#also simon if you see this it.. was not letting me tag your main blog for some reason so I tagged your other blog instead
void-kissed · 2 years
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"We'll fight as one!"
One of my friends said they wanted to see Aria and Clio battling together, and.. while my first instinct was to make a more proper set of double renders of us together in combat, my second instinct was to give them both the Combined Keyblade to wield together for the sheer fun and symbolism of it. So that's what this is!! ^-^
Tag list: @dragonsmooch | @sol-rbs | @bugsband | @sunlight-ships | @friezaforce | @hallowed-nebulae | @stargazer-sims | @potionomic | @detective-with-one-arm | @deepsea-loves | @mikaelrealman | @artificervaldi | @thatslikesometaldude (To be tagged in my work in the future, please see this post!)
(Anyone is welcome to comment on and reblog my work if desired, as long as my DNI is respected!)
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last-starry-sky · 7 months
✨Welcome, enjoy your stay🌙
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header image from byzbi - divider is by saradika
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About me:
F/32/US - call me by my url(s) or just Kate
This is my 18+/nsfw fandom and writing blog for COD, specifically MW2.
My main (which is generally sfw) is first-full-moon.
I write and support a wide spectrum of fanfic/art. If you don't enjoy dark themes, then my blog isn't for you, sorry! I tag all pairings and all fics should have PLENTY of warnings. Block what you want! As an adult, you are responsible for your own content curation here.
Asks are OPEN. Anon is ON.
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All of my writing is tagged with starry writes. Everything in the subcategories is organized oldest to newest.
I give permission for my works to be saved for personal use.
If you’d like to translate/post to a website I’m not on, please contact me here FIRST so we can work things out!
Simon "Ghost" Riley
- character tag - x reader tag - ghost/soap tag - ghost/soap/reader tag - Phantom!Ghost ((this is baby's first fic. pls don't read it. also, i'm never going to finish it lmao)) Girl's Night Out: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 pt1 - Chapter 2 pt2 - Chapter 2 pt3 - ((Chapter 3 is up next!)) Babysitting with Totally Platonic Roommate!Simon: Chapter 1 Size Kink prompt for lovely anon❤️ Jealous Simon/bi!reader prompt for anon - part 2
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
- character tag - x reader tag - Medieval Highlander AU: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - ((Part 4 may be the last one. We'll see if I ever feel like writing it.))
John Price
- character tag - x reader tag - put your ear to my heart//or set your teeth against my throat
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
- character tag - x reader tag -
141 x reader
let it out[COMPLETE]: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Phillip Graves
- character tag - x reader tag - too sweet: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - ((Ch. 5 is A Thing and will happen))
- König x reader tag - character tag -
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WIP List:
Girl's Night Out ch. 3 (also the goddamn finale)
too sweet Ch 5
an unnamed Gaz fic (or two, we'll see how spicy I feel) that expands on a random idea post I put out a few months ago.
maybe an expansion/rewrite of put your ear to my heart, bc something about park ranger price/shifter price is so ❤️
uhhhh the cnc ghost thing i've had kicking around FORVER?
83 notes · View notes
mclarenyaoi · 5 months
hi i'm simon here's some more about me
lyra got me into f1 and now i'm here this sideblog mostly consists of reblogs and as evidenced by the url this is an rpf-heavy zone. also frequently nsfw. i like yapping in the tags on occasion may one day expand this blog into other motorsports but for now it's just f1 with a dabble of other things on occasion all f1 drivers tagged with initials + official driver # (looking at the official wikipedia page for reference) — otherwise tagged with full name ships tagged with the most popular ship name and/or the ship name i prefer to call them. if you need or want to, feel free to dm me for specifics and/or argue about this art tag & original text posts/notable post additions tag my dms and asks are so incredibly open. ask me any questions, let me know whatever (eg: if youd like me to tag for specific topics, give me your headcannons, ask how i'm doing, request for me to draw something, just pop in to say hi, etc) not only do i accept spam liking/reblogging i actually endorse it. if you're scrolling my blog frankly you SHOULD "spam like". this is tumblr let's act like it. show me your love for my collection or whatever if you need me to tag for anyone and/or anything at all, all of the time including brief mentions, please let me know important end note: my main is hush hush and secret as i like to keep all of my blogs very very separate, so i don't hit like on any posts in the f1 blogging sphere however i do see every activity notif and i love all of you i wish i could give you all hearts and kisses but alas. my rules previously vroomvroom-mfs
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 206
In which I relentlessly mock Sophia for being nosy, while also addressing some of the questions @baelpenrose, @quantumizedinsanity, and @writing-with-olive brought up when the last chapter featuring Noah was being written. And some other questions that came up in my own mind while I tried to go to sleep several nights in a row, because hyperfocusing on the plot is what I do to combat insomnia.
Reader shoutout this week is for @nicestpamkale.
Extra shoutout for everyone who has been suffering through my drawing skills while I tackle Inktober 2022.  To the three very nice people who alerted me that someone is stealing my posts.... GOSH I wish. Unfortunately, I’m posting the art both here and on my main blog, @areasontobreathe.
Help request: I got xkit for Firefox, but can’t find the plug in to build my tag clusters so I don’t have to type out all the tags. If you know where I can get it, please PM me!
After leaving Arthur’s office, I felt compelled to meddle.  Asshole could have just told me, I sulked while fervently hoping that Simon figured out that Nixe was somewhat interested in him.  Adding to my pout was the fact that Arthur had been spot on - Teeth was already adopted, and the only thing I could do was ask Charly or Nixe if either knew exactly why their goblin had been hanging upside down so much. After that, it was in their capable hands.
To burn off some energy, I decided to walk the ship.  I had several hours of spare time, and this could be counted as cardio. After all, the Ark was huge, Tyche and Charly were both at work, and it was my off shift.  A couple hours of meandering were very much overdue.
I made it a whopping four decks before realizing there was a massive presence rather close to me. “Geezus, Noah.” Jumping, a hand landed on my sternum as I tried to calm down. “Warn a girl next time.”
“I was not aware your proximity alert was disabled.”
Waving vaguely at my head, I explained. “I’m walking through the ship during a busy time of day.  My options are mute it and assume that bystanders will see anything crazy, or let it keep going off for hours on end.”
Four blunt appendages flew up in an approximation of a human surrender. “Administrator Costa has demonstrated the auditory equivalent of the alert. I believe I understand why you would temporarily disable it.”
My hand swept flat in a pretty standard there ya go. “Can I help you?”
“I would like to hear your thoughts regarding the recent proposal.”
“Well then, walk with me.” The smile plastered on my face was less forced than I had expected it to be. “I actually did have some questions, so your timing is perfect.”
“The previous discussion was quite brief, as I understand it in human terms, so inquiries are welcome if they will assist in decision making.”
“Awesome,” I exhaled. “I thought about it a lot, and really my biggest concern is… we’re talking about a life form that has lived solely on a starship for hundreds if not thousands of years.  Teeth only lived on one for about twelve, and they’re having a hard enough time adapting.  But on the other side, the comparisons I have available range from subsisting on plant collagen all the way to actually eating radioactivity and even high risk pollutants.  I can’t tell if the environment suggested will be too extreme or not extreme enough.”
“Tens of thousands of years would likely be most accurate, which further validates your concern.” A vomu gestured elegantly around us. “However, testing has shown they are able to survive and adapt quite quickly to the environment on the Ark, so estimates indicate that they will be fine on Von.”
“Even with the temperature extremes?” I pointed out. “Regardless of how flexibly the Ark is designed - and I mean, this ship is pretty awesome - humans have an incredibly broad range of tolerable temperatures.  It won’t be comfortable for us, but we can take it.  It’s the whole reason this planet was selected for our relocation - literally no one else could survive the damned thing, so it was free for colonization.”
That bought me about two decks of silence before one spidery hand started rubbing their eyespots. “I will admit, extensive testing has been done in the BioLabs to ensure the temperature range could be tolerated.”
I stopped abruptly. “How extensive?”
“Extensive enough to know that the aquaponics lab is tolerable and yet entirely unpleasant.”
“Steamy hot cow farts will do that…” I bopped my head for a moment in consideration. “That’s good, but there’s another issue: the hive mind sentience threshold.  As new bodies develop, will it be fast enough to replace the ones that are being worn out by any unexpected changes in environment?  Or will they at some point, however brief, lose sentience?  You pointed that out, yourself, when we realized that Else was allowing themself to die to keep from killing us.”
“There may or may not be several fully mature bodies already on the Ark from the environmental and temperature extremes testing.”
I groaned before continuing my walk. “Is there a percentage I should be asking about?”
“Working with our most recent information on the planet, enough. Given the age of the data?” They paused. Noah never paused, and my stomach sank. “Hopefully enough? Is that the term?”
Anxiety sped my steps up even further. “Shouldn’t you already know this? There has to be data somewhere. Or ancestral knowledge, or… I dunno, something. There’s no way y - this being could have existed for so long, and have no definite idea of what the exact threshold is.”
“In broad strokes, the information exists.  But in fine detail, less so.  It is apparently profoundly rare for one to go below the sentience threshold before reaching one which can absorb them to avoid the loss of knowledge. And in the cases where the loss has occurred - “
I waved off the rest of the sentence. “Yeah, I get it… can’t exactly report how many there were when you lost sentience if you’re not sentient anymore.”  I let the conversation lull for a bit, until we get to a less crowded area. “But why come to me? You and I weren’t even on speaking terms.”
“We spoke.”
“We were on speaking terms at the same level that I am on speaking terms with a food console.” The comparison was blunt, but accurate.  “You still have somewhat cordial relationship with several people. Hell, on the Council alone, you are on semi-social terms with Xiomara, Huynh, and Charly.”
“All of whom, as well as most others you could suggest, currently need to focus all of their spare energy on the tasks surrounding settlement on a new world.”
“In addition to this,” Noah continued, “Due to the exact incident to which you are alluding, you feel a strong need to make amends, in addition to being the last person I would be expected to ask such a favor of.”
“Wooooooooowwwwwwww,” I drew out, half laughing. “You know how to make a girl feel special.”
Randomly picking an Else-chick off the wall, they stroked it gently before setting it on a limb. “Odvub is also interested in you, and I find that intriguing.”
“Odvub is fascinated by humans,” I corrected.
“Indeed. But you were the first human to inquire about even the potential of such a being, much less being able to identify a signal you were never expected, intended, or even conceivably believed capable of identifying. All by a pattern.  Odvub is fascinated by clever beings, I have found.”
Both of my hands raised over my head, and I twirled without stopping my forward progression. “Look around you, dude. The Ark has what might be the highest concentration of clever humans to ever exist. Sure, we’re assholes, bastards, and broken in mind, body, and soul, but we are very clever.”  My hands dropped, and I choked out in a whisper. “When you can’t escape, you don’t survive the end of your world without being clever.”
Thankfully, they let that statement pass without response. We walked for nearly half an hour before I spoke again.  “So, you told me because, of all the clever-ass people on the Ark, I’m the one who wasn’t busy.”
“It is an overly simplistic answer, but essentially correct.”
“Damn, Noah. I thought we were friends.”
“We were what humans would call ‘friends’. I would like to believe we still are.  However, I also consider other people on the Ark my ‘friend’, but I do not trust them to keep a secret. As I said previously, others, such as Charly, cannot be distracted.”
My pout was back. “I want to be really, really mad, but it’s really hard to be angry at being second-place to Charly.”
“She is incredibly likeable, unfortunately.  It’s terrifying.”
<<Prev       Masterlist     Next>>
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whiskeysmulti · 1 year
1. Mun is 30+ so some mature themes may happen on this blog. 
2. No godmodding/metagaming, be respectful, etc. I am not afraid to instantly block anyone who can’t show some basic respect. 
3. I am highly selective and mutually exclusive, if we are not following each other, I will not interact. So please let me know if you’re following for a sideblog so I know we are mutuals then. 
4. Please notify me of your triggers and blocked tags so I can tag appropriately. My own triggers are incest, rape, pedophilia, and sexual abuse in general. I will amend this list as other triggers come to light. That said, I do have muses who have SA and CSA as triggers in their info, it is only past mentions of it happening though, my own trigger with SA comes in with images and explicitly detailed writing. Interact with Ash Lynx and Shorter Wong with caution if CSA is a trigger, I write them both as survivors of it. I also black list the tag #one piece, please tag your content be it rp or art, I want nothing to do with this fandom and don't want it on my dash. While I have it in my DNI I understand some fandomless OCs and multi blogs rp in it still, I need you guys to tag your verses and content for it please.
5. I am a multi muse, please specify the muse you want to answer said ask when sending one, the only exception to this is OOC/Mun games, I will answer those as myself. Also if you’re a multi or sideblog please let me know the url/muse the ask is from when sending. I am also multiverse, multi ship, as well as duplicate friendly. Each ship is in it’s own verse, I do have mains and exclusives though. I am okay with some pre-established stuff as far as platonic goes, friends and familial bonds. All I ask is you just run it by me first to make sure it works with my headcanons, romantic ships though, I prefer chemistry.
6. You are always welcome to turn answered asks into a thread, all I ask is that if you move it to a new post, please @ me because I use thread tracker, I also track my replies by the number of drafts I have. That way by @'ing me, I can throw it into my drafts as soon as I see it and then work on the reply when I have time. I use the thread tracker to keep track of my RPs and x-kit to trim them. Thread tracker tracks the thread by the post number from my own blog. Do not move the post every reply. If from an ask, I will allow you to move it once to a clean post and then I will reblog and track from there.
7. I am not an aesthetics source or RP resource and memes blog, please reblog from the source when possible.
8. Do not reblog in character threads you are not involved in. They are not fanfics, they are for my RP partner/s only. Personals please do not interact on them. Anything tagged #ic is off limits.
9. While I do not fully diverge, my portrayals are headcanon heavy. Keep this in mind when interacting with my muses. As some things may be applicable to them that are not discussed in the canon verses.
10. I will not interact if I find your blog to be utilizing A.I. or reposting stolen/uncredited art.
11. DNI: One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood blogs. More information here. 12. My timezone is US EST/GMT-5 (New York Time), so if you can't reach me at a certain hour, I am probably asleep or having connection issues with net and data.
This list will be amended as I see fit and is subject to change the longer I write on here.  
Muse List:
Banana Fish:
Griffin Callenrese
Ash Lynx
Shorter Wong
Neliel Tu Odelshwank
Tier Harribel
Lilynette Gingerbuck
Nanao Ise
Karin Kurosaki
Yuzu Kurosaki
Shikamaru Nara
Minato Namikaze
Hinata Hyuuga
Sakura Haruno
Itachi Uchiha
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Sawada Tsunayoshi
Hayato Gokudera Hibari Kyouya
Shoichi Irie
Mukuro Rokudo
Dino Cavallone
Cozarto Simon
Enma Cozzato Adelheid Shittopi
G. Giotto
Reborn Uri (humanized version of the Storm Box Animal) Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington Sally Skellington Child's Play Universe: Charles Lee Ray (Chucky) Saw Universe: John Kramer (Jigsaw) Amnesia: Shin
Trigger warnings associated with each muse can be found here. Character list with info links to wiki pages on each is found here. Back up Google doc with all rules, muses and info pages is found here in case prior links break.
Hidden/request only muse list can be found here. Mains and exclusives list can be found here. Affiliates can be found here. Ship wishlist can be found here.
Please read these links before interacting!
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I’m not going to excuse people getting threatening messages because that’s just fucking wrong, no matter what. But you very much shared an ask response on the main Bridgerton tag about Colin being confused and fucking Penelope’s belly button. Like okay, maybe it seems like a funny joke of him being a clueless virgin? But I have heard the fat joke countless times growing up, about a woman being so fat that a man might make that mistake. And hey, maybe you never experienced that but it’s really hurtful. It just comes off as incredibly fatphobic, so if you’re not actively trying to hurt people, please try harder?
Anon is talking about this post
[Shoutout to my friends for looking this over before I posted @sweetestviscount @sophiamariabeckett and @hptriviachamp & @jeanvanjer for the HR insight]
Hey there, thank you for sending this ask and letting me know in a civil manner! While they were not death threats aimed at me - I’m hoping I never get those - THIS is the way to broach things that are hurtful not call people disgusting names and hope they die. Under no circumstances should we ever try to justify death threats under the guise of moralising. That being said, I genuinely thank you for the way you wrote this, anon. 
I definitely hear you and understand your frustration on hearing countless fat jokes growing up. That must have been really shitty and I'm genuinely sorry about that. I promise you this blog is a safe space for those who wish to make it as such and, while I condemn Show!Penelope for her actions, I am actively anti-fatphobic and DO NOT tolerate it on here at all!
However, I would like to clarify the joke in the ask and the anon who sent it very much confirmed it too. You were somewhat right in your first guess:
Like okay, maybe it seems like a funny joke of him being a clueless virgin?
You may also have missed a related ask here where I explicitly stated this:
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To a certain extent, it is about his cluelessness as a virgin but mainly about the lack of his sexual prowess and so I assure you, the joke is 100% on Show!Colin and the way he is currently being written and nothing against Pen or her weight at all.
Like I said in the screenshot above, literally nothing wrong with being a virgin! It can be great and you aren't always clueless. Again, this is HR (Historical Romance) show and that comes with a certain standard. If they want to keep him a virgin, that's great - more rep for people like us! But he needs to be a Hot Virgin™ and if he was clueless, let Pen teach him or something! That's a solid trope.
While we are on the topic, I do want to defend Pen against the show and the way the showrunners clearly view her. Aside from the horrible things she's done to innocent people in the Ton, hate-criming the POCs and backstabbing those closest to her, it's very telling that Daphne and Kate got Regé Jean Page as Simon and Jonathan Bailey as Anthony respectively who do have a large number of people who find them hot (if they aren't your type, fine but you can't deny they are on the higher end of an objective attractiveness scale). They fit the standard of a typical Hot HR Hero and that's what their wives deserve!!
Why doesn't Pen get the same type of hero? Why isn't she written like Daph and Kate who also hit the standard of HR heroines? Yes, Penelope is framed sympathetically by the narrative after everything she's done but when you put together all the actions I listed above, she is also written as a villain that gets away with everything (so far - we don't know if she'll even apologise in S3). If this was any other show where she wasn't guaranteed Colin as her endgame, she would be a villain.
It's just really annoying to see the (1) one fat main character on the show not given the HR heroine treatment and given a boy next door looking man who is very close to doing brownface if that tan from Greece keeps up. Book Pen (pre-TVWLM weight loss) and Nicola deserved the HR treatment!! 
[I have said this a couple of times on my blog but Newts is cute; especially his S1 looks but it not exactly HR Hot but if he gets you going, that’s great! He’s just not it for the majority of us and that’s okay too.]
To close this off, again I do apologise that the original ask hurt you and may have brought up painful memories. That was neither Jett Anon's intention nor mine, I hope the clarification helped and my DMs are open if you do want to vent about this more.
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wowbright · 2 years
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I've gone to make this post a couple times this year and never posted it because most of my top posts were loooong. But this morning, I remembered, and just in time: This is Tumblr! I can edit a post before posting it! So I deleted the bulk of those long posts, and if you want to read them, you can click through on the little links.
Also, I wrote this little introduction!
Interesting and very relevant to post #2 that none of these are related to my fanfic or Glee, the two main reasons I am on Tumblr.
Without any more to-do:
I posted 3,369 times in 2022
That's 2,354 more posts than 2021!
516 posts created (15%)
2,853 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,294 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#fanart not mine - 223 posts
#klaine - 223 posts
#signal boost - 212 posts
#gpoy - 205 posts
#ofmd - 198 posts
#to read - 194 posts
#fandom - 190 posts
#kurt hummel - 160 posts
#fic rec - 140 posts
#us politics - 136 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#this story isn't just about falling in love—it's also about trauma & grief and the role beliefs play both in creating & healing those things
My Top Posts in 2022:
Controversial take: AO3 is an archive, not a social media site. If you have no intention of keeping your fics up after you leave a fandom and are just going to delete them, maybe you should post them only to social media and not use up bandwidth on AO3.
You've already put your words out into the world. Other people have already read them, and likely downloaded them. They are no longer only your own. You cannot make them disappear from the world, so why are you trying?
Orphan your works, don't delete them.
283 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
You know those straight guys who seem really nice and awesome, but then complain about their female friends "friendzoning" them? As if being nice to a woman entitles you to her affection and her body? As if her agency, her own desires, ultimately don't matter that much?
So they're "nice" guys, but they're not actually kind or generous?
Marcus in Young Royals is the gay version of that.
He seems great at first. Just the kind of guy that Simon needs around him. Someone who's easygoing, who likes him, who supports him, who's uncomplicated and open and doesn't require much work.
Read the rest at:
387 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Since I'm seeing anti-voting posts on my dash again, and Tumblr is even *recommending* them to me, let's be clear about this--
Voting is one of the most basic tools for participating in American government and policy. It is not perfect, but it is there.
The people who say that change is possible without voting, that protecting minority interests is possible without voting, rarely lay out a course for how those things could be accomplished.
Sometimes, they make vague promises that "activism" and "pushing for change" is what is needed instead of voting. This makes no sense. Engaging with elected officials is an inherent part of activism. Voting is a way of engaging with elected officials. Voting is activism.
No, some say. Not that kind of activism.
Okay, then what kind of activism?
Historically, the only way to accomplish change without voting is through physical force, i.e. warfare.
That's right. Warfare. Like the Civil War, or I guess what we will soon be calling Civil War I.
Read the rest at:
556 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
I was thinking about a conversation I had with a fellow writer a while back and I think it might also apply to fandom.
He was upset because his partner did not read much of his fiction. His partner was supportive of his writing in every other way--supporting his need to have space to write, asking questions about it, being a listening ear during brainstorming, encouraging him to make friends with other writers, etc. He (the partner) had never said anything belittling, discouraging, or negative about my colleague's writing.
But he didn't read much of it. The writer I was talking to wrote sci-fi, and his partner didn't read sci-fi. In fact, he (the partner) was not a big reader of fiction at all.
I told this colleague of mine something that I had decided about my own relationships: my friends, lovers, acquaintances, relatives, etc., have no obligation to be my fans. I met almost all of them outside of the context of writing. Our relationships are built on those things: common history, common non-writing interests, common social circles, common humanity. They didn't decide they liked me or wanted to hang out with me because of what I wrote. And I didn't decide to hang out with them because I thought they would read my stuff.
Read the rest at:
685 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I wish there was a way to block "cute animal videos" that are actually depicting mistreatment of animals. People physically manipulating pets to do things that they clearly do not want to be doing is not cute. People provoking irritation so that their cat or dog makes the funny sound they make when they are irritated is not cute. People making pets of wild animals is not cute.
1,538 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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disastersareajoy · 1 year
Do yourself and me the favor of reading this before sending in asks or requests.
Speaking of requests, mine are currently OPEN!
You can find the request status here at all times so you know if you can send one in or if you should wait.
You can find my main Masterlist here.
I'll add anything I write to it so that's the place to go for an overview of my works.
What I DON'T write.
Pregnancy (Pregnancy is 1. possibly triggering for me and 2. something I have absolutely no experience in. Breeding kink is more than okay though)
Non-Con (CNC is all good, but not outright Non-Con)
Scat and/or urine
Anything involving minors.
What I DO write!
Smut and fluff are my go-to but feel free to throw angst, humor and anything else you can think of at me! I'll gladly try and do it justice. I really want to get better at writing horror, gore and spooky shit so if you have ideas or requests in that area, definitely send them in!
I myself am genderfluid and am completely good with writing Male, GN and Female readers! I am most familiar with the AFAB experience.
Trans readers are also always welcome, and I do have a bit of personal experience in that area. Same with queerness in the sexuality sense - Gay, Bi, Lesbian, Poly and everything else is totally fine by me to write about, either for a reader or a character.
I'm a very kinky fucker and I encourage you all to let your kinks run rampant in my ask box, my comments or tags, as long as you pay attention to my "do not write" list because those things also shouldn't be mentioned in any of those areas.
Gladly send me any type of asks! I'd love to interact with you, geek out about a character or movie together, or give advice (where I can). I want to be a positive presence and will reply in kind.
We support sex work of any kind in this household and any hate for sex workers will not be tolerated. Same as any hate towards marginalized groups - Be that homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, racism or anything else. Please just shut up and stay away from my blog. Thanks.
Characters I write for!!
Stu Macher 🪱 (Scream)
Billy Loomis 🪱 (Scream)
Danny Johnson/Jed Olson 🪱 (DBD)
Lester Sinclair 🪱 (House of Wax)
Bo Sinclair (House of Wax)
Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax)
Thomas Hewitt 🪱 (TCM The Beginning)
Bubba Sawyer 🪱 (TCM)
Buddy Swanson (Stage Fright)
Brahms (The Boy)
Bille Lenz 🪱 (Black Christmas, 1974 only)
The Driller Killer 🪱 (Slumber Party Massacre)
Non-Slasher Characters
Simon "Ghost" Riley (CoD) 🪱
John "Soap" MacTavish (CoD)
König (CoD) 🪱
Eddie Brock & Venom (Venom) 🪱
🪱 - Yes please for the love of god ask me about this character
These are all the characters that I am familiar with and feel confident enough to write for at the moment. This list will definitely get more names added over time as I play around with characters and get a better feel for them. Feel free to ask me about characters that aren't on this list (with some context where they're from) and I can still give you first impressions should I not know them at all. But who knows maybe you'll ask me about a character I'm still unsure about that I will end up rambling about!
Here's some characters you can gladly ramble to me about or ask me stuff about
The Lost Boys! 🪱 (All four of them obviously)
Any other Ghostfaces (including the recent movies)
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Freddy Krueger
Leslie Vernon
Jason Voorhees 🪱
Michael Myers
Ash Williams
The Grabber
General info
Father Paul Hill (Midnight Mass) 🪱
Billy Butcher (The Boys) 🪱
Black Noir (The Boys) 🪱
I don't only write, I also draw! I might post some drawings here and I might not, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
English isn't my first language so I am aware that there will probably be some mistakes along the way. If you see one, please let me know and I will see to it that I get it fixed. I also have to ask that you aren't mean about it. Mistakes happen and I will not be made to feel bad or be talked down to over a typo, grammatical error or any other type of mistake.
If you send in an ask or a request; Be patient! Sometimes it takes me a bit of time to get into the right mindset to write, and to write confidently. I also have a life outside of this blog which will always take first priority. So if your request or ask hasn't been answered yet, know that I will get to it. And if you send in a request while mine are closed I'll simply let you know, no judgment or anger.
I hope you enjoy my writing, my rambles and anything else I might post.
See ya!
- S. / Disaster <3
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oliver-nova · 7 months
edit: 2.14.24
thanks for taking an interest in my page! before you follow, here is a general overview of my page and some stuff i ask you to tag if i follow you
if you have any issue with these, especially my dni list, please block me
if you need anything tagged that isnt tagged, please let me know! i want to make your experience as comfy as possible
note: my blog runs on a queue that is at 1000 about 90% of the time. if i like something, odds are it is in the queue and will eventually post
link page can be found here
this is lengthy, so more after jump!
(general what i post, what i tag, dni list, and what i need tagged included)
what i post
the yakuza games
genshin impact
honkai star rail
obey me
resident evil
red dead redemption
cute animals
cinderella phenomeon
xoxo droplets
the ikemen series (ikemen prince, vampire, revolution, sengoku)
the soul calibur series
wrestling (wrestling only page is @hyo-watanabe)
fanfic (fanfic only page is @kristenssinbin. all reblogs of smuttiness will go there)
romantic shit
personal shit
persona 5
far cry series
nopixel (nopixel sideblog is @nicholas-simone)
twisted wonderland
court of darkness
dead by daylight
the call of duty reboot from 2022 (gaz is kind of a babe) 
aesthetic stuff such as flowers and sunsets
stimboard / stimming gifs / satisfying gifs
onx (rp server)
newday rp
my tags
yakuza, judgment games may be tagged with judgment too
obey me (lately have been using just om)
personal blahness tag retired due to it bringing back bad memories
shut up kristen (general post / venting posts)
my edit
my edits
my icons
my gifs
my lockscreens
kristen's stuff (main tag for my stuff i made like icons)
newday rp
i tw sensitive content. i either go tw: (sensitive thing) or tw (sensitive thing)
i also try to tag spoiler/spoilers. i do a general rule of after 1 month of me seeing something or it being out for 1 month+ , i don’t spoiler tag then
what i need tagged
body horror (a little blood is ok because i play m rated games)
ships!!! (please tag your ships. i don’t ship anything, but there are some ships that i am super uncomfy with due to age difference and things bringing back bad memories and whatnot)
dni if
pro shipping (especially incest and adult x child ships)
DDlg/CGl(re)/any related age play kink blogs
Bigots/supporters of hateful viewpoints or ideologies (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia etc)
anti BLM
if you see nothing wrong with rpf
animal abuse
overwatch league blog; fuck harryhook and fuck everyone who didn't believe me :3
xqc fan; dude is a piece of shit with a gross fanbase. dude has been banned from like 4 different games and owl because of how awful he is
cg/gg/hydra fan; fuck em and the toxic vibes they bring to the np community  
old scu fan; what they (a large chunk of scu) did to jakka re: their chats is super fucking shitty, fuck em
serval x gepard shippers
jing yuan x yanqing shippers
brian knight fans, only because i talk shit about him a lot and it's for your protection, not mine :3
pro AI users - your precious AI steals content from artists and writers in the fandom, and you should feel bad :3
hazbin/arcana fan - the creators are pieces of shit and their creations are shit, stay the fuck away. i post a lot of anti stuff for both creators too. just best to stay away
empty or untitled blog - this is always going to lead to at least a block. i will likely report you for being a bot
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sleepyboiscafe · 3 years
Welcome, may we take your order?
Hello, and welcome to this AU I came up with out of absolutely nowhere lol. It's run by me, @itsprobablyapollo (she/they/he pronouns)!
Here's what you need to know about this AU:
- Minecraft ? What's Minecraft? That doesn't exist here, that's for sure. And Twitch? What do you mean, Twitch? YouTube is absolutely a thing though.
- Philza Minecraft (yes, that's his name), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (that's his name? We think? It's his nickname anyway) and Tom Simons (also somewhat affectionately known as Tommy) all work in a little café by the sea in Brighton called the Sleepy Bois Café.
- Philza owns the café, takes orders and serves customers. The café isn't doing too well income-wise, but the others don't need to know that, do they? He is also planning on proposing to Mumza sometime soon.
- Wilbur makes the drinks and sometimes the food when Tommy late/absent/in some crazy predicament. He is an English major in college, and part of a small band known as Lovejoy. He often has to leave early to go busking with the band.
- Technoblade runs the cash register and is the Wilbur and Tommy Supervisor, as Philza calls it. Also makes the drinks when Wilbur is late/absent/leaving early because nobody in their right mind would trust Tommy to do it. Is part of the national fencing team, and a well known prodigy of the sport amongst his peers.
- Tommy makes the food (which actually tastes better than you'd expect it would). Is currently studying Film and TV, but doesn't really know what he wants to do in life. Is often late to work for some peculiar reason (e.g "A FUCKING SEAGULL STOLE MY MONEY FOR THE BUS HOME" or "I met this really cute dog on the way here. AND THEN IT STARTED CHASING ME DOWN THE STREET").
- Tubbo (Tommy's next door neighbour and best friend) and Ranboo (Tommy and Tubbo's online friend who they met, well, stumbled upon in an ARMS Discord server) will be in this AU too.
Whatever weekly segment is currently ongoing (currently seasonal limited time desserts) will be posted at 6-9pm GMT every Wednesday.
An AO3 fic is currently in the works! My username is @/itsprobablyapollo, same as on my main account here on Tumblr! Hopefully I should be able to get started on it in January.
Asks are currently on, so if you have any questions about the AU, feel free to ask, and every weekend I'll answer them in character as a warm-up before I actually begin the AU!
If you do post anything to do with this AU, please tag this blog in it, I'd absolutely love to see it!
All lore-related posts (including asks) will be tagged with #Sleepy Bois Cafe, including the spaces, so search that tag if you are specifically looking for lore!
Also, if this idea has already been done before by another user, please let me know so I can credit you!
Thank you, and enjoy. :D
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
Not the Type: 2/7
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Thanks again to the mods of the @captainswanmoviemarathon​ for putting this event together! Also thanks to @hookedonapirate​ for her beta skills. For my non-American readers, I hope I explained everything in this chapter, especially bust-throughs, adequately enough. I don't know that I've ever seen that aspect of cheerleading portrayed in a movie before (though I could be wrong). But if you search google images for bust-throughs, you'll see pictures of what I'm talking about.
Summary: Emma Swan first notices him in the stands at the Friday night football game. She can tell right away Killian Jones is not the football type. Then again, she’s not the cheerleader type either, but here she is with pom poms. Life hasn’t ever gone the way Emma planned. Lately, that’s actually been a good thing. Maybe Killian Jones is a good thing, too.
My loose Captain Swan AU of the movie Bring it On
Rated: T
Also on Ao3
Tagging: @snowbellewells​​​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​​​ @kmomof4​​​​​ @let-it-raines​​​​ @teamhook​​​​​ @bethacaciakay​​​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​ @shireness-says​​​​​ @stahlop​​​​​ @scientificapricot​​​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​​​​ @thislassishooked​​​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​​ @kday426​​​​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​​ @nikkiemms​​​​ @optomisticgirl​​​​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​​​ @carpedzem​​​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​​​​ @branlovestowrite​​​​ @superchocovian​​​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​​​ @vvbooklady1256​​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​​​ @winterbaby89​​​​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​​​​ @jennjenn615​​​​ @snidgetsafan​​ @spartanguard​​ @itsfabianadocarmo​​
At the next game, he wasn’t in the stands. Not that Emma was looking or anything. And she wasn’t disappointed. Nope, not at all.
“Earth to Emma!”
She jumped and turned to Ruby, who was squatting with her hands cupped in front of her. Ashley was across from the brunette, doing the same.
“We haven’t got all day,” Ruby grumbled.
“Sorry,” Emma told them hurriedly. She braced her hands on their shoulders as Ariel, her spotter, came behind her and grasped her waist. Emma jumped up into the girls’ cupped hands. They dipped with her, bending their knees together, then popped her up to chin level, with a light assist from Ariel. Behind them, another stunt group lifted Jasmine up above their heads. Down below, Mary Margaret and another girl pulled on the ropes to hoist the giant bust-through to an upright position. The bust-through they had spent hours making last Sunday afternoon, only for it to get obliterated in mere minutes. Making the bust-throughs for the game and the posters to hang around the school would take away from much needed practice time, so they came in on Sundays to do it instead. Emma had chafed at it initially - they all did, really - but the girls ended up having a blast every week. It still wasn’t fair that they were taken away from their athletic training to do 1950s crap for the boys, but oh well.
When the bust-through post was close enough, Emma grabbed it. Farther up, Jasmine held it as well. On the other side of the bust-through, the rest of the squad was doing the same. The stadium speakers suddenly thrummed with Queen’s “We Will Rock You,” and the fans surged to their feet. Below Emma, the football team thundered past with a feral yell before tearing through the yards of poster paper. Ariel braced her thighs and Emma tightened her core so she wouldn’t fall. Every damn time, she felt her life flash before her eyes. The only comfort came in her absolute trust that Ariel would catch her. She discarded the post, and behind her Ariel counted out loud, “1, 2, 3, hup!”
Ruby and Ashley bent their knees, then pushed through with their arms to pop Emma up into the air. She kept her core tight, her knees together, toes pointed, and her arms out in the shape of a “T” so the three girls could catch her neatly. It was a simple stunt, actually, and not as high or dangerous as most Emma was used to. They just didn’t usually do stunts on hard packed turf with twenty large high school boys rushing past.
Half the girls ran around as fast as possible to pick up all the bits of poster paper, while the other half hoisted up the pvc pipes they used for the posts and rolled up the ropes that held the bust-through. Those had to be reused every time.
Arms loaded with crumpled up poster paper that smelled of glue and tempera paint, Emma raced off the field as fast as she could before the opposing team came running out not caring if they bowled over a five foot five, ninety pound cheerleader.
She really hated football season.
The girls shoved the remains of the bust-through into the trash, then slid the pvc pipes and ropes underneath the bleachers to put in the cheer supply closet later. Then they lined up on the sidelines for the kickoff, their poms shaking in the air.
“Gooooooo Knights!”
Like every other game, the marching band followed the kick off with the school fight song, and Emma was busy high kicking when she saw him. Killian stood out like a sore thumb - the only one in the student section not chanting, “fight, fight, fight!” Instead, he was lounging back against the bleacher behind him, glancing around at his fellow students with a mocking expression upon his face. Emma felt her lips curl up into a smile - probably the first time she didn’t have to force one during this exhausting Rockette’s-style dance. Her legs burned as usual when the song finally ended, but it didn’t bother her quite as much when Killian caught her eye and winked. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop her smile from growing and spun away from him with a tilt to her chin.
“Push em back!” Mary Margaret, their captain, yelled. “Ready? Go!”
The girls all chanted together, going through the motions of the cheer. “Push em back, push em back, defense push em waaaaay back!” They went through it twice before efficiently moving into their stunt groups. Ruby and Ashley tossed Emma into the air this time, with Ariel giving her an extra boost. In the air, Emma twisted her body in a layout, the rush of it sending adrenaline through her veins. It only lasted a moment before her stunt group caught her in their arms, but Emma would never tire of the thrill that the brief moment of weightlessness brought her.
Emma popped out of the dismount with her arms above her head. “Go Knights!”
She never had to fake enthusiasm when she got to do a stunt like that. Her eyes caught Killian’s again. Both eyebrows arched, he managed a half bow from his seat in the stands, both arms outstretched dramatically. Emma shook her head with laughter, though his obvious admiration of her skills sent a thrill through her. Nevertheless, she rolled her eyes at him.
Just then, Emma heard the loud grunts and collisions of a particularly nasty tackle. The crowd gasped, and next to Emma, Mary Margaret dropped her pom poms.
“David!” she cried out, then her hands flew to her mouth.
Emma let out a cry too when she saw her brother lying motionless on the field. Instinctively, she reached for his girlfriend, and Mary Margaret threaded her arm through hers. The cheerleaders all took a knee, but Emma and Mary Margaret never let go of each other.
“Get up, get up,” Emma whispered.
David started moving his legs, and the girls let out a sigh of relief. He was able to get up without the aid of the coaches hovering over him, and the crowd cheered. He had a slight limp at first, but his leg must have just been stiff because his stride soon became normal. He took off his helmet and grinned and waved at the crowd. The cheerleaders stood again and waved their poms above their heads in celebration. Next to Emma, Mary Margaret was still shaking a little bit.
“He scared me to death,” she told Emma.
“I know,” Emma replied, and a shiver went down her spine as she thought about how bad it could have been. David was always pointing out that she and Mary Margaret could fall out of a stunt and break their necks just as easily as he could, but it felt different. Football injuries just felt way more common, and then there were all those retired pros with neurological problems. David said that playing at the college level was unlikely since Storybrooke High was just a double A team, and she was secretly glad. The less he smashed his brains in, the better.
David was the big brother she never knew she needed, accepting her, teasing her, and irritatingly trying to protect her from the moment her prickly thirteen year old self had arrived in his home.
He had also sat on the sidelines at how many gymnastics classes? Classes she had dreamed of taking since she watched Gabby Douglas win the Olympic gold medal on TV when she was eight years old. Then, when Emma was twelve, Simone Biles became her hero. A former foster kid winning Olympic gold? Emma didn’t think such a thing was possible, but Biles gave her hope. Then Ruth Nolan made that hope reality.
“Whatever your dreams are, Emma,” she had told her, “I’ll invest in them. It’s what a mother does.”
Emma was behind, of course. She’d had school friends as she grew up who taught her the basics on the playground - handstands, cartwheels, back walkovers. She’d even learned to do back handsprings in the backyard of one of her foster homes. Still, her goal to make the high school gymnastics team seemed almost impossible. Then she read about Misty Copeland, the star principal dancer for the American Ballet Theater who didn’t start dancing until . . . thirteen. Surely, if she could defy the common thought that girls had to start ballet at three or four to achieve greatness, then Emma could defy the same thought in gymnastics. And with the support of Ruth and David, she had. She’d made the gymnastics team as a freshman at Storybrooke High.
Then, after one amazing season on the team, they had received the devastating news: the state of Maine was cutting high school gymnastics completely. Ignorant politicians spun it, of course. There would still be a state meet each year where gymnasts would represent their schools in individual competition. It would just be privatized, the politicians explained, saving taxpayers thousands of dollars. Privatized was a fancy way of saying that only gymnasts in clubs at private gyms could compete. Clubs that cost an extravagant amount of money. Money that Ruth Nolan simply didn’t have.
And that was how Emma Swan ended up a cheerleader.
“You and Mary Margaret still wanna stay over at my house?” Ruby asked after the game as she slung her cheer bag over one shoulder.
“Of course we do,” Mary Margaret replied. “Right Emma?”
“Yeah sure,” Emma said vaguely as she pulled the rubber band out of her hair and shook out the loose waves. Cheer ponytails were so tight they gave her a headache. Of course, as a gymnast, she’d had to put her hair in an equally tight, equally hairsprayed bun. She rubbed at her scalp. Maybe she should chop her hair off like Mary Margaret. No, scratch that, she didn’t have the flawless skin and cherubic face to pull that off like MM did.
“Are you sure?” Ruby asked with a glint in her eyes. “Killian lives there now, you know.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “I’m familiar with what a foster brother is. Of course I know he lives with you.”
“Just wanted to be sure you could handle the sexual tension,” Ruby said, bumping Emma teasingly with her hip as they headed to the parking lot.
“For the last time, there is no sexual tension between me and Killian!”
“You did have cheer sex with him.”
“Mary Margaret! I thought you didn’t buy into that crap!”
“Did I just say that out loud?” MM’s face was crimson.
Ruby threw her head back and guffawed. “Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, Emma.”
“God, if you two don’t stop . . . I’ll . . . I’ll . . .”
“You’ll what?”
Emma grasped for a good threat. “Smother you with a pom pom!” she finally blurted out, waving the one she still grasped in her hand in Ruby’s face.
MM literally collapsed against the side of Ruby’s car in hysterics, and even Emma lost it. It wasn’t really that funny, but they were all simultaneously exhausted and electrified from the game. Once they calmed down, they tossed their stuff in Ruby’s trunk. There was only a pleasant chill to the air this early in the season, so Ruby put the top of her convertible down, and Emma leaned contentedly against the headrest as the wind rushed past. The football team had won tonight’s game, and there was a spirit of celebration in the air as Ruby drove through the parking lot and out onto the street in front of Storybrooke High. When kids and even adults noticed a red convertible with three cheerleaders in red and white, they raised their fists in the air and shouted, “Go knights!”
“You know, it would mean a lot more if they were cheering for our victory instead of someone else’s,” Ruby commented dryly as they cruised through Storybrook’s only light after it turned green.
Mary Margaret leaned between them from the backseat, which surprised Emma, since the brunette was usually all “safety first.”
“Well, that’s all gonna change come December 5th ladies when we-”
Ruby lifted one fist in the air as she joined Mary Margaret in her cry of, “TAKE STATE!!!”
“Now wait a second, slow down,” Emma cautioned. “We have to place at regionals first.”
Ruby rolled her eyes. “Please, Emma, Storybrooke has dominated regionals since we were all in kindergarten.”
“Well, if there’s one thing gymnastics has taught me, it’s to not get cocky, so don’t jinx it, okay?”
“We also need to have confidence,” Mary Margaret added, giving Emma’s shoulder a squeeze.
“Confidence, not pride. Now sit back and put on your damn seat belt.”
“Intense much, Emma?”
Ruby tilted her chin and practically howled at the moon. “Someone needs to. GET. LAID.”
Emma lunged over and clapped her hand over Ruby’s mouth before she could add anything further. “Don’t. Say it.”
“God, Emma, she’s driving!”
Ruby pinched Emma in the side with her free hand, sending the blonde jerking back to the passenger’s side. “Why Emma, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Killian Jones knew that Emma Swan was just down the hall from his bedroom - keenly aware of it. Just as he had been aware of her since the night he’d first seen her. He had been completely honest when he told her that it was her expression and not her body that had drawn him in. If he’d wanted to ogle enticing figures in short skirts, he would have just been staring at the entire squad since the game started. But it was Emma Swan’s clearly irritated, flashing green eyes that had managed to tear his gaze away from Tolkien. He wasn’t sure what she had against the marching band’s rendition of “Louie, Louie,” but the hatred clearly ran deep.
He clenched his jaw as laughter floated down the hall from Ruby’s room, and he adjusted the knobs on his guitar effects pedal to distract him. Granny had been abundantly clear that he was to stay far away from Ruby’s friends.
He was a little offended at Granny’s lecture, to be honest. As if he were a dog in heat unable to ignore the scent of females.
Killian strummed his electric, then adjusted the feedback again. Halfway through Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy,” he’d pushed thoughts of Emma Swan far away.
Until he glanced up in the middle of a frankly ridiculous, out of control guitar solo to find her standing there in his doorway, slack-jawed and staring. She was tantalizing in a teeny, tiny pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top, her blonde hair piled up on her head in a messy bun. He managed not to drop his guitar and flashed her a lopsided grin as he continued to play.
The girl in question jumped a foot in the air, clutching her hands that held a purple toothbrush to her chest. “Shit, Ruby!”
“What are you doing?” Killian’s foster sibling asked from the hallway.
“I, uh . . . went to brush my teeth.”
“Um, the bathroom is that way.”
“Right, right, I knew that,” Emma mumbled.
Killian winked at her before she scurried away, still strumming. So maybe he wasn’t the only one who felt the delicious tension between them. This was a pleasant turn of events . . .
Emma grumbled at herself under her breath as she squirted toothpaste onto her toothbrush. She couldn’t believe Killian had caught her staring - practically drooling - over him. The way he’d smirked at her as he continued to play left no question that he knew she was checking him out. She was pretty sure Ruby knew it, too. Yet in her defense, how was a girl supposed to ignore an attractive guy when he was playing the guitar?
Emma started to brush, a little too vigorously at first. She was irritated with herself, but she didn’t need to scrub her gums raw, so she slowed down. She almost jumped out of her skin when Killian came through the open bathroom door behind her, but she calmed herself before he noticed. He winked at her as he retrieved his toothbrush from the cup by the sink and got some toothpaste. Emma arched a brow at him as she continued to brush. Somehow, the idiot managed to smile at her charmingly even as he worked the toothbrush around his mouth. She rolled her eyes and looked at her reflection instead, but that didn’t work either. His gaze only found her reflection in the mirror, and he waggled his eyebrows at her. She almost choked on her toothpaste.
Then he spit, rinsed, and ran his hand across his mouth in exaggerated, satisfied fashion. “Ahh,” he said, then bowed to her and left.
Emma scowled at her own reflection in the mirror. Stupid attractive eyebrows. No one was supposed to look that good brushing his teeth. She finished brushing, rinsed, then headed back down the hall to Ruby’s room. Her friends stopped chatting the minute she walked in.
Ruby arched a brow. “Please, Emma. I caught you drooling over Killian when you were supposed to be brushing your teeth.”
Mary Margaret pointed an accusing finger. “And you’re smiling.”
Emma rolled her eyes as she tossed her toothbrush into her overnight bag. “So I’m smiling. So what?”
“So, you don’t normally walk around smiling. It’s not the natural resting state of your face.”
Emma laughed as she plopped down on Ruby’s bed with her friends and grabbed some potato chips. “The natural resting state of my face?”
“Yeah,” Ruby explained. “Take MM here. She naturally smiles. Just walks around smiling. You - not so much.”
“Okay, fine,” Emma muttered around a chip, “so I think he’s cute. Are you happy now?”
Emma lifted a hand the minute she saw Mary Margaret’s face. “I think he’s cute. That’s it. I’m not saying I like him or that I want to date him, just that objectively I can admit he’s cute.”
“Puppies are cute, Emma,” Mary Margaret pointed out, “that guy in there is not just cute.”
“How is he your foster brother anyway, Ruby?” Emma asked, hoping to steer the conversation somewhere else.
“Oh, that. Well, Granny knew his mom from way back. They used to come visit every summer when we were kids. Anyways, when Killian’s dad left, he asked if she’d take him.”
Emma blinked. “Wait, his dad just dumped him here? And where’s his mom?”
“She died of cancer a few years back.” Ruby shrugged. “And I don’t know, his dad wanted to go back to England or something. Killian gets pissed whenever I bring him up, so I’m not really sure. He has a brother too, but Liam’s in the Navy.”
Emma fell silent as she grabbed more chips. As she munched, she tried to imagine being sent to a new town, new school so your dad could . . . what? Live his own life with no responsibilities? It was pretty screwed up.
The sound of an electric guitar filled the apartment above Granny’s diner once again, and Ruby let out a huff of frustration as she stomped to her door.
“Kill, seriously? Can you stop with the guitar already?”
“I live here too,” Killian shouted back.
“Both of you shut up so I can sleep,” Granny yelled at them both.
Mary Margaret and Emma caught each other’s eye and burst out laughing. Ruby groaned then slammed the door shut.
“I’m serious, Emma. If he starts dating you, maybe he won’t be around here so much, driving me insane!”
“That’s not very romantic, Rubes,” MM scolded.
“And remember, Emma Swan doesn’t date.”
“Emma Swan needs to stop referring to herself in the third person.”
Emma didn’t have her poms anymore, so she threw a pillow at Ruby’s head instead.
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demivampirew · 4 years
Keep Calm and Go to London chapter 29
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Previous Chapters in the masterlist
Triggers: Panic attack; anxiety; crying.
Tag list:  Here’s the incredible people who   showed me support (thank  you    so  much for that) and people who  asked  me to tag them too  ☺️   (I   think  I will write a few chapters  of  this story, if you want me to tag     you, tell me ☺️   ) @cavillanche @mary-ann84 @henry-owns-these-tatas @yespolkadotkitty @dancingwendigo   constip8merm8       penwieldingdreamer iloveyouyen  littlefreya  wondersofdreaming      alyxkbrl solariumss  sweetybuzz25 @thethirstyarchive @agniavateira   @honeyloverogers @hell1129-blog   @lunedelorient​  @michelle-1185​  @madbaddic7ed​     @summersong69​ @kaatelyyynn​
The sweet melody force Henry to wake up. The combination of an angelic voice and piano wasn't something he wanted to miss. As he approached the living room, he saw you playing the keyboards while singing some beautiful lyrics. He leaned against the wall to listen to the delightful tune without distracting you.
You're all I need my one belief the winds of time will carry me to live without dubiety don't let this ever end
We've flow afar beyond the sea to find each other finally we've waited long and patiently to build a bridge between dualities.
Shivers ran through his body, the combination of your voice, the soft instrumental and the lovely lyrics gave him chills. You were writing the final lyrics of your new song when you finally noticed him.
- Sorry, babe, did I wake you up? - you apologized. - Yep, but it doesn't matter. That's the greatest way of waking up.-he replied, grinning. His lips felt dry as he gave you a tender good morning kiss. - I have to give you a lip balm.- you said playfully and he laughed.
As you made kissing sounds and called his name, Kal appeared from the kitchen, where he was bitting  a bone- and went straight to Henry. As you did for his birthday, you put a little surprise for Henry in the doggy's collar. He kneeled on the floor and then took the tiny gift bag and inside of it, there was a silver locket that contained two photos: one was Kal and the other was a picture of you. The gift also included a little card: "Happy Father's day, daddy! Love, Kal." A huge smile appeared on his face.
- I love it, Kal, thank you!- he exclaimed while petting his furry son. Then, he lifted his head and looked at you with those gorgeous blue eyes of his, "Thanks, baby" he added. - It was Kal's idea. He's even so egocentric that he put himself as well.- you joked referring to the fact that your picture was there with the Akita. Seeing and heard him laugh was among you're favourite things on the entire world. If he was happy, you could feel the sunshine hit you no matter the time of the day, the season or the weather. As Taylor's song says " I see sparks fly whenever you smile".
Later that day, you called your dad to congratulate him on his day. Henry had his own zoom family reunion for Father's Day. It wasn't a lie that you couldn't be there because you were going to phone your old man, but there was also the anxiety of intruding in something private. It didn't matter how in love you were with each other, you felt that 4 months of dating wasn't enough time together to be part of those special moments, especially after his birthday. Due to the pandemic and the fact that his family lived far away from him, you haven't had the chance to meet them yet, at least personally, so you felt that they might felt curious and ask questions and it'd seem that you were stealing their thunder. Today was all about his dad and his brothers. Despite avoiding the Cavill online hang out, you made sure to salute them on father's day. You sent a direct message to Charlie, the only member of your boyfriend's family you had the chance to talk several times when he and Henry video-called and you had a good relationship with. You included him and the rest of them in your Father's Day post on Instagram as well as pleading Henry to deliver your best wishes. Your day couldn't be better, you felt. While you scrolled through Instagram, giving likes to your friend's post delivering sweet thankful words to their dads, partners, etc a notification let you know that Henry posted as well. After going to his account, a bright smile appeared on your face as you saw the photo he posted. It was a photo from his childhood; in it, he was standing next to his brothers and his father. He was leaning against his younger sibling with the rest standing behind them with the Cavill Senior besides his sons. Only one of the children wasn't smiling and had a "bad boy" face, it was Simon. So, except for the young man, all had happy gestures, specially Henry who looked cheerful. The picture seemed to be from a wedding or a similar event giving the fact that they all were wearing suits. Underneath said portrait, your British man dedicated a few words to his family: "In this here photo only one of the Cavill men was a father. Now.... a few years later, only one isn't! Happy Father's Day to you, my incredible father, and to you my awesome brothers! Legends to a man.Also, for those that don't know, this is how we dress in England all the time.#FathersDay" All the joy you were feeling before vanished instantly. Now anxiety had fully taken over your emotions and air couldn't get inside your body. You ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bag to breathe in. You went into the house's main bathroom to hide from Henry so he wouldn't find out that you were having a panic attack. The rolled down your eyes and you felt as if needles were being sticked to your heart. "In this here photo only one of the Cavill men was a father. Now.... a few years later, only one isn't! " "..., only one isn't! " the words kept repeating inside your mind and you could even hear his voice. When Henry told you that whatever was your decision about having kids, he wanted to remain by your side, it made you extremely happy to know that you'll never lose him, but in the same time, you felt even more anxiety than before. One thing was to know that you could lose him in the future for not wanting the same thing, but there was the upside that he'd someday make his dream come true; another thing was for you to take away the possibility of being a dad because he loved you enough to give up his longtime desire of having kids. What if someday he regretted his desition? Would he blamed you for not doing the right thing and set him free? Will breaking up with him be the right decision? There was always a chance that if you felt that couldn't have kids in the near future, that it could happen in a distant future. You could always adopt or freeze your eggs so you could find a surrogate in your body wasn't in conditions to carry a child.
-Baby, you want to watch a movie?- Henry asked you as he knocked on the bathroom's door. You had been there for almost an hour, burning your poor brain with all those existential questions. You took a deep breath as you wiped your tears. - Yeah, babe. I'll be there in a minute.- you replied making an extra effort for him not to noticed that you'd been crying. - Ok, I'll make popcorn in the meantime.- he said and left. You stood up and faced the mirror. After washing your face, you made sure there were no trails of your tears. After sitting on the couch, you tried hard to focus on choosing a movie. You ended selecting a horror movie called "The Ritual". A big bowl of popcorn rested on your boyfriend's lap as you watched the movie. As much as you tried to pay attention to the movie, you barely understood what was going on since your brain would repeat his words and the questions you made to yourself before. You took deep breaths to avoid having another panic attack and break into tears. As the movie was reaching its climax, your man paused the movie. It took you a moment to notice it and to see that he was starring at you. - Are you ok, princess? - he questioned worried. You faced him, smiling and nodding; of course you couldn't speak because otherwise the lump in your throat would give you away. He inspected your face.- Are you sure? You can tell me if something's wrong, do you know that, right?- he pointed out and you nodded again, hoping he'll quit the interrogation and play the movie.
Unfortunately, he did not give up. He knew something was going on and would not continue playing the movie until he knew what was wrong with you. - You're lying.- he reproached you.- You haven't even touched the popcorn and you love it; you haven't stopped moving your thighs from side to side, quickly and that's something you do when you're extremely anxious; you also play with your nails, that's another nervous tic you have and not to mention that you haven't made one single comment during this entire time, I've been waiting for your clever comments and jokes, but no a single sound came out from your mouth. You have been breathing deeply and shallowing saliva which is something you do when you try not to cry.
Damn it! He knew you way too well. What was the point of pretending anymore? He already caught your bullshit. Your burst into tears and after he left the bowl on the tea table, you rested your head on his lap as he caressed your hair and your face, letting you cry as much as you need it. After a while, when you felt eased, you sat again and looked at him, who was expecting an explanation of what was going on. You took as much air as you could and finally spoke:
- I saw your Instagram post. - you pointed out. - Ok.- he said, unsure of how that could have made you upset. - You said that you were the only one who wasn't a father and I know that you truly want that, and people saying in your comments how someday you're going to be a great dad and me thinking what if I can't give you that? You assured me that you wanted to be with me anyway, but I feel that'd be extremely selfish of me to take that opportunity away from you, even if my desition is not only for my best interest or yours, but also for that baby, if there's ever one, I don't want a child to be born in a world in which his mother only had him to make his dad happy. Besides that, I fear that if I don't give you children, someday you'd regret staying with me and may even hate me for not doing that or for not let you go to find someone that can give you that.- you explained while a few tears rolled down your cheeks. Henry removed them with his thumbs and then grabbed your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes. - I might enjoy to play video-games, to read fantasy books among other "childish" things, but be sure I'm a man. I'm mature enough to make my desitions and know the reasons behind them. Am I sure that I want to be with you even if you don't want kids? Absolutely. I already feel happy and complete by your side, and if someday we have kids I'd no longer be on cloud nine, but cloud infinite; especially by knowing that I'd have them with a woman who loved me enough to change her mind and with a person smart enough to know that the kid's feelings and necessities are more important than both ours. Could I be sad if I never become a father? Possibly. Would I regret my desition? No, because I know why I made that decision. Would I blame you for not giving me kids, if that happens? Hell no; I wouldn't be forced to stay, if I stay it'd be because I wanted so, and the only one to blame if I make a bad desition is me and, as I said before, I know why I want to stay with you no matter what, so I'm not even going to blame myself.- he took a short paused and continued- Look, I'd always wanted to play Alexander, the Great, did that happened? No, but I'm ok with that. I desired to play Bond for a long time and that seems like another dream that will not come true, but I'm ok with that too. At least I had the chance to play Sups and Geralt. I know might be a silly comparison, but maybe that way you understand what I'm trying to say. In that scenario, you are Superman and Geralt. You're the amazing thing that happened to me even and my life would be awesome even if I don't get Bond or Alexander.- he chuckled unsure if he was being clear. You smiled, feeling a lot better and then kissed him. His lips tasted so good. The sweetness of the popcorn left trails on them. You sat right next to him, grabbing his arm and putting your head on his shoulder. He kissed your head and was about to play the rest of the movie when you stopped him and questioned if it'd be ok with him if you play the movie from the beginning to really watch it this time. He smirked and agreed, saying that i'd be ok to see it again because there were some parts he didn't pay much attention either. Your jokes and sassy comments about some silly plot points and characters actions were all he needed to know that you felt much better.
Disclaimer: As much as I’d love to write a song, I haven’t done that, so the song reader writes actually exists and belongs to the band Epica (Twin Flames is the name of the song if you want to listen to it - is beautiful  ♥)
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twopoppies · 5 years
Heyy, i love your fic recs!! I found some many fics I haven’t read before. Do you know any time travel fics? I looked in you blog before making this ask, but I couldn’t find any.
Hi love. I’m so happy you found some new ones to read! That’s awesome. And ooooh…..I love time travel fics. Sorry you couldn’t find any on my Tumblr. Honestly, my tagging system blows. LOL! But I’m glad you asked because now I get to make a fic rec!
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every universe but ours by @28finelines (E, 50K) this fic so touching and funny and sexy and I read it all in one go! Please go read it because it’s like reading multiple Larry fics in one, each one with that “I would find you in any lifetime” vibe.
like a boomerang by youwill (M, 48K) Very loosely based on the movie Groundhog’s Day (essentially just the concept of re-living a day over and over), this fic is delightful and charming and really worth a read. Link is to a download.
Jaerie’s Kinktober: Self-cest by @jaerie Oh, I loved this fic, there was a beautiful subtlety to it. The hints of how Harry would grow into his body and his gender, the hints towards monogamy, and the hint towards the pain involved with closeting was all wrapped up in the subtlety of how different Harry at 27 is from how he is at 19. It’s only 2K, but it felt like so much more.  
my heart is breathing for this moment in time by usedtothebeach (E, 160K) Probably my absolute favorite time travel fic. I’ve read it more times than I’d like to admit, and every time I love it more. One of the things I like most is how organically the author weaves in canon events…every little moment is an easter egg without it being so obvious that it pulls you out of the fic. Anyway, this one is so moving and so absorbing, I hope you like it if you give it a try! There’s an 18K companion piece to it as well, but you’ll see the link at the appropriate time when you’re reading the main fic (and when you read the scene that breaks your heart –– in the best possible way –– come and scream at me. You’ll know which one I mean).
Temporary Tattoos, Hotel Hearts, Horizon Homes by Teumessian (E, 18K) This is just 18K of love for Louis Tomlinson. It soft and gentle and so worth a read.
a’int had none like you in a while by istajmaal (E, 12K) Ok, so first of all, read the tags. Don’t read this one if you have an issue with age difference in fics. If that’s not a squick for you, you get to read Harry and Louis traveling back in time to teach younger versions of themselves…a lot. This is one of my favorite authors when it comes to smut and this one has it in spades. There’s an 18K second part to it as well: once i figured it out (baby it was easy). 
I won’t let you forget by graceling_in_a_suit / @graceling-in-a-suit (T, 7K) I love the writing in this one. It’s one of those fics that has that kind of melancholic, dreamy feel to it that I really enjoy. Plus, it has a “no matter what, I would find you in any lifetime” vibe. So good. 
The Second Hand Unwinds by kingsofeverything (FullOnLarrie) / @kingsofeverything (E, 52K) Also known as “the NASA fic”. This one has such a unique and well thought-out storyline. Add in time travel, exes to lovers, ot5, and excellent pacing….you’ve got yourself a great fic!
One More Time Again by @rougeandtonic (E, 232K) Canon compliant fix-it fic. If you ever wanted to go back in time and have karma catch up to Simon and have the boys realize how much they’re worth right from the start….this is your fic. Link is to a download.
your quietest voice by flimsy (E, 8K) Beautiful writing (like, just savor the sentences…they’re so pretty) and a really unique concept for time travel.  
Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics (GA, 102K) Not exactly a time travel fic, but I think it fits. And it’s one of my favorite fics over all. The story is so unique and so beautifully plotted and I cried ugly tears reading it. It’s just a must read.
So much stays unknown till the time comes by becka (E, 5K) Another old one by another author I really like. A short time travel fic that is both sad and sexy. It’s got a bit of an open ending, but you still get the sense everything is going to work out. It’s just a touching little fic (read tags, there’s some internalized homophobia in this one).
for neither never nor ever by fairytalelights / @lookslikefairytale (E, 29K) This is based on a TV show I’ve never seen, but it is such a unique and layered time travel story. I was captivated by the twists and turns. Yes, it’s ultimate a love story, but it’s so much more as well.
Woke Up With A Boy (Who Looks Just Like You) by glitteredcurls / @kissyboystyles (GA, 26K) This one is actually still on my to read list, but @cuethetommo (whose taste I trust) recommended it, so I’m adding it here!
I hope I’ve got some here you haven’t read yet. Enjoy!
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iridescentides · 4 years
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CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Emma (@mikeshanlon)
Support your local gif makers! In celebration of my one year gif-iversary, I am posting shoutouts to gif makers who have motivated and inspired me with their creativity in the past year. This post is for Emma, whose gifs can be found here.
Emma proudly proclaims in her blog description that she loves colorful gifsets, coffee, and crying over her underappreciated faves, and this is evident as you go through her edits tag and admire her skillful use of soft gradients combined with vibrant colorings. Emma inspires me not only through her beautiful color choices, but also through her clever use of text to further the aesthetics and tone of her sets, and her talent for turning ordinary scenes into extraordinary artwork.
Marvel’s Runaways: Episode Two - This runaways gifset perfectly exemplifies the unique skills that Emma is known for, as her command over the colors used in the edit is undeniable. The blues, pinks, and purples compliment each other perfectly, and subtle white gradients soften up the edges. Pay special attention to the hints of red in the second gif on the left, as they artfully emphasize the center of that image. The gif directly next to it wows with its perfect combination of all three colors and its expressive action.
Reddie + Horchata Lyrics - Although we see many gifsets capturing the tragedy of Richie and Eddie, Emma set this gifset apart with both her use of text, the skillful blending, and her clever coloring choices. The vertical color symmetry is the first element of this creation that draws attention, as Emma montaged their flashbacks in black and white in the center, aiding the theme of having lost someone from the past. The top and bottom gifs blend separate shots of the two men, and we see a hint of those subtle white gradients that Emma loves, positioned so that Eddie has the dark end and Richie has the light end, potentially symbolizing Eddie’s untimely death. The quote conveys the nostalgia of lost love, and Emma mixes two very different fonts in a natural and aesthetically pleasing way.
Sam Ecklund - In this gifset, Emma boldly combined two stunning contrasting colors for a vibrant mix that immediately catches the viewer’s attention and interest. If you make gifs, you understand how hard it can be to intentionally manipulate the color yellow in a way that pops in the background without impacting skin tones; however, Emma took on and handled this challenge with ease, using striking yellows to offset the deep cyans. Notice the second gif on the left and how it skillfully mixes the two main colors while also adding a small hint of magenta to the set.
Sydney and Stanley - This is one of my favorite gifsets on Tumblr because of the level of creativity and thought Emma put into it. She could have made the same gifset but with “normal” coloring and let the captions and scenes do all the work, but instead, she chose to both show the best parts of Sydney and Stanley’s relationship through words and through glowing, ethereal colors. Pink seems to be a favorite of Emma’s, and the soft, light pinks in this set play very well off the purples that add the darker shades and ground the gifset. We as viewers can feel the playful, youthful joy radiating off this creation. The very first gif in this set is especially stunning, as the coloring and motion of Stanley’s cup draws the eye.
The Losers Club + Colors - This was the first gifset of Emma’s that I saw, and I was immediately floored by the strong, vivid rainbow colors and the soft, light edges. The Loser’s Club as kids demonstrates bravery, hope, and strength in the face of challenges, and this rainbow perfectly captures their essence. The orange gif of Beverly plays well with her hair, and the Eddie gif above it is the star of the show. Emma’s care and skill that goes into her pink colorings should not go unnoticed. Eddie’s facial expression is clear as the image slowly pans to the left, and he shifts further into the gradient.
Emma has a ton of favorites! Here’s a few:  bi marcus; eddie; syd and stan (mentioned above); deanoru; veronica god is a woman; simon; c&d ep. 4
Thank you to Emma for inspiring me over the past year! Be sure to check out all of her amazing gifsets, reblog them, and leave nice feedback!
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pacexlikexaxghost · 4 years
Rule & Muse List
This is an multimuse RP blog, with muses from Undertale/Deltarune, School-Live!, My Hero Academia, Pokemon, Avatar the Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, A Series of Unfortunate Events/All The Wrong Questions, and Steven Universe. More characters to inevitably be added in the future knowing myself. 
Quick things:
Feel free to hit me up with a thread any time! I don’t care if we’ve never talked before! Write the starter, send the thing to my ask box, etc.! I’m happy to RP with you!
Seriously you don’t have to ask if you can RP with me. To be honest whenever I’m asked it makes my anxiety act up. Just do it. I might not respond, but it wouldn’t hurt anything
I have a discord; if we’re mutuals ask for it. (I follow from @scientistredacted​ )
If your character is an OC, I’d prefer if you have a page with info on them, so I can know about them before RPing.
I'm very crossover friendly!!
I prefer literate paragraph style roleplaying. But I try not to be picky. Just know that if it's not that, I'll be slower to respond than usual.
Also unless we’ve talked about it before hand, the first time I interact with an OC, I assume it’s the first time our characters are meeting.
I’m very, very shippy. It needs to have chemistry, but if there’s even a hint of it, I probably ship it (but will never act on it without talking to you).
Mun is autistic and writes 99% of their muses as such! Absolutely including like. Most of the muses here.
Each muse has a main verse that's technically their default, but I really just go for whatever works best.
I use some basic formatting. I don't require you too, aside from paragraph breaks for readability.
I struggle with executive dysfunction, or other (real life) things taking all my spoons for a while, so I might go for days at a time not responding, or I might respond multiple times in one day. Bear with me please.
Related to the above: Mun does have pretty bad anxiety and occasionally struggles with dissociation, so at times I will be  V E R Y  selective about what replies I get done. Please. PLEASE. PLEASE be patient with me.
I tend to ramble in tags like, a lot. Often I comment on the motivations behind actions in individual replies.
You’re allowed to drop threads if they aren’t fun for you! Just tell me!
I don’t usually send in rules passwords because of anxiety. But know that I HAVE read your rules. Multiple times before ever daring to interact with you, probably.
Feel free to send anything from any inbox memes no matter how old! Just, if it’s old specify which thing so I can find it
I’m 27, but I will not RP smut. I'm ace, and that makes me really uncomfortable. Sorry. (Other NSFW is fine though)
Don’t be a jerk. Which means no drama, no godmodding, metagaming or the like. Let's just all be reasonable here.
See above
Izuku Midorya from MHA
Shoto Todoroki from MHA
Yuki Takeya from School-Live!
Allister from Pokémon
Wally from Pokémon
Zuko from Avatar
Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls
Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls
Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls
Six Undertale OCs based on the fallen human kids
Papyrus from Undertale
Kris Dreemurr from Deltarune
Chara Dreemurr from Undertale
Frisk Dreemurr from Undertale
Roy Mustang from FMAB
Lemony Snicket from ASOUE/ATWQ
Pearl from Steven Universe: About, Verses
Rose Quartz / Pink Diamond from Steven Universe
Steven Universe from Steven Universe
Volleyball from Steven Universe
Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Simon Petrikov/Ice King from Adventure Time/Fionna & Cake
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clovermine13 · 4 years
Some playchoices asks!
Feel free to reblog if your followers can send you numbers!
(I don’t have any followers for that so I am just gonna answer all of them so I can play too.)
1. Your favorite book?
Veil of Secrets. I liked the story, I think all the LI were equally good. I do wish the romance with Kate had been longer because she was end game for sure. Other then that I enjoyed the whole thing. Also their was some indigenous representation which we need more of.
Second place is Perfect Match. Romance and robots what's not to like and Hayden is my amoung my favourite LIs
Third place is A Scandalous Proposal. It's very TRR but I like Simon a lot and their growth into a couple I like a lot.
2. Your favorite character?
Um Zig I think. While the Freshman isn't my favourite book, Zig is one of my favorite LI and one of my favourites characters. I also like good Bisexual representation. This isn't a customizable MC book which means he could have been straight and it wouldn't have been questioned but he isn't. He is Bi. There is a lot of not good But representation out there but Zig isn't one of those IMO.
3. Your favorite LI?
Right now Simon Montjoy from Scandalous Proposal. They are a good we don't like each other to we love each other and are the best couple you know progression
2nd is Dakota Winchester from With Every Heartbeat
3rd is Kate O'Malley and she deserved better and most of the relationship is headcannon for the ever after.
Also 4th is Zig.
4. Your favorite moment with an LI?
I really like the Zig moment where he rejects MC in the bar. He didn't take advantage of a emotionally compromised girl he was attracted to and it made me break up with Kaitlyn and start romancing him immediately.
5. Your favorite moment in any book?
Um. This is a hard one, I have read so many. I think winning the court scene in Mother of the year because it felt good after all the bullshit MC went through to prove she was the competent parent.
6. Your favorite ending to a book?
Hm. I like the end to The Royal Romance. I think the original 3 ended it in a good way. It was the happily ever after. Ends were tied they rode off into the sunset. It felt done and then the royal Heir came out.
7. Your favorite villain?
Maybe Silas Prescott. I have a soft spot for an obvious comic book villian.
8. Your favorite type of LI?
I like reunited lovers. Like people who were either friends or a couple. Seperate for a time and the reunited later in life (Like Kate).
9. Most memorable moment in a book?
The robot reveal in Perfect Match. I mean, I knew it was coming but still. So cool.
10. What got you into choices?
I was looking for stories like Japanese voltage and found Choices. Then I found I didn't want to wait for tickets. I came back later with more patience and a credit card.
11. Favorite choices blogs?
I am a bad tumblr person because I don't follow a lot of people. If you post on the main tag, you are my favourite.
12. Least favorite book?
I don't want to pick a basic one like Home for the Holidays or The Witness. As I have finished or are caught up on both of those.
I think the one I don't like, have never finished and don't want to is AME. I am just not into the reality T.V story lines. I read the first one but haven't touched the other 2.
13. Least favorite ending of any book?
High School Story Original trilogy. I felt like their stories weren't done and think going with these characters to graduation would have been great.
14. Least favorite villain?
Becca. It was so basic. I am glad she got a redemption later on.
15. Favorite MC?
Veil of Secrets or Perfect Match.
16. Favorite best friend character?
Poppy...... Patel. :)
17. What type of book would you like to see in the future?
I would love an ex boyfriend Reunion single LI book ( see Kazuki from Finally, in love again or Genji from in your arms tonight.) I like romance. My favourite parts of the non romance ones are the romance.
I would also like to see like a vampire or royal book with the roles reversed. Like MC is the queen and the LI is a commoner or MC is an ageless Vampire who loves a human. A new perspective would be nice.
18. If you could change something about a book, what would it be?
I didn't like the time travel element in Distant Shores. I also would have made Mason from MFTL gender interchangeable. I think if I had to pick one two boys to have two gender it would be him.
19. What is your MC’s name generally? Something made up, your own name, or the default name?
They all have different names. None share my name.
20. Favorite book that is being published right now?
The Unexpected Heiress or My Two First loves.
21. Since when have you started playing choices?
It's been awhile.
22. Which books have you diamond mined?
None. I either read them for enjoyment or I don't read them at all.
23. What is a book that is not popular, but you still really like?
I liked Across the Void. I wish they had revised it rather then cancelling it.
24. Which book would you want an extra book for most?
High School Story or Hero.
25. How many books have you finished?
53 apparently.
26.  How many chapters have you played?
27. Which book(s) have you replayed?
Perfect Match, High School Story, Veil Of Secrets, The Heist of Monocco, TRR.
28. Do you typically change other characters’ names if you are given the option?
Not unless they are awful like Clint.
29. Do you have VIP?
30. Which scenes do you generally spend diamonds on? LI scenes, friend scenes, collecting stuff, clothing, etc.
Whatever I feel like. Pets always.
31. Was there a scene that has made you cry?
The end of Endless Summer. I was really attached you know. Also the end od With Every Heartbeat. I knew it was coming but the end where his family is in the room and he whispers MCs name before taking a final breath. Fuck off with that.
32. Which non-LI would you most like to have as an LI?
Kate O'Malley. For longer then the last five seconds.
And Poppy Patel.
33. If you played The Elementalists: which secondary attunement did you get?
34. Do you play daily?
Depends on what's being released and how bored I am. I tend to go in spurts.
35. How many diamonds do you have right now?
More then I should admit too.
36. What is your favorite 30 diamond scene?
Are these the sex ones? I am more of a romance girl then an erotica girl. Maybe one with Flynn or any of the lesbian ones that acknowledge toys exist.
37. Which book genre would you like to see more of?
More Horror. I also want them to try Sci-fi again. I like a period Romance as well. Maybe something not so far in the last like the 50s or 80s. I like the idea of time jumping. More San Junipero like.
38. Do you tend to go for male or female LI’s?
Hmm. I think it's 50/50. Lately the ladies have been doing it for me, though they have mostly been customizable which is a another thing.
39. Which character should get more love from the fandom?
............. I don't know. A non answer for this one.
40. Which character do you think is overrated?
Up until today I would have said Poppy Min Sinclair. I didn't get why anyone would want to romance her. I always thought she was awful.
She seems to have rightfully fallen out of favour. Maybe.... Maxwell from TRR. I never really got why people liked him so much or wanted to Romance him. He is alright. 🤷‍♀️
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