#also yeah there are More Reasons but this is long enough as it is jfc
could you speak more to the point you made about seals in your post about moo deng? i see a lot of videos of seals at aquariums and want to know like, bad things i should be looking out for. thank you for your thoughtful writeups!
Thank you for your question! It's just a pet peeve I've had about people "dog-ifying" seals so they ignore a lot of behaviours that are indications of stress or aggression. And as long as it's memeable the facility's conditions aren't questioned.
Like this:
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That water is absolutely filthy and belly slapping (unless it's a cued behaviour) is a threat display. But these videos seem to still be considered acceptable meme content...
A lot of "funny seal videos" are of unsafe wildlife interactions, like divers allowing seals to chew on their gear or people letting their dogs chase and interact with seals. Because seals appear more dog-like and is cute, they are more "meme-able".
A big example of this is Neil the seal, a juvenile elephant seal demonstrating a disturbing level of habituation towards humans and, as he's grown up, is also showing signs of hormonal aggressive behaviour towards things like traffic cones, in preparation for future fights against other elephant seals for territory.
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Because he's become a meme though, no one is taking his behaviour seriously and people get way too close to him, despite it being illegal to do so. He shows aggression towards to authorities trying to move him off the road and away from danger as well.
Marine mammal experts had to stop sharing his location so people would stop tracking him down to shove a camera in his face for their viral videos
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His aggressive displays are still laughed off as "Neil just being silly and having fun" - but it won't be funny when he's a full grown elephant seal male body slamming cars and fences down. He has been relocated several times and continues to come back because he's been habituated so throughly by the locals.
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That's a threat display. He's not a dog. jfc. This guy was even hosing Neil down with water, which was reinforcing enough that he kept coming back.
Remember who else got lots of memes for being so "iconic"?
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Yeah.... Poor Freya. She just was looking for a place to haul out and rest and people wouldn't leave her alone.
But the reason why I feel this is similar to Moo Deng, is because she's also having stress and threat displays distilled to "haha she's so mad" memes.
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lol it's so funny how mortified she looks..... probably because she's a baby being constantly poked, chased, prodded, picked up, hosed and harassed when she should be hanging out with her mother in peace.
Neil is showing threat displays and aggression, but being ignored and memed into obilivion.
Seals are unfortunately more vulnerable to social media hype, as well as any animal the public deems as cute and "marktable".
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taexual · 6 months
Ara you're actually trying to kill me, I'm sure (also this is a long one, I'm sorryyy)
he collapsed back onto the pillows and buried his face in his hands, a ridiculous smile spreading beneath his fingers as his heart continued to race in his chest.
Pls we're twinninnng, this is me reading your series btw, the definition of giggling and kicking my feet at its finest
Also, me thinks that Joon and Maggie deserve their own altar each, I love them, with him casually saving their asses and talking some sense into oc as he should, and Mags representing each of my thoughts, like
“That fucking loser,” she said. “That massive fucking piece of shit. Fucking good-for-nothing rat. Motherf—”. “Yeah, Mags,” you interjected, knowing she might not stop for a while.
Let’s kill him”. “Or, you know,” she added in response to your and Luna’s expressions, “let’s beat him up. That’ll work, too.”
I have never felt this represented in any form of media, let her continue please, Sid just keeps pissing me off and she deserves to take her frustrations out, preferably on him in a very violent way, maybe even with a brick or a chair, idk
You ended up watching each of the boys leap over the threshold of the door for no reason whatsoever, just to see who could jump the farthest—until Jungkook smacked his head right into the top of the door frame.
This has happened irl, I have no doubt about it. And I have to say, I absolutely love the way you portray the guys in the series, obviously we don't know them personally and never will, but as far as the persona each of them maintain for the public and what is shown in the media, this feels accurate and warm somehow, without engaging too much in the stereotypes, or forgetting that they're humans despite our (and the world's) expectations. I'm always glad to find writers like you to keep this thoughtful and respectful approach, even when it comes to fiction <3
Pouting, he walked over to you after everyone else had finished laughing and left. You fixed his hair, trying to bite back your laughter, and he pulled you into a hug.
Jungkook was about to object—you couldn’t remove your hands from his skin so abruptly, there was a certain procedure you had to follow to ensure he could still breathe when you were no longer touching him.
Stop it right now, this section made my heart EXPLODE, they're so mf cute, I'm so aloneeee jfc, like if you look up the word 'simp' his photo is showing up, there's no discussion
Still, he paused again by the door, giving you one last overly dramatic nod over his shoulder as if he were in a spy film. Then he left with a triumphant fist in the air after finally earning a chuckle from you.
Their banter has me squealing again, but who's surprised, honestly, this is like the 92828 time I say this, but their. dynamic. is. everything. to. me. I cannot stress enough how heartwarming it has been to see them allow themselves to express those feelings with time, so proud of my children :c
Stopping, you looked around warily until you finally spotted Minjun’s head peeking out from behind the corridor wall.
OH HEY BOO, I'm glad we're seeing more of his role here, and the entire interaction with Jude was uncomfy yes, but it brought us answers, some pity for him ngl, aswell as excitement for their plan, and it reenforced my admiration for oc, bc what a good person she is. I'm not surprised in the slightest about Sid letting his closest friend(pet) die, and I hope he rots in hell, alone and bitter while my babies live and love freely :D
Luna noticed the slight commotion and approached you. As soon as you finished telling the girls what happened to your handbag, she broke into a surprisingly graceful, but very, very drunken performance of flailing her limbs and singing, “I knew it! I fucking knew it!” while Taehyung watched her from the doorway with unmistakable fondness. He had genuinely never looked more in love.
Him and Jungkook go head to head over who is the most whipped, and I need me a partner like this, tyvm
“I am learning to be okay with others knowing, though. And I want you despite that. Despite others. Despite everything. I want to be with you.
No because I would die immediately, what do you mean oc, you cannot just say stuff like that and expect people not to propose on the spot, jk get the ring, I'll be the officiant idc
And know presenting a compilation of more tender moments from this chapter we have:
“And it’s okay,” he continued. “I can’t make decisions for you, but you’re—you have us. We’ll always have your back. We won’t sit idly if we find out the label made you resign.”
You’ve found your family when you met Rated Riot. They made bets about your relationship, they teased each other at nearly every possible moment, they complained and argued, but they supported each other with unwavering loyalty. And you were prepared to fight, if it came to it, to stay with them.
Then Maggie caught you off guard by wrapping her arms around you—as if you’d crossed Middle Earth and battled Smeagol for her phone—and you realised how safe, happy, and comfortable you felt here.
He could hear Taehyung singing along to “Do I Wanna Know?” by the drinks table while Luna and Maggie waved the flashlights on their phones dreamily for extra ambience in the dimly lit room. He could also see, most unusually, the way Hoseok and Jimin seemed to be exchanging money right behind the two girls.
All these to say that I'm a SUCKER for the platonic affection, the found-family trope, the comfort, support, silliness, honesty, and love that comes with it, and specially the way you always manage to include those fragments of their interactions, personalities and memories in the story; bc yeah oc and jk will always be the main focus, but the fact that you make the effort of showing us the characters' (both main and secondary) struggles and development really ties everything together, and makes this au one of my favorite series of all time, I genuinely have enjoyed it more than some published books, you have so much talent Ara c:
I'm sure this ask is lengthy enough, sorry about that, but I loved this part (one of my favorites for sure), and I hope you take care of yourself, see you in the next one!! 💜
babe, you are a dream come true, please don't ever apologise, you're perfect 🥺 thank you so much for sharing your beautiful thoughts and for hitting probably every single mark i was the most excited for you to read 😭🙏🏻
i love all of these characters so much, so hearing that you've enjoyed their little moments too is the biggest gift for me, thank you so much 🥺🤍🤍🤍
you are heaven-sent, i don't know what to say. your messages are absolutely, without any doubt, every writer's dream, and i seriously can't thank you enough for this!!!!!! i love you 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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horsetailcurlers2 · 6 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (S19 bc i’m finally caught up, babey!!!! (phew))
-i hope this new class of residents isn’t as one dimensional as the last one
-“you say please to bhokee!” hell yeah you do schmitt. (i love that she did say please he was just so ready to jump down her throat about it lmoa)
-DEREK’S NEPHEW ?????!!! WHICH SISTER? my money is on nancy bc i always thought she was the oldest so she would have the son old enough to be out of med school
-okay i’m too curious (for some reason i’ve always just been curious about the shepherds) so i’ve gone back to S15E21 (good shepherd) to see if i could get a better look at nancy’s wall of family photos. i see one of nancy with a young curly haired girl, kathleen with a light haired child, and two photos that are just groups of kids. my assumption is that these two are all of nancy’s kids because if she had photos of her nieces and nephews i feel like they would include their parents. both photos show two boys and two girls. it looks like the same four kids just at two different ages. the oldest (or at least the tallest) in both photos is a boy with dark hair. this may support my theory that nancy is lucas’s mother. the rest of the photos aren’t very clear. the only thing is that all of the kids look very fair and lucas is not. they also clearly wrote this episode way after they shot the scene with amelia looking at the photos so they may have not even bothered with details that were meant to be sort of irrelevant at the time.
-okay this is a very tragic story with (griffin??? griffith??) and makes her lateness and weirdness understandable but am i the only one who thinks it’s insanely bizarre to be sharing your tragic life story to your superior on your first day?
-idk about this season yet. i feel them trying to sort of mirror season one in some ways, focusing more on the interns (which i think i like), trying to connect back to old characters, but it feels a *little* forced so far
-i like mean and snappy teddy
-have we ever seen this library before?
-“i tried to implement similar changes at various times and was always met with resistance” ???? when did bailey try to implement those changes to the residency program? she implemented changes but they for sure weren’t these ones
-why is it better for them to think he’s sleeping with her????? jfc lucas
-ADDISON LOOKS SO HOT. i like this costuming for her. very reminiscent of her private practice wardrobe
-i really like baileys braids this season btw. and i like that she has a special scrub cap that can cover them all
-lucas’s dad is from barbados. idk what to do with that but it is another clue lmao. if nothing else, i’m hooked on this season just to find out who his mother is
-no comment on the dancing
-helm looks really cute as a bartender
-owen when teddy isn’t super happy and content with him after he fucked them over and put their children’s well-beings at risk: 😯
-addison and tom should have met
-oh my god just tell them you’re a nepo baby!! they think you’re fucking your aunt!
-it made complete sense to bring addison back for this storyline. i hope they explore it a little more and keep bringing her back.
-i’m so confused about lucas’s whole complex. wouldn’t he have grown up with his dad’s last name anyway? why has this been an issue “all his life”??? and until he went to med school i doubt anybody even knew the significance of him being a shepherd
-what planet is owen living on where he thinks they would let him be chief again rn
-i can see myself shipping mike chang and mary queen of scots once they develop their characters a bit more. simone and lucas i like in theory but idk about the chemistry
-“i am not going to beg you to love me” good meredith bc that didn’t work out so well the first time u did it
-intern house is back!!! i really like that actually
-a full time administrative assistant is completely reasonable. richard had patricia when he was chief
-looking very hot for having just been hit by a car
-winston definitely had a point at first but at this point he’s pissing me off. it’s reminding me of that big meredith and cristina fight in the sense that it feels like he’s deliberately taking everything she’s doing and saying in the worst possible way.
-richard and addison’s dynamic is so underrated
-this is incredibly random but it just popped into my head. it’s so weird that amelia has never brought up her friend michelle on greys. you know, her friend from pp that committed suicide bc she had huntingtons which ultimately kickstarted amelia’s relapse. i feel like it could have been relevant to a few cases
-pru is so fucking cute
-so many people keep leaving i don’t really have a reaction to it anymore. but i will very much miss maggie. ik a lot of people don’t like maggie (prob bc they thought she was trying to fill the spaces that lexi and cristina left behind) but i really liked her. i think i found her very relatable in a lot of ways. even/especially when she was a little annoying lol
-why is this guy specifically requesting bailey? (not that she’s not great at her job it just has suspicious vibes) is he one of the anti choice harassers? nervous for that especially since addison is here so i feel like it will be about that storyline
-jesus christ i knew it. bc it’s so “pro life” to threaten a child!!!!!! go kwan though. and teddy!
-yasuda x helm <3
-cristina mention !!!!
-i really like that there’s no intern/attending relationships lately
-i’m doubling down on thinking lucas is nancy’s bc i think if he has adhd, kathleen likely would have noticed bc she’s a psychologist. obviously it’s possible she wouldn’t have, everyone has blind spots but i think this makes the most sense still. and ik he could still be liz’s but i’m still unsure on if the ages work out and i think they were banking on which actress would be more likely to make an appearance later on and neve campbell is less likely to come back than the others.
-uggh why do i HATE simone’s wedding dress.
-omg i’m a terrible person i didn’t realize it was her late mother’s. i’m so sorry the fit of it just looks off
-i wonder how they’re going to ruin/derail this wedding? they’ve already done leaving at the altar, objections, elopements. maybe the twist is that she actually goes through with it?? or they’ll just be boring and so the same thing they’ve done before
-i like that they still call it “joe’s” even though we never see joe anymore
-winston is getting on my nerves. he always starts off having a point and then he gets all immature and petty about it
-dude that is not how a DNR works
-aww yay for bailey
-side note amelia looks great
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nerdnag · 3 months
The time has come for me to finish my philosophy bachelor's.
...Lots of ramble below. I mostly just need to get my thoughts out, but there is a plan by the end!
For those of you who were around in May, you may recall that I struggled a lot to get a sort-of-presentable draft ready for my supervisor, hoping to be able to hand the thing in before the end of the semester, and was then completely slammed down into the dirt by said supervisor when he returned the draft a few days later with... pretty strong words about it. Few of which were positive. I couldn't bring myself to read the comments he'd left in the actual document at the time, because the email was enough to bring me to tears.
I mean, he wasn't wrong, it was just a bit shocking to have him go from "hey, how's it going for you, the thesis treating you well? oh and here's a link to a fun video i found on the internet" one day to almost-kinda-petty critique the next. And also, I am wholly unused to disappointing teachers, supervisors, mentors or superiors of any kind. That may sound strange considering my ADHD, which should in theory have gotten me in lots of situations like that, but my entire life, I've usually managed to make use of three things that have helped immensely to get things done well and on time: 1) special interests/obsessions/hyperfocus, 2) perfectionism and performance anxiety, and 3) high IQ. Number one has helped with motivation and creative flow; number 2 has helped motivate me through shame; and number 3 has helped me "bullshit" my way through assignments/relatively easily create a coherent and acceptable final product without doing all of the actual work I should have done (...and also making the actual work I do put in a pretty good quality).
But for some reason, these tactics didn't quite work out this time. I could come up with many different ideas about why this was, but one really important part of it was probably the fact that I've been heavily overloaded with work at my job and still haven't fully recovered from the immense stress I was under from March 2022-June 2023. I might not be able to recover from that period of my life without doing some pretty extreme changes in how I live my life, and although I've been working on trying to make some of those changes over the course of the first half of this year, it hasn't been impactful enough yet.
And so in the middle of this, of trying to recover from a backlog of both work and stress, while still being under quite a lot of stress at work (although not even remotely compared to how it was a year ago), I was also trying to write a bachelor's thesis in my spare time.
Oh, and did I mention I also took on a volunteer position in my spare time from April onwards that has demanded quite a lot of time?
(Jfc why do I do this to myself. ...Because it's fun and I am bad at saying no. That's why.)
Anyway, enough rambling about what's happened and the reasons for it - long story short, I realised I wouldn't be able to finish the thesis in time, and so I told my supervisor I'd hand it in by the end of the summer instead. And wouldn't you know it, the end of summer is closing in. :)
So with the help of my partner, I managed to finally open the document containing my supervisor's comments, and rather than lose myself in complete and utter anxiety and horror over the words, we could sort of laugh over how unnecessarily harsh he was being. (I guess my supervisor actually was a bit disappointed, since he'd seen before that I was more capable than that. I don't blame him.) I also realised that it wasn't quite as bad as I had imagined, and that my life isn't actually over and done for. So yeah. (He even had a couple of positive comments for me, actually.)
Then we made a plan for how to tackle this thing. I'm going away on the 22nd of July, so the goal right now is to have a finished draft to send to my supervisor on the 21st. Then he can read it, give comments, tell me whether he gives his approval or not, and after I've made any necessary adjustments, I can hand in an opposition version by the middle of August. Since I am currently on vacation, and I do need to actually try to wind down from work as well, I've settled on working on my thesis for 3 hours each day, starting tomorrow (the 13th), and my deadline each day is noon. If I realise after this Sunday that I need more time, I'll increase it to 4 hours every day.
It should work. I know what I need to do, and my supervisor's comments are clear. I enjoy writing and doing research and I will finish this in a way that I'm proud and happy about.
So there. That's my promise to myself. I'll climb out of this hole, fill it in with new dirt, and then start building the collapsed tower of blocks up again.
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daz4i · 1 year
wait okay. instead of going to sleep like a normal person. here's how I'd change the ages in bsd (for those that have a canon age), bc no one looks their age/it makes the timeline feel weird, i wanna let at least some major past events breathe a little between one another. possibly controversial takes ahead:
atsushi: i like that he's 18 actually. he looks and feels 16 but no yeah 18 works better. I'd say 20-21 would be nice but that'd reallyyyy throw his backstory's timing off unfortunately
dazai: 25
kunikida: around 27-28
ranpo: 28 also, maybe even 29 (his whole thing is that he looks young for his age anyway)
yosano: 28 as well
tanizaki: like. he does look 18. but also 16 and 21 at the same time. i like him as a bit older than atsushi so let's say 19-20, and naomi as well while we're at it
kenji: why is he 14. it's not that he doesn't look 14 it's that i simply did not expect a child to be the muscle in a detective agency. so please make him like at least 16 which is only just slightly better tbh
kyouka: yeah 14 is chill in her case imo. makes her more tragic 👍
katai: 27-29ish as well
fukuzawa: at least in his 50s. maybe 55ish, or even more. he def looks like it and it fits more with having a son in his 20s
akutagawa: i do want him to be older. but making his age gap with atsushi bigger is weird. so keeping him as a 20 y/o it is, maybe 21 at most
chuuya: 25
kouyou: 30s. early 40s even. she is already so milf coded. finding out she's 26 in canon was straight up offensive i swear. come on.
higuchi: 21
tachihara: 22 or 23 maybe? (the hunting dogs don't have canon ages but i like jouno and tecchou as 26ish so that way he's still like the baby of the group)
hirotsu: how is that man 50. make him 65 at least. jfc. the whole point is he's been with the mafia a long time. ik they keep recruiting teenagers for some reason but give me a break. my dad is pushing 70 and looks younger than him
q: actually my issue with them isn't that they don't look their age (tho they do look a bit younger ig) but that timeline wise?? they're so weird?? why did the mafia have a 6 y/o on deck that's just inconvenient for all parties involved. like i can excuse kyouka at 11ish but come ON. at least make them 10 in fifteen. or just bring them in later bc i just realized the timeline doesn't line up with the dazai and chuuya changes otherwise. man idk
odasaku: girl that man was NOT 23 when he died he should've been like at least 27 then
mori: late 40s or early 50s. keep the few years gap from fukuzawa maybe but he should still be older
ango: 29ish in the current timeline. or even 32. idk why but that number feels right.
francis: 45 at least. how is a 32 y/o man supposed to have a daughter old enough to study abroad...
poe: 29
melville: actually he is the only one aged correctly in this entire manga. bestie 🔥🔥🔥🔥
steinbeck: 24. maybe even older
lucy: 20-21ish. same issue as akutagawa really
louisa: 25 at least please 🙏
nathaniel: 34 maybe.
margaret: also early 30s. how the fuck is she 20. like kouyou this is straight up insulting 😭
mark: ageless for he is the spirit of youth and joy (yeah 22 is chill for him actually. he's like the taylor swift song. he'd love that)
mushitaro: tbh I'd make him more around 29 or even older than 30. like he would be a believable 35 y/o to me if needed.
nikolai: actually him being 26 is chill too. tho i wouldn't mind making him around 28-29ish too since i already aged up most 26 y/os so may as well go all the way.
shibusawa: yeah he can stay 29 too idm. i actually didn't know he had a canon age until now. cool!
i think that's everyone who has a canon age (excluding lns bc i haven't gotten to them yet)? aside from sigma maybe but his age is more of a plot device than a fun fact. and fukuchi is implied to be the same age as fukuzawa so, yeah just make them the same in this case too.
i did mess up the timeline myself with this. so lemme clear it up:
The War and the whole thing with mori and yosano still happened when she was 11, so 17 years before canon. that means mori was still in his 20s back then, no big change
untold origins still happened when ranpo was in his teens, honestly we can keep it 14, so 14 years ago, meaning fukuzawa was in his late 30 or early 40s. again not too big of a change I'd say
fifteen happens when. well. dazai and chuuya are 15. ten years ago. i don't want q there get them out of my sight (for now) let them be a kid for a bit!!!!! but yeah like in canon that means the previous boss's murder was a year before, 11 years ago. also while we're at it, stormbringer is also the same aka a year after 15
now this is where we shake things up just a bit. rather than occuring when dazai is 18, i think we can push the dark era to when he's 20 and still maintain the whole childlike thing he has going on there, it's not that big of a difference imo.
that means, 5 years before canon instead of 4, making akutagawa 15 back then, and ango 27 like odasaku.
also yeah q comes in at some point in the middle between those^ I'd say close to dark era than fifteen.
originally i wanted to make skk 26 but this started stretching things even more. bc now we gotta figure out how long dazai spent in hiding. and ig we can keep it 2 years and just make it so his entrance exam was 3 years before canon. again imo not that big of a stretch 🤔
idk why i said this changes the timeline a lot i think this is p simple. also lets ppl stew in their situation for just a bit longer which i like more.
thank you for reading. you are very brave and strong for pulling through. feel free to disagree with my takes but just be nice about it please. I'm also open to hearing other takes if you have any that i didn't consider 🫡 but again just be nice okay?? 🥹
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Bruh, I met someone before character x reader was even A Thing that openly admitted to be possessive of characters. She was like, "Oh yeah, I usually hate all of the female characters because I want the guy to be mine." Yeah, everyone has their own headcanons and stuff because that's how things happen. But jfc chill out with the hatred or have the decency to keep it out of the tags. Let me enjoy my ship in peace. I've been a Bo fan since TCW she deserves Good Things. Let her have this. (1/2)
Anon, continued: This is literally fiction and it's not that deep. I also feel like people forget/ignore/refuse to accept that they can just ignore canon? All because the source material does something doesn't mean you have to follow it. It's not Canon or It's Erased From Existence. There's no little trophy for ""winning"". I've been around in fandom a long time and this stuff still gets on my nerves. If you aren't having a good time then leave. No one is holding you here against your will. (2/2)
I merged your posts so I could answer it in one reply.
Yes, everything you said is 100% facts. There are certainly the people out there who are a little out of touch with reality, and this is a big fandom, so we have more than our fair share. I do think that the character x reader fics have exacerbated the issue though, because I feel like I'm seeing a LOT more people citing "jealousy" as their reason for not shipping canon couples. That's all anecdotal, I haven't gone back and counted posts or anything, but I'm definitely seeing a trend.
Westerners tend to get very particular about canon and what does and does not fall into that category. But we are also huge creative contributers to the "fanon" side of things, and I think it's best that we have a balance. For instance, I don't have a lot of good things to say about the sequels (particularly TRoS), but you'll never catch me saying, "that's not canon because George Lucas didn't write it" or because "I didn't like what was written". If I find something I don't like and I feel strongly enough about it, I'll write my own content.
In regards to ships, I think it just projects insecurity to go into the ship tags just to drag a ship. Maybe go generate discourse, like "which ship do you prefer and why?" We have polls now, so that's great. But for someone to take an ask like the one you just gave me, and then use it to list all the reasons you don't like the ship and finish it up by tagging the ship in question is obnoxious. Or they just drop in with a negative original post to hate on a ship. Just make an anti tag. It ain't hard.
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13x22 exodus (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
well, mom gets a hug. that's something i guess. no time for extended you're-actually-alive-reunions with lucifer smarming around in the background.
this trying to be i dunno, spookyish discordant atmospheric music is not hitting for me. it just feels wildly out of sync with the tone of the scene. i wonder who made iiiit. oh look, it's jay gruska. i seriously don't look it up until i have a ~vibe~ and i'm vaguely impressed with my consistent reactions to the two composers. i'm pretty much never rockin with jay. sorry, my dude.
LUCIFER Don’t say he’s nothing like me. I’m the only one who understands him. This power he has? I’m powerful, dangerous, ruthless. In the...best sense, though. DEAN No. Kill him. LUCIFER (chuckles) He can’t. He’s not strong enough. GABRIEL Dean… DEAN (turns on Gabriel) You’ve got the blade. JACK (quietly) Stop it. DEAN He’s the devil. Kill him. JACK (shouting) Stop it!
in the land of not-a-show, this seems very reasonable. we have the means and opportunity to FINALLY fucking kill this guy, who has done unspeakably awful things to more than one person present. who they've been trying to take out for a long ass time. but, being that it's this show, yeah. of course it's not that simple. i think they had a general plan to kill him after they used him for the nexus excursion, yes? but them believing he'd still be captured and subdued until then was a bit of a stretch :p also, jack wasn't around for that convo and i suppose he might have some thoughts and feelings around cutting down bio dad right away
CAS In case your innate evil overwhelms this new found team spirit, you won’t mind wearing these then, will you. You’re not at full power. They should hold you.
LOL good one. is he not at full power because he was drained, juiced up, then used some of that juice to resurrect sam? (was also thinking about how like, cas stole someone's grace at one point. a bad someone, right? is it that different? why didn't gabriel just go that route? not actually socially acceptable? whatever. we needed to include lucifer)
jfc nic shut up
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thank you, everyone, for that long ass hug. i'm not crying, no, i'm fine
i know the wiki has hugs and lengths (which amuses me to no end), i wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the longer ones. ahbl 29 seconds i think is an outlier being that sam is dead through most of it 😞 what a statement. excluding ahbl pt 1, top 3! lol
other thing he did, which he does regularly? when he's affectionate, that turn to the side like he's checking who's around or avoiding eye contact while he got a little mushy.
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he does it before hugging a lot too, like the avoiding eye contact and pulling someone in. definitely with charlie, not sure actually who all he does it with, if everyone at one point or another? anyway. he doesn't instigate a ton of hugs. i'm not under the influence, i swear, i'm just extra... *waves hands*
jack having a little montage o'guilt with xfiles sounds rapid fire (they use it periodically now but i don't recall so many of them in one scene like this. i had to search for "shoe" on the wiki because my blog search is perpetually fucked and all i could remember of the scene was sam finding a shoe lol)
so like, the solution is all the au people come back with her through the nexus, right? so this is a moot conversation? but. dean's reaction to her "i know what you went through to come find me" was so right. like, understatement of the century and in fact i DON'T think you know what they did. and (show logic aside) sam died and only isn't still dead due to a fluke/luck.
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interesting to see the production draft script has her saying sorry and that she's grateful, which didn't make it to screen
granted, i think they were doing the getting back to the nexus project for jack too, and i imagine they would have made the same efforts and paid the same prices. but anyway. feels like dean is always waiting for the other shoe to drop with mary, reinforced with her needing space business before, so understandably he's immediately reacting defensively and maybe a little childishly (do they need-need mary? probably not. but it's also reasonable and understandable to want your almost entirely absent mother [which she had no control over] once you got her back)
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another thing i like about pellegrino's lucifer, the hair! it just is almost always unkempt in not a cool way, more the disaster been sleeping on it weird way. which my hair also is often in some degree of.
DEAN We have been mopping up the world for years. Years. We have been knocked down. We have been possessed. We’ve lost friends. We’ve lost family. We’ve lost each other. And we never walk away, ever. And sometimes, we should’ve, because not every fight everywhere can be won. It just can’t. Right? (turning to Sam) Tell her.
never (permanently) walk away. ignoring the nonsensical amelia aberration? 🤪 i don't really understand dean's logic. we never walk away, but sometimes we should have, so mary should walk away? doesn't seem like the best sell
SAM I think Mom made up her mind. DEAN See? Wait. What? SAM Mom doesn’t want to leave these people. So let’s take ‘em with us. MARY They’ll never leave their home. They’ll never leave their cause. SAM I’m not saying abandon the fight. I’m saying we get them somewhere safe, then we all figure out a way to take down Michael. Then once we do, they can come back and save their world. MARY You’d do that for them? DEAN Well, we got...what, nine busting out? What’s a few more. How many are we talking? MARY Twenty-five.
(don't know what that 9 number is referring to either, oh right, charlie and ketch? lol) sammy's plan seems very. pie in the sky and not something these other world people would necessary go for but mary's down so sure why not
LUCIFER Well, I mean, yes, I have done things that I am not entirely proud of. I have led the occasional soul to ruin. This is true. But, Jack, it’s because humans are so messed up. They’re -- they’re so willing to be led. JACK My mother was human. LUCIFER Awesome lady. Incorruptible. Not like that. You know, great kisser. And, uh, lost my virginity to her.
pointing to my very disgruntled thoughts about this in 12x08. we're going to regularly make allusions to lucifer raping sam via hallucifer and i think also when sam was stuck with him in 11x09 before cas sprung luci but then lucifer in the president vessel supposedly had never had sex. ok. i prefer to believe that rape isn't part of the torture package, but they make it real hard sometimes. but the show is gonna tell us that was the first time lucifer had sex. being generous and dumb, maybe he believes in the rehymenation like dean. or some particulars of being in a human vessel. as opposed to whatever it is exactly getting tortured in hell. soul in vessel-ish shape? because it wasn't dean's shiny glowing light of a soul on the rack, it was his person. i've been thinking about this off and on since we knew generally what a soul was supposed to look like
jack interviewing lucifer, the quote unquote father of lies, to whatever, determine if he wants to have anything to do with him? well. how could this go wrong?
DEAN I told you no talking! And I told you no listening. JACK Dean, he’s in chains. DEAN His mouth isn’t. Shoulda gagged him. JACK No, I need to know about my powers, my family. CAS Jack, we are your family. We’ve been protecting you. We’ve been honoring your mother’s wishes. We’re your family. SAM Jack, you have no idea who Lucifer really is. JACK And I never will unless I talk to him.
like yes obviously, going this route is going to make anyone shut down and not listen to what you have to say (acting like john winchester basically), especially someone who is framed as being a kid. HOWEVER! couldn't we just say that lucifer spent a year which is equivalent to whatever in dog hell years torturing sam. our sam, that's standing right there. your sam, who you're including as a father figure.
MARY (amused) Jack isn’t going to the dark side. He’ll see Lucifer’s true nature. And he’ll see through his own eyes and not yours.
like she's trying to impart some parenting wisdom - which this is surely applicable to regular real life parenting! but i don't think it's applicable to the situation at hand. being that the grown ass adults with a lot of life experience and big bad demons etc etc have been fooled by lucifer time and time again. at least he should be aware of the actual harm lucifer has done to everyone present that they've personally experienced. and maybe he does know? i'm thinking WAY TOO MUCH ABOUT THIS. for this half baked plot shit.
lucifer cutting off gabriel from telling him about the (oops not actual) murdering of himself would indicate to me he doesn't know so, yeah. whatever man. i gotta fucking finish this episode! i started yesterday but just yammered on too much and then it was midnight.
BOBBY Now about that. Mary said you wanna take a bunch of our people back to this Other Earth? DEAN Yeah. Yeah, that’s the idea. BOBBY Well, no offense, but that may be the dumbest friggin’ idea in a landfill of dumb ideas.
say it, bobby
sam's gonna give a rousing speech to get the people to come around though, right. and now ketch and charlie get to be tortured. so both ketch and rowena are all about the redemption arc life
i'm real tired of this episode lol.
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GABRIEL Dad saw that your evil was like the first few cells of cancer...that it would spread like the disease unless He cut it out. That is why He locked you up, to stop the cancer. But it was too late then. And guess what? It’s too late for you now.
excuse me what. he's crying? what even
great, au!cas misha doing another accent. as a... nazi? seriously checked out at this point
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sure. like that whole wound tending thing the first time they were there. weird vibes man, are we supposed to ship it
AW-CASTIEL Don’t think that you are better than me. Well, we are the same. CAS Yes. We are.
this like. militaryish music as they ride off in the bus is.... oof. not great. ditto for the music with this goofy fucking jumping through the nexus proceedings
and now gabriel's gonna get into a knife fight with this basically impossible to win against michael, good idea. and sam and dean are just gonna hang back and watch him die
well, at least sam got to trap lucifer there with michael? 🤷 surely that won't go bad!
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gives me the heebiejeebies all those people in there
CAS What about Lucifer? DEAN Sam handled it.
heaven forbid we actually kill him. wonder how they're gonna have jack react to this
and hey last minute mushy music during the toast by bobby to sam and dean. welcome to the family. mhm
and of course lucifer immediately plotting with michael
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ezrisdax-archive · 11 months
i wanna know YOUR top 5 d20 seasons now 👀 but also top 5 trek femslash pairongs so i can pay attention to them when i eventually have crawled through the original series
dimension 20:
Fantasy High - cause I'm basic and @counterspelling got me into it that way. "you've gotta watch it beej, it's so funny" and now because of that the two of us watch the shows as they premiere together. but yeah I love these bad kids and cycle through my own faves of them but c'mon the set up is just so fun and such a cool idea and then you hit that second episode and jfc, this is a little fucked up actually and you're hooked! you're just hooked!
Mice & Murder - I need this to have a sequel cause it was just so funny and I'm a sucker for a murder mystery type deal and grant and rekha are pure fucking chaos together and I miss raph, bring this cast back pls
A Court of Fey and Flowers - I honestly wasn't sold on this one at first cause regency stuff isn't my thing but holy shit, this one goes hard and I fucking loved it.
The Seven - for exactly the same reasons as you, I mean how can you not love this one, I will take twenty seasons of their quests now thank you
Unsleeping City - this one also took a bit for me to warm up to it but I find it a comfort one to watch now, I love Lou and Ally's characters and how they bounce off of each other and the way their relationship grew in the second season too. also Zac playing a one brain cell firefighter is just so fucking funny
trek femslash, okay so you know most of these aren't gonna be from TOS right? like TOS doesn't even have enough you can really make a top five really. also this one is not in a specific order at all unlike the other lists because it changes as I change. anyway here it is also in a specific order because I'm a liar.
B'Elanna/Seven - at least once a week I text @trillscienceofficer a thing about B7 because the two of us are so fucked up on it. it's about how they mirror each other....it's about how similar they are and can't and can see that and hate that in each other but admire each other. it's about how Seven is out here awkwardly flirting with B'Elanna like c'mon. I wrote a whole fucking essay about it! an essay!!!! (basically if you wanna know more please read that essay least I turn this into another essay about them)
Tasha/Deanna - I always think of this pairing in the sense of what could have been and what we did have still. Like in season one they were always reaching out to each other when the other was hurt or under the influence and then Tasha dies! she just dies! on a mission that was meant to save Deanna! I'm just supposed to go on with my life after that???? Like god, I can only imagine the episode when Deanna loses her powers and Tasha being there for her in that one or when Tasha's sister comes on the ship and Deanna being there for her in confronting the past and what she had to do to survive. I love them for what we got in s1 but I'm forever haunted but what else could have been there.
Uhura/T'Pring - they had one scene. one. where Uhura is out here like "hey Spock your fiance is beautiful" and damn if she a) wasn't right and b) on her way to steal Spock's fiance. that's all it took for me okay, I'm easy! sure this ship requires a lot of extrapolation and we don't know anything about T'Pring really (SNW don't interact) but I know in my heart I can fix that.
Jadzia/Lenara - the big canon femslash ship of 90s cause they got to kiss on screen and do you have any idea how that rewired my brain, like sure I took way too long to figure out I liked girls too but that episode lived in my head rent free. and it was about how they couldn't be together! there were too many external factors! and they missed their chance! they missed their chance!!!!!!!!!! the scene where they pull away from each other realizing this isn't going to happen.....god.....just end me and bury me with that scene thanks.
Beckett/T'Lyn - this one is new and currently at the top because of the newness to me and the season just ended so it's my head. like I went in the season expecting to really like T'Lyn/Tendi and I did! but I came out liking these two more, there's just something about that episode where they really bonded and understood each other. I really need more of them in the future.
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anouri · 2 years
sorry i need to rant bc i cry literally every time i wash my hair so i’m going to rant
tw: chronic illness/long COVID, food/appetite discussion, inadvertent weight loss, mental health, idk other related themes
ok so ever since i got covid for the first time in early january of this year my appetite has been shit, then i started wellbutrin in february or march(?) which caused my appetite to absolutely PLUMMET. the problem is the meds work pretty damn well for my mental health (yes i’m still depressed and anxious but like 72628x better than before)
and by plummet i mean i unintentionally lost nearly thirty pounds this year and i keep having to buy new clothes bc my clothes aren’t fitting and jfc that’s just another issue that i don’t want to go into rn
but the thing is ever since march my hair has been falling out like CRAZY. i suspect it’s an effect from both not eating enough and COVID, bc the timing lines up, but it literally is getting to the point that i cry every time i get out of the shower bc i have literal bald spots / extremely thin patches of hair all over my head, like u can see my scalp thru my hair basically everywhere. and i know it is probably vain but i hold a lot of value in my hair bc it took a long time for me to get comfortable w my natural hair (growing up in white midwest w a bunch of blonde girls w straight hair, yada yada) and also bc when i got older the first thing people compliment about me is always my hair
i don’t even know where i’m going with this. idk i got COVID again like less than a month ago, and my appetite has been even WORSE since then. yeah, i know how is that possible, i’m asking the same question. now i genuinely get maybe 1.5 meals in a day if i’m lucky. i’ve lost even more weight this month and i don’t want to. i always force myself to eat breakfast bc i need to with my meds but i genuinely feel so full like i ate a fucking thanksgiving feast or something every time. but then the rest of the day i just eat like. a snack for dinner.
i’ve been trying to take vitamins regularly to help counteract it but i know vitamins have nothing on like, my body needing carbs and calories for energy. i need to get those protein drinks or something but even those make me feel really full :/ i don’t even know if it is the food causing the hair loss or if it’s my body’s stress response to covid or both.
idk i should probably go to the doctor at this point but i have a fear of the doctor for other personal reasons so. yeah.
this doesn’t have a point. i just feel like shit
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halotolerant · 11 months
Dear Yuletide Writer 2023
Dear Yuletide Writer
Thank you for writing for me! I am delighted you also enjoy these characters and fandoms :D 
I have rambled about each one to give you a starting point, please write what you feel moved to write. I am very into stories about relationships - platonic, romantic, sexual and all the overlaps. I definitely enjoy an E rated fic but I’m always there for the characters first and foremost. I am open to BDSM, omegaverse and other ‘role based’ scenes or world building, if that’s your thing. 
Just getting one fic about any of these would be a dream, but I am absolutely open to treats! 
Bouncy - ATEEZ (Music Video) 
Choi San's Character (Bouncy - Music Video)
Jung Wooyoung's Character (Bouncy - Music Video)
I mean THIS VIDEO, WHAT EVEN? I love the whole world it creates, but I gotta admit I watched this the several hundred times I did largely for WHATEVER THE HELL CHEMISTRY SAN AND WOOYOUNG WERE CHANNELLING JFC. Like what *is* the deal of this fighter and his fixer(?) trainer(?) pimp(?)? What’s the power dynamic? How did they meet? Are they banging? Did they bang once? How long do they expect to be working together? Is their relationship exactly what it appears, or something else (better? Worse?) behind closed doors? What would change their routine? 
Yeah please just run with this however you want. Feel free to include the rest of the video details/characters or not, as you choose, including ships & making these characters poly with others. 
DNWs: Death, suicide/sucidal ideation, self-harm, non-con. I’d rather not have their relationship be totally dark and grim/hopeless, although clearly there’s some intrinsic messiness here (which you are welcome to explore!) 
I have loved Le Sserafim since the Hybe Picnic aka Game Caterers x HYBE. I enjoy their attitude and their chemistry, and I’m fascinated by their histories - the fact that Sakura and Chaewon were previously in a different band together, and that they knew Yunjin as well, and then you’ve got Kazhua speaking another language, from a totally different world of classical ballet. And Gold Maknae Eunchae too of course! 
I would be really interested by a fic about them and their interactions, be that a slice of life or something more complicated, ‘canon compliant’ would be fascinating but I could imagine wonderful things with e.g. X Files AU, buddy cop AU, omegaverse - or a canon-divergent where they meet under different circumstances. I would love something shippy, for any combo of these 4 including poly (to be clear: not anything shippy involving Eunchae though). 
DNWs: Death, suicide/sucidal ideation, self-harm, non-con, or vast amounts of dieting stuff, as canon as I know it is
철인왕후 | Mr. Queen (TV)
So, confession, I’ve only watched the first few episodes of this, having got interested in it from seeing it in the tagset, and I am HOOKED. I love the humungously inescapable queerness of the premise, and I also adore a good historical court intrigue drama, so this looks perfect. I am spoiled for the ending, I know it doesn’t finish with rainbows, and I’m going to go out on a limb and request any fic of your heart, writer, that you would like to write to bring the queerness back or enhance whatever it is that gets in there. Again, I’m not deep into this enough to know how some of the supporting characters develop, so I’ll take any ship which would reasonably come under the ‘queer’ umbrella (including Jang Bong Hwan in the Queen’s body having feelings for women and/or for men), or something about reincarnation/fixit involving Jang Bong Hwan and a male reincarnation of Cheoljong. 
DNWs: This is a tricky one because clearly elements of death and potential suicide are canon, plus the general dub-con of the marriage etc, but please treat this very lightly/gently
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shwarmii · 1 year
i just moved three boxes (two light and one heavy-for-me) to my car to take to the storage unit after a break and i AM SO BRAVE
context: i am still in the process of moving (un-moving? i am here, in a new residence, but i am surrounded by boxes and shit ugh) and i was very kindly gifted a storage unit by my parents since i down-sized so much (and my dad is a hoarder so he was very "YOU CAN'T GET RID OF YOUR BREAKFAST ISLAND CHAIRS JUST BC YOU NO LONGER HAVE A BREAKFAST ISLAND" even tho i got the three plush chairs for a total of $20 bc thrifting yay). but i couldnt supervise the movers (bc i was so wiped i was gonna throw up or faint if i didnt lay down and let them do whatever) and they apparently read like.. 2 or 3 of my labels and none of the rest. so they ignored so many that instructed them to put things in the storage unit. and i dont feel comfy calling them for a discount bc they had to deal with so much regarding me and my disability already (mainly: that i didnt finish packing before they got there. yeah. i did 2 or 3 all-nighters in a row just before they came, worked for weeks, and still couldnt do it all. best i could do was make them piles of the remaining stuff and go "please help")
but yeah, im quite disabled and sickly and i have muscle weakness, and i am spent FOR A DAY after a carrying a single case of Arrowhead water from my car to my personal cart to my apartment, so you can imagine the havoc a medium-to-large Costco Box of board games is apparently causing me
(read more is just more of me complaining about boxes, ft. me breaking down how my internalized ableism skews my pov of how difficultly heavy things are by using my little sister for comparison)
i was so shaky after, it sucked so bad. im so glad my storage unit has carriers by the door so i dont gotta haul that shit long-distance anymore. my body is so disregulated, jfc, that box felt like it might as well have been 50 lbs but i know for a fact it was on the heavier side of "light". bc my little sister helped me out with the worst of my heavy boxes a week or so ago (aka: my book boxes. bastards were the heaviest thing by far bc i have a concept art book collection and those books are weirdly shaped and hardcover and even just five of them is heavy enough for me to struggle. though, in my defense, i had a physical therapist test my muscle strength and she openly said "Oh, god, that's not good" lmao rip) and like.. my lil sister is an athlete, sure (and built like a model jfc she is so tall and dainty, hOW?? shes got muscle mass but its so stretched out that she looks like she doesnt have much. but bitch works out for fun, runs at least a mile every morning before college classes, and does sports and dance for shits and giggles. and also she's STEM. beauty and brains. jfc, i love her, her future partner better worship the ground she walks on, i swear. but yeah, her favorite way to show love is acts of service and she likes doing physical labor, so when i asked for help all hesitantly and ready to bribe, she was like "Okay!!✨️" before i even finished and rejected any form of payment that was more than a starbucks frap. she's back in college on the other side of California now anD I MISS HER COMPANY.. AND ALSO HER MUSCLES...) but she truly carried all my book-boxes like they weighed as much as a handheld-basket of laundry
and i even asked her "Is that an okay weight? I can grab another cart, we can take as many breaks as you need, would you like a water, thank you so much for doing this, are you okay??" and she just laughed like a mix of Santa Claus and the blonde girl from Utena (/positive)
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she was so fine with what she was carrying. the only reason she agreed to a cart was to make shit faster with less trips, but she didnt care about the weight of the boxes themselves. she even said "These aren't nearly as bad as you made them out to be!" (as bad = me telling her I couldn't lift them. i had to make the boxes and tower then ontop of one another and put a book in individually at a time. after they were filled, i could not lift those boxes at all). she openly found these boxes easy to deal with. they were about Office Depot File Cabinet size bc i worried using a BIG box for books would be truly unliftable. but yeah no she was fine. my sister was very open about it even and did a couple of tricks for the comedy of making me go "EY EY EY, BE CAREFUL, DONT HURT YOURSELF" and fuss over her
so. like. i know she'd be able to carry this board-game box i am currently struggling with, probably even one-handed if it wasnt for its awkward size of it which would necessitate she use two hands. and you might go "shwarmi, your sister is probably not an accurate representation of a person's strength, im sure those boxes were heavy, books are heavy, so are board games" and im like:
the book-boxes were likely heavy but mangeable for most people. the board game box was definitely heavy-end-of-the-"light" weight-spectrum. also, my sister is a great barometer for me because i am in F-tier, maybe D-tier on a good day, and she is A-tier. she is likely not S-tier, she isnt a body-builder, doesnt have obvious muscle definition, no a six-pack, no evident biceps or calfs, nothing. so most people are B- or C-tier. so she is actually a good litmus test for me, personally, because i see the strain on a B-/C-tier person and i spiral into thinking they feel like me when they DONT. so seeing my sister have no problems or strain beyond "this cart that your storage unit supplied sucks to steer!" makes my dumbass go "...ahhh, i see how different me struggling versus a B-/C-tier person struggling is now that i see my sister's limits and think of her proverbial Strength Stat as ridiculously high". i have a few other friends (and a brother, who teagically lives far away from me boo) who pride themselves on their strength that similarly make me do a double-take of "OOOOOOH.. oh, okay, my frame of reference has been righted, okay"
really brings to light a reminder that i still have a SHIT TON of internalized ableism. it is very hard rn to not kick myself for only doing three boxes in one trip today. my dumbass really wants to go "DO A NORMAL PERSON AMOUNT OF STORAGE MOVING" but, my comrade, i am not normal. i am disabled. i very physically weak. there is a reason why my loved ones and i make frequent jokes comparing me to "sickly Victorian ghost children" (hence why my @/playbychoices account had that John Mulaney quote as its blog-title for so long). i can do these three boxes today. hopefully, i can do the equivalent or more tomorrow, but i also could have another week-plus long flare-up like i did this past period before today. so. today. just three. very sadge. but alas, the way things do be
praise me for this stupid fucking board-games box. the other two were easy, even for me. one was even the same awkwardly medium-large Costco box but just had lighter shit inside. but the board game box??
shit sucked. im sitting next to an a/c with an ice-cold drink and my feet up, trying to get my likely-POTS-raddled body regulated back to a mangable level
but still
shit sucked
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dreamings-free · 2 years
okay gonna do some anon asks/answers in batches cause I have so many and I don’t wanna clog up people’s dashes..
these are all about the beard/break up
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yeah I really doubt she’ll keep posting from L’s house even if she did before the break up was official but must have “happened”. that house is like his office we’ve seen him working there many times in the past couple of years; planning the first AFHF, doing vocal training with helene, and latest recording his thank you speech and doing radio interviews when FITF went #1. I assume he’ll keep using it that way. but it’ll be interesting to see once she starts posting again where she’ll be..
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asjfhkajsfk even if she did dump him the first time around she came back like? so who looks more the fool lol. and yeah tbh most of her stans have only been pretending to be fans of louis. because them being together would mean larry couldn’t be a thing. and most of them are harries. see also this ask:
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it’s pathetic is what it is. if we are to believe the official narrative that they broke up because long-distance was too hard and they’re blaming him? he has a career he’s been doing this for the entirety of their “relationship” so who isn’t commiting here.. (also the sexist shit I’ve seen about him being an asshole for “leaving her at 30 and without a ring” like.. women are not worthless because they’re unmarried jfc) but yeah as i answered above it’s not about louis it’s about them being mad about him not being kept straight by being with her. (also sidenote but they way her stans who a few years back wouldn’t touch the subject of “his son” with a ten foot pole are suddenly all about dad louis.. same reason)
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no I definitely not a fan. like.. I don’t care about her as an influencer or whatever. and I’m looking forward to not keeping up with her once the final pieces of the puzzle falls into place like will she still walk both dogs, is she completely done working for L etc etc. Hopefully we’ll know soon..
tbh the most annoying thing about her is her stans who like to tell themselves that the minimal amount of work we’ve seen her do (sponsored posts, pr trips etc) would cover even an inch of the spending we’ve seen from her. a few instagram stories about an armani perfume or some sportswear brand isn’t gonna pay for all the wildly expensive shit she wears. and then there’s this gem:
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girl attends one (1) fashion show…omg move over anna wintour 😂
like they’re living in some alternate reality she can’t even write a clever instagram caption to save her life lol
I doubt she’s had another job while working for L and that rumour about her attenting the royal college of art doesn’t hold water either. she’s been jetting all over the world all year there’s no way she’d be able to keep up with fashion school at that level at the same time. so we can assume L has been paying her well enough to keep her in endless balenciaga leather jackets over the years.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
No offence but wtf is Al-Nassr 😭 big names playing in these clubs is always so fucking funny. Suarez in an Uruguayan club makes sense since it's his home country, but others??? Also whenever they go to the USA 🔪 I'm looking at you Zlatan. Changed football into soccer real quick ajishshahsjahshsgsgs and now we have this 🙉
It's sad to see top players go for the money, but they're often treated like shit towards the end of their careers so I'm not shocked
Hahahhahah thanxx Baek. My birthday was boring, I had to work then went out, but nothing crazy. I don't like celebrating my birthday actually. I almost got the Pope, damn was a but late. Why are people dropping dead at the end of the year. Ok but get this, my British friend killed Liz and her sister killed Phillip hsyuahsjsjahagsgshha
Oh jesus, I got hit with a tennis ball once, had a bump on the top of my head like in cartoons 😭😭😭😭 so I feel your brother. My friend took a golf ball to the eye. No joke some middle school girls were acting like Pepe or maybe he's acting like them 🔪 I had my moments as well, but jfc
Speaking of hockey when I used to attend the games sometimes the puck would fly and we had to avoid being hit. But I actually "caught" two and they let me have them, so that's cool
Yes I watched the FRA-ITA final with my grandfather. At that time we didn't know what happened so people were like "Zizou????" Ah wait I messed up the link
Mourinho meme material for sure akshusyshsbhshash sometimes you wanna slap him, sometimes you can't stop laughing at him. Sometimes it's both
Exo's not making it easy for you all </333 SM you're getting stabbed
It seems Edenary wanted to mix a lot of their songs, Answer, Inception, HH, Wonderland, Guerrilla, Ktinys compared Halazia to all of them, hahaha But I wish it was less autotuned, just more majestic and dramatic. As long as they don't release another Paradgim I'll be content, but I miss their older songs tbh </3 San was struggling in the video, damn rip! (Hopefully he didn't die)
The popping in the choreo is insane also Hwa is giving Tomoe... O_O definitely need a fic with this look and vibe, fire bender Hwa? Prophet Hwa?
More and more people bring the topic of Seonghwa being excluded, it's not that serious, but certainly annoying, sad many people ignore it, cause he's popular enough... Ngl I didn't know that Post Malone song before and I don't like it ajshishsjsjsjdhhs, but Seonghwa should get a chance for real :(
Okay the hair is fine! Why did he send us into panic mode for no reason 🔪 I think his scalp doesn't look too bad actually, could've been worse 😭 Yeosang's hair ❤❤❤❤
God, guess who's gonna be the next token gg. Baby Monster though what a name 💀 and fuck you YG you creepy ugly ass
Antoine?!?! Okay pop off I guess, also I'M LOSING IT WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY
Oooohhhhh hahahahahaha anyways 😵 Hands... pretty
Thankfully he's also a cat!
Also I'm gonna die if this is true 😭❤🥰 but it's highly likely, did Ryan film down the street???
I can't do this this is sick 😭😭😭😭
I got LAZINESS on that quiz, it said I feel connected to cats akdyaigsjasnshsguaja
Happy NY Baeksy! - DV 💖
hi hello!!
No offence but wtf is Al-Nassr 😭 big names playing in these clubs is always so fucking funny. Suarez in an Uruguayan club makes sense since it's his home country, but others??? Also whenever they go to the USA 🔪 I'm looking at you Zlatan. Changed football into soccer real quick ajishshahsjahshsgsgs and now we have this 🙉
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 al-nassr lower than the farmers league 😭 no literally it’s so funny and the ppl who make memes about it have me cRYING,,, FBWMFBWKHDKCJC STOP THE PLOT ACTUALLY LOOKS INTERESTING,, see zlatan’s personality makes me forgive that he went to LA <33
It's sad to see top players go for the money, but they're often treated like shit towards the end of their careers so I'm not shocked
no yeah good for ronaldo bro secured the bag but paid a hefty price,,, plus its only for 2 years mayhaps somethings will change 😭😭 but glad he didn’t go kansas city 😭😭
Hahahhahah thanxx Baek. My birthday was boring, I had to work then went out, but nothing crazy. I don't like celebrating my birthday actually. I almost got the Pope, damn was a but late. Why are people dropping dead at the end of the year. Ok but get this, my British friend killed Liz and her sister killed Phillip hsyuahsjsjahagsgshha
wELL I HOPE U HAD FUN EITHER WAY, calm birthdays with no celebration but just the presence of u >>> ALMOST GOT THE POPE,,, december 31st is like the grim reaper, every year it waits for it’s best victim and snatches them actually,,, LMFAOOOO NO WAY????? ICBWKCKCKC WHAT A COINCIDENCE that would actually be such a big flex tbh
Oh jesus, I got hit with a tennis ball once, had a bump on the top of my head like in cartoons 😭😭😭😭 so I feel your brother. My friend took a golf ball to the eye. No joke some middle school girls were acting like Pepe or maybe he's acting like them 🔪 I had my moments as well, but jfc ///// Speaking of hockey when I used to attend the games sometimes the puck would fly and we had to avoid being hit. But I actually "caught" two and they let me have them, so that's cool
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭😭 NOT THE BUMP i will assume it’s like this forever now
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A GOLF BALL??? WHAT IS GOING ON 😭😭😭 no bc ur so right, why are ppl so aggressive in PE chill it’s JUST PE STOP ACTING LIKE PEPE,,, my theory is that PE is derived from PEPE 🤚🏻 u ever think pepe can win a wrestling match,,, i still think about how that moroccan player kissed pepe’s head bc they missed a pen 😭😭 U CAUGHT THEM?? ANON THATS UR MAIN CHARACTER MOMENT
Yes I watched the FRA-ITA final with my grandfather. At that time we didn't know what happened so people were like "Zizou????" Ah wait I messed up the link ///// Mourinho meme material for sure akshusyshsbhshash sometimes you wanna slap him, sometimes you can't stop laughing at him. Sometimes it's both
my dad still talks about it every time he spots zidane and just points at him “I KNOW YOU??” what a legend tbh,,, but the italian player had it coming, zidane didnt lose his honour <3 LMFAOOOO STOP FBWKBDWK ITS THE WAY ID GET PISSED AT THEM IN THE PAST FOR DOIKG THAT DO BARCA PLAYERS BTT UT NOW ITS JIST SO FUNNY 😭😭 the way neymar has more red cards than pepe is unbelievable actually,,,, the comment “When Ramos and Pepe were on the line up the other teams doctors were more prepared then the team” 😭😭😭😭 seriously what a duo they are,,, NO SERIOUSLY BUT HES SO FUNNY MY ANGER JUST WHOOSHES AWAY this one esp the smile he has on 😭😭😭
Exo's not making it easy for you all </333 SM you're getting stabbed /// It seems Edenary wanted to mix a lot of their songs, Answer, Inception, HH, Wonderland, Guerrilla, Ktinys compared Halazia to all of them, hahaha But I wish it was less autotuned, just more majestic and dramatic. As long as they don't release another Paradgim I'll be content, but I miss their older songs tbh </3 San was struggling in the video, damn rip! (Hopefully he didn't die)
bestie SM IS GETTING STABBED BC SUPERM CB???? if we manifested this, then the red light is tvxq and it better be max 🔫🔫,,, wait u are right, it does seem like they mixed them all together! no wonder!! right! lesser autotune would’ve let their vocals shine, it rly wouldve been majestic fantasy sound tbh,,, gonna also be that fan and say i miss their old songs as well,, something with a mix of inception answer and all,,, fever pt1 after went a little 📉📈 in my personal humble opinion <3 tho their bsides have def improved alot!
The popping in the choreo is insane also Hwa is giving Tomoe... O_O definitely need a fic with this look and vibe, fire bender Hwa? Prophet Hwa?
u did not just say that..
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More and more people bring the topic of Seonghwa being excluded, it's not that serious, but certainly annoying, sad many people ignore it, cause he's popular enough... Ngl I didn't know that Post Malone song before and I don't like it ajshishsjsjsjdhhs, but Seonghwa should get a chance for real :(
yeah, it’s def a topic that should be discussed about but the WAY it is being discussed is annoying 🔫🔫 IM GONNA PRETEND I HAVE NRVER SEEN THAT SENTENCE 🔫🔫 he should! need him in the pretty boy group collab 😭😭 juyeon hyunjin hwa <3 a NEED
Okay the hair is fine! Why did he send us into panic mode for no reason 🔪 I think his scalp doesn't look too bad actually, could've been worse 😭 Yeosang's hair ❤❤❤❤ //// God, guess who's gonna be the next token gg. Baby Monster though what a name 💀 and fuck you YG you creepy ugly ass
bro looks like einstein 😭😭😭 little nerdy genius guy <33 bestie now….hopefully he dyes his hair bc the euro tour hwa CANNOT BE BLOND !!!!!! if u can’t experience it no one can 🤚🏻no cause baby monster,,, and the girlies are aged 2002-2010🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ YEOSANGS HAIR 🤚🏻🤚🏻 THE BEST ITS BEEN IN A WHILE
Antoine?!?! Okay pop off I guess, also I'M LOSING IT WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY //// Oooohhhhh hahahahahaha anyways 😵 Hands... pretty
bro can’t believe it 😭😭😭 HE JUST SAT THERE AND I WAS LIKE ???? UR NOT GONNA CELEBRATE??? 😭😭😭 also 😭😭😭 he just kept sliding,, all the way back to brazil fvdbvdd also 😶😶 psg loosing their match for the first time coincidentally the day where their main players aren’t there <3 guess mbappe isn’t the one who carries the team <3 but tbh psg are 🔫🔫 them not letting players go to brazil for pele’s funeral 🔫 
Thankfully he's also a cat! ///// Also I'm gonna die if this is true 😭❤🥰 but it's highly likely, did Ryan film down the street???
JDVWKDHSK THE WAY HES LOOKING 😭😭😭 WAIT?????? NO WAY???? SKZ WORLD DOMINATION WTF,,, he did actually 😭😭 and now it’s percy jackson’s filming!
I can't do this this is sick 😭😭😭😭 /// I got LAZINESS on that quiz, it said I feel connected to cats akdyaigsjasnshsguaja /// Happy NY Baeksy! - DV 💖
no bc imagine what he must be feeling 😭😭 his career is really so spontaneous i wonder if he’s tired 😭😭,,, but… anon ur getting laziness im getting sadness <3 happy new year to you tooo!!!! hope u get to see ateez this year!!!! <33
he saved me actually
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taexual · 7 months
Heyyy, guess what time it isss 🤭 my long ass rant has arrived, buckel up, because this part gave me everything, it was magestic, poetic, beautiful, gut wrenching and everything in between, yeah
Once again I have to say this, but I love their dynamic, how oc and jk understand each other even when it comes to the hangovers and tiredness, love that for them
And also this(?(? "Jungkook knew you liked chocolate the most, but he did not want to brag about the three taxis he had to take to eight different shops to get it for you." Like he's the standarddddd
And these aswell?
“I’ll find you,” he said, and your heart threatened to stop. “I’ll always find you.”
“My love,” he said, sliding closer to you on the bed. You felt very light-headed. “Anything’s fair to me when it comes to you. Stay and let me make you happy.”
LIKE GIRL ME TOOOOO, IT'S LIKE I'M HAVING TACHYCARDIA, HE'S TOO DAMN MUCH (I will die on this hill that love or my love are elite pet names mhm)
“I’m happy,” you said. “This is right where I’ve always wanted to be. I’m not going anywhere.”
And also oc being more open and confident with time about their feelings, reassuring him and herself, and overall opening her arms for that second chance, it's just ugh, the grown, the maturity, the determinationnnnn.
“Did you know,” he whispered, his words punctuated by heavy breaths and your lips smacking against each other, “that I dreamt about you—on the night before you showed up at the company—as our manager—?”
“I’m not going to shut up about how much I love you, though,” he whispered.
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JFC SOMEONE GET ME A LOVE LIKE THISSSS, I. LOVE. THEM. Happiness simply looks so pretty in them, really I'm gagged
And Jungkook had already tried it before: this method of not telling you and hoping to find a way out of a predicament that he’d allowed Sid to put him in. It hadn’t been successful. He had no intention of trying it again.
And also this more of a serious topic, I did have the uncertainty about what jk would choose and show based on the videos, but I'm so so glad and proud of him for approaching oc first and expressing his fears and reasoning, great job buddy c:
Also fuck Sid, that's my motto in life
Right away, just from the tone of your voice alone, Jungkook knew that Sid had lost. He’d lost and he didn’t even know it yet. The two of you had already won.
YEAH GET HIS ASS, GET HIM FOR ME, oooh how I love when bad bitchess have such determination yes yes. And that last line made me so happy, they deserve this, they really do <3 <3
If it didn't seem clear enough from this ask, I adore this series, your writing and style of storytelling, thanks for this (and also I'm falling asleep while writing this, so if something makes no sense, or if I randomly say something in Spanish or a brand new language created by my sleepy self, please ignore it, thank you very much).
i love this so muchhhh 😭😭 my love, i truly hope you sleep well, because i will be seeing your message in my dreams and grinning like an absolute idiot the whole time 🥲
seriously though, thank you so much!!!! it means the world to me (and it's still crazy and unbelievable to my little brain??) to know that reading that made you feel real emotions!!!!!!! the ones i have also felt!!!!!!! like omg!!!!!
you are A GIFT 🥺🤍 thank you so much 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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yesokayiknow · 5 years
please go off on the not shipping 11 with anyone rant
ooooof okay lemme break this down
(i felt bad abt putting a big negativity post on ppl’s dashes so)
- the continuous casual misogyny. that ‘she is a woman’ line which he excuses with ‘shut up i’m dying’ like hello??? hello???? eleven meet me in the fucking PIT. and the fact that he kept calling amy and clara girls (the girl who waited, the impossible girl) like idk man. that always rubbed me the wrong way. the thing that makes me angriest is still him talking about clara’s ‘too tight skirts’ like fuck you!! fuck you!!! (also literally the first thing he did in his life was freaking out that he might be a girl like. hhhhhhhh)
- the fact that amy repeatedly told him that she didn’t like the name amelia anymore as well as pointing out that she’d changed her last name after getting married and yet he ignored her?? dude calling someone by their name isn’t hard okay jfc
- i mean literally the entirety of the husbands of river song is about how river doesn’t believe that the doctor ever loved her. like they’ve been married for centuries at this point and she still doesn’t KNOW if she’s loved?? still 100% believes that he doesn’t give a shit about her???? if i had a wife i would simply love and cherish her rip to 11 but i’m different. i mean river breaking her own wrist and then pretending nothing happened bc 'you cant let him see the damage'???? yikes yikes yikes yikes. like sometimes i think abt 11 never telling river that he loved her and the way she was always chasing after him the way she built her whole LIFE around him as some way to get some acknowledgement from him that he would never ever give and then i have to sit down and breathe for a sec
- he didn’t break the news to the ponds that he’d faked his own death gently he just? he turned up at the ponds’ house on christmas remember and they were like ye we know you’re alive river told us but like???? what if they hadn’t have known??????? how fucking devastating would it have been like the FUCK 11??? good thing river had already told them huh!!! imagine your dead best friend turning up on ur doorstep AFTER u watched him dielike i would NOT need that kind of energy in ANY kind of relationship tyvm (also he didn’t tell sarah jane & jo grant that he wasn’t dead either he just let them get invited to one of his fake funerals like dude,,,clean up your messes GOD. also it’s been a while but wasn’t the first thing he said when he saw sj & jo again smth like ‘wow you got old’ like i swear to god)
- me thinkin abt 12 not telling bill he was blind bc he didn’t want her to feel guilty abt sacrificing his sight for her life vs 11 inviting river to watch her be brainwashed into shooting him: the fuck the fuck the FUCK
11: i invited u so u know i always forgive u :) 
literally you could not find a bigger trigger for river if you TRIED how could you think that’s a good idea!!!
- invites amy onboard bc he likes her except nope! turned out he did that bc he was curious about what the crack in spacetime had done to her life!!! and THEN he did it again with not revealing what really happened with the pregnancy scan (THAT’S HER BODY HE DIDN’T EVEN TELL HER THAT’S SO GROSS LIKE HELLO??? HELLO??????) 
- then of course he does the whole false pretences thing AGAIN with clara. like man imagine if 11 had just actually told clara though. like not the way he yelled at her and then took advantage of the mindwipe but like actually told her???? but no can’t have that better to just keep lying when she asks if you’re using her as a replacement for someone else!!!
-okay nothing to do with how dateable he is as a person but he sure did make everyone in the human race post 1969 murderers without their knowledge huh!!!!! sure did that!!!!! that never came up again huh!!!!!!!!!
- hm i’m just remembering amy telling 11 that she bit her psychiatrists and like?? didn’t he laugh???? pretty sure he never really apologised!!! fellas if he doesn’t care abt ur mental trauma (that HE caused indirectly or not) then dump his ass
-also remember that time he kinda made the ponds spend like 3 months outrunning the secret service and the silence in 60s america by themselves (which is what allowed amy to be kidnapped and experimented on and have melody taken away from her)
- he NEVER saw clara as a person EVER he saw her as a fun mystery to be solved and he lied and stalked and gaslighted her so he could solve it and god i hate that whole plot so much and it also flows into why clara became so goddamn ambivalent about her own life & worth bc hey its not like 11 saw her as a person so why should she huh. like clara becoming a uh,,,,,,trainwreck who got herself killed (and i adore her for it don’t @ me) is definitely something that could’ve always happened but also 11 SURE did treat her like a mythical figure instead of a real person huh !
- okay yknow what it’s been years and i’m STILL pissed abt the way 11 told oswin that she was in a dalek casing like you really couldn’t have found a less traumatising way to phrase that?? really???
- dont think i need to comment on this:
 amy, after nearly DYING: wow that was good right? 
11: complete silence
amy: it was right? it was good??
11: still complete silence
river, looking like shes about to pull out a gun: it was BRILLIANT you’re BRILLIANT
you know this point may have gotten away from me a bit but in conclusion fuck 11 
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mskatesharma · 2 years
i love you tags! yeah i can’t believe more people aren’t complaining about the fact these two sisters didn’t have a convo that wasn’t abt Anthony after episode one. it was glaringly obvious. even in episode 1 though the only thing these two girls talked about was suitors. they barely had a conversation that wasn’t about a man or alluded to a man. the show tries to play their conflict as about the sisterly relationship but it is way too anthony centric. i really hated that they had Edwina cry over not being good enough for anthony & watching her try so hard to please him. idk i did not watch this show to see a brown woman try so desperately to win this white man’s approval.
the sisterly relationship was weird bc Kate was really playing more of a maternal role but the show also didn’t want to Mary to be seen as an absent mother. (they had no idea what to do with Mary and that is so obvious in the first episodes). they sacrificed so much of the Sharma relationship to make Kate and Anthony mirrors. and what’s worse is that they didn’t even bother to properly explore the new dynamics of the sharma family or explore Kate’s different personality and trauma. i never got the vibe that either sister really new each other at all and that’s largely bc i don’t think they really knew themselves. sorry this got long!
I think you're referring to the tags on this post, which were (please mind the awful grammer):
#kate & edwina#bridgerton#kate sharma#edwina sharma#the viscount who loved me#of my favourite bits of the book and I honestly get teary everytime#*one of#the fact that we didn’t get an equivalent scene in the show#instead most? all? of their conversations after episode one centred on anthony is something i’ll hate these writers for forever#naaaah the way a white man came between these two sisters will never not infuriate me#jfc i will never be over the way they completely butchered kate & edwina#and the sharmas as a whole#WHERE WAS THE KATE AND EDWINA LOVE STORY YOU KEPT GOING ON ABOUT BECAUSE IM STILL WAITING TO SEE IT#soulmates my arse
They really didn't have a conversation that wasn't somehow related to Anthony after episode one, did they? It's so bleak jfc. When they released the posters for this season, and they had Anthony in the middle of Kate and Edwina, I was pissed off for so many reasons, but one of the main ones being this white man was shoved in the middle of these two South Asian sisters. I remember telling someone that if I hadn't read the book and didn't know about Kate and Anthony, that main poster would have turned me off watching season two, because it's the last thing that I would want to watch. It was so fucking reductive, but I guess it was a good indication that the storyline was going to be as well.
You are absolutely right that they didn't know what to do with Mary, they wasted her character (and Shelley Conn), as she was basically a non-entity for the for the first five/six episodes,?
Tbh, I didn't necessarily mind that they tilted it to make Kate and Anthony mirror each other even further, it's just infuriating because they altered the Sharma family dynamic so drastically when they didn't need to. You could have had Kate take on the mantle of being the de facto head of family, but still have Mary trying to emotionally support both her daughters, like she does in the books? The Sharmas could have still had a bond similar to that of the Sheffields in the book, with both Mary and Edwina knowing what Kate really wants, but Kate struggling to admit it to them, and them not neccesarily knowing why she struggles. Kate seemed so lonely on the show, for no reason, because even Anthony had Violet and Daphne in his corner encouraging him to choose happiness and love, because they could see that marrying Edwina was not what he truly wanted. On the show, Mary and Edwina thought that what Kate craved most was freedom and independence, and returning to India, when that wasn't it at all.
I just…I feel like Kate and Edwina's (and Mary's) relationship on the show had next to none of the warmth that we see in their book relationship? You never really got the sense that they understood the other better than anyone else. Edwina's line in episode eight where she says Kate "does not know herself" pisses me off, because actually, Kate knows who she is and what she wants, she's just been too scared to admit it and really go for it because a) she doesn't think she's deserving of it or done enough to earn it, and b) she doesn't want to open herself up to a similar heartbreak like she suffered when her father died. It takes Mary telling Kate that she deserves to be happy, and that she doesn't owe people things in return for being loved, for Kate to actually admit what she wants.
And like you said, they didn't properly explore Kate's trauma and grief, and just how that affected everything she's done since her father died. Yes Edwina was right to be angry, but we never get a conversation between her and Kate where it's acknowledged exactly what Kate has sacrificed, and what else she was willing to give up if she thought it meant Edwina (and Mary) would be settled and happy. And it sucks.
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