#also want to make one for tawnypelt too because i also love her
riverc1an · 1 year
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bonefall · 1 year
Golfy is literally one of my favorite cats of all time and I adore the way you’ve characterized her!! Any fun tidbits to share? I want to know more about the woman
There's a sketch of her floating around if you want to go on a treasure hunt! I don't have time to look for it right now (I am currently in the trunk of a clown car), but I've actually drawn a beta of her design and her big mane
Also note: BB!Goldenflower is part of the Doekin line. Speckletail's perception of herself and her family is tied strongly to being Doestar's niece. This association dies out with Thornclaw in BB!OotS as he's the last one to strongly value this legacy.
Golfy's mane is so poofy, unmanageabley poofy. She keeps it braided
Lionheart just surrendered to entrophy on that one lmao. "Dirt happens."
It's my little way of trying to show the difference between the siblings.
They're both proud and honorable, but Lionheart is more calm and patient. He's a Que Sera Sera kind of guy.
Goldenflower is more fond of the expression, "Fortune favors the prepared."
Note to self: Clanmewnize these expressions. Que Sera Sera is notably quite RiverClannish... Golfy's phrase is definitely from early ThunderClan
Not to get too distracted but I recently got this FANTASTIC idea for how to close out Book 3 of BB!DOTC on a bittersweet note, involving The First Boarhunt and Clear Sky being delightfully devious as always. Maybe it would be cool to put that phrase there... anyway.
She had three siblings total, Lionheart, Mistleclaw, and Snowkit. It's really difficult being the last one; family was extremely important to her.
Mistleclaw wasn't even a year out of apprenticeship; you're really considered an ADULT adult after being on your own for a year. Losing her was like losing a sibling who's college-aged. That was to the plague, before Firestar's arrival.
Smallear was openly the father of all four of them, but Goldenflower hesitates to call him Ba. Him and Speckletail had a really toxic on-again off-again thing.
Smallear was closest to Mistleclaw, who coincidentally looked the most like him. Goldenflower is like... "yeah thats what i expected of him, that fish-eared loser"
She's biased in favor of her mother though. Lionheart was more chill with Smallear; not CLOSE but, neutral-positive.
It wasn't entirely Smallear's fault that the relationship kept falling apart though, to be clear. I use toxic in this use very much on purpose, it wasn't abuse, they really cannot get along.
So when Goldenflower eventually picked a mate, she REALLY just wanted a stable lifepartner that would not be like that.
I would describe her relationship with Tigerclaw more in the terms of an "arrangement." Fishing for romantic information from her is VERY funny because she just like. Doesn't "get" romance.
Brambleclaw: "Mom... what did you... like about dad?"
"He was large, we were both very large. And he was a responsible warrior, respected and ambitious. Well... at the time we believed that. And he spoke with great confidence. He had a way of making you feel like you were both safe and powerful by his side."
It will not even click for her that most people don't open the answer to "why did you love x" with "he was tall like me"
She wanted kits and a partner. She doesn't regret the relationship, she regrets what he made her believe.
On Tigerclaw's end, it was mutual. They both liked each other as trusted Clanmates. He was attracted to her and reciprocated when she proposed a mateship, but I don't think he ever really got over Spottedleaf romantically.
Plus, getting into this family was a smart political move. Having Speckletail's approval was VERY useful.
I might stick Goldenflower as Head of Hunting through TNP to early Po3, until she trains a successor, since there's no rush. I have an allegiance list floating around but I can't remember off the top of my head if she's where she should be
She's actually super disappointed in Tawnypelt for her choice. I don't think they ever reconcile this, they're both too proud
So she's kinda iffy on that alliance with ShadowClan. Not to the point of spite, but she does easily believe stereotypes about them.
"A bunch of holdouts of TigerClan and duplicitous fiends over there."
Both Golfy and Tawnp miss each other a lot, but again. Neither one is going to apologize to the other or say the other was even slightly correct.
And Golfy wouldn't accept it if Tawnp even did. She made her choice. They're in different Clans now. She chose her father, who killed Swiftpaw and Lionheart.
And for that, Golfy will not forgive her.
If they ended up in a battle, neither would hold back. They both know this.
I'm really fond of her. She really is Speckletail's daughter and the whole family has a special flavor of pain and pride.
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official-darkforest · 1 month
Sorry I would love for you to explain all of your rare pairs. I love deep warrior cats thoughts pls if you want to do so
ThornRat (Thornclaw x Ratscar) Dark Forest trainee pairing. They're also both old enough to remember the Old Forest . The whole dynamic I have in mind is Thornclaw being rather oblivious to his sexuality and also being a huge fucking hypocrite (he's one of the more conservative warriors of TC, ironically). Ultimately his relationship with Ratscar, if you can even call it one, is doomed from the start and Ratscar is stuck yearning for someone that's not worth pursuing for multiple reasons.
BrambleFern (Bramblepaw x Fernpaw) I specify -paw because I see them as a bit of a tragic pairing where it doesn't end up working out because Dustpelt swoops right in and inserts himself in Bramblepaw's place. Also, in the context of my rewrite, Brambleclaw is the one to run away to ShadowClan instead of Tawnypelt so whatever spark he and Fernpaw had going never gets to go anywhere. I imagine they're still friends but have some moments of 'what if' every now and then.
BrindleFlint (Brindleface x Flintfang) Honestly I just wanted to give Ashfur and Ferncloud a father that already existed in the series and also didn't fuck up the family tree any more than it already is. I think I got this idea from someone else but I can't exactly remember who - but it's a very interesting concept considering the events of the first arc and how Flintfang was still alive for the events that happened (according to Tigerstar's Fury and Blackfoot's Reckoning). I headcanon that Ferncloud is named after her aunt Fernshade, too. Additionally, in the anthro AU, their story is a lot sadder but that's another story...
LongWind (Longtail x Runningwind) Childhood friends to almost-lovers! They're around the same age and would've definitely trained together. As mentioned in my HalfOne family tree post, they had a budding interest but it was cut short by Runningwind's death. Sad :(
IvyBreeze (Ivypool x Breezepelt) This one is just funny. "You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" kind of shit. Breezepelt would be fucking fuming over it because he doesn't want to be like his dad.
HalfDove (Half Moon x Dove's Wing) Another one that's mostly in the context of my rewrite! I'm imagining it's very one-sided since I also love HalfJay, but it's a very complicated thing where Jay's Wing is very focused on saving their colony and too scatterbrained to really put any serious commitment to Half Moon (something he tells her explicitly, but she pursues anyways). Dove's Wing is embarrassed of her crush and knows it was never meant to be, not only because she's a prophecy cat but also because Half Moon doesn't even like her that way.
IceApple (Icewing x Applefur) Another Dark Forest Trainee pairing! I have a lot of these because I got attached to them. Not my only Applefur ship but certainly one that's kinda fun to think about. I don't have much to say about these two sadly but I thought it was a cute idea that I could maybe build off of later.
MinnowMouse (Minnowtail x Mousewhisker) I don't actually think this one is that much of a rare pair, I've seen a lot of ppl talk about this but I was kinda running out of ideas since there's a lot of characters idgaf about sorry LOL anyways this one is based on a scene in Dark River and the fact they were both Dark Forest trainees in their adulthood.
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firestar and leafpools father daughter relationship isnt talked about nearly enough on that note
I think about it so often! They make so many remarks about legacy but refuse to hold onto the FAMILY that a legacy should entail! Bad writers! Smack smack!
Leafpool and Firestar - Familial Relationship
In WCR, they have a much more fleshed out relationship.
First thing Fire notices about his newly born daughter when he and Sandstorm (and Smudge and Scourge) get back to Thunderclan is that she looks a hell of a lot like his sister, Princess! Firestar almost came up with a name in inspiration of her, but decided to stick with Leafstar, as while he could not inform his cats of Skyclan, he could at least hope that some of Leafstar's nobility and grace would invoke into his daughter.
Well, he got the noble part right, at first. Little Leafkit was clumsy and a bit uncoordinated. She would rather learn about herbs than practicing pouncing and bounding through the forest like Squirrelkit could.
Firestar has learned from his past attitude and encouraged his daughter to follow her heart. Though... Please talk to me or your mom or aunty Cinderpelt before you taste-test plants you find. Please.
Leafkit grew into Leafpaw, and finally developed that grace! Firestar was so proud of her, to the point of embarrassing her by accident. Yowling across camp "BE SAFE! BE GOOD! I LOVE YOU LEAFPAW!" When she would go for Medicine Cat meetings. She got over it quickly when she heard Cinderpelt speak about her own father, Cricketfang, and how she missed him.
Things begin to get... Difficult, once the destruction of White Hart Woods begins. In WCR, Leafpaw is the cat who gets the message to go on the Road Trip, and Squirrelpaw, ever at her side, joins too. (Along with Shrewpaw) The 2 sisters leave together under the cover of night alongside Crowpaw and Cranberrypaw of Windclan, Tawnypelt and Smokepaw of Shadowclan, and Feathertail and Stormfur of Riverclan.
It is, hands down, one of the worst times in Firestar's life. The forest is being destroyed and BOTH his kids are missing. All he can think is that the Clans are going to go through what Old Skyclan went through, and his daughters are missing.
When they came back, he was terrified and filled with sorrow. The destruction was in full-swing, and his children had come back speaking about a lake, leaving, going through a mountain... He believed them, but it was so strange, following his daughters into territory unknown... They were so grown-up.
While Squirrelpaw was reckless and a troublemaker, Leafpaw was a the good one, the quieter one, the one you didn't need to worry too much about. He didn't entirely like how Brambleclaw acted towards his daughter, but he never suspected that Leafpaw and Crowpaw's funny little friendship was anything more than that.
When she left again, with Crowfeather, he was... Sad. But not upset with her. The kind of sad you feel when you know your child has grown up enough to not need you the way they used to. It seemed like such a short while ago Leafkit was calling put for her daddy to sleep in the nursery with them tonight because the gentle rain outside was too scary...
But also sad because she'd never told him. He would have accepted it in a heartbeat, moreso than Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight.
He was overjoyed when she came back, but confused when Crowfeather was not with her. During Leafpool's Wish, he tries to give her some comfort. It's okay, honey, sometimes things don't work out.
She's so distracted with her pregnancy that she just nods along. She feels like she doesn't want to burden her father with anything more, what with Thunderclan still recovering from The Boar Attack, including Cinderpelt's death.
She never told him the truth about The Three. But Firestar wasn't stupid. The shape of Jaykit's ears and the stripes on his pelt, Lionkit's eye colour, and Hollykit's voice... He knew they were hers, and putting the 2 puzzle pieces together for their father was not hard. He's come a long way as an orange cat.
Like Shrewfeather though, he assumed it was out of a kindness. Maybe Squirrelflight couldn't have kits of her own, and sweet Leafpool had acted as a surrogate with Crowfeather to provide kits for them. He felt that he shouldn't pry.
Leafpool felt so guilty at not telling her mother and father about things, especially with how close they were to The Three. When the secret came out, she quietly walked into Firestar and Sandstorm's den afterwards and cried to them. They understood and weren't mad in the slightest.
When the secret came out, Firestar was hesitant to punish Leafpool, she'd been through enough... He didn't want to punish his own daughter but when whispers of blood clotting were beginning to start, he had to do something. He wasn't going Onestar's route, when Onestar denamed him into Crowpaw.
He still demotes her, but it's more a formality. She broke a vow about her Starclan connection but let's not prevent cats from getting medical treatment if they need it, okay? He has her go through some Hunter training with her aunt, Lightflower (Princess) but talks in Thunderclan have begun regarding an alternate permanent position for cats that aren't Medicine cats but cannot hunt. In the mean time, she takes up odd jobs all around Thunderclan and hangs around her parents.
Firestar dies protecting Leafpool and Squirrelflight, whom Tigerstar calls "abominations" and attacks during The Great Battle. Firestar dies, but the sisters escape, botb in shock and grief, only getting worse when Tjgerstar drags Firestar's seemingly lifeless body out into a clearing to show off. Leafpool will never forget her father's flaming, holy spirit rising out of his own limp body when Tigerstar least expects it, destroying him, before finally taking his rightful place in Starclan.
And the trial? Ooh, that'll be a doozy. I am going to leave this bit vague, but let's just say there's a reason Firestar still has his title of "Leader of Lionclan".
Moon Flight had better watch herself.
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snailchasers-den · 4 days
What about Tigerclaw x Spottedleaf has made you like the ship so much? I don't dislike it but I don't quite understand it either.
Well, the thing that kicked off my initial interest was the scene they had together in the first book, which I read as some type of flirty banter as a kid, and it later on snowballed from there the more I thought about it nowadays, I think LMAO Since then it's been like, my all time biggest ship in warriors, and I think about them all the time, even if I can't post about them a ton, I check the tag regularly and kinda just rotate them in my brain LMAO
It's customary at this point to mention I'm writing this while extremely tired, as I do most of my asks, so fair warning if any of this is kinda clunky. Other people have explained it WAY more eloquently than me, so if you're curious, I recommend looking in the SpottedTiger tag, cause others explain it in way more concise and understandable ways. I write most shit like I'm a madman at a whiteboard, but if that's your jam, you've asked the perfect person.
It's really a mixed bag why I started liking it-? A whole lot of things added up and got me hooked.
The difference in demeanors is fun, with Tigerclaw being threatening and ambitious and dramatic, while Spottedleaf is sweet and compassionate, yet extremely sassy, I feel like they'd play off of eachother nicely even in just comedic, non-romantic scenes.
Depending on how you want things to play out, you can basically sway how they effect eachother in however many different ways you want- Want an evil Spottedleaf AU? Tiger manages to convince her to join his side and we have a fun evil medicine cat. Want a however good Tigerclaw and a fluffier AU? Spotted is what he needs to soften him up just enough to not go feral and try taking over the clans. Want to tear them apart and have it be super tragic and kinda fucked up? Tiger still gets Clawface to kill her because he knows he can't bring himself to do it and knows she's his weak point. Something more canon-compliant? They were had a secret relationship before she died, and he sees her in Tawnypelt (I have a fic based on that idea, I love it. Obsessed with Tawnypelt resembling Spottedleaf by coincidence.) They're super flexible in that you can basically tweak and twist their story in so many different ways depending on how much you adjust the scenarios or their actions.
Make them mushy and sweet! Make them a badass medic/leader villain couple! Make them divorce eachother 3 different times and be bitter exes who throw snark and cold one liners! Make them be a tragic failed love story! Make them somehow make it work? Make them gay toms! Make them lesbians! Make them polyamorous with a cat of your choice! They're so versatile, and I love seeing anything people do with them.
I also like to throw a lot of religious/Starclan related things into the mix personally, because in different ways they both have connections with it in ways a lot of cats don't, and it can be both a good connecting point, and make it have an extra air of tragedy which I play VERY hard into in my False Prophecy AU. LMAO Spoilers for the AU that aren't really spoilers since I've drawn it before, but Tigerclaw doesn't actually commit a lot of his atrocities in that AU (Hence why I don't call him Tigerstar) and still goes to the Dark forest primarily due to literally lying about Starclan's word when they already wanted him dead from the moment he was born and 'corrupting a medicine cat', (And whatever else they could get him on, probably him being a bad mentor or having bad thoughts. They just wanted him in hell.) meanwhile, Spottedleaf, the golden girl of Starclan, despite being the one who ACTUALLY directly lied about their word and broke the code, is given a second chance and let in because 'She only loved too much'. (Because if they're going to say that line for someone like ASHFUR, I can twist it and use it for my AU in a more sinister manner, since Starclan is morally questionable here.) The ending of the AU's story also heavily relies on the afterlives, and though I won't go into it here since that's not what this ask is about and I genuinely do want to write it someday, I think it's a really fun way to twist things for them. It has such a poignant, vivid energy it carries with it, and I don't think it would feel the same with really any other pairing.
They're closer in age than most ships with them seperately, which is super nice, and makes it really fun to imagine them interacting as apprentices and their feelings building from those times into adulthood-
If you want to consider Spottedleaf's Heart, that could actually add to it too, seeing as they were both victims of Thistleclaw, likely even around the same time, and could seek solace in eachother over it- They're the only ones that truly understand, and that could drive them to want to protect eachother from other threats because they know they've been hurt in similar ways and don't want that to happen again.
I tend to imagine Tigerclaw to be a big ass Maine Coon while Spottedleaf is fairly small, and that just adds to it for me, since I think it makes the fluff between them 10 times better. My favorite warriors ship dynamic is when one of them is very, very fluffy and the other can basically just. Sink into their fur like a pillow. Hence why I also like MothCrow. I'm both unpredictable and incredibly predictable.
I also just don't really like a lot of Spottedleaf ships? She's one of my favorite characters, but I don't like basically any of the other pairings I've ever seen for her. Definitely don't like SpottedFire and never did, I see Mousefur as very very aromantic and relate to that, so SpottedMouse is very much not my jam- Anything else tends to be a rarepair or just something I don't really vibe with- She's not shipped with as many people as you'd expect. SpottedTiger was like striking gold for me- (Though Spottedleaf/Runningnose is also a nice one I think about from time to time, and is where I got Snailchaser as a character from LMAO)
Tigerclaw has always stood out to me and registered in my mind as being a romantic in a way too? It's a unique trait for a villain, especially in warriors, so I love emphasizing it, since god knows the Erins don't and won't. I know a lot of people like to joke about him kinda sleeping around or being a womanizer with him having two mates, but I love taking his multiple mates and interpreting it in more of a romantic sense- (And also I headcanon him as Polyamorous, but that's just me) He wasn't a good partner at all in canon, but something about imagining if he was makes him 10 times more compelling to me. He's a romantic! He's a family man! And he's a sadistic wanna-be dictator with the ambition needed to wreak havok and take over Shadowclan! Those traits 100% clash and that's the point. Putting him with Spottedleaf further complicates that by pairing him with a compassionate medic who does not at all share his lust for power. (Or might deep down, who knows! It's up to the writer!) I think it'd be fun to see internal battles and how the actual good traits he has fuck with his plans.
Though, if you know me at all, I'm also just really weird and love rarepairs and crack ships for Warriors. Hell, I basically made up the MothCrow tag on here by cautiously posting about Mothwing x Crowfeather- Even if my stuff's not completely canon accurate, I write in much more 'what if' scenarios and heavy AU usage. It's more fun and interesting to me to write in a more speculative "I love the version of this character that exists only in my brain" way, and out comes the stuff I make.
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
HI HI i think you have requests open or maybe not. im not sure but this isnt about that i dunno if this is a weird question but did you wanna talk about why you love tigerheartstar?? im genuinely curious cuz i dont hear ppl talking about it at all and i personally have barely rid a few books with him in them and i figure talking about ur favorite cat might be fun if you feel like it !! cheers
Not a weird question at all! I really like TigerHeartStar because, well, I just think he's super neat and interesting. The entire thing with him being named after his grandfather on his mother's side adds on a lot of layers to his character I think, especially now that he shares a name with TigerStar letter-for-letter. I like his beef with IvyPool because as much as the narrative wants you to think that it's IvyPool who's in the right, I'm still easily able to look right through that and see that TigerHeart's disliking towards her is justified. He literally witnessed IvyPool almost destroy FlameTail's spirit forever, I think he's going to hold a grudge towards her
His stuff in AVoS is pretty neat too, even if I barely remember anything about the arc. TigerHeart's Shadow isn't as bad as people say it is, it definitely has it's infuriating moments, but, what warrior cats book doesn't have that? Also to clear things up, no, TigerHeart never "colonized" The Guardians, you guys just love to toss that word around like candy. I love the idea of him having a strained relationship with his parents, RowanStar for being, well, RowanStar, and TawnyPelt for naming him after TigerStar to try and separate the Tiger prefix from TigerStar 1, only to then keep going "Wow you're being just like TigerStar". Like, yeah I don't think RowanStar or TawnyPelt are the best parents
And this isn't even to begin talking about his relationship with DoveWing. I know that forbidden love is a trope that Warriors fans are tired of seeing, but, I genuinely think that this forbidden love is an exception, it's great. They actually start off not immediately being in love with each other, they both become friends at first but slowly they begin to grow feelings for one another. It feels genuinely natural. TigerHeart and DoveWing are the best canon couple in warrior cats, they actually talk and communicate to each other, they let the other know how they're feeling about the things that the other one is doing and they work their way through solving the issue at hand. When do you see this with couples like FireSand, when do you see this level of communication with any canon couples or even friendships in warrior cats? (Don't say TallJake, you know damn well those two barely communicated and barely got to know each other)
In TBC he's just, a fucking powerhouse, willing to defend his son with every ounce of energy in his body and willing to hide secrets from everybody else so that his son can be protected. TigerHeartStar loves his family so much and we especially see this in TBC. And in the recent books of ASC, he's even better. TigerHeartStar needs Riverclan to get their shit together, he realizes that if nothing is done about their situation, then their clan will shrivel away forever and disband, just like Shadowclan in AVoS. The common argument is that TigerHeart is "taking over" Riverclan, but that's just not true, he literally just needs Riverclan to get their shit figured out and he takes up the leadership role for them temporarily because CLEARLY they can't pick a leader for themselves without sitting on their asses, waiting for Starclan to spoon feed them information. What sucks is that the books keep trying to make us hate TigerHeartStar, but really, every attempt at doing so is just making me like him and making me go "He has a point though, why are you booing him, he's right". Once again, this is another situation that makes people claim he's colonizing Riverclan, but that's just stupid fucking talk because clearly this fandom made up of primarily white fans has this skewed idea on what colonization is and what makes a colonizer. They think LeafStar is "getting his ass" but they just want even a shred of stuff to praise LeafStar for. LeafStar sucks in this situation, I don't care if I lose more followers for this.
I'm going to stop myself from rambling more and more about TigerHeartStar, but hopefully my… essay-long ramblings have helped with your question!
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bramblewhisker · 2 months
ships: fireheart/mistyfoot, thornclaw/blossomfall, blackstar/tawnypelt
Ooh some unconventional ones!
FireMisty: Don't ship it
Why don’t you ship it? Never really thought about it, for the most part (and I tend to pair Firestar with toms, but that doesn't preclude straight Firestar ships). Could make for an interesting political marriage situation in a slightly different setting though.
What would have made you like it? If Mistyfoot spent more time with ThunderClan/just had more interaction with Fireheart in general.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I think there's a lot to work with there, since they both had quite complicated relationships with Bluestar. Sure seems like a ship with a lot of fanfic potential, especially if you have events near the end of TPB take slightly different paths. Definitely plenty of room for chemistry between them!
ThornBlossom: It's canon but I wouldn't say that I "ship" it.
Why don’t you ship it? This is a perfect example of how I think of warrior cats pairing up for kit-making without it being a romantic relationship. I think of the ThornBlossom relationship being much more this sort of functional "we'd make some strong kits for the clan, wouldn't we?" thing than a romantic situation. We all know that Thornclaw's one true love is patrols.
What would have made you like it? Perhaps I missed some signal, but I don't feel like POV characters ever note Thornclaw and Blossomfall spending a noteworthy amount of time together or acting a particular way toward each other? Otherwise they're just background characters I don't think much about (aside from making Thornclaw loves patrols jokes). A bit of romantic background subplot would give me something more to work with.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Certainly an interesting pairing if you want to make it romantic. He's much older than her and expresses very traditional/conservative attitudes about a lot of things. Whereas she's lake-born and her mother wasn't even a clan cat originally, so there's plenty of good "opposites attract" potential here. Blossomfall has some "mean girl" energy so maybe the two of them like to shit-talk together? Also the ship name is two different flower parts, which could definitely be fun to play with.
TawnyBlack: Don't ship it (but I think it's very funny)
Why don’t you ship it? Because Blackstar is so, so gay. I could see him making an exception for Tigerstar's kin to make this work, but nah, he's so gay.
What would have made you like it? I don't dislike it on principle. Sort of a political "hold this shit together" marriage between a weak leader and a strong, respected warrior. Basically what Tawny/Rowan is (in my opinion) a better version of.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I do love a pathetic gay man and a tough lady. I think there's plenty that could be done in a fanfic way to have them be in a politically-motivated relationship. Tawnypelt would probably have to drive it, and I imagine there could be some fun drama with her having to find someone else to sire kits for "them" because, as noted, Blackstar is way too gay to make that happen himself.
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c0smic-coral · 1 year
Warrior Cats HCs:
I feel like when Fireheart was pining after dead Spottedleaf was the period of time he had a crush on Graystripe. I feel like there was some jealousy for Silverstream. Then he fell for Sandstorm and the rest is history.
Graystripe also fell for Firestar after most of his Silverstream mourning wound down. And then he met Millie.
Mothwing always loved Leafpool. End of discussion.
Leafpool had feelings for Mothwing and Crowfeather at the same time, she just followed Crowfeather because she knew he loved her back.
Darkstripe and Blackfoot had something going on.
Redtail is trans. This is obvious.
Rowanclaw is also trans. Also obvious. Tawnypelt’s surrogate was Cedarheart.
Mosskit is a trans tom! He just didn’t realize it until after death and Bluestar got his pronouns right when she mentioned him to Fireheart!!
Jayfeather is biromantic asexual. Romantic feelings for Half Moon and Kestrelflight.
Alderheart is bi and uses he/they pronouns.
Puddleshine is he/they and gay.
Since I see Hollyleaf in myself, she’s genderqueer and bisexual too. Fallen Leaves is her gay bestie.
TallJake yes.
Pan Squirrelflight who had a crush on homoromantic heterosexual Moonlight.
Whitestorm and Willowpelt had an open relationship so yes, Brindleface’s kits were Whitestorm’s. Darkstripe and Graystripe aren’t Whitestorm’s. Darkstripe was a ThunderClan tom’s and Graystripe was a kind loner named Danny’s.
Brindleface is actually aroace but she wanted kits and had a one-night stand with Whitestorm for that purpose.
Brindleface, Mousefur and Longtail aroace solidarity!!
Mousefur and Longtail definitely had a QPR. When Purdy joined it became a polycule.
Sandstorm’s parentage. She is Danny’s sister Penny’s from a previous relationship with a kittypet who may or may not have also been Smudge’s father??? She was adopted by Speckletail and Smallear. She didn’t know until right before the Clans left the forest. It was the last thing her mother told her.
Scourge is he/they and I stand by it.
Edit: Also! I like to think Frostfur and Brindleface were found abandoned and taken in by Robinwing so that makes DustFern sliiiiightly more ethical.
Edit 2: Also! Princess said most of she and Firestar’s siblings live nearby and so does Nutmeg. Filou and Luna are a few doors down. Tommy, however, moved to America with his housefolk, hence the Captain America collar on the wiki! And yes all the pride collars are canon.
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blorboclaw · 2 years
How would the books have changed if Ravenpaw shouted "Tigerclaw murdered Redtail!"?
(soooo sorry I took so long)
Let’s assume that everyone believes Ravenpaw. Tigerclaw is exiled. Lionheart is made deputy and then doesn’t die because I’m 100% sure that Tigerclaw is the reason why Lionheart was killed, and if he’s not in line to be deputy he’s got no reason to get him killed.
Fireheart has no reason to investigate this all. He never discovers that MistyStone are BlueOak’s kits.
Ravenpaw stays in the clan and becomes Ravenfeather after he helped topple Shadowclan’s entire government.
Bluestar still wants to force Fireheart into his destiny, so she will give him an apprentice way too soon... but since they are three not two (and she gave one to Graystripe in order for her favoritism towards Fireheart not to be too visible imo) new warriors, she will apprentice the whole LionFrost litter at once. Ravenfeather gets Brightpaw and Mousefur gets Thornpaw.
Tigerclaw immediately allies with Brokentail and his rogues. They attack as soon as Fire and Ice, so when Bluestar is sick with whitecough. It’s at that time that Cinderpaw fell into Tigerclaw’s trap, but it’s not happening this time, so Cinderpelt isn’t hurt and doesn’t become a medicine cat apprentice. Tigerclaw is blinded and Brokentail killed instead of the contrary.
I imagine Lionheart and Frostfur will have a second litter around Rising Storm, but anyway that’s not my point. Although it could soothe a few egos to know there will soon be more apprentices (eyes Sandstorm hmm?)
Anyway Nightstar gets his nine lives, Tigerclaw, weakened, died in the fire, and after Yellowfang's death, there's no medicine cat in Thunderclan. Thornpaw is forced into the position and becomes the new medcat under the tutelage of Barkface.
BrambleTawny are not born because Tigerclaw was exiled way too soon. During the fire scene the prisonner, blind Tigerclaw dies... and so does Yellowfang, without an apprentice.
Since Brokentail was killed in the attack, Nightpelt goes back to the moonstone and gets nine lives. He won’t die before at least Midnight despite losing four or five lives to carrionplace disease.
No pack being fed by Tigerstar and Bluestar not spiraling down means Swiftpaw is made a warrior by the end of Forest of Secrets, at the same time as Brackenfur, was had been made an apprentice after him. Swiftflight it is because I love giving him new names in every au. It also means Brindleface doesn't die, and might end up having more kits with Whitestorm. And finally BRightheart is not wounded. However, with Swiftpaw becoming a warrior so early, I think I will still make her become mates with Cloudtail.
No big chasing scene in which Bluestar doesn't drown and Tigerstar doesn't lead Bloodclan into the forest. Bluestar dies of old age during The Darkest Hour, and Lionheart becomes Lionstar. He choses Whitestorm as his deputy. No Bloodclan led into the forest by Tigerstar means Whitestorm is still deputy around the time Graystripe is kidnapped. No deputy crisis in Thunderclan. Do you know what clan has an elite crisis though?
Riverclan. Well Stonefur is still there and there was no tentative of genocide but there is no medcat apprentice and Mudfur is getting very old. So when Feathertail starts receiving dreams, she is sent to the medcat den and starts training as a medicine cat. She didn't live through her Tigerclan trauma this time, but she still is a bit of a solitary, so it's fit that she has her own den.
Skyclan is revived, and by some miracle Fireheart doesn't lose a life there.
The Chosen Ones are Medcat!Feathertail, who is faithful to her vows and doesn't give any hope to Crowpaw, Squirrelpaw, Rowanclaw (because no Tawnypelt) and Crowpaw.
Since Crowpaw has no hopes towards Feathertail, and Squirrelpaw is his age, he gets close to her.
Feathertail doesn't die to save the tribe, Stormfur does. Much better narratively and Riverclan has a medcat.
By the time Tallstar dies, Fireheart has been way less involved with Windclan and isn't much of a friend to Onewhisker, which means Tallstar doesn't see Onewhisker as the conciliator he saw in canon and doesn't name him over Mudclaw.
No Windclan succession war. Mudstar is the leader, Webfoot the deputy. No Windclan Succession War means no CrowLeaf.
When there's no Crowleaf, I give the Three to Bramblesquirrel.
But... There's no Brambleclaw. And so the whole "Crowpaw gets close to Squirrelpaw" thing springs into action.
Crowfeather and Squirrelflight get together long enough to have kits then break up because she's got no intention to run away from her clan (again), plus her father has just been named deputy (Whitestorm retired or died) and she can't do that to him. Crowfeather's betrayal was not made public and he doesn't have to get with Nightcloud to prove his loyalty. Mudstar basically promises him that as soon as Webfoot dies or retire (if Crowfeather has an apprentice in the mean time obvs), he'll become his deputy.
The Three are born of CrowSquirrel. Basically the same genetics as before. Ashfur thinks he's the father. However he soon realizes they don't look much like him and confronts Squirrelflight in the fire scene. She dies there, either killed by her wounds/the fire/smoke inhalation, or by him when she admits that they are not his. The Three escape, but Hollyleaf stays behind while Lionblaze guides Jayfeather away... and she kills Ashfur.
When the fire dies out, the clan finds Ashfur's body with his throat slit and they realize there's a murderer in their midst. Fireheart, who is still deputy and just lost his daughter, is fueled by the same fire from his youth and renewed determination and sets to find the killer again.
Too soon he finds out it's Hollyleaf, and while he's at it, that the Three are half windclan. He promises to hide their secrets but cannot protect his granddaughter against just punishment. SHe did kill a clanmate, even if in self-defense (which... is yet to be proved and depends on what really happened during the fire scene).
There's a quick trial during which Lionstar banishes Hollyleaf for a moon but no more because there's the excuse of self-defense. He's basically mainly doing that to protect her against her clanmates' judgement.
Life keeps going. When Firestar becomes leader, it's already The Fourth Apprentice or so, and he doesn't give apprentices to Lionblaze and Hollyleaf because Hollyleaf is still around, he doesn't trust her yet to take care of an apprentice, and he doesn't want to give apprentices to a sibling but not the other.
Ivypool is apprenticed to Brightheart and Dovewing to Berrynose (since Thornclaw, Mousewhisker and Hazeltail get the three B, then the apprenticeless sibling in both litters can get IvyDove). Ivypool's inferiority complex comes mainly from the fact she thinks less of Brightheart, while Dovewing can fall in love with Tigerheart under Berrynose's nose because he's an idiot.
It's extremely difficult for Lionblaze to put his paw on Dovewing long enough to tell her about the prophecy because Berrynose is somehow convinced that Lionblaze is hanging out with his apprentice because he's jealous he didn't get one. Cinderheart is kinda convinced that Lionblaze has a crush on Dovewing and is disgusted after all his promises to her. Ivypool also thinks Dovewing and Lionblaze have a thing going on. Jayfeather is the only sane character this arc.
When Lionblaze does tell her about the prophecy, Ivypool is already a member of the DF because she thinks Brightheart is not going to be able to make her a great warrior. The fans woe the Erins for their ableism, the Erins defend themselves by saying it's Ivypool's opinion, the fans complain they are trying to make Ivypool unnecessarily edgy when just being the non-prophetic sibling would be enough (basically they would have preferred canon they just don't know what it is).
Dovewing gets the prophecy and the pressure all at once. She defects to Shadowclan first thing and finishes her training there as Tigerheart's apprentice, which makes the fans barf all over the place because why couldn't she be Dawnpelt or Tawnypelt or literally anyone else's apprentice and why did the Erins have to make her sweetheart her mentor?!
Anyway the Dark Forest is vanquished and Firestar loses a life but also... it's only his second or third life to lose since he became a leader so late. Brambleclaw doesn't exist but still he isn't his apprentice. Brackenfur was, but retires after Sorreltail's death. Whitewing becomes deputy.
Since Squirrelflight is dead, AlderSpark are Lionblaze and Cinderheart's kits. Firestar goes with them to find Skyclan because he's got lives to lose for them. Darktail doesn't fool him, the real Skyclan is brought to the lake, the Kin is faced together, actually you know what literally everything that happened under Bramblestar's leadership goes way better under Firestar's, some had nothing to do with Brmabletsar's capacities, some totally do. Ashfur has no reason to come back as the impostor since Squirrelflight is dead. Crowfeather becomes Crowstar after Mudstar's death. When Stonefur retired or died, Leopardstar named Reedwhisker her deputy or whatever and Mistyfoot never becomes leader.
Stemleaf is born of Blossomfall and a tom closer in age since Thornnotclaw is now a medcat. Was gonna say Mousewhisker but he's Blossomfall's mentor or something so maybe Foxleap?
TL;DR: if Ravenpaw had narced on Tigerclaw first thing after the battle, Thornclaw and Feathertail would have become medicine cats, Mudclaw would have become leader lawfully after Tallstar's death, and the Impostor would never have happened.
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morningmask27 · 2 years
Slithers in here 2 electric boogaloo but here you go: Brokenstar Tigerstar Pinestar and Jake. And Brambleberry if that's not too many
that's going to be a fucking party, let's get going because this post is going to be long
honestly everything you imagined about him is just *chef's kiss*
did genuinely love Sasha (somehow but he was still a fucking abusive asshole to her), but do not mention her name or you will get killed in an even worse way than he did.
he likes to pretend that hawkfrost was also goldenflower's kit and not Sasha's, just to not have to believe that he has a half-kittypet kit
vastly prefers brambleclaw because that's a pure thunderclanner if I've ever seen one (also proud of how abusive he is to his mate. he's like pappa)
and thus, treats hawkfrost like pure shit most of the time. hawk also hates him so it's mutual at least <3
never had a single thought about tadpole in his entire life and felt like mothwing was perfectly placed where she was; in hawkfrost's claws, he didn't have to interact with her personally to have her do things for his benefit so why would he try anyways
pissed that tawnypelt didn't want to train with him though. after tawny gave birth to her kits and named a kit tigerkit he tried to recruit her again, but she again turned him down and told him to not bother her anymore; he trained tigerheart partially to spite her.
he was a momma's boy as a kit and was spoiled rotten by leopardfoot.
when he first got ravenpaw as an apprentice he genuinely hoped to make him a good warrior (that'd be such good pr for him), but the longer tiger was mentoring raven the more he began detecting the black apprentice
if I can pretend my personal family tree is a thing and leopardfoot is the mother of raven, dust, and thorn he actually always hated raven no matter what. dust was tolerable, albeit mentored by a garbage weakling (redtail) at first and then by his idiot follower (darkstripe), and isn't always the smartest.
thornclaw, on the other hand, he latched onto. leopardfoot died not so long after thorn died so in a mix of genuine care for his little brother and hope that he'd be able to raise the kit to be like him he took thorn under his wing and did everything he could to show thorn that being xenophobic and ambitious was good. this is why thornclaw is an asshole
in the dark forest spent 90% of his time having personal plots against Firestar in his head, he wasn't really the most active dark forest leader.
he genuinely wanted to murder Deerfoot, and after he became leader he began by only assigning him shitty tasks and eventually just killed him one day
he also finds darkstripe exhausting. dark is literally his annoying little cousin and he hates him.
he feels like a shadowclanner but he's still someone that pushes his ideas onto other cats and thus made shadowclan diurnal like the other clans
he/it unlabeled in both gender and sexuality
anger. all of it is anger and rage and resentment. if he had been taken care of in a good way if it had been shown love he might have been a more decent cat.
in the dark forest, it still feels the burn of the death berries yellowfang used to kill it. and sometimes just starts coughing and wheezing intensely because of the burns. this has traumatized many dark forest trainees.
yearned for violence, wanted to kill. in my headcanons cedarstar wasn't really the guy for launching raids on windclan, that was houndstar's main thing, but multiple generations of shadowclan cats yearned back for their time of glory when windclan knew who the stronger clan was and the other clans also feared them
raggedstar began the wars again, but broken wanted to make it bigger. he wanted more, always more, and wouldn't stop before all four clans were destroyed or under its rule, and he felt like ragged was being too soft so he killed him
it did have affection for raggedstar (in its own way), but he was in its way.
likes vole, that's its favorite prey.
it was huge, bigger than raggedstar, bigger than tigerstar even. being in its presence was always very awkward because it was just looming over the other cats.
choose blackfoot as a deputy because he lacks braincells.
took two of Tallstar's lives in one blow one time =)
never, but oh never groomed its fur. lizardstripe wasn't going to do it either. its fur is so matted and should just be shaved clean. but it still looks clean and sleek for some reason.
also, it has a mustache. that's a very important detail and it twirls its mustache like a cartoon villain
master manipulator and liar; a better liar than tigerstar.
he sometimes makes weird, squeaky, kit-like sounds when nobody's around. Blackfoot once heard it and was threatened into silence.
personally killed mintkit and marigoldkit specifically to hurt yellowfang because that's her baby siblings and it knew that.
exactly saw its baby siblings once before being cast down to the dark forest. they led it there.
as it entered the dark forest an alternate world where it was loved and cared for (and its littermates survived) flashed in front of its eyes and it became even more resentful about everything that had happened and vowed to destroy starclan.
was actually the dark forest leader in the background. it just let tigerstar get the spotlight because it didn't want to deal with stupid trainees
never trained any other cat than breezepelt and even then only took over his training after tigerstar swore up and down that he was worth it
his mother not being an entity in mapleshade's vengeance is a bit awkward, so; sweetbriar as far as I am concerned existed in mv and is also the mom of frecklewish and birchface.
fucking admired Crystal more than anyone else; sweetbriar was nice, but a bit of a pushover and he was honestly a bit scared of oakstar all his life.
as a kittypet sometimes had nightmares about tigerkit or shanty.
pitied Blue in every possible way and rooted for her constantly; he wanted her to succeed and be happy.
chronic pain from a nasty scar he got on his shoulder
was afraid of goosefeather. he knew goose was judging him at all times
I cannot not address the elephant in the room; leopardfoot. he was never romantically interested in her. he just wanted to have his own kits and she accepted to carry them. without the prophecy, he would've been a pretty decent father (not the best, but still somewhat present), but starclan had other plans.
oh and by the way, they knew pinestar would never kill tigerkit. they just needed him to leave to let tigerstar be resentful and angry
heard stories about birchface, frecklewish, and mapleshade. albeit twisted into making oakstar not look like a fucking bastard (they pretended maple took her kits of her own volition instead of them also being banished).
he feared mapleshade above all else and was always worried that she'd try to kill him.
he met appledusk's other kits and they became good friends despite everything. oakstar never knew about it, but if he had he would've been furious
met henry when the old kittypet and their twolegs joined the neighborhood. pine told them some things about clan life that wasn't the best to dissuade henry (who was a bit adventurous at the time) to explore. those rumors were then spread everywhere in the twolegplace
he never wanted to be leader, but oakstar kinda forced doestar to make his son deputy, or else so there he is.
funny guy
regularly visited his kits and told them crazy stories about the clans.
he sometimes visited windclan to see his boyfriend Tallstar and it made for a fun family reunion when Jake learned that his son was now ThunderClan's leader and basically Tallstar's adopted son
very proud that his son became leader of a clan
was killed by a meteor obviously
he wasn't a kit when Pinestar was Pinepaw thank you very much. he is from a way later litter (he's around Tallstar's age)
very proud of hit nicked ear and shows it off to anyone who is willing to listen (and even to who isn't willing)
he honestly rambles about a lot of things very often
tried to convince tiny/scourge to not become leader of a cult of evil murder cats, but kinda failed.
he sometimes visits the group of cats led by that old ca Jay and just vibes with them. he is an honorary member of their group too
she was originally a kittypet alongside her brother shellheart.
yes we have 3 consecutive riverclan healers that weren't born in the clan (mudfur was also a kittypet, but him becoming a warrior was tolerated and when he became a healer he was such an established member of the clan that nobody bat an eye)
she decorates the medicine den with little plants everywhere, there are so many different types of flowers in the den (it's a nightmare for cats with allergies).
she especially loves lavender and always had an entire stash of it ready for any purpose. she also has lavender plants tucked in her fur.
often hums little songs, she taught many of these songs to Crookedstar (whom she always called Storm-) no matter what.
such a floofy gal. she's fairly small and soft, and so is shellheart.
she never outright yelled at rainflower, but she made it very clear that she disliked rain in every possible way. she sometimes stalled in treating any wounds rainflower got just to be mean (because rain deserved it)
fucking adored her mentor milkfur. found the fact that milkfur's mother was also named milkfur very funny.
milkfur (the second) was actually the first cat to be genuinely open and supportive of shell and bramble.
she and echomist were in a gray area between a QPR and a romantic relationship (echo and hail are wlw mlm solidarity and both wanted kits, no romantic feelings involved) and they were basically the new moms of stormkit and oakkit
bramble also cared for oakkit because rainflower shouldn't be allowed any kit.
she was also always supportive of oakheart and never treated him any different than she did storm. they are both her kits in her mind.
autism? yeah, autism! medicinal herbs are her special interest. very ready to just ramble about them 24/7
gave some lavender stems to stormstar to wear in his fur. she is extremely proud of him.
I know in canon she never addressed mapleshade until storm becomes leader, but I own canon now and she actually tried to help storm with the mapleshade situation even since she knew maple was training storm and not just weirdly staring at him and saying vague shit
she died because of greencough. a bit before into the wild.
in starclan she aided in taking care of mosskit, willowkit, and minnowkit because they are all her grandchildren damnit
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bunnyinatree · 2 years
I am thinking about half-sisters in Warrior cats that I wish interacted with one another on this fine day.
Feathertail and Briarlight are high on the list, because I think that Feathertail would love having a sister, and Briarlight is the first sibling that joins her in StarClan. I just think it would be adorable to see not Feathertail and Silverstream being rude to Millie in StarClan, but Feathertail bonding with Briarlight and Silverstream becoming like a mom to both of them.
Next on the list is Tawnypelt and Mothwing, because they’re both still alive! And there’s a frustrating bias in the series where the sons of Tigerclaw are stigmatized more than the daughters (and are singled out more to train with him in the Dark Forest). Mothwing literally became a ShadowClan cat for a time, and her sister was Right There!! I would love for them to have at least one (1) conversation. But more than that, I would love to see them bond over their painful experiences living in Tigerclaw’s shadow and what it was like making a name for themselves when their Clans distrusted them due to the being former rogues/ThunderClan cats. Also, Mothwing hasn’t had a good track record with siblings (Tadpole dying and Hawkfrost manipulating her). It would be neat to see her acknowledge her relation to Bramblestar, too, but I think that she and Tawnypelt would be better friends. Imagine Mothwing actually feeling a kinship with Tawnypelt’s kits and coming around to care for Shadowsight because of it 🥺 She’s like his great aunt, and I want her to realize that!!
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bonefall · 2 years
If Swift dies from the dogs, and Scourge kills Tigerstar, would Twany be something for Firestar to worry about? Also, who would be Firestar's first deputy? He chooses Greystripe in cannon and Ashfur basically takes his spot in this AU, so would it be Ash?
Also who would be the cats chosen for the journey?
Also: Swift and Fire reconciling because Tiger brings in Sasha and that really hurts Goldenflower, and of course that makes her oldest boys pissed. They love their mom, and it also hurts them too. Weren't they enough for Tigerstar?
As Ashkit is Whitestorm's son, would his friendship be well looked at?
Swift Dies/Scourge Kill/Is Tawny a Threat?
Tawny probably wouldn't have been raised to be AS jealous without Swiftstrike there to mentor her, but she's just as savvy as Firestar is, and equally ambitious. I think it's very possible she could become a problem, if she had the right motivation.
But, this is also following the idea that Fireclaw did NOT kill Tigerstar, meaning he didn't accidentally establish the very idea that you can kill the previous leader to take control. Tawny could very well become a particularly competent and loyal warrior of TigerClan.
Firestar's First Deputy
Ashfur is a candidate, but I think Firestar would realize that Ashfur is devoted to him. Like a Darkstripe; so it might not be wise to give him deputyship, so to speak.
Though, the deputy system might even be abolished. Tigerstar worked hard to undermine it for the other Clans, and probably swapped TigerClan back to the 'ancestral' version of birthright monarchy.
In which case, Firestar would have a council of some sort. On this council would be experienced warriors in charge of the 'divisions' of TigerClan, likely including Mistyfoot, Blackfoot, Clawface, Runningwind, and other 'senior' survivors.
Cats Chosen for the Journey
StarClan has probably fallen quite silent, so I think picking the Warriors to find new territory for TigerClan would be more of a 'scouting' mission that Firestar works out with his council. They would want young, energetic warriors.
Tawnypelt would be on this journey.
Stormfur AND Feathertail would want to go on it to prove their dedication to TigerClan.
They would need a medic, and since there's only one clan now, there's an abundance of fresh ones to spare. Littlecloud is a candidate from this pool; Bramble MAY have become a medcat apprentice after the BloodClan battle, in which case he is also in this pool.
Lastly, if Mothwing, Tadpole, or Hawkfrost are adults, alive, and part of TigerClan, they may want to go as well.
Lastly, someone votes to join the group just to kill as many of the Tigerkin descendants as possible. A secret villain. I really love Villain Thornclaw AUs so I would push for him.
If Tiger Brought Sasha Into TigerClan
I'm so sorry, she would be assassinated. She would be dead in a month. A NEW molly producing NEW heirs, with two super ambitious heirs already? Hurting their mom by bringing in what is essentially a concubine??
Fireclaw would feel HORRIFIC about it but Swiftstrike would feel so strongly and make such a good argument that she is a threat that they would NOT be able to let it slide. They'd reconcile over being able to put aside their differences to make her disappear.
Fireclaw of course is too good to just... kill kittens though. He would probably stop Swiftstrike from going THAT far. But unless it's perfectly timed with Tigerstar's death, the kittens would have to disappear (probably given to someone outside the Clans.)
If it WAS perfectly timed though, Fire would probably adopt his half-siblings as his kids. Probably with Ferncloud or Brightheart, as Sandstorm is older than him and wasn't one of his best friends growing up.
Ashkit's Dad
Honestly I don't accept the Whitestorm as Brindleface's mate thing as canon, so I wouldn't include it in this AU. If there's a named father of Brindle's kits, it's Darkstripe.
And Tigerstar might think it's kind of cute that Fireclaw got his own minion, just like his dad.
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mallowstep · 3 years
for character asks - dovewing, ravenpaw and/or brambleclaw? 🤔
character ask meme
ah the gamut of "beloved" "neutral" "beloathed"
what i love about them: everything! but specifically, i love how her arc is learning to choose her own happiness, and that that's allowed and okay
what i hate about them: nothing! i jest. dovewing can be very unaware of others. "hate" might be a strong word for i truly adore this kitty, but i find that (given that it's written straight, and not as a character flaw she needs to work on nor a skill she struggles with) her world view is often very self-centred, something i find annoying.
favorite moment/quote: hmm there's a Lot but i really like when tigerheart comes up to the guardian cats and she's kind of like "well we're doing this my way."
what i would like to see more focus on: the fact that she and tigerheart both had huge childhood expectations placed on them, and now their son is in the same situation.
what i would like to see less focus on: her relationship with ivypool. maybe that's not fair, because i like writing about it too, but there's more to her character than ivypool. in fact that's like. the whole point of dovewing's character arc.
favourite pairing with: tigerheart. i just. he just loves her so much i-
favourite friendship: ...okay this is cheating but the friendship w rushpaw she has in "i'll come back to you someday soon myself." i just. i like how he treats her, and he's a big part of her reforming her image of herself.
notp: bumblestripe. can't do it.
favourite headcanon: autistic dovewing, spd dovewing, dovewing w migraines. but ~the power of projection~ aside, that she feels at home in shadowclan and does not for a second regret leaving and shadowclan loves and adores and would die for her and also she sometimes laughs at her husband's antics with cloverfoot.
what i love about them: there's so much to love, but i like his narrative about abuse a lot. speaks to me. sometimes -- often, even -- it's not about confronting your abusers, it's about getting out and healing.
what i hate about them: ergh i don't really think about him enough to hate anything in particular, but if i had to give him something, it'd be that he's very passive as a character. not as a person, as a character.
what i would like to see more focus on: him being a loner and happy being a loner and etc
what i would like to see less focus on: i will shoot the next person who writes a ravenpaw medcat au /j
they're not bad my quota has just been filled and i hate the idea that his happy ending is him remaining in the clans.
favourite moment/quote: THE ADDER
favourite pairing with: barley. duh.
favourite friendship: greystripe and fireheart. sorry, sorry, it's just this trio is so good.
notp: i don't have one for him?
favourite headcanon: even though he's happy as a loner, he misses the community of clan life.
what i love about them: his struggles with his father
what i hate about them: how, after he has this amazing moment in tdh where he is like, "no, i'm not like you," and we get this satisfying arc for him, tnp makes us relive it, and then later, he gets more and more tigerstar like. the way he treats the sisters? smh brambs goldenflower would be disappointed in you
what i would like to see more focus on: his relationship with goldenflower and tawnypelt. i want him to deal with the way they both feel towards tigerstar. goldenflower in that goldenflower kind of continues to love tigerstar, and tawnypelt in that she chooses to be with him
what i would like to see less focus on: a father/son connection between him and firestar. some exceptions apply -- twisted tree, for example, where fireheart does raise bramble -- but for the most part, people read a lot into their relationship imo, and it's frustrating. brambleclaw has a family. he has a very loving mother. he does not need fireheart to pseudo-adopt him to have a fulfilling family life
favourite pairing with: stormfur, maybe? i've been thinking about them. i dunno. NO WAIT leaf/bramble. i dunno i just. leafpool why do you want squirrelflight to be with him so badly and yet feel so conflicted about it? is it perhaps because you want him? i jest, i just think they'd be an interesting relationship.
favourite friendship: urgh bramble who even are your friends. but cloudtail i think. i like the idea that cloudtail and brambleclaw are good friends.
notp: kindaaa squirrelflight. even in stuff where bramble stays tpb bramble, i (generally) can't do it.
favourite headcanon: i like when bramble is like a big brother to squirrel and leaf. now i know what i just said, both wrt fire&bramble and leaf/bramble, but look it's not like i put all of my favourite things in one place, and bramble can be an older brother figure to them without being a son to firestar. but squirrelpaw certainly treats him like an older brother in early tnp, and -- i liked those moments
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theanoninyourinbox · 3 years
Longstar AU Three to Tango part 2
Sorry this bit took longer, had some personal issues to deal with, but we’re all good now.  I also realized I added a plot point too early, and removed it.  Alright back to cats!
While out hunting, Cinderpaw falls from a tree, injuring her hind leg.  Lionpaw carries her back to camp, and brings back a strange stick as well, saying he just thought it was neat.  Fireheart is worried that due to her being a reincarnation of a crippled warrior, that she might have similar leg problems.  Lionpaw butts in, saying that she’s not the same cat; even if her spirit resides in Cinderpaw, Cinderpelt is a far different cat.  Darkmoon is touched by this wisdom, but then looks at Lionpaw to see him staring off into space, with the AOL dialup tone playing.  Canon continues until...
Riverclan!  They proclaim their camp is unusable, and Jaypaw sneaks over to see a bunch of twoleg kits running around.  Unfortunately he’s caught, but it’s Uncle Hawkfrost, who just sends him home with a stern warning.  A few nights later, Lionpaw has a strange dream about tunnels, and an orange-and-white tomcat, and a nearly hairless elder.  Canon continues until...
The Windclan kits go missing, and the Three join Breezepaw and Heatherpaw to look for them.  They find the kits in the tunnels, but the water begins to rise.  Lionpaw, remembering his dream, tosses the kits on his back and leads everyone to safety.  Canon continues until...
The Tribe!  It goes mostly as canon, but with the Three bonding with their father, trying to get him to bond with  Breezepaw somewhat successfully, and immediately adopting Purdy as their “Gramps”.  Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, Foxflight, and Stormfur rekindle their friendship, with Tawnypelt apologizing to Foxflight about Brambleclaw, and all four reuniting with Feathertail.  While watching battle training, Lionpaw asks Feathertail what works best for her back, determined to gather new knowledge for any future injuries.  Canon continues until...
After the fight with the intruding cats ends, Hollypaw is covered in blood and little cuts, but shows her brothers a brand new scar on her belly that should have been a fatal wound, but instead healed up.  Lionpaw tells her that he can tell it doesn’t hurt because he would feel it.  Hollypaw says what?  Lionpaw says what?  Jaypaw, remembering the dream-sharing he did with Lionpaw that one time, decides Starclan is involved and didn’t tell them.  Starclan you beTTER EXPLAIN SO HELP ME I’LL GET GRAN-GRAN INVOLVED!!!!
Gran-gran Yellowfang yeets down from Starclan to kiss and holler at all her descendants, and gives them the Prophecy, explaining that their parents didn’t tell them because they were unsure who it involved, and she refuses to keep it a secret anymore, citing that the last time she kept a secret Brokenstar happened, giving a short explanation.  The Three agree to not be mad at their family, because that makes sense.
Storm and Brook decide to stay with the Tribe, and after a tearful farewell, the Clan Cats leave.  When Hollypaw gets back to camp, she has another dream about Tigerstar and Brambleclaw, now insisting they can train her to be the best warrior ever.  When she wakes up, she grabs her siblings, parents (Crowfeather and Swiftpool are having a sleepover), aunt and uncles, and her grandparents and great-uncle and the beans get spilled about the Prophecy and the Creepy Cat Dreams.  Everyone panics!  But they unpanic when Sandstorm, who was woken by the ruckus, points out that maybe the panic was the point?  Maybe if we stay calm and ignore them, they’ll either stop or make a move.  Everyone agrees, but this plants the seeds of doubt and anxiety in Hollypaw.  Did they pick her because she’s weak?  Canon continues until...
Windclan and Thunderclan both start finding each other’s prey on their land.  Mudstar and Longstar both agree someone is trying to start a fight, which happens when some younger warriors from both sides start a tussle.  Mudstar says until they figure out who’s doing this the clans should stay apart.  This leads to Swiftpool and Crowfeather being separated for a time.  A little while later, Berrynose, one of the troublemakers, says he saw a lion walking around camp, no it wasn’t Lionpaw I swear!  A little later, Fireheart, Darkmoon, and Lionpaw are gathering herbs, and discussing when Fireheart should retire, when Sol strolls up, say oop sun’s gonna go out, and yoinks out of ther before Darkmoon can grab him.  Canon continues until...
The free for all, triggered by some idiot in Windclan, starts, and the Eclipse happens.  Everyone except for Jaypaw and Longstar panics, and Sol strolls off to Shadowclan, with a ghostly Yellowfang throwing cat-cuss words at his back.  He still convinces Blackstar to forsake Starclan.
Back at Thunderclan, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Cinderpaw are promoted to Hollywish (for her great-grandmother and grandmother, and her hopes for the future), Jaywhisker (for his alternative senses and long whiskers), and Cinderheart.  The clan cheers them on, with Swiftpool at the front, and Lionpaw at her side, comforting her because his father can’t be there.  Flyshadow cheers from the nursery because she’s pregnant!! Canon continues until...
The Three sneak onto Shadowclan territory, and see poor Littlecloud get grounded by Blackstar.  On their way back, Tawnypelt catches up to them, with her kits Emberpaw (Flamepaw), Goldenpaw (Tigerpaw), and Dawnpaw in tow.  They want no part of a Starless Clan.  Longstar welcomes them to Thunderclan as long as they need shelter.  Canon continues until...
Millie and her daughter Briarkit become ill, and the illness begins to spread.  Lionpaw has a visit from Raggedstar and Runningnose, and grabs his siblings and the Shadowclan apprentices, hoping a plan can be hatched.  Jaywhisker and Flamepaw come up with the tree plan, and are as surprised as everyone else when actual Starclan ghosts show up to holler at the Shadowclan cats.  Blackstar is convinced, and throws Sol out with a Goofy Ya-ha-ha-hooie!  Canon continues until...
Longstar loses a life to the Greencough in camp, and Lionpaw asks Jaywhisker to dreamwalk Kestrelpaw, the Windclan Medicine apprentice, to find out where the catmint is.  After locating it, Lionpaw goes to get it, and is spotted by Breezepaw, who looks a bit happier?  Lionpaw is delighted his half-sib is doing well, and Breeze paw admits that he and Crowfeather hashed things out a bit, then tells Lionpaw to get on and go.  Lionpaw returns to camp with the medicine, and at the next half-moon, is named Lionblossom (for his “blooming spirit” and he gets petals stuck in his fur) by a proud Darkmoon.  When he goes to sleep the next night, he has a dream about tunnels and tribe cats, and a pretty molly named Half-moon.  Canon continues until...
The Fire Scene!!!  Foxflight gets stuck on the other side of a flaming wall with her niece and nephews, and makes a daring leap to grab a branch.  As she maneuvers it across the fire, a shadowy figure approaches.  In a flash, a dirty grey tabby leaps on the branch, blocking her way back!! Oh whatever will she do?!? She tackles him, knocking the tom head over tail into the fire, and saves her family.  Lionblossom has to be carried out, as he’s writhing in agony, feeling the pain of burns from the mysterious stranger.  He recovers shortly after, and no body is found in camp.  However, right before the next Gathering, a Thunderclan patrol finds a burnt corpse by the lakeside.  Flamewish, part of the patrol, thinks he looks familiar, but Graystripe is behind her, too horrified to speak.  He manages to sputter out that he recognizes the scarred pelt when Longstar approaches, and immediately identifies him as Darkstripe?!?!?  Wait what!???!!!  That night, Hollywish is visited by her Least Favorite Ghosts, but behind them is a smoky tom, both in pelt and in stench, and her doubt increases...Canon continues until...
Bluestar yells at Yellowfang for telling her descendants the prophecy.  It was supposed to be a secret, yells Bluestar.  Well so was Brokenstar and look where that got us, Yellowfang hollers back.  The two glare at each other for a while until Runningnose and Redtail break them up.
Back at Thunderclan camp, the cats are discussing how Darkstripe survived his throat being shredded, when the newly promoted Breezepelt and Heathertail enter camp.  They spotted Sol on Windclan land carrying a Thunderclan bird, and watched him plant it on Windclan territory, explaining the prey problem.  Longstar sends a patrol out to look for him, and the bring him and this other hanger-on that refused to leave him.  The Three grab their Gramps Purdy and escort him to the elder’s den, are you comfy Gramps, oh here let me introduce you to Mousefur.  Canon continues until...
Briarkit is attacked by the snake.  Honeyfern leaps in the way, getting struck in the eye, and Lionblossom makes the painful split-second decision to to an eye-ectomy on the spot.  Luckily, Fireheart heard the screaming and was rushing over to help, and finds both Honeyfern and Lionblossom on the ground writhing in pain.  Honeyfern is rushed to the Medicine Den, where she makes a miracle recovery - her eye and the hearing in that ear, and her ability to have kits are gone, and she’ll most likely be wobbly for life.  Honeyfern and Berrynose mourn their lack of future kits, but Poppyfrost insists she’ll carry kits for them, and the three can raise them together.  In the forest nearby, a seething ghostly Mapleshade confronts a shimmering Frecklewish, but both stalk off without a fight.  At some point around here, Coldlight confesses his feelings to Sandstorm, who tells him she needs to think about her feelings.  He respects her wishes because he’s sensible, and needs to emotionally recover from his love confession, because Coldlight’s drained by feelings. Canon continues until...
At next Gathering, Mudstar and Blackstar both want a piece of Sol.  Longstar counters that holding him prisoner keeps him from doing more harm, and Mudstar agrees, ending the cross-clan conflict - Crowfeather promises his kits he’ll visit shortly.  Back at Thunderclan later, Hollywish thinks she’s talking to her father and confesses her fears and anxieties.  The shadowy cat tells her of course she’s evil, and no one actually loves you.  A teary Hollywish rushes off, past her brothers, and into the tunnels, and they collapse behind her.  Crowfeather pins Sol to the ground, and he laughs evily.
Meanwhile, Whitewing’s kits and Flyshadow’s kit sleep peacefully.
Dun Dun Dun!  And that’s all for now!
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goosefeathercore · 3 years
the fact that Tawnypelt named Tigerheart after her father really makes me tear up. especially now that he ended up becoming leader of the same clan and straight up just has the original Tigerstar’s name. but I also think that having a new, good Tigerstar leading Shadowclan may be some sort of closure for her now that she’s getting older. In the beginning, she followed her father to Shadowclan in hopes of living a life where she’d be accepted, but after his death she stayed committed and made a place for herself. now, Tawnypelt is a loyal, beloved Shadowclan cat through and through, and she came to view it as her home even after everything that happened. that’s what ‘Tawnypelt’s Clan’ meant. now she can see her son carry out her love for her clan (he even named his son shadowkit :3) and someday she’ll be able to rest in peace knowing Shadowclan is finally in good hands.
it always just made me so sad that Tawnypelt felt so alienated and villainized by her own clanmates as a kid, she actually felt like following her father, who accepted her, was the best chance of having a life where she’d feel secure and welcome. I’m not entirely sure if young Tawnypaw at the time understood exactly what kind of cat her father was, but we know that she does now and she recognizes him as irredeemable. but when i think about it, the way that a kid would piece things together actually makes her decisions make a lot of sense. Thunderclan treated Tawnypaw as dangerous and untrustworthy for literally just existing, yet they never explicitly told her why they hated Tigerstar, so it was probably easy for Tigerstar to convince her that Thunderclan was wrong about him too, that he was ‘just like her’. and then i have to remember that her father, who was the only cat she felt any sense of belonging with, was brutally murdered after she had already witnessed him commit war crimes and attempt to become a violent dictator. like, she was still a freaking kid!! how in the world is an isolated kid supposed to feel when they simultaneously hate their father for what they watched him do, but also mourn him and feel completely alone without him? even Shadowclan, which was actually starting to become a home for her, now made her feel like an outsider because Tigerstar wasn’t leader anymore, meaning she was just a Thunderclan apprentice who joined Shadowclan by herself.
so, it’s just such an emotional character piece that she would name her son after the first Tigerstar. obviously, Tawnypelt hates everything her father did and she’ll never forgive him for it, but his actions can’t change the fact that he was her parent, and he was the one who found her a place in Shadowclan. No matter how awful of a cat she thinks he was, he will always have a place in her heart and memories as the parent who guided her in the beginning of her life. and I think that’s exactly why she named her son Tigerkit. it’s not in honor of Tigerstar or a tribute of some sort, it’s the part of Tawnypelt from childhood that wants to prove there isn’t shame in sharing blood with a bad cat, or even carrying his name. but in a way, Tigerheart/star also reminds her of the perception she had of her father in early childhood. the welcoming cat who helped her when she was lost, and helped her find a true home. In that way, I think she’s also probably very happy about the way that Dovewing ended up finding a place with Tigerheart/star in Shadowclan. he really did become all of the parts of Tigerstar that she remembered fondly, without changing for the worst or breaking her trust.
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I’m the anon who ranted about the hate on Dovewing- I also agree Tigerheart wasn’t really a good mate. Sorry for not adding that. I was mainly explaining why Dovewing loved him. ^^’
He showed potential at first and I did ship them but of course, it’s Warrior Cats where almost all relationships are toxic one way or another. And he got worse when he became leader- like he’ll switch back and fourth between a cool character and a mindless jerk like the Erins can’t make up their mind on what they want him to be. I still don’t think it justify the way Ivypool treated Dovewing when she was seeing Tigerheart though; at least I don’t like the way it was written anyways- it seemed more like she was just being petty sometimes. Usually some things I’m not happy with Warrior is how badly it is written and how situations are handled. They can make Ivypool be protective and disapproving of Tigerheart without her being mean to Dovewing; mainly the ignoring her part.
And about Ivypool being a spy. I get what you’re saying, completely understand. it’s been a while since I read all the OOTS books, I only read the first few few weeks ago before Ivypool officially became a spy and I was going along with other fans said so that was a my bad on my part. Should’ve read the other books before assuming. I still don’t quite understand about protecting them from the three, mainly Dovewing- and it’s also not like she was getting important information before the last book. The Dark Forest cats just really sat around going ‘I’m evil. Let’s do training to show how evil we are!’ Or at least from what I remembered.
Now that I read your respond and thinking about it- I do realize I am too harsh on Ivypool. She was either a child being manipulated or a character just in a badly written situation, being badly written for the sake of drama.
No need to apologise at all!
I find Tigerheart just so awful, as a grown warrior he dated a new apprentice, betrayed her trust, supported Dawnpelt’s accusations of murder despite knowing she was wrong, didn’t really seem to do anything productive for the greater good while training in the dark forest, and then there’s just all the bad stuff he’s done as a leader on top of that (why did StarClan decide he was a better leader choice than Tawnypelt? And then literally bring him back from the dead to make him leader?).
But yeah like you say no matter how much Ivypool was right about him being bad news that doesn’t justify the way she treated Dovewing over it
Yeah before the last book there was practically no useful information Ivypool could have conveyed without snitching on people who didn’t understand the true intentions of the dark forest - the dark forest cats did literally just sit around and train and talk about evil things when the recruits weren’t supposed to be listening lol
I would personally place Ivypool as a victim herself tbh and I think for the most part (in my personal opinion) she was well written. (Even if the situation itself in the dark forest really didn’t make sense at times and not much happened with it for long periods of the arc). Hawkfrost started manipulating her in her dreams when she was very young and I think his presence really didn’t help her emotional growth, I think he chose her because she was so angry, and I think that was the reason Breezepelt was chosen too. I think she only started to realise her mistake after Russetfur was killed and then Jayfeather and Lionblaze pressured her to return to the dark forest to spy for them, and she had to do unspeakable things in the dark forest in order to avoid getting killed and to work her way up to a position where she could actually get some information to help the clans. It’s also been a long while since I’ve read oots too so I might be getting some of this wrong but I just personally really admire her for going through all this - even if like you say she can be pretty awful to her sister at times
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