#also the jean bow made me cackle the whole time i was putting this together its the most atrocious part 4 me
normiematsu · 11 months
people liking denim on denim yuuchan.. maybe i have to make it canon....
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 22 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
What completes a social event? Is it the company, the conversation, the beverages, the music, the décor of whatever venue the social event is set in? No…it’s crippling social anxiety. I know I’ve felt it many a time when you’re at a gathering you don’t want to be at and you’re the outcast amongst all the social groups in attendance. Someone who was particularly feeling it on this night though, was a certain district attorney. No-one knew their name however, which meant everyone had just dubbed them the nickname of Yanan (pronounced yay-nan)…which honestly was the most pleasant thing they’d encountered during the festive period so far. They were…well, they were whatever you feel they might be in terms of looks and underlying personality; in this setting though, they’d found an alcove off of a quieter living area and was sitting in it on the floor.
They had their knees hugged to their chest. Of course, when anybody was morose, a certain glob could sense it. Gooper had been snuggling against one of Yanan’s ankles and cooing softly, trying to coax them into saying hi to people; however, the attorney had stayed put, whispering softly to the little creature in their….unique, layered voice.
‘I’m sorry little one….I can’t go out there yet….’
Gooper whined and whimpered, feeling so sad that Yanan was so secluded and on their own, it wasn’t fair for them! Thankfully though….someone ambling near the alcove just so happened to catch the sounds of Gooper’s sadness, and couldn’t help but investigate. A man in worn trousers, a white vest and navy jacket ended up leaning in the entrance of the alcove, surveying the scene curiously as he twiddled a playing card between his fingers. Allow me to introduce, the Night Guard of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria.
'Ya fall over or somethin’?’
The Guard commented with a raised eyebrow, whilst Yanan tensed at the sudden presence of a stranger. They glanced up at him briefly as they hugged their knees a little tighter, whilst muttering.
The Guard let out a light hum, before folding his arms at his chest and musing.
‘Let me guess, you’re avoiding everyone because they’re kinda a lot to handle and you’re not used to it yet so it’s all overwhelming?’
Yanan nibbled their bottom lip and bowed their head, not replying. Yet, that in of itself gave the Guard their answer. He hummed again.
‘I don’t blame ya. They’re nice and all, but they’re a lot to handle when they’re all together….well, except that one.’
The Guard grinned lightly as he nodded at Gooper, who let out a happy coo before shuffling out of the alcove; Gooper could see that Yanan was in good hands. Yanan fiddled with their fingers and picked at the knees of their jeans as they mumbled.
‘I don’t even know why I’m amongst them all…’
The Guard raised an eyebrow at that….damn this one was really not feeling great. He decided to shuffle into the alcove properly and slide down the wall so he was sitting next to them on the floor, whilst replying in a candid fashion.
‘Probably because they want you to be, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t wanted.’
Yanan softly scoffed.
‘Most of them don’t even know who I am.’
‘Same here, and honestly I’m kinda happy about it because it means I get to control people’s first impressions of me.’
Yanan blinked a few time at that, before tilting their head to look at their new company curiously. Their amicable, nice, mostly non-invasive company.
‘….why do you need to control that? You seem perfectly nice.’
The Guard’s eyebrows shot up at the nonchalant compliment and his lips stretched into a soft grin as he rubbed the back of his neck softly.
‘Heh….well, that’s sweet of ya to say. I could be better though….I mean jeheez, I haven’t even told you my name….’
Yanan let out a soft snort at that…Yanan found that they liked him. He was just content with talking with them, interacting calmly and nicely and somehow without awkwardness. So they decided to offer them their outstretched hand.
‘I’m Yanan.’
The Guard’s grin widened with surprised delight, and he happily shook Yanan’s hand.
‘People call me Guard. Say, ya wanna venture out there with me? We’ll be more secure as a team.’
At his suggestion however, Yanan tensed up, their arms immediately going to tightly fold at their chest; the Guard could see them curling up inside their mind, and he winced a little at seeing it.
‘I can’t….’
The last thing the Guard wanted was to make Yanan uncomfortable, he just wanted to spend time with them and hopefully help them feel less awkward in this wild, weird-ass place. He let his smile soften as he gently pressed his shoulder against Yanan’s, making sure to be careful with the contact so it wasn’t overwhelming.
‘Hey, c’mon, we don’t even have to talk to anyone. I could just give ya a lil tour of the place if ya want?’
Yanan twisted their lips, shrugging softly at his words. It wasn’t like they wanted to stay secluded, on the contrary, the Guard’s suggestion of a little, relaxed tour sounded like something they very much wanted to do…but, as I’m sure many of you know, anxiety can be a bitch. They were still so nervous and unsure about everything.
‘I-I dunno….’
‘C’mon it’ll be fun! We can sneak into a kitchen and steal food!’
Guard very much had no intention of giving up on his new, multi-faceted companion….and smirked when he heard Yanan let out a soft giggle at his words. The Guard loved making people laugh, it made him feel so giddy and excited, and now was no different.
‘Ohhhh don’t pretend you don’t like that idea!’
The Guard teased, which made Yanan turn their head away from him to hide their smile as they let out another giggle….but that time it came out because of the Guard softly nudging their side amidst his excitement. Yanan rubbed the spot softly as they mumbled playfully.
‘Ihi nehever said that…’
The Guard raised a playful eyebrow at them, before smiling widely with glee. Not just because of how playfully they’d spoken….but also because of how they’d reacted to that little touch to their side. The Guard’s grinned a more wolfish grin now as he started landing very soft pokes at his new friend’s sides, cooing teasingly at them.
‘Awww you do like the idea! Look at you all giggly!’
Yanan’s eyes widened as they spluttered and giggled, a sweet smile rising up on their face rather cutely. Since they were such a multi-layered individual it meant that they were sensitive basically everywhere, which was something that really quite embarrassed them.
‘Hehehey! S-Stahahap ihihit!’
The Guard smirked, his blue eyes twinkling as he used his (very muscly) arms to gently pull Yanan into his chest, trapping them in an embrace as he continued tickling them. He chuckled and cooed once more as he kept his spidering nice and gentle up and down their sides.
‘But ya look so happy! What a ticklish shy bean you are!’
Yanan squeaked, their face scrunching up with embarrassment as they threw their head back against the Guard’s chest, giggling frantically as they blushed and shook their head. They couldn’t believe this was happening, they’d hardly anticipated being noticed in this household, let alone their ticklishness being discovered and being taken advantage of so amazingl-uh…I mean, evilly, of course.
‘Thihihis ihisn’t fahair this ihihisn’t fahaaaair!’
The Guard grinned as he felt them wriggle and squirm in his arms, he could tell they were enjoying every second of this….but the last thing he was going to do was call them out. The Guard figured they deserved to just be tickled and to just be allowed to enjoy it, so he kept spidering and scratching and teasing right into their ear.
‘Ahahaaww you’re too cute! Ya can’t stop giggling no matter how hard you try, can you?’
Yanan immediately hid their pink face in their hands as they giggled harder, kicking out reflexively as the Guard’s tickling fingers targeted the very dips of their sides. They whined oh so preciously.
‘Shuhuhut uhuhuhup! J-Juhust lehet mehe gohoho!’
Yanan risked peeking up at their tickler through their fingers, but soon hid again when they saw the Guard grinning down at them….before making the hug trap even more secure as he spoke dramatically, like he’d had an epiphany.
‘Y’know, maybe it’s actually better that we don’t go out there. Thinking on it, I’d much prefer to spend the day just tickling you riiight here!’
Yanan squealed when they suddenly felt the scratching more to their tummy, and they giddily tried to curl up in the Guard’s lap as they snorted through their bubbily mirth. Now they were really heckin flustered and envisioning being tickled like this all day….hoo.
‘NOHO! Y-Yohohou cahan’t dohoho thahat! Yohohou cahahan’t!’
The Guard snickered at their cute little cries, and whispered playfully as he kept up the tummy scratches.
‘Seems like I already am. Y’know I can see why you chose to settle here, I’m pretty comfy down here…’
Yanan whined through their frantic mirth, weakly grabbing the Guard’s vest and pushed lightly at his chest. They were trembling with giddy butterflies and tickly chills coursing through their whole system as they looked up at the Guard, their eyes wide and watery like an innocent, happy child.
‘P-Plehehehease Guahahard! Plehehease ihihit tihickles soho muhuhuch!’
The Guard snickered, cocking their head down at Yanan fondly….damn they were an adorable little thing. He decided to nuzzle their neck, letting out a soft growl as he taunted in a devilishly low tone.
‘Is that right? Oh you poor, poor little thing, so ticklish with no hope of escape….doomed to be tickled forever and ever….’
Yanan yelped and writhed, scrunching their shoulders and wailing through wild giggles, nearly bordering on cackles now too. Being tickled in two places like this, with neck nuzzling and tummy scratching, was just so damn incredib-uh….unfair.
‘Why ahahare yohou dohohoing thihihis?!’
Internally, the Guard’s answer was “Because you’re so clearly loving every tickly second of this you precious, shy little munchkin”, but he knew he couldn’t say that aloud, not on this tickly occasion anyway, he didn’t want to accidentally bring in any anxiety. So the Guard replied dramatically as his scratchy, blunt nails deftly found Yanan’s lower tummy.
‘Uh, have you seen yourself? Your giggles are like therapy!’
Yanan’s giggles got even more high-pitched as they arched their back, their legs jerking out and kicking sweetly as they looked up at the Guard, desperately flustered and very much in denial of such a statement.
‘Thehehey ahahare nahahat!’
The Guard raised an eyebrow down at them at that, before softly nipping the side of their neck as he retorted goofily.
‘Are too!’
At that particular tickle method, Yanan let out quite the loud yelp….and their cheeks finally transitioned from pink to red.
‘HEHEY! D-D-Dohohon’t doho thahat!’
The Guard let out a playful gasp as he smirked gleefully, before snarling and unleashing a torrent of tickly nibbles up and down the side of their exposed neck.
‘Don’t do what? This-?’
Yanan cried with wide eyes as they burst out into laughter, and the Guard decided to have mercy, knowing that there would be plenty of opportunities in the future for him to explore that laughter in their newly kindling friendship. He chuckled as Yanan cutely panted and curled up against his chest, rubbing their neck.
'Alright I’m done Ihi’m done.’
Yanan whined into the Guard’s chest, smiling a flustered smile as they stammered.
‘Thohose tickles were ehevil! A-And Ihi have cramp….’
The Guard snickered and rolled his eyes, and stroke though Yanan’s ever changing hair as he mused lightly.
‘Well…we could go walk it off if you like, and maaaaybe pick up some snacks on the way?’
Yanan blinked a few times….and smiled, looking up at the Guard and nodding in agreement. Then, the Guard took them for a small walk, showing them a living room, gaming room, and kitchen that weren’t often busy. They acquired some snacks, and found an airing cupboard with some quilts, before venturing back to their alcove, before spending the rest of the day snuggling, snacking, and smiling about those baby steps.
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aamccarthy · 5 years
Lucifer and Thomas - The New Year
Chapter 5! Enjoy. 
Lucifer and Thomas Master List
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/186855778-lucifer-and-thomas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Several days had passed with only a few ‘minor’ incidents. Lucifer’s barrier on the Wood household was holding strong, demons still kept appearing though and they were no closer to finding out who was behind the summons. The only real change today was that Leviathan was stewing in anger, sitting in the house, muttering curses under his breath.
Well, turns out he had managed to exhaust most of his Essence, the energy that Demons and Angels alike used to perform miracles and changes within the world. Normally, a Fallen like Leviathan would never have to worry about running out of Essence, but after doing a memory wipe of the suburb and also having to reconstruct part of the town, he had used up most of his Essence. And it was all because of fucking Berith. Leviathan fumed silently.
The crazy fucker had decided in his infinite wisdom that it would be faster to destroy the demons by ‘raining fire on Earth’ and created a mini meteor shower of brimstone, nearly totaling the city.
When Leviathan demanded that Berith fix the mess he made, he turned face, complaining that he had exhausted his own Essence supply and wasn’t able to maintain his form on Earth, so had retreated back to Hell.
Lucifer personally thought the whole situation was fucking hilarious.
Unfortunately, Leviathan did not share the same view had become quite irritable and threatened to burn the city to the ground if Lucifer wouldn’t stop laughing at him. So, Lucifer had a choice. Either A) Keep laughing at Leviathan until the man snapped and burnt the city to the ground, or B) Let the man stew in anger until he finally calmed down.
Lucifer didn’t really want to have to rebuild a whole city, so he took the initiative and decided to seek out Thomas and see what the young boy was up to.
Today Lucifer wore full length black jeans and a red hoodie. He shoved his hands in his pockets, his golden eyes glittering as he attempted to sense where Thomas was; he noticed as well that despite Berith’s unconventional way of dealing with the Summon Circles, they numbered surprisingly few today. At least it was effective?
He walked down the block, finally reaching the park and saw Thomas sitting on a swing staring off into space. He jogged up to him and waved, but the boy didn’t respond.
"Tom..? Oiii. Thomas? You there?" A young form of Lucifer stood in front of the brown haired boy, waving his hand back and forth in front of Thomas' face. The boy stared blankly into space not even registering the hand waving in front of his face.
... until it set on fire.
Lucifer cackled gleefully as he shook his hand and the flame went out.
"Ow." Lucifer frowned and rubbed the back of his head where Thomas had just hit him.
"Don't DO that!" The young boy cried in exasperation. Thomas leaned forward, his head between his knees as he breathed deeply, trying to calm down.
“You’re weird.” Lucifer tilted his head, “You don’t even balk at demons, yet get upset at a bit of flame near your face.”
Thomas lifted his head and glared, “Last time, there was a barrier.” He rolled his eyes and put his head back in between his knees, taking deep breaths.
"What cha thinkin' bout?" Lucifer's golden eyes narrowed at he watched Thomas finish his breathing exercise. Humans were so strange.
"Ah, us?" Thomas lifted his head and turned to look at Lucifer.
He squinted in response. No gay jokes. No gay jokes. His mind chanted. He closed one eye and leaned back, "what do you mean....?"
"Well." Thomas sat up, pondering, "how does, well… all this work?" He indicated between the two of them, pointing.
Lucifer grinned, “Well you see, when a boy loves another bo-”
“Owww. Damn, kid.” Lucifer rubbed his head again. Despite being the King of Hell, his human form was mortal and still had the same threshold for pain as a normal human being.
“Luce! I’m serious! When we met, you said that me asking you to be my friend went against your laws and morals. But you went ahead and agreed anyway. How does this work?”
"I 'unno." Lucifer shrugged. "Yer mum thinks I moved down the road, I come over whe'ver I want, I’ll show up to your," he twisted his face in grimace, "school", rolling his eyes, "and apparently, I’m not allowed to torture your bullies.” He pulled himself up on the swing beside Thomas and he raised his finger in realisation, “Oh, and I get a break from Hell."
Thomas stared at the golden eyed boy before him, "Yeah. OK. I get that... but what else are you getting out of it? I asked for a friend, but what about you?"
Lucifer paused and thought for a moment. He honestly didn't know. This whole friend thing was new to him. He had enemies... if you knew them for long enough do you become friends? He scratched his chin. He had considered contracting Thomas for his soul a few days ago but he was just... so.. yeargh. Bright. Hopeful. A "believer". Would look weird in his collection. Human lives were so short. He had existed for so long and did the same thing day in, day out with no change. Change suddenly presented to him in such a foreign request, "friendship". Why not explore what it means?
"Uhhh..? Luce? Did you hear what I said?"
"I 'unno kiddo." Lucifer snapped out of his thoughts, "just surprise me. Show me your world."
“Show you… what exactly?” Thomas raised an eyebrow, not really understanding.
“Just show me what it’s like to live like a human. I’m curious.” He rested his cheek on the chain of the swing.
Thomas pondered, “Have you seen fireworks?”
“What’s that?”
“They’re like this huge explosions that happen in the sky. It’s New Years Eve tonight. I’ve never been, but I’m sure mum can take us.”
“Oooooooooh,” Lucifer rubbed his hands together in excitement, “I think I’ll like this.”
It was past dinner time now and Leviathan had finally calmed down. When he heard that Lucifer was going out with Alice and Thomas to watch the fireworks, he readily volunteered to come along.
“No, Levi.” Lucifer sighed, wrapping a scarf around his neck. Supposedly it was going to snow tonight. “I need you to keep an eye on the map and see if any more Summon Circles appear.”
“Sire! Please! Think about it! Wouldn’t it be safer if I escorted you and the family? What if someone attacks you?”
“Then I finish them off. You exhausted your Essence supply, remember?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
“Let me at least walk you to their house.” Leviathan’s blue eyes were pleading and wide.
“Fine.” Lucifer sighed as he pulled a jacket on, “Just keep your hands to yourself. Thomas’ mother already thinks you’re a creep.”
Leviathan froze at that comment, and he whispered in disbelief, “S-she thinks I’m a creep?”
“I’m leaving!” Lucifer opened the door and stalked out into the night. Leviathan grabbed his jacket and ran after the young boy.
Lucifer strolled through the street in silence, his hands in his pockets as he looked around, scanning for any changes. Leviathan seemed to be in a pit of self despair, muttering to himself, “Surely I’m charming. I’m a Prince! A Prince!” Lucifer rolled his eyes, ignoring Leviathan.
Leviathan may be an idiot at times, but he was loyal. Lucifer trusted him more than any of his other Generals. Lucifer, Leviathan and Beelzebub were the three princes of the Seraphim, the highest ranked Angels in Heaven and amongst the First Sphere of Heaven. Leviathan was the first to contest Lucifer’s banishment from Heaven, pleading with their Father for forgiveness, but the decision was upheld. Shortly after Leviathan attempted to overthrow their Father, going against the other Angels within the First Sphere of Heaven, until he too was cast out, followed by Beelzebub. Lucifer had been surprised that Leviathan had even attempted to overthrow their Father, but regardless, it showed how deep his loyalty was.
“You’re awfully quiet, Sire.” Leviathan had stopped his muttering and was watching the small frame of the boy before him.
Lucifer waved his hand, dismissing him, “It’s nothin’. Just thinking about the past.”
Leviathan opened his mouth to ask further, but Lucifer ran on ahead, having reached Thomas’ house.
The brown haired boy was standing on the porch, shivering. His eyes lit up immediately when he saw Lucifer approach. “Luce!” He exclaimed, jumping in excitement. “MUM! LUCE IS HERE!” The boy turned around, bellowing into the house.
Leviathan balked at the sheer volume that the small human produced, raising a questioning eyebrow at Lucifer who simply smirked in response.
“Oh, Levi. Thank you for bringing Luce over.” Alice appeared at the doorway, as she threw a shawl over her shoulders, smiling at Leviathan. His blue eyes lit up and he smiled back.
“The pleasure is all mine.”
“Luce is welcome to spend the night, if that is OK? Thomas mentioned he wanted to stay up for the midnight fireworks.”
“Perfectly fine.” Leviathan purred in response, “I can come by and collect him mid-morning. Should we have morning tea?”
Lucifer scoffed, throwing his thoughts at Leviathan, ‘Morning tea?! What are you-’
“Ah, that would be lovely!” Alice gathered her bags and keys, locking the door behind her. “I’ll see you in the morning then. C’mon, boys. Let’s go.” She shooed the two boys down the driveway towards the car, before bidding farewell.
Leviathan stood at the end of the driveway, waving happily. ‘You’re an idiot.’ Lucifer smirked at Leviathan, shaking his head.
‘Have a good night, Sire.’ Leviathan replied, bowing his head slightly.
The drive was uneventful and filled with Thomas’ explanations of what to expect at the New Year’s gathering. It was an Annual Tradition, apparently. Humans would gather together, some would host stalls selling food and drinks, others had mini games that you could play. There was a live concert where performers gathered and sang, and the event would end with a large fireworks display.
Lucifer had heard about events like this before, but had never seen one before. He was definitely curious, and very interested to see these ‘explosions in the sky’.
When they arrived, Lucifer’s eyes widened. All around him, were people for as far as the eye could see. He hadn’t seen this many humans in one place before. He stood outside the car, staring at the sea of bodies. “How are there so many people?!” He exclaimed.
Alice laughed in response, locking the car door, “Well, it’s probably the whole town coming out for this tonight. Stay close boys and don’t wander too far. I don’t want you getting lost.”
Lucifer had never experienced anything like this before. Thomas held his hand and dragged him from stall to stall, prompting his mother to buy things such as candy apples and fairy floss for the golden-eyed boy. When Lucifer tasted the different sweets, he could feel strange sensations in his mouth as the sweetness tickled his tongue. He needed to work out how to get these things in Hell, they tasted amazing!
After eating their fill, the boys also tried out various games, with Lucifer winning a large bear for popping (destroying? The vendor seemed to be wary of the golden eyed boy that left holes in his wall) the most balloons in a game of darts. Lucifer wrinkled his nose at the bear and handed it to Thomas, “You keep it.”
“Really? Thank you!” Thomas hugged the bear excitedly.
Finally, the music began to die down and Lucifer heard a strange chanting amongst the humans. “What is going on?”
Thomas beamed excitedly, “It’s a countdown!”
“A what?” Lucifer clenched his fists, gathering all his Essence into the centre of his chest, waiting for an attack.
Thomas bounced on the spot, “C’MON! Mum - we are going to stand over there!”
“Sure thing, honey.”
Thomas grabbed Lucifer’s hand and ran towards a part in the clearing that was slightly raised and away from the trees. “Tom- Wait. What is going on??” Lucifer asked, not really understanding the situation.
Thomas let go of his hand and grinned then yelled at Lucifer in reply, “FOUR!”
Lucifer balked, raising his hands in defence, still having no idea what was happening and what had suddenly possessed all the humans around him.
“THREE! C’mon, join me! You’ll miss out!”
“I don’t understand.” Lucifer replied, worriedly.
“TWO! Just say it with me!”
Thomas jumped and threw his hands up in the air then suddenly there were loud bursts from all around them, Lucifer narrowed his eyes, tightening his fists as he almost transformed, ready for battle.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Thomas grabbed Lucifer’s hands and bounced up and down, halting his change. Lucifer looked all around him, and there were people blowing strange instruments and colourful bits of paper littered the human’s hair.
He heard a strange high pitch whistle that suddenly ended in a large boom and crackle, and the sky lit up. His golden eyes widened in amazement at the scene he saw.
Before him the black starry sky was filled with colour. Red, Green, Purple, Yellow, Blue, White and Gold. The colours and the shapes kept appearing before him, flashing rapidly before disappearing only to be replaced with another burst of light. Some exploded like little novas, and others blossomed into beautiful flowers.
“How cool is this!” Thomas yelled, but Lucifer didn’t reply. Unease and doubt cast over the young boy’s mind, hoping that Lucifer was enjoying himself. Thomas thought back to their conversation today, wondering if he was worthy of being Lucifer’s friend. He looked over at Lucifer, who’s eyes were wide and fixed on the fireworks display above them, the colours reflecting in his golden orbs, amazement danced on Lucifer’s face as the fireworks continued, the smile on his face widening with each firework that went off.  
Thomas clutched at the bear that Lucifer gave him, a small smile on his face. “Thank you.” He whispered, too embarrassed to say it any louder incase Lucifer heard him.  
Continue to Chapter 6
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m0onbean · 7 years
Bonfire (Camp Counselor AU!) Chapter 4
Tumblr media
category: floofy
pairing: sanha X reader
warnings: cussing
note: WOW I FINALLY UPDATED THIS SERIES! sorry it took so long... i lost inspiration to write anymore, was caught up in requests, and a whole bunch of other shit. enjoy!
What you expected for your first night at Camp Moon was definitely not a shirtless MJ running around the cabin clanging pots and Moonbin screaming BTS lyrics.
Groaning, you used the pillow you brought from home to muffle your ears. "DO NOT WAKE ME UP UNLESS YOU ARE RAP MONSTER."
Hurt, Moonbin clenched his chest but left the room anyways. You heard groaning from above you which reminded you of Sanha's presence.
"Good morning Sanha," you sighed and started to climb out of your scrambled bed. You heard some shuffling of blankets above you and a lengthy yawn. Chuckling, you finally manage to leave the room to brush your teeth and get ready for the day.
When you finished and closed the lights to the restroom, you were taken aback by the glowing face standing in the door way.
"AH!" You yelped and stumbled back. Upon closer inspection, you realized that it was just Rocky... being Rocky.
His customized flashlight was shining under his chin and he was smiling mischievously. "Good morning (Y/N), ROCKY SWAG. It's currently 6 am, congrats for waking up earlier than Sanha!"
"Kinda difficult to not wake up when MJ is literally slamming metal pots together and Moonbin is screaming lyrics to Not Today," you sarcastically replied and headed back towards Sanha's room.
Rocky chuckled and followed behind you, "Be prepared for that every weekday morning. Which reminds me..." he pulled out a crumpled paper from his hoodie pockets and tried to straighten it out. After failing at straightening out the completely wrecked piece of paper, he just handed it to you.
You looked over it curiously and saw that it was a document that held this entire week's schedule. "Right now we're going to eat breakfast in the mess hall and come back and start preparing for our kids to arrive later at 12," Rocky explained as you read everything.
Nodding your head, you attempted to fold it neatly and place it in your pockets. "Sounds great! I'm excited to meet our kids."
He smiled, "They're always wonderful every year. By the way, since we have some time, head over to the office to get your own flashlight right now."
Obeying him, you quickly changed into a shirt, jeans, and hoodie, and marched down to the office. As you headed there, you caught a glimpse of the other camps' cabins. They were of all different sizes, representing how many people were in each camp. Clearly, Camp Moon had the smallest cabin, but possibly the nicest one.
At a glance, Camp Sun's cabin could definitely be mistaken for an office. It was no wonder why you accidentally approached them first, mistaking them as the office instead of an ACTUAL cabin. It was ENORMOUS. Different flyers and posters were taped on the front door and it basically gave off that official vibe.
A shiver ran down your spine when you were reminded of your encounter with Howie. To think that you shook his hand even frightens you to this day,
Upon arriving at the office, you noticed some adults working at the front desk, occupied with their work. You opened the glass door to be welcomed with a powerful heater blasting warmth. Sighing in relief, you walk up to one of the workers and greet them.
The woman had round glasses on, brown bangs, and a cute camp outfit. "Hi my name is Leslie, nice to meet you!" she shook your hand and sweetly smiled.
"Nice to meet you too! My name is (Y/N), I'm new here." you cheerfully replied.
"Ah, are you the new Moon everyone's been talking about?"
You were caught off guard. "H-huh?"
Leslie cocked her head at your unawareness. "Yeah! Everyone's been talking about how Camp Moon finally got a new member after years... and how it's a girl!"
Scratching the back of your neck, you looked down to the floor in embarrassment. "Oh... yeah. That's me."
"Well, welcome! It's really amazing how you fit into that camp. I'm in Camp Venus, I just got duty to work in the office for now."
"Oh, nice! About that, I'm here to customize my flashlight."
"Okay, follow me!" she gestured you to another room where different sorts of machines lined up against the wall. Shelves and cabinets were everywhere, making the room really look like an arts and crafts room.
"What color do you want your flashlight to be?" Leslie asked while looking through the different cabinets.
"What colors have been taken already?" you asked while watching her.
She hums and takes out a document. "Jinjin took green, MJ yellow, Eunwoo blue, Moonbin black, Rocky red, and Sanha pink." (these are based on their power ranger colors from ASTRO OK READY)
"I'll take white then," you answered while remembering how Sanha showed you his snazzy pink flashlight.
Leslie nodded while scribbling on her notebook. "I'll make the flashlight right now and give it to you during lunch."
Thanking her, you were about to turn out the door before she stopped you.
"Wait... You know Jinjin right?" she hastily asked and a pink tint rose on her small face.
You rotated your body to face her again. "Yeah. The one who talks slowly right?"
She laughed, mouth curling up and eyes smiling. "Yup, that's him! He's always been like that."
"What about him?"
"Oh... u-uh... can you ask if..." she shyly lowered her voice. "-he likes me?"
Upon arriving at the cabin, you saw that everybody had woken up and was running around the house in a rush. They all screamed good morning at you not before rushing in and out doors.
"What's going on?" you asked curiously while dodging all of their movements.
"We're behind schedule!" Eunwoo screeched while trying to pull up a sock on his foot.
Shoving your hands in your pockets, you took the crumpled schedule out and tried to read the text. Indeed, you all were supposed to be at the mess hall by now.
"It's all because Sanha couldn't get out of bed earlier!" Rocky whined while sitting at the couch casually, waiting for everybody.
Once they were all done washing up, everybody walked out the door, bodies shivering from the morning air. Although you put an extra layer of sweater on, it was still cold. Why didn't you bring any winter coats?!
Sanha noticed your arms shaking so he walked up behind you and hugged you tightly while waddling like a duck. Giggling, you copied his motion and the both of you waddled together with his arms wrapped around your body.
"Get a room," Moonbin groaned and hugged himself alone.
As you all walked across the mountain to reach the mess hall, you spot another group also heading towards there. The group was made of a TON of people marching simultaneously.
"Who's that?" you quietly asked.
"Camp Sun." Jinjin answered in a low voice.
It was pretty obvious considering the extremely buff and large man leading them all, Howie. Sanha hugged you tighter as you all kept on walking while keeping wary eye contact of them.
Inevitably, the both of your camps met at the front of the mess hall. Howie gave your group the stink eye. "You guys are late... as expected of you Moons."
"We could say the same about you," Eunwoo scoffed.
The buff man scowled, "Be prepared to get your asses beat in the tournament next month. We have practiced all the games together and let's just say you'll be faced with another defeat... again."
His eyes met yours and he examined you carefully. "Huh, a new girl? Aren't you the menace who came up to my door on the first day?"
Your body stiffened, "Yes. I'm so glad it was the wrong door."
He cackled, ice driping off the edge of his voice. "All of us agree. We wouldn't want a weak girl like you here anyways."
"HEY! Don't fucking call her that when you don't even know her." Sanha suddenly barked while gripping tightly onto your hoodie.
Howie eyed him suspiciously, "Why? Defending your GIRLFRIEND I see?"
A blush crept up on Sanha's cheeks. Before Jinjin could beat Howie's ass, the door to the mess hall flung open. Behind the doors stood a tall lady with tied back blonde hair.
"You guys are so freaking late! Get your asses in here!" she scolded and turned around back to the cafeteria.
After giving eachother one last death glare, the two of you entered the huge auditorium. Loud conversations boomed in the room as soon as you stepped in. Lunch tables were set up with a bunch of people sitting at them together. The boys lead you to a table near the walls of the room and you all sat down together.
"Sorry you had to see that (Y/N)... we have bad tension with Camp Sun." Jinjin muttered shamefully.
"Oh, it's fine." you waved off.
"They're way too competitive, but we don't accept their hate like that," MJ spitefully said, venom dripping off his voice much different than his usual honey sweet vocals.
Sanha stayed silent with his head bowed down shamefully. You nudged his shoulder, "Are you okay?"
He nodded at you but said nothing else. As the other members talked amongst themselves, your hand found Sanha's and your fingers interlaced.
"Sanha... tell me what's wrong," you quietly urged so the other members wouldn't hear.
He sighed in defeat and glanced at you, "I just don't like how Camp Sun is probably going to pick on you now for being a 'girl' which I don't even understand..."
Giving him a reassuring smile, you squeezed his hand. "It's fine Sanha. I can handle myself."
He crooked his eyebrow silently but squeezed your hand back anyways. "I'm trusting you to stay strong (Y/N)..."
"What are you two talking about?" MJ nosed in by stretching his arm and leaning next to you guys.
"What did we say about choosing favorites!" Jinjin pouted solemnly.
"Ah, I'm sorry guys! It's just that I had something to ask Sanha, that's it!" you urgently insisted.
They all rolled their eyes and gave you a we're salty and you should further explain yourself look. To your defense, Sanha also spoke up, "Don't worry, she was just checking on me."
Moonbin suspiciously eyed how you two were still holding hands under the table. Realizing what it looked like, you quickly released your hand from Sanha's and shoved it back in your pocket. "I-It's not what it looks like..."
MJ gasped dramatically and stood up. "(Y/N)... You're cheating on us?!"
Everybody else except both you and Sanha's burning faces all stood up and gasped.
"What about us? What about everything we've been through?" Eunwoo sang with his face in his hands.
"And what about trust?" Moonbin continued and sobbed.
"Guys sit down everybody's watching!" you hissed at them like a mother while forcing their bodies back down on their butts.
To your relief, the High School Musical performance was immediately ceased once a familiar round glasses girl walked up to your table and tapped your shoulder next to you. "Hi (Y/N)!"
"Oh, Leslie!" you exclaimed more happily than it should've sounded.
"Since you're new here, want me to give you a tour of the camp? That is, if you haven't seen it yet," she pushed up her glasses.
"That sounds great!" you jumped up to her offer.
Sanha pouted and grabbed your arm carefully. "I thought you were going to eat breakfast with us."
Leslie looked at him weirdly, "I think she should have a tour here first."
Moonbin jumped in, "No, she should stay here with us since we've only known eachother for one day and we hadn't had breakfast together yet. The tour can wait."
"Well, I think the tour should be now since she won't have a chance to go on it later due to the incoming children," Leslie firmly tugged on your arm.
Looking back and forth, you were left speechless.
"Why don't we just let (Y/N) decide by herself?" Jinjin offered. Leslie's facial expressions immediately softened when her eyes met his.
"U-uh yeah. Sounds good," she retreated like a cat moonwalking back to the shadows.
Everybody's faces turned to yours expectantly.
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multiversemuses · 7 years
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A Sonata for a Root Vegetable ~ A Growing Love Story in Nine GIFs and 1,000+ Words
“You’re one of my favorite people in the whole wide world; you know that?” Danny prefaces one day while they’re hanging out at Spatola’s.
“Right back at you,” Rhett replies, scratching his chin and leaning back against the green cushion of the booth. “But?”
“But are you ever gonna break the ice and actually talk to her?”
Danny gives him a look and tosses a crumpled napkin at his face.
“You know who, dude.”
Rhett rolls his eyes even though his crooked smile belies this feigned annoyance.
“For the last time, I do not have ‘a thing’ for your lady friend’s best friend.”
“I don’t. I mean she’s cute or whatever, I guess, but I don’t even know her.”
“You could, if you’d just let me put in a good word.”
“Nah, that’s even worse. I can do my own flirting, man, when I want to.”
“Nola says you just get this really intense look on your face and then sorta walk away all broody.”
“Did she tell her that?”
“No. Nola saw you guys pass each other outside Farley’s.”
“Then she also saw that her friend didn’t even look my way, so it’s all good. Doesn’t matter what my face is doing if it’s just your girlfriend and Butter the Cat watching me through the bookshop window. Her bestie didn’t notice a thing.”
Danny folds his arms and looks away. “I wouldn’t be so sure...,” he mumbles cryptically. 
“Why? What’d she say? Did she mention me to you guys?”
Danny’s expression breaks into a broad grin and he cackles triumphantly.
“Busted! You do give a shit. I called it!” 
Rhett slumps sideways and groans loudly.
“I hate you.”
As the months go by and Danny and Nola start spending more time together, so too do their friend groups. “Groups” is being used a little loosely here since Nola really only has a couple of friends her own age. However, this only means that there are even less people standing as physical buffers between Rhett and The Girl. 
The absence of Rhett’s A-Game is reaching such a level that it is even starting to be noticed by the (albeit unintentionally) oblivious. It took Marty three years to discover her best friend and roommate was in love with her and even she can discern something is up with her shaggy sidekick. 
“You okay, Rhettro Chic?” Marty asks one night at a party, eyeing him over her glass. “You’re being all quiet. It’s weird.”
Vanessa, who is seated at the table with them, follows Rhett’s line of sight and figures out whose gaze has left him flummoxed. Mercifully, she uses her very recent upgrade to girlfriend status to distract the other young woman from this line of inquiry. Nessa presses her lips to Marty’s ear and murmurs what Rhett can only assume is a request to dance, given that they start making their way toward the floor. 
As they cross the room, Vanessa gives Rhett a pointed look over her shoulder and tilts her head toward where Danny, Nola, and her friend are standing. Rhett gives her a grateful nod in return. If he is finally going to do this thing, love her though he does, Rhett really does not need Marty’s encouraging whistles and calls echoing after him. 
He downs a gulp of his beer and strides determinedly toward the far corner. Danny sees his friend’s approach and gets a knowing look in his eye. After a little idle chitchat, Danny uses his best goofy smile and dance moves to coax Nola away with him so Rhett will have his opportunity.
Somehow, just like that, it feels like Danny has found a way to make this all easier on Rhett without directly interfering. Now, if he speaks to Nola’s friend, Rhett will seem like he's sparing her the awkwardness of being left behind as a third wheel. There can even be an unspoken commiseration over their current third wheel-iness. Rhett turns to face this fellow “single Pringle” and manages a smile that almost doesn’t look nervous at all. 
“So, how’ve you been?”
Progress has been made, it’s fair to say, although they're still very much in the friendly acquaintance stage. Even so, it’s nice to be able to exchange subtle nods of greeting across South Main Street. Danny has other ways of reaching the bookshop if he were so inclined, but he conveniently keeps asking Rhett for a ride to make sure his best bud will be in the right place at the right time. Not wanting to be too obvious, Rhett always busies himself afterward by entering other nearby shops as if he’s come this way to run errands. Much to his delighted surprise, there comes one afternoon when Nola’s friend uses this to her advantage. Rhett comes back to find a scrap of notebook paper with seven digits tucked under his windshield wiper. 
Call me sometime - S.
“So your friend Marty always addresses you by a nickname?”
“Sorta. I don’t know if it really counts as a nickname when she tries to steer clear of repeats so it’s never the same. More like name puns? Play on words or whatever.”
“Gotcha. I’m gonna give you one for your contact in my phone. It’s like  Rheumatologist, Rhinocerous, stuff like that?”
“Nah, that’s more like that Benedict guy who played the dragon fr--”
“Got it! I’m texting you a screenshot.”
“...Rutabaga Wickerchair. You’re pretty proud of that one, aren’t you?”
“Taking my bows as we speak. I brought it up a level ’cause your last name’s in it now, too.”
“All right, two can play at that game. Check your messages.”
“Symphony OldMacDonald. That is... something special.”
“Hey, it’s a closer match than Rutabaga.”
“A coffee date. Very conventional. And very not you.” 
“What can I say? I’m a man of mystery. Gotta keep you on your toes.”
"Sure, Jan. C’mon, spill it. What’s going on, Scruffleupagus? You’re up to something; I know it. This wouldn’t happen to be one of your collaborative effort pranks, would it?”
“Dunno. Guess you’ll have to wait in suspense and find out.”
“Gonna keep your secrets to the last, huh? All right. But I’m on to you.”
“Scruffle Shuffle!”
Rhett cleans the cheese dust off his fingers with meticulous care, pretending not to hear.
He tilts back his head, catching the remaining bag crumbs in his mouth. Rhett gives no indication that he has seen her waving.
“Pardon me... Handsome!”
Rhett smiles in spite of himself but keeps up the act that he hasn’t noticed her prior to this moment.
“Oh hey, Syd.”
“Y’know, strictly speaking, we’re not allowed to bring outsiders back here.”
“Funny, of the two of us, I’d have said you're the one who favors the Ponyboy aesthetic.”
“Har-dee-har. You know the kind I mean.”
“Uh, yeah, something like that.”
“They’re right to be wary, y’know.”
“’Cause I’m such a bad influence?”
“No, ’cause I am. I throw a mean bash, mister. Gimme a box of rinse cups, some AA batteries, and a little dry ice and I could put this place on the social map in a night.”
“A regular Party MacGyver, eh?”
“Damn straight.”
“I’d better not let The Powers That Be know you’re here, then.”
“You’re gonna protect me from your scary headmistress?”
“Risking life and limb for your lady fair?”
“Yeah or, y’know, like a month’s detention.”
“And they say chivalry is dead.”
“This is where you wanted to show me? One of the piers under the bridge?”
“Yup, this is the one.”
“Interesting. Why this place? What makes it special?”
“I don’t know. It’s quiet, I guess.”
“Yeah. Or it was, ’til you brought me out here.”
“Hmm... The water does seem weirdly still. Even the semis don’t scare off the fish, but they sure heard you coming.”
“Watch yourself, Studly, or I’m gonna help you get intimately acquainted with the Delaware.”
A handful of the academy kids are sitting with Nola and her friends around a bonfire on the shoreline. On a log by themselves near the far side of the circle, Syd and Rhett scuff sand onto the ends of each other’s shoes and make shadow puppets in the flickering glow from the flames.
“Crap, outta juice again,” Marty whines a little louder than necessary and tilts her Solo cup with an exaggerated flip of the wrist. 
“There are a few Mike’s left in the cooler,” Nola points out.
Marty pretends to consider them but wrinkles her nose. “The ice has gotten melted from being too close to the fire.”
“I’ll get you a cold one from the spare supply in the truck,” Vanessa volunteers.
“Aww, thanks, babe. You’re the best.” Marty gives her a peck on the cheek and they discretely exchange a conspiratorial wink.
Things go back to normal for a minute or two until Marty’s cell phone suddenly blares. The ringtone is so loud that everyone around the bonfire jumps about half a foot. 
“Sha la la la la la! Don't be scared. You better be prepared. Go on and kiss the girl!
Marty puts a hand to her chest and gives an exaggerated laugh.
“Oh, that must be my talent manager. Excuse me. I really have to take this.”
She sweeps away into the darkness with the phone pressed to her ear, kicking Rhett’s shin rather sharply as she passes. He winces and rubs the leg of his jeans but, when he sits upright again, Syd is watching him. Did she glance at his lips just then or was it a trick of the light?
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candysnotebook-blog · 7 years
ZAP! POW! Comic High: School’s Out -2
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( Bethany Bat )
“I couldn’t find anything” said Donnie Silver as she crossed her arms over her chest while giving Jean a blank face. Donnie was the descendant to the one and only Quick Silver and had a very bold character. From one glance at Donnie, you could tell just what type of a person she was. For one she was tall and thin with the most daring blue eyes. Her short pink bob cut always had strands of her hair were always tucked behind her small ears. Her original hair color was a dirty blonde but she decided pink was more her color. She had a small circular face and a pointy nose and thick red lips.
 Behind Donnie, the Flash triplets came zooming behind, making a fuss as they all wanted to be the first to give their search findings to Jean.  The Flash triplets all looked alike, being the descendant of the Flash. They all had curly ginger hair and dull brown eyes. And ironically enough, all their names began with the letter ‘M’. Making them Mallory, Max and Myron.
 That morning Jean had sent the four to scout all around camp grounds in hopes that one of the four would find Aurora’s anklet that was desperately needed, so as to avoid any further problems. Jean was already discouraged when Donnie came zooming in telling her that she had found no traces of Aurora’s anklet. She still had hope somewhat, that one of the three Flash triplets would have found the anklet so no drastic measures had to be taken. But just to be on the safe side, Miss Honey had also sent the water based descendants to scout Lake Krypton, in thoughts that maybe someone didn’t know what to do with the anklet so they threw it into the lake.
 “Um, well Mallory what did you find?” Jean asked, as she put her thumbnail to her teeth as she began chewing on it nervously as she waited for Mallory’s response. Mallory gave Jean a small shrug while she flashed a weak smile.
 “Well sadly, I got nothin’ Miss G” she answered, as she put her arms down and put them behind her back. Jean let out a deep sigh as she gestured to Max who was standing besides his sister. Max gave also gave Jean a weak smile as he nodded his head ‘no’ not wanting further discussion, and only since he was the quieter triplet. A frustrated Jean did her best to keep a calm face in front of the group of teens as she cocked her head in Myron’s direction.
 Myron gave Jean a huge toothy grin before speaking up. A smirk found its way onto Donnie’s face as she thought to herself, ‘this is gonna be good.’ Even Max and Mallory knew very well in the back of their minds that Myron was probably going to say something ridiculous.
 “I found something” Myron announced, causing Donnie, Max and Mallory’s mouths to drop as they found it hard to believe that the Myron Flash that they all knew actually found Aurora’s anklet. As of Jean, excitement flashed over her face. “Well give it to me Myron, and you’ll come and get your reward later on” said Jean as Myron shoved his right hand into the pocket of his cargo shorts.
 “Here ma’am” he said, as he held up a shiny blue gemstone. Donnie couldn’t help but let out a snort, as Max and Mallory shook their heads in disappointment. Jean let out a deep sigh of frustration as she took the blue gemstone from the palm of Myron’s hand. “It’s pretty Myron, but it’s not what we’re looking for” said Jean, giving Myron a lousy smile. She observed it for a slight minute before she looked head on at the four who were in front of her, “Okay guys, thanks for the cooperation, you are all free to go” she announced, as the four began dispersing in different directions.
 Across camp grounds, Jenny Joker had managed to draw a small crowd as she dropped the juiciest gossip. It was known that Jenny always had all the details since she was quite flexible and preferred hanging from ceilings most of the time she also used it as a good opportunity to eavesdrop on conversations that nobody else could hear.
 “I’m telling y’all Aurora can make us all psycho if they don’t find her little anklet” said Jenny dramatically, adding a cackling laugh at the end which earned some gasps from her small crowd. Luanne America rolled her eyes as she gave her dark blue hair a toss, “Oh stop the drama Jen, everybody knows that only Aurora’s aunt could do that” she said a matter of factly. Luanne was the descendant of Captain America and was a member of Stephanie’s posse. She didn’t resemble her great uncle who was Captain America himself. She actually looked like her late mother, having the same dark blue curly hair, dark brown eyes, a small button nose and full pale pink lips.
 Jenny tilted her head in Luanne’s direction, her green ponytails following her every movement, a smirk plastered on her face as Luanne kept her eyes focused on Jenny. “Oh, and if that’s what you’ve been thinkin’ then you’re in for a real surprise hun” said Jenny, barely even above a whisper. Luanne rolled her eyes as she got up from the gossip session making her way to the camp woods, leaving Jenny behind who was still dropping more gossip.
 Jenny’s words kept replaying in her mind as she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her skirt. It bothered her to think that maybe Aurora had the abilities of her late Aunt Ace. Luanne was a major book worm and had all of her Super history covered, and knew everything about everyone. She always knew that what made Aurora so powerful was her short temper, but it never occurred to her that she was that powerful.  But in a way it sort of made sense to her since it would only explain why after all those years Aurora always wore an anklet.
 Luanne snapped out of her train of thought as soon as she saw one of her best friends, Stephanie, standing on a rock as she blabbed on about something. She couldn’t quite hear Stephanie since she was still pretty far from her, she decided to jog a bit so she could catch up and listen to whatever her friend was talking about. She froze a bit after realizing that Stephanie wasn’t looking for a phone signal or practicing some cheers, she was talking to a group of people.
 From below the rock on which Stephanie stood on, there was Pete Panther, her twin brother Stanley, Henry Hulk, Mauricia, and Amber all listening attentively to whatever she had to say. Luanne wondered why Stephanie and Mauricia didn’t invite her to this small meeting they were having, when they had been doing everything together practically their whole lives. Instantly, she thought it had to do with Aurora’s anklet since it was the hot topic. And knowing Stephanie, she would do anything to prove to her father that she was just as hero material as her twin brother. And what better way to do that than find Aurora’s anklet? Luanne decided not to interrupt their little huddle as she stood from a distance listening in.
  “But sis, how are we gonna get out without anyone realizing we’re gone?” Stanley asked, causing the rest to begin murmuring. Stephanie gave her long blonde hair a toss to the side as she continued flashing a smile to the others, “Chill out Stan, Miss Grey and Miss Honey are so focused on finding the anklet on camp grounds that they wouldn’t even think of looking off camp grounds let alone out of Comic City” she said a matter of factly, as she crossed her arms over her chest. From afar, Luanne kept as still as she could as she continued listening in on the small meeting held by Stephanie.
 Amber raised her short hand and Stephanie nodded as if to prompt her on to go ahead and speak. “But where exactly are we going to find this alleged anklet again?” she asked in her tiny voice.
 A smirk came across Stephanie’s face as she put her hand to her hip, “Oh, we’re going back to where she came from, we’re going to Georgia baby” she said confidently, causing Luanne to let out an audible gasp. “Who’s there?” called out Pete as he began looking in different directions, making Luanne’s heart beat a little faster.  
 “For our safety, this meeting it toats over, we meet at camp entrance exactly during camp fire time” Said Stephanie, as they began to disperse. Leaving a breathless Luanne in hiding as she tried to figure out why her two best friends would go through all that trouble and actually break the rules.
 ‘I have to find out more’ Luanne thought to herself as she jogged back to the main camp grounds. After a short while she found herself at the arts and crafts station where Erika sat alone as she drew on a plain piece of paper. It didn’t make sense to her why Erika didn’t team up with Stephanie and the others to go and save her best friend. After all, Erika and Aurora were basically another version of Amber and Bethany.  
 Finally, Luanne found herself at the archery station as she watched Erika as well as several other people aim at target after target. Despite the fact that Luanne was technically supposed to be the grand daughter of a ‘super soldier’ who feared nothing, bow and arrows sort of weren’t her thing since back in middle school when Huck Hawk  decided to use the star on her shield as a ‘bulls eye.’
 ‘Speaking of the devil,’ she thought as soon as she spotted Huck at the archery station who luckily didn’t spot her as she made her way closer. “Hey you” said Luanne as cheerful as she could, giving Erika a friendly smile. Erika turned to ace Luanne, a blank expression on her face.
 For someone as smart as Luanne it was easy for her to see that Erika was sad that her friend was in danger but was too proud to show her real emotions to the other students.
 “Hi” Erika answered blankly, putting her bow down, staring straight ahead at Luanne. Determined to get answers, Luanne kept a smile on her face, “How have you been? I mean since the whole-“she began unable to finish her sentence since Erika cut her off.
 “Ok, I’m just fine, now can you please go gossip with your friend or something? I’m really not in the mood” Erika snapped, causing Luanne’s right eye to twitch a bit. She didn’t mean to come off as rude or offensive, but she really needed Erika’s say on what Stephanie and the others were planning to do that night. And sadly, Erika felt as if Luanne was trying to have pity on her, which was the last thing she wanted.  
 Luanne stood still for a moment as she watched Erika continue with her archery game. After a solid three minutes, she grabbed Erika’s shoulder and forced her to face her. “Listen, this is much more important than you think it is, hear me out” Luanne said sternly, not releasing her grip.
 A wide- eyed Erika dropped her bow and arrow as a response to Luanne’s firm grip. “What could be so important, Miss America?” Erika hissed, her glossy eyes staring straight back at Luanne. “I know it sounds crazy, but the super twins are planning this huge rescue and tonight, during the camp fire time, they’re sneaking out” Luanne answered quietly, which caused Erika’s eyes to widen.
 Erika pressed the purple gem on her bracelet before speaking into it, “Yeah, All X rejects are to assemble tonight” she said, then putting her arm down and staring directly into Luanne’s eyes, “So, Are you in?” she prompted not taking her eyes off of her.
 A small smirk found its way onto Luanne’s face, “Yes” she answered firmly, and with that, they fist bumped. And so it was final, that night Luanne was to join the All X rejects and find out what was going on once and for all.
Sorry for the delay guys! I hope this was good enough! Keep reading,
Kween Kandace
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