#also taught basics of modding
almightycrisprat · 3 months
yesterday my classmate bought in her ds so today i told her id bring my 3ds so i did. this morning we did some crap on pictochat and then did ds download play to play mkds and it took like 30 minutes just for my game to crash lmfao
anyway halfway through a different classmate came in with the most disgusted face ever and was like your playing games? at school? screw you tbh at least uhm tbh im actually struggling to come up with positives for myself that really just shows how much of a shitty person i am hhahaajhdfkjsdhfksjdhfksd
anyway we retried during lunch and instead of revising for biology we played mkds. i kept winning lmfao
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gummilutt · 6 months
Get dressed action on towel racks
A while ago I started using @episims' wonderful towel lite mod that makes our Sims put on a towel or a bathrobe after they shower or bathe. It adds a delightful touch of realism that is really fun. But as much as I enjoy taking my rich lady from her fancy bathroom to her walk in closet in a towel, sometimes I don't want to send my Sim past their bedroom to get dressed. When I shower I usually get dressed in the bathroom, putting on clothes I hung by the towels before getting in the shower. I thought, why can't my Sims do the same? With a little imagination, I re-purposed the actions of the Seasons coat rack to add clothes-changing animations to the towel racks that most of my Sims already have in their bathrooms, so that I can pretend they too put out their clothes on the towel rack before getting in. I wasn't sure if it was worth uploading but you guys loved the idea so here we go! :)
I only added everyday, formal and pyjamas because those are the three I thought it likely I would ever want. Shower during the day? Everyday clothes please! Girlies got ready for a night out? Get glam with your formal wear! A shower before bed? You'll want your pyjamas. The other categories seem unlikely, but I am open to updating it if there's a persuasive reason :)
As you can see in the video Sims are pretty decent about using the towel racks, even if they are on a wall behind stuff. I haven't altered the actual code to navigate to it, it uses the same slot as viewing the deco object did previously, which in my test has worked well. In the end I had to use different animations for children because the coat rack uses a step stool which needs a slot that the deco objects do not have and I could not figure out adding one. It was either different animations or floating in the air, so different animations it is :)
I've edited three of the Maxis towel racks. "Towel on a Metal Rod", "Towel on a Wooden Rod" and "Towel Hanger Plus Plus". I'm also sharing one edited CC towel rack by Simply Styling, which I discovered through @gayars recolors found on her website here.
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Get maxis towel rack add on on SFS | Get Jope towel rack on SFS
If any creators would like to add these edits to their own towel racks, please feel free to do so. To make it easier on you, or any simmer that simply wants to update things they downloaded, I prepared a download package with the resources you need and some basic instructions. It's not step by step, it assumes you are familiar with edits. Should anyone want or need more detailed instructions, I am happy to help when I can :) (Update 2024-03-06 I replaced the routing mechanism in the interactions, to avoid a slot-missing error that happens in some CC objects that do not have a routing slot)
Conflicts: The maxis towel rack add on are global plug in for those objects, which means there is a potential for conflicts. HCDU+ will find any conflicts, but I doubt there are any. Indirect conflicts may also occur if you have mods that add additional interactions to deco objects, they would not show on the towel racks because I have overridden their usual pie menu.
Credits: whoward69 at @picknmixsims who taught me how to edit event trees in animations, @episims for the towel lite mod that inspired this, @gayars who taught me how to repurpose animations between objects and for introducing me to the jope towel, and all you lovely people that encouraged me to post this with your enthusiasm <3
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felixcloud6288 · 10 months
Did you know if a number is divisible by 3, you can add all the digits of the number and the sum is divisible by 3? For example, 327 is divisible by 3 and 3+2+7 = 12, which is divisible by 3.
For the Proof on why this is, click Read More
Prerequisite Knowledge
Yes, I need to explain how numbers work for this proof.
Let's go back to elementary school. You're being taught basic addition of multi-digit numbers. You're given the number 54,321. 54,321 = 50,000 + 4,000 + 300 + 20 + 1
Let's expand that a little.
54,321 = 5*10,000 + 4*1,000 + 3*100 + 2*10 + 1
Now I''m going to take an aside and mention exponents, just in case.
Normal notation for exponents are a base number with a smaller number floating on the top right corner of your base value. Since Tumblr can't support that notation, I'll use a^b as the notation.
When you have an exponent, you have to multiply the base number by itself however many times the exponent number is. For example, 3^4 = 3*3*3*3 = 81.
Also, if the exponent value is 0 or smaller, you start dividing by the base number instead. So 3^0 = 3/3 = 1.
Now that I've explained that, let's go back to earlier.
54,321 = 5*10,000 + 4*1,000 + 3*100 + 2*10 + 1
Each digit in 54,321 is beling multiplied by an exponential power of 10.
54,321 = 5*10^4 + 4*10^3 + 3*10^2 + 2*10^1 + 1*10^0
This expanded form of an arbitrary number is going to be necessary for the proof.
Modulo and Equivalence
Let's go back to elementary school again. Remember how in division, you'd give a remainder as part of your answer? 12 / 5 = 2 remainder 2.
The modulo operator returns the remainder when you divide two numbers. In programming, % is used for modulo so I'll use that for notation. So 12 % 5 = 2.
An expansion of modulo is equivalence. Two numbers are equivalent under a modulo value when both numbers have the same remainder when divided by the modulo value. Under modulo value 5, 7 and 12 are equivalent because 7 % 5 = 2 and 12 % 5 = 2.
The normal notation for equivalence is the equal sign with 3 lines instead of 2. I'll use == for the notation here.
Since 7 and 12 are equivalent under mod 5, the notation is 7 == 12 (mod 5)
If a number is evenly divisible by a modulo power, it's equivalent to 0. 5 / 5 = 1, therefore 5 % 5 = 0, therefore 5 == 0 (mod 5)
There are some special rules about numbers that are equivalent. We'll let a, b, c, and m be arbitrary numbers.
If a == b (mod m), then a+c == b+c (mod m) If a == b (mod m), then a*c == b*c (mod m) If a == b (mod m), then a^c == b^c (mod m)
The Proof
Now let's move onto the proof.
Let's say we have some arbitrary whole number X which is divisible by 3. That means there is some whole number c such that X = 3*c. So if X is 327, c would be 109 because 109*3 = 327.
Now let's rewrite X into the expanded form from the Numbers section. We'll let d(0) refer to the least significant digit (The one at the far right). d(1) will be the next least significant digit and so on until we reach d(n), the most significant digit.
X = d(n)*10^n + d(n-1)*10^(n-1) + ... + d(1)*10^1 + d(0)*10^0
Since X is divisible by 3, that means the long form of X is equal to 3c.
d(n)*10^n + d(n-1)*10^(n-1) + … + d(1)*10^1 + d(0)*10^0 = 3*c
Now let's start doing some modulo.
10 == 1 (mod 3)
By the earlier rules mentioned in the Modulo section, we can multiply and exponentiate each term (The parts between the +) and they're still equivalent. So now we'll replace each term with an equivalent term under mod 3.
d(n)*10^n + d(n-1)*10^(n-1) + ... + d(1)*10^1 + d(0)*10^0 == d(n)*1^n + d(n-1)*1^(n-1) + … + d(1)*1^1 + d(0)*1^0 (mod 3)
1 exponentiated to any power is 1 so
d(n)*10^n + d(n-1)*10^(n-1) + ... + d(1)*10^1 + d(0)*10^0 == d(n) + d(n-1) + … + d(1) + d(0) (mod 3)
Meanwhile 3*c == 0 (mod 3). Since 3*c = X, then anything equivalent to X is equivalent to 0.
d(n) + d(n-1) + … + d(1) + d(0) == 0 (mod 3)
At this point we can say the sum of all the digits of X can be divided by 3 because the sum would have no remainder.
So in conclusion, if the sum of all the digits of a number can be divided by 3, then the number can be divided by 3.
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 6 months
Pleeeease do tell me more about Francis. Why did he leave the Children? Why did he join them in the first place? What did he do down in that bunker for three years, and what was getting out like? How did he meet the companions he hangs around with?
so, i'm gonna go in order of the timeline of events in his life. and please forgive some mistakes in the writing, i unfortunately didn't luck out with my abilities, and don't usually write anything more than footnotes. though i'm hoping the more I write out posts like this, the better i'll get :)
I also made goofy doodles to accompany the writing to compensate, and to better visualize what i'm trying to convey.
growing up, he mostly drifted from place to place with his family, which mostly consisted of him, his aunt, uncle, and two other cousins of his. his aunt adopted him at a very, very young age.
they mostly kept to DC, but eventually wanted to travel more east.
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eventually though, due to family drama and disagreements, his family disbanded and he just traveled with his aunt. His aunt was VERY close with the rest of his family, so their departure took a toll on her.
she was pretty desperate to fill the void that was left, so when the children of atom offered relief from the feeling of abandonment, it didn't take much convincing.
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the only catch was they had to leave DC and join the expedition to the commonwealth.
so, how did Francis join the children of atom?
Francis was about 18 at the time, and was used to just- going wherever his aunt went. so he didn't really question it and tagged along. He listened to the preachings and started to buy into the ideology himself. his aunt began to firmly believe too, so that helped condition Francis.
why did he eventually leave?
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he left at the age of 20, knowing damn well what the cult does to dissenters. he was aiming to make it all the way back to DC and rejoin his family, but without the travel supplies that isn't realistically possible.
plus he's never been to Boston before, so he had no idea what direction to go in.
what did he do for 3 years?
he managed to wander his way to sanctuary, where he met Nate. (who i decided to make into an old ghoul, who protected vault 111 from the outside. he believed in the rumor that the vault was a cryo-facility, and that comforted him.)
Francis was half-dead when he wandered onto Nate's front yard, but Nate is nice and saw Francis as the exact opposite of a threat. think a newborn puppy on freshly polished tile.
he offered Francis his own bomb-shelter to stay in, taught him how to cook (which ended up being a new hobby for Francis.)
Nate is like a dad to him, so it worked out nicely.
Francis has high perception, and he's not stupid. (he just has TERRIBLE charisma)
so, with his S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes in mind, He began to question the fact Nate had never opened the vault, and tried to convince Nate to finally check in on his family. Nate refused at first, but after sleeping on the idea, he agreed. only to be met with the realization that his spouse was mysteriously murdered, son kidnapped, and only a recording of the crime. (thanks alternate start mod)
baffled by the fact that nobody ever opened the vault doors since the bombs fell, and now troubled with grief, Nate struggled to even face it all. Francis, wanting to repay Nate for giving him a place to live comfortably and safe from the cult who may use him to set an example for others who are thinking of turning their back on atom- promised that he'll seek out Nora's murderer, and most importantly, find their infant son.
where the rest of the game's plot plays out.
one thing to note though is his face markings. like the third eye of atom and the other rings around his face. usually its just makeup in game, but francis, at the time, wanted to prove his devotion in the most... non-lethal way he could think of. and so he got it basically tattooed. talk about regretful tattoos. with all that backstory being said, Francis is pretty happy most of the time!
sure, he's been through a lot, but he tries to see the positives in things. his main goal in life, during the acts in the main story, is to just finally have a place he can call home. maybe one with a comfy couch and a nice garden.
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cherrieguroo · 2 months
Animal crossing new horizons headcanons for the nerd bunch
- normcore I think that's what people call it but it's basically just like. a normal town with no specific style. but her house is decorated to her liking and she has her villager's home in a forest she planted herself. she also has mods and she has just a part near the top of her island where there's just a shit ton of bells just dropped on the floor.
-steph definitely gives me black tulip door wreath vibes.
-steph's favorite villager is cherry and she changed cherry's catchphrase to 'bitch' so now she says stuff like "Yeah, go for it, bitch. This oughta be good…’
-steph has a room in her house purely for 'summonings' after she found out if you combine a specific wall and flooring you can create a summoning circle.
-steph refuses to pay tom nook, so her house isn't upgraded that much.
-steph set up a small space in her island for the nerds to fool around in whenever they visited. that space now mostly consists of pit falls and stumps. someone also left a switch there and steph didn't even try to figure out who put it there and just kept it as decor for her house. also Steph has green mums outside her house which she says is supposed to be a weed farm.
-grace definitely has meticulously designed her island and it's fairycore. rip star fragment trees grace would have loved those. her island has a shit ton of pink tulips everywhere too. grace has a part of her island which is just a forest with a lot of flowers. she also has those like custom design paintings in said forest that read 'god is good' or some shit and she thinks every island should have a god forest.
-grace has the pink wedding event door thingy.
-grace has two tricycles she put outside of nook's cranny that she pretends belong to timmy and tommy
-favorite villager is ruby sorry
-grace loves the wedding event items and her island and house are full of them
-her island is a mess to me lmao. her island tune is the iconic part in careless whisper and tiffany is her favorite villager. none of her island is actually decorated btw. and she constantly wears one of those custom design dresses that make it look like the villager has a bikini. ruth collects gyroids after she was taught how to get them by Richie. she just collects the little guys and has them outside her airport as a welcome thingy. ruth uses the effects feature a lot, mainly putting hearts on stuff. only decorating Ruth really did on her island is make a rainbow flower field which she and the rest of the nerds call the gay flower trail. ruth seems to be eternally broke. Richie offers her money and she accepts and ten minutes later she somehow managed to waste it all on the most useless decor
-his island is littered with references to animes. he has two godzilla statues outside his house. has definitely gotten much more advancements than the others. wishes he could have started out on a modded island but it's too late. his house is made to be his dream home and his room has custom designs of anime posters on the walls. he completed his museum and probably has most furniture items in his catalog. he also completed happy home designer and has a lot of amiibos. richie redecorated all of his villager's homes, both interior and exterior. richie made a crab rave on his beach. richie also collects gyroids and uses them to decorate. he also likes setting up little songs with them for specific rooms in his house.
richie's island flag is this.
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-somehow the one with the best looking island. it's five stars somehow and each villager gets custom personalized yards. pete is really into flower breeding. he's also trying to complete the museum but keeps forgetting to catch some seasonal creatures and fish. pete NEVER skips blather's fun facts. in fact he writes all of them down and annoys Ruth and Richie with them. he's even memorized some for the more common fish and bugs that especially pissed Richie off when he was collecting everything (like sea basses)
petes house has the highest happy home academy rating
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ghostly-omens · 4 months
my current theory about q!tubbo is he's some kind of program or code or ai or something. specifically time travel is involved in tubbo's lore, but not in the way we thought it would be. i think there's probably some instance/the original instance of tubbo that existed in the past, before the island became what it is now, and that tubbo was able to send creation the data needed to revive q!tubbo. also, specifically, revived!tubbo is a different instance of tubbo than the one that died, but running more or less the same code, just without something specific to our tubbo, because revived!tubbo isnt that tubbo and didn't experience it, he just remembers it like he did, and there's something that revived!tubbo is lacking because the way those experiences affected him wasn't also transferred.
like, two things here, which are basically the same thing. but its like.... an application called tubbo.exe, which is based around a file like tubbos_basic_personality. and there's a file for memory, which contains more or less his memories or consciousness or whatever. and theoretically, that's tubbo. but our tubbo kept running that, and as he experienced things and obtained those memories, maybe he ran into a situation that taught him to be more patient or that maybe he should reign in his, uh, homicidal urges and work on not being so homicidal or whatever. so he works on being patient or not homicidal, or he meets someone and forms an attachment and through that learns to be more compassionate. and these things are like, like an add-on or a mod or something, a separate file that changes the way the tubbo.exe program runs without altering the basic_personality file itself or something, i don't actually understand how computers work.
like if you have an experience that tells you maybe you need to working on being more kind to others or whatever, the memory of this event is a separate thing to the work of actively trying to be more kind or even memory of trying to be more kind: if you become more kind, it's not because you decided to, it's because you put in the effort to rewire your brain so it follows new thought patterns, or because your brain learned that it needs to behave in a certain way from now own, which is a separate physical change to the memory which is also stored physically in your brain. scooping out the memory probably isn't going to change the new way your brain works because those are two different things.
so. basically. the theory is. revived qtubbo is a separate version of the old qtubbo, with his basic personality and memories, but without everything else that made qtubbo into himself and the ways those memories shaped him. not an exact copy of the person tubbo's friends and loved ones lost.
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leomonae · 7 months
Tips for BG3 fans considering giving BG2 a try!
Disclaimers: I never played the enhanced or extended or whatever it's called - the Beamdog edition, that one - so I can't say what, if any, of this it might have changed. Also, while it continues to be my favourite game of all time, it's been like 5 years since my last BG2 playthrough, and I always ran it with a whole bunch of mods; I might get a few things mixed up, but I'll edit in corrections if I find that I have!
Much of this will apply to BG1 as well, of course, but not all. I am not really addressing BG1 because I've played through the whole thing maybe twice to my couple dozen BG2 games, and also because people who started a series at #3 don't get to be too picky about doing the first two out of order either :P
Right, so! I'm going to try not to spoil much here; these are just things to make your life easier and less annoying before you are blindsided by them and have to back up three hours to avoid the issue.
1) You might find yourself having to back up three hours to avoid some issue. BG3 has hopefully already thoroughly taught you this practice, but save early, save often, and keep your old saves until you're entirely done. This is a twenty year old game, I promise you have enough storage space.
2) We are playing under something like 2e (second edition) D&D rules here, not 5e. Armour class is good when it's low, not high. You don't get a set number of ability points at character creation, you roll dice and then you keep rolling for the next ten minutes until you get a nice, high points total to distribute as you prefer. Thac0 means "to hit armour class 0". Multi classing and dual classing are not at all the same thing, and will result in very different builds (also which one a character can do is determined by their race).
3) Games came with giant manuals back then; you are gonna need to either be doing some research, or just accepting that everything is going to be very confusing for awhile.
4) Go right ahead and crank that difficulty setting down a notch or two before you get started; after the first hour or two getting to grips with it, BG3 combat was basically just a nice, gentle romp through the park for me. I'm not saying this to brag (I don't ever play above core difficulty in BG2, myself), I'm saying this because you are going to find yourself getting very, very frustrated very fast if you don't understand that games back then had much different expectations when it came to how they handled some of the things that contributed to difficulty. Don't be meaner to yourself than you have to be! Challenge is fun; beating your head against a brick wall over and over is not.
5) The game is not going to do anything to stop you from going places you are not equipped or leveled to handle yet. If you are not making progress with some new area after a few tries and different approaches, consider going away and coming back later. It is also perfectly happy to spring surprise dragons on you. Or surprise "oh hey I just opened this door in the middle of the city with a certain common item in my inventory and now I appear to be in the second hardest fight of the entire game" encounters.
6) XP is distributed to all your party if it is main quest xp, and split among your party otherwise. If a character is not in your party at the time this happens, they don't get the xp, as a general rule. One or two specific exceptions aside, the game does not play catch-up for the characters you had leave your party temporarily; I would advise deciding who you want to have in your party fairly early on, then sticking to that so you're not wasting good xp on characters you're not keeping around.
7) Unfortunately, the previous is somewhat complicated by the fact that some companions have their own personal quests they want you to do for them. Quests with hidden timers that start running when you pick them up. Quests over which they will leave your party permanently, if you don't get around to them soon enough/don't listen when they give you a "do this basically now, or else" ultimatum. Quests you are going to be in no way capable of doing at the start of the game.**
8) Not all companions get along with one another; some of them cannot be in a party together without eventually fighting to the death as you're walking down the street one day. Pay attention to their alignment and don't go mixing good and evil characters in the same run. Neutral ones are significantly more chill.
9) There's a reputation mechanic which is kind of a morality tracker; good companions can also leave you if you get too low rep, and evil if you get too high.
10) When you first get out into the city proper, go check out the shops in this starting area; you can get a gem bag and a scroll case which will make inventory management much more pleasant. There are also bags of holding in the game - you know, those things our BG3 player characters kept taunting us about not having?
11) Companions can permanently die in a way that leaves them unable to be resurrected again due to the condition of the body. Be careful! Or just reload one of your twelve billion saves you've been carefully making, that works too.
12) Sometimes certain spells can have effects that might not occur to you in advance. Like, oh, say, disintegrating a dragon and only realising thirty hours later that you also disintegrated the crafting component required for making a really powerful weapon which it had in its inventory at the time.
13) You've noticed by now in BG3 that there are enemies who are resistant or vulnerable to certain types of damage, yeah? Bludgeoning, specific elements, etc. That is also going to be a thing here, but it's not always as immediately obvious what the problem is when you're failing to damage something. But in general, magical vs non-magical damage is a much bigger concern in BG2. There are many enemies that only take damage if your weapon is an enchanted one, and they might also require a certain minimum level of enchantment; +3 weapons or better, that sort of thing. Spells can affect this, too. Certain types of damage can cut through certain spell protections. Etc.
14) Hint: Melf's Minute Meteors count as +5 weapons, if you should ever find yourself unexpectedly in need of such a thing for some unknown reason I'm sure will never come up!
15) You can turn on a great many auto-pause options in the menu to get something significantly closer to the turn based combat you're used to. I use most of them; pausing whenever one of your characters finishes casting a spell (different spells take different amounts of time to finish casting and you can be interrupted before you manage doing so) is very useful so that you can immediately start them on their next spell without wasting time in combat.
16) If there's anything you really don't like, such as constantly being told to gather your party before venturing forth, there's almost certainly a mod for that.
That should do for now, have fun, enjoy the absolutely terrifying versions of vampires and illithid which will stalk your nightmares afterwards!
**It's Keldorn, I'm talking about Keldorn. I know he's amazing, but just leave his ass right the fuck where you found it unless you are feeling about ready to fight some of the toughest enemies in the game. Or you've bought that one specific item and don't mind a little cheese, because god knows I always use it if I'm planning on recruiting him.
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trickstarbrave · 3 months
thinking on my "joining the sixth house" hypothetical morrowind mod i wanna make (but have no idea how to yet. still working on that but i got the creation kit thing)
azura refuses to acknowledge the pc as the nerevarine. when you enter the cave of the incarnate she knows what you've done with joining the sixth house. she says you are not nerevar reborn and a traitor. she tells you to leave immediately and if you put on the ring you will certainly die. you take the ring anyways and can in fact wear it. what this means and if it means you are actually nerevar is left up to interpretation
dagoth ur tasks you with being named hortator and nerevarine as part of the prophecy. it works best for his plans after all. and also it would help prove if you are nerevar or not
after that dagoth ur has a question. which is if you believe you are nerevar reborn after accomplishing that. you have multiple answers to choose from. you can say an enthusiastic 'yes' or deny it and act like a bootlicker. both of those are the wrong answers. nerevar was (based on what my beloved taught me anyways) someone who didnt put all his cards on the table. the correct answer is 'perhaps' which he will have you elaborate upon. basically you want to say 'there is a good chance i am with all i have accomplished as well as the fact that i can wear the moon and star ring. you wouldn't ask me this unless you were at least somewhat convinced yourself either, and you knew nerevar personally, so something about me must be convincing enough to warrant the question. but it is impossible for me to determine it without there being the possibility it is all mere coincidence'
( i will break up that answer's dialogue as most answers you can give arent that fucking long)
dagoth ur will then think this over and task you with something else in the meantime (like when caius would tell you to go adventuring. you know). when you return he then says he has reason to believe you are in fact nerevar, based on your answer. then he directs you to the pool of forgetfulness and asks you to forget all that you were prior to your arrival in morrowind. he'll allow you to remember what comes after as forgetting that would be inconvenient.
"it is impossible to regain memories of your past life to know for certain if your mind is too full of memories of this one. go to the pool and drink to forget all you were prior to coming to morrowind. from there we will see what plays out."
you can of course refuse. maybe you're attached to the backstory you made for your character. if you do refuse though for any reason dagoth ur replies "then as far as i am concerned you are not nerevar. perhaps you do possess his soul in some sense, but you have become someone else and cling to a past that is unimportant. you will remain in the sixth house, but nerevar reborn you are not"
after you drink from the pool you need to rest. i think i might give a debuff? are there debuffs that go away only after u sleep. i dont know. if there is i will use that. but afterwards you get a message that 'your life prior to your arrival in morrowind has become as fuzzy and distant as an only barely remembered dream.' from there you have to wait via resting for bits and pieces of nerevar's memories in the form of dreams you'd get, at which point you go to dagoth ur with them and ask what they mean
dagoth ur will say you are nerevar reborn as those were bits and pieces of nerevar's memories
if you at any point are determined to NOT be nerevar by dagoth ur you're basically just a pawn he will dispose of when you're no longer useful to have around. but having nerevar reborn will be good for retaking morrowind
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xenocoffee · 6 months
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My AU Gohan, AKA Professor Gohan, sketched by my friend @sak3sbraincells! Professor Gohan teaches galactic biology and the basics of ki control across different planets, helping many communities learn to defend themselves from invading forces.
He's also the love interest for my AU Dende, who was taught to fight by Piccolo and wields a staff with the 6-Star Dragon Ball grafted into it.
These AU variants of Gohan and Dende are planned to be Xenoverse 2 mods developed by my team, Mythic Marvels. I'll show Dende soon!!
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j3st3rclown · 7 months
Hey, wrong Alex anon here, tell us your slenderverse headcanons please.
Halfway through making this I got super unmotivated so you're only getting Toby (for now), sorry about that
Tobias Rogers
• First off- can we agree that ticci toby isn't a great name for him?.. I hate it so much but cannot think of a better one for him.. Maybe something to do with his hatchets? I'm open to suggestions
• 5'9- and fairly muscular build. Was stumped on making him a twig or not but I wanted to switch it up a bit.
• He uses He/They but doesn't use any set labels for his gender. Sexuality-wise though he's Pan.
• They're super into body mods and wants several tattoos- he just doesnt have the patience to sit through them.
• Has at least one severe injury everytime he comes home that EJ needs to patch up. Also keeping that he has CIPA.
• Speaking of home- I think the manor is more like a rest stop than an actual place the proxies live. They go there for supplies or to mingle, though there are some permanent residents. Toby lives in a cabin far up in the mountains up north. He likes seeing snow and the quiet is relaxing.
• Mindlessly picks at the gash on his cheek when he gets bored- gets scolded by Tim and EJ whenever they do it.
• Had mixed feelings about killing people. At first it somewhat scared him.. Then they got into it- really. Into it. But as he's gotten older he's sort of mellowed out.
• Also! He's around 27 now- but he usually says he's in his late 20's or just shrugs if someone asks. He stopped keeping track after a while.
• Has autism and BPD.
• He shuts down and becomes nonverbal easily.
• He'd learn ASL because of this in case he needed to communicate something but only Ben, Clockwork, Tim, and Nina would learn the basics alongside him (EJ taught them). Though, sometimes all forms of communication are stressful.
• Shortly after becoming a proxy he found he had a bit of free time. They were able to pick up a few hobbies. He likes wood carving, painting, and learning how to play instruments (guitar is his favorite). They calm down his anxiety, but he's only showed his work to people he trusts.
• Has tics but it's mainly motor tics. There are a few vocal tics here and there like whistling or humming. Sometimes repeats a word someone says but that's it. They get worse the more anxious/overwhelmed he is.
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0046incognito · 8 days
I comment here in the same way as I had found CMY2K, at 3AM. In the student film we see Hibuki use a blaster-type weapon, this raises a few questions:
1- Have conventional arms been phased out by this alternate 1999? If so, when and why?
2- If Hibuki was originally a housekeeper, why would he be armed, did he obtain it via modification?
3- If so, where was the weapon sourced? Is there a significant amount of demand LivCom tailored weapons?
4- Are there LivComs purpose-built for security or defense? Or are they exclusively equipped with weapons and up-armored by weary civilians, illegal crime groups, and/or legal-ish government organizations?
5- Related to 2 and 3, how much can LivComs modify themselves before they have to skirt around their programming in one way or another?
1) there are still conventional arms-type weapons, plenty of human characters just use regular guns. energy weapon tech is in the experimental prototype stages, but since it’s so early, there’s no intention for it to replace regular weapons en masse just yet—but also, this is one of those suspension of disbelief things where the worldbuilding thought behind it is really just “i think it’s cool and more interesting to animate it like that, so don’t think too hard about it”
2) this is a good question. hibiki’s arm cannon is actually originally a vacuum cleaner with a sort of “laser-based automatic trash/dust eliminator” built into the back of it. he has a phobia of repairs/upgrades/maintenance, so he hasn’t had any hardware modifications, but after he was thrown out and voltaire kinda took him in as a mentor-type figure, voltaire taught him how to more or less reverse it into a blaster. i’m not explaining the science too well since i just woke up, but basically, voltaire taught him how to do it without modifying his body around the same time voltaire taught him pretty much everything else
3) because of the first law, livicoms typically aren’t actually permitted to handle any weapons whatsoever, and they’re usually made for more general consumer functions like retail or housekeeping, so all livicom combat abilities are just their original job functions repurposed.
4) halosoft isn’t a weapons dealer, they’re an electronics manufacturer, the closest thing is they Do produce and sell security guard bots, but the only weapons they’re intentionally equipped with is a low-voltage taser to “stun but not seriously injure”. they can get away with this using the zeroth law loophole [ie, if a cop can argue a human is a threat to humanity, a robot is allowed to shoot them, even if the argument sucks ass]. in terms of humans modifying livicoms into weapons, that does happen sometimes [félix for example is one such human]! but it has to be kept so hush-hush because halosoft is EXTREMELY protective of their proprietary hardware, so you can’t just go flaunting such an illegally-modded bot around
5) exactly zero percent! livicoms have built-in programming blocks that prevent them from even trying to do something like modify their hardware or software; if they start thinking about doing so, their task manager will basically end the process before it can begin. livicoms have to jailbreak their systems in order to even jailbreak their systems, so basically, it takes a Lot of willpower
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aro-aizawa · 27 days
stardew valley mods i'd make if my brain didn't melt when i try to understand basic game modding:
krobus dialog overhaul - mostly just his roommate dialog, smth abt it gives me the ick. vaguely feeling aphobic, but likely unintenional.
villager interactions - a lot of the villagers have routines/interactions with other villagers like the sebastian, sam and abigail friend group or penny and maru's bookclub. but we don't really get to see them interact outside of player focused cutscenes, or just vibing together. like if the player gets 4 hearts w penny and maru, they join their bookclub. or a group cutscene on the tuesday yoga classes. also a great opportunity to do smth w the wizard/caroline/abigail thing. abigail being taught magic would be cool as fuck but also make her the most interesting marriage candidate tbh.
related to the top two options: the ability to integrate krobus and the dwarf to the rest of pelican town - the fact that though krobus and the dwarf appear in the relationships tab, they're so static, literally staying in the exact same place unless invited to a movie or become a roommate. fleshing them both out as villagers would be nice, even if its just on the small scale. i feel like abigail would be great friends w krobus or the dwarf.
plausible housing for the unnamed npcs that are employed by joja/movie theatre. what, they just.... live in the building? not even an unenterable house near where the bookseller is stationed? i feel like there should be more npcs that need housing but idk
linus moving his tent regularly - this is just,,,, a minor thing that bugs me but i always make linus my bff in every run, but since he's so attuned to nature i always like the idea of linus moving his tent occasionally to a new area. around the woods in places, near the tide pools, if the player has opened up the secret woods, then in there too, tucked away from slimes.
more sandy content!!!!!! - where does my girl sleep? right behind her counter??? because i see absolutely no door leading to a bedroom. also friendship cutscenes would be cute as fuck, or emily visiting the desert more often than just on her birthday. also trans sandy i will die on this hill.
the ability to order things from robin when she's not at her counter - like if she's off on her tuesday gym get together or w/e you could leave a note at her place w the materials. maybe it might take an extra day or two but i am so tired of remembering on mondays or tuesdays i need to order a building, then having to spend ten minutes in the house waiting for the exact moment she passes her counter. rip.
more remixed community bundles - like the generic mod config menu has been doing amazing work, the ability to use that to set up a custom configuration of bundles would be great. or even an option to have only the remixed bundles, like the seasonal foraging ones are boring, give me more like the medicinal bundle or the sticky bundle. make me have more variety in how i set up my farm and what crops i grow.
more platonic cutscenes!!!! - i wanna be like unofficially adopted by evelyn and george as their grandkid, them tell the player things about their grandpa, and alex is just like :/ guess my grandparents have another grandkid. helping out w gus or smth and together him and the player make a new recipe, fishing w willy and one of you reels in a massive fish. getting lewis to stop needlessly hiding his relationship w marnie bc literally no one would care if they were dating why is this scandalous, you're both unmarried and its not like he exempts her from business tax.
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officialinuyasha · 9 months
Canon - Cultural Differences
What is Canon? "a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine." Originated from religious texts then it was used in Fiction which became more known especially as a Western concept. "The Politics of Film Canon" by Janet Staiger in 1985 https://www.jstor.org/stable/1225428
Canon in Western VS Japanese Media Mod Esther Esther Xiao Jia Jia: “There is no such thing as canon in Japan, so anything that approved by Rumiko is considered as official. Japanese and other non Anglospheric fans take something with huge similarities as a part of a group, rather than separating it because of differences. Canon is merely a term that created by Anglospheric fans”
Well-known Naruto translator OrganicDinosaur speaks about the subject of "Canon" https://twitter.com/OrganicDinosaur/status/1101961667397763074 They said: "A lot of people ask me about distinguishing what’s considered ‘canon’ or not, but honestly it’s a Western concept. I rarely encounter media disclaimers that say 公式設定 (Official Setting) or 二時創作 (Derivative Work) when it comes to delineating products/anime/manga/novels.
Certainly, I haven’t seen a staff interview where they explicitly use these terms when it comes to Boruto. In general, I tend to notice that JP fans accept all mediums as part of the real timeline. Contradictory events are basically still accepted that it “happened”… Somehow.
I spent two hours today talking to some of my JP friends and they were completely surprised about how much Western fans nitpick individual anime episodes and novels for how ‘canon’ they are. They never realized fans could “reject” particular parts of a franchise. 😂"
What Sunrise thinks is Official https://otakurevolution.com/content/gundam-what-sunrise-thinks-is-official “Watanabe: Regardless of whether it’s part of the formal mythology or something that Sunrise oversaw, the basis of what counts as “official” is whatever is in the footage. “
InuYasha Yashahime Translator Ayuuria speaks on the subject https://ayuuria.tumblr.com/post/640974253932560384/is-it-true-that-yashahime-isnt-canon-because "Rumiko-sensei is actually more involved in the series than we realized. I’m currently translating the Livedoor News Interview and it gives a lot of insight on the writing and creation process of the anime. I should have that done next week. Canon is more of a Western term. I personally consider it canon but to each their own. From what I’ve seen, the JP fandom has been mostly supportive."
I asked Ayuuria what word Hideyuki Tomioka used for "canon" at Anime Boston 2018 for the InuYasha Panel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acn1q9X30qs "He didn't really use a word for canon so to speak. He said Gensaku which means the original/source work (aka the work the anime is based off of)"
What the word “canon” actually means (Japan vs The West) https://fuck-yeah-gruvia.tumblr.com/post/622928679634386944/what-the-word-canon-actually-means-japan-vs-the "There is not a one-to-one translation for “canon” in the Japanese language, as it is a very western concept. However, they do have their own word for it, which is the actual definition of canon. In Japan, the word for canon is 公式 (kōshiki/official). But their perception of what constitutes official is different than that of the west."
The Story in Which Doosh Taught Hiro Mashima the Word, “Canon" https://koori-mizu.tumblr.com/post/167038684341 dooshiedoosh: "The Japanese Kodansha staff asked what we called it in America, so I flipped over the sign and showed them “Gruvia is canon.” What followed, is Mashima asking the translator what the word “canon” meant. I ended up replying, “official, together, real couple in the story.”"
Masahiro Ito dislikes Westerners always pushing the idea of "Canon" https://twitter.com/adsk4/status/1263288565980475392 "I hate the word "canon" they use frequently. :-] I really really really hate the people who always push his idea on other people." He also explains the four endings of Silent Hill are all "canon" the official endings or else they would not have made them. https://twitter.com/adsk4/status/1653201608556306433
Maromi Ika talks about the drama of Antis VS Proshippers https://twitter.com/maromi_ika/status/1626242873715998723 "I hate to have to tell you this story, but I have decided that I need to explain it in English because some people keep harassing me and my followers It is very long and in English using a translator, so some of the intent may not be understood, but please be sure to read it all First of all, I am Japanese and live in Japan. The idea or concept of Propshipper does not exist in Japan. All that is required to publish a work in Japan is zoning, and in fiction, all depictions are allowed, and It is considered an ugly act to speak ill of someone's work, no matter what their taste is. Some people advise me to block the person you are following because he/she is a proshipper. I do not discriminate against them as long as they are properly zoned. That is the rule in Japan"
Westerners and Easterners see the world differently
Source -
Chinese and American people see the world differently – literally. While Americans focus on the central objects of photographs, Chinese individuals pay more attention to the image as a whole, according to psychologists at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, US.
“There is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that Western and East Asian people have contrasting world-views,” explains Richard Nisbett, who carried out the study. “Americans break things down analytically, focusing on putting objects into categories and working out what rules they should obey,” he says.
By contrast, East Asians have a more holistic philosophy, looking at objects in relation to the whole. “Figuratively, Americans see things in black and white, while East Asians see more shades of grey,” says Nisbett. “We wanted to devise an experiment to see if that translated to a literal difference in what they actually see.”
The researchers tracked the eye-movements of two groups of students while they looked at photographs. One group contained American-born graduates of European descent and the other was comprised of Chinese-born graduate students who came to the US after their undergraduate degrees.
Each picture showed a striking central image placed in a realistic background, such as a tiger in a jungle. They found that the American students spent longer looking at the central object, while the Chinese students’ eyes tended to dart around, taking in the context.
Harmony versus goals
Nisbett and his colleagues believe that this distinctive pattern has developed because of the philosophies of these two cultures. “Harmony is a central idea in East Asian philosophy, and so there is more emphasis on how things relate to the whole,” says Nisbett. “In the West, by contrast, life is about achieving goals.”
Psychologists watching American and Japanese families playing with toys have also noted this difference. “An American mother will say: ‘Look Billy, a truck. It’s shiny and has wheels.’ The focus is on the object,” explains Nisbett. By contrast, Japanese mothers stress context saying things like, “I push the truck to you and you push it to me. When you throw it at the wall, the wall says ‘ouch’.”
Nisbett also cites language development in the cultures. “To Westerners it seems obvious that babies learn nouns more easily. But while this is the case in the West, studies show that Korean and Chinese children pick up verbs – which relate objects to each other – more easily.
“Nisbett’s work is interesting and suggestive,” says John Findlay, a psychologist specialising in human visual attention at Durham University, UK. “It’s always difficult to put an objective measure on cultural differences, but this group have made a step towards that.”
Nisbett hopes that his work will change the way the cultures view each other. “Understanding that there is a real difference in the way people think should form the basis of respect.”
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 10 months
to Crescent… what are your opinions on your dads? I know Killer can be kind of neglectful and Nightmare… well… there’s not much explaining to be done with Nightmare.
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Crescent: My father, Killer… He was the one who raised my brothers and I when we were young. He was the one who taught us to talk, walk, and the basic things of life. Although he was always more of a mutual tolerance than affection.
Sometimes he "look" at me with that glance in his eyes… As if he was whispering to me "If it weren't for Nightmare, you'd be dead where you stand"
He also has very poor patience, but when he got tired, he would rather drag us into whatever he wanted us to do than resort to violence.
Crescent: To be honest, Killer wasn't the best father figure. I always had that feeling like he was making fun of us. Anyway, he was better than I could have wished for.
Crescent: In the other hand, Nightmare... I don't like him...
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Mod Answer: It really took me some hours to finish this, but I quite liked the end result.
Nightmare is a being made purely of malice, a kind of… spectre or parasite that only seeks the suffering and pain of others. If he doesn't love his brother, Dream; he won't love his children either. He only sees them as wild cards in a fight or as possible weapons.
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Crescent belongs to @lunnar-chan
Killer belongs to @rahafwabas
Nightmare belongs to @jokublog
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andiesfluffycloud · 6 days
didn't know what to post, but wanted to post something, so i took photos of some of my regression coping tools! basically just grabbed whichever ones were within the reach of my bed and set them up on a blanket XD
i like setting up lil photoshoots of my regression items, it helps me to visually express my regression in a way that doesn't involve taking photos of my actual self while in my safe space. due to past experiences, i just find it safer to talk about my regression & take photos of my coping tools instead!
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here we have 2 of my board books. the things that spin book is the one i carry around the most, just cuz i use it for breathing exercises(like the ones where they tell you to go around the circle or the box or whatever, i basically do that with the pictures of various spinny items). and then the one i got from a museum, my first 100 dinosaur words, which actually genuinely taught me a few new words involving dinosaurs & fossils & such so that's very cool.
then i just got one of my toys & my tag blankie in the background cuz yes lol
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and here we have a pullup diap i actually modded the sides of, basically i just cut the side flappy pieces off of another one & added them onto the sides of this one (the ones i got were 4t-5t so they're obv a bit small but widening the leg holes with the extra side flaps made them wearable for me)
and then just my wipes and baby powder, cuz when i'm regressed i need to be clean baby or else my sensory issues will scream XD
anywho those are the photos i took because idk taking photos of my comfort items helps me feel a bit better, i'm a very visual thinker so pictures help me self soothe sometimes.
i have more ideas for stuff to post about but i'll probably space them out because if i write all of them at once i'll get overwhelmed lol
wishing every kiddo out there a moment of joy today because my brain is kinda sad & i just want others who also cope by age regression to know that they're not alone. ppl try to make us out to be so many things we are not, but that doesn't mean we have to listen to them! only you get to decide what labels actually apply to you and which ones are just lies to brush off your shoulder. let them lie about you, it just shows they don't deserve to know your true self. much platonic love to anyone who needs it!
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mass-effect-galaxy · 9 months
Four Baldur's Gate Tips For Dragon Age Players
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I. Get the mods "Native Camera Tweaks" and WASD Character Movement NOW
II. Mages don't need staffs
III. Scrolls are for spell-casters
IV. Don't recruit everyone in every playthrough
I. Get the mods "Native Camera Tweaks" and WASD Character Movement NOW
They change the look and feel of exploration in what you are used to from Dragon Age. You have a proper over-the-shoulder camera and movement as you would expect from a third-person game.
Every time BG3 updates, these mods need to be updated too. And going back to the original camera and controls, even for a short moment, shows what incredible quality of life improvement these mods are. (and how much better Dragon Age is when it comes to controls and cameras).
II. Mages don't need staffs
Different from Dragon Age Origins where certain spells require the usage of a staff or DA2 and DAI where mages couldn't equip anything but staffs, staffs in Baldur's Gate 3 are only for selve-defence. And, of course, any weapon would do the job. So, instead of gluing a giant stick to the back of Gale why not give him a fancy dagger instead?
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III. Scrolls are for spell-casters
When going into BG3, I had no real clue about what to do with the scrolls. I took them as some kind of backdoor for combat classes to start using spells and gave them to my warriors and barbarians. However, in the end, I found myself hoarding them without ever using them. The regular attacks of melee classes are as powerful as any spell and proficiency in longbows together with special arrows do the job of an AOR spell quite as well.
Then I realized that these scrolls are supposed to be some kind of backup for mages in case they run out of spell-slots, a concept that doesn't exist in Dragon Age. So, give them to your Gales, Shadowhearts, and Wylls. They need them more than Karlach or Lae'zel do.
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IV. Don't recruit everyone in every playthrough
This is probably the most important lesson that millions of abandoned playthroughs in Baldur's Gate 3 have taught me. I always started a new game and after a few hours, I had the impression that I somehow messed up and started a new PT.
The problem always was the companions. While it looks similar to Dragon Age Origins where you travel around with a group that is much larger than your party permits and you have a camp as a central hub to interact, it actually works much differently.
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In a game of Dragon Age, it doesn't matter who you bring to which main mission, save for some approval ratings. You evolve the relationship with your companions during your camp/Skyhold talks up to the point where the companion gives you a loyalty mission that you have to do with him to further develop your relationship. All of this does not influence the story missions most of the time.
Not so in Baldur's Gate 3. Here, the characters can only evolve when they are part of your active party because they need to act in, or interact with, the main story. Most notably Shadowheart who is the true protagonist of the story. Act 2 basically is her personal redemption arc - but only when she is present in your party. This applies, to a lesser degree, to all other companions as well: going for the gith without Lae'zel in your party is pointless. Astarion has to be in your party when entering the Temple of Shar and so on.
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And that's the point where the "I fucked up"-feeling kicks in. This can be avoided by only recruiting those characters you actually want to have in your party all the time.
If you are planning a "dark side" playthrough stick to Shadowheart, Lae'zel, and Astarion. Since you are planning to side with the Goblins anyway, no point in bothering with Wyll and Karlach. You would also ignore Gale, or chop off his hand for cheers and giggles. Later, let Shadowheart kill Lae'zel and recruit your true love Minthara.
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Wyll and Karlach are the most "light side" characters to recruit. So, when that is your path, why bother with the others?
Shadowheart has to be there anyway. So why not just play as her and have one slot free for, say, Gale?
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While it might seem odd to seasoned Dragon Age players to leave anyone behind, Baldur's Gate 3 gets much better that way. Just try it out.
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