#also i have not seen justice league yet so i tried to mostly skip around anything that pertained to plot there
I have to say that I love this PJO/Diana fix! I'm bummed that it didn't occur to me before to think of that crossover! But totally validated by your interpretation. I can't decide if I want more of Diana with Percy & co or at Camp Halfblood as she figures it all out or if I want more flabbergasted/ bemused Justice League interactions. Lol can you see Diana and Bruce watching PJ&co and all the Robins together?!
Uhhhh….this is not at all what you asked for but here, have some unsolicited Dick Grayson.
Read the rest of this AU here!
“So, I hear you’re a god.”
Diana pauses halfway through her chana masala, a bite hovering in the air on her fork.  The young man across from her has a crooked grin like he’s maybe had his jaw broken, but he’s handsome and dressed in plain but expensive clothes, and he looks completely serious.  
“I…beg your pardon?”
“Right,” he says.  “Sorry.  I’m Dick Grayson.”
Diana sets down her fork and shakes the offered hand.  If there was going to be a place to have a conversation like this, she supposes this isn’t a bad one–a back corner of a noisy Indian restaurant, squirreled away in a New York alley.  Annabeth recommended it.  Diana is technically on chaperone duty.  
“Diana.  Can I ask how you know who I am?”
“Mm,” he says, stealing a piece of naan and stuffing it into his mouth.  “Yeah.  I’m Bruce’s oldest kid.  We haven’t been talking a whole lot lately, but we’re working on it, you know what I’m saying?  And he’s been trying to figure you out, but I said–hey, B, maybe we should just ask.  You’ll have to forgive his paranoia.”
“I expect it comes with the job,” Diana says graciously.  “So you decided to walk up to a stranger and just…ask if I was a god?”
“I mean.  Yeah.  Pretty much.”  Dick looks expectantly at her.
“Can I ask why that was the conclusion you jumped to?”
“Sure,” Dick says, and he straightens up, like he’s giving a report.  “You’re clearly immortal, or at very least you age so slowly as to be next to immortal–we have photographic evidence and anecdotal reports dating back to World War I.  You demonstrated enough speed and strength during the Doomsday event to face down a monster that ultimately killed Superman.  You can either fly or generate enough power on a jump to simulate the effect.  You–”
“That’s enough,” Diana says coolly.  “May I ask why you chose this moment to ask if I am a god?”
Dick grins at her and links his hands together, resting his chin on his fingers.  “Because I’ve been following you for three hours.”
Diana keeps a scrupulously straight face at that and does not demand to know how he can see through the Mist.  Perhaps Bruce has been teaching his students (sons?) this skill, as he seems almost as clear-sighted as any halfblood.  “So?”
“Well, I know there’s some kind of base an hour or two out of the city, and I picked you up there, and now you’re here and you’re alone, so it seemed like as good a moment of any,” Dick says.  “You’ve got a weird number of kids out there by the way–and listen, when one of Bruce’s kids is saying you’ve got a weird number of kids, that’s a bad sign.  Bruce thinks you’re training some kind of child army that you pulled out of your ass during the battle with Steppen-whatever.”
Ah.  Well.  That explains a few things, including the way that Bruce has been avoiding her of late.
“And what do you think, Dick Grayson?”
Dick smiles.  “I think that sometimes kids need training, and that doesn’t make them a child army.”  His smile fades.  “They’re well-trained kids, from what Bruce said.  You should be proud of them.”
“I am,” Diana says gravely, looking over Dick’s shoulder to the door as it swings open.  She raises a few fingers and Percy wanders over, his hands in his pockets and a forbidding look on his face.  Percy, Diana has learned over her months working at the camp–almost a year now–is generally speaking far friendlier than his resting expression would suggest.  Apparently, he takes after his father, and more than one person has made a joke in her hearing about the Sea God Scowl.
This is not such a moment, though, because when he comes to a stop beside the table, Percy is spinning a cheap pen between his fingers and gives Dick a suspicious once-over.
“Who are you?” he asks bluntly.
“Dick Grayson,” Diana cuts in.  “He’s come to ask if I’m a god, and if I’ve been hiding a child army in upstate New York.”
Percy’s frown deepens into a glare and he taps his pen a couple times against the table’s edge.  “She didn’t force us to come fight,” he says, and Dick raises his hands in surrender.  
“I never said she did, okay?  I’m just here because Bruce wants answers, preferably sooner than later.”
Percy unsheathes Riptide and sets it down on the table, a glowing bronze blade that doesn’t draw so much as a glance from anyone else in the restaurant, and takes a seat beside Diana.
“Here,” Diana says, offering some of her naan, and Percy takes it while Dick gapes shamelessly at Riptide.
“Hey,” Percy says curiously, the suspicion fading from his face.  “You can see my sword.”
“Uh, yeah,” Dick says, like Percy’s being a fool.  “It’s right there.  How’d you manage to disguise it as a pen?”
“Magic,” Percy says dismissively, studying Dick.  “How are you doing that?”
“Bruce isn’t bothered by the Mist,” Diana volunteers.  “But he’s not a halfblood.  Maybe he can teach others how to ignore the Mist.”
Dick rolls with the change of subject with admirable grace, reaching out to poke Riptide with a finger.  “I’ve always seen better than Bruce.  When I was a kid, I just figured I had a vivid imagination, and then when I was working with Bruce usually it was because of one of the Rogues.  Harley has some weird ass dogs.”
Diana reaches out across the table and catches Dick’s chin in a movement like lightning, and studies his eyes–bright and blue and…clear, in a way that she knows well.  Steve Trevor saw clearly, too, unmuddled by the Mist, as does Bruce, but Dick’s eyes have the unmarred clarity that can only be inborn.
“Who are your parents?” Percy asks.
“Mary and John Grayson,” Dick says, allowing Diana to manhandle him with a patient look on his face.  “I take after my mother.”
“You might,” Diana allows, letting him go.  “But I expect your father was someone else entirely.”
#diana at camp halfblood au#wonder woman#batman#dick grayson#percy jackson#starlight writes stuff#IT JUST GOT AWAY FROM ME#this was supposed to be a brief chat with dick followed by a scene cut to a chat with bruce#instead i guess dick grayson is a halfblood in this au#i think he's the son of hermes#he never made it to camp because (duh) he became robin before he became a major target#and then after that he could pretty much Handle His Shit#also no harley is not a hades kid the dogs just Like Her#so anyway diana sits dick down and explains everything to him and then they go have a talk with bruce#and percy yells at him for implying that diana is training child soldiers#also i have not seen justice league yet so i tried to mostly skip around anything that pertained to plot there#if the final battle isn't with stepford whatsisface then i...guess i'll edit that later?#also obviously this takes place AFTER the one about the kids showing up and startling the jl#i feel like the plot should be pretty clear but also i have not been writing these in chronological order#not even slightly#so yeah that's what i've got to say on the matter#why is diana in the city? probably because the kids talked her into it and she bought them all ice cream and set them loose#diana has pretty good faith in their ability to handle themselves at this point#and also i am considering that diana hears prayers in this au and therefore could be summoned in a pinch#anyway here's wonderwall#idiot teenagers with a queue#willayork#asked and answered
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melyaliz · 5 years
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Requested by @nilthanious​
Fandom: DC / Young Justice TV show 
Summary: Bart had never met anyone who glowed the way Gigi did. 
Pairing: Bart x OC 
Notes: Been craving some Gigi and Bart stuff 
Adi is owned by @nilthanious​
More Gigi stuff here 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
There are just some people in this world that seem to glow. 
Growing up in a literal apocalyptic wasteland Bart Allen hadn’t seen many positive people. Most broken by the hardships of the world around them. 
In fact, he had started to believe true happiness was just fake.  A way to lie, prove to others you could be trusted, you had something to sell.
That was until he met Gigi. 
So many moments her joy caught him off guard. Seemed so pure it blinded him to look at. 
“Wee woo weee woo coming through!!!” Faith’s voice echoed across the base as Gigi carried her on her back into the base. The red-haired girls left arm was twisted around her best friend’s leg as of acting as a cast. Both girls covered in some weird oil stuff. 
“What happened!??” Dick asked walking in as Gigi helped her best friend onto a stretcher. 
“A lot,” Faith said shaking her head small oil bits flying everywhere. Gigi couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Yeah, I sling-shot Faith from the rafters.”
“Which didn’t break my foot,”
“Yeah, that didn’t happen until the one guy started shooting that oil stuff out of his hands.”
“I slipped.” 
“It was the most graceful fall I have ever seen.” 
“Yep, I did a handstand and then my feet flew over me and I tried to catch myself and… you get the idea.” 
“I’m not sure I do but let’s get you fixed up.” Dick chuckled slowly rolling her away. Turning Faith waved at Gigi who waved back. Slow and dramadic, two best friends being separated by circumstances beyond their control. Who knew when they would ever see each other again, who knew what was in store for them.
Besides a cast and probably a late night of movies and ice cream that is. That, of course, was inevitable. 
“Hey, you guys ok?” Bart asked coming up behind Gigi as she stood alone in the large base’s “I heard things got kind of tricky.”
Gigi giggled turning to him giving him two thumbs up, that large smile that seemed to spread across her whole face, “yep, Faith and I can totally take on any baddies they throw at us. But thank you for asking, it’s super sweet of you to ask.” she said gently putting her hand on his arm. Genuine, that was what Bart always felt with her. She was so genuine with her emotions and feelings. Especially the positive ones. Mostly the positive ones. 
Looking back Bart wasn’t sure he had ever seen her upset. 
Did she even get up? 
“Oh, almost I almost forgot, we are doing a movie night with Jamie, Adi, Tim, and Conner.”
“Isn’t Conner out?” 
“Is he? I haven’t texted anyone yet, Faith and I just decided we were on our way back.” 
“Well count me in!” 
“YAY! I love hanging out with you and watching movies with everyone. I should make snacks, oh and I can’t forget to text them like last time. And Icecream, I hope they restocked the ice cream...” 
That energy, it was infections, it made Bart’s whole body buzz. It was almost like when he was running, the world seemed to fade around him and all he could focus on was the feeling. That feeling of being free, as if all the horrible things were just blurs on his peripheral. 
Bart came crashing to a halt the world pulling him back with one word. Gigi was standing in the hallway toward the kitchens her back twisted so half of her was facing him. “Are you coming?” 
“Oh yeah... I didn’t. Yep!” 
“Does it hurt?” Adi asked leaning forward gently poking Faith’s cast. The brunette let out a yelp making Adi jump back clutching her hand looking shocked and upset that she could have possibly caused her friend pain. 
Faith burst out laughing, “Sorry sorry no it doesn’t hurt, itches a little but that’s it.” 
“I brought markers so we can all sign it!” Gigi sang handing Adi an orange one and Jamie and blue one. 
“And Bart gets red and Faith gets yellow.”
“I’m going to sign my own cast?” 
“Of course!” Gigi giggled holding up her pink marker “Now my losers SIGN! SIGN!” 
Glowing, that was what Gigi was. Glowing. So pure and bright sometimes Bart felt like he couldn’t even look at her. The pure joy and wonder that she seemed to exude from her very being.
Wonder, she seemed to have this way about her that made you see the amazement in everything around you. As if the most normal things could be magical. Like signing a cast.
Getting to help out on a mission with the leaguers. 
“One step closer to being like Willow.” 
“I’m pretty sure Willow isn’t part of the League.” 
“She should be leading the league.”
Gigi froze as turning as a napkin hit her in the back of the head. Faith frowned glancing over at her friend as a stout looking woman pointed at Gigi. 
“What did you just say?” Faith asked, if Bart didn’t know any better he could have sworn he saw her hair hand up on end.
“Her, mutant!” the woman spat at Gigi, “We don't want your deceased kind’s help here! You could infect us all!” 
“That’s now how that…” 
Bart was cut off as the woman threw her drink at Gigi splashing her soda all over the red-haired girl. 
If Bart wasn’t a speedster he probably wouldn’t have caught it. Luckily for the woman (and probably Faith) he could. Yes, the small brunette was quick but he was quicker. Just as she lunged at the woman shouting some very unseemly comments Bart spun her around picking her up. 
“How dare you! BART! Let me go!” More curses and something about the woman dying alone unloved as Gigi gently touched Bart’s arm.
“Let’s just go ok?”
“Cook, not sure how long I can hold this one anyway,” Bart grunted as Faith squirmed in his grip trying to break free. 
Once they were away from the crowd and Faith had quieted down to a mumble (Bart was pretty sure he heard something about the bat computer and covering the woman’s house in shaving cream.) Bart turned to Gigi. 
Up to this point she had been oddly quiet. Something the bright red-haired girl rarely was. 
As if feeling his eyes on her she turned. Her smile was soft but no less bright. A warm glow that spread across her body reassuring him as if he was the one who had just been slandered against. 
“My sister once told me anger is just ignorance. They are really mad because they don’t understand.” letting out a small laugh she played with a strand of her hair her gaze falling on Faith who was texting someone on her phone. “So who cares what they think, the people who matter to me like me for who I am.” 
There it was, that beautiful glow. As bright of the sun itself. Shining around her as she smiled up at him. “You guys are the most important to me.” 
He was pretty sure his heart stopped right then and there. 
Or maybe it was at that moment that he had just seen inside her soul. How she was always so happy and full of life. How she glowed in a way that seemed to spread to those around her, how she seemed to be able to put anyone at ease. How she brought joy in the whole world around her.
It was because of them. 
“MAN! Fuck that B in the A! And also FUCK TIM! He said we couldn’t fill that ladies house with skunk urine. Something about using our powers for evil… more like pure good if you ask me. So much for the smartest boy or whatever.” Faith said turning around to look at them. In her rage, she had passed them by several feet and was now holding up her phone shaking it at them as if they could solve her problem for her. 
Gigi giggled leaking into Bart squealing his hand before skipping up to Faith throwing her arms around her best friend. 
“You know what sounds good to me? Ice Cream and video games.” 
And watching the two girls talk Bart realized something. Since he had met Gigi, he may have started glowing too.
Tagging: @royslittleharper​​​  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​​ @coffee-randomness​​​ @daisyboobear​​​ @nilthanious​​​  @jason-redhood​​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr​ @ocelysium​ @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep​
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thenixkat · 6 years
Static Shock notes 52, end
Episode 13 (52)
Virgil’s been skipping his chores and Sharon is mad
Call his flake ass out Sharon! Call the bitch out
Fuckin asshole makes jokes while being called out out for being irresponsible and a flake.
These assholes never got around to telling her!
What the fuck Robert
Robert just fucking ignores his daughter’s legitimate concerns and complaints
Ok yeah, Richie is not in a good place if his brain is legitimately fucking up in a manner that concerns him. he's describing it as serious mental lapses and what sounds like memory loss. Even said that he's been forgetting his own name and such.  That is serious
Huh, so the girls are around the same height but a few inches shorter than the boys. Still means they did a lot of growing too
Also, yes girls call they flake asses out!
Virgil is legitimately a dick. Like who the fuck makes jokes when their friends are mad at them for doing something wrong?
These girls are at the point where they’re considering dropping these boys as friends. And frankly Daisy can do better in the boyfriend department.
Show, stop rubbing this in our face. Daisy is a genius and Frieda is a reporter, the fact that they don’t know yet is not making you look good. Them plus Sharon? It’s making you look real fucking bad.
Kangor and Ferret rob a store and Ferret just wants some food. Kangor wants money
Ferret is not a fighter
Gear lets Ferret get a head start and just slowly hunts him down
...Kangor’s shoes shrink
Ok but like what the fuck did the artists do to Ferret’s face. It looks horrible
Is that a fucking abandoned mall?
Why is Hotstreak hanging out with Ebon? Where’s Shiv?
Talon stands up to Ebon
Its nice that Static and Gear took Kangor to the hospital
So yer telling me, that Dr. Todd put experimental chemicals in the air that will be poisoning everyone in Dakota and removing/stopping the function of the powers of every Bang Baby. Without their consent. Exposed everyone in Dakota to these chemicals, without their consent. Exposed people to experimental chemicals that haven’t been tested for their safety or side effects or longevity of effects. This is a huge violation of fucking human rights, civil rights… WHAT. THE. FUCK. WRITERS
How dare you portray Dr. Todd as anything near a good person or doing good.
Also, saying they’re becoming “human” again, that’s some code language if I ever heard any
Finally someone fucking calling out this unethical shit
“With few exceptions the Bang Babies are a menace to public safety. To protect our citizens we had to use extreme measures” what the fuck what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK
Ah, yes, its ok to violate their human rights b/c most of them are thugs and criminals so it's totally ok to dump experimental chemicals on this mostly Black and poor community!
Nothing suspect with that at all or Dr. Todd being portrayed as in the right, cause that doesn’t send a message!
Given Static and Gear stopped Brainiac when the Justice league couldn’t that one time, yeah, the world needs them
“He could be taking it better?” Virgil, Richie told you that it felt like he was literally losing his mind and possibly starting to suffer from something that sounds like dementia. He could be dying.
People could legitimately be dying from this poorly tested ‘cure’. Peopel are probably dying from this ‘cure’
Richie is flipping the fuck out.
What the fuck is going on with Hotstreak’s face there
Umm why don’t the Metabreed just steal more Q-juice from Alva industries?
Again why is Hotstreak hanging with Ebon, they do not like eachother
Talon trying to stop them from fighting
Why did none of them sample a bit of the juice right there? Or imedieatly after getting to a hide out to have an advantage? Even if they cause the thing to burst they could go after Alva’s stash
Yeah no, I haven’t seen any evidence to suggest that Virgil and Richie were any good at hand to hand combat and Francis and Shiv have been streetfighting for years.
Ebon, you daft cunt. Forcing someone to work with you is a bad fucking idea.
Fuck you Dr. todd and Todd’s friend
Her name is Teresa
Gear can’t control or understand Bacpac anymore
Really, these guys who were one offs? Also, chick hated being a monster b/c f the chronic pain it caused her.
Ebon has no eyebrows
Why is Hotstreak helping Ebon hold Teresa hostage? They are friends.
Ok good, Francis is on Teresa’s side
Also there’s a fucking abandoned cargoship at the docks
Haha, Hotstreak ditched these fuckers. Why the fuck didn’t Hotstreak use some of the gas!\
When the fuck did BacPac stop taking vocal commands?
Yeah no, Teresa was close enough to the exposed gas to be contaminated
Why did the gas just randomly explode and expand?
Powers are back
Ebon and Hotstreak turned into an eldritch abomination
Where’d all the cool tenticles go
Ebon/Hotstreak capture Gear and try to vore him
Fireshadow tries to vore both heros by suction into the void
Static gives Fireshadow some serious heartburn with a fuel tank explosion in the gut
And that’s the last episode.
Pretty weak ending.
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brucee-waynee · 7 years
alright, so i'm really tired when people say that Bale!Batman is better than Batfleck when he's actually doing a better portrayal of Bruce Wayne??? do you think so? and could you maybe give some reason to shut down these fools people? lol
I know the feeling entirely and since I agree with the statement and you asked. Here’s why Batfleck is better than Nolanverse Batman:
The idea of Batman/Bruce Wayne has become one with pop culture since before I was born. I enjoyed Batman films when i was young and even the not-so-good film Batman & Robin. It wasn’t until i was older that i realized there was so much more to Batman that people don’t necessarily see when they see the character since the whole pop culture thing. 
The reason why Batfleck is better for me and many others when were talking about a comic adaption Batman its because of his raw emotion, his brooding hurt self. Batfleck suffers from PTSD at the loss of his parents. He shows and conveys that pain in so many ways throughout Batman v Superman. Batfleck emodies Bruce Wayne from the comics unlike every other Batman before him in a way that is not just some rich white man with a deep voice in a batman suit, He’s essentially like Logan from X-Men, constantly losing his loved ones but also his parents death is apart of him. The sheer difference between Nolanverse Batman and Batfleck is that Batfleck conveys so much emotion surrounding their death and is quite human where his rage is fueled from things he cannot control. If you just want a short and sweet way to argue that Batfleck is best, here’s a decent article. This will mostly be about uplifting Batfleck as the best batman rather than pitting it against Nolanverse!Batman. 
Disclaimer: To start I just want to state that i find great distaste in Nolanverse Batman but i do think the films are entertaining and good on their own accord. As Batman adaptions, they’re so off point from the comics. I will also state that although i’m a huge Batman fan, i am not at all read on every Batman comic. I would not consider myself the most knowledgeable Batman fan. That being said, i think my opinions as well as others who have shared the same opinion are quite valid.
The DCEU thus far have been comic adaptions, maybe not to the T but to the extent that scenes have looked like panels from comics. The DCEU is also in its early stages and when people compare the MCU it makes no sense considering the MCU was started before it. Not to mention, reviewers have related the DCEU to the MCU to put shame to the DCEU. The point of why i started with this is because the DCEU as of now is questionable and has got a lot of bad reviews for its films either than Wonder Woman. 
I’m going to skip to Batfleck where we first seen him in Batman v Superman and then talk about Justice League. As i’m doing that i will bring in examples from the Nolanverse trilogy that missed the mark.  
Batfleck was meant to be a serious toned Batman and because of Zack Synder’s vision it was pulled off really well. You can read more here from this article I thought fit well. Because of this seriousness, people have either loved or were questionable about him. I think the for me, and others, the serious tone really played off the part well. Batfleck was not meant to be all smiles or cracking jokes every few seconds. No, he was in pain (mental pain to be exact) and that pain is central to his character.
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From the death of his parents, we see this pain from the beginning. I could go into talking about Synder’s visuals which were highly deceptive of the comics but i’ll stick to Batfleck.
We have many moments where we can visualize Bruce’s feelings and how they have a connection the death of his parents. His PTSD is tied to him.
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The destruction of Gotham
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Visiting parent’s cemetery 
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Batman: Dark Victory parallel
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Batman: Year One parallel
Back to the theme of Batfleck and parent’s death
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In the moments between the big action scenes we see the pain he witholds from his eyes to to his facial expression.
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Even in his speech, its clear that there is pain in him and he takes that pain and pushes onto Supes. That pain is not only a result of his parents dying but Jason Todd’s death
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This could be suggestive of Jason and/or others who went from hero to villain or something else entirely. Either way there is a malingering grey area about Bruce that is not just good vs. evil, black vs. white, bat vs. supes. There’s more to him and as he fights with Supes, this is shown more. 
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He has a moment of disbelief with the idea that Supes (Clark Kent) has a mother and shares the same name as his. He’s thinking of his mother in this moment and instead of killing Supes, he gets back in touch with his humanity, something that Martha Wayne would have made him realize if she were alive.
“Men are still good”
There’s so many comics hint or explore Bruce’s pain. Those ones are my favorite. Batman: Ego (2000) is my favorite Batman comic book because it explores it so well. And i see Ego!Batman when i see Batfleck. I could parallel a bunch of comic panels to everything on here but i think Batfleck even on his own is superior.
Hell i don’t even dig Batman: the animated series but look:
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Tell me that Batman’s pain and seriousness ain’t part of his character even in a mostly children’s series.
also if you want more lookalike, tell me Batfleck doesn’t look like comic!bruce
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Batfleck and fighting especially that one scene™ 
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Straight out of a comic book
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even when fighting Supes
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which are said to be similar fighting style to the critically acclaimed video game Arkham Knight [check the gifs of it here & here since tumblr can only have max of 3mb gif size]
Speaking of video game
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This shot in particular says not only video game but Comic Book panel
Justice League trailer coming in hard with the visuals ACTUALLY looks like Batman:
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Bruce Wayne™ is merely a persona 
The whole idea of rich white Bruce Wayne is suppose to be a persona. And in fact Batman tries to fight poverty no matter if its Batfleck or Nolvanverse. The thing that Nolanverse gets the most wrong is that Bruce Wayne is a shield from his mental health. Its also not to spend too much time as him because that’s not really him. I think another thing that kind of took away from this in terms of Nolanverse is that it didn’t feel that believable even when they tried to split pained!bruce with persona!bruce and i think its cause of how they conveyed persona!bruce as an all powerful being. i also get corporate vibes from bale!bruce so there’s that lmao.
I think the whole sarcastic thing batfleck had with clark outbeats anything we were given from nolanverse when it comes to bruce showing his true side while showing his persona!side. He was confident but had something about him that wasn’t over-the-top where he could be cocky like Nolanverse!Batman
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There’s so much i could say in terms of Batfleck’s strategy and detective work.
There two things are central to Batman as a hero. He does not just go into any given situation without a plan. He is also more than his gadgets. And as much as i love this line:
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and this line:
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Batman as a hero is quite great cause he’s human but does things that make him superhuman and it goes without saying his big heart.
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He came prepared against Doomsday
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Also against Supes
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Batplane helping Martha Kent and against Doomsday
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Detective work with the mafia and “white Portuguese” in Gotham City, which he investigates Lex Luthor as he believes he is the key. He was going to go there as Batman but was invited as perona!Bruce Wayne. This was much better writing in utilizing the persona rather than Nolanverse
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Investigating the soon to be Justice League
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Showing not only his investigative work but his big heart. He also knows what it feels like to lose people he loves. 
All in all, Batfleck is the best batman to ever Batman. This is merely based on one film and part of a trailer. We are yet to have a standalone Batfleck film and The Batman dir. Matt Reeves is guaranteed to be a phenomenal film. ‘Reeves has hinted at a possible trilogy of the The Batman film as well as rumors around Jason Todd’s resurrection. He has also expressed interest in telling a noir-driven, detective story that shows the audience what’s going on in Bruce’s head and heart. Its planned to be an emotional story.’
The main features i highlighted in this messy meta are Batfleck & pain, fighting, strategist, detective, big heart, true to himself and not persona!bruce, looking like comic bruce, animated bruce, video game bruce, visually like bruce, etc. and we don’t even have much were going off here. In compared to the Nolanverse!batman, Batfleck has all the balls in his court, considering we’ve only got a taste of him unlike the trilogy from Nolanverse. I realize i didn’t cap and look over Nolanverse but my point was not to tare down Nolanverse for Batfleck but more to highlight that Bafleck is the best batman and there’s no way something that is more popular culture entertainment could out beat him. That’s a rap. Hope you enjoyed and @ me if you have any other questions. I mostly simplified this only cause its more accessible to all and cause i’m tired.  
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