#ONION *canned applause*
starrysharks · 1 year
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"everything's connected, you know! all those unsolved deaths in this town - it was ghosts, i'm sure of it!"
onion, the tritagonist of reassassination. a nerdy and somewhat naiive teen with a deep obsession for everything paranormal, they run the blog 'surREAL investigations' to tell the world - or their 6 followers, at least - the truth about the supernatural.
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inkskinned · 2 years
something that stuck with me once, way back in middle school when i was still learning how to write - my teacher said "writing shock and tragedy is easy, it's humor that's the hardest."
i have been up and down the halls of academia. i have the fancy degree and the experience in publishing. i think i paved most of my own road with the little bricks of sorrow i had stored inside of me. i know i did it mostly with works that are blisteringly lonely. i know why we write like that. it's lifesaving.
but yeah, i mean. i also know how much people think that "sad" media is the same thing as "good" media. our human desire to connect is so hard-pressed that we immediately latch onto any broken themes. the bullied kids and the tales of inspiration. people keep saying things like "glass onion" and "everything everywhere" weren't actually good. because, you know, they're. happy. or happy-ish. happy enough. and we only value art if it's grimdark-adjacent.
do you know - people still consistently whine at me that my writing would be so good if i just capitalized things. i used to flinch. i get kind of a weird, vindictive little rush these days - i get to say thank you for the comment! i have chronic pain and this is how i conserve my hands so i can write more during the day :) grammar isn't real anyway! and now they're trapped in the room with me, you know? i get to pull out my map and show them how grammar is not the same thing as good writing.
writers have this thing. we scratch at our insides, constantly, prying our lives apart into splinters. prying the splinters apart into atoms. when we combust something into poetry, we control it. it cannot hurt us if it exists outside of us rather than burning a hole through the bottom of our lungs. it's not a wonder to me that so much of what i make comes out like a death gasp. i spent a long time at the bottom. i keep going back, too. when you're down there for so long, the only thing you can exhale is fumes.
but humor is hard. humor needs timing; which i can't promise in a paragraph. i can kind-of force it through careful spacing, but i have no idea how fast you're reading these things. humor needs a somewhat awareness of your audience, when really - anybody could be looking. humor needs us to understand what the joke is, why it's a joke, and to think - ha! that is funny. in tragedy, everyone understands the metaphor of a kicked puppy. in humor, you need to introduce them to the concept of a dog.
and forget about positivity. forget about anything not made for adults explicitly. every time i see a well-made children's media piece, i feel fucking horrible for the creators. most of the time, people see children's media as being sort of "not worth" applause, even though i'm pretty sure they have to work twice as hard. i have no idea how hard it must be to not be able to have your character just say. "well, fuck." something about a message of peace or friendship or caring - for some reason, that makes the media not for adults. like, okay. i'm pretty sure my father actually, out of all of us, could use a good book on how to control his temper and talk about his feelings.
but whatever. i write a short story about my ocd, and how it's fucking killing me. it gets an award. it gets published. i write a short story about my ocd, and how i'm overcoming it, and how my days are getting lighter and starting to flourish. i keep getting ghosted. no response. it just is lacking... something.
is this it, forever? you can be an artist, okay. but the trade off is that the things you make - if they're happy? if they're joyful? people will say it's stupid and pandering. you bite your nails off. you file your teeth. you hear something inside of you breaking.
the other day in a writing group, someone i'd thought of as a friend said: "you write so much better these days! i love what you make when you'd rather be dead."
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paleopinesofficial · 8 months
Can we get a round of applause for our Colour Competition Winner?
Once again, our community has come through with countless BEAUTIFUL ideas for our Paleo Pines dinos, but this time around we just couldn't get over Prehistoric Onion's design 'Prickly Pear'!
Our Lead Artist is obsessed, and she is so excited to take inspo from this beautiful work and bring it to life in our game!
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threebooksoneplot · 4 days
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drum roll, please! 🥁✨
And a huge round of applause for the winners of our Eclipse alternate cover contest, creators of our OFFICIAL fake covers for our official fake books Warfare and Peace and Corona Light! A huge thank you to everyone who submitted an entry. We were once again blown away (title of our sex tape) by the impeccable quality of your work.
In the Warfare and Peace category, we award the golden onion of victory to Jasper (@fatvampcat) and their stirring depiction of the Edythe/Beau/Julie love triangle!
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And after a tight race in the Corona Light category, we award the golden onion of victory to reigning champ Kristele (@trinketcrow) for her classically twilightcore Cuck Tent cover!
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All of this year's entries brought their absolute A-game (keychains and bevvies and pigs, oh my!), so we'll be reblogging the ones submitted via tumblr this week so we can all continue to admire them.
@ winners, please get in touch with [email protected] and let us know if you'd like your prize in the form of a golden onion (in which case, let us know what address to mail it to) or a Lilia Original™ graphic design of your choice.
and of course, since we were impressed with every entry and you're all winners to us, we made everyone a snowflake participation badge!
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metamorphosisff · 11 months
|Chapter 18 | Find Your Way Back
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This past week had been relatively stress free after committing to the homework Dr. Mitchell doled out in our session. Outside of work I didn’t do anything that I did not have to do which meant I took time off from the gym and a break from helping out with Granddad. I needed a full break away from everyone. It wasn’t until this assignment that I realized that I was always on go, always running around, or exerting energy in some form. I had forgotten what it was like to be still and pour into myself. In this moment of stillness I found that what I really needed was to grieve. I needed to grieve Sabrina, who Grandad was, and who I used to be. I needed to grieve so that I could make space for the person I am now. 
My eyes travel back to my phone for the umpteenth time in the last twelve hours. I know Mila read my text because she hearted it but I have yet to receive a written or verbal response from her. The heart was a good sign yet it wasn’t enough. I needed more because I missed the hell out of her. Did she miss me the same way? Right as I was about to pick up the device again to craft another message, the sound of my door opening followed by footsteps, caused me to stand up. It didn’t take long to see who was barging into my apartment unannounced. 
“We let you have your lil Eat, Pray, Love moment but enough. We are going to watch this game and eat some wings,”  Aiden said, as he sauntered past the entryway armed with bags. Rah trailed behind him holding a case of beer.
“Bro, that key is for emergencies,” I said, shaking my head at them.
“It is an emergency. When was the last time you took a shower?” Aiden shouted over his shoulder, as he continued making his way towards the kitchen.
Okay, he had me there. I hadn’t actually left my apartment in the past three days and depression has a way of making you break routine. A quick lift of my arms, let me know that I needed to fix that immediately.
“Aight, it’s been awhile but I’ma get on it. Use coasters please,” I said, as I began walking towards the bathroom. 
“You might want to tighten up that hairline while you at it,” Rah said, making a clipper motion with his hands.
“Fuck y’all,” I chuckled.
“And hurry up funky, we hungry!” Aiden yelled, over the sound of clattering plates and my drawers being yanked open with more force than necessary. I shook my head as I proceeded to the bathroom deciding not to prolong the journey by responding to him. 
It takes me about forty minutes to shape up my hairline and then shower. When I saunter back into the living room it’s to a round of applause.
“Aye man, fuck y’all,” I chuckle, as I reach for a wing.
They had made use of one of the big bowls my mother insisted I would need one day and poured all of the wings into them. Beside that bowl was a plate full of fries and another of onion rings. There was also a box of pizza that Rah was currently inhaling half of. 
“What y’all niggas been up to besides breaking and entering?” I ask, as I sit down on the other end of the couch.
“Nothing but the usual. This nigga need help with a proposal to Keisha but I told him that’s your lane,” Aiden said, eyes trained on the game on the TV like he didn’t just announce something important.
“Oh shit, you ready to propose? It’s about time,” I said, looking over at Rah.
“Yeah man I know, I’ve been ready but now it feels like we’re both on the same page,” Rah says with a small smile. 
“I’m happy for you bro. She’s definitely going to say yes,” I said. 
“Duh, they've been together forever,” Aiden tosses in.
We both give him a side eye that he doesn’t see because his glance hasn’t left the game and won’t. Shaking my head I continue, “Aight, let me hear your ideas so I can tell you if they’re good or not.”
For the next hour we bounce ideas back and forth until we get the best proposal plan that encompasses both Rah and Keisha as a couple. In a month’s time, he will be popping the big question and I couldn’t be more happy for them. Once that’s squared away, Aiden insists that we head out to a few bars to celebrate the fact that the Nets won. However, I’m not ready to be out and about just yet so I send them on their way after they make me swear to show up to the gym this week. 
The moment I think I am about to get some peace after the guys leave, my phone starts to ring. I instantly reach for it hoping it’s Mila but when I see who it actually is, I freeze for a moment. The name ‘Pops’ flashes across my screen with a picture of us from my college graduation. It was a day neither of us thought I would see so we were especially happy to celebrate the occasion together. It rings out three more times but instead of answering, I watch it go to voicemail. He might be ready to talk but I’m not. Tossing my phone to the side, I’m on my way to the kitchen to get a drink when there’s a knock on the door. I swing it open without looking because I assume the boys forgot something but I’m in shock when I see who it is.
With her hair freshly braided and dressed in a cream sweater dress, Mila stands before me shyly. My eyes trace over her frame, it’s been so long since I’ve seen her in person that I instantly want to take in what’s been missed. It seems she is doing the same because when our eyes meet once more, a blush takes over her cheeks.
“Hi,” she says softly.
“Hi,” I replied.
“May I come in?” she asks.
“Of course, my bad, come, come,” I said, moving back so that she could enter the apartment. I have never been more thankful for the boy's intrusion like I am now because if she decided to pop up a few hours ago I would have been looking rough. I follow behind her until we’re both standing toe to toe in the living room. We resume eyeing each other again. There are oceans of words between us but none of them compare to the three that have been swirling in my mind nonstop since opening the door. She opens her mouth to speak but I beat her to it. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. More than you know.”
That’s all we both need to hear before enveloping each other in a hug. I wrap my arms around her waist tightly and she squeezes my shoulders to bring me closer. It takes everything in me not to hoist her into my arms. As badly as I want to, I know there are things that need to be said before we fall back into each other. She nuzzles her face in my chest and inhales deeply. I rub her back slowly as she gathers her thoughts. After a few moments she says, “I’m sorry to pop up but I feel like I owed you an in person apology. I took my past out on you and that was so unfair.”
“Mila I’m s-
“No, let me finish,” she said, tipping her head back so that our eyes could meet. Her brown eyes were already glazed over with tears begging to spring free. “I have not had the easiest life and because of that it’s so hard for me to trust people. Like unbelievably fucking hard. Then you came along and made me question everything I thought I knew. You gave me the ability to open up and I have never felt so seen. I have never felt so free.”
The tears that she had been holding back crash down onto her cheeks but instead of hiding her face like usual she bares them for me to see. “What Trevor did to me…made me feel like the woman I was before you. Scared and angry. Beyond angry and when I saw you, in a way I was mad that without you around I couldn’t be free. That wasn’t right to put on you and it took me some time and therapy,” she said with a sly grin causing us to both chuckle. It was only a few months ago that she had been adamant about not talking to anyone. The strides she has taken in our weeks apart makes me so proud.“...to realize that I can’t rest my freedom or happiness on your shoulders. I have to own that for myself or else I’m always going to be left to pick up the pieces”.
Leaning down, I press my lips softly against hers, no longer able to resist the urge. “Thank you,” I say against her lips. “While that is true, I need you to know that I am here for you, to support your happiness and aid in it. To protect you. To cherish you. To love you because I do love you and I’m in love with you Jamila Cortez.”
“I’m in love with you-
I swallow the rest of her confession with my tongue. The last of my restraint has vanished with those five words. She mewls as I finally give into my other urge and hoist her into my arms. Her hands raise from my shoulders to cup my face as I continue to devour her lips. As we kiss, I can feel the color slip back into my life. That’s how vibrant she is, how potent. We end up against the wall, breathing heavy as my lips move from her lips to the hollows of her throat. She smells of jasmine and promise, I sink my teeth in and am rewarded with a guttural moan. The kind that can only be elicited when two people know without a shadow of a doubt that their kindred spirit is present. 
We become an endeavor of sloppy movements fueled by an urgency to reunite as one. Her hands are fumbling with my sweats as I bunch her dress up to her waist. The thong she wears is easily ripped from her frame with one strong pull. The act causes her to push her hips against mine in excitement. Holding her tightly with my left arm, I use my right hand to slip myself against her folds.
“Damn,” I curse, feeling how wet she is for me already. 
As if she can read my mind she says, “She missed you too.”
I lean in and nip at her bottom lip as I guide myself inside, stretching her walls. She cries out softly as I’m welcomed back to my favorite place. Digging her heels into my lower back, Mila uses the leverage to drop onto me fully, causing us both to moan out. 
“Hold on,” I instruct as I grip both of her hips.
I wait until she interlocks her arms around my shoulders but once she does? I began to plummet into her warmth with abandon. My concentration is solely on the way our bodies work in tandem, each time I pull back, I’m covered in more and more of Mila. When I glance up, I catch Mila’s focused stare as she watches the way I disappear and reappear inside of her. Each time snatching more of her breath than the last. Feeling my stare, she drags me closer for a kiss. Her tongue flicks against mine until I capture and suck it slowly. 
“Xayyy,” she cries, tearing her mouth from mine. Her back is flush against the wall as I alternate my strokes from deep plunges to a slow grind against her spot.
“What’s up baby? Talk to me,” I said, speaking directly in her ear before licking the outer shell. “What do you want me to do?”
“There, there, there. Stay there,” she panted, tightening her grip against me.
“Right here?” I said, grinding deeper towards the left.
“Yes! Yes!” she said, flinging her head back so it lands on the wall with a soft thud. Her hips are winding, meeting my thrusts eagerly. We are in this together. 
“You really luh me?” I questioned teasingly, placing a kiss on her damp collarbone. 
“I do,” she said, nodding her head fervently. “So fucking much.”
“You gon’ cum for me then?” I asked.
“If you listen and don’t move,” she whines, causing me to chuckle.
Placing my lips against hers, I said, “I got you baby. I got you.”
Slipping a hand between us, I rub my fingers across her clit in circular motions causing her hips to freeze as she succumbs to the pleasure. “Nuh uh, no one told you to stop. Keep going,” I said.
“That’s too much,” she breathed out, tears aligning her eyes again. This time from pleasure as she tries to rise up to alleviate the pressure she was chasing only moments before. I yank her back down not allowing the escape.
“You got this,” I said, stealing another kiss. “Fuck me back like a good girl.”
Licking her lips, she nods her head, my words successfully triggering her hips to continue meeting my strokes. Though they initially held steady in pace, the more I played with her clit, the more frantic Mila’s movements became. Her walls were starting to pulse against me and I knew it was only a matter of time before we were both on our way to bliss. 
All that could be heard between us was heavy breathing and the sound of our skin slapping against one another. Catching her gaze again, I saw the vulnerability she used to try to hide. At this moment it’s all there for me to see and I have never been more appreciative. Leaning in, I rest my forehead on hers as our lips meet for another kiss. It’s as frantic as our lower bodies as the power of our connection drives us forward. We’re moaning together as we crash out at the same time. This orgasm steals our breaths as we slink to the floor entangled. From this day forward I knew we would always have each other. When I looked at Mila, it was like seeing my heartbeat outside of my chest. 
Breathing hard against one another, we exchange soft kisses, and gentle touches as we come down from the intensity of our orgasms. She’s placing kisses on my chest while I play with her hair when I say, “Please don’t shut me out again. I know every day won’t be easy but I promise not to make it harder. I promise to have your back as long as you let me. I promise to choose you everyday.”
Raising her head up, she meets my eyes and I see the remorse in her gaze but it’s unnecessary because she was forgiven weeks ago. “I promise too. I promise to be better and to communicate instead of running away. I promise to choose you too.”
Lifting my index finger, I silently beckon her to come closer which she does by slinking her body up my torso. When she is close enough, I grab her throat and pull her towards my face. At the same time her hand finds my length. We sink into each other at the same time. Our promises are sealed.
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trlvsn · 9 months
things I did today while procrastinating on the term paper:
- the dishes, three times
- cooked onion rings for sibling
- found out I can stand in high plank for four minutes while sick and on my period
- the dishes again
- listened to lady gaga's applause too many times to count
feeling: accomplished but also not
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nobodylikety · 9 months
I accidentally deleted the request, but here's this little fic! I hope it's something fluffy enough for the Christmas season, I've had a bit of writer's block (now I can basically only write archaeological research projects, thanks Uni)
chaeyoung x reader!
tags: christmas holidays, college au!, fluff.
summary: The Christmas season has always been your favorite. During childhood it was about helping decorate the tree, gifts, animated movies—especially Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (2004)—and going looking for Santa Claus. Now it's because Chaeyoung is here, even if you're too shy about it to say it directly.
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I. Dinner.
Chaeyoung's college house is basically empty, except for Mina—one of her roommates—who is almost certainly locked in her room doing god-knows-what, so it's just you and her in front of the house chimney.
“Mina would rather die than cook anything other than instant noodles, so we're in charge of dinner, buddy,” Chaeyoung announces, patting you on the shoulder as she stands up. You roll your eyes with a snort of mock annoyance, and go after your girlfriend. Let's do it!
And it actually turns out pretty well, considering that college students don't eat real food very often and therefore don't cook anything more complex than microwave reheating. So with the help of a YouTube video, as well as the desire for this to turn out well and the kitchen not to fly into pieces in the process, you and Chaeyoung cook a very appetizing-looking braised salmon, caramelized onions, boiled potatoes, broccoli. steam and samphire, with a creamy white sauce.
Although it is not turkey, the traditional Christmas food that was present during every Christmas dinner in your childhood, braised salmon is still delicious. Not only because it is salmon, a fish that is quite popular among those most knowledgeable about gastronomy, but because you and Chaeyoung prepared it. And they say that the most important ingredient is love, right? and even if you guys are very shy to say those three words (I love you), there is a lot of this one. Even without saying it verbally. Because it is evident in each of your gestures. Even in this Christmas salmon.
“We deserve applause for not burning the kitchen down.” Chaeyoung pours two glasses of white wine and hands you your glass, while she holds hers in her other hand. With proud little smiles, you two make a toast and under the clink of the crystalline clinking of glasses, Chaeyoung's gaze locks with yours.
“I really thought we were going to burn down the kitchen. We’re, like, criminally bad at cooking,” You say as you laugh, taking a sip of your wine. Chaeyoung comically wrinkles her nose as he smiles.
“Tutorials on YouTube do wonders. Oh, and me too” The cocky little smile on Chaeyoung’s lips makes both you and her crack up. During the Christmases of your childhood, there were also moments of laughter like this, many times between your parents or uncles, or an older cousin, silly and light jokes have always been part of your Christmas dynamic.
And this Christmas dinner has never been better. The atmosphere is full of teasing and laughter that goes from you to Chaeyoung and vice versa—because it seems like you share the love language of teasing each other—and with every smile or sweet glance you drop, you both know very well what's here. Love.
II. Opening gifts
On Christmas night you have always liked to wear a Santa hat, specifically for the time of gift giving. When you were little, it was too big and probably slid halfway down your face and you couldn't see anything, so you had to be fixing it or asking mom to help you.
But now it looks perfect on you! Time works great miracles.
And now you're waiting for one, because you're going to give Chaeyoung her gift. Even though you've been dating for a couple of months, your stomach still flutters full of butterflies at certain times, like now. It is your first Christmas together and the idea makes you excited, but also nervous, knowing her eaction when she see the gift.
"So you like it?" You ask, fiddling restlessly with the pom-pom at the end of Santa's hat.
Even though you don't know how to knit, you tried to crochet a tiger plush for Chaeyoung, because it's her favorite animal. You were watching the same tutorial on YouTube over and over again and knitting for weeks, even between exam season, because you wanted to finish the stuffed animal just for Christmas. Even if it ended up being a disaster, you put all your love and effort into trying.
“I love it” The hug Chaeyoung pulls you into is as warm as the fireplace, and as sweet as hot chocolate with marshmallows. You sink into that hug, into the feeling of security and home that only she makes you feel. “Now you have to see my gift, come on.”
She pulls away from the hug and excitedly extends you something square-shaped, wrapped in gift paper. When you carefully tear off the paper, you discover what it is. It's a painting. Chaeyoung made it for you. They are doodles of everything that represents you, she even included all your favorite colors to paint it.
Giving you a painting is as if she gave you a part of her soul, an extension of herself, something that she will always let you know that she thought (thinks) of you.
So smiling like a fool, you take the Santa hat off your head and put it on Chaeyoung, pulling it down over her ears. Chaeyoung frowns (the hat is too big for her, like it did when you were little), but you simply kiss her on the nose and laughter flows sweetly from her lips.
"I love it. It’s the best Christmas gift in the world” You smile, leaning in to give her a kiss.
III. Love on snow
Post-gift opening you're dozing on the couch, because the warmth of the fireplace is so cozy, while you're snuggled up with Chaeyoung.
Sometimes you don't need to say anything, just be together in silence.
“It's snowing,” Chaeyoung suddlenly says, and rushes to the window. With a yawn you get up from the couch, kinda awake, and walk towards her as she cleans the window glass, which is fogged up because it's too cold.
This way, both can see how the snow falls outside, accumulating between large piles that embellish the Christmas atmosphere. You hug her from behind, snuggling in like you're cold, but you just want to be close to her. I love you, I love you, I love you, you say in that hug without having to resort to words. She presses herself against you, returning the gesture.
“The city is so beautiful when it snows” You comment, looking out the window. There are thousands of Christmas lights of different colors displayed all over the houses, at least the ones you can see, which is why it is such a beautiful visual panorama. You smile, holding Chaeyoung close to you.
“And my Christmas is so beautiful with you here” And her voice is so sweet, so peaceful.
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farewellwndrlst · 2 years
inside (2021)
some random quote from lord of the rings incorrectly attributed to martin luther king.
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first of all, i hope what that post won’t be all about depression, but who knows.
bo burnham is a comedian. like many comedians, he jokes about feminism («everyone's a feminist until there is a spider aroundt»), about the phrase «white man» and that the cursed capitalists have again destroyed the world. and he didn’t joke five years before that stand-up. in the summer of 2016, the last special “make happy” came out, which ended with the song «can’t handle this», which described the difficulties of being a comedian. before this bo had serious problems with feeling himself on stage (regular panic attacks during the performance), which led him to a certain situation from which he fight for five years.
and so, as he was finishing his therapy by the beginning of 2020, the idea matured. he can go on stage again, make jokes, tell people about his life, and work again. again these «night shifts» with the desire to make people happy, repeating the same jokes to get out of his dead-end work on a new round and the next year repeat all the same. and then, the funniest thing happened.
this is another film about pandemic reality. unlike «knives out: glass onion» all happens in one place. unlike «staged» only one person works on this. no job share or «zoom comedy». we see what is locked in a small house, creating reality around us and trying to find a common idea that will cheer the viewer. and that’s the hardest thing for a live comedian to do: to hear laughter and applause where they didn’t exist.
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i think we all heard «welcome to the internet» and maybe «1985» that make fun of some reality around us.  and while the second song is outtakes, the first one is almost at the end of the whole stand-up. and even from there, we meet this contrast of comedy that exists for bo and comedian. we see a contrast between «joker» and «depression», but they are connected in one - in one person.
the theme of comedy in depression is now common. satire on society is mixed with outright frustration and fear. with what requires the help of a specialist. bo in depression. and on this topic even there is a scientific work - about how separate personalities in this stand-up. you didn’t think i’d just write about a bunch of music jokes, did you?
anyway, in order to see the structure of the show for netflix, we need to break it down into episodes. yes, between each song there are certain phrases, stories, moment and even work with frame (oh, my favorite theme), but this i will touch at the end, and in the meantime small structural points that i take from the «top of the iceberg».
(yes i love read a lot of paper work about things i passionate about. as always.)
song 1. / content.
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the first song is the most important song. we open the stand-up for an hour and a half from a comedian who always played the piano as part of the performance (let’s call it a concert), and the first song is what gives us context. background? maybe even exposure.
this is the beginning. at the end of «make happy» we see a high level of stress. here, if it does appear, it does not grow.
and in the 7th line of the whole stand we see «robert’s been a little depressed, no» and attempts to «get out» of this state - to get up, sit down, write jokes and sing silly songs. he made «content», which he hopes the public will like - and himself. so we see both apology, invitation, and justification. the first song. what’s next? who knows.
song 2. / comedy.
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one of my favorite songs is for obvious reasons. beginning - questions, questions, questions, - literally all doubts about the work. flexi-time and light workload are cool, but not when you are working alone and in bad relationships with your workmate. can the work be done? maybe comedy isn’t as glamorous as work? maybe, maybe, maybe?
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and all these doubts that are based on the desire to make the world a better place, to keep it better than it was before. and all of them cut off on money, which is a certain technique that creates a comedy out of horror.
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making it absurd. the technique is simple and old, but it does not get worse.
this is all - a big oxymoron. «healing the world with comedy» - «not for free». «to give your money to change the world? no, i’m better will take money to change the world.» and so on. a bright image is a comedy world in practice is harder to change than money. «if you wake up in a house that’s full of smoke don’t panic-call me and i’ll tell you a joke». will a joke save you? i don’t know, but i don’t think so.
it then cuts to a scene of robert, the actual person sitting in front of the mirror with a microphone in hand and talking. it creates a sharp contrast between the performance of “comedy” and this following scene as from the overwhelming experience of many cuts and sounds, he is suddenly sitting in daylight in silence. this scene is also important because it is one of the first ones that create this sense. he even says that: “it will be only me and my camera and, of course, you and your screen” which ultimately connects robert and the viewer as it feels almost like an intimate relationship because no one else is present.
song 9. / look who’s inside again.
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the whole stand-up, if we divide it into «robert» and «bo», shows us this «prison cell» in which they find themselves. one location. wires on the floor that are tangled. pandemic. own fears. this is a conflict of «fight club», but in miniature, in the aquarium. and the visual appearance of the scene with this song - the camera on the floor, the wire around, the lack of bright color lighting and the element «show» - is more a personal conversation about whether you can do your job if you are alone in the room and you are not a freelancer. can you do your job if you don’t have a deadline, if you’re depressed and «surrounded»? try.
but cool thing about this: it cuts to another behind the scenes sequence where robert is testing the mist machine and is moving the cameras. this specific scene is interesting because it is ended with the camera falling where robert is trying to catch it but failing his attempt. that again creates the illusion of an “accident” which brings the question of whether it was all planned or truly an accident. this scene might only create the illusion of authenticity and relatability which then helps burnham to create a deeper relationship with the viewer.
song 11. / 30.
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robert (not bo, again) is sitting in the middle of the room next to a digital clock that shows that it is two minutes before midnight. it had been six months since starting to work on this special and that he thought that he would have been finished by his birthday, but didn’t manage to achieve that and sits for the remaining minute of his twenties in silence.
and “clap”. 12:00 on the clock, so he didn’t achieve his idea.
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yes, this is another post about the crisis of growing up. yes, i know that everyone is tired of it, but apparently, people are really afraid of getting old. overcome 18 years, 21 years, 30 years, 40 years and beyond. nobody wants to become old. especially those who make money with their humor. «humor and old age are not compatible», yes?
but this part of the scene is bo. it’s a show. it’s a show out of the idea of aging. the show out of awareness is old. the show from the realization of «i am thirty, i no longer fit the definition of «young», yes?». i feel sorry for everyone who goes through this.
song 14. / all time low.
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i was talking about a «contrast». about the separation of bo and robert. so this song shows all of this robert’s depression and bo’s depression. the first one sinks. the second makes of this show. the first jokes through force. the second presents his horror picture, like a skittles or something - bright, sweet, but still it turns out that something is wrong. and that’s one person. still.
song 19. / goodbye.
i realize we’ve been gone a long time for a thousand words, so i’m really trying to cut down on what i think, write and say here.
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this song is important for the visual element (like the whole stand-up, let’s be honest). we see robert - short hair, short beard. he’s at the beginning. he just comes up with an idea. «the concept of the last song». he comes up with a way to start over after five years of missing.
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he enters the cage. promises to become a prisoner. he asks if he has returned many years ago when he first started. he’s trying to figure out what to do when the format changes, the salary is the same, and the work is out of touch.
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the song mixes everything before. and it’s an important element.
the promise to get into the cage. thoughts that mix and should be structured. questions about finding a beginning. first attempts after a break. do you get the point?
after songs. / truman show.
we watched an hour and a half of how one person locked in a cage struggles with himself. things from "can’t handle this" remain relevant.
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and it’s time to get out of the cage. find the wall, climb the stairs and realize that you’ve been surrounded all this time. and robert’s doing it. gets out of his «dragon lair». if the hero’s journey is through the dragon fight, then for robert the dragon is himself.
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we see visual elements - tangled wires, light, pictures on the wall, a ray that falls on the clock (two minutes left... one minute left...). we see all this and in this one of the nicest things about this work is that it was done by one person, makes it original. completely. solutions with light. decisions with composition. decisions with music. all this is one robert burnham. a depressed guy who plays silly songs, jokes, tries to come up with something new and creates. it is robert burnham who is the writer, director, principal actor, musician, makeup artist, creative director and performer. he is all of this. he creates his reality in a little house-cage, and we get to look at it. discuss. and that’s the beauty of this work – persona.
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chrysalishrdsocial · 2 years
The Short Road to Excellence
The other day I was walking along an insignificant road and looking at all the insignificant things I would not generally look at. I stopped and took my own sweet time to look at the deep-brown barks of trees, the bright-green leaves on the branches and the countless shapes of the clouds above.
Then something caught my eye — some abandoned pots along the side of a road — that seemed to have been forgotten by someone leaving in a hurry — and growing in those pots were some insignificant flowers.
Having the time to literally stop and smell the flowers — I stopped to peer at those flashes of colour. What I saw took my breath away because there in those broken earthy pots I saw excellence at its best. Simple unnamed flowers, each excelling in form, shape, colour. A profusion of beauty and symmetry. They were a masterpiece in art — created for the crown of a princess not there — for an audience that had long left — for applause that will never sound
But then, if flowers bloomed only when there were audiences or applause, then we would have no spring.
The passion to bloom and be the best that they could possibly be, was completely intrinsic. Nature doesn’t crave for validation, it just exists, and excels. Be it the smallest of specks to the tallest of mountains, everything in nature is crafted to perfection, each playing its role without expecting recognition.
While nature and perhaps a grander plan creates flowers, sunsets, mountains and rivers to perfection — what is it that an organization can do to bring excellence to life in everything it does? How does this passion for excellence translate into organizational culture? What is it that we need to do to make excellence a way of life?
Excellence presupposes large effort and it seems to take the fun out of pursuing it — but that is far from true! Here are four attributes that we have learnt while working with the best in business :-
1. Standards
In the organizations that we have worked, I have noticed that excellence thrives where excellence is defined. Leaders take responsibility of articulating what excellence looks like — continuously and setting the standards for excellence. These standards of excellence have been clearly defined and communicated to each and every one in the organization. Everyone in the organization is aware of what standards they are working towards. I know of a large watch manufacturer who sets these standards of excellence where even the floor of their factories has to be maintained in a very specific way.
2. People
A lot of care is taken to ensure that the right people enter the organization — their recruitment processes are extremely rigorous and often the leadership spends inordinate amount of time understanding candidates before they make them an offer. They truly believe that people make excellence happen and the right people make it happen effortlessly. There is tremendous clarity on what is it that people need to bring to the table and what are the behaviours that interviewers need to look for. I know a large IT giant that makes candidates go through multiple rounds including breakfast with leaders and an interview with peers. The conversations are tantamount to peeling the onion and efforts are made to look for a mutual best fit.
3. Processes
The processes of delivering excellence are very well established. Care has been taken to identify the best ways to deliver excellence and these are institutionalized. It is about making excellence easy. Each process is whetted for whether it allows for easy execution of excellence. I knew a premier services firm that had established processes along with templates, so their employees knew exactly what to do and could focus energies and efforts on how they did it. Excellence for this organization did not emerge in the processes but what was done within the frame of the process.
4. Leadership
The leaders of the environment ensure that they don’t just preach excellence, but embody it, and are living examples of it. Whether it is day-to-day communication, or feedback, or client meetings, or decision making, the leaders at these organizations ensure that they excel in all their work, thereby influencing their teams to follow the same path. In a day and age, when we see the leadership deficit coming onto the front page of newspapers, the leaders who have high standards of excellence for themselves are the one who drive it effortlessly. I have seen leaders who have created extraordinary teams with ordinary people and delivered pathbreaking excellence. I have personally worked with leaders who have created new industries and established standards of excellence in a completely blue ocean.
So, before you head to work today, ask yourself a question: Are we driven by excellence or are we doing a quick fix job? Are we being internally motivated to deliver better than our best or are we limited by the comfort of mediocrity?
What a powerful situation we would be in if we delivered brilliance without an audience or appreciation. The joy would be in creating masterpieces in every single thing we do — whether it is the way we show up for work, enable our teams, or create solutions for our client’s challenges.
The trick to making excellence happen is to be that flower that blooms in brilliance whether it gets noticed or not.
Source : https://chrysalis.in/the-short-road-to-excellence/
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aliveandfullofjoy · 2 years
omg final oscar predictions let's goooo
Best Picture
All Quiet on the Western Front
Avatar: The Way of Water
The Banshees of Inisherin
Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Fabelmans
Top Gun: Maverick
Triangle of Sadness
The Whale
Best Director
Edward Berger, All Quiet on the Western Front
Martin McDonagh, The Banshees of Inisherin
Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, Everything Everywhere All at Once
Steven Spielberg, The Fabelmans
Todd Field, TÁR
Best Actor in a Leading Role
Austin Butler, Elvis
Colin Farrell, The Banshees of Inisherin
Brendan Fraser, The Whale
Paul Mescal, Aftersun
Bill Nighy, Living
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Cate Blanchett, TÁR
Viola Davis, The Woman King
Ana de Armas, Blonde
Danielle Deadwyler, Till
Michelle Yeoh, Everything Everywhere All at Once
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Paul Dano, The Fabelmans
Brendan Gleeson, The Banshees of Inisherin
Barry Keoghan, The Banshees of Inisherin
Brad Pitt, Babylon
Ke Huy Quan, Everything Everywhere All at Once
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Angela Bassett, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Hong Chau, The Whale
Kerry Condon, The Banshees of Inisherin
Dolly de Leon, Triangle of Sadness
Stephanie Hsu, Everything Everywhere All at Once
Best Original Screenplay
The Banshees of Inisherin
Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Fabelmans
Triangle of Sadness
Best Adapted Screenplay
All Quiet on the Western Front
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
The Whale
Women Talking
Best Animated Feature
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Turning Red
Wendell & Wild
Best International Feature Film
All Quiet on the Western Front
Argentina, 1985
The Quiet Girl
Saint Omer
Best Documentary Feature
All That Breathes
All the Beauty and the Bloodshed
Bad Axe
Fire of Love
Best Original Score
Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Fabelmans
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
Women Talking
Best Original Song
Applause, Tell It Like a Woman
Ciao Papa, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
Hold My Hand, Top Gun: Maverick
Lift Me Up, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Naatu Naatu, RRR
Best Film Editing
All Quiet on the Western Front
The Banshees of Inisherin
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Top Gun: Maverick
Best Cinematography
All Quiet on the Western Front
Empire of Light
The Fabelmans
Top Gun: Maverick
Best Production Design
All Quiet on the Western Front
Avatar: The Way of Water
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Best Costume Design
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
The Batman
Crimes of the Future
The Whale
Best Sound
All Quiet on the Western Front
Avatar: The Way of Water
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Top Gun: Maverick
Best Visual Effects
Avatar: The Way of Water
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Top Gun: Maverick
Best Documentary Short
As Far As They Can Run
The Elephant Whisperers
The Flagmakers
38 at the Garden
Best Animated Short
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
The Garbage Man
Ice Merchants
My Year of Dicks
Save Ralph
Best Live Action Short
An Irish Goodbye
Le Pupille
The Lone Wolf
Nomination totals
9: Everything Everywhere All at Once 8: All Quiet on the Western Front; The Banshees of Inisherin; Elvis 6: The Fabelmans; Top Gun: Maverick 5: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever; The Whale 4: Avatar: The Way of Water; Babylon; TÁR 3: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio; Triangle of Sadness 2: Living; Women Talking
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sxp3rpoet · 25 days
weak hero
“Yukon Kambe Kijimatsu.”
His feet are not in line with each other, as he waddles upwards. He waddles upwards, through the gymnasium seats, red and blue, (the colours of the school). Past the staring eyes of the first year students of his school. Very judgemental, prying, eager to see failure. Scrutinising someone — him.
Oh, he’s not much, I hear he failed his English Checkpoint, what’s he doing here? 
Interesting, he thinks. Rumours spread far and wide, indeed.
I hope what I’m about to do, clears everything up for you. 
 His feet are not in line with each other. He swerves in between seats,  handing most petty children’s feet back to them, because they deem it funny to not let him have his way. 
I always have my way, he thinks, as he jumps over the purposely thrust out feet of his upperclassmen. 
 His hands are not where they are supposed to be as he lumbers past the adults in the audience. (They’re in his pockets) Some bored, wishing onto wayward minds that they hurry the process up. They see it as an inkling of nothingness. It’s not important, something they can do in their free time. 
Yukon finds it okay, sometimes, things greater than you never show their face, so you think everything is alright in life.
He thinks, I’m a tiger, I’m here to get you and your fears; run. 
His head lolls from side to side on his neck, as the final positions on the stage front of thousands, he assumes. Standing in front of the microphone, and he glares them down.
All the adults against him, teenagers alike. 
I’m coming for you, he thinks.
“There are places for chaos on the page, 
meaningful, apparent, confusion, — “
Eyes flitter his way, most of the crowd.
 I’ve got you, he thinks.
“TEMPS EN TEMPS on the continent does 
not mean time to time in Kent, 
or Greenwich. From stone through weeds and parchment, 
through bad times, words made their way to the printed 
The principal’s eyes widen, as he realises he’s not holding a paper. 
I’ve got you, Yukon thinks.
“Bibles now not just for the who go to worship by carriage,
but for those who pray with bare feet,
some washed, some smelling of stables and excrement.”
Judges jot down words in explicably fast motions,
I’ve got you, Yukon smiles.
“I’m not sure the words ocean and sea, 
mean the same to you and me,” 
Breathe in, Breathe out.
“Ninety-five percent universal confusion, 
dark matter was born with the legitimacy of an onion,
the roar of a lion.”
“I sit in the rumble seat of judgement,
I damn myself for entertainment,
for wasting time on hopeless entertainment.”
“I am guilty of snarling lines, Gordian Knots in my
“Shakespeare” fishing reels.”
“I must untangle this because eels have hearts like us. The 
enemy is symmetry.”
       “In the spring of content.. I trust glorious chaos. I smell       disorder in the outhouse of order.”
“I’ve got you.” Yukon whispers, as he takes his final bow. 
Applause thunders his ear drums.
0 notes
wednesday5econlive · 2 years
Robert's Presentation on Rationality of Preferences: The Play
Derek Wu
Robert - A college student who attends the basic economics course/presenter of the rationality of preferences
Nathan - Robert's classmate #1
Natalie - Robert's classmate #2
Professor Baldwin - The professor of basic economics course
It's the day of the final presentation for the basic college economics course. Robert, one of the students, will present the rationality of preferences as his topic. 
That concludes my presentation on the production possibilities frontier. Thank you for listening!
(Applauses reverberate the entire lecture hall)
Professor Baldwin:
Very well done Nathan! (applauding)
Professor Baldwin (CONT'D)
(looking through his notes) Ok, the next presenter will be—Robert. Please come up to the podium.
(After Robert pulls out his slides from the class file…)
May I begin?
Professor Baldwin:
Go ahead. The floor is all yours. 
Ok, so—good morning fellow classmates and professor. This is Robert and today the topic of my presentation is the rationality of preferences. (Goes to the next slide with an image of a grocery shopper picking out items)
As grocery shoppers, we purchase the same items that we already decide to purchase every time we go to a grocery store. Moreover, we purchase the same amount of groceries to fulfill our needs consistently. For example, I love Caprisun so I always buy 4 packs of Caprisun because it’s the ample amount without overspending, considering that I have other groceries to buy. However, there are times when I reduce or increase my Caprisun consumption due to factors like change in my part time job income or product price. 
This presentation will focus exactly on a real life example of how an individual chooses the items rationally when dealing with change in job income or product price, as well as additional factors. (Goes to the next slide that displays this figure)
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Before I get into the main idea, I need to talk about economic rationality, which needs to be fulfilled under these two conditions. The first one is completeness, meaning the individual needs to express a preference and reason against other alternative options. The second one is transitivity, meaning the sequence of each successive preference needs to be consistent without any overlap. For example, if x is mostly preferred to y and y is mostly preferred to z, then x is mostly preferred to z.
(Goes to the next slide that displays this figure)
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This is my roommate Joseph's income, prices of each item he usually buys, and how much he consumes each item, throughout the three weeks. For convenience, we will only focus on three items, which are apples, tomatoes, and onions. Pa and qa represent the price and quantity of apples, pt and qt represent tomatoes, and po and qo represent onions. I've organized these data into a table, which will be the main focus of my presentation. (Goes to the next slide that displays this figure)
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This is the table I've created. The three sets of numbers in the top row represent the prices of Joseph's items, while each number in each set represents each item's price, from apples to tomatoes and onions, respectively. The other three sets in the left column represent each item's quantity. The numbers in the bottom row represent Joseph's income. Each remaining number represents the total amount required to spend on the items. Just multiply each quantity by each price and add them all together to get the total. 
Let's focus on the week 1 column on the left first. Since Joseph's week 1 income is $42, he can only pick the top basket and the bottom basket. Because the middle basket costs $57, which is infeasible, since he only has $42. However, for some reason, Joseph picks basket 1 over basket 3, even though basket 3 is also affordable. So let's make a notation for Joseph’s final choice for week 1. May I use the whiteboard professor?
Professor Baldwin:
Go ahead, if it helps with your presentation.
(Robert takes a black marker writes down the notation Basket 1 ≥ Basket 3)
This notation means basket 1 is mostly preferred to basket 3. Now let's move on to the week 2 column in the middle. Basket 1 and 2 are within Joseph's week 2 budget, which is both $22.4. Yet, Joseph picks basket 2 over basket 1, so he mostly prefers basket 2 over basket 1. (writes down Basket 2 ≥ Basket 1) 
Lastly, let's focus on the week 3 column on the right. We anticipate Joseph choosing basket 2 because of the transitivity rule, also because basket 2 is also affordable, but he ends up choosing basket 3. (writes down Basket 3 ≥ Basket 2)
If we combine these three notations, we get this. (writes down Basket 2 ≥ Basket 1 ≥ Basket 3 ≥ Basket 2). We can see that Joseph's preferences aren't rational because they violate the transitivity rule, as basket 2 cannot be preferred over basket 2. 
So how about we imagine an alternative situation? (Goes to the next slide with the alternative week 3 data)
Week 3. Joseph's income = $35.2. Prices = (pa = 0.4, pt = 1.5, po = 4.2). Joseph's consumption bundle: (pa = 10, pt = 4, po = 6). 
If we switch Joseph's week 3 income from $30.8 to $35.2 and the price of tomatoes from $0.4 to $1.5, how will this impact the rationality of Joseph's preferences now? Please look at this second table I've created. (Goes to the next slide with the second table)
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According to the table, now basket 1 and basket 2 are both unaffordable due to the rise in tomato price and total basket prices being higher than Joseph's week 3 income. As a result, Joseph has no choice but to go with basket 3 because he can afford the total price for basket 3. Moreover, his choice doesn’t violate transitivity because ultimately he prefers basket 3 over basket 2, instead of basket 2 over basket 2. (Moves on to the next slide with the question: What is the fundamental factor that affects Joseph choosing a suitable consumer basket?)
Now, I have a question for everyone. Throughout the discussion of Joseph's choices for his consumer baskets, what is the fundamental factor that affects him making his decision? Anyone who would like to answer this question? (Robert raises his hand as a gesture to ask anyone to speak)
(Natalie (classmate #2) raises her hand)
Yes Natalie?
Is it affordability? 
That's absolutely correct. In fact, your answer is the exact word I'm expecting, which is affordability. (Clicks on the keyboard and the word "affordability" appears below the question)
Most of you might think the factor is either the price of the products or Joseph's income or both. Those are also indeed important factors, but regardless of the price or Joseph's income, the ultimate question Joseph needs to be asking himself is, "Can I afford these products or not?" So to demonstrate this answer, I wanna go back to the second table we went through earlier. (Returns to the previous slide with the second table)
Let's imagine this scenario. Joseph is a huge fan of tomatoes. In the week 2 column, even though he can afford both the first and second consumer basket, he wants to choose the second basket because there are more tomatoes than the first basket. Unfortunately, in week 3, due to the rise in tomato prices, he can't afford the second and first basket, so he has no choice but to pick the third basket because he can at least afford it with his income, despite it having the least number of tomatoes. This kind of phenomenon is called the "weak axiom of revealed preference". (Goes to the next next slide with the term "weak axiom of revealed preference")
In the field of economics, we suppose people's preferences are always rational. Using Joseph's alternative scenario as an example, we assume he always purchases a large bundle of tomatoes because he loves tomatoes. However, if we take the weak axiom of revealed preferences into account, we also consider that Joseph may not always buy a lot of tomatoes due to his inability to afford them or an increase in product price. The weak axiom of revealed preferences allows us to debunk the misconception that rationality always takes part in people’s preferences. (Goes on to the next slide with the term "independence of irrelevant alternatives" and "random utility")
Apart from affordability being an integral factor in making decisions to buy groceries, there are other two important factors that we may overlook. The first factor is what economists call "independence of irrelevant alternatives". For example, while apples, tomatoes, and onions are the only items on Joseph's shopping list, one day he comes across a bucket of ice cream, then he decides to replace one of the three items with ice cream because not only he's been craving for ice cream recently, but also including the ice cream in his shopping list might make him go over budget. Simply put, Joseph chooses an alternative product irrelevant to his shopping list, which can be unpredictable when talking about rationality.
The second factor is known as "random utility". For example, Joseph loves tomatoes but one day he suddenly wants to buy more apples and onions for no reason. This situation is also unpredictable because consumers may deviate from their rational preferences without any reason. (Goes on the next slide with the word "conclusion")
My purpose for presenting you Joseph's choices of shopping for groceries and explaining his sensibility is that it applies to any of you who aspires to become successful entrepreneurs. If you want people to like your products, you need to learn how to utilize people's rationality to predict whether your products will fulfill the public's needs. If it doesn't, what are the reasons people dislike your products? Is it because people cannot afford the products? Do the products stand out less compared to similar products with different brands? Don't create products based on your own interest because even if you personally like them, it doesn't mean the public will like them. I hope this presentation will not only inform you about the rationality of preferences, but also it will teach you the importance of considering people's preferences when starting your business. Thank you everyone and I will now end my presentation. 
(Applauses once again reverberate the whole lecture hall, but louder)
Professor Baldwin:
Absolutely wonderful Robert! Students, please remember Robert's advice at the end of his presentation if you want to become a businessman. His advice is also the reason I include this specific lesson about the rationality of preferences in my course. Thank you Robert and you may return to your seat.
(After Robert returns to his seat, he lets out a big sigh)
Whew! (whispering to himself) It's finally over. I managed to retain my composure even though I was so nervous during practice. Good thing my hard work has paid off. 
(gently taps Robert's shoulders) Good job Robert. I really enjoy your presentation. Not gonna lie, it's more effective than reading the textbook and listening to prof's lectures. Also, I like your commentary at the end.
Wow, I feel flattered. I really do. Thanks a lot Nathan!
While waiting for the next presentation to start, Robert slouches against his seat and recalls all the hard work he has done, Professor Baldwin's comments, and Nathan's compliments. Although the score won't be released until the week after next, a relieved smile emerges from his face.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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2022/09/13 Blog post by Wakana “Wakana Billboard Live 2022”に来てくれた皆さん本当にありがとうございました!〜パクチーと新曲とクリスマス〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Thank you to everyone who came to see my “Wakana Billboard Live 2022″! ~Coriander, a New Song and Christmas~
I eat coriander salad every day to deal with the lingering summer heat. I love coriander, this time of the year, large junks are sold at various greengrocers near me 🙄 I used to see them often around spring but then they suddenly disappeared during the extremely hot summer months. Now they are finally back and I've been seeing them more and more often recently (I wonder if it a coincidence). For my salad, I lightly toss coriander and sliced ​​onions in sesame oil, add some white sesame seeds, a bit of salt, sugar and vinegar.
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
Today, I'll be posting a lot of photos from my Billboard Live OSAKA on September 1st and Billboard Live YOKOHAMA on September 9th! First of all, let’s start with some pictures from Osaka! Here we are after the 1st stage is over. We are ready to go again. And here we are with a big smile on our faces after the 2nd stage. At that point I was super hungry from singing so much Both Takebe-san and Fukuhara-san told me that I was in high spirits from beginning to end. I think it’s because both the 1st and 2nd stage were were filled with so much warmth and passion, I had a total blast!  Now here is a picture of the three of us after the 1st stage in Yokohama. All of those trio shots were taken right after we had come off the stage so everyone’s face still looked quite heated. (゚∀゚) And another picture after the 2nd stage! Taken just 10 seconds after the official end of all 4 performances in Osaka and Yokohama! ! Then we have some rehearsal pictures. I really like the fancy lights! ! Everyone is taking a bow\(^o^)/Thank you for the warm applause!!
This time, we unveiled a brand new song to everyone, it’s one out of a few songs I am currently working on. It's called "標(しるし= Shiroshi = Sign/Mark/Symbol)". This song was written by singer-songwriter Yoshiko Hanzaki. When we were discussing the song, I burst into tears and poured out my heart to her. Hanzaki-san listened patiently to me while I was shedding tears. We talked about a very special and precious topic, family. My father passed away in the spring of 2020. Back then I felt an unbelievable sense of loss and unbearable grief, I honestly thought the day would never come when I would be able to laugh again. I was only able to motivate myself because you have always been there for me and provided support. Even though I was sad, I knew I would be able to overcome that sadness one day. I wanted to put all of those feelings in a song and convey them to you. At that time my love and appreciation for music increased considerably. The reason I can smile like this now is because all of you have been there for me. Also, from wherever my father is watching, I just want him to see me happy. Even now, whenever I'm singing I hope it transcends time and space to reach him. "Shiroshi" is a song that probably couldn’t have happened without the strength everyone has given me, it’s a song about my feelings for my father. Please look forward to the day when it will be release! [Note: On Father’s Day in 2020, Wakana posted THIS video of her and her mother performing “Moshimo Piano Ga Hiketanara”. At that point her father must have already passed away. Damn, it hits differently now. Also, I am so jealous of everyone who attended her Billboard Lives. I wanna listen to “Shiroshi” right now!! T_T]
Now, I would like to show you a few close-ups of my outfits~♪ This is the white dress I wore for the 1st stage! The floral pattern is subtle, nothing too crazy, just the perfect amount of pretty. I think it’s honestly so cute🥺💕I also like the sheer, puffy sleeves. That’s probably my absolute favourite part about the dress! Next we have my dress for the 2nd stage! I chose it because the vivid colours appealed to me😆 There is a lot of attention to detail in the design, which is something I really appreciate. For example, I really like the shoulders and the difference in texture between at the waist and wrist section! 😍
Thank you very much to everyone who came to my "Wakana Billboard Live 2022"!・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ For me, it was a truly memorable live that made me discover new music!
My next live will be held on Christmas! 🎄🎅🌟 The performance is scheduled for December 25 at Kioi Hall! Everyone, let's spend Christmas Day together and enjoy music! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I'll be awaiting you~♪\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Finally, here’s a picture of my coriander salad! *laughs* Doesn't it look delicious?🤤
Until next time~☆(*'▽'*)/
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gothicwidowsworld · 3 years
You know nothing N.L
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Part 1
“You were just never going to tell me? That’s a great idea.” the older male declared restlessly giving the girl in front of him a small sarcastic round of applause. “I don’t need your help, I don’t need your support and most importantly I don’t need you!” Y/N Horner screamed pushing the man away with each point angry tears making paths down her y/s/c face. “You can push me away all you want but that doesn’t change the fact that at the end of the day you might not need me but you want me.” The Canadian replied calmly simply accepting the y/h/c woman’s weak assault, Nicholas knew Y/N didn’t mean it she was just tired and emotional and she had cracked. The dark haired man knew Y/N hated feeling weak; it was a trait Christian had unfortunately encouraged in the girl. 
Scoffing the y/h/c woman couldn’t help the hatred laced laugh that tumbled from her cherry lips  “I could never want you Latifi.” Y/N hissed aggressively, wiping the tears that were still falling, the young woman’s tone was uneasy due to the fallen tears but assertive nonetheless. 
“This isn’t you Y/N/N.” The Williams driver stated shaking his head sadly, gingerly taking a step towards the outraged woman. Maybe he’d been stupid thinking the use of her nickname would calm her but even the Canadian couldn’t dismiss the flash of regret that lit up the young Horner's y/e/c orbs momentarily. “You know nothing about me.” The British girl retaliated sternly. “I know more than you think.” The tall Canadian stated plainly. Y/N couldn’t help but shoot an eyebrow up in silent questioning at the man’s statement, it was almost a challenge. 
“I know you love the smell of burnt rubber, the feeling in the air just after it rains. You hate onions, in fact you despise them. I know you love to practice languages with other drivers, I know you crinkle your nose when someone says something you disagree with, I know all you want is to make your Father proud and I know you hide behind this tough persona. Tell me I’m wrong.” Nicholas listed his warm brown eyes subtly reading the pregnant woman's body language. “That doesn’t change anything.” Y/N responded blandly brushing a lock of her y/h/c hair out of her face. Running a hand over his face in frustration the driver couldn’t help but frown “God do you have to be such a bitch all the time?” 
“I’m not doing this with you.” The woman quipped back, stepping away from the navy blue donned man. “I’m trying! Why do you have to make it so hard to love you!” the man questioned, it was rhetorical, more of a fact rather than an opinion. Averting her gaze Y/N took a shaky breath resting a hand on her stomach in comfort “You don’t love me.” was all the Horner girl said. “And you know that for a fact do you?” Nicholas retorted numbly, crossing his arms in defence. “Because I don’t remember you ever asking me when you conducted that survey.” The Canadian continued his tone hurt, almost insulted. “And if you’d stayed after Monaco you wouldn’t even have the time to think that.” 
“Monaco was a mistake. It was a moment of madness, a lap in judgment.” Y/N rambled her gaze turned to the ground beneath them like it was the most interesting thing in the world.  “You don’t believe that.” Nicholas asserted once again taking a step towards the English Woman, this time it was slow and calculated almost like he was approaching a wounded animal. And in some ways he was. Y/N was wounded, she was harsh and defensive of herself and of her heart. The Canadian never really figured out who had hurt the girl previously but he promised himself that if the y/h/c woman just gave him a chance he’d never let her feel damaged ever again. Shrugging Y/N frowned “Maybe I do maybe I don’t”. 
“Look Y/N in four months you are going to be a Mother and I’m going to be a Father. I want to be there. For our child and for you.” Nicholas stated gently, finally close enough to bring the woman in for a hug, his long arms proving a safe space for the exhausted female. “Daughter Nic.” Y/N mumbled breathlessly, quietly nuzzling her nose into the man’s William’s shirt, the familiar cologne comforting. “Daughter?” the man replied softly, his voice unable to hide the small buzz of happiness he felt. Nodding her head Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the man’s reaction. 
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thelibraryiscool · 2 years
Short Story Project -- Week 5
What I read this week – as before, no ratings, but I’ll still say if I recommend (R), strongly recommend (S), or don’t recommend (D) a story:
1. Konsantin Paustovsky,  “Снег” [Snow] (S) “Потапов весь вечер не мог избавиться от странного ощущения, будто он живет в легком, но очень прочном сне. Все в доме было таким, каким он хотел его видеть. Те же ноты лежали на рояле,  те  же витые свечи горели, потрескивая, и освещали маленький отцовский кабинет. Даже на столе  лежали его письма из госпиталя - лежали под тем же старым компасом, под который отец всегда клал письма.” [tr. below the cut]
2. Oscar Wilde, “The Happy Prince” (R) “So the Swallow flew over the great city, and saw the rich making merry in their beautiful houses, while the beggars were sitting at the gates. He flew into dark lanes, and saw the white faces of starving children looking out listlessly at the black streets. Under the archway of a bridge two little boys were lying in one another’s arms to try and keep themselves warm. “How hungry we are!” they said. “You must not lie here,” shouted the Watchman, and they wandered out into the rain.”
3. Loreto Paras Sulit, “Harvest” (R) “His brother saw and understood. Fury was a high flame in his heart… If that look, that quiver of voice had been a moth, a curl on the dark head of his daughter… Now more than ever he was determined to have Milia in his home as his brother’s wife… that would come to pass. Someday, that look, that quiver would become a moth in his hands, a frail, helpless moth.”
4. Zora Neale Hurston, “The Back Room” (R) “West 139th Street at ten p.m. Rich fur wraps tripping up the steps of the well furnished home in the 200 block. Sedans, coaches, coupes, roadsters. Inside fine gowns and tuxedos, marcel waves and glitter. People who seemed to belong to every race on earth — Harlem's upper class had gathered there her beauty and chivalry.”
5. Sofya Kovalevskaya, “Vae Victis” (R)* “В лесу еще тише, еще мертвеннее, чем в поле. Снежные сугробы растут в нем все выше и выше. Голые стволы совсем занесены снегом, могучие ветви поднимаются, будто с самой земли. Порой толстый, как бревно, еловый сук, не выдержав навалившего на него груза, надломится и полетит вниз. Но не слышно ни треска, ни шума от его падения: всякий звук мгновенно замирает в массе падающего снега, точно в мягкой пуховой подушке.” [tr. below the cut]
6. Franz Kafka, “Up in the Gallery,” trans. Ian Johnston (R) “if this performance, amid the incessant roar of the orchestra and the ventilators, were to continue into the ever-expanding, gray future, accompanied by applause, which died down and then swelled up again, from hands which were really steam hammers”
7. Catherynne Valente, “Golubash, Or Wine-Blood-War-Elegy” (R) “They used to say wine was a living thing—but it was only a figure of speech, a way of describing liquid with changeable qualities. This wine is truly alive, every drop, it has a name, a history, brothers and sisters, blood and lymph. Do not draw away—this should not repulse you. Life, after all, is sweet; lift your glasses, taste the roving currents of sunshine and custard, salt skin and pecan, truffle and caramelized onion.”
8. Dorothy Sayers, “The Man Who Knew How” (S) “Why are all these tremendous artificial barriers built up around murder by the Church and the law? Just because it's everybody's crime, and just as natural as breathing.”
*story is unfinished
1. The whole evening Potapov couldn't escape the odd feeling that he was living in a light but very sound sleep. Everything in the house was just as he had wanted to see it. The same sheet music on the piano, the same curved candles burned with a crackle and cast their light over his father's small office. There were even his letters from the hospital on the desk -- under the same old compass under which his father had always placed his letters.
5. In the forest it is even quieter, even deader than in the meadow. Snowdrifts climb there higher and higher. Bare tree trunks are completely covered in snow, powerful branches rise as though out of the earth itself. Sometimes a fir tree branch as thick as a log, failing under the oppressive weight, will snap off and fall downwards. Neither the crack nor the thud of its fall can be heard: every noise is instantly muffled in the mass of falling snow as in a soft down pillow.
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