#also she would not be attracted to men who get their dicks wet over the concept of lesbians.
spacestationstorybook · 4 months
i fucking hate straight people no way did i just read a fanfic insinuating‏‏‎ ‎dash‏‏‎ ‎would make out with girls just to potentially impress men. appalling
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Request: you don't know if you're queer or not, but being friends with ellie makes you question that. She let's you experiment on her. Mutual pining & best friends to lovers.
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Ellie x fem reader
Summary: After many failed dates and attempts of making a connection you begin to feel like you’re the problem. After listening to your dilemma your best friend Ellie thinks an experiment is in order to test her hypothesis.
Warnings: Friends to more? ,mentions of sex and inability to orgasm, reader thinks she “broken” because she doesn’t feel romantic feelings for men, slight mentions of internalized homophobia and a homophobic upbringing, not proofread, using the scientific method as a way of flirting, Ellie referrers to Abby as “asshole Anderson” (we love Abby but her and Ellie have beef. That beef is not explained in this), men.
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You were confused. Well maybe not confused but you were conflicted. See you thought you had yourself figured out. You thought your days of trying to learn what you wanted in life were behind you but recently everything you did brought up more and more questions and never any answers.
Your love life was well complicated is the best way to put it. It wasn’t for lack of trying either, you would go on dates and it wasn’t anything wrong with your suitors (well except for that one guy who was flirting with the waitress the whole time) other than him the guys you’ve been on dated with were all so sweet and charming and you enjoyed talking to them but you just didn’t feel anything, you didn’t feel that oomph that everyone always talked about. And when they walked you home they were very respectful, they’d hold your hand and they’d kiss you outside your door. They never expected anything more. And while you appreciated that, you didn’t even feel anything from the kiss. You never felt the need to keep kissing, you never felt dizzy and weak kneed from the feeling of their lips on yours. Okay maybe you did read a bit too many romance books, maybe your standards were just too high.
On the rare occasion you went out hoping to end the night with an orgasm, that never happened. It wasn’t for lack of trying either, you just couldn’t cum. You noticed you didn’t seem to get all that wet either, maybe you were just one of those women that had a difficult time becoming aroused. There was nothing wrong with that, you just had to put in some extra work. It seemed like nothing worked, you ended up faking orgasms because the last thing you wanted was for him to feel bad.
A guy would eat you out and nothing, he’d finger you and that also brought nothing, he’d fuck you and that would just give you a bunch of internal awkwardness. You weren’t a virgin by any means but you just couldn’t cum.
You were being to think you were broken, no matter what you tried you just didn’t feel that attraction to anyone you’ve dated, you didn’t need sex in a relationship but you couldn’t even connect with someone enough to have a relationship.
You just didn’t know what to do, you were at a standstill so you did the only thing you could think of. You called your best friend. When Ellie answered you asked her to please come over, and like the amazing friend she is she went to your apartment without question.
Now this brings you to where you are now, sitting on the couch just having explained your relationship woes to Ellie. She listened intently as you spoke, she had a hunch but she didn’t know if she should verbalize her theory. She’s seen this in a lot of queer women; not being able to connect with men, not enjoying sex with men, thinking that they’re the issue and not their dating pool. She’s seen it in a few of her friends, hell even that Anderson asshole went through the same thing when she was with that one dick. So Ellie was pretty sure she knew exactly what the answer to your downfalls were.
“Maybe I’m just broken” Ellie heard how defeated your voice sounded and she looked at you.
“What? No. You’re not broken, maybe you’re just looking for love with the wrong people…” Ellie said trying to hint at what she meant without actually saying it hoping you would get what she meant.
You sighed and leaned into to the couch looking up at the ceiling, trying to keep your emotions at bay. “What do you mean wrong people? I’ve gone out with the smart guy, the jock, the bad boy, the quiet guy, that one weird guy who told me our genes will make good offspring, mid date.” You cringed as you remember the last guy, that was the most awkward moment of your life. You have never left a restaurant quicker than you did then.
“Yeesh yeah I remember that” Ellie also cringed as she remembers when you called her on the way home from that date.
“Well I mean maybe men are the problem” Ellie said looking over at you
“Okay so who am I supposed to date then?” You asked Ellie with a chuckle
Ellie fights the urge to either face palm or smack you upside the head. She loves you she really does but sometimes you didn’t have the shared brain cell.
“What I’m try to say is what if you tried dating women?” Ellie says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and later you’ll come to realize that it really was that obvious.
“Oh…oh!” It suddenly clicked, Ellie meant dating a woman…could you actually do that. You’d be lying if you said the thought didn’t cross your mind when you were younger, but with the views of your family and how the world was growing up you just kind of ignored that, threw yourself into obsessing over the latest “it boy” of Hollywood. But you were an adult, you were a grown woman you could date whoever the hell you wanted.
The idea was intriguing and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find some women that you’ve seen attractive, but what if it all just turns out the same.
“Well” you turn to look at Ellie after thinking for a moment “what if it all ends up the same. I go on a date with her and I just don’t feel anything, then I’m wasting hers and my time. What if I really am broken, incapable of love.” You voice your fears as you mess with a piece of fuzz on the couch.
“But what if you have an amazing date and realize that you aren’t broken, because you’re not. Even if you don’t fall in love that doesn’t mean you’re broken, nothing about you could ever be broken. Here I’ll tell you what, I got an idea.” Ellie says moving so that she’s sitting with her legs crossed on the couch and now across from you.
You look at her with a raised eyebrow, Ellie always had a knack for coming up with…interesting plans. The last “plan” she had involved a couple beers, a slip n slide, and Jesse ending up in a cast.
“Don’t give me that look I’m trying to help you here” she said in faux irritation
You raise your hands in surrender “okay whats your plan?” You ask her, wondering what plan she actually had to prove you’re not broken.
“We’re friends right? Best friends? And you trust me right?” Ellie asks and you nod along with her a bit confused.
“Well what if you kiss me and see if it makes you feel any different”
“Kiss you?”
“Yeah, just kiss me. I’m not saying you have to kiss me with tongue I’m just saying a little peck.” Ellie explains nonchalantly as you look at her as if she had three heads.
“Kiss you… on the lips?” You were still trying to make sense of her idea
“No on my ass. Yes of course my lips. Listen if you really don’t want to I won’t force you but I figured maybe we can just test my theory, y’know I’m all about that science stuff. Make a hypothesis and now we have to test it.”
You eye her again before you agree with her. She is your best friend and she right it’s just a little kiss, best friends kiss all the time, at least they do in the movies. Besides it better to test it than to waste time on a date that will go no where and you trust Ellie.
“Okay, you’re right” you tell her nodding
“I’m always right.” She says with a cocky grin
“Just shut up and kiss me” you tell her with an exasperated sigh
Ellie takes note of the way you saying that seemed to make her heart skip a beat but she decided to ignore it. This meant nothing, it was just two friends helping each other.
Ellie leaned in and cupped your face, her warm and calluses hands made the soft skin of your face tingle beneath them. She leaned forward and you could feel her warm breath against your lips. Her green eyes met yours, your eyes flutter shut as she leaned In closer. The first feeling of her lips against yours made your breath hitch. You hesitatingly returned the kiss, still a bit awkward about it but you felt butterflies swarming in your stomach and your heart thumping in your chest. You didn’t feel uncomfortable and awkward like you usually do when being kissed. No, you felt giddy and weightless. You’ve never felt like this before.
Once Ellie pulled away you almost leaned forward to reconnect your lips, but you caught yourself. All you could do was look at her, gazing from her eyes back to her lips. You wanted more. Never have you wanted anything more than to feel her lips on yours again. It was like a switch flipped inside of you, like everything was finally making sense. Every homoerotic thought you’ve ever had that you’ve brushed away was finally coming back to you at full force.
It was never an issue with you, you weren’t broken, everyone who made you think that dating men was your only choice were the ones who were broken.
“Wow” is all you could say
“That good huh?” Ellie asked cocky little smirk back on her face.
You couldn’t speak all you could do was nod. Is this what it felt like? Did it always feel this good? Your stomach was still fluttering with butterflies and you still felt this giddiness that you couldn’t get rid of. As cheesy as it was it felt you were actually living for the first time, everything finally made sense.
“So does this mean I was right?” Ellie asks quite proud of herself.
You decide that you want to feel more of this, you want to feel her lips again, you want a true and proper kiss. You also want to wipe that cocky smirk off her face.
“Hmm I don’t know, don’t you have to conduct an experiment three times in order to confirm a hypothesis? Last time I checked that was only one.” You say with a new found confidence. You knew what you wanted, and you hoped Ellie wanted the same.
The smirk falls from Ellie’s face and she looks at you dumbstruck, she stumbles a bit over her words before she clears her throat.
“You know what you’re right. We need conclusive answers don’t we?” She asks leaning forward once again, smile on her lips.
“Hmm absolutely, don’t want to leave the results inconclusive” you agree as you pull her forward by fisting the front of her shirt. Your lips collide and sigh happily into the kiss. In a moment of bravery you glide your tongue against her bottom lip, Ellie hums into the kiss as she opens her mouth letting you deepen the kiss.
The more the both of you kissed it brought another question to your mind, did it feel like this all the time or did it feel like this because it was Ellie?
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A/N: oh hey look I finally wrote something who would’ve thought. I got this request almost a month ago I’m so sorry anon! 🥺😢 please forgive me. It’s a tad bit different than exactly what you requested and I’m sorry for that but I still hope you enjoy it and I hope everyone else enjoys it too. Let me know what y’all think i feed off of attention
And as always love you all! 💖
Dividers are by @cafekitsune
And pics are not mine I got them from Pinterest
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radicallyperverted · 7 days
Do you get jealous when girls post about fakeboys... I do :((
I don’t see what there is to be jealous of.
If I truly wanted to get attention from people into “fakeboys” then I could literally change nothing about myself. Simply say “I’m soooo dysphoric and that makes me wet!!!” in my bio and then keep the rest of my blog the same, besides shutting up about my radical feminist opinions. There are some “fakeboys” who have physically transitioned, but many I’ve seen haven’t.
Even some full-fledged “trans men” on this website have gone on no hormones, half even still participate in gender roles associated with women (keep in mind that shaving or not shaving, wearing makeup, etc, does not make you any less or more female. However if you are truly dysphoric over how people perceive you then why would you amplify “feminine” qualities?) the “trans” label means nothing, so “fakeboy” means nothing. It’s just a misogynistic term TIFs cling to when they are in the mood to view gender as a fetish rather than an immutable trait.
As for the ones who have transitioned and now are detransing for their fetish uh….at least their longterm symptoms won’t be as bad? Vaginal atrophy is awful, and people refraining from getting unnecessary breast removal is a good thing, even if the reasoning behind it is stupid.
Also the vasttttt majority of people in the fakeboy community were obviously previous victims of online grooming now dependent on sexual attention to function. Many are both incredibly narcissistic and absolutely miserable. If you speak to these people consistently you’ll see what I mean, they are addicted to self victimizing and then fetishizing it. I’m aware I also fall into that category at times, but I’ve actively taken steps to be better and am under no delusion about my circumstances.
Also if you are referring to TIMs when you say “girls” then honestly….good for them? I am very supportive of mutually horny t4t. If trans women are going to be creepy rapists then I prefer they direct their attention to enthusiastic participants rather than women who hate them. And if a TIF wants to pretend she’s not engaging in heterosexual sex when sucking dick then it’s ultimately fine. Still harmful to the homosexual community that straight people call themselves gay for liking the opposite sex with a hormone imbalance but whatever, niche fetish blogs aren’t the end of the world. I think other forms of trans activism is far more harmful.
ALSO I don’t really give a shit about TIMs liking me or posting about me. If I did then I wouldn’t be so blunt about my opinions here. Admittedly there’s a few posters who I do really enjoy when horny (you know who you are) but I find the majority of transfems insufferable to talk to. If I craved male attention I would be posting my ass, not making horny posts about a fetish I think less than 1000 people have.
Plus I also find a lot of “fakeboys” hot lol. I understand the hype! There’s a few who have sent me very nice pictures which I appreciate. I find FTMs in general very appealing. Pussy is attractive regardless of the persons “gender identity”.
Don’t be jealous, you and “fakeboys” are the same thing. Female.
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spoopy-arcade · 1 year
(Sorry in advance - this ask ended up being long. Swap AU my beloved <3)
Swap AU Cassie is SO BABY……. would love more of her and your beautiful human Roxy.
Although - and forgive me if I ramble a bit here - this takes place in a Ruin equivalent time yeah? Wouldn’t Cassie be more banged up? It’d be sad but she probably would be right? :[
It’s okay, I’m sure Roxy could fix her up. She probably does her own car maintenance ‘cause she’s a badass.
Ooh, now I’m also wondering what a base-game Swap would be like…
Lol, it should take place during the day and Freddy’s trying to smuggle Gregory out, and shenanigans ensue! (Possibly Gregory is due to be scrapped, so Freddy wants to keep the clearly sentient, slightly feral-acting child-like robot from that fate. He got emotionally attached <3)
Of course, if Roxy and Freddy are visiting there then there is prolly some attraction attracting lone adult patrons.. idk what that means for changes to the theme of the Megaplex.. But that’s not important right now!
Also, the main obstacle for Freddy would just generally be that he is trying to steal a child-sized robot in broad daylight while the place is possibly open/at least has workers there that he has to dodge. Good luck to the big guy.
Actually, the now-humans could be workers at the Plex. Like say instead of having tons of bots all over, they only had a few (like Cassie, Gregory, and possibly Vanny?) that were designed specifically to seem/be completely harmless, and more childlike. Cassie and Gregory could’ve been made to attend birthday parties (especially of lonely/upset kids), and Vanny could be a playful and friendly older figure who helps lost kids and cheers up anyone who’s feeling down. (I’d probably include Vanessa as a security program assigned to Vanny because. Security guard. Plus we’ve already seen that with Moon.)
In this case Gregory would probably still be messed up and act weird and get retired and shut down to be scrapped for parts, leading to Freddy finding him and rebooting him and then deciding to take him home once he figures out what’s up.
That kinda begs the question of what everyone’s jobs would be in the Plex, ‘cause how would Freddy find Gregory? And why would Cassie and Roxy be close in this version?
Well I have some answers to that!! ….I have no idea what Freddy’s job would be! He has. Very little by way of interesting character traits. Same with Monty. Why are the men so uninteresting in this game. Maybe Freddy’s a manager, since he was the leader of the band? Maybe he was taking inventory when he found Gregory? Idk!
Chica is definitely easier to pick for because she actually has distinct traits, and gets the obvious choice of working in the kitchen/bakery. (On that note, this kind of feels like a lower tech AU with less automated jobs, so managerial work/cooking/other tasks that are automated in SB I’ll give to people lol)
Would it be a dick move to make Monty a janitor? Lmao I swear I don’t hate him but idk what to give him at this point. Night guard? He could be a night guard.
….do I need to assign Bonnie a job? Wouldn’t he technically be dead? (He’s associated with the wet floor bots right? He could be a janitor.)
Who I REALLY have ideas for is everybody’s favorite, Roxy!! Saved her for last cause I knew I’d go on about her. She would totally be the maintenance gal for the race track - keeping the karts in working order, making sure the track is safe to drive on, etc. I imagine she could also do general maintenance, but her main area she works in is the racetrack.
As for how she and Cassie met. Well. Roxy is shown to be a very insecure person in the games. So what if the people she knew were busy and forgot/missed her birthday? And a little bunny, built for accompanying lonely and upset folks on their birthday, sees how upset she is, and overhears Roxy talking to herself and mention her birthday?
Well, I’m just saying, that little bun might just go hunt down a spare small cake from the bakery to put some candles in, and saunter her way into the nearly empty room to place it right in front of her new friend, smile, and say “Happy birthday, Roxy!”
The thems <3 I hope any of this makes sense I am just Thinking About Them…..
OMG THESE ARE SUCH GOOD IDEAS ANON. BIG BRAINED !!! I love the job choices for the gang (Monty being a janitor/nightguard is so funny 😭) and Vanny being along with animatronic Cassie and Gregory is rlly good, it's something I definitely I thought of! (She would be a rabbit ofc)
And that last part IS SO CUUTE !! I need to draw young Roxy with Cassie.....
And to answer your first question: Yes, it takes place in ruin and she would be banged up. But!! I decided not to draw her ruined version because I wanted to show off her design, if that makes sense?? :0 when I do expand on this au, I'll change it in the future which will be PAINFUL :(
Ty for sharing these with me, anon!!
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canceramorem · 2 years
So I had gotten this gigantic candy cane. Actually I got two of them. At only a dollar a piece, they are well worth the price. Now these weren't your average candy canes, no, these were extra jumbo candy canes. About a foot long and three inches in diameter. As soon as I saw them, I thought, wouldn't that be nice to fuck Scarlett with while I eat her out? Get into the holiday spirit a little bit.
So on my birthday, she asked me what did I want , Well , that was a dumb question. All I wanted was her, and not just that night. Up until that point in my life, all I ever wanted was her. Yea, sounds crazy but it is the truth. I had spent my whole life looking for someone like her, no, for HER. Not someone like her, just her!
Now , I had never in my life injected any drugs into my body. I had been around people that did. Hell, I became a bit of a phlebotomist . I have shot up in my life over 20 different women- only women- I don't do that type of shit with men. When I would shoot up a woman , it is a very rewarding feeling. Because I do care, I make sure they're gonna get a good shot and also not get infected. And its a very intimate-like process. I have seen females sit for an hour, trying to get the shot by self-injection, only to end up with a clogged "rusty rig".( Jey pizzle would gladly help you-but only if you are hot.).
So Scarlett, yeah , her real name is Scarlett, had used needles before I met her. And I was cool with that. Hell, I even was more attracted to her because of the fact that she wasn't "perfect" in that sense. Well after so many years of being around the needles and people who used them, it was time for pizzle to give it a shot (no pun intended) . So I made up a decent shot and told Marie to watch . I pulled my shorts down to show her my fully erect, and only wanting her, and her only , cock. I drew back the blood and shot that shit straight into my dick !The combination of the Go and her there naked, it was a feeling of the birthday best EVER in my LIFE. Fucked like pornstars and the whole candy cane thing , it was EPIC. I love you Jey Motherfucking Pizzle! AnD you too, Scarlett Marie
When I told her I wanted her for my birthday present she was more than willing to accommodate my birthday wishes. So as we usually did, we made passionate kissing turned into me using my month and tongue to get her so horny that she couldn't resist. Of course I asked her first, I just do that , I guess its because I am not a rapist. I could not and would not be with someone against their will. Its just wrong!
So as I was giving her the best head humanly possible, I asked if I could insert the monster candy cane into her invitingly wet "Jason's birthday present" , I will never forget the taste of her. She really is amazing.
As I slowly insert the candy cane I use my tongue and actually suck her juices and candy cane juices and twisting , turning and down right hard core fucking her with it, It was so awesome! I actually fucked her so hard with it that it turned completely white. She said it felt good, that it was minty. I then put my raging hard cock in her and we made the best birthday sex ever! It has no comparison, as a matter of fact, we never made sex that wasn't amazing.
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mandos-sluts · 3 years
The Prisoner's Dilemma
The Mandalorian x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2.7k
Summary: There’s a bounty on your head and the Mandalorian Din Djarin picks you up. Boba Fett informs Din of what he does with bounties like you.
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, explicitly non con!! (but reader is into it), fingering, daddy kink, bondage, lots of dirty talk, degradation, exhibitionism kink
A/N: Please don't hesitate to message us or comment if you want to be on our tag list, or add yourself via Taglist sign up!!! Feedback is always very much appreciated <3
PLEASE please heed the warnings!!
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Din has been hunting with Boba Fett ever since the Razor Crest was destroyed; they travel from planet to planet together collecting bounties. While he would prefer to work alone, Din doesn’t mind Boba’s company— the two are very similar people. Both are cold, stoic bounty hunters who don't take shit from anyone.
You struggle and resist when Din picks you up. Sending endless punches and kicks at the Mandalorian trying to cuff you. You attempt to flee but to no avail, your strength is nothing compared to his.
He cuffs your hands behind your back and roughly walks you to the ship, maintaining a firm grip on your upper arm as he drags you alongside him.
The first thing you see upon entering the rusty ship is another man in Mandalorian armor. “Ahh what the fuck? She’s your bounty??” Boba says to Din as he tugs you up the ramp of Slave I.
Both men are fully covered from head to toe in beskar. The one handling you is taller than the other, and has a deeper voice.
“Yeah. Where’s yours?” Din responds casually.
“In carbonate.” Boba says nodding to the chamber. ”Damn. You’re lucky, Djarin.”
“Lucky? The price on her head is the same as your bounty’s.” Din replies.
“I'm not talking about the payout. Look at her, man! She’s yours to take.” Boba says locking his stare on your increasingly confused expression.
“What do you mean?” Din says flatly, looking down at you.
Boba takes a deep breath. “Ohhhhh Din, so innocent.” He laughs. “….You get to fuck her!”
Did…. did he just say what you think he said?
Din scoffs. “You fuck your bounties?”
“Well if they look like her! Shit, how could you not?!” Boba takes a step closer to you. “Damn. I've never seen a bounty as pretty as this one.” He says grabbing your chin and lifting your face up.
You’re standing there silently, still in Din’s grasp with your hands clasped behind your back. Din looks down at you and you turn your wide puppy dog eyes up to meet his gaze, anxious to see what he will do with you.
Boba takes a step away from the two of you. “If you don’t fuck her, I will. I’m not letting a pretty thing like that go to waste on my ship.” He pats Din on the back. “C’mon Djarin, you deserve it pal.” Boba says as he exits the room.
You stand there, almost in shock, waiting for the Mandalorian to do or say something. Part of you suspects all of this talk is just some nonsense to intimidate you.
But then after a moment, he finally speaks. His voice is low and rough, tone firm with a hint of condescension. “Well…..you heard him darling. You want me or Boba? I’ll give you the choice.” Din lightly chuckles.
Your heart drops. He can’t be serious. There’s no way bounty hunters are allowed to fuck the bounties they collect. Then again, why would he not, whose gonna stop him? You’re the criminal.
You’re scared, but not as much as you would expect yourself to be. And that’s because your fear is clouded with arousal. Why aren’t you scared shitless? Perhaps because this is lowkey one of your fantasies? And maybe because you’re also incredibly attracted to this big strong Mandalorian manhandling you. Shit.
“Yo— wait, no please don’t.” You say the last part mechanically.
“You want Fett to fuck you?”
“Alright.Then I’ll be fucking you, princess. Consider yourself lucky. Fett would make it all about himself, but I'll see to it that your needs are met as well.” Din says softly as he runs one hand through your hair and grabs your waist with the other.
“What? Wait…. I….I….wait– please.” You say, your body trembling underneath his hold.
Din takes a deep breath. “You’re getting fucked baby, you may as well enjoy it.” He says as he grabs your ass with both hands and practically lifts you up, pressing your body flat against him.
“Ah! No. Just– just let me go…. please!” You plead trying to shake free of his clench, your glassy, scared doe eyes staring right into his visor.
“Ha. Keep struggling, sweetheart.” Din pushes his helmet right against your ear as he tightens his grip on your ass. “Just turns me on more.” He whispers in your ear.
“Mmph!” You squeal out, shaking your shoulders as he spins you around and pushes your torso down, bending you over a table.
One of his hands is on the back of your neck, forcing you down on the metal surface. The other is on your waist, right near your cuffed hands. Your ass is waggling in the air as you try to resist his advances and rid yourself of his grabby hands.
You can barely move, however, under his sedulous grip. He shoves your pants down, leaving you bent over the table with your ass in the air in nothing but the unfortunately racy thong you’re wearing.
Your whole body shudders as you feel two of his thick fingers trace your clothed folds.
“Hahahahahahaha…..” Din maniacally laughs as he feels your gooey wetness through the fabric. “Nowwwww I see. Now I get it. You fuckin like this, you little slut.” He growls in your ear. “Pfft. I was gonna say, the fight you’re putting up is pathetic, but now I see why.”
Din isn’t wrong. He has seen you actually struggle and resist when he was capturing you, and the weak shaking of your shoulders and your little pouting is clearly not everything you have.
“Damn, I’ll give it to ya princess, you had me fooled for a while.” Din coos as he grinds his unbelievably large bulge against your ass.
“N-no! I don’t want this!” You contend. Your jolting only serves to make him shove you against the table harder, essentially inhibiting all your movements.
“Baby girl, your pussy is fucking sopping wet, drop the act.” Din scoffs. “You are literally leaking through these panties.” He says as he slips his long thick finger underneath your soaked underwear, running it along your slick. Your whole body shutters under his touch as pressure darts in your core.
“Tell me, pretty girl.” Din interrupts. “Have you ever had a cock as big as mine?”
He loosens his grip on your neck, allowing you to crane your neck and look back at the monster cock he is rubbing up and down your glazed valley.
“Fuck.” You whisper to yourself, unsure how he is going to fit in you.
Din slaps your ass. “Answer me.” He commands in a deep tone.
“Ah!” You cry. “No. N-never.”
“Yeah?” Din purrs right before he shoves his entire length into you.
You scream out. “Ah!!” Never have you been opened so much before. He lets his cock sit in you a moment once it’s fully engulfed, leaving you stuffed to the brim with his member.
“Holy shit.” Din breathes out. “Oh fuck yes, this is some good pussy.”
With that he starts rocking his hips back and forth, driving his massive girth into you each time. Your mouth falls open as disgusting moans fall out of your throat. His grip still harsh around your neck as he holds you down hard, pushing his hips against yours and delivering you the best pleasure you’ve ever felt.
“Ha. Knew it.” You hear Din chortle behind you.
You open your eyes and realize that you are pushing your hips back into his, trying to pound him even harder into your G-spot. You curse at yourself for being this brazen with your actions and not hiding your pleasure and yearning better. At this point, you know you’re not fooling him, but you’re not ready to completely give in.
“Now— now that my cock’s in you, you gonna finally behave? Be a— a good girl for me, huh? You little whore.” Din pants as he plows into your hole.
Your cheek is pressed hard against the table and you bite your bottom lip, trying to muffle your lewd moans as you squeeze your eyes shut.
Din chuckles at your pathetic attempt to remain silent. “Don’t respond and I won’t let you cum. Which— well…. you don’t even want to cum, right? Cuz— cuz you don’t want this, right?”
Your eyes shoot open. “Wait….N-no! Ple– please!!!” You cry, turning your head to look back at him.
“Mmmf, please what?” Din growls.
“Please….ah— please let me cum!” You finally relent.
“Ahhhhhh there it is. Keep beggin’, baby. You’re gonna have to earn it after being such a naughty little bitch.” He remarks as he moves both hands to your hips and pulls you into him each time he drives into you.
“Please! Please let me c-cum daddy!” You cry. “I wanna cum so badly, I wanna— wanna cum all over your cock. Please, please daddy!”
“That’s it. Look at you being so obedient now. Ha. Looks like I've fucked the good girl right into ya.” He says, slowing down his thrusts. Din bends over so that his helmet is right against the side of your head and whispers in your ear. “You like playing an innocent little brat don’t you? Pretending tha— that you don’t want to get fucked. But you’re such a dirty fuckin slut, you just couldn’t resist my big dick could ya? You— you’re just too fuckin desperate to get your tight little hole stuffed full of cock. Isn’t that right?”
“Y-yes! Fuck! Your cock hits me— hits me so deep! S-stretches me out so good!” You whine out as he thrusts into you.
Din spanks your ass again, sending a fresh wave of arousal to your core and making your cunt clench around him.
“Oof. I felt that. Ya like being spanked too? Fuck. You are a whore.” Din chuckles.
Your moans have turned into downright vulgar screams that you have no control over. He’s pounding into you so hard that your vision has gone blurry from the tears falling out of your eyes.
“Gah. You look so f-fuckin pretty when you cry baby.” Din mutters.
You hear a bang at the door and panic momentarily.
“Goodness, Djarin! It sounds like you're torturing her in there.” You hear Boba yell on the other side of the wall.
“Nahhh, I’m taking good care of her, isn’t that right sweetheart?” Din calls out, leaning over to your face.
“Y-yes!” You scream in response.
Din then grabs your shirt and for a moment tries to pull it over your head. Upon realizing that your cuffed hands pose an obstacle, he rips it right off your body, causing you to jump a bit.
“Come see for yourself, pal.” Din offers to Boba after discarding the ripped fabric on the floor.
The door slides open and Boba is met with the crude scene of you bent over a table, completely naked with your hands cuffed behind your back, mouth open wide with tears rolling down your face, and Din standing behind you, holding your hips tightly while plowing into you.
Boba stands in amazement. “…Holy fuck.”
“Say hi to Boba, pretty girl.” Din orders.
“H-hi sir.” You manage to spit out, lifting your head slightly.
“Shit. You hit the jackpot, Djarin. How’d you get this little one to submit?”
“Ohh, she wasn’t hard to tame. Ah— Needy whores like her never are.” Din responds while continuing to drive into you.
“Well, bye princess.” Boba says looking straight into your watering eyes. “Be good now. Din can get mean if he doesn’t get his way.” He remarks before existing.
When the door closes, Din yanks you up by your hair, spins you around, and lifts you onto the table. You’re sitting straight up on the table with your hands still clasped behind your back, a fully clothed Din standing between your legs, holding your trembling thighs wide open as he sinks his length back into you. You instinctively wrap your legs around him.
He grabs a rough hold of your face, hooking his thumb in your agape mouth while the rest of his long hand wraps around your head, forcing your watering eyes to look right at him as he pounds up into you. Strands of your hair stick to your sweaty face as you’re unable to brush them away.
His other hand trails down your sweating skin to your clit and starts drawing tiny circles on it. You wish you could wrap your arms around his neck and hold on tight to him as he drives you over the edge.
“Alright, pretty girl, cum for me. Show me what you’ve got, baby, come on.” Din encourages, swiping his thumb over your swollen clit.
Your cuffed hands are in tight white fists with your nails digging into your palms. Your whole body tenses up and your back arches as you squeal out. Din’s grasp on your face stops your head from falling back as your orgasm shatters through your body.
Din is hardly pulling his length out of you while thrusting fast and deep inside of you, feeling your cunt flutter on his cock makes him moan and you can tell he’s going to cum soon.
Just then he lifts you off the table and shoves your head down. “On your knees and open wide, I’m gonna cum in that pathetic pretty mouth.” Din breathes out as he rapidly strokes his cock over your face.
You sit up tall on your knees and open your mouth, sticking your tongue out while looking up at him with wide watery eyes. Din grunts as he grabs a hold of your hair and tilts your head up, positioning his cock right over your quivering mouth. Warm streams on white cum shoot from his length and fall on your lips and tongue. He keeps pumping it as he sprays the rest of your face with his seed.
“Damn baby, I thought you were hot before, but you look even better on your knees with your face covered in cum, sweat, and tears.” Din remarks while putting his softening member in his pants.
You slowly rise from the ground, your legs shake and almost give out as you bring your self to your feet. You’re panting and strands of your hair are stuck to your gooey face, as your cuffed hands prevent you from wiping your face.
You stand there awkwardly and silent, naked and disgusting as Din buckles his belt.
“Your pussy is so fucking good. I think I'm gonna have to keep you.”
“W-wait, what?”
“Yeah. I can't turn you in. Can't let a cunt like yours go to waste.”
“Bu— but then you won’t get paid.”
“Oh, having you around to fuck at my leisure is worth way more than the bounty on your head sweetheart.”
You gulp. “I thought—”
“Come on princess.” Din interrupts. “You can either stay with me, or go rot in jail. What’ll it be?
“But I— I….” You have completely forgotten about the foul fate that awaited you. You haven’t had time to think about what would happen once you were turned over. You have no idea of what life is like in a New Republic prison, nor did you have any knowledge how long you would be incarcerated.
“....I wanna stay with you.” You say softly looking down at your feet.
“That's what I thought.” Din says walking up to you. “Get yourself cleaned up baby girl.” He spins your nude body around and unlocks your hand cuffs, nodding in the direction of the fresher. “I’m going on a supply run and then it’s my turn on the flight deck. And my cock could use some warming while I pilot the ship.”
@pinkninja200 @raspberrymama @stevie75 @tacticalsparkles @kenoobiwan @shark-s @theamuz @blackrose8425 @beskarboobs @smutslutz @princess-djarinn @spideysimpossiblegirl @riot-rotten @javierpinme @hypnoash @anaaaispunk
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patrickswhore · 3 years
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Karl Heisenberg X male reader
A/n: i couldn’t find any gifs of my daddy so I made one 😂 also sorry for not updating for a while, schools been tough but I’m in self isolation so I have plenty of time to write 😂 also light smut towards the end.
I stood at the back of my house, chopping wood for the burner. The snow fell heavy, making the wood crunch as it hit the cold ground.
I could see my breath as I breathed out in exhaustion. This winter was gonna be tough for me and my family. As the only man in my household and newly turned 21, I was just waiting for my sisters to play match makers and find me a young lady... hopefully that would be a while. In my village, being attracted to the same gender isn’t really a thing. So I’ll just have to suck it up, marry and have kids... you know, conform to society.
I walked inside with the lumber, shaking to get the snow off me like a wet dog. I placed it by the fireplace and threw a few blocks on the fire.
I hung my jacket on the coat rack and walked to the living room where my sister was sitting, chatting with a friend and drinking tea.
“Where’ve you been, (Y/N)? Fooling around with a lady?” My sister asked sarcastically, making fun of my lack of luck with women.
“Very funny, Paula” I rolled my eyes and walked into my moms bedroom, knocking softly on the door before entering.
Mother was laying in bed, looking at the ceiling. I knelt by her side, taking her hand. Ever since father passed away she hasn’t been the same, she lays in bed all day, not talking nor eating much.
“How are you feeling, mother?”
“I haven’t found a job yet.. but I promise I’ll find the money for your medicine, mother.... I promise”
She didn’t answer, she just kept on staring. I sighed and walked out the room, closing the door softly behind me.
“(Y/N), one of the neighbours came with this letter for you when you were out”
My sister handed me a letter, my name on the front in a crude handwriting. I opened the letter, it had a beautiful wax seal, decorated with a horse. The letter read:
Dear (Y/N)
Congratulations on your 21th birthday. You’ve been selected to come work for Karl Heisenberg at the factory on the outskirts of town. You’ve been selected because of your high grades and physical attributes. Please report to the factory as quickly as possible.
Kind regards, Karl Heisenberg.
My heart skipped a beat, Karl Heisenberg was asking me to come work for him. I couldn’t believe it, I rushed to me and my sisters room, quickly putting on some clean clothes and my prayer shoes. I ran into my mothers room, kneeling besides her once again.
“Mother, great news! I’m gonna go work for Lord Heisenberg...”
“I love you mother, I’ll be back soon”
I rushed out, giving my sister a peak on the forehead and storming out the front door and into the freezing weather.
I walked up the hill to the metal doors, the factory was up and running, making a hell of a lot of noise. I banged on the heavy doors before it slowly opened on its own, revealing a room filled with scrap metal.
I heard the cracking sound of an intercom before hearing a low voice speaking.
“Ah! (Y/N) great you’re here so quickly. Please make your way to my office, all you have to do is make a left where you are and walk straight. It’s as easy as that, I’ll be waiting”
That must be lord Heisenberg speaking. I straighten up and walked as I had been instructed to. The condors were cramped and dimly lit by red lamps. I felt like the further into the factory I got, the more a putrid smell started to emerge. I finally reached the door, knocking two times.
“Yeah come on in!”
I slowly pushed open the metal door and was pleased that the wretched smell was now being overpowered by the scent of cigar smoke. There he sat, his back turned to me as I slowly shut the door. His hair was long and rugged, and he was toying with a small knife between his fingers.
“It’s great to finally meet you, (Y/N) (L/N). My men has had their eyes on you for a while, but you’re more impressive in person” the man stood up, he was taller then me to start with, but also physically more pumped. I was kinda scrawny, but the winter without my farther had put some meat on my bones.
“It’s an honor to be able to work for you, lord” I bowed my head slightly before looking up and finding him much closer then before. He put a finger under my chin, inspecting my face from different angels.
“My men were right, you surely are a very beautiful man”
My breath hitched in my throat.
“I beg you pardon?”
“Oh don’t play dumb with me, boy... we both know what you are”
“So that’s why you brought me here... not for work”
“Well a special kind of work, if you catch my drift”
He let go of my chin, moving a step back. I couldn’t deny it, he was extremely hot, but the thought of not being able to sustain my family drove me mad.
“Don’t worry, you’re getting a job at the factory too, and I’ll pay you handsomely for your services.. I know how much your family needs the money”
A stone lifted from my heart. What had I done for mother Miranda to gift me with such fortune? A well paying job and a handsome boss, who could ask for more?
“When do I start?”
“Well, immediately. But first, I have a question” he asked walking closer to me, slowly pushing me against the wall behind us. One hand on the wall besides my head and the other on my waist.
“Do you find me attractive?” His head was inching closer to my neck. His smell was intoxicating, a mix of sweat, cologne and rusty metal. I couldn’t get enough of him.
“Yes, very much”
“Good, because I need you to fix something for me” he grabbed my wrist with the hand from my waist and guided it to his crotch. I cupped his growing bugle as he made a low growling noise, almost like a dog. I started to softly stroke it as he removed his head from my neck, setting his hat on a nearby table before going back to my neck, kissing and biting along the side. I softly grabbed his dick, sending a shockwave through his body. He pulled back, looking at me through his sunglasses, I could slightly see his eyes which were full of lust. He put both his hands on my waist before moving me to the table, turning me around and bending me over it.
“You like that? You dirty man” he huffed, grinding against my ass, a hand on the back of my neck and another under my shirt on the small of my back.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you hear me?” He gave my ass a hard slap, I cried out in pleasure and surprise, gripping the edge of the table.
I could hear his belt buckle being undone as I waited. Suddenly a voice over the loud speakers outside.
“All four lords, report to the castle immediately. Glory be to mother Miranda”
“You have to be fucking kidding me, what does that super sized bitch want now?” He huffed in annoyance buckling his belt again. I stood up, sitting on the table which I had just been bent over.
“I’ll be back very soon” he placed himself between my legs and gave me a passionate kiss, I of course, kissed back.
He put on his hat before storming out the door. I sighed and hung my head. Fuck...
“You’re late, Heisenberg” Alcina snapped as Karl stomped inside.
“I was in the middle of something”
“In the middle of what? You’re such a-“ she stopped dead in her tracks as Karl sat down, completely forgetting about his huge bulge.
“Oh.. I see, you’ve gotten a bit too happy for one of your experiments again”
Karls eyes widened as he swung his jacket over his lap, covering his crotch.
“Shut up bitch, and stop looking at my dick”
“ watch your mouth, child. Moreau, wanna bet on how long this one is gonna last until he kills him?”
Moreau giggled before getting hit in the back with a sheet of metal.
“Not this one, freak!.... this one is different”
“Mhmm, let’s see about that”
“I’ll rip your fucking over sized head off, you stupid bitch!” The hammer flew into Karls hand before Miranda interrupted.
“I’ll fucking show you... he’s the one”
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
wedding fun
pairing: dom!eric, dom!sunwoo x sub! reader (no gender specified but has a vagina)
word count: 2.7k
synopsis: it’s Changmin’s sister’s wedding and his younger sibling gets super drunk and loses their virginity to Eric and Sunwoo
a/n: please send in requests!
y/s/n = your sister’s name
pt. 2
masterlist + requests
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Tears were welling up as you saw your beautiful sister walk down the aisle, holding onto your dad’s arm. She looked absolutely stunning with her dark hair in a fancy updo and the silver makeup shimmering on her face. Her eyelids were painted a lovely purple and the exact same color could also be found on all the bridesmaids’ dresses. After all, it was her favorite color.
Y/s/n took the hands of her very-soon-to-be-husband and looked him deep in the eyes. Everyone in the room could see the love these two had for each other. You were wondering whether you would ever be able to find this kind of love in your life. This far you had been unsuccessful and being alone scared you. But being an idol also made having a significant other very difficult so you love would not be an option for a long time.
Immersed in your own thoughts, you were taken by surprise when you heard “I do’’ already coming out of your sisters mouth.
“And do you, Kim Hanseob, take y/s/n as your beloved wife and promise to stay by her side until death do you part?’’ The room was filled with anticipation as everyone waited for him to answer. You swore to god if he didn’t say yes you’d haunt him down and make sure to kick him there where it really - “I do,” he said and before the priest could continue he had already cupped your sister’s face and planted a passionate kiss on her lips.
You could feel tears running down your cheeks and tried to wipe them away. Your eyes met your brother's, Changmin, who also appeared to be crying and he flashed you a big smile. You grinned back.
Then your gaze fell onto your fellow members who were applauding loudly and cheering. Both your and Changmin's group were invited to sing later. That's why Changmin was sitting with his ten friends/co-workers/members in the audience and, on top of that, six girls were waiting for you there as well. You stood up there in your purple dress near your sister as you had the honor of being the bridesmaid (ever since you were little you had made it very clear that that position would be yours and threatened your sister with various horrifying scenarios in case she chose someone else).
After everyone gave heartbreaking speeches, it was time to dance and get wasted. At least that was what seemed to be planned for you. During your sister’s speech, she told everyone to get you drunk. Apparently that was her biggest wish for the night and only after that could she truly be happily married. You had turned twenty not even two months ago (Korean age) and are now a legal adult who could do adult things like drinking. The first glass was handed to you by Changmin who would not answer what kind of liquor it was and maybe half an hour later you felt quite tipsy.
Y/s/n had requested you to sing ‘Always By Your Side’ (her favorite b-side of your group) so that’s what your group performed. After that The Boyz sang ‘Break Your Rules’ and, surprisingly, Changmin’s friend Sunwoo seemed to be the most into it. Maybe it was the alcohol but you couldn’t stop staring at his luscious lips and pretty smile. His positive energy spread like a virus and the corners of your mouth wouldn’t go down.
Just as you had finished your seventh glass, another one was held right in your face.
“Having fun?” Eric teased you as you took a couple of big sips and smiled contentedly. You had never realized how beautiful this man was. His sharp jawline and divinely carved nose seemed to catch your attention. Gosh, has he always been this attractive? Noticing the slight blush on your cheeks, Eric smirked at you.
You danced a little bit together and just jammed out to the music. You tried not to look at him in fear you might not be able to take your eyes off of him. You had always sworn that Changmin’s friends were off limits. Especially his members. But it wasn’t your fault that he had decided to look so damn fine in his suit today.
Suddenly someone tapped you on your shoulder and when you turned around you saw a fine as hell looking Sunwoo smiling brightly at you two. He was holding a tray with shots and handed them to you. Y’all linked arms and downed the liquor. Since you've had multiple glasses already, you didn’t even really feel the burn in your throat anymore.
You did silly dances like the floss or copied the point dance of ‘Shine’ by Pentagon. Then the music took a different direction and suddenly ‘Whiplash’ by NCT127 was blasting through the speakers. Now you had to adjust your dancing accordingly. Eric and Sunwoo came a lot closer and you could feel their breaths on your face and neck. Not really caring anymore you gave in and moved your body to the rhythm. One of the boys was grinding from the front and one from the back and you could feel something hard poking you from both sides. You ground your body on the two boys and were enjoying how their breathing became heavier and heavier.
Only as Sunwoo started placing wet kisses on your neck did you become aware of your surroundings again. You quickly looked around to see if anyone was staring but the rest seemed to be equally as drunk and immersed in their own stuff. Changmin was having a dance contest with one of your members and Kevin was twerking on the side.
You let out a moan as Eric sucked a hickey on your collar bone. Not wanting them to stop but also being kind of embarrassed at being in a public space, it took you all of your restraint to groan out a “we shouldn’t be doing this here.”
“Wanna go somewhere more private?” wasn’t necessarily the response you had expected. The suggestion had come from Eric who was now caressing your sides while coming dangerously close to your chest. At this point Sunwoo was humping your butt from behind. Your panties were soaked and you were rubbing your legs. Your whole body was screaming to say yes and leave with these two sexy men.
“I know a perfect place here where we can take good care of you. Do you want us to spoil you, baby? We can make you feel so good. You’ll be screaming our names all night. Do you want that?” Sunwoo whispered into your ear. At this proposition you nodded eagerly and the alcohol in your system made your head spin. The triumph was visible in Eric’s face and he took you by your hand and led you away.
As soon as the door to the hall closed, Sunwoo spun you around and crashed his lips onto yours. Your inexperience was overpowered by your intoxicated state of mind. The alcohol seemed to take over and your mouth and tongue moved on their own.
“As much as I would like to join you, we need to go quickly before someone sees us,” Eric urged you and you parted in dismay. The venue your sister had rented for the wedding was huge and you found yourself locked in a room on the fourth floor, far far away from the rest (most importantly from Changmin).
The beautiful purple dress was now lying somewhere in a corner (but you made sure they took it off carefully) and your bra was nowhere in sight. Pressed against the wall both of your nipples were being taken care of by the two boys. Someone was biting, someone was licking and it all felt like heaven. Sunwoo’s thigh in between your legs prevented you from rubbing your legs together but you still got a good amount of friction and rubbed yourself on his muscle.
“Who knew that y/n could be so horny? My leg is completely wet from your pussy.”
“Then take your pants off,” you contered, not knowing what exactly came over you. Sunwoo, as well as Eric, wasted no time in discarding their pants and underwear and left you staring at the two most beautiful dicks you had ever seen. And also the first ones. You didn’t move, not really knowing what to do. They must have noticed too as they each took your hand and led it to their cocks. They slowly guided your hands up and down their shafts. After a while they let go and you rubbed a bit quicker, enjoying the effect you had on them.
The logical next step was to suck so you knelt down. First, you let your tongue taste Sunwoo’s tip and he let out a heavy sigh. Feeling more confident, you started by licking up his shaft before wrapping your mouth around the head. It was big and tasted a bit salty but it felt so good knowing that you were bringing pleasure to this pretty boy.
“Baby, do you want to taste me too?” asked Eric and you switched. Now you were sucking Eric’s length and stroking Sunwoo. Eric let out small moans and grabbed your hair tightly. You looked up at him and admired his physique (you hadn’t noticed that they had taken off their shirts).
They took turns using your mouth and even started gently thrusting and you were a bit overwhelmed with how thick they were. Eric’s pumps were getting quicker but suddenly pulled out. Did you do something wrong?
“Fuck, y/n! You’re going to make me come already. We haven’t even shown you the real thing.” Sunwoo helped you stand up and then pulled your panties down. He picked you up and lay you down on the bed. Before you could register anything happening, you suddenly felt something very wet connecting with your heat. Sunwoo had licked a strip up your pussy. Your body arched as he sucked on your clit, the sensation feeling overwhelming.
“Look how sensitive y/n is. I wonder how our baby will react when we put our dicks inside.”
“I’m a virgin!” you suddenly blurt out. You weren’t sure why you told them but it probably wasn’t wrong to let them know.
“That’s okay, baby,” Eric responded while Sunwoo began fucking you with his tongue, “We’ll take good care of you.”
Sunwoo moved to the side and Eric took his place in between your thighs. He then planted a big kiss on your lips as he pushed one finger inside. The sensation felt a bit foreign. Of course you had fingered yourself before but having someone else do it was very different. Instead of going super fast like you had expected, he took his time. It was easy to adjust and soon you felt another finger at your entrance.
Your pussy took the second digit in as well but this time the discomfort was more noticeable. Apparently it was also visible on your face because Sunwoo began exchanging wet kisses with you and massaged your nipples as a distraction. He mumbled soft praises against your mouth, telling you how good you were being.
“I think y/n is ready,” Eric said after a while. You had been approaching your climax and felt a bit disappointed.
“You do have condoms, right?” you asked a bit panicked, remembering that you were not on the pill. Sunwoo stood up and picked out condoms from their pants. He held them up while smirking at you. Seems like they came prepared.
Once you felt more comfortable, you gave him a nod and he started moving. Sunwoo began very slowly but as you started showing signs of pleasure he increased his speed. He was placing hickeys all over your collarbone and neck and you were tugging at his hair. Out of the corner of your eyes you could see Eric watching you while stroking himself, patiently waiting for his turn. Slowly Sunwoo’s breaths and thrusts started becoming sloppier and then, while moaning out your name, he came hard in his condom.
Sunwoo rolled the condom over his hard penis and aligned himself at your entrance. He stroked your face.
“You have nothing to worry about. Try to relax.” You tried to give him a reassuring smile as if to tell him that you were going to be just fine. He kissed you deeply as he pushed in. The sensation felt overwhelming so you grabbed onto Sunwoo’s arms. He held still while trying to distract you with kisses.
He was trying to catch his breath but Eric left him no time and pushed him aside. Without any hesitation, he shoved his dick right into you and began pumping. He started with an already high speed so you felt quite a strong sensation from the start. He held you by your hips and kept a fast pace. Your eyes were rolling back in pleasure as he was fucking you hard. It didn’t hurt, it was like waves of pleasure were running over you. Since he had already jerked off when Sunwoo had had his turn, he didn’t last as long as the other boy did.
“Can I come on you?” he asked you as he picked up the speed even more. Barely being able to respond you slightly nodded and he suddenly pulled out. He took off the condom, stroked his throbbing length a few times and then shot his load all over your body. Some landed on your belly, some on your tits and some even on your face. Eric let out stuttering groans as he unloaded his cum onto you. Thinking you were done, you tried to get up but was quickly pushed back down onto the mattress.
“You didn’t come yet,” Eric stated matter-of-factly. He lowered his face to your heat and started lapping. You felt very sensitive and gasped in surprise when you felt Sunwoo playing with your clit. Damn, these boys definitely knew what they were doing. Like this, you came closer and closer to your high. At this point you were sure that you were screaming a lot but didn’t know whether anyone could comprehend your words. Feeling that you were almost there, Sunwoo and Eric picked up their pace and, not long after, your eyes rolled back into your head and darkness took over.
Your orgasm was very intense and wet. After your body had finished, you felt very weak and exhausted but satisfied. Not really being able to open your eyes again you just lay there. You barely noticed the boys cleaning you up before sleep overtook you.
You woke up feeling extremely sore in between your legs. Opening your eyes was tough but when you did you wished you hadn’t. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. First of all, you were completely naked and so were the two boys next to you. Even worse was that these were your brother’s members, the only people you had sworn to avoid any romantic (let alone sexual) contact with. Your head was also hurting and you felt like throwing up. So this is what alcohol did to you.
Sunwoo and Eric seemed to be still sleeping so you just quickly dressed yourself and ran out of the room. How do you even deal with this kind of situation? Now you had to avoid Sunwoo and Eric for the rest of your life and also had to keep a big secret from Changmin. If he ever found out you’d be dead but what would happen to the two guys who had fucked you seemed to be an even worse fate. You felt kind of dirty having been used by two men but at the same time it had felt so good. You even came and that amount of pleasure was something you had never felt before. Sadly, this kind of scenario could only ever happen again in your dreams.
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sugaxjpg · 4 years
infamous; m
⤷  You would rather die than to have someone figure out about your sexual escapades with Local Fuckboy, Kim Taehyung. It was an ego thing. 
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✓ Couple: Taehyung x Reader | Fuckboy!AU & SecretRelationship!AU
✓ Filed under: smut 
✓ Look out for: bathroom sex, breast play, oral (male receiving) + deepthroat, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex (use condoms or i’ll kill u!!!), mirrors,switch!tae and switch!reader, taehyung being lowkey a prick but we’re all in for it 
✓ Words: 12,508
Author’s Note: Of course my year-long hiatus would end with a smut. What else can I say? I can hear the clown music from here. 
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“Like, can you actually believe that? He ghosted me for three weeks, then he had the nerve to ask for a tit pic.” She sighed, taking a slip from her neon green drink. You didn’t know how Hyejin could ingest something that resembled toxic waste and make it seem like it actually brought her some sort of comfort. “You know what? I’m done with men. All of them. We really are living in the medieval ti— Are you even listening to me?” 
You blinked twice, taken off guard by the clicking of her fingers in front of your eyes. Truth was, you were only half present, the other half of you scrutinizing the living room, trying to find a certain someone amongst the agglomeration of bodies. 
“Yeah, sure, sorry,” you apologized, leaning your side against the wall. Behind Hyejin, two guys started yelling about something related to Harry Potter and you couldn’t care less. “I was somewhere else for a second, but I’m here now. You were saying that he ghosted you?”
“Yeah, like an absolute idiot.” She rolled her eyes, gesticulating aggressively. You nervously watched the movements of the radioactive cup, worried that it would splash all over your clothes. You really should’ve thought twice before combining a white blouse with your black skirt — that was a catastrophe waiting to happen. “I’m never talking to him again. Or any man.”
“Hm,” you hummed, crossing your arms. You didn’t know who she was trying to convince, that must’ve been the fifth time you heard your friend giving you that speech (during that semester alone). “Who’s that again? Hoseok?” 
“The one and only,” she agreed, glimpsing at her side as if someone could even hear you two amongst the loud reverberation of the music. “Really, I don’t know how those guys haven’t been thrown out of the campus yet. They’re a hazard, all seven of them. A threat to public health.”
You shrugged. “From what I’ve heard, they pay their tuition and do well in class. That’s as far as the college cares.” 
She groaned. “I guess.” Another slip. A pause. Another one. Yep, you were designated driver for the night. “Could be worse, though, I could be one of the poor chicks that Taehyung fucks in his spare time.” 
You giggled, nervous. “Yeah, yeah,” you agreed, looking back at the mass of students. “Yeah, that’d be awful.” 
She hummed in concordance, taking her cup back to her lips. The two guys behind her decided to quit the arguments and moved away from the two of you, making you follow their figures as they dissipated amongst the crowd. You didn’t know how college parties managed to squeeze so many people in one small living room, but it was one of the mysteries of life, you guessed. 
“I don’t know what’s the deal with that one,” Hyejin continued. “It’s like he has a golden dick or something.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows, turning your attention back at her. “What do you mean?” 
“Doesn’t matter, he’s a complete douche.” She moved her hand as if she was scaring away an invisible fly. “Don’t even think about him. He’s the kind that uses and discards people.”
“You think so?” You asked.
“I know so,” she said. “I couldn’t even count on my fingers the amount of girls that had one night stands with Taehyung, and somehow became completely whipped by the dude, only to be told that he doesn’t ‘fuck the same person twice’. Like… What the fuck is that? Who says that?”  
You laughed, noticing the tinge of red that covered her cheeks. “You sound really drunk.” 
“So?” She asked. “I’m not bullshitting you. Taehyung is a prick and that’s gospel.” She raised her cup in a silent cheer, and took another slip. “I know you’re not involved in the fuckboy phenomena that plagues this campus, and, honestly, you’re better off that way. But trust me when I say that he isn’t worth the headache.” 
With an inattentive nod, you took another peek at the strangers in the room. “I believe you, don’t worry.” 
The worst part? You did. 
Even worse? There were two things wrong with what she had told you. 
Number one: yes, Taehyung was kind of a jerk sometimes. But he wasn’t completely soulless. He was fun to be around, actually, when he wasn’t surrounded by his smooth-brained friends, or trying to impress someone into sleeping with him. Also, you were pretty sure he told at least most of those girls that he wasn’t searching for anything serious, and a one-night stand was most likely all that they would get. 
You couldn’t speak for all of them, of course, but the ones that you knew personally, at least, had mentioned something along those lines to you. He didn’t exactly lead them on, trying to break their hearts just for the sake of it. Besides, Taheyung was already kind of infamous around campus for “using and discarding” people, as Hyejin had put, so it wasn’t precisely a surprise for anyone involved. 
Number two: Taehyung fucked the same person twice, if he felt like it. And you knew that because you’ve been fucking him on and off for the past five months or so. 
To your defense, you weren’t exactly after a “secret friends with benefits” relationship when you first met him. In fact, you didn’t expect that you would fall victim to his charms just like everyone else, melting under his tender kisses, moaning his name as he rolled his hips against you, edging your orgasm for longer than you could hold it. And you didn’t expect to like it as much as you did. 
Truth was: Kim Taehyung was everything, but he wasn’t dumb. He knew that he was attractive as hell; he knew that he had a voice so silky and deep that just saying the right words would be enough to have you in bed with him — and he knew how to use two two things very well. So, just like Eve, you followed the snake and bit the apple, and blah blah blah, eternal damnation or something like that. Big deal. 
You didn’t care much about being fuckbuddies with Taehyung, actually — he had his fun with other people in the meantime, and so did you —, but you pretty much could die at the idea that someone would find out. It was an ego thing, alright? You didn’t want people to know that you were interested in him, since you prided yourself in being a strong, independent woman, and to have people think that you were wrapped around his finger (which you absolutely wasn’t!) would not be a good look for your personal brand. 
And it got more complicated than that. The thing was that Taehyung had always been one to flaunt around his trophies. It wasn’t unheard of for him to just start talking about someone that he had fucked, maybe even giving a bit more detail than anyone else involved would appreciate. You knew that it was just a matter of time before your name dropped from his lips at the wrong time, in front of his ape-brained friends, and everyone would discover that you were added to his long lists of booty calls. 
So, when you asked to keep that first night a secret, you were surprised when he quickly accepted it. 
Against all expectations, Taehyung didn’t fall into his old pattern when it came to you. He had been the one to text you first, calling you over to his place — which he made sure to be empty — and he had been the first one to suggest that you two kept meeting up after that. Now, let’s not get this mixed up: it wasn’t an undisclosed crush, it wasn’t love. It was just Taehyung fulfilling some weird-ass kink of his. He liked to have you when he wanted it, the way he wanted it, and he liked the thrill of it all being undisclosed — to him, it felt like you two were doing something wrong, which managed to turn him on even more. 
Also, you were human, alright? There was something extremely tempting about sleeping with someone as almighty as Kim Taehyung, King of Fuckboys, especially when he kept coming back to you. It’s only nature to want to feel special every once in a while. 
Again: it was an ego thing. 
Even if your pride told you otherwise, you decided, again and again, to come back to him. Late at night in your apartment, when your roommate had already gone to sleep, and he was buried deep between your legs, licking your wetness and sucking on your clit. Or maybe in the interval between your classes, when you two managed to get the locker rooms empty, and he fucked you so hard against one of the lockers that you could swear someone would come see what was going on with all that banging against the metal. 
But no, no one ever caught you. Not Hyejin or any of your other friends. As far as you were aware, Taehyung’s group didn’t know a thing either, which made you appreciate him even more. 
See? He wasn’t a total douchebag. He had the most basic sense of loyalty. 
And, yeah, you didn’t like lying to your friends, but it was a necessary measure. You were sure they would kill you if they found out about your private escapades with the Local Fuckface McGee: half out of sheer panic for your emotional well-being, and the other half out of pure jealousy. You didn’t think much about it most of the time, since you kind of understood Taehyung’s side: you simply liked the thrill, and you weren’t actually doing anything illegal. No one really had to know.
Rupturing the bubble of your nostalgia, your friend’s voice startled you back into reality. 
“Who are you looking for?” Hyejin furrowed her eyebrows, staring you down intensely. She had been your friend for three years, and you were absolutely certain she could see through your bullshit — well, most of the time. “Do you have a dick appointment that I don’t know about?” 
You laughed, your voice coming out an octave higher than you intended it to. “What? No!” So subtle, congratulations. “I’m just searching for a friend. She owes me a bit of money and she’s been avoiding me for some time.” 
You were impressed at the ease that the lie left your tongue. At the same time, you had been doing that for five months now — keeping your distance from mentioning anything Taehyung, figuring out excuses to get away from your friends at the weirdest of times — , so you guessed that was something that came with practice. 
“You want me to beat her up?” Hyejin offered. Just a glimpse was all that you needed to know that she was dead serious. “Give me her name. I promise I just wanna talk.” 
“No, it’s fine,” you said, chuckling at her aggressive demeanor. “It’s not a lot of money, I’m not super worried. I’m just tired of being avoided.” 
She smirked, taking another slip from her cup. How didn’t the drink end yet? That cup was infinite. “You and me both, sister.” 
Your lips parted, but, before you managed to let anything out, a loud sound of men screaming in excitement overlapped the beat of the electronic song. Hyejin met your eyes with a mixture of puzzlement and interest and, in an unspoken agreement, you two decided to see what the fuss was about. 
Lucky for you, you two didn’t even have to take two steps to figure it out. Since the large opening to the living room was right besides you, all that you needed to do was to take a look through it, right at the kitchen, to see the beautiful, Animal Planet view of Hoseok drinking beer upside down. 
“Hyejin?” You called calmly, eyes still glued to the spectacle.
“Yes, love?” She answered, absent-minded. 
“You know who’s throwing this party, right?” 
She shrugged. “I might.” 
You suspired, taking a step back so you could stare at her. Behind you, people walked towards the kitchen, pumped to see if Hoseok could drink the entire thing (as if he didn’t do that in every single party he throwed). “So, there’s any other reason why you dragged me to Hoseok’s party, besides one that you needed someone to keep you company while you waited to be dicked down?” 
“Great deduction, Sherlock.” She smiled, eyes shining in enthusiasm. You looked at Hoseok, then back at Hyejin. Maybe she wouldn’t have any grounds to judge you and Taehyung after that circus performance. “I’ll make it up to you, don’t worry.” 
“I’m not worried about that.” You crossed your arms. Seokjin, who was holding Hoseok by the ankles, pterodactyl-screeched in joy as the boy reached the end of the beer. Two more slips and he’d be good to go. “You sent him the tit pic, didn’t you?” 
Hyejin licked her lips, taking a hand up to fix her hair. “I’m only human,” she said. “Besides, I had already invested a lot on him. I even did a full body shave. I couldn’t just not do it.” 
You laughed at the idea, watching as she became more and more distracted by the man. A group had already formed around Hoseok, and you knew it was just a matter of when Hyejin would do the same. 
“What happened about being over all men?” You asked. 
“Yeah, yeah… After tonight. Right now I’m planning to get under one.” She gave you her neon green cup with a harsh movement, and you held it without thinking much about it. “I’ll see you later, Y/N. Hold my drink for me.”
“Have a great night, I guess,” you raised the sound of your voice as she began to walk away. “Text me when you get home!” 
She responded without turning back, giving you a thumbs up over her head. “You too, girlie!” 
And, just like that, she was gone. 
Disappointed but not surprised, you sighed and placed your body back against the wall. From the kitchen, a roaring applause exploded, and you knew that Hoseok had finished his Herculean task. Good for him. 
You stared down. The sharp shade of green reflected on the skin of your hands, looking like something straight out of Chernobyl. You took the cup to your nostrils and gave it an experimental sniff, your nose cringing at the appalling smell. Fighting the disgust that had built in your stomach, you quickly took it away from your face, and decided to place it on a table nearby. No wonder Hyejin was so out of it, the poor girl was suffering from radiation poisoning. 
The Chainsmorkers started to play and you asked yourself why the fuck was Satan in charge of the music. All around you, strangers fumbled to the rhythm of the song, a girl even falling to her knees at one bad turn of the ankle, then turning her gaze up at her friends and laughing maniacally. The odor that enveloped you was strong and nauseating — Axe body spray, probably — and the thumping of the sound was starting to get annoying. Since you were alone with your thoughts, there wasn’t much left besides to hyperfocus on those details, which was all but a pleasant pastime. 
You crossed your arms, bored out of your mind, and thought that it might be the wiser decision to go back to your place and just sleep the night off. Yeah, the semester was already ending, most of your tests and projects had passed, but that didn’t mean you weren’t completely exhausted at all the accumulated stress you had endured. Now that Hyejin had moved on with her plan, you didn’t have much of a part to play in that party anyways. 
A couple almost tripped on you as they giggled their way towards the stairs, probably searching for an available room. What a nice reminder. You pressed your lips together, then peaked back at the kitchen, where you only saw Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook leaning over a pile of red cups — Yoongi right behind them, seeming like he was about to kick the whole thing down. You didn’t know where Taehyung was, but he most likely already left with someone else. 
You turned back to your previous position, crossing your arms in frustration. Great. Your friend was after her sexting partner, and your own booty call was probably balls deep inside someone else by then. Really, there wasn’t much that you could do in there. It would be better if you just left while your dignity was still intact. 
With a sigh, you pushed your body away from the wall, fumbling with your purse. You were praying that Hyejin remembered to give you the car keys, otherwise you would be trapped in that place for god knows how lo— 
Oh there he fucking was. 
The moment that you saw Taehyung, sitting on the couch across the room from you, it was like you forgot to breathe for a moment. That little demon incarnated looked better than you had anticipated — dressed in all black, with his thighs spread across the seat, ready to be fucked right then and there. His dark hair was parted in the middle, a few stubborn strands falling over his angelic features, and his thumb distractedly circled his lower lip as his gaze navigated around the room, staring at nothing in particular. Next to him, you could see another one of his friends — Jimin, if you were not mistaken — talking about something animatedly, but the other man was paying no attention. 
His expression was one of irritation, you noticed, with his thick eyebrows moving together, jaw clenching. It was pretty erotic, if you said so yourself. You didn’t know what Jimin was telling him, but you sure hoped he wouldn’t stop anytime soon. 
When he saw you, however, Taehyung’s perceived annoyance instantly dissipated. 
With your mind racing in anticipation, you watched as his eyes met your own, then trailed down your body with desire, stopping around the level of your thighs for a bit longer than you had predicted. You knew that stare awfully well — it was the same one that Taehyung gave you when he saw you around campus, the silent provocation that told you, and only you, that he really wanted to have some alone time right now. 
A sly smirk sprouted at the corner of his lips, and he leaned back against the couch. You followed his movements as he reached towards his pocket and came back with his phone, staring at you as he did so. The phantasmagoric white light casted odd shadows over his face as he unlocked it, taking a final glance at your expectant features before he started to type something. Once he was done, he locked his phone and placed it back where it had come from. 
Inside your purse, your own phone beeped happily. 
You licked your lips, trying your best to forge indifference as you reached for your device. You swore you could still feel his eyes still burning on you, impatient and deep, watching your every move with eagerness. 
[00:23] Taehyung: so glad to see that you came bby 
[00:23] Taehyung: do me a favor and meet me in the bathroom upstairs, will ya? Second door to the right ;) 
Yep, new plans: you would stay there a bit longer. 
Hammering against your chest, your heart seemed as if it was about to jump out of your mouth by the time that you turned your attention back to the couch. Taehyung, however, had already gotten up, and you had the chance to take a last glance towards his beautiful form as he walked towards the stairs. Jimin, from the couch, appeared to be as lost as they come. 
From the kitchen, the resounding complaint of the group you had seen before ruptured your hypnotized state — Yoongi had, in fact, kicked everything down. Taken aback by the carnality that permeated your chest, you locked your phone without typing an answer and leaned back against the wall, deciding it would be best to wait a minute or two before following him upstairs. Amongst your thoughts, a part of you was still judging whether you adored or despised Kim Taehyung, and the intoxicating effect he had on you. 
Finally, you decided to take the stairs. You wondered, as you opened your way through the ocean of sweaty bodies and spilling drinks, if you weren’t trying too hard to rationalize and catastrophize something that was actually very simple. It was a story with a start, a middle part, and a satisfying ending: you two wanted to fuck each other, you did, then you moved right on. No hidden feelings, no strings attached. That was it. Couldn’t get any better than that. 
Regardless, it wasn’t everything about that, and you knew it. It was about overhearing other girls talking as you made your way upstairs, complaining about how ridiculously hot he was, or about how he didn’t call them back after he gave them the best night of their lives. It was about having that steamy, trembling secret between the two of you. It was about knowing that yeah, Taehyung was crazy hot — and you could have that whenever you wanted. It was about hearing him complain about his friends, who told him that you’d never give him a chance, and seeing the delectable pleasure in which he vangloriared himself, knowing very well that you and him had a second life to share whenever suited. 
You reached the second floor with electric currents running through your veins, anticipation building like a tidal wave inside your abdomen. You two had never done something like that so close to so many people and, yet, you adored the idea even more. 
The cold metal of the door handle met the palm of your hand and you tried it once, twice, with no effect. After looking at the corridor and making sure that Taehyung was nowhere else to be seen — besides the fact that, if he didn’t manage to get the bathroom, he would surely text you a different location — you were left to assume that he wanted to know that it was you who waited at the other side. 
With a sigh, you took your phone out of your purse. Maybe your fingers weren’t as steady as you’d like them to be, but no one needed to know about that. 
[00:27] You: plz open the door thx
Expectantly, you placed your phone back and tried to overhear some sort of sound signifying that he was moving closer to the door — but the song was so loud that you could barely understand your own thoughts. The next seconds that you stood there, just waiting for him to open the door, had been the longest ones you had endured in your life. 
Eventually, however, the door creaked open. 
You gave one last, paranoid glimpse at the strangers in the corridor, but none of them seemed to notice that Taehyung hadn’t left the bathroom by the time that you came in, locking the door behind you. 
It was like stepping into a different reality. The lights inside the bathroom were absurdly bright when compared to the dim environment that expanded outside; the obnoxious song and chatter had instantly morphed into a muted exclamation outside of the door, only the reverberation of the bass making itself present. Just like the calm before the storm, there was a moment of tranquility between the instant that you locked the door, and the one that you saw him. 
As you turned around, dwelling in his proximity, you thought about a million things at the same time — about teasing him about his location choice, or maybe about how he must’ve been going through a drought, if he had to count on his covert booty call to get laid in a party. You thought about how gorgeous he looked, about how his eyes glistened in interest as he took a quiet step towards you, his roseate tongue coming out to lick his lips. 
Regardless, before you could say anything, Taehyung’s lips were on your own, attacking your mouth in a fervorous kiss. You whimpered in surprise as he pushed you against the closed bathroom door, his hands circling your waist as he squeezed your body against his. Your purse fell on the ground with a muffled sound, but you barely even noticed it. 
Taehyung had always been an intense kisser to say the least, but that night it was something else. That night, he was kissing you as if he physically couldn’t contain himself long enough to do anything else; as if all that he could think of doing was to feel the heavenly contact of your mouth against his, your fingers pulling on the strands of his hair. As he invited his tongue inside your mouth, Taehyung groaned and lowered his hands, squeezing your ass like he was about to lose every last ounce of sanity he had left in him. 
You sighed as he moved his focus onto your neck, placing open-mouthed kisses in a way that you knew would leave a mark the next day. “Someone’s excited,” you commented, slightly breathless. Your only response was another groan, and the rolling of his hips against you, where you could feel his cock, already semi-hard, pressing against your inner thigh. “Couldn’t even bother to take me somewhere else.” 
One of his hands moved up to your hair, pulling your head sideways so he could have a better access to your neck. “I need to have you now,” his deep voice came out muffled against your skin, the reverberations of his timbre propagating directly towards your center. 
“You’re starting to get more adventurous with this.” You bit down on your lower lip and he sucked your flesh, groping your ass once again. “Parties used to be so off limits to you.” 
Taehyung chuckled against your neck, moving back towards your mouth. He started making out with you again, his breath hot and heavy against your face, and you thought you could very well pass out at the level of craving that had built inside you. “I changed my mind.” He spoke as he leaned back. 
You smirked at his attitude. “We’ll end up getting caught.” 
“Aw, baby.” He pouted, looking at you with artificial pity. Okay, he could be kind of a prick sometimes. “You’re the one who’s worried. And you came all the way up here because you wanted to. You know I’m not one to insist.”
“I can leave, then?” You raised one eyebrow, fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck. 
“You can, the door is right behind you,”  Taehyung told you, quickly losing interest in that conversation. “But something tells me you won’t.” 
You didn’t even try to respond, because there was nothing to be said: both of you knew what you were doing there, and the idea of walking out was just too ridiculous to consider. 
With a suspire, you watched as Taehyung moved his lips down your chest, stopping at the fabric of your blouse. 
“What if someone hears us?’ You suddenly remembered, heartbeat quickening at the thought. 
“What is it, baby?” He asked as his fingers worked on your buttons, exposing more of your torso. That slow pace of his was going to kill you one of those days. “You’re worried that people are going to find out about this? About us?” 
You opened your mouth to respond, but his chuckle — so deep and melodious — caught you off guard. 
“How scandalous, right? Y/N is not the pure little thing she makes herself to be,” Taehyung continued, finally opening your blouse and fully exposing your bra to him. He licked his lips at the sight, humming with delight. “Red lace? You really want to tease me.” 
You swallowed dry as the man took the fabric off your shoulders and gently placed besides the sink, above a towel. He could be so thoughtful sometimes. “Taehyung, I—“ 
“You’re such a little brat sometimes, do you know that?” he interrupted, eyes following his own movements as his hands circled your body, moving to unclasp your bra. And of course he got it right on the first try. “You came all the way up here just to get fucked, and now you’re worried that people are going to know about it.” 
You stared him down, a smirk already creeping up at the corner of your lips. “How does that make me a brat?” 
He chuckled. “Look at you, trying to play the naive card on me.” Another agile movement of his fingers and your bra was joining your blouse besides the sink. Taehyung sighed tentatively at the image of your exposed breasts, trying to imprint that sight into the back of his mind. “Pretending as if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. You can drop the act now, baby.”
“I don’t—“
His mouth attacking your breasts was all that you needed to shut up and let him do what he went there to do. Overwhelmed by the sensation, you let out a gasp as his hand squeezed you, playing with your soft boobs as he moaned against your skin. 
“I love it so much.” Taehyung hummed as he sucked on your breasts, moaning at the marvelous sensation of your warm skin against his tongue. You had almost forgotten how much Taehyung ached to play with your boobs; how often he would squeeze them, suck them; find excuses to feel them against his body. Not that you were complaining. “And I love that it’s all for me.” He breathed out before attacking your other nipple. “All of this… all mine.” 
You whimpered at the contact, arching your back in a failed attempt to get closer to him. As much as you knew he was most likely just saying whatever he thought would turn you on — besides, you two had already agreed on a pretty open “relationship” —, Taehyung’s words expanded inside your chest, building a heat that seemed to suffocate you. Even if you knew it was bullshit, you liked to be called his. Ego strokes and all of that. 
“Taehyung…” There was only a thin wooden door separating you two from the outside world, and you couldn’t care less if they heard you calling out his name. That boy really did wonders to your anxiety. 
But he also liked to tease you. 
He moved away from your breasts and you almost — almost — cried out in frustration. 
Taehyung traced his kisses back to your neck, then to your jawline. You were going crazy with all that back and forth. “Baby, I’m not gonna lie, I understand where you’re coming from,” he said. “I like to keep this as a secret too. It’s so hot.” 
You almost forgot how to inhale when he aligned his face with yours, placing a pec on your swollen lips. “Yeah?” You asked, sounding as if you were in a daydream. 
“Yeah,” he agreed, breathless. Even if Taehyung tried his best to look as he was under absolute control, you knew that he couldn’t keep that front for too long. He was clearly turned on, and the hardness pressing against your thigh was all of the proof that you needed. “It’s so great to know that I have one of the sexiest girls on campus just for myself…” His hand trailed up your thighs, adventuring in the lands beneath your skirt. “And no one knows.”
You bit your lower lip, anticipating the contact of his hand against your core. “I thought you were the kind to kiss and tell.”
“Most times,” he mumbled, gifting you with another small pec. “Not with you. I like it like this. Having you when I want, how I want, and only you and I know.”
But you weren’t satisfied with his answer.  His hand did a turn and decided to make a quick stop on your ass, the feeling of skin against skin making your lower body tingle. “What’s so enticing about it?” You asked. 
He smiled. “Ah… many things.”
Your stare didn’t falter. “I’d like an exemple.” 
Instead of answering you straight away, Taehyung decided to take his sweet time. He leaned his head to the side and kissed you feverishly, growing satisfied at the small whimpers and suspires that echoed in between your mouths. His hands were all over you: on your ass, your waist, down your thighs and up your hips, where his eyes could not see. You only had your skirt and your panties on, and it was so frustrating to still feel him fully dressed against you. 
At last, Taehyung pulled away, placing his forehead against yours. As he spoke, you felt the tingle of his hands as they moved towards the hem of your panties. “I like seeing you walk around campus, knowing that you’re so sore from the night before,” he spoke slowly, his voice in a low vibration against your mouth. “And I know you don’t tell any of your friends about it. About how I fucked you so good that you almost cried, and that it’s the next day, and you can barely walk.” 
You hummed, closing your eyes. “What else?”
Much to your dismay, his hands left your underwear again, coming out to pull you closer. “When you send me those audios late at night,” he was breathing out hard then, drowning in those lewd memories. “Playing with your little cunt, crying out my name… shit,” he cursed. “How am I supposed to say no to that? So there I go, out the door, telling my friends that I’m gonna see this crazy hot chick and I’m gonna fuck her brains out…” he hesitated. “And I just get this... rush because they don’t know it’s you.” 
“And how do you know that I like any of it?” You teased. 
Taehyung chuckled at your question. Both of you knew that it was plastered all over your face, but he could keep up that little teasing if you wanted to. “Two reasons,” he said. “First: you do the same to me, or don’t you?” 
“I don’t recall,” you responded, forging innocence. Okay, maybe you did play the naive part a bit much. 
“Oh no? What a terrible memory you have.” He placed a strand of your hair behind your ear, his words hitting your skin in heated, libidinous waves. Taehyung was so close that you could count his eyelashes if you wanted to, his torso squeezed so tight against yours that you wondered how you even managed to breathe in that position. “It was just last week, baby. You called me to your flat after your roommate had left.” One of his hands went back to play with the hem of your underwear, fingertips feeling like lit matches against your skin. “You opened so wide for me, you were so wet already. You got so horny with just the thought of having my cock, isn’t that right?” 
Much to your surprise, your voice came out a lot more steady than you had expected. “Don’t flatter yourself, you don’t know that.”
Taehyung chuckled, placing his warm, swollen lips against the skin of your neck. “I don’t,” he agreed, digits pressing against your clothed clit. You knew he could feel how soaked your panties had become, so there was no reason to keep that up. Regardless, you kind of liked it. “But I do remember how much you wanted me that night, whining and begging me to fill you up with my cock. How many times did I fuck you that night, uh? Four? Five times? And you just had to keep quiet, because your neighbors might have been listening. That was so cute.” 
You sighed, your insides in knots over the tension you were sustaining. You hated him sometimes. Hated how good he was. “I wasn’t counting.” 
“I know, baby.” He swiftly pulled the fabric of your underwear to the side, his long fingers digging into your wet heat. Memories of them fucking you open flooded your mind, sending a shockwave directly through your torso and towards your pussy. “And this right here, baby, is the second reason. Look at this: you’re soaked.” His digits moved, teasing your entrance, and the sound was so lewd that you had to suppress a moan. “You’re always so ready to take me. I love that. You’re so good to me.” 
God, you were about to lose it.
With the force of then thousand warriors, you held back another less-than-graceful sound from escaping your lips. You knew how much Taehyung liked you being loud (something to do with the adrenaline of getting caught, nothing new to see here), and so you had to keep your cool. It wouldn’t be so fun if you just gave him everything he wanted. 
“So quiet all of a sudden.” His nose delicately trailed up your neck, his mouth meeting the angle of your jaw in hot, open kisses. In an attempt to ground yourself, your hands flew to his shoulders, nails digging through his shirt. You could still feel Taehyung’s fingers playing with your wet folds, seeing how much you could take before you were begging for them to enter you. You hated him. Or not. You didn’t know. “I know I leave you speechless, baby, but I wanna hear you too.” 
Strong and steady, his other hand met the curvature of your waist, pressing your body against his. In a mindless reflex, you perked up your ass at the contact, making his fingers slip closer to your soaking entrance. 
“Nothing? Baby, you’re especially irresistible tonight.” Taehyung’s eyes were somewhat dazed, unfocused and hooded. He appeared as if he was two seconds away from fucking you raw against the wall, and you seriously wouldn’t mind. “You know why I called you here?” 
“Because you want to fuck me,” you responded without missing a beat. 
“I do, of course.” He placed his forehead against yours, and you whimpered weakly as two of his fingers finally (finally!) made their way into your heat, stretching you nicely. “That’s it, baby, don’t hold back.”
Instead of answering, another slow, delicious moan dripped like honey from your tongue. Taehyung grunted, satisfied at your responses, and quickened the pace inside your walls; your eyelashes fluttering shut at the ambrosial sensation. He had told you once about how much he liked that part: knowing that you were getting ready for his cock, but already so eager to cum around his fingers. 
Did he tell you that while he fingered you inside his car? Yes. Did anyone else have to know that? Absolutely not. 
“You know what I was doing before I came here?” His question caught you off guard. 
You didn’t even know if you were able to answer for a second, but, happily, the word didn’t have any issue coming out. “What?”
He took a deep, sharp breath, curling his fingers inside you. You pressed your back against the door at the shock of his digits brushing against your sensitive spot, one of your hands flying to your mouth in a way to suppress a particularly loud exclamation of pleasure. “I was listening to Jimin complain about how much he wanted to have you in his bed tonight,” his voice came out in a harsh tone, full of spikes and pointed corners. “Over and over, like a broken record. He can be so explicit when he wants to. It’s unbearable.”
You bit your bottom lip, rolling your hip against his hand. Your body was starting to tingle, the muscles in your legs turning into jello, and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to hold it much longer. As you spoke, you noticed touches of bliss ornamenting your syllables, your words coming out with a bit more difficulty than before. “Oh, so you’re jealous?” You teased.
“Me? Never,” he was quick to respond, groaning at the feeling of your walls clenching around him; his cock throbbing painfully against the fabric of his pants. “I’m just… trying to change your mind.”
“My mind?” You echoed, only half-aware of that conversation. Pleasure was starting to build in alarming rates, and you were starting to lose your trail of thought. “I haven't even decided anything yet.” 
“After I’m done, baby, you won’t need to,”  his voice came out in a profound whisper, sounding like a sweet melody against your ear. “I’m going to fuck you so hard and slow, so deep,” he stressed that word, making your pussy throb around his fingers at the idea, “that you won’t want to have anyone else for the night. Only me.” 
It sounded a bit like possessiveness or jealousy to you, but, honestly, you chose not to pick that conversation for the night. It was probably some kind of acting on his part too. Besides, you weren’t interested in any of Taehyung’s friends, so he didn’t need to worry about Jimin, or anyone else, making a move — especially when he was fingering you so well that you were about to forget your name. 
“And the best part, baby, is that no one will even know it,” he continued, separating his fingers slightly so he could scissor you. Against your best judgement, your knees were getting weaker by the minute, the knot in your abdomen about to untie. “Just you and I. Just the two of us will know how much you begged to be filled up with my cock, how wet you already are just for my fingers.” 
“Taehyung,” you called out, hands tangling themselves in the roots of his silky hair. You moaned out his name again, your voice coming out in such a promiscuous tone that he felt as if he was about to cum on the spot. God, Taehyung loved hearing the effect he had on you. “I’m close.” 
“I know, baby,” he whispered against your ear. His voice was so hoarse, so permeated by desire, that you knew that he was holding back too. His cock was hard and throbbing against your legs, and every minor movement of your thigh against his erection was enough for him to lose his breath for a moment. “But I don’t want you to cum, not yet.” 
Again, he pulled away. 
Taehyung wanted you to complain, to whine about the lack of contact or the warmness of his body — and so, just because you knew that it was his plan, you didn’t do any of that. 
You didn’t say a word as he moved his fingers away from your wetness, his other hand coming down to grope your ass. You didn’t flinch when he looked you deep inside your eyes, guiding his fingers between your lips, watching as your mouth obediently took them in, humming as you sucked your own wetness, never breaking eye contact. 
“Fuck,” he cursed, drowing in the sensation of your warm tongue licking his fingers. You didn’t think that Taehyung was fully aware of the way that his hips had rolled against yours, fighting for relief. “You’re so fucking hot, it’s unreal.”  
And you knew that he said that praise to every poor soul that crossed his path, but it still managed to have some effect on you. Again: you were human, and Taehyung knew what the fuck he was doing. 
But so did you.
Before he could try and do anything else, you pressed your palms against his chest, gently pushing him a few steps away from you. Taehyung followed your lead, watching as you got down to your knees, facing his erection. 
In measured, lackadaisical movements, you pressed your lips against his covered cock, feeling its handness against your mouth. Air got stuck in Taehyung’s throat as he watched you, like a hungry lion, as you undid his pants and pulled them down, gifting you with the sight of his white boxers. 
Just because you knew he liked it, you moaned at the glorious sight of his big, heavy cock already so hard and ready for you; fingers caressing the tip of his member, where a small stain of precum already started to form. Taehyung was so on the edge that he hissed at the contact, one of his hands meeting the back of your head in a mindless impulse. “Don’t tease,” he warned. 
“Oh, so you can and I can’t?” You leaned your head to the side, and planted a kiss on his cock before looking up at him. May the heavens have mercy on you, because you never saw Taehyung so pissed off and turned on at the same time. “I think I could even make you cum like this if I wanted to. I’ve done it before.” 
“Don’t you dare,” he struggled to get out.
“What? You liked when I did that the other times,” you cooled. “Sometimes you didn’t even need my mouth.” 
He closed his eyes, trying to fight the moan that started to climb up his throat. “Stop.” 
“What? You don’t remember?” You asked, placing another kiss on his member, closer to tip that time. “When I let you grind against my ass in the library? You came just by humping me, pants and all.” 
With a cute smile, your hand squeezed his dick, before moving up and down, following its thick outline. Taehyung was dumbfounded, left to watch as your delicate hands worked on his erection with unbearable patience, his eyes glued to every action that you made — the fluttering of your eyelashes, the innocent gazes that you threw his way every time your lips met the cotton of his underwear. If you kept it up for long enough, he was sure he would cum all over his boxers. 
Still, the gods above had heard his prayers, and Taehyung watched as you pulled his underwear down. Without a second of hesitation, you moaned as your tongue licked him all the way from the base to the top, lips enveloping his crown as you sucked on it ever so slightly. 
“Oh, fuck,” he cried out, fingers pulling on your hairstrands. “That’s good, fuck.” 
You hummed, content at his reaction, and pushed him deeper inside your warm mouth, one of your hands holding at the base of his cock. Beneath your other palm, you could feel as the muscles of his thigh tensed up at the sensation. His lips open slighlty, allowing for a long, erotic moan to echo inside the bathroom as you started to set a pace, sucking him slowly, just like you knew it drove him mad. 
“You’re so fucking good at this, baby,” Taehyung groaned, unable to keep his eyes open for much longer. The vision of him was ethereal: head thrown back, mouth slightly agape, eyebrows forming an expression of sheer pleasure and concentration. You cursed your own eyes as they started to water, preventing you from watching him a bit further. “Oh, that’s right, just like that.. you suck me so well, fuck.” 
The pulsating, unsatisfied sensation of need between your thighs only grew, your walls clenching around nothing and your heart beating fast against your chest. You could taste as his precum leaked inside your mouth, his fragmented breaths and whines showing you that Taehyung also wasn’t made of steel. As much as you’d like to see him cum soon, you also needed to be taken care of.
After a particularly hard suck, you pulled your mouth away from his member, and looked up at him. The lack of contact was all that Taehyung needed to open his eyes and stare down at you, surprised at the interruption of his pleasure.
“Taehyung,” you tried your best to make your voice sound as pure and sensual as you could. His eyes widened slightly at the sound — no matter how hard he tried to make it seem like he was annoyed by that saint act of yours, you knew that it drove him insane. “I want you to fuck me now, please.” 
You watched as his face presented a thousand emotions at the same time, and then eventually settled on the cool, controlled dominance you adored so much. Another surge of pleasure ran down your body, much stronger this time, and the feeling of your soaked panties against your pussy was making you go insane with anticipation. 
“I love it when you ask politely.” He placed his hand on your chin, trailing your lower lip with his thumb. “Get up, baby,” he commanded. 
Without an ounce of hesitation, you did as you were told, letting your body be guided by his large hands. 
Taehyung turned you around and leaned you against the sink, positioning himself behind you. “Back to me, ass up,” he said, “Keep it like this, alright?” 
You nodded, unsure that you could say anything else. 
“Good girl.” Taehyung once again held your chin up, making you stare at your own reflection in the mirror for a second before your eyes traveled towards his. God, he was an absolute mess. In the best of ways. “I want you to look at it.”
Any second now, your legs would give out and you would crash down on the floor — or, at least, that’s the sensation you had. It was unbearable to watch as Taehyung took his time removing his shirt; then your skirt and your panties, dripping them down your legs one by one, his mouth so deliciously close to your heat that you felt like you could faint. 
“So pretty,” he mumbled to himself, watching your pussy with desire. “So fucking wet.” 
“I want to feel you, please.” You arched your back, throwing your hips closer to his. 
“Like this, baby?” With a glorious roll of his hips against yours, you felt as his cock moved in between your folds, his head only touching your clit slightly. The sensation alone was enough to make you perk your ass up at him, a motion that wasn’t left unnoticed by his part. 
He smirked at your reaction. “Such a pure little thing, aren’t you?” Taehyung’s hands palmed your ass, moving like snakes towards your waist, where they held you in place. Another roll of his hips and the contact of his dick against your clit made your knees buckle. “You’re so polite, just asking for my cock again and again… You don’t even notice how wet you get thinking about it, grinding against it. Isn’t that so?” 
You had no option but to agree, lowering your head to look at the marble sink beneath you. “Yeah,” your voice came out in a pathetic whine, but you couldn’t even care about it. You just wanted to feel him inside you. “It’s all for you, Taehyung.” 
“Good girl,” he praised, taking one of his hands to guide his cock towards your opening. Expectant, you held your breath, but he didn’t slide in just yet. “Just tell me what you want, come on.” Again, he leaned in and pushed your chin up. “And look at me while you say that.”  
Obediently, you did. Taehyung was a greek god then. Under the pale yellow lights of the bathroom, his lips were swollen and red, the lower one being bit lightly by his teeth; his entire expression permeated by lust as he dove into the sensation of his cock teasing your entrance. He stared at you like you were good enough to eat, his eyes coruscating with so much hunger that you couldn’t even think about anything else but him. No wonder you kept coming back. His entire presence was engulfing every fiber of your being. 
Maybe Kim Taehyung did have a golden dick, after all. 
“I want you to fuck me, Taehyung,” a sentence had never been so clear, so sincere. From the corner of your eye, you could see your own face, desperate and pleading, as you fumbled closer to his member. “Please. I need to feel you inside me.” 
With a hum, he kissed the nape of your neck. “Whatever my girl wants.” 
And, before you could even think about his words, your thoughts were broken as you moaned out his name, feeling as his big cock stretched you, hitting all the right spots. You had missed that sensation so much, of being so full of him, so hypnotized by the movements of his body against yours, that you didn’t even compute the shuddering breath that departed from his mouth, nor the curse that he had let out once he felt the warmness of your walls around his aching member. 
He thought he could lose his last ounces of sanity as he pulled out just enough to leave only his tip in, before throwing his lips against yours and filling you back up. Soon enough, Taehyung was setting a rhythm, unable to control his comments as he kept thrusting inside you. 
“So tight, baby,” he spoke in a whisper, almost as if you weren’t supposed to hear it. His face in the mirror was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen: Taehyung was so lost in pleasure that his features had morphed into an expression of sheer bliss; all of his concentration directed at the movements of your body, the way that your walls held him with so much desire. “You take my cock so well… Shit, you’re making me go crazy.” 
Taehyung’s breath quivered and he leaned his body towards you, fighting for balance. He had one of his hands on your waist, and the other was holding down to the sink, leveling his figure as he started to thrust into you in that different angle — just as slow, hard and deep as he had promised. 
You rolled your head back once he hit the right spot inside you, your moans going up an octave. “Fuck, right there, Taehyung,” you whined, barely aware of the volume of your voice. To hell with it, the music was too loud anyways. “There, right there, don’t stop.” 
“Here?” He groaned, thrusting in the exact place that made you cry out. “That’s it, baby, let it out.” 
And you wanted to prolong that moment for as long as you could, but, truth was, he had played around with you enough that you knew you wouldn’t last much. Even sucking his cock, feeling as he mumbled and trembled under your touches, had been enough to keep you turned on. Again: you were only human, and the paradisiacal feeling of Taehyung’s cock filling you up to the brim, hitting your sweet spot with forceful thrusts, was a bit more than you could endure. 
“Taehyung, I think I’m close,” you told him, feeling as your arms grew weaker beneath you. It was just a matter of time before your legs started shaking too. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Shh, that’s fine, baby.” He moved your hair away from your back, placing a trail of sloppy kisses on your shoulders. “Come on, cum around my cock. I want to feel you.” 
“It’s so big, Taehyung,” you moaned, closing your eyes in defeat. You could tell that your pleasure was already building up too much, too fast. You couldn’t help it: he was stretching you so fantastically that every part of you was on overdrive, the pent-up tension of the entire night culminating in one long, edging orgasm. 
“It’s all yours, baby, all of it,” he told you, guiding you towards your high. God, his voice was so hoarse, so sweet. “Cum for me, okay? And don’t hold back, I want to hear you.” 
Just like that, you came with a loud moan and the calling of his name in a repetitive prayer, walls clenching around him in a way that made him lose his grip on reality. You whimpered at the pleasure, that now was gradually subsiding, and lowered your body against the marble, feeling how cold it was, how different it was from the rest of the bathroom. 
“That’s it, baby, yeah… That was so fucking hot.” Taehyung groaned behind you, picking up the pace of his thrusts. He was moving you so hard that you could feel your hip bones being pressed against the corners of the marble surface, the dirty sound of wetness and skin against skin filling the ambient. “Look at all this… so wet and tight, even after coming so hard.” 
From the way that Taehyung’s movements started to get sloppier, you could tell that he was losing himself in his own sense of pleasure, getting closer to his own climax. “All of this… all for me,” he moaned out, eyes glued to the motion of his cock coming in and out of your dripping center. “You’re so good, baby. Fuck, I could have you like this forever.”
The pounding of his hips against your ass was getting so intense that you could feel tears accumulating at the corners of your eyes, fingers trembling under the weight of overstimulation. Taehyung had fucked you hard before, but you just couldn’t get used to how fantastic it felt. 
“I’m close,” he cried out behind you, his breath coming out in broken, tremulous expirations. “Can I cum on your mouth, baby? I want to see you swallow everything.” 
You nodded, mouth salivating at the thought. 
“Fuck.” He groaned. “That’s my girl.” 
Taehyung pulled away from you and you moved fast, getting back down on your knees as he guided his cock, so red and swollen, against your lips. 
You opened your mouth to accommodate him, taking his member slowly at first, thinking it would be better to adjust to its size. After that part was done — and Taehyung had already turned into a quivering mess above you — you proceeded to move your head, sucking his cock as hard as you could muster. 
“That’s right, suck it,” he moaned, buckling his hips forward. The tip of his cock touched the back of your throat and you gagged, presenting Taehyung with one of the most gorgeous views he had seen all night. “Fuck, yeah— Take everything, baby, come on.” 
You did, of course. You continued to suck Taehyung with a moderate pace — not so slow that it would kill him, but not so fast that it would kill you — and watched as he started to become undone under your touches. First, it were his trembling thighs, then the weakening of his grip on his head. You looked up at him with blurry eyes and watched as his lips fell open, moaning obscenities, and his eyes closed with intense concentration. It was just a matter of time before he—
Taehyung spilled in your mouth and you struggled to swallow everything, just like he had told you to, whining at the feeling of his cock throbbing and twitching in between your lips. The discomfort between your thighs had resumed, pulsating inside your core in a silent need, but you didn’t think you’d have the stamina to deal with it right then and there. 
You pulled your head away from his cock when he started wincing with sensitivity. With doll-like eyes, you met his hooded ones, glad to see the satisfaction and appreciation that was plastered all across his face. He always looked so good after sex, you realized, and you felt extremely satisfied to know that his fucked-out, blissful expression was all because of you. 
In a gentle motion, Taehyung placed his thumb on your check, cleaning a bit of his cum, and brought it over to your lips. “You missed this bit,” he said. 
You sucked his thumb clean without thinking twice, suddenly aware of how uncomfortable your knees felt. Above you, Taehyung smirked at the sensation of your mouth around his thumb, his other hand coming to place small caresses on your hair. 
After he removed his thumb from your mouth, you got back to your feet. It crossed your mind that your legs might give out eventually, but, thankfully, they seemed a bit more firm than you had anticipated. “Better?” You asked. 
“Perfect.” Taehyung kissed you, sighing against your mouth. He pulled away gradually, his body still moving a bit slow after everything you two had done. “You always are.” 
“Aw, how nice of you.” You smiled at his compliment, walking towards your pile of clothes. The bathroom was starting to get cold, and the afterglow of sex couldn’t keep you warm for much longer. “Always with the compliments.” 
He hummed in agreement, watching your naked body; your fingers holding that red bra he adored so much. “Any chance I could see you again this week?” 
An incredulous laugh ruptured your lips as you clasped your bra behind your back. “We just had sex, and you’re already thinking about the next time?” 
He shrugged. “I like to have a schedule.” 
“I’ll think about it.” Your skirt moved up your legs, all the way up to your waistline. From the corner of your eyes, you could see as Taehyung fumbled with his own pants, which he now cursed for being inside out. Seems like he was only thoughtful when it came to your wardrobe. “It’s not like we usually know when this stuff is going to happen.” 
There was a slight tremble in your fingertips as you reached for your blouse and placed it back on your body, but you decided to ignore it.
“I guess,” he mumbled. 
You stared at your own reflection in the mirror as you started to close your buttons, somewhat amazed by the fact that it didn’t appear like you just had had sex. Yeah, your hair was all over the place, and maybe your neck was a bit too red in a few spots, but nothing that a bit of time wouldn’t fix. Could’ve been worse. 
“Can you pass me some toilet paper?” You asked him, eager to clean the mess between your legs. There was no way in hell you were going to put your panties back on, even if the thought of going commando wasn’t exactly the most welcoming either. 
Taehyung was sitting on the toilet lid, putting his pants back, and simply nodded in agreement before doing so. “I’d like to know, though,” he insisted.
You smiled, taking a cheeky glance at him. “Since when you’re so needy?” 
He groaned. “I’m not needy, shut up” 
“Well… You have my number.” You responded, throwing the paper in the trash after you had finished cleaning yourself up. “Call me whenever you’re feeling like it, and I’ll see what I can do.” 
He pouted, clearly frustrated at the answer. “And what if you can’t make it?”
“Then you have two good hands to help you,” you answered simply, fingers working on adjusting your hair. The sound of his zipper closing echoed inside the cubicle. “Besides.. you can have this as a memory, if you’d like.” 
You threw your red panties at him, watching as his face grew interested at the piece of wet cloth in his hands. Taehyung sighed, tugging his shirt back inside his pants. “You’re killing me,” he complained. 
“Good.” You smiled, turning back at him. “How do I look? Presentable?” 
He examined you for an instant, taking in the details of your form. “It doesn’t look like you just got fucked, if that's what you’re asking.” 
“Great!” You swirled around, giving the mirror a last peek. You were getting suspiciously good at making it seem like you two never happened. “Have a nice night, Taehyung. Maybe wait like five minutes before leaving the bathroom. And don’t get too excited with the panties.” 
Taehyung got up and walked closer to you, your underwear safely guarded in his hands. You were positive he would have fun with it later. “You’re going home already?” He asked. 
“Yeah, you did a good job at making me tired.” The clicking of the lock was a pleasant reminder that no one tried to open the door during that time, so maybe your sexual shenanigans had been overlooked once again. “So don’t worry. I’m in need of a good night of sleep. I’m not spending any time with your horny friends.” 
Taehyung chuckled, leaning closer to you. “I was kind of exaggerating about that Jimin part for dramatic effect, but alright.” He placed a kiss on your forehead. “Good night. Thanks for the panties.” 
You laughed. “You’re welcome.” 
Just like that, you were out the door, and the moments you had shared in that bathroom with Taehyung had been placed inside a capsule. No one noticed you as you walked through the corridor, past the few strangers still around, and down the stairs, where the party had clearly lost its initial olympian proportions. 
Cups and pieces of paper were thrown all over the floor, and you watched as people stumbled around, trying to find some sort of balance against the walls. No matter how many Hoseok Parties you went to, you were always amazed at the way that they were quick to be set ablaze, but equally quick to burn off. It was like premature ejaculation, in the weirdest and saddest of ways. 
Still, you weren’t expecting to see a recognizable face at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Hyejin,” you called, surprised to see your friend around. “Thought you would’ve gone to bed with Hoseok by now.” 
Seeming as dumbfounded as you, she followed your movements as you walked down the terminal steps, finally reaching the first floor of the house. There was a weird shadow of discomfort casted over her features, and you thought it had something to do with Hoseok. “Uh… Not really,”  she told you. “I just want to go home, actually.”
“You and I both.” You placed one of your arms around her shoulder, guiding her towards the front door. “Let’s go, this place has already peaked, anyway.”
She suspired, her lips pouting. “Thanks.” 
A few minutes of silence expanded between the two of you as you walked out of the house and into the front lawn, where a sea of trash had already taken over a few chunks of grass. You didn’t know how or why, but someone had brought an inflatable pool, and there was only one solitary purple dildo swimming in it. What a sad sea creature, you thought, before your attention was pulled back to your friend.
Hyejin switched uncomfortably in your arms, hugging her own body in a way to shield herself from the gelid breeze of the night. You looked at her with care, watching as her face contorted at sight of the street lights, magnifying the odd expression that had taken over her. “Tell me what happened between you two,” you asked tenderly. “You don’t seem too happy about it.” 
Your friend hesitated and, suddenly, you felt bad for pressuring her. At the same time, you were worried that something bad had happened. “Yeah…  so… apparently he thought he was texting a different person,” she told you. You could tell that she was having a hard time speaking. “It was kind of a mess, actually. He said that in front of everyone. I’m glad you weren’t there to see it.” 
Suddenly, you recognized that expression as being pure, unshakable humiliation. That must’ve been an ugly moment, really, since Hyejin wasn’t one to break easily. The booze probably didn’t help her emotional state either. 
 “Hyejin, I’m so sorry. He really is a fucking idiot for treating you like that.” You squeezed her body against yours in an awkward sideways hug. She eased into your touch, shoulders falling under the weight of your comforting words. “That really sucks. We can find a way to kill him, if you want. I’d hide the body and never talk about it again.”  
Even if she chuckled at the idea, you could tell she wasn’t in the mood for jokes. “Yeah… I don’t think I want to talk about that right now.” She cleared her throat, hugging her own body with a bit more force. The car was just a few steps away from the two of you, and you were beyond glad that you had managed to find a spot so close to the house. “Anyways… there’s something else. I went to find you earlier, when it all went down, so we could go home.”
You pressed your lips together, guilt hitting you like a punch in the gut. “Sorry, I was upstairs.” 
“Yeah, I realized that once I didn’t find you,” she continued. Hyejin’s voice was weak, her syllables slightly disconnected. She often spoke like that once intoxication and exhaustion joined in a horrible after-party dance. “I went up and searched around for you, but I… uh…” 
The two of you finally reached the vehicle, and you removed your arm from around her so you could move towards the driver’s side. You frowned at her hesitation, watching her over the roof of the car. “What is it?” You asked. 
“I needed to use the bathroom…” she trailed off. Her tone was almost inaudible. “And I…” 
You opened your purse, squinting your eyes to try and find the car key amidst the dimly-lit street. “And?” 
“The door was locked.” She gawked at you, eyes suddenly growing serious. You didn’t like drunk-Hyejin, with her unstable moods and abrupt expression switches. It was watching a horror movie sometimes. “Because you were in there.” 
Oh, you seriously didn’t want to have that conversation at that moment. 
Finally, you found the key and unlocked the car. The sound was like a gunshot through the night, your pulse starting to pick up the pace. You knew where she was heading towards now, but it’s not like she could be sure that it was you in there. You’d deny until the end of time. 
“What makes you think that it was me?” You questioned, opening the door. 
This time, she didn’t hesitate to respond. “I heard you.”
Oh. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck— 
Keep your cool. It’s okay. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” 
“You don’t?” She started to raise her voice, clearly pissed off. You two were arriving at stage two of drunk Hyejin: past the sad introspection, and into banshee level. “I had to pee on the disgusting bathroom downstairs because you were fucking someone in there! I had to wait twenty minutes in line! And you lied to me! You told me you didn’t have a dick appointment!” 
“Shhh! Stop yelling!” You asked, exasperated. The night was too cold and the streets were too empty. You just wanted to go home before someone heard you. All that it needed was one half-assed comment from Taehyung about him going to the upstairs bathroom, plus someone interested enough to connect the dots, and your little secret would be up. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience, okay? Now, please, get in the car, you’re super drunk.”
Before Hyejin could protest, which you were sure she would, you sank down on your seat, running away from her judgemental semblance. The thought of just driving off in sheer panic crossed your mind, but you quickly ignored it. You couldn’t leave her alone in that place, especially in the inebriated state she was in. No matter how much you really, really wanted to. 
Your friend followed your lead and sat down on the passenger seat, watching as you closed your door and checked the mirrors, avoiding her gaze with all your might. She sighed. “I don’t understand… Why didn’t you go somewhere else for that? People need to pee, you know? Or, I don’t know, puke… or maybe even—“ 
You threw your purse on the backseat, sighing in exasperation. That conversation was the last thing you needed after that night. “I don’t think it matters right now—“
“It does matter! I could’ve gotten a urinary tract infection.” Hyejin banged the door by her side, and you could tell she simply wasn’t measuring her force right. She groaned, lazily adjusting her body on the seat. “Now, you have to tell me who it was. It’s the minimum you can do.” 
You almost choked on your own saliva.  She really was out of it. “Like I’d ever do something like that.”
Silence grew thick inside the car, falling above you like a blanket. Hyejin looked at you like you had just grown a second head, making sure that she wasn’t drunk enough to imagine you flat-out denying her an information so valuable. To be fair, it wasn’t like you to avoid questions or keep names from her — at least, not so openly. You knew that she wasn’t dumb, and that she could tell that something was up even in her intoxicated state. 
“You’re really not gonna say?” She tried again, still struggling to keep her speech tied together. It was only a matter of time before she calmed down and fell asleep, and so you wouldn’t have to deal with that subject any further. “You almost gave me an UTI, and now you’re not gonna say who you were with? I need to know if it was worth keeping the bathroom all to yourself, because I already told you, someone probably went up there trying to—“ 
“Shit, Hyejin! I get it, you, can stop now.” You clicked your seatbelt with a bit more aggression than necessary. “You’re drunk right now.”
You leaned over her and placed her seatbelt too, since you were pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to do it herself. Not with that poor movement precision. 
“And?” She pressed on as you moved back to your seat. “You’re going to tell me once I’m sober or something?”
You laughed, placing one of your hands on the wheel. “No, of course not.”
“Fine!” She crossed her arms dramatically and looked out of the window, pouting like a child. “I hate you for not saying.” 
“Well, I love you.” You looked at her, your own gaze navigating towards the window. Beyond the fogged glass, the house glowed in the most diverse colors, the sound of the bass reverberating inside your car like a distant pulse. You watched, heart clenching inside of your chest, as Taehyung stepped out of the front door with Jimin, his head hanging low and a smile at the corner of his lips. There was a volume at his front pocket, where you were sure he had tugged in your panties. “But now I think that we should go home and sleep. Let’s keep this conversation on hold.” 
Hyejin, however, wasn’t satisfied. “You know that I’ll find out eventually,” she said, still looking out of the window. “I always do.” 
You chuckled, turning on the engine of the car. On the other side of the street, the two boys took the opposite direction, leaving you two to stare at the open road before you. “Well, I’d love to see you try.”
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kinkyjaems · 4 years
7 Minutes with Nomin
Nomin Smut
Word count: 2.4K
Jaemin and Jeno x fem!reader
Includes: Smut, threesome
“You should wear this skirt” Your best friend Giselle hands you a short plaid skirt. You hold it in your hands until you decide you should wear it.
Mark and a couple of friends are having a party in their shared house and you and Giselle were invited. You were a bit nervous though. The thought of seeing Jaemin and Jeno made your heart bounce.
Lee Jeno, the sweet and most kind-hearted boy you know. He wouldnt hurt a fly. The way his eyes looked when he smiled, how got shy very easily, a little quiet and the cutest little beauty mark on his cheekbone made you smile without knowing.
Na Jaemin, the most confident person you’d ever met. He’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind. He knows he’s attractive. The way he pushes his hair back with his tongue poking his cheek. He can sometimes be a cute weirdo but just him looking at you is enough to make you swoon.
The only problem right now is that they both like you. Of course, Jaemin makes it more obvious by holding you, bringing his lips so close as if he’s about to kiss you but then quickly pulling back. And Jeno, sending you cute messages throughout the day like “I went out today to eat but I wish you were with me :(“ and “I walked past a flower shop and saw some roses that were as beautiful as you”. If one were to ask you out, you wouldn’t know what to do. You did wanna break the other heart and ruin your friendship.
“You okay?” Giselle looked at you a bit worried, seeing the way you were lost in thought. “Yeah, I’m fine” you replied with a small smile. “Okay well, let's go party!” She dragged you out of the house and into a taxi.
The whole taxi ride was torture. You couldn’t stop thinking about what could happen. You can never really expect what happens at a party. You hookup, you drink until you were knocked out, you get sick all over the house.. so many thoughts were making their way into your brain as you got closer to the house.
You ring the doorbell and way welcomed my Mark giving you a huge hug. “Hey guys, so glad you could make it. You can have a seat over here if you want, drinks are over there and the food right next to them..” As Mark was showing you the whereabouts, his words started to go through your ear and out the other side and you see Jaemin by the drinks table staring at you up and down while sipping on his red solo cup. Suddenly another man starts walking towards Jaemin looking down at his phone. He looks up at you and you see it's Jeno. He gives you one of his cute close eyed smiles and waves at you. You wave as a soft smile appears on your face at home cute he looks.
“All good?” You hear Mark say as he brings you back to reality. “All good” Giselle says with a thumbs up and you just nod. You and Giselle walk over to the couch and you sit down. “I'm gonna go bring us some drink, ill be right back” You wanted her to stay with you since you weren’t a big fan of parties and din tiles being alone, but you also wanted to go with her but quickly change your mind since you were nervous about being around Jaemin and Jeno.
You start to scroll through your phone not knowing what else to do until you see a pair of shoes in front of you thinking it's Giselle. You look up and to your surprise it's Jaemin. “Hey,” he said as he looks at you and you greet him back. He goes to sit next to you as you hear another familiar voice. “Do you want a drink?” Jeno says with his eyebrows raised. “Giselles already getting me one, thank you” you smile.
Giselle comes back with your drink and you all got into a conversation with some flirting going around from overconfident Jaemin and shy Jeno.
“Ayo, listen up” Mark announces from the middle of the room. “Let's play some games, starting with 7 minutes in heaven” he smirks. The whole room looked excited to join in the circle except for you. You didn't know many people at the party and didn't wanna have sex with someone you didn't know. “I think I'm gonna sit this one out,” You say to Giselle. “Come on” she pulls your arm “Let's have some fun”. You both sit down on the floor next to each other and Mark puts a beer bottle in the center. “Alright, I'm gonna spin the bottle and whichever two people it lands on will spend 7 minutes in heaven”.
He spins the bottle and your heartaches as you get more anxious. You thought that whoever is in front of you is most likely to be paired with you if you were picked. You saw both Jaemin and Jeno in front of you. Jaemin who’s looking at you in a seductive way and Jeno who’s staring at the bottle, eagerly waiting for it to stop.
The bottle gets slower until it stops. You look at it in disbelief as it's pointing right at you, already knowing who you could be paired up with. You slowly look up at the boys looking at each other and back at you. The whole room is filled with whispers. “Looks like we have a tie” you hear Mark say. The bottle is pointy right in between them.
“Who will it be?” He asks you. You try to speak but you're unable to get the words out. “Why can’t she just take them both” You look to your right and see Johnny. You’ve never wanted to hit a guy so hard on his pretty face. “DUDE! YOUR A GENIUS” Mark replies. You see Jaemin and Jeno stand up and start to lead you up the stairs as people start cheering and you get so embarrassed and red.
As they lead you to an unoccupied room, you can help but think about what was gonna happen next. Are you actually gonna have a threesome? Will one of them end up leaving? Will you be the one to leave? You finally arrive at the room. “Were here princess” Jaemin whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You take a seat on the front edge of the bed, not knowing what to do or say. “Are you nervous” He bend down in front of you, taking your hand in his and smirking up at you. Before you get to talk, you feel a warm breath against your ear. “Don’t be, angel, we’ll take good care of you” Jeno whispered, lightly nibbling on your ear lobe. So you’re really gonna do this, aren’t you?
The thought of them fucking you at the same time was hot but you didn’t want this stupid game to ruin your friendship.
Jaemin was staring at you in the eyes and slowly leans in, placing a soft kiss on your lips. He broke the kiss to look at you for consent to do more, and you lean in. Jeno goes at your next softly, placing wet kisses up and down until he snaked his hands down to your core and traces small circles around it. You moan into Jaemins kiss and you feel him smiling against you.
“Does that feels good?” He asks, and let out a breathy yes as you break from Jaemins kiss and rest your head on Jenos shoulder. Jaemin also starts placing wet kisses on your neck and lightly sucking on randoms patches of skin. They both stop and bring you farther up the bed so they have more room around you.
Jeno hovers on top of you until he crashes his lips onto yours aggressively, sticking his tongue into every corner of your mouth, not leaving one spot untouched. His hands find their way under your shirt touching you all over until he places them on your hips. He tugs on it asking you for permission to take it off you allow him, bringing it over your head and his along with it.
He breaks away to look at your body and dives back in giving you a kiss from your chest down until he reaches your skirt, pulling it up so your panties are exposed. He then quickly removes both articles of clothing. “Fuck, you already wet” He huffs.
“7 minutes might be a little too short to destroy you” You look at Jaemin who’s palming himself next to you. He saw you quickly look at his bulge and smirks before leaning closer to you. “You want us bad don’t you” He whispers into your ear. “You want us to fuck you so hard you won’t be walking for days”
Jaemin starts kissing and sucking hard at your neck while Jeno teases you by licking your core. Quiet moans leave your lips from all the small pleasure you were receiving from both men. You entangle your fingers in his hair wanting more.
Unexpectedly Jeno pushes deep indie of you to make your back arch in pleasure. His whole length rammed inside of you so perfectly as you looked at him seeing a small smirk crept on his face. He knows he’s big.
You start moaning uncontrollably from Jeno hitting the spot with every thrust. Jaemin who’s now stroking himself removes your bra with his free hand and attaches his pink lips to your nipples. Sucking them and tracing small circles with his tongue, using his free left hand to masses and play with the other one.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping and lip-smacking on your breasts. Jeno starts to get impatient and tell Jeno to fuck you doggy style so he can fuck your mouth at the same time.
Having to switch positions messed up the pleasure you were getting from Jeno but he was quick with his ways and managed to get back on track. You watch Jaemin as he removes his pants and boxers, waving his dick in front of your face.
Your unable to grab it with your hands from Jenos thrusting, with your hands being your only support so you won’t collapse. You try to move your mouth forward but Jaemin stops you. He lips your chin up to look at him“Don’t get too greedy” he says, placing his tip on your tongue. “Can you deep throat?” He says softly. Even though Jaemin is a confident guy who knows he hot, he has his soft moments too. “Angel, let me know if it hurts or you want to stop okay?” You nod and he moves his cock into your mouth, starting off slow, going faster making sure you adjust.
Surprisingly Jaemin was a lot softer than Jeno who rammed into you without warning. Not that you didn’t like that or anything but it would be nice to know.
You manage to deep throat without gagging while trying to use one hand to massage his balls. You hear moth males moan in sync. “Jeno,” You say in a muffled voice from Jaemins length. He understands your close and takes this as an opportunity to go faster. “Say my name, Princess” Jeno says. You moan his name, again it was tough trying to talk while having someone's cock shoved down your throat.
You finally come as a wave of pleasure leaves your body. “Fuck” You hear Jeno say. His thrusts become sloppier as he finally comes in you, letting it drip down. He massages your clit with his finger, using both your juices as some type of lube.
Jaemin's thrust into your mouth becomes slower and slower until he comes, filling your mouth up with his warm insides. You try to swallow it all with some leakage at the side of your mouth. He flashes a wide smile at the sight of you. Jeno comes over to help your out by kissing you passionately and cleaning you up with his tongue.
They both sit ups straight and look at you with curiosity. “What?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Who are you picking?” Jeno replies. Your eyes widen in shock. “WHAT?!” You shout ‘what do you mean who do I pick?”. You were so confused. Did they just fuck you and expect you to chose? Of course not, you could never do that.
“He means which one of us will you date?” Your jaw drops open. “Was this planned or something?” You're really hoping your not gonna get the answer you were thinking of. “It kind of went better than we thought” Jeno starts. “We asked Mark if he could announce the game sat in front of you to get picked with you. We also made sure the circle would be big so the bottle has a higher chance of landing in between two people which was us an-”
Before Jaemin could finish. You hop off the bed and grab your clothes making sure to clean yourself up. “No wait,” Jeno says as he pulls your arm lightly. “We just both like you and thought this was a good way to decide. “You think the best way was for to see who I liked better in bed?” They were both silent. You shook your head in disapproval. “I'm not picking between you too” You walk towards the door but before you could turn the knob, you hear Jaemin say something.
“So you’ll just have to have us both them” You look at him thinking about it at first. Honestly, you didn't mind having them both at the same time. “I guess ill just have to have you both then,” You say with a smile, leaving them both with their jaws hanging.
You walk down the party fixing your hair trying not to look like you just woke from a 1,000 year nap. You find Giselle who’s passed out on the couch and go to grab her. “Hey,” she says as she opens her eyes. “I'm so-“ She leans on you as she passes out. You drag her to the front door getting ready to leave. “You're leaving already” You look around to see Mark. “Yes, and I really don’t appreciate you helping out Jaemin and Jeno to get a chance to fuck me” his eyes widen. “Look it wasn’t my ide-“ You flick him on the forehead before heading out to a taxi and driving back to your place.
The whole car ride back home, you couldn’t help but think about how they could be if the time wasn’t so short. Maybe an all night experience for next time.
PLEASE TELL ME IF U WANT ME TO MAKE A PART 2. Im really tempted to make one but I want your thoughts so please let me know! :)
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divinerulerluvr · 4 years
Let Me Violate You
Summary - in 1985 after taking some funny coke at a recording studio, she finds herself at the Cortez and meets Mr. James Patrick March only to meet her fate, as well
Warnings - smut (duh), bondage, coercion, murder, bondage, drugs, power kink, james is a dom per ush, idk its very dark dare i say
Words - 2.7k
Inspired by the song Closer by Nine Inch Nails ;)
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The world was blurry as i stumbled into a random hotel in Downtown LA. I had been recording a new song at the studio just a few minutes away and the idiots i work with gave me some fucked up coke and now here i am, barely lucid and tripping out of my mind.
Leaning against the receptionist counter for support, i look up to the woman who reads a book. She peers at me over it, a certain look of disappointment in her eyes as she sets it down. “I-I would like a room,” i ask, blinking quickly.
“Fifteen dollars for the night,” she says flatly. I give her a twenty, too high to care about change. She smiles at me before standing up and grabbing a key from the wall and handing it to me. The key had a ‘64’ chain on it.
“Room sixty-four. Sixth floor,”
I nod before stumbling to the elevator, getting to the sixth floor, and walking through the halls until i got to room 64. Unlocking the door, i push it open and walk into the large suite. Going straight to the bed, i lay back on it with an exasperated sigh.
I am too high for this.
Staring at the ceiling that looks like it was twirling and twisting, i feel eyes on me. Sitting up, my eyes glance around the room. My eyes land on a man who stands at the end of the bed, a cigarette in his hand.
I jump, trying to confirm whether he was real or not with the state i was in. “W-Who are you?” i stutter nervously, my eyes wide with fear. The man smiles, drawing at his cigarette to build some sort of anticipation.
“I should be asking who are you? This is my suite,” he says in return, his voice coated with a thick 20’s accent. He was an attractive man. His dark hair was styled perfectly and in the dark of the room i could make out his sharp jawline and piercing eyes.
“I paid for this room,” i argue, confused to who this strange man is.
He grins a predatory and evil grin that made my stomach twist. “Would you like a drink?” he offers, ignoring the previous conflict. “I’d like you to get out of my room,” i bite back. He turns his back to me, pouring something into a glass.
Turning back to face me, he extends a glass of the drink to me. “No need to be so rude, darling,” he advises, his head tilted patronizingly. He takes a slow step towards me, his eyes dead on mine. Swallowing thickly, i accept the drink.
Suspiciously, i drink from the glass. The alcohol burned down my throat and the drugs already in me didn’t help. Finding it wasn’t poisoned, i chugged the rest of it down.
He sips from his own glass, his eyes never leaving mine. “Who are you?” i ask yet again. “James March,” he replies simply. I just nod, finding that i had this strange fuzzy feeling in my mouth.
I had already finished the drink he’d offered and it was too late to go back. I had jinxed the fact that it was drugged. Because i know what being drugged feels like.
Before i could do anything, i was out like a fucking light.
I woke up after god knows how long. I felt rope rubbing my wrists raw and rope that kept my feet tied to the bed. Panic fills me as i look around the room frantically. It was that James guy who fucking drugged me and fuck knows what he’s going to do to me.
I breathe out quietly, trying to calm myself as i pull at the ropes that keep my arms tied apart to either post of the bedframe. I was in a starfish position, rendering me completely helpless.
“You really should never take a drink from a stranger, my sweet Y/n,” i hear James’ voice say from beside me, startling me at his sudden appearance. “Fuck off. Let me go,” i complain, glaring up at him.
He chuckles, reaching his hand down and petting my hair. I recoil from his touch, my heart beating quicker than if i was on acid. He notices my reaction to his touch, a look of anger crossing his face right before he slaps me.
Not a playful smack, either. A real smack. It stung my cheek, a groan leaving my lips. He exhales sharply, his ominously black eyes glaring at me with disgust. “I think you forget who’s the one tied up and the one who did the tying,” he says, walking away from me.
I still fight against the ropes, my wrists burning like hell. I was lucky i was still clothed. But with this man, i wasn’t sure what he wanted from me.
“Why are you doing this?” i ask him, watching as he takes off his belt. My heart jumps, my thighs instinctually trying to push together but failing due to my position. He glances up at me as he starts unbuttoning his shirt.
“You were just so beautiful, dear. I had to have you for myself,” he says with a charismatic smile. His white button-down sits loosely on his shoulders, exposing his toned chest and abs to me. “That’s fucking creepy,” i scoff, watching his every move with precision.
He shrugs. “I think it’s romantic. When i’m done, you’ll never leave the confines of this hotel again,” he counters.
“Yeah right,” i mumble to myself, moving around on the bed still trying to free myself from the bonds keeping me at his mercy. He glares at me. “You have a horrible habit of talking back,” he points out, running his hand up my bare leg and playing with the hem of my skirt.
I swallow thickly, a dull heartbeat growing between my legs as his soft touch trails further up my leg and under my skirt. His hand cold but his touch was warm. Bunching up my skirt, his eyes fall onto my black panties.
“Maybe i should do something about it, hm?”
Keeping quiet, my cheeks burn in embarrassment as his eyes rake over my bare legs. He walks away from me, retrieving something from a drawer and coming back to me with it in hand. He presents a ball gag and i feel my breathing pick up.
Placing the pink plastic ball of the gag in my mouth, James buckles the strap around my head and i could feel myself lose every last ounce of power i had.
He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a hand knife and placing it to the waistband of my skirt. In one fluid motion, he cuts it into two pieces and tears it off of me. He does the same to the top i wore, shredding it and discarding it carelessly.
His eyes fall on my now bare chest. I never wore bras. Softly, he runs his fingers over my breasts, enjoying how my skin breaks out into goosebumps at his feather-light touch. He runs his hand down my stomach, feeling how i pant with anticipation.
Cutting off my panties, i was completely exposed to him. He sees how wet i am, a proud smirk spreading on his lips. “I’ve barely even touched your pretty body yet, doll. And yet look at this,” he taunts, running his finger through my slick folds.
I whimper, my hips bucking back at the sensation of his touching me. He uses his free hand to hold down my hips, keeping me flat on the bed. “I thought you didn’t want this,” he teases, his eyes admiring my naked body.
Unable to speak, i just furrow my brows pathetically. He smiles, enjoying how mindless i look. He rubs slow and teasing circles over my clit, his touch gentle as he stimulates me.
Weak moans leave my lips but are ultimately silenced by the gag in my mouth. My legs tremble slightly as i occasionally jolt with pleasure. He was giving me the bare minimum but it felt so fucking good.
Spit falls from the corner of my mouth, my eyes watering with the pain of him only touching me lightly. I could see the bulge in his pants and i knew i was in for quite the night. Men like him didn’t like vanilla sex. I would know. I’m in a goddamn rock band and it’s the eighties.
His hand leaves between my legs and instead uses his already wet fingers to wipe the spit that had left my mouth. His dark eyes meet mine as he returns his hand to my pussy, this time pushing his middle finger into me.
I arch my back, my head pressed into the pillow i lay on as i feel his finger curl inside of me. Not caring, he pushes a second finger into me and starts an even rhythm of finger fucking me
My whimpers sound pathetic and tears fill my eyes. I beg internally for more pleasure. But i was unable to actually ask for it which i knew was his entire point. I was wetter than i’ve ever been before. His fingers were like heaven inside of me.
His palm every once in a while grazes my clit, making my body shudder from the brief stimulation. “Look at you. How pitiful you are,” he degrades, his eyes taking in the way my eyes water and how a squirm on the bed.
“Little girls like you need to be taught a lesson,” he clicks his tongue, his fingers slowing down from their rhythm before he pulls them out. I groan at the loss, my eyes locked on his. “They need to be put to good use, for once,”
I watch with doe eyes as he throws off his shirt and takes off his pants. He gets on top of me, staring at me like i was prey and he was a starving predator. “You look positively beautiful tied to my bed," he compliments, caressing my hot cheek.
“To be fair, it is also very beautiful to watch you squirm with pleasure, my pet,” he says with a grin, repositioning so he was kneeling between my legs. He runs his hand up my stomach, reaching my breasts and massaging them. Giving special attention to my sensitive nipples.
His clothed boner rubs against my sensitive pussy, making me want him even more. My hands pull against their restraints, causing the red marks on my wrist to hurt more. He sees this, noticing how raw my skin was. “You know better than that,” he tsks, trailing his hand down my body and running it along my leg.
I didn’t know how to convey to him that i wanted him to absolutely destroy me, so instead, i just push myself against him, grinding my hips against his clothed dick.
He smirks, pushing my hips flat against the bed to stop me. “Patience, my pet,” he warns, feeling every inch of my naked body with a tender and almost caring touch. My eyes fall shut in irritation, trying to just enjoy his teasing touches that continue to lead me on.
His hand runs up my thigh, following the curve of my body and stopping at my neck where he lightly wraps his hand around it. I whimper, knowing full well he could feel my pulse against his hand.
“Do you think you’ve earned the privilege of pleasure?” he questions, his eyes dark with lust. I nod rapidly, my pussy practically hurting due to the lack of stimulation. He smiles, tightening his grip on my neck so he’s squeezing the sides.
His hand leaves my neck and i watch as he pulls off his boxers. Getting excited, i let him pull me down to meet him, the ropes pulled tautly and rubbing on my ligature marks even more. The sting was damn near unbearable but the pain would soon be forgiven.
Without mercy, he pushes himself into me. I cry out, my pitiful cries muted by the gag. It hurt. Of course it did. I may have been wet, but his dick was too big to just pull that shit. My nails dig into my palms as he bottoms out in me, his tip pressed into my g-spot deliciously.
The tears in my eyes fall down my cheeks, causing black streaks to trace down my face in the trail of the tears. I pull my hips back a little, his dick hitting unmarked territory inside me. He places his hands on my hips, pulling them down even closer to him as a way to punish me.
The ropes were now extremely painful. He pulls his hips back and starts fucking me rough without warning and especially without care. The pain quickly blossomed into pleasure. His hands dig into the flesh of my hips as he holds me steady so he can use and abuse me.
His hair had fallen out of its pristine style. A curl falling in front of his face as his eyes took in my body as he destroyed it. Soft grunts and groans would leave his lips, his thrusting pace harsh and deep.
If there wasn’t a gag in my mouth, i’d be so fucking loud right now.
He uses one of his hands and slithers it up my body, dragging some of the spit on my face down my chin and neck. His eyes lock on mine, a sort of animalistic starvation in them. He felt so good that i thought i would cum right now.
I wanted to touch him. To run my hands down his back and pull his hair. But then again, i couldn’t. Because i was tied up. Powerless. I knew his game and i knew it well. But i also fucking love the game.
My walls contract around him and i can already predict his reaction. He clicks his tongue, slowing his hips just a bit as to pull me back from the edge of an orgasm. I groan, my eyes falling shut and my head laying back.
He reaches and grabs my neck, startling my eyes open. “I want you to watch me use you, darling,” he instructs. I have no choice but to obey. My eyes trail down his toned torso to where he fucks me roughly.
It was so hot. Watching him go in and out of me. My wetness coating my pussy and even his dick. How you could see how deep he was hitting inside me due to the way my stomach pushes out in sync with each snap of his hips.
My eyes water even more, making it hard to keep them open to watch the scene before me. “Be a good girl for me and listen to my instructions,” he comments, noticing how my blinks got longer with each close of my eyes.
I try my best, my eyes flicking up to meet his. His hand that was around my neck moves to my pussy, rubbing circles on my clit with his thumb. I shudder, my entire body writhing at the new sensation.
The pleasure got to the point where i couldn’t take it anymore.
I attempt to pull my hips back, my body overwhelmed with pleasure to the point where it is borderline painful. “Uh uh,” he hums, reaching his hand up and smacking my cheek hard enough to make the previous mark sting even more.
With a dull cry, i stop trying to resist and give up every last ounce of power i had left to him, letting my body go limp so he could have his way with me.
He uses this to his advantage, fucking me harder than before. My breasts bounce with each merciless thrust, my eyes rolled into the back of my head as the mix between his touch on my clit and how he fucks me brings me to an orgasm.
Surprisingly, he lets me have my orgasm. My ears ring and i can feel every single drop of blood that runs through my veins. All my senses were heightened as he fucks me through my orgasm. With my eyes closed, i feel a sharp pain in my chest.
I open my eyes to see he had stabbed me, a proud look on his face. I begin to bleed as he removes the knife from my chest. “Now you’ll be with me forever. Like i said,” he comments as i feel his cum fill me up.
He collapses on top of me, my blood coating his pale skin as i take my last breath.
And i was dead.
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angelguk · 4 years
→ pu$$y fairy — a jeongguk scenario
member: jeon jungkook
word count: 3.2k
genre: smut + college!au + jeongguk and oc are in a weird fwbs without the friendship part just the benefits except jaykay lowkey has feelings + virginity au
warnings: virgin!oc / blowjob / we talk about dicks for a bit / oc is strange / jaykay is confused / cum swallowing / first times / not really edited / mingyu the meddling best fwend
soundtrack: on the way, jhene aiko + hold on (slowed and reverb), the internet
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Jeongguk doesn’t hate Mingyu. He truly doesn’t. He is one of his closest friends after all; he’d held him up after Jeongguk had dumped half a keg down his throat and his legs had promptly collapsed.  He’d also been a successful wingman for when Jeongguk was aiming to add Seolhyun to the list of girls he’d bagged, sent pictures of his organic chemistry notes when Jeongguk had missed more than half of the classes in high school and didn’t laugh at him when he was heart-broken over Sua and borderline depressed. He was a true friend; someone Jeongguk could rely on. It was a simple brother-like relationship that Jeongguk deeply treasured. So no, he could never hate Mingyu – but he could absolutely long to punch that insufferable asshole in the face.
He should have known this was going to go downhill exceptionally fast the moment you stumbled into his room, wide-eyed and nervous in your unsure steps. When his pants had hit the ground, the shock in your eyes was a dead giveaway to how messy this whole arrangement was going to be. The second clear sign was when you jumped out his window because the sight of his bare dick terrified you.
And this was all the result of Mingyu being a meddling shit who didn’t know when to mind his business.
He remembers it with a clarity that makes his shoulders tense, how Mingyu had snuck you into the conversation while twisting a soju bottle in his hands.
“Yo… JK…. You mind if I ask you a question?” He’d said. Jeongguk shrugged, focused on flipping the meat on the grill because he was starving and the prospect of cooked meat was a lot more appealing than feigning interest in a conversation. “Alright…," Mingyu took his silence as a cue to speak. “Have you ever fucked a virgin?”
He should have known then. He really should have known.
“I don’t know. I don’t ask any questions when I’m hard,” Jeongguk had replied, unknowing of the dangerous path this conversation was guiding him down.
“Yeah and most of the time you don’t fuck on an actual bed. I’m not even surprised you don’t ask questions.”
“Hey!” Jeongguk had swung the tongs around. “I ask important ones, like consent and making sure we’ve got a condom around. But virginity? Not my concern.”
“Seems a bit…. Whorish to me.”
“Not whorish. I just have my priorities elsewhere… Like cumming for example.”
Mingyu had sighed as he poured him a shot, the air leaving his lips heavy. “I shouldn’t even be asking you to be honest. You’re a decent guy but your kind of a dickhead when it comes to sex.”
“How does not pondering on virginity make me dickhead? Again, as I said, priorities are elsewhere.”
“Dude you’ve never even tried to have meaningful sex at least once in your life. When was the last time you were actually emotionally invested in the person you were sleeping with? Hmm?”
The answer was Sua and he knew that but Mingyu was decent enough to keep her name out of his mouth, the judging look in his eyes saying enough.
“You know… I don’t do well with the whole emotional thing. I prefer it physical. It’s less messy. But what does this even have to do with virginity?” Jeongguk hated to admit it but he was somewhat interested in where this conversation was going. If only he knew it was leading to a massive train wreck of the one thing, he steered clear from – emotions.
Mingyu had just sighed again, tipping the soju bottle into his shot glass once more. “There’s a girl who I’d like you to meet.”
He’d scoffed, mouth stuffed with a perilla leaf wrap. “You know I don’t do blind dates.”
“It’s not a blind date,” Mingyu had retorted, the glance he threw at his friend’s direction precarious. “She wants you to take her virginity.”
Jeongguk had choked. Of course, he had. Even if sex didn’t mean much to him, taking someone’s first time like that felt very transactional. And Jeongguk wasn’t that big of a dickhead. But then Mingyu had opened his mouth, spewing various details about your life to him that he would rather have not heard over a KBBQ lunch. You were a friend from one of his business lectures, rather eccentric but sweet and funny. You were also a virgin and terrified of approaching men on your own, one of the reasons Mingyu had sprung up this arrangement. Jeongguk wasn’t one to fall into things like this but it was too late. Mingyu was a marketing major for a reason, he knew how to spin words in his favour, convince people into agreeing to things that they normally would not. And that’s how Jeongguk found himself staring at your retreating figure after you’d thrown your body right out his window, landing hard on the lawn of the house he rented with Namjoon and Seokjin. The crazy thing was that you’d gotten up immediately, not showing any sign of a broken bone or injuries, before promptly sprinting down the road to the bus stop. He should have known then. He really should have known. And yet, here he is, pants discarded on the floor of his room and his dick aching from being unrelieved for longer than it’s ever been, while you crouch over him, squinting at his penis like it’s a foreign object that could kill you.
“Could you please stop staring at my penis like that.” He says it out of frustration, but also the way you’re examining his length makes him feel self-conscious in a way he hasn’t felt like in a long time.
“Sorry,” you murmur, not breaking eye contact with his dick. “I’m just… fascinated. It’s rather….” The sentence tapers out and you swallow hard as if it pains you to admit it, “...Ugly.”
Jeongguk decides then and there he hates you.
“I mean... It’s not that it’s ugly!” you swiftly attempt to amend, catching the glare he directs at you. “It’s also big!”
“I know. And you just said it was ugly,” Jeongguk retorts, weighing the options in his head. Either get a poor blowjob from a girl he’s terrified of (but also bizarrely attracted too) or kick you out of his room and finish himself off. The situation sucks either way but it’s better than the last time when you’d leapt out of the window like a gazelle.
“I misspoke,” you say, gently falling onto your knees. You flash him a shy smile, a soft delicate little thing that makes your eyes glitter and Jeongguk instantly picks the first option. “It’s just different to what I expected it to look like.”
He scoffs, swallowing hard on the sudden lump in his throat. “There’s no way you haven’t seen a dick before. You don’t watch porn?”
The grimace you make is enough of an answer. “I have… Not all the time though, it’s too much for me sometimes. Also, it’s weird seeing it in real life and not, like, through a screen.”
“Noted. But still, it’s not that ugly,” Jeongguk murmurs, trying not to compare his penis to the visuals he has in his head. His pride is wounded from that comment he won’t deny it.
“It kinda is,” you reply. Jeongguk flicks your forehead in retaliation. “Ow! Why’d you do that.” There’s that stupid pout in your lips as you glower at him. He despises how his dick twitches at the sudden thought of your pretty mouth wrapped around his length. Despises it even more when you gasp at the slight motion trembling through him. “It moves?!”
“Yeah,” Jeongguk sighs, wondering how on Earth you’re over the age of twenty and still like this. “It does. Also, don’t insult my dick. It’s rude.”
“Sorry again,” you pause as if you’re considering whether what you might utter next is offensive. You open your mouth anyway, unable to comprehend the fact that your words are slowly chipping away at his ego. “It’s kinda scary that it moves.”
“Oh my god, you are the literal worst.” Jeongguk thinks his boner might evaporate. It’s a miracle it’s lasted this long. You’d sauntered into his room around half an hour again and he’d been hard from the get-go. Truly amazing his balls hadn’t shrivelled up yet. “You know you’re about to blow me off right?”
“I know… I’m stupid,” you counter, eyebrows furrowing together like you’re attempting to figure out exactly how Jeongguk’s dick works. It’d be very simple if you just asked him. It’s essentially an up and down motion, some swirls, a lot of wetness. Nothing too difficult. But when you glance up at him, the innocent glaze over your eyes almost hopeless, he can tell it feels the same as defusing a bomb. “I just… Don’t know what to do. Show me?”
And there it is - the foolish little thing that landed Jeongguk here half-naked on the edge of his bed in the first place. Even though you were mildly repulsed by the male autonomy you were still so eager to learn. Something Jeongguk didn’t know he would be into until you posed that question and his balls tightened in a way they have never done before.
“Okay,” he mumbles, hoping you don’t suspect the twitch that runs through his length when you say that. Not like you would, to be fair.
But then you sweep your hair back, lean in fast, no preparation or anything before your breath is brushing against his crotch and Jeongguk nearly screams.
“Woah, woah, woah! I thought you just asked me to show you? What are you doing?” Maybe he scuttles further down the bed, terrified of the rush of heat you send straight to his gut.  
Your eyes flicker upward, bright and ingenuous. “Am I doing it wrong?”
“You’re not -,” Jeongguk sighs breath weighing through the air. “You’re not doing it wrong. I just think... We should go slow right? It’s your first time? Maybe don’t rush into it?”
“I watched a YouTube video and they said to do it like that,” you reply. Jeongguk can’t help but blink at you, brain reeling from attempting to understand your being.
“You watched a - never mind. You’re giving me a headache. And I thought you knew nothing. Porn would have been a better research alternative but to each their own.”
“I did it for preparation! I didn't know it’d be this nerve-wracking in real life. And, I told you, real dicks are gross. She used a dildo.”
“How is a dildo any different to a real dick?” Jeongguk fingers dig into the mattress a little harder when you lean it once more, gingerly resting your head against his knee.
“It’s just different. Less grotesque. And they come in various colours.”
He might just actually scream. “It’s literally made to replicate a penis.”
You sigh, your breath skipping against his skin. The room is suddenly tight, closing in on him and you’re not even really touching him. And then you catch your lip between your teeth, pressing down with a quick thoughtful bite. “I think you’re deflecting right now.”
“I’m not,” he splutters. “Why would I even be deflecting right now?”
“I mean, we’re having a conversation about dildos when your dick is hard and I’m meant to be blowing you. Sounds like deflection doesn’t it?” He hates the way your eyes glitter, bright and captivating as your gaze locks into his.
“Like I said,” Jeongguk retorts, “We should take it slow.”
“Okay then. I’m done talking about dildos unless you have anything else to add?”
“I don’t,” he murmurs, “Okay then, onto giving a blowjob.”
“Onto giving a blowjob,” you reiterate. And then, like a psychopath, you smile. “Where should I start?”
He hates that body is on edge right now, hands trembling even though he hides them by squeezing his bed-sheets tight. “Try giving it a lick first? You can put your hand around the base too - if you want to.”
“Here?” His knees nearly buckle when you wrap your warm palm around his length, grip firm around the base of his cock. But that’s nothing to the gentle lap of your tongue against the side of his cock, a quick little thing and nearly launches him off the bed.
“Oh - uh - yeah, there.” His voice sounds far off and without warning your mouth is against him once more, tongue a sinful little thing that slips along his length, wet and warm and so sneaky he’s unsure of what to respond with apart from an instinctual buck of his hips. It’s easy like this, your tongue pressed against his cock and your hands slowly dragging upwards, placing a perfect pressure along his length that leaves him sighing into the air of his bedroom. Your movements grow more direct, reading the increasing desperation in Jeongguk’s body as he moves closer and closer to you, waiting until you feel sure enough. And then, finally, your mouth sinks onto him.
He nearly whimpers. Nearly. There’s a heat pooling in his gut and ebbs through every muscle and nerve, the coil of his desire springing tighter with each inch that slips down your throat. You take him so well, Jeongguk can’t help but watch in awe, the wideness in your eyes making him harder than he’s ever been in his life. Even with your inexperience, the way you swallow his cock is obscene. It’s an imagery Jeongguk engraves in his memory, purposefully stored because he knows he’ll think about it whenever his desires override his logical thoughts again. You lap him up like you want this, a soft moan echoing from your throat and along his length as you move deeper, mouth plaint to his dick. He forces himself to sit still, give you the time to adjust, lick and taste to your leisure, forcing the impending wave of heat back down into his gut. He holds it there even when you move away, the sound of your wet mouth popping off his dick permeating the air.
And of course, you lick your lips afterwards, a swift swipe of your pink tongue against them, your eyes trained on his.
“Like that?” you ask.
Jeongguk’s going to die. He is. And you’ll be the reason why listed on his death certificate.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, chest tight with want. “Like that.”
You lean back in without question, mouth taking his length like you were made for it and your hand works against the parts of him you can’t reach just yet. His mind wanders as his eyes take in this sight of you, on your knees and mouth open wide just for him. Someday he’d like to see if you could truly take his length, all of it. Down your throat. Hard and fast like his hips wanted to go. But this is more than perfect. How you concentrate on blowing him like you want to see him spill himself down your throat. It’s almost adorable, the earnestness in your gaze every time your eyes flicker upwards as your mouth moves along his cock. He likes this more than he’s willing to admit, the slowness in your pace, how your tongue is shy sometimes when it laves against his tip. It’s a change from what he usually gets - and a welcome one too. A tiny part of him feels like it would be fitting to hold your hand. You’re so pretty too, especially when your lips are on him. He’d like to take care of you, see what your face looked like when his tongue was deep inside of you, know what your taste like as you moan out his name. He doesn’t even register the words as they leave his mouth, head lost in the images colouring his thoughts.
“Taking me so well, baby,” he can’t help the grunt, the pet name natural to him, “So pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
And you hum like you like it - like you like pleasing him, sinking further down until his tip bumps against the back of your throat. The zip down his spine nearly sends him spiralling.
“Baby,” he feels it then, when your eyes shift to meet his, the snap in his gut. “F-fuck, I’m gonna cum. You need to stop right now if you don’t want to down your throat.”
But you don’t, moving faster like the twitch of his dick in your mouth spurs him on, your lips firm as they wrap around him. He doesn’t hold in his moves this time, hips gently moving up to meet your mouth, the tremor running through his bulky thighs nothing but a warning before it hits him hard. A wave of heat, melting through his muscles as his eyes flutter shut, your tongue lapping him right up, no protest as he unravels down your throat. It’s over in an instant but Jeongguk feels like mush, head floating and his bones soft with how hard his back hits the mattress. You pull off his length a second later, letting him feel you swallow all of him first.
“Holy shit.” His mouth is still disconnected from his brain.
There’s a beat of silence, so awkward that Jeongguk shuffles himself back onto his elbows even though his bones feel like giving way. And then your laugh tinkles through the air, a soft gentle thing that makes his heart seize in his chest.
“That… wasn’t so bad,” you say, staring at him with an ease that spikes an urge to press his lips against yours in his heart.
“Oh,” he replies, like an idiot. “You liked it?”
“Well, it didn’t suck… pun intended. Your moans are really loud.”
Jeongguk blushes - he blushes - even after the stupid joke you made.
“Um, yeah. I do, I guess. Sorry, I kind of forgot to show you what to do. But you’re a bit of a natural, to be honest.” He abhors the diffidence in his voice.
“I guessed that,” you retort, the smile on your face hypnotic, “From your really loud moaning.”
“Can you - fuck how do you ruin any intimate moment when it happens?”
“Guess I’m a natural at that too,” you say it with a laugh, and Jeongguk can’t help the smile that tugs against his lips.
“Um,” he tries, fully aware of the front view seat you were getting of his soft dick. He sits up to try and shield it, feeling awfully exposed. “If you’d like… I could return the favour?”
“No, I’m good.” There’s zero hesitation in your voice and you’re up before Jeongguk can think of a decent excuse to keep you in his room. “Maybe another time? I’ll text you. Bye Jeongguk.”
It’s then he regrets not encouraging you to undress earlier, his assumption that this would be the worst blowjob of his life incredibly incorrect. Perhaps if your clothes were scattered around his bedroom he could have found a way to convince you into his sheets while you searched for them. But you’re fully dressed, already bounding out of his door like his dick wasn’t down your throat moments ago. He watches you go with forlornness, mouth dry with words he’s incapable of expressing at this very instance and his heart oddly warm at the sight of your skipping away with a carefreeness he admires. He still hates that you’re leaving, perhaps the only positive of this situation is that you’re using his bedroom door instead of his window.
“Bye,” Jeongguk mumbles into the vacant air. You don’t even catch it, shooting him a quick grin before you’re bounding down the stairs as if this doesn’t even matter to you. A stumble on a stepping stone to something greater. He plucks up his phone, pants still lost somewhere on the floor. Blocking Mingyu for twenty-four hours should be enough of a punishment, right?
mingyu the man [10:21pm]
you alive?
jaykay [10:26pm]
i focking hate u
u know that right?
mingyu the man [10:31pm]
you dont my g
how was it?
did she jump out the window this time?
jaykay [10:34pm]
mingyu the man [10:37pm]
bro wtf wot she do??
jaykay [10:40pm]
she actually gave me head
mingyu the man [10:45pm]
how is that worse dude you’re just as weird as her
jaykay [10:46pm]
mingyu the man [10:51pm]
you like crazy coochie don’t you
jaykay [10:52pm]
mingyu the man [10:53pm]
lmao u don’t i brought her into your life u lurve me
im best man for the wedding
not jaehyun
u got dat right
jaykay [10:56pm]
i hope you fall into a ditch and die
mingyu the man [10:58pm]
okay big man
you gon see her again tho?
jaykay [10:59pm]
idk man im fucked up right now
mingyu the man [11:01pm]
and u still invited her over to suck your dick again
crazy coochie got u bad bruh
jaykay [11:06pm]
mingyu the man [11:11pm]
mhmm if thats what u say
i have a class wid her to tomorrow
any messages u want to pass on?
[mingyu the man is blocked]
hello? jaykayyyyyy
damn he got it bad
3K notes · View notes
johnkrrasinski · 4 years
burning desire;
full masterlist
Pairings: Ari Levinson x reader x August Walker 
Word count: 2,779
Warning: SMUT!!!! familial sex (step-uncle & niece), threesome, dirty talk, mentions of alcohol. 
Summary: your step-uncle, ari levinson, brought a friend, august walker to his house one night during you stayover and things heated up real fast. 
a/n: this idea popped into my head out of nowhere and i just had to write it immediately. (my other wips are sobbing so hard right now) enjoy! please leave a comment & like. 
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The mid-August air feels clammy on your skin, and the daylight glared brightly into your eyes, but thank the heavens that you were clad in nothing but your pastel pink bikini and your eyes were protected by your heart-shaped sunglasses. you always loved basking in the sun in uncle Ari's pool in his massive backyard. Your parents were currently out of town for business matters, as they always were and when they were away, you always stayed at uncle Ari's place.
His place was only thirty minutes away from your parents' house and you always loved coming over to his house. What's not to love? The fact that it was just as huge as your parents', designed grandiosely and located in a secluded area made you wish you could just move here. Not that your parents' was any less palatial but- okay, honestly, your parents' house was just as fancy and you were the princess ruling your little castle, so what was really the reason that you wanted to move here so badly?
If you're being honest to yourself, it was because of your ridiculously good-looking uncle. Seriously, the man had no right to be that attractive at that age. He was nearing his 40's and he could still make every woman in his path weak on the knees. His cerulean blue eyes, the thick beard and those ripped muscles never ceased to make a particular part of your body tingle when he is nearby. It wasn't helping either that he'd touch you so close to the part where you wanted him the most when you two were alone, or that he would speak in a really low tone by your ear, causing you to shiver. And you definitely didn't miss those flirty glances when he thought you weren't watching or when you were dressed in something a tad provocative.
It was as if you were playing a secret cat and mouse game that you were both aware of and you both kept playing but no one dared to admit to partake in it or put it to an end by making a move. The tension in the dining table when your parents invited him to come over for dinner or when it was just the two of you watching a film on the couch and you would lift your legs and fold them so your bare thighs would be displayed for him (which you would pretend you weren't aware of its effect on him.)
You were lost in your daydreams of him tearing that bikini off your body and fucking you rough in this pool as the water splattered around you when you heard his voice.
"Enjoying yourself?" his smirk was smug as if he could see the pornographic movie that was playing in your head.
"Uncle! give a girl a warning, will you?" you tried to maintain your composure, not wanting to show him the wet stain in your thong.
He walked closer to you and crouched down to your level. "Didn't wanna disturb you, you looked so relaxed, I thought I'd give you a few more minutes." Was he watching you? How long had he been standing there? "I got a friend coming over tonight, to watch the game. Just wanted to let you know."
"it's your house uncle, you don't need my permissions to have a friend come over." You chuckled.
"I wasn't asking for permission sweetheart, I was just informing you so you wouldn't be startled to see a stranger in the living room," he stood back up. "I got some errands to run. I'll see you tonight." you scoffed. Curt and enigmatic as always.
You were lounging in the room that Ari specifically spared for you. There were six bedrooms in his house alone and five of them were empty. He figured you must have your own personal space every time you visited. You walked to the kitchen to grab some snacks when you were stopped by Ari’s voice calling your name.
“C’mere, say hi to my friend, August.”
The sight of the man sitting on the couch next to your uncle stopped you in your tracks. My God, he looked like a Greek god. His sleek black hair was combed to the side and moustaches weren’t your thing but damn, he rocked it so well. His blue eyes took your breath away as he smiled at you and shook your hand.
“Oh, so you’re the friend uncle told me about.”
“Well, your uncle here doesn't have that many friends so I might be the only friend of his you’ll ever hear.” oh, the things his voice is making you feel…
You chuckled, “well, I don’t wanna be a bother. You guys are watching the game, right? I was about to grab some-”
“No, of course not. Come, sit. We can all enjoy the game together, right?” He took a sip of his beer.
“I’m not really into-”
“We insist.” His tone left no room for argument.
“…okay, I guess.” August and Ari made a room on the couch for you so you sat between them. To say you were nervous was an understatement. A million scenarios were going through your head right now. The image of being sandwiched between these two bulky men with your clothes off was making you uneasy. You were only wearing a big loose shirt that barely reached your mid-thighs. You weren’t wearing any undergarments except a black lace thong because it was summer and petit clothing items were all you packed. (Not like you were trying to impress a certain person, not at all.)
“You want one?” August offered you a drink. “Yeah, sure.” You were an adult now so what’s the harm in one? Your parents were thousands of miles away and it wasn’t like you had to worry about dealing with the hangover in the morning.
August put his arm on the headrest, behind your head and it made your breath hitch. You put your leg over the other to cover the arousal growing in your extremely minimum underwear. Ari took a sip of his beer and then spread his legs and the side of his thigh graze yours and you were growing hotter every second. It was as if they could sense your arousal and fooled around to rile you. You had to take control over your breathing but it was getting more challenging every passing minute.
“So, y/n, what are your plans for college?” August broke the silence.
“I actually am in college. I’m currently in my second year and I always come home during summer.”
“Oh, you certainly don’t look like any older than nineteen. My bad.”
“It’s alright, uncle.”
“August is fine.” He was watching you intently as if he was paying attention to every detail on your face. What was he looking for?
“What are you studying?”
“I’m in fashion design.”
“Suits you.” He winked, retreating his arm from the headrest, to open another bottle of beer.
August asked you several questions about yourself and you answered every single one. After a couple more bottles and the soothing sound of the TV, you found yourself getting drowsy. It felt nice being in the presence of these two beautiful men so you let yourself drift away. You didn’t realize that you had fallen asleep on Ari’s shoulder. When Ari called your name in a low voice and you didn’t open your eyes, Ari and August looked at each other and were ready to execute their plan.
Little did you know Ari had been talking about you to August for months. Who was he kidding? Of course, Ari was attracted to you. You were hot, young and promiscuous. Also, something about the fact that you were his brother's stepdaughter turned him on even more. He and August had been friends since college and they shared a lot of things ever since. They had many hookups with women whom they shared with. They were also business partners of a company that had bestowed them a lot of fortune. Hence Ari’s swanky place and the fact that he stayed single throughout all these years. He was never the ‘settle down’ type. He never told you about his business partner, you only knew that he existed, you just didn’t know his identity.
August sniffed your scent on your open neck, and the vanilla smell turned him on. He began to spread your legs and caressed your thigh until he reached your underwear. He chuckled when he felt the delicate material on his fingers, “she’s practically begging for us to fuck her brains out on this couch.”
“You should see what she wears every day in this house, it’s like she wants me to pounce on her,” Ari replied.
“She’s soaked. She should’ve just asked, we would’ve obliged immediately.” August rubbed you in circular motions through your thong and when he felt you growing wetter, he pushed your panties to the side and inserted two fingers into your entrance.
You gasped in your slumber, feeling something scissoring you open but your head was too fuzzy to figure out what was happening. August curled his fingers and stroked your G-spot and your breathing became ragged. You began to stir and mumbled under your breath. Your brows furrowed and when August’s fingers moved faster in and out of you and Ari began fondling your breasts through your thin shirt, your opened your eyes.
“Uncle Ari…”
“Shh, just sit back and enjoy, sweetheart. We’re gonna make you feel good.” He whispered sultrily in your ear. You whimpered when August’s thumb circled your clit, causing your head to spin. “God, you’re so hot. I’ve been waiting to put my dick into this tight pussy for months now.” August whispered in your other ear.
Your hand went into August’s wrist, needing to hold onto something. You knew this was wrong, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell them to stop or get up and run to your room. Ari’s hand went to your jaw to turn your head to him and kissed you with fervently. He licked your bottom lip and you made room for his tongue to tangle itself with yours. You were making out on the couch with your uncle as his friend had his knuckles buried deep in you.
You felt your muscles tightening and then the dam broke, making a mess all over August’s fingers. He watched your expression as you hit your peak. The image of you losing your mind sent electricity right to their cocks and they were eager for more now. They couldn’t wait to see the face you were going to make when they gave you a bigger one.
You thought they would at least give you a few seconds of repose after the onslaught but you should’ve known better. You knew that Ari was a hustler when it comes to what his heart desired. And now, his body yearned for you and he didn’t waste any time in undressing you from the scanty garments you had on.
August sucked on the sensitive spot of your neck, leaving little love bites here and there before biting the spot where he wanted to mark you. You bit your lip at the thought of parading around Ari’s house with those sensual bruises reminding of the sinful act the three of you committed last night. You didn’t think as far as how you were going to act around Ari now after tonight but you were surely hoping that this wasn’t a one-time thing.  
Ari was still possessing your mouth with his, his plump lips felt soft on yours and they tasted even better than your fantasy. Ari pulled his lips away from yours and looked at his partner, “should we do doggy or missionary?” Ari asked as if you weren’t there at all.
“Missionary, I wanna see those tits bounce,” he smirked against your skin.
“Fuck yeah,” Ari keened.
They began stripping and you couldn’t help but watch. My God, they were sculpted to perfection by the hands of God themselves. The sweat on their skin made them glow from the ray of the TV. They pulled down their pants and their massive cocks sprung free and you could’ve come right there. Their packages were impressive, would they even fit inside you? You were drooling at the sight and you needed them to fill you up right now or you were going to explode.
“Lay back,” Ari commanded.
You did as he said and folded your legs to make room for Ari. The couch was large enough to fit two more people in here but you needed them as close as possible. Ari knelt on the couch and August was above your head. They both began stroking themselves as they kept their eyes on your naked body. Ari was staring at your drenched pussy and August imagined spurting all over your breasts.
“Open your lips, little girl.” You obliged and August pushed the tip of his cock into your lips and he pushed deeper until the tip hit the back of your throat. You looked up at him staring down at you with a predatory look. Ari pushed his cock into your entrance and your tight walls welcomed him with open arms causing him to throw his head back and groaned.
Ari had his hands on your thighs to keep them apart and he began pulling out until only the tip was left in you and pushed back vigorously like he was trying to invade your body. August began moving at the same pace, and he groped your breasts, pinching the nipples. The sting elicited a moan out of you, causing a delightful vibration flowing in his bones.
“Fuck, you’re as tight as I imagined,” Ari grunted. Your warmth wrapped his girth and he pounded into you as your breasts jiggled from the rough pounding. He lifted your legs onto his shoulders so he could delve deeper. He impaled the spot that made you forget your name and you clenched around him. The squelching noises that your pussy made blended with his pre-cum were lewd.
August grunted as you took him in your mouth as much as you could. You struggled to control your breathing with Ari ramming into you mercilessly and August’s size intruding your throat but you were getting off on it. You felt every inch of them inside you, the velvety skin and the raw taste were intoxicating. You hollowed your cheeks and let August use you. Let them both use you like a rag doll.
Soon, you were both moving in sync as the couch squeaked due to the impetuous action happening on it. Ari accelerated, chasing his own orgasm and you pulsated. The familiar pressure forming once more, ready to burst any second now. His cock throbbed and you tightened around him. A few more deep-seated thrusts and he came undone, painting your walls with his hot cum and filling you up so well.
You fell apart beneath him as well, moaning in ecstasy around August. If you weren’t muffled by his cock, you would’ve screamed so loud. You trembled and your legs shook. He pulled out of you and watched his juices leak out of you. The soreness between your thighs was pleasant and you were completely spent from Ari alone but you were definitely satisfied. If only your parents could see the blasphemous act you and your uncle had just committed. And you weren’t even finished yet.
August chased his own climax as well, needing to release the tension in his muscles. Profanities fell from his lips as he released on your tongue and you swallowed every drop of him. You were a sweet tooth but his salty taste had you addicted. You whimpered and panted on the couch, hoping that one of them would give you a warm bath to clean you up and bring you to your comfortable bed and wrap you in your blanket but then,
“We’re not done yet, princess.” August and Ari switched places and now August was kneeling between your legs while Ari was above your head. God, you were so worn out, you didn’t know if you had any more energy left in you to take them again. “You’re all ours tonight. And we’re gonna keep playing with until we’re satisfied. And trust me, we are far from being satisfied.” August whispered huskily in your ear as his raging hard cock penetrated you and Ari pushed himself through your opening lips and you could taste yourself on every inch of him.
Looks like it was going to be a long night.
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spinster-sisters · 4 years
Crush. PSH, JYN
TW: dom! Seonghwa, sub! Yunho, sub! Reader,threesome, exhibitionism, degradation (use of the words slut and whore), bondage (male receiving), Sir kink, overstim (kinda, idk how much counts as overstim but im putting it here anyway), excessive use of the word wet, panty kink, buldging, k so heres the deal, in this thing yunho has a crush on both the reader and seonghwa and seongwha is probably also attracted to men based on the way i wrote this but there is no actually mxm interaction PHYSICALLY, also fun fact at no point anywhere in this is there the letters Y/N cuz i have decided i hate that shit and istead u get excessive pet names.
WC: 4k
AN: this is 4k words of pure smut, like plot if you SQUINT right at the begnining but even that is pretty smutty. ngl its prettyy shit. im sorry lol. also this isnt specifically idolverse or nah, it could kinda go either way so thats that i guess.
Yunho had always had a crush on you, that much everyone knew, but when you and seonghwa began dating Yunho had decided to put his own feelings aside out of respect for both you and seonghwa. Maybe it worked for a while, a few months of being genuinely happy for his two friends finding love. Yeah, it was hard seeing one of his best friends get to touch you and talk to you in the way he wanted to, but the smiles that never left either of your faces were well worth it.
But then that night came.
He hadn't meant to see it. All of your friends had gone out to a crowded club, there was dancing and a lot of drinking. But with all the chaos of the night, nobody noticed when you and seonghwa slipped into the bathroom. A while later Yunho found himself needing to pee and made his way to the back of the club as well, but when he pushed open the door all thoughts of his original plans had left. There you were, spread out on the counter, chest heaving, tiny drops of sweat making their way down your neck. And there was seonghwa, standing between your legs slamming his hips into yours and a brutal pace, absolutely RUINING you. His back was to the door and your eyes were screwed shut, Yunho had only opened the door just far enough to see in so neither of the two of you had noticed him yet.
Yunho's first reaction was to close the door and pretend he hadn't seen anything, but he couldn't move, not once he heard the filth spewing seonghwas lips.
"My baby girl got so needy she needed me to fuck her with all of her friends around? What a little slut"
That was the first thing Yunho heard, and then whine that the words pulled out of you was damn near-pornographic, and it went straight to his dick. He only stood there for a few more moments before closing the door, but the damage had been done.
Did you guys fuck like this all the time? It felt so wrong, the perfect lovey-dovey couple Yunho had come to know were hiding such a dirty side to themselves.
Ever since that night, nothing has been the same. Yunho's thoughts of you turned more and more sinful than they had ever been, but there was something else. At first, Yunho thought it had just been the embarrassment of seeing such a private moment, but Yunho was now having the same amount of trouble meeting Seonghwas eyes as yours. Every time Yunho's mind drifted back to that moment Seonghwas figure was just as clear as yours, and although he didn't want to admit it, it was seonghwas words in the bathroom that made Yunho hard.
And that is how Yunho had come to discover that he had a crush and not one, but both of you. And almost every time Yunho took time to relive himself all he could image was seonghwas sharp and defined features manipulating your soft and supple ones into increasingly compromising positions, his calm voice eliciting those same desperate whines from you.
He knew this was fucked.
Yunho doesn't know at what point seonghwa became aware of his infatuation with himself and his girlfriend, maybe he had noticed him in the bathroom and chosen not to say anything, maybe mingi had told him one night in a slip of the tongue, maybe Yunho had told seonghwa himself while drunk. Either way, it all lead him to this moment. He was sitting in your bedroom with his back pressed into a wooden chair with seonghwa standing behind him binding his wrist together with a soft scarf you had lying around.
You sat on your bed observing the scene. This had all been seonghwa's idea, but you were more than willing. That being said watching your perfectly composed boyfriend secure the taller boy who had been stripped down to his boxers to a chair facing your bed was enough to have your face burning in the chilly room.
Seonghwa finished with the restraint and made his way in front of Yunho, who was already damn near star-eyed. Seonghwa reached out and clenched the man's jaw, forcing his eyes up to meet his own.
"Remember Yunho, you are here to watch. Not to touch. No matter how much you want to," seonghwa spoke in that calm domineering voice he reserved for moments like these. Yunho nodded eagerly as well as he could while his face was still in seonghwas grasp, his cheeks puffing out a little at the pressure.
Seonghwa let go of his face and ran his hand once through the younger boys' hair approvingly before both of their gazes fell on you.
You had been waiting patiently in the sweetest little lingerie set you could find. Seonghwa was still fully clothed, but he had a thing about having you look as pretty as possible before fucking you so hard you cried. With both of their attention now firmly on you, the cold of the room couldn't seem any further away, and with every step, seonghwa made twords you, you couldn't help but clench your thighs together in anticipation.
Finally, he stood before you, looking so beautiful it was unfair, close enough you could reach out and touch him. But you didn't, you knew better.
Seonghwa gave a wicked smirk at your sweet expectant face. The stage was finally set, and it was time for the show. He looked contemplative for a moment, before deciding on his first move.
"Lay back for me, baby"
You did exactly that, allowing your head to hit the soft blankets. Never breaking eye contact, however hard it was as your boyfriend looked ready to absolutely devour you. Careful not to block anything from Yunho's view seonghwa slowly climbed onto the bed on top of you using his hips to keep your legs in place and his arms coming down to cage your top half. He moved his head to your ear and spoke in his smoothest softest voice.
"Remember to be good sweetheart, we have a guest and I don't want to waste time punishing you tonight."
You whimper out a quiet "ok" before seonghwa placed a soft kiss on your temple. And he didn't stop there, your boyfriend only pulled back for a brief moment to observe your flushed face before diving back in.
Seonghwa was organized and neat in most aspects of life, but kissing was not one of them. His kisses are hard and wet. His exceptionally plump lips forced yours to follow his lead, prying your mouth open, nipping, and sucking at anything he could. Wet was the perfect word to describe it. Wet and amazing. Normally you would have waited for permission to touch him before swinging your arms around his neck pulling him closer but when his tongue found its way into your mouth toying with your own you needed someone to ground yourself.
To your surprise seonghwa had no objection to this instead threading his left hand through your hair pulling your head close as well, letting out a deep grunt in the process. His lips began to travel down to your neck and jaw, and now the sloppiness turned a little rougher. Seonghwa took a small break to speak, barely lifting his lips off your body but his voice still carried loud and clear.
" Don't hold back your sweet little cries, I'm sure Yunho would love to hear them"
Your mouth now free to cry out little by little at the way the cold air made contact with your now burning skin every time he moved. He was covering your skin in small red patches that would surely turn dark purple by tomorrow. You braced yourself on his shoulders when his lips came to rest of the swell of your chest. Seonghwas right had found its way under your knee lifting it a bit and caressing the underside of your thigh. You had finally become used to the sensation of his mouth on your body when he bit down. Hard.
You damn near choked. You threw your head back as a deep whine spilled sinfully out of you much louder than you intended. But it wasn't just you that was making noises, a deep guttural groan could be heard in harmony with your own from across the room. It was only then did you finally dare to turn your head to where Yunho sat. And you almost wished you didn't. The tall boy sat as hunched over as he could be, positively panting with desire his eyes staring, unblinking, and where you and your boyfriend were tangled together. Your eyes locked, Yunho was staring at you with so much hunger your heat throbbed, and your thighs clenched together. Seonghwas words cut through the tension bringing your attention back to him.
"My baby is so eager, looking so pretty as wrapped up for me. Just waiting for me to pull her apart."
You instinctively nodded.
"Yes, please. I'll be good I promise" you pleaded vacantly, still gripping your boyfriend for support. Seonghwas's right hand began to slide its way up the underside of your leg before moving around till he was palming the inside your leg.
"I know darling, I know you will"
A knowing smile graced his lips before he unhooked the clasp on your pretty bra, sliding it down your shoulders. You held your breath as he pulled himself back to sit on his heels still caressing your leg dangerously close to where you were currently making a mess of your nicest panties.
Seonghwa would never admit that he had a panty kink, but seeing you laid out for him in nothing but the thin little soaked scrap of fabric was scratching an itch that he didn't even know he had. He just had to take a moment to appreciate it.
Seonghwa turned his head twords Yunho. And speaking in that same clear strong voice.
The boys eyed shaped up to meet seonghwas. Yunho, aside for the occasional moan or groan and been relatively silent up until that point. He looks at seonghwa expectantly. Your boyfriend sighed. Shaking his head for a moment.
"Yunho, when I talk to you I expect words." As he spoke seonghwa tightened his grip on your thigh, you let out a tiny moan. Yunho's eyes flashed to your thigh for a moment before realizing his distraction then flying back to seonghwas face. It was like he couldn't get the word out fast enough.
"Yes?" The word tumbled from his lips haphazardly.
"Yes, what?" Your boyfriend responded, clearly unamused, a scowl making its way onto his face.
Yunho visibly panicked, eyes darting around the room quickly. He didn't know what he missed. He looked at you for help. You knew what he missed, but you had no way of telling him.
"Umm," he began, still searching for the answer. Just when seonghwa looked like he was about to cut in a look of realization hit Yunho. He remembered the night not too long ago that he had come home from dinner, expecting the house to be quiet only to hear a specific word scream from your lips as he passed seonghwas room.
"Yes, sir?" Yunho asked, his eyes wide and pleading.
Seonghwa couldn't help his look of satisfaction.
"Good boy,"
The words made Yunho's face light up.
"Now Yunho, what would you like to see?" Your boyfriend asked. This question clearly took Yunho by surprise.
"Come on, I know you have been imagining me and my doll doing all kinds of things," as he spoke his hand finally slipped inside your panties. Two cold fingers sliding between your folds. You shudder out a gasp. You were wet, unbelievably so. It took so little for his fingers to slip through your slick, toying with you like he had done so many times before.
Yunho momentarily lost his focus on seonghwa instead looking at the imprint of his hand through the fabric. He looked starved. But his eyes returned to seonghwa once again.
"So, what is it. What was your favorite thing to imagine when you touch yourself." As he spoke his fingers began to make slow tight circles to your clit. You moaned out again and grasped wildly for a moment to ground yourself against the blankets.
Yunho once again looked at a loss for words, this time unable to peel his eyes away from the dark stain in your panties and the forearm connected to the hand in them.
Yunho licked his lips slowly before tearing his eyes away to look at seonghwa. He spoke slowly, his words were shaky but certain.
"Please, just fuck her. Hard, like you, always do." He looks embarrassed by his choice, but your heart leaped at the idea, you wanted seonghwa inside you right at that very moment. He was slowly working you into an orgasm and he had barely even done anything yet.
"Really? Is that all you want?" Your boyfriend asked. "No special requests?" The circles on your bud speed slightly as he spoke. Your legs began twitching with every stroke. You had been so wound up this whole time that along with every jerk a small whine was seeping past your lips.
"Please, just," Yunho took a moment to gather his thoughts " please, I just want to see what you both look like when you ruin her."
Seonghwa looked at the boy pensively for a moment.
"Ruin her?" Your boyfriends intense gazed finally made its way back to you "that I can do" and almost exactly as his sentence finished your first wave of orgasm crashed over you. You were now spilling whines freely and rocking your hips into your boyfriend's large hands. You closed your eyes tight for a few moments. Before thinking about the exchange that just took place. Ruin you? Seonghwa was a serious man when he wanted to be, and if he promised to ruin you, you knew he would. And honestly, it was a little scary.
Finally, you opened your eyes. Your boyfriend had been watching you through your high, not stopping his hand and now that you were coming down a dull pain replaced began to radiate up from your core. You reached down to grab his wrist
"Wait. Please-" you began to plead, looking into your boyfriend's eyes, but your words were cut off.
"Well, Yunho. If I'm going to ruin her I'm going to have to prepare her. Wouldn't want her to break" you whined at his words as his hand began to speed up once again over your extra sensitive nub. He then glanced over at the boy who seemed just as transfixed by your pleasure-filled face as seonghwa. "unless you want that"
"Please," was all Yunho could force out "I just want to see"
Seonghwa finally pulled his hand out from the ruined fabric. Despite the numbing pain that came from his handy work you were already missing the sensation and your hand on his wrist tightened again.
Seonghwa let out a sigh.
"Sweetheart, how am I supposed to let Yunho see what I can do to you if you still have these panties on," he asked in a disappointed tone. You reluctantly released his wrist.
Seonghwa finally found the time to pull his sweater over his head, tousling his hair in the process. Now it was both you and Yunho gawked. It was something both you and Yunho had seen a thousand times, but there was still something awe-inspiring about the way he looked kneeling over you with his bare golden honey skin on display.
If seonghwa noticed the stares he didn't address them as he moved to pull your ruined panties down your legs. The anticipation was clear on Yunho's face as the wet fabric slowly made its way down your legs. Finally, he pulled them off the tip of your toes. Because of you and seonghwas position, Yunho still couldn't see your heat. To your surprise, seonghwa stood up quickly from the bed. Your panties still between his fingers. He looked at Yunho.
"You want them?" He asked letting them dangle from his hand that was still glistening with your juices. Yunho choked out a "yes, sir"
Satisfied with his answer seonghwa walked over to the man, leaned over him, and slipped the fabric into his bound hands.
Your boyfriend then returned to you on the bed, but instead of climbing on top of you, he sat down beside you.
"Open up baby"
It may be a bit late in the game, but you were finally coming to terms with what is happening. Yunho, one of your closest friends is about to watch you get fucked by your boyfriend, you had to look away from the man at the sudden realization. Slowly, you opened your legs and you heard the sharp intake of breath that could only be from Yunho.
"What do you think?" Your boyfriend asked pulling your legs apart even more. You shut your eyes tight, feeling embarrassed.
"It's pretty" was all Yunho could Say. You flushed even deeper.
"I know, isn't it? My baby has such a pretty pussy" you choked.
"Open your eyes sweetheart, I want to look at you"
Slowly you opened them, still keeping your gaze firmly on your boyfriend's face.
"No need to be embarrassed sweetheart. You look so cute" seonghwa said in a coo.
Seonghwas hand slipped further between your legs, spreading you open for Yunho to see. You couldn't help but sneak a glance at the man. He was almost drooling, as he licked his lips.
"She tastes amazing," seonghwa says dipping a finger into your still sensitive heat. You felt yourself twitch.
"Normally I would spend hours eating her sweet little cunt, but that wasn't what you wanted to see" seonghwa spoke with false regret. Honestly, Yunho looked right now like there was nothing else in the world he would rather witness but everyone knew he had already made his choice.
Your boyfriend finally decided to push 2 fingers into you all at once. You whined out at the sudden intrusion.
"I have to get her ready first, I hope you don't mind" seonghwa spoke with a chuckle. Because no, with a view like that how could Yunho mind watching your boyfriend's two long fingers push in and out of you over and over again each time bringing a little more wetness out of you.
At this point you were gone, the pleasant stretched of the familiar fingers moving inside of you was like a mantra pulling small noises from you like a song. Seonghwa was brushing the inside of your walls oh so perfect if was unfair.
"She is always so wet, pulsing around my finger with so little work. What a little slut." Your eyes shot open with a moan at his words. His pace quickened. With your still heightened sensitivity, you already felt your stomach tighten.
"Oh. Do you like that? Like it when I call you my slut?"
"Yes, sir"
"Do you like being a little whore for me?"
"Yes, sir"
"Do you want me to fuck you in front of our friend, just so he can see how much of a slut you are?" At that, you locked eyes with Yunho across the room.
"Yes please sir, please show him how much of a slut I am for you" Yunho lurched forward for the first time, his dick straining so hard against his boxers it must be painful.
Seonghwa leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the forehead,
"Good girl"
Finally, seonghwa focused all his energy on bringing on your next orgasm. Pressing deliciously against that special spot inside you while his thumb returned to your pulsing clit. You were already so far gone that it only took a few more direct strokes for you to come tumbling down once again.
This one lasted much longer than the first. And once again seonghwa prolonged it as long as possible by not stopping his hand once throughout the whole time. The pleasure came on waves, washing over you with so much intensity it was all you could do to keep moaning so loud the neighbors could hear you.
Finally, when he pulled his fingers out you took a moment to catch your breath. But it wasn't long before it was stolen again by seonghwa sticking each finger in his mouth one at a time a sucking them clean, never once breaking eye contact with the boy in the chair.
"Hmm, sweet" was all he said, before standing from the bed once again and undoing his belt. Seonghwa pushed his hair back before undoing his jeans and pulling them down his legs. At last, he stood in nothing but his black boxers. If you weren't struggling so hard to keep your eyes open after your climax you would have ogled but Yunho's hungry eyes were wide and fixed on the impressive size of the tent in your boyfriend boxers. Seonghwa spared him a glace before chuckling.
Your boyfriend turned completely to Yunho and pulled down the boxers as well. You knew what was there, so you understand the feeling Yunho was having to lick his lips like that. Yunho's arms once again lurched forward.
"Remember, no touching" was all seonghwa said before turning back to you. He says down on the bed beside you once again
"Come sit on my lap baby,"
You almost groaned. You felt like you could barely move and you would much rather he take you just as you are, but you know better than to fight him.
Seonghwa positioned you both facing Yunho, so he could have the perfect view of you both.
You tried to keep your self as steady as possible as lined himself up under you. Your muscles protested as you held yourself up. Finally, seonghwa took hold of your hips and pushed you down onto him all at once. The two of you both let out a satisfied groan. Your pussy felt used and abused but at that moment all you could think about was how nice it felt to be full. Your head fell back onto your boyfriend's shoulder almost immediately.
"Awe, do I make you feel that good, baby? You like it when I fill you up that much?"
"Yes, sir, I love being full. Love it when you fill me up." Your words were slurred together but loud. Seonghwa, using his grip on your hips. Helped you lift yourself only to be pulled back down again.
"Holy fuck" Yunho spoke in a quiet tone, watching where your boyfriend's dick was now disappearing inside of you.
"Don't use that kind of language" seonghwa spat out while staring to set a fast and deliberate pace, his focus instead on fucking you to tears.
"I'm sorry sir, it's just-" he seemed to be at a loss for words. " I can see you in her tummy"
At that seonghwa chuckled again. He took your hand and lead it to the spot on your stomach you could feel him inside you.
"I know, my baby is such a slut she isn't satisfied until I fill her up this much."
All of these words were filtering in and out of your ears but all you could focus on was the feeling of seonghwas dick moving inside of you. You were so sensitive after two orgasms not so long ago that your body felt utterly spent but every single time seonghwa trusted up into you felt like you could cry at how good it felt. It hurt, yes it hurt, seonghwa was big, that's why he spent so much time working you up, but even with that, you could still feel him stretching out your wall in the most delicious way. Every time he pushed all the way into you could almost cry at the sensation, not to mention how he rubbed against every spot inside of you in the perfect way. You were a mess of whines and cries and tears.
"She's crying" Yunho spoke in a shaking voice.
Seonghwa brushed your hair away from your face, looking at the tears streaming on your face. Your boyfriend placed feather-light kisses against your cheeks where the tears streamed down. A stark contrast to the brutal pace he was drilling his hips into your cunt.
You were clenching madly against him and he couldn't help but chuckles, though it was now somewhat airy as he was nearing his own climax.
"You gonna come, baby?" He asked.
"Mmhmm" you whined, head still rolled back as he fucked into your relentlessly. You were so close, every time he pushed back into you you cried out wanting him to make you come so fucking bad.
Seonghwa took told of your chin with one hand and forced your head forward making you lock eyes with Yunho. He looks almost as fucked out as you probably did. Forehead sweating, chest heaving, dick twitching. The sight made you clenched down hard.
"Who knew my sweet little baby, want people to watch her get fucked like a whore." you clenching tears streaming down faster than ever. The hand not holding your chin found your clit and once again began rubbing slow but rough circles onto the bud. You were so full and so close, and knowing that Yunho was seeing you like this, looking him in the eye while seonghwa fucked you almost made you come.
"What do you think Yunho? Should I let my little slut come?" He asked pinching your bud and delivering a particularly hard thrust. You gagged on the drool spilling from your mouth.
" yes, please sir, please make her cum!: Yunho almost shouted, looking crazed.
"You heard him slut. Cum."
And that was all it took. You were shaking and writhing on top of your boyfriend, head and eyes rolled back and your eyes saw stars. Waves don't even being to describe the way pleasure was moving through your body.
"Sir, it feels so good" was all you could say between the cries, and yes you were crying for real now. Short of losing consciousness, you were gone to the world. Lost in the feeling.
It took you several minutes to realize that seonghwa was still fucking you. But once you did you jerked painfully.
"No, no please" fell past your dry lips. As you moved to sit up. But seonghwas had kept you in place.
"You're not going anywhere baby, I still haven't cum yet and I am going to right in your little pussy."
It hurt, and you were crying, but all you wanted to do was be a good girl for seonghwa so you stayed put, letting him use you. You looked up at Yunho, your eyes glossy, mouth hanging open, probably covered in bruises as you always were when seonghwa fucks you.
Yunho moaned out, straining against the fabric keeping him tied to the chair.
At that moment seonghwa finally came. You could hear his groan through his chest and feel the cum spilling into you. Nice and full.
With a few more thrust seonghwa finally stopped. Allowing you to rest a moment before pulling you off him. You collapsed into your blankets. Feeling moments away from sleep, but you kept your eyes open. Seonghwa took a moment before standing pulling up his own boxers before moving over to where Yunho sat panting. He looked down at the boy and laughed.
"You came untouched?"
"Yes sir"
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lubdubsworld · 4 years
Falling for you( Falling from grace) Jungkook
Falling for you ( Falling from grace) Jungkook
Read Chapter 1 here
Read Chapter 2 here
Read Chapter 3 here
Rated : 18 +
Warning : . Fuck buddies? Or rather enemies that have sex. They just really hate each other but also can’t keep their hands off each other. Fair warning this has no plot. its just them being idiots .
Chapter warning : a little bit of plot just to keep things interesting yeah? 
Chapter 4
The washroom on the seventeenth floor was the unofficial gossip hub and normally I would steer clear of that place but desperate times called for desperate measures. I was pretty sure I looked like I’d been dragged backwards through a hedgerow and I had to get it fixed before I got written up . 
Willing myself not to openly flinch with every step, I tried to curb the trembling in my thighs, almost painfully sensitive to how wet and messy my lower half as. What the fuck had I been thinking. 
When I entered the restroom, I moved to the huge ornate mirror in the center and took a nice long look at myself. 
 I felt my throat seize up in shock.
Good God. 
I looked ten times worse than I felt. The hair in the back of my head was sticking up , four even gaps from where he’d gripped my hair too tight. Yelping, I pulled on the dozen hairpins holding my hair up in a messy bun, letting my hair fall around my shoulders. Panicking , I threaded my fingers through the strands, wincing when I touched my jaw. What the fuck...
I leaned closer, peering at the small abrasion near my chin. It was a bruise, shaped exactly like Jungkook’s thumb. And it was already turning into an ugly shade of puce. 
Slightly hysterical because, Hoseok was so incredibly unbending when it came to office etiquette and  I did not want to get fired, I flipped at the fancy taps, sticking my hand underneath the cold water and splashing it all over my face. 
The door opened behind me and I flinched.
“Oh, hey Areum....” Three of my colleagues walked in . I recognized two of them , Jieun and Hana . The third one looked new.
“Hey...” I croaked out, trying hard not to look like I’d just been fucked to an inch of my life in a supply closet by the boss’ son. 
Oh fuck, what the hell was I thinking? 
The girls moved to the mirror , spreading out across the long counter and pulling out their compacts and lipsticks . I kept my head down, still trying to calm my pounding heart. 
“So let me get this straight, he called you at eleven in the night yesterday and wanted to meet you ? At your apartment?” Hana was saying. 
The new girl was blushing as red as a tomato.
“Yeah...he uh... he told me he was just returning from his training. He’s a boxer.” There’s a shy sort of admiration in her voice and I felt an odd sense of foreboding. 
“Booty call.... He wanted to fuck you for sure.” Jieun said firmly. “ You’re a lucky bitch, Sana... ”
My fingers started trembling when I heard the familiar name. I tried to calm myself down but it was impossible . A red hot sort of rage began licking its way up my spine. It wasn’t new. I knew he fucked other people. We both did. 
but I’d never stood within two feet of one of his conquests. 
“ Yeah...but then he called me like an hour later and said he wasn’t coming around.” Her voice was tinged with disappointment and I felt a sick sort of satisfaction. 
Jungkook had cancelled because of the pic I’d sent him. 
“Maybe he thought he wanted more.... like you told me he asked you to come meet him at practice tomorrow right? To get coffee afterwards... ? Maybe he wants to do this properly....take you out on dates...get to know you....”
I couldn’t stay there a second longer. 
“Ladies...” I bowed quickly and they offered me cheerful smiles. I all but ran out of the restroom, hating the sharp sting of tears somewhere near my lashes. 
I stumbled to the back stairwell, which was mostly unused and usually deserted. Gripping the walls, I slid down to sit on the floor, drawing my knees up to bury my face in. 
There was a reason I didn’t do public sex, I thought, shaking. Despite the way I mouthed off at Jungkook, sex with him always took a toll and I had always, always made sure I had space and time to recover from it. Gripping my thighs and trying to fight the urge to whine, I fumbled with my phone. 
“Can I have the day off?” I whispered, shaking a little. 
“You alright?” Hoseok’s voice sounded genuinely worried and I hummed.
“ Got my period.” I said blankly. 
“ Gotchu. I’ll fill up the form and get one of the interns to pack your stuff up. You need to get some meds or something? Need a ride home?”
I felt warmth bloom in my chest. This is why Hoseok was such a great HR manager. He genuinely cared. 
“ I don’t need a ride. Or anything else.” I said quickly, “I’ll take a cab...”
There was a slight shuffling and then, an altogether familiar and unwelcome voice in the background went.
“Who’s that?”
Oh fuck. What the hell was he doing there? 
“Areum...hang on, Jungkook’s here....he wants to talk to you...” Hoseok said quickly and before I could protest , I heard Jungkook’s low raspy exhale against my ears.
“Where are you?” He said shortly. 
I considered protesting but remembered that Hoseok was still there. 
“ The back stairwell... I... I’ll come there , I...”
“Stay right there. I’ll come get you.” 
Before I could respond, he had hung up. I stayed on the floor, staring stright at the opposite wall. I forced myself not to think, trying to take deep breaths. The truth was I was exhausted. Physically and otherwise. 
Letting my head fall back against the wall, I closed my eyes, trying not to think about what Id’ heard in the restroom. Was Jungkook interested in Sana? Meeting him at practice? Coffee? 
That just screamed dating to me. I’d always assumed that Jungkook wasn’t into dating. That he just enjoyed quick fucks because that’s all he had ever offered me. So maybe, it wasn’t because Jungkook didn’t want to date. It was because Jungkook didn’t want to date  me. 
 Which was fine. I didn’t want to date him either. I really didn’t . 
“Hey....you okay?”
I had to inhale shakily, just to bring myself to look at him. I felt my heart ache something fierce because he was kneeling in front of me, strands of hair falling into doe back eyes. Eyes that fairly glistened with genuine concern. There was no infuriating smirk or haughty smile....instead his lips were parted in genuine concern, eyebrows furrowed in worry and one hand resting on my knee , fingers just so unfamiliarly gentle. 
I stared at him for another second and smiled evenly.
“Guess I’m gonna be needing that wheelchair after all.” I quipped. 
He stared at me for a second before his face split in a wide grin, a genuine bark of laughter spilling out of him. He looked so carefree and unabashed that I bit my lips, staring at him some more. 
“Let’s get you home , yeah?”
I nodded, letting him grip my arm to help me up. 
“It’s okay. I can walk... “ I said softly and he hummed, but still kept an arm around me and I noticed that he had my handbag slung on the other shoulder.
We reached the elevator and rode down in silence .
I followed him to the basement parking and he fumbled with the smart key to his car , pointing in the direction of the multitude of cars and I watched one of the flashy red ones blink. 
“Let’s go to my place...., yeah?” He said casually and I groaned.
“Jungkook, I know this going to make your ego swell but I’m not joking when I say that I cannot physically take your dick at least for another couple of days.” 
He rolled his eyes. 
“I don’t want to fuck you, God. I’m working on a project for the Art Fest down at the Museum and I’m staying home. You can rest there....” He said casually, moving to put his seat belt on. He fixed the mirrors by prodding a few buttons and I watched the tattoos on his arm flex as he gripped the steering wheel, one arm coming around the headrest of my seat so he could turn and back out of the lot carefully. 
I frowned at the broad shoulders near my face. .
“Why would I rest there? I have a home....” I protested , watching him hold the door open for me. 
“Because I know for a fact that , it being Monday, both your sister and your mother are supposed to be coming over today to cook and clean for you because you have no life skills, “ He grinned and I glared at him, “ . They’ll probably notice the limp and I just thought I’d spare you the humiliation.” 
I didn’t respond because he was right. My mom and sister were home and it would be impossible to get any rest with them around. The fact that Jungkook somehow knew this made me feel jittery and nervous though. 
“You have a fight this weekend?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. 
He kept his eyes on the road, sparing me just one questioning glance.
“How’d you know?” He asked curiously and I bit my lips.
 I’ve been following your boxing career for a three years.
 “ Just heard someone say something at the office...” I said vaguely. 
“You aren’t invited.” He said sharply and I gripped the seats, annoyed.
“I don’t want to be there anyway.” I snapped back. 
He huffed.
“I’m serious about what I do Areum... I don’t want you interfering in that part of my life, alright? We’ve been through this before.”
I sneered at that.
“I know....isn’t that why you literally banned me from your gym. “ 
He didn’t reply and I stared at my hands. 
He had invited that girl, though, my mind supplied helpfully. 
He invited her not only to the gym, to watch him practice, but also for coffee afterwards...you know...to get to know her better....probably because she’s not the kind of girl who would spread her legs as easily as you do.....
 I stared out of the window, remembering how pretty and put together Sana had looked. The dainty walk, the perfect make up and the long hair, styled perfectly. 
I was beautiful too. Of course I was and I knew it. 
Men like Jungkook didn’t go for unattractive women even if it was for a quick lay. But, there’s beauty and then there’s actual charm? I wasn’t charming in any sense of the word. But then, did I have to be charming and attractive and perfect to go see him fight? 
What about the other people there? If literally anyone could go watch him fight, why wasn’t I allowed? 
“I want to come watch you train....” I said impulsively, my anger getting the better of me. 
Jungkook turned to give me a shocked stare. 
“What? Why?” His eyes narrowed in suspicion and I shrugged.
“No reason.” I said shortly. I could physically feel his irritation build. 
“Areum....” He began , voice holding a note of warning but I refused to back down.
“Literally anyone can visit your gym. You own the thing and you love offering discounts to everyone you meet...and yet somehow, I’m ‘ banned’. Why?” I demanded.
“Because I don’t want you there...That’s a good enough reason for me.” He snapped back and I clenched my fists harder. 
“Well, sucks for you. I’m gonna be there. On the front row. Let me see what’s so great about Jeon Jungkook in the ring that drives women wild...” I scoffed.
He stared at me for a second and then chuckled.
“Ahh..... so you just wanna watch me get wet and sweaty.... ? Understandable.”
I sneered. 
“You have been wet and sweaty on top of me enough times and trust me the novelty has long worn off.”  
He groaned.
“It genuinely feels like anytime I try to be halfway decent human being to you, you repay me by being as annoying as you can....” He said thoughtfully and I couldn’t say anything to that. 
i flinched when his hand reached out, moving to my knees and squeezing /lightly.
“What are you doing?” I frowned slapping at his fingers and he merely moved his hand higher up my thigh. I flinched when he squeezed again.  
“The only time you’re remotely bearable is when I’m touching you....So I’m gonna keep my hand here...” He gave me a smug grin, eyes practically dancing with mirth and I grimaced. 
“I’m still going to come. I want to.” I said firmly. 
He didn’t argue further.
Much to my surprise , I slept away the better part of the day, buried in Jungkook’s soft white sheets , head pillowed in the dozen fluffy throws he kept around. It was vaguely arousing that someone so intensely masculine like Jungkook preferred a comfortable , soft toned bedroom. The sheets smelled exactly like him, a fresh citrusy scent that managed to be soothing and sweet and yet somehow seductively warm as well. 
I woke up to fingers in my hair, lightly stroking. The room was dim, a little bit of light from the streets spilling in through the gaps between the curtains. 
“Areum.... It’s almost eight.... I’m gonna order us something for dinner... You wanna wake up now?” 
His voice. Fuck. 
I rolled over , groggy and disoriented. My eyes took in the splendor that was Jeon Jungkook, taking in the fact that he was only wearing grey sweatpants . I stared at the smooth expanse of his chest, feeling arousal bloom , slow and steady all over me. 
“I wanna suck you off...” I croaked out before I could fully filter my own thoughts.
Jungkook chuckled a bit at that. 
“I’m not gonna say no to that, but why don’t you take a shower and wake up fully.
I shook my head.
“ Let’s get messy first..... we can shower later...” I whined, still blinking and he groaned, slipping into the bed with me, under the covers, grabbing me by the waist and lifting me up till I was on him, my chin resting on his chest as I stared at his beautiful face. 
 What am I doing here? Where is this leading?
“I’ve never seen you like this. “ He commented mildly.
“Like what?”
“Sleepy and horny....Usually you‘re just angry and horny.” 
I shook my head. 
 “I should go.” I said hesitantly.. Jungkook didn’t respond for a few seconds, merely staring at me with a blank look on his face. Then he gave me a slight squeeze around my waist and moved out from under me. .
“I can call you a cab...” He said simply, moving to get up off the bed again. I felt something jump in my throat . It was unlike him to acquiesce so fast, and it was unlike us to just.... hang out without mutual orgasms thrown in the mix and somehow that felt like a change I wasn’t ready for. A bit of panic flashed through and I reached out blindly when he stood up, grabbing his waist and yanking him closer.
I looked up at him, scooting to the edge of the bed and kneeling till I was right in front of him. 
Eager to get things back to normal, I smiled and casually, pressed both my hands behind my back, looping my fingers together at the base of my spine. 
“Get those handcuffs.” 
Jungkook’s dick literally twitched in his pants and he swore.
“Fuck baby....” He grabbed my face roughly, crashing his lips over mine. I kissed back, almost desperate, trying to remember all the reasons why he annoyed me, why this was all we were to each other. A quick fuck, a quick lay, fuck buddies. that's what we were......
“Stay here. Stay right here...Don’t fucking move.” He pulled back and dove for his bed stand. I watched as he pulled out a silky black tie. 
I grinned when he nearly fell, scrambling up on the bed and pushing up behind me. He grabbed the hem of my blouse, yanking it up over my head before grabbing my wrists together again , tying them swiftly behind me. 
“Only you...” He whispered against the back of my neck. “ Only you can do this to me. Drive me wild with want just by fucking existing....” 
And then he was lying down near me, grabbing my waist and jostling me around till I was straddling his waist. It took me a second to orient myself I managed to steady myself, staring down at him in surprise. 
“ Seeing as you said you needed a break from my dick, how about you come sit on my face, today?” He smirked. 
I tested the give on my hands, before carefully leaning down to him
“Sure you have the lung capacity for this , Jeon?” I whispered, lips brushing his as I spoke. 
He responded by gripping my waist hard, easily lifting me up till i was straddling his shoulders. 
“I’m ready to drown in that sweet sweet honeypot, baby...” He winked and it was such a ridiculously bad joke that the laughter got wrenched out of me. 
And just like that , we were back to being us again. Or at least, that's what I convinced myself of. 
Also requests open :) 
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chansung--space · 4 years
Foursome with dance!racha
Theme: Smut; straight-up smut and it’s kinda messy
Warnings: vaginal sex, boob fucking, spanking (just a tiny bit), unprotected sex (wrap it, before you tap it), handjob, blowjob
Pairing: fem!reader X dom!Hyunjin ; fem!reader X dom!Minho ; fem!reader X soft dom!Felix
Note: I’M SO SORRY FOR BEING THIS LATE!!!!! It’s been kinda hard trying to write, but here it is, as promised. Also, I know this one is bad, I’m not really confident in it...
Admin: Cat  🐺
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You’re currently laying in your best friend’s bed trying to be quiet while he pounds into you. Even with his hand covering your mouth, you whimper louder and louder as he draws you closer to your high.
“Be a good girl and be quiet. You don’t want to wake up the others.” Hyunjin whispers in your ear as he gives a few more rough thrusts, and you reach your high, biting his hand to silence yourself.
When you feel more relieved, you let go of his hand, but kiss it right away. He stays put right where he was, without removing himself from inside you.
“I’m sorry for the biting, Hyunjin.” you finally say, when he shakes his hand from your grasp.
“I don’t know if I can forgive you.” Hyunjin kneels in front of you, still inside of you, while traces his hand down your torso, from outside your shirt, until he reaches your hips and grips them harshly. You shiver with his actions and you have to admit that it’s pretty hot seeing your best friend like this.
It’s the second time this happens but you already feel like this will be a regular thing between you two. You always felt more than a simple friendship between you both, but you couldn’t imagine that it would be this.
And when he told you to come over to his and his roommates, Felix and Minho, house at this time of the night, you knew exactly that it would be pretty similar to what happened at your birthday a few weeks prior.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks, delineating your hips and getting closer and closer to where you two were connected.
“About how this is gonna be a regular thing.” You say sincerely, bouncing your shoulders and smirking. At the sight of your cocky action, Hyunjin grabs your ankles and pushes your legs up to your head suddenly.
“You bet it is!” Hyunjin slaps your ass, when you moan louder than you’re supposed to. “Do you want to wake up Minho and Felix, you slut?” you bite your bottom lip making eye contact with him.
That eye contact is cut off when both of you hear a sound from outside the room, and try your absolute best to not make any noise. You can elaborate the sound of footsteps and whispers, but you can’t make up what they’re saying. A few seconds later, you stop hearing them and is dead silent again, so you and Hyunjin sigh in relief. But when the door to Hyunjin’s bedroom opens abruptly, you widen your eyes with surprise, seeing Minho and Felix smirking at the sight.
“You guys didn’t have to be so loud.” Minho starts “But I guess she couldn’t keep quiet with your cock inside of her.” he laughs teasingly. Hyunjin laughs with him, followed by Felix and you’re dumbfounded. You’re so confused that you decide to try your luck; it’s not a lie that you find Hyunjin’s roommates attractive, so you might as well have fun.
“Do you wanna try?” you smirk in Minho’s direction and you see his eyes turn dark with lust with the help of the light that was coming from outside the bedroom.
Minho looks at Hyunjin, then looks at Felix, then looks at you and then looks at Hyunjin again, you guess looking for some sign of confirmation. You feel Hyunjin move and you moan, feeling the tension building again from where your bodies are still connected. Felix lowers his head and grabs the hem of his shirt, removing it a few seconds later.
“If you won’t, I will.” Felix starts approaching Hyunjin’s bed and sits right next to your torso. “I’m gonna kiss you, stay put!” Felix demands and you just nod lightly. He crashes his lips on yours while reaching inside your shirt for your boobs. The boy smirks when he feels that you don’t have a bra on and just pinches your left nipple, making you moan into his mouth. You feel your other side of the bed dip and you know exactly that it is Minho.
Minho’s hand travels to your hair, caressing it like you were a doll. Felix removes his lips from yours and you watch as he stands up, trying to take off his pants as fast as possible. Minho takes that opportunity to kiss you for the first time that night and when you try to grab the back of his head, he slaps your hand away, smirking right after into the kiss.
Hyunjin pulls out his dick from inside you and stands tall at the edge of the bed, just admiring you. You hear him say something to Felix but you can’t clearly hear it right because you can’t focus on anything else besides Minho’s lips on yours. So when Minho backs off from you, you search for his lips, only to open your eyes and find him standing next to Hyunjin.
“Were you enjoying yourself, princess?” Hyunjin asks, smirking. You hum in response, closing your legs tightly. Felix enters the room and you arch your eyebrow, confused as to why he left the room. “Felix went to grab condoms, since I don’t have any.” Hyunjin answers your mental question, as if he could read your thoughts.
Felix nudges Minho, as the latter approaches the bed as he kneels before your body. His hands come up to your knees and apply pressure, forcing you to open your legs to him. Minho smirks as soon as his eyes land on your wet heat. One of his fingers runs along your slit, collecting your juices before tasting them on his mouth, and you squirm with the pleasuring view.
Minho lowers his head to align his mouth with your pussy, licking a long strip as soon as he gets close enough. That makes you squirm even more, so much more that Minho has to hold on tightly to your knees. Moans leave your mouth with all the pleasure Minho is giving you and after a few minutes of long slow licks, he stops since he can feel you’re reaching your high. You whimper desperately, rolling your hips against nothing, trying to find some sort of relief.
Felix groans at the sight, slowly pumping himself. Hyunjin, who had been out of the room without you noticing, came back in with a belt that he took from either Minho or Felix. You watch as he reaches inside one of his drawers and takes out another belt. Both, Minho and Felix, wait for Hyunjin to come near the bed, each one on each side of your body, while you just lay there, confused to what’s happening.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for us?” Hyunjin’s raspy voice sends shivers down your spine and you close your legs, applying pressure in between them. Minho and Felix smirk with your action. Hyunjin gives each belt to each of the boys, while he opens your legs gently, aligning your feet to the wood at the end of the mattress. You feel restricted and don’t know what to expect, but you are sure that Hyunjin isn’t going to hurt you, because after all, you’re his best friend. Or are you more than that?
After tying you up, Minho and Felix stand next to Hyunjin, just admiring your exposed body. But Minho looks unpleased with something. He walks towards you and asks silently if he can remove your shirt, to which you comply and let him remove it from you. You look him in the eyes, and he smiles, delighted with the view.
“Are you ready, princess?” Hyunjin asks you with a soft voice and you nod slowly, not knowing what to expect but willing to try it. “Felix is gonna fuck your tits.” You widen your eyes with the statement and the three men laugh at your reaction. You wonder how all this is so natural to them. Maybe they planned it, you thought.
Felix steps closer to you and pets your hair, right before removing his shirt. “I’m gonna position myself now.” He says, eyeing you carefully. You nod. “Are you sure? I don’t wanna force you to do anything.” You nod one more time, reaching for one of his hands and putting one of his fingers in your mouth, sucking it slowly. You hear him inhaling a sharp breath. Felix, then, positions himself on top of your torso and pumps himself again.
Simultaneously, someone positions himself in between your legs. You tilt your head, in an effort to see who it is, and it’s Minho. Without any warning, he enters you and you jolt in surprise. “Sorry, kitten.” Minho says, but you can tell that he didn’t mean it. He starts to move in and out of you at a slow pace, and you start to moan in response. Even with the condom, you can tell how protruding his dick veins are.
Hyunjin laughs while watching you get fucked by his roommate. You hadn’t thought of it, but it was kinda hot watching him get himself off when you were being fucked by another guy. You feel Felix grab your boobs and align himself with them, caressing your nipples in the process. You moan with the pleasure from both actions, Felix caressing you and Minho thrusting into you.
Hyunjin walks closer to you and grabs one of your hands, guiding it to his cock. You obey his silent order and start pumping him. You try to reach it with your mouth but Minho hits a particular spot that has you squirming. All three of them laugh at your attempt to close your legs, and you whine because of it.
Felix grabs your chin to look him in the eyes and questions you silently. You nod and hold one of your boobs with your free hand. The boy grabs the other one and starts rutting his hips on them, grunting loudly at the pleasure. You lower your head and start licking his shaft when he thrusts forward, earning a pleased hum.
Minho starts ramming into you with more ease, until he reaches a relentless pace, that has you moaning and whimpering loudly. “Fuck, that feels so good!!”
“Get to work, princess.” You hear Hyunjin and you realize you stopped pumping him, so you start again.
Your body trembles every time Minho hits your sweet spot and you always have to be reminded to ‘get to work’. That goes on for a couple of minutes, until your every sensation is overwhelming; the way Minho is pounding into you, when Felix rubs your nipples to tease you, and when Hyunjin chokes you lightly.
“I’m gonna cum, please…” You manage to get out, right before cumming hard on Minho’s dick. However, he doesn’t stop until he reaches his high. Meanwhile, Felix still ruts between your boobs and Hyunjin is still demanding you to touch him, both eager for their highs.
All three of them groan in unison when they cum, and you think it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard in your entire life. Minho cums in the condom (because safety first) and Felix and Hyunjin in your mouth and face. You use your hands to clean your face and lick the rest of the cum from them. Felix groans at the sight, while removing himself from the top of your torso.
You feel your legs loosen up and you realised Minho and Hyunjin untied your ankles from the bed. There had been so much time, you forgot that your legs were tied up.
“Can you put yourself on all four for me, princess?” You hear Hyunjin’s raspy voice and obey him immediately, getting on your hands and knees, with your ass turned to him. When you position yourself almost at the edge of the bed, you feel a stinging pain on one of your ass cheeks. You check to see which one of the boys had spanked your butt, and you see Minho smirking. You don’t mind it, he had just been inside you.
Hyunjin grabs your hips and aligns himself with your entrance, while Minho and Felix get on the bed and kneel in front of you. You understand immediately what it’s gonna happen. Without previous warning, Hyunjin enters you with all of his force, jerking you forward. He starts right away with a relentless pace, making you moan and whimper louder than before. Minho grabs your hair, pulls it back and shoves his dick in your mouth. You widen your eyes in an attempt to complain but Hyunjin is pounding you so hard that you can only shut up.
“You’re gonna suck my dick so good. And you won’t complain about it. Are we clear, kitten?” You hear Minho’s voice right when you close your eyes after Hyunjin hits a particular sensitive spot. You nod nonetheless, not wanting to disappoint anyone.
And you start sucking Minho, with all the strength you could. Your thoughts were in a thousand miles per second: how good Hyunjin was fucking you; how Minho was pulling your hair and shoving his dick deeper in your mouth; and how Felix was just watching you get wrecked and how he was getting himself off with it.
Hyunjin’s dick twitches inside you, which makes him go a little bit faster than he was already going. You feel Minho twitch as well, shoving himself impossibly deeper inside your mouth. The pleasure is so overwhelming that your legs start shaking and Hyunjin has to hold you up, so you can both finish.
Minho cums in your mouth without a word. And you swallow it, every last drop, without a word as well. He then removes himself from your mouth and kisses your forehead, contrasting his attitude just a few minutes ago.
You look up at Felix and you can tell that he’s getting close as well, so you nod your head, signaling him to come close. Once he does, you lick his cock a few times before sucking just the tip first and then putting it all into your mouth. He doesn’t last long tho and cums in your mouth as well. Which you swallow it all too, without complaining.
Suddenly, you feel Hyunjin’s hand rubbing your clit and you jolt forward but it’s impossible since he’s holding you so strongly with his other hand on your hips. Your arms feel numb abruptly and you drop with your face on the mattress. That allows Hyunjin to hit your sweet spot easily and you’re a moaning mess all over again.
You open your mouth to say that you’re cumming but you can’t muster the words when he’s just fucking you this great. “I’m cumming, Y/n!” You hear his voice instead and you feel his hot seed painting your walls. He rubs your clit more skillfully and you start shaking, again, from all the pleasure that you’re feeling.
Hyunjin continues thrusting into you, riding his high and trying to get you to reach yours. And with a few more thrusts and a few more rubs, you get there. Screaming when you finish and dropping your whole body on the bed, disentangling yourself from Hyunjin in the process.
You feel the bed move but you don’t worry to move your body, then you feel a warm cloth cleaning your sensitive pussy. You don’t have the strength to look who is doing it but you murmur a ‘thank you’ to them.
Your eyes start to close with tiredness. The last thing you feel is someone covering your body with a blanket and you fall asleep just like that.
The next morning, you wake up with one of Hyunjin’s shirts and your own underwear. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion but you don’t say anything, mainly because you notice Hyunjin isn’t in his bed. So you get up to go to the kitchen, with some difficulty since you’re sore from last night.
Felix spots you first and walks to you, to help you get to a chair. Minho just laughs while he pours milk into his cup. And Hyunjin is nowhere to be found.
“Where’s Hyunjin?” You ask both males, and they point to the bathroom at the same time. You just nod.
“Do you want some eggs?” Felix asks, smiling. You only nod again, not feeling the need to speak. You would’ve thought that the mood would be awkward after what you four did but it is incredibly comfortable. You hear a door open and you spot Hyunjin getting out of the bathroom. He walks to you and gives you a kiss on the forehead, before sitting next to you on the table.
“So, Y/n…” You turn to look him in the eye, waiting for him to continue his sentence. You could feel the other two stares burning your skin. “Would you want to do that again some other time?”
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