#also no harley is not a hades kid the dogs just Like Her
I have to say that I love this PJO/Diana fix! I'm bummed that it didn't occur to me before to think of that crossover! But totally validated by your interpretation. I can't decide if I want more of Diana with Percy & co or at Camp Halfblood as she figures it all out or if I want more flabbergasted/ bemused Justice League interactions. Lol can you see Diana and Bruce watching PJ&co and all the Robins together?!
Uhhhh….this is not at all what you asked for but here, have some unsolicited Dick Grayson.
Read the rest of this AU here!
“So, I hear you’re a god.”
Diana pauses halfway through her chana masala, a bite hovering in the air on her fork.  The young man across from her has a crooked grin like he’s maybe had his jaw broken, but he’s handsome and dressed in plain but expensive clothes, and he looks completely serious.  
“I…beg your pardon?”
“Right,” he says.  “Sorry.  I’m Dick Grayson.”
Diana sets down her fork and shakes the offered hand.  If there was going to be a place to have a conversation like this, she supposes this isn’t a bad one–a back corner of a noisy Indian restaurant, squirreled away in a New York alley.  Annabeth recommended it.  Diana is technically on chaperone duty.  
“Diana.  Can I ask how you know who I am?”
“Mm,” he says, stealing a piece of naan and stuffing it into his mouth.  “Yeah.  I’m Bruce’s oldest kid.  We haven’t been talking a whole lot lately, but we’re working on it, you know what I’m saying?  And he’s been trying to figure you out, but I said–hey, B, maybe we should just ask.  You’ll have to forgive his paranoia.”
“I expect it comes with the job,” Diana says graciously.  “So you decided to walk up to a stranger and just…ask if I was a god?”
“I mean.  Yeah.  Pretty much.”  Dick looks expectantly at her.
“Can I ask why that was the conclusion you jumped to?”
“Sure,” Dick says, and he straightens up, like he’s giving a report.  “You’re clearly immortal, or at very least you age so slowly as to be next to immortal–we have photographic evidence and anecdotal reports dating back to World War I.  You demonstrated enough speed and strength during the Doomsday event to face down a monster that ultimately killed Superman.  You can either fly or generate enough power on a jump to simulate the effect.  You–”
“That’s enough,” Diana says coolly.  “May I ask why you chose this moment to ask if I am a god?”
Dick grins at her and links his hands together, resting his chin on his fingers.  “Because I’ve been following you for three hours.”
Diana keeps a scrupulously straight face at that and does not demand to know how he can see through the Mist.  Perhaps Bruce has been teaching his students (sons?) this skill, as he seems almost as clear-sighted as any halfblood.  “So?”
“Well, I know there’s some kind of base an hour or two out of the city, and I picked you up there, and now you’re here and you’re alone, so it seemed like as good a moment of any,” Dick says.  “You’ve got a weird number of kids out there by the way–and listen, when one of Bruce’s kids is saying you’ve got a weird number of kids, that’s a bad sign.  Bruce thinks you’re training some kind of child army that you pulled out of your ass during the battle with Steppen-whatever.”
Ah.  Well.  That explains a few things, including the way that Bruce has been avoiding her of late.
“And what do you think, Dick Grayson?”
Dick smiles.  “I think that sometimes kids need training, and that doesn’t make them a child army.”  His smile fades.  “They’re well-trained kids, from what Bruce said.  You should be proud of them.”
“I am,” Diana says gravely, looking over Dick’s shoulder to the door as it swings open.  She raises a few fingers and Percy wanders over, his hands in his pockets and a forbidding look on his face.  Percy, Diana has learned over her months working at the camp–almost a year now–is generally speaking far friendlier than his resting expression would suggest.  Apparently, he takes after his father, and more than one person has made a joke in her hearing about the Sea God Scowl.
This is not such a moment, though, because when he comes to a stop beside the table, Percy is spinning a cheap pen between his fingers and gives Dick a suspicious once-over.
“Who are you?” he asks bluntly.
“Dick Grayson,” Diana cuts in.  “He’s come to ask if I’m a god, and if I’ve been hiding a child army in upstate New York.”
Percy’s frown deepens into a glare and he taps his pen a couple times against the table’s edge.  “She didn’t force us to come fight,” he says, and Dick raises his hands in surrender.  
“I never said she did, okay?  I’m just here because Bruce wants answers, preferably sooner than later.”
Percy unsheathes Riptide and sets it down on the table, a glowing bronze blade that doesn’t draw so much as a glance from anyone else in the restaurant, and takes a seat beside Diana.
“Here,” Diana says, offering some of her naan, and Percy takes it while Dick gapes shamelessly at Riptide.
“Hey,” Percy says curiously, the suspicion fading from his face.  “You can see my sword.”
“Uh, yeah,” Dick says, like Percy’s being a fool.  “It’s right there.  How’d you manage to disguise it as a pen?”
“Magic,” Percy says dismissively, studying Dick.  “How are you doing that?”
“Bruce isn’t bothered by the Mist,” Diana volunteers.  “But he’s not a halfblood.  Maybe he can teach others how to ignore the Mist.”
Dick rolls with the change of subject with admirable grace, reaching out to poke Riptide with a finger.  “I’ve always seen better than Bruce.  When I was a kid, I just figured I had a vivid imagination, and then when I was working with Bruce usually it was because of one of the Rogues.  Harley has some weird ass dogs.”
Diana reaches out across the table and catches Dick’s chin in a movement like lightning, and studies his eyes–bright and blue and…clear, in a way that she knows well.  Steve Trevor saw clearly, too, unmuddled by the Mist, as does Bruce, but Dick’s eyes have the unmarred clarity that can only be inborn.
“Who are your parents?” Percy asks.
“Mary and John Grayson,” Dick says, allowing Diana to manhandle him with a patient look on his face.  “I take after my mother.”
“You might,” Diana allows, letting him go.  “But I expect your father was someone else entirely.”
#diana at camp halfblood au#wonder woman#batman#dick grayson#percy jackson#starlight writes stuff#IT JUST GOT AWAY FROM ME#this was supposed to be a brief chat with dick followed by a scene cut to a chat with bruce#instead i guess dick grayson is a halfblood in this au#i think he's the son of hermes#he never made it to camp because (duh) he became robin before he became a major target#and then after that he could pretty much Handle His Shit#also no harley is not a hades kid the dogs just Like Her#so anyway diana sits dick down and explains everything to him and then they go have a talk with bruce#and percy yells at him for implying that diana is training child soldiers#also i have not seen justice league yet so i tried to mostly skip around anything that pertained to plot there#if the final battle isn't with stepford whatsisface then i...guess i'll edit that later?#also obviously this takes place AFTER the one about the kids showing up and startling the jl#i feel like the plot should be pretty clear but also i have not been writing these in chronological order#not even slightly#so yeah that's what i've got to say on the matter#why is diana in the city? probably because the kids talked her into it and she bought them all ice cream and set them loose#diana has pretty good faith in their ability to handle themselves at this point#and also i am considering that diana hears prayers in this au and therefore could be summoned in a pinch#anyway here's wonderwall#idiot teenagers with a queue#willayork#asked and answered
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