#also made a new sim on accident???
saruin · 3 months
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testing out this mesh~
can't wait to texture it
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imaginaryf1shots · 9 months
My Girls (||) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 3072
Driver!OC X Max Verstappen
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
Series Warnings: cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
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A new beginning 
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Both Max and Cecilia followed each other’s carriers.
When Cecilia then got pregnant with her ex’s, Mathew’s, daughter she watched as Max made it into F1, she was jealous yes, she wanted to race to reach her dreams, she wanted to be the first F1 female champion. 
“What do you want to do?” Her dad asked her as he watched his daughter hold his granddaughter. He never expected to have his little girl as a mother this young, her ex signing all his rights away before they baby was even born, leaving the father's name on the birth certificate empty. A single mother at the age of 18.
“Whatever you decide, we’ll support you.” Her mum told her holding her hand, her girl just gave birth after a long pregnancy, she looked tired but content. 
“I want to keep her.” She whispered looking at her girl, she had wisps of blonde hair, the same hair Cecilia and her father shared. Already looking like her, she whipped her tears away and looked up at her parents. “And I want to race.”
“It’s going to be hard.” Her dad warned her, she needed to know the challenges facing her, if she decided to do that then it’s going to be one of the hardest things she ever did. 
“I know, but I want to do it for her, I want her to know that she can achieve all her dreams, I want her to proudly say that I’m her mum, to never feel like any less because her dad isn’t in the picture, I want to do it for her.”
“And you will, we’ll work it out and help you as much as you need.” Her mum kissed her forehead and pushed her hair out of her face, her lovely daughter. Her sweet and strong daughter. 
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Once Cecilia was given the green light by her doctors, she was back on track and in gyms. Her family’s home gym was upgraded, she had everything she needed there. The only time the girl used her uncle’s connections was when he helped her get back into competitions, getting into F2 was easy once she showcased her abilities that improved in her time off. Mclaren’s junior team snatched her up and she drove for them for a year before she was set as the reserve driver for them in 2018, she raced for the team in a free practice in the Germany, a track she hadn’t drove in her carrier, the woman was on the sim everytime she could as she prepared for the race, she wanted to impress not only Mclaren who had her on yearly contracts for now, but also everyone else, women belonged in the motorsport and she’s going to show it. She wants more skilled females racing, she wants her daughter and all the young girls growing up to see girls like them racing and winning. 
In 2019 she had her seat, driving for the first time in an F1 car that was made for her. Making it as the first female F1 driver since the 90s. Getting a place is one thing, keeping it is another thing, all the other females before couldn’t keep their seats for long but she planned to stay racing no matter what. 
When it was announced you better believe it turned into a media circus. The female had gone through grilling PR and media training, going through every question she could’ve been asked. She’s ready to face the fire.
The season kicked off in Australia, once the media saw the Mclaren making its way to the park at the entrance they crowded the area, wanting to get a glimpse of the female driver or even her teammate. Mclaren is doing a lot of unseen things with two new drivers this year. When Cecilia got out of the car she was given for the week, she smiled at the cameras, she was sporting Mclaren merch with a pair of blue jeans, wanting to be as neutral as she could until the media got used to her, if she wore any of her clothes the team speculated that they’ll focus on that and take away from her abilities. 
It’s media day and she had a lot of interviews to go through, making her way to the entrance. One of Mclaren’s press officers walked with her, there weren't that many fans of her around so she only signed a few things before she made it inside. Going to the paddocks where there was a quick meeting with her and Lando before they start their media duties.
Standing a little to the side she waited for the drivers doing the interview to finish before the new batch did theirs, her and Lando were split up for this section, thankfully she saw Charles coming her way, they both grinned when they saw each other, hugging the other tightly when he made it to her.
“Mon Dieu, tu m'as manqué.” She said in French, they pulled back Charles’ dimple evident on his face. (Oh god I missed you)
“Tu m'as manqué aussi, je suis si heureuse que tu sois là.” Charles replied to her they stood talking in French, Checo and Daniel walked in too they heard the pair talking in French they couldn't keep up with them so they left them talking after they greeted each other, the last to join is Max. (I missed you too, I'm so happy you’re here.)
When he saw her standing there he had to take her in, they’re no longer the teenagers they were when they used to Kart, gone the baby faced Cecilia and in her place stood a grown woman, hair longer and light makeup on her face, her hair loose, he only evers saw her in braids growing up.
It’s been years since Max saw Cecilia last, he knew she was the reserve driver for Mclaren, everyone knew, but they never ran into each other, both lived in Monaco but he never ran into her there either. He knew she’d make it into F1, it took her longer than he thought but she made it. His childhood rival made it into F1 to be one of his rivals, he can’t wait to race her on track once again.
There it is again, his heart speeding up, his eyes coming back to her every few seconds. He thought he grew out of his feelings for her, but evidently not. Once again she’s standing with Charles speaking in french his french isn't a match for the Monégasques. When Cecilia took her eyes off her best friend’s they fell onto the dutch driver.
“Max.” She called for him, he looked from Daniel to her, that smile she had when she was younger, he remembers the last time they talked and how rude he was to her, but that was years ago, a lifetime ago it seemed. “I haven’t seen you in years.”
They didn’t hug, like her and Charles, but her smile was enough for him. Cecilia couldn’t help but take him in too, she’s seen him on TV of course but the real thing is always different. She wonders how she hasn’t run into him before.
“Yeah, last time I saw you, you were almost as tall as I was.” Rolling her eyes at his joke, she’s taken her height from her mother, her father’s side of the family were all tall, leaving her the shortest of the bunch, she wasn’t that short but she always looked short next to her family members, she’s 165 not that short but whatever.
“Wow Verstappen, not all of us are born to be giants.” She joked back. “I’m not even that short, I’m average.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“You know Max is right.” Charles said with a teasing smile.
“Come on, not you too.” Cecilia groans and glares at the due. 
“It’s the truth, Cece.” Charles said and leaned down a little to be the same height as her mocking her height, she huffed and exaggerated rolling her eyes. The men laughed at her antics, she crossed her arms and walked to the two other drivers.
“I feel bullied, I’ll go talk with the nicer drivers.” She shook her head as she heard them laugh at her, her hair swinging left and right, they knew she was only joking with them. She could always take a joke.
Complaining to Daniel and Checo about the boys, they patted her back in comfort. A minute later they took their places on the sofa in front of the journalists. 
Cecilia got nervous once her feet hit the elevated platform, she’s been through all questions that could be asked, she’s trained until she could answer without a moment of hesitation. So why is it that the opposite happened, why is it that no one thought that the male filled room would agree to ignore her. They were all just too happy to take pictures of her walking into the circuit. It showed what they thought of her, she didn’t belong here, they didn't want her here, she’s only good to look at, a replacement for grid girls. The poor press officer tried to get people to ask her anything but they just ignored him. She had long since just leaned back and placed her microphone beside her, she was annoyed but she tried to act as if she wasn’t bothered. Was it working? Not 100%, people would debate whether she was bothered or not. They don’t know her well enough to go back for past experiences. 
“Cecilia, what are you looking forward to this year?” Charles asked once he answered the same question, he turned to look at the female next to him, it wasn’t hard to understand what journalists were doing. Picking up her microphone.
“I’m mostly looking forward to showing everyone what I can do.” She looked at Charles before her eyes met the main camera, looking straight on, no jokes. “I’m going to prove to everyone that women belong in F1.” She smiled then and looked at Charles. “But mainly I’m looking forward to beating you and Max like I used to do when we were young.”
This did it, both men started talking at the same time making her smile. She wasn’t asked any more questions but she didn’t mind after that, her and Charles were talking to each other when he wasn’t asked anything. She nodded along with some answers. After what felt like forever they were done. Walking out of the room she pressed the Mclaren hat on her head, an arm wrapped around her shoulders.
“Show them what you’ve got, Cece.” Daniel said to the younger female, he hated how underrated she is and people already looked down on her. People were acting like they’ve never seen her drive, F2 was filmed and aired, she drove in a FP last year, and did well, not to say how good she did in testing. 
“Planning on it.” Cecilia said with a grin, how real it is, she couldn't tell you. 
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Free practice, she didn't give her all, the team planned for her to surprise everyone on qualifying day. She was seen with Sebastian talking, the man was talking with her, giving her advice not about the race but about the media. He told her how the media can go from portraying you as a villain to a hero in a few seconds, telling her that once she gets in the car she should forget all of them and just focus on driving, the german driver had seen her drive before with his own eyes, he knows how good she can be. 
When Lewis joined them, Cecilia couldn’t look him in the eye. He’d seen her last year, and they’ve never talked about it, he never asked and no news came out, but she was still scared. Plus, she looked up to him, always admired him. 
“You were a badass on Media day.” Lewis said to the female, he knew slightly of what she was going through, F1 isn’t known for its diversity, while she had the money, he had his gender, both came into the sport at a disadvantage and Lewis knew she has big potential, Seb talked to him about her before, making him watch her races before. Hearing his words made Cecilia look at him, his smile made her smile as well, a look of understanding passing them. 
Getting P9 in qualifying wasn’t bad for a rookie, on their first drive. Her team is proud of her place, knowing that tomorrow she’ll start at a good position to do even better. Even if she didn’t finish P9 then that’s some points won in her first race.
Cecilia planned to do better, if not for the helmet’s visor then people would see how the look in her eyes change the moment she starts a race. Gone is the smiley girl and in her place a woman on a mission. 
At the first corner she went up to P7, her team encouraging her to keep the pace. Drivers know each other’s techniques and how to deal with them, but the new ones are always full of surprises, and Cecilia is indeed a surprise. The female is a skilled driver, no questions asked. Going up another position, she couldn't overtake Charles but she got the fastest lap, finishing at a strong P6 winning 9 points for Mclaren.
She may have not gained a podium but her team were shouting down the radio how happy they were.
Later that day Cecilia got a text from an unknown number, she was in her driver’s room, going over the race analysing every minute. A habit that she got, it’s one of the ways she got better, after a race she’d sit down, watch and analyse and try to learn from it and then never think about it again. She could tell from the number that it’s a Monaco based number.
Unknown number 
Hey, I got your number from Charles, hope it;s okay.
Cecilia H.
Who is this?
Unknown number
Its Max
Cecilia H.
It’s okay
What's up?
Lando said you’re still at the circuit?
Cecilia H.
Yeah, are you still here?
Yes, mind if we meet up? 
Cecilia H.
Sure give me a minute and i’ll be outside Mclaren
Okay 👍
Closing the laptop she had on, still in her team kit with the cap and all, she walked out holding her packbag deciding to just leave after her talk with Max. Max was already waiting for her. The sun was almost down, only a few stragglers still there, all the media and fans already left. 
“Maxy!” Cecilia cheekily called for the man, he turned to look at her, he looked like was about to scold his younger sibling or something, making her smile even more.
“Don’t ever call me that again.” 
“Sure whatever you say, Maxy.” Cecilia teased him again, this version of Max is her favourite, the one who could joke and take a teasing. Definitely better than younger Max.
“I take it back, I’m leaving.” He turned to walk away before Cecilia held his bicep to stop him.
“Wait, wait, I’m sorry, what do you want?” She asked him quickly, he gave her a smile showing her that he knows she’d just joking. Thinking about what he wanted to say kind of made him shy, his cheeks were dusted with a pink glow and he rubbed the back of his neck for a moment. “Come on, it can't be that bad.”
“It’s not, I’m just embarrassed.” His voice dropped when he said embarrassed, just admitting that he’s embarrassed made him even more embarrassed. “You know the last time we talked…”
“Yesterday?” She asked him, frowning, trying to recall what happened yesterday, admittingly so much has happened. Maybe she said something rude without noticing or something, but nothing was coming to her mind.
“No, no when we were young, I wanted to apologise.” He said and decided to just get out and get it over with. “When you just wanted to congratulate me and I called you stupid and weird, I'm sorry about that, I didn't honestly mean it, not then and not now.”
“You scared me for a second there Max, I thought I said something.” Cecilia adjusted her hat so it won't cover her eyes as much so she’d be able to look at Max without raising her head that much. “I honestly forgot about it, we were kids, a lot of things happened since then, and you kind of forget about those small instances.”
“Still I felt the need to say I’m sorry.” Max was glad she was taking it lightly, he knew that she most likely would she hadn't held it over his head, or acted coldly towards him when they met again. “So what are you still doing here?”
“We had a post race meeting.” 
“Lando left over an hour ago.” Max frowned; they both had their things and were slowly walking to the direction of the parking lot.
“Well, it’s just a little habit I developed. After a race I would watch the race and see where I went wrong, how I can improve and what the others, who did better than me are doing.” Max nodded to her simple explanation, that alone proved to all those haters online and misogynistic journalists who refused to ask her anything. On Mclaren’s promos and any pictures of the girl, it had a copious amount of hate under it, it’s baffling to see. 
“You did great today.” Max commented and even though she disagreed she took the complement. Nothing much was said the rest of the way, and they split up going to their cars, and driving to different hotels. 
Cecilia could only think about how much Max has changed, no longer the cold boy she met before. Yes on track he is the same, wouldn't want to piss him off on track but the man in a race wasn’t the same as he was talking to her now. And he wasn't bad to look at either.
Her phone rang, her mum’s picture popped up, answering the phone while she had it connected to the car, her daughter’s voice greeted her. Her little three year old voice met her ears, making her smile.
Next ->
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hoonvrs · 5 months
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PAIRING enha × gnr
DESC. how you’d spend christmas with enha
GENRE est. relationship, fluff
WARNING swearing, play fighting
W. COUNT 0.8k
S. NOTES falalalalaaaalalalalaa
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( ice skating )
people often forget how good hee is good at ice skating with a professional ice skater in his group
but when he found out you were okay at best, insisted you had to go together 
i think he’d prefer to be holding hands skating together instead of teaching you from square one
would feel his heart fluttering from seeing you so happy on the ice
insists on holding your hand ‘just in case’
does it so he can have you close the whole time
regrets it instantly when you slip and pull him down with you
somehow still finds it romantic that you both now have matching bruises 
( cuddling/hot chocolate galore )
as much as he loves cooking, he’d prefer to order in on christmas 
but of course, that doesn’t mean he’s not in the kitchen at all
saw a tiktok of different hot chocolate recipes and got hooked
convinced you that you guys needed to try them all for your movie date
got a different hot chocolate to have with a different movie
tried to theme it but tried too hard and messed up the designs 
best hot chocolate of your life but best believe you could barely finish the fourth one
anything to make jay happy, and he repaid by cuddling under heaps of blankets the whole night
( baking/decorating gingerbread )
jake doesn’t have a single baking bone in his body
don’t know what possessed him to think he could make gingerbread from scratch
gingerbread tastes like ass, good thing you already bought ready-made dough
everything becomes a competition between you two and this was no exception
challenged who can make the best gingerbread men and house
by the end, you have jellies, sprinkles, and other sweets all over the floor and table
somehow also ends up on the christmas tree???
turns out jake also can’t decorate so his house looked like a hot mess that you keep for display on the mantle next to yours
( christmas market date )
begged you to go to the market on charismas day
both wearing your biggest scarves and fluffiest gloves cause its cold as fuck outside
practically dragged you the second he saw a churro stand
refuses to leave until you both tried nearly all the stands
walks along the river with a steaming hot drink in your hands
stay to admire the lights 
would put your hands in his pockets if you say you’re cold
refuses to let you spend a single penny cause he’s the best boyfriend ever
( cooking together )
sunoo has always wanted to cook with his s/o finding the intimacy cute
what better occasion than a christmas dinner
gets recipes and a few practice classes from his jay hyung a few days before so he’s prepared for you
you walk in on all the ingredients and bowls laid out with a smiley sunoo in the middle
could never refuse him anything when he asked to cook together so cutely 
went in overestimating both of your cooking abilities in making two dishes never mind five
three hours later you finally have your meal ready
actually wasn’t bad, so worth it seeing how proud he was renouncing himself as ‘enhypens new cook’ but don’t tell jay
( playing/fighting in the snow )
your date with jungwon didn’t mean to end in the snow
started when you threw a snowball at him after your little restaurant date
as much as he loves you, he also loves winning
thus, commencing the biggest snow fight of your life
talking rapid fire shots -- no survivors 
would stop when he hits you in the face by accident and goes to check up on you
worried thinking he hurt you until you flip last second and throw one back square in the face
ends with you guys making snow angels before going home both cold and wet
( tree decorating )
you almost had an aneurism when you saw the tree was still bare and it was already the 25th
screw all your plans’ you guys were going to decorate the tree instead
take a little trip to the closest shop to get a few missing decorations
can’t do anything with your boyfriend without a few playful arguments
ends with the tree having three different tinsel colours that clash cause neither of you would back down
every other bulb was a printed meme because riki doesn’t believe in separating decoration and humour
of course, lifts you up by the waist to put the star on the top because you’re his star
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perm taglist @mesopret @whoschr ​@haknom @shinsou-rii @redm4ri @lacimolela @llama-lyna @boyfhee @lazysmushi @flwoie @kocokookie @kyexvly @seongclb @dammit-jjk @flwrshee @produmads ​@teddywonss @aleiouvre @dneltrise @aleiouvre @nyxvrse @yohanabanana @whois-alexis @tinyegg @sserafimez @satsuri3su @yuemvi @chirokookie @idk-tbh777 @s00buwu @ynsvnte @isawritesss
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starberry-cupcake · 2 months
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I could have just gone ahead and finished the book, but I adult life is interrupting so I stopped mid-fight and that's what you're getting, since I think it'll be a more sensible length this way.
previously, in gideon the ninth
this happened (also, this is the tag for all of the stuff)
currently, somewhere before ending the penultimate chapter, I think:
ok, let's back it up a bit, but I needed to get that out of my chest for a sec
out of my guts, like the key she hid in the 5th necro bride's body
(too soon)
anyway, after yandere simulator w/inner chad left the room, gideon, harrowbean and my qp wife realized palmolive was gone
and everyone knows where he went because his dick has been a compass the whole time
or, like gideon puts it, he's been a weenie
camilla, the light in the dark, the sun to my moon, tells gideon and harrow that palmolive has been corresponding with dulcinea since he was like 8 and she was like 15 and he's been in love with her the whole time
and that he's made his lifelong purpose to save her life
there are many levels of Issues here
but at this point, we don't have time to unpack any suitcases
all this just proves to me that camilla has been carrying all the weight of the world on her shoulders even more, but anyway
they also feel confused as to why dulcinea has been ghosting palmolive massively since HE PROPOSED TO HER
palmolive, my man, my dude, just...what the fuck is your life
what are you doing, my guy
anyway, I immediately started thinking some soul possessing or some stuff like that could be going on, like she's not herself, but there's no time to theorize much
gideon feels terrible because she's been flirting with dulcinea in front of palmolive's salad all along and says something like "why do I have to be so attractive?" to which harrow answers something like "if you weren't, people would deck you after 5 minutes" which is a very good read
so gideon goes to find palmolive and he stops her with necro magic and enters dulcinea's room and outs her as the murderer
who is surprised??? not me, of course
so, basically, ducinea The Real One died at some point before arriving like protozoa, and this bitch here is a previous lyctor whose name I cannot remember so we will call her not!dulcinea
the real dulcinea was the other roasted body in the furnace
and protozoa was killed by her also which, again, the sword through the heart was a good indicator it wasn't an accident, but harrow was the only one who saw the body
non!dulcinea is a lyctor of the seventh that served the emperor and did the soul slurping thingy and already has her cav within her ("inside her" sounds...not great)
and she wanted to stir some shit up to get the man of the hour to show up and get revenge and whatnot
the emperor, coming back to canaan house from some holidays that took longer than he expected
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it's not totally clear, because there's still a lot we don't know, but it sounds a bit like a toxic relationship with an authority figure
palmolive then proceeds to immolate himself like superman going super solar flare, but not being able to heal himself after, unlike superman
after that, all hell breaks loose
not!dulcinea tries to kill gideon
camilla tries to kill not!dulcinea
harrow also enters the fight and brings gideon's sword
like, the real one
you can hear the audience cheering when she catches her sword like it was filmed in front of a live studio audience
gideon and harrow team up against the mega massive monster junji ito concoction that killed isaac
they do the mind mesh thingy
harrow unlocks a new power
like in the sims
she also passes out for a bit
gideon gets her knee and shoulder fucked up
camilla is amazing and does amazing things
non!dulcinea seems to be too tough to win against
yandere simulator twin w/inner chad enters the chat
they fight like goku and vegeta for a while but non!dulcinea ends up using her like a battery
which is, to me, the revenge of duracell bunny nephew from beyond the veil or wherever he went
like, poetic cinema fate
I have no idea where regina george twin is at this point
last we saw of her, she was crying in a corner
which, mood tbh
so, where I left off for now, we've got three survivors accounted for: gideon, harrowbean and my qp wife, there's a lost twin somewhere in there and then there's yandere simulator twin being used as a charging pad by non!dulcinea
I want to take a moment to point out something, though
like, harrow was "oh no, we mustn't let people know you're not actually my cavalier and that I puppeteered my parents and that there's a frozen barbie in the ninth" and gideon was "oh no, I mustn't let people know I'm not a ninth cav and I don't use a rapier and I have a complicated relationship with my necro"
maybe the second weren't because they were ignorant asshats, but EVERYONE WAS MESSED UP
you got the third, with a non necro princess and a feral real necro doing the work of both and chad as their support, look how that turned out so far
the fourth, who weren't tall enough to reach the top shelf and weren't even allowed their keys
the fifth who knew too much so they were goners after throwing a party
the sixth, with a guy who had the hots for a woman twice his age that he had a grey's anatomy fantasy to save that powered his entire reason to be there (and a cav who didn't use the right equipment but is great 10/10 no notes)
the seventh, who's THIS MESS
and the eight, who were doing the creepiest thing possible at all times and couldn't even do it properly
the only ones here who came in without dirty laundry were the second and that's why they were easy targets
everyone else was shady af
the best reality show you've ever watched
anyway, see you for the next one when we'll know who wins between one old lyctor and 3 bad bitches (or 4, if yandere twin is still alive, or 5 if regina george twin shows up again)
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venriliz · 19 days
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Ozan Demirel for @aniraklova's The Yasmine's Desire Bachelorette Challenge
"Good Night, Del Sol Valley! You're tuned in to RARE.fm and you should listen to good old Ozan here, the voice of reason and limitless wisdom when he's tellin' you - take good care of yourself and stay hydrated because things are about to get hot in here! Kiss your cutie, sway your hips and dance like no one's watchin' to this gem of a song - Al Sim!" - Ozan Demirel
Mid 40's (he's sensible, don't ask him for specifics!)
Radio host/has his own station called RARE.fm
Born and raised in Appaloosa Plains and currently residing in Del Sol Valley
Ambitious, Self-Absorbed, Music Lover
Story/Cas pics/Likes and dislikes↓
Ozan Demirel is one of the most recognizable voices of Del Sol Valley and beyond - or at least he was.
His star as a radio host rose almost 25 years ago when he felt that he was destined for more than being a cowplant farmer on his family-owned ranch in Appaloosa Plains. His family life always had its up and downs especially for him being the youngest child of 8 and constantly being picked on by his older siblings or cast aside by his parents. Due to a traumatic experience in his childhood he lived in constant fear of being eaten by the cowplants, the very thing that earns a living for the family, and at the age of 19 he left the farm behind for good.
Ozan hitchhiked to Del Sol Valley, dreaming of his very own rise to stardom but had to realize quickly that it's not as easy as they make it look in the movies. After unsuccessfully trying to strike up a deal with some of the big record labels in the city, Ozan had to learn the hard way that simply being able to play a few basic chords on a guitar won't necessarily get him to the top. Trying to make ends meet by working at a call center made him discover a new talent for himself though - his talent of speech. After taking on several loans and maybe (innocent until proven guilty!) cheating some people out of their money through backroom poker games, RARE.fm was born.
To his familys' and maybe even his own surprise, Ozans listener count exploded almost over night especially thanks to his distinctive voice, blunt personality and dry-as-a-desert humor. What began as a one-man show inside of an old camper van in the outskirts of Del Sol Valley quickly became a lucrative business and well-loved radiostation with Ozan at the helm.
Life was great and with the addition of Violet, an old flame from high school as his co-host, RARE.fm was unstoppable in the entertainment industry. But eventually things always change, right?
Now, over 20 years later and with Violet gone due to her untimely death in a freak accident, Ozan finds himself grief-stricken not only over the loss of his best friend but also the loss of his own fame. Money isn't the problem here, Ozan has plenty of that. BUT as RARE.fm seems to lose more and more popularity, he finds himself afraid - afraid of fading into obscurity, afraid of being one of many, like he's always been in his childhood.
Seeing the billboards of Yasmine's upcoming bachelorette show all over the place has set a plan into motion and Ozan decided to jump into cold water. This will be the first time people will not only hear his voice but also be able to put a face to it as well. A rather scary thought for Ozan who's never been on TV before.
Is he looking for love? Maybe.
Is he desperately trying to cling to whatever notoriety he has left and wants to use this show to do so? Maybe.
Does he think Yasmine is a gorgeous woman and wants to meet and get to know her regardless of his quite selfish motivations? Hell yeah!
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colors: grey - green - red - black music: dj booth - spooky - metal - alternative - nu disco - soul characteristics: hard-working sims - spirited sims - funny sims conversation: compliments - physical intimacy - small talk - gossip - jokes - discussing hobbies - discussing interests fashion: polished - rocker - streetwear activities: bowling - DJ mixing - guitar - mixology - photography - media production - dancing decor: industrial - mid-century - modern - contemporary
colors: pink - orange music: kids - tween pop - ranch characteristics: argumentative sims - ambitionless sims conversation: potty humor - pranks - arguments fashion: country - outdoor activities: videogames - cooking decor: art deco - farmhouse
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tiallussims · 18 days
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Everardo Cordova
Motorcycle racer. TV host. World Traveler.
Contestant for @aniraklova's Yasmine's Desire BC
Basic Info Age: 34 Birthday: September 16th Height: 1,79m Occupation: TV Host, Social Media Star Basic Traits: Active | Snob | Ambitious Sexual Orientation: Bi (closeted 🤫) Hobbies: rock climbing, horse riding, playing the guitar, working out, photography
Usually, three words come to people's minds when they think of the Cordova family: cattle, horses, and racing. Everardo comes from a long line of successful Selvadoradian racers. Although he's the black sheep of his generation. He's the only one who became a motorcycle racer. At the height of his racing career, Everardo was rumored to be the first rider to win the San Sequoia MotoGP three years in a row. Everardo enjoyed everything that came with his success and popularity, especially the parties. Fate is a fickle mistress, though. A mass crash during San Sequoia MotoGP changed Everardo's career. Although Everardo came out of this crash unscathed, his teammate Raul Batista wasn't lucky. Batista didn't survive the crash, and the race was aborted and postponed due to this tragic accident. Everardo did indeed win the race when it was held again. When asked if he was proud of the third win in a row, Everardo commented that he won the title for his teammate. Months passed, and it became silent around Everardo. He refused any requests made by the media and sports teams. Almost one and a half years later, Everardo rose again like a phoenix from the ashes when he participated in the infamous Champs-de-Sims – Al Simra rally. But his worldwide journeys on a motorcycle, well documented on his personal Simsta and his blog, blazed the path to his new career. He now hosts 'Trailblazer,' a show dedicated to extreme travel. Everardo also models for motorcycle ads from time to time. He hasn't returned to racing yet and probably never will. Everardo has the reputation of being a playboy who will never commit to a relationship. And those pesky rumors about dates with men. But he really wants a partner for a long-term relationship.
Is Yasmine ready for a ride?
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Random Facts
Everardo is close to his entire family but has the closest relationship with his sister Ileanna.
His older brother Vincente continues the family's racing legacy as a talented drift racer.
The scars on his right arm are from a more recent accident. And it didn't involve a motorcycle. But a horse in a foul mood. (Why do all of my male sims learn wearing gloves is essential the hard way?)
Everardo and Raul were more than just friends and teammates.
Everardo speaks Selvadoradian and Simlish. His Simlish still has a very subtle Selvadoradian accent.
His nickname, The Boar, comes from the meaning of his first name. Although his fast and aggressive riding style might have influenced his nickname, too.
Everardo hasn't come out yet due to his conservative upbringing.
Everardo is left-handed.
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His everyday and formal outfits use CC items. Other than that I kept CC to his body and body details. Private download if chosen.
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bloodyhoon · 2 months
the love club [ch 1]
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genre: high school fanfiction, love triangle (park sunghoon x female!reader x sim jake) angst, fluff.
warnings: mentions of death (reader's mom), reader is a bit insecure, lmk if a missed anything. English is NOT my first language so there may be grammal or spelling errors.
words: 2.2K
taglist: open! send a ask or commented to be added.
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Your new social life began at that very moment, it was your first day of school. That act would define how you would develop in society, if you managed to make friends then everything would be fine, and if you didn't make any friends or acquaintances then you would also do well because you were used to that. You had never managed to make a sincere friendship in your seventeen years of life, you only had a couple of acquaintances at your previous school with whom you used to spend school hours, but once school hours were over, you would return to your lonely life at home. You didn't hate it, but more than once you found yourself fantasizing about going to a party with your high school classmates or having a sleepover night with people you considered close friends. You even wanted to experience teenage love because when you had the chance, it was taken away from you by fate, breaking your heart.
Everything in your life got worse when one afternoon you suddenly received a call telling you that your mother had died due to an accident. Your world fell apart, you became very withdrawn and introverted and you believed that you could not continue with your life. Your father helped you get ahead, he even made the drastic decision to move from his beautiful country so that you would not live on the sad memories and could start a new life, he did not intend for you to forget your mother but he did intend for you to learn to live with the absence of the physical person of your mother. You loved your father and would be eternally grateful to him for all the things he did for you.
"Attention pelase, class!" The teacher next to you, who was in charge of the class, caught the attention of the group of noisy young people. You shook your head slightly returning to your current reality "This is y/n, a new student who recently transferred from Japan, please be kind to her considering how difficult it is to enter a new school in the middle of the school term. Be friendly and help her join the group without difficulty, please" the teacher's voice was gentle even though he was speaking firmly and the students looked at him with admiration.
The group of young people chanted "yes, professor" but then each one returned to his world, taking out a tired sigh from the adult. You let out a sigh as well and relaxed slightly, feeling the pressure and nerves slowly leave your body.
"Y/n" the teacher spoke to you "This is Nishimura Riki."
Your world stopped for a second when you heard that name, you slowly raised your head and looked at the tall boy who was next to you, who showed you a grimace reflecting a slight uncomfortable smile. Your eyes scanned him from head to toe, he was dressed in the school uniform, a little disheveled but strangely looking neat, his hair had small blonde highlights and his face was adorned by those moles that you once spent hours admiring, but his features were very more defined than the last time you had seen him. His height had also increased and now you had to look up to see his eyes, when once both of you had been almost the same height.
"He's also from Japan, so I think it will help you feel more comfortable and make friends. Please Riki, take care of her."
"Of course" the boy bowed slightly respectfully and walked past you. You took a breath and followed your old acquaintance, in your mind you only thought, why of all the people you could have met did it have to be him? destiny was no joke.
"You can sit with me if you want, I'll sit there," he pointed out almost to the end of the row, next to the window. A small group was waiting, looking at you carefully. "It's really a friendly group, so I hope you don't feel uncomfortable." The boy ruffled his hair slightly, avoiding your gaze as he stopped in front of you. "You can look for your own friends if you want, but if you can't do it, I can be your friend" the boy hesitated but continued walking "I know you don't talk much and you're quite shy at first, I hope you don't feel embarrassed."
You gave him your full attention and Riki smiled at you with his eyes forming two thin lines. It was a sincere and reassuring smile so you took it as a sign to relax. Adding in that he made you feel comfortable for being a person with whom you had already trusted before.
"Thank you, Riki," you answered doubtfully, both of you were a little tense seeing each other after so much time. "You're right, I'm shy, but I hope we can be... friends."
"Okay, fine" the boy nodded. "You can call me Ni-ki, that's usually what they call me here," he commented. And with that, you smiled and followed the boy to his seat.
You were a little shocked by everything that happened. You coincidentally met Riki some time ago when you both lived in Japan and that was the first time you experienced a crush and so did Riki, you were the girl who had completely stolen his attention and his heart, but eventually it only stayed in a statement when Riki suddenly left the country due to family problems. You never resented him even though the boy had never contacted you to explain the situation or stay in touch, you simply chose to believe that the boy had his own reasons and you preferred to save the beautiful memories and leave it as a bittersweet experience of your teenage years. You would never have imagined that you would meet him again in another country and in the same city and even the same school. And now you were walking side by side as if you had never been apart.
You left the classroom a little dazed. Everything was new for you, your Korean was never perfect even though your mother was Korean, so in those moments -and always- you really wanted to have your mother with you so that she could help you understand what many of your curious classmates had come up to ask you at the same time. Riki's group was friendly, especially there was a girl named Yeji who had been very nice to you, you had felt strangely comfortable around her and something told you that you would end up being good friends, or at least that's what you wanted. You also noticed that Riki was particularly nice to Yeji, but you simply decided not to pay attention to that detail. Another boy in the group with a beautiful feline-like look had offered to update you on class and school situations, his name was Jungwon and this was the class president. You knew you wouldn't forget him since he had been so kind to you.
"Y/n!" Riki caught your attention when he saw you cross the hallway, you were walking alone towards the cafeteria.
It was lunch time and you felt awkward not knowing what to do, Riki's class group had invited you to have lunch with them but you refused the moment they told you that Riki wouldn't be there because he was having lunch with his group friends. You didn't want to be alone with them, you were afraid of not knowing what to talk about and that they would see you as a weirdo just for being uncomfortable, you were not a weirdo or didn't know how to talk, you had simply become introverted in recent years and needed to be in confidence to be able to show your true way of being.
"You don't have anyone to have lunch with, do you?" Riki walked next to you.
"Honestly no" you smiled with some embarrassment "Your group... they are nice, but I don't see myself surrounded by them for 20 minutes of lunch, they talk too much and too fast, I don't think I can follow the conversation well." Riki laughed and held your arm gently.
"Don't worry, sometimes I have lunch with them and I don't understand half of what they say either, I just nod and continue eating" Riki guided you next to him, taking you by the arm without giving you any other option but to follow him "Come have lunch with me and my friends, I assure you that with them you will be more comfortable." You watched him curiously, but you let yourself go. You thought you would be uncomfortable when you saw Riki after so many years, but in a few hours you realized that neither of you showed discomfort and you hadn't even talked about the past, it was as if you had never separated in the first place... or like If you had never felt something for each other.
Riki walked into the cafeteria with confidence and you took a deep breath. At your old school, you didn't usually eat much lunch in the cafeteria unless your classmates insisted, but this time you had decided to open yourself a little more to the options willing to socialize more, so you entered without hesitation and followed the boy, who was determined to go to one of the tables that were near the window that occupied almost half a wall. At one of those tables you saw two boys whom you had not seen in class, so you quickly guessed that they would be Riki's friends from another class.
"Come closer" Riki went to greet his friends, shaking hands in a friendly manner.
"Hey, Ni-ki," one of them smiled broadly when he greeted his friend, reciprocating the gesture.
You couldn't help but be surprised when your eyes met the gaze of the boy you had just met. He smiled at you, his smile was wide and contagious, his brown hair was slightly messy and his eyes were large and striking, with a slight flirtatious but friendly gleam. You couldn't help but blush slightly when you realized how fine the boy looked, but mainly the natural attractiveness that came from his eyes and his smile, feeling a little self-conscious you concentrated on looking at Riki, avoiding eye contact with your new acquaintance.
"Y/n, this is Sim Jaeyun" he introduced him.
"You can call me Jake" the boy couldn't stop smiling at you and you felt a little shy. Jaeyun let out a laugh and moved the chair next to him in a smooth movement. “You can sit here,” he offered you.
"Thank you," you managed not to stutter because of your nerves when you responded and you sat down in that place.
"But Ni-ki" the boy next to Jaeyun spoke, his voice was a little deeper and lower than his friend's, although not as much as Riki's "Who is she?" His tone of voice showed genuine interest.
"That's what I was about to say" Riki rolled his eyes and tugged on your arm as he sat next to you in the free spot that was left, forcing you to look up from your hands in your lap "Guys this is y/n, my new friend who recently arrived from Japan too" he rested his arm on your shoulders "Oh Y/n, this is Park Sunghoon."
You looked at the boy named Sunghoon, your eyes widened slightly and your heart skipped a beat. The boy had hair as dark as the night and skin pale as snow, his face was adorned with a bright smile and his eyes turned into small crescents, his cheek was decorated with a small dimple and his nose marked a beautiful profile which you had never seen in anyone. Your gaze moved from him when Sunghoon caught you looking at him and gave you a wink accompanied by a kind smile, causing a strong blush to appear on your cheeks and you tried to act disinterested, focusing on Riki, who only laughed at the situation, but completely reading your body language.
"Oh" Sunghoon leans over the table, completely interested "So we have another foreigner here, how interesting this group is."
"You know y/n" Riki caught your attention "Jake hyung is also a foreigner, from Australia specifically. He is not a newcomer and in fact, quite fluent in the language but if you read anything written by him you will think otherwise."
Riki and Sunghoon laughed and Jaeyun settled back in his place, showing indignation at the younger's words and ready to argue.
"Hey!" he exclaimed "Grammar is not my strong suit, all those characters" a shiver ran through his body, you looked at him and let out a laugh making everyone look at you.
"I understand what you mean" Jaeyun looked at you "I've been learning Korean for years but today I felt completely lost in class when I read, and also when they spoke... and in general" your cheeks turned red when you noticed that you had just looked like a fool. The boys around you laughed softly.
"Don't worry, you'll see that when time passes you won't feel so lost" Sunghoon encouraged you "In fact, you even speak better than them for having just arrived" the two boys glared at him and you just smiled slightly.
Your body slowly relaxed as the boys began to joke with each other, not forgetting you in the conversation, and you were grateful that your first day of school was going well and you had found someone you knew to feel comfortable with, but mostly you were just grateful that those boys in front of you make you feel part of a group without judging you.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated!
tl: @minhypenreblogs ;
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akitasimblr · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: Does your sim/s or oc/s mispronounce any words? Why? Is it on purpose or on accident?
p.s. freely share the SQOTD anon or not and use the hashtag SQOTD. Anon has also made a SQOTD blog " simblr-question-of-the-day " So check that out
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hello dear anon!! i think le chat is the epitome of my oc's to mispronounce words! i always imagined him as a french cat speaking english lolcat with french accent 😄
and i am already following your new blog! and i ask everyone to go check it ;)
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changingplumbob · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Who's your biggest inspiration/s on Simblr? Mention them! Tell us why you like them!
Okay this may take a while so I'll stick it under a cut! I would just like to say, in no particular order! If there's any order it's purely by the order people show up in my following list.
I have many inspirations, everyone is so talented and unique! I will try group them somewhat or it would just be a massive list, here goes!
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Long Form Stories
@eljeebee writes great stories across Sims 4 and Sims 3. If you want sims rich with lore check out Lana!
@bakersimmer Mari's Martin's Escape story has me hooked. Fleshed out characters dealing with real emotions, it's great!
@stargazer-sims speaking of lore Sapphire has tons! The way she manages to jump around in time also amazes me
@satureja13 writes amazing stuff. I can't see it anymore but you should definitely check them out
Shorter Stories
@matchalovertrait her Alegria Legacy is wholesome and beautiful, we are team Noemi here!
@slightly-ludic if you haven't met Jade's Ben Ben you are missing out. She does lovely snapshots of the globetrotter challenge, Ben is living his best life!
@marcishaun you need to read what she's constructing with "The Beauty and Her Beast" if you like Forgotten Hollow lore, it's great!
@aliengirl can I have a passport to her save because it looks beautiful and I want to meet the infant aliens!
Writing a Post at a Time
@simmerbeans beautiful sims, beautiful pictures, and a legacy challenge she made herself!
@sharona-sims the romance she has written for Lily is taking it's time which I find super sweet
@deardiaryts4 what can I say? Her sims look amazing and you should really read the new story she's doing because who doesn't like a good mystery
OhMyGosh it's so pretty
@swallowprettybird Oksana does wonderful things with colours and light
@torissims all she posts looks so comfy
@youredreamingofroo they do amazing renders!
I couldn't fit everyone, I had to make myself stick to four in each category 😭 I know I've forgotten some people by accident and all I can say is my IBS is winning today please forgive me
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peashooter85 · 2 years
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The Short Lived Pneumatic Dynamite Gun
In 1867 famed chemist Alfred Nobel patented his explosive invention; Dynamite. The new high explosive revolutionized many industries such as mining, quarrying, construction, and demolition as before the only explosive compound available was black powder, which doesn't doesn't quite have the high explosive blast of dynamite. Thus, demolition work was slow and required large amounts of black powder. It was not long after dynamite became a staple of the industrial revolution when people began to contemplate it's possible use in warfare. While dynamite is powerful, it's not very stable, and extreme caution must be practiced in it's handling and use. As a result it was not suitable for use in high explosive shells as the violent force from a firing cannon could cause the shell to detonate before even leaving the gun's barrel.
A man named D. M. Melford came up with a solution to this problem. In 1883 he demonstrated what was called a dynamite gun, which was a pneumatic cannon made to fire high explosive dynamite shells. Because it used compressed air, it could fire the shell at low velocity thus minimizing the risk or an explosive accident. In attendance for the demonstration was an American artillery officer named Edmund Zalinski, who improved upon the design and founded the "Pneumatic Dynamite Gun Company". His new "Zalinski Guns" came in a variety of calibers and utilized steam driven air compressors to charge them. Immediately the US military took interest in the concept, and began purchasing a number of the guns. In 1887 the US Navy commissioned the USS Vesuvius, a small cruiser which was armed with thee 15 inch dynamite guns which fired 500 lb high explosive shells at a range of a mile, and 200 lb shells up to 4,000 yards. The ship saw action during the Spanish American war where it's guns were used to bombard Spanish positions when the Americans landed in Cuba.
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A small 8.4 inch gun was also outfitted on the USS Holland, the US Navy's first modern submarine which was commissioned in 1897.
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In 1894 the US Army purchased a number of 15 inch coastal guns for use in coastal defense forts.. These 15 inch guns could fire a 50-500 lb shell around 2,000 - 5,000 yards depending on weight.
While large coastal defense guns and naval guns could easily be operated by large steam driven air compressor, such guns were impractical for field artillery as it was difficult to transport a large air compressor and use it in the field. The only piece of field artillery worth mentioning was the Sims-Dudley dynamite gun, a 2.5 inch gun which fired a 10 lb shell, and was charged using an air compressor driven by an engine which operated on the combustion of smokeless gunpowder. One was used by Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders during the Spanish American War, where it was generally shown to be mechanically unreliable.
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The United States was the only major power to invest in the dynamite gun. Brazil purchased only one gun, which was mounted on a warship. Other than that, no one else was interested, probably figuring that it would not be long before someone invented a stable high explosive rendering dynamite guns a dead end technology. While the United States was buying dynamite guns, everyone else was inventing stable high explosive substances. In 1863 a German chemist named Julius Wilbrand invented a yellow dye called trinitrotoluene (TNT). In 1891 another German chemist named Carl Häussermann discovered that TNT has explosive properties and is relatively stable. In 1902, the German Army began using TNT in high explosive shells from field artillery. Instantly the dynamite gun was made obsolete. Artillery using traditional propellants were cheaper, more accurate, had greater range, and without the need for an air compressor were more portable. By 1904 the USS Vesuvius had been converted into a torpedo ship, and all dynamite guns in military service had been dismantled and sold as scrap metal.
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
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SQOTD Time!! ~ @simblr-question-of-the-day ~
Platforms I started off as a PC Player when I was around 4-5 years old, starting with Sims games and a lot of game websites (Friv FTW!!), but as I got older (around fifth grade), I got my own phone! So I was a mobile player for a LONGGG while (esp. since we've never had the money to buy me a gaming laptop), and I'd play a lot of CoD mobile, Minecraft, Genshin impact, and Ark mobile (ik theres more but idr them 🧍‍♂️), It wasn't until last year that I got my gaming laptop AND Xbox Series S, So i've been primarily PC Player and occasionally a Console Player
Genres Idk tbh 😭 I never really keep track of the genres I play, but I guess Action, Adventure/Survival and Simulation games? I also really enjoy games with story (despite me being shit at remembering story and having a terrible attention span) and games that are endless/have an ending but let you keep playing after the end (idk what genre that'd be but ye)
Games I'm playing
I'm gonna put the ones I'm playing rn and then put games I've played under the cut :) !
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Actually playing it rn LMAO) Minecraft (Very off and on) Manor Lords (sort of, Havent played in a hot minute) and that's it 🧍‍♂️ I don't play a lot of games at the same time 😭
Games I've played (And recommend >:))
Every Sims game ofc Stardew Valley ACNH (Switch) Noita Terraria Slime Rancher 1 and 2 (Didn't finish 1, and played thru most of 2, cant finish it cuz its in early access lol) Rain world (Biggest recc to ppl who love survival, 2d platformers 😩) Maneater (I fucking speedran this game by accident and gave myself carpal tunnel LMFAO) Project zomboid (actually the best zombie game no lie🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️) Far Cry 5, New Dawn and a little bit of Primal Shadows of Doubt Beyond Two Souls (SO FUCKING GOOD. LOVED EVERY SECOND I PLAYED OF IT) Detroit Become Human (Same ppl who made Beyond Two Souls and I will never stop singing my praises for this fucking game) GTA5 (Very little LMFAO) Baldur's Gate 3 (LOVE this game, but I stopped playing after a bit 😭 Will def return to it eventually) Viscera Cleanup Detail (BANGER cleanup game, very gore-y tho) ARK on Mobile, Switch AND Xbox (such a good game idc what anyone says 🤷‍♂️) Monster Prom (listen its SO FUNNY AND I LOVE IT LMAO) Ultimate Custom Night Fears To Fathom 1 Stray Gods (Never finished it but it was REALLY good) Borderlands 2 on Switch and PC (Also played a bit of BL1, BL:Prequel(?) on switch and I havent finished any of them but I really like BL2) OMORI (Watched playthrus but I've played a good chunk of it also made me bawl SO FUCKING HARD on my first watch through of this game) Disco Elysium (Didn't finish, BUT It's a really good game) Before Your Eyes (PLEASE PLAY THIS GAME IT MADE ME CRY LITERALLY EVERYTIME I PLAYED IT AND SAW SOMEONE PLAY IT 😭😭) Stray (DIDNT FINISH IT BUT I LOVEE ITTT SM)
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kit-the-gaygent · 1 year
Random Obey Me Headcanons
Diavio had no idea how to do laundry
MC hosts "Internet memes, slang, ect" class at RAD once a week on Tuesdays
Lucifer, Dia, Simeon, and Barbatos go to this class so they know wtf Levi and other online demons/angles/humans are actually saying
On the topic of slang Solomon mixes old slang and new slang, "a rose by any other name would smell as poggers" is his favorite
Satan plays a mystery visual novel dating sim
Levi, Mammon, and Lucifer are all scared of spiders, Beel has gotten calls at 2am from the eldest to go kill a spider in his office
Asmo personality likes spiders
Belphie and Beel are indifferent to them
Barbatos really likes charcuterie boards, especially organizing the placements of the meat, crackers, and cheese. Veggies and fruits are a luxury item on his boards
Luke goes to Levi when he finds something new on his DDD that he doesn't understand
Somewhere hidden in one of the many rooms of the HoL is a shrine dedicated to MC
There is only one or two shops that MC can find clothes in their size since they are much smaller than the typical demon
Most of MC clothes that the brothers/Dia/Barb/Purgatory hall give them are custom made
MC has weekly tea time with Dia at the palace once a week, afterward they like to follow Barb around to spend time with the busy man
Luke views MC as an older sibling/parental friend. MC takes the young angle out to eat or to do fun activities around the Devildom, sometimes they have Barb and Simeon with them, and on occasion they go to the human realm for their play day
Whenever MC is about they send pictures of every cat they come across to the cat lovers GC
Beel is really good at history and often helps MC with their homework for the class while he works out (MC is usually on his back while this happens)
When Beel doesn't know something MC gose to Lucifer since he has lived through most of not all of it
Belphie and Mammon help MC with math
And Satan and Asmo help MC with language arts
Asmo has an album of pictures, paintings, poems, letter and other things from past lovers exs. This album also has a digital spread sheet with the dates of first meeting, end of their relationship, and date of death.
Solomon, Barb, and MC have places in this album
Lucifer and Dia have had an off again on again relationship for the past 100 years
They also had a threesome with Barb at one point
All of the brothers show up to Beel's games
Dia makes sure Lucifer can always go to these games
Beel had a few times during these games where he had to sit on the bench because Belphie wasn't there (attic party)
Belphie has a habit of sleeping is the oddest places in the HoL and sometimes even in the palace
It was discovered by Solomon that Belphie was muttering a teleportation spell by accident while he slept
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invisiblequeen · 4 months
Noe Bodi Gameplay: Day 34, Part 1
Darrell Parker (@simsinfinitylt) is an aspiring chef with a poetic nature and, as I later discovered, a wildly desirous side.
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I noticed a pattern: anytime I first start playing a sim, they either need to sleep or eat. In Darrell's case, it was the former.
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But once we got that out of the way he went to apply for University! He wants that academic, prestigious culinary training, and I'm not mad at it.
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As he waited for the application to go through, he turned his focus to his favorite hobby, producing!
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I will never regret my choice to make the walls purple zebra patterned. It is exactly the kind of room a music producer should have.
Now, you know that the point of this gameplay is to see how all these sims interact. So when I saw our resident bear man Pax Ramey (@theosconfessions) strolling across the street...
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I sent Darrell out to say hello.
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And boy, did they get along great.
Their chemistry was so on point that halfway through talking I was able to get them to hip bump and it only added more friendship points!
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Then Darrell's stomach started growling, so he had to go back inside for some eggs and toast.
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The clearing of his plate was perfectly timed with the arrival of our Resident Zombie Boy, Leslie Stanfield (@zestykim)!
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You'll notice that Darrell, waving excitedly and introducing himself, didn't seem to notice that Leslie is in fact a Zombie Boy. And, to be fair, Leslie takes great care to make the rotting half side of his face look more like a third degree burn from a past accident, after which he sprays his body down in the sim equivalent of Axe whenever he leaves his hidey hole.
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So Darrell's unawareness was actually a win for Leslie, confirming that his cover hadn't been blown and he wasn't too decayed to fool the average sim.
Unfortunately, Darrell also looked scrumptious to him, so he had to cease breathing through his nose and squint his eyes to center himself.
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No sim-made tapas today, folks! They powered through a small chat and got along great!
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This time when Darrell yawned, I sent him to bed for a real sleep.
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It didn't take him into the next day, but it did keep him from yawning anymore.
Look what he did the second he woke up--check the university applications!
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No news yet. You could argue that it hadn't even been 24 hours yet, but Darrell would not listen to you. He will check every single day until he gets a rejection or acceptance.
I had no more time to dwell on his academic future, though, because another neighbor sauntered in, waiting to be introduced.
Remember Donna Richmond (@elysiantrait)?
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Here I was thinking this would be like the other introductions, so I sent Darrell out to say hi without a care.
But oh, was I wrong.
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Love. At. First. Sight. The last time this happened was with Rivers and Rory! I love when the mods be modding and guide my story for me. :)
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So obviously, they got along splendidly. Talked about anything and everything, with the strong flirty tone running under every word. Not once did their smiles fade. Not once did a negative relationship point appear.
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And I am nothing if not a Love Guru, so I decided to send them on an early dinner date, to nurture their fateful bond over drinks and bites.
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Little did I know the insanity that would follow.
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pudding-parade · 7 months
Get to know you - Sims Style
@rstarsims3 tagged me for this a while back, and I'm finally posting my answers, which took me a while to compile because 1) Blabbity blab blab blab, as usual, and 2) Still needing lots of rest and stuff, so no sitting at a computer for hours on end.
But here we go! I'mma put my blabby answers and my tag list behind Ye Olde Cut.
What’s your favorite Sims death? What an odd question, especially to lead off… Well, I guess if I had to pick one, it'd be the one from TS2 where cloudwatching occasionally brings a satellite down on the cloudwatcher's head. But generally, mine die of old age, if they manage to get that far. I play with long, but realistically proportional, life stages, mostly because I'm almost always playing "experimental" saves where I'm "road testing" rulesets and such, so I need a lot of time to work out kinks and test ideas and stuff.)
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I land on a combination of more-realistic (but not ultra-realistic) stuff for CAS, but for everything else, like with furniture and deco and stuff, I tend to prefer CC stuff that visually fits in with the EA stuff in terms of style and textures and whatnot, so that the CC doesn't stick out like a sore thumb when combined with EA stuff. In fact, my "go-to" CC for build/buy is stuff that adds on to EA stuff, like more doors/windows that match an EA door/window.
Do you cheat your sims weight? What, to make the fat ones skinny? The skinny ones fat? The skinny ones buff? No. I don't see why I would. It's easy enough to make a sim gain or lose weight without cheating, which I'm assuming means just using the sliders.
Do you move objects? Is there anyone who doesn't? That's a serious question. Is there any one who doesn't? I want to know.
Favorite Mod? I'm leaving aside the NRaas mods because I don't see them as mods so much as things that are just essential to make the game playable in the often-weird ways that I play. There are others that I also consider just essential for when I'm playing in certain styles, especially for more primitive settings. But for ones that are optional and just pure fun, I'd nominate all of @thesweetsimmer111's baby- and toddler-related ones.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I know for TS2 it was Seasons. For TS3…For a long time, I had just the base game, which I got when it came out, but didn't play beyond trying it out and then going back to TS2. Then, years later, I got a new computer and decided to give TS3 another try, but I couldn't find the CD or DVD or whatever it was, so I bought a combo pack with the base game, Late Night, and the High End Loft or whatever it is stuff pack, so I guess it would be Late Night. Other than that, I bought all the other TS3 EPs in one go when EA had them on sale for 50% off via Origin, which that combo pack forced me to install. (But which I am now free of again. 🏴‍☠️)
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? As aLIVE. Because that is when the game is live. Games do not live, but they can be live. See, this is one reason why English sucks.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Here's a thing about me: I don't really get attached to the pixel people. For me, they're just tools. I'm guessing it's because I'm not a storyteller when it comes to Sims, so I don't see sims as characters. Sure, sometimes I find one endearing for one reason or another. Usually, they have traits that make them assholes, and I like to watch them create chaos and ruin wherever they go. One of the founders of the Random Legacy that I will get back to one of these days is one of those. But I find I like other people's sims more than mine, though that's more of a testament to those simmers' story-telling skills than anything else.
Have you made a simself? Only by accident. A few times I've just been randomly moving sliders around and somehow I ended up with something that looked like me at some stage in my life. It stayed that way for a minute or three, before I yelled OH GOD NO! and quickly slidered the horror away.
But to be honest? I find the entire concept kind of creepy, at least in terms of putting a self-sim in the game and playing them as a character. That would just feel weird to me. That said, I suppose it might have been something that would have appealed to me if I had played when I was a kid, but the game didn't exist when I was a kid. Computers didn't exist when I was a kid, at least not in a form that regular people could own and that could fit on a desk. I was in my 40s when I started playing the game. My daughter played TS2 when she was a kid, and she had a self-sim inserted into the stories she would play, so…yeah. Maybe it's a younger-person thing. Or maybe I'm just weird. Yeah, it's probably that second option.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Probably the black, but even with that I have to add some highlights to it because otherwise the hair just looks like a creature from the void eating the sim's head.
Favorite EA hair? None of them. They all need to DIAF.
Favorite life stage? I don't have one. I have a least-favorite, babies, because they're basically just objects, but once they're actually sims, I enjoy playing sims of all ages equally.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I originally bought TS2 just to build in it, and for a couple of years, that was all I did. I only started actually playing the game later. Now, I enjoy both building and actually playing the game, depending on my mood. Usually, I'll have a binge of building, but I eventually come to a point where I'd rather do anything other than build. Then I play the game. Then, eventually, the urge to build comes back. So it's a back-and-forth.
Are you a CC creator? I made lots of stuff for TS2, mostly object retextures/recolors. I've made a few minor things for TS3, and I retexture hairs and add preg morphs to clothing for my own use, but I wouldn't consider myself a CC creator for TS3. In fact, I'm actively resisting learning how to make stuff for TS3 because I really don't want to go down that rabbithole again.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Friends in the sense of "people I enjoy talking to and sharing ideas with and sometimes arguing with here on Tumblr?" Sure. Are those the same as friendships that develop face-to-face in the real world? Nope. But, sometimes I like talking to my Simblr friends a lot more than talking to my real-life friends, so make of that what you will. Y'all are less draining sometimes. LOL
Do you have any sims merch? No official merch, but my brother-in-law is into making pottery, and several years ago he made me a big stoneware mug with a plumbbob on it. Which is ironic because when I play the game I turn off the plumbbobs because I hate them. LOL But I love the mug. It's heavy enough that neither cats nor wagging dog tails nor giant snakes (though he could do it if he focused all four of his brain cells on the task) can knock it off of tables, but not so heavy that I can't comfortably lift it. I use it for eating soup and the occasional mug cake, and also for drinking the awful herbal tea my husband makes me drink, though since the recent surgery, I don't have to drink that anymore! *dances* So now it will just be my soup or cake mug. Or one for tea that I actually want to drink.
Do you have a YouTube for sims? I don't have a YouTube for anything. Well, OK, I have a YouTube account for watching other people's stuff and making playlists of things I want to watch, but I don't post videos on it, and I don't really watch video game-related stuff on YouTube, either.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? It hasn't, really. I've pretty much always just come up with wacky scenarios to play and see how they go. In fact, for me, coming up with the scenario and figuring out how to make it work in the game and then inventing a ruleset to govern it is sometimes more fun than actually playing the scenario. LOL
And my Sims all look like the game made them because…the game makes all of them. I just poke the random button until it produces something that doesn't look too much like a freak of nature, then I hit up a couple sliders to remove or tone down any remaining freakishness. (Though I confess that I will spend an inordinate amount of time sculpting the titties of those who have them. Why? I have no idea, other than I just like me a nice pair of titties. Too bad there aren't any sliders for male titties…) Then I just slap on a different hair, maybe change the eye color, and slather on some makeup and facial/body hair and shit until they don't look too stupid, and then off I go. From there, they're all born in the game, and I just leave them as-is, mostly because I can't be bothered. "I can't be bothered" is pretty much my philosophy of life.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? I hate this kind of question. I feel like all they do is disappoint and discourage people if they're never picked. I refuse to do that over something so trivial. So, my favorite CC creator is you, the person reading this. Yes, you. Even if you don't make CC. It doesn't matter. You're the best.
How long have you had Simblr? I started my TS2 one in 2013. (I can remember that only because I know that I started it the same year I met my husband. LOL ) I started this one….2 years ago? 3? Something like that.
How do you edit your pictures? Other than basic cropping and resizing and maybe adjusting brightness/contrast a bit if the pic is too dark or whatever, I generally don't. I don't even use Reshade all the time anymore, only in certain situations, though I do have an NVIDIA profile for the game that adds ambient occlusion and better antialiasing and shit like that. Sometimes, though, I'll decide to photoshop scenery pics, and then I just kind of stab at it with various tools and filters and layer blends and shit until I like I how it looks. There's no actual process involved. I'm random like that.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? I gotta go with World Adventures. Bits of it are a bit, shall we say, culturally problematic, but man, I never get tired of doing those stupid, stupid tombs. LOL Plus, I love that NRaas Traveler allows you to "travel" to any world, and I don't think that mod works without WA, so…. Yeah. WA.
Tagging: I have no idea who's done this, so I'll just tag a few random people, off the top of my head. Feel free to do or ignore, as you choose. No pressure from me! So...@nectar-cellar, @happy-lemon, @erasabledinosaur, @esotheria-sims, @lilleputtu, @littlefrenchsims, @anamoon63, @lazysunjade, annnnnnnnd @papermint-airplane.
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kellyscowboy · 2 months
Hiii!! You’re my favorite ikeshot person! You write their personalities and dynamic so well!!
could you write something based on the song the 30th by Billie Eilish? the story behind the song is someone gets into a really bad car wreck(or accident of some sort) and the aftermath of it
hii!! i meant to answer this sooo long ago but i got caught up w/ school & have also been in a sims 4 grind LMFAO. thank you so much for this request!! i apologize if this is a little off from what you may have expected or what i have written in the past. it's been a hot minute since i've written this dynamic so pls bare w/ me :'). again, thank you so much for this request! i appreciate you & your support <33333
i wasn't sure if you wanted this to be modern!au or in the canon au, but i made it canon. so it doesnt EXACTLY follow the lyrics. but essentially follows the point of the song!! ALSO!! @sparkedblaze this is also for you because you are the reason i write for ikeshot <3
CW: blood mentioned, car accident mentioned, uhhh probably cussing i lowkey don't remember tbh, UHH sad gays idk i forgot how to do this
Hotshot couldn't help but stare. It made him sick to do so, but he couldn't stop. It was like watching a gruesome fight that you couldn't tear your eyes away from. Except it was Ike. His Ike. All bruised, cut, and bloodied; scrawled out pathetically on a hospital bed. He was all but disfigured. All but unrecognizable.
But often times he had this look about him, and Hotshot couldn't help but think he looked the exact same as he did before the accident. He would just look off into the distance, similar to how he used to look at the stars before everything. Occasionally he would squirm under his boyfriend's intense stare. But outside of that, he said and did nothing. He wouldn't move an inch until a nurse came to make him eat, or until Hotshot would force him to use the bathroom.
"We don't need ya kidneys to fail, now. You'se already been through enough."
It made Hotshot nauseous to take care of the boy. They had never been in this position before. Usually, it was Hotshot laid up with a broken bone or some odd illness nobody else got. And Ike was always right at his side. It didn't feel right when the roles were reversed. Not to either of them.
Ike was knocked out for a long time. The doctors and nurses started to doubt he would ever wake up. They had begun to prep Hotshot for the worst, not that he ever listened to them. All he did was sit, stare, and pray to whatever god was listening that his boy would wake up.
When he did finally wake up, the hospital was in a frenzy. There was a hushed, excited buzz about the air. All the nurses would linger by the doorway of his room and gossip about his 'miraculous awakening.'
The second his eyes opened, he was bombarded with numerous questions from the doctors. They were long, confusing questions that contained words that Hotshot could hardly believe were real. Ike was quickly overwhelmed. Tears teetered on the brink of his eyes and his breathing became rapid.
"Would ya stop pesterin' him for a second? He just woke up! What's wrong with the lotta ya? Huh? Ain't you supposed to be professionals? Let the boy breathe!" Hotshot yelled as he jumped to his feet. "He ain't just some medical miracle, alright? He's a person just like you 'n me. Give 'im a second."
One by one, the doctors and nurses began to shuffle out of the room. Each one glancing over their shoulders as they left. Hotshot could hear their gossiping whispers outside the door as he sat down closer to Ike.
"What's happenin'?" Ike asked. His voice was small, hoarse, and confused.
Hotshot furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed his lover's hand. "What'dya mean? Dont'cha remember? You was hit by one of them fancy new electric carriages."
Ike's initial confusion turned into a quick look of horror as he caught a glimpse of his bruised arms. "But... I'm alive right? I'm here? This is real?" The boy had started to freak out. He analyzed his arms, turning them every which way. He leaned forward, wincing as he did, and yanked the cover off his legs. It wasn't a pretty sight, and Hotshot had to stop himself from dry heaving just from seeing his boyfriend in such a state.
Gently, Hotshot pulled the blankets back over the boys legs. "You'se alright, Ike. For a couple of days there, I was worried. You'se was knocked out cold. But ya alive now. That's all that matters. You're alive." He wanted to do something. Squeez the boys hand, give him a pat on the leg... something. But he couldn't in fear of hurting the boy further. So, he just nodded and flashed him a forced, tight smile. "I think ya oughta lay down. You get yourself too worked up sometimes. It'll get worse if ya don't relax a little."
The other boy couldn't help but let out a laugh. He grabbed his chest in pain after he did. "Sounds like somethin' I'd usually tell you."
"Right." Hotshot rolled his eyes fondly. "Well, I reckon them so-called professionals out there are gonna wanna ask ya some questions. I'll make sure they go easy on ya, yeah?"
Ike nodded and closed his eyes as the other boy got up to let the doctors back in. He took a deep breath, once again wincing in pain, and prepared himself for the horror that would be the next few minutes.
Hotshot often felt ashamed when looking back on the day of the accident. None of it was his fault. He was often reminded by the Brooklyn boys that there was no way he could've known. But he felt as though he should've. That he should have seen the conjugation of people and he should've known. He should've listened to his gut telling him it was someone he knew. Someone important. Should've ran up and helped. But he didn't.
"It was a Tuesday, Hotshot." Spot had told him in the hospital. "Ya never could'a known. He ain't never come over to visit on a Tuesday. 'Specially not so early. Quit beatin' yerself up about it."
Even Mike had come and talked to him. Usually, they just sat there together in complete silence. But even Mike knew it wasn't his fault. "Listen, I know we ain't close but I gotta talk to ya about this. Spot told me what happened. That you'd seen the accident but didn't think nothing of it and..." He paused. Hotshot prepared himself to get screamed at. Berated for being an absolute idiot and not helping the others brother. But the ambush never came.
"It ain't ya fault," Hotshot continued. "Honest. Ya know I'd scream and kill ya if it was. Ain't no way you coulda took one look at the scene and knew it was him. Hell, I'm his twin brother and I didn't even get the sense that something was wrong 'till Scram came runnin' to tell the news." He sighed again and took another pause. "Even if ya had known. Even if ya had gone and tried to help, what could you have done? Huh? Ya ain't a professional. Situation woulda been the same any way about it."
Hotshot nodded. He understood them. He understood everyone who had come to talk to him. Deep down, he knew it wasn't his fault. But he couldn't stop beating himself up about it.
He relived the day in his head almost every single night. It was a normal Tuesday. Up as early as the birds, carrying the banner and collecting pity from people wandering the streets. He had seen the commotion early in the day. In fact, it had been right after he had bought his papers for the day.
It's far too early for this, he recalled thinking. There was always something going on in New York. Especially in Brooklyn and especially around the circulation buildings. Typically, it was a rough fist fight between two newsies, and at its worst it was a robbery of some sort. But neither of which would cause such a big commotion nor gathering of police and medical personnel.
Hotshot knew deep down something was wrong. He felt drawn to the accident, but he put it aside as his love for fights. Which is what he assumed it was. A big fight that got out of hand. Maybe one that had contanied multiple newsies instead of just two, or that had somehow gotten an adult of importance involved.
But he ignored the calling to the scene. He had a stack of papers on his bicep and they weren't going to sell themselves. Besides, the quicker he was done with work the quicker he could join Ike at Jacobi's. He hadn't even really thought of stopping to see what had happened. Just that it might be something interest, but not something he could be bothered to stop for.
Just thirty minute later, he heard Scram's pattering feet behind him. He turned quickly on his heel, looking down at the boy. He had a horrified look on his face and his cheeks were stained with tears. The boy began to speak, sputtering and rambling over himself. "It's- Ike- Well, he- It was a car- And-"
Hotshot's blood ran cold at the mention of Ike's name. The papers on his arm hit the ground with a thump and sent dust flying into the air around them. "Ike? What about Ike?" Scram began to cry again, flailing his arms and pointing behind him. Hotshot's heart sank. "Scram, spit it out! I need to know what happened!"
"There was an- an accident! He got hurt, real bad. Barely looks alive. He keeps askin' for ya! Ya gotta go! Quick! They're loadin' him into the ambulance!"
"Where, Scram? Where?"
Scram's face was red and covered in snot. "Right outside the circulation building!"
Hotshot's heart sank even farther, something he hadn't believed to be possible. "Listen to me, Scram. Listen good. You go run and you don't stop running 'till you find Mike, alright? You tell him everything. You tell Manhattan everything. Okay?" He didn't even wait for the boys response.
He abandoned his dropped papes as he sprinted as fast as he could back to the circulation building. As he arrived at the scene, he couldn't help but be angry. He pushed his way through the crowd, screaming obscenities and demanding they let him into the ambulance. Police tried to hold him back when he finally made it to the front.
"He's been asking for me! They told me he's been asking for me! I'm Hotshot! Ya gotta let me in!" Hotshot screamed. "His family's all the way in 'Hattan! Ya can't let him go alone! He'll be scared!" Before he could stop himself, he screamed: "Ya can't let 'im die alone!"
Upon hearing the last bit—and discussing the boys name, which the injured boy had been groggily repeating over and over again—the officers let the boy through. Hotshot climbed into the back of ambulance and gripped onto the other boys hand.
"Ya think I'm gonna die?" Ike sputtered out, blood covering his mouth. "I- Mike's gonna be so mad. He ain't gonna have no-one."
Hotshot realized what he had yelled previously and began to panic. "Nah, nah. Ya ain't gonna die, Ike. You'se too strong to, okay? I just said that so they'd let me through. That's all. You'se gonna be just fine."
"I'm scared, Hotshot. I'm really scared."
"Hey, don't say that. You'se gonna be alright. Don't be scared. I ain't! I know you'se gonna be just fine. Okay." But the truth was, Hotshot was horrified. He hadn't been so scared in his entire life. He dropped his voice to a whisper as he continued to speak. "Ya still look so pretty, ya know that? Gorgeous, Ike. Ya gorgeous."
After hearing Hotshot's whispers, the boy took a deep, choked breath and closed his eyes.
After Ike finally woke up, he often thought aloud about what would've happened among different circumstance. Hotshot hated hearing it. He hated thinking about how, if the situation had only been slightly different, Ike could've died.
"What if it had been on Thursday? Someone else coulda been drivin' it. Goin' faster, not have slowed down or stopped. Coulda taken me straight into the next life."
"Would ya stop that?" Hotshot muttered. His face was deep in his hands.
Ike paused for a couple of minutes before speaking up once again. "I coulda been on ya bridge. They coulda sent me straight over into the water. I don't even know how to swim now. Imagine it with broken bones..."
"I coulda been in that neighborhood where all them families lived. Some little kid coulda found me and not told anyone cause they'd be scared they'd get in trouble or something."
"If it had been winter and it was snowing or rainin'. And the car had skidded, lost control. Hit me full speed."
Hotshot had started to tear up and his composure was breaking. "Ike, please." He begged in a broken voice.
But Ike couldn't help himself. He was spiraling. "Or if I was on one of them backroad nobody goes on. Nobody woulda even seen it happen. If just a small little thing was different, I'd probably be-"
"Ike!" Hotshot finally yelled. "Stop. You need to stop. I can't keep doin' it. Can't keep listenin' to ya kill yaself in your daydreams. You're alive, okay? You're alive. So just shut up! Because there's no life, no reality where I'm letting ya die. Alright? Especially not at the hands of some rich idiot's fancy car. So just... stop."
Ike nodded, his voice small. "Sorry. I just... I'm just freaking out. I dunno if I'm meant to be alive right now."
Hotshot sighed. "Listen. You'se the great person alive." He sat down and gently took ahold of his boyfriends hand. "If anyone in this world's meant to be alive, it's you. Alright?" He kissed Ike's hand and wiped at his eye with his own hand. "You're alive, Ike. Don't think about anything else. We got a buncha years ahead of us. Don't worry 'bout nothin' else."
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annilovesbexx · 1 year
Fluff Alphabet - Rebekah Mikaelson
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
She admires your kindness and sense of justice, that is, how far you would go to defend your beliefs and how they're driven by the will to protect
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Lips, thighs and specifically the shape of your eyes.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Rebekah missed everything about the cinema through the decades, so she loves to cuddle with you watching plenty of movies and judging them by nothing but her own sense of quality. She loves caressing you hair and when you rest your face in the curve of her neck. Also, sweet kisses all the time.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
She's very creative and the ideal date for her is never repeat things. Rebekah is always taking you to new places, showing you the world and different cultures. She loves picnics by ponds, and swimming with you is always great fun for her.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
In the beginning, she was extremely closed off. Whenever you got close to a real emotion, she backed off. But since she learned you're a safe place for her, Bex became amazing at communicating, and showing every emotion she feels around you. You learn to read even when the smallest of things annoyed her or when she is holding her smile back.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
It's everything she wants. But she also learned to respect your boundaries. She secretly thinks about adopting or about you carrying your children, but she would be happy by only staying by your side forever and maybe get an orang cat
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Gifts are her love language basically. Expensive gifts all the time, but your favorites are the ones she makes herself. Like when she wrote you a song or when she made you a rose quartz and selenite necklace that supposedly represented what you made her feel — love, peace and clarity of mind.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Rebekah holds your hand the entire time, everywhere. She likes you to know she's always at reach and everyone to see that you're under her protection. Unconsciously, she's always holding your hand because her heart is afraid you could simply vanish at any moment. You always caress the back of her hand with your thumb and it makes her heart melt
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Feral, ruthlessly, mercilessly. Anyone who dared to harm you would face cruelty that sane minds cannot conceptualize. If you hurt yourself accidently, she would immediately heal you. And then laugh about it later
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
She's more the type to tease you and make snarky comments, her humor is too cynical and doesn't align with silly jokes or pranks. But she laughs at your jokes even though she tells you to stop being bloody stupid
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
On your temple, forehead, neck, the top of your head, and your hands. For lips kisses, she does it slowly and caring, always placing her hands on your waist, nape and cheeks. She also enjoys giving you small pecks after properly kissing. To be honest, she's so good at it that you want to keep kissing her the whole day
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Oh, you know. Mikaelson style. Burns cities down in order to keep you safe, unalives everyone who dares to threaten you, meets every one of your needs before you can even voice them, etc, etc...
Just joking (not really). She shows she really loves you when she cups your face with both hands, lock gaze with yours and says, whispering slowly "i would tear the world in half if it meant to make you happy"
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The first time you let her drink from you. It was a seal of trust and love that was stronger than any "I love you" she could hear. It also simbolize how much you both wanted to open your hearts to each other
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
To be deeply honest, that someday her brother will lash out and hurt you like he's done before with her loved ones. And how that would make him unforgivable in her heart
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
She knows how to communicate with certain birds through whistling, she likes to call it a precise way of training birds to carry messages that she learnt from some ancient culture and you keep to yourself the comments about how she looked like a disney princess while doing it
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Love, sweetheart, sweet girl, baby, and little bee when she's particularly teasing you (you love it
Q = Quote (something they say that stuck with you forever?)
When you overhead her saying to someone from her family "A thousand years of life and I couldn't understand what blissfulness was until I watched her waking up by my side"
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
moonlight - ariana grande (and specifically the verse "i never knew you could have moonlight in your hands, 'til the night I held you"
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
She's deeply traumatized, so she tries to keep you from knowing the darkest parts of her past. Not the bad things she has done, but the bad things she suffered.
After enough time, she found in you her safest place, so she lies with you under the stars and confide to you the things that hunt her the most
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Once she felt attracted to you, she wanted to start things fast, once she fell in love with you, it took months because she was just afraid of you being hurt or abandoning her like everyone else did
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
If you're upset with someone/something else, she will sing to you, take you to the most beautiful places or cuddle with you until you feel better. If you're upset with her, she'll slip apology letters under your door, and try to talk to you to find out how to remedy the situation. She will also set random abandoned places on fire to get rid of frustration
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Oh. God. Yes. She literally has a polaroid picture of you in pijamas on her phone case. She wraps you in extravagant dresses and swirls you around the events, introducing you at everyone she considers worth of it, either because she considers the person of some value or to simply cause jealousy because she has the most stunning person in the world in her arms.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Eventually, she understood there was no way she would keep fighting and letting you out of it, so she started training you. She's very proud of your bravery, but she also uses her thousand years of experience to trick you out of dangerous situations the most she can
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
She can read your mind literally and metaphorically. When you're struggling to put your feelings into words or when she notices you're having a hard time setting boundaries with others, she steps in, but usually she just understands how you feel and acts upon it
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
You would propose to her. Because everyone kept telling Rebekah her while life about how she was naive, clingy and tended to move things too fast, she would be terrified of the idea of scaring you or taking steps that pushed your limits. So she would want to propose to you for a long time, conceptualize entire scenarios that were never good enough only to block her desire with fear and the trauma of loss. So you, being able to read between her lines, would ask Freya help to create a chambre de chasse that would fall only when she found every symbol of everything she meant to her. And the final piece would be a celtic knot
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
melissa tea and you reading for her while resting in her arms in a cloudy day
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