#also mended his clothes since he's wearing the same thing later on
samstree · 1 year
“Ow, ow, ow…” Jaskier hisses, holding his injured shoulder still. The arrow pulls at his flesh suddenly. “Ow! Are you trying to kill me, witch?”
He turns around to send a glare, only to find Yennefer rolling her eyes.
“It needs to come out so I can heal you, bard,” she says pointedly, one hand holding him by the arm, the other wrapped around that gods-damned arrow. “Now hold still, and stop being a baby.”
She mumbles something about even Ciri making less of a fuss with injuries, and Jaskier makes his most offended noise, ready to throw back more insults.
“I’ll have you know, I was the bravest bait who ever lived, as appointed by a princess! And this is the proof of my bravery! How many bards have taken an arrow in the back? Nary one, I say! I am not being a baby, you cruel, heartless—”
A sharp pain shoots through his shoulder as Yennefer pulls out the arrow in one swift motion, nearly blinding him. Jaskier’s breath catches, and all sounds die in his throat as the world darkens for a moment. The surprise of it all leaves him shaking, his chest heaving.
“It’ll be over soon…”
Distantly, Jaskier knows Yennefer is saying something as she works her magic, but all he can focus on is the pain and the warm trickle of blood down his back. He touches the tips of his fingers on instinct, a self-soothing motion he’s developed in the past year.
A gentle hand lands on where the arrow struck him, and Jaskier gasps, realizing Yennefer is now touching smooth, unbroken skin. All the pain is gone.
“Hmm,” Jaskier says, intelligently, blinking as he tries to move his shoulder. Nothing tugs at the muscles underneath. He’s as good as new. “Oh, I—Yennefer, I guess I should—”
“Don’t thank me.” She has sat down beside him, one hand still on his shoulder, a magical tingling under her fingertips. “Promised I’d save you, didn’t I?”
Jaskier chuckles, exhaling with relief. “Did you? Not before tormenting me greatly, though.”
Yennefer blinks, violet eyes boring into him. The next thing he knows, she’s leaning down to press her lips to his shoulder, right where the phantom pain has faded. The kiss ends quickly, but it is soft, bordering on sweet.
“Oh…” he breathes.
His skin is now tingling for an entirely different reason.
“What about now, oh brave bard?” she asks, half-teasing, half-sincere. Their hands find each other’s, linking together. She squeezes in reassurance, careful to avoid the burn scars on his fingers. “Still cruel and heartless?”
Jaskier holds onto her hand in return, heart picking up its pace. He doesn’t know how she does it, driving him up the wall and making his insides melt into a warm puddle of goo at the same time, all the while being her most infuriatingly witty self. There must be a special magic spell for it.
“No,” he answers, a smile stretching across his face. She raises her eyebrows, as a challenge, as a dare, but he settles on something also half-teasing, half-sincere. “Kind and generous, is what you are, my dear, dear witch.”
He takes Yennefer’s hand to his lips and kisses her in return, and watches violet eyes melt with warmth.
If there was a magic spell, Jaskier thinks, he must have been enchanted by her a long time ago.
(this is for @cherryjuicegf <33 I counted the number of crumbs you were getting and took pity...)
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amphiptere-art · 9 months
Cruel copy refs are done.
At least the ones I first drew a line art for. Yes there is no hunter or witch, but they will be done at a later time. These are the line arts I had gotten done before I started the color. And I'm just happy they're all done.
And I can just say I'm proud that they're emulating the way @shattered-sparks does their work. Sure it's not as super detailed, but it still goes for that single tone, decorated in clothing look that I wanted. And yes I very much wanted them to emulate their look. Not be the same of course since my style is just different, but I wanted that same feeling.
Everyone has unique eye color and of course a palette and design focus. Not much changed but a couple things did. So I would suggest you mark this as your reference page since there are some things that I've modified since the last time I drew their references. Such as the reference I just posted, gladiator, who had a slight change of eye color.
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We of course have the twins gladiator and pastel. Gladiator is of course the happy sunny man. His arm cannot function but he has a pretty fancy cape covering up his disability. Pastel is of course the Lord of the world and is very shy. She is constantly retracted from conversations and usually allows cap to speak for her. There is nothing physically wrong but mentally she has gone mute.
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I have Butler and cap paired together down here. Butler is of course the comical villain. Pastel making it so he carries the most scars. He tries to be upstanding, but he's silly when he wants to. Especially when paired with his villainous partner werewolf. Cap has no body. You can only tell he is speaking by the stars on pastels hat flashing red. He is her voice. And also the only one other than her to remember what happened. Although his knowledge is thin due to being stuck in the mind space.
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You then have werewolf and Wizard. Werewolf of course is Butler's villainous partner. They love a good sense of chaos. But they will put their play aside for their ally. Having a much more caring personality than most blood moons. Wizard of course is happy with a good dose of trama. Desperately trying to mend the world and make everyone friends. Even if at sometimes that is impossible. Wearing glasses to help with his sight.
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And that's everyone. Just kind of spitting out facts. I will say it is funny how much some characters interact on one platform to the other. In the ask series Wizard, gladiator, and pastel get more light. While Butler and Werewolf Play a lot more with other AUs. Wizard definitely carries the plot. He's the only one trying to change anything.
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shadowglens · 9 months
armor, arms, wardrobe, favorite, and change for allllll your bg3 babies that you wanna talk about!!! 💖
armor: what kind of armor does your oc wear? is it well kept? bonus: where does it come from? is there a story behind it?
olympia wears medium armour, although she's cycled through a few sets over the years (and especially throughout the course of bg3). theoretically she could wear heavier armour, but she still prefers to have some kind of movement. she tends to favour gold or green toned armour, and will always keep it in as good condition as she can manage. she had a set of official cleric's armour with lathander's symbol engraved on the breastplace, but she left them behind in her estate in baldur's gate when she was snatched, and they were later destroyed when the city was sacked by the netherbrain.
arms: does your oc have any weapons? what weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
she had always favoured maces, but olympia had never had a trademark weapon until rosymorn. visiting the monastery again, so many decades after being their previously, was enough to make her chest warm (and ache at the state of things) - but she'd never imagined being able to actually wield the blood of lathander. she communed with lathander before taking it, and he wholeheartedly granted his blessing. from then on, it's the only weapon she ever uses alongside her shield, and it becomes one of her most prized possessions. she ends up having to buy a miniature bag of holding to store it at night though, since the light it emits makes everyone in camp grouchy.
wardrobe: how big is your character's wardrobe? do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
one of isadora's guilty pleasures is clothes, mostly because it's one of the main ways she can express herself (after being cooped up in the same three dresses for years). also, she'd never really had money of her own before, so when her business really took off it felt nice to buy things of her own for once. she almost always carries a small magical contraption that opens to a pocket dimension of sorts, where she stores her favourite outfits for any occasion. it's both a very useful little trinket, and also a very vain one. she's also very good with a needle and thread, but is also usually too lazy and uses a mending spell instead.
change: has your oc ever drastically changed their appearance? significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? why? how do they feel about the change?
after she and her childhood best friend (and later, business partner) esra fled neverwinter on their sixteen birthdays, one of the first things isa did was get a tattoo. it's a beautiful floral piece on the left side of her neck that stretches down along her shoulder. she has a few other small tattoos scattered about too, all from the same 12 month period. having autonomy to not only purchase such a thing, but then permanently etch it onto her skin, was really significant for isa. they represent freedom to her.
favourite: does your oc have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? what is it? what's the meaning behind it? do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
cress had never really owned things before. she lived on the streets for years, and even after being taken under asmodeus' wing and later brought back into the fold at bhaal's church, she never had many things to call her own. she's never been too sentimental about clothes because of this, but post-game once things have settled a little, shadowheart does gift cress a necklace with a night orchid petal pressed into resin. cress never takes it off, if she can help it.
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Dear Musk, Ashland in not a company town, per se
Clark: A house my grandfather was associated with, because town founding family, and he owned many. Now there's an SNK grocery employee staying there, driving a Latin King colored car she parks prominently out front. A Mexican landscaping team demolished all of the landscaping, mulching it "to be sure" soon after. As it had stood since the 1960s still healthy as planted to match the climate zone. I think maybe it's because a friend tied to one of the more powerful (and related to your industry) families in the region, had visited Greece. Dryads, you know. And being the Danes, Shakespeare's "last bastion of witchcraft" his mom is wont to make potions now and again (the real thing is like baking, and sometimes concoctions).
A door handle at MoC: Market where a single item can run well over seventy dollars, has a broken door handle that has been mended with a loop of bailing wire. They can't come up with the money to fix it, I guess. There's a fabrication plant right here in town, and they have franchises all over Oregon.
A roof that leaks at the Co-op: Another market with financing problems, and one that contains a better restaurant than the hotel downtown, where a meal can run a hundred dollars. 100k and up *before* the inflation surge, on a daily take, same as MoC. (Ashland has like 30k people living in it).
Ashland Library: The giant addition with a roof matching the style of my childhood home, having spent the *entire county budget* in it's construction. As present, I'm seated between someone on the sex offender registry, sitting to my left. A street import for Latin King demoralizing purposes to my right, eating cup-o-noodles at the computer and washing it down with cherry coke, decked out in camo clothes of course. A social anxiety case who resembles my former boss's son (from SNK) breathing heavy and wearing a shirt with a giant eye on it, sitting kitty corner, "oh yeah ese, I'm a giant ojo!" that would seem to say, from an organization renowned for killing first responders. Opposite corner sits an ambiguously asian woman in Eddie Bauer being "helped" staging a conversation with an expy of my old boss (a drug kingpin masquerading as a "white" guy) while sitting in the far corner. Snoring is coming from the vet heavy guy who attempts suicide now and again to get the EMTs to show up and fawn over him, with his "snap-el" bottle of "Thanos" (named Phil, works at SNK while being my former boss's prized liutenant)threat. Any attention is good attention, right? (Ashland is down the road from Medford, the west coast drug production and export hub, and why a Japanese firm *really* bought Harry and David.
Reference Ken Burns: Is milling around, well past retirement age, because he's like the documentary guy in name only, and to make Ashland Library "worthy" of my best friend's family.
Strawberry Lane: Yes, *those* kinds of strawberries, to go with the sex offender who beat a hasty retreat (maybe shoulder surfing what I was typing), where human trafficker extraordinaire acquired *another* of his homes. Some three different ones out on 66 adjacent addresses, and Clark, and South Mountain, and Hargandine some forever ago, also Granite. Arizona later, after scouting (and being run out of there by Native Americans and their spirits) Lake Havasu. Ashland's first church and first bank were founded by his family. And all the cemetery stone was cut by his *female, one of only two in all of North America* relative's stonemasonry. And and, the reason I'm so insistent about Musk is evil, is because this Carnegie Library, added onto with this giant structure, was because of his family's extremely prominent position in the period KKK, and whose membership *also* contained Andrew Carnegie.
Something to do with: A certain 900-odd-years long war with the English. Good Irish, evil Irish, some very terrible things but necessary in light of (then 1500-2000 population super rural Ashland Oregon) growing America's "Other elizabethan shakespearean theater" in the whole United States. Campaign Kennedy made a stop here in the valley because "representing Wexford county" so long ago. And family fortunes took a nosedive after the Kennedy assassination. (we're getting to the company town part)
Another sort of curious situation: Easton Hardy's The Ethical Slut, about polyamory, references a couple with three people while getting one of the names wrong. Celia was indeed a Harry & David heiress. My grandfather was indeed a hermaphrodite and walking aristocrats joke (of whom I'm a sort of clone, and why I react to Telsa the way I do), but it was his *first* wife, who died young, that made the throuple. She married someone like her father Roy, who was also in a throuple (the three even traveled together) with AJ and Virgina Bayless (the family that merged store with Safeway so long ago, and also set down the money to buy the SNK store out of a catalog) of the Bayless family department store chain and sort of precursor to Walmart, from Arizona.
Company town Ashland ok: Ashland was a Dexter's Lab for human trafficking, money laundering (if you could call it that, because the state just used the money; did I mention grandpa was best friends with the chief of police? Yeah, anyway) and mob resort activity that "gifted" Ashland a sort of Golden Gate to The Golden State, park (and WAY out of profile for a community so rural; did I mention we had not one but *two* Olympic swimming pools? One heated, one not. Anyway...) and all-around one-stop shop for setting unwilling guests to "sleep with the fishes" on the way to Grants Pass where the mob used to table meetings. Consider it a sort of layover between Sacramento and Grants Pass during the bootlegging years. As said, family fortunes tanked after Kennedy was assassinated, and coronation of the Latin Kings DBA Chicago as "America's representative city" and who began running Ashland from the shadows in the late 1960s.
When a certain automotive: Wholesaler began to get footing, South African well occupation style. Cars being like water that stunts American lives where there's lack of them. Also linked to Chicago. Anywhere their real estate interests exist, expect to find "Metropolis" like period art deco Chicago architecture and trim. And they grew like a weed, aggressive "acquisition strategy" they call the current CEOs activities, and whose actions are little departure from operating practices dating back to the sixties/seventies.
Ashland lost timber dollars: But they had automotive, and drug production hub down the street, and marijuana tourism written in the books as regular tourism. From rich Californians on drug vacations. Strawberries were still big business around the time of the dotcom boom about town, too.
Ashland lost theater proceeds: Automotive donated, and donated, and donated. And became shareholder of note for securing actors (and housing them), and scripts, and structural renovation where buildings weren't "keeping up with the times". No word on what they were doing with the slush fund in the millions, back when they still had it, as Ashland's owned and operated tourist trap. Collegiates (did I mention we had that, too, a college?)
Ashland's school: For making housewives into teachers became Southern Oregon State College (to be worthy of interests operating in Ashland, then as now with solvency problems and low academic high water line, to say the least) became Southern Oregon University. Worthy in name only (and still regionally regarded as a "party college) of a certain Latin King associated family member's attendance there. And also famous and infamous for campus coed rape problems (now seldom reported but certainly still ongoing because Ashland convened a Campus Public Safety unit). Safety officers selected by Latin King and associates, driving vehicles provided by none other than a certain automotive wholesaler.
And they can't seem to keep: Administrators of any kind on staff; a college presidency like taking lead role in a Batman movie. Suicide suicide.
And yet: Coeds sex work is Ashland's secret not secret, and college is the *reliable way* to keep them flowing in (should mention concentrations of hotels all around Ashland, to the point of being across the street from one another, and a complex of them on "this end" of Medford to soak up some of the prostitution proceeds.
Company because town: A sex shop prostitute outfitter can't go out of business, because it's carried by Eugene. Chocolate shop up the street can't go out of business because automotive family favorite. Car quest. NAPA. Gas stations in blocks (Great grandpa Roy owned most of them way back when, and also all the school busses; see where I'm going with evil and emerald mine based car companies?). Caricature of itself, Ashland has become, because special interest cartel and otherwise are carrying everything out of pocket; theater owned most of the craftman and beyond houses on the historical register, in order to house super-high-caliber actors in the style to which they're accustomed. Some hard times year after year leaving the theater bankrupt. Cartels need sex workers, charitable giving appeals to automotive. There's no there, there, and to the point of literal "Phantom Security" running around, and themselves reminiscent of Homeland Security. Soaking up the wages to stand around where no security cartels couldn't do a better job, could possibly exist. Ashland's theater was among the safest spaces in Oregon. And there's nothing there.
Ashland cannot: Even explain how it manages to be solvent, at all, let alone running deficits as it does without furloughs. And "eme" (ms13) having taken over emergency services (because EMS gets to hear encrypted band civil transmissions), saw *two* additional fire departments commissioned. A total of three. For something like 30,000 citizens without a fire disaster (Oregon has the best firefighters in the world) to show for it.
Ashland's: Twin Plunges Olympic swimming pools were covered up by the Co-op. Ashland's "first real shopping center" was built around Bi-Rite "your local market" now MoC (like eme and also Moctezuma) Oregon regional. Ashland's department store sits next to SNK, which itself sits next to a housing development where my Sicilian great-grandmother's yard used to be. And her family friends are on the lease of where SNK sits. Connecting the Bayless remnant family business and Sicily where no one can see it. Since they themselves do not know. Arab extraction, the brown skin of the Bayless family came from. Sicilians being of Arab Muslim extraction themselves (it makes sense in context). And yeah, they were all about the money laundering. If you could even call it that.
As for me, I'm a clone of my grandfather: Where genders and sexualities and all the fonts of the underworld met. Ashland Irish and Sicilians run out of Los Angeles by the Latin Kings who followed them up here, against British empire interests. And the Swiss with the Irish, too.
I recognize that in Tesla: Apartheid. War with the Boers. An alliance of a lot of kinds of evil around one person with all the good intention in the world. While simultaneously housing literal centuries of generational violence, specific to a place and time Americans know nothing about.
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roscgcld · 3 years
RYOMEN SUKUNA || my little flower
anime: jujutsu kaisen
characters: ryomen sukuna
pronouns: she/her 
notes: historical!sukuna x reader, slightly sexual (no smexy time involved lol - maybe another day ;)), quite fluffy towards the end
also - I’ve been reading so many sukuna hcs and imagines of him when he’s in his prime or during the historical era - so like excuse me as I politely simp for the man that is ryomen sukuna >< thank you 
references: https://www.japanese-wiki-corpus.org/literature/Ryomen-sukuna.html 
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Sukuna leans back into the futon with a tired sigh, two of his arms folded behind his head while the other two held you against him securely. His ruby red eyes glanced away from the ceiling to look down at the woman curled up in his embrace, sleeping peacefully against him whilst her own soft arms were wrapped around his muscular torso. He admired your peaceful features at first, but soon his eyes started to travel down your delicate neck and cleavage, your soft skin marked by dark splotches where he had marked you up for the world to see.
Just the sight of the hickeys and bite marks caused Sukuna to smirk once more, the feeling of pride traveling through him at the sight of the hickeys, both new and old, marring your skin. It was a sight he would never get bored of seeing, since it was a constant reminder to you that you were his and no one else’s. 
Many would question just how did this happen - how did a simple human manage to ‘tame’ the infamous Sukuna - the King of Curses, who spreads chaos and bloodshed in his wake? How did you, a mere human woman who looked far too kind hearted and warm, ended up with such a fearsome man? 
Well, how this came to be was actually a cute story.
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You grew up in a small village in Hida province, where many cities treated Sukuna as their patron deity. He was what people would call quite a cold ruler - one who would not hesitate to bring terror and bloodshed down on a town that had angered him. But at the same time, he was quite the generous man as well. He protects the people of the Hida and Mino Provinces, and many towns had florish and grow under his careful guidance.
Your town was one of the may towns that worshipped the Cursed Spirit, preparing offerings on special celebrations and always paying your respects whenever you go up to the ichinomiya on the weekends with your parents. It was because of one of these special celebrations that drew Sukusa to you.
It was one of the many days where offerings were given to him by townspeople, in hopes that they will still continue to get some form of protection from the unknown. He was their patron deity, after all. Even though many times he does all the things he does for his own benefit, it was nice to know that there are some who are gullible enough to think he does it for them. But he it’s one to complain - many of the offerings are things he does not mind indulging in. The best crops from the harvest, women for his ever growing harem, beautifully crafted weapons and clothes are the few he can keep in mind
Many times, he does not care to go through the offerings himself - Uraume goes through all of them and then gives him a general overview of everything. However, as he was walking past one of the neat piles of offerings, a particular garment box caught his eye; causing him to pause before he unwraps it curiously. 
Sitting inside the carefully wrapped package was a beautiful dark blue kinomo made of the finest silk, the fabric so smooth that it almost felt like water slipping through his fingers. Packed along with the kinomo was a beautifully crafted haori, a simple yet beautiful crane woven into the haori in white, the details done so carefully that when worn, the crane moves with the shifting of the fabric. The packet also came with a matching hakama made from the luxurious fabric, and a beautiful kaku obi made from navy blue, white and silver carefully weaved together into in a beautiful talent.
It was because of the level of craftsman ship that had Sukuna curious - who was the mastermind of something so beautiful?
He had went to the town where the garment was from and after some digging about, discovered about you. A daughter to a family of tailors, you were quite well known for your talents in embroidery and your mastery of the loom. Having gotten such talents, you crafted many beautiful pieces, and one of them was gifted to Sukuna himself recently. 
When he first saw you, he was struck by your beauty; how you had such a warm smile no matter who you were referring to. How your movements were graceful yet swift, your needle and threat embroidering the most beautiful depections of animals and flowers without a single mistake. How your voice was so sweet and calming that he can physically feel the tension from his body starting to unwind ever so slightly. If he could, he’d love to listen to your voice forever - which was what he intended to do. 
The first time you two met was actually in the dead of the night; you had stayed up later then usual, carefully embroidering a water lily onto a long fabric for a personal tapestry you wanted to hang in your room. A candle was burning by your work table, casting the engawa of your home in a soft but comforting glow; enough for you to do your work without straining too much. You were so fucsed on your work that you didn’t notice how the flames of your candle started to flicker in the glass holder; even though there was the air was still. Your eyes didn’t trail up from your tapestry even as a large figure quietly entered the hallway you were in; only pausing when you felt a huge presence looming over you.
Your bright eyes flickered upwards and met with four pairs of ruby red ones staring right back at you; all four of them shining in amusement. “You are quite oblivious, little one.” Sukuna hummed out with a soft grin, to which you just gave him a confused look as you tilted your head ever so slightly. “How did you get into my house?” You asked quietly, not even acknowledging how the man before you looked very different from what you’re used to; from the four muscular arms sprouting out from underneath the dark blue haori, the very same one that you had made for him. to the extra pair of eyes he sported on his face. Or how the top of his head was clearly brushing against the simple weed roofing of your family home.
“Is that really the first thing you’re going to ask, little one?”
From that day onwards, things definitely went a lot smoother then Sukuna could have imagined. At first the lack of reaction from you confused him, but he found it quite amusing nonetheless. Even after finding out that he was the same deity that you had heard stories of since you were in diapers, you acted no differently around him. You still talked and laughed with him like he was any other human. which for some reason made his heart feel warm and fuzzy. It makes him want to gather you up in his arms, protecting you from the horrors of the world.
The two of you will continue to meet up in the night like secret lovers; many nights he’d just lean against one of the pillars of your family home, with you perched in his lap as you work on different projects every night; talking about things that happen that day, or the funny stories that the townsfolk would share with you whenever they drop by to mend and purchase clothes, or when they dropped off freshly dyed fabrics. During a few of these nights Sukuna had suggested if you can help him mend a few of his kimonos, which you agreed to without hesitation. Some days you’d ever create new kimonos for him as well, which he would wear quite proudly. 
Soon these innocent nights of talking and laughter, him watching you do your work under the moonlight, to having you gasping and crying out for him as he took you over and over again in his grand bedroom; watching quite gleefully as he corrupted your innocence, ruining you for any other man. Ever since the first night you two shared in his bed, he knew that there was no turning back - there was no one else for him but you. 
And there was no way he was going to let some puny human even try to get in between the both of you.
With that he whisked you away from the somewhat mundane and boring life in your town, making you his entire world. He showered you with the finest gifts and opened the more human side of him to you; one that he thought he had lost the moment he had decided to go down the path he did. But you pulled these emotions out from him with ease, making him realise that he can chase all the power he want till the end of time and that will never satisfy him completely. 
All he needed was you, and everything feels right in the world.
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“I’ve lost you again, haven’t I?”
Sukuna’s eyes snapped towards the direction of your sleepy voice, watching how you gave him the most beautiful yet sleepy smile as you carefully shifted your body so it was pressed against his. He marveled how your naked bodies clicked together seamlessly, even with the clear size difference between the two of you. “You will always have my attention, flower.”
The sound of the simple nickname cause a small smile tug against the corner of your lips, remembering how that nickname came about. You have always love studying flowers, since you enjoyed embroidering different sorts of flora and fauna onto different tapestries that now adorned the walls of the home you two share. You had once told him about your love of flowers, and because of that, you had came home one day to the courtyard in your shared home turned into your private garden; with flowers from all across the country planted at every nook and cranny. 
When you had asked Sukuna about it, he just shrugs and gave you an indulge smile - as if asking were you really shocked by his gift to you. When he realised just how deep your love for nature was, he had started to call you ‘his flower’, and the name has stuck since then. “What a sweet talker.”
A chuckle rumbled deep within his chest as one of his hands found purchase along your back, starting to massage what he was sure were your sore muscles; watching in satisfaction as you melted more into his chest. “Only for you.” He admitted quietly, to which you just gave him a loving smile as you rest your cheek against his chest once more; a soft finger started to trace along the tattoos on his skin. This action caused him to relax further into the futon, sighing softly in content. “Sukuna? Can we take a bath?”
“I’m lazy.” Sukuna stated with a soft groan as he glanced down at you once more, only to be met by the soft pout that you just know gets him to give in. This caused him to scowl as he cupped your face in one of his hands, gently squishing your cheeks between his fingers as he pushes himself up into a seated position. “You little minx.” He growls playfully whilst you just gave him a teasing smile, straddling his lap with your legs on either side of his whilst one of your hands wrapped around his wrist; causing him to loosen his grip on you whilst letting out a loud sigh. “How annoying.”
His arms suddenly wrapped around you before he got up from the comfort of the warm futon, causing you to giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Let’s go, flower.” He sighs dramatically before he walked you both to the bathroom, causing you to perk up before you lean over to press a loving kiss against his cheek; ignoring his soft eyeroll at your act of affection. As if he didn’t enjoy it whenever you do so. “I love you.”
“Of course you do.” He teases before he started to walk you two towards the bathroom, one of his hands skimming down to the small of your pack where a beautiful black tattoo rested against your soft skin; a tattoo that looks similar to the black lines that adorned his own skin. “You’re mine, after all.” He stated simply, causing you to roll your eyes at him playfully as he carefully sat you down on the wooden steps leading to the opening of the ofuro; watching as Sukuna started to prepare the bath for the both of you. “Wouldn’t it kill for you to just be a little nicer to me?”
Your teasing tone clearly didn’t win any points with him, who narrowed his eyes at you and before you know it you were suddenly pinned down against the wooden steps. A soft giggle left your lips at the narrowed eyes that stared back at you, causing Sukuna to scowl softly at your reaction. “Now you’re just asking for it, flower.” He growled before diving down to meet your lips in a passionate kiss; not being able to mask his smile at the sound of your soft laughter just as you wrapped your arms around him once more.
"My little flower..”
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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alderaani · 3 years
still i find you there
summary: after Rako Hardeen, there are several things that need fixing.
written for @codywanweek and the day 1 prompt fix-it. I fully intended to have more days completed for this, but given that it’s *checks notes* day 5, it’s probably not going to happen. this is very angsty and perhaps a bit melodramatic, but the heart wants what it wants. also catch me forgetting obi-wan was wearing his vambraces when he ‘died’ and having to stretch to make it work for me. warnings for grief, percieved death and all that good stuff.
He’s alive.
It seems impossible. It feels entirely predictable. And yet...Cody can’t make himself believe it. He saw Obi-Wan die, the grainy security-holo footage of slick Coruscant rooftops showing little more than a bolt of red and a lone figure reeling, falling. No sound, no clear faces, and yet...He knew that red hair. He knew that posture, how it could startle like that if timed very, very well.
It had been the only thing that made it real.
It had been a terrible idea to look at the footage, just like Rex (and Fox, and Wolffe, and Boil) had told him, but he couldn’t help himself. He’d needed something to help him break out of the stupor, the long silences, the staring at the door like Obi-Wan was going to walk right through it. The war didn’t stop just because someone had died, and the GAR hadn’t cared about the cataclysmic shockwave it had sent through Cody’s life.
They’d sent the 212th packing to Mimban within a day of the assassination, and Cody had nearly gotten his head blown off after leaving his left flank wide open, expecting the snap-hiss of a lightsaber to cover him. Instead Wooley had been his salvation, yanking him back at the last second and roaring that he needed to get it together. It had been like walking in a dream.
Watching the holo had worked. It had convinced some deep, desperate part of himself that Obi-Wan really wasn’t coming back. That somehow he was going to have to carry on alone, or worse, with another Jedi, whose differences would grate at him like a knife paring into bone.
And in the end, it had all been a lie.
Cody takes a deep breath and leans his forehead against one of the blaster racks in the armoury, the durasteel sharp and cool on his skin. His knees shake and he grips the shelf edges until his fingers hurt, just standing there, just breathing. 
His heart feels big and swollen in his chest, gluttoned with relief and anger, paired with a sharp, aching grief that now, more than ever, has nowhere to go. There’s no reason to harbour it; he should know better. 
He just can’t help it. 
He’d stood through the shuttle landing, through the torturous debrief, through strange, hairless Obi-Wan meeting his eyes and explaining earnestly that ‘if it hadn’t been classified of course he’d have said something…’ without so much as a twitch, but a great yawning chasm in his belly had opened and only kept getting wider the longer they kept making small talk about provisions, and reopening Obi-Wan’s quarters and a million other things that had happened since he’d - gone away. In the end he’d excused himself, planning to retrieve the personal effects he’d personally cleared out of Obi-Wan’s quarters because he’d needed to feel close to him, after, and there hadn’t been any other practical reason to go in there.
Except now he’s standing here, the relevant box at his feet, and he just can’t move. 
Eventually the trembling in his legs slows, and he lifts his head from the shelf, turning instead to slide down it, using it for balance until he hits the floor. His knee thunks against the crate as he collapses, the scant things inside clinking against each other. 
That had been one of the worst things; Obi-Wan always filled a room. His presence was a gentle, quiet, pervasive thing. Cody had held his small collection of two plants, a meditation mat, a few trinkets from planets visited and a lightsaber maintenance kit and felt nothing. 
He swipes ruthlessly at his face with one hand, thumbing under his eyes to scrub away the moisture. 
He needs to get moving. They’ll be looking for him soon. 
Instead, his knee has dislodged the thin fabric covering the crate, and his eyes catch on the vambrace stacked on top, the straps frayed and snapped. Cody had helped paint this one and its pair, had shown Obi-Wan how to get the colours to take properly to the unwieldy plastoid. 
He’d been the one to break it, too. Obi-Wan had just come out of the field medstation, bruised to shit but still smiling, and Cody had crowded him against a powered down holostation in the empty command tent and yanked at his clothes, just needing to feel his pulse under his skin, to feel the warmth of him safe and alive. It had been too much for the worn out armour to bear. 
Two cycles later Obi-Wan had been on his way to Coruscant again, and there had been no time to fix them. It’s stupid, but Cody had taken one look at them on the little desk, in the space that had once been Obi-Wan’s room, and all he’d been able to think was that he hadn’t been properly protected. Cody had broken his armour. Cody had left him vulnerable.
Obi-Wan’d taken his spare set, of course, but he’s always complained that they chafe, and if there’s one thing Cody knows, it’s that if your armour isn’t right you aren’t fighting at your best.
He reaches for the broken piece now, thumbing the frayed synthleather and the chipped paint, yellow and red and faint scuffed up grey. 
He knows now that it wouldn’t have made a difference to what happened, but he still heaves himself up to his feet after a moment and goes to the supply closet, pulls out a new strap, and sits back down again, committing to unpicking the stitching of the old before he can attach it.
He should’ve done this sooner. 
He should’ve been more careful. 
He should’ve been there.
He should’ve - 
He could have - 
He’s crying.
He’s crying, and he doesn’t realise it until the salt is heavy on his cheeks, until his neckline is wet, until his vision blurs so hard he can’t see. Cody makes a low, animal sound and curls over the vambrace, his fingers stilling against the threads. 
His throat aches, his face is swollen, his body hot. He feels sick, and disoriented, overwhelmed in a way he can’t name.
He flinches like he’s wounded, turning his face away from the door, like it will hide the evidence of his weakness. He knows he’s failed when Obi-Wan’s breath sucks in, so loud in the quiet. 
“Cody?” His voice comes again, much closer this time. “Will you...will you look at me?” 
Through the haze, Cody catches something that does make him turn. Obi-Wan sounds...hesitant, so uncharacteristically tentative that it cuts through the rest. 
He wipes quickly at his face, smearing the mess, and gets his eyes just clear enough to find Obi-Wan’s face, so foreign and smooth but so dear for all that. His eyes are still the same, glacier-heart blue, and worried, right now, focused on his face. 
“Oh,” Obi-Wan whispers at whatever he finds there, then reaches out, stutters halfway through, and drops his hand. His wrist is bare, and his robe sleeves flop backwards.
“I was trying to fix it,” Cody croaks, shifting to unveil the half-mended vambrace. “Before I brought it back. I broke it, and then you left without it and then you -”
It’s Obi-Wan’s turn to flinch back this time, while Cody greedily drinks him in, taking in the changes to his face, the way the lack of a beard makes his jaw look sharper, his features look younger. The stubbly fuzz of his hair is odd, true enough, but it’s still him.
“I - I never thought,” Obi-Wan says haltingly, and now Cody frowns, because it’s so unlike him to lose his words. Obi-Wan’s eyes flicker away, then back, like he’s steeling himself. Almost like he’s afraid. 
“I never imagined you’d feel responsible - Cody - I’m so sorry -” 
He reaches out, his fingers loosely catching Cody’s wrist this time. Cody feels it, the warmth of his hand sharp and electric. Tears spring to his eyes all over again; it’s the first time they’ve touched since he walked Obi-Wan to the hangar and he kissed him goodbye behind a LAAT/i. He’s replayed it so many times since, thinking he’d never get another, but the memory does the reality no justice, failing to preserve the way heat floods under his skin. 
Obi-Wan moves to take his hand back, and Cody traps it there, anchoring his fingers and dipping his head, just breathing through it.
“If I could have told you,” Obi-Wan continues. “I would have, I swear it, I -”
“I know,” Cody says instantly, because he does, he’d never doubt it. “I know you couldn’t.”
Their fingers curl more securely together, calluses and knuckles finding a home against their pair. 
“I didn’t know if you’d be angry,” Obi-Wan says. Cody shakes his head before he even thinks about it.
“It was your duty. I just -,” he squeezes his eyes shut again, voice breaking. The deception had made him angry. He can admit that, but it was never directed between them. The war stops for no-one, after all. “I can’t believe you’re still here.” 
“I promise, I always intend to stay,” Obi-Wan murmurs.
Cody’s smiling when he kisses him, so full his cheeks ache with it. It tastes of salt and bitter-sweet and just a hint of desperation, their hands clasped with the vambrace cradled between them. 
Then Obi-Wan draws him in, tucking his head under his chin. Cody presses his wet skin to the hollow of neck, listens to his heartbeat, and weeps.
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 3 years
Cornflowers - Osferth x Reader
'Also known as boutonniere flowers or bachelor buttons, legend has it that cornflowers were worn by young men in love; if his love was returned the flower would remain bright and fresh, however, if the man’s love was not returned, the flower would fade quickly.'
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Word Count: 2308
Warnings: none
‘Good morning, Elfreda,’ Osferth said nervously, a small smile on his face as he glanced up at the woman in front of him.
‘Good morning Osferth,’ she replied, batting her eyelashes at him. ‘Are those for me?’
‘Yes,’ he replied quickly, handing her the flowers he had picked for her that morning, ‘I saw them and thought they were as beautiful as you.’
‘Oh, Osferth they are wonderful. Thank you.’ She smiled sweetly at him as she bid him a good day before she threw a smug look in your direction. Elfreda walked over to where you sat mending some wicker baskets outside your house in Coccham, a smirk on her face. ‘Beautiful day, isn’t it?’
You don’t answer, trying your best to ignore the woman standing in front of you.
‘Look at these beautiful flowers Osferth picked for me,’ she said smugly, pushing them into your face.
‘Not that you’ve done anything to deserve them,’ you muttered under your breath. ‘Everyone knows that you don’t truly care for him.’
She gave a you a harsh laugh. ‘And yet he still pays me more attention than you. How does it feel to pine after a man for years without getting a single glance in return?’
Your cheeks began to burn, and you turned your gaze back to the basket you were mending, refusing to rise to the other woman’s taunts. She let out one last harsh laugh before she turned and carried on her journey through the village.
Her words hurt you because they were true. You had known Osferth ever since he had first joined Lord Uhtred when you were both scarcely older than children and had been almost inseparable ever since. You had both grown so much since then and so had your feelings for him. However, he only saw you as a friend.
It was one thing for your affections not to be returned, but it was another to watch him fall in love with someone else – especially one who didn’t deserve it. Elfreda was beautiful, with long dark hair that glistened in the sun, a perfect figure and emerald eyes that sparkled like jewels – she would put even a princess to shame. You on the other hand, well, you were you, and his eyes had only ever been for her. She of course did not return his affections; she simply enjoyed the attention and was happy to accept any gifts he gave her. She knew how much you loved him and loved to flaunt Osferth’s affections for her in your face.
‘Do you think Elfreda loves me?’ Osferth asked you one day whilst you were lazing by the river. You were supposed to be doing laundry, but he had come to keep you company and had distracted you. Instead of cleaning your family’s clothes, you lay next to Osferth with your feet dangling in the water, enjoying the Spring sunshine.
You looked up at him, surprised at the question. ‘I’m not sure,’ you replied quietly.
Osferth seemed to think for a moment. ‘I think I’m going to ask her to marry me,’ he said confidently, a smile on his face.
You sat up abruptly, moving so you looked down on him. His smile faltered when he saw your face. ‘Y/N? What is it?’
‘You deserve better, Osferth!’ you told him. ‘She may be beautiful, but she doesn’t love you, not really! Not like I-‘ you stopped yourself before you admitted your feelings and made a fool of yourself. You sighed deeply, looking imploringly into his eyes. ‘She’s not the person you deserve.’
‘But she’s perfect!’ he said, confusion on his face. ‘Unless you don’t think she’d say yes, has she told you something?’ he asked you suddenly, panic in his eyes.
You knew Elfreda wouldn’t marry him; the real reason she kept up the pretence of returning his advances was to make your life more miserable, to rub in the fact that she could have him if she wanted and you couldn’t.
‘I don’t think she would,’ you tell him honestly. He looks heartbroken but it would be worse if he asked and she rejected him.
‘Are you sure?’
You looked into his desperate eyes; the eyes of the man you loved. You didn’t answer for a moment, desperately dreading killing his dreams. ‘There is a way I have heard of – of finding out if your love is truly returned,’ you offered, trying to give him a smile. ‘You carry a cornflower upon your person and if the flower remains fresh and bright it means they love you in return, if it fades quickly then they do not.’
‘It sounds like pagan witchcraft to me,’ Osferth replied wearily, a small frown on his face.
‘It is not witchcraft, Osferth,’ you told him with a slight smile. ‘Do you think I’m a witch?’
‘No, of course not.’ He thought for a few moments more before finally getting up to leave. ‘Thank you for the advice, Y/N. You are truly my greatest friend.’
You smiled back at him but inside your heart broke, knowing that he would never see you as anything more than that; a friend.
As you watched him walk back towards the walls of Coccham, you hoped he would find someone to love who deserved it, who gave him happiness. Even if it wasn’t you.
Despite his misgivings, Osferth decided to pick a cornflower to see whether Elfreda returned his feelings. He had spoken to some of the other residents in Coccham and, although Finan had laughed at him, Sihtric said he believed the method to work, as did the old, Saxon baker’s wife.
Feeling slightly embarrassed to be seen wearing a flower (he was a warrior after all), he placed it inside his tunic, tucked just over his heart. He was sure that she thought of him in the same way he thought of her; surely, she would have said something by now if she did not care for him, he had been courting her for months.
However, when he took off his tunic at the end of the day, he found the flower had wilted and by the next day it had shrivelled and faded. He tried to tell himself that it was simply due to the unseasonably warm weather they had been having recently, that it didn’t mean that Elfreda did not return his feelings. He told himself again that it was pagan nonsense and that he didn’t believe it, however a sense of dread had settled deep in his bones.
After a few days wrestling with his feelings, he decided that he had to talk to her.
You were sat in your small home, mending some of your father’s shirts, when Osferth burst through the door. ‘Osferth!’ you exclaimed a smile on your face, happy to see you closest friend.
However, your smile fell when you saw him. His face was forlorn, and his eyes brimmed with tears, as he slumped into the nearest chair, his head in his hands. He looked utterly broken – it broke your heart.
‘You were right,’ he said in a low, shaky voice. ‘She doesn’t love me. I don’t think she ever did.’
You quickly closed the distance between you and wrapped him in a hug, stroking his back. ‘Oh, Osferth…’
‘I’m such an idiot! Everyone could see that she didn’t feel the same and I refused to listen,’ he sobbed, ‘I bet everyone’s having a good laugh at the fool I’ve made of myself!’
‘No! This is not your fault,’ you reassured him, ‘you are a good, kind soul and she took advantage.’
‘I’m a gullible idiot, that’s what I am!’
‘Perhaps,’ you smiled, ‘but I wouldn’t wish you to be any different. Don’t ever change, Osferth. Not for anyone.’
He finally lifted his head and looked you in the eyes, a small smile growing on his face. ‘What would I do without you, Y/N?’
‘Well I’m not going anywhere, so luckily for you, we’ll never find out!’
You both laughed lightly before you brought him back in for another hug. Although he was heartbroken, you knew Osferth was strong – he would get through this, you knew it.
Almost a year had passed, and Summer was once again fast approaching. Elfreda had married a rich merchant and had moved to Winchester earlier that year. Your life had continued as normal, looking after your family, helping to bring in the harvest, and spending time with Osferth. Nothing had changed.
In contrast, everything had changed for Osferth. His training sessions with Finan had begun to fully pay off and now he was truly the warrior he was supposed to be. Uhtred had begun giving him more responsibility and he no longer felt like a distraction or a liability, instead he felt like he belonged among Uhtred’s men.
However, the greatest change was in his feelings towards you. It had happened slowly, almost without him realising. He had always valued your friendship and enjoyed the time you spent together, but it became the highlight of his day. When he entered a room, he’d always look for you and was disappointed when you weren’t there. He found himself making excuses to touch you, whether it be tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear or brushing his hand against yours as you walked.
It had taken many months for him to get over the heartbreak of Elfreda’s rejection but when he did it was like a fog had lifted and he could finally see clearly. He could finally see you.
He couldn’t put into words how he felt about you; all he knew was that he was happiest when he was with you and he wanted to be more than just your friend. However, his new feelings scared him; if he admitted them then everything would change between you and he was terrified of losing his best friend.
He was walking outside the walls of Coccham one day when he spotted a cluster of cornflowers in a nearby field. He picked one almost absentmindedly, not really thinking about why he did it. He placed the flower in his tunic and returned to the hustle and bustle of the village.
When he walked through the gates, he was immediately called for by Finan, telling him to get the horses ready. Danish raiders had been spotted and they were to ride to meet them. He hurried to get ready for the journey, the cornflower he had picked moments ago immediately forgotten.
Several days later, Osferth sat around a campfire with Uhtred, Finan and Sihtric. They had successfully found and repelled the raiders without much difficulty and were on their way back to Coccham. The men were teasing him again, which wasn’t anything unusual, however he was a little surprised when they brought you up. He hadn’t realised that they had noticed his feelings towards you. It made him blush immensely which only fuelled their laughter.
They had camped near a river and so Osferth decided to have a wash. It was the first time he had removed his clothes in days, having been constantly on the move tracking the Danish raiders across half of Mercia. As he removed his tunic something fell to the floor at his feet. He looked down to see the cornflower he had picked before he had left Coccham.
It had dried out since he had picked it, however the colour was still strong, and it hadn’t shrivelled or faded significantly. The sight made him smile. He picked the flower up carefully, taking great care to not damage the delicate petals. You had told him that the flower remaining bright was a sign his love was returned; he desperately hoped you were right.
When he returned to Coccham he immediately went to your home, finding you preparing your family’s evening meal with your mother. After exchanging pleasantries, he asked to speak with you privately which your mother reluctantly agreed to.
He led you out of gates to your favourite spot on the river where you had both spent so much time together. He took out the dried cornflower out of his tunic and handed it to you, much to your confusion. ‘I’ve had it with me for days,’ he told you gently, ‘it is dry, but the colour is still bright.’
‘It is,’ you agree, examining the delicate flower in your hands, ‘but why are you showing me this?’
‘You told me that it was a sign that your feelings were returned.’
‘I did,’ you smile at him, still not quite taking his meaning. ‘Does this mean you’ve fallen in love, Osferth?’
‘I have, I think,’ he grinned at you.
‘That’s wonderful.’ You tried to give him a smile. It had been inevitable that he would fall in love with someone eventually, but you had hoped the day would never come. ‘Who’s the lucky girl?’
‘I’m looking at her.’ You stared at him dumbstruck, not taking in the meaning of his words. Surely you had misheard him, he couldn’t possibly be in love with you. ‘Unless you don’t feel the same that is,’ he added quickly, wringing his hands together.
You stared at him for a moment longer. Osferth was sure you were going to reject him, but then your face broke out into a smile. Closing the distance between you, you pulled him towards you and your lips met. You had kissed boys before, but this was the only kiss that mattered.
A few months later you walked down the isle of the small, ramshackle church in Coccham, a huge smile on your face and a bundle of cornflowers in your hand. Osferth beamed at you when you came to stand next to him at the alter; it seemed all your dreams were finally coming true.
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Tagging: @morosemagick @magravenwrites @solinarimoon @obipoelover (please let me know if you'd like to be added)
also tagging @maggiescarborough because I know you love Osferth 💜
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thedreamermusing · 2 years
what other changes would you make in the prince's tale? I agree a lot of it is wonky work, it is confusing.
Ooh interesting question! Thanks so much for asking, anon.
This is like an opinion that will probably be very unpopular but I honestly would make the Snape/Lily thing requited on Lily's part, even a little bit. Currently, it's difficult to see even a friendship there, much less a devotion that transcends death and morality and magic. Like...just imagine if instead of Snape being the one to find her as children, it's Lily. She's a freak and doesn't belong and regularly does these supernatural things that she has no idea about and then she sees a boy her age mending his torn second-hand clothes with a wand. She immediately asks him how he's doing that and he tells her about magic, and she is *amazed*. She's not alone anymore. And he's the town weirdo too, another person who doesn't belong. Snape on the other hand is delighted to find another magical child around, who actually is interested in him and what he has to say.
I would also include instances showing their friendship, maybe Snape gifting a bracelet for her birthday, which she's still wearing at her death. Maybe he's hanging out with Narcissa since they are canonically very comfortable with each other, and Lily is just as appalled at that as Snape is about James Potter. Overall I just would have made their friendship more stronger and apparent, of two outsiders against the world, with a strong hint of something more ambiguous. I'm not saying make them Heathclifffe and Cathy, but...I mean it's right there with the Patronus. "Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same."
I'd also show more instances of some badass spy action. Show us why Dumbledore goes to such lengths to keep his cover. Show him warning the Order of DE raids after he switches sides. Show him surreptitiously getting rid of DEs on the side by puroposefully making them fuck up and get killed by Voldemort. Also, show him not fail at protecting Lupin lmao. Like, have him aim at the DE and succeed instead of cutting of George's ear. Nothing else changes. He's still a shitty teacher and malicious, but we also see him saving the world.
Oh, and also remove that whole scene with the photograph. Just so unnecessary and proves nothing; I find it completely antithetical to his arc and of his love becoming more selfless and an abstract guide to do good. It doesn't even really add anything to the books. The mystery of his relationship with Lily is still there regardless of it.
These small changes would have made it so much more stronger and added some consistency and logic to his story and arc imo. But idk, clearly something worked with the canon version, given that it's still such a hot topic so many years later.
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simpingforsoftboys · 3 years
Not Everyone Gets A Happily Ever After
ft. Iwaoi, Atsumu Miya
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!Gender Neutral Reader!
Pt 2 to this
*Male readers just pretend that you and Tsumu have a mix of female and male friends each who can be both groomsmen and bridesmaids 
Anon thank you for requesting- I live for angst and this was super fun to write- even if I cried while doing so. IwaOi is my comfort ship but they’re not perfect. People make mistakes- in life, love, and everything and anything in between. Sometimes they repeat those mistakes, other times they learn from them, either way everything happens for a reason and sometimes it’s for the better. Unfortunately, not everyone winds up happy with the results- and that’s okay. 
Also I kind of made it into a song fic (listen to Sign of the Times by Harry Styles while you read)!
Just stop your crying
Hajime and Toru were sitting in the second row on your side of the aisle, pretending that they couldn’t feel the sharp gazes from your family and friends. They had some nerve showing up to your wedding, despite being invited, especially after spending five or so years treating you like an outsider in your own relationship. The reception itself hadn’t yet started, Atsumu had just stepped onto stage- his twin right beside him as the best man.
It's a sign of the times
Atsumu was looking incredibly dapper in his midnight blue suit, his blonde hair combed perfectly to the side. He looked incredibly anxious, whispering to his brother if he looked alright. Hajime thought it was a stupid question- obviously he looked great- but then again he supposed he would have done the same, had he been in Atsumu’s shoes.
Welcome to the final show
Toru’s gaze flitted to the front row where your parents and close friends were sitting. Some were commenting on his and Hajime’s choice to attend the wedding still, but it was your mother’s words that surprised him.
“I’m glad it’s Atsumu (s)he’s marrying, he’ll treat them right.” That woman had been like his aunty since childhood, hearing her say that caused another crack in his heart.
Hope you're wearing your best clothes
His suit’s collar felt like it was strangling him, Hajime reached up to loosen it slightly. Despite doing so, he still found that he had trouble breathing.
You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky
The trainer wondered if he and Toru would go to hell for breaking your heart- only to mend it again with false promises, for telling you that they loved you when it had been lust the whole time.
You look pretty good down here
Maybe they were already damned to an eternity in hell. 
But you ain't really good 
They were good liars- him and Toru- maybe that’s why they were able to lie to you, to themselves, and to each other. Lied about their true feelings, convinced themselves it was lust and not love. 
If we never learned, we been here before
It felt familiar, Toru thought, being here, like when he got invited to weddings in the past and he’d only bring Hajime as his plus one. 
“You wouldn’t enjoy it Y/n- so I’ll just bring Haji okay? We’ll be back in no time- I promise!” The brunette had told you mournfully, as if they weren’t going to be staying in the Bahama’s for a week in order to attend a wedding. Now that he thinks about it, all the fees were covered- they totally could have brought you if they wanted.
Why are we always stuck and running from
He pretended he didn’t hear the hitch of your breath once his back was turned to you, not wanting to deal with your water works. 
‘It’s fine,’ he had told himself, ‘(s)he’s just being dramatic.’ It’s not like it was the first time they’ve gone without Y/n after all. 
The bullets
The bullets
We never learned, we’ve been here before
Yes, it was a familiar sight. Sitting together side by side in a wedding venue, awaiting the arrival of the bride/groom. Yet, there was a stark difference this time. This wedding wasn’t for just some coworker or old friend, this was your wedding. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets
The bullets
Just stop your crying
Someone squeezed his hand- it was Hajime- his normally piercing olive green eyes were cloudy with unshed tears. They hadn’t even laid eyes on you yet and the two of them were already ready to start sobbing. Semi Eita- who had been one of your close friends in high school- gave them a judgmental look.
It's a sign of the times
‘Why are you two crying? You had plenty of chances before now. Get over it.’ His fiery gaze told them, it was then directed elsewhere- since the music had started and the groomsmen and bridesmaids began streaming down the aisle. It was a little later than usual, apparently there had been an issue with the flower girl- so they had the wedding party wait a moment.
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Just stop your crying
Others were tearing up all around them, but Hajime and Toru remained ignorant to them. The ring bearer- a little boy- they recognized him as your siblings youngest son, since they had accompanied you to see him be born. The kid was about six or seven now, and he was every bit as charming as you were.
It will be alright
He strode down the aisle proudly, chin raised in a way that reminded them of you. When you were feeling particularly stubborn or prideful, you would raise your chin just like that. 
They told me that the end is near
Next up was the flower girl- or flower girls. Hajime didn’t recognize them whatsoever, they must have been around your nephews age. It was likely that they were from Atsumu’s side of the family. The girls scattered white rose petals down the aisle, it was a magical sight- watching them flutter to the ground. 
We gotta get away from here
They had been expecting this moment, ever since they agreed to attend the wedding.
Just stop crying
To his right, he heard Toru stifle a sob. 
Have the time of your life
It was you. Hajime couldn’t remember when he last saw that smile on your face. You were donned in white, smiling from ear to ear- hair done perfectly, eyes tearing up- but for a different reason from them. You were happy. Excited. Today was the day, not sparing them a glance, the only person who mattered to you was at the end of the aisle, waiting for you to join him. 
Breaking through the atmosphere
Taking a step onto the raised platform, facing Atsumu, you let the tears fall. Unbeknownst to you, Toru and Hajime cried alongside you.
Things are pretty good from here
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Miya Atsumu and L/n Y/n in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
Remember everything will be alright
Toru’s entire body tensed up. Hajime placed a firm hand on the setter’s thigh, preventing him from even considering objecting. Semi cast the two of them a evil look, promising violence should they dare to object.
We can meet again somewhere
 "Miya Atsumu and L/n Y/n, if it is your desire to take the vows which will legally unite you at this time, please respond, 'It is,’.”
Somewhere far away from here
Atsumu and you continue staring lovingly at one another, not even hesitating a second before saying “It is.”
If we never learned, we been here before
“Do you, Miya Atsumu, take L/n Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband? From this day forward, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
The entire audience held their breath in anticipation- as if there were any reason to doubt his love for Y/n. Even Toru and Hajime couldn’t find it within them to wish he declined. Y/n deserved a loving husband- even if it was just one person- so long as he would dedicate himself to her/him entirely.
Why are we always stuck and running from
“Course I do.”
The bullets
Everyone’s gazes fell upon you.
The bullets
“Do you, L/n Y/n , take Atsumu Miya, to be your lawfully wedded husband? From this day forward, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
We never learned, we been here before
You’re wiping your tears away, that wide smile- Hajime realizes that in all his years of knowing you he has never seen you this happy- never slipping from your face. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
“I do.”
The bullets
The ring bearer comes up, shining rings placed a top the red, velvet pillow.
The bullets
Toru’s never hated red as much as he does now. Not even when he was playing desperately against Japan during the Olympics.
Just stop your crying
“Atsumu, please take the ring you have selected for Y/n. As you place it on her/his finger, repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed.’”
It’s a sign of the times
Your groom picks up your shining gold and diamond wedding ring/band and delicately slips it on your ring finger. 
We gotta get away from here
“Y/n, I’ve been enraptured by yer beauty since the first time I saw ya. Even before I fell for ya I’ve always admired how kind hearted and understandin’ ya were. There’s not enough words t’ capture or explain my love for ya. So I want to spend the rest of my life tryin. Yer it for me Y/n... so I can say without a second thought. With this ring, I thee wed.” He murmurs, salty tears spill from his eyes. He’s finally going to get the s/o of his dreams, he realizes. 
We gotta get away from here
Hajime and Toru hold onto each other with vice like grips. They realize it too. There’s no do overs.
Just stop your crying
“Y/n, please take the ring you have selected for Atsumu. As you place it on his finger, repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed.’”
It will be alright
Your hand reaches for the single wedding band still resting on the pillow. It shines brilliantly between your fingers. 
They told me that the end is near
“Atsumu, you’ve been there for me time and time again. You lifted me off the ground when I was broken, kissed my tears away from my eyes, and helped me learn how to love again. You’ve seen me at my best and my worst and loved me through it all. And it’s with complete faith and love that I say this. With this ring, I thee wed.” Atsumu’s wedding band matches yours, and slides on his finger perfectly.
We gotta get away from here
If we never learned, we been here before
The vows had been short but sweet. Toru would have been able to recite a whole paper- had he stood in Atsumu’s shoes. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
“Seeing as the two of you have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, by authority vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife/husband. You may kiss your bride/groom!”
The bullets
But he’s not in Atsumu’s shoes.
The bullets
You yank Atsumu down and press a passionate kiss to his lips, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him closer. He reciprocates immediately- all tongue and open mouthed. Neither of you pay any mind to the fact that everyone is watching you make out. All you see is each other. 
We never learned, we’ve been here before
Neither is Hajime. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets
The bullets
There’s no second chances.
We don't talk enough
No talking it over.
We should open up
You weren’t L/n Y/n any longer.
Before it's all too much
You’re now Miya Y/n.
Will we ever learn?
Devoted to and utterly in love with Miya Atsumu.
We've been here before
Is this what it had been like for you?
It's just what we know
Watching the two of them be so in love- eyes locked on each other- with no care in the world about who was watching.
Stop your crying baby
About who they were hurting.
It's a sign of the times
They didn’t even get the chance to ask why you did it- why you stuck around for so long and loved them, despite them not feeling the same. 
Now they never would get that chance again.
We gotta get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to, we got to
We got to, we got to
We got to, we got to
399 notes · View notes
Meeting and Dating Seamus Finnigan
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You and Seamus first met when you were both wee little witches and wizards. You’d ended up friends with the same people so you were usually around each other a lot ... even though you didn’t get on too well.
- Sure, you could still consider Seamus a friend; and him you, but the two of you butted heads like no one else.
- It all started because you were good at academics and he ...wasn’t. There was a bit of resentment there, mainly because he was embarrassed by his proclivity towards pyrotechnics and the fact that few people trusted his magic; and envious that they trusted yours.
- Neither of you hated each other; even though his temper and snarky comments got on your nerves, but anything that involved magic got the two of you into a bit of a stand off. If you were anywhere besides the classroom then the two of you could actually be around each other without having a glaring match.
- As it so happens, the older you got, the fonder he grew of you and you of him, though neither of you wanted to admit it. Although, even if you liked him, you couldn’t imagine yourself willingly dating the boy; no matter how handsome or endearing he could be. And he thought you were prissy and snobbish but he still liked you; mainly because he knew deep down that you weren’t.
- Soon enough, your bickering starts to sound more like flirting and though you adamantly denied it any chance you got, it was still happening. He’d be the more flirtier out of the two of you ...then he’d sense rejection and would get a bit rude in an attempt to save his pride.
- When he first asked you out, you gently said no, explaining that it was merely the logical thing to do. The two of you could barely get on in itself, how would a relationship work out? But he persisted.
- After a few more attempts, he finally bets on a Quidditch game with you, promising that he’ll stop asking if you win but he’ll get a date if you don’t. Both to shut him up and because it seems fair; and seeing as though once you went on said date and argued for forty minutes he’d have some more clarity, you agreed.
- And of course, he wins the bet. Godric, he was like the cat that got the canary, grinning from ear to ear as he approached you. “I’ll be seeing you at Hogsmeade then, eh?” and you’d rolled your eyes halfheartedly, trying to hide your smile.
- So you and Seamus go to Hogsmeade together that weekend and you have a surprisingly good time; he probably makes complete sure of that in an attempt to prove to you that you’d be a good couple.
“See. I’m not all bad.” He joked as you walked around the village.
“I’m a bit surprised, really. I figured you were just a minger. Always picking fights.” You said earnestly and a bit teasingly.
“Suppose I was just a bit embarrassed that you didn’t make everything you waved your wand at explode.” He relented, muttering shyly, cementing in your head that you’d like to “see” him again.
- He asks you about that as you’re returning to the castle, giving you a “so will I be taking you out another time or am I still a minger?” with a smile. You can’t even begin to imagine how happy he was when you agreed, he almost kissed you right then and there.
- You share your first kiss a week or so later as you’re trying to teach him a spell. As per usual, he’d made a small explosion and was pretty bummed out. You’d leaned over and wiped at the soot that was on his face, reassuring him that it was okay.
- It didn’t help and he continued to pout which prompted you to lean down and peck his lips. That did the trick. He immediately looked at you with a somewhat surprised smile before leaning in to kiss you again.
- Congratulations! You’ve got yourself your very own kissable incendiary!
- Lots of pda. He doesn’t like to act all mushy with you but his hands do rarely remain off of you for very long. He wants everyone to know that the two of you are together; he’s very proud. 
- He tends to wrap his arms around you; from behind, whenever you’re standing or sitting together. It makes him feel like he’s protecting you, and he likes the fact that he can pull you into him. 
- Him leaning his head on your shoulder.
- He loves when you kiss him on the cheek. He always gets all smiley whenever you do. 
- Once his lips are on yours and he’s really invested in kissing you, you should take it to your room because things will get heated very quickly. Most of your kisses are quite passionate and a bit on the rougher side of things.
- The two of you also have slow, softer kisses if he’s in more of a relaxed and loving mood. 
- He’s a big fan of cuddling but you can’t let his mates know that. He loves being the big spoon and has a particular fondness for your bed, probably because of the fact that it’s all soft and smells like you; even though he’s literally holding you in his arms. 
- There’s always a bit of a smoky smell lingering on him. It’s sort of cozy and certainly becomes a comforting scent after the two of you are together for a while.
- He uses quite a few pet names on you without any shame, partially because he uses Irish/Gaelic ones; meaning that most of his friends wont know what he’s saying. He’ll call you things like “a mhuirnín” and “a ghrá” or their English counterparts: darling and love. 
- Compliments. He loves seeing you show people up and do impressive things. He’s always the first to tell you how great you were and inform everybody that that is his girlfriend!
- Wiping his face for him after his magic backfires. 
- Ducking/jumping away when one of his explosions goes off. He usually turns and gives you a small sorry with a sheepish smile whenever they do. 
- Tying his tie for him. He occasionally makes it look terrible on purpose so that you’ll do it/redo for him. He likes having you close to him; it gives him the chance to look down at and memorize your pretty face while you’re distracted.
- Getting escorted to class whenever he see’s you. He’ll always jog over to catch up with you when he see’s you from across the hall.
- Wearing his class ring as a promise ring. It always makes him smile whenever he sees you wearing it; especially if you’re angry with him since it lets him know that you still care about and want to be with him. 
- Sleepovers; especially over the summer. You’ll have your own little dance parties, movie marathons, junk food binges, pillow tent building competitions, etc. He loves the nights he gets to spend with you. 
- Going to Hogsmeade together; usually the Three Broomsticks or Zonko’s. 
- You can’t let his friends know how soft he is. Dancing together in your room, him giving you a really long hug? You’re taking that to your grave, honey. 
- Double dates with Dean and his girlfriends. 
- You share your boyfriend with Dean. He’s constantly third wheeling when; and while if we’re being honest, he doesn’t have a girlfriend but he’s so lovable that you usually don’t even mind. 
- Sitting together at Quidditch games. He tends to get really into them, holding your hand on his bouncing knee as you watch, jumping to his feet to cheer before sitting back down and kissing your cheek, pulling you into his side excitedly.  
- Letting him gush to you about stuff. It never ceases to make you smile; he’s just so adorable.
- Stealing his hoodies. 
- Talking about muggle stuff. 
- Sneaking drinks of liquor. 
- Sharing sweets. 
- Playing chess together. 
- He’s always trying to take care of you and get you to take better care of yourself as well. He’ll put food on your plate, try to insist that you to eat something when you say you’re not hungry, pile jackets and hats on you, over bandage cuts, etc. Fussing over you is one of the ways he shows he cares.
- He’s always jumping to help you with whatever you need; especially if it has to do with magic. 
- He gets pretty offended when you don’t trust him and his magical abilities, although he can’t really stay mad at you and the truth for very long. He’ll usually just “forget” about the fact that you wouldn’t let him mend your tights with a spell an hour or so after it happens. 
- Trying to help him learn how to perform magic without creating small explosions. 
- Honey, he wants to impress you so badly. Sure, he likes being a helpful little lad but the main reason he’s the first to volunteer to fix something is so that he can show off to you and make you all proud of him. 
- Teasing and playfully making fun of each other. 
- Your smile? There is no better sight. Your laugh? Music to his ears. He’s always trying to make you laugh and definitely succeeds most of the time. 
- You’re definitely introduced to his mother, she's very important to him. Before you arrive, he insists that she’ll love you, and she does; she thinks you’re the sweetest little thing alive. 
- Letting him rant to you and; at least, pretending to take his side or be ambiguous as to whose side you’re really on, just to help calm him down quicker.
- Keeping him from starting fights with people; trying to at least.
- He’s not a very physically imposing person but he acts like he is, standing by your side with his arms crossed and his eyes glaring at someone for one reason or another. 
- Seamus is a fiery jealous lad. He doesn’t like boys looking at you and is the type of boyfriend who doesn’t like when you wear revealing clothes out in public; he won’t force you to change if you really don’t want to but he’ll certainly glare down anyone who stares at you. 
- Your boyfriend is fully prepared to kill for you. He definitely jumps to defend your honor and is a hair away from jumping any person who insults or hurts you.
- The two of you definitely have a few good arguments but he rarely yells at you, he mainly just argues passionately and might throw in a weak insult/insinuation from time to time. He’s got a bit of a temper so don’t take his behavior too personally. 
- He watches you like a miserable little puppy whenever you’re mad at and ignoring him. He usually gives you and himself a day or so to calm down before calling out your name as you pass and giving you a shy apology. 
- There’s quite a few I love you’s in your relationship, usually when you’re alone. Occasionally, you’ll say it in public and he’ll shyly say it back, punching his friends in the arm when they tease him for it. 
- He’s a loyal boy and he’s preparing to spend the rest of his life with you. You’re the best at the extinguisher charm so it’s really just a matter of public safety, isn’t it? 
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Dimension Jumping Pt. 5
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Comforting a grieving hobbit and time get everyone ready to go out!
Via the genius idea from katzrfsoa / Kat88
There's been mention of the reader not wanting to take the groups out, for fear of the public's reaction... so what about a cosplay convention? it would give the Reader the perfect excuse to allow them out, and they would wear their original clothes 
This morning has been uneventful for the most part.
Breakfast passed by without issue and now everyone is off doing their own things.
You looked outside and took a peek in the guest room, but you still can't find him.
Sam, Merry, and Pippin are playing a board game you showed them; Legolas is doing his meditation sleep thing; Boromir and Aragorn are discussing something; and Gimli is stacking bread on Legolas' leg to see how long it takes until he notices.
Frodo, however, is missing at the moment.
Right as you were considering telling the others of his disappearance, however, you heard some shuffling from your hall closet.
You open the door carefully and take peer inside, not wanting to startle the small hobbit, and at first you don't see him.
There's more shuffling and you hear a quiet sniff, followed by soft sobs, and you then realize he's hiding behind the shelf.
The door makes a soft clicking sound when you close it, and right away the quiet cries cease. You didn't want to alert him with the door, you wanted to do it yourself, but it's too late now, so you just go with it.
"Frodo?" You call in a gentle voice, staying by the door incase he wants you to go.
"Y-Yes?' He calls back, not moving from his spot.
His voice is thick with emotion, and the sadness in his tone makes your heart ache painfully. And when you walk closer and see him huddled up behind the shelf, your heart breaks a little for him.
He hastily rids his cheeks of any evidence of his sorrows, though the puffiness around his eyes and constant sniffles don't much help his cause, and looks at you with a false smile.
"Frodo, why are you crying?" You ask with furrowed eyebrows, kneeling down in front of him so you may look at him at eye level (mostly).
"It's nothing." He tells you quickly, looking away from your compassionate face with the same sad frown on his lips.
When you don't move to get up or leave, his gaze slides back over to you and he realizes that you're not going to leave unless he straight up tells you to go away. This makes him sigh, but truthfully, he doesn't want you to go away. Not really. For having company in a time of sorrow always mends suffering.
"I... did not have a proper time to mourn Gandalf. I've been so caught up in the oddity that is this place that I almost forgot my sorrows altogether, but then this morning is all... came rushing back." He explains with a surprisingly even voice.
While he speaks you cross your legs and listen along intently, your hands folded neatly in your lap. When he finishes, you reach forward and place your hand atop his with a gentle touch, "I didn't know him, but I can tell he was very dear to you. Honestly, I can't offer much advice, but I can tell you that keeping it all bottled up inside is not a good idea."
He looks at you with that sad face when you speak, and it prompts you to continue, "Also, I know everyone else can be pretty overwhelming or they just don't understand, and I want you to know that I'm always here to listen if you're feeling down, okay?"
Your words draw a small smile from the grieving hobbit and it elicits a similar grin from you.
"Thank you, Y/N. I... actually do feel a little better."
"I'm glad."
After your discussion with Frodo you rejoin everyone back out in the main room and let him recollect himself, going right onto your laptop to get some work done.
You're idly scrolling through a scholarly article you need to research when you see it.
An advertisement for some sort of comic book, cosplay, convention... thing in the area (no wonder you've been seeing so many oddly dressed people recently).
At first you almost scroll past it, but then you get hit with the brick of knowledge and a lightbulb goes off in your head.
"Yes!" You scream, successfully scaring everyone in the room and Penny who is sitting with you for once. "Ohh, my god. This is freaking perfect!" You exclaim, clicking on the link to get some more information.
Your eyes practically soak up everything on the information page, and, once you've skimmed through all of it, you look up with a bright smile on your face.
Literally all of them are looking at you like you've grown two heads, but you only clap your hands together a few times. "Guys, I just had a huge brain moment!"
The joke goes over their heads as per usual, but you don't let that deter you.
"Huge brain moment?" Pippin asks in confusion, looking at his cousin like he thinks he heard it wrong or something.
"Yes! I've figured out a way to take everyone out!"
That certainly gets their attention.
"You have?" Sam asks exuberantly, dropping his game piece so he can turn towards you and pay perfect attention.
"I have, yes," you start, continuing once you're 100% sure they're all paying attention, "So here's the thing, I knew that I could take out you tall boi's without issue besides having to find a hat for Legolas here, and I could explain that Gimli here has dwarfism," you pause at that and realize it may be offensive to him, but you continue once more, "but I also knew that there's no way I can explain away the hobbits, and then I found this gem."
You turn the computer so it faces all of them, but they only look more confused.
"There's a convention thing in town for the next week, and it's the perfect opportunity for me to bring everyone out! We just have to dress up the hobbits a bit and pretend that they're children."
At your explanation you receive multiple pleased smiles, and it serves to make you feel even better about your idea. "And you can all wear your normal clothes, too. And if someone asks who you are... I'll figure out a game or something you guys can use as an alias."
"Are you sure that will work?" Aragorn asks with furrowed eyebrows, sitting up from his spot in your arm chair.
"Um, like, maybe 98%." You confirm with a shrug, "It's better than 88% though."
He doesn't seem like he disagrees with you, so you look back at your laptop again and start to look for ideas to make them more believable as humans.
3 hours of research later, and you've successfully compiled a completely fool proof plan to smuggle this merry band of bizarre boys out of your house.
What you've decided is that you'll put some makeup over Legolas' pointy ears to make them look more fake since the concept of elves is not lost in this world. Boromir and Aragorn can go as themselves, and you'll put some makeup on the hobbits much like you will Legolas (they'll be children elves since there are no hobbits in your world) and tell everyone who asks how they look so good that you're a professional makeup artist.
Gimli, fortunately for you, was the easiest to come up with something for next to the other two humans of this group. You can just tell people he has dwarfism and that's why he chose to go as a dwarf character.
Everything is in order except for what you're going to do, though you suppose you should match their theme and be some sort of renaissance, maiden, lady, thing. You'll figure it out, though you do need to make sure it's convincing like theirs.
You decided to, instead of putting it off, go ahead and start working on finding a costume to match theirs.
A couple of searches later and you come across a really pretty dress that looks to fit their style, and when you show it to them they give you the thumbs up, so you order it with express shipping so it should arrive tomorrow.
It's a lovely flowy medieval dress *just look up flowy medieval dress and go to images, there are some good examples there*, and you feel excited just looking at it. Of course, there's no guarantee that it'll be the best quality, but it's got great reviews and you certainly paid a hefty sum for it.
After that's done with you head to your bathroom to see what makeup you've got, and you find that you don't really have any theatrical/special effects makeup. You're going to need skin colored wax makeup, powders, and contour stuff.
You're no makeup artist, obviously, but luckily for you, your goal is to make them look less realistic, so it should be easy enough.
It's surprisingly easy to figure out what you need to make them as convincing as possible, and pretty soon you've got a nice little list going on that outlines each thing you need.
Since you don't want to delay anymore, you head out of your bathroom and grab your bag while putting on your shoes, "Legolas, I'm leaving now if you wanna come with." You suggest since he stated his desire to join you in the one of the last chapters (:o).
When you call his name he looks over at you quickly, smiling a bit at your offer, "Yes, but you said I need a hat."
"Oh yeah! I have one, just gimme a sec." You tell him, walking over to a drawer.
When you open said drawer, you find a grey beanie with ease and toss it over to him, "Here ya go. Make sure it covers your ears... and uh, tuck your hair up into it too if you don't mind."
He does as you say with ease and, surprisingly, he looks just as good with shorter hair as he does longer hair.
It sticks kinda awkwardly at first, so you waltz on over and gesture for him to crouch down so you don't have to reach up.
Once again he does as you request and leans down so you may fix it.
You adjust it a bit to make sure it won't fall first, and then you smooth it back a bit so it'll also look stylish. And once you're done you take a step back and smile at him brightly.
"All done! Let's go!"
He seemed rather fascinated in the way your car works first and foremost, but once you got him to look out his window instead of watching you, his excitement quickly turned into awe.
When you both get to the ULTA store he follows you without hesitation and asks some hushed questions about things he sees, like the light up signs, other passing cars, stoplights, and some other things.
You, of course, answer each question happily and lead him inside, holding the door open for him while he enters and looks around the brightly lit up makeup store.
Right away you head towards the general direction of the nose and scar wax (it's multi purpose, don't judge me), forgetting to make sure that Legolas follows you.
When it does occur to you, however, that the blond elf didn't come after you, you panic.
You turn in a circle and only stop when you see him standing with some ladies who practically have hearts in their eyes.
Unconsciously you breathe a sigh of relief and head over with the wax in your little basket, immediately reaching up to wrap your arm around his, "I got the first thing on my list, come on."
The girls stop their giggles and flirting as soon as you show up and look genuinely surprised.
You give them a smile and nod in acknowledgement, not wanting to make them feel bad over something so silly before turning with your arm still around his own and walking him over to look at some contour stuff and other things.
They make some snide comments when you turn your back about you being a 'clingy girlfriend' and 'not pretty enough to be with a model like that', but you only ignore it and relish in the fact that you didn't make them feel bad over something as silly as a cute guy in a makeup store.
"Why are those women talking about you like that?" He asks in a whisper, leaning down so only you will hear his question.
You look up at him with a bit or surprise since you didn't expect him to pick up on that, before you smile, "They're attracted to you, and they think that I was being selfish with taking you away from their advances."
"Selfish? Advances?" He looks confused, but you only smile and turn back to the display case.
"Don't worry your pretty little head over it, Leggy my boy."
"Leggy?" He asks slowly, looking at you in confusion.
"Leggy." You confirm with a nod with a distracted hum.
It isn't much later that you have everything you need, and so you go to the checkout and buy everything.
"Going to the convention?" The girl at the counter asks with a smile.
You smile back and nod your head, glancing up at Legolas before looking back at her, "That obvious?"
"No of course not, just the items in your basket always fly off the shelves around convention time." She replies with a giggle, ringing up all your items.
"Well, that's fair." You muse, putting your card into the reader to pay for it.
Once everything is in order she hands you your receipt and adds, "Maybe I'll see you there."
"Maybe!" You chirp back happily, liking the nice conversation going on here.
"You and your boyfriend have a good day now!"
You elect to ignore that.
On the way home you pretend to not notice the black car following yours and make small talk with the elf, answering some more of his questions and speaking idly on different things.
"There are so many odd, interesting things here..." He comments after a while, glancing out the back window. "Are you aware that, that car has been following us for the past 10 minutes?"
You nod and hum as an answer, "Mmhm, it's just Brian. He's probably trying to figure out who you are."
The blond knits his eyebrows together and glances back to look at the car again, "Should I do something about it?"
"The only thing you can do is ignore it. He went from lowercase 's' stalker to uppercase 's' since you guys arrived, and it'll only get worse if you intervene." You mumble, trying not to look in the rearview mirror at him. "It's fine."
"You don't seem to think it's fine." He challenges in the same even tone, turning in his seat towards you.
Instead of answering his question you look at him while you stop at a light and grumble, "I told you to put your seatbelt on."
"It's uncomfortable."
"I don't care."
"I will be fine."
"Not if we get into a crash, you won't."
The two of you stare each other down before he slowly reaches up and buckles his belt, never breaking eye-contact.
"Good boy." You coo in a way-too sweet voice.
"Anyways, I know we said as much before, but you needn't worry about that man while we're here." He continues despite your obvious subject change.
"I know." Your reply is softer and less defensive this time, for you really do appreciate it, "Thank you."
He looks surprised at your sudden gratitude, and his expression shows as much "For what?"
"For being you. For looking out for me. All of you."
This time he smiles and says no more.
When you both get back to your house you immediately put everything in your bathroom and get onto your laptop to view some techniques on theatrical and movie makeup, Pippin and Merry on either side of you while they view through the pictures and videos with you.
"That one looks interesting." Merry pipes up suddenly, pointing at a person to wolf makeup transformation.
"Yep, and way past anything I can do."
This pattern of going through pictures and viewing clips goes on for a little while until they two hobbits depart to have lunch, meanwhile you continue on so that tomorrow will be a success.
You're both excited and nervous at the same time, wanting to see how it'll all turn out but also dreading it incase something goes wrong.
You know the most important thing is to have a positive mindset about it, but it's kinda hard sometimes during your more anxious moments.
Also, there's the issue of Brian possibly following all of you...
Nah, that'll be a problem to think on for tomorrow.
"What time will we leave tomorrow?" Aragorn asks from his usual spot on the rocking chair, Penny still nestled in his lap as per usual.
"Around the morning. I bought the tickets already so we won't have to stand in line for too long... Hopefully."
"Thank you for working so hard so that we may see more of your world." He comments suddenly, stroking his hand down her fluffy back.
You tilt your head to the side and smile a bit, "You don't have to thank me."
"No, I do. You have seen to our every need and we no doubt pose to be a huge burden. Thank you, really."
His words make you flush slightly, and you look away shyly.
You've grown to care about all of them, so of course you would do anything to keep them comfortable at this point. More than anything you're just glad they see how much you're trying to make things easy on them. It feels nice being recognized for your efforts.
Plus, the added protection from Brian is pretty sweet.
"Anything for you guys."
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mako-bones · 3 years
Year Walk (A Zelpha Story)
I have this posted on AO3, but I'd like to post it here as well! This is the second chapter, and it's under a cut since it is kinda long.
Chapter One: The Walk Begins
Chapter Two: Since We Were Kids
Word Count: 2342
Oh, Jabu-Jabu, this may be the worst day of my life.
Mipha's face was flush with bright blue as the floor slowly receded, flooding out in murmurs and gossip per the request of King Dorephan.
"It IS about lunchtime...Let the Council take a recess and we will return tonight. Mipha? A word. In private, please."
Yes, this was quickly transpiring into the worst day of her life.
The two took a left, into a spacious room decorated in the abundance of silver and aqua blues. Narrow columns served as the only vague doors, but no one was around to think of eavesdropping on the King and Princess.
Dorephan stopped and faced his daughter.
Anxiously, Mipha wrung her hands together, debating between meeting her father's concerned eyes or easily focusing on the wall elsewhere. Although it was hard to ignore his deep, rumbling voice as he hummed.
"You look tired, Mipha-"
"Father, what day is it?" Mipha blurted out again. "What time is it? I-I can't seem to remember what happened yesterday, or the day before that. And I apologize in advance , but I don't know what's going on-"
"Mipha." Dorephan knelt down, resting a hand on her shoulder and squeezing gently. He lifted another hand to his chest. "Take a deep breath. In...And out..."
While her eyes closed, and she slowly inhaled a shaky breath, she missed the way Dorephan's gaze turned to great worry, but disappeared when she opened her eyes again.
"Could you tell me how you're feeling? You've never been one for bad mornings...And yet, I've never seen you so scared before."
Mipha ran her hands down her face, dropping them into her lap. Slowly, she recounted the events of her nightmare. Leaving out the grisly, goreish battle, and the deja vu paradox she seemed to have found herself in.
It was her and Ruta, against a fearsome enemy. Alone and afraid.
Dorephan scratched at his chin, staring intently at the floor as he listened. Eventually he sighed. "I knew this was a mistake."
"Mipha...You looked so happy when the Hylians and Zorans unearthed the Divine Beast. It was quite endearing, seeing how excited you were when you’re usually so serene. But...Is this truly what you want?”
“Not because it's expected of you, or thrown upon you.” He continued. “But deep down, I encourage you to consider what this truly means. Do you understand?"
Deep down, she did. And she also did not.
She had to be the pilot. Her family, her home, her entire world counted on her. No one would know what it meant to be killed by the monster inside the belly of the beast, and in a strange sense, it was hers to conquer. Again and again all alone, so be it. So long as no one else had to.
And she nodded. "Yes, I understand." She took another breath in and out. “If it’s alright, Father…”
“Go ahead.” Dorephan finished, nodding. “Be mindful of the time, however.”
Mipha’s grateful smile was wobbly and drained, but she dove forward to hug Dorephan tightly before finally taking off through the halls again.
This time, she went the back way, avoiding the flood of curiously wandering Hylians and Zora.
In the East Reservoir Lake, Vah Ruta sat in the same spot she did a year ago. Or was it yesterday? It was the same spot that Mipha had remembered.
Perched between sand and water, her trunk was lifted high into the air, her head tilted to peer at the sky. She did not move, not even as Mipha swam closer.
“Although this may seem like the first time, weren’t you there when the world ended? Was that really you, or was it your ghost and mine?”
No move.
Mipha raised herself from the water, turning and sitting on the shore. The elephant towered over her even more so, its silhouette casting a gigantic shadow over the Zora. Mipha kicked her feet in the water as she continued to ramble.
"Nightmare or not, something was real. Something happened, that much I believe. Though I'm not quite sure how...Or why...At least I have another chance. We have another chance. All the things we never got to say or-"
"Is that you, Princess? Ah, I would know that voice anywhere."
Grass and leaves crunched beneath high heeled shoes, brushed away by a long azure dress. Mipha jumped, eyes trailing up Zelda's dress until she met her dark brown eyes.
There was a look that Mipha couldn't recognize, paired with her smile that didn't quite reach.
"Are you feeling alright?" Zelda asked, finally stopping a few steps away. Her neck craned upwards and she squinted.
"And I thought you did not want to be a pilot. Yet..."
"I was just...Becoming familiar with her, that's all." Mipha said. "I don't really mean what I said at the Domain. I panicked."
"I know." Zelda flashed another smile. "I could see it in your eyes. What had you so rustled? Was it me? I know we haven't had much time to meet since we were kids, right?"
"Right." Mipha nodded, and slid back into the cool water. She gestured to Zelda to follow along the shoreline. "It was only a bad night, Princess. And a hasty morning--But now that you're here, it's becoming much brighter."
Zelda playfully rolled her eyes, kicking a small branch aside. "I can say the same about you."
She paused, and then quietly said, "You seem...Different, now."
"In a good way!" Zelda added quickly, raising her hands. She laughed in a short bark, tucking her hair behind her reddened ear. "I only meant that...Uh...It's just nice to see you again."
They had reached the end of the lake, where a wide pier was stocked with benches, beds under luminous stone canopies, and even snacks in chests nearby. Zelda plopped down on one of the benches while Mipha lingered in the water, leaning on her crossed forearms.
"I do hope I've changed since we were children. You...Also seem different." Mipha squinted, but she couldn't place it. Was it her hair, or maybe her blushing cheeks?
Speaking of blush...
"Have you and Link gotten along well enough?"
Zelda's eyes blew up wide. She looked horrified, confused. She sputtered and sat up straighter. "Link...?"
Mipha blinked, wondering if she should press on or backtrack while she was still ahead. "Your bodyguard, yes? The knight that--Is very skilled in his line of work."
"I-I haven't heard of anyone like that, Princess." Zelda cleared her throat. "Are you a fortune teller now, as well as a Pilot and future queen?"
Mipha sank into the water, cheeks dusting blue. "How do you know for certain that I'm a Pilot? I could easily say no, you know."
Suddenly a rumbling and grinding of stone made both women jolt up, Mipha spinning around to face the noise.
Vah Ruta began to raise her trunk, slowly backing into the water. Zelda tilted her head, ready to begin documenting as she noticed it sinking into the water. But only halfway...
It lifted its trunk, and spewed water like a broken fountain straight into the air. In only a few seconds, Mipha felt heavy raindrops beating down on her skin, rippling the water in a mini rip current.
"Ruta?!" Mipha lifted her head from the rough waters, a scowl on her face. "We talked about this, don't you remember? We are going to have another talk about this...Later. Oh, don't look at me like that, that was very rude!"
Mipha shook her fins out, huffing. To a Zora, it was hardly any different than a light shower. No clothes to ruin, no skin to prune and wrinkle. But for Hylians…
Oh, no. It was then that Mipha realized that Zelda was still standing, clothes ruined and her fingers no doubt beginning to wrinkle. Her face and expression was covered by her soaked hair, but she was staring up at Ruta. Then at Mipha as she quickly jumped out of the lake.
“Princess! Oh, I hope your dress isn’t ruined. Come with me--Surely there’s something at the Domain you can wear as your clothes are mended to. Is that alright?”
“Ah…” Zelda pulled apart her hair to reveal a dazed expression--She couldn’t believe what just happened, and neither could Mipha. “R-Right. Thank you, Mipha.”
As they quickly hurried to the nearby stairs, Zelda turned her head back to stare at Vah Ruta, still in shock. That had never happened before…
"It's not everyday I find something to be surprised about," Zelda mused as she pulled the silver comb through her hair--Short, brown locks that were beginning to bounce with lively curls.
"Is this about the water, Princess?" Mipha turned with another towel in hands, a scarce fabric in the Domain--But luckily there were a few on hand for the unexpected guests in the palace. "I apologize for-"
"Ahaha, no!" Zelda shook her head. "It’s just that...You spoke to the Divine Beast with such...Familiarity. And although it seemed rather playful, teasing us with that rainstorm...It obeyed you immediately."
Zelda rested her hands in her lap, staring at Mipha through the vanity's mirror. "...It just goes to show that there's more sentience to these machines than anyone could have assumed. It raises more questions about the relationship between a Divine Beast and its Pilot. It's fascinating, is all.
It makes me wonder how the rest of the chosen Pilots will follow..."
Mipha blinked, stopping short in her walk to deliver more towels. She had completely forgotten about the others. Revali, Daruk, Urbosa...Did they have the same nightmare, too?
"You're staring." Zelda's eyes flashed with worry, checking her own appearance again. "Did I forget a tangle? Is there a frizz where I can't see?"
"Oh, no, Princess. It's quite beautiful, if I may say." Mipha stepped forward, setting down the cloth to hover a hand near Zelda's head. "It looks...Different, than I remember. What did you do differently?"
And then it hit Mipha, right after the words escaped. At one point, she had remembered Zelda's hair being thick, and long. Always braided tightly down her back in a multitude of elegant braids, decorated in gold to match her dark brown skin. She gasped.
"You did cut your hair!"
Zelda's eyes widened, before she smiled. "Yes, I did." She laughed, a melodic sound that brought a faint blush to Mipha's cheeks.
"I...like it this way. I like it this way." Zelda repeated, nodding her head in confidence. "And there's plenty of hairstyles I can experiment with now. One for every occasion!"
Mipha hummed, and gently trailed her fingers through the ends of the curls.
"It fits you perfectly." She sent a warm smile to the mirror, and stepped back to give Zelda room, hands clasped together.
Zelda's cheeks flushed, but she quickly finished brushing her hair back and pulled it back out of her face. "There's something I'd like to ask of you, Princess."
When she asked, the entirety of the Domain was asking too. The King was waiting, subtle worry etched into his expression.
"Graceful Princess of the Proud Zora, will you accept the humble call to stand with me against the evil that may threaten my home and yours, and become the Pilot to steer Divine Beast Vah Ruta?"
The whole world was holding their breath, and Mipha's heart thrummed in her chest like it did the first time--The theatrics of it all never failed to give her stage fright.
"I accept."
And it was sealed. Mipha turned from the cheering crowd, looking up at her father who only smiled reassuringly with a small nod. He seemed like he was holding back many things, keeping it under a calm expression in the gaze of his only daughter.
"Father...You won't have to worry about losing me ever again. I swear it this time."
"I won't lie." Dorephan let out a sigh, drumming his fingers in a slow rhythm. "As a father, I'm always worried for the wellbeing of my children. But you rise to this challenge with such determination and courage that I cannot stand in your path, only walk next to you and pray that you'll return home safe and sound. In my heart, I know you will. Yet it is still hard to let you go."
Dorephan looked over Mipha's shoulder. "Princess Zelda."
Quickly, Zelda waved to another Zora guard she had been speaking to and stepped to the dais, bowing. "Your Majesty?"
"I understand that the plan is the same?"
"Ah--Yes, Your Majesty-" Zelda reached for the Sheikah device on her hip, flicking away droplets of water as it powered to life under her touch. She tapped away, focused and calculated. Mipha curiously glanced over, watching a detailed map of the land and its various landmarks flicker across the screen.
Colored lines and grids drew across the map, obviously hand-drawn in their wobbly
In the region over Zora's Domain, a tiny creature similar to Ruta animated its trunk on screen.
"Everything is still on schedule. Princess, tomorrow we'll head for Hyrule Castle to regroup our supplies and soldiers, and then begin our journey to the next region of Hyrule, in regards to the next Pilot."
"In that case...take good care of each other." Dorephan nodded to them both. "I have no doubts in my Mipha's abilities, but I surely do not mean to downplay your own strengths. I only ask that you watch each other's backs...Whatever the case may be...In and out of battle."
Zelda and Mipha both glanced at each other, a faint smile shared between them.
And Dorephan, sitting back and waving them off, his fears begrudgingly took the backseat as he nodded to himself. Of course there would be a flood of Hylian and Zora guards to accompany them; But there was always something special about placing your faith in a friend...And their faith in you.
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kats-baku1999 · 3 years
Little Lies, Part Five
Warning a little smutty (not full on smut yet you animals) is in this part
The car ride back to my apartment was not as uncomfortable as I thought it would have been. We actually talked to one another. He filled me in on his career, and what he’s been doing since we graduated. When we got the apartment I let him inside, and he looked around for a little bit. Till he found the manuscript. We stopped speaking at that point, as he flipped through the pages. After an hour or two, and no words he set down the pages.
“If you want to keep reading the rest later, you can take that home?” I offered and he just continued to look at me. Standing up from his side of the table. He came behind me, and leaned down into my ear.
“You still remember those intimate moments so vividly?” He whispered in my ear, and I felt myself start blushing furiously. That was the part he got to?
“Well, uh,” I whispered, trying to ignore his breath fanning over my ear, “How could I forget when they’re one of the few intimate moments I have?”
We both froze at my words. Todoroki let out a low chuckle, his hands making their way to my shoulders. He was rubbing them gently, his grip a little firm.
“Don’t tell me I am the last one who touched you?” Todoroki’s voice sounded a little too full of himself for my liking, so I got the idea to knock him back down to size.
“Actually, Kaminari was,” I smirked, and his hands stopped moving. Just a firm grip was left on my shoulders.
“Denki Kaminari?” His voice was low, almost a growl. It was no secret the two hated each other after everything that happened. They continued this feud for the rest of that last year of school. Kaminari always doing his best to get under Todoroki’s skin. Todoroki always falling for it, and trying to fight him. I’m pretty sure they had actually gotten into a physical fight at one point.
“Yeah, we have a deal that when we are both single, we can use each other whatever way we see fit,” My voice was taunting him. His grip on shoulders got a little tighter with my words.
“Does he make you feel good?” He growled, his hands beginning to trail down the front of me. His hands hesitating right above my breasts. I knew my next few words would determine how this would go.
“Fantastic,” I answered back. My chair was yanked back, and turned to face him. He knelt down in front of me, so we were at eye level with one another. Looking over my face a few times, he was smirking, and his eyes were darker than I had seen before.
He dragged his hands up my bare thighs, gently. I shivered a little bit at his touch, instantly regretting not changing out of my skirt. He used his hands to spread my thighs apart. He let out a guttural sound from his throat as he pushed the skirt up a little bit, revealing the lace underwear I had been wearing.
“Were you waiting for Kaminari with these?” He whispered, laying his head against my thigh. He used his finger to trace my upper thigh, smirking as the goosebumps appeared on my skin.
“N-no,” My voice stuttered as his finger lightly danced over my covered folds, “They don’t give me panty lines,”
“It would be better if you just didn’t wear any,” Todoroki let out a small laugh, before biting the inside of my thigh lightly. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop a moan from coming out of my mouth, clearly it wasn’t enough considering he still sat up to look at me. Shaking his head he just laughed again.
“Honestly (Y/n) you don’t have a good poker face, and you are practically soaked through your underwear right now,” Todoroki grinned, leaning down into my face again, “Just say the words and we can fix this little problem for you pretty girl,”
I looked over his face, taking in everything about him. The last thing I wanted was to give him the satisfaction of giving in. I knew that his smug look would only get worse. I also knew that getting myself off wasn’t going to cut it tonight. Did it count as hooking up with your ex if he was never officially your boyfriend?
“You’re thinking too much,” Todoroki sighed, standing up straight. He started walking towards the door. I stood up from the chair and walked over to him.
“There you go, giving up again,” I grabbed his shirt, pulling him down into a kiss. Todoroki was hesitant at first but quickly began using more force. He had pushed me up against the edge of the couch, taking my face into his hands as he kissed me deeper. When he pulled back, a small line of spit came with him. He groaned yet again.
“Remind me to thank Kaminari for teaching you how to kiss like this,” Todoroki smirked before attaching his mouth to my neck, nipping and sucking at every part of my skin he could reach.
“He taught me a lot of other things too,” I teased, and he just let out a disappointed noise. Before pushing me backwards, I was now laying down on the couch. Todoroki watched as I adjusted myself and watched as he stripped down in front of me, “What’s the matter Todoroki, skipping the role play already?”
“Did Kaminari need foreplay to get you off?” Todoroki challenged, and I just blushed furiously. A little angry that his rebuttal was correct. Kaminari was one of my best friends now, and the foreplay with him was always great, the sex in general though wasn’t as spectacular. Still though something about the way he was acting just wasn’t settling right with me.
“Do you think that’s what we’re doing, jumping straight into sex?” I laughed, as he paused taking off his belt. He looked at me with confused eyes, trying to read my face.
“Is that not what’s happening here?” Todoroki scoffed, his voice filled with nothing but arrogance.
“You know, I don’t think it is now,” I shot back, standing up from the couch and adjusting my clothes.
“What’s the problem?” Todoroki slid his shirt back over his head, staring at me. I looked back at him, feeling a bit of anger build in my stomach.
“I’m not just going to fuck you on my couch like some random ass hookup, like we don’t know each other?” I walked over to the kitchen, getting down a cup for water.
“To be fair we don’t exactly know each other anymore (Y/n),” Todoroki’s voice was harsh, and it made me freeze in my tracks. That little out of anger ignited into full on rage at the snide remark.
“And who’s fault is that?” I slammed the cup down, turning to face him again, “Who was the one who just let me get in that car that day, and never once tried to explain themselves?”
“Wait seriously, you’re angry I didn’t explain myself?” Todoroki looked amused, “You’re so damn stubborn you wouldn’t have let me explain, and when I did you pushed me away?”
“You know what no,” My voice was still in a yell, “I wasn’t expecting you to drop the love bomb on me?”
“Oh fucking forgive me for falling in love with you,” Todoroki walked over to grab his coat.
“Read the last page.” I demanded, pointing to the manuscript that was on the table in front of him, “Read the last fucking sentence on that page,”
Todoroki looked at me, and looked down at the manuscript before picking it up and flipping to back of it. His eyes scanned over the page, before widening a little bit. It looked as if guilt was starting to wash over his face.
“Out loud.” I demanded again, and he just looked up at me. Before looking back down to the page again and taking in a deep breath.
“So there she stood, against his locker, waiting for an explanation that would never come,” Todoroki whispered, “When were you?”
“The last day of school, I slipped a note telling you to meet me there before graduation, explaining that I wanted to hear you out and if you wanted to explain yourself, that we could make it work,” I lowered my tone, “You never showed though, just left me waiting for you,”
“Touya pulled me out of school early that day,” Todoroki sighed, setting the book down, “We were going to visit Mom together,”
The tension in the room slowly faded away. We both looked back and forth at each other.
“So you never got the note?”
“No, I never got the note.”
He stared at me for a second. Before nodding, and rubbing his hand over his face. He walked out of the apartment without another word. As the door slammed I felt the tears start streaming out of my eyes. Watching my last chance to say what I needed to say walk out the door again. I pulled my phone out, wiping the tears off my face. I clicked the first contact that came to mind.
“Hey this is so random, but do you uh think you could come over?”
—-Todoroki pov—-
I let out a groan and threw myself down on Touya’s couch. Both he and Keigo stuck their heads out from the dining room. I could feel their eyes burning in on me. Soon enough they were standing over me, both of them glancing from one another to each other.
“You smell like a bar and (Y/N)‘s perfume?” Hawks whispered, as if I was delicate. Which earned him weird looks from both me and Touya.
“Do I even want to know why you know that?” Touya laughed, staring at his soon to be husband like he had grown five heads. Honestly I was giving him the same look.
“Well I work with her and I you know, smell her a lot?” Hawks looked flustered, knowing there was no way to word it correctly, “Okay, you know what? I am going to leave you two to brother things out,”
Hawks flipped us both off, and gave Touya a kiss before walking away. Touya looked at me, and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He moved my feet, more like smacked them out of his way. He sat down where my feet once were, and I sat up on the opposite end of the couch.
“So, little Sho, my brother, the baby of the-”
“If I tell you what happened will you quit?” I groaned, looking over at him. He laughed a little, nodding his head.
“Remember the day we decided to mend our relationship? The first day we actually hung out together before going to see mom?” I looked down at my hands.
“Yeah, because you flipped me off when I called you sweetie and told you that you forgot your lunch?” Touya snorted at the memory.
“She left a note for me that day, in my locker, after shooting me down, telling me to meet her back there after the graduation ceremony,” I looked over at Touya, who let out a low whistle.
“After I got you early?” He sighed, and I nodded, “Shit, I’m sorry Shoto,”
“Don’t be, I’ll deny it if you repeat it, but I don’t regret hanging out with you that day, it restarted our relationship,” I looked over at my brother who was smirking, “But now she thinks I just left her standing there, rejecting her for rejecting me,”
“Okay I am going to tell you a fun story,” Touya interrupted, “You know I punched bird guy in the face once?”
“What?” I looked at him like he was insane.
“Yeah, you see he was a stubborn man, and after my first boyfriend and the rejection from our dear old father, I was an absolute asshole,” Touya looked over at the picture of the two of them, “But Keigo saw the better side of me, even when I couldn’t see it in my self,”
“Where are you going with this? Other than confirming you used to be a dick?” I questioned, and earned a middle finger from him.
“You were an asshole back then, but this girl writes about you as if you were anything but that, even when you hurt her she still wrote you out to be this damaged boy, who was a human somewhere in there,”
“Hm, I didn’t really catch that, I got a little distracted,” My comment earned a punch in the arm from my older brother, who was glaring at me.
“Trust me I had to read all about your little couch encounter,” Touya sighed, “That’s not the point Shoto, just talk to the girl, and actually talk to her not try and fuck her you idiot,”
“How do you know I-”
“You have the face of a man who was given the good ole blue balls, and a cute little hickey right there,” Touya flicked it as he stood up. Walking towards the hallway to go to his shared bedroom.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and scrolled to her contact. I hesitated for a second before finally hitting the call button. This was the defining moment.
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grelleswife · 3 years
How about 3, 4,6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 25,27,28, 29, and 30 foooor Sebagrelle ;3
Sure thing!
3. Most common argument?
Every few years, they'll have a dispute over getting a dog. Grelle would love a little white froo-froo dog to carry around in her purse; Sebastian will not allow a wretched cur in their house under any circumstances, thank you very much. D:< The demon and reaper also occasionally squabble over clothes if they both want to wear the same outfit or pair of heels on a particular day. And, of course, there's the decades-old argument over whether their meeting was mere coincidence (as Sebastian insists) or fate (as Grelle adamantly maintains).
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Dancing! In public, this appeals to their exhibitionist tendencies, since the graceful pair inevitably dominate the venue, whether it's a ballroom or a club. Grelle loves the romance and spectacle, while Sebastian views dancing as an opportunity to flaunt the fact that this incredible woman is his mate.
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner's?
(I'm assuming this means physical features?)
Grelle firmly maintains that Sebastian's eyes are his best feature. They're her favorite color, and burn with a hellfire that never grows dim. Her acceptance of his demonic nature made Sebastian fall even deeper in love with her when they were first courting. >w<
Sebastian utterly adores Miss Sutcliff's hair. Sensory demon cannot get enough of how lush and silky it is, and he'll often pamper Grelle by combing and styling her locks. He also considers her teeth extremely sexy, because they're a reflection of her wild, ferocious side. >:3
7. What's the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Sebastian's instinct upon realizing (to his horror) that he's falling for Grelle is to deny, deny, deny. H-he has a crush on Sutcliff, of all people?! What insanity is this? The Phantomhive butler would never stoop to such things...even though Grelle is gorgeous and one of the most powerful reapers he's ever met and...oh, dammit...
Grelle is so accustomed to rejection that she tries not to put too much sincerity behind her flirtations; a lady's heart can only be trampled upon so many times. Therefore, when she realizes that her feelings for Sebastian go beyond a mere crush, she's caught off guard. Grelle's not stupid, and she's aware of how potentially dangerous demons are, not to mention the punishment she'd face for dallying with one in earnest. She needs to withdraw and do some serious soul-searching before deciding to see this relationship through. After all, the heart cannot be denied...
12. Who initiates kisses?
Sebastian! This may seem counterintuitive since Grelle is more impulsive, but initiating kisses is a tacit way for the demon to tell her "I want you, I choose you, I'm continuing to chase after you just as you chase after me." >w<
13. Who reaches for the other's hand first?
Grelle, by a slight margin. My headcanon is that Sebastian loves holding hands with his romantic partner(s), but Grelle tends to beat him to the punch; she's the type who will walk hand-in-hand or arm-in-arm with her s/o literally anywhere.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Maybe Grelle? I feel like her legendary teef give her an advantage in this area. XD Sometimes she'll inadvertently (or accidentally-on-purpose) nick the demon's lips, but Sebastian doesn't mind. >:3
17. Who says I love you first?
Grelle. One night, she and Sebastian are sitting on the roof of the Phantomhive manor, hanging out after a playful sparring match. Grelle abruptly goes silent before quietly admitting that she loves him. "I'm afraid it's the genuine article, darling...though who's to say whether we're players in a comedy or a tragedy," she adds, glancing down.
The demon takes a moment to process this (sweet hell, she actually loves him!!!), but takes her hand and tenderly kisses it.
"Then let us see how it ends, rufina."
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Technically, Sebastian doesn't tell the other Phantomhive servants about his courtship with Grelle (and for obvious reasons, he daren't give the young master cause for suspicion), but it doesn't take long for Bard and Mey Rin to realize the dork is in love. Bard notices how dreamy and flustered the butler is these days, as well as the long red hairs that occasionally cling to his tailcoat (Miss Grelle has a tendency to shed). Mey Rin could've sworn she caught a trace of woman's perfume the last couple times she walked past Mr. Sebastian, yes she did! Mey is initially crestfallen but later gets together with Paula, so all's well that ends well, while Bard mercilessly teases Sebastian about his "new gal."
"I don't know what on earth you are talking about," the trash demon mutters. Sebastian also ends up discretely discussing the relationship with Agni. When he and Grelle have their first big fight, he asks the khansama for advice on how to make up with her.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
For a long time, Ronald is the only reaper aware of Grelle's relationship with Sebastian. Knox disapproves because he's worried that the butler is using his senpai to obtain information or gain her support as another of the Phantomhive brat's pawns. However, he later develops a grudging respect for Sebastian when he realizes that the demon truly loves her.
The servants never learn exactly who Sebastian's lady love is, but they're very supportive!
25. Who needs more assurance?
Grelle. She's grown accustomed to being misunderstood and pushed away, so she needs affirmation that Sebastian is loyal and won't ever desert her. Of course, in happy fanon land, Sebastian is unequivocally devoted to his wife.
27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
Both of them! Their kids have fond memories of their parents harmonizing together when they needed to be soothed after a nightmare.
28. What do they do when they're away from each other?
In the canon timeline, Grelle is focused on reaping during business hours. In addition to her beauty appointments (hair and nails must be maintained at all cost!), she also enjoys going out to cafes or hitting the pub with Ronald, Eric, and other people from her small group of work friends. Sebastian's butler duties keep him busy, and he tries to distract himself by playing with his cat or reading in his small amount of leisure time (he still ends up pining for Miss Sutcliff, though).
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart?
A constant terror that lurks in the back of Sebastian's mind is the fear that O!Ciel will learn of his relationship with Grelle and command the demon to harm or kill her.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it?
I headcanon that Grelle is somewhat touch-starved, which is why she makes her little dollies to sleep with. After Sebastian finds out about this, he surprises her on their first Valentine's Day as a couple with a special Funtom rabbit in a red dress. When she has to go for long periods of time without seeing him (they have to exercise extreme caution when planning their trysts) Grelle will cuddle the bunny, which serves as a tangible reminder of Sebas's love for her.
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aevapollo · 3 years
As I Am
My entry for the @trans-mages exchange week, my gift for @wellbelesbian. I hope you enjoy it!
My prompt was: Non-binary Baz, perhaps experimenting with pronouns and presentation and feeling affirmed by Simon and his friends.
(The title is from this quote from Carry On: "I just wanted to tell you that I’m going to carry on. As I am." -Baz)
Read it on AO3 or continue here!
Simon looks peaceful, looking up at the sun like that. Blissfully unaware of my fidgeting hands. I think about what he said just now--what he said about the vampire hotel, how happy and natural I seemed. The worst part is, he’s not wrong. Obviously, I didn’t want to stay there. That would’ve been a nightmare. But there was something about that night… I think it made me see myself in a way I never had before. That night, I got to be the gayest, sparkliest vampire there ever was. I got to be the most me I’ve ever been, and I liked it. Shit, I loved it.
I dunno. I’ve always been something less-than-masculine, much to my father’s chagrin. All those times I let my hair get just a little too long, whenever I wore a shirt that was just a bit too silky… he always had some carefully selected words. I never cared much for what he said about me. My goal back then was to push the limits of what he’d allow, but… maybe now that I’m with Simon, things will be different. Maybe I can finally be an adult about it and communicate. I could make up for all those years of repressed emotions.
Here goes nothing.
“Hey, Simon?”
“Hmmm?” He turns his head back to me but barely opens his eyes.
“ I-I need to tell you about something. And I don’t want to make you more stressed than you already are, or-or anything like that. So don’t feel like you need to understand me or act differently around me or feel--”
“--Baz, are you okay?” Simon cuts me off. He’d opened his eyes now, and seemed concerned.
I take a shaky breath. “Listen, I- I’m- I don’t really know if I’m totally… a guy. Like, I don’t think I want to be a girl, but what if I’m… neither? What if I’m non-binary, or something… like… that?” It all comes out in one big waterfall of words. Crowley, I hate feeling so out of control like this.
Simon’s brow is knotted. He’s thinking. “Alright, so non-binary… do you want to use different pronouns? And I shouldn’t call you ‘boyfriend’ anymore, right?”
“I...yeah. Yeah, exactly. I have wanted to try out they/them pronouns, if you don’t mind…”
“Of course I don’t mind. Baz, I-- you know I’d love you no matter what, right? I won’t stop just because you’re not a boy. Christ, I still don’t know if I’m gay or what, but I know I love you.”
He loves me. He said he loves me, that’s the first time he’s actually said it. The tears are coming. For once I don’t try to stop them or even hide my face. Simon pulls me into a hug, and I just melt into his arms. Somehow, nothing is wrong anymore now that I’m here.
I knew I would tell Simon first, and maybe I should leave it at that, but I just want to get this off my chest as soon as possible. After a while of being disgustingly vulnerable with him, I make my way back up to the house and onto the balcony. Shepard is here, too. Might as well kill two birds with one stone.
Deep breath. “Hey. Um. Can I say something? I’m fairly sure I’m non-binary, and I’d like to try out they/them pronouns for a bit.” The words are coming out much easier the second time around.
Bunce’s eyes light up. “You are?! Oh, I’m so glad you told me! Wait, wait, I think I just saw an article about this the other day… some American celebrity who came out as non-binary? Hang on, I can find it real quick--”
“--That’s fine, but I appreciate it. Really,” I can’t help smiling at her excitement. Somehow this whole “coming out” thing has sapped me of all my sarcasm.
“Cool. I know some non-binary folks. Have you got a new name, or are you still going by Baz?”
“I’m still Baz, thanks.” Shepard hardly looks surprised, and I can’t say I blame him. I haven’t exactly been trying to act straight since we’ve known each other.
Just then, Wellbelove slides the balcony door open, looking anxious. I prepare myself to give the speech again, but she speaks first. “Hey, Baz, I’m sorry if you didn’t want me to know anything yet but I… Well, I heard everything. The doors aren’t exactly soundproof. Still, I’m happy for you.” She manages a nervous smile.
“No, no, it’s alright. Makes things that much easier on me.” Everything happened so quickly. I’m not sure how I feel about Wellbelove finding out, but it was bound to happen eventually. I guess it’s good that she knows now, even if we’re not exactly close friends. Maybe that’s another thing I should work on, now that I’ve decided to be an adult. I could leave all these weird grudges in the past.
Later, Simon comes back inside and we all eat dinner in relative silence. It’s less like a family meal and more like the casual school dining halls we’re all accustomed to (except for Shepard, I suppose. Or maybe he had something similar). Wellbelove has been looking at me weirdly since she found out. I know she said she was happy for me, but I can’t help but worry about what she really thinks. I try to focus on Shepard spilling barbeque sauce everywhere.
Simon leans over to me. “Hey, Baz, I was wondering… does this mean you would want to wear different clothes? Or, like, makeup or something?”
I had expected questions like this. “Well, yeah, I have wanted to try wearing a skirt. Just to see if I like it, I mean.”
To my surprise, Wellbelove speaks up again. Maybe I was wrong. Perhaps she’s also attempting to mend our strange relationship.
“I’ve got some skirts that you could try on. If you want to, that is. I… don’t wear them much, anyway.”
“I--yeah, that would be really nice. You’re sure?”
She nods and stands up. I hesitantly follow her into an (unnecessarily posh, even by my standards) bedroom and can barely take in the surroundings before she shoves an armful of skirt in my face.
I crane my neck over the pile of fabric. “Um. Thank you, really. You didn’t have to do this, but…”
She looks down. “No, I wanted to. You know, I’ve been kind of questioning myself as well, but I didn’t want to say anything about it until I was sure,” she lowers her voice, “and at this point maybe I never will be. But this is the least I can do, right?” She offers another half-smile, and I do my best to return it.
“Well, that’s… thank you. Again. And you can talk to me about it. If you want to, of course. I… It might be nice to have someone to relate to.” I’m not sure if I’m reassuring her or myself at this point. Wellbelove seems to understand, and brightens up a bit.
“No, thank you. And you can keep the skirts if you want. I don’t think they suit me.”
She leaves me to sift through the pile. I eventually land on a possibility: it’s a deep forest green, smooth and swirly. When I hold it against my waist, it comes down just above my knees. Part of me feels like I shouldn’t be holding this; like nothing I do will ever turn me into the person I see myself as. But part of me also thinks skirts are fun, and that’s good enough for me. Nothing left to do but try it on.
I look in the mirror and-- Crowley, not again. I’m starting to cry again. It’s just a skirt, but-- well, something about this just makes me feel… different. A good different. More like myself.
Okay, take some deep breaths. I dry my eyes and stand up straight, twirling around a bit. I’m smiling like an idiot now, but I don’t mind. This is the happiest I’ve been for a long time.
I grab the doorknob and throw the door open, shamelessly strutting out and modeling the skirt for everyone. I hardly ever get to be myself like this, and I’m going to enjoy it if it’s the last thing I do.
Everyone’s looking at me. Everyone’s looking at me. Stay calm. Wellbelove is beaming, though she’s trying to hide behind her hands. Shepard just grins and gives me a thumbs-up. Simon’s face is bright red (can’t say I don’t enjoy that), and Bunce puts her hands in front of her mouth and squeals.
“Baz!! You look so good! The color really suits you!”
“Thank you,” I can’t control my smile at this point, “I--” Wait. I have an idea. My mother’s scarf--it’s still folded up in my shirt pocket. I unfold it and tie it around my hair, just like how she used to wear it. Simon’s regained his senses by now and gives me a small smile. I wonder what my mother would say if she could see me now.
Simon gets up and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back, and any apprehension I had fades away. Something about this is familiar; much as we used to hate each other, seeing Simon at Watford always felt like more of a home than my “real” family ever did. Now it’s still the same: I’m at home wherever he is. Nobody can tell me who to be anymore.
Baz looks so good in a skirt. Of course, they do. They look good in everything. Still… something about the way they carry themselves now, how comfortable they look… this is more meaningful. I can’t pretend to know how they feel, or what they’re going through, but I do love them. I’m finally brave enough to say it.
As I pull Baz into a hug, I whisper it into their ear once again: “I love you. So much.”
They squeeze me tighter and return with an “I love you too. Even if your hair smells like barbeque smoke.”
Thank you for reading! This is the first fic I’ve ever published so hopefully I did good haha
This was like… wAYY longer than I planned to write but in my defense, this prompt was lovely and I just wanted there to be more. #noregrets this was very fun and I hope it’s fun for others as well :)
Also, I planned to post this earlier today but..... my laptop died and then I had to catch a flight. And then I thought "you know what would be a great idea? Writing a bonus section!!" ...so r.i.p. my schedule I guess ://
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whimsicalbumblebee · 3 years
The 14th Sentinel
A 13 sentinels AU
Spoilers Ahead so this will be under the cut!
Tamao Kurabe being the pilot of the 14th Sentinel in the final battle. (not to confuse with sentinel no. 14 which is Ryokos)
Why? Because I think she deserves more plot.
She survives what happened to her in Sector 5 and when Miura and Natsuno return there, they find her injured but alive.
Well enough that they are able to take her back to sector 4.
She gets to live with Natsuno here. Which in turn means, she is the first to know of her disappearance when Natsuno is stranded in sector 3.
Getting ahead of myself though.
When she returns, and lives with Natsuno, there's clearly a culture shock.
"Please tell me I don't have to dress like you do, Minami-san"
"No- no! This is just my track outfit, we can find you a longer skirt if you're more comfortable with it."
"That would be...acceptable."
Her POV would be different than Miura's, she already knows that she is in the future from the get go. So she spends most of her time exploring. Kinda like a reverse of Tomi's culture shock.
However her being in sector 4 would change things slightly.
Mostly Yuki's story.
Yuki who spends her entire plot with Erica Aiba, aka JuroBot, would find out that Aiba isn't Aiba not through Nenji but through Tamao Kurabe.
And JuroBot, when he learns that Tamao is in this time, probably would take some measures to remove Tamao from interfering.
You know, it just occurred to me, what was JuroBot trying to do, following Yuki all the time? Like I know he was trying to alter her nanomachines, but if it was anything like what Megumi did, wouldn't that just be 'one and done'? Why persist after her? Anyways I'm getting side tracked here.
You can't tell me Tamao won't be searching for Natsuno as well here. But in her perspective, we might get to see Miura more doing the same. There was a throwaway line in Yuki's story about a middle schooler looking for Natsuno too. except that's actually Miura. We never get to see him do the actual searching or his worry for her. Which might be more clear in Tamao's story since they would probably be looking together.
And I can imagine, Yuki running into Tamao when JuroBot isn't around.
"Aiba! I thought I told you not to follow me!" "Aiba? Are... you talking about me?" "Of course I am, who else would I be talking to?" Yuki would clearly annoyed here.
"I think you're mistaking me for someone else."I'm not Aiba...I'm Tamao Kurabe.
"Stop screwing with me, you were just following me like a puppy just minutes ago!"
"I really don't know what you mean, I don't know who you are."
Yuki here would probably realize that this is a different person all together, this Aiba-looking-girl's demeanor is completely different too.
I can imagine Tamao being kinda intimidated by Yuki here and excuses herself.
Tamao later runs into JuroBot and of course kinda freaks out seeing her doppelganger.
"I didn't expect you'd be here. This may be a problem."
"Wh-who are you?"
"None of your concern. I can't have you interfering with my plan for now, sorry but I need to put you to sleep for a bit." I wonder who should find Tamao here, she'd be unconscious in the old school building, probably tucked in a cupboard/ storage area there.
My three guesses are Ei, Miura, or Yuki.
If it's Ei, I assume either Miura or Yuki come around shortly. Ei knows who Tamao Kurabe is so I do think he'd be willing to try and help her out a bit. Miura or Yuki, when they come around, probably think it was Ei who attacked her, well maybe not Yuki since if this is after they recover BJ, they'd be working together now.
If its Miura who finds her, it would be during his search for Natsuno, I assume he'd also notice Tamao going missing too, since as stated before, they would be working together.
Ah also, during the encounter with JuroBot, he'd have altered her nanomachines in preparation for the game~
I wonder if she'll be able to operate sentinel 18. After all, the other formerly Ai operated sentinels, 16, 17, 19, respectively, all gained human pilots: Tomi, Natsuno, Miura.
So 18 should be the same.
As for her activation switch, I want to say its the palm of her right hand, swiped up from the wrist to her fingers.
It would be a 3rd Gen Sentinel too in this situation.
Some other minor little details to include here:
-She's incredibly affectionate towards BJ, treating him kinda like a cat in a sense.
"Oh you're so cute little one!"
"Oh you can talk? Well hello there!"
-She is absolutely in awe and simultaneously intimidated by the advancement in cooking equipment.
-Washing machines intimidate her.
-Yes she will jump when things beep.
-Someone, namely Natsuno, has to restrain her from attacking Gouto when she next runs into him. She's angy at him for what he did.
-She ends up really liking the skirt she gets! (she wears pants underneath it though just cuz it makes her feel more comfortable)
-When first becoming Natsuno's roommate, she takes all her clothes and starts mending all the holes she finds.
"You-you don't have to do that."
"Nonsense, you can't wear ripped clothes Minami-san."
-When she finds out she's a grandmother, she's ultimately...shocked and confused.
"What do you mean that boy is my grandson?"
-Because no one knows what happened to TamaoAI until after exterminator event and namely after Yuki goes to the Sentinel Hangar, I assume Tamao can walk around the school normally without anyone questioning her being there.
She does try to avoid the teachers since she knows shes not officially a student there.
-She has run into Megumi at school though and jumps when she's acknowledged to be "Tamao-san" by her once in passing.
-She runs into Takatoshi in the old school building once, this is after he meets Miura so he knows what happened to Sector 5.
"Takatoshi-san is that really you? You look just like you did back in middle school! Rowdy and unkempt!"
"Tamao-san please stop teasing me."
"And why would I do that?"
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