#evolution deniers
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"Evolution is a fact, not a theory. It really happened, and the fossil record and the molecular biology all confirm it. And yet, in this country, the United States, which is the leading scientific country in the world, we have people who are not only ignorant of science, but who are actively hostile to it and to the scientific method. And that is a serious problem, because science is not just a body of knowledge, it's a way of thinking. It's a way o skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine undersanding of human fallibility." -- Carl Sagan
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lenbryant · 10 months
Planet Peterson, from TikTok, posts some of his more entertaining debates with Flat Earthers and evolution deniers here on his YouTube channel.
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thebreakfastgenie · 10 months
Weighing in as a mutual on the discourse anon; sometimes it feels more like debating when just having a discussion like having to defend points instead of just talking about em rofl 😂
Yeah this is super fair!! My communication style is just like this and it’s exaggerated online. When I feel very strongly about a point and/have a lot of thoughts it’s just what happens…. And that’s most of the time. It’s something I could do better about keeping in check; I have a bad habit of having conversations when I’m tired and inhibitions go way before excessive thoughts do. I feel bad about it sometimes.
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 11 months
An interesting way to try and consider debating people who refuse to look at/consider observations and studies is to imagine trying to convince somebody that the sky is usually blue, but they think it is usually green.
In this scenario, the other person has lived their whole lives being told that the sky is green, that it must be green, and that anybody saying otherwise is lying for the purpose of manipulation.
Any and all evidence you bring forth has to establish some kind of agreement and work off that to reach a final conclusion; that the sky is blue. Additionally, the other person can completely refuse to believe any evidence that doesn't perfectly align with their beliefs [i.e, that the sky is green].
How do you convince somebody the sky is blue?
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androcola · 1 year
my moms a religious evolution denier and my dad is an athiest science/evolution truther so you can imagine how fun my life is
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arctic-hands · 1 year
Bless my former fundie Baptist church (and by "bless" I mean "fuck"), because back in two thousand and seven-ish they tried to reconcile the Word of God with actual science by telling us that God is so powerful and we are so insignificant in comparison that six days to Him could have been thousands or millions of what humans consider years. They even used the cosmic clock timescale (I forget if that analogy even has a particular name), where the whole history of human beings is just one fraction of a second in all of the unfathomable hours of the universe. Which is great and vastly more than what fundies teach/preach now and maybe even then!
But then they took my Sunday school class on a field trip to the newly-created Creation Museum in Kentucky, which had and has displays of humans and dinosaurs co-existing and teaches thusly. Which is terrible and completely predictable for a fundie church teach/preach now and even then.
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cheesebloque · 1 year
one time i was tripping on muscle relaxers and convinced myself that giraffes couldn’t have beaten natural selection. then i saw one in person and my suspicions were confirmed
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sandycheekscockvore · 2 years
if humans arent related to chimos then what the FUCK is this?!!!
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o-craven-canto · 7 months
Somewhat bothered by the responses in this reddit page. (For context: link is to a page in /r/biology, where OP posted a diagram of human evolution going from a prokaryote to Homo sapiens in many discrete steps.) To be sure, there are significant inaccuracies in that diagram. The flatworm definitely does not belong there (though I suppose you could use it as a rough approximation for the primordial Bilaterian), nor does Dickinsonia, and worst of all is the Cyanobacterium (which you can't even defend as a representative of our prokaryote ancestor, since there is another one helpfully labeled "prokaryote").
Most of the responses are not about that, though. Most of them are mentioning the inaccuracy of depicting evolution as a linear process ending with Homo sapiens, instead of one constantly branching and spawning new variations over time. Which would be a fair criticism if the image claimed to be a representation of evolution as a whole, but... it's literally titled "Human Evolution". Of course it follows a single line from the origin of life to Homo sapiens! It makes no sense to complain that it does not show parallel branches leading to other modern species; you might as well complain that a map of France is inaccurate because it neglects to include Japan. Drawing my own family tree is not a claim that the whole of human history culminates in my own birth.
(Maybe I'm oversensitive here because I've made a diagram of the same type myself, and I'm quite satisfied of it.)
Particularly curious is that comment that calls OP's image "dangerous", because it could lead to the misunderstandings above described is one were to completely fail to understand its point. I wonder if the same person would claim that 2d world maps are dangerous misinformation because someone might conclude from them that Earth is flat and rectangular.
I can't help but have a very uncharitable thought. Few people mention the actual factual inaccuracies in the chart because that requires specific knowledge that most people, even most users of /r/biology, do not have. But plenty of people jump at the opportunity of saying "evolution is not linear", "humankind is not the endpoint of evolution", "we don't descend from monkeys we share a common ancestor with them" not because they have understood these statements and know their relevance to the case, but because they have memorized these tidbits as the sort of things you are supposed to say about evolution to show that you are not one of those contemptible Science Deniers, while not requiring you to learn any more actual biology than the average creationist.
I dearly hope that I'm wrong.
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homochadensistm · 3 months
you mention i think you liked B'Tselem until they started lying. what idd they lie about? I did see they call israel apartheid
B'Tselem (among other activities such as documenting settler violence) publicizes testimonies of soldiers who served in the west bank and witnessed unprofessional, shitty and straight up illegal conduct by other soldiers or their commanders/officers. These testimonies are important in keeping an eye on the military occupation of the west bank and its evolution. However, several independent probes into the org over the years revealed that multiple such incidents reported to B'Tselem allegedly by soldiers were fabricated, yet they still published them. And, these weren't like little oopsie doopsie we made up a lil white lie, these were serious accusations of egregious misconduct. Something happened to them circa 2010 onwards which is when (more or less) the making shit up started happening, among with employing holocaust deniers and known antisemites, snitching on palestinians who "collaborate with the occupation" (e.g, sell land to Da Joos) which is punishable by death, donations from uuuuh shady sources, and more. You can look it up in Hebrew, some of these reports are quite famous.
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"We've unearthed millions of fossils around the world, which clearly support the process of evolution. Denying this fact is a denial of reality itself."
Whenever they ask for "proof" of evolution, they don't mean actual evolution. They want you to prove their dumbass strawman version, where a dog gives birth to a cat, an ape turns into a man, or a crocodile develops the body of a duck.
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lenbryant · 2 years
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Face palm.
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s4dstr4wberry · 7 months
Learning evolution on my own as a 19yo who was taught creationism at school
I feel betrayed and shocked and fascinated
I can’t believe those science deniers
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zibanii · 7 months
I am so sick and tired of the falsely politicized science denialism that I see day in and day out.
If you disagree with any of the following statements, your opinion has no correlation to reality. The following are not opinions. They're statements of fact. Politics are irrelevant. If you disagree with any of them, you are objectively, measurably, factually wrong and you can go fuck yourself.
•Climate change is real and it is being caused by the fossil fuel industry.
•Vaccines don't cause autism. They save lives. (Also screw you if you think the autism is worse than smallpox or measles.)
•Covid is not a hoax. It is not overexaggerated. It is a deadly disease that has resulted in more deaths than the entirety of the Napoleonic wars, and would have resulted in more if not for the vaccine developers that science deniers insist on ignoring
•Trans women are women and trans men are men. And just so were crystal clear, that means that sometimes women have a y chromosome, and sometimes men only have X chromosomes. Science is not transphobic.
•Homosexuality has been found in 1500 different species. It is extremely natural.
•Humanity came about as a result of evolution.
•Bonus round: the Earth is not flat. Humanity figured this out over 2,000 years ago. Catch up. If you've ever worked for the government, you know that it couldn't keep a secret like this for longer than a week
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nerdpokemonheadcanons · 5 months
My friend’s Dunsparce evolved sometime during a little recon in Paldea, and she refuses to believe that it’s a new species. Since she’s something of an obsessive researcher, she’s now asking me to show her enough proof to see it.
So, besides appearance and height/weight, what’s the differences between Dunsparce and Dudunsparce that makes it it’s evolution?
Your friend sounds... interesting. Is she a Fairy Type denier too?
Aside from appearance, which I feel like should be enough evidence as it is, Dudunsparce displays the same activated genes that all evolution Pokemon have, as well as an additional set of ribs and a second stomach, which Dunsparce don't have
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ive cured my hiccups three times today by telling myself verbally that im not a fish. evolution deniers are shaking in their boots
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