#also what year is it that ppl call others fake fans?
hellolovers13 · 7 months
font is not the same, february is spelled wrong… that setlist is as fake as the fans who don’t know black and white is not performed at b stage
don't take it so seriously i posted because why not clown a bit, never hurt anyone, i specifically said rumoured.
this is supposed to be fun lol
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traceofexistence · 6 days
After reading your post about Faye, I almost got a sense of deja-vu because I also had a similar rant about it.
Like that woman has been publicly out for a few years, privately even more (imo it was probably an open secret before she publicity came out). And no matter how "open" Thailand is for lgbtq ppl it's always a risk to come out, especially if you are already in a public light.
It's not Faye's, Yoko's, or 9star's problem that some people got "tricked" by other gl couple, and now in their opinion everyone is being fake and just doing it for "money."  And no matter how open and transparent any of them are (9star/fayeyoko), nothing is good enough for those people. Because like I've said they have been too delusional and were fucked over by other gl couples and their companies/studios.
So now that you have a openly out woman who is with a company that actually treats her and Yoko like human beings and doesn't rely on some stupid tricks so that they earn more money some people don't know how to behave. And in some instances are jealous because why couldn't my faves have company be like that. But that's just my opinion.
and because I'm weird like that I dont block the trolls I try to study their behaviour (knowing your enemies type of tactic on my party)
one particular on twitter was yapping about how Faye is in secret relationship with her salon partner (the way these assholes bullied that poor woman🤬) and she's cheating on her with yoko and yada yada yada, and how they are an excellent investigator. and their whole proof was couple of photos she had with Faye doing literally nothing LOL
so I looked at their older tweets, and boom they were a fan of another GL couple, and then they saw one of those actresses in pictures with a guy (again nothing explicit) and they started going off about how they were lied on, but to my understanding that other loveteam were like "we are single, we are phi-nong" the same way fayeyoko say (and I personally believe them because I simply dont ship)
so whether these people had "their dreams crushed" or they built a whole ass delusion to be mad about when it didn't come true is unclear to me.
and all the trolls I have seen look like they are disappointed from other GLs and apply the same bs on our girls
to conclude, I really do thing FayeYoko are nothing currently beyond phi-nong as they say
Faye has been saying she's single for years, that falling in love is hard for her, and be with people because she works too much, so I believe that
and Yoko doesn't care enough to lie about her status and she's been saying shes single since day one, and funnily enough the same trolls got mad that she said so again recently and called her names etc.
last but not least according to thai people, only very recently Thailand became somewhat open about LGBTQ. and still old people are conservative. coming out is coming out.
as for Faye, her family knew she was dating a girl early on. she said she didn't have to tell her mom, because her sister who (was very little at the time, asked her mom, and mom said "Faye is old enough now and she knows what she's doing" something along those lines and her baby sister told Faye back LOL so the cat was out of the bag soon, and her GF at the time was close to Faye's mom and sisters. her coming out to the public was around 2021~22 and after she got permission by the MGT boss, not to mention that with her coming out she paved the way for other MGT girls to be open up as well (two of her friends Lux, and Engfa for example)
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armand1481 · 1 year
You are so fucking fake. I used to follow you because I rembered you from ArtistoftheMillenia and I thought you were talented but I unfollowed after all this dumb shit drama started bcus I realized how fucking obnoxious you are as a person. First of all, “UWU pwease don’t call me Amadeo it twiggers my twauma :(“ what a load of bullshit. Trauma my fucking ass, the internet has rotted your brain like all the other fake asf chronically online ass people and made you believe you have tRaUmA, No. You got an opportunity any young artist would kill for being featured on a big YouTubers channel and all u can think to do is whine and be ungrateful bcus UWU my trauma WAAAAH. Makes my fucking blood boil. I don’t see what was so fucking traumatizing for you, getting to learn from one of the most talented artists of our age? What the fuck kind of trauma is that? And putting aside that bullshit, the way you talk and write is INFURIATING. It’s SO clearly fake that it makes me want to throw up from embarrassment. You talk like some pseudo gothic cringy emo kid who wants to come off as deep and smart and uses words like “purge” on fucking tumblr and talks in a forced monotone voice so ppl think ur more interesting then u actually r. CUT THAT SHIT OUT, everyone can tell it’s an act and it’s so embarrassing. And yes I’m choosing not to be anonymous for this bcus now you can’t shame me for being a coward and sending anon hate. I don’t give a fuck if u know who I am and your fans harass me, I don’t give a fuck. That’s how much you piss me off
The world would be improved if you just fucking killed yourself now and did us all a favor by PURGING society of the useless waste of space and air that you are, you anti intellectual dog shit, you pollute culture and you pollute art. You are nothing. Your inability to analyze anything beyond the most baseline surface level shit that is right in front of you is dispicable, you fucking idiot. Your idiocy shocks me.
Marius did give me wonderful opportunities but he also GROOMED ME, and I mean so very literally, he sexually exploited me and abused me. You are an idiot to believe that you understand the whole situation just by the glimpse you saw of us on the internet. Also, I’d like you to know that I’m fucking autistic, and the reason I seem “fake” to you (are you twelve years old? I wouldn’t be surprised) is because my autism makes me speak and behave in ways people find unnatural or forced. I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you. I wish I could kill you myself but unfortunately you live quite far away from me and I’m too busy to book a flight. However, someone else could always do it for me.
Palais Garnier, 8 Rue Scribe, 75009 Paris, France
Lock your doors you stupid cunt.
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skylarbee · 1 year
Over the years I have seen many fandoms and fans of all kinds, but yes, in fact lately the AM fandom is really becoming something unmanageable for anyone even for those who perhaps follow the band for the music without wanting to know anything about the gossip. I think this is also partly the fault of Tiktok which has led many young people to want to follow the band and therefore to become attached to certain characters without knowing what they have done in the past, they want to throw shit at people they didn't know until two years ago like Miles for example and blaming him for everything is saying disgusting things towards him that really, just reading it brings tears to my eyes. I don't know what will happen as soon as the tour ends, I hope things calm down even if it's hard for me given Amanda and Matt's attitude in the last few days
yes to all of this! the only times that i've searched for gossip were when i already heard a lot of rumours against my will and i wanted to see if they were true (other people should do this too instead of immediately believing/disbelieving something they've read on the internet...). other than that, the moment i open any social media, it's all there without me having to press a single button, and i'm sure that lots of other people have it the same way.
i do think too that tiktok might have something to do with it. i wasn't this deep in the fandom until only like three years ago, so i don't know what the situation was with younger fans before that. i also said a lot of stupid shit on the internet when i was really young, so i can't expect much from the young fans, especially the ones who have no idea about how problematic LV is and love her to bits. the extremely sad thing is that i've seen SO many people who do know a thing or two, and they still think that she's done nothing wrong (like ppl saying that she's a 'queen' for being the one alex cheated with, that she should be proud of it and brag about it, or the ones that congratulate her and say that they would've done even worse things just to get in alex's pants - just some vomit-inducing stuff)
the thing with miles makes me the saddest, i feel you anon. there are loads of people out there who spread false information and call him things that he's not - but what's even worse than this is there are people who have no idea about these things, and still hate on him and make fun of him for absolutely no reason. like he said, we have to accept the fact that this is the way it always will be; i can't even get mad anymore when interviewers constantly bring up alex/tlsp when talking to him. i don't think it will ever change. let's all learn from LV and do the opposite of what she does - when we see people talking shit, we should just click that block/mute button and go about our day without paying attention to it and posting on our stories about it (if i were to sit down and argue with every person on twitter who says something bad about him, i'd do that 24/7). miles' fans are the sweetest people out there (like artist like fan) and we should focus on not ruining the pure and good vibes that miles transmits to us via his IG (reason why i don't tag these posts with his name). if he can take some minutes out of his life (almost) every day to post cute things for us, we should also send him back positive things - out of tens of fake people in am's circle, he continues to be the only genuine, honest, and pure-hearted person - let's not take it for granted.
i imagine that after the tour ends all we'll have will be L&A's stories, specifically LV's stories where she'll position her phone so that we'll be able to see alex's elbow and lose our minds over it; and similar shenanigans. i am not looking forward to it. this community will be rotten for as long as those two will be present in the boys' lives (i wish it wouldn't be true, but everything has been going downhill since 2018/2019)
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dearweirdme · 8 months
Why is it so frustrating to see comments on TK videos so confidently saying, "they're just friends/brothers" or "stop shipping them, they dont like it" or even bringing up Tae's "stay out of your imagination" comment?! Also, when people comment "I love their friendship" to purposely get someone to fight with them. Like 1. How do people know for sure they are just friends? 2. They aren't brothers. 3. When did they ever say they didn't like shipping? 4. Everyone takes Tae's comment out of context, which is so annoying. 5. Commenting "I love their friendship" is so fake when we know they just want a chance to yell about how they aren't a couple.
I guess I'm just annoyed lately with people making me feel crazy for believing in taekook. But deep down I'm thinking, "why is it crazy to think 2 people who have known each other for years and are super close, are a couple?!" Because it'd be a gay relationship? The homophobia in the fandom is so upsetting and honestly worse than I ever realized. The same people saying that shipping is wrong when its takeook are the same ppl who shipped Tae and Jennie. And Taekook have infinity more moments together and proof than taennie ever did.
The most annoying part to me is how SURE they are that they aren't real. Like, why? Because you said so? Because gay relationships are gross to you? People need to grow up.
Sorry for the rant lol
Hi anon!
I think Tae and Jk's thoughts and feeling about shipping and shippers must be amongst the most confusing ones they have. There are many aspects to shipping and shippers... especcially Taekook shippers.
Shipping is part of their job... it's part of any idol's job really. So they know (and they were probably prepared for this, and even encouraged at first) that fans in general love to ship certain pairs of idols together. It gets more confusing though if you actually catch feelings for the person you are widely shipped with.. and it get's super complicated if you even end up in a secret relationship with that person. You have to keep it a secret while people also want to see you close together.. it's a fine line to walk. There's also a wide variety of shippers. There's those that don't actually think they're together, but just enjoy the thought of it. There's those that do think they're together and are silent supporters. There's those that are very loud in their support. There's people who go overboard and make it a quest to prod them with annoying questions. There's people who think they're together but don't really like it. And what's confusing is that for Tae and Jk, it's never clear what kind of shipper they are dealing with. Army..Taekookers are faceless and nameless to them. So it's hard for them to look at Taekookers and separate the annoying ones from the supportive ones... I think.
There are instances where I feel like someone who posts an obvious "I love their friendship" actually is a secret shipper who doesn't want to be called out by fandom as a whole, but who does want to talk about them 😂. Shipping Tae and Jk together comes with a different load than shipping other members together. People very obviously feel the need to separate them from Tkkrs. I think for sure there's many who are actually concerned for Tae and Jk, and they think they are defending them. For me it gets real icky when that need is rooted in homophobia. No-one knows for sure what their real deal is. Not us, and certainly not anti's as well. But to treat the idea of Jk and Tae together as an insult is just ridiculous. And I'm quite sure that neither Tae or Jk sees it that way.
I don't think comments like "I love their frienship!" are wrong. I mean, I say I love Jm and Hobi's friendship too. I know we are sensitive to that, because it can feel like an invalidation to what we think their bond is. But, when I think of Jk and Tae.. I think they actually really like seeing comments like that. Because comments like that are safe while at the same time they do point to a strong bond between them.
It's not easy being a Tkkr. Because it will never be about us being right. It can't be. Honestly, best we can do is just keep supporting them and find comfort amongst ourselves when things get tough. You are not crazy for believing in them. The moments we see come from them, it's not stuff we make up. If the two persons in question were a male and a female more than half of the fandom would agree with us.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Hi Sophia, I see a lot of team PR are really discouraged especially after the stuff that’s recently occurred. But wait…hear me out!
I mentioned this on maja’s blog as well: I think the plausible deniability and hinting by friends is exactly the narrative they intended from the beginning.
Before their “relationship” was announced, I simply thought they were just waiting to announce and then they’d finally be out and not have to “hide” anymore, like some team real blogs assumed. But TBH, I don’t think this is the case. In fact, the hiding only continued into NYE 2.0 and now this Bermuda thing. Both groups alluding and hinting at being in the same place, but never really posting themselves together or in real time. You know, like normal people do.
This is intentional. Always has been, always will be for this particular orchestration.
For the case of Leo/Gigi, plausible deniability is also used because this couple is never seen together either, but their relationship is pushed by tabloids hinting that they arrived somewhere together and left together. All the articles have stock photos of them separately, and their narrative continues to be pushed as a “how serious are they? But Leo doesn’t really want to settle and neither does Gigi so they’re just having fun”. If you actually read the articles, the pics never show them hand in hand, it’s always a pic of Leo arriving and then Gigi in the same place but not with him. But the articles always push they’re seen together - hinting, hinting, always hinting.
CE:Ab have a private but super serious narrative that’s intentionally made so CE doesn’t look like a Leo (and yes, his Pr team is aware of all the other relationships with big age gaps and how the men always get called cliches and blah blah), even if fans and haters still do call him that bc they don’t like the relationship. They’re very serious, but super private, so you never see them out, they don’t have pap pics, but CE did want to tell y’all he’s serious about her for a whole year bc look at all the photos they have together in those two 2 IG stories! Not fake at all!
Outside of that, they can’t call paps on themselves bc then it’s not private. Tabloids won’t write articles about their NYE or Bermuda vacations bc there are no pap pics but they can keep circulating the same old fluff pieces and the PR worked anyway bc the majority of ppl think he’s engaged - thanks to gossip, DM, and TikTok. Their job is done without having to even pop up together. Wedding planners and violinists follow Ab and every celeb whose been on the rumor mill, especially since her name probably has engaged attached to it every time anyone googles her.
The fans, like you and others have said, are what keeps the gossip going and what tabloids and gossip mags will leverage when they do “research.”
Meanwhile, CE, whose very likely unwilling to participate in anything such as yacht pics or even looking like he wants to hold AB’s hand in public, can shut down his SM and disappear while AB and her merry band of clout chasers, and CE’s thirsty friends can have paid trips to Bermuda and get a little extra narcissism boost while they’re there.
AB pretending she doesn’t care about CE is the narrative that’s supposed to make it seem like she’s not an opportunist golddigger. The only problem is that while she’s not posting him and never directly alludes to him, she literally shows her true colors multiple times in the following ways:
1) deleting comments in real time (she was 1000% sitting on her phone and seeing what ppl wrote about her during ski trip 1.0)
2) not limiting her comments or removing her tags when the rumors were rampant last year
3) not deleting the dating comments but deleting the ones about her as golddigger or opportunist (lol)
4) not turning off her location despite getting harassed every time fans found out she was in the US again
5) Justin dropping trolling hints on behalf of her being around CE since the dawn of time (and not stopping despite the year of harassment from fans and haters)
6) her sister posting outside his house allegedly and the private photos leaking despite nothing else ever leaking before
7) her only blocking her tags after her IG reactivation and refusing to let in tags from her fans, any of her projects, and just allows tags from Justin and her fashion shows. (Real great priorities! Take “actor” out of your bio)
8) not promoting anything related to work but happy to keep trolling her IG location so fans will continue to think she’s with him
9) her friends never posting her so of course fans will assume she’s with him
10) only getting posted when Justin or someone else alludes to maybe they’re all somewhere together near CE (bakeries, Bermuda) so even her out and about pics are ruined with ppl thinking she’s with CE.
11) cropping and photoshopping her left hand out of pics (LOL) - poor Joana getting sacrificed to fuel your narrative!
12) hiding a pic of CE’s dog in her photo dump and not tagging him (lol).
13) showing up to ghosted premiere to post a pic of her dress and get her pics taken while never attending her own premieres or helping the WN cast promote the show that made her “famous.”
She’s trying so hard to let ppl know she’s not a clout chaser, she’s different from other girls. Except she only wants to promote wearing “fashion”, attending fashion shows, and going on luxury vacations and partying on boats.
Opportunist of the worst kind.
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quietzap · 2 years
I'm really not trying to start a fight because I hate the grammys as much as you do and I think that, while Liam loves and supports Harry, him posting on Instagram is bringing him loads of negative attention or fake love from fake fans but what I don't understand is the need for petty remarks from ziams? I think everyone in the fandom actually agrees with Zayn's statement that the grammys are meaningless but we still get excited for our boys when they win one, we'd be ecstatic for each and one of them, so I really don't understand the passive aggressive reblogs of a years old statement and completely ignoring Liam's lovely post. As an ot5 stan I don't understand this constant need for ribbing from every corner of the fandom but I guess that's what it boils down too, right, not everyone is an ot5 stan anymore
Well personally I don't think harry deserved to win aoty (or any grammy tbh) it's simple as that. And having him win over other artists who made a much better album imo shows how messed up this award show still is. It all boils down to white privilege and having the right connections. They did set him up with that win tho bc it was obvious ppl would be pissed. And why should we be happy that Liam keeps showing support when H and his fans (even so called ot5s) haven't showed him any in all those years? When H's never told his fans to stop cyber bullying Liam when even Niall and Louis said something? Also personally, I'd rather ppl just don't reblog about one of the boys (like me with H) than only reblog posts about them to criticise them (like I've seen ppl do with Liam). And besides, H doesn't need my support, he's got more than enough with harries/larries and ppl in the media. But you're right, there's just not many ot5 stans anymore. Me included. I understand why this situation would be sad for you tho
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I feel like Ive seen more papped pics of Austin n Kaia in their almost 2 yr relationships than I have of Z n Tom in their 6+ long relationship lmao i feel like we get more fan pics n videos.
I think its been clear Kaia has a deal with the paps n she also is seen a lot in these typical places famous ppl go: Nobu, Cabo, Erewhon, doing pilates somewhere. They r pap hotspots n if she wanted to hav a more private area she culd bt doesnt. If she feels lik being papped like that wit her bfs is going translate into acting jobs than thats def a interesting approach 🥴
Exactly 😏
Now you see what I'm saying right lol? 😅
I almost feel like Austin and Kaia have been papped in LESS than 2 years of a rlshp, just about as much as Austin and Vanessa were papped in an 8-year rlshp rofl 🤣
And like you said, with Tom and Z, it's clear they're not calling the paps, cuz most of the photos we get from them are from fans who just happen to spot them while out and about!
Tom and Z are also arguably some of the biggest celebrities out here today.... certainly more famous than Kaia and Austin, and yet, the paps somehow always know where to catch the latter two rofl 🤣 They also go to pap hot spots it seems. I feel like it's not just a coincidence in other words.
Not only that, but that birthday cake that Kaia a "friend" got for him on his birthday... chiiiile lol.... 🤣
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So yea, call me crazy lol, I don't care, but smthg is definitely starting to seem just a little PR-ish about the Kaustin Berger rlshp, and I'm not even one who typically calls rlshps "PR" lol. 😅
I'm not saying they're "fake", I'm just saying that smthg seems rather off about this rlshp lol, and I'm not sure how authentic it really is. 👀 I never got that impression with him and Vanessa though. He and Vanessa actually looked genuinely and deeply in love with each other. I haven't even been a fan of V since her insensitive comments during covid 😒, so I'm really just being neutral and calling things like I see it. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Other fans of Austin have kinda picked up on it too, and at first, I was just brushing it off, but the more stuff I see, the more I'm just like "hmm..." 🤔
Or, they could just both be using each other for exposure rofl 🤣 Who knows??
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theghostiedyke · 1 year
@molsno​ tagged me in a 20 q’s thing. it was originally a reddit refugee thing but now it’s just fun hehehehe
Name? lavi :) i also answer to ghostie :3
Pronouns and gender? they/she; my gender is dyke lesbian. like my sexuality is simply too tied to my gender to consider it otherwise. i am woman aligned because i am in love with women and other lesbians with fucked up genders
Sexuality? lesbian <3
Country? U.S. :/ (but also PR)
Top 5 fandoms? uhhh rn: LOZ, Bleach, Ace Attorney, im probably forgetting some. i’m quite picky with how i interact with fandoms too i like find my lil niche and stay there and ignore the big stuff. i always love when i find fellow queer or fans of color :>
What is your Most forbidden snack? squishies
Would you pet a bug? depends on the bug! it might be too small to be petted or might be something that scares me. i do like to photograph the non scary ones at work hehehe. (i.e. pollinators and or invasive but pretty bugs)
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. i am suddenly blanking as if i am not constantly weird and awkward. i wouldn’t call this weird but more so enjoyable but i have now had two parties where i have had a autism moment with someone i am meeting for the first time on the couch. and we talk in depth about our shared interest. truly a melding of adhd (on my part) and austism (on the other persons part).
What does the color blue taste like? “blue raspberry slushies, my favorite flavor :3″ i am partially copying this answer from vivi! and adding on: blue raspberry dumdum lollipops.
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? idk if can only pick one thing! so many things are beautiful! Puerto Rico, women, a hibiscus I saw blooming the other day, my baby niece, fan art of a current hyperfixation, my baby nephew’s love of ladybugs, artbooks i bought at a convention
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? only one?? anytime adhd tax has affected me lol, or when it took me literal years to realize two family members were specifically my first cousins from an aunt I never realized was a mom too lol.
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? a professor asking me and coworker for a “boneless” book when i worked at a uni bookstore.
Hyperfixation song? currently so far so fake by pierce the veil but it might be changing soon
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? my avatar is a lil piccrew of me and the username is now self explanatory but originally was a halloween variation back when ppl changed their usernames. it’s undergone many changes on whims lol.
Dream career as a child? i had a couple of different phases so: chef, fashion designer, interior designer, artist
Dream career as an adult? ehhh designer/artist. i’m content in my job rn i get to do enough of stuff i like and the work environment is good and i really like my coworkers.
Thoughts on cilantro? fresh! tasty! a perfect topping to savory foods!
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? nope
What is your cursed food combination? hmmm i don’t think i have one? when i have like 0 groceries i sometimes experiment by putting different things in rice, like cheeses and sauce and condiments and cooking it with bouillon cubes. 
hmmm okie! i am tagging: @onequeerruffian @mothghhost @hitofthesearchparty
(no pressure though)
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paxaz535 · 2 months
I dont have a question... I just want to give my 2 cents about the whole Q thing🤭. In all honesty, these so-called "fans" make everything worse if you ask me. Q is human just like everybody else, so she's gonna make mistakes and do things that others may not do. The only difference is that she's in the "spot light," so her mistakes are going to be open for criticism.
I just HATE the fact that these so-called fans are moving like their sh!t dont stink. They've probably done sh!t that they aren't proud of. The only difference is that they're hiding behind a fan page.
I do think Q needs to some sort of media training because she does attend a university that is very popular on TikTok, and it also comes with a bunch of weird ass "fans." If she actually did tell her teammates business to those ppl, then that's wrong, and their no excusing that.
Overall, I feel like this whole situation could have been avoided if Q wasn't so open to being friendly with fans of the team. I think from now on, she just needs to have a burner account if she wants to like shady stuff because that's something that ppl will talk about. I think these fans are indenial if they think the others on the team don't like shady posts as well. Their just smart enough to do it from a fake page. But I can't expect much from a bunch of 12-14 year olds🤷🏾‍♀️
P.S, shordy is weird for recording her conversation with her. I can't stand ppl who do that. It's obvious she's going to be on her best behavior because she nows what she's doing...
you made some valid points, i won’t lie.
but until q speaks up abt it… i think it’s safe to say she’s officially in her cancel era😭😭
i’m not disagreeing with anything that you said, you didn’t say anything wrong love!
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waxsuyaaa · 5 months
beware! large amounts of yapping ahead!
okay its time for me to complain about people because my journal isnt cutting it for my standards in actually wordvomiting everything before I sleep
yay so theres one girl in my class, all stories I could ever say always start with “so there is one person in my class” im not original and neither are they because theres like 10 different boys and they all look and sound the same to me I havent memorised their names after 2 years and 3 of them have the same last name
okay so theres this one girl in my class and y’know how theres always a duo in a trio and apparently im always the one leeching off of other peoples friendships because im always the new person at the school for whatever reason and im probably never going to have a genuine friend group because either i dont try enough or people in schools absolutely suck (im leaning towards the latter option because I dont wanna blame myself)
OKAY im the singular loner oh so sad person in the trio and the other 2 people have so much in common like hey theyre family friends and like the same music and talk about men all the time and never strike a conversation with me and im the person who they pair up with and talk to when theres a task which we are in groups of 3s
so a teacher brought in taylor swift merchandise and I saw one of those light up wristbands and apparently the other 2 ppl who I *think* im friends with also like taylor swift (more than me, because im a wretched fake fan or whatever) and one of them says if they can have the wristband because it was the only one from the eras tour the teacher had and then she offered to buy it off me for 20 bucks and hey you know where this is going
she hasnt paid me in the half a year since that and I keep reminding her and she keeps telling me to remind her and she keeps on going “im gonna pay you next week I promise” like shut up if you’re not gonna keep your promise just say it. if you dont have the money literally just say it and next time we walk to your house you could give the wristband back
but actually the audacity like last week for her to say “why am i even paying you for this its just a bracelet” when we already agreed on it and i may be extremely petty but she could have said its freaking worth is only 5 cents or whatever and then her attempt to GUILT TRIP ME because her allowance is only a dollar everytime she does a chore?? and the fact she said oh just ask [the other person in the friend group] to pay?? like hey hello what this is just between you and i
and the fact that the other person in the friend group stands up for her is just ouchh what yeah I know them two were besties since they were in the womb and maybe even in a past life they were actually intertwined plants or whatevr
and they talked right in front of me just back and forth “oh you dont have to pay her its not worth it” “real friends dont owe people things its just out of kindness” and im like HEY IM RIGHT HERE BEHIND YOU and the fact they kept checking behind them to see if I was eavesdropping which was so incredibly easy because they were literally talking so loud I swear my life is recorded or something and theyre speaking loudly so the viewer can be in on the drama
and maybe im making drama out of nothing but these two CALL ME BESTIE and every single time i call them out on a fault or something and im like thats not what you said earlier BECAUSE EITHER THEIR MEMORY IS WACK OR THEYRE LIARS theyre just like “oh we’re joking” like what the hell you cannot use jokes to get out of situations
even when im not having a good day and trying to not engage in conversatjon as often theyre always like “why did you talk like that” like huh I didnt know I wasnt allowed to stop smiling for a while
i mean theres more stuff and im still gonna say it ive asked her [the uhh first one] if im interesting or not and she replied yeah sure and when asked why she said oh you say animal facts sometimes like HEY IM AN ACTUAL PERSON and the most interesting thing about me is that I say animal facts sometimes like hey look at me im an encyclopedia its literally like when teachers call me “their little calculator” or whatever also EWW this is why I dont like pet names they suck
so am i overreacting?? yeah
should I be thrown against a wall? yeah
can i sleep? no thats why im writing this
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Im just saying that we can’t say that she can’t stand supercraps but then when she tells them she sees them & hypes their dedication or whatever & she talks about how much she likes katie mcgrath we sit here & act like that’s not true & she’s only saying it bc she’s being paid, bc that’s calling her a liar who uses ppl for $……. & that’s a pretty low opinion of her. that was my point. she didn’t have to sit there and say all those positive things about katie mcgrath & how much she missed her & all that
so im just saying that the other anon & some of you who are acting like she HAD to say a positive thing about those ppl & she HAD to say positive things about Km don’t get that she could’ve refunded it if she really hated them. think its better to believe that maybe she just doesn’t hate that annoying fandom the way we do. & maybe shes close to km because this is the second time she said it. or like fourth time actually bc I think she said it in interviews too. its just that when people say none of that is true your basically calling her a liar. & it makes us all look bad! thats all I meant.
she said something nice about Chris too. was that fake? I just don’t think we should be like the supercraps & pick and choose what we think is true from her mouth based on what we prefer or like or dont like
Anon, the point of fandom is speculation. Do we know what other people really think? No. Do we sit in their heads? No. Does it stop people from wondering? Also no. Why? Because we have spent years in this shithole, people were harassed and hated, people were completly disappointed by the SG ending, while they invested time, energy, emotions and mental health into it. So of course people are going to speculate and try to reason things to make things better for them.
But no one here said Melissa CAN'T do something. Like... whatever.
Plus, you say we think about her low by implying she says positive things only because she was paid, while saying she is ok being paid by people hating on her husband, becasue she thinks they are not trolls (in your previous anon, because I'm guessing you are the same person)? And who is speculating now?
And seriously, read what you said now and in the previous message about her fans here.
I'm closing this discussion, not going to talk more about this whole cameo stuff. Things are going to be deleted and not read, so don;t even bother folks, because I have enough of constant DRAMAS in this fandom. Go and moan to someone else. I'm old and tired and i don't give a shit anymore. Seriously.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
so you genuinely believe that if tae wanted a beard he would pick/agree for it to be jennie out of all the idols he could've went with? jennie, whose fandom hates his guts and always the most vile shit about him and his grandma? the jennie whose guts armys hate and are almost always responsible for every viral hate video about her either calling her lazy or making fun of her dancing? i mean armys literally became even more hateful to her after the paris walk and her show.
he could've went with an idol or an actress that armys don't hate to avoid backlash and still had an effective beard.
and if he picked a popular idol with a big fan base so she has loyal ppl defending her from the hate then he failed miserably because armys are bigger than blinks and the hate towards jennie doubled bc of that mess of a show she did. and if the deal was for two-way promo and a beard then where is taehyung's promo? i don't think he needs promo from jennie's fandom at all and it's even disrespectful to think tae would try to use his own antis for promo when he already has armys behind him.
this whole notion of taennie being pr makes no sense bc it literally just seems like they both are dating their fandoms' rivals and didn't want their fans to know, then they were seen by a local, then a hacker leaked their pics and tried to forcibly out them, the matching accessories weren't something they did on purpose to try to signal that they're dating, they just did it. idols get linked by outfits all the time so they figured it's not that big of a deal and isn't an obvious declaration of anything. then they gave up since ppl knew already and walked in paris with no care to be lowkey, but the reactions were outrageous so they went back into hiding, removed the matching stuff etc. their fans' reactions (esp army) are what spooked them (esp tae) but overall it definitely doesn't look like a fake relationship
Hi anon!
Well, this is very star-crossed-lovers-romeo-and-juliet of you.
Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Seoul, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
While I can appreciate a bit of Shakespeare, this is not that, though I bet they love the plot. Tae and Jennie together is a pr manager’s dream. The whole thing basically takes care of itself. It’s cheap, it’s low maintenance, it costs very little actual effort and it will keep people talking for months… years possibly. See, it’s not necessarily about what fandom thinks about it. While it’s probably great they are getting this attention from everywhere, the aim is for both Tae and Jennie to enlarge their fanbases. They want more fans. Putting them together will mean some blinks become Tae fans and vice versa. A pairing of their combined fame though, most certainly also reaches audiences that hadn’t paid much attention to either BTS or BlackPink yet. But a food love story between the prince and princess of Kpop (are they?) will absolutely lure in new fans. And that is how it aids both Tae and Jennie. They have already concurred South Korea, there’s little left for them there.. this is for other audiences. They don’t need pr in Sk, they need it outside of SK. Tae’s album sales will definitely be influenced by this. So many Taennie’s who were only blinks before are going to buy his album, because they will link it to Jennie.
Tae did not choose Jennie for this. Their teams set this up and they only had to agree. Hate is a thing Jennie and Tae always have to deal with. This is just another thing to add. In business emotions don’t play a big part.
What I have been considering since this afternoon though, is that maybe.. maybe… very maybe.. Paris was some sort of test. Maybe they did see the backlash (and the bad critiques from The Idol) and they decided.. nope, not what we wanted out of this. Maybe they did decide against going through with it and that is why things seem.. stagnant?
What would a fake relationship look like according to you though. If you were to plan a fake relationship between two idols, and you had to make it look real.. while also adhering to Sk standards, how would you achieve that? How would you sett up a believable pr stunt. What clues would you leave, and how would you leave them?
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johngaiussimp · 2 years
Locked Tomb UQuiz Masterpost!
Hellllooooo. I make a lot of uquizzes on Twitter for fun. i post/make them at various levels of seriousness, so they are mostly the farthest thing from professional and pretty horny and silly.* But if you want to take a bunch of locked tomb personality quizzes made by a silly nerd, here’s a list from over the years!
Every quiz is probably NSFW lol. More recent ones have Nona spoilers (at the bottom of list)
There are also other quizzes that are by other amazing people, take their quizzes too (too stoned to figure out how to find all those) (if you want to reblog with your own quizzes pls do so)
here you gooooooo. 
Which Ianthe vibe are you?
Which Griddlehark quote/moment are you?
Which goth Harrow nickname are you?
Which name does Harrowhark Nonagesimus call you?
How fucked up are you? (based on a very specific TLT measurement) 
Which hilarious Mercymorn insult are you?
What does your TLT House say about you as a lover?
What sexy Cytherea moment are you?
What TLT meme are you?
Which article of Harrowhark’s clothing are you?
What type of cavalier are you?
How quickly would you die in Canaan House?
What does Ianthe call you?
Which TLT woman are you going on a hot date with?
Which Third House au plot point are you?
Which Ninth House feature/element are you?
Which fake TLT academic journal title are you?
What makkachinning Griddlehark AU are you? 
Answer would you rather questions and get assigned a TLT wife!
How well do you know Ianthe Tridentarius? 
Analyze this Gideon and Ianthe banter scene and I’ll guess your astrological sign incorrectly. 
Choose your own adventure TLT au (which original Lyctor are you?)
Which piece of TLT underwear are you?
Answer FMK - get assigned a strange TLT au of my own creation.
Which cursed TWT fan TLT moment are you (would you rather)
Which certified TLT stoner are you?
Answer some Qs and get assigned a TLT hottie and a Taylor Swift song 
Which BOE prisoner are you from “As yet Unsent”
Which brat Ianthe moment /emoji are u???
How long could you stay married with Ianthe?
Which false homestuck reference in TLT are you?
Match a reaction image to TLT characters and get assigned a TLT ex-gf
Which TLT cat are you? 
Which form of Alecto are you going to date?
What interpretation of Mercymorn’s drawing of a RB are you?
What is your TLT toxic trait (character edition)? 
What is your TLT love language? 
What is your job during the Great Jizz Heist? 
What’s your toxic tlt trait (fandom edition)?
Top, bottom or switch, TLT edition
Which arcane x tlt ship are you?
Which line from the Nona book summary are you?
who is your TLT secret santa and what do they get you?
R u hole or slick or knot? decorate a christmas tree.
What Tor nona cover promotion tweet are you?
What Nona cover detail are you?
Which horny TLT moment are you?
Who is your TLT one night stand?
Who in Bridgerton are you? (TLT x bridgerton )
which Locked Tomb villain are you?
What kind of ass would Ianthe flesh magic onto you?
Whose strap are you []ing tonight?
Who is your 2022 TLT pride crew?
Are you top bottom or switch (nona edition)? 
Which name does Pyrrha call you? 
*Please note that these quizzes are made by a freak who is friends with freaks and doesn’t fuck with trying to police other ppls shipping choices lmao. 
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kanmom51 · 3 years
hi, genuinely curious, why do you think you know so much about bts’s personal lives? like just shipping real people in general that you don’t now personally, bc i saw some of ur posts(not just u, a LOT of others seem to think the same) and i’m confused like how do you know all that from a video/photo?
Ask 2:  hi i think i might have sounded rude in my last anon and im so so sorry if i did, i don’t mean to sound mean but english isn’t my first language and i don’t now how else to write it.
What i mean is i just can’t see it, but so many ppl including you seem convinced jimin and jungkook are a couple? i now there’s probably something i’m missing that’s obvious to everyone else bc to me they just seem like really good and close friends, so like what is it that you think makes it obvious?? (again i’m just genuinely curious abt this pls don’t take it the wrong way 💜)
I’m not clairvoyant and don’t claim to know what goes on behind closed doors.  I have said time and time again that we have no way of knowing what goes on when the cameras are off or when they are in private, unless they tell us.
I do speculate sometimes and make assumptions based on the content I’ve seen, but always original content, and not edited clips.  
I have also made it clear every single time that these are my opinions and conclusions, take them or leave them.
There is a ton of BTS content out there to go through, which includes, just as an example (because there is so much more):  Run BTS episodes, interviews (video, written and radio), member Tweets, memories, Bon Voyage, packages (summer, winter), Bangtan bombs, fan meets, Musters, concerts etc.
You need to watch original content, because, and it saddens me to say this, there is some Jikook YT content that is distorted, edited, slow motioned to fit the story, and not all of it is ‘real’ in the sense, that if you see the original content, see the true moment within it’s context and in real speed, well, it isn’t a ‘real’ moment.  I have called out some of those moments in the past.
But there are things you can’t fake.  
There a several moments that solidified for me the special connection between JK & JM.  
Watch original content over the years and you will see there is something special between those two, a special and strong connection.  JK clearly finds JM as someone he can confide in and someone that can calm him or console him in times of need.  He has said it in interviews and we have seen him do so in the content out there.
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JM is JK’s anchor.  His safe place.
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JK is JM’s happy place.  When JM is down JK is the one who knows how to cheer him up.  Even Jin had mentioned it once in an interview.
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JK is JM’s protector in sorts.  We’ve seen them at the airports, we’ve seen him carry JM after concerts.
They are super close.  We know they constantly choose to travel together in the same car (when every member has their own car and they are the only ones together)...  They choose spend ‘off time’ together - bowling, going to watch a movie, ice skating with each other.  JK himself told us in BV4 that the only members he sae during their time off were JM & Hobi.  They are just super close.
So what made me make the one step further and conclude they are romantically involved?
There are several things that pushed me over the edge.  Some of them are:
First, the content, again.  There is content out there that is way beyond “we are very close platonic friends”.  Things they say or do in front of the camera that give you so much “we are a couple” vibe. 
There is content that makes you feel like you are intruding on a very intimate private moment: 
MAMA 2018 is one of them.  I can’t say one, because there are so many moments there that are “WOW, what’s going on here?”
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Rose Bowl is also such a moment that is as clear as day, with no acceptable logical explanation other than: “there is something more between those two”.  
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Those are only 2 examples, but there are many more such moments, where the intimacy level is way more than even the best platonic friendship out there.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to put 1 & 1 together here.  These moments are loud and clear.
There are the more subtle moments too, those that add up on you, those that if you will look at each of them by themselves you would say: “yeah, nothing here”, but when you put them together, another one and another one and another one, well the conclusion is pretty much clear.
It’s JM’s Tweets, their matching clothing over the years, their choice to spend time together, their private trip, GCFT, JK’s choice to put JM front and center in all his other GCF’s, the way they look at each other, the way they talk about each other, the two very famous lives from 2016 (Tae’s & Hobi’s), their own lives (OMG), things JM tells us (like waking up and seeing JK is what makes him happy these days), “you are me I am you”,  the way they touch, especially during the first few years (2016-2018), those hesitant light touches & brushes (if skinship is not an issue here, why do they hesitate so much to touch each other??? when they have no problem doing so with the others, all when we do know just how close they are), the way they talk to each other, they way JK lets JM get away with shit, while he doesn’t the other members, the way JK drops honorifics with JM +++++ so much more.
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There another couple of independent points that helped to push me over the edge too.  
The first is the other members reactions when JK & JM go on with their shenanigans.  RM, Hobi, Jin, Suga & Tae all react differently, each and every one of them has a tell.  Suga and Tae go blank many times.  Jin lowers his head.  Hobi either had a worried look on his face or a big fat smile, and RM, well he’s the most obvious out of the lot.  It’s facial expressions, uneasy movement, fisting his thighs, looking to Hobi or Suga with pleading eyes, running to the two thinking he might have to defuse a moment, separating the two when he feels it’s needed.  It’s all that and then some.  Now if there is nothing ‘more’ going on between those two, why is all of that even necessary???  Those two’s interactions on camera just make the rest of the group nervous, especially RM.  Ask yourself the question: why??  
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Another thing I keep asking myself is, if these two are clearly super close, why is there a constant need to downplay their closeness?  This is something that is done by BTS and BH as well as the fandom.  And I find it hard to understand, again, if there is nothing extra going on between them, why downplay them.  You may disagree with me on this, but to me it seems they are way closer than JM & Tae, but they are called ‘soulmates’ while JK & JM are ‘nothing’? It’s like they are there, and it’s clear as day just how close they are, but it’s not a subject they are allowed to talk about.  And the way the fandom is as much as ignoring it also raises so many questions for me.  If this is an innocent platonic close friendship, why ignore it?  How come the fandom isn’t celebrating it? 
Thing is, that not only does the fandom ignore their connection, they are being hated for it.  The level of anti and hatred  out there towards them is unbelievable.  And yet again, that raises the question of why?  If nothing is going on there why such anti towards those two, together, in particular?
At the end of the day, I guess life experience is probably what helps me out here.  I have been around for a while, experienced love and heartbreak, and also a long term relationship. I know the signs, you could say.  It helps being able to assess a situation and read into it.  
It’s ok to question yourself.  I do so constantly.  I watch and re-watch content.  I read interviews, I question my logic, my conclusions.  I, just like any normal person, do have self doubt at times.  Believe me, I would not have written what I have before checking and re-checking myself.  And still, these are my conclusions.  I believe that JK & JM are not only super close, but also romantically involved.  There you have it.
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notsodailycake · 2 years
Ah, Luis. People either call him a simp, or they like him. I personally have come to the conclusion that if he wasn’t in love with Vanessa, he would’ve saved everyone a LOT of…problems.
I do want to know why Luis was moved, though. Maybe the writers thought he would be too close too Vanessa. (“Apparently, the IT department has put together a pretty lengthy report chronicling non-job-related communications that have been coming to your computer.”)
Honestly yeah probably. But looking back, it was a bit of love at first sight for him, which can happen. Happened to me- tho it was one sided
And looking deeper, he mentioned how before at his younger years, he didn't have any experience like dating or hanging out since he was always so focused on work and just...didn't know how to socialise really. So I'd assume he's something like me i guess
Or as far i can relate, i can't seem to find myself loving someone, i did a few times but well, never worked out. Idk i guess i can kinda relate to him not sure. When you start to love someone but you never had experience with it before. You cant help but act a bit weirdly 😅
And it seems like he truly didn't know how to handle those emotions, but that didn't change his care for her.
But yeah, he is a simp, but i dont see why ppl make him out to be bad, i mean yeah he was a bit weird, but that's what you usually do when in love. You see things through a rose tinted glass, it doesn't even have to be romantic....trust me i would know
For me personally, i feel like them making him have a crush was a way to make so Vanessa would be able to get away with what she did even if where she worked at would be vigilant bout it, plus it was a creative way to show what she was doing and what was happening without outright telling you like fnaf usually is with lore. But that doesn't mean it was unnatural either, he liked her bright personality, how she looked and everything as he says in the emails, that was what attracted him to her, and its not a bad thing, bc that does happen, ppl do fall in love with others that way, usually just a crush, but it happens. Personality and looks is what attracts others to you, or have you attracted to that person
And that was also a great start to introducing her, have someone who wants to be close to her so to point out indirectly to the fans how she started to change and how she was affected. As then luis starts to point out how slowly she changed
It's implied they talked alot before, and were close colleagues at work so it wasn't out of nowhere or superficial imo.
And like many say he's a creepy hell even a incel. But i dont see it that way? They seem to skim some parts of the whole thing. He genuinely seemed to care for her, even when she never accepted his request to go out for coffee, he was never rude or mean about that. And he was really worried about her, how she suddenly started to change, how her brightmess left her and she started to do questionable things, and not just in a "she's my crush ofc i will care" sure it started like that, but he slowly started to sink in worry about how much she was changing, and not in a good way
I mean yeah, i can agree the fake boyfriend thing seemed weird, but we don't know how close they are by now. I'd honestly say he was probably close enough to see through her lies
This kinda turned into a long rant sorry 😅
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