère que tu et les tiens restez sains et saufs dedans et que les cyclones ne se matérialisent jamais !!
ici c'est pas si mauvais mais j'aurais dû t'écouter tout de même, parce que j'ai fini par rebrousser chemin quand mon amie n'a pas pu me rencontrer à cause de la congélation des serrures de ses portières...et au bout du compte il m'a fallu une heure et demi pour rentrer parce que j'étais déjà en route quand elle me l'a dit 😂 et j'ai dû aller tout le long du chemin jusqu'au centre-ville pour changer de bus ! et puis il y avait des détours bien sûr !! finalement je suis chez moi, au chaud, et je laisse tomber. d'accord, j'ai compris la leçon 😩 plus d'aventure pour moi, j'en ai ras le bol, merci !
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sabyfangirl16 · 2 years
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Enjoy :3
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sry, couldn't help myself xD
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LOL though you have to agree on this one..
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I can tell Zach's feeling the "vibe" Ow<
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Really guys, this dude's trying hard to put up with the crews craziness lol xp
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Oh wait.. There's more *giggles* :)
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Our boys being legit ninjas like it's nothing lol XD
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Our mentally 5 year-old Martin: "OMG Chris owo, remember the moves we learned back at ninja school?"
Chris: "I know exactly what you're thinking Martin -w-"
LOL hjugoljoiyh
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Poor Martin XD
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Seriously, plz tell me I'm not the only one who noticed..
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Who would've thought? Am I right ~w~
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Guys.. This man is a loner 8l
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This one always hits me X3
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The disgust on Matin's face lol
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When you realize these are the only ppl he ever talks to..
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I can imagine in my own little headcanon Aviva being the good cop and Koki being the bad cop (obviously), whenever a stranger infiltrates the Tortuga or something like that.. Just think about the scene:
A poor random guy finding himself tied to a chair after being nocked out by a crazy Koki, she yells at him interrogatively for 5 hours while Aviva tries comforting him by bringing him coffee. The rest of the crew have no business in this.. The poor random guy is just a fan and wants an orthographe, woops-this happens to them alot!
LOL sry 'bout that, anyways.. Now for the last one!
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Another miserable fail from our favourite palest villain :3
Phew.. That took me a while to finish, but it was all worth it!
Let me know if you guys want more of these ;3
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spiritmaiden23 · 4 years
This is a headcanon sheet that will go deep into the depths of Sky Zel, namely for fantasy verse because I do have another post to dissect Zel’s character as a whole coming up! Fantasy verse I feel needs more info than what I have for her character sheet this way more people can understand her and hopefully play around in that verse because hunny witch zel is an excellent concept I refuse to go to waste. I’d love to rp with more people in this verse because it’s refreshing as well. Anyhow! Bear was kind enough to provide the sheet and now here I am taking advantage of it! Be warned fellas, it’s gonna be a long. Like very long, this took like an hour or two to complete. With all dat juicy details. Feel free to copy and paste this if you want, it’s good for main characters or OCs. But it is long as hell! Let’s jump into it! 
Character’s Name: Zelda Lockewood  Character’s nicknames: Zel, Zellie, Zeldy, witch of the woods, Hylia’s apprentice Gender: Female  Righty or Lefty: Righty  Age: 19-20  Height: 5′3 around 161 cm  Weight: 104 lbs  Eye Color: Light blue, similar to the skies. They twinkle with mischief intent yet benevolence is within her gaze. Hair color: Golden blonde, often tied with ribbons and in a very low ponytail  Distinguishing marks: She has a scar on her chest below the collarbone and at the end of her ribcage where the scar has a slight turn to it towards the left, right above her heart. After a summoning spell gone wrong, she was stabbed there by the creature, thankfully miss OP Hylia was there to save her from dying.  Describe physical traits in one passage: Whew, ok I sound like a broken record but here we go. She often has red cheeks that tend to grow redder when angry or embarrassed or shy or when she has the dokis. Very long ears that also can grow red towards the tips, as such people have mistaken her for an elf which is why she wears the witch’s hat in the first place. She likes to tie her hair in a low ponytail in order to work without it getting in the way but out of her hair is super long to the waist. She has blunt bangs or hime cut as I like to call it! And is petite but don’t let that fool you, she does have monster strength much like main verse.  FAMILY/ RELIGION  Parents: Hylia is her biological mother within this verse, she’s unaware of the fact and believes her mother to be dead. She lives with her adoptive father, Gaepora.  Siblings: An only child  Significant Other: None thus far! But I’m open to shipping here ;v;  Children: Again, none but it’s something she’d want in the future!  Other relatives: Gaepora keeps his family at an arms length, though jolly and wise he tends to be a bit of an introvert at times as such Zelda doesn’t really get to meet with her family too much or get to know them.  Pets: Her familiar, the Loftwing Indigo! Black cats seem to like her as they surround her though! Friends: Tons! But well in case future RPers are interested I can’t really fill it out.  Enemies: Sorceresses are typical enemies to a witch, she tends to avoid other witches too due to their cold-hearted nature.  Relationships (other): It’s tough to put Wylan in a category so this might be best. Though he is an annoyance and she finds him a bit of a troll slowly she’s starting to get to know him bit by bit.  Ethnicity: A witch! With connection to the gods thanks to her mother being the Goddess of Witches who goes by the name Circe to mortal realm and witches, her true name is Hylia though so don’t be confused by this. She comes from a nation called Lanayru, so prehaps Lanayruen if you wanna call her that! Religion: Most witches tend to follow something akin to Wiccan belief, Zelda follows that! Superstitions: When making a potion, she often likes to pray to the Goddess of Witches and sing a small tune while making sad potions as a means to break the silence. She doesn’t look at mirrors in the dark or but two mirrors opposite of each other as it’s believe it could make a portal of sorts for demons and other evil beings, as such she often covers her mirrors and doesn’t look at them too much aside from when she has to get ready. It’s silly, she knows, but it’s trauma from opening the portal when summoning a being far beyond her skill.  Diction, Accent, ETC.: So, she has a light accent that’s typical for those coming from Lanayru. Certain words, you can hear it spilling out. It’s best to describe it as a sing-songy accent where certain vowel sounds are stretched out. She’s learned to shorten the vowels though, trying to fit in with the nation she lives in now! Which is Hyrule a land far more bigger than her humble homelands with advancements in magic and certain technology. They have a more... I wanna say North american accent that can range from Canadian to the typical eastern accent for USA to southern accent from again, USA.  SCHOOL/ WORK / HOME  Education (Highest): Hmm, college equivalent of fantasy world? She was a fast learner and skipped a few grades which is why she graduated so early (it helps being the daughter of the Goddess of Witches too, demi god to be exact haha) she and had a natural affinity for magic, also she was studious as well and often aced tests.  Degrees: Oh damn... well she doesn’t have the title Hylia’s Golden Apprentice for nothing. So let’s consider that a degree, or maybe a degree in magic pft! Vocation/Occupation: A potions seller! Employment History: Let’s explain how she has experience in this! She worked with a brewing master, who owned a shop that was full of wares and while some cursed and forbidden, as well as the owner being sketchy, she learned about how the potions business works while working for him from 14 to 18. Four short years! Nice! Upon moving to Hyrule, she kept her potions making a bit lowkey. Selling her wares in the small town near the lost woods known as Tarrey Town. Under the guise as a merchant, it was soon discovered that she was a witch and while certain residents tend to avoid her due to low reputation of witches as a whole, many are attracted by her refreshingly friendly nature and excellent quality in potions. Rumors begin to spread out and she does tend to travel to the big city, Castle Town, from time to time to sell her wares. Though she’s still learning the ropes, and though her business isn’t really that big, she’s doing not too bad. Salary: Potions aren’t cheap, she’s her own boss as well. So, let’s put it that way. HWEOH  Status and money: Despite how well her business is doing, she’s not exactly rich but she’s not too worried about her money situation either. Resourceful, she tends to save her money by collecting her own ingredients in the Lost Woods, though if she has to she will go out to get the ones she couldn’t find within the forest and while some are expensive, she tends to barging with cheapening the price somewhat.  Own or Rent: OWN! She made her little hut deep within the woods through magic of course, it’s hard to find unless you know how to navigate within the ever changing nature of the Lost Woods. It’s a bit like OOT in that regard, ALTTP with the mysterious fog you can get lost in, and well... I’m also taking small inspiration from Paper Mario 64 with the spooky forest in one level since the Lost Woods here is a bit... well, spooky!  Living Space: It’s a small, humble sized cottage crafted with grey bricks for the chimney and front entrance sticking out with some tudor elements to the building where the house is half-timbered walls! The outside has a white little gate with a plant arch full of roses, and there is a garden full of flowers and herbs, with ivy crawling up the building towards the back of the house along with a weeping willow within her large yard, a lake is nearby and there is a lovely waterfall but beware of the creatures lurking within! The window in the kitchen is the biggest window in the house, almost like a bay window of sorts but you can’t exactly open that window yet there is a another on the lower floor where you can, while her bedroom has a slightly smaller window where they are opened outwards and always opened in the daytime, there is a large window seat, large enough to sleep on it with comforting pink cushion as well as little pillows she’s knitted herself. There are drawers underneath where she stores extra stuff. Now, as for the inside, aside from the kitchen and her bedroom along with the bathroom, it’s a big mess! The small space is cluttered with tons of books and tomes, some on the millions of shelves (along with tons and tons of potion battles) she has and some on the floor with pages scattered throughout the wood flowering. She has plants like wisteria hanging on the walls and several others like witch’s herb among other examples hanging from the celling. There’s a small sitting area with a wooden desk and stool and that’s where she often works with her research. It’s pretty much well lived in and is the result of working too much to notice the mess. It’s two stories, with a small attic being the second floor. Her bedroom is located on the first floor and despite the window seat, she has a nice slightly small queen sized sleigh bed in the center and up against the wall, it looks super comfy, like you can sink into it and well it’s possible! Along with a vanity mirror with brushes for light makeup she wears for special events, and a small bottle filled with flowers, her knitting area with a small basket full of yarn balls and a wooden wardrobe to keep her clothing in. There is a cute rug on the floor to bring the room together. Along with book shelves. It’s a cute yet ery simple style.  Work Space: As described above, it’s a wooden desk within the main hub area of the house. It’s in the corner of the room, near a window as a means to get sunlight and fresh air! Her cauldron is not too far from the desk and once again, she has tons of flowers. There’s always her research papers and books on it, a quill with a feather, annnnd a small candle stand in case she’s working late in the night! Main Mode of Transportation: Either her “broom” which is an enchanted feather from her Loftwing or her Loftwing himself! She thinks it’s silly to ride on a broom and wanted to be more creative! PSYCHOLOGY  Fears: Well when you face near death and actually saw the reaper’s scythe coming at you hot, you tend to not fear much. She doesn’t really like to summon things though due to that accident, so there’s nervousness whenever she absolutely has to. Mirrors there’s a slight fear due to how they can act as portals into the other realm. And losing loved ones, failing to protect them. Perhaps knowing the truth about her birth is also a fear, as she will deny being a demi god let along to the Goddess of Witches. There’s this feeling she has where she knows she’s not an ordinary witch but out of fear she does not investigate too much with a slight hint of curiosity.  Secrets: Much like main verse she can hear the gods and spirits of the realm, something she denies and keeps to herself. While she can do wandless magic, a feat only known to Hylia, it’s a bit hard and her spells tend to go wild so it’s why she likes to stick to tomes as it better handles her powers. Whenever mana blockage happens, she tends to get embarrassed and will only reveal it if she has to.  IQ: VERY HIGH as expected of someone with a lot of wisdom despite her age. That is all for this one... Eating Habits: NOT VERY GOOD!!! She just throws together anything that’s edible enough and eats it, while it doesn’t taste good she’s always in a rush to get back to work because she’s a bit of a workaholic in this verse! Sometimes, she’ll take elixirs to suppress her hunger if she’s working very hard on something like research or recipe hunting, at times she doesn’t always get the potion right so she tends to try again and again until she does. Neglecting her need to eat. Pretty much, it’s like putting fried rice, egg, and leftovers in a blender and eating that disgusting mess. And though she can cook mainly simple enough dishes, she tends to not do it too much. Someone get this girl some food.  Sleeping Habits: AGAIN NOT VERY GOOD THIS POOR BABY!! When cramming in the night, she gets so focused she tends to stay up until four o’ clock by drinking lots and lots of coffee... and that’s when the sleepiness tends to hit her once that caffeine is all gone, you’ll most likely see her asleep at her desk. Being an early bird though means she won’t get much sleep so ;v; That said when not cramming, she tends to get sleepy once the sun’s down so she does get normal hours of sleep mostly. She loves the morning and always wakes up to the sun greeting her as she tends to leave the curtains open, not at all afraid to do that since like... no one goes deep into Lost Woods aside from Wylan pft.  Book Preferences: She loves reading research and recipe books! It’s always fun for her to learn new things and as such she always has her head buried in a book that discusses tons and tons of research. When not learning and sitting back to relax, she likes tales of adventures and will sometimes read romance novels as well.  Music Preferences: Harp and lyre along with other string instruments! She tends to love folklore as there is a history behind it and she does find that super interesting. Though she can somewhat play the harp/lyre she’s not as talented as say the bard Kina! Groups or Alone: While good enough in a group as she does like teamwork, she’d rather do things on her own. Blame being responsible to a fault for that one alongside slight hero complex for more dangerous things she has to face HJKA! Leader or Follower: Are you kidding? Leader all the freaking way! She has a natural charm about her and is ambitious in a sense, she would make a good leader because she’s wise enough to make good decisions when in a pinch. That said she can be a little bossy when worry wart tendencies pops up and will def assume that you need her help. She’s just trying to be a good friend who believes in you and your potential, don’t mind her. Just... her supportive attitude is pretty strong haha!  Planned Out or Spontaneous: With her carefree nature, you’d think she’d be spontaneous and while she can be at times because adventure is fun, she tends to plan a lot of things out... of course, her plans never work out. But again, she’s resourceful enough to work around the issue she may come across.  Journal Entires (Do they keep one?) YES OF COURSE MY GIRL LOVES TO WRITE!! She actually has a few, four in total. One for researching plants and other things, another to keep track of her inventory, one for folklore and ghosts/monsters findings perhaps, and one for her personal feelings. If you find the last one, she will end your life.  Hobbies, Recreation: Girl loves to knit! It’s very relaxing and she’s really good at it along with sewing her own clothing! She loves flying, and collecting plants in case that wasn’t obvious already. She also loves monster hunting despite how dangerous it can be, but due to how unique the monsters are in Hyrule she just can’t help it! Catch her taking pictures whenever she comes across one while a friend grabs her and runs for dear life. Jam making is a fun things she enjoys and gardening. Overall, really good hobbies she has! How Do They Relax: A nice bath filled with floral oils that’s meant to relax you and certain flowers as well. It’s how she’s got that flowery scent after all. She tends to read in the bath, and well reading in general along with writing is how she unwinds! She loves knitting and gardening and jam making is relaxing from time to time. Drinking tea while sitting underneath the weeping willow. She does love practicing her magic and hexes too!    What Excites Them?: MONSTERS DESPITE HOW DANGEROUS THEY ARE AND SNAPPING PHOTOS TO RECORD THEM, finding new spells, new tomes and other books! Seeing friends will make her super happy, flowers, wild plant life never seen before. Whenever other people from distant cities learn about her potions shop, new cauldrons, successfully making a new potion, exploring new cities and towns, traveling, flying, learning new things because she’s a nerd with a thirst for knowledge... pretty much she’s very excited over tons of things, it doesn’t take much to excite her, actually haha! Pet Peeves: Wylan breaking into her house, she has tons of charms in the place so it’s a bit worrying and annoying to find him in there doing whatever, messing up with a spell or burning potions, hunger pains when she’s deep at work along with her natural sleepiness once it’s dark out, prideful hero types mayhaps where they’re all talk and no action more like (she does value bravery though), bullying since strong sense of justice, and finally gossip and judgement.  Prejudices: She... doesn’t really have one? Aside from not liking bullies and again prideful hero types who are all talk and no action... liars too? And creeps who flirt with her. Flirting is fun but not when it’s unwanted. Yeah... that’s about it I think! Attitudes: Very determined and ready to face the day and is a hard worker! She’s a cheery girl through and through and very kind but don’t let her kindness fool you as she’s not afraid to put her foot down and call you out. She’s charming and a playful girl who has a love for learning. And is very supportive but can be a busybody if she worries for you. And though somewhat scared about the truth of her origins, once the time comes she’s ready to face those fears. She tends to get either angry or embarrassed (it’s ambiguous really) whenever Wylan is around doing... Wylan things actually haha! Stressors: I guess failure or deadlines that she can’t make if the recipe for the potion is too hard. As well as vague customers too because what sorta potion do you want from her she can’t read minds? Tarot cards and palm reading, while she knows how to do these things as it’s natural for all witches, knowing the future is scary and she’d rather live in the now while looking forward to the what the future has in store without knowing of her fate. Also, dark magic. She tends to stay away from it, corruption is a thing that can happen causing her to become a mindless yet very OP being known as sorceress.  Obsessions: WORK. Very much a hard worker to a fault actually due to her high sense of responsibilities playing into that. It’d be cash money if someone could help with relaxing her.  Addictions: Book collecting, along with flower collecting too and finally she has a super bad sweet tooth. That’s about it.  Ambitions: Right now, she wants to become a bigger name in order to help out people as she loves helping others, and well, the extra money doesn’t hurt either. She wishes to become a bit more powerful as she already is, up to the Grand Witch Hylia levels and wishes to increase her mana, not that it’s low but just in case! As Seen by Others: A cutie pie! Who’s kind though sometimes people do avoid her since Witch.  As Seen by Self: She’s cute and she knows it haha! Aside from that she doesn’t see herself as kind but someone who wants to do the right thing, there’s no reason behind this aside from it’s natural for her to be this way. That said she wants to work harder than she already is someone stop her. ASTROLOGY/PHISIOLOGY (hoo boi i know shit about that but let’s go) Birth Date: March 20 Time of Birth: 3:07 AM, right during witching hours with the magic number seven in it, that’s why Hylia went “oh crap she’s gonna be powerful like me and make poor life decisions if she sticks with me time to yeet this baby outta here” Western Astrological Sign: Pisces  Traits Associated with Western Sign: I’m lifting this from a sight but strengths are Compassion, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical. While weakness is fearful (not really she’s pretty brave but does have some fears) overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr. Some traits don’t really fit her, I guess you can say she’s the odd man out with typical pisces haha!  Chinese Zodiac Sign: That’s a little difficult since it goes by year rather than date but I’ll try! Year of the Monkey! It fits her best I feel! Traits Associated with Chinese Zodiac: according to this site monkeys are fast learners and crafty, they tend to have many interests, they are clever and creative and love to accept challenges. They tend to have magnetic personalities are witty and intelligent but can be naughty aka playful. I feel this fits her better than Pisces... or maybe a mixture of both haha! Handwriting: DOCTOR’S WRITING!! SHE... HAS SLOPPY CURSIVE THAT ONLY SHE CAN READ HWEOH but she can write neat cursive it’s just she’s always in a rush to get her thoughts out there.  Sexual History: Girl was too focused in her studies she did not date anyone. She’s not one for ahem “hooking up either” So... no history there I guess pft.   General Health: Healthy as can be! Medical History: Aside from that one time where she almost died, her medical history is really not that interesting. She does get mana blockage from time to time and they hurt hard and makes it harder to use magic. Her spells going haywire.  Allergies: Hmm... I don’t think she has any. Chronic Illnesses: Nope again! Handicaps: And again no on that either.  OBJECTS Purse / Bag: She has a leather bag around her waist, it’s charmed to be a hammer space of sorts so like... tons of things. Books, tomes, scrolls, diary for ingredients gathering, another journal for folklore and monster tracking, pictograph/camera athame knife just in case because you never know, wallet and plenty of others stuff Wallet: Well, it’s a pouch that’s full of money, a lot just in case. That is also a hammer space of sorts! Fridge: NOT A DAMN THING she’s better at storing bird food for her loftwing and cat food for any stray cats hanging around her area but her fridge is like... leftovers from the little meals she makes from time to time, jam, potions that need to be stored in cold place, veggies, and one battle of water that’s it.  Medicine Cabinet: While she knows some healing spells it doesn’t hurt to have bandages just in case! Along with medical brews that’ll help with things such as colds and other illnesses. Tooth brush and paste of course... and uh the little makeup she has because this girl a goddess and doesn’t wear it too much.  Glove Compartment: CARS DON’T EXIST BUT ACCORDING TO BOTW MOTORCYCLES DO, that said she doesn’t have a motorcycle so like... nothing! Junk Drawer: Utensils, knives for food... for one draw. As for the other real junk drawer full of papers, dried and pressed flowers, journals, and extra quills alongside some cute jewelry! Kitchen Cabinets: Plates, bowls, and glasses of course with spices in another and any food to help with cooking!  Bedroom Hiding Place: Underneath her bed is where the personal journal is... for the most part. Closets: Clothing, it’s a small closet along side other junk like her old wand, and anything relating to her school memories such as supplies.  Backback: Isn’t that the same thing as purse/bag? Either way, read above! Locker: None Desk: WEEPS DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF ON THIS? Read above with living situation.  Clothes pocket: Mostly letters for her father... a pocket watch, and sometimes she’ll have the athame knife in there too. There’s not much she can store with her dress apron! 
OTHER (bitch we almost done!!)  Halloween Costumes: SHEET GHOST!! She won’t go as a witch since well she is one, sheet ghost is probably meant for laughs really. Also she’d make her own black cat costume due to her affinity with them. A black dress, with cat ears and whiskers drawn on... yeah that seems good! Tricks: Little things like charming you to float! Or having giant rabbits chase after you before they cuddle you! Spiders crawling out from your ears! Bats following you. See? Nothing harmful but something funny to witches yet not so much to mortals or other supernatural beings for that matter.  Talents: Magic, she’s insanely talented but it helps having a Goddess mother who created magic and witches/mages in the first place! She’s good at knitting as we established and sewing, very good at brewing all sorts of potions as they’re always high quality, very good at researching stuff. ETC ETC.  Politics: Hmm well,,, Hyrule is absolute monarchy where the king and royal family lie about being descendants of gods so... yeah! Not much to say there since she’s not one who’s tied to mortal virtues.  Flaws: Worrywart which turns to her assuming things and taking the wheel so to speak she’s trying her best to support friends but well being nosy and like this isn’t always the best, sometimes while good with words and advice to comfort someone she doesn’t always say the right thing to comfort said person, she works too hard and is responsible to a fault, she often likes to give others the benefit of the doubt despite being screwed over. And perhaps... she doesn’t worry about herself so much as she worries about others. Not only does she think she can handle most things but also it’s a bit of a hero complex or something similar to that where she always sacrifices herself for others. Because, it’s the right thing to do. She tends to get embarrassed easily and has a bit of a nasty temper at times but it doesn’t take long for her to get overall as she’s not one to hold grudges.  Strengths: Very joyful and charming, many find themselves drawn to her as the result of this. Kind as well to everyone, aside from mentioned above in prejudice section and dislikes, she likes to treat everyone equally as best as she can. Reasonability is her middle name and tends to always get things done. She’s also very wise for her age and someone who encourages you to do your very best because she believes in you and sees this great light in you that gives you great potential for the bright future. She can be a little flirty towards someone she likes once she gets over her initial shyness upon discovering her feelings but well romance is new to her so sometimes she’ll miss certain romantic intentions. And playful girl who’s a bit witty too. She has talents for magic and is a fast learner for the most part. Also love learning too and is a nerd. She has a creative side to her! Drugs/Alcohol: Nope! Passwords: Probably her birthday for like things that require numbers such as safes and the like! Email Address, Home Page, Blogs, etc.: Well none pft Time and place: Very vague middle ages that takes inspiration from the Magic Technology BOTW has along with other games too such as TP and SS.  Special Places: The sky... does that count? And the Haunted Grove deep within the Lost Woods.  Special Memories: Meeting her familiar for the first time, any time spent with her dad as he was loving and kind, getting accepted to become a student for Hylia despite her wanting to keep a distance but takes her under her wing just in case. 
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m4rkiza · 3 years
pile of headcanons
bunch of raihan/leon headcanon nonsense from my twit*r
theres alot under the cut, warning : its cheesy, also, i headcanon raihan calling leon "bubu"
Raihan is really good at baking and leon is great at cooking savory & spicy food, raihan likes spicy food and leon likes baked goods, they complete each other
Leon so thick and firm he'd be so good to hug and raihan took advantage of that, holding his bubu until leon complains or whine, yknow when ur pet looks so cute and u hug them, like that
leon contacts name on raihans phone is like "♥💖my bubu♥💕", but raihans contact name on leons phone is "Raihan" with capital R
raihan complained about it, showed leons contact name on his phone, leon is surprised bc he thought his contact name on raihans phone is just "Leon" or "Lee"
then leon changes rai's contact name too "🥰raihoney💖
leon doesnt look like the guy who'd be extra on hair and skin treatment, the reason his hair and skin (especially his hair) is unbearably soft and shiny is bc raihan kept reminding him to do so (and buying it)
sometimes leon act spoiled so raihan will do an entire haircare for him
yes raihan do it bc he loves leon unconditionally and he thinks leon deserves it
raihan has a dirty mouth and uses every swear word but for some reasons, around leon all he can say is "jerk" "ugly" and "dumb"
raihan does that bc all he remember when hes with leon is pet names and how-to-coo-and-woo-your-boyfriend
raihan being leons moral compass feels fitting, not bc leon is dumb but bc leon himself is swallowed by his own title and got the hero complex, making him selfless and have a hard time to say no
raihan is there to "what the fuck are you thinking, dont do that baby, you'll die"
but leon seems stubborn yes? he wont listen if people just say "no", he'd ask the reason why, and if the said person doesnt give a clear answer, he leaves but raihan always tries to explain him in full description, short & long lasting damage, consequence etc
so obviously leon listens, and as time goes by, raihan is.. his moral compass, in a way
raihan playfully growls while squeezing leons body parts but its definitely not so playful in leons mind
raihan always ask leon to wear his freshly-washed-hoodie at sunday so when he go to work at monday, his hoodie will smell like leon
raihans laugh is like "aha haha haha *low volume wheeze* phew heehee" and leon got a laugh that can trigger an earthquake
Raihan sneeze like a kitten while leon sneeze like a buldozer
Leon muffles his laugh by hugging raihan so it wont surprise anyone around them
leon demanding affection from raihan by giving him stupid empty threats
leon : Kiss me or ill
raihan : u will what
leon : i-i will shrink your hoodie and make it mine
raihan : no, now come here bubu
In reality, leon doesnt need to do "things" to get raihans attention, raihan told him he can just ask or "just sit on my lap or tug my shirt and ill cuddle and kiss you till the next day", but leons ego is too high for that so he does stupid shit instead
raihan is very loved by leons family bc surprisingly hes able to stop leon and hop from fighting
if u ask how, raihan simply pick up leon up and walk away
aihan is the only guy who leon will listen too and got called as the "champion tamer"
but all raihan do is just
raihan : bubu, no
leon : no..?
raihan : leon. no
leon : no...
then nag him softly while explaining the consequences, sometimes short and long term effect it depends on the situation
leon is stubborn, so it took sometime to convince him that his plan or an action he almost took to partake is very impulsive or doesnt give a good result
the thing is leon is not stupid, infact hes quite brilliant, therefore its hard to convince him if a person who tries to stop him doesnt have a similiar mind like he is, but thankfully theres raihan
for some reasons raihan is able to found leon in any occasion so the league staff ALWAYS calls him whenever leons gone
league staff : mr rai-
raihan : is it leon
league staff : yes
raihan : im on my way
leon likes to ask raihan for hairbands bc he kept losing them
raihan : bubu, isnt this your third time asking for them this week
leon : ....yes..?
raihan spoiling leon bc he feels he wants to make up for him, bc he wasnt available near leon when fought eternatus
leon follows raihan everywhere in the winter and kept pressing himself to him, whenever raihan question whats wrong leon just looked him in the eye and "im warming you up"
leon is small by raihans perspective but he hugs leon tight anyway
raihan is possessive of leon hes THAT hot, charismatic yet very adorable, leon is the one who keeps his chin up and soothe his fears, and hes the champion, everyone wants the champion, u think he'll let go that easily? no, never
and leon is probably possessive too, raihan is a hot nerd, affectionate and gentle, hes the one who push him to his best, the one who also stops him for doing too much, hes his source of comfort and he wont let go and wont let anyone take his raihan away from him for sure
10 years of friendship and healthy rivalry means 10 years of being on each others live, being one of the biggest contributor and supporter for the other, who pushes to the limit yet stopping when one is too close to the edge of the cliff
no matter if its platonic or romantic, they wont let anyone take their rival, friend and lover away that easy, you wont let anyone try to take away one of the important and huge part of your life
raihan big, so hes the big spoon, he loves cooing right at leons ears and kissing the back of his neck, shoulders and sometimes reaches forward to press a sloppy wet kiss to leons cheek
leon crying to raihan when he founds out raihan smokes when hes stressed out, and begging the other to stop and talk to him instead or cope with healthier way
raihan doesnt need an alarm clock to wake him up, leons just need to grin and say "good morning!" its so bright it WILL wake him up
raihan and leon lives together and since then the outfit leon has on his wardrobe is a collection of formal tailored outfits and his battle tower outift, some booty shorts and work out clothing, and obviously underwear and socks.the rest he just stole from raihan
especially t-shirts, hoodies, and jacket, raihan seeing him walking and opening his wardrobe after shower is such a common occurence that he doesnt even need to ask anymore
raihan looks like the type who carries lipbalm and hand cream in his hoodie pocket, he carries 2, 1 cocoa lipbalm for him and honey lipbalm for leon. whenever he met leon, he applies the lip balm on him, it becomes habit that leon even raise his chin up for raihan
leon can sleep alone fine, but when he woke up he felt groggy,but if he slept on top of raihan he'd woke up like he had a perfect 8 hours sleep even tho he slept for only 5 hours
raihan is a heavy sleeper but waking up with leon glued to his chest/back make his whole day better,especially when he woke up to leon peppering his face with kisses to wake him up
raihan being lowkey flustered and overwhelmed by leons beauty/cuteness/sexiness/everything while leon is being clingy and acting spoiled around him
leon cant be serious around raihan, when he saw the gym leader,he automatically let his guard down infront of him, changing from champion leon to leon from postwick, all giddy and happy
leon unzips his champion outfit and once raihan heard the zipping sound he zooms to leon to plant his face between leons chest
if leon wants attention from raihan he will do various things from holding his arm and press his head to raihans shoulders,sitting on his lap and loop his arm around raihans neck,hugging him from the front and put on a cute face
but if raihan wants attention he just, hug leon from behind,put his head on leons shoulder and doesnt let go until leon does SOMETHING
leon has been taking care of others for so long,so when raihan takes care of him ,its a new,yet quite familiar feeling.
its hard to accept since he felt bad about receiving the attention,but raihan kept doing it until leon tend to act spoiled around him
raihan always kiss leons forehead before he sleeps,when raihan is away, he has the urge to videocall raihan so he can coo him to sleep,but hes too embarrassed to do it
he thought abt that and raihan suddenly videocalling him,its noon on the region he visited, and hes like "heeeey, i just want to say good night to my beloved!! good night leon,sweet dreams,sorry bc i cant kiss your forehead but ill kiss u 10x more when im back"
leon was shocked and stared to his camera "lee? fuck,is the connection that bad-" and leon stuttered "n-no! i was surprised...thank you darling, have fun and stay safe okay?"
"of course! dont stay up thinking abt me for too long,i love you so much bubu,good night!
"..good afternoon raihoney,i love you too" leon stayed up for the next 20 minutes rolling around the bed screaming
raihan actually helps leon on taking care of his dragons, which made leons dragonmons actingspoiled around raihan,and sometimes leon thinks that his dragons loves raihan more than him
raihan plays with his dragonmon as if hes playing with a yamper,calling them "cute little babywubby" and playing with their hands,kissing their foreheads and lays with them on the floor,and of course leon joins in by laying on top or next to raihan
even leon have seen raihan carrying his dragapult like a baby with a baby axew hugging his legs, raihan is legit a dragon pokemon magnet
raihan has a habit of cooing or complimenting at leon even when hes doing the simplest thing ever and leon feels giddy like a 5 y.o everytime raihan does it
can u imagine how many pictures of leon raihan have on his phone,its probably more than 1000, he takes picture of leon as if hes a baby pokemon
leon comes to raihans place at 2 am without any warning,i mean raihan DID gave him a spare key so, raihans flat is HIS flat too,and there he goes,going to the bedroom and slip himself under the duvet,crawling to sleep closer to raihan
at first raihan is SO surprised that he jumped from the bed,but now he doesnt care anymore and just kiss leons head,mumbles "goo'nite bubh" and sleep again
leon does it so often that if hes gone from his apartment,people call raihan instead of him
raihan hugging leon from the back while leon is doing stuff in the kitchen while singing,and raihan is there like,peppering smooches and compliments while leon is STILL singing,and giggling bc raihan is smooching him
raihan is BAD at it but he sings along with leon in a joking manner and leon cant even sing anymore bc hes just wheezing while raihan is just "cmOn bAbeEEe SING AgAiiiNNnn"
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wshaeil · 3 years
Tumblr media
*  ◟  ―  🍓cl - clang !! hello , it’s so nice to meet you all - my name is jada , but you can just call me 𝐎𝐇 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐈𝐋’s mun !! i’m super excited to be here , and hopefully you guys take to me and phoenix’s leader , haeil ! he has a semi - sad vibe , but don’t be fooled, he’s a pretty cool guy ! below you’ll find trivia as well as general connections while i work on te real plots page ! and as always, please like if you’d like to plot alongside me and my boy !! lets go !
i’m going to lightly touch on his backstory here but his bio is already loaded w stuff haha so !! i won’t bore you with too many details !!
came from a family w / high expectations of him, to always be the responsible big brother ... and he did ! always was good at school stuff, took care of stuff at home when needed, etc !
but deep down he was ( and is ) not happy w how he felt his own happiness was always sacrificed for others, despite not wanting to admit it & sounding selfish ? but anyways, it got him acting up, and he had a whooole little rebellious streak that was completely out his character !
though he realllyyy enjoyed the rush, his little adventure ended quick when his parents noticed him skipping class & all that ! so his first year of hs they made him join a school club to find better friends, and that’s where he found dance !
there he learned dance and well ... the rest is history !! loved every minute of it, but got a really bad injury that had him out of dances for a while, and it crushed him, but he came back with a newfound true appreciation for it !
time skip, his friends encouraged him to audition when word came around about yuseong auditions and ... voila ! here we are !!
ok so you’ll have to excuse me as haeil is one of those this . . . and also that characters HAHA, so he’s got opposing personality traits even within himself ! he even is confused by it hee heeeee
also sidenote his younger sister is @wsharin​ !! they’re definitely giving opposites yet crazy type, have quite different personalities, but grwing up in similar environments w each other has kept them very close ! kinda thinks he’s fake youngest out of them, yet fiercely protective of her !
but ! his natural instinct is actually to be pretty wild, outgoing, have fun. he’s the happiest when he can do that, and those closest to him probably know him to be quite the joker when he lets loose.
buuut for years now he’s been conditioned into the responsible leader-type he is now, though it def is his more manufactured side. but nowadays it’s what he reverts to, because he sort of just thinks there’s not enough room in everyone’s life for him to be so chaotic ??
haeil tries his hardest to blend in the background, as he feels it’s what a good leader does and he wants to give the rest of his team the shine. because he hasn’t been dancing as long as most others around him, and had a relatively short training time, he’s still v doubtful of his own worthiness of being in the position he is, therefore he sort of feels like ... he doesn’t deserve attention ?? ( and while this is true to an extent, haeil also needs to work through this constant pessimism within himself and learn to take pride in his achievements !! )
so a lot of times what you’ll see is a man trying to be a leader, with the inner child ( ! ) in him poking through. though he encourages participation from his other members rather than himself, his fans are known for pointing out all the moments he gets jumpy / excited / hyper, and he’s kinda developed this “tsundere” vibe because of it ? it’s not exactly correct but he’ll take it heehee
as a leader, esp on variety, you’ll see him doing little things to make the quieter / less talked to members heard this whole compilation ?? literally him.
if you’re close to him though, you’ll really see he’s not nearly as serious as he seems. he’s extreeemely caring, almost to a fault, w those close to him ? and will take care of literally anything they need. got rent due tomm ? send him your payment info and he’ll send over all he has in his account. but on top of that, he just loves to have fun, and if in an environment that allows, v spontaneous !
def mom friend vibes. doesn't like coffee but loves his morning tea, sweaters, tries to establish a bed time for phoenix, always managing to have remembered that one thing someone else forgot, packing snacks, all the good stuff !
but !! the entertainer in haeil is compleetely different, and largely why he got famous ! a charismatic dancer for sure, enjoys a lot of hip hop as it’s what he’s had most practice in, and whenever he dances he truly has fun !! 
he was so  deep in his own insecurities, and it showed in his dancing, untilll cherry bomb. phew cherry bomb haeil was ... a whole era, and what a lot of people attribute to being his vibe switch that made him 1000x more confident !
despite what many think he loooves aggresive rap. rock & r&b are right up there too. loves music that reminds him he can feel things !!
poor thing ... cannot handle his alcohol. legit tries to avoid drinking altogether bc like one drink and he’s already trying to crawl onto tables. actually loves going out for drinks but avoids it like the plague bc he thinks it ruins his pride lolll
while he claims he's too busy for love - and he genuinely is kinda - he is a hopeless romantic deep down. his mind always drifts to him & his future partner living all suburban w kids who match clothes and having a family dog, all the fixings ... he just wants a cute dad vibe and gets depressed when he thinks of how being an idol is kinda preventing that from coming anytime soon 
this is getting SO LONG WHAT lets move on !!
someone who didn’t actually make it / hasn’t yet debuted in the industry, but who haeil reallly looks up to as a mentor ? whether a rapper / singer or just someone he admires, haeil gets depressed every time he remembers the person who got him where he is hasn't even got their shot of fame yet, and who he feels he owes quite everything to. though he’s got the whole leader thing going on, this person makes him act like a whole little sibling.
english tutor !! he genuinely wants to be so much better than he is, and doubts his skills as a good leader bc of it and would loove someone to help him !! also def down to learn from someone who speaks japanese, since he’s learning that as well ! he just wants to connect w more fans D:
someone who lets him lets loossee !! need i say more ?? haeil needs to have some fun and be himself before he pops a brain vessel, and that seems like it’s becoming more and more of a possibility oijdoidjodjod. alcohol may or may not be included iin the equation but if so prepare for chaos personified !
an ex perhaps ?? he’s bisexual so this could go either way, but someone he was w in high school and for whatever reason, it didn’t work out ?? we could give them awkward or tension w angst where they never got closure, or two people who just worked better as friends and maintained a great connection !
someone who he’s truly just ... whipped over ? something about their energy has him wanting to see them more and more and quite honestly, p out of character. openly a simp and just wilding whenever this person’s in the room hours .. let’s go !!
best friends. but i mean like .... beeest friends. they don't have to necessarily go back, not all best friends do, but what matters is them now ! friends who have an incredibly special connection, the type to just .. basically be talking in their own language of inside jokes and such.
for those who might not be from korea / have the closest relationship w their own family, haeil’s got you ! if your muse has always wanted someone who cooks for them, gives advice, or just listens and provides a shoulder to cry on, mr.haeil is the man for you !!
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thevolleyballboyos · 3 years
let me love you
let me love you
so you may or may not have caught a little cold. kinda sucks. your head hurts, you feel nauseous, and you got a pretty dang high fever. well sucks to be you because you have an important exam today, and it affects half your grade. fun. so you just gotta tough it out, right? nah. kita disagrees. to home you go. but don't worry. you won’t be sitting at home feeling sick and sorry for yourself. a certain someone will be there the whole time to take care of you.
kita shinsuke x reader
warnings: none, just fluff!
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a/n: i didn’t proofread. there are bound to be some spelling/grammar/story mistakes.
you crammed the rest of your toast into your mouth and booked it. you had an important exam today and you were about to miss it. your legs flew as you ran as fast as you could to inarizaki. you needed to get their fast. your head was pounding. and no, not because of the stress of almost being late- it was literally pounding in pain.
you had woken up this morning with nausea and a horrible headache. but you couldn’t miss the exam, so you had grabbed some pills and dashed out the door. that may have been a bad choice, but oh well.
you felt like you were about to throw up. running this fast while feeling this nauseous also probably wasn't such a great idea. but hey, you might as well continue this trend of great ideas.
you burst through the doors just as the bell rang. phew. stopping to catch your breath, you could feel a wave of nausea hit you. your head pounded and your vision was blurry. you saw flashing lights as you staggered to your first class. 
somehow, you miraculously made it through the period without fainting. as you walked out of the classroom, you could feel it getting worse. you had your exam in a couple of periods and you had to focus for it. it was almost half your grade, for pete’s sake! you sighed and rubbed your head. the pills were most definitely not working. your vision blurry, you stumbled down the hallway, eyes spinning, head pounding, you could barely see or hear anything. suddenly, you bumped into someone. trying your best to see their face, you looked up. you recognized it. kita shinsuke. your boyfriend.
“hello, y/n.” he said, in his usual monotonous voice.
“hi, kita!” you replied, trying to cover up your sickness. if kita knew you were sick, he would probably have you head home. and you couldn’t afford for that to happen.
“you look unwell.” he stated. “are you feeling alright?”
what the- is he a flipping mind reader? he legit almost instantly knew what-
this man is a sorcerer i swear-
“huh? no, i’m completely fine. don’t worry!” you answered, trying your best to sound chirpy and well.
“your physical appearance states otherwise. your face is pale, you’ve been staggering, you look like you’re in pain, and i can tell by your tone that you’re hiding something from me.” he responded, his facial expression not changing. “not to mention, you didn't even see me and ran into me.” he added. “also...” kita placed the back of his hand on your forehead. “you have a fever.”
you sighed. there was no getting around this. you just had to try and convince him. “look, babe. i’m sorry. i know that i’m sick, but i have an important exam and i need to take it. pleaseeeee?” you pleaded, looking up at kita with your best puppy eyes.
“no. go home.”
“huh? wait, no, please-”
“go home.”
“please, babe, i need to take my exa-” you were cut off by kita lifting you up in the air bridal style and walking you to the front entrance. he set you down carefully at the door.
“go home.”
you sighed. there was no getting around it. you began your walk home. it was a good thing you lived so close. you sighed as you unlocked the door and flopped down on your bed. you didn't even bother changing out of your uniform. you just closed your eyes and uncomfortably began to drift off.
you awoke once again around four hours later to the smell of delicious okayu, as well as the gentle, fragrant scent of hot shoga-yu.
you weakly try your best to sit up, and the second you do, your head pounds loudly. however, you somehow miraculously manage to hobble down the stairs to the kitchen.
your eyes teared up at the sight. there he was, kita shinsuke. he was cooking that wonderful okayu and was seeping the shoga-yu. at the sound of your footsteps, he turned around to see that you had awoken. he rushed to you quickly.
“y/n. you shouldn’t be standing like that. sit down.” and with that, he swept you off your feet and placed you down at the couch. he quickly grabbed a blanket and gently laid it over your figure.
“stay there. i’ll be with you in a second.” kita told you as he rushed back to the kitchen.
just a moment later, kita walked in with a tray. on top sat a piping hot bowl of okayu and a steaming cup of shoga-yu. it looked and smelled delicious.
“okayu and shoga-yu are good for colds. eat up.” he told you, spooning up some of the porridge and holding it up to your face. “come on. open up.” he said.
you smiled. “aaa~” you said, opening up your mouth.
he gently moved the porridge into your mouth and carefully took it out once you closed your mouth.
you sighed. the okayu tasted heavenly. warm, comforting, and savory, due to the salmon that had been cooked to perfection, as well as the nori. you gingerly picked up the cup of shoga-yu and placed it on your lips and took a sip. the taste of the fragrant, slightly sweet ginger was amazing. you sighed in content. kita merely just sat beside you and continued to feed you the food.
“you need to eat. it’s good for you." kita told you, spooning some more into your mouth.
“yep. thanks, kita.” you replied, taking the hot okayu off of the spoon.
“you know, you need to take better care of yourself, y/n.” kita told you.
“yea, yea. i know. i’m sorry.” you answered.
“i won’t have time to take care of you all the time.” kita scolded.
you looked up at him. you could tell 100% that he was lying.
“yep.” you answered. but you smiled. you knew that no matter what happened, kita would always be by your side. and he knew it too.
“look, kita. it’s ok. i can take care of myself. just because you’re my prince charming doesn’t mean that you have to force your love onto me when i can do it myself.” you teased.
kita just looked away and blushed.
“no. let me love you.”
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 27+28.11.20 lbs
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lmao i was gonna get suuuuuuper mad at kabir for being in her room but then he’s like:
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....................... and i instantly snorted happily. vishal is realllllllllly just so likable that i just can’t with him anymore. i love when adorable marshmallows like him and shrenu play evil. you just cannot fucking hate them!
blah blah humaara kamra, mera kamra nonsense.
shaadi ka joda gift. with that tackyyyyyyyyyyyyassss KABIR KI RIDDHIMA written on it. main marr jaooon par kabhi bhi aisa kuch na pehnoon, no matter how much i love the guy.
“kuch hi derr mein tum VANSH ki riddhima se, KABIR ki riddhima ho jaogi.” coz even in 2020, women are nothing but chattel to be passed on from one man to another.
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riddhima is thinking fat chance, bitch.
telling him she’ll never wear red for him, coz “laal pyaar ka rang hota hai, aur main sirf ek insaan se pyaar karti hoon, aur woh hai vansh.”
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“toh yeh bhi vansh ke paise se hi liya hai.” lmaooooooooo
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ghani beizzati by saying she’s already bought a joda for herself, a white one. which honestly looks muchhhhhhhhhh nicer than the red one acc. to me but ok.
vansh checking his account balance and seeing that there’s charges for two wholeass designer jodas bought for a shaadi that’s not even gonna happen:
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anyway kabir’s like ok who cares, colour doesn’t matter, shaadi toh tumhari honi hai mujhse blah blah.
kabir doesn’t like mandap setup. coz all white. and apparently aryan was in charge of it? coz he’s getting dragged by the collar for it.
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good. i don’t feel any sympathy.
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ishani is like dekh liya nateeeja iss loserrrrrrrr ki khushaamad karne ka? when has vansh ever treated you like this no matter how mad he’s gotten at you? he always protected you.
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behen kyun bhains ke aage been bajaa rahi ho? yeh manhoos baaz nahi aana.
ishani flounced away and aryan’s now vowing revenge against kabir. abbe yaar, tera list toh kabhi khata hi nahi hota.
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why the fuck are these ppl soooooooooo dressed up for a wedding they don’t even want to participate in? itna toh main apni genuine shaadi ke liye naa sajjjjjjoon.
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suddenly ishani is allllll about bado ka sammaaan and parampara, pratishthaaaaa, anushaasan and all. lmao ok?????
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tod di choodi uski kalaayi par. jaisa bhai, waisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hi behen.
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shaadi mubarak indeed. lol.
riddhima’s calling vihaan and freakingout ki woh paise leke bhaag gaya. you are so fucking stupid sis, why would you give him that much fucking money BEFORE HE EVEN SHOWED THE FUCK UP??????????
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“tum thodi weird nahi ho????” bhai obvious sawaal naa pooch.
anyway he’s like calm yo tits, untwist your panties, i’ll get there on time.
kabir instead of fixing his maatam waala mandap is back skulking around vihaan’s container box house. ladki ko shaadi karni bhi nahi hai and she’s sitting there ready from 3 hours before, aur yeh, jissko shaadi ki utaavli chadhi thi, is out doing randomassssss jasoosi, coz that’s the priority rn. sounds legit. 
kabir sneaking in with gunnnnnnn.
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how the fuck am i supposed to take him seriously with these bachchon waale sports shoes?!!?!?!? GIVE THE MAN HIS COMBAT BOOTS BACK SO HELP ME GODDDDDD
he’s peeking in the door and making some threatening statements about oh ho yeh hai tumhara plan, main sab khatammmmm kar doonga and all, but we never see wtf he’s looking at and this show is fulllllllllllll of red herrings, so........ idc.
riddhima putting on previous mangalsutra for this wedding and..... guts toh hai bandi main. badiii dheent hai.
mummy coming and saying blah blah usse utaar do this is your new mangalsutra and lmaoooooooooooooo
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this is the tackiest fucking shit i’ve ever seen in my life. what’s with their obsession of putting their name on everything!?!!!?!!? what are you, an eight grader?!?!!?!?
anyway, bored with this ainvayi ki dhamki waala scene, fwding.
blah blah 2 ghante mein kaunsa chamatkaar hona hai and all......... WHY ARE YOU PPL SO DAMN OVERCONFIDENT????
meanwhile kabir is back and now harassing dadi. KISI KO TOH AKELA CHOD DE.  
actually, lmao, i’d love to see him go try this shit on ishani and angre. it would be fucking glooooooooooorious lololololol.
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chikni chupdi baatein ki i’m just trying to be the son vansh was to this house. if i wear his saafa, it’s like uski aashirwaad aur duaein meri saath hongi.
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anyway dadi is like really really fucking hurt by this and my god i wanna fucking murder kabir.
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she’s literally telling him to pick anything else, it’s vansh’s nishaani and he’s like aap sab ke paas koi na koi nishaani hai, mere paas apne bhai ki koiiiiiiiii nishaani nahi hai blah blah and oh my god, this is truly the most villainous thing kabir has done, being thisssssss fucking emotionally manipulative. the absolute fuckkkkkkkk.
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ugh anyway long story short. baandh diya dadi ne ukso saafa. bloody nonsense.
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poor dadi phoot phoot ki ro rahi hai ki she’s losing vansh bit by bit. awwwww man it’s genuinely heartbreaking.
riddhima has witnessed this and is about to fuckkkkkk shit up lolll. 
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lmaoooooooooooo dayum.
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wtf is your problem, i’m marrying you, why are you torturing the fam like this blah blah. kabir like physical, emotional, moral sabbbbbbbbbbb tarah se tod ke rakh doonga inn sabko and ugh god i just really fucking hate him.
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but damn he just looks really good in this sherwani and hair all mussed up.
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anyway he’s doing some real messed-up, genocidal dictator kinda talk and phew. is just askinggggggggg to be murdered.
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and then lmao he abruptly switched to “bohut khoobsurat lag rahi ho tum; time kya ho raha hai???? ooooooh ek ghanta baaki hai.” and i legittttttt lol’d at the way he delivered it. I HATE VISHAL FOR NOT LETTING ME HATE KABIR IN PEACEEEEEEEEE.
riddhima panic-calling vihaan, wants to go check on him. mummy ne pakad liya, room mein badh kar diya coz K told her to handle riddhima’s bhagodi dulhan ways.
great. riddhima’s having a breakdown.
motivational call from the choti sarrdaarni. she kinda just looks like a tall baby shivangi joshi had with aditi dev sharma????
le, doosre show waale heroine ko bhi pata hai kabir kameena hai, iss show mein 3 episode pehle pata chala issko.
ok is the choti sarrdaarni delusional and having a make-believe phone call with the protagonist of her favt tv show IMMJ, coz she knows waaaaay more details than even the people in this house know about the plot and what went down. she’s talking about how vansh aakhri pal tak ladta raha and riddhima’s like huh, news to me, i just got there in time to see him spout some ghatiya shayari and then throw himself off a cliff.
anyway riddhima seems to have gotten strength from this deranged phone call, so............. good for her, i guess.
next ep just abruptly started with kabir and mummy in riddhima’s room threatening her and i just.......... dude, whatever. i’m just gonna skim through this ep coz i know it’s just filler shit till literally the last 1 minute. 
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dang helly looked evennnnnnnn younger in the first eps. legit baby face. at least now they’ve aged her up a lil with the makeup and styling.
he’s saying don’t bother waiting, no one is gonna come. OH BOY. VIHAAN ARE YOU OK????? ARE YOU OK??????? ARE YOU OK VIHAAN?!?!?!?!?
cue riddhima’s panic attack.
lmao kabir telling mummy ki iss shaadi mein ab koi speedbreaker nahi hai lol. heavy foreshadowing that ab se everything that can go wrong is definitely gonna go wrong.
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suddenly at the speed of light kabir is back at the container home in his sherwani and saafa and holding vihaan at gunpoint????
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oh. sapna tha riddhima ka. ouff. this stupid show has tooooo fucking many dream sequences.
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someone give this bitch a klonopin coz watching her is making my anxiety shoot up.
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lol mummy has to call and give bad news to kabir. and i am sad we didn’t get to see his volcanic reaction, which no doubt would have been epicccccccccccc.
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she finally got in and the whole place is empty. he practically lives in a storage unit, you telling me he went and moved his stuff to a whole different storage unit?????
new freakout within the pre-existing panic attack: kabir ne vihaan ko saaf kar diya ya vihaan paise leke bhaag gaya??
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cut to fb: riddhima asking V all earnestly ki tum dhoka toh nahi doge na????
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she’s like nope vihaan gave mummy promise so he won’t give dhoka. ah yes, the most sacred and inviolable of promises.
toh bacha alternative ki kabir has vihaan. 4th simultaneous panic attack in a panic attack. someone sedate this bitch.
aaaaaaaaaand kabir has sent a video of a bomb in VR mansion below the mandap. great.
and now he’s calling to say ki get your ass back home or imma scramble these eggheads called the raisinghanias.
lmao the bomb is counting forwards instead of backwards????
mummy saying MY BETA SMAAAAAARTEST. haan, tha..... kisi zamaane mein. ab nihaayati bewakoof ho gaya hai.
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lmao kabir accosted a passing by angre and is like you need to be loyal to me as you were to vansh and lol angre’s like saaf saaf shabdon mein, fuckkkkkkk off.
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lmao he goes to phodofy naariyal and:
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abhi bappa ko huullllllllll de raha hai. overconfidence ki hadh toh dekho.
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riddhima is back and hunting for the bomb and kabir comes bouncing the fake bomb around and she’s legit like TUMNE MUJHSE JHOOOOOT BOLA?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? lol bitch, seriously???? because he’s been the paragon of truth and virtue up until this moment??????
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“apna hulia sudhaar ke aao. 5 min mein mrs. kabir banne waali ho. thoda standard toh match karo.” lmaooooo the sasss and disdaaaaaain he said that withhhhhh. boy knows he’s looking damn good today.
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anyway blah blah shaadi has started. dadi is sad af. to the point where ishani is looking really concerned. i really love this soft ishani.
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“kaash samay ka paiyya ulta ghoom jaaye aur mera vansh wapis aa jaaye mere paas.”
dadi, shoulda asked for world peace instead. just the one wish you had and you wasted it on getting your hellion pota back. 
some more in-room threatening of riddhima by mummy. while riddhima is throwing out last minute prayers to bappa and vihaan ki bas just do something and stop this whole shitshow.
vihaan ka toh pata nahi, the shady fuck, but bappa like:
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i gotchu girl.
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bhaari bhaari flashback waali walk down the stairs.
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ouffffff so much time wasteeeeeeeeeee.
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watch that he was wearing while falling off the cliff? ✅✅✅
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wedding ring that was not found on the dead body????? ✅✅✅
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“YEH SHAADI NAHI HO SAKTI” booooooooming across the whole damn neighbourhood in the fakest deep voice everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr???? ✅✅✅
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haan yeh sab toh theek hai.............. 😕😕😕
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par asli sexxxxxxxxx waali chemistry idhar hai!!!!!!!! UNFFFFFF. 🤩🤩🤩
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green-blooded · 4 years
So I watched Into Darkness and wrote out my reactions to it... Again, it's going to be negative, so if that'd bother you, please don't read! All Star Trek fans are legit, even if this is a portion of the canon I don't like.
A brief summary of my reaction:
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And it's a Star Wars opening. This is a scene from a Star Wars film. The sound effects even sound like Star Wars. LIKE. I love Star Wars, but this isn't supposed to be Star Wars please stop.
I mean why should we give Uhura any characterization other than liking Spock. That would take effort or something.
I'll admit that I like Spock hanging out in a volcano wearing a disco suit. It's where he belongs. It is his home now that they blew up Vulcan. ('Cause it's a volcano, get it.)
Hey, hey omg they are almost doing a philosophical thing with Spock being willing to die for the needs of the many and McCoy yelling at him, then telling Kirk that if the situation were reversed, Spock would let him die. It's almost a Star Trek!
They're letting McCoy have lines. Wooow. I don't expect it to last.
Um... suddenly I'm in an episode of Black Mirror or something? I don't... wait holy shit that's Mickey? Who gives a shit about Sherlock, that's MICKEY. I didn't know he was in this!
Oh good, Kirk is having a threesome with alien twins. Cool. Love this. Love it. Great characterization.
OH GOOD more bickering between Spock and Kirk that is absolutely the worst and I hate it. :)
I just want McCoy in scenes. :( I just want Uhura with her own story. :( I just want to not look at Sherlock's face. :( Oh look, Mickey's already dead. :(
I don't... get Spock's characterization in these movies. I don't get what Kirk and Spock's friendship is. I don't... feel anything about it. I actually really love Kirk and Spock's friendship, and not having it work for me is a huge void, right up there with McCoy having lost his role in the trio.
So much of the sound design is Star Wars-y. It's really, really bugging me.
Chris Pine is such a likable guy. I really do enjoy when he's on screen. I don't like some of the characterization that he's been saddled with, but I like the character just fine outside of him being called Kirk.
... The conflict that made Kirk not the captain of the Enterprise and Spock not the first officer lasted for like five minutes and had no consequences wow.
Ugh, please stop having Kirk take the place of McCoy in the arguments with Spock. I hate it. It does not work, especially with McCoy not taking Kirk's role of being mediator. It's just bicker bicker bicker but without actual ethics really being brought in because?????? WHO KNOWS. Why'd they have to mess up the trio? That was the easiest thing not to mess up.
Here's what it is. The conflict between Kirk and Spock in AOS is a pissing contest with the standard TWO MEN CAN'T JUST BE FRIENDS THEY HAVE TO BE COMPETITIVE. While the conflict between Spock and McCoy in TOS is ethical and moral differences with a core of (admittedly complex) friendship. Just. Let men be friends and have real disagreements instead of just trying to play Alpha Male.
As I'm typing this, they're doing the same with Kirk and SCOTT of all people????????????? This is so not Star Trek ugh. Let people be nice to each other what the hell. Kirk is such a nice person. Let him be NICE. Let Spock be NICE. They only one they made nice is McCoy, and they only managed it giving him 0% of his edge. He's just cranky instead of a super intelligent and philosophical guy who is also Real Southern and ready to argue.
... He just made Chekov his chief of engineering? What... are... who... why is everyone on this ship twelve.
Is it just me or do they write Spock as an android instead of a Vulcan? Like... he knows how Humans work. And yeah, he sometimes plays up being non-Human on TOS, but... it just seems so overdone. Maybe I'm being too picky idk.
I continue to hate the Spock/Uhura stuff wow.
Take McCoy On Away Missions He Has No Business Going On Like Real Star Trek!!!
Oh my god even the shuttles are fucking huge. Why are all these ships so big inside? It makes everything feel much more sterile and difficult to believe.
The McCoy and Sulu interactions are A+.
Oh good, now Uhura is having a McCoy argument with Spock. Don't let McCoy have any role in this whole movie, that's fine. I mean the Bread and Circuses talk about Spock wanting to die was way better and took less screentime, but that's fine. That's fine. Let's just bluntly talk directly about Spock's Feelings instead of any kind of subtlety. God I really hate the writing.
Wow, we almost had one (badly written) conversation without an action scene. Phew, they fixed that.
Why does every iteration of Star Trek feel the need to completely redo Klingons from scratch?
Oh no, they almost have diplomacy where Uhura got to show off her skills, couldn't have that. Time for an action scene!
Every interaction Kirk or Spock has with another man in this whole fucking movie is aggressive for no reason. And even in this alternate universe, McCoy refuses the toxic masculinity. This is why I love him. He just wants to be everyone's mom friend.
Oh hey they did send McCoy on an away-- what? Did he just... flippantly refer to a Gorn? That's... they didn't... whatever. McCoy demanding to be left behind to die for the good of someone else just flies by unnoticed but it was a big deal for Spock. Okay.
Ok, the reveal that this is about Khan is more than an hour into the movie. Which is a reveal everyone knew before the movie came out and also a character that we're all familiar with. So I just kinda feel like every minute of the movie so far was just wasted on backstory. Again!
(McCoy should be in this scene where they confront Khan but whatever.)
Hey, AOS? We already know that Khan is a fucking monster, so trying to get us to feel sorry for him as if we don't know this is weird as hell. Like, these ethical quandaries it's trying to bring up are not working for me at all, because... if you're going to base this on TOS, you can't just pretend nothing in TOS happened!
Also love these reveals where I'm supposed to care what ship just showed up, but they're shining lights in my eyes so I can't even see what it is!
Nimoy was on my screen time to start paying attention again. I definitely kind of zoned out for a while there. I think I missed like five consecutive action scenes.
Again, why are we getting a reveal about Khan being evil? We... we know this. Even people who don't watch Star Trek know he's a bad guy. Why do we need Nimoy to tell us this? We're an hour and a half into the movie and still getting reveals that we should have known before the movie started!
~ This Is Dumb ~
Oh my gosh Khan betrayed them wow i didn't see that coming
Wow look at this disaster that shows why a huge fucking ship with endlessly huge corridors is maybe a bad idea because we're in space and gravity failures means everyone would fucking die. I hate this pointlessly large interior oh man.
How long do I have to watch the Enterprise fall apart before something new happens? This movie could be like half an hour long if we just cut the pointless action scenes.
Okay, time for the only actual reveal in the whole film; Kirk "dies" instead of Spock. It might be good if it didn't go on too long and make the Sad Music swell. They did hire good actors, so you'd think they'd let them use their Acting Skills instead of making it sappy and dumb with bad cinematography and overwhelming music.
So, for one thing, McCoy should be getting to Engineering to see to Kirk when he gets out, not Spock. For another thing, there is no history between this Kirk and Spock that makes this moment meaningful. Maybe it would be kinda, if you don't have Wrath of Khan (which I don't even like!) to compare it to where we have three seasons and two movies of history between two people who are actually friends! Kirk's actual friend in these movies is McCoy, WHO SHOULD BE THE ONE CALLED DOWN HERE THIS IS A MEDICAL SITUATION.
Like, it's great that you're feeling, Spock, but I'm sure not. This is so dumb.
Oh god did he just yell khan no this is so dumb this is so dumb now i AM crying this is so dumb
Love that they took the Khan storyline and drained it of any relevance by not really getting into the whole eugenics aspect.
Oh now I get to see someone who actually was Kirk's friend reacting to hsi death. Thanks for finally getting to something meaningful, movie. Oh man, I almost felt something, because Urban is a pretty good actor and McCoy's friendship with Kirk is the only relationship I care about in the AOS, but then there was a tribble and ruined it, so.
This fight between Khan and Spock is dumb, just. Dumb. It's dumb. This is dumb. Why does every action sequence go on SO LONG.
Spock's rage toward Khan makes no sense. He and Kirk barely tolerate each other in these movies, I don't get it.
McCoy and Kirk are really cute in these movies. That's all I have. Of course, we can't let McCoy talk too much, because this is the Kirk and Spock show.
Oh thank goodness, this movie is over. I am hoping I'll like Beyond, because people have said this one might not be awful. Probably going to wait until tomorrow because it's nearly midnight and I want to be in a better mood when I watch it.
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2 e9 Live Blog
“The Troubles of the Strong”
GOSH DANG 2 HOUR COMMUTES FROM WORK I woke up at 4am just to get to work early specifically so I could leave early I could watch this episode sooner because THIS IS THE EPISODE IVE BEEN WAITING FOR FOREVER OK Ive just been vibrating at my desk all day fluctuating somewhere between ‘awerstdyfcvgbjhkn’ and ‘SADFVYNTBGVRFCE’ IM NOT mentally or emotionally prepared so WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY IMMA WATCHHHH
as always I’m watching from the perspective of someone who is up to date on the Web comic and Manga
“I know that head” *Immediatley cuts to opening theme* I SCREAM i wasnt expecting that nor am I prepared to see Zombieman not even the same 2 pictures of him that ive seen all season help my stomach is in knots and i cannot
asdfghjkl I can tell already this live blog is gonna be SOOOOO BIAS just cause IM WAITING for THE THING annd the rest is great and all but I CANT FOCUS ON ANYTHING Im really not gonna do the episode over all justice im sorry sdfghjk
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HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I CALLED IT IT WAS SONIC THE DOODLE WAS SONIC i was holding my breath cause I knew there was a VERY SLIM CHANCE it would be Z but i felt it in my gut It would be sonic uhg phew ok not dead yet
lol Bakuzan stopping mid boast and just screaming dude you should’ve known then and there to quit oh my god the music is SO excessive right now I’m very distracted it better be part of the gag… or not ok
Saitama just casually explaining stuff I love him so much sweetheart,,, pft “I was bored”, honestly I just appreciate how anime captures the beats every time Saitama delivers a line like that, we expect it but it never fails to make me cackle. Also, “that kind of strength should be illegal” he says to SAITAMA yeah ok
OH!!!! GENOS BB stop getting obliterated please Dr. Kuseno is old what are you going to do when you can’t rely on him for repairs and EYYY Shout out to Atomic, Tatumaki, Flash, and King for the cameos. Genos, are you really underestimating your Sensei like that?? Are you the real genos?????
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ok in all seriousness Suiryu’s voice actor is killin it like I legit feel bad for they guy getting dragged by Saitama, U hav my respect Suiryu I still might not like you all that much but damn u makin me feel that character development
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guys I love saitama so much be still my heart it hurts ;-; this scene chouldne be as heart warming as it is right now hhhhhhhhhhh
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok so now that the tournament is officially over I know theres still a lot to cover this ep before Z???? BUT my bloodpressure WILL NOT CALM DOWN cause WHAT IF they do thingS OUT of ORDER IM ON HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT WHAT IF I DIE
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OH HI KING HELP IM HAVING ANXIETY YOU KNOW HOW THAT BE RIGHT MY DUDE aw omg how are they both so cute looking right now??? WAIT also that was a smooth transition from Saitama Face™ to serious face woah ?? You know, with all that talk I wonder what the end game is for Saitama? Like, will the series end seriously or on a joke? He gonna find a real challenge or will it somehow be another one-punch? I am completely undecided tbh…
...i wanted king to finish saying “daze” so badly right thereu said yare yare plz give me the meme plz Ok the way Saitama keeps saying ‘Kinggu’ is weirding me out also ng is great and this is very nicely drawn
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...plussireaditinamanga… PFFFTTT the VOICE ACTING-- King is such a good friend for Saitama really thank goodness for him ASDFGHJKL THE WHOLE REST OF THE EXCHANGE IS SO GOOD ‘OK JERKOFF’ im d y i n g
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I MISSED YOU PLZ COME BACK TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED BEING A LIL SHIT PLZ UR BEAUTIFUL also the king movements on the bike looked pretty neato
OK Honestly though why does no one know what the Hero Hunter is supposed to look like?? How is that not common knowledge among heroes by now?????
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OK MONSTER WIND LOOKS REALLY COOL I DIG I DIGGGG also I REALY dig the ominous music  and as this scene is nearing its end MY HEART IS POUNDING HELP  
my hands are shaking as im typing and i cant stop laughing nervously and my through is dry this is NOT NORMAL typing is hard im afraid to push play im afraid
its been 5 minutes i cant push play i cant
tfw ive been just mumbling oh my god oh my god nope nope nope for 10 minutes help help help nope
hes on my screen but i cant push play i cant open the tab i cant
everything is so much easier if i didnt FEEL but I have FEELINGS \
I cant even look at him i cant hes too perfect help
30 minutes i can breathe but like shaking ???? ???
ok it only took 45 minutes alright ok ok ok open the tab and PUSH the BUTTON
I lied it took an hour i still cant look at the screen im gonna die this man will be the death of me I CANT GO 2 SECONDS WITHOUT PAUSING AND SCREAMING WHY CAN I REREAD THE CHAPTER OVER AND OVER BUT CANT LISTEN TO HIM FOR 2 SECONDS WHY
OK im gonna start counting how many times I’ve paused from now on its been AT LEAST 8 so lets start there.
11 long pause his voice im crying his face
13 just look at him I cant my stomach
14 “DRAT” help me
15 i keep switching tabs but cant push play again oh no
18 I just noticed he definitely has eyebrows here asdfghjkl
NO COME BACK TORTURE ME SOME MORE WITH YOUR PERFECT GENERAL PRESENCE that was the most exhausting 1.5 hours asdfghjkl what if they dont make a season 3 what if I never see him in motion again what if i just die
i… no recap this week. i think my feelings on the ep are obvious.  Thanks for reading and somehow managing to get this far? I appreciate yall so much really. Thank you for following me being nuts as I am. I seriously mean it. I’ll see yall next week with the next with the next episode!
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Rivals on the streets (4)
Phew. How awkward. You just dropped him at his hotel. Nothing. Not a hug neither a kiss. What was he expecting? Study the text for real?
You closed the door of your apartment. It was quiet. The table was covered in text pages. But, hey, just between some you saw a green sticky note:
"Had a wonderful time. Hope we can do this somewhen again. RA"
Alarm clock was ringing. Another morning, another day.
Your mascara was smeared. You have forgotten to remove your make up and it was definitely showing. Your wardrobe was a mess. You are not the tidiest person on earth, for sure. However, you took your time to drink coffee and your toes were warmed by the sunlight that shone through the big windows of the room.
"Hey, (y/n)! Looking awesome.", Thomas grinned and greeted you. Completely clothed in black with red lipstick. "It will drive Benjamin crazy. Didn't he ban makeup for all of us today. Do you remember... the masks?"
Oh damn it! Today it was masking time and the cosmetics are really sensitive to every other substance.
"Thanks, as you can see, I completely forgot about it. I just go err .. you know."
On your way to the bath you bumped into your favorite co-worker.
"Hey slow down (y/n). How's your morning going?"
"I am sorry Richard, but I am in a hurry, see you!"
Why does this makeup stained your lips so much. Urgh. At least the rest of your face is 'all natural'. Still rubbing your lips off, you left the bathroom.
The team had already gathered in the mask and mostly all was down. Richard, who was, how could it be otherwise, already done with his plastic scanned you and his eyes widened. You came close to his ear and whispered seductively: "You could have joined me and, by the way, do you need a place to stay for tonight?" You could see him debating in his mind.
"You haven't been yourself lately. The, hopefully, noble man I am, will not accept your request. (Y/N), we are coworkers, we cannot do this."
Did he just coworkerzoned you?
"(Y/N)! Come on, this is our kind of rush hour and you're congestion. Mister Armitage can talk to you later.", Benjamin shouted above all heads.
What a modestly man. "Ok Richard, sorry I misunderstood some vibes. Maybe then just... tea?"
"Have you ever loved someone so much it ached? Especially when it's someone you used to hate." You risked a quick glance. Rhin was captured and in less than 20 hours executed.
"Rhin, my king, is there any hope? Should I contact someone? I don't have a lot of time, my father will be worried, moreover, suspicious of my visit..." Just bars separated you. You heard vulgar voices coming down the stairs.
„Hey Sweetheart, today at the pub is open-end, how about a hell yeah!", Thomas asked you on your way to undress.
The Pub screamed tropical islands. The staff ornates the turquoise walls with a mix out of palm trees and flamingos. The air smelled rich coconut-ish mixed with heavy rum. Almost the whole crew had arrived before the owner started playing ukulele and opened the night.
„Wow, (y/n), legit everybody is getting drunk tonight. I promise it." Most of the cast were wearing colorful shirts but one woman was over the top. Shimmery like diamonds in the sunlight and smooth as a fish in the water. At the moment she laughed and gossiped with some people, including Richard.
Wow he was here? How unexpected.
Thomas detangled his dark curls: "Jealous? That's Lizzy from the makeup-team. She is hot. Seems like Rich is not so ... noble." He smirked
It was getting late and you already lost Thomas in the crowd like years ago just from time to time you heard a "hell yeah".
Fancy manicured fingers were tapping your shoulder: "Hey girl! You look beautiful and I love your performance... wow I love your shoes!", it was a really tipsy Lizzy and Richard was following her. She pulled you softly a bit closer and murmured: "Richard is so hot. I wish we had more guys like him in my town... what do you think? I just heard it on the grapevine that he is about to burn bridges with his old crush because she changed so much. Nothing in particular, you now, just gossip. Do you think I should give it a shot?"
Lizzy was a model, she had dark, sunkissed skin and curves like a goddess. "Of course you should give it a try. I mean ... if he had one... that explains a lot..."
You didn't consider him having an actual girlfriend or anything comparable because he was just always busy. This rumor spreads like wildfire and Lizzy wasn't the only participant in kind of bewitching him with spells of love. In this moment you realized that you could just skip your plan because someone else was doing the dirty work for you therefore you could focus even more on your job. However, what a shame. You really would like to know if he kisses in reality as good as on script.
From behind you smell musky cologne, Richard's. "Can I have this dance?", he adjusts your necklace central again. Even though your dance was a misplaced combo in terms of music choice and Richard dances like a dad, you had a lot of fun together.
"The viewers are all over you!", you complimented him.
"Stop it. No business. Not now. Do you have any plans after this?"
"I thought no business? Well, I will participate in a movie project."
"Terrific! But I meant it more literally."
"Are you flirting with me?", you laughed out loud.
"Stop laughing.", he answered stern.
His comment, however, made this conversation twisted. Richard Armitage tried to hook up with you. In a rainbow colored bar, crowded and steamy after he dumped you.
"Who do you think you are? I got your point. You are not really interested and I am okay with that. But don't play it dirty, Mister Armitage. I am not that kind of woman."
Richard crossed his arms: "Please, hear me out. It's not-"
"Why the fuck should I listen to you, oh please, give me one reason why I shouldn't leave this place right now." You raised your chin high.
His eyes had turned cold and the last thing you heard while leaving the bar was Richard's voice: "It's okay. I understand. You can leave."
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achildoftheivy-blog · 5 years
Chapter 11: Flower Moon
The morning after your first Vampire Weekend concert is an amazing feeling.  If you’re not familiar with Vampire Weekend, they are a rock band from New York, forming in 2006. They are heavily influenced by African and World music with some nice Paul Simon and Peter Gabriel vibes. I’ve been avidly listening to them since 2006 and last night was the first time I was able to see them live. It was also their first time performing in Charlotte. Suffice to say, they don’t come to my neck of the woods that much.
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So for them being one of my bucket list bands, I was entirely prepared to not even go see them. When the fan club presale tickets went on sale a handful of months ago, I had them in my cart, but for whatever reason I said no and didn’t buy them. I must have been in a mood and the steep price didn’t sway me. BUT this is a bucket list band! A list that incorporates bands I’ve mostly been listening since their formation and have made an incredible impact on my life. How could I just pass this opportunity up?
That’s what I asked myself on Friday morning, the day before the concert. They had just released some more tickets in the PIT section, my favorite section right up on the stage. I also saw where they were playing in Raleigh Friday night, so I could have gone there also. I had an opportunity in front of me to experience a potentially good time and I’ve been trying to put more of an effort to chase those experiences.
I bit the bullet and bought the Charlotte PIT ticket along with a Fast Pass ticket. FYI, if you can purchase a Fast Pass ticket and you are in a situation where the concert is first come, first serve on standing position, it’s no doubt worth every extra penny to get one.
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So yay, I got the ticket and I was looking forward to a nice time. I felt I should have been more hyped, but maybe it was because I saw the weather forecast and it was calling for severe storms. 
I’m about sick of these storms lately. They postponed my Lord Huron concert, we got a rain shortened Day 2 Gears and Guitar Music Festival, and it put a damper on my Asheville hiking excursion. The rain just needs to chill. 
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It’s already difficult enough to go to a concert by yourself. You kind of have to mentally pumped yourself up knowing that it’s just going to be you. You don’t have the luxury of someone saving your spot, going on a beer run, or just having that amazing shared experience with someone. It’s even more difficult when you are dealing with that and you are driving through dark clouds and heavy rains towards the concert. I was fighting myself to not bail on the show and just hang out in concord mills instead. But I continued forward and I was determined to go through with it and make the most of it.
I’m going to be honest with you all right now, I’m not a person who believes in destiny, karma, or stuff happens for a reason. I think life is inexplicably chaotic, unfair, and it is what it is. I believe if you rely on life or the universe to give you or someone else their karma or comeuppance you’ll be setting yourself up for disappointment. Having said that though, there is something to be said for last night, that is just a unique series of events that just made me think. 
So the rain is now at a constant hard drizzle and I go to my parking lot that I’m familiar with at this venue in Charlotte. Although now, it’s not free parking it’s paid and I have to go up to the attendant. The guy is says it’s $10 and I’m thinking no problem. I was pretty sure I had around $15 on me. I open my wallet and there is a 5 and four 1′s. 
Must’ve been a girl to take my other $6 - they tend to do that.
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I’m doing my best at holding up the line as I’m scrounging for change. I find .75 real quick and then I pull apart some interior and I find a another quarter. I’m in. PHEW.
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I park and I grab what I now discover is the world LARGEST XL poncho. I’m in one of the trendiest parts of Charlotte and I’m looking like a damn fool in my over sized clown poncho.
Whatever, I make my way towards the amphitheater to get in line. Now, when I have PIT tickets, I try to get to the venue an hour before the doors open so I get be one of the first ones in to get a spot up front. I was about 75 minutes early and thinking it’s all good. I get to the entrance and the fast pass line is completely lined up. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I’m thinking to myself, “WTF is a Fast Pass good for if everyone has gotten a Fast Pass?!?” It ruins the whole purpose of it!!!!
I’m moping hella far back in line, in the rain, inside a family tent converted poncho, and alone. I don’t want to be here. I want to leave. 
Then things start to turn. 
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When the attendants where going through the line make sure everyone was in fact a fast pass holder, there was a commotion!!! Apparently a whole group of people were at the wrong venue. There is like 3 different music venues within the same block. A crow of people in front of me left. I was back up in line in a more manageable position!
I eventually get into the venue and I go looking for the PIT area. Of course, I make a wrong turn and by the time I find out where I need to go, I’m about 10 people farther back in line than what I was when entering the PIT. I see that all the up front spots are taken, but I continue to the other side and there is a section open, but it’s a couple of security guards leaning up against the rail and no one else there. I go there and ask if this is open and they are like yeah, have it. So I ended up getting a pretty damn good spot up front and I’m able to lean against the rail. Apparently people though it was a security section, which is why people weren’t standing there. 
I got my spot, but now here lies the problem with going to a show solo. If I were to leave it and get a drink or go to the bathroom, someone else could take it. So I was hoping whoever ended up next to me could be cool enough to help me out. So that person arrives......it was the most Type A couple there could be. Loud, in your face, and just immediately not the people I would generally get along with. They were asking people to slide down and trying to get into spots that were being saved. But, I tried to feel them out a bit as I was planning my move. Eventually I just had to get a drink and I started a conversation with them and they saved my spot as I went to get a $13.50 beer!!!
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They turned out to be really cool concert neighbors and it’s way more common to get bad ones in my experience. Also around this time the rain stopped, so I ditched the industrial tarp and it was all sun’s out guns out!
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Now the show has begun and the one main aspect that I love about seeing my favorite bands live is that I get to hear songs that I’ve heard millions of times under a different light. I may hear an instrument I never was able to pick up on a studio recording, they may play an extended version of a song, or a lyric will hit you in different way and change your life. The entire night was like that and it was for one song in particular. I’ll get to that a little later. 
Vampire Weekend ended up playing around a 2 and a half hour set with all my favorite songs. That is a hefty set time, more than you would usually get at a concert. And looking at the Raleigh set list the night before, this was definitely catered just for me. I don’t know if I could have asked for a more perfectly suited set list for me. The crowd was full of energy and the band totally fed off of it. There is always a chance that a band you like could totally suck live. I’ve experienced that before and it’s a bummer. But this concert was everything I had hoped for it to be! Truly a memorable experience.
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The concert has now ended and I’m starving. I hadn’t eaten for 11.5 hours and I have a couple beers in me. I needed some sustenance if I were to make it back home. All the little food places around the venue were packed with the post concert crowd. So I decided to escape the parking lot and grab something quick and unhealthy on the road. Whatever is still open at midnight. I was looking for a Taco Bell to get my protein burrito, but apparently those are few and far between on this stretch of highway. So I was going to settle on a McDonalds too. I get to an exit that had both a Taco Bell and a McDonalds. I start to get on the exit and it hits me. This is a bullshit exit that I remember that I went off on a while back. I know that taco bell was trash and 3 miles off the exit. I was going to do that again. I then saw the Mickey D’s right off the exit so I just decided to give in and go there. I was getting woozy. 
I get in live at the drive thru and I could look inside to see that it’s only ONE PERSON handles the orders and making the food!!!!!!
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I legit was going to just leave, but I that point I was trapped inside the drive thru curb and the line. It was so slow and I was stuck with my dumb McDonalds decision. Then I noticed two huge pick up trucks hauling these immense trailers. They pull to the side of the parking lot and a few people get out. After a bit a dude comes walking towards my car and knocks on the passenger side window. I sighed because I don’t want to deal with people, but because of the person I am, I tiredly rolled down my window with the help of a healthy UUGGGHHHH.
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He tells me that they won’t be able to get their vehicles through the drive thru to order and that If I was to order for them he would pay for my meal too. I’m a super nice person, so I obviously said yes. I was also not thinking and I probably would have said yes to most things. 
So here I am in my car finally ordering and the are on the other side of my car telling me want they want as I relay the order to the cashier. It took around 40 minutes from when I get stuck in line to when I finally got the order. I gave the food to the people and they told me to keep the change on top of paying for my meal. So I made out with a little over $10! Pretty sweet. 
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Now I’ve been thinking about everything that has transpired during this evening. The push to fight myself through the storm to get to a very important experience. Being on the spot to come up with money last second. Going out in public looking like a fool. Disappointment in showing up early and still being disappointed, Dealing with making wrong turns and setting yourself back and having to interact with people you normally wouldn’t get a long with. Being in a position to open yourself up to helping people when your not fully 100% yourself. And having to make the best of what you got with instances you can’t control, like the weather. 
Last night, everything happened for a reason. Despite the bumps and annoyances in the road, I had an amazing night. And all those issues are just little irritations. I don’t think I could have handled last night as well without going through those same situations on a much larger scale the past year. Everything I have been through has allowed me to handle the same circumstances that I went through last night. And last night taught me that maybe, just maybe there might be a tiny bit of room to accept that things MIGHT happen for a reason, sometimes. Because everything that happened last night put me in a a position to have an incredible and rewarding time. 
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Within the time frame of one night, it’s easier to see that concept.  It’s a lot more difficult to see that things happen for a reason when you are waiting months or years. I guess that is just something I have to be better at looking forward to.  
Now to get back to what I mentioned before about a song hitting me a different way. The song is called Flower Moon and you can listen to it below. They opened the show with this song and the lyrics just set the whole tone for just the night, the past couple weeks, and just me in this current moment in time.
“Flower moon cursed the night 
If the sun don't make things right 
Then it's gonna take a year”
“It was the right place, wrong time 
Another night at the borderline
Another night in the sway of the flower moon 
It was the right week on a cursed day 
Another chapter was underway”
“A shift in weight 
A simple twist of fate 
Suddenly, it's much too late 
The rising tide's already lapping at the gate”
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jennygoeseastbay · 6 years
2018 in Review
So I used to do one of these every year on my Livejournal, and I completely blew it off in 2017 because I kind of abandoned that medium, and because the last month of that year was complete consumed with packing and moving. I’m not entirely certain I want to get more active on here, but for now this is a good place for me to post this, simply to have the written record of my existence that I need in order to process all that has happened and reflect on how it has helped me to grow and improve as a person. If I’m feeling really ambitious, I might even backtrack and do one for 2017 next week, because I like to be complete in my self-documentation. ;)
01. What did you do in 2018 that you'd never done before? Visited Washington DC for the first time.
Visited the Los Cabos region of Mexico for the first time.
Closed a major gift from someone who had not already had decades of cultivation from their University.
Visited even more areas of California that were new to me, including Anaheim, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Pismo Beach, Paso Robles, and Lake Tahoe (I guess that also includes Nevada since we stayed in Carson City)
Visited Ashland Oregon for the first time.
Sold a piece of real estate. Phew!
Practiced Yin Yoga. (And walking meditation!)
Engaged in a yoga hike!
Also tried yoga with goats!
Attended WonderCon
Attended a county fair.
Road a bicycle somewhere other than a residential street
Tried kayaking
Ran a trail run race
02. Did you keep your New Years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I never really make concrete resolutions, just some general proclamations about eating better, and putting more time into fitness and writing. Of these three things, the one I was most successful at this year, surprisingly enough, was eating better. In September I realized that it was time for a physical tune-up, and so I rejoined WW after a long time away, and though I still have a few pounds to go, I’ve been happy to have gotten a bit sleeker after dialing back the bread and cheese. I also attended a writing group called Shut Up and Write a couple times, and I’d like to become more of a regular at their cafe sessions in 2019, because I’ve found that their method (literally a concentrated hour of shutting up and writing) has been helpful the two times I’ve gone.
03. Did anyone close to you give birth? My dear friends Drew and Kelly had their first child in September. And my friend Lynn had her second child, a little girl, just a couple weeks ago. 04. Did anyone close to you die? Not super close, but a professor at UC Davis who I had worked with closely, passed very unexpectedly right before Halloween. 05. What countries did you visit? Mexico! Finally broke in my current passport with a new stamp! 06. What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018? Good novel progress. Or more discipline on some other fiction and an essay that I just started tinkering with. A legit boyfriend. 07. What date(s) from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 2 was my first day on the job at UC Davis.
January 7 was a super fun evening at the Museum of Ice Cream in SF
January 13-15 was a wonderful weekend in Seattle where I got to meet my nephew Apollo for the first time and photograph his first swimming lesson for his parents.
January 20 was my second Women’s March outing in Sac with my friend Jade and her little ones.
January 27 was a day when I got to play tour guide for my friend Gricel and her husband when they were in SF visiting for the first time.
Feb. 10 and 11 was a fun weekend in Berkeley and SF, being silly and singing loudly with my former Cal colleagues who had become dear friends.
March 23-25 Was my whirlwind Anaheim weekend at Wondercon, and I got to catch up with my friend Mike, whom I’d not seen in a couple years.
March 30-April 1 was an epic road trip weekend, the first of what my friend Maya and I now call our Girls Gone Sensibly Wild excursions. We drove to Santa Barbara and visited the deserted UC campus there (it was closed for spring break) and also enjoyed an amazing live show featuring Dave Hause, Dan Andriano, and Cory Branan, among others at the Cold Spring Tavern. And then got a joint membership at Peachy Canyon Winery on our way back, because it was one of the few establishments open on Easter Sunday.
April 22 was Earth Day, and prompted me to venture out to Marin for an impromptu yoga hike at Rodeo Beach.
May 14 was my first appointment with a new hair stylist who would also unexpectedly become a trusted friend.
May 24 was my first time seeing Depeche Mode live, and it was incredible.
June 8-10 was my second of two hit it and quit it Chicago trips (although really, the first one wasn’t so much Chicago as it was Joliet) this year, and allowed me to reconnect with my dear friends Drew and Kelly (Drew finished his PhD at UChicago and I attended his commencement and hooding), have a day at the zoo with my friend Dawn, and also road trip to WI with my friend Mary for a beautiful and moving Lights Festival experience together.
June 30 was the day I attended my first ever CalShakes performance with Maya and our mutual friend Paola (Girls Gone Sensibly Wild continued!), and Maya also got me on a bike for the first time in ages, thanks to LimeBikes being available at the Pleasant Hill BART station. We took a short, wobbly, but fun ride down the Iron Horse Trail.
July 1 was the day I learned to kayak and surprisingly got myself through 5 miles of the Russian River without tipping over or running out of steam.
July 26 saw me reuniting with my dear pals Shannon and Glenn, when they were visiting the Sac area for a wedding.
July 27-29 was the weekend I drove up to Ashland to enjoy some time with my friend Debbie and to experience the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for the first time.
August 3-6 was when I somewhat unexpectedly had the delight of hosting my friend Clarise for a weekend visit. We drove down to Pacifica for the International Dog Surfing competition and I schooled her in the ways of California wine as much as I could with my limited knowledge.
The following weekend, August 9-13, I had a lovely time hosting and touring around with my 16 year old niece, and got to introduce her to the joy that is Santa Cruz. And yoga with goats!
August 30-Sept. 4 was when I hosted (this is a recurring theme in August, isn’t it?) my Aunt Sherrie for local sightseeing and a road trip up to Lake Tahoe.
Sept. 22-24 saw me heading down to L.A. for my cousin Katie’s wedding and some work meetings. It was the first time in ages that I got to connect with that specific branch of my family, and get to know them a bit better.
Sept. 29 was my first AFSP walk in Sac. And i was joined by Jade, her visiting mom, and her three little ones.
Sept. 30 was the really long hair session with Mason that helped solidify that we were legit friends (and included a shared sunset from the window of his hair studio!) and a quick follow up appointment on Oct. 3 allowed us to enjoy a rainbow and storm together.
Oct. 19-21 saw Maya and I doing another Girls Gone Sensibly Wild road trip. Back to Peachy Canyon to pick up some wine, and also Pismo Beach and Santa Maria for our first visit to a really lovely winery called Foxen.
Oct. 26 was quite possibly my all-time favorite Brian Fallon performance. It was just him alternating between his acoustic guitar and an electric piano, and he was joined by Craig Finn from The Hold Steady, who also did his own acoustic set.
Oct. 27 I got to introduce my new friend Torrey to the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg, and we did a fun wine and Halloween candy pairing and some epic day drinking.
Nov. 3 saw me reuniting with my Cal crew and a sprinkling of East Bay friends at Fillmore Karaoke, for an epic night of loud singing as an early celebration of my 40th bday. So much wine. Actually too much, but for a birthday, that’s acceptable!
Nov. 4-6 I was in Indianapolis for work, and though the work part wasn’t particularly memorable, I was super honored and thrilled that my BFF Dawn drove all the way down from Joliet IL with her two boys to have dinner with me on my first night there.
Nov. 9 was an epic Local H show in Sac. Also a welcome break in the midst of a period of forced solitude, after the Camp Fire residual smoke prompted my whole office to work from home for about a week to protect us from the terrible air quality.
Nov. 18 was the day we had the beautiful service honoring the life of a beloved professor who passed.
Nov. 24-29 was my trip to Cabo with my Aunt Sherrie, and was also my official bday celebration.
Dec. 9-12 was my DC trip, which also allowed me to catch up with my friend Max, who lives in Baltimore, and my friend Stacey, who also happened to be there for her own work purposes.
Dec. 15 was my full day of yoga retreating at Green Gulch Ranch in Marin, and then I drove to the East Bay to catch up with Maya at Calicraft, which is one of our favorite craft distilleries in the area.
Dec. 16 was a white elephant celebration in Pleasant Hill that allowed me to unexpectedly meet a new, interesting friend.
08. What was your biggest achievement of the year? So far, meeting all expectations at my new job and closing a major gift earlier than is required. Also not losing my shit during the condo selling process, even though there were a lot of reasons to do so.
09. What was your biggest failure? I wrote VERY little fiction. But I did dip my toe back into writing in general, so I guess there’s that. 10. Did you suffer illness or injury? I took a tumble at home that left my tailbone a bit tender about a month ago. But otherwise, no, pretty healthy, even after getting rear-ended in my car! 11. What was the best thing you bought? Various travel tickets, both air and rail. A beautiful new necklace that I found at the holiday market in D.C. All the concert tickets that provided soul-fueling live music.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mine! I adjusted to a new job and an unfamiliar setting and managed to acquire a few new friends while also maintaining the East Bay friendships that meant the most to me. 13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Who else but certain immediate family members? 14. Where did most of your money go? Rent. Travel. Wine, and to a lesser extent, craft beer, now that I’ve picked up a taste for stouts and sours. 15. What song will always remind you of 2018?
Anything off of Sleepwalkers by Brian Fallon
Anything off of  Be More Kind by Frank Turner
Chariot by Gavin DeGraw
Tall Green Grass by Cory Branan
16. Compared to this time last year, you are: Thinner and sleeker, weight-wise
More willing to make room for others and open my life and space to them (friend and lover both) Still as sleep-deprived as ever 17. What do you wish you'd done more of? Novel writing, as always. Flirting. And kissing. 18. What do you wish you'd done less of? Angsting over adulting-related things that were either beyond my control or that ended up working out just as they should.
19. How will you be spending/did you spend Christmas?
I’m driving to Santa Cruz on Xmas Eve and treating myself to an overnight stay so that I can indulge in my happy place and a sunset hike. Also get to celebrate Boxing Day for the first time with my friend Jade and her brood back in Sac.
20. How will you be spending/did you spend New Year’s Eve? Original plan was to hang at my friend Jade’s place with her kids, movies and snacks. But just learned the wee ones are ill, so now I’m not sure what I’m doing. That was how I spent last year (the original plan, that is), with the main difference being that last year I also went to a two-hour yin workshop beforehand, which was how I discovered my current yoga studio, and discovered how much I enjoy yin practice in general. 21. Did you fall in love in 2018?
No. But I made more effort to pursue it, and had more options than I think I’ve ever had in a single year. Which was kind of encouraging even if each one was relatively short-lived.
22. How many one-night stands? I always laugh when I read this question. How about I just wink knowingly and say a lady never tells? 23. What was your favorite TV program? Supernatural. iZombie. To a lesser extent, Riverdale, even though I’m still pretty behind on that one. Sons of Anarchy (which I know is old but I’m playing catchup via Netflix and Hulu) And as a guilty pleasure, Total Divas. And of course, I'm still casually following WWE on the WWE network, though the only thing I’m finding compelling aside from the women’s matches are the Brits featured on the UK specific programming. 24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? No, I don't think so. 25. What was the best book you read? I finally got into the Harry Potter series and I’m really enjoying it. I just finished the Order of the Phoenix, and have the next installment requested from the library. 26. What was your greatest musical discovery? Not entirely new, but my appreciation for Cory Branan was reinforced and amplified after seeing him in Santa Barbara. And I’m also on a rediscovery tear with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and the Cold War Kids.
27. What did you want and get? Reassurance that this move to Sac was the right next step, after I settled in to my new role relatively easily. 28. What did you want and not get? Romantic love for an extended period. More down time. 29. What was your favorite film(s) of this year? Bohemian Rhapsody, even though I know it had some historical inaccuracies.
A Quiet Place was hard because of the ending, but decent as well.
And the latest Halloween was hella satisfying, especially since I caught it after needing an escape after learning about the passing of the professor I mentioned earlier.
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I prepped for my Cabo departure, went exploring at the Cosumnes River Trail, which is also a bird sanctuary, and caught the movie Widows with my work friend Christine. Then she took me to Panera for dinner. Couldnt’ do much more than that since I had a 5 am flight the following morning. I turned 40.
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Love, as always. 32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2018? Activewear as much as possible. But never enough. 33. What kept you sane? My friends. The various trips I took and rock shows I attended. Junk food. Wandering in nature.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Jensen Ackles. Tom Hiddleston. Charlie Hunnan. Idris Elba. My taste doesn't change much. 35. Who did you miss? Dawn. Becca. Kelly and Drew. Stephanie and Scott. Rob. Elspeth. Mike K. Jason. 36. Who was the best new person you met?
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018 Never underestimate my own ability to adapt to new situations, and to handle my own shit like a boss. I had a few challenging things thrown at me, namely the condo selling process, and the logistical gymnastics that followed after having to bring my car in for a bumper repair following a recent rear-ending, and though I felt tested by both of those situations, I ultimately succeeded at navigating both of them to a positive end.
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
I’m always starting over....
I don’t wanna waste the nights in my life
But I never fit in, or felt home in my skin.
I’m waiting on a big love, baby.
--Brian Fallon, “Her Majesty’s Service”
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okay, so today was all over the place, in so many ways, honestly just freaking exhausting. had 3 court cases up in two different courtrooms, but 1 at 9 and the others at 10, so there was at least time to make it work. the first one was kinda awkward because I really don't know how opposing counsel ended up on this case because she's used to representing petitioners and clients like mine, she even apparently volunteered with my org at some point, but now she has this awful client and I feel bad when she makes what seem like reasonable requests and I have to just flat out say no because my client is so done with the whole situation, so I really don't know how that one is gonna play out. well, it most likely will end like most of my cases lately, when a domestic relations case is filed and it gets taken away from me, because it's pretty much inevitable at this point, and I really hate that there's nothing I can do about that. hmph. anyway. I finished with a little time to process things before hopping over to the other courtroom. It was funny, because the advocate that was on my first case that I was just with was also apparently on the third case (which wasn't actually mine, I was just covering), so I got in the breakout room and was like "didn't I just see you?" 😂and it was funny because she also had her other client in there, and I had my other client in there, so there were a lot of people packed into the breakout room. and of course it took forever as cases set for 10 always do, and then the one I was covering went hella awkward and it became painfully obvious I knew pretty much nothing about the case, so we just reset it for two weeks. and like, you're definitely never supposed to be like "I don't know, it's not my case" and to be fair I definitely didn't say that, it was just based on seeing that my colleague was at all the previous court dates and nobody knew what the hell was going on, lol. but we survived. my last case, finally, it looked like a shoo-in, but then the judge threw up some crap and actually had me convinced for a minute he was going to toss the case before going ahead and granting it, and like from a procedural perspective he really was obligated to do so the whole time, so playing it out like this was kinda shitty, but in the grand scheme of things it's likely he wanted to make as complete a record as possible, in case the other party comes in and tries to get the order thrown out. so he probably had good intentions, I just felt bad because I told the client it shouldn't be anything big and she ended up getting stressed out but it was okay because we got it in the end. so by the time I get done with court it's like 1 pm (because east coast) and I'm also running clinic and managing two cases from there, as well as preparing to leave for Philadelphia, so that was a lot. We did get in the car and I got the personal hotspot working pretty well. We got the hearing call and I got pulled into the courtroom with the client, waiting for other cases to go, which legit took over an hour, but then at one point I noticed my client had logged off, and she messaged me that someone who had been let into the (virtual) courtroom was a friend of the dude she's filing against and was probably trying to spy on her....it became this whole big thing and I had to tell the judge, we finally got everyone out and started the hearing with just us left, then during the hearing the guy tries to log on and of course the client just left the call because she was terrified, and the judge kicked him out of course but she was thoroughly shook by the whole thing. I managed to get the client back on and thankfully we just had to finish a few things up at that point, so it was fairly brief, but yeah, that was a new one. phew. I still had the other case to get through, and we got it filed but there was a paperwork issue (I swear our e-signing software is screwing me over because it did the exact same thing yesterday and it's possible I made a mistake once but I definitely did not make it twice) so only one of the client's two cases
ended up getting heard today and we'll have to handle the other on Monday. but we got called up for that one to the judge who was all pissy with me yesterday so I was like oh great, but we got in pretty quickly, the hearing was odd because the allegations were odd, and then there was a whole thing about sending the order to a safe email address and the judge just deciding to send it to me and have us deal with it, at which point I was just like okay sure. And then of course there was the fucking emergency motion I've been trying to get heard all week, I had re-e-filed it at 9 am and had someone at the courthouse to go tell the clerks to accept it, then print it out again and give it to them, and the courtroom that it was going to (the first one I was in this morning) was being covered by the chief judge, who mostly handles administrative duties but will occasionally step in if we're short a judge and can't get one of the usual floaters to fill in. he comes off as very callous on the bench, at first at least, but I think he likes me haha so we've had a somewhat amiable relationship. I think I've said this before, but he can never remember what my last name is, so he just called me Rachel, and when there's opposing counsel there they're like "....your on a first name basis with the chief judge?" 😂😂😂 and that was just kinda great. but yeah, he can be rough but he's very factual and no nonsense, so when the motion got brought up, he just signed it without me going in to argue it basically, which was pretty anticlimactic but at this point I didn't even care, as long as it was done that was good with me. but yeah, I spent the rest of the time finishing things up, finally getting off around 6:30 (east coast time) so not too bad. we didn't have that much farther to go at that point, so I just chilled mostly and we arrived pretty soon. we got to the hotel and checked in, I'm in a room with my mom, while my brothers are both in separate rooms with their respective girlfriends. We were gonna try to figure out some food plans, but that kind of fell apart, so I was on ubereats trying to find something when I realized I could order Wawa, so I was like oh fuck yeah I'm doing that, so I got an awesome sandwich and some mac and cheese with a strawberry lemonade, all highly enjoyable. and yeah, we just chilled out for the rest of the night, my mom watching hgtv and me on my laptop, until she wanted to go to sleep so I took a shower and got ready for bed, and now I'm here and it's late, the wedding isn't until 4 tomorrow so thankfully I can sleep in and I am very much looking forward to doing so, so I'm gonna go ahead and get started on that now. Goodnight my friends. Happy weekend.
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daehwifi · 7 years
Cafe Seongwoo Au
- admin xion
genre: fluff member: ong seongwoo word count: 802 requested: nope side notes: i wANNA FINISH THE CAFE SERIES BECAUSE UPDATING THE PREVIOUS ONES SUCK BECAUSE I HAVE TO SCROLL SO MUCH UGHH
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time lapse ::
you had a bad habit of falling asleep
(legit me but okay)
you’re sleeping scehdule would be all over the place due to university
since you practically force your eyes open during lecture halls, you’d go home, study or do some assignments then completely pass out for 10 hours
you found coffee toO Bitter
but desperate times come for desperate measures
there was a local cafe nearby
you went a few times, but you decided to go there daily to get a small cup of coffee so you can stay awake better during lecture halls
and it really does help
for a good 5 hours until you need another cup of coffee so you can stay awake during assignments and study time
you decided to change locations instead of studying in your bed (which only helps you fall asleep more) to the local cafe
there was a cute guy there, in which it slightly encouraged you to go there a bit more often just to see him but thATS NOT THE CASE
ong seongwoo was his name btw according to his name tag
it’s been helping a lot
the smell of coffee in the air helps you stay awake
you’ve been slowly becoming a coffee addict
you were doing the usual routine at the cafe
ordered a small cup of black coffee
earbuds in with music playing
and staying awake
you’ve been here for almost 4 hours now and your cup of coffee was empty
“ehhh i’ll be fine,” you said to yourself
10 mins after you said that, you could feel the drozziness come over you as your eyes became heavy and your head felt like weights leaning back and forward multiple times
your laptop scren became blurry as the music faded out
and bam
you fell asleep in a cafe
time skip woosh
waking up, you were in shock
you took a 5 hour nap
it’s now 9pm
the cafe hasn’t closed yet thankfully
“fuCK” you mumbled to yourself
you noticed a cup of coffee on top of your book with a sticky note on it
“goodluck on ur assignment! by the way, the answer to question 6 is C,”
someone bought you coffee
is this a prank?
should you accept?
or is this just a kind gesture and you’re neing overreactive?
you eventually made up your mind and took a sip of the coffee
black coffee
“phew,” you mumbled to yourself
packing up, you decided to head home before it got more dark
time skip woosh
with another iced black coffee
your laptop
and begun to study
winter was coming and it was getting a bit cold
and the cafe didn’t turn on the heater
you guessed it was because they worked with a lot of hot water, so they wouldn’t notice and it’d be a hassle for them
but then your eyes slowly got heavier and heavier
you slapped yourself a few times 
in which helped for 2 minutes or so
you passed out again
waking up, you felt a slight bit warmer
you noticed a coat was left draping over your shoulders
no one but the workers to be in sight
another sticky note was left on your coffee
“you seemed a bit cold, and don’t worry about the jacket! just give me it back tomorrow! i’ll be working all day. just go to the cashier and ask for seongwoo, i’ll be there,” the note said
the jacket was warm and soft
seongwoo you mumbled
you wondered if it was that pretty boy who worked here
you showed up to the cafe, with the jacket in your hand
you did the steps the sticky note told you
“uhh, is seongwoo here?”
“hi, i’m seongwoo!
is that my jacket?” he asks with a small smile
his smile
it was like you were hit with lightning
it was so soft and delicate
his cheeks formed up a bit as he looked so at ease
“uuh, y-yeah,” you stuttered as you handed it to him over the cash register
you could feel your hand quiver a bit
i relate a lot
“and an americano, right?” he spoke
“uh, actually today i’m heading out to some party, but i thought i should return this to you first,” 
“ahh, i see, well thanks!” he says 
you slowly walked out of the cafe as you took a long glance at him
maybe your new addiction shouldn’t be coffee
but instead
him (;
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compo67 · 6 years
contrast dye
it’s been a while since i’ve made one of these. or at least, it feels like it’s been a while. i have the Princess and the Frog soundtrack on. i’m ehh about the movie, but in love with the soundtrack.
speaking of disney stuff, i saw Coco last week and fucking bawled in the theater from start to finish.
seriously. UGLY CRIED. 
i’m getting a haircut tomorrow. i have tried to grow out my hair and i just don’t have the patience or commitment. -_-
like, it’s on its way to growing out, but i’m at a point where i have to style it and blow dry it and i just ugh. too much. do not want.
since i have to start T again, it’s better if i keep it short anyway. sigh.
so i have one doctor that tells me the tumors on my liver may not have been directly caused by E. that studies have shown there isn’t yet a concrete correlation. 
soooo??? idk how that helps me.
because i still have tumors. all over my liver.
i have to wait until march to see a hepatology center. hopefully, by then, all these tumors are gone.
so i’m supposed to go without hormones for two months. greeeeat.
and like, mayo sent me a message about how being off E *should* shrink the tumors and make them go away. but that’s only a *should* and not a will definitely. 
plus i’m still at risk for one of them rupturing, all of them growing, or some of them turning into cancer.
it’s weird walking around knowing you have tumors hanging out on a major organ. like okay. sure.
i had a CT scan of my neck yesterday because that’s an issue that’s been going on for a while. 
the tech was super nice. and my sister went with me. but the IV and the contrast dye... i felt so yucky afterwards. 
today though, i had breakfast with friends/former coworkers, then i got a massage, then i just laid in bed for two hours reading and napping
i had a huge panic attack after that though
legit thought i was going to die and i was just lying there! so frustrating when you don’t have complete control over emotions
so i got up and went to the library since i had to fax paperwork
got anxious again, so i walked around for a bit before coming back home and hanging out with KP
we went to a bookstore and i found a sexual seductions card deck
it has pictures and descriptions of positions and sexual seduction techniques and omg it’s awful but also wonderful
kp and i brought them back to my place and we took turns reading the descriptions outloud
we did that for hours
next week, i have three specialist appointments plus my usual chiro and acupuncture times. phew.
it’s so god awful cold here lately
i went with my sister to the unemployment office since she needed moral support. so i was like yes, let’s go
in the end, it was just a waste of time. everything’s online now
ugh i’m falling asleep again
g’night, y’all! thanks for being here. <3
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