#also the day after getting near perfect grade in an exam i had to retake. i was so happy and for what
hesperidia · 7 months
i hate surprise visits with a passion but the thing i hate more is my mom complaining about ME to said visits
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funeralhomewifi · 4 years
First Kiss(es) - MC x Diavolo
Summary: Verona (my mc) kisses Diavolo. She leaves out of embarrassment, but Diavolo ensures her that he’s more than okay with trying again to get it right.
Word Count: 2,186
The first time Verona kisses Diavolo, she doesn’t process it fully at first. Only the panic at first, because she just kissed the Prince of Devildom.
Her body just moved on its own. Lucifer stepped out for a moment and she leaned in to show Diavolo something cute from the human realm. And she peers over and sees that his attention is very much on her and not the phone where a bird is chirping the Star Wars theme.
What shocks her than her own boldness… Diavolo kisses her back. More gently than any human has before and she so just wants to fall into his touch and savor the moment.
But embarrassment kicks in. Because what is she doing? Because Lucifer is still in the general vicinity and Verona would be launched into week long cooking duty on top of the punishment from her and Mammon’s concert escapades the week before. And surely Barbatos would not hesitate to enchant her shoes if she proved to be a distraction.
Verona pulls away quickly, heart in her throat, mind racing because: What the Hell have I just done. Softly she murmurs, “Sorry, I’ll leave.”
But the Prince simply smiles up to her, temptation glistening in his golden eyes as she leaves so quick that Verona doesn’t even catch his response.
Verona doesn’t even realize that she had left her DDD behind until Lucifer returns it that night with a simple warning: Be more careful. Leaving her to wonder if Diavolo told him or if he simply doesn’t want to have to replace another phone.
But later that evening, her DDD vibrates with a single emoji from Diavolo and her cheeks heat up as she simply sends one back.
Moments pass and somehow the conversation evolves. He already knows the bare minimum about Verona and her life (whatever Barbatos had looked into prior to her invitation to the Devildom) and she knows the bare minimum of his and what she’d been allowed to know.
He asks about her tattoos and piercings, curious about the length of time she had to sit for, how long it took Verona to heal since demons tend to heal quicker and there are more painless applications of tattoos and body modifications in the Devildom. Diavolo also asks about what Verona did in the human realm (a barista), if she liked it (not really, but it paid rent and some bills), and what she wants to do once the year is over (she doesn’t have the drive to tell him that she’d rather stay in the Devildom if she could just retrieve her pets. She tells him she’d nap, cuddle with her cat, and return to work).
Diavolo finally inquires about Verona’s family and finally she pauses. Because she hadn’t spoken to her family in years. Not willingly, at least.
The phone buzzes again, leaving Verona that she had left Diavolo hanging.
[??? Sticker]
Verona hesitates. Then sends: Sorry, I’m sleepy. (a lie) We don’t speak much.
His response comes swiftly: I apologize, Verona. Then immediately after: It is late, so I’ll let you get some sleep.
Verona glances at the alarm clock, the numbers blinking 11:01 PM, nowhere near her self-imposed bedtime of at least 3AM, and she wonders what he’s still doing awake although the answer is probably the same as Lucifer’s.
But she inquiries anyway: Are you in bed too? Which immediately after sending it she realizes holy shit, that’s a bit intrusive despite the curiosity spiking anyway. But he responds with a laughing demon emoji then promptly: Not yet. I’m still wrapping up paperwork before I can wind down. And again: But Verona!
Verona waited for the next round of messages, checking her connection until LORD DIAVOLO flashed across the screen as her phone vibrated. Panic clenched her stomach and she nearly tossed the phone.
He knows you’re available, dumbass, Verona chastised, her hatred of speaking on the phone and nervousness over Diavolo calling at all spiraled together. Quickly, she stood on the bed as there was a knock at her bedroom door, ignoring it she pressed the phone to her ear, “Hello?”
“Verona!” Diavolo’s voice boomed from the other line.
The door opened and Asmo entered, thankfully noticing her state before announcing himself. His eyebrows rose, he held up a bag with the label of an expensive skincare line, Verona waved her free hand.
“Verona?” Diavolo tried again, “Are you there? I have a proposal.”
“Yes, my lord,” Verona practically kicked Asmodeus as an excited expression formed on his face. Asmo jumped on the bed and pressed himself near the phone despite Verona’s valiant attempt to cover his lips, “I’m still here.”
“Wonderful!” Diavolo continued, clearly not clued into the desperate swatting away of Asmo on Verona’s end. “I have some down time tomorrow evening. Would you like to join me for tea? We can discuss what happened earlier.”
Asmo broke away, quickly mouthing, “What happened?”
“I’m not sure, my lord.” Verona answered quickly, the words souring, “It was out of—”
“Oh!” Diavolo cut her off, “I’m not angry, it was quite nice. Refreshing, even, Verona. We can do it properly even.”
Verona reached up and attempted to cover Asmo’s lips, her own cheeks burning, “That… That sounds nice.”
“Perfect, I’ll send Barbatos for you after class,” Diavolo murmurs, voice like honey in her ear. “Goodnight, Verona.”
“Goodnight, Diavolo.” Verona quickly hung up.
Asmo grinned and swiped the phone, dragging her back to the bed, “What did you do, V? That Diavolo wants to do again?”
Verona stared and flopped back with a frown, “I kissed Diavolo.”
“Naughty Verona!” Asmodeus gushed, “Does Lucifer know? Well I suppose not since you’re not searching for cobwebs to clean. But what are you going to wear? Do you need lingerie? Also, don’t frown, love, it causes wrinkles.”
Verona rolled over and huffed into her pillow, “It’s tea, not… not… fuck.”
“It could be, V,” The Avatar of Lust tried unhelpfully. “At least wear something cute under your uniform. It’ll make you feel good.”
“I’m not wearing something cute, Asmo.”
Verona wore something cute under her uniform. It hadn’t helped with her anxiousness throughout her classes, but it did make her feel less bad over Asmodeus spoiling her with cute items considering she never really got the chance to wear them.
After her last class, Barbatos met her at the end of the hall and she quietly followed him through the winding building until they came to a portal.
“Are we not going to Lord Diavolo’s office?” Verona asked cautiously.
“He requested that you meet him in the palace gardens for tea,” Barbatos offered his arm. “Ready?”
With a nod, Verona wrapped a hand around his forearm and nearly toppled over at the sudden change of setting. The dark, candlelit halls of RAD instantly replaced with lush gardens filled with flowers and plants native to Devildom that Verona hadn’t seen in her months as an exchange student.
Barbatos steadied her then allowed her to look around, Verona cautiously followed a dark bricked path, sure that many of the unknown plants could probably eat her if she so much as nudged them.
“These are relatively safe plants,” Diavolo’s gentle voice noted as Verona came to a better lit area with blackened floating lanterns. “Barbatos keeps anything remotely dangerous in his personal garden.”
“Relatively, though?” Verona paused to blink up at the lanterns, eyes adjusting a realizing that they weren’t lanterns at all. They were lightning bugs, probably the size of her fist, hovering around and resting on pale flowers.
“I suppose I wouldn’t try to eat them,” Diavolo muses, then motions to the seat across from the oversized garden table. “Have a seat, Verona.”
Verona sits and focuses on the sandwiches, the tea, the fine china. Everything except Diavolo seated across from her simply watching as Barbatos pours a blue-ish tinged tea then takes his leave. Verona quietly takes a sip, noting the bitterness before dropping a single sugar cube in. She finally breaks the silence, “How was your day? Or is it technically still going?”
“It seems to be picking up,” Diavolo offers. “How was yours? You had an exam in History of Devildom today, didn’t you?”
“I did,” Verona exhales, cheeks heating up, “But I didn’t do as well as I hoped. My mind was… elsewhere, I guess.”
“I suppose I should’ve accounted for that. We could’ve met earlier this morning, but I believe I start my day a bit earlier that it would inconvenience you.” Diavolo hums, “I could request that you be allowed to retake it.”
“Oh, no!” Verona rubs her cheeks to calm herself, “I keep my grade high enough that it should be fine.” Then adds, “Thank you though.”
They fall back into heavy silence. Verona picks at a sandwich before sighing and shooing away the anxiety, “I’m sorry for yesterday. It just… I don’t know… You were close and…” I think you’re lowkey gorgeous, Verona nearly admits.
“You’re a very anxious little human, Verona. But only with me.” A gentle smile pulls at the Prince of Devildom’s lips, “Why is that? You’re perfectly chaotic with Lucifer and the other brothers. The angels, even.”
“I…” A lump twisted at her throat as she racked her brain for a coherent answer, “I think it might be an, I don’t know, authority issue. You’re very much attractive… but very much above me. It makes me nervous. I don’t like to put myself in situations that might not go right for me.”
“But you did yesterday?” Diavolo tries, eyes ghosting over her.
“I guess I did,” Verona stares down at her tea.
“What would remedy this situation, Verona?” Diavolo asks quietly, “What would make you feel better?”
Verona wanted to sink into the garden and melt into the other levels of the Devildom. She sighs and focuses on one of the lightning bugs at the edge of the table, “I don’t know,”
“Would you like to hold one?” Diavolo asks softly, cutting through her thoughts, “They aren’t dangerous to humans.”
Verona only nods and Diavolo rises to offer his hand. She takes it and he leads her to the center of the lush garden. He stands behind her and Verona is hyperaware that he towers over her barely five foot nothing form and even more aware that his cologne makes her head spin in the best way.
Diavolo raises his hand with a bit of sandwich in the center. It takes a moment but one of the creatures flits around before settling on his hand and poking at the bread and gently flapping its lit up wings.
“Put your hand near mine.”
And Verona does. The creature buzzes but transfers hands as it finishes the spec of sandwich.
“You’re very lovely, Verona,” Diavolo places his hand under hers. “Maybe the loveliest thing I’ve seen in centuries. The most interesting creature by far that has landed in my sight.”
The bug flits away, but Verona doesn’t move, “Maybe?”
“Definitely,” Diavolo amends, . “You’re nervous around me, yet you don’t hesitate to message me to take breaks and send me animal videos. Even offer to bring me, even Barbatos, trinkets when you ask permission to go to the human realm. Not many people do that, Verona.”
“I know you like cute things, you’ve expressed interest in human trinkets and Barbatos likes to use certain brands of foods for meals.” Verona unconsciously tilts her head against his chest.
“Yes,” Diavolo pauses. “But you don’t hesitate to treat me like an equal, Verona. Not like a royal that you bend backwards for, like someone, Verona. It’s refreshing. It’s different. Something no one has attempted to try in thousands and thousands of years.”
Verona is quiet, stomach twisting, “That’s unfortunate, Diavolo.”
“I suppose,” Diavolo hums, gently hovering over bright tattoos along her arm. “Can I touch you, Verona?”
Yes. Yes. Yes. But Verona’s breath hitches, “Do you want to?”
“Do you want me to, Verona?” Diavolo counters softly.
“Then… Yes,” Verona exhales. “Yes, you can touch me.”
His fingers trace over her tattoos, up her shoulder, to her neck and she nudges against his hand. A mix of ticklish and leftover feelings from Belphie’s mishap. Diavolo quietly apologizes, then combs his fingers through her thick hair. From behind he thumbs her lips and she leans into his touch.
“Turn to face me, Verona?” And she does, Diavolo gently tilts her chin up, taking her in, “Would you like to try again?”
Verona lets out a shaky breath and nods, she knots her fingers against his coat to bring him closer. She’s on her toes and he meets her halfway, the kiss soft and dissolves into something sweeter and desperate.  But Verona blushes and pulls away, peering around the garden.
Diavolo watches nothing but her lips, “Are you concerned about Barbatos?”
Verona blushes, but smiles as Diavolo’s hands go to her waist, “He might enchant my shoes to walk me into a different timeline.”
“Only if you want him to, Verona.”
“No,” Verona seeks out another sweet kiss. “I like it here.”
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prorevenge · 6 years
You okay the project for the whole team? Great turn it in to the professor tomorrow
Tl/dr; Kids in group project don’t take having a real life client seriously, 1 fails, 1 fails and doesn’t graduate, and 1 goes from A to C and screws up GPA.
  Enough of the Backstory, here are the characters, obviously no where near their real names:
Matt - Professor
Client - Store owner
Damien - Project Partner
Jeff - Project Partner
Kirk - Project Partner
Barry - Me
      The SPRING class in this story was a Implementing Business Computer Systems class. For the yearly project we had a real life client that our school volunteered the students for Pro Bono work of small business in the area. We were seniors, so we are trusted with the clients work as it is oversaw by our professor. This is a big step and I, for one, am excited. I had been doing nothing but working as a Bartender/Server in a fine dining restaurant and having my head in books learning how to code with barely any time to do much else - this was an opportunity to get a taste of the real world we were about to embark on.
      The project started out fine, we all drive thirty minutes away to meet our client. A wonderful woman that owned a small floral business and she was paying 1-800-flowers to sell her product for her, which came with a website itself and a HUGEEEE price. This lady was also in her 60s and by no means fluent in computer - this is important for later. We talk, find out she wants a new website, her contract with 1-800-assholes ends in the summer. No pressure, we will be able to finish the web site and give it to her by the end of the semester, if not earlier. This will give us time to teach her what is needed and what to do so that she can maintain and run the website by her self. Afterwards we delegate the tasks, and since I have the most extensive background in coding and computers, I volunteer to learn how to create this website for our client as long as Damien, Jeff and Kirk work on the other parts of the project - the user guide and the technical documentation. For our client, this needed to be extensive so that she would be able to post her product on the website with an easy transition.
      As we weigh our options over the next week, we come up with some proposals to the client and we set a meeting to go over these on a Tuesday - the day everybody is the most free in their schedule - the following week. Sunday - Jeff says he can't make it, Kirk quickly responds and says he can't make it either. I say its cool, Damien and I will be able to make it. Monday - Damien says we should reschedule because now he can't make it. I say no, I will go by myself we shouldn't cancel on the client - no biggie, I understand things come up. As the project went through the semester, I am killing the website. I have a working e-commerce store integrated with the stores paypal, i have a shop tab, and a featured page for in season flowers. I ask about the documentation and the user manual and I am told by the all three of them that they are working on it and will have a rough draft for me soon to check out. Cool, No problem. Time to show the client the product to see if she wants any changes or if we should just continue creating this website for her; we set a meeting with the client on a Tuesday a week or two in advance and everybody says that is okay.
      Same song, different story. Sunday - Jeff says he can't make it, Kirk quickly responds and says he can't make it either. I say its cool, Damien and I will be able to make it. Monday - Damien says we should reschedule because now he can't make it. "I say fuck no, this is a client. You don't do that to clients." So I hop my ass by myself to drive 30 minutes to meet our client. I show the Client the website and she client is happy with the product and asks us to continue and she is excited for the finished product.
      How our weeks are set up is in such a way which they start on a Wednesday and end on a Tuesday. So the last day of classes are on a Tuesday. The school then gives an extra free day that Wednesday for a "Study Day", then the exams schedule goes Thu-Fri-Sat || Mon-Tues-Wed. I am sure you can infer what students do on that Tuesday before study day. Fast forward to the end of the semester, I still haven't seen any documentation or user manual and it is due on the class' exam day, which is the first day of exam week. So a week before it is due I am told I will have the documentation and user manual in my hand before our meeting which is at 12PM that study day - Wednesday. I receive a email at 11PM on Tuesday as I am getting off work and I see that is the technical documentation and the user manual. i open it up, promptly get pissed, turn off my laptop, play some xbox and pass out before midnight. The reason being, technical documentation was 1 page and did not contain anything about the Database Schema used, the website language, the paypal information, the emails registered. Just the URL and some other information that wasn't important and was half a page long. Remember how our client was in her 60s? The user manual was 1 and a half pages long and, I shit you not, contained about 5 sentences and 3 pictures with an arrow. 0 explanation on how to use the website.
      Come to the meeting at 12pm, I show up and wait about 5 minutes. I then text everybody asking where they are at, no response. I start looking over how to fix the user manual since I obviously have to start over. While I am working on it, I haven't said anything and then Damien walks into the room.
  D: "Did you get the docs?"
Me: "Yeah. You guys really think this is finished?"
D: "Oh yeah, it should be good to turn in."
Me: "Idk, I think we should add a little more, this is for our client, she won't understand this. Where is Jeff and Kirk?"
D: " ahhahaha We all got fucked up last night after finishing up the documentation, they are probably still passed out. Also, I'm turning it in tomorrow, if you want to do anything else go ahead, but whatever I have I am turning it in. I think its ready to turn it so I won't be doing anything else, I have other classes to study for. I already have an A in this class so it doesn't matter to me and Kirk and Jeff have A's as well so they don't care at all."
      Perfect he said the magic words and then he left with a flash drive. I immediately went upstairs and told my professor, Matt, everything. I said I don't want to leave my client hanging, yes my client, not ours. Matt said that he completely understands and even commends me for wanting to stay on top of everything and not give our client a bad taste for our students. He then asks why. I simply stated, "What you are about to receive tomorrow for 'our' project is completely unacceptable. It is unfair for us and for our client to leave her hanging." I showed him the website, which he likes and then I showed him the user guide and technical documentation. I asked for an extra week to finish the documentation and user guide - as I had a plan for what it should be and needed time to create it all. Matt said absolutely, but forget about the documentation. You obviously know what is in it, just focus on the client. So I created user videos with dictation, drove to the client and showed her how to use it all, where to find the videos. I even created a program that had all the videos inside so she could have it on her desktop and the program pulled up the video of her choice for whatever she needed help with with some buttons so she wouldn't have to search folders for the videos. I gave her my contact info and said I'll be here over the summer if she ever needs help with the website or has any questions and I can swing by.
    After all of this happened and afterwards I gave an update to Matt who also had an update from me. Apparently he almost failed the rest of my group because they turned in their project by slipping an unmarked USB drive under his door. He only accepted it after they emailed him asking him if he received the USB. Matt also called our client to verify my story of the fact that they never showed for client meetings and the client told him I was the only person that has been showing up. Hearing this from other people, anybody in my group that had A's in the class leading up to the project got a C, anybody with a B in the class failed. Damien's GPA was screwed up from this class as it was a 4 hours class. Kirk and Jeff both failed and Jeff wasn't allowed to graduate and Kirk had to retake it the next semester even though he wasn't graduating. My grade which was an 84 before the project was bumped to an A. The next year Damien asked how I did in that class because he was confused about his final grade, and I simply said I did fine, received an A. He has no idea the reason why. Don't f*ck with me and my grade and I won't f*ck with you.
(source) story by (/u/sw1mm3r202)
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masterpieceavenue94 · 5 years
Yeah, well I said I would write as soon as possible but I didn’t because I wasn’t in the mood to write anything lol. Anyways, here I am to talk about what happened between March and May, and hopefully, you’ll soon know about June and July.
What I remember from March is that I've got this spontaneous idea of taking this DNA test of MyHeritage with my friend Alejandra, something that I actually wanted to do since a long time because I just think it's soooo interesting to know a little bit more of where you can come from? So, we order the packs and made the test and the results came a well it says that I'm a 64,6% South-Asian, a 26,8% Thai and Cambodian, a 6,0% Nepali, a 1,7%  Melanesian and a 0,9% Papuan. Quite impressive, I did not expect that Papuan nor Nepali genes, honestly. In March my Norwegian friend Victoria came for a visit, she's doing the master in Bergen so yeah, we spent a good time, I actually miss her a lot because our group consisted on Lucas, Luisa, Victoria and me, and even though we are all still friends, it's not the same, there's a missing piece of the puzzle, you know what I mean, right? Also in March, I went to have lunch once with my colleagues from work, Funda, Michelle and Deimante and Valentina, it was nice too.
Okay, April was...a bomb. Like I don't even know how everything happened but yeah...as you should know I wanted to move out from my parents, but I was expecting to do that after my exams, around June-August. But then in April, I saw an apartment really nice, with a small living room with kitchen, a bedroom, the bathroom and a bid. Everything was included, except for the electricity, it was placed in a really good central location and well, I told my mum and my mum was like "you should call them and ask them to see it" and I was like "but it's too soon" but then she said "yeah, but it's a nice offer and who knows you don't lose anything". So I gave it a try, I sent a message asking them if I could watch the apartment, they replied saying yes, and the next week my mum and I went to see it. It was a nice apartment, and I also liked how much light gets inside the apartment, The man said that there were many interested in the apartment and stuff and I was worried because I didn't know if I really wanted the apartment or not like the apartment was fine but now? moving out now? Now with my exams coming up next month? Was I crazy? I was. I said yes to the apartment and started to move at the end of April, the thing is that the apartment has everything I wanted, the bedroom as a single room and a central location. And believe me, when I say that its location is perfect, I'm 10 min from everywhere, like every single place I want to go to I'm just at 10 min from it.  And well my apartment looks actually nice, it's decorated with white an grey colours and well I can't ask for anything else because it's pretty cool.
How did I manage to study? That's a good question, his semester was actually bad, I passed everything, but not with the grades that I wanted so I'm going to retake one exam in spring next year, but yeah the good thing is that I passed and that's it. The thing is that the exams were in May, why the hell they had to put the freaking exams in May? it was too early, and also it was really near the 17th of May and I got so upset and mad because I love to celebrate that day and because of the exams I even got depressed. And well I wasn't focused at all when I was studying. Anyway, after my exams, it was time to relax.I went to Florence for a week. I always wanted to go to Italy and I went with my cousin, we actually went there because Imagine Dragons were going to do a concert there and yeah...well, we went. Florence in general, what can I say...it's beautiful, but the people there are really rude. Also, there's a lot of people, tourism everywhere (obviously) but it was suffocating, I couldn't even walk on the street. But anyway... I got to visit Florence, and I also got to see Imagine Dragons live, which was impressive. I also went to see Pisa.
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sabrinafuadwrites · 7 years
For the past God knows how long, I've been so demotivated and felt like I wasn't good enough for anything. A-Levels isn't easy, I've always known that. Back in my second semester, my Psychology teacher told me that this was the semester that students often fell into depression because of the pressure of the AS exams. I thought she was exaggerating but hell she wasn't. 
I questioned my self worth over & over again, knowing that even though I didn't have sponsor requirements to meet, I had to do well enough to get into the universities I wanted. My family is insanely Asian mind you, always wanting me to do well academically and basically in everything & anything that I do. 
I studied but I never thought that what I was doing is enough, I wasn't excited with how I sometimes couldn't answer what my friends or teachers were asking me in class, I wasn't ecstatic when I noticed how some people seemed like they had their shit together - cos hell nah did I have mine.  
But AS came and went. 
The day of results was nerve wrecking. I took four subjects at AS level, an extra subject as a back up. I remember how my hands were shaking as I typed in my username and password into the CIE website. When it finally loaded, my eyes darted at my grades. 
I didn't get straight As. 
My results were AAAB, which actually isn't all too bad considering that I only ever needed grades from three subjects for university applications but the Asian in me was crying, you know? I went home and my family were proud of me. I was happy too, I guess. 
My dad being the Asian he is, however asked me to retake my fourth subject (in which I didn't get an A for) in the winter seating. My heart dropped because I was hoping that I could have just took the easy way out and dropped it, but also because the winter seating was barely a month away and in the month leading up to the exam, I would have the college's mid semester exams to sit for, plenty of events to prepare for and most importantly my personal statement for university applications to write & perfect. But nevertheless, I registered anyway. 
I know for sure I didn't study enough for the paper. And I know that winter papers are usually more difficult than the summer papers. I came out of the examination hall not at all confident that my grades were to improve. I didn't think too much about it. 
I threw myself into writing my personal statement. I started writing pretty damn late to be honest, but I spent almost every waking hour thinking about it. It was frustrating, knowing that this 47 lined essay was to represent me to the five universities that I was applying to. The night I sat to sit to write my personal statement, I only took 2 hours to finish it when most people took 2 weeks. But I didn't think it was good enough. 
I spent the next month or so trying to make it good enough to me, regardless of how the people who read it told me it was amazing. I didn't want to settle with other people's opinions if I wasn't happy with my own work. To be frank, even on the day I pressed the "submit" button on my UCAS page, I still wasn't 100% happy with my personal statement. I continuously felt like there was room for improvement. But what seemed like a miracle, I received offers barely two weeks after I submitted my application. By the end of my third semester, I left college for the semester break with conditional offers from three out of five universities. 
Since I'm planning to further my studies in Law, some universities in the UK required me to sit for another exam - the LNAT. The remaining two universities which I didn't hear from yet required me to do so. I didn't study too much for my LNAT. But heck, I studied enough for me to be down with what must have been the worst flu in my life to date. I went into the examination room with a runny nose, a spinning head and a fever. I really thought I screwed up because I could barely think. 
A week after my LNAT though, I received another offer. That's four down, and one more to go. This last university was known to take their sweet time to make a decision, so it was always at the back of my mind. But it was my ultimate dream university, one that was selective of those who received offers to study there.
The new semester started and it's my last. I was sad knowing this, knowing that I would have to leave this college and my friends but at the same time work my butt off to meet university requirements. I was minding my own business and studying for a test in the library when a friend pulled a chair and joined me. He was planning to pursue Law too, and he told me he just got rejected by the university that I was waiting a reply from. I started to worry. 
The next day, I was walking back to my room from the library at about 10PM with a friend when I accidentally pressed the Mail app button on my phone. I saw that UCAS emailed me, saying that there was an update in my application. I freaked out, my legs started to shake, because I knew that it was a reply from the university. When I finally had the courage to check my UCAS Track, I had my phone in one hand and another hand gripping tight to a friend's hand. 
Then I saw that I received an offer. 
Have you ever been given something you thought you never deserved? Do you know how it feels? Yeah, that was exactly what I felt. It was crazy surreal. I was crazy happy & felt a whole new motivation. It was always my aim since the beginning to receive offers from all five universities that I applied to, and I did. Thank you, God. All that was left to do was to study, hustle and meet my requirements.
Then A2 came.
It was pretty shit for me to be really honest, even though I know I studied. I’m the kind who always gets sick when exam season approaches, so I was trying my best not to get sick this time around because I didn’t want to be miserable when taking my papers.
My very first paper was absolute hell. I never in my life cried over exam papers before, but this time around I cried for three days. I wasn’t planning to go home the weekend after my first paper, because I had two papers the week after. But I went home anyway, I just needed to be around people who weren’t taking the exams either.
The exams were just, really bad - for me anyway. And somewhere deep down I knew I wouldn’t be able to meet my requirements for the universities I wanted to go to.
A few months later, it was A2 results day.
I was in shock, to be honest. And it wasn’t even the good kind of shock. I was shocked at how badly I did. I didn’t meet the requirements for both my firm and insurance universities, and it wasn’t even a near miss. I called up my parents and a really close friend, and for the first five minutes when they picked up the phone I didn’t do anything but cry. I didn’t say a word and I cried really, really badly. I felt like I was a lost child, I didn’t know what to do with my life, if I could even go to the UK for university, I felt that all the effort I put into A-Levels for the past two years was wasted. The day after, I was still bursting into tears randomly. I just couldn’t fathom how horrible my results were. To this day I’m confused as to why I did as I did. I was disappointed in myself to say the least, and I guess that’s really one of the worst feelings anyone could feel.
But I knew I couldn’t be crying over it for too long. 
My brother’s wedding was just two days after results day and I was going to have to meet a lot of people over the weekend, so I tried to compose myself because I wanted to be the person that people knew I was. I had a really good time with my family and friends, and for a weekend I forgot about how sad I was. The people around me kept telling me that it was a rough patch and not a rough life, that maybe something good was going to come out of the situation. The weddings were a good distraction for me because after that my head was clear and I could think of a Plan B. I wanted to go to UK for university, I didn’t want to have said my A-Levels were a waste of my time & brain cells.
On the day Clearing opened, I called university after university to ask them about their vacancies and thankfully, I got a few offers. I was beyond relieved, the operators could hear it in my voice I’m sure. By that night, I already had a place in a university that I was happy with.
To be able to get a place in university after everything, I was insanely happy. It was such an amazing feeling, it felt crazy good to be excited about my future again. Even though it wasn’t what I originally planned, but thinking about it, there’s so many good things that came out from this situation. It has always been God’s plan for me to end up this way. 
I guess my point in writing this is to remind myself that there’s always, ALWAYS a silver lining to every dark, gloomy cloud. It’s like God took something I wanted away from me to make sure I realise what I already have - an amazing support system. My family and friends believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself, and they made sure I was sane enough after A2 results day. They let me lick my wounds and cry my heart out but also reminded me that it isn’t the end of the world, that there can always be a backup plan. I received really heartwarming texts & calls of support and love from my friends, heck even my teacher back in college checked up on me every single day through email. 
There really isn’t a way for me to properly thank everyone for all the love I got that week, it reminded me well that I have really great people in my life.
People always say that you have more friends when you’re happy rather than when you’re sad, but this rough patch showed me that I always have top notch friends when I’m at a low. I don’t know what I would have done if it weren’t for the company I keep and there isn’t any possible way to describe how much I cherish them. 
I want to believe that what happened was for the best, and it made me realise that God always has my back, even when I feel like I don’t deserve it. Regardless of how much of my life I plan, God’s plans are always the best. It’s okay to be disappointed for awhile when things don’t go your way, but losing hope completely won’t really bring you anywhere. There’s always a way to achieve dreams and get what you want, it’s just a matter of how much you want it & to what extents would you go to get it. It might not have been the plan that you had in mind at first but sooner or later you’ll see the good in how it turns out. Believing that things always happen for a reason will help keep you sane and your hope in check. It did me.
I’m glad to say that by this time next month, I would be enrolled in law school in the United Kingdom and would have just started classes. I’m really excited but at the same time I’m really nervous but I think I’ll be fine. Hopefully, anyway.
I haven’t been this happy and content with life in a really long time, and it feels amazing.
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