#also like. Teresa waking up in the box not knowing what she looks like. so she's really confused when people are like ''hey bro''
star--anon · 9 months
trans!Teresa but transwoman Teresa.
you get me?
they send up a boy named Perci (Percivall Pott, a British scientist who discovered soot from chimney sweeping was causing cancer), and everyone's like "Alright, new Glader. Nothing out of the ordinary here, right?"
and Teresa's like "lmfao no. Call me Mother Teresa the way I'm adopting all of your dumbasses. Let's get outta here, the Maze is a code. I'm gonna betray you later."
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female-malice · 1 year
Read this thread about cult social relationships by Matthew Remski:
When you deconstruct harmful ideas and beliefs—from antivax positions to reactionary social views—you will inevitably be seen and felt as attacking the relationships that people form through those views. That’s a big problem in a lonely world, and there will be blowback. 
In anti-cult theory and journalism, this alienation is usually seen as unavoidable. The idea is that the relationships within a toxic group are transactional, unfulfilling, and fragile. The gamble is that the person will wake up into wholesome relationships outside of the group.
That may work out. Or, the person will crawl out of a mid-level engagement with NXIVM and find themselves in late stage capitalism looking for gig work, missing the friends they had on the inside, and the sense of shared purpose.
This analysis can scale up: It’s been helpful for some to look at QAnon, the Trucker Convoy, and antimask protestors through a cult studies lens. All the boxes get ticked: information silos, emotional manipulation, charismatic leaders and their failed prophecies. But there is never a single explanation and the activities within these groups are diverse. It was dangerous for antivax parents to open mask-free homeschool spaces when the schools had to shut down. But the reason for the school was the outer layer on what it felt like to be in the school, or teach in it.
In researching an antivax parenting group on IG, I saw they posted about their parties and playdates in politicized language. They were also parenting at the time, doing all the things that parents do. Shooting criticism into that space will feel like an intimate attack.
There was a lot of disgust at the Convoy crowd for partying on Parliament Hill. But pissing on snow while rave music throbs can signify bonds that may outlast any incoherent ideology. Which is why the same group will cycle through different ideas. The ideas may be fragile.
The most dangerous bonds are locked in with fascist hatred and must be resisted. But most participants are not leaders, and not monetized. Many of the yoga and wellness people I interviewed had no idea how toxic the views of the leaders were. But they did feel they had friends. 
These groups are diagonalist, distrusting all power structures, including (maybe most of all) an interpretive power structure that would discredit their views without knowing or valuing their relationships. 
The truckers hated Trudeau’s position on vaccines and fossil fuels, but they may have hated more what they saw as his smug privilege and mastery of national hypocrisies. He stands outside and above their society and friend circles, like Clinton using the word “deplorable.”
There’s an amazing passage in Naomi Klein's Doppelganger where she basically asks Why should we be shocked that after decades of neoliberal cruelty and individualism, people will say Fuck you to the “elites” who are suddenly asking them to act like we’re a society after all?
I think this problem scales further, with different political valances, up to broader critiques of religion from rationalists/skeptics, where the target is low-hanging fruit: crazy shit people believe. The collateral damage is usually a neglect of social desires and needs. 
Currently there’s this question floating around about how so many former members of rationalist and skeptic movements, and IDW influencers, slid rightward and conspiratorial in their politics. Many answers there, including: “They might have always been like that.” But one answer is that when Hitchens guts Mother Teresa like a fish, there’s schadenfreude, but no more clarity around the diverse reasons for what people experienced when they gathered around her. The charismatic religious is taken down by the charismatic debunker.
And what is left over, aside from lonely smug men? Are people forming real communities of solidarity and resilience through Sam Harris’s meditation app, or in Bill Maher’s garage? Is there a single pro-community initiative that has emerged from this commentariat?
If not, could this be because they never really took an interest in the day-to-day lives or shared needs of the people whose ideas and beliefs they preferred to snigger at?
I’m not debunking all debunking here because we’re all doing what we can. But I am advocating for a more social and anthropological approach, an approach that offers more than “follow the science” or “develop critical thinking,” or anything else that implies stupidity among people who need friends and meaningful work. We all guffawed when Ron Watkins, pretty much caught out as Q, gave up on the LARP by saying “Maybe QAnon was all about the friends we made on the way.” It was a POS statement for a POS dude to make.
But he wasn't all wrong. That’s the thing about grifters. They exploit a social vacuum progressives often think they can fill with irony. They wrap their followers in flags or ideas, but in that huddle there are real connections that have to be understood and not dismissed.
This is very relevant when dealing with cults on all sides of the political spectrum.
Most young people are wrapped in colorful flags and anti-scientific homophobic ideas pushed by big industries. But they also find community through those flags and ideas. No young person wants to be outcast by their peers.
And then there's the people who deny climate science and oppose catastrophe mitigation policies. These people also find a powerful form of community. They are uniting through a shared relationship to the land. The relationship they all share with the land is toxic and misinformed. But uniting over your shared perspective and feelings about land is powerful. Human-land relationships are neglected by modern neoliberal society. But solastalgia is now causing everyone to reach desperately for that human-land connection. And we're all coming up with different perspectives on land and forming social groups around those perspectives.
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mandapellie · 2 years
My Mind & Me
The thought “You’re not good enough” has echoed in my mind for years and I’m not sure who said it to me first, myself or a family member. As a tween/teenager I went through some hard times, and I wasn’t the best at mentally handling those situations. The more I went through, the more depressed I would become. I hoped my depression would go away or at least get better as I got older, but today even still, depression finds me and has latched on to me like a leech.  
I think about depression like this: all my negative thoughts, emotions, feelings and things I’ve gone through- I have compressed them all into a tiny box, like a pandora’s box just waiting to escape. When I’m feeling good, I’m good, but when depression hits, the remnants of what is inside that tiny, compressed box leaks outside of mind and into my depressive state I go. Sometimes, nothing triggers my depression and other times, someone can say something to me that reminds me of my childhood or says something that triggers my self-worth. On the topic of self-worth and self-love, I have come a long and profound way. I’ve shown the world, on Tiktok, that body positivity is something to be proud of and I’m not ashamed of it. I even go as far to tell people they also can move past their own insecurities like I’m some kind of influencer! My body has always been my biggest insecurity, probably because my biological father’s family made nasty comments about it. As time has gone by and the older, I become, I really could care less what my body looks like anymore, but when depression is in town-well that’s null and void. When I'm in the thick of it, I try to remember things that help me out of this state, but it just feels like I’m grasping at straws to fill in the void of what is missing. Even though there is nothing missing from my life. The Funny thing about depression, it has no rhyme or reason for it. It can be unpredictable and honestly it is fucking annoying.  
I’m currently gazing out the window searching for something that isn’t out there, a sign maybe? A sign that I will wake up tomorrow and be out of this depressive roller-coaster ride I’m on. Therapy seems like the logical next step, but I know me. I know I’ll brush it off and say “I’m fine, I don’t need it” when deep down, maybe it could help me. Shit maybe that’s my answer, but again, I know myself better. I would rather everyone else around me be okay than myself. I’m no Mother Teresa, but I do try to make sure the people around me are okay. I’ve learned to put myself last, probably because of my mom, now she is the next Mother Teresa. She would give the shirt off her back just because that’s who she is. She could be in the desert and have one last sip of water and give it to someone else in need. She’s selfless that way. Gazing out the window again but this time, my eyes are swelled up with tears thinking about my mother. She deserves the world. I remember when I was little, not so little but maybe like ten years old or so, we went to the mall and there was this beautiful store with fancy shimmery figurines. I wanted to buy something for my mom so badly, I started to tear up and I was overcome with emotion, because my mom deserved something so exquisite and fancy, but I couldn’t give it to her. She deserves the world. I want to make certain no one interoperates this part incorrectly; I don’t blame my mom for anything, hell her selflessness is one of my favorite qualities about her. My purpose of adding my mom into this part of my story is to showcase where I learned how to be selfless. Again, I'm not on her level of super selfless, but I do try. Okay back to depression, I know I almost forgot too! Depression is like a rollercoaster of emotions, one minute you’re feeling normal and the next you’re on the verge of crying yourself to sleep. This next part talks about attempting suicide, terribly and perhaps comically, but attempting suicide, nevertheless. Three times I’ve attempted to unalive myself. The first time was with pain medication, nothing major just the classic over the counter generic version of Tylenol. I took about nine pills, it did absolutely nothing to me. The next time, there’s no safe way to say “I tried to slit my wrists” so there it is. Because I wasn’t absolutely certain I wanted to die, I didn’t use a knife; I used a staple strip and grazed it repeatedly on my wrists until I saw blood. I basically gave myself the equivalent of a paper cut on my wrist. Again, it did nothing to me, except I had to wear thick bracelets until they healed. The third and last time I tried to unlive myself was by drowning. Again, because I wasn’t absolutely certain I wanted to leave this world; I did this in the bathtub. I basically held my breath until I couldn’t hold it anymore, I tried to hold myself down, but popped right back up like a ball in water. Nothing happened to me except I learned I could only hold my breath for about 45 seconds without needing to come up for air. Which is kind of shitty when you consider yourself a good swimmer and all you can do is hold your breath for a measly 45 seconds.
Gazing out the window again, it’s now getting dark now, but I feel a sense of relief in this moment. Typing my thoughts into words that I now can edit and reread is therapeutic for me. Depression will always be a part of me, but it’s up to me how I respond to it. Depression made me do stupid and idiotic things when I was a tween/teenager. From cutting myself, to my three attempts, I’m so glad I’m still here.  
I wouldn’t have my daughter, who I love with every single fiber of my being. I wouldn’t be married to the man I have loved since I was thirteen years old. I wouldn’t have my mom who literally gave me life and made so many sacrifices that I have just begun to understand. I wouldn’t have seen my mom find her soulmate in my stepdad or have been able to call him my dad. I would have missed my grandma, who opened her home to me so I could go to a better school or had gone on our first trip to Aruba together. I would have missed my uncle being so proud of me for graduating from the same high school he went to and him finding his love who was up the street from him. I would have missed my cousin turning twenty-one years old and having our first drinks together as a family and then her graduating from her associate degree. I would have missed my youngest cousin turning eighteen years old and graduating high school. I would have missed my aunt’s beautiful wedding and marrying the “best damn uncle” who treats her like the queen she is.  I would have missed my step-dads parents and family become my family. I would have missed all of this.
Decisions, especially feelings of sadness, depression, or worthlessness; should never be made on these temporary emotions. Give yourself permission to feel those emotions, but don’t stay there. Give yourself permission to experiment with how to cope with your emotions. If therapy isn’t for you try to; Sing, dance, exercise, read, write, call or message friends or family; Anything that keeps you here. Remember depression is a temporary state of mind and the rollercoaster will stop soon, so throw your arms up and enjoy the ride.   xo Amanda  
Call or text 9-8-8 the mental health hotline  
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pathsofoak · 2 years
The Night Winds: WIP Excerpt
Context: Newt had an issue where a sound bothered him so much Minho had to keep his ears covered. Teresa didn't know how to fix it, Minho got really angry and hit her, letting go of Newt in the process, which hurt Newt.
Double context: Newt is still sick with the Flare, just not contagious, and also as far as everyone knows, still dying. Teresa ended up with them because she's the only one with the skill set to take care of Newt. And also because she's done with WCKD but no one really believes that yet.
Anyway, Minho ends up saying a few things to the others he didn't mean to say out loud...
“Congrats, you pissed Vince off,” Gally muttered.
“Seriously?” Minho snapped. “Is everyone just going to act like she didn’t have that coming?”
“Oh, she did,” Gally said, “nice punch, by the way. Next time maybe wait until Newt’s out of trouble?”
“Right,” Minho said sarcastically, “I completely forgot about that, I’ll be sure to make a note of it.” He kicked off his shoes and lied down. He tried not to look out the back window, where Teresa tried to fix the cut on her own hand. “It was just a lot all at once, all right? It won’t happen again. Newt, I mean.” He glanced over at him. He hadn’t fallen asleep yet, judging by the way he gripped his headphones, but his eyes were closed as he leaned against Frypan’s chest.
Chuck leaned on his toes to look out the back window from where he stood. “You think she’ll be okay?”
“She’ll be fine,” Brenda said. She sat on the passenger’s seat, fiddling with the little silver box she kept around. “And Vince is just pissed because whatever plan he and Jorge keep going on about isn’t one they agree on. She just froze, it happens when everyone’s yelling at you.”
Minho sat up. “Yeah, I’d know, WCKD’s guards don’t like it happening to innocent kids either. I think the lack of sleep is getting to you. It would be nice if people stopped acting like I can’t be pissed at her.”
“Everyone’s pissed at her,” Frypan said. “You’re not. You’re scared.” He held his hand up before Minho could say anything. “Thomas isn’t that stupid, he trusted her to be alone with us for a reason. She can’t hurt you.”
Now all the eyes were on him. “No, she’ll just call whoever can.” He lied back down and turned away. “And I’m not scared, thank you very much, I’m a Runner.”
“All Runners get scared,” Gally said softly. “You taught me that.”
“Fine, Keeper, then.” He could feel Frypan give him a look.
“I don’t care what happens to her,” Frypan said, “I really don’t, but if you don’t tell anyone what the nightmares are about, or every time you wake up mumbling to yourself, it won’t go away.”
“You know what, Fry, why don’t you take your own advice for once,” Minho snapped, “because you’re hanging on by a thinner thread than I am.”
Gally came up for him. “That’s not—”
“Stop it,” Minho hissed. “No one else is going around putting all their issues on the table.” He looked at Gally. “You won’t trust the only people out there with the resources to help us.” He turned to Frypan. “You’re shivering in your sleep if you sleep at night, like you’re a Greenie fresh out the Box.” He turned back around and glared at Brenda. “Something’s wrong with you and you keep acting like no one notices you only pretend to sleep. Honestly I don’t get how you’re still standing.” He turned to Chuck. “You have a brother, a real brother. You cry at Alby’s for nights about wanting your family back, now you have it, and you won’t even look at him. You do realize you’re the only one who’ll ever get that chance, right?”
He regretted those words as soon as he said them, but he’d gone too far to scramble back. “Honestly the only person not hiding what the fuck is wrong with them is Newt, and that’s because he can’t, he’s dying.”
“We know, it’s kinda obvious,” Gally said quietly. “Thanks for the reminder.”
The camper went quiet. Chuck yanked a sweater from the drawers and climbed into the bunk. Minho heard his breath hitch up there.
He didn’t dare lie and say he didn’t mean what he said. He didn’t mean to say it, though.
“She can say she’s done with WCKD all she wants, even if that’s true that doesn’t mean I have to be buddies with her all of a sudden.” He stared at the outer wall of the camper. Gally and Frypan didn’t say another word. Chuck got quiet again above them.
Minho lowered his voice. “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” Frypan said tensely.
Brenda just glared at him and climbed up to the bunk, after Chuck.
“For the record,” Gally said in a cutting tone, “Vince and Justin are probably the only ones pissed you hit her, we’re pissed hitting her got more important than Newt’s life. No one’s making peace with her anytime soon.”
He knew that. Extra stress ate at the very little amount of time Newt had left, and Minho just heightened it the second he started yelling at her. He took a breath and rubbed his face. “I didn’t mean for that to happen, I wasn’t thinking, I’m sorry.”
“No, I know.” Gally pulled at his shoulder to make him look at him. Behind him, Frypan turned away. Gally pointed up to the bunk with his gaze. “I wasn’t either. And innocent people got caught in the middle.”
“That’s not the s—”
“Trust me, Minho, in the moment it was, it certainly felt like it.” He plucked his nose and lied down next to Newt and Frypan. “Good night.”
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nicksreggies · 4 years
Willex and Nickinald doubt date? Do tell
i shall
okay so my lovely friend jack, @pamesjatterson and i already talked abt this but i feel the need to make a list of hcs now because that’s what i do (this is an alive!au bc i said so)
-they go to a drive-in
- it’s the summertime and julie and the phantoms had a gig earlier that day so needless to say alex and reggie are wiped
- they fall asleep as soon as the movie starts
- the feature film maze runner because i have recently re-fallen down that particular hellhole (spoilers for the tmr trilogy below)
- willie and nick give full commentary the entire time, such as ���there’s no way that british dude is straight” and “teresa is so useless, when does she die”
- reggie wakes up during ben’s banishment and immediately buries his face into nick’s neck because Scary
- willie drinks like five cokes in a row and has to use the bathroom
- alex sleeps all until chuck’s d*ath, and the whole time willie is just. smiling at him. and kissing his fingers. and being in love.
- nick scoffs at him but then he turns around and plays with reggie’s hair so,,,,,
- they all cry when chuck dies (reggie cries the hardest)
- he cries for like ten minutes until nick gives him a box of sour patch kids (reggie would love em fight me)
- the movie theater just happens to be showing the whole series that night and willie’s already hyped up on caffiene, alex and reggie are wide awake, and nick’s somehow already become number one newtmas stan so they stay for the scorch trials
- they all hate janson/rat man immediately
- willie’s just “wow he reminds me of a certain uncle of mine” his uncle is caleb
- do you,,,,know that one scene,,,,,,,,,where thomas knows wckd found them and he’s losing his shit and newt gets real close in his face and says “what did you see” in a voice yea
- nick freaks out
- alex says “chill man it’s just a movie” but he’s also like  👀  👀  👀 
- when winston dies reggie cries
- alex gets terrified every jump scare and hides behind willie every time a crank shows up on screen
- willie has alreay consumed ten coca-colas at this point
- they all hate teresa and it gets worse when minho is captured
- the four agree to stay for the showing of the death cure
- the innocent children they are, they think the movie will end in happiness and peace and love and a dead teresa (i mean it does but-)
- when minho’s not on the train willie is genuinely so shocked
- nick rambles about the happy newtmas they will surely be getting at the end of the film, my sweet summer child
- reggie’s favorite character is frypan and he won’t shut up about it
- reggie: “i just think that fry cooked for them all and now he’s agreeing to go on a suicide mission, he deserves more appreciation”
his boyfriend, just trying to watch a movie: “that’s sweet darlin’ but they’re getting attacked by zombies”
- teresa shows up on screen and willie throws an empty coke can at her
- except nick is in the way so it kinda just,,, ricochets off of him
- he says “ouch dude what the heck” and willie looks away and doesn’t say anything
- gally shows up again and they all collectively lose their minds, which earns them many a glare from the elderly couple in the car over
- it happens again when newt dies except with a lot more tears and insisting “but they were in love”s from nick
-  they’re all extremely uncomfortable when thomas and brenda flirt
- surprisingly, willie is the only one who cries during the reading of The Letter
- they leave the drive-in tired but content
also reggie is totally wearing nick’s hoodie the whole time
anyways off to write a fic based off this 
im joking maybe later i vv much need sleep
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pieces-by-me · 4 years
True and Upholding
Tumblr media
Words: 3683
Summary: Thomas deals with a mystery he can't solve, even though he really needs to.
Warnings: mention of blood, nightmares. Some angst in there. English is not my first language. 
Thomas had to hand it to the Scorch. The night sky was beautiful. Clear dark blue hues stretched over the whole horizon, not one cloud could be seen. Which also meant that he could see thousands of stars and constellations. He never imagined that he would be able to see so many stars at once, at least he couldn't remember if he ever saw so many.
He cherished these small moment of calmness. A moment to breath, sit and think instead of running for his life. The life he could remember was short. Sure he stung himself, back in the Glade, to remember the time before he went up in the box but other than him working for WICKED and helping them torment his friends, his family, nothing new and of importance came back. He couldn't remember his mother, the person who brought him into this life. All he gets when he desperately tries to come up with something he vaguely sees brown eyes, nothing more. His own mother was lost in his mind. He couldn't remember if he had siblings. He could have a brother that was still trapped within WICKED and used as a lap rat. He could have a sister that would run around in the same Scorch he sits and slowly turn into a Crank. Loosing her mind with every second that passed. Or he could simply have none. He did not know.
Sometimes he hated not knowing. He hated that he could not remember a single good moment before the Glade. He hated WICKED for taking his memories and worse of all he hated himself for working with them. How could he have done that? How could he have supported them? If you could trust Jansons words, which you normally couldn't, he didn't just work for them he worked with them and planed the Maze from the beginning. He put his friends, the people he would give his life to, through so much pain and misery that he wanted to throw up just by the thought of it. How was that possible that he himself was behind his own misery. That he himself was the reason so many of his friends morned the people they lost over the last three years.
Maybe it was better that he didn't know everything he'd done back with WICKED. It couldn't eat him up more than it already did when he thought about his past. It would kill him to know what he did exactly. And even though he hated himself for his past self, he couldn't forget the words Newt told him back in the Glade. That the people they were before the Glade didn't exist anymore. Those words gave him hope and will to become better this time. To help his friends escape the hands of WICKED. Who knows if there really was a cure to the Flare? The world was fucked and irreparable anyway.
Before his thoughts turned even darker he looked at each of his friends.
Minho laid with his head in the crook of his own elbow. His left eyebrow would twitch and his eyes would move under the lid. It was obvious that the former Runner was having a non so pleasant dream. The jerking of his left foot looked like a dog that was running when it dreamt. Maybe he even dreamed about the Maze and him being back there. But who could blame him.
Frypan was laying on his stomach and silently snoring. Drool would drop from his left corner of his mouth. Thomas thought that he probably dreamed of his favorite bacon and it made him smile just a little.
When his eyes went over Newts sleeping form Thomas's eyes stuck to his friends leg. The one that would always drag a little behind the other. He still did't know why Newt had a limb but he knew it was because of something tragic. Otherwise people would have talked about it or made a friendly joke like they would do about Frypans burnt pancakes. But every time another saw Newt struggling just a little with his leg their eyes would turn sad. Newt never accepted help and even though it made Thomas angry sometimes he could understand his friend.
His eyes stopped on the small ball of brown fabric that was on the other side of his friends. Everyone laid closer together to share heat between another but not for them. (Y/N) was not one of the Gladers. They met her together with Aris when they first came to the small compound of WICKED. Sitting together at a table only for their own. Aris told Thomas, when they were crawling through the vents, that they were the only once left. All the others from Group B were taken through the doors to be strung up as medicine source.
Ever since they all escaped WICKED Y/N was like a shadow to Aris. Never letting him out of her sight. Never being away from him more then three feet. When they would wake up her eyes would find his figure first to make sure he's still there.
She would't talk much. Not interested in exchanging stories of her maze or how they lived there. The Group would only hear her when she talked quietly to Aris. Newt thought she was just shy. Minho thought she could be dumb and simply not know how to talk. That got him a whack over the head from Teresa. “She can talk, idiot. She just doesn't want to” Silently overhearing the whole thing Y/N let the smallest of smiles slip on her lips when Minho made small huffing noises and complains over his now hurting head. While she thought no one saw Thomas did and he couldn't take his eyes from the small token of emotions that appeared on her face.
She was like a mystery to him. A mystery he desperately wanted to solve. Why? He didn't even know himself. They met literally a couple of days ago. She wouldn't share any information about her live or herself and all the things he knew he got from Aris. Who, if you would be honest, wasn't really a big help. He only knew her like four weeks longer then Thomas knew them. One thing he was for certain was that she was very protective. No one could come near Aris if she didn't let them. In the old mall she almost threw herself in front of one of the cranks to save him and almost got a heart attack when he dove towards one to break their knee with his metal bat. She would protect him and Thomas thought it was because they were both from Group B. They only had each other and their memories of their fallen friends. He understood that. He was also very protective over his friends.
“You're staring at her again.”
The voice that whispered near Thomas's ear might have been screaming it scared him so much. Turning his head with the speed of a lightning he saw Aris close to him. A little smirk grew on the younger boys face.
“I was not staring”
“Yeah you were, we both know it. And it's not the first time I caught you”
Well Thomas couldn't really deny that. Aris had caught him a couple of times and always with that stupid smirk on his face.
“Why are you always staring at her when you drift of into your own thoughts?”
“I really don't know Aris.”
Both of them were now looking at Y/N, still sound asleep. Neither one said anything for a while. Thomas was kinda glad that Aris too was awake. Come to think of it.
“Why are you awake Aris? It's not your turn for watch yet.”
The boy hiding under his hood let out a sigh that was almost shaking, but not from the cold.
“Nightmare.” Was all he answered for a time. And Thomas gave him all the time he needed. He knew or rather had an idea what kind of nightmares crawled inside the boys head.
“You want to talk about it?” His voice turned to a softness he rarely used anymore.
“We were back in our Maze. Y/N was walking me around the grounds when there was this scream. It was like nothing I ever heard before. The girl screaming sounded like she wanted to rip her own throat out.”
A sense of deja vu crawled over Thomas's skin. It sounded exactly like when he walked his first steps in the Glade and Ben screamed bloody murder. “She was stung right?”
Aris threw him a look. For a short moment forgetting that Thomas and the other boys he traveled through the scorch with had all similar experiences with their own maze.
“Yeah.... She didn't make it though. Normally they all do but with her it was just something wrong. Like her body just didn't want to be saved by the serum. She bled form everywhere. Her eyes, her ears, her nose. She even clawed at her own skin, like she wanted to escape from her own body. There was so much blood.”
Aris's voice grew more quiet with every word he said. His eyes slowly zoning on Y/N again. Like she could somehow ground him.
Thomas was shocked. He only knew that when you got stung, you get the serum and it changes you. You would be different but at least still alive. Has anyone from his maze experienced the same? He didn't even know what to say to that. But he didn't have to come up with something because Aris started talking again. Eyes still pointed on Y/N's sleeping form.
“I don't even know how the other girls felt. Rachel...” His voice broke from saying the name of a girl he couldn't save “..Rachel cried the whole day. I think the girls name was Leena. One of the Runners as you would call them. Everyone was shocked after that. Not even Harriet was ok that day. But Y/N somehow got them all back together. She gave them little things to do so everyone would get back to their work. She was also the one who dug up the grave for Leena. I helped her put the body in. I mean I didn't know the girl that died so it didn't take a tole on me than the other girls in the maze. So I figured I could help at least a little bit. When we were digging the grave she didn't say a single word to me. Just grunting when I made a mistake.”
Aris turned turned to Thomas with a little bit of a smile. It was strange seeing the distraught boy show any kind of positive emotion. “Come to think of it when you dig a grave you would think it will be easy. But no. Y/N made sure it was perfect. Directly under a tree where the sun would slowly gleam through the leafs. It was Leena's favorite place to rest after a stressful day. And then, when we were done, she sat down by the grave and cried. I did't know what to do so I just sat next to her and held her. She said 'Thank you' and left. After that we become closer than before. I mean you kinda do when you bury a body together.” It was supposed to be a little joke, but the reality made it bitter. “That was it. That was my nightmare.”
The small wind that picked up sand took Aris's words with it. What the hell were you supposed to answer to that? Thomas didn't know so the quiet spread wider the longer he thought about something to say. He looked over to the younger boy and saw that his eyes were once again trained on Y/N. She had turned in her sleep and was now facing the boys. Her features calm and peaceful. Not plagued with worry or fear. That was a facial feature that was typically found on her face.
Worry for her friend. Worry for the situation they were all in. Fear of never ending hopelessness. Fear of never finding this so called 'Save Haven' and always being on the run. Fear of ending up like Rachel or all the other girls that didn't make it. You could see it on her face. She was not one for masking it. She showed everyone what she though. A fact that made her even more intriguing to Thomas than what he already felt for the girl across from him. He admired the fact that she was true to herself and her feelings and that she wouldn't let anyone take them away. He found it out himself when they first met that she was not one for taking orders from people she didn't know or trust. And he and his friends were exactly that. Aris only told and showed him everything he knew about WICKED when she gave the ok. And Aris said it was always like it. Even back in the maze where she wasn't even the leader. That was Harriet. But she was their guidance.
Someone to talk to when you felt like shit. Someone who would give you advice if you asked. Someone caring in a world where you faced death almost every day. Someone that would do anything to make sure you were ok. She was that person to Group B. And as Thomas's gaze left her form for a second and landed on the sleeping boy closest to him, the one that was the first person to utter nice and encouraging words to him, he figured that Y/N and Newt took on the same role in the different mazes. They held everything together an never asked for something. They were the once that took care of everyone but would forget to take care of themselves in the process.
“The sun will not come up for a couple of hours Aris, why don't you try to sleep some more?” Thomas's thoughts brought him back to a place where he wanted to be alone again and Aris really needed some good sleep after his nightmare so Thomas thought: two birds with one stone.
“Yeah. Maybe that's a good idea. You ok sitting here alone? Not going to ogle on a certain someone?” There was a smirk on Aris's face again and Thomas was glad that after their not so pleasant conversation the boy could still tease him.
“Yeah I'm definitely capable of looking over a bunch of smelly boys while they sleep.” His smirk was matching Aris and after a non verbal good night nod he went back to his previous place and shut his eyes. Hoping that this time hes not plagued with dreams of dying girls.
The rest of the short night was uneventful. No one woke up, no one had anther nightmare and for once the Gladeres were well rested. Well as well rested as you could be while sleeping on sand with nothing to help keep the wind away. They all had small portions of food that they had brought with them. Water canteens where handed around and shared. And after thirty minutes of “breakfast”, and a small comment from Frypan how this was the worst breakfast he had ever seen, they packed up their things and made their way back to the mountains.
Words were few and far between because they all wanted to save their energy for walking. Here and there were murmurs from conversations of countless of meaningless things. Minoh and Newt walking together sometimes talking about their old home. Frypan whistling a song no one except him knew. Theresa and Aris walking without any contact to another person. Thomas was about to make a full circle to see where the last one of their fellowship was when someone tapped on his left shoulder. Making him spin in that direction and coming face to face with the one that was missing.
God even her voice was mysterious and quiet. Small but without a doubt people would listen to anything she would say. He was kind of curious what she wanted from him. She was never the one that sought out talking to anyone but Aris.
“Hey, whats up?” Really that was his answer? He couldn't come up with something better?
“What you did last night was really kind of you.”
What did she mean by that? Thomas face must have portrayed his confusion because there was a small smile growing on Y/N face. One that he wanted to stay there.
“That you helped Aris with his nightmare and listened to him.” Her eyes landed on the boy that walked a couple of meters in front of them. Making sure that he was there and ok.
“You were awake?”
“Yeah, I heard him struggling to stand up and just as I wanted to call to him he went to you. After I knew he was ok with you I fell back asleep”
“Oh....how much did you hear?” His voice wobbled a little at the end.
“Well I heard Aris walking to you and telling you about his nightmare. Caught how he told you what happened to Leena.” She paused after that for a second. Pain and loss seeped into her eyes. As to not dwell on the sad topic she pulled the best, fake, believable smile on her face and with the next words she made Thomas's face red in seconds.
“I also heard that you sometimes stare at me.”
“Well..I- that's not...” He felt like his eyes bulged out of his scull. What do you respond to that? His face was stuck in an expression of shock and dread. How the hell can he answer to that without sounding like a creep or idiot. His fumbled attempt to save his dignity was interrupted by the most beautiful sound he ever heard.
Y/N was laughing. Actually laughing. He was sure that even the others were pausing and looking at her. Well at them more precise. Her holding her stomach a little and him looking like he'd seen crank on a unicycle. It was the surrealist sound he could have ever heard in the Scorch. Not because it was out of this world or anything, no.
Because Y/N laughing, here in this deep pit of sand, was just not fitting for the scene.
But, he never wanted her to stop.
It filled him with longing for something he couldn't tell. Something warm and pure. Something whole and save. True and upholding. Something you didn't find in the Scorch.
In the short minutes her joyous sound filled the air all seemed right. Thomas looked at her again and couldn't help but laugh as well.
After a few breathers Y/N caught herself and with slightly red cheeks she turned to the boy.
“Don't worry Thomas, I sometimes stare at you too.”
WHAT? She couldn't mean it like he thought and does himself right?
“I mean we are basically all strangers, being literally thrown into a huge litter box of shit and then fighting for our lives again. It's normal to be paranoid and keeping an eye on one another. Making sure no one does something wrong”
'Oh, she did it out of distrust.' Thomas couldn't really blame her. He knew what she went through, hell he went through it himself and only for a month. She was stuck in her maze for only she knows how long. But she talked to him know. She must have seen something in him to open up even only a smidge. That was a start and he would take it.
“Well I originally wanted to talk to you because....I wanted to say thank you.”
A pause and their eyes met. Thomas could see only honesty in her and the warm feeling slowly made itself known again.
“For taking care of Aris and....and for taking us with you when we were all back at WICKED. I don't know what would have happened to Aris and I if you hadn't taken us with you. Even with all the paranoia and distrust you still did. So really.. thank you.”
He was at a loss of words. Again. The only thing he did was nod his head and letting out an almost breathy “sure”. With only a small smile on her lips, one that caught his eyes and made them stuck there for a moment longer then intended, she slowly made her took steppes away from him and made it back at the end of the group.
After processing what just happened he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Dude she talked to you and you totally made an idiot of yourself. Nice going. Next time try to use words not not catch flies with your mouth man.”
Minho, helpful as always. With his bantering words he friendly slapped Thomas on his shoulder and went back next to Frypan. 'You would look even more ridiculous with your hair sticking up in all directions.' But his buff friend was right with one thing. He really needed to use his words next time and not make himself look like a fool.
Next time he would do it. He would talk to her like a normal human being and not blabber like a six year old. He would discover more from her past, well the things she's willing to share with him, and get to know her better. Somehow he truly needed to know her. Or know her again? All this thinking made his head a bit woozy. But then again that could be the heat and dehydration.
But one thing was for curtain. Tonight he would make a plan so he could talk to her again. He would lay under the stars, watching over his friends, hoping that the memory of her laughter would lull him to a peaceful sleep.
Let me know if you guys liked it and I hope you all have an amazing day/night ✨
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Once Bitten, Twice Shy - Chapter 1 - The Maze Runner Newt Fic
Request from Anonymous: Hello!! I was wondering if you could do a Newt (TMR) imagine where the read and Newt have been dating for awhile and a new shebean comes (other than Teresa) and then Newt secretly cheats on the reader with the new shebean but all the other graders know and try to tell the reader but the reader refuses to listen, she later finds out and then it just becomes SUPER deep and sad from there. Please and thank you xx
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |  Chapter 5
Once Bitten, Twice Shy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Author’s Note: Alright, so I got a little carried away and made it a whole fic. Whoopsie. Thanks for reading! :)
Word Count: 3.2k
A drop of sweat trickled down your neck to your spine as you waited for the Box to rise. Newt was to your left, standing tall, staring down at the elevator. He had a hand on the small of your back. It was a little gesture, something he’d done without thinking when you’d walked over to him.
Your lips quirked into a small smile. You took a step closer to Newt, and he responded by gently pulling you to his side. A breeze ruffled his sandy hair and cooled your hot skin. Newt grinned and said, “Promise you won’t fall for the Greenie in there?” His accent played like music over his words.
“Only if you promise, too.”
Newt laughed and squeezed your waist. “I promise.”
You raised your hand, biting back a smirk. “Pinky promise?” You wagged your pinky in his face.
“Of course, love,” he said, tone bordering between teasing and serious. 
The two of you interlocked pinkies. He looked at you, his soft brown eyes making your heart flutter. The Box screeched to a halt in the background. 
“I promise,” you said. You pecked his pinky, then pulled away, all smiles. Newt’s attention stayed on you, a goofy, blissful grin on his lips.
“It’s a girl!” someone shouted.
Newt’s gaze shot to the Box. 
You turned too. In the Box, standing amongst barrels of water and crates of building supplies, was a girl. As the sunlight hit her, she shrank into a corner, wrapping her arms around herself. Her long auburn hair was draped around her shoulders like a shawl, visible even in the shadows.
No one said anything for a moment, just let the bugs sing in their trees, let the wind blow, let the Box creak. Then Newt approached the edge. “Welcome to the Glade,” he said.
The girl’s head swiveled from side to side as she took in all of the people surrounding the Box.
“Everyone, back up!” Newt called.
There was a shuffling of footsteps, but the boys hardly moved. They wanted to see her.
You felt your back stiffen. You could remember being in her position. You could remember waking up with no memories, not even of your name, and being surrounded by strangers. Male strangers.
You joined Newt at the edge, letting the girl see you, assess you, before you jumped down into the Box. She immediately cringed away, her back pressed to the wall. You raised your hands.
“Welcome to the Glade,” you said, repeating Newt’s words. “I’m Y/N. Do you remember your name?”
She looked at you with large, scared green eyes. Freckles danced across her cheeks. She shook her head.
“That’s okay. Most of us didn’t when we got here. Let’s get out and then we can explain.” You tried to keep your tone light and helpful, side-stepping the inevitable questions for a few moments.
The girl nodded. She cleared her throat. “Okay.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but it didn’t waver.
Nodding, you walked with her to the side of the Box. You helped boost her up at the wall. Above, Newt and another boy grabbed her arms and pulled her over the edge. Gally reached a hand down for you.
Newt was already introducing himself when you got out. The girl’s eyes darted from his face to the other boys to the walls. She had her arms wrapped around herself again, maybe hoping that if she squeezed herself tight enough, she’d wake up and find that all of this was a dream.
You went to Newt’s side.
“Y/N and I will give you the tour.” Newt looked to you for confirmation.
You nodded. You gave the girl a small, friendly smile. “We’ll show you the gardens first. They’re a lot calmer than this.” Around you, the boys had begun talking, jostling, laughing. Each yell made the girl flinch.
The three of you began walking, you and Newt on either side of the girl, but not before Newt grabbed a boy and told him to tell Alby about the new Greenie.
“Who’s Alby?” the girl asked. “What’s a Greenie?” She was speaking louder now, almost at a normal level, as you all left the crowd behind.
“Alby’s the leader of the Glade,” Newt said.
“You’re not the leader?” she asked. “I would’ve thought...” she trailed off. “I don’t know.”
A small, almost embarrassed smile tugged at Newt’s lips.
You laughed. “I thought that too when I first got here. He’s second-in-command.” Your eyes traced over Newt, studying your boyfriend. It had to be the way he carried himself. Even walking with a limp, he seemed like someone who knew what he was doing and who would help people who couldn’t figure it out. Your heart swelled, a mixture of happiness, pride, and love fueling it.
The Greenie nodded, and you saw she was also staring at Newt. He looked up and they met eyes.
“What was your other question?” 
At the sound of your voice, the girl’s attention turned to you.
“You wanted to know what a Greenie is, right?” you asked. She nodded. “Well. It’s you. You’re a Greenie. You’re the new kid.”
She mulled that over for a few seconds. “I don’t think I like that too much.”
Newt laughed. “You’re gonna have to get used to it until someone else comes up, Greenie.”
“At least, until you remember your name.” You stopped as you said that, standing at the edge of the garden. A few boys milled among the rows of vegetables, pulling up a weed here, harvesting a tomato there. The air was heavy with heat. It felt like a warm blanket wrapped around your shoulders. You wanted to snuggle into it and smell the fresh dirt around you.
The girl made a noise. A surprised cough, or maybe a strangled yelp. Then, under her breath, she whispered something.
“What was that, love?” Newt asked, leaning toward her.
“Margaret,” she repeated. She said it again, “Margaret.” Lifting her head, meeting the plants with a steady stare, she said, “That’s my name.”
You smiled and tried to meet Newt’s eyes. He wore a broad grin. He stared at Margaret.
The next few days were a busy blur. You and Minho had a few close calls in the Maze, getting back with less time than you were comfortable with before the doors closed. And, even if the running was hard and the Maze was the same, you’d have to go back and map it all out, and see that it was a repeat from a previous day in the Maze, and put the map with all of the others, and then finally get some food and get some sleep and hope that tomorrow would be better.
It wouldn’t be as bad if Newt wasn’t also busy. He’d come to your room late. The two of you would fall asleep, tangled in each other’s arms and legs. And then you’d have to leave early the next morning, with only a sleepy “Love you” to fuel your day.
Standing outside the Maze, waiting for the doors to open, Minho by your side, you wondered aloud if being a Runner was worth it.
Minho scoffed, bouncing on his toes. Nervous energy radiated from his body, subconsciously setting you on edge. The wall was beginning to rumble. “Of course it’s worth it.” He slipped through the crack, setting off at an easy pace. You followed. “We’re, like, the coolest people in here.” He sounded distracted.
“With competition like ‘Captain Gally,’“ you said, using air quotes, “that’s not too hard.”
Minho’s loud laugh filled the early morning air.
“It wasn’t that funny, Min,” you said when he still hadn’t stopped.
He cut his laugh off abruptly, sneaking a glance at you out of the corner of his eye. “Sorry.”  
You peered closely at him. His gait, normally smooth and confident, was a little different. Awkward. Uncertain.
You decided not to push it. Not this early. Not when all you could think about was the day ending and finally getting to be close to Newt again.
Minho cleared his throat as you two turned left. It was like he’d read your mind when he asked, “So, how are things going with Newt?”
“Good.” You couldn’t bite back your smile. 
“Yeah?” There it was again! There was something fake in his tone, something falsely cheerful.
“Yeah,” you stated. Your smile slipped into a frown. “Why?”
Minho began slowing as you approached the intersection where the two of you would split up. “Well...it’s just. I mean, I’ve been hearing some things...Don’t you think he’s spending a lot of time with Margaret?”
“He’s showing her around,” you said stiffly. Newt had spent a lot of time with you when you’d first arrived. It was normal. “She hasn’t stuck with a job yet. It’s his responsibility to help her.” The words coming out of your mouth were Newt’s, the ones he’d told you a few nights ago as you lay next to each other, muttering details about your days as you drifted off.
Minho was nearly at a walk. The intersection was straight ahead. “Y/N. I’ve just...I’ve heard.” He paused to take a deep breath. 
Coldness flooded your chest. You could hear your heart beating in your ears. Icy fingers of dread began clawing at your lungs, restricting them, squeezing them, making it hard to breathe. You sped up.
“I think he’s cheating on you, Y/N.”
You sprinted to the right. “I’ll see you at the doors, Minho.” You didn’t turn around as you yelled. You didn’t look to the sides at the ivy-covered walls. You didn’t look at the ground. You stared straight ahead and you did your job and you ignored the little part of you that thought maybe there was some truth to what Minho had said.
There couldn’t be.
You shut the idea down with each footstep, each pounding footfall that propelled you farther and farther. In your mind, you could see Newt standing at the edge of the Box, the sun shining behind him, on the day you’d arrived. His lean figure had screamed authority. Safety.
And yet, you’d run that day. You’d run from the Box and from the boys and from the fear. Minho had been the one to tackle you to the ground. He’d pinned you there until Newt caught up. Newt had explained the very basics of the Glade while your body was flat against the ground, and, after a few minutes, he’d offered his hand to pull you up and you’d accepted. 
You could still remember how your panicked mind had settled, just a little, as your hands briefly locked together like lost puzzles pieces. 
Newt had been the first one to make you smile in the Glade. You couldn’t even remember what he’d said, exactly, only that he was giving you the tour and he’d made a dumb joke, stumbling over his words and looking at you earnestly, hoping you hadn’t noticed. You did, and that’s what had made the joke funny. Not funny enough to get a full laugh, not when you’d just found out that you were the only girl trapped in an enclosed area with a group of strange boys. But enough for you to exhale a little more air through your nose and crack the smallest of smiles.
Newt was the one you’d gone to when you realized you were meant to be a Runner. You’d bounced between jobs, spending a few days feeding animals as a Slicer, bustling around the kitchen with Frypan as a Cook, and annoying Clint and Jeff in the Med-jack tent. You’d liked your time as a Builder, with the physical labor and the sun on your skin. Those were the same reasons you’d liked working as a Track-hoe, with the added bonus of spending more time with Newt. But something was missing in each job. You craved adventure, excitement, freedom. 
Newt hadn’t wanted you to do it. That was the first time you’d seen him angry. And afraid.
But Newt was still the one who’d convinced Minho to give you a shot after the two of you had had a deep conversation that bled from night into morning. You hadn’t just talked about the Maze. You’d talked about your hopes and your fears and your passions and your feelings. And, as the sun broke over the hammock you both lay in, you’d kissed.
Newt was the one you poured your heart out to. Newt was the one. He was always by your side.
You picked up the pace as your heart cracked against your ribs, reminding you with its steady beat Not - right - now. He’s - not - right - now. 
Right now, back in the Glade, he was probably with Margaret. 
You rounded a corner, going too fast, almost sliding on the stone floor.
They were probably in the garden.
A tangle of ivy caught on your arm and you ripped it off the wall as you sped past.
He was probably helping her weed the plants. You wondered if his hands were on hers, his hands that were supposed to be on you. You wondered if she liked his brown eyes as much as you did. You wondered if he was looking at her like he looked at you. Like he used to look at you.
You wouldn’t cry in the Maze. 
You wouldn’t cry. 
Because it wasn’t true.
Later that day, a map of your section of the Maze imprinted in your brain, you reached the doors with plenty of time to spare. You didn’t think you’d ever run at such a fast pace for so long. The only way to turn off your mind had been to go faster, to outrun every thought you had. You didn’t want to stop.
So you didn’t. You ran past the doors, where you were supposed to meet Minho, and headed directly for the Runner’s Hut. You heard Minho call your name as he emerged from the Maze. He trailed after you. You were already sitting down and drawing your section when he entered the hut.
“Can’t talk right now, Minho. I don’t want to forget anything.” You didn’t look at him. You were perched on the edge of your chair, ready to take flight as soon as you finished. Underneath the table, your legs were shaking. Sweat dried on your legs and your hands felt clammy.
You could feel Minho’s eyes on you. The silence in the hut was stifling. Pen flew over paper as you sketched a dead end.
You heard Minho clear his throat and you had just enough time to squeeze your eyes shut before he said, “I know it’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth, Y/N.”
You hated how his voice sounded, devoid of the teasing, playful lilt that was always present. It was always there, and now that it wasn’t, your heart was beating too fast and your palms were sweating and you finally managed to finish your drawing. You shot up, avoiding looking at Minho.
“I’ve gotta go,” you muttered.
You were trying to skirt around him to get to the door when he put a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N,” he said softly.
Something inside you snapped, and a wave of anger rushed through your limbs, a roaring fire inside your muscles that wanted you to push him away and sprint back into the Maze, where you could run and no one could find you.
Barely tempering your rage, you pulled away from Minho. “You don’t know anything!” you snarled. “Stop lying to me!”
A flash of hurt lit up Minho’s eyes. He was frowning, and his lips parted to say something, but you beat him to it. 
“Newt would never do that. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but if you say anything like that again, I’ll-” You cut yourself off. You’d what? You’d kick his ass? You’d leave him in the Maze? You’d tattle? “Just--Just leave me alone.” You spun around before he saw your eyes get wet with heavy tears.
You wouldn’t cry in the Glade. 
You wouldn’t cry.
Because it still wasn’t true.
By the time you reached the kitchen, your eyes were completely dry and you’d managed to plaster a fake smile on your face. Gladers passed you, some holding dinner, others merely chatting, and you exchanged pleasantries.
“Hey, Y/N, hot day in the Maze today?”
"Y/N, have you seen Newt? Or Clint?”
“Y/N, if you ever wanna help out as a Builder, we could use you.”
“Here, Y/N, have a sandwich.”
You didn’t really care what anyone had to say except for that last person.
You smiled at Frypan and accepted the plate. “Thanks. I’ve been looking forward to this for the past two hours.” You paused in front of him. “Have you seen Newt?”
The smile on his face faltered. Frypan shook his head. “No...Have you talked to Minho?”
You recoiled. What did he know? You saw Minho walking closer, stopping to talk to a group of boys, all of them looking over at you. Did everyone know? Even Chuck, who stared up at Minho like he was some kind of hero?
You felt eyes all over your skin. They were piercing. They were pitiful. They were wrong. You shoved the plate back into Frypan’s hands and turned around without another word. You took a wide arc around Minho’s group, giving all of them a hard glare when it looked like they might try to stop you.
Rage and insecurity coiled in your stomach. If Newt was more than enough for you, weren’t you also more than enough for him? Why did everyone think he’d leave you so easily? You’d hardly seen him the past few days, but that didn’t erase the weeks spent by each other’s sides. That didn’t erase the first time he’d looked in your eyes and said, “I love you,” and then kissed you like his life depended on it.
Your mind whirled, so you gave up trying to pick a destination to walk to and just let your feet go. They carried you over rocks and roots and into the woods, and they stopped to let you know that it was time to sit on the log in front of you. You complied. In the dwindling daylight, you stared at your knees and tried to breathe.
Minutes passed. Your thoughts melted away. Birds tweeted in the trees, the last calls of the day. Fireflies began to light up around you.
You needed answers. You needed to talk to Newt. With renewed purpose, you rose, ready to look through every poorly-made building in the Glade until you found him.
A stick cracked to your left. It was hard to see in the dark, especially with the leaves overhead and the thick tree trunks around you, but there was a flash of color among the blackness.
You crept closer. Your muscles tensed, ready to leap into fight or flight mode, depending on what was in the woods with you. Leaning around a tree, you saw red.
Red hair. 
And pressed against her body, holding her close, so close, too close, far too close, was Newt. And their lips were together and their bodies moved in rhythm and you gasped and they turned to look at you and your instincts went into overdrive and you ran away to the sound of Newt’s voice calling out for you.
You wouldn’t cry in the woods.
But you were crying.
Because it was true.
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If You Love Someone, Let Them Go: Part 3
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Summary: Since starting with SVU, Sonny hadn’t kept much terribly close to the chest. The squad knew about his family, growing up on Staten Island, the classes at Fordam. What was hidden was why he didn’t date. Sonny Carisi was also separated from his childhood sweetheart, a separation neither ever took to divorce. They had the same haunts. They’d grown up neighbors. Their paths crossed every few months, and divorce talks would turn into reminiscing would turn into a night spent together, sometimes sex sometimes just talking until the early morning. It always ended with one of them waking up alone however. How will that change when the squad finds out?
Pairings: Sonny Carisi x Original Character,
A/N: The babies. I’ve outlined like eight chapters at least, so I think this thing’s just going to go until I run out of steam. So here’s a third part already. 
Part 1 - Part 2
March 2014
“You sure you’ll be okay?” Teresa asked him for the hundredth time since he’d gotten to the church. He was just trying to tie his tie in peace, but there she was over his shoulder, just enough mimosas in her system to older sister him. 
“I can see Victoria. It’s Gina’s weddin’, T. I’m not an asshole. She’s a bridesmaid. I missed rehearsal, but apparently you paired us off to walk down the aisle. Real sensitive, by the way.”
“Don’t like cry or anything either. Or if you do, cry in the bathroom. And leave her alone during the reception. We’ve all been drinking already.”
“I can tell. Honestly, she’ll hate me if anything happens, okay? Last time I saw her I left in the morning.”
“Dominick Anthony Carisi, what the fuck did you just tell me?”
“I saw her in November. We talked. I went home with her. I realized I fundamentally fucked up and she needs better, so I panicked and took a cab home at three in the morning.”
“You mean to say you had the opportunity to make things better with Tori four months ago? And instead you royally fucked up again, and you still think you have the right to mope?”
“I don’t mope.”
“I was at Christmas. You twisted your ring on your finger for like twelve hours and cried in the bathroom when her favorite carol played. Either way, I’m checking in with her. You stay the fuck away from her, Sonny, unless you’re going to get your head out of your ass.”
“Don’t tell me what to do! We been married almost eight years!”
“You haven’t seen her but once since August. Don’t act like this is a perfect relationship. There’s not really one any more.” Just like that, Sonny was left with the groomsmen as Teresa pulled Victoria out of the bridal suite. He bounced on the balls of his feet now as he gelled his hair, not prepared to step out for pictures and actually see her again.
“You slept with Dom?” Teresa bit out, sparing no time.
“Several times?” she joked before sighing and crossing her arms as she realized that no one was going to drop it. “In November. He left. It’s fine. Proved me right.”
“I told him to leave you alone after the ceremony. I didn’t know or I wouldn’t have paired you off to walk together.”
“All the bridesmaids and groomsmen are married to or dating each other, Teresa. We can handle it. It’s what? Three minutes of walking. And who knows. Maybe I want to hang out with him.”
“And you tear up every time we’ve mentioned him the last year.”
“I can behave, okay? I put my marriage in a box and tucked it away for the day. I’ll step out if I gotta cry, but really I had enough mimosas, I can pretend everything is fine but not enough to cry or nothing.”
“Okay. I’m sorry he’s a dumbass.”
“I shouldn’t of taken him home any way. We’ll be fine. Stop being dramatic.” 
As if to prove Victoria’s point, Teresa rolled her eyes, following her back into the bridal suite. The general consensus in the family was that both of them needed to get their head out of their ass and tell each other what was happening, but neither was willing to. She didn’t know they’d already taken a chance to talk it out and ruined it. When it was time to take pictures, none of the sisters missed the way Sonny and Victoria refused to look at each other while waiting their turns. It seemed the toes of their shoes were far more interesting. 
Teresa also noticed both of them were wearing their rings, and for once, Victoria had both the band and engagement ring on, the first time since she’d left. All of his sisters had kept in touch with her, accepting the fact they needed to stop meddling for a while. No one was maid of honor or best man. Instead, all of the siblings and their partners made up the party. That meant Gianna Carisi had insisted each groomsmen and bridesmaid couple get pictures, and she refused to have a separation keep her from having pictures of Sonny and Victoria, even if she was furious at Victoria for hurting her son. 
“Our turn, Tor,” Sonny said, trying to lighten the mood. It was a delicate balance, knowing his sisters and mother were watching them so closely. 
“Pull her to you,” the photographer encouraged. “I hear you’ve been together a decade!” Suddenly, Victoria wanted the ground to swallow her up, and she wanted to know which Carisi had been talking like their relationship was doing well. Still, she followed Sonny’s lead when he took her hand and pulled her against him. His hand came to rest on the small of her back and her hand rested on his ribs, as natural as it had always been. Almost like they hadn’t been living separate lives for seven months. They smiled for the camera, and when Victoria dared to look up at him, she couldn’t help but give a genuine smile at being so close to him again. She was soon rewarded with his dimpled grin, and before her brain could stop her, she brushed the strand of his hair that had escaped the gel back into place.
“Thanks, doll,” he smiled softly, hating the moment they pulled away. It was time for Bella and Tommy, who was freshly paroled and fidgeting nervously. It felt safe to look at Victoria now, and he took her in, thankful for the dress his sister had picked for her. It was a deep green, with a sweetheart neck like her wedding dress had all those years ago. The bodice was pleated before it flowed down, and little sheer straps fell off her shoulder, fluttering around her bicep. She looked ethereal, and he loved the color on her fair skin with her red hair pinned up at the nape of her neck. She caught him staring, and he felt his cheeks flush. Their previous conversation didn’t bring either of them closure, but it got the painful stuff out of the way. He knew why she left. She felt like he’d proven her right. Maybe they could just enjoy the wedding, but together.
“You scrub up real nice, Sonny,” she said, moving to lean on the wall beside him.
“Apparently it was an elaborate ruse for ma to get pictures of us dressed up.”
“Now we got a picture like we’re married.”
“We still are.”
“We need to figure that out soon.”
“How about we just have fun today? Or are you gonna make me hang out with Tommy all day and all night?”
“Divorce talk tomorrow?”
“Deal,” he said, extending a hand that she shook gladly. The thought crossed his mind that the champagne the bridesmaids had been drinking and beers the groomsmen had may be what was taking the edge off now that they’d proven they wouldn’t break if they touched. That was what had worried him the most. He was afraid any touch would break the wall holding back the emotions of the past year. That it would set her off and he’d make her cry again. Instead, she could take his arm easily to walk down the aisle. It just made him remember their own wedding, and while neither would acknowledge it, they still loved each other. It was apparently easy to forget a separation and months of no communication when he thought about her walking to him down the aisle of the same church he’d attended growing up and his sister was now getting married in.
“I’m jealous you get flats.”  Her head came to rest on his shoulder, and he felt a contentedness he’d not felt in a long time return.
“You’re so much taller though,” he joked, pressing a kiss to her hair. 
“True. I can reach your shoulder.” She wanted to say they shouldn’t get so affectionate, but it felt like before he got distant. They were on a team, sectioned off from everyone else. 
“Normally, you’re right under my armpit. Bet this smells better.”
“Your armpit just smells like Old Spice.”
“Good to know it works. Just get through the ceremony. Kick off your shoes at the reception. Just like prom.”
“Promise to cover me? You know Ma will be after me to put them back on.”
“She’s so happy we’re being friendly that she won’t care.”
“Is it weird for you that they’re all trying to play therapist?”
“They know how much I miss you.”
“I miss you too.” Sonny beamed when she threw her arms around his torso.
“You ain’t drunk, are you Tor?”
“Two glasses of champagne. Relaxed, but sober. You?”
“Couple beers. In the same boat.” The last pictures were finished, and everyone was herded to the back of the church and pairing off. Sonny looked down at her with a smile, offering his arm happily. Victoria’s hand came to rest on his forearm, and she grinned up at him.
“You look too damn good in a tux.”
“I could say the same about you in that dress.”
“If all it was going to see you two happy again was for Gina to get married sooner, I’d have made her months ago,” Bella huffed, poking her brother’s back. 
“I’d have done it!” Gina laughed.
“They’ll be weird again next week,” Teresa said, and her husband squeezed her arm. The groom’s brother and his wife shared a look that told him they were still trying to figure out the best way to handle the Carisis, and it was also apparent they hadn’t thought that both Victoria and Sonny would show up and get along.
“Shut up, all of ya,” Sonny said, his free hand resting where Victoria’s sat on his forearm. “We’re walking soon.” Victoria gave him a grateful smile, and soon enough, they were making their way to their spots. They stole glances throughout the ceremony. They were thirteen and fifteen when Teresa got married, meaning their last memory of both being in front of a church like this was their own wedding ceremony, the one his mom helped them plan for their first wedding anniversary. Sonny just kept seeing her in that perfect dress, walking to him in the church they’d always gone to together. 
Where religion was not an important part of Victoria’s life, she believed in God, but not like Sonny did. She thought God was real, but uninvolved because she couldn’t reconcile him with the bad in the world. Sonny was devout and had reconciled his belief in an involved God with what he saw in his work. If there was one thing he was certain of, and had been since the first time he kissed her, it was that God had put him on this Earth for her and her on this Earth for him. Maybe that was why he couldn’t consider a divorce. It felt like a lie. When he talked to her tomorrow, he’d tell her the truth. Tell her how he shut down processing the homicides. Communicate. He took her arm again gladly as they walked down the aisle.
“Feels familiar, huh?” he teased. Every member of the Carisi family had gotten married here, their own church ceremony included. She nudged him playfully with her shoulder, grinning. 
“Long time ago. You got even hotter. Not fair.”
“I could say the same about you.” He waggled his brows, and she laughed, something little he’d missed a lot. She could imagine coming home to him again. Imagine him coming home to her. He was relaxed, laughing and joking like he hadn’t since things were good. Tightness came to her chest as she wondered if it was because she was gone he was doing better. She pushed the thought away, refusing to consider the possibility. Maybe he was happy because she was here. Gina had told them all to sit wherever they wanted at the tables designated for the bridal party, so Sonny settled close beside Victoria, arm slung easily around her shoulders. 
“The best part about no best man or maid of honor?” he murmured, leaning against her. “No speeches. Drinks, dances, garter, bouquet, party.”
“This party? Not ready for Dominick Carisi’s moves.”
“Please, Victoria Carisi? The true talent.” He squeezed her shoulders, kissing her temple. “Can I get you a drink?”
“That’d be amazing.”
“You goin’ gin and tonic or pinot?”
“You got it, tesoro.” Now it was really like she had Sonny back. He hadn’t called her by the pet name in years, but he’d insisted it was because she was his treasure to come home to. It always made her blush, and today wasn’t any different. She could see the way his mom was looking at her, lifting a brow. Not sure what else to do, she gave a wave, and Gianna shook her head. His sisters weren’t angry at her. They saw it as just a really prolonged fight. His mom, on the other hand, was furious she’d leave him and even more furious she was dragging it out.
“Ignore her,” Sonny said, sliding a glass of wine in front of her. “She got hysterical me. The girls didn’t.”
“Hysterical?” she asked softly.
“I couldn’t figure out how to function. Bella sent ma instead of coming herself.”
“I should’ve told you in person. I’m sorry.”
“It’s in the past. We’ll figure things out tomorrow.” She cupped his cheek, smiling softly. There were too many good times, she decided. She’d tell him she didn’t want a divorce tomorrow. Maybe she’d beg him to move back in together. His hand went to rest on hers, and he held it in place, turning his head to press a gentle kiss to her wrist before he laced their fingers. Their hands rested on his lap, Gina and her new husband giving a little speech before the DJ announced the father daughter dance. 
“Are you crying already?” she teased. 
“Shut up. You know how I get at weddings.” The hand he wasn’t holding settled on his bicep as she put her head on his shoulder. They watched each dance and as Tommy and Bella joined the other unmarried couples to catch the bouquet and garter. By the time dancing started, their drinks were empty. 
“You wanna join me on the dance floor or at the buffet first, Mrs. Carisi?” He was probably taking advantage of the levity to feel like they’d never been apart, but he was going to indulge as long as he could. 
“Buffet, please.”
“Good choice. Fuel up before we show ‘em how it’s done.” They loaded up plates, settling in at the table and eating happily. He caught her up on the extended family, what she’d been doing, what he’d been doing. They hadn’t really done that last time. That had been all raw emotion and desperation for affection. This felt like they’d never been apart. There was affection, sure, but it was the same grounding touch they’d always had. 
“You hear that?” he smiled, taking her hand and pulling her towards the dance floor. Her eyes widened as she laughed, arms looping around his neck as his arms settled low around her waist. 
“It’s our first dance song,” she giggled, as they swayed off beat.
“You're my sunshine and I want you to know that my feelings are true. I really love you,” he sang off key as she joined in. They could hear his sisters laughing. They still didn’t know how to dance to Queen together, but they’d been very pleased with their song choice, something that seemed to hold true.
She was giddy, a combination of the wine and normality washing over her. He spun her, pulling her close again and peppering kisses to her hair as she flung her arms around him neck. She’d left her shoes at the table before they even got food, and since he’d been wrong about how glad his mom would be to see them together, Sonny chased her off when she tried to fuss at Victoria for being barefoot, but not at any of his sisters. When the songs were the fast kind everyone danced to together, she leaned her back against him and his hands stayed on his hips. When the songs turned slow, he’d pull her against him, singing softly against her ear. 
“You goin’ back to the city?” Sonny asked as the guests filtered out.
“Yeah. I’ll be calling an uber.”
“Listen, I got a hotel room. There’s too many Carisi’s at ma’s.”
“You propositioning me, Sonny?” she teased, arm still wrapped around his waist.
“I wouldn’t turn ya down, but there’s two beds. Was sharing it with Leo, but he went home with one of the groom’s cousins. Otherwise, I’d be sleeping on your couch because you ain’t driving home or Ubering alone.”
“I’d like that,” she smiled softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll pack up my bag and come back. I’m sure you gotta gather your stuff.”
“Deal.” He watched her go, knowing all he had was a duffel bag he’d barely bothered to unpack. She probably had a little rolling suitcase, complete with a change of clothes on top of whatever she’d worn here and the matching oversized shirts the girls all wore. 
“You gotta shit or get off the pot, Dom,” Bella said, stepping beside him with her arms crossed.
“Excuse me?”
“She’s still in love with you. You’re in love with her. Get back together or get divorced. This isn’t healthy.”
“I can’t be what she needs anymore.”
“I think tonight shows that you can. You just won’t.”
“Leave it, Bella,” he bit out. “Let me have tonight. She might leave before I wake up. Or want a divorce. Or I might not be able to tell her how I feel and make it all worse.”
“We just hate watching both of you like this.”
“She was made for me, Bella. I’m not giving her up. But if being separated and staying married is the best I get, I’m keeping it.”
“Whatever you say, Dominick,” she said, squeezing his shoulder. “It was just good to see you both happy today.” He saw Victoria coming back, leaving his sister to take the little rolling bag she had, proud to still be able to predict something she’d do. She had changed into leggings and the Fordham Law sweatshirt she’d taken when he’d first started. She took it with her, and he was proud to know that sometimes she was still walking around in his clothes. 
“Ready?” she asked, and he nodded, hand on her back as he guided her to his car. Once he loaded the bags, he opened her door, smiling as she settled in with a yawn. 
“You’re gonna be asleep before we get to the room.”
“I’m tired,” she whined. “We got here early.”
“I’ll get ya tucked in soon, Tor.” When they got there, she was out. The bags were in the trunk, so he scooped her up carefully, kicking the car closed. With some maneuvering, he opened the door to the hotel room before laying her down. He locked the door before running downstairs to get the bags and coming back. She’d wiggled her way out of her leggings and bra, settling herself under the blanket. He couldn’t help but laugh, locking the hotel door and hanging up his suit and her dress as he pulled on sweatpants. He went to the other bad, hearing a quiet protest.
“Here,” she whined, holding her arms out towards him. 
“You sure, doll?”
“Sure. Come hold me.” He obliged happily, climbing into the bed beside her. When she put her head on his chest, he smoothed her hair. The next morning would be hard, he knew. He wanted her home, but he had to tell her about how the homicides impacted him. That would be the hard part. That burden was one he didn’t want to share. He watched her sleep until he drifted off. The sun coming through the window was what woke him up, and he was ecstatic to feel the weight of Victoria still slung over his torso. She stretched as he let out a yawn, smiling up at him.
“Morning,” she whispered, smiling the sleepy smile he missed. Now he realized what she meant. He hadn’t seen that sleepy smile but a handful of times in the months before she left. 
“Morning,” he murmured, rubbing her back. He wanted to say he was scared she’d be gone, but he’d been the one to run last time. If she had, it would have been fair. 
“Breakfast before serious talk?”
“Place has room service. That okay?”
“Yeah. I’m comfy.”
“Me too.” The arm that wasn’t wrapped around her reached for the menu, showing it to her. Once they’d picked, he ordered, absentmindedly twirling her hair around his finger. She put on some movie, and he watched her face as she paid attention. 
“You’re starin’, Dom,” she teased softly, looking over at him. 
“You’re beautiful. Can’t help myself.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, doll.” She stared for a minute before leaning forward and kissing him sweetly. His heart was pounding like it did when he was seventeen and asked her to homecoming as his hands glided over her sides. Her fingers curled into his hair and a soft groan escaped him. Almost a year. It had been almost a year since they were content and lazy, kissing in bed without the plan being sex and sleep or without the desperation of the night in November. She granted him access to her mouth, and a soft gasp escaped her. He pulled back, nipping her lip lightly. Someone knocked at the door, and a disgruntled sound escaped her. He chuckled airily. 
“I’ll get the food,” he said, reluctantly detangling himself from her. Trying to walk backwards to watch her, he nearly tripped, so he opened the door, took the food and quickly scribbled a signature before hurrying back to her. 
“You’re hot when you’re flustered.” He kissed her, cheeks pink. 
“You’re just hot. Here’s your french toast.”
“Damn, that’s even hotter.” He rolled his eyes, propping himself up against the headboard as he dug into his eggs. She settled beside him, eating happily as her head came to rest on his shoulder. It was companionable silence until the food and coffee was gone, then the weight of what they needed to talk about settled. 
“What do you want to happen?” she asked softly, twisting her rings around her finger.
“My wife back,” he said simply. 
“It’s not that simple and you know it.”
“I do. But I don’t want a divorce, Tor.”
“I know. I don’t either.”
“Are you ready to tell me?”
“Tell you what?” He wanted to kick himself as soon as the words came out. He’d spent the night before thinking about what he needed to share and what could help.  When the time came though, his defenses took over. Telling her what he’d seen, how it impacted him, made him feel weak. Like he couldn’t protect her from the horrors of what he had to see. 
“That’s my answer I guess,” she said, and he could tell she was fighting tears as she got back into her leggings and grabbed her phone and bag.
“Tor, don’t go. We can talk more about this. We had a good night, didn’t we?”
“We did, Sonny, but I can’t not know why you acted like that and come home. How the hell am I supposed to trust that you won’t revert back to being absent?”
“Because it’s different now.”
“I’m not ready.”
“I don’t expect every detail, Sonny, but I can’t not know what’s happening in your head. Especially when it makes you act like you don’t want to be home. Like you don’t want me.”
“I want you, Victoria. More than anything.” His hand scrubbed over his face as he watched her go. Maybe this was worse than if she’d left during the night.
“Then call me when you’re ready to actually communicate, Dominick. I love you, but I can’t live like that.”
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For the Fairy tale au what about yandere prince!giorno with cinderella!reader? Giorno could convince everyone he's rescuing them from their life. Or you could do yandere prince giorno with sleeping beauty reader, where reader doesn't wake up after being kissed, instead waking up in the palace chained up. Naturally if you don't like this request feel free to ignore it, or if you want to use other characters that's fine too. I hope you feel better soon! Your mental health is important!
Thanks for your support anyway here it is.
Prince charming
(yandere Giorno Giovanna X Female Reader)
You were always a happy and humble girl. You always looked towards the bright side of any situation, even after all the hardships you had faced. To you every day was a new beginning
You let out a sigh as you wiped the sweat off your forehead and marveled at the marble floor that you had spent hours cleaning only for it so all be ruined when you stepmother and stepsisters walked all over it with their dirty shoes.
"I can't wait for the ball, to meet the prince would be a dream" Abigail mused as she twirled in her beautiful dress.
"Oh just imagine it, the sweet music that would play as you looked into his saphire eyes" Teresa wooed as she followed her sister.
"What's happening?" You asked them and they gave you a look of disgust.
"None of your business cinderface!" They spat.
"Oh dear girls don't be so harsh on her, we should at least give her a chance" your step mother spoke in such a sweet voice.
"What?!" The twins gasped in horror, none of you had ever heard her speak so nicely to you.
"She can come... But only if she cleans through the whole mansion... And manages to get herself a suitable dress before Friday afternoon" she said and your stepsisters cracked up while you felt you stomach twist, you only had three days.
You watched your step relatives from the attic window that you had just cleaned. Today your sisters had planned to get their dresses and of course you weren't included in such affairs, you never were and you didn't mind it. You were just content with the few little things around you.
Even if you were able to go to the ball. The prince wouldn't spare a moment for a housemaid like you but still some sort of urge to see the prince in person was there, maybe you just wanted to see the male in which your step sisters gushed over.
You were soon brought out of your thoughts by a sudden thud. You wiped your head to the side to see that one of the many boxes  had falled off of one of the shelves. You walked to it and flipped it over to put the fabric back inside only to find it was a dress with a large sum of money folded in it as well as an envelope with your name.
You opened it to see the old letter, the paper yellowed with age.
To my dear (Y/n)
This is my present to you on your eighteenth birthday.
I wish you the most luck my blessed child and I wish I could have watched you grow up to be the beautiful woman you are today but alas while I write this letter to you my body grows weak and my memories slowly fade.
I love you and even thou I am no longer alive my soul still watches over you.
From your loving mother
Your eyes began to tear up as you finished the letter. You missed your parents. They use to shower you with their love and attention. This seemed like a sign that you mother was watching over you. The dress itself was a bit old and plain but with the money you could buy some stuff to make alterations.
You quickly finished cleaning up the attic before putting the dress on a mannequin and placing it in your room before grabbing the money and leaving the house to go to the nearby town and buying anything you thought would look nice to add to the dress.
Once you got home you quickly finished up the rest of the duties with a whole day to spare.
The day of the ball arrived and you grew ever so excited for the night to come. You helped your step sisters get into their gowns, of course they had to make a huge fuss about how you weren't doing something right but it didn't bother you in the slightest.
"So (Y/n) did you manage to get yourself a dress?" Teresa snickered.
"Yes I did actually" you replied which caused her to nearly choke on air.
"Really now (Y/n)... Care to show us?" Your step mother asked in a cynical tone.
"Of course" you replied before going to your room and changed into it before coming back in to show them.
"Where did you get that from?" Abigail asked in a snarky tone.
"In the attic I found a box with this dress in it along with some money, so I used it to make a few alterations" you explained.
"So you stole from me?" Your step mother hissed.
"No I'd never do such a thing, in the box was a letter from my mother... It was supposed to be my eighteenth birthday present" you explained as she stormed towards you.
"Lies! After all I've done for you!" She screamed as she ripped the sleeve of your dress.
"You're nothing but a disrespectful brat!" She said as she tackled you to the ground and began to tear your dress to shreds.
"You are nothing but a thief!" She  roared as she got up before fixing up your hair.
"Abigail, Teresa. We will be leaving to the ball now" she sighed.
"And as for you (Y/n)... You will be punished for what you have done when we return" she hissed as she along with her daughters left the room as they made their way to the carriage waiting for them, leaving you as a teary mess on the floor.
You cried and cried, uncertain as to why you'd be accuse of such a thing. Until a bright light emitted from the room. When you looked up you saw an orb of light like a giant star.
"Dry your tears my dear...you have done no wrong" a ghostly voice said.
"What are you?" You asked only for the voice to let out a light chuckle.
"I promised you my soul would watch over your my child" they replied.
"Mother?" You asked.
"Yes it's me dear, now I wish to help you"
"But how?" You asked.
"Come to the garden, then I'll tell you what I need" she replied before floating out the room.
You stood up and began to follow the orb of light though the house until you entered the garden.
"Now my dear. I need you to find me a pumpkin, a frog and four mice" she explained. You did have doubt in catching the animals she had requested but it seemed that they instantly came towards you.
"I see the animals can sense that you have a pure heart, they seem eager to help" your mother explained. You quickly ran to the vegetable garden and picked out the largest pumpkin. You struggled to carry it but you absolutely refused to drop it.
"I have everything mom, what now?" You asked before the pumpkin in your hand turned to solid gold causing you to drop it and it quickly grew til it was the size of a shed. Then it morphed into a carriage, the mice turned into horses and the frog turned into a stumpy little man. You nearly fell back in suprise but some invisible force caught you.
Your dress mended itself and turned into a beautiful white  gown, a pair of glass heels slipped onto your feet and a white mask appeared on your face.
"Now (Y/n) before you head to the ball you must understand two conditions, the spell will wear of at the stroke of midnight and if your mask is removed then the spell will also fade" she said before the stumpy man lead you to the carriage.
"Thank you mother" you said to the wisp before you hopped in.
You looked out the window as the carriage approached the castle that loomed in the distance. It was like a fairy tale, it was like you were in a fairy tale. The carriage eventually halted and a servant escorted you into the castle grounds where many chatted away.
"Wow your dress is so beautiful miss" a familiar voice said. You turned your head to see Teresa.
"Who made it?" Abigail asked, obviously the two didn't realise it was you.
"My mother made it" you replied and the two girls laughed.
"You just like our step sister" Teresa said.
"She does, but we know your not her... She couldn't get a dress like that" Abigail snickered before they walked of.
'That was a close call' you thought, maybe the mask was magic or maybe the two were just stupid but you thanked God they hadn't noticed.
You simply watched as men and women danced the night away, sitting by the sidelines until someone tapped your shoulder.
"What is a beautiful woman such as yourself standing around here, surely someone would ask you to dance with them" asked the male beside you who's hair was like strands of gold and eyes were like sapphires.
"This is my first time attending a ball" you explained to him.
"Really?" The male asked in suprise.
"Yes... I'm but a simple house maid" you explained.
"Then would you care to dance with me?" He asked.
"Oh, I haven't danced in years... I don't want to make you look like a fool Infront of everyone" you said.
"Who said we had to dance in the ball room" the male replied as he led you away from the crowd and up the winding stairs until you reached an atrium where various plants grew and flowers bloomed in every corner.
"I can teach you how to dance" the male said in a sweet voice as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Place your hands on my shoulders" he guided and you followed.
"Good, now when I step back you should step forward and vice versa"  he said and you tried to follow his but eventually stepped on his foot.
"Ow" he groaned.
"I'm sorry I didn't-"
"No you don't need to apologize, I know you didn't mean to... It's just part of the learning process" he chuckled before you tried again and in no time more you breezed through the complex moves. You both danced and danced until you saw your stepmother watching you from a distance, you were about to speak up until the male pressed his lips against yours and you quickly pushed him away.
"Senorita, what's the matter?" He asked.
"We only just met..." You muttered.
"But can't you feel our connection? When I first laid eyes on you I felt in, love at first sight" he explained.
"No... Such a thing only exists in fairytales" you responded.
"Well let it be our fairytale... You should stay with me, as my princess... You'll never have to go back to being a house maid" he said in such a sickeningly sweet tone as he tried to get you back in his hands, but you kept backing away.
"No... No!" You argued before making a run for it.
"Wait, please wait!" He called as he followed you.
"No I can't be with you! It isn't right for either of us" you yelled back as your ran down the stairs case, one of your glass slippers falling off in the process, you quickly tried to retrieve it but the prince grabbed your arm.
"Don't be like this" he cooed before trying to take your mask off but as he did it began to crack like china. You pushed away from him again and tried to run. You pushed through the crowd desperately and tried to reach the the exit but the guards quickly grabbed you.
"Let me go! I don't want this!" You screamed on the top of you lungs. All eyes were on you in astonishment as you were being dragged to the prince.
"Cara mia, please don't make a scene" the male said as you were pushed towards him however in that moment a miracle happened, a chandelier fell down between you and the Prince. You took your chance to run as the guards let go of you. You finally got through the door and ran to the carriage with not a care to the rubble that pierced your bare foot as the ring of the clock began to count down to the stroke of midnight. The carriage only got you so far until everything reverted to its original form but it was enough for you to get away from the castle.
You woke up the next morning and headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast only to find a stranger already preparing it.
"Who are you?" You asked the lady.
"I'm the new house maid" she replied.
"Wait since-" you were quickly silenced by your stepmother.
"We were never short on money... I was just so greedy that I didn't want to pay for a house maid" your stepmother said in a guilty tone.
"I'm so sorry for being so harsh on you for all these years... After seeing the way you charmed prince Giovanna I realised that I treated you so unfairly" he said as she stroked your hair, the mentioning of the prince.
"Please... Don't let anyone find out" you pleaded.
"I won't, but I don't understand why you wouldn't leave us after all the terrible things we did to you?" she said
"I was fine with living the life I had, I know that others may have it worse off... all I wanted to do that night was see a real ball, not attract the attention of a lovesick prince" you explained before she took you to the dinning room.
From there all seemed good, your step relatives treated you kindly and your step mother had plans for you all to move to a nicer mansion outside of the kingdom.
You had packed up the last of your belongings when someone had knocked on the door, naturally you opened it, your poor heart nearly exploded as you saw prince Giovanna at your doorstep along with two of his guards.
"Good morning" the male greeted as he held the glass slipper you lost.
"Go...good morning your majesty" you stuttered as you bowed Infront of him.
"You seem suprised, I'm sure you must of heard that every woman in the kingdom is obligated to try on the glass slipper" he said.
"No, no it's just that you caught us in the middle of packing but I'm sure my sister's will be down any minute" you explained as you tried to get your sisters but the prince grabbed your arm.
"Then why don't you try it on while we wait for them" he said in a stern tone as his hold on you grew tighter.
"I wasn't at the ball... I twisted my ankle" you lied.
"Then let me see" he asked. Bit your lip as you forcedly twisted your ankle, you tried your best to hide the pain before showing him your leg.
"See, it's twisted" you said causing the male to sigh.
"I see then" he said before looking up to see your sisters who were more then eager to try on the slipper, however you noticed the droplets of blood that  trailed behind them. Abigail had cut off her big toe and Teresa had cut off the back of her heel, both in an attempt to make up for their cruelty towards you for all these years.
They sat down. Abigail was the first to try on the slipper and it fit the the prince's delight but as the prince looked at the shoe on her foot more closely he saw the blood.
"Are you mocking me!" The male growled at her causing her to cower away. Then Teresa tried it on and it fit but one of the guards soon pointed out the blood that dripped from the back of the shoe which enraged the prince.
"You both think you can play with my heart! the girl that I desire did not try to impress me!" He hissed with a voice full of venom. You just hoped that that was the end of it and he would just leave but you quickly noticed one of the guards had vanished, how long had he been gone for?
Soon they had returned with the other glass slipper which made your blood freeze.
"Well then... It seems we have the other slipper, since your other foot is fine (Y/n) why don't you try it?" He asked.
"I'd rather not" you said before the two guards forced you to sit, holding you in place as the prince placed the shoe on your foot, a perfect fit.
"Why did you put me on a wild goose chase to find you?" He asked.
"Because I don't want to marry you, love at first sight in madness!" You explained.
"Well I think your just too modest for your own good, or maybe your family have a role in this" he explained as an evil gleam formed in your eye.
"You mentioned you were a housemaid if I remember correctly... But you are meant to be a noble in blood, am I correct?" He asked.
You gave the prince no response.
"Did your step relatives work you like a slave?" He asked again.
"They treated you below them did they not?" He asked again as he cut off your previous answer. You gave him no response as you looked away from him.
"Your step sisters tried to rob you of a happily ever after" he said.
"They probably made you feel unworthy of love" he continued.
"Stop it! They had nothing to do with it!" You screamed.
"You're just a poor degraded mess... You don't know even know your true worth" he explained before he planted a kiss on your lips.
"Don't worry I'll have them pay for how they treated you"
"No!" You screamed.
"(Y/n) you just don't understand... I'm the prince charming that is rescuing you" he explained. Before he left. You knew that it wasn't the last of him but you never expected him to go to the lengths that he did.
The whole kingdom was told that your step relatives were abusive. That they treated you like a slave, that they beat you, they locked you in a basement and starved you. None of it was true but the whole kingdom believed it and eventually you were forced to marry prince Giorno.
In the night of your wedding he presented you his gift... To watch your step relatives dance on a floor of coals and barbwire as the townspeople heckled and howled, screaming words of hatred to those innocent women until they died.
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intoanothermind · 4 years
The Glue - Part Four
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T H E   G L U E
Word Count: 2.1k words
Synopsis: Glue or Variable? This is the big question about Frankie’s existence. Assigned to the same role as Newt in WCKD’s Lethal Experiments, Frankie suddenly realizes that she will become just a variable to activate brain reactions in her former Group A friends. Without memories and being the only girl among several boys, she has the feeling of already knowing some of them. The new question that matters to WCKD is: will Frankie play her role as a variable correctly?
- Newt x OC (Frankie)
<Part 3 | Part 5>
(This will be a miniseries of Newt from Maze Runner. It will consist of 7 parts and a spin-off. I won’t do a reader insert as usual, but you will soon understand why.)
P A R T   F O U R
The girl shifted in her bed unable to sleep. At the age of fifteen, she was about to have hormones on her skin, and her recent thoughts were bothering her to the point of dropping her sleep. She had grown there inside the CRUEL, not just mentally. Not only the girl, but her friends also developed and she found herself thinking of one of them more and more often. The skinny little boy had become a handsome teenager, still thin, but with more apparent and defined muscles.
Her blond hair darkened to almost brown, and although she still had a few childish features, Newt had become a handsome young man. Cuter than the girl had imagined before. And thinking so much about her friend made the girl restless under her own skin. The girl looked around at the girls she had known for years: Teresa, Rachel, Alice, Skylynn, Hayley, and several others she had not had as much friendship with as the first. He lifted his chin to read the inscriptions on the metal sign hanging a few months ago on his headboard.
                  Group B
                  Subject 5
                  The glue
The words, so similar to Newt's inscriptions, gave the girl a certainty: She couldn't sleep until she saw him.
The girl got rid of the covers as if they were a straitjacket. Feeling slightly more relieved, she checked to see if the other girls slept and crept out of the room when she realized yes. He only bothered to silence his steps, knowing that no one else would be awake at this hour. For a second she stopped, thinking Newt would be asleep too , but then she remembered that he didn't mind being woken up by her. Smiling, she continued her way down hallways she knew as the back of her hand. He opened the door to bedroom GA1-10 , silently counting five beds, and headed for it. The boy in bed 2 shifted, and the girl stopped, mentally praying that Thomas would n't wake up and see her there.
Your request has not been fulfilled.
- Frankie? He asked, his voice slurred and sleepy. - Why are you here?
The girl swore silently before answering.
"I can't sleep, and I came to see Newt." She confided. Although not as friendly with Thomas as she was with Newt and Minho, she saw no problem talking to him.
“Al right!” She could have sworn Thomas rolled his eyes, but it was too dark to know. “Just don't wake up everybody.”
The girl smiled, even though she knew he couldn't see it. “Thank you, Tommy!” She whispered.
Thomas waved at her and lay back down. The girl continued on her way, not really caring if the others were already awake. Thomas was part of the new Creators, so if he allowed it, anyone else's opinion was disposable. She saw Newt in his bed, lying almost on the edge of the bed and leaving much of it free, as if already anticipating her arrival. She smiled, approaching the boy with soft blonde hair and angelic serene features. She sighed, lying on the bed and settling beside him. Newt shifted, as if recognizing her physical and mental presence there, and his foggy brown eyes widened, understanding his predicament.
“Hi blondie.” She whispered, smiling slightly.
“What are you doing here?” Newt asked, closing his eyes momentarily with sleep, but pulled the girl's lean body to tuck her against him.
She shuddered at his touch, but tried not to show too much.
“I can’t sleep.” She whispered, her face buried in the boy's broad chest. "My thoughts won't let me relax."
“What thoughts?” Newt asked , still with his eyes closed, as he reached a hand to her friend's hair and stroked the brown strands.
The girl cringed. “Better not to know.”
“You know I won't give up until I can't anymore, don't you?” He asked, and the girl realized that this could be her chance. Her chance for a first love or losing her best friend.
But she realized she wanted to risk it. For Newt she would risk her life.
“Newt.” She called, her tone lower. “Do you really want to know what bothers me so much lately?" She asked before she lost her nerve.
“Of course I want.” he replied, feeling the anxiety almost waking completely.
He wanted to know. Newt had realized that the girl had been lost in thought and always blushed when he drew her out of her mind, and became increasingly curious about it. She shifted in his arms carefully, and Newt pulled back a little, waiting for her to adjust. But he felt his heart explode in a swirl of sensation as he felt her lips on his. Newt opened his eyes in surprise, but when he realized that his dreams really did come true, he closed them again, enjoying the cherry and chocolate taste of his girl's lips. He wrapped her around the waist and she seemed to relax in his arms, parting her lips to receive his tongue.
The girl was ecstatic. Finally had taken the courage to do what her body and heart have long asked, and one felt the happiness when Newt responded. She had been unsure at first, as she had never kissed anyone before, but when the blonde squeezed her around the waist and as he explored her mouth further, she relaxed and stopped caring about it. Nothing else mattered but her along with him and the happiness that took her completely. When the air was needed between them, the girl broke away from Newt, breathing hard, but with her eyes closed to avoid seeing his reaction. Although Newt responded to her kiss, she didn't know what to expect from now on.
"Frankie..." Newt began, choking on the words, and the girl opened her eyes. “That was...”
"Sorry, Newt, I shouldn't have come." She whispered, still worried that the others would wake up.
She was about to get rid of Newt's arms and get out of there never to look back in his face in shame when he stopped her. The girl looked up, finding his brown eyes shining to her. Her small hands were flat against the boy's chest, which held one hand around her waist like a cage and the other caressing her cheek fondly. Newt leaned down and touched his lips to hers in a simple peck full of affection and desire.
"You have no idea how long I waited for this." She heard him murmur against her lips, and smiled, her heart bursting with even better sensations than before.
“Good to know.” She whispered, her fresh breath hitting the boy's lips, which shuddered.
"You know I won't let you get away, don't you?" He whispered.
The girl smiled and kissed him again, promising she didn't intend to run away from him.
Not from him.
~ * ~
I woke up from my dream with my body being rocked. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to drive drowsiness out of my body. I blinked several times, trying to wake up. It wasn't enough to wake me up, but I could see that it was Minho who was rocking me. He grinned, making his eyes even smaller as soon as he saw me awake.
“Minho?” I asked, looking around and noticing that no one else was near the edge of Deadheads, where I slept.
Ben was in the distance, waving at us as he waited for the Doors to open on a new morning.
“I came to say goodbye.” Minho answered, capturing my attention again. I raised an eyebrow in question and he shrugged. "I missed you and decided I could say goodbye to you every day."
I smiled, nodding. “Of course! And I'll be waiting for you every day on the way back.”
Minho smiled back, leaning over me to kiss me on the cheek before running toward the already opening doors. As soon as he was out of my sight, even before reaching the Doors, I turned aside, trying to sleep again, but couldn't. Rough thoughts disturbed my mind, and I felt some sort of struggle or anguish in my chest. As if I was predicting something bad that could happen. I simply shook my head, dispelling the melancholy thoughts, and stood up. I didn't do much different from the day before - I just tucked my sleeping bag between two roots and fixed my hair with my fingers. The difference is that I could go to Homestead to brush my teeth. Which was a blessing when Newt provided me with a brush the day before.
I scratched my right eye to ward off sleep, and headed for headquarters. I was about to enter the bathroom when I was barred.
“Good morning, Frankie!” Exclaimed Newt excitedly.
I giggled. “Good morning, Newt.”
“I'll let you use the bathroom, but I wanted to warn you that today you're going to work with the Builders, all right?” he said.
“Sure.” I nodded in agreement.
~ * ~
“Frankie, I already said you better go work with Frypan.” Said Gally, possibly for the tenth time.
“Greg challenged me.” I said, shooting a hard stare to Greg, who worked not far from us. “And besides, it's my bathroom you're building.”
I kept carrying a few logs that had come with me to the Box until I tripped over my own feet and almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for Gally's quick reflexes.
“All right, Greenie?” Asked Gally, and I nodded back.
“That's what you get letting a little girl do men's work." I heard Greg mutter and I had to take a deep breath to control my anger.
“Stupid slinthead.” I muttered under my breath, but Gally could hear it and giggled.
"Why won't you help Frypan or Chuck in the kitchen?" Suggested Gally again.
I snorted mentally. “Why do you want to get rid of me so much?!”
"It's not to get rid of you." Said Gally, a little uncomfortably. "But if you get hurt, Newt eats me alive."
I frowned. "And why would he do that?"
Gally bit her lip, seeming to hold back the laugh and as if he knew something I didn't know.
"You have no idea, do you?" He asked with an enigmatic smile.
“Of what?” I asked, increasingly confused.
Gally shook her head but kept silent.
“Go before you get hurt.” He insisted again, and I got annoyed.
I threw the logs on the floor and marched furiously into the kitchen. Frypan was busy with dinner, and I preferred not to get my hands dirty. What if my food wasn’t good enough, and the boys hated it? I would rather not be screwed the rest of my life.
"Something for me to do, Frypan?" I asked him, propping my hip on the sink beside him. "Preferably not involve me cooking anything at all."
Frypan laughed and waved to the back of the kitchen.
“Chuck is back there cleaning the tank. What do you think about helping the boy?”
I made a face but nodded. “Better than spoiling the food here.”
~ * ~
“Tired already?” asked Minho, and I just mumbled an answer.
With my head down between my arms crossed on the table, all I could think about was sleep. My day was tiring, and not just working with the Builders or in the kitchen - or even going to wait for Minho in front of the West Door - but it was my mind that was exhausted too. I was just on my third day there in the Glade, and I was as confused and stressed as someone who had spent years there, like some of those boys.
"Wouldn't you rather go to sleep, Frankie?" Newt asked right next to me.
I raised my head slightly from the dining table where we were sitting, seeing Newt, Alby, Minho, Chuck, and some of the Keepers looking concerned at my decaying appearance that was calling for a good, wonderful night's sleep.
“All right, I'm going.” I muttered, rising from the table. “Good night.”
I got a lot of good night murmurs back, and for a second I considered inviting Chuck to sleep with me, but dismissed the idea when I saw him having a good time talking to Jeff, one of the Med-jacks. When I reached the edge of Deadheads, I didn't think much before grabbing my sleeping bag and crossing the skeletal, gray trees that hid the beautiful, living forest behind them. All I wanted now was a good place to sleep and hide from what tomorrow awaited
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Promises Not Kept Part 5
Summary: Tommy Shelby made a promise to Jonah Ward while in the war. A promise he didn't keep. But it comes to haunt him when he tries to drown out his sorrows with a young woman.
Part 5: After spending the night together, Tommy wishes he could solve conflict easily, Lizzie has some sage advice for Leah. Leah’s past isn’t all behind her. 
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         Tommy rarely had hangovers anymore. Or at least ones that he even noticed. He usually had a migraine so it made no difference if it was a stress headache or that of a hangover. In fact, he felt a little lighter on that particular morning after the night out with Leah. If anything could get Thomas Shelby to fall asleep it was a copious amount of alcohol and a few rounds of sex. He actually slept through most of the night once he and Leah passed out in bed.
           Itching for a cigarette upon waking, Tommy opened his eyes and stretched an arm out for his always-nearby pack. After regaining awareness of his surroundings, he realized he was pinned to the bed by a particularly cozy blonde. A rare morning smile crossed his face and his mind wandered to how it used to be. Grace always curled up in his arms when they went to sleep. But by the end of the night, she managed to accumulate all the blankets, unknowingly keeping them far from Tommy. He never minded.
           Leah appeared to be the opposite. She was sprawled out over him, her cheek resting on his sternum, one hand resting on his collarbone, the other pressed to his heart. Her legs tangled with his and if she had been a full-grown man, Tommy wouldn’t be able to move. She was fast asleep and he was hesitant to wake her.
           But he needed a smoke. As carefully as he could, Tommy tried to ease out from under her. He froze when she stirred but she merely turned over, flopping off of him and onto the bed. Relieved, Tommy quietly sat up and saw his cigarettes weren’t on the night table. Remembering the night before, he realized he hadn’t gone through his typical night routine.
           After leaving the yard, they’d returned to Watery Lane and Tommy barely let Leah get up the stairs before kissing her. Pressing her up against the wall, his fingers already working at the buttons running down the back of her dress. It took some time but they eventually stumbled upstairs. The room showed evidence of their disregard for the world around them. They were too intently focused on each other. His things were scattered all over the floor. He’d tossed Leah’s dress to the furthest corner of the room and her stockings now adorned the dresser.
           Tommy rose quietly and slipped on a pair of boxers. He searched for his coat and found his cigarette pack. But he forgot they’d run out the night before. Cursing silently under his breath, Tommy hastily got dressed and headed down to find more. He locked the door behind him so no one would wander into the room and disturb Leah. Without his pocket watch, most likely lost among the cluttered room, he had no idea what time it was as he went downstairs.
           No one was in the parlor so Tommy entered the betting shop to track down cigarettes. The shop was already bustling with activity. Bets were being called back and forth and money exchanging hands. His employees gave him polite nods in greeting as he maneuvered his way back to his office.
           Lizzie was waiting there for him. “Sleeping in today?” She questioned. It was rare for Tommy to not be up at dawn. The man never seemed to sleep.
           Bogged down by the extra hours of shuteye, he only gave her a glance in reply. He passed by her and dug through his desk for cigarettes. “I don’t have any meetings today, I can sleep in.” He muttered.
           Lizzie sighed and reached into her pocket to spare him a cigarette. Her boss couldn’t function without one nearby. “Arthur said you were out late.”
           “He was too.” Tommy graciously took the donation and lit it.
           "He wasn't sure where you went once you left."
           He shrugged and set the cigarette onto the ashtray for a moment to fix his cufflinks. He was definitely not as immaculately dressed as he usually was. But his outfit wasn't of any importance that morning, especially to Lizzie it seemed. "I headed down to the yard for a mo' then came back home."
           “He said you were with someone when you left.”
           He leaned against his desk, facing his secretary. After a few anxiety relieving puffs, he met her hard gaze. “You seem surprised.”
           She wasn’t. If anything, she was wounded by his callousness but wouldn’t show him. “Who is she?” Her tone was clipped as she hugged a binder to her chest like a shield for her heart.
           “I have a feeling Arthur already informed you.” Tommy retorted and walked around his desk to sit down. His eyes scanned over the list of things that needed to be done that coming week.
           “Maybe he did. I guess I want to hear it from you.” She lifted her chin higher and didn’t break eye contact even when he did.
           “I knew her husband, he passed during the war. He asked me to take care of her.”
           “So you’re sleeping with her? That’s taking care of her?”
           He cleared his throat and focused on the words in front of him. The last thing he wanted was a conflict with his assistant. Their relationship was complicated enough and he knew that it was mainly his own doing. He could be the villain if she wanted to paint him that way. He wouldn’t blame her. “If I want to talk about my personal relationships, I will. But for now, we’re running a business.”
           Lizzie rolled her eyes and gave a huff of annoyance. “Honestly, Tommy, you’re thick sometimes.” She spat before leaving the office and slamming the door behind him.
           He sighed deeply and scrubbed his hands over his eyes a few times to wake up. If only he could snap his fingers and instantly get rid of all the conflicts in his life. If only.
           Leah woke up not much longer after Tommy went downstairs. Dazed and sporting a fine headache, she turned over. The bed was empty beside her, as was the small bedroom. She sat up and stretched her arms above her head. It was nearly impossible to pinpoint the exact emotions she was feeling. It was a mixture of everything all at once. She felt cared for, as Tommy had taken care of that need she had during his absence. He’d been tender with her, much more than when they were at the hotel. They’d taken their time and in that way, she felt more important to him. But in the light of day, fears and suspicions crept up on Leah. Was he just stringing her along for an occasional fuck? Was it simply the alcohol making her think their connection was more intense than it actually was? Was she being naïve?
           Leah bit her lip and stood up to find her slip. Slowly dressing, she glanced at the mirror every so often. Tommy’s presence was still strong, despite the empty room. He’d left bruising marks on her neck where he’d feverishly kissed and sucked at the skin. Her hips were mildly tender from where he’d gripped her so firmly. But she couldn’t remember ever being in pain.
           As she moved around the room, she passed over his discarded clothes. His scent lingered in the air. The evidence of their alcohol intake also remained within the fabric of the night before.
           Tommy’s room was tiny but mostly sparse. There wasn’t anything distinguishing it as his. She picked her stockings up off the dresser and found a drawer partly open. Overly curious, she slid it open and found a few neckties loosely folded inside. But a bit of dull silver poked out from under a black silk tie. She pulled it out and discovered it was his dog tags. The tarnished silver was dirty and dinged up from his service. But she could make out the information stamped into the small circle.
Thomas Shelby
Sergeant Major
           Leah’s thumb passed over the indented metal. Jonah’s tags were under her bed, sitting in the box with his letters. She closed her eyes for a moment to breathe evenly and deeply. For a brief moment, she let her mind wander to what might have happened if Jonah had come home to her. She might not have even met Tommy. But she would have her best friend back and in her arms again.
           She dropped Tommy’s tags and buried it back under the black tie. It was no good fixating on an alternate reality. Jonah would never return to her. Now she had Tommy. Or did she?
           “Time will tell.” She whispered under her breath and shut the drawer. She gathered the rest of her things to head downstairs.
          Leah donned the same blue dress she’d worn the night before. She stepped out of Tommy’s room and found the second floor was quiet. However, she could hear activity coming from downstairs. Men were talking and calling words that she couldn’t quite make out.
           Lizzie was in the parlor and heard Leah coming down the steps. The second she saw the unfamiliar woman, Lizzie could guess why Tommy gravitated her way. She had the same golden blonde hair his late wife had.
           “Sorry, I was looking for Tommy,” Leah explained.
           “You’re the girl he was with last night?” His assistant didn’t give her an answer and sipped at the tea she’d made.
           “Yes, I’m Leah.” She wasn’t sure who she was. But it was obvious the woman had a problem with her despite not meeting her before.
           “Where d’you work?”
           “The dress shop a few streets over.” Leah became uneasy under Lizzie’s harsh stare. It reminded her of how Teresa used to glare at her if a client chose Leah over her. Anger, jealousy, and a hint of threats.
           “And before that?” Lizzie raised an eyebrow. Tommy didn’t just go wandering into dress shops and sweeping the shop girl off her feet. She could tell Leah was new to Birmingham. Tommy had found her somewhere else and Lizzie had a sneaking suspicion of where.
           Leah didn’t look away. “If you’ll just tell him I had a lovely time and that I can’t wait to see him again. I would appreciate that.” She slipped on her coat to leave. There was no use in divulging her past to a woman she just met, and one who was being so standoffish.
           “You’d be wise to get out while you can,” Lizzie warned before she made it to the door. “He’s not a man you want to get involved with. You have to know he’s dangerous and I’m guessing you don’t care.” She set her teacup down and crossed her arms over her chest. “But he’ll break your heart and leave you for something better when it comes along. He’s restless and never happy with what he has. He could have the world in the palm of his hand and he’d still want more.”
           Leah swallowed under her cold gaze. The words were haunting and made her second guess herself. There was nothing she could say in response so she left the home without a word. She burrowed her hands in her pockets and braced against the fall chill. She wondered if she should cry or not.
           Those days, she wasn’t sure which way was up anymore. The world turned around her and she merely stood there. She’d felt numb, practically a ghost drifting about the world for years. People walked right through her without a care in the world. There didn’t seem to be any substance left to her. She used to be so sure who she was. Jonah and her family gave her a sense of purpose and identity.
           Tommy didn’t give her an identity. She still felt lost. But he filled her with feeling, emotions that she thought were unattainable after her loss of self. She could feel her heartbeat in her chest when he looked at her.
           Tears pricked her eyes as she made her way down Watery Lane. Birmingham went about its morning, not noticing the young woman dabbing her tears away. It didn’t feel her guilt and uncertainty. The city didn’t care if she cried.
           About a block away from her apartment, Leah could spot a few men. They were lingering inconspicuously around her front step. She paused, wary of their unnatural presence. One of the men turned and she instantly recognized the disfiguring scar over the left side of his face. His eye clouded over, blinded by shrapnel he’d caught in the war.
           Leah’s breath caught in her throat and her chest seized in panic. They were men under Madame Rosetta’s employ. Large men who kept the peace in the brothel, hunted down debts and intimidated the girls into obeying Rosetta.
           She’d been punished several times in her earlier days in the brothel. Anything from tardiness, refusing advances of aggressive clients or drinking heavily on the job.
           Andrew, the partially blind man, was always willing to dish out consequences. The man was rumored to have a high kill count during the war. He was excessively violent and seemed to have no problem with the pain he inflicted. He most likely enjoyed it.
           But Leah was not about to allow him the satisfaction again. Not while she had her life back on track. And especially not when she had Tommy Shelby in her corner.
           Before the men spotted her in the street, Leah turned and hurried to the dress shop. The store was closed because it was Sunday, but Beth lived in the flat upstairs.
           The younger woman was surprised to see Leah at her door, especially because the poor woman looked as if she’d seen a ghost.
           “Can I use your telephone?” Leah blurted before Beth could ask what had happened.
           “Um-sure.” She nodded and let her upstairs.
           Leah wasted no time in picking up the line and having the operator connect her to Tommy’s home.
           Polly had just entered when the phone began to ring. “Shelby residence.” She answered formally.
           “Hello, is Tommy available?” She was too shaken up to be polite.
           Not recognizing the voice, Polly was suspicious. “Who’s calling?”
           “Leah Ward, please it’s an emergency.” She begged. Her knuckles were white from gripping the receiver so tightly.
           Beth watched with worry. She couldn’t fathom what had spooked her friend so badly. Now, she was apparently trying to get in touch with Thomas Shelby. No one called a Shelby to have an idle chat. They called for business or action.
           Polly had heard about the woman from her nephews. They spoke about how Tommy had them keep an eye on a shop girl whose husband they knew from the war. “Alright, let me see if he’s nearby.” She could hear the urgency from the other end of the phone.
           Leah paced as far as the phone wire would allow her. She anxiously chewed on her nails while she waited. Beth wordlessly asked for an explanation but she could only shake her head in response.
           Tommy’s voice was like an angel’s; he was someone who could protect her. “Tommy, I need your help.”
           The man’s gut wrenched in worry. He’d been confused by his aunt explaining who was on the other line. As far as he knew, Leah was still upstairs in his room. He thought for sure she would come down and find him before leaving. He wasn’t aware of her interaction with Lizzie as his assistant had yet to pass along her message.
           “What’s going on? Where are you?” He asked.
           “I’m at Beth’s home.” Leah’s voice wavered. “There were men at my apartment. I-I don’t know why they were there but I know they work for Rosetta.”
           The mention of Leah’s old employer sparked anger in Tommy. He wanted to give her the freedom from that life. But it seemed Rosetta wasn’t about to let her loose.
           “Are you safe?”
           “Well, yes. But, Tommy I’m afraid they’ve been watching me. How’d they know where I live?”
           “S’alright, love.” Tommy did his best to soothe her over the phone. He didn’t even realize he was using such tender language or tone with her at the moment. “Stay where you are. I’ll take care of this.” He assured her in a steady voice. But he was already standing up and reaching for his gun to tuck into his coat. “I’ll come to the shop when I’m finished.”
           Leah shook her head frantically. “Don’t do anything foolish.” She begged. “I don’t want you getting hurt because of me.”
           “I won’t.” He promised. Tommy was more than certain he could handle a few dim-witted thugs. “Just stay with Beth for now. Take a deep breath and put the kettle on, eh? Calm yourself down, I won’t be long.”
           The line went dead before Leah could interject again.
           “John, Arthur!” Tommy shouted as he exited his office.
           His younger brother was standing at the blackboard writing down odds. He paused for a moment, Tommy’s voice carrying above the bets. Arthur glanced up from a few slips, a questioning look on his face.
           Tommy slipped on his flat cap. “Follow me.”
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The Maze Trials: A Gally Fanfiction
Pairing: Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, first girl the Glade has seen. Tougher than she looks and more than ready to prove it. Since day one her and Gally have been at each other's throats. Fighting constantly and not just with their words.
(Gally fanfiction which will include smut. It also has an actual story line. Think of it as an AU to the original Maze Runner. It'll mostly follow the main story line with some changes. Mostly focusing on Emi and Gally and their relationship.)
Chapter Twenty-Five
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I sat outside a few feet from the council hall. I was close enough to hear the boys shouting at certain moments. I was too aggravated and hurt to really care. As I sat there picking at the grass I was startled almost out of my skin when the box's alarm rang out. I jumped to my feet instantly running towards it. I could hear the rest of the gladers running out of the council hall towards the box. We just got a greenie three days ago. The box shouldn't be coming back up yet. A fearful feeling fell on me as I stopped in front of the box. I stared at it as I waited for one of the boys to open it.
Gally and Newt were the first two there. They threw the box open and Newt jumped inside. I could tell from where I stood what was below us. I didn't know if I should feel relieved or terrified.
"Newt, what do you see?" One of the boys asked the blonde.
"It's a girl" Newt said in a mixture of surprise and confusion.
Thomas made his way threw the boys to stand next to me. We were both staring down at the unconscious girl. I knew her. She was the girl I had spoken to in one of my dreams.
"What's in her hand?" Gally asked Newt.
Newt slowly grabbed what looked like a rolled up piece of paper. He unfolded it to see what it was.
"She's the last one ever." Newt read aloud then looked up to us.
The sudden panic took me over. The last one?
"What the hell does that mean?" Newt questioned aloud.
She suddenly took in a deep breath as she woke up. All of us jumped at the sudden action. My heart was thumping wildly against my chest. She seemed to be looking straight at the greenie standing next to me.
"Thomas" she panted before her eyes rolled back and she fell unconscious once more.
We all turned to look at Thomas. He seemed to tense at the sudden eyes on him.
"Still think I'm overreacting?" Gally asks out loud as he crosses his arms over his chest.
I decided to help Clint and Jeff get the girl to their hut. I told them to let me know when she wakes up. I figured it would be better for her to see there is another girl with her instead of being surrounded by boys. I went to find Gally after that. I felt we needed to have a chat. He was outside standing with a few others. His brows furrowed like he was complaining about something which he probably was.
"Gally, we need to talk." I said as soon as I reached him.
"No" He said sternly then tried to turn away from me.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
"That wasn't a request Captain." I spat using the nickname the other gladers used for him.
He stared down at me for a moment before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the other gladers. Once he felt we were far enough away he stopped and let go of my arm.
"What's your problem?" I asked him harshly.
"What's my problem? Are you serious? You of all people know exactly how I felt about Thomas. How much I didn't trust him. You know how much I live by the rules of the Glade because they are rules for a reason! You still decided to go into the maze with them breaking a major rule then tell me you're on Thomas' side. Screw me right? Who cares what Gally thinks right?" He was shouting letting all his anger out.
"You know I don't want to stay here Gally. If Thomas can find a way out I will follow him. Things are changing. We could actually have a chance here. Does that really mean nothing to you?" I asked keeping myself as calm as I could.
"It means nothing to me. The Glade is my home. I thought you were going to share that home with me. Obviously I was wrong. What ever this was is no longer happening. Go ahead and follow Thomas. It's clear you've already made your choice." Gally said as he went to walk past me.
I grabbed his hand trying to keep him close. He pulled his hand away then glanced back at me with a look full of hatred but I could see the tears in his eyes that he was making sure wouldn't spill over.
"Gally please understand" I whispered letting my own tears fall freely.
He just scoffed then walked away. Just like that I lost everything. Gally had been the only thing I had the whole time I was here. I had him to hold onto and keep me sane and now that was over.
The sudden shouts of a terrified girl brought me back to reality as I saw the new girl running away from Clint and Jeff. She saw the other boys surrounding her and screamed again as she elbowed her way threw them. She darted for the look out then climbed up quickly. I saw one of the boys moving to climb up after her. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down.
"No! You'll only make it worse." I told him sternly.
She started throwing things down at the boys below her yelling at them to go away. The gladers ran to get shields to cover their heads.
"Hey! Throw one more of those things and I'm- Ow!" Gally held his hand against his head where she had just hit him.
Thomas and Minho were there a few minutes later. Thomas running under the piece of wood Newt was holding.
"I don't think she likes us very much." Newt joked with a smirk.
"Listen! We just want to talk!" Thomas shouted up at her.
She started to throw more at a lot faster pace.
"Take cover y'all!" Fry pan shouted.
"Hey! Hey! Woah! It's Thomas!" He shouted again.
The items instantly stopped. She slowly peaked her head over the edge of the wood. Thomas waved at her.
"I'm gonna come up okay?" He asked her.
She didn't answer she just moved backwards so we couldn't see her any longer.
"Ok" Thomas whispered as he moved towards the lookout.
Gally moved to follow him but Thomas quickly turned around to face him.
"Alone" he said sternly.
Gally looked at him like he was crazy but didn't try anything else. I stopped Thomas from climbing by blocking his path.
"I'm going up with you. She might feel more comfortable with another girl." I stated simply.
Thomas nodded then I moved to let him climb up first. I followed closely behind him until we were all the way at the top. Thomas opened the hatch then stopped moving.
"Woah, woah, woah. Ok, easy alright?" He said slowly.
He climbed up allowing me to pop up to see the girl holding one of our machetes.
"Where am I? What is this place? Why can't I remember anything?" She asked Thomas.
Before he could answer she had noticed me climbing up and closing the hatch.
"This is all normal. We've all been threw this. Okay? You're name that will come back to you in a few days." Thomas tried to explain.
"Teresa" she said quietly.
"What'd you say?" He asked her.
"My name. Teresa." She repeated.
Thomas and I shared a look. It's weird for someone to remember their name that quickly.
"Teresa, I'm Thomas." He introduced.
Teresa looked to me.
"I'm Emi" I told her.
I slowly leaned forward until I could gently wrap my hand around hers and pull the machete away from her. I sat it down out of the way.
"But you already knew my nae didn't you?" Thomas asked her.
"They said I kept saying your name in my sleep." She stated.
"Who are you?" She asked give him a sideways look.
"I don't know. I can't remember. None of us here can remember anything." He told her.
"We all woke up here just like you." I stated calmly.
Thomas and I spent a few more minutes talking to Teresa to make sure she was calm. Before we went back down to the Glade she pulled two items out of her pocket. She handed them to Thomas.
"These were in my pocket when I woke up." She said quietly.
I looked at one as Thomas looked over the other. The same letters were on this just as they were on our supplies and the metal thing Minho pulled out of the griever.
"W.C.K.D. is good" Thomas mumbled to himself as he looked at the item.
"I heard the same thing. A woman saying W.C.K.D. is good." Teresa said.
I looked the item in my hand over again thinking of the words they both just said. Then I realized it was a syringe. It's medicine.
"Thomas, this is some kind of medicine. Alby." I whispered like it was a secret.
It seemed to snap into place in his head as well. We both hurried down the look out with Teresa right behind us. We ran for the Med-Jack's hut where Alby was. Newt and Gally had seen us running and decided to follow behind us.
There was a small amount of arguing before Thomas could talk Clint into giving it to Alby. We didn't have anything to loose at this point. We all waited hoping for something good to happen. In that time Minho and Thomas decided they needed to look something over before going back into the maze.
I was left in the hut with Clint, Teresa, and Gally. The keeper of the builders seemed to be playing guard like Teresa and I were criminals.
"What's his problem?" She whispered to me.
"It's a long story." I whispered back.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
like a fire (b/v/k) - holtzmanns
(read on ao3) | (tumblr: plastiquetiaras) | word count: 4486
AN: This is for Writ, the actual Mother Teresa of writing smut for others who absolutely deserves some of their own. They matter so SO much to me, and I am endlessly grateful for their friendship, both the times where we’re laughing so hard our stomachs hurt and the times where we’re there for each other exactly the way the other person needs. OVERALL WRIT IS A WONDERFUL HUMAN AND DESERVES EVERYTHING but I can’t give them that so I wrote them some smut instead. Also they bet me that I couldn’t write non vanilla smut and I am a sucker for proving them wrong, so here we go. ENJOY. Title from ‘Cognac Queen’ by Meghan Thee Stallion.
“Y’all good with me leaving?”
Vanessa takes a sip of her drink as she looks up at a positively delighted Silky, a man dangling off of her arm. “My answer gonna change anything at all?”
“Nope.” Silky pops her lips as she ends the word, already slinging her jacket over her shoulder. “‘Cause I’m out.”
“This was supposed to be a girls night, goddamn.” Vanessa grumbles as she watches Silky leave the club, the beat of the music only rubbing in the fact that she’s sitting at the bar right now and not dancing with her friends like she should be.  
The three of them are supposed to be celebrating the end of a long week with a little too much liquor and waking up on the floor of one of their apartments and going to brunch and having more booze, though the plan seems to be slowly dissolving.
A’keria beside her doesn’t answer with more than a ‘hmm’, too busy texting on her phone.
“Bitch, focus.” Vanessa snaps her fingers in front of A’keria, ignores the scowl on her face when she looks up. “Stop texting your man. We supposed to be having fun.”
Vanessa needs the fun. It’s a Friday night and Karen from accounting had yelled at her for hogging the microwave at lunch time and she’s still annoyed about it. She needs drinks and dancing, but she’s already lost one of her Dreamgirls to dick.
“About that.” A’keria doesn’t lift her head from her phone, sending off a quick text before putting it back down on the bar. “He’s going through it. He needs me.”
And Vanessa’s about to lose the other one to dick, too.
“More like he needs the puss.”
“And?” A’keria raises her eyebrow. “I gotta answer the call to service.”
Vanessa wrinkles her nose. “Y’all nasty. Nasty.”
A’keria ignores Vanessa’s grumbling, picking up her own jacket. “Go find someone to hook up with, Vanj. Your ass too pent up these days, anyway.”
“I’m getting plenty laid, thank you.” Vanessa scoffs, even though it’s absolutely untrue and A’keria knows it, by the disbelieving look on her face.
“Are you, now?”
“I could be.” Vanessa scowls. Of course her friends are leaving her and shaming her for not getting laid in ages.
“Then make it happen, baby.” A’keria pats her shoulder before heading for the door.
Vanessa sighs as she looks around the club from her seat at the bar. Half of her wants to head out, leave the thrum of the music behind for her bed and some Netflix. But she’s also paid eight dollars for her gin and tonic, and she’s going to at least finish it first and get her money’s worth, damn it.
Vanessa doesn’t need Silky and A’keria to enjoy the club. At least that’s what she’s trying to tell herself, watching the throngs of dancing people that look a little too squished together, a little too sweaty.
But then the mix overhead morphs into a plethora of Rihanna hits, and Vanessa can’t help but tap her nails on the counter in time to the beat. No matter the bust of a night out, Rihanna still has the power of getting her going. She can feel her shoulders starting to shimmy a little, her lips already mouthing the words to ‘Bitch Better Have My Money’ as they always do.
She surveys the crowd from her seat, tapping her foot. There’s a group of creepy looking guys in the corner. Hard pass. There’s a gaggle of girls with too-short skirts and heels that are tottering a little too much, and Vanessa’s never seen a more blatant display of heterosexuality in her life. There’s a group of friends that are singing along and dancing to the music and actually dancing, not just swaying to the beat and Vanessa’s about to head for them, join in, before she spots two dreamboats that make her pause.
A blonde and a redhead, grinding up against each other and the blonde’s hands are definitely on the redhead’s ass to pull her impossibly closer. The way Vanessa squirms in her seat, suddenly feeling warm, is entirely coincidental.
As is when the redhead and blonde start messily making out and Vanessa’s gripping her drink tighter than she should.
God, A’keria’s right. Vanessa really needs to get laid.
By a girl who looks like either of them, if she’s entirely honest with herself.
Vanessa needs to stop looking over at the couple, needs to shift her eyes to the rest of the crowd because she’s becoming obvious. Except that she can’t help it, because the blonde crouches in front of the redhead and rises up all tantalizingly slow, while the redhead looks at her with a gaze so intense that Vanessa’s almost afraid of having it on her. Except that she’s absolutely craving it.
Vanessa can’t pick her jaw off the floor, or stop her lips from forming an ‘o’ with a gasp because it’s hard, real hard, especially when A’keria and Silky had brought her to a straight club and expected her to be okay with it. Now, with two hot women in front of her that seem to be equally into each other? She doesn’t know how to act. Typical.
Vanessa takes a sip of her drink before placing the glass back on the table, trying to keep her eyes from rising again because she knows that they’re just going to pull back to the couple. Except she can’t help it, she lifts her eyes and freezes because the women aren’t by their spot on the dance floor anymore.
No, they’re getting closer and closer to Vanessa and looking at her and fuck, they’d definitely noticed the way she’d been staring from their expressions.
Not angry, per se. Not annoyed, either.
“Like what you see, angel?”
Vanessa can feel her breath hitch when the redhead purrs out the words and the blonde reaches out a hand to her, pulling her into a standing position. Vanessa’s in her good heels tonight, but the women are towering over her, and the way she has to tilt her head up to look at them is making her dizzy and a little speechless.
“It’s okay.” The blonde trails her fingers down Vanessa’s arm, making her shiver as she steps even closer, nearly flush against her back. “You can watch.”
Vanessa tries to keep herself from leaning back against the blonde, she really does, but it’s fruitless when the blonde smells like a mix of intoxicating perfume that makes her head spin. Especially when the blonde boxes her in, her arms coming around either side of her to reach out and pull the redhead closer to them.
“Or,” the redhead starts, looking Vanessa up and down with a subtle lick of her lips, “You can join in. Would you want that, baby?”
It’s a miracle that Vanessa’s knees don’t give out on her right then and there.
She squeaks out a noise when the redhead’s hands come to splay upon her sides, spanning her ribs. Pausing. Waiting for her answer.
Vanessa tugs the words out of somewhere, pulling them up because she needs it more than anything. “Yeah, fuck, I-”
Vanessa’s cut off as the redhead tugs on her hand and fuck , she’s pulling her towards the dancing crowd and the two of them are right up against her and she’s not quite sure if she’s going to survive the night out.
The blonde’s warm breath is in Vanessa’s ear as she grinds against her ass, her hands coming to rest on Vanessa’s hips. “Aren’t you a pretty little thing?”
Vanessa’s not sure how she can hear her over the music, really. She can’t respond, not when the blonde’s movements against her are so tantalizing, her grip just a tad tight. The redhead presses herself flush against Vanessa too, her lips inches from hers, and part of Vanessa wants to reach up a little, close the distance between them, except she feels almost stuck in place, at the mercy of the other two women.
She loves it.
Vanessa’s a good dancer. She knows it. Not just a good dancer, but she knows how to move her ass on the dance floor in a way that’ll make any girl fawn over her. It’s a trick she uses more often than not, one that makes A’keria shake her head and Silky look at her with an air of amazement every time.
But now? It’s like that confidence is gone. The part of Vanessa that oozes sex appeal, the part of her that’s cocky and willing to put herself on the line for something that she’s surely going to get. Now, her heart’s beating fast, a bead of sweat dripping down the back of her neck. Her breath’s slightly hitched, her eyes fluttering, because she’s sandwiched between two women who she’ll have to thank for ruining her immaculate makeup.
Vanessa can feel the two of them dancing even lower, pushing up ever so closer against her as the mix overhead starts blaring ‘You Da One,’  and Vanessa sends up a thank you prayer to Riri for the turn her night has taken. She lets the blonde tug on her hips with her hands, tilts her head back slightly so that the redhead can lick a stripe up her neck before nipping gently at her earlobe.
It’s her good pair of heels that keep her from falling over, really. Because damn.
The Uber ride is positively torturous.
There’s a hand on her thigh and lips on her neck and Vanessa can’t see straight. Not when she’s trying hard, really trying, to keep any noises to a minimum because they’re in an Uber. Their driver keeps peeking at them the rearview mirror and Vanessa wishes she had the decency to put a stop to their backseat antics, but then the blonde’s hand brushes against the hem of her dress and all of her common sense leaves through the car window.
“Wait, wait.” Vanessa gasps out the words when the two women close an apartment door after leaving the car, boxing her in between them.
“Hmm?” The redhead cocks an eyebrow, tilts her head as her eyes roam over Vanessa’s face. Part of Vanessa wants to shrink from her gaze because it’s so intense, despite the air of laziness that lingers behind the woman’s eyes.
“I still don’t know your names.” Vanessa’s about to continue when the blonde trails her fingers up her sides, wiping all coherent words from her brain and leaving it a clean slate. “Who…?”
“So cute.” The blonde lets out a small giggle, a smile playing on her face, and it makes Vanessa feel all warm inside, as if she’s not already in the skimpiest dress that she owns. “What’s yours, baby?”
“Vanessa.” She gasps when the redhead presses a kiss to her shoulder blade, then a second that tugs against her skin.
“What a pretty name.” The redhead whispers it as she moves Vanessa’s hair off of her shoulder, out of the way, to keep pressing her lips against her skin, kisses that feel like jolts of electric currents down her spine. “I’m Kameron.”
“Brooke.” The blonde murmurs hers before tilting Vanessa’s face up, capturing her lips in a kiss that Vanessa nearly breaks with a gasp. But the blonde doesn’t let her, instead cupping her face with her hand in a way that makes Vanessa want to be at her mercy. At both of their mercies.
The redhead, Kameron, takes a step back, and the sudden lack of warmth behind her makes Vanessa let out a small whine. Brooke steps backwards too, the smirk on her lips making Vanessa realize that the two of them know exactly what they’re doing to her. Brooke winks at her before tugging Kameron closer.
“I think you’ve got to wait your turn, don’t you angel?” Brooke’s voice is sugary sweet, but still makes Vanessa shiver.
“And if you’re patient, maybe we’ll reward you.” Kameron gestures to the bed, pushes slightly on Vanessa’s shoulder. “Only if you can sit on the bed like a good girl all quiet, and not touch yourself.”
“Then we’ll think about it.”
Well, what can she say to that?
Vanessa finds herself taking a step back, then another, until the backs of her legs hit the bed. The approving smile from Brooke when she sits, places her hands on the sheets and away from herself, is worth it.
Except that Brooke and Kameron don’t exactly make it easy for her.
Brooke tugs off Kameron’s shirt and Vanessa lets out a small gasp at her tattoos, at the muscles that ripple beneath Brooke’s hands. She tries not to think about what those muscles can do, what it would feel like to be under them, because keeping her hands away from herself is becoming more and more difficult by the minute.
Vanessa can’t hold back her moan when Kameron tugs off Brooke’s bra, the lace and straps no longer making indents on Brooke’s skin. The way that Kameron’s thumb circles one nipple, her mouth up against the other, the way that Brooke’s arching into her touch and her hands are fisting in Kameron’s hair to hold her there is all too much to handle. Vanessa’s only human, after all, and two goddesses in front of her, in the flesh?
It’s too much.
Kameron lifts her head up, eyes flashing in warning when the noise leaves Vanessa. Brooke’s eyes mirror hers, and Vanessa looks back meekly, squeezing her legs together because even the expressions that mean Vanessa could be in trouble are still fucking hot.
“I don’t remember either of us saying that you could make noise, hmm?” Brooke’s piercing gaze makes Vanessa’s cheeks heat up, and she has to resist the urge to shrink into herself.
“I don’t, either. It would be awful sad if you’re unable to listen, don’t you think, angel?” Kameron’s tone is laced with an edge, and Vanessa gulps. She’s not sure if she should answer, if this is part of some sort of trick, if-
“Answer her, baby.”
“I can be good, I promise.” The begging tone that leaves Vanessa’s mouth is so unlike her, so different, that half of her wants to scoff at herself. But she also can’t help it, she needs these two on her more than she needs air, and she finds herself wanting to follow what they say. To let them be in charge of her.
Brooke only says two more words before turning back towards Kameron, before Vanessa can breathe out a sigh of relief.
“Good girl.”
Vanessa has to grip the sheets underneath her hands tightly as she watches Brooke and Kameron pull at each other’s clothes as they make out, letting their hands wander. Part of her knows that the two of them want her to get riled up, go against what they say, and she’s close to giving in. Especially when Brooke cups Kameron through her panties, making the other woman grind against her hand, let out a small moan.
All Vanessa wants to say is touch me please please please I’ve been so good but before she can, Brooke and Kameron break their kiss. Look over at the way she’s sitting on the bed, her chest rising and falling rapidly from how hard she’s trying to be still.
They smile.
The two of them are like cats when they crawl onto the bed, moving closer to Vanessa. She supposes that it makes her their prey, lying in wait for an end that she knows is coming, one that she so desperately wants.
Brooke speaks first, flipping her hair over to one side as she looks Vanessa up and down, a gaze that makes her squirm. “Such a patient, good girl. Sitting all nice for us.”
Vanessa breathes in sharply when Kameron places a kiss to her shoulder, a touch so light that it’s barely there. But it’s enough to set her on fire, because it feels like even the gentlest of touches are going to make her combust.
“Look at you, already so jumpy. And we’ve barely even touched you yet.” Brooke whispers the words by her ear, moving her lips down the column of her neck and Vanessa’s a goner, unable to hold back the little noise that escapes from her mouth.
“You’ve been so good, haven’t you?” Kameron tilts Vanessa’s face up, and she finds herself nodding at the words. “I think Vanessa deserves a reward for that, don’t you, Brooke?”
Vanessa’s damn near ready to collapse onto the bed, because fucking finally. Though she doesn’t say anything, just nods as she pulls in a sharp breath, because she doesn’t want to break the spell and have Kameron and Brooke leave her high and dry and untouched.
“She definitely does. Except we don’t know what you want, do we angel?” The faux concern in Brooke’s voice is maddening, the ploy in both of their voices absolutely obvious to Vanessa. “You’re going to have to tell us.”
Oh, shit.
Vanessa tries to think of something to say, anything at all but it’s like her brain’s gone blank, any sense of coherent language wiped upon the sight of Brooke and Kameron looking her up and down like she’s something to eat. But then the two of them are pulling back, sitting on their heels and Vanessa can’t help but let out a slight whine at the loss of warmth.
Kameron tuts in her direction. “We can’t give you what you want when we don’t know what it is, sweetheart.” She cocks her head slightly. “Or do you not want anything at all?”
Vanessa’s mouth is quick to open so that she can protest, because no, no, no, she needs the two of them and she needs it now, so much that she can feel her cheeks heating up.
“Please, I’ve been good, please-”
“Tell us what you want, then.” The edge in Kameron’s voice makes Vanessa tremble, her legs shaky on the bed. “Or you’ll get nothing. We’ll send you home like this, all wet and dripping and panting. Is that what you want?”
“No, I-I-” Her words are cut off in a gasp when Brooke’s fingers splay on her inner thigh, but not moving. Waiting for her to finish.
“Please fuck me.” Vanessa can feel the heat rising on her face as she says the words, the way verbalizing what she wants makes her squirm under their gaze. Brooke and Kameron, for their parts, look like cats who have just gotten the cream.
“Yeah?” Brooke moves imperceptibly closer. “How so, baby? Don’t be shy.”
Maybe it’s the way Kameron’s lips are parted, or the way that Brooke is hovering mere inches away from Vanessa, her breath hot on her skin, but Vanessa can’t hold back anymore. “Your mouths, please, I need them on me, fuck.”
Vanessa mercifully doesn’t have to wait for long, Brooke capturing her lips in a kiss that makes her dizzy, tugging on her bottom lip with her teeth. Vanessa can sense Kameron on her other side, and the way she pushes Vanessa’s hair off of her shoulder, exposing her neck, is almost too good. Vanessa gasps into the kiss with Brooke when Kameron trails kisses up the line of her neck, on her jaw, nipping lightly in a way that Vanessa knows will mark her skin. Yet somehow, she can’t bring herself to mind.
It’s when Brooke tugs on the edge of her dress and Kameron fiddles with her zipper that she realizes she’s the only one who’s still fully clothed. It’s not for long, though, as Brooke and Kameron lift her dress above her head in one smooth motion that makes Vanessa blush, cross her arms over herself, feeling her cheeks heat up under both of their appreciative gazes.
“Don’t be shy, princess.” Kameron punctuates the statement a light kiss to the curve of her neck, her hand trailing up Vanessa’s side, to the edge of her bra. “You’re such a pretty little thing.”  
“You really are.” Brooke purrs out the words before pressing another kiss to her lips, pulling back in a way that leaves Vanessa breathless. “What do you say you lie down for us, hmm? Let us make you feel all nice?”
“Okay.” Vanessa is breathless as Kameron undoes the clasp of her bra with a practiced hand, as Brooke captures her lips again.
Vanessa lets the two of them push her down onto the bed, never breaking the kiss, though gasps into it when Kameron palms her tits, moving her mouth to one of her nipples and swirling her tongue over its peak. She’s already coming undone, already feels her back arching off of the bed because it’s a lot, and her panties already feel soaked through from the wetness between her legs.
Kameron lifts up her face and Vanessa’s about to whine, protest, before she speaks. “Tell us how bad you want it, baby.”
Brooke moves her kisses down to her neck and Vanessa groans, trying to push through the haze of arousal that’s clouding her vision. “So bad, need it so bad.” She pants out what she can, though it’s apparently not enough for the two of them.
Brooke nips at Vanessa’s pulse point, making her tremble. “What was that?”
Vanessa feels like she’s not in control of her words anymore, her brain only wanting one thing, only focusing on Brooke and Kameron and making them finally give in. “Please, please I need it, please fuck me, please-”
“Better.” Brooke’s approval makes Vanessa breathe out a sigh of relief, one that turns into a moan when she crawls lower on the bed, pressing a kiss to the curve of her hip bone before trailing her fingers under the waistband of her underwear.
“So wet and needy, huh, baby? And it’s all for us.” As Brooke crawls lower on the bed Kameron crawls higher, until she’s face to face with Vanessa, capturing her lips while a hand is still kneading at one of her tits.
Vanessa’s head is spinning as Brooke slowly tugs on her underwear, the damp fabric sticking on her thighs. “My, my.”
The words should make Vanessa blush, want to hide, but she’s too far gone to care. She moans into Kameron’s mouth when Brooke pushes her legs apart and settles herself in between them, pressing teasing kisses up her inner thighs.
Brooke licks up her slit, circles her clit with almost lazy movements, and Vanessa’s hands uselessly fist in Kameron’s hair, unable to control her movements because she’s feeling too much but needs more, so much more.
“Please, more, please-” Vanessa pants out the words when Kameron kisses along her jaw. She looks down and sees Brooke looking up at her, an eyebrow cocked.
“You sure, baby?” Kameron’s smirk makes Vanessa shiver. “You sure you want more?”  
“Yeah, I-” Vanessa moans when Brooke suddenly speeds up her movements, relentless on her clit and she’s close, she’s so close, she’s not going to survive this-
But then Brooke pulls her face back, the smirk evident on her face when Vanessa lets out a frustrated sigh, her body so close and needing just a little bit more. Her hips twitch unconsciously upwards, chasing Brooke’s touch. But Brooke simply presses a kiss to Vanessa’s inner thigh, her eyes raking over every inch of her exposed skin. Kameron trails her fingers along her ribs, and even the slight touch is enough to make Vanessa feel like she’s on fire, at the edge of a cliff that Brooke and Kameron won’t let her tip over just yet.
“Please.” Vanessa doesn’t care anymore that she sounds like she’s begging, the sweat pooling at the back of her neck and along her forehead a physical marker of how worked up she is, how badly she needs for the two of them to get her there.
Kameron winks before kissing her again, a hand splayed at the back of her neck and Vanessa feels Brooke mercifully burying her face back in her already swollen cunt, her movements fast and unrelenting and everything feels twice as sharp, twice as strong. Vanessa can’t even properly kiss Kameron back when her body’s trembling and her muscles tightening in a way that feels out of her control.
Kameron pulls back, a satisfied expression lining her face and Vanessa knows it’s because of the way she’s gasping, already falling apart. “You have to ask to come, baby.”
Vanessa moans, because she’s not sure how long she can hold herself together for, keep herself from coming because she needs it, so desperately needs it. The words come out almost in a babble, in one breath. “Please, please can I come, please let me come, can I come?”
Kameron smirks, looks down towards Brooke for confirmation. Brooke must give it, because soon Kameron leans up to kiss at the corner of mouth, smiling at her almost appreciatively. “Yes, baby, you can come.”
Vanessa feels the way that it hits her in a wave, her legs are squeezing around Brooke. Kameron kisses her again and she’s unable to properly kiss back, pay attention to anything because it’s too much, but in the best way.
But then Brooke keeps going, trading her earlier motions for sucking at Vanessa’s clit and meeting every jerky movement of her hips with her hands holding them down. Kameron nips at Vanessa’s ear as she feels another orgasm building, and she’s unable to hold back the whine from her lips when it takes over her, making her back arch involuntarily, her hands fist in the sheets.
Brooke pulls back, wetness spread over her face and she crawls up to Vanessa’s eye level, catching her lips in a filthy kiss. She pulls back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before leaning over to kiss Kameron and the sight is hot, even in Vanessa’s fucked out state . Vanessa’s still trembling as Kameron gently runs her fingers through her hair, tucking the strands falling in her face behind her ear.
“You okay, baby?” Kameron’s voice is sweet, soft, and Vanessa feels warm, safe under both of their gazes. It’s nice. She’s never done anything like this before, with more than one person, but with the two of them on either side of her, their hands on top of her almost protectively, she’s never felt so blissed out in her life.
“Yeah.” Vanessa catches her breath and it almost comes out like a giggle, one that makes a smile grow on both Brooke and Kameron’s faces. “Wanna make you two feel good now.”
She tries to sit up, rest her weight on her hands, show them what she’s capable of, when Brooke’s hand is on her shoulder, pushing her back down.
“Oh, don’t you worry, princess. We’ll have plenty of time for that. The night is only just beginning.”
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Girl Group Fic Rec
A/N: Because I feel bad that I’m not going to be posting much this week. Please enjoy these fics while I suffer through the last week of classes and four major papers. - Admin Kiwi
Bedside Manner - Nayeon/Jeongyeon - T - Jeongyeon ends up breaking the record for most visits to the hospital in a month. She claims she's doing it for the challenge, but her friends are pretty sure it has more to do with a certain nurse she keeps running into.
Actions Speak Louder - Nayeon/Jeongyeon - T - Fate normally sounds romantic, but Nayeon is beginning to think that it's a curse in the form of this damned mystery girl in her class. College!AU
in the mood for love - Chaeyoung/Tzuyu - Chaeyoung often laughed as if nobody were watching, and Tzuyu now understood when Teresa Teng sang of smiles being comparable to flowers blooming on a sweet, Spring day.
louder - Nayeon/Jeongyeon - jeongyeon marvelled at the way nayeon made her feel like everything was alright with the world.and even if it wasn’t, that’s fine too. because they could take on the world someday, so long as they were in this together. (based on jeongyeon's part-time job at the bakery that she had while she was a trainee.)
get off free. - Nayeon/Momo, Mina/Sana - M - placing the bloodied knife down onto the oak table, nayeon blinks once, taking a deep breath in. well, fuck. serial killer au.
The Great Fog of 1893 - Jihyo/Tzuyu - T/M(?) - Vampire!AU - The last dairy entries of Miss Park Jihyo, regarding the events leading up to her disappearance, in 1893.
points and theories - Chaeyoung/Tzuyu - G - chaeyoung loves math, and, although tzuyu doesn’t always understand, chaeyoung finds a way to make it simple
sugar, we’re going down - Tzuyu/Jihyo, Nayeon/Jeongyeon, Dahyun/Chaeyoung, Momo/Sana - M - "look!" nayeon's mouth is right at her ear. tzuyu doesn't even need to back away, because the volume's just right. "the purple-haired one, right at the front. apparently she's part veela."
Afterglow - Mina/Chaeyoung, Nayeon/Momo, Sana/Dahyun, Jihyo/Tzuyu - T -Twice/X-Men AU. After discovering she has the power of hypnosis, Mina is sent off by her parents to a hidden school for the gifted in Korea where she will be safe from anyone attempting to harness her powers as a weapon. There, Mina befriends eight other girls, each with extraordinary powers of their own, that will help her to come to terms with being a mutant, as well as help her learn to control her powers, which can be detrimental, even deadly, to those around her.
Another Pretty Face - Nayeon/Mina - G - Nayeon’s used to imagining herself in healthy relationships with beautiful strangers she sees on the streets. Mina’s an interesting character who keeps showing up in her life from time to time.
Nightswimming - Nayeon/Jeongyeon - T - Nayeon is first. She's the best. She's always the best. Until she's fourth. 2yeon swimming AU; in which Nayeon is the star of the college swim team and Jeongyeon is her roommate.
Compliment - Momo/Sana - G - Three times Momo complimented Sana thinking she didn’t know japanese and the one time Sana returned the compliment
Game - Nayeon/Jeongyeon, Sana/Dahyun, Momo/Mina - T - It's finally Jeongyeon's year. She's finally the starting pitcher and she's got this. At least she thinks she does. But the opposing team's head cheerleader, Im Nayeon has different plans.
A guide to handling the girl who makes you write Batman on her coffee cup. - Jihyo/Momo - G - In which Jihyo is a barista and Momo has way too much fun coming up with weird names.
Green Tea - Jeongyeon/Sana - G - Jeongyeon needs to focus on her essay for class buts it’s pretty hard when her crush is looking sad and ill in the next room. Jeongyeon can’t act on it they’re unwritten rules about falling in love with your housemates. Right?
On That Day, I Wished It Would Blossom in the Sun - Kim Lip/JinSoul - T - In which Jungeun is the local florist and Jinsoul is the tattoo artist down the road whose smile renders Jungeun speechless, leaves her desperately searching for wherever the air in her lungs went. She thinks Jinsoul took it with her.
the coloring book - Yves/Chuu - G - sooyong was never good with children, and although she loves her niece yeojin, she wasn't particularly happy to pick her up from kindergarten. little did she know she'd meet someone really, really special there.
Drowning In You - Kim Lip/JinSoul - lifeguard jungeun saves popular girl Jinsoul from drowning. feelings may or may not have ensued.
Goal - Hyunjin/Choerry (rare pairing!) - G - Friend asked for Hyunrry AU, and this is what happened. Soccer! and Highschool!AU
Wake Up Call (It's Like Holding Hands) - Hyunjin/Heejin, background Haseul/Vivi, Yves/Chuu, Kim Lip/Jinsoul, Olivia Hye/Go Won - G - “Happy Halloween, hoes,” is the first thing Yeojin says at exactly twelve midnight, before dumping a box of spiders onto Chaewon’s head. Or, Hyunjin is in love with Heejin. Yeojin tries to "help". Just another day in the LOONA dorm.
if you were also looking for me - Yves/Chuu (and background ships) - T - The annual talent show auditions are being managed by none other than Jiwoo's mortal enemy, it's snowing in September, and Jiwoo may or may not have vague magical powers. But hey, it's junior year: anything may as well happen, right? Featuring: teenage angst, social media, bathroom graffiti, magic-induced fainting, unhealthy amounts of obliviousness, truly awful pickup lines (courtesy of one Heejin Jeon), and the worst recorded snowstorm in history.
But My Heart is Like Paper (You're Too Good To Be True) - Go Won/Olivia Hye - Hyejoo looks at the little paper crane, spies the telltale pencil markings on its wings from where she had written her algebra work down before folding it. Gingerly, she picks it up, smiles to herself as she pinches its neck and tail, pushing and pulling, watching the paper crane’s wings go up and down. A light bulb flickers on in her head .Or, Hyejoo just wants to brighten Chaewon's week, so she folds her origami every day and hopes it's enough to bring a smile. Highschool!AU
Truth//Dare - All popular ships - G - All Jung Jinsol wants to do is take the train home after school. But when it breaks down, leaving her and 11 other girls stuck in a compartment, what's a girl to do but play a few rounds of Truth or Dare?
stole my napkins and my heart - Haseul/Vivi - G - Haseul wonders what exactly it is about the napkins at the cafe she works at that makes them worth stealing, and wonders what exactly to call the little leap her heart does when she sees the napkin thief.
Gonna fly now - Go Won/Olivia Hye - G - Truthfully, the boxing club had been their very last hope. Hyejoo had tried everything from football to swimming along with a impressive number of martial arts but after each she’d shrugged her shoulders and said she didn’t felt like playing it again and her parents had sighed and said let’s try something else then. But then Hyejoo enters the boxing club and while her parents starts chatting with the coach her sight immediately settles on the tiny girl with the long black hair who’s hitting a punching bag in a corner of the room like she wants it dead. She can’t seem to be able to stop watching.
tempting - Haseul/Vivi - T - Vivi hated this part of her job. Angel/Devil Au
what stays below, what flies above - Haseul/Vivi - Story behind Queen Vivian's favorite painting.
you make loving fun - Haseul/Vivi - G - Kahei desperately needs a date take to her parents’ company event so they won’t set her up with another “appropriate suitor”. Of course, she does what everyone in their right mind would do—she talks her long-time crush into being her fake girlfriend for the weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
cheating - Haseul/JinSoul - T - Soulmate AU where whatever your soulmate writes on their skin, it appears on yours too. And Haseul's soulmate loves to cheat on her exams.
there's sunshine in your smile - Chuu/Kim Lip - G - “She has the hots for Kim Jiwoo. Ran out midway to get her flowers and everything,” Sooyoung reports, flinching when Jungeun glares at her and raises her fist. Haseul has to step in between them to break up the impending fight. With Sooyoung cackling this much, it wouldn’t be long before Jungeun actually punched her anyway. Or: Jiwoo sings like an angel, and Jungeun runs out mid-concert to get flowers for the girl who moved her with just her voice.
steal my heart, too - Kim Lip/JinSoul - G - At first, Jinsol isn’t quite sure what to think as she watches a chubby Shiba Inu walk into her small pet store via the motion detector door because… well, the dog’s owner is nowhere to be seen. Jinsol just stares as the tiny dog struts up to one of the shelves, taking hold of a small bag of treats in its mouth. Amused, Jinsol just keeps watching as the dog walks out of the store. Wait, Jinsol thinks, I’ve just been shoplifted by a dog.
santa baby - Olivia Hye/? - G - it’s not until the fourth time that hyejoo gets suspicious. or,on the first day of december hyejoo finds a small present packed neatly on her desk. and the gifts keep on coming.
Red Velvet
Debugging - Irene/Seulgi - T - Irene is a game developer struggling to analyze what everything meant. Seulgi is a barista who thought she knew it all. Very loosely based on the web drama Game Development Girls.
Let’s Fall In Love For The Night - Irene/Wendy - T - Wendy catches the eye of a certain senior after a performance and a fall.
parties, smiles, and ice cream - Irene/Wheein (Mamamoo) - irene finds herself interested in a girl who owns a sketchbook, likes oversized sweaters, and doesn't mind strawberries at a not so interesting party.
a game is better when played by two - Irene/Seulgi - G - Kang Seulgi always sits beside the same girl on the bus ride home. Or where in Seulgi and Irene are two grown ass women who are passionate about playing mobile games.
Inside This Place is Warm - Irene/Seulgi - G - Irene is a barista at her university's coffee shop, and she just so happens to be the object of someone's affection. The only problem is that no one is quite sure who that "someone" is. This is where Seulgi and her friends come in. Or, in which Irene's a senior in college and she loses her mind over her beautiful neighbor, who she talks to far too often for it to be healthy.
it was such a sight, but it was just fluorescent high rises - Chaewon/Minjoo - G - minjoo discovers something about chaewon she shouldn't haveor in which it took her quite the time to get used in seeing her smile. highschool!au
of spells and potions - Chaewon/Minjoo, Yujin/Wonyoung - G - In-progress - Everybody in Hogwarts thinks the same of Yujin, Minju and Chaewon.They want to be friends with Yujin, want to date Minju, and want to never cross paths with Chaewon. /aka that hogwarts au no one asked for
Just Who the Hell Do You Think I Am? - Yena/Hyewon - G - Hyewon starts to regret so much about her life when her tinder date gets bundled into the back of a police car before she sets foot inside the restaurant.
Flavour of the Month - Hitomi/Nayoung (Produce 48/Banana Culture) - G -  Nayoung suffers a heartbreak and someone makes her heart race
i told you so - Eunbi/Hyewon, side Chaeyeon/Sakura - T - “Why are you guys arguing over the last condom if you’re both lesbians?” Yena asks. Eunbi and Hyewon both go beet red, avoiding eye contact. “Well, I mean, it’s always good to be safe,” Eunbi tries, but a lightbulb goes off in Yena’s head and she says “ohhhhh,” very loudly, wiggling her eyebrows. “I don’t get it,” Chaewon says. Eunbi thinks she might die of embarrassment. Or, Hyewon is a figure skater and Eunbi is an ice hockey player. They meet at the Winter Olympics in a rather unconventional way, but it turns out alright.
Stay Right There - Eunbi/Hyewon - Eunbi could only wish to be as carefree as Hyewon, instead of being the next CEO of Kwon Enterprises.
Mornings - Hitomi/Chaewon - Hitomi would always sneak up to the other dorm just to cuddle with Chaewon after their schedules.
Sweeter Than Fiction - Yena/Yuri - In-progress - Right in the moment Yuri met Choi Yena in that chat room, she knew the girl was gonna be someone important in her life or, Yuri being absolutely whipped by Yena since the first time they talked to each other and her rollercoaster ride going through feelings while being a broke college student with lots of responsibilities
Zone Wars - G - IZ*ONE's gamer line plays games to mixed results. Sakura taunts, Hyewon wins, Yena complains, and Minju just wants to be included.
And Fall - Jisoo/Lisa - G -  Her eyes, behind the lenses catching the veiled sunlight that must be blinding her, are so unguarded, glittering like quick little honey droplets. A gentle, thoughtless smile remains on her lips, even in the absence of an answer. It was hard enough resisting sweet underclassman Lisa, with her bleach-damaged hair and limbs far too long, movements far too sharp, for her body. But this? A gorgeously content Lisa, grown into herself and oblivious of the effect she has on the world, smiling at Jisoo so tenderly it must be a crime? Damn near impossible.
From every Sunday evening to every Sunday night - Jennie/Lisa - G -  Lisa wants Jennie to know the way she feels about her, so she writes her a note every day of the week.
Pumpkin spice with an undecent ammount of cream - Sorn/Seunghee - G - Seasons were only the background for companies to ask for money: “hey! Do you want to be like that girl, long curly hair, perfect make up, that is looking through the window as autumn settles in? Then come buy here! Everything is orange, red, maroon and brown and it tastes like pumpkin!” Seasons could suck Sorn’s toe for all they were worth. “And what would you like today?” “A pumpkin spice latte, please.” Or where Sorn has this big crush on a barista.
like a cat - Yujin/Yeeun - G -  Yeeun is a very, very tired college student. She doesn't believe her eyes when she sees a large cat dancing in the middle of a shopping centre. She didn't even know cats could dance. Yujin works at a cat cafe and sometimes has to wear a cat costume to advertise the cafe at the mall. One day, a very tired and loud girl stops to watch Yujin dance.
late groceries - Elkie/Sorn - G - sure it was too late for that, but still, they really needed their groceries. it was Urgent.
unexpected - Yujin/Yeeun - G - yeeun entered the building waiting for a job, and left with a soulmate.
Dancing with our hands tied - Sorn/Yeeun - T - A bet, an unforgettable night, and a really regretful Yeeun.
Weki Meki
trying to find an island in the flood - Doyeon/Yoojung - G - It is not the first time Yoojung has climbed into Doyeon’s bed, but it feels different, when Yoojung sticks her feet under the warmth of the blankets and Doyeon’s arms wrap around her almost instantly. “Sometimes,” Doyeon begins, absentmindedly tucking a strand of hair behind Yoojung’s ear, “I feel like I’ve already met my soulmate. But other times, I’m not sure, you know?” Something twists uncomfortably in Yoojung’s stomach and she swallows.
it's my favorite business interaction - Rina/Lucy - "Doyeon unnie, as much as I appreciate this, I'm seventeen. When am I going to need this?" "Interviews," Doyeon says offhandedly. "What… kind of interviews…?" "Like your date with Hyojung," Yoojung helpfully supplies. "That's sort of an interview." "Who said I was going on a date with Hyojung?"
Win Again - Doyeon/Somi (i.o.i, soloist) - G - High school heartthrob Jeon Somi's taekwondo team gets a budget cut for the cheerleading team's new uniforms. She has mixed feelings about their future captain, Kim Doyeon.
ten reasons why - Lua/Rina - G -  Soeun lists down ten reasons why she hates Sookyung.
the dazzling you, the angelic you - Saerom/Gyuri - G - Beautiful, breathtaking, alluring. That’s what Saerom was. And Gyuri couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off of her, ever.
despacito - Seoyeon/Jiwon - G - it’s this moment, seoyeon thinks, that her idol training has been preparing her for. that is, singing an extremely romantic song in front of the girl who you’ve liked for several months, who also happens to look extremely attractive right now.
the sun was in my eyes (the sun was in her smile) - M - Saerom/Gyuri, Saerom/Hayoung  "So, how did you and Gyuri meet?" Hayoung asks.Saerom should be more prepared than this. She has an email in her outbox sent to [email protected] with the subject line important backstory details for a reason. "Through Chaeyoung, the intern?" "Well, you guys look cute together," Hayoung says, giving Saerom an enthusiastic nod. (a buzzfeed AU)
Finding Solace - Saerom/Gyuri - G - Forest sprite Gyuri keeps finding a girl going back to the forest.
all my nights taste like gold - Eunwoo/Rena - G - yaebin looked around quickly, but no one was looking at them. "you shouldn't call me that. if they hear you--" "you're always gonna be kang yaebin to me, dummy," eunwoo interrupted. "if they don't like it they can answer to me.”yaebin felt a rush of warmth in her chest, like she was comfortable in her own skin for the first time in years. she had almost forgotten that eunwoo always made her feel that way.
I'm Your Girl ? - Rena/Roa - T  “Do you want to know what’s on my mind right now then?” Minkyung asked slowly. Yebin looked back at her and nodded. “It’s you. It’s almost always you,”
falling, falling, falling (for you, you, you) - Kyulkyung/Eunwoo - it's like everything in jieqiong's life shifts into place, while also simultaneously crumbles, within five seconds.
Another Halloween - Yuha/Eunwoo - G - Kyungwon and Eunwoo spend their Halloween together, like always
of course the snake would hate the lion - Luda/Eunseo - T - son juyeon, a muggleborn, was incompatible with lee luda, a girl that grew up with her parents telling her that muggles were inferior than them. when she sees herself being target of juyeon's jokes and attention, she thinks she's in hell. she really hates the younger girl, she's pretty sure of that, but when juyeon's get involved in a quidditch accident, luda started to care more than the normal about the other's well being.
Summer Dream - Yoohyeon/Dami - T - Ever since she was little, Yoohyeon has spent her summers lazing away at the country club pool. Funny enough, despite spending so much time there, she never learned to swim. This summer there’s a hot new lifeguard in town who Yoohyeon is helplessly crushing on. When Yoohyeon’s genius of a best friend flings her in the pool in order to try and catch her crush’s attention, another girl ends up saving her from drowning and stealing her heart in the process…
close to you - Yoohyeon/Siyeon, SuA/JiU - T - Kim Yoohyeon has two goals for this school year: to get the solo at the school concert and to enjoy her life alone in her new apartment. Both of these goals are crossed by Lee Siyeon, Yoohyeon's biggest rival since middle school, when unfortunate circumstances lead to them having to share more than just their passion for singing...
A Date in Stilettos - Yoohyeon/Dami, SuA/Siyeon - Blind dates aren't supposed to be amazing.
Traffic Duty - Yoohyeon/Dami - T - Officer Lee Yoobin has the most boring shift ever, or she thinks she does.
One Of The Nightmares  - Handong/Yoohyeon - T - Yoohyeon often has nightmares while sleeping and while awake. Handong is always there to bring her back from them.
half my bones - JiU/Siyeon - T -  when siyeon wakes up, she finds herself in a garden of lilies. Hanahaki Disease.
i want it, i got it - Yoohyeon/Dami - E - Yoobin has quite a few feelings about Yoohyeon's outfit from the performance of 7 Rings.
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johnnusz · 4 years
‘I’m going to say my piece’ on pandemic spring break
Udonis Haslem
Miami Heat forward and Liberty City native Udonis Haslem discusses the coronavirus pandemic, what it was like growing up hungry in South Florida, and why spring breakers needed to stay home to avoid COVID-19.
This article by Miami Heat veteran Udonis Haslem was originally published by The Players’ Tribune and contains explicit language.
You see that video going around of these silly ass college kids down in South Florida on spring break? Talking about, “If I get corona, I get corona, bro,” and all that nonsense?
Man, I’ll tell you one thing for sure.
Those kids have never been hungry a day in their life.
They never had to worry about nothing more serious than a pop quiz. But they’re still coming down here — coming to our state — in the middle of a pandemic, acting like nothing’s going on??
I’m not usually the kind of guy who does this sort of thing … . I don’t write a lot of articles. But if you f--- with my city, I’m going to speak on it.
So I’m going to take a second here and say my piece.
It’s funny — these kids fly down to places like South Beach for a couple days to party, and they think that’s Miami. But they’ve never seen the real Miami. They’ve never been to Liberty City. They’ve never seen the side of this city that’s living check to check. The side of this city that’s surviving meal to meal.
And let me just tell you something, man — there’s a Liberty City in every city. It’s regular people, with regular struggles. And I don’t know how I can get everyone to listen, but I say this from the bottom of my heart: The people growing up in the real Miami? They’re as vulnerable during this crisis as anybody.
And I’ll tell you one more thing — this idea about those people, that because of this coronavirus they’re going to go hungry? They were already hungry. Way before all this. They were already worrying about where their next meal was gonna come from, or where they’re gonna sleep tonight, or how they’re going to get their next dollar.
And that’s what I need to get off my chest right here. Because it’s been eating me up — to see all this coverage of our city, from all these people who don’t even know what they’re talking about, that’s just focused on a bunch of kids acting stupid.
This ain’t your f---ing beach, bruh.
This is not your spring break.
This shit is real life — and come to think of it, it’s more than even that.
This shit is life and death.
But how do I know, right? I hear y’all already, with your comments. I’m just some rich basketball player. How can I relate to that? What do I know?
Man, I grew up in Liberty City.
I had never even been to South Beach until my rookie year in the NBA.
We were living a whole different life across the bridge.
We saw things no kids should see. Drug addiction was all around us. Homelessness was all around us. My mother, God bless her soul, struggled with addiction and was homeless for years until she turned her life around.
I was that kid getting those free school lunches you read about on your Twitter timeline. Matter of fact, most of us in my elementary school had lunch cards. We went to school to eat, you know what I’m saying?? Those fish sticks were everything. That little carton of chocolate milk was everything. If you skipped school to f--- around in the streets, you might go hungry that day.
I didn’t know anything different. To me, that was just the norm. Like if you had three dollars to buy some chips and a sandwich for lunch? Man, I was looking at you like you were the weird one, you know what I’m saying?
And so while I might not be a doctor or a congressman or anything like that, I do know one thing — just as someone who grew up where I grew up: If our schools have to close down for a long time because this corona thing gets out of control, millions of kids are going home to empty refrigerators.
The worse this pandemic gets, the worse it’s going to be for those kids.
Really think about that.
And also ask yourself this question: Have you ever been hungry before?
I mean really hungry? Not just, like, “Damn, bro, I gotta get on Grubhub right now” hungry.
No, I’m talking hungry.
Because here’s something that only those who’ve really struggled will ever know: Everything changes when you’re hungry. Everything, man. Your whole entire perspective changes.
I’ll tell you a true story. Any time I see a bowl of raisins? Mannnnnnnn. Listen. To this very day, if I see raisins, it’s like I get triggered. I mean it — if I saw a bowl of them on the table right now, I might go apeshit. I might damn near flip the table over. Can’t see ’em, bro. Can’t smell ’em. Makes me sick.
It’s because when I was growing up, we had too many nights where the only thing we had for dinner were those little red boxes of raisins. Nothing else, no lie. That was the main motherf---ing course. Man … you know that smell I’m talking about? The smell of that California Raisin-ass cardboard? You’d be sitting there thinking, “Alright, it’s only about 15 hours till I get to school tomorrow so I can get some fish sticks.”
And that was the reality for lots of kids before all this coronavirus stuff and all this economic pain, you know what I’m saying? That’s just life. Kids going hungry, that’s our normal, right?
If this crisis doesn’t wake us up and make us change as a country, I don’t know what will.
When the average person in Middle America thinks about this virus, and this “social distancing” talk and all that, maybe they picture a bunch of schools shutting down and then these kids going home to a bunch of nice houses and chilling for a couple months. Eating snacks, playing video games. Mom’s working from home, doing conference calls. And I’m glad that’s a reality for so many kids.
But for a lot of kids, for the other half of America, it’s not reality.
For them, home might not be the safest place.
Maybe there’s a reason these kids don’t go home until it’s time to sleep, you know what I’m saying? Maybe there’s a reason they stay out at the basketball court or at the Y until they lock the gates at night.
Might be violent in that household, you feel me?
If this situation gets out of control, and we have to keep everybody off the streets? That house they’re holed up in might start to feel more like a prison.
For a lot of kids, the truth is that school is the only structure they got. It’s the only food they can count on. It’s the only safety that’s guaranteed.
You take that all away? You better be prepared to protect them.
And that’s really the thing about this crisis that we’re living through right now. This moment we’re in … it’s not about you. It’s not about your spring break, or the way you wanna live your life. It’s like, yeah, trust me, bro — I wanna chill, too. I wanna work out at the gym, too. I wanna be on the court again, grooming these young bucks.
So hell yeah, I want my old life back, too.
But this ain’t about me. It ain’t about you.
This thing is about us.
This virus is going to affect everybody, especially the most vulnerable.
So if you got a nice, stable environment? Keep your ass home.
If you got a roof over your head? Keep your ass home.
If you got a crib with Netflix and a refrigerator full of food? Keep your ass home.
I can’t tell you what’s going to happen with the coronavirus. I’m not a public health expert. But I am a certified O.G., and I’m definitely qualified to tell you about what’s going to happen in these streets with so much of the economy shut down. If people don’t take this situation seriously and pull together as a nation, millions of kids are going to suffer.
They didn’t ask for this life. They got dealt this hand when they came out the womb. It’s our responsibility as a nation to protect these kids. You don’t have to be rich to do your part. You don’t have to be a saint, neither.
You know, I tell people all the time, I was raised on the wings of the O.G.’s.
If it wasn’t for other people reaching out their hand to me, I never would’ve made it out of my situation. I never would’ve lived my dreams. And listen, you didn’t have to be Mother Teresa to help a kid out, you know what I’m saying? You didn’t have to be working for the Red Cross to catch me on the corner where I wasn’t supposed to be, and hand me five dollars, like, “Take your ass to the store and get some food. You’re not supposed to be here.”
My O.G.’s did that for me. They looked out for me, even though I wasn’t their blood. True story — I never had a real NBA jersey growing up. My O.G. Buckwheat gave me one straight off his back. Literally took it off, handed it to me. For nothing.
You know whose jersey it was?
Alonzo Mourning.
Ain’t that crazy? Imagine telling Zo, “Couple years from now, this broke-ass kid from Liberty City is coming for your rebounding record, bro!!!!!!!”
And you know, Buckwheat … let’s just say he didn’t have a regular job. But he always made sure I was good. All around me, I had people like that. In the middle of the struggle, we had each other’s back. Sometimes people look at the inner city like it’s all crabs in a bucket, like it’s every man for himself, but that’s not the full picture.
We survived because there was always somebody willing to come pick you up at four o’clock in the morning, no questions asked. There was always somebody willing to give you the shirt off their back, or the basketball shoes off their feet, or the last five dollars in their pocket.
Can we really say we got that same feeling of solidarity right now, as a country?
I look around on social media, in the middle of this disaster, and I see a lot of people talking about “me,” you know what I’m saying?
My way of life. My vacation.
If we don’t start talking about us, then a lot of people are going to suffer.
You know how many kids would hit me up in my DMs every day, before all this went down, talking about, “Hey UD, you got a job for me? I know you own some Subways. I’m just trying to get some money for my family.”
Every day.
I’m no doctor, or no politician, or no public health expert. But I know one thing, man. We all got a responsibility to those kids.
So where my O.G.’s at? Who gonna step up for them? I got two ideas for you.
If you can afford to donate some money to support meals for the kids who really need it, help out the people at Feeding South Florida.
Every $1 provides about six meals for people who really need our help right now.
If you can’t? (And believe me, I understand if you can’t.) If you can’t, you can do something real simple. If you got a roof over your head and some food in your fridge and you don’t have to go to work to feed your family, just do the easiest thing in the world, man.
F--- your spring break.
Just keep your ass at home.
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mutantsrisingrpg · 5 years
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Congratulations M! You’ve been accepted as PHOBOS.
Rahim is a skeleton that I absolutely loved writing and had a very specific image in mind while writing it. I’m not sure how you did it, but you brought that very thing to life! The first line in your bio is “A boy is a bomb.” which is really what Rahim is at the end of the day. Of course, I have to bring up the way you broke down their dossier and connected it with the fear that drives every part of his life because it truly made me feel for Rahim. I can’t wait to see what this boy does on the dash! 
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
Out of Character Information:
AGE: 27
In Character Information:
DESIRED ROLE: Rahim Avery/Phobos
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis male, he/him
Rahim was like a perfect storm of things made to attract me it seems: his code name is the name of the god of fear in greek mythology and i’m a sucker for the less known deities in mythology, riz ahmed as a fc is just such a perfect choice i don’t even have the words and then there’s his aesthetic blurb especially this line “The feeling of a hand on the back of your neck, tightening as they get their message across and the sparks from a train coming into the station as it attempts to stop.” This line was what got me absolutely hooked and what to me sets Phobos apart from other characters in play (especially male ones) like Cain for instance because i think Rahim has a lot of pent up anger and agression but he rarely ever gets it out, he’s much more skilled at the lead up to violence, at simply threatening it and oh he’ll unleash hell upon someone if he’s pushed to it whether that’s with his mutant ability or his fists but truth is his anger is mostly turned onto himself, he isn’t so much destructive as he is self destructive. Anger’s not a fuel or a driving force for him it’s a crutch, it’s a bad habit he’s unwilling to kick. He’s more likely to do dumb shit like bare knuckle box with people twice his weight and size just so he can get punched in the face and bleed or drink himself into oblivion, run on barely any hour of sleep and brush off any concern from claiming he’s working, doing it for the syndicate.
And then back to the code name, Phobos. I looked into that greek god and apparently Phobos and Deimos were meant to represent fear of loss also because of Aphrodite being their mother and then that just got me thinking about the driving fear in Rahim’s life and the more I thought about it the more I thought that his driving fear must be the fear of being known ‘cause otherwise why would he be so freaked out by the mere possibility of Jack digging into his past (and I do picture him to be quite unnerved about it and hiding it not quite as well as he thinks he is but putting up a front). I don’t have plans to insert a tragic backstory or big dark secret but I do think being known fully is not something Rahim is open to or even capable of, he’s barely managed to trust anyone in his life fully (except Finn, god bless Finn honestly) and letting anyone in on who he really is, in all his vulnerability, letting them know about his past (he’ll give you mundane pieces about his past, anecdotal shit but try and dig deeper and witness this man’s incredible proficiency at shutting the fuck down and quick) is just inconceivable to him because then that opens him up to hurt and loss and like I said there’s no tragic backstory behind it but he’s known loss once or twice already and some people handle loss better than others. Rahim is others.
A boy is a bomb. Now that’s a sort of sentence that’s enough to make one think 'oh how tragical’ and start worrying about the boy but now what if I told you that it was no metaphor? That it was quite literal and in fact not only is the boy a bomb but there is no ticking, no counter and he can go off at any second leaving wreckage in his wake. The boy lives, oh he always live and he doesn’t get hurt but that doesn’t make his predicament any less tragic, now wouldn’t you say. That boy has a name. His name is Rahim Avery and he was born thirty-five years ago in Illinois to two mutant parents only Teresa and Caden Avery were not prepared for their child to have such a volatile and destructive ability as both their mutant abilities were of a defensive nature.
Knowing Rahim could not hurt himself using his power was only a slight relief but rather than a childhood of playing with other children as any other child should Rahim’s own childhood was more often spent training to master perfect control and emotions such as anger or passion were heavily discouraged as he was reminded at every turn of the consequences, of how he might hurt others without meaning to. He found outlets however for a time through sport but then his old habits got in the way as he was almost paralyzed with fear of hurting his teammates living any contact sports out of the question until he had more control. Puberty was particularly tough on him, as if raging hormones and social awkwardness was not enough to add on top of that the possiblity of literally exploding at the slightest change of mood was a lot, too much to place on a young man’s shoulders.
What Rahim found though and what was a great relief to him was that keeping such a tight reign on his emotions had opened him up to listening better because he didn’t take up much space at all, didn’t speak much only when he did it was with eloquence and more importantly empathy. He became in tune with other’s people feelings from spending so much his time, waiting, observing and one emotion he realized could be quite useful was fear. He didn’t have to be violent or let his anger out if only the mere thought of him doing so was enough of a threat to have people backing down and so he soon sought out loneliness and embraced it, happier keeping people at bay with one dark look. It was freeing, much easier to keep a lid on all his repressed anger when there wasn’t a soul in sight to potentially piss him off.
The tactic kept him lonely and stronger by the day, much more in control of his ability until he felt like he could have been in a rage and not made anything explode at all, like he wasn’t a threat to his immediate surroundings just by existing and what a relief that was too. Life, it seemed had one lesson to teach him: it didn’t matter how much control you thought you had you could still screw up and badly.
An incident occurred cutting him completely off guard as his parents house was attacked while he was visiting, an anti-mutant attack evidently as their neck of the woods had grown progressively less safe for their kind over the years and intending to charge an item for explosion and aim it at an attacker he was blindsided and instead the charge injured his father. Although he was assured following the attack time and time again that he had nothing to feel sorry for, that his father knew he was only trying to help and to protect his family, Rahim had to admit to himself that although isolating himself might have seemed like the perfect plan he was still far from harmless, having focused all of his attention on control rather than precision.
When he learned of the Blackburn Syndicate’s existence and its origins he at first refused to even consider looking further into it or meeting its members. He was no cast aside mutant, he was simply one of many (he had to assume, it couldn’t only be him) that struggled with his powers. It wasn’t that the criminal activities rebuked him either as he had gone from job to job aimlessly, never having found a vocation for himself so putting his powers to good use and making more money than he would on his many odd jobs was definitely appealing but he couldn’t help at first but to think he would be stealing a spot from a needy mutant to until he met the underboss of the Syndicate who made it quite clear that as long as he was useful whether or not his spot was filled by him or some less fortunate mutant out there did not matter. They needed a bruiser and if he had the ambition and the skills for it, he ought to take the position, that wouldn’t stop the Syndicate from taking other less fortunate mutants into their ranks. The nature of the job was enough to make him say yes as he saw there an outlet for his anger that was slightly more healthy than the ones he was accustomed to. Of course, he got more than he bargained for joining the criminal crew, some friends he thinks he might very well be willing to kill or die for and some thorns in his sides too.
Finn Croix: All I could think of reading that connection was of Jonathan Van Ness and Antoni Porowski friendship (but tbh the whole fab five and their non toxic love towards one another, the way they’re so comfortable hugging and touching and telling each other they love each other, i just a hundred per cent pictured that with Finn and Rahim) except that sentence in finn’s description of the connection with Rahim about people gossiping about the two of them lodged itself into my brain and made me go 'could this be romantic, taking the romance out of the bromance? or am i reading into it???’ but i’m quite happy to say whichever way it goes, I just absolutely love this connection and I can see Finn being the only one Rahim fully trust and is as close to his truest self with so that’s saying somethin.
Jack Mizuno: Jack was put on this eath to test Rahim’s patience and goodness and by God if he isn’t fulfilling his purpose to the fullest. Basically every day that he doesn’t break a bone in that guy’s body just because or blows up anything electronic just to fuck with him is a day that Rahim congratulates himself on his impeccable restraint. No, but more seriously Rahim doesn’t let people in on his fuck up with his parents and the robbery, doesn’t let anyone know of all the fucked up ways he’s been punishing himself for years for just being born wrong (he wishes he could have a defensive power on most days like his parents and that’s definitely a secret Jack can’t find but Rahim’s lucky Jack can’t quite read thoughts yet) so Jack gets under his skin, make his skin crawl and deep down Rahim’s midly scared of the guy and trying to get desperate for a way to get him off track, distract him.
EXTRA: I did not have time for extras unfortunately at this time. I thank you for reading my app for Dana/Enceladus and am available for any feedback.
ANYTHING ELSE: Nothing at the moment.
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