#also when i say colors i mean the jewels all of the actual bands r silver
rudylloyd · 2 years
having a brain moment rn
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Interdimensional Moms: intro
[The complete Interdimensional dads here!]
Team RWBY finds themselves sitting at a table. All of them are middle age but vary in appearances that aren’t strange to an average stranger by any means, but different from what they are used to seeing from one another. For starters was Weiss. Her three friends had never known her to have shoulder length hair, or a horizontal scar underneath the one they’ve always noticed. Something about her eyes seemed...different. Brighter. As if they were infinitely dancing. Weiss’s eyes, they hid no emotions. The only thing more surprising was the fact she was wearing faded jeans and a white shirt with her symbol in black on it. Nobody said anything, but Weiss in jeans was somehow equally as gorgeous. Yang was slightly salty about it.
Blake’s eyes weren’t like Weiss’s, but they weren’t the usual stern but hopeful ones they all loved dearly. Blake looked relaxed. Like, wake up Saturday morning to watch tv and get cereal, kind of relaxed. The top of her long hair pulled into a bun while the back flowed freely. Despite her eyes, her clothes was ready for action. In fact, it looked like her dad’s clothes, with the way the royal purple coat flowed to white, puffy ends. And obviously, a shirt. Weiss could notice the subtle grays in the raven black hair and the women’s hands and face were healthy, but noticeably slimmer. A clear sign that she either had gotten sick, or her job had gotten to her once or twice. Maybe that’s why she looked relaxed? A similar chain of events happened with Winter.
Yang didn’t look too different. Except for Blake, who was awe struck. Yang to her was different, but also very much how she used to look back when they all journeyed together. Slight lines were under the bruisers eyes that resembled Raven’s. Her favorite coat that went with her bike was a little worn and Yang had noticeably gotten even buffer. Her muscles and beauty radiating with such vitality. Yang always burned bright like an inferno, but this was different. She smiled awkwardly at her team as they looked at her. A sublet chuckle escaped her and confirmed Blake’s feeling. This Yang was different, and felt like the sun itself.
Yang looked towards Ruby and was left speechless. All of them were. Out of the four, it was Ruby that had changed the most. To Yang, it was like seeing Summer. There was just this overwhelming presence that cake from her sister. They all noticed the long hair that went down her right shoulder and stunning black and red corset. The skirt dropped right past her knees. Her legs dawned black pantyhose with roses along them and Weiss couldn’t look away from the ruby red heels. The signature cloak was still with her of course. Silver eyes shined bright and a raised brow arched as she too was confused by the familiar, yet different faces. Still, Yang and the others were still soaking in her appearance. No scars, ruffled her, tired eyes, or even an overly goofy expression. Ruby Rose, looked like a fairytale come to life. Not only that. Between her youthful yet clearly mature appearance, the others felt something greater. The dream they were told by heart countless times by their leader. The romanticized vision of being a huntress, a hero, this Ruby had grabbed that dream truly with both hands. They just knew it.
Ruby:Ummm hello?
Ruby:So uh, umm, what? What is happening here? I’m not the only person thinking something is off, right?
Blake:You’re not. But the question is....
Yang:What the hell is “off” to begin with?
Weiss:I think that’s us? Also, where exactly are we?
The void.
Yang:Who said that!?
No one important me. Consider me a operator. I could say a god, but that’s way too much considering I’ll do anything.
Weiss:Sounds like a god to me. Okay, give us the long and short of it. We’ll figure it out.
RBY: (We will?)
What you’re wittinessing is a meeting of team RWBY, but flipped on its side. Different universes, different outcomes, similar people, different endgames. Including kids. Discuss and have fun. That’s all. Think of it as a reunion that was never meant to be. Catch up, learn.
Weiss:Well then, can’t say I’m not interested. It’s not the craziest thing in the world.
Blake:It isn’t!? Why is this happening?
Yang:I think he left.
Ruby:Well that’s about as long and short as you can get I suppose. Still...what!? Different universes?
Weiss:Considering the way you’re dressed, I believe it.
Ruby:What does that mean!?
Yang:Yeah she’s right. Look at you, all womanly. Last time I checked, my sister beautiful, but not rivaling me in the hips department. Which brings me back to what I just heard. Kids?
Yang:Weiss, Blake, you too?
Yang:Definitely different universes. Last time I checked, the only mama bear on team RWBY is me.
Blake:Last time I checked, you were single and alone.
Yang:WHAT!? Why would I be single!?
RW:....You mean you don’t kids together?
BY:Why would we have kids together?
Ruby:Wow, I didn’t even think a sentence like that could exist. Guess alternate worlds do exist.
Weiss:And apparently infinite if you two aren’t shacking up.
Yang:Since when does Weiss Schnee day “shacking up?” Since when do you wear pants!?
Weiss:They’re cheaper to maintain. Why wouldn’t- oh my goodness. How do you usually see me!? What am I doing?
RB:You run your company.
Yang:The best Atlas huntress to ever exist.
Weiss:...So I was never broke?
Blake:Okay, let’s take a step back. Clearly the differences really do vary. That’s all well and good but before all of that I wanna know why us for specifically? That doesn’t seem at random, does it?
Yang:Four out of infinity? I mean I’d just close my eyes and pick.
Ruby:Now that, that’s on brand for you. Hehe, I guess some things never change?
Blake:Yeah but it has to be more than just personality, right.
Weiss:Hey, we’re all wearing wedding rings.
They looked at each other’s hands. Each girl had a jewel that matched their color over a beautiful golden band that had different, yet similar engravings on it. Too similar. There’s no way the same store just happen to do it in every universe. However, was it crazy to think the shopkeeper was given similar instructions on the rings if it was the same person who asked for jewelry? Like Ruby said, somethings never change, and an idea like ring designs as endearingly cheesy as this brought only one face to mind.
Blake:On three. One....two....
RWBY:I married Jaune A-.......
Yang:Well, clearly we all have amazing taste in men. *smiles*
RB:That’s insane!
Yang:Why? That’s not too crazy.
RB:You liking men is
Weiss:Why? She’s bi.
Yang:Actually....yeah, I guess so. Given my history- how do you know that!?
Weiss:Because I know you, dunce! You’re an openly sexual person that never misses an opportunity to anybody’s head spin, before teasingly going over to Blake and kissing her. Just so people know you’re off the market.
Yang:That’s pretty fucking great.
Ruby:And still on brand.
Yang:Well then. I guess we have a lot to talk about. Sheesh, Jaune Arc. Gotta admit, it’s crazy knowing he’s gotten so much attention. How scandalous.
Weiss:You make it sound like cheating?
Blake:I do feel that a little.
Ruby:Yeah, not a fan. But...losing to you three is understandable. Bittersweet, but I get it.
Yang:You didn’t lose though! You, the one right here, is married to him!
Ruby:All I’m saying is if it was up to me, our love would transcend space and time.
WBY:(Dummy, in a way, it does.) Ruby, you’re really greedy, you know that right?
Ruby:Huh!? Hey, what’s that all about.
Her teammate all looked at each other. They didn’t have to say anything. A single glance was enough to know they were on a similar page. Oh yes. Ruby Rose was definitely greedy, and hilariously adorable whenever she got picked on. They all laughed as this familiar Rose grew red with embarrassment and pouted. The more things change, the more they stayed the same. A reunion that was never meant to be. Yeah, it was gonna be a blast.
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Jewel Of The North Part 4
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Ok, so in writing this part, I imagined that while there is an art of reading actual tea leaves, I saw a picture of this plate on the left edge and thought ‘man wouldn’t reading tea leaves be easier if each squigly section was part of something? Like this section is the life section, this is the money section, this is the love life section, so on and so fourth’ you know, make it even more complicated than it probably is.Also I love and adore Indian jewelry, because that is a gold temple necklace. It’s just...gorgeous. And in my mind, a priestess of Aura (who I totally made up for this story) would be wearing a fabulous shawl, that heavy gold jewelry and a head band that would match and have something akin to an Asian tea ceremony and depending on which tea people chose- told the priestess about them, kind of like what your favorite color says about you. Also, LOOK AT THAT GOLD DRESS. Hot damn. Also as an LMT, Vahva Kun is NOT a thing. Again, something I made up. 
And of course a thousand THANK YOU’s to the fabulous and super fabulous and creative @monstersandmaw​ for sharing the concept of ice orcs with me. Me and my Alaskan born heart instantly fell in love with them. Enjoy!
Jewel of the North 
Part 4
In the morning, you pulled yourself from the bed and you felt like it was noon. Thank the gods for the time difference, because it was only 9 there. 
“Well good morning sleepy head, working miracles wear you out?” Taylor teased you as she handed you a cup of coffee. 
“Yeah,” you nodded as you took it and drank it gratefully. 
“So, what’s the plan?” Taylor asked. 
“Massages today, working with Noah tomorrow, after that…” You shrugged. 
“Happily ever after.” Taylor supplied. 
“Hush or you’ll jinx it.” You shushed her in a whisper but her scheming grin was infectious. 
It took all day but by 7pm, you had gotten everyone taken care of that you came to take care of and Taylor decided to get takeout for dinner and while at the takeout restaurant that was on the other side of town, the group of pilots came striding in. 
“That’s them. The other pilots.” Taylor breathed. 
“Who’s who?” You whispered back before she specified who was who before you had her shut up so you could overhear their conversation. They were going to get food here and then go for drinks at ‘the bar’ later. 
“What bar?” You whispered to Taylor. 
“Knowing them- it’s probably Goose’s, they have the cheapest booze around and it’s close to their apartment, like within walking distance.” Taylor answered.
“Goose’s is the seedy, underbelly place that I don’t want to go to the bathroom in? That has the awesome cheeseburgers?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” Taylor nodded as an idea bloomed in your head. 
“Are they attracted to women?” You nodded over to them. 
“Oh yeah,” Taylor confirmed before one of them wolf whistled to a group of women who came into the restaurant. Ah. Those kinds of guys. Almost too easy. 
“Could you take me there? I have an idea, it’s a dirty, underhanded idea though.” You whispered. 
“That means it’s a fantastic idea.” Taylor grinned. 
“What shoe size are you?” You asked. 
“9.” She answered. 
“Sweet, do you by any chance have any hooker heels?” You hinted. 
“Wait, wait, wait, you won’t have sex with Noah but you want to go to Goose’s in hooker heels? Every guy in that place is going to fighting for the chance to take you home if not fuck you senseless in the bar’s bathroom, if not the parking lot.” Taylor answered. 
“Oh trust me, the only one taking me home is you, I have a plan. How fast can you get dressed and dolled up?” You urged her. 
“Oh give me thirty minutes tops.” Taylor insisted. 
You got the food and barely ate two bites of it before you and Taylor quickly locked yourselves in her bathroom to get ready as you put on your most seductive makeup and a slimming undergarment under your sexiest dress that had the push up bra to end all push up bras as you brought and slipped into her hottest “hooker heels” while she wore the more sensible shoes you brought since you were the same shoe size as her. 
“How do I look? She-wolf enough?” You asked her. 
“Ah, I see, you’re going to eat them alive.” She realized. 
“Yup, my brother’s mother in law- Olga is a priestess for Aura and is Yamalian which is near Siberia and she nicknamed me Zahnochka Volchitsa which means ‘she wolf that rises again’ and just like Beyonce has Sasha Fierce, Zara Kingsley has Zahnochka Volchitsa, and Zahnochka is going to get them so wasted, they won’t be able to fly tomorrow which is good ol’ fashioned sabotage and when they can’t fly the loads, Noah will be there to pick them up and save the day.” You revealed. 
“Oooh, evil and diabolical but for the best cause ever- I love it.” Taylor nodded in approval. 
“Just don’t tell Noah, I don’t think he’d approve of my methods or like Zahnochka very much because I haven’t used “her” in a long time.” You urged her. 
“Lips are sealed.” She swore as she had you wear her fancy dress jacket to cover up so Greg wouldn’t see you or the kids. 
“Honey, Zara and I are going out for a drink, we’ll be back later.” Taylor told her husband as she quickly ushered the two of you out of the house and drove to Goose’s as you got in your wallet and slipped money into your cleavage on the way there so you wouldn’t really have to get your whole wallet out and chance any of them seeing your business card or your real... anything. Then you prayed to the gods for courage and hoped this gamble would be worth the risk to yourself and hoped this wouldn’t backfire and blow up in your face or bite you in the ass. 
Once in the bar you zeroed in the group of pilots sitting together at a table towards a wall, which was perfect and out of the way, just the way you liked it as a mischievous smirk danced on your lips.
 And then you locked your smoldering and seductive gaze with one of them who froze and stared back in awe like a deer caught in headlights as he watched as you strutted and sauntered into the place, your heels clicking on the tile and slowly slipped out of your light jacket to reveal your gold silk dress and made sure that every guy in the place with a pulse knew you were officially on the radar. You had an ability which you had perfected over your life, you called it the ‘Marylin Monroe effect’ because she had this gift that she could ‘turn on’ and she could transform from normal house wife to blonde bombshell right before anyone’s eyes and you had a similar gift and you were about to use it again. 
“What can I get you to drink Gorgeous?” The bartender John asked as he was grateful he was working tonight, and here he thought it was just going to be a normal week night with the same old regulars but low and behold, a brand new gem came walking in, you must have just come into town because you were a brand new face. Plus, you were clearly the hottest woman in the place, hell in the whole damn town and you were dressed to kill and obviously on the prowl and he was ready offer himself as your prey for the night. 
“What kind of whiskey do you have?” You asked as John began going through what he had, feeling a little embarrassed that they didn’t have a ton to choose from and what they did have, didn’t seem good enough for the goddess you were. 
“Give me some Jamie, that’s plenty good enough for me, on the rocks please.” You ordered.
“And you Sugar?” John asked Taylor. 
“Same.” Taylor agreed before John poured two very generous portions into glasses over ice and served them to you. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him.
“So I take it you’re a friend from out of town.” John hinted as he looked from Taylor to you. 
“That’s correct, I’m Zara Zahnochka Volchitsa Kingsley.” You introduced yourself, rolling your r’s and taking on a slightly Siberian accent with the roll of your own name off your tongue as you shook his hand. 
“John Wilks. Pleasure to meet you.” He shook it before it he took your hand and kissed it which got you to giggle bashfully before you pulled him towards you which caused him to lean as far over the bar as he could before you pulled a hundred dollar bill from your cleavage and slipped it into his hand. 
“Give me the lay of the land.” You purred as you twirled your finger subtly to gesture to the bar. 
“Uh, well, there’s…” He began as he listed off who was around the room, using the old ‘ 3 o’clock’ 6 o’clock’ method as you got the confirmation that all the guys at the table on the wall were the other pilots. 
“Could you do me a favor?” You requested. 
“Anything.” John offered.  
“Get me the darkest beer glass you have. Empty it so I can use it as a chaser cause I have a feeling every guy in this place is about to buy me a drink and I don’t want to get too drunk and when it gets full, get me a new one.” You proposed, your voice dropping to a low murmur so that only John and Taylor could hear you. 
“You got it.” John nodded in understanding as he got you the Milk of Dragon. Usually the beer is so dark and heavy it was black on it’s own but the glass was pitch black and you couldn’t tell except from picking it up if it had beer in it or not. 
“Are you ready to see a show?” You breathed to Taylor who nodded before you got the glass and pretended to take a long pull from it before you turned in your chair and Taylor watched as you seemed to turn something on inside you- up full blast like seeing a Hollywood star light up on the red carpet, it was like you were a beacon of light, but you were all fire and flames, burning so hot you could set the stool you sat on- on fire and every man in the place just became a moth and every man couldn’t help but be drawn to you and you were practically swarmed. 
"So what's your name Beautiful?" One guy asked. 
"Zara- Zahnochka Volchetsia- Kingsley." You introduced yourself, giving the same flourish to the name and putting extra emphasis on the middle portion of your “name” while quickly rolling through the real parts of it which they all ate up like candy. 
And instead of getting overwhelmed, you seemed pleased and basked in all the attention as you tried to give each guy in there just a few minutes of attention, remaining friendly and giving a little bit of your time to everyone so that no fights broke out for your attention, letting them spit game, each line greater than the last as your amused giggle filled the air and your smile lit up the dimly lit bar before the group of pilots came over and tried their luck and while their lines weren’t as clever as the others, you pretended to be the most affected before you offered your hand for them to lead you back to their table as you were sat down as the others grumped but watched on enviously as the group of pilots who weren’t all that handsome or all that impressive seemed to win your favor which didn’t make any sense to the rest of them maybe you just had a thing for younger guys. But you made your choice and they would respect it as Taylor sat next to you and just watched as the Zara she thought she knew was replaced by a full blown she-wolf. She didn’t know you had it in you but she knew why you were doing it and she had to respect the masterful way you were choosing to deal with the problem because no one else had the guts to do it this way. But it was genius.  
“So are all of you pilots?” You asked eagerly as you sat at the table, putting on your best doe eyes and making sure you sat in such a way that your cleavage was heaving with every breath as they all undressed you with their eyes. 
“Oh yeah, he flies…” Derek began to list off the different planes and you pretended to be impressed by it all as they ordered you drink after drink which was part of your plan, “chasing” it with your “beer” as you pretended to get tipsy, laughing at everything they said that was even slightly funny. 
“So what do you do? Other than look sexy as hell?” Evan asked. 
“Oh nothing much, just taking care of the estates and trust funds I’ve inherited when my grandparents died when I was younger, " You waived off and grinned when all their eyes practically got dollar signs in them and they were staring at you the way a hungry dog would look at a steak. Oh they would devour you the moment you let them. 
“And I’m an LMT which stands for liscenced massage therapist, would you like a demonstration?” You purred. 
“Hell yeah, my body is yours to do as you wish.” Evan offered before you took his arm and started massaging it and giggled when he groaned and moaned in pleasure before you got a brilliant idea. 
“Well, as an LMT, I’m certified in using Vahva Kun, which all my body builder clients swear by and by using it, they build the biggest, most impressive muscles possible and it feels better than sex with the gods, would you like to try it?” You offered.
“Hell yeah,” they readily agreed as you went about using it on them as their moans and groans filled the small bar as you straddled their labs to get as close as possible to hit all these points in their bodies, leaving each of them feeling like a god themselves and the buzz they had already been feeling from the booze was amplified and they were feeling the most intense afterglow that did indeed surpass the afterglow after an orgasm as Taylor watched on curiously and only when you ordered another round of shots for the guys, this time of the 153, the strongest alcohol in the place, since you had massaged their necks and made sure to access their ‘sleeper mode’ muscles, then they took that last shot and promptly passed out and you used that to use their fingers tips to get into their phones and deleted the pictures they had taken of you in the compromising positions of their laps before you stood up and strode over to the bartender and slipped him another hundred dollar bill since by the time you were done, most of the other patrons had gone home for the night since it was past midnight and almost last call. 
“Thanks for looking out for me tonight, you may need to call a taxi or an uber for them. They obviously won’t be able to drive home.” You nodded over to the table before you strutted out of there with Taylor and while you weren’t drunk on alcohol, you were definitely drunk on power and the thrill of what you just did because letting your inner she wolf out to breathe and feed for the first time in forever and it felt amazing. 
“So what’s Vahva Kun?” Taylor asked as she drove you to her house. 
“Vahva Kun is short for Vahva Kun Olen Hiekko. It means ‘strong when I’m weak’. Body builders pay me a grand each to do that to them a week and a half before competitions to make every muscle in their bodies’ bulge. In massage there’s only a few ways of doing things, and that is- pain now- pleasure later or pleasure now- pain later and Vahva Kun is as intense as pleasure now pain later gets. The reason it’s so pleasurable now is I use the body’s tendon organs to “turn off” muscles from the nervous system, this gives the effect to the brain that the muscle has become completely relaxed which feels amazing in the moment. But when you turn a muscle off, especially prime movers or major primes, the muscles that are responsible for your major movements, that means they can’t work anymore because you just told them, via their tendon organs to go the fuck to sleep and go on a little vacation and they become completely unresponsive and they feel lighter than air at first. So while they’re out in la la land, and can’t hear a thing from your nervous system who’s screaming at them to move. So that leaves only the synergists and the little assistant muscles to try to do the job of the major primes which they are ill equipped and too weak to do but they try their best. So they end up bulging by the end of it because they have no other choice because your body needs to move. However another thing happens when you do Vahva Kun, the nervous system freaks out. Now we all know how ecstasy works, it floods your brain with endorphins and other feel good chemicals to the point of overwhelming it right? Well Vahva Kun does the same thing initially. So what you’re left with is a brain who can’t feel most of the muscles in their body and is overwhelmed with pleasure and it freaks out and how it does that is it suddenly feels that the pleasure is actually pain and that you’re being attacked but it only does the switch once you succumb to the pleasure and pass out and the switch happens during your first sleep cycle.” 
“So when they wake up tomorrow, they’re going to feel like they got hit by a mac truck and moving will be agony.” Taylor realised. 
“Oh yeah, and when you do Vahva Kun you’re supposed to drink at least two liters of water or preferably an electrolyte drink before you take your initial sleep because in turning off the major primes, they release all their tension and everything that was trapped by that tension in particular all the “toxins” and acids and things stored in the muscles and when you drink a diuretic, like coffee or even worse- alcohol, the toxins can be released from one spot of the muscle but simply move and spread within the muscle belly instead of getting flushed out into your lymph system which then delivers it to your liver and kidneys to be removed from your body. And once the switch happens, the brain then sends fibroblasts into all the major primes which is a heavy duty messenger to make sure it’s still there period and the fibroblasts are like little explosions of protein and collagen and other substances into the major primes. Well imagine what an explosion looks like now imagine that inside a striated muscles, the fibroblasts usually go any manner of either outright perpendicular or just plain not in the directions of the striations in the muscles. Which again, make the muscles bulge. It looks awesome when you’re done, but it feels like you were in the worst bar fight ever. And for first time receivers of Vahva Kun it can take up to a month for your body to fully recover and your body aches the whole time and it can take several hours after just to get all the new knots out of the muscles and usually body builders, the first few to several days after- they can’t hardly move, they have all these huge bulging muscles that look incredibly strong but are jack shit for strength and that’s why it’s called Vahva Kun- strong when I’m weak. It means they look strong but they are in reality, very weak.” You explained. 
“Vahva Kun was discovered by a prostitute, Jasmine Vahva, who was tired of being beat up by her clients and she found she could make a killing if she “massaged” them first using this technique, get them to pass out and steal them blind but then be gone before they could wake up and confront her. And she taught other sex workers this technique. But they only could ever do it to a client once and quickly word spread about the real “effects” of the massage and once the clients got wise to it it lost it’s “appeal.”, then the clients noticed that once they recovered, they physically looked amazing and so a few of them got into body building and then word spread and so you had the legitameate professionals going to Jasmine to learn this technique so that they could practice it on body builders which is a very lucrative discipline and her original friends who had been sex workers then got into the legitamate side of massage teaching Vahva Kun.” You revealed. 
“So you fucked them over without dropping your panties an inch.” Taylor laughed. 
“Yup, because those fuckers had the audacity to undercut Noah and put Noah and Sakura’s livelihood into jeopardy. A she wolf takes no prisoners when her den and pups are in danger. Even if she has to infiltrate another pack to do it.” You mused. 
“Hot damn girl.” Taylor praised as she high fived you.
The next morning Noah came down the stairs to find his mother already there making breakfast. 
“Good morning Mom.” Noah greeted sleepily as he shuffled over to the coffee pot before there was a knock and suddenly he was a million times more alert as he happily forgot all about the coffee to rush over to the door to open it. 
“Good morning.” Noah greeted you happily. 
“Good morning.” You greeted happily, sure that your dark circles under your eyes would scare the shit out of him but he didn’t seem to notice as he ushered you inside. 
“Good morning Nana,” You greeted warmly. 
“Good morning Zara.” Nana returned just as warmly. 
“How do you like your eggs?” She asked. 
“Over easy please if there’s toast.” You answered gratefully. 
“Did Sakura take it easy on you guys yesterday?” You inquired hopefully. 
“Yes, she didn’t wake up till 10, it was wonderful and you did such a fantastic job on the house, it was a really wonderful blessing.” Nana praised.
“Thank you, I did my best.” You nodded as you ducked your head. Appreciating the recognition. 
“I know you did, and it’s really appreciated, you have no idea.” Noah added with a proud smile that was making wish you could ask him to try to show it but with his mother there, that wouldn’t have been appropriate. 
“Go get ready Dear while I get breakfast finished.” Summer urged him and you saw the reluctant disappointment in his demeanor like a child who is told to go to bed when there was still company at the house and you could see he was about to argue but one look from her had his argument dying on his tongue before he begrudgingly pulled away and went back upstairs to hurry up and get ready as you got yourself a cup of coffee. 
“So, I thought for sure that you would have slept in this morning from eating five men alive last night.” Nana noted once she heard the bathroom door shut upstairs and the shower turn on which made you choke on your coffee. 
“Uh, how…?” You nervously asked as you tried to clean yourself up. 
“The gods see all and only they could have revealed that to me. It takes a she-wolf with nerves of steel to do what you did, and to walk away without a scratch is a feat in itself. Don’t feel guilty about it, you ensured not just Noah and Sakura’s survival but the best chance for all of us to thrive too. But I need to tell you that you need to keep the she-wolf out today, embrace your Aura heritage, it won’t scare off Noah, it’ll surprise him but it won’t throw him off or intimidate him. Don’t lose your nerve or your courage. You’ll need it to make your mission complete. Use your bag and your magnificent mind and I’ll help you with your hair.” She advised you as she held your face in her aged but warm hands. 
“Ok,” you agreed, feeling relieved yet validated and empowered before she kissed your forehead before you left just as Noah got out of the bathroom as you raced upstairs since you would need the bathroom’s larger bathroom counter to get ready and Noah looking like a god with just a towel around his waist was a delight. 
“Everything ok?” Noah asked. 
“Yeah, just had a really good talk with your mom, I need to finish getting ready though. Do you mind?” You asked as you gestured to the bathroom. 
“Not at all, but we gotta get going in like an hour or so.” Noah answered, disappointed because here he thought he would have an hour or so with just staring at your beautiful face. Even without makeup you were gorgeous. You didn’t need makeup. 
“Plenty of time.” You reassured him before Sakura woke up to the sound of your voice. 
“Paradise?” She asked sleepily as she opened her door before she saw you and immediately went to you and hugged you tightly. 
“Good morning Sweetheart, did you sleep good?” You asked her. 
“The best, I had the coolest dreams!” She eagerly told you. 
“Well I have to get ready for the day, but I need your bathroom up here to do it, you want to tell me all about them while I get ready?” You proposed. 
“Yeah!” She agreed as she took your hand and led you into the bathroom before she shut the door, leaving Noah feeling a little jealous he couldn’t be in there too but he got dressed and let you have your time with Sakura as he went back downstairs. 
“What did you talk to Para-I mean, Zara about?” Noah asked his mom curiously. 
“I encouraged her to embrace all of herself with you, and not to be scared of showing you all of herself or fear it will intimidate you or put you off. Everyone always tries to put for their best faces and the best versions of themselves to people they like and are trying to impress.” Summer hinted with a scheming grin. 
“And for that she had to put on makeup?” Noah questioned as he cast a look in the direction of the bathroom when he heard Sakura and you laughing. 
“She’ll explain it to you better once she comes down. She has to show Sakura first and Sakura’s approval will give her heart and courage to show you and some reassurance that she has nothing to worry about will be all you need to give.” She insisted. 
“But for now, eat, be patient.” She urged him as she handed him a plate of food before she continued to cook breakfast as Noah begrudgingly ate and drank his coffee as his knee bounced impatiently as his mother joined him at the table as Noah racked his brain trying to think of what it could possibly be. 
“Stop, you’ll imagine it way worse than it is.” Nana lightly smacked his arm. 
“Look, the only thing I can think of is she’s used to be a stripper or something like that.” Noah blurted before he got another smack, this one much harder than the first.  
“I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, at this point it’s a bonus.” Noah conceded before he recoiled from the third smack, this one even harder than the last as he rubbed his arm. 
“You’re going to feel like an ass once she comes down the stairs.” Summer chastised before right on cue you came down the stairs looking like a proper goddess. A heavy shall was wrapped around your shoulders and you were wearing gold and purple highlighter on your cheeks as your complexion was made to look much more amethyst purple instead of peacock teal it usually looked and your eyeshadow was a brilliant gold and purple and your jewelry was authentic priestess of Aura jewelry. He was dumbstruck by how magnificent you looked. 
“May I introduce Zahnochka Volchitsa! A minor priestess of Aura!” Sakura proudly introduced you, her freshly brushed teeth gleaming as her fresh braids that you had put into her hair showed off her silken tresses. 
“And what a stunning one at that.” Summer praised as she had you sit down to breakfast next to Noah as she got up and took your hairbrush from your hand and your special headband and beads from your hands. 
“Wow,” Noah breathed. “So, what’s the special occasion?” Noah asked. 
“Well, your mother wisely advised me to embrace my “she-wolf” and “Aura heritage” today. When I was 15, my older brother Gavin started courting his wife Natasha who we call Tasha, she’s Siberian and her mother Olga, is a high priestess to Aura and serves at the Sinai Temple in the Great Lakes, and the moment she met me, she adopted me and gave me a new name. The name she gave me was ‘Zahnochka Volchitsa’ Volchitsa is Siberian for ‘she wolf’ and Zahnochka means ‘she will rise again’. And she has insisted I was her new daughter and forbade her own sons from dating me because that would be ‘incest’ even though at the time her 13 year old son Nicoli aka- Nikki- had the biggest crush on me, but he’s married with kids and we’re friends so now so it worked out. But anyway, she taught me how to have teeth and claws and how to take no bull-er-crap from anyone and how to be a strong independent woman with all the spice and sass of a viper and if any man dared cross me or even take advantage of me in any way- how to eat him alive like a proper shewolf, how protect ‘my den and pups’ and how to turn other people’s stupidity into my own benefit and she taught me how to give blessings, read palms and tea leaves and all that. But it’s an alter ego for me, like how Beyonce has Sasha Fierce, I have Zahnochka Volchitsa. I thought if your clients saw how you were flying around a minor priestess of Aura, the goddess of gold, luck and riches, they’d be willing to do just about anything, including renewing contracts with a pilot they tried to undercut for the chance to get a blessing.” You hinted with nervous grin.  
“You don’t have to…” Noah tried to argue even though he was incredibly touched and so impressed by it. This was ingenious. Although as much as he wanted a blessing, he also knew that priestesses could not bless family. And since he desperately wanted to be your family, he would be satisfied with your presence to be blessing enough. 
“Yes she does,” Summer immediately countered. “And we deeply appreciate it and Sakura and I will pray for your success.” She insisted as she continued to fix your hair appropriately, braiding the headband into your hair and securing it so that you looked like a proper priestess with the traditional hair arrangement and no sooner had you ate than Noah got the first call from a client as you got ready by putting the shawl on to complete the look.
“Be good for Nana ok?” You urged Sakura before you left, giving her a big hug.
“Will do.” Sakura reassured you before you kissed her all over her face which made her giggle with glee before she did the same to you before you let go and hugged Nana goodbye, giving her a kiss on the cheek before you left. 
“My new Mama is amazing.” Sakura fawned as she watched the two of you go from the window and get in Noah’s truck as she grinned to see her dad open your door for you like a proper gentleman. 
“Yes she is. Now, come on, we got some prayers to give.” She urged her granddaughter. 
Once in the plane, you settled into the copilot seat with your backpack securely between your legs. 
“How much does all that weigh anyway?” Noah asked curiously as he eyed the gaudy gold jewelry as he got settled in himself. 
“About a thousand pounds.” You laughed. “It’s all real and solid so it’s quite heavy.” You revealed. 
“Could you do me a favor though?” You asked hopefully. 
“Anything.” Noah immediately agreed. 
“Could you wear this gold charm at least for today?” You proposed as you pulled the large gold charm on a masculine chain out of your velvet blessing bag that had previously held all the jewelry wrapped in the shawl and a tea set for a proper priestess tea ceremony.  
“As long as you won’t give me a formal blessing with it,” Noah specified. “I know priestesses can’t formally bless family members but your presence is blessing enough for me.” He noted which melted your heart and made you want to kiss him. You were ready to offer him a proper place in your family. But perhaps he was referring to the way you were with Sakura and meant that endearment fairly innocently. 
“That’s correct, but they can give gifts, if you wear this, your clients will assume I’ve already blessed you and will want a blessing of their own, a first link in the chain.” You proposed. 
“Ok,” Noah agreed before you turned in your seat and put it over his neck and being so close, you could smell the soap he used in his shower and his aftershave and just him in general and your brain got hazy with lust. But you feared it would be inappropriate and settled for simply kissing his forehead and offering him an adoring smile which he mirrored as he glanced from your eyes to your lips before a message came on his receiver which pulled his attention away. 
“Yeah,” Noah answered. 
“Hey could you swing by Corporal? I have a load for you this morning.” One of his clients radioed in. 
“Sure thing, see you soon.” Noah agreed before he hung up. 
“It’s working already,” Noah laughed. “That guy hasn’t had me fly a load for him all year, must be a big one.” Noah revealed. 
“Then let’s do his first.” You suggested. 
“Ok,” Noah nodded before he turned the plane on and began to taxi it out of the hanger and towards the runway before taking off and you bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from squealing. Flying was so fun!
Once up in the air you put on your blood red lipstick with gold glitter gloss over it as you had Noah tell you about this particular client. Cranky old man type.
He landed the plane several long moments later and once taxied over to the loading area, you knew it was show time as you unbuckled your seatbelt and left the plane and grinned when an older gentleman practically came rushing up to you. 
“Noah! Why didn’t you tell me you were flying around a priestess of Aura today?” Mick chastised Noah. 
“Because most people are intimidated by priestesses. And since Noah has already lost so much already, I couldn’t chance him losing anymore, especially upon my account.” You easily answered for him. 
“Of course,” Mick ducked his head as his cheeks blushed. 
“This is Zara Zahnochka Volchitsa Kingsley. This is Mick Mullins.” Noah introduced. 
“Pleasure to meet you.” You extended your hand and smiled serenely when he kissed it and pressed his forehead to your knuckles as he bowed respectfully. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He greeted back. 
“Would you have time to take tea with me?” You asked Mick hopefully. 
“Of course, of course, right this way.” He ushered you to the control tower where there was a lounge with a coffee maker and an electric tea kettle which he quickly dumped bottled water into it to boil before he has you sit in his chair, in his office since it’s one of the most comfortable chairs in the place as you pull out your tea set and your trio of teas, each tin a work of art before you laid them out before him and ceremoniously took the top off of each one and sniffed each one before you offered for him to do the same before he sniffed each one. 
“Which one do you prefer?” You asked as he looked between them. 
“This one.” He specified as you nodded and smiled serenely at his choice before the kettle beeped and he immediately got up like a shot to retrieve it and brought it back just as you finished scooping the tea into the little teapot before he handed you the kettle before you poured in the right amount of water. 
“So, Mr. Mullins.” 
“Please call me Mick - Priestess.” He urged you.
“Thank you for having tea with me. And thank you many times over for doing business with Noah. That man has suffered so much loss recently. That loss has touched me very deeply. And to hear how his regular clients have taken their business elsewhere has disturbed me greatly and they will only reap disaster and misfortune for doing so, the gods told me through the leaves under no uncertain terms. Grabbing selfish hands today make it impossible to accept blessings, even if the gods are more than ready and willing to give an overabundance of them. Someone with closed fists cannot be handed anything. Even one closed fist can impede the other open one, since they cancel each other out. Even when what the gods will to give them is greater than what they already have in their hands. It doesn’t matter what their hands are physically if mentally, emotionally, figuratively and especially spiritually, since all of those are interwoven- if their figurative hands are closed, there is no blessing for them. Only a malediction. If that pattern persists, I feel I must intervene further, as I have contacts at the military bases and my more financially blessed clients may have a need for a private pilot for their jets and things and they will be more than happy to make sure Noah is paid handsomely, enough to make a move there worth his while many times over and they will be immeasurably blessed for doing so in Noah’s sake.” You proposed as you as you set up your tea ceremony as you glanced up at Mick who looked particularly embarrassed like you just pulled his pants down and exposed him. 
“But I don’t feel that will happen to you, because you are being generous and using the deserving and there is no one more deserving than Noah and you will be blessed for it. I can tell, it is written in the lines on your face and on the veins on the back of your hands.” You reassured him which had light returning to his eyes and a smile spread on his face before you poured the tea. 
“Well then let me reassure you that I would be more than happy to help Noah in any way I can.” Mick swore. 
“Please do not use pretty words in the face of a priestess just to gain momentary favor, do not say anything unless you mean the words with all truth and that you have cemented plans and will put those words into action.” You gently warned with a look of sorrow. 
“No I swear on my life and the lives of my family, what I say is in all truth and I will absolutely follow through, I will use no one but Noah for the rest of the season and for every season after this till the end of my days and I will pay him very well for it, so that he and his family may be kept in safety and security.” Mick swore solemnly. 
“Your words please me and the gods, may you feel peace and happiness and enjoy nothing but success with the fulfillment of this vow. May I give you a gift?” You proposed. 
“I will accept anything you wish to give me.” Mick answered earnestly. 
“I will read the tea leaves for you and wish to give you a charm.” You proposed. 
“I would be honored.” He agreed before you pulled out the reading plate and swished the remaining tea in the pot around before you poured the remains onto the center of the plate and watched as the tea leaves flowed out into the plate as the both of you watched to see where the tea leaves fell on the plate before you used your extensive training to read them to him. Usually people paid quite a bit of money to have this done by Olga and people used the information as if it was doctrinal truth, above questioning or reproach and Mick seemed perfectly pleased and excited about what the tea leaves told on the plate.  
No sooner had you finished before both of your phones chimed, messages that the plane was already filled with the shipment. 
You took a few moments to rinse your plate off in the sink after both Mick and yourself took a picture of it and as you rinsing it, Mick was making sure to cut Noah’s check. Mick usually paid half upon arrival and loading and then the other half upon successful delivery. This time Mick would be doubling both payments and made a note to always do this in the future as he fingered the gold charm you had given him that he immediately put onto a gold chain around his neck before his own phone went off, suddenly he was getting payments and offers from new vendors as he felt elated as he quickly prayed for forgiveness for slighting Noah in the past by undercutting him before he rejoined you as you finished packing up everything so he could walk you back and hand his payment to Noah. 
“Oh and Mick, I should warn you. If you ever break your vow, the charm will tarnish and you will lose what you gained and even would have gained will immediately go to your competition. And once it’s lost, it can not be regained.” You warmed him solemnly. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it Priestess.” Mick reassured you as he walked you back over to the plane. 
“May safety, security and blessings be with you Priestess,” Mick offered you graciously. 
“And with you.” You answered before you nodded and turned to get back on the plane, giving Noah a meaningful look with a pleased smile before Mick happily handed over the folded check to Noah and an apology for not using him sooner but quickly set up a deal to use him at least every week and a reassurance that if Noah ever needed anything at all, to let Mick know. 
“Of course, well, uh, I better get going, you have my number, just let me know what you need.” Noah returned before he got back into the plane and got ready to go before he peeked at the check before he put it into his payment bag. 
“Well that went well, I would say he’s your new model client.” You smiled proudly. 
“How?” Noah asked curiously. 
“Manta Olga charges anywhere from 3 to ten thousand dollars for the kind of tea ceremony I just had with him and to get a tea reading with her is booked up anywhere from three to 9 months in advance because she is the high priestess at her temple. Minor priestesses and newbies like me usually make a tiny fraction of that. And honestly if all I’m out is a few scoops of my favorite tea, it’s worth it to me- to help ensure that you and Sakura especially will be ok and taken care of, long after I leave and can’t ensure it with my own hands.” You confessed as you fiddled with the fringe of your shawl because you suddenly didn’t have the strength to look at him. 
Meanwhile the words were trying to eat their way out of Noah’s mouth to assure you and reassure you that you would be more than welcome to try. That he would follow you to the ends of the earth to give you as many chances as you wanted and needed to try. But then his radio went nuts trying to receive multiple messages all at once. All of these clients begging for his help to fly loads as you prepared yourself to repeat this process over and over and over today, as many times as it would take to make sure that Noah would be the most popular and sought after pilot the Frozen Tundra ever saw and prayed that your endeavors would bring Noah untold and unimaginable success.
Word spread quickly that a ‘priestess of Aura’ was with Noah and that she was giving free tea readings in exchange for business with Noah and Noah was getting money hand over fist as his payment envelope was close to bursting again, much like your bladder half the time because this tea, while beautiful and delicious, ran through you but you were getting better with every reading, like riding a bike and it was all coming back to you with ease. Like this is what you did all day every day and you had a lot of fun too and Noah made three loops around the state and flew from the morning till well into the night and every time you took tea with all these clients, they were more than happy to feed you a snack too. Mostly prepared by their wives to feed you and Noah and Noah counted himself lucky enough to sit in on a few of them while he ate lunch and dinner and gratefully drank some tea with you, enjoying the tea quite a bit. 
On the final flight home, you finally got to take off the jewelry, your ears practically tears of joy that they weren’t weighed down anymore as your chest was much lighter without the necklace on it as you gradually took the beads and headbands out of your hair before you stretched your neck before you put it all away back into the blessing bag. 
“There you are.” Noah murmured appreciatively, happy to see Zahnochka receed and his Zara come back to the forefront which made you giggle. 
“Yup, here I am.” You answered before you got a makeup cloth out of your backpack and wiped off all the makeup and false lashes which were itching your eyelids. 
“Did you really have to put all that makeup on?” Noah asked as he saw a ton of purple come off. 
“Most priestesses of Aura are of Siberian and Eastern Europa descent where the indigo violet orcs and dark elves which are just about the same color-originated from. The closer I look physically to them, the more people believe my authenticity as one. My first tea reading didn’t go well because I didn’t look purple enough and the client thought they weren’t getting an authentic reading. Thanks to the wonders of makeup, once I was able to get my complexion purple enough, people stopped questioning my authenticity despite Olga vouching for me. Even now I’m listed under the priestesses of Aura website as a chastnyy, or private priestess. Which means I don’t “officially” serve at any one temple even though I am in the same order that Olga is in. It just makes it eaiser for me. Same thing with the accent, it just helps me play the part. It doesn’t make it any less real but there are theatrics that come with it.” You explained. 
“Well maybe I’m weird but I’d rather have Zara with me in this cockpit than Zahnochka any day. She’s cool and all but I just like you better.” Noah confessed. 
“Awww, thank you. Zahnochka is...I’ll be honest, she’s exhausting. She’s fun but tiresome after a while. But thank you for not getting annoyed or intimaded by her.” You confessed. 
“Nope, not at all. So what are you doing tomorrow?” Noah asked. 
“I don’t have any plans.” You answered. 
“Well I actually ran all the loads today that I was supposed to run tomorrow. So technically I have tomorrow off and I would really like to take you fishing if you’d be up for it.” Noah offered, remembering his mother’s advice. 
“YES!” You immediately agreed with a bright, nearly blinding smile. “I would love to.” You answered. 
“We could even take Sakura too, I think with your encouragement, she might get over her squamishness with worms.” He added and grinned when your whole being practically lit up at the very idea.  
“Perfect.” You beamed, feeling super excited for tomorrow. 
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spiffysixxsense · 4 years
Hello annoying best friend here to fulfill my duty by asking you to answer all of the cute asks
angel; do you have a nickname?
not really. my name is already short and I don't have a prominent quality to nickname me after. The only person who refers to me as anything other than my name is my boyfriend, but I don't think “babe/baby” really counts as a nickname lol
awe; how old are you?
baby; favorite color?
dark teal (blue-green? I've never found a good name for my favorite color)
bloop; spirit animal?
so because I didn't have a good answer for this, I decided to google a quiz to find out, lol. My answer was a deer. here's why;
When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are highly sensitive and have a strong intuition. By affinity with this animal, you have the power to deal with challenges with grace. You master the art of being both determined and gentle in your approach.
The deer totem wisdom imparts those with a special connection with this animal with the ability to be vigilant, move quickly, and trust their instincts to get out the trickiest situations
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
i don't really have a favorite book, i don't read much outside of school (I wish i did)
movie: A Beautiful Mind
song: oh dear lord i cannot pick just one, but all-time favorite band of mine is Shinedown
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
a little stuffed dog that looked like Kipper from the TV show, I still have him :)
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
lmao what came to mind was when i pledged to never drink, smoke, or say bad words. two out of fucking three ain't bad i guess. 
bright; mermaids or fairies?
(honestly neither but) fairies
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
given the asker, i would say yes :) also i am lame and my boyfriend is also my best friend 
buttercup; showers or baths?
S H O W E R S. hate baths!
butterfly; dream destination?
I've never had a huge desire to travel honestly. like sure i could say Italy or Greece look beautiful, but the actual act of traveling overseas really stresses me out lol. so i would have to say more like upper midwest, like Maine, in the fall time for all the pretty trees.
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
i am neither
calm; favorite scent?
anything fruity - pineapple, mango, berries, apples. at least in terms of what candles i like lol.
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
i do not remember anything from last night - the last dream i remember involved my boyfriend, dad and i being lost up north lol
charming; have you ever been in love?
cozy; eye/hair color?
hazel / brunette 
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
the 1970′s for the fashion
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
love me a good succulent
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
well this last birthday was amidst quarantine, so I got some candles and granola (my boyfriend knows me well lol)
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
i have no idea? what an odd question? probably some stuffed animal?
cutsie; what makes you happy?
picnics, alone time, my boyfriend, my cat choosing to cuddle with me.
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
I really cant think of a time I've ever felt truly free. maybe when i drove myself to school earlier this year & didn't have to wait for someone to pick me up? 
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
as a light in others lives. happy, bubbly. things i currently am not
daylight; favorite album of all time?
gosh these dang music questions. well, Nickelback - All the Right Reasons was the first album i ever bought myself. then maybe Shinedown - The Sound of Madness (i cant pick one OKAY)
dear; zodiac sign?
delightful; concerts or museums?
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
yes? this question makes me feel old, lol. 
dobby; dream job?
criminologist. some way to be reducing the mass incarceration rate in the US. 
doll; how do you like to dress?
comfy, v necks and leggings. As i have gotten older i have slowly wanted to be more feminine i think, because i really want some sundresses for summer lol
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
one! when i was 12ish, i swear i saw a reflection of a uniformed man (like old school soldier uniform - blue blazer with gold cufflinks) behind me in the glass of my snakes tank at the time. it was weird because the only reason i even looked that way was because my snake started shaking his tail against the glass, something that corn snakes do when they are scared, but also something that in his entire life had never done unprompted ever. 
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
want yes, have no
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
100%. no way we are alone in this universe
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
he makes my days so much better :)
fairy; do you have a pet?
I have one little old kitty :)
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
to vacation, ocean. to live, mountain
forever; where do you feel time stop?
the secretary of state? lol
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
I've never owned a plant lol
garden; how many languages do you know?
one :(
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
sepia photography/old books that have yellowed into sepia. or fresh greenery on white marble. 
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
i don't really get any anymore, but as long as they are nice or just questions/venting, im down. don't be offended if i never answer though, for some reason i never get Tumblr notifications lol
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
im compassionate
im empathetic (which is similar but im struggling to get to 5 lol)
im goal-oriented
im determined (once i have said goal. again, related lol) 
i guess i like my lips/lip shape
heart; silk or lace?
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
tea. iced, black or green really, with sugar. 
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
bird watching because it means i am probably alone and in nature as opposed to somewhere in a crowd of people. and i wont feel creepy for watching the birds lol
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
white noise, a fan running. if that's not enough, i enjoy asmr. if i am really struggling/having anxiety, i will look up sleep stories from the headspace app on youtube (life hack to not have to pay for the app lol)
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
to be outside, i enjoy just warm enough to be comfy in pants and a t-shirt (so like 65F-ish) and sunny.To be inside, i love when it is cooler (like 50F?) and raining. I love the look, sound, and smell of rain but it is usually just inconvenient to be in. 
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
well now all days are the same for me, #quarantine, so the same thing i do every day, just about nothing, lol
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
i guess laugh loudly because i am a loud person in general. i have a deep voice
kinky; do you blush easily?
i don't think so, my embarrassment turns into sweat, not blush, lmao
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
i guess being proposed to someday? but i don't have a certain dream way of it happening, just the fact that its happening is enough for me lol. id enjoy if someone (cough Elle or also maybe Michael lol) were secretly filming and/or taking photos of it? I am not sure how you'd manage that though
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
late at night when everything is quiet
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
old school three days grace (one-x album in particular)
love; what is your favorite season and why?
i always gravitate to fall for the leaves and pumpkin patches. but honestly, i think my favorite season is spring. i love the newly budding trees and flowers, the feeling of renewal, the release from the horrible Michigan winter lol, but most importantly, spring time for my whole life as of yet has always meant that school is over for the semester! as opposed to the fall when the semester starts. this is very long winded but spring final answer lol
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
I've never had a macaron and blue moon ice cream 
magic; what are five flaws you have?
ooooo boy
im short tempered/angry too much 
im unmotivated (which is confusing maybe because i said i am determined earlier. you see, once i HAVE a goal i feel determined to finish it. but i am unmotivated to create said goals, lol) 
im nonconfrontational to a fault where i always put others’ feelings before my own
i let fear of change stop me from ever taking risks/ am anxious
i am stubborn and sometimes have a hard time admitting i am wrong
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
this depends - screw pastels. warm neutrals for makeup purposes, but cool darks for aesthetic or decor purposes
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
someone who feels like home. I am not entirely sure how else to explain that. you just feel peace and content with them. 
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
something that allows you to only be with your date - so like a picnic or hike or just a walk even. my boyfriend and i liked to walk around in the fall for me to take pictures of leaves while he played pokemon go (man i miss the pokemon go summer and i have never even PLAYED it, it was just so fun to be with him while he played)
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
on youtube usually
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. if your family is toxic for whatever reason, you do not owe them your time strictly because they are family. 
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
cook, im not super into sweets & i want to enjoy the final product
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
normal? like its legible but its not pretty or cute
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
no:( wish i could play bass or drums
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
i don't :)
i really don't have an answer other than solving whatever is stressing me out, lol. i wish i had more mechanisms to calm me down but nothing i have tried has ever really worked
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
you know these favorites questions are hard for me lol. right now, i am loving watermelon, but i also love most fruits. kiwis! vegetable, i feel like i have to say potato lol
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
lol the last thing i read had to be some academic text, so that's boring
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
meeting Alex i guess, it changes my whole life path to have someone you want to do life with 
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
quarantine? lol
shine; art or music?
music is art.
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
i think so. Elle’s dog griffin loves me for some reason lol
smitten; do you collect anything?
not really
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
jolly ranchers 
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
Spongebob probably. unless we are talking like really tiny, toddler age, then Winnie the pooh
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
i live in a 2 bedroom apartment, there arent any spots. lol. my bed i guess
soothe; digital or vinyl?
i mean digital for convenience but vinyl for aesthetic 
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
i mean the only person i really actively miss ever is Alex. @cy-ne-fin sometimes, but i have also grown used to living away from each other
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
loyalty, honesty, & humor
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
if i must pick, practical. 
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
absolutely not. i feel like a burden with my feelings even though i shouldn't 
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
honestly not really. am on the fence still about ever having any 
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
not really
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
i am as average as they come man, nothing is unique about me lol
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
like a background friend? like i am not very social, so we do not have to talk every day to be friends. so like im here if you need me, but i enjoy alone time. 
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
the way my boyfriend looks at me, & as i was working on this my cat came to cuddle, which i gave as an answer earlier before he jumped up here :)
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owlllllll
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
the power to heal those who are hurting (including myself)
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
home home home home
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
not anymore, i did in high school/early college years. not I've stopped caring
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
messy? kinda in the middle really. 
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
my state, sure. my city in particular is definitely pretty boring
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?
I've never seen one :(
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jobrosupdates · 5 years
Nowstalgia: Jonas Brothers' Second Coming
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Story by Jael Goldfine / Photography by Robin Harper / Styling by Britt McCamey
On a conference call, the morning after the Met Gala, Nick Jonas divides his and his brothers' career in two: before and after Disney Channel first aired the "Year 3000" music video in 2007. Before "things weren't working," afterwards "it all came together." In the infamous clip, a 15-year-old Nick, 18-year-old Joe and 20-year-old Kevin, dressed in Converse and graphic tees (Joe in camouflage, Nick and Kevin in Ed Hardy) fall into a portal in a suburban living room, shimmering with CGI sparkles like an Instagram filter. They emerge enthused to find that, among other developments, in the future they are rock stars wearing matching suits, with a pile of magazine covers and a new album that outsold Kelly Clarkson.
We are on the phone, along with Joe and Kevin, to talk about The Jonas Brothers' surprise reunion and their first album in six years, Happiness Begins. Much like the rest of the world, however, I am fascinated by their past.
Like The Jonas Brothers' second coming, "Year 3000" is an intoxicating orgy of nostalgia for anyone who lived through their genesis: malls were in their heyday, technology was magical, not terrifying, Instagram was a prototype on a jewel-colored Mac desktop in Silicon Valley, and Kelly Clarkson was the gold standard for album sales. The prophetic song feels self-congratulatory now, but at the time, it represented a fantasy. The Jonas Brothers didn't know that they'd spend much of their adolescence in matching suits, or that their next album would, indeed, crush Clarkson's corresponding My December in sales that year.
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Without that video — a cover of British pop-punk band Busted, whose original lyrics envisioned a future full of triple-breasted women, instead of cute space girls with Star Wars buns — we might never have met The Jonas Brothers. Their debut album It's About Time had middled out on Columbia (it would later become a fan favorite), while they spent a couple years opening for their teen idol forbearers: Jesse McCartney, the Backstreet Boys, Jump5 and The Cheetah Girls. It was only after "Year 3000" went "viral" (in the way things did in 2007, conducted via hallway chatter and YouTube-binging sleepovers, alongside clips like "Salad Fingers," Shoes" and "Charlie Bit Me") that Disney realized Nick, Joe and Kevin, with their unthreatening good looks, nuclear New Jersey normalness, and formidable skills with guitars and microphones, were the perfect raw material for their cottage industry of boys and girls next door.
They released their breakout second album The Jonas Brothers on Disney's label, Hollywood Records later that year. Quickly, they saturated the Disney multiverse and the lives of early-to-mid 2000's suburban youth. They made a guest appearance on Hannah Montana that broke cable records. Their songs could be heard in Aquamarine, Zoey 101, on Cartoon Network's Friday program, and leaking out of iPod minis, mall speakers, high school gyms and 100,000-seat stadiums. The Camp Rock series, entanglements with other famous teenagers, various concert films and their sitcom, Jonas, followed.
Nostalgia is an inescapable fog hanging around Nick, Joe and Kevin, as the world watches them tease each other on TV hosts' couches and jump around in matching suits again, for the first time in six years. It's not just about them. That bedazzled, low-rise moment is on everyone's minds. An avalanche of blog posts about their reunion begin with some iteration of the pseudo-incredulous question: "Avril Lavigne, JoJo and Ashley Tisdale are dropping albums, Amanda Bynes is back, Lindsay Lohan is making TV and The Jonas Brothers are getting back together. Is it 2019 or 2009?" PAPER recently debuted a column, called "This Week In 2009," to feed our appetite for photos of Rihanna with a momager haircut, andSpencer Pratt and Heidi Montag making out in surgical masks during the swine flu panic. The Jonas Brothers have already made it into several installments. The guys confirm they did not engineer their reunion to sync up with our cultural nostalgia cycle, but due to it, talking about the good old days will be an extra compulsory aspect of their press tour. At 26, 29 and 31, The Jonas Brothers aren't unwilling, but a bit ambivalent about rehashing their adolescence.
"We're not really defined by those years," Nick claims, when I ask the trio about how they look back on the fever pitch of the JoBro craze. But when I nudge, he admits the period was undeniably influential. "We had a lot of fun... you know, it was sort of a rocket ship to the moon during that time. When Disney played our video for 'Year 3000,' everything changed. It all started to happen when Disney got on board. Our years doing Camp Rock and TV shows were really formative."
It's not that The Jonas Brothers are at odds with their origin story. They'll soon release a glossy Amazon documentary reliving it, and this past weekend, gave a euphoric rendition of their 2008 hit "Burnin' Up" at their first SNL performance in a decade. But they've previously indicated otherwise. "I don't feel as frustrated now as I did then," Joe says of a candid as-told-to essay he gave New York Magazine in 2013, a few months after the band's break-up. He wrote then, "Being a part of the Disney thing for so long will make you not want to be this perfect little puppet forever." He detailed an authoritarian, image-obsessed company culture (recalling that High School Musical's Vanessa Hudgens was put on lockdown in the Disney offices after her nude photos were leaked), and how the band became stifled under Disney's tutelage, forced to maintain an increasingly awkward and false teen marketability as they grew eager to sing about more complex topics than crushes and homework. Joe and Kevin were required to shave every day, and allusions to anything sexier than a kiss or darker than a minor bummer were "sugar-coated." The essay is emotional, but not scornful, simply trying to make people understand the many factors that led up to 2013, when The Jonas Brothers cancelled their tour, scrapped their fifth album, and stopped being a band.   
Joe doesn't walk back anything he wrote. But with the anxiety he faced back then as a newly unemployed solo act now largely evaporated, he speaks to the same topics with adult, big picture complexity. "We were having to censor ourselves, I think any artist could relate. That's not fun. We were at a standstill with our TV show and the movies. We were young adults, having to pretend like we're young teenagers," he reiterates, but explains that to be frustrated with the company was "such a weird mindset to get into, because we have Disney to thank for so much, they got us started in our career."
Nick bristles at the cartoonish idea that he and his brothers were victims of Big Bad Disney, or anything besides mutual investors in their image and success. "Before this becomes an indictment of Disney and Disney culture, I think it's important to say that, though we felt limited at times, bottom line, Disney was really good for us; really good training wheels for anybody that wants to become a musician or entertainer, as far as work ethic and all the rest. There was a balance to it all, and we could have had it a lot worse." They seem acutely aware there was no cost to their relationship with Disney more valuable than what they gained: "[Those years] are a major part of our story and a big way that our fans connect with us and continue to today." If it were the case that the world couldn't move on from their childhood, Nick says, "It might be tougher to accept... But we have to continue to make new statements and push ourselves to create who we are, every day."
"We were young adults, having to pretend like we're young teenagers." — Joe Jonas
Why would they be inclined to dwell on the past? Since their break-up — when Nick was 21, Joe was 24 and Kevin was 26 — each Jonas has transitioned into an entirely new life. Following his Married To Jonasreality TV show, Kevin retreated into his family and pursued real estate development, satisfied to spend his days as a non-famous. Joe and Nick each rebelled, a little. Joe, "the bad boy," experimented with the archetype he'd been cast in as a teen by dating famous models and growing a beard. Seeming to find the role ill-fitting, he then opted to become the frontman of fun dance-pop band DNCE, of "Cake By The Ocean" fame. Baby Nick tripled in girth, made a vulnerable, sexy R&B record, landed a few underwear billboards, and emerged as a Hollywood heartthrob following his effective performance in blockbuster Jumanji. As you might have heard, the latter two have also recently gotten married, attaching themselves to famous and successful women who, aside from appearing to make them genuinely very happy, also brought them back into the fold of A-list celebrity even before the reunion was announced.
Instead of reminiscing about the highs and lows of their days sketching Mickey Mouse's ears with a CGI wand or picking at scabbed-over angst at the behest of a pesky writer, The Jonas Brothers would rather talk about all the good things in their lives, now. For instance, how sublime it feels to be The Jonas Brothers, again.
"It's been incredible, being back together after the longest time apart and spending this amount of time together in the studio, not to mention actually announcing this stuff and the response to the music," gushes Kevin. "It's been so overwhelming and so exciting. It means so much to us to be able to do this again as brothers. It's just beyond..." The words "incredible," "exciting," "amazing," "overwhelming," as well as "crazy" and "surreal" are repeated over and over in our conversation, as they describe getting to know each other as brothers and musicians again. "It had been four or five years since we spent any time by ourselves, you know, just hanging out."
Today, The Jonas Brothers are poised to become a bigger force in music than they ever were in their Disney days. They've achieved this — despite re-entering a radically different pop landscape than the one they departed, now ruled by rappers making country, bearded scumbros making rap, and teen girls making ASMR — by doing exactly what first made them a sensation: clean, universal, good vibes pop songs.
"We take what we do seriously, but we don't take ourselves seriously." — Nick Jonas
Both of their new singles, "Cool" and "Sucker," radiate an unforced joy and playful confidence that seems to be the defining quality of The Jonas Brothers' second coming. "It's all about having fun," says Nick. "We take what we do seriously, but we don't take ourselves seriously."
The sound of The Jonas Brothers not taking themselves seriously is so pleasant that "Sucker" — a carbonated love song that sounds the way Pop Rocks fizzling on your tongue feel — has become their first ever No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. It doesn't sound like old Jonas Brothers, but it also doesn't sound like much else in pop right now. With the help of OneRepublic frontman, songwriter and producer Ryan Tedder (as well as popcraft overlords Max Martin, Greg Kurstin and Justin Tranter), The Jonas Brothers have shed their pop-punk-curious crunch and Disney sing-along sugar, while staying faithful to the drums-and-guitar roots and tactile storytelling that made a generation fall in love with them. The effect is a flavor of blissed out pure pop, that both sounds both refreshing next to today's deluge of morbid pop cyborgs and comfortingly familiar.
"We had a real sense that it was important for us to stay authentic to who we are," Nick explains when I ask how they resisted the urge to abandon their rockist roots for pop's current greener, genre-scrambled pastures. "When you go back and and listen to Jonas Brothers records, they're written and produced as rock and roll records." However, he says "that doesn't mean that we can't try out other sounds, or go on a journey to get there," and promises there's at least one trap beat and one yeehaw moment on Happiness Begins.
Despite the above, let's be honest: a No. 1 Jonas Brothers single in 2019 doesn't make complete sense (a glitch in the simulation, as they say). The Jonas Brothers belong in the past: in the childhoods of a generation now in their mid-twenties, and in a normcore, suburban fantasy that feels like it should have lost its appeal in our increasingly conscious times.
Plus, boy bands don't often get number ones. The last time one accomplished the feat was in 2003, when B2K's P. Diddy-assisted "Bump, Bump, Bump" hit number one (overtaking Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful" and Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me A River), according to Billboard. Even unfathomably famous ones: One Direction's highest entry on the Hot 100, 2013's "Best Song Ever," peaked at No. 2, lagging behind "Blurred Lines." Their own hits, 2008's "Burnin' Up," "Tonight" and "A Little Bit Longer," never made it past No. 5 during the reign of Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl" and Rihanna's "Disturbia." Their new trophy signals the JoBros have begun to transcend the silos of a traditional boy band audience, and thus, our general disdain for the culture young women tend to love.
So how did they do it?
There's a strong cinematic mythos to The Jonas Brothers' reunion story, which, indeed, will be soon available to stream. It went like this: Nick, the architect of the reunion, had started occasionally slipping JoBros songs into his solo sets and realized he was craving their brotherly magic. As they began spending time together on the set of their documentary, the seed in Nick's brain broke ground, and became an explicit conversation. Then, there was the spontaneous jam session of "Love Bug" in Cuba that reminded them of the magic of playing together. Then came the "intervention," when Kevin and Nick flew to Australia where Joe was hosting The Voice to address the baggage left over from their last run as a band, which they'd realized would be a prerequisite for a successful reunion. They did so with a series of conversations that Kevin describes as "the kind probably only brothers can have without wanting to throw a table at each other" ("they're in the doc, and they're heavy," he promises). During these talks, they decided that this time around, it would be all about having fun. Kevin adds: "The choice to do this wasn't out of need, it was more, 'This is something we really want to do together.'"
The Jonas Brothers' break-up went like this: the flame was Nick's solo ambitions. The gasoline was burn-out, the colliding egos of a band with two frontmen, diverging tastes (evident in the forked road of DNCE and Nick Jonas), and general paralysis. "We lost touch with what we wanted to say, because we were trying so hard to say something different from what we said in the past, musically and creatively," Nick explains. Plus, instead of becoming deluded by their preternatural fame, it had given them imposter syndrome and anxiety. "We understood that our level of success and fame had reached a point, where our musicianship and writing and performing abilities needed time to grow and catch up to it."
When I ask what kept them humble enough to realize this, Nick admits: "I think it was a combination of humility, and just being scared that it was all going to disappear." He references what he recalls as a Coldplay soundbite, that helped them through that choice: "I don't want to misquote, so you might want to fact check, but something about the fact that, they had become too big, you know, for their level of musicianship, so they worked harder than ever and went even deeper creatively. We really related to that." I'm unable to confirm the words belong to any member of Coldplay, but wherever The Jonas Brothers came across it, it must have been a comfort to know they were navigating charted rockstar waters.
Listening to the brothers reflect, it seems that the pyre underneath The Jonas Brothers' flame-out was simply the reality that Nick, Joe and Kevin are genuinely skilled, creative musicians, who were always going to clash with their cramped confines. Maybe the demises of commercial boy bands aren't a product of personal dysfunction at all, but rather, of their artistic health — evidence that they're composed of living, breathing human beings, rather than attractive androids positioned in the right spots on a music video set. If a group of kids in The Jonas Brothers' position forge ahead cheerfully into the complex chaos of their twenties without craving autonomy from each other or Disney's iron fist, someone should probably check under their curls for lobotomy scars.
"I think it was a combination of humility, and just being scared that it was all going to disappear." — Nick Jonas
"It really took the last six, seven years to figure out who we were as people and what kind of music we wanted to make." Nick says. He mentions tactfully that "a lot of young performers find this transition into adulthood really challenging," and implies pushing the bounds of their wholesome, juvenile aesthetic while still operating as The Jonas Brothers might not have been pretty: "If we had continued to try to push things forward the way we were operating, it might have been difficult. Perhaps we would have had to make bolder statements... shocked people into understanding who we are. I think the world is more accepting of us as adults than they would have been if we insisted, 'This is who we are now, accept us.'"
If they hadn't abandoned their spot at the top, and taken the time to grow up and chill out, avoiding many of the more excruciating personal and professional pitfalls of young pop stardom, The Jonas Brothers might have found themselves somewhat tragic figures in 2019, doomed to a career mired in nostalgia. Instead Nick, Kevin and Joe are having the time of their lives on their prodigal pop homecoming. I doubt they'd have this moment if they'd staged their return, however, by attempting to make the world see them as more than "just a boy band." With no ambitions beyond "trying to bottle happiness" and bringing "positive vibes to the world," as Nick explains of the album title inspiration, The Jonas Brothers, against the odds, have plucked themselves out of our "Week in 2009" column and earned a place in the living, breathing cultural fabric of 2019.
Maybe the key is simply prioritizing what's always been at the core of The Jonas Brothers: the fans — their palates and desires, giving them new lyrics to tattoo on their ankles, Easter eggs to mine for the details of their lives, and concerts to scream at with their friends.
"The reunion... felt like getting my best friend back after a long time," one fan, whose handle is @jonasbr0, says on Twitter. Another, whose display handle reads "Kat LOVES the Jonas Brothers," claims "I'm the most excited that anyone has ever been about anything," revealing "When I graduated high school I decorated my cap to say "I'd rather be at a Jonas Brothers concert." "Their music has brought some of my best friends into my life. We've all grown up together with the boys" says @taylaxo, whose pinned Tweet is a photo of herself in a sweatshirt printed with a Tweet from Joe announcing the reunion.
Nick muses, "The best part of this go around, is the fact that those fans have lived with our records for so many years that they're part of their lives, and they're really meaningful to them. We can feel that energy. All those years of fearing it was going to disappear are now kind of..." he trails off. 
Source: PAPER Magazine
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skullssales · 5 years
Beautiful Gothic Jewellery By Wonderland MC | Avelina De Moray
What’s up each person welcome back to my channel! I am Avelina De Moray, & thank you for joining me! If you have not already guessed from brand new thumbmail, the video I will be doing for you today is a little bit haul on a jewellery corporation referred to as Wonderland MC. Now if you are part of the goth subculture or the alternative scene you have quite often seen these things floating around on facebook or Instagram the lovely lady that runs the manufacturer is on fireplace with collaborations!! Actually every influencer that i will think of has finished some variety of collabing image shoot for them including the butcher toddlers Black Friday and now me so simply to speak I’ve taken some relatively pleasant pics of the objects that she sent me and that i want to show you them at present so let’s get into it obviously the first one is the person who i’m carrying it’s like blingy but a little bit little bit of cruelty whilst whilst you can’t make a decision if you want to be a enormous Princess Pea which could aside be there so confidently this is focusing but it surely’s obtained a lovely silver pentagram and that is all crystal it is received some little droplets right here it is just normally beautiful it’s particularly busy so make certain when you are carrying it you pair it with whatever that’s rather simple thus why I chose an item that has a simple neckline and is of an exceptional material that is just a stunning pink velvet i tried to put on this a few times with objects that had prints on it and it simply it was too much it used to be too busy k the next item that form of fits this are these one for jewelry and i’ll get a detailed-up shot of them because on the front of them is a bit dangerous now if you’re no longer into carrying heavy rings these are for you I do get sensitive earlobes i’ll put them in for a image shoot however they’re certainly now not ones that I might put on all day simply as a result of the burden of them I seem to have very sensitive ears are you able to see the little bat my hair in the best way your pentagram with just a little baton it is just beautiful k the opposite objects i will film some footage of me carrying them however i’m simply going to exhibit you them maintain speaking about them and i’ll put up the pictures so you’ll find what they appear like these are cute as soon as I noticed them i’m like yeah this is for me so we now have obtained silver spikes inverted crosses and chunk me on it it is a wee little combo of all matters that i like now these are a lot lighter I could put on these all day daily look at that I’ve done it again it can be nonetheless acquired the clear plastic safety on the back I continually try this do you don’t forget when I bought those pentagram rings and i will them for like a good year and what is the announcing Oh bubbly after which anyone messaged me and mentioned for those who like spikes and vampires these rings okay yep now when I used to be us to head to the internet site and choose a number of objects I think i hope i am now not making this up that she was once transitioning right into a bilingual website so do you might have some memories of finding it a bit hard to navigate just in view that that it used to be in one more language but having said that I was once just watching on the pics I knew what I liked and all of it worked out first-rate when the 9mc actually have a substantial style of genres that they cater to she’s acquired some objects which are really darkish and a Colt II and then she goes more ethereal and delusion base and she or he’s a go-to steampunk part so I chose items that surely I appreciated but it surely’s totally valued at going to our websites and checking out the subcategories given that there may be simply so many and you’re sure to seek out something that you simply like so this subsequent one is a lovely necklace and i like the jewel on the front there it can be probably the most stunning blue color light blue colour and i like this since it molds to your body so it can be all sort of separate portions so while you put it on it sits particularly comfortable and i wish to put on this one as a excessive choker as i’m going to show you however the necklace is particularly long so you might put on it down cut back that’s how you need to wear it the following one I chose because of its simplicity is that this one here i am now not certain if she names her pieces for the reason that she with no trouble has so many I assume it might be hard to come up with names for all of them however i will to find the links if they’re still to be had to the ones that I chosen in case you wish to have to grab your self one of those and it is received this lovely little pointed die Monty stubby thing sort of like an arrow I just appreciated it it sits particularly good if i can show you i’ll exhibit put the pictures up nevertheless it just caught my eye it was once very specific to a number of the other stuff that she has on there and i will distantly each day once I was in Hollywood just lately now this next item i will exhibit you is not going to make any feel except I put it on but I saw it on anybody else and i’m like you realize what i’m now not a girl this is variety of Goldy bronze i’m no longer a Goldy bronze character however i will make an exception for this and that i did say that the lovely ona that I used to be going to put on this within the video clip that my band will movie for our duvet of this corrosion i’m still gonna try this it can be just taking POI oh yeah that’s fairly excellent and she despatched me the matching earrings as well so these are the same because the rings that i’m wearing they simply would not have the back on them in order that matches quite well i will show you some pictures of how that looks it is relatively interesting and which you could put the straps different approaches to sort of create your own seem however a bit of bit of warning once more this is relatively busy so simply wear it below some thing undeniable and easy so you aren’t getting too busy now leaving the exceptional for final this is by means of a ways my favourite piece he is kind of obtained a gypsy golf vibe to it it is so sparkly there is simply a lot detail in it and each time I seem at it I style of to find anything new i’m like wow I did not comprehend there’s slightly sigil of Lucifer with his little cash there is pentagrams the element of that is simply impeccable hook there’s even a goat see totally forgot the goat however I consider she makes these as one-of-a-style and i did first see Black Friday where strong my jaw drops I win it’s attractive and that i suppose that may be a rather fine touch as well the place you could comprehend that the piece that you’re ordering is real specific i am definite she also does make replicas if you noticed a picture of mine and fell in love with it i am certain she would make it for you – any such sinner message the element in this is once more it’s tremendous busy so I in my view would just pair it with an outfit that’s tremendous easy and make this be the announcement piece thank you so much for looking at i’m hoping you’ve gotten loved this video and probably seen some thing that you simply appreciated as well I continually enjoy introducing my viewers to new brands notably once they ask extra like myself they usually might no longer be finding out so please remark down under for those who like this video which used to be your favourite piece are you going to go to the website and buy anything else let me recognize what you bought for those who did please add me on Instagram if you haven’t already i am very energetic on that so if you want a glimpse of what i am doing on a day to day groundwork Instagram is the situation to be i’ll see you guys soon bye
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Source: https://skullssales.com/
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Synthetic Vs. Pure Diamonds
TORONTO, ONTARIO March 16, 2017 - Pangolin Diamonds Corp. Value is all the time decided by what persons are prepared to pay for products - and this is no different with diamonds. Analysis carried out by my crew over the years , constantly demonstrates that worth is multidimensional in nature. There are three specific dimensions that matter: social, personal and functional value. Marina Lambrini Diamandis, better known by her stage identify Marina and the Diamonds, is a Welsh singer-songwriter and musician. TORONTO, ONTARIO (Could 16, 2016) - Pangolin Diamonds Corp. (TSX-V: PAN) (the Company” or Pangolin”) is pleased to report that one in every of seven diamonds analysed from the MSC Grid in Botswana is a Type II nitrogen-free diamond. Approximately 2% of the world's diamonds are categorised as Sort II diamonds. Verify what the value was first, and if it was fairly expensive, it probably was. But to make absolutely positive, go to the shop it was from and ask them. You can too confer with some the "Testing Mounted Diamonds" technique on this article. Petra Diamonds says it can mine about three.2 million carats in its monetary year, a rise of three% from the previous yr. In 1977, for instance, Jewelers' Circular Keystone polled a large number of retail sellers and found a difference of over 100 percent in presents for the same quality of investment-grade diamonds. An similar pair of D Flawless 50.23-carat diamonds earrings, cut from a single rough diamond. Pure diamonds maintain shape, dissipate heat, and take wear in functions which require the hardest materials available. Pure Diamonds give excessive precision chip free edges and surfaces for cutting tools and wire dies and remain the material of selection for a whole vary of dressing purposes. Personnel Adjustments The Diamonds had four combos out of eight completely different singers throughout their recording contract with Mercury Information. Listed beneath are the gentlemen that took the positions of the unique 4 as they left the group. To ensure they aren't transformed to graphite, diamonds must be transported extraordinarily quickly to the Earth's floor. Diamonds come in a wide range of colours, some of them highly prized (pinks, blues, even yellow). Nevertheless in a white diamond, the presence of a yellow tint will lower the value of a diamond. The much less body shade in a white diamond, the extra true shade it'll mirror, and thus the higher its value. The Kimberly act was created by the United Nations Common Assembly, to determine necessities within the business that controls rough production and commerce. This has helped minimize the sourcing of unethical diamonds and has offered ethically sourced diamonds, and decreased the move of conflict diamonds all the way down to 1%. If you have any questions, or would like extra information about our colored diamonds and setting choices, our diamond and jewellery experts are available to information you thru the method. A 5.69-carat fancy vivid blue diamond fetched $15.1 million at Sotheby's New York yesterday, making it the top lot of the day and confirming as soon as again that purchasers are keen to pay prime greenback for blue diamonds that carry the extremely-rare fancy vivid” classification. The hammer worth, which is equivalent to $2.sixty six million per carat, came in slightly above the pre-sale high estimate of $15 million. The emerald-reduce gem, which is ready in a platinum ring and flanked by two baguette-formed diamonds, has a VVS1 clarity grade. Blue Nile does not visually examine the diamonds that they list on their web site. In truth, their diamonds aren't even housed in their facility. In some cases, they by no means even see them earlier than they promote them. And they are comfortable presenting the diamonds proven above as in the event that they were precisely the same. Harlow, G.E. and Veblen, D.R. (1991) Potassium in clinopyroxene inclusions from diamonds. Science: 251: 652-655. Pure diamonds are developed over tens of millions of years, shaped up to 120 miles (one hundred ninety kilometers) underground. Once they're mined and carefully examined, those diamonds which are deemed to have the potential to be sold as items of knickknack are despatched to manufacturers. The manufacturing process requires the diamonds to be cut and polished and some of these diamonds will even bear certain shade and readability therapies to enhance their beauty and improve their worth. Only the highest high quality diamonds enter the jewelry industry, with the remaining diamonds getting used industrially in machinery. The invention is way over merely a monopoly for fixing diamond prices; it's a mechanism for changing tiny crystals of carbon into universally acknowledged tokens of power and romance. For it to finally succeed, it should endow these stones with the type of sentiment that may inhibit the general public from ever reselling them onto the market. The phantasm thus needed to be inculcated into the mass mind that diamonds were perpetually- "without end" within the sense that they could never be resold.
Diamond mines are extraordinarily uncommon, and the world supply is predicted to stay essentially flat over the next few many years as demand will increase. New provide is in excessive demand. Canada is the primary nation in the developed world to provide and market top quality diamonds, and is benefiting from an more and more essential position within the world market. It will possibly assist to use a stone you know is actual next to the suspect stone and fog each. You may watch how the true one stays clear while the faux one fogs over; for those who breathe on faux diamonds repeatedly, you will note condensation start to build up. With every puff, the fake stone will fog up more and more, while the true one will still be clean and clear. Color: The quantity of shade in a typical diamond is measured using a D-to-Z scale, comparing the stone below managed lighting and precise viewing conditions to an already-graded "masterstone". In line with the GIA, D-grade diamonds have "no hue, like a drop of pure water, and consequently, a higher worth." Z-grade coloration is, conversely, heavily tinged yellow or brown. I was doing a free diamond search on both Blue Nile and James Allen and I seen that comparable diamonds had been cheaper on James Allen. I was very shocked by this as a result of it appears that evidently their settings are fairly expensive. Is there something I am lacking as to why the James Allen diamonds are cheaper? I at all times thought that Blue Nile had really good deals. One of many world's largest diamonds has been sold for $6.5 million. David-Troy Somerville , co-founder and lead singer of '50s rock 'n' roll band The Diamonds , died in Santa Barbara, Calif., on Tuesday. He was 81. In accordance with a press release, "Diamond Dave" died from most cancers. The whole endeavor is dear - like $3k expensive. To not point out the wedding - even when dad and mom pay for it, it is nonetheless expensive to the couple. Maybe she'll drop a hint as to what she likes? I have many pals who merely who wanted a pearl ring - MUCH cheaper. Ditto blue diamonds. Or ask her good pal. The diamond industry is going through a severe challenge to its integrity which may result in major shopper confidence issues, if diamonds are offered with overstated certification. I want to stress that this is an business drawback that should be resolved by the industry to be able to retain consumer confidence in our product and sustain and develop the international diamond commerce. The Diamonds have been a Canadian vocal quartet of the 1950s and early Nineteen Sixties who rose to prominence performing mostly cover variations of songs by black musicians. The unique members were Dave Somerville (lead), Ted Kowalski (tenor), Phil Levitt (baritone), and Bill Reed (bass). Doo-wop is a method of vocal-based mostly rhythm and blues music, which developed in African-American communities within the Nineteen Forties and which achieved mainstream popularity in the Nineteen Fifties and early 1960. With its clean, consonant vocal harmonies, doo-wop was one of the vital mainstream, pop-oriented R&B styles of the Nineteen Fifties and Nineteen Sixties. Diamonds are the world's most popular gemstones. Many occasions more money is spent on diamonds than on all different gems mixed. A part of the rationale for diamond's popularity is a results of its optical properties - or the way it reacts with mild. Different factors embrace vogue, custom, and advertising and marketing. From traditional spherical cut diamonds to fashionable princess cuts and vintage oval shapes, our inventory holds many of the finest diamonds in the marketplace. Within the jewellery industry, belief is paramount. When clients trust in you, they have confidence of their items - and really feel snug that they have paid appropriately. Without this basic tenet, that relationship is broken. Being able to accurately, and shortly, establish lab grown diamonds is not only a technical course of, it's one that's essential to your title and popularity. In conclusion, an engagement ring is a once-in-a-lifetime buy that signifies an eternal bond between a man and the girl he has determined to marry. If your fiancée-to-be won't recognize a diamond that has been manufactured over a interval of a few weeks in a manufacturing unit we advise you to purchase an engagement ring bearing a natural diamond. Authentic diamonds are also available in quite a lot of sizes, cuts and clarities with a natural diamond that may go well with each budget.
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enriquetahugh1-blog · 7 years
Celtic Cross Tattoos
Celtic Cross tattoos are one of the most well-liked Celtic designs you may acquire. There are various other stunning guy Hindu labels to decide on along with many purposeful interpretations featuring Aashish (Great thing), Bijoy (Packed with delight), Chiman (Interested), Deep (Light), Ekagrah (Focused), Gandhik (Scent), Hardik (Packed with love), Jawahar (Jewel), Mitrajit (Helpful), Navrang (Multicolored), Paran (Lifestyle), Rasul (Angel), Sadhil (Perfect), Tuhin (Snowy), Umang (Wish), Vatsa (Child), and Yamir (Moon). So, modification, diversity as well as wide array, these are the words that go to the heart from indoor plant effectiveness. For those who have just about any concerns regarding exactly where along with tips on how to employ yellow pages advert j r hartley, inquiry,, you can e-mail us at our own site. This is actually simply certainly not that relevant to create another flowerpot of coffee, to wipe one more table, to aid an additional consumer profit one more product. Yesterday, for instance, I did not start this write-up that you read now (called Inspirational Lifestyle Prices quote to Help You Live Your Life NOW!). This allows for a much more running poem as well as can be utilized to include a soft emotion along with its phrases. Later, when our salespersons assessed the supplier literary works, they were actually presently knowledgeable about the product so the literary works was actually a lot more meaningful and also retention of discovering considerably more significant. She was actually motivated to transform her normal sign lucky even more significant and private, and therefore this book was birthed. Declining and utilizing particular terms to utilize others is a sign that political correctness like all social fads that get full acceptance, can be utilized in dishonest, personal permissive as well as harmful ways. Typically, you would certainly wish to appear as professional as you can, not merely to excite your boss and also clients in wearing polo shirts for guys yet to feel great in on your own as well. Celtic cross tattoo designs are well-known among people with Celtic relationships (Irish, Scottish, or Welsh) in their family tree. Knowing even more about individuality kinds and the qualities that prevail to those personalities may give you a purposeful idea right into establishing much better associate partnerships within the workplace and consumer connections in your business market place. With christmas time sayings quotes on clear glass, embellished with gorgeous accessories, you can convey your passion and devotion with the channel of this particular wonderful X-mas present. But permit's not permit the pendulum swing also much in the various other direction, as well as arbitrarily strip little ones of the possibility making an addition which is meaningful at a grown-up degree, a payment which they are flawlessly capable making. Searching for Meaningful Meals is actually an investigation project what helps make food purposeful. His function is in order to help as lots of folks as feasible, accomplish identical or far better end results as well as to reveal all of them how they can easily understand their total capacity, both personal and also professionally as well as in order to help them live a meaningful lifestyle, where they are actually fulfilled in every regions. An easy standard is actually that the closer the connection in between the contributor as well as the outcomes, the more significant the information. Songs is a crucial substance in every person's daily lives and also the fans of this particular faith discover peace and also dedication via the celebrations of vocalists or bands that carry out Christian tunes. In just a handful of short years, artists in this field were actually creating a few of optimum masterpieces in the Muslim globe, consisting of some of the absolute most ornate and gorgeous craft as well as hand in the Koran. Although ear gauging has actually been actually traditional among men and women from the Masai group in Kenya, young men have actually been increasingly reluctant to use the strategy. This is actually not astonishing that it enrolls in our significant Brands Mark as the most purposeful brand across all markets. To girls this is means from enhancing them, while men believe that uses them more significant stamina. There are actually other stunning guy Hindu titles to select from with many purposeful translations consisting of Aashish (Benefit), Bijoy (Filled with happiness), Chiman (Curious), Rich (Lightweight), Ekagrah (Focused), Gandhik (Fragrance), Hardik (Loaded with passion), Jawahar (Gem), Mitrajit (Helpful), Navrang (Colorful), Paran (Lifestyle), Rasul (Angel), Sadhil (Perfect), Tuhin (Snowy), Umang (Wish), Vatsa (Son), and also Yamir (Moon). Therefore, diversity, modification and also wide array, these are the words that are at the heart from inside plant excellence. It is actually just certainly not that relevant to create another container from coffee, to clean off another table, to assist another customer profit one more thing. The other day, as an example, I performed certainly not begin this post that you're reading right now (phoned Inspirational Life Estimates that can help You Reside Your Lifestyle NOW!). This enables an even more flowing poem and could be utilized to combine a hassle-free sensation along with its terms. You will be much better off using your social networking sites presence to support your social network initiatives, where you could make up purposeful link along with a smaller team of targeted individuals. Quickies might sound like the kind of thing males would certainly enjoy and girls would simply tolerate. Of course, this infers that joy and happiness is somehow intimately associated with making one's lifestyle purposeful. Significant Beauty's 30-day promotional offer is actually $29.99 along with a refund promise. There are actually two major parts of relevant interaction: show business and interaction. You need to be actually much more or less in the green to helping make a great as well as purposeful style for poster printing if you mix all the elements above in one inspirational poster. Every little thing in life entails connections, whether this is actually with your partner, your youngsters, your task, occupation or even your health and happiness As your very own partnership expert, you begin to comprehend that the connection you possess along with on your own is very important to residing an information as well as significant life. Some registered nurses look at meaningful use greatly as an organization's task as well as problem. This Is this article writers view that our company as black guys have made that by means of the hardiest of your time achievable, traditionally talking. Sellers could end up being the brand-new Googles from the fmcg market, generating the circumstance for 'better usage'; guiding, training as well as aiding people attain the results that are relevant to them. Telugu Religious tunes promote folks to devote to a deeper as well as extra meaningful connection with The lord. Following the credit report crunch, the variety of folks which preferred to get a purposeful lifestyle increased. And teasing is actually a common technique of bonding as well as connecting that feels like an unspoken foreign language that all men speak. To discover significant job, you must give up the idea of carrying out something HUGE. By means of hymns and praise, these tunes attempt as well as meet the people's spiritual as well as mental necessities.
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mtwy · 8 years
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USA May 1985
Despite the May cover date, SPIN hit newsstands March 25th 1985
She’s a shiny heavenly body, a seductive look and a sexy voice. She’s sleazy, trashy, cheap and completely out of your price range. Fans dress like her, confide in her, pray to her. She’s our lady of Rock N’ Roll. If you desire her, that’s all right, she wants you to. Her nickname’s “Squeeze”. She’s Marilyn Monroe and Joan Crawford incarnate
Interview by Scott Cohen
TRASH I like to look the way Ronnie Spector sounded: sexy, hungry, totally trashy. I admire her tonal quality. I don’t have a deep, throaty voice or a womanish voice when I sing. I think my voice sounds innocent and sexual at the same time. That’s why I try to tell people, anyway; but they always misconstrue what I mean when I say “sexual innocence.” They look at me and go “innocence, huh?” They think I’m trash.
SEXCESS I couldn’t be a success without also being a sex symbol. I’m sexy. How can I avoid it? That’s the essence of me. I would have to have a bag over my head and over my body; but then my voice would come across, and it’s sexy.
IDOLS My first pop idol was Nancy Sinatra. Go-go boots, miniskirt, blond hair, fake eyelashes - she was cool. 
My first movie idol was Marilyn Monroe. The movie character I identified with most, though, was Holly Golightly; because when I first came to New York, I was going to parties and not fitting in. I loved Brigette Bardot. Especially in Contempt. She kept saying ‘Do you love me? Tell me what is beautiful about me.’ I can relate to that totally because I really care about the way I look. I wanted to look like Brigette Bardot. I wanted to make my hair blonder and wear pointy bras and go out with Roger Vadim. I also wanted to look like Jean Seberg in Joan of Arc.
When I was growing up, I was religious, in a passionate, adolescent way. Jesus Christ as like a movie star, my favorite idol of all.
LOOK-ALIKES If I were a girl and knew me, I’d want to dress like me. If I were a guy, I’d dress either like Gregory Peck, when he was really young, or James Dean. I’d either wear ripped jeans and a t-shirt or a suit and tie.
EATING OUT At one point I was living in New York and eating out of garbage cans. Actually, it was not a garbage can on the street; it was the garbage can in the Music Building on Eighth Avenue where I lived with Steve Bray, the guy I write songs with. (He’s useful Male #2 or #3. Depending on which article you read.)
I had been squatting in a loft, living there illegally, but it burned down. There was no heat or hot water, so I had all these electric space heaters around this little piece of carpeting I slept on. I woke up in the middle of the night surrounded by a ring of fire. One of the heaters had set fire to the rug and it was spreading. I jumped up and dumped water on the fire, which made it spread more. Then my nightgown caught fire. So I took it off, got dressed, grabbed a few things, like underpants and stuff - all my important things like tapes and instruments were already over at the Music Building, three blocks away - and I went over to the Music Building and started sleeping there.
I had a band at the time and was playing places like Max’s and C.B.G.B’s. All the money we made paid for the van that transported our equipment. We shared our rehearsal loft with another band, so they practically paid the rent for us, and all our equipment was in that one room. Steve and I slept between amplifiers. We budgeted what little money we had to about $1 a day. We had credit in all the Korean delis within a five-block radius of the Music Building and with our dollar we’d get some yogurt and peanuts. Then Steve and I would fight over whether we should mix the peanuts with the yogurt. He liked to eat them together and I liked to eat them seperately. When we’d run out of money, I’d pass by the garbage can in the lobby of the Music Building, and if it smelled really good - like if there was a Burger King bag sitting on top that someone had just deposited - I’d open it up, and if I was lucky, there would be french fries that hadn’t been easten. I’m a vegetarian, which is why I didn’t eat the burger. 
MONEY The first real money I ever got was $5000 from Sire Records, and the first expensive thing I bought was a Roland synthesizer. The next big money I got was publishing money for writing songs. I would get $1000 for every song I wrote. I wrote most of the songs on my first album, so I got what seemed like a lot of money at the time, and I moved to the East Village and got my first apartment. With the next money I moved to a loft in Soho, which was triple the rent I was paying in the East Village. These were all necessary things. The first most extravagant thing I ever bought — that I felt really guilty about buying — was a color TV. I never had a TV before in the seven years that I had lived in New York. When I grew up I didn’t even have a color TV. So I got a color TV, a VHS machine and a push-button remote control.
BELLY BUTTONS My favorite button is my belly button. I have the most perfect belly button: an inny, and there’s no lint in it. I never wore a jewel in my belly, but if I did it would be a ruby or an emerald, but not a diamond. When I stick my finger in my belly button, I feel a nerve in the center of my body shoot up my spine. If 100 belly buttons were lined up against a wall, I could definitely pick out which one is mine.
CRUCIFIXES Crucifixes are sexy because there’s a naked man on them. When I was a little girl, we had crucifixes all over the house, as a reminder that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us. Crucifixes are something left over from my childhood, like a security blanket. I liked the way they look and what they symbolized, even before they were fashionable. I buy mine in Spanish bodegas, where they have rosaries in lots of colors. I have a really long one that looks white in the light, but glows in the dark. Every new-wave designer has crucifixes in their line. Calvin Klein doesn’t, but he’s Mr. Mainstream. Girls who buy Calvin Klein jeans don’t wear crucifixes.
BRAS I have to wear a bra. I’m the only one in my family with breasts. Bras that open in the front are best and torpedo bras are the sexiest. On my Like A Virgin record cover and in all the photographs, like when I did the MTV show, I’m in my bustier. Bustiers are very restricting. They have ribs that make you feel you’re suffocating and zip up the back. They’re tight and squeeze you in. I wear them because they’re very 19th centuryish. They have that really svelte look. I like the way it makes my body look. It’s very sexual. I have about five of them. I go to a regular lingerie store and get the basic nylon bustier, with no frills, and have it customized with lace or tulle. I wish I was flat-chested and didn’t have to wear a bra. It’s one extra piece of clothing to worry about.
RETURNING CALLS I used to call different management companies, agencies, A&R people, club owners, you name it, and no one ever returned my calls. If someone did, ten-to-one it was some horny old man who was in charge of listening to tapes and when he’d hear my voice, he’d want me to come in and bring the tapes, and then he’d put the make on me. Now when I call people they come right to the phone. Everyone except John Peters, the big Hollywood producer who did Flashdance and my movie Visionquest. He’s a real schemer—wheeling and dealing all the time — and the only one who doesn’t call me back.
SISTER MADONNA If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing, I would be a nun. The reason I’m not a nun is because you can’t take your own name. How could I change my name? I have the most holy name a woman can have. But if I had to change my name, I’d use my confirmation name, Veronica. I chose her because she wiped the face of Jesus, which I thought was really dramatic.
PHYSICAL ATTRACTIONS I dig skin, lips and Latin men. I’m attracted to bums. When I went to Paris, I hung out with Algerians and Vietnamese guys who didn’t have jobs, who just drove around on motorcycles and terrorized people. I’ve always been attracted to people like that, because they’re rebels and they’re irresponsible and challenge the norm. I try to rehabilitate them. I’m just trying to be the mother I never had.
VIRGINITY I wouldn’t like to sleep with a guy who was a virgin. I’d have to teach him stuff and I don’t have the patience. I’d rather deal with experience. When I say virgin, like in my song, I’m not thinking about sexual virgin. I mean newness. Even after I made love for the first time, I still felt I was a virgin. I didn’t lose my virginity until I knew what I was doing.
MONOGOMY The longest monogomous relationship I’ve had was 2 1/4 years, right before Jellybean, with someone who never wants to see me again. He’s the guy trying to run me over in my “Burning Up” video. It wasn’t just because I was seeing someone else. Our relationship was deteriorating anyway. But I’ve had my heart broken, too. All my boyfriends hurt me in their way, by lots of things, but I’m not telling you.
STEPPED ON MEN All those men I stepped all over to get to the top, everyone of them would take me back because they still love me and I still love them. I wish I was a million different people so I could stay with each boyfriend while moving on to another one. I learn more, want more, and suddenly-that person isn’t enough. The problem is, after you start to love someone, you start to hurt them. I get interested in somebody else and I latch on to that interest to get me through the other one. It’s awfully painful, but then I have this new guy to look forward to. Records The first song I remember hearing was “The Twist” by Chubby Checker. The first record I ever bought was either “Incense & Peppermint” or “Give Me a Ticket for an Airplane.” I don’t remember if there was music playing when I lost my virginity, but the best music to make love to nowadays is anything funky or soulful, like the Gap Band, Prince or the Isley Brothers. The best music to wake up to is “Moments in Love” by Art of Noise and the best music at the moment to workout to is anything by Prince, Lime, Bronski Beat or Bruce Springsteen. My first album was a total aerobics record. I make records with aerobics in mind. When I’m mad or have a fight with my boyfriend or hate my record company, I work out.
BAD PRESS I get so much bad press because people associate a girl who’s successful with a bimbo or an airhead. Sexy boys never get bad press. Do you think they’d bug Prince if he pulled out his dick on stage? If I ever did something like that, I’m the slut of the year.
FIGHTS Most of the fights I have with boyfriends are over how I’m not paying enough attention to them or I’m always off doing things for my career. Of course, I disagree. I have a lot of shit to do right now. I’m always surrounded by people. I have a very visible career. I got to go out West and audition guys to be in my videos and I got to kiss guys in my movies. But I always say it’s the quality of time and not the quantity of time. If you spend the time that you do have together not fighting, you might enjoy each other.
LITTLE MADONNA I was never a Girl Scout, but I was a Campfire Girl and a Brownie. Campfire Girls had the cooler uniform. I was never good at being part of an organization. When I was a Brownie, I ate all the cookies. When I was a Campfire Girl, I’d camp out with the boys and get into trouble.
FANTASY PHOTO Of all the great photographs in history, I’d most like to have been in one of me having dinner with John Kennedy, with Marilyn Monroe sitting next to him, singing “Happy Birthday.”
Madonna’s First Movie Young director Stephen Lewicki was throwing out old resumes and head shots when one fell from the basket. As he stooped to pick it up, he noticed, behind the unimpressive photograph, the last page of a handwritten resume that gave the same birthday as his, August 16. He re-read the letter, reconsidered the urgently hopeful face, and hired Madonna Cicconi to star in his first movie.  That was just over five years ago and “star” might be stretching exaggeration, compared to where Madonna has since taken her career. A Certain Sacrifice is an hour-long melodrama of surprising intensity and value, shot, unfortunately, on Super 8mm, then edited on one-inch video to further visually obscure it In the movie. 20-year-old Madonna plays Bruna, a post-punk drifter, who meets a refugee from the suburbs in Washington Square’s fountain. The two become lovers and ultimately avengers of their own love’s desecration. Sleazy Raymond Hall rapes Brune in a coffee shop toilet but is hunted down and kidnapped by the lovers and Bruna’s former “family” of sex-slaves. In one of the massive, cathedral-like arches under the Brooklyn Bridge, Hall is executed in an eerie human sacrifice. Before shooting the rape scene, Lewicki instructed Charles Kurtz. who plays Hall, to tear Madonna’s shirt off when raping her, without telling Madonna beforehand. This heightens the intensity of the scene, which is played to perfection. Lewicki concedes to having had a mild, unconsummated crush on her and recounts one afternoon spent in Battery Park when he ate blueberry yogurt out of her ear. “That woman has more sensuality in her ear than most woman have anywhere on their bodies.” he says wistfully. But he was more concerned with her as an important element in his movie. In his opinion she is a good actress. Not another Garbo, except perhaps in mystique, but gifted. She really does want to act more than make music, he feels. Asked to sum her up, after much thought he concludes simply: “ambitious,” and tells how she seemed happy only when the center of attention, especially on camera. In the letter/resume she sent him, she wrote how drama class was an oasis in an otherwise mostly despised schooling. “For one hour every day all of the megalomaniacs and egotists would meet to compete for roles and argue about interpretation. I secretly adored each moment, when all eyes were on me, and I could practice being charming or sophisticated, so I would be prepared for the outside world.” One anecdote provides a revealing insight: apparently Madonna had already met her leading man, Jeremy Pattnosh, a couple of years earlier on a park bench, but he didn’t remember. Just before filming a key love scene with Pattnosh, she reminded him. Lewicki had already turned on the camera and so recorded it, though not the conversation. When he reviewed the silent footage, he saw a side of Madonna that “you never see, she doesn’t allow you to see. A tremendous vulnerability. She seems to have a tremendous need for approval.” Recently, Madonna, her fashion coordinator, Maripol, and her ex-boyfriend Jellybean went to Lewicki’s apartment to see the movie, which she claimed she liked. She talked constantly when she wasn’t on screen. As she was leaving, she stopped in the doorway and turned to Lewicki. “Well Stephen, f*ck you.” “What do you mean?” he asked. “Well we’ve always had an adversarial relationship and I wanted to keep it up.” Then she disappeared into the New York night, taking her entourage, mysteries and secrets with her.
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virtuosiste · 5 years
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it’s just him, the agent, the stern looks, the need to cry.
and of course, the lack of sounds, the silence.
mentioned: @the-great-and-wonderful-oz​​ @ofzola​​ @rosaliamorais​​ @holdenwoodz @thcyer
Part One ( You. )
Do you have any criminal history? Anything big or small that you want to make us aware of?
the air felt thick, as if made of stone ━pressing in a room made even smaller walls that felt more looming over him than the eyes of father and mother whenever he’d make a small mistake, just like the person in front of him trying to pierce his soul with those eyes as if he was a monster in need of slaying. this was no stage, this was no conference with his parents who really little wanted to know of him unless it was about a new trophy to add ━he was alone in this, and he knew he wasn’t going to deal with anything easily.
remembering how to breathe was becoming harder, and harder.
“ no, i have none. ” it was said immediately, as it was true ━nam inseong, jewel child, nothing to his record indeed as his face, even in all that distress taking away softness from his lips and color to his cheeks, remained pristine and doelike, remained with so much pain in his heart and soul because one of his longtime friends just disappeared without a trace, lost forevermore.
even when the lonely light of the interrogation room almost felt like berating him with its flicker as he just really wanted to let himself shrink away, tiny and useless and disposable so easily.
How have you spent the few weeks back at college? What have they been like?
and if the first question felt just right with the situation, the second jarred so much against it, lacking of the proper flow that made inseong blink for a moment, confused, not really knowing what to say ━blinking a few times before actually shaking his head, attempting to give himself some semblance of relaxation, albeit fictitious. there was no hope, no relaxation, actually ━there was no way his nerves wouldn’t stop being tense and his shoulders stop sulking no matter how harshly he tried to stiffen himself up. there was no way things were going to be back the way it was, that was a fact everything of himself needed to accept as fast as possible, or it was going to be the end of him.
“ ah, it was fine, a-actually. as fine as one in this si-situation can be, of course. i have been busy with practicing as i’ve been planning to take part on some big c-competitions ━and of course returning to college means m-more things i have to focus, which is nice ! i’m not a fan of lazying around... if i do i start getting a-all frantic and jittery and stuff. ” god that was the most awkward chuckle ever. “ i have started band as well. i just━am trying to remember how it f-felt before. ”
Part Two ( Daisey. )
How did you know Miss. Rutherford? What was the nature of your relationship?
the moment of ease was stripped away as easily as one would strip away an aching tooth ━sudden and sharp and bringing inseong back to an earth he didn’t want to walk through, back to a reality where yes, college had started and competitions were right at the corner, but also daisey died and he was being looked at as a suspect, just because he knew her, because he was seen with her somewhere. “ we grew up together. ” it was admitted with a little bit of nostalgia in his words, an awkward curl of chapped lips, unsure if such an information was going to bring him on top of the suspect chart but alas ━he was a shit liar anyways, and even if he was a good liar he just couldn’t, when it was about someone close who just got murdered.
murdered. it was even so hard to think of that word, of how close now it felt, more than ever.
“ our families’ manors are next to e-each other, and we used to spend t-time together and play together ━with daniel too. of course. we all decided to take separate ways in terms of studying, b-but we were all friends, talked and spend time together, even if it wasn’t like when we were kids, of course. ”
Do you remember where you were the night Daisey went missing? If so, where were you? What were you doing? Who were you with?
“ i was attending oz━i mean, la-langston lamar’s party, with everybody else. i admit i’m not a fan of big loud parties, but since it was a friend hosting it i was like, ‘why not?’ ” honestly he’d say, the golden child, whose hands were held in a grip as he tried to remember the party, the amounts of alcohol he’s drank ━he shoudln’t have, he really shouldn’t have━, the way people screamed and danced and was having fun and those who were next to him. a fun he never really got, but he was just the same age as them all, attending the same school ━seeking the same thrilling fun at least once before he’d truly end up regretting never trying before.
“ i was nearby the dj set ━with the other guys of the band. we were speaking with the dj about music and about some remixes we were i-interested in listening, since the dj said those were made by themselves. ” the interest in music still remained, vivid in the eyes of the boy that still looked so genuine, awaiting for a nod to continue his spiel. “ then i saw zola and i spent most of the time with her too. she’s too a good friend of mine, and she’s nice to talk to. we had some drinks, chitchatted, looked around at people doing party things, nothing much, really. ”
Did you notice anything strange about Daisey’s behavior the night she went missing? Did you notice anything suspicious about anyone else you ran into that night?
“ a-anything strange? ” it had to force his memory a bit more, but there was something he had seen, something that he clearly had some say in it and that maybe could help finding something ━eyes wide, mouth pursed, rabbitlike child just wanting to prove himself and the world he was a good boy, that he really was and there was no reason to hurt him like that ( for once, selfishly ).
                               remember remember remember remember.
“ i was a bit tipsy and definitely tired as expected from having a party with friends, but-but i remember seeing daisey around 1AM while i was out trying to take a breather, i believe? she was leaving with s-someone i really couldn’t tell who they were, i couldn’t tell any features because it was dark ━they left to-together and i just thought it was some other friend of hers, it wouldn’t be the f-first time. ” she had a lot of friends besides himself and oz, after all.
Where were you the night Daisey’s body was recovered?
“ i was at home. rosalia can c-confirm, as we live together in the same apartment. ” and he almost wished he wasn’t, but alas ━at home he was, fixing strings of his pretty violin, well convinced he’d have to perform soon when instead it was the air of funeral knocking at his door. he could still remember miss rutherford’s face when asking him where daisey was, if he’s seen her ━of course she’d expected him to know, they played together as children, they still talked, it was natural. but he barely knew where daisey went that night, he barely could hold himself together when finding of her being gone forever.
he still thought he was doing a terrible job at it.
“ i got the news a-and i was heartbroken, agent. she w-was my childhood friend, after all. ”
How familiar are you with the Ashmont woods? Have you been there often? Have you recently ventured out here? If so, why?
his head shook, immediately. the woods, of course they were going to be mentioned ━a place so cursed even to those who didn’t believe in superstition, for it just had an air of horror and dread echoing all within and all around it, surrounding ashmont like a choking grip growing tighter and tighter. inseong never liked it, something in his bones always found revulsion towards the endless natural maze made of branches and dead leaves and hidden pathways ━even now, so far from it, he could almost swear he could hear it cackle.
“ the woods? no, n-never been there ━the closest i’ve been to them was when i was a child, with daniel and daisey, where we wo-would just go there and try to spot squirrels and deers. but we never ventured fu-further, i’ve always been scared of it actually. it always gives me a s-sense of dread. ” like nails caressing his back and being sharp and bony and menacing to tear apart his skin, breath of witches cold against his neck. something in the woods always felt like hunting for blood and he didn’t want to find if it was true or just the nightmares of a very sensitive rich child. “ so i always steer c-clear from there no matter what. ”
Part Three ( the Investigation. )
Do you have feelings towards the investigation? Any comments?
what was he supposed to do? what were they expecting him to say? a person so close to him just died, he and many others of the school got threatened, everything was a chaos and it was in those moments he wished for parents to be there and be supportive ( a dream meant to remain a dream ), envying those with siblings that could watch each other’s back because nam inseong felt alone, so alone, and it was tearing him apart second after second.
and the more time passed, the more whoever now owned daisey’s blog was going forth with their very own brand of witch hunt, and he knew there was nothing he could do to make sure others would be off the list and avoid all the ache and all the paranoia.
“ i j-ust want justice for my friend. i want her to r-rest. ” he uttered, unnecessary to raise his voice when every single syllable echoed within those tiny walls, when there were microphones everywhere even when he couldn’t objectively see them. his own hands trembled ━he’s tortured his shirt enough, he could just let them curl onto each other in a semblance of a grip━, his body felt ready to break down in tears again and he even doubted having more to shed. “ i just really want this to end, agent, i want this to end. ”
Do you have any people you feel the police should look into? Please, let us know who and why.
no. no no no no, it was what the person behind daisey’s hacked blog wanted more than anything, that pointing of fingers and dog eat dog chaos he wanted no one to partake in, because it just felt so wrong in so many levels  ━the widening in his eyes and pallor in his face making him look like he indeed saw a ghost that he wasn’t supposed to meet eyes with, his own stance a bit frantic in his pathetic attempt not to completely start begging to be believed. even movies show that didn’t work most of the times unless you were the tale’s protagonist, and he was none.
“ i don’t ━i don’t think the killer is within us. i don’t know, maybe━m-maybe i saw too many crime shows, ” yes, most likely he did, but netflix was essentially one of his closest friends... depending on how one would consider a streaming site ‘friendly’. “ but i just have the s-sensation that we’re b-being put one against the other, agent, like, on p-purpose. you... you don’t have to believe me, and of course i’m n-not trying to tell you how to w-work, no━━i just think this person is... is not within us. i c-could be wrong, but my guts tell me that. ”
Part Four ( Weekly Events. )
Were you at the football game this Friday? If so, did you notice anything suspicious around the memorial table?
the game that friday was something he wasn’t that much invested to, but he remembered sam just bursting at his door and essentially trying to convince him to go ━he succeeded, inseong’s not that hard to defeat━, giving himself the motivation to go and show support to those band members who were selected to play their loud and brassy instruments as a cheer to the people so excited to watch burly men fighting for a ball... only to then leave when the chaos of the blackout had become too much and he had felt the spirals of panic choking him already. if it was done for his safety, leaving was much more acceptable and less of a thing that could frame him as guilty of something somehow, right? 
even if now sam wasn’t really sam, he didn’t even know who were his friends and what was the lie he had been embedded in like the fool and naive idiot he was ━it was making him sick, so sick, so much wanting to just hide under a table and leave when the world had finally reached its end. “ i was brought to watch the g-game by a friend, as i wanted to show some support to my fellow band members, but i left during the b-blackout because the confusion and the cro━crpwd were making me panic. ” eyes looking down, giving a light brush to his tired wrists, feeling how tense his veins and muscles were. “ i didn’t really notice a-any-nything, i just went straight out because i n━needed air. ”
Do you have any information regarding the arrest of Holden Woods, his character, or any evidence you may be withholding in regards to his case?
the name of holden woods wasn’t exactly one that uncommon around ━a person he’s occasionally seen while hanging out to a pub that had a delicious raspberry flavored irish beer, a person he’s had just a few friendly conversations, a few jokes here and there, but nothing really going from the line of acquaintances to the one of friendship. but outside of that? outside of the occasional nods while crossing college corridors and those bursts of conversations here and there? he knew nothing.
like he knew nothing, in the end, of the people around him. 
“ we were just acquaintances, sir. ” he candidly replied, eyes softly blinking. he truly tried to remember anything weird coming from holden, but besides reminding him to get laid and have some fun, there was nothing weird. nothing intimating murder ━did saying classes were essentially a whole murder count? he himself made those jokes with the band buddies before, did it make him a murderer? “ besides greeting each other when m-meeting at school or outside, none of our conversations went b-beyond regular student talk. ”
Do you have information on the relationship Daisey had with romantic partners in the past? Anything notable about them?
now, that was one messy question. quite fitting the mess he had recently found out ( via others’ complaint, of course ) about daisey’s love life, things he didn’t want to know the details of because ━alive or not━ it wasn’t his business to meddle in. he knew of otto ballantyne of course, daisey’s mom often talked with his mother about how much luck there was in that arranged marriage, but that was it. occasional eavesdropping, and the classical naivetè of a young adult thinking his childhood friend was also having young adult experiences. 
he wasn’t sure if the flock of lovers and people lead on left and right were part of what someone would call ‘young adult experiences’, though. for sure, he and many others didn’t need to be experts in psychology to know it was a mess. “ not really, sir. ” so inseong gave himself some composure after thinking for what he felt like hours ━mere minutes, actually━, legs parting lightly so that he could rest the palms against the warm wood  of the chair, humming a bit. “ i knew of her e-engagement with otto ballantyne, and i knew she had experiences with o-others, too, but i didn’t pry that much b-because i always respected the fact it was n-none of my business. ”
Do you believe that she had any jealous exes? Or anyone else that may have been romantically scorned by her or pursuing her?
“ i mean, probably? i w-wouldn’t be surprised if she had some exes around that weren’t p-pleased of being dropped. ” there was just a shrug after doe eyes blinked in confusion, honestly not knowing about the excruciating details except for what had already been shared with the world around him ━it was daisey’s business, the same private business that now was pretty much of public dominion, and it wasn’t even a sliver of the whole picture. the only one who knew about the whole truth was one, and they had daisey’s blog and ashmont’s secrets in their hands.
he couldn’t help that much, he knew ━he felt sorry already for that.
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