#also yes I ended with that one Narnia meme
abyssonance · 2 years
Anon asked: 😶 have you ever tortured somebody before? If you haven’t,let me give u some tips. -[redacted]
Uncomfy Questions [Accepting]
“Cease your prattling.” They bellowed ominously. “I have never gone out of my way to cause such torment, but let me take an idea proposed by certain human writers of fiction and explain it:
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“Imagine you are a tiny insect, crawling across a circuit board. A human invention, but you do not know what it is, what it means, nor if it is even important other than just metallic colours. Then suddenly, you learn what it does: it communicates millions of ideas a second across an invisible space to millions of more people in a second. Overwhelming is this knew knowledge and awareness. Then, as quickly as it came, this knowledge is lost to you. You forget it all but you remember that you knew.
“Such a state drives you to insanity. You had all the knowledge, forbidden and grand... you must have it again, it leaves you completely empty and broken to not have it... but you never will. No matter what you try, no matter how deep your call into the abyss, how desperate you claw at whatever entity will listen...
“I am entropy, yet I exist in form. I am nothing, but something, a paradox that should not be, yet here I am. I am barely comprehensible to any other creature than my own Kindred. This form is the only appeasement of the mind and reality so that your psyche may not be shattered in an instant.
“Not knowing your purpose and being blamed for being the embodiment of nothingness is akin to what I have described. I have existed through it, and was remade for it. I existed while you invented the ways you have such described in harsh detail.
“Cite not the ways of torturous existence, I witnessed their birth.”
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penny-anna · 2 years
Hi, you said that you have daemon AUs for other fandoms, and I am intensely interested in that, if you are willing to share!
YES i got loads of those to rec!
like a tiger (defying the laws of gravity) by Fiachra
"Billy hated how he picked her up so gingerly, when in any other case he’d just pull her against his chest. He hated how holding his daemon, the most natural thing in the world, felt so clumsy and awkward with his new hands. He hated how he could feel Cassi’s heart racing through his fingers, how fragile she felt in his grip."
Shazam! But they have daemons
requisite shazam daemon au
Two Halves of a Whole by penguistifical
Geralt doesn’t take much notice at first when the small brown bird alights on his table.
tehehe i've recced this one before, delightful little geraskier daemon au
Honest Souls by trinityofone
There was something wrong with Spike’s dæmon.
might have recced this one before also? i think it was the only buffy daemon au i could find! got some great worldbuilding going on i love it
The Swan Princess by Mad_Maudlin
She just rolled her eyes at him. "He hasn't got a daemon, stupid. That's how you know he's an alien."
11th doctor daemon au!! personal fav of mine & inspiration for my dr who daemon fic :3
Eidari by Joysweeper
A series of short stories set in a version of the Galaxy Far, Far Away in which the Force is entangled with Dust, and humans and some near-humans have dæmons, animal-shaped manifestations of their consciousness or souls. Luke and his dæmon, Peregrine, are weird and always have been, but they do have one friend who doesn't seem to care. However, there are limits to that acceptance.
ahhh i love this whole series. wish there was more of it.
Without Any External or Physical Form by Elizabeth Culmer (edenfalling)
Lucy and Mr. Tumnus discuss history and hypotheticals over tea, in the second summer after the end of the Witch's reign. Daemon AU.
cute little narnia fic!!
Feel Me Up, Babe by willowbilly
The first time that Jake and Amy touch each others' dæmons, it begins with Jake asking Amy if she wants to feel his booby.
The booby in question is a blue-footed one, and his name is Yaakov. The name Yaakov is basically the same name as Jacob. But like. Older and traditional-y. Basically, Jake's mother and Jake's mother's dæmon had consigned them to being “Jake Jake” the way in which that poor meme wolf was “Moon Moon,” and Gina was never going to let it be forgotten.
heheh brooklyn 99 w daemons, love that
Radium Dial by authorperson
“Radar,” they say, all of them, and he can always hear it coming before they even open their mouths. There’s always a smile there, like they’ve figured him out, and every time they’re wrong. “Because of her, right? The antennae?”
Radar and Eleanor keep em guessing.
ohhh if you only read one fic on this list please have it be this one, my no 1 favourite daemon au, i love it so much <3 read the whole series. absolutely outstanding.
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darke15 · 1 year
Do you watch movies outside of marvel? (That sounds condescending for some reason Im sorry lol I’m not being that)
Who’s your favourite actors?
pffffffffftttttt 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I def read that like the condescending Willy Wonka meme and it made me giggle. That being said, yes I do watch movies outside of Marvel. But I don't necessarily watch things because an actor is in it.
Whenever I do, the movies end up being shit soooo....
I prefer action movies but not really thriller movies. I like paranormal movies but I can't do serial killer or natural disaster movies. I like adventure movies but I have a hard time getting into fantasy movies [LOTR, Narnia, etc]. And I like sci-fi but I don't like dystopian.
tl;dr I'm picky as hell.
I really enjoy the Mission Impossible movies, Daniel Craig's James Bond movies & John Wick, I watch them on repeat while I write. I got a whole list of movies i enjoy here.
I've also tried to watch a bunch of new movies this year and I've had shit luck finding good ones that I like. That being said, even tho I really enjoy action movies, I've really enjoyed watching chill animated movies and tv shows lately. (I've watch the new puss in boots at least a dozen times since it came out and Bluey has been my comfort show)
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
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tachiisms · 2 years
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
meme ( accepting )
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
that's such a hard question, because I read a lot as a kid and so I had a lot of varying influences at a very developmental age for writing. I also try to adapt my writing style based on the genre (or for rping, fandom) I'm writing in -- for example it always feels a little off to me to be super flowery and purple-prose-y in star wars, because to me that style doesn't feel like it matches the genre; as another example when I'm writing for a character in the narnia fandom I'll on occasion break the 4th wall with a comment directed towards the reader, since that's something cs lewis does often in the books. one pretty big change in my writing was impacted by an rp partner, though, which is that she preferred writing in present tense (previously I'd almost always written in past tense) and now I write in present tense a lot more than past.
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
not really! I'm pretty satisfied with the muses I write now. I've had others off and on but the ones I have now are the ones that I always come back to.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
sooooo here's the thing..... I've been asked this question (or this sort of question) a number of times throughout the existence of this blog, and it's... a really hard question. because I feel like what should be an ideal outcome or endgame would be living a long and happy life, getting to see peace in the galaxy and settle down and retire, etc etc. but that's... just not siri. her ideal outcome is always going to have to end in her going out in a fight, because that's how she'd want to go out. so I can think of lots of ideal ways for her to live longer than she does in canon, but the outcome/ending is always going to be in a fight if it's ideal for her. a definite element of her ideal outcome/endgame though is her getting to see ferus again (when he's happy and with roan please that's all I want) and getting some level of closure there.
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klaineharmony · 3 years
AO3 Tag Meme!
Tagged by @bywayofmemory - thank you so much! 
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
51. I have all of my three-sentence fic in one catch-all “fic,” though - I don’t do as much of it as some of you! I tend to write longer stories.
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
557,450. (Wow!! That’s more than I thought.)
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
There are 34 fandoms in the list on my AO3 dashboard, but quite a number of them are duplicates (e. g., “Newsies! The Musical - Fierstein/Menken” and “Newsies - All Media Types” and “Newsies (1992)”). It’s really about 18, total. Some of them are Glee, Chronicles of Narnia, Newsies, The West Wing, Harry Potter, Sherlock, MCU, and Little Women.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Mending Our Mistakes (Little Women, Jo/Laurie)
Wounded With His Wounded Heart (Sherlock, Post-Reichenbach, Sherlock/John)
Silver and Gold Crowns (Chronicles of Narnia, PC movie ‘verse, a sequel to Lirenel’s Terror Gold)
Balancing the Scales (Chronicles of Narnia, focusing primarily on Peter and Ed post-VoDT)
Cries in the Night (Harry Potter, Harry/Hermione)
These surprised me a little bit! I would have guessed Mending Our Mistakes, and Wounded just because Sherlock is such a big and voracious fic-reading fandom, but not the others.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Always! I love getting feedback from readers, and I started off really participating in fandom on LJ, where the back-and-forth in comments was much more like conversation. I miss that.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I hate angsty endings, honestly, and I don’t write them much. There can be angst in abundance in a fic, but I want my happy endings! That said, the two angstiest things I’ve written are probably Requiem (The West Wing, a futurefic meant to commemorate the real-life 2011 Norway bombing) and Secrets and Ghosts (A Chronicles of Narnia/Imitation Game crossover).
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I do! Not often, but I like them when I do. I think the craziest one I have started (not finished, as I have way too many WIPs) is a Glee/Chronicles of Narnia crossover called The Substance of Things Hoped For. I also started a Narnia/White Collar crossover during TSF this year that I haven’t posted, because I keep hoping I will finish it.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
It’s very, very rare. I can recall one instance where I received a nasty comment on a Klaine fic, and once when I received a mean comment on a Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers fic, but those are the only two that spring to mind.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, but rarely. And I don’t have a kind, I don’t think? Except to say that if it doesn’t actually do something for the plot, and for the emotions of the people involved, then I generally don’t write it. Smut for smut’s sake is really difficult for me to write - it’s difficult to write anyway!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t, though I’ve taken requests or prompts from people!
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
It is utterly impossible to answer this question. I have an OTP for pretty much every fandom. I will answer with Klaine first, because they were my first experience with a really big fandom and a wonderful community of people. But Josh/Donna from The West Wing, Harry/Hermione from Harry Potter, Jack/Sarah from Newsies, Jo/Laurie from Little Women, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter - there are so many. 
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
This is difficult - I wrote two stories really close together, one for The West Wing (Distraught Conditions) and one for Beauty and the Beast 1987 (Love and Hope). I’m honestly not sure which one was first!
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
We’ll Be There To Defend One Another, which is also my longest fic and the first story I’ve ever cracked 100K on. It’s a love letter to Newsies (1992) with polyamory 19th-century style and lots of historical notes (probably too many. This is my time period and I love talking about it.) But, oh, I love this fic and this ‘verse - I have snippets and notes for a whole series of stories, at this point, if I can ever finish the first one!
Tagging: @coffeegleek, @redheadgleek, @jackabelle73, @whatstheproblembaby, @wordshakerofgallifrey, @honeysucklepink , @sothinky, @thelittleredheadedmusician and whoever else would like to! :)
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eidetictelekinetic · 3 years
Fic Interview Meme
Thanks for the tag, @rubickk7 !
How many works do you have on AO3? 
I have 115 fics.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3:
The Magicians (TV) (28)
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (21)
Inception (2010) (20)
Suits (US TV) (17)
Game of Thrones (TV) (12)
Black Sails (7)
Supernatural (6)
The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (5)
A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (5)
The Tudors (TV) (3)
The Hobbit - All Media Types (2)
X-Men (Movieverse) (2)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (2)
The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) (2)
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (2)
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) (2)
American Gods - Neil Gaiman (1)
Conviction (TV 2006) (1)
16th Century CE RPF (1)
Star Wars Legends - All Media Types (1)
Star Wars - All Media Types (1)
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (1)
Whitechapel (TV) (1)
Chronicles of Narnia (Movies) (1)
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (1)
Here’s the list from my fanfiction.net days (some overlap here):
Song of the Lioness
Star Wars
Stargate: SG-1
Harry Potter
In The Forests of the Night
X-Men: The Movie
Circle of Magic
Doctor Who
House, M.D.
Law and Order: SVU
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Lady of Rivers and Storms [ASOIAF]: When Lysa miscarries Petyr's child before anyone learns of her pregnancy, her father negotiates a different marriage for her instead. Married to the second Baratheon son, will the future be any easier for either of them?
In the Middle (Before I Knew I Had Begun) [Suits]: It's an accident, when Mike touches Lyla. But everything follows from there. (Or maybe everything follows from the moment Rhi saw the golden tiger and all she could think was how beautiful she was.)
Skyfall Is Where We Start [ASOIAF]: 'At least Stannis won't laugh at Renly if the boy tries to follow him around when he's a bit older and takes a tumble on the flagstones. It's not much, not much at all, but perhaps it's enough to be going on with.'
Robert never loved his brothers, but this is not a story about Robert. This is about Stannis, and Renly, and glimpses of how they might have been different, had they let themselves love each other as brothers usually do.
Breakin’ Out the Institution [Suits]: “OK, so, before we start, a few things you should know about me. My name’s Mike Ross, not Rick Sorkin. I am a lawyer, I just didn’t go to Harvard. But you should hear me out anyway.”
Where Mike is actually a lawyer, a Brooklyn ADA looking for a change of pace, and gatecrashes Harvey's interviews entirely on purpose.
Lay Me Down (Pockets Full of Stones) [The Magicians]: The world spins, and Quentin doesn’t even feel his knees buckle, or how his head hits the wall on the way down. All he knows is the fall into the quiet dark.
In which Quentin survives the events of 4.13 by taking such bad care of himself he never actually makes it to the Mirror Realm. Also in which everyone loses him for a day, and Eliot is Not Happy about this.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yeah; I like getting responses to my comments so I do my best to reply to comments I get.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I had to go back to fanfiction.net for this because I never crossposted these to AO3, but Kiss My Eyes for The Tudors. It was Anne of Cleves/Cromwell, which was tragic mostly because it was historically compliant so a deathfic. Honorable mention, same fandom, was And In That Hour, Charles Brandon/Margaret Tudor and Charles Brandon/Henry VIII, unrequited love for the latter. 
Fun fact about the latter, it was the first m/m fic I ever wrote; the deal was I’d write a slash fic if one of my forum friends did a femslash one.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Ha. Hahahahahaha. So, back when I was 17-18 I was working on a verse titled A Moment To Be Real, and it was a crossover verse that, taking all the relevant fics into account, included Charmed, Primeval, the Whoniverse, and NCIS in major capacities. In more minor capacities, the plans for the verse also included Fringe, Supernatural, Stargate SG1/Atlantis, and Warehouse 13. Oh, and there were two main timelines and two minor ones the stories spent time in. Heh. Yeah, that was a thing, yes it was way too big a project and I didn’t finish it, but I truly think that working to juggle all that was very helpful to my later work. 
I don’t write a lot of major crossovers anymore, but I tend to just... live in the idea that certain canons can feasibly coexist so when I can do little crossover cameos I like to do them. One recent exception is return to the sunlit lands, which is a Magicians/Narnia crossover.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not recently; a long time ago back on ff.net, I left a comment that was misunderstood as hate (I said something was bad, meaning the characters’ situation, but the author thought I meant her writing) and the author of that fic responded in kind. Once I clarified, they were nicer in a subsequent review. I’ve been very lucky in that regard; I’ve had friends who have had to deal with a lot of drama in that sense.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I didn’t for a long time, but recently I’ve begun to! So far, it’s been m/m and f/f, though there was an intentionally-vague m/m/f scene and I’m... currently avoiding writing a more detailed one because I’m nervous as hell about it, lol.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, actually! Two of my older ASOIAF fics, All the Traveled Roads and I Will Not Fall, I Will Not Break have translations, which is just really neat to me.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
About ten years ago I was working on a joint project about modern day Tudors; never did get posted, alas. I’m not sure I’d be very well suited to co-writing a single story; co-writing a verse where different authors do different stories might work, though.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
God, I have no idea, but I still and always have strong feelings about Sam/Jack from Stargate SG1, so let’s go with that for longevity?
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Moment To Be Real, actually; it’s not so much that I want to finish it as that I know I won’t and I regret it. I have another verse that I probably won’t finish but one of these days I’ll at least post an outline of where I saw it going so that there will be some degree of closure. Pretty much every other fic has at least a faint chance I might go back to it, or I genuinely don’t want to.
What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding and handling the moving pieces of a canon divergent AU. I’ve also been told I’m pretty good with ensembles.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, which is unfortunate when I find myself definitely needing to write a battle, and I suspect is part of my smut hang-ups too.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I have done it occasionally, but honestly I feel it’s usually easier to italicize English dialogue and put the other language in the narration - I think it’s probably easier to read, too.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Stargate SG1
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I couldn’t possibly pick one, really.
Tagging @theemightypen @cosmonauthill @jayneladybright @ofthedirewolves @portraitofemmy @nellie-elizabeth @mihrsuri
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
That Krispy Cat: A Warning, part 2
A bit of lighter fan art to clear the air for a moment.
Here’s art of Crispy taking the shit out of Cynder from Spyro that feels waaay more like she’s channeling her pent up teenage aggression onto this fictional child dragon:
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“boohoo goth girl stole mah ice creeeeeam!”
So if you somehow aren’t deterred by the Nazism you should know that she’s always been a raging pissy-brat who uses her big-girl words to put herself above everyone else. She was the kind of die-hard in character fan fic type whose such an asshole about everyone else’s fan fics you don’t care if she’s got some good ideas. She was THAT detestable.
((fyi Derpibooru is the only “safe” place you can view her art now cause it’s the only place where you won’t be giving her views.))
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vvv ((Crispy again showing that lovely “ironic” side of her trolling with Trump pony. As anyone with eyes can tell Crispy is a talented cartoonist so it says something that Trump still looks ugly as sin even in her style)) vvv
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vvv ((This piece was called “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas”)) vvv
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((That Disneyesque SS Eagle who appears in her art is her fandom-hopping OC Klaus who she’d fetishize as often as she’d pretend she was his adopted daughter (the white blue eyed cat was her self-insert, who also hopped from fandom to fandom))).
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^^^ ((I can’t find this piece in her gallery anymore and she ended up censoring a lot of her author’s comments to keep from being banned from dA. (dwaaayousobwaveCwispy) but I swear up and down that the disc for this one was:
“Fraulein dhat picture ist just white” 
“Yah like all of America should be!”
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^^^ ((This one was called “My Little Holocaust.” I shit you not. It’s still on derpibooru.)) ^^^
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^^^ ((G1 styled baby pony who needs to be saved. The original art had swastikas lining the crib.
She also liked to throw her weight around about being a fan of the older MLP and how newer flash always sucked ass compared to the true handdrawn stuff of yore. Even her art preferences reeked of eugenic overtones, which is pretty ironic seeing as I never saw and totally traditional art piece from her. Must have quit when she realized she wasn’t talented enough for that, much like a famous one-testicled chud I know...)) ^^^
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^^^ ((One of her most infamous pieces -to me-.
Yes. As Adam from YourMovieSucks points out, there is A LOT of racist shite in Kimba the White Lion and accidental colonialist message to the whole franchise. I am NOT denying that. But, there’s a reason I’m not yukking it up with the rest of Adam’s watchers, and it’s Crispy. Everyone else in the Kimba/memes subbreddit usually means the NaziKimba jokes in good fun and can tell the real value of Kimba. This bitch is all about how white really IS better. 
Below is her bitching about the lack of women’s rights in her AltRight circlejerk (ha) and affirming Tezuka wasn’t so liberal eat it libtards! (Tezuka was a product of his time and Japan still has blackface problems no doubt. But I guess by this woman’s logic Dr. Seuss was also a neoNazi cuz he wrote racist shit despite calling himself a liberal democrat))
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VVV ((From Reddit. Again you just have to take our words for it but everything this person says is 100% true.)) VVV
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VVV ((I’d apologize for shitty quality but it’s also a shitty person so you know what I don’t care.)) VVV
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VVV ((What her gallery once looked like. The one of Klaus talking to the black shirt kid had a disc. all about how “all those liberal inclusive schools taught you wrong<3″  Again as an oh-so-funny joke to show off Klaus as a flawed antivillain. )) VVV
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((Bad quality art by a bad person made for another bad person’s shitty pony fic))
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^^^ ((More G1 supremacy.)) VVV
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Self Aware =/= Satire and Rationalizing =/= Caring.
((There are different kinds of Nazis and Holocaust deniers. Not all of them want to kill the people they other, but if that’s your only mark for calling them bad people you have skewed priorities.
What Crispy’s artist comments and messages are very overt in are her ideas on segregation. And she was ohsoVERY proud of how that was real social justice and was actually caring for people who weren’t her ohohoho~
This piece for example had a cheeky disc. about how sweet it was for the Carebears to trust a Nazi rather than us plebian-brats who are just SOOOO INTOLERANT.
I bet Crispy’s also a MAP-apologist and TERF. I know those are pretty extreme accusations to throw around but she’s gone for the moment and I don’t really care if she isn’t or not. Like Emily Youcis, you can be antirape all you want goodgreatwahoo. I kinda don’t care about your stance on rape if YOU’RE ALSO A PROUD NATIONALIST who - again, all you have is my word - ranted about Obama not coughing up his birth certificate to her friends. I shit you not.)) VVV
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((Gift/Commission/Trade art for a person I pray I never meet in real life))
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((She also loved appropriating German words and culture into her awful rp nonsense and artist’s comments cuz it just made her so kewt. The way she and other Nazis-tans gossip in mangled German was DISGUSTING.))
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((Then of course, if an actual German got offended at her and told her not to do Nazi shit she’d cry her big girl tears about how “sad it is that Germans aren’t proud of their heritage”. Because she, an upperclass American girl with a fixation on the period of their history where they were an authoritarian dictatorship knows way more about Germans than Germans, obviously.
She has more of an unwanted hard-on for Germany than Ben Shapiro has for Israel.
Since she doesn’t care about any of the other people she offended than may I just point out how fucking insane you have to be to fetishize German culture and history like this and insist you’re doing all this shit for them.
If that’s all you see when you watch documentaries about non-Jewish Germans’ trauma about living through the Nazis and then being separated by the soviets, you’re not more open minded than people think. You’re SICK. ))
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Lovely Good Omens fandom! Many of you have asked for/mentioned having a text version of the Yelp reviews, which if I were a better person I would have remembered to include in the first place. Better late than never? So here’s a version below and I also threw this up on AO3 so there are options. For the record, I’m not at all trained in transcribing visual media, so if anyone wants to add to/edit/do whatever to this post, especially to make it more accessible, you have carte blanche to do so 👍
Also I typed this up in a hurry so, as always, apologies for any typos. 
Tagging: @lethargicdolphin, @marithlizard, @pearwaldorf
A.Z. Fell and Co. Antiquarian and Unusual Books 
Recommended Reviews 
Lindsay F. 
London, United Kingdom 
71 friends
3000 reviews
9874 photos
So I slipped into this place because I spotted my ex across the street and would have rather chugged a cocktail of bleach, lighter fluid, and a condensed solution of all my middle school years then talk to that asshole. Owner was on me the second I walked through the door and I thought he was gonna be one of those ‘Either buy something or get out’ types. Nah. I spilled the story, said I really wasn’t looking to purchase anything, and he LIT UP like nobody’s business. He gave me tea and promised I’d never run into my ex again. Which is a super sketchy promise on its own and also should have been hilarious coming from a guy a century behind in style.
...Kinda believed him though. 
Marina G. 
London, United Kingdom 
0 friends
33 reviews
48 photos
Pretty sure this guy wants a library, not a bookshop. I mean, he’s nice and all when you first come in, but trying to actually buy a book? Good fucking luck. He’s too busy to see you right now (for the record he’s super bad at pretending to be busy). Or claims that this book has already been put on reserve (then why wasn’t it in the reserve pile...?). Or the price suddenly jumped an obscene amount. Or he just straight up hems and haws until you get fed up and leave. I watched him pull a novel straight out of a woman’s hands once when she claimed that price was no object and she wouldn’t be leaving the store until she’d purchased it. You’d think she was trying to kidnap one of the guy’s kids!
So yeah. Feel like popping in to browse, maybe take pictures for your research, all while making quiet conversation with someone who quite frankly knows his stuff? This is the place for you. Want to actually buy something? Go elsewhere. Pretty sure Fell doesn’t even own a cash register. At least I’ve never seen one. 
He wants a library and I’d honestly tell him as much if he didn’t scare me just a little bit...
Aaron S. 
New York, NY
68 friends
212 reviews 
337 photos
I stayed here for three days once. Found a bathroom off the romance section and a chair hidden away in the back. Way comfier than my mattress at home. Mostly played iPhone games and kept real quiet at night. Experiment ended when I popped out for breakfast and didn’t make it back before a random 10:00am closing. Don’t think the owner ever realized what was up. 
Hana S. 
London, United Kingdom 
112 friends
115 reviews
208 photos
I really love this place. I’ve been coming here since I moved to London, about twelve years ago, and it’s one of the most soothing bookstores I’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting. Yeah, you hear talk of weird things going on at Fell’s, but really? We could all do with a bit more quirky in our lives. And Fell provides that in spades: Annual plants that never seem to wither, let alone die. The smell of incense mixing with cocoa. Strange books tucked horizontally into the shelves, feeling like they have a touch of magic to them. Nonsensical conversations taking place in dark corners (I’m talking candid chats about the apocalypse and whether angels could actually bless all the rains down in Africa. I swear Fell and his boyfriend are the religion Mythbusters or something.) I’m going to sound like a total nerd here for a moment, but it feels like some sort of liminal space. You know when you were a kid and you were just desperate to receive your Hogwarts letter? Or find your own wardrobe to Narnia? That’s what walking into Fell’s feels like. Like you’ve finally found that portal and can stay as long as you like, provided you don’t try to take anything back with you into the ‘real’ world. Hell, maybe that’s why he won’t let anyone buy his books. 
Robert T. 
Union City, CA
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26 reviews
3 photos
There’s a snake?? In this shop?? A reALLY MASSIVE SNAKE????? What are y’all doing talkin’ about your meet cutes and shit someone call pest control!
Malini D. 
London, United Kingdom 
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99 photos
I’m not gonna pretend I have anything to say about whether this is a good bookstore or not, but if you ever want knitting help you should definitely stop by. Mr. Fell knows an absurd amount about crafts for a guy who looks like my grandpa and he’s now replaced Youtube as my go-to for alleviating “Omg please fix this how the hell did I manage to reverse the pattern??” panic. For the record, I didn’t just wander up to a random bookseller one day and demand that he help me salvage the ruins of my first sweater. I’d taken a seat inside to wait out a storm, had my messy sleeve stuffed into my purse, and he’d offered the help. Bit of a bastard about things like gauge and color--not everyone wants to wear tartan, dude--but you get used to that. He means well. Said I should come back to show him the finished piece, which I did. Things just kind of spiraled from there. He’s an absolute treasure trove of knowledge once you get him talking and a muffin to boot. If he were twenty years younger and in any way straight I would have asked him out in a heartbeat. As it is I’m considering setting him up with Grandpa. 
Tiffany L. 
London, United Kingdom 
132 friends
312 reviews
34 photos
I’m not really a book person myself but I followed my wife in with our seventh-month old and was kinda embarrassed when he started making a fuss. Normally I’m full Badass Mom mode while in public--I’ve got a kid to feed, change, sooth, and you all can damn well deal with it--but this place was so quiet Liam seemed extra loud in comparison. I was about to take him back out when a man appeared out of nowhere. The owner I guess, based on how some of these other reviews describe him. Older gentleman with clothes out of some period piece. Anyway, he scoops Liam into his arms like he was born for it and started bouncing. Our fussy, temperamental, drama queen Liam settled in an instant and my wife got to browse to her heart’s content. I don’t know how he did it, but that man is an absolute angel. Full stars for that moment alone. 
Gillian L. 
The Hague, The Netherlands
283 friends
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60 photos
Anyone know if the old Bentley parked out front is for sale? 
Update: It’s really, really, really not 
Billy H. 
Austen, TX
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Gabriela G. 
London, United Kingdom
3 friends
22 reviews
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Run by this delightfully frumpy guy who sometimes hands out biscuits from a sewing tin like my gran used to. He asked me if I was looking for anything in particular and I told him my name was Jared, I was 19, but sadly I’d never learned how to read. I have NEVER seen a man more confused in my life. 10/10 would meme him again. 
Colie A.
Enola, PA
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10382 photos
I’m setting the record straight here since there are a bunch of reviews claiming it’s just London folklore: there is a snake at A.Z. Fell’s. Must be an exotic pet he usually keeps upstairs because I’ve only ever seen it twice. Is it big? Yes. Scary? Fuck yes, but I’ve never seen it do anything more than give a warning hiss at this drunk who wandered in and started yelling. (Are snakes good guard dogs? This one is.) The other time he was just chilling on top of one of the shelves. Snoozing, I guess. I asked Mr. Fell if I could pet him and he said maybe after he woke up, but then I had to get to class and all. 
Afraid of snakes? Steer clear. Otherwise I’d really recommend popping in and seeing if he’s around. Idk, maybe I’m just a snake fan but he looks super sweet and chill. Life is short. Boop the snake snoot. 
Jeremy W. 
London, United Kingdom 
86 friends
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12 photos
I live down the street from A.Z. Fell’s and let me tell you, this place is spooky as fuck. All sorts of weird lights and noises coming from it. At all times of the day and night too. Either this bowtie wearing bookworm has one crazy sex life or the place is haunted. Jury’s out on which. 
Heather Ki. 
London, United Kingdom 
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1 photos
This shop smells. Not that old book smell either, oh no, but like something is molding. I took my little Johnny in here to try and get him interested in something other than those damned video games and I walk into what smells like a whole cloud of toxic mold! My boy has a weak constitution as it is and if he comes down with anything I will be pressing charges, you mark my words. 
Jo. W. 
London, United Kingdom 
32 friends
410 reviews
61 photos
Hey, does anyone want to talk about the fact that this place burned down last month? As in, completely up in flames, I saw it happen, nothing but a smoking husk afterwards? Does no one else remember this??
Tiggi N. 
London, United Kingdom 
32 friends
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24 photos
Has anyone read this guy’s opening hours? I included a photo above: “I open the shop on most days about 9:30AM perhaps 10:AM. While occasionally I have opened the shop as early as 8, I have been known not to open until 1.” Absolutely insane. This guy’s a madman and I love him. If anyone actually manages to get into this place please let me know because I need to shake Fell’s hand. 
Mackenzie J. 
City Centre, Manchester, United Kingdom 
807 friends
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13218 photos
I told my girlfriend this shop’s got a snake named Anthony and she didn’t believe me. Going back for proof next week. 
Update: got the snake selfie!!!!!!!!
Penny O. 
Chicago, IL
87 friends
557 reviews
16 photos
Caught the owner snogging some hot twink behind the cookbooks. Well done, my dude. 
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Two: Reference Guide
A quick guide for everything I intentionally referenced in The Six Siblings, Part Two: This Tale is All Sorrows and Woes.
{ao3} {tumblr} {part one reference guide} 
MAJOR SPOILER WARNING - the plot twists from this section of the fanfiction will be discussed at length. 
Without further ado…
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Chapter One / Prologue - in which Lilac has to Older Sister
“Release Nick, you fiend!” Violet tackled Klaus to the ground, as both of her brothers burst into giggles. “Never! Nick’s my prisoner of war!” Klaus said, trying (and failing) to push her off.
Nick being the “captive” in the childrens’ game throughout the chapter is a bit of an obvious foreshadow to his captivity from Chapters 12-20... which meant it was really fun when none of you noticed until then and then tried to kill me. XD
A full reference of the books namedropped in the childrens’ game:
Violet and Nick’s kingdom, Terabithia, is from Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. Their original characters, either Susan/Lucy and Peter/Edmund, are a reference to The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis. 
Lilac and Klaus’s kingdom, Gwyntystorm, and their characters, Irene and Curdie, are from The Princess and the Goblin and its sequel, The Princess and Curdie, by George MacDonald. 
Lilac says she thought Nick was Eragon, from The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, and Klaus says he was Aragorn, from The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. Nick’s suggestion for a new name, Glaedr, is also a character from The Inheritance Cycle. Nick finally decides to be Peter Pan, obviously from Peter Pan by JM Barrie. 
“Naw, they definitely are.” Nick nodded. “When a new baby is born, one of the other children has to die. Everyone knows it.” [...] “Now, since it’s a girl maybe, they could take out one of them,” he gestured towards Violet and Lilac, “But you’re the most useless, Klaus, so-” [...] “But yeah. Babies suck and we should totally throw our sister off the roof.” 
Direct reference to Addams Family Values (1993)
“Watch me.” Nick’s eyes lit up. “Wait, no, better plan. You guys remember Moses-”
Reference to the story of Moses, who was placed in a basket in a river as an infant. 
Lilac quickly answered the phone, saying, “Baudelaire residence. This is Lilac Emily. To whom am I presently speaking?” 
Lilac’s middle name is taken from her actress, Emily Browning. 
“We’re sensible and proper!” Nick added.
A reference to S Theodora Markson’s catchphrase in All the Wrong Questions. 
“What was that, Dad? No, no real ropes. Yeah, promise. We’ll go to bed on time, too. But you’ll all be back in the morning? Yeah, I know. Don’t open the windows.”
The Baudelaire parents don’t want to risk their children getting recruited. 
“He said we have a new sister.” Lilac reported. “Solitude Theodora Baudelaire.”
A direct reference to S Theodora Markson. 
“Can we make a blanket fort?” Klaus asked. “Like we used to?”
Much like the last prologue, this is a reference to the scene from the 2004 film. 
Rest of the fic under the cut. 
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Chapter Two - in which the Baudelaires move into a nice Shack
As he stood, Nick turned to look at his brother, and after a second, he realized something. “Wait a minute.” he said. “Are you… taller than me?”
A reference to Louis Hynes’s growth spurt inbetween TMM and TAA in the Netflix series. (Though, fun fact, at this moment in time, Liam Aiken is currently taller than Louis Hynes, so I guess Nick eventually does end up taller.) 
Violet groaned and stood, and Solitude said, “Winnie,” which meant, “We could have Babbitt judge; they’re good with numbers!”
A reference to the main character of Babbitt’s namesake, Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. 
After a moment, Nick said, “I’ll give you a tip.” “Yes?” Nick smiled slightly. “There’s a book, about the mother of a girl who reminds me a lot of you, in that everyone thinks she is adorable and perfect. The mother gets scared when the girl’s classmate drowns on a field trip and her daughter steals something shiny off of him, and she then finds out that she has a very suspicious genealogy.”
Nick giving tips in the form of book recommendations is a reference to Lemony’s habit of doing the same thing to Pip and Squeak in All the Wrong Questions. This is a double reference, as Liam Aiken, Nick’s actor, read the audiobooks for ATWQ. 
The book he is referencing is The Bad Seed by William March. 
“Gah-ahc.” said Solitude, which meant, “Let’s sleep outside.”
One of Soli’s lines in the 2004 film. 
Chapter Three - in which the Baudelaires make new friends 
Sunny narrowed her eyes. “Armoracia,” she muttered, which meant something like, “That doesn’t sound right. Apples and Horseradish taste very differently.”
Early foreshadowing for Sunny’s cooking interest. 
“I can get the windows,” Lilac said, “Should be an ordinary-enough pin-tumbler lock.”
The phase “ordinary enough pin-tumbler lock” is repeated a lot, as a reference to the second All the Wrong Questions book, When Did You See Her Last? 
“Yeah, there’s no locks.” Duncan said. “Bonnie said that they fell off a few years ago and never got replaced.”
A reference to a main character from The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken. 
Chapter Four - in which Duncan and Isadora break into a Library 
“See? Researcher. Like Klaus.” Nick said. Klaus narrowed his eyes at his twin, trying to figure out what Nick was on about. “Is that… really important?” “Yes.” Nick said, and failed to elaborate. [...] “I think Klaus and Duncan should take the fungus.” Violet said, sharing a look with Nick. “The rest of us can keep an eye out for that book.” “Why should we take the fungus?” Violet held back a smile and shrugged, but Klaus quickly figured out what was going on. His face went red, and he glared at her, but Duncan said, “I’m fine with that,” so all he could do was shrug and keep shooting his siblings dark looks.
Violet and Nick are trying to set Duncan and Klaus up, much to Lilac’s horror. 
“Like a little cat.” Duncan said. “One of those feral ones that are super tiny.”
A reference to the world’s smallest cat, the Rusty-spotted cat. 
“That doesn’t sound right, but I really don’t give a shit.” Nick shrugged. “We’ll find it, won’t we, Soli?”
A reference to a line from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode 5x03, “The Great Recession”, which later became a meme - “That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about stars to dispute it.” 
Chapter Five - in which the children run amok at Prufrock Prep 
“You’re lucky.” Isadora said, sitting on the edge of the roof and kicking her legs as she looked down at the dying grass fields. “Our parents’ estate’s executor doesn’t give a fuck until orphans are ‘in’, whatever the hell that means.”
As revealed in The Slippery Slope book, Esme was left in charge of the Quagmires’ estate. 
Lilac giggled. “Yeah. Mom used to have [a necklace] just like it, except instead of these gear patterns, it had her initials. I always thought it was pretty, but she never let me wear it, so I learned how to make my own. She was… so proud.”
2004 Film Violet does indeed have a necklace throughout the entire film; I just added a backstory. 
“Nick Liam Baudelaire, what the hell is that?” Lilac shouted.
Nick’s middle name is in reference to his actor, Liam Aiken. 
“Marbeau,” said Sunny, meaning, “Maybe they’ve finally opened a daycare or toddler school.”
A reference to Firmin Marbeau, who pioneered a forerunner of modern daycare. 
Chapter Six - in which the Baudelaires have Gym Class 
“Tik,” said Sunny, meaning, “No! Typing and stapling is so hard when we’re tired!”
“Tik” spelled backwards is “Kit”, which, no, is not a reference to Kit Snicket, but Kit Kittredge, who famously carries a typewriter. 
“Say goodbye to Nick, Solitude.” Lilac said, grabbing the toddler’s hand and dragging her to her feet.
Another bit of foreshadowing for Nick’s capture. 
“Olil.” Sunny groaned. “Leave me alone to die.”
“Olil” spelled backwards is “Lilo”, as Sunny is directly quoting a line from Lilo & Stitch (2002). 
“Speaking of which,” Carmelita said, “As this is the second message I gave you, I really deserve a tip at this point.” “There’s a book about what happens when you let a bunch of schoolchildren run around unsupervised,” Klaus said, “And it features a pig’s head on a stick.”
Once again, the book recommendation instead of a tip is an All the Wrong Questions reference. 
Klaus is recommending Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
Chapter Seven - in which Nick gets them all in Even More Trouble 
“I’m just telling you what I was told to tell you.” Carmelita giggled. “And since this is my eleventh message, you’re overdue eleven tips.” “We gave you our tips.” Nick said, glaring at her. “But here’s today’s; there’s a book that was made into a popular film that is about a hound dog and a fox. In the book, at the end, the hound kills the fox.”
Once again, ATWQ reference with the tips. 
The book he’s recommending is The Fox and the Hound by Daniel P Mannix; and, yes, that IS how the book ends. The Hound dies, too. You’re welcome for ruining your childhood. 
“Klaus?” he sounded very uncharacteristically terrified. “Klaus? Are you okay?” Klaus, startled, quickly stumbled out, “Y-yeah, I’m fine…” as Lilac and Violet also jumped up, grabbing the infants, and the Quagmires hurried to their feet. “Did your glasses break?” “No, I’m-” “Are you hurt?” Nick pulled away from his slightly, his eyes moving fast as he scanned his brother.
While Nick’s PTSD worsens much later, the first signs of it start showing here; he’s still traumatized from Klaus’s hypnotism, which was always kicked off with him getting tripped and his glasses breaking. 
“I wouldn’t say that.” said Nick, glaring down at the floor. He hadn’t looked anybody in the eye since he’d attacked Carmelita.
Nick isn’t ashamed of attacking Carmelita; he’s ashamed that he “overreacted” to something so minor. He doesn’t like admitting he needs help, which becomes a problem after his capture. 
“We know what homeschooling is.” Violet said. “We were-”
In this continuity, the Baudelaires were homeschooled before the fire. 
“Halloween, age nine,” Isadora said, “Was when we wanted to go as a certain family of six children. The problem being that there’re only three of us.”
A reference to The Brady Bunch. 
“We know you’re not asking.” Isadora said, smiling. “We’re volunteering.”
Chapter Eight - in which Lilac Snaps 
No major references in this chapter. 
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Chapter Nine - in which the Baudelaires are given Fashion Lessons 
They fell silent again, and then quietly, Lilac started to sing. She sang a song that was normally played very loud and energetic, but she gave it a slower melody, quietly soothing Sunny as they walked up and up the large staircase. It was a song about how everybody’s looking for something, and as they walked, listening to Lilac’s soft voice, they all really hoped that whoever was looking for the Quagmires would find them quickly.
A reference to “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)” by Eurythmics, but more specifically, a reference to Emily Browning’s cover version.
“Ah, you’re very adventurous!” Jerome said. “Just like your mother. We were friends a ways back. We hiked up Mount Fraught with some friends- gosh, it must have been twenty years ago-” [...] “Hmm? Oh, no, just the Snickets and that Markson boy.” Lilac narrowed her eyes. “Who?”
“That Markson boy” is a reference to the theory that Bertrand Baudelaire was adopted by S Theodora Markson’s family. Lilac’s recognition is not of her father’s maiden name, but of “Snicket”, which she vaguely remembers from her childhood. 
Chapter Ten - in which the In Auction is planned 
Currently, the Baudelaires were spread out in the living room. Nick and Klaus were trying to read through a book on Emily Dickinson that they’d bought the other day, while Violet and Lilac were going through the newspaper, trying to find something interesting, or some news on the search for Count Olaf.
The Baudelaires miss the Quagmires so much they’ve accidentally picked up their habits; Emily Dickinson is a famous poet, and Violet and Lilac are reading the newspaper. 
“She seems like the kind of person who’d try to set me up with some rich kid.” Nick said. “And I’m never getting married, not even when I’m older. I’m gonna live alone in the woods, and the only one who can come visit me is Soli.”
Nick is aromantic. 
“Ihering!” Soli said, which meant something like, “I’ll live with you and we can raise reptiles in the woods!”
A reference to Hermann von Ihering, a zoologist. 
The waiter nodded. “I didn’t realize this was a sad occasion.” [...] “Did you say-?” Lilac began.
The waiter is a VFD agent; once again, Lilac vaguely recognizes the code phrase. 
Chapter Eleven - in which Klaus finds an Ersatz Elevator 
“I’m not going to let us chase red herrings!” Lilac shouted back, hurt.
Dark foreshadowing to the red herring statue. 
“Solitude is,” Nick said, moving past him to find a pencil and paper, “Sunny is the albatross that curses us.” “Doom!” Sunny cheered.
A reference to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 
“It worked.” Violet smiled. “We never expected otherwise.” Klaus said.
A reference to the line from “The Bad Beginning: Part One” in the Netflix series. 
Chapter Twelve - in which the Baudelaires fall 
“Not so bad.” Solitude muttered. Then, she said, “Radec,” which meant, “Just think of it as a ride, instead of an actual fall.”
“Radec” spelled backwards is “Cedar”; a lowkey reference to Cedar Point. 
“No, we’re going to make a lockpick.” Lilac said. “Flamethrower’s too volatile. Besides, I don’t trust you with it.”
“Too volatile” is a reference to the phrase being used in The Grim Grotto. 
She spun on her heel, exiting out a door behind them. As she did, Nick said, “Should I go after her and tell her the kitchen was out the other door?”
Esme went to call Olaf and the henchpeople, instead of going to the kitchen. 
“Yeet Babbitt.” Solitude suggested.
A reference to the vine/meme. 
They had to walk through a parlor to get to the door, and as they did, Nick stopped a moment, glancing at the phone. It didn’t look broken. “Hey, guys?” he called, but they didn’t hear him, so he started to run to catch up.
Nick started to run to catch up; he never did, because that’s when one of Olaf’s henchpeople grabs him. 
And then, with a swish, there was a thump, thump, thump, and the Baudelaires stopped falling.
Only three thumps- because Klaus and Lilac were carrying the toddlers, and Nick didn’t fall, only three kids hit the net. 
“Nhojnod!” Sunny shouted. “You bastard!”
“Njohnod” is “Don John” spelled backwards, a reference to the character from Much Ado About Nothing, who is a bastard in both the legal and ethical use of the term. 
Chapter Thirteen - in which Sunny crawls up an elevator shaft 
“Sunday Theodora Baudelaire!” Lilac shouted. “You get back down here right now!”
Sunny’s middle name, “Theodora”, is once again a reference to S Theodora Markson; even after her death, she’s still confusing people about what the S stood for. 
Sunny sighed and turned slightly towards them, calling out, “Salvo!” which probably meant something like, “I’m going to go get us some rope and see if I can find Nick! I’ll be back soon!”
“Salvo” is a Latin verb, meaning “to save.” 
Sunny bit her lip and shook her head. “Appentier,” she said, meaning, “He’s not in the penthouse, at least from what I saw.”
“Appentier” is a french word from which “penthouse apartment” is derived. 
“Kim?” Sunny asked, meaning, “Wait, we get leeway for being kidnapped?”
“Kim” is the name of the girl who is kidnapped in the film Taken (2008). 
Solitude glanced at her in confusion. “Greywater?” “Yes, Soli,” Violet said, “A word which here means, ‘basically piss and shit.’”
A reference to a line from IT: Chapter One (2017). 
Chapter Fourteen - in which Some Children are sold at auction 
“You’d be surprised what’s legal and what’s not, actually.” Esme said. “For instance, in our society, cannibalism is legal, but religiously frowned upon-” 
A reference to the only ASOUE canon that matters, the Real-Time Fandub. (part one, part two) 
“Very interesting.” Olaf said. “And I suppose you think that your dear sister Lilac will take care of you then?”
Olaf is taunting Nick here, as he’s about to drop quite a lot of secrets to him, but mainly that Lilac is his half-sister. 
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Notably, Nick is the only Baudelaire not present in this header image. 
Chapter Fifteen - in which Nobody’s having a good time 
No major references in this chapter. 
Chapter Sixteen - in which Lilac has a bad plan 
For sapphires and fortunes we are held in here. Only you can end our fear.
Isadora’s poems are ever-so-slightly different in this AU, due to Nick’s presence. 
The addition of and fortunes indicates that Nick is still with them.
Until dawn comes, we cannot speak speak. No voices come from this sad beak.
“voices” is more specific than “words can”; Nick has already started to go nonverbal due to his trauma, and Duncan and Isadora are unable to yell through the statue. 
Chapter Seventeen - in which the Village makes a Big Mistake 
But as she passed the Baudelaires, her hand slipped, and the man turned and met Lilac’s eyes. He stared for a moment, as if he realized with a shock he recognized her from somewhere. Then, he said, very quietly, “The world is quiet here.”
Jacques is realizing that Lilac has Lemony’s eyes; if he hadn’t realized before she was his niece, he does now. He tries to signal her with a VFD codephrase. 
“Now,” Lilac said, “We will need full access to all your inventing materials.” “And I’ll need blueprints of the uptown jail.” Klaus said. “Dead fly.” said Solitude.
While this is an obvious reference to Soli wanting to feed Babbitt, it is also a reference to a similar request made by Wednesday Addams in the 1964 sitcom The Addams Family, episode 1x10, “Wednesday Leaves Home.” 
The first thing you read contains our clues: An initial way to speak to you.
“Our clues”, once again, signals that Nick is still with the Quagmires. 
Chapter Eighteen - in which Count Olaf was not murdered 
No major references in this chapter. 
Chapter Nineteen - in which the Twins get a Birthday Present 
“You won’t keep Nick.” Lilac added. “He’ll get away from you, and the Quagmires, too! We’re never going to give up, and neither are they!” “Baudelaires don’t give up!” Solitude shouted. Olaf just smiled. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”
Nick’s trauma has already caused him to shut down completely, and Olaf knows this. 
Inside these letters the eye will see Nearby are your loved ones and the VFD
Nick and the Quagmires are still together. 
Chapter Twenty - in which Sunny drives a Firetruck 
“Nick, hey.” Isadora slowly pulled away from Violet and Lilac and stepped closer to the fountain, her voice very soft. “Your siblings found us. We were right. They found us.”
The Quagmires aren’t as traumatized as Nick; they’ve learned how to avoid the wrath of their captors, and have complete faith that the Baudelaires will save them. Nick’s been tortured and told quite a lot of things that temporarily broke him.
Duncan and Isadora shared a glance, and to the Baudelaires’ surprise, Nick flinched and also shared the triplets’ look. “Well, that’s not a surprise.” Duncan said. “He was the brother of a man who-”
Duncan, Isadora and Nick all know about Jacques Snicket, his relationship to Lemony, and Lemony’s relationship to Lilac. 
Nick was backing away from the fence, eyes wide, gripping onto Solitude so hard his knuckles were white. Isadora ran forwards, and Lilac realized then that he was shaking uncontrollably. “Nick, Nick, it’s okay!” Isadora said. She reached forwards, grabbing his face. “Look at me! Look at me! Duncan-” Duncan ran over, putting a hand on Nick’s shoulder, as Nick said, “They’re going to find us. They’re going to catch us. They’re going to find us-”
A lot of Nick’s trauma came from punishments after he attempted to escape, so he goes into a panic whenever they’re about to be caught. 
At that moment, Solitude pushed Babbitt onto Nick’s shoulder and said, “Hold this!” She immediately started running, jumping over Lilac and crawling through the window and onto the seat beside Sunny. Then she slid to the floor and jumped on the gas pedal, causing them to take off again.
A reference to Pip and Squeak from All the Wrong Questions, who drove their taxi in a similar way. 
Klaus stared back, and then his gaze hardened, and his siblings had never seen him look so furious. “I’m going to kill them.” Klaus vowed, and he meant it. “I’m going to kill them, Nick.” Nick’s eyes widened, and for several seconds, he looked like he physically could not process what his brother had just said.
A running joke up to this point was that Nick would suggest murder and Klaus would remind him that was illegal; after seeing his brother in such a state of shock and fear, this gag drops as Klaus decides Olaf and his troupe have to die. 
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Chapter Twenty-One - in which Nick is not feeling great 
Meanwhile, Klaus was leaning against the wall, with Nick leaning onto his shoulder, curled up so he could be as close to his brother as possible. He had his eyes shut, but Lilac knew he wasn’t asleep; she didn’t think he’d slept at all. 
A symptom of severe trauma is the loss of sleep, either because of nightmares, or fear of what could happen while in such a defenseless position. This will be explored in Part Three. 
Nick bit his lip, and then nodded and said, “I-I’m sorry-”
Nick’s gotten over the initial shock of his rescue, and he’s starting to regret breaking down and starting to hate being so obviously traumatized. 
“Wait, Li…” Nick paused. “Can I… can I talk to you?” “Of course.” Lilac said softly. Nick glanced from Klaus to Violet to the toddlers. “Alone?”
Nick has decided it’s Lilac’s right to know she has a different (possibly living?) biological dad than the rest of them, but he also knows it’s her decision who else she wants to know, hence why he wants to tell her alone. 
Nick looked up at Klaus, and said, “I-I…” he shut his eyes. “I thought I heard… no, no, I must’ve… I thought I heard her, but… I had to… she wouldn’t… have found us this fast…”
Esme and Olaf were Nick’s main tormentors; they trigger his panic attacks more than the presence of the rest of the troupe. 
“No! No, don’t leave!” Nick shouted, leaping forwards and grabbing Klaus’s arm.
Nick is absolutely terrified of isolation/abandonment, especially in enclosed spaces. 
“Never!” Klaus pushed Nick farther, incredibly terrified by just how quiet his brother was.
Nick was punished a lot for “backtalking” his captors, so when he’s around Olaf and Esme, he almost never speaks. 
Chapter Twenty-Two - in which the Baudelaires break into a Hospital 
“Dimidium,” Sunny said, which meant, “Well, it’s only half a hospital.”
“Dimidium” is a Latin noun, meaning “half.” 
“We could kick down the door.” Lilac suggested. Then, she gave Nick a small smile. “Remember, Nick? When you were locked in the closet and wanted Mom to kick down the door?”
A reference to a previous one-shot for the Six Baudelaires AU. 
“Do you think that’ll have the information we need?” Violet asked. Nick flinched again, and then he said, “Um-”
Nick heard the word “Snicket”, and immediately assumes the worst- that it’ll out Lilac to the rest of their siblings. 
Chapter Twenty-Three - in which Solitude steals some shit 
Nick still didn’t respond, and Violet’s voice broke. “You have to remember. You couldn’t have been younger than… six or seven. Mother and Father were so mad, when they found us I thought they were going to explode… but you weren’t even upset, I cried but you just said you’d… you’d heard some kind of animal cry, and you thought it might need help, and I was the only one awake to help you… they got even madder, told you you should’ve stayed with them, but you didn’t see anything wrong, and… Nick, please tell me you remember that…”
An animal cry is a signal from VFD recruiters to prompt the children to say the codephrase that begins recruitment. The Baudelaire parents don’t want their children recruited, and were terrified to wake up and find their children gone on a night that they could have been kidnapped. 
Violet carefully pulled the scraps from her pocket, spreading them out in front of her, while Klaus turned to Nick. “Did they tell you anything?” he asked. “While you were… with them? About VFD, or this whole ‘Snicket’ thing, or Olaf?” Nick didn’t look anyone in the eye. “There wasn’t… much time to chat. I only… Lilac, can we talk?”
Pretty much all of Nick’s pleas for Lilac to talk to her are brought on when Snicket is mentioned. 
Nick pulled away, scratching at his arm, “That’s not…”
Nick’s arm scratches are a tic he picked up during his captivity; he starts to scratch whenever his captors are mentioned, to keep himself alert. This will be discussed and resolved in Part Three. 
Nick looked sharply up at her and said, “Mom stole from Esme. She wouldn’t give a shit.”
Nick knows about the theft of the sugar bowl, as well as the Opera Night. (which are separate incidents, fuck you Netflix.) He’s very pissed at his parents for keeping vital information from them. 
Chapter Twenty-Four - in which Violet makes a decision 
They went to the Js. Then, quietly, Nick said, “Can we go to the L cabinets?” “Why?” Lilac asked. Nick glanced towards his siblings, and then away. “Just a guess.” Lilac shrugged directed them to the Ls, and Nick flipped through one drawer, eyes narrowed. Then he shook his head. “Nothing here.”
He’s looking under both “Lemony” and “Lilac.” 
Nick paused. “I mean… we don’t have to- to watch it right away.”  [...] “Li, please,” he said, “Can we talk? Just outside, just the two of us, there’s something-”
Nick wants to be able to tell Lilac about the whole “Lemony Snicket” thing before they can risk having her find out from the file. 
“I did.” Jacques nodded. “I managed to contact-”
He managed to contact Quigley.
“We’ll find them.” Lilac swore. “Are you okay?” “Yeah.” “Are you scared?” “I’m scared you won’t let me make a flamethrower and turn it on that bitch.”
A reference to this incorrect quote, which is, of itself, a reference to a line from the television show Brooklyn Nine-Nine, episode 3x10, “Yippie Kayak.” 
Still no response. Lilac looked around in terror, her hand flying to her necklace. “Violet Malina Baudelaire! You get the fuck out here!”
Violet’s middle name is taken from her actress, Malina Weissman. 
Chapter Twenty-Five - in which Lilac breaks down 
“I’m not…” Lilac sniffled. “I’m not like you.” Nick froze. “What does that mean?” “You all are so close.” Lilac shut her eyes. “You and Solitude, you and Klaus, you and Violet, Violet and Klaus, Klaus and Sunny, Solitude and Sunny… all of you. You’re all each others’ best friends. None of you care about me like that. [...] I just… feel like… like there’s this wall between us. That we can’t see, but we can’t cross. And I can see you all… you all together. And I just… can’t be like that. Cause I have to be responsible? Cause I’m the oldest? Cause… cause I just can’t be loved?” “Li!” Nick put a hand on her cheek, turning her towards him. “Li, we do love you. You’re our big sister! You’re our sister! You are our family! Sure, we pick on you, but not because we hate you! We all love you, too!”
This is why Nick doesn’t take the opportunity to tell her about her heritage; he wants to wait for a moment where the information won’t give her more anxiety, or make her think she’s somehow less family. 
Nick paused a moment, and then he leaned his head on her shoulder, shut his eyes, and said, “They fuck you up, your Mom and Dad. [...] They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had, then add some extra, just for you.” Lilac stiffened for a second, and then carefully put an arm around Nick. “Where… where’d you learn that?” “The Library.” Nick lied.
Nick is quoting “This Be the Verse” by Philip Larkin, which is later quoted by Olaf in “The End.” He learned the poem during his captivity. 
“Nick.” Lilac wiped her eyes, and then put her hands on his. “It’s okay to… to talk about what happened to you.” Nick bit his lip. “That’s…” “I’ve been busy, yes, but I’ve also been scared. Scared that I’ll… I’ll hear something that makes everything worse.” Lilac’s eyes darted to the ground a moment, before going back up to Nick. “But I’ll listen. I want to hear you. I want you to tell me.”
Lilac has been avoiding Nick in fear that he’ll explain what he suffered under Olaf. While she knows learning the details can help her better protect her brother, she is terrified that she won’t be able to handle it, and she’s completely terrified he might have been sexually assaulted, seeing as Olaf threatened to do that to Violet specifically to punish Lilac, and he had Nick under his control for a while. 
Nick smiled at her. “You can do anything, sis.”
Nick knows she’s biologically his half-sister, but he wants to make completely sure she knows he will always consider her his sister and his family, and nothing can change that. 
Chapter Twenty-Six - in which Klaus impersonates a Doctor 
Nick flinched. “You want to be like him?”
Something to note: After his capture, Nick never refers to Olaf or Esme by their names; just him or her. 
Nick took a deep breath. “These vents are a lot bigger than I thought, but, um… they’re still pretty cramped.” Solitude shrugged. Of course it didn’t seem cramped to her, she was only a little over two feet tall. “I was just… I’m not sure I like how small it is.”
Nick’s claustrophobia, gained from being trapped in a red herring, a statue, and possibly other small spaces inbetween, is starting up. 
“Doctor Howser.” Lilac said in an austrailian accent, thinking very fast. “We’re going to perform surgery soon.”
A reference to Doogie Howser, MD, which starred a young Neil Patrick Harris, who played Olaf in the Netflix series. 
“Since when could you do an Austrailian accent?” “You don’t know everything about me.” Lilac scanned the list.
Lilac’s actress, Emily Browning, is Australian. 
Chapter Twenty-Seven - in which the Baudelaires jump out a window 
Nick had placed Solitude onto the ground and now held Violet by the shoulders, shaking her slightly as he shouted. “What did they do to you, Vi? Vi, what did they do?”
Nick knows exactly what could have happened to Violet in captivity, so he’s completely and utterly panicked. 
“I’m with Klaus.” Nick said shakily. “We go together or not at all.”
A reference to the track “Together or Not at All” from Doctor Who, by Murray Gold. 
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Chapter Twenty-Eight - in which the Baudelaires visit a Carnival 
No major references in this chapter. 
Chapter Twenty-Nine - in which Solitude finally morphs into a reptile 
“Well, if they…” Nick shut his eyes. “We just… better get there before they drink too much, that’s all.”
Nick has had experience with the troupe while drunk, and would rather attempt to speak with them before it goes too far. 
“Well, then,” Lulu said, stepping forwards and looking a bit confused, “What exactly are you, please?” “You can call me Babydoll.” Lilac said.
A very clear reference to the character that Emily Browning played in Sucker Punch (2011). 
Surprisingly, the henchpeople looked a little startled at that, as did Lulu, but Esme laughed. “Sounds like my kind of girl!” she said. “I drowned an ex once. So did you, dear, right?” Olaf was taking another swig of wine, so they couldn’t exactly see his reaction. 
Olaf “drowning an ex” is a reference to the Netflix show canon, where he left Georgina Orwell under a bridge to drown. 
His reaction being hidden is because, for obvious reasons, he doesn’t quite want to talk about murdered parents. 
“Well, I’m Elliot,” Klaus said, “And this is my other head, Janus.”
Janus was a Roman god with two faces. 
“And that down there,” Lilac said, pointing her thumb at Solitude, “Is our little pet gorgon. We call ‘er Euryale, cause her actual name is just a buncha hisses.”
Euryale was one of Medusa’s sisters in Greek Mythology. 
Chapter Thirty - in which the Baudelaires put on a show 
But as they started to leave, they heard a low rumble, and Nick immediately grabbed onto Klaus’s arm and let out a nervous gasp that was, thankfully, missed in the noise.
Nick recognizes the sound of Olaf’s car. 
Chapter Thirty-One - in which the Baudelaires play fortune teller 
“Or maybe,” Nick said, very quietly, keeping his eyes shut tight, “They were told not to find us.”
Nick learned a lot about VFD during his captivity, including their recruitment. He’s worried that their surviving parent may be ready to give them up to the organization. 
Nick grabbed a selection of paper, staring curiously, and then he quickly tried to shove it back, but Klaus’s eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of it, and he grabbed it from his brother. 
Nick, once again, sees the name “Snicket” and assumes the worst. 
Chapter Thirty-Two - in which the Baudelaires are asked to murder 
“No, thank you.” Esme said, looking down a Sunny and frowning. “I’m afraid I don’t like cinnamon in chocolate anymore, the woman who introduced it to me recently perished in a fire. But it’s very kind of you to offer.”
The Baudelaires received their taste for cinnamon in hot chocolate from their mother. 
“Sounds good.” Kevin said. “I’ve committed crimes before. Why, when I was no older than Elliot and Janus-” 
A reference to the theory that Kevin from ASOUE is the same as Kevin Old from File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents, who committed vandalism and thievery. 
Chapter Thirty-Three - in which someone is pushed to the lions 
“I’m sure you are.” Olaf smirked, and he reached forwards and put a cold hand on Nick’s cheek. Nick tried very hard not to cry, but he wasn’t succeeding very well. “Now go jump into that pit. We want to see you devoured by lions.”
Olaf, who knows that the freaks are the Baudelaires, specifically picked Klaus and Nick to sacrifice to the lions specifically to torment Nick more; he knows what effect he has on him, and is relishing it. Once the boys are gone, they can grab the rest of the Baudelaires and escape. 
“I wish we had a cartographer with us.” Violet sighed. 
A reference to the next book, where Violet will have a relationship with Quigley, a cartographer. 
Chapter Thirty-Four / Epilogue - in which they should have said something
“Come on.” Bertrand said, taking Violet’s hands and spinning her as she giggled. “It’s Duke Ellington. That’s your fav, Li.”
A reference to All the Wrong Questions. 
“What song is this?” Violet asked. Beatrice smiled over at Soli, who was curled up on Nick’s lap, biting his sweater. “It’s got a very special name, isn’t that right, dear?” Solitude giggled. 
“Solitude”, by Duke Ellington, likely Ellington’s song in All the Wrong Questions. 
“Dashiell if it’s a boy,” Bertrand replied, “Sunny if it’s a girl.” 
“Dashiell” after Dashiell Qwerty from All the Wrong Questions. 
“We could adopt one of the outdoors animals.” Nick suggested. Beatrice and Bertrand turned to look at him. “The what?” Bertrand asked. “I keep hearing animals outside my window, every now and again.” Nick shrugged. “Howling or yipping or sometimes breaking a branch. Maybe if we brought them into the house, they wouldn’t get in so much trouble.” 
Recruitment attempts that have not been working, because Beatrice and Bertrand refuse to let their children join VFD. 
She turned to a selection of beach photos, slowly pulling out a small picture of baby Lilac, sitting on Briny Beach. It hadn’t been the first time she’d seen the ocean, but she’d still been so excited to splash in the water. 
Since Lilac was born eleven months before Violet, it’s likely she was born on the island. 
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nelayn · 5 years
11 questions meme
I was tagged by @zeroatthebone! Thank you <3 
Answer the 11 questions, come up with 11 questions of your own, and tag 11 people!
1. Who is your favorite visual artist?
That’s a very interesting question- I don’t have any...visceral favourites, like I do with writers, but Vincent van Gogh always enchanted me. 
2. Who is your favorite character to write and/or draw?
I haven’t written anything in aaaaages, but I loved writing for Finarfin, Earwen and Galadriel...
3.If you had to live somewhere in Middle-earth, where would you choose?
It’s a tosh-up between Imladris and Lothlorien, most days- but I’d definitely love to visit the Shire and also Fourth Age Ithilien...
4.What are your favorite and least favorite horror movies?
Horror as a whole is not really my genre, but I remember 8 year old me had a weirdly fond memory of the original Stephen King’s IT  movie? Like... I was very little so I couldn’t stay up all the way through to the end and I really wanted to find out what happened? And I was weirdly not that scared by it? I don’t have a particular least favourite because I usually stay away from ones that I know I won’t like. Unless the one time my friends dragged me to see a film where vampires exploded in the sun and I sat with my hands covering my eyes 85% of the time counts :p I don’t even remember its name :p
5. Bigfoot or Mothman?
I am largely unfamiliar with the concept of the Mothman, so I think that means the answer is Bigfoot by default.
6.What piece of advice would you give to 18-year-old self?
Have more fun. Love yourself more. Do more things. All the things you’re worried about are going to be okay.
7. What is the most interesting museum you’ve ever been to?
I went to the UK national Science Museum in London last week, that was pretty interesting! Getting to see the double helix model up close and personal was really awe-inspiring on the eve of starting a PhD in Biochemistry-also our volunteer guide was awesome and he gave all due credit to Rosalind Franklin and his stories were generally so engaging! Like- the perfect balance between emotionally engaging human stories and scientifically intriguing information.
8.What is the origin of your username?
My childhood LOTR self-insert (yes, I had one of those). I’ve actually been thinking, recently, how so many of us just spontaneously start making up stories in our heads (I think I started when I was about 7 or 8) and what kind of path of cognitive/psychological development that is based on. Are there people who do not do this? Where does it come from?
9. What is your favorite childhood book?
My first favourite is a book by Evgenios Trivizas, called “The Pirates of the Chimney”, which is fantastic- and then we have things like the “Three Investigators” books and the Narnia books and A Series of Unfortunate Events and of course Lord of the Rings, which probably counts as a childhood favourite because  I am positive I read the trilogy before the films came out- but considering that happened in 2001, when I was in second grade, I’m really wondering where on earth I got the reading level for it.
10. Can you juggle?
Absolutely not.
11. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I am ashamed to say that I had to look up the reference. (Monty Python ftw).
Tagging: (only if you want to and have nothing better to do, and with no obligation to follow all the rules) @anghraine, @swampdiamonds, @crocordile, @gloriousmonsters, @squirrelwrangler, @zeroatthebone, @valarhalla, @kanafinwhy, @allonsymiddleearth, @idleleaves, @kcrabb88
My questions: 
1. Autumn or spring? 
2. What (if any) is a favourite holiday for you and why? 
3. Do you have any personal traditions? 
4. Top 5 countries that you haven’t been to and you would like to visit? 
5. What’s a fictional character that makes you go “IT ME” ? 
6. Favourite comfort food? 
7. Movies for when you are sick? 
8. Books that you can read over and over? 
9. What’s a song that never fails to cheer you up? 
10. What’s your favourite hobby? 
11. How old where you when you went abroad for the first time?
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Chapter 11: And I had an anxiety attack... again.
In which the title describes the whole chapter
*Your POV*
I slammed the door behind me, fell to my knees, and closed my eyes. Today was such a shitty day I actually don't want to go back. But I have to. Unless I want to get fired, which actually doesn't sound THAT bad.
Wait... yeah, that sounds reasonable.
My apartment was just like my mind: a complete fucking mess that made no sense and looked like Narnia. But despite that, my personal laptop was hanging out on the small table I have in front of the TV. I sighed and went to the kitchen, trying not to worry.
It's been a while ever since I met the group of monsters and, honestly, I'm loving it! They are super nice and a part of me has changed a bit... so I'm becoming more dedicated to making them as happy as I can.
And that also refers to some of their complaints, like "you should seek a better job" or "this is dangerous for you, you should have something that makes you happy". And that's what I was about to do.
After taking my cup of coffee and I sat on the couch, I opened my laptop and started to search for different jobs and opportunities. I'm a scientist and a... politician? We could say that. I'm experienced in both terms and I'm really trying to look for a scientist post today. I want to do what I love and, well, I'm a science nerd. Fite me.
I just don't want to work in the Congress anymore. It's boring, it's lame, and I'm not going to stay in an office for the rest of my days- not when I'm starting to care about things. Alphys and Sans have said that they want to become part of the science world, but they have to study hard to get it. While I'm waiting for them, though, I'll make them proud and work in science!
While browsing around, I ended up on a Facebook page and noticed I had a shitton of notifications. Interested, I checked the groups and started to read the messages... bad idea...
Paula: Hey, monster lover! You should just go with them to the Underground, hah!
Anna: Jesus, when did we let this happen?
Anna: I thought you were smarter than this!
John: You are gonna put us in trouble
John: And it'll be all YOUR FAULT!
And so it went. I frowned slightly and decided to check Discord, trying to get distracted for a bit. My mind was starting to make bad moves, and I just couldn't make them real. What if it was better to leave the topic? Did I make a mistake? Should I start protesting AGAINST them?! Are they a threat to humans? Oh my God, what have I done? Should I-
Do you wanna get... Frisky?: Hey (Y/N)!
Do you wanna get... Frisky?: you wanna play UNO?
CoolSkeleton95: YES, HUMAN!
I shook my head with a smile, knowing I could never do that to them. Not after the little and funny history we have together, and how much comprehensible they looked with my problems socializing. They've made laugh like there is no tomorrow and to learn a lot of things. I just can't wipe them away from their dreams. I just can't wipe them away from my life.
Smartass: Sure, right now?
puns are love, puns are life: we're startin' right now, kiddo.
puns are love, puns are life: join this round before undyne comes with her shitty strategies again
I giggled softly, remembering the stupid nicknames we all had in that Discord group. I immediately went for my headphones, then joined the chat.
"Hi!" I exclaimed, praying that everyone could hear me. Fortunately, they could.
"hello kid, ready to lose?" A deep voice said, which I immediately recognized it was Sans. Everyone seems to have a high-pitched voice comparing them with him. Heck, even my father would sound like a three-year-old girl if we compare their voices!
After a bit of playing stupid rounds of UNO and hearing Sans's awful puns, I lost track of time. Eventually, Sans and I ended up playing Dead by Daylight together, the skeleton by some coincidence having the game installed. And so talked privately from then, and... got used to the game, I suppose.
"DUDE WHAT THE-" I stopped myself before I could use a bad word, not knowing how he would react. I still don't feel comfortable enough to be my usual, swearing, and boring self around them. I'm trying to be as less boring as possible... but I know that I'm still boring, even if I, indeed, try hard.
"i hate this game soooooooo much... what if we play somethin' else?" he asked, making me sigh in relief. This game's no good for someone with anxiety, keep that in mind. Bad thing I'm kind of a masochist in that aspect.
"You hate a lot of games, don't you? And sure, any suggestions?"
"do you have... mortal kombat?"
This is going to be interesting!
"Which one?"
"x, i'm too poor to buy the new one"
"Sure, I have it! I'll love to play it, it's been a while"
"cool cool, i'll invite you then"
And we played like for, what, hours? Mortal Kombat is sincerely one of my favorite sagas of videogames since I was a little child. Dolls? Nah, videogames were my thing since the beginning of times.
I forgot my problems, I forgot everything. It was just me, my character, and an angry Sans rattling his bones all over the mic. I was enjoying it, even if he tried to deconcentrate me with his jokes, that at the end were all just corny comments trying to make me flush but made me laugh instead.
I joked now and then as well, and hearing his laugh was such a gratifying feeling I couldn't do anything but to laugh with him. Besides, his laugh is quite contagious, and I'm easily influenced when other people laugh, so this got the best of me.
When I looked at the clock though, fear ran all over my body, and I stood quiet for some good minutes. I tried to contain my anxiety, to calm down. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes, telling myself I'll be just fine.
"(y/n), are you-"
Nice job, sweetie.
My mind was being a huge and stupid mess whenever those awful screams were out of my mouth. Sans wasn't answering, so I felt worse. I started panicking and creating ways to make him hate me less, and before I could say anything, I heard laughter.
His laughter.
"oh my god (y/n) you panic a lot" he said between breaths, while I just remained silent. What the- "i'm sorry, it's just... you should not worry about anything, k? remember you said tomorrow you don't have to work, k? just relax. nothing's wrong with staying late once in a while, right?"
"Wait, so you don't think I'm pathetic or anything like that?!"
"wha- of course not! everyone has their moments (y/n), and you have anxiety, for god's sake! it's totally normal for someone to freak out now and then. you shouldn't feel guilty of that"
I felt tears trying to escape from my eyes and I hold them back, keeping my cool... temporarily. I draw a weak smile in my face, even if Sans couldn't see it.
"Thank you. I needed that" Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd my voice broke down in the process. Shit.
"don't worry (y/n)" he said kindly, and I bet he was still wearing that permanent shit-eating grin. I chuckled to myself, slowly making tears disappear "hey, do you wanna meet up tomorrow? maybe you want some time to yourself, i know, but maybe you should try to interact more with people... since i'm assuming you don't"
I never thought I would get lectured by a skeleton. Guess life is unexpected, huh?
But I realized he was right. My social anxiety can only be solved by interacting with others. There is no escape, and I'm conscious of that. Besides, what can go wrong? Sans has been nothing but a nice guy, and I'm starting to enjoy his company a lot. Maybe I'll be able to consider him as a friend?
"I'd love that, thank you so much. I don't get to hang out often, so that means a lot"
"don't sweat it. everyone deserves a chance to express themselves"
We hung up the call with a quick "see you tomorrow" and I went straight to bed, never erasing that last sentence he said from my mind.
"Everyone deserves a chance to express themselves", huh? Maybe...
Maybe this is my chance
*Sans's POV*
We hung up the call and I let out a sigh. I never realized I was playing until late, mostly because Papyrus didn't come for his bedtime story, and so I lose track of time. I was having a good time though, but I can't be stubborn and keep her up any longer. Not after she almost had a heart attack.
She's nice, and she seems pretty genuine. Doesn't look like the type of girl that should hide anything, not with that anxiety of hers. She's a goddess in Mortal Kombat, though. She knew how to use almost every fighter perfectly, and I felt like a punching bag with jokes in its interior. The more she won, the more I joked. At least she laughed... a lot, actually. She's a good audience, just like Tori.
Then I remembered she cursed when she was starting to freak out, and I started to wonder if she uses "strong" language daily. Or well, at least in her head.
I looked over that beautiful website called Youtube and watched some memes, that are truly gold if you ask me. A sick and dark sense of humor combined with random things and retards living their lives- in one word, perfection. I would also watch Tumblr, but that site gave me a good uncomfortable feeling that I don't want to relive any sooner. I also wanted to check Wattpad, but ever since I knew that it was mostly FanFiction, I thought more about it. Then I remember that Alphys told me she had an account and I immediately never went to that place...
Alphys is scary sometimes, no one can judge me. Her weird FanFictions are pretty much apart from anything I like to read or write...
And yes, I'm a writer.
That's why I thought Wattpad would be a good idea...
Thank God I changed my mind.
I'm mostly a science fiction lover, but drama and suspense are not that bad. I also like a lot of horror novels, but I'm no good at writing one my self. Believe me, I tried. It's hard to make it as noncliché as possible, considering that paranormalities are a huge cliché themselves.
I always include romance in my stories though. I realized it's quite essential in defining people's personalities and actions. Besides, romantic scenes leave a nice drama feeling when they are not exaggerated, so I try to put them once in a while.
I'm currently writing a novel instead of a short story, but it's hella difficult if you are bone dry of ideas. It takes a skele-ton of effort to come up with something good, and it's harder to put it in words. I also need to do some more research, since it includes scientific things...
Ah, sci-fi. What would I do without it?
I'm also a classic novel lover. Macbeth it's just wonderful and Journey to the Center of the Earth are old masterpieces that have a special place in my soul. I read them when I was a kid, and I would do it over and over. But I also want to see what new books the surface has to offer- one of my wildest dreams is to visit the biggest libraries around the world, like the ones in Paris or in Tokyo. But that has to wait.
I'm tired, but I never get myself to sleep. I suffer insomnia since... quite a few time, actually. It all started with the first reset of that goddamn flower; it started whenever I realized that the timeline theory was real and that, whoever got the power- the DETERMINATION- had the entire world at their hands.
Flowey was first, then Frisk came and had the power. Now I don't know if she has it anymore, considering we are at the surface and anyone could be more determined than her. But there's still a chance she has time and space at the tip of her fingers, and with a snap, she can make everything and everyone I love disappear.
That kid... she probably wants to see me suffer. After everything I've done to stop her, she hates me even more. She's selfish. She's a prick. And I'll never forgive her.
She knew I would remember when she did that. She killed everyone I loved, she destroyed the little hope I had on my home... and laughed at my face about it. That fight, that crazy look in her eyes... I have nightmares about it. Whenever I see the kid, a part of me replaces it with the painful memories of past timelines.
And I can't make them stop. I can't erase that devilish and empty smile Frisk had. I can't erase the vision of that flower becoming a God before my eyes.
I can't erase Papyrus's smile still with hope before turning to dust.
I shook my head and sighed. Out of all the times, I can't bring myself now into thinking like that... not anymore. We're on the Surface now, for God's sake! I should be happy because now I can fulfill my happiest dreams!
I lack the motivation, though.
There's no hope for me, or that's what I think.
I want the best for everyone (except Frisk and Flowey; screw them), but me? Heh, this old sack of bones won't be his usual self any sooner. It's just... it's just stupid to think I'll ever be the casual and relaxed skeleton ever again. I'm paranoid. I'm scared. I'm a fucking coward trying to protect his brother, but being too useless to do anything about it.
I can't go back to Snowdin. I can't go back to that goddamn house. I can't.
I glanced over my desk and noticed the folder with the things for my education. I let a sigh, knowing that I would never be able to keep up with that kind of stress. Not if my mind it's worried about something else.
I turned off the lights and went to my bed, trying to clear my mind. I let a new human enter my life, one older than Frisk...
That doesn't mean it's less dangerous.
That doesn't mean she's not a murderer...
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myaekingheart · 5 years
1, 2, and 12!!
Bless you, Jessie 🙌💕 
Alright so since I reblogged like 20 ask memes, I’m just gonna go ahead and take the liberty of doing all of these numbers for every single one I’ve reblogged that’s applicable to give myself extra stuff to do xD
Fanfiction Asks! 
1. Do you read fic? Do you write fic?
I actually write fic WAY MORE than I read fic. I find that the issue I have when reading fic is that I get really giddy and inspired and then I lose my concentration on the story in front of me and my interests rather shift more towards the story in my own damn head. I really need to start reading more of other people’s work, though. I have a handful saved on AO3 that I just have not gotten around to, but I really should. I really have so many damn things I want to read, fanfiction and otherwise, but lack the motivation to sit down and actually read it. 
2. Favorite genre of fic?
I feel like it’s kind of hard to pinpoint exactly what kind of fic I’m drawn most towards, but I guess the best descriptor would be drama? I don’t know, I just really like stories that focus heavily on character development and interpersonal relationships (so bildungsroman lmfao), especially when there’s some imperfect romance and action/adventure involved. Both of my main fanfics, my Narnia series Temptation and The Scarecrow and the Bell, my Naruto fic, both are pretty much just that: heavy focus on character with imperfect romance and action/adventure. I just think it’s fun seeing characters, especially ones that have feelings for each other, in stressful and dangerous situations trying to work through them together and oftentimes disagree and have to figure out how to handle the disagreements, too. Or have personal stuff they’re dealing with on top of things. I don’t know, I just really love focusing on relationship dynamics and situations like that are a fun lens to look through. 
12. What turns you away the most from a fic?
Honestly, grammatical issues and whether or not the story feels believable. I guess I’m kind of picky when it comes to that stuff, but I’m also used to being critical of writing solely because I’m a creative writing major and a big part of this degree’s curriculum is workshopping peer writing. Grammatical issues in terms of a misplaced comma or something aren’t that big a deal, I’m not that stingy, but things like lacking paragraph breaks, or not knowing when to switch paragraphs, bug me as well as habitual misspellings of common words--the one that peeves me off the most is spelling “definitely” like “defiantly” or “definately” or any other misspelling under the sun. The idea of a story feeling believable might just be me being really picky but I’ve opened up fics sometimes where I could hardly get through the first paragraph because the story didn’t feel genuine to me. It’s kind of hard to explain, but I guess as someone who puts a ton of research into my own fanfics and also really tries to perfectly capture the tone of the source material, sometimes I’ll read stuff that just feels out of place and it really takes me out of the story and honestly makes me cringe. I feel like saying all of that makes me sound like some kind of asshole, though. I don’t know, I’m just so goddamn picky when it comes to what I’m reading and especially with fanfiction, since it’s a lot more organic and it doesn’t go through the same fine toothed editing process that professionally published works do (although I’ve picked up on some questionable stuff even in print books; one such thing was so minor, but it was a forgotten period at the end of a sentence and I kept laughing about it saying to myself “Someone missed a period!” You know, like an asshole.) 
Music Asks
1. your favorite album opener
Beartooth’s Greatness or Death off their most recent album, Disease. It just really sets the tone for the rest of the album and feels like such an appropriate intro overall. They have a playlist for the entire album on Youtube with the correct track listing so that was the first song off thei newest album that I had heard and it just felt like such a great and appropriate intro, it really got me into the vibe and energy of the rest of the album and I just...I love it a lot. The song, the album, the band in general. 
2. a song starting w/ the same first letter of your first name
Aurora Avenue by Defeat the Low. I’m a huge Nirvana fan, and the song is all about Kurt Cobain. The entire first verse was literally pulled straight from his infamous suicide note (”Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complainee.”) I stumbled upon this song by pure chance-- it was playing at the end of a video for a different song, which I think was actually a Beartooth one-- and it sounded interesting so I pulled it up and the minute I heard the first verse, I, who had read Kurt’s suicide note already, was like “WAIT A SECOND THIS SOUNDS REALLY FAMILIAR” but it didn’t hit me that that was what it was, and that the entire song was about Kurt, until later and it made me love it even more. 
12. a song you can scream all the words to
Hospital for Souls by Bring Me The Horizon. It’s an all-time fave, made even more so by the fact that it’s one of my top ship songs (for my Naruto ship, Kakashi Hatake x my OC Rei Natsuki, who I write the fanfic about, and even made an AMV for them with because I’M CRAZY). It also just hits really hard personally, especially the line “Have you ever put a blade to your wrists, or have you been skipping meals?” because it relates to my own mental health struggles. I’ve never had the right opportunity to actually scream all the words aloud along with the song, but I desperately need to find the right place to do it one of these days because I have a lot of feelings I need to get out that can only be done through that exact act and I need to do it in a way where I will not end up getting the cops called on me for being way too loud. I just need a soundproof room in general (not just for these purposes, but also because I’m a voice actress for an independent animated series called Space Hotel and I need someplace to record shit anyways.)
Soft and Ethereal Asks
1.secret garden or forest?
Secret garden! I love the idea of having someplace only I know guarded off by a wall with vines running up the side of it, the kind of place you enter through a wrought-iron gate, where flowers are growing through the cracks and there’s a bubbling fountain in the center you can sit by either on the edge or in the grass or on a dirty old cement bench from times before I was even a thought in my parent’s head, and just revel in the silence with a good book or a pencil and sketchbook and make flower crowns and daisy chains or have a little personal picnic laying out a checkered blanket and carrying everything in a big basket like strawberries and little sandwiches and homemade cookies and shit. I’m such a sap but I live for the idea of that gentle, pastel-tinted quiet afternoon. Pure solace. 
2.the stars or the moon?
The moon. I love stars to death, too, but there’s something about the moon that really hits me. Maybe it’s because it goes through phases but no matter what is still whole even when it appears not to be. Maybe it’s because it’s kind of comforting to look at. More than anything, though, it’s probably at least partially because one of my favorite films is Rise of the Guardians (and by extension, the book series it was based upon, The Guardians of Childhood) in which the moon is a major character, or at least The Man in the Moon. In the movie, he’s never seen or heard but he’s always there watching over the world. Jack Frost, the protagonist, doesn’t understand his purpose in this eternal life of his where no one can see him and no one believes in him, and constantly looks to the moon for answers but never hears any. The very first lines of the movie are even “Darkness. That’s the first thing I remember. It was dark and it was cold and I was scared. But then...then I saw the moon. It was so big and so bright. It seemed to chase the darkness away.” Not to get super religious here but in a way the whole moon thing even reminds me of Christianity a little bit, and I’m not really religious in the slightest (maybe spiritual, but not very religious) but this movie also came to me at a time when I was very at odds with the idea of God and faith and everything, and I felt like Jack Frost constantly questioning what the point of it all was and questioning whether something greater even existed and if so, then how could they let terrible things like this happen? Without any solid answer? I don’t know, I don’t want this to get into a debate about my own religious beliefs, but yeah. The moon and I have some history, so I’ll choose the moon over the stars. 
12.fiction or short stories?
Fiction. By nature of my degree, I have to read a lot of short stories for college and some of them are really enjoyable and interesting but then we get to the debate of genre fiction versus literary fiction, which I think is a stupid fucking debate and literary fiction needs to get off it’s damn high horse with it’s “holier than thou” complex or whatever. Or maybe it’s not the literary fiction itself so much as the people who praise it. Like yes, I get that literary fiction is contemporary fine art and nuanced and shit but sometimes I like stories about vampires and ninjas and teenagers with weird names and social anxiety. Literary fiction is fine and all, but let’s face it, genre fiction is way more fucking fun and that is why I chose “fiction” over “short stories.” 
65 Questions You Aren’t Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
If I’m going to be brutally honest, sometimes. Hell, sometimes I even question my own existence but I guess that’s just the depersonalization aspect of anxiety talking. 
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
With 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, I’d say I’m at about a 3? I’m not as afraid of the dark as I used to be, but it’s situational. If I’m alone and it’s dark, then I get panicky because my awareness is impaired and I’m admittedly a very visual person so if I can’t see and I suspect there’s something going bump in the night, I’m going to freak out. Even hearing something, even when logically I know exactly what it is, freaks me out because I can’t know for sure unless I’m looking straight at it but if it’s dark, I can’t do that. I prefer to sleep when it’s like fully dark, though. I even used to wear a sleep mask to help with that and because the feeling of something soft over my eyes was comforting??? I don’t know, like I can sleep perfectly fine with the lights on, too, and sometimes if my anxiety is bad that’s what I’d prefer to make things easier on myself but for the most part, I guess it’s situational. I also feel like this is an appropriate place to say I have a duck nightlight in my bathroom, which doesn’t really have anything to do with being afraid of the dark so much as darkness in general but I also have a thing for rubber ducks so having a rubber duck nightlight is very on brand and I love it. 
12. Who told you they loved you last?
Probably my boyfriend. He’s the one whose always here anyways. If not him, then from my mother but I don’t particularly want to think about her right now because I’m kind of upset with her so we’re just going to go ahead and say my boyfriend. 
Sensory Asks
1. favourite colour(s)?
Red is my top fave, and has been since I was three. I think it was when I got a red VW Beetle for my Barbie dolls that I really fell in love with the color. All the accessories that came with it were red plastic and looking at them just filled with me a lot of energy and joy, which I later realized I felt whenever looking at red in general. It also helps that I can now make the joke whenever I’m asked this question that I love red “like the blood of my enemies,” which is always fun. 
2. least favourite colour(s)?
I’m really not a fan of yellow, chartreuse, and tan/beige. I can handle yellow in certain instances like with sunflowers or lemons or sunshine related stuff, but I prefer gold over straight up yellow. I don’t dislike yellow nearly as much as tan/beige, though. That one I can also handle in certain instances but for the most part, it reminds me of a time I got sick as a kid so looking at it for too long brings back that nausea. Chartreuse is the end-all, be-all of the colors I’m not big on, though. It just...reminds me of snot. It feels really unappealing to look at for me, too. 
12. favourite scent?
Clean laundry, hands down. I love nothing more than the smell of fresh laundry, like sometimes I’ll catch myself literally sitting at my laptop sniffing my shirt because I love the smell so much. It’s just so comforting, and I think that’s because it reminds me of this doll I’ve had literally since birth. I called her Baby Doll and she was just a basic baby doll with a plastic head and cloth body that my grandmother got from Avon and I was so damn attached to it as a kid. I brought Baby Doll everywhere with me, even in my backpack on my first day of preschool. I slept with her for way longer than I’d like to admit, too. But she smelled like fabric softener, and when I was a little kid and was having bad anxiety attacks (which I’ve been dealing with since I was three), I would hug her really close and the smell was just really comforting. So now I have to get it from my own laundry because I still own Baby Doll, but I’m a grown-ass adult and she’s very fragile now (and also currently in storage for safe-keeping). So yeah, clean laundry hands-down. 
Fashions Asks
1. What season has your favorite looks?
Fall! I’m such a sucker for big cozy sweaters and jeans. Back to school fashion lowkey excites me, too, and besides: I feel like it’s a lot easier to find appropriate outfits for my personal fashion sense that fit cooler weather than the seventh circle of hell 106-degree-heat-index I’m currently living in. I adore oversized sweaters, leggings, skinny jeans, combat boots, creepers, hoodies, layers, all that good stuff but you can’t do that when you feel like you’re dying of heat stroke even standing in front of the fridge butt naked. Not that I do that, but it’s hot enough here that I could if I wanted to. That’s not an issue in fall, though, which is super fucking nice. I just really love being cozy all the time always. 
2. Formal or casual?
Casual! As much as I love the look of formal clothes, I am chronically ill. I am anxious. I am depressed. I want to be comfortable all the damn time, and I just can’t be genuinely comfortable in formal clothes. For example, I attended my cousin’s wedding last spring and wore these really cute Mary Jane heels that I love. They fit my aesthetic and make my legs look great, too, if I say so myself. I was able to get through the ceremony with them on but after the fact, they started getting so damn uncomfortable that I went to the car and changed into my ratty five year old combat boots like a total punk because comfort. At least they still looked good with the dress I was wearing, though, so that’s a plus. 
12. What fashions do you hate?
Okay, I feel like a lot of people might get on my case about this but I really can’t stand Birkenstocks. They just...look like what your overbearing uncle would wear with socks to the summer barbecue to me. I don’t know, in certain cases they’re at least fitting for a certain look and I commend the people who can pull them off but as for me? I just can’t wrap my head around them. I dislike them even more than Crocs, which I am also not a fan of. But then again, like...I’m also not big on today’s fashion trends in general. There are some things I do like, like oversized t-shirts with leggings especially if they’re a band t-shirt, and those cute Japanese uniform style pleated skirts (I admittedly own one and I love it). The whole ethereal quirky pastel modern grunge e-girl shit, though, just doesn’t vibe much with me. My fashion sense is more on par with Luanna Perez’s alternative looks and the 2007-2012 era of the emo/scene style, as well as some pastel goth, genuine 90′s grunge, and kawaii/lolita inspired stuff. Like I will gladly tease the hell out of my hair, add in extensions and coontails and a little pink bow, and throw on a pink polka dot dress with fishnets and creepers or something. I don’t know, I just feel really disconnected from what’s considered trendy in today’s fashion sense. Maybe it’s because I tried so hard for so many years to fit what was in style despite it not feeling genuine to who I was personally, that now that I’ve finally mustered enough confidence to leave the house wearing what makes me happy even if it is unorthodox and alternative (like black lipstick!!!), I just can’t get on board with what everyone else is doing. Sure, I feel a little weird dressing like it’s ten years ago when everyone else is walking around wearing like those dinky crop tops that say “I have no tits” or have like applique roses on them or whatever and anything else that’s considered modern on-trend but like...in the wise words of Kurt Cobain, “I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.” I’m tired of trying to fit the status quo and doing what everyone else is doing. If I want coontails and snake bites in 2019, then goddammit I’m gonna go for it (though not gonna lie, the 20NINESCENE craze has me crying because I regret not having “the phase” in middle school that everyone else did so much sometimes that it’s physically painful so to think that there are still people out there rocking the thick side fringe and heavy eyeliner and the RAWR MEANS I LOVE YOU IN DINOSAUR shit makes me feel like maybe I’ve been given a second chance to be true to myself and become a part of a community that means something to me, rather than what I was actually doing in middle school being dragged through the mud trying to redeem myself of some sense of popularity because I was losing my best friend to the alpha female clique mentality and I was so damn unhappy, I legit had a breakdown in her pool about it once so you bet your ass I’m going to say screw it and do everything I wanted to back then now that I actually have the confidence and stopped caring what people thought about me.) 
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metalandmagi · 5 years
January Media Madness
It’s a new year, and yes I’m still keeping track of the stuff I watch and/or read. I really just like being able to keep track of everything that came out during the year, and I like to shout my thoughts into the void. And maybe someone will find something they like.
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals: Okay, not a movie, but it’s the latest musical from Starkid so I had to include it somewhere. And this time it’s a horror alien/zombie take over that causes everyone to act like they’re in a musical, and humanity’s only hope is an average guy who happens to not like musicals. That may not sound bad, BUT THINK OF THE IMPLICATIONS! The plot could sort of meander at times, but it’s hilarious and also pretty dark for Starkid. If nothing else, watch it because Lauren Lopez is a goddess. 9/10
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Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Everyone’s favorite silly King Arthur searching for the holy grail story. I hadn’t watched this movie since I was a kid, and there was so much stuff I forgot about! And yeah it’s still pretty great. I do feel like it drags in the middle a little, but I still always enjoy the tomfoolery! 9/10
Three Identical Strangers: A documentary about a set of identical triplets who were separated at birth and the sinister intentions of the adoption agency who separated them. On top of being an interesting story, it is super thought provoking bringing up questions of scientific morality, nature vs nurture, and mental health...which does make it a little depressing. I love the way it sets up the mystery of the story, but it also makes you feel terrible for trying to plot out and guess the story of these actual human beings’ lives. So I’d recommend it to anyone who is interested in crazy stories and scientific corruption! 9/10
Venom: A classic tale of a boy and his symbiote. In which the weirdest investigative reporter in the world is possessed by an alien parasite while trying to stop a corrupt corporation from constantly murdering people. Guys, I originally never planned to see this movie. I never cared about Venom. I was never big into the Spiderman universe, but then this movie came out and everyone was saying how weird it was...and how Eddie and Venom are like a thing...so curiosity got the better of me. And I’m kind of underwhelmed. I think I would have liked it more if I never had any expectations going into it, because it really wasn’t as weird as I thought it would be. The first 30 minutes were a slog, the dialogue was clunky, the plot was very predictable and basic, and I feel like Eddie and Venom didn’t have enough interaction. But it had its moments, I get why some people love it, and I did like what I saw of the symbiote relationship, so all in all it was just..okay. Oh well. 6.5/10
Mama Mia Here We Go Again: The just as ridiculous sequel to Mama Mia, featuring more dumb plots that don’t fit together, more dumb writing, and more over the top performances. Just like the first one, it’s a silly excuse to put some ABBA songs in a movie and make you have fun, and it accomplishes that in spades. Because if you’re watching a Mama Mia movie for the “plot” or anything other than the musical numbers and silliness, you’re making a huge mistake. It is a little clunkier trying to weave two timelines together, but who cares because they’re singing Dancing Queen! As an actual movie, we all know it’s barely passable as a 6/10 but just for getting drunk with your friends and having fun it’s a 9/10
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The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis: The fifth/third book in the Chronicles of Narnia in which a boy and a talking horse run away from the land of Calormen to get to Narnia...and find out about a plot to take over Narnia along the way. I know some people think this is the most interesting book in the series plot wise, and technically there is more plot...but it’s boring as hell. I really think Lewis’s normal interjections would have made it more entertaining, but he doesn’t use his author’s voice at all! Not only is it written in an incredibly circular and drawn out way (some people literally tell stories like they’re writing the bible), but it’s also SUPER RACIST and kind of sexist too. I was so excited because when the book first started I thought we were getting a canonical protagonist of color...and then he turns out to be a kidnapped white boy surrounded by “savages.” Yes we have Aravis...but I really don’t know how to feel about her. Also Bree the horse is really just an asshole, so it’s hard to like any of the characters. I did appreciate having adult Edmund and Susan around though, so it’s not a total waste. The truth is, this is the book that I could barely get through as a kid and would constantly fall asleep reading so I barely remembered anything besides the fact that I didn’t like it. 3/10
Skyward by Brandon Sanderson: In a distant future, humans are trapped on a wasteland planet where their only hope for survival are teenagers flying spaceships while fighting a mysterious alien race. Aka: local girl is constantly dumped on by society and makes friends with a talking spaceship. Okay this book definitely has its problems, but I mostly don’t care because 1. The world building is great. 2. Spensa is a fun main character. 3. All the side characters have distinguishable personalities and interactions *cough* m-bot *cough*. And 4. The plot could be predictable at times but I really liked following the mystery of it all...even if there’s some weird chosen one type of bullshit going on towards the end. It has a major season one Attack on Titan vibe with all the questions about humanity’s history and mankind uniting to fight a mysterious enemy. This is a super fun read that kept me theorizing and was also incredibly motivational. Did I like all of Sanderson’s decisions when it came to which characters died? Hell no. Do I think the government would have a lot more backlash considering its dumbass way of fighting wars? Yes. But I’d still recommend it, and I’m still looking forward to the next book! 8/10
TV Shows!
Aggretsuko: The most adorable musical comedy anime of 2018, where Retsuko, a 25 year old office worker is getting fed up with her job and copes with life by singing aggressive death metal songs...and by the way everyone’s a cute animal. I’m a little late to this party, but this show is so precious and also disturbingly accurate to real life. Retsuko is so relatable, Haida’s crush on her is well executed and not forced, there’s great working women solidarity (Gori and Washimi are the fucking queens of anime side characters) and the metal is so well integrated! Please watch this charming show and the Christmas special if you haven’t already! I NEED ANOTHER SEASON NOW! 10/10
A Series of Unfortunate Events (season 3): The final season of the Baudelaires’ tale of misery and woe. And man did they stick the landing. “But it doesn’t leave things vague enough, they didn’t leave the sugar bowl a mystery.” GOOD! I’ve had to deal with Snicket’s badly written ending to the books since 2006. I love that they explained as much as they did. The ending was bittersweet and more concrete while still delivering the message of how the world is morally gray. Also Quigley was amazing, Sunny was amazing, FERNALD WAS AMAZING! KIT WAS AMAZING! EVERYONE WAS AMAZING! And I almost cried seeing the kids in their outfits from the book covers. I wish Jacqueline was in it, but I think her character would have felt redundant with Kit in the mix. This was an amazing adaption all around, and this season did a great job at putting some of the more...difficult books on screen without it feeling out of place. Even if you haven’t read the books, I encourage anyone who likes mysteries and different forms of storytelling to suffer with the rest of us! 10/10
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The Disastrous Life of Saiki K (season 1): Local overpowered psychic anime boy just wants to be ignored and blend in with society, but the universe constantly surrounds him with silly situations that cause him to use his powers. I finally got around to watching this show, and it’s hilarious. Kusuo is a great deadpan main character who is definitely ace as hell, and the English dub is actually pretty good! I don’t really want to watch the show in Japanese now because I feel like the dub does a better job at timing the comedic lines and distinguishing everyone’s thoughts. So now I’m upset that the second season hasn’t been dubbed (thanks Netflix). But yeah it’s a great silly show to binge watch. 10/10
Community: The misadventures of a wacky study group going to the world’s worst community college. You know, the one with all the memes? Okay, I know I’m the last one to watch this and  technically I still have a season and a half left at this point, but I thought I’d include it anyway. This show is such a wild ride that I don’t even know what to think about it anymore. The first two seasons were pretty average with a few absolutely brilliant episodes thrown in. And then...the paintball episodes happened, and the show just became amazing. I do have a lot of questions though....like if the main character is a lawyer (sort of), why does he never sue the dean for sexual harassment? Why does Pierce, the resident old, sexist, racist, problematic baby boomer have an “arc” centered around a logical fallacy. No one wants to hang out with him because he’s terrible, but he’s upset because he feels left out and constantly does terrible things to get back at them? I literally almost dropped the show because I couldn’t take him anymore, and then the writers just magically dial him back in his last seasons...which I’m thankful for. And I don’t even know where to being with Chang. BUT this show is a testament to creative writing and innovative meta ways to tell stories. The rest of the study group is made up of hilarious well balanced characters that all have their distinct broken but quirky personalities. And I love them all...except Pierce. So, even though I haven’t finished it, I’d give it an 8.5/10 so far.
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Superstore: A sitcom about the daily struggles of workers in a W*lmart-esque superstore. I finally caught up to it, and it’s still fine. It’s not great, but not terrible either. It is incredibly accurate though, coming from someone who works retail. The best parts of the show are the scene transitions because they show all the things customers are doing in the store. And most of the time I just nod and go “yeah I’ve seen that.” This is one of those shows to have on for the sake of just having something on. It has its moments. 7/10
Honorable Mentions
Because these are the reasons why I didn’t really read much this month...or watch many movies.
YOUNG JUSTICE is officially back with the long awaited season 3. And it’s still pretty great, but man I wish I had rewatched the original series.
Netflix released the Taylor Swift Reputation stadium performance. So now you all know how much of a slut for Taylor Swift I am. I can’t help it if her latest album is basically Captive Prince the musical!
The Masked Singer (US version) is dragging me into a spiral of conspiracy theories. Please watch this ridiculous reality show where celebrities wear elaborate costumes and a super annoying judging panel tries to guess who they are. I’m in hell, because this show is set up terribly, but I also don’t want to leave.
Life is Strange 2: episode 2 was finally released. And I’m actually loving it. These games have a special place in my heart for some reason.
New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe came out and I hate myself for buying these stupid games because they consume all my time, and I don’t even really like them.
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gcldenrush · 3 years
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get  to  know  the  mun  !                                                                                       repost,  don’t  reblog.
(PEN)NAME  :  Stella
PRONOUNS  : she / her.
ZODIAC  SIGN  :  Libra Bitch
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :   h a h
Animals take to me really quickly   ---   it’s like a super power!  A great one, considering I love them back, but I can’t count the number of surprised dog owners who exclaim how shy / aggressive their pup usually is towards strangers, while they’re curled up in my lap just enjoying the love.
Over the past year, I’ve been dealing with crazy health stuff!  I came down with a mystery illness in December 2019, which was eventually diagnosed as TMJ disorder, mostly affecting my muscles instead of my jaw.  As a result, I had to get adult braces ( yay ), and was put on a prescribed regimen of NSAIDs  ( Aleve, Aspirin )  ---  which we quickly realized I’m super sensitive to, in the very worst way! After a few months taking them, I ended up with a stomach ulcer and gastritis, which made this summer super fun. Now, I’m definitely on the mend   ---   ulcer is gone, gastritis is going, and the braces should be off super soon   ---   but 10/10 cannot recommend chronic health issues.
I’m an English major with a focus on creative writing  ---  my goal is to write novels, but I’m also venturing into screenwriting. I’ve recently finished the first draft of a six episode historical Titanic miniseries, and am working on a 1920s murder mystery now.
Hmm...  I joined Tumblr RP in my freshman year of high school, having observed the RPC from afar for a while before that. This was in, like...  2013 Tumblr, so nothing close to what exists today.  I played a certain X-Men character who will not be named.   It was a short spell, I fell out of enthusiasm with it quickly, and didn’t get back in the game until...  2016-ish.
I was in the Historical RPC for a long time  ---  because I’m such a musical lover it’s not even funny, so musicals like Elisabeth and Anastasia are my exact jam.  I’m no stranger to multimuses :    I ran a historical / fantasy multimuse at @starblcssd-a​  for over a year  ( Dwight’s old home ), but...  stepped away for reasons I’d rather not get into.  It was a messy situation that led me to leave the RPC pretty abruptly, and stay away for about...  five months.
Right now, I write Melanie Ravenswood @ravnswood​  ( Ghosts!! I love ghost muses! ), and an immortal OC over at @eternlle​.   Evelyn is my first OC who’s really taken off, and...  I’m honestly having so much fun writing her, and exploring her character.  
I think, between both genders, I’m definitely partial to girls    ;    it’s easier for me to get into their heads somehow, and boys always feel a bit more experimental.   ( So this blog is...  very exciting, haha. )   I don’t want to say I’m drawn to...  “cinnamon roll” characters, but I’m definitely better with characters who feel things intensely. Passionate characters, emotional characters...  people who love deeply and laugh loudly. Not necessarily extroverts, just...  characters with a lot of heart.  I write a lot of ghosts, and you can bet they all died tragically.
Some favorite muses I’ve written   ---   Cosette from Les Mis, Poppy Hill from The Haunting of Hill House  ( I write a mean villain! ), Helena Ravenclaw from HP, and Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia.
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT.
FLUFF  :    Yes!!  Always!  I’m always up for light - and - happy threads!
ANGST  :   Ohhhhh yes, give me my juice.
SMUT  :     I have no talent for it, and definitely don’t feel comfortable writing straight smut. It’s not my favorite to read, and I don’t like writing it. Steam is more than okay, and I’m more than happy to allude to things, but just...  nothing too descriptive.  I’m very Baby that way.    ( If we ship together though, just know, my brain’s probably conjured at least one sexy fantasy about our muses. )
PLOT  /  MEMES  :     I really have problems with plotting, with...  engaging with people, especially over Tumblr IMs, mostly because...  my pandemic-brain isn’t really up for it?  I’m shy, I get distracted easily, and  ---  oof  ---  I can’t count how many messages just zoom in and I completely forget to reply.   ( It’s nothing personal, I swear! )   I’m way better at plotting when we’ve actually been writing for a while, and we both have a few ideas.  I think I prefer plotting over discord, but don’t want to just...  give my discord out to anyone.    As for memes, I love memes!  I love continuing memes!  Slowest person to answer them in the world, but memes are amazing!  Honestly, If there are no open starter calls, memes are the best way to interact with me.
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unleashthemidnight · 6 years
Hi and thank you honey
7. Three words from your native language that you like the most?
*immediately forgots that finnish is a language and doesn’t know any words* Help me…
Um, that’s a good question. It’s hard to choose only three words so you are getting more than that (and I’m missing so many other words that I like). I will put them in alphabetical order. ^^
havina - sough, swish (the light sound of the trees’ leaves)hiljainen - silent, quietihme - wonder, miraclekaipaus - longing, yearninglumous - enchantment solina - babble (? the sound of water gently flowing, in the small stream)sumu - mist, fogsyys - autumn, fall (in finnish it’s “syksy” but syys is poetic way)sävel - melody, tunetaival - passage, journeytähtipöly - star dustuni - sleep, dreamusva - mist, fog (yes, again)vadelma - raspberryvaellus - wandering, hiking
There might be somekind of theme there if you really look into it. XD It’s actually really hard to thing just the words and not the things what they mean.
8. Do you get confused with other nationalities? If so, which ones and by whom?
I don’t think people have ever confused me with any other nationality...
There has been times when I have been walking and carrying the shopping bags with my mom and in different times older woman have stopped us and asked from my mom directions in russian. The thing is, my mother has learned it, worked in Russia (or was it Soviet Union back then...) and still remembers some words but my mom is also finnish. I don’t know did my mom looked like she could be russian or just some other reason. We have family from Karelia when it was still Finland’s area (nowadays it’s under Russia), so maybe there had been some feature that made them ask things in russian.
In internet it’s just obvious that Finland isn’t the first thing people think when they meet someone and english is the common language... But no one hasn’t told me that they have thought that I was from certain place or other country, more like “oh, wouldn’t have guessed” or “didn’t know”.
It would be fun to know if anyone has ever thought that I was from US or somewhere else!
10. Most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
I’m just listing all the swear words in my head right now. XD One of the beauty of finnish language is that we can just mix and use whatever cases with any word we want so our swears can actually end up really poetic.
“Perkele” is the famous one that you can see also in memes so that’s given.I use the following too: “helvetti” (hell) and “vittu” (usually translated “fuck” and used like it buuut it also means vagina but def not medical term), “saatana” (satan), “helvetin kuustoista“ (hell’s sixteen, there might be different versions of where this came from).
It really depends of the context; did Finland win or lose something, did I drop something, did I hurt myself. It really depends of the reason what words give you the power and which words are at the moment easy to yell and release the pain if you hurt yourself.
16. Which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with? 
If you guys have any stereotypes about Finland and finnish people, please tell me!
The coldness / “It must be so cold there”
So it seems that people don’t know that we actually have all the four seasons with the usual stuff, the things you can see from nature. We have summers, our summers have no snow, it’s warm, there’s sun. Also it seems that people have not hear about dressing properly, according to weather. We have thick walls and it’s necessary to have the double windows.
Our houses are made for last our winters. Why wouldn’t they?
Sure, it’s cold but we know how to live with it.
Finnish schools don’t have homework
I would have been saved from so much anxiety and sleepless night if this was true. Like wtf. I don’t know where this has came from but it one of the things always listed when people are talking how good finnish education is. No, it’s lies, we have homework. And exams.
Finland has no history, no significant events or wars + “Finland has always had good relationship with Russia” + “It’s so easy for you now, so it must always been that way”
The personal space
Well we don’t necessary hug when we meet someone for first time or kiss the cheek. Handshakes are good, tells a lot of the person. But we hug our family and friends.
Finnish doesn’t have equal to “I love you”
Minä rakastan sinua but definitely not if you say this to anyone.
There’s other ways to show your friends and fellow people that you love and care about them other than saying it and we know that but for others it might be new thing that we don’t say it so much as in some other cultures.
Silent people / No small talk
We talk and we can be very talkative but yes, there’s no “small talk culture”. It’s okay to be silent, you don’t need to speak or listen someone else speaking all the time. It’s phenomenon called “comfortable silence”.
Finnish is one of the most hardest language in the world
It really depends of yourself and your own motivation to learn. I’ll direct you here where I have talked about learning finnish, listed some good reasons to learn and overall learning another language.
Congrats, you know a finnish swear word. Have a cookie.(Okay, this is the first swear words finnish people will teach you and it’s just little bit wtf + laughing when you mention that you are from Finland and the first answer back is Perkele XD)
Metal music
There’s a lot of metal bands but every person still have their own taste of music.
Finnish DNA. Our mental additude. Lifestyle. If you say finnish people have something called sisu, you are good.
Living with polar bears
Just no
Blond hair, blue eyes
Well take away my finnish card, I don’t have either. Yes, there’s blond people with blue eyes but also blond people with different color eyes and not all blue eyed people have blond hair etc. And we even have brunettes.
All people come in different colors, sizes and shapes, Finland and finnish people aren’t different.
24. What other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Sweden. Sweden is the target in the Nordic Countries’ jokes. There’s the brotherly love-hate relationship.
26. Does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Are we talking about when famous finnish people are in late shows or when someone is potraying finnish people, playing as one?
I can remember that there was a movie where the person had put “can speak  finnish” in their CV and there was corporate party and the boss introduced to abroad partner who was a finn and spoke finnish to this character who def couldn’t speak finnish. And the actor (potraying the finnish) was actually finnish, atleast the pronounciation and acting was like it? Side character, never seen again.
And on NCIS the plain crashed in Russia and they were rescued by DiNozzo and the finnish military who came across the border without permission (surprise when knowing the situation) and DiNozzo just said that the finnish just want to go home. Nothing about the “without permission” or “this is very wrong”, just that they came, helped and now let’s go home, thanks. I don’t remember exactly what was said about the finnish people but along those lines. I remember laughing so much with my mom. “A little bit over the border and quickly back, it’s all good, no worries”. XD
Also there has been lots of finnish things (Marimekko, Nokia etc) on American media but they never bring the finnish backgroung because it would be just out of the plot. XD
It would be nice if people would tell me when things like these when they are showed in media, I want to know! I want to know how we are potrayed.
29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Not excatly, atleast I don’t know... Hmm.. We are called as Finland’s Chicago because of past crime rates and sometimes it feels like some people are too much stuck in that (plus we don’t have the highest crime rates anymore!) or how in our dialect we say “Lahest” when others would say “Lahdesta” (grammatically correct). But it’s not beef, it’s just something that people from Lahti hear alot.
There was talking from the goverment about connecting/join the municipalities together and everyone was more like “no thanks, we are too different and the naming would be too hard” with that and we expressed the idea of Lahti and Hollola being together by “shipname” LaHo. Laho means rotten.
But beef with another place, no.
Thank you for asking these things! n__n
Hi, I’m not from US ask set!
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mtkthedreamer · 7 years
DL Character meme!
I got tagged by @mythicamagic, thank you!
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And then answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Ruki 2. Laito 3. Carla 4. Shuu 5. Azusa 6. Yuuma 7. Yui 8. Kou 9. Kino 10. Subaru
(To be honest it was quite difficult... I mean, the order doesn’t really count from Shuu-san downwards... And Laito-kun is a particular case... whatever XD)
1. Number 5 (Azusa) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
Yeee, shopping with Azusababy \(♥w♥)/ I guess I would recommend him to buy comfortable clothes, and possibly the cheaper ones... but paying attention to their quality too; this, in general. Then, I also think I would probably tell him that fair colors and blue tones suits him better... and I really like big-sized sweaters on him!
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Laito) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
"LAITO, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU’RE A PERVERT, NOT A GROSS ONE- Ah, no, wait” *thinkings pose as Laito’s like “Aw, Bitch-chan, that’s mean, I was just teasing you D:”, feigning innocence ‘cause he’s a damn old fox*
3. Number 7 (Yui) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
I guess I’d try to scare poor Yui-chan about how her teeth could deteriorate in the future because she neglected them by not going to the dentist to check on them. I’m cruel, I know. I’d be a good mother
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Yuuma) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
There’s a reason as to why I don’t make bets, and this is why lol; anyway, in this case, I’d just go through with it... I just hope Yuuma-kun wouldn’t make me do... strange things... He’s not Laito-kun, but...
5. Number 4 (Shuu) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
Wait, how can Shuu-san get even scared, isn’t he just using it as an excuse to sleep? Likely.
6. Number 9 (Kino) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
This is suspicious. There’s a trap, right? 
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
YES Kou-kun is like a brother to me (not as much as Yuuma-kun), so I wouldn’t mind lending him my room... I can always sleep in the sitting room ;D lololol
8. Number 1 (Ruki) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
It’s very unlikely that Ruki-san could do something like this (I mean play it at such a time), but in case... I guess I’d try to reason with him about this.
9. Number 10 (Subaru) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
If Subaru-kun would really wear it in public, I think I would too. Two embarassed people at the same time; it’s better to share the embarassment, lol. It was a lost bet with Kou-kun or Ayato-kun/Laito-kun, right?
10. Number 4 (Shuu) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 (Carla) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
Carla-san knows magic, right? I would ask him if it was possible for him to cast some spell to resolve this, I guess? That’s not what magic is for MTK
12. Number 7 (Yui) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
“OMG, Yui-chan, you should keep on drawing, so that you can improve your talent and become a great artist! ;D By the way, this isn’t me, lol”
13. Number 5 (Azusa) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
Did he buy all the stuff necessary to keep this pet python?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Yuuma) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
Probably panic because I’m somewhat scared of heigh places... or I would in this case, because we’re still. I’d try to keep calm, but... I’d eventually start crying and hyperventilating... I think Yuuma-kun wouldn’t really worry that much, haha.
15. Number 2 (Laito) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
=_= I knew this was going to happen... I’d try and scold him, but Laito-kun is Laito-kun, I can’t really do mu- No, I’d try slapping him in his face, too.
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Carla) standing in it. How do you react?
"... did you find Narnia?” 
17. Number 1 (Ruki) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
*screaming internally and then fainting*
(Ruki-san’s my love interest, you know)
Let’s be serious, he’d keep on teasing me because I would blush so much and get so embarassed about this... but eventually, since I think we’re both rational people, we would try and find together a way to get these handcuffs off.
18. Number 10 (Subaru) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
“... sorry, let’s be friends? Thanks for the ros-” The roses would get destroyed and thrown away by him, since he got rejected... :( (and he’d be like “I was just joking, dumbass! Tch!” and leave while dying internally D: such a cruel fate...)
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
"STAY THERE I’LL GET THEM FOR YOU” I’d lend him my towel in the meantime? 
20. Number 5 (Azusa) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
Since Azusa-kun is his brother, I think Kou-kun would figure everything out and... either give it to me with a smirk on his face, teasing me about it, or... maybe go and tell Azusa-kun to write his name on it or whatever? Like, giving advice like a good brother?
21. Number 7 (Yui) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Carla) a strip tease. What happens?
... If everyone’s there, I think Carla-san wouldn’t be happy about it at all, and with Reiji-san and Ruki-san he would stop her... while Kou-kun, Yuuma-kun, Laito-kun and maybe Ayato-kun would encourage her and tease her (Shuu-san would comment, too, like “Heh, I knew you were a lewd woman”), I guess.
Of course, I’d help the big brothers stopping her.
22. Number 6 (Yuuma) and number 2 (Laito) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
I don’t know why, but I don’t think they would be that good at rapping... maybe Yuuma-kun would be a little better than Laito-kun. 
23. Number 1 (Ruki) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Kino) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
Ah. You mean Kino-kun’s smartphone? Well... that’d be difficult to cover up. It’d be better and easier to buy him a new smartphone... in case it was completely broken. If it got just ruined, maybe we can substitute some parts? We’d ask someone related to this, probably. (Ruki-san begging, lol)
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Shuu) and number 10 (Subaru) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
We just fell asleep after watching some movies. That’s all. Actually, Shuu-san slept from the very beginning, then I fell asleep towards the end of the movie and at last Subaru-kun, after turning off the TV/whatever. 
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Kino), number 6 (Yuuma) and number 3 (Carla). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
Kino-kun would keep on complaining that there’s no Wi-Fi to play on his smartphone, Yuuma-kun would observe the nature and Carla-san... Would he even know what it means to camp? XD He’s a King, he can’t sleep on the ground! lololololol I guess I’d just enjoy this time with them and... panic at night because I don’t like sleeping where insects can easily reach you in your “bed”...
26. Number 9 (Kino) and number 4 (Shuu) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
... Shuu-san wouldn’t really care? He’d just keep on sleeping... but it’d be difficult for him to sleep, because, if I’m not mistaken, the long exposure to displays can influence this, right? And since Kino-kun’s a lot on his smartphone...! Kino-kun would take it easy, too, at first. But eventually, we would ask Reiji-san to solve this.
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Azusa), number 7 (Yui), and number 10 (Subaru). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
Please. Subaru-kun would destroy everything at the very beginning. I think either Yui-chan or Azusa-kun would be very good at Monopoly, anyway. 
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Laito). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
Never trust Kou-kun, that’s for sure. GPS, anyone...? Or just teleport somewhere, for God’s sake.
29. Number 1 (Ruki) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
What’s “banjo”- *googles it* oh, ok. Hm... I guess... “Ruki-san... you should ask a musician, music is not my cup of tea :D” Am I safe?
30. Number 1 (Ruki) and number 2 (Laito) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
I tag: @newchica, @nevaeh-naeva and whoever is interested to do this~!
Blank questions:
1. Number 5 () has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 () standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
3. Number 7 () has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 () and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
5. Number 4 () takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
6. Number 9 () surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
7. Number 8 () accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
8. Number 1 () has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
9. Number 10 () recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
10. Number 4 () is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 () confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
12. Number 7 () decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
13. Number 5 () buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 () but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
15. Number 2 () proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 () standing in it. How do you react?
17. Number 1 () manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
18. Number 10 () presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
19. You go swimming with number 8 (). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
20. Number 5 () wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 () and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
21. Number 7 () gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 () a strip tease. What happens?
22. Number 6 () and number 2 () get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
23. Number 1 () accidentally ruins number 9’s () most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
24. You wake up in between number 4 () and number 10 () with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (), number 6 () and number 3 (). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
26. Number 9 () and number 4 () have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (), number 7 (), and number 10 (). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
28. You go on a hike with number 8 () and number 2 (). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
29. Number 1 () has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
30. Number 1 () and number 2 () get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
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