#also kakeochi girl
watermelinoe · 7 months
Wait, what is this about incest in I’m in love with the villainess? Could you tell me in what aspect, if that’s okay? Because that sounds stupid as hell. I’ve been sorta keeping up with the anime to see if it gets any better (bc tbh the protag’s actions towards the villainess in the first couple episodes have been extremely male gaze-y and sexualized), but that one convo they have about homosexuality made me think it’s got some potential.
the convo abt homosexuality had me all hyped bc it was actually well-done, but yeah later it's revealed that these two siblings (already forgot their names and role in the story) are in love with each other. and the protagonist explicitly says she feels bad for them because her homosexuality is also seen as perverse. so the narrative compares homosexuality to incest. and i was like nah, i'm good. waste of a fantastic premise smh
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sunsetkiss · 1 year
this is the year i read all the manga i’ve been meaning to read for the longest time
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 20 days
In all honesty, I have more on my to-read list than I've actually completed, but I can tell you some off the top of my head that I've enjoyed.
- Kakeochi Girl (ENG: Run Away With Me, Girl) CW: domestic abuse, infidelity, pregnancy. It does have a happy ending though! The journey's pretty heavy, but incredibly emotional and interesting. Definitely worth the read.
- Inkya Gyaru demo Ikigaritai! (ENG: Even the Introverted Gals Wanna Get Out There!) This is a slice of life one about two girlfriends who run a subculture club at their school, and their efforts to keep the club (their little paradise) running. It's incredibly funny, and I found both girls very relatable. Their relationship is also so casually sweet. I love how openly they care for each other.
- Kininatteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta (ENG: The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All) Pretty straightforward premise... girl mistakes an attractive music store employee for a guy and develops a crush. Turns out the employee is a girl. They both catch the feelings. Shenanigans ensue. Now, I'm not caught up on this one yet, but I've definitely enjoyed what I have read so far.
- Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou (ENG: I'm in Love With the Villainess) This one got an anime adaptation recently, so you're probably already familiar. I really love villainess-centric isekais though, and this one just has the added cherry-on-top of being an openly queer story (though there are definitely other lesbian villainess stories on my read list!) Anyway, it's a fun time.
Now, these next ones I haven't read for myself yet, but they seem promising:
- Tamen de Gushi (ENG: SQ: Begin W/Your Name!, ALT: Their Story)
- Tsukiatte Agetemo Ii Kana (ENG: How Do We Relationship?)
- Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna (ENG: She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat)
(Also, your obligatory 'read Liar Satsuki' message. It's not technically a girls love manga, but the sapphic subtext is... Very prominent)
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houkagokappa · 1 year
The Yuri Manga Post
From when I first came across yuri manga a decade ago, followed by a long break from it due to the excruciating longing I’d experience reading about girls loving girls while not experiencing it myself, I’d been wanting to get back to reading yuri manga again. The loneliness hasn’t gone anywhere, but my love towards girls and girls loving girls has remained, and I’ve wanted to take part in it once more.
What got me started was Hanamonogatari by schwinn. People were hyping it up on twitter as old woman yuri, and not just yuri involving a grown adult, but an actual grandmother. So far only 2 chapters have been translated, so I don’t have a whole lot to say about the series. It’s a nice change of pace to read about someone in their 60′s, and it’s wholesome to see how they discover make-up as a new hobby and the salesperson as a new romantic interest. Life doesn’t end after your 20′s, y’all!
This inspired me to check out what else is popular these days, and one of the first works I saw recommended was Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete by Akihiro Ononaka, which is the polar-opposite to Hanamonogatari. It’s about a young girl who adores magical girls, but ends up becoming a villain forced to fight them. Her new alter-ego is sadistic and enjoys teasing and torturing her opponents. The manga feels like a combination of Douman Seiman’s works and Kill la Kill, the way it’s stylized with high contrasts and contains plenty of wacky, sexy comedy that takes things just a little too far for comfort. Personally I love it. It’s not a manga for everyone, and I wish it would start wrapping up soon after 9 volumes, before it starts repeating itself too much. It’s been one of the most refreshing manga I’ve read in a while, a funny parody with an amazing artstyle, even if it also contains some... questionable scenes.
Looking at more conventional works, I picked up Ki ni Natteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta by Agu. It’s about a high school girl who falls for a guy as they bond over similar tastes in music, but as the title suggests, it turns out the guy’s actually a girl and her classmate (disguised in her casual/alternative style). The manga releases on twitter, and it’s been a fun exercise for me to keep up with it in Japanese. The twitter releases have also allowed Agu to use some colour, adding lime green to the traditional black and white, which makes the manga stand out and look really cool. The art itself is great too, both girls are super cute with their own distinctive styles. I like seeing how their relationship develops and I’m glad that it doesn’t dwell on the initial misunderstanding for too long. I will say that it’s a shame to be caught up with the story, since each weekly update is only 4 pages long and I’d rather read this in one go.
Next, I picked up Kakeochi Girl by Battan, since it was recent and renowned, with gorgeous covers. It’s about a woman who runs into her old high school sweetheart again after 10 years. While she never got over her, her old lover is now about to get married to a man, and have his baby. I wasn’t a huge fan of this manga. I thought it was sad how the main girl hadn’t been able to move on and felt stuck with her life for so long, while her romantic interest was stuck making bad decisions. I also didn’t like how the husband was portrayed as a villain of comical proportions. I think there’s value to the story which explores what comphet does to a woman, but it’s not something I care to read about when men become too central to the story. I also have conflicting feelings about the art. The covers, illustrations and some pages were absolutely gorgeous, and I love how Battan portrays different feelings, especially whenever something’s a little scary, but exciting, with tingles and sparks, but I’m not a huge fan of her style when it comes to the eyes and other facial features, which is a stylistic choice for her and a personal preference of mine.
I gave Battan another chance with Ane no Yuujin, since I couldn’t resist the enthralling, sensual cover. I liked it better than Kakeochi Girl, and it helped me appreciate the art more, thanks to her excellent portrayal of longing and joy. I was about to say that I liked the characters better too, but now that I think about it, I’m not sure I did. I think the fact that this was much shorter and focused on more characters masked it for me. I don’t think Battan’s works are for me, but I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who do love them for good reason!
I continued my yuri journey with another work I’d seen and heard much about, Sayonara Rose Garden by Dr. Pepperco. It’s about a Japanese maid who works for an English noblewoman, set in England in the early 1900′s. My first impression was that Dr. Pepperco is a genius for this setting and combination of aesthetics, with the Japanese maid dressing in kimono off-duty (!!!). The manga is beautifully drawn, and I enjoyed both main characters, but unfortunately a man had to get between them as well. It makes sense considering the setting, but it’s still not something I enjoy reading about, so my initial excitement was dulled out after the first volume. Overall it was a good read with great art, but because of my high expectations and slight disappointment, it didn’t end up as a favourite of mine.
After getting worried about not finding any more good yuri to read, I was happy to discover Ikemen Girl to Hakoiri Musume by Mochi au Lait and majoccoid. It’s another manga where one girl mistakes her classmate for a man and falls for them. Here the girl confesses right at the start, the other one accepts as a joke, and they end up dating while the misunderstandings are still at play. The girl who was mistaken for a man is incredibly sympathetic and a whole mood (TM), while her girlfriend is super bubbly and sweet. The manga is light-hearted and funny, and I wish I could find something similar to this, since it’s been one of my favorites.
Next up I read Yuunagi Marbled and Kimi Koi Limit by Momono Moto. Yuunagi Marbled was a tad bit on the edgy side, but still an okay read. Kimi Koi Limit had a real mess of a main character, which I enjoyed immensely, since I’ve been looking for something like that in yuri works. After all these stories about women who suddenly end up in lesbian relationships, or who have to hide the fact they want to be in them, it was refreshing to read about women who were open and assertive about their interests. I can’t say either of these works left a strong impression on me beyond that, but I found the girls cute and they were easy enough to read.
Then I went on to read Papa no Sexy Doll by Kajikawa Gaku. Look. The title is questionable. And the manga is indeed about a girl and her dad both having some sort of relationship with an android to get over the loss of the girls’ mother. I checked it out because I read something else by the same author, which left me curious about what else they’d done. Then I wanted to check what Papa no Sexy Doll could possibly be about, since it wasn’t marked as r-18. It was a pleasant surprise to see that it was yuri, and I actually got attached to the main character, who’s a young girl going through a rough patch with her crush/girlfriend and seeking solace (not necessarily sexual, but also that kind of comfort) from the titular doll. There are only a few chapters out and it’s still ongoing, but so far it’s been a nice story about loss and the pains of growing up. I can’t recommend it for everyone, but it’s been a pleasant surprise for sure.      
To continue with more questionable works, I was excited to give Kyou wa Kanojo ga Inai kara by Iwami Kiyoko a try, based on the gorgeous art and a powerful line I randomly came across and had to fish out the source for. Like the title suggests, it’s about a girl in a lesbian relationship, but said girlfriend is still in the closet afraid to show any sort of affection towards her in public. Furthermore, she keeps ignoring her in favour of club activities, which leaves our main girl sad and lonely. A third girl shows up, and with a few pushes, the main girl starts two-timing her girlfriend. I love how horrible the girls are, and how easy it is to see what drove them to be the way they are. The art is to die for, and although I can’t recommend such a controversial topic to everyone, it’s been one of my favorites. The manga is still ongoing, with 4 volumes currently, and things are heating up!
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After reading all these popular and currently talked-about series, and not finding that much more looking though what’s popular, I discovered the greatness of Interest Stacks on MAL. There were a few collections with titles and covers that looked intriguing, and I started reading older works, with the oldest being Maya no Souretsu by Ichijo Yukari, published in 1972. I love the 70′s shoujo manga style, and the story was a tragic wild-ride about loss and revenge.
From there I kinda fell down the rabbit hole that was 90′s josei. Some of the yuri works I read were Love Vibes and Sheets no Sukima by Erica Sakurazawa. They are both about messy relationships that involve a lot of sex and cheating, and while love between women was central for both, there was more action between women and men. Because I read other josei works from the same era before these two, I came in thinking it was cool to see women be active and forward, so I didn’t mind it, but I do think Sheets no Sukima in particular suffered from not developing the relationship between the two women further. The ending was incredibly unsatisfying and abrupt, even if it could be seen as realistic and tragic in a way I usually love, because it reflects how uncertain and unsatisfying real life can be. I definitely preferred Love Vibes out of the two, where the feelings were more clear and reciprocated. Both works had a charming artstyle, and the girls were cute so it was nice reading them.
Back to the present day, although ready to take a journey into the past, I continued with Yume no Hashibashi by Sudou Yumi. It’s about two women in their mid-80′s who have been in love with each other since they were 14/15, but unable to be with each other due to various societal reasons. The manga starts with them in their old age and progresses backwards in time, with each chapter giving us a small glimpse of the choices they made and the feelings they had throughout different periods in their lives. It’s quite an interesting structure, and I loved seeing what drove the characters to make the decisions they did, when I already knew what they would lead to, and to see what prevented them from choosing to be with each other throughout the years. I wasn’t sure what to think of it based on the first two chapters, but I was crying as I reached the end. It was tragic, yet beautiful, and what hurts the most is how there are people out there who have gone through similar experiences. This was another favourite of mine and I highly recommend it, with the warning that it’s a heartbreaking read. I’d love to read more yuri by this mangaka, but unfortunately I couldn’t find much else.
Following these, I read Nettai Shoujo by Yoshitomi Akihito. I picked it up after reading Balance Policy, also by him, thanks to the nice cover art. Balance Policy contained some yuri as well, which would ordinarily be a nice bonus, except here it was paired with some of the most absurd ideas of how women work I’ve come across in a long time (weird stuff about periods etc.). Along with some other choices, it was quite obvious it was written by a man. I don’t think gender should prevent you from writing whatever, and I can even appreciate yuri that’s created for the male gaze, but oh man does it hurt when it’s combined with bad writing. Both Balance Policy and Nettai Shoujo got me though, since they depict summer in the countryside, which is one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to manga settings, especially paired with queer themes. Nettai Shoujo is a collection of shorts around that theme, and it delivers, save for a couple instances where you can clearly tell it was written by a man, and a few “but I’m a girl” lines, which I didn’t know I’d come to dislike as much as I now do. In their defence, it was written in 2007, so I can’t be too mad about it.
It was only after reading Nettai Shoujo that I realised Yoshitomi Akihito is the man behind Blue Drop. I’ve read one or two installations from the series and I’ve always wanted to read through them all, so I’m now stuck in this weird love-hate relationship with Yoshitomi Akihito and his works. I’ve gotten quite busy, so I haven’t had the time to read more than the first (original) volume so far. I love the art and the sci-fi setting of lesbian aliens taking over Earth, but it feels aged and contains gratuitous fanservice, which I don’t enjoy. The girls are either undressing themselves at weird moments, too often, or it’s done to them in a way which feels exploitative. I’ll read and reread the rest of Blue Drop, and I’ll probably check out the anime too, but for now, I no longer have the time. Pride month is coming to an end too, so this shall be it for my big yuri manga review.
Thank you for taking the time to read any or all of this!
I hope you’ve been able to read some good yuri as well, and if you have any recommendations I’m happy to receive them!
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cupuasu · 4 months
Favorite manga bls/gls that you’d recommend?
i read a lot of manga when i was bored (rip tachiyomi....). idk what kinda reader u are or ur preferences but i honestly focus more on the artstyle than anything so don't expect much on the storylines here. i read more yaoi bc i feel like we're pretty much in a yaoi golden age while yuri is still stuck on the same shit we'd read in 2009, i'm accepting yuri recs!!!
BL: monotone blue (it's a beautiful story even if it's set in school), pink heart jam (the author has other good stories too, but i liked this one the most), bidou wakadanna koishitau wa koushoku otoko (i know. long name. beautiful beautiful art, has a lot of sex though. it's set in edo period!), junai dropout (pretty much just sex. yayyy salaryman is actually a whore. author has other great +18 work), gesshoku kitan ("taboo" but so interesting. author has other dark work. funnily enough it's the same author from the cute ganbare nakamura kun manga), doukyuusei (set in school. the author has one of the most unique artstyles and i've read pretty much all their works bc of it lol. their writing is not as good as their art.), himemuko (BEAUTIFUL ART), umibe no étranger (pretty famous, cute art), tasogare out focus (great art, silly charas. set in school.), mitsuya sensei no keikakuteki na ezuke (it's about eating!!!! great art and the charas are super cute. there's age difference.), usagi no mori (it's bad but it's also really good lol. set in school), MADK (insane art. insane story too), EAT (furry yaoi), one room angel (pretty interesting story), sign (manhwa. very cute. lots of sex though) and cupid ni rakurai (set in school but suuuuper cute!!! i looove this author's art).
GL: tamen de gushi (it's a manhua and it's set in school but i just love how silly it is), octave (i really liked this story. the art isnt that good but the protag felt so real), kininatteru hito ga otoko ja nakatta (suuuuper cute artstyle. still ongoing!!), ikemen girl to hakoiri musume (also very cute), tsukuritai onna to tabetai onna (there's a live action but the manga is also very good), her tale of shim chong (manhwa, pretty good but i haven't finished it yet), kakeochi girl (oh love.....), legally married yuri couple (not that good but it's cute), mai no mushigurashi (BEAUTIFUL story. lots of bugs!), sabishisugite lesbian fuuzoku ni ikimashita report (not actually gl, it's a autobio but it's a must-read in my opinion. the author has other manga about her life), tsukiatte agetemo ii kana (interesting story!), nikurashi hodo aishiteru (pretty good. 18+), still sick (pretty wholesome) and hana monogatari (OLD WOMEN YURI!!).
hope you enjoy! i read most of them on tachiyomi but since the app and most manga repost sites went down, i think you'd find these in scanlation groups.
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evergardenwall · 11 months
tagged by @lampoost ! ❤️ thank you !!!
last song played : no song, head empty
currently reading : reread nimona and kakeochi girl vol.1 !
watching : a lot of movies... recently, i saw les algues vertes at the theater, and also la fille de brest and erin brockovich at home
current obsession : my original characters<33
tagging @spoopy-sloth @nose-bl @reloaderror @prizefigures and @genderqueer-miharu :^)
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boymagicalgirl · 5 months
1, 4, and 17 for the ask game!
Thank youuu
Top 5 reads of 2023
ok my memory of when I read stuff is shit so if some of this is from late 2022, oopsies.
-Glass no Kamen (1976) Amazing art, gripping plot, questionable age gap romance but I can overlook it for a homoerotic rivalry between Maya and Ayumi
-Kanata Kara AKA From Far Away (1991) A riveting shoujo isekai with a level-headed and calm protagonist. I liked how Noriko actually had to learn the language and how the language barrier impacted her in the first bits of the story. I also liked the slow bond developing between her and Izark
-Kakeochi Girl (2018) peak fiction. I wished Tazune was more fleshed out cause it felt like he was more there to push things along but I liked the nuances of rekindling a romance with your unhappily married ex-gf from high school and how messy and beautiful that can be.
-California Monogatari (1978) do you like Banana fish and Akimi Yoshida's work? read this. Now. The tragedy and realism pulled at my heart strings ngl but it was still amazing. The characters felt so human and real and I couldn't stop reading.
-A-A' (1981) I wasn't expecting to like this so much but these short stories were all so compelling and it really shows Moto Hagio's prowess at writing sci-fi.
4. An Underrated Gem
Man that's hard. I'd argue Wedding Peach. Because of the timing of the anime and the designs for it being changed to be more like Sailor Moon, it was often handwaved away as a Sailor Moon rip-off. However, the art is very charming and the battles are really cool to read while still being easy to follow. The plot isn't super deep or anything but you wanna keep reading and see what happens to Momoko and her friends and I like the outfit designs in the manga more than the anime.
17. A Manga you didn't expect to like.
A lot of older yuri pleasantly surprised me. Some older shoujo, especially short one volume stories, don't really have time to develop their characters so things kind of fell flat for me. However, Moonlight Flowers and Maya no Souretsu didn't do that. Moonlight Flowers was similar to Kakeochi Girl but decades before and the art was breathtaking. I like the focus on adult women. And Maya no Souretsu, while melodramatic and sadly ending hetero, was still intriguing mystery and horror and I wished Maya and Reina well.
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yuripoll · 1 year
can you dock otherside picnic 10% someone is being IMO, overly vitriolic, in the comments
so i know exactly which comment you're talking about, and it is definitely straddling the line
tbh "overly vitriolic" was initially coined to be a nicer way of saying "please dont tell people to kill themselves over my silly poll" but after the pirate poll incident i mentally added "getting into serious discourse in my notes" so i do think i should clarify it a bit?
in future im gonna change it from 'dont be overly vitriolic' to 'don't take this too seriously', or alternatively 'don't harsh my vibe', which sums to:
do not tell people to kill themselves in my notes
do not get into arguments in my notes
if your scathing review hits paragraph length consider making your own post. instead of putting it in my notes.
being dramatic is encouraged but it should never be serious. when engaging with a silly little poll you should keep it silly.
please be as civil as possible. in my notes.
since it's the first time ive needed to tap the sign, there won't be a penalty, but if anyone continues to drop paragraphs in my mentions about how bad they hated one of the contestants (any of them to be clear. i know ive been propagandising kakeochi girl but i also wouldn't be happy if someone said that stuff about urapi or yagakimi, two series i also really love) then i'll issue the -10% penalty.
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pleuvoire · 2 years
i wanna start doing reviews of yuri and maybe also bl that i read but i’m held back by the notion that it would be really embarrassing to do a post all formatted like Rosemary’s Yuri Reviews: Kakeochi Girl and then only do one or two posts like that
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mono-blogs-art · 11 months
Picked up & read Run Away With Me, Girl (kakeochi girl) by battan today, and it was amazing!!! It made me so damn emotional lmao, it was truly a good read. It also had a comfortable length (German release put it into 2 thicc volumes, I think the English release did 3 vols?!) but still told a complete story that didn't shy away from getting pretty dark and adult. In the end, it didn't give any answers to their messy situation, but that was kinda the point - sometimes life is hard, but you keep doing your best anyway. You can change your life for the better at any time. I liked that. I can only recommend it to people who like a more adult yuri!
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omggg i just saw ur icon and i just wanna say i also looove the manga <333 its painfully underrated tho 😭😭😭
KAKEOCHI GIRL FANS UNITE, its an amazing manga
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watermelinoe · 3 years
have u read any of moto hagio’s manga ?
also, any shoujo/josei manga recs ? <3
i haven't! i'm not super familiar with classic shoujo tbh but i love that art style, and i have iguana no musume on my list to read!
ok ooooh ok i'll try to organize my recs a bit
for f/f pairings, i prefer josei, and omg i can't believe i only read this recently but kakeochi, girl blew my mind 😭
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the art style is so cute, the love story is heart wrenching and triumphant, i just loved it. it's about two women who dated as girls, but now one of them is an adult and getting married to a man (derogatory)
ok for a real short one volume yuri that no one talks abt, ebisu-san to hotei-san is a comfort manga for me. its only flaw is a scene where one woman touches her love interest's breast while she's asleep which >:/// otherwise such a fluffy wholesome little manga, but that might be a deal breaker so i always give that disclaimer. it's about two women who work together but don't get along until one finds out the other's secret and they see each other in a new light
another real short yuri is pietà, but it is pretty dark, the triggers are self-harm and suicide attempts. it isn't a tragedy though, it's a lovely story. the plot is.... not super important, but the two classmates realize they have a connection to each other and become inseparable. they slowly uncover what that connection is.
one i'm currently reading, it's complete but not fully scanlated, is 2dk, g pen, mezamashi tokei. published in comic yuri hime but i can't find info abt the demographic, so this might not be shoujo/josei for sure. it's about two women who're roommates but total opposites; one is an aspiring mangaka and the other a businesswoman. the cast is all women and so far they're getting fleshed out as well.
ok this next one is a doujin but hear me out, it makes me melt. hebi-onna to kumotsu-chan.
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despite being offered as a human sacrifice, the snake queen doesn't seem interested in eating her. at least... not like that 😳
listen alright if you're not reading otome game no hametsu flag you are missing out on bakarina, dumbass extraordinaire, who has no idea she's in a harem manga bc she only thinks abt gardening and destruction flags. yes it's an isekai (shut up i like them) but it's so funny, and yes the other girls all want her, too. it even has an anime
so for Hettery, i'm pr sure all the weebs already know kimi ni todoke which is one of my fav manga of all time bc i love my girls, it's such a good coming of age story. also akatsuki no yona which deserves a season two already, featuring a princess who gets progressively more badass and mature as she works from behind the scenes to protect her kingdom after being forced to flee her home. i know it looks like a harem, but it isn't
so if you like fantasy/historical romance, hi hello please talk to me bc i'm so alone surrounded by shounen lmaoo here we go
for some really cute fluffy shit, i'm reading fukushuu wo chikatta shironeko wa ryuuou no hiza no jou de damin wo musaboru. it's another isekai fight me anyway the heroine gets transported to another world and finds out the spirits fuckin love her, so she ends up living w in the imperial castle for her own protection except..... everyone thinks she's a cat. and at this point it's too awkward to clear things up 🐈
the one i'm Obsessed with rn is colette wa shinu koto ni shita. overwhelmed with patients, the doctor colette decides to jump in a well and end it all. except she doesn't die, and instead ends up in the underworld, where she finds out the lord hades has a mysterious illness and becomes his doctor. now she goes back and forth, treating patients on the surface and also getting closer with everyone in the underworld. but what about her short lifespan, how are they gonna make it work.. . i have theories alright
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i love shoujo art styles i'm gonna die. look at cerberus.... three of them......
and if you wanna know the real self-indulgent trashy shit i read so i can project onto the male love interest, i have an anilist 😔✌️
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Last months haul (^◇^) I've bought quite a few but not that many, even though I was tempted to start like 7 new series...
I bought Blue Period which I've been ogling since the first volume was released here and oh man it's amazing. Also the second and last volume of Kakeochi Girl was so good, I really like the dreamy art style. And of course sixth volume of Given, I devoured it and then I was sad I have to wait again for the next volume ( ;∀;)
Also they licensed Bakuman in my country and the first Dvd volume was released last week. I immediately bought it, well actually I pre-ordered it. When it arrived my mother and me sat down and rewatched all the episodes in one sitting. It's such a good anime and still love it as much as I did when I watched it the first time.
Last but not least I bought myself the first volume of the Durarara light novels. I've been wanting to read this forever but never got around to buy it. Sadly it never got released in my country so I had to buy the english one. Which isn't a problem language wise but usually I try to support the publishers in my country.
So that leads us to the other manga I ordered myself which I'm quite excited for, Shibou to iu na no fuku wo kite ( In clothes called fat) by Moyoco Anno. I recently reread Sugar Sugar Rune and fell in love with her art and storytelling again. But sadly this also was never released in my country and that's why I had to order it from friggin USA and it won't arrive till the end of this month.
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yuri-caps · 4 years
Do you know of any yuri similar to shimanami tasogare and kakeochi girl? (Ive also read my lesbian experience with loneliness) I feel like a lot of yuri is so unrealistic and so focused on high school girls and I can barely relate to it at all.. if you have any suggestions pls pls pls share! No inc*st, transmisogyny, or big age gaps pls
ohh i definitely suggest reading ohana holoholo if u haven’t already!
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it’s a really touching, gorgeous series about two bisexual women, michiru and maya (who are exes with a complicated past), raising michiru’s young son together :0
it def has a similar Vibe and found family™ themes to shimataso! not to mention, the art style reminds me a little of run away with me girl,,,,
and some other good ones that are about adults and have more of a down-to-earth feel to them:
cirque arachne
crescent moon and doughnuts
after hours
double house
golondrina (dropped translation for this one, unfortunately)
fluttering feelings (incomplete but oh, is it one of my eternal favs...)
free soul
still sick
amongst us (webtoon)
mistranslations (tapas)
so, do you want to go out, or?
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Anime NYC 2021, Day Three
Ah, Day 3, the day when I realized that I am simply not equipped to be able to sit on a floor waiting for a panel for 5-6 hours per day. By the end of the day I was reduced to begging for a chair from staff (who were very helpful). Fortunately, I only had two panels for the day (apologies to Azuki, who I wanted to see, but I know Kodansha would be a huge line because of the Attack on Titan teaser, and also to Inside the Manga Industry, because somehow Yen managed to get scheduled against ITSELF), so there was not quite as much waiting, but I admit I am rather bone weary today.
That said, I suspect fans who came to the Kodansha panel just for the Attack on Titan stuff came away a little disappointed, as most of it was just normal manga announcements. They pointed out the manga gallery on display at Anime NYC, which looked quite impressive as I walked quickly by it. (Look, Attack on Titan and I are exes and we don’t get along, OK?) They’re also encouraging people to tweet about the series with the #thanksattackontitan tag, which I’m sure will be SAFE AND FUN. And there were two other announcements: The Best of Attack on Titan in Color, which has an assortment of the best chapters in the series… well, in color. And also a box set for Part 1 of “The Final Season”.
The rest of the panel was blissfully Attack on Titan free. We got the December digital debuts, which makes me the that types up Manga the Week of posts very happy. My Master Has No Tail (Uchi no Shishou wa Shippo ga nai) runs in good! Afternoon, and is basically a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of a manga, containing not only tanuki but also rakugo masters! Shaman King: & a Garden is a spinoff series focusing on the women in the series, and it runs in shoujo magazine Nakayoshi. My Darling the Company President (Darling wa Shachou-kun) is a 6-volume josei series from Ane Friend, where an office lady finds the new company president is a boy that she used to tutor, but now… He Is All Grown Up. And Her Majesty’s Swarm (Joou Heika no Isekai Senryaku) is the manga adaptation of the novels J-NC have been doing, and runs in Suiyoubi no Sirius.
They then had a bunch of print announcements for the Fall of 2022. Which makes sense given how hard it’s been to get things printed these days. Wistoria: Wand & Sword is a new series by the writer of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, running in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine. Boy has no magic powers, but he does have a cool sword. Go Go Loser Ranger (Sentai Daishikkaku) is the newest series from Quintessential Quintuplets creator Negi Haruba, a Weekly Shonen Magazine series parodying the stock tropes of sentai shows, and starring a villain who is tired of being the “Villain of the week” sort. Run Away with Me, Girl (Kakeochi Girl) is a josei yuri series that ran in Hane Kiss. Two girls who dated in high school haven’t seen each other in ten years. Will things rekindle when they meet each other?
Shonen Note: Boy Soprano is from Morning Two, and is by the creator of Our Dreams at Dusk, which means it automatically should go to the top of everyone’s list. It actually came out before that series in Japan, though. The story of a boy with a lovely soprano voice, and what happens when puberty starts to change that. As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I’ll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World (Tensei Kizoku Kantei Sukiru de Nariagaru – Jakushou Ryouchi o Uketsuidanode, Yuushuuna Jinzai o Fuyashite Itara, Saikyou Ryouchi ni Natteta) is a Magazine Pocket series about… aw hell, you know what it’s about. Miss Miyazen Would Love to Get Close to You (Ochikadzuki ni Naritai Miyazen-san) is a cute romcom from… Gangan Joker? Story there, I bet. In any case, delinquent boy, proper girl, love blooms.
Avant-Garde Yumeko is a one-volume series from Shuzo Oshimi, acclaimed creator of Flowers of Evil, Blood on the Tracks, etc. This one… doesn’t have quite the same feel. Yumeko is a girl obsessed with the male organ, and she has decided that art class is the best way to see it. This is only one volume, and… gotta say “Oshimi raunchy sex comedy” is not really what I was expecting, but hey. I have heard others say it “has the subtlety of a truck”. An Older Guy’s VR First Love (VR Ojisan no Hatsukoi) is also one volume, and ran in Ichijinsha’s Zero-Sum Online. 40-ish guy plays in the VR world as a female character, and grows closer to another female in the game. But will real life get in the way? I heard this is quite serious.
Kodansha also announced print versions of a lot of series we’ve seen digitally already, including The Iceblade Sorceror Shall Rule the World (starring former Frank Zappa singer and guitar player Ray White), In the Clear Moonlit Dusk, Shangri-La Frontier, I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability, and horror favorite PTSD Radio. We’re also getting box sets! Sweat & Soap, Wotakoi, and Rent-a-Girlfriend for those. And omnibuses! Noragami, Fire Force, Ghost in the Shell, and No. 6. Ghost in the Shell is supposed to have all sorts of bells and whistles (no, don’t ask about the missing pages, the answer is still no). Noise from Tsutomi Nihei will be getting a print release. No Longer Human and Dissolving Classroom will be getting Complete Editions. And, to the annoyance of many fans in the audience, Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro is also getting a box set.
Lastly, to show that Kodansha’s troll game is still A+, they announced an exciting release for Nisioisin fans! No, not Monogatari Off Season. No, not Zaregoto 4 & 5. Instead, we get Katanagatari, which had prevoiusly been released in hardcover omnibuses, as paperback omnibuses. See? Much better than Sodachi Fiasco. (Please put away those knives).
After this, I decided to check out the panel introducing Yen Audio! This had marketer Mark and editor Ivan, and also a special guest… Bryce Papenbrook! The voice of Kirito was there himself, so the usual Kiroto hate from fans was pretty much absent. We listened to a clip from the first Sword Art Online book, and he discussed the differences in acting for anime vs. acting for audio books – this was his first audiobook, something he has in common with the other actors we heard today. He loved it being first person, and also talked about having a bit more freedom with his delivery as he did not have to match the lip flaps of the animation. The second Sword Art Online audiobook has Cherami Leigh as Asuna being the narrator, but Bryce also comes back to do the Kirito stuff there.
He then left to go back to his autograph panel, and we got the rest of the audio hype. We heard clips from books already released, including Overlord, Solo Leveling, and The Saga of Tanya the Evil. And we got three new announcements! There are no narrators set just yet (though I would assume calls have been put in to J. Michael Tatum and Brianna Knickerbocker), but we got to hear that we’re getting Spice & Wolf, So I’m a Spider, So What?, and Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. The last of those has never had an English dub, so it will be definitely interesting to see who they get.
And after this I took my leave, heading to the train to collapse and try not to fall asleep. Anime NYC 2021 was a con with lines both inside and out, but it was also a lot of fun, and attendance hit 50K despite COVID restrictions. They’ve already announced 2022, so (my feeble body permitting, I am utterly exhausted today) I will see them again.
By: Sean Gaffney
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seafleece · 3 years
i think it’s so funny that figayda simultaneously predates and comes after beaujes because it’s as if laura and marisha realized they could do something good, saw the bar raise, and then made the executive decision to slide under it instead now that there was more room
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