#also ofc asks telling me my f/o's are in love with me are still most certainly always welcome lmao
effy-writes · 3 months
Can I request Striker with a fem s/o (hcs) who is basically the opposite of him, readers a city girl, wears expensive dresses, expensive jewelry, designer heels, and she's most likely a celebrity but she's still polite?? Ty!!
ofc!! sorry it’s taking me so long i have like 10 requests 😭
striker x f! yuppie! model! reader HC’s
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• striker knew of you because you were a popular model in the Wrath ring. you did all sorts of modeling. fashion, perfume, hands, tail, lingerie, even weaponry. striker being striker, he hated the idea of you. hates yuppies (rich person) absolutely despises them, so he kinda hated you (but he still thought you were extremely attractive). the first time he actually met you was when you were buying a gun that you modeled for. he instantly recognized you because you were wearing expensive clothes with a fucking gucci coat and heels. while shopping, you didn’t know which gun to buy (you only modeled for them, you actually have no idea on which one is better), so you asked striker.
• he was shocked that you were wanting to get his opinion, especially a poor imp like himself. he thought to himself, “why would a rich person want my opinion?”, but he saw how nice you talked to him. you didn’t treat him like a pest, you treated him like an actual person. (he has bad self esteem issues). after that little interaction of him telling you which gun is better and which one he recommends for you, you decided to ask him out. “you’re really attractive, can we go out sometime? getting to know each other better?” he thought you were tricking him to humiliate, but he saw the way you look at him with those sweet, beautiful eyes of yours, so he said yes
• ever since then you two hit it off. he found out so many things about you that you don’t broadcast to the world. he also found out that you don’t model for the money or for the popularity, you model because it makes you happy and helps give you confidence. he was hesitant to tell you about his work, but when he did you were oddly excited. you thought that was so cool and that he’s killing people with a gun that YOU modeled for.
• he was the one who properly asked you to date. he was nervous as FUCK only because he felt like he didn’t deserve a model like you, but you obviously thought very different. you love his personality, his demeanor, and his ambition. the moment you two started dating the media got out about it. he was embarrassed (not because of you, because he didn’t want to seem weak and vulnerable because he IS an assassin, but you quickly told him that it doesn’t make him sound weak or anything like that and you’re very grateful to be dating a guy like him)
•he enjoyed that you never bragged about your money (even though you do wear expensive shit, but he knows you deserve to wear expensive shit because you have to deal with creeps)
• speaking of creeps, he will 100% shoot anybody that tries to touch you, cat call you, or even look at you with lustful eyes. he’s very protective and will do anything to keep you safe.
• you LOVE buying him things, it’s your love language. he always says “you don’t have to buy me fancy shit, i ain’t jealous” “but you’ll look so hot in this! plus let me spoil you, please?”
• because everyone is up your ass, everyone knows about striker and his assassination business. he thought it will bring his sales down, but because you’re so popular and everyone knew him, more people started paying him to kill others. so it was def a win-win situation
• he often feels bad that he can’t treat you with nice things, but you’ll always tell him that you don’t care about money and that you never did. you care if he’s happy and comfortable. but because he’s not rich like you, he will try his best to buy you sentimental things. flowers, love letters, he even saved up his money to buy you a HORSE. (you two joke around and say his and your horse is dating)
• he’s afraid you think that he’s with you for the money, so he’s always telling you that he’s not with you for that. he’s with you because you make him feel happy, you’re super sweet to him, and that there’s somebody in hell that cares about him. you always reassure him that you know he’s not with you for the money
bonus: everyone in the media ships you guys so hard that there’s edits of the two of you, fan art, AND fanfics. striker finds it a little weird, but you find it so fucking funny
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Hiii I have a request :) can you please do a really fluffly ler rengoku tickling his ticklish s/o? Tysm it means a lot!! <3
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A/n: I’m sorry I took a long time to get to this😭, no problem nonnie🫶🏾✨. I promise to get through all of my rq I’ve done most of them I just haven’t had to time to clean them up☠️
[F/F] favorite flowers
You came home after slaying a couple of lower ranked demons, with Shinobu and Tanjiro.
“Baby I’m homeeee!” You sung, no response. You walked into the yoga room and called, no answer. Then you walked into the workout room, no answer. Next you checked his office, no answer. Finally you checked the bedroom, no answer.
You couldn’t find him anywhere which surprised you, normally he gets home before you, but not this time. It made you 10x happier, this gave you the chance to celebrate your guys 5th year anniversary together, slaying demons together. The last 4 years you two couldn’t due to, you both being extremely exhausted or being busy.
Thinking of it got you moving to do it you decided to cook his favorite meal, make his favorite drink, and have a sovie night (snuggling movie night Rengoku made up that not me).
It didn’t take long to make “45 minutes is pretty damn quick” you giggled, you adjusted a few things, before you heard the lock from the door. You quickly turned off the lights and hid.
“My love, I’m home” Rengoku called as he hung up his Haori. “Love where are you is kinda dark” he chuckled.
“SURPRISE HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!” You popped out from your hiding spot, you popped a ballon filled with confetti. “JEezh you sure did surprise me” Rengoku giggled as he clutched the surprise he had hidden behind his back.
“I’ve got everything set up just for us” you pecked his cheek, noticing that he was hiding something “Whatcha hiding” you grinned. “Oh nothing just a bouquet of someone’s f/f” He pulled from behind his back. “Awwww babe these are my favorite” you whined jumping on him.
“Awww so am I not your favorite anymore” Rengoku pouted poking out his lip.
“Of course you are silly, you’re my forever favoriteand I appreciate everything about you from that lovable fire hair all the way to your feet” You explained, exaggerating sitting your flowers in a vase.
“Awwww and I also appreciate you from head to toe” Rengoku cooed. “But you know what I appreciate the most?” Rengoku asked before tossing you (gently ofc😭) onto the couch.
“KYOjuro whahat was that for— wait um my personality?” you chuckled landing on the couch answering his question.
“Nooooooo…your adorable laughter” Rengoku answered, climbing on top of you scribbling your sides.
“W-wAHAHAhahait it tihickles!” You squealed, squirming frantically to no avail.
“Well I’m glad it does love that means I’m doing a good job”Rengoku chuckled.
“Hahahahahahaha Kyohoho plehehehehease! Ahahahahaha!”
“Please what tickle you somewhere else sure beautiful tell me where and I’ll tickle you there” He teased moving up to your armpits.
“Gahahahahahhhaha stahapihiht thahahahats nohohohohot whahaHAHHAHAHA!” You squealed
“Your laugh is so contagious! I love it!” Rengoku smiled wholeheartedly.
“B-baAHABEhEe PLEHEHEHEASE! Ihihi cAhaHANT!” You whined through your giggles.
“Ohokay okay don’t want you to pass out” Rengoku giggled.
“Thahat was soho mehean” you continued to whine curling into a ball.
“I know I know haha I’m sorrehe” he lied through his teeth still laughing at you.
“You’reehe lucky thaht I’m tohoo tired to get yohou back” you pointed at him.
“Yeah yeah sure I am, now let’s watch that movie” He sarcastically agreed before scooping you up into his arms so you two could cuddle.
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fandomdaydreamer · 2 years
The Lighthouse and The Ocean
Pt 22 - Goodnight Angel
Pairing: Pedro Pascal/OFC
Warnings: angst, mentions of poverty, pregnancy scares, phone sex (we have two different phone calls here, hello), dirrrty talk, cam show, f/m masturbation. ARREST ME FOR THIS FILTH happy Kinktober!
Summary: Nini knows something had changed her life, like she was now living it instead of waiting for it. Though more change could come with Pedro's reaction to the pregnancy test.
Notes: Also find this fic on Ao3 -here- or the series' Masterlist and Playlist -here-
Lots of music here. If you would like to imagine what Nini's rock song could sound like, I suggest you listen to 'My Poor Brain' by The Foofighters. Furthermore, the striptease soundtracks are in the playlists.
Length: 8.6k
Goodnight Angel
In my eyes, Pedro and I were happy and in love. At least... as long as the next couple of minutes wouldn't arise any unforeseen conflict and blow our future to smithereens. Multiple horror scenarios ghosted around my head and I simply ceased to allow myself to let them unfurl any longer once I understood I had lost every ounce of control over the result anyway.
It was almost three o'clock when I finished my nighttime routine but I never stopped stalling, brooding and panicking. Technically... It was morning. I started to feel the urge to pee and very soon but I was too scared to face this pregnancy test alone and too scared to call Pedro. I briefly considered calling Tom but immediately realised I'd rather have the potential father freak out with me.
Seemed like I had a habit of speaking to his portrait when Pedro wasn't here to dodge my anger. "You and your dick did this to me!" I scolded our picture and ended up betraying myself as a quivering smile threatened my lips. Was this funny to me? My whole life could be turned upside down.
Dropping onto the covers, I unlocked my phone and texted Pedro with my head in my hand, checking if he was even awake. A ping alerted an incoming message, barely a minute later.
2:53 - Hey, still up? Wyd?
"On a mission with Shrek and Donkey." I texted a dry comeback he regarded with a laughing emoji.
2:54 - Can't sleep?
"Miss my hubby"
2:54 - Call me
"Hey, songbird." Pedro picked up on the first ring and no matter in how much stress I was, knowing he was there always remedied most of it. "Hello, angel, how are you? I hope I didn't wake you."
"No, you didn't." He treated me to a pitiful sigh. "Because sleeping without you is weird. But I'm better now I hear your voice." He complained, sounding tired and resistant to my cooes at his wanton reply. Maybe he had thought I wouldn't call anymore and I felt ever so sorry about keeping him waiting.
"I miss you too." I suppressed a sniffle and hid behind my hand to conceal my anxiety, even though he couldn't see me. I would have liked to hold him near as November retaliated but for the next couple of weeks, this would have to do. "I'm sorry I couldn't call earlier, I was getting to know the band and settling into this ranch with them."
"That's alright, I was hoping you were enjoying yourself You have to tell me everything!" I could hear the excitement in his voice despite this early hour.
The memory of everything that happened today sparked up a flood of short-lived passion. "Jack's invited me to go on stage with him tomorrow!" I pressed through the phone and giggled at Pedro's response cheer. "We talked music for hours and hours today. He is so great..." I lost some of my enthusiasm the more I thought about how exciting all of this was and how much I wanted it to continue. "The band is great, they're all so cool. Everything's been... great."
"Great?" Pedro asked sceptically at my flavourless description, spying through an underlying tremble I didn't hide well enough. "How are you, really?" He inquired.
I put on a brave act. "Cold but at least I've got your jumper." I joked on a lighter note, cradling the warm laugh he let out to my ear.
"Yeah, I noticed after you were gone. Now, what am I gonna do without that one 'and' the sweater I sneaked into your suitcase? I'm defenceless against the cold now." He teased me and I promptly clutched at his second, warm white sweater he miraculously managed to keep stain-free and hummed at the comforting softness of it underneath my cheek.
"Have you noticed I also left stuff for you?" I grinned at his bashful reaction. I had purposefully put my soap and honey lip balm on his bathroom counter before I went, never mind the pineapple.
There was a sound of him smacking his lips as an answer that he was already wearing it. "By the way, I went online to check you out because I missed you and I dead-ass thought 'wow, I have a huge crush on this woman' and then I remembered that we're a couple and I was like 'aw fuck yeah!" He managed to make me laugh properly this time. "But... there's a scandal already," Pedro mentioned and his delight practically sounded a song.
I didn't have to guess. "About the hickey." What lay underneath the piece of clothing that famously belonged to him couldn't have gone unnoticed. I flopped back onto the duvet and pouted as my cold fingertips traced the stain of bruising kisses he had inflicted on my skin.
Most would say to never listen to your critics but it was like watching yourself and the one you loved through different pairs of eyes once you came out to the public. Out of habit, I couldn't help but worry about some of the nastier comments.
Pedro on the other hand, seemed less than even a little bit self-conscious. In fact, he was having way too much fun with this. "Hey, I'm proud of my work! But... apparently, you have rug burns on your knees too."
I gasped, partly scandalised and thrilled at a fascinating lie that made me feel like I was looking at a car crash by the side of the road. And that accident was me. "They're not rug b-" I swallowed my outraged protest, pulling up my knees and rubbing at the still pink and irritated spots. "I got them from climbing hotel walls!"
"An adventure which we aren't gonna tell a soul about. So... no comment." Pedro insisted before letting out an adorable evil laugh.
I tutted at him, curious at how fast he'd made my mood turn so much lighter. "Well then. I'm not ashamed to let the world take one wild guess about who's fucking me." I proclaimed, stubbornly.
"Is that so?" Pedro's voice had dropped several octaves. "One day apart and we're already halfway into phone sex."
My eyes drifted away. The fear of disappointing him tasted bitter. I would have gladly given in but there were other things on my mind tonight, more urgent things. "I promise I'll try to behave... at least until next month." I dodged him but the suggestion made me smile anyway.
"I know, baby. This is torture for me." We sighed together before Pedro continued to ramble sweet nonsense. "But wait until you're filling music halls and your groupie, that's me, is gonna be there, in the first row telling people 'that's my wife up there!" He still used our inside joke, our non-married, married status and possible future together to pull a laugh from me.
I willed away the tears threatening my water line. My voice sounded thick when I finally managed to answer. "You're too adorable, Pedro." I cleared my throat, braving myself with an alluring voice and a grain of humour. "Why don't you just come here and kiss me?" "Soon, mi amor. Soon." He promised.
I got up, spying on the pregnancy test that taunted me while it sat in the pale light of the bathroom counter. I really had to pee and this also meant the time for a moment of truth had come.
"And what have you been up to?" I asked innocently as I walked over, pinching my phone between chin and shoulder as I turned the test and flew through the instructions.
"I made a new friend too." He answered in a playful, happy tone.
"Oh?" I hummed intrigued, knowing he was still fully busy shooting with the same crew until the end of November.
"Did you know Starlings are so fucking very scary and interesting birds?" Pedro cleared up. "They whistle along with your song and they're nice when they sing but then it's like a static kind of electronic radio voice is talking to you. They taught the bird to say a line of yours. 'So long, cowboy." Pedro tried to imitate it and I replied with half-assed sounds of attention. "She was quite beautiful and had freckles too." He added, a smile evident in his voice.
I breathed out an amused huff at his good-humoured description but I was still hung up on the package instructions and what two little marks would mean.
"Baby, are you okay?" He asked after I had stayed silent for too long.
"Yeah, of course." I mustered all my courage, spinning the stripped pregnancy test between my fingers. One moment I was fearing a sign of life, the next I began thinking about what could be. A tiny baby to dote on, something Pedro and I would have made. "I uh... I just... I wanted to tell you something." I didn't know how to put my feelings into words as so many of them spilt over.
"Tell me what?" Pedro urged, sounding worried too now.
I gathered my breath, just to chicken out last second. I wanted to tell him everything at once, how much I loved him, how much I valued him, how scared I was and how impossible this seemed to pass through the phone.
My voice thinned out as I became close to tearing up. "I need you to know how much I admire you and everything you've done." I didn't know why I said it but I suddenly realised these thoughts had been preoccupying me all day, waiting to vent.
"Sweetheart... I- thank you? Where is this coming from?" Pedro spoke gently through the phone. "Please, don't cry."
"Sorry, I'm a bit emotional." "That's okay, why don't you tell me what's this all about, hm? I can listen."
I took a deep breath. "I know, I know, angel." I laughed and wiped away a single escaped tear. I gathered myself and used some toilet paper as tissues, deciding to lead with something else that bothered me instead of the pregnancy that could be. "It's because they were a bit cautious about my intentions here at Third Man... at first. I know I got here because of networking and Jack didn't say it but it was clear he wanted to see if I'm serious about making music or if I'm just dabbling." I knew I was being unjust and this wasn't at all what Jack was like but my own insecurities and experience remained. "Most people complimenting me on my accomplishments start with 'actually you're pretty smart, nice and talented for someone with a face and body like that. That's what they're really saying subconsciously."
"I'm so sorry. I know this isn't the first time you've been underestimated." Pedro gave me nothing but sympathy, as always.
He let me sniffle on for a while, patiently whispering encouragement into my ear while possibly everything became too much. "No, I get where they're coming from," I said anyway. "I got my spot in the club of Hollywood because I have rich grandparents who could support my career."
"Nini-" he tried to interrupt me, almost angrily but I didn't let him.
"Which is why I realised something important today... about prejudice and privilege. I met this super nice but very poor person today. They play the cello-" I told Pedro about the person who was already my favourite band member. "Olivia flew them in literally this morning and... I realised I'm so out of touch with reality about artists being out there, struggling to even pay for their next dinner." I rambled through tears. "I don't think I could admire you more, Pedro. I know how hard it's been for you sometimes before you got where you are today. You're the best human being I've met in my entire life and you deserve... everything. You did all of this by yourself and I can't even grasp how much this means because I can't relate. I haven't struggled a single day of my life."
Pedro took several beats to digest my fast string of words, but when he did, he sounded so soft. "It means a lot to me that you're saying this but-" He promised, taking another pause before he spoke next, his voice had thickened as well. "I owe so much to kind people and pure luck." "And hard work."
"And hard work, okay." He parroted with an amused exhale. "Honey, you've struggled differently. You know that." He spoke gently and I imagined a look on his face I knew would unfurl my world all over again.
"It's not the same." I toughed through with a dismissing smile but Pedro wouldn't hear it.
"And you 'do' deserve everything- and more. You say you owe your place because of existing money? You earned it through talent, not through nepotism, not through what you think is cheating by being rich. I know about privilege too, you know. Talking about... ethnically ambiguous male privilege." Pedro laughed into the phone, loosening a bit of my tension as well. "I'm sure you stood your ground and showed them how unique you are today and you'll surprise the world again, you'll see. I'm so fucking proud of you, baby."
Slowly, my sense of guilt subsided and I no longer felt a sense of mourning for the life we froze. He gave me hope. "God, I miss you. I feel like I'm going through a lot." I gulped heavily and sighed at the pregnancy test, concluding that the next part was rather self-explanatory. Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer, pulled my shorts down and sat on the toilet.
"Something else you wanna tell me?" Pedro gently tried to coax out of me.
"Not yet." I confused him and after a while of silence over the phone, I summoned my courage. "Actually, yes there is. I'm peeing." I began and heard a snort on the other end.
"Alright," Pedro replied in an amused tone, muffled around a bite of something to eat.
"Promise me not to get mad about what I'm going to tell you? I guess I'm making progress since I am telling you what I'm about to tell you." I rambled nervously, still checking if I was doing this right.
"It's okay." He obviously continued eating, unfazed. "What's this about, you're making me nervous." Pedro stopped chewing on his food.
"Nothing. I- first... swallow." I told him and provoked a sputter on his end. "Hey, that's my line." That cheeky bastard gave back and I barked out a laugh before falling silent again.
"I'm taking a pregnancy test." I finally admitted and scrambled for words after a silence that felt like infinity. "I mean... I'm- I'm doing it right now. Just because I didn't get my period doesn't mean... so maybe it's stupid but... I just needed you to be here with me-"
More silence.
"Yes, I- I'm here. I think- fuck, I think my heart just stopped." He stuttered, breathlessly, gathering his ability to comprehend. "Are you okay? Holy shit, really?" He almost yelled. "How did you not lead with this? Are you sure?"
"I'm- no! Why do you think I have to take a test?" I snapped back and bit my tongue afterwards. I lowered my tone as I washed my hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just... a little on edge."
"Nini," Pedro simply cooed, hoping for any sign of clarification from me.
We didn't say anything for a while as I sat on icky naked tiles on the floor with my knees tucked up beneath my chin and the test face down next to me. "Three minutes and we'll know."
"Oh fuck." Pedro cursed, letting out a huge exhale on the other side while I talked him through it.
"I forgot to take contraceptives during my little breakdown... and our holiday. I thought we were safe. Oh god-" I sniffled pathetically, regretting my breakdown even though I knew nothing could have reversed it. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't, please. This would be- " "-bad timing." "-wonderful."
"What?" We asked at the same time. There was no way he'd say that so easily, no way I'd just contradicted him so bluntly.
"I said... I think it would be... wonderful?" Pedro hesitated to repeat himself.
While I sat here, staring at the wall with my mouth open, I tried to digest if Pedro had really meant it. Oh, how much of a disappointment would it be now, if the test was negative? "Then, what if it's nothing?" My voice strangled my throat when I realised it could be worse. If I was indeed pregnant and didn't want it. "What if I can't do this?" My nose clogged up the more I tried not to cry.
"Honey, then nothing will have changed. I'm glad you told me and... if you are... pregnant, I would support you with every decision you'd make." He tried to find the right words but he was saying the most compassionate thing he could have said in my situation while he sounded like his heart was breaking at the thought. "Did you know there'd be no Fleetwood Mac if Stevie Nicks hadn't gotten an abortion? I'd understand if obviously... you're taking a big leap in your career right now."
I tried to stop the tremble in my bottom lip. "Your halo must weigh rather heavy, doesn't it?" I felt my eyes burn, just when I heard him sniff out a laugh.
Pedro willed himself to cheer me up and I grinned, glad about having such a feminist boyfriend who would support my choice. "It's the bare minimum." He disagreed.
"And I'm just sitting here, bawling my eyes out because I'd want both." My own laughter died all of a sudden when I realised what I'd said. "Uh-"
I felt like his silence had become unbearably loud. "You'd... want... you want a baby?" Pedro finally hushed out and I wished I could see his face, for his voice was unreadable.
I scoffed in what I hoped was still a friendly manner. "Pedro, okay, I realise we've been together for such a short time but even a blind person can see that you're practically born to be a dad." "That's not what I asked."
"I... yes," I confessed, almost feeling embarrassed. "At least... someday, I'd love to have all of this with you."
To my surprise, I heard a little sniff over the phone. "Someday." He repeated my words, sounding hopeful and heartbroken in equal measure.
"What about you?" I needed to hear anything from him at this point, really.
"I'm almost too afraid to hope," Pedro confessed, relieving my heart. "Seems too good to be true."
A tear rolled down my cheek, as I finally felt at peace with whatever the test would tell us. A glance at the clock indicated that it was time. "Three minutes are over." I introduced the idea of possibly the last seconds of life as we'd known it.
Shaky hands turned the pregnancy test while Pedro was holding his breath.
Glimpses of our future passed through my head like lightning. A pram in a sunlit room, my lips touching a baby's forehead, messy breakfasts and simply being together as a happy and... healthy family the way I'd never known one.
I felt hot and cold at the same time, as the result struck me. "It's negative." I interpreted the single line and concealed a huge exhale while Pedro didn't hide his.
After a short moment of silence, a smile turned into a loud grin, which turned into full chuckles until we were both laughing in relief of our nerves and also, love for one another.
The corners of my mouth turned downwards in disappointment before I could pull myself together and tell myself that we were better off that way for now. "Shame." I finally choked out and meant it but I also felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.
"Yeah, shame." Pedro agreed with slowly dying chuckles.
I groaned, shaking with my head between my knees, still holding the pregnancy test with numb fingers. "Are you alright?" I asked immediately, feeling incredibly sorry I had put him through this.
Pedro's voice came out quiet. "Can you promise me something?"
"Anything, of course." "Always know that, if the test ever turns out to be positive, you can tell me without being afraid of how I'd react... because of course, if that's what you want too, I'd be over the moon happy. I'll be there-" his voice broke and it shattered my heart. "-no matter what happens, alright?" His vow of being this committed to our bond was everything I had needed to stop being afraid of the future. I just couldn't say anything to articulate how much it meant to me until I heard a little sob over the phone. Was he crying?
"Oh, Pedro." Now I was crying too. "Yes, I promise."
"I think I need a hug." He choked out, voice quivering and I cooed, drying my fresh tears with my sleeve.
"When will I see you?"
Pedro took a moment to gather himself. "Soon as I land. You'll be back in New York by the time I'm done with the promo shoots... come December."
"I should pick you up." "No, baby, I'll be there as quick as I can. I have to get things sorted out first." "But-" "Can you let me do what I need to do, woman?" He asked, strictly before we laughed together again.
I closed my eyes, a real smile beaming on my face, reflecting happiness from the depths of my heart. "We'll be back together in no time."
"And in between, another hotel room without you."
"We'll manage." More silence followed as I extinguished the bathroom light and tapped toward my window on bare feet. "I'm looking up at the sky. It's so clear... and so dark."
"I'm looking up now too. We're looking at the same moon." He described and I gazed upon the pale source of light, feeling so small compared to the grandeur of the universe while he was down here with me, but still so far away.
"It feels like you're here." He said and I wished I could kiss him with all the love I felt for him at this moment.
"I am," I promised before I settled into bed and buried my face into his hoodie, waiting there for me to revive my bittersweet homesickness.
"Do you want me to keep talking until you fall asleep?"
"Yes, I'd love that, angel."
Dawn broke, finally. After the band and I had finished another obsessive all-nighter in the studio, I yearned for a moment of peace and quiet.
That's how I found myself antsy to get some coffee and feel a little worse until I couldn't bear to be inside any longer. I had to take myself and my designer boots outside into the muddy grass fields and still couldn't believe I was doing this. Meanwhile, I was quartered at a studio in the middle of nowhere with cows and crows for early neighbours.
A little off-town, at a country ranch just across Cumberland River, I soaked up the bleak winter sunrise, watching the crows multiply as they blacked out the view. An imposing sight of delicately crafted clouds stretched above the wide farmland with autumn branches colouring the greys. The occasional cow mooed and I smiled wistfully at the peace surrounding me as I simply stood here, deprived of sleep and freeze crawling into my toes.
I had attempted to pour unpleasant black coffee into my soul until I was struck with the electrical charge of an epiphany. "Yes!" It burst out of me and birds flew up the trees when I leapt for the house. Coffee sloshed over the rim and my hand when I slammed through the door, burst into the studio and directed all eyes on me.
"I got it!" I yelled and repeated my statement in a calmer voice when all I got were shocked expressions. "Wah wah wah, bap bada wah wah wah." I mimicked the guitar line and then sipped my already empty cup. "You mean-" my guy at rhythm guitar played exactly what I meant. "Yes!" I pointed at him, satisfied.
'Blue Eyes' turned out to be the perfect blend of soft vocals and hard new-wave rock. The abrupt changes within the song blew Jack away several times when he came in to visit us during rehearsal one of these days. I waved him off but it was still nice to hear that multiple people agreed that my ode to Ewan had the potential to become a number-one chart hit.
This button addressed that unit and produced a dirty sound and a double baseline with the keyboard made you wanna dance. We all played differently and that was where our personalities flared up. Yet, I felt like the band had become a unit and I immensely enjoyed pushing ourselves to the best result.
I wiped underneath my eyes to get rid of the smear of excess eyeliner. "You've got one more in you?" I asked the exhausted band, then turned around to speak to the sound engineer behind the soundproof glass. "Try more echo on the guitar part and maybe throw it left and right in the intro?"
"Right, gang." I picked up the electric again and made it hum in anticipation. "One, two, three, four-"
Dear Nini,
I hope you're glad to know that everything is alright here and I'm keeping myself busy but I miss you so. I smell the roses, I eat the sweetest peaches and I think of kissing you.
Sending you a new friend and all my love, so you'll hardly feel my absence, mi pajárita.
"I should go away more often if that means I get to receive such beautiful love letters from you." I mused, thriving off Pedro's responding non-verbal sound of amusement. "Thank you so much for this. It's a great comfort." I rolled to the side and cuddled with the fluffiest stuffed animal my beloved boyfriend had send me. It had been delivered along with the most romantic, lyrical note that could let my heart pound in my chest whenever I read its lines. "I think she looks like a Stevie." I stroked the cloud-like donkey stuffie's ears.
"That seems appropriate, I know you'll take good care of her." He chuckled back and I was briefly saddened and nervous about the fact that he wouldn't receive my record postcard to his New York address for several weeks to come. I felt like I had been neglecting our daily chats and calls for a few days while my name was being teared up in the news and my upcoming music career was no longer the stuff of rumours. "How have you been holding up?" He asked.
I let out a sound of pity at his slightly sceptical tone and immediately wished to soothe this poor abandoned man. "Oh, I don't know what to do, where to put my hands without you here. The only thing I know is that every day, I feel jealous of the sun that's kissing your face instead of me." I sighed and yearned for his skin after it had soaked in all warmth of the day.
Pedro seemed satisfied at that. "I miss you too, little songbird. Still counting the days til I'm on my way to you." "I miss you more. Not long now, and I'm all yours. I'll wait at my place when you'll get back and I'm already planning what I want to make us for dinner. Wait for it- Italian."
Pedro gasped. "Feeling a bit bold, are we?"
"I want to broaden my horizon. Maybe I can learn how to cook Mexican food too."
"I'd thought we'd cook together? I mean, I love a home-cooked meal but I don't expect you to do all the work. I can pick up some wine too." "Babe, I just want you to bring yourself and an antithes-tamintamine, antistethamine. God, what a word."
Pedro snickered. "Wine and dessert then?" He insisted. "Or... we could make ice cream like promised. I can dig that but you know I'm into the idea of tasting something much sweeter." He purred, his voice dropping into a seductive tone.
I giggled at his flirtation, blushing and twirling the donkey's ear in a bashful way, even though he couldn't see my flustered state. "Pedro?"
The tone of his questioning hum suggested he could read my mind from miles away. "What is it, mi amor?"
"Where are you?" "In my room, sitting at my desk." "You could be more comfortable, you mean." I pouted, manipulating him without any fruition. He wouldn't fall for my subtle cue.
Pedro was already intrigued. "Is now the time where you're going to tell me you're wearing my sweater again, you little minx?
I laughed. "Oh, I am indeed. Do you like the idea of your girlfriend wearing your clothes with nothing underneath?"
"Fuck." He cursed. "Yeah, I like that. Combined with one of your barely existent panties. Now take a wild guess what I found today." He rasped out but cleared up the mystery shortly after. "I'm holding the light pink ones in my hand right now, the pair you wore the very first time we slept together." I gasped, having completely forgotten I had never found them again afterwards. "Found them behind the dresser and I've been turned on since.
"Well, doesn't that make a nice souvenir, papi?" I asked, bravely close to saying what wasn't allowed and using the term of endearment in a sexual context. I smirked at the tortured groan he failed to hide anyway. He liked it as much as I did but never permitted us to indulge for the sake of my mental health. What a waste of opportunity.
I got up with a sensual swish of air and looked for a pretty pair of underwear and a short skirt, zipping it up and pretending like I had been wearing it all along because I knew he'd soon ask for more details. "Do you wanna know a secret?" I hushed out, only receiving an intrigued hum from him in return. "I touched myself in them, thinking about you before we met that night."
"Fuck, you did?"
I intended to drive him nuts with intention and anticipation and I savoured his laboured breaths like the sound of cacophony before the orchestra would begin to play. "It was so easy to make myself come back then. Now though? You touch me so right, spoiled me. I need you." I whined, pathetically.
"You're so adorable. Can't wait to kiss you again, little songbird." "Kiss me when you catch me and we'll see how much cooking we can get done." I lured him into sexy future promises as I put on some plumping lipstick.
"So, what else are you wearing, baby?" He asked in a sinfully suggestive tone. "Only my clothes? Don't tease me now, not when I want you so much."
I hummed innocently, congratulating myself for my foresight. "My hair is loose." I began, running my hand through it and floofing it up. "And I'm wearing a skirt that stops just above my thigh-high socks." There was a bang audible on the other end of the phone that made me jump as well as purse my lips in amusement. "Damn. Is there anything more sensual than a girl in high socks and a skirt?" Pedro gritted out.
"What, you wouldn't rather see me naked?" I teased him further.
"In my bed here with me, sprawled out, sweet and needy for me to go down on you. I miss your taste."
I giggled, blushing at his spurge of filthy words. "I honestly have to admit that I have 'never' met anyone who's as eager about eating a girl out." "I fucking love it, that's why. You're my girl and I love the sounds you make when I've got you under my tongue."
I hissed at the unbearable spiciness our call was flavoured with. "Is this- are we having phone sex?" I chirped out and he chuckled. "If you want to."
"I mean, I just hope you can take it." I concerned and I knew the 'bitch please' kind of face he was making at me right now before he was forced to let me carry on. "Come, feel me, you sweet man. I wanna know how good it is for you. You know I'd let you do anything to me, don't you?" I let out breathy words into the speaker like I was telling him a villainous open secret. "I get off on it, giving you anything you want, whatever you need and how you'll have me. What does that make me, you think?" I waited for his answer.
"Mine," Pedro replied correctly and I cried softly in triumph, bringing the speaker as close to my lips as possible.
"How about your good little slut?" I suggested confidently, doing my surprised but eager partner one better.
Pedro exhaled violently. "You have no idea how good you are at this." He breathed carefully, preparing to order me around. "Get on the bed."
"Yes... sir." I purred and bit my lip when I let my body drop onto the plush bed. "What now? Are you gonna join me or do you only want me to keep it wet for you until you get home?" I giggled at his deep, tortured growl.
"Do whatever it takes while I'm figuring out how you can have the audacity to walk around with your own spit in your mouth instead of mine." He sounded dangerous and these absolute filthiest words made me speechless, staring with wide eyes at the ceiling while he took advantage of my shocked state. "Go on. Tell me what else you think about when you pleasure yourself and come on your pretty little hand."
My face was beet red. I thought I had a plan but Pedro had quickly taken over. Who knew he was so good at phone sex as well? I hesitated, drawing out the moment before I admitted. "All of you... your tongue, your hands." I whispered, my heart still pounding in my chest. "I can feel myself getting so wet, just thinking about what we could do. Imagine it."
He hummed, satisfied at my eagerness to explore this part of our sexual experience. "Why don't we check, let my hands spread those soft thighs? Fuck, baby, prettiest little thing I ever laid my eyes on. I just wanna bury my face into your pussy. So... sweet and soft and wet for me."
I bit my lip, almost painfully. "And it's all yours when you come home."
Pedro rumbled out a promise. "When I see you, it's on sight." He warned me, just when a moan trembled from my lips at the excitement buzzing within me. "Are you touching yourself right now?" He asked, breathlessly.
I swallowed, thickly. My fingers were shaking but already slipping past the hem of my skirt to find suddenly hot skin. "Can I?" "Fuck, listen to yourself asking for permission. Do it."
I held my phone next to my ear as I settled back comfortably. "I am- I am touching myself but my skin feels too dry without your tongue." Slowly, my fingers began to descend down my body, dancing over perk and sensitive nipples before they slipped beneath my skirt and applied pressure where I most needed it. Another mewl spilt into my phone at the sweet relief. "But I'm wet for you here, dripping. You're doing this to me."
"Good. You know how much I love to prepare you for me, slowly. Tease yourself the way I would."
I could only whimper while I worked myself, imagining his fingers instead of this poor substitute as I slipped deeper into soft, dewy flesh.
"Words, honey. What are you doing?" "Feels good, Pedro. Feels- s' good. Want to push inside me but... it can't compare to anything you give me." "What do you want?" "Give me more, more dirty words!" I ordered him. To hell with all these pleasantries when I just wanted him to fuck me.
"Ah, ah. You know what to do. Indulge me, sweetheart." He corrected me.
I would, in my greed, beg him as I threw my head to the side and gasped into my pillow. "Please, give me more. Please." I hushed out, swallowing my pride.
"Good. Very good. That's it. Don't worry, I got you. I always take good care of you, don't I?" His praises were hot and sticky whispers in my ear, flowing into my veins and running down my throat in heavy gulps like slow petit mort.
"I'll always be there for you, baby girl. Fuck, you're so perfect when you rub your little clit like this, doing such a good job pleasing me." His soothing words poured tears into my eyes and caused a violent shudder to run from the nape of my neck down to my toes. "Can you imagine me holding onto your hips, kissing your neck when I push my fingers into you?"
"Mmh, yes." I moaned out, gulping before I remembered I had my equal part to play in this. "Will they stay inside? I'll let you stare at us when your fingers drip from me, in and out. Know this tight cunt is yours to play with." My voice dropped alluringly.
"Filthy, filthy girl."
"All those marks you leave on my body? Wouldn't be enough, hm? You need to fill me up soon. Baby, touch yourself for me." "Way ahead of you."
The image he projected into my head was a sight for sore eyes, him on the bed we had shared, stroking himself with blissfully parted lips. "You look simply devine like this, my angel. Tell me how hard you are." "Rock h-" Pedro groaned.
"What would you do if you saw me like this, finger stuffed, trying so hard to come without you?" "I'd watch." He let out a huff of breath. "You wouldn't be allowed to stop until you'd make yourself come."
Every ounce of my being begged my body to let me come or let me die. "I'm- holding off, I could... right now." I chocked on air when he interrupted the exquisite approach of my climax.
"Easy, go slower." He commanded, gently but with no room for argument.
I had felt my peak building up, then subsiding into frustration when I listened to him and stopped. "But-" I began but Pedro was always keen to remind me of our most sweet and sinister ways. "You do as I say, remember?"
I swallowed. "Yes, sir."
"Good girl. Let's say you did come-" "You're being cruel." I protested but he simply chuckled.
"I'd take you right there when you haven't even come down yet." Fuck, oh, I wished he would. I wouldn't be prepared and it would make all the difference. If I listened closely, I could even hear him emitting the wet sounds of bringing himself pleasure. "You're an entity, maybe that's why it feels so holy when I finally push into you... when you break open for me and let me in. I can't stop looking at your face when I do, like it's too much every time. Fuck, when I think about that first moan you give me." His rumoured whispers had me breathless. His dirty words were poetry. I heaved an involuntary high and choked out sound, overwhelmed at how good he was at this and he simply scoffed at it.
"There it is." He purred further. "How does it feel for you?"
"You fill me up so good, you're so big and I want you to make it fit." I had tears in my eyes when I bit into the back of my hand.
His panting made out a faint whisper. "And you're taking it like a big girl. My sweet thing, so wet for me. You can relax for me now. I always got you, don't I? I'll make you come soon, hm? You'd scream my name when I fuck you hard, just the way you like to take me. Ask me to go so much harder when you take it from behind this time."
I whined at the image he envisioned. "Yes! Fuck me harder, yes! Oh god, harder!"
"Love seeing you tremble underneath me when I do, when I break you apart and you can't think about anything else than being fucked on my cock, baby."
"Love it when you hit me just right, I can't think- I..." I let out theatrical girlish moans. "I'm so cockdumb."
"I make it so you can't move underneath me, pinned down and you just have to take it like this but you're too far gone anyway-"
I shook in pleasure as I panted sharply into the phone. "Please, make me cry for it. Fill me up, I want it!"
Pedro gave out a villainous hum. "Are you really so needy for me? Would you beg for it properly or do I have to reconsider and pull out and paint you? You're such a pretty little thing when you beg." He panted and I pictured the sinful baptism, pictured him towering over me as he held me in submission. "Do you want me to give you my fingerprints on your hips? Fuck, you look so tiny between my hands, taking my cock so well. You're doing so good."
Pedro let out a string of Spanish curses and praises and we both got lost in our fantasy for a moment. My eyes were violently screwed shut and I simply let go, rubbing and rubbing, never staying silent and moaning directly into my phone.
"Baby there's-"
"Pedro, shit, I'm almost there!" "-no better place than deep inside your body." I rose higher and higher, building up my climax until I could feel myself balancing on the edge.
"I want you to fucking come. Now." He ordered. His voice prolonged the high I had already reached and it spilt over when he grunted, oh so perfectly. I obliged, coming so hard I couldn't believe it had been from my own fingers.
I let out a shuddering breath as my mind transcended towards the ceiling, circling so perfectly. Moany breaths left my lips in the aftershock and I pressed my phone to my forehead as the bliss ebbed away.
Pedro chuckled, he actually chuckled at my defeat. He knew how good he was with his words and voice alone.
I panted out, trying to swallow from my dry mouth. "I came so hard, that was incredibly hot." Pedro keened at my words while he listened to me come down from my orgasm. I was buzzing and trembling, energised and full of wonder.
"Such a good girl, I knew you could do it. My perfect, kinky little plaything," He said through gritted teeth, the praise more for his pleasure now. Even though I had already climaxed, his words made my muscles clench and my heart beat uncontrollably wild. "Do you have any idea how hard you got me?" He asked, a painful hiss in his voice. I could tell from the sounds that he was still pumping his cock but a thought made me interrupt him. "Stop!" I commanded and a breathy exhale proved his frustration.
"I was so close, why-"
"Switch to video chat with me. Now." The demand was uncharacteristically authoritative of me but it took Pedro only a second to oblige. I smirked deviously when I finally saw his face which seemed to ask me where that attitude suddenly came from. I placed my phone onto the low headboard and crawled up close so he could only see my plump lips, swollen from biting them. "Save the image for the real thing, honey. I've got something even better for you. Let me make it up to you."
His chest was heaving. "Turn around beautiful girl, show me how wet your panties are."
I set my phone square onto the headboard of my bed against the wall, so he could see the entire play area. "I can do more than that, angel," I promised cryptically, paired with a sweet smile.
Pedro smiled beautifully in return, dark obsidian eyes impossible to distinguish from his pupils. "What is this, hm?"
I leaned to the side for a moment, dimmed the lights and found just the right song on my old iPod. Afterwards, I sat up and made a show of messing my hair up. "Relax and enjoy the show," I told him with a wink and turned on the song I had in mind for this special occasion.
"No, you didn't!" Pedro hollered and cheered in amazement, it made me break character for a brief second as I laughed at his adorableness.
A second later, I blinked at him with the most sultry look I could muster. The song had the distinguished erotic character of Prince expressing his feelings for this absolutely horniest, sexually liberated woman he once met. It was perfect for the occasional strip tease I would have in store for him in the future.
I had seen it play out in my head before and had planned a loose concept of a choreography. It all went according to plan when I turned around during the intro and showed him enough of my ass underneath my skirt to let him see a glimpse of my ruined knickers. I looked back from this kneeling position and could barely hold back a moan. The screen was a little small from this distance but Pedro's mouth was momentarily hidden by his hand as he seemed to spit into it and went back to stroking himself off-camera.
I smirked at his eagerness. Pride and confidence washed over me at the sight of his pleasure even though I had barely done anything yet. I introduced sensual swirls of my hips back and forth to the slow rhythm and flicked my hair when I arched my back and gathered it back in my hands.
I knew a girl named Nikki, I guess you could say she was a sex fiend,
Prince moaned out his song while I bit my lip and teased Pedro when I revealed more skin underneath his clothes. My hand following the plane of my belly until it cupped my sex.
Met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with a magazine.
I would make this good enough for him to develop a Pavlovian reaction to this particular song.
The first thing I peeled off my body was his oversized sweater and I squeezed my tits for him underneath the confinement of my bra. Pedro watched me pretend to grind down on him from this angle, picking up my hips and sinking down again like he was here with me and not just his hoodie. I swirled my hips in hypnotic circles and began grinding just like Nikki would.
When the instrumental part hit, I was in only my bra, skirt and thigh-high socks, flipping my hair dramatically. I was slowly tugging them off my skin the way I remembered from my dance class for the Burlesque sequel I had starred in. Everything I had learned back then came in handy now. Even three years later, I knew how to properly fling my clothes across the room and make sure he could see barely enough. It was all part of the tease, to unhook my bra artistically and with such faked innocence in my eyes. I concealed my nipples from him with my hands until I dropped them and went from showgirl to stripper.
I was almost sure Pedro had whispered something but the music was turned up loud enough to drown every other sound. Greedy eyes stared back at me through a slightly shaking video chat. My chest and legs were bare to him now and my hair got wilder and wilder as the song got more intense and my confidence peaked.
She said sign your name on the dotted line, the lights went out and Nikki started to grind
Another instrumental part made me throw myself back and lift my hips into the air rhythmically. Slowly, I rose my legs and peeled my thin panties off without letting him look underneath my skirt.
The music overlapped his curses when I rolled onto my knees and elbows and dipped down onto the mattress. My hooded eyes were staring at my boyfriend through the lit screen of my phone until I started the pantomime. The actress in me enjoyed the play I initiated with the particular erotic passion this song provided.
I dropped my head and whipped my skirt up like it had been an invisible hand, fast and surprising and still not enough because Pedro could only see the front of my body and pushed up curve of my ass. I was naked, out in the room. Granting him a blissful expression with a slap on my thigh. The sting tingled but it felt pathetic compared to a spank from him. It was entirely ludicrous. The skirt made my strip tease so much dirtier than if I had been completely naked. It wasn't just porn, it was art.
I let the thin air make love to me while I pretended he would take me from behind in my skirt, hard and slow to the beat. It looked real, it looked filthy but it was just me, on the bed, making straight eye contact and actually drooling until wiping it away with my hand.
I can't tell what she did to me but my body will never be the same
I stayed mute to not disturb the song's passion but I rose my head in an open-mouthed moan when I shifted my body and angled it just so he could finally view my dripping core and could see I was about to touch myself again.
Oh, she'll show no mercy but she'll sho'nuff, sho'nuff show you how to grind. Darlin' Nikki
Just like that, I decided he could enjoy the sight of both my face and my pussy if I would sit back and spread my legs, lift my hips into my hand and throw my head back with a silent expression of pure bliss.
Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind
I had thought I was satiated, I didn't need another orgasm but my body didn't listen. It made me feel so fucking powerful while the instrumental part went on and on and my movements got wilder and messier. My entire body tensed up in euphoria when I came again but my fingers kept rubbing and clenching my core until my body went limp and I feel forward in exhaustion.
It just felt so damn good to hear those sounds from him when he orgasmed with me but the song had ended and I slowly opened my eyes to grin at Pedro. We were both out of breath and just stared at each other in wonder.
In our newly discovered silence, he made an appreciating sound and wolf whistled. "I think I'm speechless. That was fff- fucking incredible."
I giggled at his praise. "How do you feel?" I asked sounding something between shy and sultry while I crawled up to my phone on wobbly limbs.
"Sweaty... Sticky." Pedro grumbled, raising one eyebrow as he looked down at himself. His gaze spoke volumes from accusation to admiration when his eyes snapped up again. "I made a mess of myself."
A triumphant grin spread across my face. "Next time you choose the song." I invited him.
His eyes closed when he chuckled. "I couldn't have chosen anything better, but here's the deal.... only if you'll let me return the favour." He insisted and I gasped excitedly.
"You'd do that? Holy shit, that's a big fucking yes from me." "I used to be a go-go dancer when I was younger. I can do that." He nodded at himself, determined.
I didn't have to think long. "In that case, 'Bottle Living' by Dave Gahan." "Alright," he grinned at me. "Got to see if I can steal the cowboy hat for that one." My fist hit my pillow. "Oh, oh fuck, oh fucking delicious."
He narrowed his eyes at me. "When you're done, I wanna watch you come to um..." he thought for a bit. "Feelin' Love' by Paula Cole."
"Ooooh." I felt giddy at this excellent soundtrack and clapped my hands, deciding I could lip-sync throughout the entire song. "Next time. I can't wait."
"Next time," he repeated, looking satisfied for one moment longer before he cringed down at himself. "I've got to clean up and get my head together. You're definitely the best thing that's ever happened to me." While I melted on the inside, he let out one last tired groan, though the smile on his lips lingered.
I blew him a kiss. "I'll speak to you soon, I miss you."
He caught it and nearly kissed the camera in return. "I miss you more. Goodnight my little songbird. You're amazing."
"Goodnight, angel." My heart lit up once more. I simply wished I could have seen it in person when the crows feet in the corners of his eyes crinkled with joy.
Part 23
11 notes · View notes
awigglycultist · 2 years
Going back and rewatching what I missed from the npmd livestream from the end of the Jane Perkins Theory to a bit before the beginning of the Abstinence Camp rewatch
I love how Matt keeps having to finish what Nick is saying bc he keeps lagging and freezing
"who's good at math?" *Joey immediately starts talking*
Jon being in show choir makes sense
Ofc Jon started a barbershop quartet
All these high school choir and theatre stories are incredible
"and I swore that I would never be involved in theater again" "and how's that going?" djdjdb
"I left to do Sussical the Musical, we made our decisions"
Hey, I like statistics! Well so far at least
Curt swam competitively and was ranked 18th nationally?
Mariah 🤝 Curt
Troy Bolton
"Bill vs Ted" "this is easy!"
Also yeah Ted would absolutely die first he's a whimp
Yes Peter and the Obnoxious Teen are still separate characters!
Wait the Obnoxious Teen characters was also going to be Richie but now they're also separate characters!???!
Doggy Power!
The 8bit tunes!! (once again asking SK to please release these as an album)
Yeah Paul absolutely would apologise the whole time
Bs I think Emma totally would win against Grace
No way Duke would even hurt a kid
Becky 10000% wins over Linda
"Paul have you been paying attention? We're having thr most important conversation of the decade!"
NOOO also I love Curt is like "no he's lacking context but f i n e"
Oohh wow Barry vs Henry is a good one
Peter Spankoffski my beloved
The idea o's Spitfire just incinerating Linda is wonderful
I REALLY LOVE Becky Barnes Climbed A Tree it's such a good feeling fun song and it makes me wanna go outside and climb a tree and I would absolutely listen to it every day and I love that they put in the little bit of Becky being Irish since that where the joke started from
Spefically 43 mins and 37 secs
Xander was supposed to have psychic abilities!?
"I might be bias though" "I'm definitely bias"
"okay Xander wins" "NO- I- NO!"
"okay so Grace has the power of God"
Absolutely love James' ideas of faking Spitfire's and Xander's deaths
"she's 18" "oh well then I retract everything I just said she's dead"
Xander sweep!
Daddy Bracket
Wilbur vs MacNamara off the bat? Omg
Woo filmed version of the Jangle Ball tour!!
He's a sorcerer?
"let's not do this :("
Lex has worked all her life to protect Hannah and make sure she doesn't get hurt so Lex would 1000% just lie down and die instead of killing Hannah
"it's like a Romeo and Juliet situation" mmm not quite Angela
"Can the Android hold a gun?" "yeah the android can hold a gun" "okay then this split, idk" ndjddbdjdb
"does android Emma.. Like, what's the gun situation?" NDKDBDDN
Angela and Mariah are really mean to be BFFs
Android Jane!
"this one breaks your heart?"
Also would Lumberaxe even kill Holloway bc he only kills ppl who aren't abstinent and Holloway isn't dumb enough to go do the dirty in the middle of the woods so would Lumberaxe be able to tell if she's been abstinent or not?
"I wanna see Webby and Miss Holloway fight, that'll be interesting" "I wanna see them fall in love!" in with you Mariah
The immediate "Holloway wins"
So many of these are good vs evil
"remember the child murder?"
They had Nemo stand in for wiggly durning a rehearsal of Feast or Famine bdjdjd
Full blown fluff machine!
My god I love Valentine
Jane's cat knocking over the camera bfjdbss
"that's a weird looking porcelain cat" "where'd you get that porcelain cat Matt?"
Anyway this is where I got caught up with last night so that's the end of this post
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starstruckloves · 7 months
Adoration, smitten and Valentine for the ask game 😈😈🙏🙏
RAHH okok so most people r probably expecting Mr. L (n for good reason he is my baby boy i love him <33) but im not the most fixated on him rn tbh soooo we’re gonna do Jax teehee
under the cut bc i yap A LOT
♡ Adoration:
how would your F/O speak about you to someone else?
uhh he’d be so mean guys. just like absolutely dragging me through the mud /j but fr i feel like he would be a more private person in relationships. like he won’t talk about everything we do (especially with anyone else in the circus,,, he fr needs some friends JSHDJS) but he ofc won’t make it seem like we’re not dating either. like he wont gush about me to anyone but he’ll tell people that he does in fact love me, yk ? am i making sense. i have no idea tbh
♡ Smitten:
was it easy for the people around you and f/o to figure out you liked each other? did they get involved in you getting together at all?
okay so hear me out. i’ve been told before that i am VERY obvious when i like someone. like obvious enough to where people have thought i’ve liked people for months when in fact it was only about 2 weeks. (maybe that just means i’m very affectionate but either way) so yes, people would know i like Jax straight away (n probably bc i feel like i would make friends with a lot of em so i would probably tell at least one of them SJGJDH)
now Jax on the other hand,,, u might as well go find a needle in a haystack bc that’ll be easier than figuring out if Jax has romantic feelings towards anyone SJGJSH. again, i feel like he’s very closed off until he feels comfortable enough to open up so he’s probably not gushing over me to others the way i would be. i think it would very slowly become more obvious though. like Jax would slowly get more physically affectionate n i would be fine with that n we’d start talking more n yadda yadda n people would just tell us to start kissing already SJFJSF but yea very obvious for me, not obvious at all for Jax.
edit: I WANTED TO ADD TO THIS BC I THOUGHT OF SMTH okay so. Jax comes off very playful ofc but sometimes that could maybe be taken as flirty depending on what he says. i feel like he’ll just genuinely flirt with me n i will have. no fucking clue SJDJSJ once i confess (bc i will most likely have to do it let’s be real) i’d probably say how nervous i was bc i didn’t know if he liked me or not n he’s just like “wha ???? what do you mean ??? i’ve been flirting with you for like a month straight” “WHAT.”
♡ Valentine:
gush about your valentine!
if i’m honest, i feel like i’ve definitely yapped enough but also,,, i’m not gonna pass up the opportunity to keep on yapping SJGJDHC so i’m just gonna talk about their relationship
so i don’t really have an s/i yet. i’ve been struggling to come up with one i’m super happy with tbh (like for example: Nellie. the moment i made her n developed her personality, it was instant. i absolutely adore her 🫶) so i’m just kinda gonna talk about me even tho i usually don’t like doin that but iiiit’s okay.
first off: they r goobers i love the goobers. again they have a pretty private relationship but i still like to think that they r affectionate in their own way. like holding hands, Jax constantly leaning on me to “annoy” me bc i’m shorter than him, n i thought of this one recently where i just kinda hold him by his belt loop n,, follow him around ig SKGJDH doesn’t sound as cute when i explain it like that but ITS SO CUTE TO ME <33 it’s like a different version of when in those old movies, girls used to put their hands in their boyfriends back pockets n sjfjdhfgbdg <3333
but yeaa they are lowkey in public but in private, that’s a whole different story. i feel like we’re both fairly clingy but just neither of us want to show that at first but we come around ofc 🫶🫶 i can just imagine us both cuddling n he just wraps his entire body around me n then i’m just. stuck. like a burrito. /pos
also rough housing is like an absolute for us. we’re both silly jokesters so we jokingly butt heads every once in a while. but i feel like he’s ticklish tbh so i could just use that to my advantage mwehehe
but yea on a more solemn note: i get very anxious. a lot SJGJDG n if i was trapped in a place like that without anywhere out, i’d be freaking out so i’m sure there r times where in the middle of the night i’ll just come to his door n stand there like a child who wants their parent to check for monsters under the bed SJGJSH but Jax would def be very delirious n out of it when sleepy but he’s also used to it so he just scoops me up n lets me sleep next to him <3 at some point i’m sure we’d just share a room.
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seelestia · 2 years
oh goodness. i apologize this is late my brain has been VERY SCRAMBLED AS OF LATE 🫠🫠 anywayss tyy,,im still suffering from social stress actually so :/ not much i can do abt it. also i hope ayato ended up pampering u after all that as well shfjwjjdw (he did right-) but yes! i do prefer more quiet and intimate just to be with bedo tbh,,i just love how observant and attentive he is to my needs. gosh he's so sweet. i gib him all the kithes. ~Lycoris
NOOO, LY, YOUR BRAIN ISN'T EGGS! DON'T LET THE WORLD SCRAMBLE IT D; (yk bcs scrambled eggs?? fjkskfs, cyno told me it'd "guarantee" cheering you up a little 🫂 /lh)
social stress sucks, especially if the source is school since you're surrounded by people most of the time there <//3 is there any routines that you can do to help ease the stress out when you're there?? like having some 'me time' during recess, etc. i hope it gets better soon for you, ly! :(
here's some modern!au at school with your selfships that i thought of. wishing this can help lift your spirits for a bit! <3
albedo who offers you his hand and leads you to the rooftop so the two of you can take some time away from the crowds together. sometimes, he even locks the door to the rooftop from the outside to prevent people from intruding. it's fine, they'd probably just think that the rooftop is "closed for the day" (when it really is just him /lh). don't worry, according to albedo's words, "this is completely legal and it guarantees privacy."
(bonus: albedo who always reserves a corner in every piece of paper he has to sketch you. when you flip through his notebook, there's just a doodle of you on the bottom right of each page. "i'm afraid it's become a habit i don't wish to get rid of," he admits. how can he say that with such a pretty smile on his face.)
cyno who likes putting your hands into his pockets or his hands in your pockets. as long as he can hold your hands and there's pockets, he doesn't mind either. cyno says that he does this "because it feels nice", but it's probably so he can bury his face on your shoulder and fall asleep. if people send you weird looks, he'll shoot those back tenfolds. this guy is a loyal bodyguard!
tighnari who lends you his notes without even needing you to ask for them. strangely enough, you're surprised to find out that he drew smiley faces and adorable flowers as decorations. tighnari claims it's "to make the notes more immersive", but the unspoken truth is that he looks forward to see the way you smile when you see those doodles. you and only you get to see these notes, after all <3
gorou who likes preparing packed lunches or homemade bentos for you. it's no hassle at all, he really enjoys preparing these for you! knowing that he is doing something for you fills his chest with pride and affection. no, no, he definitely doesn't try his hardest to make sure the tiny whiskers on the bunny-shaped onigiris look good. not at all! (/lh)
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ofc, your vibes are super wholesome! OH AND now that i think abt it, you also remind me of collei! it's most likely because of the recent windblume event where collei visited mondstadt and both she + sucrose were the representatives of us introverts 😭 oh, idk if you're a genshin player, but do tell me! if you do tho, which five-stars do you currently have?? is— is albedo one of them. (/lh) and if you don't play genshin, that's totally A-okay, dw! ;D
aaaa, ty! i find that i channel a lot of bubbly puppy energy, hehe. it kinda fits because i'm like a puppy who loves nudging my f/o's how with ayato as a spoiled fox / cat, and scara is a grumpy and hissy cat. i'm actually torn abt heizou but i think he might be an energetic chinchilla or smth. (/lh)
i couldn't find a sophibedo art but i found a pretty one for HOWLBEDO. HEHEHHE >:3c
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sophibedo may not be as feisty as sophie, but he just can be stubbornly curious and humble at the same time !! just imagine sophibedo being stubborn and staring at you unrelentingly... yk, when someone is trying to be intimidating but they just end up looking cute instead, jfjejkdkkwek.
AWWW, THANK YOU, LY! it always makes me super happy to know that others enjoy my works, especially you (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) (/g) i love writing banters with scara because he's so annoying it makes me wanna throw a pillow at him (/aff) and heh, i hope you can feel the liddol serotonin boost rushing thru you when you look at bobas and get reminded of me and 'yato! ;D
dw, tighnari flicks you just to pull you closer the next second. what an underhanded trick (/lh)
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eating popcorn as i watch a bunny trying to provoke a fennec fox and gets gently flicked with the poofy tail. (/lh) which reminds me that tighnari canonically takes care and grooms his tail really well! does he let you lay your head on it sometimes?? maybe, even snuggle it??? that sounds like the softest makeshift pillow you'll ever get 🤭
and i can see that the general mahamatra is a clingy one, judging by how he's hanging off of your arm rn. (/lh) A SMOL BUNNY THAT DOESN'T NOM NOM ON CARROTS... what a fascinating little floof! would you eat cookies if they're carrot-shaped. (/j) also, random but why do i have the feeling that cyno dislikes veggies and tries to avoid them sneakily at the dinner table—
"oh?" the expression on tighnari's face was nothing short of amused. he placed a hand on top of your head, an act that would've been considered offensive if done to a species with animalistic ears on their head like the forest ranger himself — but he knew you were an exception. and so, with gloved fingers, tighnari ruffled your hair gently as he huffed an affectionate sigh, "i didn't think you'd admit to being a brat so quickly."
("you're going to keep this up, aren't you? oh, i can tell my sanity is in danger already," he facepalms. but you have the feeling that he doesn't sound as serious as he makes himself out to be.)
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i feel like tighnari can be so cheeky in private and i fear for you, ly. what if you turn to goo again, no— (/lh) JFKSKSKS BOTH YOU AND GOROU ARE SO WHOLESOME. like so cute scara tells me he's gonna puke just looking at the two of you scara, be nice. (don't mind his analogy, that just means your cuteness as a couple is thru the roof /aff) 🤭
dw, heizou gave me compensation in the form of hanging from my arm the whole day and treating me to stuff. i'm more amused by it tho, in a "now ik you talk to animals like a reporter and i'm never gonna live it down" way, hehehe. yeahhh! we're all just a bunch of nerds having drinks and checking out the books we bought. it's a book club atp (/j)
i personally think scara would be sorta interested in going to a lego store for some reason LMAOAOAO
oooo, somewhere artsy! any specific places in mind? my first thought is pottery classes for some reason fjkekdkk. oh, how chaotic that'd be! i think cyno might get frustrated when his clay plops and he just goes, "this is just a minor obstacle in my path to making the best pottery ever." he starts going there everyday afterwards. cyno can be childishly competitive like that. tcg??? no, pottery. (/j)
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AWW, THAT'S SO CUTE. let me tell you this right here and now, cyno would be so proud of that apron! like super proud, the 'i'm gonna make excuses just to wear this' type of proud. embarrassed? what do you mean, embarrassed? the general mahamatra doesn't know the definition of shame, it's something his bunny made him and he's gonna cherish it till the end of time. people who disagree can file their complaints to the akademiya, smh. (/lh)
as long as you and cyno don't start a flour fight and the kitchen is all right in the end, it's all good. i'm sure tighnari and albedo agree with me (/j) btw, ly, how would you rank your boys in the kitchen?? >:3c
if it were me, i'd rank mine like this (hehe):
1. scara !! surprised or not, he's canonically good at cooking and i find that funny in a cute way he gets so offended when others look so shocked like since when does people with an attitude can't cook?? (/lh). more civil in the kitchen too because "there're places to pick a fight and it's not here, you idiot."
2. heizou !! his cooking skills may not be as impressive as scara's, but i'd say sufficient enough <3 he makes good sandwiches for a quick picnic break! but likes whining that his arms are 'sore' so his 'knight in shining armor (me)' to help him out, hmph. (/aff)
3. ayato !! he can't cook and should not be allowed in the kitchen. i swear, 'yato views the kitchen as a laboratory because instead of making edible food, he puts stuff into the pot like a witch brewing potions 😭 banned from the kitchen forever. (/j)
and dw abt chonking off the brainrot! you can even take a break in the middle of it >:) my inbox is here to stay and i don't want you to feel like you have to answer all of them in one sitting. take your time! ;D 🫂 (/gen)
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heheee, good! i'm glad to see you feeling a bit better after a break (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^o^) oooo, boba and cookies 'n cream! why is it so cute that boba and oreos happen to be round-shaped, hdjjejfke. ayato added that he thinks you're cultured for your likes 🤭 also, idk why but i always feel like snickerdoodles are the face of cookies?? like when people say cookies, they just come to my mind first! (/pos) + maybe snickerdoodles are a comfort food/pastry for you?? that's really cute, it reminds me of hot chocolate and resting by the hearth during winter (>_<) what's your fav season btw, ly?? >:3c
blueberry muffins and ice cream croissants make my taste sound too fancy for some reason, i swear, i'm a simple gal because desserts aside, sandwiches with extra chicken slices in them make me vv happy too— (/lh)
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DON'T WORRY, i can fix the inbox's door right back up with ayato's money !! (/lh)
PINKBEDO FOR THE WINNNN. ly, instead of albedo, let's just call him strawbedo 🤭 atp, his pretty blonde hair is just a canvas for anyone to put any colors on. it's just too paintable for its own good (/aff)
i bet klee will love strawbedo sm she'll start telling him to lean down so she can give him a pat!! this is so cute. klee and ly 🤝 strawbedo lovers <3
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
Hey guys.
I wanted to make an official announcement on the Fanfic/Fanart front.
I've decided I'm gonna take an indefinite hiatus from these things until I'm actually feeling it again. Lately I've been feeling a little boxed in with my own stuff and way burnt out on just trying to push through it without addressing the root of the myriad problems that brought it up, and I'm tired of trying and getting anxious not just about what others are expecting from my writing, but what I'm expecting from myself as well. I'm just not in the headspace to do this anymore, and doing things the way I have been has not been sustainable- and I've elected to instead take a long ass break, play some videogames, work on some stuff that isn't in the fandom sphere for a while, and see how I feel if something gets my gears going again.
I'm not physically going anywhere or deactivating though. I want to make that perfectly clear. I'm an original tumblrina: the cockaroaches of the internet. You'd have to obliterate this entire website to get rid of me and even then I'd probably find a way to wayback machine this website so I can still look at posts. And it's still totally fine to interact with my shit and send me asks and stuff- all I'll ask is no more requests/asks about fics I said I'd do but haven't. It's part of the reason I've been feeling the pressure lately and man... I'd rather just hang out and chat for now about things I'm genuinely getting enthusiastic about. Aight? Aight.
And in closing this PSA I'll say this: I love you all. I love this blog. I love the friends I've made being here and I love you whacky little funny people a lot. Things have been rough for everybody it seems- especially lately, but they are gonna get better for me and for you. I'm gonna try to make them better for sure on my end. And I certainly hope that by existing this way for a while y'all get a much needed laugh of relief out of it too. That won't change. And my previous works aren't going anywhere either. And when I feel like whatever I want to do suits me again, you can bet your ass I'll be back to terrorize you all.
But until then, take a deep breath with me y'all. And relax. We're gonna crawl out through the fallout. We've got this. Take it easy.
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meltingpotimagines · 3 years
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this mans
is not husband material
for the right girl? he may be willing to play the part
listen, mans may not be a simp but he is cHARMING okay? he got potential
besides he’s lowkey a simp for the right girl but whatever
was very romantic when he proposed
managed to rent out an entire park perks of being the #2 hero
decked out a gazebo with fairy lights, candles, and rose petals
considered making a heart with the rose petals but decided just scattering them around would be classier and less cheesy
set up a picnic with a basket f u l l of food
sandwiches, cheese, fruit, desserts, the works
and ofc a bottle of champagne bc tonight you two would be celebrating
or so he hoped
you wouldn’t say no right?
i mean who could say no to that gorgeous face pHEW
pulled out the ring box right as you swallowed the last of the macaron you’d been nibbling on
his heart sped up as your eyes widened, a breathless ‘keigo’ escaping your lips
“i know you might not be ready, but the more i get to know you, the more i realize that i don’t want to live the rest of my life without you. you’re the girl of my dreams, and i never want to wake up. would you marry me?”
“are you s t u p i d? ofc i will!”
his grin has never been as bright as it was at that moment
slipped the ring onto your finger and immediately pulled you into his arms and took off into the air
slowed your assent as you two soared above the clouds and spun around, unable to contain his joy
gazed at your face with those golden eyes, taking in your beauty, before giving you the sweetest, most tender kiss you’ve ever felt
oh boy the wedding
when i tell you this was an e v e n t i mean anyone who was anyone wanted to go to this wedding
but only those that were close to the two of you were invited
haha suckerrrs
somehow got all might to officiate
who knew all might could officiate weddings? 
certainly neither of you
no one really knows how that decision came to be but i mean no one was complaining either so
he let you make all the decisions except for one
the flowers
he h a d to be involved in the flowers
he appreciates pretty flora and if the bouquets and floral arrangements at his wedding weren’t the prettiest possible he would n o t be satisfied
teared up as you walked down the aisle (which he will neither confirm nor deny)
not that he wasn’t lookin’ mighty fine too
just imagine: tan suit with a black button up and a gold tie, gold cufflinks with a ruby set in each
i know those are his costume colors but he looks good in them so y’all can fight me
dipped you for your first kiss as husband and wife to everyone’s amusement
best believe a few different cameras caught that
the timing of the wedding was planned out so the reception was held at night
semi-sheer white tents and custom black ten-feet tall candelabras
the soft glow from the candles combined with the moonlight made for the perfect dreamy vibe 
he managed to find a florist that could dye white roses black and cover them them with a thin layer of gold glitter
was it necessary? no
did it look good? heck yeah
the gold glitter shined beautifully against the black roses
the way your eyes sparkled as you danced with him was far more captivating
you two had flown up into the sky to dance your first dance together
your silhouettes against the bright moon made for a perfect picture
the only reason you ended up coming down was because neither of you had eaten much that day and a guy’s gotta eat
he gonna need stamina later *winky face*
you cannot convince me the man wouldn’t insist on fried chicken
like a whole buffet table of different flavors
but i mean fried chicken is good so can’t blame him
everyone expected him to smear some cake on your face when he fed you that first piece
instead wiped off the frosting that got on your lips with his thumb and licked it off
your best friend caught t h a t one on camera and will never stop teasing you about how flustered you got
he kept up a great image of a polite host but on the inside he was ready to g o
it had been a long day and he was ready love on his wife
he likes the sound of that
peppers your face with kisses on the ride home
yeah yeah i know h o n e y m o o n but where y’all were goin’ was forever away and mans just wants to shower you with affection as soon as possible (esp considering he had to keep his hands off you all day since you two never had a moment alone)
scoops you up the second you’re out of the car and carries you over the threshold
gives you a soft kiss before putting you down
and that’s the last soft kiss you’re gonna get for the night lolllll
definitely the type to make you breakfast in the morning
also the type to cook in nothing but an apron and boxers but anyway
you better be up in time to see that sight bc if not, you’re getting breakfast in bed not that i’d complain
he’s not the best cook but mans can manage some bacon and eggs
plus some fresh fruit bc it makes it more visually appealing and less like he doesn’t really know how to cook
he set the tray on your lap and climbs back into bed, pulling you into his side so your head can rest on his chest as you two munch on breakfast
there’s something so soothing about the sound of his heartbeat
a soft little rhythm that nearly puts you back the sleep
didn’t help that he was unconsciously running his fingertips along your arm, drawing random squiggles and shapes
will tilt your head up by the chin every so often to give you a little peck on the lips
if you do fall asleep, he’ll just gaze at you softly while lightly tracing your features
still can’t process that you’re married
someone actually loved him enough to marry him
there was someone that didn’t just admire or use him bc of his quirk
didn’t give him attention purely bc he’s the number 2 hero
you saw all his flaws and shortcomings and insecurities and loved him regardless
if he’s dreaming, please don’t wake him up
you cleaning him wings for him is something he loves so much
it’s such an intimate task that makes him feel cared for
how much time you take in cleaning them and how tenderly you handle each wing
it’s one of his favorite ways to spend time with you
it’s nice being taken care of for once, esp when he’s always taking care of others
absolutely loves taking you on night flights
will take you in his arms and just soar above the clouds
with the clouds below you and the stars above, it feels like you two are the only people that exist
definitely dances with you during some of those flights
wraps one arm more tightly around your waist and take your hand in his and just… slowly spins in the air
it doesn’t look like much but when you’re just looking into each other’s eyes, it feels like the most romantic and intimate moment you could ask for
your life is quite literally in his hands but you’ve never felt safer
even more so when you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in the crook
his arms wound securely around your waist, the comforting smell of his scent, the kisses he presses to your temple every so often
it feels like home
likes startling/scaring you a lot
will sneak into the house after work just so he can tap on your shoulder from behind 
the gasp you let out as you freak out for half a second never fails to amuse him the jerk
will always make it up to you with long, deep kiss
if he gets home late after a long day he’ll just crawl into bed and pull you into his arms before burying his face into your hair
no talking, just breathes in your scent before he crashes
he sleeps really well like that, but, although he won’t admit it, he sleeps best when you hold him, his face buried in your chest
he feels warm and safe, like it’s okay to be vulnerable for once
absolutely flirts with you while at work
probably definitely sends you a few spicy pics or texts
it gives him such smug satisfaction knowing the affect he has on you when he’s not even physically there
picks up take-out when he knows your too tired to or would rather not cook
like to back hug you and wrap you up with his wings
9/10 times will bury his face in your neck and nuzzle
sometimes if he spots you while on patrol, he’ll fly over and flirt with you
“how you doin’, gorgeous? the name’s hawks. what’s a pretty lil’ thing like you doin’ in a neighborhood like this?”
sir, this is one of the safest areas in the city pLS-
but if you actually a r e in danger? oh boy
no one, and i mean no one, touches his girl
honestly i’d rather fight bakugo one on one than deal with keigo’s wrath
he’s one of the chillest people you will ever meet, but when he’s that mad? s c a r y
will keep a close watch on you for a while after that
asks you to always let him know where you’ll be and to text him when you get home
definitely considered installing a tracking app on your phones
he’ll calm down eventually, but for the moment he’s extremely anxious
although he certainly tried his best to hide it
he didn’t want to stress you out too, especially if you had any anxieties from it yourself
he was just afraid to lose you
he doesn’t know what he’d do without you
after all, you’re the most precious thing in the world to him and he loves you more than he could ever put into words
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binunus · 4 years
college bf!eunwoo
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a/n I LOVE HIM !! I WOULD LITERALLY RISK IT ALL FOR HIM !! also rip to the disappointing hookup experience I had that made an appearance in this headcanon...yes I’m still angry about it.
→ pairing: eunwoo x f!reader
→ genre: smut, fluff, fwb to lovers
→ tw: hookup culture, mentions of drinking and drug use, implied almost SA, this is a bit heavy compared to the other ones like please be a cautious a little when you’re reading this
→ word count: 5.6k
here we go ladies and gents
i had something completely different planned for this
and it was super angsty and dramatic
but i had a monumental experience last night so I’m changing this up
and okay okay
i usually try to write all my stuff gender neutral but bc of the idea I have for some of this plot, it’s gonna be a female reader
im sorry to all my male identifying loves :(
and back to our regularly scheduled program
cha motherfuckin eunwoo
lee fuckin dongmin
he doesn’t go by dongmin, he prefers to go by eunwoo, only his family calls him dongmin
as soon as he stepped foot into the university, everyone knew him
and I mean everyone
he’s so attractive
but don’t get it twisted, eunwoo’s the humblest, sweetest bean
he gets very embarrassed when people compliment him for his looks
applied for random roommates his first year and got paired up with swimmer!bin
he and bin become besties and end up rooming together their entire college career
major: music performance, specialty in piano
most people (besides those in the music department or astro) would have never thought eunwoo was a music major, especially since he was incredibly smart and athletic too???
usually gets mistaken for a STEM major
often helps the boys (especially rocky and sanha) with their studies
and oof when he tries out for–and makes it into–the basketball team
everyone ???? floored
eunwoo has game on the court...now with dating??? eh not so much
(at least not sober shh)
he’s tried dating before, at least in the first year or so
the basketball team kept trying to set him up with people
but it never got anywhere substantial and eunwoo always trusted astro to really give the vibe check and no one ever passed
and so he settled for hookup culture every now and then
his emotions are guarded :’(
yes he’s very easy to talk to and always so nice and well mannered
but he’s only himself with astro
now, where do you come into this???
you’re a cheerleader
you and eunwoo know each other by association
you cheer for his home games, you’ve been in a couple of classes together, you’ve seen each other at parties
but would you call yourselves friends?? not really
now you know it’s highly unlikely for you to have a lasting boyfriend in college, especially with your affiliation as a cheerleader, so you also opt for hookup culture
less messy feelings, less drama, less commitment, all that fun
so the first time your paths really intertwine with eunwoo is at a party
the basketball team won a big game and they were out celebrating yuh
and ofc since it’s his team, eunwoo popped out
he only really attends parties hosted by the basketball team bc he feels a bit obligated to go LOL but he always brings swimmer!bin for support 
and it’s chill bc bin is also an athlete–yes it’s exclusive like that
but this time, bin couldn’t go so it’s just eunwoo hanging with his team
and yes, you can guess it, you and him get partnered up to play beer pong together!
that’s so cliche omg
but ah ha you hear your opponent, one of eunwoo’s teammates say to one of your fellow cheerleaders: don’t worry baby, I’ll carry you through this game
and you cringed a little ugh men
eunwoo turns to you like: ah sorry if we lose, it’s all luck with me. The guys usually pick to play me bc I’ll probably lose. I’ll drink the cups for you though if you want me to.
you get a little fired up, like aw why do they pick on him that’s not fair
you: well I’m not horrible at pong, so let’s try to crush em
he played pretty well ok! you both got balls back twice in a row right in the beginning
your team was on a roll
you and eunwoo won three games back to back
you were feeling a bit bloated and hazy from the beer that you and him had to drink, but you were still pretty self aware
and you and eunwoo were just chilling after playing the games, you two were on a pretty good wavelength and you wanted to continue it after joking around in between plays
alright now obviously you don’t go into these parties just strictly looking for a hookup, you go to have fun and let loose
but if the person and situation arises??? you wouldn’t necessarily turn it down, especially if that person was cha eunwoo
and yeah, eunwoo was entertaining the idea too, it’s been a while since he vibed with someone like he has with you
basically by the end of the night, you brought him back to your place–you’d rather eat shit than hook up at the basketball house, it was messy and musty and just nope
your place was closer than his
and ~yuh~
it was pretty damn good
he didn’t stay the night, bc well this was a hookup, so after you both had your fill it was a casual alright see you around!
oh lord the fuss your cheerleading team gave you at the next practice asking how your hookup with eunwoo was
the news spread like wildfire
eunwoo didn’t hook up very often so every time he did, it was like breaking news
which is honestly a bit fucked up, but seriously this is how college is
alright so your sex drive skyrocketed after fucking eunwoo 
you hook up with another guy at one of the following parties
but it didn’t compare to eunwoo rip so you were pretty disappointed
and you were sorta wondering like hm? should you hit him up? but decided against it 
and then! you saw him at the gym working out with literally all of astro
bin probably forced the other 4 to come with him and eunwoo sksksksk
and you were like shit why does he look so good
not gonna lie, just in case he was looking over, you tried to make your ass and tits pop out a bit more, you know squats and shit
unfortunately, it caught the attention of other guys at the gym and not eunwoo grrr
and you were literally just planning to stop being a coward and go up and talk to him, but a guy blocked your path
and he was lowkey being very creepy and way too close for your liking
but you weren’t having it, hell no you ain’t a damsel in distress
being a cheerleader taught you how to defend yourself against predatory men
so you were basically telling him to fuck off and leave you alone, but he was being really damn persistent about it
and just as the guy was about to put a hand on you, eunwoo steps in and he’s like: dude, she’s clearly not interested, fuck off.
after a bit of a stare off, the guy leaves and wow you’re face to face with eunwoo again hehehe
his eyes switch from a glare to a soft worried look and he’s like, hey are you okay?
and you’re like a little giddy, maybe also a little bit turned on bc he’s still like fresh from a workout, his hair was brushed back revealing his forehead, his arm muscles were really defined right now, and just he’s so hot? 
but you smile nonchalantly, you genuinely could have just slapped the shit out of the guy or kicked him right in the baby factory, but eunwoo stepping in was also a pleasant surprise, you weren’t complaining
you: yeah. I could have handled it, but thanks for helping
and he just grins, your confidence?? attractive
the two of you just like look at each other for a couple seconds and you’re yelling at yourself in your head like don’t cop out this is what you were waiting for !!
you: so...you’re here with your friends?
eunwoo: yeah, me and my roommate forced them to come work out with us haha. did you come by yourself?
you: yeah, I usually work out with my teammates, but I decided to come alone today
eunwoo nods and you see him like look at your neck and you immediately get a bit shy bc you knew there was a hickey there from your last (very disappointing) hookup: you’ve been having fun recently?
your face flushes: the last one was embarrassing really, so honest to god no
eunwoo: why was it embarrassing? if...you don’t mind me asking
you immediately facepalm: no, yeah I don’t mind telling you...ugh, eunwoo I was literally catfished. this guy really talked mad game about his dick and then when I agreed to hook up, he asked me to suck him off and it literally only took him less than ten minutes. and after he came, he just pulled up his pants and said “damn you give really good head” like the fuck? he didn’t even offer to return the favor or anything, and when I asked him “wait, are we gonna fuck?” he just said “maybe next time.” maYbE neXt tiMe?? I was played so hard, you have no idea how pissed I was, eunwoo. and now I have to wait for his dumb fucking hickey to heal so that I can literally just repress that hookup even happened.
his jaw literally dropped: he didn’t give you anything?
you shook your head, you were getting pissed again 
eunwoo couldn’t believe his ears, he glances back at astro for a second and then he clears his throat: well...what are you doing after the gym?
you: nothing, just going home and taking a shower. My roommate’s not gonna be home tonight so I’m probably gonna wallow in my sorrows about that hookup again
he laughs: well sounds like you have a fun night planned, but if you want some company?? I’d be more than happy to come over and help you forget about the sad disrespect of that hookup.
who said eunwoo couldn’t flirt ???
and he was thinking about hitting you up again too before but he didn’t wanna seem like a fuckboy or anything
but seeing you defend yourself against the guy?? lowkey was a bit of turn on for him
obviously you agreed hello
eunwoo going up to astro: so uh...imma head out first...I’ll see you guys later. :)
sanha: hyung so scandalous *O*
you and eunwoo fuck again
and after this time, the two of you have a little bit of pillow talk
basically you tell him that fucking him ruined all other guys for you bc he was just that good
and eunwoo usually gets shy from compliments, but his ego with this one??? he felt a bit proud ohohoho
and he’s like: honestly, you’re the only person I’ve fucked in six months, but I gotta agree that our sexual chemistry is pretty good
so where do you two go from there?
friends with benefits baby, full on fuck buddies
you both talk and agree that you two weren’t looking for relationships at the moment, but the sex was good
i’m gonna get into specifics later, but for now a little more plot
obviously, you and eunwoo talk a lot more now that you two were basically fucking each other at least once a week
the guys notice that he’s so much more?? carefree?? less stressed out?? ever since you and him started your little agreement
and they’re already scheming by themselves, like eunwoo would not get into a situation like this unless he trusted you as a person
and at first it was really just, call each other over, have sex, stay for a little bit longer, then leave
neither of you ever stayed the night bc that’s just an unspoken rule
until there was this one party, a group of people were in one of the rooms at the basketball house and they told you to come join them and ~do drugs~
don’t dabble kids, I’m serious
and you were chilling with eunwoo and bin for a bit until they called you over and you were like: wanna try too?
eunwoo and bin didn’t do it obviously, but you were curious so you went and told them you would be back in a bit
eunwoo was worried about you, bin could see it from a mile away
he kept glancing back at the room and one by one people started to come out, but none of them were you
bin nudging eunwoo: go check up on her
eunwoo opens the door to see you being like pinned down on the bed and he turns livid
he pulls the guy off you and punches him right in the face like: what the fuck do you think you’re doing? what did you give her?
you’re noticeably out of it, sobriety? not there
the guy basically laced something in the drug he gave you, omg you were roofied??
bin comes in and he literally has to hold eunwoo back from beating the shit out of the other guy
the two take you back to their apartment and were making sure that you didn’t die or something shit
literally cannot believe the first time you slept over at eunwoo’s place was when you were drugged up
you wake up the next morning, nauseous, body weak, and confused
eunwoo also wakes up because of your movement: hey y/n, are you okay?
you: eunwoo...what...what happened last night??
he sits up and gives you a recount of the party and you just like hug your body tightly when he brings up the drugs and start crying
he’s a bit shocked when he sees your tears, but he just pulls you in for a hug to try and comfort you, obviously that must have been a bit traumatic
eunwoo: hey...it’s okay...I’m just glad I checked up on you before something worse happened
you: I’m such a fucking idiot...I can’t believe I let myself get put in that situation again...no wonder people think I’m a just a dumb whore.
you and him spill your deepest darkest most traumatizing secrets that morning and you just feel more connected to him
you: I honestly never really told anyone...thanks eunwoo, you’re a good friend.
he feels more protective of you after that??
you start hanging around with him and astro more
and the guys really like having you around !!
you’re very easy to get along with, you also joke and tease eunwoo with them, they love you !
you even become really friendly with the other guys’ partners
about half a year into your fuck buddy relationship with eunwoo
everyone: why aren’t you dating y/n yet?
eunwoo: what do you mean?? we’re just friends...with benefits??
before you even know it, you’re spending literally all your time (when you’re not training or practicing or at class) with eunwoo and his friends
you sleep more at eunwoo’s than you do at your own apartment
honestly you two are already acting like a couple
except for the fact that you only kiss each other when you’re fucking, or you don’t hold hands in public, or you don’t say the L word to each other obviously
but the cuddles? the jokes? the hanging out? if you two are seen together there’s still a little form of physical touch––like a hand on the waist, or resting his elbow on your shoulder––something that tells other people that you two are a bit exclusive to each other
and maybe it’s because both of your emotional capacities when it comes to relationships are akin to a pubescent thirteen year old, but you and eunwoo?? don’t really realize that you’re both basically in love with each other
and it’s also the fact that catching feelings in a friends with benefits?? forbidden
but what if both people catch feelings?
you don’t realize you like eunwoo until a year of fucking each other
damn a year?? y’all really suppressed those romantic feelings hard
you and him were hanging out, per usual, but in the piano rooms of the music building
eunwoo had to practice his repertoire for an upcoming performance and you were free so you decided to come along and keep him company
you knew he was a music major and that he played piano, but you never actually heard him play
you were just chilling by the window, scrolling through your phone, and then he just starts playing and your jaw?? literally dropped
it was so intricate and fluid and elegant, you looked over to the keys and his hands just moved so expertly over them
you were put in a trance, it was so beautiful??
and then you look up and his concentration? seriousness? he has honestly never looked more attractive to you than in that moment
and then eunwoo meets your eyes and he smiles a little: is it bad?
you: no, you’re amazing actually...
and your stomach does a triple somersault and your cheeks start heating up, like why is your heart going haywire???
you start spacing out and obviously he notices
eunwoo calls your name and pats the space next to him on the piano bench
eunwoo: what are you thinking of, hm?
you: n-nothing. keep playing, I wanna hear more
and so he does and your heart just won’t chill out, especially now that you’re literally sitting mere centimeters apart from him
he’s still playing and you just can’t stop thinking about how much you want to kiss him–and not in a sexual way
and that honestly scared you, so you panicked and put your hand near his crotch
eunwoo jolts in surprise, but he doesn’t say anything, he just chuckles and continues playing
do you have sex in the piano room to try and distract yourself from whatever you were feeling? yeah
you hide your feelings for a little bit, but the more time you spent with him, the stronger they got, and you honestly didn’t know what to do
so you tried distancing yourself, you gave eunwoo the excuse that cheerleading competitions were coming up–which they were, so it wasn’t a complete lie–and you needed to focus and have time to yourself
it was so weird for you not seeing him and astro all the time, you barely responded to his text messages or calls, and when you saw him around campus, you would immediately try to avoid him, and it hurt but you were ~scared~
eunwoo’s a smart boy, he knew something was off with you
but after a week of trying to contact you, he didn’t wanna seem annoying or a bother, so he tried not to
even though all he wanted was to see you or talk to you, like it was beyond sex at this point
he missed you, he thought he was going to go insane
he didn’t realize his feelings for you until he saw you talking to a guy in the athletic building
he had basketball practice, and you just finished your cheerleading practice
you were talking to this one guy from your philosophy class, basically joking around and talking shit about your professor
and eunwoo saw you smile at something the guy said and he just felt jealous
his fists clenched, he hated seeing you smile and laugh with the guy like how you used to do with him
and it also didn’t help that you and him haven’t really talked in two or three weeks and he just missed you so much :(
he tried not to think about it during his practice, but it didn’t work, he was off his game for this one, even his teammates and coach noticed it
he went back to his place after practice and called over the boys and basically vented his frustrations
jin: eunwoo. you like y/n
eunwoo: I know...fuck what do I do
bin: tell her, obviously
eunwoo: and risk our?? friendship??
myungjun: you’re a fucking idiot if you don’t see that she likes you back
rocky: yeah...I mean why else do you think noona started distancing herself from you?
eunwoo: maybe I’m just feeling like this because we haven’t met up in a while and I saw her talking to that guy and I don’t know? I’m horny?
sanha: hyung...you sound indenial and jealous.
bin: you like her. we’re surprised you didn’t realize this earlier.
anyway, the day of the competition comes, and the guys and their partners decide to pop out and support you
and seeing them actually made you feel so warm, you wave at them brightly and you meet eyes with eunwoo and you smile at him even though the butterflies are back and at full force
the group is so proud watching you and your team compete, their cheers are debatably the loudest and you literally have to stop yourself from laughing in the middle of your routine
your school places first yuh
and after talking with your team and discussing celebration plans, you go to the group
you were having such an adrenaline rush, you immediately run up to eunwoo in a crushing hug and you kiss him
eunwoo doesn’t even hesitate to kiss you back
astro and them: ohohoho hey
you: I’m so happy you all came! I can’t believe we actually won!
you were going to celebrate with your team bc you knew they were throwing a party, but celebrating with eunwoo and astro/their partners seemed way more appealing to you
you all go out to dinner and drink a little bit casually and it’s all such good vibes
you missed hanging around with them all and it just felt so right
eunwoo rested his hand on your thigh the whole time throughout dinner, he missed you alright, and just seeing you so happy with all his friends? he was hooked
when the group parts ways, it’s just you and eunwoo heading back to his place bc bin is spending the night at his partner’s apartment
and honestly the tension is so thick between you two
you barely make it past the door before you’re both latched onto each other, making out and all that steamy stuff
after you have sex, the two of you are having that post-sex cuddle in his bed and your heart is pounding so loud
you: hey...I’m sorry if it was weird that I kissed you earlier at the venue, I don’t really know what came over me, I was just so glad to see you guys
eunwoo: you don’t have to apologize for that y/n...I missed you
you roll around so that your back is to him bc you do not have the strength to look at him in the eyes right now
eunwoo hugs your waist and pulls you in his chest, he’s spooning you and he has no plans on letting you go any time soon
you: uh...eunwoo, I-we-uh maybe we should stop this...thing from going any further
he literally freezes: ...did I do something wrong?
you: no! it’s...I...fuck I don’t know how to say this...I know we’ve been hooking up for a year but just recently I...think I have feelings for you...and it’s not fair for either of us to continue this if we’re not on the same page.
eunwoo: y/n, I–
you’re rambling now, you’re scared of what he has to say: and honestly you’ve become someone I really don’t wanna lose in my life. You’re an amazing person and friend, and I don’t wanna fuck that up by having feelings for you, especially since you probably don’t feel the same. I just...can’t have casual sex with you anymore...I’m sorry, it would break me.
you’re like trying to get up and you tell him that you’re going to go to the party your team’s hosting but he just tightens his grip
eunwoo: don’t go...please
you: eunwoo, I can’t stay here–
eunwoo: you don’t even know what I feel, y/n...why are you so sure that I don’t feel the same way as you?? because I do...honest to god, y/n, I like you so fucking much. the month that you didn’t talk to me was like hell and I don’t ever wanna experience that again. I missed you so much I thought I was going crazy...please don’t go.
you roll around and face him again
you: y-you like me? you’re not just saying that because you want to keep having sex?
eunwoo: I’m not just saying that because of the sex...I promise
you: so...what does that make us now?
eunwoo: well would you do me the honors and be my girlfriend?
god finally you two are dating
you realize that not much really changes after the two of you make it official
the pda does increase though, you actually hold hands and kiss each other in public now
and you two are more cutesy with each other
yes astro pretends to gag whenever they see you act all coupley
petnames!! you call each other baby, sometimes you call him minnie!! as in dongminnie !! im screaming!!
a poster couple, the basketball player and the cheerleader
literally when you’re both wearing your uniforms and you kiss each other, it’s like one of those teen movies
lots of forehead kisses especially right before bed
eunwoo’s a clingy cuddly boy, especially now that you two are together
lots of study dates?? he is a scholar after all
you’re each other’s biggest supporters !! you always go to all of his recitals and basketball games, he always goes to your competitions
he’s very soft okay, will never stop showing you off or telling you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you
the first I love you came shortly in the relationship, and that’s because you’ve known each other a year prior and the feelings were really just building up since then
you were in the piano room again and he was just playing for fun, but you always loved hearing him ~tickle those ivories~
he was playing a song and singing along and you swear you had heart eyes for him, his voice was so soft and gentle and just wow
you’re sitting next to him and you just hug his waist while he’s playing
eunwoo’s smiling so wide and then he’s singing to you 
he doesn’t even get to finish the song, because you’re grabbing his face and kissing him 
he’s laughing in between kisses and you can’t help but laugh with him
grrr he’s so cute!
and then you two are just looking at each other
eunwoo: hm? 
you: I love you, minnie
he doesn’t miss a beat: I love you too, y/n
you and him have a lot of deep talks together, especially right before bed
it’s the time when he can just let out all the frustrations of the day and just be with you
he actually holds a lot of pressure and worries, but knowing that you’re by his side, comforts him a lot
the two of you have so many pictures together it’s so cute
eunwoo’s a bit possessive alright, not in the toxic way, but will he tighten his grip on your waist if a guy seems to be getting a little too friendly with you? yeah
not gonna lie, you get possessive too, it’s hard especially if your boyfriend is cha eunwoo, he’s the fucking perfect package god dammit
you both tell each other that you don’t have to worry about other people bc y’all are just both so whipped for each other
but it’s still cute when either of you are jealous
he’s actually pretty into couple items, but it has to be like minimalistic-style
like matching plain color hoodies or matching pajama sets
will not wear a “he’s mine, she’s mine” shirt or something
but it’s okay bc neither would you sksksk
will he wink at you if he makes a three pointer during his game? yeah.
literally loves when you wear his clothes or fuck, his jersey?? a turn on
and here we go !! I’ve been talking about sex so much but let’s get into it !!
in the beginning, like before you two started dating, when it was just your fuck buddy friendship, it was sexy
and not saying that it’s not sexy now that you two were in a relationship, but before it was just lust
eunwoo’s a freak alright, you can’t convince me otherwise
he’s a little kinky
definitely into food play, you two use whipped cream during foreplay a little too much...
100% into anal
you know how much he loves ass, has a very nice ass himself
and we already been knew, but yes he’s an ass guy
s p a n k i n g
eunwoo seeing you in your cheerleading skirt? immediate turn on
will literally fuck you while you’re wearing your skirt...just your skirt.
alright alright, you have a hand kink...was it awoken by watching eunwoo play piano all the time? yes
does eunwoo use that to his advantage? yes
the amount of times he’s fingered you??? vaginal and anal??? lord have mercy
very much into overstimulation, will keep fingering you until you squirt
and yes im bringing back my the choking kink
literally if his hands make any contact with your neck area, even when he’s just kissing, you will drench
but ugh you and eunwoo making out and you know how he like cups the back of the neck?? i know y’all have seen it from the true beauty kiss scenes, and then it gets heated and his grip just moves to the front and squeezes and when your mouth opens in a gasp, he shoves his tongue down your throat
that’s so sexy
do you like choking on his cock? probably more than you should
does he make you deep throat until tears are literally streaming down your face? most definitely
he loves marking you?? it’s just a tell tale way to show everyone you’re his
he’s a bit feisty...will he manhandle you during sex?? yeah
eunwoo is a dom. I am 100% convinced that he is a dom, you won’t be domming him honey
daddy and babygirl kink...I said it...
okay he’s a bit of an exhibitionist...would probably be down to have sex anywhere as long as you don’t get caught
piano room sex? locker room sex? library sex? movie theater sex? restaurant bathroom sex? yes you’ve done it all
will he finger you while you guys are having a movie night with the guys? yeah
eunwoo’s a tease, he’s a little shit, will tease you until you’re literally in tears begging for him to just do something
favorite position is doggy, it’s the view of the ass for him
although you two both do like experimenting different positions, especially if it has to do with “training your flexibility”
will pull your hair while he’s fucking you from behind, and will plug your asshole with his thumb–don’t knock it until you try it...it’s...a pretty good feeling
sometimes wakes you up by eating you out
very much a giver ugh king
the type to grip your thighs tighter when you try to push him away from overstimulation just to force another orgasm out of you
believe it or not, he’s a gasper/grunter/groaner
nothing is hotter than hearing eunwoo groan right when he’s about to cum oooof grrrr bark bark
okay but soft gentle sex with eunwoo is so passionate
all you feel is the love and sincerity, especially when he’s just looking in your eyes
the love making happens a lot more obviously when you start dating
he’s just so in love with you alright
gives the best and sweetest after care ugh
cleans you up, gives you massages especially if it was a rough session, cuddles you, draws you a bath, brings you water, everything
always makes sure to tell you he loves you after sex
i would risk it all for eunwoo like please ruin my life
ugh I just wanna put the idea of protective eunwoo during a party in your head
his hand is always on you. waist, thigh, shoulder, anywhere casually
you don’t fight?? but you do argue
arguing is healthy, and you both would rather let it out and bicker with each other in the moment than let it bottle in and build up into something worse
but when you do have a disagreement, no matter how big or small, you two always make sure to never go to bed angry with each other
communication is very important for the both of you
you’re his better half :’) all the things eunwoo struggles with, you help him with it and vice versa
he figured out you were the one for him during one of your deep late night pillow talks
he was worried about what he’d do in the future after graduating, like he was genuinely having a crisis about it
but you just talked so calmly to him: baby, no matter where you end up after graduation or what you end up doing, you’re going to be fine. You’re such a hard worker and I know that you’ll succeed...no matter what, I’ll be here for you minnie. I believe in you, you’re future is going to be great.
and he just kisses you so sweetly: will you be in my future, baby?
you’re smiling and you just giggle at him: if you want me to be...I’d love to be a part of it.
ugh y’all are so whipped for each other !!
astro always teasing you two, even when you’re all older
you and eunwoo are equally ticklish so basically y’all are fucked when they wanna mess with you
both of your families love you and him instantly
they push marriage immediately after you both graduate college
even astro’s like: we know you two are probably gonna tie the knot first...when’s the wedding?
not gonna lie, you and eunwoo probably get married probably 2-3 years after college, pretty young age
sidenote: eunwoo 100% cries at your wedding, especially when he sees you walking down the isle in your dress
and he has huge baby fever so you bet y’all had kids fairly young too
the best dad !! ugh he loves kids !! ugh so domestic
im just gonna say, y’all have beautiful children
trusts bin and jinjin to babysit your kids the most...he’s scared of the rest of the boys watching over his children
anyway eunwoo literally deserves the world and I just?? love him so much?? happy ending yay hehe
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mitsubitchiee · 3 years
Sweet and Spicy lol
Pairing: Mammon x f!MC
Cw: smut (pretty vanilla), afab mc
Summary: porn w/o plot. but like, loving and soft porn? Lots of feelings and making each other feel good.
Preface: So! I didnt finish it. I started writing this like... 4 months ago? lmaooo i dunno if ill ever complete it at this point?? But i alrd wrote like 3000 words of it so i thought ill just post it like this. Just heads up, it cuts off pretty abruptly in the middle of spicy times hdhsh Its also not edited ofc. Ill use the fact that im not usually a writer as an excuse for this jssgp
Mammon’s bedroom door closed behind them as the two walked into the space, her feet headed straight to the couch in the middle of the room. She let out a yawn, stretching her arms just about ready to flop onto the sofa when she felt arms wrapping around her middle. Sighing, she leaned into the heat pressing against her back, resting one hand on his and the other combing through his hair. Mammon had his head buried in her shoulder, taking in her scent that had always soothed him. 
“Thanks for having my back down there… What would I do without ya?” His voice was muffled by her shoulder but she heard him loud and clear as she felt soft lips pressing against the skin near the base of her neck. She hummed. “Just another day, right?” she chuckled, turning in his arms to face him. He was tired. It was one of those days when it was all too much for him, the witches, his work and his brother’s relentless insults. 
Most days he could take it, he would  take it, whether it was because he knew he deserved it or because he was just so used to it, he wasn’t sure. But something changed when she came. She showed him kindness that he had never really been treated to before. She touched him so gently, so lovingly and he didn't know how to take it. When she kissed him, he could’ve sworn he still had his angel wings fluttering behind him. He had never noticed just how tired he was. He never stopped to see how the insults had really affected him until she came. Until she brought the whole world around him to a stop and made him feel like the center of her universe. She looked at him like he was the most precious treasure in all three realms and she cried at the scars that he didn't even notice he had. And then he couldn’t stop noticing it. He felt it every time he was insulted and every time the witches extorted him, every time someone took advantage of him. He learned to recognise it, and every time he does, he just wants to be in her arms. He wants to be held and to be doted on and cared for and ...loved. And he loved her with every fiber of his being, even when he knows he isn’t good at showing it, even when he doubts that he is worthy of loving her, he could never push her away. He would take whatever she was willing to give him even if it's just - 
“You okay?”
Mammon hadn’t noticed how he was leaning onto her hand that was holding his cheek. She saw his face turn into the familiar shade of red as he nodded. She smiled, giving him time to speak. “Can I…” his eyes averted and she had a feeling she knew what he wanted, but let him finish anyway. “...can i kiss you?” Her smile grew and she felt her heart grow in her chest. He had never made a move without her consent, never without asking and maybe that was the reason she felt so safe with him. But she needed him to know that he could ask for or initiate affection whenever he needed. She gently pushed his cheek to get him to look at her before closing the distance between them. As their lips met he felt the breath that he had been holding escape in a sigh, melting into the touch. He felt her hands snaking into his hair, pleasantly scratching his scalp the way she knew he liked. His hand that was resting on her waist made its way to the nape of her neck, cradling her head that was tilted up to reach him. In that moment he felt an immense wave of love flood over him. This human, this tiny, fragile human was the source of his comfort. His human was there, standing on her tiptoes to reach him, hands combing his hair to soothe him, kissing him as if to tell him everything is alright and there's nothing but the two of them in this universe. 
He bent down more than he already had, letting her feet rest comfortably on the ground. Without breaking the kiss, he gently guided her to the back of his sofa, lifting her to sit on it. She squeaked a bit in surprise before pulling back with a laugh. Both of her arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him there with his forehead on hers. “Did that make you feel better?” She nuzzled her nose against his, feeling the delightful breath of air that escaped him when he chuckled. “Not yet. I might need one more” his tone was playful, but his eyes were genuine and almost pleading. With a hum, she connected their lips again, revelling in the feeling of his lips against hers, tasting hints of whatever sweet desert they both had after dinner. Teeth grazed her bottom lip, biting gently on the soft flesh, asking for permission. Mammon was never the quietest even in tender moments like these. Her head spins at the sounds of contentment he makes no matter how many times she had heard it before. In the heat of the moment, she couldn’t help her own whimper and she found herself rotating her head, wanting more of him. Her hands travel down his chest, caressing his sides. A growl escaped his throat, feeling his greed slowly growing inside him. He wanted more. 
The two separated, gasping for air but a smile was plastered on their faces, eyes half lidded and pupils blown. “Mammon…” she bit her lip where he had done so before, her hands tugging at his leather jacket, urging him to get it off. He chuckled, pleased at her eagerness, letting his jacket pool on the floor under him. He basked in the way she ran her hands down from his shoulder to his exposed arms and finally to his hands which she took to her lips, placing kisses on his knuckles. He swallowed, somehow more flustered by this innocent gesture than the make out session they were just having. She loves me. The thought sent him reeling and his heartbeat picking up. He watched her hands reaching to the back of his neck, pulling him closer so that she could nibble on the soft skin on the base, pecking anywhere she could reach. Fuck, she loves me. Trailing up his neck, she gave a teasing tug to his earlobe with her teeth, kissing the spot right after. She really-
“I love you” her voice was a whisper right against his ear, effectively knocking the air out of his lungs. He grunted, eyes shut tight, forehead pressing against her shoulder. He couldn’t handle this. “Ya drive me crazy, y’know that?” Before she could answer, he picked her up and carried her to his bed. She giggled, holding on to him tight before she felt herself being placed on the bed, her back resting against the headboard. Her eyes locked on to his as he made his way closer to her. “I love ya too” he grinned, settling down with his legs straddling her thighs, making sure he doesn’t rest his full body weight on her. Being so close, it took all he had within him to not take her right then and there, but he had to be sure she wanted it too. As if reading his thoughts, she guided his hand to rest on the skin just under her shirt, sighing at his coldness on her warm skin. She brought her face close to his so that he could feel the words she would say. “Then show me,”. At that, he let go of his restraints and let himself indulge in the desire to touch her, to taste her and to let her know just how much he loved her. 
A chaste kiss quickly turned heated as he felt her hands roaming his body. The soft caress of her fingertips on the skin of his abdomen sent shivers running down his back and he couldn’t help the sound that came from his throat. He pulled away from the kiss, bringing his lips to her jaw, down her neck before separating to let her pull his shirt off. One of her hands rested on his waist, drawing circles with her thumb while the other traced the outline of his jaw. “You’re perfect, Mammon” she sighed, taking in the sight in front of her. Mammon huffed, not knowing how to respond except to go back to kissing her neck. He nibbled and bit into the spot he knew has her gasping each time and sure enough, she gasped, her hands gripping his waist trying to ground herself. He drank in all of her sharp inhales, her sighs and her whimpers as his hand traveled up her tummy, circling to her back and tugging on the clasps of her bra, getting them loose. A moan ripped through the air when his hands cupped one of her breasts, teasing her nipple. The sound egging him on even more, finally pulling her shirt and bra off, tossing them away. 
“Gorgeous” He breathed, continuing his trail from her collarbones, hands roaming her top half, not wanting an inch of skin to be left untouched. She didn’t bother covering up her sounds, knowing just how much he liked hearing them. His growing erection didn’t go unnoticed as she cursed under her breath, feeling him harden against her. Her hand slipped in between their two bodies to feel the bulge over his jeans and she bit her lip, feeling herself getting excited by the thought of him. Mammon whined, rutting against her hand begging for more friction. His lips didn’t stop their descent down her front even as she unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, trying to pull them down impatiently. He slipped out of them swiftly, tossing them away. Before he could do the same to hers, she had wrapped her fingers around his length, causing him to hiss. Slow strokes up and down his cock had him gritting his teeth, a hand resting on the headboard beside her head to support himself and another gripping her shoulder. “Fuck, babe” He moaned her name as her hands stroked the head of his cock deliciously. “So pretty, Mammon.” He had his lips slightly parted, pretty sounds escaping from it, eyes intoxicated and his beautiful toned body bare, just for her. It’s a view she could never get tired of. 
With a grunt, he pulled away from her touches, panting lightly, ignoring the throbbing in his member from the sudden absence of friction. “Let me make ya feel good first” he looked into her eyes, searching for even the smallest bit of discomfort but all he saw was her nodding, her lips pulled into a shy smile. "Mmh, please" she sighed as cool air made contact with the skin of her bottom half once Mammon helped her out of her pants and underwear. With a little ushering from his hand, she spread her legs, feeling both embarrassed and excited by him being able to see all of her. A hand slid down her folds and she could feel herself tighten from that touch alone. Heavy breaths escape her as he traced up and down, thoroughly soaking his fingers with her wetness. "Fuck, you're this wet already" Mammon growled, feeling himself twitch at the thought of her getting so wet because of him. Only him. He prodded at her entrance before feeling his finger almost being sucked into her heat. He curled his finger, searching for the spot she liked best. "S-shit" her head was thrown back, grunting at the feeling of his long finger inside her knowing just where to hit. Another finger was pushed in and she swore her fingers could never do what he did to her. He kept his pace slow, focusing on her reactions wanting to pleasure her more. 
Shifting his position, he brought his face near her core and she could feel his breath so close to her. He licked a stripe from her entrance up to her clit, moaning at her taste and the loud gasp that he heard coming from her. "Mammon…" she felt her walls clenching on his fingers as he continued to lick her clit over and over, her hand tightly gripped on his hair and pushing her hips up to grind against him more. His tongue drove her crazy, flicking and sucking at the sensitive bundle of nerves all the while his fingers rubbing at the sensitive spots inside her. He feasted on her like it was his last meal, greedy for more of her sounds and eager to please. The fingers inside her never stopped pumping in and out, gaining speed over time. “Y-your tongue, fuck!” the hand she had on his head pushed down, a silent beg for him not to stop. He felt her walls tighten as she sang his name, cumming around his fingers. Mammon made sure to catch a glimpse of her face as she came, before slowly pulling out of her heat. He sat up and pressed his palm over her hole, still feeling her throb and easing her out of the orgasm. “That’s it, baby. Ya taste so fucking good” 
She opened her eyes as she calmed down, seeing him lick off the mess she made around his mouth. A wave of affection took over her as she pulled on his arm, guiding him closer before joining their lips together. She tasted herself on him as his tongue met hers. Mammon felt his chest being pushed gently and he pulled away. Next thing he knew, he was on his back and she was on top of him, peppering kisses down his chest. He writhed at the words of praise that were whispered against his skin. “You’re so good to me, Mammon. You know just how to make me go crazy for you” her hand was already on his dick, stroking slowly up and down. She hummed, pleased at how hard he had gotten, feeling her mouth start to water. 
A kiss to the tip of his leaking head had him groaning, propping himself up on an elbow to look at her. His other hand combed through her hair, gesturing how good she was being as her lips parted around his cock, sucking and licking the head. Her tongue traced back and forth along the bottom of the head before taking more of him into her. He was big. So big her jaw opened near its limits when she took him in and out of her mouth. She stroked the length that she couldn’t fit, feeling a little irritated at not being able to take all of him. With a groan she shifted her position so that his cock was angled straight to her throat. Mammon watched her intently and his breath hitched as he realised what she was doing. He sat up so that he was resting on his ass instead of his elbow. She took him into her mouth again, all the way to the back, wiggling her head to get him deeper, to have all of him inside her. His hands clutch at the sides of her head, assisting her down to the base, his cock twitching at how eager she is to take him. The press of his cock at the back of her throat made her eyes water, but the loud moans that left Mammon made her want to keep it there. She looked up at him, mouth still filled, and he felt his pride swell at the sight of her. “Holy shit, baby. Ah... You’re taking me so well- mmmh... fuck” His voice was hoarse and he spoke between moans. She bobbed her head in shallow movements, loving the way he bucked his hips and moaned praises her way. 
She lifted her head slowly, coughing as she pulled out before looking up at him, licking her lips. “Yummy,” her voice was rough and she was breathing heavy to catch her breath. He took her face into his hands, brushing back the stray hairs stuck to her forehead. “My good girl, taking all of me like that. You’re so good to me” Feeling a gush of wetness escape her at his words, she climbed on top of his lap, rubbing herself on his cock earning her a low growl from Mammon. Their lips meet again in a passionate kiss, needy, greedy for each other. Her pussy felt so awfully empty, desperate for him. “Mammon...please, i need you” in any other situation she would have been embarrassed at the desperation in her whine, but she couldn’t bring herself to care about that right then. Mammon wanted so badly to be inside her too, he only growled in response before guiding his tip to her entrance. She slowly sinks herself onto him, back arching, mouth gaping and hands clutching his shoulders to keep balance. A drawn out moan escaped her when her hips were flush against his. He had his face buried in the crook of her neck, cursing at the tightness around him. For a moment they were still, relishing in the feeling of being connected, arms wrapped around one another, bodies pressed against each other, pure bliss. His lips scrambled to find hers, his feverish need for more only slightly satiated from the kiss.
Use your imagination for the rest ;) ⭐ ...i am so sorry but i did warn you it was gonna end abruptly
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heezoneie · 3 years
Hello lovely! 💕 Hope you're having a good day!
Can I ask for a reaction from stray kids where they meet you at a fan meeting and are attracted to you?
Thank you so much and I like your blog!
hey babe! i’m having a great day, thanks for asking🥺! i’m glad you enjoy my blog, and i hope you enjoy this reaction! <3
group: stray kids
member: all
genre: fluff
• when you first walked up to Chan his breath immediately got caught in his chest.
• your bright smile never leaving his view for a second. he couldn’t believe his eyes.
• immediately when you reached the table he began to make conversation. “hii, what’s your name?” he said as he grasped your hands in his.
• “my name’s y/n” his heart began to beat a little faster at the sound of your voice. he has never reacted this way to a fan before.
• chan found himself getting flustered as you ranted about how good of a leader he is. “overall you are the most caring, loving, all round amazing person and leader there could be.”
• his cute dimple showed as he hid his face behind your hands that were still locked with his. he lifted his head and your eyes met with his comforting brown ones.
• “i know i’m technically not supposed to say this,” he began while eyeing the staff behind him, “but i think your super pretty, and i would like to meet you again.”
• your eyes widened at his statement. you’ve read about situations like this happening, but never in a million years did you think it would actually happen.
• chan leaned into your ear and whispered, “meet me outside after the meeting, i can’t wait to talk to you more.” with that he pulled away with a wink.
• you had walked up the table while Minho had his back turned. when he turned back around, his eyes widened.
• “oh sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you..” you said sheepishly. minho.exe has stopped working he felt his heart soften at your voice.
• he smiled, “no no, it was my fault i should have been paying attention.” as you were handing him some plushies of his cats, you happen to accidentally drop one.
• ofc minho couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease you. “mY cAts!! mY pReCioUs cAts!” he grabbed his heart dramatically.
• you quickly picked up the stuffed soonie, and handed it to him. “i can’t believe i just did that,” you muttered to yourself.
• (he’s totally whipped already, but who’s keeping track?)
• “i think you owe me now, after dropping my car of course” he panned. quirking an eyebrow, his statement puzzled you.
• “to replace the pain you’ve inflicted upon this stuffed soonie, i think you should come meet the real soonie and give him all the pets he deserves.”
• deciding to go along, you nodded your head, “ i definitely think i should, to apologize.” grabbing your phone from your hand, minho put in his address.
• “be there by 6, don’t be late.” he gave you a smirk and sent you down to meet the rest of the members.
• we are all aware how this man is a s o f t i e as soon as he saw you in the crowd his face would immediately light up.
• he could not keep his eyes off of you (lowkey jealous when you were talking to the other members)
• but oh boy, as soon as you reached him, he would turn into a big baby, and probably tease you about not coming to him first. not like you had a choice
• he would grab your hands and pretend cry into them, which made your face turn bright red. this man knows what he’s doing to you btw.
• he would be so smiley, and makes sure to show off his famous aegyo, bc he wants to to fall for him
:((( even though you already have smh
• binnie would 100% make sure to somehow give you his number and meet up afterwards, bc he’s totally not in love or anything
• i got a little carried away with hyun’s😅
• our drama king
• ofc when his eyes found you, his jaw dropped, i mean physical fell
• his eyes followed you everywhere. he looked like this: 👀🙀 he definitely tried to convince chan to switch places with him so he could talk to you first
• when chan said no, he went 😠😠😔
•pouty baby bc he just wanted to talk you first:(((
• when you finally got to him, he flashed his always amazing eye smile. you noticed he had some makeup covering his mole under his eye, and you told him about how much you loved it.
• he:(((( wiped:(((( off:(((( the:(((( makeup:((((
• like when felix did it to his freckles in that one interview? yeah that’s what hyunjin did
• he is also a lowkey highkey flirt with you, constantly touching your hair, hands, face, basically anything he can within reason
• he got so sad when you had to leave, almost to the point where he got so caught up in pouting that he nearly forgot to ask for your number till you were already walking away.
• this boy did not care if anybody else saw, or what the staff was gonna say. he jumped out of his chair and quickly ran to you.
• gaining your attention, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of sight of all the other impatient stays wanting to see their precious hyunjin.
• that’s where he asked for your number, and went on a little rant about how he’s sorry he made a scene.
• it’s safe to say you guys went for food right after the fan sign
• when he saw you walk in, he knew. like he KNEW that he wanted to talk to you, hang out with you, etc.
• so so incredibly hyper when you got to talk to him
• this boy would be so goofy with you, grabbing your hands and flailing them around. it would just be him wanting to make you laugh :((
•jisung swore could swear that when he made you laugh for the first time, angels descended from the heavens.
• he didn’t want to stop talking with you, he just wanted to take you back to dorm right then and there, and just hang.
• you best bet this boy talked to you until finally the staff had to intervene to get the line moving again. he handed you a piece of paper, and told you to wait until you got out of line to open it.
• once you finished going through the line, you found a empty area near the exit and opened the little piece of paper.
• wrote in a messy scribe from writing fast, the paper said “meet me behind the building @ 4, if anybody bugs you tell them your with me. ;)”
• he saw you as soon as the fan sign started he basically started bouncing in his seat. (yk the vibrating thing he does? he did that out of happiness.)
• lix would watch you interact with the other members with the biggest smile on his face.
• he would admire all the little mannerisms or quirks/habits you have while making conversations. he just watches with big doe eyes full of admiration.
• he knew he n e e d e d to talk to you. when you got to him, he was so excited and giddy.
• this boy just looked at you with wonder as you talked. he would listen to you talk and laugh all day if he could.
• he thinks you are the most adorable thing to ever walk the earth. he just wants to bundle you up and feed you brownies and cake :((( (someone pls find me a felix)
• when he realized time was up, and he was gonna have to let you go, he got so sad. but was he gonna let you go? no, no he was not.
• felix quickly grabbed a stuffed bear from behind him and wrote his number on its little bow.
• as he handed you the bear he said, “pls call me, i want to see you again.🥺”
• bby seungminnie
• okay, i feel seungmin would be the best at hiding the fact that he is 100% simping for you even though he just met you 5 seconds ago.
• he would act normal, but on the inside be a complete mushy gushy mess, crying over how adorable and cute you are.
• secretly, would be cherishing the way your hand fit in his perfectly, and the way he never wanted to let go :(((((
• he would look at you with the most adorable eyes ever. he would definitely give you the sweetest most softest smile ever.
• his eyes got so sad when you told him you had to move on to the member bc other stays were becoming impatient :(
• he discreetly put his phone number in your phone, and made sure to tell you to text him asap :(
• i want a seungmin.
• bbys eyes would be literally this “🥺” when he saw you.
• he was immediately so taken back and needed a minute to compose himself before he ran up to you himself.
• when you were talking to him, he would give you the biggest most cheesey smile ever. he was just so happy to be talking to you.
• he was already falling for the way you talked, acted, looked, just everything about you.
• he would hold your hands so tight, never wanting to let you go. his eyes wouldn’t leave yours for a second, not even when the staff tried to talk to him.
• when he finally decided to listen to the staff telling him to wrap up the conversation, he made sure to tel you to meet him after the fan sign
• and who were you to pass up and opportunity like that?
• he was so happy when he saw you show up after, bby couldn’t stop smiling the whole day. :((
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recomendations 2021: Week 3 | January 10-16
Welcome to week 3 of my recommendation, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #ktkvcbreadinglist, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
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Week 4»
My Masterlist
Andy Barber
Imagine by @worksby-d • Andy Barber x Reader – Reader takes their chances teasing and tempting Andy, but he can only take so much. | Really good smut.
Good little girl by @donutloverxo • Mob!Andy Barber x Reader — Married life isn’t always easy. Will you be able to solve your problems? (Part 1) | Let me just say the first part sort of darkish but not really? Also I can’t help but read Mob!Andy anything.
Ransom Drysdale
Introducing Chaos by @the-iceni-bitch • Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader — Ransom brings you to your first Thrombey family dinner, and you make a splash | I laughed so much while reading this and the smut was so good. It’s a really good read.
Playing Games by @just-one-ordinary-fangirl • Ransom Drysdale x Reader — Ransom, the man you loved, did the unforgivable. You confront him about it. | This left me wanting more so badly.
Chris Evans
Tonight’s Show by @theblvckvenus • Chris Evans x Fem!Reader — You come home to surprise Chris and his interviewer. But the excitement gets him the better of him and as soon as its over you’re in big trouble. | Came for the show definitely stayed for the smut ;)
Stranger on the Train by @carpediemm-18 • Chris Evans x Female!Reader — Chris comes to the aide of the reader on a late night subway ride. | Sweet and Short
Steve Rogers
Amorosa by @honeysucklesteve • Sugar Daddy!Steve x SugarBaby!Reader — you were drowning, barely surviving in new york city working at an upscale restaurant; the only thing keeping you barely afloat. when steve rogers, vp of stark industries, overhears your troubles, he proposes an agreement that’ll benefit the both of you. should you take it and suffer the consequences is up to you. | I have a huge weakness for Sugar Daddy fics, don’t ask me why but I do. This does not disappoint and it’s got some really good smut in it. Thank you Eleanor!
Bucky Barnes
The Winter Ghost by @msmarvelwrites • Bucky Barnes x Reader — A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn’t and because of that, everything you knew was about to change. | Get yourself some tissues because you will cry. Brontë wrote the smut moments perfectly that it flowed with the the rest of the chapters so perfectly. Nothing felt rushed, the story was just so perfect.
Picking Up the Pieces [1/3] by @gogolucky13 • Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky chooses to stay in his tumultuous relationship knowing you’ll be there to pick up the pieces, until finally you’re not. [Modern AU] | For anyone who has ever felt like they were the second best, this is for you. I teared up while reading. Looking forward to see where this goes.
A Favor [1/?] by @buckysbabygorl • Bucky Barnes x Reader — After breaking up with her boyfriend; Y/N drunkenly admits to the team that she’s never had sex. Not only is she single, but she’s looking. | If you are looking for a laugh, this is the place to go, I’m excited to see where this goes.
Teacher’s Pet by @nastybuckybarnes [Dark Fic] • AlphaProfessor!Bucky x Omega!Reader x AlphaProfessor!Steve — The perfect omega doesn’t exist, right? Well, Steve and Bucky think they might’ve just found her in the form of one of their students. And they’re not gonna stop until they have her begging beneath them. | Okay this is such a good A/B/O one-shot. Like it’s got the little bit stuff you need instead of just jumping straight into the good stuff. Which isn’t bad, but sometimes a little bit of a burn, is so good. I highly recommend.
The Thought That Counts by @imerdwarf • Bucky Barnes x Reader — Reader offers to brush Bucky’s hair | All the fluffy fluffy-ness you could want or need.
On His Shoulder by @whateveriwant • Bucky Barnes x Reader — Five separate occasions in which Bucky tells you to put something on his shoulder. | A one-shot that made me wish I was somebodies Jack to somebodies ass. In all honesty Sam does a magnificent job giving reader a nickname and making this one-shot so unbelievably good. You got some laughs, some fluffs, and some smut.
Till The End Of The Line by @chanelsebbie • Bucky Barnes x Reader — You and Bucky go on a mission together to hopefully put a dent in H.Y.D.R.A., but things don’t go as planned. | Shaye how dare you, I cried, this is just so beautifully written and I just want more. Like I was waiting to see more and have him come back. I couldn’t make a link for this one-shot don’t know why, so here you all go.
Boob Move by @nano--raptor • Bucky Barnes x Reader — Y/N falls asleep with her boob hanging out on Bucky’s couch | I’ve never read something so funny yet hot all at once.
Drops of Jupiter by @imerdwarf • Bucky Barnes x Reader – Bucky has a nightmare and you find him on the rooftop looking up at the stars. | All The Fluff!
Lee Bodecker
One Shots
505 by @captain-barnes-writes • Dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader — On her summer break from college, Y/N embarks on an affair with Lee Bodecker. But she realizes that not all that drips from his lips is honey. | If you are looking for some dark Lee Bodecker, but I mean it’s Lee.. with some of angst thrown in and some smut, this one-shot is for you!
I See You by @sevans-is-my-weakness • Colin Shea x TJ Hammond x F!Reader — TJ Hammond is your roommate and Colin Shea is your guys neighbor. | Short read that I enjoyed but I suggest also reading through this masterlist, there’s so much I want to share!
@bbonkyy - is one of my all time favorite writers but I could be bias as we are friends. I know they haven’t published in a really long time but they still deserve some recognition. They do take request, trust me they write some amazing smut! *chefs kiss*
@nsfwsebbie - Please please please do yourself a favor and check out Sabrina’s concepts masterlist, dark fics, and masterlist, I’m slowly making my way through them. Sabrina has got some writing talent in them and I love reading what they put out!
@mypoisonedvine - Looking for an eclectic collection of characters and different choices to choose from? j.d. has you covered with their stories. I love their writing, the dark, the fluffy and smut.
Writing Challenges:
Mostly a Milestone Writing Challenge hosted by @mostly-marvel-musings | What you need to know: You can write for celebrities but they have to be from the MCU or you can write for MCU characters. You do not have to reserve a spot in this challenge. OFC’s, any pairing, AU is welcome. The due date as of right now is the end of 2021 and the theme is... Romance Movies
Shout Out To My...
@redhead-wine-and-literature-club — Mods Scarlett and Ruby say they read and write fanfiction usually with a glass a wine to go with it. They are pairing characters (Steve and Bucky) Sebastian and Chris have played with wines. In February they’ll have daily prompt challenges. You can check out the club's welcome post here!
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leviskitten · 4 years
𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 𝒂𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕 ♡
Bruno Bucciarati x reader(gn)
Warnings: general nsfw themes, nothing dark so dw.
A/n: and anotha one, but this time it’s my baby boy bruno 🥰🥰 (ps. I have a one-shot of him coming up soon but for now enjoy this).
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♡彡 A = Aftercare : What are they like after sex?
• Ok but hear me out, he’s the KING of aftercare and you cannot convince me otherwise.
He would run you a bath, and bathe you as well (unless you don’t want him to, in that case he’ll give you your space). Then he’d gently cuddle with you in his probably way too big bed and caress you until you fall sleep. Or would bring you some water and snacks so you don’t go to bed with an empty stomach 🥺
♡彡 B = Body : What’s their favorite body part of theirs? And yours?
• He likes his legs probably. I headcannon that he has ~gorgeous legs, so he probably likes them a lot.
On you, he doesn’t really have a favorite body part. I feel like he’d be the type of guy to love you as a whole, and doesn’t really notice details like that. But if you really want an answer, then I guess it’ll be your hands or something like that.
♡彡 C = Cum : Anything to do with cum basically.
• Idk why, but I feel like he cums a lot. Like, he shoots massive loads each time he cums. Which would probably be the main reason of why he’s not a big fan of cumming more than twice. And it would also be reason why he insists on cumming on you a lot of times.
Now don’t get me wrong, he loves the feeling of cumming in you and filling you up to the brim. But there’s just something in seeing you covered in his massive loads that just makes him go all fuzzy and 🥰🥰
♡彡 D = Dirty Secret : Share a dirty secret of theirs.
• He really wants to have a threesome with you and Abbachio.
He thought of it once randomly and now the scenario just keeps floating in his mind ever since. And he has a hard time trying not to stare everytime you and Abbachio interact.
Just the thought of you messy with his lipstick while both of them fuck you relentlessly makes him feel lightheaded.
♡彡 E = Experience : How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
• He probably had a little bit of prior experience, however it doesn’t really matter, because he knows what he likes and how to get it (while giving you what you want as well of course). So he definitely knows what he’s doing, don’t worry about it.
♡彡 F = Favorite Position : Self explanatory
• Not to be basic, but probably missionary or mating press.
I feel like he’s more of a soft service dom (who would sub or turn into a hard dom if asked), and a little bit of a classic romantic, so he probably likes to go at it soft and slow, for which missionary and mating press are prefect for.
♡彡 G = Goofy : How serious are they during the moment? Do they like to joke around?
• He’s probably really serious and focused on the moment, however if you laugh or joke at something and he finds it funny too, he would laugh, tho he’ll try to brush it off and go back at it again smh.
♡彡 H = Hair : How well groomed are they? Does the carpet matches the drapes?
• Oh he’s extremely well groomed down there, and everywhere else really.
Either completely shaved, or well trimmed, and would never EVER smell bad. He likes to take care of himself, so you would never catch this man slippin when it comes to that. (And yes ofc the carpet matches the drapes he has black hair lol).
♡彡 I = Intimacy : How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.
• Oh he loooves to be really intimate. Calling you sweet italian nicknames, praising you on how good you feel/how good you respond to him, kissing you constantly, grabbing your hands, etc.
And yes, he does tells you he loves you right after you both cum. It’s almost mandatory.
♡彡 J = Jack off : Masturbation headcannon.
• He doesn’t masturbate that often, but when he does, he likes to do it in the shower. Mainly so he can feel extra relaxed once he comes out of it.
♡彡 K = Kink : One or more of their kinks
• He’s fairly kinky, surprisingly, though he has a soft approach with them. Anyways, here’s a little list:
— Choking, finger sucking, praise (for both ways please 🥺), hair tugging (on him), spit (will spit on your mouth, no questions asked), anything to do with mirrors (main reason why he has a giant mirror somewhere in his room), LINGERIE (on both you and himself), edging maybe, cum play, pet play, and biting.
♡彡 L = Location : Favorite place to do it.
• Either his room, or his office. Probably his room the most, he likes the privacy and intimacy of it. However he can’t deny that the thrill of getting caught in his office is kinda hot.
♡彡 M = Motivation : What turns them on/keep them going?
• Knowing that you’re enjoying it too.
I feel like he’s a very giving person, so there’s nothing better for him than to know that you’re feeling as good as him, specially knowing that it’s him who’s making you feel like this.
Praise him and tell him that he’s doing amazing please 🥺🥺
♡彡 N = No : Something that they wouldn’t do/turn off’s
• Probably anything extremely rough, like impact play or heavy heavy degradation.
He already sees enough violence on the daily, there’s no need to bring it into the bedroom too.
♡彡 O = Oral : Preference on giving/receiving, skill, etc.
• Again, he’s a soft/service dom. Which means that he can and will eat you out as much as he likes only to make you feel good/show his appreciation.
However he does enjoy the blowjobs from under his desk while he works a little bit too much.
♡彡 P = Pace : Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc
• He likes to go at it slow and steady most of the time. Peppering you with kisses and whispering sweet stuff on your ear while he does it.
But he would speed it up or go a little bit more rough if you want him to. All you gotta do is ask~
♡彡 Q = Quickie : Their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.
• Not a big fan tbh.
He likes to take his time with you, so unless it’s a quick blowjob under his desk or something similar then don’t even bother to bring it up (mainly because he would tease you gently and make you wait until you both have enough time to actually do something about it).
♡彡 R = Risk : Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc.
• He’s willing to take a few risks, if he thinks the cause for them is good enough. And he’s pretty open to experiment new stuff, as long as it’s not something extremely violent or rough.
♡彡 S = Stamina : How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?
• To be honest, he can go for as many rounds as you want him to. Like I said earlier, he likes to take his time with you, so naturally, he does have the stamina to be able to do that lol.
♡彡 T = Toys : Do they own toys? Do they use them? On themselves or his partner?
• He owns a few toys, but mainly to use them on you. Like a couple of different vibrators, or buttplugs, etc. Though if you want to use them on him then he wouldn’t necessarily complain lol.
♡彡 U = Unfair : How much do they like to tease?
• Look, he might be soft and all. But this mf will tease the hell out of you when he’s bored.
I’m talking about secretly touching you under the table during a meeting, whispering dirty stuff on your ear as he passes by, taking you to a secret corner while you guys are doing something important just to have a little make out session and touch you just to leave you hanging. And stuff like that.
♡彡 V = Volume : How loud are they? What sounds do they make? Etc.
• He’s not that loud, but he does make a lot of pretty sounds.
Grunts and deep moans while he fucks you, also panting. Will moan while giving you head, or while kissing. And the only time when you’ll get to see him whiny and flustered is when you give him a blowjob, idk why.
♡彡 W = Wild card : A random headcannon for the character.
• At some point of your relationship he will get you a matching lingerie set like the one he wears under his suit. And yes, he’ll make you wear it constantly, specially if he can see bits of it through your outfit. He thinks it’s cute lol.
♡彡 X = X-Ray : Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes
• His dick is a little darker than the rest of his body, like, it’s tanned almost. And he’s cut, for sure. Probably average length, but it’s more on the thicker side, and it’s quite veiny tbh.
♡彡 Y = Yearning : How high it their sex drive?
• Meh, it’s pretty regular. He’s not that much of a horny bastard, but he still likes to do it once a week or something just because he can (and if you’re up for it of course).
♡彡 Z = Zzz : How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards.
• He does get a little more sleepy after it, but he doesn’t fall asleep that quickly. Which is why he mainly likes to make sure you’re doing alright afterwards and just treat you some more.
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
hc: Lucifer, Satan & Beelzebub with a shy s/o
request:... 🥺👉👈Can I please get Obey Me! hcs of Lucifer, Satan, and Beelzebub with a shy s/o? You don’t have to do this one if you don’t want to! 😖
aaaaaaa I’d love to!! I had so much wrong writing this tbh being a little shy myself when it comes to crushes etc so I hope I was able to do well because of that ^^
Reminder that as of right now, requests are closed!
total word count: 1700
Tip jar ^^
I just realised the title looks so weird to people who don’t play obey me lmao i’m not a satanist i swear
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we all know Lucifer is a sadist
he will basically feed off of making you flustered and even more shy
of course there’s a limit and he’ll know when to stop
and if anyone else makes fun of your shyness he won’t hesitate to teach them a lesson
he won’t push you to do anything you don’t want to do
and whenever you seem to need him, he’s there
you’re being bothered by some demons at school? Lucifer is there
one of the brothers is messing with you *ahem asmo i’m looking at you* ? Hi it’s the avatar of pride to the rescue
he thinks your shyness is adorable
but of course he won’t say it out loud
he’s too prideful for that lolol
because of your shyness he’s learned to figure out what you want without telling him
but sometimes he’ll act all smug and specifically want you to say it
he’ll act as if he really doesn’t know
“What do you mean, my love?”
“I can’t know for sure if you don’t say it.”
“okay okay!! j-just kiss me..”
but again he will be considerate of your limits
as for PDA, he won’t really do it much because he’s aware it will most likely fluster you
and there’s no need for him to show you’re his
the whole school practically knows you’re Lucifer’s s/o and well,,, they know not to mess with him
if it does happen that someone flirts with you he will state very clearly who you belong to
he might wrap an arm around you protectively but that’s it
in private tho
o o f
you bet there’s cuddles. lots of em
knowing his busy life, Lucifer probably needs moments like that once in a while
but again and i keeeeppp saying it, he won’t do it if he can tell you really really don’t want him to
wait I didn’t even mention how you two got together what-
okay so
Lucifer is not an idiot
while at first he did think it was just your shyness, he did start to notice that your behaviour towards him was rather different compared to his brothers
he thought that maybe it was just because of his position and him being close to Diavolo
but then it just kinda hit him
and well, to say that his heart didn’t race whenever he saw that adorable blush on your face would be a lie
so,,,, he confronts you about it (in private ofc)
will definitely ask you out on a date uwu
he’d pick something which he knows you love so you can ease up a little
but he’ll lowkey also try to make you flustered because it amuses him
but it won’t seem like it
but as you two talk more and more you’ll start to notice when he purposely says or does things to see you react
doesn’t stop you from being embarrassed though
sorry babe
but of course he loves you uwu
if there is any problem at school
literally anything from bullies to you being stressed
he will take care of it for you and of you if needed, no but’s accepted
overall he’s just a smug boi who loves you so much
kinda like “yes I get to make fun and tease my s/o but if you dare say a bad thing I’ll kill you” but in a cool and sophisticated way??
I’m just rambling at this point sorry
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Satan finds your shyness endearing to say the least
he doesn’t mind it at all
in fact, it gives him some peace and quiet away from his loud brothers
when he meets you, he becomes kind of curious about you
you’re a human first of all but also your shyness sparks his interest
which is why he would like to hang out with you often
I can’t get the idea of Satan just reading with you in his room in silence out of my head
or, if reading isn’t your thing, he might read to you
idk why that came to mind lolol
he might encourage you to speak up a little at times, but forcing you is something he’d never do
if anyone talks badly to or about you and you don’t say anything about it, Satan will
he might do a little more than talking
also, he will ask if something is okay 100% of the time
but I also feel like at first he won’t initiate things at all
if he wants to hold your hand or kiss you he will wait until you do it
but slowly he will be able to read you (hehe) and even then he will ask if it’s okay just to be sure
when someone seems to not know you’re his s/o
he doesn’t get jealous but he does get angry
and you can tell
he’s smiling while talking to whoever bothers you but it’s not a reassuring one tbh
and he might just kiss you out of nowhere if his anger really really gets to him
will definitely apologise for doing it in public
“However, I do not feel sorry that I kissed you like that.”
he’ll chuckle at your flustered state lolol
he loves seeing you blush, or, if you don’t blush, just seeing you all embarrassed
overall he just loves you for who you are and wouldn’t want to change a single thing
he will also enjoy doing things such as taking quiet walks with you (i’m dying over here AaaaAAAhhhH)
as for how the two of you got together,,,
this will probably be after you two have been hanging out for a while
Satan will immediately notice when he starts catching feelings for you
and while he does want to be with you, he’s worried
yes, Satan manages to keep his composure most of the time
but he’s not an idiot, he knows how he can get
and the last thing he wants is to hurt you
that really worries him a lot
but as time passes, he sees that… you’re still there? you don’t leave?
In his moments where he can feel himself transforming into his demon form, he will leave quickly however
and when he comes back he really wants to apologise profusely
but he sees you’re calm
and you aren’t disgusted and terrified
and I feel like that is when he really knows he wants to be with you without a doubt
so just like that, he asks you out
and when you say yes, he will just smile and feel the happiest he’s been in a while
suddenly Satan discovers a big love for romance books
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a real cutiepie
he would think your shyness is so cute!!
but Beel wouldn’t tease you over it at all
at first he’d be worried that somehow he made you scared of him
beel you’re a baby wdym scary
but after you or maybe one of the brothers tell him he’s just shy he will understand
he’ll try to be as careful as he can
I can’t get this one idea out of my head of Beel just pulling you into his chest if you’re in public and it’s getting too much for you
he’s huge so he’d basically cover you completely
and if anyone ever messes with you he will clearly get upset
he may not be as aggressive as Lucifer and Satan but he will still make clear that he did not like what someone has said about you
if you’re too shy to maybe talk to someone or ask something in a store, this cutie will do it for you!
he wants you to be comfortable and he doesn’t mind doing things like that for you
will definitely take you out on dates in restaurants (do those exist in their world idk now they do) and he will order for you!!
at some point he will just have your preferences memorized
as for physical contact, I don’t think Beelzebub needs it in the sense that he’s annoyed with your shyness
he lets you take your time so if you want to hold his hand and do it, you can. If you say you want cuddles, he’s more than happy to hold you
he’ll make sure to make you as comfortable with him as possible in your relationship
noowww as for how you two got together :D
I feel like most conversations would be in the kitchen because 1. that’s most likely where Beel is often and 2. talking about food is super easy for him lolol
so, whether it’s you cooking, baking or him just getting food in the kitchen, you two always end up talking
he will always ask if he can try whatever you’re making, and if it’s something he has never tried before he’ll want it even more!
and who can say no to this precious boy? (can you tell I love beel yet)
but as time progresses, you two also start having conversations that are longer and about other things
to the point where sometimes,,, it seems that Beel just forgets that he came to the kitchen for food and talks to you endlessly
he doesn’t completely lose his appetite
but he does notice it seems less important at times
and that’s where he’s like :o i caught feelings
being the sweet boy he is he decides to just be honest with you
but part of him is also really insecure
I mean, he eats so much and it’s not that he’s worried about his body, but he does feel like his constant hunger takes away his personality
he just doesn’t want to be boring but he’s afraid he might be exactly that
but when he tells you about his feelings and you say you feel the same, he’s happpier than ever!!
will pull you into a big big hug bc he’s  so happy
then sees your face is about to explode so in worry that he hurt you he’ll immediately let go
“Y/n are you okay?”
he’s the sweetest boyfriend you could ask for
fuck i’m so soft Lucifer is my fave i swear
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ff-imagines · 4 years
tofu mother! i’m so happy you’re back! i can’t wait to see you talk/write about dumb tofu men some more! uhh, it seems requests are open! if you wouldn’t mind, uhhhh, sweet tofu nsfw alphabet, please? thank you!
Sweet tofu: nsfw alphabet
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Holy shit, I haven’t done sweet, have I? I am such a bad horny tofu stan please forgive me 😢
A - aftercare
Very good. He’s always pretty overbearing doting and that trait will be cranked up to an 11. He gets you whatever you need, but desperately wants to stay with you for at least a few hours afterwards. He wants to know how you feel, and he loves to see the spectrum of your emotions, he’d never tell you he secretly wants to know you enjoyed it. Your approval hits a certain twinge in his chest.
B - body part
Of his own, probably his eyes, and his fingers. He takes great care in his nails, manicures are essential for him to feel clean.
Of yours, he loves your chest. Not exactly the tiddy tho lmao. A strange thing to like but he likes how comfy it is to rest his cheek on your chest and lightly trace your collar bones. He’s really comforted in hearing your heartbeat.
He likes your thighs for the same reason, they’re a good pillow. Thighs are also soft, which means easier hickies~
C - cum
There’s…. lots of it. He recovers fast, and will sometimes overwhelm you with cum. it’s kinda fucking endless honestly. Will cum legit anywhere you ask, sometimes will be bratty and cum anywhere but where you want. Loves to cum on you, it makes him feel more possessive.
D - dirty secret
This man has no secrets when it comes to sex. He’s up front, and he’s very open about being into almost everything you can think of. One thing he’d rather not let anyone but you know is that his hips, collar bones, and wrists are really sensitive. If you massage, kiss, or lick over them he loses his composure very quickly.
His favorite spot to be kissed is the vertebrae on the back of his neck, and he’ll be a tad more intimate if you lightly scratch the back of his neck and the hair on the base of his skull.
E - experience
moderate. He’s a creepy looking dude, but it’s fairly easy for him to find entertainment for when staying home gets a bit boring. We know from salty's backstory he’d flirted with a woman who came back to talk to him frequently, along with salty mentioning how he’s always been fairly popular.
“Hehehe, I know what I’m doing kitten. My question is, do you know what I’m going to do?”
F - favorite position
Seriously, what doesn’t he like..?
I think positions where he can see your face is his favorite, most likely loves to put you on his lap so he can watch you desperately grind on him while wrinkling your nose in the most adorable way~
G - goofy
To a degree. I feel he’s goofy in initiating but less goofy as time goes on. He still teases though and sometimes he manages to crack a smile out of you in even the most strangest and awkward positions. He'll never tell you but he loves that he can make you laugh, even when you’re in the most intimate and private state possible.
H- hair
Slightly groomed, but not extensively. Sometimes he has weeks where ofc he’ll shower but doesn’t really want to shave so you’ll have to remind him. Or don’t, if that’s your thing.
I- intimacy
Very but also not always.
He can be so fucking intense, refusing to let you look anywhere but at his face so you can see how hard it is for him to keep his control, watch him this time, let it be known how much he adores seeing your body scream and twitch for his touch.
On the other hand, he might rile you up just to leave you squirming for hours.
Depends on how nice he’s feeling~
“Fuck, no. Look at me. Look. At me. You did this, you fucking did this, look. At. Me. You’re gonna watch me while I fuck you, eyes. On. Me.”
J- jerk off
Not too often? He just prefers the real thing. 1-2 times a week. When you started to catch his interest, he stopped completely for a while, giving his full attention to you, even before confessing his interest in you. It’s more out of him trying to gauge who you are and if he’s actually interested or just entertained by you. When he figured out it was actual interest though? Prolly jumped up to 3-4 times a week due to feeling a growing desperation because of his feelings.
K- Kinks
...All of them.
Most of his favorites are the darker side of BDSM, light blood play (mostly prefers he’s the one bleeding), intense sadomasochism (doesn’t matter who’s who), primal, heavy bondage, breath play, and especially role play. He’s just… really obsessed with putting you in strange situations in order to learn all he can about how you tick.
“So so adorable, but I wonder how you look when you’re in pain~”
L- location
Again, either the place he knows your most comfortable, or the place he knows you’re the least comfortable. He wants to see you squirm as the brick of the alleyway he’s pinned you against rubs into your skin brutally just as much as he loves to see your hands grasp the soft blankets of your warm bed.
M- motivation
When you do something really innocent. The happier you look the more he wants to absolutely corrupt and ruin you.
“Look at you, you’re so precious all wrapped up in these blankets, would you mind if interupted, just for a little bit?”
N- no
I feel he also doesn’t actually like daddy kinks. He’s… got some issues with the man he viewed as his father so if you want to call him something, just don’t make it daddy.
O- oral
God does he love biting your inner thighs and watching you twitch.
He appreciates oral, but being able to make your skin crawl is much more pleasing to him. Might give you oral right after fucking you just to watch you squirm in overstimulation.
“Hehe, I see the bruise from last time is faded… I wonder if I can make a new one that will last just a bit longer~”
P- pace
Depends if he’s playing a bratty role or a more intense one. No matter his pace, he’s gonna stop in the middle and just watch you cry in frustration at his teasing. This man is patient so good luck lmao
Q- quickies
Not… exactly? He loves to tease, so he’d most likely get you incredibly worked up and then leave. Would definitely grope you at a dinner table then right as your getting close leave the room entirely lmao
As for actually quick fucking you, if you beg nicely, he’d most likely give you whatever you wanted no matter what lmao.
R- risk
Wouldn’t full out fuck you in public but.. again…. if he gets to see the embarrassment on your face while he finger fucks you under the table? Now that’s the good shit.
“Stay still, you’re squirming. You’re gonna give us away if you keep moving, you wouldn’t want that would you?”
S- stamina
Ridiculous. Mainly because he pulls some strings and uses his powers as a healer to recover his own energy. What a bastard.
T- toys
He owns a few. Most are restrictive, like handcuffs, rope, etc. might get a vibrator just to tie you down and make you cry and beg him to turn it off after overstimulating you for what feels like hours.
U- unfair
Y E A. Prolly the worst teaser you’ll ever encounter in your entire fucking life. He wants to see you cry from frustration and then hear your screams when he fucks you so hard it makes you cry all over again.
Then he stops, giggles, and goes back to teasing again.
“Kitty, come on, you can take just one more, cant you? For me?”
V- volume
Talks a lot. And it’s not that he’s “loud”, he just moans a lot. His voice is naturally pretty quiet though. Lots and lots of low groaning. During and after cumming he’s quieter, giving out a low hum while breathing slowly trying to regain his composure.
W- wild card
There is no mention that his hair is dyed, so I’m making the head canon that his natural hair is two tone and that his fuckin body hair is duel colored.
X- X Ray
Like I said, I will go down with the hc his body hair is duel colored like his hair. Mans got white and brown pubes I don’t make the rules.
As for size he’s actually on the smaller/average size, solid 5 inches.
Y- yearning
When you’re down, he is. If he hasn’t seen you in a long time he’s gonna be more grabby. He actually isn’t easy to make that jealous because he’s very confident in your loyalty, you’re willing to stick with him this long so… why worry?
Z- zzz
Lmaoooo? sleep?? Who’s that? Don’t know her. Thinks you’re adorable when you fall asleep though. Likes to study your face while sleeping and will gently coo and let your hair if he notices your face starts twitching because of something like a nightmare. Might peel back the blankets a bit to further… “observe”. And he wonders why you keep waking up freezing.
“Awe, out so quick kitty? Hm, you are cute like this. Wonder if you’ll look cuter when you’re having a nightmare…”
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softboyscully · 4 years
Public School Stuff I Wanted to Share
public school is both beautiful and horrifying am i right
so ill just go by the grades i guess
Kindergarten, first year
i did kindergartden at a catholic school in a relativly big city so this one’s got some shit
we went to church every wednesday, me and best friend (lost track of her when we moved, wish we’d stayed in touch, she was awesome) would giggle the whole time, pretty sure we made fun of jesus once, can’t remember why, possibly the hair
i had the nicest teacher, she was (as i remember her) young, blonde, and super sweet, that was the first and last year i ever had naptime
SPEAKING of naptime
i never slept during it
once i found what i remember being a nut of some sort on the ground, probably came off someone’s shoe
i grab it, turn to sarah (my best friend), say something about putting it up my nose
sarah, apparently having common sense, says, “no dont do it!! we’re supposed to be sleeping!!”
i put it up my fucking nose
try to get it out, just push it farther in
im crying a little bit now, that shit hurts
go up to my teacher
“you’re supposed to be asleep!”
“i have a nut up my nose and it wont come out”
teacher tries to get it out, but it wont budge
just. sends me back to my mat
that was it
the art room was tiny
like re-purposed broom closet tiny
there was a copy of the mona lisa in the hallway, someone had drawn ray bans on it with a pencil, never got replaced
there was a creepy-ass basement i went down to after school, we ate cheeseballs and sandwiches with some kind of meat, mayo, and that kinda yellow bread
someone broke his leg down there once, think an older kid threw him at the ceiling or something
we learned how to play Silver Bells with actual bells in music class
Kindergarten, second year
i remember these two teachers as the evil step sister-type look, but it might be my little kid imagination
but seriously they were horrible
we learned stuff in a room that was more middle-school styled, except everything was green or black and it was v dark
me and sarah attained a new friend, john
honestly i think we would’ve stayed friends for a while if i didnt move away
i have two vivid memories
one is of me really wanting to go home, so i walked by the teacher’s desk and did a fake sneeze
they laughed at me and told me to go sit back down
the other is  john leaning his chair back and then falling, so me and sarah went to help him back up
it was funny, so he did it again
and again
me and sarah were laughing, had the time of our lives
after the maybe fifth time the teachers said “john can get back up by himself. sit down and stay there.”
one of the reasons we moved was bc i got sent a letter from my fourth grade buddie
most of the words weren’t spelled correctly, many letters were backwards
my mother was horrified
ofc now we know it was probably a learning disability 
1st grade
this is when i moved
beginning of school i was ASTOUNDED we didnt have uniforms, one of the best things ever to happen to me
nothing wrong with this teacher, she was cool
thing is i was a little shit
told everyone my dogs died (they did but i was maybe three when it happened, i remember it not)
all my personal narratives were bullshit (only one sticks in my memory, wrote it about celebrating christmas AND hanukkah with my dad’s friends who were jewish, i have never even met those friends)
had a crush on this kid, best friend (she was terrible and helped wreck me emotionally) told me to kiss him in music class. me being a stupid ass bitch, i did it, aND HE GOES TO THE TEACHER AND CALLS ME OUT. at the end of class she gets both of us to stay for a bit, AND I DENYIED EVERYTHING. i walked across the fucking classroom, kissed him on the cheek, ran away giggling, told my teacher i didn’t do anything, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. i’ve embarrassed myself further with this child but thats another story
2nd grade
i loved this teacher but honestly he was absolute shit
like. all he did was play the guitar and sing with us
never actually taught us stuff???
middle of the year, my mom goes in for a parent-teacher conference, he tells her i dont pay attention is math.
“what do you mean?”
“she doesn’t listen, she just takes out a book and starts reading.”
“........have you.... tried taking the book away?”
“sure, i could try that.”
he also told her i’d be a girl who’d grow up to love spellcheck (which i do lmao)
like ???? why not just??? teach me to spell????
there was this one dude who one day showed up, gave me a pink stuffed cat, and then asked me where i lived
funniest thing was he lived on the same street as me
something that is vivid in my memory is showing up to class one day and realizing that i was wearing my regular clothes over my pajamas
also we had fish
every day someone else was in charge of feeding them
one of the times it was my job, i grab the fish food and walk over to the tank only to find all of the fish floating on the top
i screamed “THE FISH CAN FLY?!?!?!?!?!”
everyone ran over, all of us scarred for life when Mr. G walks over and goes in the most normal voice ever “no theyre dead”
we held a funeral
the cause of death is still undetermined
3rd grade
this year just draws a blank for me
all i know is that whoever the teacher was, they neglected to teach me how to tell time from a clock
also we learned the Cotten Eyed Joe dance in gym around here
4th grade
i had two teachers this year
one was the same one from 1st grade, the other one was a total bitch
made a girl named hannah ball her eyes out once, never apologized
i was (and am) and avid reader, so my reading skills were high above average
instead of being proud of me she told me i was weird, not normal, and too smart for a 4th grader, so i MUST be cheating. 
she was the start of a lot of self confidence issues for me ngl
this was around the time i went and got tested for ADHD (me and my grandmother almost broke down on the highway but thats another story), Mrs. M (the nice one) was super supportive when i told her why i was leaving early but Ms. S (bitch) told me ADHD wasn’t real and i just wanted to be special for once
she sucked, Ms. S
5th grade
this is getting super long so this’ll be the last one i do
but my teacher..... Mr. F was A+++++
he legitimately taught me math
we had i guess like,,, a buddie class we switched with sometimes
the teacher of that class was Mrs. R, who had crazy red hair and many freckles
at one point she referenced a meme and my entire class started screaming
also there was another Mrs. S (to differentiate this one will be called Mrs. Su)
she was kind of crazy
she was the astronomy teacher and she told us many times that the moon landing was faked
once she handed out sunscreen and had everyone put it on their whole body (this was in december, fyi)
Mr. F also hosted an ‘archeological dig’ which sounds cool but in reality he had a bunch of arcade prizes from his childhood buried in little flower pots we dug into with plastic spoons
also heres some stuff i cants pinpoint the time of/happened in multiple grades:
someone held a who-can-scream-the-most-like-a-goat contest
a guy named Makenzie won
remember we planned it while the teacher left the classroom so the teacher walks back in and one by one everyone in the room starts screaming, there was some applause, a few kids got a standing ovation
we cleaned out our desks in the middle of the year, i found 3 socks and a dog treat in mine
like how the fuck did any of those things get there
and where’s the fourth sock
b o t t l e f l i p p i n g
but no seriously there were at least five water bottles stuck in the ceiling in the cafeteria
my sorta friend charlie was obsessed with paper airplanes
one time he might’ve broken the world record for longest time in the air but he was counting in his head and it was at recess so there was no video
four square and gaga ball would be played no matter the setting, time, or conditions and it was super competitive
like if you could get to king in four square you got the everlasting respect of everyone
and everyone was super educated on four square special rules, special plays, that kinda shit
no but guys i grew up with bus stop, candy store, haunted house on mondays, haunted mansion on fridays, zombies was fair game unless it was Zach, Ryan, Chrissy or Vee
me and one other guy named andrew were the only known pjo fans, had the time of our LIVES making refrences
“hey annabeth, i thought you looked like a princess when i first saw you. i printed out a picture you sent me casually and kept it with me. i snuck along on a quest so i could save you, endangering myself immensely. i held the sky for you. when you talk about your crush on luke, i get jealous. beckendorf understood, but hes dead.”
“ikr we’re literally the best of friends”
also the first time we finished mark of athena we were in the same classroom and we individually dropped the book, stood up, looked at each other, and screamed “WELL FUCK YOU TOO RICK RIORDAN”
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