#also yes those are my most two recent Minecraft skins
twerkstallion · 2 years
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here's to the past two years 🤠
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skullstarz · 3 years
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sweet summer days
-> husband!iida tenya x gn!reader
read before continuing!!: although reader is labeled as gender neutral, the kids sharing both your features and tenya’s implies female anatomy or the ability to bear a child. this can be twisted to be gender neutral friendly though, like a relative of yours being a surrogate. you have tohru (7), toshiro (6), and tomoe (5).
ack this isnt as good as i wanted it to be ㅠㅅㅠ it just sounded so much better in my head aaaaa. i just wanted sweet n soft cuteness. i also fell in love with the children omg i want. kids. now ...
warnings: none.
word count: 1.4k words
check out my masterlist for more of my works!!
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laughter and the sound of tiny feet running across the hardwood floor filled your spacious home. what was meant to be a lazy day off for your husband has turned into a chaotic day of cheeky grins, sticky fingers, and rough splashes of pool water. your husband tenya, however, couldn’t be any more happier than he is right now.
the clinking of ice cubes against glass and the mattress dipping underneath you gently woke you up. you look up to see tenya opening a new book he bought recently, quickly becoming submerged in it’s contents. groaning ever so softly, you contemplated whether you should wake up or stay in your comfortable position. unfortunately you didn’t have much of a chance to decide, as your youngest, tomoe, woke you up with a soft grunt, kicking her feet in the air as she desperately tried making her way up onto your bed.
“tomoe? what are you doing up so early?” your husband asks, reaching over you to pick up the girl with ease. tomoe was the sleepiest of your three children; she was shy, silent, and soft in nature, much different than her two older siblings. it was rare to see her this active in the mornings, much less awake, as she had a tendency to nap whenever she saw the chance to.
“tohru and toshiro are fighting again” she whines, a lazy hand reaching up to rub her eye as you sit up, patting down the stray hairs sticking up from her head. she had shoulder length blue hair, with your eyes and smile, along with tenya’s quirk. he swore up and down that he’d train her the best he could so she could continue his legacy. while he promised he had no favorites, you could tell tenya was excited to have tomoe as his successor.
“ahh,” tenya shakes his head “those two tend to bicker quite a lot. did they wake you?” your daughter only responded with a soft nod, already falling back asleep, soothed by her father’s embrace and your gentle hand stroking her head. “i guess i’ll have to scold them a bit for making a commotion, then” tomoe let out a soft ‘mhm’ in agreement, her head finally resting against tenya’s chest as he stood whilst carrying her in his arms.
ever since graduating, becoming an adult, and starting a family with you, tenya’s become a much calmer man. it was a bit hard at first, but after learning from you and tohru that his stiffness and sudden movements aren’t exactly the most relaxing, he tried to become more loose. despite this, he’s still the awkward, nerdy, and strict boy you fell in love with at heart.
“you’re so mean tohru!” your son toshiro’s voice could be heard loudly as soon as you opened the door of your room. your two other kids were in the living room, minecraft sounds playing loudly over their argument.
“i'm not being mean, i'm being fair toshiro! papa made times for us to be on the game so we wouldn’t get into fights!” you sighed, thinking to yourself ‘so much for that schedule tenya put all that effort into’. “you shouldn’t have started a game when you knew your time was almost up!” tohru continued to holler at toshiro, who looked like he was about to cry.
tohru took mostly after tenya, his strict way of being mixing with your louder, more carefree side. she was a stickler for rules but enjoyed picking on her brother and had a tendency to be loud and over-the-top. she had your hair color but tenya’s sharp eyes. she had long hair and lighter skin than the other two from staying inside and reading more than being outside.
“tohru, sometimes, we can just choose to be nice. when you’re nice, most of the time your kindness will be returned. either way, seeing your kindness make someone happy will always be the best part of being nice. if you see that your brother is having a fun time, why don't you let him keep playing?” you take your eldest into your arms, pulling her close to you as you sat down. you weren’t afraid to talk to her about more complex/harder to grasp topics as she was extremely intelligent like her father.
“i guess you’re right…” she hung her head and sighed.
“yeah, tohru!” toshiro angrily huffed, chopping her head tenya style. tomoe continued to sleep as her siblings ran after each other around the house, chaos ensuing wherever they went.
“dad!” toshiro climbed tenya’s back and flashed you a toothy smile. toshiro was the most hyper out of the three, but also a complete cry baby. he was a proud older brother to tomoe yet relied on tohru to protect him, and was an all around happy, cute kid. he had short messy hair that was the same color as yours, with a single streak of blue. he was generally the most balanced combination of you and tenya and had much darker skin than the others, constantly playing around in the sun with todoroki’s kid.
he continued to poke his fathers cheek as he spoke “can we get in the pool today? can we? can we?” he repeated, only stopping and climbing down when your husband caved and said yes to toshi’s whining. “dad! (mom/dad/parent)! you should come in too!” was the last thing the little boy said before disappearing to quickly change and get his towel, which tohru did as well.
“what do you say? wanna go into the pool?” you asked tenya, getting up to change before toshi started whining again. tenya shook his head softly.
“i'm going to cut up some watermelon for the kids and then sit by the pool. i’d rather read for today.” he contentedly sighs as he moves toward the kitchen island, pulling out a watermelon from god knows where and starting to cut it. allowing him to enjoy his day however he’d like to, you went on ahead without him.
“how are you not burning up, ten?” you asked once he joined you all outside, just the mere sight of him in the blazing sun making you sweat. he just smiled and shrugged, continuing his book with the sounds of his children playing together in the background. you held tomoe cautiously as she half heartedly splashed the other kids. honestly, how she came out with a personality more like todoroki’s is beyond both you and tenya, though todoroki jokes that tomoe is really just his child that you guys stole from him.
the first to leave the pool was tohru, then curious toshi, and then you after tomoe whined that she wanted to go with the other two. they all went back inside, towels covering them before pouncing on the plate of watermelon like it was the last in the world. luckily tenya preplanned and saved a couple small slices for the two of you, otherwise you would’ve missed out.
laying next to your husband on the beach chair, he let out a soft groan when your cold, wet hair and hands met his warm skin. “did you not bring out a towel? you’re really cold, love.” you let out a whine which tenya knew meant ‘no and i regret not bringing one��. he adjusted himself to put his arm around you, in attempts to warm you up.
it wasn't long before the sound of children running came close, tohru chasing toshiro angrily and tomoe slowly trailing behind them. you chuckled as tomoe climbed onto you and tenya, a watermelon seed stuck to her cheek and another in her hair. as you removed the seeds, tohru and toshiro kept running after one another.
“toshiro you took the last piece of watermelon so don’t cry when you get what you deserve!” she shrieked, and you decided you probably should no longer let her go over to bakugo’s house, because as much as his youngest boy liked to read with tohru, the rest of his kids took after him, which was probably where she learned her more aggressive behaviors.
holding tomoe in your arms, your children became background noise that lulled you to sleep. the last words you heard were “papa can we go to sanrio puroland tomorrow!?” from tohru. with tenya being puddy at the hands of his children, it was safe to say the summer fun wasn’t done just yet.
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Yandere Tubbo x Male Reader
Warning: little violence (not that detailed). 
This one is going to be short.
Requested from Pokadeathpony
Backstory: You live in Brighton, England, United Kingdom. (I don’t know where Tubbo lives nor do I know where Tommy lives) One day you were walking to go get some breakfast. Until you bumped into George one of your favorite Minecraft streamers and content creators. You were a small streamer, not that many viewers. You and George began to talk, he later invited you to see the dream SMP world, and you meet the other people of the dream SMP. You then got to meet Tubbo. You thought Tubbo was normal until it took a turn. A big turn. 
Btw you are 17. (Tommy will be turning 17 this year and Tubbo will be 18)
M/N: Male name
Y/T/N: Your Twitch Name.
M/U: Minecraft username
H/C: Hair color
S/C: Skin color
F/D/P: favorite donut place.
Sorry if this is bad.
You were sleeping peacefully until I heard the most annoying sound ever. 
*Beep, beep, beep,* “Ughhhhh.” You were trying to turn it off but you kept missing until you finally got it. ‘Finally got that stupid thing off!’ you thought to yourself. “What time is it?” I looked at the clock. “7:35 am. I might as well get up,” you said to yourself as you slowly got out of bed, stretching your muscles. 
You went to the bathroom to do your business and brush your teeth. After you were done, you grabbed my keys and went to go get breakfast.
As you were walking to go get your daily donuts and coffee, you suddenly bumped into someone causing me to fall. “You okay there?” the voice said, ‘I know that voice!’ you thought to yourself and looked up to see George, George Davidson!!
He handed his hand out, you grabbed his hand. “You alright,” he said, you couldn’t process anything, you just stared at him. You snapped out of your daze. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m a fan of you by the way,” you replied with excitement. 
“Oh? Really?” he said, “Yes! I’m a big fan of yours! I’m actually a streamer just like you,” You replied. “Oh, really what’s your twitch name?” He asked, wondering maybe he’ll check you out. “Oh, Y/T/N!” 
“Okay, maybe check it out later today. Hey, wanna talk and get some food?” you couldn’t say no to that, how many get to eat with their favorite celebrity? “Yes, I would like. Either way, I was going there before I ran into you.” “Alright, let’s go.”
Time skip (You and George went to go eat, and later he checked out your Twitch channel. 3 days later, you got a DM from George saying; “Do you want to tour the Dream SMP world?” and you gladly accepted the offer. And this is where it all began.)
I recently got a message from George saying, “Do you want to tour the Dream SMP world?” and you (Or should I say “we”) know I accepted it. He said tomorrow is when it's happening. 
Time skip to tomorrow. 
I woke up earlier than usual, even beat my alarm clock before it could ring. I went to the bathroom and did my usual. George said he will invite me at 10:30 AM. “What time is it now?” I grabbed my phone and checked, “It's 7:10 AM. Will looks like I’m going to have to wait a while.”
Time skip (3 hours and 20 minutes later)
I hopped onto my PC and started it up. After it started, I opened up Minecraft and checked my Notifications. I received the invite I quickly joined in.
Tubbo POV
I was on the Dream SMP world with Tommy, Corpse, George, BBh, and Dream, when an unknown player had joined the game. That shouldn’t be possible since this server is private nobody can join be us.
“Hey who joined?” I questioned. “Oh, I met this small streamer while I was walking to go get breakfast 3 days ago, and I invited them over to give a tour of the place!” George enthusiastically over discord. 
‘Mmm, so they’re a streamer? Maybe I should get to know them.’ 
Time skip (To be honest this one is rushed. It’s currently 1:08 AM where I live and my mind isn’t functioning right now) 
After I introduced myself and the others did, we began to talk about random things. Apparently, M/N is currently streaming right now, and I went to go check it out. 
After I introduced myself and the others did, we began to talk about random things. Apparently, M/N is currently streaming right now, and I went to go check it out. 
M/N has a facecam on, and I get to see what he looks like. He had looked pulchritudinous. Absolutely exquisite. He had soft fluffy H/C hair, his nice S/C, and how his dazzling E/C shine brighter than the sun. I’m going to say it again, he is ravishing.
‘Wait, why am I calling a guy beautiful?’ this boy is triggering something in me. Something I never experienced before. Something in me wants me to protect him at all cost. ‘No stop thinking about that!’ I pushed these unfamiliar thoughts and feeling down.
As time went on my thing for M/N increased. I don’t know why I’m so infatuated with him. Tried ignoring the thoughts and feelings but they keep coming. 
‘Something is coming out of ME.’ 
Time skip ( 2 months after the meeting)
It’s been two months since our little meeting, M/N is officially part of the SMP world. I’ve been binge-watching M/N streams, his YouTube videos, and I also follow him on all his social media accounts, and sometimes I’ll search the internet to find small information. 
I was currently on a website about M/N. it listed all of the information about him since meeting George is grew rapidly on Twitch and YouTube. ‘I already know all of this!’ I thought to myself as I kept scrolling down until I came upon something interesting. 
“M/n current residence in Brighton, England, United Kingdom.” my eyes widen as I read this, ‘He lives close to me!’ I yelled in my mind. 
I was fanboying until I heard my notifications sound. I stopped what I was doing went to go check who it was from. M/N invited me, I immediately accepted it. The world was loading. “Hello!” M/n yelled.   
It was me, M/N, Tommy, and dream on the server. I noticed that Tommy has been getting close to M/n, really close to for my liking. Tommy would sometimes even flirt, this obviously made me jealous for some reason. 
We were minding our own business until “Hey M/n! Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!” that was the most terrible pick-up line I have ever heard. “Oh my God Tommy?! Really?” M/n said but he was Laughing at that. 
This only made me INFURIATED.
I was minding my own business trying to build my home since I joined 2 weeks ago. The only other people on the server were me, tubbo, Tommy, and dream. Anyway, I was nearly done until Tommy said something, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!”
That has to be the most dumbest and funniest pick-up line I heard. “Oh my God Tommy! Really?!” I said while laughing at his attempt at flirting with me. 
Then Tommy went on to say more stupid pick-up line. Some of them were like, “Hey, my name's Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?” and “Are you related to Jean-Claude Van Damme? Because Jean-Claude Van Damme you’re sexy!” Just to name a few. 
I noticed that Tubbo hasn’t been talking as much. I wonder what’s wrong with him. I didn’t take note that was going to lead to something atrocious. 
Anyways we still had fun, Tommy kept trying to flirt. “Hey M/n, I was wondering if we could meet up since you know, we both live in Brighton,” Tommy with hope in his voice, hoping you accept his offer. I began to think, ‘Mmm, should I? Or should I not?’
“You know what? Sure. What time do you want to meet?” I accepted his request. “Uhhhhhh, Maybe on Thursday at 5:30. Meeting place F/D/P.” Tommy replied. “Alright! See you there,” I replied.
No One’s POV
Tubbo was fuming with anger as he was listening in on their conversation. ‘No!!!!! I can’t let this happen! I need to do something.’ Tubbo was thinking to himself, but he didn’t notice that M/n and Tommy had stop talking.
“Hey, Toby! Are you okay? You haven’t been talking,” Tommy said with concern. “Yeah, I’m just fine you know!” Tubbo said with venom and anger in his voice. “Wow there calm down, I was just asking. Geez,” Tommy backed knowing that his friend is anger. 
‘Why is he angry? I did nothing wrong!’ Tommy thought to himself, wanting to know what he did. “You know what, I think I’m going to leave,” Tubbo said as he left the game and went offline. 
“What’s his big deal?” M/n questioned. “I don’t know,” Tommy replied, “I gotta go. See ya later M/n!” “Bye Tommy!” Tommy has left the game. 
“I need to find a way to prevent this meetup!” Tubbo said to himself. Then an idea came into mind. An extreme idea. 
New Messages 
Today at 4:23
Toby: Hey, Tommy. Sorry I lashed out at you today.
Delivered at 4:23 
Tommy is tying…
Tommy: it’s alright mate.
Delivered at 4:23
Toby is typing…
Toby: How about we meet up, so I can apologize in person.
Delivered at 4:24
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: today or tomorrow? Cause I have a meeting with M/n. 
Delivered at 4:24
When Tommy mentioned the meeting toby had to act fast. 
Toby is typing…
Toby: today at my place.
Delivered at 4:25
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: sure thing! When exactly?
Delivered at 4:25
Toby is typing…
Toby: 5:30 
Delivered at 4:25
Tommy is typing…
Tommy: Okay, see you at 5:30
Delivered at 4:26
‘And that WILL be the last time you see.’
Time skip (1 hour 4 minutes)
Toby heard his door knocked. Toby went to go open his door, and there he sees his target. “Hey, Toby!” Tommy let himself in. “So where are your parents?” Tommy questioned. 
“Oh, they’re on their anniversary vacation,” Toby answered. “Ohhh, okay. Wanna head to your room?” “Sure I just need to go get something.” “Okay.” 
While Tommy went upstairs, Toby went into the kitchen. He grabbed the knife and slowly began to walk, he hid the knife behind his back. Once he walked into his room, he locked the door and slowly began to approach Tommy. 
“What are you doing Toby?!” Tommy yelled as walked backward, but then he hit the wall. “It was never meant to be.” those would be the last words, Tommy would ever hear as Toby shoved the knife into Tommy’s heart. 
Toby cleaned up the body by putting it into the trash bag along with the knife. He quickly disposed of the body. 
3 days later
Tommy was reported missing by his parents and the police were on the search. M/n was worried. Toby called M/n to do a cooking stream. M/n was suspicious about this cause this came out of nowhere. But in the end, M/n agreed. 
A few hours have passed and M/n arrived at the residence of Toby. m/n knocked on the door waiting for an answer just then the door swung open revealing a smiling Toby. 
“Hey there M/n! Glad that you arrived!” Toby sounded a bit too happy for your liking. “Please come in!” he invited you in. But as you walked, you heard the door close and lock behind you. Just as you turned around you got knocked by a heavy object. 
You slowly began to wake, you noticed that you were tied up. You looked around until your eyes landed on Toby. He had a wicked smile plaster on his face. 
“Why are you doing this?” you asked desperately wanting to know why. ‘Did he cause Tommy to go missing?’ You thought to yourself until you hear Toby coming to you. 
“You know, I always reject this feeling inside me. This feeling caused me to love you. Tommy was getting in the way of us being together, he had to be dealt with.”
“You’re a monster! You killed Tommy and you think I’m going to love you?!” this angered Toby but didn’t show it. “You’ll learn to love… cause you’ll be staying here…
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worm-man-gaming · 4 years
My top 10 list for who I WANT as DLC in Smash
We’re reaching the end of an era. Smash Ultimate’s DLC is going to end eventually, with four more characters to be announced. They could release some kind of ‘Echo Pack’ in the future, which I would be hyped about (They didn’t really do much with the echo fighter mechanic), But I have a feeling that after this, there won’t be any more. So I wanted to post my list of who I, specifically, would like to see in the game.
This is not based off of likelihood, as some of these characters probably don’t even have a chance of making it in. I just think they would be neat.
Full list under the cut, counting up from #10
- Papyrus (UNDERTALE)
Okay, so hear me out.
We got the Sans mii skin, and that was by far one of the most popular mii skins since Geno, probably. People were more excited for the Sans mii skin than Terry Bogard and maybe even Banjo. They probably made a lot more money than expected from it. So why not try it again? 
And while Sans is the popular character, he definitely is not a fighter. He’s a lazy, laid back character that just wants to have fun, but he’s far too weak to go into an all-out battle without risking his own safety. 
Sans’s brother, Papyrus, is the polar opposite. He’s dedicated, hardworking, and can take quite a few hits. He’s got plenty of moveset opportunity. And it would be another indie rep, which is really really good for someone like me, who wants to go into game design. 
Another thing: When we got the Cuphead mii skin, we also got Cuphead Spirits. They could have easily done that with Undertale, there’s enough characters. So maybe they’re saving it for a DLC Spirit board? I don’t know, just a theory.
He would be primarily a ground-based fighter, with projectiles that could crawl across the stage like that one sparky item. He could also use his blue attack, which could be good for an easy spike on airborne characters. And, who knows, maybe for his final smash we could finally see his special attack.
I really enjoy Undertale, and seeing Sans as a mii skin made me super happy. Getting a whole fighter from the series would be even cooler. 
- Paper Mario (Super Paper Mario)
Nintendo, we’ve got three whole Links in this game, but only two Marios? Preposterous!
With that being said, Super Paper Mario was one of my favorite Wii games (Although I didn’t play it until very recently) And it’s a very popular series. He’s essentially his own character separate from Mario at this point. The games have so much lore put into them, and we already have a Paper Mario Stage in the game, so maybe we could get Dimentio’s dimension, or the Origami Palace or something.
He’s been in enough games and done enough crazy things to earn a pretty diverse kit for himself. He could use Pixils, the 1000-Fold arms, or even summon Paper Bowser, Peach and Luigi for some attacks. 
I think he would be super fun to play. I’m terrible at vanilla Mario, but I think Paper Mario would be a good fit for the game AND be a super good-feeling character. However, this comes from a G&W main, so take from that what you will.
- King Boo (Luigi’s Mansion)
I 👏 want 👏 more 👏 villains 👏 in 👏 Smash! 👏 
King Boo is a staple of the Luigi’s Mansion series as well as being an enemy for Mario in some games like Sunshine. He’s the Big Bad Evil Guy for Luigi. 
And I DEFINITELY want him in this game. 
It’s not so much the character himself, although King Boo is really good, I want him in for his kit. Think about it. A large character but with floaty jumps like Jigglypuff and an aerial based moveset AND a teleport? He’d be ruthless. And really fun. And that’s what I’m looking for in a character.
- BOTW Zelda (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)
Yes, I know. “But Worm, the Zelda we have now is annoying and awful, and you say you want ANOTHER one?!?!?” Well, you’re half right.
Yes, Zelda is known for her darkness-sealing powers in BOTW, BUT, in the recent Age of Calamity game, her moveset for almost have the game revolves around the Sheikah Slate. She uses it creatively, hopping around on ice and whirling metal slabs around with a magnet. And I think that would be a SUPER cool moveset for Smash Bros. 
And who knows, maybe they would call back to older games and allow her to switch to using her powers, like Zelda used to change into Sheik. 
She would be very technical, with her attacks being powerful but with some startup, almost similar to Snake of all characters. And for her final smash she could use a Weak Point Smash or they could bring back Bow of Light (Which was MUCH more fair than the current one, by the way). She’d be fun, and that’s what I want.
- Maxwell (Scribblenauts)
Maxwell is from Scribblenauts, a game where you have to solve puzzles by writing words in a notebook and those words coming to life. So he’s work in the same way in Smash, although much more randomized. 
For his neutral special, maybe he could write a random item and it shows up in his hand. That would be funny AND cool, and it’s possible (because Peach does the same thing with Turnips!). He could use projectiles but also have plenty of close range options, and for a Final Smash he could use the Meteor, which in the game clears the screen of living things. Brutal! He also uses Adjectives on both his creations AND himself, so maybe for some moves he could effect the other opponent with a poison or freeze effect.
Would he be banned in competitive play? Yes. Would he still be fun? Definitely!
- Jibanyan (Yo-Kai Watch)
I may be in the minority here, but I REALLY liked Yo-Kai Watch as a game. It may seem like a cheap Pokemon ripoff, but the gameplay is nothing like it at all. You’re given a map to explore and various objectives within the map, and the battle system is really creative and fun. It’s actually the inspiration for some of my own games. Yo-Kai watch deserved more credit than it got.
Jibanyan is the poster boy for the series (and also has the saddest backstory of any cat-based character ever), and mainly attacks with both his paws and fire attacks. He could have fire-based moves and would almost play similar to Pichu. His final smash could be Paws of Fury, his soultimate move, that would hit like Donkey Kong’s final smash as a flurry of blows. 
This series is really well made and thought out, and it deserves more than it got. So please put my boy in Smash, I’m begging you.
- Specter Knight (Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment)
Okay, yes. I know Shovel Knight is the main character of this series. But again, hear me out.
Specter Knight is either the first or second boss you encounter in the main Shovel Knight game, and he’s already got some moveset potential from that alone. However, he also had his own story mode, Specter of Torment, ad let me say, that is a phenomenal game. I’d go so far as to say it’s better than the main Shovel Knight game itself. His controls are quick and easy to pick up. And he has a whole bunch of special abilities you can get as the game progresses, such as a boomerang or even a shadow clone. 
His smash moveset would pull most of the specials from the unlockable items he can get, leaving room for an incredible spacing game as well as a good aerial defense, as Specter Knight can both float and do a Dash Slash through enemies for some extra air time. 
Shovel Knight is the main character, but Specter Knight obviously has the most soul put into him (Pun not intended). And, again, he’d be fun to control. 
- Master Hand / Fighter Hand (Super Smash Bros. Series)
This is mostly me just being mad at the game for giving us a playable Master Hand, but only once. We couldn’t have even gotten a Master Mode in extras, huh? 
Yes, yes, I know Master Hand is the staple boss character for Smash Bros. He’s been in every game, for crying out loud! I’m honestly surprised it took them this long to give us a playable Master Hand. But this leads into my idea:
A new hand, made specifically to fight in Smash Bros, called Fighter Hand.
Yes, it’s cheesy. Yes, it’s stupid. But hey, it would be fun.
He would have scaled-down versions of Master Hand’s moves, with mainly projectile-based specials and tilts. He would be floaty, although introducing a flying character would be interesting to see how they balance it. For a final smash, maybe they could bring back Master Core from Smash 4 for a Giga Bowser-esque punch.
- The Knight (Hollow Knight)
Hollow Knight is an Indie Game that I never finished (I’m working on it, okay?) that’s kind of like Metroid in the way it’s played. It's also a very popular game, and I like bugs, so they get the number two spot because I like him.
And the special Soul moves you unlock translate well into Specials. Platformers always translate well into Smash, so he would work very well in the game. I don’t know what their moveset would be (as I haven’t finished the game yet), but I know they would be a small, fast character that mainly uses their nail to attack like a sword.
And my most wanted character in Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate is...
- Beatrix LeBeau (Slime Rancher)
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Okay, look. I’m aware this has zero chance of happening. Slime Rancher was never the most popular game, and Nintendo has never mentioned it ever. But it’s one of my favorite games, and I just think Beatrix would be an incredible character in Smash Bros. 
She would use her jetpack to recover, she would shoot plorts as projectiles, use he vacpac to suck up both fighters and projectiles, and maybe shoot a boom slime as an explosive and unpredictable bouncing hazard. Her smash attacks and aerials would use the various slimes you can vacuum up and feed in the game, like the Rad Slime and Rock Slimes. She would be really good offstage and onstage with her weakness being her speed. 
She could bring a LOT to this series, and it would be another inspirational indie rep. And, hey, Minecraft Steve got in. Who knows at this point.
Anyway, there’s my list. Feel free to argue with me or explain why Geno should be on my list (I will not care) in the comments or reblogs, this list is not changing unless I play some new game that I feel should be represented. 
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iconfusionwastaken · 4 years
Dream SMP - Not So Human AU
Basically, no one in the SMP is an absolute human. Of course what the SMP members are can change over time to fit certain scenarios/stories any of us come up w/. I wanna see this AU spread tho tbh. (Side note, I don’t know much about Dream SMP lore much less the characters.)
Dream - Humanoid Slime who happens to be/posessed by a Transmuted Dreamon. His nature as a slime makes him more slippery & thus harder to catch. Also, just because he was exorcised doesn’t mean he can’t be possessed by another Dreamon or the same one from before.
George - Gorgon. Idk anything about George. I mean the nature of a Gorgon would give George a reason to always wear glasses, & George gets wings!
Sapnap - Fire Breathing Dragon/Human hybrid or descendent of a Blaze. I mean, he has burned some stuff. Maybe if he’s part dragon he decides to eat Fungi after accidentally killing him as well as the other pets so as to get rid of the evidence. Perhaps he goes around killing pets because of his instincts as a dragon. 
Callahan - Deer/Human hybrid.
Awesamdude - Creeper/Human hybrid. Pretty easy one.
Alyssa - Nymph. She’s helps Ponk during the disk war after his lemon tree’s burned down, & she makes a horse barn near Antfrost’s animal shelter. I geuss her domain would have to do w/ animals more than plants.
Ponk - Dryad. I already did a post on him being one though.
BadBoyHalo - Dreamon. Demons & Dreamons seem to be the same thing, they just have different titles, maybe the terms are interchangeable? What’s the difference between the two.
Tommy - Faerie/Human. Look, I’m all for Tubbo & Tommy being Faeries. Being part fae also seems to fit w/ Tommy’s character. IDK if the disks are shiny, maybe Tommy prefers disks/anything that makes music over shinies.
Tubbo - Faerie/Human or Faerie/Moobloom/Human hybrid. He liked bees alot, & being part moobloom would bring in the fluff. Not to mention my most recent reblog.
Punz - Golem/Revived Human? IDK, I was thinking that he’d be a very humanoid golem made for Dream & Dream’s only order at first was to be a good person, in the future it would be to fight for him. Of course Punz would still have free will. The other route could be that Punz died but Dream or the dreamon in him would revive Punz making Punz loyal to Dream. Perhaps Sapnap can also be involved w/ reviving Punz hence Punz’s reason to help Sapnap all the time he was in a conflict.
Fundy - Kitsune. I saw a post saying that Sally & Fundy could be Kitsunes since Kitsunes can shapeshift & so Wilbur could’ve met Sally as a salmon but it’s still make sense as to why Fundy came out a humanoid fox.
Purpled - Golem. IDK beings other than golems which follow orders. Maybe when he was made, he was told to “follow the orders you’re given” by his maker hence why he was a yes-man & despite getting involved w/ conflicts he winds up being neutral in the end.
Wilbur - Fae/Human. TBH, I might as well make everyone in the SBI Fae/Human hybrids.
Jschlatt - Satyr obviously, they’re litterally depicted as drinkers at least during Ancient Greek iirc.
Skeppy - Diamond Golem. I saw a post about Skeppy being a diamon golem, doubt I’ll be able to find it.
Eret - Gorgon, Fae, or fae/human. Again, it’s only because they have glasses that I thought of them being a Gorgon, but since Eret will only side w/ whoevers victory will benifit him according to the wiki, being a Fae seems to make sense.
Jack - Descendant of a Dragon or Dragon/Human hybrid. Since he can be bribed, maybe he wants the stuff for his horde?
Niki - Unicorn/Human hybrid. Um, Niki owns a bakery & w/ the idea of unicorns being able to purify poisoned water, it she wouldn’t have a problem w/ having clean water?
Quackity - Shapeshifter. I was thinking that he’d be human/duck hybrid, but why can’t he be a shapeshift that chooses a human/duck hybrid as his typical form. It’d also explain the whole Mexican Dream stuff that happens.
Karl - Vampire/Werewolf. He makes alot of buildings and those 2 creatures are more physically capable than your typical humans, not to mention that being either would give him good reasons to have 2 partners who are close to him.
HBomb - Werecat. IDK what else to make him. Not to mention that cats can be pretty violent when HBomb’s the oppossite of that.
Technoblade - Piglin or Human/Hoglin hybrid or the Humanoid Pig like he canonically is.
Antfrost - Werecat.
Philza - Fae/Human hybrid. That explains the wings he’s always depicted w/.
ConnerEatsPants - Werehedgehog or Hedgehog/Human hybrid.
CaptainPuffy - Sheep selkie. That onzie is her sheep fur/skin. Since she’s always wearing said skin, she can become a sheep or sheep/human hybrid whenever she wants. TBH I thought of this before the reblog b4 this post inspired me to make this one.
Vikkstar - Watcher. As in the Watchers from Minecraft Evo, I couldn’t think of anything else. I’ve never even watched Vikkstar.
LazarBeam - Gingerbread Man. Hopefully no one is starving near him.
Ranboo - Enderman/Inverted Enderman hybrid. I guess we’re pulling a lab experiment backstory on this one lads.
26 notes · View notes
mama-m1na · 5 years
The Journey of a Witch: One
So, quick note I made a quick sketch of the layout of the Shop on my page under “The Journey of a Witch” tab.
                                          ~~~ I ~~~
“Hey, isn’t that the witch?”
“Shit, it is! Be careful around her, they say all of her predictions are 100%!”
The sixteen-year-old paid no mind to the ramblings of those around her as her waist long, raven black hair fluttered in the breeze as she walked down the street.
Her the golden flecks in her brown irises glittered as they caught the dreaded sunlight which she came to dislike.
Her plum colored dress complimenting her tan skin tone quite well as she browsed the stalls in the farmer’s market.
“I feel kind of bad for her though.”
“What do you mean?”
“With what happened four years ago in Pyget, I’m still surprised she continues to do magic.”
A smile graced her face as her eyes caught a group of chicks for sale and she stopped to play with them for a while.
“A lot of the people are glad she does though.”
“I guess, with a pretty high success rate for her magic.”
With her arms full the teenager walked home to her home and shop in the small town of Etlecaum.
“I’m home!” she chirped to an empty house as she unlocked the door and took off her shoes.
She sighed as she put things away and tidied things up, walking past the three suitcases for the trip she was leaving for with seven of her closest friends.
The next morning the girl dressed in a plain black t-shirt, black leggings, and black combat boots.
Around her neck was a black collar with a bow at the front and a golden lock hanging from it. Most people would find it weird or kinky; however, for her it was a part of one of the spells she had cast upon arriving back from Pyget four years ago.
After eating breakfast she went down stairs to where her magic shop was and she checked everything before opening for the day.
Ten minutes later the door opens to let in a familiar elderly woman holding a wooden staff.
“Good morning, Mrs. Sage,” the girl greeted, “Looking for anything in particular?”
“No, Rhamina, I’m just wandering,” the woman replied looking through a book on crystals, “So, I hear you’re leaving for Pyget soon.”
“Yes, I’m finally bringing some others along,” the ravenette chirped.
“Oh, so more people will be allowed to join in the Festival now,” Mrs. Sage smiled.
“Yep, with that rule of ‘You can only take part in the Festival if you’ve partaken before or you’re a guest of a magician partaking in it,’ only Mr. Conrad and I have been able to do it for the past three years,” the ravenette sighed, “It was boring, just the two of us. He was a good person but the Festival and rituals are better with more people there.”
“Ah, yes, Mr. Conrad. Such a shame he passed away,” the woman sighed earning a nod from Rhamina.
“Yes, but better from old age than being murdered by them,” stated the teen, her eyes narrowing a bit.
Mrs. Sage placed a hand on Rhamina’s shoulder as she asked, “Do you still hold anger towards that group, The Remedy?”
“No,” she sighed, “I just wonder why they hate magic users to the point where they would want to rid the world of all of them. They haven’t pulled a stunt as big as the Festival recently but they still manage to ruin the lives of so many of us.”
“Truly,” the woman said checking her watch, “Well, I must be on my way, Dear, good luck.”
“Have a good day, Mrs. Sage,” Rhamina chirped as the woman exited her shop.
As Rhamina was on her lunch break the door burst open and a familiar voice screamed, “Mina!”
The ravenette sighed as she came out of the back room to find her friend, Kerstin, swinging around a toy minecraft sword.
“At least it wasn’t like Christmas when your parents got you a fucking nerf gun,” the ravenette sighed sitting on one of her counters, “I mean they should have known better than to get you that.”
“I know right!” the brunette chirped, “They immediately got shot that day!”
“I’m surprised they didn’t take it away from you,” Rhamina chuckled.
“They tried,” replied Kerstin causing the ravenette to bust out in laughter, “Oh, they tried.”
“So are you ready for your magical awakening in Pyget?” Rhamina mused as the shorter female squealed.
“Oh my fucking god! I’ve been so excited ever since you invited us!” Kerstin exclaimed, “Like it sucks what happened, but now it’s exclusive for all of us!”
“Yeah, but you have to be careful, you can still be kicked out by the townspeople since you’re new,” Rhamina warned, “they’re really on edge about it. Security is ramped up to the max this year since I’m the only original left.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll be on my best behavior!” Kerstin replied patting Rhamina on the shoulder.
“That means no stealing anything from the markets,” Rhamina deadpanned as the brunette cursed to herself.
“Also, I hope you’re packed,” the ravenette chuckled, “We leave in two days and stay there for about a month.”
Kerstin chuckled as she left the building and Rhamina shook her head at the teen’s antics.
As the day came to a close Rhamina checked all of the things around the store before locking up and heading up to her living space.
As she ate her dinner she read through a book that she found interesting.
“Oh my Lord, I hate this character so much!” she exclaimed as she turned the page, “Why the fuck am I attracted to you?!”
This was actually a constant problem for her. Falling for fictional characters that is.
“I’m so fucking lonely,” she giggled as she closed her book and put away her left overs.
Two days later Rhamina sighed as she sat in between two fourteen-year-old girls who were both clinging to her arms at the airport.
This continued as they proceeded to board their airship.
One of them had shoulder length blond hair, ivory colored skin, and blue eyes.
The other had shoulder length brown hair, a light tan, and brown eyes with glasses.
“Mina!” the brunette chirped.
“Yes, Chloe?” Rhamina asked as she looked down at child-like brown irises.
“Pet me!” commanded the younger female as the ravenette begrudgingly obeyed.
“Look how spoiled she is,” Rhamina said momentarily stopping causing the brunette to look up in disappointment as she let out a series of owl noises.
“I mean look,” Rhamina continued as Chloe began to nuzzle the sixteen-year-old’s arm.
“Ramen, she looks like she’s gonna kill you in your sleep,” the concerned blonde said pointing out the adorable looking glare on Chloe’s face.
“Aurora, you know she can try but I’ll just put her in a corner,” Rhamina replied before leaning back in her seat for a nap.
Ten minutes later Rhamina slapped a hand that was above her face and opened her eyes to see a dark hand above her as a green marker fell to the floor.
“Have you not learned your lesson, Tijarah?” Rhamina asked her friend, “You cannot achieve this.”
“I’ll still eat you out of house and home though,” Tijarah scoffed leaning back in her seat.
“I can do that on my own, thank you very much,” Rhamina said looking out the window to see the night sky and ground below the airship, “Well, looks like we’re almost there.”
“Yep and it’s already dry as fuck,” Kerstin scoffed from her seat, “Sam, you’re going to have one hell of a time.”
“Fuck you,” the emerald-eyed female spat putting vaseline on her lips.
“You know,” a red-haired female said, “I’m kind of glad Mo isn’t here.”
“Yeah, I’m agreeing with Hannah here,” the oldest female said, “I mean he’s a good kid but-”
“He’s annoying as shit,” Sam said cutting off the other brunette, “Sorry, Sophie, but he is.”
“No, you’re not wrong,” Sophie replied, “He is just way too much.”
“Oh he asked if I would bring him so he could get a month off of school but I said no because he’ll just disrespect the whole thing,” Rhamina explained, “He comes from Pyget, yes. But he comes from a different area and knows nothing about this.”
“Wait, so what exactly did you say?” Hannah asked.
“I just told him ‘No, you’re not coming with us’,” Rhamina sighed, “He came up to me talking about all the places he was planning to visit like I had already invited him, too. It was really insensitive.”
“I mean I get free transport there because this is an important thing and I’m identified as crucial for this and I was able to weasel you guys free tickets as well but I had to pay for luggage and that shit ain’t cheap,” Rhamina continued.
“How did he react?” Kerstin asked.
“He was really disappointed but I don’t really care,” Rhamina replied, “He was being way too pushy and I have a right to say no.”
“Plus, I wanted a vacation for just us special weirdos,” Rhamina chuckled deciding to change the subject.
“Yes, Ramen,” Aurora mused wiggling her eyebrows.
“So what exactly are we going to be doing first?” Sam asked pulling her brown hair into a ponytail.
“Well, I couldn’t really afford to get hotel rooms so we’re just staying in my other shop,” Rhamina explained as the airship descended.
“You have another shop in Pyget?” Kerstin asked, “How the fuck did that happen.”
“You know,” Rhamina chuckled with an awkward smile, “It used to be my friends but he- he’s gone now and I didn’t want anyone else to touch it so I, you know, snatched it.”
“Oof,” Sophie said as Chloe and Aurora tried to comfort the ravenette.
“There’s not much room though,” Rhamina continued, “You guys can take the bedrooms. I’ll just be in the living room then. Just if y’all see me floating in my sleep or some shit, run.”
“Mina, we’re the guests so we can just take the living room,” Sophie suggested earning a glare from the ravenette.
“My Aiasian ass says no,” Rhamina barked back, “You’re the guests you get the luxury shit.”
“How many bedrooms are there anyway?” Kerstin asked.
“A guest bedroom and the Master bedroom,” Rhamina replied as they let the aisles empty out before standing.
“Did your friend use the Master bedroom?” Sam asked earning a nod from Rhamina, “Then we’ll just cram in the guest bedroom and you take the master.”
“Excuse me?” Rhamina asked.
“Yeah,” Hannah added, “It would feel wrong to take the master bedroom since it’s your friend plus if the guest bedroom is the size of your normal bedroom then we should be fine.”
Before Rhamina could fight back the two children at her sides kept insisting until she gave in.
“Fine,” Rhamina groaned standing up and grabbing her leather, kiss lock purse, “But you better not sneak into my room at night or some shit.”
This earned snickers from all but two of the other girls as they got off of the aircraft.
“Holy shit,” Kerstin said standing outside of the airport under and overhang as the girls waited for someone to bring them a cart to bring their luggage to the shop.
“Aesthetic, isn’t it?” Rhamina chuckled using a black scarf as a hood as multiple whispers came from the people surrounding them.
“Ms. Miyu!” a girl with dark skin, short dark hair, and hazel eyes called running up to the large group, “It really is you!”
“Nice to see you again, Selene,” Rhamina chuckled as the girl wrapped her arms around the ravenette’s waist, much to the shagrin of two fourteen-year-olds.
“I was afraid you weren’t going to come this year,” the child sighed.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Rhamina asked smile slowly fading, “What happened, Selene?”
“Ms. Miyu, thank the stars you’re here!” an older woman exclaimed almost on the brink of tears, “We thought they had already done something to you!”
The aura seemed to shift as the girls left their luggage to be taken care of by some of the townspeople while they were lead to the plaza only to see something quite disturbing.
Right in front of them was a carbon copy of Rhamina tied to a cross with iron rods impaling various parts of her but what stood out to the ravenette was the familiar symbol tattooed onto the thing’s forehead.
It was a red cross split by crossbones, known as the symbol of the extremist group known as the Antidote.
Rhamina’s were narrowed as the girls looked at her in concern.
“Mina, are you okay?” Hannah asked putting a hand on the sixteen-year-old’s shoulder.
“I’m, okay but I’m concerned because they haven’t really tried anything big since four years ago,” the ravenette explained, “And they decide here and now to try to scare me off. They didn’t do this the past years I’ve been coming with just Mr. Conrad.”
“They want to end the Festival entirely,” a male walking up to the group, “It is the only event amongst the magic community which gathers all kinds of magic as united and with it gone, they’ll have a better chance at erasing magic from our world.”
“Thank you for the explanation, Mr. Antar,” Rhamina spoke nodding in recognition at the man.
“Ms. Miyu, I’ve told you many times to call me by my first name,” the male chuckled, “We are friends after all.”
“I’m sorry, its just after so long, it would feel weird,” Rhamina chuckled before turning to her friends, “Guys this is Mr. Antar, he is the head of the town’s council.”
“Mr. Antar, these are the ones who I’ve invited to take part in the Festival this year,” Rhamina introduced earning a happy expression from the man before it faded into a frown.
“It’s such an honor to have you all here, though I wish your first trip here wouldn’t have been so alarming,” he said turning back to the obvious threat.
“I-is that a real person?” Chloe asked tugging on Rhamina’s sleeve.
“Nah,” came the teen’s reply, “It’s a doll, a really realistic looking doll, but a doll.”
“Christ, Mina, is this safe?” Sophie asked in concern not for herself but for the ravenette.
“Every path has its own risks,” Rhamina replied with a shrug, “I just happen to choose all of them with the most life threatening but hey my life isn’t boring.”
“Mina, you have actual terrorists after you and you’re not fucking concerned about this?” Tijarah asked as they walked to the shop.
“Oh, I’m concerned but knowing that they could be watching from anywhere do you think I should be panicking?” the ravenette replied, “I’m not going to give them the satisfaction. If they want to burn me down they have to reach me first.”
“Mina, please tell me you don’t plan on doing anything to provoke them,” Hannah said knowing how she, Kerstin and Sam acted.
“Oh hell no,” Rhamina said taking out her keys and unlocking the door, “I leave them alone if they leave me alone. However if they cross me they get what comes to them. Hell consider them lucky that I don’t come after them now. They’ve done enough to consider themselves on my bad side.”
“Holy aesthetics,” Sophie said as they walked into the shop which was quite different to Rhamina’s in Emltucae.
“Yeah, Asra tended to keep the shop a little messier than mine but it’s cute isn’t it?” Rhamina chuckled beckoning the girls to follow her up the stairs.
“This is where we’ll be staying for the next month,” Rhamina said once they reached the modest sized living area, “Of course I hope you guys will be helping me around the shop as well but I only plan on opening the shop for two days a week. After all I have to give you guys some training before the actual Festival.”
“Yeah no problem, Man,” Aurora said, “Of course we’ll be helping!”
“Hey, Mina, where’s our shit?” Tijarah asked.
“Should be in the guest room,” Rhamina said as she led them down the hall to their room which did indeed have their luggage.
“So what do we have planned for tonight?” Chloe asked.
“Well not much for today since we just got here, but we can go eat out for tonight then tomorrow we can go explore a bit,” Rhamina chirped.
“Yeah, plus we need to unpack,” Hannah stated earning a series of groans from the rest of the females.
“Oh yeah, Mina, what’s with the scarf?” Chloe asked as Rhamina looked up from her luggage to motion to the scarf around her head.
“Chloe, I don’t like sunlight and we are like almost in the smack dab middle of a fucking desert,” Rhamina said grabbing her suitcases, “I’m taking precautions.”
Once the ravenette left the room, the girls got to work at organizing who would be sleeping on the bed and who would take the floor as well as who’s clothes would go where in the closet.
By the time the sun went down the girls gathered in the living room to go out for dinner wearing the same thing they had been earlier that day.
“So where exactly are we eating?” Tijarah asked as Rhamina came down the stairs.
“Of course, all about the food,” Sam sighed.
“Like you’re one to talk,” Kerstin snickered earning a glare from both of them.
“Neither can you!” Sam exclaimed back as the other girls burst out in laughter.
“Depends, what do you guys want to eat?” Rhamina asked pulling the scarf over her head again.
“Paajnese,” came the collective reply.
Rhamina blinked before asking, “Did you guys coordinate this before I came downstairs?”
“Yes,” Kerstin replied, “We decided when we were unpacking our shit.”
“Okay, there’s a sushi place down the road and its pretty good,” Rhamina said after a few minutes of thought, “We can just walk there.”  
“That works,” Sophie said, “Alright guys let’s go.”
Once everyone put on their shoes they walked out of the building and Rhamina locked the door before leading them to the restaurant.
It was much cooler now that the sun had disappeared below the horizon and in front of the restaurant Rhamina pointed out a large building in the distance.
“That’s the building the Festival takes place in,” she stated pointing at the sand colored building, “It’s actually just four walls surrounding an oasis. The walls are enchanted though only those with special sigils can enter; which, reminds me I need to make you guys ID’s to get in.”
“You need ID to get in?” Chloe asked as they entered the restaurant.
“Yes, it’s really old but powerful magic,” Rhamina replied as a hostess took them to a large booth, “I’m really lucky to have learned how to use it.”
“How the hell did your parents even let you start coming here, Mina?” Kerstin asked, “Your parents were strict as fuck.”
“Actually, Asra convinced them,” Rhamina chuckled, “When we first met, before I had my shop, it was at Lady of the Lake and we just started talking and we got really close. My parents were really wary of him since he was a foreigner who was ten years older than me and yeah. He brought up the Festival when we were hanging out and offered to bring me for that year.”
Rhamina smiled at the memory as they browsed the menu and continued, “I really wanted to go but I had to decline because I knew my parents would flat out say no. They didn’t even like the fact I was practicing magic, going to the Festival, the largest magic event ever, was out of the question.”
“But,” she continued, “somehow I came home from school one day, he was in my living room with my parents and they said I could go.”
“I’m still surprised they said yes,” Sophie said.
“I know,” Rhamina chuckled, “I was for sure that if I didn’t come home when I did, they would’ve killed him or something with the looks on their faces.”
Once the girls ordered talk of various topics mostly regarding magic filled their table.
“You talk so much about Asra,” Aurora chuckled, “What does he look like?”
“Well, he was a bit taller than me as I am now, so about five eight? Five seven, maybe?” Rhamina started, “He had golden brown skin, kind of like mine but more glowy, deep violet eyes, and fluffy white hair.”
“He sounds like a character from a book,” Tijarah commented causing the table to burst out in laughter.
“He was an attractive character that’s for sure,” Rhamina chuckled, “Too bad I was, you know ten when we first met. I can show you guys a picture when we get back.”
When the food arrived Rhamina put down her scarf so she could eat without it getting in the way.
Rhamina got a roll with eel and a sweet sauce on it along with miso soup and vegetable tempura since she was allergic to shrimp.
The food was quite good and the owners even gave them each a free dessert of their choice.
After they paid and left it was about eight in the evening and the girls decided to walk around a bit since they basically stayed inside all day.
Walking back up to the plaza they were all relieved to see the cross and doll from earlier gone leaving only a small hole in the sand where the cross was stuck.
“So anything else about the Festival we should know right now?” Kerstin asked as they sat down by a fountain.
“Not really since I’ll be teaching it to you guys when we start your training,” Rhamina said before noticing most of the stores were still open.
“You guys can go browse around for a bit,” Rhamina suggested, “It’s more lively here at night.”
“Fine by me,” Kerstin said standing, “Are you just going to be here?”
“Yep, knock yourselves out just meet back here by ten okay?” Rhamina smiled dipping her fingers into the fountain.
As the girls dispersed Rhamina turned her full attention to the fountain and she dried off her hand as the focused on the water.
To those trained in magic they could feel the shift in aura of the girl as a ball of water floated out of the fountain and in front of the girls face.
At her command it shifted into various shapes until in the water she saw a familiar pair of violet irises causing her to drop it in surprise.
Her head snapped behind her as she saw a rustle of plants from the corner of her eye.
Standing up to go inspect it she saw it lead to a small alleyway which held seemingly nothing.
She walked into the small space between buildings until she reached the back where she saw a white snake.
It was about the same length as her forearm and an upturned snout; which, allowed her to identify it as a Western Hognose snake. She also took notice of it’s light lavender patterning as she slowly approached it.
“Hey, Little One,” she cooed kneeling down as the snake curled into itself but not showing any other defensive or strike posture, “What are you doing here? You aren’t native to Pyget.”
She slowly brought her hand in front of the snake and it flicked it’s tongue out to smell her almost like a dog.
It made no noise as it slithered onto the female’s hand and wrapped itself around the appendage.
“Well looks like you’re mine now,” she chuckled bringing the snake to her face to see purple eyes instead of the normal red for this morph.
As she walked back to the fountain the snake seemed to survey its surroundings from its new, higher, point of view.
Rhamina spent the rest of her time waiting, playing with her new companion and gushing over how cute snakes were until her friends returned from their exploring.
When they did come back some of them had bags of things they bought like new clothes or little items they bought.
“Mina, we back,” Chloe exclaimed not noticing the reptile of the ravenette’s hand.
Actually, most of the group didn’t… Most of them.
“Ramen, what the fuck?!” Aurora gasped at the betrayal in front of her, “Why are you holding a legless lizard?!”
“Aurora, this is Snow,” Rhamina chirped holding up the snake as it flicked its tongue, “Isn’t he cute?”
“Rhamina!” Sophie exclaimed, “Did you just pick up a random snake?!”
“But he’s domestic,” Rhamina whined, “Western Hognoses aren’t native to Pyget, plus he’s a really rare morph. It would be a shame for him to just be in the wild where he would be easily spotted and killed.”
“Mina, where are you going to keep it?” Hannah asked as the ravenette stood up.
“There’s an old tank in the storage room of the shop and I have a heating mat there too since there used to be a lot of stray cats,” Rhamina said leading them back to the shop.
Once they arrived the girls got ready to go to sleep while Rhamina stayed downstairs grabbing the tank and heat mat before bringing it up to her room and setting it up with a small water dish on a desk near her bed.
“There you go, Snow,” Rhamina said letting the snake into the tank so she could get herself ready for bed.
Once she was done she went into the bathroom to wash her face, brush her teeth, and get dressed in a tank top and shorts to sleep in.
Getting into bed she wrapped herself up in blankets before drifting off to sleep.
From his spot, the snake easily exited the tank and slithered out of the room going into the card room before slithering into a small hole under the floorboards.
Once he returned to the tank he watched as the ravenette shifted to lie on her side, the moonlight shining over her face.
In the guest room, the girls were all up talking random shit until Kerstin asked, “Hey guys, want to go see if Mina is still up?”
“Sure,” Sophie said getting up from her spot on the floor as Kerstin grabbed a polaroid camera.
“Yes, Sophie?”
“Why are you bringing that?”
“Just in case Mina isn’t awake.”
“Y’all gonna die,” Tijarah commented as they walked down the hall.
As Kerstin opened the door the well oiled hinges made no sound.
They krept over to where the ravenette was laying, eyes closed and breathing even.
Kerstin let out a quiet snicker as she lifted the camera to her face.
Flash! Snap!
Golden orbs cut through the dark surroundings of the room as the two girls momentarily froze.
“Hi, Mina,” Kerstin chirped as she collected the film.
The ravenette said nothing as she lifted the covers off of her and Sophie exclaimed, “Run!”
The two girls ran back to their room and slammed the door and turned the lock just in time for Rhamina the run into the door with her shoulder.
“Holy shit what did you do?!” Sam asked as Kerstin and Sophie were laughing their asses off.
Kerstin just handed the brunette the partially developed photo as she struggled to breath.
“Oh my fucking god, you didn’t,” Sam said as she passed the photo onto Tijarah.
“But we did,” Sophie said regaining her breath, “It was worth it.”
“Aw, she’s so cute in this,” Tijarah gushed, “She is so adorable!”
“Guys, wait it’s too quiet,” Aurora said hudling with Chloe, “Ramen, is in angry mode right? Shouldn’t she be screaming through the door?”
The girls stopped talking as they stopped their talking to listen for the female’s voice only to hear silence.
They turned to the door only to jump at the sound of a crash and the appearance of a human-shaped shadow as night air entered the room.
“You think locking the door is gonna keep me out, Bitch?!” Rhamina exclaimed as she pulled herself into the room through the now open window.
“Holy shit, Mina, this is the second floor!” Hannah exclaimed as Sophie and Kerstin were trying to open the door again.
“That means nothing,” the ravenette seathed turning to the two teens, “Don’t you fucking pull that shit again!”
“Sophie, you’re the responsible one too, I’m disappointed,” Rhamina hissed opening the door for them.
“Mina, she is the one that decided to break the window,” Chloe reminded earning a sigh from the brunette.
“Listen, being there was a crime anyway, what was a little window breaking,” Sophie argued.
“You cut open your hand when you tried to vault yourself in, Sophie,” Sam deadpanned.
“Listen, Buddy-” “Good night, Assholes,” Rhamina sighed as she left the room to return to her own and maybe get some sleep.
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bltngames · 6 years
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Game Review: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild might just be one of the best games Nintendo has ever made. Ever. Is that too hyperbolic? Should I reign it in a little?
So where does that put us? The Nintendo game I hold in the highest regard is Super Mario 64, which on top of just being a really good game, basically defined 3D character movement for the entire game industry. Everything from Uncharted to Grand Theft Auto and NieR Automata owes something to Super Mario 64 for establishing how to use an analog stick to control the action on screen. It was a revolution.
Breath of the Wild isn’t a revolution. This is a game cut from the same cloth as Skyrim or The Witcher 3 — an open-world fantasy game, with towns full of people and quest logs designed to distract. You’ve technically seen this game before, or at least parts of it, and on the surface it can be easy to brush it off as nothing more than a thinly veiled “me too” clone by way of The Legend of Zelda.
But here’s the deal: you’ve never played Nintendo’s version of this. Those other games I mentioned often prioritize production quality and narrative depth. A quest’s story in my examples is often more important than what you actually have to do in it, with the worst example being multiple quests in Skyrim that send you from one edge of the map miles away to the other edge just to kill a single enemy and then hike the entire distance back for your reward. Even on horseback, a quest like that would take hours of mind-numbing transit. The obvious (and likely intended) solution is to use the game’s fast travel system to teleport to the destination, complete the objective, and then teleport back, turning an all-day gameplay excursion into a something that takes less than 15 minutes. The problem is that this creates a disconnect where everything stops feeling real, because there’s no reaffirmation that these are places that exist. You come to view the world as nothing more than a piece of software that lets you materialize at your destination. There’s no sense of distance, no journey.
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That’s simply not true with Breath of the Wild, which goes out of its way to make you feel like a part of the land of Hyrule. Not only does it feel like a real, lived-in space, it feels like one with thousands of years of tangible history. Ruins of what used to be litter the land, some more recent than others, but all purpose-built with a legacy of their own. The environment of Hyrule is as much a character here as anyone else, and its battle-scarred vistas tell a lonely, somber tale.
Zelda is one of Nintendo’s most narrative-rich franchises, which allows it to slip into Skyrim’s skin with ease. Just the same, Breath of the Wild is a game about journeys. It’s a game where you look over your shoulder and think: an hour ago, I was on top of that mountain. I have come so far, done so much, and seen so many things. Yes, it has fast travel and horse riding if you really need to get somewhere quickly. But why would you? Breath of the Wild is a game where there’s always something on the horizon calling out to you. Horses and fast travel might get you in the general vicinity of where you want to go, but never close enough. Eventually you have to take matters into your own hands (often literally) and venture forth by yourself to discover Hyrule’s mysteries, one cliff face at a time. Literally the entire point of this game is to meticulously sift through the world inch by inch, and it manages to feel like magic basically the entire time.
You also connect to this world in other ways. Breath of the Wild features surprisingly robust artificial intelligence and physics systems, and you’re given tools perfect for playing around in this space. Rather than acquire a stable of items from dungeons (as in past Zelda games), Breath of the Wild gives you five core abilities during its tutorial and then turns you loose on the world to use them as you please. Unlike, say, Ocarina of Time’s hookshot, which could only be used on specific hookshot targets, these five abilities are far more utilitarian in their approach. They allow you to interact with the environment in ways most open world games shy away from, like picking up physics objects or generating platforms over tricky terrain. In addition to helping you solve puzzles and navigate the world, many of these abilities have combat applications, leading to fun games of cat and mouse with Ganon’s minions.
In one particular example, I came upon a camp of pig-like Bokoblins that had set up inside the ruins of an old building. I had mostly cleared the place out, but there was still one lone Boko on patrol outside completely unaware of what had happened to the rest of the camp. From the door, he peered inside. Bokoblins don’t have great eyesight, so from the distance he was at, he didn’t really have a chance to identify me before I darted out of sight. He obviously knew he saw something suspicious, so he walked over, grabbed a club from the camp’s weapons pile outside, and then headed inside the ruins to investigate. By this point, I’d climbed on top of the ruins and was watching him from what would be the roof, if this building had one (it did not). He headed to the last place he saw me and sniffed around, hoping to figure out what he’d seen. By now his back was turned to me, so I jumped from my vantage point above him and came down on his head with my spear for a quick kill. This kind of emergent gameplay is a first for The Legend of Zelda, and it makes every combat encounter feel unique.
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Perhaps Breath of the Wild’s greatest strength is its willingness to embrace this kind of emergent player expression. Nintendo could have very easily locked a lot of its puzzles and encounters down, discouraging all but the one “true” solution, but they didn’t. It brings to mind the elements that made a game like Minecraft so captivating; the only thing stopping you from getting somewhere or doing something is your own ingenuity. Nothing in the game ever has just one solution, and it fully embraces whatever ways you can find to bend its rules. Previous Zeldas were full of jigsaw puzzles that had to be assembled in the same way every single time. Breath of the Wild is more of an actual test of problem solving skills, and one where my answer might be different from your answer and neither one of us is wrong.
Of course, even the best games have their flaws, and Breath of the Wild is definitely not a perfect game. In particular is the game’s performance — I played on the Wii U, and there, Breath of the Wild suffers occasional choppy framerates and sometimes more significant stuttering. Knocking down a Moblin can sometimes make the whole game freeze for up to two full seconds. Zelda is undoubtedly simulating a lot of stuff behind the scenes, between physics, climate systems, fire propagation, and artificial intelligence, so it’s understandable when the game threatens to buckle under it’s own weight, but it’s still a problem worth talking about. My understanding is that the Switch version is also affected by many of these technical issues, but with less severity. But, even on the Wii U, I found them to be momentary annoyances and not anything to really cast the game in a negative light. For 75% of my time in Hyrule, the game performed just fine (and it’s worth mentioning that during the process of writing this review, Nintendo published a patch for Zelda that optimizes the game just a little bit more to reduce framerate drops).
The other elephant in the room deals the game’s systems, particularly in weapon durability and weather. If you use a given weapon too much, it will eventually shatter. Often, I’d leave a combat encounter with fewer or worse weapons than when I started, but once I learned not to get too attached to any given sword, shield or bow, it ceased to be an issue. Breath of the Wild is a game about making do with what you’ve got and building an ever-changing strategy around that. Enemies also scale in strength over time, providing you with a drip feed of slightly more powerful gear as you play. That being said, the game definitely could have benefited from ways to repair fragile weapons, because just about everything breaks after only a few minutes of use.
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Weather, on the other hand, was probably the single biggest point of frustration for me in Breath of the Wild. You’re given an on-screen weather forecast, presumably so you can plan accordingly should something like rain come up, but sometimes it can be unpredictable as you move through the world and suddenly shift into a new biome with different weather patterns. In one particularly ridiculous scenario, I found myself stranded on a rocky alcove because if I climbed up even ten feet it would trigger a biome change and begin raining, making it too slick to continue upwards. The moment I’d drop off the cliff (or more likely slip off), the rain would suddenly vanish. Sometimes, it doesn’t make any logical sense at all, such as the time I had to light fires as part of a quest and it began raining just long enough (about six seconds) to snuff out my flames and make me start over. Nothing in the forecast called for rain, nothing on my HUD changed, it just started pouring rain and then instantly stopped. You very quickly learn to dread rainstorms, because there’s not a lot you can do about them except wait for the weather to clear.
Regardless, these problems barely register as a blip on the game’s radar. I know it can be easy to sometimes get frustrated with Nintendo’s output and design philosophies, specifically with regards to past Zelda games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, but when this company pulls together and fires on all cylinders, the end result is something truly incredible to behold. Breath of the Wild is a tremendous game; even after finishing the game and putting in more than 140 hours, I wasn’t ready to leave Hyrule. I was still finding new discoveries. New places I hadn’t been to yet. No game that I can ever remember playing in the 30+ years since the NES has gotten its hooks into me this deep for this long. It may not be a revolution, but with Breath of the Wild, Nintendo has still run circles around the industry just the same. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to miss this game.
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Vanilla Essence [PVP] {1.12.2} {Custom Features}
Vanilla Essence
Hi there! You have just discovered Vanilla Essence.
Just give me the IP: ve-mc.com
My name is Thanos (also known as Biskotaki in-game) and I launched this server back on May 2017. I am studying computer science in college and I feel Minecraft is a great way to practice on my programming skills. I have been hosting Minecraft servers for a while.
Vanilla Essence is a semi-vanilla server that offers a unique Minecraft survival experience. It's a place where you can peacefully work on the projects you had in mind and never had a chance to start. You can get on with friends, make a claim to protect your resources and get straight into work.
Unlike most servers, Vanilla Essence is not following the pay-to-win scheme. All donations come with rewards that are entirely cosmetic and have no impact on gameplay. You will not see OP guys running around with premium, overpowered kits and equipment.
There's a twist. The standard survival experience that Minecraft offers usually gets boring after a while, so I decided to step up the game a little bit. I have programmed a custom plugin using Spigot that adds a whole bunch of new unique and exciting features into the game. You'll see me talking about loot chests, events, iron coins and player shops in a bit.
Vanilla Essence has a small but dedicated team of three Moderators which ensure that the server is always in one piece and nothing "extreme" is taking place. We truly hope that this is the right place for you and your friends.
The current map is 10,000 by 10,000 (trust me, it's big enough), nether and the end are both accessible.
PVP: Anywhere, Mobs: On, Explosions: Off, Fire spread: Off
Vanilla Essence aims to use minimal plugins yet offer powerful and intriguing features.
Vanilla Essence: Our custom plugin which offers most of the core features on the server.
Advanced Ban: This is our main plugin to punish all the rule breakers.
Core Protect: The standard block history plugins out there to keep track of grieferes and trouble makers.
Grief Prevention: One of the best plugins for player claims, you can protect your chests, make plots, manage land permissions or even build towns.
Votifier: We use this plugin to get notified every time a player votes for our server so we deliver the appropriate rewards :).
Spartan Anti-Cheat: Premium anti-cheat that aims to block most of the commonly used hacks in Minecraft. If someone is trying to use something, Spartan will know.
WorldEdit & WorldGuard: We use those plugins to setup protected regions and plots, nothing special.
Buycraft: This plugin makes sure that all donation rewards are delivered on time. Basically connects our shop with the server.
Custom Features
This section aims to answer this question: What's different from standard vanilla servers?
Loot Chests
Loot chests are normal chests that contain valuable treasure. Every time you mine a solid non-flammable block, there is a chance of a loot chest being dropped. There are three tiers of loot chests: common, rare and legendary. As you've probably guessed, rare loot chests contain better rewards than common loot chests, and the same applies for legendary loot chests. These mysterious chests can give you an extra incentive to go mining.
Every hour you will notice an event is undergoing. Events are special challenges that come with great rewards. You can participate and try to win the objectives of each event. Winners are rewarded with the most powerful loot chests on the game, an event loot chest. Event loot chests contain a fair amount of iron coins and enchanted diamond equipment (tool, weapon or armor).
Coins and Trades
As you probably read in the previous section, there are two types of currencies in the game: iron and gold coins. Iron coins can be acquired by winning events or trading with other players. You can use iron coins to purchase top of the tier items from a villager market at spawn, where each villager has a set of custom trades. Most villagers accept gold coins, where one gold coin is a stack of iron coins (64 iron coins -> 1 gold coin). You can get your hands on some really cool items such as: special pickaxes (ex. break mob spawners), enchanted diamond armor, mob spawn eggs, end-game items and more.
Player shops
We recently added a shops world where each player can purchase a plot with coins and build their own shop (literally). That means, once you have a plot to work on, you are able to sell resources, tools, weapons, anything. The prices can range from ores (coal, iron, gold, diamond, emerald) to coins (iron and gold). Our custom chest-sign system is greatly simplified to make the shop setup less frustrating and enjoyable. Buying from other shops is as simple as opening a chest and clicking on the item you'd like to purchase.
All players have a custom /stats menu that keeps track of their progress in the server. For example, one can find the total amount of loot chests opened. This menu also keeps track of deaths, kills and even a death/kill ratio. It can further be customized with a custom description and likes (yes, literally!). A custom description can be set with /description <text> and players can "like" someone by clicking on the emerald of their respective /stats <player> menu. There are certainly a lot of details here, but you'll be able to have a better grasp of those features in-game!
In order to promote some competition in-game, we have placed leaderboards (armor stands with text basically) at spawn that keep track of the top three players with the highest count for each statistic. Furthermore, milestones such as "100 total loot chests opened" are announced in chat.
Vote rewards
Vote rewards can certain help if you don't have many resources to start with. Those who /vote for the first time are rewarded with a basic Starter Kit and by continuing to vote daily, just like loot chests, several resources are given. Voting is very important because it can help by boost our rankings in the server listing websites (higher rank => more players).
Battle Mode (in development)
Battle mode is a unique mode evolved around the combat aspect of the game. For the PVP fans, this mode is going to get players into arenas and setup fights with a huge variety of kits. Leveling system, experience, unlockable kits, coin rewards are all included. Stay tuned!
We have compiled a simple set of rules that all players must follow. This is essential so we can maintain peace and order on the server. We have done our best to maintain simple and reasonable rules.
Be friendly, promote a positive attitude and always be respectful.
Do not repeatedly send messages in chat.
Do not advertise other websites or servers.
Do not accuse others of hacking without evidence.
Do not use alt accounts for your own advantage.
Do not use offensive or inappropriate skins.
Do not use glitches and exploits to your advantage.
Do not use hacked clients or xray resource packs.
Biskotaki: Owner and main server administration
Passionate_Rhino: Moderation
GhostMonkee: Moderation
BirdOfLight: Moderation
What's next?
We are really looking forward into meeting you in-game! We hope you spend some quality and enjoyable time on the server. Here's what you can do next:
IP to connect with: ve-mc.com
Backup IP (if the first one doesn't work): vanillaessence.serverminer.com
Discord: http://ift.tt/2tKroXr
Website: www.ve-mc.com
Support Email: [email protected]
You made it, thanks for your time.
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It’s Still (Pixelated) Hot Dog Legs Season
Fall should officially be in full swing by now, yet here in NYC (and many other parts of the US), it still feels like summer. Which I’m not thrilled about, though at the very least, I don’t feel so bad for sharing the above (by Robert Penney) so late into September.
On that note, time for a way overdue game culture round up! It’s been a while, and a LOT been going on. And not to be a downer, but the chaotic weather has been in the news, obviously.
Here’s a pic from Gamer Geek Nation on Facebook, who shared the aftermath of the Hurricane Harvey, along with: “… This is a time when we collectors need to remind ourselves that ultimately, this is just stuff, and our lives are more important. And make sure your collection is insured properly.”
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Elsewhere in the world, the Tokyo Game Show just wrapped up, and not to repeat the obvious, but yes… the biggest, most exciting news was the Sonic X Hooters collab…
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Though the one between Hello Kitty and Game Center CX is far, far better (photo courtesy of Kotaku)…
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You also have this comically large Rockman doll, which apparently was available on Amazon but is now out of stock…
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Though I mostly wished I had been there to pick up some primo looking attire, like this Mega Drive track jacket that miki800 gave the heads up on before show time (there was also a Dreamcast hoodie that I personally don’t think looks as nice, hence why I’m skipping it)…
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I also really like this Pac-Man shirt…
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This Galaga shirt as well…
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Also taking place in Japan was an exhibition held by the JARGA (Japan Retro Game Association); miki800 was there and captured some interesting bits of hardware, with the highlight being (IMHO) this Mega Drive clone that resembles a perfect mix of the model 1 MD and the original Wondermega…
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There’s no preview of the music yet, though may as well share the recently unveiled cover to the third (and final) installment of 8 BIT MUSIC POWER…
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Meanwhile, according to Original Sound Version, Mitch Murder has released yet another soundtrack to another game that never existed. In this it didn’t come out for the Mega CD and doesn’t involve mecha…
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Remember that Jet Set Radio figure I showed a while ago? Well, it's finally available for pre-order! Alas, it's not cheap, at least over at Big Bad Toy Store...
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BTW, videogamesdensetsu shares with us what Beat looks like, sans-cel shading…
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Sticking with VCD for a tad bit; here’s what Pulseman looked originally looked like, and he sure was cute!
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Whereas NiGHTS looked goofier… as well as more menacing….
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Am confident most people will not give a rat’s ass about seeing hand drawn Virtua Racing track designs, but as a massive fan of the series, oh man, oh man, oh man...
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Two never before seen Saturn prototypes that must be: “[taken] with a grain of salt!”
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Apparently Looney Tunes X The Matrix was actually a thing? Somehow this does not surprise me…
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The work of Hideaki Kodama was recently highlighted, which was also recently auctioned; I wonder how much this painting of various PC Engine hardware went for?
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Yet another Kickstarter mention? Yup. And this one is Jed Henry's third crowdfunding campaign: this particular variant of the Ukiyo-e Heroes concentrates on boss battles, with perhaps my fave piece being his depiction from The Breath of the Wild...
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Am particularly fond of this image from the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary art book that grease-howard spotted, of old Chun Li chumming it up with her younger self...
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Any and all BoJack Horseman fans out there may want to pick up this piece by Jude Buffum...
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legendofnes reminds of that time Batman visited New Donk City…
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It's just a bunch of cyber kids, all just hanging around, by sanigo...
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Speaking of the gang, here we have the kids from Persona 5, by @aranciart…
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Apparently, if Jedah (from Darkstalkers) ran a juice stand, it wouldn’t be the best, according to dreaminerryday…
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The individual who runs SPLENDID LAND describes SLN-003 Gacha Man as a: "vendor robot who dispenses toys. even he doesn’t know what’s inside the capsules, so he always gets excited to find out"...
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Meanwhile, here’s official artwork of Mario and Peach, courtesy of the thevideogameartarchive’s catalogue of the Mario Golf N64 manual; am pretty sure I’ve seen images of Mario looking distressed, though never to this degree…
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The above is something Super Mario Broth would normally deliver, and speaking of, may as well share some recent faves on that end! Like these photos from a promotional campaign with a Japanese sports drink when promoting Mario Sports Superstars…
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Instructions found on the arcade cabinet for Vs. Super Mario Bros (which I remember so distinctly, and fondly)…
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From some Japanese video guide for the same game (am assuming the home Famicom version this time)…
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A greeting card (am assuming a Valentine’s)...
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Mario without his hat, as he appears in a Game Boy controller test cart that Nintendo service reps used to calibrate buttons on a the handheld…
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And he we have a shortcut in SMB3 that I had no idea existed, and it’s a safe bet that most don’t either: “In Super Mario Bros. 3, the rock between the path to the first fortress in World 4 and the Spade Panel can be destroyed with a Hammer item, allowing the player to bypass the fortress. There is no obvious indication that this rock is destructible, as it is surrounded by decorative rocks. In fact, many guides for Super Mario Bros. 3 do not mention this shortcut.”
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As for Super Mario Broth’s counterpart, Sonic the Hedgeblog has seen plenty of action as well… largely pinpointing all the obscure references found in Sonic Mania, So head over for that if that sounds like fun to you! Otherwise, there’s also the Mario Bros having a Sonic Panic…
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A reminder of how Sonic looked at one point as he was being prepped for the Dreamcast; it would appear that at a certain point, in Sonic Adventure, he was going to look a lot more realistic…
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And this issue with EGM featuring a sneak preview of Sonic 2 is the very first video game magazine that I ever picked up!
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Meanwhile, oldgamemags recently posted a page from an issue of GamePro, circa 2000, on a peripheral that allowed the Game Boy to play mp3s. Am sharing it cuz I really want a GB-looking mp3 player…
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So someone on Twitter (who has since protected his account, so I’ll have to refer to nintendolife they snagged the pic before it was locked down) cracked open a electrocardiogram measurement instrument and found... a GBA? It’s theorized: “perhaps earlier revisions of the unit had different screens, and once the supply chain dried up MiE was forced to source the next best thing?”
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vice-s-assistant sez: "OK Guys, I’m ready to hack."
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According to bunney: "i was working at a convention arcade this weekend and some guy cosplaying ryu was playing street fighter with a blunt in his mouth"...
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Can anyone tell what's being played here? At the very least, it's a nice shot (via rekall)...
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Much like Arcade Crusade, I have no idea what’s going on, and I agree that whatever it is, it looks intense...
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If you’ve ever wanted an artist’s rendering of the Raspberry Pi, then look no further than the work of retronator…
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rasec-wizzlbang states: “those square cross sections of the human skin layers you always see in biology books but as like, a minecraft block”…
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Courtesy of Arcade Crusade once again comes a very tender moment…
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Is it just me or does this promo image for Food Fight sure does look like a Norman Rockwell painting? As seen on thedoteaters...
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Here we have a flyer for a really old SNK arcade game (we’re talking really old; almost a decade before the Neo Geo was a thing) that looks like it was made with today’s sensibilities, doesn’t it?
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Also via obscurevideogames is a moment of pathos from Hacchake Ayayo-san 4 - Sexy Olympics - Ayayo’s Live Affection. It’s… pretty obscure alright…
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Yup, that's Hieronymus Bosch-styled Tetris all right (via freeindiega.me)...
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crashcarnival presents: "true facts of the Ice Age"...
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Hey, it’s the Ninja Turtles playing Pong (via rewind01)…
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Behold, Fighters Megamix version 2017 (via lonelyfrontier)…
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Yup, that is definitely a Chu Chu Rocket skirt  (via radicalhelmet)...
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For those who have ever wondered what their Sonic character’s political leanings are, in relation to the rest of the crew (and can’t be bothered to sift through DeviantArt; via erratticusfinch)…
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Face to face (via futureisfailed)…
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It’s been out for a while, though it’s not too late to pick up this Xenogears tribute zine, right?
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Just a friendly reminder of how bat-sh*t insane Sin & Punishment is (via n64thstreet)...
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Zimmerit.moe has everything you need to know about a game by Square involving mecha that you’ve probably never heard of. And no, am not talking about Thexder; it’s even more obscure than that (am talking about Cruise Chaser Blassty BTW/FYI)...
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Meanwhile, Michael “Kayin” O’Reilly discusses the “Barrel Distortion” look that emulators use to recreate the look of playing something on a CRT display and why it’s total crap…
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And… that’s  it! You’ve made it to the end! Enjoy a cool, refreshing drink with Pac-Man (on the behalf of arcade-crusade)...
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Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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ladytitanium · 7 years
1,2,7 to 17, 19 to 23, 25 to 70
OKAY SO this got suuuuper long and I’m gonna answer it under a readmore but thank you so much for asking!
1. First game you played obsessively?
Definitely Minecraft. I got it around 2012 and played it whenever I could, although shortly afterwards I moved on to playing a lot of TF2 with some online friends.
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. 
TF2 and Portal 2 were the first things I ever wrote fanfic for, so I’d say those two are big and important for sure. More recently, though, Transistor and Pyre have been inspiring me to pursue more art and music.
7. Any games you have multiple copies of?
I have Portal 2 for xbox 360 and PC.
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?
I had a copy of Link to the Past in great condition, but my ex stole that and my entire SNES so :/
9. Most regrettable purchase?
No Man’s Sky is the obvious answer but I think I have some steam games lying around that I bought and played once, or just never touched. Not sure which ones, though. Usually if I’m going to spend actual money on something, I try to make sure it’s good first.
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?
No, but I’d like to someday.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?
Not in the sense of meeting people in an mmo or anything, but I’ve definitely bonded with people I’ve met over a mutual love of games.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games?
Nah, not really. I’ve been picked on more for not having played enough games, honestly.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?
I’ve never played Overwatch or most online competitive games, or any MMOs aside from like 5 hours of gw2.
14. Favorite game music?
Anything Darren Korb, the composer for Supergiant Games, has made. Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre OSTs will always have a special place in my heart. Honorable mention goes to the Portal 2 soundtrack.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?
I……. have a triforce tattoo…….. on my left wrist……………
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?
I tend to like watching people play games rather than doing competitive or couch coop type things, so it’s hard to say. I used to hang out with my friends while we all did playthroughs of the Mass Effect trilogy, though, which was wonderful.
17. Ever lose a friend over a game?
Nah. Had some arguments over the Souls games, though.
19. Favorite handheld console?
3DS, definitely, although I do have some nostalgia for the good ol’ GBA.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?
Portal 2, although it’s been a few years since I’ve played so I might not be as familiar with it as I once was. Barring that, Stardew Valley.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?
I can’t think of any, honestly, since I almost never played anything as a kid.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?
The occasional Zelda t-shirt, and my old Aperture Science tanktop. I’d wear more if I owned more.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?
TF2, I think? I used to play for hours every evening.
25. Were you ever an arcade game player?
Sadly, no. My mother thought arcades were giant wastes of time and money and would corrupt me and make me stupid. 
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?
No, I don’t get competitive much. 
27. Game that makes you rage?
Any kind of roguelike makes me angry just thinking about it. I hate losing progress. Really difficult platformers make me frustrated and angry too.
28. Ever play in a tournament?
Dear god no.
29. What is your gaming set up?
Currently, none. I have a shitty, half-broken laptop.
30. How many consoles do you own?
I own a Switch and a 3DS. I have access to an XBONE though.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?
I’ve never tried a Virtual Boy, but leaving the 3D on high on my 3DS is something I’ve only done once due to the nasty headache it gave me.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?
I don’t think so, no.
33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?
I had a Sonic handheld game from a happy meal, does that count?
34. Do either of your parents play video games?
My dad does, a lot. Mostly MMOs. I think my mother did too, but mostly Civ, some ancient Egypt themed MMO, and Guild Wars, from what I can recall.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?
I worked in a game store for about six months late last year/early this year. It’s the best job I’ve ever had.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?
Oh, tears, absolutely. Plenty of games have made me cry. FFXV, Persona 5, Transistor, Portal 2, the list goes on.
37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?
I actually have played it! Perks of working at a game store that sells Ataris. I was utterly baffled by it, so I think “worst game ever made” is a fair title.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?
I really enjoy all the walking simulators/art games I’ve played. I know a lot of people say they aren’t real games or whatever but I think most of the ones I’ve played are genuinely enjoyable experiences.
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?
...Portal 3, but with the same writers+VAs+team in general. I know that’ll never happen now but I need it like I need air.
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?
Motion controls can be hit or miss. I think they need to be integrated well and very functional to be enjoyable. Like, wii sports and stuff? I loved it. Those tilt puzzles in the shrines in BOTW? Absolutely horrendous. As for VR, I really want to try it someday. I think it’s neat.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into?
Roguelikes, Souls-like (where the only purpose of the game is to be as difficult as possible so people who master it can be snobs about it), and any realistic online-only FPS things like Call of Duty are the three main things I will never, ever touch.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?
Pokemon Ruby, absolutely.
43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?
All through the second half of high school, tbh.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?
I’ve never actually gotten to play arcade games much.
45. How are you at Mario Kart?
I’m only decent at Mario Kart Wii, because I played it a lot.
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?
Absolutely! Animal Crossing New Leaf and City Folk are games I love dearly and have spent a LOT of time on over the years.
47. Do you like competitive games?
Almost never. I only ever played TF2 with friends, and that pretty much extends to any competitive game I might play. Only with friends, and only sometimes.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?
So. Long.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?
Yeah, mages are kind of my thing. I get jumpy when I have to do a bunch of melee so I tend to prefer to stand back a little. I always went full biotic in Mass Effect for that reason.
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?
That’s a tough one. I’ve had a few concepts over the years, but none that have really stuck with me.
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?
Yeah, definitely. I lose track of time really easily if I’m absorbed in something.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?
All Pokemon games from gen 4+5.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?
Any DLC that adds characters or plot necessary for the full enjoyment of the game should be free imo. Skins/weapons/maps/non-essential quests and missions can be behind a paywall. Like, ME3′s From Ashes DLC should have been free, and I go back and forth between whether it was cool to have Citadel and Omega DLCs behind paywalls, but all the weapons/armor/alternate appearance packs I’m totally fine with being paid DLC.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales?
Only when I have money.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?
I never played any Sims games.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?
Never played Roller Coaster Tycoon either.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?
Minish Cap, I think? I tried to 100% Super Mario Galaxy but I couldn’t ever quite do it.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?
Oh, shit. Uh. Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon Sun (or Moon), and... I can’t pick a third one. Probably something with multiplayer.
59. Do you play any cell phone games?
Yeah, but most of them are just little time-wasting puzzle games.
60. Do you know the Konami Code?
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?
I’ve never traded in a game but I might if I bought a physical copy of something I didn’t like.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?
Does the Switch count, since till Splatoon 2 came out I only had BOTW on it? I’ve considered getting a PS4 just for P5 and Horizon Zero Dawn.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? 
I went to GenCon a few times when I was really young but I barely remember it, and I’ve tagged along to a handful of Warhammer 40k tournaments with my dad, but that was also like 10 years ago. So no, not really.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?
I’ve never bought a TV or monitor myself.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?
I had an Action Replay for shinies in X and Y.
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?
No, my first phone was a Windows phone when I was 14 because my mother hated technology and wanted to control me so a phone was way too much freedom and entirely out of the question :/
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?
I remember the first time I beat Portal 2, sitting on the floor in front of the TV and crying tears of joy. That was pretty great.
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?
I wanted to, but didn’t go to arcades enough.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? 
Transistor. Can’t think of a single bad thing about it, honestly. Persona 5 and Horizon Zero Dawn are near-flawless too.
70. Very first game you ever beat?
The first game I beat was Pokemon Ruby, but idk if that counts since I shared with my brother, and I think my dad had to help us beat the Elite 4 because we were young and didn’t grind enough. I took turns with Portal 2, too. Portal 1, maybe?
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Vanilla Essence [PVP] {1.12.2} {Survival 20k Border} {Loot Chest} {Challenges} {Coins & Trades} {Player Shops} {Statistics} {Leaderboards} {Vote Rewards} {Discord}
Vanilla Essence
Hi there! You have just discovered Vanilla Essence.
Just give me the IP: ve-mc.com
My name is Thanos (also known as Biskotaki in-game) and I launched this server back on May 2017. I am studying computer science in college and I feel Minecraft is a great way to practice on my programming skills. I have been hosting Minecraft servers for a while.
Vanilla Essence is a semi-vanilla server that offers a unique Minecraft survival experience. It's a place where you can peacefully work on the projects you had in mind and never had a chance to start. You can get on with friends, make a claim to protect your resources and get straight into work.
Unlike most servers, Vanilla Essence is not following the pay-to-win scheme. All donations come with rewards that are entirely cosmetic and have no impact on gameplay. You will not see OP guys running around with premium, overpowered kits and equipment.
There's a twist. The standard survival experience that Minecraft offers usually gets boring after a while, so I decided to step up the game a little bit. I have programmed a custom plugin using Spigot that adds a whole bunch of new unique and exciting features into the game. You'll see me talking about loot chests, events, iron coins and player shops in a bit.
Vanilla Essence has a small but dedicated team of Moderators which ensure that the server is always in one piece and nothing "extreme" is taking place. We truly hope that this is the right place for you and your friends.
The current map is 20,000 by 20,000 (trust me, it's big enough), nether and the end are both accessible.
PVP: Anywhere, Mobs: On, Explosions: Off, Fire spread: Off
Vanilla Essence aims to use minimal plugins yet offer powerful and intriguing features.
Vanilla Essence: Our custom plugin which offers most of the core features on the server.
Advanced Ban: This is our main plugin to punish all the rule breakers.
Core Protect: The standard block history plugins out there to keep track of grieferes and trouble makers.
Grief Prevention: One of the best plugins for player claims, you can protect your chests, make plots, manage land permissions or even build towns.
Votifier: We use this plugin to get notified every time a player votes for our server so we deliver the appropriate rewards :).
WorldEdit & WorldGuard: We use those plugins to setup protected regions and plots, nothing special.
Buycraft: This plugin makes sure that all donation rewards are delivered on time. Basically connects our shop with the server.
Custom Features
This section aims to answer this question: What's different from standard vanilla servers?
Loot Chests
Loot chests are normal chests that contain valuable treasure. Every time you mine a solid non-flammable block, there is a chance of a loot chest being dropped. There are three tiers of loot chests: common, rare and legendary. As you've probably guessed, rare loot chests contain better rewards than common loot chests, and the same applies for legendary loot chests. These mysterious chests can give you an extra incentive to go mining.
Every hour you will notice an event is undergoing. Events are special challenges that come with great rewards. You can participate and try to win the objectives of each event. Winners are rewarded with the most powerful loot chests on the game, an event loot chest. Event loot chests contain a fair amount of iron coins and enchanted diamond equipment (tool, weapon or armor).
Coins and Trades
As you probably read in the previous section, there are two types of currencies in the game: iron and gold coins. Iron coins can be acquired by winning events or trading with other players. You can use iron coins to purchase top of the tier items from a villager market at spawn, where each villager has a set of custom trades. Most villagers accept gold coins, where one gold coin is a stack of iron coins (64 iron coins -> 1 gold coin). You can get your hands on some really cool items such as: special pickaxes (ex. break mob spawners), enchanted diamond armor, mob spawn eggs, end-game items and more.
Player shops
We recently added a shops world where each player can purchase a plot with coins and build their own shop (literally). That means, once you have a plot to work on, you are able to sell resources, tools, weapons, anything. The prices can range from ores (coal, iron, gold, diamond, emerald) to coins (iron and gold). Our custom chest-sign system is greatly simplified to make the shop setup less frustrating and enjoyable. Buying from other shops is as simple as opening a chest and clicking on the item you'd like to purchase.
All players have a custom /stats menu that keeps track of their progress in the server. For example, one can find the total amount of loot chests opened. This menu also keeps track of deaths, kills and even a death/kill ratio. It can further be customized with a custom description and likes (yes, literally!). A custom description can be set with /description <text> and players can "like" someone by clicking on the emerald of their respective /stats <player> menu. There are certainly a lot of details here, but you'll be able to have a better grasp of those features in-game!
In order to promote some competition in-game, we have placed leaderboards (armor stands with text basically) at spawn that keep track of the top three players with the highest count for each statistic. Furthermore, milestones such as "100 total loot chests opened" are announced in chat.
Vote rewards
Vote rewards can certain help if you don't have many resources to start with. Those who /vote for the first time are rewarded with a basic Starter Kit and by continuing to vote daily, just like loot chests, several resources are given. Voting is very important because it can help by boost our rankings in the server listing websites (higher rank => more players).
Battle Mode (in development)
Battle mode is a unique mode evolved around the combat aspect of the game. For the PVP fans, this mode is going to get players into arenas and setup fights with a huge variety of kits. Leveling system, experience, unlockable kits, coin rewards are all included. Stay tuned!
We have compiled a simple set of rules that all players must follow. This is essential so we can maintain peace and order on the server. We have done our best to maintain simple and reasonable rules.
Be friendly, promote a positive attitude and always be respectful.
Do not repeatedly send messages in chat.
Do not advertise other websites or servers.
Do not accuse others of hacking without evidence.
Do not use alt accounts for your own advantage.
Do not use offensive or inappropriate skins.
Do not use glitches and exploits to your advantage.
Do not use hacked clients or xray resource packs.
Biskotaki: Owner and main server administration
GhostMonkee: Administrator (Community Management)
PhireChu: Moderation
akaOtter: Moderation
beerye3: Moderation
What's next?
We are really looking forward into meeting you in-game! We hope you spend some quality and enjoyable time on the server. Here's what you can do next:
IP to connect with: ve-mc.com
Backup IP (if the first one doesn't work): vanillaessence.serverminer.com
Discord: www.ve-mc.com/discord
Website: www.ve-mc.com
Support Email: [email protected]
You made it, thanks for your time.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
Tumblr media
Vanilla Essence [PVP] {1.12.2} {Survival 20k Border} {Loot Chest} {Challenges} {Coins & Trades} {Player Shops} {Statistics} {Leaderboards} {Vote Rewards} {Discord}
Vanilla Essence
Hi there! You have just discovered Vanilla Essence.
Just give me the IP: ve-mc.com
My name is Thanos (also known as Biskotaki in-game) and I launched this server back on May 2017. I am studying computer science in college and I feel Minecraft is a great way to practice on my programming skills. I have been hosting Minecraft servers for a while.
Vanilla Essence is a semi-vanilla server that offers a unique Minecraft survival experience. It's a place where you can peacefully work on the projects you had in mind and never had a chance to start. You can get on with friends, make a claim to protect your resources and get straight into work.
Unlike most servers, Vanilla Essence is not following the pay-to-win scheme. All donations come with rewards that are entirely cosmetic and have no impact on gameplay. You will not see OP guys running around with premium, overpowered kits and equipment.
There's a twist. The standard survival experience that Minecraft offers usually gets boring after a while, so I decided to step up the game a little bit. I have programmed a custom plugin using Spigot that adds a whole bunch of new unique and exciting features into the game. You'll see me talking about loot chests, events, iron coins and player shops in a bit.
Vanilla Essence has a small but dedicated team of three Moderators which ensure that the server is always in one piece and nothing "extreme" is taking place. We truly hope that this is the right place for you and your friends.
The current map is 20,000 by 20,000 (trust me, it's big enough), nether and the end are both accessible.
PVP: Anywhere, Mobs: On, Explosions: Off, Fire spread: Off
Vanilla Essence aims to use minimal plugins yet offer powerful and intriguing features.
Vanilla Essence: Our custom plugin which offers most of the core features on the server.
Advanced Ban: This is our main plugin to punish all the rule breakers.
Core Protect: The standard block history plugins out there to keep track of grieferes and trouble makers.
Grief Prevention: One of the best plugins for player claims, you can protect your chests, make plots, manage land permissions or even build towns.
Votifier: We use this plugin to get notified every time a player votes for our server so we deliver the appropriate rewards :).
WorldEdit & WorldGuard: We use those plugins to setup protected regions and plots, nothing special.
Buycraft: This plugin makes sure that all donation rewards are delivered on time. Basically connects our shop with the server.
Custom Features
This section aims to answer this question: What's different from standard vanilla servers?
Loot Chests
Loot chests are normal chests that contain valuable treasure. Every time you mine a solid non-flammable block, there is a chance of a loot chest being dropped. There are three tiers of loot chests: common, rare and legendary. As you've probably guessed, rare loot chests contain better rewards than common loot chests, and the same applies for legendary loot chests. These mysterious chests can give you an extra incentive to go mining.
Every hour you will notice an event is undergoing. Events are special challenges that come with great rewards. You can participate and try to win the objectives of each event. Winners are rewarded with the most powerful loot chests on the game, an event loot chest. Event loot chests contain a fair amount of iron coins and enchanted diamond equipment (tool, weapon or armor).
Coins and Trades
As you probably read in the previous section, there are two types of currencies in the game: iron and gold coins. Iron coins can be acquired by winning events or trading with other players. You can use iron coins to purchase top of the tier items from a villager market at spawn, where each villager has a set of custom trades. Most villagers accept gold coins, where one gold coin is a stack of iron coins (64 iron coins -> 1 gold coin). You can get your hands on some really cool items such as: special pickaxes (ex. break mob spawners), enchanted diamond armor, mob spawn eggs, end-game items and more.
Player shops
We recently added a shops world where each player can purchase a plot with coins and build their own shop (literally). That means, once you have a plot to work on, you are able to sell resources, tools, weapons, anything. The prices can range from ores (coal, iron, gold, diamond, emerald) to coins (iron and gold). Our custom chest-sign system is greatly simplified to make the shop setup less frustrating and enjoyable. Buying from other shops is as simple as opening a chest and clicking on the item you'd like to purchase.
All players have a custom /stats menu that keeps track of their progress in the server. For example, one can find the total amount of loot chests opened. This menu also keeps track of deaths, kills and even a death/kill ratio. It can further be customized with a custom description and likes (yes, literally!). A custom description can be set with /description <text> and players can "like" someone by clicking on the emerald of their respective /stats <player> menu. There are certainly a lot of details here, but you'll be able to have a better grasp of those features in-game!
In order to promote some competition in-game, we have placed leaderboards (armor stands with text basically) at spawn that keep track of the top three players with the highest count for each statistic. Furthermore, milestones such as "100 total loot chests opened" are announced in chat.
Vote rewards
Vote rewards can certain help if you don't have many resources to start with. Those who /vote for the first time are rewarded with a basic Starter Kit and by continuing to vote daily, just like loot chests, several resources are given. Voting is very important because it can help by boost our rankings in the server listing websites (higher rank => more players).
Battle Mode (in development)
Battle mode is a unique mode evolved around the combat aspect of the game. For the PVP fans, this mode is going to get players into arenas and setup fights with a huge variety of kits. Leveling system, experience, unlockable kits, coin rewards are all included. Stay tuned!
We have compiled a simple set of rules that all players must follow. This is essential so we can maintain peace and order on the server. We have done our best to maintain simple and reasonable rules.
Be friendly, promote a positive attitude and always be respectful.
Do not repeatedly send messages in chat.
Do not advertise other websites or servers.
Do not accuse others of hacking without evidence.
Do not use alt accounts for your own advantage.
Do not use offensive or inappropriate skins.
Do not use glitches and exploits to your advantage.
Do not use hacked clients or xray resource packs.
Biskotaki: Owner and main server administration
Passionate_Rhino: Administrator (Staff Managment)
GhostMonkee: Administrator (Community Management)
BirdOfLight: Moderation
akaOtter: Moderation
beerye3: Moderation
What's next?
We are really looking forward into meeting you in-game! We hope you spend some quality and enjoyable time on the server. Here's what you can do next:
IP to connect with: ve-mc.com
Backup IP (if the first one doesn't work): vanillaessence.serverminer.com
Discord: www.ve-mc.com/discord
Website: www.ve-mc.com
Support Email: [email protected]
You made it, thanks for your time.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
Tumblr media
Vanilla Essence [PVP] {1.12.2} {Custom Features}
Vanilla Essence
Hi there! You have just discovered Vanilla Essence.
Just give me the IP: ve-mc.com
My name is Thanos (also known as Biskotaki in-game) and I launched this server back on May 2017. I am studying computer science in college and I feel Minecraft is a great way to practice on my programming skills. I have been hosting Minecraft servers for a while.
Vanilla Essence is a semi-vanilla server that offers a unique Minecraft survival experience. It's a place where you can peacefully work on the projects you had in mind and never had a chance to start. You can get on with friends, make a claim to protect your resources and get straight into work.
Unlike most servers, Vanilla Essence is not following the pay-to-win scheme. All donations come with rewards that are entirely cosmetic and have no impact on gameplay. You will not see OP guys running around with premium, overpowered kits and equipment.
There's a twist. The standard survival experience that Minecraft offers usually gets boring after a while, so I decided to step up the game a little bit. I have programmed a custom plugin using Spigot that adds a whole bunch of new unique and exciting features into the game. You'll see me talking about loot chests, events, iron coins and player shops in a bit.
Vanilla Essence has a small but dedicated team of three Moderators which ensure that the server is always in one piece and nothing "extreme" is taking place. We truly hope that this is the right place for you and your friends.
The current map is 10,000 by 10,000 (trust me, it's big enough), nether and the end are both accessible.
PVP: Anywhere, Mobs: On, Explosions: Off, Fire spread: Off
Vanilla Essence aims to use minimal plugins yet offer powerful and intriguing features.
Vanilla Essence: Our custom plugin which offers most of the core features on the server.
Advanced Ban: This is our main plugin to punish all the rule breakers.
Core Protect: The standard block history plugins out there to keep track of grieferes and trouble makers.
Grief Prevention: One of the best plugins for player claims, you can protect your chests, make plots, manage land permissions or even build towns.
Votifier: We use this plugin to get notified every time a player votes for our server so we deliver the appropriate rewards :).
Spartan Anti-Cheat: Premium anti-cheat that aims to block most of the commonly used hacks in Minecraft. If someone is trying to use something, Spartan will know.
WorldEdit & WorldGuard: We use those plugins to setup protected regions and plots, nothing special.
Buycraft: This plugin makes sure that all donation rewards are delivered on time. Basically connects our shop with the server.
Custom Features
This section aims to answer this question: What's different from standard vanilla servers?
Loot Chests
Loot chests are normal chests that contain valuable treasure. Every time you mine a solid non-flammable block, there is a chance of a loot chest being dropped. There are three tiers of loot chests: common, rare and legendary. As you've probably guessed, rare loot chests contain better rewards than common loot chests, and the same applies for legendary loot chests. These mysterious chests can give you an extra incentive to go mining.
Every hour you will notice an event is undergoing. Events are special challenges that come with great rewards. You can participate and try to win the objectives of each event. Winners are rewarded with the most powerful loot chests on the game, an event loot chest. Event loot chests contain a fair amount of iron coins and enchanted diamond equipment (tool, weapon or armor).
Coins and Trades
As you probably read in the previous section, there are two types of currencies in the game: iron and gold coins. Iron coins can be acquired by winning events or trading with other players. You can use iron coins to purchase top of the tier items from a villager market at spawn, where each villager has a set of custom trades. Most villagers accept gold coins, where one gold coin is a stack of iron coins (64 iron coins -> 1 gold coin). You can get your hands on some really cool items such as: special pickaxes (ex. break mob spawners), enchanted diamond armor, mob spawn eggs, end-game items and more.
Player shops
We recently added a shops world where each player can purchase a plot with coins and build their own shop (literally). That means, once you have a plot to work on, you are able to sell resources, tools, weapons, anything. The prices can range from ores (coal, iron, gold, diamond, emerald) to coins (iron and gold). Our custom chest-sign system is greatly simplified to make the shop setup less frustrating and enjoyable. Buying from other shops is as simple as opening a chest and clicking on the item you'd like to purchase.
All players have a custom /stats menu that keeps track of their progress in the server. For example, one can find the total amount of loot chests opened. This menu also keeps track of deaths, kills and even a death/kill ratio. It can further be customized with a custom description and likes (yes, literally!). A custom description can be set with /description <text> and players can "like" someone by clicking on the emerald of their respective /stats <player> menu. There are certainly a lot of details here, but you'll be able to have a better grasp of those features in-game!
In order to promote some competition in-game, we have placed leaderboards (armor stands with text basically) at spawn that keep track of the top three players with the highest count for each statistic. Furthermore, milestones such as "100 total loot chests opened" are announced in chat.
Vote rewards
Vote rewards can certain help if you don't have many resources to start with. Those who /vote for the first time are rewarded with a basic Starter Kit and by continuing to vote daily, just like loot chests, several resources are given. Voting is very important because it can help by boost our rankings in the server listing websites (higher rank => more players).
Battle Mode (in development)
Battle mode is a unique mode evolved around the combat aspect of the game. For the PVP fans, this mode is going to get players into arenas and setup fights with a huge variety of kits. Leveling system, experience, unlockable kits, coin rewards are all included. Stay tuned!
We have compiled a simple set of rules that all players must follow. This is essential so we can maintain peace and order on the server. We have done our best to maintain simple and reasonable rules.
Be friendly, promote a positive attitude and always be respectful.
Do not repeatedly send messages in chat.
Do not advertise other websites or servers.
Do not accuse others of hacking without evidence.
Do not use alt accounts for your own advantage.
Do not use offensive or inappropriate skins.
Do not use glitches and exploits to your advantage.
Do not use hacked clients or xray resource packs.
Biskotaki: Owner and main server administration
Passionate_Rhino: Moderation
GhostMonkee: Moderation
BirdOfLight: Moderation
What's next?
We are really looking forward into meeting you in-game! We hope you spend some quality and enjoyable time on the server. Here's what you can do next:
IP to connect with: ve-mc.com
Backup IP (if the first one doesn't work): vanillaessence.serverminer.com
Discord: http://ift.tt/2tKroXr
Website: www.ve-mc.com
Support Email: [email protected]
You made it, thanks for your time.
0 notes