#also- the weird route. will we have another one? or will this chapter be like chapter one and put a stop to our murder?
lynxgriffin · 2 months
What are your predictions for Deltarune Chapters 3-4 ?
Hmmm, let's see...
I think Susie and Ralsei are going to work out very quickly that Kris was the one to create this fountain. Susie's going to brush it off like "Okay yeah I get why you would, it's okay we'll just have fun and seal the fountain when we're done anyway!" and Ralsei will try and act like it's not a problem, when he clearly is bothered by it, and this will start to build up some tension between Ralsei and Kris.
I am open to Toriel being another side party member, less convinced yet that we'll be seeing another adult like Undyne or Napstablook there as well. I do not think we'll be getting a Snowgrave repeat where Toriel is manipulated into killing Undyne or anything like that. If there's a weird route continuation here, it'll be handled very differently.
I don't think we'll be seeing more of the Dreemurr household in the dark world; it'll just be focused on what's on the TV. We've already got a few possibilities for areas: a cooking show, the weather report, and the monster movie, plus we do keep getting hints that the western show may show up in some capacity.
To that end...hopefully a Susiezilla sequence for the monster movie part!
Unsure of what Mike's role will be in here, but I'm anticipating Tenna as the main big bad for this Dark World.
I don't think anyone has guessed the secret boss for chapter three yet, and I don't think anyone will. Thusfar for secret bosses, there's been no hints of them from other places, and you have to go out of your way to find them. Their function as Darkners made from discarded/forgotten objects makes sense in hindsight, but isn't obvious from the get-go. All we know is that we'll need the shadow mantle for a future secret boss, and that that's missing now.
At the end of chapter three, Asriel is going to call on the landline phone and talk to Toriel briefly, but WE won't get to actually communicate with him and it's going to drive me bonkers.
We know less about chapter four, except for some very basic things...Susie and Kris have a few scenes talking out in the light world, and it's raining some of that time. It could either go the direction of an all-light world chapter, or another dark world they explore the next day.
Assuming it's the latter and there's another dark world (which makes more sense to me), I feel the best location options are the hospital, the church, and Asgore's flower shop. If there's a thread started in chapter three getting into more of the Dreemurr family history and Kris's place in it (which does seem to be the case), Asgore's shop seems the best bet to continue that thread next, so I'm going to predict Asgore's shop for chapter four.
Since that's a flower shop and all, a more Alice In Wonderland sort of theming seems likely, with more of a jungle/wild area that the Fun Gang has to explore compared to the city and sound stage areas of previous chapters.
I am expecting Catti (and potentially also Jockington) to be future Dark World partners, and either chapter four or chapter five seems a good option for that.
I think Catti is necessary as a partner 1) because of her occult history with Kris, 2) her focus on protecting Noelle, who I could see showing up in the Dark World again as early as chapter four or five, and 3) her clearly having beef with Susie.
If we're dealing with Kris's family history through chapters 3 and 4, I can see that then going into more of Susie's backstory and whatever is going on with her family. I get the feeling that Catti knows some secret about Susie that makes her dislike her more than just "she stole Jockington's hat once", and that will need to be resolved in conjunction with learning more on Susie's situation.
Every day in-game that big-headed blue bird monster is going to reveal another shelf in the second floor of the library, which will slowly give more worldbuilding lore, and it's going to be maddening just getting those little crumbs of info one at a time.
We'll be getting more Knight hints, but not a real reveal until chapter five.
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writeforfandoms · 11 months
Waking Lions 4
Find the series masterlist 
You learn some things, do Laswell a favor, and run into Captain again. This is becoming a bad habit. 
Speech in italics is Russian, this chapter. 
Warnings: Swearing, aftermath of violence, vague threat from terrorist, MW2019 typical Russians, blood, injury (not to reader), spy shit. 
Word count: 2k
Serious slow burn John Price x f!reader
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You discovered the plot on accident. Really. 
It was just… one of those things.
Sergio had invited you to stay for a few days and play with his girls, so you did. You brought them gifts from Turkey, California, and Scotland (you’d had a layover and had gotten bored in the airport). 
The girls were darling, and you’d known them both all their lives. You would never, ever marry Sergio (not least because of his obsession with the next future ex-wife) but you loved his kids. Sophia and Natalia. For a while, when you’d initially started building this relationship, you’d helped tutor Sophia. 
Now, you played with the girls and helped to keep them out of trouble and helped with their homework. You were more or less the weird aunt they saw every once in a while, and that worked for you. 
The girls were asleep, but you’d been unable to sleep yourself. So you got up, figuring you’d have a little snack or some water and wander a bit. 
Except wandering may not have been the best idea. 
Low voices from a sitting room had you on alert, and you moved as quietly as you knew how, creeping closer. 
“...perfect bait for them,” someone was saying in Russian. Not Sergio. You didn’t recognize this voice, actually. 
“Why do you want to capture one of them?” That was Sergio, sounding vaguely disgusted. “More of a risk this way, no?” 
“You are short-sighted,” the first speaker said. Well, he was definitely above Sergio, then. “Capturing an operative will give us an edge.”
There was a beat of silence. “Still sounds risky,” Sergio grumbled. “But it is your will, so we will see it done. When will you set the bait?”
“It has been set already,” the leader said, sounding smug. “I let information leak about the gas storage, so the Americans will know of it by now. We will be ready this time.”
Well. That was fucked. 
There were days when the back and forth espionage shit got on your last nerve. 
“To a successful hunt, then,” Sergio offered, the gentle clinking of glasses following his words. 
You might be able to hear more if you stayed… But you also ran the risk of discovery. And that would end poorly for you.
Bullet in the head kind of poorly.
So you snuck away back up to your room, debating the best way to alert Laswell. Text was risky, but a call would be more risky, especially here. You couldn’t wait until morning, just in case people were already en route. And since you didn’t have a location… 
You puffed out a breath, walking into the en suite and shutting the door. There was no easy way to do this, and you didn’t trust Sergio not to have bugs planted in the bathroom. So you hummed to yourself as you typed out a quick text.
Gas a trap for info. Advise abort.
There. That was… not your best work, admittedly, but you were a bit strapped for time. It got your point across. 
And, really, if someone managed to get hold of your text records, you had more things to worry about than the wording of a single text. 
She replied two minutes later. Copy. Send updates.
You puffed out a breath. She was so lucky you liked her. (And that you were indebted to her still for her help.) 
Turning the shower on, you decided maybe a bit of hot water would help you relax enough to get to sleep. 
You were very glad you had the girls as an excuse to be out of the house for the fallout of the failed mission. Sergio didn’t tell you anything, but the blooming black eye spoke for him. 
You stayed another week, mostly because the girls pleaded with you to stay. But a little bit because you were curious and wanted to see if you could hear anything else. When that ended up being futile, you booked a flight to Morocco. 
Because why not.
The plan was to touch base with someone you knew who had fingers in shipping pies. (Seriously, the woman was an absolute master. She could get anything anywhere in the world, for the right price.) And, of course, to eat some delicious food, and check on the hideaway you kept there. You had several across the globe, but it had been a while since you’d been to this one. You probably needed to change out some of the non-perishables. 
It was supposed to be a low-key, quiet trip. Relaxing. The only adventure you wanted was wandering through the city. 
It was not a low-key, quiet trip. 
Three days in, you’d restocked your hideaway, contacted your shipping master friend, and found a new place with some of the best food you’d ever had. It was shaping up to be a good trip.
And then a man dropped down in front of you, woozy, dark skin glistening with sweat. The tactical vest was a dead giveaway, but the flag was a surprise. 
You very purposely did not look for a name. But you did do a quick sweep of the rest of him. 
Blood seeped out from under the vest, staining his shirt, and you swore softly.
“You need help.” 
“I’m fine.” But the words were a little sluggish, one hand pressing over the wound at his hip. 
“You need help,” you reiterated, glancing around, suddenly wary. You did not want to be caught in the crossfire of this, and the longer you stayed out in the open, the more likely that became. “Please. I’ve got bandages back at my place.” 
His gaze held yours, suddenly hard, calculating. “I’ve got people on the way,” he said, clearly testing.
“Good, then they can pick you up.” You ducked under one of his arms, your own looping across his back. “Come on, in we go. Before whoever shot you finds us both.”
He gave in, letting you walk him down half a block and inside. He didn’t even complain going up the stairs to your hideaway, though you could see the way his jaw clenched.
“This one’s mine,” you told him, pulling your keys out of your pocket when you reached the appropriate floor. It took a moment to get the door unlocked and maneuver him inside without letting go - he was slowly leaning more on you for support. You kicked the door shut after the two of you and more or less carefully deposited him in a chair. He groaned softly, like he didn’t even mean to, and you winced in sympathy. 
Fortunately, all your hideaways had first aid kits stocked, and you thumped it onto the table in front of him.
“I’ll help if you want,” you offered, taking a step back and putting your hands up, away from your body. “But you are very well armed and I am not.” 
“S’alright,” he muttered, accent effortlessly charming even as he popped open the first aid kit. “I’ve got it.” His gaze lifted to yours, a little less wary and a little more curious. “What’s your name?”
You tutted at him, amused despite yourself. “Does it matter? You need to get patched up and wait until your buddies come get you.” You put two sealed water bottles onto the table for him, already kind of mourning your decision. Dammit, you shouldn’t have brought him here. 
“Thank you.” He tugged his shirt up and out of the way to press gauze to the still-bleeding gash. 
“Don’t thank me yet,” you muttered, more to yourself than him. You stepped past him into your bedroom, taking a quick look around. Only a few things of sentimental value resided here, and you were quick to throw those and a change of clothes into a duffel bag. 
You had to burn this hideaway now. Not literally, but you’d never be able to come back here again. 
At least nothing here would give them more information on you. 
You set the duffel bag on the floor by the door, ignoring his gaze. You let yourself look around one last time. You really liked this place. Damn. 
“Where are you going?” His voice was calm, just a hint of urgency there. 
“Nowhere yet, I suspect,” you said on a sigh, turning to look. He didn’t actually have a weapon in hand, which rather surprised you. “Just getting ready to go once your friends arrive.” 
His eyes narrowed, suspicion growing. Your smile was crooked and understanding. 
“Just because I helped you doesn’t mean I want that kind of attention,” you said, hands carefully palms-out at your sides again. “Nothing personal.” 
He didn’t seem quite sure what to make of you, shoulders tense, fingers twitching. Then he blinked once and lifted his free hand to the radio on his vest. “Injured, currently patching up. Indoors, one unknown.”
Ah. You were likely the unknown. Well. Fair, honestly. You were acting pretty suspicious for anyone who didn’t know you. 
“Solid copy.” His hand left his radio, but his gaze stayed fixed on you. “They’ll be here in a few minutes.”
“And I suppose I’m to wait here until they arrive?” You puffed out a breath. “Alright, sure.” You had contingencies, if you needed them. If you really needed to, you could call Laswell. But you hoped you didn’t have to. 
The wait was silent and felt like it dragged on forever, although in reality it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. Two heavy knocks pulled you from your spot, and you opened the door.
And then blinked.
His expression immediately settled into a scowl. “Ace.”
“Huh.” You stepped back to let him in. “I take it this one’s yours, then?” You nodded back at the wounded man behind you. 
“Yes.” He stepped past you, momentarily dismissing you to kneel by the injured man. You could hear them speaking quietly, going over the situation. But Captain’s voice had softened a little, care clear in the way he checked his man. He did have a heart after all. 
That would be your cue to leave. 
You picked up your duffel bag and managed to take one step before a quiet, “Sir,” cut you off.
“Where are you going?” 
Captain was glaring at you now, tense, wary. Probably thinking the worst of you. Again. 
“I have to abandon this place now anyway,” you pointed out reasonably. “You might as well enjoy it, get properly patched up before you go.” 
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Is it not enough to know that I’m leaving?” 
“No.” He stood, prowling over to you, using his height to loom over you. 
You debated with yourself, head tilting to one side, looking up at him. You could probably make it if you distracted him with something and ran. Then again, you might not, and you were not in the mood today to be thrown around. 
“I am planning on getting the hell out before whatever chaos you’re involved in explodes.” You kept your tone dry, chin tipping in challenge. 
His lips thinned. “No.”
“You’re not my boss,” you said quietly, stepping into him, refusing to back down. “And you can’t keep me here, not without all kinds of trouble. I’ll be on my way to another country, and you can bug out as soon as you want.” 
He was going to keep arguing with you, you could see it in the tension in his shoulders, the way his hands were ready to grab you. But something distracted the both of them, Captain turning to the injured man.
You didn’t wait. You booked it, hauling ass out of the apartment and down the stairs. You heard the yell behind you, but you didn’t acknowledge it, focused on getting out. 
And once you were outside, it was easy to find crowds and blend in, easy to get to the airport and buy a ticket to Cairo. From there, you weren’t sure, but you did know one thing. 
Captain was showing up too often in your life. He was becoming a distraction. And that? That could be a problem.
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sexylinoleum · 6 months
Time for some snowgrave analysis. Kinda embarrassed it took my dumb ass almost a year to realize this but nevertheless today I will examine a few lines of Spamton Neo's dialogue.
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So these lines seem to directly imply that Spamton believes the end result of whatever the weird route leads to will be Kris' freedom from us, rather than us breaking things because we can or us attempting to gain further control over their world.
The thing is Spamton doesn't just believe that the path of LOVE and murder will break Kris' chains, he seems absolutely certain of it.
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Spamton, with his practically eldritch knowledge can, in my opinion, sometimes be taken as a reliable source of information, if you can peel past the layers of his cryptic vernacular. It may be the case that any players who, by the end of Deltarune's story, desperately want Kris to be free to live their own life, may have to venture down a dark path in order to achieve it.
There is a debate to be had as to whether Kris can even survive without the players intervention, I suspect this dialogue from Spamton may be serving as particularly heinous foreshadowing. If I may propose a hypothetical, Kris may require the players soul to live, the only way they can escape that is by growing sufficiently strong in the traditional UT/DR manner, Kris, more likely preferring death for themselves, would have to be forced down such a path presumably by ourselves.
And while I made all of that up, call it speculation, I may not be far off...
Cause for one reason or another, Spamton also seems to believe that in the event that Kris wins their own freedom, they will, for one reason or another, become suicidal.
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Crying in a broken home being an obvious reference to Kris' divorced parents and and "WISHING YOU LET YOUR OLD PAL SPAMTON [Kill You]" being a polite and antagonist centric way of saying "Wishing you were dead one way or the other."
There are probably many other ways you could read any of this text but in my opinion, if Spamton is to be taken as an even remotely reliable source of information, this dialogue has severely foreboding implications on the future of Deltarune's morality, and on our own moral integrity as we continue to play it, with the paths before us seemingly being, one, use Kris as a meat puppet to "save" their world and possibly discard them at the end of our adventure or, two, fight for Kris' freedom, ruining their life and destroying their sanity in the process.
But hey, we've only got two chapters so I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.
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the-puppet-bracket · 5 months
Spamton propaganda:
"You know someone had to do it.
This guy's whole thing is not wanting to be a puppet anymore, but uh-oh-spaghetti-o! Dude now has physical puppet strings!"
"Making a [SPECIL] deal by placing his [#1 SALE SYSTEM] into a [CLASSIC!] body, Spamton believed he could be more than [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. But the strings told him otherwise. He lunged at Kris in [LIMITED TIME OFFER], trying with all his [50% OFF!] to be more than a puppet."
"Spam email bot who was exposed to something that drove him mad and he spent the whole rest of his existence trying to cut his strings, only to die (maybe?) when he finally manages it."
"He is the most tortured dumpster man alive. Also, not literally a puppet, but metaphorically!!! There's some mysterious outside force controlling him and limiting what he can say and god, he desperately wants to break free, trying to kill the protagonist (his only friend in years) for the chance of ""being let loose from his strings"". In his secret boss battle, he thinks he'll be free after getting a new body but he isn't, as his new powerful body has literal strings attached. You fight him, because he thinks your soul (long story) will gain him access to freedom. During the pacifist route of the battle, you cut his strings until there's one more left, he's ecstatic, being able to break free from the narrative of the confines of the game. He decides to break his own last string, and he falls to the ground into pieces. It turns out he relied on the strings after so long, and couldn't recover without them. Afterwards, he's deshevaled, hung up by vines in the dark basement that resemble his old strings and he says ""It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet."" This ties back to how Kris, the protagonist of the game is feeling the effects of being controlled by the player and really shows the core focus of the game and it's characters. And that's why I entered him into this poll!
Also he is genuinely so fucking hilarious bro just play Deltarune already what the fuck are you doing the chapters that are out rn are free dawg (play Undertale first though, it's like ten bucks or something you'll be fine)"
"Spamton best blorbo. Very good blorbo. Exquisite blorbo even. He's sad and adhd and insane and weird and I love him and you should too. Pipis"
"he spamt"
"he's living in a goddamn garbage can. let the big shot win. it'll be funny. does he deserve it? that is up to viewer discretion. but he is our beloved tumblr sillyman and as such we need to pay him respect in some manner. <3
(iirc spamton is a puppet? probably. oh well if he doesn't count ignore this i'm not read up on
my deltarune)"
"frankly i'd be surprised if he's not one of the most submitted. anyway his whole Deal is about being a puppet and having other things control him and so he seeks to regain that control through either manipulating the player into murdering half the city or to take the red soul and use it to become a god. yet in his super powerful NEO form he still has strings attached to him (that he won't even notice if he succeeded in the player manipulation thing) and in either case he ultimately becomes an item you use just for stats. guy really isn't a fan of puppetteers"
"you propably knew this was coming lol
Tumblr's favorite awful little puppet desperately fighting to get rid of his strings
the pinocchio references are strong in this one
OR... so... I... thought.
"Tries to become a real boy, ends up as another puppet look guy. He's shady, he's a scammer, he's got cringefail swag and I love him"
"He's just a little fucked-up little guy"
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fireemblems24 · 4 months
Azure Gleam 15 (Final)
As long as this has gone on for, I'm actually bummed to finish this one.
Those special chapters were so weird. It's kind of funny how the plot is like, just ignoring all of that and going back to regular programming. It's like in an old kid's show when they got a dog and then the next episode - no dog anymore. Like there's kinda no point to it.
Ok, so Thales talking to yeeted Edelgard. I will never not get over how funny it is that's the path the writers decided.
Yep, we're really just jumping back into the regular plot. That is so funny. The writing in this game is a clusterfuck at times.
Ok, so we're going to the monastery to save Rhea. MUCH better than saving Bernie's dad.
TWSITD causing chaos again. I feel this route targeted them more than the other two. Like they barely existed in GW.
Everyone's worried about Rhea.
Dimitri wants to wreck TWSITD and the Empire. Let's fucking go!
No side quests again! Guys, I'm sooooo close to beating this game I can taste it. Both SB and AG have very short final chapters.
Only Claude is annoying, which tracks how this game's gone so . . .
So I've gotten all the supports for: Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Sylvain, Ingrid, and Rodrigue. Mercedes I'm only missing Jeritza. I didn't use Annette or Ashe, so they're missing a few, but I feel I did pretty good. Hopefully I can get Mercie and Jeritza this chapter.
Ugh, so I missed the opportunity to deepen my bond with Byleth :( Maybe next time.
So in another route, Ashe had no idea what he believed in anymore. In this one, he's confident about his sense of justice.
In another route, Yuri didn't tell me his history with Varley, in this one he trusted me with it.
Ingrid is a queen. She said it's the people who suffer in war, our leaders should reach diplomatic resolutions. Too bad only Dimitri believes in those :(
Aww, Byleth refused to kill Shez during their fight because he could tell she wasn't herself. I soooo wish I'd gotten their supports.
Ok, so I ran into Raphael again and agreed that I didn't like how we were fighting (which, imo, isn't true, but I wanted to see the difference). Shez thinks Edelgard is too cruel, Claude is too haphazard, and Dimitri is too cautious. She pretty much nailed it.
No Arval in the tent :(
Linhardt just said Caspar revels in bloodshed. That's fucked up.
My heart just broke and warmed at the same time. A Kingdom general asked a Duscur general how the people from Duscur pray. He wanted to learn because he lost a lot of good soldiers from Duscur in the last battle and wanted to pray for them in the way their religion would. It's details like this that make Hopes worth it.
Haha, Dedue was fairly chill considering I attacked allies and posed a possible threat to Dimitri. He brought it up, but didn't harp on it.
Man, I'm glad I got this unlocked in time.
Byleth gave Jeralt flowers. First time in Byleth's life lol.
He's trying to communicate his feelings, thankfulness to Jeralt for being his captain and father.
Aw, it's a throwback to Byleth giving out flowers at the Academy.
Lamo, Jeralt just said Byleth may have been a student or led seminars, but isn't qualified to be a teacher.
Jeralt's like, I knew you cared, kid. But I still appreciate it.
Byleth picked the flowers out himself. It's the same kind his mother liked :(((
Jeralt used to give these flowers to Sitri.
Byleth is being so sentimental and sweet. I can just imagine a voiced Byleth saying lines like that in Houses' supports and buying more into the character.
I swear, this game made me really get Byleth more and "buy into" the character. Also, I'm going to cry so hard when Jeralt dies. I still don't really care for Jeralt, but I'm going to just feel so sad for Byleth.
For anyone wondering, I purposefully saved this one and Felix A. I've had them unlocked for a while.
Dedue is worried because Dimitri keeps sleeping at his desk. He's grateful or else he'd get sore.
Of course, he had bad dreams about the past.
Ohhhh! Not the tragedy, but arriving home after. Cool to learn some tidbits about that part too.
A child cursed Dimitri after the funeral because his dad died in Duscur and was furious with Dimitri for not killing Dedue, but hanging out with him instead.
Dimitri just ignored him.
Then Dimitri talks about his duty to those who died, and asks Dedue what he would do if Dimitri begged for vengeance while he was dying. OFC, Dedue says he'd do it even if he died.
Then Dimitri asks the opposite, what would Dedue do if Dimitri begged him to live for his own happiness? Dedue said he couldn't.
"I cannot know happiness without you by my side." :(((((((
He'd seek revenge, for his own sake, not Dimitri's.
Dimitri's like, nothing I'd say would change your mind?
Dedue just flips the subject, asking if Dimitri can't just live for himself, and ofc Dimitri says no, he can't.
But imagines another life traveling around as a merc with Dedue or living as a farmer. Dedue's like, why not go?
Dimitri says obviously I can't do that.
So Dedue's like get some sleep.
It worries Dedue every time he sees Dimitri asleep like that at his desk bc he's worried Dimitri died. But Dimitri's like, not why you're here. It won't happen.
Dimitri's like, if I died, that wouldn't go well, so I'll listen.
They're married, your honor.
Starts with Dimitri apologizing and promising revenge, killing all of TWSITD no matter the cost.
Felix walks in, Dimitri almost calls him Glenn, but corrects, and apologizes again except to Felix for seeing that.
Felix is like "I've seen all there is of you to see." So, uh, what does that mean?
Dimitri explains that he suffers from a "waking dream," saying he sees the dead like they're real.
Then talks about the violent revenge the dead scream at him.
Felix asks when this all started. Dimitri says 6 years, but the voices started 4 years ago during his first battle? Not sure those numbers line up with lore and age, but I don't know how old they are this time. Anyways, started with Duscur, got worse when Rufus tried to have Dimitri killed by sending him to battle.
The man he killed that freaked Felix out was someone from Duscur, and the voices cheered when he killed the guy.
Felix is like, do you really think Glenn and Lambert would torture you like that? Telling Dimitri he's the one doing it, not them.
Dimitri's like, even if that's true, I can't forgive myself.
Felix talks about how if Dimitri loses his path, he's taking everyone down with him (so Houses, sans AM) and says "keep the whole removing their heads thing in check yeah?"
Felix says it'll be their secret.
"are you offering to let me unburden my heart to you when the time calls for it?" - Dimitri to Felix. Guys, I'm dying a little.
Dimitri credits Felix with the reason he hasn't descended into madness, and asks Felix to continue being his right-hand man.
Hahahah, OMG, Felix picked Dimitri up and is physically carrying him to bed. Dimitri is nearly laughing because he's so much taller than Felix his feet are dragging the floor.
Felix calls him a "sack of muscle" lol
Dimitri carried Felix like this when Felix twisted his ankle. And now is calling this a workout. Dimitri's still massively entertained.
They are also married.
Man, so Dedue got Dimitri to fucking sleep, and Felix got him to laugh.
Ok, this game is really Dimilix, the game. I swear a shipper on deck wrote this. It may also be why Felix was one of the few Blue Lions to survive SB. Writers' bias.
My shipping heart is so happy with both supports.
This is their final support.
They're fishing together. She's trying to reel in a big fish, but it's not working. Ashe gives her tips. And she got it!
Though, it seems like it was a bit of a struggle.
Flayn swore she'd not let go no matter what. Ashe says sometimes it's best to not let go, and suddenly understands Seteth. But still compliments her on her determination.
Flayn thinks her mother would be proud of her for catching this, which is part of the reason Flayn loves fishing.
She flirts with Ashe a bit too lol.
And now she's drooling over the fish.
Ashe says Flayn enjoys him of his sister and really had fun.
But then panics thinking of Flayn in the kitchen lol.
Constance compliments Annette's performance in battle.
Constance is a legendary alumni at the school in Faerghus.
Stories include turning bossy noble kids into horses. And she started using it everywhere.
She argued magical theory with teachers and won.
These make me love Constance, not going to lie.
Annette is nervous being around someone so famous. Constance calls Annette one of the most talented women in the Kingdom.
Constance loves a book Annette work, but it's mostly a cook book, so Annette doesn't make much of it.
Annette wrote a magical cookbook, and Constance is all about it.
Annette tries to give Mercedes credit because she's the cook.
They both want to get to know each other better.
This was really them geeking out over each other, magic, and Mercedes' cooking.
It came down to the lack fucking minute, but I got it. Thank you, Shez, for cooking the perfect dinner.
Jeritza finds and old letter from Mercedes' mother. Or, rather, she wrote Jeritza a letter after Mercie told her that they found him.
They both want to live with him after the war, but he says no.
He can't face her because of his past actions. Doesn't seem Mercie holds it against him. And says neither will her mother.
Then Jeritza talks about the Death Knight persona.
Mercie's like, naw, because you're fine right now.
Jeritza still doesn't give in though. He insists he must pay for his crimes, which he thinks he never can. He wants to get judged by the law, which, honestly, respect.
Mercie decides to support his decisions, even though it makes her sad, and that they'll be waiting for him. No matter how long. Even if they're both old ladies.
I really loved that support. Seeing Mercie support Jeritza's decision, seeing Jeritza take responsibility for his actions. All around good support.
Glad I got this one. I think Seteth/Shez A is the only other support still within reach.
Constance wants Annette's help conducting an experiment outside. Annette knows how Constance's mood changes when she goes outside. Annette's happy to help.
Obviously now Constance is being down on herself.
Annette volunteered before learning the experiment. Thankfully it's just to try and get all the cats from the area.
It fails :( I want a spell like that.
Constance is obviously moping, Annette gives her a pep talk, but it probably useless bc they're outside.
It attracted bugs, and Constance says the cockroach is a better sorceresses than her lamo. Then they attract angry birds lol.
Once back inside, Constance realizes her spell does sort of work, but they just didn't know how to get cats.
Aww, I really liked that support chain.
How can anyone not tell something is wrong with Edelgard?
It's so weird how they just ignore the special chapters.
Thales is making her fight.
Sylvain said he'll skip the class reunion if this is what they're like.
Ingrid is roaring to go after Thales.
No sign of Claude. Dimitri's trusting him, but I don't know about that. I wonder if he betrays you here too. Though Dimitri makes a good point that if Faerghus falls, Claude's ass is next.
On, cool image! Dimitri giving a speech. It's like a moment in Lord of the Rings before Aragorn and co march on Mordor.
I like this! Dimitri's talking about severing the past and moving on into tomorrow. Good to hear him talking like that.
I only got 40 points too. Guess Claude was the odd one out, getting more points for his battle than the other two.
Kyrona made an appearance.
Felt good to kill Varley for once.
Getting ready to face Thales now. Dimitri about to get his revenge against TWSITD. Feels good.
Shez is reassuring Dimitri that he's not alone. That his friends are here to help. :)
I think I just killed Kyrona for good this time.
Time to kick Thales' ass. Much better than killing Rhea. Again.
We also got to defeat Edelgard. Having a hard time feeling bad about that.
This battle is pure chaos. But in a fun way.
Oh, did I beat Thales? I'm at a cut scene. Shez stopped Edelgard; and Dimitri's marching to kick Thales' ass.
Haha, he just ignored Thales magic like it was nothing. What a fucking badass.
He's not even saying anything, just breathing, and the voice acting is still on point.
Edelgard remembered Dimitri? So he didn't kill her. And outside Rhea, Claude and the Blue Lions are waiting. And sun is about to come up.
This felt WAY more complete than the other two. I was expecting MUCH worse. Maybe if I played the other two first I'd be more surprised, but they set the bar stupid low.
We defeated the Empire, defeated TWSITD - I don't know what would even be left?
I love how hard the narration tries to make it sound like the Empire has a fart's chance in the wind anymore. It's just clean up now.
MVP time. It'll eventually turn into the Dimitri show like SB did Hubert and GW did Lorenz. I suspect it'll take longer though bc I wanted to use the other Blue Lions a lot.
Actually, I lie, it happened like the second I got Dimitri and not just Shez. I think I may just be a stan lol. He's also just so damn strong he killed so much easier and faster than anyone else.
You can tell the chapter Dimitri was missing for since Felix and Ingrid kept trading MVP. Then back to Dimitri.
Hey! Rodrigue got one!
I'm excited for Dimitri's letter. Still wish we got paired endings here though.
Dimitri feels reassured with Shez by his side. He's also the only one who asked Shez to stay in the Kingdom. It's nothing spectacular, but it was sweet.
I'm also a bit sad to see this one end. No more Fodlan unless I replay, but I guess there's still supports I didn't unlock.
Guys, I can't believe I finished. Now I'm finally "free" to play whatever games I want.
Def want to replay Engage and Houses, and some non-FE stuff too. Should I get the Engage DLC?
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wondernus · 8 months
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˗ˋˏ When We Meet Chapter 4 ˎˊ˗
synopsis: there is only so much forgiving and forgetting you can do when you end up getting stood up by your date over and over again. so when you're stuck between the best friend, the first crush, and their mysterious roommate whose existence seemed like a myth, you can only hope the decision you've been making is the right one.
pairing: kmg x reader
chapter tags: childhood rooms, video calls, confessions
wc: 1.3k
message from nu: hasn't hit me how I wrote "when we meet" like a year ago so much of my writing style has changed since then. thank you for reading "wwm" !!!
previous | masterlist | taglist | next chapter
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“You know I had a crush on Minghao when we were in college?”
“Minghao? My Hao?”
“Hey.” Rolling your eyes, you bring your phone closer to your face so you can better see Mingyu on the other side of the screen more clearly. “Technically your Hao became my Hao when you left. But thinking about it now, it was probably the manbun.”
“Oh. So you like manbuns?” He leans into the frame with an amused look on his face and reaches upwards to try to bunch his short hair into a ponytail. “What if I grew out a manbun for you?” he teases, pausing in his position to let you weigh your options while strands of short hair gradually fall out of his hands in chunks and clumps.
“Aren’t you trying a little too hard for someone you never met?” You snort while turning to your side, adjusting your blanket so it covers your shoulder.
“It’s because I like you.” He pauses and drops his hands, some pieces of hair still sticking up in various angles. He doesn’t seem to notice his messy hair because he’s too busy staring at your dimly lit face through his phone screen, and he continues with much sincerity in his voice, “I like you a lot.”
The simple confession sparks a yearning you haven’t felt since you fell in love for the first time a few years ago. It’s a simple playground confession, and you stupidly hang onto his words like he’s making a promise he would never break. At that moment, you want nothing more but to spend your nights in bed imagining what your future would be like with Kim Mingyu written into the equation.
“I think I like you too,” you start slowly, a tiny tremor in your voice. “But it’s weird isn’t it?”
“What?” he asks, tilting his head to one side, causing his dark-rimmed glasses to slide down his nose bridge. He instinctively pushes them up – he looks nothing like how his roommates described him, but he’s not so different when it comes to his habits. He can’t even hide the small quirk forming on the corner of his lip, clearly very happy to know that you’re into him.
“We’ve been talking to each other for a while, and I guess we both like each other,” you mutter the last bit, feeling a little embarrassed to almost immediately confirm that you like him, “but we still haven’t met in person.”
“I want to though,” he professes in almost a whisper.
Simply put, Mingyu looks sad.
“I’m sorry for cancelling so much. Are you free next week?” he asks with much remorse in his tone.
It wasn’t like he was cancelling on you on purpose. You get it. Adult life happens. There was a time about a week after Mingyu moved back when the two of you were supposed to meet, but his high school friends decided to drop by without notice, and he couldn’t kick them out even when he tried. Another time a date was cancelled because your department’s emergency meeting turned into you having to work overtime. He offered to pick you up, but you declined, not wanting to keep him waiting for who knew how long you had to stay in the office that night. There was also this one time when he was stuck in traffic for hours because he didn’t know that the route he chose to drive on that day would be the same route to a stadium where a popular girl group was performing. If he was ever given the chance, he would’ve volunteered to drive five times to the airport to pick somebody up during rush hour rather than sit through the traffic he experienced that day. On the plus side, the girl group earned one new fan.
It never occurred to you how weird is his ice-breaker statement. Maybe it was because your mind tunnel-visioned on how strikingly handsome he was even while he was slowly adjusting from the jet lag that you nodded at or agreed with anything that came out of the man’s mouth. “I don’t know if the guys told you, but I do have to warn you that I’m extremely unlucky,” he tells you when you ask him if there’s anything that you should know about him before the two of you meet in person. Of course, you laughed it off. Extreme unluckiness? It sounds like a curse straight from a Disney Channel original movie or special Halloween episode from the early 2000s. But looking at Mingyu now, the only light in your dark bedroom, you wonder whether or not he was joking around. Probably.
This time his parents called him home.
He proves it by calling you from his childhood bedroom – not that you needed any proof (family should come first, and it would be weird if he brought you home to his parents on your first date). Hunched over his tiny desk, he talks to you for hours, not because he wants to make up for cancelling yet another date, but because, quite frankly, he enjoys your company.
In the darkness, his desk lamp shines brightly, washing the white bedroom wall in shadows in shades of grey. Old posters hang on the wall over his twin-sized bed, probably drugstore kiosk prints of various landscapes he captured with one of his old cameras. The bed is made neatly, but the owner is much too big for the bed – opting to sleep on the living room couch for the night. It’s a little boring, but you’d rather take boring than find out that he was the type to have posters of cars and half-naked models hanging on his walls.
And the tiny silver hard shell carry-on suitcase pushed snugly into the little nook between his bed and shelf. It’s his most prized possession. Stickers purchased from every major city are stuck on the exterior in beautiful variants of color and monochrome. It’s like a superstition, he explains. Like how theatre stagehands always leave the ghost light on or how people would wear their lucky undies any time they need a little bit of luck even if that specific pair of underwear is a decade old and is hanging together by a single yellow thread. Sticking a sticker on his suitcase means sticking to plans, the stickiness holding everything metaphorical and literal together.
You learn he’s respectful. A family man. He geeks out over videos of tiny dogs at grooming salons and won’t stop bothering you unless you reply to his text with your favorite scene from the videos. A giant bottle of wholesale Aquaphor sits on his nightstand because he still has to slug it over his cracked heels before bed. He sneezes into his hands, often consecutively, and wipes it on his designer suits almost like it’s in his second nature. And he likes you – the romantic type where he sees a future with you by his side.
And he doesn’t hang up the video call even after you’ve fallen asleep just in case you forgot to set your alarm for work the next morning. He calls you sweetheart with his deep and cracked morning voice when you wake up, and he jokes about the numerous warnings that popped up on his phone screen regarding his phone overheating from being on for that long.
As cheesy as it sounds and feels, you can’t help but fall deeper for a man who doesn’t realize how important he’s becoming in your life with each passing minute and day. Even you can’t fathom how he can become such a significant person in your life when you’ve never met him in person. But there are many things in life that you can’t understand so you stick to what you know. And you know that you want to see him soon.
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Copyright © 2023 Wondernus. All rights reserved.
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asexualzoro · 5 months
it's december 9th, meaning today is my 23rd birthday (which is my favorite number!), which means it's time for...
Lew Writes Wrapped 2023!!!
im including anything that happened after my last bday, so we have some works from december as well. this one's a bit of a weird one for the total word count, you'll see why
it's all treebark from my sideblog / alt ao3. i cannot change. i will not change. for these im just gonna specify the relationship that's the main focus bc thats easier than fandom bc all but like one are third life
dandelion wishing
(Dec, 2.4k, treebark, oneshot) (link)
op movie 6 au for dogwarts in which Martyn is the baron and Ren doesn't know he's dead
id actually plotted out a whole third life au for this movie like months prior and really wanted to write it, so i took it for treebark week and focused it just on these two. it's my fave movie of all time and i obvs had to give it to my fave completely dead team <3
i will admit tho. it did make me back search martyns twitter to see if hes ever posted abt watching this movie. bc i know he likes One Piece and i realized this would bring me into the danger zone (he hasnt ever posted abt it if hes seen it)
A Romance Route for the Doomed Villain?!?
(Dec, 5k, treebark, oneshot) (link)
treebark dating sim isekai parody that spiraled out of my control made in a day-long possession
im still baffled by this one. why was the response to this one so insane?? there was smth in the water the day i posted this bro. a 1:2 kudos to hits ratio for the entire first day is literally fucking unbelievable. 70 comments?? what hold did this fic have on you people. i got fic written about this one?? my friends goncharov'd me in front of my face
really fucking fun to write and the insane response was smth im always gonna remember. i appreciate you guys so much
treesekai also turns a year old in a few days!
Until the Angels Realize You're Not One of Them
(Feb, 7.2k, emerald duo, oneshot) (link)
a traitor phil au which was mostly just me talking about all the reasons i love technoblade
this one... wasnt actually written this year for the most part? i didnt want to not acknowledge it, since it's on my ao3 in this year, but i wont be able to count it toward the total
still. traitor phil au my beloved. hearing him say on his stream he and techno wanted to do a betrayal arc made me feel insane bc i already had this written at the time
missing or obstructed
(2022-present, 12.9k, Grian & Ren, ongoing) (link)
post 3L fic about Ren and Grian seeking out closure with a lot of funny little sleep metaphors
same deal as the last fic, i, uh dont think i actually wrote anything new for missing or obstructed this year either? just uploaded chapters i wrote last year,,, i didnt wanna now acknowledge it, but i wont count this in my total later
i miss her. one day ill actually sit down and write more missing or obstructed. in my doc im JUST at introducing Martyn and i havent written it yet
to reach my mangled debut
(Sept, 4.2k, treebark week, ongoing) (link)
it wouldnt be me if i didnt have an execution somewhere in here. another op au!
THIS. I LOVE HER. when rev and i were plotting out the whole storyline for smop renchanting i was begging please give me this scene i need it and i had so much fun writing it. i rlly need to finish soon but i haven’t had time but please. please check out smop. she’s top of my priority list to update
Three-Dog Night
(Sept, 6.7k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
BIG DOG. beauty and the beast au!
god im so fond of this au. there’s some rlly good scenes written for this and unposted bc i just need to link them together. honestly i think if i took a month and focused it on this fic alone i could fucking finish it but i don’t have the time ;-;
that said i’m so enamored w this au genuinely. o dunno what else to say i just think. puppy
Cover Me In Roses
(Sept, 3.3k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
lamplight roleswap! put Martyn in a flower pot
i don’t feel as motivated to work on this one when i have lamplight unfinished so it’s lower on my priorities but know i have like an entire arc of this written and unposted. we just have a few paths for this one and i have to decide which one to use
it’s so wild to me lamplight has like. aus. like this isn’t even the only one? a roleswap. that’s insane? it’s wild that you all like lamplight enough i can even get away with this
First Sign of a House Fire
(Sept, 2k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
i love superhero stories for two reasons: plots about secrets and adapting the characters to give them powers. this had smth fun for both of them
yellow rose isn’t super high on my list of priorities to update (i think the oneshot is interesting on its own) but one day,,,, it’s part of the many aus cherri and i have but it’s the longest for sure. the doc for just this au is like 100k words long on its own. at the time i draft this cherri and i are actively writing smth else for it in another tab. theres like 4 offshoots and im obsessed w all of them. we had to make ocs about this one. i’m excited to eventually add more to this series
actually that’s one of the scenes i’m most excited for and most dreading adding. we made a backstory oc and im SO attached to him and im excited to post a thing out there w him but. ough. whatever cringe is dead i’ll get there eventually and brute force my way into attaching you to our funky little robot guy
also love that this fic forced me to be decided on a docv characterization that i have to stick to. he may be a canon guy to martyn’s vtuber lore but he’s my oc now too
(Sept, 2k, treebark week, ongoing) (link)
pirate au and royal au based on a big secret and also stuffing a guy in a box and it's all stupid dramatic literally what else do you want or need in life
this is my wife. my favorite. my most beloved. blindsided gives me new illnesses and diseases. i have just one scene to write before i can update it and then i can continue unleashing her. god i love this fic the drama of it is SO fun.
the funny thing abt blindsided is i know all the plot chronologically but now how to Present it which is part of why i haven’t continued too much. eventually i will but until then know that one of the scenes im sitting on which has been fully written is one i think about constantly. hopefully when i post it cherri’ll let free the comic she did for it
i actually have the ending of this fic written i just need to get there lmfao. second on my priority list after smop i think
Cradle of the Leviathan
(Sept, 1.5k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
i just love mer aus man. whats the point of it all if you cant have mer aus. just get a big ol fish
i have the ending of this au written as well and literally so little of the lead up. but this is pretty low on my priorities. i think this one stands just fine on its own. mer aus are nice like that
we actually have a few mer aus but for now i’ll be focusing on this one. i do have a few sweet post story things written for this one. maybe one day i’ll write enough to post em lmao
Lamplight AU
(2022-present, 47k, treebark, ongoing) (link)
renchanting dnd/fantasy au, martyn's a paladin and ren's a lamp
so i started this au last year. my wrapped last year said my total was 20k, so that means this year's total is.... 27k!
and… it was just lamplight’s birthday and i did all my appreciation for the fic and its readers then, but god. i love this fic so much and i love you all who have read it and been so kind about it. the amount of popularity it has makes it a bit nerve wracking to work on, but i still really want to see it finished. i hope to see the bulk of it done by this time next year!
Six Sentence Sunday
six sentence sunday is a challenge where i try to post six sentences i wrote that week every sunday, to keep me writing every week of the year! i do it over on my writing blog, @driflew
i did not keep up on my six sentences,,, i had a lot of sunday fencing tournaments. i did for ~33 weeks this year! thats a pretty good amount! i’ll have to be more on top of it next year tho
unpublished work
the last few years i havent included unpublished work, but with the extreme bulk of it, i wanted to note it down. cherri @/cherrifire and i have been writing a lot back and forth at each other in discord dms this year, and i wanted to include those in my count! bc holy fucking shit is there a lot of them
i didn’t include collab pieces, just pieces i wrote alone. i also only included the renchanting aus i share w cherri and scarian aus i share w flowey, nothing else—no unfinished lamplight or other independent pieces or oneshots, no original fiction for class, nothing. i also missed a few u haven’t moved to docs yet. so i’m lowballing by a few. thousands. of words
the total for those is...... 135k words! there is,,, something wrong with me
total and end notes
our total this year is...
187512 words!
that might be my highest word count yet! because i caught treebark disease. wild.
something really fun about this year to me is i really loved everything i wrote.
if you want to get me a gift or support me on my birthday… maybe try reading my work and reblogging it or leaving a comment! you can find my writing at driflew or skelew on ao3, follow my writing blog at @driflew, or even consider tipping my kofi!
thank you for sticking with me and supporting me this year! i really appreciate it! hopefully i can break 100k next year too!
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armpirate · 4 months
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 1
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
Next >>
Aprox. time of reading: 12 minutes
Chapter warnings: Audio porn, camboy, female masturbation, explicit talk
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He looked at her with a weird smirk, that far from being cute and attractive made him look like an even bigger asshole. It wasn't like she was too into him when they started texting, but at least she wasn't disgusted by him like she was then.
She didn't care about picking him up at the station, when it was late at night, mainly because he had previously told her he was new in the city and he still didn't know how to move well around. And she also was able to laugh it off when he whistled at her from afar when she walked past him, instead of just calling out her name. Y/n could shrug it off, and blame it on him being new on dating apps and just meeting new people in general.
But there was something off around his vibes.
And she should've run when he started mentioning how desperate people in those dating apps were, and how lonely they should feel in their lives to recur to meeting strangers and trusting them. He had a point there. She shouldn't have trusted his nice talk at all, because that way she wouldn't have been in the uncomfortable moment she was in.
They both were walking next to each other, while Y/n grasped the fabric inside the pockets of her jacket while trying to hold herself back from giving a bad look or a bad response. Maybe he was just nervous, and he was just trying to break the ice between them.
—Shall we get in somewhere? —he suggested, walking past the line of several restaurants.
—I'm not really hungry —she shook her head, dropping a small nervous smile.
—Me neither —Jordan scoffed—. Let's just get something to drink somewhere. It's too cold to be walking around.
When his lips curved, and she was able to see his crooked teeth with a gentle smile, she chose to give it another chance. He was cute looking, with his tanned skin and his gleaming green eyes. She was being too harsh on him after just fifteen minutes.
Y/n insisted on going somewhere else when he stopped in front of an establishment with wide crystal walls that allowed to see the decoration inside. Although it seemed like a pub at first glance, she spotted some people sitting on the tables having pizzas and pasta. And even the empty tables had the cutlery placed in front of each chair, for the moment someone would take those seats. Despite her mentioning it probably wasn't the type of place they were looking for, Jordan carried on, convincing her that they'd be allowed to only have a drink.
Five minutes later after sitting and being handed the menu, she moved her eyes up at him.
—Let's get something to eat. We can share a pizza if you like —he closed his menu, pointing at hers with his chin—. Pick whatever you like.
—Are you sure? —she asked, eyeing the different types of pizzas they were offering— Is there something you don't like?
Her question was genuine. Because even though Jordan already said it was her choice, she wanted to pick something he'd be fine with eating.
He shook his head, and assured her he ate anything that was served in front of him. Still, she went for something safe and asked for a Pepperoni pizza when the waiter stopped by their table to take their order. Although Y/n would've hoped he had stayed for a bit longer when silence knocked at their table.
The darkness outside didn't allow her to see further than her own reflection on the window, but it was better than looking at Jordan's uncomfortable face as he found nothing to talk about. And it'd have been like that on the way to the bay if she hadn't brought up random topics, like asking for how long he had been in Boston and what was the reason that took him there. She wasn't the outgoing type, but she still found the way to build a conversation to fill the silence. She was showing some type of interest.
She couldn't say the same about him, when she found the lighting of his phone illuminating his face, after she turned to him.
She still gave it a pass. There was no point in discarding someone only because he was shy.
Jordan was also weird. After saying he didn't have a problem with any type of food, she found him taking the slices of pepperoni from his half of the pizza, and even poked into the cheese with his fork to take the remaining. And seeing him struggling with his food made her feel bad, because maybe she should've opted for a more basic option so his dinner wouldn't be ruined.
She regretted those thoughts three seconds later.
—I thought you said you weren't hungry —he commented, after she was done with her half.
Biting her tongue, she held back any type of rude response. Her eyebrows frowned slightly though, confused by the comment, and unable to know what she should answer to that.
They'd pay for that food anyway, was she expected to take a slice and then leave the rest of her half there?
She just giggled the comment away, moving her eyes over the restaurant and stopping at the TV placed at the corner where the counter ended. She had never been interested in football, but that day it seemed like the best entertainment for the night. Only moving her eyes back to her table when Jordan called her attention, after hearing two of the waiters speaking in Italian.
—You said you spoke Italian, right? —he hurriedly asked.
During one of their late night conversations, she did mention she spoke Italian. Not a big amount though. Just enough to keep a simple conversation, after being able to learn some words and understand the way their grammar worked after her ex-boyfriend explained it to her. Not like it was useful though, because when they went to Milan to meet his grandparents she barely used the language. Mattia adopted the role of the translator without giving her a chance to speak once.
—Well, I said I knew some words —she nervously smiled—. That's quite different.
—Why don't you ask for the bill in Italian? I bet they'll think it's pretty cool.
Or they'll think she's a dumbass mocking them.
She had nothing to lose though. She could give it a try, and not step inside that restaurant a single time again in her life.
Her pronunciation was poor, and she struggled with the words when the pressure of having all those eyes on her finally kicked her. And, while the waiter smiled gently and nodded after she was done, she heard a chuckle on her right that activated the last nerve.
—You tried, at least —he kept scoffing, shaking his head and drinking.
Her lips were pressed tight against each other, dying to set free all the mischievous words going through her head, but avoiding to make a scene.
She didn't fight to split the bill, she didn't comment on anything, Y/n just wanted to get back home, delete the dating app and forget that date ever happened.
—I'm not the type to fight. I really don't like violence. But if you're being an asshole, I have to bring you back to reality, you know?
What was she even supposed to answer?
Y/n just nodded, seeing the light when she was able to spot her building from afar. But peace wasn't reaching her that easily yet.
She was ready to say goodbye, open the door and never see him again, but he sat at the small stairs that led to her door, lighting a cigarette and keeping the monologue while looking into the distance.
Maybe her skin was way too thin, but she couldn't find the way to feel interested about anything that was coming out of his mouth after what happened in the restaurant. Maybe she had been so hopeless about love after so many failing dates, that she found herself bothered at the slightest thing.
—I guess we'll meet again —he threw the cigarette to the road in between the two vehicles parked in front—. Next time you're the one paying —he reminded her.
—Sure, sure.
Before Jordan was able to hook her in a hug, she walked up the steps, looking for her keys in her bag and opening the door before she finally said goodbye to him.
—Get home safely.
If he expected to get in her bed that night, he'd have a shocking reality check.
A loud sigh and the keys tingling when she dropped them over the green sideboard at the entrance informed of her way back home, having Julius -a black cat with a bit of overweight-, peeking his head over the corner to confirm it was its owner uninterestedly.
After closing the door, she saw the golden hooks she bothered herself to hang so she wouldn't be leaving her keys anywhere. It was cute, and it went perfectly well with the style of the house, but she was so upset over the evening she had, that she couldn't find herself picking up the keys and hanging them there.
She could only pray Julius wouldn't jump over the sideboard and drag her keys to the floor, so he could play until he pushed them under the couch like the last time.
On her way to her room, where she was looking forward to hiding once she reached her bed, she felt her phone buzzing in her hand. Her head fell back with an exasperation moan when she saw the dickpic blasting on her screen.
What was even the reason for that bullshit?
Loverboy6577 shot higher than what he could reach. Well, at least he was straightforward and he wasn't wasting her time.
She snuggled inside her bed, finally taking the decision of deleting her profile and letting go of any possible hook up, or relationship, that could come with it. She wasn't going to be delusional anymore.
Boys just weren't worthy of her time.
At least not any that were at her reach, or realistic to her. That was what she convinced herself of when she found herself smiling excitedly when a notification popped up at the top of her screen over her social media.
*Soundleasure has just posted a video*
Reaching for her earpods inside the drawer of her nightstand, she lied on her back, clicking on the notification to be redirected to his page.
If someone in her circle knew she was wasting money on content like that, she'd probably be judged and dragged to shreds. Fuck, she was the type to laugh at people paying to consume that type of content before she found him through a random video in a porn site -after another failed date, unsurprisingly.
Dating was difficult, love was non-existent for the possible partners she had met. What was the point of wasting money and time going out with them, in exchange of some lame sex, when she could enjoy herself with a sexy voice and her own imagination?
When she first met him, it was cheaper. And it wasn't like he had many subscribers either. But his exposure increased with the passing of time, having her little secret increasing the pricing in subscriptions.
When she played the video, she was met with a completely dark screen -something usual from him. It was one of the things that attracted her the most, not being distracted by some random nudes or sex scenes, and being allowed to let the arousal properly build up.
—Was it a hard day today? —he asked.
Y/n's head instantly nodded to his question, feeling like he posted that video purposely for her and her mood, trying to make up for what the rest of the irky males around her made her go through. Although she probably would've been okay with his rough side as well, like some other times. She would've been happy with whatever was the mood of his audio.
—Hmm, does my baby want me to make her feel better? —he rustled softly, caressing her ears so gently that she moved her head to the side, as if he was actually next to her.
His breathing was light, before the sound of his pecks came. At some point she swore she could even feel his lips against her skin, washing the tension away with every kiss.
—I'll make it better, babe —he assured through the mic—. Let me kiss you.
She loved his content, but that part always took her out, turning her into a giggling ball while cringing over the sound of his lips trying to mimic the sound of a wet kiss, gasping for air with every move. It helped her to get an idea of what his lips looked like though. They probably were a pale pink, adopting a darker tone after a make out session that could suck their souls.
He proceeded to describe how he moved down her neck, worshiping every centimeter of exposed skin in her body until he reached the elastic of her panties. She could perfectly picture a pair of fierce eyes looking over her mount, before he asked:
—Can I take it off?
Along with his audio, her pants and panties were long gone under the sheets, going in sync with his voice.
—Look at you, so wet already —he groaned.
The mix of his heavy breathing, mixed to the wet sounds coming from her core when she slipped her fingers through her slit, almost made her back arch.
All her hairs raised when she heard his breathing cutting off before he sucked on something, skillfully moving his tongue and sucking his lips onto her hard button -that was trapped in the slow circles two of her fingers kept tracing.
—You taste so good —his words were followed by another open-mouthed kiss—. I'll make you feel alright. I gotcha, babe.
He spitted, making her tiptoes curl when she imagined his spit rolling down her folds before he sank his face into her core again. Her fingers kept moving over her clit, mimicking the twirls of his tongue, wishing for the millionth time that it wasn't only an audio, but a reality.
—Cum on my tongue. I'll make you cum on my cock after.
Along with his voice and his sounds, her back arched and her pussy clenched around nothing as she allowed the pleasure to invade her after he motioned her to cum.
She still went on with the audio, touching herself to mimic the situation he was settling for her, trying to make it as real and vivid as possible while she heard his groans and moans when he slipped his cock in her. It was insane for her how he was able to have her moaning, pressing her thighs together when she finger fucked herself while listening to his whimperings and praises.
There was only one problem there, and it was that she bet her moans would sound perfectly mixed with his in that audio, while they did in real life what he was promising in the video.
Maybe it was her low self-esteem for the night acting up, or maybe her brain was still fried by the two orgasms he helped her having, but she only felt encouraged to enter his profile while she was still recovering, unstable breathing while she tried to type a message for him.
Usually, he just seemed so out of reach. Soundleasure was a thing, she forgot he was even a person after cumming. He was just content that she consumed, because she felt lonely and needy, and no real man would make her reach her high the way he did with his voice only. But it didn't seem like she thought like that that night.
"Good video... But maybe next time you could have my moans in it" she wrote in his private message.
Y/n didn't want to think about it too deeply after sending it. If he answered, good. If he didn't, then he'd keep being that content she consumed randomly at night when loneliness knocked at her door. 
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yanderepuck · 8 months
@cirilla-fiona-riannon is translating Drake's route and she has the first two chapters done BUT I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT.
Aka spoilers
So we get some bro moments with all the guys which is really cute BUT WHAT PEAKED MY INTEREST is that the trio are all friends with everyone at the mansion like its nothing.
They aren't trying to stay in the shadows and its like Comte and Vlad found each other in Paris and just picked up their friendship. WHICH MAKES SENSE.
This is technically a WHOLE new story. No rivals, which also means that Vlad has only brought back Charles and Faust. Wellington, Gilles, and all of them never came back because it also seems like Shakespeare never worked with Vlad.
Shakespeare is at the mansion when Drake comes along and no one bats an eye that he is there. He does live int he Villa, but it seemed like he was talking with Mozart and Jean when the three of them entered the room. But he doesn't seem tense at all or trying to hide anything.
But that's an gripe for another day(aka tomorrow when I read Charles' route)
BUT WHAT I'M GOING TO LIKE ABOUT THIS is that with EVERY OTHER ROUTE, we knew about past events bc we read them. We knew Vlad was the enemy, we knew he brought back people, we knew Shakespeare was shady. BUT THAT'S NOT THE CASE ANYMORE.
FAUST EVEN MAKES MEDICINE FOR SEBASTIAN. But even though we knew he had some sort of illness, that seems to be only in his route, because (at least int he translation) they don't point out that it is that kind of illness, just that he wasn't feeling well.
We also learn about why the door has been weird for the last couple of routes. If you read Faust's route you know that they can't changed time too drastically. Faust was simply trying to save the orphanage and he almost got erased from time (cybird would have done this a little better but I digress). So wither it be God or something else, they don't like that Comte and Vlad have been able to time travel and that being caused a distortion in the door. I'm glad we finally got an answer for this, but that answer wasn't so important.
Up until now its really only been Leonardo who has pointed out how he can tell the differences between vampires and humans and I was starting to get the feeling that it just happened to be a special ability of his. But no. Comte points out that Drake is part human and vampire, meaning he's a demi just like Napoleon SO MAYBE WE WILL FINALLY GET ANSWERS.
I probs won't be talk too much about the route itself, but these kinds of little things. But I do love that Drake immediately got into a fight with Napoleon.
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dattosdan · 11 months
You know I was thinking about it and... how are kris Susie going to get an entire tv from Toriels house to the school? If we follow the same pattern as the previous chapters, all the darkners objects should be taken from toriels house to castle town, but ignoring the fact that they would have to somehow convince toriel to give them a BUNCH of random objects from her house not JUST the tv, but the other objects could probably be stuffed in kris's pockets, (considering they were able to stuff an entire computer in there lol.) But like, look at this:
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Thats a pretty big tv! How are they gonna move that thing, so I came up with two theories/predictions.
The first one which is actually a pretty simple solution, is that Tenna, (assuming the chapter boss is Tenna), isn't actually the tv, notice the name, "Tenna" like ANTENNA, Tenna might actually only be the antenna on TOP of the tv, thus making transportation much more possible.
The second one...
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Ok, hear me out, what if these lines from the spamton sweepstakes special were actually FORESHADOWING, what if toby... just straight up KILLS or damages Tenna? This might just be the edgy grim side of my brain thinking, but it would be one HELLUVA way to ramp up the stakes, and show Kris and Susie, that this is serious, I mean, they're HEROES, they're supposed to be saving the world and all, yet they aren't taking this very seriously at all, Susie even likes exploring the dark worlds with kris and states that what the knight is doing, might not be such a bad thing after all, and at least during a non-weird route, kris seems to enjoy them as well, considering they opened up a dark fountain just to go on another adventure with Susie, this could be a wakeup call to them, that the dark worlds ARNT all fun and games, and that they are real dangerous places, full of people, who can, and will die (via the roaring) if they don't save them by stopping the knight.
Anyway, the first theory is more likely, idk if toby would really be willing to do that, but then again, the man DID make the genocide route and weird route, so he can do that sort of stuff if he wants.
Kris could also just have a comically large tv in their pocket I guess, but anyway, let me know what you think.
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neversetyoufree · 1 year
So while I know it sounds a little counterintuitive on the surface, one of the reasons I'm really hoping VnC goes down the Vanitas/Noé path is that, out of all the routes the romantic plot could take, VaNoé is by far the most interesting outcome for Dominique.
It's been made pretty clear that Noé is going to end up with a crush on somebody in the long run, and the beginnings of that foundation have been in place since all the way back in chapter 12. And of course, given how Domi has very strong feelings for Noé, whoever Noé ends up pursuing is going to have a huge impact on her as well.
Personally, I'm just not very interested in the stories we'd get out of Noé having feelings for Jeanne or Dominique.
Although Domi's crush on Noé is often played for fluffy comedy, it's also clearly tied into a lot of the less than healthy aspects of her character. She tried to completely rewrite herself and transform into her brother to make him happy. She tried to kill herself because she thought it would save him, and the only thing that could snap her out of her suicidal mindset was the fact that her death would make Noé sad. It is incredibly unhealthy to tie your self worth so deeply to another person like that.
Domi's had a crush on Noé since before things got so unhealthy, and she'd probably still have these problems to some degree even if she weren't in love with him, but the fact remains that the two issues are inextricably linked right now. And going further with DomiNoé would mean either leaving Domi's issues about Noé worsening/unresolved (which I doubt will happen), or writing her working through her baggage and learning to value herself outside him, then coming back to her crush with a new, healthier viewpoint. And that could technically happen!
However, I think we would make a much cleaner narrative break if Domi's learning to live for and value herself coincides with her finally moving past her feelings for Noé. Her moving on romantically would be a really good way to symbolize her moving on from her unhealthy dependence on him, and I don't want to pass that up. She needs to have something in her life that isn't connected to all her baggage about Louis.
Also, from the Noé side, I just don't see much practical evidence of him having feelings for Dominique. Chapter 12's romantic foreshadowing coincides with Noé's obvious jealousy over the whole Vanijeanne situation, so I'm pretty sure his eventual crush is going to be on one of them. And that brings me to the issue of NoéJeanne.
As I've said before, I do think there's a small amount of evidence that could support Noé's eventual crush being Jeanne, so it wouldn't be completely out of left field. However, I'm personally hoping this isn't the route Mochijun takes, and the biggest thing that turns me away from this idea is what it would mean for Dominique.
When Misha manipulates Domi during the Amusement Park arc, he uses not just her crush on Noé, but specifically her jealousy over Jeanne as ammunition against her. Because Dominique has noticed Noé's jealousy over VaniJeanne, and she fully believes that Noé has feelings for Jeanne. But the thing is, the Amusement Park arc is almost entirely a story about the destruction and pain that comes from falsely assuming that you understand a loved one. Dominique almost dies because she mistakenly thinks it's what Noé would want. Misha's whole motivation as an antagonist is trying to bring Vanitas back to a family dynamic that Vani no longer wants or believes in. And Noé's big turning point is the realization that he has to look at Vanitas clearly and think about how he actually feels, rather than judging based on his personal feelings.
So with all that said, Mochijun turning around and saying "Domi's right about Noé's feelings for Jeanne, actually" would be really weird and out of place. I'm fairly sure that, although it's implied earlier, the first time "Domi thinks Noé has a crush on Jeanne" is called out explicitly is when Domi and Jeanne talk in chapter 45. This comes immediately before the start of the Amusement Park arc, and that scene in particular serves as the buildup to Domi's imminent breakdown, so her jealousy and the themes of the Amusement Park are pretty inextricably tied.
"Domi makes a false assumption about Noé's feelings, and it leads to her fighting with her dear friend Jeanne for no good reason" would fit very well with the rest of the arc. "Domi is right about the jealousy, but wrong to fight with Jeanne anyway" would be a much clumsier from a thematic and storytelling perspective, and I'm inclined to think Mochijun knows better than that.
In short, Noé having feelings for Jeanne is possible, but it would make Domi and Jeanne's part of the amusement park arc a lot worse.
So would Noé having feelings for Vanitas be better?
For starters, Noé having feelings for Vani would make Dominique's jealousy of Jeanne incorrect, which solves the thematic problem outlined above. Beyond that, though, Noé having feelings for Vanitas would also allow for the most interesting interpretation of the original "Noé is jealous" scene from chapter 12.
In that scene, it's obvious that Noé is jealous over Vanitas and Jeanne's new romantically/sexually charged blood drinking situation. Noé thinks it's because he's jealous that Jeanne gets to drink Vanitas's blood, and Domi thinks it's because he's jealous that Vanitas is getting close to Jeanne sexually/romantically. Noé being correct is frankly not worth considering, and we just addressed why Domi being correct creates problems. However! If Noé is jealous that Jeanne is getting close to Vanitas in the romantic sense, then Domi and Noé are each half right in a way that I find both logical and compelling.
Noé struggles to understand his own feelings on a deeper level, but he can understand his own physical cravings for blood, so it makes sense that, even when feeling other types of attraction, blood is the one thing that gets through to him. Meanwhile, Dominique dislikes Vanitas and is pretty obviously attracted to Jeanne, so it follows that she'd assume Noé thinks the same way. They each have an insight into Noé that the other doesn't, and they're both also a little bit misguided, which seems pretty in keeping with their characters and VnC as a whole.
Then, on a wider scale, a "Noé's in love with Vanitas" angle would also do some really interesting things for Dominique. My best guess right now is that Domi's arc will eventually end with her finding some self worth/reason to live beyond Noé, but she'll have a long and painful process getting there. And Noé liking Vanitas would help facilitate exactly that! It could force her to accept that she's not going to get with him, which could in turn help her move on and find her self worth elsewhere, but it would also put her through. just. so much suffering. On the pettier level, she'd have to watch her dear friend and crush fall in love with someone she finds rather despicable (and for the second time!!). And on the more serious level, she'd have to watch Noé once again link his heart to a doomed man and have to reckon with the aftermath of his death.
That sounds about like the kind of growth to angst ratio that Mochijun likes to go for.
So tldr: Noé's eventual crush is almost certainly going to be on Domi, Jeanne, or Vanitas, and out of those three, Vanitas is the only option that wouldn't get in the way of what I think/hope is Domi's narrative arc. In order for her to accept that she's been misunderstanding Noé and properly start building self worth, she can't end up dating him, and Noé can't have feelings for Jeanne. That leaves VaNoé as the best and only option for Dominique.
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torreshalstead · 6 months
It Seemed Like a Good Idea - Chapter 21
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Summary - Hailey’s US visa was due to expire, which normally wouldn’t be an issue as the CPD would get it renewed but due to a backlog of paperwork, this wasn’t possible. This meant Hailey was faced with the real possibility of having to leave the country, her job and everything she held dear. That was until Jay offered up a solution which would allow her to stay in Chicago, in Intelligence, with him - they could get married. Getting married was a good idea, right?
Chapters - 21/21
Chapter Title - The Honeymoon
Notes - I can’t believe we’ve reached the end of this story. All of your love and support has meant the world and I hope you enjoy this final chapter. Thanks so much for reading ❤️ AO3 Link
‘Are you going to tell me where we’re going?’ Hailey asked after they had been on the road for a little over an hour. Jay just turned and threw one of his signature smirks her way before returning his gaze to the road.
‘Not a fan of surprises?’ He asked, already knowing the answer. His wife, he couldn’t believe he could actually call her that now without any additional pressures being attached to the word, was a planner. She liked to know what was happening and when, and relinquishing control was not something she succumbed to easily. But he also knew; she would love this surprise.
‘Jay,’ she sighed, shaking her head a little but when Jay looked at her out of the corner of his eye, he could see she was smiling. He reached across and took her hand, linking their fingers together and letting them rest on the centre console.
‘We’ve got about two hours left to go,’ he admitted, watching as the cogs started to spin in Hailey’s head as she put together the direction of travel, the familiarity of the route and the arrival time. She was an elite detective after all, putting clues together and coming out with the right answer was her forte.
‘Wait,’ she said, curling up her legs as she spun in her seat to look at him, her eyes wide in excitement. ‘Are we going to your cabin?’
‘We’re going to our cabin,’ he said with a grin. He let out a small chuckle as he heard Hailey’s intake of breath.
‘Our cabin?’ She asked, clearly confused by his choice of words.
‘Well, we are married now, what’s mine is yours and all that,’ he said with a shrug. He had spoken to Will about it already, about adding Hailey’s name to the title and deed of the cabin and he was completely on board. That way, should anything happen to him and/or Will, it would still stay in the family. Because that’s what she was, his family.
‘Jay, you don’t need to-’ she started but Jay cut her off with a gentle squeeze to her hand.
‘The cabin belongs to the Halstead’s,’ he said calmly, ‘and you’re a Halstead now, maybe not in name but you are Hailey. The cabin belongs to you too.’ He chanced another look at her although the traffic on the highway was starting to pick up. ‘It’s the family cabin Hails,’ he added, ‘you’re my family.’
‘Jay,’ she said and Jay didn’t need to look at her to know her eyes would be brimming with tears - he could hear it in the shake of her voice. ‘I love you,’ she whispered quietly after a moment of silence.
‘I love you too, Hailey,’ Jay said, giving her hand another squeeze and turning his full focus back to the road. ‘You can rest your eyes if you want, I’ll wake you up when we get there.’
It felt weird being back at the cabin with Hailey again, but the good kind of weird, the kind where you feel it in the depths of your stomach and it makes you want to grin at everything. She was still dozing in the passenger seat, the grip on his hand loose but their fingers still linked together. Since they had finally come to their senses and admitted how they felt about each other, the need to be touching each other, even just the smallest of touches, had increased exponentially. If Jay could spend every hour of every day just holding his wife in some shape or form, he’d be a happy man.
Still, the last time they had been here it had all been an act. At least on the outside. He had known even then, that his feelings for her were not just platonic - hell he’d never brought a girl to the cabin, friend or relationship. But he wanted to share it with her. Wanted her to know a bit more about him, where he came from and wanted her to experience a place that meant so much to him. Because she meant so much to him. Even if she didn’t know it yet.
But now, being back here and getting to kiss her on the dock, wrap his arms around her as they snuggled in front of the fire and tell her he loved her as often as he felt it. It was going to be perfect.
Glancing back over at the peaceful form of the blonde haired love of his life, he debated waking her up or pulling the cheesy move of carrying her into the cabin. He decided to unload the trunk first and if she was still asleep then he would make the call.
He hadn’t packed them too much. Unfortunately their time at the cabin was limited to two days as that was all the time off he could get approved and as happy as he was to spend the entire time naked, he wanted to show Hailey all the wonders the lake fronted cabin had to offer, and that would involve them being dressed for at least a portion of the time.
He’d also packed a limited supply of groceries - the nearest restaurant didn’t deliver and some of his mothers recipe books were still tucked in one of the kitchen cabinets and he intended to wow Hailey with a couple of them. He knew he didn’t need to impress her anymore but he also wanted to spoil her, treat her like she deserved to be treated and they always say a way to a girl's heart is through her stomach. He wasn’t sure that was anatomically correct but still, his mothers chicken pot pie recipe was calling his name.
With everything unloaded and put away, he was back with his original dilemma. To carry his sleeping wife into the house and risk her potential wrath for him being too old fashioned or wake her up and risk her grumpiness at being pulled from her slumber too soon. They hadn’t slept much the past couple of days, had been far too occupied getting to know each other on a different level so her needing to recoup some energy wasn’t too unusual. And she looked so peaceful asleep, like whatever weight she had been carrying that day had completely evaporated.
His mind was made up. He softly opened the passenger door, unclipping the seatbelt and sliding his arms underneath her, pulling her against his chest and kicking the door closed. She shifted a little in his arms but Jay just smiled as she buried her face into his neck. It seemed to be one of her favourite positions, her face tucked tightly into the space between his head and his shoulder, her breath tickling his neck. It was adorable the way she buried in deeply, like she didn’t want to be apart from him. Jay’s only complaint - when her face was tucked in like so, he couldn’t reach it to kiss it. And kissing her had become his new favourite hobby - something he was sure he would never get sick of.
Walking slowly toward the cabin, trying not to jostle her too much he let his mind wander. If you’d have asked him just a couple of months ago if he thought they would ever have ended up here, as much as it would have pained him, he would have said no. No matter how much he loved her and had hoped with every single fibre of his being that she could possibly feel the same way, he had never let himself really believe that. It felt like too much of a happy ending, and it was just out of reach.
‘Are you carrying me over the threshold?’ A soft voice broke through his thoughts and he let out a little chuckle. He hadn’t even thought about it like that, had just wanted her to get a little more sleep if she needed it.
‘Go back to sleep,’ he chuckled, continuing up the steps into the cabin.
‘You’re such a fool,’ she sighed but he felt her snuggle just a fraction closer to his chest.
‘And you love me despite my flaws,’ he smirked, making his way over to the couch. But when he tried to set Hailey down and pull his arms out from under her, her fingers gripped tightly to his shirt and wouldn’t let him go.
‘Stay with me,’ she murmured. He couldn’t say no to her. So the next couple of hours were spent napping on the couch, Hailey using his chest as a pillow, his arms tight around her and their legs tangled together. It was what he had never daren’t to let himself imagine - it was perfect.
‘I promise I won’t let you fall in,’ Jay said, offering Hailey his hand as he stood in the wooden row boat. The boat was already moving a little too much for Hailey’s liking so her feet were glued to the dock as she shook her head ferociously.
‘You can’t promise that,’ she said, crossing her arms over the unattractive buoyancy aid that she had rescued from the outside storage unit next to the dock. She wasn’t sure it had been worn in the last 10 years but she wasn’t going to risk getting into the boat without it. She knew how to swim but getting caught in the middle of the lake which looked freezing for want of a better word, did not sound like a fun way to spend their honeymoon.
‘I promise if you fall in, I’ll rescue you,’ Jay offered, wiggling his fingers at her with a smile. ‘Pretty sure if I let my wife die on our honeymoon, people might ask questions.’ He chuckled and Hailey couldn’t help but giggle.
She knew she was being stupid, she could swim, it was only a small lake and she had Jay. She trusted him with her life at work day after day, she could do this right?
‘Okay,’ she said tentatively, taking a small step towards the edge of the dock. ‘But if we end up in the water, you’re going to have to warm me up later!’
‘That was already on my list Hails,’ he said, his boyish grin firmly on his cheeks. ‘Come on, I’ve got you.’
‘Okay,’ she repeated, another small step brought her right to the edge, her toes hanging off the dock. One small step would put her in the boat next to Jay. On the water. In a boat.
‘Hailey,’ Jay said, raising an eyebrow. ‘Have you always had a fear of boats?’
‘It’s not the boat that’s the problem,’ she said frowning, trying to get her feet to move just a fraction more but it was like they were made of granite, heavy and unmoveable. ‘It’s the potential of drowning.’ She heard Jay laugh and turned her frown on him. ‘Do not laugh at me Jay Halstead!’
He raised both his hands apologetically. ‘I’m not laughing at you Hails, just shocked that I didn’t know.’
‘Well, I joined the police academy not the boat academy,’ she said through gritted teeth. Why wouldn’t her feet just move damn it!
‘The boat academy?’ Jay scoffed.
‘Jay will you just pick me up and put me in the damn boat,’ she groaned.
‘Are you sure?’ He asked, his jovial tone vanishing from his voice and Hailey knew why. He would never force her to do anything she didn’t want to do, and she loved him for it. But this was just in her head. She wanted to row out into the middle of the lake with Jay.
She’d never admit it to anyone unless under the influence of a good number of whiskeys but she loved the Notebook and the scene with the rowboat had always been one of her favourites. And call her a hopeless romantic but a boat ride with her husband on an empty lake - well it was more romance than she thought she’d ever experience.
‘Positive,’ Hailey said, nodding her head. ‘Once I’m in I’ll be fine,’ she said, trying to assure both him and herself.
‘Okay,’ he said, climbing back onto the dock. He dropped a kiss to her lips which she let herself get lost in for just a moment before his hands came up underneath her armpits and lifted her up as if she weighed little more than a bag of flour and dropped her gently into the waiting boat.
Hailey froze, the boat rocked with her movements so her logical brain told her if she remained totally still, so would the boat.
‘Hails, sit down,’ Jay said gently, pointing at the empty bench. ‘It’ll rock less if you’re sat, I promise.’
She breathed out and slowly bent her knees until her butt met the wooden bench beneath her. Jay had been right, seated the boat felt like it was a lot more stable.
‘I’m coming in now too,’ Jay said, climbing back into the boat and unlooping the rope from the cleat, pushing off against the dock and letting them drift towards the middle of the lake.
As much as she had been apprehensive about the boat initially, sitting there with Jay gently rowing, the only sound was the water against the oars and the birds from the tree line, it was so peaceful. The view she had of Jay’s toned arms as he dragged the oars through the water was also not one to scoff at. She had initially scolded herself for ogling him until she remembered that he was her husband and if that didn’t grant her permission to appreciate the body that he worked so hard to maintain - what did?
She let herself relax more as they continued their journey with no destination, the enjoyment of each other’s company and the fresh Wisconsin air their only companion. She loved Chicago, the bustle of the city was programmed into her bones, but getting to take a step back, step away from the noises and the continued busyness, well it was like a reset button for her soul.
Hailey didn’t know how many favours Jay had to call in to get them both assigned to two days off consecutively and together, and if he had told her what he was planning she probably would have said it wasn’t worth it, that they had already been married for months and a honeymoon seemed like a foolish idea. But she was so glad he hadn’t. After the chaos of the last few months, this was exactly what they needed. Peace and Quiet. Together.
‘This is perfect,’ Hailey said as she sipped on her mug of hot chocolate, the marshmallows bobbing around in the steaming liquid. Her legs were thrown over Jay’s and the blanket tucked around them both as they shared a single Adirondack chair that Jay had dragged down to the water's edge. ‘The stars are so bright out here,’ she said as she let her head fall back to take in the view of the night sky.
‘It’s the one thing I miss when I’m in the city,’ Jay said honestly, his fingers were drawing patterns on Hailey’s thigh, she could feel the warmth even through her leggings.
‘I can see why you like it up here,’ Hailey admitted.
‘I like it better with you,’ he said and Hailey could hear the smile in his voice.
‘Thank you for sharing it with me,’ she said, taking another sip of her drink, letting the warmth of the liquid heat her from the inside out. She thought back to the day they had had and couldn’t remember a time she had felt quite so happy and so free.
After Jay had successfully navigated the lake and brought her safely back to shore, he offered to take her on a walk to show her the rest of the lake but Hailey had had other ideas and had tugged him into the house by the collar of his shirt. It wasn’t the sex by the fireplace that Hailey had planned for later, she hadn’t had the time or the forethought to build a fire before disrobing Jay of his clothes, her own had been divested before they had even made it halfway up the stairs.
Once her legs had stopped their shaking thanks to the skills that she had been unaware that her husband had possessed until very recently, more fool her, they made their way downstairs and had pottered around the kitchen making dinner together. Jay had wanted to make her dinner but she had insisted on helping, which really meant sitting on the counter and reading out the instructions from his mothers handwritten recipe book. It also gave her the perfect position to be able to capture Jay with her legs every time he tried to reach into the cabinets behind her.
‘Why didn’t you bring this back to the city?’ Hailey asked after one such capture, gesturing to the book open next to her.
‘Mom always loved it up here,’ Jay said with a little shrug, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, ‘seemed right to leave a piece of her up here.’
Hailey smiled softly, pecking him on the lips before letting her legs fall back down again letting him continue with his cooking.
They had eaten the perfectly prepared pot pie before Jay offered a hot chocolate for dessert and suggested they drink it by the water. It had been the most perfect day.
‘Thank you,’ Hailey whispered quietly. The night was silent apart from the sounds of the water meeting the shore and their own breathing so there was no doubt Jay had heard her words, but he stayed quiet.
Hailey knew he knew what she was thanking him for, it was the same thing he had told her all those months ago not to. But she meant it as something more this time, thank you for marrying me but thank you for trusting me enough with your heart as well. They were both guarded people, people who somewhere deep inside themselves weren’t completely believing of the fact they were deserving of love. But they were. And Hailey knew they both realised it now. They had just needed a little pushing.
She made a mental note to send Will a big thank you card when they got back to the city.
‘Come on Hails,’ Jay said loudly as he ran ahead of her, his laughter echoing back through the trees.
‘I’ve only got little legs!’ She yelled back. It was only partly true, she was shorter than him by at least a foot but in a flat out running race on regular terrain she would smoke him. However this was anything but.
They had been halfway round the lake, about a mile and a half from the cabin when the heavens had opened. It hadn’t been on the forecast so they were not prepared and were currently legging it back to get out of the rain. They were already soaked to the bone and Hailey was certain at this point there wasn’t a single part of her that was dry. She was also at a significant disadvantage - Jay knew this trail like the back of his hand whereas she was having to watch her feet to avoid every root and stray log that crossed the path.
But still she was laughing. Normally she would hate to have been caught out in a situation like this, highly unprepared splashing through puddles and mud in nothing more than her running sneakers, her hair plastered to her head and the rain soaking her socks. But Jay was hooting and hollering in front of her, betting that whoever got into the house first got the prime spot in front of the fire and first dibs on the shower.
She knew her husband well though and knew that there would only be one shower happening and they would find a perfectly good way to warm each other up.
‘I’ll make you a hot chocolate if you beat me,’ he yelled from his position a couple of paces in front of her.
‘You’ll make me one anyway,’ she yelled back, but as she jumped over a broken tree trunk, her feet slipped on the wet mud and she came crashing down to the ground with a loud thud.
‘Hailey!’ Jay yelled, spinning around and racing to her side. He pushed her hair out of her face, the worry etched across his cheeks but was met with Hailey laughing.
‘I’m fine,’ she chuckled. ‘Just a little bit muddy,’ she shrugged before reaching up with one muddy hand and cradling Jay’s cheek. ‘Anyone ever tell you Halstead, you’ve got such pretty eyes.’
Jay’s eyes widened in sudden realisation as Hailey proceeded to smear the mud across his cheek, laughing as she did so. ‘Upton, you’re going to get it now,’ he said, his brows furrowing in mock anger.
‘Well I hope so,’ Hailey winked before dramatically holding out her hand, ‘you going to help your wife up Halstead, or just leave me in this puddle.’
‘I’m debating leaving you,’ Jay growled before taking her hand and pulling her to her feet.
If she hadn’t been muddy before, she was covered now, head to toe.
‘You’d never leave me,’ Hailey said, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close, not caring that she was rubbing the mud all over him as well.
‘Never,’ he said, clearly not minding either as he leant down and kissed her softly. ‘But I’ll still beat you back,’ he said, grinning and turning round to continue his way back down the path, only to be tripped by a wayward root and land in his own muddy puddle.
Hailey bent double with laughter, the real deep kind of laughter that bubbles up from your stomach and your whole body shakes.
‘That’s it,’ Jay said, reaching up to grab her hand and tug her down into the mud beside him, which she landed in with a wet thump.
‘Well you always said where I go you go,’ Hailey smirked and sealed her lips to his, the rain and mud long forgotten, her husband’s lips her only thought.
A few hours later, they are wrapped around each other in front of the roaring fire, the blankets from the coach acting as both cushion and cover, but neither Hailey or Jay were paying much attention to the hardwood floor underneath them. Their focus was on each other and nothing else.
Hailey folded an arm over Jay’s shoulder and used it to prop herself up so she could look at him, her other hand trailing across his bare chest, absentmindedly connecting the freckles she had already memorised.
‘What time do we have to leave?’ She asked softly, her voice the only noise apart from the crackling in the fireplace.
‘In an hour,’ Jay said reluctantly. They had both avoided talking about leaving from the second they had arrived, but they knew it was coming. They had to be back in the bullpen at 8am tomorrow so needed to drive back tonight to get some sleep, theirs was not a job one should do without at least a few hours of rest.
Hailey hummed in response, she didn’t want to leave. She had never felt as carefree and content as she did at the cabin, with Jay.
‘But we can stay right here until we need to leave,’ Jay said, clearly sensing her apprehension. ‘I’ve already packed the truck.’
‘I knew there was a reason I married you,’ Hailey muttered, dropping a gentle kiss to his lips.
‘There was,’ Jay said when she pulled back, ‘a visa.’ He smirked and Hailey grinned.
‘That’s true,’ she chuckled. She was glad they could laugh about it, she had been worried initially that it might have been awkward, but it hadn’t been. It was their story.
Sure it wasn’t the most normal of roads that relationships took, but it was theirs and Hailey didn’t think she’d change a single moment of it. Because that crazy road, with all its twists and turns, had led her right here. To this moment in time.
To Jay.
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bluepeachstudios · 10 months
GitS Asks!
Anonymous asked:
I figured we were going to go the "are you my daddy?" route, but still I'm genuinely surprised that the boys, especially Donnie, haven't even considered that Ghost might be an alternate universe Donatello. I understand that they arent aware of the existence of alternate universes, but Donnie has done research and has a whole cork board dedicated to the subject, WITH PHOTOGRAPHS of three different iterations of the turtle's, all of whom bare a surprising resemblance to Ghost! At least, more so than the Rise!Turts anyways. Meanwhile, Ghost is a mutant turtle who wasn't created by Draxum, is practically a genetic clone of Donnie, is trained in ninjutsu, has a super genius iq, wields a bo staff, wears a purple mask, has brothers who are very similar to the boys, a mutant rat for a father, and was separated by his family in a way that requires a special portal machine to get back to them. Honestly, the fact that Ghost can only return to his family via portal machine should have been a big clue. Like, why is a portal the only way for him to go home? Where on earth is his home if no traditional travel methods can get him back there?
Pizza Pit hasn't happened yet, so Donnie actually hasn't done research with photographs of the different turtle iterations! And keep in mind that Donnie felt like he was copying Ghost. Everyone but Ghost thought that Donnie was just modelling himself after Ghost because they're both intelligent. Favorite color purple? Well he might as well try out a bo staff since that's what Ghost has...
Donnie was aware of a parallel dimension as an option, but he saw Ghost being his dad as more likely. His next best theory is that he's an alien of some kind. Or at least from a different planet, even if he was created on Earth.
@contumacy-supporter asked:
GITS: Do you have any plans on reuniting Ghost and the boys with the rest of the 2003 turtles? Maybe in a "they're here now (Rise verse), they're looking for him (Ghost)" possibly after the Kraang situation (once they've grown)??
Spoilers! :) I promise a happy ending. What that means, I cannot say.
Anonymous asked:
Sorry for the weird ask but I saw a episode of bluey called rain the other day and the relationship between the mom and bluey really reminded me of ghost
I don't/haven't watched Bluey but I appreciate you thinking of Ghost when you're watching other stuff! I hope people who know enjoy the parallel :D
Anonymous asked:
At this point the feeling of being pulled in two different directions is so strong I feel like the best case/least painful solution is having some sorta inter-reality doorway that could allow back-and-forth between Ghost’s world and Rise, kinda like how the dimensions in 03 work with the Battle Nexus. I know it’s unlikely, but I’m in denial and will take comfort in the absurd mental image of being able to do ridiculous things like traveling to another reality to borrow a cup of sugar
The 03 Turtles knocking on the interdimensional doorway "hey guys yeah can we have some sugar because the methodical destruction of all but small patches of plant-life on our planet making everything uninhabitable has made it difficult to get some."
Anonymous asked:
OH MY GOSH THE LAST CHAPTER OF GITS HAS TURNED ME INTO A PUDDLE OF EMOTIONAL JELLY!!! THANK YOU!!! Question time: you said previously that Ghost’s colour pallet was going to change to match the rise one at some point. I assumed that it was going to be because of his mutation from getting stung, but the whole ‘being filled with bright neon colours thing’ and feeling more at home and like he has a place in the Rise world in the last chapter is making me think that it’s going to be triggered by emotions instead. Are the boys going to notice? Will it be commented on? I cannot wait to see Ghost’s reaction!! Also, I’m assuming that when his colour pallet changes the effect of physics upon him will also - I cannot wait to see Ghost get hit hard and then be like ‘I’M FINE??? WHY AM I FINE???’.
Spoilers! But I promise it'll be mentioned more blatantly in the story when it does happen.
Anonymous asked:
I LOVED the last chapter of GITS!! A big difference between the 2003 TMNT and Rise is that the 2003 turtles are not biologically related to Splinter in any way, and they possibly aren’t biologically related to each other either. They are just four turtles and a rat that happened to be in the right place at the right time to get mutated. Splinter became their father because he CHOSE to be. They are a family through CHOICE. I love that you are carrying that on into GITS!! Biological relation doesn’t matter to Ghost - why would it? It’s a legacy of love he is passing on to the Rise boys, and I think it’s beautiful.
For 2003 it's very likely that they're biologically brothers, because they were sold at the same time from the same pet store, likely from the same tank. They were probably a part of the same clutch! But Splinter taking them in definitely taught them that choosing is important. Knowing April and Casey, meeting the rest of their friends, the turtles know. They know what it means to choose family. Biological relation has never mattered to Ghost. Even if his brothers weren't biologically related to him at all, he would still feel the same about them.
It's kind of why Ghost doesn't understand Rise Splinter well. Why would he choose to take in these kids when he acts like he doesn't want them half the time?
Anonymous asked:
stuck on the idea for months that like even if in canon sainw is happening in live time while ghost’s with his kids what if his brothers just show up one day as teenagers and are like “we’re so sorry it took us so many months to get here we fought to find you with every second of the day” and ghost’s just there like “IM IN MY F O R T I E S WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU MEAN MONTHS” and that’s how everyone discovers that the rottmnt dimension moves time at rocket speed in comparison to 2k3
Oh man THAT would be a fun AU. Dang. Oof. Ouchie.
Anonymous asked:
Referencing the GITS ask about 16 yr old 2003 Donnie finding newly mutated Splinter and Turtle Tots; what would change for Splinter? He suddenly has this 16 year old to deal with that’s expecting him to be amazing and wise to go along with horribly mutating into a rat and massive amounts of trauma. Would having 03 Donnie there help, or make things worse for Splinter? Would Splinter give in to his depression and mental health issues earlier because 03 Donnie is there to watch the babies? Does he feel the need to parent 03 Donnie? Does the fact that 03 Donnie has gone through some traumatic experiences make Splinter more determined not to train the Rise boys or convince him that they need training for their own protection when they are old enough? Also does Rise Donnie get given a different name because 03 Donnie is there? If he gets given his cannon name, what do the Rise babies call 03 Donnie when they start to speak? (Sorry this has so many questions - this idea kidnapped my brain and wouldn’t give it back)
I imagine Lou (because he is still Lou at this point) would feel responsible for Don as well. Don is scared, he just got separated from his family, he's been through shit. Don calls his dad "sensei" or "father" or "Master Splinter", so Lou wouldn't use Splinter as a nickname. Don would also be talking about his brothers. This boy spills everything instantly. Lou immediately knows everything about their lives. He doesn't tell Don about his, because he's still just a kid. He's younger than Lou was when he left home to be a movie star.
Don being there would help and make things worse. On one hand, Lou feels guilty for the days he can't help Don, and it feels like Don's doing everything on his own. Don helps look after the kids, he helps fix up the lair, he helps set up security, he's working on his portal. He just works all the time. The only way Lou can get him to stop is if he asks him to watch the kids. And it does sort of let his depression seep in a little faster, because he's got someone covering for him.
He still parents Don. Tries to take care of him, tries to teach him. Don is the one who approaches him asking for training, because he's been doing it his whole life, and he enjoys it. It gives him a way to let out energy when his mind is tired and he wants to rest it. It reminds him of his family, makes him feel closer to them. He still goes out to do patrols every night, still saves people in trouble as quietly as he can. Lou worries about him, but he can hardly stop him from doing what he wants. He isn't Don's father. It makes him more determined not to train the little ones, but they'll end up mimicking Don, wanting to know what he's doing. Don ends up teaching them little things. Lou and Don probably get into a big argument about it.
I think all the Rise boys would get different names in this case, because Lou knows Don's name and his brothers' names. Raphael would be Alessandro (Sandro), Donatello would be Masaccio (Masa), Michelangelo would be Angelico (Angie), and Leonardo would be Titian (Ti).
Anonymous asked:
I ADORED THE LAST CHAPTER OF GITS!!! HE ADMITTED IT!!! THEY ARE OFFICIALLY HIS KIDS!!! AHHHHHH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Does Ghost have any pictures of his kiddos anywhere?
Yes! He has a bunch on his phone. He has a few printed out he keeps tucked into his cloak. Just in case.
Anonymous asked:
From the elaborately choreographed dance number the boys pulled off in “Mascott Melee”, it’s obvious that they spend a lot of time practicing dancing together. Does Ghost ever catch them at it? On a scale of 1-10 how adorable does he think it is? Have the boys ever put a little show on for him? Do they ever try to get Ghost to dance with them? CAN Ghost dance?
Watching them dance? They do it all the time, and Ghost enjoys watching. He's never joined in, always insisting he can't dance. They try to get him to join in, but he just refuses. He likes watching them more. CAN he? I feel like Ghost can dance in the same way that Aang from ATLA can dance. His fighting is his dancing.
Anonymous asked:
For some reason, despite not really wearing clothes, all of the Rise boys wear pj's. Do they ever get ghost pj's? What is his reaction? Does he actually wear them?
I like to think they get a lil chilly at night and that's why they wear PJs. Sometimes Donnie sleeps entirely nekkid (Purple Jacket) so I imagine it depends on what they're feeling at the moment.
The boys 100% get Ghost pajamas. They're strawberry PJs. He loves them and wears them especially in winter.
Anonymous asked:
Do the boys ever play their music for Ghost? What does he think? How does he react in front of the boys?
The boys definitely play their music for Ghost! He listens to it and sees how they can enjoy it. Personally he likes classic rock the most but he's not terribly picky, either. He tends to go with "I see why you like this song" kind of vibes, even if he doesn't like it personally. He likes hearing their music. Gives him a little insight to the inside of their heads.
Anonymous asked:
GITS: Were April’s science fairs any less of a disaster with Ghost there to supervise?
Nope not at all. If anything they were even crazier. Ghost didn't help out with April's science projects! He let that be an April and Donnie thing. He does has helped April with her science homework occasionally if Donnie was too busy.
Anonymous asked:
It was awesome to see Ghost and Splinter actually start to get a little closer in the last chapter. I think they both need it - they need to see each other as the actual people they are rather than the shadows of the people the represent to one another.
Yeah, they do. It's a slow process. Splinter's starting to learn how Ghost likes to be cared about, and Ghost is starting to see that Splinter actually cares.
Anonymous asked:
Does Ghost have an opinion on Lou Jitsu and his movies? And does Splinter know what that opinion is? What is Splinter’s opinion of Ghost’s opinion?
Before Ghost found out that Splinter was Lou Jitsu, he enjoyed the movies quite a bit! They reminded him of something his Michelangelo would really like, of movie nights with his brothers. Splinter overheard Ghost's opinion of the movies from his boys, and from Ghost. He's very pleased that Ghost likes them.
After Ghost finds out Splinter was Lou Jitsu, he stopped watching the movies unless he was watching them with the boys. It just made him think of how different everything was. He's learning to enjoy them again, slowly.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 3 months
If Only There Were a Word to Describe the Enormity
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Big doesn't quite cut it. So things went a different route, but walking a line along what our less recent arrivals did. This is a big, huge (no that isn't it) chapter for the Nika mythos. Sets the stage for a divine presence to cap off the end of another's story. I definitely feel that vibe with Bonney's role in all this, what a turning point and one that definitely reminds me a lot of little Otama. We've been here before with trying to predict Egghead. Opting for repetition of core themes, doubling down on what we had and making it bigger in scope over moving towards resolution. Interesting crossroads. This could swiftly turn towards that surface-level resolution but honestly I wouldn't be surprised at this point if we spin our wheels for a little more then go into that third cutaway, ending up with an arc around WCI-length.
The hook is an idea we're familiar with. Keep your eye on Luffy. Never see his eyes, how he just kinda leaps back in leaving this little gap about being fed and ending up downstairs unresolved. Mostly though, he's full-blown teeheemaxxing in a dire moment. Which is on brand for Nika but our whole idea is there's an undertone based on the notion the drawback to G5 is losing control. It all goes back to that observation our finale could be constructed a little more like a YuYu Hakusho type series than other shonen; you've gotten your ultimate power a little early because our ending will be more about learning to control it.
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Oh hey, these guys. Seriously...nice. The Giants are very important to my fandom. Y'all know how much I love Miss Goldenweek and by extension Little Garden. Oimo & Kashi are where I caught up the first time. I remember being about two weeks away from starting freshman year of high school at the tail end of a summer binging the hell out of so many anime thanks to this newfangled DSL high speed internet. The way that came up again blew my mind, and seeing Dorry & Brogy almost twenty years later is so damn cool it makes me forget all about the not being the Grand Fleet aspect.
I mean, that was always just a specific and early guess. They still have sprinkled into these cutaway segments though. This pair just saw the paper and hurried over. Maybe they were expecting Luffy to head to Elbaf next after his time in Wano? Which is a very interesting concept when we've talked about Egghead being a somewhat "lateral" move with no clear goal set to advance our main progress through the Grand Line.
It's also pretty interesting to blend two long-running threads through this Nika lore. How do Bonney/Kuma & the giants intersect? Does it reinforce the need to pop the mystique of the spectacle? Does Luffy jump from one legendary story to another? The Fleet was the way to end it here. The giants tease it out more. At least as long as Shanks isn't following. But there's one last little element that makes me interested in the undertone like always, as we started off pointing out how that's still very much an element if you watch for it:
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Robonosuke! Interesting how he's finally coming back around. It does look like he's reacting to the heartbeat but I'd point out we did let most of the chapter roll before showing this when Luffy went G5 at the start. The idea was always asking if that's a potential blip of something weird. The kicker with the Giants to me is how Dorry and Brogy seem to both be coming for Luffy and for the Sun God. We'll talk a lot more about them tomorrow and especially a titanic (oooh, yeah that's the stuff) wrinkle all around our beloved Strawhat Sniper Usopp I feel silly for not thinking of already. It's justified through what we learn of Elbaf in the Big Mom flashback.
Oddly enough, gets me right back to where I felt about Bonney right around the time this arc started. Remember? We're puzzled about Kiku's odd ending to Wano and all of a sudden Bonney picks up those threads in a big way. Now moving into more of that alternate protag space a lot like Yamato. Never forget, we know there was a rewrite behind that hiatus for a reason. So now...even if it's not the Fleet I can't help but notice how Dorry and Brogy specifically amplify the same ideas.
Either way, Robonosuke is coming online. We still have a little weirdness in the gaps. I'm curious as hell were it's all leading so bring on the big bois.
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ct-multifandom · 1 year
Minisodes oh my lawd
I haven’t posted yttd since Kai’s island route came out, but wow that was some shit I just saw. I wanna talk about my thoughts. I’ll go in order of increasing sadness and rambling.
!!! spoiler warning !!!
The least lore-heavy story maybe? It was cute, and I liked to see more of her since she’s one of the most minor characters in the playable cast, but I feel like there wasn’t a lot of deep stuff in this one.
Her school uniform is cute but seeing her de-clown-ified and normal is strange. It’s like when Nankidai draws Gin without the fursuit
I saw other people point this out as well, but it’s weird that Ryuu’s coworker got a full sprite while Anzu’s girlfriend was just a silhouette. Is the woman relevant somehow? mean if she and Samurai Yaiba can get sprites then why not the friend? Maybe it’s comparable to us never having seen Ryoko’s face in outside content or any part of her at all in the game itself, but Ryoko’s situation makes me suspicious. Does this mean something or is it irrelevant?
That bit about Kugie buying all the ice cream was a surprise. I wonder if it will be relevant to Kanna’s story, like she got her a ridiculous supply of ice cream to cheer her up when she was sad or something. Also confirmation that Kanna and Anzu lived in the same town. Did the cast all live near each other or is it just them?
I see people upset that Anzu found a guy hot but like. Her color scheme is the pansexual pride flag
I saw mention that she said she made her costume herself in the game, but the minisode says that it was a gift from Ryuu. Maybe he gave her part of it and she made the rest, or that she modified an old costume herself to be more her style? More likely that Nankidai just forgot tbh
The plaza where she became a clown is the one Midori was in last chapter, but we haven’t had a chance to be there in peace. I guess it’s just another memory location, but it’s interesting that it’s the setting for some very climactic scenes while the others aren’t. Of course, we haven’t seen every character’s room yet.
I feel like there’s something we’ve yet to learn about Anzu because at the moment she just feels like a wholesome, kinda incompetent comic relief character, and this game does not have those. Why is the survival rate of the girl who complains about extracurriculars being too much work so high? Is she such a positive force that people can’t help but keep her around? She dies immediately two separate times in the game and frankly doesn’t help with anything during puzzles. Is she secretly a good manipulator? She’s a self proclaimed good actor and learned slight of hand tricks and such from Ryuu. Does she have another side to her? If not for the logic route, we wouldn’t have known what Ranmaru is capable of, but according to the minisode, the way Anzu acts in the game is the same as how she acted to the people around her normally.
Why can’t we have nice things??? It was so cute and so heartbreaking at the same time. Like, if this was a scene in a linear, chronological story, we’d still have the hope and maybe expectation that Alice will still fix things with Reko, but we know that from this moment on he screws up literally every chance he can get until it’s too late. The good ending we want so bad is pretty much impossible.
The kid sprites are so cute. We already saw them in that one CG but seeing them as sprites makes them feel more alive, y’know
When Alice referred to himself by name and Reko was like I already know your name… this one’s going in my transgender compilation
Them having a secret treehouse fort is so baby
And I love the Samurai Yaiba designs. Looking camp right in the eye. Idc if people think it’s ugly, the girls who get it get it
It was nice to finally meet the other band members. I wasn’t expecting to ever see them have real screen time but hey. Although Stronghold turned out to be a creepy weirdo and Ursheen is nonverbal or mute or something?
I’m excited to see island routes for these two. Idk if their events together will be deep or anticlimactically goofy. I imagine Reko’s “good” ending will involve starting a band or something, but what would Alice’s be? Does he have his own ambitions? Imagine if it was the other way around, if managing a band or teaching music to beginners was his passion
It’s interesting that almost every account of this plot line is from Alice’s perspective, which makes sense because it has a much stronger emotional effect on him than on Reko who thinks she has more important things to worry about and overlooks Alice. I would like to see more of her take, though, because her whole situation seems to be deeply un-relatable to him. Did she prioritize her success with the conscious awareness that she’s hurting his feelings, or is she just so career-focused that she didn’t even think it’d affect him?
Lastly, I’m intrigued by fandom reaction to Reko’s behavior. People rightly find her to be complex and compelling, but they also just like her and seem to forgive or understand her. I often find that when a character, especially a woman, does something like this, people hold it against them pretty harshly. Yet Reko is widely loved and may even have more fans than Alice? Is it because we know she becomes a better person later on and starts to mend their relationship? As a member of the liked-Qtaro-before-it-was-cool-and-everyone-else-hated-him club I’m curious about the standards people hold flawed characters to. Is it because Reko has that badass punk rock pretty privilege, or does her story just resonate with people?
Oooohhhh my god dude. This one. Shitting and crying. Kai was allowed to be happy for five seconds ever.
Seeing Sei was a jumpscare
Seeing young Gashu was an even bigger jumpscare. Y’know how when a guy shaves, all you can see is the real estate where a mustache is supposed to be?
I can’t BELIEVE this shit made him somehow sympathetic. These sideplots have made every villainous character from previous chapters have a sympathetic side what the hell. We haven’t seen the full extent of Miley’s story yet, just little hints, which is exciting to me, obviously Safalin is grey all over, and Ranger was programmed to be the way he was, but Gashu?! Clearly he still sucks, but HRNNGGHR what’s next? Does Midori have a sympathetic side?
Gashu making brief, absolutely pathetic attempts at treating his kids as people with feelings between training sessions. These moments of empathy being seen as a failing on Asunaro’s end that had to be beaten out. Gashu not fully understanding what they were planning and turning himself into a total emotionless monster after he found out to protect himself for what was coming. He probably thought he was doing Ranger a favor by making him the way he did.
Sei’s whole thing re-contextualized Rio Ranger so grossly. People are upset that Kai didn’t live to meet him, but I’m kinda glad he didn’t have to see how his father desecrated his brother’s personality and image post-mortem.
Hated seeing the light leave their eyes after the visit from Asunaro lady
Speaking of her, huh? She looks way too unique to be a silhouette character? All the other ones were generic looking normal people but she looks like Miss dori. My theory is that the hair was the only part that mattered, that that hairstyle is a symbol of the figure the organization sees as “god” and its higher members perhaps try to emulate it, Midori included.
We got some more explicit information on the religious cult side of Asunaro. We already knew Gashu had these beliefs, but the other floormasters didn’t. We have hints that Miley and Safalin are actually exceptions, caring more about their scientific research and personal agendas than whatever the organization’s true beliefs and agendas might be.
Kai trauma-dumping on Mr Chidouin made me uncomfortable. It feels like Kai will trust anyone who’s nice to him, and is surprisingly optimistic or even naïve considering everything he went through. We don’t know what Mr C’s goals are, but man. He has the same poses as Meister. Come on. I hate the way he had that fake ass smile plastered on while Kai spilled his heart out. It seems like Kai never learned how to trust or distrust people, and both those things played a part in his downfall.
That Euphoria Rue Happy Moments compilation on YouTube that’s only one minute long except it’s Kai
I like how Sei really did have that bitchy, unserious personality Ranger ended up with, except he also had ~feelings~. I would have liked to see how his brash sense of humor plays of Kai’s bizarre one.
Does involvement with Asunaro immediately require you to upload your consciousness to their central computer or something? Where else would Gashu get the AI of a long dead kid for Ranger? I doubt he understood him well enough to have him replicated from scratch, fucked up liberties and all.
Sei being older than Kai surprised me. How old do you guys think they were? Like 12 and 15 maybe? I have seen many fans in the past interpret Ranger as being an adult, but I always saw him as a kid/teenager. I guess a big part of it is his trauma-induced immaturity (and probably literally having the mind of a child), but he looks young to me too. He doesn’t look too much older than Sei, and his body appears strangely un-athletic looking for someone who underwent rigorous assassin training, thought he does look taller. Maybe 18-ish?
The whole murder island thing felt so impractical and unnecessarily sadistic but then again everything the organization does is like that. Also can’t believe Kai won the hunger games by doing nothing what a legend
I know Sei’s death wouldn’t have had nearly the same effect without CGs, but this minisode being the only one with extra art like that made it feel way bigger than the other two
The way Sei was capable of breaking down in tears and loving and being terrified but still had it in him to kill others, and be casual about it too
Kai growing up still wearing that same type of uniform every day symbolizing how he could never escape Asunaro’s grasp even when he tried running, ignoring it, covering it up with his apron which represents his individuality. Ranger wearing that black t-shirt and little yellow scarf representing him being freed from Asunaro’s expectations, not in a way that granted him autonomy, but rather that it gave them the OK to empty out everything that made him him and using him as a brief, disposable tool, represented by him stealing pieces of all the other humans who were similarly used and killed by Asunaro for himself.
What would Kai dress like if he could pick out his own clothes?
I would love an afterlife scene with these two like the one Nao and Mishima got
Or the normal version of a Sei AI in YTTS
Man getting to know Sei really changed my whole perspective of Ranger and I’m glad he and Kai not only knew each other in life but also formed a close bond. That for a brief period they both had somebody they could trust
Edit addition: omg how both of them became completely aware that they were going to die with no way out of it, and didn’t accept it per se, quite the opposite actually, but their final wishes were to at least not die at the hands of the enemy who doomed them
Can you tell this one was my fav? Yeah uh. Fuck. Anyway I love how Nankidai manages to keep everyone relevant as have us learn more about them so long and so consistently after their deaths. Nobody is just there for a plot device or shock value, they all have their own stories that don’t end when they’re gone. Can’t wait for more
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fireemblems24 · 4 months
Azure Gleam Ch 12
It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that this is, by far, my favorite route. Spoilers below.
I forgot we had Claude on our "side" here.
Oh, here comes Byleth. This is AG's chapter for Byleth, right? And ugh, this time I need to actually recruit Byleth or else someone I love will die bc someone from Faerghus will die.
Oh, there's Randolph. Ready to die again. I swear to God this man is allergic to life.
He's hiring Jeralt, so yeah, this is the recruit Byleth chapter.
Adrestian nobles are real peaches. They're burning villages and looting, or a good handful of them are. I swear they have the worst nobility. Only Faerghus Western lords rival them.
If Randolph dies, than Jeralt's contract is terminated. So that means I have to trade Randolph for Jeralt and Byleth? Deal.
Man, that mint hair is a CHOICE. Whyyyyy. The darker blue hair is much better.
I like Byleth more after Hopes. I liked Byleth before, but Hopes has helped me see the characterization easier. It also makes the whole "one man army"/Ashen Demon seem more real.
And yep here's the sword again from the other routes.
I'm just so happy they gave Felix the high ponytail look.
Time to make Adrestia sweat.
Jeralt scars the Blue Lions way more than Randolph.
Leave it to Sylvain to strategize. Haha, Rodrigue says Sylvain reminds him of his dad, Sylvain isn't sure if that's a compliment.
I love how much you can tell all these people have known each other for so long.
OMG, there's so many side battles.
Weird to only give them on support and it's only B given how popular their ship is.
Another support about Annette's songs lol. They really increased that in this game, but it's adorable so I'm good.
Dorothea and the church are performing operas for Faerghus.
Annette's "opera" song is about taking a hot bath when she's already hot. Felix is impressed with her mental fortitude. Lol.
Annette's flustered because it's supposed to be serious, not about bathing lol.
They basically set up a date to go see an opera together.
I saw this in another route already (but forgot), so I unlocked it here too! But not going to write about it twice.
These two rooted out spies together. Well, mostly Yuri lol.
Yuri's impressed with Sylvain's layers.
Neither of them are going to let Dimitri know what they're up to until after it's done lol.
Yuri's earned Sylvain's trust, but still threatens Yuri if he switches sides.
Yuri calls Sylvain out for being super loyal, which, yes, he is and that's often so overlooked part of his character.
Wait . . . Sylvain hit on Yuri with a bad pickup line? Lamo.
Sylvain mistook Yuri for a girl. Yuri is going to blackmail Sylvain with his back pickup lines for life lamo.
Yuri's open to a date with Sylvain though. Sylvain is into Yuri's flirting.
That would be a nightmare couple.
Mercedes looks at the little things and it reminds her of what it was like before the war - like tea parties with Shez and kids determined to get stronger.
Mercedes hates the war and wishes she could go back to those days. Getting really sentimental.
Mercedes used to just accept whatever happened and didn't realize how much she valued the past until peace got destroyed.
I had Shez be nice and tell Mercie that it's ok to get sentimental.
Mercie was happy with that.
Shez says she's always there to listen to Mercedes if she needs it.
So Mercie's like, let's tea party now! She bought new ingredients.
Their only support
Ohhh, Dimitri's in it too. They're talking strategy. Dimitri wants a head-on approach, Felix wants a sneaky one, Dedue withholds his opinion.
Dimitri tells Felix to stop pestering Dedue lamo.
Dimitri wants to head the mission, but Felix is like no, let me. Strategy resolved and Felix confronts Dedue.
Dedue values Felix's input and recognizes his unique role with Dimitri.
Dedue just stays amused the whole time and doesn't let Felix get to him.
Felix will not spit it out that he's so worried about Dimitri.
Dimitri returns and is about to tell Dimitri what went on but Felix cuts him off, which I'm sure just amuses Dedue.
I love how it's pretty much cannon that the vast majority of the cast never take Felix seriously when he's spouting his tsundere.
OMG I'm so happy with this.
Ingrid's worried because her horse didn't eat all the feed. Marianne recommends hay and explains why.
Ingrid is happy and compliments Marianne, who of course downplays it and tries to get out of Ingrid asking more questions (likely about horses).
Of course, later Marianne tells Ingrid her horse (or pegasus?) is probably scared after acting up after being on the battlefield the first time. Marianne goes full horse whisperer and fixes the problem.
Then leaks that she's talking to the horse lamo. Ingrid catches it. Ingrid thinks it's awesome though.
Ingrid tries to give Marianne confidence; it doesn't work.
As a fellow horse-girl, I love this.
Dimitri catches Bernadetta out again, and ofc she gets scared, but Dimitri just wants food bc he's working too hard and missed dinner.
Haha, Dimitri hates being shut in all the time.
Bernedetta thinks Dimitri's work is spying on her, but Dimitri assures her that's not it bc he has too much work to spy lamo.
Bernadetta is amazed at what Dimitri puts on his plate because it'll taste awful, but like he can tell :(
So they cook together. And she tries to cook something he likes, which is kind of sweet actually.
She got too flustered and messed up the dish. I know where this is going lol . . . Dimitri and his iron stomach.
Yep, she's shocked that Dimitri just . . . eats it.
Oh, God, she's going try it, but of course she hates it.
Bernedetta thinks he'll have her executed now, and Dimitri's like "do you seriously think I do that?"
So I guess this is his Hopes "Dimitri can't taste anything" support.
I love how he seems immune to Bernedetta's antics though. He just calmly explains that her fears aren't true and moves on.
Ignatz figured out a general time period that Sylvain's painting came from.
Oh, geeze, it's a color made from crushed gemstones? That must've been $$$$. Geeze.
Sylain was reading up on saints to get more info on the picture and might've figured out who it was. An archbishop (was it one of Rhea's fake personas?)
Ah, they think she looks like Rhea. So I'm right. Hahaha.
They're confused about that. Never in a million years . . . .
So this does confirm that Rhea just keeps faking her death.
I'm pleasantly surprised by this support. I love Sylvain, but Ignatz is . . . not interesting, but I like how it expanded on Sylvain's studious side, and he's an art fan! Now I like him even more.
Ashe is fishing to feed the army. Ashe, sweetie, one fish is . . . not going to make a difference.
Naturally, though, Flayn is very interested. Because fish.
Does Ashe place well in the fishing tournament in 3H? Would be interesting to see if the lore stayed the same about Ashe's skills.
Poor Flayn isn't allowed to fish bc Seteth gets too nervous with her around water, but Ashe lets her fish like she used to.
Honestly, Flayn looks too young for most of the guys, but she fits Ashe's look (and personality) really well.
Flayn almost catches a large fish but fails to catch it. B support will be about her catching it, I'm betting.
Catherine comments that Faerghus now trusts Dedue and Dimitri more. Dedue gives all credit to Dimitri, lamo.
Apparently people gave Dimitri crap for choosing Dedue over everyone else.
Catherine isn't religious either. But I thought Rhea was a tyrant who only allowed religious people near her??? /s
Neither Dimitri nor Rhea get too wrapped up in their own titles.
Both spend their free time helping people out.
Catherine is like, maybe Dimitri is rested by helping people out like that. Something Rhea, Dimitri, and Byleth have in common.
Catherine and Dedue think they could be friends, as long as Rhea and Dimitri stay on the same side.
Not ready for this, guys.
Dimitri wants to know how Rodrigue felt when Lambert died. :(
Rodrigue didn't believe it at first, but accepted reality eventually and remembered the promise he made.
Dimitri then asks what if he'd died in Duscur too?
Dimitri also thinks Rodrigue intended to die with Lambert, but Rodrigue confirms that he never wanted to die, but wouldn't mind dying to protect Dimitri/keep him in line.
(hahahah, no)
Dimitri says losing Rodrigue would be like losing another father :( confirmation that Rodrigue is like a father.
Rodrigue calls Dimitri out for not valuing his own life enough :( (or that he doesn't even value it at all :( ) saying that he's only following his king's example then.
And Dimitri's response is like, yeah, guess you're right, I have no excuse - probably . . . not what Rodrigue was looking for :(
He's like, yeah, that was probably too harsh, but thinks Dimitri sounded a lot like Lambert :(
Rodrigue always wanted to tell Lambert that.
Dimitri's emotional about sounding like his father :(
Sounds like Faerghus people are always telling each other not to throw their lives away.
Haha, Dimitri's like, I'm jealous of your bond with your friends, and Rodrigue implies that Felix wouldn't like hearing Dimitri imply he's not close with his, lamo. Rodrigue is such a dad to Felix, like that teasing king, which is just perfect for Felix being so prickly lamo.
Sylvain would rather turn enemies into allies than attack them. He's talking about Jeralt's mercenaries, but it's just more proof that he disliked resolving conflict with violence.
The common folk find Dimitri more approachable now. He's working on being more relaxed lol.
Dedue and Ashe talked about how Dimitri broke a pen during a war council. Shez suggests they name the pens so Dimitri's more attached to them and is less likely to break them. I cannot with these people. (also, can you imagine how put out Dimitri would be breaking a pen he named?) They also talk about how some people are scared of Dimitri because of his freakish strength :(
Seteth is impressed with Dimitri, who asks him about tactics a lot (which, side note, I'm so happy to see this game heap more praise on Dimitri, I get that AM's plot structure didn't really allow it as much, but it's nice to hear. Also, that it's Seteth is so cool, because he's by far one of the most wise characters).
Back to Seteth though, he explains he knows so much because he's studied this military genius Saint Cichol and really recommends his book. No bias at all there, guys.
And the saga of Balthus being obsessed with fighting Dimitri continues, lamo. (nobody blames you, Balthus, because, same, how can you not be a little obsessed with Dimitri's body after seeing it).
Mercedes and Constance were friends! That's cool. Also, not two braincells between them. (and I say that with affection)
I love how the game is going out of it's way now to show that Dimitri is asking for advice from experts, then making a decision based on what he's learned. His FEH support was about that, and I always liked that, so I like seeing him do it here.
Also, it seems I can't use Rodrigue again :( Actually, here's here for the side battles, so maybe I can?
OK, guys, time to get Byleth. Please let this be easy.
Someone very kindly wrote up a guide for me in a message. I never posted it so I could reference it, so let's hope I get it right the first time.
We're in the weird dimension with Arval, who's on high alert bc Byleth. But this time we recruit Byleth.
"Defeat Randolph" - Don't mind if I do!
Ok, so step 1 is selecting "Locate Ambushers." But I don't see that?
Kidding. I picked it.
I can't use Dimitri??? Oh, shit. He's BY FAR, my strongest unit. This is a shitty battle to lose him for. And Rodrigue. So I'm down 2 of my actually trained units. This sucks.
No Felix either?? This is really bullshit at this point. I basically only have Shez, Sylvain, Ingrid, Dedue, and Mercedes and Mercedes can't do shit, Dedue is also pretty awful, and Ingrid always dies. Ugh. This is going to be impossible. So basically just Shez and Sylvain.
Honestly, if this is too hard, I'm just going to let Byleth die because, to be honest, I'm really sick of playing this game. This route IS the only one I actually care about finishing though.
Ugh, I knew I'd hate this chapter, but taking away 3 units with no warning is just total bullshit.
Dimitri following me around is kinda cute though. And I forget how good Shez is. It's just, Dimitri's so strong I'm used to one-shotting at this point, lamo.
I also love how when Dimitri's a green unit, he's still fighting and not getting protected like the other 2. He's also . . . not someone I have to worry about dying. He's, uh, level 57 and suggested level is 44 so um.
Ok, so far so good. I got Fleche to show up, which is the next step. Now I just have to kill her quick.
Defeated Fleche. Now I need to see a command to defeat a dude, and a side command I ignore (guessing either defeat Byleth or Jeralt, the side one that I ignore).
So pretty sure I messed up and I need to "kill" all the mercenaries attacking the base BEFORE Fleche.
Ok, got Alois before he invaded. Just got Fleche. Pretty sure what's left is to not engage Byleth and rush kill Randolph.
Took Randolph out because I saved up all my warrior gauges.
OMG, I finished Randolph before the side mission was even announced lol.
I DID IT!!!! I got Byleth and Jeralt 😭
And I did it without Felix OR Dimitri 😭
So Jeralt surrendered after defeating everyone bc they decided to use logic and know they couldn't win. Plus, they want new clients.
Jeralt doesn't care about the conviction with the Empire, only coin. But he wants to avoid Rhea because of their past, but Dimitri sets conditions to make sure that Jeralt and co avoid her.
Guys, I can't believe I'm seeing the recruitment and not character death (I know it's Rodrigue, I couldn't let him die, no matter what)
I just saw the Byleth is playable card 😭
Guys, I saved Rodrigue.
Most of the Blue Lions are like, this is weird, but good. And they want to bond by sparing bc that's what the Blue Lions do lamo.
Shez ran off though. She's talking to Shez and figured that's best done not with people around.
Arval is way more chill about it than I thought.
Shez still has a goal though, to win the war and bring peace with Dimitri and co.
Getting ready to attack the monastery. Still kinda wish Claude was our enemy like the other 2 routes.
Everyone is standing by Dimitri.
Oh . . . Mercedes thinking about Death Knight? Betting she'll run into him soon. Can you recruit him in AG?
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