#also. the man with the red flower.
starwalkeranon · 1 year
I am LIVING for MAG 163. The Slaughter being the main focus. The Slaughter existing in general. The bagpipes in the back. The line "Don't be a prick, Jon." Martin setting boundaries. I love this episode so much
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ghostleeeaf · 9 months
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118 notes · View notes
reaveries · 2 years
▬  an admiration for perennials
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summary: arthur meets a woman with an affinity for cliff maids
pairings: high honor!arthur morgan pov x female!reader
warnings: sad introspective arthur, sh*t word (:o), mention of mary, dying from flu, pollen (?? this thing is so fluffy, i'm grasping for straws here)
word count: 6.2k (estimated 26-minute reading time)
a/n: i have proofread this piece so.. many.... times... i'm so ready to finally publish it and get it the eff away from me. i hope y'all like it, i'm really happy with how it turned out! (i think, i can't tell anymore). i have a part two outline in the works so if you'd like to see that, please let me know by interacting w/ the post! also, this is categorized as a reader/self-insert but at one point there is very brief character description. i try to keep that to an absolute minimum and leave it generally gray enough to remain a self-insert fic. if that bothers you, i'm sorry, just overlook it! anyways, njoy, pardners <3
masterlist archive of our own
Revised for clarity 1/5/2024.
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He takes a long drag from the cigarette between his lips, letting the harshness of the warm smoke enter his chest with ease. The cigarette had nearly met its end, so he knew it was getting to be that time. He jabs it into the ashtray along with the ashes from all the other bargoers and bids the barkeep a good night, leaving some change for his good company.
Unfortunately, Arthur hadn't found the solace he was searching for in the homely saloon. He’d filled himself to the brim with watered-down beer and a few shots of whiskey when he felt especially plagued by his thoughts. But as he pushes open the swinging doors and steps into the cool night air, his head still swarms with a myriad of upsetting things. 
His life is a complicated mess, though part of him knew it always had been. It just wasn’t until recently that he realized how unnecessary it was for it to be such. On the same street where he currently stands, he’d been responsible for putting lead in the heads of countless men a few weeks prior. He didn't even know their names, and he surely doesn't remember their faces. It was a wholly avoidable disaster. Not to say he’s bothered by the act of killing, for when he finds it justified to end a man’s life, there’s often no reason to dawdle. No, the mess of it all perturbed him the most. 
Undeniably, the land he calls home is becoming a different entity than the one he was born into, a land of law and structure that spits upon his way of life. The West is becoming a docile place, its wildness broken by the cracking whip of civilization. And if the West can’t survive, then all hope is lost for men like him. The only logical step to ensure that he, and the people he cares for, won’t meet their fates at the end of a rope is to adapt to this changing world. This meant mess would have to be a thing of the past. No more massacres over stolen oil wagons and certainly not wiping out an entire town to free a man he didn’t care for from a cell he belonged in. No more innocent bystanders gruesomely losing their lives over foolishly shallow plans like the botched ferry job in Blackwater. No more lives need to be taken for his benefit or the ambitions of the man who guided him. Somehow though, that man didn’t see things the way he did.
Whenever he brought up these concerns, Dutch always told him, “Don’t be so simple-minded, Arthur. Look at the bigger picture.” 
But the bigger picture was all he could see, and it was a terrifying sight.
His heels sink into the damp earth as he makes his way to Saint’s Hotel, crossing his fingers that a room is available for the night. He made the mistake of riding his horse with a stomach full of liquor before, and somehow it almost ended up with him drowning. How he ended up sopping wet and his horse dry as a bone is still a mystery to him. So, a room at Saint's is in order since he doesn’t particularly care to die tonight, even despite the pervasive thoughts that plague him.
Just as he’s about to step onto the hotel’s wooden porch, he hears a loud banging noise come from behind him. He turns around and, in the darkness of night, sees a woman knocking on the front door of the general store across the street. She raps her knuckles a second time against the door, just as loud as the first. The door opens and out steps the store owner, looking irritated.
“Hi, I know you’re about to close, but I’ll just be a second, I promise!” She says this with her hands clasped together.
“Alright, alright. Come on in,” the man says, stepping aside so she can enter.
As the woman moves past the older man, light from inside the store hits her, and he can see her more clearly. She’s dressed simply with her hair loosely pulled back into a plait that falls past her shoulders. These things are ordinary enough, but then the light catches on a dainty pink flower tucked behind her ear on the left side.
He stops in his tracks.
It looks identical to the one he keeps at his bedside, a memento of his mother. However, those flowers, cliff maids, he thinks they’re called, only grow out west in the rocky terrain bordering Oregon and California. He’s a long way from California and possibly even further from a level head, so he dismisses the possibility, chalking it up to the delusions of a drunken old man.
He heads into the hotel, and thankfully a room is available, the same one as always. He closes the door behind him and starts fumbling with his gear, letting it hit the floor haphazardly in a heap. As he stumbles over to the bed, he regretfully catches a glimpse of his reflection in a mirror. He usually tries to avoid looking at himself unless it’s absolutely necessary. Simply put, he doesn’t like the look of the man who stares back at him. There’s a residual yellow blotch fading away on his cheekbone from a dust-up he’d been in a few days prior. He doesn’t even remember the reason. His shoulder-length hair has tangles he’s had no energy to comb through, and his eyes are lidded for want of sleep. They have a far-out look even when he’s staring right at himself. 
“Maybe it’s you that’s the mess,” he mumbles, then gives way to his exhaustion and collapses against the mattress. His boots, spurs and all, remain on his feet. So remain his worn trousers and unbuttoned maroon shirt, and so does the dirt caked beneath his nails that never seems to leave. 
He checks out of his room early the following day and rides out beneath a sky as golden as dandelions. His mind feels clearer after a night’s rest, and he thankfully doesn’t feel as dreadful as he did when his head hit the pillows. Dew hangs in the chilled air and mists his face as he takes the beaten winding path leading back to Clemen’s Point, this new place his people called home. As he rides, he passes by some cottages and homesteads a ways off the path. He can recall the inside layout of a few of them, and even which ones filled his pockets the most back when he first arrived in the Heartlands.
Tall, thick-bodied oak trees loom over him and dance in the morning breeze. The way the sunlight flickers through them is beautiful but unfamiliar. It quickly becomes apparent that he’s taken the wrong path somewhere along the way, but just when he’s about to wheel his horse around and turn back, there lies a cottage beyond the tree line. 
It’s a quaint wooden home with a thin stream of smoke rising from the chimney. In the window of the cottage sits a vase of pink flowers. The closer he rides, the more confident he is that they’re cliff maids. There must be at least twenty stems in that one vase.
“I’ll be damned….” He says under his breath.
Suddenly, he hears the sound of a woman grunting coming from the side of the home. He presses his heels to his horse’s belly and trots toward the noise source. When he turns the corner of the house, he sees her, the woman he saw last night, pushing a wheelbarrow spilling over with dirt. She attempts to use her weight against the handle, but it hardly makes a difference, and the wheelbarrow doesn’t budge.
He clears his throat to make his presence known to the woman.
“Jesus Christ!” She yelps and turns to face him, shocked to see she has company.
“Didn’t mean to frighten ya. D’ya need any help, ma’am?” He asks.
She looks him over with caution.
“Uh, I’m alright, thanks,” she says slowly, her brows warily drawn together.
Arthur nods his head with a tight-lipped smile and pulls the reins to head back to where he came from. He considers asking her about the flowers in the window but disregards it seeing as she doesn’t seem to care for company. As he begins back down the path, he hears a clattering noise and the sound of the woman cursing.
“Hey, mister!” She shouts. He looks over his shoulder and sees her standing with her hands on her hips and the wheelbarrow completely turned over, the dark soil spilling out onto the ground.
“I take that back.” She says with her head cocked to the side and a bashful smile.
He lightly chuckles at the sight and rides over, swiftly dismounting from his horse a few feet from the mild disaster.
“Could you help me scoop it back in?” She asks as she goes to the front of the wheelbarrow and picks up the dirt with yellow gloves.
“Sure,” he says, kneeling beside her. His hands are perpetually dirty as it is, so a little more filth couldn’t hurt. As he helps her pile the dirt back into the cart, he notices she smells earthy and sweet, reminiscent of the air before a storm.
“Alright,” she says, standing up and brushing her dirty gloves against her smock. “Would you mind wheelin’ it for me?”
He moves to grab the handles and pushes them down with ease so that the wheelbarrow can roll properly. 
“What’s all this dirt for anyways?” He asks the woman walking beside him.
“Just a project I’m working on. It’s back behind here, mister.” She points to the rear of the cottage, which quickly becomes dense with plant life the further they step. 
She crosses her arms over her chest as they enter the more secluded area.
“Don’t get any funny ideas, alright?” She says, looking up at him out of the corner of her eye.
He furrows his brows at the slight, but he can’t deny it makes sense she’s thinking that way. He looks the part of someone with foul intentions. The brim of his hat darkens his eyes, which would normally obscure them from anyone else. But, given that he's a head taller than the woman, she sees their darkness fine. He internally curses himself when he remembers he's wearing the one jacket stained with animal blood. It's still smeared dark brown across his shoulder. Of course, he looks like a damn menace. To top it all off, the rifle slung on his back casts a long shadow across her cheek like some twisted reminder of who he is, lest a single act of kindness threatens he forgets. 
He glances at her with a small smile that raises up on one side more than the other.
“Most of my ideas are funny, ma’am. But I ain’t gonna hurt you if that’s what you mean.”
Her shoulders drop from their tense position as she lets out a half-hearted laugh.
“I’ll take your word for it, mister,” she says, slightly more relaxed than before.
The grass starts to reach his knees, and all along the path are bushes and fruit-bearing shrubs with dangling under-ripe berries. Various species of flowers grow throughout the backyard in no organized manner, like they’d been living here long before anyone else. White bark trees stand tall amidst the entropic garden. Dark moss creeps up their trunks, and instead of leaves, canopies of draping blossoms erupt from the branches like something out of a storybook. They hang limply in the air, and when the wind tugs on them, they sway in synchronization while their blossoms flutter away in the breeze. It’s all so beautiful. He’s never seen an abundance of such natural beauty in all his life.
“Is this all yours?” He asks, turning to the lady with a near slack-jawed expression. 
“It is now,” she says, nodding her head. “My mama used to care for it, as did her mama before her. But uh- well, the flu took my mama a few years back, and as fate would have it, now my grandma’s flame is startin’ to flicker too. So it’s left to me to care for all this.”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that,” he responds. Her voice sounds sad, and it reminds him somewhat of Ms. Adler, the widow staying with them for the time being.
“It’s okay,” she says, waving him off. “Sometimes in the darkness, there’s light, and this is definitely the light. I get to care for this thing, and in a way, it cares for me too. Gives me purpose, ya know?”
“S’Good to have somethin’ that makes you feel that way. Lord knows most people don’t.”
“Yes, I’ve noticed that. Oh! I’ll hold the door open for ya.” She leaves his side and jogs ahead of him.
“Door? What door?” Arthur looks around, but he sees nothing but trees and plants.
Suddenly, she reveals an entrance blocked by the tall grass, and he realizes that a small building made entirely of glass is right before him. It camouflaged against the greenery and the vines that drape across it. Now that the door is ajar, he sees inside plants of all kinds strewn about in terracotta pots and deep soil beds.
“What in the….” He begins to say but trails off, caught off guard by the unexpected reveal.
A sort of giddiness takes her when she sees his expression, and she waves her hand excitedly to usher him inside. 
“Come in! Come in!” 
He rolls the wheelbarrow inside the structure, and once again, he’s greeted by the humble beauty of the natural world. Leaves spill out of pots hanging from the rafters, creating curtains that brush against him as he passes through. She gently closes the door behind him, and the air starts to feel thicker, heavier, like he’s being swaddled in a damp blanket.
The pots each have their own label, but the writing is so messy that he can hardly make out the names. Of the ones he can read, he recognizes names such as Sparrow’s Egg, Clamshell, and Dragon’s Mouth. They’re exotic flowers that the corset man in Saint Denis once asked him to collect, but he never got around to doing it. If only he had enough time to frolic through fields and pluck orchids. He’d prefer that over the menial errands he’s been consumed by as of late.
“Back here!” The woman shouts.
He can’t see her behind the tall plant-filled shelves that take up the center of the room, so he pushes past the vines and turns the corner to see her standing next to an empty plant bed. She looks at him expectantly because his task is clearly to dump the soil. But his mind is elsewhere. Behind her is another plant bed. This one is full and brimming with cliff maids so densely packed that he can hardly see the soil they’re in. He’s never seen so many of these flowers in one place. Whenever he found one in the wild, it was usually nestled between two rocks and sprouted three or four blooms. They weren’t nearly as impressive as the ones infront of him.
“What is it?” She asks when he remains in his spot. She follows his gaze and gasps.
“Why, are you a gardener too, mister?” Her voice gets high with excitement.
“Who, me?” He laughs. “No, ma’am. I’m no gardener. I’d make for a pretty awful one seein’ as I’m not too good at keepin’ things alive.”
“Oh, forgive me. I just- you seemed interested in the perennials. Most people aren’t, considerin’ how unassuming they look. Pretty things but nothing outwardly special about ‘em.” She moves towards the tall blossoms and reaches out her hand to stroke the petals. 
“You know, they don’t like it here,” she continues. “They like the sun, which would be easy enough if they liked the heat that came with it, but no, it’s the cool shade of cliffs and rocks they like. These little blooms aren’t easy to care for, but if you can figure it out, they’ll live all through the years. That’s what perennial means, after all. Anyways, these guys are my favorite. I think it’s cause they give me such a hard time.”
She twiddled with the petals between her fingers as she rambled about the flowers. When she finally looks back at him, it’s like she has stars twinkling in her eyes. There’s a new liveliness about her, something that sparked when she was given room to air out her affinity for the pink blossoms. Arthur stands there, attempting to wrap his mind around the unlikely chance of finding someone who holds this particular flower as close to their heart as he does. He doesn't notice his aforementioned heart beating a little faster in his chest.
“I- I like ‘em too.” The words clumsily stumble from his mouth when he realizes she’s waiting for him to speak. He quickly gathers himself. 
“I mean, it was my ma that liked ‘em, but I guess she sorta rubbed off on me. They're pretty little things.”
“You’re kiddin’... what are the odds?” 
He can tell she’s thinking about something during the half-beat of silence that follows, but he can’t find any hint of what it is when he searches her face.
“I never got your name, mister,” she says abruptly.
“Arthur,” he says. “Just Arthur.”
“What, you ain’t got a last name, Just Arthur?” She laughs.
He considers telling her his real name but quickly dismisses it. On the off-chance she recognizes it from the bounty posters, it would mean that whatever was happening here would come to an unfortunate end. Of course, no harm would befall her, but he’d have to leave and go right back to his mess of a life. He’d rather stay here, in the sanctity of the greenhouse, with this person he strangely feels like he was meant to meet. 
“Oh, I didn’t realize we were on a full name basis, ma’am,” he says flippantly, but he can’t help the smile that forms when she raises her eyebrows at him.
“Well, Arthur, you have good taste,” she says playfully, but her gaze falls to the wheelbarrow he’s still holding, and her eyes widen. “Oh, that must be heavy. I talked so long, I forgot you still had that. Go ahead and pour it into that empty bed right there.” She gestures with a quick wave of her hand.
He looks down at the wheelbarrow he also forgot he was holding and does as she says, tilting the lip of it into the wooden frame and letting the soil spill out. 
She smiles at him and pats his shoulder before leading him out of the greenhouse. They step back outside, and the cool air is a welcome feeling. He props the wheelbarrow against the wall of the structure while she shuts the door behind her.
“Thank you again. I would’ve had a much harder time without you there,” she says.
He wipes his soiled hands on the front of his jeans and opens his mouth to speak, but when he looks at her, she’s already looking at him with a gaze sweet as honey. It makes his breath catch in his chest. Not many women have looked at him like that before, and hardly any were as easy on the eyes as her. A thread of sunlight catches her eyes and reveals faint traces of amber, like sap spilling from the source. Her long lashes flutter when she blinks, and they rest against the soft edge of her brow as she looks up at him. Her hair, woven into a braid, is loose, disheveled like she’d slept in it. Stray strands feather around her jaw and frame the angles of her face, not unlike ornate golden borders that surround paintings in a gallery.
He clears his throat upon realizing he’s been gawking at the poor woman like some boyish fool.
“Ah, it was nothin',” he says, directing his attention elsewhere as heat creeps up his cheeks. 
A dragonfly jitters down from above and lands on the stem of some thyme growing over a narrow creek. Water trickles over smooth stones into a basin where leaves float along the surface. Some of them sprout delicate white flowers that open up to the sky. A thought comes to him as he looks at them.
“If it’s not too much trouble, would it be alright if I draw a picture of this place?” He asks. He’s never had to ask anyone permission for this sort of thing before; it felt unnatural. But it certainly would’ve been more so if he’d asked her what he really wanted, which was to draw her alongside it.
She tilts her head and looks up at him curiously.
“How charming…” She says, then ponders it for a second. “I don’t mind as long as you let me see it after.”
He chuckles, “Alright, just don’t make fun of it.”
“I would never!” She says, feigning indignance. “My mama taught me manners, Arthur! That means if it’s bad, I’ll just make fun of it in my head. Now go do your thing. I also have some work to do.”
She waves him off with a smile and steps back inside the greenhouse, closing the door behind her. He lets out a sigh, the tight feeling in his chest relinquishing now that he’s finally alone. He walks over to a bench along the path and sits down, taking his journal from his satchel and flipping to a new blank page. Before him, tall pink flowers that smell of vanilla cast long, dark shadows over the smaller flowering shrubs surrounding them. If they weren’t so dainty looking, their height and the size of their leaves would give the impression they own the place. He gives them the most detail in his drawing. Then he starts to etch the dirt path, adding the indentation the wheel of the wheelbarrow had left behind and the imprint of the woman’s footprints next to his. Just as he finishes up the sketch, adding minute details in the leaves, he hears light footfall behind him.
On instinct, his hand moves to hover above his holster, but once he sees what’s behind him, he feels ridiculous for it.
“Hey,” she says quietly, a sheepish smile on her face. She holds nearly a dozen cliff maids in her hands, stems clipped and bound together with a thread of twine.
“I thought you might like to have these.”
He looks at her for a moment, unsure what to do or say. She’s giving him flowers. No one has ever given him flowers before. That was usually something a man might do if he were sweet on a lady, a gesture shared between lovers. But maybe for a woman who spends all day surrounded by them, it must not have the same romantic meaning he knows it does.
“Those are for me?” He asks. His hands hang loosely at his sides. He doesn’t quite know what to do with himself.
She nods. “If you want.”
The talkative woman from earlier seems to have been replaced by someone different entirely, her sentences suddenly simple and sweet. He also struggles to find the right words.
“That’s too kind of you. Truly.” He reaches out to take them, and she places the bundle gingerly in his hands. 
His hold is gentle for fear he’d snap the stems if not careful. He knows he has to look a little silly. A man as rough around the edges as himself, with ammunition draped across his chest and pistols hanging at his hips, holding an overflowing bouquet of pink blossoms as a gift from a lady. If Dutch could see him now, he’d tell him he lost his edge. But if this is what it feels like to have gone soft, then he doesn't mind that much. The warmth in his chest is too comforting a feeling to let go of.
Her sudden gasp brings him out of his head.
“Is that the drawing?!” She points at the journal lying open on the bench. There’s no time to answer before she reaches over the seat to hold the leatherbound book in her hands.
“Wow… I- you captured it perfectly,” she says, her mouth slightly hanging in awe. “I didn’t expect anything like this.”
“You’re just minding your manners.”
She lightly thwacks him on the arm.
“You’d know if I was, I’m not a good liar. No, this is something special.”
He hardly knows a thing about this woman, and yet for some reason, her songs of praise feel so good that he wants to make ten more drawings. Hell, he’ll move as much dirt as she wants if it means she’ll look at him the way she is now each time. As her eyes flit between him and the sketch, he feels a fondness growing that he could’ve never anticipated when he first laid eyes on her. God, he almost feels like a boy again. It’s a feeling he hasn’t experienced in ages since he was last with Mary. Though, admittedly those feelings were guided by something less innocent than what he feels right now. What’s happening to him?
She clasps her hands together and takes a sharp intake of breath.
“Arthur, would you, um- would you like something to drink before you head out?” She asks. “I have just about anything.”
Without giving it much thought, he opens his mouth to answer, but a ringing noise sounds before the words can come out. It’s a clear jingling sound of a bell, and it’s coming from the house. 
“Oh, never mind. It seems like my grandmother needs me,” she sighs and hands back his journal. “Maybe another time?”
“Another time,” he agrees with a thin smile, deflating slightly at the abrupt goodbye.
She walks briskly to the back door and slips inside the house, the door swinging shut loudly behind her. He approaches his horse he’d left hitched to the woman’s front porch and goes to find a place to secure the flowers. As he’s slipping them through a notch on the saddle, the front door flies open.
She steps out, looking grateful he hasn’t left yet.
“Hey!” She calls out to him. She stands at the edge of the top step with one hand on her hip and the other shading her eyes from the sun.
“I’m sure you know already, but those can only last so long now that they’re cut. Perennials live all through the years but only when they’re planted,” she says, shifting her weight on the step.
Arthur’s mouth parts slightly as he searches for the words to respond.
“Oh. Alright.”
She sighs and brings her hand to her forehead in an exasperated motion.
“Okay- what I’m trying to say but failing at, is that when those flowers start to wilt, you come and find me.”
He tilts his head down, so the brim of his hat hides the smile forcing its way onto his lips. He hadn’t been sure if she was just being polite before, if every word was mere courtesy. But now, part of him felt that maybe some of it was more than that. He could at least tell for certain that she liked him, and that was enough.
“I’ll do that, miss. You take care of yourself, now.”
She then waves him goodbye before heading back inside.
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The sun has risen high above his head by the time he returns to camp. Everything seems to be just as he left it a few days ago. Dutch is sitting outside his tent with a book in his hands, a finger pensively to his lips. Some men are sharpening their weapons or cleaning their guns and talking to one another while they work. Over by the campfire, Micah gestures wildly to Bill and Javier, who sit on the log by his feet. 
“If we leave at dusk, they should be sittin’ pretty at the station a while before leaving for town. So once things get movin’, I say Javier handles the lockbox, I’ll deal with Walton and his lady wife, and Bill, you hang back in case anyone else shows up.”
Javier looks up from polishing his pistol, “You don’t think Walton’s going to have any extra protection? He’s carrying a lot of goods, it’d be stupid for him not to.”
“Well, that’s what Bill’s for. Ain’t that right, Bill?”
Bill nods his head with a serious expression. “Damn right.”
As Arthur listens to this conversation, it’s as if he can see a dark thread spinning and tangling itself into a knot. A knot on top of a knot, on top of another. Soon enough, the thread will become one giant, twisted mess so tightly entwined it’ll be nearly impossible to unravel. The way things are headed, this seems like the only plausible ending for his people. But before that happens, the Pinkertons will likely find them again, and they’ll be packing their things again, only prolonging this mess of things a little bit longer, letting it become bigger than it ever needed to be. People will keep dying for nothing like they always have, and maybe he’ll be one of them, an unfortunate tally added to their death toll, necessary for the bigger picture.
The young woman had the right of it. Her words still echo in his head even now. 
Perennials live all through the years, but only when they’re planted. Only when they’re planted. 
The world won’t open its arms to drifters, even with a pistol pressed to its head. It’s past time they grow some roots, start living like people, and stop living like wild animals backed into a corner. Sure, there’s no glory in honest work but there sure as hell isn’t any in dying. Arthur had given this idea some thought before. He wouldn’t mind settling, living a simple life working odd jobs, or even finding work on a ranch somewhere. A peaceful life, a predictable one; it sounded just fine in his head.
He passes by Mary Beth and Tilly, scrubbing clothes on a washboard and laughing. Tilly looks up from her busy hands and waves at him.
“Hey, Arthur!”
“Hey there, Miss Jackson,” he says with a friendly nod.
He finds his tent and sets the bundle of flowers down on the cot before reaching into his satchel. 
“Are those flowers, Arthur Morgan?” 
He jumps as Tilly’s voice is suddenly right behind him.
“What the hell! Don’t sneak up on me like that, girl,” he says, turning to face her and Mary Beth standing just outside his tent.
“My goodness, they are!” Mary Beth says, her hand flying to her mouth. “Where did you find those?”
“A lady,” he responds, biting his cheek to force away a smile he doesn't want them to see. He doesn't want to be stuck rattling off every detail to the excitement-starved women. 
“Like, you purchased them from a lady?” Mary Beth leans forward and raises her eyebrows.
“They were… given to me,” he reluctantly admits as he places the stems inside a gin bottle on the table. He moves a few of them around so they look nice.
“Don’t tell us they’re from Mary, Arthur.” Tilly's voice goes low with disappointment, no longer seeming excited.
He grimaces at the thought. “No! No, they’re not from Mary. I met a woman earlier today, and she gave them to me, that’s all.”
The two women quickly glance at each other and share an enthusiastic look.
“Arthur Morgan, you’re in love!” Mary Beth nearly squeals.
He scoffs loudly, “I am not in love. I hardly know the woman!”
“Well, she’s surely in love then. What kind of person just gives someone flowers if they ain’t sweet on’em?” Tilly says matter-of-factly.
“Exactly! So when are you gonna see her again?” Mary Beth asks.
“I don’t know,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. He should’ve known this conversation would happen. He should’ve sucked up his pride and said he purchased the flowers for himself to have avoided it entirely. “She told me to come back when they start to die, so whenever that is, I guess.”
Mary Beth hums and looks past him at the flowers in their makeshift vase. 
“Hmm… well, they look a little limp if you ask me. Dare I say… dead even? What do ya think, Tilly?” 
Tilly nods her head dismally, but even she can’t hide her smile, “Yeah, look at ‘em. They’re all sad-lookin’. Seems like you’ll need to head over first thing in the morning. Just to be sure.”
He shakes his head and laughs, “Alright, out. Both of ya. I can’t take it no more.”
He takes both women by their shoulders and guides them away from his tent despite their protests.
“We just want you to be happy, Arthur! Is that so bad?” Tilly cries out.
“I know, I know. Thank you, ladies. But I’m happiest when people ain't meddlin’ in my private business. Now go on.”
“This ain’t the end of it, Arthur!” Mary Beth calls out as they both walk away. They start talking animatedly as they return to work and keep throwing glances that he can only shake his head at.
Later that night, Arthur sits alone at one of the tables, eating his stew and staring off into the water. Most everyone else is off doing their own things, evening chores, and such. He's in the middle of bringing the bowl to his lips to get the last bit of broth when Mary Beth sits down beside him.
She keeps her word, not letting him hear the end of her numerous questions. Some of them he entertains, like when she asks what the garden looked like, and if she can see his drawing to get a better idea. He can practically see the story forming behind her eyes.
"What's she look like?" She asks, leaning against her hand on the table. "I'm picturing a sort of Isabelle Standish type in my head."
"Ah, come on now. You can't ask those sorts of things."
"Oh, Arthur! Please! This is the most exciting thing I've heard in so long. Just give me something to work with!" She gives him a pleading look, to which he dramatically rolls his eyes at.
"Alright. Well, she gives them girls on cigarette cards a run for their money, I'll tell you that."
She giggles, and asks him, "So when are you gonna see her again?"
He shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know yet."
“You don’t want to keep her waiting too long,” she says, in warning.
“Nah, I think she’ll be plenty busy without me. I’ll give it a few days.”
“A few days? But what if tomorrow another man comes by and sweeps her off her feet? What if she gives him flowers and forgets all about you because you took too long?” Her voice gets higher as she spitfires these potential events. 
“Mary Beth. If I visit her tomorrow, I’ll look like an idiot.” His face scrunches up, cringing at the thought. "And if that's really what happens then I can't do nothin' about that."
“Well, if I were her, I’d find it romantic,” she says and pats his hand on the table.
“Yeah, well, you find a lotta odd things romantic,” he chuckles, thinking back on the strange things in her novellas that have made her kick her feet.
For a second, it looks like she can’t tell if she should be offended. But then she joins him in laughter, giggling at herself.
“You might be right about that!”
Following his talk with Mary Beth, he retreats to his tent and slumps in his cot. He closes his eyes and turns to face the side of the wagon, but sleep doesn't come easy. The cot creaks beneath him as he shifts, trying to get comfortable. He groans and rolls over, opening his eyes to stare into the darkness. Against the dark canvas of his tent, he can make out the silhouette of the cliff maids standing tall in their bottle. He traces the outline of their leaves and thinks back to the woman and her garden, the tranquility of her home, and the opposing restlessness of his heart whenever she looked at him. Before he’s ushered into unconsciousness, a strange thought enters his head that he can only explain away as the delirium of drowsiness. It was that in the distant future, he could see himself settling down, working odd jobs, or finding work on a ranch, sure. But maybe, the preposterous idea of taking care of flowers wasn't so bad neither.
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twpsyn-who · 3 months
Today on "Another JeanMarco Soulmate AU absolutely no one asked for" I present to you -
Soulmate AU in which you stop seeing colors when your soulmate dies, the only exception being your soulmate. Now cue to Jean who just found Marco's, his best friend's, body. And you know, there's the shock of finding out Marco's dead. The pain and confusion and guilt. But there's also the revelation, because despite everything he can still see Marco like nothing took place at all- yes, half of his face is missing and his body is straight up lifeless, but Jean can still make out the color of his eye ; see that light shade of brown perfectly, remember all the times he has found himself looking at them while listening to Marco talk. He can still make out the colors of his uniform, see the same shade of black his hair has always had, practically see. Despite being dead, Marco was the only piece of color left in his life.
And there's denial for a moment because there's no way Marco was his soulmate. But that goes away fast, getting replaced by guilt. By the fact that he hasn't been there to save him, that Marco has to die all alone without anyone being there for him.
And that was worse than the simple fact that he could no longer see colors ; because Marco was there when Jean needed him, but he failed to do the same. And not only he lost his best friend that day, but his other half too.
#Anyway this fucker doesn't tell anyone about the whole soulmate thing. Not of shame of anything but because he's mourning man and also is no#One's business. Anyway the first one to find out is Armin because he notices and ever since he makes sure to mention colors as often as he#can. Like 'These flowers are a nice shade of red' or 'Green suits you well Jean! You should wear this shirt' stuff like that#Jean does appreciates it once he gets over his ego and pain and lets other people get closer to him#Funny enough Jean is the only one in that situation loool. Well I don't know about Reiner and Historia is getting there soon enough but#everyone else??? Colors everywhere man#Is both funny and sad#'Since when..?' Jean expected that question yet he wasn't truly ready to answer it. Deep down he knew he was never going to be ready for it#'Trost' his voice stains sightly while naming the city. His own city. The place he grew up in all his life. The others say nothing else#after that confession. They were all aware many has died during Trost. It wasn't that far fetched for Jean's soulmate to be some civilian#lost during the evacuations or something. But then Connie's eyes widen ever so sightly the realization sitting in. He doesn't even register#when he says 'It was Marco right?' and regrets it immediately. Jean's painful face is all the answer they needed#Also Historia ready the letter and the world losing colors while she's doing that??? Her tearing up a little but not letting herself cry#until she gets alone???? Her going to Jean once that happens and them comforting each other?????#They starts seeing colors again once Eren dies. Poor Jean is trying his best to not have a breakdown because Connie needed him more in that#moment#Reading* wtf my tags make no sens sorry guys I'm lowkey tired#aot#jean kirstein#jeanmarco#aot jean#marco bodt#marco bott#aot marco#jean kirschstein#snk#JeanMarco Soulmate AU#soulmates au#I'm not sad you are
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 1 month
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the real reason why they never promoted eyes to lieutenancy is because he woulda' shown up to the function with his sunglasses on and his collar popped like some kind of unprofessional punk
(the real real reason is that he was too damn adhd and a little too graadian for comfort (also the collar thing. that still applies actually.))
#i cant fucking handle this guy#my art#viorel segal#disco elysium#eyes disco elysium#whys he look like this. what the fuck is that.#what is that. why do you look like this.#these r sketchbook doodles transferred to digital and i keep overthinking them like i keep worrying theyre wonk#but i think theyre fine. hes so. jesus fuckfing christ. man. yeah.#the lieutenant uniform uhhhhh i have a better art of kim and jean in their uniforms and ill explain it better then but you just get this fo#for now. but moralintern blue. gold for the royalty. blue scarf and ribbon and belt and cape for the grih. folk symbols r wheat river star#coz each precinct has different ribbon colors and different folk symbols and different colors of the symbols. here the colors r blue for th#river black for the money from the port and red for fraternity. ill have to think about it more in depth so thats subject to change#and uhhhh rcm seal. which is based on the revachol state seal. which is also subject to change. rn is moralintern blue flowers royalty lion#and skua of course.#and red dots for the 6 suns#and the words around it r the RCM name and motto#shoves him in my mouth#also hes like what. 40 something here. hes 5 years older than kim and he was 43 when he died so idk 40 something. early 40s#idfk how to draw older men fr i have to work on that#oh another fun fact i had to digitalize these specifically bc theyre my fave doodles of him#i kept opening up my photo of the sketchpage and STARING at him. ok#thats all#oh wait one more fun fact i did this in between working on my essay. okay now THATS all#i like to say a lot of things. i love to type. ok bye
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jokerownsmysoul · 1 year
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flowers in Arthur's apartment. ❤︎
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sukirichi · 4 days
i’m so normal about aiku haha
#suki rambles#rereading bllk for the third time and i’m still screaming over everything but now is the only time i reread it where my loyalties swayed#i was always a sae girly like... he just hits diff and he’s the prettiest UGH (chigiri is the prettiest but shhh)#BUT AIKU HELLO?!?! HE’S SO FINE AND WHAT FOR#and are we not gonna talk about that panel where he effortlessly tackled shidou and pinned him face down... yeah... THAT panel#ong that was such an iconic intro of him and he looks so scruffy and scrumpty and i wANT TO LICK HIM whoa what?#HIS BICEPS TOO OMG but mostly his face. i want to kiss him so bad 😭 i want to give him gifts and sniff him he smells expensive or like#leather i just know it#he also looks like someone’s baby daddy... it’s me i’m someone#when he said nothing gets past him and he’d be like the cop in the field ooh yeah OFFICER ARREST ME CUFF ME#he’s like soccer aizawa and my eye twitches every time i see him bcos i love aizawa too UGHHH AIKU OLIVER THE MAN YOU ARE#he’s so emotionally unavailable n that’s exactly my type. he’d leave me on delivered for hours and reply only after midnight then say#‘sorry baby haha was just busy’ he’d be so cold and nonchalant thru text but so cocky and smooth in person 😞 oh i’m in pain#he’s gonna break my heart and i’d let him! also the type of guy who doesn’t bring flowers in a date but would buy you one if u asked#then says its not that big of a deal when you go heart eyes at him... only ever wants casual shit n then avoids u when you start falling 😔#also his thighs too. damn. DAMN. looking respectfully sir i am in love with you please take all that i have 🙏🏻#karasu is my new crush too HES JUST SOOOOOO okay i love them IM SCREAMING#gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure when my dark haired red flag soccer men come on screen#idk should i open requests for bllk i wanna write them for funsies 😞
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It's midnight which means it's techincally and officially Felix's birthday!!! Everyone look at him!!!
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magiritsa · 2 years
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My esk from the nursery! It was a mountaineer who got lost and is now wandering the mountains leading others to their demise.
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I'm a bad birthday gift giver btw 🥳
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catamaurrr-star · 9 months
thinking about my ocs again. it would be sooo fucked up if you were pyre actually
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isa-ah · 1 year
sad there isn't more desert duo content that involves the running narrative Cleo and Martyn had about "saving Grian from Scar." like there was the pale white horse au which was fanTASTIC but I want. more.
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el-im · 2 years
have you seen the thin man because I am Obsessed with myrna loy & william powell’s chemistry in it. granted I don’t watch a ton of movies but I feel like I hardly ever see actors in new movies that play off of each other as well as they did and it’s so much fun to watch
oh yeah!!! it's one of my favorites! i actually watched the last one--song of the thin man--first, ages ago, because I was trapezing through dean stockwell's filmography at the time and he played their son--but this week i watched how to marry a millionaire, in which william powell made an appearance, and i remembered how much i liked him as nick charles... so i've been on a bit of a william powell bender + have gone back and started watching the thin man movies in order. (so far, i think the thin man takes the cake as the best in the thin man series, though i've really enjoyed all the other ones i've seen so far!) anyhow! now i only have two thin man movies left, but have been watching a few others that myrna loy/william powell made together alongside them, and i've just been flat out stunned by how much their chemistry carries into other movies--my favorite of which has been libeled lady, which they're both just... beyond wonderful in.
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orcelito · 1 year
tfw u have so much shit in stardew valley due to dumb luck alone. but the thing you dont have. is a single Fucking red cabbage.
#speculation nation#the Only thing holding me back from the community center completion#im mid spring year 2 and ive had Everything else since the first of year 2#(when my pigs i bought over the winter dug up some truffles lol)#the good news is one of the serpents dropped a red cabbage seed#so i went and tore up a thing in my greenhouse. not even sure what. probably some flower#planted the red cabbage with a deluxe speed grow fertilizer#that was. 2 days ago in-game#9 days reduced by 25%... probably in like 3 ish days i'll be getting my final piece for the community center. Finally.#i unlocked the sewers but tried to go into Bug Zone but couldnt :(#got Elliot's 14 heart event and MAN that was so fucking sweet#gonna have to go into my sebastian run to try to see his lol. emo boy come Here...#in that one i am Filthy rich. but also. im setting things up so much more efficiently in this game#i was making like 25k at Least per day in my most advanced run#in this one im making like 15k a day. but a whole year earlier.#easily make more than that tho. i have a lot of money#and i keep diving into the skull mines for resource runs bc it's Fun#setting up plans to go on a deep dive to the level 100. so far ive only made it like 33 spots deep#ive got the galaxy sword. in fact i have found Five prismatic shards by chance. so im just holding onto the extras now lol#bc i wanna unlock the community center to unlock the island to unlock the forge so i can make my sword even more badass#aaaand then... uh. im gonna get one of those totems to go to the desert Really early#bring a bunch of stone just in case. and bring a bunch of bombs.#im gonna dump a LOT of resources into this deep dive. i WILL get there. im just gonna do plenty of prep first lol#i s2g i got the void egg by chance bc a witch dropped it off. and then i just found 2 dinosaur eggs so imma have my lil Rocket back again#... i Think i have space in my coop? currently am incubating a 2nd void chicken#2 normal chickens 3 ducks 4 (?) rabbits 1 (soon to be 2) void chickens. i THINK i have space for one more#i dont remember how many rabbits i have lololol ive just been buying animals left and right. like w/e#i DO know i have 2 cows 3 goats 2 sheep and 4 pigs. im nearly at capacity.#might build another bard sometime but BEFORE THAT im gonna buy my 2nd house upgrade. so i can have kids.#elliott as a dad seems so fucking cute ngl. he's so... oh he is SO romantic & it's killing me. those fuckin letters man. wow
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i LOVE stormblood (listening to some of the ost rn <3 i love all the expansions so very much. they all mean a lot to me <3)
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#i understand /why/ but it makes me really sad when i see ppl that don't appreciate stb :< it has its faults! yes. & a lot is preference but#it's still objectively good !!!! <3 on my behalf i love stb a lot though. help wait i realize how diverse my taste is from all the way from#traditional to. idk sci-fi and fantasy n music that also matches the vibe.... that said oh my god wait i love ffxiv's ost so much .#in stb i really love a father's pride :^) IT SOUNDS SO HOMEY.... & the ala mihgo ones r my favs too! salt & suffering. liberty or death#oh my god wait soken you genius i can;t do this. i love revolutions so much. i remember crying w the.. YEAH.... i love flowers :<#random but fun fact i used to go by the online alias of 'lily' way wayyy back. & then i've always been enthusiastic when it comes to#researching about things i'm interested about so. flower meanings !! i love that sm. idk why but that said i've always loved white flowers#the most. roses have always been my fave. & on the topic of roses i remember a lore i had for my wol with stormblood omg#apollo n i finally bought the game so we were out of free trial yeah? unlocks market board so i remember buying a lot of glams#i remember buying quite a lot of flowers but i. almost always just use the white rose (or the black one! or the hyacinths)#anyways i. i didn't have the rose on my wol for like the end of stormblood 😭 i was sad about that for a while bcs. lore.#i'm really specific about lore stuff !?! idk !?! but i had some ideas that oh! what if some blood got on it or wtvr. it's in my notes#i think hien had a part to do w it bcs i liked him a lot back then . why do i like leaders sm. alphi / aymeric / haurchefant / emet / herme#all of them have some sort of authority ???? & oh man i remember i've always loved the image of a white rose being tainted by red.#I DIDN'T MEAN TO RAMBLE SO MUCH BUT I LOVE FFXIV SO MUCH 🫶🏼#dude my discord profile looks so cool rn w my wol & my about me :] that line's from the description of the death summon gbf#nier. i like her honestly n oh god i love her song. vira too. another sky :< help i realize my faves are /often/ blue or red. purple too.#help wait stormblood orchestral music &. god i will never shut up about everything ffxiv it really has so much#azim steppe was sooo chill to go through. i love love it so much. temulun's lines too! ishikawa ily#& then with the patches :^) i started in ul'dah so. Emotional. yes. and then i love tsukuyomi. tsukuyomi....#i won't say anymore spoilers but sigh that tore me apart </3 i have sm more to write but oh my god TAGS but i love ffxiv so much damn#random & not in stormblood but i remember how hyped i was for ravana? the ost. THE OST. unbending steel's lyrics.... oh my god#I LOVE THE OST SO MUCH I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT IT AAAAAA i forgot abt that 3:13 part o hmy god HOLY FUCK#i feel alive again. overwhelmed with love. god i love this so fucking much thank you ffxiv i wna cry i love ffxiv so much 😭😭#thinking abt fordola :< & thinking of the wol's trauma gives me chills. & remembering as well of my own lore for my wol throughout this#the ost? the dialogue? the story? the characters? the pain oh my god i love how they express & do the storytelling so much#god this is what i mean when i say ffxiv naturally and immediately gives me inspiration. & motivation. i really really want to write#I'M EMOTIONAL. HFKJDAKFLSJLKDF the music n. oh my god everything just everything. ffxiv. ff. all of it
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
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I found the version of the demo that has when cass follows ingrid into one of the girls bedroom.
ANYWAYS these are caps (slightly edited for clarity, click to expand assuming the update didnt take that away.) of one of the daughter's bedrooms: the one connected to the dungeon, as further proves that ingrid was never expected to survive and the daughters (or at least cassandra) and Alcina planned to have her be hunted. whether it was a final test to see if she was 'worthy', or she just annoyed them at some point, who knows! she was the closest to becoming alcina's fourth daughter (and, as i'm adding ingrid to the blog, I will include an AU where she did become her daughter after this event).
personally, even though the game pretty clearly hints towards this being cassandra's room (cass is the one that hunts you into it if you take too long, and lbr, bela would be heavily against a link from the dirty dungeons to her room being a fake wall lmao);;; the appearance still looks more like bela's to me. so this is what that means here: the girls rooms all have a similar base appearance (I do not believe they share one room), but they get to decorate it themselves. Cassandra mentions in game the fact she likes to hang her hunts heads on the wall, and the devs aid the animal heads around the castle all were cass' kills. logistically, there should be animal heads in her room too, since she's clearly into that (and even mentions making ethan the centerpiece to alcina's party.)
so for this blogs purposes: the room showed in the game is Cassandra's, but in my writing, there are animal heads, and there are not white dresses. cass might have a few somewhere, but not on display. she wouldn't be able to keep them clean that long. the white dresses on display would be a bela thing, because bela is the cleanest of the sisters. the white furniture is alcina's thing, the girls get no control over that. but cassandra's likely have noticeable blood stains from taking prey into her room.
inside the closets, only one would really have clothes. their flies become clothes, otherwise they wouldn't be able to have their clothing when they turn to the swarms by a logical standpoint. chances are, the clothes are just what they want you to see, or just to please mom who is pretty... well, conservative in that one singular regard. otherwise, really, they're probably naked a lot of the time lmao. like, at the basic point, their outfits don't make sense for their hobbies anyways, cassandra might have a few outfits here and there that alcina got her from the 'business trips' that were mentioned by the devs. but mostly, she probably has different types of weapons, because she likes torture and torment. she has a direct access point to the dungeon where they have medieval torture devices. her personal interest is attacking things and people. weapons hidden in her closet, if not pieces of 'snacks' and other items she doesn't want the servants to immediately see, that makes more sense than a ton of clothes she isn't even gonna wear.
now, this is from when i wrote cass as an entirely different character before i decided their personalities were similar enough, i might as well make what was essentially my oc 'become' cass after the endpoint of her prior saga. other things she has hidden in her room would be drawing supplies. here's the thing, in most situations, murder and torture is considered an art form by the perpetrator. and prior 'human' cass had an interest in drawing. when she's trapped in her home, and not playing with daniela who obviously gets bored the easiest and needs the attention, she's drawing in her room. probably mostly fantasies of things she does to others who bother her, but also some fletching's of memories she doesn't exactly remember, and possibly visions of others due to the cadou placement (which i promise i will go into eventually i'm lAZY).
she doesn't share the drawings, not even to mom. they aren't like the paintings held around the house, and internally, considering she's the only sibling not to mention being 'mother's favorite' (while ironically being shown time and time again to be the one called, the one most often needed, and probably actually is the favorite considering she's moms hunting companion) she does feel 'less than' as is pretty clear when she mentions never getting the first bite and always having to give what she finds to her sisters. she probably compares what she does draw to all the paintings around the house constantly, and just doesn't feel like it's good enough or worth it to show mom. she knows her killings and hunting skills make mom proud, she doesn't want any of her mom being proud of her to dwindle bc of anything else she might be interested in.
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