#also ngl i think it might've been for the better
meanderfall · 10 months
truly my family did such a piss poor job raising me that i literally credit music, tv shows, movies, and books, for actually teaching me anything
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p0rk-guts · 4 months
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Velvette if she served cunt
Design breakdown below 👇🏾(BEWARE IT'S VERY LONG)
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Alright going into detail about my gripes and edits. Like Velvette but her design is just. Not good to me. None of her (main) outfit details look like they fit to me— pinstripe pants + long fur coat paired with black crop top and scene sleeves? Skull earrings? TINKERBELL HEELS????? Tell me how any of that meshes well or even makes SENSE for the social media influencer persona she's supposed to have going on. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be clown themed... But I'm just gonna toss that idea out bc being a revered social media influencer and a clown at the same time just seems a bit oxymoronic to me, and the "clown" details aren't adding shit for me.
And don't think I forgot about her features. Pale ash grey skin and wavy hair at best. If she was supposed to be some type of creature where a nonhuman skin tone would make sense then maybe I could let it go?? But as far as I can tell she doesn't have an object or creature or animal theme like the other V's and if she does I shouldn't need to do detective work to figure it out. There is no reason for *any* of these poc characters to have grey skin, especially since they don't have any other poc features at all.
Sorry that shit gets me heated anyways. Onto my redesign. Gave her a more obviously black skin tone and textured hair bc I love a 30 inch buss down as much as the next girl but considering how there are no significant poc cast members with visibly textured hair I think she deserves to flaunt some coils if no one else will.
Ngl I'm not. A fashion girlie. Idk what's trendy idk what screams "influencer" so a lot of this was just throwing shit at the wall that I've seen around recently but it looks cute enough to me. And there was a bit of inspiration taken from Aliyahcore and ghetto fabulous fashion ❤️
If you can't tell this is shamefully inspired by lovesart23's Velvette reimagining because imo they had some outstanding ideas for Vel. I low-key stole their idea for those floating eyes in her hair that follow her around and help her keep tabs on shit it was just a superb idea for a social media overlord to me. I also took some inspo from @furbtasticworksofart 's redesign because vampire influencer sucking up the souls of her followers in exchange for content??? Too good (also the eyes were supposed to have bat/vamp wings I just forgot 😭) So yeah she's a vampire demon now. Without the features she was looking too human anyhow. Maybe she also feeds off of the energy of her followers through tech like after Vox mind controls them or whatever... Idk idk is that anything
Speaking of Vox, the screen glasses are meant to connect her to him w/ their color and shape while serving the purpose of being like a second phone she can post and check the web with. Like lovesart said in their reimagining vid, Vel doesn't really do more than pose for selfies and scroll on her phone when it comes to social media so in my head she's constantly flipping her shades on and off, using them to scroll and stay active, and they can show when she's not paying attention or respect to something/someone bc scrolling is more worth her time in the moment.
The hearts everywhere are also supposed to kinda represent social media likes + connect her back to Val w/ his heart patterns. That might've been what the hearts in her og design were for but. I just didn't like their placement bc I'm a nitpicker and a hater❕
I have so much more I could say about possible ideas for Velvette because I love evil black girls and I only want them to succeed in my media and I could treat her so much BETTER but I'll refrain bc this is way too long anyway.
Alright for reading/scrolling through all that rambling I offer you the sketches + some alt hair ideas I had
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P.S. I'm very open to constructive criticism but if I see anyone just dick riding in my replies or rb's I'm just blocking you on sight ✌🏾
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oodlyenough · 2 months
Regarding how long it took Trucy to call Phoenix "Papa". I think the better question is how long did it take for her to actually mean it. Same for Phoenix genuinely thinking of Trucy as his daughter and not a little kid he needed to help and take care of
Well, see, that's kind of the trajectory I expected to begin with -- how many years into those 7 was it before she started seeing him as "dad" enough to say it, etc. I didn't expect the game to have an answer to that and had speculated about what that might've been like only for the game to give... a pretty unsatisfactory (imo) canon answer.
But you're right, saying it VS meaning it are still different things. I don't have any specific timeframe in mind but I imagine it happened faster with Phoenix, because I think (and he says as much in canon) he really latched onto Trucy and that relationship post-disbarment, and also Phoenix is a pretty ... emotionally intense dude who needs to be needed. It's easy for me to imagine him focusing all his emotional energy on Trucy and getting super invested very quickly.
Trucy I find it much harder to speculate about because I don't think the game gives us a good sense of her interiority. I got the impression throughout 4 that she was keeping plenty of secrets (another post I've been thinking about: how much did she know in 4-1 because my impression is "everything") and so I feel like I can only guess at what she was thinking. She's unreasonably chipper in that first scene with Phoenix, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt in assuming it's largely for show. Maybe she felt she had to put on a show for Phoenix so he'd keep her around, in which case how long was it before she let that drop for the first time, and how long before she naturally thought of him first for comfort/etc instead of Zak... 🤔 I don't know but I would imagine it took her longer than Phoenix.
In general I wish 4 had given us more of them interacting together and more genuine moments. Phoenix says at the end that he's the only one who knows how she really feels, which I totally believe (again she seems like she's performing, even to Apollo) and I like the idea of them as this tight knit and sort of... secretive little unit, a double act. But we don't get to see it in action much and a lot of the references to him Trucy makes are just played for laughs or to make Apollo even more suspicious of him.
I also think Trucy looking up to/missing/wanting to emulate the Gramaryes is understandable but interesting vs Phoenix knowing they're a toxic murder polycule and wanting to shield her from that without (presumably) wanting to disillusion her. Also fandom lied to me about older Trucy's costume being blue because of Phoenix, it's Thalassa's costume 😭 which made me sad for him ngl... another fic idea among many.
This got really long and mostly off topic sorry lol, I've been rotating Trucy and Phoenix in my head since starting AA4 and, like most things in AA4, there's so much cool stuff to extrapolate on that canon just kinda... suggests without ever diving into. Much to think about
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
Yeah, I also feel like Yandere!Beel really isn't the type to be outwardly intimidating to the person he's so madly in love with. I'd say he isn't even outwardly intimidating towards his enemies most of the time? At least from what I've seen of him so far, but I absolutely might've missed some content. Point is, man likes to play up his easygoing-ness (is that even a word) only to then turn out to be a really fucking scary person to go off against. He really is like a spider in that sense.
Which is why I just really like the concept of his Darling somehow finding out that Beel may or may not have a far less bright and sunny side when their back is turned. Because, like I've already said, what the fuck does one even do in a situation like that? I think I'll make it my personal little au of sorts, just so I can have the imagery of being hunted down by someone so friendly at a glance, since the jarring contrast appeals to me a lot.
Idk, the whole thing he and Bael have with their senses of smell is. Honestly making me brainrot a bit. And speaking of Bael. I've been wondering about the possessive tendencies you mentioned before for a while now. Because. Holy shit. I already love the man far more than is probably a sane amount but if he also turns out to be yandere-adjacent? Even hotter. I'm not sure where to even look, though... Was it in chats or somewhere else? Either way, I'm excited to find out more about that side of Bael!
— 💛
He's only scary if you're an angel or you smell like MC. Or you are MC and he's dropping casual comments about eating you and you have to wonder if he's serious or using innuendo. Like, just today he said he would use my bathwater as a soup base so he could taste my bones and I just... was so concerned.
But, truth is, there is no getting around it. He can be anywhere he wants are any time, always keeping his eyes out for you. He can turn into a swarm of flies that can sneak into anywhere you might be and potentially watch you without you knowing. His hunger is so ravenous that he can make you sweat as he licks and kisses your neck because he could snap down at any moment (but he wouldn't because he's just so nice and laid back). Although, I'm sure a little fear would make his Darling taste all the better, so maybe he indulges once in a while....
As for Bael, he's a really subtle in his possessiveness. He makes comments about giving you reasons to never leave. So, he's less of the type to lock you up and more the type who will ensure you never want to be anywhere else. Although, his lines are often tempered by him deferring to Bell... Honestly, it's like he's trying to repress his tendencies more than anything, but they sometimes slip out for a brief moment and, ngl, I find that extra hot somehow.
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lord-squiggletits · 4 months
NGL I think one of my least favorite "gotchas" that I see/get while critiquing stories is "so how would you fix it? oh so you don't have an idea of how to rewrite the story to make it better? oh so basically you're just complaining that you don't like it and don't have actual critique."
Sometimes the reason I don't have a "solution" to how the author should've rewritten their story to be better, is because I'm not privy to the author's thought process, what their alternate story ideas were, what they talked about with their editor, what they might've been forced to do by deadlines, or even what they might've thought they were writing towards at first but then later changed the trajectory of their story to be about something else.
It's all well and good for me to say something like, idk, "I think Character A should've gotten more narrative focus because their story could have helped fix XYZ Plot Hole," but it could very well be that the author never intended for Character A to be a prominent character (just a secondary or tertiary character). Maybe using Character A to solve one Plot Hole would've gone against the writer's plans because then it would open up a different plot hole for something else they had planned later in the story. If it's an ongoing story, maybe something I see as a "plot hole" is actually a deliberate mystery that the creator left open to write about later-- or maybe the plot hole is because there was a deadline crunch and the author had to drop a certain character/plot point/etc because they couldn't fit it into the story any more. Maybe having Character A be a more prominent part of the story is just based on MY personal tastes and what I would want to write in MY version of the story, but completely clashes with the characters/conflicts the author wanted to focus on.
Because yes, there are some story critiques that are as simple as "part A doesn't make sense, you could just fix it by doing B", but there are also some story critiques where suggesting a viable "solution" would require BEING the author or someone involved in the production of the story to understand what limitations or plans were involved in the selection of that flawed plot point. There are also some story critiques where even if there is a "problem" and my critique offers a "solution," there could be another "solution" or even dozens that do just as good of a job fixing the issue, but involve vastly different characters, plot ideas, so on and so forth.
Being a good critic isn't (just) about going "the story would've been better if X happened" because the story is ultimately in control of the author and their vision, and without knowing what the author's vision was (something that you almost exclusively know if you're 1. the author or 2. their beta reader), it's impossible to definitively say "this plot point should've been cut/[completely different thing] should've happened instead" because THAT is the point at which you're complaining, not critiquing. I would argue that in some cases, trying to "fix" a story yourself actually makes your critique worse, not better, because it ends up being a case of you simply imposing your artistic vision over the author's to say "I think it would've been better this way."
At least if you just say "this part of the story was flawed because XYZ" without saying "it should have been ABC instead", then you're stating your grievances with the story without being presumptuous enough to assume that YOUR version of the story would fit the author's original vision, or the constraints they were working under, or the other versions of the story that they were debating over at the time before ultimately settling on one version (even if flawed).
There's a point at which "this plot is flawed, that should've happened instead" is just fix-it fan fiction and not actual critique that could help the writer write their story in a way that fits their vision.
#squiggposting#discourse#i think the closest you can get to definitively saying 'the author should've done X instead'#would be something like JRO and the handbooks he recently released where he actually revealed alternate plot ideas#or like what the reasoning was behind different plot points. as well as what he did and didn't include and why#because THEN with a more clear understanding of the behind the scenes/what the author wanted to achieve#THEN you would have more information to be able to say 'this alternative storyline would've solved this plot hole'#or to even say 'actually those alternate ideas weren't as good and picking the canon flawed plot made a better story'#like for god's sake ppl apparently don't understand that art and storytelling and creativity are subjective#sometimes if i don't have a solution it's not bc my critique is invalid. it's bc there's multiple ways to fix it#and i'm not the author so idk which way of fixing the story would best suit their intentions/purposes/limitations#despite what snobs seem to think it's very possible for you to say 'this is flawed' and not know what the fix for it is#it's like how you can eat restaurant food and go 'something about this tastes bland'#w/o having to know what ingredients went into the recipe or how it's supposed to taste#and in that case unless you literally know the recipe or are a chef you would come off as a dick#if you tried to dictate to the kitchen what they did wrong and how to fix it#for some reason story critics are terrified of ambiguity and uncertainty and subjectivity and idk why#it is very easy and not intellectually wrong for a person to say 'this is flawed' and not have a solution for how to fix it
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spilledmilkfkdies · 2 months
Hello! I wanted to ask you, when the wizards are freed from Omega by Neruman in the comics, what do you think their relationship was? Because it never really felt to me that the wizards were serving Neruman willingly. Not sure if I’m quite thinking they were his prisoners, but it didn’t feel like they would serve him by choice. (You’ve talked about comic-exclusive characters in your posts before, so I’m guessing you know about the comic plots. If you don’t, since the comics aren’t widespread, then never mind.)
(Quick extra bit: any theories on where the wizards lived while serving Neruman? Because I could never tell if they lived in his Dark Dimension Castle thing, or if they just hid out in Gardenia again.) Thank you!
Ngl of all the characters with relevance to the remaining 75% of the Black Circle comic wise, Neruman has definitely done the least for me? Which might be a little ironic because he's like the whole reason the wizards were even freed to EXIST in the comics?? Idk he just doesn't get my creative juices flowing like Yllidith and Gregory do y'know- Despite having more relevance than both of them. I really am just attracted to cardboard huh. Hm.
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But aside from that!! Yeah no, I don't think the word 'willingly' is even allowed in the building rn.
Tbh the wizards really just dealt with hit after hit, loss after loss. They went from nearly done with a centuries lasting job, to losing one of their own and being locked up, just to be freed and forced to work under him to repay a debt that really won't be until some guy says so, who abandons them anyway later on and lets them get locked away elsewhere. Had the wizards been in even a little bit of a better state, emotionally and magically, at any point during this, I don't think working under him would've gone on for as long as it did, if even at all.
Also if we assume that they haven't worked under anyone since Yllidith, and doing so wasn't the best experience (I am assuming both of those things), than this might've been extra upsetting for them too. If it wasn't humiliating enough by itself. Dare I say I think all 3 of them hated this shadowy, 'Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come' ass bitch- Just not a fan of it being mostly a fear thing, I mean these men have been around for a WHILE. Like just say they're aware they're too weak to leave him rn, but don't make them SCARED and sweating on their knees tf is WRONG with you smh.
Not to do another comic rant or anything, but I will NEVER get over how the comics slandered them and everything positive they had going for them. Maybe that's why Neruman doesn't do a lot for me hskskssj he really is a big part of it all.
Wouldn't be surprised if he did yoink them to be nearby whenever they weren't actively doing something for him though, so I'd say stand-by in the castle, but "free" roaming Gardenia when in the middle of the job, like with the whole Gregory thing. Who is actually my little guy compared to Neruman.
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datrb · 30 days
Hi! Dunno if you'll answer this, but you're one of my faves blogs so I thought "why not?"
So, personally, I have this what-if scenario where Vic and Chosen were created together/in the same day, and Vic wasn't deleted immediately after being made
What do you think would've happened? Or, better, what do you think Noogai would've done to them?
Have a good day/night/whatever!
Oh that's and interesting one!
Well, i believe we can all agree that Noogai would definetely not be too thrilled to have two sticks roaming around his PC's screen. Vic was created for Alan to just have some fun of beating up a stick, he wasn't inherently aggressive from the get go, unlike Chosen, who went straight for the kill the moment he gained consciousness.
It's easy to assume that Vic and Chosen would've actually had more chances of getting away from Noogai together than either of them had on their own. Victim is not dumb, and Chosen is extremely powerful and (at that point) also quite welcoming of other sticks. Vic could've made some type of a plan, while they hide somewhere in the PC that would allow both of them to escape.
Although, i cannot be sure how well this plan would've worked out. Victim has good planning skills, but i wouldn't say he's good at improv and his reaction time had proven to be rather bad. He is extremely resourceful tho.
Speaking of which, Vic is the only one who got an idea of making copies of himself, so it's not a far call to say he'd be able to come up with "let's copy Chosen to beat Noogai"
A scary prospect, ngl...
As in how their relationship would've turned out... Well, personally, i consider Second to be "Chosen without the trauma" while also being "everything Vic might've been". All three of them stem from the same core character just altered and twisted based on their experiences, so it's fair to assume that Chosen and Vic would've gotten along, especially considering how they make up for eachothers' fallbacks. (And how Chosen clearly has a thing for getting someone smart to help him out, achem)
But i can't really say anything regarding further plot, so i hope this answers your questions and is comprehensible enough! ^^;
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petrichoraline · 11 months
okay I have so many thoughts on the cherry magic pilot, many of which might sound Stupid and Wrong
how can you talk about all things a person is expected to be and do and finish it off with this question
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when I saw the prior introduction of these two I thought they might have dropped this very stupid change but ig not, I suppose they'll give her some other type of struggle with societal expectations
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not too hyped for jan and sing as a couple, I like them both so much but I have no reason to believe their chemistry would be smth special
when I saw mark i got a bit worried because ive only seen him as prince in sky in your heart but I got shocked how much he seems to resemble yutaro
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i wasn't sure bout junior but they do seem to resemble the pair a lot when together and I hope their acting brings out more of the characters' charm (because I did feel a bit iffy about them in the japanese version ngl)
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I also think he'll portray his character a bit differently, he seems more down-to-earth and confident so he'll probably tone down the obsessive loser vibe of the original; hopefully mark has improved
they look cute ♡
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the bland backgrounds and too much voiceover kinda bored me but it's only a pilot, I'm sure it'll work better in the full episodes
as for our stars, I think new seems a bit ridiculous as achi, maybe because he's a big guy trying to make himself look small? I don't mind that the height difference that eiji and keita have isn't replicated, but new is also very broad shouldered and overall doesn't seem to give off the aura of a guy with bad self esteem issues with his acting; the way he looked almost happy in the elevator reveal scene
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and some other scenes made me think new def has a different take on the character. that his version would be either 1) "no confidence in theory, way more in practice" in which case the script would be to blame or 2) developments true to the character but not acted out the right way. there's also the option that everyone makes achi a more confident guy on purpose - he's written like that and so new presents him that way. that option is a bit unlikely considering a line in the pilot related to self esteem but it already seems like the source material might've been a bit misunderstood
I think it's cause of the actors' faces just being the way they are that tay gives off "puppy wagging tail aggressively" more than keita did - tay's big eyes and smile just do it by default
it feels like his interpretation of kurosawa's character would be more innocent and playful, kind of as if he'd confess earlier than kurosawa did, I get more of a careless vibe though I'm sure they'll stick to the og motivations and doubts the character has; he doesn't contain himself the way kurosawa does:
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i remain optimistic! the show is based on a manga that is drenched in multiple aspects of japanese culture, societal commentary is based on japanese society for the most part. having the story take place in thailand with thai characters will obviously have the main conflicts presented through a thai lens. you can also see the comedic editing typical for thai shows and it differs from the japanese comedic style you can see in the og adaptation. im excited to see whether trying to stick to the og yet changing other aspects will work or not. there are already things that I look forward to and things im nervous about so i hope it's anything but boring lol
these are most of my ramblings, would love to here everyone else's views on them and the pilot itself 💓
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thir13enghosts · 1 month
Do you think any of the women are feminist or support feminism? I know for a FACT Royce is drinking "Respect Women Juice" all day everyday
uhhh kind of? i mean i feel like the only one who actively considered/called herself a feminist would've been jean, coming from the vantage point of being from the late 2000s - early 2010s and having more access to feminist material (both from the past and the present) compared to everyone else
as for the others...
(also disclaimer: i'm going with My versions of the ghosts which tend to differ a bit from canon. just roll with it)
billy michaels: billy was like at most 10 years old when he died. he was probably still in his "ewww girls have cooties" phase. he had no concept of feminism.
jimmy gambino: ngl to you, not really lol. i mean he more or less supported women both then and now (at the very least he wasn't Actively misogynistic, which is the bare minimum), but at the same time i feel like he's the type to call a woman he Just met "sweetheart" or "honey" so yeah. he says stupid shit every now and then, but he'll also listen to you when you call it out and make the effort to not do that again (or at the very least not do it in front of you). might roll his eyes or even laugh at you at first, but he'll still make the effort. like the guy's not perfect by any means but. he's trying.
dana newman: that's a complicated one. on one hand, dana strikes me as someone who probably dealt with a Lot of internalized misogyny, and this goes for both my version & the canon version. probably lowkey prided herself on (whilst also hating herself for) her attempts at being a "good woman" which was basically: keep your head down, keep your legs crossed, keep your mouth shut, remember the man is always right, and maybe this time he'll be nicer to you. hasn't really worked for her so far, but third fourth fifth time's a charm! but on the other hand, i also think that dana was at least Aware of the feminist movements taking place during her time (the 1960s) and likely supported feminist goals, even if she never voiced it out loud. like she wanted to believe that things might get better for her and other women but didn't really hold out much hope for it Actually happening.
royce clayton: i feel like he was better than most boys his age when it came to Not Being Shit To Women (which...unfortunately isn't saying much considering this is the 1950s we're talking abt here), but i don't think he thought much abt feminism itself aside from whatever he might've heard on the news or from the papers. he's kinda like jimmy where he'll say something kinda Ehhh every now and then, but he'll also listen to you when you call it out and make the effort to not do that again. his mamá taught him to be respectful after all, and even after all this time, even after all the ways being a ghost has changed his personality, he doesn't wanna let her down.
susan legrow: kind of? like if you told her some feminist talking points without telling her they were feminist talking points, she'd probably agree with them, but she definitely wouldn't have called herself a feminist. remember, susan was around during the reagan administration; she probably only knew feminists as the stereotype of like bitter, man-hating, lonely Bitches with hairy pits (oh the HORROR!!! /s) and harsh voices and no sense of humor who at best were trying to ruin everyone's fun and at worst were actively trying to Exterminate All Men. it was very much like "tbh that does make a lot of sense...but if i started talking Like That, then no guy would wanna go out with me and i want guys to go out with me! that's definitely what i actually want for myself after all and not just me imitating what i've been taught all Normal Girls want!"
isabella smith: feminism wasn't a Thing during her time. however, i imagine she did have somewhat progressive views for her time (which was probably part of why she was so ostracized), and i do feel like if feminism as a term/social movement was Around back then, she definitely would be a feminist
amelia shelburne: i feel like amelia had Heard the word "feminism" and maybe even had an idea of what goals feminism was striving for (at the time), but idk how much she really knew abt it—mostly bc i still go back and forth on how much she knew abt life outside the circus she & her mother travelled with in general. and even then i feel like she was probably a passive supporter at most, like "that sounds great and i wish them luck but i've got Other Things to worry abt"
margaret shelburne: no but in a very resigned kind of way? as far as margaret was concerned, this feminism idea was for the """normal""" women in the big cities, not for a "circus freak" like herself.
george markley: i don't think george would've identified as a feminist, but that's not to say that he would've been a misogynist. i do think that he at the very least thought that women should be respected as the fellow human beings they are. however the feminism movement that was going on during the time that the markleys lived and died was first wave feminism, and first wave feminism was primarily focused on the rights of white women. intersectionality—such as considering the plight of women of color or working class women and how that would further impact their experience with misogyny—wasn't a priority at the time. and since both george and his wife (i've been thinking her name was ruth) were working class black ppl living in rural late 1800s virginia, they weren't ppl that a lot of popular first wave feminists would make space for.
lenore howlett: no bc part of being a feminist requires caring abt other women/other ppl in general and lenore just...doesn't.
horace mahoney: oh fuck no, absolutely not. horace doesn't see women as people—he sees women as machines with parts that he can disassemble and put back together as he pleases. literally.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
is that a yanfei pfp omg, my inner and outer yanfei main loves you oh oh oh and and and also screw that dumbass ask this anon sent about yuuka THEY ARE SO INCORRECT GRRR "y'all only like yuuka because she is a girl!1!1!1!1!1!1!"
yeah no fucking shit so many of us like her because it solidifies the place of fem!yuus in the twstverse and stops dumbass people saying "hmph. its a MALE ONLY COLLEGE why do you have a female OC?? Just make a male OC???" (obviously not every person is like this and we should still appreciate masc OCs they matter just as much mwah) but we should denounce people who are so close minded.
like mannnnn that ask made me so annoyed but your response literally summarised everything i would've wanted to put into words but a bit less violent. the audacity they had to send in that dumbass ask smh like damn bitch let people enjoy a new character? so what if it's fem!yuu? like this is one of the times twst isn't being problematic but nah people still gotta have a problem with this and not the other issues (cough cough "Monsieur pyramid" cough cough)
also yuuken was actually pretty hyped up intially did that anon just sleep through an entire period of twst tumblr fandom lmao. i remember people writing so many fics and i haven't seen anyone say jack shit but the moment it's yuuka its "Nooo you're gonna project onto her waaaah!" like pls stfu we are literally just excited for a new character joining our silly fandom and becoming the subject of either a) unimaginable fluff or b) unimaginable angst smh /j
im sorry for taking my silly anger out in your askbox (ofc none of that is directed at you cause you wrote a bomb ass response to them and honestly you really put them in their place!) but that ask just annoyed me so mf much and i been thinking over my anger of it for a day and a half now
love your fics btw I get so mf excited when you post EJFHHEJD I hope you're having a lovely day mwah mwah, feel free to ignore this ask too no pressure 💓
NO BECAUSE I HELD MYSELF BACK, I say a lot of shit when I'm mad so it's better I hold myself back in these scenarios. But that's true, like search the Yuuken x reader tag and you'll find a sum of fanfic's, if you go to the yuuka x reader tag.. It's just me!
Sure Yuuka's hyped up, but like you said a decent chunk of it was due to the fact that her existence makes it so no one can attack fem oc's. And yeah a whole other part of the fandom simped for her, but you have got to understand that majority of the twisted wonderland fandom from my experience is homosexual.
Like I know a decent few lesbians, who write twst fanfic, so it's like not much of a shock that people simp for her a lot. And anon has to realize that fanfiction was created so you can self insert yourself in a scenario.
Like making that comment on a fanfic blog, was really fucking stupid ngl. And it seemed misogynistic from my perspective, ngl. I didn't say it because in my humble opinion that might've been "taking it too far"
Anyways, thank you for sharing your opinion, (And it's ok to rant to me as long as your not being rude abt anything) AND THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING MY WORK <3 And abt Yanfei, I've been growing her! I may main her one she gets to lvl 90!
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ask game: 2, 4, 12, 24, 37. This is by far the most interesting ask I've ever seen😂 thanks
NSFW asks
these are all certainly really interesting questions skjdfhskjdsdkjhsdf
2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
i genuinely can't remember fully when was the last time i had sex... which is very telling of how the experience was hahahah. very forgettable... i don't think i got to come, either. it might've been one of those nights that i forced myself to do something just for the heck of it because i was way too exhausted to actually engage in the Activity (don't do this, kids. it messes up with your head lol).
4: Something that never fails to make you horny:
when the other person has their hands on me, but in areas that aren't necessarily sexual. like, the thighs, waist, lower back, etc. idk why, i just like it. bonus points if they absentmindedly squish the flesh 🥴. it's kinda like, don't touch my chest straight away, touch other areas first, you know what i mean? there's people who put their hands on you and kinda doesn't feel like they're putting their whole into it, which is really... not that great. i always feel like "c'mon, you can do better than that" skjdfhskjdf whereas there's other people that are just like *holds* with just the perfect pressure and.... yeah. that.
12: Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
yes, but it was just a peck on the lips for a game of truth or dare, so it wasn't really arousing, nor sexual in any way lol kinda felt like when parents kiss their children ngl. but as you know i'm demisexual, so that's probably why i didn't feel anything. i know i can potentially feel attracted to someone of the same sex, i just wasn't attracted to that person in particular.
24: Biggest turn on:
i've got some: *this might sound a bit weird to some people, but when the person involved and i are very like-minded. like, same values and morals, as well as interesting opinions and topics of conversation. i hate spending time with people who're talking about shit i don't care about. *when someone takes the time to understand what i want/like/don't want/dislike. *when the other person shows interest, are straight forward with their needs/wants as well, and take the initiative. i hate when people play those shitty games of "if i like them, i've got to pretend i'm not that interested to keep them engaged". it's probably the fastest way you can make me lose interest in you sdkjhfskjdfh. i also hate to be the one always chasing the other person, or having to choose what we're going to do all the time. just take some initiative, goddamn it.... *and idk... it's got a lot to do with the other person's vibes as well. if their vibes match mine, i'm already down for anything.
37: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
yes 🤭
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beevean · 1 year
Do you think between Seasons 2 and 3 of Netflix!Castlevania, there should've been a big timeskip (of 3 years, 4 max), if only to see how Netflix!Hector might've shaped up after living with Carmilla as her prisoner and demon-making slave for several years, never allowed to die because of the purpose he would endlessly serve?
I don't know. The time skip is precisely what makes me hate S4 and the Lenector scenes, because I kept asking "how did we get here?". What happened during those 3 years? How did they manage to make Hector loyal to them? While I still think Morana being like "oh but you shattered his dreams Carmilla" is stupid, she does raise a good point that Hector's night creatures are only loyal to him. And something to be considered is that a Devil Forgemaster that wants you dead and is allowed to make devils can kill you pretty easily (ngl, I would have loved to see Hector bash some vampire brains in with his warhammer <3). I suppose that in this version they just shove the enslaving ring on his finger right away? Or blackmail him in some way? Or genuinely convince him that working for them is better than working for Dracula, until he finally grows a backbone and realizes that no, he wants to be free, finally transitioning to his CoD self?
The immortality part is interesting, though. That is another flaw in Carmilla's plan: Hector would eventually die, and leave them without a Forgemaster. I also personally headcanon that Devil Forgemasters (in the game lol) are both long lived and extremely hard to kill. Finding a way to extend his lifespan as much as possible could be a good conflict. Perhaps Hector could also use it to his advantage: "I can't be treated like this, or I'll die, and you need me". Maybe he plays up how fragile humans are, and vampires don't know any better so they feel forced to afford him privileges. Maybe this is how he gets to roam free in the castle, and not by becoming Lenore's pet?
(I did like how cunning he was portrayed in S4, although it was too little too late. A detail I missed but in retrospect was quite clever is that in the second episode he opens the windows of the library to let the sun in, so that no vampire would disturb him while he was reading. In a rewriting, I'd absolutely emphasize this trait of his)
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ngl i feel like someone should call out vil for ch. 5.
like, he attempted murder. that's not a fucking joke. i understand that he was jealous of neige all his life, but that's not an excuse to end someone's life. to top it off, neige seems goodhearted. a little oblivious at times, but he seems like the type that if vil just talked to neige at least once and asked to switch roles or something, neige would be more than happy to oblige. then he overblotted because, what, someone prevented him from doing something he might've regretted for the rest of his life? on top of that, killing neige wouldn't've solved a goddamn thing. someone else would probably take the role instead and what would he do then? kill another man? the more you think about it the more you realize it was just vil projecting all of his personal issues onto neige for being involved.
rook on the other hand isn't any better. he tried to drink something knowing it was going to kill him and his excuse could be summarized to "i thought it would be interesting." like that's it? you saved someone only to almost throw yourself in the gutter, in what world does that make any fucking sense? the only reason that nobody died is because kalim and jamil took the neccesary precautions to keep everyone alive and from being a danger to themselves and others.
in other words, vil needs to get his issues sorted out, and chap 5 was just fodder for why i love scarabia and - more importantly - kalim. 👍
-crow anon
I think if we had more flashbacks to Vils childhood or actually got to seem break down a bit more it would have been better
Also I do love Ch 4 but it also has a fair share of issues. Yes I know Jamil was a dick but he was ultimately a servant that wanted freedom and yet were supposed to see him as 100% of the badging as if Kalim and the systems he relies on aren't also a bit at fault.
I also think they should have dived into the relationship between Kalim and Jamil more since they genuinely seem care about each other their relationship is just super complicated.
Idk I love Jamil so much and Kalim
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Ngl, I think "Claude that kills" is not inherently in and of itself uninteresting or bad. It is kinda basic as a "shocking character twist," but I could in some ways buy Claude being forced to "make hard decisions like these" in times where his foe absolutely refuses to back down and it being more prominent in Hopes - the guy might've offered mercy to Eddie, but she refuses and dies (by Byleth's hand, but still), and kills both the Death Knight and Hubert (plus Ladislava and Randolph) without really pausing.
...but they just... don't explore anything of that idea to make it work in Hopes. He's forced to kill Shahid when Shahid makes it clear he won't stop until he's dead, then... he aligns with Eddie (and while he pays lip service to not trusting her, he then proceeds to parrot her words and become Ede-lite...), callously abandons an ally to die just to make a fight easier (and then this is used to make him learn the lesson that he should totally trust and help Eddie in the future), and enflames a border conflict (which *should* really be a point he'd hesitate over, but naaaah...) just to make his invasion easier...
Like, I could buy a "Claude becomes more willing to kill to protect those he cares about," its a tad lame but sure, but... there's just nothing to explain why he would just become a much worse person in ways that don't make sense to his character. Or, put another way, "morally ambiguous Claude" is fine... But that character SHOULD still be Claude, not "Eddie but worse because we really whitewashed her this game."
Well, there's also to keep in mind that at least with Hubert, upon receiving his letter Claude does lament on being unable to talk with him due to Hubert's stubbornness, after admitting that Hubert might have been a better man than he gave him credit for due to said letter. And however much sense it makes for him to care this much about a classmate he barely knew, he did still get saddened over having to outright kill Edelgard. He was willing to kill them, but only because they were unwilling to compromise and they were so committed to inflicting violence - if he had it his way it would've never come to this.
But, yeah, I do see what you mean otherwise lmao - I didn't mean to say that there's no instance at all where Claude becoming more willing to kill is a bad thing. It's somewhat predictable, but it is one way to get a new experience from Claude for the player to appreciate. But here, it's just all over the place.
It's bad for Claude to sacrifice people who barely a week ago were trying to murder him and his friends and his people so that his own people get out a battle safely. He's throwing away lives, he's no better than nobles who see mercs as disposable, he's broken the GD's trust in him! Invading Faerghus? Bringing in Sreng? Those innocent lives that Claude actually threw away? That's fine - doesn't have to get chewed out for that! People might can mumble about being uncomfy about it in camp, but no more criticisms to Claude's face - not bad enough for that, unlike with Randolph which was obviously worse! /s
It's, like, backwards pretty much. I say that the Randolph Sacrifice is more about him breaking the GD's trust in him than it is about the sacrificing thing even though the scene is mostly about Claude being wrong to sacrifice lives... because that's the lesson that makes more sense to take from it in the long run. It's makes no sense for "sacrificing lives in needless conflict" to be the main cause for concern and upset from the GD regarding Claude's actions, when he goes on to sacrifice way more lives in way more pointless conflicts and they barely give a shit about it. The Sreng shit is fuckin' laughably and infinitely more serious than letting Randolph die, and yet they do not care nearly as much about the former as they do the latter.
And, like, the supposed catalyst for this change in Claude's demeanor is killing Shahid. The guy who was trying to violently conquer Fodlan and was trying to kill Claude in order to do so. So, like... instead of Claude going after Edelgard with this newfound violence - you know, the person who is trying to violently conquer Fodlan and tried to kill him in order to do so - instead he... goes after the Kingdom and Church. Almost completely ignoring the Empire, save for the one thing he does against it... which is the one thing he is actually criticized for doing in his route.
So instead of Claude continuing the fight he had with Edelgard - that fight he was doing pretty damn well in before he Becomes Violence - Claude just mindlessly believes her when she says that Church Bad and focuses all of his giga violence onto it. Isn't it convenient for Edelgard, that Claude had this drastic change in character that pretty much exclusively benefits her? Even with her behaving exactly like the supposed catalyst for Claude's violence, nothing happens to her save for a few generals dying - she even gets her ass saved from the hot water she threw herself in by Claude despite him being more inclined to violent/callous methods of winning now and despite her death allowing for Leicester (and Fodlan) getting peace, lucky lucky!
It's just, like, so obvious that Claude was written to service Edelgard? Like, very, very obvious. Damn near everything he does in GW's Part 2 does nothing to help him and everything to help Edelgard. This isn't a story about how Claude gradually grows more violent before becoming a better version of himself - like I said, he just becomes violent, stays violent, and stagnates completely. This is just the writers making it to where Edelgard can get what she wants at the expense of a group of characters they clearly did not care for
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Hi babe! 8k again, love that for us. I'll split this into 2 asks again to make it easier. Let's goooo
Hell yes R belongs with Tara and Sam! That's the best family there is. Lowkey very jealous...
No Tara apologize right now. Having Sam there is wonderful, be nice to your sister please. She's trying her best. In this house we do not support Sam slander.
Ugh, boys 🙄 So annoying. You go Mindy, put them in their place.
Tbh if Tara was my girlfriend I would be addicted to her too.
Lol of course Tara hates doing chores. That grumpy babe only wants to do activities that involve R. Or do R...Very relatable, Miss Tara.
Oh no, a Ghostface call. Oh boy. Whoever it is will get their ass kicked by Tara. Good luck to them.
Got knocked over by cooking, huh? Not any other activities? Sure Tara 😉
Oh yes the hard-core fans. Richie and Amber really went overboard with their love. These geeks 🙄
Someone knows about Tara and probably Rs dad!! Whoever that is better prepare to fight our grumpy and angry Tara.
Lol personal experience. 🤣 Even while being threatened and having her secrets known by someone, Tara is still absolutely savage!
Hmmm. I don't think it's just a fanatic Stab fan. It's got to be something more personal to target Tara and R.
Aww, Tara's urge to protect R trumps her desire to slice and dice someone. That's so sweet of her. We love a protective babe!
I love that R grew so close to Sam and likes her so much that when something is wrong, immediately Sam gets called. R has really found her big sister, her family.
Lol wow. A Ghostface who threatened to gut not only her but R too just appeared and instead of feeling scared or worried, Tara is angry that someone is stealing her show. How iconic is that?? (Also ngl I had to Google "aggrieved". To my defense, I'm German so English isn't my first language. I love that I am learning new, advanced words with you. Thanks for teaching me better English 😁)
Ha, waste of oxygen. I will steal that first future ways to insult people. Thank you!
Hmm. Tara is right. She's way too clever to leave any hints on her being Ghostface. And who would have liked Rs dad so much that they wanna avenge him? No one. That really just leaves Sam. Oh no.
hey! i'm gonna do the same thing i did last time (bc i am once again bored lol)
Hell yes R belongs with Tara and Sam! That's the best family there is. Lowkey very jealous...
no same. like that's really the dream 🫠
(and as a sam supremacist, the slander was so painful to write</3)
Someone knows about Tara and probably Rs dad!! Whoever that is better prepare to fight our grumpy and angry Tara.
this would've been soo interesting, but i couldn't think of a way to make it make sense lol...and i didn't have a preestablished character that would have worked with that either (amber might've worked but...well 😭)
Lol personal experience. 🤣 Even while being threatened and having her secrets known by someone, Tara is still absolutely savage!
tara's threat is one of the better lines in that fic SJHFFHS
I love that R grew so close to Sam and likes her so much that when something is wrong, immediately Sam gets called. R has really found her big sister, her family.
had to balance out the slander by projecting my love for sam on reader LMAO.
Lol wow. A Ghostface who threatened to gut not only her but R too just appeared and instead of feeling scared or worried, Tara is angry that someone is stealing her show. How iconic is that?? (Also ngl I had to Google "aggrieved". To my defense, I'm German so English isn't my first language. I love that I am learning new, advanced words with you. Thanks for teaching me better English 😁)
skfhkdsfjh yes, i wanted to make her overconfidence (or hubris) is a big part of this one. and you're welcome! glad you're making use of the random Big Words i like to use in my fics<3
Hmm. Tara is right. She's way too clever to leave any hints on her being Ghostface. And who would have liked Rs dad so much that they wanna avenge him? No one. That really just leaves Sam. Oh no.
this was so funny LMFAOO. the instant hostility when you found out the identity...hilarious. entirely appropriate though! 😁👍
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wikiangela · 1 year
911 lone star 4x02
spoilers ahead
aw I missed Grace so much 😍
loving Marjan getting a moment, I hope we'll see more of her this season, maybe she'll get an actual storyline 🤞
also, lmao this is so funny, why is this woman so difficult 😂 istg ls is a drama only sometimes, mostly it's a fucking comedy 😂
unpopular opinion but: I actually enjoyed Owen in s3, and I'm still enjoying him haha, tbh he was only really insufferable in s2, now I kinda like him, and his scenes are hilarious, and I'm kinda interested in his storyline this season 😂 (more interesting than tarlos that's for sure, and that's still so weird to even think lmao)
Grace and Tommy have the best friendship in this show 💯 lmao I love them
"just my wife" lmao okay that was funny - it's still not the best plot ngl, it's just so... low stakes, so low basically nonexistent - I already said that in a post before, but like, so what if they can't get married in a few weeks? 😂 like, this is just such a dumb reason jfc, we know they're gonna stay together, this is just drama for the sake of drama - I'm still gonna try to enjoy it tho, maybe they'll make it fun 💁🏻‍♀️😂
I was about to say this convo is annoying, but them recalling TK's accidents and the "how many comas have you been in" 😂 😂 lmao this is so funny
oh wow... she didn't sign the papers, who could've seen it coming..... just about everyone but okay 🙄 it's just such a boring storyline I'm sorry but like, it might've been a funny convo, but the overall plotline is just so boring, and making Iris just annoying tbh
OH MY GOD WHO CARES ABOUT THE VENUE 🙄🙄🙄 like, seriously, I can't express how boring I find this, they can literally find another place or wait a little longer
why is tarlos' storyline the most boring this season, please can this be over and can they get something more interesting?
Tommy being awkward with the pastor oh my god I love her so much, but someone shut her up pls 😂😂😂
okay, that leather jacket and hair kinda ruffled by the helmet - it's working for me, why is Rob Lowe so hot, I wasn't prepared to be (this) attracted to Owen this season 😭
thank god that was just Tommy's dream, because the dialogue was really making me cringe lol
I'm loving Tommy and Owen's friendship too 😂
I'm sorry, I guess I'm happy they're getting an annulment, and we're adding some drama now, but like.... I really don't fucking care, what is happening, tarlos were my fave part of this show and now I just wait for their scenes to be over, what have you done writers 🙄
okay, that tarlos scene was adorable and I love them - im still already over that whole marriage and Iris thing tho
oh, now Iris disappeared? okay, now it's getting interesting
that was a good episode, it flew by so fast tbh haha
loved Tommy and I'm lowkey here for the pastor storyline, but it seems to be going well, and we're only on episode 2, so I wonder what's gonna get fucked up
pls tell me Grace and Judd will get some story of their own because so far they're kinda to the side
same with Mateo, Marjan and Paul and Nancy - like, please give them something, they each had like an episode about them (aside from Nancy I think) and we're in s4, give them some longer storylines pls
(also, can we get begins episodes for them? that'd be so cool pls)
I kinda like Owen's story, it's interesting, and it's taking surprisingly little screen time for Owen 😂 (also, Rob Lowe has always been hot, but this season it's like, really standing out, almost as much as the beginning of s3 with the beard 🥵 wtf)
and finally, tarlos.... I was kinda over their whole story, but Iris disappearing makes it interesting tbh, so far it's been boring - hope it'll get even better!
so, tbh I liked this one more than 4x01 and I hope that now it'll get better and better haha
(tho was there literally like only one emergency this episode?)
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