#also this was a liiiiittle tough for me to do
headoverhiddles · 5 years
Having A Size Kink With The Killer Klowns Would Include
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Requested by anon! 🔫 🍿
You’d be out camping one day, and come across the big top 
Approaching it, you’d be a little wary, but a little excited since you love clowns so much 
Basically, you're like !!! circus!!! ahh h h!!!
So, you approach, but a shadow looms over you before you can enter. It’s a huge clown, with green hair and colorful clothes 
He looks down at you, and pauses before using his cotton candy gun on you... you look up at him, and something seems to pass between you two, almost like an affection at first sight 
He tosses you over his shoulder, and introduces himself as Jumbo. You grin, feeling his large glove hold you by your ass, and he takes you into the big top 
It turns out to be their spaceship, and you’re taken to the main area
A bunch of other huge clowns of all shapes and sizes gather around you, all so much bigger than you, and you feel your heartbeat pick up 
There’s one with Spiky hair that takes a particular interest in you, and he comes forward, wrapping his big arms around you. 
You bite your lip, loving the feeling of how much larger Spiky is than you. You hear their suggestive laughter, and look around to see all of them jumping in excitement... they must be able to smell the pheromones 
You wonder what it would be like to kiss a killer klown from outer space... ;) 
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imaginewithtearose · 3 years
hiiii! I saw your first matchup thing, can I request one too? with twst boys?
I'm a girl, 1,56 cm of height and I'm aquarius too lolololol my mbti is INFJ
my favorite things are write, eat chocolate and play video games, I also looooove to watch/read/play anything related to investigation/crime-solving
I'm a kind of person that loves to talk about literally anything! do you want to talk about TV series? sure! do you want to talk about food? omg yesyes! do you want to talk about how white is your wall? let's go then!!
I'm also very open to know new things and I like to listen to people rambling things they love! I always prioritize comfort above anything else so I always try to make sure that both the person and I are comfortable in any situation! but sometimes I can be very insecure, most of the time i dont demonstrate it but I'm scared of the person suddenly disliking me :( oh I and I can be VERY childish (bonus: uncle jokes because I like uncle jokes 😼) and VERY lazy too (I have a liiiiittle problem that I'm able to sleep the whole day aksnwissj someone help me)
sorry if it's too much info!!! feel free to ignore it <3
How can i ignore such ask?? Its not too much information, its the perfect amount! Love you! Thanks for being straight forward.
Lets ask the mirror who your perfect partner will be, tough i already have someone in mind~
Matchup loading. . .
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Oh! The results are here, lets see...
The mirror matches you with...
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Kalim Al-Asim!
So, you like to talk huh? You are very childish too? Well thats Kalim hobby! Kinda, he cannot shut up for once. You two instantly clicked when meeting for the first time, talking for hours and hours!
Jamil finally got a rest, he thanks you mentally for that T_T
You got kinda that mom vibe, actually, no, a big sister vibe, that Kalim loves. Trying new things with him will not be problem, not only on the money part, but also on the limits part!
He looooves doing lot of things, specially new ones! I guarantee that he will take you on a magic carpet ride on your first dates.
I can imagine you two trying every sport and every activity that his land and the NRC provides!
He invites you to the light music club, he wants you to see him play!! And hopes that you sing along to him
Kalim always falls into your uncle jokes, and always laugh of them!
"Hey Kalim this look like updog" "Whats updog?" And Jamil crying for hearing that joke AGAIN.
The "worst" part is when he says the same type of jokes to every member on scarabia and Jamil, like, 35 times a week. Everyone is obligated to laugh--
There was one time that he heard you liked crime solving, and was reading to go pay an investigator and a fake criminal to-
Jamil stopped him before it was too late. Baby sad :(
But he listens/sees crime investigations on youtube/spotify with you. Actually thats the only moment he stand still in one place and pays attention, also he ask questions VERY often while eating snacks.
I can imagine it, you two, on the floor of his room, sharing headphones, listening to a podcast of true crimes, while looking at the ceiling and eating some snacks that Jamil prepared. He stopped a minute just to ask about the murder weapon, and you explain it slowly, he lovingly gazing at your every movement and feeling like the happiest man in all of the world. He forgets about his question and your answer, but just sharing this moment with you is perfect for him.
Oh, so you need a lot of reaffirmation?? DONT WORRY HERE COMES KALIM SWEET BOOOOOOOOOY
His form of affirmation are gifts and physical affection! Cuddles you and gives you loooot of kisses. If you are not okay with this, worry not, since Kalim will give his best to give you reafirmattion words.
"Y/N, you are the prettiest girl out there!! How can i stop loving you?? Not only pretty, but funny, smart, and soo special! I will never see someone like i see you. Please, cheer up. Lets go to a ride on my magic carpet, Jamil will never know!!"
He is not lazy, so at first he panicked thinking that you were poisoned or that you had a condition that made you sleep. So when you wake up in the infirmary, with two doctors, professor Vargas, and Jamil consoling Kalim, you are VERY CONFUSED.
You explain to him that its only your way to be, that you enjoy napping and just doing nothing. His tears are wiped away with your hand as he nods in understanding.
This calms him, still, he sits at your side and naps with you, or does something while waiting for you to wake up!
Lazy dates with him are the best, enormous blanket forts, tons of pillows and plushies, and the comfiests beds. You can sleep for hours or just be lazy in there.
"Hey, hey Y/N, are you awake? Look at this, look, please look at this" Every hour if he is not asleep.
I think that, overall, besides the differences between you two, you do a perfect match. A cute pairing that will last until the river in Scarabia is dry, and with Kalim, he will never let it become dry!
Hope this answer pleases you! Here are some other options that i tought for your match: Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, and Malleus Draconia.
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Been having a weird/off week. But you know what’s made it better?
Spending some more time in Midvale with Supergirl Ep. 6x06, “Prom Again!”
So! Last week was the fun shenanigans/set-up, THIS WEEK we get the emotional pay-offs and oooooh. So good. So good.
Historically, Supergirl kinda struggles to stick its landing when it comes to paying off its set-ups, but I think this episode is really solid in that regard.  
And thus, we begin! With the forest showdown! And I love it. Love every part of it. Love Kara flying in and freeing Nia and Brainy with her heat vision, love that one of Kenny and Kara’s go-to plays is called ‘Speed Racer’, love Brainy’s whole, ‘my buddy’s gonna BLAST YA if you don’t cooperate’ and Kara just. Threatens the bad guys from the shrubbery.
She’s supposed to be scary and intimidating with the heat vision eyes but dagnabbit...it’s just kind of cute.
Last week I completely forgot to mention how much I love that Kenny and Kara have go-to plays WITH NAMES. (NERDY names at that!) And also that Alex is so exasperated by it.
Fast forward to the Fortress and everyone’s happy! The day is saved! The timeline is restored! Alex apologizes for being a bit of a grouch!
*cough* understatement *cough*
And Brainy doesn’t get the fist bump, d’awwwww. XD
Nia has a lovely chat with Kara wherein SHE is the elder hero who inspires the youths. Nice. NICE.
And THEN, the first of some good Danvers Sisters scenes...we’ll call this one ‘the mini-van chat.’ 
Kara apologizing about the ‘Zookeeper fight-y thing’ and the GLASSES FIDGET.
Shout out to the writers, who were ON-POINT with the dialogue for both parts, and shout out to the young actresses as well. It’s...honestly uncanny, how well they nailed playing Kara and Alex. 
(I mean, we knew this already, of course, but GOSH. What a wonderful showcase. So, so glad, that we got such a large Midvale story in the final season.)
Right, so, another dialogue highlight from the mini-van chat (but like, not in a silly way. More in a, ‘oh wow that’s very sweet’ way) Alex, to Kara about her choice: ‘It’s the right one because you made it.’
Then we go to Nia and Brainy on the Legion Cruiser!
Nia’s outfit? Outstanding. Brainy’s mask? Admittedly a little distracting because it didn’t look like it was fitting quite right.
But A+ song choice for their dance, show. 
(Really, A+ song choices across the board. You can tell they were absolutely LOVING getting in all those needle drops.) 
Cat Grant has released the aliens! And she has been captured! And yet she remains heckin’ fearless!
Love that she calls Mitch ‘Mr. Blue Sky.’
It took me a while to warm up to this ‘new’ version of Cat Grant but this episode really gave her some fun stuff to do and yep, I dig it. Great stuff. 
Meanwhile, back at the prom...
I'm taking this moment to applaud the Supergirl folks for their very nice workarounds for ‘crowded’ locations this season thus far. The episodes have never felt like, overtly obvious in terms of Covid protocol impacts (I mean there are a few scenes here and there where you’re like, ‘oh, yeah, this is set up in this specific way to probably account for some production changes) but I’ve never felt that the episodes are losing anything, you know?
Case in point! Two episodes, set in a crowded high school! But most of the stuff takes place before/between classes, or outside!
(Specifically enjoyed all the outdoor stuff and natural lighting. It’s not quite the same as that LA sunshine, but. Still nice.)  
Anyways, in “Prom Again!” the action/discussions are set in the hallways/classrooms outside of the actual Prom. Inobtrusive! Makes sense for the story! Doesn’t compromise!
Gold stars for everyone. 
Kara and Kenny are BOTH unrelentingly cheesy--Kara even says as much--and it’s wonderful.
‘Hey Stargazer.’ Kara, you smooth operator you.
Shout out to Kenny’s bowtie, it’s great.
...Shout out to Kenny in general.
(Like, Will is great, but he’s got a lot to live up to, now.)
So FURTHER PROOF THAT THE TIMELINE IS BUSTED: Kara is going to stay in Midvale!
Me, knowing full well that Kara has to go to National City, but also being...just a liiiiittle bit team Kenny: 
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And then...THE METEOR!
That Kara just. Body-slams.
It reminded me of another Danvers, who also body-slams some space stuff:
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But UNLIKE Kara’s cross-company cousin, this particular move does not end well!
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(Well, okay. It’s tonight but you get the idea.)
Poor, sweet Kenny. Who feels WAY out of his depth as he’s imprisoned alongside Cat on the alien ship...but it does bring us one of her patented ‘tough love pep talks.’ Wherein she calls Kenny brilliant.
And also, Kendall.
Never change, Cat. Never change.
Also, “Go, go.”
Okay, some more rapid fire specifics that I enjoyed so that this list doesn’t get...too? Long? ...No promises.
Smol Kara squaring her shoulders in that classic Kara Super Pose! 
Alex being able to pick a lock!
Kara using the reflected sunlight from the moon to heal!
‘That’s an 80% failure rate’ ‘Oh yes it’s terrible.’
The scene where the police have Kara, and Alex comes rushing out all, ‘that’s my sister!’ and Kara’s gonna just RISK EVERYTHING to fix this?
100/10, excellent, love to see that Danvers Sisters angst in the Worst Timeline. Also? Alex’s desperate little headshake, silently pleading for Kara to NOT DO THE THING???? Devastating. In the best way.
‘The world will know that name...Keira.’ 
No Plutonian Landshark sightings!?!? Not even a graphic on a computer screen? FOR SHAME!
(Personally, I’m imaging that they look like Jeff, pictured below.)
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Kara stowing away on the Cruiser, and her very cute, ‘Don’t be mad!’
Her entire speech about her future--She’s just seventeen! She doesn’t have her driver’s license yet! Eliza’s only let her do the laundry once! She’s not even sure she can make rice!
(Eliza, I love you, but for Pete’s sake, let your kid do her own laundry.) 
Brainy and Kara trying to play it cool upon being discovered by Kenny and Alex! 
Their story involving an excess of formal wear!
Nia inspiring Cat to start CatCo, and telling her she’s CAT FREAKIN’ GRANT!
“If you say Lois Lane I will expire.”
Wait, did I mention the lucid dreaming power yet? ...Nia’s lucid dreaming power!
The entirety of Kara and Kenny’s talk in the gym!
Kara in the Worst Timeline tell Alex, ‘you don’t have to shout’. And then in the Fixed Timeline: ‘inside voice please.’
And she quotes Monty Python that lil GOOBER.
THE WHOLE EPISODE(S) was a GOSHDARN DELIGHT, I TELL YA. (Did I say that last week? I might’ve said that last week, but I don’t care.)
And now, some slightly more in-depth, overall thoughts:
So, How ‘Bout Them Danvers: Not surprisingly, the girls end up in, if not the exact same place as the end of “Midvale”, then pretty darn close. I’m trying to avoid, like. All of fandom, these days, but unfortunately, the bad takes are numerous, and often untagged. So I did see a bunch of people insisting that Kenny living ‘ruined the Danvers’ relationship’ and that the show is ‘taking away everything that makes Kara Kara’
To which I say:
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In the broadest terms, what needs to happen by episode’s end to match up with “Midvale”, and prep the kiddos for the stuff that happens in the Pilot - Kara needs to put the aspirations of super-ing on the backburner, and Alex needs to like. Not hate Kara, but also be committed to helping Kara keep her secret, you know...secret. 
All of these things are set up. I repeat: All. Of. Them.
And Kenny didn’t have to die!
(I will admit, I chuckled that they so blatantly teased an untimely demise for him...because I know it will annoy select corners of fandom.
But anyways, back to those key ingredients for making a ‘Danvers Sisters in the same emotional place they were in @ Midvale’s end’ soup: Alex deals with that simmering resentment. Seeing Kara handle herself well in a super-ing context gives her that little, ‘hey, this isn’t so bad!’ outlook.
BUT INTERESTINGLY, in the Fixed Timeline, Alex and Kara don’t have that chat in the supply room, where Alex is like. ‘You CANNOT reveal your powers, BAD THINGS will happen if you do.’ 
That is saved for the Pilot!*
MEANWHILE. The Kara ingredients! She puts super-ing on hold. 
Her chat with Kenny functions as a replacement for her chat with J’onn-as-Not!Alura, in the sense that it’s here that she reveals that she didn’t choose to come to Midvale, she didn’t choose these powers. 
(...I can already sense fandom using those lines to prove their end-of-series theories and like. Ugh. Ugh.) 
But anyways. It’s also here that we get shades of Pilot!Kara, what with the season one conflict of being Super vs. being normal. 
Fandom needs to like. Chill. 
And their (fake) concern for Kara’s characterization is entirely misplaced, because this was a really wonderful showcase for Kara in particular.
Like. The first episode was really Nia’s time to shine, and we still got solid Brainy and Nia action in this episode!
But man. That good Kara content.
So speaking of good Kara content in particular, I LOVED Kara’s prom dress. It's got both a SKIRT. AND PANTS!
I know nothing of fashion, but it was very cute, very girly, and okay. Though I hate the comic, the one thing I actually liked about Future State is Kara’s costume. This was similar!
(Thank goodness it looked nothing like the prom dress from Rebirth. That...was a bit of a train wreck.)
(Look, not all comic artists are great clothes designers, it’s just how it is.)
We see the empowerment theme come up with Kara inspiring Kenny; he describes her as ‘an amazing light in a world of darkness’ and tells her that, ‘you changed me, Kara Zor-El.’
We love to see it. 
They also agree that stargazing and Monty Python make for the perfect prom these absolute NERDS I love them.
*Quick wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimey note WRT making this episode ‘fit’ with the Pilot: I’m not saying that it 100% does. There’s already the change with the Kryptonite, and the added info/awareness of the DEO. 
Those little changes, though, don’t really impact the overall arc of Kara and Alex, the way the emotional stuff might. 
Thus! The ‘Pilot’ of Earth Prime, and in fact, the ENTIRETY of the show’s run thus far most likely involved little differences throughout, but the emotional core is very close, if not the exact same.
BUT EITHER WAY, it doesn’t matter, because our Kara and Alex are still our Kara and Alex thanks to the multiple sets of memories! 
(So all of fandom’s freaking out is for naught. As it almost always is.) 
I bring this up because, again, as much as I talk about setting stuff up for where we find Kara six years from now--this Kara is a little different! She comes across as more confident, something Izabela Vidovic mentioned in an interview, when discussing her approach to playing Kara this time around. 
And now, Alex: Admittedly, she gets less focus as like, a solo-entity in these episodes--she really is there to serve the more Kara-centric plot. Personally, it didn’t bother me too much because outside of these flashback episodes, Alex has had some solid development and screen time, so. It balances out.
And the scenes we did get with those 2? Solid. Top tier. There was even a couch scene! Like, technically. Because there was a couch in the supply room. XD  
Spotlight on Kenny: fandom kinda loves to insist that all the men on Supergirl are trash, because, ya know. 'Feminism’ or whatever. It’s ships, it’s always ships. But, in fact! The dudes on Supergirl? Are actually wonderful! And Kenny is another example of a guy who isn’t afraid to be emotionally vulnerable, who 1000% supports Kara, but is also like. His own person. 
Brainy too, had some really nice stuff in terms of dealing with his emotions!
And it’s Brainy who gives us our closing line, as Nia asks him how he’s feeling now that they’ve accomplished their mission:
In conclusion! “Prom Night” and “Prom Again!” were EXCELLENT! They had heart! They had stakes! They had the promised time-travel do-over alluded to in the titles! Outstanding performances from the entire cast! Tthe ‘young’ versions of characters in particular! And I WILL be watching these episodes on repeat throughout the three-month hiatus! XD
But before the Super Friends take their break: NEXT WEEK! The Quest for Kara Concludes!!!
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snickerl · 8 years
Elixir Vitae
AU fanfic set around the time of IWTB.
A/N: It gets a little smutty in the end, just a liiiiittle bit....
Find previous chapters here: Chapter I / Chapter II / Chapter III / Chapter IV
Chapter V
Scully's not good today.
I realized right away, even before having spoken a single word with her. Stephanie, the receptionist, told me she was sorry but she didn't know where my wife was, that was the first indication because usually Stephanie knows where Scully is because Scully always lets her know so she can tell me. That's the procedure we arranged for me to meet her, but today Stephanie just shrugged apologetically and informed me that there was no message left for me.
So I tried Scully's room, the library, the lounge, the cafeteria, the gym, even Dr. Pratt's office. She was nowhere to be found. I thought there was only very little chance for her to be outside as the weather was rather nasty, rainy and windy, but lacking any other idea where she might be I gave it a shot anyway. To my bewilderment, I spotted her sitting on a park bench by the pond, unprotected against the rain, motionless, with sagging shoulders, her head hanging, all powerless and dejected.
No, she's definitely not good today.
"Scully?" I say when I reach her, not daring to touch her out of fear to startle her.
She doesn't react.
"Hey, Scully, what's the matter? Why are you sitting out here in the rain?"
I hold the umbrella Stephanie gave me over the both of us, a large gray thang with the name of the clinic imprinted on it.
She still doesn't respond to my showing up at her side.
When I left her last night, after having had dinner together in the dining hall and watching a movie in her room, she was okay. I wonder what happened to cause a mood change that drastic.
I cautiously graze the back of her hand which rests on her thigh. It's freezing cold.
"Dana," I try her first name and it works. She jerks, not really a reaction I wanted to cause, but I'm relieved to get any reaction at all. "What's wrong?" I ask again.
It takes forever for her to talk, and then "It's gone," is all she says. I'm shocked by how faint and powerless her voice sounds.
"What is gone?"
"The little duckling," she sobs. "The one I was feeding when it had just hatched. It's gone. It didn't make it apparently."
"How do you know it didn't just leave the nest?"
"Because it's the only one missing, the others are still with their mother. It didn't make it. It was too little and too weak to make it. It never really had the ghost of a chance."
I know where this is going, why this little duckling's fate troubles her that much. I put my arm around her shoulder. She's soaking wet. If I don't get her back into the building soon and into some dry, warm clothes, she'll catch a nasty cold, that's for sure.
"Scully, you're a scientist. You're familiar with nature's law of the survival of the fittest. Maybe it wasn't as tough as you hoped it was."
"Maybe," she says and rests her head on my shoulder. Drops drip from her wet hair and soak the fabric of my sweater.
"Scully, this has absolutely nothing to do with your recovery. I know the little duckling held a special place in your heart but the fact that it didn't make it doesn't mean that you're also not going to make it."
"I know," she whispers, "but I'm sad it's gone."
I press a kiss on her scalp and have the feeling I'm kissing an ice block. "Scully, we have to get you out of this rain. Suffering from pneumonia will by no means be beneficial to your healing process."
She nods and willingly lets me lead her back to clinic complex and to her room. I'm waiting while she's under the shower, the idea that she's naked on the other side of the wall somewhat intriguing I have to admit. When she emerges from the bathroom, dressed but with damp hair, I'm leaving through one of the medical journals that are orderly stacked on the coffee table; one more indication that she still is who she is.
"Are you warm again?" I ask.
"Yes. I have to blow-dry my hair and then I would like to get a cup of hot tea. Would you mind taking me downstairs to the cafeteria and having one?"
"No, of course not," I answer, "my treat."
Fifteen minutes of thorough blow-drying, two cups of tea, and a chocolate muffin later, we sit opposite each other in a booth at the rear end of the little cafeteria. I'm surprised she ate half of that muffin I offered her rather in an act of courtesy than really believing she would take it; some conducts of hers are simply new to me. The place is full of patients and their visitors, all of them absorbed in their conversations and focussed on themselves. We're definitely not alone in here but then again nobody seems to take notice of us.
"Tell me about how we became involved, Fox," she breaks the silence without prelude.
I'm a bit startled and attribute it to the secluded, somewhat private setting that she's addressing such a personal, intimate detail of our relationship in public.
I clear my throat. "Well, it took us a while."
My wording has a fair chance to make it to the final round of the understatement of the year contest, but I'm a bit afraid of the topic so I decide to remain vague.
"It wasn't love at first sight between us?" she asks.
"No," I chuckle, "not really."
If you were to describe two polar opposites of falling in love, two detrimentally contrasting antagonisms, it would have to be the phenomena of love at first sight and our homeopathic doses of romance over the course of seven years.
"When did we start dating then?"
Remember, Mulder, no lies!
"Uh, we never really dated."
"What do you mean we never dated? Then how did we get involved? Or do you mean we didn't date officially? I bet there are rules and regulations regarding fraternization among fellow agents."
"There are, and at a certain point the fear that they might split us up was in our heads, but it was not the reason for us not dating."
"Then what was?"
If I only knew how to explain without opening a can of worms.
"I guess I never really felt adequate. I wanted you to have a normal life."
"A normal life?" She sneers. "And what kind of life did you foresee for me?"
"A devoted husband. A bunch of cute kids. A nice house with a picket fence and an oak tree in the front yard."
"Ouch, how cliché!" She grimaces as if she had a toothache.
I can't believe what I'm hearing. The mocking ring to her voice disturbs me.
I remember the night we cuddled in a motel bed in Oregon shortly before I was taken. She had crawled into my bed because she was cold and dizzy. I practically told her the same thing, that I wanted for her to get more out of life than following questionable leads to weird cases through the country. I told her that there had to be an end to the craziness that was her life, totally oblivious to the fact that the die had already been cast. She was pregnant, alas, we didn't know. Cells were dividing in her womb, having the potential to actually give her the greatest of joys but were actually about to precipitate her into the greatest misery; all because of me.
Was it so wrong of me to want to spare you, Scully? Look where holding on to me has gotten you! To a mental health institution, eventually robbed of literally everything, not only your career, your health, your beloved sister and son, but of your entire past!
I'm getting nauseous.
"Anyway," she adds in a more neutral tone, "why couldn't the two of us have a normal life together?"
"Because I'm a wacko," I croak, "isn't it obvious?"
The honest laugh that escapes her chest eases the tension in my system. I'm able to open my fists and relax my jaw. I didn't even realize I was clenching them both to an extent that was painful.
"You're not a wacko!"
"How do you know?" I ask, unable to share the good impression she has of me.
She takes my hands in hers. The warmth of her touch does some more to soothe me. She looks at me and her eyes couldn't be any clearer and forthcoming.
"I just know."
She sounds so convinced, so assured. I almost believe her.
"Anyhoo, we ended up as a couple." She gives my hands a little squeeze before she adds, "so at some point we must have crossed the line. Fox Mulder, have you seduced me with those beautiful hazel eyes of yours?"
If it weren't so damn unlikely, I'd say she's flirtatious with me. She's definitely gazing, casting her eyes up coquettishly. And her voice! Where does this enticing tone come from all of a sudden?
Despite my sitting position, the room starts spinning. I have to close my eyes briefly and shake my head to break the spell to be able to talk again. My palms are getting sweaty and I feel like I want to wipe them dry on my thighs but it'd mean I have to pull my hands out of her grip and I don't want to do that. I try for a wee joke instead to hide my excitement
"As much as I'd like to claim my irresistible charms and damn good looks to be the deciding factors for you not to pack your things and flee from my office after our first case..." I make a short pause to inhale deeply, "I'd rather say it was your integrity as an agent and your curiosity as a scientist that made you stay. All I had done was piquing your interest in the special cases of the unit I was working for at the time."
"My integrity as an agent," she repeats with a smile, "I like that. Back to the topic, though, how long did it take until you made a move on me?" she ask with a bit more urgency, but all I do is smile and purse my lips.
My worldlessness makes her stare at me. Her brows hit her hairline and her eyes are two huge questions marks. "What? What's wrong with my question?
"Nothing, actually, only that it wasn't me who set the ball rolling. It was you!"
I grin at her now, laced with innuendo, and I'm amused by how her eyes widen even more in shock when I explain, "one night, in the seventh year of our partnership, I got laid."
"Are you saying I laid you?"
"That's what I'm saying."
"What? No!" she shrieks, her voice a bit too loud and a cadence too high. Some people pause their conversations and turn their heads in our direction.
She blushes. Oh, how sweet!
"Yes, Scully!" I whisper.
"I would never hit on you!"
"Can you be so sure? You don't remember anything of your past, so how do you know you never did what I just told you you did?"
"I simply know!" She leans backward and lets go of my hands to tug at her shirt and remove an invisible lint. "It's just not possible! I...I'm not that kind of person!"
I am a bit amused by the consternation resonating in her voice I must say. I can't keep myself from pushing a little further. "And what kind is that, Scully?"
"The man-eating vamp who drags her poor co-worker into bed in the desperate search of a sexual partner."
A hearty laughter erupts from my chest. I laugh so hard, I almost choke. If she knew how far from the truth she is. I'm swallowing down another chuckle, feeling bad for having fun at her expense.
"My dearest Scully," I lean forward and gaze at her, hoping my eyes are as clear and honest as hers were a few minutes ago, "you were nothing like that! You simply were gutsier than me. You knew my feelings for you were exactly the same as your feelings for me. You were fed up with suppressing your desires just like I was, only that I didn't dare to act on them. Believe me, you didn't need to drag me anywhere. One single word from you was enough for me to follow you willingly."
"What word?" she whispers.
"That was all I said?"
"Actually, you said, 'I want you, Fox Mulder, tonight.'"
"That's six words," she states with the stubbornness of a little girl who doesn't want to admit she stole a cookie despite her chocolate-smeared mouth.
"Argh," I huff, "do you always have to be so meticulous? Tonight is the key word here, don't you see? I knew you wanted me..."
"Yes, I knew! But hearing it come out of your mouth in such a commanding voice in combination with the word tonight simply short-circuited my system. I was turned on like hell."
She bites her lower lip until it's red and swollen, mumbling something to herself under her breath. I lean backward again to give her the privacy for an inner dialogue she apparently needs to have with herself. I get a word now and then, torn out of context. I hear 'inconceivable', 'tingling', and 'sensual'. Especially the last one lets my heart beat a little faster. She most certainly was sensual that night. Very sensual. Unbelievably, irresistibly sensual.
Eventually, she's done talking to herself and lifts her head abruptly, locking her eyes with mine. With an amount of self-assuredness in her voice that surprises me a bit, she establishes, "so, I beguiled you into our first night together."
I only hum affirmatively and nod.
"And after that first night, did I always have to persuade you to make love to me?"
Interesting, I think there's a bit of apprehension threaded in her voice. Does she really believe I needed to be told to make love to her?
I wished I could show her how much I desire her up to this very day, but we're on a strictly platonic level. We're married but the consummation of our marriage is ineligible for the time being. A single passionate kiss already made her uncomfortable, what would making a pass at her do?
"You're a beautiful, alluring woman, Scully, and I'd been attracted to you from early on. You were my best friend. I'd called you my touchstone once. I would've gone to the end of the world for you."
She stares at me during my confession, her eyes slowly but continually filling with tears until they spill over. When the first drop rolls down her cheek, my thumb is already there to wipe it away.
"Are you evading my question?"
I shake my head.
"The answer is no, Scully! No, you never had to persuade me to make love to you. Having finally been allowed to show you my utter devotion had freed me from my inhibitions, and I tried to do it with you whenever and wherever possible. You were the one to set up rules of abstinence and no-go areas."
"Like what?"
"Not while we were in the office, not even a stolen kiss in our basement lair anyone hardly ever came down to was allowed. Separate rooms while out in the field. No public display of affection within a mile from the Hoover Building. No overnight stays at the other's apartment on workdays. No commuting to work together."
"Oh my, that's a long list. Was I really so compliant with FBI rules?"
"You were a dedicated agent with a high standard of work ethic. All you tried to do was separate our private from our professional lives. And it was a good idea, even tough a challenging undertaking at times. Especially when we were staying at a motel, the connecting door between our rooms unlocked, I was tempted more than once to sneak into your room and slip under the covers with you. You always threw me out."
"And I take it you always showed me exactly the face I'm seeing right now."
"You bet!" I affirm, putting on the best pout and hangdog look I can manage.
"I took all the fun out of our relationship, didn't I?"
"Oh, we had a lot of fun! I even made you break your own rules a few times. Our boss once almost caught us in the act while I was...uh, while I was reading from your lips...not the ones in your face," I tell her with a leer.
She gasps and her eyeballs almost drop out of their sockets. Her face reminds me a little of the one she put on when Skinner had appeared in the doorframe to our office out of nowhere while I was pleasuring her.
"You pushed me under the desk just in time," I conclude with a chuckle. "I hit my head so hard I had to bite into the inside of your thigh to keep the cries of pain inside my mouth."
For me, it's a very fond memory, one which actually makes itself felt in my pants. For her, obviously, it's not. Her cheeks are flaring up in crimson red and she tucks her hair behind her ear in a nervous displacement activity. I notice she subconsciously presses her thighs together under the table.
"God, this is so embarrassing!" she groans, casting her eyes down.
Shit, I took it too far! Again!
I'm sorry, Scully!
"Scully, please, there's no reason for you to be embarrassed. I'm the one who's ashamed, namely of myself. It's me who overstepped the mark, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm so sorry I put that image of us in your head." I rake my hair with both hands to keep them busy, otherwise, I might slap myself. "I...I don't know what to say."
I got carried away. Why do I get carried away all the time? I forgot for a fleeting moment that despite having gotten closer in the past few weeks, I'm still more or less a stranger to her, at least when it comes to the physical nature of our relationship. How could I have been so rude and throw that intimate, juicy little tale into her face? If things were slightly different, she had every reason to report the incident to the authorities as sexual harassment.
Her eyes zig-zag across my face. What does she see in me, I wonder. Is it the broken man who feels incomplete without his perfect other or the tactless bully who's constantly disobeying the limits.
Please don't doom me, Scully!
I don't know whether the subtle study of my face has led her to any conclusions, I only fear that if it did, those conclusions might bring her to withdrawing from me. For good, in the worst case.
"You know what really makes me sad, Fox?"
'My impertinent, inexcusable behavior?' I want to supply, but only shrug. I'm such a coward.
"That one moment I feel so comfortable around you. I feel like I'm getting somewhere, like I'm beginning to understand what our relationship was like. And then, without warning, I'm punched in the stomach and I'm reminded that I know nothing about us."
I close my eyes, and a deep sigh escapes my throat. I punched her in the stomach.
"It's not your fault," she hurries to assure me as if she was able to read my angry thoughts, "and I don't blame you for getting carried away sometimes. I should be the one apologizing to you."
"Are you crazy?"
Is she crazy?
"What on earth should you be apologizing to me for?"
"You're so understanding, so patient, but...you're still a man. A man obviously very much in love with me, a man with...needs. And I'm keeping you at a distance."
"I'm fine, Scully."
That's her line, actually.
"No, you're not. You should see your face, Fox. It's written all over it how miserable you are."
"I'm miserable because of what happened to you, I'm miserable because I see how much you struggle with your situation, and I'm miserable because I can't keep my testosterone level in check, but nothing, Scully, absolutely nothing you do or say makes me miserable."
She looks at me with eyes so full of doubt and uncertainty that I can't help but getting up from my chair and placing myself next to her. I'm not a bit convinced that what I do next is the right thing to do, but I fold my arm around her shoulder and pull her close to me regardless. She feels so small and fragile, I fear that if I squeeze too hard she might crumble to pieces. I pray that I'm not overdoing it again when I gently rock her. I'm filled with relief when she relaxes against my side, her head on my shoulder and her hand on my thigh.
"Everything's gonna be fine, Scully. We're...gonna be fine," I whisper into her hair.
The memory of a very similar situation washes over me like a tidal wave. I held her in a hospital hallway many years ago, after she'd been diagnosed with incurable cancer. Although the situation seemed hopeless, I believed she'd beat the terrible disease. And she did. And she will beat the amnesia as well. This thing is not life-threatening. I'm off so much better today than I was then. I don't have to fear to lose her, the odds for her recovery are so much better. So what am I even complaining about?
Get your act together, Mulder! Support her to the best of your ability! She relies on you, don't disappoint her!
Today I dare say something I would've wanted to say back then as well but didn't have the courage to say out loud at the time. I was only thinking it, hoping she'd read my mind. Hoping she knew.
"I love you, Scully." I place a kiss on the top of her head and hear her stifle a silent sob. "We're gonna get through this together."
"I hope you end up being right, Fox," she breathes against my chest.
"I will."
to be continued
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bitchninthekitchnnn · 8 years
3 Reasons Why I Made My “Let-His-Ass-Go Lasagna”
There’s cooking, and there’s letting go. I’m only good at one of those things, and the other is more of an aspiration. My history of relationships (which is really “situationships” and “fornicationships”) is basically garbage. I say this, not just because the content was terrible, but also because of my perpetual inability to let. his. ass. go. But that’s getting old for me. The time has come for me to prioritize my personhood, and have some boundaries about my life. By the end of this, I will become the letting-his-ass-go-bad-bitch-supreme.
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Note: this is entirely for me, and not you, the precious reader. I’m essentially having a chat with myself (I do that a lot), and you are a fly on the wall. (I’m only 40% joking.)
Meet Jay. Jay was funny, handsome, charming...and easily one of the most inconsiderate and selfish people I’ve ever met. These characteristics make him the best holistic image of every man I’ve ever been involved with sexually and romantically (I know what you’re thinking—“Well, what does that say about you then?” We’ll get to that later). He consistently prioritized his own needs over mine in our situation. He repeatedly reached out to me exclusively between the hours of 11:00 pm and 4:00 am, even after I told him to reach out during the day instead. Other than that, he ignored my calls and texts until he found some kind of benefit. He always asked me to do things that I already told him I wasn’t comfortable with. We were clearly just fuckbuddies, but in this Hollywood-inspired way where the “straight-acting” type dabbles in and out of my bedroom and treats our situation as this ambiguous, open-ended pocket full of possibilities. He wasn’t direct in any of the ways I needed him to be, and was an asshole in all of the ways I never deserved. He even told me one time that I wasn’t special.
Jay is a jackass. This behavior is entirely unacceptable, and I should have let his ass go a long time ago. But why did it take so long?
To give some helpful context, Jay was one of the few men of color that expressed interest in me. As a Queer Black Femme living in a very White town, I often gravitate to men of color because it’s so rare that I see myself mirrored in my day-to-day life. And while I could relate to him in ways I found difficult to do with other dudes who weren’t men of color, when did that become more important than how he treated me? Perhaps the biggest thing I learned throughout my time with Jay was the destructive fluidity in the way I have learned to compromise. I need to learn what it means to demonstrate commitment in a way that isn’t so self-sacrificing and that positions my needs parallel to his. I can also benefit from having some kind of rubric (see: standards) for the kind of dude that is truly deserving of my time and energy, while also making sure that I am that for him as well. I need to figure out the purpose of my pursuing a relationship, and work on how to develop some level of accountability with the person I pursue. And if that doesn’t work out, then I need to find the courage to…(say it with me) LET. HIS. ASS. GO.
Lately, I’ve asked myself this question: Would you rather be with Jay or be alone? I am bothered by the fact that I cannot give the answer that I know I should give. I should say that I’m 25 years old, in a decent spot in life, and deserving of all the joy, pleasure, and positive energy my heart could possibly muster, therefore I don’t NEED any boo in my life unless they’re adding to my vibes, and not depleting them. That’s what I should say. I think the truth is closer to not really knowing myself enough to appreciate my worth as a human being, and automatically yielding to whatever others think of me and/or creating and sustaining space and time for any dude who seems ideal. That’s some sad shit. That’s why I said this is some version of bitchin. The version where I get to shout out the trash that has chosen to walk into my world and be bad to me, and also call myself out in the process. The version where I learn to be patient with myself (and less patient with trash), and embrace the fluidity of what the rest of my 20’s can bring (while rejecting the fluidity of what I deserve--what I deserve is concrete and necessary). The version where I address that I don’t really know myself as well as I used to, and would love to spend more time getting to know who I am and what I enjoy. One of the ways I do that is by cooking. So speaking of fluidity, here’s my very fluid recipe for the LET-HIS-ASS-GO Lasagna. For individuals of the cooking community who aspire to let go:
Cook Time: However long you want (As you’ll learn, this recipe may not feel helpful—but I’ll do my best.)
Slow cooker (*Disclaimer--some of you go the slow cooker route so that you can leave your home, conquer the world, and return to a prepared meal. That’s not why I use it. Don’t leave--I’ll explain.)
Slow cooker liners (recommended because letting go takes long enough and no one has time to clean more shit than necessary)
Non-stick spray
Box o’ lasagna
Ground beef/turkey
Italian sausage
Ricotta Cheese--Part Skim Milk
Onion powder
Pasta Sauce (I use tomato and basil flavored)Chicken (recommended because why not)
Pepperoni (recommended because why not)
Spinach (because it’s green)
Your favorite cheeses (I always use mozzarella and parmesan at least)
Black pepper
Garlic powder
Blend, season, and brown your meat using stove or oven.
Chop and prepare onions and spinach.
Place the liner in your slow cooker. Apply your non-stick spray to ensure a loose relationship between your meal and the plastic liner.
Layer up! 
I always put sauce on the bottom.
Then, I place a layer of lasagna. 
From there, the choice is yours. I enjoy it when my lasagna noodles and ricotta get to know one another so I put that next. 
I believe I did sauce, lasagna, ricotta, spinach, meat, onion, cheese, and repeat.
Once you’re satisfied with your layering sorcery, turn it on.
After it’s done, dine like you’ve known yourself your entire life and don’t need anyone to tell you who are.
If you’re still unsatisfied, I believe I put it on high for 4 hours (its highest temperature), went to my room, put on some break-up music, typed half of this piece, and it was done in like 2 hours. The key is truly the faith that you build in yourself to trust your cooking abilities. You’ll know when it’s done, much like situationships you don’t belong in. Hopefully.
You probably noticed that I didn’t give any real measurements, temperatures, or times. I never said I was good at giving directions (or letting go). Much like getting to know yourself, you just have to see what feels good to you. Take some time! Give yourself permission to discover what you like and don’t like. The likelihood of burning the lasagna is low since you’ll be somewhere in your home the whole time getting to know yourself and moving beyond your past.
A note from the ‘Editor’: 
I’ve known Tyrell Allen for a liiiiittle while now. We worked together as Resident Assistants back in the college days that aren’t that far away. We were super salty during staff meetings and just general grumps with the hooligans. Some of those times- that hooligan was me. I have my moods. Anyway, Tyrell is amazing. From his awesome dancing and singing all the time, a fucking amazing fashion sense that I will never have, and there is just something awesome about being around someone that knows themselves. Tyrell gives no fucks. I appreciate that more than you will ever know. Surround yourself with people like Tyrell and you won’t regret your life. 
Now it’s tough because we’ve been trying forever to get together and get drinks but busy people with busy lives. TYRELL WE NEED TO GET DRINKS STILL. -Elle 
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wyrmsandrocs · 8 years
IF YO UDO THE COOKIN BY THE BOOK (all the cake asks)
Cheesecake: What is your favourite sweet treat? - I rlly like my grandmother’s cheesecake its like the best but like my moms coconut orange peel cookies are a close second. or if its not baked mint chip ice cream
Pound Cake: A picnic on a summer’s day with all your favourite treats or a rainy day in a cozy coffee shop with a book? - a picnic w/ all my friendos plus sweets n stuff cause who doesnt like chillin with friends?
Chocolate Fudge Cake: What song can always make you dance/feel good? - hm thats a tough one tbh probably either The Middle by Jimmy Eat World or like a happy song from a musical idk
Strawberry Shortcake: Name five of your favourite fictional characters. - Nina Zenik, Nina Rosario (the barrio’s best), Adelina Amouteru, Rose Quartz, and Calliope
Vanilla Cake: How do you spend a lazy, rainy day? - currently? homework. ideally? reading Six of Crows or another fave and drinking tea
Coconut Cake: A lazy, beautiful tropical paradise or a busy, wondrous city? - probably the city because of the word tropical. Also busy appeals more than lazy, but im not really a city person.
Angelfood Cake: Tell us a cringey childhood story.- HOO BOI OKAY so when i was like 9/10 i was on QuoteV a lot right? well i found this one thread where it said “lyric train.” now, tiny me thought this was just where people made up their own lyrics so that all the people involved could have written a song. I was wrong. The song was A Team by Ed Sheeran and so it was into the “fade out tonight straight down the line” part and i, who had never heard the song and didnt know it was a real song, added, nearly letter for letter, “yeah, we’ll fade out straight down that liiiiiiiiine.” youd think that would be the end of the story but no no no. a few years later my mom started playing it in the car quite a bit.halfway through my first time hearing it i recognized it. That song sparked a long forgotten memory and the fire of embarrassment was lit. I have died everyday since then.
Chocolate Cake: What was the last movie you saw? Did you enjoy it? Why? - the last movie i saw part of was A Christmas Story and i hated it. I felt physically ill throughout the whole thing.
Red Velvet Cake: Name your ultimate guilty pleasure. - writing rlly shitty fanfics or sappy stories that i wouldn’t let anyone else read
Ice-cream Cake: What is your go-to ice-cream order (toppings included!)? - mint chocolate chip i a sugar cone
Princess Cake: Name some of the things you wanted to be when you grew up. - author, poet, historian, history teacher, linguist, latin teacher.
Fairy Cake: If you could live in one imaginative land (eg: from a book, movie, etc), where would it be and why? - hmm i really like /this/ universe, but i would like a universe with a liiiiittle more potent magic, like beyond sigils and stuff. I want a universe where i can do more hollywood type magic such as levitasting things and teleporting and shapeshifting
Mooncake: What is your Chinese zodiac sign (eg: Year of the Rooster, etc)? - i aint tellin sorry
Carrot Cake: What does someone have to do to get you to be their friend? - literally if you talk to me once and you dont have that aura that immediatly makes me not like you congrats i call you my friend. I call literally everyone my friend
Birthday Cake: What is on your birthday wishlist? - Washington’s Spies, by Alexander Rose, maybe some nice gel pens, idk
Victorian Sponge Cake: You are at a shop that sells body lotions, soaps, shower gel, etc in lots of different smells. What scented lotion do you get? - something light and floral, maybe a cherry blossom type thing.
Lemon Cake: What/who makes you smile the most? - all my friends. all of you. also musicals, writing and my gf
Coffee Cake: How do you usually take your coffee/tea? -  usually make myself a mocha or dump like half the sugar bowl in my tea
Italian Cream Cake: Name five of your top travel destinations. - Oregon, Rome, Greece, and like every museum on the east coast about the revolution. all of them.
@canipetyourdragon i know you sent in an ask, but it was easier to do em all at once! ty for asking friends!
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hebblog · 7 years
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#WalingReview S7E12+13 *Disclaimer I wrote these forever ago and forgot to upload them. There’s a lot, ‘cause I’m pretty sure I’ll be wrapping this up after this season. I’ve just overall lost interest, which sucks. I’d rather spend more time paying attention to what used to  be my favourite show, then dissecting every moment. 
So I heard the finale has aired, and they’ve already started introducing “main” characters for next season. So…kay? Spoilers? This is the first season where it hasn’t all been totally spoiled for me. Is that because everyone’s being nice…or because no one’s watching? Previously
we can beat them
tell us where not to look
wait for the right moment
we need guns
they have a deal
ooo silent impactful raids for, probably those guns.
ooo silent impactful sex because, raiding together is hard work
So let me get this straight. They have to raid for supplies to appease the Saviours, and raid for weapons to please the garbage folk. That sounds like so much dang work dude!
Awe they’re happy ‘cause their finally away from home and all the burdens they left behind.
WAIT! Did they just jack EVERYTHING from those golfers?? Holy shit dude…did they kill them?? Geez man, was that very quick scene, and now this “just a little more” talk emphasis to show that the Group is becoming Saviours themselves?
what was that!!! Why open with that???
I know we’re always balancing on that knife, but wow guys
Rosita (that’s her name right?) has really become a pain. Characters do that so quickly when they start down the “I must kick ass” route. I get it, you’re pissed off, but take a chill pill. No one wants to be the next Shane right?
Rick’s pretty quiet in those leaves for a scruffy dude trouncing about
I love the survival-pack-get ups these guys put together when they go raiding. Where’s the episode where they break down the things you need to survive? Where are the episodes detailing the steps taken to be a survivor? Not this emotional baggage bullshit, I want hard facts on how to pack and prepare!
OH MY GOD THAT’S ONE UGLY …eeeeeeeewwwwwwww….puss ’n blood dude…
Remember the shopping mall roof caving in back in Season…one?
There is NO WAY they’ll just stumble upon a huge cache of weapons like this without any kind of trap being in place. Obviously. Someone set this all up OR something bad happened during a fight that backfired and caused everyone here to turn. OR the Saviours already know about this and…yeah…bad things.
*Pizza’s here!*
HA! Did I just call that or what!
holy shit that stash!
Like, they hit the mother load here, and they’re having far too much fun, some shit is about to go dooooown
Yeah girly YOU walked into the church, no one makes you go back to Gabe over and over
“You don’t know shit about shit”
“Anything is possible, until your heart stops beating”
That’s actually a really great quote
All these damn candles make it look like the set of an afternoon soap opera
RICK should be the one to mould the wold in his image? NAH SON! Gimme King Darryl, everyone’s quiet and keeping to themselves…
There it is “we can go another day” …..*rrrrr*…put the breaks on dude.
Alright, chill and mac’n cheese together IS worth putting all your friends lives at risk for another day
Can you imagine if Rick was just like “fuck it, let’s just keep going” and decided everyone else wasn’t worth it anymore
One of the best dialogues of the season, and it’s with a baby…
Couples that slay together
dude is it just me, or is the gore going up and up this season
What is haaaaappening with these two? This seems like a joke episode hahaha
and in this episode, zombies have a hard time with a board.
Are they having sarcastic banter while a group of zombies bares down on them? They are getting WAY too cocky
The dear! You owe her a dear dude. But also, no dear would ever, EVER come near any of this!
The most CG dear that ever lived
see, that right there, it would run away long long LONG before any of these things could get that close. The writers don’t know how animals work
They’re eating the dear…
We all know this show would totally do that to us.
That’s a lotta guns
No one cares what you like dude, your girl is shook about you being dead, just go home
Michone’s gonna die this season, that’s the next thing I’m calling. They are far too close, she is far too crucial to his character.
This garbage queen is tough, but I see where she’s coming from
Wait, what cat?
hahaha I think she likes Rick
What’s going on with the Saviours while Rick is questing for the Garbage Folk? Like, days and days have gone by right? No pick ups?
A sniper rifle IS way smarter than any other tactic.
So old Abe’s exes are going to go take on a legion of blood thirsty rape hungry mongrels in an attempt to bring down their leader - the most destructive force in the show thus far?
#WalkingReview S7E13
i bet this will be the epi where the Kingdom finally grows up and agrees to fight
one melon?
I don’t think Carol having nightmares should be a big deal. With the world the way it is people should be crying themselves to sleep regularly
Pretty sunrise
did she just deliver a non-killing blow to a zombie? What is the poooiiiint carol
and now she sets it up so the walk into the pole, but she doesn’t actually kill them
and walks into town like she friggin owns the road she just clears haha
ok i kinda like Morgan a liiiiittle bit more now
This dude and his secret stashes…
ooooh i get the one melon now
Gerry is the best one in this town
OH! This roadblock was setup by guy with stashes!
Stash dude chucked a melon when they were clearing the road, he’s setting this allllll up so that the Kingdom finally has a reason to fight back.
but no one thought they would shoot a KID!
So what this dude is saying is that this kids life is worth ONE MELON???
And he’s just realizing that his move might cost a kid his life
OOOOOOKAY FIRST OFF…Morgan has such a crazy rage inside him. I had forgotten about “clear” I had forgotten about his multiple transformations. Morgan really IS the most interesting character on the show but they’ve muted him for SO DANG LONG! Second; really? you hid the melon under a bright yellow bin on the side of the road? Really?
Why is noooooo one stopping Morgan??? Like, what? No one???
fucking hell Morgan, everything that guy just spent half a season setting up, you wrecked.
oooooh, I get it, Morgan’s finally flipped. He’s picking up the baton and running forward with “the plan”
He’s back to being a zombie samurai!!!!!! Bout damn time!
“Do you want to know what happened in Alexandria”
oh my god Carol…
wow this really ended up being a bummer of an episode
“We have to fight” “We do, but not today…”
So Morgan’s sharpening his staff, which means he’s finally ready for killing blows. All it took was a lot of people to do, then finally for a leader to break and kid to die…and for Morgan to break…and for Carol to break…holy shit dude this has been a lot of build up. I swear, the way this show is going nothing will happen until the final episode AND THEN something stupid will happen like Rick getting shot or some shit.
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