#also these are from posts of those who attended early screenings
voidstilesplease · 1 year
okay WOW going to Twitter (I refuse to call it X) and finding out about all of these specific cut scenes from the rwrb movie is just crazy. like, an extended version of the paris sex scene apparently? and, my god, a different ending entirely. it's supposed to end with a Thanksgiving dinner at Alex and Henry's apartment wtf what WHAT?
I mean, it's not too late to release those scenes though
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sylusjinwoon · 6 months
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like you do.
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
notes: this story is going to get so meta, so my apologies in advance. also, despite my status of requests being technically closed, this one was too good to ignore. full request description and story under the cut ♡
p.s. - listen to joji’s like you do.
{ and everyone else… they don't matter now | you're the one i can't lose | no one loves me like you do… }
anonymous said: Thank you for answeringgggg. This gonna be long. Be ready to get bored✨🫶 I keep thinking about your Jinwoo post. The divergent one to be exactly. What I've been thinking is kinda similar theme. What about, a reader who's always there for Jinwoo but not visible? Like she's a system or a quiet constellation that supports him from behind but under shadow. In the early chapter when Jinwoo is running out of coffee. Suddenly he found a thermos inside his bag with a warm coffee. He didn't remember to prepare it, but since it was already inside his bag maybe Jin-ah put it in or he forgot, but it was the readers! Another chance, readers always help him in silence like, sometimes heal him a little by little, didn't want make a big question mark if he suddenly fully healed in a sec right? Helping to take care of Jin-ah and his mom whenever he's not there for them, healing the resident when war so there's no much loss happen and many little things that she do to help him. She gets jealous seeing him asking Hae-in to the amusement park, but what she can do though, she just loves him too much to be happy for him to find love. In the end, when he reaches his happy ending, the reader finds the courage to say goodbye. Whispering to Jinwoo's ear softly, saying goodbye and hoping he'll be happy. Then it felt like a snap for Jinwoo. It's... Warm, it's felt like it's always there, the reasons able to fight every problem and challenge, then it's gone, he doesn't feel complete anymore. This time for Jinwoo for searching readers! 📸📸 Sorry if my English is not good, it's not my first language 😔😔. Just want to drop this idea instead let it run around my mind and make me crazy to thinking Jinwoo and his readers who are always there🫶🫶🫶 Love you, my top list favorite person❤️❤️😼
{ ... }
it was pathetic, really.
sung jinwoo wasn't even someone that existed-
so why was it that your heart raced each time you would see his achingly handsome features against your phone's screen?
why does your heart continue to pound and fill your chest with butterflies with each new volume of solo leveling that came out?
and why did you have to get so jealous, witnessing the pure love jinwoo had in his eyes for cha hae-in?
it was so obvious that you were in love with him; genuinely in love with him despite how he would never be real.
in reality, you were bit of an introverted person, attending university with your head bowed down in a manner that let your peers know that you were closed off and shy. that you never could find the confidence to be your true self while in front of those who didn't know you.
perhaps that was why your heart was so drawn to a character like sung jinwoo. after all, he started out as being known as the weakest in the world; a meek and timid man who hid his anxieties behind a kind smile.
but you loved him all the same.
even when knowing he would never be able to see you-
or how you would never get to feel the safety of his arms around you-
or see the passion in his glowing eyes each time he would protect you from danger.
it would never be a reality for you-
yet still, you cherished jinwoo deeply,
like a lover would.
so, you spend your days reading stories pertaining to him, inserting yourself within these various daydreams as you tricked your heart into believing that he loved you, too.
after all, it was the one thing you could do to assuage the heartache you constantly felt whenever you saw jinwoo chasing after hae-in, even after he reset everything in order to protect the world.
even if you could never be his true lover, no matter how hard you tried to shift into his reality and be with him.
with a heavy heart while being surrounded by the various volumes of solo leveling, you lay still in your bed and put your phone down. you had finished re-reading the side stories that pertained to jinwoo's life after the reset and how his shadow soldiers were so happy that he found hae-in again-
and you had to stop because you felt your throat closing up due to the heartache and jealousy of it all.
feeling the warm tears streaming down your face, you close your eyes and fall into what you hoped would be a dreamless slumber-
only to be proven wrong the moment you lost your consciousness.
{ ... }
[ ... resetting ... ]
[ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ]
[ now loading ]
a strange sensation was felt coursing through your veins, and you awaken with a gasp, feeling your heart pounding as your eyes take in the scenery that surrounds you.
it takes you a minute to reorient yourself, with you standing shakily on your two feet, wiping the sleep from your eyes. you were dimly aware of the translucent screens that block your periphery. but... you weren't paying attention to that.
you allow your eyes to look around, widening upon feeling the sudden nostalgia that fills you. somehow... you knew that you recognized this city. but something felt... off.
for starters, the colors were so much brighter than what you were used to. it was as though the city were made by an artist who was passionate about their drawings coming to life. as you were left feeling awed, all while wondering why this all looked familiar to you was when you finally realized-
you were in seoul, south korea-
specifically, the seoul that was the main setting for solo leveling.
you felt the air rushing out of your lungs in labored puffs, your heart seeming to palpitate out of your chest when you allow your eyes to look in front of you, finally seeing the translucent screen and its message:
[ the system welcomes you... ]
"i... can you understand me?" you were speaking to the screen, feeling your heart jump against your chest when another message appears.
[ yes. i have chosen you to help with the development of the future shadow monarch. ]
you recognize jinwoo's title, ready to say something had it not been for the fact that you saw sung jinwoo himself running past you. your heart was caught in the confines of your throat, seeing jinwoo who had yet been awakened.
even with his frumpy appearance and lackluster clothes, your heart still managed to race for him. his grey eyes was much softer now, not attaining the edge of his post-awakened self quite yet. he was uncertain and shy, but you knew that deep down he had a heart of gold that wanted nothing more than to care for and protect his mother and little sister.
that was the sole trait that never changed-
and you loved him for it.
filled with a longing to be with him, to reach out and touch him, you didn't even think twice when you extended your hands out to him. you wanted so badly to touch his shoulder and tell him how everything was going to be okay-
that all of his dreams (and more) would come true as long as he remained vigilant and brave throughout each trial and tribulations he had to face-
yet the moment your hand was place on his shoulder, you felt it pass through him…
your eyes became wide once more, looking down at your hands as you saw that they were also translucent. that your appearance seemed to mimic that of static itself, not quite taking a physical form despite how much you knew that you existed in this realm.
[ i am sorry, but i cannot have your existence meddle with the monarch's story. ]
you turn your gaze back to the screens-
back to the system's way of communicating with you.
[ however, i do know that your heart and soul are pure, and that your feelings for sung jinwoo remain true. ]
[ so i will grant you your desire of helping him. the system i have made for you is deeply tied to sung jinwoo. whatever item you wish to give him shall appear as the young man continues to level up. ]
[ do you agree to remain as SUNG JINWOO'S GUARDIAN? ]
your voice suddenly became much stronger now, being filled with a determination that you didn't believe was even possible. just the thought that you were given this chance to be close to jinwoo was enough to bring you an immense amount of joy.
"i accept being his guardian... and helping him whenever he is in need."
[ ... very well. go on and carry out your first mission. ]
with one last nod, you await the system's next message as it read.
already knowing the scene that was meant to play out, you keep your gaze honed in on jinwoo as he quickly crossed the street, with you chasing after him.
your movements were fluid, and you were so happy that the system gave you the ability to fly, allowing you to keep track of jinwoo and where he currently was at all times. you bask in such freedom of flight and stopped when you reached the construction sight.
as if flight came as natural as breathing to you, you gently land next to jinwoo, seeing his forlorn gaze each time the older hunters insulted him, referring him to the weakest in the world. all you wanted to do was comfort him, and despite how you knew he would never feel you-
you couldn't stop yourself from wrapping your arms around him.
"it's okay, you will become stronger. and... i will be with you every step of the way." you say while keeping your arms hovered over his shoulders, your lips press against his skin in a phantom kiss while whispering lovingly within his ear.
suddenly, you take notice when he perks up, grey eyes filled with a newfound determination. you weren't sure what happened, but jinwoo seemed to find a bit of confidence as he steps closer to the coffee stand and speaks to the worker.
"hi, may i have a cup of coffee?"
the worker gives him a nervous smile while giving jinwoo a gentle shake of his head.
"ah, hunter sung jinwoo... i'm sorry, all the coffee ran out just now."
you watch as a look of disappointment appears on jinwoo's face, hearing him let out a sigh as you quickly called out to the system.
"please, give me a thermos filled with warm coffee, made the way jinwoo likes it."
the system then flashes you a screen, showing you your inventory as a green thermos was seen with the words FRESH COFFEE printed below it. you reach your hand and touch at the screen, allowing the thermos to appear at the palm of your hand before disappearing completely from your inventory.
with gentle movements, you manage to move the thermos filled with hot coffee towards one of the pockets seen on jinwoo's backpack, the sudden weight and appearance of the thermos making jinwoo take a step backwards.
"what the...?!"
you stand off to the side, feeling your heart beginning to race with happiness the moment jinwoo reaches into his backpack and pulls out the warm thermos, his eyes going wide. you couldn't help but gently laugh at his bewildered expression.
he was just so cute to you.
with a smile on your face, you watch as he opens the thermos, taking a swig out of the coffee while letting out a happy sigh. "wow, just how i like it, too. maybe jinah made this for me?"
"i'm really sorry about this, hunter sung jinwoo!" the worker calls out to him, but jinwoo simply smiles back at him.
"no worries! i think my sister packed some coffee for me before she left, so it's fine!"
before you could watch jinwoo enter the gate, you were suddenly pulled back by a force, preventing you from moving forward.
with a look of absolute yearning, you call out to jinwoo,
and for a brief second, before you were ripped away from this tiny portion of his life, you could have sworn that jinwoo turn around to look in your direction-
{ ... }
despite how this all felt unreal to you, you couldn't deny the sheer amount of happiness you felt, being labeled as jinwoo's guardian by the system.
in fact, you had felt so blessed, being a part of jinwoo's most prominent moments in his life.
from his second awakening, being resurrected due to the system's choosing while giving him several side quests and missions-
to helping him heal even the most grievous of injuries when he had to go against kang taeshik-
you were just so elated by it all.
never once did you leave his side, using your own system in hopes of making jinwoo's life easier.
it was strange, but each mission that was given to you was tied deeply to your desire to help and protect jinwoo. whenever jinwoo had a need for a certain potion or elixir to help with replenishing his stamina or mana (especially during his earlier stages of leveling up), it would always mysteriously appear in front of him.
and during the moments where jinwoo showed his concerns for his mother and the well-being of his little sister, you would always stay behind and make sure that they were doing well. you knew that someday soon, jinwoo would make the holy water of life for his mother, but still kept watch over her to make sure that she remained undisturbed.
you kept going through the motions of his life, and once jinwoo was able to safely awaken his mother, you left jinwoo's side to give him a moment of privacy between him and her. even though you knew what would happen (burning the image of his crying face filled with relief and joy into your memories), it didn’t feel right to intrude on such an intimate moment.
yet you leaving the scene in the hospital suddenly brought you to a different part in jinwoo's life.
it had to be sometime after his mother's awakening, as jinwoo was seen dressed in all black. his hair was blowing gently with the wind as he remained seated on top of a building. his eyes were glowing, and it seemed as though he was waiting for something. you trail your gaze up towards the skies, seeing it being painted in an ominous, glowing violet hue.
you suddenly felt a strange pang against your chest, recognizing this scene as being the one that made you so jealous that it hurt.
it was the scene where jinwoo ask hae-in out to the amusement park before showing her the starry skies.
you watch with your heart clenching so painfully when he chooses cha hae-in's number and gives her a call, his voice filled with a gentle fondness as he asks if she was free. knowing what would happen in the chapter, it was clear that she would drop her training, just to be with him.
despite how you felt your throat clenching in response, you were given little time to react as the scene suddenly shifts once more, leaving your form cast to the side as you landed haphazardly against the street of the amusement park.
you could feel the heat dyed against your cheeks, finally grateful that no one could see you. you look to your front to see jinwoo and hae-in walking together, feeling your heartache reach even new levels. surrounding you were people who looked at the two hunters with awe, clearly admiring them as they stepped aside and made room for them, allowing them to walk freely around the amusement park.
if you thought reading this chapter was difficult, then your past self was dead wrong-
for witnessing this in action hurt far worse than this.
you shake your head just then, fighting back your tears as you stood back to your full height. with a determined nod, you take to the skies once more, following the future couple as they continued their endeavors within the amusement park.
you kept your focus on jinwoo, ignoring the pain in your heart each time hae-in was beside him.
like a movie playing out on the big screen, you watch as they rode every ride the amusement park had to offer. their expressions were left blank and filled with a boredom, not feeling the thrills like normal people would.
in fact, the scene was so funny and cute that you couldn't help but laugh.
after spending a few hours tailing from close behind them, you follow jinwoo and hae-in as they had lunch together.
"are you getting bored?"
"hey, no. i'm having fun."
hae-in admits to jinwoo while taking sips of her soda.
you could hear the amusement in jinwoo's voice when he asks, "then how come you haven't cried or screamed at least once?"
he sighs while playing with the straw of his own drink, resting his cheek against the palm of his hand while stating, "the games are a bit 'slow', aren't they?"
"hm, ah... yes..." there seemed to be a bit of an awkward silence when hae-in trails off.
suddenly, your heart was felt clenching once more when jinwoo gives hae-in a charming smile.
"so should we get on to something more exciting?"
her blush was evident, and you could barely breathe when the scene shifts once more.
you were back to the skies now, with jinwoo and hae-in riding on one of his shadow soldiers, a large dragon that flew across the heavens while seeming to cut through the setting sun with its shadowy wings. even as the tears were felt streaming down your face, you couldn't deny that such a scene was utterly beautiful to you.
you could not hear a single word that was being said between them, but you recall their words clearly from reading it so many times, back when your pain felt so fresh- just like an open wound against your heart.
you continue to hover above jinwoo and hae-in, allowing your tears to fall down against his cheek as his eyes seemed to widen in response.
"what... is it raining?" jinwoo trails his eyes up at the sky, and you had to move away from them as hae-in gave jinwoo a questioning glance.
"no, there are no clouds... it's not raining at all."
forcing your heart to calm down its rapid beats, you let out a shaky breath, wondering if somehow...
he could feel you after all...?
you shake your head at the thought and continue to follow them, knowing exactly where jinwoo planned to take her as the scene shifts for you once more. you watch as they arrived at a gorgeous meadow surrounded by the gentle forest, remaining up high in the sky as they admired the stars together.
"system... could you do something for me?"
[ of course. ]
you close your eyes and allow the tears to freely fall now. "summon a meteor shower... a show of the stars and heavens themselves for the lovers to enjoy."
[ as you wish. ]
you allow the system to summon a gorgeous meteor shower, hearing hae-in's gentle gasp while looking up at the stars. streaks of light trailed behind each meteor as the starry skies seemed to glow in response to the strange and ephemeral phenomena.
"it's so... beautiful."
your smile was filled with a hidden sadness, yet you couldn’t deny just how happy you felt being able to do this for him. and as you look over to see jinwoo's own reaction, you felt your heart stop in response.
for he was not looking at the skies or the falling stars-
he was looking directly at you.
"yes... beautiful."
yet before you could even speak, you saw the system's message as you were pulled away from the moment once more.
your heart was pounding as the tears fell freely down your face, suddenly taken to what looked like a more peaceful time.
your feet were staggering, trying to maintain your balance when you take shaky steps against the sidewalk. the sun was setting, and you saw what looked like jinwoo in his university years, standing with hae-in as he spoke to her while admiring the setting sun.
you knew what you had to do. now that you had done what your heart had always desired to do, you step closer to jinwoo to whisper in his ear.
"jinwoo, even though i am certain that you never saw me, i thank you for giving me this chance to be with you... to help with making your life even the tiniest bit better."
you let out a sniffle before shakily continuing,
"you have always been a sole source of comfort for me, and i know i need to take this chance and let you go so you can find the happiness that you deserve."
as jinwoo continues to smile down at hae-in, hanging on to her every word, that was when you let your tears fall once more before telling him one last time.
"i love you, and i'll always wish for your happiness."
with those finally words set free from the depths of your heart and soul, you felt a warmth filling you, with your form disintegrating into thin air as you felt your consciousness slowly return back to your world. yet even though you knew you would never see him again, you felt... content-
at peace, even.
[ well done, it is time for you to awaken... ]
the last thing you recall was seeing a blinding light… allowing your body to bask in its brilliance one last time…
{ ... }
there was a sudden emptiness felt within the depths of sung jinwoo's heart-
and he wasn't sure what was wrong with him.
jinwoo was never the same after he lost... something; even after he had used the cup of reincarnation while proceeding to live his life as a normal human being, there was a gaping hole left within his chest.
he remembers the feeling of a warmth surrounding him; of the sounds of a gentle voice calling out to him while encouraging him. it may have been silly, but...
jinwoo developed a great courage and strength thanks to that gentle voice alone.
yet now, he felt as though he had suddenly lost it.
no longer did he feel such warmth coursing through his veins. no longer could he feel that comforting presence that made his courage soar to new heights-
heights that he never could believe he could even reach.
such feelings of emptiness was what ultimately made his heart feel closed off from those that he loved...
from his parents and sister...
from cha hae-in.
he spent the following days being lost in a trance, and he didn't know what to do to feel whole again.
"my, i did not believe that the loss of her presence would affect you so deeply."
jinwoo lets out a gasp, suddenly finding himself within the same meadows ashborn had confronted him in; the moment he had died and was fully reborn as ashborn's successor- the shadow monarch.
the wind was felt coursing through his hair, and he could not bring himself to speak to ashborn, eyes losing what little light it once had.
had he fallen asleep? was that why he was back in the land of repose?
"you are unhappy." ashborn's voice echoes throughout the realm, and jinwoo could no longer ignore him.
"am i unhappy?"
jinwoo was dimly aware of the bitter laugh that escapes from ashborn's parted lips before suddenly changing into someone-
an unfamiliar young woman as his voice takes on her tone.
"have you forgotten? i am you and you are me."
jinwoo recognizes that voice, eyes going wide as he reaches out to the unfamiliar figure-
he was certain he had never seen such a young woman before in his life-
yet that voice-
that resounding voice who always always always seemed to comfort him when his fears had taken over him-
the strange image of the young woman and that comforting voice-
it had to be one and the same.
"who is she?! and... how come i can't seem to find her, or even know her... yet- i-i know her voice! she-"
"the woman hails from another universe, one that is like the world you currently reside it, yet different."
jinwoo could feel his head begin to spin upon hearing such a revelation. "she... she is-"
"she is not from your world. your lives would have never collided had it not been for my intervention."
the young hunter's throat began to turn dry, unable to form a coherent thought when ashborn continues to speak.
"the world she lives in is a safe one; one where the only monsters that exists are simply those selfish humans and their own dark desires. gates and the presence of rulers and monarchs have never touched her world..."
he watches with a fascination, seeing the alluring girl flash him a smile.
"in fact, your whole life may be nothing but a mere story within her world."
jinwoo finally snaps out of it, hands clenched into fists when he asks, "how can i reach her? is there a way for me to be with her with the way i am now? can i use my powers as a monarch to find her?"
"... don't you think it's foolish to give up all that you've known for her?"
ashborn's words were enough to make jinwoo freeze in his tracks.
"think carefully about my words, i told you she comes from a world where beings like monarchs and rulers do not exist.
if you decide to find her; to join her in such a world that is so vastly different from your own, then you will lose your powers as a monarch. you will be reverted back to a normal man.
will you truly give up your peaceful life here? your family, your friends- every battle you have faced will be all for naught if you decide to reach her."
jinwoo allows his hair to fall across his eyes, covering them from ashborn when he steadily asks, "why did you allow her to come here, then?”
a silence was felt permeating at the air, becoming thick with tension as ashborn decided on whether to tell him the truth or not.
"i sent her here, allowing her to live certain moments of your life together solely because of the strength of love she held for you."
that was all the answer jinwoo needed as he met with ashborn's gaze, telling him his answer with a determination seen within his glowing, purple eyes.
{ ... }
you wake up with a start, your breathing coming out in shaky breaths as the tears couldn't seem to stop. with a sigh, you cover your swollen eyes with both of your hands, struggling to catch your breath as you sorted through your every emotion.
you felt happy-
you felt love and adoration-
and the pinpricks of heartbreak coming into full fruition at the memory of jinwoo and hae-in together.
yet perhaps more so than that was the feeling of utter peace you felt after waking up from your dream.
feeling your smile going wide, you decide to wake up and begin your day.
you collect the volumes of solo leveling that you owned, making a note to yourself to buy the next volume when it came out. as you placed the solo leveling manhwa on your bookshelf, you begin to tidy up your room (making your bed and charging your phone in the process.)
it was strange; despite how you were 100% certain that you had been dreaming about being close to jinwoo as his guardian, you couldn't deny how much happier you felt once you woke up. it was true, the heartache was still there, yet you knew that as long as jinwoo was happy-
then you would be happy, too.
letting out a content sigh, you decide that it was high time that you changed your life for the better-
all while using the courage jinwoo had given you to become stronger.
{ ... }
there were rumors going around about a cute new freshman who transferred to your university, and despite how you held zero interest for any new students (because truly, new students came in troves each semester), you couldn't deny that you felt intrigued.
apparently, he was korean, with a face that could match with any current idol. according to the rumors, he had messy locks of black hair and dreamy, grey eyes. several girls had already tried speaking to him, practically throwing themselves at him-
yet he would always turn them down and tell them that he already had someone he liked.
but that didn't seem to discourage the girls (and some of the boys, too) from crushing on this handsome freshman. and admittedly, their antics seemed to greatly amuse you.
after completing your study sessions with your friends, you tell them that you had to go back to your dorm and make some dinner while working on your paper that was due soon. despite how they didn't want to see you go, you admitted to them how you would be too distracted at wanting to talk to them to get much work done.
in the end, they relented and allowed you to leave. you were simply walking back to your dorm, finding safety and comfort from within the street lamps that lit up the sidewalks. as you continued your trek, you look up to see an extremely tall young man walking down in the opposite direction.
the sight of him dressed in a hoodie and jeans makes you stop dead in your tracks, unable to look away from him. he also takes notice of your stance, yet instead of ignoring you and walking away-
he takes several steps towards you.
you were frozen on the spot, left staring up at him as the young man pulls down his hood, revealing unruly locks of ebony hair and a kind smile to you.
"hey, i've been looking everywhere for you."
his tone had a hint of an accent on it, but you couldn't deny that his english was impeccable. his presence made you feel butterflies all across your abdomen, and you weren't sure why that was.
"d-do i know you?"
you hear his rich chuckle echoing throughout the campus as he steps closer to you, allowing his large hand to gently touch at your cheek in an almost tender manner.
he whispers your name all while tracing at your bottom lip with his thumb.
"you do know me... i think you know me better than anyone else in the entire universe."
you then trail your gaze up to his eyes, only to see the perfect grey quality of them.
"sung jinwoo?!" his name comes out as a shock to you, yet before you could even fully process it, he takes you in his arms, allowing you to bury your face within his chest as a sense of relief courses through him.
"you have no idea how utterly lost i felt without you... how much my life had gone stale the moment you had said your goodbyes to me."
words were unable to come from your parted lips, your breathing coming out in ragged gasps as you suddenly felt the tears dot your vision. unable to deny the love you still held for him, you allow your arms to wrap around his back-
almost greedily.
"y-you know who i am?"
jinwoo's chuckle was a light one, and you felt something soft touching at the top of your hair when he admits to you.
"ashborn showed me your actions through the system... and once i realized how you were always there for me, i knew that i could not let you go."
he gently pulls you away from his chest, his eyes filled with emotion as tears streamed down his cheek, "i know that it was selfish of me, giving up everything that i have known just to be with you-
b-but in the end, it was worth it because i know that no one loves me like you do."
unable to hide back your happiness, you lean up to meet with his parted lips in a searing kiss. you could taste the saltiness of his tears as he held on to you, not daring to let you go as you basked in the arms of the man who loved you enough to give up everything he had ever known-
a man who would choose to cross universes, just to be with you.
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a.n. - damn, this story was 5k words 🥹 but i hope that this was a story that you dreamt of, sweet reader of mine; one that would help put your daydreams to rest as i tried to bring each word to life. this is unedited, but i promise i'll make any edits after i post this absolute masterpiece of a request
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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fanterfane · 4 months
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Idea suggested by ~Bea-The-Artista! https://www.deviantart.com/alyssa-the-artista Fayne got into the Fallout series recently... and he hasn't left his room in months! His roomate, Faith can tell just by the smell... He's like her now! A shut-in, a degenerate, and dare I say it, a NEET! Surely he's neglecting his studies, he attended them in weeks! If she could just get over her crippling anxiety to check up on him... Not worth! Eh, he's probably fine. If only she knew how much he really was changing inside that room. He wasn't even himself anymore... Fayne was now some kind of girlfail, wasting away at a blue screen in the dark... Far flung from the extroverted boy she used to be... What happened? I think those sex mods had more changes than relayed in the description... Anyway, who cares!? Piper needs more pipe laid... And Strong needs some help finding the milk of human kindness...
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suhjihanma · 11 months
☩ ℑ𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔅𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔰 ☩
☩Kink (10) : Age-gap. ☩Pairing: Toji Fushiguro / Female Reader ☩Word Count: 1,951 ☩Content Warning: Barely legal, massive age-gap (reader recently turned 18. Toji hinted towards late 30s-early 40s), turning of legal age, dirty talk, mentions of suggestive sexting, hooking up, building experience inside the bedroom, hints of a no-string relationship, mentions of teachings, Toji simply wants to 'corrupt' your purity even more. ☩Author's Note: This kink can skirt around the contents that may be disturbing. You have been warned. Minors, kink shamers, and ageless blogs do not interact. I was originally supposed to post this yesterday, but my period cramps had me in a choke hold. If you're curious enough to read, then likes and reblogs are much appreciated. Also, I will post an updated master list post tomorrow since tumblr decided to hide my posts regarding kinktober on my blog. Funny since they're others roaming around this site with nudes.
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The feeling of the premature cool breeze grazed gently across the tall yet beautifully builded back of a man who was quite certain that he was under prepared. As to why he was waiting in the breeze questioning his life choices, Toji Fushiguro couldn’t pass on an opportunity that was going to be placed in front of him sooner than not.
Sunset was pulling its curtain across the city skyline as he waited patiently in the cold, with the slight occurrence of becoming one second of timidness. The street lights continuously flicker along with the crowd passing along the grit filled sidewalks. Toji’s head, that was occupied with the numerous profiles of women with ‘copy-catted’ personalities, now gain attention to the passing masses. People that had plans to attend, memories to create, and all other things that Toji could mention off the head. It wasn’t as if he was a people-watcher, but he wanted something to get his mind off from things. 
It was one of those things where he continuously questions his moral rights and wrongs. He could be better than any man yet, he steers across things that have no genuine value. As the activity of people watching began to bore the mind of an anxious wait, Toji quickly fumbled across the screen of his phone, tapping and swiping through every profile that garnered the attention of the personal male gaze. Endless body dresses that hugged tightly across well graved curves, smiles that brighten the room of a nightclub, and to even the pestering pets that seemed to be across every photo, Toji’s endless swipes of a potential could gain him more satisfaction than seeing it in person. 
The eyes cater to the imagination, after all.
Besides the careless decisions of choosing which profile to like or dislike on, Toji had already picked out someone to meet up in person. It was not wrong, per se, to just slowly kill time by waiting for someone. Someone that piqued his interest while being on the so-called “god-forsaken” dating app. A person who actually had some personality of sorts, and didn’t follow any ridiculous social trends that were making its way across users in the social media age. 
That person was you.
It all started with a conversation about the concepts of luck. Some are born with it, others have to try their damndest to reach the pinnacles of it. A snarky comment was made on one of your dating prompts that was listed on your profile. You answered a question about “What was your luckiest night?” and you stated you won three gambling scratch-offs in one week (but you didn’t mention how all three scratch-offs were given to you on your birthday). Now, Toji and you were providing counterproductive arguments on skills, talents, and other unnecessary topics that grew away from the main topic at hand. As the topic became more intense, so did Toji’s findings of word choice.
Toji flipped over to the ‘messages’ section of the app and saw the conversations that he had with you, prompting the whole meetup. Prude, yet exhilarating as Toji was a man of pure excitement. The rush of overtly sexual heeds grew to be more enticing with every message being sent. 
“ If you want to test your luck, try it with me.” “Really? So corny, yet, I like it.” “You’re gonna like more when I’m pinning you down in that mattress.” “Oh my god.” “With clothes off that is” “So, are we just gonna be fucking on screen or meet in person?” “Coffee shop nearby the pier tonight.” “I’ll be there...”
Toji felt himself getting uncomfortable underneath his beltline. The stiffness slightly grew by each sigh, reminding himself of his behavior in public. Toji could feel like many women might find this off-putting. This could be the start of something. Anything. As a man pushing towards the doors of middle-age, chasing women who didn’t satisfy his needs became tiresome. What happened to a woman who wasn’t scared to become enticed by different things, to be put in her place, anything to be dominated by a man’s hands? Toji’s mind raced with every description as he looked up to the sky, clouds murked in gray while a faint, yet , gentle voice eloped his hearing. The faint question of a hello soon to get his attention as he looked over, eyes slowly widening with delight with a small smile on his face, wordlessly greeting the person standing in front. 
“Hello. Are you, Toji?” 
The woman that was standing in front of him made Toji want to ditch the formal etiquettes of greetings and engage in being the feral man that he is. The dark-colored dress didn’t do justice to man's imagination as he wondered what could be underneath that curvaceous frame. The ampleness of the breast weighed at the top, and the hair that was well kept even with the cool breeze that was circling around. A striking woman at that, Toji was lost for words until you greeted yourself again, this time with more of light humor.
“Yes.” He gulped. 
You couldn’t help but to smile at his sheepish nature. 
The continuous awe became more prevalent until you decided to cut the awkward-like air.
“My body can't be that amazing, can't it?” You suggestively curt your words with a smirk before sitting down on the bench Toji once previously sat on. Toji’s trance was soon broken as the humorous banter created an alleviating conversation. A scoff was made as Toji sat down next beside you. The infectious smile crept into a suggestive smirk of his own. 
“Body nice enough to make a man silent, that’s for sure.” Toji stated. The side of her hips was touching the fabric of his pants, along with the sweetly made body perfume that dances across his nostrils, the man’s gaze soon to be all over your body. Not that staring wasn’t any bad, but being beside you, the impure thoughts that Toji could dream of with any woman proved to be more strong.
 The phone that was placed snug in his pockets soon was taken out of his hands. As he glanced over your profile briefly, he looked over at the pictures before taking another well-studied glance at you. As he quietly studied the profile that was in his hands, a profile that reflected well on personality and mannerism, Toji decided it was best to engage with the bantering atmosphere. 
“Can’t believe that you’re young and have a body like this,” Toji compliments, noticing the age listed on your profile.
“Well…” Stammering your words, finding to complete your sentence grew to be hard as you looked down at the concrete before a sense of heat formed across your cheeks. Toji studied you with confusion before you blurted out something of personal social regret. 
“I just turned eighteen two weeks ago.” The redness grew to be more irritating as you looked at him with an awkward glance of regret. Embarrassing at best, you wished you could force your body to crawl into the fetal position, sulking at your social skills. The dooming head of shame became more strong as Toji stiffened his laughter. 
“Forget you heard that.” You quietly grumbled, your head now downcasted to the dark concrete floor that made itself a platform of your designer heels. You wanted to curse yourself for saying such idiotic things in front of a man, yet for some reason, the air that surrounds you two grew to be quite forgiving. 
“Really? Barely legal.” Toji jokes before stiffening out another laugh. The continuous bantering that came from the older man grew to be tiring as you looked away towards him with a displeased expression. Toji looked over towards you and his face softened once the realization of the jokes became tasteless for the evening mood. “Forgive the jokes.” He apologized, placing his phone away in his pocket again before he rose from slumping on the bench. A posture that many men do not present when facing potential in a relationship. 
“You are forgiven, old man.” You joked, a genuine smile forms across the corners of your mouth. 
“Says the person who had ‘shitty’ sexual encounters.” Toji quotes you before smirking.
Seeing the eyebrows raised from the man next to you, you tutted quietly before tucking a strand of hair behind your ears. Toji’s expressions grew to be priceless as the gentle banterings ascended to deeper, yet sensual, conversing. 
Two eyes crossing one another, body warmth shared with being close under the chilled night sky. The scene had become more intense with the hints of hooking up. No strings attached. It wasn’t as you wanted casualness, you simply wanted someone experienced. Gone were the days of ‘shitty sexual encounters’ of sneaking off into your room or car, going down on some pubescent, raging teenager who couldn’t hold an orgasm for one minute (you gave those guys the catchphrase ‘one-minute-men’). Now, you stood against someone that had more experience than any other man you have been with. 
And, Toji was the perfect example of a well-experienced man.
Speaking of experiences, your mind randomly crossed over a conversation that you had with him in regard. Hearing his endless teasing and boasting about how women fawn over a man that has such ‘heavenly’ fingers is anything but ridiculous. Staring aimlessly at his sculpted thighs that hugged his black jeans ever so snuggly, your mind instantly plays the messages that were received and back.
“You might gain more experience with me, baby.” “Really now? How?” “Got to break that body somehow.” “Uh-huh.” “I can show you how to squirt. Suck a nice cock while getting played with a toy.” “There’s Pornhub for that, love.” “Yes, but how about it in real life?”
The mindless conversation of battling horniness soon waned as you now saw Toji looking over at you, his hands sneaking over to the waist that rested on the back of his arms. A gentle smile greets itself again before he whispers something in your ear. 
Toji simply wants to break you.
“Still want me to erase those ‘shitty encounters’ that you had? Fuck you so deep that you have a craving for older dick?”
The gruff voice that became smothered with honey and sin made you want to form a puddle between your legs. The bassness made every strand of your hair stand at the back of your neck as you looked at him with doe-like eyes, pondering about what move he will make next. With such grit, the filterless choice of words became more enticing that came from Toji’s smooth lips.
 The light in his eyes flickered as he looked over at you with eyes slightly narrowed. Eyes that showed his nature of being a fiend for everything that has such a semi-pure physique facing in front. Disgusting, many might seem to find, yet for Toji, it was something he couldn’t escape from, especially a woman like yourself, showing off every hint of piqued curiosity and pureness.
Hearing that sentence filled with gruffness in his tone of voice, you gulped quietly before answering his question, narrow eyes not leaving the blessed assets of your beauty. 
“And what if I don’t hold those strong cravings?” You lightly tease. 
Adding fuel to the fire only amplified Toji’s yearning for you as he got closer to your face before placing a chasteful kiss on your redden cheeks that now became heated with lust. 
“Then, I’ll just keep fucking you until you have them. Every day, every night.”
And with that, the two of you left your seats from the bench to grab the last batch of strong, roasted coffee within thirty minutes of closing time.
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thenadnerb02 · 3 months
Inside Out Theory Concluded / Thoughts on Inside Out 2 [MAJOR SPOILERS]
Well, here we are folks. Four and a half months after I came up with my Inside Out theory based on the first movie and the sequel’s teaser, and two months after I continued on from that with the proper trailer, Inside Out 2 is here! 
So now that the movie’s come out, how well does my theory hold up? Well, let's discuss.
(Also, I had the great honor to see the first 35 minutes a week early at an event attended by Pete Docter at the Museum of the Moving Image, and a couple of the things he said in the post-screening interview will be referenced here.)
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Again, major spoilers for Pixar’s latest movie. If you don't want to be spoiled, then come back.
Okay, quick recap: I theorized that the 4 new emotions are directly influenced by the actions, thoughts, etc. of the main 5. They’re the embodiments of combinations of emotions and they can physically manifest now that Riley has matured. I figured that this would be the big twist of Inside Out 2. Well, was it?
No. No it wasn’t…
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While I don’t think the theory is completely invalidated, it doesn’t mesh well with the second half of the movie.
When I first developed this theory, I had in mind that the new emotions would be fully aware of their connection to the old ones, but it’s clear this isn't the case. Anxiety initially has no idea what's going on when Joy and co. start envisioning positive outcomes of the hockey game, Embarrassment is surprised when he notices Sadness sneaked back into Headquarters, Ennui is shocked to discover Sadness stole her phone, etc.
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Plus, the theory hinged upon the fact that Riley has demonstrably felt the new emotions before, but Inside Out 2 provides us a new plausible explanation for how that could be.
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This room right here! While never explicitly referred to as such in the film, Docter called this a waiting area for emotions before it's their time to appear in Headquarters. And if Nostalgia is there 10+ years ahead of schedule, then there’s no reason why Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennui wouldn’t have been there during the first film. Their presence meant Riley could still feel those emotions even if they didn’t have access to the console yet.
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And as cool as it would’ve been for my theory to be correct, after seeing Inside Out 2 I'm kind of glad it wasn't. The movie’s overall message is to embrace every part of yourself, and thinking that some of those emotions aren’t fully-formed beings of their own doesn’t sit right with me anymore.
Oh well.
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Now, onto the second half of this post. As someone who deals with anxiety on a regular basis, I must commend Pixar on how accurate the emotion is depicted here. One thing I didn’t think of before I saw the movie (but in retrospect I feel like I should have) is how in addition to the worrying we often associate with the emotion, Anxiety also works hard to push Riley forward.
Sometimes my anxiety leads to endless worrying about the future, but it also pushes me to be productive and try new things. Funny how it can be both a motivator and a de-motivator at the exact same time.
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For starters: catastrophizing about every possible bad outcome to a situation.
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This is definitely something I experience during stressful situations. Sometimes I try to rationalize this under the belief that assuming the worst will make good things feel better, but ultimately (just like Anxiety), I get so focused on the worst that could happen that I disregard the possible good outcomes. But just like we see in the movie, it’s unhealthy to simply hyperfocus on the bad possibilities.
Another experience I have with anxiety is fretting over things in the far future when there’s much more pertinent things that could be focused on instead. For example, I won’t begin my grad school animation program for another two months, but sometimes I worry about it as if I’m already neck-deep in my M.F.A. I don’t have to stress over that right now, but sometimes I can’t help but do it anyway.
We see this at the end of the movie, where Anxiety spirals about Riley’s distant future, but eventually Joy calms her down by reminding her she doesn’t have to worry about that right now. (And she gets her Anxie-Tea!)
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The belief threads and sense of self are cool additions to the canon of Inside Out. (A sense of self definitely feels like something a person would have before age 12, but let’s not think about that too much right now.) And the thing in this movie I found relatable most of all is what happens to the sense of self once Anxiety takes the reins of Riley’s life: it goes from “I’m a good person” to “I’m not good enough.” And I can say with 100% certainty that this kind of distressing self-talk is what happens when anxiety shapes one’s sense of self.
Anxiety literally forcing other emotions out of HQ is an excellent metaphor for what it feels like when anxiety gets extreme. We make no room for other emotions as anxiety builds up, and as we do our mental health state only grows worse.
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(Although from my personal experience at least, this “I’m not good enough” mentality actually involves envy as well as anxiety, since what you’re really thinking is “I’m not good enough in comparison to others.”)
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At the end of the day, Anxiety wanted what was best for Riley. She really, really did. It’s painful to watch her panic so much that Riley seemed to be close to a heart attack. And yeah, that’s what anxiety attacks are like — we get too caught up in worrying for the future that we forget to have joy.
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And while we shouldn't let our sense of self be shaped solely by anxiety, we can't just repress the parts of ourselves we don't like Joy was initially doing with certain memories.
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It's by finding that perfect balance and loving every part of ourselves that we can avoid complete breakdowns.
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And it can be hard. It really can. As the film so poignantly notes, we tend to feel less joy as we get older. We can’t just have fun all the time like when we were little kids, but at the same time all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
We have a complete rainbow of emotions inside our heads, and even when things get hard and overwhelming, we must embrace all of our emotions because they all have an important role to play.
Or as Disgust puts it:
“You must make your curse your gift.”
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so-idialed-9 · 1 year
Post concert impressions after attending LT2WT Indianapolis - the whole.thing felt like a fever dream.
The crowd was SO good. SO LOUD, so dancing, so enthusiastic, giving him everything. But the magic was they were also GOOD. It wasn't a lot of screaming off key. It was projected, on key voices, giving school choir vibes.
I will never recover from Louis saying we were the loudest and we sound fooking great. In the heart of America, where he maybe had managers in the past saying these are the the people who won't like you if... Louies are everywhere.
The tour visuals are incredible. I could watch just that and still miss important bits.
Louis puts live shots from the crowd inside the black and white spiral wheels during Bigger Than Me chorus, a great touch considering his acceptance of the LGBTQ fan base.
Confidence level a million percent higher. Seems to trust himself and his band enough to mix up the setlist, they just seemed to trust us, themselves, each other.
TCU Amphitheater is a gorgeous outdoor venue. The show lights reflecting off the sleek silver roof amplified and scattered lighting so it felt like the show was above, in front, everywhere.
The Megamix all This Time/SIBWAWC I enjoyed so much, and I don't usually like those songs much. He should release this. Anyone have it?
Everybody knows COACOAC is a fuck you to the powers that be in the music industry and the power of thousands of people screaming the song in perfect tune with raised fists cannot be understood without being there.
BACK TO YOU pop punk remix needs to be released immediately. Just perfect. Crowd loved singing it. It had an early Gwen Stefani feel
Lots of fan sign interaction and fan interaction with Pit.
I think he is telling us when he wants rainbow lights from us - ATT/SIBWAWC megamix was rainbow 🌈 screens, lighting, and just beautiful
He played 🏀 basketball before the show and it was one airball after another
Finally pants that fit him
Bluegreening was the least subtle I've ever seen and I've witnessed Harry eat a banana 🍌 like a dick while wearing a dicklace and shoes that match Louis as he mimes having several cocks come all over his face soooo
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN : Same phone case timeline 🗓️📱
just when i thought the posts i’m making on here to archive all the candies couldn’t get any weirder, this happens. lol. i have to say that the cpn about the phone case has really become more popular ( and notorious ) than i thought it would be. it just seemed so common to have the same plain-looking case as someone — but if you really look at the variables, you’ll notice that some things don’t add up.
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this is all speculation/interpretation/opinion in the pov of a bxg. the timeline is real tho.
I decided to make this because it seems like what we know about it’s first appearance is all wrong. initially, this was noticed w/ ZZ @ Weibo TV & Movie awards then we kept our eye on it. However, recent “developments” show that it was earlier than that.
• A fan found a photo ( i won’t repost here cause it was sneakily taken at a public place ) of Bobo back in 6/2022 as well as 8/2022 where he was already using that phone case with a card slot. his phone case design in recent years ( late 21-23 ) has really been difficult to place since he rarely ( never ) takes mirror selfies anymore or even takes his phone out in public.
I found this additional timeline explanation that says WYB’s assistant during CQL was also using a phone card case at that time. We don’t know the connection or if he is still in close contact with WYB and they used the same one. In ZZ’s vlog from 8/22, he was only using a clear case. He changed his phone in September so that’s when the new phone card case was bought, and he got one ( allegedly ) for WYB so they can really match. The one he used in 6/22 was him ( wyb ) starting the “trend” of the phone card case and ZZ was not onboard yet.
• 9/2022 to early 10/22, I’m using this month here cause in 2/2023 we got the SBMS behind the scenes video. There is a scene there where ZZ shows something on his phone to BBH, he was using the phone case already. We just didn’t know. Filming for this drama was around late september so i’ll add it to the timeline.
• 11/29/2022 ZZ was spotted with the phone case during the WB TV & Movie night. At the time, we were just clowning that he was texting WYB 😂
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• 11/30/22 WYB was photographed on his way to Wuzhen and he had his phone out for a moment. We caught what his phone case looks like and that it’s the same as ZZ’s.
• 12/6/22 GG was photographed at the airport and he had his phone in the open, which is unusual. like bobo, he doesn’t take it out especially at the airport, but it was like he was confirming something to those of us who pay attention.
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• 1/22/23 WYB attends a roadshow for Wuming’s release and fans saw him seated very close to the screen and alone. You can see he had his phone on his lap and it looks like the phone card case. but again, it wasn’t clear. the cinema was dark. then he didn’t take it out again.
• After this, we see the phone case on ZZ’s side a couple or times especially in video out takes shared by XZS for his photoshoots + work related filming. At this point, it was already identified with him especially by his fans and those who follow him.
• 4/27 Gucci Cosmos, ZZ shares a photo where his phone case is visible and it doesn’t look like the same one. This seems like an outlier. I’m not sure if he used it to match his outfit ( which is gray ) Or if this is even his personal phone ( but i think it is ). We will have to wait and see for future glimpses of his phone to see if he changes back. I’m seeing this as more of an aesthetic switch to match the event.
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• 5/11/23 WYB shares photos on IG and we finally get a clear picture of his phone case and that it is what we think it is.
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• 5/12 All the talk started about Bobo deleting the photo and cpfs linking it to being about the couple phone case.
• 5/13 The topic of the same phone case went on HS and fans from all sides came out to give their explanation.
• 5/19/23 after all the “controversy” XZ studio still includes a clear photo of the phone case for their Euro Trip photos 📷 Showing that they don’t give af about all the issue surrounding it.
• 5/20 HZT ( the actor who plays LQR ) posts a douyin of the same style phone case and it’s — so suspicious 👁️👄👁️
AND WELL THE SAGA CONTINUES. I think this is not the last time we will see it or maybe it will morph into something more.
A few clowning points:
• You may see some discussion about wfs on wyb’s side knowing about this as early as june of last year but they never said anything. They probably saw us speculating about wyb’s phone case when they already know the truth. lol. I can’t say for sure that they are purposely hiding something, maybe they didn’t think it was important. but i can see the ones who keep an eye out on xz on their side probably just chose to keep quiet. turns out, cpfs are the last to know about candies. 😂😂😂😂
• @rainbowsky pointed out here how this type of case may not be typically used in CHN. All because the card slot is almost useless. The way they pay is by their phone. They don’t need a train ticket or whatever for transportation too cause they have private vehicles. It’s like they both or maybe one of them went to the apple store ( in person or online ) and they saw that — decided to get a couple case. I’m thinking this is ZZ. My CPN is this is connected to WYB’s sudden use of an apple watch. The watch is good to keep track of your health so maybe ZZ gave it to him and while he was there “shopping” decided to get a phone case too for them to match. just boyfriend things. ssssshhhhhh 🤫
• THIS IS NOT THEIR USUAL TYPE OF phone case. If you’ve been following them for some time or have seen their photos with their phones out, they usually go for the ones with a design on them. of course, the style is more on their preference. So this sleek and almost simple type of iphone case appears to be a compromise for both.
but like, the “simple” or low key design has been more ZZ’s style. that’s why cpn is he bought it for them.
examples below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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• In the past, they usually changed their phone case for a specific month or season. That’s why I think ZZ’s “change” last April was only for the event ( but i could be wrong ). But for the both of them, using the same one for one year ( guessing here but most likely this is how long ) is unusual. You could say they are too busy / the case is good so why change it / they don’t wanna use graphic cases anymore/ etc etc the list of reasoning can go on and on. but you can’t deny that it’s out of the ordinary.
I think it really helps laying things out like this so we can see what is happening behind the scenes. what are the outliers. what other possibilities are there. what fits or not. usually candies are simple and clear, but some are not and needs more time to take apart and make sense of. whether you believe this or not and take it as candy is all up to you. 🫶🏼
It’s another YIZHAN Mystery. 🕵️‍♀️
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By: Colin Wright
Published: Feb 18, 2024
There was a time when biologist PZ Myers was relevant. This period spanned the late 2000s and early 2010s, coinciding with the rise of “New Atheism” (as some called it). In 2006, Myers’ blog Pharyngula was celebrated in Nature as the world’s most popular science blog and was deemed the top atheist blog by Hemant Mehta in 2009. In 2008, Myers was part of a memorable incident where he and Richard Dawkins were planning to attend a screening of Ben Stein’s pro-Intelligent Design propaganda film, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Despite Myers being interviewed and featured in the film, he was barred from entering by a security guard on orders from the producer, Mark Mathis—but Dawkins was allowed in!
In 2010, I invited Myers to give a talk about Intelligent Design at Sierra Community College in Rocklin, CA, where I was studying before transferring to UC Davis for my bachelor’s degree. I picked up Myers from the Sacramento train station, and we enjoyed a stimulating conversation about evolution en route. Before his talk, I gave him a tour of the school’s esteemed natural history museum. After his talk, we all went out with Myers for food and drinks and had a great time. I share this to show that my starting attitude toward Myers was nothing short of admiration.
However, as gender ideology gained a foothold within the atheist movement, the brains of many prominent and once-rational figures began to melt. Philosopher Peter Boghossian has poignantly characterized this shift among Left-wing intellectuals from being quick to point out the limits of their knowledge to a tendency to pretend to not know what is undeniably known.
This trend is exemplified by Myers, as I will illustrate.
Recently, Richard Dawkins shared on 𝕏 the lecture I delivered at the Genspect conference in Denver, CO, last year, titled “The Sex Binary: What It Is and Why It Matters.” Dawkins praised my talk as “superbly clear & totally correct,” and reaffirmed the reality of the binary nature of sex. Following this, gender activists bombarded Dawkins with absurd articles challenging the binary concept of sex, including a particularly misleading piece in Scientific American titled “Stop Using Phony Science to Justify Transphobia,” which asserts that “Actual research shows that sex is anything but binary.”
In response to this onslaught of dubious science, Dawkins countered the article directly: “This ridiculous article…ignorantly misunderstands the nature of the sex binary.” He went on to underscore the important distinction between how sex is “determined” versus how it’s “defined” in biology that I outlined in my talk.
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In turn, Myers, seemingly desperate to regain some of his previous prominence, criticized Dawkins in a blog post. Myers’ misunderstanding of the biology of sex, especially given his background in developmental biology, is on embarrassing display in his post.
Myers begins his criticism by suggested that Dawkins’ expertise in ethology (the study of animal behavior) means he lacks the sufficient expertise that would give him better insight into the biology of sex.
Did you know that Richard Dawkins began his career as an ethologist? He got his Ph.D. studying animal behavior under Niko Tinbergen. If you’re an ethologist, you might study things like courtship behavior and parental investment and feeding strategies etc., etc., etc. Dawkins studied how animals make choices.
This argument is a common strategy used by gender activists to undermine those who present biological facts that contradict gender ideology’s central dogma. I receive this criticism incessantly because I am also an ethologist. I studied the collective behavior of spiders and social insects, and this often gets me dismissed as some “bug guy” out of his depth commenting on issues well outside my academic wheelhouse. This portrayal, however, is couldn’t be further from the truth, and it is often medical doctors and biologists who study a narrow group of taxa who are most likely to form misguided views about the biology of sex.
In reality, ethologists (now usually referred to as behavioral ecologists) are uniquely well-situated to address questions pertaining to the fundamental and universal meaning of male and female. That’s because the most profound behavioral differences to be found in nature within a species are those of males and females. It turns out that the evolved reproductive strategies of producing either fewer large gametes (ova) or many small gametes (sperm) results in divergent selection on many behavioral traits between males and females. Moreover, understanding that the universal defining feature of males and females is rooted in gametes allows us to account for instances where behavioral sex roles are reversed, as is seen in some birds and other animals. In fact, such role reversals would be indiscernible without identifying the males and females based on the gametes they produce, underscoring the relevance of ethology in discussions about biological sex.
For instance, how do we know that male seahorses are the ones that gestate young and give birth? Or that in northern jacanas (J. spinosa), it is the females who are larger, more ornate, territorial, and exhibit less parental care than males? This knowledge stems from understanding that male and female are categories that exist independent of mere morphology and behavior.
Myers makes an uninformed argument:
Somehow, an awful lot of biologists study sexual behavior — like lekking, or sexual displays, or fidelity, and on and on — that don’t necessarily involve sperm collection or measuring ovulation or that kind of thing. It is absurd to insist that only gametes define sex. I recognize spider sexes by the morphology of their palps, and by their differences in behavior, not gametes. I see the birds flying outside my window, and I discriminate sexes by color, primarily.
Myers could not be any more confused here. How does he recognize that it is typically males who form leks, or that males often display more elaborate mating behaviors and exhibit less sexual fidelity? This knowledge comes from studying these species and correlating these behaviors with the type of gametes an individual produces. Once we discover that males of the Vogelkop superb bird-of-paradise (Lophorina niedda) possess highly decorative plumage and engage in elaborate sexual displays, we no longer need to continuously verify this. We know it’s the males because we learned that only those with decorative plumage and elaborate sexual displays in this species produce sperm.
However, Myers insists that defining an individual’s sex based solely on gametes represents an “extreme reductionist” approach, and suggests we should consider “all the other valid signals they openly display.”
Dawkins is just being an extreme reductionist to the point he’s making himself and his position look silly. Go ahead, all you reactionary biologists, rant about how there can be only two true sexes because people have some cells that are almost never seen in public, in defiance of all the other valid signals they openly display. Better biologists will go on recognizing all the factors that define sex without your self-imposed, narrow-minded blinders.
The core and critical flaw in Myers’ argument for using other traits to determine the sex of an individual is that these traits are only reliable indicators of sex in species where we already know which individuals are males and females, based on their gametes. In humans, we associate breasts with females and facial hair with males because adult human females typically develop breasts and adult human males tend to grow facial hair. But how would Myers propose to identify males and females in a newly discovered species without any prior knowledge of their secondary sexual characteristics?
Consider a hypothetical new mammal species with some individuals small and blue and others large and brown. Since we know mammals are anisogamous (i.e., reproduce via fusion of a sperm and an egg), we can be as certain as possible that this species also exhibits males and females. But how do we determine which is which? Should we assume the blue ones are males and the brown ones females, as is the case with blue groper fish? But in blue gropers the males are large and the females are small. Should we therefore consider the blue individuals of our new mammal species female because they are small? But in spiders the males are smaller than the females, suggesting perhaps the small individuals should be considered males?
Do you see the absurdity of the approach? We know human males tend to be hairier, male blue gropers are blue, and male spiders are usually smaller, because being male is a trait independent of hair, color, or size. What unites these males is the type of gamete they have the function to produce. That is what makes them male.
Thus, the only way we can know which individuals of our new species are the males and which are the females is to find out which individuals produce sperm and which produce eggs. The. End.
Myers has to understand this, but he is too afraid to tell the truth.
The people who say, "but, but clownfish!" conveniently leave out the part where they explain how we know a clownfish has changed sex. Does it like mimosas and shopping, or is there some other indicator compared to before?
What is it about a clownfish changing sex that tells us it has changed sex?
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tayfabe75 · 4 months
Love your blog. Been going down rabbit holes myself. I’m fascinated by the idea they may have met sooner than 2013/14.
Taylor’s first UK concert was August 22 & 23 at V Festival. The headline act was none other than Oasis, a band that Matty has a history of liking and excessively calling out for breaking up, both from Manchester area.
Ironically enough, Calvin Harris also played at that same festival.
So it’s possible he went to the show? I can’t find anything that says Drive Like I Do was playing anywhere that day. But they were starting to play gigs at this time & with Matty’s parents connections, it’s not far fetched he would be close to some of the acts there.
Also Matty does write in The 1975 song Mine the lyrics “looking back on 2009” & with the “Mine” reference on Guilty As Sin? it’s making my head hurt.
Who knows. I’m clowning. But interesting information if you have anything else from this time period.
Thank you so much!! I've been a bit quiet since I'm working on a pinned post that will better help users navigate the blog better, hopefully aiding in falling down more of those rabbit holes!
First and foremost, I personally believe chances are pretty good that Taylor and Matty knew each other before this 2009 festival you mentioned (more on that here). Here are all of my posts from 2009, so you can get a sense of what was going on for them around this time (most notably, Taylor appears on Loose Women and, please read this post thoroughly about when and where she started writing a 13 on her hand!)
As for Drive Like I Do, it's so hard to find information about their early gigs, but they seemed to play small bars around Manchester and occasionally in London. Even if DLID was not playing at the festival, chances are still good that Matty was there, since he has talked about going to music festivals when he was younger.
I'm glad you brought up Oasis! Taylor happens to have a very curious unreleased song from 2006 called Love to Lose. As much of a banger as it is, I don't think there's any chance it could end up as a vault track on Debut TV because of how sonically and lyrically similar it is to Wonderwall by Oasis!
Wonderwall: And backbeat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out Love to Lose: Come on, gather 'round, I'm gonna tell you how the fire went out
Curious to me that she would so heavily base one of her early songs on not just a song from Oasis, but one of the most popular songs of that period? lol Like you said, a Manchester band that Matty once described as the "coolest band in the world". Wonderwall was also featured on her playlist from 2008.
My question is... could this possibly be a "plot device"? 'Love to Lose' would also come to have one of its melodies recycled in a 1989 vault track 'Is It Over Now' (listen here) (IION also uses of of Matty's melodies!) I can't shake the instinct that she uses these "plot devices" to tie songs, themes, and perhaps subjects together. I mean, we're seeing her do this in real time with her surprise song mashups!
While there's no telling whether Taylor meant her 'Mine' or Matty's 'Mine' in 'Guilty as Sin'… the song has a country feel to it, right? Another song with a country feel is 'Roadkill' by The 1975! Interestingly, at about 1:42 in the visualizer, the word "mine" starts floating around the screen! The storyline in the video is also worth analyzing, especially since the song shares lyrical similarities with 'Cruel Summer'.
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Is any of it related? Who knows! But my "tattered" brain is stuffed with strange coincidences and parallels, so now I'm giving it to you to clown around with lol 🤡 As for Taylor's 'Mine', well she played it as a surprise song in Nashville with Matty in attendance, and gave a fascinating speech beforehand! Thanks for the ask! 💛
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
GJ and ZZH Updates — December 11-17
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
12-11 → Moonshine, a Weibo account that the international whalers get a lot of their fake “information” about Gong Jun from, made a post saying he would no longer be active online. This lasted maybe four days.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
12-12 → Mengniu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ MUJOSH posted another short video (flashing lights cw) of behind the scenes footage.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a commercial featuring one of their stock photos of Gong Jun and soundbites from commercials he did for the same product last year. 
→ L’Oreal posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Honor posted a video showing a 3D screen displaying a commercial featuring Gong Jun, showing fans (both solos and CPFs, though it of course focuses on the solos) attending the opening of their newest physical store.
12-13 → Sensitive date: Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre.
→ Gong Jun reposted a post from Nanjing Memorial Hall in rememberance of the event. His added caption: “Don't forget the national mourning, pray for peace.” The same was also reposted by his studio with the added caption, “Remember history and cherish peace.”
12-14 → At 4am, the Instagram posted a quote and photo of the Argentinian soccer player Messi.
→ MUJOSH posted another behind the scenes video from their photoshoot with Gong Jun. (flashing lights cw) They also posted a video advertising some of the freebies that come with the product line.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Rumor spread that Gong Jun would not be attending the GQ red carpet event later in the week due to worsening COVID conditions. Several other celebrities including Yang Mi, his costar from Fox Spirit Matchmaker, had already publicly pulled out.
→ BlueOrangebird posted a translation of the interview Zhang Zhehan did for ELLE magazine in April 2021. Also later posted to Tumblr.
→ Rising with the Wind passed government review. It can be expected to air soon!
→ Gong Jun posted to his personal Weibo “I wish for the GQ MOTY annual ceremony to be held successfully”, confirming that he would not be attending.
→ The Instragram posted partial audio for a song. A demo of the same song was leaked as early as October 2021. They also changed the pfp to a photo from the shoot Zhang Zhehan did for 博客天下 that was released on 2021-08-09.
→ CAPA put out their 10th immoral artists ban list, over a full year after the previous one. This time it includes only livestreamers, and it says that those named will be contacted privately by local channels about appealing. There were no hotsearches about this.
12-15 → The full song that had earlier been posted to the Instagram was made available on iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube. 00 (connected to Xie Yihua) openly encouaged whalers in China to use illegal VPNs and make additional accounts on these platforms to artificially increase sales and stream numbers. The song did unfortunately get to #1 on both iTunes and Spotify for a short period before falling below #200 the following day. At the time of this post, Chinese netizens who are not fans have not taken notice to any of this, including marketing accounts not talking about it.
The entire notion of a banned artist trying to make a comeback by releasing a song on only international platforms then encouraging Chinese fans to jump the wall and artificially boost its numbers looks very bad, in case it’s not obvious. Hopefully nothing more comes of this. Fan Observations / Further Info:  -  Although they aren’t supposed to be, songs can be uploaded to Spotify by people who do not have the rights to them, and will not be taken down unless the actual rights holder makes a successful appeal. For example, Gu Meng is currently available on Spotify from someone who is definitely not Zhang Zhehan.  -  There are two artist pages for Zhang Zhehan on Spotify, one of which was his previous international sales specifically through the licensing company 心喜. This company also uses YoYoRock as an international distributer. The new song, however, is through Shanghai Raiyi which seems to have been established specifically for this. I answered an ask about this yesterday which can be found [here].
→ #ZhangZhehan, #ZhangZhehanComeback, and #ZhangZhehanIsHere trended on Twitter.
→ BEAST posted an article for their New Year’s product line to their WeChat, including two photo ads and a gif of Gong Jun. 
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→ MUJOSH posted another short behind the scenes video featuring Gong Jun.
12-16 → An Instagram claiming to be the song’s licensing company that had posted the full song the previous day was deactivated, then reactivated 19 minutes later. The reason is unknown but is suspected to be so they can claim CPFs mass reported them. (We did not.) A reminder that Instagram does not work that way.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a teaser commercial for BEAST’s New Year’s line. (11:16, 511 kadian) Caption: “This beastly little rabbit is a bit naughty. Will it be able to successfully complete the New Year's performance with the archer @ Gong Jun Simon?” This was reposted by BEAST with the added caption, “🐰🐰🐰🏹️🏹️🏹️💗💗💗” Shortly after, BEAST posted one of the photo ads from the previous day to their Weibo. (1129 kadian)
12-17 → Gong Jun posted a log of eighteen travel photos to his personal Weibo. (11:20, 51120 (“511 love you”) kadian with the date) Caption: “Heard that if one sees sunlight shining on the golden mountains, it would bring good luck. Sharing it here with you.” [quoted translation] He also posted the same to Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Anyone who sees the golden mountains in the sunshine will know  Very lucky! ! !” and as two posts to Instagram [1] [2] captions: “Two posts  Isn’t it fine 😂” and “Wuhu  Finished posting” Fan Observations:  -  The two photos of Gong Jun from behind fully covered by his hoodie had many people raising eyebrows again. [Here] is a comparison of the shoulders, [here] and [here] are thumb comparisons. (It’s been a while since we last compared thumbs, huh? 😅) Addition 12-21: Another hand comparison.  -  Several of the photos were taken at a hotel beside a golf course which is often used by people who go to play there.  -  One of the photos is of him running towards the mountains. :’)  -  The city is Baisha, the central city for Yunnan’s ethnic minority. The women’s traditional dress for this group is known as “披星戴月”, which coincidentally is one of the lines from Zhang Zhehan’s unreleased song Running To Meet You: “我一定来找你 披星戴月” / “I will definitely come to you, draped in the stars and moon.” :’’)  -  The Instagram captions used spaces rather than punctuation, which is not Gong Jun’s usual writing style on there. I actually checked and he hasn’t written Instagram captions like that at all in at least the last year.
→ Kangshifu posted three photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. Addition 12-19: They also posted four photo ads to their Instagram.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread
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This post was last edited 2022-12-21.
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qnewsau · 1 day
Mr Hollywood is set to judge this Brisbane charity gala
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/mr-hollywood-is-set-to-judge-this-brisbane-charity-gala/
Mr Hollywood is set to judge this Brisbane charity gala
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The Carers Foundation’s Unsung Heroes Gala is back for another year with Brisbane’s Mr Hollywood as the starring judge. 
The night sees well-known names from the worlds of sports, politics, advocacy and more fundraising for a cause through song. 
They will put on performances for those attending at the Fortitude Music Hall with local LGBTQIA+ legend Damien Anthony Avery-Rossi as a judge. 
Damien, aka Mr Hollywood, told QNews why he wanted to get involved in the event. 
“The Carers Foundation is one of my favourite charity organisations and such a vital one, so I am always ready to support it when I can,” he said. 
“It took on even more meaning to me this year as I have spent most of 2024 in Los Angeles assisting with the daily care of my father who was in the final stages of his two-year battle with cancer, sadly passing away on April 21.” 
“For the first time in my life, I myself became a carer and it was incredibly challenging. As Dad only required full-time care for a few months prior to his death, I wasn’t in the carer’s role for long but the experience certainly opened my eyes and made me appreciate how difficult it is and the toll it can take.”
The Carers Foundation has a range of services available to support the one million carers in Australia. 
The Unsung Heroes event
The night sees stars, business people and advocates perform on stage in front of a live audience. 
Damien says the night promises to be a blast. 
“Last year’s show was really amazing. It’s a terrific event to round up a bunch of family and friends and reserve a table or two, glam up a bit and enjoy a wonderful dinner and a host of colourful performances.”
And what can we expect from his judging? Will he go easy on the likes of Olympian Libby Trickett and Jodie Shipway, Deputy Mayor of the City of Moreton Bay? 
“Normally when I judge these sorts of talent competitions, I try to keep my comments light and humorous but in a positive way. Especially with an event like Unsung Heroes where it’s a feel-good evening in which we’re all participating to support a very positive cause and organisation.”
“I certainly don’t want to be responsible for someone ending up in tears. I have a lot of admiration for non-professional singers getting up on a stage in front of hundreds of people and performing…it can be quite intimidating.”
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Unsung Heroes (@unsungheroes_carers)
About “Mr Hollywood” 
Damien has been in the entertainment industry for decades both behind and in front of the screen. 
After moving to Australia from the United States his first job here was working on Muriel’s Wedding. 
“I had come over in the early 90s from Hollywood as a Casting Director but as I only knew one person in the whole country it took a while to continue that over here so I just took any work I could get in film and television and the Muriel’s job, a Production Assistant role, was the first gig I got,” he says. 
“I basically made coffee, did Toni Collette’s banking and chauffeured the cast around Coolangatta which is where all the Porpoise Spit scenes were filmed. It was a terrific experience but it was a total surprise that the film would end up being such an iconic one.”
He went on to work across a range of shows and also stepped in front of the camera.
“I first started TV presenting in around 2002 and have always enjoyed it, particularly the years I was with The Great South East from which I have many terrific memories. I was the first openly gay presenter in the show’s long history.”
But even though he is qualified to judge performances, he’s not keen to perform himself. 
“Have you heard me sing?? My getting on that stage would be highly unlikely as I wouldn’t want to be responsible for a mass exodus even before the mains were served,” he said. 
Although he has been spotted doing karaoke with Real Housewives of Melbourne star Simone Elliott to ABBA’s Dancing Queen. 
Married life for Damien
It’s also been a celebratory few years for Damien after marrying his partner in 2022. 
“Jason and I had been together for over 13 years before we got married and I didn’t think walking down the aisle would change much but I was mistaken,” he told us. 
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Damien Anthony Avery-Rossi (@mrhollywoodinoz)
“After our wedding, I just felt our bond got stronger as well as our commitment to each other. The relationship just feels permanent now and there’s a real sense of security that comes from that. I’ve had other relationships before I met Jason, but I only want to have one husband in my lifetime and I feel extremely fortunate to have found that person.”
If you do head to the Carers Foundation Gala event, he welcomes you to say hello and call him Damien or Mr Hollwyood. 
“I love it when people come up and say “Hi, Mr Hollywood!” It’s a nice reminder of where I come from. After all, you can take the boy out of Tinseltown but you can’t take the Tinseltown out of the boy!”
You can catch Damien judging at the Carers Foundation Unsung Heroes Gala at the Fortitude Music Hall on Saturday 5 October. Details and tickets at: unsung24.raisely.com/
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drharshala · 6 days
Top Services Offered by Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in BTM Bangalore Dr. Harshala Shankar
Choosing the right healthcare professional is important when it comes to women’s health. If you’re facing problems related to pregnancy or reproductive health issues, or simply have some gynecological worries, you want an expert who can provide personalized attention. If you want to find the finest obstetrician and gynaecologist in BTM Bangalore, look no further than Dr Harshala Shankar. Dr Shankar has developed a sound reputation in the field because of her many years’ experience, an understanding approach that shows empathy and deep knowledge regarding how women’s bodies work.
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In this post we shall go through who Dr. Harshala Shankar is with respect to expertise and services offered; how she has positively impacted the lives of patients she has attended to over time; as well as reasons why selecting her for your medical needs will leave you without regret.
What Makes Dr. Harshala Shankar the Right Choice?
She Has a History of Accomplishments Dr. Harshala Shankar is considered to be one of the finest obstetricians and gynecologists in BTM Bangalore with an impressive track record. With her great experience in high-risk pregnancies, fertility problems and other issues affecting women health, she always guarantees quality care for all patients.
All-Inclusive Solutions Presented by Dr. Harshala Shankar
In BTM Bangalore, Dr. Harshala Shankar is an obstetrician-gynaecologist who has been there done that and much more. As such, she offers a wide spectrum of services which cater for diverse female health needs:
Prenatal and Postnatal Care
Pregnancy can be hard most of the times; still it is one beautiful journey to take. This doctor specializes in providing complete pre-natal as well as post-natal healthcare to make sure both mother’s and baby’s wellness is possible Pregnancy is indeed a journey that requires beauty but also complexity with every step taken. For instance, from the first ultrasound to post-delivery advice Dr. Shankar will be on her patients’ side throughout their pregnancy offering them expert guidance and affection every step of the way.
Pregnancy management for high risk
Pregnancies with high risks need health care that is specialized. Dr. Harshala Shankar has years of experience in dealing with conditions like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and multiple pregnancies. Torture monitoring her patients closely and personal arrangements helps her reduce risks and ensure safe deliveries.
Fertility Consultations and Treatments
Dr. Harshala Shankar offers cutting-edge fertility treatments suchas hormone therapy, ovulation induction, and intrauterine insemination (IUI) to couples who are unable to conceive. It is her aim to bring hope and solutions to those who find it hard to get pregnant.
Gynecological Examinations and Treatments
It is essential for women’s health to go for regular gynecological check-ups. For instance routine pelvic exams routine Pap smears and screening tests for ailments such as endometriosis cervical cancer and ovarian cysts are provided by Dr.Harshala Shankar. Complications can be prevented through early detection as well as timely intervention.
Menstrual disorders
Menstrual disorders cause disruptions in life. Dr.Harshala Shankar provides diagnoses and treatments for every sort of period problem enabling you live a balanced comfortable lifestyle despite heavy bleeding skipped cycles or painful periods.
Hormonal Imbalance and PCOS Management
Hormonal imbalances Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), can affect your health and ability to have children. Dr. Harshala Shankar creates custom plans to manage PCOS and hormonal imbalances. These plans may include changes to your daily habits, medicines, and treatments to balance your hormones.
Contraception Counseling and Family Planning
Family planning plays a key role in a woman’s reproductive health. Dr. Harshala Shankar gives expert guidance on birth control choices such as birth control pills, IUDs, and sterilization methods. This helps women to make well-informed choices about their reproductive health.
Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery
Some conditions like fibroids, endometriosis, or ovarian cysts need surgery. Dr. Harshala Shankar has the skills to perform invasive surgeries for these issues. These methods cut down recovery time and lower the risks linked to traditional surgery.
Sexual Health Consultations
A woman’s overall well-being depends on her sexual health. Dr. Harshala Shankar offers private consultations to address sexual health issues. She helps patients feel at ease when talking about delicate subjects like infections pain during sex, and problems with sexual function.
The Importance of Choosing the Right Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Choosing the right obstetrician and gynaecologist in BTM Bangalore is one of the most important decisions you’ll make for your health. Whether you’re planning for a family or simply ensuring your gynecological health is in check, it’s vital to have a doctor you trust.
Here’s why Dr. Harshala Shankar is the ideal choice:
Holistic Care: From adolescence to menopause, Dr. Shankar provides care for women at all stages of life.
Patient-Centered Approach: Dr. Shankar takes the time to listen to her patients and involves them in decision-making, ensuring their needs are met with personalized care.
Comfortable Environment: Visiting an obstetrician and gynecologist can sometimes feel daunting, but Dr. Shankar’s compassionate and approachable nature makes patients feel at ease.
Years of Experience: With extensive experience in handling a variety of obstetric and gynecological issues, Dr. Shankar’s knowledge ensures that her patients receive the most up-to-date and effective treatments.
Conclusion: Dr. Harshala Shankar — A Trusted Name in Women’s Health
When it comes to women’s health, you deserve the best. Dr. Harshala Shankar, one of the most skilled and compassionate obstetricians and gynaecologists in BTM Bangalore, is dedicated to providing comprehensive, personalized care to all her patients. Whether you’re seeking help with pregnancy, fertility, or general gynecological health, you can trust Dr. Harshala Shankar to guide you with expertise and compassion.
Read More :https://drharshalashankar.com/
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bllsbailey · 2 months
Trump Rewrites Convention Speech to Focus on Unity
Former President Donald Trump has tossed his original speech for the Republican National Convention and rewritten it to focus on unity following the attempt on his life Saturday.
On Sunday, Trump told the Washington Examiner that he wants to use the historic moment to bring the deeply divided country together.
"The speech I was going to give on Thursday was going to be a humdinger," he said. "Had this not happened, this would've been one of the most incredible speeches" targeting the policies of President Joe Biden. "Honestly, it's going to be a whole different speech now."
Trump told the outlet that he plans to use the address to highlight how the assassination attempt at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, has completely changed the election landscape, which both Republicans and Democrats have acknowledged following Saturday's attack.
The 45th president said "reality is just setting in" and he was saved from death because he turned to look at a screen showing data he was discussing.
"I rarely look away from the crowd," he said. "Had I not done that in that moment, well, we would not be talking today, would we?"
Boarding his plane in Bedminster, New Jersey, for Milwaukee, where the Republican convention is set to take place Monday through Thursday, Trump said his speech is an opportunity to "bring the country together."
"This is a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world, together," he said. "The speech will be a lot different, a lot different than it would've been two days ago."
In an early Sunday morning Truth Social post, Trump credited "God alone" for preventing "the unthinkable from happening" and said he would "fear not."
The former president also recognized Corey Comperatore, the former fire chief who was shot and killed protecting his family at the rally, and supporters David Dutch and James Copenhaver, who were wounded and have been moved from critical to stable condition.
Trump said his decision to fist-pump the crowd when Secret Service agents were leading him off the stage was to let those in attendance know he was OK "and that America goes on, we go forward, that we are strong."
When he stood up and saw that the rally crowd had not moved, Trump said he felt he needed to tell them that he and the country were going to be alright.
"The energy coming from the people there in that moment, they just stood there; it's hard to describe what that felt like, but I knew the world was looking," he said. "I knew that history would judge this, and I knew I had to let them know we are OK."
Nicole Wells ✉
Nicole Wells, a Newsmax general assignment reporter covers news, politics, and culture. She is a National Newspaper Association award-winning journalist.
© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
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onyxblackcar · 7 months
From Field to Fan: Smooth Transportation Solutions for Dallas Sports Fans
Dallas is home to a vibrant sports scene, with teams representing various leagues and attracting enthusiastic fans from across the region. Whether you're attending a Cowboys football game, a Mavericks basketball match, or a Stars hockey showdown, navigating transportation to and from the stadium or arena can greatly impact your game-day experience. This guide aims to provide Sporting Events Transportation in Dallas solutions to ensure smooth and stress-free journeys to cheer on their favorite teams.
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Choosing the Right Transportation Option
Selecting the most suitable mode of transportation depends on factors such as location, convenience, cost, and group size. Here are some transportation options to consider:
Public Transit: Utilizing Dallas's public transit system, including DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit), can be a convenient and cost-effective way to reach sports venues. DART offers light rail and bus services that provide direct access to stadiums and arenas, allowing fans to avoid traffic congestion and parking hassles.
Ride-Sharing Services: Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are popular choices for sports fans seeking door-to-door transportation to games. With just a few taps on a smartphone app, fans can request a ride and be dropped off directly at the stadium entrance. Ride-sharing services offer flexibility and convenience, especially for those who prefer not to drive or navigate unfamiliar areas.
Park-and-Ride Facilities: Many sports venues in Dallas offer park-and-ride facilities, where fans can park their vehicles at designated locations and take shuttle buses to the stadium or arena. Park-and-ride options are convenient for fans driving from out of town or those who prefer the flexibility of having their vehicle nearby.
Navigating Game-Day Traffic
Game-day traffic can be a significant challenge for sports fans, especially during peak times and high-profile events. Here are some tips for navigating traffic effectively:
Arrive Early: To avoid congestion and ensure timely arrival, plan to arrive at the stadium or arena well in advance of the game start time. Arriving early allows ample time for parking, security screening, and finding your seats without feeling rushed.
Use Traffic Apps: Traffic apps like Google Maps and Waze provide real-time traffic updates and alternative route suggestions to help fans navigate congested areas. Before heading to the game, check traffic conditions and plan your route accordingly to minimize delays.
Parking Considerations
Parking availability and pricing can vary depending on the sports venue and event. Here are some parking considerations for Dallas sports fans:
Prepaid Parking: Some sports venues offer the option to purchase prepaid parking passes online, allowing fans to secure a parking spot in advance and avoid long lines at the parking lot entrance. Prepaid parking passes may also offer discounted rates compared to day-of-event parking fees.
Off-Site Parking Options: Consider parking at off-site locations near the stadium or arena and taking shuttle buses or walking to the venue. Off-site parking options may be less expensive than parking at the venue itself and can help reduce congestion around the stadium area.
Post-Game Transportation
After the game ends, getting home safely is a top priority for sports fans. Here are some post-game transportation options to consider:
Ride-Sharing Services: Utilize ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft to request a ride home from the stadium or arena. Ride-sharing apps allow fans to avoid the hassle of finding parking and navigating congested traffic after the game.
Public Transit: Take advantage of Dallas's public transit system to get home after the game. DART offers extended service hours on game days and provides convenient access to light rail and bus routes serving major sports venues.
Attending sports events in Dallas is an exhilarating experience for fans, but navigating transportation logistics can sometimes be challenging. By choosing the right transportation options, planning ahead for game-day traffic and parking, and utilizing post-game transportation services, Dallas sports fans can enjoy seamless journeys to and from their favorite stadiums and arenas. Whether traveling by public transit, ride-sharing services, or shuttle buses, ensuring smooth transportation solutions enhances the overall game-day experience and allows fans to focus on cheering for their beloved teams.
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Dear Heart
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I have a strange relationship with Geraldine Page’s work. I like her best in the material for which she has the least respect. Put her in a mindless comedy or melodrama, and she delivers a wonderful performance, often much more fleshed out than what was in the script. And I delighted in her deft playing of Alan Ayckbourn’s farce ABSURD PERSON SINGULAR on Broadway. Put her in Tennessee Williams or Woody Allen at his most serious or, goddess help us, Chekhov, and after five minutes I want to step out for a smoke. I’ve never smoked. I hate smoking. But I’d take it up to get away from those self-conscious, mannered performances. Between her on-screen bouts with Williams and Chekhov, Page was cast in Delbert Mann’s romantic comedy DEAR HEART (1964, TCM), and she’s a delight. You can see echoes of her more serious work — the fussiness she brought to Alma Winemiller and a gesture she would slow down to an almost glacial pace in INTERIORS (1978) — but here it all serves to make the character more endearing and dimensional. As a single woman of a certain age attending a post master’s convention in New York, she’s like the new Jean Arthur. Her Evie Jackson comes off the train from Ohio at the start and knows the names of all her fellow passengers and the porters. She leaves messages for herself at the hotel desk or has herself paged just to feel somebody cares. Then she meets Glenn Ford’s womanizing greeting card salesman, who’s about to move into an office job and marriage to “that tomato from Altoona” (Angela Lansbury), and something magical happens. Her fussy, detailed acting and his proficient, studio-trained mining of personality meet and make something beautiful. There’s a scene in which he shows her the apartment he’s just rented for himself and Lansbury that’s a gorgeous acting duet, and they have a fully dressed scene in Page’s hotel room that’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen. You half expect them to light cigarettes when it’s over. Tad Mosel adapted the script from his TV play. When he’s writing for the adults it’s spot on. The early scenes for Lansbury’s son (Michael Anderson, Jr.) appear to have been written by somebody with no understanding of young people, and Anderson comes off almost unbearably glib (he settles in later). Lansbury is very good as Ford’s fiancée, and the supporting cast also includes Barbara Nichols as another of her cheap blondes (but this one is funnier than she is irritating), Richard Deacon as the convention’s manager and a glorious trio of cranky old women played by Ruth McDevitt, Mary Wickes and Alice Pearce (I’m always amazed at how much nuance she can bring to roles like this). The Henry Mancini-Jay Livingston-Ray Evans theme song — the producers liked it so much they named the film for it — was more successful than the movie, but I think the film is ripe for rediscovery along with some of Delbert Mann’s other late works.
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themovieblogonline · 2 years
S.S. Rajamouli film 'RRR' is Glorious Indian Action Spectacle and Dance Party
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If you haven’t had a chance to catch up with the action spectacular “RRR” (Rise, Roar, Revolt”) from Indian director S.S. Rajamouli yet, you are late to the party my friend. Even busy actor Jessica Chastain carved out  three hours plus from her schedule to experience what all the fuss is about and then tweeted: “Watching this film was such a party.” “RRR” features superstars Ram Charan and N.T. Rama Rao Jr. as friends and rivals in 1920’s India who clash but reunite in a struggle against the British colonialists. It’s a sort of bromance with lots of spectacular battle scenes and close calls with leopards, tigers, and wolves. There's a fabulous dance sequence to the “Naatu Naatu” song, where our heroes wipe the floor with racist English toffs who challenge them and win over the adoration of the ladies who join them in their exuberant moves. "RRR" is over the top for sure and best to just surrender to the energy of the film.  Last week at a screening for Guild members, the crowd laughed, cheered, and stomped. The movie inspires that reaction, especially during the “Naatu Naatu” dance sequence. (On Twitter you can see audience members turn screenings into dance parties.) https://youtu.be/bLKeLYQ5rvM Now the Tollywood film is a serious contender in the awards race. The New York Film critics gave Rajamouli the best director prize last week and composer M.M. Keeravani just received a Golden Globe for the infectious “Naatu Naatu” song, which is also Oscar shortlisted. The film is a fantasy but loosely inspired by real-life revolutionaries, Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem, who battled the British colonialists but never met. Here are some takeaways from the post-screening Q&A I attended:   Where Rajamouli got the idea for the story, which is co-written by his father, veteran writer, V Vijayendra Prasad: “ I always like the idea of bringing two heroes together. Even when I was a kid, when I read two completely different stories, I would like to bring characters from the stories in my head and create my own scenes between them. Sometimes I'm a part of those scenes too. That's how I thought as a kid. And when I was reading the history of Komaram Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju, the revolutionaries from my part of the country, there were very interesting coincidences. They were on around the same time, at the turn of the 20th century. And when they were in their early twenties, they left their respective homes. And we don't know what happened to them. No one knows what happened to them. And they came back after three, or four years and once they came back, they started fighting against the oppressors in the same way as in the film. I imagined… If I can take that period of time, those two, three years, and I can be a completely fictional story. So except for the fact that I named them Komaram Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju, everything else is fictional.” On the visual effects: “I have to see visual effects as a tool. Nothing more than that… Don’t treat visual effects like the star or something special.” About working with these particular stars: “They are good friends and they are friends outside their personal rivalry… Actually, the rivalry (is) between the fans of those two (actors)… when I started writing the characters with these guys in mind, they fit in so perfectly…For Charan, the way I look at him, when I look at him, his eyes seem to be as if they're holding something very painful. And when I look at Tarak (N.T. Rama Rao Jr.) his eyes seem so innocent. There's a lot of strength in the eyes… That's the kind of feeling that I get when I look at those actors.” On the shooting schedule: “We shot it for 320 days. I mean, I'm not proud that I shot it for (so long)… I think my producers definitely are not proud that… I would like to do it much faster, but we don't have second unit directors and third unit directors in India. So pretty much every sequence, every scene, almost every shot, I had to direct. So because that's such a big film with such big episodes, I had to shoot one episode, take a break, prepare for the next episode, and shoot it so it is more linear.” Shooting the Naatu Naatu dance sequence:  “Both of them are exceptionally good dancers and we had a great song to showcase their dancing skills. And we had … a beautiful scene that leads up to the dance… Everything is properly put in. But still, I would give most of the credit of the success of that song for the dance choreographer, Prem Rakshith. He's my choreographer. He spent almost two months composing for that number. And just for the two, three signature steps or the hook line steps, he composed more than 100 variations. And you wouldn't believe me. He had four sets of assistants, two assistants each and he was composing the steps for 15, 20 steps, 15, 20 variations. And the assistants were having cramps in their legs and pain in the knees. He would take out one couple and bring in another couple and start composing… The third couple or fourth couple had to go to the hospital because (of injuries).  So he was relentless in getting what he wanted and once the steps were composed, Tarak and Charan, like I said, they're great dancers. They didn't need too much time to practice the steps. They got it quite fast, but they also had to practice a lot because I wanted them to do the steps in exact sync.” On the musical number at the end of the movie, which is a sort of roll call of politicians and freedom fighters:  “There are two, three reasons for that. One is, India had a long freedom struggle against the British (colonialist) for 90 years and almost 100 years before that…so many leaders laid down their lives fighting for the freedom of our country. As a kid, I read many of the stories, heard many of the stories, and some of the stories are so heart touching and I developed the kind of hero worship towards them. Even though my film is not about freedom struggle, (primarily) … it’s about friendship, I thought at the end, it would be a nice way of paying tribute to freedom fighters. But I didn't want to do that in a very sad way or something. I wanted it to be a celebratory kind of number… So all those things put together, I thought by going out of the theater, people should go out to the exuberant feeling, a high feeling.” After the Q&A I caught up with Rajamouli at the reception where he was surrounded by fans and well-wishers. He posed for endless selfies and spoke to anyone who approached. I asked him if the international global success of “RRR” caught him by surprise.  “Yes," Rajamouli told me. "But it’s a wonderful surprise." Read the full article
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