pengujoon · 9 months
cont. gojo x reader, angst, no comfort. husband!au, intentional lowercase. 
a/n. i can’t handle ch 236. my brain came up with the worst possible outcome from this and here is the result. expect the worst.
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in a quiet town, where the sun painted the sky in hues of gold and azure, you went about your day like any other. the world moved on, but your heart remained burdened by the weight of an absence that could never be filled.
as you strolled through the market, you found yourself at a florist's stall. your fingers grazed over vibrant blooms, carefully selecting a bouquet of white lilies and blue hydrangeas. the florist glanced at you, her keen eyes catching the glimmer of a ring on the your finger.
"oh, is this for your husband?" the florist asked, her voice soft with curiosity.
a faint smile played on your lips, but it didn't reach your eyes. "yes," you replied quietly, a hint of sadness lingering in your gaze.
you continued your shopping, picking up a pack of sweets that you knew he loved. the sun kissed your shoulders as you walked, your steps graceful in a beautiful blue sundress that seemed to echo the colour of the ocean.
with your purchases in hand, you called for a taxi, and it whisked you away to a tranquil graveyard nestled by the mountains, overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean.
as you stood before a simple gravestone, you whispered his name, "satoru."
setting the flowers and sweets down carefully, you knelt beside the grave, your fingertips tracing the letters carved into the stone, still fresh and vivid. the world seemed to fade away as you lost yourself in memories of laughter and shared moments.
but then, as if a dam had burst within you, tears began to fall. you broke down, your sobs a symphony of grief and longing.
you couldn't forget that fateful day, the memories of rushing to him, cradling his lifeless form, and weeping uncontrollably. it was as if time had blurred into a nightmare, leaving you with fragmented images and a heart heavy with sorrow.
the details of what had transpired remained shrouded in mystery, but the painful truth remained — you held your husband's lifeless body in your arms, while the world around you spiralled into disarray.
"he left too suddenly," you whispered between sobs, as if trying to convey your heartache to the one who could no longer hear you. the pain was still raw, the void he left behind an ache that wouldn't subside.
in that solitary moment, with the sound of the ocean waves in the distance, you poured your heart out to the gravestone, missing him more than words could ever express. the world moved on around you, but your love for him remained as constant as the tides, forever washing against the shores of your soul.
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sorry... i feel really bad now so im writing a comfort fic brb.
here's the comfort fic as promised.
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camilleflyingrotten · 1 month
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feyooons · 9 months
[plant shop owner x local artist au!!] a new plant shop opened up across the street and the artist finds himself a new muse :]
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i lowkey wanna make a comic abt them soon :>
Edit: i started it!! check out pt.1 heree
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ato-dato · 10 months
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One mans barber can be another mans nemesis.
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bestosunglass · 3 months
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More of themm
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mrghostrat · 16 days
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and they were streamers 👀
i've been wanting to rotoscope another gif since that kiss, and @blairamok's ice skating wip looks SO AMAZING i was inspired to have another go
(much to love the gif makers!! crowley + aziraphale)
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edbydraws · 21 days
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It was my dream
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To draw Aziracrow like Fujimoto and Granmamare ✨
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gleafer · 8 months
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I may do a series on how many different ways Crowley can get rid of The Metatron.
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heohl-art · 6 days
so proud I could screaming😭🩷✨
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• Together in the South Downs • [finished]
I'm like... absolutely tickety-boo!🥹
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thali-lemmonpie · 4 months
"There is a whole galaxy out there. Full of people who will reach for you. You have to let them. Find that person who seems farthest from you, and reach for them. Reach for them. Let them guide you."
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hg-aneh · 3 months
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youtuber x streamer AU:
Aziraphale tries Tiktok LIVE edition
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pengujoon · 9 months
cont. gojo x reader, fluff, comedy. reader is very head over heels for satoru + they kiss! established relationship!au, husband!au, intentional lowercase.
a/n. that one satoru removing his blindfold scene in s2 ep8 has me feeling some kinda way and before i knew it this piece came to be
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as you watch satoru instruct his students in the courtyard, your heart fluttered, and you turned to shoko with a dreamy expression. you had no lessons, and she had no patients. “shoko, have you ever seen anyone as beautiful and graceful as satoru?"
shoko shook her head, whispering under her breath, “not again…”
"oh my god," you whisper to shoko as you eyed him, your voice filled with awe, hands shaking her shoulders wildly, “look at those muscles. those long legs. that white tuft of hair!! that blindfold. ugh, everything's just perfect."
shoko raises an eyebrow, fully aware of your ongoing infatuation. "well, i do admit that he is good-looking, but you make it sound like he's a work of art."
you nod enthusiastically, not the least bit shy about your feelings. "no, seriously, it's like he moves with this effortless grace. every gesture, every step — it's like poetry in motion. and that blindfold, shoko, it's not just an accessory; it's a statement of his sheer confidence."
shoko chuckles, amused by your vivid analysis. "you're absolutely smitten, aren't you?"
you nodded, a smile playing on your lips. "guilty as charged."
as class ended, satoru caught your eye and winked at you, making your heart skip a beat. even after all these years, your crush on satoru remains as strong as ever.
“hey, mr. handsome,” you said, trying to sound casual the moment he was within earshot, “do you ever wonder how you’re so ridiculously good-looking?”
“well,” satoru paused and smirked, “it’s a natural gift, honey.”
you rolled your eyes playfully. “seriously though, it’s unfair. i’ve been dating you since high school, and i still can’t believe my luck.”
he walked over to you, removing his blindfold before taking your face in his hands. “you already have my last name, what’s there to worry about?” he said, leaning in for a kiss that made your heart do somersaults.
"well, it wasn't like i was complaining or anything…" you whispered underneath your breath before he held your face in his hands and pulled you closer to him. the coldness of the golden ring shocked you as he landed pecks and kisses all over your now flushed face before finding your soft lips.
you leaned into his kisses, your fingers gently tracing the outline of his jaw. the warmth of his lips against yours sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.
satoru's arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss. time seemed to stand still as you melted into each other's embrace, lost in the sensation of his lips on yours.
eventually, he pulled back, his forehead resting against yours. his beautiful blue eyes stared into your very own as you whispered to him, like nothing else in the world mattered at that moment - it was just you and him.
you whispered under your breath, "and i just love you so, so much, dearest husband of mine."
bonus scene:
“did they just casually forget about my existence?” shoko asked, blinking her eyes in feigned shock.
“don’t worry, shoko-sensei. this happens way too often for any of our liking.” as nobara shook her head sadly, itadori and megumi nodded in agreement, all of them looking at the lovey dovey pair of couple before them, this scene all too familiar to their sight.
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in my husband!satoru era fr. this is so self indulgent i don’t even know where to begin
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camilleflyingrotten · 1 month
More faeries Good Omens AU ✨
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feyooons · 8 months
what if crowley decided to get a motorbike for s2? ^-^
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ft. azi turning it into a yellow scooter 🤧
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golswia · 4 months
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THE wall slam scene with my reverse gremlins 🧡
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bestosunglass · 3 months
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K, small HC moment of this AU. During their early years of established friendship, not yet a marriage, Vox spent his hours working on his plans for his future company, or simply out of a desire to relax, in Alastor's office where he broadcast his Radio show for silent companionship.
Alastor is a man of music, a man of jazz, a man of smooth melodies, so it was not at all a surprise to find a number of considerable musical instruments inside his office, much less when Alastor wasn't torturing victims for his show, he was offering long and pleasant segments of music. It was on one of those days that Al invited him to play the piano he had seen him ogle several times, and that little invitation quickly turned into a very personal ritual for the two of them, a very emotional tradition for both of them, the making of a melodic duet; Vox on piano and Alastor on vocals.
After some time at the hotel, some residents noticed his little penchant for playing the piano. It didn't take him long to invite Charlie and Angel, two residents he is most fond of and watches over the most, to observe one of his routines, and out of obligation, Nifty as well.
It is at that moment that he knows he has really gotten attached to the hotel.
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