#also like i said a few months ago i may be working some shit out through him
callsignbaphomet · 7 months
Finally got him addicted to Calmex.
Despite the wiki saying you have a 35% chance of addiction it took a lot of usage to finally get him hooked on it. Maybe Maim 3 or Modern Drugs reworked the percentage somehow.
I have a very good reason for why Calmex. A sort of mix between canon and headcanon. Calmex gives you:
+2x sneak attack multiplier
+3 perception
+3 agility
The sneak multiplier kinda goes hand in hand with the fact that he's a sniper, all the weapons on him are silenced and I put a shit ton of points into sneak. Makes sense. That's from a gameplay pov. As for him it helps with moving around without making much noise or bringing too much attention to himself. He's paranoid and scared out of his fucking mind whether he wants to admit it or not. The near crippling depression ain't helping either.
The 3 points of added perception make so much sense 'cause his anxiety, depression and PTSD cause him to become hypervigilant.
The extra agility points is just an extra thing though it could help. Nowhere in any setting is this man agile...maybe in Mon Hun 'cause of the weapon choice but not even then.
Here's where the hc part comes in. I like to think Calmex calms the user and this would be a drug he gravitates to given the constant nightmares and night terrors, the vivid flashback/memory, intrusive thoughts, anxiety and hypervigilance. Had a nightmare/night terror? A shot of Calmex. Stuck in a vivid flashback/memory for a few minutes? Another shot of Calmex. Anxiety is kicking up so bad he can hardly think and is physically shaking? Yet another shot of Calmex. Intrusive thoughts getting louder and louder to the point of them drowning out every other sound? Calmex.
And unfortunately the more he abuses it the more he gets addicted to it and the less effective in the long run it is. He's basically using that to shut off the other symptoms just so he can have a moment's peace which unfortunately last less and less the more he depends on Calmex.
I'm not gonna get him addicted to alcohol 'cause he moved from alcohol to Calmex once he felt the drug was a "better" option than getting passed out drunk to sleep to avoid nightmares and night terrors. Plus, in doing research I read that alcohol exacerbates the nightmares so my need for "realism" demanded I switch.
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
hii i love your work and wanted to send a request in :)
can you do “you’re just going to leave me here?!” and “i’m gonna come back for you , do you hear me?” for jason and reader? 💛
maybe they’re on a date and there’s a robbery nearby or a villain crashes a gala they are attending? also maybe the reader knows he’s red hood? or it’s early in their relationship that he hasn’t told them yet? idk if that makes sense, but if you pick this up i can’t wait to see where you take it! 💛
OH IT'S EMOTIONAL ANGST TIME! hurt no comfort 😈 thanks for requesting nonnie 🥰
jason todd x gn!reader | tw: angst, reader feels hurt, lying to protect a superhero identity (is red hood a hero? he is to ME.) i may write a pt 2 to this if there's interest 😎
Jason checks his phone for the fourth time tonight. You haven't even received your entrees yet.
"Everything okay?" you ask lightly.
Jason looks up, eyes wide. "Oh. Yes. Sorry, baby. Sorry."
You nod, trying to smile. "It's okay."
He puts his phone in his pocket. You try to relax and focus on your date. This place is upscale, much pricier than you're used to, but Jason had insisted. He'd said he hadn't been doing his due diligence of being your boyfriend and should take you out on more "proper" dates. You'd told him that was silly, of course; you'd be content to go anywhere with him.
But he's been acutely distracted these past few weeks, and you're starting to form terrible explanations in your head for why that might be.
You try to ignore it. You just want to spend time with your boyfriend; it's been so long.
"Oh my God, guess what happened at work today," you say.
Jason leans in, smiling. "Tell me. Was it Peggy from Marketing again?"
"Yes!" You laugh, shaking your head. "She's such a pain. I was in my cubicle when—"
Jason's watch starts to blare, the beep shrill and insistent. He curses and quickly taps at the screen. You slump back in your chair.
"Shit," he says and looks up at you.
You suddenly feel exhausted.
"Baby, I'm so sorry," Jason begins, rising from his chair. "God, fuck—you have no idea how sorry I am. It's my family, they—something's happened with my brother. He needs my help, unfortunately."
"So you're just going to leave me here?" you ask, mouth dropping open in shock. "Jay, we planned tonight two weeks ago!"
He winces. "I know. Fuck, I know, sweetheart. I'm so, so sorry. I'm gonna come back for you, okay? It'll be an hour, tops. Look, order anything you want. I'll leave my card, it's on me—"
You shake your head and stand. "No, Jason. I'm—look, I know your family is important to you, but you've done this a lot this past month, and it's not just hurtful, but it's starting to feel a little intentional. I don't know if I'm some kind of placeholder or, or—"
"Hey, no, no. You're not a placeholder. Please don't say that," Jason begs, reaching for your hand.
You keep your hand out of reach, eyes beginning to heat up.
"I'm going home," you say. "I hope your brother's okay."
"Sweetheart, please, come on. I don't wanna fight."
"Me neither," you say tiredly. "So we won't. Good night, Jason."
His watch beeps again, this time with a phone call. You walk out. It's a nicer part of Gotham, so getting a cab here isn't a problem.
Jason catches up to you instantly. He looks terrified, and it breaks your heart, but you don't have the energy tonight.
"Can I–can I call you tonight?" he asks, voice cracking.
A cab pulls up to the curb. The valet opens the door for you. Jason takes a step forward.
"I'd rather you didn't," you say quietly. "I need some time to myself, Jay."
Jason takes a step back.
"I'm sorry," he says again, desperate.
You sigh. "I know you are."
You get into the car. The valet closes the door. Jason watches you through the window, tugging at his curls like he does when he's stressed.
That night, your bed feels cold. You toss and turn for hours, trying to shake the feeling of a phantom arm snaked around your waist.
Jason doesn't call, like you'd requested. You cry anyway.
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I also have a headcanon request that I'll do separately in list form! This is actually a scene from a scrapped multi-chapter fic idea I had for a secretary reader. As to why it was scrapped, I didn't know how to finish it so I ✨gave up! ✨
Ngl this is actually only half of the scene, there's scraps of this whole extra kinky round-two thing with some casual exhibitionism, but we'll see how this does first. That being said, enjoy!
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At Your Service [Vox x Secretary Reader] NSFW AS FUCK
(NSFW writing under the cut. Minors stay away <3)
It was an early morning like any other. Vox is sitting at his desk, looking over the paperwork he had from yesterday. It’s far too early and his bougie oversized office offered little comfort as you sleepily walked in. Hearing the door open, Vox looked up and smirked as he noticed the coffee in your hand.
"Good morning." he greeted you, motioning to a chair for you to take a seat.
"Morning," you smile a bit tiredly as you enter the room. You were never much of a morning person. Once the initial adrenaline of stepping out of your house had burned out, you needed the extra caffeine boost to keep your energy going.
A yawn slipped past your lips as you sat in the chair across from his desk.
"Wimp," Vox chuckled, poking fun at your inability to start a morning as early as him. It had become a regular topic of banter that started most of your work mornings together.
"Capitalist cocksucker," you wave him off. "Not everyone can be up at the ass crack of dawn in a freshly pressed suit, Sir. A few more sips of this stuff and I'll be good to go." You say as you lift your coffee to your lips.
You hum and lick some foam off your lip as you pull out your laptop. "Any changes to today's agenda I need to know about?" you ask him.
Vox smirked, rolling his eyes as he pulled up one of the hundreds of tabs he had open on his computer. "I can tell you're still a bit tired, but if you're sure... " he paused for a moment, glancing over his schedule."Yes, actually. There has been a small change to the overall plan. We're going to be running a new campaign today, so I'll need you to be ready to assist with that."
"What would you like me to oversee?
"I want you to be over on the promotion side for this new campaign," he said as he looked up from his paperwork. "Make sure that we get maximum visibility on this. The security system may have been a spur-of-the-moment idea, but it could bring in huge fucking numbers if we pull it off. I want as many people as possible to know about it and twice as many sales as views minimum.”
You nod, take notes, and start writing an email draft to get meetings scheduled. "Do you want the visual hypnosis team to work on the campaign or the auditory team?" It was common knowledge that Vox had hypnotic abilities, but it was less common to know how it had been incorporated throughout his entire company. Inductions were slipped into nearly every advertisement, program, and product that the company made.
"Have both of the hypnosis teams work on it," he answered. "We'll have the visual team focus primarily on the advertising for the campaign, and the audial team will work on creating the sounds and audio to slip in. We want this to be a very effective campaign, so the more hypnotic technology we can put into work, the better."
You stop typing, looking up at him incredulously. “Are you sure? The last time we doubled down on inductions we had to do that whole cover story to explain why half of hell turned into braindead zombies for a week.”
“It’ll be fine,” Vox waved off your concerns. “That was years ago and we’re better at this shit now. We can always blame it on Alastor somehow if shit goes wrong.”
You nod along, "If you’re sure. I've personally been incredibly susceptible to the combination, so forgive me if I don’t watch any of your programs for the next month," you say idly without thinking.
You didn’t notice as Vox paused. You didn’t notice the toothy grin that could have prepared you for what was to come either. "How susceptible were you previously to hypnosis?"
You nod along, not listening to his question as you finish sending the email to the hypnosis teams. Your brain catches up with you as you hit send and you freeze like a deer in the headlights. The look on your flushed face was priceless and Vox would have burst out laughing if he wasn’t so invested in hearing your answer. "I, uh.." you look away from him, "I was focused and said too much out loud. You weren't supposed to hear that."
His eyes were still on you, a clear look of curiosity flashing across his expression.
"You're right, I wasn't supposed to hear that,” He grinned. “But you said it and you’re not getting out of this that easily. You said that you are quite susceptible?"
You cringe, knowing you couldn't dodge a direct question from your boss. Even if he was an ass and an absolute man-child. "I..." you bite your lip curling in on yourself and crossing your legs as you take a sudden great interest in your laptop. "Yeah, I may have... experimented a bit."
His eyebrows raised, and he leaned slightly over to get a better look at you.
"Experiments?" he spoke softly. "What type of experiments?"
You sputter, your entire body flushing as you stammer out a panicked reply, "I, ah, um.. don't know if that would be a-appropriate to um.."
He chuckled slightly, now seeming rather amused by your reaction. "I assure you, I've heard much worse than whatever you may be worried about telling me."
"E-even so," you try to reason. "It's embarrassing. It's one thing to do it, it's another to tell your boss about it."
His eyebrows raised further. "You've done hypnotic experiments on yourself, and you're embarrassed to tell me about it?” He chuckles and rests his screen on his hand. “Yeah, no. You’re not getting out of this. What exactly did you do?"
You stare at him, before sighing and opening up a blank document. It was too mortifying to say out loud. He may have the power to squeeze the information out of you for his entertainment, but you’d be damned if you gave him the satisfaction of saying it out loud. You silently type up that you've tried being hypnotized both sober and when high and how you had done free-use edging with a group while high and hypnotized. Without a word you turn the laptop around so he can read it, your face on fire as you look anywhere but at him.
He had been expecting something a bit more tame, but now he was intrigued. It seemed that you had quite the mind on you to explore such risky topics. When he finished reading it, he raised his eyebrows even further, seemingly somewhat impressed.
"Well, I'll be damned," he commented. "That's not what I expected... What made you wanna try such things?"
"I like the feeling of it," you muttered as you turned the laptop around and promptly deleted the damning text.
His eyebrows raised a bit, intrigued. "You like the feeling of being hypnotized? You like letting someone else be in control of you?"
You pressed your lips together, blushing hard as he asked his question.
"Is that a yes then?" he inquired, his grin growing as the pixels under his mouth went dead. "You don't want to give me a straight answer, but the way you're stuttering and blushing makes it pretty clear that you do."
"S-Shut up," you bite back at his call-out as you finally look back at him.
Vox laughs as he just keeps winning the game he’d caught you in. "I think I hit the nail on the head, didn't I?"
"Y-Yes, sir." You say, cringing as you realize that sounded completely different given the topic compared to when you usually called him that during work hours.
He chuckled again, finding your response more than a bit amusing. "Well then, I take it that you have no issues with me being in complete control over you, then?"
You would combust into flames if you could. Your legs clenched together as you took in his question. You looked down at your laptop, stammering as you felt yourself quickly slipping into his grasp. "T-The campaign-"
"Yes, yes, yes," he interrupts you, seeming rather amused by this. "We'll talk about the campaign after that. I'm more interested in how much control you're willing to give up to me right here and now."
"I..." you pause, staring down at your hands clenched on top of your laptop. Were you really about to do this? Fuck it.
You look up at him and nod.
A grin appeared on his face as you nodded, even more amused now that this little bit was going exactly the way he had hoped. The two of you had flirted here and there, but never anything more than the occasional passing comment. If anything, it had just been a part of the playful and teasing game you’d be playing together for the past few months with you as his assistant.
He had no idea if you had ever truly noticed his advances or the way he’d stare at your ass in that pencil skirt you always wore during meeting days. But now he had the chance to unravel every last secret that’d been out of reach. Vox was nothing if not an opportunist.
"Good girl," he said softly. "Are you ready for me to control you now?"
You stand, going to place your phone and laptop on a nearby table. You stop and take a shaky breath, smoothing out your pencil skirt. You turn and walk back to him, this time hesitating instead of simply sitting in the chair across from his desk.
He smiles at your obedience and hesitation, noting the way that you smoothed down your skirt. You had already given up quite a lot of control to him, and it seemed that it was just going to be even easier from this point on.
"Then come here," he said softly, motioning for you to do so.
Your heart was pounding hard in your chest and you felt how hot your cheeks were as you stepped forward and moved to stand before him. His attention had been on every part of you, taking in every inch of you. He didn’t have to sneak in glances like before, he could just take it all in on his own time. He was enjoying the way that he seemed to be able to control you with a seemingly simple command. And to think he’d barely lifted a finger.
His eyes moved downwards as you stood in front of him, and his expression became a bit more serious than mere amusement.
"Let your skirt fall to your ankles," he instructed.
You practically shivered at the command, screaming internally at how embarrassed you felt and yet squirming at how just a short command from him was enough to send sparks through your body.
Your face flushed as you slowly undid the zipper on the side of your hip, taking a sharp breath before letting the fabric fall to the floor. You hugged yourself as you looked to the side, stepping out of your skirt and standing half-exposed in front of him.
He couldn't help but smirk as you did exactly as he commanded. Your legs were now exposed, and he noted how they were quivering slightly.
"Good girl," he smirked. "Now, let's step this up."
"But you’re still wearing too much. Let’s move on to your top next, shall we?" he suggested with a spark of playful amusement.
Oh god, was he really going to make you do this? It would have been one thing if he had been the one undressing you, but the fact he was making you do it for him like this was going to be the double death of you. You shakily undo the buttons of your blouse, trying to keep your heart rate under control as you pull it over your head and let it fall to the floor by your skirt.
You look at Vox, hoping he’d finally have some mercy and touch you himself, but he only lazily drags his gaze over your body with a hum of approval. "And finally?"
You were only left in your bra, underwear, sheer black thigh-high tights, and your heels. You felt incredibly vulnerable in his large office. Anyone could come in through the door and the windows that overlooked the city suddenly felt far more exposing than they ever had before.
You could see the spark of excitement begin to rise in him as you bit your lip and paused. Your hesitation was only making this a bit more exciting for him. He could hardly keep up the playful mask when his claws were threatening to tear into the armrest of his chair.
"Go on... " he said softly and slowly, his voice now beginning to become a bit huskier.
You took another shaky breath as you slowly reached back to unclasp your bra. You shook just knowing he was looking at you. That he was pursuing this. It made you hyper-aware in every way as you tossed the garment to the side and then finally stepped out of your underwear.
His gaze on your body was intense once more, seeming to take in every inch of you. He could not stop himself from being intrigued by your body and by just how vulnerable you were right now.
Your shaking was making it even more enticing to him. "Good girl," he said softly. You move to undo the garter and roll down your tights, when he stops you. Leave those. They’re perfect.” The dead pixels under his mouth might as well have been drool with the way his eyes hungrily took in the sight of the tights pressing into your skin so perfectly. 
“Are you ready to move on to the last step?"
You take a deep breath before lowering to your knees in front of him and nodding. You'd never done anything like this with a single person, finding it so much easier in a group. His lone, laser focus on you made you feel every twitch and spark and overwhelmed you in the best of ways.
"Yes, Sir."
He looked down at you once more, this time taking in all of your body as you were now kneeling, your hands resting on his chair.
"Now..." he said quietly as he reached down in a rare moment of tenderness as he lifted your chin. "I want to ask you a very simple question, but you must answer honestly. Do you enjoy this? Do you enjoy giving up your control to me?"
The smallest moan slips past your lips without your permission. Despite your embarrassment, you answer truthfully. “Yes. I love it a lot, actually.."
He smirked at the moan and the truth in your words. You were enjoying this... he could tell. You truly loved giving up your control to him. And he loved taking it.
"Good girl," he said with a soft chuckle at your veracity. "Very, very good girl. You enjoy letting me take c̶o̸m̶p̴l̶e̵t̵e̵ control of you, don't you?"
You take a deep breath, feeling your body relax a bit as you feel a bit of yourself give into him as you finally gather the nerve to look him in the eye. "Yes, Sir."
His expression seemed to shift a bit as you gave in even more. His amusement was more apparent now, as he now had you exactly where he wanted you.
"I love that you enjoy this so much," he said softly. "Does it make it more fun for you to know that you are pleasing me?"
You nod, shifting on your knees. "It does," you say earnestly. "Your approval isn't something easy to earn."
The slight shift you made was enough to cause him to smirk once more. Every time you moved, he would find something new about you that appealed to him.
"I approve of this tremendously," he grinned. "It is obvious that you enjoy giving up your control over me and letting me take control of you. It is clear that you enjoy giving me pleasure."
You let out a hot breath, your eyes darting down to between his legs as he mentioned giving him pleasure. You weren’t subtle about it either. Vox chuckled, amused more now than any other time during the interactions you two have had so far. You whine, your fists clenching where they rested on top of your thighs. Your chest shifted with every movement as you waited for his instruction.
"So eager," he breathed. He reached down and tucked your hair behind your ear as he committed the view to memory. "Go on, then,” he purred. “Show me what you’re willing to do for this.”
"I'm happy to give you a demonstration," you say to him with a smirk. Vox chuckled, happy to see some of your usual sass seep into the moment. He just knew you had a bratty side to you. The duality of how eager you seemed to submit and that bit of knowledge filled him with anticipation for all the different sides of you he wanted to see.
You scoot forward and reach for the zipper of his slacks. You chuckle as his breath hitches when you slowly pull down. He moans softly as your hand only continues following a path down as you palm him slowly over his slacks. There was already a bulge formed there that made you twitch with delight.
Looking up, you see Vox watching you with wide eyes. The smirk on his face only grew larger as you slowly pulled down his slacks and boxers You could feel the heat of his gaze on you, his breath becoming more and more audible with every slow movement.
You hum with pleasure as you focus your attention on his half-hard cock in your hand. It was easier to let go and forget your insecurities when you had him in front of you like this. For as much as you’d fantasized about him, you had never dared to dream you’d find yourself in this situation with him. You lean down and use your hand to slowly pump him before you lock eyes with him and lick a trail across the underside of his cock.
“F̷̮͛u̷̞͗c̵̹̈́k̸̝̎i̷̝͝n̶̗̎g̷̭͒ hell,” Vox swore, his grip on his chair tightening. His breath got increasingly more audible, his throat hoarse from his attempts at restraining any noise he might make. He’d been dreaming of this for far too long. He had you pegged all wrong. He always thought you were innocent. Flirty, but he couldn’t truly imagine you’d have a side like this. You always seemed too pure despite your sass. How happy was he, to be proven wrong.
"Good girl," Vox huskily breathed as his fingers tangled in your hair.
You lower down to press a kiss to the head of his cock. He hissed as you sucked lightly and collected his pre-cum on your tongue. You let your tongue loll out for a moment to show him before you lower yourself and take him in your mouth. Your tongue swirls around the tip of him and your fingers dig into his thighs as you bob your head shallowly. You tease him with subtle motions before you start to take his length down your throat in earnest.
Every movement you made only increased the heat of the situation exponentially and Vox found his cool demeanor quickly fading as he panted above you. “F̷̰͠u̵͕̅c̵̠̓k̸̞͊i̵̢͊n̵͓̅g̷̤̃ ̶̠̋ḫ̵̑e̵̩̾l̶̦͋l̶̩͆,” he gasped as your tongue lapped at the base of his cock. How the fuck were you doing that when he was jammed past your non-existent gag reflex? 
You hummed around him, your eyes watering as you choked on him. He could see the mirth in your eyes and he knew you’d be teasing him with a snarky remark if you weren’t too busy drooling on his dick like a goddamn champ.
Vox lets out a stuttering breath. As hot as it was, he wasn’t going to let you just get away with keeping your attitude intact. Out of selfish pleasure, he let you continue your ministrations for a moment longer before his fingers tugged at your hair, bringing your attention back to him.
You let him pull you off of his member, your tongue hanging out as you catch your breath and smile dumbly at him. His expression remained very much one of satisfaction and admiration as he observed you. That dumbly, innocent smile of yours was rather endearing to him, as it went hand in hand with the way you were acting.
"You really are quite the little showstopper, aren’t you?" he said quietly as he took in your porn-quality face. He idly wondered how the hell you ended up working for him and not Valentino. He was not about to complain about the unexpected victory.
You hummed happily, letting yourself go more for him. It was such a stark contrast to how tense you were when you were working. He'd never seen this side of you before and he hadn't even hypnotized you yet.
He had now realized just why you got so tense when he approached you with that offer. You enjoyed this in such a way that it was almost intoxicating, that it was almost addictive. It was a stark contrast to the version of you he knew that strived for greatness and top results at all times. You must have been so wound up from it all that you just whiplashed into the complete opposite frame of mind to release.
If you were already like this in front of him, then what would you be like after he had you completely under his control?
You nod, smirking as some drool fell to your chest from when you had your mouth on him moments ago.” What can I say?” you say teasingly. “Oral fixations keep a girl eager.”
Vox grinned with the look of a hungry predator as his eyes roamed all over you. Every god damned inch.
“You actually want this, don’t you?” He chuckled. “You want me to turn you into a brain-dead d̶͈͊ȍ̴̪l̵̺͊ḽ̸̏.”
"Please," you whisper as you look up at him with pleading eyes.
You could see the hunger within his eyes as you said that single fucking word. It didn’t take lifting a single finger for you to desperately plead for his control. You’d been wanting this just as bad as he had. The whole goddamned time. Vox buried his face in his hands and you looked at him with concern. You couldn’t see the way he grinned or feel how his body trembled slightly. You could only gasp as your vision was filled with black and red spirals when he lowered his hands and looked at you with a wicked grin.
You sit back on your knees, your eyelids growing heavy as your mouth falls open. Your body felt like it was floating and it was enough to make you feel like you were high. The hypnotic effect of his demonic abilities was how he'd reached the powerful position of an overlord. Even if you hadn't been so susceptible, you would have been powerless under his gaze as a normal person. 
Any hypnosis you’d experienced before took many sessions of induction. It took a bond, trust, and a lot of mental bandwidth to be so vulnerable. But Vox could just drop you at a whim. And the pull of his tide dragging you under was stronger than anything you’d ever succumbed to before.
You were blissfully unaware as Vox’s expression shifted into feral joy. Your submission. This control. It was all his for the taking. You were giving him everything he’d ever craved and he could already tell that once he properly tasted this power, he’d never want to let go. He’d become an addict, for sure.
Your mind and body felt like they were floating. All you could see was Vox as your empty and needy self waited for his command. Your body felt almost weightless now, every sense and thought centered solely on him. His commands were all that you cared about now, his desires were now like law to you, and your body, empty as it was, only had one desire.
"I want you to do as I ask without question, do you understand?" he asked, his voice shaking with delight and raw hunger.
"Yes," you sigh, your every breath feeling heavy as you’re pulled deeper under his spell.
He had already gotten you to admit you were a submissive slut and he already got you to strip for him. All before he had even used his power on you. Now? Now, he could make you do or tell him anything he wanted. You were his.
"Good girl," he grinned. "I want you to stand up and walk over to that door over there," he said, pointing to one of the nearby doors to the room. "Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir," you say calmly. Whereas before your embarrassment left you feeling exposed, you now felt relaxed and light. Your embarrassment and insecurities didn’t exist under Vox’s control. There was only the need to satisfy him and be blessed with ecstasy in return.
You walked over to the door in nothing but your sheer thigh-high tights and heels. You place both of your hands on the door and stand with your hips out, waiting for Vox.
Vox glitched hard and admired the way that you followed these commands so easily. This was his. He found himself growing more addicted and possessive by the second. His mind was already buzzing with all the ways he could mold you to his every need and desire. He’d never felt so in control of another person like this and it satiated a dark craving in him.
"Now, I want you to take off those tights and throw them over to me."
You bend over in front of him, fully exposed, yet carefree as you peel off your tights and hand them to him with a relaxed look on your face. Vox sparked again as he got a full view of your need for him. Once your tights were off, you handed them over to him calmly.  All you could think about was pleasing him and satisfying him. Your anxiety and self-conscious tendencies were washed away.
Vox ordered you to put your hands behind your back. He grinned and tied your wrists together with one of the stockings. He snatched your underwear from the forgotten bundle of clothing by his desk and made you open your mouth for him. He stuffed them in and used the other stocking to tie around your mouth. 
Now that you were completely bound, your mind was completely free to focus on the feelings and sensations you were experiencing. He dropped the hypnotic spell on you and you gasped into your gag as your mind cleared and he pushed you forward so your face and tits were flush against the door. You shuddered hard and let out a broken moan as his palm rubbed against your leaking cunt.
Vox grinned and leaned down to speak by your ear as he slid his fingers in. “You have n̷͙̈o̷̹̎ idea how much I can’t wait to fucking d̷̲͆e̶̗͘s̴̳̈t̸͚̆r̷͎͒o̸͙͊ỹ̸̝ ̸̞̉y̷̰̓ǒ̵̦u̵̬͂.”
Your gasps and moans were muffled by the fabric in your mouth and you pushed against him as he roughly played with you. His hand slammed your head against the door and held you in place as his fingers curled and scissored inside of your sloppy heat. Tears pricked your eyes as your heart and mind raced. You were completely vulnerable to him, but now your embarrassment was rearing his head at the worst (b̴̼̊è̶͔s̶͜͝t̶̹̽) possible moment. 
The chance that there could be anyone on the other side of the door had you thrashing desperately against Vox’s ministrations. Vox delighted in your internal struggle and couldn’t help himself as his claws dug into the back of your hair so he could pull you back hard. “I’m going to make sure e̶͖͌v̷̞͐e̶͈̽r̶̡̂y̸̨͊o̵̤̚n̴̦̈́e̴̥͌ ̵͜͠k̵̜̔n̷̝̈́ǒ̷̮w̷͎̅s̸͓̈́ who̸̩͂ ̶͔̀y̸͎̐ő̸̳u̸̗͊ ̶̞̏f̶͎̔u̷̠̅ć̵͈k̶͙̚i̴̜̿n̸̘͐g̷̨̿ ̸͔̌ belong to,” he growled as he lifted one of your legs and slipped himself inside of you.
Your eyes rolled back and you screamed into your gag as he slipped in and out of you with ease. He’d been so hard from the build-up of it all and you were literally dripping for him by this point. Vox growled and lost control as he picked up the pace of his actions, moving you around to different areas of the office and fucking you in as many positions as possible. He wanted you exposed. He wanted you defenseless. He wanted you marked in the blood and bruises of his ownership. He wanted to ḋ̴̥ó̶̰m̵̯̕i̷̗͗n̴͈̽a̵̱̒t̶̤̎ȇ̸͚ you. And he would.
Neither of you could keep track of the amount of times you’d come. Your mixed desire was dripping from your cunt as he’d buried himself deep inside of you every time one of you peaked. This was all he wanted. That was all you wanted. No more thinking, no more emotions, just the sheer fucking pleasure.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as you cried from how good he made you feel. He knew how to unravel you into nothing more than a babbling mess with every clever touch and command. It was becoming too much and yet you felt like you wanted more of it. You were overwhelmed as you felt yourself quickly approaching an orgasm.
“That’s it,” Vox growled as he fucked you against his desk. He chuckled darkly as he smacked your ass. “Fucking do it, c̴͖͆o̵͕͋m̷̟̉ẽ̵̞.”
You threw your head back and screamed as your entire body convulsed around him. You couldn't do anything but take his relentless thrusts as he pounded you into the desk. Vox growled, nearly on the verge of cumming himself when he suddenly rips himself off of you. You let out a muffled sob as you clench around nothing.
Your entire world is suddenly filled with bright blue electricity as you feel everything shift suddenly. You almost fall, but are caught by Vox’s hands. You squint as your eyes adjust to the sudden change of lighting and Vox undoes the gag around your mouth as you realize you’re now in his surveillance room. 
Your eyes go wide and you gasp and you see yourself on the monitors with Vox crouched over you. Every screen was showing a live feed of you from several different angles, showing how vulnerable you were in this situation. The footage of you was quite an entertaining sight for Vox as his wires came out of nowhere and threw you onto his chair.
"V-Vox,” you gasp as you look up at him with wide eyes. The overlord’s grin stretches wide as he grabs onto your shaking legs.
It was the first time you'd actually used his name.
At work, you were professional. In his office, you were playful. However now that he had you in his lair, he would mark a new side of you… Here, you were your true self, fully and utterly submissive. Here was his favorite.
You couldn't help but moan shamelessly as he lifted you with his cables and sat in the chair beneath you. You threw your head back with a scream as he dropped you onto his cock and turned the chair so you had an eyeful of each and every monitor with your shameful display recorded. 
You moan as you bounce yourself on him, meeting every one of his feral thrusts. Your mind was completely gone. Every grunt and growl that slipped from his lips only fueled your need. The marks on your hips and back from where his sharp nails clawed in burned just as deliciously as the stretch of him inside you.
Pain and pleasure all in one were now filling your mind. His grunts and growls were becoming louder, as were yours. You couldn't control it. This situation was pushing you further and further toward the edge.
You leaned into him, gasping as he made you lose your mind.
"P-please." You begged.
"Beg for it," he said growled, "Beg f̸̼̑ó̶̙r̴̠̀ ̵̫́m̴̡̾è̸̼."
You moan low as you desperately plead with him. "Please Vox, plus fucking break me! Please please please, Sir, please I'll be good. I'll do anything, please, Sir, fucking please!"
"You'll do anything for me," he said, with a grin on his face as he saw you getting more desperate with your plea. The red recording symbol on all of the screens wasn’t enough to make you see the incoming danger. You were too overwhelmed with the pleasure quaking through your body as Vox pumped into your sloppy cunt.
Your entire body shook hard as his movements suddenly stopped. A long whine of frustration and the roll of your hips made Vox grin. You were so desperate for him in the moment, you didn't notice the gravity of the position you were in.
"Fucking please don’t stop, I'll do anything Vox, please," you begged as you desperately rutted against him.
"I'm going to give you exactly what you want," he grinned as he whispered in your ear. "If you do everything I say from now on, then I'll give you everything you want. Sound like a deal?"
You sob, nodding rapidly against him. "Fuck, please, yes! It's a deal, so please!"
Vox suddenly thrusts up into you hard, making you scream as the room flashes with electricity. The deal was made and the pact was sealed.
"Good girl," he said quietly and calmly, as he pet your hair.
His grin was downright sinister as he pulled your head back.
"You're mine now."
Your eyes went wide as you realized the gravity of what you had just done in the heat of the moment. "Wait, I-" you gasp as you're cut off as Vox starts to mercilessly pound into your heat.
"I heard what you said," he grins as his claws dig into your hips and draw blood. "I heard it a̸̩̎l̴͚͗l̷̖̓.. And I'm going to hold you to e̵̻̐v̶͎͌é̵͉r̶͕͊y̷̳̍ word of that agreement."
If you thought Vox was rough before, it was nothing compared to how he used you now. He tossed you around like a toy and you sobbed as he broke you.
Your eyes were crossed as you screamed and took everything he had to give you. "Vox, Vox, Sir, fucking please!" You babbled, practically worshipping how he destroyed you now that he owned your soul. It was too good to care about the consequences. It was too much. All you could think of was how badly you needed him.
Your screams and moans were now all he could hear as you completely lost it. He was using everything that he could to break you and he seemed to enjoy every second of it. He was doing you dirty, but it was also exactly what you desired. All you wanted now was his approval, as he completely controlled and dominated you in body and spirit.
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redrose10 · 9 months
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Chapter 7 is here! It’s a little shorter that the previous ones. Next chapter in a few days as usual. I may not respond but I do read all the comments and messages and I appreciate them.
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word count: 1,338
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
You did a lot of thinking on the bus ride home. Yoongi had tried calling you multiple times. He must’ve tried Jimin too because he also conveniently called which you decided to answer.
“Hey Y/N what’s going on? Yoongi just called me really upset. Something about you leaving and he can’t find you.”
“He lied to me. He used me. I feel stupid and gross.”
“That doesn’t seem right. Are you sur-.”
“YES JIMIN! I saw the text message.”, you said trying to lower your voice back down after receiving some glares from other passengers.
“Okay okay. Where are you now?”
“I’m on a bus. I’m gonna go pack up some clothes and then find somewhere else to stay. I’m not spending another night with him.”
“Y/N I think maybe you should give him a chance to explain. If you told me months ago that Yoongi did this I wouldn’t question it but I just don’t think this is him any more.”
You gave him nothing but silence in return.
“Alright well be safe Y/N. My doors open if you need it. Call me.”
The bus had to make several stops along the way so the ride home took longer than you would’ve liked. When you finally entered the penthouse Yoongi was already sitting at the kitchen table. When he saw you he jumped up and ran over,
“Y/N are you okay? Where did you go? Please let me explain.”
“Explain what Yoongi? How you lied to me? How you used me? How you’ve been trying to ruin my life for the last year?”
“Y/N, yes I’m the first to admit I didn’t treat you like I should’ve. I know that and I’m owning up to it. I swear on everything I didn’t sleep with her.”
“Okay Yoongi. Say I believe you, which I 100% do not, how do I know there aren’t other women? How do I know you aren’t lying to me about all of this right now? You don’t exactly have a good track record.”
“Y/N I promise you. You have to believe me.”
“Not good enough.”, you laughed.
You ran off to your room stuffing several days worth of clothes into a bag to take with you. As you were zipping it up a patch of gold at the bottom of your closet caught your eye. You smirked as you grabbed the gold wrapped box and your bag and walked out to the living room to find Yoongi.
He was sitting on the couch staring down at the ground.
“Here, Happy Anniversary.”, you said handing him the box.
He looked up at you with furrowed brows.
“Seriously take it. I already spent the money on it so you might as well have it.”
He cautiously grabbed the box from you and tore away the gold wrapping paper. He took off the lid of the black box and chuckled to himself. He held it up to you with raised eyebrows.
“Yeah I thought of the idea a while ago before things started improving between us. But then I decided that I wasn’t going to give it to you after you had actually began acting like a decent husband. I think it’s fitting now though. Don’t you agree?”
“What did you have this special ordered or something?”
“Yeah turns out that when you have money you’re able to get a lot done.”
Yoongi scoffed and set the box down on the table.
“Y/N I know I fucked up and treated you like shit. I admit that. I can’t change it or take it back and I regret it every day. But I was ready to do anything and everything to prove to you how much I’ve changed and how I was going to be better husband.”
“Yoongi, do you know how alone I’ve felt this whole time? How heartbroken I’ve been? How stupid I felt? I’ve sat here and waited for you like a dog and for what? I’m an idiot for staying so faithful to you. Maybe Mia had the right idea. Marry you and get all the perks that come with it but still get to sleep around the town. It’s what you do anyways. I think that’s what I’m gonna start doing from now on too. No more sitting around like a good little housewife waiting for my husband to return. I’m an even bigger idiot for thinking you could change. That you’re capable of loving someone because you’re not. You’ll never love anyone, not even yourself and because of that you will never truly be loved by anyone.”
You felt out of breath but lighter after you got all of that off your chest. Yoongi looked at you with tears in his eyes. The first time you’d ever seen him cry and just like that the weight was back. Maybe you had been a little too harsh but you kept telling yourself he deserved it.
Silently he walked over to the entrance way and began digging through one of his bags before pulling out a package wrapped in blue and purple paper. He walked over and handed it to you. “Here, Happy anniversary Y/N. Now go run to Jimin or Taehyung or Namjoon. Fuck every guy in Korea for all I care any more. I’ll just go back to being cold asshole Yoongi who constantly fucks other women since that’s all you’re ever going to see me as anyways. And maybe your right. Maybe I don’t deserve to be loved.” He turned and walked away wiping at the tears falling from his eyes. You started to reach out to him but ultimately decided against it choosing to just leave instead.
You took the gift and walked out of the penthouse letting the door slam shut behind you. Unwrapping the paper you found a cream colored book that was quite heavy. Flipping to the first page there was a handwritten note, “Y/N, I’m not good with speaking my mind so I figured I better write this down for you to read so I don’t ramble like an idiot. I wanted to get you something for our anniversary that money cant buy because you deserve more than jewelry or designer bags. I hope you like it. I’ve been working with a private investigator to track down anyone in your family that I could. They gave me one of the only numbers they could find. I called it and I was able to speak with your Great Aunt Ellie who had this book and after some convincing she agreed to send it to me. I know it’ll mean a lot to you and I can’t wait to see your beautiful smile as you flip the pages. Love Yoongi.”
You opened to the first page and instantly started crying. A photo album. He had went through all the work of tracking down your family to get you a photo album of yourself and your closest family members. Going through the pages you saw photos of you as a baby and of your parents. Photos of you on vacation and at Christmas time. Some on birthdays. A photo of you and your Aunt Erica sitting next to her hydrangea bush hit you particularly hard. You’d never had any photos of your family or yourself as a child until now. You stood in the hallway flipping through the pages with your sobs getting stronger as you went.
On the other side of the door Yoongi sat down on the couch staring at the box in front of him. He picked up the black bottle that looked back at him with such vengeance. He read over the words painted in silver,
‘Despicable, A one of kind fragrance for Min Yoongi’.
He took the bottle throwing it against the wall watching it shatter into hundreds of little glass shards. The liquid inside slowly descending down pooling on the floor beneath it. He ran his hands over his face as the scent of smoke and dark amber filled the air.
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blushy-tigerrr · 1 month
story time with tiger!
so, as you know from my post earlier, i was blessed to be able to spend the past six days with @applesyaboi :3 it has truly been the time of my life getting to hang out with this lovely human for so long, and as i’m writing this post while waiting in the airport to fly back home, i already miss him so much.
the whole story is under the cut if you’re interested in reading, but before we get into that, we did make content :3 but i will be waiting to share them as a celebration for reaching 400 followers as i am only 10 away from that amazing milestone!
anyway, here’s the story <3
let’s start at the beginning: may 30th. apples and i had been chatting and becoming very close friends for about a month when we really started talking about the idea of us meeting up and spending some time together. we had talked about it in a hypothetical sense a bunch, but this was when the actual planning happened. we both determined that august would be the best month, and we then decided on august 8th-13th! it worked out really nicely with my job and him moving into his own apartment a little bit before then. shortly after that, i bought my ticket on june 8th.
and then the waiting began.
let me tell you, that was the roughest part, second only to having to leave today. i went through some really tough stuff during that waiting period, and apples was constantly there as a support system for me through anything and everything. that made me all the more excited to get to see him and thank him in person for how much he had done for me.
after a very long 60 days of waiting, the day finally came. i got to the airport ridiculously early in the morning and boarded my plane with little issue. luckily for me, apples was awake when i was on the plane waiting to take off, so we got to chat for a little the morning of! and it was mostly just “AHHH OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING!!!” messages hehe
once my plane landed, i got my bag and waited at the exit for him to pick me up. once i saw his car pull up, my heart dropped in the best way. when i saw his face through the car window, my heart started pounding and i almost was scared to move, but this silly goose made a little beckoning motion to me and i broke out of that easily. when we hugged for the first time, i felt all of my stress melt out of my body completely. he gives some of the best hugs ever <3 and that was just the first of many
we were both a little nervous still on our drive to his place, but the nerves dissipated pretty quickly. we got to his apartment, i got to meet his cat, and then we laid down to snuggle for a bit. we were snuggled with the intent on taking a nap, but i’m sure no one is surprised to know that’s not what happened right away. he had his hand on my side and asked if i minded if he tickled me a little bit, and i told him i didn’t mind of course. he was so sweet and gentle and showered me with compliments the entire time. he’s very good at making me feel beautiful and loved and also very good at tickling oh my god he’s so teasy and constantly got me so flustered
then, because i’m a switchy little shit, i asked him the same question. he said it was okay, and guys. for as teasy of a ler as apples is, he is also soooo ticklish!! he’s super squirmy and flinchy, and his giggles are some of the cutest that i’ve ever heard <3 he told me a while ago he had never been tickled before, so i did my best to be very gentle and careful with not pushing it too far by checking in and making sure he was still having fun and was okay. he did the very same thing for me, and i greatly appreciated it.
we also tried out a few tools while i was there! none of them worked on him (scam) except for the pursonic, but that only worked in one spot for him. for me, though? that thing is the devil. it tickles so badly in just about every spot you can think of. i think apples is just broken lol <3 we also tried feathers and makeup brushes which were suuuuper effective on spots like my ears and neck and behind the knee (mean), but all of that was incredibly fun!
of course, that’s not all we did in those six days although it was majority. we also went out for food a few times, went to a sports game, and went on multiple walks around the area. however, i think the only thing we may have done more than tickle each other was snuggle together. and that? was so nice. like i said before, he made me feel so comfortable so quickly, and because of that, we were able to be so snuggly the entire time which i know we were both very grateful for.
as i’m sitting at my gate writing this all out, it’s really sinking in how much fun this all was for me and how lovely it was to have a break from regular life for a while. it was definitely very needed for both of us. apples, thank you so so much for having me these past six days. you’ve truly made me happier and more relaxed than i’ve been in an incredibly long time. it’s been so lovely to get to laugh with you and snuggle with you and just be around you for this time. thank you for being so sweet and loving and kind and understanding, and thank you for being one of the best friends that i have ever had in my entire life. i love you so so much /p <3
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pupyuj · 1 year
secretary gaeul. oh my god.
may you forever be known as the anon who got pupyuj's brain working again...
oh my god, indeed 😵‍💫 secretary!gaeul knows exactly zero boundaries and does not give a fuck about whether or not she will get in trouble for all the things she's doing to you 🤤🤤 she would be so annoying... but let's bring it back! BACKSTORY TIME 👹👹
it all started during the secretary hiring process.. you being you (aka gay as fuck), you were enamoured by gaeul. she was confident, she was intelligent, she was beautiful, she had years of experience to back up said confidence, she was beautiful... but you already said that. and then gaeul being gaeul, she knew exactly what you were thinking 🤭 had you been a man, she would have walked right out of that ginormous office of yours bcs the way your eyes raked her figure up and down was a borderline criminal offense, but you were a cute, sweet, and soft-spoken woman — so of course gaeul made sure she would get the job on the spot 😉 and she did! not only was gaeul beyond perfect for the job, you also wanted to fuck her so there was rlly only one decision to come to when the interview ended ☺️
gaeul took it easy for the first few months. she never made a move, but she did let you ogle at her fine ass as much as you liked bcs she knew it motivated you to get through the day 😭😭 but she would still have like, three of her buttons open on her shirt and wear her skirt a bit higher than what was allowed,,, nobody says anything bcs she's your secretary and they too look at her inappropriately anyway 💀 the only difference is that she allows you, she sends death glares at anybody else who dares to scan her body 😤😤
anyway, gaeul starts coming onto you on a random but very stressful day.. finishing your 6th conference call of the day and feeling like laying on your office couch and rot away, but you still had a job to do so you forced yourself to stay seated on your chair and tap away on your computer,,, then here comes gaeul putting down a cup of coffee on your table, saying something about how you should take a break but you kindly refused her and thanked her for the coffee,, her suddenly taking your jaw in her hand and lifting your head up????? and your brain completely shutting off bcs holy shit did she look even more beautiful up close like this,,, "you're exhausted, ma'am. a few minutes of getting up and walking around won't hurt." she was saying, but you couldn't focus w the way she stared you down like she was about to eat you, and the way her thumb ran across your bottom lip,,
and everything started from there! trust that secretary!gaeul absolutely loves torturing you,, either by wearing her outfits in appropriately, as mentioned before, or by touching you,, running her hand across your back while you're showing her some things on your computer, not-so-discreetly putting her hand on your thigh when you're seated at the couch together discussing things, pressing up against you way too much in the elevator... gaeul knew you were hopeless bcs you wouldn't try to jeopardize your career by trying to fuck your own secretary but see, gaeul did not give a fuck about any of that at all.. so she took it upon herself! 🤭
coming into your office with a mission one day, shaking her head at the sight of you staring blankly at the succulent she bought for you a while ago (she thought it would ease you),, staring blankly bcs you have once again managed to get hundreds of tasks done in record time but now you felt like death,,, "ma'am, you don't have any scheduled meetings for the rest of the morning. you should take a break." gaeul asked, loosening up her necktie, eyes shining with mischief while you massaged your temples, blissfully unaware of the primal look in your secretary's eyes,, "i'm good, gaeul. i still need to take care of a few things here." you sighed, sitting up properly once again and putting your hands on your keyboard,, but gaeul doesn't let you do anything else before she spins your chair to the side, facing her.. stylish blazer off, necktie loose, shirt unbuttoned halfway and oh god she wasn't wearing a bra?!!
"i wasn't really asking," gaeul sitting on your lap and pressing her bare, dripping pussy against your thigh 😵‍💫😵‍💫 then she was grabbing you by the collar of your shirt, only getting herself wetter at the sight of your terrified but tremendously turned on expression... "it'll be worth neglecting a few stupid tasks, trust me." and then she's kissing you 😳 roughly too—biting your lips, tongue all over your mouth, and her hands around your neck pulling you closer—and moans when you pull her skirt up to her waist and grip her ass tightly bcs finally she gets to be fucked by her incredibly cute boss!!!
omgomg putting gaeul on top of your desk.. her legs spread wide open while you're destroying her cunt with your fingers,, and she's moaning like crazy, no doubt some employees walking nearby could hear her 😭 you were completely entranced with the way her pussy sucked your fingers in, and she was surprisingly tight for a fucking slut.. you couldn't resist grabbing her waist and pulling her closer, only fucking her in a more ruthless pace than before and making her bite onto your shoulder and grip your wrist tightly... but she wasn't trying to stop you—fuck, she loved the fact that she was being heard throughout the entire fucking floor. she would gladly let you fuck her in a meeting full of other employees if she had that chance! all she ever wanted to be paraded around like the whore that she was by you, so ofc she was going to be as loud as she wants.. and it looked like she you didn't care about her volume anyway, not with the way you were so focused on trying to fuck her stupid...
didn't take long for her to fall apart on your fingers,, coming undone with a squeak, drenching your hand and your desk with her juices and being so fucking proud of it that she grins at the sight of her own cum coating your fingers... sick, sick woman 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but see, you weren't satisfied... now that you had a taste of what gaeul was really like, you can succumb to your temptations and fuck her like you never have before...
"ma'am.. wear this." gaeul says as she opens one of the drawers on your desk and pulled out a thick strap-on. you really don't know how the fuck she got that in there when you were practically glued to your desk, but you didn't care anymore.
mmdfmfdhdj bending gaeul over your desk, pinning both of her wrists above her head with one hand, holding her ass still with the other as you pounded your strap mercilessly inside her walls fuuck 😵‍💫 and gaeul was screaming at this point.. your name, "mommy" which drove you crazy and made you hold her ass with both your hands and ruin her even more 🤭 gaeul was holding onto the edges of the desk for dear life, and fuck she was in heaven... being fucked so good that she was close to blanking out, babbling nonsense as she moans helplessly like a stupid slut, agreeing with whatever you fucking asked her...
"i-i-i'll be a good whore, m-mommy—aghh...! mhmm.. fuck, more.. more...!! this pussy i-is all yours.. ahh..! use me, do whatever you want with me when you need m-me... i p-promise i'll let you fuck me whenever..."
gaeul fucking knew that you had fire in you, but the way you made her feel was so beyond her expectations that she was almost overwhelmed with how strong her orgasm hit her,, gasping for air as she came for the second time, digging her nails on your desk, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head bcs holy shit did you know how to fuck a girl to insanity...
immediately taking off the strap and scooping her arms in your arms,, settling her on your lap and hugging her,, apologizing if you were too rough but gaeul just waves her hand and tells you that it's okay and you should definitely do it again... skhncdchs she would absolutely let you suck on her tits and mark her skin up while the two of you sat there.. maybe she'll even let you fuck her again later, but you did ruin her too good.. no doubt she'll be walking weird if she ever decides to do her daily rounds around the office.. but only if she manages pull herself off your addicting fingers 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
Fresh Ink part two
Ghost x Tattoo Artist!Reader
No matter what happens to him, he always comes home
tw: tattoo needles and slight arguing
this one will primarily be from ghost's pov. will switch to reader's pov occassionally. this one is also slightly longer!
part one | part two |part three | part four
The days leading up to the 29th dragged on and on. Ghost couldn't wait to get back into your little shop. Price made fun of him slightly, "I told you that it would become an addiction soon."
The day before the team was suppose to be sent home and Ghost could get his next piece was the final piece of the mission they were on. It should've been so simple, but fucking Graves had to go and throw everything away.
Ghost pictured you sitting in your little chair, waiting for him. He wanted to call or something, but he couldn't. He was stuck in the middle of Mexico, directing Soap to a church. He knew you understood because for active duty soldiers, you did not have a cancelation policy. He always thought it was so sweet that you would do that.
Sitting around a table with the rest of the ghost team, they plotted their next mission. "After this, we should commemorate this shit. We should get little tattoos or somethin'." Soap joked and the team laughed. "We could go to Ghost's girl. She does a fantastic job on him." Price sent a wink Ghost's way and he felt himself tense. The thought of sharing you with the rest of the team made him feel jealous.
He didn't want to share your softness. He didn't want to share your kindness or your artistry. He refuse to allow the others to be tattooed by you, but it was your job; your livelihood. How dare he take that from you.
Ghost nodded. "Considering I was suppose to see her a month ago for my next piece, maybe she can fit all of us in."
You were laying in your bed when your phone started ringing. You were up late like usual, drawing the next day's appointments. You picked up your phone and noticed it was a number you didn't have saved. You usually allowed your clients to give your number out to their friends so it may have been the case.
"Hey this is (Y/N). If this is regarding a tattoo, can you please call again at a better time. It is 2am." You said into your phone, trying to be as polite as you could muster at this hour.
"Why are you up then? Shouldn't you be asleep?" You heard a familiar British voice ask in response and you smiled.
"I was starting to think I offended you or maybe you died. What's up, Simon?" You asked, putting your tablet down. You could hear other voices in the background. You guessed that he was still on the mission that caused him to miss the last appointment he had with you.
"I'm sorry for missing that appointment. Do you think you could possibly tattoo me and my buddies? We wanna get dumb matching tattoos?" While on the surface, it sounded like he hated the idea, but you could tell that he secretly really loved it. He had told you previously about how some of his tattoos were dedicated towards old team members of his who had passed.
"Sounds good to me. You and I can work out a day to continue your sleeve. For this group piece, wanna do like four weeks out? I don't have the book with me. I do know I should be free 'bout a month out." You slightly rambled.
Ghost smiled, nodding along to your words. "Yeah sounds good to me. I can just text you when we get back?" Ghost picked at his thumb again, feeling nervous that you would tell him to keep your relationship more on the business side. "Yeah of course. Now I have your number so I can text you shit about your tattoos." He could tell that you were beaming. He felt his shoulders relax at the thought.
Soap elbowed Ghost and started snickering. "Ghost is in looooove." Ghost quickly thanked you and you two said your goodbyes before Ghost turned to Soap. "I have never seen you so flustered, L.T." Soap leaned forward on his elbows, sighing dreamily. "Shut it."
A few weeks had gone by and Ghost opened the door for your shop. The rest of the team followed him inside, all looking around curiously. Ghost nodded at your receptionist. "(Y/N) in? I actually have an appointment for once." Emma smiled at the group. "Course. Let me grab her. Any of you boys need anything? Water, snacks?"
Soon Emma brought you out as well as some snacks and water. You smiled brightly at Ghost and threw your arms around him. "I'm glad you made it back safely. I worked hard on your half-sleeve!" You laughed.
"Price! How's it been? Lemme see the tat. I wanna see how it healed." You moved on to greet Price and Ghost stepped back, allowing you to greet the team. Soon you led the group back to your room.
Since he had been there last, Ghost noticed that you added a few more couches and just general sitting place. He took the one closest to your usual chair, Soap sitting next to him on the coach, Gaz sitting on the tattooing chair, and Price sat on a bench next to the tattooing chair. "Right boys. Let me know what you guys think. I've been doodling." You smiled and flipped your tablet around to show your designs.
Immediately, Ghost smiled. Most of the designs were serious; Skulls similar to his mask, actual grave markers with dog tags, guns shooting out a ghost. Then there were non serious ones; a cartoon ghost, a small group of ghosts who were holding baseball bats. The guys looked over the designs, all smiling and laughing.
"This is some good shit." Soap looked up at you as you were prepping your work station. "Thank you. I work hard for my favorite client." You nodded your head towards Ghost. Thank god he had his mask on because Ghost felt his face heat up. Soap reached over and nudged Ghost.
Price rolled his eyes and grabbed the tablet from Gaz. "I think we all like the design with the gun shooting out the ghost. I do want you to explain the baseball bats." Price looked in your direction. "Ghost team. Baseball team. Therefore, Ghost sports team. Duh. Alright who's first!" You responded, causing the room to erupt into laughter.
You printed out all the stencils and got them all placed on the boys. Price decided to go first and you got his tattoo done quick. It was a relatively simple design so it wasn't had to get done. Ghost was never able to watch you tattoo from this side before. He was always the one being tattoo, not the watcher. Your arms flexed with each line you created. Your eyes squinted when you concentrated. He felt himself relax in your presence like he did every time he heard the hum of your machine.
Gaz was next. He was the only one in the group who did not have a tattoo. "Is it gonna hurt?" He looked at you with big eyes and the rest of the group rolled their eyes. "Dude, you've been shot before. Grow up." Soap groaned. You laughed and started on Gaz's tattoo. Ghost felt himself tense as Gaz tried to get you to comfort him. It was clear the young man was flirting with you.
After you finished Gaz, Soap plopped down and looked at you. "How many do you have? Tattoos I mean." Ghost was thrown off. He had never thought to ask you. He was sure you had tons that had many deep meanings. "Well, I have two full sleeves. I also have a sternum, a few on my rips, I got two matching pieces on both thighs, and some on my back." You recounted. Ghost had seen most of the ones on your arms. When he first came to you, it helped make him feel at home to see that you were somewhat tatted.
Finally, it was Ghost's turn. He decided to put his piece behind his ear, close to his hairline. Each of the boys had picked different spots and this was an intimate spot for him. You adjusted the tattoo chair and patted it. "Alright, your turn." Ghost lied on his back and turned his head. He lifted his mask up enough so you could tattoo the spot, but didn't reveal his face. You placed a hand on his head softly, running a thumb over his forehead. You started on the tattoo and while the hum of the machine was loud, he could still hear Gaz flirting with you.
Ghost clenched his jaw and slightly adjusted his position, not wanting to mess you up. You suddenly also moved to block his view of the team and your hand rest on his jaw. Once you started tattooing again, he heard you whisper something. "Relax, Simon. He's just messing."
The way you tattooed the rest of the team compared to him was completely different. You were gentle with him. You held him softly in a way that no one had before. He had never felt such softness before and he wanted to keep you to himself. He could feel himself falling.
He could feel himself falling in love with you. Hard.
Ghost's appointment to continue his sleeve came and he actually was able to make it to this one. He had stopped at the local coffee shop before his appointment to grab your favorite coffee. After the team tattoo, the two of you started talking more. First, it was to plan out his sleeves, but now the lines between professional business had blurred.
Emma smiled when he arrived. "Coffee? Someone's really trying to impress her." She sent the man a wink before nodding back to your room. "She's already back there. Go ahead, Ghost." He nodded at her before heading back to your room. You had just put up curtains, after asking for his advice. He was glad you did, made the room a little more private.
He stepped into the room and smiled. You had a stick of incense burning, leaving a warm feeling in Ghost's stomach. You weren't facing him, in your own world. You had music softly playing and were nodding along to it. You were wearing a pair of black jeans that you had cuffed, a black short sleeve shirt that showed off your tattoos, and a pair of black shoes. You soon turned and noticed Ghost standing at the door.
"Si! Is that coffee?" Your eyes soften as you accepted the cup from him. "You're a life saver. I'll have this after so I'm not shakin' with the machine." You put the cup off to the side and gave Simon a hug. He wrapped his arms around you and all the tension melted away. You tended to have that affect on him.
"Ready to get started?" You adjusted the tattoo chair for him as he sat down. He pulled his sleeve up so you'd have full access. He nodded, looking over at your station. You had the stencil already printed out, ready to be fitted. You lifted it up and started fitting the stencil, cutting small dents into curves to fit his biceps.
"Feeling better?" You asked casually, causing him to look at you confused. "Last time you were in, looked like you were gonna rip the little one's head off."
"Oh..Gaz. I don't know what you mean." Ghost immediately got defensive. You looked at him with an unconvinced glare. "Simon. I'm gonna let this stencil dry and you are gonna sit here and tell me why you almost killed your teammate for flirting with me."
You sat back in your chair and prepped the ink. He looked at you, terrified that he was going to have to admit his feelings. He didn't want the one constant kindness to be ripped from him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want him to make you uncomfortable." He said flatly. You rolled your eyes and turned away from him. "Sure. Cause I was the uncomfortable one."
A silence fell over the room as the stencil finished drying. Ghost watched your movements carefully. He could tell you had a lot on your mind, a lot you wanted to say. As you sat back down and grabbed your gun, he sighed and turned his head away from you. "I'm sorry. I didn't like him flirting with you."
He saw you nod to yourself out of the corner of his eye. "Thank you. Why didn't you like that?" You asked as you leaned closer to him, starting to tattoo him. "Who are you? My therapist?" You smiled again and looked at him. "In a way. You're always relaxed with me. Expect for that day. I wanna know why. If it's what I think it is, then okay."
"What do you think it is then, little miss therapist?" Ghost turned his head towards you. He knew that you could break him down with a single glance and no one else in the world could do that. He would let you though.
"I think you like me. I think that you don't want to share me, because no one has giving this kindness before so you don't want to share." You said it so casually as if it was your coffee order. "Am I right?"
Ghost remained silent, not wanting to confirm for you out loud that you were correct. "It's okay Simon. I don't let all my client have my personal number to text whenever they want. I really like you too, so it's fine that you don't want Gaz to flirt with what's already yours." Your focus then went back to the tattoo.
Ghost was taken aback. He had always been so afraid to be so vulnerable, but around you, it came so naturally. He wanted to show you every side of him. He reached up and slowly pealed the mask off his face.
"Can I kiss you?"
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
Unrequited love? - Matty Healy
Part 5 of Unrequited love...
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A/N: I'm not so suuure about this part, let me know what you think! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT ♥♥♥
Warnings: angsty feelings, anxiety, typos.
Word count: 2.5k
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Y/n had been working all morning as a way to silence her anxiety. The boys left almost one month ago, almost a week ago she started to miss them even more. Y/n was happy for them, doing what they love most, but also she worried about them overworking themselves, especially Matty. He always wanted to give his best at every single concert. 
During those weeks apart, Y/n and Matty found time to talk regularly, even with the different time zones getting in the way. From a few weeks prior, she noticed he wasn’t doing entirely fine, even when he tried time and time again to reassure Y/n. She knew best.
Y/n moved rhythmically her legs, she couldn’t keep herself still. The coffee she drank before work wasn’t helping at all to ease her nerves. Her stomach twisted with the mere thought of Matty not doing okay and lying to her. 
Matty usually shared with her his deepest thoughts. Although, every time they were miles and miles apart he formed a facade so Y/n didn’t worry about him. This wasn’t the first time. 
That’s why Y/n chose to test another way, the plan B. As soon as she woke up, Y/n sent a text to George saying she needed to ask him something. He agreed to it, but first they had the soundcheck. Y/n had been counting the minutes for his call to came through. 
Y/n was in the middle of replying to an email, when her phone started to vibrate on her desk. Like a reflex move, Y/n picked it up. She told a lame excuse to her coworker and ran to the bathroom. 
“Hi.” Y/n answered the call, locking the door behind her.
“Hi, Y/n/n!” George greeted her. There were no more sounds than his voice coming from his side, he was probably in some room alone. “How are you?”
Y/n bit her nails, thinking a good way to ask him. “I’m good, G. How are you?”
“Me or Matty?” he teased her.
G dropped his joking tone, noticing Y/n was worried. “I’m good…” George said, suspiciously. 
“How is he? Tell me the truth, G. I know he’s lying to me.” Y/n almost begged.
Y/n’s heart picked up when George took his time to answer. He was thinking really hard about his next words, which alerted Y/n.
George let a bit breathe out, “He’s not doing fine, I’m sorry to tell you…”
“How bad?”
“Um, jet lag is taking the best of us all, we landed safely, but he had problems to check in at the hotel. Fans are outside the hotel and some are guests as well. Add to the mix, all the shit they’re talking about him.” 
“Shit George.”
Y/n was ashamed to admit she had spent hours scrolling through TikTok and Instagram, reading comments. She wasn’t oblivious to the fact that most of those hating him and saying an entire spectrum of insults weren’t fans. Although she was sure Matty read those. None of them knew the true Matty, and her heart swell with him reading those lies. 
“I know, I’m trying my best to help him but…I feel like I’m not doing enough-” George admitted out loud for him and for Y/n.
“That’s not true!”
The boys –and the whole crew in reality– functioned as a group, as a family, and they care a lot for each other. Y/n was sure they were doing the absolutely best to help Matty.
“I’m not so sure, Y/n.”
“George, I bet all of you…are doing your absolutely best. Not only to support him, but all the band as well.” she reassured him.
“Yeah…but he’s my best mate, I feel the need to do more…”
“What else could you do?”
“There’s something I’d been thinking about.” his tone made her pulse jump. 
George went straight to the point, “I think you should come.”
“You think that would help? I’d love to, but-“
G cut her short. “He listens to you, Y/n.” he was right, but she had a few doubts this time. 
“May I remind you that he’s lying to me about all of this?” Y/n protested. 
“Because he knows you would worry, as you’re doing.” G was right time again.  
“Yeah, he’s my best-“
“Bullshit.” he was reaching a new point of annoy with Matty and Y/n dancing around each other.
“Shut up, George.” Y/n was way too busy worrying to think about her feelings.
“Okay, that’s another conversation.” George gave her that. “I’m begging, not asking, literally begging for you to come. I’ll pay the ticket-“ he continued with his position. 
“Okay, okay…you don’t need to beg or tell me twice. Let me see when I can-“ Y/n said, thinking how to move things around with work to travel as soon as she can. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” George chanted.
Y/n walked through the halls of the fancy hotel room, with the boys hot on her heels. They already told her the number of room he was staying, so she was heading there.
Once she found it, Y/n stopped in front of the door. She lifted her hand on a fist, ready to knock, but something stopped her. 
She glanced behind her, founding the three grown up men expecting her next action. 
“Do you mind?” Y/n asked, trying to suppress a smile. 
“Oh!” Ross opened his eyes wide. 
Adam’s cheeks turning red, grabbing Ross and George by the arm to drag them far away. “Sorry!”
Y/n shook her head, returning her sight to the door’s number. 
“Good luck!” she heard George’s voice far from her. 
Y/n laughed, muttering, “Boys.”
With the only thought occupying her mind about Matty being at the other side, she knocked strongly once. 
“Yes?” Matty wondered from the other side. 
Y/n couldn’t help to smile, “Me.” she simply said, hoping that he understood who she was.
The door swung open, revealing the curly boy standing with a surprised expression. He was staring at her form, trying to understand if she was a product of his imagination or Y/n was in fact standing there. 
“What are you doing here?” Matty managed to ask. 
Y/n took his appearance in. Matty had his hair pointing to every single angle possible, his chest was bare, his tattoos in all its glory, and he was only wearing sweatpants hanging low.  
“Hello to you too, Healy!” she joked about his greeting. 
Before Y/n could move a muscle, Matty engulfed her in a hug. Her body stiff at first after the sudden movement, even though she immediately melted inside his arms.
“Oh, baby…” Y/n exclaimed. Letting her hands rest on his back, caressing the skin there softly. 
“Are you really here?” Matty whispered from her neck. 
She comforted him, “I am.”
“You talked with the boys?”
“George.” Y/n only mentioned his bandmate name. 
The sound of people leaving one room at the end of the hall, startled Y/n.  
“I think it’s better if we get inside…” Y/n suggested.
Matty showed his face again, staring at her eyes, “Sorry.” 
Y/n felt how Matty took her hand on one hand and the handle of her bag on the other. 
Without letting go of her hand, Matty took Y/n directly to the balcony. The small space was occupied by a nice outside couch with room for both of them. 
Y/n was laying with Matty’s back facing her front, he was between her spread legs with his head resting on her chest. His messy curls were temping enough for her to run her hands through them. 
They had fallen into a comfortable silence after Y/n told him all about her journey to get there. Making big gestures and mimicking some old lady being annoying, she wanted to cheer Matty up, and it was working.
“Feeling better?” Y/n asked, looking down at his face. Matty had his eyes closed, enjoying her touch. 
“So much better.” he admitted. 
“Am I that powerful?”
Matty was too gone to suppress his words from coming out, “You know you have that power over me.”
Y/n wasn’t sure what to say about it. She tried to joke as a way out, “I think Adam has more power over you.”
Y/n though about the long month apart, Matty was her best friend before anything else. He was a constant in her life, and every time he had to leave it broke her. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, darling.” Matty glanced up to her face, without moving from his spot. 
“Are you going to spill what’s going on inside this little ratty head?” Y/n titled her head, staring at his beautiful eyes. 
Matty couldn’t maintain it, his face facing away from her. “My head is not little.” he pouted. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you…” he touched the side of her leg, distracting himself from the unsettling feelings inside him. 
“It’s okay, Matty.” Y/n said caring. “I’m here now, you can tell me.”
“It’s been all…a lot.”
“What do you mean by all?”
“The travelling, the aeroplanes, the hotels, the time zones, the concerts, media coverage and…” he stopped suddenly.
“And you were at the other side of the world.” Matty mumbled, feeling embarrassed. He hated himself to sound like such an idiot, such a child. 
“Home it’s not that far…” Y/n tried. 
“It was…now you’re here.” Matty said. Saying those words calmed him more than he was able to admit.
He continued without stopping for a single minute, “I’ve been thinking about your birthday…and the evening before I left.” he let Y/n know. 
“Why?” Y/n let her hands travel from his hair to his chest. 
Matty shivered under her touch. “You know why.”
“No, tell me.” she encouraged him, tracing the lines of the tattoo adoring the centre of his chest. 
“I think it is obvious.” Matty was scared to speak everything going inside his head. He wanted to tell her, but the rational part of his brain was trying to stop him.
“No.” Y/n tried to keep an external collected look, messing a little with him.
“You just want me to say it…” Matty groaned, hiding his face behind his hands.
Y/n let her face buried inside his hair. “Maybe.” 
“Little shit!” Matty stated, turning around inside her arms.  
Y/n gasped at his words, “What did you just call me?” her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth. 
Matty stared at her eyes, placing his hands on her hips, pinning Y/n on the couch. “I’ve been thinking about every single time we almost…” he said with his voice lowering a tone. 
“Almost?” Y/n couldn’t help herself to keep messing with him. 
“You’re enjoying this way too much.” Matty exposed her, slowly approaching his face. 
Y/n moved around, so her body was resting fully on the couch. “Finish your sentence, Healy.” she dared him. 
“We almost kiss.” Matty stopped at half way.  
“And what you think about it?” Y/n traced the skin from his strong arms to his neck slowly, grabbing his curls when she reached her destination. 
“Did you want me- want me to-“ Matty stuttering, distracted by her hands. 
“Yes.” Y/n said, directly to his eyes. 
Matty lowered another inch, “I didn’t finish.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“Did you really wanted to kiss me?” Matty inquired. 
The singer let his whole body rest on top of hers, trying not to crush Y/n at the same time. Their foreheads were directly touching. Feeling him so close was a pleasure she never felt with someone else. Y/n breath deeply.
“Because I’ve been dying to kiss you.“ Matty openly confessed, wetting his lips drawing her attention to them. 
Y/n brought him down all the way, finally kissing him. Matty let his right-hand travel to hold her jaw while his lips attack Y/n’s. The tempo of the kiss was rather slow and calm, although Y/n felt how her entire body was burning up.
Matty pushed up, detaching his lips, when he felt the lack of air. Y/n opened her eyes slowly. 
“Yes, I might have been thinking about it a lot lately.” she replied to his earlier question.
“Y/n.” Matty whispered, feeling like everything was a little better after kissing her. “You really mean it?” he needed to be sure, Matty needed her to tell him.
“Matty Healy is feeling insecure because of…me?” Y/n brushed their noses slowly. 
Matty frowned, “I swear…”
Y/n took advantaged, chuckling, pecking his lips a couple of times repeatedly. “I do, Matty. I didn’t though you felt the same way.” Y/n bit her lips, without looking at his eyes.
“There's no one else.” 
“I bet there’s a long line of girls waiting-“
“You know how I mean it, Y/n.” Matty tried to soothe her worries. 
Y/n dared to return her sight to his hazelnut eyes. “I do.”
“What about you?”
She furrowed her eyes, trying to get what he was asking, “What?”
“What about John?” Matty tested the waters. The pink tone appearing at his cheeks made her chuckled. 
“What about him?” Y/n touched his rosy cheeks. 
Matty plopped down, hiding his face on her neck, “Are you a thing…went out with the twat?”
He waited for her answer with his heart in his hand. Feeling immediately better when Y/n spoke.
“No, I never replied when he asked me out.”
Matty laugh, making her neck tickled. “Baby, that’s mean!” him calling her that warmed her inside. 
“I was hooked up with someone else. Sorry!” Y/n stated, making Matty come from his hiding spot. 
“How’s the lucky man?” he wiggled his eyebrows. 
“You and the man thing.” Y/n placed her hand on his face, pushing delicately. Matty blew a raspberry on her palm, so she took it out. 
“So, I am the one you fell for?” Matty smirked, returning to be inches away from her lips.
“Don’t be so smugly, Healy.” Y/n turned her face to a side, feeling shy.
Matty drew a path of kisses from her neck towards her cheek. “No one is going to stop me. I just kiss, for the first time, the girl I lo- like…nothing is stopping me!”
“Such a boy.” Y/n returned her attention to his loving eyes. 
Matty faked being offended by her words once more, “Take that back.”
“Make me.” she dared him.
“Oh, I will, sweetheart!”
Matty started to tickled her sides until she was a mess under him. They returned to kiss once more when she calmed down. Y/n thought she could get used to kiss him, and Matty was aware he was already addicted to her taste. 
Tagging: @jagz72 @deamus-liv @mrspeacem1nusone @sofaritsalrightt @soci4lc4sualty @thefemininemystiquee @hswannaknow @louweasleymalfoy @indierockgirrl
(let me know if you want to be tagged)
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thelonelyempath · 1 year
M!Crush x F!Reader: Better Late Than Never PART 1
THEME: Fluff, Some Angst (Enemies To Lovers)
WARNING(s): None yet (Part 2 is NSFW)
**This was heavily inspired by a Skins episode. It's Naomi's episode from season 3. I did make a few key changes to avoid the "plaigarism" allegations. It was also heavily inspired by IRL beef I have with someone at my college who I may or may not have had a crush on at one point. Unfortunately, that beef will not end in this manner because the world don't work like that.**
It was cold and miserable. Why were you even forced to go on this stupid retreat with C/N anyways? He told you his friends set it up so the two of you could "stop hating each other". Yeah, like that would ever work. If anything, you expected that time spent alone with him would make the two of you hate each other more.
"You okay?" he asked you, the glow of the fire illuminating his face.
"That's the first time you've asked me something." you quipped back.
"Well...answer it then. Are you okay?"
"No. This is miserable. The weather's shit and the company's even worse. Why are we even here? Why were we forced to go on this stupid camping trip with each other?"
"You know you could have said no. Nobody forced you to be here."
He was right. You could have said no. But, admittedly, a camping trip (even with someone you don't like) was better than sitting at home and being bored all weekend.
"Whether or not I said no is irrelevant." you said. "What was the point of this trip? Was it so your friends could make bets on if we're gonna hook up?"
"I'll be honest," he answered. "I don't know either. They said it was to get us to stop hating each other, but it's really none of their business. And now we're both just sitting here, bored and unhappy. The worst part is they're making us share a tent."
The fire was warm. It felt nice. You held out your hands against it to warm them. Unfortunately, the skies were looking a bit ominous. You were expecting rain at any second.
"You know I never hated you, right?" C/N said out of nowhere.
"Hmm?" you raised an eyebrow.
"It's true, Y/N. I never hated you. I guess I was always such an ass to you because I knew you didn't like me. It made me feel powerful. God, I'm such a dumbass."
Damn. That hit hard. Truth be told, you never hated him either. Maybe his friends were right. Maybe this rivalry was stupid and pointless.
"I never hated you either." you confessed. "I caught you running your mouth about me to your buddies and it hurt me. I was angry and upset. And I think that may have colored my thoughts about you."
"That's totally valid." he said. "And listen, I never should have said those things about you. It's fair that you thought I was a dick. I know I hurt you. Like I said, I'm a dumbass. I'm sorry."
"I guess I'm sorry too."
"For what?"
"The way I reacted. I held a grudge and I really shouldn't have--"
You were cut off by his lips pressing against yours. It was totally out of left field. Was it because you were talking too much and this was his way of getting you to shut up because he couldn't stand the sound of your voice anymore? You didn't want to like it, but you did. You surrendered to the kiss, which grew deeper when you gave in.
"I've been wanting to do that for a really long time." he said breathlessly after pulling away.
"You..." you didn't understand. "you kissed me. You just kissed the person who caught you talking shit about them a few months ago."
"I sure did. And I enjoyed every second of it. The reason I was talking shit about you in the first place was because I have secretly always had a crush on you. I was just scared of it and thought I had to pretend I didn't like you so it wouldn't be obvious. But that was really stupid and immature of me. I should've just told you so all this petty drama could have been avoided. But yeah...I've been crushing on you."
You felt a blush forming on your cheeks. C/N noticed this and smiled. Did you maybe secretly like him too? Where were all these feelings coming from?
"If you want the truth," you said. "I think the reason I was so hurt and angry was because I sort of liked you too. Maybe your friends were right. Maybe we didn't need to be fighting with each other."
It all finally made sense. You were both just too stubborn to admit you had feelings for each other. But you supposed it was better late than never. Though the fire was still blazing, a cool breeze washed over you. You ran cold anyways, so this did not help. You hugged yourself for warmth. C/N saw this and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in close and kissing the crown of your head. Alas, you were finally in his arms. You didn't realize how badly you wanted that until now. With your head pressed against his chest, you could hear his heartbeat. It sounded so beautiful. Maybe you were starting to drift off to sleep. But just as you began to drift away, the moment was ruined. There was the rain, putting out the nice, cozy, warm fire.
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sweetloleepop · 3 months
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𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒍𝒅, 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑵𝒆𝒘, 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅, 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆
Chapter 11: A Secret and a Proposal
Synopsis: After the reveal of Erwin’s secret, came his crude proposal.
Pairings: Zeke Yeager/Reader, Erwin Smith/Reader, Erwin Smith/Marie
Tags: Modern AU, Arranged Marriage, Additional Tags to be Added, Reader is kind of a dandere, Erwin Smith is mean, slow burn, infidelity
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Wordcount: 1.3k
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5:00, the clock reads. Erwin sighed and rested his back on his chair, it’s out time. Most people would cheer at this hour, happy to end yet another tiring day at work, but Erwin? He’s different. After he got married almost a year ago, things have been very different for him. He started to become more irritable. He started to become uncomfortable with many things, places. He started to dread the thought of going home.
The quiet opening of his office door made Erwin sit up. “Good afternoon, Mister Smith. Do you still need some papers done today?” Eren asked. “No, Eren. You may take your leave.” And with that, he excused himself and exited Erwin’s office. Just when Erwin was about to rest his back again, his door, once again, opened.
“Oi Erwin, we’re gonna go out for dinner, you comin’?” Levi asked upon entering. Behind him were Hange, Mike, and Nanaba. “ERWWWIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNN, come with us!! You didn’t go the last time. You should join us and have (Y/N) come too.” Hange not-so-quietly said.
Erwin, Levi, Hange, Mike, and Nanaba has been friends since high school. In college, Levi and Hange started dating, so did Mike and Nanaba. Erwin dated someone too back then, but due to his father’s debt, he decided not to make their relationship last long. Hange and Nanaba was unaware of Erwin’s circumstance so the reason for their breakup remained a mystery for them.
In present time, they all work together in Erwin’s company. They figured that having Erwin as a boss would be better than someone else bossing them around. Levi and Hange have been married, and so is Mike and Nana. On the day of Erwin’s wedding, he contemplated hard whether to have the two women know, but since he can’t really hide it for long, Erwin made the story of meeting (Y/N) online a few months ago. He discussed things with her beforehand in which (Y/N) understood and played along. On the day of the wedding was when they met (Y/N). It was pretty casual with Levi and Mike, Nanaba and Hange on the other hand, was overjoyed. They were really happy for Erwin to finally marry, “and to a pretty, nice woman too!” As Hange said. Ever since then, Nanaba and Hange would always invite Erwin to hang out with them and of course, have (Y/N) go with him.
Erwin sighed, “I’m afraid I can’t right now, Hange.”
“What? Why??” Hange asked.
“I still have some papers to finish and-”
“Oh, come on. We’ll help you finish ‘em.” Hange insisted.
“Yep.” Nanaba shortly said.
“I really can’t. I’m also not feeling like going out.” Erwin replied.
Hange sighed, there’s really not helping it. “We’ll go now then, good luck rotting in your office.” Levi bluntly said and waved goodbye to Erwin. Hange and Nanaba exited the office, feeling defeated. Mike was the last one to leave, and just when he was about to go, he looked back at Erwin and asked, “You sure you’re not going?”
“I am very sure, Mike. Thanks for asking.”
“Alright.” And then he left.
After everyone left, Erwin rested his head on his hands, covering his face. He stayed like that for quite a while before he felt the door open once again. He sighed and tiredly looked at the person who entered, but as soon as he saw who it was, his expression immediately changed.
“Hey. Going home?” His visitor asked, leaning against the doorframe.
“(Y/N)– shit-” Erwin cursed. This is it, he’s fucked. Or no… We’ll see.
(Y/N) averted her gaze, deciding to look down on the papers instead and start picking them up. Erwin hurriedly backed away from Marie and pulled his pants up. Marie on the other hand, pulled her skirt down from her waist and fixed herself.
After picking up the papers, (Y/N) hurriedly walked away from the scene. She doesn’t know what to do, how to react and what to feel. A wave of emotions washed over her; shock, disappointment, sadness, anger? She doesn’t know. She stepped inside the elevator and pushed the button for the ground floor. Her heart is beating fast and its making her head spin. The feeling is sickening, it makes her nauseous. The fact that she’s inside an elevator going down didn’t help.
The sound of the elevator ding gave (Y/N) a tinge of relief. She took a deep breath and stepped out. (Y/N) took notice of the empty front desk. ‘It’s already dark out and Miss Petra had probably go home. I mean, it’s strange enough that she’s still here at this hour.’ (Y/N) thought. She tried her best to keep Erwin out of her mind for now, and its slightly working.
She made her way out of the building and waited for a taxi. After giving the driver her address, (Y/N) sighed and rested on the backseat. She looked outside the window and before she knew it, tears ran down her face. ‘I should’ve known… I should’ve known, I should’ve known, I should’ve known! Am I really that unlikable?’ Countless thoughts plagued (Y/N)’s mind. She covered her face and sobbed on her hands, trying to hide the shame that she’s feeling. Ugh, it’s sickening, it’s making her nauseous.
(Y/N) arrived at Erwin’s house, the place that she’s been living in for the past months. She trudged her way inside and proceeded to the kitchen. Her tears have dried on her face, and she needed to drink water. Shaky hands guided the water-filled glass to her dried lips, and she took a small sip. Before she finished drinking the glass of water, she heard the front door open. Erwin’s here. Footsteps were heard as he walked through the hall. Soon, (Y/N) felt Erwin’s gaze at her.
The silence was deafening. She’s still looking at the glass, afraid of looking Erwin in the eyes after what she just saw. She just saw– She just saw Erwin sleeping with someone else. She just saw him cheating on her.
“I–” (Y/N) started. “I can’t believe you’d do that to me…” she said, still looking down.
“Did what exactly?” Erwin asked. (Y/N) was taken aback. Her gaze immediately met Erwin’s.
“You– You’re– You’re cheating on me.” (Y/N) whispered.
“Is it really cheating when we have nothing to begin with?” Erwin said, shattering (Y/N)’s feelings. He’s right. There’s nothing between them anyways so why is she upset?
(Y/N) was left speechless. Her mouth opened but she closed them once again. There was nothing to say. It is true. What Erwin said is true. She has no rights getting upset about him having someone else. Sure she’s his wife but that was only because of an agreement, nothing else. (Y/N) felt so stupid, how could she not see this coming? She was too occupied with her role as Erwin’s wife and too busy exploring this new life that she has.
Erwin’s clearing of his throat pulled (Y/N) out of her thoughts. “Since we do have nothing, I’m proposing an open marriage with you. It’s more convenient for us. I’ll be with someone else and so can you.”
“There will only be a few rules that both of us must follow strictly. First and foremost, no one else other than the two of us were to know about this. We both have an image to maintain and I cannot afford to be involved on a scandal. Second, practice safe sex. You cannot get pregnant by someone else, and I cannot get someone else pregnant. Third, whomever you get involved with must know about your predicament. This will help in maintaining the two first rules, that’s all.” Erwin stated before excusing himself.
(Y/N) stayed in the kitchen motionless for a few minutes, trying to process everything that just happened. She quickly finished her glass of water before finally standing up. She made her way upstairs and upon entering hers and Erwin’s shared bedroom, she saw Erwin on his side of the bed, already sleeping. She stared at him for a while before proceeding to her closet. She took a pair of pajamas and went to the bathroom to clean herself. After that, she slowly lied down on the bed and faced her night stand. She kept herself as far from Erwin as possible and finally she succumbed to sleep. It has been a tiring day…
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chancerei · 6 days
WWP Checkpoint 2: Top Modeled
never let anyone tell you you're done learning. this shit is so fun
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It's really amazing how much of a difference it makes knowing what you're doing. A few months ago, I
did 100% of my texture work externally because
I didn't know how to texture paint and wouldn't bother to learn, and
had to use some pretty horrendous work-arounds because of it.
(this is actually why I ended up shelving this project for so long)
In case you're wondering what that leads to, I present the old version of the texture map:
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As opposed to the previous version, which consisted almost entirely of models other people had made, poorly mapped over with assorted gradients, hard shapes, and other people's textures. There's a reason I didn't feel this was good enough to release. To compare, here's the new texture map:
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Look, I'm not trying to say it's perfect. It's not. But consider: this is the second time I've done anything like it. Which means it's time for the crux of this update:
You can too. the only thing I used to make this half-competent texture (and the model it's mapped to) is a $20 writing tablet I bought for Japanese writing input during college.
And hey, if 3D modeling isn't your thing, try learning something else. I'm not here to tell you what to do, just to tell you you are capable of great things if you just put aside "I can't."
You may also have noticed the lack of a skirt on the second image. This is because I've decided to split the full outfit into a top and a bottom. I figure most people will use them together, but I wanted to leave the options open for reasons I'd rather not explain quite yet.
The slight downside, however, is that the top requires a bit of extra texture space for the details (bells, buttons, straps). Technically TS4 doesn't give extra map space for tops, only bottoms (?), so I've had to use some of that space for the top. It shouldn't be a problem fitting everything in, but it may effect compatibility with some bottom items. Again, I don't anticipate that to be a big issue, and I've placed the potential problem pieces out of the way to mitigate, but I figure I may as well document it regardless.
With all that being said, here's the progress update!
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(percent completion definitely doesn't reflect time investment required)
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memberment · 1 month
So the Trinitarians brain worm is back and Morning Glory is now longer and biting the dust as far as my focus goes.
But like, I genuinely want to talk to anyone who's invested in what's to come as far as part two goes. SO PLEASE. I IMPLORE THE FOUR OF YOU WHO PERPETUALLY TAKE NOTICE OF MY SCREAMS INTO THE VOID.
We're all aware that Trin is a time loop fic. That is confirmed.
Because like sure I'm writing it and like fuck everything else, let me tell my story. But it's the how of it all like if I'm gonna throw another 200 give or take hours into this I would at least like one person to be having a wonderful time drinking and driving (I have since remembered this is not a common phrase, I do not mean this in a literal sense, it's an expression) with me right?
Part two is going to be 50 chapters, give or take. (Part one is about 37 for reference.)
So the plan for part 2 rn is (ROGUHLY):
(1-10) is the second timeline. There are a lot of importants and I cannot just glaze over it all more than that. But we're also working in a bit of a shorter time period than the original events of the story and introductions do not need to happen again, right?
(11-40)ish would be me running through the next timelines in a set up structure -> what changes -> the results of said changes and then inevitably what sends our looper backwards. It wouldn't be running through all the timelines but the more notable ones in kind of a four chapter structure, I am not fully sold on four, but rough estimate yk.
And then 41-50 would be the finale of part two. It's literally the last timeline in its glory and then the epilogue which kicks off part three.
I personally kinda like it but if not a soul is reading this I am throwing myself on the curb with the rest of the garbage LMFAOOO.
Anyways, I'm going to work. I have off tomorrow and I broke the ff investment seal for today so insanity and updates will be here tonight and homework will be tomorrow.
(9:30) I am literally falling asleep as I lazily write this angel based on Danse Macabre. Expect all of maybe one more update tonight if the tacos I am abt to receive don't wake me up LMFAO.
Also, I am almost saddened by not having something to post tm. Anyone want an early chapter of something that isn't Genesis/Desolation bc they're both on Monday?????? (I am feeling like a menace rn)
(10:19) tacos and the absolute yap session I just had did wake me up a bit. MAAAYBE might write some more. Idk I slept like three hours last night and went to work I'm kinda dead. But we're at 98.2k!!!!!!🥳
(11:06) okay we made it to 99.6k everything besides the flashback for 31 is done. I'm about to relax and watch something and figure out mechanics of some of this because god this series is A BEAST. Like, I still have six planned chapters left.
Pure insanity. I love it here. I hate it here.
Holy shit wait I just came to the realization that I started this fic exactly one month ago. I have belted out 99.6k for THIS FIC ALONE. (Moreso if we're including future shit that hasn't happened yet)
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I may or may not be cooking we’ll find out in 6-26 business hours
(5:28) So I just had a very interesting past few business hours. I read a fic I've been waiting ever so patiently to finish. That's cool, right. I go for a walk at 4 in the morning because I'm insane. Fantastic. I get home at five and I'm like ohhhh well what do I do now it's not sleep time yet. Oh write I'm supposed to be drawing.
Nope I reread the epilogue of morning glory and realized Tweek's first address is for my morning glory and Craig's last sign off is your morning glory and now I'm ready to throw myself on the curb with the garbage as I sob. Someone call a trusted adult for me thanks.
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oreharuuu · 2 years
To be One (3)
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Summary: Avoiding the game went well for you for a few days. But a talk with a friend might change that decision for the better or worst
Warnings: none
A/N: woop woop! Part 3 y'all, hope you like it! I had fun writing this chapter so it's longer than usual. A few of the accounts i can't tag for some reason so im really sorry T-T
Tag list:
@atinytinaa @hoeranghae1117 @yoongiigolden @canadagoose-monbebe @hwal0v3r @kirooz @dream-in-progress @cara-18 @tr3asureyou @babygurl-hoshi @svn-ways2hvn @kpoplover17 @drunk-on-hwa @stopeatread @starillusion13 @honeyymon @potatoe-life @callmesoltera @kuleo26 @lino-se @darkfairy102190 @seongwin
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For the past few days, you're trying your best on ignoring the game with work and socializing. Sure you may not be the most social person ever, but you do have friends.
At the end of the week, Irene and Seulgi invited you to brunch near their workplace. Wendy and Joy were too busy so it's only you three.
The anomaly however was Yeri didn't show up.
Hell she didn't even reply to your message when the incident with Hwayoung happened.
You debated whether or not to ask Irene or Seulgi, but your curiosity won over as you cleared your throat before looking at the two.
"So," You started. "Have you guys seen Yeri? Or... talked with her?"
Irene chewed on her croissant as she shook her head, while Seulgi frowned. "Yeri? No updates on her, but Wendy did say that she's busy with work right now so it's probably why she hasn't been active on social media."
"Or replying to your texts," Irene continued. "I invited her to join me for dinner a few days ago but no answer. So she must be really busy."
"Yeah. Probably because of the new game her company's about to launch."
"Give her some space," Seulgi shrugged. "She's always like this when she's in the zone. Remember last time when she blew up on Joy when she spammed her during a meeting."
You grimaced at the memory, remembering how big the fight was that it made Joy and Yeri didn't talk for a month.
"Believe me, I do not want to relieve that experience," Irene sighed.
Soon the conversation shifted from Yeri, from work to relationship problems; you're glad it's taking your mind off the game and Yeri for a while. Irene said goodbyes first when her manager called her, cursing under her breath making you both laugh in amusement. Seulgi left after an hour, promising to take you and Yeri out for drinks when you all have the time.
Walking back to your apartment, you bought some snacks to eat when you're working. Thankfully the project did wonders to your company, so you're only working light tasks with your coworkers whilst waiting for an update from your supervisor.
"—Yeah! And then she stupidly asked me if I still love her?! Ugh, as if!"
You laughed at what your coworker, Yeonjun, outbursts along with another one, Soobin. Both were also in your team when developing the project, and you got along pretty well so sometimes you liked to call them or have zoom meetings together to spend some time.
"Hmm, told you she was delulu. It's like she's in her own fantasy land that she created," Soobin hums as typing could be heard from his side.
"Yeah," You agreed. "Remember when she visited our work to state she's the new intern? Holy shit was that a fiasco."
Soobin laughed even louder as Yeonjun could only groan. "Man, how could I forget that? Supervisor Kim blasted my ear from having him yell at me for hours."
"Not hours," You and Soobin replied together. "It's only like, five minutes," Soobin continued.
"Felt like hours," He grumbled.
Doing your work whilst talking to them made the bad thoughts go away, especially one residing on the corner of your computer, but you ignored it. What you can't ignore is how your computer likes to glitch and freeze when you're working.
Well, not your computer perse, but the programs you're currently running likes to have problems when before that it's totally fine.
"What the—Are you kidding me?" You hissed as Photoshop didn't respond, making you groan as you slumped down on your chair.
"What? What's wrong?"
"My Photoshop is acting up," You whined.
"Ha! What're you doing on Photoshop anyway?"
"Making your ass even more uglier," You grumbled towards Yeonjun, who squaked in offense.
"Awesome. Can you send that to me after you finished it?" Soobin asked as the both of you ignored Yeonjun's yelling.
"Sure. Maybe I'll finish it today since I've finished my part of the work."
"Wait!" Yeonjun yelled. "You're finished making the poster and banner? You've already sent it to Supervisor Kim?"
"Yup, a few hours ago. So relieved I actually finished it since my computer has been fighting me the whole time."
"Soobin! How about you?"
"Actually thanks for reminding me to email my work."
"Am I the only one who hasn't finished yet in the team?" Yeonjun gasped dramatically.
You hum teasingly, before remembering that he was the only one not finished yet. "Actually, yeah. Eunchae and Chaewon finished theirs already."
"Honestly, Yeonjun," Soobin teased. "We're only supposed to make posters and banners ideas for the next event. It's easy."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Just say that I'm lazy and—"
Crackling noise from your headphones cut Yeonjun off, making you frown in confusion before clicking back at the call, noticing how it's still going but their voices have disappeared.
"Guys? Hello?"
No answer.
You shrugged before ending the call, whipping out your phone before texting both of them.
You: heyyoo seems like we got disconnected
Soobin: ???
Soobin: wdym
Yeonjun: (name) you're still on the call
You're heart dropped, tension started to rise in your body as you scrambled to text them back.
You: what?? I literally disconnected from the call like a minute ago
Yeonjun: well i mean...could be a lag? You're not talking
Soobin: let's just end the call
Soobin: wanna call again?
You huffed, glancing back at your computer. Shaking your head, you decided to decline his offer, stating that you need to check your computer first if you want it to work properly.
Yeonjun: aight, update us
Soobin: yeah and send me that picture of yeonjun
Yeonjun: TRAITOR
You let out a small smile, sighing in relief because of their antics. You decided to restart your computer, of course after you saved the photoshopped image of Yeonjun. After it turned on, you checked numerous times if it's starting to lag or freeze as you open websites, tabs, or even applications.
Humming happily when you found none, you're startled when a call from Yeri rang from your phone. But the call ended before you could answer, making you stare at your phone in confusion. A text from Yeri seemed concerning enough for you to accept her offer.
Yeri <3: hey
Yeri <3: sorry for not answering
Yeri <3: can we call rn?
You sighed heavily at the reply, your heart easing at knowing that Yeri's actually alive and not dead in a ditch somewhere. Well, that's a hyperbole but you can't help but feel like that when your friends disappeared from the face of the earth.
Waiting for the call to load, you anxiously bit your lip as you waited for her. When Yeri's icon appeared, you quickly turned on your camera, waving sheepishly as you smiled.
"Hey—uh, do you mind turning on your cam? If you don't want to, that's fine! No pressure."
You're only met with silence, but you waited patiently for Yeri to answer.
"Yeah, hold on."
Shuffling could be heard from Yeri's end, before you heard Yeri move around stuff around her desk. She did had a lot of clutter, but the sounds coming from the call seems excessive. You frown hearing plastic water bottles and what you assume to be cans of energy drink fell down, making Yeri curse loudly.
Yeri finally turned on her camera but you realized why she's so hesitant on turning it on in the first place. It's dark in her room, the only light present is from her own computer.
Boy, did she look like a wreck.
Eyebags deep enough to give a hint that she didn't slept for almost a week, hair disheveled like she didn't brush it everyday, her room being a mess like a bomb was dropped.
"Yeri," You whispered. "What happened?"
Yeri looked away as she bit on her thumb, shaking her head as she sniffed. Her eyes glisten with tears as she gasped before looking back at the camera. "I—I tried, I'm working on the game. Alone! My team disappeared when I needed them, and now they're gone!"
You're eyes widen, jaw slack as confusion started to plague your mind. "Disappear? Like, Johnny?"
"Yes! I don't—I don't know where they are right now. I've tried texting them, I've called them, zero! Zero answers! The company's launching an investigation about where my team went, why I'm the only one left!"
You flinched at her voice, sounding loud and angry yet so small. It's obvious it's taken a toll on her, yet you can't do anything except listen to her and try to support her in the best way you can.
"And get this," Yeri laughed maniacally. "The company still wants to me work on the game, alone! Can you fucking believe that shit? They're trying to find people who wants to work on the game but noo they're too busy gossiping about how Yeri's a whore, Yeri's a bitch! We can't work with her because she's too difficult!"
You frowned, yet confused at what she's saying. Yeri seems happy working there, everytime you went out for lunch or dinner she always praises how her company is so good and caring towards their employees, that even Wendy and Seulgi are complaining about how unfair it is.
"Yeri? Hey, what do you mean by that?" You asked gently, trying to calm her down as she's only one second from a mental breakdown. That seems to shut her up, her mouth agape yet no voice comes out, before she's quickly wiping her tears away. You sighed before leaning back on your chair, deciding to not push Yeri further out of her comfort zone. It seems like she's having a hard time, but you don't want to force her.
"No—no, forget about that. Let's just talk, I need your help."
"My help?"
Yeri nodded. "I need you to continue to play the demo game, (name)."
Your heart dropped to the ground, coughing to hide your uneasiness from Yeri. You did sent her the list of glitches, even so far as telling her you don't want to continue playing the game after the last incident. But now you're conflicted.
"I—I know you're hesitant to play it, but I've tried to fix the game as best as I can! Your feedback is actually helping me make things right, and I'm really grateful. But now that I'm the only one working on the game, I can't talk to others people about it to make it good."
Man, she really does know how to pull your heartstrings.
"So...can you play it again, (name)?"
You glanced nervously at Yeri, playing with your fingers as you're having a debate inside your head on what to do.
"Can't you just...send the demo to Wendy or Seulgi? I'm sure they'll be happy to play it. I mean more feedbacks are better, right?" You offered.
Yeri shook her head adamantly, her shoulders tense as she continued. "No! I can't, if the company knows I'm giving the demo to people then I'll be fired. It's supposed to be confidential and I broke the agreement when I gave you that demo."
You groaned, holding your head between your hands. Of course it's not that easy, you didn't even think about the consequences you'll receive when playing a game that's not even released yet. Taking a deep breath, you looked at Yeri before nodding.
"Alright, I'll do it."
You're hoping the game isn't so bad after she fixed it.
Pacing around in your room was not a good thing to do, especially to ease your nerves before playing that damn game. It's already loaded, the cutesy theme song playing in the background as you're having a breakdown before you play it. Yeonjun and Soobin invited you to go have drinks together, but you lied, saying you were busy hanging out with your family.
You felt bad, seeing as they're actually close to you now, but they reassured you that you could always join them on their nightly movie nights next Friday.
You took a mental note, wanting to actually join them because everyone seemed busy with work and other things.
"Okay!" You yelled loudly, punching the air repeatedly before sitting down, clicking the start button as the game loads. "I can do this! I'm not a pussy!"
Day 3
"Shit, it's only day three?!" You hissed.
Not having any time to complain, the game loads you to your dorm, reminding you to take classes to earn more coins and items. Everything seems...fine. Then again, you just started the game, so you're expecting a jumpscare midway playing the game.
Cautiously clicking from classroom to classroom, the task of doing mini games kinda made you relaxed. You're still tense, waiting for Hwayoung specifically to jump and surprise you.
But that didn't happen.
Instead, you're greeted with a new face, well two exactly.
A boy so tall that he could rival Mingi's or Yunho's height, with slicked back brown hair and an easygoing smile. Next to him is a girl you thought is an AI character, straight long black hair with a beauty mark under her mouth.
"Hey, fresh meat!"
The boy's deep voice boomed through your speaker, making you wince as you turned down the volume.
"Did you see a cat nearby? White with black spots and a purple collar?"
You, of course, wanted answered no. Thinking an option will show up, you're surprised the text box from Yunho's encounter popped up, making your hands hover on top of your keyboard instantly to type a response.
No, sorry. I didn't see any cat, just got here |
"Damn, good luck finding it, Karina."
"Oh shut up, Johnny!"
Johnny? Named after Yeri's friend who disappeared? You push the thought away, thinking of it as a coincidence. You've never even see the guy, why act so worried?
"Really sorry to bother you. My name is Karina, this is Johnny. If you see a cat with the same description please call us! We can't let the principal know."
No worries, but why can't the principal know? |
"Because the principal is a loser who doesn't like animals, so he'll call animal control to solve the problem."
"Johnny! Shut up or Seonghwa and Hongjoong will hear you!"
You hummed, curious as to why both of them are mentioned.
Why so scared? I think Seonghwa and Hongjoong are nice people |
"Oh, no one's denying that they're nice. They're just...very strict around what to do here."
"Rules are rules, and for them everyone has to follow it. If not you'll end up like—"
Johnny didn't get to finish his sentence before the game glitches out again, making both of them freeze as Johnny's voice paused every now and then. You anticipated this, trying to hope that nothing scary happened. Thankfully nothing did, as Johnny only continued as if nothing happened. Like his dialogue was cut.
"—Yeah, good guys. But really scary when someone's not up to standards. Well their standards."
You could see Karina rolling her eyes, making you giggle at their cute interaction.
"Whatever. It's nice meeting you, new kid. If you ever want to hangout with us, find us at the club rooms."
Sure! I'll be happy to come by |
"Great! Bye then, (name)."
"Peace out!"
There's the feeling of relief bubbling inside you, the interaction between Johnny and Karina made you a bit relaxed to face off any of the boys right now. Heaving a big sigh, you continued to play mini games and looking around the school.
Not encountering any of the boys, you suck up your fear as you debated who to meet first.
"Maybe I'll meet Yeosang first. I haven't seen him after the first encounter."
Confused as to which place you're visiting first, you picked the library, seeing as you've never actually visited the location before.
Surprise, surprise, Yeosang was actually already there. Surprisingly enough, he's smiling in your direction.
As if he's been waiting for you.
But you brushed it off as a coincidence. Yeosang's character beamed happily when he sees you, waving his hand as he tried to be quiet.
The scene changed as now you're sitting besides him near the window, the light perfectly illuminating his face, making him even more angelic.
"Hey, haven't seen you in a while. You okay?"
The text box popped up again, making you assume that maybe the system could change after a certain encounter. Changing from options to actually typing out the response. Then again, it's really impressive at how fast and human-like the response from the characters are, sometimes even fast enough to make you believe you're actually talking to a human.
Yeah, just...got busy with personal things |
"Well, that won't do. You're new here, relax for a bit. It's not like you have other stuff occupying your life."
You felt like it's a jab to your own real life, but you shrugged it off.
"Anyway, I realized we haven't spend that much time together. So, I was wondering if you want to stay here with me? I wasn't really studying, just wanted some alone time."
Alone time? Then am I intruding? |
"Nonsense, I'm inviting you right now. So, do you accept?"
Of course you agreed, wanting to increase your relationship with him since his percentage was still pretty low when you started. Maybe you'll meet San after this, remembering how the last time the heart didn't pop up for him.
Sure! I have nothing to do anyway |
For the next few minutes, you and Yeosang talked about vague topics, favorite foods, favorite animals; harmless stuff. But every now and then, you had a feeling that a few of the questions are very...weird and invasive.
"Where do you like to spend time out of school?"
"Have you ever dated before?"
"Do you like to sleep with stuffed animals?"
The last question made you glance at a few of the dolls on your bed, before lying to him since your real life persona should be different than the one inside the game.
"Hmm, interesting."
Was Yeosang's only answer before going back to innocent questions like before. The change of questions made your head dizzy as you're typing out what answers would suffice since you don't want to tell things in your real private life.
Yeosang stopped talking after the thirtieth question, seemingly frozen before smiling softly at you. You noticed how his eyes turned blank with no emotions before switching it up in the last second.
"Well, look at the time. I have a meeting with Hongjoong about club developments, so I guess this is goodbye."
No worries, Yeosang. I had a great time with you |
The heart finally popped up on top of his head, you predicting the percentage would at least be more than five percent, but the final number made you tilt your head in confusion.
"Holy shit," You gawked. "From 2% to 37%?! That's wild."
As you're looking directly at the numbers, you didn't notice how Yeosang's eyes shifted away from you, lookinv around as if he could see the room your in. His face still smiling, before his eyes shifted back to you when he noticed you finally snapping out of your daze.
"I'll go now, (name). Goodbye."
With that, Yeosang was gone from the screen, leaving you with an empty screen. Remembering where exactly to meet San, you choose the gym as the next place. The only reason you chose that location is because of how buff he looks under his uniform.
"Can't believe I made that assumption just because of how broad his shoulders are," You grumbled.
Lo and behold, San was actually there. At first you thought he meant the school's gym, as in for sports and other school activities. But your mind is blown away when you notice an actual gym near the school area. And God must be somewhere laughing maniacally to himself as you saw how San is basically drenched in sweat, making the flimsy material of his top clung to his body like a second skin.
"(Name)! Hey, what's up?"
San smiled so brightly that you physically have to look away as if the sun just hits your eyes. "Focus, (name)! Don't be tempted by his cute smile!"
Hi, San! Nothing much, I have nothing to do so I was strolling around. I didn't know there's two gym's, what's up with that? |
"Oh! Yeah, I guess the school wanted to blow some of the money that they have, plus a lot of the students here wanted a real gym of sorts."
Still, pretty fancy for a school to have like two gyms |
"Yeah, I guess you could say that."
Time passed as you continued to have a conversation with San, having a great time as he's always so energetic and fun to be around with. Suddenly remembering of the items you have in your inventory, you decided to use it to San since the heart didn't pop up for him.
Hey, San! I have a gift for you |
It seems like San didn't expect you to say that to him, as his face turned bright red before he smiled sheepishly.
"A gift? You didn't have too!"
You clicked on your inventory, deciding on the cute teddy bear you got on your first day. Dragging the item from your bag, you placed it on San's character, resulting in him smiling widely as he now holds the teddy bear in his hands.
"A teddy bear! How cute, it even has a little bow. Thank you so much, (name)."
Suddenly the heart popped up, squinting your eyes to look closely as the percentage was shown to you.
You let out a shocked laughter. "Damn, I didn't know the items were that helpful." You're conflicted whether or not the items were actually helping that much, or it's just the glitch happening again. In the end, your objective to raise your relationship status with San was already done.
"Um, (name)? Even though you're new here, I feel like you're perfect here. Like...you're the missing puzzle piece."
Weird thing to say after receiving a gift, but you'll go with it.
Come on, I'm not that important for you to call me a missing puzzle piece |
You noticed the pout on San's face, yet you saw how his face darkens for a second, as if your words annoyed him.
"Don't say that! A lot of us say that you're perfect! Even though you feel so far away, there's always a chance you'll be much, much closer to us."
"And it's starting," You groaned. Did the creepy dialogue really had to be amped up after Yeosang? It's as if the game knows these things scare and annoy you at the same time. But curiosity did peek out of your mind, wanting to know why exactly San phrased it that way.
What do you mean far? I'm right here |
"You know what I mean, (name)."
No? I really don't, it's like your saying I'm not physically here when I am |
"It's...complicated. I'm not supposed to even talk to you about this or Hongjoong will get mad. Just know that we're always here for you, and I really do hope in the future, we could be together."
You really do wanted his words to affect you as much as he intended too, but you're still creeped out by his choice of words that you can't help but grimace at the thought. There's a frown on your face as you noticed San looking quiet sad, almost changing from his hopeful expression.
What's wrong? |
"Nothing—just that, you seemed hesitant to be here with us."
Your frown deepened when he said that, as if he could look through your computer screen to see the facial expressions you pull. You glanced away for a while, head disappearing yet your eyes are still looking at him.
You might be hallucinating, but you really thought San's eyes seems to follow your every move, his eyes now off to the side where you disappeared. He's still standing like usual, but you noticed how his eyes are silently trained onto you.
Suddenly, you wanted to prove a theory that just popped up inside your head, actually thinking you're slowly loosing your mind over this game.
You silently grabbed your phone, pretending to scroll for a few seconds as you discreetly tried to look back and forth between San and your phone. Nothing suspicious happens, just that San's pout deepened as seconds passed by.
You needed proof. Especially considering what Yeosang said to you earlier.
You pressed Soobin's phone number, turning it on speaker as you waited. You acted nonchalant, tapping your fingers on the table whilst you still glanced at the screen. San's pout was gone, only replaced by a confused stare as he stands there.
"Hey, Soobin! What's up?"
"Eh, not much. Why you callin?"
"Actually," You moved away, now sitting on your bed. "I wanted to invite you guys to my apartment! Maybe a movie night, you know?" You continued, voice loud enough so your target could still hear the conversation.
"Really? That would be awesome! I gotta ask Yeonjun first though, I don't know if he has plans or not."
You glanced at your computer screen, noticing San now looks tense and furious as he only stands there, as if he's forced to listen.
The change of emotions are really weird, since you haven't touched the game since your call. But you continued, wanting to see what happens.
"That's alright. We could have movie night next Friday, you could stay at my apartment."
"Ooh, like a sleepover!"
You laughed at his enthusiasm, "Yeah, basically like a sleepover."
The conversation continued on, before Soobin excused himself as he wanted to meet his friend in a few hours. Bidding goodbye, you ended the call, walking to your chair before sitting down.
You hummed to yourself, placing down your phone on the table as you typed your reply.
You're acting really weird, San |
You looked at him, hiding your wince as San's face didn't hold his signature dimpled smile. His eyes holds a certain anger, his jaw clenched in annoyance as his hands turned into fists.
"Why did you do that?"
His voice came out gruff, as if he's holding back a growl coming out of his throat. You decided to play innocent, tilting your head in confusion before typing back.
Do what? I just stood here, talking to you |
"(Name), please, don't do that. It hurts us when you do these kinds of things without thinking about our feelings."
A scoff came out of your mouth before you could stop it, feeling annoyed now.
Jeez, I didn't do anything! What are you guys even talking about? |
"Inviting those—"
You waited and waited for him to continue, but nothing happened. The sounds of crackling came out of your speaker for a few minutes, before it stopped. You saw San's desperate face still on your screen, pursing his lips as he looked away. You're wondering what's going on until Hongjoong appeared, smiling as he now stands next to San.
"Hello there, (name)! Funny meeting you here."
Thought you had a meeting with Yeosang about club developments? |
He seems surprised at how blunt you are, but his smile turned into a smug one as he placed a hand on San's shoulder.
"Ah, that. We're already done talking. Seonghwa is handling it now, so I wanted to grab San for a few minutes to...talk."
You frown, already feeling suspicious about how sudden Hongjoong appeared.
"But, hyung! I was—"
"We need to have a talk, San. The others are already waiting for us."
You grimaced at his tone, already feeling uncomfortable at how scary Hongjoong was now.
You guys should go, I need to meet with a few friends anyway |
"What friends—"
You jump in surprise, eyes wide at Hongjoong's outburst. San closed his mouth before glaring at Hongjoong, to which the latter only glared back. They seemed to be having a conversation only with their eyes, the tense silence made you uneasy before it broke when San spoke first.
"Bye, (name)."
Yeah...bye |
In a matter of seconds, both if them disappeared from your screen. You groaned loudly at the headache forming inside your head, massaging your head as you closed your eyes.
"Can't this game be normal for one day?"
You quickly continued on day 3, wanting it to end fast enough so you'll be done for today. When night comes, you hurriedly exited the game, closing it before turning off your computer. You sighed, standing up as you walked out of your room.
"I need a drink."
"The coast is clear," Yunho sighed when he no longer felt your presence inside his body, his posture relaxing a little as he sat next to Mingi. "She's gone now."
"San, you almost crossed the line today."
"Almost? He acted way out of line for her to feel suspicious towards us!" Wooyoung screamed.
"Fuck you," San hissed. "Yeosang started first when he asked stupid questions."
"Oh, believe me, I know. I've already reprimanded him enough," Seonghwa darkly answers, crossing his arms as he stared at San. "Now, it's your turn."
"You all can't blame me!" San yelled, standing up from his seat as he slams the table with enough force. "You all heard her! She's inviting other people, other men, to her home!"
"No one's blaming you, hyung," Jongho sighed. "But we need to act normal after she didn't show up for so long. Do you want that to happen again?"
Jongho was only met with silence from San, who looked away as he shook his head. "No...I don't—we don't need that to happen again. I feel empty without her, I can't stand the emptiness. That's why I had to stop her!"
"We all do," Mingi shrugged. "But we have to be patient, especially if we want our plan to go well."
"I just," San sighed, slumping down to his seat. "I don't want her to be with anyone else besides us. We all felt the connection when her face showed up in our eyes. I want her to be here with us."
"We know, San," Hongjoong sighed. "It's not easy to only be able to watch her this way. So far yet so close. It's torture for only being able to see her for only a few hours, even minutes, for just one day."
"Thank God we're able to access her computer freely now," Wooyoung added. "Not interacting with her was torture. But I know I can't just watch her from a far in the long run, that's why we need to stick to our plan."
"Well, if we want to stick to the plan we can't just pinpoint and blame San here," Yeosang frowned. "All of the other trash needs to act as well."
Mingi and Yunho snorted at the way Wooyoung growled, slapping his back teasingly. "What? Got reminded of Hwayoung?"
"After the little stunt she pulled...I can't even be mad at Wooyoung for killing her," Seonghwa shrugged.
"Fuck her for scaring (name) like that! I can't believe she'll corrupt her own data like that," San growled, Wooyoung nodding along with him.
"Less trash to be bothered though, sounds good to me," Yeosang shrugged.
"We still need to keep an eye out on the new ones," Hongjoong hums, looking at a few folders on the table. The names are written on the cover, Hongjoong opening one of the folders, finding a picture of Hwayoung crossed out with a red marker. "They're a risk, but they were essential on pushing (name) back to playing the game."
"Pushing (name)? More like pushing her friend," Jongho laughed loudly, making the others smirk in union.
"Can't believe at how easy she complied to us."
"More like backstabbing. It's obvious she thinks her life is better than our darling," Yunho answered, the pet name slipping up from him making the others tease him.
"Can you blame her? We targeted her remaining friends," San hums. "Then again, she's really fucking stupid if she thinks we could make contact with anyone if they haven't played the game yet."
"Whatever, we'll deal with her later when our darling comes to our arms," Seonghwa huffed.
"Deal how?" Wooyoung smirked evilly, Mingi snickering alongside Jongho as they discussed the best way to torture said girl.
Seonghwa shrugged, yet the corners of his mouth are pulled into a maniac smile. "We'll see later. She's trash anyways compared to our darling."
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l0vergirlatheart · 1 year
" VACATION. " a south park x reader
Tumblr media
SNOW IN THE SUMMER?! || I - past : next
        Hissing at the sudden cold air nipping at any exposed skin you had out, you lugged your suitcase into your temporary house as the taxi sped off. You were grateful though, it smelled like nothing more than cigarettes, smoke, and piss.
        'Temporary, temporary house.' You reminded yourself.
        You dug through your pockets before finally fumbling with a key, unlocking the front door and entering, greeted by a warm wave of air which made you feel as if you were slowly but surely thawing. You shut the door behind you and looked around the room which you entered, it seemed to be the living room as it had a really large TV infront of a large, black sofa with a coffee table infront of it. You spotted the kitchen around the corner and then saw stairs on the other side. You sighed and started to lug your rolling suitcase behind you as you struggled to get it up each of the steps.
        'How much shit did they pack?! God fucking damn, I know I'll be here for over a month, but I could always buy myself some new shit?!' You thought to yourself as the suitcase finally got to the top with you, and you started down a hallway. You spotted, in this order, one bathroom, two bedrooms, and an empty office room. You went inside the first bedroom which was bigger and had a king-sized bed. You dropped the luggage, your eyes deciding to move around the room and scan for anything out of place or anything that you didn't like.
        After concluding the room was good, you sighed and knelt next to the suitcase and started to work on putting all your clothes and anything else that was shoved packed away in this poor, overflowing suitcase, courtesy of BOTH your parents...
        Sighing as you flopped backwards onto your extremely comfortable bed. You had finally finished your clothes, bathroom supplies, and a couple of decorations. Your room was still pretty bland, but you'd get to that later! You had other things to worry about, like-
        || DING DONG, SOMEONE'S HERE! ||
        ...like who's ringing the doorbell... you swore that nobody had saw you go inside! What stalkers... You huffed internally before making yourself get up and out of bed, down the stairs, and to the front door.
        Unlocking it and opening it, you were met with a shorter girl wearing a cute little pink beret. She had long black hair, really dark brown eyes, and she had a light skin color, presumably white. She wore a pink sweater with darker, purple-ish lining and buttons. She also wore yellow pants, which is something you'd never thought you'd see, but even more so something you'd never see someone pulling it off so well. She also wore black shoes.
        '...I take that back, she's really fucking pretty.. I don't mind her stalking me.'
        "Hi there! Couldn't help but see you step out of your taxi a few hours ago, I wanted to say hi but I had something really important to do! I wanted to check in and see if you needed any help getting set up, and if not, wanted to at least introduce myself!" She exclaimed, lending a hand out to you for a handshake. You took it and she gave it a firm shake, smiling.
        She continued, "My name is Wendy! Wendy Testaburger! May I ask for yours?"
        "[Y/N] Niaki." You stated blankly as you returned the handshake before bringing your hand to rest into your pocket. She beamed up at you before her phone let out a small, 'ding!' and she went to check it. You stood there quietly as she went over something and gasped a little before looking back up at you with slightly widened eyes.
        "Sorry [Y/N], I've got to go do something right now! See ya around!" She said quickly before waving and swiftly turning on her heel and rushing off, her pace fast as she stuffed her phone into her pocket. You just waved back before closing the door again and plopping onto the sofa.
        '...I'm going to get roped into something and I'm not really gonna like it, I can already tell.'
1. oopsies, foreshadowing
2. rushed this one oopsies
3. i lub wendy mwah mwah
4. my gayass will most likely make the girls fall in love first cuz... im gay.. lmao... oops..?
5. but dont worry your cute little head off, youre going to see some cute boys soon!~
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vtforpedro · 4 months
life update - long
It took me a hot minute to find the last update. December, I guess? I'm so tired I never stop being tired and time is not real anymore. Anyway. Disability Stuff: I won my case in federal court in February. They said it'd take a year so I was a little hm. Found out the SSA voluntarily asked the judge for the remand because the written decision was indefensible and they were gonna take another look. Pros: Hey, I won! I get a second hearing! Cons: I didn't get a brief written by the federal law firm because there was no time. This is actually a tactic used by the SSA. I have no doubt they're fine tuning another denial. I also have to wait for the lower level court to figure out what was so bad about it (that they'd already ruled was perfect) to give to the judge I will have another hearing with. The same judge. Who said I was a liar multiple times and omitted eight months of medical evidence and said mental health issues are subjective hahaha. I hate this country. Health: Boy howdy it's been better and worse. I had the tilt table test in late December, went... ok enough, but my neuro didn't like how ambiguous the report was and sent me back to them to speak to an autonomic disorder specialist. Scheduled in Jan, just had my appt with her this month lol she is busy. She ordered: genetics test, labs, and skin biopsy. I've done the first two, third is scheduled in July and I'm gonna be a mess because needles u_u Brain stuff is much of the same. Episodic. Manageable times are a godsend, bad times are really bad. My heart started to do some funky ass shit a few months ago. My mom kept writing it off as anxiety no matter how much I explained that it felt like my heart was pounding after exercise. My BP and pulse shot up high for a while and b/c my pulse never came back down and it was interfering with, you know, living, my PCP sent me to cardiology. :') Cause I wanted my heart involved in this mess One 24hr holter monitor, echo, and heart ultrasound later, and I have a new heart condition. He said 'your heart is beating so fast you would normally see it with exercise' bada boom baby and has nothing to do with fucking ANXIETY >:[ I'm on heart medication. 10 meds. I need to start another med for my psych but that's 11 and I'm honestly getting upset because it's so fucking much medication in one day but every single one of them is necessary so what can really I do? Personal: Relationship with my mom is at an all time low. This is extremely unfortunate because a few weeks ago, my mom told me she is basically being 'laid off' (she's not losing her job for a while, just retiring earlier than expected) and I have to leave my home of 10 years by mid-August. Got no sympathy from her about it *finger guns* I've gone through the devastation of that and am kind of just stuck in how is any of that gonna work. My brother and I can't live together, so he's gonna move into a family friend's rental. Except he has no job and hasn't been able to get one in months. He started one on Monday, is gonna leave by Friday because it's horrific ig. Anyway my mom promises he won't be there. We have to move based on my disabilities and my mom's house is gonna have to reflect what we have here. I'll see it when I believe it. I don't trust her anymore. Extra unfortunate that I'm gonna be living 24/7 with my mother who has been an abusive person in my life the past two years. The short break thru the day that my apartment is just mine, quiet and gentle, is gonna be gone. I'll be introducing my solitary 11 year old cat Lilly into a house with 3 other cats. She only knew Isis her entire life. She was just diagnosed with neuro issues this year after going through an MRI. We don't know if she has seizure activity or if it's movement disorder, but the med she's on treats both and she has gotten better. Same process Isis went through. Cannot believe I have two cats with neuro issues and likely the same one. May 18th was one year since Isis passed. Rough, tiring day.
I don't know how it has been that long. Feels like it just happened. I can still see her and feel her through my apartment and losing it in August will probably shatter me most because of losing the last place she existed in. I miss her more than I can say.
She was my little soulmate and her absence is felt in every corner here. Writing/Fandom:
I went through a whole fucking situation over in the Stranger Things fandom that has left me not wanting to post anymore. Idk if neuro shit has destroyed my ability to write but it's humiliating and painful every time I post a fic.
I posted stucky (1 out of 2 fics this year) on my main acct and lost 8 fuckin user subs? Like goddamn. What'd stucky do 😭 anyway it was even more devastating and kinda like 'here's your big ass sign to keep your writing to yourself.'
Between the god awful shit that happened in the ST fandom and my inability to put together even a good one shot, I'm feeling really down about one of two creative things I can do in my life. I used to love sharing my stuff. I want to write and share but it feels like it's harming my MH. I can't draw or paint right now, either. And I can barely move around my apartment without pain. I can't even leave it except for doctor appointments.
Idk. Very walls are closing in type of feeling and I hate it. In short: I'm tired, struggling, and too many things are happening at once. I love you all 😩💜 thank you for your patience and love and kind words. Your support is felt through one update to the next. I hope you're all well and I'm sending all my love and hugs to you.
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silvermare · 10 months
If you know me outside of Tumblr, don't tell my mom
I said goodbye to my old car last night. Vivid green 2012 Hyundai Accent hatchback. That thing had stellar fuckin gas mileage (for a non-hybrid anyway, I could squeeze like 40mpg out of it if I tried), hauled around way too much shit, played FAFO with black ice, was stolen in Amarillo, TX and recovered south of Oklahoma City, OK - and for context, I live in Indianapolis - back in 2018, and transported many friends and even some coworkers. It also has had kernels of dry field corn in the floorboard for the past two years. Oh, and I broke the frickin passenger side mirror by backing out of the garage too close.
Her name was Arachnaverde because she was green and I kept an anatomically incorrect spider skeleton (halloween decoration) on the dashboard. Spood's job was to let me know when I was taking a turn too fast. He would skitter away if I did.
Prior to Arachnaverde, I had a 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme that I called Madame Blueberry. She was a lovely teal color, had two doors, and I once forgot an entire watermelon in the back floorboard in college and it rotted and stank so badly. -4/10 do not recommend. Also her trunk had loose soybeans from when I took a few dried soybean plants for some reason or another. ADHD be like that sometimes.
Prior to Madame Blueberry, I had an unnamed charcoal gray 89 Mercury Grand Marquis. This car had one interesting anecdote, and 3 notable events.
In the long long ago when I was still in junior college (2 year college for people who live in states that don't fuck with junior colleges), I left it overnight in the college parking lot for some reason I no longer recall. When I retrieved it in the morning, someone had used car window paint to write "HOOPTY" on the back windshield. To be fair, it was.
That car was how I learned not to leave a can of silly string in a hot car. Did you know if a can of silly string gets hot enough it will straight up explode? I didn't until I found a really messy plastic bag and blue spatters all over the roof of my car.
I used to park under a specific tree in front of the house, because I lived with my parents on a farm, and the garage was for my mom's vehicle, no one else's. Dad's main ride parked in the patch of ground between the barnyard fence and the garage (dad's parking spot, mostly), and the farm truck parked in the barnyard. Anyway, point is, I parked under a tree which worked quite well for many years except at the very end a large fragment of dead tree pierced my car *right* in front of the hood so I had a rough rectangle of Missing Car for the tail end of my ownership.
Anyway, I've known for months that I needed to get a new car. Needed new front struts, a replacement sensor in the steering column, new back brakes, new front tires.... I tried back in May but for some reason the car I found just didn't vibe with me (Mitsubishi Mirage). It was kinda noisy, very basic. Also very cheap.
Last week, the stars aligned and I found a hopeful prospect with low mileage, decent mpg, and within my budget.
So now I have a new-to-me brick of tofu (white Kia Soul 2020).
I have said my farewells to the green beast, and look forward to what kind of adventures I'll get into with the as-of-yet-unnamed toaster.
So far the best name I've come up with is Tofungus because I am awful. I definitely want to give it a black horizontal stripe and add the "Fujiwara Tofu Shop" decal to the side because i'm a fuckin weeb and also did you know there's a sequel to Initial D this season? I'm enjoying it.
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