#so anyway diana sits dick down and explains everything to him and then they go have a talk with bruce
I have to say that I love this PJO/Diana fix! I'm bummed that it didn't occur to me before to think of that crossover! But totally validated by your interpretation. I can't decide if I want more of Diana with Percy & co or at Camp Halfblood as she figures it all out or if I want more flabbergasted/ bemused Justice League interactions. Lol can you see Diana and Bruce watching PJ&co and all the Robins together?!
Uhhhh….this is not at all what you asked for but here, have some unsolicited Dick Grayson.
Read the rest of this AU here!
“So, I hear you’re a god.”
Diana pauses halfway through her chana masala, a bite hovering in the air on her fork.  The young man across from her has a crooked grin like he’s maybe had his jaw broken, but he’s handsome and dressed in plain but expensive clothes, and he looks completely serious.  
“I…beg your pardon?”
“Right,” he says.  “Sorry.  I’m Dick Grayson.”
Diana sets down her fork and shakes the offered hand.  If there was going to be a place to have a conversation like this, she supposes this isn’t a bad one–a back corner of a noisy Indian restaurant, squirreled away in a New York alley.  Annabeth recommended it.  Diana is technically on chaperone duty.  
“Diana.  Can I ask how you know who I am?”
“Mm,” he says, stealing a piece of naan and stuffing it into his mouth.  “Yeah.  I’m Bruce’s oldest kid.  We haven’t been talking a whole lot lately, but we’re working on it, you know what I’m saying?  And he’s been trying to figure you out, but I said–hey, B, maybe we should just ask.  You’ll have to forgive his paranoia.”
“I expect it comes with the job,” Diana says graciously.  “So you decided to walk up to a stranger and just…ask if I was a god?”
“I mean.  Yeah.  Pretty much.”  Dick looks expectantly at her.
“Can I ask why that was the conclusion you jumped to?”
“Sure,” Dick says, and he straightens up, like he’s giving a report.  “You’re clearly immortal, or at very least you age so slowly as to be next to immortal–we have photographic evidence and anecdotal reports dating back to World War I.  You demonstrated enough speed and strength during the Doomsday event to face down a monster that ultimately killed Superman.  You can either fly or generate enough power on a jump to simulate the effect.  You–”
“That’s enough,” Diana says coolly.  “May I ask why you chose this moment to ask if I am a god?”
Dick grins at her and links his hands together, resting his chin on his fingers.  “Because I’ve been following you for three hours.”
Diana keeps a scrupulously straight face at that and does not demand to know how he can see through the Mist.  Perhaps Bruce has been teaching his students (sons?) this skill, as he seems almost as clear-sighted as any halfblood.  “So?”
“Well, I know there’s some kind of base an hour or two out of the city, and I picked you up there, and now you’re here and you’re alone, so it seemed like as good a moment of any,” Dick says.  “You’ve got a weird number of kids out there by the way–and listen, when one of Bruce’s kids is saying you’ve got a weird number of kids, that’s a bad sign.  Bruce thinks you’re training some kind of child army that you pulled out of your ass during the battle with Steppen-whatever.”
Ah.  Well.  That explains a few things, including the way that Bruce has been avoiding her of late.
“And what do you think, Dick Grayson?”
Dick smiles.  “I think that sometimes kids need training, and that doesn’t make them a child army.”  His smile fades.  “They’re well-trained kids, from what Bruce said.  You should be proud of them.”
“I am,” Diana says gravely, looking over Dick’s shoulder to the door as it swings open.  She raises a few fingers and Percy wanders over, his hands in his pockets and a forbidding look on his face.  Percy, Diana has learned over her months working at the camp–almost a year now–is generally speaking far friendlier than his resting expression would suggest.  Apparently, he takes after his father, and more than one person has made a joke in her hearing about the Sea God Scowl.
This is not such a moment, though, because when he comes to a stop beside the table, Percy is spinning a cheap pen between his fingers and gives Dick a suspicious once-over.
“Who are you?” he asks bluntly.
“Dick Grayson,” Diana cuts in.  “He’s come to ask if I’m a god, and if I’ve been hiding a child army in upstate New York.”
Percy’s frown deepens into a glare and he taps his pen a couple times against the table’s edge.  “She didn’t force us to come fight,” he says, and Dick raises his hands in surrender.  
“I never said she did, okay?  I’m just here because Bruce wants answers, preferably sooner than later.”
Percy unsheathes Riptide and sets it down on the table, a glowing bronze blade that doesn’t draw so much as a glance from anyone else in the restaurant, and takes a seat beside Diana.
“Here,” Diana says, offering some of her naan, and Percy takes it while Dick gapes shamelessly at Riptide.
“Hey,” Percy says curiously, the suspicion fading from his face.  “You can see my sword.”
“Uh, yeah,” Dick says, like Percy’s being a fool.  “It’s right there.  How’d you manage to disguise it as a pen?”
“Magic,” Percy says dismissively, studying Dick.  “How are you doing that?”
“Bruce isn’t bothered by the Mist,” Diana volunteers.  “But he’s not a halfblood.  Maybe he can teach others how to ignore the Mist.”
Dick rolls with the change of subject with admirable grace, reaching out to poke Riptide with a finger.  “I’ve always seen better than Bruce.  When I was a kid, I just figured I had a vivid imagination, and then when I was working with Bruce usually it was because of one of the Rogues.  Harley has some weird ass dogs.”
Diana reaches out across the table and catches Dick’s chin in a movement like lightning, and studies his eyes–bright and blue and…clear, in a way that she knows well.  Steve Trevor saw clearly, too, unmuddled by the Mist, as does Bruce, but Dick’s eyes have the unmarred clarity that can only be inborn.
“Who are your parents?” Percy asks.
“Mary and John Grayson,” Dick says, allowing Diana to manhandle him with a patient look on his face.  “I take after my mother.”
“You might,” Diana allows, letting him go.  “But I expect your father was someone else entirely.”
#diana at camp halfblood au#wonder woman#batman#dick grayson#percy jackson#starlight writes stuff#IT JUST GOT AWAY FROM ME#this was supposed to be a brief chat with dick followed by a scene cut to a chat with bruce#instead i guess dick grayson is a halfblood in this au#i think he's the son of hermes#he never made it to camp because (duh) he became robin before he became a major target#and then after that he could pretty much Handle His Shit#also no harley is not a hades kid the dogs just Like Her#so anyway diana sits dick down and explains everything to him and then they go have a talk with bruce#and percy yells at him for implying that diana is training child soldiers#also i have not seen justice league yet so i tried to mostly skip around anything that pertained to plot there#if the final battle isn't with stepford whatsisface then i...guess i'll edit that later?#also obviously this takes place AFTER the one about the kids showing up and startling the jl#i feel like the plot should be pretty clear but also i have not been writing these in chronological order#not even slightly#so yeah that's what i've got to say on the matter#why is diana in the city? probably because the kids talked her into it and she bought them all ice cream and set them loose#diana has pretty good faith in their ability to handle themselves at this point#and also i am considering that diana hears prayers in this au and therefore could be summoned in a pinch#anyway here's wonderwall#idiot teenagers with a queue#willayork#asked and answered
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
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♡ starting prompt: “were you ever going to tell me?”
♡ pairing: dick grayson (S1 YJ Robin) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “take a ride up to Malibu, I just wanna sit and look at you, look at you. what would it matter if your friends knew? who cares what other people say anyway.”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes 
both you and Dick walked out of Gotham Academy, laughing at some stupid joke he made as the two of you walked to the nearest coffee shop. the two of you religiously bought coffee and hung out every Thursday after school until it was time to head home.
you and Dick, unknown to each other9, had commitments to the YJ team and usually had to meet the team later in the night and today happened to be one of those days. 
you really weren’t in the mood to go out for a patrol tonight but on Saturday, you had accepted to be Dick’s date to the winter formal Gotham Academy was holding and you had to excuse yourself from patrolling duties for the night. 
you knew Diana would have no issue in you missing for one night but the team on the other hand would probably throw a fit for it. 
whenever there was time to lounge around, you usually hid behind a domino mask and a beanie to cover your hair. your uniform on the other hand was very much like Wally’s. it pulled over your head and covered some of your face and most of your hair so it went unnoticed by everyone. 
you were very similar to Robin in that aspect. the two of you hid your identities extremely well and no one outside of your mentors knew who you truly were. Wonder Woman had especially emphasized that a kid still in school should not reveal their real identity and if you wanted to once you turned 18, you could, but until then, she made you swear to never reveal who you were.
“what has you in such deep thought?” Dick asked, giving you a smile. you shook your head, “nothing. just stuff with school,” you replied. Dick had saw the bruises and cuts on your legs that you tried to hide, “you have more bruises?” he asked. 
“I told you my MMA training went hard last night,” you exclaimed, “I had a partner that was double my size and she nearly wanted to kill me,” you tried to joke. 
you could tell that Dick wasn’t believing what you were saying, “but you shouldn’t be the one to talk! you have a gash running down your arm! don’t think I didn’t notice,” you retaliated. he immediately tried to explain himself, “acrobatics is an intense hobby!” he replied. 
you gave him a look before shoving him playfully onto the grass. Dick pushed you back as the two of you finally arrived to the coffee shop. you put your bag down in the booth before meeting Dick at the line. 
“just be careful! those cuts and bruises look intense,” he said a bit more seriously. you squeezed his arm in agreement, “of course but same goes for you. the gash on your arm looks pretty deep,” you stated, running your finger on the now healing gash. 
he paid for both of your drinks and the two of you made your way to the booth and took out your books. 
you had befriended Dick when he first arrived to Gotham Academy. since he was the adopted son to Bruce Wayne, everyone wanted to befriend the son of the man who ran Gotham with an iron fist. you on the other hand had to befriend him because you were the captain of the Mathlete’s team.
that was the club Dick first wanted to join and although he didn’t know exactly how to join, he saw that you were in his AP Calc BC class and saw the jacket you carried around with the medals you on won on it. he quietly followed you to the auditorium that day and scooped out the team before embarrassingly introducing him and explaining why he wanted to join.
you instantly clicked with him and tried him out for the team for a few days when you realized that he was probably the second smartest on the team. he won a plaque on his first round of tournaments and gained honoree status not long after. 
“god, I feel like Brunner is killing us with the amount of work he’s giving us,” you growled into your textbook, “does he not realize that people have lives and jobs?” you continued to complain. 
Dick shook his head, “not like he cares. he’s just a bitter old man who wants to make us suffer,” he admitted. you laughed, accidentally choking on your coffee by the comment, “it’s true! he knows everyone is excited about the formal so he probably piled on work to make us suffer,” Dick continued. 
you threw him your paper as he quickly dodged it. the two of you worked through the worksheets until you felt your communicator go off. you discreetly looked down and saw that Kaldur was calling everyone to Mount Justice for a new mission. 
“hey Dick, I have to go,” you admitted a bit sadly, “my mom wants me home to babysit my niece and she needs me home in a few minutes.” Dick nodded understandingly, “yeah, Bruce seems like he needs me home too. see you tomorrow?” he asked, “of course!” 
the two of you practically darted in different directions as you ran to the nearest zeta tube location. it was inside of an old building as you quickly discarded your uniform, putting it inside of your bag as you pulled on your other uniform. 
as soon as you arrived to Mount Justice, you saw everyone crowding around the table that Red Tornado was explaining the mission at. you stood next to Kaldur and Connor, flashing them an ‘i’m sorry for being really late’ smile. Kaldur patted your shoulder as the table shut off after the instructions were finished. 
“so, the pairs are, Wally, Artemis and I, Connor and M’Gann, and ( your name ) with Robin,” Kaldur explained, “since both of you know Gotham Academy well, the two of you will be patrolling inside the school while Connor and M’gann gather the information we need from the teacher.” 
you and Robin high-fived, quickly getting on the motorcycles and racing towards the school. you weren’t particularly close with Robin but when the two of you were a team, it was nearly impossible to stop the two of you. the chemistry when you both fought together didn’t go unnoticed by anyone and Kaldur tended to pair you up together when he knew Wally and Robin would goof off the whole time. 
“so, you go to Gotham Academy?” Robin asked. you nodded, “I do! I had no idea you went there,” you replied, “I wonder if we’ve ever met each other,” Robin joked. 
you gave him a look, “please, I doubt it. I get the sense that you’d probably be really popular and I am the farthest from that,” you admitted. Robin gave you a look, “trust me, I am not popular. are you in any clubs?” Robin asked. 
a part of you screamed to tell him but another part of you told you no, “I am but for the sake of keeping my identity a secret, I would rather not say,” you said empathetically. Robin waved your off, “no, I completely understand. the Bat would kill me if he found out someone knew who I was,” you couldn’t help but laugh, “yeah, Wonder Woman would lasso me into another dimension if I did the same.” 
once the two of you parked your motorcycles into the parking lot and sneaked your way inside. you both landed by the auditorium and started to walk around. 
the patrolling went by with mild conversation. since you had to inform Kaldur about both of you coordinates every few minutes, that was probably the only time you spoke up. it wasn’t until you passed the glass shelves that held all of the Mathlete trophies that you made a sudden stop. 
“do you know someone on the team?” Robin asked, gulping his nervousness down a bit. “yeah, I have two friends on the team. one of which I think I like,” you admitted sheepishly. 
Robin gave you a smirk, “oh, tell me! tell me! I want to know!” he exclaimed excitedly. you shoved him against the wall, “no! because if you know him? then you’re going to tell him!” you whisper-yelled. Robin waved you off, basically begging you to tell him, “fine, if I tell you then you’re going to have to swear that you’ll never tell him,” you stated. 
he nodded as you discreetly opened the glass door and took the photo out, “it’s Dick Grayson. he’s so....” you trailed off not knowing to what to say as you stared at the photo mesmerized. Robin remained silent, standing as stiff as a board, “really?” he whispered. 
“yeah, is that an issue?” you asked, a bit surprised by his reaction, “no, not at all. plus, I can’t even lie, the person I’ve been dying to ask out is also on the team,” your eyebrows fluttered to confusion as stared at him, “I told you who my crush is so it’s only fair you tell me!” you said. 
Robin shook his head no, “AH! nope! you’re telling me! I told you my crush on Dick and now you have to tell me! plus, I didn’t know you were gay,” you said off-handedly. Robin stared at you now in more confusion, “I’m not? not that there would be an issue with that if I was but regardless, where did you get that idea?” he asked. 
you held back your laugh, “I mean, the team is mostly guys unless you have a crush on her,” you pointed to yourself jokingly. Robin didn’t say anything as the silence basically answered your question, “wait, do you have a crush on her?” you asked a bit more seriously now. 
“yeah, it’s her. she’s in a few of my classes and my god, she’s gorgeous,” he said “everything I look in for a girl.” your heart stopped dead in it’s tracks as Robin’s communicator went off indicating that Connor and M’Gann got what they needed. 
you hadn’t said much after Robin had confessed his crush to you. you had no idea that it was going to be you who he was and although now you were dying to know his true identity, you knew you shouldn’t even bother with it. plus, Robin probably felt the same way you did when you confessed your crush on Dick. 
after all of you told Red Tornado the information, you quickly departed from the team, telling them you had to be up at 6:00 to get ready for school. Robin could tell that after he admitted his crush to you, you felt a certain way about it but if anything, he should be the one weirded out. you had a crush on him! but considering your identity was sealed shut, he would never know who it really was that liked him unless he figured out your true identity. 
the next morning, you woke up and put on your uniform as you ran your fingers over the burgundy colored gown you were wearing tomorrow. you were beyond excited to be Dick’s date to the formal and you had to be at his place at five to catch dinner before the dance. 
once you made it to school, you greeted Dick with a smile, “mornin’ Grayson!” you said happily. he responded by putting his arm around you with the same amount of excitement you had, “what has you so excited today?” he asked. 
“nothing! just something you shouldn’t worry about! how was your night?” you asked. you felt Dick’s body go stiff as he tried to conjure up some lie, “fine! Bruce had me doing some work for Wayne Enterprises and it practically put me into the grave,” he joked. 
the two of you walked to your math class, slumping immediately into your seats as the morning announcements went off. you were doodling in your notebook as Dick kept muttering to himself about something you couldn’t quiet understand. 
throughout the entire day, you could sense that Dick’s attention was not exactly spot on. his mind seemed to be on cloud nine and once the end of the day came, he had a bunch of theories written inside of his notebook about ( your hero name ) and who could she possibly be. 
“Dick, you’ve been off all day!” you said now a bit annoyed, “is something wrong?” you asked again. he shook his head no, “no, I’m more than okay! just excited about tomorrow is all,” he replied. you nodded, “me too! I’ll be at your house around five so we can eat dinner and head to the dance,” you mentioned as you saw your mom pull up. 
“see ya tomorrow!” Dick exclaimed. 
first thing Saturday morning, your mom shook you awake. she said that your stylist would be here any minute to get your hair/makeup done and you needed to shower before then. 
you quickly hopped into the shower while you pulled on some pajamas for the time being. as soon as you got out, you brushed your hair and teeth before walking to the living room to see the stylist preparing her things on the kitchen table. 
“ready love?” she asked sweetly. you nodded, “ready as ever!” you replied as you sat down. 
the time she did your hair, you were making small talk until you heard a knock on the door. your mom mentioned she’d get it and went to the door. when she got back, she was holding a bag of food. 
“I think Dick sent you food,” she joked as she read the note, “oh yeah, it was 100% him,” she said as she showed you the note. 
“can’t wait for tonight! your favorite from Scouts is inside of the boxes.” 
“aw, how sweet of him!” your stylist said, “yeah, he’s one of a kind,” you said not realizing what you were saying. your mom could see the love for him in your eyes and swooned silently. 
after your hair was done, you had basically devoured the food before your stylist got to work on your makeup. this time, it didn’t take as much time. by the time she finished, you had about an hour to put on your dress and do the finishing touches to your look before you had to leave. 
the dress was short from the front as it got longer from the back. it kind of dragged but that was what made you fall in love with it in the first place. you pulled the dress from your closet and had your mom help you zip it up as she put on the necklace she wore the day of her winter formal on you. 
“you look amazing sweety! let me take a few photos before we head out!” 
you rolled your eyes playfully as you posed a few times. after you and her got into the car, you made your way to the manor. you had been there countless times and knew the gate code by memory by this point. you had messaged Dick that you were outside and saw him in the suit he was wearing. 
“wow, you look gorgeous,” Dick whispered, taking you in. you tried to shake off the compliment but you couldn’t as both Alfred and your mom told you to hold still as they took photos. it wasn’t long after that Bruce came out, introducing himself to your mom and instantly making her swoon, “I’ll see you tonight,” she told you as she gave Dick a look, “take care of my daughter,” she stated, now more seriously. 
Dick nodded nervously as Alfred led you into the dining room where the dinner was plated and ready to eat. it didn’t feel like a date as eating with Dick was not uncommon. this time, you both were just dressed extremely fancy. 
Alfred had made you steak and the two of you basically downed it like starving caveman. you and Dick made sure that you didn’t stain yourselves as Alfred informed that the car was warmed up and ready to take you to the dance. Dick had excused himself to the bathroom as Bruce stood in front of you. 
you gulped nervously as he basically towered over you, “please continue making my son happy,” was all he said before leaving back upstairs. you didn’t even get a chance to respond as Dick walked in and basically pulled you towards the car. 
the formal was already going when the two of you arrived. you could hear the music blaring from outside and in order to get in, you had to pass the ‘paparazzi’ Gotham Academy set up. you two annoyingly took the photos that were being taken by people from the yearbook team and entered the auditorium. 
you smiled at Dick as you both found a few of your mutual friends and sat down with them. the night was one you knew you weren’t going to forget as Dick had his arm around you the entire time. you could feel him squeezing your shoulder every time he noticed someone checking you out. 
“I love this song!” you exclaimed, hearing ‘New Light’ by John Mayer playing, “wanna dance?” he asked. you instantly nodded and walked onto the dance floor. 
“Oh I want a take two. I wanna break through. I wanna know the real thing about you so I can see you in a new light.”
the two of you danced, a bit closer than you intended but not that you were complaining. 
song after song came and it wasn’t until you heard a beep going off when you realized what was happening. it was the teams communicator indicating that Kaldur wanted everyone at Mount Justice again. you sighed knowing if you didn’t answer, you’d probably get berated for skipping out. 
secondly, you had told Kaldur unless it was an emergency, not to contact you so it must’ve been urgent if he was. you stared at Dick who was standing by the table, staring at something when you realized you had to break the news to him. 
“hey Dick, there was an emergency at home and I need to leave like right now.” you felt tears pricking your eyes as you just wanted to tell the team to fuck off for ruining your night with Dick, “it’s okay! Bruce called me just now and said something happened to Alfred and I should head home,” he said. 
you sighed in relief as you told him you hoped everything with Alfred was okay and you’d see him on Monday. it now had dawned on you that your spare uniform was inside of Mount Justice and you would have no time to get the one from your house. 
the only thing you had on you was your domino mask which you knew would make due until you changed into your uniform. you found the nearest zeta tube and teleported to Mount Justice. 
your hero name rang off through the telecom, catching everyone’s attention. you had slipped on your domino mask but your worst fear thus far came true. everyone was surrounding the zeta tube which you came from and saw your hair. 
“wow, you look great,” Connor and Wally murmured to themselves. Kaldur slapped them in the head as he stared at your apologetically, “I know tonight was your night off but Rob isn’t here either and we both need you for this mission. some of the league is on their way and we need their approval before we go save the kids who are being held hostage,” Kaldur explained. 
you heard Robin’s name ring through the lair as he ran in with urgency. you looked from Kaldur and stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him. it took Robin a few seconds to look at you but when he did, it was like he saw a ghost in front of him. 
behind his sunglass and your domino mask, it was like a stare off. you felt like the wind was knocked out of you and held onto the table to catch your balance as Robin just stood in place. 
“uh is something wrong?” Wally asked seeing your reactions. both you and Robin were stunned into silence as you didn’t know what to say. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman’s name now rang through the lair as they entered the main floor. 
they couldn’t help but wonder what was going on as a thick silence was hanging in the air. both Batman and Wonder Woman immediately realized the situation and looked at each other as they put two and two together. the two of you, unintentionally revealed your identities to each other, and Batman more than Wonder Woman knew the two of you were going to be together tonight but what he didn’t expect was that the two of you were going to the lair dressed in the outfits you both wore to the dance. 
“Superman will accompany you on the trip. ( your hero name ) and Robin will stay back,” everyone looked at Batman as Wonder Woman nodded and grabbed you by the shoulder, Batman doing the same with Robin, “why? what happened?” Wally exclaimed. 
“nothing that concerns you Flash, now follow Superman’s orders,” was all Batman said before taking you two into an empty room with Diana following behind you. 
as soon as the door shut, you stared at Dick, his mask now off as you did the same. you didn’t know how to feel. your crush, your best friend, someone you loved dearly this entire time was also on the team and you had no idea what to do. 
“so, as you can see we have a situation. both of you know each others identities and it’s best we keep it between each other. she now knows my real identity and will remain the only one who does know.” 
Diana nodded, “the two of you now hold each others biggest secret and I think it’s best we both leave so you can talk it out,” she mentioned as she escorted Batman out of the room to leave you guys alone. 
Dick stared at you as he tried to read your expression, “all this time we left each other for stupid reasons, we were meeting each other again, just in our different identities?” was what he said. you nodded, “were you ever going to tell me?” you whispered. 
Dick walked up to you and held you close, “truthfully, when the time was right and with the bat’s approval, I was. everything I’ve ever said, tonight, the night we patrolled school together, everything! I meant it. you’re my best friend. you’re also someone I want to keep by my side together,” he finally confessed. 
you stared up at Dick before doing the one thing you always wanted to do. you leaned up and kissed him deeply. he was completely taken back but kissed you back. your arms wrapped his neck as he brought you in even closer. 
“wow, this was not how I expected the night to go,” you murmured against his lips, “for sure but I mean, we have the lair tonight and it’s completely empty. I want to give you that final dance of the night,” he said as he grabbed your hand and led you to the main floor again. 
you stared at Dick and took his hand as he swayed you to the song you first danced back at the formal. 
“take a ride up to Malibu, I just wanna sit and look at you, look at you. what would it matter if your friends knew? who cares what other people say anyway.”
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fandompride101 · 3 years
Saving The World
Raven's POV:
"We lost 31% of the earth's molten core, there is nothing we can do," Batman explained to Diana and Clark.
I look over to Damian, who is sitting next to me. His eyes meet mine, and I lean forward for a kiss. When our lips touched, I felt everything that I have been longing to feel for the past two years. I felt loved and no longer alone.
The flash stands up and moves over to Batman and the others. I pull apart from Damian, and we both walk over to the conversation.
"If I just make another flashpoint, we could reverse this." The flash pleads his case.
"No, that is far too dangerous." Constantine steps in. "You could just make another timeline that is ten times worse."
"I don't see any other way." The flash looks at us all. "Do any of you have a better idea?"
There was silence and all you could hear was the wind blowing past us. Soon the earth will grow cold and those who were left on it would surely die. I turn to Damian. I observed his face and I can tell he had no further plan. He looks over at me.
"What?" He whispers.
"I have too," I mumble. I stand to my feet, but Damian grabs my hand.
"What are you doing?"
"I have a plan," I say, just loud enough for the others to hear me.
"And what is it?" Constantine looks as if thinking what I was about to say wouldn't work. He could at least give me a shot.
"You're going to have to trust me." I look at each and every one of them.
Diana steps forward. "I believe in you." She put a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see her face. She nodded at me and I nodded to her.
Then I stepped away into an open area.
"Raven, wait!" Damian steps in front of me. "What are you doing?"
I put my hand on his cheek and for a second he rests his head on it, then he backs away enough to look me in the eyes. "I love you."
I kissed him, holding onto his head, wanting to forever remember this moment. I don't know if this will work, but something inside of me is calling for me to do this. A voice in my head that used to say 'destroy the world is now saying 'save it.'
One thing I have learned in the Teen Titans is that no matter the sins of people, they are all worth saving. The world is worth saving. Damian is worth saving.
I break our kiss and take one last look at him. I step back and levitate to the sky, not looking away from Damian. When I got to the highest I could go, I looked around. The world was in shambles now. Torn up and destroyed by the need for power.
I took one more look down at the people that I have grown to call my family. Clark saved me from... well me, Starfire who is like a sister to me and who guided me for many years. Dick taught me to fight and hold my ground. Damian made me feel like anything was possible. I needed to save them.
I took a deep breath.
"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal the earth. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal those that are injured. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Bring back those we have lost. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Bring those who died, back to life. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal those who have been taken for machines. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" In the name of love!
Then my world goes dark.
Damian's POV:
I looked at her. I watched as she slipped from my fingers and ascended to the sky, almost as if she was ascending to Heaven. She wasn't looking at us anymore, but to the world and the damage that was done.
I didn't know what she was doing, but I could only pray that it would work. She made it seem like goodbye, but I won't let this be the end. I didn't die and be brought back for her to die.
Father steps to my side and watches the sky along with all the others. Dick is in Kori's lap, and she is stroking his hair. The moment they saw each other, Greyson had recognized her. Father places a hand on my shoulder, bring my gaze back to the sky.
There is a flash of purple, but instead of her black raven appearing around her, she is surrounded by a white one. It was almost breathtaking to watch and I even heard a few gasps from behind me, but I didn't take my eyes away from her.
Then there was a flash of white that consumed the sky.
For a moment the world would not come into focus. All around, it looked fuzzy. And then it became clear. I looked over at Starfire and Dick, and they were hugging each other. Starfire's robotic parts were at her feet and she looked as she did two years ago. Dick stood up from the ground and they hugged. It seemed like there was no linger of the effect of the Lazerous pit.
I turned around and was shocked. Robotic pieces were on the ground as the people they belonged to embraced each other in their original forms. Diana was being helped up by Clark, and Batman stood from the ground, no longer in Dark Side's uniform. Raven did it.
I looked to the spot she last was, but she was, falling. I rushed to catch her, holding my arms out for her. She crashed on top of me. She was on my stomach. I sat up.
"Raven!" I grabbed her face and turned it towards me, but she did not move. I tested her vitals. She was weak, but she was alive.
"Raven." Kori came over and reached for Raven's arm.
"She is alive, but her pulse is weak," I say, not looking away from the girl in my lap.
Soon a crowd of people came around us. All asking different questions, like if she was okay or if she was alive. I stood up with her in my arms and turned to the crowd of people who all had worried looks. Clark tried to reach for her, but I did let her go. I was never letting her go again.
"She is alive but in need of medical attention." I turn to Father. "Father, we have to get her somewhere where she can rest." He nodded.
"Bring her to the Batcave. I will tell Alfred you are on the way." Dick came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. He put his other on her arm and checked her vitals. "She is getting stronger."
Just as he said that Raven's eyes flew open. Her amethyst eyes found mine. "Damian." Her voice was hoarse, but she smiled at me.
"Don't speak. Save your energy." I hushed her. "We will get you somewhere safe."
"Did it work?" She asked, looking around at everyone.
"According to my records our molten core is in tacts and the earth's population was restored to the number it was before Dark Side's attach." Father read off his screen. "I am not sure how you did it, but you did. Very good work, Raven." Father nodded to her.
"Zatanna?" Constantine asked.
"Constantine." Zatanna's voice called through the crowd. She stood with a portal open as other Justice League members flooded out.
Raven smiled, and then she turned to me. "I saved you twice today."
"Yes, you did."
Raven's POV:
"Raven?" A voice pulls me from my rest.
"What?" I open my eyes, confused.
"You fell asleep." Damian brushes his hand on my cheek.
"I didn't mean to," I say, trying to sit up.
"No, it's okay." He smiled and helped me up. "I was just worried for a moment. Go back to sleep. The car is here and I will take you somewhere safe." He said. I noticed that I was still in his arms.
"I can walk." I am not sure if it is true or not, but I didn't want him to know that.
"I will carry you anyways." He smiled down at me. My heartfelt warm and tingly, and honestly, I felt like I could curl up into him and sleep forever.
Damian helped me into the seat of the car, putting me in the passenger seat. Then he put the seat belt around me. I gave him a look, telling him I could have done that on my own, but he ignored it.
Damian slid into the driver's seat of the car, but his father came over before he could start the engine. "Drive her right back to the cave. I will be there when I can."
"I will, Father." Damian blew off his father's words.
His father hesitated but stepped away, and Damian started the car, and then sped off. I grabbed the handle above my head, making Damian turn to me.
"Please slow down," I begged.
Damian turned to me, and when he saw that I wasn't kidding, he slowed to almost the speed limit. "Are you alright?"
"I am really light-headed." I close my eyes, trying to focus on breathing. I turned back to look at Damian who looking worried. "But I will be fine."
He holds out his hand and I take it. I close my eyes again and take deep breaths. He squeezes my hand and says, "if you puke... you will have to clean it up." He says, making me laugh.
Back at the Batcave
Well even though the ride wasn't too terribly long, it turned out I will be known as the first person to throw up in the Batmobile. Damian started to speed a little more when I got sick, but he only made it worse.
"I am sorry," I tell him as he helps me out. "I really am."
"It was a joke, I swear. You are fine." He scoops me up into his arms and carries me away from the car.
"I'm sorry," I say as he lays me down on a bed.
"Please stop saying that. It is fine. I will clean it up, but you have to get better. Do what they tell you so you get better. Stop worrying. " He paused and looked at me. "Please."
I smile at him and reach for his face. When I touch his cheek, he smiles and leans into my touch. All of a sudden my bed becomes occupied by another guest. I sit up a bit to see Titus resting at my feet.
"Titus will stay with you and make sure you don't get out of bed." Damian nodded as if making the plan up as he went.
I didn't argue, and then Damian left to go clean up. I fell asleep with Titus' head, resting on my legs.
"What happened?" Batman came in, immediately sitting down at his computer.
I was cleaning up the Batmobile, from the earlier mess that I had made. I should not have sped so much. Then maybe she would not have gotten sick. "I was speeding to get back here, and Raven became ill," I explained.
My father turned around to look at me. "Damian, you should not have sped. She probably is tired and easily susceptible to motion sickness."
"Father, I thought it best we got here as soon as possible, but I admit it was a mistake." I bowed my head.
"So is she the one you were talking about?" He looked at me.
I stayed quiet, unsure of what he was talking about.
"When you said 'save them, save 'her' you meant Rachel Roth?" Father said, trying to piece together the puzzle.
"Father now is not the time or place to be discussing this." I pick up the rag I was using to clean the car and put them in a garbage bag I was using. I stood up and he turned back to his bat computer.
"Her vitals are returning, but she will need rest. I fear this has taken a great deal of energy." Father says as I go over to the panel on the wall and check the camera in her room. She is sleeping, but so is Titus. So much for a guard dog.
"We must give her time." I nod and turn to Father.
Raven's POV:
I woke up in the complete dark. I wasn't sure of the time, and when I pulled out my phone it was dead. Titus stirred and started towards the door. I opened it for him and followed him out. I hadn't noticed at first, but there was a sleeping body on the ground.
I knelt to his side and put a hand on his shoulder to wake him.
"Damian," I whispered.
His eyes shot open and he scanned the room. He stood up so fast that I was almost knocked over in surprise. He turned his head back and forth and soon his eyes landed on me with worry.
"What's wrong? What happened." He grabbed my arms and looked around.
"Damian." I smiled. He was so worried that it was hilarious to watch. I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. "Damian, I am fine."
He looked me over and then sighed.
"What's going on, why are you sleeping outside the door?" I reached up and put a hand to his face, gently.
"Nothing. I was just making sure you were alright." He looked at me with those emerald eyes. "Why are you up, you should be resting?"
"I wanted to get something to eat."
"Well then let us go upstairs and get you some food. What is it that you are hungry for?" He offered me his arm to take.
I took it and looked up at him. "Cereal."
"Cereal? It's almost midnight." He checked his watch and showed it to me.
"I just want cereal." I shrugged.
He sighed with a smile on his face. "Fine." He leads me up the stairs and to the kitchen area.
I sat down at the table while Damian went over to the cupboard and grabbed all the cereal brands they had. He set them down and grabbed the bowls and spoons and a gallon of milk. He set them on the table and I grabbed what I wanted. He did the same.
I took a spoon full of cereal and scooped it into my mouth and smiled at Damian.
"Cute." He said, nodding at me, and then he took a bite of his cereal.
We ate our cereal in silence, only hearing the noises of ourselves chewing. I got seconds on my bowl, while Damian stopped after one. He watched me eat for a few minutes before his gaze started to annoy me.
"I am sorry that I eat cereal in a different way." I turned to him. "I am hungry."
He chuckles and leans back into his chair. "I don't think you eat strangely, but I think it is funny to see you stuff your face." He smiles at me.
"Excuse me for using all my energy to save the world." I joke.
"You are right, you deserve to eat as much cereal as you would like." Damian bowed his head in acceptance, but when his head turned up he had an evil look in his eyes.
"Nothing." He leaned back, not losing eye contact.
"Damian, you have that look in your eye." I point at him.
"What look?" He plays innocent.
"That mischievous look that tells me you have a plan that is not going to end well." I lean back to get a better look at him.
"I have no look." He teases.
"Yes, you do," I argue.
"No..." He was about to argue when we were interrupted.
"What are you fighting over?" Bruce Wayne walked into the room. I have never seen Batman out of his bat costume and it was shocking to see him standing before us.
"Father, we are sorry if we woke you." Damian stood and took our dishes to the sink.
"I was already awake." He sat down at the table. He turned to me and asked, "How do you feel?"
"I am better." I gave a weak smile.
"That is good." He nodded. "Now what was this about a 'look'?"
Damian sat in the chair beside me. I looked at him to see if he would explain it to his father or not. When it seemed like he wasn't going to answer I turned back to Batman and explained.
"I believe your son has a look that he gives when he has a plan that he knows you won't like," I explain.
"Oh, that look." Batman nods.
I turn to Damian with a triumphant look. "See, even your father knows of this look."
Damian turned back to me with a smile. "Fine, you win." He put his hands up in surrender.
"How is everyone, Batman?" I turned to the man sitting across from us.
"Everyone has been informed of the events over the past few years and the Justice League plans to hold an official press meeting in the next day or so to go over the details." He pulled out his phone from his pocket and set it on the table. "And please, call me Bruce."
"Well Bruce," It sounds strange to say his name. "What are you going to tell them?"
He looked at me. "We are going to tell them the events of the past few years and explain the treatment, and we plan to have you there by our side. That is if you are well enough." He gestured to me.
"Why me?" I questioned.
"You are the one who saved the world." He looked to his son and then back at me. "The world has been wanting to meet you."
"I don't know." I sank into my seat a bit.
"That reminds me. Lois and Clarke are coming tomorrow to see you. I had to send them home twice while you were asleep." Bruce stood. "Raven, please feel at home here." He said before he walked out.
I turned to Damian who was looking down at the table, scowling.
"What?" He looked at me and his eyes soften.
"What is a matter?" I turn my body towards his.
"You don't have to go to the press release. I told my father that you would need more time." He shook his head.
"Damian, it is fine. If I feel up to it, I would like to go. I want to." I put a hand on his.
"Okay." He hesitated before standing. He gave me his arm and we walked the lengths of the manor together. I wasn't really sure where he was taking me until we reached a door.
"You don't need to sleep in the bat cave." He explained to me and opened the door to a bedroom "You can stay here in my room."
"Your room?"
"If you don't feel comfortable, I can sleep elsewhere." He said, allowing me to walk in.
I stepped in and Damian followed. I sat on the bed and looked at him. "You can stay here," I said, wanting for him to stay here. I almost begged him not to leave.
"Alright." He nodded. "I have some clothes you can wear."
He went over to his dresser and pulled out a hoody and basketball shorts. He handed them to me. I took them and went to the bathroom attached to the room and changed. When I got out Damian had changed into shorts and a t-shirt as well.
I slid under the covers and looked at him. He turned off the lights and made his way to the bed with only the lamp beside the bed for light.
"Good night Rachel." He said after he had turned off the lamp, leaving us in the dark.
"Good night."
Next Day
There was a knock on the door. I opened my eyes only to be flooded with light. I buried my head under the covers, blocking out the morning. The person next to me stirred and went to the door, opening it just a crack.
"Morning Master Damian." Alfred greeted behind the door. "Your father is worried that Miss Roth has run off this morning, but I have come to ask if you know where she might be."
"Alfred don't be coy." Damian shook his head. "I am sure by the tone in your voice, you know she is with me."
"I had a hunch." There was amusement in Alfred's tone. "I will inform your father that I have found Miss Roth. Please join us downstairs, we have some visitors." He said just about to close the door. "Morning Miss Roth."
Damian forcefully closed the door and grumbled back to bed. He slid under the covers and his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and took the covers off my head and wiggled around so I could see him.
"Morning," Damian grumbled into the sheets.
"I think we need to go downstairs," I say, trying to free myself from Damian's grasp.
Damian has always been stronger than me, so his hold on me was firm. He was gentle not to hurt me, but his arms were not budging. I turned back to look at him when I gave up trying to get out of his grip.
"Damian..." I warned.
"Five more minutes." He grumbled again.
"You are normally a morning person, why are you like this?" I say, trying to break free again.
"Because for the first time in two years the world is not in danger and I am in bed with you. I want to keep it that way." He growled into my ear, seductively.
This sent shivers down my spine. A smile spread across my face and I leaned back into Damian's grasp. He was right. For the first time, we have been able to be just us without the fear of the world ending or father trying to kill him.
I sighed and then broke away from his hold. I stood up and looked down at Damian who was looking up at me from the sheets of the bed. He did not seem too happy.
"Damian, once we go downstairs and make ourselves known, we can come back up here. I am hungry and want to eat before I fall back asleep." I said, pulling at his arm to get him out of bed. He didn't move.
After a moment I dropped his arm and stepped back. He grumbled "fine." And got to his feet. He went into the bathroom to change into some different clothes I did a simple spell to change close into a shirt and pants.
When Damian came out his hair was wet and he smelled like aftershave. I smiled and walked over to him. I hugged him around his chest, taking in a breath. His arms wrapped around me as he continued to pull socks out of his drawer.
When we were both done getting ready we headed out the door and right downstairs to the kitchen. Alfred was at the counter with a stack of pancakes beside him. When I stepped in closer I noticed Bruce, Clark, and Lois all setting at the table. Damian walked over to the table and sat down.
Lois looked up and her eyes brightened when she saw me. She stood to her feet and practically ran to me. She embraced me and then I hear a chair crash to the ground and Clark got in the hug.
"I am so glad you are okay," Lois said into my ear. She held me so tight it was hard to breathe.
"Raven, how are you?" Clark asked, not letting go of me or Lois.
"I am fine," I said, embracing them.
In the past two years, I have grown close to Clark and Lois. Clark saved me from making a huge mistake and ending my life and Lois and Clark took care of me when I grew sick from my father's wrath.
They had become like a family to me. It was nice to be around them again.
Lois realized me and Clark and she stood back to look me over. They looked at me with concerned eyes, but I smiled.
"I am fine," I assured them.
Lois enveloped her hand in mine and led me back to the table. She made me sit in the seat that Clark was sitting in before, but he didn't seem to mind. He went and sat beside Bruce.
"You did it," Lois whispered in my ear when she sat down.
"What?" Whispered back to her.
"You saved the world." She smiled at me proudly. "I knew from the moment Clark brought you home that you were destined for great things."
I smiled. She had told me that a lot throughout our time spent together. She and Clark believed in me when I had lost hope in myself.
Alfred brought over a plate for me and Damian, who was now seated across from me. Alfred smiled at me when he handed me the plate. I couldn't help but blush.
"Raven, are you feeling better? The past few days we have come they told us you were asleep?" Clark turned to me.
"I am better." I nod and take a bite of my pancake.
"Glad to hear." He nodded. "Has Bruce filled you in on the press conference?"
"He said that the Justice League will hold one and that they would like me there," I said after I swallowed my food.
"And do you feel up to it?" Lois asked me in a concerned tone.
"It should be fine for me to go," I answered her.
She smiled at me and grabbed my hand that was resting on the table and gave it a squeeze. I looked at her and she had nothing but love in her eyes. I looked to Clark and he was just the same.
"I don't think Bruce has told you yet, but the Teen Titans have decided to take a season off and most of them are going home to family," Lois said, making me turn back to look at her. "And I know that the only family you had here was your father, and now he is gone."
I wasn't sure where she was going with this. Lois nervously turned to Clark and when I turned to him he just nodded with a smile on his face.
"We were wondering if you would like to come home with us." Lois turned back to me.
I looked at her in shock. She wanted me to come live with them? Clark and Lois were asking me to come to stay with them for the while the Teen Titans were away.
"What?" I said, not sure I understood all of this.
"Come stay with us, Rachel," Clark said across the table.
"What do you say?" Lois said in a cheerful tone.
"I..." I didn't know what to say. I have never felt more welcome.
"Father, surely she would be better staying with us." Damian's gloomy tone made me turn to him. He was upset and glaring daggers at his father.
"If Rachel would like to go with the Kent's then she is the one to make that decision," Bruce said sternly. "But, she should stay here for a few more days while we track her vitals and such."
"So what do you say?" Lois asked again.
I looked at Clark and Lois and then at Damian. For the past two years, the Kent's have held me together and given me love that no family has ever. I knew what I was going to choose, but I only wished Damian wouldn't hate me.
"Yes," I said, turning back to Lois. "When the press conference is over, I would like to come home with you and Clark."
Damian stood up and stomped out of the room. I winced at his footsteps but I knew what I wanted to do. Damian and I are just starting something, but I knew that I wanted to be with Kent's
"When we go back to Metropolis, I would like to introduce you as my daughter," Clark spoke up.
"Your daughter?" I turned back and forth at Lois and Clark to see if this was real.
"You are family and if these past two years prove anything, it is that you are a Kent." Lois squeezed my hand again. "Even if you are not by blood, you are."
"Thank you, guys." I smiled at the two of them.
"Rachel, would you mind if Clark, Lois, and I have the room?" Bruce spoke up. "We have a few matters with the press conference that need to be finalized."
I nodded and stood up. I left the room quietly, still smiling. I couldn't believe this. I didn't think about what would happen when I woke up. Clark and Lois took care of me for all these years, and I just thought when all of this was over they would lead their own lives, but now they want me to join them? I was happily surprised.
I was walked back to Damian's room. I didn't know how I was going to explain this all to him and I knew by the way he reacted he would not be happy, but I wanted to explain this all to him.
I knocked on the door.
I knocked again and this time when nothing happened I turned the nob. Damian was sitting at his desk in his room, writing something. I walked over to him and waited for him to finish. When he set the pen down I spun his chair to look at me and sat on the bed.
"Damian, I am going." I start.
His eyes were murderous.
"I love you." I put my hand on his. "I would stay with you forever, but over the past two years... It was the Kent's that took care of me."
I let go of his hand and put it in my lap. I looked down at my hands, not wanting to face Damian.
"I wanted to die. I mean it. I wanted it to be over. If I killed myself, Father would have never been freed and you would have been safe." I toy with my hands. "And I couldn't be with you because of it."
It was hard telling Damian this. I never admitted this to anyone before.
"When Clark showed up and took me in, he and Lois gave me something that I needed. Hope." I glance up and then quickly back down. Damian was staring at me like hot lasers. "They gave me a home and made me feel loved."
They were the parents I never had.
"I am going with them because they have become my family. Like the Titans, but with a stronger bond." A tear slipped. "I love you and this doesn't mean I don't. Just because I am leaving doesn't mean I am leaving you." I looked up at him, finding my courage. "I will portal here to see you whenever, but I need to do this."
Damian was silent for a second and I let my head drop. Maybe he didn't believe me or didn't want to hear this, but it needed to be said.
I felt his hand reach my face and I looked up to him.
"I love you." He said in almost a whisper. "And though I will hate having you far away, I understand." He nodded. "But I tell you this. I will gain your love enough one day to be considered the only family you will ever need." He said in a wild tone. "And on that day, you will be my wife."
His words were wild and truthful. I knew he meant this as a promise to me and it warmed my heart. I smiled at him as he whipped a tear from my face.
"We can portal to see each other and spend the nights." He grinned at me. "But for now, if this is where you want to be, then I will not fight."
I smiled at him.
"I love you," I said, meaning it with all my heart.
"And I love you." He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.
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randomdcfangirl · 4 years
Jason x Superman's daughter!reader
Request: Hi can i request a jason todd x reader where reader is a daughter of a hero and defends jason infront of the jl by @illzarr
(A/N): You didn't specify if you wanted them to be a couple or not but I made them one, hope that's okay :) Also I made it Superman's daughter.
Tags: @redhoodieone @avengerdragoness @comic-nerd-dc
Keys: (Y/N): Your Name (Y/S/N): Your Superhero Name
Word Count: 1,381
Warning(s): Cursing, arguing, mention of child abuse, talking about Jason's death, league may be a bit rude and ignorant when it comes to Red Hood, also a bit insensitive
Being on The Watchtower wasn't something Jason liked doing, especially since he wasn't Robin anymore. As Robin it was fun and he liked it but after everything it wasn't a fun experience. Red Hood isn't seen as a hero in the hero community like he is down in Crime Alley. Moral codes got in the way of that.
How the hell Jason got (Y/N) Kent or (Y/S/N) he has no idea, no fucking clue. Why did Clark allow it you may ask? He did not, he doesn't know, good thing Jason carries Kryptonite around, he's not dying a second time to Superman.
Jason doesn't even really know why he was called to this mission, it wasn't hard and they wouldn't need backup so he was a bit on guard because of that. He was walking with his Nightwing, his brother of all people, to this meeting that Jason is pretty sure isn't a meeting. Jason's pretty sure he's getting set up but he was going with it for now, well somewhat.
"Wing, you need to tell me right now, am I getting set up?" Jason asked him.
"I'm not going to take you to get arrested, Hood. If I wanted that it would've happened a long time ago." Dick let out a laugh.
"Wow thanks, glad to know you don't want me in prison." Jason joked. "But actually, this isn't a mission is it?"
"To be honest, I wasn't told anything either. So I honestly don't know." Dick replied.
"Okay, now I know it's not a mission. They were prepared for me to ask questions so they didn't tell you anything." Jason sighed. "Guess I'm arguing with somebody today."
Dick shrugged and they continued on their way to the conference room. That conversation didn't give Jason any information at all. They arrived in the conference room a few minutes later and everyone was there, already waiting for them. There was a seat for Jason at the table between Diana and (Y/N), Jason cautiously walked up and sat in the chair while Dick walked around to sit next to Bruce and Clark.
"Now that we're all here we can get started. So, it's not really a mission." Superman said. Jason's suspicions were confirmed.
"I had a feeling, so why am I here?" Jason sighed.
"Think of this as sort of an intervention, Batman has no say in anything we've done and he cannot stop it." Diana said.
"Intervention for what?" Jason asked confused.
"Your actions as the Red Hood." Clark replied.
"If this is about killing I haven't killed anyone in the past year, bats already beat you to that "intervention" a while ago." Jason said with finger quotations.
"Not just the killing, there's a lot of younger heros that look up to you and you're too aggressive out in the field." Diana explained vaguely.
"But yes mostly the killing." Flash said.
"I didn't sign up to be a role model, that's not my fault. All I do is mind my business and do my job, I don't think that's a need for an intervention." Jason replied.
"Okay, let's talk to Jason instead of Red Hood, drop the persona." Superman said. "Clark to Jason."
"Sorry but Jason isn't any different, I think the person you're looking for died in a warehouse 8 years ago." Jason replied, Clark flinched a bit at that remark. "Just spit it the fuck out, why exactly am I here?"
"They don't like the way you act and work down in Gotham like they have any authority down there in the first place." (Y/N) said from her place next to Jason.
"(Y/N)." Clark warned.
"No, all you guys ever do when he's here is criticize like you have authority over him. Well guess fucking what, you don't. He's a grown man who can make his own decisions and you're not his family. Maybe you were considered so at one point but in my opinion you lost that privilege a long time ago!" She exclaimed to all of them.
"(Y/N) you don't hav-." Jason started but she cut him off standing out of her chair.
"No! I do! I'm sick of all of you trying to change who the Red Hood is! Just because he has a different moral code? Also did you know that he's never once killed an innocent person? Did you know Red Hood has only ever killed murderers, rapists, child molesters, because I don't know about you but those people don't deserve to be breathing in my opinion anyway." She said darkly then turned to Jason and talked softly. "They brought you up here because Joker is dead but they wanted to know if you did it or not. They wanted to see if they could make you say it without straight out asking you."
"He's dead? When? Who?" Jason asked quietly in shock.
"We were hoping you knew." Green Lantern said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.
"If I was never stopped he would've been dead a long time ago. But no I didn't kill him, I wish I did but nope." Jason was keeping himself composed from the shock.
"Okay, he didn't kill him, like I told you many times. But you wanted to know how I knew so you know what I'll tell you. I was with him for the past 2 weeks every single night and day. He's my boyfriend and he's the most kind hearted, hard working, strongest and intelligent man I've ever met. I've never been treated with such respect and love so I'm not going to sit here and let you tear him a part in lectures anymore. He does too much good down in Crime Alley to deserve it." She said strongly to everyone in the room. Bruce sent her a nod because he's glad Jason has her.
"Oh really, what good has he done?" Green Arrow said.
"When was the last time you guys gave out food to street kids or an orphanage? How many of you guys help kids with homework or the kids who have to cover bruises on their arms or legs while at school? When was the last time you gave a sexual assault victim peace of mind knowing their attacker can't hurt them anymore? When was the last time you worked your asses off every single night to bring kidnapped children home from a trafficking ring? Probably never for most of you but Jason does it every single day while dealing with his own demons up in his mind because guess what he's gone through literal hell and back and that shit ain't easy!" She exclaimed more. "C'mon babe, you have no reason to be up here. Let's go home."
She grabbed his hand after they both stood up and they walked out of the room. They left everyone in the room including her father who didn't know what to think.
"That's three bats now somehow involved with my family." Clark sighed.
"It's not fun from my side either, Clark." Bruce replied standing up. "Also don't ever call a meeting to do with any of my children again. Especially not Jason, he deals with enough already and you have no authority over Gotham so your input on my city is not accepted. Leave my family and my city out of League business, this meeting is over."
Batman is scary but Batdad is scarier.
When Jason and (Y/N) got to his apartment they changed out of their gear and into sweats and comfy clothes.
"You didn't have to do that you know." Jason said wrapping his arms around her from behind while in their bedroom looking out the window.
"I did, I know you won't defend yourself with actual facts and would likely turn to anger to protect yourself so as your girlfriend I decided I'd take it upon myself to protect you the way you try to protect me, even though I'm Kryptonian." She replied. Jason huffed a laugh because he does do that even though she doesn't need it.
"I love you." Jason told her kissing the side of her head.
"I love you too." She replied and turned to give him a real kiss.
They'd deal with Superman later.
Hi, I haven't wrote is fic in a long time but here this is. I'm still doing the Jason x Bermudian!reader I'm sorry that's taking so long. But I love you guys and hopefully I'll be more active on here :) <3 (Also I couldn't think of a title lol)
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
The Witch
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I stood leant on the balcony looking out across the city, watching the villages on the other side of the mountain… they were burning, the smoke rising high into the sky, the flames illuminating the stars, we had sent a legion but they had been slaughtered along with the hundreds of men, women and children defenceless and slaughtered. My advisors were idiots, my staff useless. I feared for those in the city and the palace, the hundreds and thousands here that would die if our walls were to be breached. 
I knew what had to be done, but I was fearful to do it. 
"Romulus My king, please, you must reconsider" my father said as we walked down the hallowed palace halls
"Reconsider? What other hope have I got?"
"Our walls with prevail the legions will destroy them before they step foot into the city"
"Yeah we send one to protect the villages… how well did that go"
"Those were rural mountain villages, now where near the strength or security of the city”
“And what happens if they do get through the wall?”
“The army will-”
“What happens. If they get though?”
“If they get though” He says “The moment one of the barbarian men steps foot in on the city stone, We will have you halfway to britannia” 
“So, you want me to run off to Britannia with my tail between my legs? While my people die for me? While they suffer under a barbarian ruler? While children are tortured? While women are raped in the streets? Men forced into amries? While I hide myself away in Britannia hiding away in some dirty, muddy, tiny little hole while he destroys everything my ancestors have built?” 
“Why not come sit in with the senet we will discuss the attack and matters” “The senet is a bunch of men sitting around with titles from a hundred years ago. What is that going to help?”
“They know the city better than anyone” “The beggars in the street know the city better the senet never leaves the palace” I sighed
“Then why not go to the vestals? They always have good advice for the kings”
“Ohh so you want me to go sit around with a bunch of honry old virgins? And philosophers who cut their dicks off?” 
“Then go to the library and discuss with the Philosophers?”
“Ohh please, Unless I’m a new constellation, some old books or a cannabis bath they couldn’t give less of a shit” I sighed 
“Then go to the temple my king, discuss with the gods. Think things over in their presence” He says “Speak with Minerva, Take council with Mars,”
“I’m going to the temple… just not theres” 
“I still do not advise it my king” 
“Well that's all it is. Advice” I said “I’m going to see her” 
“You know the sort of things people…. Will say they see you going there?”
“I know. But I need power… and wisdom. Older, Stronger than the twelve”
I could feel my fear, thick inside my heart, getting heavier, harder, Like… I wanted to run away with every step I took closer, my escort followed me as did two slaves heading though the city past people all adoring but even the people had fear knowing the trouble coming and some knowing… where I was going. I walked the walk of gods where the temples all sat, I past Vesta and Vulcan, Past ceres and Minerva, Past Apollo and Diana, Past Venus, Past Neptune, Past mercury and mars, Past Pulto, Past juno and Jupiter… but I stopped a moment and nodded to the female slave who carried the offerings she nodded and took some of the flowers to juno and jupiter's statues as I felt there eyes watched me. Once she came back I continued until reaching the end of the road where the temple of Luna sat. 
I went inside the empty temple, the black stone mosaic floor clean and the roof open to allow in the sun but at the right times the moon. I went to the statue and left all the flowers there and I saw the door at the side
“Stay here, I need to see her alone” I said. They nodded so I headed to the door and down the stone steps deeper below the temple. Each stone step was dusty, and felt Ill trodden. 
I got to the chamber firelight cascading across the room and a woman in black knelt on the stone. 
“Greetings My king” she said
“Greetings Lady of the Moon” I said 
“What is it you seak?”
“You know what I seak”
She stopped and turned to me pulling the hood of her dress down revealing her shock white hair 
“You seak her?”
“I do.”
“You know what darkness lurks there?”
“I do. Please…. I need her.”
“I can send you there… but I cannot be held accountable for if you return”
“I know that. But I must see her” 
"....very well. You know where she is"
"Thank you" I nodded hurrying out the temple.
I stood changing my clothes to look plain so I could walk freely wrapping a brown cloak around me, 
"Please let someone accompany you"
"No. I don't wanna scare her. I take an army boy she'll think I'm arresting her, besides I need to be quiet, quick and unnoticed. She already knows I'm coming if she's going to hurt me there is little we can do about it" 
"My king… as one of your oldest and most trusted advisors make I speak plainly"
"I think you are betraying the gods. Your people. And your ansestors. Romulus… I have severed your family my whole life, served your father and mother while you rested in her womb and I have seved you every day you have been king… I beg of you. Do not go to her"
"I must. And honestly…" I said "I want to see her"
"Very well my king" he nods 
I took my things and scurried out the palace like a theif, sneaking thought the city as best I could trying not to draw attention to myself keeping my hood up so people didn't see who I was, I got to the city gate out to the woods seeing travelers coming in to find rooms for the night, women coming in from walks in the woods with there baskets, traders headed in and out but I walked straight out.
I felt so strange but I kept walking deeper and deeper into the woods, walking the pathway between the trees and animal burrows flowing the trail of lavender flowers that grow along the walk, there purple glow in the setting sun leading me to her.
I stopped, as I arrived.
The smell of grass, lavender and smoke filled my sinuses.
The sound of music from within, the wind in the tree's like voices, the movements of the branches and grass all seemed muted here.
I could feel grass and small sticks under my feet.
As I looked apon the house.
It was a small thached cottage with firelight beyond the windows, smoke coming from the chimneys, a wooden fence around the garden where herbs and flowers grew a gate in the fence sat close to me open already, beside the gate was a little apothecary shelf with a few bottles of things.
I stepped inside the gate shutting it behind me pulling down my hood stepping in the stone wedged into the dirt to avoid touching any plants I went to the blue door tapping three times. 
The door creaked open, I exhaled to calm me down before stepping inside, I shut the door behind me looking at the cottage, it was dark the fire going yet it did illuminate much, herbs sat on windowsills and tools in tables, a bed by the side with gosomer red and purple curtains and sheets with lots of pillows, symbols carved into anything wood or stone, the smell of something sweet over the fire and I saw her across the room sat surrounded by candles in her black dress she faced away from me her hair tightly wound around her head, working one something at her desk, lightly humming as she did. 
I stood a moment just listening to her hum, to the fire crack all of it muffled by the sound of my own heart beating in my ears.
"I-" I began
"Romulus Augustus, king of rome, second if his name right, blood of Cesar, the boy king" she says "good evening"
"Good evening miss."
"You don't have to you know"
"Don't have to what?" I asked 
"Go see her. If you would like to come see me romulus you have only to come see me" she says mixing potions
"I like to, so you know I'm coming"
"I always know when your coming" she giggled 
"I know you do. But still"
"I know why your here"
"I don't doubt you do." I said "you know everything else"
"Not everything"
"Almost everything"
"You know I can't romulus. It's not fair"
"How is it not? He believes himself a god carries dark magic with him it's only leveling the battle field"
"And I'm sure he'd say the same if he found out you had first" 
"Y/n. Please"
"My magic isn't strong enough for that romulus"
"Isn't strong enough? I've seen the power you have…" I said going over to her wrapping my arms around her neck and kissing her hair "I know you can. Please… thousands in the city will die if you don't"
"And thousands of them will die if I do" she says turning to face me going to get up and walk somewhere else but I held her hand 
"If your alligence to me? Or to him?"
"Neither of you" she says "I don't fight. For either side" she says moving away to go to the fire
"You've seen what will happen if you don't? Haven't you?"
"I have"
"Tell me"
"No. Knowone should know there-"
"Tell me!" I snapped "by order of the king you will tell me"
"I…. Romulus I can't" she said holding back tears I went over and pulled her to my chest kissing her hair 
"I'll die. Won't I?"
She nods 
"And if you do?"
"Then he dies"
"Y/n… I know that can't be easy. But would you listen anyway?"
"Okay" she nods 
"If you help me, I can give you anything, you'll save thousands of men, women and children in the city, save generations of art, books, sculptures that you'll know he'll destroy if he can and… and I'll owe you my life. And anything I have the power to give you I will. Land, a title, servents, a castle, whatever you want in this world I will do it for you, if you just do this...for me" 
"Romulus, he's my father" she says 
"He abused you, abandoned you, murdered your mother, I know he's your father but he has never once treated you like his daughter," I explain "atleast I wouldn't hurt you, I care about you… my little witch" I smiled caressing her cheek 
"Romulus, you know I can't" she says pushing me away and going back to her work 
"So you'll let me die?" I asked she didn't answer "... I thought you loved me?"
"I do"
"You love me? Your the only one who can help and your going to let me die?" 
"Romulus! I can't"
"Why not?" I asked her "give me one good reason why you can't?" She didn't answer just sitting there staring at the fire "well?"
"Relax. I already did" she smiled 
"Seriously romulus I did it hours ago. Before you even left home"
"... You evil little thing! You really had be going there didn't you!"
"It's fun" she giggled 
"What do you need for doing it?" I asked 
"The usual" 
"Alright" I smiled getting the coins out my bag and the little bag of treats from the palace kitchens 
"Thank you" she giggled taking the to put them elsewhere in her house 
"Your welcome my little witch. Thank you for doing so"
"I have to take care of you" she smiled "speaking of which?"
"Is it that time again already?"
"Alright," I smirked slipping off my cloak and my bag leaving them by the door I went over to the bed perching myself on the edge leaning in my elbows as she came over and began untieing my pants hooking her finger into each loop of the string pulling hard and so each loop and knot undid until they where completely untied she pulled them down enough that my cock jumped free excited to see her, I bit my lip hard watching her undo the small leather corset around her waist letting it drop to the floor which allowed her dress that noticably wasn't tied together in the centre as it should have been, she took each side and pulled it off letting it pool in the floor around her leaving her completely naked. I tried not to moan just looking at that beautiful body. She let her hair down completely and pushed me back in the bed I smirked back and moved to be laid in her bed as she crawled ontop of me sitting so my cock nuzzled between the lips of her pussy. I went to touch her breasts but she slapped my hands away 
"You know the rules" she says 
"I know" I blushed "I pledge my heart, my soul and my body, willingly and ...excited" 
"I pledge my heart, my body, and my soul willingly" she giggled before she lent down and kissed me, those lips as soft and sweet as last I was here. I kissed back eagerly as I felt her undoing my shirt so I took over and pulled it off throwing it off the bed she smirked sitting up and next I knew I was inside her 
"Uughhh y/n!" I groaned grabbing her hips feeling how warm and soft she was around me 
She gasped as she reached the hilt and moved over grabbing something from her table as she did the way she leant her breasts where in my face so I smirked nuzzling with them and giving them kisses 
"Romulus!" She giggled pushing me away 
"Aww come on! You can't wave them in my face and not expect me to give them a kiss" I smirked 
“Dirty boy” she smirked holding her knife she cut her hand she offered the knife so I let her cut my hand and I took her hand tightly feeling my heart beating out of my chest as she began to move … 
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Now, a proper introduction to this story:
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“I do not see why we all had to come,” Damian groused, hands shoved into his pockets. Bruce had decided to set up a new branch of Wayne Enterprises in Paris, and apparently that required him and all his sons to come with him on a weeklong trip to scout out the perfect location from a set of possibilities and start networking. Selina and the girls had decided to allow all the boys the much needed vacation, taking over Gotham-sitting in their absence. There were the Zeta Tubes in Paris if all else failed anyway.
(The girls only made this deal with the agreement that they would get their own, twice as long vacation to some tropical island once they got back).
Bruce straightened out his suit. “This trip serves two purposes at once, Damian,” he started to tell his youngest in what all his sons dubbed the Lecture Voice. “Obviously, the public reason is setting up WE’s new headquarters here. The real reason, however, is that Diana is bad at keeping secrets for long periods of time.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Jason asked, hands shoved in his jean pockets as he still had absolutely no idea how he managed to get roped into this shit. He didn’t want to be in Paris, let alone on a trip alone with his ‘family.’
Bruce hummed for a moment, looking around to make sure nobody was listening to the foreigners speaking in soft English. Nobody was. They continued walking down the street, but Bruce was careful to keep his voice low regardless. “Clark mentioned something about Lois wanting to visit a reporter friend of hers here in Paris, and Diana immediately changed the subject. What with her having worked at the Louvre in the past, Clark had wanted her feedback on the best places to take Lois to eat. Diana nearly exploded from how badly she was trying to steer the conversation as far away from Paris as possible.”
“You think she’s hiding something from the League?” Tim asked, eyebrows furrowed. He was the least upset about this whole thing, since he would have been forced to come on the trip anyway as WE’s COO. “That doesn’t seem like her thing.”
“It isn’t,” Bruce agreed. “Unless she felt honor bound to keep a secret. And if Diana of all people feels honor bound to keep a secret…”
“Then it’s big,” Dick finished with a nod. “She probably has a contact or friend here who convinced her to keep something away from the League. So you brought us all here to figure it out, then?”
“I had Barbara look into things on the Computer, but she didn’t turn up as much as we expected. Apparently something is messing with the electronic signals leaving Paris, hardly any information leaves this city on any electronic waves at all unless it’s specifically meant to, like business emails or political business. Local shows and news, any small time websites or blogs, all of those sorts of things are suddenly mysteriously inaccessible anywhere outside of city limits. Even social media posts.”
Tim frowned. That wasn’t… good.
Their conversation was interrupted by an explosion, followed by the collapse of the Eiffel Tower and the ringing of alarm bells.
The group of civilian-dressed heroes tensed, looking around to see that the majority of locals seemed rather calm about the whole thing. They were brisk and efficient in evacuating, but not overly panicked. Bruce decided that was a good enough reason to tap a native’s shoulder and ask what was going on. Luckily, he and all his sons were fluent in French so none of them would be left confused.
The citizen they had pulled aside, a blond that Bruce belatedly realized was the mayor’s daughter, blinked up at them as if surprised to be interrupted. Then realization came over her face, making her relax slightly.
“Oh! You are the Waynes, correct? Daddy told me you all would be visiting from Gotham this week,” she turned her head over her shoulder to survey the chaos around them. “This is an Akuma attack. It’s the result of Paris’s own resident nut job super villain. Since you will all be here for the next few days, it’s important for you to know,” she put her hands on her hips and stared the group down as if all of them weren’t half a foot taller than her and much more well built, and ignoring the fact that everyone else around them was fleeing to safety. “Keep your emotions in check. HawkMoth, the villain behind this whole disaster, takes advantage of people’s negative emotions to turn them into temporary super powered villains called Akumas. If you get too angry or sad or even scared, you’re vulnerable to him.”
“Attacks like this happen almost every day, at this point. It’s been going on for three years now. But you shouldn’t have to worry— right on time,” Chloè Bourgeois suddenly smiled smugly as a red and black figure could be seen running across rooftops in a blur. “That’s our primary superhero, Ladybug. Her partner Chat Noir shouldn’t be far behind. As long as we go to a shelter, everything should be fine. The closest one is this way,” she told them, starting to lead the group away.
“Are you not at all worried about the Eiffel Tower?” Dick asked, disbelief clear in his tone even as he and his family followed the teenager. “Isn’t that a massive source of tourism for this place?”
Chloè snorted, waving her hand dismissively. “Please. The Eiffel Tower gets destroyed every Tuesday, practically. The news station gets ransacked almost every Thursday, and for some reason the Louvre only gets attacked every other Saturday or so. The Seine gets decent action too. Everything will go back to normal as soon as the Akuma is defeated.”
“Normal?” Jason interjected, eyebrows furrowed. “How can the Eiffel Tower suddenly come back from being rubble?”
Chloé laughed, very out of place considering the emptying streets. “That’s because of Ladybug. Her power reverses all the damage from an Akuma attack, as if it never happened in the first place. If we’re caught outside and flattened by a thrown car or giant falling rock? Poof, brought back to life without any injuries once Ladybug beats the Akuma. Drown during an attack? Poof, brought back. Beheaded by a maniac Akuma after revenge? Poof, head back on,” the heiress explained rather crassly.
Her examples were making the men behind her grimmer and grimmer. They came to the girl far too easily to just be made up scenarios.
“Watch out!” An unfamiliar voice called out, a red figure suddenly landing right in front of them before a resounding explosion rocked the whole street. Chloé shrieked, covering her head with her hands. The Waynes braced themselves and did their best to stay upright, getting right back up as quickly as possible when that failed.
When the dust cleared, it revealed the woman they had briefly caught a glimpse at before. Ladybug. True to form, she was dressed in red with black spots, though it looked as if her skin tight uniform wouldn’t offer much protection. In front of her was a slightly transparent pink shield which—oh. Nope. That was a shield she made by swinging a yo-yo.
An honest-to-Batman YO-YO was her main weapon, and it apparently could create magical shields to deflect explosives.
“Chloe! What have I told you about getting to a shelter as soon as possible?” The heroine shouted at the blonde heiress, who just pointed at the men she had been leading.
“I was! But I ran into tourists who had no idea what to do, I was trying to get all of us to a shelter!” The blond defended herself, before her eyes widened and her pointing finger moved. “Behind you!”
Ladybug turned a bit, but didn’t seem surprised at all when a black blur came out of seemingly nowhere and knocked into the floating villain dressed in gaudy oranges and yellows, knocking the Akuma’s aim off track. The explosion that the villain had meant for Ladybug and the civilians she was protecting hit the side of the road instead, hurting nothing but concrete.
“You were almost late, Chaton,” Ladybug called to the figure dressed in black, her voice teasing and eyes amused. The figure batted the Akuma away on buy time before jogging over, revealing a blond boy in a distressingly leather costume that was far too similar to Catwoman’s for any of the Gotham males to be comfortable with.
“Not my fault you took off ahead of me, Milady!” He shot right back, just as teasingly.
“Graaaaaah!” The Akuma, Explosion, pushed himself back up to his feet and glared at the heroes. “Die, die, die! You want to laugh at me, you want to say how I’ve ‘blown up,’ I’ll blow YOU up! See how you like it!”
“Their dialogue never gets any better,” Chaton, who the Gotham boys guessed was the Chat Noir that Chloé has mentioned, quipped as he spun a bo staff in his hands lazily. “Milady?”
Ladybug nodded. “The Akuma is in their belt. We’re gonna have to get up close for this one,” she remarked, getting her yo-yo ready to call on Lucky Charm. But, before she got a chance to, a blur ran out from behind her and tackled the super villain. “No!”
Ladybug immediately ran over, not caring that the green eyed boy was an amazing fighter and managed to grapple the Akuma to the ground in seconds. Power flowed into the Akuma’s gloved hands, and Ladybug was barely able to pull the civilian away before he got blasted.
“Don’t tackle a magically powered villain, what are you thinking?!” She yelled at him, grabbing the boy into a princess hold and jumping back as Explosion tried to hit them. She ignored the boy’s protests and attempts to escape her grip, dodging around every punch and kick. Her eyes strayed to the side, and the heroine suddenly smirked.
“Chat noir! Now!”
Her partner lunged, using Explosion’s distraction to use Cataclysm on the guy’s belt. Ladybug released Damian’s legs so she could purify the butterfly, one-handedly swinging her yo-yo with barely any effort. After a few seconds the cure was cast, and the damage reversed. The red clad heroine looked over at her partner and Chloé, her mouth straightening into a frown.
“Chloé, can you get the victim to calm down and try to sort out the whole issue surrounding the video that was posted without his consent? Chat, go ahead and go. I got this sorted out.”
Ladybug didn’t wait for a response, turning her head to lock gazes with Bruce, who was clearly the oldest of her group of tourists and the one in charge. “Follow me, monsieur,” she said curtly, turning and half-dragging Damian with her by the arm. She waited until they reached an alleyway that would keep any of them from being easily noticed. She didn’t want anyone to catch this confrontation on camera.
“I understand you are new to Paris,” she said softly, her voice hard as she released her hold on the teen and swept her eyes over everyone he was with. “But this is not a game. You do not tackle an Akuma unless you have a nearly indestructible suit on and the powers to combat one, do you understand me?”
“I thought you could bring the dead back to life?” Another male said, his blue eyes sharp her his fluffy black hair. “Tim Drake, by the way.”
Ladybug nodded. “I can. But that doesn’t mean I want anyone injured or dead if I can help it. X-rays have shown that even the Cure leaves a few residual marks. If someone drowns and is brought back, their lungs are weaker than before. If someone was smashed by rubble, their x-rays show evidence of the breaks even if they are healed far better than normal time and medical procedures can accomplish. Phantom pains, aches, the damage done by death doesn’t go away just because magic fixed it. Little things remain, even if your memory of the death doesn’t,” she explained sharply. She turned to the green-eyed boy again, making mutual eye contact for the first time.
“Paris is my city. I don’t care how good you are at fighting, you cannot run into a battle like that again. I asked for heroes and vigilantes to be distracted or entirely sent away from coming here to avoid this exact situation and having to fight Akumas I might not be able to handle, and I am not above using my influence to get you deported for the same reasons. Am I understood?”
The boy opened his mouth, but couldn’t get a word out before him and Ladybug’s worlds shifted. Their eye contact sparked something, sending electricity through their bodies and making both of them blink and gasp.
Their point of view was cut in half. Damian found himself staring at Ladybug, but he could also see what could only be Ladybug’s point of view as she stared right back at him.
He raised one eyebrow slowly. Figures his soulmate would be a hero. He couldn’t see how a relationship with a civilian would work for him, though he hardly gave thought to relationships in general. From both her lecture and the way she handled the fight, he knew her to be experienced and professional. The way she held herself alone was enough to garner a spark of respect from him. The fact that the Wayne name didn’t seem to mean much of anything to her also helped.
And not just anybody could grab hold of him that easily and tote him around as he tried to escape their grip.
With a smirk, he held out his hand. Ladybug clearly had no idea that he was a vigilante as well, and he was going to have fun with that.
“My name is Damian Wayne, and apparently Paris is going to become an important city for me as well if you’re my soulmate. I promise not to interfere without your permission from here on.”
Ladybug just swallowed, her eyes wide and… scared? She took a deep breath, closing her eyes.
If she didn’t already know that running away would mean he would find out her identity, she would have. But since they could see from each other’s point of view, that was not a good idea.
A few beeps sounded from her earrings, making Ladybug bite her lip.
“Okay. Here’s what’s gonna happen,” she said, ignoring the incredulous stares they were getting from Damian’s family. “I’m gonna go on the other side of this door,” she pointed to the door that she knew was unlocked and a safe place to detransform. “And then we are going to meditate until we can find a way to undo… this,” she gestured to her eyes, indicating the point of view issue.
“And then we can meet on the rooftops tonight, right?” Damian tried, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Ladybug glared at him, knowing what he was doing. He could obviously read that she was going to run away the moment she got the chance, her concern over her identity overruling her desire to know her soulmate. He was trying to make sure she didn’t.
“Fine,” she bit out reluctantly, opening the door in the alleyway and entering the fire exit it led to. She shut the door, allowing herself to detransform. Tikki remained dutifully out of eyeshot. “Meditate. Now,” she barked to the other side of the door.
Kwami, what is my luck?
“I hate you so much,” Marinette growled, pouting as she buried her face into Damian’s shoulder. Her boyfriend, her soulmate, just chuckled as he returned her hug. “You were Robin this whole time?”
“Yes, Habibiti,” he said with amusement lacing his tone. It had taken two months and a Wayne-funded weekend trip to Gotham City (for only Marinette) for the girl to put together her boyfriend’s identity.
He had figured out her’s after two weeks.
“In my defense, I didn’t meet Robin until last night and I figured out it was you as soon as I got some sleep,” she defended herself.
“Maybe you would have put it together immediately if you hadn’t stayed up for the past thirty-six hours on a commission,” Damian gently scolded, earning a snort from his girlfriend.
“I’ll sleep when I die. Speaking of die. You owe me a lot of fabric and good food to apologize for keeping this secret before I kill you. I know you only did it to mess with me.”
Damian just laughed, unrepentant. It was true.
“I’ll ask Pennyworth to make your favorites.”
“You better.”
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
For Wandering Dreamers (Bonus Story & Not Technically Part of the Series Just Same Universe It’ll Make Sense)
Synopsis: You had a chance to watch Spoilers for Justice League Dark Apokolips War and it ended it angst and fluff
Notes: This is taken from the same concept as my For Wandering Dreamers series and is just what would happen if you watched the movie in that set universe since you still have access to your old phone. This is also a bit angsty at the beginning and fluff at the end.
Warnings: Spoilers for Justice League Dark Apokolips War, language
Word Count: 1770
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You were sitting on your bed in Wayne Manor, phone in hand, now connected to your computer. It was the release day of the new movie back home where you were from and you were pumped for the movie. The only issue for you was seeing Damian and Raven together on screen what with you dating him and all. It was a bit weird but you weren’t going to let that stop you from watching the movie.
           Damian was going out for patrol and had just left. You didn’t really know how violent this movie would be but there were rumors that it would be pretty hardcore. It was just a movie though, and you were sure to teleport into a universe that wasn’t as... doomed as Flashpoint.
           Damian walked out of the room after one last kiss before you started up the movie and sat back to embark on whatever was supposed to happen. You watched as the movie started getting kind of intense.
           “A bit early dontcha think DC?” You muttered arms crossed.
           The film continued and eventually you stumbled across some of the bloodiest and most violent scenes that you’d ever witnessed. Would it have kind of messed you up watching it without knowing that this stuff was real? Yes. But now, knowing that this thing really happened, it hurts in a new kind of way.
           You watched as your favorite heroes died one by one. It was the most antagonizing thing that you’d ever seen in so long. Babs, eaten alive, Hawkman having his wings ripped off, it was like watching everyone that had raised you as a kid be killed off one by one. It broke you seeing what happened to the heroes as the casualties started sky rocketing. What really made you sick was the Titans dying.
           Star was split in half, her blood everywhere and spine showing through, Conner’s neck was snapped and then you saw it, Dick being stabbed to death. The sound made you feel queasy you felt sick to your stomach and then your heart dropped when the parademon saw Damian. You felt tears well in your eyes on anticipation only breathing when he was just knocked into the water seeing as there was a chance of his survival.
           It was hard going on, but know you were glued to the screen watching in anticipation of what was to happen. Eventually after sticking your nose up to what you knew as the DamiRae parts of the movie in jealousy, you got to one of the last battles. It was Damian vs Bruce and you knew it was not going to be pretty. If there was anything that you would never show him besides this entire movie, it was going to be this part and you knew it. You grimaced at the words that Bruce said. They echoed in your mind, his voice sticking there for a few seconds.                  “Your mother mentally broke me.” He continued, “You’re a burden.”
           “Damn B, I know you’re brainwashed and crap but what happened to Batdad?” You said getting a bit mad at the dialogue.
           After a little while, you watched in absolute horror as Damian jumped in front of Bruce. You were at a loss of words watching him shrivel into what looked like an ancient version of himself. Words clumped into the back of your throat as you started to cry hearing Raven screaming and then the climax of the movie hitting. It was terrible seeing him like that. You didn’t stop crying when he was revived either, you didn’t stop until the end of the movie where finally you went to the bathroom for a second.
           Damian wasn’t due to be home for a bit. It was an amazing movie, but seriously? You thought you’d be sick seeing the outcomes of Dick and everyone else. Yes, Flash would hopefully fix everything running into the Speed Force, but it costed everything. You went to the shelf in your bedroom, grabbing your character guide to flip through it. Tears only really came for those with the worst deaths. You didn’t know what happened to some of the characters but you were sure it either wasn’t good, or they weren’t in the movie at all. It was weird seeing everyone in this light and really didn’t affect you too terribly until you thought of Diana. She was the mother you never had and your childhood hero. Watching her become this cyborg version of herself, losing everything was something you didn’t take well.
           You flipped the page to her four pages and cried looking down at the now broken hero, seeing her in a whole new way of defeat and near death. You didn’t realize how much time had passed when you got a knock on the door and a voice that was certainly Damian’s.
           “Beloved?” He asked before you said he could come in, “Are you alrig-“
           Damian stopped dead in his tracks looking at your tear stained face with much concern and then saw the book open in your hands and the black screen of your laptop, it turning off automatically.
           “What happened?” He asked scooping you into his arms and sitting on your bed.
           “E-everyone d-died.” You choked up, “A-and Diana, she, I just, she was completely broken." “Y-you...” You trailed off not wanting to continue, the look on your face being very evident too Damian that that was the case.
           “Y/N, it doesn’t happen here, you know that. It was you who told me that this kind of thing would have already happened since it just got made into a movie.” Damian said, “Everyone is fine.” “I’m fine, I’m here with you, and you’re fine.”
           You looked up at him and shut the book before deleting the file of the movie, “Do not go watching that Damian.”
           “I won’t beloved, you have my word.” Damian promised tucking you two in and shutting off the lamp, “Remember, I’ll always be right here with you. I love you.”
           “I love you too.” You said not falling asleep as quickly as typical.
           It was a few hours later when a dream came on about the movie. You were there in some kind of clear box watching from afar. Damian was bleeding looking up at Bruce before it forwarded more and you saw the league in ruins once more. Damian was strapped into a machine and you were trying to get to him. There was no use in this however. He looked at you and pleaded for help before suddenly, without a moment’s notice, he shriveled into the grey corpse you had seen him in previously.
           “Y/N! Beloved wake up!” Damian was shaking you awake gently before you shot up, sweat covering your face and tears starting to stream down your face as you latched onto Damian, his arms wrapping around you tightly.
           “You’re okay Y/N, it was just a dream.” Damian said tenderly.
           “Please don’t stop talking.” You whimpered feeling him start to trace patterns ono your back as he started talking again, his hot breath dancing on your shoulder.
           “My love, when we first met I couldn’t believe that you were from a different universe.” Damian chuckled some, “To think you were so accustomed to Gotham and fought that man with such pride, I could have thought you had lived here your entire life. After I- you took me back to the cave, I thought you would have demanded to become a vigilante along with the rest of us.”  “I’m glad that you didn’t, it makes me feel better knowing that you’re safe but can also handle yourself at any given time. I’m so sorry that you had to see what you did in this kind of context.”
           His touch became still on your back before he took a long, drawn out sigh as if he was thinking about what he was going to say, “I love you like I love the stars, they are a small light of mystery and beauty in this world.” He smiled some kissing your shoulder.
           “I love you like the ocean, your thoughts and it infinitely deep and everchanging.” He kissed your other shoulder.
           “I love you like I love stories, complex and an escape from reality.” He kissed your jaw.    
           “You are my sun, the light of my life.” He kissed your other cheek”
           “You’re my rest and comfort” He kissed the tip of your nose, “My first love, not just a meaningless relationship.” He kissed your forehead, “My eyes, seeing the beauty in the world.” He then kissed your eye and smiled as you grinned some, “You are my beauty, something that I adore every day.” He lightly kissed your other eye.
           “But most importantly,” Damian paused as you opened your eyes some, “You are my last love, my beloved, and my entire world.” This time he pulled you in for a real kiss, something that felt like it lasted for days or even centuries.
           “I love you Damian.” You smiled as he fell back onto the pillow, taking you down with him and holding you closely still to his chest as you literally laid on top of him.
           “I love you Y/N.” He smiled running his fingers through your hair and fell asleep quickly after you did.
           You awoke from your sleep, light pouring into the bedroom.
           “Good morning beloved.” You heard Damian mutter, a smile in his voice now with an accent.
           “Good morning Dami.” You replied yawning some.
           “Did you sleep well after everything?” He questioned running his fingers through your hair.
           “I did, thank you.” You laughed, “That is the last time I watch that movie.”
           “I’m glad you’re doing better, it sounded like a terrible thing to see what with now knowing it’s relevancy.” He explained, an arm still wrapped tightly around your waste as he sat up.
           You laid in his lap before sitting up, facing him. You were straddling him, your feet pressing against his hips but only because you had socks on. He kissed you lightly smiling into it. You laid your head on his chest and sighed.
           “Last night felt like a fever dream.” He chuckled at your comment.
           “I assure you beloved, it was not a dream.” Damian said, “The good parts especially weren’t.”
           “I’m glad for that.” You smiled, “Anyways, we should probably get breakfast now.”
           “But what if we stayed in bed?” He asked.
           “What if we quickly ate something and had a relaxing weekend?” You asked.
           “That sounds wonderful.” Damian said as you guys got up to head downstairs and start your weekend.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
Is there any chance of you continuing the jason shagged the JL fic but with the titans or batfamily finding out? Like maybe Jason heads to the manor straight after and can't stop laughing (B is still talking cough *yelling* cough at his coworkers) and all the other bats are there for breakfast and Dick just innocently asks what ls so funny. Jason answer ls cause he assumes a. They know and b. It isn't a big deal. Que drama!
Oh sure. Why not 😉
The zeta alert sounds throughout the building. Everyone looks at each other. Everyone who is supposed to be in Titans Tower is, and then some. 
Almost as one they rise and rush to the tubes.
Dick doesn't know what he's expecting really but he's prepared for pretty much anything.
Except, apparently, for Jason, bent at the waist, supporting himself with one hand on the control console and the other clutching his belly. Tears stream out of his eyes and Dick has already taken a step towards him to check for injuries when he realizes the younger man is just laughing.
Well not just laughing. Jason is wheezing, trying to catch his breath. The Titans and... Tim's team, whatever they're going by now, all exchange confused and cautious glances. 
"Jason?" Dick asks, taking another step forward. "Is everything alright?"
The younger vigilante looks up like he's only just realized he has a rather large audience. He straightens, wiping tears from his eyes and trying to catch his breath.
"Yeah," Jason practically gasps. "I'm fine. Bruce just made up for all his past bullshit in one fell swoop is all."
Christ, Dick doesn't like the sound of that at all. He trades a worried look with Tim who asks, "What happened?"
"He came from the Watchtower," Kon interjects and Dick really doesn't like the way sheer amusement plays across Jason's face when he focuses on the clone. "And it's been locked out now."
Jason starts laughing again and collapses back into a chair that Dick is certain he didn't know was there. 
"Jason, what's going on?" 
The urgency in Tim's voice mirrors the anxiety building in Dick's chest. What was Jason doing on the Watchtower? Why's it locked down? 
What on earth is so fucking funny?
"Sorry," Jason says through another bought of giggles. "Ok. It's just, Bruce must not want any of you interrupting their fight."
Everyone perks up at that and glances around the room. Usually fights between the members of the Justice League are a big deal. Like someone is brainwashed or mind controlled or something kind of big deal.
"He's definitely trying to kill them," Jason tacks on to the end of his comments with another uncontrollable chuckle.
"Jesus, Jay, are you serious?" Dick hisses as Tim slips into the seat between Jason and Kon and starts trying to find a way past the lockout. "What are you laughing about then?"
Finally catching his breath, Jason waves Tim off. "It's not like that. It's just..."
Jason pauses and looks around, noticing for the first time just how many people are looking at him. His teal eyes catch on Wally and Bart, Donna and Cassie, Garth, Conner again, and finally land on Kyle.
Then Jason flushes pink and seems to lose a little of his nerve.
Dick isn't--can't--let him off the hook that easily.  "It's just what, Jay?"
Jason chews on his tongue for a moment. "M-maybe we can talk a little more privately?" He mutters it so softly he must know the reaction he's going to get but thought it worth a partial try anyway.
"Not a chance," Kyle snaps down at him. "We all have mentors (or friends anyway) up there and we need to make sure you didn't do anything to them."
Something about the way Kyle phrased that amused Jason for a split second. A blink-and-you'll-miss it flicker of something in his eye before he gulps and straightens a little in his seat.
He keeps his attention on Dick, pretending no one else is in the room. Which certainly does not bode well.
"You remember a couple weeks ago I told you B found out about, uh..." Jason suddenly seems intensely focused on his boots but he continues, speaking even quieter, "about me and Slade. And Talia?"
Dick freezes. And so does the rest of the room. Tim's head snaps their direction. Slade's name draws the Titans' attentions. Talia's catches Tim's. 
It's not very likely Jason told Tim exactly what he's talking about. They're all probably thinking this is mask related business. Dick doesn't image Jason can hide the truth from everyone and still adequately explain.
"Yeah..." he hedges, unsure and uncomfortable with where this looks like it's going. 
"Well... he may have also found out about this, um, understanding I have with Luthor--"
"Jesus christ, Jason--" Dick hisses.
"And he may have tried to get the Justice League to stage an intervention," Jason continues, looking back up at Dick's face. He's red as a tomato but there's something... amused lingering in his expression despite the embarrassment. "He may have, uh, misjudged how interested they'd be in intervening."
It takes a whole long minute for Dick to realize what he's saying; for the implication to sink in. It's just too outrageous of thing to think of. Jason hooking up with villains for perks was a shock but... villains both seem like exactly Jason's style of rebellion and the types to take advantage of the offer. But the Justice League?
Dick just sits there blinking at him, jaw slightly agape, for several moments. 
Finally everything kicks into gear. 
"You're sleeping with the Justice League too?!" Dick all but shouts at him. 
It was reactionary and he regrets it immediately. Jason flinches at the sudden outburst but Tim falls out of the chair completely while the others crowd closer with shocked gasps and proclamations. 
"Who?" Donna asks, sounding more curious than anything.
"Which Leaguers?" Kyle demands simultaneously sounding a lot more jealous than he probably intends to.
Dick tosses Rayner a scowl as Jason's eyes flicker up to the young Green Lantern briefly before darting back down to his lap looking mortified. 
"Well, I promised Flash a date before B kicked me out, so... all of them, I guess," Jason mumbles. 
The room lapses into stunned silence as Dick sinks into a chair and flops back against it. He can't hardly believe it. His little brother is... 
"So..." Conner hums in a way that sounds amused, "you've fucked both my dads?"
Jason can't keep the little smirk off his face as he nods. 
His little brother is fucking Superman. Dick's mind reels from overexertion. 
"Who... who's the best?" Kyle asks, all previous venom in his tone evaporated. 
Jason turns a truly brilliant, irresistible smile up at the Green Lantern and it's suddenly easy to see how heroes and villains alike get sucked into Jason's sphere.
"Diana," he answers without hesitation. 
There's a brief pause as everyone digests that information.
Then Donna smirks. "I knew it."
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 4 years
A @batfam-christmas-stocking fic written for @renecdote!! happy holidays <3
Alternate universes suck so much. Tim has always known that, but he’s never really grasped it, not until he and Dick were forcibly thrown into one a week ago.
Gotham feels different, even though it doesn’t appear that way on the surface. The violence is more personal, less showy, and as far as they’ve seen, there are almost no super villains. Somehow, though, there’s more crime on the whole, every corner of every street host to pimps and drug dealers and traffickers.
Tim tries to fight it, tries to intervene, but Dick pulls him back. “We can’t risk it, you know that.”
He does. But that doesn’t make it easier. “They need our help,” Tim fires back, everything he’s ever been taught about bettering the world, the pressure of saving people, battering around in his mind.
“It’s not our world or our place,” Dick explains, and for all that he sounds apologetic, his eyes don’t stray away from the shadowy parts of the street where they can hear people being hurt.
Dick is a good actor, but Tim can read him like a book. He’s following the protocols put in place for dimensional travel, playing the I’m The Big Brother And I’m In Charge card, but he doesn’t like it anymore than Tim does.
The rules are what they are for a reason, and Tim knows that. Grudgingly, he lets Dick pull him away, go back to their own little shadowy corners. They sleep on cardboard they find in dumpsters, huddling up for warmth. In the mornings, they go to the local library, hoping to fill out some of their knowledge on this world, since no rescue or way out otherwise is forthcoming.
There, sitting at the outdated computers, they find out that Martha and Thomas Wayne are still dead. Bruce wasn’t 8 when it happened, though—he was 16. He got shot too, making it painful and difficult to walk or move in general. According to one interview from a few years before, he’s kept on bedrest a lot, and has been in and out of physical therapy ever since it happened, now fifteen years prior. When he’s not doing that, he’s campaigning for control of Wayne Enterprises and tweeting about coffee.
There’s no Batman. Not like how they know him, at least.
One day, Dick flirts with a cop and Tim pickpockets the man’s scanner, and they learn that whole case files, suspects and evidence all neatly put together, have been sent to the GCPD over the past six years. They never see anyone fly overhead, though. At first, they think it might be Babs, but when they try to look her up, Tim finds that she’s been locked up in Arkham for at least the last four years.
Neither one of them want to know why, so they just don’t look into it any further. “This isn’t our Babs,” Dick reminds himself, and Tim, too. But mostly himself. “She’s not .”
They share a look, and don’t have to say anything to know it’s time to compartmentalize. This Babs isn’t their Babs. This Bruce isn’t their Bruce. This world doesn’t have the Joker or Poison Ivy or any of them except Two Face and the Penguin. This isn’t their world .
“Come on,” Dick murmurs, sticking close to his side as they leave the library. As they head to their latest alley, they pass all kinds of drug deals and gang members beating the shit out of people. By the time they actually get to where they’ve been staying, they’re both so tense, one smartass comment from Tim is all it takes to snap them into an argument.
”I’m sorry,” Tim says after they’ve gone back and forth a few times, sounding hostile even to himself. “I’m so sorry I can’t see things the same way you do. I’m sorry I’m not perfect Dick Grayson , who always knows what to do without even having to think about it, who always does the right thing, who is totally fine letting all these people suffer, because it’s in the protocol!”
He doesn’t even believe his own words. Tim’s just upset, unable to handle living on the streets for a week in a universe where everything is unfamiliar and grim, lashing out against one of the only things he can control. Dick is all he has here—and spending that much time with someone, let alone one of his brothers, would be hard even in the best of circumstances.
Dick flinches, and Tim only has a second to feel bad before the flash of a reflection from a gun in the window above them catches his attention. He moves on instinct, stepping forward and trying to pull Dick down even as Dick tries to move towards the mouth of the alley, protective to a fault. The bullet hits Dick’s left shoulder with a sickening and familiar crack-thwack .
For a moment, everything is silent, slow motion. Dick sucks in a pained breath, stumbling back a few steps, and Tim hopes and prays the bullet hasn’t hit an artery.
And then Tim twists to face the mouth of the alley and books it towards him, jumping on the bastard and bringing him to the ground. He rips the gun away and lets all of his pent-up anger and stress out, punching and punching. It’s only Dick, gritting his teeth and clutching his shoulder, calling out his name that saves the guy’s teeth from actually being knocked out.
Panting and shaking with fury and adrenaline, Tim stands. “Are you okay?” He demands.
“Fine,” Dick replies. “We—we should go.”
“Yeah, okay.” But he bends down instead, patting the guy’s pockets until he finds what he’s looking for: a wallet. As he rifles through, searching for a driver’s license or state ID, he explains. “We need to know who he is. If he’s working for Harvey….”
They both shudder at the thought, but the truth is worse. The name is Italian, familiar to Tim from a bust a few years before. He’s one of Maroni’s men.
Another thing they learned during their hours of research at the library: seven years ago, Haly’s Circus came through town. Bruce Wayne didn’t attend, or more likely, couldn’t. Mary and John Grayson fell to their deaths, and once it became clear that little Dick Grayson, only eight years old, knew something about the murderers, he ran. He’s been missing ever since, and if he’s still alive, then the Maronis are probably still on the lookout for him. Tony Zucco, apparently, is still alive. Still working Gotham’s underbelly, terrorizing and murdering. The Dick Grayson native to this universe is a threat to them.
They probably heard me say Dick’s name , Tim realizes, tucking the wallet away in the man’s pockets. Which means he was shot because of me. Fuck.
Big brothers, Tim finds, are fucking heavy. Especially when they’ve been shot and are steadily losing blood. When they’re dead weight, fading in and out of consciousness. When they’re relying totally on Tim to drag the both of them to uncertain refuge in an unfamiliar city.
And Tim…he wants to be someone Dick can rely on. (Obviously, he already is, but his anxiety says maybe this is just who Dick is. Tim could be anyone and the situation would be the same. Still, it would be better for Dick if Tim was Damian, instead. Or Bruce. Or Donna. Or anyone but himself, really.) But more than anything, he wants someone who can help Dick, who can keep him alive. Living on the streets the way they are just doesn’t lend much in the way of medical supplies.
Tim drags Dick all the way to the clinic, based on a vague awareness that it exists here, too. When they get there, though, the building is obviously abandoned, Leslie nowhere to be found. Wherever she is, he doesn’t know, but he hopes she’s okay. He can’t think of a situation that would keep her from helping the people of Gotham. Still, he sets Dick up against the wall and breaks in, hoping for something useful, and finding nothing inside but rubble and evidence of homeless people using the space for shelter.
He goes back to Dick, feeling like the world is ending. They don’t have any first aid supplies, and even if they did, even if a first aid kit fell out of the sky right now and Tim could patch Dick up, it wouldn’t mean anything. This only happened because Tim wasn’t paying attention, wasn’t thinking to be careful. It could happen again. What does he do then?
What would Bruce do? Roy? Wally? Diana or Clark? Hell, Kon ? Any of them could help Dick so much more right now. More than Tim can or will ever be able to. And really, what good is Tim if he can’t even keep his brother alive?
Aware the thoughts aren’t helpful right now, he shelves them for later and looks back at Dick, cataloguing everything he sees like Bruce taught them to do. Dick’s still steadily bleeding out, and though that’s most concerning of all, Tim finds the only thing he can think about is how they don’t have clean clothes so Dick can walk around in something not soaked in blood.
With a strangled shout, Tim kicks the wall. It doesn’t affect him, much—thank god he’d been wearing steel-toed shoes when they were transported here—but the brief release feels good. Sort of. It’d be a lot better if he were still laying into the Maroni guy, if he’s honest.
“Tim,” Dick says, both reproachful and concerned.
“Shut up,” Tim replies, dragging his fingers through his hair. His mind is racing. He wants to go home so badly his chest aches with it.
Dick knows him well enough that he can sense what Tim is thinking. Slowly, he shakes his head. “No, Tim. No . We can’t.”
“Where else are we supposed to go?” Tim cries out. It’s a stupid idea, it’s against the protocol, and they’ve already talked about it anyway. They’d agreed it’s stupid and they can’t do it and moved on. But he can’t help feeling the impulse, especially now.
“Stephanie’s,” Dick shoots back immediately. But they both know it’s not possible—here, Steph is another face on the dozens of missing persons posters that litter the city. He realizes it a second too late, and stumbles over his next words. “Just, anywhere but there.”
Jason is dead, has been for years now. Damian doesn’t exist. Cass is in Star City with Dinah Lance. Luke and the other members of the Fox family have never lived in this Gotham. Duke’s parents are still alive—they recently moved to Blüdhaven, and took their young son with them. Harper and Cullen are nowhere to be found, but Tim tells himself that’s a good thing—it means they aren’t in the obituaries. Kate is overseas on a honeymoon with her wife. Half of the Titans and Justice League don’t seem to exist, and the ones that do wouldn’t step foot in this cesspit of crime and drugs.
‘Anywhere but there’ means nothing. Nowhere. There’s no place for them to go, no one who can or even would help.
The words, or maybe the thoughts that come with them, wear Dick out. He starts to fade again, eyes slipping closed, and that means Tim’s in charge.
And Tim? Tim wants to go home .
He grabs Dick, keeping him from sliding down the wall, throws his brother’s arm over his shoulder, and starts off towards the Manor with every ounce of determination he can muster.
Several hours later, when it’s dark and Dick is pale and mostly silent, barely keeping up, they make it home. Everything feels different: the security that allows them to get all the way up the drive (after only a little effort on Tim’s part), the trees oddly placed and the doors and shutters all painted a light blue instead of the rusty red he’s used to. It’s disorienting and upsetting. Home is supposed to be familiar and it’s not and he hates it.
Tim knocks on a side door that only family knows about, hoping against hope it won’t be Bruce that answers. He doubts it, but he’s positive he won’t be able to keep his composure in front of his dad. It’ll be a little easier with Alfred. Probably. In any case, Alfred is the better option of the two.
While they wait, Dick mumbles, “This is stupid.”
Tim presses his hand against the wound, trying not to be impatient. Trying not to feel sick with nerves. He doesn’t reply, knowing Dick isn’t really paying attention right now.
When the door finally opens, Tim could collapse with relief. Alfred stands there, one hand hiding his rifle out of their sight in an all-too-familiar pose, while the other holds onto the doorjamb. His hair is darker than Tim is used to, his face less wrinkled. He’s staring at them like they’re weird, strange boys, standing at what’s supposed to be a virtually unknown entrance to a private, secure home in the late hours of the night.
Blood covers Dick’s upper body and Tim’s hands, and they both look and smell rough. They don’t make a pretty picture, and Tim knows that, but there’s nothing he can do except get Alfred to let them in somehow. He’s been thinking about what he wants to say, what’ll appeal to Alfred’s compassion or curiosity or both. Please, help my brother before he loses too much blood. Please, don’t tell Bruce about this. Please, I’m so exhausted and I need a cup of your chamomile and a cookie and also maybe a hug or I’m going to explode.
What he says instead is, “ Alfred .” It’s a relieved sob, leaving him without permission, and Alfred’s shocked and confused reaction is much more noticeable than it should be. “I—we didn’t know where else to go. He’s hurt.”
There are more words on his tongue, an avalanche of them wanting to come out, but Alfred stops him there with a raised hand. He doesn’t put the rifle down, but he says, “Come in, then,” and opens the door wide enough for them.
Dick groans when Tim drags him up the steps. Blinking sluggishly at Alfred, he says, “Alf…?”
“Yeah, it’s Alfred. Come on, help out here a little bit. We’re just gonna sit down and hopefully get you patched up, alright, Dickie?”
Tim bites his lip at the Bruce noise, stupid tears stinging in his eyes.
He’s home. It’s unfamiliar. Dick is hurt. He’s in charge.
Now is so not the time to cry.
Alfred leads them to a nearby couch in a sitting room they’ve never used in all the years Tim’s known Bruce. Rifle still in hand, he seems much more unsure than their Alfred, who would’ve already had the situation on lock by now.
“We need a first aid kit, please,” Tim says. He glances at the weapon, and adds, “We won’t cause any trouble, I promise. I—I know this is probably super weird, but….”
But what? Tim can’t think of a way to end the sentence so he just doesn’t. Instead, he turns to Dick and starts pulling his brother’s shirt off, something they really should’ve done hours ago. While he uses the fabric to put pressure on the wound again, he hears Alfred moving around behind him.
If this Bruce is anything like theirs, a first aid kit shouldn’t be too far away. There’s one in every bathroom back home.
It’s not long before Alfred is back, shooing Tim away and setting a large first aid kit on the couch. His rifle is gone, but Tim knows it can’t be far. There’s no way this Alfred trusts them enough to not have it close at hand. “Do I dare ask what happened?”
God, it’s good to hear his voice. “My brother got shot,” Tim says, reverting to his natural instinct to reveal as little as possible. Normally Alfred is someone he can give a full mission report to, but Tim is just Tim right now, not Red Robin, and this is not his Alfred, so he’s going to keep his mouth shut up tight.
“Well, my word. You wouldn’t know it from looking at him.” And there’s that Alfred sass. It doesn’t make him laugh like it usually does—no, it just reminds him again that he isn’t actually home. “Care to explain more? Should I be concerned you were followed?”
Tim thinks on it for a minute, but really, there’s no way Maroni’s guy got up in time to tail them. The rest of the mob family have probably heard about them by now, but Tim isn’t too worried about it. He can’t find it within himself to be. All he can really think about is Dick, Alfred, Bruce. If coming here was a mistake after all. If they’ll ever make it home to see their Bruce and Alfred. Eventually, he says, “No. We weren’t followed.”
Dick groans as Alfred starts to prep the gunshot wound to get the bullet out. He sways a little, dizzy, and mumbles an apology when Alfred has to readjust him.
Alfred says, “Just hold as still as you can, and you’ll be alright.”
Hearing the tenderness in Alfred’s voice does something to Tim. This is Alfred , he thinks. He can help us with more than just this.  
He blurts out, “It was one of Maroni’s men.”
“Sal Maroni?” Alfred sounds suspiciously uninterested, not even bothering to look away from his work. “The mob boss?”
“Hmm. Alright, young man, I’m going to get this bullet out now.”
“Tim,” Dick grits out, reaching out his hand. Tim takes it, sitting down on the other side of his brother. He forces himself to watch as Alfred goes through the familiar motions. Dick doesn’t actually squeeze his hand that much, too used to this kind of pain, but Tim thinks maybe they both feel better having the lifeline.
He stays there until Dick is stitched up and accepts a dose of Tylenol—no matter how much Alfred gives them concerned looks and insists on something stronger, a Bat doesn’t take hard drugs.
Not quite huffing in exasperation, Alfred acquiesces and leaves Dick alone, sitting back against the cushions. Then he turns to Tim. With his hands on his hips and his sleeves rolled up, he’s honestly kind of intimidating. “Now you, young man,” he says.
“Um. What? I’m fine. I didn’t get shot, I don’t need anything.”
Alfred raises an eyebrow. Tim can out-stubborn almost anybody, even his other family members, but Alfred Pennyworth is not one of them. Everyone bows down to him.
Tim sighs and scoots a few inches away from Dick, and when Alfred shoos him all the way into the other corner, he goes. Surprisingly, the older man sits next to Tim, between him and Dick, and instead of reaching for the kit, he just. Puts a hand on Tim’s shoulder. Which Tim finds extremely weird, considering how British and physically distant Alfred is. Oh sure, he hugs them all. He catches them when they fall, he reassures them with arm pats and shoulder squeezes. But it’s unlike him to just... sit here and rest his hand on Tim’s shoulder, looking him in the face with an expression Tim finds he can’t read.
Not being able to read people, especially someone he knows so well, freaks him out.
Tense, Tim says, “What?”
Alfred is quiet for a moment, then asks, “Where have you boys been staying?”
Oh. Yeah, okay. He’s suspicious of them. Tim can understand why. “We have a place.” It’s a disgusting alley behind a pizzeria they can’t afford to eat at, scraping by with the last of the money they had on them when they were sent here, but it’s not a lie.
Alfred backs off, picking his battles and probably recognizing this one for what it is: unwinnable. He’s more than perceptive enough to read between the lines anyway, add up all the clues—their clothes are dirty, their hair greasy, and Tim knows he’s looking pretty gaunt. And considering how jumpy Tim is acting, it’s likely Alfred thinks they’re homeless. Which they are.
“Are you injured anywhere?”
Tim holds out his hand, his knuckles split and raw from earlier, and ignores how badly he’s shaking. Alfred takes his hand, and grabs alcohol wipes from the kit. He dabs at the wounds, glancing at Tim’s face like he’s expecting a reaction. And yeah, it stings a little, but he’s had much worse. This is nothing.
“Hmm.” Alfred moves Tim’s hand around, looking for other wounds, finding a few little cuts. “So your brother’s name is Dickie?”
“Dick,” Tim corrects. Bruce and Jason are the only ones who call Dick that usually, and Jason almost always does it because it’s his ‘little brother duty’ or something. The only reason he said it earlier is because he hoped it would be comforting. “Short for—”
“Richard, I assume.”
“Yeah.” Tim falls silent, trying to keep his hand still. When a few moments of silence go by, he looks up at Alfred, finding him making an expectant face. “Oh! Yeah, sorry. I’m Tim.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Tim. You seem to already know my name.”
Yeah. Shit. Unable to think of a lie beyond ‘you look like my grandpa’, Tim laughs nervously. “Lucky guess?”
Dick snorts. “You jus’ look like our gran’pa, that’s all. His name’s Alfred. Yours too, huh?”
Alfred doesn’t look convinced, but he goes along with it anyway. “Yes, mine too.” What an odd coincidence , he doesn’t say, but Tim hears it anyway.
It doesn’t take long after that for Alfred to finish up Tim’s knuckles. He offers to put some band-aids on, but Tim shakes his head. “No, no, I’m fine. Thank you.”
Dick gives him a look, and despite the fact that he’s still acting loopy, there’s a strength to it. Tim can tell what he’s thinking—that if the cuts weren’t on the knuckles, a very awkward place to put bandages, Dick would be insisting on it. Well, whatever , he thinks, resisting the urge to stick out his tongue. You’re not in charge right now anyway.
Alfred stands and looks them over for a brief moment, hesitation obvious in the way he pauses, inhaling deeply. Then, with determination, he says, “I will prepare you something to eat. Do either of you have any allergies I should be aware of?”
“Sulfites,” Tim says at the same time Dick says, “Shellfish. And pet dander.”
“Dick, man, I’m pretty sure they don’t have pets. And even if they did, pets aren’t allowed in the kitchen under any circumstances.”
“Oh yeah,” Dick says with a faint chuckle. “Forgot.”
“Mister Tim,” Alfred cuts in before Tim can reply. It’s unspeakably weird to be called Mister Tim instead of Master Tim, even though Alfred called him that for years. “Will sandwiches suffice?”
The thought of eating Alfred’s food—and even more than that, something they haven’t fished out of a dumpster—is drool-worthy. Quickly, he agrees, “Yes, that’s perfect. Thank you.”
Alfred nods and leaves, probably thankful to get the heck away from them for a few minutes. Once he’s gone, the brothers fall quiet, both a blessing and a curse. Not having Alfred asking questions that Tim has to evade is great, but it does give him the opportunity to keep freaking out.
What do they do next? Alfred might not let them leave while Dick is healing, and that means the chances of running into Bruce raise astronomically. Tim knows that he won’t be able to handle that. Not at all.
“Stop it,” Dick whispers, loud in the overwhelming quiet. “I can see your forehead vein from here.”
“Shut up. I’m trying to think.”
“Don’t hurt yourself.”
Tim sighs, letting the banter drop for a moment. “Look, I’m sorry you got shot. I know it’s not my fault,” he says, speaking over Dick’s immediate protest. “I know that. But I’m still sorry.”
“…Thanks. I’m accepting your apology but not your responsibility.”
“Duh.” Tim fiddles with his hands, satisfied but also knowing, in his heart of hearts, that it is in fact his fault and Dick is totally wrong. “I’m not sorry I brought us here, though.”
“Duh,” Dick repeats, sounding more than a little peeved. Not that Tim can blame him, really. If Tim and Damian had agreed to something, and then Damian went back on it… that’d be really annoying.
Still, that little brother duty Jason talks about means he has to defend himself. “Dick, we were gonna end up coming here anyway, don’t you see that?” He shoots to his feet and drags his hands through his hair, pacing in front of the couch. Despite his earlier flip-flopping, he’s sure now. This was the right decision even if it does suck a lot. “Where else could we possibly go? We don’t belong here. The only way we can get home is by ask—”
Tim cuts off immediately when footsteps echo down the hall. They sound different from Alfred’s, a third tap that sounds a lot like a cane.
This Alfred doesn’t use a cane. The only person who could is—
Both Dick and Tim tense as the doorway is filled up by Bruce freaking Wayne.
“Um,” Tim says.
Bruce looks different. Not just in the sense that he is, in fact, using a cane, but just. Everything. He looks younger, a neat beard covering much of his face. There’s barely any salt in it at all. The scars that litter the skin of his face and arms, mostly bare considering he’s wearing only a t-shirt and pajama pants, aren’t there. Worst of all, there’s no recognition in his eyes.
His sons have become strangers. But no, this man is not their father. Tim has to shout it at himself. He’s not! Bruce Wayne would never look at them like this. Especially not Dick.
Dick makes a noise, a small and sad little whimper, and Tim thinks, shit. Shit shit shit. Unable to do anything to help, Tim shuffles closer to him, hoping it’s enough to comfort.
“Who are you?” Bruce asks, moving further into the room. He says it casually, like this is a totally normal situation, but there’s steel there, too. Of course there is. This is Bruce Wayne. He doesn’t mess around, especially when it comes to strangers invading his home. And as much as that feels like a knife to the chest, that’s what they are. Strangers . The word lingers in his mind, leaving a bad aftertaste.
Tim gets the distinct feeling that the cane, for all that it serves to help Bruce walk, is a weapon. One this Bruce will have no issue using against them. “Um. We—we’re homeless,” he blurts out, trying to push the thought away. “And my brother got shot, so we came here looking for help. We’ll be gone soon, I promise. Don’t worry about us, this is just a one time thing, and we won’t tell anyone else. I know this is a house and not a triage center.”
Bruce is already looking at him like he’s an intruder, but at that, the man’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. Oh, right. That’s something the other—the right —Bruce would say. Has said many times. Because it’s something their Alfred has always said, and apparently this Alfred too.
Scrambling, Tim keeps going, pasting a fake smile on his face. “Alfred knows we’re here. He’ll be right back. It’s okay, we’ll just wait right here and not steal anything, so you can go back to bed. Goodnight.”
“Tim,” Dick bites out, obviously trying to communicate that he thinks Tim is being a weirdo, and that he’s doing nothing but tipping Bruce off to the fact that something is wrong.
“I’m freaking out, okay?” Tim exclaims back, curling and relaxing his fingers in an effort to control himself. It’s impossible, though—this is their dad , for crying out loud. Their dad, who they haven’t seen in a long time, not since before they were attacked as civilians and flung through the wormhole that deposited them here. Their dad, who Tim really, seriously needs a hug from right now.
Bruce comes closer, leaning against one of the two unused chairs. Where Tim tenses further, unsure of what he’s about to do or say, Dick relaxes. He’s really out of it now, the blood loss and medicine finally catching up with him.  He’s blinking heavily and listing to the side. “Hand me that, will you?” He asks Bruce, gesturing to a throw blanket resting on the top of the chair.
Suddenly feeling very protective of Dick, Tim says, “I can—”
“No,” Bruce interrupts, the corner of his mouth curling up like he thinks this is funny. “I’ve got it.”
He grabs the blanket and walks over to the couch. Tim stumbles back a few steps to give him room. For a second, it seems like none of them breathe—but then Bruce leans on his cane like a crutch, bends down, and lays the blanket over Dick.
Tim has seen Bruce tuck people in before, usually Damian. All those times, he either didn’t care much, or a swirl of jealousy had tightened in his stomach. He can remember wondering why Bruce didn’t tuck him in. Why his parents never did it, why Mrs. Mac and all the nannies hadn’t either.
This time, his eyes sting with tears.  He forces them back, biting the inside of his cheek.
Dick snuggles into the cushions behind his back, pulling the blanket tighter around himself. “Thanks, dad,” he mumbles, slipping off into a nap.
Bruce and Tim both freeze.
“Um,” Tim says, because something has to be said, this needs to be nipped in the bud and stopped right now before Bruce can ask anything. But really, the chances of Bruce Wayne not asking questions? Less than zero. And Tim’s brain is screaming, because what the hell could he possibly say to explain that ?
Alfred enters the room again before anything can happen, carrying a tray holding a few sandwiches. He sets it down on a side table before looking up.
“Oh,” he stops short when he sees Bruce, hands hovering above the food. “Master Bruce, I thought you were downstairs.”
“I was just doing some reading,” he waves off, but he can’t quite manage to sound casual. “Now… did he just call me dad ?”
Oh fuck , Tim thinks. Awkwardly, he laughs, “No! What? No, that’s ridiculous.” Seeing that this tactic isn’t working—Bruce and Alfred both have legendary ‘bitch please’ looks that go beyond the confines of time and space, apparently—he shifts gears. “I mean, okay, yes he did. But—but it’s just because you look like our dad! A lot like him, actually. Haha.”
Bruce and Alfred stare at him, concern building as he keeps laughing, spurred on by a week of non-stop stress and the pressure of being in charge— maybe , he thinks, this was a bad idea all along and we shouldn’t have come here and Dick was totally right. It’s only when his laughter turns to hiccuping sobs that either of them move, Bruce managing to grab his bicep in time before Tim can sink to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut. Alfred hurries to his other side, fretting, “Come on, young sir, just sit down now.”
They lead him to one of the chairs, where he collapses, his head in his hands. Dick is better at this—at leading, at interacting, at not breaking apart. It should all be the opposite: Tim sleeping off a GSW while Dick lies through his teeth as he explains what’s going on. Not that Dick would’ve gotten them into this situation, anyway.
“I’m sorry,” he sniffles, refusing to look up. They’re both staring at him again, clearly unsure what to do with a strange, crying teenager.
After a moment, Alfred says, “You boys say I look like your grandfather, and now Master Bruce looks like your father. By chance, what is his name?”
“Bruce Wayne,” Tim replies to the floor. “But… not him. A different one.”
“A different Bruce Wayne?” The confusion and curiosity is clear as day in Bruce’s voice, and Tim can’t help but snort a little.
“Yeah. Um, this is going to sound really crazy, but my brother and I are from a different universe.” He peeks at their faces, not surprised at all by the blatant disbelief he sees. “I can prove it.”
Alfred and Bruce share a wide-eyed look.“How?”
“I know you’re the one who’s been sending the GCPD all those case files. And before you say you’re not, you just said you were doing some reading. Downstairs. In the cave below this property, right? Back home, it’s called the Batcave and you’re Batman.”
“Go on, Mister Tim,” Alfred says after a moment. “We believe you.”
Relief crashes down on him and more tears slip out against his will. “I need your help. We need your help. We’ve been here for a week, and—and—and we have no idea how to get home. None. There’s no one else we can turn to, ‘cause the people who would usually help us either can’t or wouldn’t, since they don’t know us here. And god, this world is nothing at all like ours…. I just want to go home. I don’t know what to do. Please,” he begs, desperate. “I need advice.”
Bruce hesitantly sets a hand on Tim’s back, rubbing up and down in a motion that is, wow, extremely soothing. “We’ll figure this out, Tim. I promise you, Alfred and I will help you boys any way we can.”
Before Tim can ask if it’s just because they’re his sons in some other universe, Alfred clears his throat. “It may take some time, mind you. But you and your brother will need to stay here anyway, seeing as that wound needs time to heal. I can’t, in good conscience, let that happen out on the streets.”
Tim wants to refuse. Wants to say thanks but no thanks, you can put us up in a motel or something until everything is worked out. Wants to cry and cry and wake up from this nightmare. Instead, mentally and physically exhausted, he just says, “Okay.”
Both men are concerned by the response, he can tell. Though he isn’t looking, he can practically hear the silent conversation they’re having over his head. Then Alfred stands. “I will make up two of the guest rooms, then, sirs. Mister Tim, could you help bring Mister Dick upstairs?”
“Just set up one, we can share,” Tim replies. It’s late and he doesn’t want Alfred to have to do anything more than he’s already done. Than he’s already doing.
“If you’re certain….”
“I am. Thank you.”
He’s not gone for long, and thank god, because Tim can hardly stand to be alone with Bruce without spilling even more. He’s already said so much tonight, he feels empty and hollowed out, kind of like a balloon that’s been blown up only for all the air to wheeze out of it, leaving it sad and stretched. Holy shit, that metaphor. He needs to go to bed, and he needs a mattress instead of another cardboard box laid over hard cobblestone and concrete.
Shaking his head to stop his thoughts, he moves over to Dick and wakes him, a hand on his uninjured shoulder. “Dick, wake up,” he says a few times until his brother is blinking heavily at him.
“We’re gonna go upstairs and sleep. Come on, I’ll help you.”
“Hrn,” he says again, and this time, Bruce hears it. Tim glances at him, almost surprised to see the emotions on Bruce’s face. Apparently that’s a Bruce noise in this universe too, and it only helps to cement Tim’s story.
Tim helps Dick stand up, swinging Dick’s good arm over his shoulders. Together, they slowly ascend the stairs, something Tim is more than familiar with considering how many times something like this has happened at home. At the top, they meet up with Alfred, who takes them to a guest room that is thankfully unused in their version of the Manor.
Alfred helps Dick get settled into the mattress, his shoes and belt shed. “I could get you both some pajamas,” Alfred says when he sees the way Tim flops down, both of them still in battered, dirty, expensive chinos.
“We’re okay,” Tim says, aware that the only pajamas in the house must belong to Bruce and Alfred, and that neither size would fit them. He’s not sure he could handle it right now even if they did. “Thank you though. For…for all of this. It means a lot.”
Alfred graces him with a gentle smile. “Of course, young sir. I would like to think that your Bruce will appreciate this.”
He leaves, and then it’s just Tim and Dick. They’ve shared a bed plenty of times before, on nights when there was no one else around and they didn’t want to be alone. Dick was the one who taught Tim one of the best parts about having siblings: cuddles. Dick is a cuddle monster, but maybe tonight Tim won’t wake up being held protectively to his brother’s chest.
Under the covers, Tim stares at the ceiling. His mind refuses to shut off even though they’re finally somewhere safe. Somewhere he can sleep and not worry about what might happen when he’s not paying attention.
He feels a little better, now that there are actual adults in charge, who are going to help. Who can keep Dick from getting hurt again, especially from Tim’s carelessness. But it makes him miss home, just reminds him how far away he and Dick are from their real family. He’s curious, on some level, about this Bruce Wayne. He trusts him to take care of them long enough for them to return home. How long that’s going to take is a question, though, one that he thinks can probably be answered by: a long time.
It’ll be good for Dick, at least. Give him time to heal.
God, Dick shouldn’t have been hurt in the first place. But of course he did, and of course it was because of some dumb argument, because of Tim—
“’M not perfect,” Dick whispers, making Tim, who was certain he was asleep, jump. When he turns to look, he finds Dick’s eyes are closed. Squeezed shut. “’M not . I don’t know what I’m doing, Tim. I didn’t wanna come here ‘cause of the rules, and ‘cause it’s hard… hard to see them. ‘M lucky I getta sleep through it, I guess.”
“I woulda done the same thing, okay?” And now he opens his eyes, meeting Tim’s head on. “This was the right choice. Coming here. Alfred gives the best advice.”
“Yeah.” Tim’s throat feels thick, the word hard to get out.
Dick reaches out his good hand and rests it on Tim’s cheek. “Thank you for bringing me here. You saved me. Now go to sleep,” he says, and then teasingly smacks him. “I can hear you thinking all the way from here.”
“You’re like two feet away,” Tim points out, but he tries to listen anyway. He closes his eyes, thinking maybe he will be able to rest. Dick is the best at comforting people.
“Shhhh,” Dick says, grinning. “Doesn’t matter. Sleep.”
“Yes, mom.”
“ Shhh !”
Tim laughs, and for the first time in a while, it’s real. He feels safe and warm and not alone, and while he can’t exactly say he’s happy right now, he’s a lot closer than he was just a few hours before.
Tomorrow , he decides, settling down, I’m going to take a shower and eat a real meal. And then, then I can finally start figuring out how to get us home.
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aewriting · 4 years
This is an angsty little fic I just wrote this evening.  It's based on my recent viewing of RNM episode 2x01, a DM exchange with @angsty-aliens about that "I don't want to play your guitar" line, and some past "accidental sex worker Michael" head canons from @ninswhimsy and @lambourngb
Be warned - Michael is NOT in a good place in this, and it shows, especially in his interaction with Alex.
Warning for sex work.
Here it is on AO3, if you prefer.
He’s drunk.  He’s so drunk – on alcohol, acetone.  He makes himself straighten up, really look at her. 
Diana? Dana? No. “Deena, hi.” He tries to stay steady, smile.  No, don’t smile… it’s a funeral, after all. “Been a while.”
“Sure has.”  She eyes him, up and down.  Not subtle. “You look good.”
He doesn’t. He knows that.  He’s… he’s a fucking mess right now.  But Deena was always more interested in touching than looking.
“I didn’t realize you knew Noah Bracken,” she says, slight frown on her face.
“Yep,” he says tightly.  “Him and Isobel.”
He sees how it lands – the way Deena’s eyebrows raise, the way she quickly covers up a half-smirk. “I see,” she says, and Michael has to stop an eyeroll.  Doesn’t correct her, though, doesn’t explain.  It’s been a long time since he’s given a damn about his bad reputation, after all.
Deena’s eyes, still wide, flick to Isobel, in that skintight black dress of hers.  “Well,” she says, clearing her throat, her gaze sliding over Michael again.  “My husband’s on business in Canada right now.”
Oh Jesus.
“And you were always so… handy. Might have a few jobs for you.”
And now it’s Michael’s turn to look her over. Deena runs with the Ann Evans brunch crew. Red hair, good figure – clearly takes care of herself. If she’s had work, it’s subtle. Discreet. She really hasn’t changed that much since he last saw her, years ago…
First time had been an accident. It was that awful winter right after graduation, before he’d started out at Foster’s Ranch. Before the Airstream. And he honestly didn’t mean for it to happen, but he’d been…
He’d been desperate. He can see that now.
He’d tried to go about things honestly, at first. Tried. He was cold, hungry, and he wasn’t about to try to hit Isobel and Max up again, lost as they were in their own problems. So after one particularly bad storm, he scraped together all his money, went to the hardware store, and bought a shovel. Drove to one of the nice neighborhoods. Started going door to door.
Most people didn’t answer. It was the middle of the day, so they were probably at work, and no doubt some people just ignored him. Like, he probably looked shady. But he got a couple bites. At least the physical activity kept him warm, and he made a few bucks.
That’s how it had started, with Deena. She looked him over. Asked him his age. Seemed pleased when he’d said 19. “You look older,” she commented. He got to work on her driveway and sidewalk. Saw her peeking through the curtains. Looking at him. He assumed that she was checking in on his work, his progress.
He was been wrong.
He finished up and knocked on the door. Deena smiled at him. “You poor thing,” she cooed, looking him over. “Looks so cold out there. Want something warm to drink?”
And Michael was cold. Sore and tired. And here was this lady actually, actually fucking treating him nicely? “Sure,” he said, using the big smile.
She smiled back. “Tea, coffee, hot chocolate?”
Oh god, hot chocolate sounded fucking awesome. That’s exactly what he ended up telling her, too, before realizing he’d said “fuck,” but she just laughed. Busied herself in the kitchen with the milk, the mix. “Take off your coat, stay a while.”
Nice, was Michael’s first thought. What does she want, was his second.
She made small talk, at first. Then started rubbing his shoulders. And that, that’s when Michael realized what was going on. And… and it wasn’t like it was off-putting. No. Deena was fucking hot. Her house was warm. He bet she’d let him shower, even.
One thing led to another. And when it was over, after he’d showered (with her), she gave him a lingering kiss and pressed a very generous “tip” into his hand.
“There’s a little extra there. For you,” she said with a wink. “You did such a good job out there,” she added. “You better come back next time it snows.”
So he did.
And a few times for raking leaves, the next fall.
Then another winter.
She wasn’t… wasn’t the only one who’d ever paid him, but she was... the least accidental. After that first time, anyway. And it’s not like he ever asked her to. She, she always volunteered it. At the end. Part of his tip. He didn’t, didn’t expect it, necessarily. Wouldn’t have pressed it, if she hadn’t kept it up. But it also wasn't like he was gonna turn it down, either.  Right?  Like, who would?
And really, wasn’t everything a goddamn transaction, anyway? People weren’t just nice to a kid like Michael, and they weren’t nice to an adult like him, either. They had an agenda.
Everybody… everybody has a fucking agenda.
Michael lets his gaze linger on Deena again, standing in front of him in her flattering, stylish black dress. Probably cost more than the monthly payment on his Airstream. “You still over on Hollybrook?”
Deena makes a face. “No, no… I’ve upgraded. Over in Montebello Heights now.”
Michael nods. “How long’s your husband in Canada?”
She bites her lip a little. “Weeks.”
Fuck it. Why not? “Then I’m sure you could use a man around the house. Take care of some things.”
She grins.
“I don’t want to hear a damn word about, about Project Shepherd.  Or Caulfield, or my…” He shakes his head.  “None of it, okay, Manes? I told you that.”
Alex sighs.  “You did.  Yeah, you did. Sorry.” He glances around the makeshift lab, looks quickly away from Max’s naked form, suspended in the pod.  “I’ll just, just update Liz and Kyle with it.”  He goes to leave.  Stops.  “How… how long you been in here?”
Michael shrugs. “Long enough.”
“You should get something to eat. Crashdown?”
Michael fixes him with a level gaze. He does need to eat.  “Sure, Manes.”
They drive separately, thank god.  Michael wishes they could eat separately, too, but he’s not that big of an asshole.  Today, anyway.
Liz is working, and she raises an eyebrow at Michael, which he returns with a shrug.  They get settled in a booth.  Liz isn’t the one that waits on them.  Michael gets his usual, a burger.  Watches as Alex gets the enchiladas, eats them with gusto.  Times like this, Michael can almost forget.  Forget that he wants the distance, the end to this damnable push-pull they’ve been doing for years.
“Arturo’s are the best,” Alex is saying.
“If you say so,” Michael says shortly, and he sees Alex’s face fall, just a little.  Part of him’s glad to still have that power. Part of him hates it.
Their server brings the bill, and Michael grabs for it. Alex frowns.
“Guerin,” he says, a warning in his tone.
“What?” Michael grits out.  “Don’t need your charity, Manes.”
Alex closes his eyes, briefly.  “I… I know that.  This wasn’t…” He shakes his head a little.  “Wasn’t charity.”
“Then you won’t mind me paying.”
But Alex, he just can’t leave it alone.  “Isobel, she says that you haven’t been taking as much work, at Sanders’.”
“Since when is Isobel telling you about my – “
“And, and I see the way you are,” Alex barrels on.  “You, you don’t seem good, Michael.”
And the audacity, the sheer nerve of Alex right now, Michael thinks.  Cause when, when in their whole damn history has he ever seemed good? And why can’t Alex just see, just fucking listen and leave Michael the fuck alone? If he hasn’t realized after all these years just how fucked the two of them are, together, what’s it gonna take?
And then he has an idea.
He squares his shoulders, makes a show of pulling out his wallet, thumbing through the bills. “Don’t need to worry about me, Alex. I’ve picked up some work.” He gives a tight little smile. “Night shifts.”
Alex looks at him, surprised.  “Oh,” he says, attention drawn to the money Michael is casually flashing.
“Yeah,” Michael says, drawing out the word. He can tell Alex is torn between asking more and just letting it be.  So Michael pushes.  Again. “An old employer. She’s generous.”
And that does it.  “What, what are you doing, exactly?” Alex says, brow starting to furrow.
Michael just shrugs, gives him a smirk.  “Something I’m good at.  According to you, at least.  And others.”
And at that, Alex’s face goes slack.  “Oh my god.”
Michael shrugs.  “Gonna do it anyway, might as well get paid.”
Alex’s eyes are darting around the Crashdown. He leans forward. There’s anger now, not just the shock.  “Holy shit, Michael.” He looks like he wants to say something else, but just curses instead.  “God damn it.”
Michael scoffs a little. “Well look at you, high and mighty.  All offended.  Not like you’ve never done it.”
Alex’s eyes widen.  “What?” His mouth is open. “I’ve never, never –“
Michael laughs, a harsh, biting sound.  “You’ve done it with me, Alex.”
“That’s bullshit – “
“Gave me a place to stay and a guitar.  Then tried to kiss me.”
Alex’s mouth is pinched, tight.  “No.  No. Do not do this.  That is not what that was – “
“Wasn’t it?” Michael asks, scrunching up his face in faux confusion.  “Cause I don’t think you would’ve been so inviting if you hadn’t wanted my dick.”
“Stop it,” Alex hisses.
“Not like I didn’t want yours, too.” Michael shrugs. “Everything has a price, right?”
Alex looks sick.  “Guerin, please.  You don’t have to – “
“Course I don’t.  Not now.  Didn’t always have that luxury, though,” he says, voice hard. He takes out a few bills, slaps them on the table showily.  “Now if you’ll excuse me, Captain.”
He’s out the door fast, and he knows he shouldn’t turn back, shouldn’t try to catch a glimpse of Alex through the window, but he can’t help it.  He’s still sitting, stunned-looking, in the booth.
Michael swallows hard.  Turns and walks away. Maybe this time, it’ll stick.
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 13
Chapter Summary - Tom tries to call Danielle but reaches Paul. Then he breaks up with Taylor but is that as easy as it seems.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1
“Hello?” Tom was about to speak until he heard the man’s voice on the other side of the line. “Hello?”
“Is this Elle’s phone?”
“Yes, she’s just in the shower at the moment. Is it important, I can get her if it is?” The man offered.
“No, it’s not important, well it can wait.”
“I see.” The other man did not sound overly convinced. “Will I tell her who called?”
“Right, so perhaps a name would be a place to start.” The man chuckled.
“Is my number not in her phone anymore?”
“It’s Tom, Diana’s son?” the voice seemed to realise then who he was.
“Yes, it is.”
“With all due respect Mr Hiddleston, Danni needs time, she is grateful for your statement, but you know, she’s a lot more vulnerable than she admits to being. What you exposed her to, it has caused her to be very upset, the kind that is not instantly fixed.”
“I know, I just want to make it better.”
“Then perhaps wait for her to contact you. I will tell her you called, but please do not do so again without her permission, if she wants to talk to you, can she call this number?”
“Yes.” Tom’s voice became and defeated. “Yes, she can.”
“I promise, I’ll tell her when she comes out.”
“You’re the doctor.”
“Paul, my name is Paul.” Paul corrected.
“I…I’m sorry for my rudeness the last time we met, for interrupting your day.”
“Somehow I do not think it was your intention to do so.” There seemed to be understanding in the other man's tone. “One moment.”
“Who are you talking to?” Tom heard as a hand went over the mouthpiece, having just heard a female voice muffled in the background, he recognised it as Elle’s, followed by a response and a small noise that could be accused of being a door closing.
“Sorry, I told her it was you, but she just walked away again.” Paul apologised. “When she is ready, I’m sure she’ll want to talk again.”
“Thank you.”
“No problem, and thank you for trying to fix things.”
“It took me long enough.”
“As the saying goes, better late than never,” Paul commented. “Goodbye, Mr. Hiddleston.”
When Tom hung up the phone, he sighed. He wanted to apologise to Danielle, she had said that when he had righted things when he was the Tom she knew, she would talk with him again, but she had actively left the room when she knew it was him on the phone. He felt somewhat angry at her for that.
“So no instant fawning at your feet then? She’ll bide her time, make it seem real.” He turned to see Taylor taking her boots off behind him.
“I don’t want to hear it. She is with someone, he seems to know her enough to be in the adjoining room to where she is showering, so clearly they are serious, so whatever bullshit you keep trying to fill my head with can stop.”
Taylor studied him for a moment. “Wow,” she laughed. “You are so pathetic.”
“We’re done Taylor, I’m done.”
The smile fell from her face. “What?”
“This relationship is over, I am going home, to London, to my family and friends and I am going to pretend the last few months of humiliation and ridicule never happened and get on with my life.” He stated plainly.
“So you,” she pointed to him “are breaking up with me?” she pointed to herself; Tom nodded. “I did what you asked.”
“Because you lied about my friend.”
She looked at him and erupted in laughter causing Tom to frown. “Fine, shoo, off with you so.” She made an ushering motion with her hand. “I can have any guy I want, why would I want you and your receding hairline anyway?” That caused Tom to flinch slightly. His hairline was something he had tried to not let bother him, but as fans compared set pictures from the four Marvel films, Tom was forced to acknowledge the timeline of his hairline's receding. “The most pathetic thing about this is that she has someone else now, so you end up with no one.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I was wrong before,” Taylor admitted. “I thought the attraction was one way, but clearly, it’s not. I really should be more insulted, but when I think about it, she is short, plain and in serious need of a personal trainer, I am none of those things, and I never am going to be, so if that is what gets you hard, then clearly it is not my fault.” She shrugged.
“Oh please, you are so blind.” She scoffed. “Did talking to her boyfriend, knowing she is probably only showering because they were at it get you annoyed? I mean, he could still have been sitting on the bed, naked after screwing her when he picked up her phone, telling you to get stuffed when he was stuffing her a few minutes before.”
Tom swallowed hard, the idea causing him to feel nauseous, had he not noticed before, when his mother mentioned Paul, and after seeing him in his mother’s house, he had become shorter tempered. Had Taylor actually figured out why? “You need to get yourself together Taylor and grow up.”
“You mean turn old before my time like you Tommy?” she gave him a disgusted look as she eyed him up and down. “No thanks.”
Grabbing his wallet, phone, and his bag, he walked out of the room, turning to look at Taylor one last time as he did. “I really did not think you were the person the tabloids wrote about.”
“I really thought you had a decent sized dick from your photo’s, guess we were both sorely disappointed.” She dismissed. “Don’t bother coming back to me when she doesn’t leave Doctor Low Standards for you straight away, even she seems to be grateful to not have to deal with you, he’s better looking, and he may actually still have hair in ten years, and I never take an ex back.” She started to play on her phone.
Even though it was Tom’s hotel suite, he checked out immediately, before getting into the nearest cab and requesting JFK airport. He rather a night waiting in a departure lounge than staying around Taylor any longer. Her words circled his mind a few times as he sat in the VIP section of the departure area, having paid extortionately to get back to London, via Berlin just to get in the air quicker. In truth, he realised the reason she never was seen again with her ex’s, was probably because they were usually avoiding her, grateful to get away. There was one thing that concerned him, however, her PR spin, she would use the whole debacle to spin her again as a victim, he was sure of it. Taking out his phone, he scrolled to Luke’s number immediately.
“Well, you did it, but she still made it about her, she’s good,” Luke commented, the sounds around him telling Tom he was in public.
“I ended it.”
“Thank you, Jesus.” Luke declared loudly.
“You’re not holy.”
“I might be after this. So, what was the reception?”
“Scoffing, not to mention a couple of dick and hairline blows.”
“Nice classy lady then.”
“Luke, why did I do it?” Tom rubbed his face in his hands.
“I think it had something to do with dicks and blowing as you just stated.”
“Really, jokes?”
“I can’t say, I never saw her as anything but a Siren, beautiful, but all she wants is your doom. Her next album will be interesting; ‘Why British Men Are All Pigs’ or something to that effect.”
“You don’t think she will write about this?”
Luke scoffed. “Tom, she writes about everyone that has even been accused of sticking their dicks in her, it is all she does. Find a victim, fuck him a few times, get her ass kicked to the nearest proverbial curb, and bitch about it for five songs straight. Except with you, she will have hideous humiliating pictures to boot.”
“Well I have Cathy, Tia, and Jonathon all keeping an eye on all online media sources, social media included, we are also going to have to run an explanation ourselves.”
“Nothing cruel.”
“Are you actually joking?”
“Nothing on her level.”
“Tom, I would need to get onto the planning authority and hire a fracking company to get to her level,” Luke argued. “She will run you through the dirt, you are aware of that.”
“We are not her, Luke.”
“And that is why she is worth a quarter billion, and you have, well, less than she pays in tax a year.”
“But every penny I earned with hard work.”
“I dunno, it seems to be an awful lot of work to piss off the amount of people she does, her level of dedication to her actions is commendable,” Luke commented.
“I have something done, effectively you are not willing to let any too close, the exposure was too much and that you are not ready to dedicate as much time as a woman deserves to a relationship yet, meaning you want to wait until you are to get serious.” Luke rattled off.
“Makes me sound distant.”
“It does, in a way, but caring also, not wanting to tag someone along, no false promises,” Luke explained.
“And Danielle?”
“What about her, you did everything you could, and trust me, that is the closest you are going to get out of Swift.”
“Will she go for her again now?”
“Why should she?”
“She thinks I have a thing for Elle.”
“Oh well, this is going to get interesting.” Luke barked sarcastically. “I am going to go grey from you, Tom, I really am.”
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bandsanitizer · 6 years
Hey so I read a fanfic and I couldn’t fit everything I needed to say in an ask, so here’s the fic reaction post that tends to occur after I read the most amazing of fics.
As per usually, this is NOT A SPOILER FREE POST.
(In two ways ahahahahah Because Stephanie Brown is mentioned and I can’t be excited over and review a fic without including spoilers)
Now back to the actual point...
Okay but seriously? It was beautiful from beginning to end and slowly this will be a more coherent post as I calm down, but as of starting this I kind of just finished reading the entire thing at 2:30AM.
Can I just say Birdflash is my favorite and I absolutely love Dick Grayson? Especially stories that really portray the “oldest sibling” side of him in a way that isn’t perfect.
This story does that.
first off, the concept of the AU is a fantastic one and it’s... It’s really interesting? Because Bruce Wayne/Batman is an extreme person who is prepared for everything and anything. There’s a reason he has his contingency plans and knows the weaknesses of the people he’s meant to trust, the people he works and fights alongside. This AU really kicks it up a notch but in such a Bruce way? Like only Bruce Wayne would be like “I LOVE YOU KIDS so you’re not allowed to tell anyone who you are”
I mean, that’s a really simplistic view of it, but the idea of keeping your loved ones safe through not the best of plans, is such a Bruce Wayne move that this AU hardly feels absurd or something so... out of the box. It’s also really creative though and I think it’s a fantastic idea. I will cherish this AU for the rest of life i s2g.
REMINDER: SPOILER ALERT!!!! (go read the fic and come back)
Now onto the Batfam.
@grxysxns Your writing of the characters were amazing??????? I LOVE YOUR CHARACTERIZATION OF DICK GRAYSON AND I WILL SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOF TOPS!!!!!! The way you write Tim is superb. I also do like how you wrote the rest of the batfam (even though there wasn’t everyone necessarily, the idea of family was there). Sure, like other fanfic writers, there was some glossing over of the tensions between Jason and the rest of them and maybe some of the other members BUT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE STORY IT WORKS SO WELL AND I CANT REALLY COMPLAIN
Dick takes on so much and he does this thing where he acts strong for the people he loves and the people he wants to protect. The way you wrote that was stunning. I love the balance of you showcasing how much Dick was doing and how much Dick was screwing up. I like the contrast between the things superhero working out with things falling apart with Wally and then sort of a switch later on. I love when writers capture the good and the bad that comes with Dick Grayson trying to take the world on his shoulders for the sake of his family (specifically his younger siblings). I also love how vulnerable and just broken he seemed, which I know sounds bad, but I love me some Angst™️ yknow? This story has a perfect balance of that and happy endings that are too happy, but just right. A nice ending that feels like a happy batfam yknow?
To be honest, I could go on forever about your characterization of Dick Grayson. !!!!!!! Your showcasing of his infamous anger was not missed and I love it! You included his flaws but showed him being great too and that’s !!!!! The best
As for Tim, holy shit, I love the way your wrote Tim, especially his transition out of Robin. Like, it’s not from Tim’s point of view but I LOVE COMMUNICATION AND DICK SITTING DOWN TO HELP TIM WITH THE MESS OF TIM NO LONGER BEING ROBIN AND DICK REALLY MAKING SURE TIM KNOWS THAT DICK ISNT REPLACING HIM AND THAT TIM IS SO SO SPECIAL AND SO SO LOVED!!!! Also their brotherly interactions about Kon were just ... so beautiful *cries*
Damian was great too??? I like the balance of “from the league of assassins” and “still a kid” that was there. I appreciate that moment where Damian’s just so unsure and Dick’s like “over my dead body” because I just love dick!bats and dami!robin?????? I mean Dick!Bats alone isn’t a favorite of mine, but Dick and Damian have this dynamic that I really like and I think you captured their relationship quite amazingly. (I’m sorry I lack a large vocabulary so my adjectives might repeat)
Then with Cass and the signing... It’s not huge but I love it so much.
Also the hints of Babs and Steph, I love them, but the way you wrote their lack of presence was powerful, too, because I think the distance portrayed really fits how they’d handle everything and despite anything to the contrary, I feel like Dick really does understand his siblings enough to know which ones need the daily check ups and which ones need the prolonged space, until they’re ready. (Tim and Cass vs Steph and Jason) And both are good and fine and did I mention I LOVE YOU AND THE WAY YOU WROTE THE BATFAM????
Plus the whole Dick watching everyone move on while he’s busy living the life of his dead father, was a really intriguing contrast that I found unique and interesting. I like the depth of Dick’s distain for being Batman extending beyond the fact that it’s the opposite of everything he tried as Nightwing. It’s also tying to something he knows he needs to move on from and I just love how you wrote it.
And Jason? My god the ending part was great. I liked the interaction and I like the way Jason shooting those guys was handled, because to some degree, I do believe that between Dick and Bruce there are difference in their beliefs in the whole “don’t kill” code. I think it’s be in character, especially for a stressed and tired and hurt, Dick Grayson to overlook it a bit for the sake of family and just cos it’s not the most pressing issue. Idk Bruce might, but Dick Grayson screams family and I love his interaction with Jason
And now to the bIRDFLASH!!!!!!!! Let me tell you, this will FOREVER be my favorite Birdflash fanfic. Okay so like there’s always a chance you’ll write something more amazing, but this is, by far, one of the greatest fanfics I have ever read. It’s beautifully constructed, well planned, has great emotions, and a nice balance of “IMMA MAKE YOU CRY” and “HERE LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF”
Okay anyways, Birdflash.
CONSENT! IS! IMPORTANT! and even if Dick wasn’t necessarily deterred by those kinds of things and more for the sake of keeping up the lie, I really appreciate how much Wally listened and just had basic! human! decency! It was beautiful and soft and just ... so breathtaking
I love soft birdflash yknow?
AND THEN THE ANGST! The whole Dick “learning” Wally’s the Flash and the guilt from Dick and the later misunderstandings and the eventual truth telling... It was excellently crafted in my opinion. It’s a cliché to have the whole superhero and “oh no are they cheating?!” but you wrote it so amazingly and then Wally calling Dick the next day with understanding and apology was refreshing and really sweet.
WALLY REASSURING DICK HE LOVES HIM AND YET ASKING FOR SPACE IS ALSO THE BEST!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HOW YOU WROTE THIS SCENE SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH BECAUSE ITS SO SWEET BUT SO REAL AND GENUINE! It’s realistic to have Wally express love and care but also need space, while Dick gets why Wally needs space but kind of wishes Wally could stay. It’s a lovely balance and I’m so in love with your writing.
Finally, the ending. Which basically is great because I love Robins (and any batkid really) not taking Bruce’s shit. Like him telling Clark and Diana I understand, but then forcing Dick and the rest of them to stick to the gag-order... Not his best move. Yet, like the kids, you can understand part of where he came from... And I like that. I also love how you wrote the scene like...
Bruce: WTF?
Kon: 0.0
Wally: 0.0
Tim: uh...
Dick: *comes running in, but like more hobbling* hI YES I DID IT NOW FIGHT ME BROOSE
Damian: *running in after* You cannot be fighting, Grayson!
So a little off, but main idea: Big Brother Dick Grayson, Protective Damian, Cute TimKon, and Wally “What’s happening?” West.
Overall, what I am trying to say is that this story was a phenomenal read and by far one of my favorites across all fandoms and ships. It stands out as one of the best that I’ve read, in terms of characterization of Dick Grayson and his relationships with the other batfam members. The writing of Dick and Wally’s relationship was stunning and this is definitely one of those fanfics I’ll always find myself coming back to read.
You’re an amazing author and I hope to read more of your writing! This piece had me in awe from start to end and I just... Just Thank you? For writing something so amazing and interesting and balanced.
Seriously, “Every Fiber of My Being” is wonderful, so well written, and a really special type of AU that leaves you with a little sense of “What do you mean this isn’t canon?”
“Every Fiber of My Being” by @grxysxns is a fantastic Birdflash/Batfam AU, that really hits all your Dick Grayson feels with a loving handful of soft and caring Birdflash. GO AND READ IT!!! AND THEN EXPRESS YOUR LOVE TO THE AUTHOR!!!
Also this is intended both as a reaction, a love letter to the author, and a rec for people who haven’t read it, and I apologize for how confusing this might’ve been. But wow, there were hardly enough words to explain the way I feel about this particular fanfic.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
“It’s them, but it’s not them !” 2/2 -Bruce Wayne x Reader
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@m-fairbank also asked the same thing, things happening on Batmom’s point of you, and also some of the batboys...and I kinda planned something like that anyway. So here’s a sequel for “It’s her but it’s not her”, and I hope you’ll like it (and hope the “mixed feelings” were still good ones ;-)) AGAIN felt like I could write something better, might re-write everything...I rushed a bit writing it cause I’m in L.A but I also wanted to write something and...I guess it’s this kind of time eh. 
Summary : Batman and his kids accidentally got send in an alternate dimension, and Batmom has the displeasure of realizing that her Bruce from this other world is...not hers at all. 
my master list blog :@ella-ravenwood-archives
When your husband and kids came home with Diana and Clark, you didn’t think too much of it. It wasn’t unusual for your friends to come over to the bat cave and work, or even just chill. 
But when you went to kiss Bruce, and you felt him stiffen under your touch. When he didn’t kiss back, and even moved away, his head moving back and forth between you and Clark, stunned. When your sons stared at you with wide eyes and open mouthes...you realized something was wrong. 
-Wh...what is it ? 
Bruce didn’t say anything, he found he couldn’t say anything. The Hell just happened ? Clark’s wife just kissed him ! And...What was she doing in the bat cave anyway, at this hour ? 
Under your husband’s gaze, you felt uncomfortable for the first time in your life. Usually, he had the opposite effect on you, you were always so relaxed around him. Even during charity balls or such obligations you had as Waynes, when your introverted self felt awful, his mere presence calmed you down and helped you get threw the night. 
But right now, the way he was looking at you made you shiver. You didn’t recognize his usual look...In his eyes right now, there were no love, no relief to see you well and alive, no joy, no slight impatience to finally get to bed with you. Instead, there was confusion, embarrassment, and a slight touch of curiosity maybe ? 
And your children...None of them rushed to hug you first, or to tell you who’s ass they kicked this time. 
Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. 
Clark approached you, and laid a soothing hand on  your shoulder. 
-They...Hum...They’re not who you think they are. 
Diana rolled her eyes, leave it to Superman to not be able to actually explain something properly. She came close to you too, and said : 
-There was an...accident with the League. A portal open and your family went threw, they came back, and they’re not...
-I understood what Clark meant. 
Even though the situation was serious, Superman couldn’t help but give a look at Wonder Woman that meant : “See, she got it”. Diana stuck her tongue out to him. Those two could sometimes be so childish. And cute. But right now, you weren’t feeling like you could appreciate how cute they could be together. 
You looked at Bruce, and you were sure everything was true. This wasn’t your Bruce. And they weren’t your children...You felt sick. And you fainted. The Batman was the fastest to catch you, and you collapsed in his arms. 
You were as light as a feather, and holding you like that made him feel weird...he just couldn’t pinpoint what exactly were those feelings. 
Alfred rushed toward you guys, and said : 
-Oh my oh my oh my, let’s take her to your...hum...Her room I guess. Follow me...Master Bruce. 
Bruce, not your Bruce, another one, took you to the room you shared with your husband. You were still unconscious. Too many emotions at once. What if this “portal” couldn’t be re-open, meaning you’d never see your family again ? No. That couldn’t happen. And yet...
Batman laid you down delicately in the bed, noticing that it was left undone and that there were definitely two people usually sharing this bed. He didn’t really know what he felt right now. So, in this World, you weren’t his best friend’s wife, you were...His. 
-Come Master Bruce, let Lady (Y/N) rest, it must be quite a shock to...Well, you know. 
He definitely knew. He couldn’t believe it, in his World, you and Clark were so in love...Yes, he knew you had a crush on him years ago, and he liked you too, but he also knew that in his line of work, there was no time for serious relationship and all...Was he wrong ? Did he make a mistake ? According to what his friends from this World’s League told him, everything was fine here too, mostly thanks to the Batman, to this other him who was...married. To you. His best friend’s dear wife. Who used to like him, and vice versa. He just couldn’t wrap his head around that.
Him and his children followed Alfred threw corridors, and they couldn’t help but stop at almost every pictures hung on the walls. It wasn’t austere paintings like in their house, it was colorful photographs. 
Dick stopped in front of a picture where he just graduated from High School, and you and Bruce were on each side of him, arms around his shoulder. All of you smiled, even the bat. “I’m so proud of you son”, was written on the picture, signed by Bruce. A little cute heart followed by “I love you my wonder boy, you’re the most fantastic one ever !” was also written, with a signature he didn’t recognize, probably yours. His heart tightened, Bruce wasn’t even at his graduation day where he came from...
Jason’s eyes got attracted by a picture where he was sitting on Bruce’s shoulders. Bruce was looking up at him, a bright smile on his face, one of his hand holding his, while the other held the hand of Clark Kent’s wife...Apparently his wife in this world. You. Jason looked happier than he ever felt in this picture. In his free hand, the one Bruce wasn’t holding, he had some cotton candy. On the bottom of the picture was written : “Gotham Fair, summer 1996, picture proudly taken by yours truly, Dick Grayson”. How was this possible ? In his World, Bruce and Jason weren’t on the best terms at all. They actually rarely spoke, though they worked together...This was all so unsettling. 
Tim was in front of a picture of him, age 10 or something. Bruce was holding him in his arms, hugging him lovingly. You were next to him, holding a trophy in your hand, and Tim recognize the science fair he won 7 years ago, but neither Bruce nor you (obviously) were there to congratulate him. He was smiling like crazy, his arms in the air as a sign of victory, and Bruce was raising him almost above his head, pride shining in his face. The caption under the picture read : “Timmy winning the science fair, 4th grade, picture taken by proud big brother Jason (Dick was flirting with Tim’s teacher, of course he would...)”. Tim felt tears welled up in his eyes, his life was so far from what he was seeing on this picture...
Damian stopped in front of one where it was just you and him. Outside on a snowy day. You were bending down a bit to be at his height, your arms slung around him, clearly laughing, and he was...smiling. Not of the fake smile he gave people at charity balls and such, no, a real, true, heartfelt smile. He never smiled like that...Also, he was holding your arms in a sideway hug. He couldn’t remember one time he ever hug anyone, or been hugged. Under the picture was written : “Damian and mom, Winter 2016, Dami’s first snowballs fight, picture taken by a very defeated Bruce”. 
Bruce was standing in front of a picture that made his heart beat faster than ever. It was you and him, he wore a beautiful suit, and you were in a wedding dress. Your foreheads touched, and the smiles on both your faces were the most broad and beautiful. “Wedding day, 1992, picture taken by little Dickie”. His eyes then went to the picture next to that, you were both in front of a Japanese temple, he was kissing the crown of your head, and you were smiling, your hand splayed on his chest, your head on his chest. “Honeymoon, 1992, Japan”.  Next picture, you and him at a charity ball. You were so beautiful. The entire wall was just pictures of the two of you, and another life he could have had unfolded in front of him. That other Bruce seemed so happy...Maybe he did make a mistake by turning you down all those years ago. 
Dick took him away from his sad thoughts : 
-Wow. It sure seems like we have very different lives here eh...
-No shit right ? Maybe I never got beaten by the Joker with a crowbar here...
Alfred jumped in, so far, he didn’t say anything and let them look at the pictures that littered the walls : 
-I’m afraid you did die, master Jason. However, Lady (Y/N) convinced you long ago to give up your...murderous ways you adopted after you came back to life.
-Oh...Well...Shit. That’s...That’s so weird. I feel weird. 
-I feel weird too. 
Tim said, looking at multiples pictures of himself and his brothers having a good time...Christmases, easters, birthdays...They were a real family here.
Damian didn’t say a word, but thought the same things. He felt jealous toward the other version of him. He had a dad and a mom. Real ones...
Bruce’s harsh voice stopped all of their thinkings. 
-Let’s go boys, we have important things to do. 
You woke up during the night, alone, and remembered everything. You felt sick again, but didn’t faint. 
For the next two weeks, you tried to help them as best you could to find a way back home. You felt so strange, not being able to touch any of them without them stiffening under your fingers. You felt so strange, not being able to kiss your husband, or hold your children. You felt...incredibly sad. You missed them so much. 
And they were no better. They had a hard time handling their discoveries. That in this world, they were a family, they were happier. Everything was not always perfect, according to Alfred, but they were...together. 
Alfred’s heart bleed with the thought that somewhere, his Bruce wasn’t the one he raised at all. Somewhere, he never met you, and never got out of the dark well he fell into when he was 8. Somewhere, he was just The Dark Knight and nothing else...and apparently, he had a very difficult relationship with his sons. 
You intervened multiple times to stop a dispute that sprout between them. All of this was so wrong...
At night, Bruce couldn’t sleep. More than usual. Plagued with dreams about what his life could have been. 
Finally, they found a way home, though they weren’t sure they really wanted to leave. But they couldn’t stay, they couldn’t steal what their other selves had. It wouldn’t be right. 
You felt a deep sadness in your heart though, as you saw them leave. From your understanding, their lives weren’t the greatest, and you couldn’t help but feel terrible at the thought of your children, and him, your Bruce, being miserable...however, they weren’t really yours, and when your family went threw the portal to return to you, you forgot everything. It made you feel guilty for a while, but what could you do ? Bruce’s decision in the other World were his. You felt so guilty feeling like it was his fault if things went that way...but realistically, it was...He’s the one that didn't let you enter his life. 
However, the thoughts of that other Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian never left you. From the day your family came back, you loved them even more than before, if that was possible, and took care of them even more too. Because you realized that without you, things would be very different, and you hated how things would be. You hated the fact that they all looked so sad and distressed. That they all seem to lack love and affections so much. It made you physically sick to think about those other boys...So you turned your pain for them into love for the one you had. For your husband. For your sons. Because here, they were yours. And they’d always be yours. 
However, you could just never forget about them, even though you thought it was kind of that other Bruce’s fault. You just couldn’t be that cold. Your heart went to those boys, and to the man that never married you. It might have been his fault if it didn’t happen, but you knew he didn’t deserve to be miserable...
Back in his dimension, he was thinking about it, and would definitely agree with you. It was his fault. And he knew now that he made a terrible mistake years ago. He should’ve never turned you down all those years ago. Maybe now, he wouldn’t feel so hollow, so empty...Maybe you were the missing piece. But he could never have you. Not anymore, it was too late. You just had Clark’s child...
He put his head in his hands, and let himself cry. For the first time in years. Because the thought of what he let go off was just too painful. Things could be so different, for him AND for his children. Especially for the kids...they deserved so much better than a broken man unable to show them his affection. 
They deserved you. But you were going to love that child you just got with Clark. His son was going to have the life his children should have had. 
And it was all his fault...
The End.
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fandompride101 · 4 years
Saving The World
Raven's POV:
"We lost 31% of the earth's molten core, there is nothing we can do." Batman explained to Diana and Clark.
   I look over to Damian, who is sitting next to me. His eyes meet mine, and I lean forward for a kiss. When our lips touched, I felt everything that I have been longing to feel for the past two years. I felt loved and no longer alone.
   The flash stands up and moves over to Batman and the others. I pull apart from Damian, and we both walk over to the conversation.
   "If I just make another flash point, we could reverse this." The flash pleads his case.
   "No, that is far too dangerous." Constantine steps in. "You could just make another timeline that is ten times worse."
   "I don't see any other way." The flash looks at us all. "Do any of you have a better idea?"
   There was silence and all you could hear was the wind blowing past us. Soon the earth will grow cold and those who were left on it would surely die. I turn to Damian. I observed his face and I can tell he had no further plan. He looks over to me.
   "What?" He whispers.
   "I have too." I mumble. I stand to my feet, but Damian grabs my hand.
   "What are you doing?"
   "I have a plan." I say, just loud enough for the others to hear me.
   "And what is it?" Constantine looks, as if thinking what I was about to say wouldn't work. He could at least give me a shot.
   "Your going to have to trust me." I look at each and every one of them.
Diana steps forward. "I believe in you." She put a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see her face. She nodded at me and I nodded to her.
Then I stepped away into an open area.
   "Raven, wait!" Damian steps in front of me. "What are you doing?"
   I put my hand on his cheek and for a second he rests his head on it, then he backs away enough to look me in the eyes. "I love you."
I kissed him, holding onto his head, wanting to forever remember this moment. I don't know if this will work, but something inside of me is calling for me to do this. A voice in my head that used to say 'destroy the world' is now saying 'save it.'
One thing I have learned in the Teen Titans, is that no matter the sins of people, they are all worth saving. The world is worth saving. Damian is worth saving.
   I break our kiss and take one last look at him. I step back and levitate to the sky, not looking away from Damian. When I got to the highest I could go, I looked around. The world was in shambles now. Torn up and destroyed by the need for power.
I took one more look down at the people that I have grown to call my family. Clark who saved me from... me, Starfire who is like a sister to me and who guided me for many years. Dick who taught me to fight and hold my ground. Damian who made me feel like anything was possible. I needed to save them.
I took a deep breath.
   "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal the earth. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal those that are injured. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Bring back those we have lost. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Bring those who died, back to life. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal those who have been taken for machines. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" In the name of love!
   Then my world goes dark.
Damian's POV:
I looked at her. I watched as she slipped from my fingers and ascended to the sky, almost as if she was ascending to Heaven. She wasn't looking at us anymore, but to the world and the damage that was done.
I didn't know what she was doing, but I could only pray that it would work. She made it seem like goodbye, but I won't let this be the end. I didn't die and be brought back for her to die.
Father steps to my side and watches the sky along with all the others. Dick is in Kori's lap, and she is stroking his hair. The moment they saw each other, Greyson had recognized her. Father place a hand on my shoulder, bring my gaze back to the sky.
There is a flash of purple, but instead of her black raven appearing around her, she is surrounded by a white one. It was almost breathtaking to watch and I even heard a few gasps from behind me, but I didn't take my eyes away from her.
Then there was a flash of white that consumed the sky.
   For a moment the world would not come into focus. All around, it looked fuzzy. And then it became clear. I looked over at Starfire and Dick, and they were hugging each other. Starfire's robotic parts were at her feet and she looked as she did two years ago. Dick stood up from the ground and they hugged. It seemed like there was no linger of the effect of the Lazerous pit.
   I turned around and was shocked. Robotic pieces were on the ground as the people they belonged to embraced each other in their original forms. Diana was being helped up by Clark, and Batman stood from the ground, no longer in Dark Side's uniform. Raven did it.
   I looked to the spot she last was, but she was, falling. I rushed to catch her, holding my arms out for her. She crashed on top of me. She was on my stomach. I sat up.
   "Raven!" I grabbed her face and turned it towards me, but she did not move. I tested her vitals. She was weak, but she was alive.
   "Raven." Kori came over and reached for Raven's arm.
   "She is alive, but her pulse is weak." I say, not looking away from the girl in my lap.
Soon a crowd of people came around us. All asking different questions, like if she was okay or if she was alive. I stood up with her in my arms and turned to the crowd of people who all had worried looks. Clark tried to reach for her, but I did let her go. I was never letting her go again.
"She is alive but in need of medical attention." I turn to Father. "Father, we have to get her somewhere where she can rest." He nodded.
"Bring her to the batcave. I will tell Alfred you are on the way." Dick came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. He put his other on her arm and checked her vitals. "She is getting stronger."
Just as he said that, Raven's eyes flew open. Her amethyst eyes found mine. "Damian." Her voice was hoarse, but she smiled at me.
"Don't speak. Save your energy." I hushed her. "We will get you somewhere safe."
"Did it work?" She asked, looking around at everyone.
   "According to my records our molten core is in tacts and the earth's population was restored to the number it was before Dark Side's attach." Father read off his screen. "I am not sure how you did it, but you did. Very well done Raven." Father noded to her.
   "Zatanna?" Constantine asked.
"Constantine." Zatanna's voice called through the crowd. She stood with a portal open as other Justice League members flooded out.
   Raven smiled, and then she turned to me. "I saved you twice today."
   "Yes, you did."
Raven's POV:
   "Raven?" A voice pulls me from my rest.
   "What?" I open my eyes, confused.
   "You fell asleep." Damian brushes his hand on my cheek.
   "I didn't mean to." I say, trying to sit up.
   "No, it's okay." He smiled and helped me up. "I was just worried for a moment. Go back to sleep. The car is here and I will take you somewhere safe." He said. I noticed that I was still in his arms.
   "I can walk." I am not sure if it is true or not, but I didn't want him to know that.
   "I will carry you anyways." He smiled down at me. My heart felt warm and tingly, and honestly I felt like I could curl up into him and sleep forever.
   Damian helped me into the seat of the car, putting me in the passenger seat. Then he put the seat belt around me. I gave him a look, telling him I could have done that on my own, but he ignored it.
   Damian slid into the driver's seat of the car, but his father came over before he could start the engine. "Drive her right back to the cave. I will be there when I can."
   "I will, Father." Damian blew off his father's words.
   His father hesitated, but stepped away, and Damian started the car, and then sped off. I grabbed the handle above my head, making Damian turn to me.
   "Please slow down." I begged.
   Damian turned to me, and when he saw that I wasn't kidding, he slowed to almost the speed limit. "Are you alright?"
   "I am really light headed." I close my eyes, trying to focus on breathing. I turned back to look at Damian who looking worried. "But I will be fine."
   He holds out his hand and I take it. I close my eyes again and take deep breaths. He squeezes my hand and says, "if you puke... you will have to clean it up." He says, making me laugh.
Back at the Batcave
   Well even though the ride wasn't too terribly long, it turned out I will be known as the first person to throw up in the Batmobile. Damian started to speed a little more when I got sick, but he only made it worse.
   "I am sorry." I tell him as he helps me out. "I really am."
   "It was a joke, I swear. You are fine." He scoops me up into his arms and carries me away from the car.
   "I'm sorry." I say as he lays me down on a bed.
   "Please stop saying that. You are fine. I will clean it up, but you have to get better. To do that you have to stop worrying. " He paused and looked at me. "Please."
   I smile at him, and reach for his face. When I touch his cheek, he smiles and leans into my touch. All of a sudden my bed becomes occupied by another guest. I sit up a bit to see Titus resting at my feet.
   "Titus will stay with you and make sure you don't get out of bed." Damian nodded as if making the plan up as he went.
   I didn't argue, and then Damian left to go clean up. I fell asleep with Titus' head, resting on my legs.
   "What happened?" Batman came in, immediately sitting down at his computer.
   I was cleaning up the Batmobile, from the earlier mess that I had made. I should not have sped so much. Then maybe she would not have gotten sick. "I was speeding to get back here, and Raven became ill." I explained.
   My father turned around to look at me. "Damian, you should not have sped. She probably is tired and easily acceptable to motion sickness."
   "Father, I thought it best we got here as soon as possible, but I admit it was a mistake." I bowed my head.
   "So is she the one you were talking about?" He looked at me.
I stayed quite, unsure of what he was talking about.
"When you said 'save them, save 'her' you meant Rachel Roth?" Father said, trying to piece together the puzzle.
"Father, now is not the time or place to be discussing this." I pick up the rag I was using to clean the car and put them in a garbage bag I was using. I stood up and he turned back to his bat computer.
   "Her vitals are returning, but she will need rest. I fear this has taken a great deal of energy." Father says as I go over to the panel on the wall and check the camera in her room. She is sleeping, but so is Titus. So much for a guard dog.
"We must give her time." I nod and turn to Father.
Raven's POV:
I woke up in the complete dark. I wasn't sure of the time, and when I pulled out my phone it was dead. Titus stirred and started towards the door. I opened it for him and followed him out. I hadn't noticed at first, but there was a sleeping body on the ground.
I knelt to his side and put a hand on his shoulder to wake him.
"Damian." I whispered.
His eyes shot open and he scanned the room. He sat up so fast that I was almost knocked over in surprise. He turned his head back and fourth and soon his eyes landed on me with worry.
"What's wrong? What happened." He grabbed my arms and looked around.
"Damian." I smiled. He was so worried that it was hilarious to watch. I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. "Damian, I am fine."
He looked me over and then sighed.
"What's going on, why are you sleeping outside the door?" I reached up and put a hand to his face, gently.
"Nothing. I was just making sure you were alright." He looked at me with those emerald eyes. "Why are you up, you should be resting?"
"I wanted to get something to eat."
"Well then let us go upstairs and get you some food. What is it that you are Hungary for?" He offered me his arm to take.
I took it and looked up at him. "Cereal."
"Cereal? It's almost midnight." He checked his watch and showed it to me.
"I just want cereal." I shrugged.
He sighed with a smile on his face. "Fine." He lead me up the stairs and to the kitchen area.
I sat down at the table while Damian went over to the cupboard and grabbed all the cereal brands they had. He set them down and grabbed the bowls and spoons and a gallon of milk. He set them on the table and I grabbed what I wanted. He did the same.
I took a spoon full of cereal and scooped it into my mouth and smiled at Damian.
"Cute." He said, nodding at me and then he took a bite of his cereal.
We ate our cereal in silence, only hearing the noises of ourselves chewing. I got seconds on my bowl, while Damian stopped after one. He watched me eat for a few minutes before his gaze started to annoy me.
"I am sorry that I eat cereal in a different way." I turned to him. "I am hungry."
He chuckles and leans back into his chair. "I don't think you eat strange, but I think it is funny to see you stuff your face." He smiles at me.
"Excuse me for using all my energy to save the world." I joke.
"You are right, you deserve to eat as much cereal as you would like." Damian bowed his head in acceptance, but when his head turned up he had an evil look in his eyes.
"Nothing." He leaned back, not losing eye contact.
"Damian, you have that look in your eye." I point at him.
"What look?" He plays innocent.
"That mischievous look that tells me you have a plan that is not going to end well." I lean back to get a better look at him.
"I have no look." He teases.
"Yes you do." I argue.
"No..." He was about to argue when we were interrupted.
"What are you fighting over?" Bruce Wayne walked into the room. I have never seen Batman out of his bat costume and it was shocking to see him standing before us.
"Father, we are sorry if we woke you." Damian stood and took our dishes to the sink.
"I was already awake." He sat down at the table. He turned to me and asked, "How do you feel?"
"I am better." I gave a weak smile.
"That is good." He nodded. "Now what was this about a 'look'?"
Damian sat in the chair beside me. I looked at him to see if he would explain it to his father or not. When it seemed like he wasn't going to answer I turned back to Batman and explained.
"I believe you son has a look that he gives when he has a plan that he knows you won't like." I explain.
"Oh, that look." Batman nods.
I turn to Damian with a triumphant look. "See, even your father knows of this look."
Damian turned back to me with a smile. "Fine you win." He put his hands up in surrender.
"How is everyone, Batman?" I turned to the man sitting across from us.
"Everyone has been informed of the events over the past few years and the Justice League plans to hold an official press meeting in the next day or so to go over the details." He pulled out his phone from his pocket and set it on the table. "And please, call me Bruce."
"Well Bruce," It sounds strange to say his name. "What are you going to tell them?"
He looked at me. "We are going to tell them the events of the past few years and explain the treat, and we plan to have you there by our side. That is if you are well enough." He gestured to me.
"Why me?" I questioned.
"You are the one who saved the world." He looked to his son and then back at me. "The world has been wanting to meet you."
"I don't know." I sank into my seat a bit.
"That reminds me. Lois and Clarke are coming tomorrow to see you. I had to send them home twice while you were asleep." Bruce stood. "Raven, please feel at home here." He said before he walked out.
I turned to Damian who was looking down at the table, scowling.
"What?" He looked at me and his eyes soften.
"What is a matter?" I turn my body towards his.
"You don't have to go to the press release. I told my father that you would need more time." He shook his head.
"Damian, it is fine. If I feel up to it, I would like to go. I want to." I put a hand on his.
"Okay." He hesitated before standing. He gave me his arm and we walked the lengths of the manor together. I wasn't really sure where he was taking me until we reached a door.
"You don't need to sleep in the bat cave." He explained to me and opened the door to a bedroom "You can stay here in my room."
"Your room?"
"If you don't feel comfortable, I can sleep else where." He said, allowing me to walk in.
I stepped in and Damian followed. I sat on the bed and looked at him. "You can stay here." I said, wanting for him to stay here. I almost begged him not to leave.
"Alright." He nodded. "I have some clothes you can wear."
He went over to his dresser and pulled out a hoody and basketball shorts. He handed them to me. I took them and went to the bathroom attached to the room and changed. When I got out Damian had changed into shorts and a t-shirt as well.
I slid under the covers and looked at him. He turned off the lights and made his way to the bed with only the lamp beside the bed for light.
"Good night Rachel." He said after he had turned off the lamp, leaving us in the dark.
"Good night."
Next Day
There was a knock on the door. I opened my eyes only to be flooded with light. I buried my head under the covers, blocking out the morning. The person next to me stirred and went to the door, opening it just a crack.
"Morning Mast Damian." Alfred greeted behind the door. "You father is worried that Miss Roth has ran off this morning, but I have come to ask if you know where she might be."
"Alfred don't be coy." Damian shook his head. "I am sure by the tone in your voice, you know she is with me."
"I had a hunch." There was amusement in Alfred's tone. "I will inform your father that I have found Miss Roth. Please join us downstairs, we have some visitors." He said just about to close the door. "Morning Miss Roth."
Damian forcefully closed the door and grumbled back to bed. He slid under the covers and his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and took the covers off my head and wiggled around so I could see him.
"Morning." Damian grumbled into the sheets.
"I think we need to go downstairs." I say, trying to free myself from Damian's grasp.
Damian has always been stronger than me, so his hold on me was firm. He was gentle not to hurt me, but his arms were not budging. I turned back to look at him when I gave up trying to get out of his grip.
"Damian..." I warned.
"Five more minutes." He grumbled again.
"You are normally a morning person, why are you like this?" I say, trying to break free again.
"Because for the first time in two years the world is not in danger and I am in bed with you. I want to keep it that way." He growled into my ear.
This sent shivers down my spine. A smiled spread across my face and I leaned back into Damian's grasp. He was right. For the first time we have been able to be just us without the fear of the world ending or father trying to kill him.
I sighed and then broke his hands free. I stood up and looked down at Damian who was looking up at me from the sheets of the bed. He did not seem too happy.
"Damian, once we go downstairs and make ourselves known, we can come back up here. I am hungry and want to eat before I fall back asleep." I said, pulling at his arm to get him out of bed. He didn't move.
After a moment I dropped his arm and stepped back. He grumbled "fine." And got to his feet. He went into the bathroom to change into some different clothes I did a simple spell to change close into a shirt and pants.
When Damian came out his hair was wet and he smelled like aftershave. I smiled and walked over to him. I hugged him around his chest, taking in a breath. His arms wrapped around me as he continued to pull socks out of his drawer.
When we were both done getting ready we headed out the door and right downstairs to the kitchen. Alfred was at the counter with a stack of pancakes beside him. When I stepped in closer I noticed Bruce, Clark and Lois all setting at the table. Damian walked over to the table and sat down.
Lois looked up and her eyes brightened when she saw me. She stood to her feet and practically ran to me. She embraced me and then I hear a chair crash to the ground and Clark got in the hug.
"I am so glad you are okay." Lois said into my ear. She held me so tight it was hard to breath.
"Raven, how are you?" Clark asked, not letting go of me or Lois.
"I am fine." I said, embracing them.
In the past two years I have grown close to Clark and Lois. Clark saved me from making a huge mistake and ending my life and Lois and Clark took care of me when I grew sick from my father's wrath.
They had become like a family to me. It was nice to be around them again.
Lois realised me and Clark and her stood back to look me over. They looked at me with concerned eyes, but I smiled.
"I am fine." I assured them.
Lois enveloped her hand in mind and led me back to the table. She made me sit in the seat that Clark was sitting in before, but he didn't seem to mind. He went and sat beside Bruce.
"You did it." Lois whispered in my ear when she sat down.
"What?" Whispered back to her.
"You saved the world." She smiled at me proudly. "I knew from the moment Clark brought you home that you were destined for great things."
I smiled. She had told me that a lot throughout our time spent together. She and Clark believed in me when I had lost hope in myself.
Alfred brought over a plate for me and Damian, who was now seated across from me. Alfred smiled at me when he handed me the plate. I couldn't help but blush.
"Raven, are you feeling better? The past few days we have come they told us you where asleep?" Clark turned to me.
"I am better." I nod and take a bite of my pancake.
"Glade to hear." He nodded. "Has Bruce filled you in on the press conference?"
"He said that the Justice League will hold one and that they would like me there." I said after I swallowed my food.
"And do you feel up to it?" Lois asked me in a concerned tone.
"It should be fine to go." I answered her.
She smiled at me and grabbed my hand that was resting on the table and gave it a squeeze. I looked at her and she had nothing but love in her eyes. I looked to Clark and he was just the same.
"I don't think Bruce has told you yet, but the Teen Titans have decided to take a season off and most of them are going home to family." Lois said, making me turn back to look at her. "And I know that the only family you had here was your father, and now he is gone."
I wasn't sure where she was going with this. Lois nervously turned to Clark and when I turned to him he just nodded with a smile on his face.
"We were wondering if you would like to come home with us." Lois turned back to me.
I looked at her in shock. She wanted me to come live with them? Clark and Lois were asking me to come stay with them for the while the Teen Titans were away.
"What?" I said, not sure I understood all of this.
"Come stay with us, Rachel." Clark said across the table.
"What do you say?" Lois said in a cheerful tone.
"I..." I didn't know what to say. I have never felt more welcome.
"Father, surely she would be better staying with us." Damian's gloomy tone made me turn to him. He was upset and glaring daggers at his father.
"If Rachel would like to go with the Kent's then she is the one to make that decision." Bruce said sternly. "But, she should stay here for a few more days while we track her vitals and such."
"So what do you say?" Lois asked again.
I looked at Clark and Lois and then at Damian. For the past two years the Kent's have held me together and given me love that no family has ever. I knew what I was going to choose, but I only wished Damian wouldn't hate me.
"Yes." I said, turning back to Lois. "When the press conference is over, I would like to come home with you and Clark."
Damian stood up and stomped out of the room. I winced at his foot steps but I knew what I wanted to do. Damian and I are just starting something, but I knew that I wanted to be with the Kent's
"When we go back to Metropolis, I would like to introduce you as my daughter." Clark spoke up.
"Your daughter?" I turned back and forth at Lois and Clark to see if this was real.
"You are family and if this past two years prove anything, it is that you are a Kent." Lois squeezed my hand again. "Even if you are not by blood, you are."
"Thank you guys." I smiled at the two of them.
"Rachel, would you mind if Clark, Lois and I have the room?" Bruce spoke up. "We have a few matters with the press conference that need to be finalized."
I nodded and stood up. I left the room quietly, still smiling. I couldn't believe this. I didn't think about what would happen when I woke up. Clark and Lois took care of me for all these years, and I just thought when all of this was over they would lead their own lives, but now they want me to join them? I was happily surprised.
I was walked back to Damian's room. I didn't know how I was going to explain this all to him and I knew by the way he reacted he would not be happy, but I wanted to explain this all to him.
I knocked on the door.
I knocked again and this time when nothing happened I turned the nob. Damian was sitting at his desk in his room, writing something. I walked over to him and waited for him to finish. When he set the pen down I spun his chair to look at me and sat on the bed.
"Damian, I am going." I start.
His eyes were murderous.
"I love you." I put my hand on his. "I would stay with you forever, but over the past two years... It was the Kent's that took care of me."
I let go of his hand and put it in my lap. I looked down at my hands, not wanting to face Damian.
"I wanted to die. I mean it. I wanted it to be over. If I killed myself, father would have never been freed and you would have been safe." I toy with my hands. "And I couldn't be with you because if I let my father slip for even a second, he would have killed you."
It was hard telling Damian this. I never admitted this to anyone before.
"When Clark showed up and took me in, he and Lois gave me something that I needed. Hope." I glance up and then quickly back down. Damian was staring at me like hot lasers. "They gave me a home and made me feel loved."
They were the parents I never had.
"I am going with them because they have become my family. Like the Titans, but with a stronger bond." A tear slipped. "I love you and this doesn't mean I don't. Just because I am leaving doesn't mean I am leaving you." I looked up at him, finding my courage. "I will portal here to see you whenever, but I need to do this."
Damian was silent for a second and I let my head drop. Maybe he didn't believe me or didn't want to hear this, but it needed to be said.
I felt his hand reach my face and I looked up to him.
"I love you." He said in almost a whisper. "And though I will hate having you close by, I understand." He nodded. "But I tell you this. I will gain your love enough one day to be considered the only family you will ever need." He said in a wild tone. "And on that day, you will be my wife."
His words were wild and truthful. I knew he meant this as a promise to me and it warmed my heart. I smiled at him as he whipped a tear from my face.
"We can portal to see each other and spend the nights." He grinned at me. "But for now, if this is where you want to be, then I will not fight."
I smiled at him.
"I love you." I said, meaning it with all my heart.
"And I love you." He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.
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lumikinetic · 7 years
Headcanon: Bat Treaty
• Agreed upon yearly date where all Batman's villains just be cool for an evening and have movie night with the Batfamily. • Joker's not invited, but gets sent a copy of the movie anyway so he feels included. • Duela HATES that he can't come, despite the fact that the many reasons why have been explained over and over again. • Bruce has commissioned a building specifically for watching movies. It's got like a fucking ginormous cinema screen and top hi-def surround sound and luxury seats with their own arm rests so no one is trying to steal yours and all the heroes, villains and anti heroes all agree it is the best viewing experience in Gotham. Those who know congratulate Bruce. Those who don't tell Batman to congratulate Bruce. • The Batfamily all have their secret favourite villain. Damian expertly hides his respect for Mr. Freeze. Barbara tries to hide her admiration of Ivy and fails HARD. Katherine kind of low key wants to get in Harley's pants. Pussy blocked by Ivy EVERY DAMN TIME. • Harper desperately wants to get in close with Cass so she's begging her to sit at the back. • Cass knows what's up but doesn't say so, she just smiles and plays along. • Selina is just endlessly flirting with Bruce. She knows Talia is right there. She just doesn't care. • Clayface has assumed the form of Joker and does a spot on impression all night just to fuck with Harley and Duela. Also Jason a bit. • Pamela's in the corner with Alec and Jason talking flora (Jason Woodrue, the Floronic Man, not Red Hood). None of them really want to socialise and people just kind of accept this, it's pretty much routine by now. • The only time Two-Face is more Harvey than Two-Face cause he knows he's just here to watch a movie and no one's going to try and arrest him. • Roman and Oswald are ALWAYS talking business and Roman ALWAYS sees Jason over Oz's head just giving him a hard stare. He doesn't like to say so, but Jason scares him quite a bit, what with the whole 'I Actually Kill' thing. • Actually all the villains are kind of scared of Jason except Scarecrow. • Rule #1 of movie night is no weapons and they all stick to it but Scarecrow has one small vial of insanely powerful fear toxin, just in case. • Harley always brings like 10 piñatas and a fuckton of baseball bats. It's a Gotham family tradition. No one knows where she keeps them or how she brings them, but they're glad she does. • Duela's really upset that Joker doesn't get to come but she just like mooches around with her father and Red Hood on her phone. She and Damian both feel strangely connected somehow. • Duke is just really social the whole evening and says goodbye to everyone at the door. He also bolts down everything that can be bolted down so Selina doesn't get any bright ideas. • Tim and Steph are the same, generally mingling. • Dick tries to get anyone and everyone to play Twister with him but fucking everyone knows he's an acrobat and gymnast so they're all like nah except Selina who takes the challenge every year and comes so close to beating him every year. This is the one thing that irritates her beyond imagination about Dick. • Nygma's just giving puzzles to everyone and they're all just like "the point of this is to get AWAY from work, fuck off Eddie". And he pretends to be hurt but really he's just happy to be a part of this. • Deathstroke and Deadshot drop the professional façade completely and have all the beers and sing Piano Man a lot and treat Jason like their son, much to the disdain of Bruce. Harley has come up with many different comedic nicknames for this sight. • No one sits at the back because it's owned by the Gotham City Sirens and Harper, Cassandra and Stephanie. No weapons is the official rule #1 but socially, rule #1 is don't sit at the back unless you want Ivy to beat you with a thorn whip. Everyone knows they're the big female family and everyone knows the structure off by heart: Ivy and Harley are the moms and Selina is the cool aunt who brings wine. Harper is the rebellious daughter, Cassandra is the best daughter and Stephanie is the gay in training. Katherine is the friend of the family and joins them sometimes. She is one of 4 who isn't officially part of the family who's allowed to join them. One is Harper's younger brother Cullen. Wonder Woman can also hang, along with any Themyscira pals she brings, if any. The other is Alfred. It's an iron-clad policy. Sometimes (rarely) Superman has free time and joins movie night. The first time he tried to sit at the back, the smell of chlorophyll and freshly cut grass stayed in his costume for MONTHS. He always sat right at the front from then and has been secretly terrified of Ivy ever since. They've been given many nicknames but The Back Pack or The Backfamily has been used the most. • Everyone loves Mr. Freeze at movie night because he makes the best slushies. • Bane arm wrestling Solomon Grundy. • Azrael is the social pariah. He never says hi and rarely talks. When he does it's yes or no or an unintelligible grunt. But when the movie starts you can hear him quietly in the background laughing or crying or gasping and everyone smiles cause they know he's a big softie. ESPECIALLY when it comes to dog movies. • Damian isn't even pretending to not want to be here. He isn't warm and friendly but he enjoys the company. He fights Ra's and Talia and always tries to get pointers from Lady Shiva. • The Court of Owls do not show up on principle but they promise not to terrorise Gotham while everyone's away. • Some people bring non-powered loved ones. The Backfamily love Harper's brother Cullen, so he's also allowed to sit there. If Superman shows up, you know he's bringing Lois. Diana also doesn't normally show up, but when she does, she shows up with her Amazon besties and you know they're bringing the feminism. • Killer Croc doesn't want to come but Harley, Deathstroke and Deadshot take lots of pictures and tell him loads of funny stories at the next Suicide Squad meet. • The alcohol is kept in a backroom only Alfred has the key to. No one is taking any chances with Garfield. • Everyone tells Riddler to be quiet because he always points out the plot holes and continuity errors and stuff like that. Usually he gets kicked out, unless it's finance movies like the Wolf Of Wall Street or something where he can distract himself with math. • ALFRED IS ALWAYS THE LIFE OF THE PARTY. NO ONE CARES HOW MUCH THEY HATE BATMAN OR BRUCE, EVERYONE APPRECIATES AND RESPECTS ALFRED. EVERYONE KNOWS AND AGREES HE'S THE BEST OUT OF EVERYONE IN THE ROOM. He's always coming around with the drinks and the snacks, giving out hot dogs and popcorn and nachos and corn dogs tirelessly and he smells really bad at the end of the night but he still gets the biggest hugs and most people bring like $20 spare just to tip him. He's also allowed to sit at the back, but it doesn't matter because he's more of a mid sitter anyway.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Your wife is hot part 2 - Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary : The Justice League is coming over at Wayne’s mansion for a barbecue...
Someone asked for a part two, so here’s a part two ...Hope you’ll enjoy :s. 
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You didn’t really expect the Leaguers to take you up on your barbecue offer...but they did. And this times, they were all here. Fortunately, Wayne mansion’s garden was massive. And with multiple trips to shops, Alfred you and your boys were able to bring enough food of all kind that it was all good. 
Except that you were stressed, yet again. So many superheroes in the same place, wasn’t it a bit of bad luck ? Like asking for a catastrophe to happen ? Oh my God, what if a major world threat arrived in your garden and started to destroy everything ?
You felt an arm go around your shoulder, and, instantly recognizing it, you wrapped your own arm around his waist. 
Bruce. Your Bruce. You snuggle into his side. 
-Are you nervous again ? 
-Is that this obvious ? 
-Only to me, I know you darling. 
You smiled to him and went on your tip toe to kiss him. Even on your tippy toes though, you were too short and he bent forward to meet your lips. Fucking giant man. 
-It’s going to be alright. They know they should leave you alone, they might be all more powerful than me physically, but they know better than to actually piss me off. You know, I got plans to take them down.
You laughed, and he smiled at you. He loved your laugh. 
-Alright mister I’m-smarter-than-everyone-and-I-always-have-a-plan, alright. I’ll try to relax, and if anyone bothers me, I’ll just point at you and take a menacing look. 
-Atta girl. 
You both laughed, and he squeezed you a bit closer to him. You two watched your sons help Alfred settings tables full of food and such as you waited for your first guests. 
Of course, Flash arrived first. All of the flashes. The original, Jay Garrick, the current Flash, Barry Allen, and his sidekick (also best friends with your eldest son), Wally West, aka Kid Flash. 
You hugged Wally, he was a lot around the mansion. And you shook Jay’s and Barry’s hand. The latter was avoiding your gaze, remembering the punch he received from your husband, and you gave a scolding look to Bruce. He just shrugged and gave you the “bat smirk”. You couldn’t help but smile too. Especially since, once again, you felt Barry shiver as you shook his hand. 
Slowly but surely, all of the leaguers arrived...it was time. 
You thought your organization of the barbecue wasn’t half bad. Everyone had food and drinks, and talked to each other, just happy to have a day off with friends without having to save the World and almost dying. You prayed nothing would happen today that required the Justice League assistance...
You met so many people that your head was starting to spin. You knew them all, and were quite proud when you could call all of them by their given names. They all had heard of you from the few leaguers who came to visit the mansion a few months ago, and were so damn curious. Especially since you were the one that made Batman jealous of Flash, going to the extent of him getting punch in the face by Bruce because he kept insisting on the fact that you were hot. 
It wasn’t as bad as you thought it was gonna be. Your husband did gave the “bat glare” to a lot of his partners, both men and women, because they had “the spark” in their eyes when they looked at you, but it was fine, because none of them actually dared to flirt the slightest bit with you. But your natural aura was shining so brightly that a lot couldn’t help but have “the spark”. 
It had been like that all your life, and you were used to it. Even though you probably would never be too fond of the attention. You never wanted to be the center of attention, or to be envied because you often were. You just wanted to be you. But no matter what, it seemed people just wanted to talk to you, to be around you. You were so damn likable. And though you weren’t the most beautiful women in the World, hell, the most beautiful women present at this barbecue, your charming ways were just freaking hot. 
But again, fearing the wrath of the Batman, even though most people here were more powerful than him, no one dared to say anything. They still asked questions about your relationship though, it was too interesting to pass on it.
You had told the story of your meeting with Bruce about ten times when your eldest son, Dick, went to your rescue. 
-I’m sorry everyone, I’d like my mom to meet my friends.
And without waiting for their response, he took you away. 
-Thank you honey. 
Dick smiled at you and gave you a knowing look. 
Your sons’ friends were all so sweet, you kinda wanted to adopt them all. You discovered you enjoyed their conversation even better than the one you had with adults, and they made you laugh quite a bit. They didn’t ask about you and Bruce, though you were pretty sure it was because your sons told them everything already. 
You thought it was extremely cute how Damian glared at some of his friends for looking at you with a bit too much insistence. He was like a tiny Bruce, cute cute cute. He made Conner (Superboy) and Kaldur (Aqualad) uneasy by staring at them until they’d quit looking at you. You didn’t say anything though, they were teenagers, their hormones were probably going haywire. You felt a bit awkward though when Shazam kinda hit on you...Because he looked like a grown man, but you knew he was just about Damian’s age, and it made you feel highly uncomfortable. Your youngest son punched him in the face (not really hurting him) and warned him to never EVER flirt again with you...You didn’t know if you should thanks your son because really, it was awfully cute how he protected you while his father was elsewhere, or if you should explain to him that hitting someone right in the face wasn’t exactly a good way to resolve conflict...You were about to say something but Dick was faster. He praised Damian for wanting to protect you, adding that you were perfectly able to defend yourself, and also scolded him for the punch. Perfect. A rush of pride washed over you as you looked at your sons talking, taking care of each other, and teaching lessons to one another...And it didn’t even turn into a full on war as Tim and Jason joined. Win. Such a win. 
At some point, Bruce came to take you away from the kids, and you went to sit down with him, Clark, Diana and J’onn at a table to eat a bit. The day was going pretty well...
You couldn’t remember who suggested it. Maybe one of the Young Justice kids ? Or was it Flash ? You didn’t know, but what you knew, is that you were in front of Arthur Curry (Aquaman), bat in hand, ready to hit the ball he was gonna throw to you, and run home. 
Baseball. You guys decided to play baseball. Of course, there was too many people, and some were forbidden to play anyway (like all of the Flash, they wouldn’t resist running fast around the field) because of their powers. And somehow, you found yourself in one of the teams. 
You shredded them. Destroyed them. Surprised all of them by your catching and batting skills. Whenever someone from the other team had a good hit, you’d get them out of the game either by catching the ball before it hit the ground, eliminating them right away, or either by throwing the ball to one of your teammates so fast that they’d touch the “enemy” before he or she could reach a base. And when you had a bat in hand, you only hit home runs. You were good. 
Bruce knew you were a boss at baseball, but of course didn’t tell anyone. He liked showing you off. Making others jealous because you were his. 
Flash was standing next to him, mouth opened, and Bruce couldn’t help but smile. He disliked the way Barry was staring at you, but it kinda felt good to know he didn’t stand a chance...Yeah,  maybe sometimes Bruce was a little bit of a prick. 
The game was over, and your team won, by far. Everyone cheered you, and congratulated Batman for being so lucky. He just smirked, and glared some more at some of his friends. And then you facepalmed, because of course Flash wasn’t going to stay quiet. As you came towards him and Bruce (and some others) that were standing on the side of your makeshift baseball field, not far from the swimming pool, you saw Bruce’s face drop. You never knew what Barry said, all you saw was Bruce preparing a mighty punch for the Flash...
A few seconds earlier : 
Barry Allen was never the kind of man to learn from his mistakes...Or rather, sometimes he forgot he already made a mistake, and so would do it again without really thinking. Like right now. 
-Wow, that was impressive. She’s good.
-I know. 
-Ok but Bruce, let’s all be honest for a second here. 
Bruce Looked at Flash suspiciously. He kinda felt like he knew what was gonna happen. With a serious look on his face, Barry got in trouble : 
-If you don’t want us to say your wife is hot, then maybe don’t let her do that kind of things. Cause seeing her win that game like that...that was damn hot. 
Long after, The Justice League would talk about that time they went to eat a barbecue at Batman’s house, and the Flash got hit so hard in the guts he fell in the pool with his clothes still on. 
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