#also one of the concerts it keeps recommending is one that was in last fucking october like. dude. that was three fucking months ago
nexus-nebulae · 2 years
spotify has a feature that shows you nearby upcoming concerts based on who you listen to but all the "upcoming" shows it's showing me already happened months ago
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misc-obeyme · 19 days
unchained - chapter fifteen
masterpost read the chapter on ao3
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recommended music: Don't Go Dark by DREAMERS word count: 2799
GN!MC x Arsenios [demon OC] a/n: I consider this to be the most cringe of chapters because of the lyrics that I made up. I described the song as well as I could, too, but it isn't really important as long as the message of it is clear. Anyway, Arrie's on his way to fuck some shit up at the end though lol. Warnings: none
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Every time you saw Arsenios's empty seat in the classroom at RAD, your gut twisted as you remembered the way his door closed with such finality. You were convinced it was a temporary situation, that he was only trying to keep you away for your own safety. You weren't sure what he was doing now. You wanted to be there when he confronted Caligo, but you hadn't been able to convince him that you could handle it.
So when you saw a flyer on the bulletin board for a show by Angel's Temptation, you were surprised. The band wouldn't play without Arsenios. You looked around the hallway and quickly tore the flyer off the board. The band was scheduled to play at a small local venue that evening. Was Arsenios still working while he was trying to lure the reaper to him? Or was the band somehow playing without him?
You stuffed the flyer in your bag, where it stayed crumpled until after your student council duties. When everyone else had gone home, you waited until it was almost time for the concert. Then you took out the flyer and headed to the address printed on it.
You tried to tell yourself that you were only going for the music. You were a fan of the band now, it was only normal for you to support them by showing up. It was definitely not because you were desperate for a glimpse of him. Not at all because you were worried about the state he had been in when you saw him last.
You knew you couldn't go with any of the others. Arsenios would spot you with any of them instantly. Even so, you also knew that he had an uncanny knack of knowing whenever you were in the same room with him.
The venue was a small bar with a tiny stage lit by a set of dim lights. You lingered at the back, behind the crowd and against the wall. There were plenty of demons in attendance. Maybe you would be unnoticed.
You first saw the other band members, easily bantering with each other as they did their sound check. And then you saw Arsenios. His usual calm and confident demeanor had a heaviness to it that you didn't like.
You could see the dark circles of the tattoos on his hands. They were working on setting up a mic, but you thought about the way he clenched them when he was feeling especially serious or anxious. You knew just enough to understand what that meant. The story of how they had been mangled and then healed.
The set was a mixture of rock songs and slower ballads. It was more intense than the acoustic set they had played at Crimson Street, but quieter than the grand theatrical performances they put on at The Fall.
Arsenios had stuck to the electric guitar the whole time, singing with his usual deep baritone. You couldn't know if he was aware of your presence. His eyes scanned the crowd, but didn't focus on any one spot in particular. He was just as present as he normally was, clearly putting his soul into his performance.
After several songs, there was a brief pause. You watched as Arsenios seemed to be arguing with Chymion and Lael. Even Liviana left her drums to join them and say a few words.
Whatever Liviana had said, Arsenios calmed down. He waved at them, clearly exasperated, but not willing to argue further.
The lights dimmed and a spotlight illuminated a piano that you hadn't noticed at the back of the stage. Arsenios sat down at the piano and began to play without first introducing the song.
It began simply, a soft repetition of chords and a small scale in the melody.
And then Arsenios began to sing.
The piano became even simpler, reverting back to only chords as his voice soared over them, delicate and melancholy.
You listened to the first and second verses, enraptured. From the first lines of the lyrics, you knew they were about you. The reality of this only vaguely registered as a squeezing in your heart.
in the darkness I could hear you your heartbeat in my song
You held your breath as the accompaniment became a little more rapid and Arsenios's voice lifted into the chorus. It was like every note was full of something that only you could see. It was as though everyone else had disappeared. It was as though you were in the dark dance hall again, just the two of you. He was singing this song to you.
these hands are bloodstained but now I am unchained
The chords slowed down again for the third verse and you nearly jumped when you heard him sing words that you had spoken to him not that long ago. In the Devildom Botanical Garden, when he had finally told you more than he ever had about his past.
you said you don't care what I've done or what I've had to do
The chorus came in again and your mind was whirling. You weren't sure what this meant. This song he had written about you. What was he trying to say? It seemed like you should know, like it should be obvious. But there was so much pain in it still. Like he was desperate, like he didn't know what to do with his own feelings.
A brief musical interlude that involved some unexpected scales and fingerwork caught your attention as it descended into the loud and dramatic chords of the bridge.
I used to sing about heartache now all I can sing about is you
You listened to the chorus as he went through it twice more. But you were only barely hearing it. The way he varied the melody as he let the chords and his voice become loud before everything softened in a diminuendo. The last chorus was quiet, almost pleading. The final chord, a single scale, until all that was left was the distant ringing of the D minor in the bass clef and a single D in the treble. The echo that it seemed to produce as he let the sustain pedal carry the sound. The way it cut off abruptly as he sat back.
It was too much, wasn't it? Was this song really about you?
You wanted to know about Arsenios's past. You wanted to know what had happened to him and why he was still suffering from those events now.
But with this song, he had given you something else. You remembered two lines from the third verse.
but I would die a thousand times just to end up here with you
And suddenly everything made sense. This song was a confession. When you saw Arsenios at his apartment, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. He could barely look at you. And then he told you to stay away.
Arsenios was in love with you. And that was more frightening to him than any reaper could ever hope to be.
Your gut twisted because the truth of this hit you hard. The band began to play a new song, but you didn't hear it. You turned abruptly and nearly ran out of the venue.
As you rushed down the street, making your way back to the House of Lamentation blindly, your mind was focused on only one thing.
Did Arsenios know you were there? Did he know you were listening?
You still hadn't been able to tell. But he always knew when you listened to him at RAD. Why would this setting be any different?
If he had known, then he had performed that song on purpose. Was this his way of telling you how he felt? Was it because he couldn't actually say it to you directly?
And even if all of that was true, even if this was a real confession of love, did it matter?
Arsenios had told you it would be better for you to stay apart. He said it was too dangerous. He might love you, but did he trust you?
That night, Arsenios lay sprawled on his back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He hadn't bothered to turn on the lights, only trudged up the stairs of the loft and collapsed fully clothed on the blankets.
Of course Arsenios knew you were there. He could sense you the moment you walked into that small venue. You didn't come forward, only stayed against the back wall, but he didn't need you close to hear you.
Arsenios had memorized the rhythm of your heartbeat and the way it synced up with your breathing. He recognized the beat in your tread, every footstep, every motion. He could sense the song that accompanied you no matter where you went.
It was something he first came to know at RAD, simply because your humanity made it stand out among the cacophony of so many demons. Now it was like you were a radio turned to full volume. Any time you were anywhere near him, your sounds flooded his senses.
He hadn't had any intention of playing the song he wrote about you. But soon enough, Chymion had spotted you in the crowd and informed Lael and Liviana of your presence. Then it was three against one in the argument about whether or not he should play your song. He had lost.
Arsenios knew that was a lie. He could have argued harder.
But for some reason, he wanted you to hear it. He needed you to. His confession, though full of fear and uncertainty, was holding the only hope of healing he'd had in centuries.
And it might end up being the last thing he ever sang to you.
It wasn't that Arsenios believed he couldn't find a way to defeat Caligo if it came down to a fight. It was more that Arsenios knew he would sacrifice his life for you if he had to. You were never supposed to be part of this situation. The only reason Caligo was targeting you was because of him and your closeness to him.
Arsenios felt that the only way to keep you safe was to bring this situation to an end once and for all. He had thought it was over long ago, but now that it was back he wasn't going to just wait around. He wasn't going to put it off until it was too late to protect you.
Arsenios sighed and closed his eyes.
Lucifer had been right.
If you were at all competent-
If he was at all competent, none of this would even be happening.
If he hadn't trusted Caligo to begin with, all those years ago, this wouldn't be happening now.
Abby chose that moment to jump up onto the bed, landing directly on Arsenios's stomach.
"Oof!" He flung his hands out to catch her, sitting up with her in his lap.
"All right, I get it," he said to her. "I'll stop feeling sorry for myself, okay?"
Abby purred and pushed her head into his hand.
"I know what I have to do," he said. "I've never met anyone like MC, Abby. Their sound is so intimately human, so much happening and yet all working together perfectly. It's soothing. It… merges somehow with that hole in my heart. I'll do anything to keep them safe."
Abby meowed.
Arsenios felt the heaviness of guilt press down on him. There was one important detail about reapers that he simply hadn't told you. He was sure if you knew, you would be more insistent about accompanying him. It was only his good luck that kept you from finding out from someone else. He wasn't sure how long that luck would hold out. But he only needed one more day.
Arsenios knew it would be a simple matter to get to Caligo. He was ready and tomorrow, he would go find Barbatos.
Arsenios picked up Little D No 2 who had been scampering conveniently through the gardens at the Demon Lord's Castle. He kicked his little legs and gnashed his teeth, clearly unhappy to have been caught.
"Hey," Arsenios said. "Calm down, it's just me."
No 2 stopped mid-thrash and looked at Arsenios for a moment before smiling. "Arrie!"
"Yeah," Arsenios said. "Can you get Barbatos for me? I don't want anyone else in the castle to know that I've talked to him."
No 2 kicked his feet slightly. "You mean you don't want Lord Diavolo to know!"
Arsenios huffed. "Yeah, you got me."
"Is it 'cause he'll tell Lucifer?" No 2 asked.
"Stop asking questions and go get Barbatos, please," Arsenios said.
"Okay!" No 2 exclaimed.
Arsenios put him back down and watched him scramble off into the castle.
Moments later, Barbatos came out where Little D No 2 had gone in. He saw Arsenios instantly.
"Sorry," Arsenios said when Barbatos stopped beside him. "But can you send me to the Underworld? You know where I need to go. I don't have time to walk there myself."
Barbatos regarded Arsenios for a long moment. This wasn't unusual, necessarily, but there was a tension in the air. Arsenios folded his arms and waited.
"Is it wise for you to go alone?" Barbatos asked.
Arsenios frowned. "This is my problem. And I'm going to take care of it."
Barbatos actually chuckled, which made Arsenios glare at him. "How exactly do you plan on taking care of a reaper?"
"You think I can't handle it?" Arsenios asked.
Barbatos shook his head. "I simply wish for you to consider what you will do once you find him."
Arsenios paused. He had considered it, of course. "I'm… going to talk to him."
The fondness in Barbatos's eyes was both endearing and infuriating. "Do you think he will listen?"
Arsenios huffed. "Maybe not, but it isn't like I have a choice. Look, you can't talk me out of this. If you don't help me get there, I'll walk instead. I'm going to talk to him, try to get my grimoire back, try to end this peacefully. This has gone on too long and I'm not about to put MC's life in any more danger."
"And what about your life, Arsenios?" Barbatos asked.
"What's my life compared to MC's?" Arsenios shot back. He knew he was getting worked up. He took a breath in an attempt to calm himself.
Barbatos shook his head. "This is exactly why I am hesitant to send you."
Arsenios sighed. "Listen, Barb. You know me. I thought I was broken beyond repair. I didn't know I was searching until I found them. I don't plan to die tonight, but if I sacrifice my life to protect them then I'll be doing it knowing I'm saving the one thing that matters to me."
Barbatos closed his eyes in a long suffering expression. "Have you truly found what you think you have, I wonder? Or do you perhaps still fail to understand exactly what it is you have always been seeking?"
"Please, Barb, I don't have time for your all powerful demon riddles," Arsenios said.
Barbatos considered him for a moment. "Very well. I can see that there is nothing I can say to dissuade you. I will open the portal for you."
Arsenios looked suspiciously at this sudden reversal. "Is that right?"
Barbatos chuckled. "Have you changed your mind after all?"
Arsenios knew he didn't have the luxury to question it. "No. Send me, please."
Barbatos opened a portal. Just before Arsenios stepped through it, he said, "Please be careful."
Arsenios picked up his guitar, which he had left on a nearby bench, and stepped through the portal. He found himself in the Underworld - a dark and ominous corner of it, somewhat near to the reaper prison. Barbatos had known that Arsenios would need to be at a crossroads and that was exactly where he now found himself. The jagged dirt paths that connected beneath his feet were in the center of a forest full of black and leafless trees.
It was dark and empty. The sky was grey. Arsenios strummed a chord on his guitar and it fell dully into the air around him. He didn't let that stop him. He played another chord, letting his fingers get used to the feel of the strings in this strange place. Soon he began some elaborate finger work, soft but complicated. The notes whispered around him like hushed prayers.
Arsenios played the guitar this way for hours. He never stopped, never once faltered. And finally he was rewarded with a flash of silver, letting him know he had finally succeeded. The reaper he sought was not far off, his yellow eyes gleaming from the depths of the trees.
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masterpost | chapter fourteen | chapter sixteen [coming soon]
taglist: @avalordream @lonely-north-star @expressionless-fr @featheredcrowbones @pumpkinsareamazing
@szired @bagofwetmice @ashley675901
as always, please comment or dm me if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
JK ranking looks has always been a sour topic for me lol. I know he ranked him first once but it came off as damage control and not real. Like he realized at some point that jm was actually hurt by this so he decided to make it up for him. Til this day whenever looks is brought up JK will mention tae or jin not jimin and it’s ok that’s his preference there’s nothing wrong with that I’m just glad they stopped ranking each other because jimin is beautiful and i wish he would hear nothing but praise
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I talk about JK rating Jimin first here which is when anon sent this ask. So let's talk about it.
First of all, let's establish something. JK calls V and Jin handsome yes. He said V was the most handsome man he has ever seen. And that's fine. I believe the same. V is really good looking. Also anon, Jimin has said the same thing also. So stop conveniently leaving that out. It ain't just JK who's gushed about V's looks.
But you know what JK has never called V? Sexy. Yet he's said that about Jimin like a million times. I can say someone is beautiful and not want to fuck them. But if I keep repeating that someone is sexy it starts to come off as sus. And no, JK shouting "sexy Namjoon!" jokingly at a concert is not the same thing as him making that noise right before saying Jimin is sexy. And he's made that noise many times in regards to Jimin, btw.
Jimin is beautiful and I wish he would hear nothing but praise
For you, here is 12 minutes of JK finding Jimin not just beautiful, but hot. Desirable. Which is what you want from a partner.
You don't just want your partner to think you're goodlooking. You want them to think you're sexy, desirable, that they want you.
And please lets not forget how much JK is a goner for Jimin's cuteness. He just melts and gets lost in it and u can tell he loves that Jimin is so darn cute. Has even said that many times. Here is a part 1 and a part 2.
See, Jimin likes to be praised and JK knows this. And u best believe that man comes through. I really don't know how u missed JK praising Jimin all these years. It's literally all he does, anon. Even now when he goes live. I'mma need u to start paying more attention. No cap.
Now let's go back to the past. Here i talk about Jikook sleeping together from the beginning which is important for this conversation. I would also like you to go to this post and please watch everything there and read what I've recommended. Please. It's VERY important for u to understand this one thing; JIKOOK WERE VERY CLOSE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.
And that anon, is the overlooked truth. They were really, really close. We've talked many times about how Taekook were close before Jimin came but as soon as Mimi arrived JK gravitated towards him and that was that. So keep that in mind going forward.
So! Here we have Suga, Jhope and RM being really insecure about their looks and we have shit Armys calling them ugly. Yeah? That's a thing that happened. Yes, Jimin was also insecure about his face at that time but Armys thought he was cute. We've established he was the most popular member at the time. In any case, the rap line being called ugly was a regular occurrence.
Then this stupid question arises asking JK to rate members.
Here's the thing, understandig the situation at hand, rating Jimin last was the easiest thing to do for JK. He was closest to Jimin, they were spending time together all the time. So it was easier to make fun of him as opposed to other members.
Don't get it twisted, JK wasn't enjoying hurting Jimin's feelings. Look at this part after he rates Jimin last, he can't even look at Jimin. Because he knows what he's done. He also knows what he will find when he looks at Jimin's face.
JK was not enjoying this. Maybe in the beginning, but after Jimin kept vocalising how much he hated it JK, stopped enjoying it. One time he even rated them according to the order of the fanchant. Thats how done he was with that question. That link i shared
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RM too didn't care for the question and tried to stop JK from putting Jimin last. But alas!
That was reason number 1. Reason number 2:
I know he ranked him first once but it came off as damage control and not real
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JK was pulling Jimin's metaphorical Pigtails. You know what that means, right? Kindergarten 101. Boy likes girl. Boy is shy. Boy can't tell girl so what does he do instead? Boy picks on girl. And that is exactly what JK was doing. Making fun of Jimin's height was his favourite!
Uh! Can we take a break and talk about this cute moment that I absolutely love??? AHL when it's JK's turn to have a dance off and Jimin tells him this
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And that's how JK ended up doing this which yesssss 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Loved that! Let's not focus on what happens after and let JK have his moment 😂😂 On 2nd thought let's just mention that after he fell and was feeling embarrassed it was Jimin who stayed with him making him feel better. Yes, I see Jin too but Jimin was the one feeding him comforting words and rubbing him comfortingly. Like I said, close from the beginning.
JiMiN feLL fiRsT bUt Jk FeLL hArDeR 🤪 Miss me with that noise 🙄🙄🖕🏽🖕🏽Aint no such bullshit.
Back on topic anon, if u watch the timeline links I shared this also contributed to Jimin pulling away. Off camera JK was treating Jimin very well, doting on him, loving on him, cuddling him in his sleep, maybe they were already exchanging kisses at that point. But then on camera JK would do things like rate Jimin last. So yeah, Jimin said fuck it and started pulling away. So much like u, he didn't like it either. Here is a painful analysis of zoomed in reactions on how much Jimin hated this. It really wasn't nice and I get why some people like u feel some type of way about it.
But this post is about why JK did what he did at that time. It's the factors mentioned above and let's not forget immaturity. And yet when Jimin started pulling away, around May 2015 we had JK changing his behaviour. He started telling Jimin he was handsome all the time.
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That Thailand run BTS live where Armys asked if he liked Jimin, suddenly he was going "Jimin hyung's eyes are so pretty."
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When the push and pull started JK was singing a whole different tune. He saw he was losing Jimin and decided to get his shit together and he hasn't looked back since.
I love Jimin, I love him sm. But this topic is not a sore one for me at all. Because if u really pay attention u will notice how attached JK was to Jimin since the beginning. He liked Jimin way before it became about sexual attraction. Jimin quickly became his favourite hyung and it's honestly quite clear. Let's never forget about satellite Jeon. Why would JK follow Jimin if he hated him??? Makes 0 sense.
Till this day whenever looks is brought up JK will mention Jin and Tae and not Jimin
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I think we've established that's not true anon, right? We good? Good.
Thanks for the ask. Borahae 💜
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aspecriddler · 1 year
THEE Guide to Not Being a Punk Poser
Hey, so if you're reading this, you may or may not be looking to get into the punk scene, and you also may or may not be at a total loss on where to start
Well fear not! I am here with this little introduction post on how to Not Be A Poser (title pending)
FIRST UP: The Ideals
When it comes to the ideals of alternative subcultures, this graphic by @theygender (hope the tag is ok, lmk if it isn't) is the best summary I've ever seen
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And if you're like me, you're solidly on the line between punk and grunge, but leaning just a bit more punk. This is fine /gen
Punk is about community. Punk is about fighting for a better future. Punk is about doing no harm and taking no shit. Punk is about looking out for the underdog. If you don't embody these values then you're not punk. The ideology of Punk is, in my opinion, the most important part of the subculture
But if you've been doing your research you already knew that. Now let's get into what a lot of people call the fun stuff: the music and the fashion
SECOND: The Music
There are a Lot of different subgenres of punk music, the most famous being punk rock and folk punk. I subscribe more to punk rock because I really enjoy fast music
Bands to look for include: Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, Pansy Division, Dog Park Dissidents, Cheap Perfume, Mommy Long Legs, Gang Green, The Germs, Rage Against the Machine, G.L.O.S.S., X-Ray Spex, The Cramps, Circle Jerks, Crass, Limp Wrist, and Pure Hell
Of course there's a lot more but those are some staples plus some of my personal favorites. You can find my personal punk playlist here
Overall the sound is Loud and it is Angry. There are many songs about killing cops and hating capitalism and it fucks. If you like funky basslines, sick ass drums, angry yelling, and shredding guitars this music is for you
PART THREE: The Fashion
Okay, okay, I had to save the quote unquote best for last. Imo the fashion of punk is the most diy out of almost any other subculture
Literally anything you can get your hands on can become fashion. Steal what you can, pick up shit off the side of the road, and if you can't/don't know how to do something get a friend in the scene to either teach you or commission them or something
Brands? The fuck is that, the only brands you need to know are Rit fabric dye, goodwill, etsy (sometimes), your local craft store, and a good spike maker (I don't deal with spikes currently so I have no good resources for them, so other punks feel free to chime in!)
Want cool metal shit? Take apart cans and turn them into spikes. Take a lighter apart and use those metal bits. Steal safety pins from walmart.
Want/need to sew something? Yarn and a tapestry needle if you can't get/don't want to use dental floss. When sewing patches do a straight stitch around followed by a hobo stitch around again and that shit will stay forever. Alternatively pin patches on with safety pins, this works pretty well in a pinch
Fabric paint is your best friend!!! Start with a white base layer and the colors will be much more vibrant. Don't think you have painting skills? Doesn't matter, you're punk and you have the audacity to wear whatever you make with pride
Invest in a leather jacket. I don't mean in terms of money, I got mine at goodwill for ten bucks. But it will change your life. I recommend getting two: one to keep plain and one to diy. Also flannels are good for diy and can also be made into vests for warm weather very easily.
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Both of these flannels I decorated myself in a matter of hours. If I can do it, so can you
Also! When you cut the sleeves off of a flannel you can use the extra fabric to make diy pockets :3
PART FOUR: Community and Conclusion
So this is kind of my close out section lol
I'm not sure what kind of discord communities exist for true punk culture, so if anyone has one they wanna promote feel free
Do some research on local punk bands in your area, get your friends together and diy outfits for a concert, or just to wear. The world is your punk oyster, and as long as you or other people aren't getting hurt you can do whatever you want forever
Plz use this post to find other punks so we can start gaining more community (I'm totally not desperate lol)
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deedala · 8 months
✨weekly tag wednesday✨
weekly tagly wednesdly?? lolol thanks for todays game and thanks for tagging me @darlingian!! and @energievie!! <<3333
About you name: deanna age: noel-aged (which isnt old actually, stop being weirdos) starsign: scorpio your first language: english second language: right now the only other language i might be able to have a little convo with you in is norwegian favourite lip product: blistex medicated mint lip balm the best food dish you can make without a recipe: pico de gallo yum yum If you drink tea, what kind?: peppermint If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get?: light roast (i didnt know about that being more caffeine!! But yay!) favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: mike’s mic’s appropriately unhinged tv show summaries favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: i dont have a fuckin clue lol. All i did in 2012 was work at and manage a barber shop well over 40 hours a week, experience a fucked up pregnancy, got traumatized, and played mass effect 3. favourite item of clothing right now: my black joggers favourite item of clothing in 2012: uhmm…green cardigan was something i wore a lot to work cuz it looked extra cute with my red hair. (i had red hair in 2012!)
fandom three movies you recommend: The Fall (2006), Love and Monsters, Palm Springs your favourite concert: went to a ton of dmb shows a youth which were always insane levels of fun have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?: oh for sure, im here to enjoy myself lol have you ever left a fandom because of the fans?: i dunno what i consider leaving a fandom? I guess maybe i dont JOIN them very often (ie make friends and participate in events and such) so no i’ve never really left one as the only two i consider myself really being a part of is dragon age and shameless? the best tv show you watched last year: hmmmm….the fall of the house of usher (i have such a short fucking memory i dont know what came out earlier in the year sorry lol) do you have a fancasting you just can't let go of?: not that i can think of off the top of my head… a ship you've abandoned: uuhhmm…also cant really think of one? on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history?: oh zerooooo. Its all rather tame, i just am not willing to lay my fucking soul bare thanks lolol do you have a fandom tattoo? i dont have any tattoos which i will probably go to my grave being sad about because i have so far failed at every meager attempt to get one. what fandom do you wish was bigger?: on one hand it might be fun to have more folks around in shameless but also i know our tiny friendly tumblr bubble is what keeps things playful, so i dunno… maybe uuhhmm the expanse?  has a finale ever ruined a show for you?: how i met your mother was pretty bad. I think even worse for me was Chuck. have you... swam in an ocean?: yes been vegan/vegetarian?: i’ve been a vegetarian for 28 years gone skinny dipping?: yes gone skiing?: no been to a convention?: so so so many
now my precious nuggets, please accept this tag and either play along or just know that i am gently squishing your face in my hands @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @heymrspatel @heymacy @metalheadmickey @crossmydna @tanktopgallavich @sam-loves-seb @jrooc @gardenerian @mickeysgaymom @softmick @howlinchickhowl @the-rat-wins @lingy910y @sickness-health-all-that-shit @gallawitchxx @mybrainismelted @juliakayyy @creepkinginc @whatwouldmickeydo @suzy-queued @squirrel-fund @tsuga-of-mars @transmickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @palepinkgoat @themarchg1rl @purplemagpie @thepupperino @callivich @rereadanon @grumble-fish @ardent-fox @thisdivorce @lee-ow @iansw0rld @ritualpyre @vintagelacerosette @rosemacclare @maizzycakes @7x10mickey @rrapp @gofionaonthem @suchagallabitch
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exololyunho · 2 years
one of those nights
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subtitle: where you get a little drunk and have a threesome with your boyfriend and his best friend because you both think he's hot and said friend hadn’t gotten laid in months
warnings: THREESOME, mxm, teensy bit of anal, cuckholding?, sexy wrestling, kissing, choking, yungi has done this before, unprotected and protected sex, spanking, dirty talk, name calling, yunho bites mingi, established bf yunho, blowjob, everyone cums
wc: 9.1k
What had started as a mere suggestion to be polite turned into you hosting a post album recording party for Ateez. They had just finished recording their last Japanese album and were gearing up for their last comeback a few months from now. 
Hongjoong had been talking about inviting all the partners of the various group members over that night for some drinks and movies while you were sitting at their dining table enjoying coffee one morning. You, Hongjoong, San, and Miyeon, Hongjoong’s girlfriend, were lazing about while Seonghwa cleaned up after Wooyoung as he made breakfast. The rest of the boys were still asleep. 
You had volunteered once Seonghwa had started complaining about all the unnecessary cleaning he’d have to do before they could come over. You had all told him that was silly since the apartment was always uncharacteristically clean for a small place housing 8 full grown men. Your apartment, on the other hand, was about the same square footage as their place, but only had two bedrooms instead of their four. It was also always pristine due to your housekeeper, Mrs. Lee, who came once a week to deep clean the place while you were there, and once a month when you were away. 
Usually, Mrs. Lee would bring you whatever delicious food she had made for her husband when she came, insisting that you try her newest recipe. She was a sweet, elderly lady who cleaned houses after she had retired from her job as a librarian. Your neighbor had recommended her to you when you had when you mentioned you were often gone for work.
“Are you sure, Y/n,” Hongjoong’s arm was around Miyeon as he sipped his coffee.
You waved your hand dismissively. “Sure it’ll be no problem. You guys just won’t be able to spend the night unless you want to camp out in my living room and fight over the spare room.”
“And listen to you and Yunho fuck? No thanks,” Wooyoung's loud laugh rang from the kitchen and you rolled your eyes as a blush crept onto your cheeks but you did your best to hide it, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Shut up, bastard,” Yunho had finally rolled out of bed. His sandy blonde hair was messy and his eyes bleary as he sat in the chair beside you. Instead of greeting you, he pulled you from your chair, dragging you into his lap before he buried his face in your shoulder. When you asked if he wanted coffee, he just shook his head, not bothering to lift it and tightening his arms around your waist to keep you seated. 
You were still facing everyone else at the table so you and Hongjoong continued to discuss the details. He insisted on buying all the snacks the members would consume while you agreed to provide the alcohol if they could get you a list of what everyone wanted. He agreed easily and the conversation gradually drifted to other topics. 
Wooyoung called that breakfast was finished and had disappeared to wake the missing members just as you and Seonghwa, who had joined you all at the table to discuss planning for the evening, had started your interrogation of San. He had recently introduced you all to his new boyfriend, a man younger than him by a few years named Hosung. Hosung was a college student as well as a barista and bartender who San had hooked up with after a concert about two months ago. The two had hit it off well and had recently started dating officially. You wanted to know all the dirty details while Seonghwa wanted to know on which pieces of his precious furniture they had fucked on. Miyeon watched on with a smile while Hongjoong complained it was too early to be talking about this. San had coyly answered your questions and dodged Seonghwa’s until he had enough. 
Right before Seonghwa start yelling when San told him they exclusively had sex on Seonghwa’s bed, Mingi, Jongho, and Yeosang followed Wooyoung into the room and the table was set. 
When you had pulled yourself from Yunho’s arms to sit properly in a seat between him and Mingi, he whined but settled for resting his big hand on your thigh as you all ate. About halfway through breakfast, Hongjoong had told the remaining members of the gathering at your place this evening.
“Yeosang,” you turned to face the man a few seats away, “feel free to bring Dayeon. You can bring your girlfriend, too, Mingi.”
Mingi cringed and flushed red. “We, uh, broke up a week ago.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Yunho’s hand that was on your thigh moved to rub Mingi’s back, resting his arm on your shoulders in the process.
“It wasn’t working well.”
“She hadn’t touched him in months,” Wooyoung supplied unhelpfully. Seonghwa hit him across the back of the head. 
With a scathing look to Wooyoung who looked sheepish while he held his head, you turned back to Mingi. “We’ll cheer you up, don’t worry.”
He gave you a grateful smile before helping himself to more pancakes. 
The rest of the morning passed by quickly and before long you were saying goodbye to the members and kissing Yunho on your way out the door.
With the list of alcohol in hand, you made a quick stop at the store outside your apartment building to gather up what the boys had requested. It came out to two bottles of wine, seventeen bottles of soju in varying flavors and three cases of beer along with some sodas and other mixers.
It was so much, the store clerk and one of his coworkers from the back offered to help you carry it all. With the bottles of wine and some of the soda in a bag, you led them next door to your building.
“Big party?” The clerk asked. He was an older gentleman who had graying hair and many laugh lines. The boy with him was quickly introduced to you as his son.
“Some of my boyfriend’s coworkers just finished a big project at work,” you weren’t lying exactly, but he didn’t need to know the truth. “Here we are!” 
You unlocked your door and led them inside. They deposited the cases they were carrying on your white countertops. You tipped them about 70,000 won for their trouble and they thanked you quickly before leaving to return to their store. 
Once alone, you quickly sorted all the drinks into rows in your fridge, shaking your head at the sheer amount of alcohol now taking up nearly a quarter of the space in your large silver fridge. Resigning yourself to the chaos that was going to unfold in about seven hours, you decided to relax under a blanket on the couch until you needed to get up and prepare, making a mental list as you did.
Your apartment was clean, but you still felt the need to straighten the pillows on your couch and vacuum a little bit. You also needed to pull out just about all of the blankets you owned from the linen closet as once the movies started it would turn into one big cuddle puddle. 
Just as you were making a mental checklist, your front door opened and Yunho entered with the key you had given him when you bought the place. He didn’t see you immediately, removing his shoes and jacket in the entryway and hanging up his keys on his designated hook by the door. He was wearing jeans and a white shirt which you took a moment to appreciate while he was scanning the large, open kitchen/dining room/living room.
When he found you, his eyes lit up. He used the distance between you to get a running start before jumping and flopping down on top of you. You groaned as his heavy frame landed on you and he began to pepper your face with kisses.
“I missed you, baby” he’d given up on the kisses by now and was just laying flat on top of you. Usually, you didn’t mind being crushed under him, but breathing was a little difficult with a 6’1 monster of a man squeezing the breath out of you.
With some shoving and promises of kisses, you finally got him to get off of you. He took a seat on the couch and you instantly cuddled up to him, legs thrown over his as you wrapped the blanket around you two.
He claimed his reward of kisses, slowly and steadily while your hand gripped the front of his shirt. When you parted, he lent his forehead against yours while your shared breaths heated the air between you. The hand he had gripping your hip relaxed to sit gently on your thigh.
You both stayed silent for a moment, enjoying how quiet it was, something you hardly got at his dorms. It was him who broke the silence as he shifted away from you to lean back against the couch. You shifted your legs off him causing his hand to slide to your other leg. You settled against him, legs pressed together.
“I missed you.”
“It’s been two hours, Yunho,” you giggled and leaned against him more.
“Too long,” his eyes closed, arm holding you tight to him.
“Well, I’m all yours until 8.” You sent a glance towards the clock on the wall near the hall to your room. “You’ve got about six hours until they start to show up.”
“Six hours is too short, baby,” he protested, large brown eyes opening to meet your gaze.
“Nonsense. There’s a lot we can do in six hours,” your hand fell from his chest to his thigh.
He quirked an eyebrow. “Like what, baby?”
“Well, we couldn’t exactly get a lot of alone time yesterday with you and San sharing a room and before that you were shooting all week…” you bit your lip, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “It’s been a while since we’ve had so much time alone.”
His eyes were growing darker each passing second. They slid over you before settling for staring at your lips before. His own lips were chapped, probably from the twelve hour days on set for his newest drama that had recently wrapped and the way he bit them when he was stressed.
Silence grew again between you, but it was thicker this time as his eyes rose to meet yours in a heated stare. Instead of breaking the silence with words, you decided actions spoke louder. Removing yourself from his grasp, you slid onto the floor between his already spread legs. They widened a bit to accommodate you as his eyes never left yours.
As you sat between his legs, you allowed your hands to find his knees. With your eyes locked on his you slid your hands up his legs, leaning closer as you did, not a sound leaving either of you. 
When they reached the point where his hips met his long, toned legs, he finally made a noise. Yunho breathed out a low groan and you took that as your cue to really begin.
By the time you two were a sweaty heap on your bed, you had managed to kill four hours. You were worse off than he was by far. His cum leaked out of you and several new marks joined the nearly faded ones he had left a week ago on your chest. Mercifully, he had all but avoided your throat, meaning you probably didn’t have to wear a turtleneck tonight.
He wasn’t as lucky. Usually, you couldn’t leave marks on him because it would ruin his image if you did. That and the fact that when he was in control, which was most of the time, there was no way you could get near his neck. But because he had no schedules for at least a week and the way he had been vulnerable while recovering from the blow job you had given him on your couch, you’d managed to get him good on the left side of his neck.
Laying tangled together in bed was interrupted by an alarm sounding from your phone that had been discarded in the living room. With a groan, you sat up to go shut off the device that was blaring the sound that signaled it was 6:30, time to prepare. Before you could get out of bed, Yunho stopped you.
“Go shower, I’ll take care of it.”
You gave him a kiss and a thank you as you hauled yourself up and into your ensuite bathroom. Once there, you turned on the overhead and mirror lights to try and get a good view of the damage he had done.
You anticipated the marks and were pleased to find you were correct in your assumption that they didn’t extend all the way to your neck. Before you let yourself really assess the marks, you turned on the large shower to let the water heat up.
Returning to the mirror, you were pleased to find Yunho had painted a trail of love bites and hickies from your left shoulder to your right breast. You allowed your fingers to follow their path to where a few marks circled your nipple and it’s piercing.
It was with your hand on your breast that Yunho found you. He opened the door to the  steamy bathroom, pausing to give an appreciative scan of your naked body and the tattoos and bruises that painted it. He didn’t hesitate long though and quickly pressed himself to your back.
His hand replaced yours and he gave your breast a gentle squeeze with his huge hand. It was then, while he was taking in the sight of both of you naked and pressed together in the mirror that he realized he had a few marks of his own. He stepped away from you to lean into the mirror but kept one hand on your back, the other prodding at the hickies with his fingertips. His eyes met yours through the mirror and a smirk crept onto his face. 
“Sneaky girl,” his eyes left the mirror and he leant back against the counter, tugging you towards him by the waist. “When’d you leave that?”
“On the couch, after I…” you trailed off, not being able to say it. Your eyes traveled from his to the mirror where you had a lovely view of his built back, the tree tattoo on his spine, and your self satisfied but blushing face peering over his shoulder. It brought an even wider smile to your face.
“Mmm, I like it,” you could feel his hardening dick against your thigh. “I think I’ll leave it for everyone to see.”
When you tried to bury your face in his chest, he caught your chin and redirected your face to his, attaching your lips to his. The kiss grew heated fast, with his tongue bullying its way into your mouth. 
You forced yourself away. “Shower,” you panted, but he quickly pulled your mouth back to his as he walked you backwards. Steady hands on your hips assured you that he wouldn't let you fall.
When he walked you into the shower, he passed the two of you directly through the warm spray of the waterfall shower head, causing you to break away again with a loud gasp. Your hair stuck to your face as you stared into his hooded eyes. With a groan that was nearly a growl, he spun you so your back was to him and pushed you against the wall before he once again had his way with you.
By the time you escaped the shower, you only had about 20 minutes to dress and clean your apartment. You had once again gotten lucky and the only new addition to the marks on your body was a rather deep one on the back of your neck. 
Yunho had left you to blow dry your hair as he collected your clothes from the living room and straightened everything up so it wasn’t as obvious you two had spent the last few hours fucking. Your hair was mostly dry and you had abandoned the bathroom in favor of pulling loose shorts and one of Yunho’s hoodies onto you when the doorbell rang. Thankfully, Yunho was still in the living room and he answered the door. 
The usual greetings from the more mature members were drowned out by the sounds of Wooyoung and San’s laughs as they loudly made comments about the marks on Yunho’s neck. You had tried to chase him down with concealer, but he had fought you off rather easily. You gave up trying just as quickly and resigned yourself to the teasing remarks and jokes you were both sure to endure. 
With a sigh, you made your way out of your room where San, Wooyoung, Hojung, San’s boyfriend, Hongjoong, and Miyeon were crowded around the island in the kitchen. Yunho was standing next to Wooyoung, who was forcing him to turn his head to bear the marks you had left him. Your boyfriend had a proud smirk on his face that only grew when he saw you approaching.
You slapped Wooyoung’s hand away from Yunho and squeezed between them to tuck yourself under his arm.
“At least Y/n doesn’t look like she was attacked with a vacuum cleaner,” San remarked as he regarded your appearance.
“You just can’t see all of her,” if it was possible, Yunho looked even more proud of himself as San and Wooyoung howled while Hongjoong muttered ‘gross’.
You slapped Yunho’s chest before pulling his arm off you. You grabbed Miyeon’s and Hojung’s hands guiding them to your couch, but not before snagging a bottle of apple soju out of the fridge.
The three of you settled down, with you and Miyeon sitting close together on the couch and Hojung taking a seat on the floor between the couch and the coffee table. You both watched in fascination as Miyeon twirled the bottle before snapping the lid off. Conversation came easily as the three of you shared sips until the bottle was empty.
Miyeon was in the middle of her story about how one of the idols she dressed had ripped his pants while trying to impress a female idol with his taekwondo moves when the doorbell rang again. It was the rest of the boys with all the snacks for the evening, including four large pizzas. 
The three of you watched with fondness as the number of men in your kitchen doubled in size and volume. They embraced each other as if they didn’t already live together and had seen each other probably as recently as 30 minutes ago.
Doyeon, Yeosang’s girlfriend, fled from the group of men to come sit on the far side of Hojung, farther away from the kitchen, on the floor. She was a quiet girl but so incredibly beautiful. The two of you were well acquainted as you’d both been dating Ateez members for a while now, but she wasn’t as open as Miyeon and Hojung were so you wouldn’t exactly consider her a friend, more an acquaintance than anything.
She listened with rapt attention as Miyeon continued her story about the ripped pants, while your eyes were drawn to the men in your kitchen. Specifically, Yunho, whose shirt rose as he reached for the paper plates in your cupboards, revealing the slightest bit of toned stomach.
Hojung’s hand resting on your folded legs broke you out of your trance. He had a half smirk and wide, teasing eyes. “He’s so hot, right?”
You laughed, teasing him back. “Keep your hands off him, you’ve already got one dancer, leave this one to me.”
“That I will,” his eyes trailed over the men as Miyeon and Doyeon had their own conversation going next to you. “I’ve got enough to focus on.”
His eyes were darting between San AND Wooyoung. Your mouth fell open with shock and before you could ask him about their relationship, the men were bounding into the living room.
Yunho had his hands full of napkins and paper plates which he quickly deposited on the table behind Hojung before sitting next to you, arm slung around your shoulder. Before you knew it, you were surrounded by the men, all carrying something necessary like alcohol, pizza, and all sorts of other snacks and drinks.
Yeosang had pushed himself between Doyeon and Hojung, likely to serve as a calm buffer between her and the chaotic struggle that was about to happen. Wooyoung bullied his way into the small space between Hojung and Yeosang while San claimed his boyfriend's other side. Hongjoong had settled on the far side of Miyeon and she happily leaned back against him. Jongho had opted for the safest option of taking the armchair next to Hongjoong so he didn’t get smashed by the pile of couples on the couch and surrounding floor. Seonghwa took the couch space next to Yunho. That left Mingi, staring at the pile of people, contemplating where to sit.
Before he could settle on the floor in front of the coffee table, you scooted closer into Yunho’s side and pushed Miyeon slightly towards Hongjoong, creating a space that was barely big enough for the tall man but would work. You’d seen him force himself into smaller spaces before. 
“Here, Mingi,” you patted the spot and he nodded. Yunho kissed the top of your head while Mingi was navigating his way around the people on the floor. Once he had settled in and his leg was pressing against yours, the boys on the floor started passing out pizza, snacks, and alcohol. Miyeon had snatched the remote and was now turning on the tv to search for the first movie of the night. 
When everyone had their food, Miyeon asked for suggestions and there were shouts from nearly everyone except yourself, Doyeon and Hongjoong. Arguing broke out between San and Wooyoung as San wanted ‘Mean Girls’ and Wooyoung insisted on one of your movies but you quickly shot him down. San, thinking he had won, turned to Miyeon smugly but was shut down by multiple boys yelling no at him.
“Alright!” Miyeon had them quiet in an instant. “Why don’t we let our host pick since she so generously let us crash her quiet night in.”
That wasn’t true. No matter where the group held the get together, you would have been in this exact position and it would have been nowhere near a quiet night but you let it slide, smiling while groans echoed out.
“Jurassic Park,” more groans came but Miyeon’s smile matched your own as she navigated the streaming service.
When Wooyoung got even more vocal about his disappointment, Miyeon instructed Mingi to whack him, and the tall man eagerly obeyed.
“If you’re so disappointed, make it a drinking game. Drink every time you see a dinosaur. I’m sure you’ll love it after that,” Wooyoung seemed to like this idea and he quieted down, opening his first beer.
Everyone but you, Yunho, Doyeon, Miyeon, and Hongjoong decided to participate in the game, instead taking sips when you felt like it. Seonghwa and Mingi had tried to participate but had given up 20 minutes in. Jongho gave up around the 30 minute mark and Yeosang quit not long after. Hojung, Wooyoung, and San gave it their best, but by the time the movie finished Hojung was slumped against Wooyoung, asleep and San was close behind him.
You offered them your spare room, but they declined and a drunk Wooyoung herded them to the door. Yeosang and Doyeon would make sure they got home safe, citing their own exhaustion since Doyeon was in the middle of a solo comeback, but you figured their exit was more to do with their combined social anxiety and wish for some alone time than a genuine fear the trio wouldn’t make it home.
Once they had left with many goodbyes, the fighting over the next movie returned, although it was less intense with the main instigators Wooyoung and San gone. However, that just left room for two more to take their place.
This time it was Yunho and Mingi, both of them grabbing you as you sat between them. It started as them gripping your arms while shouting about ‘Zootopia’ versus ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. It escalated when one of Mingi's large hands landed on your thigh as he leaned in to shout at Yunho. Yunho mirrored him and they were face to face over you. You had never felt so small and it ignited something in you that you had thought Yunho’s hours of loving had extinguished for the foreseeable future.
You shrunk back into the couch as their argument continued. When the two men were so close it looked like they might kiss, you decided enough was enough.
“Pirates!” you shouted, somehow both sad and eager to end their fighting and proximity. “Let’s watch the pirate movie.”
Both men turned their attention to you. You swallowed and nodded as Mingi smiled, clearly happy he had won. He moved away and sat back on the couch but his hand didn’t leave your thigh. Neither did Yunho’s. 
Miyeon was staring at you, mouth slightly agape before she unfroze and quickly put on the film.
Moments later, when you reached for a can of beer on the table, Mingi’s hand didn’t move. Yunho’s hand did, though, shifting to your lower back as you leaned forward before settling right back on your thigh once you returned to your position.
You wanted to cross your legs to alleviate some of the tension between them, but both mens hands were heavy on your legs. They left you feeling like you couldn’t move them even if you tried. So instead you sat there, between them as you sipped your beer and tried to focus on the plot of the movie. Neither man had drunk very much and no one had brought up Mingi’s break up, probably in an attempt to keep him from drinking himself stupid like San, Wooyoung, and Hojung had.
By the time the movie had finished, Seonghwa and Jongho were starting to nod off and Miyeon and Hongjoong were trading hungry looks as she sat on his lap. You had barely moved, the heat from Yunho and Mingi’s hands leaking from your slightly open thighs up to your core.
When everyone else stood, you, Yunho, and Mingi stayed seated, although Mingi did remove his hand from your leg.
“Mingi, are you coming back with us?” Seonghwa broke the silence.
The man beside you shook his head. “I’ll help them clean and stay in the guest room, if that’s ok?”
You nodded quickly, “Of course.”
It wasn’t that odd. Mingi would regularly stay at your place when Yunho was here. The three of you often had smaller movie nights or just hung out in general. Your boyfriend’s best friend had quickly become close to you and regularly stayed the night after busy schedules when he needed a break from the hectic dorm life they usually endured. Although, Mingi never stayed the night when Yunho wasn’t here. There was a line that had been unconsciously drawn and you had a feeling all three of you might leap over it soon.
Yunho expressed how much he loved seeing you and Mingi grow close. You were some of the most important people in his life and seeing your friendship blossom meant the world to him.
While the others readied themselves to leave, you forced leftover pizza into Jongho’s hands, insisting you couldn’t eat it all. The youngest rolled his eyes and messed up your hair. You swatted at him while laughing. You two were the closest in age and had bonded over it. He even jokingly called you ‘noona’ despite the fact you were younger than him.
The four of them left, leaving you with Yunho and Mingi who had finished cleaning up for the most part and were now rolling around, wrestling on the floor.
You stood, several feet out of the danger zone, to appreciate the view. Mingi’s shirt was riding up as he and Yunho rolled back and forth. The tease of his toned abs were hard to ignore but you forced yourself to clear your throat.
Yunho was straddling Mingi as he pinned his arms to the ground when both men looked up. With their messed up hair, twisted clothes, and panting breaths, they both looked delicious. With their eyes on you, you felt self conscious all of a sudden.
“Am I interrupting something?”
“Possibly,” your boyfriend let go of Mingi’s arms, sitting up fully now. His suggestive smirk was back. “Why? Wanna join?” 
Yes. Immediately yes. “Was just curious about how much you’re going to mess up my rug.”
Neither man was buying it, you could tell. Yunho had that look on his face that he got whenever he wanted to bring something new into the bedroom. And judging from the situation, that something was Mingi.
The aforementioned man, still laying on the floor, let his hands move from beside his head to Yunho’s thighs that were still trapping his hips. His sharp eyes were looking you over in a way that ignited the spark he had left with his hand earlier. Yunho glanced down at him before looking back at you several times.
When he seemed to decide that your widening eyes and pressed together legs were enough encouragement for the moment. He switched his focus entirely to Mingi.
With one large hand, he took a handful of the man beneath him’s shirt, slamming their lips together. You and Mingi both let out gasps, but Mingi quickly got over his shock. His hands gripped Yunho’s thighs tighter and he kissed him back just as aggressively. 
Their power struggle took much longer than the one between you and Yunho usually did. Eventually, though, Yunho had Mingi keening after every swipe of his tongue. You knew your mouth was wide open but you couldn’t bring yourself to close it.
When they eventually broke apart, breathing heavily and staring into each other's eyes, lips swollen and hips pressed tightly together, you decided you needed a drink. Turning your back to them, you snatched an unopened bottle of soju off the counter. 
The crack of the lid opening drew their attention and before you could even take a sip, Yunho was on you. He pulled the bottle from your fingers and set it back on the counter. His lips were wet and he had a wild look in his eyes.
“If we’re going to do this,” he began, his hand finding its home around your throat. “I need you as sober as you can be.”
You nodded mutely.
“Good girl,” Mingi drew your attention to him as he was suddenly almost as close to you as Yunho. His eyes were just as dark as his and a smirk was playing on his lips.
“Are you ok with this, Y/n?” Yunho drew your attention back to him, his hand falling to your hip.
“Have you-” your voice failed you and you cleared your throat, eyes darting between the two men. “Have you done this before?”
They shared a look that spoke volumes.
“A few times. Before you came into the picture,” it was Mingi that spoke up. He had settled himself behind you, firm chest pressed against your back and fingers tracing over Yunho’s hand on you. “In my opinion, it’s been too long.” His mouth was right by your ear now and you tried to turn to face him, but he stopped you. “Look at him. It was always less about the girls and more about us. Now though,” his other hand was creeping up to take over holding you by the throat. You could barely contain the moan his action created.  You felt like your whole body was way too hot and you were probably soaking wet in your panties. “I think you might hold my attention almost as much as he does.”
Yunho was staring at the two of you, hunger in his eyes. If you weren’t sure before, you definitely were now. 
“If you let us Y/n, we’ll take good care of you,” Mingi was damn near purring in your ear now. You could feel his erection pressed against your back.
“Yes,” your voice was small, but it was enough. In a combined effort, you were tugged towards Yunho and flipped to face Mingi. He was on you in an instant, lips dominating yours. His tongue swiping into your mouth nearly broke you. That, combined with Yunho grinding himself into your back caused whimper after whimper to fall into Mingi’s mouth. He ate up every noise greedily. That was the best way to describe how he kissed: greedy. His tongue tangled with yours, tasting every inch of your mouth.
You were so wrapped up in clinging to him while he devoured you, you almost missed Yunho’s lips connecting with your neck.
“Bedroom,” you forced yourself away from Mingi, breathing hard. “Please.”
Mingi looked at Yunho and you felt him nod. Yunho released you and Mingi picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. You squealed and tried to squirm but a firm swat to your ass and a husky, “Stop moving.” forced you still.
When you had reached your bedroom, Mingi gently set your feet on the ground. As soon as you were stable his lips were back on yours and his hands were grabbing your ass. You clung to him, trying to keep up with his lips. 
A hand met yours that was laying against Mingi’s chest. With a start, you pulled away from Mingi. It was Yunho, pressed against his back. He was smirking at you while Mingi’s lips moved to your neck. As he sucked and nibbled, Yunho guided your hand down Mingi’s front to the bulge in his jeans. 
With your eyes locked, you took your lower lip between your teeth. Yunho’s hand was guiding yours to rub back and forth across the seam of Mingi’s pants. His other hand was gripping Mingi’s waist tightly and his mouth had met Mingi’s neck while his eyes stayed locked on yours. As Yunho moved your hand faster, applying more pressure, Mingi started releasing low groans against your neck as his lips stalled. 
When Yunho withdrew his hand from yours, you kept up with the movements he had started. All three of you were panting and so incredibly turned on, despite the fact that you were all fully clothed.
With one final nip at the neck of the man in front of him, Yunho broke your gaze and moved away from Mingi. Mingi had recovered and grown used to your hand grinding against him and had started pushing his hips into your hand while his mouth resumed sucking on your neck. When Yunho left your vision, your eyes fell shut. You could hear him moving around the room, but all you could focus on was Mingi’s hands kneading your ass and his hips rutting into your hand.
“Mingi,” Yunho’s deep voice drew both of your attention. He was standing by the nightstand on the right side of your bed. In his hand was a condom. He tossed it to Mingi who caught it with one hand he removed from your ass. “Fuck her.”
“Gladly,” Mingi had an almost evil look in his eyes. He took his other hand off your ass to push you backwards. You stumbled a bit, but he made sure you made it safely. Within seconds of crawling onto your bed, Mingi had you stripped. 
Yunho’s hands under your arms startled you but he simply pulled you up the bed while Mingi shed his own clothes. When he had you settled against his chest, your own legs hiked over his spread ones, his hands guided your arms to cross under your breasts. 
“Don’t move them,” his voice was low and his breath was warm against your ear as you eagerly nodded. With your confirmation, he released your arms to palm your breasts.
He was tweaking your nipples as you both fixed your eyes on Mingi. The tall man at the foot of your bed had started moving towards the pair of you. His eyes were fixed on the place between your open legs. You squirmed, itching to close your legs as his gaze made you self conscious, but Yunho put a stop to that with a quick slap to your left breast that made a high keening noise spill out of you. 
Mingi had a look of satisfaction on his face as he finally knelt between your legs. “Think she’s wet enough?”
The way he talked over you to ask Yunho brought even more heat between your legs. 
“Mmm probably,” Mingi’s hands laid heavy on your thighs as he kept his gaze on Yunho. “Slut always gets wet from just making out. It’s adorable.”
You couldn’t help the whimper you let out when Yunho referred to you as ‘slut’ or anything equally as demeaning. He didn’t say it often, preferring to call you sweet names, but when he did call you that, it meant you were in for a long night. Although, you weren’t sure if you could handle more than a few rounds after Yunho had fucked you earlier.
Mingi’s grin grew at the noise you made. One of his long fingers moved to your slit to run a finger down you. It made your breath hitch. 
“Looks like you were right,” he held his finger up to Yunho’s mouth. It was shining in the light from how wet you were. Yunho eagerly took it in his mouth. You couldn’t see him, but you could hear the groan that came from him when he tasted you and the soft sounds of him sucking on Mingi’s finger.
He quickly yanked his finger from Yunho’s mouth, though, with a hiss as your boyfriend’s chest rumbled with a chuckle. “Don’t bite me, dickhead.”
“I’ll bite you all I want since you’re about to fuck my girlfriend,” Yunho’s voice was teasing, but it was getting deeper by the second. “And don’t pretend you don’t love it, whore.”
You gasped. You weren’t expecting Yunho to use the degrading names that were reserved for when the darkest side of him came out on Mingi. The man between your lengths blushed and swallowed hard. His dick had twitched when Yunho had called him ‘whore’ and you assumed, correctly, that Mingi enjoyed that. A lot.
“Get on with it,” Yunho reached a hand out to grab a harsh handful of Mingi’s hair. He drew his face close to his own, leaving yours smashed into Mingi’s firm chest. “Or I’ll fuck her and you can watch and jerk yourself off all night.”
You couldn’t see much aside from Mingi’s pecs, but you heard the rough kiss Yunho gave him. It was brief, as he was shoving Mingi back and hiking your legs up in a fluid motion that left your head spinning.
Mingi caught on and was tearing the condom open and sliding it on as fast as he could. Once his task was completed, he lined himself up with you. You took the time to really assess his dick as he swiped the head through your folds to wet himself. He wasn’t as long as Yunho, but he was just as thick, if not a little thicker. He looked like he’d fill you up nicely.
“One more thing,” Yunho was holding you still as he leaned over to your bedside table for something. You weren’t sure what he was doing but you figured it out quickly when the buzzing of your favorite vibrator started. He wasted no time in placing it on your sensitive clit, both you and Mingi jerking as it brushed the head of his cock. You really hoped you didn’t pass out. Yunho had made you cum four times earlier today and from the way you already felt yourself rocketing skywards again, you had no doubt he was aiming for what felt like an impossibly high number of orgasms tonight as well.
Your shaking body and foggy head made you nearly miss Yunho’s next words. “Make it mean, Mingi.”
That was all the encouragement he needed to harshly thrust himself forward. It ripped a loud, stuttered moan from you as your legs trembled. He didn’t give you any time to adjust and on his second thrust in, you came, helped along by Yunho’s hand that was now pressing against your throat and the vibrator that had been turned up two settings. 
Even with your vision going black and your body writhing as the sensations overcame you, they didn’t stop. Mingi continued his thrusting and Yunho didn’t lift the vibrator until tears were rolling down your cheeks, and you were begging for a break. Yunho tossed the vibrator onto the sheets beside him, bringing his newly freed hand up to grope one of your breasts. 
Every movement of Mingi’s hips against yours brought shaky whines and gasps to your lips. He was harsh but god it was so good. Not as good as when Yunho fucked you, but he had an advantage as he had a few years to learn what made you tick. Mingi was catching up quickly, though. One of his thrusts hit that spot inside you that had you arching against Yunho’s body and moaning louder than before. The satisfied look on his face let you know that now he knew exactly where to aim. Each of his thrusts became much more targeted as he kept up a steady, fast, and hard hitting rhythm that brought more tears to your face and moans to your lips. 
You could feel Yunho’s hardon pressing into your back as he let out minuscule moans and panting breaths against your ear each time Mingi’s thrusts jerked your body. His hips were lifting a bit to grind against you, and even though Mingi was fucking you like it was his last chance (because it might be), you wanted Yunho. But you could have Yunho almost any day of the week and right now Mingi’s thrusts, the feeling of him rubbing against you in the best way, and the way your boyfriend held you had you close again.
From the look on Mingi’s face, he wasn’t far behind you. His mouth had dropped open and his eyes were narrowed almost shut. Sweat had his hair clinging to his forehead and dripping down his chest in such a delicious way.
“Look at how fucking hot he is, fucking you,” Yunho’s voice was breathy. It caused you to whine and Mingi’s hips to jerk faster into you. “Aww, he wants to cum baby. Want him to cum?”
Both you and Mingi were nodding as soon as the words left Yunho’s mouth. You were so close, just a gentle brush of either of their fingers would probably send you over the edge again. 
“Then cum, both of you,” Yunho nipped at your earlobe at the same time he tugged on your nipple, causing you to twitch and squirm in his grip. 
“I- I need… Yunho I need-” you couldn’t seem to get the words out between Mingi’s thrusts and Yunho’s tightening hand on your throat.
“Hmm? Need what baby?” Your eyes were on Mingi as Yunho’s teasing voice filled your head. At least Mingi seemed to understand because he brought one of his hands that was gripping your hips down to rub at your clit. Yunho slapped his hand away before he got a chance, though. “Nuh-uh. If the slut wants to be touched, she has to ask nicely.”
“Touch me please! I need it!” You forced yourself to speak, although it was difficult as Mingi’s groans grew in volume as he neared his own high.
“Mmm fine,” Yunho’s tone was bored but he brought his fingers to rub your clit. It took two circles before you were clenching down on Mingi and crying out again. This time felt so much more intense than the one earlier and it had your body locking as your hand came down to clench on Yunho’s thigh.
The feeling of you spasming around him caused Mingi to cum into the condom. He threw his head back with a long groan. The waves of pleasure coursing through him caused his body to jerk while he buried himself deep in you.
He collapsed down on top of you and Yunho as the two of you came back down. Yunho was laughing at the way both of you went boneless in the dogpile. He had released your neck at some point and that very same hand was now stroking Mingi’s sweaty back as he let the man rest for a moment.
“Alright get off me, both of you,” Yunho let Mingi pull out of you slowly before he shoved him off of you and onto the bed. He took this opportunity to lay you in the warm spot he previously occupied. Sitting between your now open legs, Yunho began to strip, revealing his incredibly toned torso and muscular thighs. “Still ok, baby?”
You nodded emphatically. “Very ok.”
Mingi chuckled beside you, reminding you that you and Yunho were not alone. You reached for Mingi’s hand as Yunho pushed your legs even farther apart. It was impossible to contain your wince at the strain in your muscles. He noticed your response easily, very intune with your body and even its miniscule movements and reactions. You don’t think you’ve spent this much time in a single day with your legs open, ever, even though Yunho had the stamina of a goddamn rabbit most days.
“Here,” Yunho gently turned you on your stomach, helping you to your hands and  knees. When he had you where he wanted, he leaned over you so his chest laid against your back and his mouth was at your ear. A shudder rolled through you when his low voice reverberated through you. “Why don’t you show Mingi what you can do with your mouth, baby?”
Mingi, who had dropped your hand when Yunho was positioning you, was sitting up on his knees, not quite in front of you. You looked up at him, doing your best to flutter your eyelashes in a way you hoped was seductive.
“Come here.”
He didn’t hesitate to comply, moving in front of you so his hips were level with your face, his half hard dick swinging before you. Yunho chuckled at his eagerness, removing himself from your back. His hands met your hips as you leaned your head forward to kitten lick at Mingi. He tasted like the condom he had been wearing, although you weren’t quite sure at what point he had removed it after he removed himself from you, and you nearly wrinkled your nose at the taste, but Yunho was pressing inside of you before you had the chance. 
Your mouth dropped open at the familiar and oh so sweet feeling of your boyfriend entering you fully. Mingi took his chance, softly pushing his quickly hardening dick into your mouth so you were full on both ends.
Both men groaned at the feeling, and you couldn’t help but feel proud at their reaction to you. Yunho always raved about how good you felt around him, but hearing it never failed to flood your chest with pride at the effect you still had on him. Although you weren’t particularly interested in Mingi outside of this one off sexual experience, you still felt that same pride at how he reacted to your body.
That pride encouraged you to bob your head as you suckled softly on him and swiped your tongue around him as Yunho started retracting his hips. Your breath hitched as he pushed back into you, causing you to moan around Mingi in your mouth and the man in front of you rewarded you with a soft moan and a hand in your hair. 
With a few more soft thrusts, Yunho deemed you ready enough for him to really go to town. His hands on your hips tightened in preparation, and he gave you his first punishing thrust. It propelled you forward, father onto Mingi’s dick than you had been expecting. You would have choked, if not for all the experience you had sucking Yunho’s equally as large dick. Even so, it was more than you had been expecting to take so soon and it caused your eyes to water, but you regained your composure enough to continue your sucking. Thankfully, Mingi’s dick muffled what you knew would be your embarrassingly loud and needy moans.
Yunho’s thrusts grew faster and harder, effectively eliminating the need for you to move on your own as he speared you on his own dick and the one in your mouth. Every nerve in your body was on fire, in the best way possible. It felt so insanely good to be this full that you didn’t even realize more tears had leaked from your eyes.
“Aww,” Mingi crooned, tightening his hand in your hair and bringing his other one to cradle your jaw. “Your slut’s crying, Yun.”
Yunho chuckled, removing one of his hands to slap your ass as his hips beat into yours and you cried out as best you could. His hand came down one more time before stilling. You felt more than heard him spit on you, but you didn’t have a chance to ponder it before his thumb was rubbing as your unoccupied hole, pushing into the tight ring. That seemed to heighten every sensation and you tightened around him, nearly falling flat if it weren’t for the hands holding you up. 
“Does it feel that good, baby?” His tone was almost condescending. You frantically tried to nod, but it was hard to fight Mingi’s hands on your head. Both men laughed at your eagerness, and Yunho picked up his pace.
You could feel yourself rising higher and higher, as if your consciousness wasn’t in your body anymore. It was easy to picture the scene. You, on your hands and knees, covered in sweat and bruises from all the fucking you had so eagerly endured today, surrounded by the two men who seemed to dwarf you, despite the fact you only stood a few inches shorter. Mingi, his hips bucking ever so slightly into your mouth, panting, hair clinging to his forehead with sweat. Yunho, letting out little groans as his hips pistoned into yours, one hand on your hips, the other pushing his thumb farther into your ass, panting and in a similar state to Mingi.
The images your mind conjured pushed you closer and closer to the edge. Judging from how Yunho’s thrusts had started to pick up an almost stuttering rhythm and the whines leaking from Mingi that you could hear even over the sound of skin slapping together, you gathered both men weren’t far behind.
Taking matters into your own hands, you tightened your muscles around Yunho and sucked as hard as you could around Mingi.
That seemed to do it for all three of you. Tightening around Yunho intensified the sensation for both of you, and your increased sucking did Mingi in. This orgasm was the strongest one you’d had all day and your arms gave out as your whole body spasmed and twitched. It rolled over you in waves, whiting out your vision. If you had thought you were floating earlier, it was nothing compared to this. You were floating, lost in the way it seemed like your body had been set on fire. You would have fallen flat if it weren’t for the hands of the two men holding you up.
 Simultaneously, they both unloaded themselves in you. 
Mingi hunched over slightly, pushing himself as deep as he could into your mouth as he let out a long, drawn out groan while his eyes fluttered and rolled back. His hips twitched forwards and you did your best to swallow all the cum that poured into your mouth, but some spilled out the sides. Yunho didn’t fare much better. He pushed himself as deep inside of you as he could, throwing his head back as the feeling of his orgasm washed over him. This load was smaller than the ones he’d given you earlier that day, but you could still feel it flooding inside you.
When all your highs had ended, they gingerly pulled out. You couldn’t help but whine at the overstimulation, but both men moved as tenderly as they could. When Yunho had removed his dick and his thumb and Mingi had left your mouth, you fell flat, panting with your eyes closed. Mingi moved next to you to rub a hand over your back as Yunho hurried to grab a wet towel from the bathroom.
“You ok?” Mingi spoke quietly. You nodded, too exhausted to say anything. “Good, good.”
He lapsed into silence after that, continuing to run his hand on your back as you tried to stop the twitching left over from the insane orgasm you had just had. Yunho returned quickly, although your eyes were still shut so you weren’t aware until the first touch of the towel between your legs.
Talking felt like a momentous effort, so you merely whimpered in protest as Yunho continued to clean you up. 
“I know, I know, baby,” his voice was soft. “But you’re going to kill me tomorrow if I don’t do this now.”
You nodded and let him continue. It wasn’t long before he was done and you were drifting. You found yourself half asleep, fading fast and unaware of the conversation the two men were having as they tucked you under your covers.
“Stay,” that was Yunho.
“Are you sure?” Mingi sounded anxious. “She’s your girlfriend, what if she wakes up and is disgusted I’m in her bed?”
“She won’t be. And besides, we both know you can’t sleep alone after something like this,” Yunho’s voice was softer, gentler but firm. “And nothing’s going to change. I love you man, but this is my girlfriend, I’m not inviting you into our relationship. The only time I’ll ever share her with you is if we do this again.”
Mingi breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, good, ok good. I don’t want in. She’s only got eyes for you anyways, wouldn’t be fair to me.”
Both men laughed as they tucked themselves into bed around you, one on either side. Yunho drew you into his chest as Mingi pressed himself to your back, cocooning you in warmth and safety.
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ghostfeather · 5 months
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okay, here's what went down
first of all, i just have to say i love coming to kpop concerts alone because fans are just so friendly. i know stan spaces online get a bad reputation (and rightfully so) but i always manage to meet such lovely people at kpop shows so i really appreciate the people that kept me company in line because studio PAV is SO fucking strict about phones 😤
so everything is a blur because i really wanted to record it all in my notes app but they were moving things along like clockwork so there was no time to even sneak it out.
but shout out to the girl who asked rie about deep sexy at that one libido fansign. we actually stood next to each other in line and she told me that was her and i told her how her tweet may have changed my entire worldview about rie lol. chatted for hours so i wasn't bored out of my mind.
but anyway moving on to the fanchat. i thought i could be chill because i'd met them before but no i was not chill. i was shaking.
i rememberrd to bring an album this time so i could get it signed instead of a flimsy poster (good call because i accidentally ripped it 🥲) and i brought a sharpie so i could write my name on my badge. i tabbed pages before i left home so each member could sign the inside so they each wrote my name, but i kind of wish i had them sign the cover because it took up a good bit of time to spell out my name. i don't know if it was that or if PAV shortened the time to sit with them because it went by so much faster than last time. last year i kept running out of things to say but this time, i felt like i got cut short when i wanted to keep talking 😔
first was mill. i just love him so much and he is so pretty and stunning and his eyes are so big and sparkly. i asked him about if he did any fun things in atlanta and he went on about how atlanta had the best steak ever (first rie last year, now him...and i don't even eat meat) and they also had drinks thursday night. at least he was gesturing about drinks but they moved me along quickly. no marriage proposals this time, thank god.
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next was nine. i'll be honest, i haven't been the biggest fan of the blonde on him but it looks super duper good in person. i wanted to compliment him but i just blanked so i asked the same thing about if he did anything fun in atlanta. he just said he slept and rolled around in bed, and i felt such kinship in that moment. i told sleeping is my favorite thing to do (not even lying). i had my nagongie with me but no time to pull him out before i had to move on 🥲
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kb was next. i was trying to find his page in my album but he had already found it but i was like redirecting him to the wrong page so he gently pushed my hand away so that was awkward and embarrassing. but he didn't sign my name so we managed a full conversation:
me: hi, how are you?
kb: i'm good but i'm hungry.
me: oh, you didn't eat lunch?
kb: no, i ate lunch but i'm still hungry.
i told him i hadn't eaten much but the venue served food on the rooftop and there's restaurants nearby so he asked for recommendations. i told him about a couple of bars that i'd never actually been to but were on my list of places to check out. i don't remember if he said i should go there after the show or we should go there after the show but i'd like to think it was the former. and then as i was getting up and moving to the next member i realized i left my poster in front of nine so i had to reach past him to grab it. embarrassing once again 🫠
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next was junji. his english has improved a lot in a year! no awkward silences with him. he had a ponytail and i really wanted to compliment his hair too but he carried the conversation instead. he asked how many times i had seen them and i told him it was my 3rd time and that i had seen him in atlanta and san francisco. then he said thank you and grabbed both of my hands and said "you're my lyon" 😵‍💫 he asked me something else afterwards but i don't remember what it was or what i said lol. i was too frazzled after that. i wish he had fistbumped me instead.
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then it was yoojung. i wasn't too stunned to speak this time, yay! somehow i felt really confident with him. i complimented his handwriting while writing my name because it was so small and dainty, and i told him he looked best in the bedazzled jacket and i wish i had some rhinestones on mine too. he said he really loves denim jackets but the rhinestones hanging from his sleeves were annoying because they kept hitting and dragging the table. not in those words exactly but it was the exact sentiment.
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last was the menace. and yes, the menace was menacing. instead of sitting across, rie moved his chair to the end of the table he could sit next to you, which i was actually grateful for because the eye contact felt less intense that way. he immediately told me "hey baby, come on, don't be scared." i told i'm not scared because i wasn't. i was ready to throw down with this dude. he asked me my name and i showed it to him on my badge and he said "okay, i'll write korean." ??? i told him i could read korean but if i couldn't then what? then he asked me who was my bias and i thought WHY would he ask me that and that's when everything i worked so hard at to build up over the past year went crumbling down. i suddenly had a mental crisis so i said everybody. he kept pushing me to tell the truth. and i kept insisting it was everybody so he said, then who's your bias today, so i told him it was him. so he said okay like he knew i was lying but didn't push it further. then he asked me what was my favorite song and i had been hoping for this question since the tour was first announced because i had to let them know the people want dOra maar KOREAN VERSION. and then they made me leave but as i stood up his eyes went RIGHT to my nagongie and my nine PC in my bag and went "oh, your bias is nine." WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT TO ME? WHY WOULD HE CALL ME OUT LIKE THAT WITH NO WAY TOO DEFEND MYSELF? can't stand this man.
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but i'm glad i lied because he asked the same thing to everyone else and he would GRILL them about why they liked their bias. EVERYTHING'S A GAME TO THIS MAN. so yeah. be warned. prepare yourselves.
hi-touch was hi-touch. nothing special there. rie disarming me with his intense eye contact again but what's new. their hands were cold and dry and my hands felt sticky from the humidity. i was so jealous.
for the concert, i managed to get a great spot. not barricade which i didn't care for anyway but still very close and right in the center too. the concert itself was great minus the short setlist and the lack of bOss. completely and totally devastating to me. i had been looking forward to it so much since they did it in seoul. the did a dopamine rock remix which is so much better than the original. give me the lOve, bitxx is now my new favorite choreo. they did a solo medley which was fun because we got all the solos this time. i think at one point junji missed his cue to join rie on stage so they kept laughing and then he gave rie a piggyback ride. libidO english version is maybe slightly better than dOra maar english version but still 👎 i've been screeching the korean versions in my car for years, why must groups do this? thank god they put ballads in the setlist. the nonstop choreo last year was a concern for me but we got mirage and O and i completely flipped out. i got so emotional watching nine during the ballads because he REALLY felt the lyrics he was singing. also i saw both his nipples in person. the whole time i'm thinking about how i loved the draping of his jacket and then...there they were. and then kb had to follow suit 🙃 also i thought i was safe not being at barricade but rie managed to still make way too much eye contact multiple times. THE ENCORE WAS THE BEST, LITERALLY TAILOR-MADE FOR ME. we got OOO me (!!!!!!! FINALLY), blOssOM, and angel. i was genuinely so upset when it ended because it got SO hype at the end like we were at a festival. and kb and mill were showering the audience with their water bottles and it completely ruined my hair before the snapshots but now i'm thinking we need a waterbomb festival in this city.
so then anyway the snapshot process was annoying. they did premium first and made standard folks wait until they were done and they were still adamant about no phones but i was bored as hell but everyone else i was talking to had either left or had premium. didn't feel like starting up a conversation with anyone new because i was getting people-d out by then. i only got nine and yoojung since i got the rest of the members last year. when i got up to nine, i tripped right in front of him and he reached out and caught me 😵‍💫 nothing monumental happened with yoojung, thank goodness. the photos turned out well so i left but i was beginning to wish i had also bought a mill ticket but oh well.
and that's pretty much it! i'll post some videos later.
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 days
Hiya! I currently have covid and am just feeling blue--do you have any super fun and super hot book recs? I'm trying to cheer myself up lol
Oh no, I'm sorry! COVID sucks. I didn't get it until right after Thanksgiving last year (and haven't gotten it again since) but it fucked me up quiiiiite a bit. I hope you feel better soon.
And YES! I do have some hot books for funsies.
If you have a tolerance for angst at this time (I can never tell if people mean fun as in "funny" or "anything entertaining", because my brain is weird and I tend to just be able to take a max dose of angst 95% of the time), I will always say some of the hottest books I've ever read with The Most Fun are Sierra Simone's. New Camelot is a great starting place IF you are down for some angst (HEA guaranteed, of course).
If you're NOT in an angsty mood, why not get a head start on the holiday season with her Christmas Notch series, co-authored by Julie Murphy? This series focuses on a small town where a Hallmark-type company films Christmas movies. Shit gets ROCKED, however, when the former child star actress of the movie (in the first book—these read best chronologically though they're technically standalones) has to drop out. The man heading the production studio making the movie ALSO has a porn production studio.... so... why not sub in a porn star who wants go mainstream? Starring opposite her childhood crush/a former boybander who's a big fan of her Only Fans page?
They're super funny, they're super delightful, they're HOT and the final book is out on 9/24! Does it include the hero getting his ass fingered? Who's to say?
(I am to say. He does. It's great. More of that, authors.)
SPEEEEAKING of porn stars, you could also try Rosie Danan's The Roommate, which is about a girl whose potential roommate drops out right before she's set to move in. Her new roommate... may happen to be a famous porn star. There is a truly incredible scene where she's like "I need an orgasm" and he's like "omg buddy I got you" and eats her out through her panties. Because that keeps it... platonic...
And then, also along the lines of modern classic superhot romcoms featuring sex workers, if you haven't read Helen Hoang's The Kiss Quotient... You gotta. A woman on the spectrum hires a male escort to teach her how to date (I mean, also to fuck) essentially, because she's been told she's frigid in bed in the past and thinks something is wrong with her. Rightfully, he's like "There is nothing wrong with you, also here's an orgasm". I'd also recommend the second book in the series, The Bride Test. The Heart Principle... is a heavy book that is actually too angsty for ME. Which is saying something. Not bad. Wouldn't call it fun.
What about Tracey Livesay's American Royalty? The one about the uptight British prince who has to organize a charity concert and hires a female rapper a la Megan Thee Stallion and then they fall in love? This one has a direct sequel, so you can get extra fun. (First book does NOT end on a cliffhanger, second just continues the journey.)
Minx by Sophie Lark is a fun one. In this one, the hero is a billionaire who hires the heroine, a high end escort, to help him with specific needs... Pet play, it's pet play. He has her dress up in a cat suit (to be clear: not like a furry cat suit... she's in a sexy cat suit and wearing cat ears and a collar that says "Minx"... she drinks milk out of a bowl and then they fuck nasty... INCLUDING. when she's ON HER PERIOD. be still my heart, more pls) and she ends up getting into his heart. Also, because it must be noted when we get it in m/f romance: his ass. She gets into that as well.
If you're open to something SUPER wacky lol, Kathryn Moon's A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor is a paranormal historical erotic romance in which the heroine essentially works in a brothel for monsters...? And she falls in love with like, five or six different monsters. The swords don't cross a TON, but they do cross, at it were. She bangs like. A Jekyll and Hyde guy; and a gollem type guy; an invisible guy; a vampire, a sphinx; and there's definitely more lol
How to Marry a Marble Marquis by C.M. Nascosta. Another paranormal historical type book. The heroine is looking for a husband, and receives assistance from a gargoyle rake. Also she receives dick from a gargoyle rake. She does in fact fuck the gargoyle rake while he's sleeping. And is a stone. He's fine with it.
If you're open to mafia romance, Mila Finelli (otherwise known as Joanna Shupe) writes such fun shit with her Kings of Italy series. Best read in order (the first two books are directly connected, the next three technically stand alone but come on now) they are SUUUUPER hot and SUUUUUUUUUPER over the top and so good. TWs for a lot of murder obviously, most of the super violent shit is "offscreen". The heroine of the first book is 18 and the hero (who initially is arranging for her to marry his son) is 38. So there's that. But it's very much NOT your standard issue "sweet virgin" mafia romance.
Sara Cate's first four Salacious Player's Club books are super hot and good! I would especially recommend Give Me More (MMF, friends to lovers) and Mercy (femdom, older heroine/bratty hero). Also Mercy has pegging! I'm on a roll, truly.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield, of course. The one where the heroine blows her boss by accident (it was dark, they were both confused, mistakes were made) AAAAND calls him daddy during. Which he loves. So they begin a no-strings relationship which involves, among other things, stepfather/stepdaughter roleplay. It gets emotionally out of hand. Soooo good and soooooo hot tho I will admit I am soooooooo the target audience.
If you want short and sweet, Angelina M. Lopez just released Give it To Me! which is an anthology of her short stories, most of which are on the hotter side (a couple are closed door, but one of the few that doesn't include sex has a sequel story in the collection which DOES and it's fab). You get everything from a widow asking her dead husband's best friend (who's become her best friend in the ensuing years) to help her get back in the saddle (by fucking her) to surfboard sex to a magical orgy gangbang situation. Very fun.
If you've never read Tessa Dare... lol... now's the time. A Week to Be Wicked and When a Scot Ties the Knot might be good for this moment! I also love Any Duchess Will Do, but that has a gut punch (in a sad way) moment.
Grace Callaway's historicals are very fun and very hot and silly and comedic, buuuut I will say the backstories can get pretty dark in a lot of them. If you are open, I'd say that you might want to try her Game of Dukes series or the Lady Charlotte's Society of Angels (it's Charlie's Angels but historical romance) books.
A lot of S.M. LaViolette books can be on the darker side, but her Bellamy's series is definitely on the lighter end for her. They're VERY hot if you're in a historical mood, and though there are some tragic backstories, I think it's a bit more doable than her other stuff. And you get things like "Phoebe's mom tells her she should just knock herself out on her wedding night because her future husband is like 7 feet tall and clearly hung" and "Hyacinth is pretending to be a guy and Sylvester knows she's a girl now so he's having a good time baiting her into revealing she's a girl by saying shit like 'LET'S JACK OFF TOGETHER, OL' BOY' while watching a peep show with her".
TJ Alexander's Triple Sec is sooo fun and hot if you're open to a queer book. The main POV heroine is a bartender who meets a bubbly lawyer... but the lawyer is married... But hey, they're poly! And now our main heroine is dating the lawyer while developing feelings for her frosty artist spouse... It's F/F/NB.
Preferential Treatment by Heather Guerre, of course. A woman mouths off to the billionaire CEO of her company. He's super into it and offers to pay her to be his domme. Yay!
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go-learn-esperanto · 1 year
I'm making this post specifically for a new follower @crescentstudies to say:
This blog has a lot of MCYT stuff aka content related with Minecraft roleplay. Just so you're aware. This blog is very much my personal blog which kinda translates to a lot of fandom stuff. I know you followed me because you found one of the few Portuguese related posts I make. Now, I am very passionate about my language and culture and absolutely love discussing it but unfortunately I'm also obsessed with block people. I say this as a warning for the future of your dashboard
That being said the fact that you're learning European Portuguese is really sweet, and I assume it's not easy to find resources, at least not as easy as Brazilian Portuguese. So I'm gonna do a bit of a cultural post where I give something that I think is essential for learning a language; finding fun content that is culturally relevant. A lot of times when learning a language you see a lot about language and rules and although that can be fun sometimes it can quickly get really boring. Sometimes finding some content isn't easy when you're learning the language and aren't emersed in the culture.
Give it up for
My Portuguese music recommendation
A list for people who are interested in the culture or just want to hear some different music from a different country. Of course the music I'm gonna give is gonna depend on what I like and what I know, so you're not gonna get Pimba from me (for context Pimba is like... Usually very simple formulaic Portuguese pop songs that are played at parties... Not the kind your parties you're probably thinking of but more like festivals with a lot of people. It's not really good music in a cultural sense, and the music style is kinda stolen from Germany but that's a whole other story)
Let's start with a song that came out this year! Some might recognise this girl as the one that represented Portugal in Eurovision two years ago. I believe she has a lot of great songs, both in English and Portuguese. I'm sharing this one as I find the acoustic guitars in it absolutely beautiful.
(Flashing TW) Alternative Rock babyyy!!!! Even if you don't understand the lyrics this one is still fun as hell, although understanding them does make the song better of course. It's about how the singer is having a bad day so he's gonna be really really pissy about it. If you're wondering why the vocalist is half naked all I can say is that I've seen this band live, and he doesn't start naked but he's always gotta be by the end of the concert. Why? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
A surrealistic song from the 80s. The lyrics don't really make much sense, however the song shouldn't have the right to be this good.
And keeping on the theme of "80s songs with lyrics that make zero sense but the woman who's singing them is absolutely killing it" we have this one. Clearly a pop-jazz that's just really fun to listen to.
A Portuguese folk song. I'm mentioning this song because last year I made a post about it discussing the lyrics and various versions of the song. I really enjoy it.
This song is just pretty. It's really difficult to explain. It seems to tell a fairytale like story of a man meeting and falling in love with Starfish goddess or nymph on the beach. The piano and the lyrics are just gorgeous. That's all.
A song by a band that is known for its very lively songs. Funnily enough the most popular songs from this group are not my favouritea from them. This group explores such topics as
The singer wants to get together with her neighbour
The singer wants to get together with a guy from a marching band
The singer wants to get together with a priest?? Is that what I'm getting here??? She keeps saying she has a lot of guys that want to fuck her in religious imagery and that she's better than the virgin Mary I fucking can't
The singer wanted to get together with a guy from the notary but he was an asshole so she hit him in the face with stamps (The paper and the ink kind of stamps) (the sexual energy and innuendos of this song though 💀)
The singer wants to fuck you up (In which way you ask? Wouldn't you like to know weather boy 😏😘)
The singer says you should stop playing video games because she wants to beat you up with her bare hands
The singer wants to go to the beach but the weather is always shit so she has resulted to judging her neighbours that actually managed to go to the beach for their lack of cultural knowledge out of jealousy
If you've done something good say it's from Portugal if you've done something bad lie and say it's from Spain (the actual meaning of this song is ultra nationalism is stupid)
Your parents' expectations are bullshit
The economy is bullshit
The singer is dinning with friends and they keep asking her to sing but she manages to literally flee from the restaurant without singing... Or paying
However this song in specific is about how after falling in love the singer can't help but see happiness around her. She knows nothing is perfect, she knows the world is fucked, but for a moment she just wants to be happy.
A comedy song! A very weird song that describes the tragic deaths of various animals upon touching lightbulbs. It's not in standard Portuguese, very much on purpose, but in the Alentejo dialect. I guarantee it's funnier than in it sounds by the description. Unfortunately this is a song where you do have to understand the lyrics to get it, but if you do It's really good. The images this person is putting on the video do make it 10× better too, as they are doing surprisingly well at showcasing the whole story the song is telling.
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creaturefeaster · 2 years
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new day new morning post
Currently 06:55 PST as I begin this post.
Does anyone else listen to The Cure? They're touring this year overseas, the last time they did was 8 years ago. I'm going in June to see them live, and I'm very excited. When buying tickets with my husband, I remarked that a The Cure concert is probably one of the only places I could be where people wouldn't stare at me (my fashion is what I'd call dark and loud)-- something I found funny.
On top of this, I was asked if I wanted to get a tattoo for my birthday. I have been considering a tattoo for a while now, though I've been on the fence because the idea of putting something permanent on my body is a hard hurdle to get over in my brain. Or moreso, I'd just want to make sure it isn't something I would regret down the line. I'm considering imagery of things I've always loved; Cow skulls, roses & thorns, eyes, a few things that cross my mind that are also pretty safe and hard to get wrong on a tattoo.
Maybe I'll find someone to help design a tattoo for me. That'd be fun. But also perhaps difficult when there's only a couple of weeks left until my birthday. Much to think about.
Speaking of much to think about, I succumbed to one of my usual dreams of dire last night. I have always been a nightmare dreamer, usually about zombie invasions, or an indescribable entity that kills the population in swathes. Tonight though, it was a dream about someone who was considered to be so perfect (for reasons I don't know. the guy was kind of a dick imo), that there was a mad chase to both capture this guy, and also keep him safe from harm.
My dream ended sort of abruptly near the end. I don't remember much about the details of the dream, other than that it was a lot of sneaking around in the dark. One of the ending scenes though was someone attacking this 'perfect guy,' completely severing his hand and pulling his arm so harshly you could see it hanging from the ligaments that attached it to his shoulder.
People in my group, that I was apparently in, flipped the fuck out and decided the only way to balance justice in this situation was to axe the attacker right in the forehead. The gore was excessive!
I'm not sure why this dream was so brutal and graphic. But I have awoken quickly because of it, meaning I can start my day early and more awake. I'll take it.
RE: To follow up with my little grumbles in my last morning post, nobody is harassing me. That hasn't happened in years. It's moreso an influx of people either messaging me and begging me to come back, or people messaging me asking if they can have my ask blogs. Both insensitive considering that I feel I've been pretty clear on my stances with the blog & fandom. But also everyone gives the fandom too much credit for making me pull away from the show. One of the biggest things for me was some of the more recent stuff they had in the show that made me feel so sickened, I just couldn't enjoy it anymore.
I've considered recently just unfollowing people who post about the show on the regular, or even blocking some, because tumblr reallllly likes to recommend me blogs just loaded with SP content still, and it's starting to get on my nerves. That, and the more I think on what happened in the show, the more it makes me uncomfortable to be around people who just pretend it never happened/ignore it.
Anyways, this is more than I wanted to say on the subject already. I'm over it for now.
P.S. By the way, I loved reading from you guys how you've all been doing. Some left replies, some sent me asks, some DMed. It's nice to know what people around me have going on :3.
Here's this morning's question: What's the latest dream you can remember having?
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tellmegoodbye · 1 year
going off of what you recently said about being asked about music, I’m going to ask you about music! I love discovering new music so who are your top artists and your top songs?? either currently or all time
Okayokayokay I'm calm I promise :)
My favorite band of all time is linkin park, and honestly they always will be. Now I'm sure everyone knows all of their popular songs, but I'm going to go ahead and recommend a criminally underrated album of theirs, which is A Thousand Suns.
Now even though LP is my favorite band they obviously have not been active since 2017, so I'm going to also talk about my favorite band that's still currently active, and my second favorite band of all time. Shinedown!
If you're wondering just how much I love this band, I am about to see them for the fourth time at the end of the month! They are honestly so good live so if you're into rock music and looking for a damn good concert experience, I highly recommend catching one of their shows!
I know the lone star (and og) fandom is at least somewhat aware of them because whoever chooses music for these shows does not know how to miss 😊 and the song they used in the second episode of lone star, how did you love, is one of my favorite songs by them. I literally got so excited when it started playing and started singing along. A very memorable moment for me while watching this show! (I also have a shinedown shirt with the lyrics "every day is do or die" on the back...I promise I am normal about this band 😂)
fun fact: if you've seen me lurking around on my main, leave-a-whisper, that is a reference to their first album! I also reccomend the Sound of Madness album. These two are their two best albums in my opinion!
there are so many bands I could mention so I'm just going to mention a few more quick ones so that this doesn't become an essay. I also have last.fm if you want to take a look any bands I don't mention here, cause there's a lot!
Speed run under the cut! Trying to keep this at a reasonable length here 😂
Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin, I grew up listening to these bands! middle school harley practically lived and breathed one-x and phobia.
Halestorm, one of my favorite bands with a female lead. Lzzy's vocals are fucking insane and the music is extremely fun and empowering.
Speaking of amazing female leads, if you're looking for some metal (or just curious about getting into the genre) I really love Jinjer. They are insane live and Tati is a phenomenal vocalist.
I also dabble in prog music. I pretty much grew up listening to bands like Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree. Insane talent in both of these bands. One album I really love and reccomend is Deadwing by Porcupine Tree.
O.A.R, my childhood. My parents introduced me to this band when I was very young and I have loved their music ever since. I can't really compare them to anyone else, but I reccomend listening to songs like heaven and love and memories. Those are a couple of my faves!
I don't really listen to much rap music, but NF is a massive exception. His lyrics are always amazing and the music is just really fun, sometimes really angsty.
Bad Omens, Dayseeker and I Prevail are some good metal bands to get into if it's usually not a genre you'd enjoy. Amazing vocals.
Album recs!
I have been listening to To Be Everywhere is To Be Nowhere by Thrice. It's an amazing album. My favorite song off of it is Hurricane.
My favorite album that came out last year is Spirits by Nothing More.
My favorite albums that came out this year are Take Me Back To Eden by Sleep Token and Dead Club City by Nothing But Thieves.
Finally, some song recs!!!
Atlantic - Sleep Token
Satellites - Periphery
Higher Place - Malevolence
Familiar Taste of Poison - Halestorm
Mourning Song - Holding Absence
The Red - Chevelle
Tears Don't Fall - Bullet For My Valentine
Breaking My Bones - Friday Pilots Club
Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away) - Deftones
Dying is Absolutely Safe - Architects
One More Light - Linkin Park
Death By Rock And Roll - The Pretty Reckless
I could mention sooooo much more but this is definitely enough for now. As you can see my music taste is very rock and metal heavy and I know that's not everyone's thing, but if you're unsure then definitely give some of these bands a try!
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avcnturine · 5 months
(looks over slowly at the official bed art and concert trailer) rai tell me about aven’s sleep
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〈   from  ∶    𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐈𝐂 / 🇦​🇨​🇨​🇪​🇵​🇹​🇮​🇳​🇬​  〉
ok we're gonna bullet point fun facts
from the anan interview:
his pjs and bed, sheets, etc. were recommended to him by the company he got them from. he tells us it was a tie-in marketing maneuver
when evaluating goods for himself, he prioritizes: fit, design, and brand, in that order.
he likes things that are soft and close to his body ( i'm pretty sure this explains the 83 pillows )
when he can't sleep, he tries to tire himself out physically to the point where he can instead by exercising, etc.
we ball:
MESSY sleeper. did u see that man's pose. incredible power of sprawl despite being like 5'7". rip anyone sharing his bed but also if you love urself don't share his bed bc he shamelessly takes up 80% of it and hogs all the blankets and pillows because "it's my bed. shouldn't i have that right?" smh
have you seen this man he is a TAURUS. prioritizes comfort and having top quality. healthy appreciation for those memory foam mattress pads and ergonomic cooled pillows and whatnot.
sleeps shirtless normally. had the shirt with the one button closed for the magazine's sake
off the last point above, often struggles with falling asleep because he's so busy, his brain is going 3843428 different directions at all times, there's always things demanding his attention, etc. bad at putting things down and just Going To Sleep
keeps both tablet and phone at his bedside and, as we see, checks work emails and schedules just about first thing on prying his eyes open
one of those people where once he's awake, he's awake. there's no half-asleep or buffering time for his brain to turn on. idk how he does it ( it's probably the trauma )
doesn't usually stay in bed in the morning even if he has time ( which is never ). prefers to be up and moving. this doesn't apply to night however, where he will sometimes lie in bed while doing work and whatnot ( which probably also contributes to the inability to fall asleep )
never naps ever. even if he had the time he wouldn't.
tosses and turns like crazy. once again if you love yourself don't share a bed with him. he'll karate kick you off it in the middle of the night. not uncommon for him to wake up in a totally different position from how he fell asleep, with sheets and pillows tossed every which way
only snores if he's sleeping really fucking hard, at which point you should probably just be grateful that he's actually sleeping well
hard to rouse by someone else, but wakes up easily enough on his own schedule. tends to wake up early by habit and demand anyway. usually up by 6am. as said before, generally won't fall back asleep once he's awake. if he does, he's probably sick.
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
Sending you the same question I sent lemon because I know you’re a big music person too! If you could go back in history and see any three concerts, what would they be? Feel free to explain why if you would like!
Hello Basil! Do you mind if I call you Basil?
This is such a good question!
1. The Rat Pack in 1964 as part of the Frank Sinatra Spectacular show. I always joke that I'm an 82 year old that's found her way in the body of a late 20s year old and I think my love of Dino, Frank and Sammy is proof of that hahah.
I simply just adore classic pop and easy listening; so much that Frank Sinatra was one of my top five artist on my Spotify wrapped in 2019. I'm also so intrigued by the pop culture era of that time (I'm a huge Classic Hollywood purveyor, you should see my record collection and my stack of biographies) and so I find the private lives of crooners so interesting.
If I had it my way; I would have Coachella, but it would be like, Ella Fitzgerald, Jo Stafford, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr, Eartha Kitt (my queen), Nat King Cole, The Ink Spot, The Mills Brothers, Vic Damone and so many other artists people my age would not pay to go see 😭
2. Amy Winehouse Live at Glastonbury would have been such a delight.
Amy Winehouse is, and probably always will be, one of my favorite musicians and she was just so damn good. There was a charisma she had on stage and there was a heartbreak that was so palpable through her voice.
I listen to her performance of Some Unholy War every now and then my god, she was just a one of kind talent. This was the performance where she called Kanye West a cunt and I promise, you'll never hear that word said so beautifully 😭
If you haven't watched the documentary about her, Amy (2015), I highly recommend it. All Amy wanted to do was sing, but it was heartbreaking seeing that her father ensured she was doing everything but that. Fuck Mitch Winehouse, me and all my homies hate Mitch Winehouse.
3. I'm cheating with this one (I'm sorry!) and my last one isn't a concert, but there are so many performances on the Ed Sullivan show that I would have loved to have seen.
Vanilla Fudge's You Keep Me Hanging On, The Animals' The House of the Rising Sun, The Mamas and the Papas' Dedicated To the One I Love (for Mama Cass and Mama Cass only.) and Ella Fitzgerald's Old McDonald (Yes, it's that Old McDonald, but the magic Ella uses to make this song a swing song is just unmeasurable)
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xplrvibes · 7 months
im glueing myself to this cip couch, stg never leaving.
anywhooo when does colby talk abt his 21 past lives? and also… whats your take on past lives? bc im on the fence. i love to hear peoples point of views :)
- aussie anon
Ok, so fair warning - this discussion happens in a video that is part of one of the absolute worst series they've ever made, if you ask me. So just keep that in mind, I am not recommending this thinking you'll utterly love it 🤣.
In the last series they did with Jake and Corey pre-pandemic, they went to the Miami Biltmore Hotel and met with a psychic while there who told them that Colby had 21 past lives, among some other psychic stuff (actually, if I recall one of the things he told them had to do with Sam's grandfather which now that I think about it, is kind of interesting after the whole mess with the C**juring but I digress lol).
I actually do weirdly believe it, simply because I always thought I lived a past life (where I played piano). I have never taken piano classes, know nothing about the instrument, but had this moment of startling clarity one day where for about 60 seconds, I knew every single key and could've played a Beethoben concert if you had plopped me down in that moment in front of a piano. I've never had that happen since and all that fleeting knowledge about pianos is out of my head now. Anyway, I heard that phenomenon is a thing that people attribute to past lives sometimes, and that sounds cooler to me than just "hey, you might be a little crazy" so I'm rocking with that lol.
I do think Colby is the definition of an "old soul" - whether you believe that term to mean literally a recycled soul or just a person who is wise beyond normal earthbound human conception. It's kind of interesting to hear the psychic describe what he considers past life phenomenon to Colby, cause it's mostly stuff I would attribute to being an introverted old soul with a touch of anxiety...so idk. I wish he would've explored that a little more in a person channel video, tried one of those past life regression things, just so we could see how that process works and dissect it, but alas...as with anything I find interesting that I want him to do, he doesn't fucking do it.
Ah well. We shall live in mystery forever lol.
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thegenderdruid · 9 months
Took me a bit longer than I planned but I got there eventually. 2023 music awards time! As always disclaimer, this is awards for the music I personally listened to this year, if your favorite song or album isn't here it might be because I don't like it but much more likely I didn't know about or listen to it, this is a very self indulgent project about reflecting on the music I listened to this year.
With that said, I have been told by multiple different people that I have great taste in music and I truly stand by everything mentioned here being great music so I highly recommend checking it all out.
Also I will be providing minimal to no commentary because I'm bad at that sort of thing.
For album categories I've included each album's JAMS score which is a system I use to rank my favorite albums based loosely on the baseball JAWS statistic, currently the highest JAMS score for any of the 47 rated albums is 2.84, the lowest is 1.40, and the average is 2.07. Bear in mind that this is out of the albums I like enough to bother rating so a lower ranking within the rated albums is by no means a condemnation, all 48 albums are albums I like.
Standard categories:
Non-metal song of the year (songs that came out in 2023):
Madeon - Gonna Be Good
Honorable mentions:
Gorillaz - Cracker Island
Dirty Heads - Rescue Me
100 gecs - Hollywood Baby
Tessa Violet - You Are Not My Friend
Portugal. The Man - Dummy
Dizzy - Close
Dizzy - Knock the Wind
Quite frankly this category was stacked as fuck, any of these songs could have won in a different year, there were multiple songs that could be here but I left off to keep this from being too long, absolutely great year for non-metal music I like. Speaking of which:
Non-metal album of the year:
Dizzy - Dizzy (4/47, 2.6)
Honorable mentions:
Gorillaz - Cracker Island (10/48, 2.23)
Tessa Violet - My God! (23/48, 2.13)
Portugal. The Man - Chris Black Changed My Life (27/48, 2.04)
Metal song of the year:
Gloryhammer - Holy Flaming Hammer of Unholy Cosmic Frost
Honorable mentions:
Gloryhammer - Keeper of the Celestial Flame of Abernethy
Within Temptation - We Go To War
Delain - The Quest and the Curse
Angus MCSIX - Master of the Universe
Metal album of the year:
Gloryhammer - Return to the Kingdom of Fife (2/48, 2.84)
Honorable mentions:
Within Temptation - Bleed Out (19/48, 2.16)
Delain - Dark Waters (13/48, 2.20)
Gloryhammer sweep, new album is GOATed
Music discovery categories:
2022 album I missed:
Alec Benjamin - (Un)Commentary (20/48, 2.16)
I loved this guy's first album but was not into his second album and kinda forgot about him but one of his songs came on the radio and I gave him another look and it turns out he released this absolute banger of an album last year and now I'm a fan again
2022 song I missed:
Alec Benjamin - Older
Honorable mention:
It turns out League of Legends released 2 all-timers last year instead of 1 like I originally thought 😅
Pre-2022 discovered album of the year:
Gorillaz - Plastic Beach (16/48, 2.19)
Honorable mentions:
Lorde - Pure Heroine (22/48, 2.13)
Gorillaz - The Now Now (25/48, 2.08)
Pre-2022 discovered song of the year:
Gorillaz - Rhinestone Eyes
Honorable mentions:
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Californication
Phil Ochs - The Bells
Bonus categories:
Best concert I saw live:
Tessa Violet
Honorable mentions:
Disappointment of the year:
ANGUS MCSIX - Angus McSIX and the Sword of Power (35/48, 1.88)
I had such high hopes for the former singer of my favorite band starting his own band in the same style and the singles were good but the rest of the album was such a disappointment, hopefully he keeps going and can improve though.
Top 10 albums by JAMS on this date:
Gloryhammer - Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex (2.84)
Gloryhammer - Return to the Kingdom of Fife (2.84)
Gloryhammer - Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards (2.69)
Dizzy - Dizzy (2.60)
Dizzy - Baby Teeth (2.58)
Porter Robinson - Nurture (2.38)
Alec Benjamin - Narrated For You (2.36)
Blackmore's Night - Ghost of a Rose (2.33)
Batte Beast - Circus of Doom (2.24)
Gorillaz - Cracker Island (2.23)
Link to last year's edition:
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demonkeeperdark · 1 year
This is going to be a loooonnnnnggggg story so I'm having to put it under a keep reading line lol
For those curious - this is a recent experience I had at a metallica weekend concert which waz the best weekend of my life
My dad had gotten me metallica tickets for my birthday in April for night one w/pantera and mammoth WVH because I had never thought I would ever see pantera in my life (Due to Dimebags tragic incident) and I had already seen 5FDP last year when Megadeth opened up for them. A few days ago before the concert I found out that we had accidentally gotten both day tickets. I was stoked because I had been thinking how cool it would be to see 5FDP again along with metallica twice in one weekend. We carefully planned out our weekend because I was not going to let my dad waste those tickets let alone we had 2 more- One for his girlfriend and originally one of his buddies who backed out. I pulled along my boyfriend since 1) hes never been to a concert and 2) metallica is also his favorite band so if he saw them as his first band I thought- well shit- if I was in his position I wouldve been fucking stoked (best part he said the weekend was his best weekend ever)
Friday morning we skipped school and work and shot immediately down to LA to avoid traffic (if you live in California or have at least driven through LA at least once you know what i mean) and had to find somewhere to stay the night and get ready for the first night.
We get to the stadium and find our seats and hear Mammoth WVH first and ive never heard any of their music and it was very good (highly recommend listening to them) and I was slowly getting more hyped. Pantera came up and- Phil Anselmo gets out there on stage in fucking board shorts and no damn shoes on his feet and hella made the entire stadium straight up go fucking crazy. So well fucking performed that night. We had about an hour wait before metallica and when they came up playing Creeping Death- like holy fuck??? Just straight up slapped in the face by this godly fucking music ive only heard in the car- on my headphones through either phone or cd player- through my record player- and now I get to hear it for real...right there...and oh my god, I felt like i was in a dream all day that day, and this wasnt even the best part of this weekend- and I felt so fucking amazed. The next 2 were Harvester Of Sorrow and Leper Messiah and it sounded so fucking good...2 very good songs I wasnt expecting them to play but holy shit- it was worth it. On came The Memory Remains- the entire stadium was singing- you could hear your own voice align with everyone elses... And then it was Lux Æterna- and then it was Too Far Gone?... It was great- it was amazing. Rob and Kirk had a little bit of a "doodle"... And they looked like they were having fucking fun. Next they played Fade To Black, and I started getting emotional...then they played Shadows Follow which is my favorite off the new album which brought my emotions back up- Just to get myself lost into listening to Orion...and Nothing Else Matters really kicked me in the feels...
Sad But True played and my bf got really hyped since it was one of his favorites off the black album, and once again i got hit in the feels with The Day That Never Comes....
And once again Hardwired brought my energy and emotions up and when Fuel hit my dad and I went full on screaming the song to each other and watching the pyro and flames go off.
Metallica all paused for a second and went...
"We have time for a couple more songs...how do you all feel about...SEEK?"
I didnt hear the first "seek", but fucking hell...my bf lit up like a light bulb...
And then fucking Master Of Puppets to finish off put that cherry on top.
And all i could think off was...
I get to see them.
In two
Hyped as shit.
I get to see 5FDP Again.
I get to see fucking Metallica Again.
My phone dies...
So I think welp I'm fucked if I want to take photos and videos for myself but eh I get to enjoy it in person, I dont really need my phone and I cant complain about just seeing it and everyone else could record it and take photos so we could all look at it later together or something and have fun with it
It was hotter this night compared to the first, so before we ran to our seats we got drinks and I ended up cutting my hand open on a water bottle but I didn't let it bother me much
We went to our seats and started getting settled and this guy came up with what looks to be a VIP ticket slung around his neck and an envelope in his hand and goes
"Hey how are you guys tonight?"
My dad with his audacity goes
"Well my daughter got a cut on her hand from a water bottle a bit ago but this is her late birthday present and shes not letting that bring her down so I think were doing great!"
"Fucking sick!" This guy replies and says, "Hey you know what?" He puts his hand into the envelope...
Snake Pit Wristbands.
He hands them to us along with guitar picks that my bf took so fucking many of and walks away saying
"You guys will be down there, have fun"
I start balling my eyes out.
I couldnt believe all of this was happening, we were trying to find our way down and I'm just crying while everyone was taking turns guiding me down and I stand there in this field and I look around really questioning if I'm asleep and I'm just tripping on drugs or if I'm literally in the middle of the snake pit and imagining how fucking cool James Hetfield is going to look standing there in front of me where I was standing against the wall.
I must've lost it for another 15 minutes before I came to my senses and actually started getting hyped for all this because everyone would be right there in front of me.
A few minutes later Ice Nine Kills performs and I also havent heard much of their music but they were badass, all dressed up and acting like they were killing people on stage and it looked so cool yet if you were where I was it also looked so fake at the same time but it was fucking great.
They ended and 5FDP was up next and the first time I saw them it was another situation where I was at the top of the stadium and i just saw them from a distance but now I could actually see them right in front of me.
And then they came up.
Holy shit.
I was so excited to see them again and right there that I couldn't stop jumping (literally) and I had more energy then everyone else in the pit for them to the point I had Ivan Moody, Zoltan Bathory, AND Chris Kael point at me at least once.
They started wrapping things up when Zoltan Came over, points at me, and throws a pick directly at me, and I had everyone around me trying to catch it before I did but I got it directly thrown at me and caught it and I got so happy I shook my bf, dad, and his girlfriend.
Next thing to you they played The Bleeding and Chris comes over and points at me while playing his bass guitar and we looked at each other and both lip sang to the song and I got more excited over that then getting the pick.
When they started leaving the stage he came back and gave me his sweatband that has his last name imprinted on it and I couldnt fucking take it.
It was so fucking cool and badass and I didnt stop wearing it till a couple hours ago when I could finally put it somewhere safe.
Everyone started crowding in for metallica and we all started getting crowded in, and once AC/DC's A Long Way To The Top started playing everyone got really excited and hyped and crowding in more.
Everyone also started looking at Jason Mamoa amd taking photos of him in the snake pit with us before metallica came out.
After Metallicas long cutscene/intro finished they came out and played Whiplash...
If I had just reached as far as I could I could've touched Hetfields foot thats how fucking close I was to him.
At that point I couldnt even explain song by song how amazing it was, I was just rocking out and I couldnt stop, it was so fucking cool and amazing and I couldnt stop jumping again and throwing up the devil horns it was great.
End of the show they were doing theyre out to and throwing everything out and my bf got one of their picks and I started having that verge of tears again because I still couldnt believe what I just witnessed.
Not only did I get rare collectables from 5FDP, but Metallicas crew gave us pit tickets to make everything possible and that proves how fucking amazing they are.
Best weekend of my life, I couldnt be anymore grateful.
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