#also who is gonna give my glenn a maggie
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🏏 Pregnant with Daryl's baby when Negan and the Saviours capture your family. You'll do everything you can to protect your partner and unborn child.
pairings : Daryl Dixon x reader
w/c : 2.5k
warnings : mentions of blood, major character deaths (rip Abraham & Glenn xo)
a/n : This is my first story I've written for Daryl, hopefully more to come. As always enjoy reading and thank you for the support!
The lights of the various trucks and cars shone bright upon your group. Seated on your knees between Daryl and Michonne. Heavy breaths left your bitten lips and Daryl placed his hand on your swollen belly to help calm you down. You were around 6 months pregnant with his baby.
You turned your head to the side to stare into his cerulean eyes. A ghost of a smile played on his lips and you returned one of your own. His skin was a pale colour which resulted from the blood loss of being shot. He mouthed that it was going to be okay and you nodded in return.
A man with a moustache took a few steps forward, your group's eyes landing on him.”Let’s meet the man,” he announced before walking towards a van and knocking on the door. A few seconds later a man walked out. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a red scarf and a baseball bat was resting on his shoulder. If you squinted you could see something wrapped around the thick part of the bat. You placed your hand on top of Daryls’ that still rested on your belly.
“Pissing our pants yet?” the man asked yet it was rhetorical. “Boy do I have a feeling we’re getting close. It’s gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon,”. The man sauntered to the middle of your group. “Now which one of you pricks is the leader?” he asked.
“This one” the moustache man said as he gestured to Rick. Your breathing picked up again, afraid of what this man wanted with Rick and with your group. Daryl began rubbing small circles around your belly. If he wasn’t here with you, you’d be a blubbering mess.
“Hi. You’re Rick right?” The man said as he knelt in front of Rick. A few seconds passed and Rick didn’t respond so the man spoke again, he introduced himself as Negan and his group was the Saviors. He wasn’t too happy since your group had killed some of his men. You tuned out a while after that. He and Rick went back and forth but all you could think about was your baby and Daryl. You didn’t want your family to be taken away before you got around to becoming one. 
Daryl hunched further over and you took a firm grip of his arm so he wouldn't completely fall over. You didn’t dare speak to him no matter how bad you wanted to. You were fearful of this man and you had no idea what he was capable of. 
“Give me your shit or I will kill you,” the man announced. The booming of his voice took you by surprise since you weren't completely listening to what he was saying earlier. The man blabbered on some more about the new world order until something he said caught your attention.
“So now,” he paused. “I’m gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you.” A quiet gasp left your mouth and your eyes found Daryls’ again. Negan swung his bat around in an attempt to show it off. “This is Lucille and she is awesome,” he announced. “All this,” he gestured to your group and the Saviors as he spoke. “All this is just so we can pick out which one of you gets the honor,”. 
Negan began strutting towards the opposite side of the semi-circle. He paused when he was in front of Carl. “Shit kid, lighten up. At least cry a little.”. He chuckled as he walked further up the line, now stopping in front of Maggie who was also pregnant but experiencing some complications. “Jesus, you look shitty” he commented as he took in the state she was in. “I should just put you out of your misery,” he added. Glenn was quick to his feet, running to Maggies’ aid when he was stopped by a blow to his stomach. He fell to the ground groaning. 
“Nope, get him back in line,” Negan demanded. Glenn was dragged back to his spot. “All right, listen,” Negan spoke while pacing back and forth. “Don’t any of you do that again. I will shut that shit down,” the man swung his bat around again and you flinched. Daryl noticed and you could feel him staring at your side profile. You didn’t dare look in fear of drawing attention to him.
He continued down the line and you snapped your eyes shut when he stopped in front of you. “What do we have here?” he snickered. Your eyes opened at the sound of his voice. He was gesturing towards your belly with Daryls’ hand placed firmly on top. You looked up at the man. He had a shit eating grin plastered on his face and suddenly you felt like you couldn't breathe. 
But he turned around and stalked back towards the center of the group. He gave a low whistle. “I simply cannot decide,”. He was acting like he enjoyed this. He chuckled before he spoke again. “I got an idea,”. He walked back towards the opposite side of the circle. 
He pointed the bat at Eugene. “Eenie,”. Next was Carl. “Meenie,”. Then Aaron. “Miney,”. Sasha. “Mo,”. Rick. “Catch,”. Maggie. “A tiger,”. Abraham. “By,”. Michonne. “His toe,”. You. “If,”. He paused on you, giving you a once over before moving on to Daryl. “He hollars,”. Rosita. “Let him go,”. Then finally Glenn. “My mother,”. He stalked back over to the start of the line and pointed the bat at Eugene once again. “Told me to pick the very best one and you are..”. The bat landed on Abraham. “It,”. 
The bat was in front of Abrahams’ face as Negan began to speak again. “Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boys’ other eye out and feed it to his father and then we’ll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry.” Negan inhaled. “Hell, you’re all going to be doing that.”
The sound of the first crack of the bat was piercing. There were screams and cries around you but all you could do was remain silent as tears rolled down your reddened cheeks. You felt paralyzed.
“Ho ho,” Negan laughed. “Look at that, taking it like a champ,”. You dared a peak at Abraham, blood was pouring down his face. Daryl locked his fingers with yours. “Don’t look Y/N,” he pleaded. You looked down at your lap, your free hand resting on your stomach.
“Suck my nuts,” Abraham stuttered out before the bat came down onto Abrahams’ head again and again and again. Until everything went silent.
Negan chuckled again. He turned towards his men. “Did you hear that? He said suck my nuts,”.  His men erupted into laughter. Negan swished his bat around, blood splattering on the ground, on Ricks’ face and on your baby bump. Your mouth agape, you stared down at the crimson liquid that started to soak into your lilac tank top and onto your bare skin. “Oh my goodness, look at this!” Negan shouted happily. “You guys look at my dirty girl,”. He tsked. 
He stalked towards Rosita, placing the bat in front of her face. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight but quickly lowered her eyes. “Sweetheart,” he began, “Lay your eyes on this,”. Rositas’ eyes didn’t budge from where they had settled on. Negan was growing agitated. “Oh damn. Were you together?” Negan asked but Rosita still didn’t budge. “That sucks,” he added. “But if you were, you should know there was a reason for all this. Red and hell, he was, is and always will be red,” he spoke emphasizing on the ‘red’. ”He just took one or six or seven for the team! So take a damn look,”. He thrusted the bat in Rositas’ face.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Daryl shifting on his knees, preparing to get up. Panic rose in your chest and your mouth moved before you could stop it “leave her,”. Your voice was meek and you weren't sure he heard you until his footsteps grew closer to you. You looked up just as he squatted in front of you. Your eyes made contact and a wicked smile grew on Negans’ face. “Well hello there,” he spoke, his voice a lot softer than before. 
You gulped and felt Daryls’ hand on your stomach again. Negans’ eyes followed the movement of Daryls’ hand and he scoffed. “Don’t tell me this piece of shit is the father. He’ll ruin that baby,”. Before you could even register Negans’ words, Daryl was up and already punching him in the face. “No,” you yelled as a few men grabbed Daryl and dragged him to the floor. You went to get up but Michonne grabbed your arm, keeping you in place. 
Daryl was laying on the ground with a mans’ arm around his neck. He was grunting and breathing heavily. His eyes locked on you while a man named Dwight held Daryls’ crossbow to his own head. “Do you want me to do it? Right here,” Dwight asked Negan. Negan looked up at you as he grabbed a handful of Daryls hair and pulled his head back slightly. Daryl hissed in pain. “No. No you don't kill them, not until you try,” he answered. 
“Please let him go,” you whimpered. Negans’ grip on Daryl released and he sauntered over to you, kneeling once again. Daryl was thrashing and kicking on the ground, trying to get out of the Saviors’ grip but they didn’t budge. Your eyes drifted back to your bump once again. You were afraid to look at this man. He had just killed your friend with no remorse. Now he had your love pinned to the ground, his fate falling into Negans’ hands. All your fates in Negans’ filthy hands.
Negans’ grimy, gloved fingers gripped your chin tightly and angled your face so your eyes fell on him once again. His thumb gently caressed your cheek and it sent goosebumps down your spine. Not the good kind either. “You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he stated. You swore you could see a tinge of pink on his cheeks. “You really think he’s worth it?” he asked you. Your eyes hardened and you answered back with no hesitation “yes,”. He shook his head at your answer. “You’re stupider than you look,” he announced. “You can come back with me, be one of my wives and raise the baby in a safe environment, Together,” Negan suggested. Your response was to spit in his face. He closed his eyes while wiping his face.
He stood up and took one more look at you “sweetheart that was a bad idea,”. He motioned for his men to drag Daryl back in line. When he was next to you again you grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips, placing a gentle kiss to his palm. 
“Now I already told you people, first ones free then what'd I say? I said I would shut that shit down!”. Negans’ booming voice made you curl into yourself, shielding your stomach since you didn't know what was to come. “No exceptions. Now I don't know what kind of lying assholes you've been dealing with but I’m a man of my word. First impressions are important, I need you to know me,” he stood right in front of you as his speech spilled from his lips. “And sweetheart,”. You looked up at him. “Your actions have consequences, so back to it,”. The bat was raised above his head and your eyes squeezed shut as you waited for it to make contact with your head but it never came. Instead the bat came down onto Glenns’ head. 
The scream that escaped from your throat hurt. Glenn was your first friend since the apocalypse. You two spent endless hours chatting. He knew everything about you and vice versa. He was your best friend. 
 Glenns’ last words were for Maggie. You hid your head in Daryls’ good shoulder as sobs racked through your body. Your group was paralysed as Rick was whisked away to the van with Negan. It felt like hours before they came back out. Negan was trying to get Rick to surrender and conform so he had Carl lay on the ground waiting for Rick to chop his arm off. Rick pleaded and begged and Negan told Rick he belonged to him. We all belonged to him.
“Today was a productive damn day,” Negan announced. “Now, I hope for your sake that you get it now, that you understand how things work. Things have changed. Whatever you had going on that is over now,”. Negan paused his movement. “Ah, Dwight load him up,”. Your eyes snapped to Negan then to daryl. “No! No,” you yelled, grabbing onto Daryl as Dwight pulled him off the ground. You were pulled to your feet as well, your fingers locked with Daryls’ and neither of you letting go. 
“Don’t take him! Please,” you begged. You felt arms snake around your waist and roughly separate your hand from Daryls’. He was dragged off to a van and roughly shoved in the back, the doors slamming shut when he was inside. You clawed at the hands around your waist. You were thrown to the ground. The wind was knocked out of you and you gasped for air. You felt a hand grip your hair and force your head back. Negans’ mouth was in line with your ear when he spoke “If you want to try something, today, tomorrow I will cut pieces off,” he paused and looked around. “Hell’s his name?” he asked. Someone responded with Daryl and Negan was in line with your ear again. “Daryl,” he whispered, to which you responded with a whimper. “I will cut pieces off of Daryl and put them on your doorstep or better yet, I will bring him to you and have you do it for me,” he threatened. He placed a kiss to your hair, lingering for a few seconds longer than necessary. “I’ll be seeing you,” he promised as he released the grip of your hair and stood up. You remained on the ground.
“I’ll leave you sorry shits a truck, use it to cart all the crap you're gonna find me, until then ta ta,”. You rested your forehead on the gravel as all the various trucks started their engines and drove away. 
The tears started to fall not long after that, sob after sob fell from your lips. You felt hands on your back, picking you up so you sat on the gravel. The arms wrapped around you and pulled you into them, comforting you. You cried and cried. Cried for Abraham. Cried for Glenn. Cried for Daryl. You cried for your life and your unborn child's life. You wondered if you would ever see Daryl again. If your baby would ever know their dad. No, you knew you would see him again. You knew he would be here for your babys’ life. You knew it. You'd make sure of it.  Because Daryl was worth it.
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randomgurl2326 · 1 year
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Summary: the one where Carl almost gets his ass beat
It was a sweltering hot day in Alexandria; which means everyone is wearing revealing clothes. Including my dad…not the best sight to see.
For those who don’t know, my dad is Daryl motherfucking Dixon. I know, the redneck of the apocalypse. Clearly the overprotective daddy he is, he does not approve of me wearing revealing clothes, but oh well too bad dear father of mine.
Yes, the leaders son with the right hand-man’s daughter. Some people say meant to be, some say what the fuck. The ‘what the fuck’ one being my dad, my protector, my best friend. But in all honesty he loves me with Carl and that puts a nice smile on my face.
But today everyone was going to hang out by the pond closer to Alexandria. Everyone being my Dad, Rick(who I insist on calling Mr. Grimes), Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, and of course my oh so handsome boyfriend: Carl Grimes.
As I said before, to my father’s chagrin I was wearing revealing shorts, sort of, kinda, totally showing off a little bit of my ass, which my boyfriend was definitely enjoying a little bit too much for my father’s liking, which brings us to now…
“Hey kid, stop starin’ at my daughter’s ass,” this response from my dad to Car staring at my butt caused a lot of ‘oooooo’s from the group. My mouth fell open a little bit and I looked back at daddy and Carl and yell out, “Dad!”
My sudden scream of disapproval from me got a few laughs. Glenn looked over to me and said, “Oh my sweet little Y/N, when will you learn that this will not end.” He trailed off a little at the end with slight laugh, turning back to Maggie.
Carl puts his arm around my waist, and looks down at me with a smile, “Hey, darlin’, he’s right you know, I won’t get over this ass.” At the and of his sentence he grabbed at my ass and I swatted his hand away, grabbing his hat. “You’ll get this back when you learn how to behave, darlin’,” I said mocking his lil’ pet name he had for me since the start.
He pouted a little and said, “you know you love me.” I shook my head with a little laugh and looked down, then looking up into his eye a second later. “I know I do, but if you keep doin’ that my daddy is gonna beat your ass.” He smirked before licking his lips and looking around, “I thought I was your daddy.”
His response must’ve been a little too loud because everyone started laughing, my mouth was open with a dumbfounded expression, and my dad looked at Carl pissed. My dad started coming toward us and I looked to my scared boyfriend and kissed him quickly. “Run, Carl. RUN,” I said while pushing him, encouraging him to book it.
Carl finally ran with my dad trailing close behind him, everyone else laughing. I though Carl was actually gonna make it…until he tripped over a stick and daddy picked him up by the collar and pushing him against the tree.
“Boy, I’m gonna give you two seconds to convince me you should live…”
A/N: I believe this was my first real work I have ever published on Tumblr and please, please, please give me some constructive criticism. Or just feedback in general, that would be greatly appreciated. Also if you want to be added to any taglists for fandoms and/or characters or ask what fandoms or characters I wrote for, or just need to talk in general; I am almost always up, so please feel free to reach out. I love ya’ll.
Taglist: none yet
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ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
Doe Eyes || CH4 - Worth Being Sore Over
See CH1 for warnings! || Chapter list || Masterlist
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        Thirty days had passed. You marked each day in a little notebook, and wrote down a song title for each day. Aside from Beth's occasional singing, you hadn't heard real music in a long time. Music was the thing you missed most from the world before, and you thought it would be a good method to keep music alive. Even if you couldn't hear it, you could remember it. The songs weren't even necessarily songs you likes, just the ones you remembered.
        Day 28 - Don't Fear the Reaper ~ Blue Oyster Cult
        Day 29 - Nights in White Satin ~ The Moody Blues
        Day 30 - 21 Guns ~ Green Day
        You guys had a run to make, so you scribbled your entry quickly and got dressed, grabbed a bite, chugged some water, and did a few stretches. You had learned the hard way how sore you could get doing so much labor with no warm up. So, every day you stretched. 
        The council was wary of you at first. Michonne recognized you from the time the Governor sent you after her with Merle, who you learned some time ago was dead, and she made her concerns known. Brandy stuck up for you, though, reminding them that it was you who hadn't gone after her when you could have. You also reminded them that you were on guard when they broke in to rescue Glenn and Maggie, and you didn't go after them. You asked to prove yourself and you did, taking down seven or eight walkers outside the fence on your own with just a crowbar. It worked, and you got to earn your place. So, when you were called upon to make a run with the group, you didn't protest. 
        Brandy hated it, though.
        "You're really gonna go?" She asked you as you made sure your bag was empty to ensure plenty of space for loot.
        "We've been over it." You shrugged. "Every single time, might I add. This is my job. It's how I earn my keep."
        "There are so many jobs that need done around here." She argued. "I mean, I'm up to my ears in laundry. Why the hell are there only three of us on laundry duty? There are like a thousand people here!"
        "A thousand?" You laughed. "Try again."
        "Details aren't the point! Just stay and do a normal job!" She pleaded.
        "This is a normal job, Brandy." You told her, stepping past her and exiting your cell.
        "No it's not. It's like, betting with your life or something every time you go."
        "Come on, stop being such a drama queen. We haven't had a single incident the entire time we've been here." You sighed. When her glare was unrelenting you decided to lay a hand on her arm and offer her a half smile. "Chillax, cowgirl. We're professionals and shit."
        She laughed at that and shook her head.
        "You better come back in one piece." She scolded.
        "Always do!" You chirped as you skipped away before she could protest any further.
        "Just give it a second." Daryl said after banging on the glass outside the grocery store to lure out some walkers.
        "Okay, I think I got it." Zach announced.
        "Got what?" Michonne asked, walking up behind him. You raised your eyebrows at him, awaiting his response.
        "I've been trying to guess what Daryl did before the turn." He said.
        "He's been tryin' to guess for like six weeks." Daryl complained.
        "Yeah, I'm pacing myself." Zach defended. "One shot a day."
        "Alright, shoot." Daryl sighed.
        "Well, the way you are at the prison," Zach began. "You being on the council, you're able to track.. You're helping people but you're still being kind of.." He trailed off for a second, gathering his thoughts. "Surly." He nodded. "Big swing here... Homicide cop."
        Michonne started laughing, and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh yourself.
        "What's so funny?" Daryl asked defensively.
        "Nothing." Michonne shook her head, still smirking. "It makes perfect sense."
        "Actually, the man's right." Daryl nodded. "Under cover."
        "Come on, really?" Zach asked.
        "Yup. I mean, I don't like to talk about it, 'cause it's a lot of heavy shit, you know?"
        "Dude, c'mon. Really?" Zach scoffed as Daryl turned his head away and smirked a little. He turned his head back to Zach and gave him a look. One of those 'be fucking for real' type looks. "Okay. I'll just keep guessing, I guess."
        "Yeah, you keep doin' that." Daryl nodded. 
        A walker slammed up against the glass, snarling. You scrunched your nose in disgust at its bloated neck and flaky rotten skin. 
        "We gonna do this, detective?" Michonne asked sarcastically.
        "Let's do it!" Daryl said, strutting toward the entrance.
        The group of you cleared the walkers that crowded up inside, hungry for your flesh. 
        "Alright." Sasha breathed. "We go in, stay in formation for the sweep. After that, you all know what you're supposed to look for. Any questions?"
        "Was there any time that you weren't the boss of me?" Tyreese asked.
        "You had a few years before I was born." She teased. 
        You shook your head and smiled at the siblings bantering as you guys filed inside. You pulled your bag off your shoulder and began searching the aisles for hygienic things, like soap, first aid, pads and tampons, diapers, lotions, just whatever. It wasn't long before a loud crash erupted, and you all rushed to find Bob stuck under a shelf of wine. As soon as you all went to help him, walkers started falling through the roof.
        "Uh, we should get out of here." Glenn said.
        A walker fell down on Glenn but he fought it off and shot it. They just kept coming. You looked around frantically, unsure what the next move was. A walker came up on your side and you whacked it once, then twice, and down it went. Thanks, crowbar, you thought to yourself. 
        You decided to just keep taking them down, until someone shouted some order into the chaos. You definitely couldn't leave anyone behind. You noticed Daryl and Zach working to get Bob out from under the shelf, so you hurried over to help. When the weight was lifted just enough, Bob slithered out from under it. Unfortunately, so did a walker, and it took a big chunk out of Zach's leg.
        You all froze, stunned. Thirty days of good luck, and of course you had to witness the first tragedy in a month. The walkers swarmed him, taking bites from anywhere they could reach, including his face. You gagged at the grotesqueness, but ultimately you all had to go and preserve your own lives. You were teary eyed as you all made your escape.
        The ride back was a solemn one. Nobody spoke, and you personally were filled with dread. Who was gonna tell Beth about her boyfriend? 
        "What about Beth?" You asked, clearing your throat first to break the silence.
        "What about her?" Michonne asked.
        "Who's gonna tell her? About Zach?"
        "Me." Daryl grunted.
        "His face?" Brandy asked in horror. She shook her head as she passed the wine you snagged back to you after taking a sizeable gulp. You nodded and tilted the bottle back, chugging a few mouthfuls for yourself. You and Brandy shared a cell, partially for space conservation but mostly because Brandy said it would be just like sharing a dorm in college. You wouldn't know, you never made good enough grades for a college.
        "Yeah, man. It was sick. I can't get the image out of my head, you know? He was just screaming in agony and we couldn't do anything but run."
        "Well, get some rest. We both need it." She sighed. You agreed as you closed the wine and climbed up to your bunk. You didn't get much sleep, though. Your thoughts ran rampant, and you weren't drunk enough to quiet them. You tossed and turned for a while, earning a few complaints from Brandy, but your eyes eventually fluttered shut.
        The next morning you woke with a headache. Brandy was still asleep, so you went and found some instant coffee and made yourself some with room temperature water. No sugar, no cream, exactly how you didn't like your coffee, but at least it was caffeine. You were always more of an energy drink person, anyways.
        You yawned and took a sip, rubbing your eyes. D Block was always quiet in the mornings. You heard shuffling walking toward you but you didn't look up. You assumed whoever it was, they were just as groggy as you. No need for chitchat. That was, until  you heard that familiar guttural hissing. Your head snapped up and your heart dropped.         
        "Shit!" You shouted. "Fuck! What the fuck!" 
        You jumped up, dropping your coffee. Quick thinking wasn't always your strong suit. Your first idea was to throw a chair at them -- the two walkers that were headed straight for you, that is -- but of course in a prison they were all bolted to the ground. Your next closest option was a coffee mug, which did no damage when you chucked it at it's head. That was when you realized it was a familiar head, the kid with the glasses that always followed Carl around.        
        "Shit, man." You breathed. "How'd you die?"
        Gunfire and screams followed shortly after. People filed in with guns as chaos ensued, gunning down walkers and being taken down by them. Rick and Daryl rushed in, so did Carol and Glenn, and eventually with their joint efforts the walkers were taken down. Lizzie and Mica's dad was bit, and Carol tended to him. You searched around for Brandy and found her crying on her cot.
        "The hell was that?" You asked in disbelief as you plopped down beside her. 
        "How did they get in?" She cried.
        "No clue." You sighed. "If it's not one thing, it's another."
        At least I'm awake now, you thought.
        Patrick died from some kind of flu, that was what started it. Now you were all quarantined to D Block, just in case it spread. How funny was it that a common flu could end a life so quickly. Patrick was fine yesterday, and so was Charlie. It killed fast. You and Brandy decided if you were confined to a cell, you'd finish off the wine and play the uno cards you took from the library.
        "Draw four." Brandy gloated triumphantly. 
        "Asshole." You grumbled, pulling four cards from the deck.
        "You know, if I survived all this, just to get taken out by a fucking flu, I'm havin' a personal conference with the big man upstairs when I get there." Brandy said.
        "Oh yeah? What makes you think that's where you're going?" You wondered.
        "And just what is that supposed to mean?" She inquired.
        "Didn't you know? All rich people go to hell." You joked. She rolled her eyes.
        "You're a real sore loser, you know that?" She said. You glared at her. "Uno." She smirked.
        "I'm just sad." You admitted, throwing your cards down. "Thirty good days, and then like ten tragedies within twenty four hours."
        "Yeah." She nodded. "That's a loss worth being sore over."
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cultofdixon · 2 years
I’m right here, sunshine
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Being his girl is everything. He’d do anything for you. But when you stopped going on runs every now and then, he did as well trailing you like a puppy. Doing his best to take care of you even when you didn’t tell him what was wrong at first. Little did he know that his life was gonna change • SFW/ANGST/NSFW • TW: Scars / Injuries / Sleep Deprived / Anxiety / Talks of Pregnancy / Pregnancy & Birth / Terminus
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“Yo! What’re you think you’re doin’” Daryl stops the younger Grimes from getting into the car as Carl pushes his hand off.
“Y/N convinced my dad to let me go on a run. To get an idea of what I’ll be able to do when I’m a little older.” Carl starts readjusting his hat. “Even if I am just another look out for now”
“And where’s Y/N?” Glenn asks before Daryl could even, as the two watch Carl shrug for an answer. Rick told him he could go, not Y/N. All she did was the convincing and Daryl only wanted to know why from somebody who doesn’t know the answer. “Hey, want me to ask Maggie to check on her? Before we head out?”
“Mhm” Daryl nods, going to get his bike set up for the run as Glenn quickly ran to their guard tower to ask Maggie.
The closer Glenn got, he suddenly stopped seeing Maggie talking to Y/N. He wasn’t close enough to hear anything and he wasn’t the type to pry unless he really needed to. But when Y/N locked eyes with Glenn giving him a small smile and a wave before letting him talk to his girl. Maggie couldn’t help but keep her worried expression on her face watching Y/N go before turning to Glenn.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re supposed to be on a run, are you sick? Hurt? Why—-“
“Ok ok. Nothing is wrong with me. But Y/N was switched out with Carl for the run and I asked Daryl if he wanted me to ask you to keep an eye on her…cuz we know Daryl isn’t the type to ask himself yknow”
“‘Course” Maggie laughs a tad as her smile fades. “Keep an eye on him for her then, okay Glenn?”
“Of course” Glenn smiles giving her a kiss then finally left on his way to go on the run.
Y/N not coming meant he can’t keep an eye on her. Can’t check in on her in his silent usual way. Can’t show her what he finds that reminds him of her. So, he’s angrier than usual on that run and the others chose to not get in his way.
Well. Except Carl.
“What exactly do you look for? Glenn has the list of the necessary goods”
“Looking for…more arrows? Makes sense. Could also make’em. Carol and Y/N showed me how to do a specific knot to prevent too much movement”
“Mmm” Daryl turns toward Carl glaring at him to stop but just like his dad. He never does.
Glenn was loading up the car of the stuff he managed to find watching Carl trail behind Daryl like a puppy. This kid was never gonna be a look out. He may be older but he still had that tendency kids have to ask a million things and always have the energy to do so.
“Imagine when him and Y/N finally have a kid, would be trailing him just like Carl” Sasha laughs adding her few things as it clicked to Glenn.
“Uh. Can you go tell them to hurry up while I sweep the pharmacy one last time?”
“Sure man” and as she started walking over, Glenn sprinted to the pharmacy.
“Woulda stop asking me so many damn questions! I’m not a Whatcha call it—Library!” Daryl exclaims getting a laugh from Sasha as she approaches. “What!”
“Nothing nothing. Just funny” Sasha gestures Carl to get for a moment. Leaving the two to whatever Daryl was doing. “Trying to find something for your lady?”
“I’m just curious” She shrugs walking beside him for a moment as Daryl started mumbling to himself that didn’t go unnoticed but he also wasn’t going to start that conversation. “Okay, what’s wrong? I know she was supposed to come instead of the Grimes kid”
“Do y’all normally not go to your partner for the problem? Or what” Daryl frowns thinking something is wrong and Y/N didn’t go to him for it.
“Depends. If you did something, definitely need another opinion before talking it out with you. But anything else. I don’t know. Do you normally react badly or normally? Cuz that can determine if she goes to you—-“ Sasha watches the worry and anxiety get to him just by looking into his eyes. “Daryl, man, I don’t know okay? Y/N talks to you more than anybody else. She probably just didn’t want to go on this run”
“Coulda told me…” Daryl turns away from Sasha after spotting something to quickly get a hold of it.
Once they returned from their run, Daryl felt a bit better spotting Y/N happily waiting for him where he kept his bike. He quickly parked and tried his best not to be too excited around the others when his girl drew closer. Even if she did wrap her arms around his torso and shower him in kisses. Trying to keep the stern look on his face was soon defeated after a few smooches that he just had to return a few to a now laughing Y/N.
Maggie smiles warmly toward them while approaching her man. She gave Glenn a kiss before tugging him aside away from anybody who could be listening.
“I need yea to go back out there for somethin’. Could be later with nobody or on the next run but nobody can know”
“Uh. I think I’m a few steps ahead of you there” Glenn takes his backpack off to show Maggie what he got back there that wasn’t on the list.
“I did not tell you nothing!”
“I know! I’m just assuming here!”
“Shit. Just. Give it to me in our cell, but nobody can gain the suspicion toward them or us. Definitely not us”
“Not yet at least” Glenn teases as Maggie smacks his chest rolling her eyes playfully.
Y/N couldn’t help the smile on her face watching the two for a moment before being pulled back into her own bubble with the love of her life. Daryl started to grumble as he kisses the top of her head a few times.
“Missed yea”
“It was only one run”
“Mhm” He brought one of his arms around her shoulders keeping her close to him. Resting his chin on top of her head. “You were replaced with a chatterbox”
“Carl ain’t that bad…you just have to answer the kid. You know his dad won’t” She rest her head comfortable against his chest not wanting to separate for a second as Daryl didn’t move a muscle knowing what she was doing.
Y/N always loved listening to his heartbeat, even when they weren’t something. She joined the group alone and only felt comfortable with Daryl, something about him made her feel safe. That one time when he found her mentally suffering back in their tent days, he held her and told her to listen to his heart beat.
Take a second and just…listen
And she instantly felt better after doing so.
“Ya feeling alright?” He whispers catching her out of her thoughts, only hearing a ‘mhm’ from her as she kept a hold of him. “You can tell me anythin’ yknow”
“I do, and I’m gonna…when I find the words”
He understands that. Not being fine and not being able to find the right words in expressing that. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to worry even more. Remember…this is his girl talkin’. He already had a level of worry toward her and now this is just adding on.
“You’re starting to worry him”
“Oh am I now? I couldn’t help but notice” Y/N laughs a little pointing out Daryl staring from across the quad of the prison.
Carol couldn’t help but wave and watch him freak internally, quickly turning his gaze away making her laugh herself. “He’s smitten for you and you’re not telling him what’s wrong”
“If I’m being honest…physically, I know…but mentally, I don’t know what to do or say about yeah…”
“Did you…get one?”
“Apparently. Glenn got me one before Maggie could even ask him”
“You are glowing” Carol teases knowing a part of Y/N would want this but with how the world is now how could she? “You shouldn’t have to stress yourself out about it, hun. I’ll keep your man busy for a few minutes and you can go take the test. But I’d go now before he’s willing to knock even me over to get to you”
With a quick eye roll and a squeeze of Carol’s hand, Y/N left the outdoor kitchen they had set up to go do what she needed to do. And just like Carol guessed it, Daryl started to walk over. Given her word, she quickly blocked Daryl’s line of sight until Y/N was completely gone. He whispered out a shit while Carol laughs a bit.
“What? I need your help with somethin’”
“It can’t wait?”
“Nope!” Carol locks arms with the archer and started to walk a bit away from the prison.
Inevitably ending up in the gardens for a good five minutes when Carol turns to the prison seeing Y/N step out.
“Welp. I didn’t need yea”
“What the fuck!”
“Shhhh children live here”
“WE ARE OUTSIDE AND I DIDNT SCREAM IT” now that was heard by everybody who was outside and in ear shot. Y/N couldn’t help the laugh escaping her but more than just her laughter catch other’s attention as she had tears rolling off her cheeks.
Before Rick could even check on her himself, Maggie shot right past him and took care of it. She wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulders heading back inside the prison and letting her have her moment.
How could one have a life from the past, during the hell of the apocalypse?
Y/N didn’t go on the next few runs. Drove Daryl insane but he wasn’t not given some excuse. He believed the first few times with chores being given to her around the prison, or the time she told him she was going to check the traps around the prison with Rick, and obvious times where she didn’t look well enough to go.
Daryl came back from the latest run with a few things in hand specifically for his girl. He parked his bike had expecting Y/N to be waiting for him but when he heard her whistle at him from one of the towers, he knew where to go.
“Rick got you in the watch towers?”
“I asked, and Maggie told him about me collapsing earlier at the fences. Told me to do something that doesn’t require me in the heat or over-working myself”
“You collapsed? Have you seen—“
“Hershel. Yes, just dehydrated…” Y/N closes the door once Daryl got through setting his crossbow down. He didn’t say anything in response to that, but acted on it by giving her his canteen even when she had her own. “I’m fine though…I prom—-“ She stops seeing Daryl take out something from his pack that she didn’t even realize that now would be the moment to talk about it. “…ise….Daryl. Where did you—-“
“Last run we found an untouched pharmacy. Barely nothing but found one of these and just. Yknow…Panicked at the thought of it but had to…get one” Daryl was awkward. Who isn’t awkward when holding a pregnancy test in hand. He didn’t think about the possibility until they did that run and it connected with how Y/N has been feeling.
She couldn’t help it. The tears threatening to spill just from hearing he panicked at the thought of her being pregnant. Well, she is. So now how is she supposed to be okay about it.
“I-I don’t need one…” Y/N frowns feeling a few tears escape making her quickly wipe them away before Daryl could gently take a hold of her face caressing her cheeks. “I found out a few weeks ago…and I’m a-afraid you’re going to leave me”
Daryl wanted to scream. Not because she’s pregnant, but because she thinks he’d leave her for it. He wished he met her before he’ll broke loose. Wished this ever happened. Wish they had this moment without the fear coursing through them of reality as it is now.
When he didn’t say anything, Y/N only continued to cry and tried pulling away but he immediately brought his hands to her waist gripping tight onto her shirt keeping his gaze down as she looks at him. She froze the second she heard sniffles as she carefully brought her hands to his face making him look at her through tears.
“I love you, I won’t leave yea. Ever.” He chokes up on his tears pulling her flush against his chest hiding his face in the crook of her neck. “‘M gonna me a dad…I w-won’t be good at it but—“
“You’ll be perfect…I know you will”
When the flu went through the prison, that’s when everybody found out. Because Daryl would yell at everybody who had symptoms and came anywhere near Y/N. Congratulations of course, but shit was happening and things took priority most moments. Daryl was already over protective of his partner but now it’s at an astronomical level, that when he had to go on a run to get the medicine…he couldn’t stop thinking about the negative possibilities of what could happen to her when he’s gone.
Finding her in her cell, unscathed by the flu…only brought him relief. Daryl quietly approaches her sleeping form lifting the blanket up for him to slide in beside her. Y/N stirred slightly, smiling a bit to him joining her on her cot.
“Everybody okay?”
“Mhm. Got shit in time.” Daryl gently grazes his fingers against her bump feeling her move closer to him the best she could given how big she was. “Clingy huh?”
“Mhm…missed my man”
He couldn’t help the smile that slowly crept onto his face when she said that.
“Missed my sunshine”
“‘M right here” She smiles bringing her lips to his for a short but sweet kiss. “We’re not going anywhere any time soon..”
“Y’all better…” Daryl chuckles a bit kissing her forehead and keeping her close to his person. Not ever wanting to let go…
Then he did…
“We’ll reconnect with everybody again. Promise!”
“You don’t know that” Daryl frowns staring at the fire he made for Beth and him as he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
“DARYL—-“ Y/N cries out to him trying to break from Tyrese’s grasp as he was protecting her from the oncoming gunfire.
Daryl physically froze in his place, feeling Beth tug on him to get out of there while his gaze glued on his girl. He felt his heart break watching her fade from view. He wanted to run through the gunfire and go with her but Beth’s hold on him kept him from killing himself just to give Y/N only a moment left with him.
“Daryl she wouldn’t do good with you dead”
That’s what broke him out of his frozen state to run out of there with Beth ahead of him.
“This place…doesn’t sound safe, Carol. You shouldn’t go in there alone”
“And you’re volunteering? You carrying Dixon Jr? Daryl wouldn’t forgive me or anybody if I left anything happen to you in that place. Besides. You are caring for Judith and Tyrese is taking care of this asshole” Carol frowns watching Y/N try her best to cover up her tears while holding a fussing Judith. “I’ll get them out safe. Do my best…”
“Please…please don’t get hurt, Carol”
“I’ll do my best”
The second Daryl locked eyes with Carol, his anxiety got the best of him but in that moment he felt relieved to have his friend back. Carol grasped onto him the second he brought her into his embrace.
“She’s going to cry even more when she sees you, compared to when I found her” Carol whispers to Daryl feeling him tighten around her as his mind raced with her words. Of course Carol found Y/N, but part of him needed to see it for himself of course…
When the group made its way to the small house, Tyrese stepped out with Judith in hand as Rick and Carl picked up the pace running over to the two. But the small group blocked both his and Y/N’s sight on the other…
Daryl stopped moving like he did back at the prison. Trying to wrap his head around the fact that she’s right there. Y/N couldn’t help the tears that formed and spilled instantly at the sight of Daryl standing there, she didn’t even get far for him to come bolting over taking her into his protective embrace.
“I’m right here, sunshine”
“Please always find me…please”
“Fuckin’ promise”
“When’s the last time you’ve slept?” Maggie couldn’t help but worry for Y/N, given she’s about to be six months and the group had suffered another loss being Beth, Y/N felt the answer was obvious but also that Maggie was the wrong person asking.
“I should—-“
“No, you’re pregnant. Even in this hell you should get rest…and not stress about somebody like me”
“Shut up” Y/N took her hands into hers squeezing them. “If I wasn’t pregnant you’d still say that to me when I have every right to worry and stress about my family. You’re hurting and are allowed to feel everything you’re feeling around me. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere” she rests her forehead against Maggie’s letting her cry in the comfort of her friend.
When the group endured a harsh storm in a barn after a few weeks of traveling, they were hostile and protective of each other when Aaron made himself known to the group.
“It’s a safe place” Aaron says for the millionth time as he turns to lock eyes with Y/N and of course that sparked— “It’ll be safe for your baby, and hers when she gives birth. We’ll keep them sa—-“ he stops when Daryl threatens a knife on him without any protests form the others.
“You think I can’t keep my girl and my unborn baby safe?”
“I-I never said that. Never implied that either. I’m just stating facts that our community is safe within the walls and it’ll be a safe place to give birth in. I-I can’t really stop you from doing what you want to do. But I’ve been watching your group for sometime and know that our community would welcome all of you”
The guy continued to ramble and more for the sake that he wouldn’t get killed. Daryl only removed the knife when Y/N winced a bit to her discomfort signaling him to return to her as Maggie followed his action. It didn’t go unnoticed by Rick and if what Aaron was saying was true, she could be comfortable in this community giving birth compared to a bible story comparison.
When the group arrived to Alexandria and had to surrender their weapons along with taking interviews. Deanna watched Daryl pace around the room not answering a single question as she rises from the couch giving him a stay put look before entering the front foyer of the house gesturing for Y/N to join them. He quickly approached his girl helping her sit where Deanna wanted him to sit.
“Think cuz she’s here I’ll talk?”
“You just did” Deanna laughs a bit turning on the camera as Y/N didn’t like this either, but something kept her from talking.
Daryl did answer a few questions while holding Y/N from behind the chair feeling her latch onto his forearm. He couldn’t tell if it was her anxiety, or if there was more to it.
“Your name is Y/N right? You’ve been with this group since the beginning?”
“Mhm” Y/N took a deep breath looking away from Deanna feeling Daryl’s arms tighten around her. “C-Can I leave please?”
“This room” Y/N shook rising to her feet as Deanna noticed her behavior and it wasn’t entirely toward her. Deanna held her hand out only for Y/N to instantly latch onto it as the other had a death grip on Daryl.
“Hun, is this your first child? and you don’t trust us so you’re trying to keep it together but you are indeed in active labor?” Wow. Two kids under the belt and somehow she’s an expert. But that is indeed what was happening and Y/N didn’t trust anyone except her group, so she was hoping to keep it together until they had a plan.
But the mini Dixon had other plans.
The group scrambled a bit at the situation which only stressed out Y/N and caused Daryl to snap at people. When Deanna got Y/N to the infirmary she called for the resident surgeon at the community, he must’ve helped delivered a kid at least once in the “before”. But the vibes this guy gave off and what he needed to do, made Daryl uneasy.
“You’re gonna what?!” Daryl snaps standing in between Pete and his girl who was growing more uncomfortable in the bed.
“I need to check how far along she is and since we don’t have the machines to do it, I have to insert my fingers—-“
“Oh FUCK no” Daryl grabbed Pete’s collar pushing him back as he held his hands up defensively.
Y/N winces as she sat up glaring at the two in the situation they’re in. “Get Maggie, Daryl please get Maggie”
“I don’t think she’s trained in—-“
“Shut your motherfucking mouth and get MAGGIE” Y/N yells at the two causing them both to panic a bit as Daryl practically tossed Pete out of the infirmary before stepping out himself.
“She can’t do it by herself”
“Y/N isn’t gonna let this fuckin’ stranger anywhere near her and frankly I don’t either—-“
“I have the medical training and from what I’m hearing, she’s the daughter of a vet. May know some things but not enough for this”
“Then walk me through it” Maggie interrupts. “We all know Daryl will cut your fingers off touchin’ his girl. So you’ll walk me through it. Ain’t my first…birth but this isn’t like the first time.”
Pete sighs opening the door for Maggie deciding this is fine. He kept a distance but not too far in case he had to step in. Even if these people were complete strangers to him and he wasn’t entirely that great of a guy, there is an oath in the medical community and he’ll always follow that.
It wasn’t until night when both Maggie and Pete stepped out of the makeshift operating room in the house they were in. Maggie had the biggest smile on her face as Pete walks past carrying the medical waste. Rick grabbed his arm to stop him giving him a concerned look given Pete’s was neutral.
“Is she—-“
“She’s alright.” Pete now noticed all of their attentions on him. “They both are. The dad ain’t, but that’s normal” he pulls away to take care of what he was doing as Maggie couldn’t help herself.
“It’s a girl! She’s perfect and has Daryl’s eyes!” Maggie squeals happily hugging Glenn out of her excitement.
Rick couldn’t help but bring his son into his embrace to the good news as Carl couldn’t help the tears that formed. He was relieved that’s all. None of them were losing anybody that day.
The soft cries filled the room as the little baby in the first clean blanket they’ve seen in ages, nuzzled close to her mother’s embrace and started to calm the second her father gently rests his hand on her little head.
“She’s tiny…” Daryl whispers gently caressing her watching her every movement.
“She’s perfect…” Y/N tried her best to cover up the tears that fell from her face while looking down at the little creation they both were trying their best to physically protect in the small infirmary bed. “Oh what a world she’s living in…” she sobs even harder feeling Daryl shift beside her so that he could take care of her tears gently brushing them away.
“Sunshine…’M right here” Daryl reassures pressing his forehead against Y/N’s as the two kept their attention on the little one. “Not leaving either of you ever…y’all will be safe”
“I know…I just…c-can you just humor me for a second?” She asks hearing him hum as an agreement. “What’s outside the walls…isn’t out there…everything is fine. Normal…I…I knew from the second I locked eyes on you that I fell in love and w-we..met at…”
“At a bar, but I was too chicken shit to talk to yea when you first entered the room” He knew what she wanted in that moment. “To be fair I was with Merle and he’s a pain to deal with. Prob tried hitting on yea but it didn’t go unnoticed even by him the way you looked at me” He brought himself more into the bed so that Y/N could rest her head against his chest listening to his heart beat. “You came out of the bar the second we left, not finding me at first glance but there I was by my bike lookin’ right at yea. Not saying much like usual.”
“You asked me to take a ride with you, and I said yes. Wouldn’t be the first time I would say yes to anything you asked…You loved me when you first met me, when you watched me knock Merle on his ass for one of his comments toward me before you even could, when I fell off your bike trying to drive it myself and you gave me a piggy back ride all the way to the ER to get stitches…you loved me even when my parents didn’t like you at first”
“But they knew when I proposed to yea that they were gonna have to like me. Took them a bit but when they saw how much I loved you and how much you loved me…they knew I would protect yea until the end of time” Daryl readjusted as he brought his arm under the bundle in Y/N’s feeling her move her arms so that he’d be the main support to their baby watching her adjust comfortably, not stirring awake. “Parents wanted a big wedding, we wanted small”
“Kept it small. Had my parents. And Merle” Y/N laughs a bit smiling through the tears as Daryl presses his lips against her temple. “City hall, no rings. Just a promise for forever…you worked on bikes and I worked at a bakery. We made life work just the two of us…then just had so much love to share”
“Didn’t hesitate for a second to have a baby with yea…and hell your cravings were weird and hard to come by but anything to see you smile while you carry this human for nine months was all worth it…seeing her finally, makes up for a lot of the hell the world brings us.” Daryl felt his own tears roll off his face as he did his best not to have them fall on his baby girl. His baby girl. He never thought, even in the before, that he’d be here. Holding the love of his life and his baby girl…he made promises to his family that day. He wasn’t ever going to leave them in any sense without a reason, he was always going to be there even if it meant physically fighting for it.
Daryl snapped out of his thoughts feeling Y/N’s soft touch wipe away the tears that fell. He kisses the inside of her palm before bringing his little one up to his face to kiss her forehead hearing her mumble to said action.
“I’m right here…”
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If shock wanted to be a mom, what would her kid(s) look like?
((So I'll put this answer below the cut for anyone who doesn't wanna see fankid interpretations, but for the record nothing of it is ever gonna ACTUALLY be relevant on this blog it's just my own personal hc stuff for things beyond the canon storyline of this universe.))
So initially some months ago I designed two potential future kids based on both Shock and Rosa, and then I added a third, who I'll introduce last
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Frederica aka Fred is the oldest and is truly the spiritual successor of the mischievous side of the trio, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty and takes a lot after her moms, like Rosa's uncanny ability to hunt things down like they're easter eggs, and Shock's thirst for chaos. But she's not particularly booksmart or a fan of school or wanting to apply herself to succeed, which can cause a bit of friction with her mamas, but they both adore her prankster heart.
Glenn is the second, and he's fundamentally the opposite of his sister, he's very quiet and likes to observe things rather than get involved and he's not one to create mischief or pranks like his sister or his parents and relatives. But his braininess and fondness for books and contemplation will put him in the company of his moms a lot, and especially when he is very little, Shock, or as he calls her 'Maa' will carry him EVERYWHERE, and she admittedly wishes he was a little more stronghearted and tries to toughen him up and help him be independent, but he's a bit of a mama's boy.
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Fred loves to tease Glenn and drag him around to be a second hand in her schemes and games and most of the time he suffers for it, but ultimately they are each other's closest ally and if you mess with one of them, the other WILL make you regret it. Just because Glenn doesn't enjoy pulling pranks doesn't mean he CAN'T. He once managed to send some bullies of Fred running in absolute terror from a prank he pulled in revenge.
And then their dynamic is challenged when a third surprise baby is involved in the mix (theyre all concieved by magic, healthcare in halloween town is wild), introducing Magnolia AKA Maggie.
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Maggie takes after Rosa way more in appearance, and is arguably the cutest of the three, but she makes Fred look tame when it comes to how much she can actually terrorize and destroy, but she's also a lot more bubbly and cheery and loves to mimic everyone in the family. She especially is obsessed with witches and magic and erroneously thinks her mothers are witches because of Shock's halloween costume, and Rosa's apothecary skills, and wants to be a witch SO bad.
The three get handed down the OG trio's masks, and the bathtub, and go on misadventures in town, and cause enough trouble that they make Lock Shock and Barrel's childhood antics look relatively mild.
Lock gives Fred his mask because they have a very close bond and Lock was instantly enamored with his little niece when she was born. She gave him a pretty serious bout of baby fever, and it resulted in him being a chaotic babysitter and her favorite uncle.
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Barrel still remains politely allergic to children, ESPECIALY when Fred was born but they are still warm and caring, and eventually does bond a lot with Glenn over common interests in cooking and music theory. So Glenn gets their mask.
Maggie's fixation with witches almost endeared her to the mask, and Shock let her take it without question.
I have done some concepts of a fourth child who is kind of a spiritual hippie flower child but their design isn't really tied down, and I think their existence is questionable, so for now there's a definite three to carry on the trio's legacy of madness hahaa))
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biggerbetterbat · 9 months
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: Every action has its consequences. Charlie realizes what big burden the last wish of Lori puts on her. She tries to deal with the loss on her own.
Warnings: language, death
Song: Billie Eilish idontwannabeyouanymore
A/N: I had a writer block and tone of exams, but I'm back...I think. This chapter is shit, but I just want to get through this moment in my story. Prison era is one of my least favorite, so it's HARD and I'm struggling. Also I would like to clarify some things to this chapter:
Charlie won't have any romantic situationship with Carl
Charlie likes Maggie!!!!!!! (for now...), Glenn was the problem
So!!! Enjoy, give it love, and let me know how do you like it.
PS. I have NO IDEA if I already used this gif, sorry
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Let me see the baby.
What are we gonna feed it?
We got anything a baby can eat?
The good thing is she looks healthy.
But she needs formula.
Charlie furrowed her eyebrows. Everything and everyone felt so away as if she was standing behind a glass or underwater, or else...maybe she was still in that boiler room. "And soon or she won't survive," was the first sentence she could match to a person. Hershel was talking with Daryl, and the baby was still crying.
"We ain't losing nobody else," the other man said. "I'm going for a run."
"I'll back you up," Maggie proposed without a second thought.
Charlie wanted to volunteer as well, but her mouth just didn't want to cooperate with her brain. She was just standing there with bloody, shaky hands.
"I'll go, too," Glenn said right after his girlfriend.
"Okay, think we're going. Beth," Daryl nodded and stepped aside with the younger girl. Charlie couldn't hear what he was saying but felt his eyes on her as he did, and then he looked over at Carl. He must have said something like keep an eye on them, but would Beth really be a reliable person to give two lives to..."You two get the fence. Too many pile-ups, we got ourselves a problem," he gestured towards the two prisoners."Hey," Daryl touched her arm delicately. "I'll be back soon, okay?"
He saw her eyes wandering around, but she wasn't present.
She was so far away at that moment. Maybe part of her was still in the boiler room, maybe part of her was in the quarry, on the farm, or maybe even in Atlanta. Maybe a small part of her was in her family house, surrounded by her brothers, mom, and even dad. It couldn't be her life. She must be sleeping, because there was no way she could kill a person.
"Charlie, I need you to look at me," he said, but she did what he said after he placed a hand on her cheek. "I'm going for a run. I'll be back as soon as possible. Look over Carl, and don't do anything stupid. Charlie?"
"Okay," she whispered, and after she nodded to strengthen her response. Then she felt his lips on her temple.
"Rick!" Maggie called in fear.
To this moment he was sitting as if he was made out of the stone. He didn't hug Carl, didn't ask how he felt, he didn't even look at the baby. He was too deep in his own loss to even notice how other people dealt with the loss. Now she could only see his back as he was going in the direction of a place where his wife died. She could have let both of them die as it didn't make any difference if the baby was alive. At least then she wouldn't have blood on her hands and guilt in her whole body.
"Come on! We're gonna lose light!" Daryl yelled, snapping Charlie from her thoughts.
Memories of the events were hunting her -the longer it was from it, the more pictures were flashed in front of her eyes. Nothing seemed to wash off the blood she had on her hands, she still felt its weight on her skin, and the smell lingered too deep to get rid of it - even though they had been cleaned for a long time. Charlie couldn't be in the same room as the baby, she couldn't even look at the little girl. Her cry was remembering her of Lori who was screaming in pain, and who was the cause of the pain she was experiencing.
"Are you okay?" she heard a weak question and then felt someone's body next to her.
"I should be the one asking you this question," Charlie said looking at the boy, but the moment she crossed eyes with him, she looked away in shame.
"I don't blame you, you know?" Carl said. "You did what you needed to do. I wouldn't have a sister if you didn't do that. And I wouldn't have a mom either."
Charlie looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Maybe there was a way to save her."
"It doesn't matter," he said.
"It does Carl," she said. "It makes the whole difference in the world. Your mom asked me to do something cruel. She decided for both of us...for all of us. But she died. And we have to live with consequences."
"You can always count on me," he said, nodding his head. "And I won't be a burden. My sister either."
Charlie looked at him in the daylight, with a sober brain. His eyes were puffy and now he looked like the boy that he was. He was scared - just like Charlie, and he was scared that he was left alone with a baby because his dad was gone. Lori took Rick with her, at least some part of Rick - the sane and strong one.
"Come here," she spread her arms and pulled Carl to her body, wrapping her hands around him in a carrying gesture. She wanted to show him support, she would never be his mother or replace one of his parents, but he would always find a friend in her. He started crying into her chest as if she were his pillow, so no one would hear his sobs, and it was only breaking her heart. "I'm so sorry," Charlie whispered into his hair. It was the moment to kill their old versions and let them be gone with Lori. But at that moment they didn't know how big part of them they were letting go; moreover, they didn't know that they would never see each other in the same way as before. Carl would never be the annoying kid, following her around like a lost puppy, and she would never be the girl who felt satisfied by upsetting him. They didn't know that they would be basically one person one day...
It got only worse when it was getting darker, and there were still no signs of Daryl and Maggie, and Rick was still hiding in a boiler room. Charlie saw the looks she was getting the whole day, but besides Carl, no one had enough courage to approach her. It seemed that her friends were giving her much-needed space, and the two prisoners were keeping their distance - as they should because it was all their fault. They should have sent them away without food or water, or just let them die the moment they found them, maybe then...
Charlie swallowed.
The scariest thing was that Lori was alive when she cut her open, so Charlie killed a perfectly fine woman and became a cause of why two kids became orphans. She promised to protect those two, but she knew very well that she had to break the promise. Carl would do whatever he wanted, and her opinion wouldn't matter - especially now, when he felt responsible and in his eyes he was an adult. And she just couldn't look at the baby, so it was impossible to raise it.
"Hey," Glenn almost whispered, sitting next to her.
Awkward silence.
"The baby is doing good," he said. "She's probably hungry, and water is not doing the job, but it's good. She's good. Have you seen her?"
"No," Charlie clenched her teeth. "And I don't care about it."
Glenn opened his eyes wider.
Probably, if they still were on the farm, he would help her or comfort her. But their relations were cold as if they burnt with Hershel's house. She needed her best friend, but didn't know how to break the distance that with each day was growing. Glenn didn't know that either. He knew it was his fault, he became distant and forgot about her, as he had a whole family on his shoulder. But Charlie wasn't helpful either, if she wanted to reanimate this friendship, he saw no sign of it.
"Still no sign of them?"
"I don't know if you noticed, but...T-Dog is dead..." Charlie gasped and her eyes filled with tears again. That's what Daryl meant when he said that they are not losing anyone anymore. "He was closing the gate when they got him. Then they disappeared with Carol."
"Is she..."
"I don't know," he shook his head. "There were too many...And she was alone with T-Dog. She probably didn't make it."
Glenn's intention wasn't to make her feel bad, but she did. If she was feeling like shit before, then now she felt even worse than that. That's why she swallowed a big lump and looked at her friend from behind tears. "Why are you telling this to me?"
"Because I want to show you that we lost more than Lori, okay?" he touched her shoulder. "It was a horrible day and we can all feel it."
"No!" she yelled. "It's not the same. We lost T-Dog. You didn't kill him. I'm feeling this way because your girlfriend couldn't handle it. She made a wrong decision, and when things went south she just cried. And someone had to do it. And if it weren't me then...it's enough that he shot her after. We're not the same! Do you know how it feels to kill someone? No! Do you have any idea what a horrible thing is to feel somebody's hot blood running down your hands? How scary it is when you hear them screaming and then...suddenly... you don't? You have no idea!" she yelled at him. "And I can't stand the baby! Because looking at her remembers me of the killer I am!"
She was looking into his eyes in shock that those words finally left her lips and suddenly something snapped. Charlie started crying so hard that she couldn't breathe, the only thing coming out of her mouth was You don't know and We are not the same. And Glenn was with her through the whole time. Like a true man, he was holding her, listening to accusations, and fighting his tears as his heart was breaking. But one thing that came out of her mouth just shattered his body and soul.
"And you left me."
"I'm here now," he said, but as she kept repeating that he didn't care for her anymore, he pushed her away and shook her by her shoulders. "You left me too!"
Charlie stopped crying and was looking at him in shock.
"You left me, too," he said again. "You kept walking away, wishing to be dead and not telling me. I thought I lost you on the farm, and when I found you on the highway you were not the same. I wanted your support, when I became a source of support for Maggie...and her sister...and Hershel. But you stopped talking to me, thinking that I don't want you anymore. You left me, too."
Charlie swallowed. She never looked at this that way.
"But I'm here now," he said, easing his grip. "And I want my sister back."
It was dark already when Daryl and Maggie were back. Everyone took a breath of relief when Daryl was forcing a bottle with formula between the little girl's mouth. Charlie was sitting on the stairs clutching onto the railing for her life, her instinct was to run as far as she could.
"She got a name yet?" Daryl asked.
"Not yet," Carl shook his head. "But I was thinking maybe Sofia. There's Carol, too. And...Andrea. Amy. Jacqui. Patricia. Or Lori..."
"Better not naming her after the dead ones," Charlie said quietly, but she was heard. Glenn nodded.
"Then maybe Charlie," Carl proposed.
So she could carry a name after a woman who murdered her mother...But Charlie decided to bite her tongue this time and used all of her power to smile. "You will come up with something better."
"I don't know..." Carl shook his head.
"Yeah? Do you like that? Little ass-kicker? Right?" Daryl cooed and Charlie was amazed at how this big and rough man can be so soft for a baby. "That's a good name, right?"
Charlie crossed her eyes with him. Maybe in different circumstances, she would look at him with the baby and think about how it fits him. Maybe she would even think about some alternative world where they have their own kids. But now she saw him as some man who can't make anything better - even though till yesterday she believed he could - with a baby whose mother she killed. And couldn't share the enthusiasm as the rest of the group. So she just backed out, still not being able to be in one room as the baby. 
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smollbean42905 · 26 days
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Better? Better.
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Carl Grimes, son of Lori and Rick Grimes, future soulmate of Aphrodite Hart, and friend of many was at a friend's house. They were playing video games, as usual, when he kept feeling his soul mark in different ways. First it hurt as a bruise quickly developed on his skin, then pleasure as his soulmate stroked their mark and he did it back. Then nothing, but the bruise remained. He stayed for a bit longer then went home after a few hours later. He saw his father wasn't home and that he was missing a flannel. Odd...
Carl shrugs and plops in his bed to read some comics, Michonne found him some new ones that he was excited to read. He pauses hearing the front door open, he goes down stairs, comic in hand, and sees Michonne. He greets her,
"Hello Carl" she smiles softly at the boy she calls her son and he asks her
"Have you seen one of my flannels? It's missing"
"No I haven't, this is the first time I've been back all day" Carl nods as a thanks and goes back upstairs.
Rick watches as Maggie and Glenn help Aphrodite to their house, the girls bag on Glenn's shoulder. Rick decides to head to his own, he's greeted by Michonne at the door. The share a small kiss,
"Guess who we found while on a run?"
"Carl's soulmate"
"Is she here?"
"She's with Glenn and Maggie, her name is Aphrodite and she's Glenn's niece" Michonne looks shocked
"Yup, also she got attacked by another human" he pauses and gives her a look which made her face drop
"So we told her that she can meet Carl when she's back to full health" Michonne nods.
"Carl was asking about his flannel"
"Oh yeah, I grabbed it for Aphrodite. What she was wearing was ruined so we gave her one of Maggie's sports bra, a shirt of Glenn's, and his flannel." Michonne nods again.
Aphrodite was helped into the bathroom by Glenn and Maggie. They were going to try and wash her hair since it felt heavy with blood and it was matted. She sat her down on the floor and laid her head on the side of the tub. Glenn undid the braid and took the bow out. He gave it to Dite to play with again, as he and Maggie worked on her hair. They unmated it and washed it the best that they can, the young girl has to wait a few days before taking an actual shower so this was the best that could be done for now. After an hour her hair was fully cleaned and brushed. They sat her up slowly and Maggie redid her hair to a braid. Her hair, now fluffy and curly, created a fluffy braid that Glenn put the bow back in at the top of the braid and the two adults help the teen up. They go to the living room and Maggie speaks to Glenn
"I'm gonna make us something, any requests?" Glenn shakes his head and Maggie looks at Dite, who does the same as her uncle. Maggie smiles at the two before going into the kitchen.
Glenn sits next to Dite, his arm around her. Dite leans on him as she grows tired again, this is the first time she's felt safe in a long time. Every since the day she had to shoot her parents. Dite curls up the best she can and snuggles against her uncle. Glenn grabs a nearby blanket and puts it over his niece. He holds her close as she slowly falls asleep. Glenn stays awake until Maggie reenters the room.
Maggie comes back after an hour with 2 bowls in her hand, she made some pasta since it was simple and in case Dite was picky she knew she would eat it. Maggie puts the bowls down then goes back for the 3rd bowl and sits on the other side of Dite. She notices the two's position and looks at Dite, noticing she was asleep. She looks at Glenn almost melting at how relaxed the two look and Glenn smiles at his wife. He opens his arms inviting her into the snuggle session. Maggie goes onto the other side of Glenn and leans against his arm happily. She helps Glenn eat while his two girls hold his arms hostage.
Rick decides to go to the Rhee house after a while to check on Aphrodite, he knows the young girl will bring his old son back. The less stoic and more carefree kind, he knocks gently on the door and hears a soft,
"Come in" before opening the door. He enters and closes the door behind him before looking towards the little family on the couch. He sees Dite sleeping on Glenn and Maggie feeding Glenn with a motherly smile on her face. He goes over and notices that Dite's hair looks more clean.
"Hey guys, how is she?" Rick sits on a separate chair facing the family
"We washed her hair" Maggie tells him but is cut off by Glenn
"She was raised to always look perfect. After what happened to her I thought it would help her feel better to have one thing look perfect" The two listening nod at him and take note. Rick sees the girls bag on the floor by the door,
"We found some dresses in her bag, maybe that would help as well and maybe knowing she's wearing Carl's flannel." The couple nods and both look at Dite. The girl was awake, she woke up while Rick was speaking and is staring at Rick.
"This is his?" She picks up a bit of the flannel and smiles softly at it. Her smile only grows when Rick nods. Aphrodite curls up in it and stuffs her face into the soft fabric making Rick smile at the young girl.
"When should they meet?" Maggie asks Rick
"I was thinking of telling Carl about her first, he was asking about his precious flannel apparently, and I'll see his reaction first then we'll go from there." The small family nods at the words.
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Hold on and stay safe ~Carl Grimes x OC~ pt 5
While grappling with the death of his brother in the Woodbury Vs Prison war. Gavin has to learn to live his new life with the people who killed his only living family member. Even once Gavin starts to feel like he was creating a home at the prison things go awry and he's forced to flee on foot while trying to keep a promise he made before it all went to hell. As Gavin wanders the woods and fields alone, he finds his way to a new safe haven, Alexandria. Where he is taken in and cared for, and while those around him try to tell him otherwise Gavin still holds on to hope that his group is still out there. That Carl is still out there.
I do not own any of the characters or plot points that are not my own creations, all credit for those goes to the owners and writers of The Walking Dead.
The story will also have Carl and all others around his age (ie. Enid and Ron) will be aged up slightly so that by the end all "kids" will be 18-19 years old.
Full story on Wattpad
My eyes snap open hearing a loud boom and feeling the prison shake. I fall out of bed and scramble to my feet. "Damn it, the one day I take a nap," I mutter under my breath, grabbing my knife and slipping on my boots with ease from how worn they were. I run out to the main part of the cell block. I see everyone running outside to see what happened. I quickly follow the crowd of people out only to see...the governor? He stood atop a tank, in front of a group of cars and trucks, everyone in sight had a gun of some kind. My eyes search the crowd inside the prison fence for Carl and the others. I see them all together standing by the fence. I ran up next to the group, clutching my fist, trying to keep my hand from shaking. Carl looks over and places his hand over my fist, trying to help calm my nerves. I look over at him, feeling the panic well up in my chest. I look over to see Glenn and Maggie standing together and reach out taking Glenn's hand as well. He looks over at me and squeezes my hand tightly, looking back to the Governor. I follow his eye line, back to the governor's army, I watch in horror as someone drags Hershal out, forcing him to his knees. My heart drops to my stomach like a stone and I instinctively take hold of Carl's hand, watching as Michonne was dragged out as well. My breaths become uneven as we all stand in waiting, watching Rick walk out to the main field. The others in the group began to split off, Glenn letting go of my hand only leaving mine in Carls. The group disperses to man different stations for when things inevitably get ugly. I look over to Carl, his eyes glued on his father. I squeeze his hand once to let him know I'm here. Carl pried his eyes away from his dad for a moment to look at me. I try to give a comforting smile, though not so deep down that I know how this will end. Carl squeezes my hand twice tightly, the silence heavy between us. After a moment I finally speak. "Go stand guard I'll try and round up all the kids and older folks okay? It's gonna be alright." I say, trying to keep my voice from shaking. I turn to walk away but feel Carl grip my hand tighter. "Gavin..." I look back at him, once more trying to keep my voice from stuttering. "What...?" I ask, squeezing his hand once more. "Stay safe..." Carl said, squeezing my hand twice once more before grabbing a pistol from his back and handing it to me. I hesitated for a moment before carefully taking the gun and turning the safety off. "You too..." I say before pulling away, going to round up as many people as I could. As I run back into the cell block I feel a pit sinking deeper and deeper into my stomach. I tried my best to ignore it as I went around, telling all the kids to grab their things and make their way to the bus. I quickly run to my room grabbing a dirty backpack from underneath my bed. In it were a few supplies I had kept in case something happened. In it, I had a few tins of food, two or three matches, and some string. I know I should have given everything I had when we moved over to the prison but I had this even back in Woodbury, It was Josh's idea. As I stood up I quickly grabbed a few other things from my room, nonessential like the book I was reading, a few pens, a notebook Glenn had found for me, and a change of clothes. After that I grabbed the few sentimental I had left, my brother's necklace we had taken off his body when we found him, a broken crossbow bolt given to me by Daryl after I broke it shooting the wall instead of a target, and Patrick's glasses, which were now cracked and had one lens popped out. I wrapped the glasses in a pair of socks and ran out of my cell. A few of the adults were doing a sweep of the prison to find out where all the kids were. They told me not to tell any other kids and to go outside and wait by the bus and that they would handle everything. I nodded and quickly made my way out the back of the cell heading to the bus, clutching the strap of my backpack tightly.
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maremote · 2 years
If i was gonna script doctor TWD S3 so far.
Cut half of the governor's scenes. We don't need to be walked through his deal with Penny. We don't need to know that much about his dealings with Merle earlier in the season. Keep Penny as a character, but have us discover her as Michonne discovers her. This also helps us stay invested in Michonne as she becomes the audience's only source for information about who seems to be this seasons big bad. Also it's just more intriguing to see Michonne reading the diary that says Penny when you don't know who she is.
T Dog lives and gets some kind of plot or development Lmao he's so underdeveloped i don't even have that many suggestions off the top of my head here
Glenn: the conflict between his nature as the guy to come up with a wild plan and volunteer as the front bitch to execute it and his relationship with Maggie is further explored as it was set up in S2. Also we just learn more about him. I think it would be fun if Michonne and Glenn were forced to team up to execute some sort of plan without the help of the others. they have very different strategy styles i think that would be fun.
Also isolating Glenn from Maggie would give MAGGIE a chance to deal with Glenns whole frontman thing and to have some kind of plot with Beth and Hershel to explore their new dynamics in the group, Beths role or lack of role and how she feels about it, their motivations, etc. Then Glenn and Maggie can reunite after a few episodes and be all cute together.
they've been a lot better than everyone else with Daryl and Carol so far which tbh is probably a big part of why they're my favorites lmao
Rick - I don't like Heaven Phone and Force Ghosts i think that's a little lazy and there's more interesting ways to explore the consequences of the loss of Lori and Shane. Like u could give him a whole identity crisis.... so much of who Rick was was formed via dialogue with Lori and Shane whether that's in a collaborative or an oppositional way.... now he essentially has total rule of some extremely loyal people and a kid and a baby like who is this Rick? Because its not S1 Rick. It's not S2 Rick. He needs something to construct a new identity on and what's that gonna be? How's he gonna know if he's being too nice or too evil without Shane and Lori? He has the others but he's their leader theyre not his parallels the way Lori and Shane were. You got all this tasty stuff and the writers went with slo mo hallucinations like ok
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spoilertv · 1 year
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cryptidfoxes · 2 years
pokemon ask game ! for glenn and maggie : wailord, chatot, ditto, luvdisc!!
@selfshipstorm I need you to understand how delighted I am both this ask and the last you sent were for my TWD loves >w<
-Me: 5'3 or 5'4 (I can never remember which exactly 😅)
•Wailord - Who’s taller, you or your F/O? What’s the height difference?
-Glenn: 5'9
-Maggie: 5'7
I'm the shortest of our trio and these two-mainly Glenn when he wants to be a little shit-like to hold it over my head...No pun intended. 😂
•Chatot - Give me a song that sums up your self ship!
I'm a sap and that's all that needs to be said; next slide. 😂💜
So, we're gonna ignore the source media takes place in a Zombie Wasteland for a moment cause the first thing that comes to mind to distinguish us is texing/messaging styles.
•Ditto - If someone tried to impersonate you or your F/O, how would you distinguish the two?
-Me: Idk what it is, but I do not like to shorthand stuff unless I'm in a major hurry; I'd rather write "one" over "1" or "I don't know" over "idk." Stuff like that. Also, as you may be able to gather through my posts, I use a lot of emojis...Like. A lot. So any text these two may recieve from "me" that is full of shorthand and/or not dotted with a thousand emojis may tip them off.
-Glenn: OPPOSITE OF ME. High energy and he's usually pretty busy, especially with his job-delivery boy always going and going. So if he sends anything that can be shortened that isn't, me and Maggie are immediately asking "...Is that him?"
-Maggie: Her's is actually...Simple and sweet? She's not the biggest on PDA, but behind closed doors-and in private chats-she is super affectionate...And big on pet names. ("Love," "Darling," "Honey," ect.) SO. Seeing even one text from her that doesn't call at least one of us by some sweet nickname has me and Glenn basically turning into the Caveman Spongebob meme and "Who are you and what have you done with our girlfriend-"
(I put this one last cause I knew it was gonna be the longest answer 😅)
•Luvdisc - Who fell in love with whom first?
The short answer is I fell for Maggie first and then Glenn.
Glenn fell for her first and then both of them kinda realized "We like Fox." at the same time.
I arrived at the farm a few days before Glenn and the Atlanta crew and was imediately fucking smitten with the eldest Greene daughter. However, not gonna lie, I did some heavy assumptions and sterotyping and just kinda assumed "Yeah. Downhome southern girl. Probably not interested in another girl and family probably wouldn't care much for it either." So, I bite my tongue, content to have a tenative new friend. (Quick spoiler: At the end of all this, Beth is super supportive and Hershel is the defination of "Little confused but he's got the spirit.")
In enters the Atlanta survivors; me and Glenn befriend each other real damn fast. What are the chances of meeting a fellow nerd your age out in the wild in the current hellscape? And if I start to develop a crush...Well, that's my business. 😂 But, when I notice Glenn starting to take an intrest in Maggie, I kinda shy away a little from making a move. When they actually start messing around with each other and developing their relationship, I completely step back.
A little bit down the line, after the big reveal of what's in the barn and after they've started to stablize their relationship, unknown to my oblivious ass these two have a discussion about boundaries and all that important couple stuff, and the topic of "Hey...We both have feelings for our mutal friend." somehow comes up.
Meanwhile. I'm over here off to the side just. "👉🏻👈🏻 They're both really cute and cool, but they're my friends and I don't wanna fuck up our friendship and they seem to already be together and I don't wanna throw a wrench in that and *insert a long ass stream of anxious rambling here.*"
There's a fic-length explanation to what happens next that I should really write one day, but the tl;dr is they basically approach me when I look like like I'm feeling pretty calm and just "So...How do you feel about a polycule?"
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wandyrlust-a · 3 years
gimme apocalypse aus !!!
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
A Close Call
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: While Daryl, Rick, Glenn, Michonne, Abraham, Sasha and some of the other people of Alexandria are out to lead a massive herd of walkers away from your home, something awful is happening behind the thick walls of Alexandria...
Takes place in the beginning of Season Six!
Warnings: walkers, swear words, blood, murder - the usual TWD stuff, fluff?
Word Count: 2,6k
a/n: I have no idea, if this is good or not... 😅 I am currently watching episode four of season 6, so... 😅
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"Are you sure you don't need me?" The man standing opposite me shook his head, taking both my hands in his bigger ones. "Nah. I need ya to stay 'ere with Maggie, holdin' the line." "I can help, Daryl." I protested, tried to convince him to let me accompany him. "I know that. You can fight with daggers, are one of the best shooters 'n - without a doubt - are an indispensable member of this group - fer me anyways. You're my girl - and that's exactly why I need ya to stay 'ere." He said, giving my hands a gentle squeeze. I took a deep breath, but ultimately gave in. He was probably right. "Alright... I'll stay here." Daryl gave me a nod, while I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around his torso, snuggling close to him. His arms came to hold me tight against him. "Take care of yourselves, please... This is fuckin' dangerous." "I know, but we ain't got a choice. Gotta lure those damn walkers away. Don't worry, Y/N. Ya know I got this." I nodded against the crook of his neck. "Come back to me." Daryl let slowly go of me, so he was able to look me in the eyes. "Ya ain't gonna get rid of me, woman." A small smile darted over his face, causing me to smile as well. "Vice versa, baby." I stood on my tiptoes, grazed his lips with mine, before I caught them in a passionate kiss - until the clearing of a throat interrupted us, causing us to split apart. "I don't mean to interrupt..." Started Rick with a smile. "But we should go, Daryl." "M comin'." Rick nodded at his right-hand man and best friend and left the living room of the big mansion again. "I'll see ya later." Daryl said, pressing a last, short kiss on my lips, before he let completely go of me. "Take care!" I yelled after him, still a bit worried. Driving a herd of hundreds - maybe thousands of walkers away from Alexandria with nothing but a good plan, a bike, a car, a barrier and a few people with weapons, seemed quite risky and dangerous to me. But like Daryl and also Rick said... We had no other choice. Either that or more than likely getting overran by the herd. Either losing maybe a few people or getting all killed. It was a decision rodeo - but Rick knew best. If somebody did, then it was him. I just hoped everything go to plan...
The minutes ticked by awfully slowly. I didn't know what to do with myself. I was so tensed, walked from one spot to the next. At one point, I just decided to go outside, take a walk. I was just strolling down the street, when something caught my eye... Fire. A ball of fire - to be precisely. It was over the expansion, we were currently building. A frown spread over my forehead, while I quickly jogged towards the 'site'. Luckily, I wasn't that far away. "Maggie, Deanna!" I called out the names of the two women, who stood in front of the unfinished walls, shovels in hands. They turned around, when they saw me, eyes wide open. "What was-" In that moment I saw it. Another burning bottle of spirit (a/n: I think it was something like that?) got throw, shattered against the metal wall, catching the attention of us. "Richards! What's going on in there?!" Deanna yelled towards the man, who stood on a little observation deck on top of the wall. But before he could answer, one of the burning bottles hit him, causing him to catch fire. Screaming, he fell of the wall. My eyes went wide, shock written all over our faces. Then we heard it... The screaming of people. "What's goin' on here?!" I frantically asked Maggie and Deanna - but they were just as clueless and shocked. Without hesitation, we started to run, past one of the tower guards. Well... The remnants of the tower guard. A truck had been driven into the construction, leaving it destroyed. "Mom!" Sounded suddenly a voice from the side. It was Spencer's. "Oh god, Spencer!" Deanna ran immediately towards her son. Maggie and I followed her, after exchanging a short look. "We need to get inside!" Said Maggie, slightly out of breath. I nodded approvingly. "Maggie's right. Whatever is going on in there, we need to help." But Deanna shook her head. "I can't go in there. I don't have a gun. I don't know how to fight. If I go inside, I'll just be another person who's got to be saved. Best thing I can do for everyone in there is to stay out here." Maggie and I exchanged another look. "Keep her safe." It was an order for Spencer, who nodded. "I will." After leaving Deanna in safety with Spencer, Maggie and I got inside - and what we saw, was something we never wanted to see. Houses got broken into, people were laying on the streets, dead, brutally murdered. Crimson red blood ran over the asphalt like water. We were attacked. I looked at Maggie, who was just as shocked and struck as I was. We carefully sneaked around the houses to the next crossroad. "Best we split up. You go left, I ahead. We need to protect those people. They have no idea how to defend themselves." I nodded and pulled out my daggers. "Alright." "Be careful." "You too, Maggie." And so, we parted ways...
A few miles away from Alexandria, was everything going to plan for Rick and the rest of the group, to lead the hundreds of walkers away from their home - until a sudden noise blared through the air, catching the attention of Rick, Michonne, Glenn, Heath - and the back half of the walker herd. It sounded like the horn of a truck...
"What the hell is happening?" Heath asked Glenn, jogging over to him. "It's a horn or something..." He looked around, frantically witnessing, how the walkers turned around and headed straight for the woods they were hiding in. "It's pulling the back half off the road. Oh god..." Rick ran over to Michonne. "Whatever that is, it's far." Michonne started. "It sounds like it's coming from..." "Home." Rick finished her sentence with horror.
A few minutes later, the group found themselves running through the woods, away from the danger lurking behind them - with the horn still blaring in the background. This was definitely not how it should've gone. It was getting massively out of hand... Suddenly, Rick's walkie-talkie came to life. "Rick!" It was the voice of Daryl, who was on his bike, driving beside Abraham and Sasha to lead the herd away from Alexandria. "I'm here!" Rick panted. "What's goin' on back there?" "Half of them broke off. They're goin' towards Alexandria." Abraham had heard Daryl's and Rick's conversation, of course. "Towards you?" He asked over his walkie-talkie. "We ran ahead. There's a horn or something loud, comin' from the east. It's not stoppin'!" Daryl frowned. "From the east?" "Yes. Sounds like it's comin' straight from home." From home? Daryl's heart skipped a beat. "I'm gonna go gas it up, head back." "We have it. You keep going." The answer from the policeman came straight back. "They're gonna need our help!" Daryl demanded, but Rick wanted them to stick to the plan. "Gotta keep the herd moving." "Not if it's goin' down, we don't!" "The rest of that herd turns around, the bad back there gets worse." Daryl clenched his jaw, said nothing. Of course they had to keep the herd moving, but what if Alexandria was in danger? Another thought hit him, what caused his heart to sped up again. What if Y/N was in danger? He couldn't stand that thought. What if she needed him? He couldn't let the woman he loved just die! "Daryl!" Rick's voice ripped the man out of his thoughts again. "Abraham and Sasha can keep the herd movin'! 'M gonna go back! Y/N's there! I won't just stay 'ere and leave her, hopin' that 'm not going to find her dead when we return – or the others! For whatever reason that horn is blarin', it's nothin' good!" He literally yelled in the little device, which was attached to his vest, before turning it off. "I know, Daryl! But we have a plan! We need to stick to it! Y/N can defend herself very well, we both know that – just like the others!" Rick didn't get a response. "Daryl?" No answer. "Daryl?!" Nothing. The policeman clenched his jaw. "Damnit!"
"Ya guys keep 'em movin'! Imma head back!" Daryl told Abraham and Sasha, who were sitting in a car, driving beside him. "But Rick said-" "I don't care! You'll make this alone! I trust ya guys!" With those words, the archer drove off.
Daryl sped down the empty streets, heading straight for Alexandria. From afar, he already could see, that the gate was open - not a good sign. An uneasy feeling came up in his stomach, radiating through his whole body. He parked his bike a bit aside in the woods, hiding the vehicle and sneaked up towards the gate. Before he slipped through the gap in between the gate and the lock, he unfastened his crossbow. What he then saw, left the archer shocked. Dead people and blood were everywhere. Once again, he felt his heart speeding up, adrenaline pumped through his veins. Cautiously, he moved forward to a pile of dead bodies. It was three men - clearly not from here. Their clothes were ragged, their bodies dirty. Daryl checked on them, not wanting to risk them becoming walkers, but then he noticed that they had been all shot in the head. When he took another look, he noticed something else... The 'W' on their foreheads. He saw that before... And not just once. With a frown, he stood up again and moved further forwards, passing by countless of corpses. The streets were utterly quiet. Too quiet. He didn't see even one of his people. No Carol, no Maggie, no Carl and also no Y/N. Although the coast seemed to be clear, he kept his eyes and ears open, ready to fire his arrows at any time. As soon as he got closer to his and Y/N's small house, his steps got bigger and bigger, and in no time, he found himself running.
My heart hammered against my ribcage, as I carefully claimed the small stair, leading to mine and Daryl's house. It was the last one for me left to check, if it had any intruders - and to my sheer horror, I had to recognise, that the main door was ajar. There was clearly someone inside there. Carefully, to not make a sound, I entered the house and sneaked on tiptoes down the hall, back pressed against the white wall. Desperately, I clasped my daggers in my hands, trying to calm my nerves down and slow my breathing. The first room I checked was the kitchen. It was clear, just like the living room and storeroom. After checking those, I slowly sneaked up the stair, biting my lip and clenching my jaw whenever the wood cracked and ached beneath my feet. Arrived upstairs, I pressed myself once again along the wall, checking the bathroom first, then the bedroom. The bathroom was clear, so I moved on. Slowly, I walked through the open door of the bedroom, ready to strike, if I had to. My eyes darted through the spacious room. It seemed clear - but then I saw in the corner of my right eye a short movement in the mirror, which reflected the closet. My heart almost exploded inside my chest, when realisation hit me. One of those crazy, psychopathic murderers was hiding in the closet. A soft, almost inaudible crack behind me, signalled me, that the intruder must've just left his hiding place. "Shit." I spun around quickly, blocking the madly grinning man's strike with both arms - no second too early. His knife almost grazed my cheek, was not even an inch away from my face now.
When Daryl reached his home, he noticed with horror, that the main door was ajar - just like with the other mansions he passed by. "Fuck." He cursed underneath his breath, before storming inside the house. "Y/N?" He swiftly ran from one room to the next, "Y/N?!" but got no answer. But then his attention got attracted by sounds, coming from upstairs. Without hesitation, he ran up the stairs, heading straight for the source of the noises... The bedroom.
The door was closed shut - what Daryl didn't bother in the slightest. The adrenaline, fear and anger coursing through his veins, caused the archer to just kick it open - no matter what he found on the other side of the door. If his heart was going to shatter to pieces or not...
It didn't - but it almost stopped beating. The scene he walked into wasn't a bloodbath, but also not a reassuring one. Y/N laid on the wooden floor beside the bed, a few cuts and scratches on her face and arms. 'Laing' wasn't the right term. She was pinned down to the ground by a man, not allowing her to move an inch. He had the blade of a knife pressed dangerously close against her neck, softly grazing the sensitive skin there. Y/N had both her hands on his arms, trying to hold him back with all her strength from cutting her throat. Daryl felt anger flooding his system once again and the urge to protect what was his. From that point on, everything happened fast. Without hesitation and before the man could even react, Daryl aimed his crossbow and fired. The arrow hit its target perfectly. The man's limp, lifeless body slumped to the ground, with the archer's arrow drilled through the head. Y/N's troubled Y/E/C eyes landed immediately on Daryl. "Daryl." She breathed out and pushed the body of the man off her, before she stood up and quickly bridged the short distance between her and Daryl. In the blink of an eye, she was wrapped up tightly in his arms. "Y/N..." As soon as he felt her steady breath against his neck, a relieved breath left his lips. "Are you okay? That filthy bastard didn' hurt ya, did he?" He felt her shaking her head. "No. I'm okay, baby, I'm okay..." Daryl didn't say a word, just kept holding her tightly against his broad chest. "Thanks for savin' me." She whispered, causing Daryl to scoff. "Ya ain't gotta thank me. I'd save my girl from everything and everyone, always." Y/N smiled softly at Daryl's words - what he wasn't able to see - and buried her face further in his neck. The archer was more than relieved that he made the right decision and not listening to his best friend. If he didn't come back, Y/N could've been dead - an oppressive thought he couldn't live with. After minutes and minutes of embracing each other, Daryl let slowly go of the woman he loved so dearly. "What happened 'ere, sunshine?" Y/N took a deep breath, shrugging her shoulders. "I-I don't really know, I... They came out of nowhere, from all directions, murdering all the people... Maggie 'n I tried to protect them, helping them..." Daryl just nodded, before he took the shaking woman back in his arms. It was far worse what happened here, than he expected and the man could only hope that Rick, Glenn and Michonne made it to somehow lure the hundreds of walkers away from the remnants of their home.
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Getting You Back
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Febuwhump Prompt - Restrained
Prompt - "You just took the one thing I care most about away from me, that makes me very dangerous and it should make you very scared."
You kept your eyes trained on the floor as you were forced onto your knees, not daring to look up. You missed Dwight opening the van, missed as members of your group were forced out of it and onto their knees beside you. You didn’t look up, you couldn’t look up, not when Glenn called for Maggie, not as Maggie sobbed and Dwight shoved Glenn down.
You didn’t look up, not until Rick nudged you, then you turned to him and watched as he nodded ahead. You let out a sob as you saw a bloody Daryl on his knees, watching you with wide, scared eyes.
You went to stand, not giving a damn about the amount of guns trained on your group, not giving a damn about anything other than getting to Daryl but Sasha saw the move before you could make it and grabbed your arm. She held you tight enough to bruise but it kept you in place even as you fought against her, not taking your eyes off Daryl.
“Don’t.” She murmured to you, quietly but her tone was hard, knowing that one wrong move was all it would take for you to be killed.
You watched as Daryl shook his head, barely moving it but you caught it and a silent sob wracked your body as you sat heavily back on your knees, body shaking as you stared at him, pleading with him for something, anything.
“Let’s meet the man.” Simon said and your whole body tensed but you refused to look away from Daryl, desperately blinking away the tears.
A man, clad with a spiked baseball bat and a leather jacket stepped out of the RV with a smirk but you refused to look at him, eyes trained on Daryl who looked back at you like somehow his gaze alone could protect you.
“Pissing our pants yet?” The man asked and you scrunched your nose up, trying to hold back tears.
“Which one of you pricks is the leader?” He asked and both you and Daryl glanced away from each other for a second as you looked at Rick out of the corner of your eyes as Simon pointed him out.
You listened to Negan talk to Rick, hating everything about him as you knelt there, hating the sound of his voice but you also knew that if he was talking, he was distracting himself and not hurting any of you.
You could hear Rick’s shuddering breath as Negan told him the new rules, the cocky jackass demanding all of your supplies, letting Rick know exactly who was in charge and letting you all know that none of you were safe.
“You didn’t really think you were going to get through this without being punished, did you?” Negan asked and you felt your blood run cold at the words, eyes shifting from Daryl to the baseball bat he carried. “I’m gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you.” Negan warned as he stared at each of you, swinging the bat around as he introduced Lucille.
You heard Negan talk to Abraham and Carl and then he was crouched down in front of you and you could feel your heart threatening to beat right out your chest as he followed your gaze over to Daryl with a smirk before he took your chin in his hand and gently turned your face so you were looking at him.
You immediately lowered your gaze, looking at the floor instead of at him but still saw the way he smirked.
“You wanna pay attention?” He whispered into your ear, his smirk widening as you shivered. “That your boyfriend over there, that sonofabitch killed a hell of a lot of my men, maybe I should introduce him to Lucile.”
Negan grinned as your gaze snapped up to him, eyes narrowing into a glare as no words were needed to get your threat across, don’t touch him.
“Oh, I like you.” He laughed as he looked you up and down with an approving nod before he stood back up.
He moved onto Maggie after that, laughing as Glenn jumped for him only to be stopped by Dwight holding Daryl’s crossbow to his face. You watched as Negan let the man off with a warning, raising an eyebrow as a tear made its way down your face, certain that Glenn’s outburst would get him a one on one with Lucille.
Negan watched your face change as you looked at him and laughed before he warned the group against any more daring moves.
Your gaze shifted back to Daryl, seeking comfort in his scared eyes. Daryl looked right back at you, a warning in his eyes for you not to look away as Negan started whistling, fear coursing through your whole body as you nodded at him, hating that it felt like time was about to run out.
“I simply cannot decide.” Negan told you all and you hated that he was getting what he wanted as the tension and anxiety continued to consume you and you desperately wished to be by Daryl’s side. “I got an idea,” He said before the bat was pointed in Rick’s face, then Maggie’s, then Abraham’s, then Michonne’s.
Your heart stuttered as he pointed it at Daryl, using it to turn Daryl’s face away from you and letting it linger there before he moved onto Sasha, Aaron, Carl and then you, continuing down the line before he finally stopped, you and Daryl staring at each other with matching fear as tears slid down your face.
“Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy’s other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start.” He warned before he brought the bat down and people around you screamed.
You choked out a sob, feeling vomit burning your throat as you watched the bat continue to thud down on Abraham. You continued looking towards Daryl as the tears poured down your cheeks and Daryl swallowed heavily as he took in the scene, hearing the noises and Negan’s enjoyment.
It took everything in Daryl to stay knelt down, knowing there were too many guns trained on your group, knowing that Negan wouldn’t give him an opening to get to you, to get you as far away from him as possible. Right now Daryl would give anything for you to be back home.
Then Negan started grinning and laughing, waving the bloody bat around, first in Rosita’s face, then Michonne’s, then Maggie’s before he stopped at you. Daryl watched as the bloody bat was ran along your cheek, leaving a mix of Abraham’s blood and your own blood that poured from cuts as the barbed wire nicked your cheek.
That’s when Daryl couldn’t take it anymore, that’s when he jumped into action. He was up before anyone even realised, taking two big steps towards Negan and punching him in the face with a grunt before Negan’s men had him on the ground, you crying out as Negan stepped close to him, holding the bat out towards him.
Sasha caught you as you went to stand up, pulled you into her and held you tight as you struggled against her, listening to Negan laugh.
“Stop,” She muttered into your ear, “You’re going to get him killed.” She hated the bluntness of her words but they worked, you stopped struggling and she let you pull away from her, you leaning forward as you cried, your forehead resting on your knees.
“That is a no-no,” Negan exclaimed and you lifted your head slightly, watching him crouch down in front of Daryl, missing the looks Rick and Sasha shot at you, Sasha ready to catch you again knowing that if Negan made one move you’d be up.
She wasn’t going to let him kill you too.
You watched as two of Negan’s men pinned Daryl to the floor and it took everything in you to listen to Sasha, to stay still even though every bone in your body was screaming to move, screaming at you to kill Negan.
“Do you want me to do it?” You heard Dwight say, aiming the crossbow at Daryl’s head.
“No!” You yelled and Sasha barely caught you as you leapt up only to have her pull you back onto the floor.
Negan turned to look at you, grinned as he watched you struggling and fight against your friend and let out a chuckle as he gripped Daryl’s hair.
“Get your hands off him!” You shouted and Negan looked between the two of you before he told Dwight no, shooting you a smile as he did.
You listened to Daryl grunt but breathed a sigh of relief as he was dragged back into the line up.
“I told you people the first one was free, then what did I say, huh? I said I would shut that shit down! No exceptions.” Negan exclaimed but you weren’t listening to him, you pushed yourself away from Sasha again and she let you go, keeping a hold of your shirt as her blood ran cold at Negan’s words.
You ignored the man as you turned to Daryl, Daryl already looking over at you, panting with fear clear in his eyes. You forced yourself to smile at him, it was a terrible attempt as your lips wobbled and tears continued to flow down your face but you watched as some of the tension left him as he smiled back just as badly as yours had been.
Neither of you listened to Negan, not until the sound of the bat connecting with a skull sounded. Daryl’s head snapped over to Negan as did yours, all of you watching in horror as Glenn was killed before your eyes, listening as Maggie sobbed and none of you were able to do anything.
You had to look away, your gaze turning to Daryl who kept his eyes locked on Glenn’s body, flinching with every hit and you knew he was blaming himself. You sobbed as the urge to kill Negan spread through your body, looking away from Daryl and lowering your head and not listening as Negan began to speak again.
“Give me his axe.” Negan said to Simon and you watched as it was passed in front of your face, Negan staring down at Rick before he stood and pocketed the axe for himself before dragging Rick away into the RV.
“I’ll be back, maybe Rick’ll be with me.” He said as he left and you closed your eyes, more tears making their way down your face.
You didn’t know how much time had passed before the sound of the RV coming back drew everyone’s attention but you kept your eyes scrunched shut and head down, not able to look up as Negan and Rick left the RV.
“Get some guns to the back of their heads.” Negan said and that made you raise your head, looking straight ahead.
You took a deep breath and let your shoulders square up, sitting straighter and preparing yourself for what was to come. You glanced over to your right, forcing a smile as you saw Daryl already looking at you, guilt, fear and anger clear across his face.
“Not your fault.” You mouthed to him, watching him shake his head.
“Kid,” Negan said and you watched as he forced Carl over to him, watched as he strapped the belt to his arm and felt sick as Negan forced him to the ground and realised what he was going to do, listening as Rick pleaded with Negan.
You gasped as Negan demanded Rick choose between your lives or Carl’s left arm.
You looked away from the scene, looked towards Michonne before looking past her at Daryl who’s horror was reflected in his eyes.
“Look at me.” He said and you swallowed, not looking away from him as you listened to Rick hand himself over to Negan.
Daryl repeated the words to you, making sure your eyes stayed locked onto his even as he glanced back over to Rick watching as his best friend, his brother, sobbed, begged and pleaded with the bastard. Daryl’s eyes couldn’t keep watching the scene but he couldn’t look away either, his eyes darting from you back over to Rick and Negan every few seconds, shaking his head when you tried to look away just as Rick picked the axe up.
Daryl felt himself let out a breath of relief, tension leaving his body as Negan stopped him from cutting Carl’s arm off. He nodded over at you again and you felt yourself gasp breathlessly, nodding back at him.
“Dwight,” Negan said and Daryl glanced over to him watching as the bat was pointed at him, feeling his stomach drop and he glanced over to you, glad you missed the action as you did as he said, not taking your eyes off him.
“I love you.” He mouthed, watching as your eyebrows knitted together.
“I love you too.” You told him before Negan spoke words that turned your stomach cold.
“Load him up.”
At those words though your head shot over to Negan and saw exactly who he was talking about, not even getting a chance to react before Dwight was pulling Daryl up and throwing him into the back of the van he was brought in.
“No!” You yelled, standing up and running over to him, clawing at Dwight’s back, desperately trying to tug him away from Daryl, screaming and sobbing when you felt a hand grab the back of your shirt before you were thrown onto the floor.
“Get your damn hands off her!” You heard Daryl yell as Negan held you against the floor, roughly holding your hair and chuckling as you struggled against his knee on your back, trying to fight him off of you.
“You people just don’t learn do you?” He asked with a grin, “You really want me to kill another person?”
“Take me,” You begged him, still struggling against his hold despite the fact it was getting you nowhere.
“Best get your hands off her or I swear t’God-” Daryl was still shouting and Negan looked over to Dwight with a sharp look.
“Shut him up,” He said and chuckled as Daryl fell silent whereas you were still pleading with him, tears slipping down your face.
“Please, please, just take me. I’ll do whatever you want, just, just leave him alone, please, leave him alone, don’t take him.” Negan relaxed his grip on your hair, brushing it out of your face and watched you look up at him with wide, pleading eyes.
“Shit girl, you’re almost making me feel bad.” He smiled, his fingers trailing across your cheek. “I like you but I want him, he’s mine now.”
“No!” You yelled, still trying to get his weight off of you.
“Yes!” He shouted back, sick of the group now. “I cannot make these rules more simple, you do as I say, I say he’s mine you smile and say yes Negan. I already let your people off with one warning, do not test me today.”
You watched as the door slammed shut on Daryl’s face and you sobbed as he gestured for somebody to take his place, the man pointing a gun at you as you turned around you were on your back and glared up at Negan.
“Want to try something else?” He asked with a raised eyebrow, “And the answer to that better be no because if one more person forgets my rules I’m going to start cutting pieces off…” Here Negan trailed off, looking towards his second in command. “Hell’s his name?” He asked and you felt anger burn inside of you as you sat up, trying to calculate if you could snatch the gun out of the man’s hand and kill Negan before somebody shot you.
From behind him you saw Michonne shaking her head at you, pleading with you to just let Negan do as he pleased.
“Daryl.” Simon said after a pause and you turned away from Michonne to glare at him.
“Wow, that actually sounds right.” He chuckled and crouched down next to you again, locking eyes with Rick as he spoke, “I will cut pieces off of Daryl and put them on your doorstep or better yet I’ll bring him to you and have you do it for me.”
He turned his head towards you and gave you a grin before he leaned in close, whispering words meant only for you.
“Now I have a feeling you aren’t going to follow my rules so let me be very clear, I will not hesitate to hurt him, you make one move I don’t approve of, his death is on your hands.” He smiled as you turned to face him, so close to each other and he could see the hatred clear as day in your eyes as everybody watched you.
“Go to hell you bastard.” You whispered back, hearing your group gasp and cry as they expected Negan to retaliate.
“I like you.” He repeated with a smile, patting your cheek and standing you.
“I’m gonna leave you a truck.” He told you all, “We’ll be back for our first offering in a week until then,” Negan waved a hand at you all and you could do nothing but watch as they all left, your eyes not leaving the van that held Daryl.
You were going to get him back.
You had too.
Daryl Dixon Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - @lovinnholland, @canadailluminate , @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @classyunknownlover, @cole22ann, @levisbloodcut, @alexxavicry, @mystic-writings, @lizamango, @urbestgrrl, @morganaah, @kaitieskidmore1, @loki-laufeysons-wife, @am-wd-ma, @srhxpci, @jelliebeanss, @black-cat-hardy @fangirl-who-dreams, @fangirl-and-her-fantasies, @mrslizzyolsen, @lolmxria
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whorekneecentral · 3 years
Number 26 (phrases) with rick? Just bc i love to see him all horny and needy muhahaha
Also, there were so many good ones for him it was impossible to choose 😭 this won't be the last time u see me in ur ask box btw, just saying 👀
you’re welcomed to my inbox at any time, my love :)  // prompt 26: “I've never wanted to fuck anyone so badly in my life.” 
Rick sat across from you, the cold breeze of September blowing through the darkness. Everyone sat around the fire, one of the most quiet days you’ve all had in a long time. 
He watched as you shifted closer to Maggie, Glenn on the other side of her. She shifted the blanket onto your lap to cover your legs. 
It was early September where it was still sticky and hot during the day but a drop in temperature at night caused everyone to shiver and try and find warmer clothing for the evening.  
Rick’s eyes meet yours, you smiled at him before he stood. “I’m gonna head to bed but y’all put that out before you head in.” he calls out to whoever was listening, shrugging off the sweater he had on. 
He stops in front of you, crouching down to put the sweater over your shoulders. “Won’t you need-” “I’ve got a blanket. Keep it for the night.” The older man smiled at you, giving your arm a squeeze before getting up. 
Your arms wrapped around yourself, inhaling the scent on the sweater. 
Rick was older than you by at least 20 years, some days the worry and weight of things made it seems like you and he were a million years apart, you both saw things so differently. Sometimes you found yourself watching him from a distance, the way he carried himself commanded respect and that's what he got. He stepped up the moment he got there and took charge of things - plus you can’t help but be a sucker for a man in uniform. 
You wanted to see him once more before you went to bed so you stood, faking a yawn mid stand. “I’m heading in.” you smiled at Maggie and Glenn, everyone else in their own little conversations. 
The wind blew when you walked off, you zipped the sweater up as you made your way to Rick’s tent. You stood outside, part of you wanted to walk away. You could always give him the sweater in the morning right ? 
Rick pushed the material back, “what are you doing in the cold ?” He grabs you hand, pulling you in before zipping the flap shut again. 
“Not like it’s much warmer in here.” you joked, looking around. There’s a little lamp on the corner of the desk and a candle on the other end. 
“What can I do for you?” he asks, sitting on the bed. “I came to return the sweater.” you unzipped it, taking it off and holding it out to the man. 
He shook his head, “keep it. I think I said that, didn’t I ?” 
“Rick, you only have-” Rick stood, taking the sweater from you only to put it around you again. “Looks better on you than it did on me.” his hands on the material, holding either side of the sweater. 
The two of you are inches apart, his eyes meet yours before trailing down your body. As his gaze lowers, you can feel a warmth as it goes - from your face to your neck, down your chest to your torso. 
“I like seeing you in my clothes.” Rick says lowly, stepping closer to you. 
“Why’s that?” 
“It's like I'm claiming you as mine.” 
You look up at the man, there's a darkness in his eyes, a look you know as lust. It's just that you’ve never seen it on him but it suited him, the look caused the familiar feeling of a faint knot. 
Rick’s hands move from the sweater to your waist, pulling you flush against him. He pulls your hand down between the two of you, your hand brushed against the very obvious bulge in his pants. “I've never wanted to fuck anyone so badly in my life.”
“Then do it.” you hum, looking up at the man who was shuffling you back to the bed. 
“As much as I'd love to kiss every inch of your body right now, I need you.” his lips are on yours, the kiss is hungry and rough. Your fingers tug on his curls, pulling him on top of you. 
Rick flipped the two of you, you’re on top straddling him. At some point before that, he had managed to get your shorts off. It only takes a minute for you to full sink on top of him, the feeling of his dick stretching you out took a moment to get used to. 
Your hands on his chest, Rick’s hands gripping your hips as you rocked back and forth. “Rick, please” you breathed, hands squeezing his shoulders. “I’m here baby,” his fingers rubbing your clit. 
Soon enough the feeling of that knot in your stomach appeared, your orgsam washing over you with Rick’s following after yours. 
You collapse on him, his arm wrapping around you and his hand rubbing your back softly. “Guess I claimed you another way, hm?” he joked, making you roll your eyes and laugh. 
“That was so cheesy, do you know that?” 
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biggerbetterbat · 1 year
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: Glenn makes a confession, which brings tension to the group. Daryl gets mad. It turns out that not only walkers are in the barn.
Warnings: character death, language, violence
Song: Gone Too Soon Daughtry
A/N: Hello :) I’m glad that we’re almost done on the farm, so we can enter another act, but prison era is not my favorite to be honest. Please comment, like and share to give me feedback. ENJOY AND SE YOU SOON!
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Charlie really disliked the atmosphere in the camp that morning. Everybody looked like something just ate their insides and made them watch. Rick was in his own world and probably didn't get much sleep last night. Glenn was sighing from time to time, looking from Dale to Maggie as both of them were looking at him from different ends of the farm. Dary, T-Dog, Carol, and Shane were trying to ignore the tension, acting as if nothing was in the air.
And let's not mention Andrea who was accompanying to all of this with the sound of sharpening her knife.
When Glenn stood up, Charlie knew it was going to end up bad. That's why she looked at Maggie and shook her head, gesturing that the secret was not safe anymore.
"Uhm...guys. So..." he said. Charlie was waiting for how he would play it out. She didn't know that he wanted to announce that to everyone, so she didn't know what was the plan. "The barn is full of walkers."
He said it straight just like ripping the band-aid off. It was like the axe that was hung above their heads all morning was just dropped right on their necks. Charlie put away the food and sighed, not hungry anymore.
It's gonna be a long day...
"You cannot tell me you're all right with this," Shane said as they all were standing in front of the barn.
"No, I'm not, but we're guests here," Rick answered calmly. "This isn't our land."
"Oh, God." he rolled his eyes. "This is our lives, man!"
The doors moved as something that was inside leaned on it and Rick saw it. "Lower your voice."
"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea tried to back up Shane.
"It ain't right. Not remotely. We either got to go into there, we got to make things right, or we just got to go." Shane argued. "Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time..."
"We can't go." Rick interrupted.
"Why, Rick? Why?" he asked.
"Because my daughter is still out there," Carol answered to Walsh, which pulled the wrong strings in him.
"Okay." he scoffed. "Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility."
Charlie opened her eyes wider. Realization hit her right in the face. Shane didn't believe that Sophia made it and he didn't try to find her. Maybe he was doing funny business with Andrea all this time in the woods, but he wasn't trying hard enough to find her.
Another thing is that he shouldn't say things like that to a mother whose child is missing. He could think that, but not say it to her face.
"Shane, we're not leaving Sophia behind."
"I'm close to finding this girl." annoyed Daryl stepped in. "I just found her damn doll two days ago."
Shane chuckled sarcastically. "You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll."
"You don't know what the hell you're talking about," Dixon screamed.
"Man, look," Shane also stepped closer to him. "I'm just saying what needs to be said here. Now, you get a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours."
"Shane, no," Charlie said in a warning tone, trying to calm the cop.
"Let me tell you something else, man." said an even angrier Shane. "If she was alive out there and saw you coming all method out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction, man."
It was too much for Daryl as he jumped, ready to fight Walsh. Maybe a good old punch in the face was what Shane needed to calm down. Maybe. But it wasn't safe to do it right here right now, so Charlie pulled Daryl's shirt- as if it would stop him.
"Back off!" Rick yelled and got in between the two men. "Now, just let me talk to Hershel. Let me figure it out."
"What are you gonna figure out?" Shane asked.
"Enough!" Lori yelled.
"If we're gonna stay," Rick said calmly again. "If we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land."
"Hershel sees those things in there as people." Charlie decided to confess.
"That's what Maggie told me," Glenn added.
"Sick people." Dale backed her up. "His wife, his...his stepson. Yesterday I talked to Hershel."
Shane looked at Charlie with fire in his eyes. "And you waited a night?"
"Oh, I waited a little bit longer." she snapped at Shane. "I thought we could survive one more night."
"And we did." said the old man.
"I promised someone not to tell you and I didn't. It was not my job, anyway." Charlie crossed her arms on her chest in a defensive gesture.
"And I was waiting till this morning to say something, but Glenn wanted to be the one," explained Dale.
"The man is crazy, Rick." Shane tried to make his point. "If Hershel thinks those things are alive...No!"
The barn doors started to rattle as something that was inside found out about dinner arguing just under its nose. Mmm, human flesh. Better than chicken. And with that and Rick's: Just let me think, the fight ended and everyone just parted their ways.
Since coming to the farm there was one place that she visited more than any other. And it wasn't the porch or the rocking chair- which by the way was coming with her if Hershel actually kicked them out. The place was stable. The smell was not her favorite, but what was inside really mattered. The horses calmed her nerves and if there was needed help she was down. Also, it was a little dream coming true for her.
So now it was the same. She wanted to take a breath after the fight that took place just moments ago, but to her surprise, there were people inside. First, she heard the groan and then Daryl's voice. "I don't care."
Charlie decided to hide and listen to the conversation.
"Well, I do," she could hear Carol's voice."Rick's going out later to follow the trail."
"Yeah, well," he snapped. "I ain't gonna sit around and do nothing."
"No," Carol said in a stern voice. "You're gonna go out there and get yourself hurt even worse. We don't know if we're gonna find her, Daryl. We don't. I don't."
"What?" he asked and stopped moving around.
"Can't lose you too," she whispered.
Charlie opened her eyes wider. So it was true then? Carol and Daryl were together? The woman was truly scared about the hunter and her voice was betraying her true feelings. Her heart dropped again. Maybe that's why he didn't want her to go with him that day when he was shot? Maybe he didn't want to give her another reason to be sad.
Then she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard something falling to the ground. She walked out of her hiding spot and saw that Daryl was bent in half.
"Are you all right?" Charlie asked touching his back.
"Just leave me be!" he stepped away and almost made her fall as he passed her by. "Stupid bitch."
Charlie was standing there, looking after him as he was slowly disappearing from sight. "Asshole."
"Don't be mad at him." she heard the quiet voice of Carol.
She looked at her finally.
"He's just..."
"Asshole." she interrupted her. "You are not his mother, you don't have to justify his behavior. He can be worried about Sophia, but we all are. That's on him."
"She's not his daughter," Carol said. "He shouldn't worry like that."
"And how do you feel?" Charlie asked and the eyes of the other woman widened. "You're the true victim. You should throw things."
"That won't bring me back my daughter." Carol smiled sadly and as she was passing Charlie, she squeezed her arm. "But thank you for your care."
So she was still mad. Horses could have probably sensed that because they acted nervous around her. That made her leave the stables and she targeted another place to spend the day. As soon as she left it, she was immediately stopped. "I found you." she heard Rick's voice. "Are you coming with us to look for Sophia?"
"Right now?"
"I have one thing with Hershel to do before we go," he said. "But stay in a visible place. We'll go as soon as I go back."
"Yes, sir." she nodded.
Charlie didn't know any more visible place than the RV, so she climbed there after talking with Rick and looking at the woods and at the barn, thinking about Daryl and Carol, but mostly Daryl who touched all the wrong spots making her this angry. After hours of drinking she felt her bladder almost exploding, so she decided that it was the moment to stretch her bones and walk for a bit, to empty it. It was the exact moment when Andrea entered the car together with Dale, the atmosphere tense between them.
"You see where he went?" Shane asked, storming out of the RV.
Charlie came back to her spot next to Glenn but looked down to see an angry cop.
"Who?" asked confused Glenn, making Shane even more angry.
"Don't even try to shit me, okay?"
"Dale, Glenn." Shane sighed. "Did you see where Dale went?"
"Yeah, he asked me to run and get some water," Glenn answered. "He said he's covering me on watch."
"And he was gone when you got back, huh? And where were you, Charlie?"
"Getting my nails done, of course." she scoffed. "You know Shane, some of us are still living and breathing creatures and from time to time have to go and pee."
"You think he's okay?" Glenn asked.
"Oh. He's fine."
"Why'd he bail then?" he still couldn't understand what was going on.
So you wouldn't tell me which way he went." Shane answered and to Charlie, it was just mad man talking.
"I don't get it." Glenn turned to Charlie.
"No man, you don't." Walsh scoffed and walked away.
"What the hell that was about?" the Asian boy asked in the most confused tone.
"I don't know. I stopped following him since we came here." she sighed. "Men are so dumb."
"Yeah." Glenn nodded and looked away, still thinking about what happened seconds ago.
She was sitting on a railing. watching around, just like the first night. Glenn obviously made up with Maggie as they were sitting next to each other, talking quietly.
"Do you know what's going on?" Charlie asked as she saw T-Dog and Andrea.
"Where is everyone?" she asked back.
"You haven't seen Rick?" Glenn asked.
"He went off with Hershel. We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago." Charlie said to Glenn while pointing to Andrea and T-Dog.
"Yeah, you were. What the hell?" Daryl said angrily, and looked at the faces of people who were supposed to go- Charlie included.
"Rick told us he was going out," Andrea answered.
"Damn it. Isn't anybody taking this seriously?" he asked in an insulting manner. But Charlie was quiet, she didn't want to hear whatever he had to say. "We got us a damn trail," he added, but then he saw Shane walking towards them with a bag full of guns. "Oh. here we go. What's all this?"
"You are with me man?" Shane asked, handing him a gun, which Daryl took. "Time to grow up. You already got yours?"
"Yeah. Where's Dale?" Andrea asked.
"He's on his way."
"Thought we couldn't carry," T-Dog said.
"Yeah, well, we can and we have to," Shane answered. "Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But now we know it ain't," he said and faced Glenn. "How about you, man? Are you gonna protect yours? That's it. Can you shoot?"
Glenn looked so guilty that he bent under a cop's gaze. He didn't want to compromise himself and look like a coward, but holding a gun on the farm felt wrong. Like a child who was told not to eat candies before dinner, but did that anyways.
"Can you stop?" Maggie asked, trying to put some reason in a coo.
"You do this, you hand out these guns, Hershel will make us leave tonight," Charlie said to Shane.
She was talking with Hershel, she and Rick were trying everything to make him change his mind. And now Shane's gonna ruin it with one stupid action. Why did she even care about them?
"We have to stay, Shane," Carl said and stopped when he was right next to Charlie.
"What is this?" Lori appeared out of nowhere, hugging her son.
"We ain't going anywhere, okay?" Shane said. "Now, look, Hershel, he's just gotta understand. Okay? He...Well, he's gonna have to. Now we need to find Sophia. Am I right?" he kneeled in front of Carl. "Huh? Now I want you to take this. You take it Carl, and you keep your mother safe. You do whatever it takes. You know how. Go on, take the gun and do it."
Charlie stood in front of Carl, keeping him away from Shane, shoving his hand away. "Rick said no guns. This is not your call. This is not your decision to make."
"Oh, shit." T-Dog interrupted that scene as he was watching something on the verge of the woods.
If Rick waited just a moment. If whatever he was doing out there took him a little longer, things could have probably ended up differently. But he didn't, so everyone was now running after even more pissed off Shane. She just knew it couldn't end well, especially when Walsh was screaming like that. "What the hell are you doing?!"
"Shane, just back off," Rick warned him, holding a pole with a Walker attached to the end of it.
"Why do your people have guns?" Hershel asked when he saw that some of them were surrounding him with weapons ready to fire.
He looked at Charlie, but she wanted to make it clear that she wasn't involved in this, so she held her arms up. There was no way she would leave the farm. Hershel might kick out the others, but she was not going anywhere.
"Are you kidding me? You see?" Shane snapped. "You see what they're holding onto?"
"I see who I'm holding onto." angry Hershel answered.
"No, man." he shook his head. "You don't!"
"Shane just let us do this and then we can talk," Rick demanded, trying to be calm.
"What do you want to talk about, Rick?!" Shane screamed. "These things ain't sick! They're not people! They're dead! Ain't gonna feel nothing for them cause all they do, they kill! These things right here, they're the things that killed Amy! They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all of us! "
"Shane, shut up!" Charlie yelled at him, a little scared of the man as anger was taking the best of him.
"Hey, Hershel, man, let me ask you something," he said, drawing out his gun and shooting a walker three times in its chest. "Could a living breathing person, walk away from this?"
"No! Stop it!"
"That's three rounds in the chest," he said, ignoring everyone. "Could someone who's alive, could they just take that? Why is it still coming?" he asked and shot again. "That's its heart, its lungs. Why is it still coming?"
"Shane, enough!" yelled nervous Rick.
"Yeah, you're right, man. That is enough." he put a bullet right between the eyes of the Walker. Hershel dropped to his knees. "Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!" Carol gasped. "Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us! Enough! Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now, if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now!"
Shane was acting like a madman. Pacing around, waving his gun, screaming. He ignored everyone who tried to stop him and when they all saw his back, moving towards the barn, they knew it was over. The group probably didn't expect this to happen, as Charlie met the surprised eyes of Daryl. He was making sure that the walker on a pole wouldn't try to break free. Then she looked at shaking Carol, who was standing opposite to her, a couple feet away.
"Take the snare pole!" Rick screamed.
"Rick!" Lori called her husband's name.
"Hershel! Hershel, take the snare pole. Hershel! Listen to me, man, please! Take it now. Hershel! Take it!" Rick was trying to get to the old man who dropped to his knees. He was just watching what was happening. Then Rick turned to Shane. "No, Shane. Do not do this, brother!
It was chaos. Rick yells at Shane, and Lori calls her husband and Shane. Maggie begged them to stop. And the snarling of the walker.
There was a moment of silence before Walkers started flooding out of the barn. So shooting began. Bullets were flying in the air, and everyone started to fire in that direction. Even Glenn moved forward and tried to help the rest of the group after Maggie pushed him and told him to do it. Charlie was watching more and more of them walking out of the barn, growling and trying to get to them, but soon dropping dead on the ground.
"Stop!" Rick yelled.
About twenty Walkers were lying dead on the ground. Some of them were members of Hershel's family- even though they weren't them anymore, they still had their faces, so it must have been really painful for the family. But soon the group was punished for the reckless behavior.
It was quiet for a second, as no more Walkers were inside. Nobody moved, even when they saw a little girl that they tried to find so desperately. It was as if the time stopped until Carol started running forward, crying and screaming her daughter's name.
"Sophia! Sophia..." she cried, but was stopped by Daryl's arms holding her middle. "Oh, no. Sophia."
Charlie didn't even know she was moving with loud banging of her heart in the chest. In front of her eyes, she had a movie of memories with Sophia in the quarry. Doing origami. Making flower crowns. Painting. Listening to school stories. Hearing her laugh after Carl said something silly.
"No." Charlie gasped when Shane wrapped his arms around her. Warm tears ran down her cheek. "No! NO!"
Then she saw the girl's body falling to the ground dead after Rick shot her. All Charlie could hear was the sobs of the mother who was on the ground, still held by Daryl's strong arms. He was trying to calm her down and turn her body away, but she just pushed him and walked away.
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