#also please let me know if i used the correct symbol for intersex! they are canon intersex and i used the symbol that google brought up
starrysharks · 1 year
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"everything's connected, you know! all those unsolved deaths in this town - it was ghosts, i'm sure of it!"
onion, the tritagonist of reassassination. a nerdy and somewhat naiive teen with a deep obsession for everything paranormal, they run the blog 'surREAL investigations' to tell the world - or their 6 followers, at least - the truth about the supernatural.
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idrawtoomuch-art · 3 years
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an indian!fem!logan for all your au needs! (also because I like,,, projecting because there are NOT enough Indian sides in this fandom and this is an utter travesty) (And yes this is Indian as in the country India- i am not Native American) More details under the readmore!
Logan here is not, in fact an immigrant and had become friends with the other sides via ruthlessly competing with Janus on Duolingo rankings. Eventually, they decide to share DM’s and become friends by speaking each other’s native languages (Janus’s being Spanish because that is, in fact the only other language from English and Hindi that I can speak/read/write well enough with, not because of whatever stereotyping yall have going on), even though they’re both fluent in English. 
Janus eventually introduces her to his best friends, Roman and Remus, who are Chilean but live in the States, and are good friends with Virgil and Patton, both Latvian and are also childhood friends (everyone in this au is fem!character unless I say otherwise mostly) and they all click and become besties!
So they’ve been friends for about 3 years now, and college is now something they all have to actively think about. Virgil, Patton and Logan all want to go to Durham University in London because studying abroad points and Durham’s a good school. Janus, Remus and Roman all decide to try and aim there too, because after three years of being friends and Too Many Videocalls they all just really want to see each other okay?
Now the thing is, college is expensive. Restrictively expensive for all of them, not coming from super rich countries. So what do they do?  Study RIDICULOUSLY hard in their A levels and qualifying exams to get mostly full scholarships or full scholarships like the nerds they are.
Logan’s parents are a bit controlling. Like, this might be a bit squicky for someone outside the states, but this is normal over here, so just in case you don’t like very high parental standards, you can skip via the astericks (*) symbol for any stuff relating to that.
* Logan’s parents are both from true medium class households in Bangalore, which is in the Indian state of Karnataka, down south, even though her mother is from Kashmir and her father is from Kerala. 
They married for love (a truly bonkers thing for their economic standing in the eighties) and both got good jobs which was what got them from lower-middle to middle class with enough savings to cover most emergencies and a sizeable college fund for Logan and her little sister Thomas (Tanya in this, and Logan is actually called Lalitha I just didn’t say it earlier because it’s easier), and they expect her to put all that effort to good use.
 and while they absolutely want to see her go to such a prestigious school on a scholarship, Lalitha’s parents are very strict about any outside contact that she has in exam season (most Indian parents are once again this happens to everyone I know) and initially don’t let her speak to her friends.
 It takes two all-nighters and a 46-slide powerpoint to finally convince her parents that Lalitha needs that contact, and they do let it slide because remember- they do love her a lot this is just how Indian society works. 
She has never been starved for parental affection/acceptance, and even her coming-out went pretty well, though she was told to keep it to herself (which is reasonable India does not like gay people in general and dislikes lesbians notably more. Also fuck Modi he can die in a pit thanks).*
This marks the end of the pretty strict parents section!
It’s two months of quizlets, intense caffeine consumption and textbook hell, but in the end, everyone passes! And they all proceed to take a long-ass nap
(Lalitha’s parents put her in bed rather than that uncomfortable desk)
And everyone FINALLY meets for the first time in college, after applying for their student rooms to live together, at least for first year to see how they’d do at it.
Needless to say, everyone hugs a lot
Endgame ships: Analogince, Dukeceit, and Patton being QPP’s with everyone! 
I should probably mention some other details, right? Yeah
(Note: I changed Logan’s name because I have knowledge on Indian names, and would rather not get into things I don’t know that well. You all can pick names if you want!)-
Logan/Lalitha: Indian, 18 by the time college starts, lesbian demisexual, she/her, afab- ends up dressing quite femininely after leaving school and her standard uniform of slack and button down
Virgil: Latvian, 19 by the time college starts, panromantic asexual, demigirl she/they, afab. GNC!
Janus: Chilean, 18 by the time college starts, Bi Bi Biiiii, trans girl, she/her, amab. Dresses femininely most of the time but some days likes to dress up more masculinely. 
Patton: Latvian, 19 when college starts, Aro pansexual, she/her, intersex but ended up deciding that yeah girl sounds about right and got correction surgery when she turned eighteen. Her parents wanted to give her the choice. Mostly femme, style-wise
Roman: Chilean-American, 18 when college starts, lesbian romantic (lesboromantic?) breadsexual (I swear this is a pun please i beg of you translate bread into spanish you’ll get it), she/her but really doesn’t give a fuck and is also GNC as fuck. Her favourite outfit is this prince costume she got once and now wears on important days.
Remus: Chilean-American, 18 when college starts, also breadsexual (look it up!! translate bread into spanish!!) she/they, trans demigirl, dresses mostly androgynously because hey why not amirite.
okay so this got pretty long so I think I’ll stop here (also I have to eat dinner), but feel free to send me asks about this au! I’ll really love to talk about it, and there’s probably more art coming! :D 
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tinybibmpreg · 5 years
was thinking about some of my older post-mpreg stories on my first DA account and was just gonna repost them to my current one, BUT instead i spent a bit fixing them up so here’s the first one i edited that was from 2015, about my android oc Miss Nanny, and her two alien owners, Rowland and Theodore Darring
Android If she were alive, she supposed she would be in what people call 'a panic' or 'freaking out'. But instead, she was just on high alert with multiple alarms going off in her system, all sorts of ratings and numbers flashing inside her eyes. One of the floating rings around her was out of water and the child inside of one of the orbs on the rings was dehydrated and starting to feel the effects. She wished she could get water herself, but if she reached out, the orbs would bash into her arm and fall off and die. She couldn't let that happen. So now she was trying her best to find someone who could help her, but all the maids and servants in the house spoke a language she hadn't been programmed to compute. She was getting rather desperate. If she didn't refill the ring, the creature in the orb would die, and the other orbs on that ring would soon dehydrate as well. Having one of the beings in the orbs perish went entirely against her programming. It was her sole purpose and job to keep them alive and well sustained.
The android girl was at a loss. Nothing in her programming prepared her for this, for such ridiculous design flaws. She was supposed to find aid if she could not do a task herself, but the people who were supposed to aid her weren't doing it. She couldn't communicate with them, and they were giving her a wide berth, as instructed. She was walking quickly through the mansion halls, looking for anyone that could help her. More and more warnings kept popping up. Another one of the orbs was beginning to suffer, soon followed by another on that same ring. Another ring flashed a warning that its water level was getting too low, and two others soon followed. She really needed to find help. If any of the orbs died she knew she would be disposed of for failing, and her owners would be extremely upset. She looked at each orb, scanning their vital signs. The original one wasn't doing so well, it would perish within an hour if she did not refill the water in the ring. The tiny baby in the orb looked deathly already. It was limp and its breathing was irregular, it’s coloring pale, eyes were half closed. The others were beginning to go limp as well, growing fatigued with dehydration. Her sensory system was beginning to go into overload. She turned on the alarm lights on the suffering orbs and made them flash brightly and quickly. Hopefully, someone would come to help her. If no one did, then the orbs would perish. Her flashing lights finally attracted the attention of someone. A concerned voice asked, "Excuse me, is something wrong? What's with all the lights?" Oh no! she thought, freezing. Why did she have to attract the attention of one of her owners? She wasn’t supposed to bother them. After all, that was the reason she was purchased. To take care of the children within the orbs so her owners wouldn’t have to. To make matters worse, it was her owner's spouse who had spotted her, the one person she was absolutely not supposed to get in the way of. But… bothering them to save the children would be much better than not disturbing them and having the babies die. She spun around to face her owner. They looked a bit confused, staring at her through all her spinning rings. Information popped up in her vision. Person detected - Identity: Theodore Darring - Age: 29 standard years - Gender: Intersex [Male] A list of personal information was there. She ignored that, greeting him cheerfully, as her voice was programmed, "Hello, Master!" "What's with all the lights?” he repeated. “Is something wrong?" "Yes! Something is very wrong! One ring is depleted of water, and four others are also on low water supply." Her eyes glowed and holographic images shown in front of her, different screens displaying the statuses of each orb quickly. The screens multiplied to show the statuses of the suffering orbs, and one status changed to show a countdown until an approximate time of death for the original one. "A-ah! Why are they all dying? An hour until approximate time of demise!" Fear filled his eyes, and his fists clenched at his side. Furious and frightened, his voice raised. "That's not supposed to happen! You're supposed to take care of the children I have until they pupate!" "I apologize, Master.” At times like this, she wished she was capable of changing her delighted tone of voice. “But my arms cannot reach through due to the number of rings I possess, due to the fact that the orbs will bash into my arm and fall off, therefore displaying a serious health risk on them. I am also not programmed to speak the language of the servants, so they are not able to understand me when I ask them for their aid and as such cannot give me any aid," she explained. "Oh, how horrible… My poor babies… Come on, I'll fill up the rings for you!" Theodore started walking off towards the kitchen, where there would undoubtedly be bottled water or tap water they could filter. The android girl followed quickly, the statuses still flashing in front of her. Once they reached the kitchen, he opened up the fridge. There were a bunch of water bottles, so he grabbed them and put them onto the counter. He opened one of them and turned towards the android. She slowed down the rings until they came to a stop. A bunch of tabs on them opened. "Please pour the water into the small tabs," she instructed. Theodore nodded and filled up the top ring first, where the dying creature was. The tabs closed up and small tubes poked into the orbs. The infants latched onto them to drink the water. The dying baby didn't respond to the tube. Theodore filled up the rest of the rings, refilling the top one again. He used up all the water bottles. The android made all the rings but one spin again. All the red alert statuses vanished except for the one orb on top. "Why isn't that one drinking?" She was quiet for a moment, one of the many screens displaying a loading symbol, and then a full sheet of vitals. "According to my scans, it is too weak to drink and requires vitamins and medicine as well, which I do not carry. It requires medical attention and forced feeding immediately." "Then I'll call a doctor right away!" He scrambled for his phone but stopped as the android spoke again, "To be force fed and examined, it must be removed from the orb. I will open it now, so please remove it. The other creatures' blood flows are beginning to slow from not being spun around." "Y-yes, of course!" Theodore took out the small frog-like baby. He cradled it in one arm and stroked its back. The orb snapped shut and the ring began to spin again. The android girl scanned the creature once more. "It would be wise to rock it and feed it." "But it can't eat anything in here yet, it's too young!" "The water I give the children is infused with the vitamins that you, the parents, carry. At the moment, since it is not a part of my model’s standard inventory, I do not carry the vitamin that aids them in healing. You do." He shook his head, frowning. "No, I don't. I don't have any vitamins or anything. The correct ones, at least… I'm not the same species as them." Understanding, she nodded. "Then it would be the most logical course of action to take it to Lord Darring, their father, as he possesses the necessary vitamins. We must also call a doctor." The idea was kind of crazy to Theodore, but since it was coming from the robot who was programmed to care for the children, he had no choice but to listen to what she said. He finally pulled out his phone and dialed for the family doctor. "Master Darring! What is the matter? Why have you called? Has Lord Darring's fever returned?" "N-no, his fever went away last week… But you need to come right away! One of our children is dying!" Saying it out loud hit him hard. Panic built up in him. "Please hurry!” The doctor assured him he would be there quickly. Theodore stuck his phone back into his pocket. He looked at the baby in his arms. It was even paler, the android silently noted, and its eyes were fully closed. Its breathing was very shallow. She started walking off in the direction of her owner's office. Theodore followed, rocking the baby as he speed walked. Despite walking fast, it took them a few minutes to get to the office. Theodore pushed open the door with his shoulder. He held it open so the android could enter easily. She stepped in, the countdown status still displayed. Her owner looked up at them from where he was working at his desk, a hint of annoyance on his face. "What in the world are you doing, Theo? You know I hate being interrupted while I work. Wait, why is that droid in here? W-wait, what are doing?” Theodore went right up to him, going around the desk. “Why are you holding one of the children? Th-Theo! Get off of me!" Theodore had one knee on the chair, leering over his husband. "Take off your shirt, Rowland,” Theodore said firmly. "W-what?” Rowland looked as though he was trying to sink back into his chair. “No! Absolutely not! Get off this instant, Theo! Off!" "It's dying! You need to feed it!" Theodore insisted, unbuttoning his husband’s shirt. "N-no! I refuse!” He turned his face, hands held up like a shield, but not wanting to have them too close to his child. “Get it away! Get that little monster away!" The baby finally opened its eyes. It noticed Rowland's skin as Theodore tried to force his shirt off. It wiggled a bit and then using the minimal energy it had, launched itself from Theodore’s arm at Rowland's exposed skin. Rowland yelped as the child bit down hard on his neck. "It's on me! Get it off! Get it off!" Theodore grabbed his hands to keep him from touching the baby. It closed its eyes contentedly and began to feed. Rowland curled up, covering his face with his hands as Theodore released him to stare in confusion. "Aaah… it got me…” "Is it… is it sucking your blood? What the fuck?" "Get it off…” Rowland moaned. "I hate this… This is why we bought that damned robot… Why would you bring it near me…?" Theodore crossed his arms, scowling. "Because it was dying, you jerk! It needed your vitamins or whatever! A doctor's coming to give it medicine too, so stop being a wuss!" That only further upset Rowland. "No, please… You know how much I hate needles…” "What are you talking about?" "In order for it to get medicine, it has to drink it, so it has to drink it out of me..." The door opened again. They all looked, Rowland peering through his fingers. It was the doctor. They looked a bit winded from hurrying over, holding two small boxes, including one clear one that held a syringe full of green medicine the android recognized as the necessary medication. The doctor went next to Rowland, who groaned and tried to turn his chair away. Theodore held it in place while the doctor brought out and flicked the syringe. "Alright, I have the medicine!" After readying it, they inserted the needle without any warning to Rowland and administered the medicine through a vein where the baby would get it from. Rowland gave a small whimpering sound. The baby twitched, not enjoying the taste of the medicine mixed with Rowland's blood. Despite that, it continued to feed. Once it had drunk its fill, it released itself from its father's neck. Theodore caught it before it could fall and held it, stroking its back again. It looked visibly better already and soon dozed off. The android smiled, eager to get close and check on it herself once more. She waited, not wanting to get in the way. The doctor put a bandage on Rowland's neck so the black-haired man would stop bleeding. "It appears to be better already, but just looking isn't enough. Girl! Scan it and give me a status report on its vitals." The android quickly complied, and the death count status changed to multiple graphs and percentages. Theodore looked at it as well, but the confused look on his face told her that he didn’t really understand what he was looking at. The doctor did, eyeing the data thoughtfully. "Hmm, it seems the vitamin levels are a bit low, so it will need to feed from Lord Rowland for the next few days, and will require a bit more medicine until it returns to full health." Rowland groaned. The doctor ignored him and continued, "I'll get more syringes shipped in. Do you have a rocker? The android's orbs will not be suitable for caring for it until it heals completely, but it still needs motion for blood flow." "A rocker?" Rowland pushed aside Theodore's echo with a strained answer, "Yes, we do. It just needs to be set up. It was put into storage when the droid arrived. It should be in the closet of the nursery room." He still seemed rattled by the feeding. Theodore knew where the nursery room was, so he guided the android there, chatting with her. - Rowland sighed after the two of them and all the children were gone. The doctor was carefully packing the empty syringe away. Rowland reached into his desk to grab a small bottle of pills. His hand was suddenly smacked away from the bottle. He looked up at the doctor, who had hit him. "You're forbidden from taking any other medicines, or drinking any sort of alcohol or drugs while the young master needs to feed off of you," they ordered. Rowland gave him a look, "I have bad anemia. If I don't take these pills I won't be able to work or do anything properly." The doctor smiled and chirped, "You'll be fine for a few days! I'll give the kitchen a list of foods that are high in iron for you." "I'd rather just take the pills." He didn't like any of the diets his doctors made for his anemia. They never worked. Iron deficiency wasn't his main problem, despite it being a concern at the moment. Sickle cell was. But there was no stopping any of his doctors from thinking that, the condition so rare on his planet. They snatched up the pill bottle, finished packing up, and went off to help Theodore and the android to set up the rocker. - The doctor found Theodore and the droid standing over a pile of the rocker pieces. Theodore was holding a piece and an assembly manual, staring at it with a puzzled look. The baby was on top of his head, sleeping soundly. The doctor quickly realized Theodore had no clue how to assemble the machine. "Hey there!" "I can't read this," Theodore sighed. He handed them the manual when they approached. "I can only read basic and my home language. And there are no pictures." The planet spoke basic, but the language they used for writing was completely different. "That's alright,” they assured. “I'll build it. You can sit on the bed and rock the child or bounce it on your knee. If it isn't in motion, its blood flow will eventually stop and it might die." The blue alien's eyes widened. It was clear he absolutely did not want the creature to die after such a big scare. He did as the doctor said and put the creature on his knee to bounce it, cupping his hands around it so it wouldn't fall. It continued sleeping through the movement. Theodore's leg was getting really tired by the time the doctor finished the rocker. They took the baby from him and put it into an orb on the rocker, smiling a bit when he stretched his leg out with relief. They pressed a button on it and the orb rocked back and forth, like a small swing. - It took a week for the baby to heal enough to return to the android’s orb, and she was very pleased to have it back under her care. Walking around with an empty orb had made her anxious, not knowing the exact status of one of the children at all times. Theodore had found a language pack for her and installed it. Now, she could speak to and understand the estate staff, and would not need to bother her owners whenever she needed something. Theodore had taken to following her around, wanting to be more attentive to the children even if they couldn't acknowledge that he was there. He had always wanted to be a loving parent, he told her, so he decided to start now. She was glad for the company, even if she didn’t understand most of his stories, not having the context for them. She provided him with some translated texts on childcare, and the excitement on his face and in his voice was clear even to the children. She hummed as she walked through the estate garden, noting to herself how getting sun and fresh air made the children especially happy and relaxed. - "If you have a stroke and die I'm gonna hate you forever," Theodore told Rowland as he got ready for bed, pulling off his shirt. "You're not leaving me with twenty kids to raise on my own." When not following around the android, Theodore spent time with his husband, providing him company as he was on strict bed rest. Lethargic and weak from being fed from and banned from medicine, Rowland mostly just slept or listened to him talk, occasionally making a sound or brief word in response. “Yeah…” "The baby didn't even drink that much blood from you! Why do you have such bad anemia? Is that genetic? Are the kids all going to have whatever blood deformation you have?" Theodore asked, grabbing his pajama shirt and pulling it over his head. "Probably…” Rowland muttered, "…'m tired…” "You're not allowed to die during the middle of the night,” Theodore told him seriously. “I'll be traumatized for life if I wake up next to my husband's dead body. Especially since I hold onto you. I'm not having a corpse pressed against me." "I won't die..." "Ugh. Now I'm all anxious and worried! I'm not gonna be able to sleep like this!" He flopped on the bed, burying his face into the blankets. "No dying." "I said I won't…” Theodore flipped over, pulling his legs onto the bed and carding his fingers through his indigo hair. "I'm still worried…” he sighed. "Let's just go to sleep, Theo…” The younger huffed before agreeing. "Alright." He moved to his usual spot up against Rowland, nuzzling him. "'Night." "Goodnight, Theo."
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I made a thing today.
The future is not female. The future is intersectional.
- I - black
- N - brown
- T - red umbrella for sex workers
- E - gay
- R - lesbian (Sapphic- the creator of the lipstick lesbian flag is biphobic, transphobic and racist)
- S - bi
- E - trans
- C - intersex
- T - nonbinary
- I - pan
- O - ace
- N - aro
- A - rainbow infinity for neurodivergence
- L - cane and wheelchair for disabled people
Please let me know if I should add any flags or symbols, or if I’ve used the wrong symbols (and sorry if it offends anyone- I am LGBTQ+, but white, neurotypical and abled, so I have done research for the right symbols, but I am aware I may be wrong so I will welcome corrections)! I’m planning to sell this design on Redbubble, and split 100% of profits between different charities supporting the LGBTQ+ community, people of colour, disabled people, etc. so I’d also love suggestions for charities! Thanks!
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askthenewhopespeak · 8 years
An intresting talk coming from shared intrests AKA the one where Sora still can't keep a secret
Sora: *She enters the room* Oh, knife training! Cool!
Karma: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *this continues*
Sora: *She take kingdom key out* May I join?
Karma: You’re like… 12.
Sora: I’ll be 13 in March! And I know how to use that knife.
Karma: Prove it then.
Sora: *She attacks the training doll, stabbing it in the heart* I can’t throw, though. But I can stab things. Karma: Hm. How are you at dodging? Sora: I have no Idea. I always get the feeling dad goes easy on me, and he is one of the two people I can train with. The other…. Travels most year, so I can’t train with them usually. Karma: Who’s your dad? Sora: *freaking out a bit.* He is, um… Not here or very known. You won’t know him. *thinking: three lies in one sentence. Wow.* Karma: *they lean in close to the child’s face* You’re lying. Sora: W-why would I lie? *Karma staring at her for close scares her even more* Karma: I don’t know why. I just know you are. The direction you were looking. They way your hands are placed. Your time of voice. Sora: S-so what? Yes, I lied. I had my own reasons. *She tries to put a mask of confidence. It doesn’t work so well* Karma: *They pout* You’ve only just met me and you’ve already decided you can’t trust me. Why? I’m cool. I’m fun. I even let you attack my dummy. Sora: That’s not it! *She trusts Karma, but after what happened with Monaca… * I promised not to tell, and I already Broke it, so I try to not break it again until I know the consequences of the first time. Karma: *they dramatically collapse to the floor* And I thought we could have been friends. Sora: I-I want to be your friend. If that’s okay. I don’t have many friends besides kids I consider cousins. Karma: But friend’s don’t keep secreeeeeeeets. Sora: I-I promised Mitsi and Shuuichi and Kaede, though. And besides… You won’t believe me anyway. Karma: You said you’ve already told someone though. Go big or go home. And who can’t say that. I may believe you if you can prove it. Sora: I can’t prove it. That’s the entire freaking issue! *Out of frustration, she starts using Kingdom Key to stab the doll multiple times in different locations.* Karma: You can say fucking you know. Sora: Old habit. I used to have to pay for a kind of a curse jar if I said Fucking. Or did stupid things that ended up hurting me. This was a big jar. Karma: *they sigh* Kid where are your parents? This school isn’t exactly safe. A few people nearly died a few days ago. Sora: Not anywhere I can reach. *She sighs.* I wish I could, but mom and dad aren’t here and I need to live with it. Karma: What’s your name? Your real name. Sora: My name is Sora. That all that matters. Karma: Why are you hiding your last name? Sora: Because it’s part of the lie. I can’t tell you who my dad is, and I can’t tell you his last name. You can call me Sora Momento, if you wish. That’s the name I go by here, Karma. Karma: …how do you know my name? Sora: I know many things, Karma Graves. *She picks up her knife.* But not enough, apparently. Karma: *They instinctively reach for their gun, only to remember it has no bullets* Shit. Sora: Haa? What’s the problem? Is your name a secret and I didn’t know? Karma: No. It’s just that I haven’t met most people here yet. And no one would mention me to some kid. And even then you would know that name belonged to me. (All my knives are in the dummy. I have to have something…) *they pull out a dart* Who are you with? Sora: Mostly with myself. Chaotic Natural for the win! I’m not aligned with Maverick Storm or despair, if that’s what you ask. Karma: ALRIGHT HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW MAVERICK?! Sora: History always was my best subject. *She puts one finger on her lips in shhh symbol* Have you figured it out yet? I’ll tell you everything if you can figure my last name. Karma: History…? You don’t mean… I mean… That would explain how you know all this stuff… *the look at Sora* What I’m getting is that you’re hinting at being a time traveler. Which it seems you may have somewhat proven. I have no idea how I’m supposed to guess your last name though. Sora: Can’t make it too easy, can I? You know both of my parents, and I have dad’s last name. That’s all the hints you’ll get. Karma: *they lean in close to the child, taking in every feature. After a few minutes, they figure it out* Hijirihara. Sora: Yes. That’s my name. I’ll answer any question you have. *She stops* Please don’t ask much. I don’t want to destroy the future by accident. Karma: What I was the world like when you left? *they’re skeptical* Sora: You travelled a lot, coming back to the school few times a year. Sending us kids postcards and such- I have… had a pretty big collection in my room. You are the only person besides my dad I can train with. I like you a lot. Karma: I… What? I travelled? The world is fine? You didn’t come here to stop anything? Sora: No. We just played with a thing we shouldn’t and found ourselves here. Trust me, if I had a choice, I’d be in 2034 right now. Karma: I don’t understand… The world is okay? I’m just traveling? Sora: The world is pretty much fine, yeah. It is defiantly not worse than how it was in 2015, but most pepole agree it’s even a bit better. And as for you? *She pulls her shoulders* I have no idea. Karma: How much do you know about the tragedy that Junko Enoshima caused? Sora: I thought I knew everything. Facts, names, what people I care about did… But apparently I don’t. Karma: *they sigh and pull out a couple of chairs* Alright, therapy session time. Sit down kid. Sora: Okay. *She sits down* I feel like I got to warn you I’m snarky and not that nice? Karma: And I’m childish and sadistic. Sorry if you didn’t know that. Sora: No one ever said it like that, but I kind of guessed? I mean bi-Monaca explained to me once why she didn’t like you. Karma: *they smile darkly* Monaca eh? Heheh. What did that bitch tell you? Sora: Don’t call her that! She told me that you chased her, planning to hurt her until she died in pain. I refused to ask more. Karma: Jeez kid calm down! It’s almost like you’re defending her… Sora: I really wonder why? Maybe because she used to be my third favorite person in the world. Karma: Why on earth would you like her…? Sora: Because she is my big sister! *She tries to calm herself, more or less suceeding.* And she is the bestest big sister in the world. Karma: …you just recently figured things out about Monaca that were hidden from you. Am I correct? Sora: Pretty much, yes. *She stares to the floor* She started saying she did all this horrible things…Why didn’t anyone tell me? Karma: *they snicker* Fuck if I know, kid. Your parents probably wanted to give her another chance at having a good life. But second chances always have a shitty price. I got my second chance. It’s not much better than what I had before. Sora: Your second chance? Do you mean this school? Why isn’t it better? Karma: I don’t exactly mean this school per-say. I’m talking about my entire life after being rescued… Sora: Rescued? From where? *thinking: All the more things no one bothered telling me. Yay.* Karma: *they’re quiet for a few moments* I haven’t told anyone this. But you seem chill with being disturbed so why don’t I tell you some shit. Not everything of course. Let’s start with the fact that I’m a natural born killer. I even killed before I was born. For the longest time, I thought I was intersex. Turns out, I actually absorbed my own twin in the womb. Not sure which of us was the girl and which of us was the boy. Then, my mom died giving birth to me. I’m not quite sure what my dad’s deal was. But he kept me locked in a small basement. I had newspaper to do my business on. No windows. Only a small lantern. I got fed once everyday. Not very nutritional food mind you. I only had a television with one channel. A channel that would show 90’s cartoons and sitcoms. I was abused. My dad would let people down into the basement sometimes, do do what they wanted with me. If that’s too vague for you I’m surprised. I’m talking about having sex with me against my will. I was hurt mentally and psychically. *they lift up their hair to reveal scars and burn marks, as well as a missing eyeball* Sometimes my dad would bring home a kitten. I’d grow so attached to them. And then at night, my dad would sneak in and take them away, only to feed them to me later. I don’t want to scar you too much so I’m leaving the basement shit at that. After I was rescued, I was forced into the life of an agent. I kill, I torture, I abuse, I steal, I destroy, I torment, etcetera. I’m still trapped in a life I don’t want. Sora: *She gasps, holding her tears, before hugging the older teen.* No one will ever tell you to kill anymore. I can assure you that. This is just not them. Karma: *They’re taken aback by the hug. They awkwardly pat Sora on the head* Sora: That feels nice. It feels like mom’s hugs. She always pats me on the head. Karma: *after a few moments* Hey… Kid. I’m fine with killing alright…? It’s my job now. *They then mutter to themselves* It’s also kinda entertaining. Sora: But no you have the choice. Isn’t that what really matters? Karma: …sure. *they pull away* …are you stuck here? Sora: We know the device to bring us back is *somewhere* in this time period, because my friends took it with them, but it didn’t show up where they did. We hope it’s still in the school. Karma: What does it look like? Sora: Like a box you could enter a date too. It’s really simple. Karma: …do you want my honest opinion? Sora: If you’d like sharing it, yes. Karma: I think you have no chance of getting home unless you tell your parents who you really are. I’m sure there’s some nurses here who could do a DNA test to prove it. They’d be much more willing to help you. They’d keep an eye out for the box too. I mean you’ve already told me, so what’s the harm in telling others? Sora: Mitsi and Shuuichi are worried because they read too many time travel books where everything went wrong. I’m just… really bad at keeping secrets, I guess. I don’t think I want to tell them. What if they decide they don’t like things about me and change things about how I was raised, or decide to never have me? Karma: Hold up hold up hold up hold up. There’s more of you?! Sora: I thought you understood it when I said my friends lost the time machine. We are four. Karma: That must have gone over my head… Who are their parents? Sora: Kaede and Shuuichi are Naegi’s. Mitsi *She corrects herself* Mitsuru is Nakamura. Karma: The princi- headmaster. And I’m not sure I’ve met the other yet. Think I’ve heard of him though. Sora: That makes sense. He cured a lot of diseases. I think it was at least 100 by 2019. Karma: Really? Huh. Listen, about the other thing you said. I’m sure your parents would love you. I mean, even I think you’re really cool. Sora: *She blushes a bit. It’s not everyday someone you adore tells you he thinks you’re cool.* I know my parents love me. But they aren’t my parents yet, and I’m afraid that they’ll decide not to teach me to use the knife, for example. Karma: Well I’m afraid I can’t make you change your mind. But know that if you and your friends need anything, I’m here for all of you. I’ll do my best to help you out. Sora: *She hugs Karma again* Thank you very much. *She smiled* Can you help me train with my knife a bit more, please? Karma: Of course!
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