#also yeah no matter who he’s paired with unless stated otherwise I write Peter as bi lol
lemonpeter · 4 years
Happy to Help
Got the wonderful prompt of Peter teaching Steve about sexualities and gender identities from the wonderful @starkeristheendgame and I hope I did it justice and didn’t mess anything up💕
This is all just fun and fluffy, so please don’t come after me for anything (I can’t imagine anyone would but I’m sensitive today so I want to clarify lol)
Warnings: discussion of sexualities, Peter’s age isn’t mentioned (but he’s an adult)
“Let me get this straight,” Steve started, eyes following the way Peter grabbed his laptop and set it up on the table in front of them.
“Getting anything straight defeats the point of what we’re doing here but go on.”
Steve watched him for a moment, not getting it at first. Then he cracked a small smile. “Oh. Right. I get it.” He shook his head. “But what you’re saying is that things aren’t just...heterosexual or homosexual?”
“Correct, captain.” The younger man grinned at him, pulling up his google slides app and finding the presentation he made. Was it silly and probably overboard? Absolutely. But he figured that maybe some visuals and colorful graphics would help Steve understand it.
He started at the first slide, glancing to Steve as he read the title.
“‘So, you’re new to the gays,’” Steve read out loud, snickering at the title. “Wouldn’t that be derogatory? Calling them ‘the gays’?”
He ignored the picture that appeared, something of himself from one of his PSA’s. He wanted to forget those ever happened.
“I wrote it, so no. We’ll get to things like that later. We’ll start with the basic acronym-“
“Basic? There are more? I’ve heard about the GBLT or something like that, but-“
He stopped himself when Peter laughed a little. “What?”
“Sorry, sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong. Just- the way you said it makes us sound like a sandwich. BLT?”
“Is that not what it is?”
“A sandwich or the order of the letters? Both no. It’s LGBT. And Q+ if you wanna get fancy. The Q and the plus are in the later bits of the presentation if you make it through the first part.”
Steve sighed softly, relaxing against the couch. “I have a feeling this will take a while.”
“Maybe. But you wanted help and understanding, so I’m here. Friendly neighborhood Bi-der-Man,” he joked.
The older man watched him, smiling a bit. “That’s cute. The Bider-Man thing. So you’re....”
“Bisexual,” Peter answered. “The B part of LGBT.” He skipped forward a couple of slides to a pink, purple, and blue flag. “It means I like men and women. Because...I mean, have you seen them?” He joked.
“Bisexual,” Steve repeated, trying the word out. Hearing it described made him feel something. He’d liked men. Bucky, Tony, now Peter. But he’d also definitely felt attraction towards women with Peggy and Natasha.
But was it exactly what he was? He wasn’t sure.
Peter watched him, smiling. “Yeah. And there are some identities that are similar if you want to hear about some of those?” He offered.
The older man nodded, relaxing more as he listened. “Things like it? Wait, we skipped the other three letters.”
“Ah, right. I’ll explain and then we’ll get to the other ones....”
An hour later and Steve was well educated on the LGBTQ+ community.
He had absolutely been confused at first, but Peter’s flags and silly presentation really had helped him understand.
“So....” Peter watched him as he closed his laptop. “Tada?”
Steve looked lost in thought, brows creased and one hand propping his head up by his chin. “How...how do you know? Which one you are?”
The young man shrugged. “It’s a process. Some people just click with certain labels and they just know. Sometimes it takes a lot of figuring out and soul-searching and that kinda stuff.”
“Which was it for you?”
“Well...I always knew I liked both binary genders-“
“Because some people don’t fit into those categories,” Steve offered helpfully.
“Exactly. I knew I liked girls because of my next door neighbor when I was little.” He blushed lightly, shaking his head. Childish crushes. “And then I knew I liked boys when....” oh god. This was embarrassing.
“When what?”
Peter bit his lip. “Ah...this is gonna sound so stupid, but I totally had a crush on Mr. Stark when I first saw him announce about being Iron Man. Because that was just so cool.”
Steve stared at him. “Weren’t you...a child?”
“Yes. I was. But celebrity crushes are totally a thing. And you were one of mine too. So.”
He shook his head, cheeks flushed pink. “Anyways. I just knew I liked both. And then in middle school I learned about bisexuality. And I knew that was what I was. My labels have changed a little sometimes, questioning and all, but bi is where I always come back to. Even if my definition is a little...flexible. It’s okay because it’s my label.”
His label was flexible because of his romantic orientation often differing from his sexual orientation, but he didn’t want to confuse Steve with all that. He could do that later.
Steve nodded, humming. “I think I might be...bi. Like you?” He met his eyes. “But I don’t know. I think I have to be one of the ones that does research. What do I call myself then?”
“A lot of people would just call themselves questioning or queer. There’s the Q.”
He nodded again. “Thank you. For helping me with this.”
“It’s no problem, I’m glad to help. I was a bit surprised when you came to me in all honesty, but I’m happy to help.”
“Of course I came to you. I knew you wouldn’t...treat me like a child or anything. You’re helpful. I’m tired of being treated like I don’t understand anything. You don’t treat me like that, Queens.”
Peter smiled shyly. “I just wanted to help. I’m happy to help any time.”
Bonus, the title slide of the presentation because I couldn’t help myself:
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roseelise · 4 years
Always on my mind // S. Stilinski
Reposting all my writings from @r0s3mm​, my main blog, it is not stolen or plagiarized. All my works on my masterlist are main unless stated otherwise.
Hello! Welcome to 2-h, the back up account of @r0s3mm, I’ll be posting my works on here too until (hopefully) my blog gets restored and if not this will become my main blog.
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader
Word Count: 1477
Author’s note/warnings: events of Stiles’ disparition in season 6, sadness, language maybe ?
Come say “Hi!” Wattpad
I take a look around the dusty and empty room, my eyes searching Mr. Stilinski’s face for any sign that he remembers him. That he remembers his son. My eyes catch, in the corner of the room, a chair with a piece of clothe on it. It’s a burgundy jersey of BHHS’s very own Lacrosse team. The number twenty-four is marked on the front.
My shakings hand reaches for it and when I touch it, a shaky breath escape my lips. Tears on the corners of my eyes, I pull the jersey to my face. I inhale the scent that comes with it. It smells like home. I let my head fall back before I turn to Noah, who looks at me like I’ve gone mad. I hold it against me.
“You- you don’t see it ?” “What I see, is a slightly deranged young woman.” “I think it’s because you’re afraid.” “Of what ?” “Of what it means for you to have a son.” I said tossing the piece of clothing in his direction.
Last second, he catches it and look at me with a pained expression.
“That’s your son’s”
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We were all sitting in Scott’s dining room. Waiting for something that I feel would never come. Suddenly, the door opens, Noah coming in.
“ I have a son. His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember. When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn’t say his first name. I’m not sure why, it pretty much rolls off the tongue, but the closest he could was mischief. His mother called him that until…I remember when Stiles first got his jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart, always. We’re here tonight because my goofball son because he decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body.” He finishes looking at Scott, then me and Lydia.
“I remember,” The emotions are too much for some of us, tears slipping out of Lyds’ and I eyes.
I bite down my bottom lip, a small sob trying to escape.
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I could see in his eyes, through the glass, all the emotions and the memories he seems to remember.
“Scott, try to remember. Anything.” I say, throat shut tight. “At the start of the year, Stiles was trying to find a place for you guys to live after graduation. He said you were getting an apartment together? And I remember saying something to Stiles, something like, ‘it’s not always a good idea to live with your friend, even your best friend.’ Stiles said it wouldn’t matter because you guys weren’t just friends, you guys were more like brothers.” Malia added trying to catch Scott’s attention.
Suddenly, his eyes opens wide and are filling with water.
“What is happening to him ?” I ask to Malia “I don’t know … Where’s Lydia ?” “I don’t know she’s suppose to be back.”
When I look back at my male friend, he has his hands over his head and he seems like he is struggling or fighting something.
“Scott, Scott, listen to me. I think, I think you have to focus on a feeling, good or bad. Try to focus scott!” I say gently.
Malia seems so concern about him.
When we start to hear coughs and hard breathing, we look up to see Scott, his eyes glowing red and his hands are on the glass.
“We gotta get him out of there.” Malia say.
We quickly get him out and immediately his body fall to the ground, but thanks to Malia, he don’t hit it.
“What happened ?” I ask once he starts to wake up. “It was too much. I couldn’t … I can’t do it” “What ! Why ? Scott what did you see ?” Malia asks him. “I saw Stiles, I saw him when we were ten, when we were fifteen and I saw him last christmas …”
My heart clenches when I see all the emotions in his eyes. Malia’s tearing up a bit.
“You need a connection, an emotional connection !” Lydia says when she enters the room. “It’s all about connection? Then Stiles was the first person I connected to in a long time.” Malia adds looking at Scott. “It’s all about a connection, yes but, when I was remembering Stiles, I was also remembering the two of you together.” Scott says looking at me. “What do you mean together ?” I frown as I look around the room. My eyes falling on Malia.
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“I think he meant that you and Stiles had something …” She says as she let her head down. “No. I- We were just friends.” “Don’t lie (Y\N) even with all the shit with Theo, it’s always been you and Stiles.” Malia says.
******************* “We all tried something, (y\n), it’s your turn now.” Lydia says a hand on my shoulder. “I can’t, I can’t do it. I’ve got no super abilities.” “Maybe, but you and Stiles have history. A lot of it.” “Yeah, remember all of those moments where you and Stiles were there for each other.”
Remember …
“STILES ! STILES STOP !” I screamed as he ran out of the school.
He turned around, face destroyed by the tear.
“Hey Stiles, hey what’s up ?” I asked my eyes searching his. “You … you actually know who I am ?” “Of course, Stiles. What is happening ?” “I’m not sure. My dad, Scott, Liam … They all have forgotten me.” “What ?!” “The Ghost Riders … They’re here for me. They’ll take me.”
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“Where are they Stiles ?” I asked the scared boy. “Right ahead. Come with me and run.” He said taking my head.
He took me hand, intertwined our fingers and we started to run to his Jeep. When we got in he immediately locked the doors and tried to start the car. It didn’t work. I looked over at Stiles, his gorgeous amber eyes were starting to be filled with tears.
“(y\n) listen to me.” He took my hands in his. “They’ll take me and you’ll forget me o-” “I won’t. Stiles I won’t” I said crying. “(y\n), you will forget me. But I want you to try and remember. Remember how our moms made us wear matching outfit when we were 8, remember how in freshman year we went to that dance together, don’t forget how we do so well together and that no matter what I’ll- (y\n) please remember that I love you.”
I look up at Lydia, Malia and Scott, tears pooling in my eyes.
“What, what is it ?” “I- I was with him.” I say my voice breaking. “When ?” Lydia asks me. “When they took him. Stiles, I was the last one to see him.” I say my hands shaking.
After a few minutes we felt trembling. The lights were flickering and dust was falling from the ceiling.
“What’s happening ?” Malia asks.
I run to the large door and open it.
“Stiles ?! Stiles can you hear me ?” “He’s not there …” Scott says grabbing my shoulders “I can, I can feel him. He’s close.”
When everything calmed down my friends were looking me with a puzzled expression.
“He was here. I’ve gotta go look for him.” I say standing up and leaving the bunker.
Malia, Lydia and I were in the school’s library trying to wake up Peter, then the Gost Riders were there but since I am the only one without supernatural abilities they told me to leave and I went to hide in the boys’ locker room.
I was on the floor trying to calm down my breathing when the door opened and a Ghost Rider came in, a gun pointing to someone’s head.
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I was hidden behind some lockers, the ghost rider’s back was facing me.
“Go ahead, shoot.” Stiles said closing his eyes.
It broke my heart seeing him like this. I took the gun Scott stole from one of the rider.
“SHOOT !” Stiles screamed, voice strained, as I shoot the monster in the neck.
When he fell to the floor revealing myself, my breathing was cut short, when his amber eyes looked at me.
“(y\n)” he said, his voice almost pleading. “Stiles, I never-” I choked on the words. “Stiles, it’s you, always been you” I said the tears i’ve been keeping in finally falling down. “It’s ok, I’m here. I got you.” He said. “I love you Stiles Stilinski.” I shakily said.
Then, in a very loving manner, his lips were on mine.
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Bad Boy
You can read part 2 here! -> Bad boy 2
Pairing: You x Eric
Fandom: Divergent
Summary: You are an Amity girl who moves to Dauntless and catches Eric’s attention with your wit and sassy remarks along with your strength.
Warnings: None other than cursing I think
A/N:This is my first one for Eric so I hope you like it! My intention is to make this a quite long fic so if I see you like it I’ll keep writing it. Hope you enjoy it!!!
Years. You had been thinking about what faction you would move to for years.
Your mother had died when you were very young, and with her death everything good in your life was gone.
You were born in Amity, and although no one would expect anyone born in that faction to be mean or agressive you had experienced violence from a young age.
Your mother had too, and although her murder was declared an accident you knew otherwise.
From a very early age you had developed interests in matters which didn’t have anything to do with your faction. You would spend the day away from home trying to avoid your father.
You would daydream about what it would be like to leave your faction, leave your father and run away from everything you had known.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like the ideals of your faction, you did, but sometimes they weren’t put to work and you couldn’t stand being there.
People in your faction thought you were a really clumsy person because you would usually show up full of wounds, you had even learnt to cope with the pain quite well.
You always wondered what faction you should choose, what faction would you fit in. The first faction you decided wouldn’t make you happy was Abnegation, you had had enough of sacrificing and not exercising your rights. The next one you decided not to join was Candor because you knew you would lie in order to protect someone, you kept secrets and you were good at it. You didn’t really have trouble at keeping things to yourself and pretending.
You were left with Dauntless and Erudition. You had went to the erudites’ faction everytime you had the chance, you would spend hours learning and investigating. Knowledge fascinated you to no end so you were seriously considering choosing Erudition.
Then there was Dauntless, pure freedom and discipline at the same time. You didn’t really know what drew you to that faction, you just knew it would give you the chance to defend yourself and avoid being treated like your father had done ever again.
You hoped your doubts would be solved in your aptitude test, but your expectations turned out to be  destroyed with the results. Divergent. And guess what? You did fit in every single faction but Candor. Really helpful.
The day before the choosing ceremony you felt like your stomach was about to explode. Your head was a mess and you felt like your brain would melt anytime.
Your father was convinced you’d never dare to leave, you had convinced him you’d never dare to.
You felt like you weren’t in your own body, it was like you walked led by someone else and you weren’t the leader of your actions.
You snapped out of your state when you heard your name being called. You panicked for a second. Only one second.  Then you inhaled deeply and stood up. You weren’t aware of what you were doing, you just walked and placed yourself in front of the bowls. You ran the knife through your palm and located your hand above the bowl full of crystal water, you sighed and just as a drop of blood was going to fall you moved your hand and placed it above the burning fire of Dauntless. The blood made noise as it collided against the rocks.
A huge sigh left your lips as you heard cheers from the Dauntless group. You turned around and walked towards them. As you sat you saw your father staring, his mouth open and his eyes full of rage.
You looked back at him defiantly and after some seconds redirected your stare towards the other next person choosing a faction.
When everything was over your body felt numb, and suddenly everyone started running, you hadn’t felt what you felt at that moment in your whole life.
It was like getting a rock off your chest for the first time ever, like cutting ropes which had you trapped. Your whole body was shaking as you started running.
At that moment you knew you had made the right choice. Freedom to do whatever you wanted, to scream, jump and run.
You saw everyone start climbing and you followed right after, then you saw the train arriving… and it wasn’t stoppig, they were jumping!
You were dumbfounded for a second but realised you had to hurry and jumped in, as soon as you were up you lost your balance and bumped into someone.
“Sorry” you muttered.
“Easy there amity” a boy with dark hair said. You rolled your eyes and when you were about to leave he took your hand to shake it.
“Y/N” you said “nice to meet you”
“Pity I can’t say the same”
“Pity you can’t shut your mouth for three seconds” you said as you turned around.
“I see you already met Peter” a tall girl said.
“Yeah, I just had the pleasure” you said sarcastically.
“He’s a pain in the ass, I’m Christina, and this is Tris”
“So you are from Amity, I dunno which one out of the two of you is worse, Amity or Abnegation”
You smiled but it disappeared quickly as you saw people jumping off the train.
“Emmmm… I don’t mean to worry you but everyone is jumping off this thing”
“Oh fuck” muttered Christina
“Are we supposed to jump???”
“I guess so...” you said as you looked out. “We need to get on that roof, get ready” you said.
“Together?” Christina asked.
“One… Two...”
“Three!” the three of you screamed as you jumped and landed quite painfully on the ground. You felt the rocks cutting your skin and making holes on your clothes but you hurried to stand up and checked on Tris and Christina.
“How was it?” you asked.
“They could have warned” Christina said.
“You wouldn’t have joined Dauntless then? If that’s so you can leave because you don’t belong here” You turned around to see who was talking like that to Christina and saw a blond tall guy. He was definitely handsome… and an asshole.
You had to bite your tongue to avoid replying to him.
You knew Christina was doing the same and after sometime the man’s attention divided among all the initiates.
“I’m Eric, I’m one of Dauntless’ leaders and I’ll be in charge of your initiation. The first thing  you’ll need to do will be to get your ass down there” he said pointing below him. He was on the edge of the roof and behind him was nothing.
“You want us to jump?” the Candor boy from before had asked.
Everybody started talking in an agitated way, you looked around you and neared the edge to see what was down there.
“What Apple Pie are you jumping first?” he said sarcastically.
“You just said you wanted us to get our ass down there right?” he looked at you suspiciously and narrowed his eyes.
“Don’t try to fool me initiate.”
“I’m not, I’m just doing what you asked for” you said as you sat on the edge and gripped the stone. You slowly left your body off the edge and started to balance in order to reach a hole in the wall.
“We don’t have the whole day initiate, why don’t you make this easier and just jump?”
“Because it could be a trap to get rid of the foolest ones first” you said as you gripped a pipeline and started sliding down it. When you thought you were close enough you used your feet to get enough impulse to land in the black hole. You felt like you could fly for some seconds and after that you collided rougly against a net.
Just as you left out a groan someone pushed the net down and your body rolled to the side.
“Congratulations for being the first one to jump, Amity” a boy with dark hair and brown eyes said as he helped you down.
“I didn’t jump” you said.
“Did Eric push you?” he asked shocked
“I climbed down” you said as you looked at your hands which were really dirty after gripping that pipe.
“Well congratulations, what’s your name?” he asked.
“Y/N first jumper!” he screamed and just after that you heard a body hiting the net, it was Tris.
After talking to the boy for longer than expected he shouted she was the second jumper and she walked towards  you.
“Congratulations, you got Eric pretty mad” she said.
“Did I?” you asked worriedly.
“Don’t worry I don’t think he will remember after telling the guys to grow some balls and jump” she said chuckling.
“Hope so” you said as Christina fell on the net.
After everyone had jumped you were forced to walk by Eric and Four, or that was who he pretended to be.
Christina found this pretty amusing as she couldn’t hold back one of her witty remarks.
“Alright, now the ones born in Dauntless are going with Lauren and the transfers are going with Four” Eric said. You were glad he wasn’t the one showing y’all around.
After Four had shown you all the installations and explained you how everything was going to work, you also discovered you could be kicked out of the faction if you weren’t good enough. How nice. You got your clothes and got led to the room you would share. They gave you some time to change and you would have to burn your old clothes after that.
You waited for Christina and Tris to get changed and then all of you burnt your clothes and headed to the place where you’d eat.
Just as you were going to start eating everyone in your table shut up and looked behind you.
“May I help you?” you asked turning around.
“You may hurry the fuck up and follow me unless you want your ass kicked off the faction” Eric said. You quirked your eyebrow as you stood up and followed him.
“That little mouth of yours is going to get you in quite a lot of trouble, pumpkin” he said looking seriously at you.
“I was only being polite” you said looking back at him.
“Don’t play the fool with me” he said putting one of his arms at one side of your head making you put your back against the wall.
“I don’t understand the problem here, I only did what you asked for” you said.
“I’m not threatening you yet. I’m warning you Apple Pie”
“Will you stop calling me that? I’m not in Amity anymore”
“You’re in Dauntless for now, don’t forget it. This year is going to be quite interesting, I wonder who will be out first, the stiff or you sugar.” he said putting his other hand on the other side of your head.
“Be careful. You never know who could get mad at you and kick you out” he said smirking.
“Yeah. It’s hard to figure out who would be capable of such a thing.” you said as his smirk widened at youe words.
“Really enjoyed this small chat, you can got back to eat now that you still can” he said backing off and walking away.
You narrowed your eyes at him hoping that maybe you would develop pyrokinesis right then.
“What was that?” Christina asked as you sat back down.
“Some bad boy façade he needs to put up to scare initiates” you muttered as you played with your food.
“Well looks like it went quite deep” a boy with dark hair told you. “I’m Will by the way”
“Well he can go fuck himself” you muttered “Y/N”
“What about the peace and love thing?” a blond tall guy asked.
“ I’m not in Amity” you answered. “I’m tired I think I’m going to sleep now.”
You headed to your room and dropped on the bed, just as you did you started crying, all the tension, all the worries you had been holding back had left only to be replaced with new ones, you muffled your sobs against the pillow and tried to stabilise your breaths.
“Miss mummy and daddy Amity?” You heard Peter’s voice say mockingly behind you.
“Mummy is dead and daddy a sadistic son of a bitch so I’d say no” you said staring at him, and your voice came out so steady you coulnd’t believe it.
He looked like he didn’t expect that answer. He opened his mouth several time as if he intended to say something.
“Don’t bother” you said as you rolled back on the bed.
“Do you want to come to train?”
“I planned to after everyone fell asleep.”
“Good idea” he said.
“I didn’t say you could come”
“I think you are going to need my help.” he said.
“Everyone seems to think they know me and my future so yeah. Wake me up when you want.” you said as you covered your body with a sheet.
“y/n wake up” a voice whispered in your ear as someone shook you.
“I’m up, I’m up” you said holding back a yawn.
You stood up silently and followed him through some corridors.
“Training hasn’t even started yet” you muttered.
“You want to be the best one, and so do I” he answered. You just nooded.
Peter opened a door and you walked in a huge room.
“What do you want to start with?” he asked.
“Punching bags”
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