#also this is so random but just go outside and sit in the sun LOL
modawg · 6 months
my favorite thing to think about is camp half blood and them as a community so here’s random chb head cannons bc i said so and i love them
this is gonna be long
i’ve said this before i’ll say it again Aphrodite cabin haircut day (which spans abt a week) it’s a whole production they have a sign up system and everything like an actual salon it’s super fun because everyone’s just talking to eachother and laughing as they sit on the floor infront of their “hair stylist”
basically every year like a yearly check up (see point 2) the aph cabin will hold a yearly hair cut day(s) where you can come in and really request anything but it’s really for just trims so no one’s walking around with split ends
don’t get me wrong if you want to cut your own hair you can you can also get a haircut any other time of the year if you want but it’s like a whole thing and it’s just easiest to do it during that time
yearly health screenings!! they also do like a screening when you first come into camp to see if anyone has allergies disabilities etc etc this is also a whole production but is less fun (apollo kids are more strict when it comes to your literal health)
on sunny days people lounge in the grass taking the sheets from their beds to make picnic type blankets but literally once one small group does it the entire field is covered in blankets all connected
when this happens it’s such a fun experience sometimes they’ll have kids dueling to the left while to the right some apollo kids are playing and singing with their friends as they pass strawberries throughout the entire coven and get sunburnt together
there’s a sign next to the dock that says “no running on dock” and edged under it is “unless percy’s on duty”
i feel like when percy is near the water/near the dock it becomes an automatic like safe zone and kids love it bc they can sprint and cannon ball off the dock without embarrassingly slipping and going to the infirmary with their heads down
speaking of percy he has a class teaching kids how to preen and handle the pegasi (pegasus??) where a bunch of them will come and lay out in the sun and he’ll walk around showing on blackjack what feathers to pluck and which to leave alone etc etc
genuinely fuck the godly parent pavilion table rule everyone sits where they want to sit when you first come it’s customary to sit with your siblings just so you get used to the people you’ll be living with but once your comfortable you sit with your friends when you want to
some kids don’t even sit at the table they sit on the floor or right outside the pavilion on the grass or on the edge with their close friend they try to not have kids eating in the big house but who’s to really stop them tbh
(i believe this one’s kinda cannon) but they have a comunal tv inside the big house along with the comunal computer and they have movie nights or you can sign up for a personal movie night but 90% of the time people will probably join you
also comunal landline lol
they also make their own movies and host their own plays when they want to (see next point) normally the apollo and aphro kids help with this but it always comes down to the hephaestus kids who record and convert so everyone can watch it on the big screen
many kids who passed in the wars are preserved in this way
PLAYS they have so many plays hosted normally by the apollo kids hephaestus and aphrodite kids help with the assembly and makeup surprisingly the 2 most cabins who actually preform (aside from apollo) are athena and ares
idk i feel like ares kids need this outlet they always act like they’re doing it only bc a lot of their friends are creatives but it’s a lie
normally the plays are just greek myths that they do with a modern twist but they can also do poems or other fun things the kids want (it’s kinda like a talent show type thing)
camp magazine!! again i’ve said this before but GYATTTT i will die on the hill of camp magazine
the magazine is a short little thing that goes out once a month normally having camp gossip interviews and reminders that go out for the month
every month the cover is decided by the ending of the previous magazine (there’s a poll) sometimes they have special guest models on the front like vogue when the aphro kids are really feeling themselves
percy has been this model on many occasions and tho he doesn’t really know it annabeth has kept every cover he’s on
this magazine was originally run by selina and after she died it was sent out to memorialize the kids who died during the first war with a pic of her and charlie as the front cover; it stopped running after that
yearly ms o’leary camp cleaning day
this is the most hectic day in chb herstory like genuinely
they have to split into 3 groups A B and C once A gets tired B comes in once Bs tired C comes in then it starts again
percy’s there as a constant stream of water and the hephaestus kids make giant scissors so they can trim her along with extra big dog brushes so they can get all her fur (i head cannon her as a HUGE fluffy dog fight with a wall idc) they always finish her off with some bows and a feast to celebrate
athena kids have a sign up sheet outside their cabin where you can sign up to get tutored you just write what you need help with and when you want the help and someone normally can
same with ares kids and learning how to fight
tbh most cabins have this when it comes to certain special talents like learning how to play instruments or gardening
they have a huge bulletin in the big house where people can pin things up have it be reminders about yearly things pictures they want up help wanted posters (lol) drawings really anything
you can leave everything up for a week for everyone to see then it’s a curtesy thing to take it down to make room for new things
help posters are infact a thing normally it’s just with things they can’t get help with day of or something that isn’t actually too important or for something far in the future
ie, if they need more actors for their play or a window won’t close or something
everyday (and this is cannon) you have a chore if you bust your ass to the big house you can sign up to some of the good ones that don’t take as long but the longer you wait to sign up the faster the good ones go
this sets up for a lot of bargaining between campers abt getting different chores but a lot of the times people do them together or with friends and it really isn’t that bad
kids often set up their own stands with different things could be sign up for a 2 minute sketch a lemonade stand or other random things
they sometimes set up field trips out to the mortal world emphasis on the sometimes
if they do it’s normally to a more crowded area like a museum or a park or something so it’s harder for monsters to smell them they also have to go armed and with at least 1 seasoned vet to every 2 campers
this has to be approved by chiron 1 month in advance and has to have said vets signature so kids are just making shit up
these groups don’t really get any bigger than 10 or so campers and they only really stay out for a couple hours but it’s always everyone’s favorite thing
since kids can’t use phones other then the landline they have a lot of cameras like a LOT of cameras every cabin has a couple and there are some in the big house too for kids to borrow and take pics with
if you break it you normally have to take on the chore of whoever’s fixing it along with whatever chiron says
you also sign up for these so they know when you took them when you brought them back and you MUST mark any scratches or anything that might happen so everyone is aware of the status of these cameras (they have monthly maintenance checks)
it’s really funny when you look through the pics different cabins take with their camera you can really tell who’s who’s
at the end of every month they get gone through by the cabin to delete whatever they don’t need and converted into whatever the cabins want so they can be preserved and reused later
camp family album; every year they take a camp picture
in the big house there’s a small library of things ranging from the memorial book to ancient greek books to the family album that holds signatures like a yearbook and camp pictures that chiron loves the most and he keeps in the book
the year(s) the books span over are written on the side so campers can look for themselves and see the history behind chb
ok i’m going to leave that at that bc i need to go clean but i will maybe come back to this later ok byeee~ (^з^)-♡
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adreamemporium · 5 months
Hi! Since you saw Ewan at CCXF and outside of it, I wanna ask if you think Ewan loves fan saying hi to him or he only did it to be polite? Also is there anything else you can share about your meeting with Ewan?
I’ve also seen some people on here saying that they think Ewan looked uncomfortable at times at CCXF. Whats your thoughts on that?
Hi, nonnie!
About your last question, I couldn’t see anything because I was behind them so all I could see was their back lol. Also the audio wasn’t great and with all the screaming I couldn’t hear anything. I thought everything was going well because all their managers and their team were behind them and they were smiling. I already saw the interview on YouTube and I think the whole thing was messy and cringe, the questions weren’t that interesting, that guy saying Mexican women would love to keep him in their homes… So as a whole, that was a mess. Minutes later I saw him in the thunder stage and he was relaxed, so I don’t think there was a problem after that. What I think is that he is way more calm when you are talking alone with him and that’s the real Ewan. He does an incredible job on stage, but we shouldn’t get fool, he has a reserved personality.
About the rest of your ask, have in mind that I’m again talking based on what I experienced, I would say he truly loves saying hi to the fans. We have to consider that we are talking about the same guy that takes the time to send little messages to his fans when he receives fan mail.
The first time I saw him I was working and he was doing press, so the two times I talked with him were brief and it was just a kinda random talk lol it was when he told me he needed a hat for the sun. That day I mostly saw him work while I was doing my own.
The second time I met him he recognized me and smiled to me, so I said hi and it was when he made room for me to sit down at his side. We talked for a few minutes (although I felt it was for hours lol) about how different book!Aemond is to the show version and I told him I loved what he and Leo did with the character and they were the reason Aemond was my favorite character cuz when I read the book he wasn’t my fav. He simply smiled and thanked me for what I was saying. I told him I had a fanart and that it would mean the world to me if he could signed it and he took the time to admired it before doing it and see the details.
But I think what I will treasure the most (apart from having one of my Aemond designs autographed) will be when I gave him the dragon egg I made for him. I explained to him that I’m a dragon fan since I was little and that back during got s1 I couldn’t find the dragon eggs to buy them, so I made them. While I was saying all of that he was attentively looking at me and listening, so when I started to take the egg out of my purse he started to realize what I was gonna give him and had a huge smile when he saw the little green egg and simply excitedly exclaimed “Vhagar!”. I swear he looked like a little kid with a toy, he took it and started to see all the details, asked me how long it took me and then he told me “You’re a legend!” and hugged me. I swear to god I wasn’t expecting it and almost died in that moment. His manager asked me if I wanted a picture and he quickly said yes because he wanted to show the egg, so she kindly took it, we talked for a few more minutes and then he asked me if I was going to be at ccxp, I said yes and he told me he hoped to see me there and then we said goodbye. And that was it. 🥹
I swear to god he is everything the rest of the cast have said he is: the loveliest person ever, a complete angel, super gentle, incredible thoughtful, kind, a fantastic human being… and I have just quoted Elliot Grihault, Harry Collet, Tom Glynn Carney and Fabien Frankel only.
So tl;dr, if you ask me, no, he didn’t do it just to be polite, he truly cares and enjoys saying hi to his fans. He truly listen to what we say and takes him time with us. What it is import here is to ALWAYS respect him, his privacy, his boundaries and not be invasive. He is open to meet us, make sure we aren’t nervous, listen to what we wanna say, tell us that everything’s ok… but let’s not forget that at the end, he is also a human being as any of us and he does has a reserved personality.
PS. BTW, I just wanna add something else. When I was literally admiring my design with his autograph and saying it would have a pretty frame, both, his manager and him, said “aaw” lol 🥹
Here is my design:
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inactivewattpadauthor · 9 months
[Old]Fujin x Reader(Christmas Special 2020)
Tumblr A/N: The beginning of my simping journey of Fujin lol
This was actually a dream I had.
But pov: You're a mortal who got expelled from working under Kronika, for some random reason. Now you were alone, pissed off and upset. (I'm trying to make the dream make more sense) ----------------------------- Awaking from falling in a dream, your head was trying to process your surroundings and your existence. But then you unfortunately succeeded in remembering.
Kronika dismissed you from working under her, for some reason you couldn't remember. Hell, it was probably a pathetic excuse just to send you away.
At least a few of your comrades were against the idea, but it's Kronika, the Timekeeper. You knew that you were working on the villain side. But, not for the powers you've received, or the new timeline. The comrades you worked with were important to you than anyone would think.
Of course, you never showed it. Apart from Cetrion, because...anyone could have an emotional connection with her. Let's be real.
But now, you'll possibly will never see her again. Not anyone. That feeling was colder than the heavy snowstorm outside your shelter, which was a small cave.
It was day, but the sun was useless for the temperature. You only had a small, old blanket as your warmth. Maybe that was considered your Christmas present, acknowledging the fact that the current day is the 'special' day.
You knew it wasn't about the gifts, or decorations. It was about the people you cared about. You never known your real family, and you were very recently expelled from seeing your comrades. Merry Christmas to me. Guess this is karma for the evil deeds I did. Just for my own benefit.
You shut your eyes again, resting your back against the cave wall. You weren't too tired, but you wanted to go back to sleep to avoid reality.
Some sort of wind blew against you, mostly to the side. It was noticeable how the wind wasn't as cold as the normal wind. You thought how strange it was, but you slowly came to realization when someone was sitting next to you.
You didn't move, but your eyes looked to the side to see a certain man, with a long, gray braid sitting beside you, same position you're in. You didn't panick, but you only stared at him.
It was none other than the Wind God, supposedly an enemy. You no longer considered him as one, as you no longer serve Kronika, but why was he here? Is this a way of mocking you?
"What are you doing?" You asked, half amused, and half annoyed. "Sitting with a human." Fujin responded, also with an amused voice.
"Very funny. You found out I became a normal mortal, and you just had to rub it in my face." You rolled your eyes. "It's no surprise you're still naive." Fujin smirked.
"Well, what do you want? Don't you have your godly duties? Isn't your brother suppose to be bossing you around?" Your patience was draining.
"No. Today, is what your kind calls 'Christmas'. I'm here because you're alone." Fujin explained. Your eye twitched. "We're enemies, Fujin." You bluntly said.
"Is that confirmed by you? Or by Kronika?" As much as that was a great point made, you really didn't want to be bothered. "Just go away. Please."
"This cave isn't too great to be sheltered in. If you stay here, you'll freeze to death." Fujin warned, changing the conversation. "I really couldn't care less about dying. Now, do what I said." You begged impatiently.
"I'm afraid I won't be going anywhere at this time." Of course you wouldn't. "Why do you care so much? I expected you to want to punish me after all I did! But you're over here just...being here!"
"Y/n, I know why you fought on Kronika's side. It wasn't for the power. It was something more meaningful. And I understand what it is." Fujin's pale eyes gazed in yours.
You felt a bit more calm after his words. But since you were in such a condition, you kept the same tone. "Fine. You can stay." You bowed your head. "But I'm just going to get rest, so you can leave whenever." You warned. Fujin smiled at you, as you began to curl up in a comfortable position.
As your mind travelled from Earth, Fujin took ahold of you into his arms, providing you more warmth.
"Merry Christmas, Y/n." ----------------------------- In my dream, I was in the cave being cold af, Fujin was beside me, cheering me up for some reason, and when I closed my eyes I felt his arm around me.
Dreams are weird.
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 months
Hello there! I'm new to tumblr and found your blog and can I just say, your writing is SO. GOOD. I really love your boys in the boat stuff. There's a drought of good writings for the boys and I really enjoy your stories! (I think I also found you on AO3 and your Bobby story stole my heart ☺️) You seem like a really cool person and I'd love to talk with you sometime! Keep up the good work! ❤️
HI!! And welcome aboard!! When things are going alright, tumblr is my favorite social media panel! I hope you find it to be fun as many of us do!!
Thank you so much for your kind words about my writing😭 that means so much, especially after recent fandom drama. That’s really sweet of you to say!
Funny (well not funny as in funny, funny as in, ya know, interesting, I guess?) story about the Bobby one. That was technically a request from one of my tumblr friends and was mg very first attempt of a reader type story. I had so much fun writing that one too (first person is my favorite, even though I tend to write in third). I’m so glad you enjoyed that story! And fun fact: I actually have WIPs that are about Bobby. One is about how he meets his girl (he sees a random girl in trouble with a guy and he rescues her by pretending to be her boyfriend😍), and the second one is a whumpy one that takes place in Poughkeepsie that’s inspired by… heh… personal experiences, lol! He gets some sun poisoning and is taken care of by his girlfriend🥹 (he’s a Washington boy used to overcast!! He’s not used to the hot sunny summers of New York State - then you add him being in rowing?? I have an insta friend who’s a coxswain and she said they’re outside ALL DAY LONG when there’s a regatta. And look how fair-skinned he is, he’s a sitting duck for sun poisoning!) anyway, its gonna be fun! Ones full of whump, the other is full of emotional angst and I hope you’ll like those two once I get them done! (I’ve been a lazy reader lately though)
Aww, thank you so much😭 my ask and DM inboxes are always open if you ever wanna talk about the boys in the boat (or anything else really). I’m always down! Thank you for shooting me a message🫶🏻
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I've had thoughts about a random au I've come up with and this is the rambly post about it because it's consuming my brain, enjoy
Ok I wanna make a rambly words post because I just came up with a hermitcraft / life series / empires / whoever I could add because it's funny AU that's been sitting in my brain for several days and I've had coherent thoughts about it as of now where I feel like I can say words about it so. Gonna make a rambly post about it so I can say words about this really random idea I had that I'll probably use as an excuse to practice comics
I don't have a proper title for it yet but basically the idea is a semi-medieval fantasy world where most of the hermits / life series / empires people all live in this village / town around this castle (or outside the town) and there's marketplace and magic and all that. And there's fae folk (less evil than in a lot of folklore), and elves and dwarves and humans and ghosts and werewolves and such (notably, unlike a lot of fantasy media the dwarves and elves do not hate each other, lol). Anyways.
The entire premise of this AU is that it would follow a half-drawven Impulse, and his roommate and best friend Skizz, who was blessed by the fae folk to have a silver tongue (he's not 100% convincing but he's very convincing to most people). They live just outside of town near Gem (elf, alchemist), Pearl (human, former high priestess from the disbanded following of the Sun goddess Pearl), and the Ranchers who live on a ranch together and they take care of cows and chickens and horses and Tango tinkers in his free time and stuff. And Zed's this guy who lives in a cave not far from them and he's buddies with them and stuff. Anyways. Impulse is a blacksmith and he makes weapons / tools / parts and stuff. And he's good at it but he never goes into town, it's Skizz who goes into town and sells Impulse's wares (he's a very convincing salesman). But every now and then, Skizz manages to convince Impulse to come into town himself. And Impulse is hesitant but eventually relents and goes into town. But every time he goes into town, some kind of shenanagins go down, like dragons or monster hunters or drawing the attention of the royal guards or something. Like I have episode type stuff planned where Impulse goes into town and he gets dragged to the castle and has to spend a night in jail with travelling bard Oli Orionsound because he didn't know he had to pay taxes and was committing unintentional tax evasion or something. Idk it's just mostly random tidbits right now but I think it would be really funny to make this comedic medieval fantasy type setting with silly, lighthearted shenanagins and stuff. It's a thought I've had and I also don't have a name for this AU or anything but I think it would be funny. Anyways
I'm planning on making a couple of comics about this cuz I think it would be really funny to make something with this, and it's good comic-making practice, and also I'm posting this up here so I can hold myself to it cuz I need accountability (lol). But anyways. If y'all have questions or anything, lmk cuz this has completely consumed my brain for the past few days and enjoy this long paragraph of random semi-coherent ideas :D
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papakhan · 1 year
if nix is no longer sun's (Sasha's?) mom in canon, does she still exist? Does she still paint with him? Did she paint with the other khans children? Were nix and marigold apart of papa's advisers? What was sun's relationship with marigold, chance, and jessup like? Lol sorry, I just really love your opinions and lore for new vegas and I'm very curious
Yeahh Nix isn't Sun's mom anymore but I'm probably gonna rework her to use somewhere else, im still workshopping her atm. Unfortunately she was just kinda part of my earlier story which was admittedly reductive and weak writing on my part and I will own up to that. The idea of this random cis woman "fixing" the New Khan remnants by berating them into Not being misogynists and taught them to be nice to children doesnt sit right we me any more, so now the Khans are a bit more autonomous in their development and Softing so don't need an outside force to come in and Show Them the way, if that makes sense? I hope I'm explaining why I didn't like my own writing choices anymore well anyway. I also wanted to go full ball into making Papa trans gender just as a little treat for me. I think he's already a very queer-coded character and his performance of masculinity kinda feeds into my idea of transness for him. I'm not sure if I can explain but it means something to me <3 Sun Min (who's Sun's dad was actually his og dad back when he was a tf2 oc) was just kinda a better fit for "guy who got that warlord pregnant" then Nix ever would be (sorry queen)
Anyway rambling about critising my own writing aside, Nix probably does still exist I just don't know what to do with her yet. I'd like her and her daughter Jasper to be involved in Sun's life still but just in a different role. I might revamp her and start calling her by what was her actual name which was Juliana.
She might paint with Sun or she might just teach him how to make dyes and pigments. I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep her school teacher side either so I'm not sure if she did with other kids, probably she did tho.
Nix was an advisor but that might be something I change, Marigold never was tho she was just a close friend of Papa's. Marigold to Sun is like an Aunt, she looked after Sun pretty often when he was growing up and he and Jessup were only a few months apart in age so they've always been kind of besties <3 Sun isn't as close with Chance tho, he always thought it was a little bossy (when really he was probably try to stop jessup getting into whatever shit you can imagine 7 year old jessup getting into)
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
On Saturday evening I decided I needed to give myself a very specific sort of vacation/staycation/personal-time and to do so immediately**.
It's a do all the things you need to do in order to recharge and not feel DisTraCTed sort of vacation/staycation so, honestly, some of what I am planning on doing sounds busybusy but another chunk of it will just be planned personal time and yet another chunk will actually be "doing vacationy fun things from the comfort of home-as-home-base."
Yesterday I got myself a 90 minute full body massage with hot stones to mellllllllllllt melt melt my muscles. And then I slipped into brain-off mode for much of the evening with light entertainment. I made the Decision(tm) to finish the novel that leaves me grumbling. I have one more chapter plus a short afterward to go. The second to last chapter had a moment that made me want to dump the book into the fire. I am very hesitant to ever use the phrase Mary Sue for a character for so many reasons that are well discussed (probably somewhere years ago on this blog) but, ffs, sometimes that is the precise phrase needed. Actually, more like Entitled Mary Sue. Anyhow...
Today was a post massage sleep in for as long as needed because that is how I make sure I didn't just toss money down the drain. ;)
And then, long slow hot shower and hairwashing (because my muscles neeeeeded all of that heat), toss on a no-ironing-required sundress, and out for local neighborhood lunch and coffee and a stroll and sitting in the sun just doing nothing. Ahhhhhh.
The importance of sun and doing nothing.
I recently ordered and just received and unpacked a really nice pair of lapdesks that feel handmade (two different sizes, smaller one has built in adjustable stand for using a tablet/ipad/book/notebook/sketchbook). They came from shop in france. Currently using one of them while sitting outside (at home) and getting more sun while drinking more coffee. Lol.
Today is a day of chill out.
For the next couple of weeks (or few weeks), I plan on splitting up my weekdays between:
1. Doing lots of fun things that I just haven't had time to do. This includes everything from sketching animals at the zoo, to seeking out interesting places around me (food/coffee/tea/photography ops), to finally getting back to video games (modding CP77) where I am the one holding the controller, to finally being more social online (lol-- DW i'm so sorry).
2. Listening to lots of audiobooks while continuing/returning to address all of the years of entropy. The great KonMari action. Etc etc. Also, finding all of my summer clothing and organizing it nicely.
3. Learning some new recipes to cook because I need to create a rotating set of meals I like to eat that are HEALTHY.
4. Re-starting some sort of yoga/stretching/exercise routine.
5. Getting a bunch of random/boring/necessary Adulting(tm) things on my to do list (that I keep punting month after month) finally checked off and done or, at least, appointments made and scheduled into my calendar.
6. Getting back into various hobbies that are entirely for me rather than For Professional Reasons.
7. Writing and arting only what I feel like writing and arting. Maybe take some online art workshop just to let my brain turn off and have some fun.
For the rest of today I will mostly be a lazy person because I need a lazy day in the sun.
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floral-frenziez · 3 months
REU Update Weeks 4,5,6
I am probably the most inconsistent person ever when it comes to social media. I just want these to look back on for the future and it doesn’t take me long but I still don’t do it lol. So today I am going to try and recap the last few weeks of the REU. It is currently week 7 and I am trying to write about weeks 4, 5, and 6 so I definitely am going to forget a lot. This whole post is going to be messy so gear up. 
As a group we went on a cave tour a couple of weeks ago and that was super fun. There was much more hiking than expected though on this day and it was all outside in the blazing 100 degree sun which was not so fun for me but we pushed through. We also went to the New River Gorge National Park and did the bridge walk. That was the scariest thing I have ever done, being nearly 900 feet in the air with nothing but a narrow piece of steel and copper holding me. But obviously everything turned out okay or I wouldn’t be writing this. The views from high up were breathtaking. Not sure if I would do it again because I nearly shat my pants but it was really cool and I recommend for others to do it unless you are super afraid of heights. I have plans to go to Mammoth Cave National Park and the Great Smoky Mountains while at my REU since I am much closer to them here than back at home. 
I went to my boyfriend's apartment a couple weeks ago because he isn’t too far from here, and it was really nice to see him for a while. My work here is just computational so I can leave for a couple days if I want which is really nice. We did some shopping, met with his parents that I haven’t seen in a while, and went to a really cool aviary. The penguins were super cute and definitely my favorite part. 
My research has been coming along. The past couple of weeks I definitely have been slacking and not getting as much work done as I need to but I put in a full day today and over the weekend did a lot of work too to try and catch up as much as possible. It is 11 PM and I am still going because I am motivated and know I need to catch up pretty badly. But I am starting to write about my research as we come closer to the final days of the REU. 
I have been drawing a little bit more than I usually do here which is nice. I have also been playing minecraft for the first time in a super long time which has been super fun and occupies me more than just sitting on my phone or driving around. I have been having a good time here so far but I am not getting along with my roommate that well anymore and I’m not really friends with anyone here so it is just getting a bit lonely being by myself all day every day pretty much. I am excited to go home to see my sister who is my bestie and all of our pets. I’ll have a couple weeks at home before regular school starts back up again so hopefully I can spend a lot of time with my family before leaving again. 
I have been pretty stressed the past few days particularly because I realized how far behind I feel and because I realized how fast time is going by, and the fact I need to be applying to graduate schools very soon. It is scary but motivating and stressful at the same time. My plan this week is to seriously catch up, especially on reading, and I plan on going back to my boyfriend's house later this week for a few days and hopefully I get a decent amount of work done there since he works at weird times. 
Other random thoughts at the moment: I want a Jelly cat dragon so bad they are so cute but why do they cost so much. I have like 5 songs on repeat at the moment but I am about to start going insane if I hear any of them one more time. I got concert tickets to see a smaller band I LOVE and I am so excited, I’ll have to drive a few hours but it should be worth it. I want to upload a bunch of photos from this summer at some point too. Okay that is all, goodnight.
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jbeespoke · 9 months
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This pic is so trash, bro...
A friend of mine and I challenged each other to take at least one pic a day and write about it. There are no limits. No restrictions. Take a pic and post it...
So boom - my NYE and New Year's Day was interesting. To be honest, I' m not exactly sure how I feel about it, but either way, I decided that I was going to be productive today. I was going to control everything that I could control.
I got up. I prayed. I sat on my couch - hoping for some down time before I started tackling my tasks for the day.
As I sat on my couch, the sun seemed to shine so bright through my window. I looked out, and to my surprise, it actually wasn't as bright as it seemed. There were quite a few clouds, but the sun was putting up a fight.
I saw the sun for the first time in months.
And then it hit me - "this would be the perfect first post for the daily challenge"
I got up. Threw on a pair of raw denims, a yellow hoodie, a tartan, Sherpa-lined flannel, a pair of Boston's and went outside!
I knew that I wouldn’t have a great angle from where I was at, so I walked to the corner so that my pic could tell a better story. Once I hit the corner, all I could think of was that Jay line from "God Did":
Judge it how you judge it, say we goin' corporate Nah, we just corner boys with the corner office
I had the perfect caption!
I was standing on the corner, on the first day of the year, breathing, looking at the sun peak through the clouds. What an amazing sign from God.
"Oh what a feeling"
I was so hype lol. I walked to the other corner and attempted another "artsy" pic. That pic was so trash, bro...
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I had no idea any of these pics were so trash at the time of taking them, btw. Each time, after taking the pic, you couldn't tell me I wasn't Jamel Shabazz.
Once I got inside and looked at the pics, I realized that these pics were so trash, bro.
Then God reminded me of the greatness that occurred because of these "trash" pics:
I was forced to go outside. That's a good thing. I spent way too many consecutive days inside, without getting fresh air in 2023. Mod ting, bruv
It was like going to the gym. By using that part of my brain, I am strengthening and toning my creativity muscles
I was able to clear some mental space - which made room for the completion of some incomplete tasks
I was able to put action to my prayer. Walking back, I saw so much garbage on the street and on the sidewalk in the surrounding area of where I stay. At first, I walked right past it. But it didn't sit right with me. For the longest time, I've been praying about our communities and have been complaining about how we treat our own. "Our" being the black community. There's no reason why the areas in which we live have to look run down. Or a place where it's acceptable for trash to be left. But, I also can't be praying about it, wanting everyone else to do better, and I not take the necessary steps to make sure my community is clean. So I swept up the random corn on the cob, the Popeyes and cupcake boxes, and all the rest of the random trash that was left behind from the city workers. I didn't clean everything and I didn't go very far outside of my immediate area, but it was a start. Hopefully it's something that I can continue, and hopefully someone will see and do the same
Character. I was able to add more wear and tear to my raw denims and birks lol
When I feel like I'm not being heard, I sometimes forget to hear myself. Today, because of these trash pics, I was able to start the process of EQ-ing my voice. I'm behind the mixing board of my life. Turning a lot of other things down. Turning me up.
Welcome to the experience.
Thank You God for another day. Thanks for allowing me to see 2024. Thanks for not only the sun, but the SON. Thank You for hearing me when I didn't hear myself - You're fighting for me.
This was my accountability post. I have no idea what the format is going to be in the upcoming posts and I'm not going to think about it. This is just how I felt today.
I started. I can't stop now.
written from my corner office
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girltomboy · 11 months
Having a pretty sweet and relaxing time at my parents' house. Taking some time off to visit them was a good idea. Their new house looks and feels lovely, although the yard/fence/general exterior are not yet totally finished (obviously the interior was a priority so they can move in lol) which was a bit disappointing because I expected to spend a lot of time sitting outside in the sun 😭 but those are just my own selfish delusions, the weather is gloomy anyway so the best option is to sit inside and revel in the comfort and safety of the house. I thrifted a cute Sailor Moon hoodie (I've never watched Sailor Moon lmao) and a sweatshirt in the exact shade of blue I've been looking for. I also got a pretty & comfy wind jacket in a sky blue shade, a Minolta vintage film camera that only cost me 6 euros, and some modelling clay (been wanting to make a little hamster for my coworker 😁). I miss hanging out with my boyfriend for hours - lack of privacy is preventing me from doing that, but I'm having a nice time with my parents too.
I've been having these super weird dreams ever since I got here, literally every night. And not to sound weird, but hear me out: I think it's because of the mirror that's facing the bed in my parents' new extra bedroom. Like, I did read a lot about room arrangement and how the mirror placement will influence the mood of the room, but that didn't really apply to me much, because there was also a mirror hanging on the wall facing my bed in my childhood bedroom, AND one "behind" the bed, and that hasn't caused me any weird sleep experiences. Maybe the two mirrors facing each other and sandwiching the bed cancel out the bad feng shui? BUT I also have a mirror facing my bed at my apartment, and generally I'm fine, save for a few weird dreams every now and then. That's just me and my brain. But here my dreams have been wild and weird ever since I arrived lol. And a lot of them are related to the things I see and read during the day - unusual for me. Normally my dreams are super random.
Anyway, enough about sleep and dreams. Today in my waking hours I will be reading, maybe doodling a bit, rummaging through some boxes and bags for my old college stuff - books, notebooks, and other objects, and also going outside to chill. I realized I barely went outside ever since I got here (the absence of a fence will do that) and I briefly walked to the back of my parents' yard this morning while on a call with my bf, and it was pretty pleasant, especially thanks to the walnut tree that shed a lot of leaves and basically created this bed of leaves curtained by the bare branches hanging low. It was so cozy and fresh.
Btw my parents went to church and returned saying my aunt asked about me, so I told them she should come over (no one came to visit ever since they finished the house, which is bizarre; apparently my stepdad's brother and his wife - my aunt - were taken aback by how similar it looks to their own house, which is true to an extent, but it feels like such a petty reason to refuse a visit to your BROTHER'S NEW HOUSE, considering you are supposedly on good terms no beef? 💀) and my parents were like "No, you should come to church this afternoon". I reminded them that I don't have any "nice" (AKA acceptable by the church's unspoken & unwritten superficial standards 😛) clothes here, to which they (my mom) replied "then wear your jeans"??? Lmao I mean in any other context this would be reasonable, I've seen people come to church in casual clothing and it's a normal thing for someone who just wants to go to church, it should be common practice. But unfortunately the people in this church turn attendance into a fashion show & contest, gossip fuel, and ego stroking party. And I really don't want to gather like any attention whatsoever from anyone there tbh. And there's also this tiny detail called ummm I don't want to go 👁️👄👁️ so yeah terrible idea. I told them I don't feel comfortable with that suggestion, so they dropped it for now. So I'm just gonna go about my day.
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cyancherub · 2 years
Hi, do you have any advice for getting over a breakup? I just had my first one (at 23 ugh) and I’m feeling kind of pathetic and like I won’t ever experience real love
my dearly beloved!! i feel for you so much. when my ex broke up with me a couple months ago i was probably at one of the lowest points in my life. that was a 7+ year relationship. he was my best friend. i thought i was going to marry him, have kids with him, be with him forever. so losing that probably hurt more than anything i'd ever experienced. it hurt like fucking hell and it left me feeling more empty and worthless than i'd ever felt in my life. 
BUT!!! I PROMISE that you are so much stronger than you know. you will be so surprised at the resilience you have. i actually feel stronger now than i have in a very long time. i realized that i was too dependent on my ex and that was making me lose touch with who i was if that makes sense? so i took it as an opportunity to get to know myself.
you’re going to feel like laying down and doing nothing and being miserable over this loss. and you CAN!! you should allow yourself a period to grieve, because you’ve lost a significant part of your life. and grieving is going to HURT,, but something i’ve learned in therapy which always helps me in times of heightened emotion is that no intense feeling lasts forever. hurt comes in waves. let yourself feel it, let it pass. some days will be harder than others. 
BUT!!! don’t let yourself wallow in these feelings. opposite action is an effective technique to handle depression and anxiety. (i know this because it’s something i use to manage MDD and GAD LKDFKL.) opposite action will help you get over a breakup. what this means is - the sooner you GET UP and start doing things, the sooner you’ll feel better. you have to pick yourself up, because no one's going to do it for you. it's HARD. some days are better than others. some days you’ll feel fucking miserable. but it’s an upward trend. the pain won’t last forever. you’ll be happy again. you’ll find joy - whether it’s in other people, or other things, or yourself.
stay busy!! not to distract yourself from the pain, but to find new things that make you happy. i forced myself to apply to jobs after the breakup and i ended up getting a new job that i REALLY like.
some of the other things that helped me cope - 
reach out to the people who love you. after losing someone important, you’re going to feel lonely and isolated. but you’re not alone. there are many people who care deeply for you. family and friends will be there for you. you can take this time to strengthen your relationships with people who are important to you. make new memories with them!!
focus on yourself. you don’t have to worry about what anyone else is doing. you can pour all your time and energy now into yourself. that is so, so liberating. your time on this earth is limited. valuable. use it for things you care about!! you can pick up old hobbies you haven’t had time for. you can start something you’ve always wanted to do. do things to better yourself. whether that’s moving forward in a creative pursuit, or in your career, or in school, or physically - invest your time and energy in yourself. at the end of the day, life is full of loss. people will come in and out of your life without explanation or warning. the only person you are guaranteed to have until the day you die is you. so be strong and work to be a person you are proud of. love yourself!!! i know it’s trite to say but in times like this it's important to nurture and treat yourself with kindness.
this isn’t a setback. it’s a natural part of life. if you take it as an opportunity to grow, you’re going to come out a better person. every relationship and every person in your life has taught you something. don’t fixate on the negatives - appreciate the good times that you had, appreciate everything that person taught you, and accept that that phase of your life is over.
let it go. let that part of you die. move forward, and you’ll come back stronger.
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writingbymoonlight · 2 years
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For @heichoe/@givesyouapieceofimaginarycake! Thanks again for joining my 100 follower event!
ft.: iwaizumi x reader
trope: friends to lovers
lyrics: i don’t wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck from "fallingforyou" by the 1975 (this reminded me to go back and listen to the 1975 more lol)
word count: ~850 words
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Iwaizumi is in a predicament.
When a bored Oikawa called him to ask if he wanted to go see a movie this afternoon, he agreed. When Oikawa had asked if it was alright if he invited some other people, Iwaizumi agreed to this as well and assumed that it would just be Hanamaki and Matsukawa.
What Oikawa had failed to mention is that, in addition to inviting his teammates, he had also invited you. 
And this is how Iwaizumi ended up sitting beside you in the dark theater.
See, over the course of your three years at Aoba Johsai, you managed to become friends with the third-years on the school’s volleyball team. But, lately, the way Iwaizumi looked at you started to change. 
A few weeks ago, on a random Monday, the ace thought you looked particularly cute. Immediately, Iwaizumi commenced panicking over the fact that he thought you, his friend, were cute. This led to a downward spiral and Iwaizumi eventually came to the conclusion that he had developed a crush on you. And this realization resulted in him acting bashfully whenever you are in the vicinity, which Oikawa has unfortunately picked up on. 
As he sits shoulder-to-shoulder with you, he cannot help, but glance over at you every few minutes and each time he sees how entranced you are by the film. Your eyebrows are scrunched together, and your soft-looking lips are slightly parted. Iwaizumi begins to wonder how your lips would feel against his. How it would feel like to leave a trail of kisses across your jaw down to your neck…
As soon as this thought enters his head, Iwaizumi can sense his face growing red and he is grateful that the room’s dim lighting would prevent you from noticing this if you happened to look over at him. 
After the movie finishes, you all head outside and the sun is shining brightly, a stark contrast to where you have all been sitting for the past two hours.
“Hey, a new cafe opened up a few streets over,” you remark as your group loiters at the entrance of the cinema. “Do you guys want to check it out?”
“Sorry, I can’t. I have plans,” Oikawa responds without hesitation as his eyes briefly flicker between you and Iwaizumi.
“I thought you didn’t have any plans for today?” you point out with a narrowed look.
“Well…” Oikawa trails off, seemingly at a loss for words. Then he suddenly snaps his fingers and proclaims, “It turns out that my sister needs someone to babysit Takeru in like an hour, so I volunteered.”
You shrug at the captain’s excuse before turning to face the others. “Are the rest of you free?”
“Actually, Matsu and Makki are helping me babysit,” Oikawa blurts out, throwing his arms over the shoulders of his fellow third-years.
“All three of you are babysitting one kid?” Iwaizumi inquires, his knowing glare directed at his childhood friend. 
“Yes?” Makki says, but his response sounds more like a question than a definitive answer. 
“Kids…”  Matsukawa chimes in, though he looks somewhat confused. “Just one can be a handful.”
“I know that Iwaizumi doesn’t have any plans, Y/N. Why don’t you go together?!
You cast your gaze over at the wing spiker and quirk an eyebrow at him, as if silently asking if he is fine with this.
“Y-yeah, I’m free to go with you, Y/N,” Iwaizumi affirms, trying to come off as calm and collected as possible. It seems like forever since he last hung out with you one-on-one, and the prospect of spending some alone time with you excites him. 
“Alright! You two have fun on your date!” Oikawa loudly exclaims with a roguish smirk. Before Iwaizumi can chastise the setter for his comment, he quickly scurries away, while simultaneously dragging Hanamaki and Matsukawa with him.
Iwaizumi watches the receding figures of his so-called friends, and he cannot believe they would do this to him. Well, that’s not true. A plot like this is obviously something Oikawa would scheme. And Makki and Matsu occasionally enjoy witnessing Iwa lose his cool. But this doesn’t prevent Iwaizumi from feeling betrayed right now.
How can they call this a date in front of you and then ditch him? Don’t they understand how awkward they’ve made this moment for him?
Fortunately, your light laughter pulls Iwaizumi back to reality and he gawks at your reaction.
“So, are you ready for our date?” you say with a playful gleam in your eye, which causes his heart rate to rapidly increase. 
Your friend doesn’t know how to reply to this, so he ends up shyly answering your question with a question, “Is it a date?”
“Do you want it to be a date?”
Iwaizumi can assert with certainty that he wasn’t expecting the words coming out of your mouth to be accompanied by a scarlet blush and it gives him a glimmer of hope. He has been so scared to confess to you these past few weeks, but it seems that perhaps his feelings for you are reciprocated. 
Therefore, despite still being a little nervous about doing so, he finds the courage to firmly state: “Yes.”
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Baby // Headcannons
words //
warnings // non really, this is teeth rotting fluff, any deisre for children after this is not my fault, blame Måneskin 😂
pairing // Måneskin members x GN!Reader
author's note // lol i decided to use these photos cause it looks more aesthetically pleasing. anyways i hope you enjoy the headcannons also don't forget the "sleepover" on sunday yayyyyy...
request // yes here
summary // Måneskin as parents
Damiano David
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damiano as a father would be the absolute sweetest
the man looks intimidating in photos but the moment he opens his mouth is the sweetest
thus the conclusion that he’d be the softest father in existence
will be extremely hands on raising your kid the whole time
he refuses to not do his absolute best to be there as much as possible for your guys’ child
will never complain about having to change diapers
for some reason I imagine damiano to be the type of father that would take baths with his child
“look, look at daddy’s hair”
while he has some kind of ‘intricate’ hairstyle with tons of foam all around it
will literally cry for pretty much every milestone of the child
“di-did they just laugh? Y/N, our child just laughed, stop laughing at me!”
meanwhile he is borderline sobbing
i can also imagine him if not crying just laughing in excitement at something they do
like say your guys’ child has taken up some kind of sport or martial art, they will show the most recent thing they learned to damiano and he will start giggling in pleasant surprise
“Dio mio, amore, that was fucking awsome!”
will have a hard time not cursing in front of the child sometimes
but he’s working on it
will take tons of walks around the city, in parks and stuff, together
can just imagine him in nature, holding hands with this tiny little human being
ahuaifjn my heart dudes
will be supportive of them no matter what
be it the child’s sexuality, gender identity, career and hobbies
as long as they can be safe he doesn’t mind at all
will try not to cry when his kid will move away
if they move somewhere close by rest assured he will never not be at their house
“you know dad, you have a house of your own, don’t you like it better?”
“nah, the sun hits this place really nicely, i enjoy it”
will def take you and the kid along when traveling, when possible of course
I can also just imagine him having his kid on stage at a show and just kind of playing around and singing and awwwwwwwwwwwww
Why do I want this? i don't even want kids!!!!!!
Thomas Raggi
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Thomas is a similar case to Damiano but of course with his differences
instead of taking walks around he just takes naps with them
you can not even count the times you have come home, calling for thomas and your kid and neither responds
so you get worried a bit but then you see them napping on the couch
will nap with your kid in the weirdest places
can and will fall asleep together on a chair in the balcony/yard
I feel like he would spoil them a bit?
especially if he’s been away for long, he will return home baring gifts
from a cute shirt, to something pretty expensive that reminded him of them
will always bring snacks from different countries, like chocolates for belgium or nougat from greece (yes it is kind of a traditional candy in some greek islands especially)
might not take baths with them like damiano but i can see thomas just playing around with the hose outside in the yard
“Dad, no it’s cold! stoooop it!”
“Oh come on, it's burning out here! don’t you love the little cooling effect?”
will know when not to throw water at your kid of course, it is always done in good fun when they’ve gone outside with the solemn reason of playing with the water
dance parties at the most random moments
like a song they both like plays at a store
they will start dancing in the middle of the store
sometimes you act like you dont know them
others you join it
how sweet
ok but like picknics at the park
you just lay in a blanket, thomas and your child are non stop playing around until they get tired
and when thomas sits down the kid is still all over him and they are being so cuddly with each other
will always remind them of their jacket
Victoria De Angelis
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victoria would feel a little awkward at first
idk but although i'm sure she is the sweetest with children i feel that she will not be sure how to act at first
maybe she would view your baby as very very fragile at first and be very afraid of her movements as to not do anything to hurt them
i can not stop thinking of victoria when her child is sick or feels down
she will immediately go mama bear at them
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Does your head hurt?”
“Do you feel cold?”
why do i feel she would get into superstitions sometimes
“i should call your mum, Y/N (if you're from a culture that believes in that). someone gave them the evil eye. of course they did, you're amazing!”
feels very proud of the outfits she gives your kids i swear
“this is perfect! Y/N look how cute they look!! You have the matching shirt, right?”
will go above and beyond for them
doesn’t care what time it is, if her baby needs her she’s there
tickle fights are a must in your household
she will always laugh hysterically even if your kid doesn’t actually tickle her
the cutest thing is them two just sleeping together in the car when going somewhere
poor chilli now has to endure to children bothering her lol
victoria would be extremely protective of your child, not only if they got hurt but even with the idea that they could
will always be proud mama™
"they are amazing, how can i not be proud"
Ethan Torchio
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Remember how I said Victoria would feel kind of scared of doing something wrong and hurting your kid?
ethan is even more worried
idk, i see this man as an absolute gentle giant
i can see him just staring at the baby the first time he sees them with so much adoration, as if in a trance
out of all of them ethan is the “strictest”
i feel like you would be the one to try to sneak desert before dinner and ethan would just scold both you and your child
“Y/N, I told them no before! Come on!”
just like them all he is willing to go to the end of the world for that kid
will not hesitate to bring them the moon if he could, no questions asked
i feel like he would be the one your child confides in the most
like i can imagine your teenager sneaking out, something going wrong and calling ethan first!
he will die from the worry when he gets the call but as i said will go to the ends of the world for them
ethan will never even once yell at them
scold them a few times? sure
but yell? not even once!
now imagine this man with a little child wearing his shirt at the beach, walking around and showing them the beach
“You see those lights over there? They are windmills. They collect energy from the wind. how cool is that”
very close to my grandmother pointing out the windmills she’s seeing every summer for the past 20 years lol
he is so wholesome, will turn everything into a learning opportunity
i feel like he would be the father that is so embarrassing to the child because of how wholesome he is some times
but both them and their friends would confide in him
will literally father their friends if they need it omg
he is the type to see you holding them for the first time, or just holding them and doing something and just getting horny
“come on amore, let’s have one more!”
“ethan no”
he’s like telepathically communicate with them
it gets creepy but he does that to you two
he just knows when you need anything
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast
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workofheart · 4 years
eren jaeger relationship hcs
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eren’s turn! modern relationship hcs. nsfw under the cut as per usual <3 levi ver.
really clingy. when ur away on a trip or something, he definitely cuddles your pillow and buries his head in it. might also spray your perfume on his hoodie so he can be reminded of you throughout the day (as if you aren’t already on his mind 24/7)
on that note, LOVES seeing you in his clothing. i feel like for most guys this is true and people mention it all the time, but eren especially. it makes him feel mushy and horny at the same time (more on that later) bc it just drapes over your shoulders perfectly. like he sees you and has to suck in a breath and look away to collect himself or else he’ll just become a puddle on the floor
likes hearing verbal affirmations. when you compliment him, tell him you’re proud of him, he gets all warm and fuzzy inside. it means so much coming from you and he knows you're genuine
really goofy, this is to be expected - tries to get you to laugh bc it raises his self esteem and confidence. he just likes looking at you being happy and smiling, it makes him feel so warm inside
definitely hides behind corners when he hears you walking or coming down the stairs so he can jump out and scare you. don’t worry though, because he always proceeds to hug you and kiss your forehead or temple to say he’s sorry but only kind of bc ur reaction was priceless. the little whack u give his arm in annoyance? he lovessss it bc it’s like he knows u still love him even when he is a little obnoxious
eren is definitely one of those enemies to lovers kind of guy bc he desperately wants someone to love him not necessarily in spite of his flaws, but with his flaws. he needs u to acknowledge that he’s far from a perfect person but still love him regardless
his favorite kind of dates are park dates. he likes going on warm & sunny days to throw a frisbee around with you in the open fields. i feel like he’s a basketball guy so he’ll bring you onto the court and play knockout... when he loses, will tell you he let you win on purpose for the sake of his ego 
lolll imagine him critiquing your free throw form or something and coming up behind you to fix it (it wasn’t actually that bad, he just wanted an excuse to be near you)
really needs physical touch. he’s the kind of guy who will always be in contact w you in some way or another. when driving, his hand will be on your thigh or holding yours on top of the center console, same for if you’re out at restaurants but under the table. he’d definitely try and play footsies with you if you’re sitting across from him rather than beside him. when sleeping, he holds you really tight and won’t let you roll over so you better just get comfortable. 
doesn’t mind being ur photographer and taking pics for you. he takes some time to learn the methods for the best pics but he eventually gets it
this is kind of random but when playing minecraft, he always blows up creepers and never fills in the creeper holes :| sorry. to make up for it he’ll get you music discs. also likes just going on little adventures to find a sand biome two thousand blocks away and just walking with you in game
on this topic actually i LOVE the idea of gamer bf eren. like not the league-and-monster-drinking kind but sumn about him in a headset and sitting at the edge of his bed... but he’ll definitely teach you how to play shooter games and will be so nice about it, won’t get mad at you, will give you little kisses when you’re not doing well and getting frustrated, and if you’re playing in online lobbies together he’ll stick by you the whole time and carry you
always sending you tiktoks & tries to get you to do all the trends with him. they never go viral but he goes back and watches them when he misses you
i peg him as a cat guy! really good with animals in general. i think most people would expect him to be a dog person since he can be loud and rowdy and excited, but on an emotional level i think he also just likes to be calm and relaxed and would get along with cats well. also teases you when animals reject you for him.
definitely writes about you in his journal. he jots down funny things you say or do or moments you shared so he never forgets any of them, and when he misses you he’ll read through them :( imagine when you’re so much older and he has documented proof of his love for you back when he was young please it makes me cry
also writes down little poetic words or things that remind him of you. he’ll hear a quote in a movie or a book or a song that instantly makes you pop into his head and he just has to write it down. he’s probably tried writing poems or songs about you, but he keeps those really secret because he’s embarrassed
this is kind of random but i think he’s a total beach person! likes going to spend days in the sun, builds sand castles and asks for your rating, drags you into the water to swim with him, will dive under and grab your ankles to freak you out, also looks really good in swim trunks but that's besides the point
he hates to see you upset and tries to cuddle the sadness out of you. when needs be, he’s a really good listener and doesn’t mind letting you just vent. when you cry, he pulls you in for a really tight hug and cradles your head - also because if he sees you crying, he’ll start to cry too because he genuinely feels for you 
tries his best to take care of you when you’re sick. not really a good cook or anything, but he’ll make you a grilled cheese or a pop tart, albeit a little crispy even though it’s his third attempt. doesn’t mind being near you and isn’t afraid of getting sick so he’ll cuddle you anyway
loses focus when you’re talking to him sometimes but it’s not because he’s not listening, it’s because he just gets caught up in staring at you and how you look when you talk bc he just adores you. when you snap him out of his, he always gets all red and blushy :(
nsfw under the cut (18+)
really likes sending & receiving nudes/lewds. he always goes for the torso selfie to show off his chest/abs when sending, and it doesn’t matter to him what you send back because he’ll like anything you have to offer
and his responses aren’t lame either. NOT the type to send you a thumbs up or a “ayo you sexy as hell fr doe” - he will hype you up with dirty talk because he seriously means it. honestly might just send you a voice message, or call you if you’re alone and available bc while he might look at pics of you from time to time for aesthetics, the majority of the time he’s jacking off
so you know how i said he likes seeing you in his clothing? he especially likes nudes of you in his clothes. send him a pic wearing his zip up hoodie & nothing else and he’s yours 
he prefers being in control/being on top but doesn’t mind if you want to take the reigns every once in a while
throws his head back and groans when u give him head. that's the image.
one of his favorite positions is when you’re in doggy but he pulls you up by the arms so your back is against his chest. he’ll snake a hand around to rub tight little circles on your clit, might put his hand around your throat if you like it. heavenly.
reallyyyy dirty mouth omg. asks sooo many teasing questions, likes hearing you say his name. “you like that, princess?” “louder for me” “who’s making you feel this good?” ugh and it’s not awkward either he makes it sound so good
has a lot of energy and a lot of stamina. stroke game will make you pass out, he’s so smooth and sets such a rhythm with his hips
things that get him going: kissing under his jaw, especially up by his ear. sucking his fingers. tugging on his hair. running your nails down his back.
pins your thighs to the bed when he eats you out. likes to make you squirm and loooves to edge you. super teasing in every way
can we just talk about his voice for a sec... he has the prettiest moans and isn’t afraid to let you know how he’s feeling. when you’re in missionary, he’ll hold himself up with one elbow, hold your hand with the other, and will lean down to moan right in your ear. sometimes does it on purpose bc he knows it turns you on from how you clench around him
usually has a death grip on that sensitive spot between your hips and your waist so he has something to hold on to while he pounds you
when he cums, he 100% buries his face in the crook of your neck, might even bite down from time to time 
can totally see him going harder if he knows there’s people around, he doesn’t care who it is that’s outside the door but they’re gonna hear how good he’s making you feel whether you like it or not
wants to see your face when you cum. will definitely tell you to cum for him and keep your eyes open when he’s really feeling it - your expression makes him nut so fucking hard lawwddd
daps u up after sex just cause he’s weird like that lol
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dorkydiaz · 3 years
you're not scared of anything at all [922 words | girldads!buddie| fluff] {ao3} @buddiebingo square: kidfic a/n: for @quarantine-anon who requested what happens after Grace Madeline's first day of kindergarten, which then spiraled to include a random morning in High School, and after her college graduation party. Yes I named her bestie Abby on purpose but we'll get into that another time lol. yes grace is queer af cause i said so. title from the best day by taylor swift. enjoy!
Buck wasn't sure what to expect as he pulled into the parking lot at 1:25pm. The morning had been tearfilled as he and Eddie clutched hands and backed out of the classroom as the teacher's aid talked with Grace after about 10 hugs each and promises that they would indeed be back in just a few hours to go home. No they both did not cry their own tears when they got back in the car. Absolutely not. Eddie had to convince Buck that they could not just sit in the parking lot all day.
He waited the 5 minutes, because as much as he wanted to see Grace, he also didn't want to seem too helicoptery. So as soon as the little green clock blinked to 1:30pm, he hopped out of the car. Several other parents do the same and he smiles to himself. They all wait patiently on the walkway outside of the school, and a few minutes later he spots Ms. Sally leading the group of children out the doors.
He spots her before she does, obviously, but still holds back until she sees him. And when she does her face lights up, her blue eyes sparkling in the bright September sun.
"Papa!" she runs to him the rest of the way and he bends down just in time to scoop her up, little backpack and all.
"Hi baby, did you have a good day?" he asks, making his way to Ms. Sally to let her know that they were leaving.
"Where's Daddy?" she responds in lieu of an answer,
Ms. Sally seems to be engrossed in a complex conversation with another parent, but she nods and waves at them which he returns and then turns to the parking lot.
"He was sooo sleepy that he took a nap."
"Silly Daddy. That is my favorite part of kindergarten- no nap time!" Grace babbles as he gets her into the car.
Buck smiles and runs his fingers through her curls, and double checks her seatbelt.
"No nap time!? What did you do with all that extra time?" Buck asks slipping into the driver seat.
"Well we drew pictures and learned about addition, oh and recess! I met a new friend, her name is Abigail- but we call her Abby! And we want to have a playdate, can you talk to her parents?..."
Grace continues to relay her day that he knows he will have to hear at least three more times, but he doesn't care.
They arrive home and Grace is off like a shot through the door, racing to find Eddie or possibly Mr. Noodle, Buck isn't terribly sure who will take precedence.
It turns out it was Eddie because he walks into the living room and the sight to behold is one he will never get tired of. Grace is sitting on Eddie's lap, relaying about her new best friend Abby who apparently has red hair, and Eddie catches Buck's eyes and tilts his head, the question clear, and he just nods.
Grace then slows down and starts to crash from the day, leaning into Eddie, and mumbles, "I missed you Daddy,"
"We missed you too kid, but it sounds like you had so much fun, are you excited to go tomorrow?"
"I have to go again?" Grace asks,
Buck laughs, "Yeah kid, almost everyday for the next 12-16 years,"
"Geez Louise," Grace says, sighing.
✏️✏️11 years later✏️✏️
"Daad, have you seen my braces rubber bands?" Grace calls from the bathroom,
"Yeah they are on the kitchen counter Gracie," Eddie calls from the living room,
"Daddd I told you to stop calling me thaat," Grace huffs walking into the kitchen rolling her eyes,
"Your math homework is on the coffee table, don't forget it." Buck says, "We gotta get going if you want a ride kid."
"Claire and Abby are picking me up today," she says heading for the front door, stuffing the math homework into her bag on her way,
"Okay, have a good day! Love you too," Eddie calls after her,
"Love you Dads," she calls back with a small smile as she shuts the front door.
"Fuck she grew up too fast, she's gonna be in college soon and then we won't see her every day," Buck pouts tears pooling in his eyes, "You think she's ever gonna tell us Claire is her girlfriend?"
"She will when she's ready." Eddie replies, pointedly avoiding the first part of Buck's musings.
✏️✏️5 years later✏️✏️
The house was quiet, soft music leaks in from the backyard where Chris, Abby, and Cal are still spread across the grass talking. There's half a sheet cake sitting on the table, streamers still dangling from the ceiling and Buck walks into the living room, coming upon a common, but less common sight now that Grace had been at college, sight, Eddie's arms wrapped around her, placing a kiss on her temple, the look on his face the same as the day that she was born.
"So how does it feel to be done?" he asks gently,
"Geez Louise," she whistles, "I don't know."
"We are so proud of you," Buck says sitting down next to them,
"I know, you only told me like 100 times today," she says throwing her head back on the couch,
"Hey, we are, neither-"
"Of you guys went. I know," she says, "But both of you know that doesn't determine-"
"Our worth," they finish together, hugging her tightly.
"I love you Dads," she whispers quietly.
"Love you too kid."
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starlitangels · 2 years
Really random but i have been absolutely obsessed with Micah right now. Between Sam gentleness and wanting to keep others safe and darlins impulsiveness, i think it makes a great character. Anyway, I was just wondering if we could have like a set of headcannons for them. If you want of course. I really want to get to know them better :D
Heck yeah! I love Micah so much. She tends to fall a bit by the wayside given everyone else seems to love the Shaw siblings the most so when I get Pups requests, it's usually for Gabriel and Natalie. But I Love Micah XD
Micah Collins Headcanons!
(That can technically be considered canon to the Pups AU considering I made her up lol)
She's 5'8", wears her hair really short, dyes it blue, has amber eyes.
She is the youngest of the main six Pups, but taller than all the other pups but Evelyn (5'10") and Gabriel (6'5")
Her wolf form is grey and flecked with black, but she has a white sock on her left foreleg
Is fairly ambidextrous
Has been able to beat Gabriel in a fight since she manifested as a wolf (Natalie didn't figure out how to beat him until she was ~16/17)
Is a very good singer but heaven help the poor fool who brings it up
She tries really hard not to think about how weird it'll feel when she out-ages her dad, given she has no intention of becoming a vampire unless she's actively dying
Fun behind-the-scenes fact, I named her Micah because it's always been a name I liked for a girl, but it's considered a "boy name" where I'm from, and since Micah was always intended to be tomboyish when I made the Pups for that first request, I decided to give her a "boy name" that sounds good on a girl.
I also decided Sam and Darlin' would have a daughter specifically because of Sam. I liked the idea of him having a little girl who wrapped him around her little finger, but he was always exasperated by how much she was like Darlin' XD
Sam did the vast majority of teaching Micah to talk, hence she naturally talks with his accent. She fakes a Californian one
She doesn't care much about fitting in and it's not like she's scared of being made fun of (Micah is too intimidating for most classmates to consider bullying her and they know she'd tear them to shreds), she just wants to sound like her family, and most of them are Dahlian.
Micah actually gets in trouble less often than Natalie (Sam's influence)
That said, she gets in her fair share of trouble
Sam has never hated the "no sun" part of being a vampire more than when Micah gets in trouble at school and Darlin' has to go deal with the administration
He specifically hates it because he doesn't get to watch his mate tear into some administrator for getting Micah in trouble for something that wasn't her fault
Micah stands up to bullies a lot who are picking on more helpless classmates, hence she gets in trouble for things that weren't her fault
The school called David instead of Micah's parents once (they'd gotten sick of dealing with Darlin' and thought, "maybe their pack alpha would be easier to deal with." They were wrong.)
Darlin' has been teaching Micah to defend herself since she was probably two, and when her powers manifested that training carried right over into her wolf form
When Micah was about two and being taught to defend herself, she liked to roughhouse with Frederick and Bright Eyes, who had a good time humoring a toddler
There are times when Darlin' and Micah are sparring in the woods outside the house while Sam sits on the porch and watches
Micah tends to act a lot like Darlin'—reckless, headstrong, tough, stubborn—and sometimes when she back-talks to Sam she sounds so much like Darlin' that Sam just thinks, Oh Lord, there's two of them.
Micah dyes her hair bright blue and has done since she was 14 and her powers manifested
Speaking of, she started puberty late, at 14, and given she's 10 months younger than Natalie, who manifested at 12, Natalie had been a wolf for nearly three years by the time Micah got her powers
Her favorite color is, in fact, blue. But, like, bright blue, not dark
She has Welcome to the Black Parade on six different playlists and loves alternative music
She is very stubborn about the fact that Frederick and Bright Eyes are her older siblings. If anyone tries to say they're not her siblings, they will get pummeled.
She was never much one for extra curricular classes or activities, like Danny with hockey with Gabriel and ballroom dancing with Natalie, but she was in kids' karate for a while
Micah will never admit to anyone, but she's a really good cook
This girl is trash at video games. Natalie and Danny regularly whip her ass at Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, anything. Her hand-eye coordination is good, just not for video games
That said, Micah never loses at Monopoly or Clue
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