#also zane and nya and lloyd are mentioned here too
pandemonium-kidz · 1 month
Alright so someone shared the leaks available, it was around 17mins long between the two first eps so I'll discuss what it was said below the cut.
Spoilers obviously.
Mind you the subtitles were Ai generated, while they seem to be mostly correct there might be mistranslations and botchered parts.
So first of all song intro is the same (sad) but the intro seems pretty good imo albeit a bit shorter from the one of the previous season.
Okay so so Euphrasia starts by visiting the Ninja that lead to a flashback of Ras and the team entering he cloud Kingdom in search of the archives so they can get info on the Forbidden five.
Euphrasia escapes, tries to fly all the way to the monastery, fails and she's brought to the Ninja by Percival.
We discover Ras is the one that cursed the worms so when certain info is searched for they will attack.
So yeah, Ninjas arrive, get absolutely wrecked by Ras and escape (and by absolute wrecked I mean it, they get beaten up badly by Cinder)
Confirmation that Cinder seems to be the new master of smoke btw. Kai mentions he has beaten him (as in the prev elemental of smoke) before.
They're also writing something when the Ninja arrive and Zane identifies the language as "something evil" and that he can't read it.
Ras says Shatterspin is a more advanced technique that has long been banned.
Kai: "Come on he can't stop us all", Cinder proceeds to clean the floor with them, not even kidding, Zane even starts glitching after one of those hits.
Anyways, it seems Cinder is capable of using Shatterspin everytime Ras hits the gong.
Well, they escape, otherwise they would be fucked, is not even funny how fast that went from a normal mission to being fucked up.
So Ras now has free access to the archives, Euphrasia stayed at the cloud kingdom btw.
Next Ep.
Nya searched through scrolls but can't find shit about Shatterspin, Kai is practicing with his mech so the sibs are talking.
Arin is in his shared room practicing, explaining is kinda the best he can do as everyone's mood is dampen, Sora is there well, inventing gadgets, she isn't happier about the lose either.
Arin explain Lloyd is in the courtyard meditating and such that's why Arin is practicing in his room.
Lloyd gets tired because it's been hours meditating and he can't just get any info so he calls to the source dragon and that's when he has the vision of all the source dragons talking to him.
The one that Loyd let free explains that Lloyd is descendant of one of the first conduits, he controls a very specific element and that he is no ordinary mortal, while the others don't seem to happy about it they in the end agree to help Lloyd (the vision clip u know)
Wyldfyre is having trouble sleeping (we can see she sleeps in the Dragons stable besides Heatwave)
Kai goes to see Wyfy (he wakes her up) and she is genuinely happy to see him, he explains she has to rest for her own good and she can't come with them and well, Wyfy isn't happy but agrees (reluctantly), she also says she hopes the mission is very changeling, out of spite ofc.
Anyways they are preparing for the trip, Zane is staying in case something happens, Frohicky too and Kai asks the frog to keep an eye on Wyldfyre.
We see Ras gang searching for info and Jordana comes up saying she has found the last components they needed, Ras is pleased and says she's mastering better and better and praises him, you can see Jordana and Cinder's bitchy rivalry.
Here actually is when we see them separating one piece of the cloud kingdom.
Back to the Ninjas we see Wyfy is discovered, Kai is not happy, well no one is but Kai specifically is not happy and scolds her.
They don't have time to take her back because they reach a mountain and get inside, Sora tells a story of her not wanting to do chores and making a robot that could make them for her, once her mother found out she got furious and Sora escaped to the.. sewers/tunnels? She explains she went so deep she got lost for two days, all that to explain that whoever they're searching for probably doesn't wanna be found out.
And that's where the vid footage ends. :3
Some other stuff mentioned (not in clips but from the leakers)
After vid ends they are attacked by tentacles, a creature that can give them illusions. We've:
Jay forgetting Nya
Loyd not living up to wu
Beatrix returning
Also apparently there's another Pixal mention.
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What clubs, teams, and other extracurricular everyone is in/will do?
Associated Reading: Past Extracurriculars!
Kai: Kai's only extra thing was temporarily being on the track team his first year, which ofc he quit when he dropped out. Doesn't take up anything new rn due to having his hands full with looking out for Lloyd (and just trying to get through school in one piece), but might get back into track for his final year.
Jay: Is still trying to make Robotics Club a legitimate thing, but until then, Sunni manages to talk him into getting back into doing science fairs (which also feeds into his upcoming extra credit project upupu). Might wind up doing Quiz Bowl or something similar in his last year too, if I'm feeling spicy.
Cole: Was into sports until The Dodgeball Incident, and doesn't take up anything new because a) he hates school, b) it's his last year anyway and c) most of his extra time will taken up by his part-time job at the Rockshot Club (does that count as a club? lol). Sometimes thinks about joining the art club, climbing club, or a dance club, but is lowkey afraid of how he'll be received. Might be able to be talked into doing climbing as a last hurrah, at least.
Zane: Obviously is on the student council, and is a member of the archery club (which has been mentioned in passing a time or two!) and the chess team. Probably would join more stuff if he could/wanted, but being on the Student Council (and the cold reception he receives) is already intimidating enough.
Nya: Also obviously on the council, would join every club if there was enough time in a life, but for now councilwork and her future job at the autobody shop takes up most of her extra time (thank goodness). ...Don't tell her a Debate Team exists, please. (Also might rejoin gymnastics down the line, should the opportunity arise)
Lloyd: The Green Ninja doesn't have time for such frivolous things, tch. ...that being said, his presence as a band member might lead to shenanigans in the future hgffgdd (buuuut he might join archery alongside Zane down the line, since while his bow and arrow skills are pretty good courtesy of his mother, he can still use the extra practice)
Jesse: Beyond councilwork, does not have anything extracurricular due to his job working at his family's place (and eventually furthering his career as a performer), buuut with the former being out of commission rn due to Great Devourer Aftermath, he's got some free time to spare...maybe by joining in on a little ninja training at a certain dojo? (He also was in choir but had to quit because he was too good. The music teacher still mourns his loss.) Might join the theater club for his final year.
Antonia: Beyond councilwork, is/will also be: in the newspaper club, on the yearbook committee, in photography, on the cycling team, on the swim team, runs a very informative blog, and yoga club. She gets up to a lot when not keeping up with ninja or keeping her best friend(s) in one piece hfdfdfghd
Harumi: Right now is just focused on her councilwork, but over the years she also gets into: VOLLEYBALL, National Honor Society (or the Ninjago equivalent), tutoring, history club, math league, debate club, martial arts, occult club, and AP classes...She and Antonia are out here doing the most.
Olivia: Has phased out of her extracurriculars due to the Shark Army being an active threat again, but was in the occult club and the dnd-equivalent club. Also probably should not be told about the Debate Team.
Miranda: Nerd. Pioneers a social media club, eagerly joins Jay's fully realized robotics club down the line, joins the soccer and ping pong teams, and does film club, a coding/website-making extracurricular (easy for her with her hacking skills), anime/manga club, and a graphic design club.
Sunni: Does science fairs like Jay, but also joins the student council cabinet after Zane graduates (Nya becomes Prez, Jesse becomes Vice Prez, and she slots in as the new secretary), partakes in spelling bees, charity work, volleyball (at least for one year, just to try it–she's not very athletic otherwise), tutoring, science bowl, and photography. Just, not all at the same time.
Harleigh: Is not academic smart whatsoever, but finds ways to flaunt her skills in other ways such as: jewelry-making club, fencing team, swim team, and the ceramics club. Also attempts volleyball but only because Sunni is there
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traffic-light-eyes · 1 year
A completely unasked for Lloyd hc list
He never really grew out of his sweet tooth. He said he did because it was "too childish" and he's "all grown up now," but he still absolutely adores sweets. The ninja definitely found his hidden stash of candy under his bed and never said a word. (Cole or Zane may or may not ask Lloyd to help them bake cakes or cookies with them for this reason)
Lloyd also still loves starfarer comics. When he heard that Jay's dad was the Cliff Gordon, he FREAKED inside. He had bit of a starstruck moment with Jay for a little while after that.
Lloyd grew up with bright red eyes and fangs, and he was very proud of them because it made him look dark and scary and so much like his dad. He even got some evil points with his teachers at Darkley's because of these features. When he got taken by the ninja and started learning about how nice it feels to be a good person, he began resenting himself and how he looks. He asked Zane if he could get colored contacts one time--because he definitely needed a cool disguise, Zane! No one could know he was the terrible and evil Lloyd Garmadon!--and Zane immediately shut that down. The ninja had a nice long talk with him about his looks and how it meant nothing.
Lloyd is actually an excellent student. He learns quick and picks up on a lot of topics easily. For the heck of it, he sometimes gets sucked into weird conspiracy theories or topics. He's terrible at math, though. He would know how and the exact date Pastafarianism came to be, but could not solve for slope at all.
He picked up a lot of his hobbies from the ninja. It calms him down and keeps him grounded. Cole taught him how to draw, Zane taught him how to cook, Nya taught him how to build, Kai taught him how to hit the town, Jay taught him how to game, and Pixal taught him all things tech.
Cole 100% asks Lloyd to join him whenever he goes hiking. Lloyd would complain at first about how he's so busy, but he would secretly be grateful for the break and exercise. He gets antsy.
Lloyd always goes to Nya or Kai when he gets anxious or sad because they're basically his siblings. Sometimes he doesn't even talk. He just goes up to Kai when he's sitting on the couch, sits next to him, and leans his head on Kai's shoulder. They don't need words.
When he first joined the ninja, he basically ate his entire body weight (which wasn't much) in food every day because he was scared that the ninja would kick him out at any time and he didn't want that to happen to him when he had an empty stomach. The ninja thought it was just a silly Lloyd thing. He eventually realized he was there to stay and started eating normally. Later on, he joked about it and the ninja got worried™ and kept reassuring him for a month that he was wanted and he was here to stay. Lloyd already knew that by now, but he loved the attention.
He purrs. He hates it. It reminds him he isn't human. The ninja made light jokes about it when it first happened, and he cried. They don't mention it now.
Lloyd gets hit on often by people, but Harumi messed him up too much to trust them. One time, a girl talked to him often and Lloyd had thought that they were becoming good friends. Eventually, the girl had asked when Lloyd was going to ask her out. He felt betrayed and hurt and badbadbad, but played it off and actively made the choice to never see her again in case she was another person looking for revenge.
He misses Akita. He wishes that he could've brought her with him to Ninjago because he feels like she would never do anything bad to him. She knows too much and cares too much, even if she didn't show it. He knew.
He passes by Darkley's often just to see how his old classmates are doing. He never goes in. He never talks to them. Lloyd misses his friends at Darkley's, but he thinks that they would never click again because he's too different now. Too old. Too roughed up. Sometimes, Brad catches a glimpse of green and blond on a roof or something out of the corner of his eye and smiles wistfully. He knows it's Lloyd. He thinks Lloyd is too old to play catch with him or plant flowers in the garden. Brad thinks he's too young, too childish. They both wish for a better time, one where Lloyd could have stayed young. Unfortunately, fate has other things in store.
When he lost his powers and his green eyes, it took him a while to be able to look at himself in the mirror.
When the team has movie nights, Lloyd always always has to sit in the middle, smushed between his favorite people in the whole wide world.
He makes pillow forts. He has a sign that says "no bad guys allowed :(" and he always puts it up when he makes a fort.
He went to the children's hospital once when he was sad and a little girl had him play tea party with him for like half an hour. He forgot why he was sad, especially when Mr. Fluffybutt told him all of that juicy gossip about that terrible, awful Mrs. Lenard that teaches at the girl's school. How horrible!
He grew up without the words "love" in his vocabulary, so the ninja had to teach him. Lloyd found that he loved being loved. He loved the hugs and the sweet words and the kind gestures. It's still hard for him to say "I love you," though, so he settles for acts of service. When Lloyd is around, no one's teacup is ever empty.
He writes a secret blog about all the ninjas misadventures and the ninja have no idea who it's by so they're terrified someone is following them. When there was a photo of all of them cooking and laughing in their kitchen, they almost boarded up the monastery. Pixal knows. She helps him keep it secret by changing his ip and giving "logical" explanations for the photos and direct quotes. Lloyd has to turn away or leave the room when the topic is brought up. He can't help but laugh.
He gets upset when someone asks about his age because he'd feel weird if he told someone he just turned 9 last month but he's currently very tall and lanky and his voice dropped and it's all wrongwrongwrong, but he also doesn't know his body's age. He doesn't want to explain the situation either, though. When asked, he just says Nya's age of the time or a year below it.
The ninja celebrate his birthday and always make sure to decorate it for his correct age and give him the correct candles. He gets embarrassed, but he loves that they don't think he's strange for still wanting big fun bright balloons at his party and those little blower things. It's also mandatory to wear those tiny hat things. Jay didn't wear one and he was subjected to ice down the back of his shirt.
That's all for now. I'm tired and want to catch some z's.
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weekend-whip · 10 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 4
Prompts: Fluff / Cole Recs! (i'm sure I'll be seeing a lot of my favorite fics today aaaa)
Fluff Recs-
Good Hair Day: Kai helps Skylor do her hair, based entirely on a headcanon of Kai being good at doing hair (hey, his own style is a choice)
Little Brother: Lloyd realizes the perks of having five older siblings. Lots of sweet family fluff and young!Lloyd shenanigans <3
Nya, Kai, and That One Drink: Including this one specifically because it's probably the most lighthearted thing I've written yet that doesn't involve Jesse snknksnskn, the group goes for takeout in the X-1 Ninja Charger, only for one thing to lead to another and Kai winds up forgetting Nya's drink. What's a brother to do now?
Socks: Wu wearily but delightfully is forced to watch the ninja get way too much merriment out of a ridiculous pair of socks (I, personally, am of the belief that they belong to Lloyd, but—)
Five Times Jay Cheered Someone Up: And the one time he was cheered up in return (i am DISTRESSED that i didn't include this on my Jay list aaaaAAAA)
Five Times Lloyd Was a Pain: And the one time he wasn't. Child!Lloyd for the soul in this one!!!!
There's Insurance For That: In which Skylor gets a taste of the life of a ninja (and learning just how many places they've been banned from in Ninjago) Quite possibly my favorite lighthearted Skylor fic!!!
Cole Recs-
Sick Days: Sickfic, featuring Cole and having to contend with "Being useless", and the doting care
Passing On the Hammer: Cole has a meeting with his grandfather, while Jay tries his hand at being a fisherman and Kai thinks he can do the Triple Tiger Sashay. (Really a fic about Cole and his family's legacy, but Kai and Jay's antics are too hilarious not to mention snksnknksnk)
You're An Excellent Chef, Really *screams loudly* UGNH one of my very favorite fics exploring Cole and Zane's dynamic, will recommend every single time!!!! But, it's basically the duo bonding over cooking over the years. Makes my heart very happy <3
Quiet Weirdo: Cole and Nya friendship fic that the world definitely needs more of!!!!
Adjusting: PILOT BONDING, this time Cole flavored!! Cole's thoughts on his new budding team consisting of a chatty blue guy and the guy that won't stop staring at things. But a guy like Cole has never needed friends anyway, so he's got nothing to worry about, right?
Again and Again: MORE PILOTS BONDING but this time with Glacier! People keep asking me how Cole fell in love with Zane in Legacyverse and my mind always drifts back to a thing similar to this story! My personal investment aside, a nice fluffy fic about how Cole met Zane and they became friends with a touch of pining <3
You Worry Too Much: By the author of Chips and Salsa (another fandom Cole/Glacier classic), here we have a another tale centered around Cole's parents while he was growing up, and though it's a little more about Lou than anyone else, Cole ofc has a huge stake in the story and uwaah I love reading about Cole's family dynamics (both the fluff and the tragedy)
Some Climb Mountains: A retelling of how Cole met Master Wu, always gets me misty eyed because i am a soft soul ;v;
Cole and the Tastiest Broken Glass: S2 Pre-Child's Play, Cole and Lloyd bond over broken things, life philosophy, and candy. Cole and Lloyd sibling duo that the world also needs much more og!!
I'm Sure He Knows: More Cole + Wu bonding that speaks to me specifically, involving a conversation about a certain ghostly wind master who is no more.
Four Times Cole Helped The Guys With a Nightmare: And the one time they helped him. Cole's character at his purest in this one!!!
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mellylari · 1 year
I promised myself I’d do this so here it is. The Ninja ranked by how well I would think of them if was an employee working at a ninjago city supermarket:
Cole - the kindest customer. The favorite customer. Caught me purchasing a cake for myself and now we’ve started sharing recipes/bakeries we like every time he comes in. Once caught the boss yelling at one of the teens and started throwing hands. Motm convinced me Cole would absolutely be pro-unions and workers rights, okay? I can’t explain it but you gotta trust me. 10/10 would help me unionize.
Lloyd - The only reason he’s in second place instead of Zane is that I feel like he’d have the vibe of a kid whose not used to shopping on their own and wants to make a good impression. Like he’d put his items on the conveyor belt, all of which being candy, and when I tell him his total he would spend like a minute or two thumbing through his wallet because he wanted to give exact change. And if he takes longer than like 10 seconds he starts apologizing profusely and the only reason it isn’t annoying is because you can feel the 12-year-old-energy coming off him in waves.
Zane - Yes, he would be the most well behaved ninja to check out. But I think he’d be too well behaved. A completely average customer ignoring the nindroid part. I’d recognize him as a regular, but our interactions would be so minuscule that I’d never think any more of him than just ‘customer’. I probably don’t even realize who he is sometimes, until one of the other ninja show up with him and I go ‘oh shit it’s the white ninja.’
Nya - I think 9 times out of 10 when we interact, it’s just a very normal transaction tbh. Like maybe sometimes she’ll mention being a ninja, or she’ll come in fresh from a fight, but most of the time it’s just eh. She’s okay. BUT. but. There’s going to be one time she comes in, one time she goes shopping, where she just goes ape shit. Maybe one of other customers said something, or maybe it was a bad day, I couldn’t tell you. But there’s going to be a time where she gets so pissed off that she knocks over an entire shelf, and she gets suspended from the store for a month.
Jay - I couldn’t tell you what it is, but jay feels like The Annoying Customer. Like the kind of guy who keeps telling you about his political opinions despite you not asking for them, and since you’re not legally allowed to get into politics on the clock you just have to sit and fume whenever he says some bullshit. He also seems like the kind of guy to hold up the line because he noticed you had Prime Empire merch and really wants to let you know he was Super Star Rocking Jay, and saved everyone from the game that one time.
Kai - Kai Jiang-Smith is my favorite ninjago character, I swear he is, but I would hunt him for sport if I ever had to deal with him in a work setting. As far as I’m aware he’s the only character we’ve ever seen in a convenience store, and the one I can say for certain I would have a violent hatred for. I cannot express to you how much cashiers do not, in fact, like being flirted with on the clock. It does not change when a celebrity does it. We are tired and hungry and immune to your advances. If Kai fucking Smith, with his verified blue checkmark looking ass, came into my store during my 9-5, and started hitting on me, I would become the next seasons villain. Not to mention he’d do the same thing Jay would, where he’d want to make you very aware that he is the red ninja and he’s saved the city so so so many times. Not to get like a discount, he just loves to gloat.
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blu3cl0v3rs · 6 months
Wojira's Ghost Season 5 Rewrite-ish
Plus the seasons before it, but whatevs-
So if you've been reading my Morrotober posts, you might remember my Day 6 prompt featuring my Wojira's Ghost AU. This is slightly inspired by someone's Storm Tether AU, which I can't find anymore.
Mostly follows canon until Season 5, but from Nya's perpective, of course with Ghost Morro being himself.
More Lloyd and Nya content, because while this is Wojira Duo centric, I love them too!
In season 3 and 4, Morro and Garmadon hang out, and it is revealed to Nya that they know each other and are quite close.
Morro acts... weird around Wu. Even the mention of the old man gets him into a mood.
This, of course, builds up tension between Morro and Nya.
At the end of Season 4, Morro and Nya get into a huge argument, and Morro leaves.
Now starting on Season 5's rewrite!
Wu and Misako (btw in this AU there's no romantic stuff between them, and the letter thing never happens) start up a tea shop together, having the Ninja help out with it when they can
Speaking of the Ninja, here's how they (and the Wojira Duo) are doing:
Kai is very happy Zane's back; he's quite clingy and protective of the titanium man. However, he also worries a lot about his younger siblings, who have been avoidant and down ever since Sensei Garmadon sacrificed himself.
Cole has been mostly hanging out with the other Main 4 and spending time with his dad. After Sensei Garmadon's sacrifice, he realizes how easy it is for his family to leave and has been more interactive with his loved ones since. He's worried about Lloyd and Nya, who have been distant.
Jay has been hanging out with Zane a bunch since he was found. He worries a lot about his girlfriend, who seems to be super upset about Sensei Garmadon's sacrifice, but Jay thinks there's something else going on. He tries his best to be there for Nya and Lloyd as they deal with what they're struggling through.
Zane has been happy, as he's with his family now and has Pixal back. He feels as if they are being a bit overprotective, though he doesn't really mind. He is concerned about Lloyd who is handling Sensei Garmadon's sacrifice rather badly. Nya is also upset about something she will not admit, so he will be patient with her nd be there when she needs him.
Lloyd has been burying himself in his Ninja duties, and when he's not on a mission or training he's in his room pouring over anything he can find about the Cursed Realm and realm travel. He mostly eats in the silence of his old room and often cries himself to sleep. He's noticed Nya's also sad about something, and sometimes they exist in the same room doing fheir own respective things in silent solidarity.
Nya spends most of her time avoiding people. The only person she's really around is Lloyd. She regrets her fight with Morro, and wishes she understood why he had an issue with Sensei Wu. She waits, hoping he might pop up and they can apologize.
Morro is no longer tied to Ninjago. By leaving Nya and abandoning his job of watching over her, he accidentally sent himself back to the Cursed Realm. He realized his mistake and regrets it immensely. The Preemminent recognizes that and preys on it, and essentially possesses Morro using his regret, lingering hatred of Lloyd getting the title of the Green Ninja, and left over, messy feelings about Wu (burnt out gifted kid-core).
So yeah, Lloyd, Morro, and Nya are not doing great...
But, Lloyd learns about something called the Realm Crystal, which can teleport you to any realm! He asks Wu about it, and Wu tells him that the Realm Crystal was in the FSM's tomb, but there was no message left behind to find it.
And, Nya discovered that she has the ability to control water! She asked Sensei Wu about it, and he confessed he didn't want to tell her, as she had already become Samurai X. They agree that her learning how to control her abilities does not have to change her being Samurai X, and she starts training.
Anyways, instead of Morro escaping, Wrayth escapes! He steals the Allied Armor of Azure, summons Bansha, Ghoultar, and Soul Archer, and show up at Wu and Misako's tea shop to steal Wu's staff. By some stroke of luck and a lot of teamwork, the ghosts get the staff and escape the Ninja.
Of course, the Ninja also had the symbols copied down, and they embark on their journey to get the Realm Crystal, both to stop Wrayth and co. and get Sensei Garmadon back (and Nya to get Morro back).
It bounces back and forth between the Ninja learning Airjitzu (CYCLONDO), getting the Sword of Sanctuary, and finding the tomb, and Garmadon and Morro in the Cursed Realm, with the last we see of them Morro becoming fully possessed by the Preeminent. Cole doesn't get turned into a ghost. Yet. Also all the stuff with Ronin happens.
The Ninja and the ghosts fight over the Realm Crystal in the tomb, and Lloyd gets taken hostage. Kai pulls the same trick he uses in canon Season 5, and Cole gets turned into a ghost by Wrayth's chain-blade-thing. The ghosts scamper off to Stiix and bring the Preeminent to Ninjago, with the grand reveal of...
Possessed, angry, violent Morro.
He's an almost complete contrast to the Morro that Nya knows, this one lashes out, yells a lot, and is very harsh. He is nothing like the soft-voiced, distantly caring ghost she grew up with. But, the weirdest part is how much he targeted Sensei.
Then, she looks over and sees Wu. Wu, who looks shocked, crestfallen, and remorseful. Wu, who knows Morro.
Wu hastily explains during the fight that Morro was his first student, which triggered a rage from Morro, who screamed about his past. The one thing he never told Nya.
The Ninja are all knocked down, save for Lloyd, who was tasked with getting the Realm Crystal and wasn't there. Wu is stuck in his head. Nya is the only one left. She talks with Morro. She apologizes. She apologizes again and again, relentless, as Morro seems to come to his senses.
Then, he screams, and a haunting, sickly sweet voice permeates the air from seemingly everywhere. It's the Preeminent. She tells Morro that Nya is lying, that no one cares for him, and that his destiny was stolen.
Nya is pissed off. She just wants her ghost friend back. So, she summons a big ass wave and drowns the tentacled horror, and Lloyd teleports back with his father in tow.
The Ninja ask how Nya knew Morro, and she explains that she grew up with Morro watching over her. Morro elaborates and tells them how Kai, as a kid, summoned and bound him to Nya. The Ninja also ask how Nya summoned that wave, because she and Wu never told them about her powers, and she tells them that she's the Elemental Master of Water, but is still Samurai X.
While the Ninja + Nya and Sensei Garmadon talk about that, Morro and Wu talk. Wu apologizes and tells Morro how he should never had made it seem like Morro needed to be the Green Ninja, and that he was already good enough just being himself. Wu also apologizes for not chasing after Morro, and that it was wrong of him as a teacher and father.
It ends with Morro meeting the Ninja and they all hang out as a big happy family
And that's how Season 5 goes in Wojira's Ghost! Let me know if you want me to elaborate on the other seasons in this AU, or character dynamics/relationships.
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okay SO y'know how in the FIRST first season Nya gets kidnapped by garmadon and kai joins the ninja to save her? What if he didn't go with sensei Wu cause "who TF are you and what do you want with my sister-" and he trys fighting garmadon on his own, nearly getting killed before Nya unlocks her water powers (instead of kai unlocking his fire powers) and escapes on her own, joining the ninja instead of kai, who goes back to their blacksmith business and just continues doing that, but in this au he's a good fucking blacksmith bc he had to be, and also he practiced when nya was off doing cool ninja stuff.
then when Lloyd enters the picture kai also comes back into it, as he found Lloyd in the desert while he was looking for the serpentine, and kai was just on a walk when he find him. Lloyd passes out bc of the heat and Kai's like wtf and brings him back to the shop, sending a letter to Nya cause she mentioned some dumb kid with a cool hoodie causing trouble and Lloyd fits that description pretty well. So after Lloyd wakes up, he gets time to just be a kid cause canon refused to give him that- and when the ninja pop by, Kai's like "yeah kids in the back. He's just reading some of your old textbooks, sis. you guys can come pick em up, except for you wu, you son of a-" and they pick him up, he's the green ninja, blah blah blah, anyhoo!- at the point in the show where Nya unlocks her water powers, instead, it's kai unlocking his fire powers! (Obviously with some changes to the season as a whole for that- cause fire doesn't do shit against ghosts-)
Anyhoo, it pretty much goes like-
"hey guys I'm gonna go see my brother." "oo! Can we come?" "I guess??? I'm going by train though, since he hates it whenever I just fly in on my dragon." "I'm sure it'll be fine if we just drop in near town, nya. No need for a train." (It wasnt. They got scolded for making kai fuck up an important order with their landing.)
But later, Cole, jay, and Zane are 'training' (playing) in the yard in front of the forge, and Kai's working on some stuff, when Lloyd bursts in through the door, hoping to scare someone- kai's shocked, and jumps back, right into the open flame he was working with. He gets up and everyone's staring at him in shock. Kai's like "what?" And they're all like "HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD-"
So someone runs and gets Nya, and they figure out Kai's the 'master of fire'. He's hesitant to join them at first, since he just found out he has powers and also has no ninja training whatsoever, but Nya finally convinces him, and he becomes part of the team. He already knows how to fight, and spends most of his time either in his cabin, or below deck in the makeshift forge he made. Just because he became a ninja doesn't mean he'd give up the family business!
And instead of Samurai X, there's some idiot in red running around with a sword ♡.
Anyways, y'know how earlier I mentioned how the season would be changed around a bit to fit this au? Yeah, heres most of the changes!!
Morro is still a dick, and he still possess Lloyd! Instead of kai fighting him, it's Nya, as her being Lloyd's big sis is more prominent. Water still is the only way to kill a ghost, but the preeminent is too big and too strong for even a tsunami to truly work. Nya passes out due to exhaustion and kai, who was technically there to deliver a set of armour to a customer, goes into protective big brother mode and sets the preeminent on fire- like, he sets the bits of Stix that she used as armour on fire since it's wooden, and manages to sink her via the pain of burning alive. Instead of the side focus on nya's training to become the water ninja, it's on Kai's struggles to seperate himself from work as a blacksmith, his feelings of never quite being enough compared to the other ninja, his fear of hurting people with his powers instead of helping them, and how he doesn't feel like he truly belongs, because of the bond the other ninja formed throughout the seasons. And unlike with Nya, Kai's not with them on their travels. He's in the blacksmith's shop. He doesn't get to see his little sis save the world, or risk her life day in and day out. He's not apart of their adventures until his fire powers are realized.
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butterpony100 · 3 months
I wanted to read your au but then i realized that there's lava
Can you explain what's the au about?
Hya there!
This ask made me realize I’ve never really advertised my au here on tumblr aside from posting the chapter links.
EverHearth is a fanfiction written by me about a post seabound/pre crystalized au where Kai is turned into an elemental (like how Nya ‘became the sea’ in seabound) and shenanigans insue.
First thing I wanna clarify, that while Lavashipping (Cole and Kai) is a main focus in this story, I intend to have all of the main 6 addressed and be the focal point of their own subplots.
So here we go!
The main plot of the au take place in a period between the ending of seabound and the start of crystalized. The big change is that we’ve already had the year long time skip from the end of seabound and gotten Nya back, but what’s different this time is that the ninja weren’t cause stealing the forbidden scroll. So while the police are looking for who did it, we have a point in the story now between getting Nya back and the ninja getting arrested, thus pushing back the official start of the crystalized plot (which may or may not change in this au 👀)
Ok that’s the technical shit dealt with, now to the lore.
It’s been a few months since the team got Nya back, and with this strange period of peace in comparison to their normally hectic ninja schedule, the team takes the time to spend it together and start taking all sorts of jobs around the continent (at least until the next big bad comes along).
During this time, all six of the ninja kinda start taking time to unpack some of their issues.
Jay almost drowned when Wojira was on her rampage and it had pretty devastating effects on his health, (not to mention uncovered some traumatic memories with a certain Jinn)
Nya is still recovering from her extended stay in the sea, with many of her memories still disorganized and blurry. She’s mostly been trying to keep an eye out on Jay out of anxiety (cause we all know what happened last time). Unfortunately, the whole mess also uncovered some memories of a nasty Jinn for her too
(NOTE: In this AU, Jay and Nya are the only ones who remember the alternate timeline)
Zane has been avoiding his issues with the never realm and the forbidden scroll for a little over a year now, still stuck with the anxiety of using his powers in fear of somehow ‘loosing control’. At least he’s finally taking the time to reflect on everything that happened with that now!
Lloyd through the course of time from all the way back to the end of MotO up to present day has been looking for any sign of his father. Less-so out of some kind of desperation to get his dad back and more-so in the ‘I’m gonna find you, beat the crap out of you, and then forcefully trauma dump everything you’ve done to me onto you so amnesia or not you know just how shit of a person you are’ kind of way. But after loosing Nya and finally getting her back, Lloyd realized he shouldn’t waste time on people no longer in his life, and focus on who he still has.
And then we get to the two ‘stars’ of the show (cough the ones I smack with the ouch stick a few hundred more times than the others)
Kai and Cole don’t directly have any pressing issues popping up as the team travels around the continent, aside from recovering from the team’s split up and getting the water ninja back.
Maybe it’s because of the combination of the absence of other concerns and the intense emotional toll of gaining back a loved one that had yet to fade, but the two slowly began to confide in eachother.
Until, of course, when shit hits the fan.
THATS ALL IM SHARING HERE FOLKS! If you want to learn more, check out the fic on AO3!
I’ll probably make a post in the future going into more detail about the OC content I’ve added into the story (mostly world building, some power system additions, and some unique background characters)
Until then, have fun!
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Just read thr latest chapters (10 and 11) of your wobbly hearts au and I've got a question about the lore/how soulmarks work
And if you cant answer all or part of it because it would spoiler stuff later that's totally fine!
I've been wondering for a while how someone with different soulmates differentiate who they're talking to if they're not all each otbers soulmates. Like Nya is soulmates with Jay, but Jay is also soulmates with Cole, Zane, (and Kai). So if jay writes something meant for Nya, what keeps it from being seen Cole or Zane? Or Do they see it?
Thanks to chp 11 we know that some soulmarks are different, that Skylors apparently show exclusively on her back. But is it still the "what you write on your skin shows up on them" just located on the back or is it a different kind of mark?
(Is that what Lloyd's is like too? He mentioned soemthing about his being hard to read/understand what it meant)
I'm just fascinated by how the different soulmarks work and didnt know if it would be expanded on or not later in the fic (if so, feel free to leave us in suspense lol)
LOVE the fic, hope you have a wonderful day!
Heyy no issue man! I actually already have a deeper explanation written up in my wobbly hearts server so just lemme slap that down here
Tumblr media
i kinda forget sometimes that i don't explain the soulmarks thing very well in the fic itself lol, i got so distracted angsting Kai i low-key forgot the actual worldbuilding
Jay and Nya just have matching marks for soulmarks: stormcloud with lightning on their wrists if i remember correctly. Nya has another nameless soulmate that she writes to. There isn't usually an overlap in types of soulmarks if that makes sense.
As for Lloyd: he doesn't actually have soulmarks! (to his knowledge.) He's never gotten one, never seen one. But then again he's never really looked or tried to contact his soulmates since he's scared that they'll hate him for who and what he is. I actually am working on a Lloyd-focused fic to address that specifically (and also the elemental powers of the group) I don't know if it'll go anywhere but it is indeed in the works!
Thanks for the ask this was fun to answer dude! Might be a bit confusing if so ask away and i'll do my best to elaborate this lore was in my head for so long i sometimes forget to explain elements <3 OUGH knowing you re-read chapters?? KO'D BY GOOD VIBES WAAAURGH <3
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nerdyenby · 26 days
DRS2 reactions (spoilers)
Ep 1
Ras at the shadow dojo???????? Who woulda thunk
New intro?!?!!!?!! Idk why I wasn’t expecting that, actually
The public including Pix with the missing ninja my beloved
Gosh, big Riyu will take some getting used to
Wait… is that a curious george reference??
I don’t know if I’ve heard someone outright say something isn’t good for their friend’s mental health in a cartoon before, it’s really refreshing
Casual Frohicky and Sora/Arin interactions my beloved <3
Omg Kai explaining Shang to Zane is such season one vibes
Lloyd having open and honest conversations with his students about both his and their wellbeing is so important to me
Ok, hear me out: au where baby Wu didn’t age back at an enhanced rate and gets lost at somepoint and Arin is teenage Wu
Dang it, Cinder’s kinda funny
Ep 2
I legit started happy stimming so hard at that opening shot, I’m really invested in Euphrasia’s story already and nothing’s even happened yet lol
Percival out here making the gen z solarpunk dream a reality!!!!
Lloyd calling it what it is — a panic attack — soothes something in me
Sora did really bad graffiti of cats when she was young, that’s adorable and kinda tells you everything you need to know about her
MY GIRL!!!!!!!
Euphrasia using a cane!!!! Hell yeah mobility aids!!!! (Even though it’ll probably be gone in two episodes lol)
I kid you not, I was 100% expecting Suetonius to say “resurrect… the Great Devourer” lmao
I love that the gang is (mostly) all together, but it’s a bit too many characters for a conversation, I get why they like to split them into groups
Nya grounding Lloyd :(( /pos
Kai boasting about a fight that he won a decade ago when Cinder probably doesn’t even know Ash is endlessly amusing to me
Ras is so dramatic I can’t really take him seriously
Damn, they’re letting characters get hurt, it’s kinda refreshing but it’s scary
Ep 3
Wait I didn’t see Euphrasia get captured :((
WHAT THE HELL?!???? /vpos
Strength, motion, energy, and life?!??!!??
Kai comforting Wyldfyre <333
We know this takes place after the mech shorts, so why hasn’t anyone mentioned Cole? He was also seen in public, so why did that conspiracy guy say he’s still missing?
Why do they keep leaving Zane behind?? He’s in his housewife era fr
Kai making sure Wyldfyre’s taken care of :((
This show is so unserious, I love it
I wasn’t feeling people calling Kai Wyldfyre’s dad after season one but…
No… Sora took Arin’s thing from him… she didn’t mean to, but he feels like he’s not special anymore :(
I’m going to pretend that was a believable amount of parts to make a mech that big
Kai getting moments with Arin and Sora my beloved
Kai’s “hey kid, nice of you to drop by” is giving the same energy as when Lloyd and Arin first met during the merge
These nightmare sequences are going so hard
Nya being the first one to realize it isn’t real when her nightmare is reality, I’m screaming
Riyu comforting Wyldfyre <333
Nya best sister award when
Ep 4
My boys!!!!!
THE found family of all time
Seeing Kai and Nya fight so smoothly together is so special after how much they and Lloyd were tripping over each other when they first reunited
Autistic Arin real and true
I love Bonzle so much
Geo is such a lil bastard actually /pos, makes more sense why he and Cole are a thing, knowing Cole’s taste in men
Cole will never stop being overpowered, it seems, he deserves it tbh
Censorship pog /hj
“Not funny, Wyldfyre” “Not joking, Sora” the sheer cousin vibes in this interaction are too much to handle
Lloyd PLEASE just mention being 1/4 dragon, it will almost certainly get Egalt on board, I am begging
Glacier reunion!!!!!!!
Ep 5
I wanted a more emotional reunion, but they’ve probably seen each other off screen (or I’m just forgetting a scene from the shorts)
Zane, why are you still carrying that doll like it’s your child??
Bonzle my beloved, she’s says that so deadpan I don’t actually have any questions
Wyldfyre my beloved
I would die for Bonzle
Cole and Geo holding hands 😭😭😭😭😭
Is Egalt the motion source dragon?? Probably not tbh but I’d believe it
Man’s spitting facts, flatearthers are going to lose their shit
“Little fire man” IM DYING OH MY GOD
Wait when does this take place? My first instinct is while the ninja were in the Never Realm but idk if we’ll actually find out
“Friends can become like family?” “Definitely” IM SOBBING ON THE FLOOR
Letting Arin be angry is so important
Cole shutting down Bonzle’s suicidal thoughts without hesitation “no, you are loved and needed. We will find a way to protect you” <333
The physical affection in DR is so dear to me
Human sacrifices???? In MY lego show?????
Ep 6
Wyldfyre struggling with her body’s limits is really relatable as a young disabled person
Plot twist: where the other ninja are right now is Mysterium and they have that tua meme of two cars passing each other moment
Damn, that exchange hit hard as a former gifted kid. Sometimes having someone believe in you hurts. You’re not just letting yourself down, but them, too
Nya just fucking bodyslamming Kai, Egalt didn’t know what he was getting into pitting the world’s most competitive siblings against each other
“The Finders are like my family” *looks at Zane* “My other family” screaming, crying, sobbing on the floor
Oh no
Wait yeah, why are they thirsty if Zane can just make ice for them to chew on? At least Cole and Jiro, idk if Bonzle needs water
The nonbinary pirate!!!
Cole CANNOT escape the performing arts fr fr
Ep 7
Bonzle is giving transgender
That is the most Jay and Cole thing I’ve ever heard it, it’s so in character it almost feels out of character
Arin and Sora going through the exact same thing and trying and failing to not take it out on each other :( it’s ok tho, the real ones are the ones you can be snippy with and love regardless
Wyldfyre referring to the ninja as “Kai’s friends” honey, they’re your friends too, I promise
Anyone who calls Wyldfyre dumb can fuck off, she’s so perceptive and intelligent and is really good at connecting others when she truly wants to
Bonzle’s mom <33333
Bonzle’s smile when her mom compliments her name <3333
Who you calling stolen equipment bitch?????
Lil Kai and Nya!!!!!!
Nya’s so proud of him!!!!! I could cry
Kai being the first to achieve it because fire is an element under motion’s domain methinks
Oh you bigoted son of a bitch
Zane why are you considering it????? Honey
What the fuck did you do to Jiro??!?!!!
Ep 8
There’s literally a nindroid agent right there????
The og musical cue playing when Jay comes back <3
Jay on his Euphrasia arc, this is highkey breaking my heart though
I’m counting this as a fakeout death and you can’t stop me
Are you kidding me???!!!? How many times is Jay going to be one room away from the ninja
Lloyd SHUT UP /aff
“And cursed!!” She says cheerfully, this lady is an icon
The subtitles keep calling Cole Kai, what is this, season one??
Ep 9
Aww, baby Ras (trying desperately to not care about him)
Oh ok, he’s making my job easier
Poor Wyldfyre :(
I love this trio so much, their banter is so good
Lloyd honey, fighting it is making it worse
Nya holding him through his panic attack :((
I was expecting Cole to deny that it was him, the earth is going through it
The disco toaster!!!!!
Heck yeah Riyu!!!
I love them so much it’s not even funny
“What’s your elemental power, imperviousness to sarcasm?” She just called him autistic in 13 languages (I’m autistic, dw guys)
“First time driving?” “Believe it or not, no” Bonzle and Arin my beloved
I’m a touch disappointed Wyldfyre’s perfectly fine now as someone with chronic pain, but I’m glad it was handled as well as it was and it’s a really important lesson for younger audiences that pushing your body while it’s in pain only makes it worse
The silent exchange of Cole suggesting Zane takes the parrot potion is endlessly funny but also sad considering it’s probably the closest well get to talking about the Falcon
Cole turning into a puppy who cheered?!???
“At least you’re adorable” “I’m always adorable” get a room /aff
Tournament of elements flashbacks
The workplace gossip omg, Cinder really out here beefing with a 16 year old
Don’t you even fucking dare
Ep 10
Arin mistaking Lloyd and Nya for his parents hurts :(
Oh no… I mean, it was obviously coming but it’s still very bad
Let Euphrasia do stuff 2024
Wyldfyre jumping in front of Kai and protecting him
The basketball practice coming in handy lol
The fight cinematography in DR is fucking superb
KAI D: (he’ll be fine, I believe)
I was prepared for Rontu and Egalt to stay dead, the breath I let out when the stone cracked was unparalleled
Are we legit not getting Kai back????
Cole and Lloyd hug!!!!!
Oh no… that lie is going to hurt when it comes out
Kai and Bonzle!!!!
Not like Master Wu says, like Lloyd says ;-; /pos
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plazsma · 6 months
GOOD MORNING (it is 1.48pm)
i was being silly and wanted to look at the birthdays of ninjago voice actors to see if their zodiacs matched the ninja . here is that.
kai (may 2nd) = taurus
jay (sep 1st) = sagittarius
zane (oct 28th) = scorpio
nya (feb 25th) = pisces
cole (aug 28th, kirby) = virgo
lloyd (oct 5th, his new va samuel) = libra
let’s TALK about it.
OKY FIRST OF ALL NYA PISCES 🎣🎣🎣🎣FISH MENTION. this one stuck out to me first because obviously . Water sign. she’s so freaking real. she’s actually so pisces bro- compassionate, strong intuition, selfless. but also calm and connected with her element. i acc jumped for joy
COLE VIRGO OH MY god. Okay earth sign. okayyyy he’s so virgo you guys don’t know how much this means to me . Likeeee. virgos are perfectionists, they strive to do well, they look up to people. it’s so cole core!! every virgo i’ve met has this calm, caring teachery/parenty presence and omg it’s so cole..
lloyd being a libra is also so real to meeee! he is so earth sign too. especially because they touch on his element being the element of life. peaceful in nature, striving for equilibrium. it’s so lloyd. died. queue that one video of nikki minaj sayinf i love libras
JAY SAG IM GOING TO FUCKING LAUGHJJ. okay mr strong moral compass! (i think of skybound) but honestly i think it works. i do. party animal on the outside but deep thinker on the inside? talk about jay walker! i wasn’t expecting this to work so well but michael and jay acc are so similar (that man embodies jay brilliantly) so !!
zane is very scorpio the more i think about it. At first i was like nooo…noooo.. but i’m freaking surrounded by scorpios (why are so many of you born around this time of year . Stop that.) and the sassier/more comfortable zane becomes with time as he connects w human emotions more (THE SASSYMAN APOCALYPSE HIT THIS NINJA HARD) the more i’m like oh for sure. he’s such a sweetie but he can Come for Smoke for the ninja for laughs ruthlessly and that’s so scorpio.
Fine fine we will address Kai Taurus. vincent tong is such a sweetie so it makes sense for him but i cannot lie and say it’s the perfect match for kai. But! But. he definately has some taurus traits in him- stubborn and hardworking. perhaps he is a taurus rising. Perhaps
Very interesting. i would like to add that i tjink jay is an aquarius moon.
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destinysbounty · 1 year
I cant remember if ive ever mentioned my Floorboard AU before, but either way im gonna talk about it now and you cant stop me
Premise: Aspheera didnt banish Zane, she killed him. Poof. Vaporized. Gone. Kablooey. And the team, determined not to fall apart like they did the last time he died, decide to just. Not talk about it. Not address what happened. Just bottle everything up and pretend all is well, because theyre all terrified that if they openly acknowledge the gaping absence Zane left behind then it'll cause a team conflict. Things got messy last time Zane died, and they don't trust themselves not to fall apart twice. Which, when you think about it, might just be the most fitting way to honor Zane's memory, seeing as he was like the king of bottling things up (Ninjigma, anyone?)
Of course, this is only made more challenging by the fact that Pixal has inherited Zane's ice, and every time she uses or trains her new element its just a bitter reminder - to her and everyone else - of the fact that Zane is gone.
So now the ninja are going through all the motions of the Wildbrain seasons, but with everything warped by the loss of Zane. Like, Pixal dealing with all the mixed feelings of having Zane's powers, Wu training her, Kai lowkey resenting Pixal because he doesn't want her to replace Zane, Jay blaming himself for not taking Zane's vision seriously but ALSO refusing to tell anyone about it out of shame, Lloyd and Wu both fiercely blaming themselves for what happened, and Nya and Cole doing their darndest to hold everyone together but NOT doing very well. Someone get these kids some therapy.
And it's not just the characters, but the plot - in season 12, Unagami makes a Zane NPC to distract the ninja. And in season 13, they agree to go to Shintaro in the hopes that maybe a vacation will be a good distraction break from everything that's been going on. But with Cole's Mom TraumaTM opening back up, and a bunch of slavery happening, and the team getting split up, nobody is having a good time. Not to mention that Kai and Pixal end up stuck together, which sucks because they don't exactly get along anymore. And then of course, Seabound ends with Nya sacrificing herself - which ends up being the last straw that rips apart the team for realsies.
Now here's the catch: in the same way that Harumi was brought back by the Crystal King, so too has Zane been resurrected. The Overlord knows Zane is a powerful adversary, and would much rather have him on his side. Not to mention that Zane still has some Golden Power indelibly woven into his soul, and the explosion that killed them both also bound their fates together. When Zane defeated the Overlord, he earned his enemy's hatred and respect in equal measure.
But unlike Harumi, Zane's body was destroyed, meaning he cant be restored to his original vessel. So the Overlord instills Zane into a crystal construct that is bound to his will. Zane has to obey the Overlord, and he has no choice in the matter.
That being said, even as he's puppetted by the Overlord, hes not completely bereft of agency. He still resists every chance he gets, constantly trying to find some loophole in the Overlord's demands that will allow him to return to his friends and warn them about the coming threat. Also, he notices Harumi's reservations and doubts, and begins trying to appeal to her senses and get her to betray the Overlord. And while he's not 100% successful, he at least gets the ball rolling for Harumi's eventual redemption arc. Zane WILL defeat his enemy by making them his friend and that is a THREAT.
Zane also realizes that since he cant physically disobey the Overlord long enough to contact his friends, then maybe he can find a way to get someone else to do it for him. When choosing recruits for the Crystal Council, Zane manages to convince the Overlord to resurrect Morro for his cause - Morro was on their side in the end, after all, and only the ninja are aware of this. See, Zane is under the Overlord's control because he cant be trusted to keep his free will without fighting back - but if Morro keeps up appearances about being evil, then the Overlord might give him more leeway.
Morro isnt exactly happy about being dragged into a mess that has nothing to do with him, but reluctantly agrees to help Zane (if only in an effort to make up for his past). So they've kinda got a bittersweet begrudging alliance at first, that slowly evolves into something resembling a friendship.
And of course, while Zane is busy having the worst day of his life for like 50 days in a row, the ninja are ALSO having a bad time because the whole team is practically a hair-trigger away from a massive blow-out confrontation. That's what happens when you bottle things up, kids.
I have a lot more ideas for the AU, but these are all the broad strokes i have definitively planned out.
(If youre curious, its called the Floorboard AU because the WIP I had originally planned for it had the working title "The Floorboards Creak Under the Weight of Your Guilt." This is because the fic started out as a oneshot about the brief timeskip between the Fire and Ice Chapters, dissecting everyone's grief in response to Zane being assumed dead AGAIN. But then I thought "what if he died for real" and then things just spiraled out of control from there. I might change the name of the AU at some point though, who knows)
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Was there anyone that you considered for different choices of tarot cards before ultimately choosing one?
The Fool was always Lloyd; it could be no one else *-*)/
The Magician would have been Jay if Jesse didn’t exist snksnk
I was trying desperately to make The High Priestess a girl, but none of the ‘main’ girls fit the themes—but then I realized how much Zane fit, and screw gender. I couldn’t really come up with a comp that suited him, but—oh hey! I gave him a mom I can use! :’3
Empress, Emperor, and Hierophant were always locked in, though I think I played around with Wu as The Hermit for a time
Of course I initially wanted to do a pairing for The Lovers, but again, none of the ~main~ ships really fits, so I shifted to a more character-focused approach. There was a point in time where it would’ve been Skylor and Pixal on the card, but I felt they both deserved their own spotlight, so Skylor got shuffled to The Star, and I had to get a little creative with Pixal (and it turned out so well, it’s one of my favorites!)
Took forever to decide between Chariot/Strength for Cole/Kai, since they’re both veeeery close to one another in meaning. But upon realizing Chariot is more about outer strength and Strength is more about inner strength, I knew what had to be done. Plus, The Strength card (usually) has a lion on it, that was just begging for Kai :V
Making Dareth The Hermit was a teeny bit of a stretch, but given how his role will be in Legacyverse, I do feel it suits him (also his card went super under appreciated, I put a lot of detail into those shelves!!!! But I digress.)
Wheel of Fortune kind of happened as a process of elimination. I did try to put Jesse there, but he is more about probability than luck itself, and I couldn’t NOT make him The Magician snksnk. However once I started playing around with Jay there everything start to click soooo beautifully
Justice was always Miranda, and the Hanged Man was always Ronin (though I could make a case for Wu or even Zane for the latter, though)
Originally, Olivia was gonna be The Death and Harleigh was gonna be The Moon—switched them at, quite literally, the last second, and ooooh what a good choice that was
Nya and Harumi were some of the first cards I did, and in Harumi’s case especially I couldn’t see them anywhere else xD
The Tower was the last card I nailed down, because I just absolutely blanked on a character for it and almost didn’t put in a character at all—and then I was like OH WAIT MYSTAKE (and then it became another of my favorites!)
Star, Moon, and Sun were the hardest to nail down despite having the most ideas for them. Though I dunno who The Star was gonna be before Skylor (I may have considered Pixal here too) and I already mentioned my dilemma of the Moon and Sun
The Judgement was originally gonna be The Overlord. But I didn’t wanna draw him lol…but, The Golden Master certainly made for a suitable replacement :3 (and I tried to invoke the vibes of The Overlord with the background still!!)
And, of course, The World was always going to be The FSM to bring everything full circle, like an Ouroboros~
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miksterrr · 2 years
Sincerely, your only child.
hyper fixations rule my life.
another ninjago fic.
cross-posted on ao3
TW: TW: Strong language (a bunch of f-bombs, sorry) Talk about not getting a childhood, mentions of abuse and bullying, talking about abandonment, mommy issues, letting down. Extreme misako bashing. (I think that's it- uh please let me know if there's anything else! also prolly cringey and a bunch of dialogue so)
like 1.8k words i think.
“Lloyd!” Cole’s voice was heard throughout the bounty, “Your mom’s here!”
Today was one of those rare days where Sensei Wu let them off with just morning training. Which, in retrospect means that training will be worse tomorrow, but for now the team enjoyed the day off, all relaxing in their own ways. Zane’s reading up on new recipes to try, while Jay and Kai are playing video games. Nya’s working on upgrading the bounty even more, and Cole’s cleaning up the deck of the bounty, because well, someone had to, and surprisingly enough, he didn’t mind cleaning all that much. Meanwhile, Lloyd was laying down in his bed, just finished with his shower, and ready for a midday nap.
Lloyd immediately perked up. He jumped up from his bed and rushed out of the shared room, almost tripping over his borrowed (stolen from Nya… listen, she’s very muscular,) grey sweats in his hurry. Nonetheless, the blond made it to the deck in one piece, a grin stretching over his face. “Mom!”
“Hello, Lloyd.” Misako smiled, arms raised for a hug. Which Lloyd all but crashed into, relishing in the rare affection given by his mom. She gave him one squeeze before letting go. “How have you been, son?”
“Good!” Lloyd beamed, bouncing on the heels of his feet. “I have so many things to tell you!” It’s been a few months since Misako's last visit. During that time, the ninja defeated the usual baddie or helped out at some charity event. Nothing too big, which was surprising, in a way, but the team wasn’t taking it for granted, enjoying the easy time before the new villain of the month showed up.
Misako gave her son a tight smile, though she was glancing around the deck of the bounty, not looking at Lloyd, at all. “That’s very good, hon.” She sighs when she can’t find whatever she was looking for. “Do you know where your Uncle is? I have to talk to him about some of my findings.”
“Oh.” Lloyd murmured. He bit the inside of his cheek and crossed his arms. “I haven’t seen him since this morning.” He responded, looking down… and wow there were a lot of chips and cracks on the floor. One too many fights or training incidents.
Misako let out a breath through her nose.“Of course.” She clicks her tongue, glancing around the bounty deck one last time. “Looks like we’ll have to go find him.”
“You said you had so much to tell me!” Misako smiled, turning towards the door that led to the underbelly of the Bounty, where most of their living space is. “You can walk and talk, right Lloyd?” It wasn’t a question. Misako started walking away before Lloyd could answer.
Lloyd stared after her for a second.“Wait- Mom!” Lloyd called, jogging to catch up with his mom, Nya’s sweats still too long for him, almost making him fall flat on his face, again.
“What is Lloyd?” Misako’s pace didn’t slow.
The blond stammered. “Uh, well… I just…” Lloyd sighs, rubbing his face, gnawing on his already cracked lips. He played with the strings of his hoodie. (the hoodie used to be cole’s.)
“Spit it out Lloyd. I don’t have that much time.” Misako huffed, glancing into every room they passed, and so far, every room has been empty. No sight of the old man. Misako’s mouth was set in a hard line. Clearly getting annoyed at both Lloyd and not being able to find Wu.
“I just thought…” Lloyd trailed off, glancing at the greying woman, he hesitated, before sighing. “Last time you were here you promised that the next time you were here- this time, you said we could spend all this time together.”
Misako paused, before groaning, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Sorry kiddo, you know how my work is, I don’t get a lot of time off.” She sighs, ruffling Lloyd’s hair. Her nose scrunching when she realized his hair was damp from a recent shower, wiping her hand off on her beige pants. “Surely, you get that.”
“I do, but-”
“Where is your Uncle?! I swear his old age is making him more elusive.” Misako interrupted.
“Mom!” Lloyd stomped his foot, the noise echoed through the cabins. Misako’s thin eyebrows furrowed. She turned to look at her son, hazel eyes hard. She gave Lloyd an expectant look. Lloyd only groaned, trying to get his words together. “I- well- ugh!”
“Lloyd, stop wasting my time. I need to find your Uncle.” Misako huffed, turning back to start looking for Wu again.
“Then stop wasting mine!”
“Lloyd!” She glared at her son, a warning.
Lloyd only scoffed. “You always only come back for Uncle Wu! Not me!”
Misako rolled her eyes. “You’re not a kid, Lloyd. You shouldn’t need your mother.” She reprimanded, crossing her arms.
“Wow.” Lloyd snorted. “Bold of you to call yourself my mother.”
“Lloyd Montgomery!” Misako nagged.
“It’s true!” Lloyd gave a low laugh, shaking his head. “You abandoned me, mom.”
Misako huffs, grabbing Lloyd’s wrist in a bruising grip and pushing him into the closest room. Lloyd yelps, stumbling. He takes a second to regain his balance before turning around to see Misako closing the door behind her. “What the hell?!”
“That is no way to talk to your mother, Lloyd.” Misako growls.
“Really?” Lloyd rolls his eyes.
“I am your mother!” Misako gapes.
“You’re really not.”
“I gave you life!” Misako retorted.
“You gave me half your DNA!” Lloyd shot back. “Nothing else. I don’t have your personality, or your style, and certainly not your morals.”
“Lloyd Montgomery-” Misako bites out, nose flaring.
“What, mom?” Lloyd asked, toneless. He was done with Misako. “You abandoned me. You left me at Darkley’s, and never looked back.”
“You know I had to! I couldn’t carry a child around with my work.”
“You just didn’t want to care for me.” Lloyd sniffed. “You aren’t worth my effort anymore, I don’t know why I miss you when all you do when I see is make me wish you were still away.”
“That is hardly fair, son.” Misako huffed, crossing her arms. She stared down at the blond, almost accusingly.
“Is it?” Lloyd scoffed. “You were once the god that kept me standing, mom. But it turns out it was just the idea of a loving mother that kept me standing, not you.”
Misako’s hazel eyes widened, mouth open and closing, as she tried to form a response. “Lloyd, honey… I-” She sighs. “I have no words.”
“Like always.” Lloyd scoffs.
“Son. I wish I could’ve taken you but-”
Lloyd rolls his eyes. “Just stop mom.” He closes his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek. “We’ve been through this, time and time again.” He huffs, trying to move towards the door. “In a few days, you’re just going to leave again with empty promises of returning and spending time with just me.”
Misako's eyes widened, moving to grab Lloyd’s wrist. “That’s hardly true- you’re being unreasonable Lloyd.”
“What’s ‘unreasonable,’ mom, is that I don’t know my own birthday!” Lloyd mocked, trying to get his wrist out of Misako’s unusually strong grip. Misako stayed silent, her eyes were wide and she was mouthing something to herself. Lloyd raised a brow, his movements stilled, coming to a realization; “Fuck mom.” He breathed. “You really have no idea, either. Do you?”
Misako stammered, grip weak. “W-well… the labor was very long, and with everything that was happening with your dad, time just got warped, and well-”
“Do I even ‘legally,’ exist, mom?” Lloyd asked, his jaw tightening as he stared down Misako. “Do I have a birth certificate, mom?”
Misako sputtered, “I uh… I’m sure… somewhere you have one.”
“Holy shit.” Lloyd whispered, breaking his mom’s grasp. His hands came up behind his head, gripping his hair. “I don’t exist.” He blinked, breathing coming out in gasps. “Well- obviously I exist, but not legally, huh?” Lloyd started pacing back and forth, a low laugh escaping him. “The government has no record of Lloyd Garmadon.” He swallowed, face going blank. “I am every criminal's dream.”
Misako let out a small giggle. “I suppose so.”
Lloyd made no sign of hearing her. His brows furrowed, his forehead creased, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to formulate his thoughts. “That’s why you left me at Darkley’s.”
“W-What… no, Lloyd, hunny. I-”
“You what mom?” Lloyd scoffed. “Everywhere else would’ve given me a birth certificate. But all Darkley needed to hear was that I was a Garmadon.” Lloyd rolled his eyes. “Uncle Wu would’ve questioned you… that’s why you never told him.”
“I was trying to save you!”
“From what?!” Lloyd cried. “I was a child! I didn’t need saving! I needed protection!”
“Stop being overdramatic.” Misako huffed. “I was saving you from-”
“From yourself?” Lloyd interrupted. “Because honestly, that makes sense, mom.” Lloyd sniffed, rubbing his face. “You hated me before you even knew me.”
Lloyd turned, looking Misako up and down. “Fine?”
“I abandoned you, you’re right.” Misako nodded. “You know, babies are born with blue eyes, and then over time it changes.”
“What does that have to do with anything-”
“You were born with red eyes, Lloyd.”
Lloyd gaped. “I was kidding before.” He murmured. “About you hating me before you even knew me. I-” He licks his lips. “I was right.”
“I wouldn’t say that I hated you-” Misako tried.
“You left me because I had red eyes. Because of genetics.”
“I thought the great devour’s venom affected you too.” Misako tries to defend herself.
“I was a baby!” He growled, fists clenched at his sides.
“And I was scared.” Misako sighs.
Lloyd rolls his eyes. “I thought all parents are scared of their first child.”
“I wasn’t ready to be a single mom. Especially-”
“Especially with your job, I know.” Lloyd rolled his eyes, “Try getting better excuses, mom.”
“I am not your son.”
Misako rolls her eyes. “Lloyd Garmadon-”
“I’m not a Garmadon, either.” Lloyd rose a brow, challenging his mom to realize what was going on.
“No. If I was a Garmadon I would’ve been raised by you, mom. Or I would’ve been raised by dad.” Lloyd nods to himself, “You know who raised me, when you were too scared?” He stares his mom in the eyes, cold green meeting guilty hazel. “Kai Smith. Nya Smith. Cole Brookstone. Zane Julien. Jay Walker.” He announced each name, slow and sure, voice strong. “They raised me. They taught me that blood doesn’t mean family, mom.” He spat, ‘mom.’ “They taught me everything. They taught me how to live, mom. Where were you?”
Lloyd shook his head, lips pursed. “I am not your kiddo. I am not a Garmadon. If anything, at all, I am a Smith-Brookstone-Julien-Walker.” The blond nodded sure of himself. “And now, I know that you aren’t worth my time.” Lloyd moves to leave, stepping past his mother.
Misako tried to grab at Lloyd’s wrist. “Lloyd, please-”
Lloyd all but side-stepped her. “I’m done.” He sounded numb, apathetic to her sadness even if he was swallowing down his own sobs. Lloyd moved to the door, hand on the handle, he pulled it open, and before he left and closed it completely, he gave his mom one last glance. “Goodbye, Misako.”
Uh, if you liked it I hope you enjoyed, if you didn't well, okay. still getting the grasp on short stories again... i'm a poet, y'all understand? sorry for weird formating and all that, thanks for reading :)
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lil-guys-brainrot · 2 days
hi !!! here are some basic questions cuz you wanted them !!! sorry i'm not very creative !!
what's your favorite and least favorite season and why?
what's your favorite nonfocus side character? (example, benthomaar, vania, ronin, ect)
opinion of skybound? very controversial season so i'd like to know :3
any fav non-canon (or canon) ship? :)
who do you think had the best character development?
who of the ninja do you think would win in a fight based on elements?
what's your favorite uncommon duos!!? like, jay & pix for example.
any funny / nonsense headcanons ?
okk that's all i can come up with :]
this is going under a cut because it's long hehehe, thank you
favorite and least favorite season and why? 
my favorite is possession! the ghost whip is my absolute favorite intro, and the animation was great for it. but I think the main reason I like this season is because of how they wrote morro’s character. he felt like a developed and unique villain (with only garmadon and harumi ahead of him imo). he did so much outlandish shit that said a lot about his character. he’s shown to have zero self preservation skills in life and death. he built his base in stiix to prove he wasn’t afraid of anything, yet he later admitted “I thought [I was invincible] once.” he didn’t want to be saved at the end of the season despite having a clear out. and the objects of his scorn were the green ninja (not necessarily lloyd) and master wu, which is a unique spin on the typical antagonist motives. he also was trying to help the preeminent rather than take over the world for himself… my main complaint about this season is that I wish we got one scene with morro and lloyd talking with each other during the possession.
atm, hands of time or hunted would be my least favorite season. my memory of hands of time is foggy at best, and it’s hard to like a season that you can’t really recall. but I’m planning to rewatch soon, so maybe my opinion will change?? that said, I know it’s a season the producers threw together quickly (much like s3), and the season is just not super memorable imho. as for hunted, it’s nothing against the actual season. I know lots of people love this season. it’s just that literally every time I have watched it, people always spoke over the show. I’ve tried to watch this season like 3 times since january, and I remember the same thing happening in the past, so I’m just fed up with trying to actually watch it lol.
favorite nonfocus side character?
ronin!!! I really adore bentho, but ronin is my skrunkly little rat of a man. he’s got really fucked up but steadfast priorities, and I need to study him under a microscope. he does actually care about the ninja tho, and I love that for him. also he’s kind of a tragic character
opinion of skybound?
I really hate canon skybound, but I’m also obsessed with the concept. it upsets me that the concept was so good but the execution was so bad. for everyone, honestly. I saw someone say, “a woman/girl’s feminist arc shouldn’t be told through a man’s perspective,” and that really sums up a lot of my issues with how s6 treated nya. not to mention, her wishes were all stupid as hell. a real she would not fucking say that moment. she, kai, and zane were made to be seen as stupid for no reason other than plot. overall, the characterization was just really off this season. as for jay, I’m a stereotypical whump jay enjoyer that is wayyy to focused on the ongoings and aftermath of him being on nadakhan’s ship. but I also think this season did actually give him some decent character development for once. I just wish they kept it in the fucking story after s6. he was able to be a leader, and the show acknowledged his funny man persona being a guise, and he learned to fend for himself, among other things. too bad none of this ever gets acknowledged again because s6 never happened ig. I’ll also never forgive the writers for keeping the alternate timeline a secret from everyone else on the bounty.
I also wasn't a fan of the romance theme. I’m a romance repulsed aromantic, so this doesn’t mean anything coming from me. but god, it felt very fake when being applied to nya. I can comprehend jay making some dumb choices bc he’s blinded by love, but a lot of nya’s dialogue and actions felt… stilted? to me when it came to her affection towards jay.
so yeah. I love the concept sososo much, and I often read skybound fics, but I also hate the canon season with a passion. the concept can simply thrive in my headcanonverse
fav ship?
I don’t really ship anything romantically. I’m a bit too aro for that;;; I can handle jaya decently well, but that’s about it. my boy pined for 15 seasons, so I can’t fault him too much. he earned it lol. also, since this dynamic was established literally since the introduction of both characters, I’m pretty okay with it. it’s not like they forced the characters to suddenly be attracted down the line. that said, I do think nya’s character development is definitely stunted because she’s constantly been tied to jay… unfortunately, there’s very little that can be done about this now given how long jaya has been a thing :(
but yeah, they can be cute at times!
who do you think had the best character development?
hmm, I think lloyd. his garmadon and harumi trauma alone manifested more character deleopment than half the other cast members tbh. he’s matured and learned a lot, just not necessarily willingly. he’s destiny’s favorite (this is a bad thing)
who of the ninja do you think would win in a fight based on elements?
jay. I operate under the assumption that he constantly restrains / limits his element during fights. he could kill someone in an instant if he wanted to. his element is the most dangerous imo.
in a physical fight, I think zane. he’s great at reading people’s movements and attack patterns, and he’s skilled at finding blind spots to hone in on. 
what's your favorite uncommon duos!!? 
(maybe not uncommon but) late season jay and kai mean so much to me! kai helped jay propose to his sister, and man, that’s enough to tug at my heartstrings. kai hated their relationship at first but now wants nothing to support two of the people he loves most. the progression of their dynamic means everything to me <3 I also need everyone to know that I think kai is as protective of jay as he his over nya and lloyd. kai just likes to bully jay a bit more than the others.  
also nya & ronin. ronin’s dynamic with any of the ninja is fascinating to me, but given everything that happened in s5, there’s something about their dynamic specifically just tickles my brain
any funny / nonsense headcanons ?
jay taught kai to skate at some point after the s4 roller derby
lloyd steals everyone’s clothes (zane’s clothes are usually safe, he doesn’t vibe with zane's style)
if cole were a pokemon, he’d be a clodsire
lloyd and jay are the same height, they're short kings
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no one asked but I am going to detail my "Cole and Wu are the lone survivors in the First Realm" AU because screw you that's why. -So basically it's exactly what it says on the tin. The Ninja use the traveller's tea to escape the Colossus but it's too late and Kai, Jay and Zane are killed, leaving Cole and Wu alone in the Realm of Oni and Dragons. -Wu ages slower than in canon, at a basically human rate (which is still faster than his normal rate). -Cole decides that integrating into the Hunter society gives him the best chance at survival, so Wu is raised as "Dangerbuff Junior" the whole time. -Back in Ninjago, it starts out about the same as in canon but Garmadon ends up remaining emperor for 5 years as opposed to the like, month he had in Hunted. -Mystake gets to live as repayment for killing her off in canon and the Tea Shop AU. -The Resistance is even more depressed, especially since they know for a fact that at the very least Zane is dead. -How do they know this? Nya found Pixal sobbing in a corner covered in frost. -Lloyd's arm injury (from season 8) keeps flaring up and getting re-injured to the point where it's safer to just amputate it. -Eventually the Serpentine have to get involved because this whole evil takeover is going on for a lot longer than they thought it would. -Cole is initially very against the idea of killing/eating dragons but eventually it becomes clear that he doesn't have a lot of options and he ends up becoming a really good dragon hunter and he and the rest of the group grow very close. -Wu's memories are hazy at best and, again, he's ageing at a normal human rate. He makes friends with the other kids and stuff and pretty much just IS a hunter kid. -Heavy Metal ends up trusting Cole enough to reveal who she really is, at which point he also reveals who he really is and who his son is, at which point Faith is like "Wait he's the FSM's son?? And you didn't bother to mention it until now???" -Cole rallies everyone to overthrow the Iron Baron at some point idk. -Over his reign, Garmadon slowly starts to reconsider the whole "being an evil emperor" thing, but he's already pretty committed to the bit at this point. -His 5-year reign is ended when he's straight-up murdered by his son (because let's be honest, his character can't really go anywhere from here and there's no chance of reconciliation). -Cole and Wu (or rather Rocky Dangerbuff and Dangerbuff Junior) are in the First Realm for 10 years. anyway everything else is still in the works and I haven't fleshed it out yet but I just really like this idea.
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