#also the wolf wolf lmao Alex I know that’s you
leclercskiesahead · 1 year
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The grammar error sent me before I realised the wasp joke
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cyrassol · 1 year
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Desolate. Disappear. Drown. We'll come back to find you.
I've been working on this for over a month, and I'm still not happy with it so you know what? I'll post it anyway and maybe one day once I'm better att coloring and lighting and shading, I'll redo it the way I wish it had been ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Overlay-less version with numbers to mark everything under the read more, in case you want to try guessing which hand belongs to whom and promise to pretty please ignore where I gave up on shading
To give a hint, the characters whose hands I've included are Avery, Whitney, the Wraith (though I suspect that one is easy lmao), Bailey, Kylar, Briar, Wren, Sydney, Alex, Robin, Harper, Leighton, Remy, Eden, Black Wolf and Great Hawk (both of which should also be easy lmao). Yes. That's 16 different characters. 17 hands, not counting the PC's. Have at it lmao
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Seriously, if you get them all at first guess, I'll literally doodle your PC or someone else you want. I desperately need to draw something low-key after working on this for so long.
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reanbowful · 2 years
i have a thing for hickey.. so what about reader loves to leave hickeys on them (anyone u like) whenever she can *wink wink
Oh I got you bb. I got you 😉
*I was looking forward to write this lmao
“what’s that on your neck?”
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if you like to leave hickeys on them
*nsfw content
(ben, alex, gerard, jake, donald, wolf, dean)
ben park / park humin
Hmm I feel like this guy wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, he would wear it proudly. He doesn’t even wear his uniform properly, so it would just display your work for everyone to see.
Ben is the type of guy that if he likes someone, he will go along with any of their whims. AND enjoy them.
So if you’re a wild one and you wanna make out behind the school auditorium, he’s down.
Ben also has little to no shame, he wouldn’t really care if he got caught. But, he would care if YOU got caught doing this with him.
“Babe, are you sure this is okay?”
You gave no answer, pulling him by the neck to connect your lips into a deep kiss.
Surprised, Ben stumbled through his steps which made you fall back straight onto the wall. He made sure to put one of his arm there for leverage, as you gasp from the sudden contact.
Ben is.. an unexpectedly good kisser.
He’s also into intense intimacy, so he’s quite sensual.
His hands would roam around your thigh and your waist as you press your bodies together.
Pull on his hair if you want him to move his head, he likes the slight rough treatment.
When you begin to leave your marks on him, you can give him gentle grazes through your teeth. He’s not a loudest guy ever, but it will make him gasp. (I imagine him being a breathy, grunting type?)
After you guys are done, Ben would go back to class. Completely unhinged with the way his hair is all messed up and his reddish swollen lip.
The rest of the group would probably stare in disbelief when they see the numerous purple on his neck just displayed out in the open.
alex go / go hyuntak
I feel like with Alex, he’ll be one of the more conscious person on this list. He will subtly try to cover them up if he knows you left them.
So here’s how it usually goes.
You guys are hanging out at your house, it was during the weekends so he stayed over for the night.
From the time that he arrives until you guys have to sleep. Absolutely pg. He won’t even give you any weird looks or drop any hints or anything.
Just purely fun enjoyment. Watching movies, eating pizza, etc etc.
But when you both slip in bed. Well..
You begin by pressing your body close to him, or tangle your legs together so that he will turn his body towards you.
Man, Alex will be those types of guys who will move your hair strand behind your ear before he kisses you.
Unlike Ben, he kisses very delicately.
His hands would stay mostly on your face. If you move your body up to straddle him, he’ll wait until you lean in to touch you again. Otherwise he just kinda awkwardly let them fall? Idk Alex is weirdly bashful about touching you.
So now there’s 2 scenarios.
If it doesn’t lead to sex or if it does.
If it doesn’t, he will most probably remember in the morning to cover it up with a hoodie or something.
If it does lead to sex, I think he will be too tired to even remember.
He would be half-asleep walking out your bedroom one day to see your sister, eating cereal on the kitchen counter.
“Damn, Alex. She really mauled you, huh?”
Instantly awake, he would run to the bathroom to check on himself. Absolutely horrified that YOUR SISTER had just seen the numerous love bites on his neck.
He won’t come out until your sister knock on the door, laughing loudly telling him she was just joking.
gerard jin / jin gayool
I think it depends on where you put the hickeys.
He probably wouldn’t like it if you put them like too high up his neck that he can’t cover them (since he has to work and stuff). So if you like to leave marks, probably do it around his chest and collarbone area.
Gerard is slightly conservative, so don’t expect he will do anything intimate with you outside of private settings.
He’s pretty damn tall so you will probably have to sit on top of him or lay in bed together to even leave hickeys on him.
Gerard kisses slowly and romantically. He wants to enjoy the moment with you at times like this.
You can pull on the hem of his shirt upwards if you want him to take them off.
Honestly, his body is a sight to behold. (hehe I know he has a nice body👌)
When you start licking his neck, he would hint for you to go lower.
“Teddy asked me about the mark yesterday. It was- Ha.. a bit embarrassing to explain.”
You raised your brow at him, smirking as you lean in to connect your lips together. He would, like Alex, brush your hair away if it obscures your vision. Hands going to your ass and your back to try and push you closer to him.
When you begin to suck onto his skin, he will hold you by the back of your neck. Rubbing small circles onto your lower back.
All in all, he really doesn’t mind as long as he doesn’t have to go out/have work. He actually find you marking him quite relaxing.
jake ji / ji hakho
I feel like Jake would be embarrassed but secretly like being marked.
He would try to subtly cover it up, but if someone notice then that’s that.
I imagine Jake to be someone who’s a bit shy(?) in initiating anything remotely intimate. BUT, he’s also curious about it.
So he won’t be as bold as Ben, but he’s still down to explore a more risqué scenarios with you.
This one is a surprisingly bad kisser ngl. Well not like bad bad, he’s just somewhat awkward. So you have to lead him.
“Jake, relax.”
Start with slow kisses, give him feathery touches to ease him into it while riling him up at the same time.
I would say to not straddle him. Rather, just sit like next to him. Like really closely.
Jake finds the “innocent” gesture in such a not so innocent setting a bit of a turn on.
Once you leave your marks on him, take a few buttons off of your uniform and ask him to do the same to you.
Man would blush like crazy, but he’ll be more than happy to leave his marks on you too.
Now, while he does try to cover the marks you give him. He also likes it if you put it like high up. Where everyone can see.
It’s a bit of a dilemma with him honestly. He likes it but doesn’t like it at the same time.
donald na / na baekjin
Idk if you guys would agree, but I don’t think Donald likes hickeys very much. Like out of everyone on this list, I feel like he would be one who would genuinely not like it.
However, if you do leave them on him, he wouldn’t really say anything.
I feel like this scenario could only happen with Donald is you guys are once again, having sex.
Because I just can’t see him letting you suck on his neck while he’s at the office. And if you guys are at home, then with Donald, it would more often than not, lead to sex.
With Donald, he would still be on top of you when it happens. You could kiss him and pull him in, before going to his neck.
He’s good at kissing. Idk how to explain it, but he has good techniques lol.
He would let you do it. But he won’t be showing it around honestly.
Not that he’s embarrassed or anything, he just doesn’t want people to know that he has a partner. Since being the leader of the Union and all, you could get targeted.
Now while Donald doesn’t like to receive hickeys, he sure does love giving them.
He would leave them everywhere, on your shoulder, your neck, your back, everywhere.
He loves seeing his work on you the minute he wakes up in the morning. And if you guys keep a mirror around, seeing the matching smaller teeth marks you put on his chest, he might find himself being more okay to getting hickeys in the future.
wolf keum / keum seongje
I think I mentioned this before in the love language prompt.
Wolf has a thing for napes. He thinks they’re quite sexy. Especially if you’ve just had sex together and you move your hair away to reveal your bare back. He’ll be ready to go all over again.
So, really. He sees it as a total win if you’re into giving hickeys.
Like Dean, Wolf would also wear it in the open. He just doesn’t bother to cover them up. Not that anyone would dare say anything about it honestly.
It started when your friend told you about the supposed “bug” bites on your nape and shoulder area.
“Y/N, are you okay? It looks like something bit you here.”
Oh something did alright.
So during one of your “sessions” with Wolf in his room, you brought it up.
“Wolf. Let me leave marks on you as well.”
He would stare at you. Shrug. Then walk over to you giving you a deep kiss.
Wolf, I feel like would be a bit of a rough kisser? Not so rough that he’ll hurt you or anything. He just has a really strong desire for you and acts mostly on instinct.
He’ll pick you up and sat you on his lap. Pulling away his shirt so you can have a better access.
Since you’ve never really leave marks on him so far, Wolf noticed that you are a little bit awkward. Not knowing where to suck on.
“Just do it how I usually do, noona. I’d get turned on by anything you do.”
After that moment, you became addicted to leaving marks on him.
Whenever you do, he would just sit there silently stroking your hair. And if you move to a particularly sensitive spot, he will grip your hair just a tad bit tighter, gritting his teeth.
dean kwon / kwon hyukjin
Isn’t it so perfect that he has a tattoo on the side of his neck? (I was literally thinking abt writing this prompt after seeing his tattoo)
Kiss. That damn. Tattoo.
Dean doesn’t really care if you leave your marks on him. He wouldn’t bother to cover it up but it’s not like he’s particularly really into hickeys either. He just.. doesn’t care.
Like you could literally be licking and sucking on his neck, and this man would be completely unhinged. Reading his book, playing a game, and such.
But that all changes if you guys are having sex together. Dean will be much much more responsive and he can be quite loud too(?)
This man is another rough kisser. Arguably even more so than Wolf. Because I feel like with Wolf, he’s more passionate than he is rough? With Dean, he’s just rough rough.
Mister gives off huge dom energy.
I think he would like the feeling of being bitten more honestly. Do it as he’s about to come on his shoulder, right below his flower tattoo.
Since his shirt necklines are quite low, it would be very visible. Your teeth marks on him.
He likes the idea of it tho. That you’re possessive enough of him that you would leave your trails on his body.
It’s also a convenient mean to drive annoying pursuers away when he subtly adjusts his shirt to show the marks.
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bugwolfsstuff · 8 months
I'm reading Magnus chase rn and also reading up on my norse myth.
And from what ive seen in myth is that they are insanely cruel to my guy, my girl, my one time horse, Loki and personally i think they deserve to go a lil bit batshit insane.
Like the gods (specifically Odin it seems) have straight up either killed or exiled or chained his kids
Like Hel got thrown into well Hel
The snake one whos name im not even gonna try to spell got thrown into the sea and is now coiled around the earth
Fenrir got chained up
Vali got turned into a wolf and killed Nari/Nafi. Then Nari/Nafi's entrails were used to bind Loki.
And to add insult to injury had snake venom dripped on him for eternity
Now I'm kinda half hoping that not all of these are canon in Magnus Chase.
But if they are Loki has to something fucking terrible for me to not be on his side.
And the other gods are going to have to be fucking saints for me to care about them.
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Like he sounds like a fucking delight (genuine)
Im on page 80 of the first book but i do know a few spoilers (word of advice don't look at official art a few hours after you read about a mysterious character that doesn't get named lmao) like i know about Alex (her entire fucking backstory actually cus i stupidly read the wiki page) and i know Samirah (and have already fallen deeply in love with her) and apparently theres a talking sword named Jack that likes Percy's sword (dam not even outside his own series does Percy get a break)
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hii! saw your matchmaker-thingy js now and instantly KNEW I had to try it out lmao. I’m kinda scared
I’m abt 156cm tall (5’1” I think), have brown eyes n brown hair and am mixed (Vietnamese-Swiss-English), I got like a short wolf cut. I have some scars on my hands and legs, some sh scars on my forearms and stretch marks on my thighs.
Uhh idk I can talk abt literally anything (deeptalk>>>) & am an animal lover. my first language is German, I also speak Swiss German and English (obvi) but also a bit Vietnamese and Norwegian. I grew up with mostly Asian culture, together with European culture and really love rice, duck, seafood and summer rolls. My social battery goes low rlly fast but I love being around the ppl I trust, my love language is physical touch. If not lazy, I can do absolutely crazy shit but I don’t like illegal stuff or shit o could get in serious trouble for.
I’m bisexual n female (she/they) but rather lean towards men, I love to draw and sketch and paint and all that stuff, also like crystals and taxidermy (only non-animal abuse (idk the word) stuff yk) and books. My hobbies r drawing, reading, writing, and I wanna start with boxing or some other martial art soon. I used to play hockey, and also play the guitar (acoustic)
Also I self-diagnosed w autism n probably(?) social anxiety since my parents would never let me get tested 👍. If u take me on walks, I WILL take any cool shit that I find and take it home. No, this old cassette is not trash, it is a treasure.
My music taste is absolutely everything but the stuff that I don’t like, but my fav artists r the Neighborhood, The Weeknd, Lil Peep, TJ Beastboy, the Crane Wives, Alex G, TV Girl, Flawed Mangoes, McCafferty and the Front Bottoms
My fav colors r black, green and blue, also I think with the ppl I’m comfortable around I WILL constantly be touching em in some way like hand on shoulder or elbows/knees touching yk. Sometimes energetic, but when my social battery has run out you can drag me through a hangout.
DC, sbg, tadc, spider-man and CoD fan, also if you’re racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic or transphobic, please go fuck yourself 🫶🏼, I support/accept furries and therians and cosplayers, Satanists and pagans/wiccans as much as Muslims and Christians, Jews as well as Hindu or Buddhist ppl
I LOVE js going outside to hangout n do dumb shit, play fighting>>>, n maybe pick flowers
Soo that was it lmao idk if this is informative or just bs
Also ty<333 if u actually make a match for me
(Also because you write so much you get an analysis)
Your DC Universe Ship: Jason Todd
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance, I think that he would find you very attractive and I think as kind of a head canon of myself I think that he finds shorter people attractive because I don’t know. I feel like he just likes to kind of feel like he has that power maybe or I don’t know. I just think he makes it think it makes you look adorable even if you can very well kill someone I just I don’t know. I think he really likes having a shorter partner, additionally I don’t think he would mind Scars because he has plenty of his own. I think he would definitely find stretch marks that might be an unpopular opinion, but I think that Jason Todd would definitely stretch marks attractive. He thinks it’s insanely cool that you can speak multiple languages and would probably want to try and learn some of them that he doesn’t know himself. I also think that he can maybe speak a little bit of German aside from English and I don’t know I just think he seems like the type of guy that would learn like a little bit of language like German or Russian. You can talk about anything and you talking about things with him out the opposite he doesn’t really talk as much about that kind of stuff and I don’t think that you guys would be really compatible in that way because you could get him to talk about anything which is something that not a lot of people can do so congrats. He loves it whenever you make food for him or whenever you can recommend different restaurants or things because I think he’s definitely a foodie and would appreciate having different culture food. I think that he’s has a pretty high spice tolerance. He gets the social battery thing but he’s slightly hypocritical, because whenever he wants alone time, he gets it. But if you want it…. He may just follow you around and hope you don’t notice.  but in terms of your social battery running out for other people he would completely understand and most likely you would have trouble dragging him to Social events. I think that he would find your hobbies fascinating, and I think that he would love watching you do taxidermy and the whole process of it. He would ask a lot of questions about or is Benny as he’s interested in asking and I feel like he would also love the fact that you’re an artist because he’s never really been much of an artist himself. I feel like he’s more if he would be anywhere in art I feel like he would be more musician and, he loves the fact that you can play the guitar and thinks that it’s really cool. If you ever expressed interest in martial arts several and is the equivalent of a belt and most of them because he was shoved so much martial art training whenever he was trying to become Robin so I’m sure that he would be happy to teach you, but he would totally make fun of you if you messed up like in a teasing, friendly, loving way, but still. He would think he was as if you could somehow win against him in a fight. He probably let you win, but I don’t know. I think he’d find that hot. He also really likes reading and writing. I think he likes reading way more than writing but I think he’s probably written poetry before that he’s never really shown anyone and he’s like embarrassed of it but you know I think he really does love reading and would totally like read the same book with you if he was interested in it and talk about it with you. I think he thinks it’s pretty cute and also pretty cool that you find just random stuff off the street and it’s like treasure to you. I just think that he really values that in a person, especially because he grew up on the street and knows more than anything that materialism isn’t always where you find your treasure. I think he wouldn’t mind your music taste, and like some of it, but he definitely is more leaning into like Dad rock type of things and I think that he could still enjoy some classic TV girl though I don’t think he’d be like super big about music, but I definitely feel like if you were playing a song that he didn’t like as much he would instantly turn on like the rock station or something.
He’s definitely a “ I’m driving so I can control the radio” type of guy. I think it would take him a while to grow comfortable with touching in a relationship, but you’re usually the one exception to someone who will he allows to touch him and you’re the one person who quickly gained his trust to which is an unusual trade for him, but I feel like you would be kind of the one exception as to a person he would feel comfortable with being physical because he knows how much you enjoy physical contact, and that it’s your love language. I don’t see him as a generally like physical person, but I feel like you could change that like with you it’s different. He also thinks that the fact that you pick flowers is very very, very, very cute and would probably be reluctant and say that he doesn’t like it, but he very secretly likes it whenever you make him like a flower crown or something or put a flower in his hair. He also arguing over shit and I feel like you guys definitely have a lot of arguments turning into make out sessions type of relationship and play fighting with. Also turn into make out sessions. I mean, y’all are just like all over each other all the time and the rest of the family has to stand there like 😑 but you guys don’t like flirt with each other you guys like tease each other and that’s how you flirt so that’s that’s just the vibe I get from your relationship anyway I ship it
and I’m so sorry for taking this long to complete this. I’ve been really really really really really busy and yeah, I had to shut down my shit asks for a bit because of the fact that I was getting so overwhelmed and getting so many so I really hope this did it justice!!! Much love Pookie bear ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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horsetailcurlers2 · 6 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (SEASON 16 bc i decided i will try to catch up to you guys who are awaiting S20)
-tom koracick, despite all outward appearances, is far too nice
-bailey pisses me off sometimes bc she usually isn’t wrong, but within the parameters of how everyone behaves on the show, her decisions feel wrong, yk? like irl absolutely she should have fired them without a doubt. but in this soapy medical show in which everyone commits malpractice five times a week, it feels like she’s overreacting lmao. does that make any sense?
-meredith in her community service outfit is kind doing something to me
-a man on a scooter just ran into maggie and amelia’s car and it startled me so bad i drew blood with my cross-stitching needle!
-lisa ann walter!! and charmed cast in the same ep!
-bailey and i are beefing actually
-do NOT have another affair, richard webber
-“how come my mom hasn’t called from sleepover community service?” sleepover community service PLS
-a lumineers song in the background!!! the music is good again
-why is owen pulling this bullshit again!!!!!!!!!!
-bailey is making me so fucking mad right now. she has no room to act morally superior considering some of the shit she’s pulled. she also continues to have this attitude that meredith should owe her something for being her teacher…. which is sort of valid but let’s not pretend that bailey doesn’t owe meredith quite a bit too. idk again it’s one of those things again where in real life, she’s be perfectly justified but within the fictional guidelines set up by the show, she’s being a vindictive asshole.
-“she is the sun and she is unstoppable” !!!!!
-addison wrote one too!!!!
-this episode is potentially a little too sentimental and overly emotional but i really really like it. the nostalgia bait made me like it even more actually
-more lumineers!!!! i really like this episode. (i’ll stop now but it’s the first episode in a really long time that i’ve really enjoyed the entire thing)
-everyone is being really dramatic about koracick he really isn’t that bad
-i want to like schmitt it just feels like we were sort of thrown into deep emotional story lines for him without getting to know him beyond surface level. maybe it’s just me it just feels like the show wants me to have a certain level of emotional investment in him that i don’t have (yet?)
-beanie feldstein!
-teddy’s sparkly little winter hat is so cute
-TEDDY NO. i don’t mind if you cheat on owen tbh but plz don’t play with tom’s feelings instead of facing your problems.
-i’ll not comment a lot on the alex thing bc i had spoilers for it and honestly it’s just so ridiculous. it’s one of those things that i don’t blame the character for bc i know it was the writers and other irl circumstances. i imagine from izzies perspective this is the culmination of a beautiful crazy love story akin to the notebook. but from our perspective this sounds like the lie you tell your kids when the family dog dies- “oh he went to live on a farm”
-does richard have another brain tumor??? this doesn’t seem like a relapse but…
-i know it’s wrong but i wouldn’t mind this affair if i thought the show was treating teddy/tom as a serious option. as it stands, i just think teddy is being selfish
-i knew the baby wasn’t gonna be owens
-i KNEW this would be a boy who cried wolf situation with deluca. unfortunately, he also is struggling mentally i think but i don’t know if he’s manic or suffering from a break. they had me convinced i was wrong for a minute, but i knew it would turn out that he was right about the girl being trafficked. but i definitely think that he was nowhere near ready to come back to work and that the psychologist should not have cleared him. i hope he gets the help he needs soon bc i really like deluca :(
-the conference in LA would’ve been the perfect opportunity for an addison cameo
-OOH A TWIST IN TEDDY’S BACKSTORY. this explains a lot
-i am fighting for my life trying to defend teddy in my head. i hate owen as much as the next guy but this whole thing is brutal to watch.
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namor-shuri · 2 years
Our poll results are in! 🗳✨
*cracks knuckles* Let’s dive in and talk about it (: [Grab a snack and something to drink because this is about to be long. Yes, a bitch made graphs lmao Sue me] Alrighty, let’s do this:
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I can't remember where bpwf was first released and the order of its premiere in each country but it's interesting to see that the majority of fandom [who participated at least] are from North America. Also Asia being the third highest group was fascinating because at least when it comes to Twitter, I’ve noticed a lot of the Namor/Shuri fan art has come from Thai and Korean artists. They are seriously carrying this fandom and I'm here for all of it.
ALSO: Random, but where are my Antarctica Nashuri fans?? 😭 I’m also curious to know how Africa has received the Black Panther franchise all together over the years. Do they resonate with it? Do they find it offensive/ overly dramatized? I’m curious. If you are a fan who lives in Africa, can you comment on your experience with this? I'd be happy to know.
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To be honest, I’ve always assumed that the Marvel fandom [along with superhero spaces as a whole like DC and what not] were male dominated but this poll gave me some hope. I am curious what parts of fandom men frequent more vs women. For example, do Comic Cons ring in more women, more men, half and half? With fan art, do majority of artists identify as women, men, other? It’s interesting to think about. I also love seeing women/fem identifying individuals show up in these spaces because countless times we are made to feel like an inposter and harassed for our interests in comics, games, movies, shows, music, the list goes on. Questioned down with trivia, fact checking and all sorts of BS ultimately trying to prove that “you aren't a real fan". Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you have to prove your knowledge of anything to be interested in something you like. ESPECIALLY if it is coming from a man child guy.
ALSO: Hi all trans, non-conforming and alternative gender expressing baddies! Know you are welcome here and pls enjoy your stay at my humble blog abode. 👋🏾💜
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It’s amazing to see how diverse this fandom is! I didn’t expect that we would have such high numbers of black/brown fans/shippers. As a black mcu fan myself, it’s exciting to see us show up in fandom. Fandom has unfortunately been heavily white/Eurocentric for a very long time, which has slowly changed but we still have a long ways to go in it’s inclusivity. With the increase of bipoc characters and the actors who play them, I look forward to this continual progression.
ALSO: It’s been heartwarming to witness Mexican, Indigenous, Lantix fans feel seen with bpwf and Tenoch, Mabel and Alex's performances! I remember how enamored the black community was with Chadwick and the first BP. We were hyped to have this treasure of a movie, which I assume is similar to how the Asian community felt with Shang-Chi and so on. It's been said countless times before but representation truly makes the world of a difference and the power of the bipoc dollar should never be taken lightly. We cause real change when we support something.
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There will always be a spectrum of ages in any fandom but I figured the majority of people were probably within this age range. It may be due to the timeline of when the mcu was born and how it has progressed alongside millennials? This also explains why I keep seeing fans make posts about their age gaps with Tenoch and wanting to be his questionably young gf 😩 [get in line]
ALSO: Shoutout to the 55+ folks in the fandom! I have a sneaking suspicion yall are some of the coolest people 🤘🏾
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Okay *inhales exhales* I know I'm going to get flak for this but let's hop into it lol I saw the scale sway back and forth for a minute but it mostly stayed between White Wolf [Bucky Barnes] and Iron Heart [Riri Williams]. I myself personally love both answers! My annoyance is not with shuriri, but with its fandom. They have been some of the biggest instigators/bullies since bpwf has dropped. I've seen all kinds of mental gymnastics from saying the nashuri fandom would rather see shuri with a killer than support gay love [like what??] to Letitia is clearly lesbian because of her attire [pls be fr] and everything in between. It’s so unwarranted and I never see Nashuri fans doing the same thing back. Enjoy what you like, and leave the rest behind. It's such an easy 1+1=2 concept and yet, it goes over people's head still. It’s honestly disappointing when a fandom turns you off to a ship/character, especially when the ship is lowkey dope. Something that reminds me of this was the stucky fandom when the Captain America movies came out. Y’all.......when I tell you this fandom had me STRESSED 🥴. I saw racism/ deliberate exclusion of Sam, hate towards Sharon Carter just because she was a woman, you name it. They annoyed me so bad that I began to dislike Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers as characters [trust me, it made no sense lol] I couldn’t stand seeing either one of their names pop up. It took some of the Avenger movies [and honestly the sambucky fandom + Sebastian Stan/ Anthony Mackie's friendship] coming out years later for me to even be remotely cool with the idea of Bucky Barnes again. Anyways *drinks water* I'm getting stressed all over again just thinking about it lmao Long story short, don’t be an asshole. Enjoy YOUR flavor of ice cream and try not to shit on others and their differing flavor of choice in the process. Trust me, it's easier than you think.
ALSO: If you are a shuriri fan that hasn't been hateful/ problematic, this isn't about you boo [yall are good in my books! 😘]
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Crying that the #1 answer was “Bitch me!” because honestly mood. Jokes aside, I can’t really imagine Namor with another partner. It's probably largely due to the fact that Shuri was the main character we see him interact + bring his guard down with [outside of Namora?] This is also coming from someone who has not read the Namor comics and am very new to him as a character. If you have any knowledge you want to share in the comments, pls do ✨
ALSO: I threw in the Sue Storm comment to be annoying *teehee* but it was interesting to see how many people actually agreed with this statement. Maybe I'm just a horse with blinders about this fandom but I’m not really pressed? I’ve seen people argue that Ryan's current iteration of the Namor character wouldn't be in this type of relationship [along with people saying Tenoch wouldn’t go for it either] but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what unfolds *tries not to stress while we wait for future iterations of Namor and the fate of his character's arc/ Talokan*
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The question on everyone’s mind! Although the delusional side of me was bummed that yall weren't more chaotic and went full "yes!", my logical side agrees with the final poll 🥲. Again, I'm not pressed about mcu and what they put out, whether it favors this ship or not. At the end of the day, I’m still going to vibe like I’ve been doing. If nothing else, I just hope we get to see these two characters and their rich dynamic again because Marvel can't ignore how the world reacted to Shuri and Namor. And hey, sometimes Marvel listens! Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie were on a mission after fans brought up a potential team up and after that, those two found every excuse to bring up a potential movie in interviews for YEARS until finally *boom* 🇺🇸🦅 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Show 🦅🇺🇸 was born. Miracles do happen everyday rofl [I know these two examples have nothing to do with one another but let me have this lol]
ALSO: I only trust these characters in Ryan's hands so I'm hoping he's the first in line to direct whatever this future dynamic ends up being.
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It was cool seeing what other protagonists this fandom is drawn to outside of Shuri/Black Panther. I’m curious to know what other ships y’all also enjoy [feel free to drop them in the comments if you care to share]. I feel like a lot of the top picks in this poll I also resonated with, like Iron man for example. I don’t know what it is but there is just something about a genius character with a mix of charisma/ big softy + sarcastic energy that will do it for me every 👏🏾single👏🏾 time 👏🏾
ALSO: Not everyone sleeping on Thor and Hulk?! 😭 I feel bad that I left out Ant-man [especially with Quantumania just coming out] but you can only do 10 options on Tumblr polls and it was between him and Captain Marvel so….a choice was made…..
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This one cracks me up [and yes I had too much fun making these summaries which I find highly accurate] Also, I have no beef with any of these characters btw 😅 I truly believe that a hero is only as interesting as their counterpart. If your villain isn't captivating, it takes away from the hero + their storytelling potential and vice versa. The poll was split between Killmonger and Namor at one point [which if these two ever met/ were on screen together like ??? They have free reign to completely destroy my life. I welcome all calamity that ensues.] I'm not going to survive Namor and Kang in the same film this coming Avengers: Kang Dynasty movie.
ALSO: I didn't choose him but Thanos has been one of the most impactful/ compelling villains we’ve seen in the mcu thus far. I mean, he’s literally responsible for like 3 major films in the mcu + Josh Brolin is just amazing at what he does in general. This is brave to say but it was lowkey bittersweet to see his character's arc come to an end [obviously it was a huge relief but yeah]. Don't come for me.
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This one was just for fun since I recently made that tenitia rant post but it was cool seeing some of you come back with your own film ideas of what Letitia and Tenoch could act in together. I'm so down bad for them that I'm game for absolutely anything. Romcom? Let's do it. A Podcast of them reviewing their favorite foods from their cultures? I'll eat with yall. Music video? Where's the link? I don't care what it is. Someone brought this up but I really wish we got more game interviews with them like them reading thirst tweets, answering the web's most searched questions, a joint hot ones interview, something! They would have killed those! Bring them back!🗣️ Bring them back! 🗣️ Bring them back! 🗣️
ALSO: Letitia has already voiced a character [Nooshy in "Sing 2"] so now I need Tenoch to do the same. I would love to hear his voice in something. It would realistically be in Spanish since I know the majority of his projects have been thus far but idgaf, I’m still showing up *turns on closed captions* [shout out to everyone who also started to learn spanish after this beautiful man came into our lives]
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And last but not least, your blog feedback <3 Thanks again for giving your input on this. My blog is slowly starting to grow and I'm having a lot of new people interact with my page so I wanted to do a quick temperature check of what people are feeling. At the end of the day, I'm aways going to stick to what feels authentic to me and what I want to post because if you're not liking what you're doing, what are you doing it all for? But I will definitely keep this feedback in mind. For the people who are new or just coming across my blog, here are some examples of what I'm referencing in this poll: fan edits [1, 2, 3] rants [1, 2, 3] song recs [1, 2, 3] Tenitia [1, 2, 3].
ALSO: I thought I was doing the most with the amount of Tenoch posts I was blogging already but maybe not. Don’t worry, I'll find more ways to post our baby girl (:
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: : : : : : : : : : :::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : : : : : : : :
WOW, YOU'RE STILL HERE!? Nice 🥰 Seriously, thanks again to everyone who participated in this completely unserious poll. I've never done one of these before but now that I know what to do and not do, I may make another one in the future. We'll see. Continue to stay tuned for future Namor/Shuri + Tenoch/Letitia shenanigans 💫
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emilykaldwen · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you feel like it, no pressure) Spread the self-love 💖
-toms-cherry-trees xx
Aaaahh thank you! I also received this from @margoshansons so I'll answer this all together!
Not all my fics are on tumblr, so I'll provide AO3 links as well!
The Maiden and the Drowning Boy - HotD/Fire & Blood Canon Divergent AU mashup. Aegon x OC, Jacelaena. My Magnum Opus, the obsession, the me utterly rewriting Fire and Blood and going completely and utterly off script because I need to make a better world, or at least, something more interesting. And also try save these kids the best that I can. [Tumblr Masterpost | AO3 Link]
Fight For Me (If It's Not Too Late) - Teen Wolf. Derek x Lydia. Lydia gets possessed, and ends up making Derek her familiar. I wrote it in a haze, and I think I wrote it like over the course of a week maybe? It was the last fic I wrote for ages and it still has a very soft place in my heart.
Boy With A Broken Soul (Heart with a Gaping Hole) - F&B Fae!AU. Aegon x OC. The first fic I wrote and completed in like, ten years. It's Dark. It's messy. I'm not entirely happy with the ending. Dragon Fae!Aegon needs to learn how to care for his human wife. I don't know if I'll ever continue in this verse or how I would, but I do love it.
You're the Lighting of the Blaze - HotD. Jacelaena. This was my entry for last year's HotD Big Bang and I love it. It was my first time writing Jace before I intro'd him into Maiden and I'm kind of obsessed, ngl. I absolutely, desperately, want to write more solo Jacelaena, I just don't have any plot ideas for them right now. Open to ideas.
Kissed by Fire - HotD. Aegon x OC x OC. This is a naughty spicy companion to @vampire-exgirlfriend's They Say I Killed You (Haunt Me Then) - amazing wonderful evocative fic like if you want a well done Aemond, with complicated family dynamics, and a fantastic love story, check it out okay? This! Was my first threesome fic, and my first time writing any sort of m/m content as well. I'm surprised I did something so horny lmao. But Abby and Aegon were on a break in my fic and Alex and I had been joking about the two of them popping Rickon's cherry. Annnnd this happened.
If you like any of these stories, I'd love to hear what you think!
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rosyjuly · 11 months
@kritischetheologie tagged me for the 20 questions for writers game, thank you c!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
76,628. it's kinda insane that i wrote 51k under just six months last year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only writing for f1, but i've published works for star wars, peaky blinders, the old guard and batman. on another account that has been liquidated many years ago i had footy rpf and teen wolf fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
carry each other (hal jordan/bruce wayne), worked the blade (seb/mick), to the finnish line (seb/charles/kimi), spoils of war (seb/mick) and a favour returned (seb/lewis).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do, unless it only says "please write more of this", because i don't have anything polite to reply. but i love getting replies from authors too, so only fair to return the favor. there are definitely times when i just re-read a bunch of comments and they can really help to lift my mood or feel better about my writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lmao that would be the prince au break up sex fic, someday to say out loud. making george ask alex to tell him he loves him even if it isn't true and ensuring that he can't and won't believe him... partly why it's hard for me to go back to writing prince au is because it was very easy for me to project my unmedicated depression onto george, and (thank god) i'm not in that place anymore.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmhh my star wars fic maybe? i'm not overly fond of happy endings, the best i deal out is a hopeful but kinda open ending. out of my f1 fic it's a favour returned, i guess -- there's some talk about longer term commitment and trying and failing to say that they like like each other, or consolation prize, where mick admits twice that he's been thinking about seb.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not in the classical sense i guess or not that i've seen.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
boy do i. i mostly write smut and use it as a catalyst to nudge a relationship to another level. i don't really get the what kind? question. what kinds are there? wholegrain?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
haven't written one yet, but i've been toying with the idea of an f1 and the expendables crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
if i had a nickel for every time someone pulled entire lines from a fic of mine and barely paraphrased them, i would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
on my old ao3 account, yes! i haven't been approached on the new one and i don't think i'd give permission now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
prince au aka the myth of devotion with gabby @prettydangrotten. sorry to be sappy on main but galex truly one of the best things on the internet that's happened to me just for the friends i've made because of them :)))
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
all time? propably stiles/derek or eames/arthur from inception. also it was sterek that first got me to tumblr, back in like 2012 or something.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ugh right now it feels like i'll never finish anything again. but i have a long star wars wip that's like 75% done but i haven't touched for three years. there's a roc sebmick fic i started and i actually know how it should go from start to finish, but i've been struggling with writing this year, so, i don't know.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i've been told the internal struggle/tension that narrator is facing is pretty tight and i do agree :) i also think the porn i write is nicely physical and pretty hot.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
longfic. like. i wish i could do it -- i had a 54k wip on my old ao3 account -- but i don't have the energy or the commitment. this is also why i struggle with WTB and SOW -- i want to write more to both but i feel like they are snappy and valuable as they are and i'm worried i'll ruin that if i add more.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
english isn't my first langauge so all dialogue is in another language in fic for me. i'm not super fond of adding another language on top pf that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
teen wolf!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
spoils of war or prince au. prince au has probably the most of me and gabby is incredible and one of the best writers and kindest persons i know and i feel incredibly fortunate to have created something with her. spoils of war was a challenge on a lot of fronts but i'm proud of the storyline and it has some of the best lines i have ever written i think. and it got @antimonyandthyme and me very close :))
aaaand i'm gonna tag @prettydangrotten @des-iderate @grideon @antimonyandthyme and @husbono.
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Me explaining why all the songs on my oc playlist are there- Very Long Post apologies!!
Tagging @locke-n-k3y since they were interested :] I also repeat myself a lot here and if you have any questions pls send them my way!! This is a very mixed explanation of my story in no timeline order so understandable if you have questions!
Also now tagging @guess-how-i-stole-this-body since i think this is the one you meant? sorry if it isn’t!
The playlist in question:
Kiss Me, Son Of God by They Might Be Giants: Janette and her relationship with her cult status (She’s the leader) and her journey to get there
Gnaw by Alex G: The first half is about Adele and Josh in highschool AKA when they met and the second is Josh talking to his son Ryan
Sarah by Alex G: About Claire, Ryan’s older sister who dies later in the storyLike Real People Do by Hozier: All the romantic relationships in the story basically but mainly Karma (Ryan and Carmela)
Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms: Josh and Adele’s relationship in a way
Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers: Dana talking about her ex
Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz: The cryptid trio!! (Dana, Carmela and Ryan the main three) mainly just a song they’d sing too
Funkytown by Lipps Inc.: I imagine the cryptid trio dancing to this hehe :]]
Lone Star by The Front Bottoms: Maria and Daniel (Carmela’s parents)
Beachboy by McCafferty: RYAN!! I don’t know how to explain it tbh but yeah
I Hate My Mom by GRLwood: Claire and Adele’s (her mum) relationship
Freaks by Surf Cruse: The cryptid trio in the middle of the story
Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence: Again a song mainly just vibes but its also Jadele (Janette and Adele)
Numbers by TEMPOREX: Another ryan song!! Again idk how to explain it
The Villain I Appear To Be by Connor Spiotto and Molly Pease: Janette!! And her trying to convince herself that she isn’t a bad person
Tears Over Beers by Modern Baseball: Josh talking about Adele 
bad idea right? by Olivia rodrigo: So this is a bit of an inside joke with me and my friend but its basically the song that’d play for one of the scenes with Carmela and Ryan (but downplayed to just kissing lmao) 
bad idea! by girl in red: JADELE!! Janette and Adele. If you listen to the song its kind of self explanatory?
Why Am I Like This? by Orla Gartland: Dana! A dana song for the ages. She is not doing welll
This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller: Janette and Adele in the midway point of their relation/situationship
Gilded Lily by Cults: Janette and the cult she runs thanks to her mum
First Love/Late Spring: Claire. also one of dana’s dads, Noah
Me and My Husband by Mitski: Maria and Daniel’s relationship
Nobody by Mitski: Carmela!! Also if adele threw a pity party she doesn’t deserve :D
Be Gay, Do Drugs, Hail Satan by Super Cassette: Adele and Josh when they were younger in the 90’s
Dead Girls by Penelope Scott: Claire again!! This explains her death D:
I Bet On Losing Dogs by Mitski: Janette and her son/nephew Oliver (she adopted her nephew after her sister died)
Brutus by The Buttress: Janette and her time in the cult and the way she killed her friend Huan Lin when she was younger
Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus: Josh talking about Adele in the 90’s/early early 200’s 
Ma Belle Evangeline from Princess And The Frog: Noah talking about his late wife Laura
Dream Sweet In Sea Major by Miracle Musical: Claire except she didn’t die at sea
Don’t Try Suicide by Queen: Claire’s death. but in a goofy sense :]]
Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D by Will Wood and The Tapeworms: Janette again!! Basically her feeling sillyyy/hj
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John: Ryan :[
Need 2 by Pinegrove: What I imagine plays when the cult building burns down (also this scene is where Janette dies for the first time in the story) 
Buddy Holly by Weezer: Josh- he is a big fan of Weezer
Trees by McCafferty: Josh talking about his childhood
She Wolf by Shakira: The cryptid trio would sing this :D
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives: Mainly just vibes I think it suits the story
Murders by Miracle Musical: Again just vibes but it could also be when Janette killed Huan
Ring Of Fire by Johnny Cash: What would play while the cult building is burning down if this was a show
DO YOU REMEMBER ME??? by emily jeffri: Janette talking to Adele when she comes back to life
The Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx: Maria when she left for another city and her grief and regret about leaving Carmela behind
Tongues and Teeth by The Crane Wives: Janette talking about her and Adele’s relationship (In a way since Janette is aro and its also her trying to come up with ways to convince Adele to not date her since Adele does not take no for an answer akdhdkhdj)
Everybody Loves Somebody by Dean Martin: Noah and his husband Jose
Nice 2 Know Ya- Instrumental by Sylendanna: Again just the cryptid trio vibing 
Bleed Magic by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: Adele talking about her and janette’s relationship
Bicycle Race by Queen: Just vibes :]]
Chinatown by Shakey Graves: Josh talking about Adele while she’s cheating on him
Two Birds by Regina Spektor: Claire and Ryan (the siblings ever augh)
I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE by Måneskin: Jadele (janette and adele)
Closer by Nine Inch Nails: Also Jadele do not question meeee/lh
Wet by Dazey and the Scouts: Maria and her feelings about being in a relationship
SOLUS by emily jeffri: V I B E S
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski: Maria again :[[
Murder Song (5,4,3,2,1) by Aurora: Adele and Josh
Fell In Love With A Girl by The White Stripes: Adele and Josh in primary school
The King by Sarah Kinsley: I think this would play over Ryan and Carmela’s kiss if this was a showwww
Memento Momori: the most important thing in the world by Will Wood and The Tapeworms: Janette talking to Carmela
Night Shift by Lucy Dacus: JANETTE AND HER MANY COMPLEX FEELINGS ABOUT ADELE it’s such a janette song guyssss
Sober To Death by Car Seat Headrest: Josh talking about Adele
Babooshka by Kate Bush: VIBES AGAIN
Uptown Girl by Billy Joel: Noah talking about Jose just swap girl to guy
Digital Silence by Peter McPoland: The story as a whole
Time/Space by Alex G: Oliver, Janette’s son/nephew
Non, je ne regrette rien by Èdith Piaf: A song that’d be playing while Ryan’s arm gets chopped off by Carmela
Barracuda by Heart: This just gives off Carmela vibes to me
Highway to Hell by AC/DC: Janette when she dies the first time/hj
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult: I think it also fits the story as a whole
We Didn’t Start The Fire by Billy Joel: The cryptid trio
So You Wanna Marry Daisy by Spence Hood: Adele. nothing else lmao
Duvet by bôa: Maria again!!
Be Nice To Me by The Front Bottoms: Ryan talking to Carmela after she cut off his arm
You’re Not Special Babe by Orla Gartland: Josh talking to Adele
The Chicken by Bo Burnham: Literally this song explains Maria and Daniel and a bit of Carmela’s story as well
Habits by Genevieve Stokes: Dana song :]]
Where The Streets Have No Name by U2: What I imagine plays on the last epsiode as the end credits
It’s Been So Long by The Living Tombstone: Janette talking about Oliver (FNAF SONG LETS GOOO) 
Never Been Better by half•alive and Orla Gartland: Basically just Noah and Maria (they are best friends!!) 
Poison Oak by Bright Eyes: Josh :] love him sooo much
Dullahan by Worthikids: Dana song again!! She also listens to music like this
West Coast by FIDLAR: The cryptid trio
Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart by Mitski: Maria since she is one of my saddest characters D:
Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer: Janette and her family- also Maria
Kiss Ur Face Forever by Orla Gartland: Karma! (Carmela and Ryan)
Missus Piano by Rio Romeo: Adele talking to Janette
Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA: Ryan at Claire’s death scene and Oliver at Janette’s death
Hermit The Frog by MARINA: Janette in highschool
Step On Me by The Cardigans: Janette talking to Adele
This Hurts by Mindless Self Indulgence: Janette, Adele and Josh (they’d make the best polycule if they were all good people and nothing bad happened akdhkdhd)
Molly by Mindless Self Indulgence: Janette in highschool againnnn
Witness by Mindless Self Indulgence: V I B E S 
Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence: Dana’s taste in music
Personal Jesus by Mindless Self Indulgence: Some aspects of Janette and Adele’s relationship
Join Us (And Die) from TGWDLM: Janette when she comes back from the dead
Inevitable from TGWDLM: Adele if she was in TGWDLM
Lifeboat from Heathers: Claire if she had a musical song
Bed of Roses by Mindless Self Indulgence: Basically janette’s final death since she also does in a bed of roses in a sense!!
Baby Hotline by Jack Stauber’s Micropop: Josh and Adele (if Josh hadn’t transitioned)
Agape by Nicholas Britell: What would play in one of the episodes :DD
Kilby Girl by The Backseat Lovers: Karma!! Ryan and carmela beloveds <33
suffering by Amélie Farren: Carmela <333
Black Friday from Black Friday: Vibess also carmela talking to Janette
Ghost of Chicago by Noah Floersch: Ryan talking about Carmela i love them so much guys kshdjdhd
Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos: Janette when she’s dying (for the last time in the story so for context she dies twice) 
If you read this far I am giving you a hug, a high five for finger guns!!! Thank you for reading my oc rambles
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boxboxlewis · 2 years
George texts Alex for advice, despite many years of friendship suggesting that this is a terrible idea.
What should I bring to Toto and Susie’s house tonight
That says basically
“Thanks for having me round for dinner, fancy a fuck?”
You are an unwell man
Ok thanks but what should I bring to Toto and Susie’s
He’s your BOSS
Yeah I am aware of that
 I don’t tell you whether to fuck jorts
Lmao jorts
Anyway to the point, I’m not going to fuck jorts or Jost!! Because im not CLINICALLY INSANE
Fine can you pass my question on to Lily please
NO text her yourself
You’re a nightmare.
Lily says ‘roses and tell him good luck!’ which im not doing i do NOT wish you good luck i hope you go down in flames
Thanks x
Text me tomorrow to say how it goes
He listens to Lily, as her instincts are usually sound for this sort of thing: picks up a giant profusion of scarlet roses from the M&S by his house, and also a box of Belgian chocolates, even though none of them really eat chocolate. They just seem appropriately amorous. He looks nice, he knows that, and he’s wearing what Alex unlovingly refers to as his “on the pull” aftershave. Time to see what happens.
Things don’t get off to the best start. He gets lost in rural Oxfordshire and has to call Toto for directions, but Susie is warm and welcoming when he eventually finds the house, in a little hamlet deep in the woods. “It’s a nightmare around here, no mobile reception at all. You did well to find us,” she says. She’s smiling at him, taking the flowers, telling him they’re lovely, so kind of him, ushering him through to the kitchen; he sits at the breakfast bar while she fusses with the roses, and looks around the room. He’s pretty sure Carmen would call it “cottagecore”: big wooden beams in the ceiling, diamond-paned windows looking out onto the garden. An Aga. It’s really not what he would’ve pictured for Toto, and he says as much to Susie.
She winks at him and says, “I picked this one,” and gives the roses a final poke. “Well, that’s as good as they’re going to get, I’m afraid. My flower-arranging skills extend exactly as far as ‘plonking them into a vase.’”
George wants to say They look nice but he isn’t sure if that would be, like, complimenting his own gift, so he just smiles. Susie smiles back and the silence isn’t uncomfortable, exactly, but it’s—weighted. After a moment Susie says, “Let me get you something to drink. Cab sav ok?” George nods: he’d never say it aloud, but wine pretty much tastes like wine to him. Just kind of… winey; it’s generally fine. 
Susie pours him a generous glass, the red splash of the wine rich and jewel-like in the warm light of the kitchen. She says, “You will stay over tonight, won’t you? It’s miserable, I always think, trying to relax and have a nice time when you can only have one glass because you’re driving.”
“Oh, uh,” George says.
“We’ve got the guest room all made up for you,” Susie says. “And kiddo’s with his grandparents tonight, so we won’t be disturbed.” She leans over the breakfast bar and smiles at him. George has to fight to keep his eyes out of her cleavage. He mostly wins.
He says, “Yes, all right. Thank you.”
“Oh, it’s our pleasure.” She looks behind him and says, “And here’s Toto! At last.” She says something in German, quickly, and Toto says something back. It must be nice, George thinks, to have a secret language with your partner. Not that German is secret exactly, but it’s certainly code to him.
He says, “Hi, Toto.”
Toto smiles at him. George thinks absurdly, My, what big teeth you have. Toto puts a hand on his shoulder, and the weight of it is warm and heavy; George swallows without meaning to. “George! We have so been looking forward to having you.”
George smiles nervously. For the first time it occurs to him that perhaps, in this particular fairy tale, he’s not the wolf.
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cyrassol · 1 year
man i haven't been on tumblr for so long i forgot how this goes, but uhhh here ig??
18+ only, s'il-vous-plaît
i realise this won't stop any minors who really want to be here, but a) please, b) you'll be blocked if i find out or suspect you're underage, and c) if you really want to see sex-related stuff then you should be learning about safe and consensual sex and, let me tell you, DoL and its fandom ain't the place for it my dude
and with that out of the way
hi! i'm cyra, you may use any pronouns but she/her usually works!
i am in my mid-20's, a funny little tidbit that surprises me everytime i remember
artist, despite what my shitty lighting and shading skills may tell you
sometimes, SOMETIMES, i also write
(psst if you want to see anything in particular relating to those things, feel free to send requests, ask box is open)
i am. terrible. TERRIBLE. at DMs. if you send me a message and i never reply or even read (does tumblr give read receipts?), know that it is not about you personally! i just get crazy anxious about text messages in general, so if you want to talk to me please send an ask or tag me in a post instead :) i understand it isn't the same (which is why i prefer it lmao) but it has a much, MUCH higher chance of being seen and replied to!
gdi i keep editing this post and adding shit to it but! i typically only tag characters and my stuff, but if you want me to start tagging specific topics/triggers then all you gotta do is ask me to and i will :)
welcome to my DoL blog! i can also be found on reddit with the same username as here :)
for the curious, info about my PCs are under the cut!
Arden, my main PC. Genderfluid, but she/her is what she uses the most out of convenience. Official sources of income are her dates with Avery and modelling for Niki, but most nights there's also a shadowed figure breaking into Danube street mansions—oh, you've seen it? No, you haven't—and on Fridays you might see a masked figure go into the brothel for a weekly private show. Love interest is Avery, though both have the mindset that theirs is mostly a transactional relationship. Arden's also down bad for Wren, but for now it seems to be unrequited.
Monroe, my baby secondary PC. Herm/intersex, but although he does occasionally dabble in crossdressing for work, he goes exclusively by he/him and masculine terms. Sex worker, and pretty sought-after, too—Briar would lose quite a lot of money if Monroe stopped showing up one day. Unfortunately, it's come at the cost of his reputation, something he's already being blackmailed for. Love interests are Sydney and Whitney, though both relationships are something Monroe entered into extremely reluctantly given his current circumstances (and also because Whitney is... Whitney).
Adeline, my "forsake civilisation, return to nature" PC lmao. Cis woman with the wolf transformation, which she definitely did not get through the mushroom route. Plantpeople enthusiast, but her true love will always be the wolf pack and its leader. She did get kidnapped by Eden once after she got lost in the woods during a hunt and, while she escaped, sometimes Addie finds herself thinking about the hunter with curiosity—after all, didn't she also fight the Black Wolf at first before knowing better? Maybe the hunter isn't so bad either. Probably the only one of my PCs who'll become a parent.
Vincent, my final PC (for now?). Cis man with a huge everything—huge heart, huge muscles, huge... dick. Gentle giant, it's a wonder he ever escaped Remy's farm—probably an accident tbh, must have fallen into the river or something because this man was as well-behaved as they come. Nowadays his mind is pretty much healed from whatever weird trance he'd been in back then, but despite how happy he is with Alex and the farm, sometimes he remembers his days at Remy's with longing—Vince doesn't let himself wonder if it's the place or its owner that he misses, though.
All my PCs are in their 20's, btw! They also all exist at the same time, maybe one day I'll make a post with all their connections to each other and other NPCs :) It'll be... a mess lmao
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Can you do like being the Lis +1 at a wedding hcs
+wren and bailey+ leighton?
Yeeting Black Wolf and Great Hawk from this cause those two aren't going to weddings lmao.
Also this is my welcome back post after being flagged, pog.
Most likely a sibling's wedding.
Alex's parents will be happy to see you, pulling you over at the party to talk and ask about how things are while Alex says hi to the rest of the family.
You'll be hounded by their siblings. Who are you? Are you their partner? Are you getting married?
Will very much want to dance with you. Picks you up and twirls you around, even if they're clumsy.
You'll hear a lot of embarrassing childhood stories.
A business associate's wedding.
It is sophisticated and expensive, and Avery ensures you're dressed right for it.
You may have to deal with snide comments about how Avery should settle down and get married instead of playing with pretty young things.
Smile and be polite about it and Avery may just pay you extra.
Another chance to dance better than everyone else, to wow guests with your intelligence, or to stand and make the bride jealous by being prettier.
You have no idea who this person is, all you're aware of is that this may be a mafia wedding.
There's an older man with rings watching everyone's move, and Bailey even disappears to talk with him for a while.
You're told to be polite, don't tell them anything personal, don't tell them anything about the orphanage.
There's free food and an open bar, knock yourself out. It's more than Bailey feeds you at home, so it's best to make the most of it. Bailey touches non of it.
You learn Bailey can actually dance pretty well when they get back from the meeting. They don't try to catch the garter/bouquet though.
All in all, a very strange, slightly stressful evening.
You were baffled when Eden held up the invitation. They know people? Apparently so.
You'll have to convince them to actually go.
On edge the entire time. Its so obvious they don't want to be there.
Will stick to you like glue and not let you out of their line of sight, unless you use the bathroom.
Happy to eat all of the food, though.
Will not dance. That's something you two do alone, at the cabin. An audience makes it scary, but they won't admit that.
Will pull you off into a closet for some... alone time. This is Eden, afterall.
Eden being taller than most of the other people there, having an unfair advantage in catching the bouquet/garter. You're already married, so there's no point in it, though.
You know that John Mulaney bit where he talks about his ex-wife glaring at him during weddings because she wanted to get married? Kylar.
"Wouldn't this be nice for us, love? I bet we could have just as much fun as they're having."
Will ask questions to you about decor, flowers, dresses/suits, all to gauge what you like.
"The cake is chocolate. Do you like that or would you prefer another flavour?"
Eager to dance and let people know you're taken. Gushes over you to anyone that will listen.
Will of course try to catch the bouquet/garter thing. If they do, you'll never hear the end of it
If anyone asks, you're not a student. You're a student teacher.
A risky move on their part, bringing a younger plus one. Will be asked many questions that they'll expertly deflect.
You'll see them put a mask on and be very different from when you're alone together. This is the Leighton school boards see, that officials see, not the sleeze-ball you've gotten used to.
Might have you wear some racy underwear beneath your outfit so they have something scandalous going on no one else is aware of.
Will get their phone out, take you to the bathroom, and ask you to lift your shirt/skirt so they can get pictures of the underwear before going back to the venue.
It's a distant relative, one unable to take Robin in after they were orphaned.
Of course they invite you to go with, who else would they take?
Saves up for a new outfit to wear to the event. Has a lot of fun going shopping with you, trying on things.
Takes the chance to go and unwind for the night. No orphans, no Bailey. Just having fun with you.
Making song requests all night, dancing really clumsily, stuffing your faces.
Gets withdrawn and shy when people start asking personal questions. You may have to jump in and save them a few times.
One of Sirris' cousins is getting married, and on one drive home, the teacher asks if you'd like to come with them for the day.
Sydney will want to take you out shopping, just like Robin, and get ready for it together.
Both of you popping into the temple and letting them know that you won't be able to come in on that day.
If its out of town, being curious as to what other churches are like.
Sydney falling asleep during the ceremony and having to be woken up.
Syndey might sneak off for a nap, actually. They rarely get days off, and the band is very loud.
Save them some cake. They'll be back later, much more refreshed and eager to have some fun.
Oh boy.
Whitney invited you because they want to have some fun. And with Whitney, that means trouble.
They don't tell you that they invited you because they hate how their family prods, asks invasive questions, looks down on them. You're their support system for the night.
Whitney might urge you to sneak under the tables and get them off.
Going outside and setting off fireworks.
Hiding shrimp in the hair-dos of the women that are around. There's so much hairspray they rarely notice.
Encouraging the younger kids there to go be chaotic and scream so no one notices Whitney taking a peak at the wedding gifts left unattended on the table.
You having to stop Whitney stealing gifts.
You're a bit shocked Wren would let you close enough like this.
It means a lot that Wren is inviting you places.
Similarly to Whitney, Wren is here to have some fun.
Will dance all night with you, if you let them. Can pull of some moves.
Of course ends up placing bets with people, and joining in on games of poker, blackjack, scabby Queen.
If its set at a casino? Keep an eye on Wren before they lose all of the money.
With no Remy around, they're even more daring. Might try to steak the veil or one of the rings. They'll give it back, of course...
Is going to try and catch the garter/bouquet, purely so they can tease you about it later.
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spideyskrunkly · 2 years
Hungry For Help (ch1)
CC fanmade case
Characters: David Jeremiah Jones, Kailin Stanford, GPD, cc suspects
Warnings: Death, swearing, starvation, someone has a breakdown, mentions of playboys, flashbacks of toxic home environment, someone's being homophobic (lemme guess, Frincley)
Jones never thought he would see this day.
"Mom's in a bad mood again."
"I know."
June and Sheng stayed in their room while their mother was screaming downstairs.
"... Was the rat in the cubby again?"
"Yep. They're hard to not miss in there." June sighed as he took a pack of gum, put one in his mouth and handed another to Sheng. "Don't be like mom when you grow up."
"... June?"
"What's up."
"Are you... really gonna leave? To be be a soldier? Just like you said when you and mom were fighting?"
"That's okay." Sheng crossed his legs and chewed on the gum. "Mom's pretty scary."
"... Yeah. But I'm the big bad wolf. And I'm gonna gobble you up for being the silliest kid." And he imitated a wolf by ticking his brother's neck which made him giggle.
But the laughter soon died as did the smiles did as well. "I miss Carlos."
June looked sadly at Sheng that he also missed their older brother. "... Me too."
"June, even if.... you leave, will we always be brothers?"
June looked at Sheng with ease and worry. "Of course we will." He gave Sheng an embrace that kindly accepted safety and love. "No matter life or death."
(End Flashback)
GPD was chilling in the break area.
Grace and Ramirez sat next to eachother as the table curved. Next to Ramirez was Nathan who had Kailin stuck between him and Alex. She didn't seem to mind it as she and Alex were talking about the new Tech movie. Next to Alex was Jones then finally June.
(So if you're confused: Grace👉Ramirez👉Nathan👉Kailin👉Alex👉Jones👉June) lol
"Imagine hating the best chicken here. Could be me." Grace picked up a chicken made out of cardboard.
Nathan sighed. "This made the cafeteria lunch back in school look delicious."
Ramirez picked up a sandwich that was made from his wife. "Damn, I feel sorry for y'all."
Jones started to looked like Alex and Kailin's conversation was getting out of hand. "What's going on, you two."
"NO IT'S NO?!?!?!? LMAO?!?!?"
(Now this was based on a real conversation I had 💀)
Jones looked with confusion and recieved the same look from June who spoke up. "Why does it matter? You can just come to terms that it's whatever."
Kailin couldn't let this slide though. "Look, bastard, we can take this later, OUTSIDE or ask Google."
Alex couldn't help but agree with the terms. "Alright, go, go for it!"
June couldn't help but look with shame. "What the hell, you two."
Suddenly, a speaker awoke. "If I may have Inspector Jones, Tech Stanford and Captain Shiloh in my office please! I repeat, I would like to have Inspector Jones, Tech Stanford and Captain Shiloh in the chief's office. Please and thank." The speaker hung up.
"Well, there goes the rest of our break."
"Well, this might be a murder."
"Well, we're fucking taking this fight later, Alex."
The called trio made it to Chief King's office.
"Gentlemen and Kailin. I'm afraid there's been a murder back at the park. A starved person in fact which is disturbing."
"Alright Chief, we'll head on-"
"Wait a second, June. I know this is gonna sound uncommon, but I'm gonna need you to head home for the day."
"What, wha... am I fired?!"
"No! No. No. Nobody's gonna get fired. You're not fired or in trouble. I just... need you to head home for the day. I'd rather Inspector Jones and Tech Stanford on this case. And no, I don't wanna argue about this, June."
June felt... unsteady and left with a saddened face. He closed the door behind him and inched his ear onto it.
"Chief, what's going on? June would usually go with me! He's my partner!"
"I know I've been new here for like... 5 cases, but aren't they always together????"
"I KNOW. I.... his brother. His brother, Sheng Shiloh, was found dead at the park. And until you two break it to him, he cannot know."
June lets himself off the door. He started to walk out of the building.
"No. No, no, no, no, Sheng, no. No. No, no no no no no no no no no, no no no, NO, NO NO NONONONONONONONONONONONO...."
June felt... numb. He felt... adrenaline. He felt like... he needed to get to the park before thay do.
A d with that thought, he ran out as Jones and Kailin left the chief's office.
"How are we gonna tell him? He's gonna have a breakdown about this..."
"We don't know, but we gotta get to the park."
June didn't know that he had it in him to run this far to the park where it had a quiet area.
He made it past the benches and the streets. But it seemed like Jones andd Kailin with some more officers came before him.
June started to lose his breath, but he didn't care. He wanted to see if it was someone else. If it wasn't his brother. It's can't be.
Jones noticed him from a distance.
"JUNE, PLEASE!" Jones held onto June like he was a robot trying to break free from wires.
"LET GO OF ME! SHENG! SHENG! SHENG!" June started to sob as he called out for his brother.
Paramedics passed by them with a body on a mat that was being carried to Nathan back in GPD.
June remembered those braids. And the soft teeth. And the tight curls.
It really was his brother.
June screamed in agony and despair as he then sobbed onto Jones's chest.
"June... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, I never wanted you to find out like this."
June looked up with anger- no. WAR in his eyes.
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Jones looked with a terrified look on his face. He never wanted to see June like this. "No, June, you don't want that!"
"SHUT UP, FUCK OFF! DON'T TELL ME WHAT- what I want, I want my little brother back!" He once again cried into Jones's chest. Loud, muffled sobs were coming out.
"Kailin, I'm gonna bring June home. Can you find anything that's might help us with the case?"
"Sure. Just tell him to take a break back home."
"Jones... Jones please, find who did this... please..." June grabbed onto Jones's shirt with despair in his face. "...please..."
Jones took June by the hand and took him to the car. "I promise."
After bringing June back home, Jones raced back to Kailin. "Find anything?"
"I found his bag here. Went through his stuff and found a phone and an ID. It shows he worked at a carwash."
"Then we should send the phone to Alex and see if he finds anything. Meanwhile, let's go to the carwa-"
"Hello, is there something going on here?"
Jones and Kailin turned around to find a lady with a white shirt, blue sweats and blonde hair with orange eyes. "I'm supposed to meet my boyfriend here."
Kailin showed the same sass the lady was giving. "Yeah, well, this is a crime scene now, lady."
"A crime scene? Just my damn luck. Have you seen a certain... Sheng Shiloh? I'm supposed to be meeting him here."
Jones and Kailin looked at each other than looked back at the suspect. "What's your name?"
"Anquezze Robert. Hold on, I know you..." she points to Jones. "You're one of the greatest cops in Grimsborough! Where's your partner? My boyfriend's related to him!"
Jones looked in shame. "Unfortunately, Captain Shiloh cannot be in this case. His brother, who also was your boyfriend, was unfortunately left here to die."
"Oh! That's tragic!"
"We're sorry for your loss, ma'am. We know that this is tragic."
"Well, not really. I'm a little shocked, but I'm not that saddened."
Kailin and Jones looked in suprise. Kailin spoke. "Lady, your boyfriend just died?! How could you not care?!"
"Well..." Anquezze spoke with a softer, yet annoyed voice. "He and I have been having arguments lately about our relationship. He's been noticing that I've been reading playboys. I've been noticing he's been more focused on work and honestly, he told me to come here at this time a few days ago. And... this is a turn of events."
Kailin looked up to Jones as he came with a conclusions. "Well, we might need to talk to you again, so hang tight, Miss Robert."
Kailin and Jones separated as Jones went to the carwash and Kailin went over to Alex back at GPD.
Kailin and Alex examined the phone in their database.
Alex turns over to Kailin. "So this is actually the victim's phone! Now be warned, suggestive stuff coming in."
"I know. And I saw a photo of the night the victim was left to die! The photo was shown our killer. Sadly, there's no face, but the killer tried to break in and typed the wrong password and a photo was taken! And the photo was.... a playboy."
"So our killer owns a playboy. Pervert."
Jones was at the carwash and looked around. He noticed how there was a shirt with blood on it. It seems white.
"Guess I'll just send this to Grace..."
As he was about to leave, he heard a voice call out to him.
"Ay, bro! You dropped your key!"
Jones turned around and saw his car keys onto the floor. How did he not notice. Or heard. What the fuck. This is why Chief King bullys him. For fuck's sake, they were car keys that can make a lot of noise. We need to bully him about this now. (/j, ily Jones 😭😭😭)
As he picked it up, he looked up to the voice. There was a man with a black mohawk and amber eyes with a white tank top and some jeans. "Howdy! I'm Jack Blaziken. I'm the owner of the carwash."
"Oh, lovely. Have you seen a certain Sheng Shiloh around here?"
"Lousy ass? Eh, he's a good dude, just always late. Speaking of which, he hasn't come by for a few days! The audacity!"
"Well, his reason to not come is because he was left to die. We found him tonight."
"When's the last time you saw him, Jack?"
"When it was like 2 or 3 days ago. Been reading my playboys all afternoon yesterday because of how boring it was getting without the champ. Guess, I might as well find some more workers..." and with that, Jack went back to his little office.
Kailin and Jones reunite to share information as they waited for Grace and Nathan.
"Man, this case is... getting wild and it's only starting."
Jones was looking a little sad. "I just really hope that June's gonna be okay."
"Y'mean the little freak finally having it? What a party."
Jones and Kailin groaned of the familiar voice behind them. At least they understand June's frustration. "What do you want, Frincley."
"Just a howdy to my teammates! Well, to at least two of em."
"We're not your teammates, asshole. And leave June's name out of your mouth if you're just gonna talk shit."
"Well, whatever. That damn (homophobic slur) is just being a baby cuz his bro died."
Jones immediately stood up the same time Grace had walked out the room. "The fuck did you just say?" Kailin rushed over in front of Jones. "No, no! Jones, he's not worth it!"
Grace coughed up for attention to her. "If I may, everyone."
Jones, annoyed, looked at Frincley and walked into Grace's lab.
"Yeah that's right, boy. All bark, no bite."
Kailin lost it. "Y'know, just because you're a sad wash up doesn't mean you get to have shit your way, Frincley. You're pretty much useful as a fucking nail who can only do damage, so why not find something else to take your anger out on instead of being a useless stiff man who just sits around all day."
"Grrrr! You're only new here and you still got sass. I like it. Feel free to scratch me kitty." And with that, he let a purring sound to mock Kailin.
Grace took off her heel and slammed Frincley in the face with it. Frincley fell on the ground.
"Now, people." Grace put her heel back on and lead Jones and Kailin toward her lab.
"Is he always like that?! Why not fire him or something?!"
"He has a tight contract with the mayor, I'll explain later. What's up Grace?"
"So I managed to look on the shirt you gave me and can confirm that this is the victim's blood. I can't say how that got there, so you'll have to wait for Nathan to answer. But what I can say is that he was not wearing a white shirt!"
"So that means..."
"Yep! This is your killer's shirt!"
"Sweet. Thanks, Grace. You're a whole girlboss."
"Aw, thank you, Kailin. I can say the same for you."
Both people soon walked into Nathan's lab. Nathan was there with a disgusted face.
Jones whispered to Kailin. "If even Nathan looks sick, you know it's that bad." Then he turned to Nathan. "Everything okay?"
Nathan looked to the partners. "This... this is fucked up. I found an open head wound which shows that the victim was knocked out. But that's not all, embrace yourselves." He stood up. "The killer went and tied him up in the cloth and rope w/ knots, and he was hung and left upside down, not for hours, but for days. He died by... starvation and dizziness. But mostly starvation. Starvation is your murder weapon. But then I noticed that there was wine on him. I ran blood tests and he doesn't drink."
"Now we know our killer drinks wine and we got the... well... cause of death. You guys would usually find murder weapons which is rare in here." Kailin wrote this down.
Jones and Kailin were stuck back Jones's office.
"So our killer drinks wine, has a white shirt and... reads sex magazines."
"Jack seems bummed about the murder while Anquezze doesn't really give a shit." Jones thought hard. He ended up with a conclusion that... he didn't want to end up with. "Maybe I'm getting a little too into this, but June never really talks to us about his past and never talks about his family."
"And? They're related, so we outta help June a little!"
"We are... but... June had a whole breakdown which you saw. And he has to know maybe something about Sheng as his brother."
Kailin looked with concern. "You don't mean..."
Jones returned with the same look, only a little sadness. "Yes. I am suggesting it." He crossed his fingers and pressed them to his lips.
"Junely Shiloh may have to be a suspect in this case."
Ch1 end
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thealexchen · 3 years
As much as I love Life is Strange 2 and Blood Brothers is my favorite ending, I have one problem with this ending. I really hate it that the developers threw out a racist Mexican stereotype ending for BB (when that should've been left alone for Lone Wolf only, it would make sense for Daniel, who became an orphan after Sean's death, uses his power to do crimes), it's like the developers are treating the Mexico ending as the worst, and assume all countries in Mexico are dangerous (as if the U.S. isn't dangerous and doesn't go through the same world problems like Mexico), which is racist on their part. Not all people in Mexico are gangsters or drug dealers, and not all countries in Mexico are dangerous either, it really all depends on where you live that has the high crime rates and you have to know your way around here. And I hate it how they didn't bother to show us that good side of Sean and Daniel's life together in Mexico like they show us in the U.S. endings, but no, they only show as the worst sides like gangs hideout being looted. Another assumption I keep seeing (and hate) from people is that Sean and Daniel became "criminals" and are involved in some gangs like where's their evidence? They didn't murder people, all they did was try to defend themselves and do whatever it takes for them to survive. I don't think Sean and Daniel are still continuing to do more life of crimes in Mexico, like they did in the U.S.
Their goals was to have a new start in life, and one more trouble and words would've gotten out for the brothers by now.
I completely agree. It was such a cheap and shitty move to paint Mexico as this stereotypically crime-ridden, remote, poor place just so BB wouldn't look like the "best" ending. BB makes it look like Sean and Daniel can't contact their loved ones ever again, even though like... WiFi exists in Mexico lmao. Also, Puerto Lobos is a real place in Sonora and it's a simple beach village, not at all how it looks in LiS2, so that just felt lazy tbh. And I think the worst part of all this is how DN simplified the low morality path so that just acting out of survival in a hostile country that doesn't want you leads you down a path where the brothers are ambiguous criminals. The brothers basically became the stereotypical gangsters that the racist white characters thought they were. That would be like if Mac called Alex "a fucking psycho" in chapter 1 and one of the game's "bittersweet" endings has Alex locked up in a psych ward because you made too many "bad" decisions. The player should have been allowed to make reasonable decisions to survive without being punished for raising Daniel with "low morality."
Also, I really hate how much this ending destroys Sean and Daniel’s characterizations. They were both portrayed as overall nice, sensitive boys who weren’t afraid to show their emotions or affection despite all their trauma, and suddenly BB has them as these super gritty, edgy anti-heroes. It’s not a good look imo. 
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back2themax · 3 years
Fright night 2 (1988)-
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So fright night 2 is great y’all are just mean. >:(.
Honestly it is a different kind of movie then what the first film was. It seams to go faster and almost all over the place. But it does succeed in being a good time and a fun story. Let’s get my nit picks and problems out of the way first
Charley is kind of wishy washy? Like one minute therapy makes him completely no longer believe. Then he does. Then he doesn’t then he does then he doesn’t. The charley Brewster I know would not be so easily doped by there being no marks.
They change the lore a bit? With Ed and Amy the transformation into a vampire was sort of instantaneous. They were bit and left alone for a few hours and could fully vamp out, now in the second it’s saying the “have to drink blood rule” I can’t speak for Ed but I know Amy definitely didn’t.
Peter Vincent is also a bit all over the place. Unlike charely he is completely firm in his belief the whole movie. However his logic seams to have left him entirely. I adore him being more spunky and excited as he can flock around claiming to kill a actual vampire etc but to peter’s credit I don’t think he’d rave like a mad man about them actually existing in the way he does in the movie
No evil Ed. That’s it. That’s the criticism. The last movie left open the perfect spot for him to make a comeback and he doesn’t. Smh
When the fuck- I read Dracula and when the ever living hell is roses a thing against werewolves or vampires? (Placing a rose on a coffin maybe but????)
Now to the good stuff -
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Gays going to brunch
Honestly I kinda like the idea of “Jerry’s sister is pissed now your going to have to deal with her” also the “he was so young he was only 1,000” thing dhsksksksk. Also the ultimate revenge is making Charley immortal which props 👌 he’ll be a tragic louis type. However.... he’d also be there to annoy you forever, bad choice. I also refuse to believe anyone would replace a classic horror host with a weird ass interpretive dance.
I’m serious that becomes a theme in this movie it’s such a fucking random joke that happens twice and it’s just great lmao. 1st time charley looks very Risky business . The second time Belle, Bozworth and Louie take it over and honestly watching them do everything but bowl correctly is peak humor.
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This movie came out in 1988 and I can’t help but feel it was very heavily influenced by The lost boys and near dark that came out the year before.
Charley’s whole “what’s happening to me deal?” And the sunglasses , very Michael
Louie doing the blood from the vein into the mug thing from fright night.
Etc , idk if this is just my brain assuming as those two and. The og fright nigh5 are some of my favorite movies
I have two questions however
- is Louie a werewolf or does he just partically like to do the wolf thing- I’m assuming the second is the case?
-Is Belle trans or just a drag queen? I can’t tell with her, doesn’t help with no lines either. I’m sure this info is somewhere
Bonus round-
Alex is great, so is the guy from the hospital
I adore the whole thing with the therapist too
While Billy cole and Bozworth share the same position I do NOT think they are the same thing. Billy was definitely not oggie boogie style
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