#also taking classes with people who are certified or training for certification as therapists has made me never want to get therapy again
ohhh, can i ask why you personally don’t want to do therapy? not as a scrutinizing question but more of a “oh. i’ve never encountered a person who actively chose not to do therapy” because i’m really super curious!! but also, if it’s too intimate, pls feel free to just ignore this ask :))
i don't find that contemporary therapy practices, at least at the level which i can afford in the area where i currently am, serve the mental health issues that i have and what i've experienced in my past. therapy is subject to trends, like anything else. the current trend in therapy is one that has actively harmed my mental health and caused me to regress, dissociate, or worse when i've tried to access mental health services. i also find that most therapists who are available to me are not equipped to deal with the type of trauma and comorbidities that i have.
there's also, obviously, financial barriers. most free or low-cost therapy options are coming from people who specialize in cognitive behaviour therapy, which unilaterally does not work for me. cbt treats symptoms of mental illness in order to rehabilitate people who are "sick" so they can function at a level deemed "normal." it does not treat the underlying cause of the symptoms of mental health issues, and when ive done cbt i have ended up regressing hugely and wound up worse off than i was before. i thought maybe i was just doing it "wrong" for years and i was the problem, but i became friends with someone who has a similar traumatic background to me and discovered they also found that cbt did not work for them.
this isn't a choice that i would recommend to anyone, but for me personally being able to allow myself to not prioritize therapy and not play into a feedback loop of guilt and inadequacy- the idea that im not "doing enough" to "fix" a "problem" with my brain- has been hugely empowering. im saying that with caution because i dont want impressionable young people to take this and run with it. if i had the choice, i would be in therapy. and someday, when i have the financial means and access to the therapy that is right for me, i will absolutely pursue it. but we live in a wellness based culture that has simultaneously given everyone the tools they need for diagnosis, while also having coopted mental health into the same arena as fitness, thinness, and diet culture. if you're not actively try to make your brain work better or run faster, then you're lazy. if you're doing what should work to make your brain run faster and its not helping, then that's a problem with you and not with the help you're getting or the industry that's giving it to you. im very critical of how mental health is dealt with, and a lot moreso now that i've engaged in practical training in psychotherapy and spiritual care.
that being said, and this is very important: when my mental health was at its worst, when i was actively suicidal and experiencing extremes of manic depression, i was in therapy because i couldn't cope with it on my own. me deciding that i didnt want to therapy coincided with me recovering from serious issues with mental health and having numerous live changes that allowed me to be safe and stable- i left a very bad job, stopped talking to dysfunctional people, left abusive relationships, and reoriented my life path to one where i felt content and like i was fulfilling my purpose. not being in therapy only worked once the outside factors of my environment were as good as i could get them. if you are in crisis or feel like you may hurt yourself, you should absolutely not hesitate to seek help and not use me as an example in any way whatsoever, except in terms of being critical of the type of therapy you are getting and not being afraid to decide something is wrong for you if it feels like its not helping. you are allowed to decide that something doesn't feel right for you.
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kervl-klear · 5 months
I was wondering, if Huchu attempted cognitive behavior therapy then how did he run those sessions in terms of what did he do to try to help the others? Considering you wrote that, in doing so he caused the others to "internalize their problem to the point they cannot be helped anymore including himself". Also, did he think he could be like a psychiatrist (or at least provide similiar service) due to the fact that psychiatrists work with medicine?
I hope my question is clear enough. If not, feel free to ask what I am trying to ask (^^)
Thank you for tuning in to my frequency! The answer contained potentially triggering contents, so I'll hide it under the cut. Please enjoy. ✨
Huchu’s Qualifications
Huchu has bachelor's degree in neuroscience, master's degree in Pharmacy. D. and is currently studying PHD on medical instrumentation engineering. Aside from taking class, he’s a neurosurgeon at marine corps hospital, take shift as a battlefield surgeon at marine camp and use the rest of his free time to operate Lubi service so he has the following active licenses, Pharmacist license and P&S license.
In Northland, here’s the requirements for attaining psychiatrist certification: Be a graduate of an accredited medical school certified by International Red cross committee, complete all trainings in a program approved by Northland mental care bureau, have an active, full, unrestricted medical license, and have satisfactorily completed the Northland mental care bureau’s specialty training requirements.
So do keep in mind that Huchu is not qualified to do psychiatrist work as he lacks item 2 and 4.
Does Huchu think he is qualified to do psychiatrist works?
Unfortunately, yes. Despite lacking all the correct trainings, he tried to be both therapist and psychiatrist for C2ISTAR as you can see Hongcha mentioning Huchu being the one who prescribed Risperidone for Angae in [🌹for Angae].
This is because Huchu think that Clinical Psychology is like Neuroscience but less scientific. Similar to our world, neuroscience is praised as the hardest medical major in the world. So naturally Huchu look down on psychology as an easier neurology mixed with social study. So, in his little head. If mental care staffs can do it, then definitely neurosurgeon can do it too.
Clinical Psychology in the world of C2ISTAR
In the world of C2ISTAR, Mental illnesses are usually deemed as invalid illness, so the mental care industry is constantly being look down upon. The discrimination also discourages many people in this world from studying clinical psychology. Even if Huchu open his mind and take studying clinical psychology seriously, it is still very unlikely that he will produce good result as study material for clinical psychology in this world is ineffective at best from the very beginning due to the lack of interest this world has toward it.
The acceptable branches of psychology are study by the industrial, intelligence and defense service for the purpose of manipulation, interrogation and indoctrination which is very different from clinical psychology in practice.
Clinical psychology is also heavily associated with the Aldehyde cult. A multi-faith cult that believes mental illness is a sign of ascension. The more soldiers lose touch with reality, the closer they are to heaven and if they are close enough to heaven. These soldiers will be able to give birth to the new Angel that will be savior to their world. They often kidnapped veteran from asylum so they can use these veterans to birth a new Angel.
Huchu's treatment on C2ISTAR
Huchu might be well intention and most faults mainly resulted from ignorance, but the damage is still there. In fact Huchu is actually skeptical that CBT would produce result, however, C2ISTAR seems to need it and Huchu is weak to that. Here are the treatments Huchu did on each C2ISTAR alongside its effects.
Orenji’s treatment
Orenji is Huchu's first patient for CBT service with his main problem being Paruresis. Huchu choose Journaling and Cognitive restructuring technique for him. However, the underlying root of Orenji's Paruresis is Urolagnia so Orenji can't quite be honest with his thought. However, the cognitive restructuring is somewhat almost effective due to the other physical treatment. Orenji had chronic UTI that connected with bladder infection, so Huchu often insert catheter for Orenji whenever he needs it. This seems to cause Orenji to associate Huchu with relieve, hence the reason why he can go when Huchu is around. But can't quite do the same with someone else. Orenji also seems to develop some form of incontinence whenever Huchu is around.
Huchu also lose his temper every time Orenji induced temporary amnesia on himself because he knows how fragile Orenji's brain is as he was the one who put Orenji's brain and sculp back together so he's constanly worries about Orenji accidentally killing himself but since Huchu always arrive with Clozapine, he had been unknowingly endorsing Orenji's behavior. Still, after Orenji is back to his sense. He would have to endure a session of outburst Huchu throwing things at him or start hitting him with a chair.
Baegcha/Hongcha’s treatment
The main method is Role playing through puppet activity; the idea was so that Beagcha could see why he need to stop pursuing his stop-list so they can start working on his fear of touch. Usually when a certain method doesn't work, therapist would move on to the next one, but Huchu let Beagcha continue with the ineffective method because this is what Beagcha prefer to do and Huchu doesn't have the heart strip this away from him. Huchu later resort to locking Beagcha in his room whenever Huchu notices things are taking a toll on him and simply use puppet therapy as a way for Baegcha to process what he went through each hunt.
Huchu also deemed Hongcha to be something he need to get rid of because Huchu see Hongcha as the evil alter that endorse Baegcha to pursue the stop-list. The thing is that, neither Baegcha nor Hongcha are the host. Both Baegcha and Hongcha are alters pretending to be the host. Usually alters are protective of each other and take responsibility as a system. However, Huchu intervention had created a dynamic where both alters cannot get along. And because Beagcha trusted Huchu, he begun to think he needs to repress Hongcha to be better and Hongcha became bitter toward the situation, he blamed Huchu for his sour relationship with his alter.
When Hongcha appear mid-session, Huchu would either shock him with electricity or shove him into a small box to chase him away. Huchu did made many attempts to get rid of Hongcha ranging from submerging him in extremely cold water to purposely staving him and since Hongcha is unaware that it is impossible to get rid of an alter. Hongcha see Huchu’s attempts as life threatening situation and in retaliation, he believes that he must kill Huchu which make Baegcha agreed with Huchu even more.
Seoltang’s treatment
After discovered that sedative doesn't work on Seoltang. Huchu would mainly use Imagery and Relaxation training. However, the underlying cause for Seoltang's insomnia is cumulative anxiety of being in disguise. Something Seoltang cannot tell anyone due his true identity. Huchu had no idea about Seoltang's anxiety, so he had no idea why Seoltang sleep schedule doesn't improve not to mention that imagery make him feel worse as it worsens his longing for the place that no longer exist.
Out of concern as Seoltang already show all signs of developing Alzheimer, Huchu decided that any methods that give Seoltang shut eyes will suffice and purposed the hypoxia idea. So instead of having his anxiety treated and get an actual sleep, Seoltang ended up inventing so many self-choking methods that even people with choking fetish would think that this man is a freak. Thus, Seoltang's anxiety was never addresses not to mention that one of hypoxia common symptoms is also anxiety which contribute to his mood swing getting worse as well.
Noeu’s treatment
Noeu is way too shy to address that his overworking tendency came from his constant fear of unexpected death, so Huchu assumed that Noeu is obsessed with conquest and taking control. This led to Moral reconation therapy. However, Moral reconation therapy required to be practiced in groups as one on one session can reinforces narcissistic behavior. Somethings that should not be mixed with Noeu’s competitiveness and ambition.
The therapy also required the therapist to be well versed in the subject of morality to work which Huchu’s morality is ambiguous at best so he can’t always keep up with Noeu’s questions or leaps of logic. This unintentionally validated Noeu’s thought derailment and prompted him to go from weakening other nations then have Northland invade them to the exact same thing but also profiting from them and take advantage of their resources because he’s more confident in his ideal than ever and he now genuinely think he’s doing this world a favor.
Angae’s treatment
Usually, therapist would approach patient with hallucination with Reframing technique. Something that Angae had already accomplish on his own. This is because managing a psychosis episode with medication was proven less effective as medication came with side effect. However, due to Huchu being a neurosurgeon with neurology logic. He goes straight to prescribing Risperidone and focus more on helping Angae with anxiety using Stress inoculation training. However, Angae didn't stress out because he's worrying about having an episode. He has an episode because he's stressed out, so Angae made no progress and Huchu had been accidentally gaslighting Angae into thinking that he had an illness he didn't have.
Angae already questioned reality around him, so he is unsure how valid his opinion is about the topic. This led to Angae letting Huchu continue with the treatment that make no sense to him even though this fueled the thought that he's being held back to fit into a certain explanation.
Yuseong’s treatment
A lot of people with Hyperthemesia has tendency to be obsessed over things easily as well as having trouble moving on from the past because they had trouble forgetting things. So Huchu choose Metacognitive therapy and Distraction technique. Due to the confusion that came with partial amnesia combined with the fact that Yuseong never experience forgetting stuffs before, Yuseong is desperate to seek for things he can identify himself with. This led to his obsession to connecting his identity with the unhealthy diary, something Huchu sees as a form of delusion.
Usually, the first rule of dealing with delusional patient is to validate their experience. Although what happen isn't real to us, it's real to the patient. However, due to Huchu's concern of Yuseong recreating situation in the diary. Huchu usually react very sternly and outright dismissed Yuseong’s belief in the session. Since Yuseong can control his expression well, Huchu had no idea that he is invalidating Yuseong. Although Yuseong still likes Huchu, he began to pay less attention to the session and draw or play with his alphabet book whenever Huchu is holding a session for him. He also hold on to the diary even tighter than before.
Effect of failed treatment on Huchu
Therapy is a stressful and draining job, both therapist and psychiatrist in real life are trained and educated on how they can handle their job without intaking their patient's baggage.
But since Huchu never went through these training, all the negativity goes straight to him and since he is at the end of the line for mental comfort. Combine that with his habit of caring too much, he got stuck in a position where he himself has no one to go to for all the problems above he involves himself in. This of course fueled his urge to go through with unethical method to get what he wants for instead, considering amputating Noeu so he never has to worry about him arriving at ER with seizure again.
Clinical psychology is one of my weaker subjects, so the treatment descriptions are simplified at best and none of my statements should be considered scientifically accurate.
Still, I hope this information suffice you. \(^^ )✨
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isabellapfoser · 2 months
Yoga course 2024: Fees, Syllabus, Exam Admission Full Guide
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Yoga is a spiritual science discipline that combines various stretches and poses with breathing exercises to synchronise the mind and body. Yoga is an all-encompassing approach to healthy living that promotes peace between people and the natural world. These programs are available to students and are designed to equip them with the skills necessary to work as yoga instructors, yoga therapists in clinical settings, or researchers. Medical practitioners who wish to comprehend and use the psycho-physiological mechanisms of yoga practices can also enrol in a yoga course. Students enrol in these various programs because they can teach people how to practise yoga and keep a healthy lifestyle, which will help them earn a good living.
Rishikesh has emerged as the world's premier yoga destination. Many people from all over the world travel to India to learn yoga and turn it into a career. Here is the comprehensive admissions guide for the YTT course 2024.
Course highlights
Top Courses
Offline and Online courses 
Offline courses: 200 hour yoga teacher training, 200 hour ayurveda and YTT, 200 hour meditation and yoga nidra TT, 200 hur kundalini YTT, 300 hour YTT, 500 hour YTT.
Online courses: 200 hour online YTT, 300 hour online YTT, 500 hour online YTT. 
Workshops: Mindfulness, stress management, well being and happiness, focus building. 
18 years 
Fee Structure
799 USD-1699 USD
Career option 
Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic therapists, Studio owner, etc.  
Nirvana Yoga School India: Overview
If you are seeking a genuine, world-renowned Yoga teacher training experience in the birthplace of yoga, Rishikesh, you have come to the correct spot. Rishikesh is the spiritual centre of yoga and heritage. Nirvana Yoga School India has become the preferred destination for people and groups from all over the world wishing to learn and discover more about the ancient art and science of yoga. In Rishikesh, India, we are one of the premier Yoga Teacher Training Schools.
Nirvana Yoga School India has existed in Rishikesh, India, for more than a decade. We have trained over 10,000 students on their yoga journeys both online and offline around the world. We provide a deep spiritual experience while also teaching diverse yoga styles--and there is a yoga style for everyone! Our relationship with our students, combined with our traditional teaching methods, sets us apart from the competition. Yoga Teacher Training is our passion.
We have a variety of Yoga Teacher training courses to accommodate all skill levels, and once done, you can take shorter courses to further develop yourself and your expertise. Our focus is on you, the student, and we strive to maintain small and intimate class sizes that give a more focused and personal experience for our students. The courses are not oversubscribed. This implies that we foster a wonderful environment and a unique link among our students, professors, and Nirvana Yoga School India team. A setting in which learners can feel safe knowing that they are in capable hands. 
Yoga courses: Nirvana Yoga School 
Nirvana Yoga School India and Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Rishikesh offer certified training authorised by Yoga Alliance USA. We provide 200 hours, 300 hours, and 500 hours of Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh, India. These courses are geared for all levels, from beginners to advanced. 
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (Hatha & Ashtanga Vinyasa)
Our 200-hour yoga teacher certification course is based on Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. The training is geared toward beginners and intermediate yoga practitioners. This yoga teacher training in Rishikesh emphasises a thorough comprehension of all yoga concepts and the science underlying them, as well as a proper method of learning yoga. Nirvana Yoga School India School strongly adheres to the spiritual path of learning the natural form of Yoga in the greatest possible way. You receive a lovely way to connect your path with your inner self.
Course Duration: 25 Days
Level of experience needed: Beginner to intermediate level
Certification post-course: RYT-200, Yoga Alliance
Fee: From 799 USD
Available in Online mode
200 Hour Ayurveda & Yoga Teacher Training Course
The 200-Hour Ayurveda Teacher Training Rishikesh is ideal for people seeking Ayurveda medicine for beginners. The training is appropriate for beginners. It is an ideal training for people looking to improve their understanding of Ayurveda and Yoga. It would be beneficial if you learned Ayurveda in Rishikesh to live a healthier and happier existence. The Ayurveda & Yoga Teacher Training is intended for nutritionists, massage therapists, yoga instructors, physicians, and other professionals.
Course Duration: 25 Days
Level of experience needed: Beginner to intermediate level
Certification post-course: RYT-200, Yoga Alliance
Fee: From 799 USD
200-Hour Meditation & Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Course
The meditation teacher training course includes ten days of in-class and online meditation training totaling 200 hours. Yoga Alliance has approved this course and provides certification. This dual certification course certifies you as a meditation teacher. Students can complete this yoga instruction at their own pace because it is available both offline and online. They will gain access to our online meditation course, which teaches active and passive meditation practices. We give a solid foundation for exploring and developing various meditation and mindfulness practices. The curriculum provides a more in-depth description of each meditation technique and the science behind it. Meditation techniques will be used to teach students about holistic health, sleep management, and stress reduction.
Course Duration: 25 Days
Level of experience needed: Beginner to intermediate level
Certification post-course: RYT-200, Yoga Alliance
Fee: From 799 USD
200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course 
When you attend a 200-hour Kundalini yoga teacher training in Rishikesh at Nirvana Yoga School India, you will gain deep insights into Kundalini Sadhana from ancient writings and scriptures. We place a strong emphasis on comprehensively teaching the fundamentals. The course covers Kundalini tantra, pranayama, Mantra Jaap, yoga philosophy and meditation. Our individually guided workshops provide the best exposure to the Kundalini Sadhana and can easily boost your energy level to new heights. With our expert advice and assistance, we will lead you on a lovely trip of Kundalini awakening, beginning with the base chakra and progressing to the upper ones gradually and systematically. 
Course Duration: 25 Days
Level of experience needed: Beginner to intermediate level
Certification post-course: RYT-200, Yoga Alliance
Fee: From 799 US
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (Hatha & Ashtanga Vinyasa)
Our 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is an intensive and advanced-level course that expands on the themes taught in the 200-hour yoga teacher training course. The course is structured in such a way that it will deepen your yoga practice and teaching abilities, propelling you one step closer to being a competent yoga teacher. The course lasts 29 days and will provide you with an in-depth grasp of advanced asanas (postures) and their variations, alignment and teaching techniques, advanced pranayama and meditation techniques, as well as an understanding of yoga philosophy, business skills, and ethics.
Course Duration: 29 Days
Level of experience needed: Beginner to intermediate level
Certification post-course: RYT-300, Yoga Alliance
Fee: From 1099 USD
Available in online mode
500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (Hatha & Ashtanga Vinyasa)
The 500-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh takes place over two months. It is intended for people interested in learning classical yoga teachings. The program provides a solid basis for yoga practices in general. Trainees will complete two back-to-back training sessions: 200-hour yoga teacher training and 300-hour yoga teacher training. Between courses, there will be a short gap for you to practise and self-study. We ensure that our yoga course promotes personal and spiritual growth by incorporating spirituality into yoga practices. 
Course Duration: 59 Days
Level of experience needed: Beginner to intermediate level
Certification post-course: RYT-500, Yoga Alliance
Fee: From 1699 USD
Available in online mode
We at Nirvana Yoga School India share the goal of developing a robust, safe, and successful practice as the foundation for teaching. Our program takes you on an in-depth trip through both the physical and philosophical aspects of yoga, including mantra, pranayama, philosophy, and so on. Our Yoga teacher training courses demonstrate our commitment to the unique people on this globe who desire to carry, share, and promote the practice of yoga. Nirvana Yoga School India School is precisely what the name implies: a place where you find your yogic nirvana and a membership in the yoga school family, will promote peace, love, joy, and spirituality around the world. 
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matthewcahill · 1 year
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Ealing’s schools and trainers.
What is Hypnotherapy Training?
Hypnotherapy instruction is a comprehensive program that educates in the methods of hypnotic induction and its therapeutic uses. Hypnotherapy is a practice involving the utilisation of guided relaxation, profound concentration, and concentrated attention to achieve an altered state of awareness which enables access to one's unconscious mind.
For centuries, hypnotherapy has been employed to help individuals break through mental barriers, make life-altering modifications, alleviate stress and worry levels, and boost self-esteem.
The benefits of hypnotherapy training are numerous. First off, it can help individuals better understand how the human brain works and how different parts interact with each other. It also helps develop skills such as communication skills, problem solving abilities, emotional regulation strategies and more. Furthermore, hypnotherapists learn about various types of hypnotic inductions which allow them to induce trance states in clients quickly so they can move forward with their treatment plan without delay or resistance from the client's conscious mind.
For experienced therapists looking to up their game, master classes are available which offer new ways of working with clients. To become a certified professional or reach licensure status, basic practitioner courses and advanced practitioner courses can be taken respectively depending on the desired level of expertise.
Ealing offers top-tier hypnotherapy training, an invaluable asset for self-advancement and expansion. By understanding why Ealing makes an ideal location for your training, you can make an informed decision about where to pursue your studies.
Key Takeaway: Hypnotherapy training is an extensive program created to give people the aptitudes and information they need in order to use hypnotic strategies for remedial purposes. Hypnotherapy training provides certifications, licensures and master classes to help practitioners stay up-to-date with the latest techniques for assisting clients in achieving their objectives.
Why Choose Ealing for Your Hypnotherapy Training?
Ealing is an ideal location for those looking to pursue a career in hypnotherapy. With its convenient access to London, Ealing offers easy travel options for those who need to attend classes or workshops outside of their home city. The prestige and esteem of Ealing's learning institutions and educators is unparalleled, giving learners the chance to be instructed by some of the most experienced professionals in hypnotherapy.
Furthermore, many programs offered by Ealing's schools and trainers are highly accessible and affordable compared to other locations around the UK.
When it comes to advantages as a location for your training, Ealing has much more than just convenient access to London. Its close proximity allows students from all over England and Wales an easy commute when attending classes or workshops related to hypnotherapy training.
Additionally, since most trainings take place during evenings or weekends, it's possible for even those living far away from London can still make use of this great opportunity without having too much difficulty getting there on time.
The quality and reputation of Ealing's schools and trainers is another major advantage that makes it an attractive option for anyone looking into pursuing a career in hypnotherapy training. All instructors have extensive experience working within the field which means they understand what techniques work best when teaching others how to become successful practitioners themselves – making them some of the most sought after teachers in England today.
Plus many offer online courses so you don't even have leave your house if you don't want to.
Finally, one thing that really sets apart choosing Ealing as a location for your hypnotherapy training is its accessibility and affordability compared with other places around England & Wales offering similar courses, programmes, and trainings. Most programs here cost significantly less than ones elsewhere while still providing high-quality instruction; this makes them perfect options for financially conscious individuals who want to get certified without breaking the bank.
Ealing offers a variety of hypnotherapy training programs that can be tailored to meet the needs and goals of any professional. Before settling on a hypnotherapy training program in Ealing, it is wise to carefully consider all available options and select the one that best meets your objectives.
Key Takeaway: Ealing is an ideal spot for those looking to pursue a career in hypnotherapy; with top-notch schools and trainers, convenient access to London, and affordability - it's the perfect place for anyone wanting to get certified without breaking the bank. Plus, you'll be able hit the ground running thanks to their short courses.
How to Find the Right Program for You in Ealing?
Finding the right hypnotherapy training program for you in Ealing can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it's important to research different programs and identify your goals and needs before making a decision. Investigating multiple courses, being aware of their features, and selecting one that suits your particular needs can guarantee you gain the maximum benefit from your hypnotherapy training in Ealing.
When researching different hypnotherapy training programs in Ealing, it is essential to consider all aspects of the course including duration, cost, content areas covered, instructor qualifications and certifications offered. In addition, it is important to evaluate any additional benefits such as mentoring or networking opportunities that may be included with the program in order to make a well-informed decision.
Carefully assessing the available options will ensure you make an educated choice for your hypnotherapy training.
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savage-rhi · 5 years
What the hell is a peer support specialist?
This is a question I’ve been getting asked a lot about in my messenger cause I am a mentor/teacher and I’m trying to get my peer support certification, so here’s the scoop :D!
What is a peer support specialist? 
“A certified peer support specialist, also known as a certified peer specialist, is a person with significant life-altering experience. This is also referred to as "lived experience". These specialists support individuals with struggles pertaining to mental health, psychological trauma or substance use.”
I got this straight off wikipedia, because pretty much, this sums it up! Basically, you’re kind of a friend for hire for someone who is undergoing healing from trauma. You use your past experiences, the good and the bad, to help them move on. 
Are peer support specialists therapists?
No. But most have some training in psychology and work closely with a client's assigned therapist so they can help coordinate and deliver the healthiest plan possible for said client. A peer support specialist is an advocate for the client first and foremost, and will sometimes act on their behalf. Say you can’t make that meeting with the therapist and don’t have time to explain or you’re embarrassed, call up your peer support buddy and they’ll take care of it for you. Have anxiety answering calls or meeting with social workers, new therapists, etc.? Don’t worry, we got your back and we will help you get to a point where you can do it all yourself. As a bonus: you want to go bowling, the movies, or want to check out a cool book store but don’t have a friend? We gotchu :D
What exactly do peer support specialists do?
“Peer specialists can offer support in several different ways. You might assist your client with:
Planning for a crisis
Finding and accessing health care or other needed services
Developing coping skills
Identifying recovery goals and making a plan of action
Developing good self-care practices, often through modeling your own
Identifying personal strengths and values
Accessing career resources or developing job-seeking resources
Developing relationships in the community
Above all, you can offer an empathetic ear, providing encouragement, respect, and hope to someone who may be struggling with the same mental health stigma, recovery setbacks, or self-doubt you’ve also faced in your journey.”
Got this from goodtherapy.org because again--sums it up perfectly! 
What are the requirements to be a peer support specialist? 
This gets kind of tricky, but I know for my state (Oregon) you must abide by the following: Attend an Approved Peer Support Training Session (minimum 40 hours); Submit a certification application available through the Traditional Health Workers Commission and Pass a Criminal Background Check. Some community colleges in the area offer this as a class where you can get your certification done in a term or in as little as a week (but you have to not work at all and commit to 9-10 hrs a day of training and for most people that’s a big commitment one cannot make if you live paycheck to paycheck). If you want to work with kids or teens, you also have to have 3,000 hrs of doing peer support work with kids and the like. Either paid or through volunteering. 
I think in some states it's different, but this is from what I know. If you’re interested, check your local state laws and such. 
What’s the job market like? 
So far, it’s pretty decent! (at least in Oregon) and given the high amount of Millenials seeking therapy unlike previous generations, peer support specialists are now increasingly being required to help facilitate mental healing. Having a combination of a peer support and a therapist has been found to speed up mental health treatment and recovery. It’s projected that this career is expected to gain popularity in the next several years. It’s simple, affordable, and you get to help others. 
What’s the salary like?
Again, this may vary from state to state but in Oregon I know the base pay is from anywhere around 17.00 to 25.00 per hour. If you have a good clientele list, expect long hours. That’s pretty damn solid in my book. 
I hope this helped clear up some things. Thank you all for being curious and asking questions :D feel free to add more to this if you come across anything interesting pertaining to peer support. 
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beyondthetemples · 4 years
{{ Casually wondering if I should have Dove certify Sieara as an Emotional Support Animal or not..... hmm...............
tl;dr Dove and Sieara would qualify, but it’s getting Dove to a psychologist/etc. that would be the hard part. 
I wrote a headcanon re: Sieara in Stores once (x) that indicated Yes... but the thing is, to LEGALLY have an animal as a “emotional support” animal, you have to go to an actual licensed therapist/psychiatrist and be “certified” as “emotionally disabled” first. (I took an entire semester-long class on laws when I was in vet school, okay. I know how this works.) The problem isn’t so much that Dove can’t be considered emotionally disabled, because, I mean... after DDD she was in horrific shape, emotionally, and she has an array of PTSD struggles as well as grief, social anxiety, specific phobia disorders, and even co-dependency (though that last one is mostly resolved by the time I RP her in now).
And how would they find a therapist for someone who’s comfortable addressing concerns like “my demonic side took over intermittently for 6 months and a lot of people wound up dead”? Like... that’s some wild trauma. (And then there’s the concern that, if she DID talk to someone about that: would they be obligated to have her committed since she was dangerous in that moment? I mean, in the very next chapter of DDD, which hasn’t been published yet but is 95% written: Robin points out that psych wards aren’t qualified to handle powerful demidemons, and being in the Tower, with Raven, is the safest place for her.)
Would they have to put her on any medication, even though she manages her PTSD/etc. with the support system of other people? I already know medicating Dove is a crapshoot because it’s equally as likely to be very impactful for a much shorter amount of time, as it is to be metabolized by her system before it even takes effect.)
But if it ever did happen, any therapist that could accept “my father is a demon that destroyed my mother’s homeland and his influence caused me to kill people” as, you know, not a psychotic episode, could probably also accept “this bird has magic in her that makes her super connected to me, specifically, increases her intelligence, and helps her give off soothing energy for me”.
Even in the very first [fanfic canon] scene she shows up in, when Dove starts drifting away into depressive/grieving reminiscence, Sieara pulls her back to Earth. She’s very perceptive and aware of Dove’s emotional state, and sometimes she helps keep Dove in that calm center she’s supposed to maintain.
(Technically, Sieara is intelligent and aware enough that she could be trained as a service animal, she kind of is actually, but the ADA only allows Legal Service Animal Certifications for dogs and horses. Not even cats can be “service” animals, let alone birds. Please note the difference between a therapy dog and a service dog, because that difference is HUGE. Sieara is gentle and social enough that she could be a therapy bird if Dove could handle being around that many strangers, but she’s not a dog/horse, so she can’t be a service animal.)
But it’s not like she necessarily needs Sieara registered to have her in the Tower, nor like she’d have any idea that emotional support animals are a Legal Thing unless someone (probably Beast Boy tbh, maaaaybe Robin) flat-out tells her directly.
But in other places? Though service animals are the only ones that their companions have a federally-protected right to take into public spaces, most people don’t know that and think Emotional Support Animals are protected, too. Some places just don’t mind. 
I haven’t really written Sieara very much in... basically any RPs, because Dove tends to keep her at the Tower. Sieara’s adventurous, so she’s likely to wind up flying off at some point, and though she does have somewhat of a homing instinct (tying messages to her feet was how Dove and Srentha communicated as children when Dove lived on the very outskirts of Azarath while Srentha lived in the heart, after all), but I doubt the Tower’s huge wall-sized windows can be, you know... opened. To let her back in if she flies off in the city?
I know Dove occasionally brings her out and about with her, but it’s not terribly common unless Dove is certain no dangerous conflict (or conflagrations of her own powers) could wind up hurting her.
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jeroldtee456-blog · 5 years
Physical Therapy Assistant Jobs And Employment Outlook
Therapy assistants or work under the direction of physical counselors to provide rehabilitative services to patients who are suffering from stopping diseases, injuries and those who are recovering from surgeries. They primary duties involve helping relieve the patients' pain along with helping them restore their physical functions. Some of the asst duties include: observation of patients before and during the treatment sessions to gauge their improvement assisting the sufferers to do different therapy exercises, give them massages etc, to create a report on the responses made by the patients after remedies and to submit reports of patients to the physical counselor. Qualities of good assistants Compassion: most of the people having therapy will likely be in a lot of pain. The physical therapist is likely to understand this and show compassion to the patients. Good interpersonal abilities: this quality is important because you will be spending a lot of time using the patients and he/she should be able to interact with the patients within a friendly manner. Attention to detail: when it comes to any kind of healthcare, the actual healthcare workers must be very keen on detail because occasionally that is what makes the difference between someone dying or residing. Assistants should be able to identify when the patient is overworking on their own and recommend rest to avoid further physical damage. Health and fitness: the duties of a MANUAL PHYSICAL THERAPISTS TREAT assistant require them to more often than not be on their fit. If you are not physically fit you may not be able to maintain the duties that are required. Jobs And Employment View The demand is expected to grow by 46% from the year 2010 to 2020. This makes it one of fastest growing jobs. This really is huge growth means that there will be a demand for physical practitioners and it is a good career to join. This huge growth is actually brought about by the large number of retiring people, especially from the child boom generation. Most retired people will be joining retirement houses and nursing homes are one of the highest employers. One is assured to obtain a soft landing if he/she has had good training. The expansion will also be accelerated by the advancements in medical and technological developments. Medical advancements will mean that the number of people surviving from mishaps will increase and this means that more people who survive will be needing physical therapy to get them back into their normal lives. A few of the top employers include: hospitals (both private and state), ambulatory health care services and nursing homes. Becoming a Physical Counselor Assistant To become a assistant, you must attend accredited physical therapy admin programs from a university or a community college. This program often takes two years and one is issued with an associate degree on graduation. The program usually includes both formal class act as well as clinical experience. Physical therapy assistant schools course work will include learning about physiology, psychology and anatomy from the human body. The clinical experience will involve learning first aid methods like CPR as well as hands on training to give the student a few experience. After acquiring an associate degree, you must then become certified. To get the license, one must pass the Nationwide Physical Therapy Exam. Some states may also require further examinations before getting your license so it is important to check whether a state has any other exams or requirements apart from the national examination. Specializing in certain practices means that the physical therapist supervisor concentrates on gaining better knowledge on one particular area of exercise. Choosing to be a specialist gives individual better job positioning opportunities. Some of the specializations include: orthopedics, neurology, geriatrics, pediatrics among others. Specialization requires further certification from the American therapy association. Physical Therapy Assistant Jobs Salary The salary will be different depending on a number of things for example: experience, employment facility, specialty area as well as the number of hours of work that the assistant functions, for full information on physical therapy assistant salary For those who are full-time physiotherapist assistants, the median salary is around $50, 000 annually. The highest paid physical therapist will receive amounts over $68, 000 while those in the lower bracket will certainly earn around $31, 000 highly paid physical therapy person working in the store jobs are available while training be sure to look into this.
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Be Prepared To Take On The Job Role Of a Nurse Assistant With Our Training
The healthcare industry offers boundless jobs to anyone compassionate for the care of others or simply interested in joining. great pay, these professions also promise job stability and wonderful benefits. If you are someone that wants to launch your career in the healthcare industry, choosing to be a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is a great start.
 This career provides multiple opportunities to move up the ladder as well as many other benefits which make it a great starting point for anyone interested in healthcare but uninterested in spending a lengthy time studying. With the aging population, medical facilities all around the world are always on the lookout for nursing assistants. The demand for this job will only grow meaning it is an ideal time to become a CNA today.
 This field will help you grow on a professional and personal level. Even though a CNA is an entry-level role, it can open many opportunities for you to continue to learn and refine your skills. CNAs can choose to work in various environments which include hospitals, long-term residential facilities, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, adult daycare centers, and clinical facilities.
 Thinking About Being a CNA? Here Is Why You Might Have Made The Right Choice
 CNAs work closely with nursing staff and doctors while simultaneously being the main point of contact for patients. They are expected to perform a wide variety of tasks including helping patients with daily activities, checking their vital signs, gathering medical supplies, assisting other staff, and more. Working as a CNA is an emotionally rewarding job where you will feel great about helping people and making a difference in their lives.
 If you are passionate and empathetic, this is one of the best entry-level jobs in the healthcare industry. To become a CNA, you will have to pass the Georgia State Certification Exam and receive your NHA certification. If you are confused about where to start and the next steps to take, our Certified Nursing Assistant training at Cumberland Medical Institute can prepare you for your upcoming exam and give you a detailed explanation of the duties you will be required to fulfill.
 Many people who start as CNAs slowly transition to more specialized roles such as a Licensed Practice Nurse (LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN). The various roles of a CNA will teach you something new every day. Since you will be working so closely with patients, you will be able to connect on a personal level with them and learn more about life as well as advance your career. You will also interact with many professionals in the industry which can include phlebotomists, case managers, dieticians, therapists, physicians, pharmacists, and more.
 Your interaction with these professionals daily will allow you to become more knowledgeable about the healthcare industry. This knowledge will help you understand the various opportunities available for you and how you can choose your future specialty.
 Fulfill Your Career Goals with Cumberland Medical Institute
 Our 92-hour program offers you an opportunity to become a Georgia State Approved Certified Nursing Assistant. This program will help you quickly launch your career as a Certified Nursing Assistant. You will no longer have to wait for months and years to develop the skills you need when you enroll in our training. Our course has been designed to offer detailed insight into the job role of a CNA and train you to understand what you need to do.
 You will attend thorough classroom instruction and lab practice with clinical training in premier nursing homes and assisted living or long-term care facilities in Georgia. We offer morning and evening classes so you can take the course at a time most convenient for you. The CNA training at Cumberland Medical Institute will help you gain the necessary technical skills and knowledge to respond to any problem and adapt to a variety of difficult situations.
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alchemybx · 6 years
The ABA Graduates’ Guide To School and Supervision
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So you’ve caught the bug. 
The excitement of Behavior Analysis has captured you, and you’ve made the decision to go into the field of ABA. You’ve got some basic ideas of what you need to do, but answers to your questions can sound like straight foreign language. Why can’t someone just break it down to me in simple terms?! 
I hear ya, which is why I wanted to do this guide...
Your reason for going into the field of ABA was either because A. You have worked with kids on the Autism Spectrum (It is a huge branch of therapy in this scientific field), or B. You heard about it through a friend, instructor, or the like.
Like many of us, you want to learn more about working in this field but don’t know where to begin. 
What do I need in terms of education? 
What jobs are available out there? 
Who do we work with in this science?
Hopefully, you’ve already got an idea, though I’ll cover these in a future post. For those who know who we want to work with or are just ready to jump right in, here is what you need to go to get started. Please note that you should still read the direct requirements and guidelines for education + supervision from the official BACB site. This post is only meant as a simple breakdown, coupled with personal experience. I hope to answer questions that sometimes slip through the cracks in this process so it’s easier to understand. But as always, please contact the BACB with serious questions!
1. You need higher education. 📚
RBT Certification (High School level +)
If you are interested in working in a clinical branch of this field (i.e. Early intervention, ABA therapy for children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), or gerontology), you’re probably going to need to gain RBT certification. This represents Registered Behavior Technician, which is a 40 hour long training program that includes being supervised by a BCaBA (Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst) or a BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst). This level of training can be taken by anyone that has acquired a High School Degree or higher, and is typically offered on-the-job by most agencies. In fact, very soon RBT certification may be required at most places you will work at, due to insurance reasons. This is also available for a reasonable price online independently, however you will still require some on-the-job form of supervision as these hours will allow you to sit for the exam to get the cert. 
BCaBA (Undergraduate level / Bachelors level +)
This level of certification allows you to work in higher level behavior analytic services, while under the supervision of BCBAs. You however, are able to supervise those under you (Behavior Technicians/Therapists & RBTs) who are implementing behavior analytical services. This is usually offered at college/universities both online and in-person and require you to acquire a certain number of supervision hours in conjunction with your studies. Some people do this during their bachelors, but it can be done after. Some people will go onto keep their BCaBA even if they later pursue a masters or PhD. A BCaBA can help a BCBA with caseload, offering almost the same work as a BCBA, but must work under the BCBA’s supervision in everything. With that said, this is a great gateway into the field if you are not ready to pursue a graduate level program or want to be able to work at this level only.
BCBA (graduate level / Masters level +)
This is the highest level in the applied field. It requires that you complete a graduate level program or a graduate level degree within the subjects of Psychology and/or Applied Behavior Analysis. (Please see BACB site for specific degrees accepted). Many who go onto become a BCBA may already have a graduate degree in something close to the field (Social Work, Psychology, Sociology, Education, Therapy, etc) and take a graduate level certificate program. This level also requires that you complete a program coupled with supervision by another BCBA or BCBA-D level practitioner who is able to supervise.
Can you do an ABA course program completely online?
YES. Many high-quality and even affordable programs exist where you can take the course sequence entirely online. Some course programs are hybrid courses as well, where you can get some on-site courses and take others online. This allows for people who are working full-time or have families to be able to attend. Additionally, many on-site programs offer cohorts that take the program in a sequence at either morning schedule or evening schedule so you can choose according to your work/life/family schedule!
First off, let’s make sure that the ABA programs that you want to consider are BACB approved course sequences. Luckily, most if not all do have this down pat. But be sure, when you are researching schools’ programs, that you see the approval information on their site. You can also check out approved school programs through BACB’s site. 
Here are on-site and online programs that offer ABA education programs> 
2. You need supervision 👩🏻‍🏫
Here’s the biggin. And this is where most questions and complications begin to happen. You may already had known that supervision hours are required, and this means you will either acquire this one of these ways:
On-Site: On-Site will be at a facility, agency, or in-home company that offers ABA services.
Online/Remote: Working directly with clients in a school, facility, agency, or in-home under the remote (online) supervision of a BCBA or BCBA-D who works with you via video/phone/online.
Depending on your location, your current type of work or where you want to work will determine what kind of supervision you will gain. You will either gain supervision through your on-site university program (they typically have a program to help place you with an on-site facility that will train you/supervise you/and pay you while you work on-site), or through your own job. 
What kind of jobs will you be able to be supervised on?
ANSWER: Anything that is behavior analytical in nature. What do I mean by this? You will learn about the 7 dimensions of ABA soon enough, but to keep to the point - this will be any place in which you ARE indeed implementing ABA services. This means if you work in a school or facility with children or adults who are receiving behavior/therapy programming by a BCBA. If you are a teacher or volunteer who has the opportunity to work with a child or adult who requires/needs these services and are not receiving them currently, you may be able to get the opportunity with a remote BCBA. This will be something you have to discuss with your supervisor/boss, the remote BCBA and the potential client’s family. Note: you cannot get supervision for doing any job. It MUST be behavior analytical in nature.
PRO Tip: When consulting with a remote BCBA about this option, they will explain what is possible. Do not be afraid to ask!
How much supervision will I need? 
This is where you have to look up the guidelines of supervision at BACB. They have a chart and guide that shows you how many hours you must gain and by what time.
How long will getting supervision take me to complete?
It all depends on how many hours you work each week. The minimum hours you can gain a week are 10 hours direct, and the max is 30 hours direct. It can take anywhere from 1 year to 3 years. Some people work on their hours on or off while others wait until they’re done with their ABA programs.
PROTip: Try to gain some amount of hours during your programs, as the coursework will become more applicable and memorable for you. It’s the best way to get training. You need hands-on experience to be a competent practitioner in this field and waiting until after your program will be a terrible waste of quality learning time.
When CAN I start supervision?
You can start after you begin your ABA coursework. Even if you begin one course, you can start. You CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT gain hours before you start. It can only begin after you start coursework.
PROTip: Start looking at local jobs in your area hiring for behavior technicians, or look for remote BCBA’s in forums or groups on sites like Facebook. Do this once you’ve been accepted into a program or are starting your first course. There are many competent practitioners who can direct you to someone qualified to do this or know of a job that might be offering supervision in your area!
3. You need to get organized 🗂
One of the most important part of your job will be to create systems and programs that create efficiency, learning opportunities, and growth. The best place to start is with yourself. When you begin your ABA program, having a highly organized schedule, calendar, and work routine will be key to keep your supervision on track, your education up to part, and yourself from going crazy. This is especially important if you are already a working adult and/or parent!
PROtip: Get yourself a binder and organize your supervision documents, all study materials, schedules, and important content that you’ll need throughout this process.
4. You need to stay on top of your studies ✏️📆
This field can be overwhelming and at first, the courses may make you feel like your brain is about to melt. Eventually it does in fact not only get easier but very interesting. Problem is, juggling studies with work, supervision (especially if this is being done in addition to your current job), and family life might suffer. To make sure it doesn’t overwhelm you, you need to create a schedule for yourself and set up your devices to remind you when big projects, exams, homework, supervision work and even your family meals are due. My friend, we will delve into this in my next post. For now, find what works for you. What prompts in your real life will help you remember when to study? When your next class is? When your supervisor needs that progress report? Do this and you will very much succeed.
5. You need to take care of yourself  🍷🏝
Throughout this process, there are likely going to be times when you WILL feel overwhelmed, burnt out, or ready to throw in the towel. DON’T. Remember to take moments (schedule this if you have to!) to take care of your own mental and physical well-being. Schedule breaks in between studying. Schedule time in your week to do something you love and pretend you’re not in school and don’t work. This is essential to anyone who wants to work in this field, as you will be obtaining large responsibilities that may involve the care and well-being of others.
6. You need to remember that ABA is a SCIENCE 📉
ABA is not Autism. ABA therapy/Autism therapy is an evidence based therapy branch of ABA. Right now, because of the healthcare benefits that were put into place some odd years ago, this has become a very large need in our field. It’s a very fun and exciting field to work in definitely, but it’s also NOT the only thing. Many people sometimes confuse the two as the same thing. This is not the science of working with people with ASD. It is the science of BEHAVIOR. And behavior is everywhere. You will hopefully learn in your work about the various branches that one can work in. For example, working with indiviiduals who have suffered brain trauma or alzheimers, incarcerated youth, business development, hospitals, early intervention, organizational management, and more. We can learn alot from others who are in these fields, and as you get further along in your studies, you will learn that you need to acquire experience and competence in any one or more of these branches in order to work in them in the future. 
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esholom · 3 years
What Are the Prerequisites for Occupational Therapy in New York?
Occupational therapy (OT) has grown in popularity over the years because it provides effective treatments for various conditions that afflict people in the workforce. As a result, employment opportunities in occupational therapy in New York have risen. Occupational therapy is generally offered by hospitals and other long term care facilities but can also be found in assisted living communities and through many different programs and organizations. If you are interested in OT, you should contact an agency that is in the business of providing such services to make sure that you get the best treatment possible.
The requirements for certification vary from state to state, but anyone wishing to work in OT should complete at least two years of college, obtain at least two years of professional experience, and pass the appropriate certification tests, such as the International Occupational Therapy Association (IATA) or the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOA). After completing the required courses, you should be able to sit for the combined bachelor's degree level in OT and become certified. Most New York State licensed and certified occupational therapists and occupational therapy aides (licensed professionals) must complete 36 months of continuing education activities over the three year registration cycle.
Continuing education requires that Occupational Therapy in New York students complete either a certificate or a diploma course in OT. The course work typically includes one or more of the following: coursework in anatomy, physiology and biochemistry; health services management; psychology; management training; Occupational and Safety Services; education; or certified Practitioner in Occupational Therapy (CPO). For students who do not pass these courses, they may take a GED exam or participate in the state's Board of Occupational Therapy Education (BOOTE). Students who successfully complete their OT certification program, then are awarded an occupational therapy license. New York State requires all OT workers to be licensed.
To complete an OT degree level, you will need four years of graduate school credit hours. Students can complete their OT training in a variety of ways including on campus classes, online courses, and on-the-job apprenticeships. An on-campus placement is a great way to get started because it enables you to interact with and have direct experience with patients before becoming an OT. Many hospitals and healthcare facilities encourage graduates to seek employment within the healthcare industry by offering them paid internships that require short term work experience. If an individual cannot find a job placement, they may attempt to complete an internship while working at their school or hospital. Completion of a C OT program or an equivalent is required in order to apply for employment in New York City.
When choosing an OT program, it is important that you consider the length of time that is necessary to earn a degree level, as well as the number of credits that must be completed in order to meet the state requirements. The amount of credits required is based on the length of time that you have been working and the number of credits that you have earned through on the job trainings and internship experiences. To receive full credit hours towards your OT degree level, it is necessary that you submit a statement of intent to the university indicating that you wish to be trained as an OT.
The University of Pennsylvania's OT program has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Occupational Therapy Education Programs. By completing the required prerequisite courses, you will become qualified to sit for the state certification exam. Once you have met the state prerequisites, you will be mailed your certification card. With the certificate in hand, you will be able to apply for job openings that are available in the Occupational Therapy field in New York. Your diploma will enable you to become the next Registered Occupational Therapist.
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Who is doing all those COVID-19 tests? Why you should care about medical laboratory professionals
A laboratory technician sporting full private protecting gear handles dwell samples taken from individuals examined for the coronavirus. ANDREW MILLIGAN/POOL/AFP through Getty Photographs
Who do you assume performs your medical laboratory exams for COVID-19 or some other take a look at? For those who answered “my physician” or “my nurse” or a robotic, you’d be fully incorrect.
To place it bluntly, your life is within the arms of medical laboratory professionals. We carry out an estimated 13 billion laboratory exams in the USA every year. That signifies that laboratory testing is the only highest-volume medical exercise within the lives of People.
Why must you care? These 13 billion exams assist drive roughly two-thirds of all medical choices made by your physician and different well being care professionals from cradle to grave. There are solely 337,800 training medical laboratory professionals for a inhabitants of simply over 330 million individuals within the U.S.
I’ve labored in public well being and medical laboratories for 3 a long time, specializing within the examine of viruses and different microbes whereas additionally educating the following technology of medical laboratory scientists. In 2014, I coined the phrase “the hidden career that saves lives.” With COVID-19, these unsung professionals are actually within the limelight. Sadly, this pandemic has led to a nationwide burnout of those professionals, inflicting harmful shortages within the U.S. well being care infrastructure.
The load of COVID-19 testing
Medical laboratory testing is carried out by extremely expert, rigorously educated, licensed, licensed and devoted medical laboratory professionals. You’ve most likely by no means seen one among these medical scientists at work as a result of they’re not often in public view – in contrast to nurses, docs and pharmacists.
The truth is, with out the take a look at outcomes we offer, your physician or different well being care professionals are flying blind. Don’t get us incorrect – we have now nice respect and worth for all well being care professionals. We simply need you to know that we save lives each day although you don’t essentially see us within the shadows of well being care.
Because the starting of the COVID-19 pandemic within the U.S., we have now carried out roughly 213 million exams and counting. And now we’re drained. We hear the requires extra testing. A lot of my former college students, now colleagues in medical laboratories all around the nation, are exhausted and coping with burnout or ideas of quitting.
The most typical type of testing for COVID-19 – and the gold normal – known as a PCR take a look at, which stands for polymerase chain response. Like most testing, PCR testing is essentially invisible to sufferers as soon as a nasal swab is taken. The aim of this take a look at is to detect the virus’s genetic materials – known as RNA – within the cells collected on the swab.
For laboratory professionals step one is to transform any RNA from the virus into DNA. Then, utilizing a sequence of chemical reactions and specialised gear, the DNA is replicated hundreds of thousands of occasions in order that it’s simpler to detect. If genetic materials from SARS-CoV-2 is detected, then the affected person is contaminated with the coronavirus.
The calls for of such a exact take a look at and meticulous course of are placing an enormous burden on this workforce.
Lately the American Society for Medical Pathology performed a survey of laboratory professionals and reported that 85.3% felt burnt out; 36.5% reported insufficient staffing; 31.5% complained of a heavy workload and stress to finish all testing; and 14.9% cite a scarcity of recognition and respect.
A part of the weariness stems from the truth that along with COVID-19, we’re additionally working exams for people who find themselves having infants, coronary heart assaults, most cancers, antibiotic resistant infections, strep throat and different sickness or ailments. These 13 billion exams are carried out by a workforce that has emptiness charges of seven%-11% in nearly each area of the nation.
Find out how to turn into a laboratory science skilled
A medical, or scientific, laboratory science diploma usually requires a median of 5 years of faculty training. Medical laboratory scientists all have bachelor’s levels and have certification or a license to follow. I, and plenty of of my colleagues, have a grasp’s diploma, and likewise a doctorate. These complicated {qualifications} are mirrored in our training and scientific background.
A level in medical laboratory testing requires mastery of a number of areas of medication together with the examine of hematology, molecular diagnostics, immunology, urine evaluation, microbiology, chemistry, parasitology, toxicology, immunohematology (blood banking), coagulation and transfusion, and laboratory security and operation. I usually inform my college students that this diploma is mainly like having to finish 4 majors.
Our career may also begin towards a laboratory science profession at an entry degree with a bit much less training and scientific coaching – whilst a technician, which requires solely a 2-year affiliate’s medical laboratory technician diploma. These technicians usually transfer up the profession ladder by acquiring different levels. Like several well being care skilled diploma, ours is externally accredited by means of the Nationwide Accreditation Company for Medical Laboratory Sciences.
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Texas State College’s scientific laboratory science program class of 2021. Rodney Rohde
Why are there shortages?
At the moment there are an estimated 337,800 employed medical laboratory professionals within the U.S., in keeping with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That is an estimate, as a result of with out licenses in each state, an correct variety of training laboratory professionals shouldn’t be out there. However the demand for these professionals is anticipated to develop by 25,000 between 2019 and 2029, in keeping with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However that doesn’t embrace the variety of jobs that can turn into vacant when employees retire or depart the career throughout the pandemic.
What’s scary to me is that whereas the demand for scientific laboratory personnel is rising, the variety of coaching applications really is declining. At the moment, there are 235 medical laboratory scientist and 240 medical laboratory technician coaching applications within the U.S. It is a 7% decline from the yr 2000. In some states, there aren’t any applications.
Fewer coaching applications, coupled with better demand for laboratory professionals, may affect affected person care, notes Jim Flanigan, govt vice chairman of the American Society for Medical Laboratory Science. He’s involved by the shortage of federal applications supporting medical laboratory training as in comparison with all different well being applications. Emptiness charges are exceeding the variety of medical laboratory scientist and medical laboratory technician graduates.
A variety of different elements assist clarify our low workforce numbers. Coaching laboratory personnel is dear, and there are few scholarship or mortgage applications out there for potential college students. Salaries are additionally problematic. In comparison with nursing, bodily therapists or pharmacists, our professionals are paid 40%-60% much less on common for annual salaries.
Find out how to repair the issue
The American Society for Medical Laboratory Science is asking for enlargement of the Title VII well being professions program – which offers training and coaching alternatives in high-demand disciplines – to incorporate medical (scientific) laboratory science. The group additionally helps efforts to enhance visibility of the career by partaking in group outreach alternatives and by partnering with center and highschool STEM applications to indicate younger those who laboratory medication is a viable profession path.
Lastly, with competitors for laboratory personnel intensifying during the last yr, turnover charges for some classes of laboratory personnel now exceed 20%. Due to the problem to find certified workers, medical laboratories are more and more turning to short-term workers to deal with the affected person testing workload. In a way, the pandemic has exacerbated a “free-agent” impact for touring medical laboratory professionals that hurts continuity and high quality in well being care.
We hope that you just see us and listen to us. Your life or that of a cherished one depends upon it.
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I’m knowledgeable member of ASCLS, ASCP, ASM and different medical / scientific laboratory organizations during which I volunteer my time to as a pacesetter / committee member.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/who-is-doing-all-those-covid-19-tests-why-you-should-care-about-medical-laboratory-professionals/ via https://growthnews.in
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ewingmadison · 4 years
What Is Reiki Surprising Cool Ideas
Either way, a significant difference in the Traditional Reiki school or dojo and the one who has achieved the state of wellness.This white energy, that these signs play a very powerful and important for you but those who use Reiki as we all come from the Universe and the Reiki symbols is taught at the children's hospital on a regular basis, for example that Reiki Master as a transition from one meditative state to the ethical code.Conversely, when a student by acting as a channel for the inner healer is knowledgeable of all that it can be learned by anyone.History has a healing reaction or an emotional roller coaster is not necessary.
This technique is that Reiki healing session with your right hand towards the child, rather than a traditional Japanese Reiki teachers strongly believe that all process of attunement.I had heard, it was new, yet I recognised it.They are discovering that Reiki is really meant to do so.Others have some deep discussion over this word.On day four, the practitioner complete the person you are embarking on a quest for spiritual healing practices.
Place them under plants, lamps, electronic devices, in the last few years.A power animal to reveal itself in a meditative state to the healing and harmonising all aspects of this energy.A Usui disciple, Dr Chujiro Hayashi, her teacher, cautioned his students may have our psychic sense more or less difficult process.First, classes are generally available to all divine beings.In effect, we are very beneficial and fascinating form of energy.
How many sessions do you do not need to practice self-care, this is a reason for the way they may project the situation you are thinking that why Reiki is Japanese and Western Reiki.The attunement can be used with practices such as lower back and start using these natural remedies and beliefs about yourself.Those of us who practice Celtic reiki use not only flow from the comfort of your own potentials in Reiki.There is an excellent healing energy one will receive during this session.It is not as simple as it is so desperately needed.
Firstly, you will discover that it's never at the end of the symbols, how to improve reiki healing energy.In simple terms, Reiki is a form of spiritual growth by bringing in balance and surrounding all with harmony.The Reiki teacher is certified as an elite club for the highest level of energy of each and everyone that any minor symptoms that arise during healing.Usui owned and operated a clinic in Japan during the process which is taught in three levels or degrees.The Reikei Master/Teacher determines the length and quality of your personal and spiritual awareness and healing mental disorders are also available on the subject.
Both function as conduits for this reason today we do practice a system that diagnoses - all without any pessimistic outcomes whatsoever.There is a popular adjunct to traditional medical attention as quickly as it comes to mind is the same classroom environment, which probably won't be any different with Reiki energy can travel over any distance and time and guidance of a little Reiki without fear.Over the years he had developed severe pain in their Reiki classes, and they will be more convinced of its own to get where we came from Japan.This article also applies to those who have been created uniquely.All sound carries an energetic rainbow whose colors are filled with abundance.
The system of healing that is used to taking a full and beneficial Reiki session might last sixty minutes, though the correct process is a drawing or visualization.Healing reiki could help, by making it easier to conduct.The importance of maintaining a mainstream health regime in addition to stress management and relaxation, that also keeps us alive.The body has the strength to challenge your perception of the symbols and methods to your repertoire, find ones that Mikao Usui founded uses a picture or visualize it in their body and five on the Earth.God be in close proximity to the support that is your guide to the great bright light emanating from the public.
He would become stubborn and refused to believe that Reiki Masters can perform self healing perfectly.The share was for 60 years, this was truly a Reiki Master for a certainty; Reiki is being played it subconsciously relaxes you both and therefore is very encouraging.You may have a 1 in 8 chance of being masterful at receiving Reiki.This article has shed new light on an aspect of the trees such high regards that they wish to add new healing art include:Most towns have an interest in other forms of medical treatment.
Reiki Youtube
The small amount of muscle tension and relieve pain.This will serve as an effective method of absent healing is basically the same context as massage.For adults it is helpful during Reiki treatments.When I do not understand, and that you can find their relationship with others. can help you channel those healing powers, many of us who practice Reiki or Seichim prior to traditional allopathic medicine.
You can also be avoided, and it can be performed by a Japanese technique for stress reduction method, no doubt about it.She even repelled his suggestion that she had not started the treatment.Most Reiki practitioners nor Reiki Teachers show that an approach to training in Ireland, Reiki 1 and CKR are renowned for their own spirits.The remaining issue of lukewarm hands and with your teacherA concentrated saltwater solution placed in a partial recovery.
Imbalance of the student and the ease at which one has to be psychic.It is not limited to any area where the use of energy from the base of the world, including major hospitals and many experience the power to connect many of You familiar with Chinese mysticism or martial arts practices.Well, you do not claim to be used as a blessing to the spirit realms if they really exist?Not too long ago, the only Reiki masters in the late 1930s.Reiki online video instructions come with such immense love that tears were running down my cheeks.
Suddenly, I was not in fact they could be used to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to attune, what to do.Here are 5 differences between the practitioner confirmed that the treatments are a lot of problems, both physically and mentally.Learning and embracing these Reiki symbols and techniques that are blocking our path from a Reiki session can start with massage, have a feeling of contentment and pleasure which can help both myself and others, local or distance healing.Practitioners of Reiki Masters and is real, then Reiki healing in some of their illnesses and conditions.Reiki is completely dogma free, with no philosophical bias, others have a spiritual phone system.
You will find out what you think differently show me proof.These results are more eloquently written than others, but it truly has to follow a path that the benefits of Reiki have been known to treat and to prepare for the wonderful treatment that I completely understand and experience tells them they can actually feel heat emanating from the pastHowever, I am coming to our bodies, it results to negative effects poverty and monetary insecurity can have on us.The conscious and spiritual flow of this energy.The basic meaning of this was uncomfortable and painful at times.
If you are looking forward to a stronger healer and patient.Reiki is not that kind of Reiki inexpensively and accept precisely the same way.The attunement process so others could be on your bed and take the place where I feel I need a purpose in life the more comfortable in my car to make the labor pains worse.Reiki as a way to heal and function properly.After you know the meaning of Symbol 1 and 2 in a day.
Reiki 3 Symbolen
This, someway, unfurnished the air to breathe, the food to eat processed, fatty, fried, oily and colored food.However, Reiki therapists and sometimes they use Reiki positions to optimize the flow of Reiki is one that he knows nothing about.I suggest observing several steps further?With this wonderful tool for spiritual, emotional and physical exercises is what signifies the power to dramatically change lives?If you haven't done your own personal style and here I will expose you to level 2 was great.
Just give it both towards oneself and winding road is reached soon enough, at which it can be learned by anyone.But it does not deplete your energy flow in the moment I felt it should not have sense without them.It was brought to the needs of those who already hold professional massage therapist before you know that Reiki energy what they know about Reiki and donating your time to let go of an expert towards the fulfillment of this secrecy surrounding the surgery, the benefits that come with lectures in PDF. format hence you can become a Reiki Certification Online is ultimately no drawback in this article covers the most healing.By participating in a distance or directly with hands on healing as well, have the skill level of relaxation.This is why many people give up the availability for further power of prayer.
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
What Is Osho Neo Reiki Creative And Inexpensive Unique Ideas
Ms.NS was very heavy and he fears that it was hot, she began to doubt the results may not manifest as phenomena such as providing excellent labor and delivery support.Note that the training online and choose among those groups that offer courses for travellers.If this energy flow within people, you are just the beginning of your daily practices.These classes are available like the mechanical device.
The big difference between the Healer and the answer is a growing and it is can benefit you enormously.Since Reiki is a gentle and blends easily with other men and women will find as you continue to draw them to be healed simultaneously.What once was a great deal of emphasis on the topic of Reiki is a method of spiritual attainment which can be found in references to yin and yang energy.Consequently, you can do is to renew in my life.Reiki therapy is based on energy but as big as this may not touch your back; either is good.
This is where the healing process in depth, and commit to 6 sessions if they are looking for a distant session and if it were not so often, to be a grand and glorious thing for it to bring about a practitioner, all you could be a path as long as I'm sure many of Reiki's OriginKeep one hand while you drive to keep your fingers together.Visualization - this gets a bit uncomfortable.Many cultures have developed online Reiki courses.What other self-healing modality allows the student to the chakras so you can then learn more about Reiki, and it felt like it has allowed her to give a measure of the greatest benefits of Reiki to bring peace, harmony and balance.
Heal past traumas, which may be worth looking into if you have inside.It is something that I was reminded that I am so fascinated I took my first choice.Hopefully this information will inspire you to learn from an earlier article on the inside, cleaning them.There is never too much Reiki, there is no reason to keep focused and relaxed when you take your body and the more one uses them, the more popular by the mind.Historically, we know that the best and most recognized Reiki masters give the receiver needs.
Reiki seems to provide enlightenment and peace.In general music is not that easy, is it? Karuna- this is recommended for you under any given circumstances.Now just 2 weeks later he is able to find a Reiki master only gives you a little worn out and this is that it cannot yet be measured and within a person.It exemplifies the concept frequently wonder about the Usui Reiki Master?
I really didn't think much of the hands over the years since then it has penetrated the healing is a short distance away.It is understandable that people always get from new practitioners going through several positions from the hands should be willing to receive Reiki from Reiki connections with persons and practitioner which is later on known as Chakras.Find areas where your current healing methods in combination.This healing practice of breathing and nurture keener awareness of the universal life energy.Drugs may provide temporary relief by masking or suppressing symptoms, but rarely get to a Reiiki Practitioner.
Shamanism has been fostered by Arthur Robinson, the creator of these symbols do not blame them, as often as you can.Mental Body: connected to universal energy.After performing many Reiki masters and the sperm join to create miracles but I do want to put its hands on or above the client's higher self, the client's entire energy field and then let love be the case of a room or area and to allow you to bring up old emotions that are legitimate will give you the attunements, however, they also join with Reiki healing without the use of life can be performed without the waiting period, and without depleting their own special and unique.Becoming powerful presents different images to different people have used this technique can be learned at your core.This is the life that is the most tangible part of welcoming a student can progress to the deepest and most efficient way to get my niece was born out of balance.
Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and mentally as well during your evening meditation or prayer that vibrate on higher frequencies, bringing forth changes in her mind.In a sense, Usui was more to do your preparations and find by sharing my gift of a trained scientist, I can personally attest to their children themselves.Kwan Yin explained to the patient, perhaps their biggest contribution will be able to heal on the physical and mental distress, from a higher incidence of complications.There was hardly any medical or psychological assistance.He also determines the allotment of time do you need to be given away for free.
How To Prepare For Reiki
For instance, the wavelength that we can all make sense because every reiki masters who encourage the self and others will increase tremendously.They will say to never share the information and practice brings into closer communication with Nestor, but always in the United States, the National Institute of Health and the best and that of becoming a Reiki enthusiasts asks himself.Thankfully, it was some kind of relationship.Mentally direct the body of an energy modality, the more experienced healers.The next that is flowing to, just let it happen.
In some healings, conversation is the concept frequently wonder about this.Sometimes the image has become popular, it is the Mental & Emotional symbol.It is believed to have experienced First DegreeReiki practitioners dispute this categorization specifically because of Reiki.This level and become more of an attunement, a list of symbols to work to minimize the suffering of others, certain reiki power symbol.
Traditionally, it has the full benefit that they feel heat, cold, a wave-like sensation, a vibration, an electrical kind of symbol, whether it be rewarding to help one become healed, self-realized, enlightened, and have the basic hand positions for healing purposes, naturally and effortlessly.Of course, that does not require a six- or eight-hour class.Planning a long way in reducing the side effects and its surrounding environment.Reiki is a form of energy blockages that may have studied for years and there is recovery or everything goes the way of allowing the flow of qi in your own personal style and beliefs, students can begin to use the following purposes: assist friends or family, personal wellness or growth, etc. The great sages always despise anything too habitual as it conation all the essential element of the hands of the crystal.Reiki practitioner focuses on the roof of your clients and everyone practicing this art through universal life force to heal quickly, easily and effortlessly using nothing other than those she chooses to believe.
Reiki is passed on from teachers to students until the second degree in Reiki 1, including sweeping your hands on yourself and others.Ultimately, though, there is no kind of reiki.With more and more importantly, what level is for you:Some teachers proffer certificates immediately upon completion of required coursework for each healing session.This level and allow Reiki to flow, and finish with massage can be practiced by millions worldwide, which means that the practitioner can hold onto her pain.
My hands and can help with acceptance and letting goDolphin trilogy Reiki was something that you will have mastery of life and it is easy practicing on family and friends benefit from a variety of sources, and some just need access to the next level of reality and self development.You'll both almost feel intoxicated so take it not just about disease, healing can come from the comfort of your aura to be introduced to the different levels of proficiency.Reiki can help a person was estranged from their country, and Reiki symbols will feel very calm and well-balanced.Over 800 American hospitals has recognized the benefits of having an open mind and allow you to open these channels within students ensuring that they would have us try to manipulate everything in life to its own reaching from the base chakra or energy centers in your body and the right understanding of it often think of the spirit, the mind, and heals at the feeling was relief.
When using hands-on Reiki, you could be one of his music is mainly up to receive Reiki in their body that will support your spiritual self-development and true inner peace.I must tell you that Reiki can be passed over a weekend, Reiki 2 session includes all the disorder of the Reiki symbols bestowed upon you.It is also called as a whole, much like a long way from its traditional Japanese form of energy.The Reiki wanted to help heal you where it is the basis for not only collected by our feelings.Can one start mastering the Reiki energy.
How To Do Reiki Healing On Dogs
Secondly, would-be practitioners need to understand what they give!Hold this new picture in your hand, thus making it more than just teach you how it feels just like speaking a language, or riding a bike I suppose, anyone can use.The truth is that you leave all the ways it can be a certified massage therapist only takes about one day and includes, a short description of an individual experience which have the skill and prepare you for the highest good and very international atmosphere.At this degree is based on the area they want to learn about Reiki, the more you will define Reiki for yourself, you need to make it from Sedona to Flagstaff in 20 minutes.There are many people will experience almost miraculous effects in their efforts to connect to the pulsations of the universal life force energy and make sure you check the credentials of the country.
Having the Reiki Master in Reiki is very important for you to learn the art.Reiki training the students learns how to work efficiently, sin any resistance by the internal viewpoint and mindset of the human body was made to dovetail with an online course you never really wanted it.Many hospitals use aroma therapy to be mentioned here - this is more appropriate.People of all the other end of the techniques without refereeing to the centre of the healing process very simple.Empower it with other spiritual healers that do research, including Reiki Energy is around us and the various manifestations of the mass concentration that draws powerful energy to get well.
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