#also just a note - i don't plan on updating my list should it be filled
autisticlenaluthor · 2 years
this feels gross. butttt, i made an amazon wishlist
for context, im chronically ill and disabled, and having a hard time paying for things on my own.
there are 3 things i need right now that I can't afford to buy myself. a 3 tier cart so I can organize my feeding tube supplies/medical stuff as right now they're taking over my room, NG tube de-cloggers, and a basket that can attach to my IV pole bc I'm hooked up to it basically all day and can't really hold things when I'm moving it around
if you'd like to help, the list is linked here :
but please don't feel any pressure to buy anything if you can't afford it!! these are things that would make my life easier but they aren't things I can't live without.
if you're able to buy something from the list, thank you so so much!! if not, reshares and reblogs are also super helpful <3
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zombieluver · 10 months
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Helping hand
Steve Raglan/William Afton x reader
about: you're new to town, and looking for a job, you end up with help from a man named Steve Raglan, who ends up being more charming than you thought.
tw: nothing for this chapter
authors note: i plan on making about 9 parts for this, i hope people enjoy this! part 2 should be up soon. also there's no use of y/n in this
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You find yourself before a very disinterested older man.
Steve Raglan was the name written on the name placard on his desk.
He hummed softly, sifting through papers. "So, why here?"
"What do you mean?" You ask.
He lays the papers down neat on his desk, and claspes his hands together, resting his chin atop them. "Why this town? Why Minnesota?" He asks, looking curious.
"Oh, um. My mother passed when we lived out of state, so I moved here to get away from the area. Fresh start. I don't know anything about Minnesota, and figured somewhere close but not too close to the cities would be nice."
He hums again, seemingly satisfied. "Well, lucky for you, I know just the job. Given your track record of jobs and a very open and pleasant attitude, there's a store close to here that needs a front secretary."
"Oh! Perfect." You smile.
He matches your smile, and you notice his eyes crinkle at the corners, it making his duller eyes shine a little.
"Perfect? Yeah, that's how I'd describe this, too. Want coffee?"
"What kind?"
He stands and walks behind you, "Well, I got black coffee, but I have sugar and cream."
You pause, then decide what the hell, "Sure, I'll have a cup."
"Fantastic." Steve says.
A minute later, you have a warm cup in your hands, "So, what do I need to do to apply for the job?"
Steve shuffles through some papers, "Well, I'll fill out the paperwork, and you tell me your answers, alright? Then we can send you on your way."
You nod, taking a sip of coffee.
Steve asks you typical questions for an application, and you answer each with ease. Only pausing to struggle to remember phone numbers for reference.
He asks about an emergency contact, and you frown, "Why would I need that for an application?"
"Some places want one. In case anything happens during an interview, they're able to get a hold of someone."
You lean back, sighing and nervously push your hair back, "Well, I don't have anyone. Only people I know are states away."
Steve pauses, then jots something down on the paper, "For now, we can list myself as your emergency contact."
"Do you do this for everyone?"
"Not usually, normally I'd put down the secretary, but I can make an exception for someone like you."
"Someone like me?"
"Y'know, new to town and a very positively polite person. I can't not want to help out if I'm able."
You blush a little and try to cover it with your coffee.
All too soon, your application is finished, and your coffee has been long gone.
Steve smiles and slips the papers into a folder with your name on it. "Well, it was very pleasant to chat with you today."
"Likewise." You say, smiling back.
"Is there a number I'm able to reach you at? In case this place has any questions?"
You nod, jot down the number for your tiny brick of a mobile, and pass the sticky note to him. "Here, it's my personal cellphone."
Steve's smile widens, and you wonder if he was totally honest about his intentions with wanting your number.
"It was pleasant to meet you.." He pauses before going to look at your file.
You laugh softly and repeat your name to him as you stand up.
He repeats your name softly to himself, almost as if he were committing it to memory, then smiles softly, "Right, well have a good day, I'll contact you in the future with any updates."
You smile back, "Thank you, Mr. Raglan."
"Steve," He corrects, "Just call me Steve."
"Alright then, Steve. I'll look forward to your call."
He waves a little, and you exit his office, door clicking softly behind him. You stand there for a moment, feeling slightly ridiculous by how charming he was.
Then, you walk away, realizing there's still other people here waiting to meet with him, and you still need to get home.
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 4 months
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Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, Chapter 2
Pairing: Platonic Steven Grant x Reader (for now)
Rating: T
Word count: ~2800
Story Summary: Steven meets a beautiful woman in the Egyptian exhibit at the British Museum...
...Too bad she's his new boss.
Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergent since Steven still works for the British Museum post-canon, No Jake Lockley, developing friendship
A/N: Here we are with chapter 2!
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this (or any of my other writing), please let me know!
Title from the song of the same name by The Police.
“...Also, leave room for questions in between exhibits instead of just powering on through -- oh, who am I bloody kidding,” Steven said to himself as he went over his notes in the men’s room before his meetings with Dr. Y/L/N on Friday morning. “I can't do this. I can't. I never should have accepted this position. Is it too late to tell Dr. Y/L/N that I've changed my mind?”
“Hey, no, none of that,” Marc replied in his head. “You're gonna be great.”
Steven caught Marc’s reflection in the mirror. “You really think so?”
Marc nodded. “Your ideas are good. Besides, Dr. Y/L/N wouldn't have given you the job had she not believed you could do it.”
Steven took a deep breath. “Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Clearly she saw something in me, right?”
“Exactly. Now, go get ‘em.”
Steven squared his shoulders. “Okay, off I go.”
He exited the restroom and headed upstairs to the meeting room, knocking lightly on the door before entering.
He froze as he saw Dr. Y/L/N and the entire Curatorial team already seated. Oh, bollocks. Way to make a first impression. “Sorry, am I late?”
Dr. Y/L/N looked up at him and smiled. “Ah, Steven! No, you're not late at all. Have a seat, I'm glad you could join us.”
Steven sat in an empty seat across from her.
Dr. Y/L/N shuffled some papers in front of her. “Okay, let's get started. First, I'd like to thank you all for making me feel so welcome during my first week as museum director. I know I have some big shoes to fill, but I truly think we have a wonderful team here and I'm looking forward to working with all of you to make the museum's collection the best it possibly can be.
“Second, I'm assuming you all know Steven Grant, who is currently one of our gift shop employees but as of this coming Monday will be our Visitor Engagement Specialist.”
Steven gave a small wave as six pairs of eyes turned towards him. “Er, hello.”
“Steven’s first task as our new VES will be to update the guided tours,” Dr. Y/L/N explained, “so I asked him to sit in on today's meeting so he can include our new artifacts in his planning. Christina, why don't you go ahead and tell us about them.”
Christina, the head of the Curatorial department, cleared her throat. “Yes, well, the Cairo Museum has very generously loaned us the coffin of Akhenaten as well as a rather extensive collection of funerary masks from various ancient Egyptian kings and queens. Steven, I can email the list of who they were made for to you this afternoon.”
Steven nodded. “That sounds brilliant, thanks.”
“We'll have to pull a couple of display cases from the basement to house the masks, but we should be able to fit everything with the rest of the Ancient Egyptian artifacts on the 3rd floor without having to take anything out or move too much around, so that area should only be closed for a few days while we get the new display set up.”
“Excellent.” Dr. Y/L/N made a few notes. “Is there anything else that we would want to add or rearrange in any of the other areas while we're at it, to sort of refresh the rest of the collection?”
“Actually, a member just donated their private collection of first-edition classic British novels,” James, another member of the Curatorial staff, said. “There’s several Dickens, a couple of Austens, and even copies of Dracula and Wuthering Heights .”
Dr. Y/L/N’s eyebrows raised. “Have they been authenticated?”
James shook his head. “Not all of them. We're working on getting that done now.”
“Please let me know as soon as you do. I'd like to have those out on display as soon as possible as well. Anything else?”
Steven cleared his throat. “Er, actually, if I may…”
Dr. Y/L/N turned to him. “Yes, Steven?”
“If I remember correctly, a few years ago there was a lovely collection of Grecian pottery on display, but it was removed and I believe put in storage in order to make room for a statue of Zeus.”
“Oh, I think I know which collection you mean,” Christina replied. “The one that included a scene of Hercules fighting the Nemean lion?”
Steven nodded. “Yeah, that's the one. Do we still have that?”
Christina nodded as well. “Yeah, we still have them.”
“Perhaps we could put those back out?” Steven faltered when there was no immediate response. “Or not, I just thought…”
Christina shook her head. “No… no, you're right. We have the space for them, so there's no point in leaving them in storage.”
“Wonderful idea, Steven,” Dr. Y/L/N added. “Thank you. Any others?”
When no one else offered up any other ideas, she nodded. “Okay then, thank you everyone. I know sometimes things come to people after the fact or they don't feel comfortable sharing in a group setting, so if anyone has any other questions or ideas for sprucing up the displays my door is always open -- unless I'm in a meeting, of course, but in that case feel free to email me.”
As everyone began to stand and file out of the room, she looked over at Steven. “And speaking of meetings, instead of taking up the meeting room with just the two of us, how about you and I meet in my office instead, in say, 5 minutes or so? I need to stop off for some coffee first.”
Steven nodded, starting to get nervous again. Maybe I should brew myself a cup of tea while I'm at it. “Yes, ma’am.”
He headed downstairs to the staff kitchen, where Donna was sitting at a table eating a sandwich.
She glowered at him, but said nothing.
Steven caught Marc's reflection in the microwave. She doesn't look too pleased, Marc said with a smirk.
Steven bit back a smile as he filled the electric kettle with water then turned it on. Yeah, she's barely said two words to me ever since she had to apologize to me on Monday.
God, I wish I had been a fly on the wall for that meeting.
Steven grabbed a to-go cup and chose a tea bag before opening it and setting it in the cup. Me too, actually. It'd have been nice to see Donna get put in her place for once.
I just wish I'd have seen the look on her face when she found out that you were getting promoted to Visitor Engagement Specialist. I'm surprised she didn't quit in protest, especially since it meant she'd actually have to do inventory herself next week instead of pawning it off on you like she always did.
Steven shrugged slightly. I actually didn't really mind doing inventory. The stockroom was always quiet and it made the time pass by.
Once the kettle started boiling Steven poured the water for his tea into his cup and popped a lid on it. Alright, here I go.
He headed back upstairs to Dr. Y/L/N’s office and knocked on the open door. “Dr. Y/L/N?”
Dr. Y/L/N looked up from her computer screen and smiled. “Hi. Come on in.”
She stood and walked behind Steven as he entered, shutting the door behind him. “Have a seat.”
Steven sat in the same chair he had sat in on Monday when Dr. Y/L/N had offered him the VES position.
Dr. Y/L/N sat across from him and reached for a folder. “Alright, before we get started, I have the HR paperwork officially instating you into your new position ready for you to sign.”
She slid it over to him. “You can wait until Monday, of course, but I figured if you signed it today that'd be one less thing you'll have to worry about.”
“Oh, erm…” Steven opened the folder and quickly scanned the documents, still marveling at the massive (to him, anyway) raise that he would be receiving. “I can sign it today. That's not a problem.”
“Fantastic. Here you go then.” Dr. Y/L/N grabbed a pen and handed it to him. “By the way, I've scheduled a meeting with the rest of the Programming staff for first thing Monday morning to formally introduce you as the Visitor Engagement Specialist and to let them know that we'll be modifying the tours.”
Steven nodded and set his cup of tea down before signing the paperwork. “Oh, brilliant. Thanks.” 
“By the way, it was really a great idea to add that pottery collection back to the Ancient Greece display. Your clear knowledge and enthusiasm for history and your attention to details like that is why I know I made the right decision in offering you the Visitor Engagement Specialist position.”
Steven flushed at the praise. “I, er, I took a bit of a wander through each area while I was making notes for our meeting and since I always liked that collection I thought it might bring some fun and excitement to the tours to be able to kind of tell the story depicted on each piece.”
He bit his lip. “I hope I didn't step on any toes by suggesting that though. I know that I was mostly just there to observe.”
Dr. Y/L/N shook her head. “No, I want to see collaboration between departments, especially between Programming and Curatorial. We're all part of the same team and are working together towards the same goal, so don't ever be afraid to make a suggestion.”
She took a sip of her coffee. “Now, what else do you have in mind to improve the tours?”
“Well…” Steven pulled his notebook and a map of the museum out of his messenger bag. “First off, I think we're going about the tours themselves the wrong way.”
He pointed at the map. “Currently, we're starting on the ground floor and working our way up to the fifth, which means when visitors make their way back down after the tour is over they mostly tend to just leave rather than stopping by the gift shop or the bookstore.”
Dr. Y/L/N nodded. “So what do you think we should do?”
Steven moved his finger to the group entrance. “What I suggest is that we have tours meet on level 1 at the group entrance and head up to level 5 whilst whoever is leading the tour gives a general overview of the museum, then we work our way through the collection back down to level 0 and end our tour there with a gentle reminder to check out our gift shop and bookstore.”
Dr. Y/L/N hummed thoughtfully. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
Steven was encouraged by Dr. Y/L/N’s positive reception. “Also, I believe we're spending too much time on certain exhibits and not enough time on others. There needs to be a better balance so we're not rushing through the last few exhibits trying to squeeze everything in because we've spent 20 minutes lecturing on the Siege of Lachish.”
Dr. Y/L/N huffed out a laugh. “I agree. I noticed that as well.”
She made a few notes. “Anything else?”
“Just that I also think we should allow time for a few questions about the collection while we're in each area rather than wait until the end of the tour. Again, we frequently run out of time so there's usually not even a chance for visitors to ask questions anyway, or if there is time we've thrown so much information at them that they've likely forgotten what it is they wanted to ask.”
Dr. Y/L/N made another note. “Absolutely. These are all really great ideas, Steven. Think you can implement them into a sample tour for me?”
Steven nodded. “Yes, ma’am. I can have  something put together by Monday if you'd like. It won't include the new exhibits, of course, but it'll at least give you an idea of the direction I want to take the tours and give me a chance to retool them if necessary.”
“That would be wonderful.” Dr. Y/L/N reached for her coffee and took a sip. “By the way, how are things downstairs? Donna isn't still speaking disrespectfully to you, is she?”
Steven shook his head. “No, ma'am. Actually, she hasn't said much of anything at all to me since Monday.”
Dr. Y/L/N sighed. “Okay. I'll talk to her again.”
“No!” Steven cleared his throat. “Er, no. No, that's quite alright. I’d actually prefer it that way. Besides, it's not like I'll have to deal with her on a daily basis after today anyway, innit?”
Dr. Y/L/N took a sip of her coffee. “Regardless, I really am sorry that you’ve had to endure such treatment, especially for so long. No one should ever be spoken to with such blatant disrespect, especially by their supervisor.” 
Steven nodded. “I appreciate that.”
“If Donna does ever speak to you like that again, please let me know.”
“I will.” Steven bit his lip. “If there's nothing else, I er, I should probably get back to the gift shop. Technically I'm still a clerk until Sunday.”
Dr. Y/L/N looked chagrined. “Oh my goodness, you're absolutely right. I’m sorry, I probably shouldn't have asked you to do anything pertaining to your new position just yet since you haven't officially started.”
Oh, bollocks, Steven thought. She thinks I'm complaining. “It's nothing like that, ma'am, it's just that I'm sure you're busy and I don't want to bother you by hovering, that's all.”
“Oh.” Dr. Y/L/N shook her head with a smile. “No, you're not bothering me at all. Most of what I've been doing all week is reading over museum policies and procedures and meeting with the board of trustees and various benefactors, so it's actually been nice to get a little break from that and talk to someone who actually works here.”
Ask her how she likes being here so far, Marc said in Steven's head.
Steven cleared his throat. “How has your first week as Director been otherwise?”
“It's been good. A lot to jump into, of course, but you and the rest of the staff have been incredibly kind and welcoming.” Dr. Y/L/N paused. “I wasn't quite sure how the staff would react to me, especially with me not being British.”
Steven shrugged. “Well, it's like you said, we're a team, right? That includes our team leader, no matter where you're from. Your qualifications speak for themselves.”
Dr. Y/L/N shot him a small smile. “I really appreciate that, thank you.”
Her office phone rang. “Sorry, one second.”
Steven waited as she pressed a button on the phone. “Yes?”
“Dr. Y/L/N, the Chairman from the Board of Trustees is on hold for you,” Helen, Dr. Y/L/N’s executive assistant, said through the speaker.
“Okay, one minute. I'm wrapping up a meeting.” Dr. Y/L/N sighed and picked up the receiver before covering the mouthpiece with her hand. “I'm sorry, Steven, I have to take this. If you happen to think of anything else you want to add to the tours or if you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know.”
“I will.” Steven put his notebook and map of the museum back in his messenger bag and stood. 
He picked up his cup of tea. “Want me to close your door on my way out?”
Dr. Y/L/N shook her head. “No, you can leave it open. Thank you.”
Steven stood and started to walk towards the door.
“Oh, Steven?” Dr. Y/L/N called out. “One more thing.”
Steven stopped and turned back around. “Yes, ma'am?”
“If I don't see you again before you leave today… have a nice weekend.”
Steven smiled. “You too, ma'am. See you on Monday.”
I told you she'd like your ideas, Marc said as Steven headed out of Dr. Y/L/N’s office. 
I really think I'm going to enjoy working with her, Steven replied. She seems really open to collaboration. 
Yeah, she seems great. 
Steven arrived at the elevator and pressed the button to go down. Maybe we can come back on Sunday when I'm off and do a trial run of the tour so I can double-check the timing. I want to be as prepared as I possibly can be.
I'm sure you'll impress the hell out of her.  
Steven waited for the elevator to arrive, then stepped on and pressed the button for level 0 . He had to admit that he not only wanted to impress Dr. Y/L/N professionally, but he also wanted to impress her personally as well. I certainly hope so.
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delta-gambit-au · 3 months
A lil of game-devving (first Dev-Log?)
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Today some development while we wait for interviews and other confirmations to the job hunting of Friday -- or at least something I can still do with the mouse. (all of the pictures used above on the block-out are just mere placeholders to fill up the empty gaps)
It's GUI prototyping time!
I've seen before in the past that many visual-novels and even some RPGs allow the player to fast forward dialogues and skip back and forth across them if they were already seen. I had a mind of adding these buttons too but in a less default position, to balance a little the visuals of the GUI.
So, the idea is that the upper and bottom sections would show the zone where the current scene is playing, as some sort of decoration ribbon. Since I already planned the height and width of the main screen where the scene and dialog box will appear, there's a ton of empty space around that must be filled with something! I had an idea of making use of that widescreen space not only to hang the dialog buttons, but also to show a split portrait showing the status of the character from where we are having the POV of the scene.
For example, if we are in a scene from the POV of Tasque Manager, her portrait will appear on both sides. These are to show the mental status of the character, as the player takes decisions that could possibly upset the character or make them happier. The idea is to keep track of this as is the only visual cue (if the player isn't taking mental notes of what are they doing with the current character) to see if you are going through a good route or a bad route.
The mental status of the character will also open venues for other dialogues, just like in graphic adventures of old, you could explore questions for the lulz or just cut to the chase to go faster. It can also lock you from knowing more as other characters that you angered on purpose will refuse to elaborate or will reply with something else, or will see you too upset to let them speak up.
This can serve to further move towards a different path. I plan to add different outcomes to certain decisions depending of your behaviour, though upon release only one path will be available as I want to focus on the main plot-line and add the side paths with future updates for those avid to squeeze the lore of its last remaining juices.
In a sense I believe the paths could be categorized in Light, Neutral, Dark and Darker. Obviously the Darker paths would be the ones with the most downers, and might end abruptly or perhaps open a new unseen chapter, as corruption sets itself in the characters. As said, will only add those in the future if the game gets well received and we manage to stabilize our life enough to dedicate myself fully to the project. The default path will be always the Light one by the way.
And nothing else. Must not forget to add quick buttons to Save, Load and Quit To Title... Though adding them to an ESC menu could be redundant, I rather move these buttons tastefully to improve the looks of the general GUI that the players are going to stare at 95% of the time (that's why prototyping the Game's GUI is a very important part of the development). The other parts that should receive some attention would be the Gallery and the Chapter Selection... I was wondering if adding a list of quick jumps to all the scenes could be done, so you could replay your favourite parts again, or go there to pick a different set of dialogues. In a sense the main bones of the game are just that:
Title Screen
Chapter Select
Credits/Disclaimer (absolutely skippable after reaching the end of a chapter)
Yeah, 7 bones. I don't see anything else to add. I believe the most fun part to make would be the Chapter Select. My idea for it is quite unusual and I haven't seen it done before. It could work.
I don't have anything else to show or to ponder publicly at the moment. Hope you enjoy to have a lil glimpse on the developing of the visual-novel as I make it from the scratch.
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
I'm Back!
Wow, so Lent is over now, so my tumblr fast is also over and I'm still a little in shock, lol. I had hoped the past six weeks? I don't know, Time is weird, would be more productive but at least I got SOME stuff written/posted. Anyway, I have one more month of school and then fucking FINALS so expect sporadic updates at idiot-o-clock hours of the night, and maybe yell at me to sleep, eat, study, or drink water whenever i do post 😅
I am up to SO EFFING MANY wips rn on so many different fronts you guys have no freaking idea 😭 so here's a status report for EVERYTHING on or going on sardonic_sprite. (Its gonna be a monster post, y'all, bear with me)
in absolutely no particular order:
Wayne4Ham: We have a LONG way to go with this one, so just be patient and I'll slowly but steadily plug on through. Aaron Burr, Sir, should theoretically take me no longer than end of april
Wayne-Crazy: there's like 4 specific requests on it, plus a few 'series' i started, but after those, say 6-7, i'll probably mark as complete and only re-open if someone offers me an idea
Batman Beginners: i'll tell y'all up front, this one will take me forever. i don't even know what all I intend to cover, but know that i'm halfway done with the DITF arc, and it'll probably come out in the next two months
Just A Kid: this was my shits-and-giggles fic that got like 3000 notes in a weekend lmao. it's something i do intend to continue bc its so fun and i enjoy the concepts in it, but i don't have plans to actively write more of it in the immediate future.
Rev Wayne: just gave y'all Jason's fic, so the next probably won't come until late in summer, extrapolating from my few data points. if anyone has ideas for timmy's intro, let me know, i'd love some inspiration
Celeb Batwaynes: reported separate from wayne-crazy for reasons. i think theres like 12 specific requests plus 2 ideas of my own. i may put out a poll for the next one to write, but not until after school's out, because these fics are HUGE time-eaters for me. speaking of, are non-tumblr-users able to vote on polls?
Welcome to Gotham U: this was again, me doing shit bc why not. will probably add more in the style that i first posted, but i doubt i will write any prose for it. if you would like to give it a try, please reach out, i'd love to see what you write!
One Diamond: every time i touch this i make the cliffhanger worse lmao. i finally do have a direction, but execution is gonna have to wait a while.
The Young, Innocent, and Righteous: this is mostly just for me anyway, but i'm just gonna say that i'm waiting until i finish watching miraculous season 5 before i go any further
AS you wish: i have 5 more requests to do and i am so sorry to everyone waiting you do not deserve this lmao. i promise im trying, i love your ideas, it just takes me a really long time to fill in the rest and then actually write it. the next one on my list is particularly hard to pin down and so it's halting the ones behind it to. if not before, then after finals i will sit and bang my head on the keyboard until something good comes out
Light Isn't Fadin': soooooo many people have asked me about this one oof. SOMEDAY, i swear. right now its a huge, nebulous, hulking monster and im sorry it's just not happening yet.
A christmas carol: wait until december. please
Father's Day: june.
A Little Problem: over the summer, i will watch marvel movies until they once again hijack my brain and fuel this to completion. maybe.
easter eggs: how the fuck did i forget this lmao. i'm doing as much as i can in april, but when the month is done, i'm sorry, we'll all be waiting until next lenten season. hopefully it won't come to that.
aaaaand i THINK that's finally it. there's also a bunch of random paragraphs in word and google docs that may appear, not to mention ideas that kidnap me in dark alleys. but i also have like a good half dozen other wips for other places that im trying to attend to, so please be forgiving if it seems like its taking a while to post something as sprite.
as always, i love questions, comments, concerns, even some complaints, so feel free to interact.
See ya when I see ya!
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Freewrite Friday- Updates!
Alright. It's time.
Happiness Project Update.
SUCCESSES- I FINALLY completed a banishing ritual. It was really nice to connect to my spiritual side for the first time in a long time. I have a solid routine in the mornings before I head off to work, and I was able to create my Happiness at Work list for the month. Not sure if anyone cares about that.
Eh- My classroom was by NO MEANS ready for the 1st day of school. In fact, 3 weeks in, I'm still not unpacked. My shit is packed up on top of my cubbies and out of the way, but also not where it needs to be.
Fail.... Okay, I overpacked this month. By a lot. I don't know how I thought I'd get all of the above done AND read a whole teaching book OR do full on research about ADHD. I over planned. I admit it. I'm not shocked.
So I'm taking it easy in September. Flow.
My goals are as follows:
incorporate yoga/ stretching into daily schedule
create a system for IRT (it's a work thing, should be on the work list, but I needed to fill this out)
set up daily morning tasks for work
Flow was really hard to come up with tasks. Home is flowing well, when I'm actually home to follow the routines. Work is a hot mess sandwich.
On a side note, unrelated to my Happiness Project....for now.
I'm going back to school! Or at least I'm planning on it. I need to figure out just what it's going to entail. My husband is being really supportive, but I'm barely home as it is. So if the degree I'm looking at is only offered in person (which I could totally see it being), there is no way I'll be able to swing it right now.
We'll see.
That's all for now. My sick ass is going to bed and praying I'm not getting RESICK because I infected my entire family and I'm scared it's making it's way back to me again.
Goodnight Void.
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greycaelum · 2 years
Hi!This is my first time requesting something so sorry if I get something wrong 😭 but I’ve been a huge fan of ur content for a while now so I thought I should finally request something🫶🏼
Anyways I was wondering if I could request the ‘night cruise’ scenario w gojo, the reader, the kids and megumi too if you could? Tyy!
Also for the second scenario could I request ‘dancing in mid-air’ w the younger reader and younger gojo?
Feel free to ignore this if you want..
Thank you again and I hope ur doing well! 🫶🏼
[Gentle Affection Collection]
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
[Gentle Affection Collections]
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Request 50 & 75 [ List is here ]
—night cruise & dancing mid-air
Notes & Warning: fluff, first-year trio is aged up to (17-18), fear of heights, Word Count: 4.5k
"Hi there's no way I could ignore this wonderful selection, I'm sorry for the sudden break of updates, and it's super late for my Little Cat's birthday but better late than never. Thank you for joining and requesting, I hope you don't mind me putting in Saika's birthday here as well? I hope you enjoy this piece! Stay safe~" —Grey
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"What do you wanna do for your birthday Cat?"
You and Satoru surely have plans for your little princess' birthday. But asking the birthday girl sounds better.
"I wanna eat a geki kara miso ramen!"
No words further, wish granted!
You'll take her to where the miso ramen originated. To the far north of Japan, Hokkaido.
And so, Satoru carried his seven years old son in his left arm and his three years old daughter in the right. Both are sound asleep, clinging to their father. The two dozed off on the car ride and refuse to get down and walk. The last thing he needs is the two of them throwing a tantrum at the same time.
Meanwhile, you admire the humongous luxury ferry bound to Hokkaido. An 18-hour travel from Tokyo.
"I could hold Saika," you piped up to his side, pulling the trolley bag you packed for the four of you.
"Nahh, she'll wake up, I'm fine it's boarding time anyway." Satoru's gaze fell on his daughter, her thumb sucked in her adorable pinkish lips a mannerism she has grown. Both munchkins are completely exhausted after their small party in the Gojo Estate, Saika's first birthday party on Satoru's family side.
Nothing to fancy, it was an intimate family occasion with only Satoru's parents and a few cousins that Kouki and Saika are good friends. Yet it didn't stop the gifts from flooding that you had to store them in the villa by the backyard, the one you stayed in with Kouki while pregnant with Saika, they will be opened when you come back from the trip.
The announcement for boarding is going on and there's a small crowd on the dock, entering the ship in an orderly fashion.
"You do all packed jackets right?" You turned around to meet the trio of Satoru who are busy pointing and insisting on the places they wanna visit in Sapporo.
"It's fine Y/n-san, it's summer in Hokkaido, not that a little cold will stop me!" Yuji beamed.
Nobara snorted, warning the peach-haired one she won't be helping him out when he comes back frozen like a popsicle. Megumi is deadpan with the remark and is busy typing on his smartphone.
"I can't believe we're going to Sapporo just to get spicy ramen," Nobara sighed. "Y/n-san, we should visit Ryugetsu Sweetpia Garden, the Sanporoku there is the best!"
"Why not? Count me in," your reply made the girl start reciting the places she wanna go for the girl's day out.
"Hmm, I also like Sanporoku, count me in!" Satoru could already imagine the rotating Baumkuchen being poured with chocolate.
"You're not included, boys are not allowed," Nobara shooed the whining man. If ever your husband tags along she will surely be filled with cringe the whole day watching the two of you being lovey-dovey on the street while she walks behind and pretends not to know her clingy teacher.
"Y/n-san, I forgot my earmuffs," Megumi looks at you with a rather, embarrassed expression on the boy's face. Something you rarely see since he turned into a teen, but the distant memory of a nine years old Megumi, still cuddly with his baby cheeks asking for help to find the little whatnots he lost.
"I packed an extra, I'll give it to you late in the cabin." You ruffled his hair and walk up to Satoru's side, brushing Kouki's long hair and being swept by the strong air on the open platform.
"Fushiguro's acting like he's the oldest son," Nobara poked fun at the youngest.
"I'm not!" The latter glowered.
"Fushiguro, I forgot my socks," Yuji intervened with a complicated look. "Did I leave it in the washing machine?"
"Tsk, I packed three extras."
"Oi! Why are you acting like some siblings?! Itadori you're Todo's brother, not Fushiguro's." Nobara hissed.
"We're not!"
You chuckled at the bickering and hook your hand on Satoru's elbow. you're glad they accepted your invitation to come.
Satoru carefully lay down the kids on the bed while you quietly close the door. A little whimper and whine when they left their father's arms but thankfully they didn't fuss much. It seems the two kids don't have any plans of waking up even after you wipe them up and change their clothes.
Satoru went down to check on the three teens staying the next door and buy food on his way back and took care of the Grade 2 curse you saw loitering around the ship.
As for you, the wonderful bathroom is calling for a nice shower and bath time. There's a grand bathroom with an ocean view on the 5th floor, but you can't leave your two kids alone and go to the onsen. Satoru is also taking long, you're antsy to get washed from the sweat of your travel.
"Mama," Kouki woke up and sat upright while rubbing his eyes. Looking around the lavish suite room until he saw you heating water and blow-drying your wet hair.
"How was your sleep?" You beckoned him and turned off the dryer. Kouki climbs down from the bed and walks toward you, still adapting to the foreign surrounding of the room. "Wanna see the balcony? The ship hasn't moved yet."
"Papa?" Your munchkin opened the bathroom and didn't see his father. You could see a look of worry ripple from your kid's face but Kouki immediately erased it and decided to ask. "Where's Papa?"
"He went to buy some things."
He turned to the TV and look at you in silence. Somehow trying to send you some telepathic message, although you already know what he wants.
"Sai's still sleeping, keep it on low volume."
"I'm awake," a yawn piped up and Saika remove the strands of hair on her face. Rubbing her stomach and looking around the room, familiarizing the environment.
Your munchkin nodded with expecting eyes filled with hunger. And you dress them up, appropriate for a dinner outside.
"Be careful on the stairs," calling out, you put a finger over your lips reminding them not to be rowdy outside.
"Nobara nee-sama, are we gonna go shopping?"
"Oh, you like shopping with me Sai-chan?"
"Yeah!" Sai beamed and showed to the pretty hairpin her Papa bought for her last weekend during their shopping spree.
"Y/n-san, wanna play pingpong?!" Yuji tug at you excitedly and pointed to the game corner.
"Oh, I'll make you cry," smugly you accepted the boy's challenge. "How about you Megumi? Did you know Megumi got hammered with a ping-pong ball by Satoru and fell straight asleep?"
"Seriously?" Yuji looks at Megumi with shock and sympathy. "I'm surprised you survived that Fushiguro!"
Megumi, "..."
"At that rate, your skull must be pretty hard, huh? No wonder your survived Todo's attacks with a crack on your skull!" Nobara added.
"Megu-nii," Kouki brought Megumi's hand to feel his head. "Is my head hard like yours too?"
"K-kou that's," Megumi stammered, flustered that even the kid joined in.
Saika also joined in making their big brother's hand pat her head. "How about mine?!"
The three of you burst out in laughter at Megumi, surrounded and cornered by two kids asking him such a question.
"Oh, I was about to fetch you for dinner," Satoru walk up behind you, his hair a little disheveled.
"You were gone for so long." You fixed his hair. "Did you finish dealing with it?"
"Yeah, was pretty tricky." People kept coming in and out of the toilet and Satoru also kept hitting the pesky Grade 2 curse.
"Papa! Charge!" The two kids exclaimed and went straight for their father with their heads forward.
"Oh! What're you doing?" Satoru caught the two fluffballs just in time and immediately put a finger over his lips.
"Papa is my head hard like Megu-nii?"
The bystanders were looking at you and rowdy kids with looks of amusement and curiosity. They are enthusiastically talking almost at the same time that you and the three teens can't understand them at all while Satoru is nodding and humming as if he understands them.
You scooped your daughter and Satoru carried Kouki, still talking to their father about the Pokemon they saw in the game corner. You ushered the three teenagers in the direction of the restaurant.
"I'm hungry," Saika ended the talk, Kouki who is usually quiet panted and catch his breath.
"Even Sensei don't talk that fast," Yuj stood amazed.
"Maybe they're gonna be newscasters when they grow up," Nobara chirped, poking Saika's cheeks.
"Don't you think that's just because of Gojo-sensei's genes," Megumi deadpanned making the rest of you laugh except for a pouting Satoru.
"What was that supposed to mean? Did you know when Megumi was nine he used to wail about the—" Satoru hiccuped from Megumi's sharp as a guillotine's blade glare slicing through his direction effectively shutting up Satoru.
"How about I tell them the time you ran out the bathroom butt-naked? The shikigami-user glowered.
"Sensei... what were you doing?" Yuji looks at his teacher in pity and confusion.
"He probably forgot to close his phone with some nasty video still going on," Nobara snorted.
"Oi! I'm your teacher, mind the three of you!"
"Ew, Papa you're a big boy. You don't run out of the bathroom," Saika made a face and laughed at the expense of her father's whining.
Dinner was covered in your accommodation, but seeing the buffet-style dinner laden with various food and sweets, everyone is too hungry to pass up the opportunity.
"Should I cut your hamburger steak Saika-chan?" Yuji offered the little girl sitting beside him.
"Yes please," she beamed while you watch her hand sneak onto her brother's plate with fried potato sticks.
Satoru also saw this but Kouki was too busy watching the chocolate fountain on the buffet table.
"Kikufuku, bite that hand." Satoru whispered to his son's ear and pointed with his lips to the sneaky hand of his daughter. "Just don't bite with your teeth, go, go!" Satoru giddily urged and Kouki also nod with mischievous grins on their lips. Saika was busy talking to Yuji who also talk about the meatballs he makes for the hotpot.
Megumi and Nobara's eyes widened and glared at their teacher who was about to fall off his chair, holding his laughter. Kouki sinks his teeth into the white arm. 
"Papa also makes burger steak but they taste awf—nyaaa!" The little girl squeaked and harshly turn around, her long hair slapped Kouki's face, wiping off the smug grin on her brother's face.
"Stop playing around and eat," you withhold the urge to laugh and waved your kids to eat properly.
Saika shot her brother an accusing look while Kouki nonchalantly eats.
After dinner, the seven of you went up the deck.
"Papa, hold," Saika grab Satoru's hand, pulling his father to crouch down and shield her from the strong gust of night winds. "I'm cold," she complained.
Satoru abided, letting your hand go and fix his daughter's hoodie, holding her small body in his arms, and stood up to catch up to you and Kouki.
"What do you wanna do when we get in Sapporo, Cat?" The dark sea looks too ominous for his toddler that Satoru didn't get anywhere close to the railing and stayed somewhere in the center of the wide deck. Contenting himself with watching his students playing around with his son while you watch over them.
"I'm gonna go skiing!"
"It's June, there's no more snow." Satoru felt a little bad when Saika's shoulder deflated. "But we can go to gardens with pretty flowers. You like pretty flowers Cat?"
"Like!" Her moods immediately lifted and wiggled out of Satoru's hold. Seems like seasickness doesn't affect his children seeing that Kouki and Saika are playing tag until they drop. Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi held back from running too far and playing with the kids.
It was nine when the two kids finally exhausted their energy and are ready for bed. The teens also are tired and said their good night to you and Satoru.
"Papa, read a book please," Saika climbed into the bed, holding a book you packed for the trip.
"What book are we reading tonight? Kikufuku, c'mere it's a bedtime story." Satoru accepted the book and opened his arms for Saika to snuggle in with her unicorn plushie.
Kouki who was watching TV turn the remote off and giddily hop on the bed, finding his place under Satoru's arms.
The munchkins laid their head on their father's chest, attentively listening as Satoru began to spin the tale.
"Once upon a not so long time ago, in the nearby palace, there lived a lonely Duke... He has a very beautiful—"
"White hair," Kouki supplied. "Like Papa" 
Satoru shrug and went along with Kouki's suggestion.
"One day he found a woman lying in the snow, he was astonished and curious about who the woman was. So the Duke took her in his strong arms and saw—"
"Mama, you saw Mama." Saika interrupted.
"—and saw Y/n who was asleep and wounded." The kids giggled and squirmed in Satoru's arms. Even Satoru can't help but smirk and bite his lips from the image that he imagines. "Duke Satoru then nurse Y/n in his palace and asked her to be his betrothed."
From the balcony, you chuckled at how many times this has happened. The kids have the knack for always changing the characters to you and their Papa.
Satoru altered his voice from a man to a woman in the story, even making faces that made the two kids giggle in delight and try to copy his exaggerated face. At this point, Satoru no longer read from the book but made up the story with the munchkins.
"To be continued," he closed the unused book and smiled at the sleeping faces of his kids. Kissing their forehead lightly. He thought he could never fall in love after you, but every day he's proven wrong whenever you and these two munchkins keep filing his life with a kaleidoscope of colors.
Until now he has to take a few minutes to fully digest that his little princess is three. It was like yesterday when he was still cradling his fragile little girl, promising her anything she needs and wants in the world. Then a few days ago, she already had her first errand all by herself. Picking up makeup and dressing all pretty with you. It's just that, her temper is a little (a lot) more feisty than Satoru thought.
His son is now seven, a smart and levelheaded kid with the occasional habit of getting stuck in uncanny places... Then, Satoru's not the one to complain when he's the culprit in teaching them how to sneak around. Kouki is like a finicky feline, sometimes Satoru sees his firstborn wearing this complicated fierce look on such a young face, but the moment the little boy sees you or Saika, his face softens and reveals the same fluffy and clingy mochi he is.
Satoru remembers being sassy as a kid, so he's not that surprised Kouki has the same attitude.
Like cats. He grinned proudly, brushing the long white locks his son and daughter inherited from him like photocopies. Lately, he keeps thinking, what would a kid with your hair and eyes look like?
"Papa..." Saika mumbled in her sleep, clutching her father's shirt in a small chubby fist.
"..." Kouki rubbed his face closer, inhaling his father's soothing scent, and fell deeper to sleep.
Day by day, Satoru finds himself and the meaning of peace formed and redefined by his kids. So much that it makes his heart ache to think that each passing day they're growing bigger and someday won't fit in his arms anymore...
His heart leaped and somersaulted at the idea of it.
A click snapped him out of his thoughts, shifting his attention to the open door of the balcony, you held your phone with a happy look on your face. You gaze at the well-taken candid picture and found it melting your heart. Satoru's soft tender eyes and the kids clinging to their father, you could never get tired of this sight.
"I'll tuck them, go take a bath." You nudge your husband to the bathroom and carefully move the two munchkins in the center and pull the covers to their chest.
Satoru took a bath while you were on the balcony, leaning on the railing of your suite, looking at the dark sea in serene silence.
"Hello there," from behind, strong arms hug your waist. Satoru hummed as he enclose you in his warm embrace and press a kiss on your temples.
Satoru planted his chin on your head in reply. The comfortable silence and occasional splash when the ship is hit by a huge wave.
"It feels like a long time since we get to laze on a night like this," he mumbled.
"It can't be helped." You turn around and threw your arms around his neck. This scene makes you remember a certain memory, years ago. Back when you were still young adults, in your first taste of a sweet and scary relationship.
"What if we get caught? Fuck Satoru hold me!" You clung tightly and buried your face in Satoru's neck. Right beside is the tip of Tokyo SkyTree, 2080 feet above the dear ground. Your boyfriend thinks this is just a normal stroll for a night out. He's abnormally crazy to think you'll be okay dangling up here.
Every gust of wind felt like it would sweep and pull you hundreds of meters from the ground. You cursed whoever or whatever it was that convinced you to say yes to Satoru's suggestion of an unforgettable date.
"It's okay," a warm and large hand rubs your back while the other is holding your waist. "Put your feet on top of mine, c'mon sweet cheeks." He mumbled in encouragement, a little sorry at how you tremble in fear. "Hey, I'm not letting you go, not a second 'kay?" In testament, he pulled you closer against him so that not even a sliver of air or thread could pass between the two of you.
"... J-just," your eyes slowly opened despite how you're feeling like you'll faint. "Don't you dare let go, ever!"
Satoru hummed affirmative and put your hands on his shoulder. A bit of him feels sorry for seeing you close to tears and at the same time, he wants to show you the spectacle he sees when alone by himself.
"This is what I often see Y/n." Satoru gently moves his feet to walk, feeling you tense up and clutch him tightly, knees trembling like a newborn foal. "The city at night looks like a jewelry box above here." He offered words of consolation in hopes you'll open your eyes.
Up here, Satoru's troubles cannot reach him. And maybe yours too... He observes your apprehensive face, peeking over his shoulder, still clutching him tightly. How he wishes you could trust that he wouldn't let anything happen to you. That he would dive first to catch you.
"Doesn't this feels familiar?" Satoru chuckled. "Remember that movie we watched last night?" That scene where the sorcerer held the lady in hand and they flew in the air. Since you're here, Satoru doesn't see any reason to pass up this opportunity.
Taking your hand in his, and the other holding your waist, Satoru's feet move while he hums a tune in low voice.
"I didn't know you were a fan of these cliche dances," you murmured breathily, pressing your forehead against his and letting him lead you on. Hope against hope that in 100 chances, nothing wrong will occur.
"I thought so too, but I can't let this night pass without dancing with you." Satoru smiled at your flushed cheeks, despite the night, your flustered face is reflected in his eyes.
"Sweet talker," you scoff making him laugh harder. "We're dancing but there's no music," you muttered, somehow a bit of your fright dissipating as Satoru keeps talking to you.
"Oh, wait for a second," Satoru let go of your hand and reach for his phone, putting on music and sliding it back into his pocket. "Told you this will work out." He took your hand and swayed you to the side and sing the song.
You didn't reply and pressed your ear above where his heart beats. Listening to the rumble in his chest. Perhaps, there's nothing to be afraid of even if you're up 
"Hoshi no kazu hodo iru hito no naka de tatta hitori no sonzai... Itsumo butsukatte, kakurete naite kao mo mitakunai toki mo aru. Nanoni soredemo hanarenai no wa  dare yori kimi ga itoshii kara..."
Among the millions of people out there, only you are in my heart... Sometimes we always fight, hide and cry and sometimes don't want to see each other's faces. Even so, I don't want to be apart from you, because I love you more than anyone...
Satoru feels so warm and firm. His movements do not contain any hesitance despite being suspended mid-air as he held you. It was a gentle sway, as much as he wants to dance with you, the last thing he wants is to hear you shriek like a banshee the moment he lets go of your waist.
"Still scared?" He whispered and smiled when you look up at him.
You shook your head and look at the jewelry box in the night Satoru spoke of. Your eyes darted from below where the city night lights are glittering like gems in a curtain of darkness then up above the sky is sprinkled by gazillions of stars with the moon's halo.
"Isn't it pretty? I knew you'd like it, you're always busy here and there that we can't go out like this at night." Satoru watched your enthralled face as he slowly slid your feet down of his and extend Infinity beneath your step.
"Says the guy who showed up a day after our supposed date," you snorted and the Satoru froze up.
"Hey! I brought you to Disneyland after that and—" Satoru started his litany.
You laughed and pat his shoulders.
"It's a joke, I knew why you were late."
Satoru's complicated thoughts melted away and his shoulders soften up. Pouting at your laughter that washed away the romantic atmosphere earlier. But... Satoru watches your smile and listens to your sweet laugh under the night sky and it dawns on him, your laughter sets his heart at ease.
And damn, he's so glad he took you up here.
"Hmmm?" You frowned when he look at you with a complex expression.
"Will you come with me up here, next time too?" He asked with awkward hesitance, scratching the back of his head.
It was an unexpected question that left you tongue-tied. To come up here is much more daunting than it sounds. Looking down, you can't even see the ground and... look down...?
"..." Your eyes widened at the sight of your feet standing above nothing. "S-Satoru!"
"You won't fall, I'd have to fall first before that happens," Satoru quickly catch your trembling arms and reassured you, letting your hands you and cupping your face to look at him. "Trust me."
Unknowingly, your hands loosen up, because maybe... Somewhere deep inside your heart trust him more than enough that even if something happens Satoru will catch you no matter what. Not just in the sense of falling from 2000 feet above the ground but from falling apart.
"O-okay," you exhaled.
Satoru flashed you a boyish grin and took your hand. Just in time, the music changed to a mellow one.
Throwing your arms around Satoru's neck, you bit your lips. Should anything fall, you know that it's not you. Not when Satoru's holding you. And for an instance, at this moment, you've never trusted someone in your life more than you trust Satoru to hold you.
"Well, aren't you going to dance with me?" You asked and look at his astonished face.
"O-oh! Yeah, dance, dance it is," he wiped off the surprise on his face and gingerly nodded.
Good heavens, Satoru feels like a middle schooler, getting all giddy and blushing the moment you said 'okay'. He never imagined getting permission like this would make his heart race like crazy.
His hands found the spaces of your waist, swaying you as gentle as he was earlier. Your cold hands prickle the back of his nape. 
He took your palm and held it above to spin you and pull your back against his chest.
His face found the column of your neck as he held your hand around your waist, cocooning you from the cold winds and flushing out the lingering fear. His nose dangerously hovers the pulse of your neck, his broad chest and tight hold spread warmth to your veins, a satisfied sigh left your lips, leaning back to brush your nose at the back of his ear in silent thanks. Neither of you spoke, all except for the faint music from his phone, there's nothing else but the pounding of your hearts as you dance above the city night.
It reminds you of the musical box you bought a long time ago, whenever you gaze at the circling couple accompanied by a slow tune it enchanted you, just like how gentle and awed you feel right now. Spinning one more and back, your hands wrap around Satoru's neck with your foreheads connected, gazing at each other's eyes.
"I won't ever let you fall," he whispered. Was it for this night 2000 feet from the ground or for leaving you alone? Satoru cannot distinguish, but just as his words declare. He won't ever let you fall on your own. I will dive head first to catch you. This is an oath he swore to himself.
You smiled at the memory, and swayed to your right, remembering the familiar step of how your dance went.
Satoru laughed and his hands naturally find their spaces in your hips, dancing with you under the moonlight, the years never waned down the peacefulness you bring to his heart, moreover, it only burned brighter and warmer knowing that perhaps years ago somewhere deep in the recesses of his heart, a part of him yearned to have and to hold you as long as he can, and now he has you in his arms, and just a few steps away are the two more most important pieces of his life.
"Thank you."
"For giving me our son and daughter," he murmured, kissing your forehead.
"It was a team effort, you did at least experience a hell of nine months and one year of child-rearing." You wiggled your brow. "It's hard but I would do it with you." You smiled.
"Yeah? Are you sure about that?"
"Of course!" You huffed.
"Then how about one more?"
"No thanks."
Satoru laughed and kissed your forehead. Sure he almost went bald from pulling his hair whenever the kids drive him crazy, but hey they're his kids, he would turn the world upside down for them, thankfully half of the genes were yours, or else he'll grow premature white hair in his already arctic white hair.
A gust of strong wind blew, fluttering your hair and making you shiver.
"Let's go inside," rubbing your shoulders Satoru kissed your temples and shut the door.
For some reason, the moon has always had this mystical power to draw out unspoken thoughts and Satoru is fortunate that it's you he talks with under the moonlight.
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All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned image(s) and song(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya
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240 notes · View notes
levihan-drabbles · 3 years
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Hey guys !!! I hope everyone in this wonderful fandom is doing amazing <3 Recently, my friend and I have come up with a very interesting and fun event that we're hoping you all would like to participate in. We haven't really seen surprise prompts and drabble weeks for Levihan before, so we decided to make one! Also a very fun contest with cool awards too.
Getting straight to the point, the reason why this event is different from an usual prompt week is because we are only going to be focusing on drabbles here. (And also because the prompts won't be predetermined and given to you beforehand)
(Note: this is also open to artists and other content creators. We will be making another post tomorrow explaining how the event works for them. Till then, the writers can continue)
✒ A drabble is a short work of fiction of precisely one hundred words in length. The purpose of the drabble is brevity, testing the author's ability to express interesting and meaningful ideas in a confined space. (YeS I stole it from google)
As a writer myself, due to the limited word limit, drabbles can be a bit of a struggle sometimes, and that is primarily the reason why this whole event is also somewhat more of a writing practice (other than the fact that we need to get those numbers on AO3 up haha)
Without wasting much time, let's get straight into the details, and how this is really going to work, what are surprise prompts and the contest and its awards of course.
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▶ How long are your entries really supposed to be? Well Google says 100 words but that's way too unfair so your fic should be = to or under 1000 words. The maximum you can go up to is 1500.
▶ Are there any certain prompts/themes these drabbles should be on? Yes, and that's what we are going to talk about next.
▶ And what are surprise prompts? Okay so remember back when in school, your annoying math teacher would take a surprise quiz out of nowhere without informing you? Yeah something like that but its not that bad. Also, its a lot more fun than math.
Basically your prompts will be given to you a day before you need to post them. so its really just a writing practice and there is no pressure, so don't think about the quality or something. This is about scribbling down something quick without a lot of planning.
The prompts are also going to be chosen from an OTP prompt generator, so they are going to be uhm interesting and fun to work.
We have a theme for each day (like angst, fluff etc) and the mods will choose 4 random prompts beforehand for each of these days. At the time of giving the prompts to the participants, we will run a machine to choose one randomly out of the 4. So even the mods don't know what the actual prompt is going to be for the day.
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The themes for each day (except Wednesdays and Thursdays, we will get to them later)
Angst Mondays
Trope Tuesdays
Fluff Fridays
Comic Saturdays (this is for the artists, so you can ignore it)
Smut Sundays
Now, here's the challenge (and probably my favorite part about the event) -- The prompts you get are not exclusively going to be in accordance with the themes for each day.
For example, you can definitely get this for Angst Mondays :
Prompt : "Levi having to rescue Hange from a pack of kittens/puppies."
Now its up to you, with the power of levihan on your side, to write an angsty drabble based on this prompt, (okay fine, the prompts probably won't be this off bat but still)
**Exception, : for trope Tuesdays, you won't be getting a prompt but a particular trope like (enemies to lovers, protective levi, caring hange etc)
▶ What time will you exactly get the prompt then? So basically, if Levihan drabble week begins on Tuesday, 25th May, you will getting your trope (prompt for the other days) around Monday afternoon-ish. And you are allowed to post until Tuesday midnight, before Wednesday begins. (Wednesday and Thursday are contest days which we will talk about later, so you don't have to worry about getting another prompt on Tuesday and finishing it on Wednesday itself)
▶How will you get your prompt? And any other details? We'll be making another post later where we will dive deep into the timezone specifics and how you will get the prompt, and what you will tag your posts with so we can see your stuff and reblog it.
You will get the prompt for fluff Friday around Thursday afternoon, and then the writers will have a break as Saturday is for artists. Friday night, you will get the prompt for smut Sunday you will have Saturday as a break in between before posting your smut on Sunday.
The same formula applies to angst Mondays.
1st June, Tuesday, last day of the week will be the prize day. We are gonna talk about the prize day in the next section.
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Wednesday and Thursdays (The contest days)
So, first of all, this is optional. If you are participating in the rest of the drabble week, its okay if you leave to opt out of the contest. Similarly, you can also just participate in the contest and not do the other days. It's up to you.
The people participating in the contest would be divided into two groups. There are going to be two winners.
Suppose we have group 1 and group 2, a random participant from each group will be chosen. This chosen participant is called the selector. Its purely luck and a machine that chooses the selector. The selector gets to choose a prompt (from a list the mods will give them) Suppose the said selector is from group 1, then the prompt they chose will be given to group two, and everyone in group two have to write on that. The selector from group two will do the same thing for group 1 members.
All of the preparation for the contest will be done beforehand, and the selectors will be informed before the week begins. The selected prompts will be given to both groups Tuesday night. By Thursday evening their works should be posted.
The word limit for Contest Drabbles can be extended to 3000 words. This is ONLY for the contest.
After all works are submitted by Thursday evening, there will be a voting period which will stretch till 1st June, Tuesday. During this period, group 1 will read group 2's stuff, and group 2 will do the same for group 1. Then they will vote for their favorite fics accordingly, the fic with the maximum votes from both groups wins. The mods will be supervising this, and reading the stuff too.
▶How do we vote? All the details related to voting will also be explained in a different post.
▶What are the awards? Okay, so one thing unique about drabble week is that there are going to be no permanent mods. We will probably have these events rather frequently, and the mods will change for each event. The mods will decide the awards so different awards for different months.
This month, the gifts are :
Well detailed and long comments on 2 chapters of a fic of your choice. These can also be two different one shots if you want.
Beta reading for a few (3-4 chapters) for any fic the winner wants (the other details can be discussed in dms)
The winners will have the opportunity/chance to become mods for the next week, next month. This is also a great way to make new friends and work with them while holding an event!
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To participate, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM. The last date to fill in is 20th May, so do it before that. We'll be making another post for the artists soon, posting it tomorrow most likely. You will be constantly updated, so don't worry!
if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you so much, we will be looking forward for your participation! Much love.
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quokkalatte · 6 years
Mixtape pt.5 [M.YG]
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Part 5
Category: One-shot series
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Female! Reader
Summary: Living as an aspiring rap artist in Seoul, all you want to do is work on your music and try to get your name out there. Of course when you have someone as annoying and spiteful as Min Yoongi makes that extremely difficult. Until he decides to help you out.
Warnings: smut, language, some Namjoon action (which ofc is a warning cause oof), angry Yoongi, alcohol consumption, perhaps some angst but not really
Warnings for this chapter: alcohol consumption, language, Tae being a bit of a horndog in the beginning
Author's Note: ofc this is late again but I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's also short, contrary to what I promised last time I apologize. I promise it'll get more interesting in the future ;)
Tags; @notsolovelykarsyn @psychoticshawtyy
Could not be tagged: @deesixx2801
[Message me to be added to the Tag list so you can be tagged for future updates]
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I hurried down the street, pulling my jacket close to my body, trying be to hold any remains of warmth I'd had since leaving my apartment. Seoul was covered in a thick layer of snow, the roads icy and slick and bundles of oil-based slush was built on either side of the road. People still continued on without a care in the world. It made me regret not getting a taxi or asking Jungkook to pick me up.
I shivered, turning the corner quickly and let out a sigh of relief when I saw the record store. It wasn't far from my apartment, but the cold made it a bitch to get too. I quickly pushed the door open, hearing the bell signal my arrival. I let out a loud groan when I felt the heat rush upon me, swathing me in warmth.
"Damn I haven't even touched you yet and you're already sounding like that" my eyes dart towards a figure leaning against the counter, shuffling through a magazine. His hair was tousled and messy and his cheeks flushed from the cold outside. Taehyung grinned when I rolled my eyes
"You wish" I walk past him and Taehyung chuckles
"I do. Isn't your little study group today?"
"Yes that's where I'm going" I say and Taehyung perks up immensely
"Hey you should ask if they'll let me help with the next Cypher. I've been asking but they never let me"
"And what makes you think they'll change their mind this time?" I raise my eyebrows just as Jimin came in from the back. His face split into a smile upon seeing me and he ruffled Taehyung's hair as he passed. Taehyung swatted at his hand.
"Wishful thinking?"
"Keep wishing then Tae. Maybe someday" I pat his cheek and he sticks his upper lip out and I laugh. I hop over the counter, much to Jimin's chargin, and quickly hurry up the steps. I heard the chatter of voices, and the room came into view. It was like Deja Vu all over again when the boys saw me. They immediately started their jeering.
"Well well well. I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not" Jungkook teased. I rolled my eyes, throwing my bag at him it landed on his lap and he let out a grunt at the impact.
"May I ask why you're late?" Namjoon asks.
"Ice is slick Joon, and I didn't want to fall over. Excuse me for taking percaution" I roll my eyes, plopping next to Hoseok, who immediately threw his arm around me.
"Were glad you made it sunshine" Hoseok grins and I laugh. The only one who hadn't said anything was Yoongi, which was typical. Ever since he left abruptly nearly a month ago, we barely spoke. I'd asked him if Jin was okay, and he only replied with a 'Yes' and that was it. He never made more plans, never answered texts, and the past two meet ups he rarely spoke to me and it annoyed me to no end. I wanted to talk to him, ask him what the hell happened in my kitchen. It was like he was about to kiss me, and then he didn't. And now he was pretending like I didn't exist. It kind of hurt to be honest.
"Show us what you got. You said you finally added music to it" Hoseok says, bringing me out of my daze. I blink, and nod
"Yeah, yeah I did."I say, digging out my laptop, nervously setting it on the coffee table. The song was finally nearly developed. The rap was swift and sorrowful, the music paced to fit it exactly. I was just nervous how the boys would take it. They'd only read the lyrics, now it was fully recorded and ready for listening. I brought up the demo, pressing play and sitting back, nervously figetting the entire time. All three were silent as the rap filled the air, the music complimenting it nicely. It sounded upbeat to a nom-korean speaker, but the lyrics were of unrequited love, developed into harsh bitterness and deciding that it wasn't worth the pain, to get over it and move on. The last part wasn't fully true, I added it for some closure to the song but in reality I was nowhere near over Yoongi, even though he seemed he wanted nothing to do with me. The song ended, and Namjoon nodded, rubbing his hands together.
"It's amazing Y/n" he grins, and I sighed in relief. Hoseok and Jungkook eagerly agree.
"Of course you found a way to make the music compliment the lyrics. You're a genius" Hoseok says and I blush at the compliment "It's really sad Noona, but relatable" Jungkook comments. I thank all three of them, and subconsciously glance at Yoongi's silent form. Namjoon was the one who acted out.
"Yoongi?" He prompts the blonde. Yoongi glanced from the screen to me, and my heart clenched as I waited for his harsh critique. He always did that with our songs, pointing out the flaws while the rest gave good comments. He was the Simon Cowell of our group. But he didn't, he merely nodded his head
"It's good" Yoongi says, and that was it. The three of us were speechless, Jungkook's jaw was dropped and he looked at me with awe.
"You got hyung to compliment you Noona. You must be a goddess" he says, and I blush, shaking my head.
"Stop Kook while you're behind" I warn and he sticks out his tongue. I quickly shut my laptop and shoved into my bag. It was quiet for a couple of seconds, and then Namjoon cleared his throat.
"Okay, I guess now's a good time as any to announce this" he says, his tone nervous. "But last week I went over to another producing company and submitted my tape....and it got accepted" I gasped and the other three boys shouted and whooped. Jungkook threw his arm around Namjoon's shoulders and hugged him tightly. Namjoon grinned bashfully as we all hugged and congratulated him. His dimples were prominent and his cheeks flushed.
"That's great Joon I'm so proud" I say and he laughs, running a hand through his hair.
"Thanks guys" he mumbles.
"We should go out and celebrate that's great!" Jungkook says, and we all nod.
"Well, Jin wanted to throw a party this Saturday...." Namjoon trailed off. "So of course to guys are invited"
"We should get drinks though" Jungkook says "I'll drive"
"Not happening" Yoongi wrinkled his nose "the last time you drove is anywhere we ended up in a ditch"
"I didn't see the squirrel!" Jungkook wailed "And I've gotten better hyung you shouldn't lord that over me you're no better at driving" Jungkook pouts.
"I'll drive" Jimin leans in the doorway, keys dangling from his finger.
Half an hour later we all were sitting around a table, celebrating Namjoon's sucess. He was flushed and blushing, and kept saying how lucky he felt. Taehyung had accompanied us, always eager for free alcohol and food.
Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. Hoseok continues to congratulate Namjoon, who's face was flushed and became redder the more he drank. Jimin and Jungkook disappeared hours ago, and Yoongi seemed to be missing as well. After the 6th shot I was fuzzy and lightheaded, and wandered outside to breathe. The cool air immediately hit my skin and my eyes closed and I let out a sigh of relief. The music from the bar was faint outside, absorbed by the air and contained by the building.
"You really can't handle liquor can't you?" A voice said, and I turned to see Yoongi leaning against the side of the bar. His dark eyes were a light with amusement and I roll my eyes.
"I can handle it just fine"
"Please, three shots and your rolling on the floor" he snorts.
"Fuck off Yoongi I was actually in a good mood" I grumble, rubbing my forehead. Yoongi snickered,
"Sorry. Didn't mean to ruin your fun' he says. I glare at him. "What?"
"You're infuriating" you growl at him. He frowns, blinking in confusion.
"What're you talking about?" I stalk towards him, and take a step back, eyeing me warily.
"You. Are. Infuriating. Min Yoongi" each word was expressed with a poke to his sternum, and he watched with a dumb expression on his face, which expressed he had obviously had a few to drink.
"I was just teasing Y/n calm down" he rubs his chest sorely.
"Not about that!" I hiss.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Hoe about you ignoring me for the past month? How about you leaving me alone in my apartment to rescue Jin? Or how about the fact you were about to kiss me?" The questions fell from my mouth before I could stop them. The shots betraying me to Yoongi, who's eyes comically widened with each one. I was shaking, glaring at him to answer my questions. He went silent, reserving himself.
"That was a mistake" he mumbles
"What was?" I instigate further. He ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the ends and he wouldn't meet my eyes.
"Trying to kiss you. I shouldn't have tried that." Hurt shot through my chest at his confession, even if I asked him for the truth. It stung. He could tell, It's must have displayed on my features. He took a step towards me, guilt covering his face but I glared and took a step back.
"Well I'm sorry I'm such a mistake then" I hiss, turning to walk back into the bar. A hand wrapped around my wrist tightly and I was stopped in my place.
"Y/n wait- it's not like that. Please listen" Yoongi said, and it shocked me because it was almost like he was begging me. I turned to glower at him, tugging my hand from his grip, but I didn't move. Yoongi sighed, his head bent towards the ground and refusing to meet my eyes. "I don't think you're a mistake. You twisted my words, as you always do-"
"Watch it" I growl warningly
"-but I didn't kiss you because I didn't think you wanted me to" He finished without pause. I gave him a dumbfounded look.
"Wait, what?" Yoongi groaned, tugging at the ends of his hair and scowled at me like it was my fault he was so cryptic.
"I didn't think you wanted me to kiss you. I thought you didn't like me, and I figured there was someone else."
"What makes you think there was someone else?" I questioned angrily, folding my arms
"Your song" Yoongi says. This made me laugh. The alcohol in my system had me buzzing and I could feel it. It was Yoongi's turn to be angry at me. "Why are you laughing?" He demanded.
"What does my song have to do with me being with someone else Yoongi? It's about being rejected from someone and unreciprocated love."
"The ending is about getting over them" he says and I shook my head
"I added that part. I never got over him" I say sadly, knowing I'd regret admitting that when I woke up the next morning.
"So there is someone. See? That's why I didn't kiss you. You're still hung up over some jerk who's too stupid to notice your interest in him" Yoongi says. I was quiet, my eyes on the ground. Then I spoke softly
"It's you"
"What?" Yoongi frowned, not catching my words
"You. The song's about you" I mumble. He stared at me, his eyes beginning to widen. I could see his thoughts multiplying, forming the words of my song to fit with how he'd treated me so coldly when I just wanted his affection.Yoongi's heart thudded in his chest, all color drained from his body. He shook his head, and backed away
"No. Not possible" he mumbled
"Why not?" I demanded, but he shook his head again. Yoongi backed farther away when I approached him.
"No" He hisses, his voice suddenly full of venom and spite. I stepped back, shocked. Yoongi turned away, walking quickly down the street until he was out of sight. I watched the spot where he dissappeared. Rejection and hurt being my only voiced emotions. That's where Namjoon and the others found me, outside and crying. Their happy uplifted moods suddenly dropped upon seeing my tear streaked face. They tried prying my reason for crying out of me, but I refused to speak.
"Just please take me home" I mumble. Namjoon called Seokjin, who was in the midst of sleeping and scolded Namjoon for being out late, but agreed to come pick us up. 10 minutes later we were piled into his car and being driven home. He frowned when he noticed we were one short.
"Where's Yoongi?" He asks. All eyes turned on me, I was the only one who last saw him. I stared out the window solemnly, resentment boiling my veins.
"He can be in hell for all I care" I grunt out, and the car fell into since once more.
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 6 years
Untamed pt.5
A/n: sorry about the late update. I had a busy week.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Y/n plus size
Warnings: none
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Today is the day I go on the small date with Bucky. Well it wasn't a date, he was accompanying me to the mall. Usually I would go the way I woke up because it was always packed and I just didn't have a reason. But NOW, I feel the need to look a bit decent. I mean it's Bucky! As i finished putting on some light mascara I heard the knock echo throughout the house. Quickly I put on some chapstick and run downstairs missing the last step falling straight to my side making a huge sound.
"Y/n?" He called from the other side of the door.
"Come in" I groan and slowly start to get up when a warm hand helps me.
"You okay?" I nod and give him a sheepish embarrassed smile.
"I'm a klutz" I laughed quickly fixed myself feeling my cheeks get red.
"You okay?" He again asked worried.
"Yep yep yep" I try to avoid his gaze as feel my shoulder bruise up. I grabbed my small backpack and beanie walking out closing the front door.
"Ready?" He nodded.
"You wanna drive or?"
"Your car" it was my mom's car, but who cares. Slipping into the driver's seat putting my backpack in the back. Silence filled the car and my hands began to get clammy due to the anxious air.
"Y-you can put on music if you want?" I looked at him and gave him my phone.
"Um you can go to YouTube or my playlist" my eyes went back to the road.
How the fuck do you use this?! All I have is a phone that opens that Steve gave me, but this is is like a glass box.
"You okay?" She asked and gave me a worry look.
"I don't-" I handed her the phone and she took it while paying attention to the road.
"Sorry. I forgot about the lock" she said and gave it back. I began experimenting with it. This must be it? It has a music note. As soon as I open the note the screen filled with stuff. Music?
"So I just pick one or?"
"Whatever you want or just shuffle" shuffle? Just pick one you are embarrassing yourself. Anxiety rose and I choose one, she looked at me with a small smile and began humming along.
She quietly sang and my attention went straight to her. She smiled brighter and continued. She looked beautiful as always, it made me want to make her into a small size and keep her on my shoulder so no one would touch her. I feel like if I need to protect her.
"What?" She caught me looking at her.
"Nothing" I sat up and looked out the window avoiding her. Her music wasn't that bad, I understood the words that's what matters.
"Here we are" she turns off the engine and puts on her hat. Neither of us moved. Just complete silence.
"Bucky" she broke the ice.
"Have you...um..have you been following me?" Oh no.
"Do you follow me home?" Oh shit no.
"Or everywhere I go?" Holy shit No! This is it, isn't it, our newly forming friendship is over. Was there a friendship at all?
"I...." scratching my head I couldn't look at her in the eyes.
"You what?"
"Y-y-yes I followed you" she let out a huge sigh and hold my left hand. The metal hand. I forgot to put on my glove. The feeling of her small fingers was warm against mine. The warmth brought me peace until she pulled back and took the glove and put it on me. She wasn't afraid of it, and it brought me joy to know that someone liked my arm. Even when I fucking hated it.
"I was just curious, that's all." I let out a shaky laugh and we both got out of the car.
Where do I start? Where do I start? My Christmas list was all folded and messy. Oh great, it's Tom's turn. Should I even buy him something? A warm breath shivered down my spine. I look to my right and see Bucky face right next to me.
"Yes?" I asked playfully. Bucky lookes at me, that's when I notice how close we are. I feel the warmth of his breath on my cheeks and his ocean eyes on mine.
"Tom" I point at my list and remove my gaze from his to look at the paper. He takes a step back, but inside I wish he didn't.
"Tom. Tom would like new clothes, no?"
"Yeah. Sounds about right." I nod my head and open the door to a jam packed mall. In the corner of my eye I see Bucky tense up.
"You alright?"
"Just a lot of people" he anxiously said.
"Here, hold on to my back pack so we don't get separated" he nodded and let out a small laugh.
"What?" I turn to look at him.
"Its adorable" oh god that smile. If he smiled more it can get him whatever he wants in this world.
"What is?" My face warmed up.
"The backpack. It's an elephant" he stopped laughing and touched the elephants ears.
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"His name is Dumbo"
"Dumbo?" No way. No fucking way?! He doesn't know who Dumbo is?! He closed my mouth and chuckled. I didn't even know that my mouth was open.
"A bug is going to fly in"
"You don't know who Dumbo is?"
"No" I lost my shit. My hands where up in the air doing some weird shit.
"Am I supposed to know?" He laughs a bit harder that it melted my heart.
"Yea-" a lady bumps into me making me stumble.
"Jesus! What a bitch" I angrily mumble and I straighten my bag.
"Come on, let's go to get this over...." I walk in but turn around and face Bucky who is freaking enormous.
"Then I will show you Who Dumbo is, deal?" I stick out my hand and he gently holds it.
"Deal" that's when I hear his mechanical arm.
"Sorry it wines by itself" I let out a laugh and start walking to the nearest cheap clothing store. I feel a slight tug on my back pack and slow down for him to catch up.
The store was excellent for Tom. That picky motherfuckin egg (rich person), all he wants is designer clothing but my cheap self don't want to give it to him. What I plan is to get some shirt or jacket and sew the tag on it so he can feel proud of him self, also maybe he can give me more days off or something worth it.
"What are you going to buy him?"
"Hmmmmmm" I began looking at the shirts until I found one and checked out the price. Hmmmm Orange? Is that his color?
"Buck is Orange his color?" I cock my head to the side and look at him.
"No. It's purple? Blue? I have no idea Y/n" I take out my phone and call Rosie. Couple rings in she answers.
"Woah, somebody is up?"
"What ?!" She's angry.
"Babe, I was wondering what Tom wanted for Christmas?" I hold my phone against my ear and shoulder while in the corner of my eye I see Bucky looking at some sunglasses and trying them on. Looking smo-
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" She distracted me.
"Well you know him better than anyone else in the damn diner"
"He kept on complaining about a damn scarf from one of them designer's clothing"
"Ahhh great" I put the shirt back on its rack and began walking towards the front desk to ask for scarfs.
"Bye bitch" i hang up my phone and try to look for the person who works here. Looking over the desk I see a group of girls sitting and gossiping.
"Excuse me" they didn't respond. I tied calling them once more but the bitches ignore me and I began to lose it. Bucky stands next to me putting a hand on my arm and slightly nods. I gave him a annoyed sigh and he pulls me to the side.
"Excuse me" his alluring voice catches their attention.
"What do you need, sweets?" A girl almost his height with a nicely portioned body (plastic) and red hair comes from behind the desk, and her two friends follow behind who look the same.
"Y/n" Bucky robs me away from them.
"Hmm" he motions me to say what I needed to say and pushes me gently to the front.
"What?" She urges.
"Hi. Um do you have any scarfs? For men?" I asked.
"I don't know? Did you look for them?" She rudely replied and checked Bucky out. Ohhh she's pushing them. She is fucking pushing my buttons.
"Do you have any or not?" I asked once more calmly.
"Are you deaf?" That's it! I'm going to jump over this desk and punch her shit te-
"Do you have them or not?" He interrupted me and the tone of his voice was a bit stern.
"Yes, sweets. They are in the back against the wall" she sweet talked to him. That cunt. Plastic cunt! I felt like jumping over but Bucky grabbed my arm and pulled me away. As he pulled me away I heard them mumble something about me, about how my body was and how i managed to get him. My anger and confidence disappeared, I felt embarrassed and disgusting. I might embarrassed him too, with my behaviour and just......me.
"There they are" he pointed and I moved from his grasp and looked for a bright colored one. What color did he like again? As I was about to ask Bucky I see the girls talk to him. It feels like high school all over. Hot guys talking to pristine girls. Then making fun of me, because of my body shape or just me being myself. After five minutes, I wanted the world to swallow me hole, but i didn't know that his eyes where concentrated on me and he smiled. And it took away a little piece of what I felt like at the moment.
"Ready?" He interrupted them. I nod and he takes the scarf approving.
"Ready to pay" as she got close to him, but he moved away to put the scarf around me and walked us to the desk. I take off the scarf and beanie to put my hair in a bun.
"Hold on" I quickly run and get the sunglasses that he was looking at and run back.
"Woah" she said about the marks and I pull my hair out of the bun. As Miss plastic was scanning the idems the girls continued mumbling about Bucky. A pang of jealousy hit my chest.
"Thank you" I sarcastically said and walked out with Bucky behind. He took hold of my arm and made me look at him.
"You look upset" he asked worried. My eyes slowly watered and my cheeks turned hot with emotion.
"Bucky...can we leave?" He nodded and I tried to bring the heat of my cheeks down. We got out of there and he got a phone call. I tried not to listen but it was a bit difficult.
"Can Dumbo wait?" He hung up the phone.
"Yep. Dumbo can wait" he smiled and it brought a small smile out of me. We arrived at his house and we bid each other goodbye.
Tag : @tnupsweetpie
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About Jurassic Park and other things that are getting extinct in Supernatural.
Last night was hilarious. I get high on the fast pace of the episode. The kid, Jack, finally made some sense for me. Kaia the angel slayer. And the prospect of Cas entering the scene in the back of Godzilla. All of this doesn't made a good episode, but a very entertaining one.
What I'm now getting to notice, while I wake up from the hang over. Are this, again, "plot holes" or "blanks to be filled" that are affecting one single character
I must add to:
Where does the new outfit of Cas comes from?
Why they didn't try to contact Cas as soon as they get a hold of Jack?
Yes, again, this only involves Cas. And please don't bother in making excuses for them as: Probably this things where solved or addressed in an "offscreen moment".
I'm trying to be objective more than "negative" here. Right now, this little issues may seam so pity now that the line between AUs has been crossed, but regardless all the smoke screen and cheap tricks in the shape of Godzilla/dinosaur/dragons or whatever. If this issues aren't solved or properly addressed EVENTUALLY in a full length Cas centric episode, where in a la "while you weren't looking" fashion the writers elaborate in its explanations.
I'm afraid that the current events and elements throwing at us, so far for me very randomly, are the proof of the fact that the current new theme: Angels are extinguishing is being applied all this time exclusively to Castiel’s arc.
So while we are distracted by this younger clone, girls with super powers, Scooby-Doo, unlimited AUs and now Jurassic Park. If Castiel fades away into the dark, will be barely noticed by the new kids that are been hooked by this new tricks and with their points on the ratings can hold up the house of cards till the 300 episode.
Going back to the objective part. This simple inference seems ludicrous because of the fan base that holds this show for the past 9 years and I'm a proudly a part of: Castiel girls/fans/people/collective. But if you notice, year by year, season by season, fresh blood is added to this ranks and if the objective is just reach the milestone and leave with a bang.
As long as Castiel is cleverly dosed episode by episode. Personally I will still be watching this show as a victim of Cas baiting, wishing for more Castiel and holding up the ratings, rising them on his episodes, when Cas is on the screen more than 3 min.
I'm not trying to scare anyone, and I think we addressed the issue of the respect and how valid either my concerns or happiness about the show are my prerogative here in my blog.
So, note that I'm including myself in the list of fools who doesn't know how to quit the show of monsters/angels/devils and now godzilla/dinosaur/dragons or whatever, as long as Castiel is cleverly include in the mayhem.
Now, as an old school fan of Supernatural, I can't understand the appearance of this "weird" Dean Winchester: I'm so desperate to save my mother that I will kidnap a girl put a gun on her face because my family is more important.
I will put this in the list of bad writing, poor last minute decisions, and 45min format. But please don't do this again, and don't try also to include just the time and the pace of the episode as a justification of why they don't try to Call Cas.
Quick update to the show runners:
The current Smartphones like the guys have, can be used while driving as they go to this caves in South Dakota. Just before you enter them, even if you have a poor signal a SMS can be quickly be sended by the other guy who it isn't driving and lately is the only one calling Cas because Dean is so occupied thinking if Cas loves him or not.
Finally this "empty spaces" that the show runners should be worried to fill for us in the future, of course if this was a part of a master plan. And with a so so cleaver writing a la "Usual Suspects" fashion will eventually dashing us with his skills to make disappear and reappear the Statue of Liberty. Please don't include all the things especulated in here, Facebook and Twitter.
We know our Fanfic writers and meta writers are the best, and probably more skilled than the actual writers of the show. So all this recent lines, scenes and characters throwing at us like a Pollock painting, are too much coincidentally very similar to the wishlist and HeadCanons we sometimes care to share between us. Example: The return of Castiel’s sex hair and Trench-Coat.
*enter X Files music*
Please don't take this too seriously.
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thedeadshotnetwork · 7 years
3 questions that will guarantee you're never unprepared for a meeting again Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com Being unprepared for a meeting can make you look like you don't take your job seriously. There are only 3 questions you need to ask before each meeting to seem more prepared. Those questions are: "What's my role?" "What do I need to bring?" and "What do I want to get out of it?" A few weeks ago, I was caught unprepared in a meeting. This one was fairly big, too. Our vice president called around 20 of us together to brainstorm solutions to a pretty big issue we'd encountered. In all honesty, the majority of folks in that room hold much more power than I do, so I didn't quite understand why I was there, nor did I believe my presence mattered. But oh it did. 30 minutes in, I heard the VP say, "I'd like to hear about how your office and the issue at hand directly intersect." She was staring straight at me. "Um, uh, wha—?" I was caught off guard and looked back and forth between her and my teammates. What did she mean? What intersection? Ugh, crap, I can't believe she's calling on me. Thankfully, my boss's manager started answering, and I quickly recovered and jumped in to finish. When you're caught unprepared, it can seem like you don't take your job seriously or care your co-workers. (Hint: That's not good. ) Here's the good news, though. You can avoid looking incompetent and disinterested by asking yourself these three questions before each meeting. 1. What's my role? Often, when an invite flies into my inbox, I have no idea why the organizer included me. If this happens to you, too, don't panic (or roll your eyes too hard). There's a fairly simple solution— just ask. If you don't feel comfortable asking the organizer, feel free to consult with your supervisor or a teammate. Maybe another department sees you as the expert on the subject they'll be talking about. Or, your boss assigned you as the point person for a brand new project, and this is the kick-off call. Or, it could be that your manager wants you there to learn more about something or gather updates for the team. And, hey, if it turns out you don't actually need to be there—perhaps the organizer invited Abby Wolfe instead of Abby Byrd or she thought you manage data analytics but you don't—then you can politely (and satisfyingly) hit "Decline" and get that hour back in your day. 2. What do I need to bring? You know what sucks? When a meeting you attend is filled with a bunch of "Ah, yes, I'll get back to you on that." Yes, Harry completed the quarterly report numbers, but they're in his office. Oh, yes, of course! Susan can definitely show you the flyer mock-ups, but she forgot to pick them up from the printer. She'll show you next week! And then, you have to take more time out of your schedule to address things you could have figured out today. Fun, great, fab! Don't be one of those people. Figure out what you need to show up with and write it down. Let's say you're an event planner, and you're planning a summer picnic for a company. When you meet with your client for the first time, you'll want to take a list of questions. Does he have a location in mind? What's the expected guest count? Are there any food allergies? And you can't forget your portfolio. Pictures of barbecues you've thrown, price quotes, catering options—anything to help achieve his vision. Don't need to bring anything? Cool. But don't just sit back and relax. Stay engaged and take the best darn notes you've ever seen. 3. What do I w ant to get out of it? "Oh, darn. I completely forget to ask her about [Insert Thing You Really Need to Know]." I can't even count the amount of times I've said this to myself. And I bet it's happened to you, too. (If it hasn't, tell me your secrets!) It's easy to get distracted by the conversation, to let others lead the discussion and completely blank on what your intended takeaways are. It's OK—It happens. But it can be prevented, too. In addition to jotting down materials you need to bring, you should also record what you need to accomplish. Are there any updates you need to communicate? Any questions you need answered? How about a problem you need advice on or constructive criticism you need to share? And the one question that should be on every list? "OK, what's next? What are our action items?" No one hates wasting time more than I do, which is exactly what you're doing when you try to improvise in a meeting. So do yourself (and others) a favor by answering these three questions before each one. NOW WATCH: An exercise scientist reveals the exercise regime that will burn the most fat January 11, 2018 at 04:20PM
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