#also malus darkblade books
dorkagedoodles · 1 year
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Advertisement I drew for SF-Bokhandeln, the biggest chain in Sweden for nerdy stuff like fantasy books, comics, anime-merch, ttrpgs etc. (and by “big” I mean they have like 3 small shops x’D). Anyhow, this was for last year’s yearbook for the comic school I go to, it has a bunch of sponsors and the students have to draw their adds. I picked this one because SF-Bokhandeln because of good old memories. For a long time it was the only place where I could get the manga that I craved ...
Also had so much fun just filling this pic with mine and my friends’ dnd characters!
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shaydh · 4 months
Ooo can you point me to better grimdark? I don't know if I enjoy the "genre" (I know it's too broad to be a genre) but I keep getting interested in 40k and VtM so I'd like to find out!!!
Also, aww, you don't like eragon? I know it's not perfect but, darn I really liked those books back in the day, I'm afraid they won't live up to my memories now
i liked eragon when i read it as like, an eleven year old but it is objectively bad. dude wrote it when he was like fifteen so i don’t want to shit on it too bad but. anyway.
good “grimdark” (or just dark gritty fantasy type of thing): asoiaf series by GRRM, the First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie which i finished and went into a nihilistic fugue state for a bit (positive), Berserk by Kentaro Miura, Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman, Ego Homini Lupus by Gretchen Felker-Martin, the Malus Darkblade books by Dan Abnett.
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vossn · 4 months
10, 28 and 29 for the ask game?
Hiii sorry I lost custody of my Ask Box (tumblr didn't let me in) but now i am back. Suprise. Bet you'd seen the last of me.
10. Books on your reading list?
*points at stack of Warhammer books*
(god there's so many and sometimes my friends try to get me into a 60-something long epos about the Horus Heresy. But first. Forges of Mars. And the Infinite and the Divine. And Malus Darkblade. And so on.)
I've been meaning to finish Interview with the Vampire also
28. What about life makes you smile?
There are so many kinds of flowers in so many colors and sometimes we've also given them really funny names.
29. A dream you wish to make true?
I want to go to the beach with my friends and have a nice time. That's it. That would be enough.
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shaydh · 6 months
I started following you for your Warhammer stuff, so, ask is; "Why is your favorite faction so compelling to you?"
My favorite fantasy faction is Dark Elves, because they are pointy backstabby edgelords and I love characters like that. And the entire reason I got into warhammer at all was because I read a Malus Darkblade book and I love a good villain protagonist, i love reading about The Worst Guy. Also the thing I like about druchii more than drow is they’re very long.
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shaydh · 5 months
I've seen you posting a little bit mentioning the name, but actually who is Malus Darkblade? Where does one learn about him (in your opinion as a fan)? I'm genuinely curious (and fond of characters with edgy names)
Malus Darkblade is a dark elf from the Warhammer Fantasy setting! He has a daemon in him which gives him powers but is also killing him. Together they kill things and bitch at each other.
Malus starred in some comics and then later a five book series based off the comics by Dan Abnett and Mike Lee ( there was a book 6 but it’s written by someone else and it sucks, I have so many problems with book 6, don’t get me started). He is also a playable legendary lord in total war warhammer 2.
Basically read the first five books if you want to learn about him, they’re my faves and imo highly entertaining if you like villain protagonists. He’s edgy and Suffers throughout the series. He’s the most character ever. Perfect guy. Love him. I could go on about him for days but I won’t.
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shaydh · 4 months
What do you find most attractive about Malus Darkblade?
his suffering and his failures 😌 probably more meta than what you’re asking but i like that he’s a cool edgy character type, clever, cruel, etc and he fucks up a lot, suffers for it, and then he digs himself out somehow. he has enough negative character traits to be entertaining and enough positive ones that he’s also endearing. also he’s often drunk and yelling about something, and he’s pretty funny.
(as an aside i don’t like Mary Sue characters who always have the solution to everything and is the coolest most badass guy around (my impression of Gotrek from the one book i read), i find them really boring. also most of the time i see a character I’d call a Mary Sue, it’s a man. so. make of that what you will.)
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shaydh · 1 year
You've been asked about movies already, but what about books? What's your favourite books? Have they influenced your art/stories in any way?
Faves of all time are the Malus Darkblade books, which I read while playing bg2 and influenced a lot of Valdir :’) I also like the asoiaf novels.
More recently, my fave has been Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman, which made me cry a little and is very important to me. I also recommend Lost Souls by Billy Martin, which is a delightfully decadent vampire story. It’s gonna fuel me when I get back to the wodsquad
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shaydh · 9 months
Got any book recs? 👀👀
I read Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman and it is now one of my favorite books. I keep the memory of it close to my heart like a talisman. It comforts me. (I’m very bad at describing books I like I wish I knew how to write a good review)
I also really love Neuromancer by William Gibson but everyone knows that one lol. And of course, the Malus Darkblade books.
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shaydh · 6 years
warhammer fantasy or warhammer 40k? which one is your favourite?
DISCLAIMER I play none of the tabletop games and my only knowledge of either is occasional books! But I guess I prefer warhammer fantasy since I usually prefer fantasy over sci fi, and also I love Malus Darkblade and Vermintide.
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shaydh · 7 years
It's nice to spread a bit of positivity around. Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then send this to ten of your favorite followers💗 (Or like just feel warm and fuzzy no pressure.)
Aawww thank you!! Sorry this is so late, I was thinking about things to say! Things I like about myself:
1. The level of tipsy i’m at right now, this is max warm and fuzzy time (and also the time when you listen to Sabaton and feel MAX FEELS)
2. I finally reached my goal of being able to do at least 10 pullups?? yay. maybe someday i will be able to do 20
3. I’m pretty deft I guess? That’s cool, so when I trip on flat ground I can always catch myself and not fall.
4. My pure and undying love for Malus Darkblade, except for book 6 becuase fuck book 6
5. ?????a mystery
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