#also it’s gotten so much darker so early and i hate it so i know exactly where you’re coming from
ptersparkers · 2 years
you’ve noticed a significant change in your grumpy grouchy boss’s mood recently. he’s somehow more grumpy and grouchy.
you first thought it was something you did, a by-product of your childhood and something you try to work on, really!, so you start meticulously filling out your paperwork. he tells you he’s noticed the improvement in your work and he commends you for your diligence, but his frown doesn’t go away.
your next thought was of jack, so you offer to babysit him at the bau so he can see him more often without feeling like he has to compromise too much. it helps a little, seeing jack come to work after school on the days without cases, but that furrow in his brow doesn’t go away.
you’ve been wracking your brain for weeks trying to figure out what he could possibly be a grouch about when you realize. it gets dark earlier now. and hotch comes in early, eats lunch in his office, and stays late. he never sees the sun!
so you get him a sun lamp and, with penelope’s help, set it up in his office next to the ficus by his couch with some hand knitted blankets and extra special teas.
he left for a meeting with strauss and the next time he comes through the door he’s greeted with a yank to his arm and you, leading him to the right side of the sofa. he accepts his seat as you explain he’s required to get some lamp time every day and you’ll be able to tell if he has or not because penny’s wired it up to track when it turns on.
he’s not so happy about that but. he turns it on.
it takes a couple of days, but you start to see that grumpy frown turn upside down a little easier. he doesn’t find it funny when you tease him with that, but he found it less funny when jack insisted on calling him oscar the grouch. he’ll take you teasing him, any day.
- 💛
oh my gosh. yes.
you’ve basically made your case and i feel like you’ve taken the words out of my mouth but i’m gonna offer: resident grouch.
like we all know aaron has a reputation for maintaining professionalism but this is way beyond that and you’re sure that you’re the only one who picks up on it before roping everyone else in. and maybe the bullpen is poking fun at you in a friendly way because they know you have a thing for aaron, but it’s so cute how you’re so concerned about him
(penelope def is your co-conspirator, she’s your biggest shipper)
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Full Thoughts on TDP Season 5
Under the cut, because there are many of them!
Starting off with things I liked:
Rayllum! It was so good to see them on the same page again, and they have a perfect balance between deep, romantic devotion and the shared laughter and gestures of best friends. Their dynamic this season was my favorite iteration of them so far
Janai and Amaya were wonderful as well. I was really bracing for Amaya to leave for Lux Area without telling Janai and a whole bunch of drama to ensue, but no! They communicate! They trust each other! It's so refreshing!
Side note: Lux Area was gorgeous the detail in every shot of the city and Bookery was so good. I want to live there. I will take on the night creatures if need be
I hoped we'd get an apology from Amaya for Rayla, and I'm really glad they took the time to put it in the show instead of a short story or anything like that. It was also cool to see Amaya recognizing the similarities she and Rayla share and acting as more of a mentor to her, I hope we see more of them together later on
The reoccurring message that oftentimes the best way to be strong is by going to other people for help- first Amaya's story, then Rayla trusting Callum, then Zubeia's talk with Avizandum. It's a very good moral
That whole thing with Soren and Elmer! Breaking the cycle of cruelty! I love Soren so much
Callum using dark magic again. I thought I would hate it if that happened, since we've seen a corruption plotline with him and with Claudia already, but the way it was done sort of added a good sense of realism. I like that Callum isn't a Perfectly Moral Mage just because he can do primal magic; it feels deeper and more complicated if he has to recognize that the easier, darker choice is always there, and sometimes he won't be able to resist it, but he has to try each time anyway
So many little moments that I'll probably be going into in separate posts because the dynamic between the characters was on fire. It was so good to see the team really working together, their chemistry was so good
Things I wasn't as much of a fan of:
The problem with the show really relying on people to read all the supplementary material is still present. I was pretty confused about who Kpp'Ar was until I looked him up on the wiki, and again, people who didn't know about Soren getting sick as a kid from the Book 2 novelization really wouldn't have gotten his part of the dream sequence. It doesn't ruin the show or anything but it does make it a little confusing at times
The plotline with the coins is starting to feel a little drawn-out. Runaan's presence would bring up enough complications between Rayla and the rest of the group that he needs enough time out of the coin to give that the weight it deserves, and I'm really hoping he gets out next season so we can have at least season 7 to go into that. Also, Ethari needs his husband back
As good as it was to see rayllum back together, I do still think we needed a scene of them actually talking things through. I'm sure it'll appear in a Reflections story at some point, but again, you don't want your show to lean that heavily on the bonus material
This is more of a nitpick than anything else, but the characters' faces in the early episodes felt really stiff. They'd be having a monologue where you could really hear the emotion in their voices, but their faces just... didn't really move
And finally: too many crabs. This is not a flaw with the season this is just because I personally am freaked out by crabs and I've never been so horrified in all my life as when the true nature of Finnegrin's ship was revealed. It'll haunt me forever
Overall I liked it a lot, and I'm really excited to see where it goes next! Claudia feels like she's on the very edge of the point of no return, if she hasn't already crossed it, and it'll be very interesting to see how she reacts to the loss of her leg and (most likely) the loss of her father next season. I'm also very excited for the nova blade, that sounds like a gorgeous piece of weaponry and seeing whoever wields it (my money's on Rayla) fighting Aaravos is going to be epic. This season has definitely ratcheted up my investment in the show, which I'm very excited about
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quabiitv · 5 months
So, I wrote a backstory for Black Hole. Call me cringe all you want but it's mostly a different universe where the contestants have parents and families, which, we don't know where they came from in actuality. But that also gives us free reign to let our creativity flow. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do!
Thank you so much to NariiennTunes as I said, a very good friend of mine who listened to me ramble about this idea and also helped in a lot of areas.
Also, note, that not all of this is gonna be completely accurate to real life astronomy. I'm still learning about it currently but I'm not gonna stress myself out over the accuracy of it because there's a literal black hole in the show and he's not ALWAYS sucking up people left and right, and hasn't destroyed their earth yet. And also, he was compressed into a smaller size. So there you have it. Now, on with the storyline!
And finally, for the people who asked to see it specifically:
Way back in the past, growing up, Black Hole, being an alien (in my headcanon/gijinka), lived on a planet called Astramios. Where stars, galaxies, comets and asteroids alike all live together personified in harmony.
Except, it wasn't harmony.
There was constant suffering, death and wars. Higher ups were corrupt and the lower class were forced to accept the fact that they'd never be treated as equal. Aliens alike brushed off constant death as if it was nothing to get sad over.
All, except for few. And one of those few was Black Hole. He was exposed to death from a very early age, his parents not exactly being the most loving or nurturing. Everybody's way of thinking on his planet—
kill or be killed.
He hated it.
He hated the constant death, the wars, the fighting, the screams—the suffering.
He grew up in the middle of war.
But, Black Hole wasn't always Black Hole.
Mu Cephei, son and prodigy of V Cephei and Ky Cygni, some of the most powerful and high class stars on their planet. With a reputation to uphold, there's no room for remorse, or emotions or sympathy. They must raise their son to be able to defend himself and honor his family's name.
Black Hole was once Mu Cephei.
His parents put excessive amounts of pressure on him, especially his dad—V Cephei, who's name was passed onto him. Constant training since the age of 10 to be a soldier, a warrior, a general. A leader.
No matter how much it tired him.
No matter how much it hurt.
No matter how much he just wanted peace.
He must be the best, and continue his family’s legacy.
Mu Cephei never liked fighting, or the training, anything that his family raised him with really—the only thing he was grateful for was knowing how to use his powers, and even then, it was only purposed for fighting.
He doesn't WANT to fight.
But, one day, he had gotten too close to a battle while outdoors, only trying to gather food for himself and his family. That was a mistake.
A blast was sent in his direction, and he couldn't avoid it—and before he knew it—he blacked out.
A while later, he had woken up, but not as his usual self. He was…darker, he felt different, and he was sucking up things around him.
He was a black hole.
By the time he came to, his parents had surrounded him, forcing him up to his feet and leading him home. He had no idea what to do, or say. They seemed angry. He did break one of the first rules they taught him, after all.
Never let your guard down.
He was…scarred, to say the least. As a star, it wasn't as hard to avoid hurting people and cause destruction, because — well…he was a star. Still powerful, but not out of control.
He hardly knew what he was now. And his parents didn't look at him the same anymore.
It ultimately left them disappointed, and ashamed of their own son. They were upper class aliens, for constellation’s sake! He can't destroy both his and their reputation like that!
But either way, they both kept training him. Trained him to re-learn everything as this new species of alien, and Black Hole did his best to follow, even when he felt out of control all the time.
By the time he was of age, the relationship between him and his parents was worse than ever—and the state of their planet was awful. It was evil.
He hated pain, he hated death, and all it had to offer.
He hated seeing others just die on the spot, even with how they all had thoughts and feelings and their own lives—but nobody seemed to care!
It often felt like he was the only one who did.
So, just like that—when he got the chance…
He left, without looking back.
It was a hard decision, all things considered, but he knew he'd survive wandering space—as long as he was careful.
But no doubt it got…lonely.
The constant silence was better than constant war, but it was still…chilling. Being all alone with nobody but yourself was lonely, isolating. But he didn't have a choice. And even then, people still got hurt by him. Traveling into space and getting sucked up by him, the screaming and then the inevitable silence all over again, and he could hardly do anything about it.
Until…he found Earth.
Coming to Earth was an odd decision. With the help of an odd, blue alien, his powers and essence in general was condensed on Earth’s atmosphere so he could live there. Before the challenge started, he was hesitant on even staying, seeing as even with the limited abilities… he was still dangerous. But overtime, he learned to control it better, and was somewhat content.
This world was so beautiful, and so much less corrupt than his old home. People weren't constantly killing eachother.
Okay, that last bit is a lie. Death was still prevelant, and brushed off. But it was more understandable because they had recovery centers, and he liked THAT at least…
But seeing death, over and over again was awful. Traumatizing..Tiring. Like he was living out his old life all over again. Especially if the suffering was at his own hands.
So, obviously, upon joining the challenge and seeing others just as ecstatic about a pacifistic life as he was—was…uplifting.
He felt like he had a chance at not being a monster for once.
He threw away his old name, Mu Cephei, and went by his new one permanently.
Black Hole.
And that's how it all began.
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myfavouritelunatic · 8 months
Writer Asks
Thank you so much for tagging me @yletylyf @demonscantgothere @theriverwild @thrillofhope and @coraleethroughthelookingglass! Feeling the love! (and finally finding the time to do this haha :P)
How many works do you have on AO3? 17!
What's your total AO3 words count? 225,854 (the most I've ever written in a year in my LIFE)
What fandoms do you write for? The Rings of Power. But starting to dabble in general Tolkienverse/Legendarium.
What are your top five fics by kudos? - Your Blood, Your Power - Made the Pieces Part of Me - I Felt It Too - The Blacksmith - Barred
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always (unless in a rare couple cases when I've had some odd or negative ones.) I think engaging with the readers is super important, and I love when I comment on other author's fics and they respond to me, so I happily do the same!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmmm that's a tough question. Probably my first piece 'I Felt It Too', even though I write a kiss into the infamous log scene, it still doesn't end happily for Haladriel. Feels!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'd say maybe 'Shake Like the Bough of a Willow Tree' because it's a version of Haladriel's first time together and it ends with them just being happy and in love.
Do you get hate on fics? So far I've been lucky to only receive two hateful comments (they weren't really hateful just misunderstood and harsh) on one of my fics. Basically they disagreed with something I made the 'reader' do in The Blacksmith and felt inclined to let me know. Was an interesting experience.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh yes I write smut haha. I mostly write het smut but have written a little f/f and m/m stuff as well. The Blacksmith even has a m/f/f threesome in it! I don't mind writing darker stuff either, so you'll typically find blood, biting, and choking kinks in my smut too.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've written? I don't yet write crossovers but I may dabble down the line. Never say never! My latest fic 'And Horror And Madness Walked' is sorta a crossover/mashup between TROP and The Silm, so that's as close as I've gotten.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge, nope.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope but totally open to it if someone ever wants to!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No I haven't, but if I ever did, I know exactly who I'd do it with - my partner in crime @pursuitseternal ❤️
What's your all time favourite ship? Definitely Haladriel/Saurondriel. No ship has EVER compelled me to write so much.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have a Galadriel x Female Reader fic called 'Ensnared' I started a few months back that got put to the side when 'Your Blood, Your Power' took off. I would love to go back to it, mostly because I had a lot of fun writing the Gal x Fem Reader pairing in 'The Blacksmith', but I don't know when I will if ever. Hopefully one day.
What are your writing strengths? Twists! haha. I love a good twist and have been told I'm quite good at writing them. I also write poetry so any chance I get to write more poetic sounding prose I absolutely love.
What are your writing weaknesses? Sometimes I think my vocab needs expanding. Thesaurus.com is my best friend haha. I have a habit of reusing words I think. Also planning my fics. I need to get better at planning my fics. Somehow lol.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? The only instance I believe of me ever doing so was using some elvish in 'The Blacksmith'. That was fun. I love the creativity of using different languages in your story, it really helps with the immersion.
First fandom you wrote for? It was never published of course, but when I was in early high school I wrote (and never finished) two Harry Potter reader insert fics. What I would give to read them back now hahaha. Bless 14 year old me.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Oh boy this is tough... it has to be The Blacksmith. Only because I'm so proud of what I achieved with that story. The longest thing I've ever written (102k) and complete with twists and turns that I cannot even believe I conceived and wrote. Plus the response I got from those that read it was so damn nice and I still think about some of the reactions I got on it. And I literally have made friends for life because I wrote and posted that story. It changed EVERYTHING for me. I'm so proud of it and so thankful it exists. Tagging (apologies if you've already done it): @pursuitseternal @heronamedhawks @gil-galadhwen @scriberated @youwearfinethingswellwriter @somebirdortheother @ichabodjane @klynnvakarian @90shaladriel @hazelmaines @myrsinemezzo @nenyabusiness @tmwillson3 @jhalya @hikarielizabethbloom
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thorniest-rose · 1 year
(after reading some of your recent asks) I gotta say that I really don't find much of your stuff that dark. Maybe I got used to darker stuff when I entered fandom spaces in the early 2000's, because there was a big dark fic movement happening at the time. I know age gaps get to some people, but spit play squicks me and I don't think that's dark because of that. Especially considering that while many of your younger Steve posts revolve around how much Eddie is struggling, I have always gotten a sense that a large part of the reason Eddie can't walk away, or get his jail bait and be done with it, is because he has genuine feelings for Steve. Eddie's not trying to groom Steve or harm him in any way, he's a dude with feelings for someone he probably shouldn't have feelings for and he's out there doing his best every day in the mean time.
Idk if any of this makes sense and maybe I'm projecting onto your ideas as someone who is close personal friends with someone who got themselves in a similar situation when we were about the same age. (got to watch the couple in question finally work it all out a few years ago which was great, amazing how little a five year age gap means after you're 25)
I really enjoy your writing and find it refreshing either way. Hope you're having a good day!
Hi! I agree, I don't think sour candy is a dark fic and I don't think I ever necessarily talked about it like it was. It's about forbidden desire, but I've been very open about how it wasn't written just to be a kinky kind of Lolita fic featuring Steve as an underage sexpot, or for it to be about abuse where Eddie's grooming and taking advantage.
However, it's important to remember that Eddie's an unreliable narrator and the fic is purposefully written in a soft, dreamy way to lure the reader in. It's also important to remember that while Eddie does for sure struggle, and wants to keep his distance from Steve, he has been following the boy home and having sexual fantasies about him since Steve was 14. So while it's not actively abusive, it's definitely inappropriate and unsettling. Plus, as I've said before, while the age difference is a major factor, the fic is also about addiction and class. Eddie thinks he's dirty and doesn't deserve something as beautiful as Steve. He also hates Steve for growing up rich and pampered while he had nothing and was abused by his parents. There's a lot going on beneath the surface.
As for my other fics, I agree I haven't written much dark fic for the fandom but I really want to, I have SUCH a craving to go all out. Like I wanna write my stalker Eddie and serial killer Eddie fics so bad, I just haven't gotten round to them yet!!
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knightinink · 1 year
Any thoughts/hcs for Pip and his older sisters relationship?
Looking more into the Pirrip family, I like it! I've actually thought about their relationship a couple times & how she really was integral to Pip's current behavior.
-So looking at the book's story, Mrs. Joe had 6 brothers total; 5 having died early on, and Pip. With their parents having died while Pip was a toddler(ish), she was left in charge of raising him. It was also noted that she is more than 20 years older than Pip, so we can assume she began to care for him when she was in her early twenties.
-She resents his existence, & probably wishes he had died alongside his other 5 brothers, because now she cannot have a life of her own since she has to raise her younger brother. I think it's essentially a "you took my future away from me, now I hate you because of that" situation, and I can feel some sympathy for her, as the average life expectancy of their era & location was somewhere between 40-50 years old. Since Pip is 11 at the beginning of the novel (8 in the show), that would mean more than half of this woman's life is now dedicated to taking care of her sibling until he can care for himself, rather than starting her own life (she would be in her mid-30s once he was old enough to care for himself, and she ended up dying early anyway).
-In the show, Pip doesn't seem to hate her, but merely thinks her abuse is a form of love, saying "my sister and I play that game at home all the time!" when Estella proposed they play a game of "smack the blond boy in the head with a large log". (maybe that's why Pip fell for Estella as well, but that's another exploration for another day). He doesn't see it as abuse, that's just how his sister treats him & that's his normal.
-Though on a more headcanon-y standpoint, I think Pip fears her greatly, & does the best he can not to upset her (which is difficult because he's always her first target when she's angry whether he's the cause of that anger or not). He doesn't like his sister, and will stick close to Joe's side any chance he gets.
-Pip's timid-ness & obedience was a result of how his sister raised him "by hand". She's the reason he avoids confrontation & just lets people pick on him. If he doesn't retaliate, the punishment won't be as bad.
-It should be noted as well that, in a scrapped storyboard, the first scene we have of them interacting on screen involves her choking him by picking him up by his scarf, barking at him to know where he's been. (She still picked him up this way in the final ep, but she's not choking him, as was written in the scrapped storyboard's notes).
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-She's not so much of a sister to him as she is a mother, but by no means is she motherly. She would probably do the bare minimum to keep him alive, & would just leave the rest to Joe (who is much happier to be taking care of Pip, as he's one of the very few who actually cares about the boy's existence & wellbeing).
-Needless to say, Pip's not too upset once she passes, he's just relieved he doesn't have to live in fear of being screamed at & hit the second he walks through the front door of their home. He feels happier, lighter, & notices that Joe seems to feel the same way.
-So what is their relationship? tdlr, she wishes Pip was dead & he's afraid of her. She's dominant over both Pip & Joe, & Pip often seeks comfort & protection from the latter.
Sorry this one was a bit darker, but such is her character. I haven't gotten to talk about her much, so thank you for the ask, anon!
(& if you can any Dip, Satan, or Pirrip family headcanon requests, my askbox is open!)
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Okay, so if you saw my poll post, you saw this coming, and, to make a long story short, this is a rewrite for the movie Robots
One thing right off the bat, I'm establishing that this will have more edge because I've seen to much whump posts and it's a movie about Robots, so we can be a little more loose with the rules.
We do start with seeing Rodney grow up and become the robot he is, but we're also seeing stuff like his schooling, seeing that even with hand-me-downs and being a 'misfit' he is a bright student and does well and is very humble about it. In this school, there are both outmodes and "new model" robots that are shiny and pretty, and one of these robots is Cappy, who is also a bright student. The two know each other more and talk frequently, because they're friends and they're nice to each other, but Cappy leaves for the city because that's where robots really shine. Both do watch the Bigweld show and are inspired, but Cappy, as she leaves for the city, tells Rodney to keep doing what he's doing and not give up, because he can shine no matter what he's made of. For clarification purposes, this would happen MAYBE a few years before Rodney graduates school and works at the same restaurant as his dad.
Also established early is Ratchet, who starts off as an assistant to Bigweld before rising in ranks. In the ealry chapters of the movie, he'd be scene in the background of the show, but he steadily moves closer until he's eventually a spokesman in the show itself before it ends.
Wonderbot is still here and acts as a sort of voice of reason for Rodney because he just doesn't listen to his own sometimes, something that will come nack a few times.
A lot of the story stays the same, Rodney is a big fan of Bigweld, he's a bot that's gotten hand-me-downs all his life, he's a skilled inventor, all that jazz.
The only real tweek I can think of is he has a small amount of resentment for not being all new and shuny like some other robots he sees and it hurts him and makes him lash out at his parents and himself, and even Cappy, but Cappy reminds Rodney that being shiny isn't all that great because there are only two colors in being shiny: Chrome and gold. Any darker or 'dyed' metal isn't considered "new and pretty" so she's stuck looking boring and dull next to everyone else. Her upgrades don't serve a purpose except for aesthetics and the only thing that isn't an aesthetic that she's allowed to have are her roller blade heels, and she hates them because she didn't even want them in the first place. She compares all that to Rodney, who is colorful, easy to look at, FUN to look at, his upgrades DO something for him and he can always switch out hand-me-downs and make himself something new. It's a whole emotional scene, but what it boils down to is Cappy, a robot that is rich enough for upgrades 24/7 and is going to the big city for the big name status, is essentially cracking under the pressure and also has some anger towards Rodeny who has an easy life, in her eyes, and yet he's complaining about it. Rodney does also express that he has some anger towards Cappy for the same reason, but admits that he's also just tired of seeing upgraded robots be snooty and talk about how he and his family are ones that use hand-me-downs and spare parts rather than upgrades because it gets to be degrading after a while. Rodney does apologize and make it up to his parents, and even learns for himself the benefits of his hand-me-downs price to be more durable than some of the upgrades; MORE ON THIS LATER
Rodney is still called a hand-me-down and his dad still works as a dishwasher, and his big "I need to find a need" moment comes from wanting to make his father's job a little easier. His mom is supportive, but makes sure that he knows to not get too caught up in the hand-me-down or "outmode" stuff, even telling him what being an "outmode" means more clearly than Cappy.
Rodney still leaves for Bigweld city, telling his mother that he wants to be someone, then explaining that he wants to be more than Rodeny the Hand-me-down son of a dishwasher, that he wants to invent and improve people's lives and simply be MORE. Both parents accept this, though Rodney's mother is more reluctant because this is her only son, and Rodeny leaves as he promises to make both parents proud, though both admit that he already does.
IN THE BIG CITY!!!!!! Not much changes when Rodney first arrives. He still runs into Fender and Deisel, still ends up looking for Bigweld Industries, and still takes the ball transport with Fender on accident. The two share some small talk, mainly Fender learning where Rodney's trying to go and then giving a hint that Bigweld isn't around anymore with a forced encouraging smile and a mention that Fender has a place to stay.
The "ride" goes about the same, but Fender is literally knocked away by the giant hammer right as he's about to tell Rodney to look for him as night falls.
Rodeny meets Tim and the exchange stays the same, but when Rodeny asks how people get in and join the industry itself and why the rules changed, Tim says they left with Bigweld before "leaving on a lunchbreak."
Our real introduction to Ratchet remains mostly the same. The only thing that will change is he's somewhat focused on Cappy, who has been working with the company for a while and is now worn down, tired, and all together jaded from events we don't know about(these will come to be known to be Bigweld's resignation). The plan to stop the production of spare parts in favor of upgrades is still here, and we see Cappy get very uncomfortable with it, and having an offoce near Ratchet, who has taken a subtle interest in her.
What changes is when Rodeny shows up, as in he still uses Wonderbot to fly to the window in order to get in. Cappy would see this and try not to react, firstly because there's a robot scrambling to commit a B and E, and then because it's RODNEY trying to commit a B and E, and then succeeding because he falls in and onto the board room table, and we get a classic reaction from both Cappy and Rodney:
"Uh... Hi, Cappy."
Ratchet is not happy about seeing Rodney or almost getting hit by Wonderbot.
Rodney still apologizes and asks to see Bigweld, even explaining why he came in through the window, but Ratchet tells him that if the gate closes, that means Rodeny should turn tail and leave.
Rodney asks if he can at least tell him how to contact Bigweld or when he'll be back in, but Ratchet has a better idea:
Kicking both Wonderbot and Rodney out of the building.
Rodney is still magnetized and meets Tim again, who's shocked to see him. Rodney explains what happened and how Bigweld wasn't even there, then sees the new motto:
"Why be you, when you can be new?"
He asks Tim who he met, explaining what Ratchet looks like, and Tim explains back to him that he met the new head of Bigweld Industries and, seeing where Rodney is, probably doesn't like him or how his "outmoded" behind in the city.
Rodney asks why Ratchet is in Bigweld's chisr and spot, but Tim snaps for Rodney to get lost before he ends up in worse trouble.
Rodney is stuck more or less shuffling down the road, unable to properly lift his feet, and he encounters a Sweeper. It's something of a tense moment with Rodney being stuck to the sidewalk as the Sweeper draws close, but he evades it and ends up falling and getting himself stuck in a large can.
The Chop Shop scene happens as usual, but Gasket, being a mother, asks Ratchet why he looks disgruntled and isn't his usual self. He tries denying it, but she eventually makes him reveal that Rodeny is around and she only thinks to keep her ear to the ground because it's been years since they had a persistent inventor try to throw things off.
There's more to this, but I'll make that a part 2. Hope you enjoyed!!
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oversaturatedstory · 8 months
0 🦩
Class was over. It was over, and it had been over for nearly five minutes, but he was still fiddling with his bag. Still slowly gathering his notebook and reorganizing the books and large leather bound portfolio he kept within his backpack. Did he have to do this? No, but he had a commitment to uphold that he’d decided on after the first day of class. He needed to see if the guy was still coming early. So far he’d been here every single class around thirty minutes early, and to this day he hadn’t gotten the guy to say a damn word. 
He knew his type, and somehow the fact that he was dismissed and ignored no matter how rude he could muster his voice to be was irritating. That guy was the perfect type: athletic (he knew he was on the Soccer team), handsome (alright handsome was an understatement and even he would admit it), smart (he’d seen the special placement class books in his bag) and seemed to be known by nearly everyone he ran into. Even the art building buzzed about that guy.
Mateo. Mateo Alexander. 
The elusive black cat of the campus that somehow knew everyone, and no one really knew much about. He always seemed to respond to cordial and friendly talk in turn, and had a habit of ignoring rude or dismissive words. It was this small little annoyance of either he didn’t care, or he thought he was better than half of the people on the campus. The latter was annoying, he hated folks like that with their uppity attitudes. Who gave a shit if he was studying Psychology – he still ate the same shit cafeteria food as the rest of them. Then again, if he was just being plain ignored by the guy that might be worse.
He didn’t know why, but it might be.
He looked up to the clock, and then immediately glanced towards the door and spotted a splash of red and black flannel, and shock of pitch black hair. Instantly he drew his attention back to the items on his desk he’d been shoveling in and out slowly. Here the guy was again, early. He didn’t even hear him walk over and only knew he’d arrived at the table when he saw the chair tug out from the table from the corner of his eye.
“Oh look, Mr. Perfect is early again.” He glanced up and rolled his eyes, scoffing under his breath before turning back to his books.
Nothing. Just a sigh.
Why the hell did this guy never say a damn thing?
He huffed, shoved his portfolio into his bag and then yanked the backpack up. It swung over, and like clock work he saw the raven duck down to avoid being hit in the head. Sometimes he wished it would actually hit him, maybe that was why he swung the thing so wildly. If it hit the guy in the head then they would be forced to talk, even if it was for him to get his ass beat and cursed out. Regardless he headed for the door, glancing back if only to take note of the plain clothing and notes already being placed on the table.
Mateo always dressed simply – usually in flannel shirts that buttoned up and lacked any wrinkles. He always had darker wash jeans without any holes that fit him perfectly – not too tight or too loose. He had converse, black low tops, that were older and broken in but somehow lacked scuff marks. Perfectly simple, and it was enough to annoy him to no end; it was hard to say anything to perfect people, especially when they refused to acknowledge you existed. 
“Fallon!” The female voice caught him off guard, and his gaze yanked towards the redheaded woman leaning against the doorframe. 
He smiled, “Banana!” 
The girl rolled her eyes, adjusting the horn rimmed glasses on her face, “Why do you have to call me that? You know I hate that stupid nickname that you and Connor gave me.”
Fallon, the dark brown and faded pink headed male, grinned wider, “Ana it has your name in it.”
He liked Ana. She was an art major too, more a painter than he was, but they’d bonded over spilled coffee a little over a year ago. Connor he also liked, but Conor had a lot more energy than he was used to and somehow managed to cross the dangerous line of art major into jock territory. 
That was why he knew Mateo’s name. Connor played on the Soccer team with him.
Which brought his eyes wandering back towards the room, trying to steal a glance without being seen. Thankfully the male sitting in the class didn’t notice, but he felt Ana nudge him. 
“Still not a word?”
“You know, you could just say something.”
The pink headed male made a face, “Ew. No.”
Ana laughed, shaking her head, “Then stop staring like a stalker.” She grinned, then started walking from the door.
The powder blue eyes rolled, and he shoved off the doorframe so he could step from the threshold and out into the hallway to follow his friend. He wasn’t a stalker, he just … Well, he didn’t really know to be honest. That guy seemed … different. From what he heard from Connor the guy was funny, and pretty friendly with most people, so why was it that he couldn’t even get a hello out of him? It didn’t make sense. 
Mateo was tall, probably 6’3” or more, and had wide shoulders and a thin waist. He was built like a jock, but dressed like one of the alternative kids that belonged in the art department. That’s why when he’d heard the guy was a Psych major he’d been even more confused. He was an enigma, to more than just him but to most of the campus. More than once he’d overheard people in the halls talking about him; every so often he’d hear about them being turned down for a date, and that always made him curious as to why. 
Did that guy have a partner? 
Hell, did he have friends?
He was certain he’d never seen Mateo with anyone, even with Connor swearing he had friends.
He was attractive enough to have a partner, and looked like he should be swarming with friends. 
… So where were they always?
“Fallon, we’re going to be late! Come on!”
The blue gaze jerked back from where they’d been lingering on the shrinking door. He scoffed, rolled his eyes a final time, and then adjusted the ball cap on his head. “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming.”
Maybe he should start bringing tuna. Cats liked fish, right?
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vacantgodling · 1 year
tagging @calicojackofficial & @an-elegant-void bc they fuel me tm
this is gonna be long but a bunch of questions about jihan & hue’s relationship i’ve answered and compiled here! feel free to ask me more or just sop it up like a sponge lmaooo
1. Describe their first date.
jihan asked hue out after probably 6 months of dancing around one another once they were formally introduced. they went to a bowling alley, absolutely shouted and screamed and got mad competitive (the whole alley was up in arms about this match lol) and then they left laughing hand in hand. then they went stargazing and hue fell asleep on jihan’s chest and jihan was like wow ig i’m in love PFF.
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
lmao they’re both nocturnal. hue tends to wake up earlier though, usually to help the girls with school. jihan is a sleepy boy :D
3. What was their first impression of each other?
hue was super attracted to jihan off the bat but said absolutely NOTHING lol. jihan also had a bit of a different look back then (slicked back hair that was darker, clean shaven, bit of a punker style, he settled into the look he has now lol.) even jihan licking the blood off his fingers like he was like “ishouldnotfindthisattractiveishouldnotfindthisattractive—”
jihan thought hue was cute but was worried that he was lost or wanted to fight him since he was staring at him so hard lol.
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
both of them are extremely affectionate with one another i don’t think there’s any hesitation in that regard, but that’s kind of what happens when you’ve been with someone for as long as they have lol. they’re extremely comfortable.
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
they rarely argue. they’ve had a few before, about the kids and just random shit that they both got too proud to apologize for.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
they usually have in depth convos where they try to pinpoint where the problem was and talk out their sides and apologize once they truly understand where the other person was coming from. then they either go on a date, cuddle, or fuck, depending on the situation lol.
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
not insanely often, though jihan is more likely to say it aloud.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
hue loves jihan’s wisdom—for a variety of reasons (some are related to the bedroom LOL). but really, he loves how jihan is patient and observant, and knows. it helps him feel secure in forging his own path by having someone who can support him without having to use words, just understanding.
jihan loves hue’s stability. he never thought he’d be interested in being tied down—and while he’s had loves in the past, he’s never gone and started a fucking family with any of them.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
neither are dislikes born of malice but hue hates that jihan is immortal and jihan is frustrated when hue tries to shoulder everything on his own instead of letting him share the weight of things weighing on him.
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
they share a good chunk of things in common. games, sports, and adrenaline seeking are a big thing for them. but they also kind of picked up on each others hobbies too? hue likes strategy and intellectual things like reading which jihan can be a bit bored to do. but audio books and hue reading to him have definitely gotten him into it, as well as movies and cinema. jihan also didn’t pick up cooking until hue bc there was no reason but the methodical process and plating really strikes his fancy. jihan is a traveler and hue has never been interested in it before him. jihan is also a collector of random facts and experiences and it grows on hue too. he’s also not particularly artistic but jihan is very good (he’s had centuries of practice lol). but doing wine and art events has warmed hue up to it. it helps them learn more about what they each value and how they see the world, but they’re both pretty open to trying new things generally :)
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
funnily enough neither of them are huge nickname or pet name people. at most hue will call jihan “han” (which is different than everyone else who calls him ji and jihan isn’t fond of anyone aside from hue calling him that lol). whereas, at most, jihan calls hue “babe” but even that alone makes hue’s face get red lol. neither of them hate pet names or anything i just don’t think they think about them. + their names are pretty straightforward so there’s no like Super Obvious ones lol.
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
when they were married, it was pretty easy for them to be separate from each other because the security that they had in each other and their relationship was extremely strong. divorced its really difficult t.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
usually phone, through texting or calling—the joys of modern tech. they haven’t really been apart much for any extended period of time until the divorce so lol.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
while its pretty obvious they’re in a relationship together, they don’t really do MUCH pda that’s beyond like, hand holding or pecks on the cheek/chaste kisses in public unless they’re alone. it’s not that they’re private so much as the two of them are rarely alone, be it the kids, hue’s family, friends, crowded public areas etc.
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
let the predictable sap fest begin
all of me — john legend (a classic)
be — hozier
beautiful soul — jesse mccartney (i had to do it to them)
better love — hozier
better than me — hinder (ouch or whatever lol)
be without you — mary j. blige (OOF)
could it be you — cascada
fall for you — secondhand serenade
gravity — sara bareilles
hate to see your heart break — paramore
here without you — 3 doors down
i’ll be — edwin mccain
iris — the goo goo dolls
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
hue doesn’t like needles so idk if he could be convinced LMAO, but i think jihan has a tattoo for hue already. it’s pretty cheesy, but it’s a minimalist outline of a wolf over his heart. it’s a pretty intimate place to get a tattoo tbh; jihan has tattoos of other people he’s loved (family, friends, past lovers) on him as well, but they aren’t as large or over such a vulnerable spot like that. the love he feels for hue is very… deep lol. if hue were to get over himself and get a tattoo, i think he’d probably get something simple; a circle. jihan has been alive for a long time, and he’ll live for a long time more. to hue it’s like he has no beginning and no ending, but the circle of his arms is where life truly is. sooooo yeah its sappy and jihan would cry about it lol.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
A LOT. jihan i think was more surprised by it than hue bc he’s never settled down before.
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
much of their relationship is built on them being silly and joking with each other lol
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
they used to share a home but jihan moved out recently and has gone back to couch surfing with his friends.
their house looks pretty average on the outside, any standard brick townhome, and on the inside it’s cheerful but dark. you can tell a family and people live there but it’s a lot of dark, warm tones so it’s not hell on either of their senses. there’s a lot of throw pillows and blankets and floor seating for spontaneous cuddle piles and there’s a lot of knick knacks from the girls toys and projects and possessions, to random trinkets they’ve bought for each other etc. it’s not really one person has this style or that style; hue’s never had his own space until he moved out (wolves amiright) and jihan has never had a real Home (at least not for several centuries) so they really built a lot of it together. it speaks volumes to their trust and reliance on one another as well as their teamwork to raise essie and ozzy.
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
jihan is actually pretty nomadic; as some of his friends have told hue on several occasions he’s really just a glorified couch surfer. so the fact that he was willing to settle down with hue says a lot about how much he cares about him. he’s usually never enjoyed being stationary lol.
being the breadwinner, hue takes on the brunt of caring for jihan and the girls. it’s not that jihan couldn’t or can’t get a job (he hasn’t had one for a good bit lol) but hue enjoys that he’s able to provide for his family—just seeing them safe and happy is more than enough.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
jihan does a lot of things for hue to ease the load and burden. tying his tie is a really intimate thing for the two of them (i can see a scene where someone tries to tie hue’s tie for him at work and it makes him so uncomfortable his skin crawls lol), jihan also touches his pulse points a lot—his wrists or jugular esp. it’s weird but hue gets it; he’s saying i know where your vulnerable spots are and i will cherish them basically lol.
hue scents jihan a lot especially when they’re cuddling. he’s very physically affectionate with jihan who craves that so any act of him touching him or wrapping his arms around him conveys that feeling.
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
hue, but they have completely different diets lmao. hue usually cooks for himself and the kiddos while jihan grabs a blood bag if he’s feeling peckish. the only time hue really “feeds” jihan is when they’re in bed or if jihan is feeling particularly hungry. there can never be anyone else around tho bc the biting really arouses hue so they usually fuck after lmao.
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
the two of them are more nocturnal, so it’s moreso their daytime routine than anything. at 5-6am, one of them (usually hue) wakes up to get the girls ready for school; making breakfast, making sure their bags are packed, anything project or homework related has been done, and they’re ready to take on the day. once they’re off to school, whichever parent was up gets back in bed and they sleep/doze/etc until around 3-4pm, when the girls get out of school. usually jihan is more awake at this time and so he’ll help get the girls started on homework and will help hue get ready for work (he always ties hue’s ties lol). around 6 hue heads to work. jihan and the girls stay up having fun and doing other things until bed time. then jihan will usually just vibe and wait for hue to get home lol. usually cleaning, reading, setting stuff up, just real house husband stuff :)
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
(i did quizzes for these lmao)
hue is definitely words of affirmation. its not necessarily surprising, in the sense that wolves are dogs 💀 but on a more serious level, jihan is pretty forthcoming with his words. he never says anything he doesn’t mean and hue really values that. he values how jihan always knows exactly what to say to make sure he knows he’s loved, appreciated, heard, seen, and cared for. his second biggest would be quality time or gift giving because he enjoys how jihan thinks of him outside of when they’re together, or how he’s the center of his attention when they are.
unsurprising (to me) for jihan, his biggest love languages are quality time and physical touch. having lived so long physical reminders of the person he’s in love with being there and spending time with him are far more valuable than material gain. every touch, absent minded kiss, hug around the waist, date night, it all means the world to jihan. he just wants to be with hue.
these love languages work very well together imo because the two of them are very good at reading people and reading each other. they are acutely aware of what the other enjoys and a lot of the time their love languages overlap. when they go bowling for instance, jihan is always praising hue and cheering him on, letting him know with words how amazing he is. and jihan is just happy to spend time with hue.
31. Do they often go out on dates? What are these like?
when they were married every sunday was date night because jihan thought it was funny for a vampire to be out on a “holy day” when he should be struck down. old rumors and amusements die hard. they do a lot of things to keep things novel, but they are fond of competitive dates and “playing” so, bowling, arcades, escape rooms, paintball even—all things on the table for them. they love to get a good adrenaline pump going whether it be together or against each other. other times if they decide to go at night its very lowkey and usually a lot of stargazing and talking. if its close to hue’s heat its really straightforward and they book a hotel and have fun there lmaooo.
32. Do either of them drink? If so, who’s the lightweight, and how does their partner care for them?
i’d say that jihan is more affected by alcohol than hue because he doesn’t really have “blood” to absorb some of the affects. but it does take him quite more than a few drinks to get actually drunk lmao. when it comes to caring for him, the first rule of thumb for hue is to not let jihan drink when unsupervised. he can be horribly competitive and loves to get in on the fun when drinking so its easy to get him to drink way more than he should. second thing is, if its already too late and jihan’s drunk a lot, he’s very gentle with him. jihan is already sensitive to a number of things; light, noise, etc. but it sharpens when he’s drunk because in an altered state vampires tend to become more alert and defensive—its just apex predator shit for ya. so he never makes sudden moves, always speaks low and hums soothingly to help keep jihan from being jittery. once they make it to a safe place, hue would help jihan get comfortable and get him a blood bag/snack or just give him a meal from the source to help ebb off the alcohol. then he’d cuddle him bc usually once jihan starts to come down he passes out lmao.
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
hue is very good at flirting when sufficiently motivated to do so. he’s direct, but he’s sensual about it, and its helped him score many a conquest even outside of jihan. however, jihan’s the one person where he tends to get silly with when he flirts. they know each other too well, so there isn’t always a pressure to be sexy all the time lmao.
jihan isn’t the best flirt, or at least, he puts on that persona. while he’s not naive, he just doesn’t really see the point in beating around the bush “do you want to fuck or not?” yknow? things that could come across as flirtatious are for him just genuine honesty. he never says things he doesn’t mean in a way that he doesn’t mean them lol. so ig in a head to head match to pick up someone, hue would definitely win lmaooo.
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
so many i couldn’t count all of them. and i just made them so idk what they are yet lmaooo.
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
not at all. their divorce is more of the secret, as not many people know about it lol.
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
yep! when the witch resurgence program came up, they were approached by the agency responsible for homing young witches and after talking it over with each other, they agreed that this would be good for the child but that they were wanting a real family. in his long life, jihan’s never had that before (for many reasons lol) and hue wants to do everything with jihan. coming from a large family himself, hue is used to having many kiddos around and he loves them. they got esther first, and after a few years, her bio parents actually ended up having another witch child, ozzy, so instead of the girls being separated they adopted ozzy too so the girls could grow up together.
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
jihan is more emotionally sensitive, but hue cries more often. he feels a lot and its hard to shut it off.
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
hue definitely. jihan is super laid back.
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
took them about 5 years to actually say the words “i love you” to each other, and the first time they did was at their wedding. they didn’t really plan it that way; both of them tend to show affection more than say it outright, but the timing was actually really good. reduced both of them to tears lol.
40. Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
this divorce LMAO.
41. What would they do if they lost the other?
to say hue would be a mess is an understatement. it also wouldn’t be an understatement to say that the potential for him to die of a broken heart—its what happened to his mother after his father died of a sudden illness. wolves are sensitive and hue knows he is too. esther and ozzy would probably be his only way to keep going, even though its dramatic.
jihan is more realistic. he’s loved and lost a few times in his long life, and he’s used to the inevitability of it. it pains him to think about it, so he doesn’t. but if it were to happen jihan would be a mess for a few years. and by a few i mean, probably a few centuries. whenever he’s loved and lost, he’s been off the rails for awhile before he finally is able to move on and change his appearance. he does carry his hurt with him, but having others to love and friends to lean on does help him cope. but i mean, ngl, he would be more fucked up over hue than anyone else he’s loved.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
jihan doesn’t really have family but his friends care about hue and think the two of them are good for each other. especially those who have known jihan for a long time (which he has a few friends that old lol).
hue’s family ADORES jihan they practically begged hue to marry him and were so involved in the wedding that it made hue almost embarrassed. when hue told them about the split they were devastated, and know that something is up because the two of them are yknow. bonded af. so not only will hue have his children’s meddling to deal with but also his family’s in helping them get back together 😂
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
hue would absolutely put jihan in something fitted. a suit, a tight shirt, well fit pants—anything that hugs his body and his curves he would want to see him in, though good luck getting him to admit to it lmao.
jihan loves seeing hue comfortable. sweaters, shirtless in sweatpants or boxers, his clothes.
its funny how they like the opposites on each other LMAO.
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
oh very often, esp with the girls. jihan actually isn’t used to such frequent cuddling until hue (he’s never been with a werewolf before) but wolves tend to lay on each other for warmth and comfort. once he got adjusted to it and realized that hue didn’t mind how he was cold, he grew addicted to them lol.
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
jihan is everpresent; essentially he knows when hue is struggling with something but he knows better than to try and push him to tell him things when he’s not ready to, or to try and offer help when hue doesn’t think its needed. it just leads to arguments and unhealthy coping mechanisms. even though it sometimes hurts to just stay beside hue and essentially “not do anything,” hue always assures him that his presence is enough, that him never judging him or forcing him to do things when he isn’t ready is more than enough. hue relies on this ever-presentness extremely heavily; he can’t really imagine doing most things without having the pillar of support that is jihan there.
hue is decisive and forthcoming, which is something really appreciates. because of his age and how he is in general, jihan is a person who sort of “lets whatever happen, happen” and its refreshing to have someone who’s, as he says, “young minded” to want to set about getting change and making his life his own himself. it gives jihan the drive to actually seek things that he wants and to put more effort into things he knows he should do.
46. Do they consider their relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why?
both of them consider it serious. aside from marriage, they’ve spent nearly 20 years together. jihan doesn’t get into relationships unless they’re serious and jihan is hue’s first meaningful relationship. they know each other like the back of their own hands, their home and comfort is in each other. they’ve built a whole family together lmao. the two of them definitely did not roll up to play around.
47. Do they sleep beside each other? Why or why not?
oh definitely lol. both of them are big cuddlers. and because jihan is cold and hue overheats they easily find temperature equilibrium.
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
of course! they even got married lmao—and like had a big ass ceremony and everything lol (hue unsurprisingly has a p big family). the future right now is uncertain until hue can work through either accepting that he’s mortal and he’ll die and it’ll be over with or unless they find another solution.
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
hue hasn’t told jihan about the mating for life predicament, nor his fears about him finding someone else after he dies and how it tears him apart.
jihan is pretty open about everything in his life but he’s not forthcoming if that makes sense. if someone doesn’t ask, he won’t really tell. but if you ask, depending on how close he is to you, he’ll open up. however, he’s never hidden anything from hue.
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
well, they’re technically broken up divorced right now—instigated by hue lol. the tl;dr is that hue is starting to get older and he’s starting to get very conscious of his own mortality. even though werewolves/were-creatures do live longer than humans, they pale in comparison to other creatures like vampires. like jihan, who has already lived for 800 years or so. at most, hue will live to be about 200, and the idea of jihan living on after him is painful—hell, even the girls could live longer than him. legends say that powerful witches can learn spells to gain longer life and essie is already showing a lot of promise. so, in a backwards way to save himself the heartbreak he broke things off. the idea of jihan being with anyone else pains him but the idea of being so attached and knowing jihan will find someone else after he dies is even worse (or so he thinks). he knows to a certain extent he’s being selfish, and the feeling is made worse by jihan being still so sweet and loving towards him and the girls. so despite initiating it, hue’s taking it worse than jihan.
jihan is definitely hurt about the break up, made even worse by hue not giving him the Real reason why he broke it off so suddenly, yet, he knows and can tell that hue is hurting more than he is. it gives him solace to not give up on everything or to wallow. he just wishes hue would tell him what was wrong so he can try and help fix it. he wants their family back, him back. but he knows pushing won’t fix it so he’s trying to be patient.
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tiz-chan · 2 years
It’s probably really late! I wanted to ask do you think Clive will regret not being about to protect Joshua and his kingdom?
Haha, yeah probably. Plus I go to bed early unless it's a weekend. 🥲 I have my queue posting for me between 7-10, so that's when you can tell I'm getting relaxed / ready for bed. 😴
omg why do you hurt me like this???
I would be absolutely shocked if he didn't feel that way. From what we can tell, primarily on the Awakening trailer, Clive is not only Joshua's big brother, but also his literal 'shield.'
I get the impression that Clive takes his duty pretty seriously, too. Not only as a (possibly) protective big brother, but because Clive might have an inferiority complex. I imagine he felt like a failure, being the first son and all, who let his parents down by not inheriting the Eikon.
Clive must have worked very hard to get where he did by the age of 15. He must have gotten sick of feeling like the 'failure' of the family, desperate to seek out something he could do and feel worthy through it. And not just for himself. I figure he might have been a bit eager to make his parents acknowledge / be proud of him, too??
15 year old Clive will be a good boy(TM). But even before everything goes to shit, I feel like he will still be quite complex. He might have a darker / uglier side to him, where he may or may not feel even just a prickle of envy towards Joshua for having inherited Phoenix when he couldn't.
Don't get me wrong though. I think feeling that way would only make Clive feel more frustrated - more so with himself, then anything. Hell, maybe he'd partially hate himself for it.
So imagine how it would feel to accomplish so much after feeling so inferior, only to have your entire life flipped upside down in a mere night.
Clive will be devastated.
20-something year old Clive will be broodier because of it. And we already know that he's thirsty for some vengeance, which is understandable. Anger is a common crutch for coping with grief. But that same anger could reflect back at him, too. I imagine he would replay what he could've done differently in his head again and again. Perhaps even blame himself for not being strong enough, regardless of whether there really was anything he could've done or not.
Not being able to protect the things that mattered is probably his biggest regret, for sure. Not only did he fail to become Phoenix's Dominant, but he failed as Joshua's shield and older brother, too. He failed his parents. Failed the entire kingdom, even.
Everything he ever accomplished amounted to nothing, and he only ever let other people down.
I'm hoping that 30-something year old Clive will be able to put those broken pieces back together, and sort of mature / find some peace despite all of the horror this game will most definitely put him through. But depending on how things go, I could also see him hit an unhinged, sort of rock-bottom before things get better, too.
Well, I mean, assuming things do get better...
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Finished the four David O’Doherty albums. It’s been a while since I’ve gone through all of someone’s stand-up recordings in chronological order, and I forgot how much I enjoy doing that. I enjoy watching someone’s style evolve over time – usually you can see where it’s going in the early ones, and see them get better and better at what they were always going for in later ones. Also I just find it kind of fun to listen to their personal stories change, from “I’m single and here’s why that’ll never change” to “Here’s why married life annoys me” to “Let me tell you about my kids”. Though DO’D doesn’t get that personal and I don’t think he’s married at all, so the primary change of that sort was going from “I recently turned 35 and I hate that that happened because it feels too old” to “I’m 44 and it feels weird to be that age and still playing plastic keyboards, but actually I don’t mind being mid-forties.”
The other thing that happens, when you go through someone’s work chronologically, is there’s often a sharp change in tone right around 2016. I’ve done this with enough people now to see a pattern. Comedians who were known for being light and purely fun in earlier years come out for their first recorded show post-Brexit and Trump, and they’re different. We were all different after that, not just from the direct consequences. As a Canadian I was lucky to not be subject to direct consequences of either (though indirect consequences, of Trump at least, definitely hit Canada, from tariffs to the rhetoric drifting up here to one of my friends had a friend die on the plane that blew up because of the tensions Trump escalated with Iran), but aside from any direct consequences, everyone had our eyes opened to how many people out there believe in shit like that. And after learning that, it’s hard to come back and do a straightforward observational set without at least a little acknowledgement of the darkness that it was easier to ignore before the US and UK both did actual surveys of all their people and the results said, “There’s a lot more darkness here than people thought.”
There are some exceptions to this, of course. You can see some changes as you watch all Frankie Boyle’s DVDs – he gets more specific and political as they go along – but it’s tough for him to get much bleaker or darker than the way he started. And some comedians have material so separate from politics or the world at large that they can keep it that way through anything. But a bunch of the ones I’ve seen have had at least a small change in tone.
But a lot of them change at least a bit, and DO’D was no exception. His albums skip straight from 2015 to 2020, so 2016 and COVID changed things since we last heard from him. He recorded his 2020 album on his phone, while sitting in a car in the middle of the night at the top of a hill on Achill Island, just off the West coast of Ireland, during a storm. Which is pretty fucking cool. The storm audibly picks up throughout the album – at the beginning he says you might hear the storm but I don’t notice it, and by the end I can clearly hear the wind and the rain outside. That’s a solid way to capture 2020. I mean, obviously the pandemic alone did not create that. The pandemic meant he had to record the album by himself instead of with an audience – it didn’t mean he had to drive to the top of a hill during a storm in the middle of the night and record it on his phone. DO’D just chose to do that because he’s more punk than the Sex Pistols, actually.
It's hard to pick a favourite, especially as I’ve just listened to them all within a couple of days and with things like this you only know your favourite once some time has passed and you see which one you go back to. But I think the third one was the best. By then, he’d gotten more confident in what he’d been doing more hesitantly in the first two. His use of music got more deliberate, I think. I mean obviously it was always deliberate, but on the third album it felt easier to see a way the keyboard added to the story every time he used it, while in his first album I think he sometimes used it just because he wasn’t sure the story would be funny enough otherwise, when in fact it would be fine on its own.
The fourth one is different – he has all the performance skills of the third album and more, but he’s also sitting in a car in the middle of the night. That one is good because of those circumstances. I like hearing the storm pick up, I like hearing him sound genuinely confused about the future as he tries to guess where this will go, I like the sense that most of this has not been tried much on audiences and it’s just what came into his head. But on a technical level the third is probably stronger - I guess there is in fact a reason why comedians usually try stuff out on audiences a lot before recording it.
Overall, I think my favourite track is a story about Lance Armstrong off the third album.
Anyway, I’m really glad I listened to all that. For some reason, I thought David O’Doherty lived in England. Possibly just because I know Dara O’Briain and Ed Byrne live in England, so I just assumed that’s what Irish comedians do when they’re famous. But it sounds like DO’D never left Ireland. So adding him to my Britcom list would be both a misnomer and a technically statement of support for the subjugation of Ireland, suggesting that albums by a guy who was born in Ireland and still lives in Ireland count as British comedy (as opposed to putting someone like Desiree Burch or Katherine Ryan on there, who have done much of their comedy work in Britain even if that’s not where they started). I mean, I’ve added it to the list anyway. I’m sorry, David. Does it help at all if I decide that the “Brit” in “Britcom” is short for “British Isles”? Probably not. What if I decide it’s “Brit-ish” like Just For Laughs did in their Britcom show that was hosted by Dara O’Briain? Actually that’s probably worse, the “-ish” suffix means “sort of” and I’m fairly sure Irish people don’t want to be called “sort of British”. What if I say it’s just because he performs in Britain a lot? By that logic I should put Alice Fraser on the list, which I haven’t done because she’s Australian, but maybe she should be there. These are the things I think far too much about, given that it’s a spreadsheet on my own computer and Google Drive account that does not do or affect anything.
I’ve also noticed that while I’ve seen other people call him “DOD” and I got in the habit of doing that because it’s faster and it’s a bit funny and I know people will understand what I mean, on his own website, he signs his posts “DO’D”. Probably because that’s just what he does and it has no real meaning, but possibly as a way to make a point in response to people who try to de-Irish-ize a name by taking out its punctuation (one of his albums does have a story about how he’s been asked to fill out his last name in an online form that won’t let him use characters that aren’t letters). I’m aware that anglicizing Irish names is something I do anyway on this blog, just because I don’t take the time to put in the Ó character every time I want to write a name that should actually be spelled as Dara Ó Briain. But I think I’ll start putting the apostrophe into DO’D at least, because whether or not he does it to make a serious point, I generally believe in referring to people the way they’ve indicated they want to be referred to.
That last bit was a tangent. The point is that they’re good albums. I really like his perspective. The way he looks at things and the way he approaches talking about things. The way he plays with tension, which I wrote about after his second album but he definitely keeps that up in the third and fourth. The way he’s so straightforward and... the term “raw” is generally not associated with the type of music he does, but I’ve already called him more punk than the Sex Pistols, so I think I can say that too. Everything sounds genuine and direct.
Also I know he had a whole album before all these so technically I should be talking about these as his second through fifth albums, but the first one is not on Bandcamp and I can’t find it elsewhere online. So what I mean are the first, second, third, and fourth albums on his Bandcamp page. Which can be found here, if anyone else wants them.
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rinse-and-repeat2 · 1 month
LMDM au again: Can we get a quick rundown on the relationships between the characters? It seems there's quite a few dynamic changes within the AU that are really intriguing - I can't really tell how much of the tension is lmdm!Seth's mental state assuming the worst and how much is actual reality (which is probably the point, so great job!!). I know this probably isn't the best question to ask considering there is only one part so far and we've been introduced to exactly two characters, so feel free to share whatever isn't too spoilery :)
Ooh this is a really interesting ask, and I'm going to try and answer it as quick as I can (but I ramble a lot, so we'll see how this goes). I'll probably only go over the Burgess/Sorenson family dynamics to keep this short. (Decided to wait to answer this one until the second chapter was out just because)
To start this off, I'm going to preface that Stan and Ruth in my AU are not evil people, but they're also not perfect. They've come from a long line of people who have had to deal with mounting pressures regarding magic and politics. Because their parents hated Void magic, they do as well. Because their parents put pressure on them early on, they repeated that to their children and grandchildren out of habit. In a way, it's very much generational trauma that has been put on them through many different ways (some not listed). But they do attempt to be slightly better, but this leads to more of an unspoken judgement on either sibling. They are trying to change, though, and that leads to many of their responses/actions seeming hypocritical in a way, especially when it comes to pressuring/not pressuring Kendra (leading to her feeling like she must be perfect).
When it comes to the Void, Stan, and Ruth, they are still strongly against it. Their changing attitudes hadn't yet gotten to that point, nor would it any time soon. Most citizens believe Void magic is punishable by death. Technically, it depends on how it's used, but even if it's used mundanely, someone will likely spin a darker tale to get them executed. It's hated, and Seth knows that. So, his state is understandable, but his grandparents do love him and likely wouldn't do something so drastic so quickly (likely trying to cover it up and make excuses instead). His grandparents also don't keep as close of an eye on him as they should, instead keeping their eyes on Kendra, who has more pressure on her shoulders. This leads to Seth making more mistakes (due to lack of guidance) but then getting punished for those mistakes later. This also leads to Seth not opening up to many (leaving him with no one to turn to but Muriel when he's in such a state).
Lena cares a lot for Kendra and wishes that there was less pressure on her, but she also greatly understands court and castle politics. So, while she differs on many decisions Stan and Ruth make, she says very little in that regard. Instead, she guides her and tries to ease her anxiety when it's the two of them. She doesn't know Seth as well, thinking Warren has his back most of the time (he does, but Warren also only sees the face Seth puts on). Kendra often doesn't put on a face around Lena.
That's probably as short as I can keep this! I hope my rambling answers your question!
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xcrystalzero · 3 years
finals never end
summary: as finals approach, i would like to imagine that there is something more to college than studying alone in a box for 14 hours a day. so, here's a modern au of the genshin boys as college students.
Characters included: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Zhongli
- Who are we kidding, this bitch is a legacy at some pricy Ivy League. Hates when people bring it up though since he just wants to be his own person and not rely on his family name to get through things.
- Majors in business because of course he does. Rushed a business frat because it seemed like a good idea. Didn't get a bid and has since boycotted greek life.
- Eventually people find out who his father is and he starts to get bombarded by people who just basically want to use him for networking. Gets approached by girls (and sometime guys) after class like literally every day, asking if he wants to study with them sometime or just "hang out" both because he's hot and because he's rich. He never gives them the time of day but that never stops them.
- Goes to the same school as Kaeya but ignores him every time he tries to talk to him or just come back into his life. Kaeya usually takes it in stride but every else is super confused about how the two of them actually know each other.
- Walks you home from class when it starts to get darker earlier, apparently only because he doesn't have anything better to do. A gentleman through and through.
"Don't you have a meeting right now?"
"You staying safe is more important right now. They'll understand."
- You know that one guy who is always out partying and who you never see studying but somehow makes the Dean's List every single semester without fail? Yeah, that's Kaeya.
- He's probably like an engineering or hard science major too and all his friends are absolutely pissed when he fucks up the curve every single time.
"You got a 98 on the orgo final???" "What, like it's hard?"
- Not as much of a hoe as everyone thinks he is. He definitely has his fun but he's not that guy who has slept his way through his entire major.
- Surprisingly enough, he's not actually in a frat, he just always knows where all the parties are. He's that guy with a snap score in the millions because everyone and their cousin hits him up every Friday night to ask where the parties are at.
-Generally seen as a really easy person to talk too. Also really good at seeming open with people without actually ever opening up and sharing anything about himself.
- With his very few close friends however, he has some strange hobbies that he's always happy to have someone to share with.
-Will take you on a picnic date about a mile off campus where you guys each way too much cheese and crackers, drink about a bottle of wine each, and watch the stars come out as the sun sets. Give the boy some love. That's all he really wants.
-Your local friendly performing arts major who you never find without a huge iced coffee and cuffed jeans.
- He's super involved in a bunch of student organizations from improv to a few music clubs and the like. He's that person that everyone in his major knows and comes to for recommendations about new things that they should try out.
- He's in a band! They play indie songs at rotating bars every Tuesday and Thursday night and go to conferences once a semester for aspiring artists. Also sometimes will randomly perform on the Quad and serenade the random people passing by just trying to get to class.
-Offers to play at an event a club you're in is hosting as long as there's free snacks.
- Kind of an alcoholic? Not a partier in the traditional sense, but at least twice a week, he'll host a hangout where he and anyone who decides to show up get wine drunk and watch a shit ton of Gilmore Girls. BYOB of course because there's no way he could afford it on his own. Has shown up to class still drunk before but he's cute so everyone forgives him.
- Impromptu photo shoots all the time with him. Whether its a cute random flower patch, the soft neon signs outside of a boba shop, or graffiti painted onto a building wall, everything is an insta opportunity.
- That mysterious kid sitting in the back of your lecture wearing all black who is both undeniably hot and also exceedingly intimidating.
- Either an animal sciences major because animals are just better than humans, or he's like like history/english and spends a lot of time reading.
- He's that guy who stops communicating after the first day of your group project and you're really worried that they're just not going to finish their work but they end up sending it to you perfectly complete like a week early. Also, will talk/text you one-on-one but dislikes group meetings and group chats.
- He's in a band too! They actually play with Venti and his friends a lot and even though he admires him a lot, he's never gotten around to actually talking to Venti.
- Doesn't let people come over because then his frighteningly large collection of Funko-Pops and anime merch will be revealed.
- Also a dancer! He's not on a team or anything since he had some bad experiences with teams when he was younger, but he heads down to the studio at least 2 times a week just to move and let out some stress. If he offers to teach you sometime, that means he really really likes you.
- Asked if you wanted to go see the Demon Slayer movie with him and then showed up in a black mask and sunglasses because he didn't want anyone to recognize him.
- Idk why but he kind of gives off athlete vibes??? Maybe like a basketball player or something?
- A bit of a campus celebrity just in that basically everyone, even if they aren't in the same major or aren't into sports, or just basically have no connection to him, still somehow know about him.
- He's a PR major and that charm is no joke. Some people kind of despise him because of the way he is literally able to effortlessly win over all of the recruiters and just random people he meets. He's extremely well-loved and he knows it.
- He's in a frat but outside of like mandatory events, doesn't spend all that much time with them. When he does party though, he goes hard.
- Doesn't actively flirt with anyone but he's just so charming and amiable that sometimes it comes across that way. Girls are always like "he's so respectful and nice I'm in love with him." He never feels the same way.
- Extremely competitive. Like the most competitive person you have literally ever met. He has to win everything and if he doesn't, he'll just keep trying and trying until he does. Literally the worst person to play beer pong with because he's not letting you go until he wins.
- Asks you to come to his games even though you barely even know the rules. If he does see you in the crowd, he gets way too hyped but plays the best he has all season. Make sure you take the credit for it.
- That guy in your required philosophy class who argues with the professor. Not in an annoying "I'm smart and want an excuse to mansplain" kind of way though. He's actually just absurdly well-read and wants to discuss things instead of just listening to someone talk.
- People get annoyed with him because he's kind of disrupting class but if you actually listen to what he's saying, his ideas make a lot of sense and are kind of a mind-fuck at times.
- Has an extensive collection of plants at home and somehow manages to keep all of them alive and thriving. Also collects antique tea sets and goes to great lengths to make sure that they are taken care of.
- Probably actually a philosophy or anthropology major. Always has a new book recommendation and he's a darling who actually reads from every genre.
- Spends his free time going to museums in the area or visiting historical landmarks that are close enough to the university. Loves walking everywhere so that he can just take time to enjoy scenery and the like.
- You mention that there's a new exhibit at the local art gallery and he says that he's actually going there that evening if you would like to join him. And I mean, why would you refuse?
A.N. I'm gonna go back to studying now! Hope you enjoyed!
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stay-astroway · 3 years
One Piece Trash Theory!!
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So, I had this thought a while ago... that none of Judge’s kids look like him. I guess you could say, ‘wait, Sanji has blond hair and dark facial hair,’ but look at him... Judge has the whole butt chin going on and his whole face shape is off from every other member of his family. His look just doesn’t hold up to the rest of them.
Now, we know he genetically messed with his children’s DNA in order to make them the ‘Ultimate Soldiers,’ but what if he also manipulated how they’d look? I mean, I know I have heard of possibilities, in reality, that people COULD eventually... in theory, end up picking and choosing how they want their kids to look; like a create your own character. Now, I don’t know how possible it could be anytime soon, BUT in the world of One Piece, and the technology and resources that Judge had, that this could be a possibility. 
We all know that canonically, Judge worked alongside Vegapunk, and that both Caesar Clown and Queen had also worked in the same place. SO... it’s not outside the realm of possibility that they bounced ideas of of each other and maybe even TOOK PIECES of each others’ work (I won’t go into too much detail but there have been theories that each of Vinsmoke’s children’s powers come from outside sources. Like, Niji’s electricity coming from the Minks Electro, Reiju’s poison being inspired by Caesar’s ‘Smiley,’ etc). 
Now, Judge might be aware of his unfortunate features, since, let’s be real, he’s pretty not good looking. Reiju lucked out and became the carbon copy of Sora, but what about her brothers? Well, fortunately, I have the answers (or theories)! So, the possible DNA samples that Judge might have used in creating his sons, could have been Doflamingo and Charlotte Cracker. 
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Okay, hear me out, if you look in the picture above or have either watched or read the anime/manga you’d see that the brothers (minus Sanji) all have gremlin characteristics. They have those huge Gremlin grins, and slightly unrelated, but still important, is that most of them at some point also have goggles or glasses which cover their eyes. All key Doflamingo characteristics. To me, they are the spitting image of each other. I don’t think I have seen Judge move his face from the one or two facial expressions he has. He just doesn’t have that shit eating grin look that the others have. Also, to relate back to Sanji, Doflamingo’s hair color is closer to Sanji’s than the blond of Judge’s. Sanji’s seems more of a vibrant blond and Judge seems to have a slightly darker tint. Some might say he could have gotten it from Sora; but, Doflamingo, Sanji, and Sora’s hair color all seems to be the same hue, and if I remember biology correctly, that creates a higher probability of that color. AND since judge worked alongside Caesar, he could have had access to that DNA since Caesar worked for Doflamingo. He could have come up with some excuse for some hair or whatever, and Judge easily could gain some genetic make-up for his kids. 
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  Now for Charlotte Cracker. It was stated early in the Dressrosa Arc while the Twirly Hat Crew were trying to escape from Big Mom’s people, that Caesar had siphoned money from Big Mom for his ‘experiments’ and for an empty promise to Big Mom saying that he could make an impossible gigantification drug. So, this DNA wouldn’t have been impossible to get. We know Big Mom loves treasure, and maybe one of the times while he was asking for funds, maybe he said he’d settle for some DNA from some of her children. Since she wasn’t wasting any of her cash, she might have thought that was a much more reasonable ask. Thus, gaining the genetics needed for Judge. 
Physically speaking, he has the same gremlin smile as Doflamingo, increasing the chances of his children having this quality. And his hair...it’s purple! And what makes purple?? Red and Blue, like Niji and Ichiji’s hair colors! I should also note that in the fight with Cracker he made the comment that he hates needles and pain... so maybe they extracted blood samples from when he was younger thus creating his aversion to these! 
Well, that’s my trash theory! I might go back and add some things later...maybe. I know this has some holes and doesn’t answer everything, but that’s what these are for! This came to me and I had to write it out. This wasn’t a One Piece blog before, but I guess it is now. Astrology and One Piece are now holding hands in one blog!!   
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boredandelusive · 3 years
04. (NSFW)
CW: Choking, Hickeys, Riding, Fingering, Oral Sex (m receiving), Mistress honorifics, Mommy honorifics, Ma’am honorifics, Scratching, Sub!Spencer Reid, Domme!OC, praise kink, degredation.
"I'm going to give you thirty seconds to be in my room, fully naked." She moved out of the way of the door and let him inside. Seeing as his eyes still showed desperation, he quickly stepped inside. She waited thirty seconds like she said she would, then went to her room.
Everything but his boxers were off, and it seemed like he was self-conscious. "I thought I told you to take everything off, no exceptions." She reminded as she pointed to his boxers. Peeling off her shirt, she walked closer to him.
"I know, Ma'am, but I-," he started, yet she just didn't want to hear him anymore. Kiara pulled him close by his waist and kept her hands there while kissing him. He didn't know where to put his hands, so he kept them in front of his bulge.
"Do me a favor next time: listen to your mistress when you're ordered to. Do you understand?" She asked in a low tone, which he whined and nodded. "Good," while she talked, she slipped her hands into his boxers. One hand went to his dick, which he jolted from the sensation, yet the other hand went to his side.
"Mmh- wait," he broke away from the kiss, and it looked like he contemplated something. "Can I take your clothes off, please?" It was adorably hot how he asked for everything, even if he hadn't realized she already gave him permission.
"Of course you can, baby boy. Take my clothes off," she ordered, which his hands fumbled to her bra first. Unclasping the hook, her boobs dropped, and he loved the sight of it. His hands toured her stomach, everything from the stretch marks and down.
Running his fingers on the hem of her shorts, he dipped his index fingers under the waistband before sliding her shorts down her legs. What the seductive part was he kept eye contact the entire time.
When her shorts were at her ankles, Spencer Reid was on his knees. He had a pleading look in his eyes, like he wanted something but needed to beg for it. "Go on, tell me what you want, baby boy. If not, I can't please you the way I want to."
"Can I taste you, Mistress?" The most submissive look in his eyes made him hard to resist.
"Ooh, I would let you, but you haven't taken these off, yet," she bent down to grab his hands. Once she had a light grip on his hands, she slid them up her legs, then her thighs, and stopped at her underwear. "So be a good boy and take them off for me."
Once again, he nodded as a response before pulling them down for her. "Stand up and get on the bed," as much as she enjoyed seeing him on his knees, she would rather fuck him than have him begging, not right now.
Quickly following her orders, he got onto the bed. Laying down on the bed, she crawled on top of him but didn't put her bodyweight onto him. Lightly grabbing his throat, she leaned toward his ear, not to his mouth yet. "Be a good boy for me, will you? I would hate to punish you on your first scene."
"Yes, ma'am," he whined, unconsciously rolling his hips under her.
"Good, but let me taste you first." she let go of her hand around his neck and moved to his waist. The one thing she kept her eyes on was his facial reaction. Pulling his boxers down, his dick sprung free. "Look at you, already so hard for me. God, you're so beautiful."
He whimpered, most likely from hearing her appraisals. She wrapped a hand around his dick, just before slowly stroking him. It wasn't fast enough to get him off, in fact, it was agonizingly slow. All he could do was whine loudly, and she enjoyed every sound he made.
Placing her mouth on the tip, she heard him let out a high-pitched whine. The fun thing about virgins? They're so fucking responsive it hurts. Each touch you make to someplace hypersensitive could've set them off.
Instead of immediately pleasuring him, she wanted to tease him. Seeing as his legs were spread apart, she ran her hands up his inner thighs. It gave him a sense of what would happen next, but it also made him anticipate what she would do to him. At first, it was light kisses to his inner thigh, which little gasps fell from his lips.
But as he got comfortable with the kissing, she sucked in those same spots, as if marking where she would form hickeys. The first hickey she made caused him to suck in raggedly, almost as if this gesture alone would've gotten him off. However, as adorable as he looked lying on the bed with his chest rising and falling unevenly, she still wanted him to feel penetrative sex.
By the time she fully took his dick into her mouth, he was a whimpering mess. The warmth from her mouth is what set him so close to the edge. Because of her previous teasing, his body jerked, no, writhed under her touch. "Please, Mistress," begging wouldn't get anything done, despite how much she wanted to hear it.
She didn't listen to his whining but instead swirled her tongue around his tip. Kiara took her time with him, even if it was agonizingly slow, but it was hot watching him squirm around, trying to please himself from her mouth. He must have been sensitive by now, so much so that his dick twitched in her mouth. That's when she knew to pull away, even if it meant he let out a string of desperate moans.
"W-Why did you stop?" His chest heaved in sexual desperation, almost like he wanted more, but he wasn't going to get what he wanted.
"Don't sound ungrateful, baby boy. You said you wanted to taste me, right?" she asked, which he quickly nodded. "Then sit up," she ordered, which he did as told. Crawling onto his lap, she hovered just above his dick, not giving him the satisfaction of her pussy just yet.
Out of instinct, he placed either of his hands on her thighs. She took his right and moved it into her inner thighs. When she let go of his hand, he slid it inward. "Y-You're so wet, ma'am," he wasn't expecting her to be sopping wet, but if this was because of him, he wanted to savor it.
"And it's all because of you, baby boy. Now be a good boy and please your Mistress," she ordered. He slid his hands toward her cunt, finding her clit easily. That wasn't the only thing he did, however, as he placed his mouth on her nipple.
He lightly circled his thumb on her clit, yet he inserted two fingers inside her hole. "Good boy," she moaned out. He started thrusting his fingers into her and swirling his tongue around her nipple. It didn't take him long to brush against her G-spot, which her walls fluttered around his fingers.
He sped up as if wanting to see what she would look like high from her orgasm. When her left nipple was hard, Spencer moved his mouth to her right one and did the same. She couldn't last long if he continued doing this. "Baby, I-," her voice escaped her, followed by an immediate moan.
"I like making you feel good, Mistress," he still had the same look in his eyes, but she couldn't focus on him anymore. "I wanna make you feel good," something must've flicked in his brain, because he rolled his fingers inside her.
"B-Baby stop, don't you wanna come together?" Feeling as he removed his hands from inside her, Spencer looked at his fingers in unsureness. "Baby, you said you wanted to taste me, right?" Seeing as he nodded in response, she took his hand covered with her juices and brought it closer to his face. "So clean your fingers off."
Sticking both fingers into his mouth, he kept eye contact with her and holy fuck, it was hot. The second he removed his mouth, she kissed him, and he went red from embarrassment. Continuing to kiss him, which he struggled keeping up, she pushed him to the bed. Sitting up, she grabbed both of his wrists and held them crossed against his chest.
Aligning her hole with his dick, she lowered herself. Both of them groaned happily, but she didn't move yet. Hearing as Spencer whined from the lack of motions, she began thrusting her hips up and down. She was just beautiful bouncing on his cock, and she wished he could touch her.
"Wanna touch," he whimpered, which she heard and smirked. "Please," despite his words, she continued thrusting her hips against his. Every movement she made sent him closer to the edge, and with how sensitive he was, it was adorable.
"Then you can touch me," she moved her hands away from his arms, to which his hands rushed to her waste. He didn't plan to control her hips, but he liked the sensation. Now that his chest was free, she placed her hand at the top of his chest. Digging her nails into his skin, he jolted in painful pleasure, and she could've sworn she felt his dick jumped inside her.
While she trusted her hips, she wanted to try something to see how he would react. Dragging her nails down his chest, he whined loudly. "Baby, I need you to be a good boy and do as I say," she cooed, but he was too close to his orgasm to hear her fully.
"Good boy?" Hearing those words... those fucking words, they did something to him. Rolling his hips into her, he came. Of course, he didn't expect it, and hearing those words made his dick throb. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened, it's-," he tried excusing, but coculdn't find the words for it.
"Just something about hearing the words good boy? It seems like you have a praise kink, Spencer Reid." She stated, which he blushed and hid his face in embarrassment. "Why are you hiding your face, baby boy?"
"Because I came too quickly," he sounded almost ashamed, and because he hid his face in his hands, he was fearful of how she would react. "I'm sorry, Mommy," as much as she wanted to be mad at him, this was still kink exploration. The first few scenes wouldn't be vanilla, as he had a lot of 'maybe' boxes ticked.
"Baby boy, it's okay. Hey, look at me," she peeled his hands from his face and kept his hands in front of him. "Spencer, look at me," her voice grew darker, which he noticed and turned his head back to her. "It's okay if you came early, we're still exploring what you like."
"But you didn't come," he dropped his head into her chest. Digging her fingers into his hair, she pulled his hair, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "What can I do to please you, ma'am?"
"Come again, and let me ride it out." She ground her hips against him, which he moaned at the overstimulation. "So be a good boy for me and let me ride out my orgasm." She started thrusting her hips up and down, which his moans chased each thrust.
He closed his eyes, yet she slowed her thrusting speed down when he looked away. "Why'd you stop?" He asked in an almost thoughtless tone. The pleasure was getting to him, but he had to hold out long enough for her orgasm, too.
"Look at me when I'm riding you," she forced him to listen, which he opened his eyes again. As she continued thrusting, his breathing became ragged and uneven.
"Wanna touch you again, please," Spencer whined, which she nodded at his request. Her moans slipped out, which both of them got closer to their release. While she trusted her hips, she ground them against him as well. "Mmh- fuck-!"
"Baby, I'm getting close. Come with me, huh? Be a good boy and come with me," she whined and sped up her thrusting speed. Seeing how much his face contorted from pleasure was hot enough to send her over the edge, and him as well.
"Fuck, mommy," he highly whined as his dick throbbed inside her. Coming inside her again, he whimpered from the overstimulation. "Mommy, I-..." his body trembled from the pleasure, something he couldn't handle.
"Can I mark you?" It was a simple act to claim her property, and it would only last a few days. The idea of letting the others know who he belonged to was hot, and it was something he had ticked 'maybe'.
"Please," he whimpered, and she placed her mouth on his neck. Still trembling from the shocks, Spencer dropped his head in her shoulder. He was so tired, and there was still one other thing she needed to do: clean up.
Once the hickey was there, and it was fresh, she moved her mouth away from his neck. "Stay here, baby. Mommy will be right back," she got up from his lap and his dick slipped out of her hole. About to get out of the bed, Spencer wrapped his arms around her torso.
"Stay, please," cute as he was, she needed to clean them both up, then she could go back to bed with him.
"Baby, I promise you I'll come back, but let me clean me and you up, because I know your chest is hurting," referring to the scratch marks running from his shoulders to his waist. Seeing as he let go of her, she walked to the bathroom and did everything needed.
It was great she had an IUD, and she already cleaned herself up. Now she had to clean Spencer, which was easy to do. Since he was half asleep, she cleaned off their sexual juices and got in bed beside him. From there, she tucked in bed with him and fell asleep.
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koos-euphoria · 3 years
ᴍɪɴᴇ | ʏᴏᴏɴɢɪ ғᴛ sᴇᴏᴋᴊɪɴ
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yoongi/reader ft seokjin | s | 18+ | actor!au | oneshot
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wordcount: 5.4K
requested: yes
warnings: Dom!Yoongi, Sub!fem reader, hair pulling, teasing, fingering, dirty talk, pussy eating, throat fucking, possessive!Yoongi, degradation, praising, finger sucking, spanking, choking
— summary: you have to kiss seokjin in a drama, that you star in for the next episode of their reality tv show run bts! yoongi becomes possessive of his girl. So he reacts by showing that you are his, that is by making Seokjin watch him fuck you.
note: yeah.. this is just filled with filth sksksk
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ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴍ.ʟɪsᴛ | ʙᴛs ᴍ.ʟɪsᴛ
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© koos-euphoria 2021. Do not repost, modify or translate.
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The camera lens zooms into yours and Seokjin’s face, preparing to shoot. Your eyes running over the script in a hurry to memorise your next lines for the scene that’s about to happen. You feel a makeup sponge bounce on your cheeks delicately as the makeup artist touches up the subtle blush that she’s created. “Okay guys, we be starting the last scene for this run episode in a minute!” The director calls from behind the set. The rest of the boys crowding silently around him wanting to witness the ‘best scene in the whole script’ that is quoted from the director himself. You and Seokjin both give your scripts to one of the staff team as you get in your places, giving one another a small smile before getting into your characters. “Okay guys, in three.. two... one.. ACTION!” The director shouts and you hear a click for somewhere behind the camera.
Rain begins to pour down on both of you as you stare at the man in front of you. “You can’t just leave me y/n, not like this. I need you.” Seokjin stammers, his voice unstable, as he tries to hold back the need to cry. “If you needed me, then I wouldn’t of just seen you with her!” You shout back, your fists clenching by your side as the image that you saw not even five minutes before. The imagine of Seokjin smiling with his ex, as she holds flowers in her hands enters your mind. Your eyes fall shut, as if attempting to erase the picture, the sight of it bringing you so much pain. Oh how it hurts your heart. “It wasn’t what you think! Please... y/n just, let me explain.” Seokjin begs, no longer being able to hold back his sadness, tears freely flowing down his pretty face. As you take deep breath, your own tears begin to fall, one after another. Slowly opening your eyes, you look up at him and take another deep breath. God, you hate seeing him cry. “You have two minutes.” You tell him gently, though it wasn’t a whisper, it is all you could manage, however, your voice to unstable for anything more. Seokjin’s eyes widen slightly, before he scrambles for his words, stuttering. “I b-bumped into her, she already had t-those flowers, she just got back from seeing her boyfriend. Those were not from me, I’d...” Seokjin pauses to take a deep breath, clenching his fists in an attempt to steady his trembling hands. “I don’t love her y/n, she’s just.. she’s not the one I want. Or who I want to be with. That person, she is just someone I used to know.” Seokjin explains, eyes frantically looking everywhere he can see. Scanning across your face, searching for any negative reaction from you. You space out as you take in his words, eyebrows coming into a frown, lips pouting as you become confused. “You.. you don’t love her?” You question, quietly, as you take a small step forward, closer to Seokjin, your hands still clenched by your sides, cautious. Automatically Seokjin erratically shakes his head from side to side, taking his own step closer to you, so close his breath fans over your face, creating some sort of heat that dances along your cheeks. His hand comes up to gently caress your cheek, thumb running along the soft skin. “No. I don’t. She’s not the one I love.” He confirms, your eyes flicker between his eyes and lips. The rain continues to pour down on the pair of you, even as the tears cease, a chill running down your spine as your clothes begin to soak through. Seokjin’s hair sticks to his forehead, as his eyes copy yours, flickering across your face. “Then who?” You whisper, raising a hand to lay on his chest, your breath is felt on Seokjin’s lips and you could almost hear the hitch in his breath. “You. It’s always been you.” He whispers back. Right before he finally closes the gap between you, his free arm slithering around your waist to pull your body against his own. His pillowy soft lips pressing against yours. The kiss full of raw passion. The emotion of pure love. It steals your breath away. The kiss only lasted for about 6 seconds, but it almost felt like a whole minute. Seokjin pulls away first, out of breath, you both pant as he presses his wet forehead on your own, looking into your eyes, neither of you are able to hold back the goofy smiles that spread across your faces. “I love you too.” You whisper to Seokjin.
“and CUT! Well done guys that was great!” The director praises you both enthusiastically, arms wide before he gives you a pat on the back once he’s in front of you. “Thanks!” Seokjin and you both beam. The boys were quick to steal the pair of you away as the director runs to talk to one of the other staff members. “Damn, I was about to cry myself!” Hoseok exclaims as he wipes away a fake tear from his cheek. “Right? It was so beautiful!” Jungkook’s quick to agree with his Hyung, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. “I wanna kiss y/n! You’re lucky Hyung!” Jimin winks at you, a smirk playing on his full lips, making your cheeks flush pink. “Oh me too!” Taehyung chimes in, nodding his head, his dark hair flopping in front of his eyes. “You did great guys.” Namjoon smiles, dimples popping out on his cheeks, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He smiles again as he ignores the other boys comments. You look over at Yoongi, waiting to hear what he thinks, but you find him practically sending Jin to an early grave. The elder coughs awkwardly, windshield like laugh floods the room. “C’mon guys, let get you changed before you catch a cold.” A female staff cheers, you see Jin physically relax as she begins pushing you both away from the boys and towards the changing rooms. Side by side, you and Seokjin joke on the way there, before splitting apart to go into different rooms so you can get changed.
As you take a step out the door, humming happily to yourself freshly changed into dry clothes, you bump into something sturdy, catching you off guard. “Oh!” You shout in fright, not expecting anyone to be there. Your head tilts up to find Yoongi staring harshly back down at you, arms crossed over his chest. Your eyebrows scrunch up worriedly. “Is everything okay Yoongs?” You ask, your hand moving to gently brush the stray strand of hair that is covering his beautiful dark eyes. You see his features soften slightly, a small pout appearing. Cute. “Mmm.” He hums absentmindedly, rolling his eyes, before he grips onto your wrist in time for it to be slowly pulling away. “Come.” He demands, his voice deep and raspy, the harsh look back on his face before he is turning away from you and walking down the long corridor, leaving no room for you to argue.
You practically jog to keep up with a pissed off Yoongi, or what you’re guessing is a pissed off Yoongi, if the clenched jaw and dark eyes are anything to go by. The grip that he has on your wrist isn’t tight but it is enough to have your heart racing inside your chest, and trip over your own two feet. Yoongi pulls you away from the changing room you were just in and past many doors that you don’t have the chance of even looking at, room by room going past you both like a blur. Yoongi comes to a sudden halt, making you awkwardly face plant into his back. “Where are we going Yoongi?” You ask, your voice soft and delicate to his ears, your hand that isn’t occupied in his grasp moves to gently lay on the middle of his back, fingers tips spread apart, pushing lightly to create a bit of distance between you, as you step backwards. His head is turns towards you without a second thought, his chest tightening at how cute you look. Eyes wide like a little dear caught in headlights with a faint blush dusting along the apples of your cheeks, but still. It doesn’t change anything. He’s still pissed. As the quick flicker of the soft emotions appeared, they are gone just as fast. His dark eyes look down at you, almost scarily, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. The irises expanding, now almost pitch black of colour are practically sending you six feet underground, right then and there. You curse to yourself inside your head as your heartbeat quickens, from nervousness and excitement, but also worry. What’s gotten him so mad?
Moving his whole body, he faces you completely now, his free hand that isn’t wrapped around your wrist, moves to grip your chin, fingers curling around the feature forcing you to look directly at him. “Did you enjoy that kiss?” Yoongi asks, voice low, raspy. It sends a chill down your spine as he completely ignores your question. Your eyes widen as your lips part at the sudden question. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it, who wouldn’t enjoy kissing the worldwide handsome Jin? Obviously someone who isn’t sane. Waiting impatiently, Yoongi’s tongue comes into your view as the wet muscle licks the corner of his mouth, making your thighs clench involuntary. Noticing the subtle motion, the corner of Yoongi’s mouth twitches slightly as if holding back a smirk. He runs his tongue along the rest of his plush bottom lip, his eyes raking over your body top to bottom, checking you out. His bottom lip now glistening with saliva before a deep growl rumbles from the man in front of you. His left eyebrow raises once you move your eyes back into his. “Y-yes, I did.” You stutter, your fingers twitching as you fidget nervously, already knowing he’s not gonna like your answer. Your cheeks flush red as you watch Yoongi’s eyes turn even darker, narrowing at you. Whizzing back around after dropping his grip on your chin, Yoongi grasps the door handle with his now free hand, almost aggressively, proceeding to push the wooden door open after a loud click echos through the empty hallway. Moving himself into the room, his fingers instantly find the light switch, flicking it so the room is suddenly bright, almost blindingly so. A swift tug to your wrist, is all that Yoongi gives you to have you stumbling into his chest, grasping the soft material of his shirt between your fingers, as he pushes the door shut behind you.
Before you even have the time to remove your hands from him and flatten the new crinkles that you’ve made in Yoongi’s shirt, he looks down at you, one hand coming under your chin again, gripping it as he silently pulls you up straight. You suddenly gasp as you feel your back roughly hitting the door behind you. His other hand suddenly leaves your wrist and finds its way in your hair gripping at the roots. The feeling has your pussy clenching, a whimper falling from your parted lips. Yoongi ducks his head down causing your breath to catch in your throat. It was almost overwhelming how little he’s doing with how much it’s affecting you. The feeling of Yoongi’s lips trailing along your exposed collarbone renders you speechless, as his warm breath ghosts along the skin forcing goosebumps to rise, it makes him smirk. Oh how he loves just how easy it is to get reactions from you. So sensitive. Humming, he trails his feather-light touches of his lips along your neck, stopping once he reaches the part just below your ear as that has your fingers tightening in his shirt, crumpling it further. His teeth nip at the flesh and you keen, moaning, your knees buckle weakly. Yoongi chuckles darkly as he licks and kisses the sensitive spot before he decides to mark it, sucking on the skin. When he pulls away you see him slightly nod in approval, when he sees the fresh purple colour it’s turned to. Ducking back down he nips again, this time at your lobe, and your eyes instinctively shut, lashes tickling the tops of your cheeks as they flutter. You can feel the material of your underwear sticking your folds, as you get more worked up at Yoongi’s hot mouth. Yoongi gives a small tug on your roots, making you mewl. “Look at you. So responsive and I’ve barely even done anything.” Another tug to your roots, this time harsher as he forces your head back, making it slightly thud against the door, but you couldn’t care less as the pain only adds fuel to the throbbing between your legs. Your hole clenching, feeling far too empty. You whimper, attempting you grind on something, your eyes glazing over as you look up at Yoongi, to find him darkly staring back at you, a Sultry smirk on his lips, like he can read just how desperate you’re becoming by the second, how needy you are to have him. “I bet you’re soaking, hm?” Yoongi asks rhetorically.
Yoongi doesn’t need an answer, as the hand that was wrapped under your chin moves south, the tips of his fingers brushing past the tops your breasts on the way down, continuing until he reached the inside of your bare thigh. Two fingers then start trailing upwards, slowly, his feather light touch, torturing you. “Yoongi p-please.” You beg, and oh how sweet you sound. It makes Yoongi cock twitch inside his tight jeans. His lip is captured between his teeth, as he continues the slow pace. “Please what, what do you want Kitten?” He asks huskily. Kitten, fuck. That name effects you more than you ever thought it would, especially when it’s mixed with his deep voice. It makes your cunt drip. His fingers finally reach the hem of your skirt, playing with the material as his smirk deepens. Your eyebrows furrow, very frustrated. “Need y-your fingers, p-please, f-fuck need it so bad.” You beg again, stuttering over your words, unable to hold back the slight whine as his finger slips under the hem of your skirt, to continue the trail, his pace still slow. “My fingers? Where exactly do you need my fingers huh?” Yoongi teases, and god does it drive you crazy. Your knees begins to wobble in want, the grip on his shirt becoming even tighter as you cry out in frustration. “My p-pussy!” Yoongi chuckles at this as his lips attach onto your own, the taste of him flooding your senses. It makes you all the more needier for him as you feel his tongue lick at your lip, wanting entrance, which you give him, his tongue instantly moving to wrestle with your own. He swallows the moan that leaves you mouth as you finally feel his long fingers on your underwear. He groans, pulling away with your lip between his teeth, letting go after a second. “Fuck your so wet, Kitten.” His own eyebrows furrow, licking his lips, the taste of your mouth still there. “P-please.” You whisper, sliding your hands that sits in Yoongi’s shirt up and into his dark hair, pulling him back down to your mouth.
Yoongi wastes no time now, as he moves the lace material of your underwear to the side, his two fingers automatically running through your slick folds. Circling your hole, he collects your juices before running them up to your clit, circling the bud. Pleasure flows through your veins as you part from his mouth, gasping. “Fuck!” You moan, and the grip on your hair disappears as Yoongi’s falling to his knees in a blink of an eye. His eyes hungry, taking in your needy cunt. Using his free hand he moves your skirt so it’s bunched around your stomach, finding it in the way as he groans out. “Look at you. Who made you this wet hm?” He asks, as he leans forward his breath hitting the soft skin just above your sensitive clit. “You, Yoongi.” You answer him breathlessly, and that’s all he needed to hear for his digits to slide down to your hole, and his mouth to attach onto your clit. A loud whine leaves your mouth when his tongue first flicks on the little nub, your head banging against the door again, this time harder. His fingers slowly push their way past you tight hole, your mouth falling open in a silent moan as you feel the burning pleasure of being stretched open. Your fingers tangle through the soft strands of Yoongi’s hair, tugging lightly, forcing a deep groan to be released from him below. His two fingers curl deliciously on the spongey spot buried deep inside your cunt, over and over. It has your toes curling and eyes rolling back. Your mouth releasing noice you’ve never even made before. “Mmm that’s it, Kitten, are you gonna cum? Your clenching around my fingers so tight.” Yoongi pulls slightly away from your pussy panting, trying to catch his breath, a dark glimmer of mischief shines in his eyes. You don’t manage to pick up on it though, your heads to clouded with lust and the desperate need to cum. “P-please Yoongi, I’m so close.” You whine, tugging on his hair, pulling him back to your aching cunt. You’re so close, just a second longer and you’ll be there, floating in ecstasy. Your legs begin to shake and your pussy tightens around his fingers like a vice, making Yoongi groan in want and just as you’re about to step into that sweet release, Yoongi pulls his whole body away from you, your cunt empty and your painfully close orgasm fades into nothing.
“W-what? No, I was so close!” You practically sob, tears filling your eyes. Yoongi stands up and moves so close to you, toes touching but nothing else. Capturing your eyes, he lifts his hands up, the two fingers that were inside your cunt, taps your bottom lip before sliding along the red flesh. “Open.” Yoongi demands. You listen instantly stuck in some sort of lust filled trace. Yoongi hums to himself, loving how obedient you are as he pushes his digits between your lips. The taste of yourself fills your senses and you couldn’t hold back the small whimper building up inside you. “Suck. Thaaats a good girl.” He praises you as you hallow your cheeks, bobbing your head on his fingers, imagining to yourself that it’s something else entirely. Yoongi swallows as the same image flash his mind. The thought of your lips wrapped around his fat cock has it twitching. Just as he opens his mouth to tell you to get on your knees. There’s a knock at the door. “Yoongi-ah, are you in there? Have you seen Y/n? She’s missing.” Seokjin shouts. Looking at Yoongi, he seems to be caught in his thoughts so just as you’re about to answer for him his hand that you were sucking on pulls out from between your lips and covers your mouth, keeping you quiet. His dark eyes are on you again, almost daring you to speak. With his other hand gripping your arm, he moves you both away from the door, and once he’s in a place he likes his hand slides up your arm, tickling the skin until he reaches your shoulder. He presses you down and you fall loudly onto your knees, hissing at the small pain. “Yoongi-ah?” Jin shouts again, knocking. Yoongi looks down at you, smirking as he begins to unbuckle his belt and unzip the zipper of his jeans. Only pulling his boxers down enough to reveal his very hard cock.
You almost choke at the sight of him, not only is he long, but he’s thick, so thick. It makes you wonder how the fuck are you gonna even fit that inside you. Yoongi still smirking grasps his cock in one hand, running his hand up and down along his shaft. A drop of dripping from the tip and you lick your lip hungrily. This earns a chuckle from Yoongi. “Wanna suck my cock, Kitten?” He asks, his head tilting slightly to the side, and you nod so fast, needy. “Open up then.” He says as he taps the tip on your mouth as if to enticed you further. Obeying, you open up and Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to slide his cock inside right to the hilt, in one swift thrust, the salty taste of his precum coating your tongue in the process. You feel a hand in you hair holding you still as your nose brushes the skin above. Yoongi moans deeply as his head falls back, his eyes screwed shut. Another knock at the door brings his attention back to you, the same mischievous glint in his eyes. This time you see it, your eyes widening in wonder of what he’s about to do. The free hand that isn’t tangled in your hair moves to your cheek caressing it gently, thumb running along your cheek bone almost lovingly. It makes your heart sore. “Come in.” Yoongi’s raspy voice echos and it makes you jump as it practically slices through the almost silent room, other than the sound of your gags from his cock sitting snuggly inside your throat.
You can almost feel the stare that Seokjin is giving on the side of your face, and as you go to look as him, Yoongi growls out, his loving grip turning harsh on your jaw, forcing you to stay looking at him. “Eyes on me. It’s my cock down your throat. Not his.” Yoongi spits. His head looks back at his elder, smirking. “Ah, Hyung, how nice of you to join us. Why don’t you take a seat, hm?” His head tilts, dark hair moving with the action. When you think Seokjin was gonna turn around and leave, he actually walks closer taking the seat at the side of you both, one leg crossing over the other wordlessly. Yoongi’s head turns back to you, his cock twitching, almost like he forgot for a second that is was between your spit covered lips. “Now, where were we Kitten, hm?” He chuckles, pulling his hips out slightly before pushing back in, repeating the motion over and over, a steady rhythm of his hips, as he fucks your throat. “Such a good girl for me, letting me use your throat. My perfect little fuck doll.” Yoongi praises, his grip tightening in your hair in time with his last sentence. “So pretty with your lips around my fat cock, Kitten.” Your cunt clenches around nothing as you whine, though it sounds nothing like a whine from the way Yoongi started thrusting fast making you gag and choke around him. “Your throat’s so tight, almost want to cum down it.” He reveals, and you moan in approval, the thought of drinking Yoongi’s cum sounds more than appetising. “Oh you want that huh? Want to drink my cum, like a little cumslut huh?” Yoongi asks, and you try to nod your head as best as you could with your mouth stuffed. It makes Yoongi chuckle, mockingly. “Hm as much as I would like that, I’m making Seokjin hyung watch me take what’s mine. So, I’m cuming no where but inside that tight little cunt of yours.” He tells you. Oh what a filthy mouth he has, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it. If your dripping cunt is anything to go by and the way it’s starting to run down the tops of your thighs. You almost forgot that Seokjin was even there, as you see him fidget from the corner of your eyes. But before you could even give him the slightest attention Yoongi pulls his cock from your mouth, gripping your arm, as he pulls you up from your knees to stand. Turning you around so your back is towards him he runs one hand up your spine, stopping once he reaches between your shoulder blades. Applying slight pressure he pushes you down so your top half is leaning on a table. A table that you didn’t even realise was there, as your body jerks from the cold wood.
Yoongi kicks your feet apart as he grasps the material of your underwear, pulling it to the side again. You groan when you feel his cock touch your folds lightly, making him chuckle. “Hm so excited for cock aren’t you, Kitten?” He asks teasingly, and you nod your head, but your lack of words makes Yoongi tut, bringing his hand back before swatting your ass cheek, quick and hard. Your whole body jumps forward, hipbone digging into the edge of the table, you gasp at the sting, the pain only adding to the arousal between your legs. “Words, Kitten. Use them.” He demands, and you obey, fast, so needy, that you whine lightly, you don’t even care as Seokjin chuckles from beside you. “Yes, fuck yes, want your cock.” Yoongi hums to himself, wrapping his hand around his girth he teases the head along your folds, tapping your clit twice with the tip before aligning his cock to your awaiting hole. “Yeah? Want my cock?” He asks again. “Hm, I can feel you clenching around nothing, greedy girl.” He says, while spanking your ass twice. “Beg for my cock. Show Jin how pretty you sound when you beg for me.” Yoongi tells you.
You don’t even wait as words spill from your mouth, not even holding back forgetting about Jin’s obvious presence at the side of you. “Please Yoongi, please, want it bad, want you. Please.” Tears spring to the corners of your eyes, so desperate to feel him buried inside your cunt. You can tell that Yoongi is loving every second and every whimper or whine that leaves your mouth. All for him. A gasp leaves your lips as Yoongi pushes the tip of his cock in your cunt, the blissful burning stretch of the tip makes you choke on your saliva. “Fuck so tight.” Yoongi curses through clenched teeth, pushing in his cock further, a hand grips your hip hard enough to bruise as the other wraps around your throat. Not choking you but just the feeling of it being there is enough to have adrenaline running through your veins excitedly. As his hips are flush against your plump ass cheeks, you both groan loudly In unison. The feeling of your cunt walls hugging Yoongi’s fat cock so nicely, forces him to take his bottom lip between his teeth. Your legs are already shaking at how good he feels inside you, so full, and you get impatient, wriggling your hips in effort to make him move and fuck you dumb. “Ah ah. Naughty girl.” Yoongi says disapprovingly, his hand tightening around your throat slightly.
He begins to pull his cock slowly out of you until nothing but the tip is inside you once again. “Tell Seokjin you're mine.” Yoongi growls, his teeth clenched, and you keen, arching your back, “I’m yours, Yoongi.” You moan breathily, and that’s when Yoongi pushes his cock back in. Hard. Knocking all the air out of your lungs. “Yeah. All mine.” Yoongi states, cockily, his eyes flicking to his Hyung for a split second. Picking up a fast pace, controlling it so his cock reaches deep inside you, his tip kissing that spot that has your toes curling and you eyes rolling back. His hand releases his grip on your neck, sliding up until he reaches your jaw. Leaning his body over you, his chest against your back. He forces your head to face Seokjin, taking in the sight of him. Man spreading, cheeks flushes and his hands rub at his cloth covers cock. A delicious sight. You feel Yoongi’s breath hit the side of your face, as he growls out. “Mine.” Taking your lobe between his teeth, you whimper. “Tell him.” Yoongi grits, fucking into your cunt harder, as his other hand works his way around over your tummy and between your thighs, teasing your clit. “Go on.” He demands, letting go of your jaw he stands back up, both hands gripping your waist fucking into you. You gasp for breath desperately trying to grasp onto something, anything, until they land on the edge of the table. “I’m yours, fuck.” You whine, your mouth dropping open as your brows pinch together. Your high, so close once again.
Your eyes widen however as Yoongi pulls out, turning you over and lifts your ass up onto the table. Whining at being edged once again, Yoongi grips your thighs, spreading them before he lets go of one to help push his cock back inside your tight, leaking hole. “Oh-” You moan out, falling back onto your elbows as Yoongi picks up where he stopped, his hand going back to your thigh not wasting any time as he begins his same pace. “Hm, so pretty when my cocks splitting your little cunt open, Kitten.” Yoongi praises. “Isn’t she Hyung?” You hear a small, breathy ‘yes’ leave Seokjin’s bitten lips. You keen at the praise, as your head falls back. “C-close!” You shout, as you force your head back up to look into Yoongi’s eyes, your own being wide. “Hm, I can tell, squeezing my fat cock so good.” Yoongi moans, giving you one harsh thrust as if to emphasise his words. “Mmm love your fat cock.” You babble mindlessly, earning a chuckle from Yoongi, though his own eyebrows pinch together and his tongue licks the corner of his mouth. Sweat dripping down his temples as his hair sticks to him. You looking like a similar picture. The feeling of his cock twitching inside is enough to show he too is close. “I know, wanna feel you cum on my fat cock right now though, baby.” He says, as he slides his hand further up your thigh until he’s rubbing at your clit in circles. “Be a good girl and cum for me.” He purrs, leaning over your frame, his body encasing your own. Your body stiffens as you feel euphoria run through you. Your vision turning white as you cum, hard. “F-fuck! Baby, where do you want my cum?” Yoongi gasps, your cunt like a vice around his girth. “Inside, god, want it inside please.” You cry out. “Shit!” Yoongi curses, his mouth fits over yours as he kisses you, all tongue and teeth. As spurts of his cum hit your walls coating them.
The after glow of your orgasms wash over you as you continue to kiss, Yoongi’s arms wrapping around your frame holding you against him as you wrap your arms around his neck. Pulling away from you with a final peck, Yoongi flashes a gummy smile, running a hand along your spine comfortingly. “Are you done?” Seokjin’s strained voice is heard properly for the first time since he has entered the room and you immediately flush burying your face into Yoongi neck embarrassed. “I think you’ve made your point Yoongi.” Jin teases further, an eyebrow raises as he uses the arms of the chair to push himself up. “So, uh, yeah, I’ll be leaving, thanks for the uh, free porn show guys.” Is Seokjin’s final words before he walks vacates the room, the tips of his ears bright red. Unbothered, Yoongi just chuckles turning back to you, placing a kiss in your hair, as he breathes in your scent. “Did you mean it?” He whispers, and you pull your face away from the warmth of his neck arms falling to the table to hold your weight up, confused. “Mean what?” You ask, tilting your head, your hair falling in front of your face, just for Yoongi you brush it behind your ear softly, smiling like a lovesick puppy. “That you’re mine.” His voice surprisingly steady despite how nervous he really is. “Yeah, I’m yours Yoongs, always have been.” You whisper leaning into Yoongi’s soft touch, inwardly cooing as Yoongi’s gummy smile appears of his face once again. “Good, and uh incase you didn’t know, I’m yours y/n.” He confesses, but you giggle at him, leaning up to place your lips on his quickly, in a small kiss. “I know.” You say softly, leaning further back you properly look at yoongi’s flushed face, post sex hair, thin layer of sweat covering his skin, kiss swollen lips. A sight that has your cunt clenching, around the cock that’s still buried inside you. Grunting, Yoongi’s gummy smile quickly turns into a small smirk. “Round 2?”
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Taglist 🏷 : @ramblingsofawolfgirl @maknaeronix @blue-yoongles @marinasrizzel @kgalaxy224 @jjkdayss @snowyydayys @minvaleria93 @whocaresarchives @nervouskiwi @titty-ambulance {let me know if you want added or removed}
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