#also sharing this here bc I am a people pleaser and saying no is so so exhausting and I didn’t cry but my neck did get all red so
Today I want you to take a moment and be grateful if you have friends who fucking understand what burnout is and don’t get mad and lash out at you for not wanting to go out.
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chubs-deuce · 7 months
Hello!!! Love love LOVE your Charlastor and Hazbin artwork; your art is amazing!!
I have a feww questions if you’re comfortable with answering them (no worries if not) :D
I love hearing people’s music recommendations, so I was wondering if you listen to music whilst you draw and if there’s any songs in particular that make you think of the characters and/or the ship?
Also, I get a bit nervous posting about Charlastor because of some of the hate it gets in the fandom and because some of my irl classmates who follow me don’t like the ship (and don’t know I like it), so I was wondering what your general mindset is when you post your art online, but also what your mindset is like when posting Charlastor art, knowing what the fandom can be like?
Finallyy, I wanted to ask if you’ve read Under My Skin by whamagram on AO3 and if you have, what are your thoughts on it? It’s a mature slowburn Radiobelle fic and only has a few chapters out so far, but it’s updated pretty regularly and has become my new favourite at the moment! I highly highly recommend it because it’s super well-written, really witty, and really understands the characters. It’s all about Charlie nursing Alastor back to health after the final battle in season 1 and it’s just so well done!!
Again, just want to say that I really really love your work and thank you for sharing it! I especially love how you draw expressions and the way you draw characters and their emotions feels so real. Seeing your illustrations inspires me to keep practicing with my own art!
Omg thank you so much for this lovely ask?!!
I'd be more than happy to answer all of these actually! :D
I am, in fact, the kind of person who looooves finding songs that fit certain characters or ships and make whole playlists over time if I find enough of them, so here's some that made me think of Charlastor (links are all spotify):
- Glass Piano, by Kathleen
- Daisy Bell, and specifically this scuffed computer sung version bc it hits better
- bored like me, by dodie
- Ended with the Night, by Caravan Palace
- I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire, by The Ink Spots
- I Can't Decide, by Scissor Sisters
I have yet to really find more songs specific to the characters as individuals tho lol
As for your next question...
This isn't my first rodeo in the unpopular non-canon het presenting ship club, so there's a few things I like to remind myself of when I feel that people pleaser anxiety sneaking up on me:
if people truly wanted to avoid content of the ship, they'd block the tags. Maybe kindly ask your friend to block the charlastor and radiobelle tags bc you want to post about them? This way they're not forced to see what they dislike and you get to have your harmless fun. If they're opposed to this, question why. It's not your job to curate *their* online experience, they do have all the necessary tools at their disposal.
I consider the source material like a toy box. You can play with the dolls in it like the packaging intended for you to, but there's no rules dictating that you can't play *your* way if that's more fun to you.
Canon is in my eyes the preferred suggestion, but not the law - don't we all just smush the heads of dolls together making kissy noises in our minds at the end of the day?
A lot of people sadly treat shipping like it's a battle for author validation, when in reality it was always just a way to playing with hypotheticals and exploring the world and characters canon offered us in new and interesting ways... I hate the attitude some people have about canonicity. Imo, as long as you're not acting like your non-canon ship should be canon and shit on other ships in the process, you're not doing any harm.
Now... Canon sexualities and having contrary headcanons are a tricky road to travel because there's so much emotional investment in the canon representation of often overlooked or mishandled minority groups, and this is the biggest anti argument I've seen get thrown around, since Charlastor as a ship not only splits up the canon lesbian pairing, but also alters Alastor's canon sexuality to make the ship work.
What's important here is that you handle it respectfully - i.e. don't be a dick and go around acting like your preferred ideas are better and should be canon or whatever. Attitude is important, respect canon for what it is and embrace the fact that your ship is not. It's not a detriment! It just means we have to make all of our own content lol.
I personally headcanon Alastor as demisexual/demiromantic not only because it still fits under the aspec umbrella, but also because I myself am both of those things and enjoy messing with the characters and narrative using a dynamic I have a lot of personal experience with! It's fun to hit someone as haughty and stubbornly emotionally detached as Alastor with a flurry of unexpected, unwanted feelings and struggling to navigate them.
Do I want that to be canon? Absolutely not! I'm just having fun with my imaginative toys in my own corner of the internet lol.
Also for the record, I think Chaggie is cute and they should absolutely stay together, I just don't find them interesting enough to explore further in the realm of fanfiction and art :'D
Ultimately I'm a strong believer of "I can post whatever I want forever", if anyone has an issue with it and the given tools at their disposal aren't enough to deal with it, they're free to unfollow and/or block me! I don't need anyone's approval to have harmless fun with my artistic and writing skills where I don't bother anyone, and that's imo always what should be at the core of creating just about anything.
I try my best to leave comments under it wherever I can too bc it genuinely scratches like every itch I have about this ship so well-
The comedy is on point, the dialogue feels so solidly in-character and the pacing and the overall concept just work perfectly!!
10/10 concur as a great recommendation lol
QWQ again, thank you so much for taking the time to type out this lovely ask, I really do appreciate it and the compliments also absolutely made my day!!
I hope you keep having as much fun with this ship as I am, take care!! <3
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momotonescreaming · 10 months
I'm absolutely obsessed with your latest story. This was exactly how I imagine those two would interact.
I don't get the notion why people insist Nancy would be a good teacher and tutor the others. I mean she is smart, but also too literal. She follows things to a tee and if you question anything she says she would blame it on you not getting it. She's not someone who thinks too much out of the box, which is required for being a good teacher. And with Eddie struggling so hard to graduate, she would make things worse lol. Both wouldn't get the other, which would lead to a huge fight.
And I don't mean that to hate on Nancy, in fact I might be heavily projecting here because I'm kinda the same. I was above average in school but I could never teach anyone anything because I had only one way and if people didn't get it I couldn't really help. Tho I wouldn't make passive aggressive comments like Nancy I would apologize all the time for not being more helpful lmao (bc I'm a people pleaser lol)
But yes also if you think Nancy would like Eddie after witnessing his probably daily speeches in the cafeteria that we live in a society? Girl would run out before Eddie set his first foot on the table. (Also again heavily projecting here because I would run out because Eddie would be too much to handle for me. Robin I could handle because she is like my best friend but Eddie? He would drive me insane lmao) Those two are polar opposites and I love reading about the tensions. <333
thank you so much for the ask nonnie! and thank you for reading and liking my lil ficlet 🥺🥺🥺 every time someone says thats exactly how they picture eddie and nancy I get a little bit stronger
I feel like a lot of people automatically assume that smart= good teacher, when you're right, that couldn't be further from the truth. You need to be adaptable, have creative thinking, you need to admit that you can't be right all the time in order to be a teacher. And Nancy does not have that. You're 100% right that Nancy is a steamroller, she is on train tracks. If you don't follow her way (the right way, according to her) then you're wrong. You're not getting it. You're just not trying, because there's no way that she's admitting that she can be wrong.
That's not automatically a bad thing! Thank you for sharing! I totally understand you're not trying to hate on Nancy. Neither am I. You can like a character, can think they're interesting, and point out their flaws at the same time. She's a teenager! She's very particular! She likes things in order! And that's not bad! It's what you do with it, and how you let it affect your life - that's where the issues arise.
And oh my god the cafeteria speeches. She'd hate him. She'd think he's annoying and unhygienic, standing on tables like he does. Putting his shoes where people eat? Ew. She'd sit there silently judging and hoping for him to shut up and sit down. She'd hope he graduates already so he can get out of her hair. (Then of course they get lumped together with the Upside Down).
When Eddie was deep in his high school hierarchy bullshit - he'd think Nancy was a suck up conformist for getting good grades and going after the most popular guy in school. But in S4 he changes! He realises that he's been making assumptions based on nothing! He gets along with Steve! And idk I don't see Nancy changing that much. At least, not with the way canon has her at the moment. Because she doesn't lol. Yeah, she has guns now, but she's still a steamroller of a woman who can't see any other way than hers.
Idk they're very different people! They're complicated! And I think the upside down would make them end up as friendly acquaintances, but that's it
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littlemissidontcare · 2 months
About Daisy and Seb... they did play it up a bit, but his eyes were like so shiny every time she spoke. I remember a random video I can't find now when he helped her with her skort/dress after they posed together. He was so careful with her.
Also him bringing up his age for no reason (I told Daisy I'm turning 40 in August), knowing she'd laugh a bit in an interview :))
Obviously they played a bit to promote, but their chemsitry and the way he looked at her felt so personal. Like.. he was agreeing uncounciously to everything she was saying. They are both introvert dorks, people pleasers, only kids who put their career first (plus 80s music lovers ofc). I listened to the Daisy podcast an anon sent here and holy shiiiiit they are so similar in so many aspects.
Also, the sexual tension was visible even when they tried to be just friendly... like damnnn. They crushed on each other a lot while promoting. Which is funny, because he was already with Annabelle actually and most people don't know this :))
I think they would have at least hooked up if he hadn't cared so much about appearances (not wanting to be seen aa the guy who goes for younger women even though I doubt most people would've thought that. I think most would have thought it's just PR)
And yes to the anon that talked about the sub dom vibes... it's so in the air, Idk how to explain it.
Long story short, I think they were promoting obviously but they were also into each other for real but did not risk it.
P.S. That moment with Andrew where sge mentions Pam & Tommy will never be not funny.
P.S. 2 many of the shippers who said she hates him and said awful things about her in general, body shaming her, commented and shared "so sweet🥰" after she mentioned him in a Twisters interview 🤡
P.S. 3 I do not see any romantic/sexual chemistry between Lily and Seb... just s8blimgs vibes😔, and I could not finish Pam & Tommy bc of that. So I am not surprised Annabelle and her minions feel less threatened by Lily (and that PR staged thing pls... which is funny because Sebastian covered his face and let Annabelle hold his hand like she's his mom - the ick I got for that motherly hold). They are ageist but call people who do not like Annabelle ageist.
Sorry for the long rant! Thank you mod for being so sweet!
Thank you for being here 🫶🏼
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send me an "🖊️" for me to talk about my ocs
OKAY SO TEEHEE. doing three topics since u sent three pens :3c
Klara looooooves picnics or brunches, especially if it's with her close friends. Most of them use a digital calendar that can be shared w others (one where u can write where you probably are at that point, and events stay private and only visible to you, but it will show the others that you aren't free at that moment), and tries to plan a brunch/picnic meetup at least once in two months hehe <3 She also loved to take charge of all the food prep and shopping for different events they hosted in their sustainability student organization thing. Klara's also often taking care of the food side of events at her work, too. Her "must haves" at events like these r fruits and vegetables (she's a fan of apples, oranges and grapes but also loves to have cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes. also allows others to bring their own), different kinds of bread, some candy, crackers and hummus. If it's a work event, she'll also add some kind of fancy cake thing. If it's a friend event she'll also have cereal, cinnamon rolls or french toast and pierogi. I think being good at brunches kinda creates balance w the fact that she can't cook very well skfkkfkfkxkxkfkfkkfk
Toby sucks at hugging anyone who's not Klara bc he allows someone to hug him v rarely (for example, after not seeing his friends for a very long time or if someone's feeling sad) and it just looks somewhat clumsy? Like he doesn't notice the person's position on time so he enfs up on the "wrong side", doesn't really ever squeeze during a hug & honestly looks a bit uncomfortable. But he does enjoy them a lot!!
Continuing with these both bc they're in my head most of the time NFNNFBXKFXKXK I think it's funny how back when they met, Tobias basically was invited by their mutual friend Leon to come help out with this one event thing and maybe stay as an admin in that student organization/club bc he seems to have skills for that. So Leon basically takes Toby to their meeting where they're talking about things, and then Klara comes a bit late bc of her work, sees Toby and goes "who tf is this", which is funny bc she Did know who it is, clearly meaning to ask what he's doing here. How did she know him already? There was this one skincare startup she loved very much bc their products were sensitive skin friendly and didn't have any strong scents. (A bit miserable and "doing this bc i'm a people pleaser") co-founder of that start up? Toby. Back when he was finishing his bachelors (when he was 17) he and his friends were attending this specific skincare chemistry workshop course and got an idea for different products. Fast forward four and a half years later, his friends r inviting him to join their start up idea centering around these products. He had a quite miserable time there let's be honest and left after 6 months, paying off his university debt and donating tons of money to charity, and also saving for the master's degree he was going to finally get. Klara didn't mention this to anyone though, and two days later when she accidentally met him in a cafe she's like "Hey were you that..." and at that moment Toby basically freezes and goes "yes i am that figure skater no i don't want to talk about it, to which Klara's like "The What. No I meant a co founder of that skincare thing," which made Toby relax a bit and he says "oh yeah that's me, you're like the first one who noticed. how cool". They didn't really talk that much for the first weeks of knowing each other tho, until Klara got this one job task and after asking Leon to help with this one thing he's like, "well idk about this but i heard that's toby's speciality" so she kinda had to go and ask him for help. And then something happens and now they're both helping each other out. yay. i need to plan out that part more teehee.
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sakurology · 3 years
could you do the nsfw alphabet for atsumu please? thank you :)
Aw shit, here we go again...
NSFW Alphabet: Miya Atsumu
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gn!reader focused
A/N: She hasn’t written in awhile but you know what I’m proud of it- lol be nice to me or I’ll leave forever jk I won’t but still be nice to me ily 💕 Atsumu is a menace I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Obviously nasty below the cut so if you’re a kid fuck off
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
He’s not the best, but certainly not the worst. He will take care of you, but… only after he takes care of himself first. Usually that just means he needs to take a shower. Once he does, he’s free to supply cuddles until you both fall asleep.
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
He has abs so solid you could make a sharkcoochie board on them. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
When Atsumu cums… he cums hard. It’s like having an out of body experience- every nerve cell in his body is firing off as he tenses up, digging his nails into whatever flesh he can grab, and grinding his heels into the surface supporting him. He bites down so hard his teeth grind involuntarily as his face contorts in a strained statuesque vision. One low growl from deep in his chest comes out through gritted teeth as he sputters out mixtures of “that’s it,” and “don’t you dare fucking stop.”
The orgasm face of Atsumu Miya is one of the 7 wonders of the world.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
It’s not a secret per se, but he’s been exposed and clowned for eating ass… so he doesn’t wanna talk about it.
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
So contrary to popular belief, I don’t think he’s that experienced... he’s just lucky! (Lmaoooo all of his experience is based on like 2 actual people that he maybe got to second base with (he says third but come on we know he’s lying) and then a litany of porn. Poor thing just wants some coochie I AM HERE KING and he has no trouble finding it, he just never seals the deal. He’s someone who just kind of, knows what to do naturally. He’s able to read someone’s body by touch alone, and so he knows what you like right off the bat based on how you react. He might try a couple of things at the start to see what really makes you squirm, but once he’s got it... holy hell has he ever got it.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
I hate to say how easy this was- but I KNOW Atsumu is a guy who prefers doggy. I see him as a hair puller, so this is perfect for him. I also could see him being into mirrors, and this is the perfect position to make you look at what he’s doing to you, especially while he’s pulling your head back by your hair. He especially likes gripping his thumbs into the smalls of your back (he crosses his arms bc saw it in a porn once and he thinks it makes him look cool), and when he’s INTO it, he likes to smack your ass to encourage you.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
Is goofy by accident. Like will sometimes try throwing in something new with his normal dirty talk that completely throws you off. He hates when you laugh at him for it, but you find it endearing.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
I’m gonna… say something so controversial yet so bold:
What hair?
And yes I mean that. Smooth. He waxes. Monthly. No hair. (Besides like… legs and armpits… yah he doesn’t touch those) Naked mole rat dick but fuck it he’s Atsumu motherfucking Miya he can do what he wants.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞
While he’s not the most... romantic in general per se, he does want to make you feel appreciated. He’s very eager to get his, but he won’t allow himself to unless you have already. It takes restraint, but he cools himself down by having you get on top, or by leaving lingering kisses anywhere he can, saying you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
When he’s away from you he loves to send you videos of himself or FaceTime you. He gets you worked up enough to join him no matter where you are. He just needs to see you, he needs you to see him stroking his cock to the thought of you- he can’t cum without you telling him to.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
I have to get this out but I KNOW he’s nasty. I imagine Atsumu as a huge dirty talker and also someone who’s into spitting. Both of those are just clear in my brain... like he would be pundinng you from behind, spit on your back, and then call you a slut all in 3 seconds flat but the way that you would cream? Ugh insanity he needs to be arrested he needs to be stopped
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Since he’s got money now- he’s a big fan of ordering Uber XLs or even just hiring a driver for a night on the town as a flex. But he especially loves telling his driver to put up the window partition while he annihilates you in the backseat. I just think he’s a fan of car sex in general- it just does it for him.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Loves to hear his name. Whether you’re moaning it or screaming it like it’s the only word you know, he’s always going to ask you who you belong to, and the answer is always Atsumu.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
He totally eats ass. He’s just not gonna tell anyone bc he told Osamu ONCE and now his contact name is ASStumu and he lives in fear of that getting out.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
Sloppppppyyyyyy. Loves giving ~slightly~ more than receiving, simply bc he loves the sight of seeing his spit dripping down your thighs while he goes down on you. Loves eye contact when you’re going down on him.
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
Though I wouldn’t say he’s super experienced, I know he’s relentless. He fucks. Literally just fucks. Not in the sense that he only treats you like a hole bc yikes, but in the sense that he just goes the speeds of fast or faster. There’s no slow with him.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
Yeah. Lots of them. Anywhere, anytime. Particularly for him, a lot of them end up being in his car, simply because you’ll be out somewhere and the mood strikes. He’ll quickly take you out to the car for a few minutes, slut you out, and then return to the function like nothing happened. You’ve had many a quickie in a bathroom or closet in a party as well. When he wants you, he wants you, so he’s not afraid to take you.
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
Not as much of a risk-taker as people think. Mostly because he wants to protect you. He would hate for someone to see you in such a compromising position… but also, you’ve had your fair share of quickies in the bathrooms of various wedding receptions, so he’s lying.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Can last a decent amount of time, if he spreads it out over multiple rounds. I’m general, he can probably go about 2 or 3 rounds without needing a break. More if you draw out foreplay with him. He’s a pleaser, so really how long he lasts is up to you. He’s got the power and control to hold off on is own release until he’s certain you absolutely can’t take anymore.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
One of those mfs who gets you the mold of his dick as a toy for your birthday for when he’s away because according to him “you’ll be so needy while I’m gone”
I hate him so much but I would use that shit every day he knows what he’s doing I’m so upset
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
Speaking of being needy- he loves to egg you on when you are. He knows all the buttons to push, but he’ll never actually make the move until you’re begging. And of course he loves to turn that around in you, hitting you with that “god, ya just can’t get enough of me, can ya?”
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
He’s more of a talker than a moaner. Not necessarily loud in bed- but very, very vocal. Commanding of you in a good way, and will definitely show his appreciation through praise.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
Actually has a Cosmo subscription bc he likes trying all the strange and obscure sex positions in the articles. Also likes taking the quizzes, and will casually have you do them with him at breakfast.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
he’s a little on the thicker side. Its probably a good 7 inches, so it’s enough to fill you, add in the stretch of his girth and it’s a good, mild burn when he first goes in, but he fills you just enough without it being way too much. He’s a shower, so he doesn’t get much longer, but you have a lot to work with. He also has a cute freckle on his left inner thigh.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
His sex drive is on the higher end, but really only when he’s in his off season. When he’s actively playing in games, he tries to curb his appetite a bit because he believes in the superstition that sex messes with players’ stamina on the court.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
He’s gonna knock out, but not until he showers. He ALWAYS showers after. The water soothes his muscles and by the time he’s done it’s lights out.
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robinrequiems · 3 years
Quiet kid/nerd Damian and Queen B's friend/ sidekick(idk) Jon? or the opposite
High school clishe I guess :>
(ignore if you found this lame)
• damian didn’t see the point in talking if he didn’t need to, so he didn’t. his teachers never called on him since they knew he paid attention ( or at least know the material )
• jon um. is a people pleaser. he needs friends. he wants people to like him. and if the queen of the school doesn’t like him, than everyone else won’t like him. that’s how he thinks
• but anyways, Damian was popular, but he was a loner type. he didn’t feel like talking to inferior people. he had two friends at this school, one still goes there, but she shared nothing w/ him and the other moved
• jon w/ very bad anxiety, he’s just. he worries too much, to add onto that, not only is he the queen bee’s bestie, he is also her boyfriend, the football playing boyfriend.
• hitting all the cliches. v here’s the thing tho: jons closeted, uh he said yes to her because he was scared that she would ruin him, he didn’t want to break her heart or make her mad. so he said yes.
• theres this boy who said next to him, maybe sorta the one who awakened his inner gay. jon is interested in girls- he remembered that one crush on this one girl from Hamilton
• jon honestly just likes who he wants. but he doesn’t like queen bee.( her name is bea )
• oh did I mention that the boys name is damian?
• yeah. and do you imagine how perfect it was to find out that they would be sitting next to each other in physics, the only class jon is so good in
• they were lab partners. he. and. Damian.
• he’s aware that he shouldn’t keep leading bea on. but he’s. he is sorta scared
• too bad for him because Damian immediately realized jon had it for him. had it real bad. he knew as soon as he just looked at him and jon went red, how jon stared at him when he thought damian wasn’t looking. how jon looked for Damian in the halls and tried to actively talk to him even if Damian never responded
• damian had a small little bitty crush on jon, so maybe when Jon started paying attention to him, & when he learned of jons crush, he started.. he started dressing up. he may have started putting on lip gloss ( to look kissable :) ) & mascara ( to show off his eyelashes even more ), jewelry on his ears and hands ( still loving Damian w/ ear cuffs and rings <3 ), & he started trying more with outfits, no more all black outfits
• but why, the blunt damian wayne, not tell Jon that he liked him? jons dating bea. he can’t. he can’t do anything. and jon doesn’t look like the type to confront his problems. he looks like the type to hide away. Damian can’t be with someone who hides themselves.
• so damian doesn’t say anything
• jon isn’t a bitch, he’s the sweetest boy ever. he’s the type to buy someone else lunch, he brings cookies for his team, he stays after practice to help clean up
• damian kept his silence, until bea insulted jon. all jon was trying to do was help her.
Damian: don’t be such a bitch.
Bea: .. excuse me?
Damian: all he’s trying to do is help your bratty ass. & here you are. being an asshole.
Bea: who do you think you are? just because you’re a wayne doesn’t mean shit. I’ll ruin you, and drag your family’s name down the dirt.
Damian: mm. go ahead and try.
• wow jon was so. so. wow. he was astounded. someone defended him. Damian defended him.
• jon couldn’t believe it. he started paying attention when bea dumped her stupid starbucks coffee on damian. that’s. when he got angry.
Jon: you can’t just treat people like that!
Bea: jonny, baby, cmon- who cares, it’s nkt like he can’t replace it. he’s rich
Jon: it doesn’t matter- I- god, I can’t do this.
Bea: what?
Jon: I’m tired of watching you be a.. a asshoke to people. I can’t be with someone like that. we’re done- i.. I can’t believe I just watched you bully people for 2 years w/o saying anything
Bea: you can’t be serious.
Jon: I am.
• jon ended up leading Damian to the bathroom, trying to clean off his shirt before damian got frustrated
Jon: wait. * taking off his zip up jacket and handing it over * use it, give it back tomorrow? or yeah.
Damian: I’ll give it back on our date.
Jon: da-te?
Damian: you like me, I like you. I would like to go on a date. Please.
Jon: yes!
• so they go on a date, they become boyfriends, & Jon gets over his anxiety a bit, he has friends. he has Damian. he doesn’t need everyone to love him. ( even tho people still do. bc it’s Jon )
• jons happy
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enden-k · 3 years
I just have to tell you
I've been seeing you be worried about what you post and if people are getting annoyed
So I just want you to know that I love reading your head cannons and all ur art whether is fluffy, angsty, comedic, or smexy. And all the other things like the Nintendo thingy
It's your blog
and I hope you post whatever you want to share and everyone should support u.
I also understand the anxiety and stress of pleasing others especially followers
But please don't let others dictate what should be on YOUR blog. If they don't like it there are options for them to hide or ignore it.
I think it's amazing just the way it is and I love seeing you get excited over things and your interests.
Not trying to be mean to anyone just want you to know I love ur stuff and am a lil worried negative comments might be affecting u.
All the love @ you
i feel a little silly but this made me cry AHHhah had to take a moment
ngl it is a little stressful for me here lately. like, i already mentioned it a lot of times before i think but im. very very bad with people. i get nervous extremely easily and im very awkward, im pretty sure thats noticeable in some of the stupid, brainless things or gibberish i say-- i like talking to people (and lots of you are really nice) but at the same time im scared i mess up bc im jsut so bad and awkward at talking. i dont get jokes sometimes, i dont get it when someone is purposefully mean to me or just messing around. ; i dont mind some teasing but sometimes i cant tell if smth was meant seriously or not, so bc i cant pick up on that i just get a bit more careful and quiet or just like "ahaha" bc idk if i actually behaved annoying and i dont wanna upset anyone (i know i know its my blog and all, but its jsut me as a person. i dont like upsetting someone and im just. a people pleaser ig?) so yeah i guess you could say some stuff affects me, though it is mostly stuff i cant tell the meaning of or interpret wrong?
people deciding for me what i post about is not really an issue tbh, i have lots of requests or ideas in my inbox but i long since stopped trying to draw everythign like i did back then in fate. i draw for whatever i personally like or smth, if that was what you were worried about (i just get insecure sometimes when i draw smth "too often" e.g. suggestive stuff etc that it might annoy people. again, i know its my blog but again, im someone who worries about other people etc) i enjoy drawing, for myself and for others, and sharing my stuff here and it makes me super happy whenever i see people like it or tell me about it, thats not whats stressful for me. its just bc of this whole thing mentioned above and how insecure it gets me sometimes. and bc im worried i accidentally annoy anyone with uhhh. me being me i guess, when i cant control it good. im trying my best, really. its just not very good, im sorry about that
anyway, enough about that, i feel like i talked so randomly about things you probably didnt even mean, in my defence im a bit tired and my thoughts are jumpy hhh
nothing awful happened or smth negative was said to me, i think? unless someone was actually mean and i didnt get it. please dont worry! but i thank you for your concern still <3 im happy to know you like whatever random thing im sharing with you all haha
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astrologgeek · 3 years
Hi :)) I feel like if I keep faking it this blog will die eventually.
I'm gonna send the drafts I did make of the 500 followers game & send them to the people who asked - the ones I didn't even begin will know so, and it will come with an apology. I am sorry for letting you down - but this cancer season I've learned a lot about who I am and how much of a people pleaser am I, so I'm now shedding this fake me - and with it all of my empty promises. I understand if you unfollow - this is a bit selfish after all - but I'm okay with it as long as I get to have my blog reborn under the energy of leo season 💕🙏
This blog is called astrologgeek, it has a pixel nature aesthetic since I find my inner child in love with it - the home we used to find in pixel aesthetic characters and designs helped us shape our imagination into no shape at all - so I let it bloom, and I let myself bloom.
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I have a lot of emotions to unpack here, so here is my rebellion post:
Since I have left tumblr for a month and a half I've notices my energy getting more stable and powerful than before, the feeling of freedom and relief and overall comfort. Now I do say this is mostly because I also left every single social media, but tumblr takes a big part in those feeling bc I notice how draining tumblr is to me, and even other people, my tumblr mutuals - told me how much energy tumblr takes from them on the daily and without even noticing. After much thinking I've gotten to a conclusion:
(★) Tumblr
This category involves 2 subjects:
▪︎tumblr's past (TW: mentions of P0RN but mentions only)
▪︎tumblr's community
▪︎tumblr realization:
Starting with tumblr's past: after some talk and research I've found out a pretty disturbing fact about tumblr that have affected my view of it a lot - since this app practically "died" because of child p0rn0gr@phy being posted there. That is messed up on so many levels. There's more than that, so I recommend y'all to read about it on wikipedia and in these screenshots:
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Moving on to tumblr's comminity, not that I have any more things to say - but tumblr's community is known to be problematic, and in our astro & spiritual tumblr communities even worse since they're even more aware of how to literally curse, evil eye, manipulate and use people's charts and history / knowledge against them. In other words, people here are dangerous - a lot of energy vampires, creeps and copycats.
Now moving to the last one, tumblr relization - now I admit that I softened my way of saying these since my 1st written opinions were a bit extreme (not wrong but extreme), but in the month and a half I was gone I got to really think it through - and got to a theory that tumblr IS an energy vampire. I, in fact - never encountered trolls or creeps or anything but the energy in tumblr remained and remains so heavy and exhausting that I even got physically exhausted from just being on tumblr. Isn't that crazy? Also - not only I felt like this, sm people did too.
So now... what can I do with all of this information?
(★) protection
Dear mutuals, protect yourselves!! My reccomendations:
• don't post your charts - you have no idea who's looking at it and what they can, want or will do with it. A birth chart is far more than enough to have the ability to curse/evil eye/suck energy from someone. Be careful.
• affirmations qnd manifestations towards gaining healthy followers and losing toxic or evil-intentioned ones, not attracting any negative enrgy etc.
• putting intentions into sigils, crystals, objects with value to you - just inputting your intentions in them and letting them help you.
• witches can ofc make protection spells.
• creating an aura/energy protection field.
• not sharing any personal details.
You don't know one of these things? Research! It won't do no harm to learn more.
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So now I'm getting to the final part:
the summary.
I'm sorry for not standing up to my promises, this year I've been exploring my aries-self (mercury but also sun, rising and venus in vedic) and I'm now getting to the understanding that I don't need to please no one unless I 100% want to. I need to please myself and do good for me first :)) there will be an other new blog-attitude here 💫
Imo, tumblr is pretty toxic and incredibly problematic and needs a change asap - but I won't leave it for now 💕 I believe this community can be sm better in the future if we just protect ourselves and our work and improve the environment.
That's it, you'll see me soon I hope :))🔥💕
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y’all can i confess a thing real quick that i’ve been thinking abt lately??? hecc--
i see everyone having their interactions and headcanons and such with each other’s ocs and im so happy for u all and god i wish i could join
you don’t know how much i wish i could join
but even though i want to so badly, i find myself being completely unable to
like... idk how to explain it. i’m a people pleaser by nurture and by nature. i was raised that way. my childhood was very much, in short, “please everyone else and be perfect so nobody has any reason to be angry with you” because. well. making someone angry is bad and horrendous and well i’m not going to go too much into it bc that’s not why we’re here. but, like... it’s a habit/mindset i’ve never been able to shake.
and how does this relate to the subject at hand?
oh, it relates. because of the fact that i am such a hardcore people-pleaser, i don’t want to risk stepping on someone’s toes or breaking any boundaries or crossing any lines by incorporating my own muses and ideas when they may not be wanted. in fact there’s a good portion of me that solidly believes no, i’m not wanted here, why am i still here. i call that portion junko enoshima because she’s a bastard. it helps to personify my own negative thoughts/negative self-esteem/etc, you see.
so like. it’s not that i don’t like any of you, or that i don’t like your ideas, or something. quite the opposite, actually!!!! omg <3 i love reading all your portrayals and threads (when i get a chance to) and your headcanons and all that sort of thing; i love seeing the people i care about express themselves.
but of course, since i’m also a perfectionist bc of how i was raised, if i’m not at all confident in my ability to do something, i just... don’t do it.
yes, it is a problem. i know. i have a slew of those that very few actually know about.
but like. i don’t know what my point here is.
but... my high rejection sensitivity + my perfectionism + my people-pleasing ways do not lend themselves well to wanting to add to the world everyone’s created here. i’m terrified of sharing my own ideas regarding how my muses interact with others. because. what if it’s not right? what if it’s not canon? what if it’s so wildly off-the-wall non-canonical and i don’t know it that everyone thinks i’m actually an idiot and that i’m not worth writing with at all and just.
thoughts like that.
they’re horrible, aren’t they?
but anyway, that’s it. that’s what i wanted to say. thank you and i hope you all have a good night/day/whatever time it is for you. :3
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icharchivist · 3 years
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my ask! 😊
Now... How much, out of 10, are you of each summer troupe member?
I hope you also find this a fun ask to answer!
ahah sure <3 thanks for sending them and well, indulging in my answers!
i do find it fun to answer it's just that i worry my justifications may be too much infos ahah
anyway for summer...
for the vague notes: Tenma: 1/10, Yuki: 4/10, Muku: 7/10 Misumi: 2/10, Kazunari: 8/10, Kumon: 3/10
under the cut for more justification (again which are infos about me so go in with caution)
if we don't see again under the cut, now i say, take care! :3c
(Links: Spring, Summer, Autumn , Winter ranking)
Tenma: 1/10. I don't. think i actually relate to Tenma all that much dKLJFDLFK I think all i can really relate to is that he loves his friends even if he doesn't really know how to show it at times. I adore him but i really don't know if i have anything in common with him DLKJFDKLF
Yuki: 4/10. Yuki's interesting to me because i was a lot like him when i was his age, actually, but i'm so different now that i can't say i relate to him as much, but i still see my younger self in him? When i was his age i was really rejected by my peers for a lot, lot of reasons, one of them being the way i decided to dress (though it was not like. the worst reason. i think?). Early teen i was a recluse but at 14, i developed thick skin and would snap back at people pretty easily, i would try to stand out proud about who i was, that doing stuff i enjoy is worth going through this sort of humiliation. There is a lot about Yuki's defense mechanisms, from his sass to the way he tries to keep people at armlength, that brings me back to middle school. He's healthily growing past that in a way i don't as much relate to (took different path and all) but it makes me happy to see him grow and feel safer. So it's a weird one to answer to ahah, when i was 14 i'd say i would have given him maybe a 7/10? but nowadays maybe just a 2/10 just because now i dress very cutesyly and always wear dress and stuff, or the fact i don't feel interested in being in romantic situation myself. i'll make it round at 4/10 for that.
Muku: 7/10 Oh, to be an anxious romantic with passions for lovestories and blaming yourself for everything you ever do because you MUST be doing something wrong. I feel that. I relate more with Muku now that i did when i was his age for instance ahah but yeah that'd be the gist of it. Also relating to his habit to get lost in his own fantasy world, in unrealistic scenarios, wanting to be something you can't realistically be. I do relate to how much he loves lovestories though (like i just mentioned tho i just. don't like the idea of being in one irl. so i really love stories much more about it where i can explore all of this in a safe way with no engagement ahah) But for various reasons (from his athletics to the confidence boost he can get) i can only give him that much point LDKJF
Misumi: 2/10 Misumi's complicated to discuss for me DKJFDFLK but as for what i relate about, some elements about his family life hit ways too close from home and i don't like thinking about it too hard, it's too real dLFKJDFLK. Other than that one of the major thing i can relate with for Misumi is the way he's genuinely taken aback when people say they care about him and his health because he's not used to his family doing that for him, and that he's been really lonely because he's been considered "weird". While not to the same extend though i do understand the happiness of seeing stuff you care about somewhere (though for me it may be plushies kjfdhdf) but really not to his extends
Kazunari: 8/10 oh yeah we're in it now he's one of the first chara i actually projected on hard (because i didn't think about whenever i related to spring charas before and he was before the slaps in the face). Anyway i too, am a massive people pleaser who don't really know how to voice my own opinions on stuff when it's not too important. I'm indecisive as hell when i don't have a strong opinion about something and i will generally just be trying to go with the flow. I've been trying to work on that those past few years and be a little more assertive, but so i can also relate to how Kazu tries to push himself out of this comfort zone in later plotpoints. As much as i think i'm more assertive now it's a constant work and it's not always linar. I don't like upsetting people, i'm extremely conflict avoidant, and i always feel like i have a responsibility to keep up a cheerful Face. I was a very quiet kid then a very quiet teen and i didn't have much friends then, until about high school, where i was finally in good surrounding at school and made a lot of friends, though i do keep my friends at a distance in general and wouldn't say i form. very deep relationships. so like him. though different reasons why. When i was in high school i was so much more loud and i faked a lot of confidence i didn't have and pretending to be always happy and unbothered by anything. It completely disappeared after high school though, i'm. so much more calm in general nowadays. anyway, turns out people always complain i'm very loud when i do talk especially if it's something i'm excited about (which is something i'm super insecure about when people points it out but LDKJFLDF ANYWAY). To that i'll just add too that i also pursued art school and art cursus but i stopped because [spoiler alert for why i relate to Kumon]. When Kazu ends up showing his enthusiasm about art it brings me back to back then tbh. Even though i don't do art anymore i'm really appreciative of that in general. Points off because of how social he can be or how he seeks getting into social situations like. Nope. Not for me. But i'm happy for him.
Kumon: 3/10 this kid is too energic he exhausts me just when i see him, so in general i have to keep the number low because. Kid. I can't keep up TwT. That said the two things i'd relate to with Kumon is, first, his geeky side in general which is very cute. A bit like Muku, in the way he lives in his own fantasies, though he's more ashamed than Muku to talk about it and i relate to that too bc i refuse to share what my fantasies are about DLKJFLDKFJ. Second, as i first hinted at, is that i had to give up a lot of what was important to me because of my deteriorating health, more specifically, illnesses related to stress that made themselves.... too dangerous for me to ignore. I gave up art school because a deadly skin sickness i had developed because of stress was eating my right hand (well not just there but it is the biggest problem) and by the end of my first year i couldn't hold a pen anymore. It was only one of the various illness i had manifesting from the stress, but i stubborningly tried to ignore the others and push through and it's just that this one was not ignorable anymore. It crushed my spirit ngl and it was even worse realizing i didn't manage to bounce back - i haven't drawn anything since, and i can't use my hand at my full capacity so i can't do other stuff to bounce back - and i'm stressed about getting stressed and triggering back all those illnesses and so i end up even more stressed and yeah. So when Kumon's fevers hit and it's explicit that it's due to his stress while still being very real and not something he can ease off just by "calming down", and that he can get stressed about his fevers triggering, and Juza talking about how he worries that if Kumon's sickness acts up it might break his spirit, it. hit very very close from home ahah. Tho despite the long entry i don't relate to anything else about Kumon, he's too energic, too athletic, has a good relationship with his family and all that jazz i can't relate to ahah. But yeah this one was. A Painful thing to have to face back dLKFJDF.
So yeah in general i can say that i don't relate as much to Summer as i can relate to for Spring or Winter. I see more of my younger years in them (to some details here and there) so there's also a much bigger distance with what i'd relate to them about.
but yeah that'd about sums it up o7
Take care :3c
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conelly · 4 years
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( luke hemmings, twenty-two, cismale, he/him ) did you see BYRON CONELLY walking down main street earlier?  you know who i’m talking about, they’re a DECKHAND.  everybody in town says that they’re SANGUINE & NONJUDGEMENTAL, but have a tendency to be IMPRESSIONABLE & VOLATILE too.  BYRON has been in town for ONE AND A BIT years. c'mon, they’re always requesting SWEET CAROLINE by NEIL DIAMOND at karaoke nights.  well, i’m sure you’ll see them soon! ( ooc: sunny, 22, she/her, est )
hi thanks for tuning in, SUNNY here to tell you all a lil bit about westmere’s very own new nd improved favorite loser below. sorry for this summary being all over the place, it’s kinda how my brain works heh which is kinda perfect bc byron will for SURE be all over the place too ( u can rly tell at a certain point i was like ok i give up + i’m posting mf ). let me know if u have any questions about ‘em and most importantly, lmk if you would like to plot a lil connect or sumn 😙
born 14 years after the elder conelly ( wanted brother connect !!! ) entered this word to two parents who didn’t seem to read the job description, it was clear that byron wasn’t planned. and down the line, he’d soon realize through the tumultuous household he was brought up in - perhaps never even wanted.
byron’s parents had one constant - and that was fighting. over anything, all the time. there just wasn’t any love between the two and they stayed together for whatever meaningless reasons until byron hit middle school. ( there might’ve been a super short lull in toxicity once byron was born, but it had to be short as his first memories are nothing shy of toxic. )  it was a messy separation ( they never paid the full legal fees for a full divorce ) - his father moving to the coast of nj & his mother moving to a smaller apartment nearby her own mother ( which, due to the negative relationship among his mother + grandmother, also called for more tension ). he’d often be dropped off @ his grandmother’s house for baby-sitting or when he was ‘ becoming too much to handle. ’ eventually his grandmother moved into his cousin’s house ( MONROE ) and although grateful he made a practically new brother, similar tendencies of feeling unwanted occurred when byron noticed their grandmother praising and coddling and favoriting monroe just a bit more.
( his mother was a struggling addict ( and had been her whole life ), but the loneliness, newfound pressures and whatever excuse she was able to name caused her drinking to spiral worse than byron remembered ( even at his young age ) before. )
( his father was rarely in his life, but when he was, he was THE coolest. always played good cop in any situation regarding his mother, despite choosing not to have an active role in byron’s life. byron looked up to him like no other. when he WAS around, he taught byron how to surf, skateboard, play sports, they’d play video games, they’d eat junk food - honestly anything that byron wanted to do. his dad was an adrenaline junkie and created the stepping stones for byron to be one too. he was a marine biologist & pretty successful at that. passionate,  intelligent, but seemingly finding his newfound life a lot better than his previous - which is why he never wanted byron to stay too long, the boy reminded him of her, of the past. )
( his older brother moved out of the house when byron was just a lil kid, they’re not very close and don’t have much in common ... or so it seems. he lives in nyc and they only talk here and there on holidays. he was never a huge part of his life, but it does bum him out to think what could’ve been / could be. )
due to never receiving the attention he craved from his family members, he made up for it tenfold in school. he was always talking to everyone, loud, boisterous, gregarious, life of the party; he wanted people to like him and they did. he become a total people pleaser, molding himself to make sure everyone was content and stayed around. impressionable, adaptable. he felt less this way towards adults and had a bit of a rebellious phase, hanging with the wrong crowd & getting into things he probably wouldn’t do otherwise. old habits die hard and he still tries his best to make everyone crack a smile, to remember him - since he believes he won’t be remembered for much else.
after he just barely skated by in high school ( his grades were never as good as his cousin’s and never lived up to his father’s expectations ), byron felt a bit lost. a lot of people had plans, were heading off to college - but already under the assumption he couldn’t reach any expectation in that realm ( a lil self fulfilling prophecy am i right pals ), he stayed in town - caring for his mother who hardly had anything together, his uncle who got sick very quickly & passed, spending time with his grandmother, while he himself fell into a rut. most of his days meant he drove out towards his dad’s place ( dad hardly there now, out and about with his new family ), surfing, smoking, and grabbing some cash doing odd jobs any way he could. he lost any purpose he once had ( but yall would never know it bc who wants to be in someone’s life who’s a buzzkill ? all smiles, baby, all smiles. )
when his cousin offered the opportunity to travel cross-country in his van, byron had nothing to lose. always adventurous in spirit, he immediately said yes - deciding to ignore that ‘obligation,’ that feeling to make sure they were a-ok that he felt towards his parents. he needed an out and this was it. 
after landing in the small connecticut town for the night, the two fell for it - especially since when they got there along the water, it was a summer night + everything landed into place. they decided to stay there a bit longer ... and that eventually turned into more than a year. still antsy to keep traveling and to move around, byron has been ready to head out ... but stays for a few reasons - and them all being people ( bc lbh the surf is not even on point here ok )
his current job is a deckhand ( on a bunch of boats, ppl prob hired him as word of mouth got around that he knew what he was doing ). prob got that knowledge from being by his dad’s on the water when younger ( he’s ... obsessed with the water ) ! and also he’s just a quick learner ok ( ps: if your charrie has a boat pls let’s make somethin happen )
TO KNOW [ headcanons + more ]
his fav karaoke song is sweet caroline bc he knows everyone will be able to sing nd party along. he does it for the ppl, ppl.
he never saw too many baby / kid pics of himself which was kind of a bummer bc he really only remembers negative times - somehow they overpowered ( i bet lil byron was cute as fuck too fml )
he’s super into drugs, hallucinogenics, honestly you name it. it started off w/ him being impressionable, then bored, and now he just enjoys it. despite his mother’s addiction running through his blood, he still continues to do his thang.  
longboards around town so watch your toes
uses 🤙🤙 all the time and not ironically 
has an existential crisis on the daily about purpose but keeps that to himself most times 
someone pls give me a sugar mama idc how we plot it out they don’t have to hook up they can idk idc i just want someone giving him money or expensive things it can be so much fun ok ,, pool boy ? idk sign me up
pls if your muse has a boat, let him be the deckhand ok it will also be so fun and potentially angsty if he fucks something up
a fling 100% - even multiple ? idc listen he is currently sharing a tiny VAN with his COUSIN he needs a place - like an actual bed - to crash on at night
can he save someone who was potentially drowning pls??? he used to be a lifeguard, it can be a cool/fun thread to write out
omg off of that can he teach someone how to swim 
look if anyone is into marine bio, can they somehow know byron’s father ?? i feel like that could make room for a cool plot
also i have an older brother connect on the w/c’s page lmk lmk
give me a good influence that will somehow have him open up + tell him that it’s weird to be so sunshiny all the time. maybe someone who witnesses him at his worst + stays, ya know ??
a bad influence plot where y/c takes this impressionable young lad and puts him through the ringer tbh ( srrsly he’d do a lot for ppl, so ask him to do something illegal for them it’ll be fun )
party pals, smoking pals, on the water 24/7 pals, 
co-worker, other ppl that work on the water ( fishermen?? more deckhands?? captains??)
gimmie someone he accidentally bumped into while longboarding ( he’s a large human it might’ve done damage ok )
i want and need enemies ok i know he’s chill as fuck and wants everyone to like him but there’s always a way to find enemies >:o. anything angsty for REAL.
unrequited thing? where he led someone on?? i’m sure he does this constantly
don’t ruin the friendship thing omg plsssss always so fun
look i’m open for it ALL. every plot u have in mind so lay it on me
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surejo · 5 years
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( victoria pedretti, cis woman ) hey ! have you seen JOSEPHINE “JO” CORMAC around ? SHE works at the HOT COCOA STAND at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 24 years old & they’ve been working here for TWO YEARS. they tend to be +OPTIMISTIC & +EMPATHETIC, but can also be -IMPRACTICAL & -PASSIVE. the other employees have labeled them THE IDEALIST. thanks a lot ! ( the few nights the stars can be seen, books worn down by dog-ears and marks left throughout the years, the first crisp breeze of autumn, the duality… of t.s. eliot ) 
OK. a few notes before i get started:
1) i hope everyone loves how i literally j copied my ivan stuff. url format? ‘sure jan’ lives on. theme? too lazy to find a different one that’s easy to work with. luv that for me. 2) speaking of this theme i forget if i addressed this on ivan’s blog but tabbed bullets don’t appear tabbed.... so if anything seems like it doesn’t make total sense.... it is supposed to be tabbed™. 3) get ready for drama!!!!! you may ask yourself “but the app looks so tame! there will be no drama!” but you are wrong........ because she loves cats. the t.s. eliot book......... the musical........ even the movie.
ok jo,, is also a resurrected character,,, hence how i already kno,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that she loves cats. anyway ! let’s begin ! (listen,,,, the intro format will at least be a little different from ivan’s ok im evolving)
full name: josephine “jo” rose cormac
date of birth: march 6, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: pisces sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: bachelor in english - literature that she is doing nothing with
enneagram: 2w1
mbti: infp
various inspirations: eleanor crain ( the haunting of hill house ), dolores price *as a child and towards the end of the book ( she’s come undone ), fox 8 ( fox 8: a story ), “why try to change me now?” - fiona apple (cover), “be still” - the killers
triggers: verbal/mental/emotional abuse/gaslighting, very slight implication of spousal abuse, brief mention of car accident/death & drowning
( ivan and jo’s breakout pop-punk single: “fuck happy backstories!” stream it on spotify ! )
jo......... was born into the wrong family, let’s get that out of the way.
it was pretty clear she was a ploy to save the marriage of her parents ( who have names: lucy and benjamin, luv that for them ). it didn’t seem like they’d ever picked up a parenting book, gone to a parenting class, rly prepped for being a parent at all...... in their entire lives.
that being said, her mom was actually decent at parenting. her major flaw, though? ok, so you know how kids usually have that one bedtime story that they love and want it to be read to them over and over? well lucy complied ! but y’all wanna know what that book was ?
t.s. eliot’s “old possum’s book of practical cats” whfeiuldjkn
anyway ! when jo was seven, after many failed attempts and simple threats, her mom was finally divorcing benjamin for realz. due to his volatile nature, it was becoming very clear that she was the more fit parent and she almost got sole custody ( the only reason benjamin was motivated for it in the first place was the power so?? )! how exciting!
but the keyword is ‘almost’!
alexa, play ‘my heart will go on’ but the off-tune flute version
just as the proceedings were going through, jo’s mother was hit by a drunk driver on new year’s eve. the car skidded onto some ice, minimal damage done... then the ice broke.
jo and benjamin both devolved after that. jo withdrew more into herself and pretty much coped by..... just reading old possum’s a LOT (hate that for her). all mopey, benjamin became much less outwardly violent. the keyword is ‘outwardly.’
ya, instead of j bein like “i will just chill” he was like “i will just make my rage more subtle because in this house, we love intimidation, manipulation, hostility, the blame game, and gaslighting! uwu” managed to convince jo that her mother’s death was somehow her fault, that he was the only person she could trust, that she will never be able to live without someone else, etc., etc.
a few years in and a cycle of many impromptu sleepovers began. luv that for her. hate that for her, but luv that for her. 
there is a lot i cld talk abt here, but it all seems like it cld j be tl;dr’d as: “basically became the surrogate daughter of a bunch of other people”
as for things that r not tragique™, jo was v much a drifter when it came to friends. managed to make a fair amount bc she does not seem like she will put a tadpole in ur hand like ivan. also j a people-pleaser but that’s starting to get into her personality which is another section.
did go to college. luv that for her. has NO CLUE what she’s going to do with her degree, but she can make some really sick niche william faulkner jokes. 
began seasonally working at big bear during the winter break of her last year in college because bitch needed some money!! wound up loving it and was like “i think,,,, i will continue to do this,,,, the people here,,,, r cul,,,,”
still visits benjamin every once in a while. not a way to say that uwu you should forgive ur abusive parent(s) uwu rather that jo.... still has slight belief in him. just to end on something emo.
started life out as a saddie, not a baddie. still not a baddie, but no longer as much of a saddie. loves “cats” and there is no irony to that statement. can make good niche literary jokes, but that’s about it.
a child. a literal child. a child to the point that she should have supervision when she goes on grocery trips because she falls for marketing ploys so easily. can’t believe she hasn’t fallen into a pyramid scheme yet.
an absolute dumbass. again, can make some great niche william faulkner jokes, but ask her the order of the planets? “...well mars is somewhere in there.”
unironically LOVES cats - both the musical and movie. thinks jennifer hudson’s grizabella is the best. will start sharing random facts about it or old possum’s book of practical cats if she runs out of things to talk about but feels pressured to keep talking. was broken when she first read a different t.s. eliot poem and realized he was actually super dark. the only thing that got her through it was a comparison to batman :\ bruce wayne is old possum’s, batman is everything else.
to take a brief break from fun personality facts, v down on herself bc benjamin’s words rly!! stuck with her!! convinced she is an absolute idiot and does not trust her own memory. v indecisive bc of this and always longs for someone to help her figure things out. tries to distance herself from memories of her mother because, again, benjamin got to her. her love of cats doesn’t help that, but... can you believe that’s her coping mechanism? makes up for it by giving all of her love 2 everyone else!! we love tragedy!! and needing to go to therapy!!
secretly knows her love of cats is weird and dumb. a part of her knows why it’s considered one of the worst musicals ever. but LISTEN. we luv rly weird coping mechanisms!
big dreamer. will develop the most impractical goals. she usually knows they are impractical, but still..... uwu
has decided everyone is good until proven bad! except for,,,, like,,, murderers and rapists,,,,
is #StraightEdge for the most part,,,, literally has a drink maybe three times per year
says “like” a whole lot for someone who majored in english with a concentration in literature and should therefore be more eloquent.
i am not great at these sections!! feel free 2 j refer to her zodiac, personality tests, and character influences!!
literally fox 8. i put the others there bc she’s similar but wow,,,, if u read fox 8 (it’s a short story i recommend it i luv george saunders u can find a pdf online),,,, she is fox 8. 
here u go here is a sample that doesnt need context: "Fox 4 woslike: No ofense, Fox 8? Your ideas are not super praktikal. Dreem, dreem, dreem, said Fox 11. Fox 41 woslike: Fox 8, does this honestly never get old for you?"
OH ALSO. she has a slet. a cat,,,,, named asparagus,,,, whom she calls “gus”,,,,, and y’all know WHY.
recent development: has downloaded tor so she can get on the dark web. why? because she thinks there will be more funny animal videos on there. is shockingly good at navigating it.
close friends bc we luv that –– roman (nuanced), aylie (nuanced), hazel (nuanced), cleo (nuanced), vic (nuanced), marco (nuanced)
childhood friends whom she possibly had impromptu sleepovers with bc that is v soft and,,,,, y’all i left the city blank for a reason. –– hazel, marco, 
on that note, the person who was like “wait,,,,,,, u know that book was turned into a musical right,,,,,, like,,,,, a musical literally everyone knows” and shook jo’s world
good influence / bad influence –– cleo, vic, 
exes –– ian,
reciprocated pining
unreciprocated pining
someone..... who has accepted..... that she likes cats.... in a way that is not ironic. will see the movie with her. –– aylie, 
an enemy,,,,,, aka this person was like “cats is literally the worst thing in the entire world” and now they r on jo’s very short hit list –– riley
idk!!! im also obvs up for brainstorming!!! luv that!!!
** descriptive connections page is here ( only people who i’m messaging are on it, but i ?? would love to plot w everyone ?? so don’t make the short list make u think i’m trying 2 limit it 2 these ppl auhfoeidla )
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sharedheadspace · 5 years
a copy/paste of [this] twitter thread on the fawning response to abuse, found through [this] tumblr post encouraging clicking through to read the whole thing
because when i come back to this i know im not going to be in the brainspace to bother clicking through, and nobody wants to fucking read eight thousand twitter screenshots. ever
[bolding added by me, in pieces i know im going to want to look at]
I want to share what has been, in the last year or so, one of the most important things I've realized about my own trauma history — something that has been massively important for my own healing.
Let's talk about the link between people-pleasers and emotional abuse.
Confession: I am a people-pleaser. It took me a long time to realize this, though. Because I'm opinionated! And I speak my mind! I'm an "open book" about a lot of what I've been through. Clearly I don't care what people think... right?
But people-pleasing is a lot more complex than that. It's actually part of a trauma response. Most people know about fight, flight, and freeze — but another response, "fawn," is at the core of what people-pleasing is actually about.
To avoid conflict, negative emotions, and retraumatization, people who "fawn" when triggered will go out of their way to mirror someone's opinions and appease them in order to deescalate situations (or potential issues).
For me, this meant that the more invested I was in an emotional connection, the less likely I was to criticize that person, vocalize when my boundaries were crossed, express unhappiness with their behavior, or share anything that I felt might damage that relationship.
This could come across as being excessively nice and complimentary, overly-concerned with another person's happiness, and waiting for cues in conversation to determine if something was "safe" to share or disclose. People-pleasers are often considered "emotional chameleons."
People-pleasers are often really warm, encouraging, and generous people. They tend to overextend themselves and say "yes" to everything and everyone, eager to make those they care about happy and comfortable.
They often grow up in very controlling and chaotic environments, and internalized the idea that if they were perfectly good or well-behaved, they could minimize conflict and secure love and attachment. 
And. When you have this tendency to defer, make yourself subordinate, try to become smaller, ignore your boundaries and intuition, and minimize your own needs... you are profoundly vulnerable to emotional abuse.
When you are excessively concerned with pleasing others, you learn that in order to be effective at this, you have to shut down your gut instincts, your values, your emotions — bc being an individual, rather than a mirror, doesn't serve you in securing the love that you want.
People-pleasers can become drawn to abusive relationships, and repelled from relationships that are abundantly loving — because love has to feel "earned" in order to feel secure. In other words? If love is given too freely or easily, it doesn't feel safe.
This means people-pleasers can be drawn to relationships that are controlling (they feel safest when they defer to others), emotionally-withholding (they are driven by the need to "secure" affection/elated when they do), and even abusive (their lack of boundaries is exploited).
Another part of being vulnerable to abuse is that people-pleasers are so easily gaslit, because when they are inclined to suppress their own instincts, values, and beliefs, they're infinitely more likely to defer to an abuser's version of events or narrative.
This also means that "fawn" types often go through cycles of restricting emotionally (I can't be "too much" for others) & then purging emotionally ("unloading" onto a trusted person bc the expectation to be perfect gets to be too much).
(I think this is why so many of us have eating disorders — just an anecdotal observation, but I digress...)
People-pleasers (the "fawn" trauma response) isn't intended to manipulate others and it's not meant to be dishonest. Every single person presents a version of themselves to others. This merely describes how trauma informs that presentation on an often unconscious level.
The "fawn" response is driven by fear, not a hidden agenda. The "fawn" type is less about manipulation, because it's not being used to *overpower* someone. Instead, it's an excessive *relinquishing* of personal power, driven by fear and a desire for validation.
For example, someone who runs personal errands for their boss — despite it not being part of their job description — is not manipulating their boss into liking them. (It won't work anyway.) Their boss, testing those thin boundaries, is exploiting their need for approval.
In more intimate relationships, this can show up as "fawn" types gravitating towards hot/cold dynamics, where affection and love are offered unpredictably.
This is where the emotional abuse piece comes into play. You have someone who is controlling, who feels safest in relationships where they call the shots, and most loved when someone is actively seeking out their approval. Enter: The "fawn" type.
An abuser will offer validation only to keep the fawn type tethered. But they'll withdraw that it before things feel secure, to ensure that the pleaser will continue going out of their way to "fawn" — continually giving over their power and autonomy so the abuse can continue.
I'm sharing this because, holy shit, my friends, the number of traumatic relationships I've thrown myself into — professionally, personally, romantically — to get stuck in this cycle, with my self-esteem pulverized, has made my heart so heavy.
It took stepping away from a friendship that had so thoroughly gaslit and demolished me — while plummeting into the deep depths of anorexia — before I realized that chasing controlling, emotionally unavailable, even abusive people was crushing my spirit.
I'm not going to leave you hanging, though. If you're reading this and say, "Holy shit... it me. Oh god. What do I do?" I'm here. I've got some advice, some books, some resources. Hang tight. For starters, I'm going to ask you something: Which of your friends do you cancel on?
Personal experience: I had this tendency to bail on friends, partners, acquaintances, whoever, that were the most generous, warm, and emotionally-available. I avoided those relationships where love was free and easy. Because it didn't feel "earned," so I didn't feel "worthy."
Which isn't to say that everyone with this trauma response does this, BUT, we seek out the familiar. Which means many of us tend to avoid what feels unsafe. For people-pleasers, we're so used to working endlessly hard in relationships — it's disorienting when we aren't asked to.
I made a google doc (no, I seriously did) where I listed out people who were "way too nice to me." And then I asked myself, do I like this person? Do I enjoy their company? If I did, I sent them a text message and told them I wanted to commit to spending more time with them.
I was completely honest about my process with those folks, too. I said, "Listen, I get really scared when people are nice to me. You've always been SO nice to me, and I get afraid of disappointing you. But I want to change that, because I just enjoy your company so very much."
In my phone contacts, I put emojis by their names. I put strawberries next to people who were super loving. I put seedling emojis by folks who taught me things that made me think/grow. So when I saw a text from them, it reminded me that I should prioritize that message. [seedling emoji] [strawberry emoji]
And? My life completely changed... in every imaginable way.
My "strawberry emoji people" went from being acquaintances/friendly to becoming chosen family that I literally could not imagine my life without. With the help of some amazing therapy, I grew to love myself so much — because that love was being modeled for me in a healthy way.
I'm going into a partial hospitalization program for my anorexia in the next couple weeks (because I've taken it out on my body as much as I have my mind), and my strawberry people (who are now all in a group text together) have been there every step of the way.
Resources! I genuinely believe that every single person should be reading Pete Walker's book about complex trauma. "Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma." It's really damn good. It talks about fawn types in more detail!
Most of all though, I just want to validate the hell out of you. [heart emoji] I understand the very hellish cycle that we find ourselves in when we're consumed by this idea that we need to be "exactly enough," and that, if we measure it out correctly, we'll never hurt or be hurt again.
But relationships involve putting ourselves in harm's way sometimes. What they shouldn't involve, though, is self-harm — and ultimately, that's what "fawning" does. We're harming ourselves. We're making ourselves smaller, we're self-silencing, and we're punishing ourselves.
You are allowed to have ALL the feelings. You are allowed to take up ALL the space. You're allowed to be everything that you are & then some. The right people — your people — will love you even more when they see how expansive your life becomes when you give yourself that space.
It doesn't happen overnight. It's a process! But I want you to know that it's a process you can begin at any time. It's never too late to give yourself permission to be, to show up more authentically, and to find those who will celebrate you for it. I promise you that.
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poststhatmakemefeel · 5 years
People pleasing and the "fawn" response
(I saw this go by on Facebook, and it was surprising how much it resonated. I'm copying it from ThreadReader, which got it from Twitter, where it was originally written by Sam Dylan Finch. Complete text below the cut. )
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I want to share what has been, in the last year or so, one of the most important things I've realized about my own trauma history — something that has been massively important for my own healing.
Let's talk about the link between people-pleasers and emotional abuse. 🧵
Confession: I am a people-pleaser.
It took me a long time to realize this, though. Because I'm opinionated! And I speak my mind! I'm an "open book" about a lot of what I've been through. Clearly I don't care what people think... right?
But people-pleasing is a lot more complex than that. It's actually part of a trauma response. Most people know about fight, flight, and freeze — but another response, "fawn," is at the core of what people-pleasing is actually about.
To avoid conflict, negative emotions, and retraumatization, people who "fawn" when triggered will go out of their way to mirror someone's opinions and appease them in order to deescalate situations (or potential issues).
For me, this meant that the more invested I was in an emotional connection, the less likely I was to criticize that person, vocalize when my boundaries were crossed, express unhappiness with their behavior, or share anything that I felt might damage that relationship.
This could come across as being excessively nice and complimentary, overly-concerned with another person's happiness, and waiting for cues in conversation to determine if something was "safe" to share or disclose. People-pleasers are often considered "emotional chameleons."
People-pleasers are often really warm, encouraging, and generous people. They tend to overextend themselves and say "yes" to everything and everyone, eager to make those they care about happy and comfortable.
They often grow up in very controlling and chaotic environments, and internalized the idea that if they were perfectly good or well-behaved, they could minimize conflict and secure love and attachment.
When you have this tendency to defer, make yourself subordinate, try to become smaller, ignore your boundaries and intuition, and minimize your own needs... you are profoundly vulnerable to emotional abuse.
When you are excessively concerned with pleasing others, you learn that in order to be effective at this, you have to shut down your gut instincts, your values, your emotions — bc being an individual, rather than a mirror, doesn't serve you in securing the love that you want.
People-pleasers can become drawn to abusive relationships, and repelled from relationships that are abundantly loving — because love has to feel "earned" in order to feel secure. In other words? If love is given too freely or easily, it doesn't feel safe.
This means people-pleasers can be drawn to relationships that are controlling (they feel safest when they defer to others), emotionally-withholding (they are driven by the need to "secure" affection/elated when they do), and even abusive (their lack of boundaries is exploited).
Another part of being vulnerable to abuse is that people-pleasers are so easily gaslit, because when they are inclined to suppress their own instincts, values, and beliefs, they're infinitely more likely to defer to an abuser's version of events or narrative.
This also means that "fawn" types often go through cycles of restricting emotionally (I can't be "too much" for others) & then purging emotionally ("unloading" onto a trusted person bc the expectation to be perfect gets to be too much).
(I think this is why so many of us have eating disorders — just an anecdotal observation, but I digress...)
People-pleasers (the "fawn" trauma response) isn't intended to manipulate others and it's not meant to be dishonest. Every single person presents a version of themselves to others. This merely describes how trauma informs that presentation on an often unconscious level.
The "fawn" response is driven by fear, not a hidden agenda. The "fawn" type is less about manipulation, because it's not being used to *overpower* someone. Instead, it's an excessive *relinquishing* of personal power, driven by fear and a desire for validation.
For example, someone who runs personal errands for their boss — despite it not being part of their job description — is not manipulating their boss into liking them. (It won't work anyway.) Their boss, testing those thin boundaries, is exploiting their need for approval.
In more intimate relationships, this can show up as "fawn" types gravitating towards hot/cold dynamics, where affection and love are offered unpredictably.
This is where the emotional abuse piece comes into play. You have someone who is controlling, who feels safest in relationships where they call the shots, and most loved when someone is actively seeking out their approval.
Enter: The "fawn" type.
An abuser will offer validation only to keep the fawn type tethered. But they'll withdraw that it before things feel secure, to ensure that the pleaser will continue going out of their way to "fawn" — continually giving over their power and autonomy so the abuse can continue.
I'm sharing this because, holy shit, my friends, the number of traumatic relationships I've thrown myself into — professionally, personally, romantically — to get stuck in this cycle, with my self-esteem pulverized, has made my heart so heavy.
It took stepping away from a friendship that had so thoroughly gaslit and demolished me — while plummeting into the deep depths of anorexia — before I realized that chasing controlling, emotionally unavailable, even abusive people was crushing my spirit.
I'm not going to leave you hanging, though. If you're reading this and say, "Holy shit... it me. Oh god. What do I do?" I'm here. I've got some advice, some books, some resources. Hang tight.
For starters, I'm going to ask you something: Which of your friends do you cancel on?
Personal experience: I had this tendency to bail on friends, partners, acquaintances, whoever, that were the most generous, warm, and emotionally-available. I avoided those relationships where love was free and easy. Because it didn't feel "earned," so I didn't feel "worthy."
Which isn't to say that everyone with this trauma response does this, BUT, we seek out the familiar. Which means many of us tend to avoid what feels unsafe. For people-pleasers, we're so used to working endlessly hard in relationships — it's disorienting when we aren't asked to.
I made a google doc (no, I seriously did) where I listed out people who were "way too nice to me." And then I asked myself, do I like this person? Do I enjoy their company? If I did, I sent them a text message and told them I wanted to commit to spending more time with them.
I was completely honest about my process with those folks, too. I said, "Listen, I get really scared when people are nice to me. You've always been SO nice to me, and I get afraid of disappointing you. But I want to change that, because I just enjoy your company so very much."
In my phone contacts, I put emojis by their names. I put strawberries next to people who were super loving. I put seedling emojis by folks who taught me things that made me think/grow. So when I saw a text from them, it reminded me that I should prioritize that message. 🌱🍓
My life completely changed... in every imaginable way.
My "strawberry emoji people" went from being acquaintances/friendly to becoming chosen family that I literally could not imagine my life without. 
With the help of some amazing therapy, I grew to love myself so much — because that love was being modeled for me in a healthy way.
I'm going into a partial hospitalization program for my anorexia in the next couple weeks (because I've taken it out on my body as much as I have my mind), and my strawberry people (who are now all in a group text together) have been there every step of the way. 😭❤️🍓
I genuinely believe that every single person should be reading Pete Walker's book about complex trauma. "Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma."
It's really damn good. It talks about fawn types in more detail!
I also wrote a blog entry last year about the pleaser/controller relationship type, if that sounds a little too relatable: https://letsqueerthingsup.com/2018/06/30/people-pleasers-can-be-drawn-to-toxic-relationships-its-important-to-know-why/
I chat a lot more about recovery from trauma/eating disorder stuff on my instagram as well. (I should probably be plugging it more regularly but I forget, sigh. Same handle as here!) 
So if this type of content speaks to you, I write about this on a weekly basis over there. 🌱
Most of all though, I just want to validate the hell out of you. ❤️ I understand the very hellish cycle that we find ourselves in when we're consumed by this idea that we need to be "exactly enough," and that, if we measure it out correctly, we'll never hurt or be hurt again.
But relationships involve putting ourselves in harm's way sometimes. What they shouldn't involve, though, is self-harm — and ultimately, that's what "fawning" does. We're harming ourselves. We're making ourselves smaller, we're self-silencing, and we're punishing ourselves.
You are allowed to have ALL the feelings. You are allowed to take up ALL the space. You're allowed to be everything that you are & then some. The right people — your people — will love you even more when they see how expansive your life becomes when you give yourself that space.
It doesn't happen overnight. It's a process! But I want you to know that it's a process you can begin at any time. It's never too late to give yourself permission to be, to show up more authentically, and to find those who will celebrate you for it. I promise you that. ❤️✨
PHEW that was a really long thread but... if even one of you is like "wait fuck this I'm gonna let myself be loved" then it was 100% worth the followers I lost in the process. 😂
(To them, I am sorry for flooding your Twitter feed, but I did it out of LOVE.)
Okay ily byeeee 👋🏻
Adding to this thread, since so many of us are in our feels right now: I’m listening to the song “Sum Of Our Parts” by @marylambertsing and FEELING IT.
“Which part of you clipped your own wings?”
Hugs to every single one of you. ♥️♥️♥️
I added a strawberry next to my name. Each time you see it, please know it’s me, right by your side, cheering you on in this messy and beautiful and weird journey we’re all on. ♥️🍓 
May you find your “strawberry people” and grow beyond what you ever thought possible! 🌱🌿🌷
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ivyaugustetc · 2 years
hello! i'm here to congratulate you on reaching 300 followers. could i get a matchup from tsh?
i'm a libra & an entj. i put a lot of effort into my appearance and the way i present. a lot of peole tell me i look mean, which i find rather amusing. i suppose being the class president and an ex cheerleader adds to that, yk stereotypical disney trope. to be fair i do sort of suck as a person. i'm ambitious and very driven which is good but i also have a lot of narcissistic traits. and i have to admit i can be rly proud and bossy. though i like to take care of others but i don't like it working both ways. close friends often vent to me so hopefully i'm decent at empathy stuff. i put my family first and am a people pleaser, if my partner can deal with that they r the one haha. some hobbies, though i had to let go of most, include theatre, painting and writing. i relate to isabela madrigal a little too much. but i can make rash decisions too, like giving myself a tattoo of a sun at age 16, or secretely joining a play neil perry style (and it ended up similarly only i am, yk, alive lmao) bc why not. i have my,,, moments. surprisingly i also like to party if i can. as a partner i like listening more than talking, i do my fair share of talking throughout the day. i'm a rather spiritual person, i worship Venus and i dabble in all sorts of rituals, though that's less public. i'm bilingual, also studied latin and french for some time. my taste in fictional characters is those that were made not to be liked or that were generally not,,, great. they r my poor little meow meows and idc if they bully people, they r allowed to. i unironically consider downhill by lincoln & peach by tfb to be the romantic songs to project into so,,, yikes anyway haha have a lovely day!
Okay so first of all, you sound so fucking cool like babes what? You sound awesome.
I'm going to ship you with Henry (which is saying a lot, because I would steal that man for myself). He would at first be so turned away by your impulsiveness, but I feel like he would eventually realize that you guys have the same impulsiveness, his is just more calculated. He would talk with you in Latin and ask you about your rituals. All in all, it would be amazing.
Thank you so much for the ask! <3
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