#also r/nosleep
irregularbillcipher · 9 months
modern clem/gus is like "can a fashion diy instagram girl and a reddit r/nosleep boy find love" and the answer is yes
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erregiulydraws · 11 months
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Playing hide and seek all alone
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the-ritalin-rats · 2 years
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i drew hugo again
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please tag what type of creepypasta monster you think you’d be. I have to know
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A creepypasta where the setting is all pretty normal and cliche, but nothing about the situation is clear cut. Who is actually being threatened in the scenario presented? That's left entirely ambiguous until about 2/3rds of the way through.
There is a "human" main character, something appears to be hunting them and their peers, but throughout the story they consistently make decisions that are questionable at best. The audience can kind of tell that they aren't really trying that hard to avoid the predatory creature/s, but everything is just confusing enough with a semi-alternating POV that it's unclear as to why they'd put themselves in harm's way so casually.
None of the other protagonists know what's up exactly, but one does have theories and often uses them to their advantage.
Slowly, as the plot unravels, the audience learns that the MC is absolutely not human themselves. The creatures attempting to prey on the other human protagonists are being hunted by the MC in turn, and the reason behind the MCs dodgy behavior is fully brought to light.
They've been operating like a venus fly trap, luring in individual creatures with promises of an easy hunt and then taking them down one by one in isolation. Their strategy has been to isolate themselves on and off, thus broadcasting a neon dinner sign to the more zealous creatures.
This is why they never really tried to conceal themselves from their would-be killers, because while both the MC and the creatures are considered apex predators by cryptid standards, the creatures are normally pack hunters.
The MC's best bet was always to lure the more foolish ones away from their pack before going after them.
The pack as a whole is absolutely still a huge threat, even to the MC despite the MC's best efforts, but damn if the MC isn't going to spite the other creatures by making the hunt ten times more difficult than it ordinarily would have been.
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kragehund-est · 1 year
slasher horror: you better not have premarital sex or gerald "the stabber" douglas is gonna getcha
creepypasta: once there was a teen named alex and he was bullied so hard that he and the acid disfigured him so and he started killing everyone so they call him george the attacker
/x/: there was the skinwalker who stole my best friend's voice and then man door hand hook car door
r/nosleep: my wife was hungry for raw meat and then she gave birth to The Satan. he looked me in the eyes and said "don't go outside past midnight or else the eyeless ones might notice." but it turns out i never had a wife or son and the world ended 5 years ago on this very night.
r/twosentencehorror: i ran out of bloodmilk for my cereal. luckily, the creature provides.
mascot horror: this is silly wiggles, the candy giraffe! explore the silly wiggles candy emporium after dark! the secret ingredient is Love™! also the hidden video tapes will reveal that "Love™" is actually the copyright name for the consciousness of tortured children, mixed with the ground organs of factory workers.
indie horror: i can't describe this, there are only 7 pixels so idk what's going on
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computer-boy · 1 year
had the most creepypasta ass nightmare last night
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virtual-minotaur · 1 year
ive been very angry today/these past few days sorry about that. however i have a lot of hate in my heart.
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Reading the Room at a 5th Grade Level: MC's Curse and Taiga's Memory Issues???
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Hi. My name is Yuri and I am an idiot. You see, when I downloaded Tokyo Debunker and I saw what happened to the MC I was confused. "Why did everything go red?" I asked myself. "It's like we were in another dimension!" I unhelpfully said at some point probably. Well I finally googled the name of the station the MC said "was not her usual stop" and guess what? I should have done that way fucking sooner because it's related to a Japanese urban legend, much like Takeru in Episode 2. And helps me with what I noticed yesterday while I was re-reading the Hotarubi episode.
This post contains spoilers for Hotarubi's Episode, viewer discretion is advised.
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When the MC is contacted by the spirit who allegedly curses her she is riding the train home from a concert. She receives a text message from someone with a spider lily profile picture, in English their user name is "Mina." Before we are confronted by Mina, the conductor announces that the train's next stop is Kisaragi Station, a station that dear reader, does not exist. It's also extremely famous! But I am not smart or up to date on horror things so I didn't know (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄) so sorry if this is all stuff you guys already knew.
Kisaragi Station
The original post about Kisaragi station was, as best I can tell, made on a site called 2chan, which is a Japanese anonymous forum. I was able to find a post about it on r/nosleep from 2019 which claims that people started posting about it on reddit in 2010, and another post on Quora translating a thread that was posted to twitter. There are a few common themes to the urban legend, but there are three I find particularly relevant to our situation.
The station is believed to be on the border of our world and the "other world." It is possible to leave the station, we will get into how in a moment, but attempting to leave it by following the train tracks will get you killed. Especially if you attempt to cross through the train tunnel, that will take you across the point of no return. The original post describes hearing the sound of drums and bells, similar to a Japanese festival, that get louder the closer you get to the tunnel. Accepting rides from people in the vicinity of the station will also kill you. Cell service is active in the area, but you aren't able to find location information and people will not be able to find you. The anomaly on the train we see isn't tied to Kisaragi Station as far as I can tell, and I have been combing through various yokai to see if I can find anything like it but so far I haven't had much luck.
Back to how to leave the station, you have to light something on fire. Specifically something that causes smoke. Paper seems to be the most common suggestion. It's a small detail, but since the game starts with us seeing the school on fire I thought it was an interesting thing to note.
I added Taiga into the title of the post as in the translated twitter thread, the concept of memory loss the longer you stay in Kisaragi is brought up. We never actually see Taiga leave the station, and the MC only leaves it because Haku does something with his artifact. In Episode 5 Haku says he was not using his stigma to put the children's spirits to rest, implying that spiritual energy adn stigmas are different powers he can use. I am going to propose something kind of crazy at the end of this entire post about Haku, but for now just dealing with the facts presented in game he specifically says he "cordoned off" the area. Does he mean that he took the train to Kisaragi station? Or was MC always going there? And if he was the one responsible for doing that then uh. How did Taiga leave the station and get back to Darkwick? Was he trapped there and did he wander around for a long time, doing permanent damage to his memory in the process? Or am I over thinking this and he lost track of the anomaly and lit something on fire so he could leave. I like the idea of him lighting the station on fire and the ghosts asking him to leave, but that's probably not what happened lol
When the train reaches Kisaragi Station in game, the color pallet swaps to red. Much like it does in Episode 5 when MC receives a certain visitor:
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We learn later on that this is Zenji, and that Zenji is dead. MC seems to be reacting to his presence and I would like to think that the color choice is deliberate. If we go back to Episode 2, Takeru only has light amounts of red shading around him in his comic panels, when he kills the streamer and when Alan beats the shit out of him are two that immediately come to mind. Interacting with him does not turn the world red like interacting with Zenji or Kisaragi Station does, further strengthening Leo's conclusion about him being a Talupa and not a ghost as this red tint seems to be used for when MC is interacting with the spirit world. Which I am once again asking, how did Taiga get home from Kisaragi Station? Did he carjack a Taxi ghost?
This raises some questions about the anomaly that cursed MC. Is it a ghost and is it something unique to Japan? And if neither of those things are true then why was Haku there? I can think of two reasons for him to be there: the first is if he is there to keep an eye on Taiga for Cornelius/the Institute because Sinostra is on probation but they need him (he was specifically assigned this mission because of how aggressive he is) or it was meant to be a Hotarubi mission because it fit their criteria but Haku couldn't handle it so they arranged for Taiga to come along with him. That last thing is sort of countered by Haku saying that he doesn't think Hotarubi would be able to help with the MC's curse, but he could be lying about that I suppose.
Anyway who wants to hear my really stupid out there reason for why Haku is there-
The Part of the Show Where I do a line of coke Cope
So hear me out, what if Haku's stigma is time travel. So in this post on the subreddit donsaadali suggested that the powers you pick from in the personality test are powers the ring could give MC. I had the thought before that maybe it was a list of stigmas that the various characters had completely forgetting about the time travel line. But it does sort of fit with my line of thinking: make people follow my orders? That's Jin. Elemental powers? Towa. The others: extreme luck, never having to sleep, shapeshifting, and gravity control aren't ones that we have concrete information about but I am tempted to say that "extreme luck" could be Taiga, as turning things into ammo struck me as a quality of his artifact and not his stigma but I'm not really convinced of that. Anyway, if Haku can time travel, he could go back in time, pick up MC, and bring her back to Darkwick even if that's not what happened in the first place and Taiga was the one who brought her back the first time! But why he would do that is lost on me. Well not completely lost, I do think he wants to "help" her but with what and why is not something I have a theory on just yet.
To be clear, that was just me spitballing. I do not really think that Haku's stigma is time travel, there isn't enough evidence for me to think that. I do think that if there is a timeloop going on he is probably aware of it, but again. I don't know why.
Translated original post (x)
The above post also has a youtube video linked at the top if you want an audio version of the post and some other train related stories
Translated Twitter thread (x)
Shitty r/nosleep post (x)
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flanaganfilm · 2 years
Hi, Mike! So I figured I'd ask something for real before your inbox gets too crowded 😅
I've always been curious about the former residents of Hill House. I feel like there is so much there to be told and unpacked, like how they lived and died. Poppy, William, and their children especially.
I've read some of the reddit "background stories" one of the Hill House writers posted on r/nosleep, but I'm curious to know about your take on it, and if there is a possibility of a prequel series that explores it?
Have a good day!
We had actually written an entire history of Hill House. It was meant to be presented at the beginning of every other episode, and be passages from Steven's book. It would go ball the way to the construction of the house, and then chronicle all of the people who died over the years. It would also have eerie foreshadowing for a lot of the things that would torment the Crain kids.
In particular, it meant that you fully understood the identity of the legless ghost in the basement (and how he was burned), the Tall Man, and the saga of rivalry between Poppy and Hazel Hill. It also spelled out the fact that Mr. Dudley (Robert Longstreet) was actually a Hill himself - his mother was a cleaner who had an affair with one of the Hills.
It ALSO even explained why the kids heard the phantom dogs barking (William Hill slaughtered all of the dogs on the property one horrible night).
We had written it all out and were very excited to film it, but ultimately Netflix and Paramount cut these sequences for budgetary reasons. We never got to film them.
I don't expect there will ever be a prequel series (or any other HAUNTING series for that matter, at least not for quite some time). Which is a real shame. But one of these days I'll try to dig up the mythology we'd created and post it here on Tumblr so that maybe you can all enjoy it.
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i say this all in the nicest way possible, but act your age, not your shoe size.
first off, don't like, don't read. It should be that simple, but for all y'all who can't get that, i'll explain: there is a feature on tumblr where you can block tags AND CONTENT, so if there is a topic that you don't like seeing/a trigger for you, you can not only block the tag, but also block the content. i'm severely emetophobic, so i have content related to that blocked (don't wanna say the word, it's legit a trigger for me). it works wonderfully. if you do not want to see fics about dark content, there are terms you can filter. the internet is a place where people can post what they want, and you need to understand that it will not cater to you all the time. You can curate your own feed so that you can cater to your own needs, but everyone else is not required to change their content to suit your fancy.
in regards to leon and RE specifically, i hate being the "you have to know the lore to read/write" person but (and btw watching playthroughs counts if you cannot afford the games bc things are expensive, and i get that) if you have not made an effort to play or watch anything from the series, i don't know why you feel like you have any knowledge of 1. resident evil and 2. leon kennedy. he is not your "pookie bear", "lil innocent sweet cutie" (you can write him like that and I am not going to stop you! it's okay to write OOC). he goes through traumatic events in this horror series and is a suicidal alcoholic. he would probably not be a perfect father who brings home flowers everyday after work. ALSO HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS FICTIONAL AND HE DOES NOT HAVE REAL BEHAVIORS AND FEELINGS. "he would never do that". yeah, he wouldn't because HE DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST. it applies to all "versions of leon" that you wanna make up in your head. it's fictional. we're all talking about fake people. get a grip.
most of us on this site are adults. if you are an adult, you can consume and produce dark fics. if you don't want to, then you don't have to. here's a parallel: i really like the book american psycho and they sell it at barnes and noble where you or i could buy a copy, but neither i, nor the barnes and noble employee will force you to read it. it's the same thing here.
if you are a minor and you are old enough to get onto the computer/your phone and type "leon kennedy x reader" then I hope you are old enough to comprehend the words "minors do not interact". in fact, you can block the "leon kennedy smut" tag because those works involve sex and are therefore 18+! I do understand, however, that not everyone will heed the warnings, regardless, i am not responsible for putting up the metaphorical baby gate, as I am not anyone's parent.
more about dark content in general: some people write it because it's therapeutic - to those of you who say "it's not a healthy coping mechanism", show me your degree in psychotherapy and then, we'll talk. others enjoy writing or consuming dark content because it's interesting. personally, i don't write dark content, but i do consume it because i find it interesting. i have never found pure fluff interesting. when i was a child, i did not enjoy disney movies. i loved ghost stories, i remember begging my parents to let me watch the corpse bride when i was 5, i used to go on r/nosleep when i was a kid, my friend and i would get her older sister to take us to the movie theater to watch horror movies when we were too young to go by ourselves. all that is to say: i find certain shit boring.
producing and consuming dark content does not mean that you are endorsing that content. capcom makes horror content. do they endorse murder, rape, incest, etc.? i highly fucking doubt it. (yes, all of those things happen or are directly implied in the resident evil franchise). capcom makes the good guys the protagonists and i think that's why it's hopefully pretty easy to understand their intentions. sometimes, people write things where the bad guys are the protagonists :0 - that doesn't mean that they are endorsing the bad actions of the characters. bret easton ellis was not supporting murder, rape, cannibalism, necrophilia, etc. when he wrote american psycho (it's a social commentary about the vapid nature of consumerism and wall street in the '80s and it's a really good book.) vladimir nabakov was not endorsing pedophilia when he wrote lolita - humbert humbert is the villain. if you can't comprehend this, then i don't know what to tell you.
here's another great example to help you: i might reblog content that includes father/daughter incest, but that does not mean that i would do that stuff with my own father. FIRST OF ALL EW, and SECOND OF ALL I AM A FUCKING LESBIAN. I WOULD NEVER HAVE SEX WITH A MAN. EVER AGAIN.
learn critical media consumption and critical thinking in general.
also, if you are telling people 'you're not a real sa victim because you write/like dark content' or 'you're doing harm to victims', YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. most people that i know who have gone through sa (including myself) have struggled to accept that what someone else did was not their fault. it's a huge step in the path to overcoming/coping with trauma to recognize your experience and know that your experience was valid. if you try to invalidate people's trauma, you are actively pushing back their recovery process (for lack of a better phrase), so don't act like you give a fuck about victims! there are conversations that we can and should have surrounding SA, but that's not the conversation you're looking to engage in. i can almost guarantee that none of you are saying that in good faith. you are using SA victims as a reason to police content and i am telling you - as an SA victim - stop it. i understand that some of you may also be victims and i'm sorry that those things happened to you, you did not deserve it (no matter what side of this issue you are on, it's an awful thing and i don't wish it on anyone). if you have not experienced it (I hope you never do), please stop saying things like "this is harmful to SA victims" because it's not your place to speak on that at all.
also, i know some people have been getting rape threats, death threats, etc. YOU CANNOT ACT LIKE YOU HOLD THE MORAL HIGH GROUND AND THEN DO SHIT LIKE THIS. aside from the "moral high ground", you should never be sending that shit to anyone. knock it off. that's harassment.
in line with that, write things that you'd want to read. if you want to read fluff or "wholesome" smut, then write it, and encourage/interact with writers who write that content. for those who are looking for attention, maybe try making content. write what you want. bringing up drama is 1. going to bring hate your way too 2. not a sustainable way to garner attention 3. hopefully not fulfilling for anyone? do something creative. have fun. stop being negative and shitty just to have some weird puritanical circle jerk.
i didn't want to talk about this because I know that half of the people who are bringing this shit up just want attention but jesus christ i'm done hearing people invalidate, name call, harass. just shut up and grow up. i'm tired of reading your dumbass posts. thank you.
you cannot control what people post on the internet, but you can control what you produce/consume
people creating dark content do not endorse illegal activities
stop weaponizing SA victims (especially when victims tell you to stop) to justify your puritanical content policing
if you are seeking attention, this is a pathetic way to do so
if you want to see fluff, write it and encourage fluff writers to write more
stop harassing others. period.
the world does not revolve around you
<3 i mean this all in the kindest way. i'm just annoyed and hopefully you can understand my reasoning. i don't endorse hate to anyone on any side of this. this shit just makes me want to leave the internet tbh. or like, write for a different fandom idk.
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eldritch-elrics · 9 months
so me and my friends decided to watch all of skibidi toilet together last night and i've been having way too many thoughts
first of all it's unironically pretty good? great animation, and the guy who made it clearly has a very solid sense of pacing, escalation, and visual storytelling. it's also made all the more delightful by the fact that it's just one guy fucking around in sfm - just a great example of something that never stops being deeply stupid even when it evolves into a more serious story. corporate entertainment could never hope to replicate this energy with the same level of sincerity and pure shitpost vibes
i've also been reading some of the journalism trying to make sense of the series and i think it's funny how many are claiming that it's a pure gen alpha thing when it's so clearly born out of early gen z internet culture. there is nothing surprising to me about skibidi toilet except its quality and virality. "sfm series that starts as bizarre shitpost and then grows into something with serious plot" is absolutely nothing new, and it's kinda wild that this has now broken into the mainstream. i think a lot of the people reporting on skibidi toilet just do not really know how to talk about it you know?
lastly, it's really interesting to see how skibidi toilet uses diegesis. it's that "the telling of the story is diegetic to the story" and "the fact that this thing is being recorded has consequences for the narrative" type of storytelling that you see in stuff like r/nosleep stories or web fiction such as marble hornets. sometime i'd love to dive into why this sort of storytelling is so common in internet fiction because i think it's fascinating
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boin-de-bindery · 2 months
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Borrasca - C.K. Walker
This is a /r/nosleep story published in four parts in 2015, with a subsequent fifth part shared by the author on their blog.
Morbid choice for a first bind—it's not dissimilar to Manacled in terms of dark content—but as a tale I read back in my creepypasta phase and recently rediscovered, I thought it'd be fun to have a physical copy for my shelf.
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The case is bound in green bonded leather, courtesy of an amazing local store that has a plethora of bookbinding supplies. Gold adhesive backed vinyl for the cover text, while the corner-guards are from a random Amazon seller.
The text block is bog standard A4 printer paper. Body text is in Noto Serif 12pt with titles/headings/pagecount in Bahnschrift. 59,000 words and 387 pages total.
Reflections on mistakes and lessons learned under the cut with more pictures.
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I learned a LOT about typesetting, booklet printing and using a Cricut in making this. I still made a few silly mistakes with my next projects, but not so many as I did with Borrasca.
It's a rookie's first bind and it shows—the text block fits rather badly in the casebinding, because I goofed and made the spine support too wide. This doesn't look too bad from the front or the spine, but in opening the book the textblock shifts rather awkwardly.
I also scuffed the leather in parts, and totally misstuck the title on the spine. This is before I realised what transfer tape was for 🫠 Having the title running from bottom to top is novel, but I didn't want to risk gumming up the cover further by fixing it (not to mention my horror at the thought of repositioning everything by hand).
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I'm pretty happy with the handsewn headbands though! I followed chezlin's tutorial and used tissue paper to secure the twine to the spine before sewing on embroidery thread. While the thread used was a little too thick, the headbands add a nice touch.
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I had no idea what to put in the copyright page, ahaha. I've put a template together now, which does a better job at identifying the resources used and linking to the source material.
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restlesschilled · 7 months
Tmag 6 thoughts
Note: Im a backer so this was done on Tuesday the 13th and set to post on Thursday the 15
omg thats the sweetest thing im gonna cry
Pre "statemen
[insert caffine patch gag from meet the robbinsons]
as some one who worked overnights YES SAM GET THE BLACK OUT CURTAINS
"the sun is the enemy" Alice dark avatar confirmed? /hj
new guy??
turn over rate is also high in general for overnight jobs because its hell
also i know this is overnight in the script because spooky and also jonny and alex worked a job like this and thats hoe they met but WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD A JOB LIKE THIS BE OVERNIGHT?(fear and paranoia obviously)
can someone get Sam some vitamin D as well hes got melanin hes gonna absorb it slower
sleepy man
(fun fact that's Giaus Octavius from Cry Havic!)
also looked at the cast (dont do it till you finish and HOLY FUCKING SHIT)
his name iss needles guys
Freaking out
porcupine man
post statement
lol he was enjoying it
headcanon sam loves r/nosleep
also we've been called out
also her last name is after Alex and Hannahs Dog which i love
super weird interview
"and im both, the system work!"
love celia cant trust her but love her
"four weirdos in a basement reading scary stories" AFHGHLGSDALGELKRG
freaking out
freaking the fuck out
shes already been to the break room?
hes got a crush on her
“Would you like tea Celia? Coffee perchance? My heart carved from my chest and arranged on a little doily? Please, Celia, cut out my tongue so I can always be there to lick your stamps for you!”
the date on the statement is 3 days before the date it was accessed by Sam
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months
hi jay!
so, i've been staying up until at least 3am as of late due to the simple fact that i cannot fucking sleep, so!
i've decided that i'm going to listen to all of these podcasts you make art for because i actually want to know context and whatnot for your art becuase your art is rlly fire and you're one of my favorite artists but pretty much the only fandom i know anything about that you do art for is will wood, and i love will wood. so,, automatically i think you probably also have good tastes in podcasts so im going to listen to them.
which should i start with?
(srry this is so long btw i like talking)
Well I’d say camp here and there since you’re a Will Wood fan !!! it’s very goofy and silly but also slightly disturbing and horrifically sad <3 also Will did the soundtrack so <33 AND if you enjoy that you can try welcome to night vale because they have similar vibes although it tends to stay more light hearted then chnt :))
Wolf 359 is both absolutely hilarious and also gut-wrenchingly tragic. it gets its own category bc it’s not entirely horror nor supernatural, I mean yeah there’s aliens but that’s sci-fi supernatural so it doesn’t count. Really really good one to start with if you like character centric stories !!!
Malevolent is like. really fucking good. I’m not even sure how to sell it it’s just amazing. Definitely the scariest out of the one’s I’ve listened to so far, but damnnnnn it’s so worth it. the themes… the growth…. the divorces……
And the Magnus archives also,, it was my first fiction podcast I really got into and it’s so so so good!! if you’re a causal r/nosleep enjoyer you’ll love this one. it’s basically spooky short stories with a plot happening in the background (at least. that’s how it seems)
Anyway yeah sorry !!! I’d say camp here and there and if you don’t like that one perhaps tma or malevolent, depending on your preferences. hope the sleep situation figures itself out tho !!
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