#also yes i'm gonna bully ace as often as i can
linawritesocs · 2 years
social media au with my ocs [prologue - part 2]
so i actually have a list of titles for the future chapters but i just checked the first chapter and realized that it doesn't have a title so. yeah we're gonna have titles now
anyway, adeuce meeting seth and minnie <3 time to get silly
taglist: @taruruchi @solxima
"you can't adopt a student you just met!"
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Ace markey | Survivor likelihood
I would like to ramble about Ace's survivor likelihood. Keep in mind that all of this is just a subjective interpretation of how the story might go for the Ultimate Jockey, so feel free to disagree!
I really like Ace. He's my all time favourite character in Danganronpa Despair Time, mainly because I actually tend to prefer characters with good writing rather than nice characters.
Ace is definitely a pretty bad person for now, as he's being extremely aggressive and antagonistic towards the others due to his anxiety and paranoia. I'm not saying that his character doesn't have more layers to him, because he definitely does, but as a person, he would be so hard to put up with. Even Levi, the only person who kinda seemed to care for his wellbeing, completely gave up on helping him after episode 6.
A question I often ask myself is this: will Ace change later on down the line?
A lot of people think that he might calm down or learn how to deal with his anxieties and all that, but I'm not sure if that's the case.
Ace is definitely smarter and much more self aware than what his classmates think. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, far from it, but he's not dumb either. I'd argue he's got pretty good intuition, seeing as how he got mad at the others for thinking that "he's damaged in the head" and that "they can say whatever they want to his face". He's very aware of what others think of him. (I'm not saying that this is what everyone necessarily think of him, but it's clear that his classmates don't really care about him that much)
Normally, the bully character would just kinda shout insults left and right without ever acknowledging how others feel about it or what they think about them. But Ace seems extremely aware. Probably because, deep down, he's not happy with himself.
"You think I act like this for fun, go to bed, and then sleep soundly at night[...]"
He very much targets Nico because Ace sees them as what he despises more: a coward with no backbone. And that's what Ace was prior to chapter 2. And in the QnA for chapter 2 part 1, it was indeed confirmed that Ace doesn't like himself. So it's more likely that he was projecting onto Nico, but also felt annoyed at their behaviour.
Which turned out to be a MASSIVE mistake, as Nico dropped the kind act and quite literally tried to kill Ace: they only failed because Eden and Teruko caught them. He refused help, even telling Levi that he'd much rather die alone than accept his help, and then ends it with this interesting line:
"It's inevitable anyway, so why should I take your pity on top of everything else I have to suffer through?! Don't talk to me ever again!"
This is very interesting to me. He knows that he could die, he knows that his behaviour is wrong, and he KNOWS that he's gonna suffer every single second of it.
So in his eyes, why even bother?
Personally, while I really like the interpretation of Ace's character as "someone who will change" I think the problem is that Ace lacks motivation.
Motivation to change.
Again, he's aware of all of his flaws, and knows that he's just basically killing himself by being so antagonistic, but he quite simply doesn't care anymore. But then again, I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just saying that it would need to be quite the huge change for Ace.
Remember, he dislikes himself, and he outright stated that his life sucks. If he were to find a reason to live outside of his talent, maybe he could make it.
Ace can definitely undergo development, but for now, I think he lacks the requirements to do so. (the "for now" is extremely important).
Now then, I would like to address the elephant in the room: his secret quote.
"I don't know what to do with myself anymore."
Yes, it has already been talked about a lot from what I've seen. And for good reasons: who would ever expect such a vulnerable line coming from someone like Ace Markey?
And that's the adjective I would like to focus on: vulnerability.
How could the Ace Markey we all know express such vulnerability? Why, after all he went through, and after all of his efforts to completely detach himself from the group, would he open up about something so important to himself to those people?
I'll try to predict Ace's fate by keeping this in mind: WHEN could Ace open up? When will Ace reveal this side of himself?
Will it happen in Chapter 2?
Yeah, no, I don't see him die here. No way.
Keep in mind that I'm not biased towards Ace, and I would be 100% fine with him dying if it served the narrative... but now, of all times? I don't think it's his time to go yet.
A lot of people already analysed the themes of Chapter 2 way, WAY better than I ever could, so I would recommend searching for those posts because they're a fantastic read.
The part I'm gonna be focusing on (briefly) is the hidden title: "A good person". A lot of characters, such as Eden and Levi, were directly called a good person this chapter. And all of these characters ended up having a larger role than the others because of their direct connection to the chapter. That doesn't mean that characters such as Veronika, Rose, J, Arturo, Hu or Nico were irrelevant, because they very clearly weren't: it just means that the characters more tied to the themes of this chapter had more to do, and will likely do more.
Ace doesn't really fit into this chapter's themes. Sure, you can define him as a pretty bad person, but it's not outright stated by the other participants, therefore he's not fully acknowledged.
Plus, I doubt he'd care about any labels at this point, unlike other characters. So I don't think it's his turn to die.
Now, something else I'd like to discuss is the impact: I'm not talking about the murder or the shock factor of Ace being the culprit, I'm taking about the impact on the group.
So far, Ace has done nothing but antagonize everyone to appear stronger and in control. It's safe to say that literally no one cares about him.
Sure, they would mind it if he died because at the end of the day, he's still just a vulnerable person, and death is a very serious deal, no one deserves it, but they would probably be more bothered by the trial itself: I'd wager that none of them would really bother to remember him after chapter 2. He wasn't close to anyone at all.
Heck, I bet they would feel sadder if Nico, Ace's murderer, died via execution.
(I'm not implying that Nico is a bad person, I just think that people would naturally pity the victim more than the culprit, which wouldn't happen if Nico successfully killed Ace. I think.)
So yeah, Ace being the culprit would only prove that even """"dumb"""" people can commit smart crimes. I don't think it's enough to suddenly connect him to the themes of the chapter, but I guess it's something. Teruko also said that Ace would die very quickly, so while it is true that her beliefs would be proven correct, this wouldn't affect her that much: she would just move on immediately after the trial.
Why would she care about someone like Ace? If the narrative wants to prove Teruko's beliefs correct while STILL affecting her, I think we also need a culprit who would affect the entire group: someone like Hu or Eden, for example.
Ace's departure wouldn't really shake the group that much.
So yeah, all in all, he's probably making it past chapter 2.
Will it happen in Chapter 3?
(From now on, it's pure speculation, so I'm up for critiques or debates)
Eeeh I'm not sure. I still don't think it's time. But I could totally see it happen this chapter too.
So, assuming that he makes it past chapter 2, we'll obviously get more time with him. Therefore, more opportunity for his character to be expanded upon. I don't think he's changing just yet, not after he was almost killed by one of his classmates. In fact, he will probably get worse this chapter.
Now, I don't expect him to remain a jerk for the entire series, even if he does die. That would drag on a little too much. I do think he'll remain antagonistic as heck, but we won't focus on him too much this time.
I think it's because a lot of characters gained a lot of depth in the most recent episodes.
-J voiced her hatred for attention and entertainment, most likely Hinting at something big going on with her family.
-Arturo, a character who I didn't really take seriously at first, turned out to have one of the most shocking secrets ever, and he even threatened one of the participants. I'm genuinely curious to know more about him now.
-Hu literally said that she wants to be the one to give everyone guidance, because otherwise she's not useful and has no reason to be there (it implies something very dark).
-Veronika is Veronika just being Veronika doing Veronika things. (Jokes aside, I'm really curious to see what will happen to her next chapter)
-Rose is quite literally losing it (breakdown predictions, everyone?)
-and then there's David... I don't think I need to explain myself any further.
I believe these characters will be the main focus of chapter 3. They gained A LOT of development and revealed sides to them we didn't really see before. So I don't think they'll appear only occasionally.
This also applies to Arei: she was directly tied to the themes of chapter 2, and she turned out to be the victim of said chapter.
I'm not great at explaining, but what I mean is that these characters are more likely to die in chapter 3 because of the depth they just gained.
I know that this doesn't imply that Ace will be irrelevant, I doubt anyone will be, or that he won't die, but he will probably take the backseat this time around. Maybe he'll take Hu's role, where he appears every once in a while.
Plus, I doubt this will be the chapter where he'll suddenly drop his facade and share his vulnerability. He was almost killed by Nico, and he clearly hates everyone who defended them now: why would a single chapter change his view that easily?
Keep in mind that we still have no idea what chapter 3 will be about, let alone its themes, so take this with a massive grain of salt.
Will it happen in Chapter 4?
Yep, I believe this is where Ace could potentially kick the bucket. I'm not sure if he would be a victim or a killer, but I could see him die here.
After two long chapters of pain and suffering, alongside the deaths that happened beforehand, I could see him lose it.
Now, I don't know how it'll happen, because Ace very clearly doesn't want to open up, but I believe it might be an unintentional type of breakdown. Where he just loses it and is unable to contain it.
Maybe he could feel overwhelmed. His life is a mess, he's a mess himself actually, as he doesn't even want to be a jockey, and this entire situation is just showing him what he truly is: a coward unable to deal with his problems and pain.
(I mean I don't think that's what he is because he has a lot of problems, but uh, dramatic effect)
-he would realise that being nice would just make him an easy target (Teruko's trust was used against her);
-being mean would just cause self destruction (Nico almost killed him because of his aggressive behaviour), and this would offer no real benefit in the long run;
-trying to trust or rely on others could backfire massively, as the entirety of Chapter 1 proved exactly that (plus, Levi threatened him in the first trial. I think it's safe to assume that Ace wasn't expecting that from Levi, of all people.)
-acting by himself could make him an easy target to frame (Charles was a loner in chapter 1, and was framed by Xander because he had no one to back him up);
-and that trying to change was pointless (Arei died after letting her guard down, to try and be a good person) so there was no point in turning back now. Not after everything he did. It's inevitable anyway.
Simply put,
"I don't know what to do with myself anymore."
Well, there we go!
I'll stop rambling about this. Again, I have no idea what the future chapters will be about, so it's unfair for me to make such stretches.
But what's true is that Ace's quote showcases a lot of vulnerability and weakness that I don't see him sharing anytime soon. Like, it's not an Arei situation where she had her entire world shattered in front of her, leading to a sudden shift in personality: he's much more aware of the complexity of the world, and I don't think a single conversation is enough to break him.
Chapter 2 and 3 would seem a bit too soon in my opinion, but I could totally see an argument made for Chapter 3, and Chapter 5 feels like it'd be too late, as I imagine we'll discover a lot of important info.
So Chapter 4 seems more appropriate for me, and that's why I believe he could die after his breakdown. The only evidence I have for future chapters is the phrasing of this quote, and the fact that it happens in present time, given the verbs and wording, and I silently pray it's not just a flashback.
If he makes it past the chapter where he breaks down tho, he's all good. He's probably escaping the killing game.
There are other things I would like to talk about, such as his parallels with Teruko, how he's tied to "Fate" like many other characters, and much more, but for now I'll stop here.
All in all, I'd give him a good 65% likelihood of making it. He has a lot more to offer as a character, so I could totally see him last for a pretty good while, but I also see why he could tragically die near the end.
Again, he is my favourite character, but I'm not saying this just because I like him: I'll be totally okay with his death as long as it's appropriate and well written. I don't like claiming that a character's death is badly written "just because they're my favourite".
So yeah, very long essay, probably messy too. Hope you guys liked it. It's also my first post, so I hope the paragraphs are fine and comprehensible.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
hi! i’m robin, a 30something white enby elf (sometimes fox, sometimes both). my pronouns are fae/faer.
some cool things about me, probably!
i have four really amazing partners! i live with two of them and our adorable kitties.
i'm ace, but hella kinky & hella subby. please bully me. (consensually.)
i’m an extremely novice polytheistic witch.
i’m a furry kinda? i'm not really plugged into the fandom much anymore, but if you were to ask me if i am or am not a furry, the answer would be yes.
i work at a local comic/game shop, mostly as a magic judge :)
if it ever seems like i’m autistic or i have adhd, that would be because i’m autistic and i have adhd.
dnis/content warning/etc after the cut.
just for funsies, here’s a brief list of fandoms i gravitate strongly towards! some of these things might not be actually fandoms or might not have very active fandoms idk? i might write about these more often or have stronger opinions about them. or not? adhd! these can alternatively be read as additional reasons to bully me. please feel free to read them that way.
magic the gathering
star trek
dungeons & dragons (and, relatedly, the legend of drizzt books; and, relatedly, dimension 20, and, relatedly, basically everything on dropout)
avatar: the last airbender (i've only seen the shows though, need to check out the comics & rpg & etc)
sonic the hedgehog
kaiju movies
anime and manga kinda?
cartoons kinda if that counts? (current favorites: the owl house, she-ra reboot, futurama, star trek: lower decks wait that should go in star trek not cartoons or should it go in both oh no)
comic books/superheroes kinda? (the archie sonic the hedgehog and dark horse star wars comics were a huge part of my childhood, i also got hella into batman, spider-man, and x-men at times.)
knives out? is that a fandom? whatever. i love those movies.
the matrix
the wachowski sisters’ oeuvre in general (speed racer is one of my favorite movies of all time.)
lord of the rings (the movies, not the books)
halloween. the holiday, not the movie. the color orange. pumpkins. etc. yeah, i’m weirded out that it took me until comparatively recently to realize i needed to be a witch, but here we are. (oh yeah i’ll also probably write about witchy stuff at times? maybe.)
but like, i like other stuff that’s not media too! like… organizing media on shelves? (why have i not been shoved in a locker yet what the heck.) okay, that’s another thing about me. i’m kind of an amateur librarian? i might also talk about theme parks i go to when that happens (a few of my partners are super into those so yeah!). and museums!
on a less fun note, please do not interact with me if you're transphobic/homophobic/racist/etc etc. just don't. i'm just gonna block you, it's really not worth either of our time. also please do not interact with me if you're a minor, and please do not flirt with me if you're technically not a minor but are significantly younger than me. i'm just not comfortable with it.
if you're an anti-shipper you'd probably consider me a pro-shipper? i don't super care about those kinds of labels but i know that's like... A Thing here, and want to be very clear. so if you don't want to interact with people who don't think fanfiction should be policed & criticized as though it were real life or general audience mass media, you probably don't want to interact with me. if i do write any fanfic i will tag it appropriately, but i really think everyone needs to calm down about this shit.
and last but not least, i will tag liberally, but a blanket content warning:
i frequently explicitly discuss themes of kink, sexuality, violence, mental health, and other mature themes in a manner intended for an adult audience.
also, i am a survivor of both childhood and intimate partner emotional abuse, as well as sexual assault, and these come up frequently in my writing. reader discretion is advised.
on a less serious note, i am unapologetically kinky, subby, and thirsty af and i’m going to include a lot of personal asides from that perspective. i’m also a furry and a monsterfucker. don’t say i didn’t warn you.
see you around, hopefully!
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twillightteaparty · 3 years
First Years Giving G!N Reader their Sweater!
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If you ask for his sweater he’ll tease and bully you about it like the little shit he is. However he’s really nice about it if he’s the one offering you his sweater, trying so hard to be a gentleman uwu.
Definitely says you look cute in his sweater, and if he likes you or whatever he’s gonna be more than happy to let you hold onto his sweater for a bit.
He really just wants to hold you while you wear his sweater. He can help but compulsively wants to cuddle you. Something in his little pea brain can’t help it.
Not much more I can say, other than its just polyester-
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He would be so embarrassed giving you his sweater, his face all red, as he hands it over “here, you’ll get cold, don’t worry about me” kind of vibes.
He is breath taken, he thinks you're so stunning and adorable. If you ask to hold onto the sweater he’ll say yes in a heartbeat, no hesitation.
Will ask to hold your hands so that he can keep his hands warm, maybe you’ll get some cuddles in, while you guys are at it.
Y’all foreheads together staring into each other's eyes, being all cute and stuff. It's unfortunate that Ace would try and ruin the M O M E N T -
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Definitely a little upset about not having his jacket or sweater but like every time he sees you in it he thinks to himself that it’s all worth it. He knows he could never say no to you.
Tell you that you’ll have to give him cuddles to keep him warm in trade. He just wants a reason to hold you and see you be all curled up in his sweater.
He really just wants to shower your face in kisses every time he sees you in his sweater <3
This guy will eventually ask for his sweater back unfortunately. But you will be able to ask for it again in the near future or if you're lucky he’ll give it to you again.
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You are drowning in his sweater. Because I imagine he gets sweaters that are a little big on him, so to anyone else they're swimming in the sweater. Gone. vanished into the sweater void.
He will laugh a little bit about how it looks on you but he thinks it cute. He knows his sweaters are large and all because he just wants to curl up in his sweaters and hide. So like on anyone else it's really a sweater ocean.
Yes you can both fit in the sweater and cuddle. This is acceptable and recommended.
His sweaters also smell really nice, because he often has to wash them, so they smell like they're fresh out of the dryer all the time and like whatever laundry product he has chosen to use.
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Also Embarrassed when giving you his sweater. Struggles and stumbles on his words when trying to tell you look good in his sweater.
His sweaters smell like pine or eucalyptus, I will not be taking constructive criticism on this one.
His sweaters are probably all very soft and well taken care of too. And Sebek probably asks that when it needs to be washed or something you let him do it because he doesn’t want his favorite sweater ruined.
Also just really wants to cuddle you when you wear his sweater but is blushing about it the whole time.
I may Have missed the mark on this one, and I'm not sure if this is what you wanted exactly but I most certainly tried. so there is that. hope you enjoyed it.
Signed, Admin Tea.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
💕 + pokemon
Yes time to go off!!!
Pokemon's my favorite place for shipping because no one can be normal here when it comes to naming their ships. We've been around too long. We don't do name mashes here. We do Ferrishwheelshipping. We do Cafemochashipping. We do Checkmateshipping. We are off the rails and I love it here.
I will not be using ship names in my list, for I do not know all of them. Also this one got really fuckin long so under the cut it all goes.
Call back to my OW version of this post, Molayne is in the same boat as Junkrat. Any Molayne ship is a good ship. He could smooch anyone, at anytime, and I would agree. I could also see all of these happening in the same universe, as I see Molayne as very non-monogamous and affectionate
Molayne/Sophocles was my first, Lil Soffy and Big Mo my beloveds. I think they're so sweet. Molayne's fanbase is already so niche tho that there's no romantic content for them.
Kuikui/Molyane/Guzma is fantastic. Besties to polycule pipeline.
Guzma/Molyane and Kuikui/Molanye solo are both also pretty tight. Especially anime Molyane/Kuikui, the bullying is real.
I've seen Molyane/Nanu a handful of time, good stuff good stuff
Molyane/Faba? Quality, cute. Only ever seen it once
I've seen Molyane/Cyrus lately, sense Sophoclese has adopted Cryrus into his found family in masters, and I'm all for that as well.
I have no idea how to organize this list so we're just gonna go and see if I can clean it up as we do
I've been a Hilda/N shipper sense I was a small child, and I will be sticking by it till I die
Same vein Bianca/Cheren in BW2? Cuties my beloved besties
Masters got me on Cheren/Lear tho and that is so fucking *chefs kiss* honestly
There was a time in early gen 7 where I wish shipping Nanu and Looker and I'm still thinking about it too this day. Old men cops
Nanu and Grimsly are bitter exes on again off again type deal going on and I love that for them
I am not immune to the vanilla ass Red/Blue wtf his name is Gary mother fucking Oak. Especially their Alolan honeymoon forms. There was a bit for a while there when Let's Go came out where everyone declared Trace their child and I'm still on that
Brock/Oliva from the Sumo anime was very cute I do think Brock deserves a super cool rock girlfriend
In the same vein tho Oliva and Grant are the same personality type in almost every way, so I think Grant/Brock should be another common ship
Grant/Brock/Oliva rock type polycule WHEN Gamefreak. Cowards.
Cilan/Brock after that anime special where they meet up and hang out and cook I just think they'd get along
On anime Cilan, Cilan/Ash was very cute
Ash/Gladion is in the same area to me as just cute times
Ash/Goh then is peak just cute Ash ships though and I think it's mainly because Goh is very much in love with Ash
In that same vein Ash/Clemont in the XY anime was just as cute? Clemont crush on Ash?? Peak
Kuikui/Ash from the Sumo anime is also so?? I could not explain to you I just think Sumo brought out Ash's goofy stupid little boy vibes immaculately, especially around Kuikui
Colress/Ghetsis is very funny to me personally they dynamic of knowing everything about your shitty boss/old friend and using it to piss him off is peak.
The recent rise of Submas content got me to ship Ingo/Emmet and that's just on you, the fandom, who keep putting them on my dash
Ingo/Emmet/Elsa/Skyla - Ace/Aro/Lesbian/Bi polycule train my dearly beloveds
I've posted about Emmet/Volo a few times. I have no played the game Volo is from but I know of his homosexuality and I think Emmet should beat him to a pulp and make out with him at the same time
Ingo/Volo as a one night stand that Volo never stops messing with Ingo about is also very funny I don't post them often but I do love them.
Sophocles/Clemont is very cute thank you Pokemon Masters for the blond nerds who kiss food
Same vein Sophocles/Cryrus *chefs kiss* the age gap the seeing your younger self and the potential in another the healing the growth the chance to change and feel. Gorgeous
Sycamore/Lysandre is underrated and under used the way the interact in Masters makes me crazy they are dating for sure
Kiawa/Mimo from the sumo anime yet again I think the way he fawns over her is so so so cute he loves her so much
Gordie/Milo??? I don't know where this ship came from but I love them both we are a polycule their content is so cute
Hau/Gladion is very important to my me/Lillie self insert and I think they're lovely
To be a little basic yet again Archie/Maxie is very good
But also Archie/May/Maxie is even better
Not as serious but there's a scene in the BW anime where Alder flirts with Cynthia and I just think they should go on a date
I think Nessa/Sonia/Leon/Raihan are a polycule for sure
I also think Oak and Agatha are divorced
Here I'll put ships involving Pokemon separate just for the sake of it
Burgh and Leavanny are husbands. Lawfully wedded bugs
Someone got me into Whitney/Miltank (bonus the trainer that stops you when Whitney is crying is also her girlfriend they're a polycule)
Kuikui/Incineroar eats up brainspace
Guzma/Glisopod as well
Plumaria/Salazzle is also right there
Completely me alone in this one but I'm obsessed with Drayden/Axew and I could not tell you why
Hapu/Golurk as well the way it holds her in the anime is really good
I am not immune to the allure of Ash/Pikachu btw it is probably my second favorite Ash ship
Same vein Goh/Cinderace is very cute
Clemont/Luxray was so???? Yes correct sweet lovely
Pikachu/Meowth has been showing up on my dash lately and I'm slowly getting into it as well
In general Pikachu/Mimikyu ships get me every time I love them
Mew/Mewtwo very cute very soft healing and calm and snuggles and all that
I am not immune to the dark/light symbolism of Darkrai/Cresselia fantastic obsessive yandere chances as well
Same vein is Xerneas/Yveltal
I am also not immune to the sun/moon symbolism in a Gengar/Clefable ship
Entei/Heatran those are my parents my father and mother I love them
Chespin/Oshawott/Scorbunny cutest starters shipping
Raboot/Morgrem edgy boyfriends
Same vein Raboot/Quilladin/Drizzile anime/gamer boyfriends
Really any of the Inteleon/Cinderace line together is *chefs kiss*
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infernape · 7 years
Why are so so against aces? Do you not think it's a valid sexual orientation? I'm sorry to bother you :(
its no problem, sorry for the late reply. i am not against aces. im gonna put this under a cut bc it got SUPER long, sorry
first off, aces are valid or whatever but i see it as a modifier to an existing orientation, not an orientation by itself (aka saying u are just asexual makes no sense. saying u are an asexual lesbian does make sense)
im really worn out mentally right now so im sorry if this is rude. i would just like to be clear about my opinions. i am an exclusionist, so i dont think cishet aces/aros are lgbt. i also dont think people who dont like anyone (ace/aro?? idk) are lgbt. lgbt is not a fun exclusive club and i dont understand why cishet aces want to be oppressed so badly. lgbt people are literally dying.
i also dislike the split attraction model thing bc it fucked me up a few years ago. i dont like how kids (~13-15 yr olds on this site) are being influenced into coming up with a label describing the sexual attraction they feel and publicly stating it. these kids are doing nothing wrong and there is no need at all to bully them i just think theres a problem with the adults who think this is acceptable and not gross. i understand that ace/aro is a meaningful part of peoples identities but it makes me uncomfortable when people “headcanon” a young character as ace, especially if the kid is lgbt or lgbt coded(? idk if thats the right term lol)
i have seen many instances of cishet ace people being extremely homophobic on this site - using the word “allosexual”, using the q slur often (sometimes even as an umbrella term which i DONT agree with), making lgbt/racism issues all about them, stealing lgbt terms, etc etc etc. thus, please understand why i am wary of cishet aces on this site. its really so disgusting. i specifically remember when the pulse shooting happened a year ago and i was sobbing and terrified and on this site to find more info and to calm myself down i saw ace people somehow managing to make it about them and even having the nerve to condemn gay clubs. yes i know that was a run on sentence im sry
its also frustrating for me when people say “ace people are lgbt!! what else would the a in lgbtqiap++++ stand for!!!!” because if an a is even included, which it doesnt have to be, it stands for ally. to me, and i think in a historical sense, an ally is a person who is gay/bi/trans but isnt able to come out. i could be wrong on the historical thing. also im pretty sure some homophobe coined the whole “ace stands for asexual” thing
obviously if you are gay/bi/trans and ace you are lgbt. its just not because you are ace. it is because you are trans and/or experience same gender attraction. that makes sense, right?
i know ive been posting a lot of discourse lately and its because its pride month and i just want cishet aces to let our community have one fucking month lmao. sorry that its long and please let me know if you need me to elaborate on anything. i can assure you that i love my ace mutuals and i have nothing against ace people in general.
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