#also. this literally happened to my friend yona. and hak...
lonesomedotmp3 · 5 months
gabrielle... my silly rabbit 😁😁😁😁
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kazumasamaanime · 3 years
Let's end this here, hak has grown not only physically but also mentally, he has finally freed his mind from useless information and is concentrating his energy on what he wants (finally). I also do not believe in this sowooyona at all,I HATE It if you ask me and let's finish it at some point, it will NEVER happen,kusanagi sensei has shown us thousands of times who the couple is here, we just have not all yet seen the image that kusanagi sensei has in mind, for some reason she shows them to us (now because I do not know 🤷‍♀️ ) but he certainly does not try to bring them together.Remember...
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Yona Then vs Yona Now
yona is far from soowon now, she doesn't wants or need him anymore (for the eyes of the kingdom it is done, remember again.)
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Yona don't want to be there, it's all for kouka's sake. Also I never Doubt his ability is good with dialogue and the related I just think he does not deserve the throne so much,he has changed a lot but not so much that yona sees him as he used to see him. but it is not enough that a kingdom needs a leader who has both. And this is hak for me
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Some people say that hak is not good for a king,My answer is - why not? The Wind Tribe and the Fire Tribe adore him, the Water Tribe respect him as a human being and because he saved the lily they love him for that, and now as we saw the Earth Tribe is slowly beginning to respect him who literally saved their lives.
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Xing is a friend so no matter, the Tully Tribe has beaten it. So what is the problem? Because he has no royal blood;
I do not know what will happen next, but I believe in all this, only time will tell what will happen next.
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raveneira · 3 years
What are your favourite ships from other animes you like ?
Oh I have a bunch, but I’ll try to name/show as many as I can think of
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Fena x Yukimaru
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Haru x Futaba
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Ash x Eiji 😭
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Rebecca x Asta
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YujiKiri, its canon idc.
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Edwin, one of my fave OG pairs.
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Kisa x Hiro...I just love them ok.
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Hak x Yona
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Yato x Hiyori
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Saito x Louise
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Eremin, controversial I know but its canon fars Im concerned, its way better than the actual canon thats for danm sure.
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Banri x Linda, this should’ve been endgame idc what anyone says.
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Haru x Ellie
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Alice x Ryo
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Yusuke x Keiko
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Kaname x Sosuke
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Ash x Serena
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Jimmy x Rachel, yes I prefer their Americanized names lol
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Darien x Serena, once again I prefer their Americanized names lol
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Killgon, I dont actually SHIP it ship it but I definitely see the potential and I do believe Killua may have a slight crush on Gon, altho Im not sure if Gon reciprocates lol
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Takaki x Ashton, LEAVE ME ALONE 😭
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Mikazuki x Atra
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Yamagi x Shino, LEAVE ME ALONE 😭
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Kohaku x Rin
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Ritowa, I know this ones a bit controversial and I despise Yashahime but I do genuinely find their relationship cute and its possibly one of the few good parts of this god forsaken sequel. Of course I dont want them together currently because of the age gap, but Towa only has 4 years left till she turns 18 so as long as nothing serious happens between them till then Im totally for this ship. Atleast shes not a literal child he raised and is a teen old enough to atleast comprehend this sorta thing and know whats appropriate and what isnt.
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Mikayuu...leave...leave me alone please 😭 Im still greiving
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Karma x Nagisa, I dunno why I just always found them cute together
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Asch x Natalia, they both lived happily ever after the end LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
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JoshNeku, I cant fully explain why but I always really liked this messed up ship, theres so many layers and complexity to it that makes it so intriguing and conflicting to ship lol but overall I genuinely do believe Joshua cares for Neku and saw value in him in the end, not as just someone he manipulated in the game and gambled on, but genuinely sees him as a friend after witnessing him selflessly risk his life trusting Joshua when he had every reason to pull the trigger. To me I feel like these two have alot of unresolved issues they need to talk out but Joshua isnt willing to face Neku nor admit he actually cares and wants to be friends for whatever complicated reason he cant. But I believe if whatever wasnt holdin him back he would have joined Neku and the others and the two would’ve reconciled, which is mostly my basis for shipping it lol.
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Sormik, its literally canon nobody can convince me otherwise, they have every bit of confirmation minus only an official statement sayin their endgame but honestly who needs that? anyone who’s played the game and watched the anime KNOWS these two are way more than friends and way more than brothers.
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Kokichi x Shuichi, like JoshNeku this is a very complex and complicated ship, theres alot of flaws in it but also a ton of possibility. I feel like these two had a chance but missed it because Kokichi was such a constant liar and Shuichi never actually tried to understand him or give him the benefit of the doubt despite him trying to be a better detective, he failed to properly investigate Kokichi and get to the bottom of why he is the way he is and what his true motives were and instead rushed to assume the worst of him, doubting him till the very end. This ship is even more tragic than JoshNeku whereas Joshua and Neku ended up genuinely caring about eachother despite their messed up history, Shuichi completely gave up on Kokichi and vice versa, but you could tell the two did genuinely wanna get along with and get to know one another but simply couldnt because of the constant misunderstandings. Shuichi got impatient with Kokichi and gave up and Kokichi lost hope in befriending Shuichi and gave up on letting anyone in on his plans and resolved to die alone hated by everyone even the one person he had hoped would understand him. Their story is super tragic with so much untapped potential I cant help enjoying it. You could say Im over analyzing and sure maybe in a way I am but thats just how I see it.
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Videl x Gohan, this one needs no explanation we all know this is one of the most healthiest if not THE healthiest non problematic ship in the entire DBZverse, its just so wholesom and pure theres really nothing bad to say about it. The one gripe I and many others have is Videl losing her drive as a fighter and retiring to being a housewife, not that being a housewife is bad its just given her potential beforehand and this being a shounen manga its not unusual for us to have expected more for her than just being a housewife. As for Gohan he is father and husband of the year, a million times better than his father was, this is why ppl need to stop sleepin on Chichi because she raised her son right, to be a real man and take care of his family. Gohan may be rusty and takin Ls now on the battlefield but atleast when he comes home he tends to his family instead of going to 10 different planets and mentors trying to get stronger while neglecting his wife and kid in the process.
Those are all the ships that comes to mind right now, sorry for giving so many but there are alot of ships I enjoy lol
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dreamerandcrazy · 4 years
how high is the probability that soo-won is canonically gay? tbh it it would just make so much sense. soo-won loved yona but really he had eyes for hak since young... i just wish that in the eventual soohak reunion (kusa WHERE IS IT) that they'll acknowledge this fact somehow. that hak is still and forever will be soo-won's goal
Oh, anon, you have no idea how much feelings and ideas I have regarding SooHak, but when it comes to Soo Won’s sexuality, I am in the dark just as every other reader, because sadly we don’t have much insight/p.o.v. from Soo Won himself, and I think that’s on purpose and something Kusanagi is saving for later. However, he mentioned once that he didn’t feel love romantically, but he did like people, and Kusanagi also implied he wasn’t interested in romance during the high school omake, so there’s a chance he could maybe be asexual/aromantic? But he has blushed before whenever someone put him in the spot, like Yona in ch. 1, and when Lili threatened to say he was in a brothel, I think during Sei or Xing arc. So I think there’s a little bit of chance he could be, but the chances of him being asexual are definitely higher. But like you said, if Kusanagi decided to write in canon that Soo Won is gay period, it would also make sense, align with past moments that have made us raise our eyebrows, and it wouldn’t affect the story or his personality, except for other than giving us much needed insight on what goes inside Soo Won’s mind.
(I talk a lot about SooHak underneath, so I put it under a keep reading, lol).
It’s important to note that it’s very much canon that he still cares for/loves Hak and Yona, despite everything that’s happened. However, I do get the feeling that the love he has for Hak is slightly different from the love he has for Yona. It’s very interesting how since the start, Soo Won has kept his emotions in check around Yona and co., but like Zeno said, his face just looks more human around Hak. I guess maybe because Hak has always been the most normal part of it all for Soo Won, since they were kids, which is why I get the feeling that they were closer. They raised Gulfan together, they trusted each other more than anyone, and can read each other so well they were able to know what the other was thinking through a single look. The only time in the manga both of them were seen crying, truly crying over adult emotions, was because of each other. Soo Won wasn’t able to raise a sword to defend himself against Hak when they reunited in Nadai arc, but his hands automatically flew to his sword the moment he saw Hak in danger during the battle in Sei. It’s like a quote from a gifset I reblogged recently, “People change, but habits don’t”. Or even as Ik-Soo himself said, “some love cannot be discarded,” and I think that was as true for Yona then as it is for Soo Won and Hak. They both can try themselves their best to convince they no longer care for one another, and will be ok if the other dies, but we have seen that that’s not true.
Also it’s interesting, like you said, anon, sometimes I get the feeling that Hak is still Soo Won’s goal, but like in a dormant way. Soo Won seeks for the power of the humans, and nobody embodies that as much as Hak, in the story. We have seen since the start that Soo Won admired Hak, and wanted to be like him, so I feel like that feeling is still there. They both literally wanted to be on an equal footing just so they could walk side by side, and that is a powerful want, to have someone mean so much to you that you are motivated by them, which is why their dynamic is probably one of the most interesting for me, whether it’s platonic or romantic. But we shall see how it goes. Many fans have been theorizing that in the next chapter or 204, Soo Won might go to see Hak, and I think that’s something the story really needs right now. They have been avoiding each other for over 200 chapters now, and they’re getting to a point where they can no longer do that. I think Hak has come very far in the manga and is also in a point where he’s willing to listen to what Soo Won has to say; prior to this castle arc, people liked to say he was narrow-minded and refused to see meaning in Soo Won’s actions, but Hak only had the grasp of what he’d seen that night: that Soo Won killed Il and was willing to kill Yona as well, after presenting her with that hairpin. He had no idea about what happened to Yu-Hon, or any of what happened in the past, so from that point of view, Soo Won had usurped the throne and wanted to destroy the evidence of him (Yona seeing what happened). The fact that Soo Won also said “the Soo Won you knew never existed” definitely didn’t help Hak see his side, giving him the impression that their friendship had been a lie since the beginning. And thus, his heart shattered into a million pieces. And he had to live with that hurt and betrayal every day to himself, to the point where it was suffocating him and he broke down completely when he and Soo Won came face to face in Nadai. But like I said, he has come a long way since then, and now he has some idea of what happened and Soo Won’s real reasoning for killing Il, so their next conversation, which I pray happens soon, might come more easily, but that will also depend on what Soo Won will be willing to say. Let’s remind ourselves that Soo Won has expressed he is ready to live an unhappy life, and is not exactly desperate to explain himself to Yona and Hak nor ask for their forgiveness, even if his heart longs so much for his old friends. He’s that kind of character that doesn’t mind being seen as the bad guy so long as he can get the job done, which is one of the many layers of his character that we’ve seen over and over in the manga.
I am sorry this answer was so long, but like I said, I have a lot of feelings regarding SooHak and I really need them to talk it out soon. I’m sorry if something I expressed about Soo Won is not to your liking or to anyone else’s, but this is my point of view from what I could get from the manga. SooHak is the kind of relationship that works just as well for whatever it’s meant to be, but I have a feeling Kusanagi will leave us in the dark about that one and let us believe it is what we wanna believe it is. At first I was 50/50 about Soo Won dying, I still think it’s a possibility, but now it’s no longer one I necessarily would like to see happen. I want him to make things right with Yona and Hak before the manga ends, and beat this crimson illness. I think a fresh start is something he definitely needs for himself, he was robbed of his childhood when he was only 9 and was pushed into a role he didn’t exactly want, so I would like to see him come to terms with that and close that page, and begin living the life he wanted to live before all this.
Tl;dr; I think Soo Won might be asexual, but his feelings for Hak are definitely still an important part of his character arc that I believe we will see more of. But how Kusanagi will go about them, we can only wonder. Thank you so much for the ask, I really needed to let this all out lmao, and for anyone who disagrees with what I said, please just do me a favor and ignore this post because I really don’t wish to be part of discourse. Soo Won is a character that’s hard to read, and maybe my view of who he is can be different from someone else’s, so let’s be grown ups about it and just respect each other’s opinions and agree to disagree.
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The future of Hak and Su-Won’s relationship
I don’t know if anyone’s considered this before, but I feel like Hak and Su-Won might actually reconcile (somewhat) by the end. Like they’ll never be close as before, but there might be this scene where they both - idk, break down crying and hugging one another. 
Or is that too much to imagine? Haha. 
Anyways what I’m quite sure of at least is that their current relationship is about to change dramatically. We’re all waiting for the moment Su-Won and Hak actually sit down and have a talk, and I made a list of the sort of things Hak might just ask the guy:
“Was King Il ever unkind to you?”
“Did you ever ask him for the throne? What did he respond with?”
“If he wasn’t peaceful what was he actually like? Why did he rule that way?” 
“Why did King Il kill his brother anyway? Did he really do that? Was he justified? Was it an accident or intentional?”
“Was this information withheld from you?” 
“Did you actually plan to kill him for 10 years?”
“Did you plan to kill the Princess for 10 years too?” 
“Why did you have to almost kill her that night?!”
“Why did you have to give her the cursed hairpin on her birthday?” 
“How long was your damn coup planned?” 
“Is your illness the same one that your mother was rumored to have?”
“Who the hell is your mother anyway? is she dead too?”
“Did your father or mother push you towards this decision to become king?”
“How long have you been lying to us about this?” 
“Are you actually going to die? When?” 
“Why are you in cahoots with this Keishuk bastard?”
“Was your friendship with the Princess and I all a lie?”
“Why didn’t you tell us your father was killed?”
“Why was King Il even chosen over your father to be king?” 
“Which tribes were involved in your coup?”
“Why didn’t you ask me to join your team? Why didn’t you include me?”
“Why didn’t you trust me? Was I too clueless to notice anything? Did you think I would never understand?” 
“Was I such a shitty friend to you? How could you point your blade at me? My tribe?” 
“Do you care about the Princess at all, or do you hate her too? cause she daughter of your father’s killer right?”
“If you’re dying, who’s going to be the next king?”
“What are you doing about the war against Kai?” 
As for what Su-Won may ask him or respond with, I’m not completely sure. But something tells me that he may ask Hak about how he and Yona found the 4 dragons. Idk, I personally see that coming up in conversation - how they found the dragons, what Hak has gone through all this time, and what Yona has been doing. What their plan was. Did they plan to kill him by exacting revenge? What do they think now? 
Another prediction I have is one thing: this talk will be Hak finally beginning to understand Su-Won as an equal rather than a higher being.
No more of this bullshit:
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Thus I feel like throughout their conversation, Hak will completely stop using honorifics with this guy. He’ll talk to him bluntly, and basically turn the conversation into a full roasting session. That’s what their relationship is gonna end up as, in my honest opinion. Hak is just going to be completely open about what he thinks and be extremely sarcastic and rude. And Su-Won will have no choice but to sigh and deal with Hak’s bullshit. Lol. 
Here’s also the thing - I mean it’s clear that the reverse also applies, with Su-Won being like: 
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I feel like the talk they might have might change the way Su-Won views him too. Cause you know, with Hak constantly roasting him - no longer admiring him or treating him nicely (though let’s be honest, Su-Won always hated that Hak used honorifics and acted like Su-Won was better than him) -- that basically means that in the eyes of the man who he respected most, Su-Won is basically trash.
With these looks it’s sort of obvious, with Hak’s hatred and Su-Won’s poker face
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but see the problem is that right after such scenes 
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Su-Won immediately turns away from Hak’s hate. I don’t mean that he doesn’t know that Hak hates him, but I wonder, just how far it’s sunk in. 
The moment Hak almost kills him, Su-Won is literally rooted to the spot. Frozen. 
And he tries to brush it off later, like the way he acted was completely fine. Judo spells it out for him later
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that just a split second of facing Hak’s hatred, his feelings got the better of him. For that instant. 
But see, for most of the time Su-Won is more preoccupied with matters that he really hasn’t had a chance to sit down and really think about how Hak may see him now. 
And thus after that inevitable talk with Hak, where Hak really makes his view of Su-Won clear, I really wonder if Su-Won will come out of it feeling completely like shit. 
Especially if he’s relying on Hak and Yona in this war, and they’re willing to help.
We know, Su-Won believes that he could never hold a candle to Hak in anything, but he may just stop feeling worthy of anything at all if he knew the depth of Hak’s feelings. 
Finally, my last point: I wonder - the same way the narrative seems to be pulling towards a point where Hak no longer feels insecure about himself, stops admiring Su-Won and sees himself as an equal to Su-Won.... if a time will come where Su-Won will stop seeing Hak as an impossible goal to catch up with. A time where Su-Won will feel comfortable in his own skin and view himself as equal to Hak. 
Of course a lot of events would need to happen to lead towards that point, but you get my drift. Personally I’d find that route interesting! I don’t think I want these two guys to view each other from their rose-colored glasses. They could understand each other better. And grow self-confidence.
If anyone wants to add onto this, be my guest. 
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lunabear171015 · 4 years
I met Akatsuki no Yona thanks to the anime, and since then I got hooked on the manga, sincerely with the intention of seeing how the relationship between Hak and Yona was progressing. I desperately needed to know if she would end up falling in love with him. But I would’ve continued reading the manga even if Yona never fell in love with Hak, because I love Hak himself and he is reason enough to love Akatsuki no Yona. Though Hak/Yona atmosphere is what I love most about this manga.
When Kusanagi gave us that ch. 123 goodness me! An entire chapter dedicated to Hak/Yona. I loved it so very much. I was literally over the moon. We just did deserve that gift chapter after Hak/Yona separation during 11 long chapters. I wonder how Kusanagi will surprise us when finally Hak and Yona meet again, after so many chapters, now that they both know their love is mutual and they’ve already kissed before. I really hope Yona surprises Hak by taking initiative for the next passionate kiss! 😌 Sigh.
It’s true that I am curious to know what has really happened with Yona’s mom and Soo-Won’s dad, and the sword and shield from Ik-Soo prophecy 🤔 But I think the love story Yuhon/Yonhi is not necessary at all. Kusanagi could’ve shown us Yuhon and Yonhi already married, even as parents of baby Soo-Won. And she could’ve told us about Yonhi’s illness more briefly and quickly. What do we care how those two met and fell in love? Is Kusanagi also going to show us how Il and Kashi met and fell in love? 🙄 I don’t think so, and honestly, sounds boring as hell.
I get in a bad mood reading some comments on Facebook and Twitter in which there are people who say things like (WARNING: Here goes a long essay!):
"I love this couple" / "Their story is too cute" / "I can see Yuhon having many fans after these chapters"
Really?? I don’t love this couple. To me, it’s a forced romance and I clearly don’t like how Yuhon has authority over Yonhi 😑 I honestly don’t see any point to this romance.
It may be that I hate Yuhon because of what he did after the Xing Empire surrendered in the war against Kouka and how he ruined Kouren’s childhood 😠 He was probably who killed Hak’s parents 😠 There’s nothing about Yuhon that I like. Sorry, Kusanagi. Yonhi is very cute and nice. I have nothing against her. The physical resemblance between Soo-Won and Yonhi is extraordinary 😲 Lucky boy, Soo-Won. In the manga, Soo-Won has brown eyes, so I wonder if Yonhi’s eye color would be brown too 🤔
"Yuhon is Hak 2.0"
What?? 🤯 There’s no physical resemblance, and much less in terms of their personalities. Hak is infinitely more handsome and sexy. Also, Hak is such a good boy, not a wild beast. I really have nothing else to say.
"This is my favorite couple in the whole manga"
Every time new characters appear, they suddenly become favorites... 🤣 Right now it seems Yuhon/Yonhi is the favorite couple in the manga to many people 🤣 Suddenly Yonhi is the coolest girl ever (I bet the next will be Kashi 🤣), and Yuhon is also great 🤣 I will never understand 😶 People usually forget the bad things the characters have done before. See how dearly loved Soo-Won is, despite he gained the throne due to murder king Il with his own hands, and that night he would’ve had no qualms about assassinating his cousin Yona and best friend Hak as well.
"Yonhi is the most beautiful character in the manga"
Yonhi is cute, of course she is. To me, she is prettier than Lili, princess Tao or Ayame. But Kouren is really beautiful (even Yona mentioned it the first time she saw her), she has a precious face. And Yona? She’s the most beautiful girl in the manga, and I don’t say it because she is the protagonist, but because I really think it. Though this is not bothers me too much. Well, there’s no accounting for taste!
"This is my favorite arc in the whole manga"
How is it possible? 🤨 Everything happens by accident, the main characters are separated, Hak disappeared from the main plot and we have to read a love story as forced as Yuhon/Yonhi. It’s not my favorite arc, in fact it’s the worst arc in the whole manga 😣 What have we learned so far? Soo-Won’s illness and his parents’ love story... MEH! 😪 The only good things: Hak dressed as a sky tribe soldier, young Mundok and the illustrations 😍 (especially the full color spread ch. 191).
Well, I’m not going to continue replying around this. Has no sense 😅 Perhaps it’s normal that in such a long manga as Akatsuki no Yona, there is some arc that I don’t like 😕 Maybe the worst is yet to come 😞 Now we have to wait a month for the next ch. but I don’t mind, I’m not excited because am totally sure these flashbacks will continue during I don’t know how many more months 😭 I miss the main characters! 😭 I miss Hak so very much! 😭 This year has felt incredibly grim to me so far. Ugh! 😭
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Happy birthday Kija and Yona! I really wanted to write something with both of them interacting and being actual friends (”Paula, they are friends” Well, yes, but also....uh...their dynamic is...uh..interesting) 
It’s my first ever AnY fanfic so...yeah. Enjoy.
Learning Curves (or the ex-rich kid shame corner)
(Set roughly during the fire tribe arc.)
Yona closed her fists, breathing hard. She could do this. She had come so far since the beginning of the journey. She had taken down worse enemies than this. Come on.
She lifted the hammer again, and hit the nail with all the force and precision she could muster.
She hit it almost head-on. The nail bent a tiny bit but otherwise remained unchanged. It was still sticking awkwardly to the wooden plan, taunting her.
She groaned, frustrated.
She rested her forehead against the wall, defeated. What was the point of shooting so many arrows a day if she was going to be bested by a mere nail?
It was a rather normal day for the newly-christened Happy Hungry Bunch. Or what qualified as normal now, Yona thought. They were staying in a village they had recently "taken over", helping with repairs and chores to give the already sick people and elders some time to rest.
When Jae-ha had gone scouting the area, he had spotted a small group of bandits getting close to the village. He and Hak had taken off to deal with them just minutes ago. Yoon was busy tending to the ill, so that left Yona, Kija, Zeno and Shin-ah to deal with the manual work around town.
Yona herself was currently trying to cover up the holes in the walls of a nice old lady’s house. Emphasis on trying. She couldn’t help but pout. The other planks had been much easier to set, but this one just wouldn’t budge.
It was fine, really. She would surely figure it out. She kept repeating herself that, hoping it would mitigate the frustration she felt.
“May I offer some assistance, princess?” Kija’s dutiful voice asked her from the doorway, startling her. She had been so busy feeling sorry for herself to hear him coming.
“I’m sorry!” He immediately apologized after seeing her flinch.
“It’s no trouble!” She quickly told him, wishing that Kija’s vocabulary around her wasn’t such a collection of apologies. “I think I could use a hand though. I have been trying to nail this for ten minutes, and so far the nail’s winning.”
Actually, she could literally use his hand right now. Kija could surely nail it just with his dragon powers.
“Of course! Leave it to me!” He said, smiling proudly. He got to his knees next to her and started undoing his right hand’s bindings.
A fleeting image of the all flying across the village crossed Yona’s mind. “Uh, remember to be careful.”
“Do not worry!” He told her self-assuredly, but the rather potent movement of his hand was telling her otherwise. She really hoped they didn’t end up doing more harm than good. Yoon would be furious.
His fist made contact with the nail, with a loud clacking sound followed by a bang. Yona was pretty sure the wall shook a little. Nevertheless, the nail was pressed into the plank now. Really pressed, so much it looked like the whole plank dented around it. But hey, at least it was closed. And there was still a wall and not a dragon-hand sized hole. More than she had been able to do, at least.
“Good job!”
“Thank you! Princess!” Kija all but beamed at her. “You have also been working hard I see. Do you want me to take over so you can take a break?”
She reminded herself that Kija was simply being his usual dutiful self, and that any implication that she was useless enough to warrant a break after hammering a few nails was her own disappointment shining through. She shook her head, trying to look as energized as possible.
“I’m alright! I promised the owner of the house that I’d cover up the holes and leaks and clean up. I asked Shin-ah for things to clean the floor, he should be back soon.”
“Then let me assist you with that!” Kija told her, pumping his normal fist in the air.
She thanked him, although she couldn’t quite brush away a sour taste in her mouth. It was an unfair comparison, but Kija sometimes reminded her of the maids back at the castle. They would answer quickly and politely to her demands, but even she could tell they acted like that only because they had to. Not that there was anything wrong with it, it was their job after all, but back in the castle she felt that besides Hak, none of the staff really liked her all that much.
Again, the comparison was unfair: Kija did like her, that much was obvious. Although, sometimes, she felt like he didn’t like her, and rather liked the part of her that was tied to Hiryuu.
Shin-ah came back to the house a few minutes later, carrying a bucket of water with soap and a pair of old brooms. He handed them to her.
“Thank you, Shin-ah!” She smiled at him. He shyly smiled back.
He opened his mouth a bit, as if he was going to say something. Both Kija and her stayed silent, nodding at him to speak up.
“…Sorry. Can’t stay to help. Zeno needs a hand, too.” He finally admitted, looking down.
“Oh, it’s no issue, Shin-ah!” She quickly reassured him. “Kija and I can handle it.”
“That’s true! You go at peace.” Added Kija, nodding vigorously.
Shin-ah nodded while Yona started working on it. Or at least figuring the mechanics. She had never cleaned a floor before. She should probably first sweep the floor before using the water, right. Also, wasn’t a mop needed for the water part? At her right, Kija seemed deep in thought. She wondered if he was wondering the same stuff.
She noticed that Shin-ah was still there, she could tell he was looking pointedly at her even with his mask.
“Is something the matter?”
"Do you know how to?" Shin-ah finally asked, signaling to the brooms that laid foreign in her hand.
She thought that Shin-ah's lack of malice actually made her feel worse. If Hak were asking that question, he'll be teasing her about it, and that at least implied a bit of exaggeration. Shin-ah was just stating the obvious. 
"Of course, Shin-ah! Don't worry." Kija answered a bit too quickly, voice determined if a bit strained. At least she was not the only one with a burnt ego.
Shin-ah was apparently satisfied with that, because he left silently after Kija’s response. Well, Yona thought, back to work.
“Alright! How about this: This house only has two rooms. You sweep this one, and I’ll sweep the other one.” She told Kija, trying to make this work.
It was a small home, Yona thought, how much dust can it have on it?
The answer, apparently, was a lot.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact she wasn’t quite accustomed to the motion, and therefore the dust didn’t really pile up in one place like she intended. She would be more embarrassed about it if she were with anyone else, but Kija seemed to be having the same problems. Well, he had the extra hassle of having a dominant hand that was ten times stronger than a human one, meaning that he had to concentrate not to break the battered broom into a million wooden pieces. Overall, he made a quite comical view, but she couldn’t really tease him about it because, hey, so did she.
Once she managed to get the dust to cooperate, she noticed that in the upper right corner of the room there was a dangling crosspiece from the roof in which a large web was nested.
Well, she should take care of it too. Especially before Kija sees it.
She figured she could hit it with the broom, try to fish it out. That plan did not go as expected though. The web did attach to the broom, but the crosspiece wobbled, causing a rather big cloud of dust, and part of the web itself, to land right in her face. Out of surprise, she fell on her back, ending up sitting on the floor.
As she coughed, trying to get it out of her eyes, she noted that maybe standing right below it was a bad idea.
“Princess, are you alright?” Kija exclaimed, rushing to her side. “Is – Is that a spider web in your face?” He added horrified, looking paler than usual.
Yona was too busy having a mild breaking point to answer him properly. The dust had covered the entire floor, rendering her efforts useless. Why did it take her so long to do such simple things? This was just ridiculous. Also, her hair was covered in webs. It was kind of disgusting.
“Ugh, I really do miss a warm bath right now.” She whined, defeated. And not having to do it herself, too, she added in her mind.
An ugly feeling settled in her stomach the moment the words were out of her mouth. She felt shame taking over in waves. Gods, she was still awful. There she was, in a poor old lady’s home, with holes in the walls and the ceiling, in a land that hadn’t grown anything in so long, whining like a spoiled kid.
How could she still complain, when she saw the state of the fire tribe? A place like this had likely been Yoon’s home as well. How could she still whine when she had seen the dark cave in which Shin-ah, had lived, isolated, most of his life. When she had seen the state of things in Awa, of girls who went to search work to help their families and never returned?
All of that had been happening while she had been clueless in the castle, with her warm baths made for her with maids who were forced to be nice to her.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a gentle (human) hand ruffling the webbing out of her hair. She looked at Kija, who was making a valiant effort to pretend he was totally fine with sticking his hand near a bug nest.
“Princess?” He asked tentatively.
“Sorry.” She told him, looking up to him. “I shouldn’t be complaining though.”
“Princess, there’s nothing wrong with wanting better things for yourself. If I may add, a bath does sound wonderful.” Kija told her, sitting next to her. His tone was unusually subdued, and he was smiling gently at her.
“That’s not…I miss the castle sometimes. I don’t know how to stop missing it. So much of it was just wasteful, given the state of the tribes.” She admitted, decidedly not looking at him.
“Well, I don’t see what’s so shameful about missing your home. I miss Hakuryuu village, and they also did some really wasteful things daily.” Kija contended.
“That’s different, you hadn’t had a country to look after while you had those things. It’s just…I had everything, back in the castle. I think my nightdress alone could have feed a family like the ones here for a week. And I’m trying to help, trying to make amends, I really am, but I just can’t seem to figure out how to do basic things. I miss not needing to do stuff myself, and I hate it. I want to become strong, and dependable. I just can’t figure out how.”  She finally admitted, looking at her knees.
“And you don’t want to admit this to the group either, I’m guessing?” Kija said, after a while.
“You all baby me so much already. And I know almost all of our friends have had it so much worse than me, growing up. I just feel so ashamed of bringing things like this to them.”
Well, there was always Hak, she supposed. But that was part of the issue, wasn’t it? If she wanted to get stronger, she would need to stop using him as a pillar all the time. She spared a look at Kija, who had a hand to his chin, seemingly deep in thought. After a few minutes, he told her, conversationally:
“I miss warm baths too, and sleeping places not filled with bugs and dirt. I don’t know if I would want them daily, like I did back at the village, after seeing how things are in the less favoured parts of the country. But I do still miss them.” He turned his head to look at her, a warm smile on his lips. “I do believe wholeheartedly that no one in the group would fault you for struggling to adapt to a drastic change. However, if you think that complaining of such things with the others is in bad taste, well, you saw what Hakuryuu village was like. I wouldn’t judge you for missing things I myself miss.”
She smiled, Kija was making an effort to make her feel better. And she was pretty sure it was purely for her as well. She hugged him, causing him to shriek and freeze in surprise.
“Thank you.” She said while she let the confused and flustered man go. His face had gone beet red in record time. “You know. If you’re feeling frustrated, you could tell me about it as well. We could have our own ex-rich kid shame corner.”
Kija snorted, slowly composing himself. “That sounds nice.”
She got up, trying to sweep off the dirt from her dress and hair. “We should probably finish this. We have been at it long enough already.”
They swept the floor again, both a bit quicker this time. So they were learning after all, Yona thought, feeling a bit better. By the time they started dripping water into the floor, she was almost sure they would be finished before Hak and Jae-ha got back.
She had been tempting fate with that thought, because while they were spreading the water through the floor, the owner of the web she had accidentally used as a hat made and appearance, right by Kija’s feet.
Several things happened at once. Kija let out an unholy shriek, tumbling backwards at full speed. Yona barely managed to dodge him, but in her haste she tripped over the bucket and landed, for the second time, flat on the wet and soapy ground.
“Are you alright?” Both of them asked at the same time, trying to sit up.
Kija’s clothes were dripping with water, and he looked flustered and apologetic. He was looking at her, biting his lip. Yona would have expected him to burst in apologies already, so she was kind of worried.
To her surprise, Kija started giggling, which quickly turned into a full laugh. “I’m sorry, it’s just- I – we somehow managed to make floor-cleaning a parade of accidents!” He said, still trying to control his laugh.
Yona started laughing too. They were kind of ridiculous, weren’t they? Sitting on the wet floor, their backs drenched and the cleaning still not finished.
“We have been at this for an hour! This house is not even all that big and it took us so long!” She added, doubling over with laughter. “Yoon is going to kill us.”
When they calmed down a bit, Kija started to get up, offering her a hand. She noticed that he was looking at her funny. She was confused for a second until she realized.
“There’s soap on my hair too, isn’t it?”
Kija, looked away, trying to bit out a chuckle but ultimately being unsuccessful. “Sorry, I don’t mean any disrespect.”
“It’s alright.” She told him, laughing again. An idea formed in her mind. “Actually, can you get closer?”
Kija, although confused, did as asked and kneeled down next to her. Yona grabbed the soap-covered cloth they were going to use for the windows and squeezed it just above his head. His hair was already white, so the soap didn’t have the same effect, but it still looked ridiculous enough.
“There, we match.” She deadpanned, and seconds after they were both laughing again.
That’s how Zeno eventually found them, still sitting on wet floor and laughing their hearts out at their own ineptitude.
“Oooh! Are you guys having a water fight in here? Can Zeno join?” The boy asked, exited.
“We were trying to clean up, actually. We had a few…setbacks.” Explained Kija, who was the first to recover. “We should probably finish quickly, though. If Jae-ha or Hak, or even Yoon were to hear of any of this…”
“We wouldn’t hear the end of it. Ever.” Yona completed, shuddering at the thought.
“Then Zeno will help too!” He said, taking up the now-empty bucket and broom.
As they all got back to the task at hand, she thought that these new memories would be worth all her efforts, and probably all the webs and soap in her hair too.
16 notes · View notes
Once again no Pukyuu Watch for Ch 169 but ohhh man I could barely breathe reading this one...SPOILERS, yeah AND IMMA BABBLE FOR A WHILE
Kusanagi has been really following this Hak thread, trying to bring him to some sort of point of realisation...probably try to meet him up with where Yona is at mentally...
Yona’s been reflecting for a while now, on trying to understand Soo-Won and his motivations, and trying not to be too heavily influenced by her emotions and his actions...she’s since acknowledged that Soo-Won has been working hard to restore Kouka’s strength, and Yona can’t disagree with this goal...she also can’t disagree with Soo-Won’s actions as ruler thus far (that time he tried to wage war on Xing, notwithstanding)...Soo-Won has been good for the country, and her father, for all intents and purposes, had not and she’s been able to see that in her travels...
HAK however was possibly even more impacted by Soo-Won’s treachery, being connected with Soo-Won in a way that Yona could never have reached...they were always the perfect team...losing that would’ve hurt badly...pile on the fact that Soo-Won hurt Yona in the process, well we all know how he reacted that first time he saw Soo-Won after Il’s murder...
But in recent chapters, idk how far back, but Hak has seen Yona striving to move past the betrayal and focus on her goal to help fix Kouka’s problems, and both of them know that Soo-Won is also helping drive this forward...and thus far Hak knows Soo-Won is capable and smart and cunning and resourceful and determined...but he’s still consumed by his bitter rage...but he’s been getting better...he knows he has to change, and seeing Yona hand away her hairpin from Soo-Won was one of the biggest indicators that he needed to change his thinking...
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Now, in the midst of battle, one of Soo-Won’s strategies started flooding in his mind, and Hak is frustrated and furious that he has to turn to him, but he knows it’s the right move that will ultimately get him to where he needs to go... Hak compliments Soo-Won’s strategies perfectly...he’s someone who can execute the impossible and now even Kye-Shook is forced to acknowledge this...
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This feels like a turning point for Kye-Shook...maybe this means he’ll try to pull Hak on side back to Soo-Won or maybe this means he’s finally recognised the value of Hak and Yona, two people he seems to have forgotten were Soo-Won’s dearest and closest friends who knew him in ways that Kye-Shook had no idea about...it was clear when Yona managed to convince Soo-Won to stop the attack on Xing, and it’s clear here when Hak executes one of Soo-Won’s own strategies on the battlefield...
These three have a dynamic and a teamwork that transcends the enmity between them...I really enjoy the whole “Soo-Won and Yona are two halves of Hiryuu” idea...I dunno if I agree it’ll turn out that way but there’s a lot of parallels between them, and tie in their profound connection with Hak, it makes you wonder about the prophecy and if Hak falls into that at all...the sword and the shield, the greatest warrior in a thousand years...
And right now the only thing keeping that weapon level is Yona...
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It happened the first time they met Soo-Won...Yona’s been that levelling presence and after worrying about leading troops into war and scrambling around trying to protect everyone, he remembers that the ultimate goal is to rescue Yona and Yoon and the dragons, and dying foolishly won’t get him there, and the lapis lazuli becomes Yona’s proxy and that’s just wholesome...it also opens the door to Soo-Won’s strategies which is interesting...and it also clears his mind and he realises he needs more help and sends Algira and Vold to rescue his people for him...
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Another important move for him...Dark Dragon really coming to light...
Idk my thoughts have run out and this probs makes no sense but yeah...this is the first time the Happy Hungry Bunch has been so divided...we haven’t seen Yona in a couple chaps (consequently no Ao for Pukyuu watch), we only JUST NOW saw Yoon as a hostage...we saw the dragon brothers squaring off last chap so they’re literally on opposite sides of a conflict...and Hak is busy taking on an army so their battle doesn’t collapse...
and of course, no Soo-Won, despite the flashback we just had...this one seems really high stakes...
163 notes · View notes
vicehectic · 6 years
Manga I Read on the Reg
This is just a collection of manga I read regularly whenever they come out.
1. Boku no Hero Academia
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Most of you know what this is. In a world where 80% of the population has these special abilities called “quirks”, our main character is part of the 20% that doesn’t have a quirk. The problem is, Midoriya Izuku, hero fanboy and enthusiast, has desperately wanted to be a hero since childhood. Without a quirk, Midoriya is discriminated enough as it is and everyone around him is telling him he can’t become a hero. But Midoriya refuses to give up and prepares for his future in order to become a hero. As high school entrance exams draw near, Midoriya is losing hope but in one miraculous encounter with Japan’s Number 1 hero, Midoriya is given an opportunity to obtain a quirk and pursue his dream to become a hero. 
I’m going to be honest. When I first started to hear about Boku no Hero Academia, I avoided it. I was already in too many fandoms and decided that with all that I had to do in my life: it wasn’t worth it. I pushed it away for later or potentially never. The most I did was click on a couple clips advertising BNHA and decided from those short clips that I despised Bakugou Katsuki. He was the classic bully character that I didn’t need reminders of. He’s the type of person I hate most in the world. I weighed the ethics and morality of this fantasy world way too heavily and moved on. Then, one day, having broken my ankle and forced to stay off it; I decided to read the Boku no Hero Academia manga in it’s entirety in one sitting. Since then I haven’t missed a new release. I think the reason I was so attracted to this series was how much it made me think of Katekyo Hitman Reborn which is one of my favorite franchises. I wanted to see more of a nervous and unsure main character despite being a badass and Boku no Hero Academia has certainly given me that.
This has an anime up to season 3 and a movie. Season 4 and a second movie has also been announced!
2. Haikyuu!!
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One of the only sports manga! Haikyuu follows Hinata Shouyo, a short teenage boy entering his first year of high school aspiring to be the volleyball team’s ace despite almost never competing before, and Kageyama Tobio, a genius setter who has previously been abandoned by his teammates. Now, it’s not exactly that cut and dried. Hinata, despite being a nervous wreck and an idiot at times, along with practically being a beginner at playing volleyball with a real team, has incredible athletic ability. The only thing he can really do is jump and at the beginning of his high school career he takes to spiking with his eyes closed. Kageyama is a genius with a terrible personality. His insecurities after being abandoned make him standoffish to nearly everyone, but he always pulls through when aiming his set exactly to where Hinata will hit it. The team they join are full of fun and vibrant characters that have the title of the fallen crows because their school’s team has “fallen from glory”. It’s a typical sports manga with lovable characters and interesting relationships.
I also avoided reading Haikyuu when my friends started talking about it. I had already invested so much time into reading The Prince of Tennis and I didn’t want to get sucked into another fandom. I caved of course. The characters just seemed so fresh and new to me. It was less about the volleyball and more about how the characters interacted with each other. I actually started reading Haikyuu because of two videos on youtube that I believe no longer exist. The first was a compilation of each jump serve layered on top of each other and for each second the character serving would change and it was like art. The second was a compilation of Iwaizumi and Oikawa bickering. That really sold me. 
This manga has an anime up to season 3! Season 4 has also been announced!
3. Akatsuki no Yona
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God I love her. Akatsuki no Yona follows the sheltered princess of the Kyouka Kingdom, Yona. Yona has lived her entire life within the gates of Hiryuu Castle with her cousin Su-won, her bodyguard Hak, and her father: the King. All Yona wants in her future is to marry Su-won, despite her father’s insistence that she will not. The night of her 16th birthday, however, she discovers Su-won over her father’s body, pulling a sword out of his corpse. She escapes the castle with Hak and after gathering herself after her father’s death and cousin’s betrayal she visits a priest that tells her to find the four legendary dragon warriors. Kyouka has a legend, in which the first king was a red dragon in human form and was accompanied with four warriors with his dragon brothers’ blood. Yona, with the priest believing she is the reincarnation of the red dragon, sets off with Hak and the priest’s companion to find the dragon warriors. 
I was hooked on Yona the moment it came out. I watched the anime like five times and when I realize there wouldn’t be a second season I read the manga. I’ve said this before in another post but Yona isn’t just a shoujo manga. The main character is a strong inspirational female character trying her best to fix the country that declared her dead. The romance is sweet but also awfully comedic. The fight scenes and the dramatic scenes are intense and draw you in. But just like any other manga, it’s the characters and the relationships that drew me in. Besides Hak and Yona’s thing they’re avoiding talking about; everyone else acts like siblings just trying to stay together the best they can and help anyone they can along the way. The dragon dynamic is hilarious, the backstories are sad, the romance is soft, and the bishounen is a genius. 
This manga has one anime season!
4. Yakusoko no Neverland
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The ultimate mind fuck. The orphans at the Grace Field House live peaceful lives with each other and their beloved Mama. It’s one big happy family. They spend the days like any other family would; breakfast, mind-wracking tests, tag, dinner, and rinse and repeat. But even to the children, somethings seem strange. They’re never allowed to venture beyond the gate that surrounds them like a ring in the forest around the house. By the time they reach the age 12, they have to leave their little house. The children that have left never write to them, despite promising they would. The story follows main characters Ray, Norman, and Emma as they find out the secret behind their little house and try to somehow change their pitiful fate. 
So, this is another manga I decided to read in one day. A friend and I decided that since the anime would be coming out soon we would read the manga together in one go. Needless to say we were nearly dead after reading through all of it. So much happens in this that you’re like “what just happened” despite having just read it. You literally have to expect the unexpected when it comes to Neverland. This series would be ruined if I said anymore but the fact that these children can go through that and still smile and have hope despite the odds against them makes my heart warm. 
This manga has an anime that is currently airing!
5. The Rising of the Shield Hero
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The one that makes you angry almost immediately. According to legend, the holders of the four heavenly weapons are the heroes that will save Melromarc from the calamity that come in waves to the world. Iwatani Naofumi is just a normal university student when he picks up a book that transports him to another world. It’s entirely by bad luck that he’s given the role of the disregarded Shield Hero who can only wield shields and is ultimately useless offensively in battle. What’s even worse is that the companion who joined him at the start of his journey accused him of raping her and he’s been scorned by the kingdom and all its inhabitants since. The world seems so dark and Naofumi doesn’t want anything to do with the other heroes and incoming waves of calamity. The light in his life returns when he enslaves a sickly and depressed demi-human to fight for him. Raphtalia soon finds her master isn’t scary or cruel and becomes determined to make sure no one will suffer as she once did as a child while making sure Naofumi knows he is loved and appreciated by at least one person. 
God when I first read this I was so mad. Naofumi didn’t deserve any of this, especially when the arrogant king summoned him to fight a battle he had nothing to do with. The same friend introduced Shield-bro to me and practically begged I read it. Yes we call it Shield-bro, it’s a thing. Look up Shield-bro on google and this will come out. It’s just a different sort of isekai where instead of being the hero that’s being praised - you get a real person getting accused of a real crime he didn’t commit. He’s been handed the short end of the stick just for being the Shield Hero no one appreciates. He’s literally the underdog in everything. You just want to root for Naofumi. It’s a really good stress reliever. 
This manga has an anime that is currently airing!
6. Isekai Omotenashi Gohan
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This one is so softtttt. Our main character and her little sister gets their literal house transported to a different world. Oh and their dog comes too! Their Japanese home is transported in front of a luxurious foreign-looking castle in which people greet Akane and her little sister, Hiyori, claiming to have summoned the priestess that will save their world from the miasma. Hiyori is delighted and starts her training as the priestess, but Akane has nothing to do as a normal office worker and their home’s homemaker in this new world. After spending a month feeling useless, Hiyori comes to plead her sister for her cooking - starting Akane’s adventure in cooking classic Japanese staples that somehow attracts the attention of the Knight Commander of the Chivalric Order, the King, the kingdom’s princesses and much more. That is, of course, while teaching her knight guard Jade how to cook as well. 
This isn’t very long and updates rarely but it’s so cute. All the antics are just so cute. The food is amazing and it’s just a story about how food brings everyone together. It’s masterful and done well. But it’s also not just a cooking story. Akane and Hiyori both struggle with Hiyori being the world’s priestess and her encountering danger. The sisterly bond is great in this one.
7. Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami
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If you can’t tell I’m really into Isekai. This manga follows another regular office worker, but she’s really into otome games. Our main character dies from a car crash and when she wakes up she is in the footsteps of the villainess, Iris Lana Armelia, from a game she had just completed, in the middle Iris’ judgement scene from the love interests because Iris harassed the game’s main character: Yuuri. The original fate of Iris, after losing her engagement from the prince and being exposed of harassment in front of her whole school, leads to a miserable life at a church. Iris, this time around, as an efficient office worker from Japan, gets sent by the Duke, her father, to care for their territory’s fief as fief lord. From there Iris, along with her loyal companions and friends, care for the fief with all of Iris’ knowledge from Japan with plenty of bumps along the way from the game’s love interests and Yuuri. Yuuri may not be the sweet video game protagonist she is thought to be.
So, one day, I had read through most everything and I wanted a little bit of romance in my life. And while this didn’t originally have the romance I wanted, it still piqued my interest. The real appeal to this is how strong Iris is as a character. She doesn’t take shit from anyone and holds her head up with pride. But in the times she is weak she has supportive friends that would do anything for her in a heartbeat. Another appealing factor is how technical and political this manga is. The manga describes real life things to improve the fief such as a banking system and taxation, but also gets political with the two factions of the two princes. It’s a good mix a strong female lead, economics, politics, royalty, and friendship. 
There is also a Light Novel that some amazing people have translated online! Go support them!
8. That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken)
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More isekai! Just like most isekai main characters, our main character is a simple corporate worker who lives a normal life in Tokyo. Unfortunately, after pushing his friend out of the way of an assailant on the street, our MC dies while hearing a strange voice responding to his dying thoughts. When our MC wakes up he discovers that he is now a slime in a new world and discovers a dragon in the cave he woke up, befriends him, and receives the name Rimuru Tempest. Strangely, Rimuru has abilities that a normal slime would not have - the most notable being his ability to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. Rimuru starts his journey after escaping the cave and one thing leads to another and suddenly there are a bunch of monsters calling him “Master” and “Rimuru-sama” and Rimuru is the head of a monster country. 
I normally don’t like OP characters, but I strangely find Rimuru okay. Rimuru has plenty of over powered characteristics and abilities but Rimuru’s personality and demeanor makes it tolerable. It’s just fun seeing how everyone underestimates Rimuru because he’s a slime. Rimuru is also very morally aligned, in that he’s very clear with his desires and doesn’t tolerate it if the line is crossed. 
This manga has an anime that is currently airing!
9. I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess with Only Destruction Flags
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EVEN MORE ISEKAI! We follow Katarina Klaus who hits her head and awakens the memories of her past life as a seventeen year old girl in Japan. Katarina Klaus, however, is the haughty aristocrat villainess in a fantasy otome game with swords and magic. Having recovered her memories, Katarina cannot find it in herself to act the same as the old Katarina as she finds aristocratic society a pain. Unfortunately for Katarina, according to the game, death or exile awaits her for each and every route. Katarina decides the best thing to do is somehow protect herself by improving her magic and swordsmanship to escape the death flags. What follows are antics of farming to enhance her magical ability and her unintentional wooing of the game’s love interests. Oblivious and focused on matching the love interests to the game’s main character while avoiding a destruction flag, Katarina doesn’t notice how everyone, even the game’s main character falls for her. Farming, failed match-making, admiration from all sides, and a panicking main character awaits you. 
This is another one that I found looking for romance. This is more of a comedy isekai more than anything. Sure there’s magic and other abilities but the manga doesn’t focus on that. The manga focuses more on the strangeness that is Katarina as she is now. I would have never expected to find an isekai manga MC have a hobby in farming. The way Katarina is so oblivious to everyone falling for her is also pretty great. 
There is also a Light Novel that some amazing people have translated online! Go support them!
10. The Saint’s Magic Ability is Omnipotent (Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu)
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God how much isekai do I read? Sei, a regular office worker, was suddenly summoned to another world by a saint summoning ritual with another girl she does not recognize. The prince of this country, despite there being two girls summoned to their world, completely ignores Sei and declares the other girl is the saint who will save the country from the miasma, without confirming his claim. Sei, outraged, demands that because she is apparently not the saint that she be sent back home but is told it is impossible. Sei lives a comfortable but restless life at the castle, having gotten used to the grueling work style of Japan. While exploring the castle she becomes interested in potion making. Her magic is overly effective to everything she does and creates without her meaning to - even her food gives people more energy. As time goes on, more and more people come to respect Sei’s good deeds and starts to think she is the saint while the girl parading around with the country’s prince is a fake. Sei, knowing she is the saint, only wants to live a quiet life creating potions.
This one is just so precious because of how amazing Sei is without meaning to. She knows she is the saint but doesn’t want to admit it. It’s also really fun seeing how she interacts with the other characters. Sei isn’t used to praise or romantic attention. A lot of things are new to her in this new world but all she wants to do is be useful in her own way. 
There is also a Light Novel that some amazing people have translated online! Go support them!
11. The White Cat That Swore Vengeance Was Just Lazing on the Dragon King’s Lap
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This is sadly relatable. Ruri has forcibly been friends her neighbor Asahi for years. Ruri is the beautiful daughter to a foreign model and a diplomat of Japan. If you were to look up the definition of beauty in a dictionary, Ruri’s picture would be there. Platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, elegant Japanese features and all. Asahi, meanwhile, has been coddled and loved throughout her whole life because her approachable nature and cuteness that no one except for Ruri seems immune to. Everything Asahi does is somehow blamed on Ruri, even when she isn’t directly involved. Everyone is on Asahi’s side. Having tried to escape Asashi and the negativity of those around her on multiple occasions, Ruri has realized that Asahi is willing to follow her everywhere no matter what Ruri tries. While on campus at her university with Asahi; she, Asahi, and a couple of Asahi’s friends/admirers get transported to another world via magic and everyone rushes to Asahi calling her the lady priestess. Ruri, seeing this as her chance to escape Asahi, is told she is an idiot for thinking she could return to her own world. Almost immediately all those in the Kingdom of Nadarsia hate Ruri because Asahi herself keeps clinging to Ruri while ignoring them. Without Asahi’s knowledge they kick Ruri off the hidden forest and Ruri finds herself in the care of a kind, yet ugly, old lady from the dragon kindgom who takes care of her and teaches her about the magic the fairies grant in this world. Surprisingly, the fairies are seem to gather around Ruri and adore her. When Ruri has gotten used to this world she visits the dragon kingdom on her own, gets scared and wears an ancient bracelet given to her by a powerful fairy that allows her to turn into a cat and is given the title “Cherished One” and meets the Dragon King who falls in love with her cat form. Cue title and roll credits!
I say this is relatable because of a toxic frienship I once had. I broke it off with a friend and for a long time things were awkward among my other friends and a lot of people kept insisting that we would make up someday despite me not wanting that. These friends now have realized that it was a lot more than that and funnily enough they have broken it off with her as well. But this is a cute story about a victim finally getting her vengeance and the love and praise she deserves. There’s also cute cat antics and a sprinkle of romance in it.  
There is also a Light Novel that some amazing people have translated online! Go support them!
12. Boku no Hero Academia: Vigilantes
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A very familiar title to another one on this list! In a world where 80% of the population has these special abilities called “quirks”, our main character is part of the 80% that does have a quirk. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with a quirk such as fire manipulation or engines in their bodies to fight crime. Himawari Koichi has the quirk known as “Slide and Glide”, giving him the average ability to slide over plain surfaces. Despite this, Koichi has always wanted to be hero and admires Number 1 Hero All Might as his role model. Despite not being a hero, Koichi uses his quirk in public areas, breaking quirk regulation laws, to get to his destination quickly and hates said restrictions. After a series of events Koichi decides to use his quirk, while wearing an All Might hoodie, to do good deeds for the public - all simple things. All he ever does for awhile is give directions, clean up litter, or return dropped items while utilizing his quirk. But things become dangerous when he meets freelance idol Pop☆Step and a quirkless, yet powerful, old man known as Knuckleduster and they somehow become vigilantes for their neighborhood while getting deeply involved in a quirk improvement drug known as Trigger.
This is what I wanted Boku no Hero Academia to be when I first read BNHA. I wanted a quirkless character fighting crime with their own power. I have to admit I was disappointed when Deku got his quirk. The setting of Vigilantes (or Illegals) is before the BNHA timeline. Eraserhead has yet to become a teacher at UA and the original Ingenium is still running around. We get to see an other side of the heroes we love and hate and get to see how vigilantism effects this quirk filled world. Koichi, while also being an All Might fanboy is different from Deku.  Pop☆Step is a cute tsundere idol who is still trying to climb the popularity ranks. Knuckleduster is a mysterious man who fights crime with his own justice and abilities. It’s an eye opener to another aspect of the BNHA world. 
13. Bloom into You (Yagate Kimi Ni Naru)
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The romance that isn’t supposed to be? Koito Yuu is a first year in high school who enjoys reading Shoujo manga. The problem(?) is that she doesn’t understand the feeling of love. Nanami Touko is a third year at the same high school that Yuu unintentional watches get confessed to but Touko refuses. Yuu gets recruited in helping the student council that Touko is a part of and realizes that Touko is the same as her. No matter how many people confess to either of them, be it one or dozens, they will never feel anything when it happens. Yuu goes to Touko for help, realizing that they are the same and gets advice to reject someone who confessed to her at her middle school graduation. But immediately after, Touko confesses that if it was Yuu, she could fall in love with her. What results is a story of a not-so romance and a refreshing coming of age story. 
This is one messed up romance story. Like the relationship Koito Yuu and Nanami Touko have is so messed up. The upside to this story is that it talks about homosexuality and asexuality with so much lax that it’s refreshing. This manga is cute and entertaining at times and the romance is unorthodox. The character backstories are interesting and heartbreaking and the way the characters interact with each other are interesting. You won’t see what happens in this manga in most manga you come across. 
This manga has an anime that is currently airing!
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do yona!!!
AHHH HELLO LOVE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i smiled so much when i saw this ask last night thank you for enabling me hehe (under a read more because i . am very chatty today JFLKG)
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation (please it’s so funnie, there is amazing chara dev, oh no i forgot my last point gfjg) (the manga esp is so amazing omg thank you miss kusanagi)
fav characters: yona: she is SO strong god i . god i love her sososo much i’m tearing up just thinking about her hjkgdfhgfjdhg her chara dev is SO amazing oh my god. if you watch the first episode and then read one of the most recent chapters you’d just be stunned at the difference . i love my queen i was going to go on some more about my other faves but this would get Long so i’ll just list them: the four dragons, yoon, and lili least fav characters: gogi (goji??) and perhaps the king that they’re facing off rn, i forgot his name jkghgdfjghffav relationship: hak and yona and hak and jae ha GDFJLKGJ they’re so dumb gdjksgk OH and yona and lili fav moment:omg okay honestly my memory of yona is like . super bad esp since i sped read it like . maybe a year or two ago gdfjkghdfg so i forgot a lot, though i plan to reread soon hehe (~: i actually reread the arcs where lili appeared and wow
like okay first . yona saving lili from that guy who was on nadai??? drop kicking him and then turning to lili to ask if she’s all right??? please that was really cool.... and also like. i really love how lili saw yona and was inspired to change because of her??? like she realized her own flaws/insecurities once (?) she saw yona’s strengths and was like shit dude??? when she realized her flaws i feel like, hm how to say gdfjghjf yona’s strengths helped her improve in the areas of herself that she was unhappy with?? that just makes me feel . so warm like. wow . gjdfksgjfkd but yeah she wanted to change things > her dad wouldn’t let/help her > and she was also. really scared?? but i feel like seeing yona’s displays of courage really helped her be more brave !!!! for ex, when they were staying at the inn where the guy responsible for nadai was at, yona put herself out there and protected lili and tetora. lili questioned yona’s actions and asked if she was scared and said that she wasn’t strong. yona pretty much agreed with those things but was like ‘even though i’m scared, i have to protect you both’ (or smth) and just. wow . that really. Does Something you know??? and i just love yona so much for that she’s so admirable like putting yourself out there even though you’re scared??? i..... h. and wow i’m really going off track . i feel like that all really fueled lili’s next actions of taking the golden water seal and making all those decisions for the better in order to try to get rid of the nadai. if i remember correctly, even though she was scared and knew of the repercussions, she still went on because of the courage she saw yona had and because she really cared about her nation and i just !!!!! fuck man !!!!!!!! she’s so strong and that made me so happy to see that she wasn’t held back by her fears and that she was willing to sacrifice things for the better like . god man . 
and i just love their friendship besides that like when they hung out in the tent and just their convos are so fun!!!!! i love that yona is lili’s first friend like i think that’s so cwute ))): i would die to see an ova or an extra story of just them hanging out and having fun like god i really love their bond so much like every time they’ve had to part i get so emo like no please stay together T___T and i also really love that they’re both figures ??? of royalty in some sense idk why i think it’s kool gkjdghfdoh and that guy who tried to kill yona after they were exiled, his chara dev was great i love and appreciate that gjkfdhgjf
headcanons/theories: oh BOY i WISH i had some ugh but my brain and its lack of creativity ://// oh wait hm maybe i would like to think that hak one day is able to move on and receive some sort of closure from what soo won did ???? like i completely recognize that it’s super hard to recover from what happened ://// like god his. anger from when he first saw soo won again???? like zude . i feel like that was illustrated vvv nicely but it was also so sad to see how mad he got bc it just means that he’s hurting so much you know ))): like his anger and pain was so strong that it was so difficult to hold him back ))): 
hm i like to think that the night of when that happened, yona just sits with hak outside and he just starts talking about his feelings and yona is just there listening because hak doesn’t really talk about his feelings )): he usually  keeps the Cool and Strong front for Princess Yona but those feelings are bound to come out one day, and that day was after seeing soo won again. he goes on about how it felt to see him again and you know about how he just felt so betrayed and hurt, about how ‘i refuse to believe that the gentleness we were shown was fake’ (as said by yona but i like to think that hak feels this way too) and i just feel like that makes it so much more painful because. you have someone who was your childhood friend who was really nice to you and who you had a lot of fun with. then one day they turn around and suddenly take the life of someone very important to you. you want to hate this person and detest them and lock away any memory of them, but it’s hard because you have fond memories of them, they were a good person to you. so then it’s like how do you feel??? i feel like it leaves them feeling vvv conflicted and torn. and it’s just so. heartbreaking to hear hak express his feelings like this esp because she can Feel his hurt. they’re sitting side by side and it’s dark with Minimal moonlight but she can still see the slight tears ): she can’t hear him crying because he’s talking normally and masking it somehow gjdkfhgjf but she gently puts his head on her shoulder and takes his hand and i die unpopular opinion: hm i sadly don’t see that many akayona opins in general so i don’t know :/// oh hm one of them may be that i don’t really like soo won??? gdjkghf like i’ve seen some people say they like hm... and i honestly don’t know how to feel??? i’m trying to pay more attention to his character during my reread and right now i’m Conflicted because . you know gjdkfghdfjgf but hm he is interesting thoughhow’d you find it: OH boy so i have a friend who i watched anime with during my last year of hs and she recommended that we watch yona!!! it was sososo funny omg the anime is so fun!!!! i really loved it and decided to read the manga and oh Man am i so happy that i did because it shows way way more than the anime does and it’s SO good SO amazing i love
random thoughts: zude i feel SO sad for zeno ))): okay before i go into it, first can i just say. the fucking TRAUMA of everyone seeing his power for the first time???? when he got cut up and got his HEAD cut off ???? like miss kusanagi did not hold back with that and showed it i gjdghj and god yona’s expression when that happened like the HORROR on her face i . even though he ended up being okay, i don’t know how someone can recover from that trauma you know???? of seeing a loved one get their head taken off like that??? like god....
but anyway onto my point gdjfklgf i feel so sad for him because of his immortality )))): like he’s going to go through his life meeting and bonding with so many people that he’s going to eventually lose )): as he goes through out his life, he must get sad thinking about the people who he’s lost and how he can never talk to them again no matter what. he carries these memories of loved ones and i think that SUCKS i would literally just want to die i don’t think i can deal with a loved one dying, and for that to happen again and again forever???? like..... zude 
also jae ha is so stupid i love him  
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purebloodprincess · 6 years
Ship game
Thanks @eternalyumelove for tagging me! ♥
Embrace your inner shipper!  Answer questions about your favorite ships or fandoms. Reblog to participate and let your ship flag fly!
1. What are your top 10 manga/anime ships of all time?
Hey, I’m going to go with less than 10. Cause I could techically find 10 ships that I like but I want to list only the ones that I currently really love (aka the OTPs). And that is actually a lot less than 10.
Hak/Yona (Akatsuki no Yona) I’ve been obsessing over them for a while now. Like, so much that it’s actually a bit embarrassing lol. But I don’t care. XD Kusanagi is a genius and bless her.
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Victor/Yuuri (Yuri!!! on Ice) My newest one, I watched the anime literally a week ago. This ship is so.damn.good. It very quickly became part of my top favourites. Considering that we are talking about a 12 episodes only anime, it’s very surprising lol. This is also my only same-sex OTP which actually tells you a lot. I do like BL but usually the relationships are not portrayed healthily. Well, Victuuri is the exception.
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Ren/Kyoko (Skip Beat!) I mean, we are not really getting new content for them but I still love it a lot. I will probably be 90 years old and on my deathbed by the time they get together though.
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Kaname/Yuuki (Vampire Knight) My oldest ship, it was my number one throughout my teens. I still love them a lot although admittedly not as much as I did before. That’s partly the fault of the writing of the manga.
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2. What gif or screenshot most sums up your ship? Well, I added gifs to all of them so there you go lol.
3. Describe your favorite ship in seven words or less.  Hakyona: innocent, respectful, teasing, best friends Victuuri: harmonious, pure, respectful, eros and agape Kyoren: destined, slowburn, hate to love, pining Yume: dark, passionate, complicated, eternal
4. What’s your go-to episode or scene when you need ship feels? Hakyona: The entire manga??? Well, jokes aside, I guess it’s a bit hard to choose because I love all of their scenes. Chapter 110 where Yona gives Hak the pendant and fully realizes she is in love, chapter 137 aka The Kiss™ and chapter 152 aka The Confession™ are definitely high up on the list. Victuuri: The kiss in episode 7. And then of course the entire fucking episode 10 is a blessing. And also, the pair skating at the very end of episode 12 legit made me cry. It was beautiful. Kyoren: The Heel Siblings Arc. Period. It’s shippers dream come true, quite literally. I think that was actually the best arc of the entire manga. Yume: Chapter 49!!!! Probably my all time favourite chapter in the entire manga, I love it so much. I also completely adore Chapter 52 and the Chapter following Yuuki’s awakening. Where she pushes him to bed and sucks him dry. (sadly not like that though ;))
5. What song or songs remind you of your favorite fandom, character or ship? Hakyona: Theory of a Deadman - Angel Victuuri: Once Upon a December (Russian ver.) It’s all your fault @aphrodytevalentine lol Kyoren: Imagine Dragons - Demons Yume: Tom McRae- My Vampire Heart
6. What ship are you embarrassed to admit you like? Out of the ones I listed, none.
7. Do you prefer to indulge in (consume or create) fanart or fanfic of your favorite ship? Well I do spend an unreasonable amount of time on Tumblr, so I like everything pretty much. I love looking at pretty fanarts and edits. I also love reading fanfics, my favourites are always canon compliant and have lots of fluff and smut lol.
8. Smut or fluff?  THE TWO COMBINED.
9. What task are you most likely to procrastinate so you can indulge in your ship or fandom? Well, I’m the world’s biggest procrastinator so I legit procrastinate everything lol.
10. How many hours of the day do you spend reading fanfic or looking at fanart or other media? Does Tumblr count? Cause then.... a lot?? Lol. Jokes aside, it depends how busy I am. I guess it’s about 1-3 hours on avarege. 
11. How many memorabilia’s do you own of your favorite fandom or ship (clothes, plushies, etc.)? Well I really like to collect anime and manga related stuff. I have fuck ton of manga volumes/artbooks/magazines/Drama CDs etc back at home. I also own quite a few official and non-official merchandise like plushies, keychains, stickers etc. I will put together a proper list once and show you guys.
12. If you could own one authentic item from your favorite fandom world, what would it be? Is this question about merchandise I want or items that characters own that I also would like to have? Well, I’m going with the first possibility. 
My favourite fandom is the akayona fandom, but currently I don’t desperately want anything that I don’t already have lol. So I’m going with Yuri on Ice, and in that case, I currently really want the Victor and Yuuri nendoroids. They are so cute, just look at them:
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There are different versions with different costumes and accessories. By accessories I mean Yuuri’s glasses and phone, Makkachin, a bowl of katsudon, silver medal etc lol. They also come with different facial expressions and I’m totally dead ahaha. Don’t judge I love cute shit okay? XD
13. What is the strangest thing you’ve done to honor your favorite fandom, ship or character? I don’t really consider the things I do strange? I mean surely, I’m not the only one fangirling a bit too much lol. Well, actually, when I was 16 I coded an entire website dedicated to VK and I was running it for years. I added new content daily. It was in Hungarian, so basically for the fans in my country. I don’t consider it too strange though cause it was actually really popular. XD
14. What fandom have you found to be too toxic to deal with? VK fandom. This is not even a question, the literal worst I have ever seen.
15. Do you have or would you consider getting a tattoo depicting your favorite ship or fandom?  No. I don’t like tattoos, so this is totally out of the question. And even if I did, I still wouldn’t get a tattoo of my..... ships lol. That’s going a bit too far in my opinion, especially since a tattoo is a very permanent thing.
16. If the creators of your favorite fandom asked you to write the ship canon-confirmation episode, what will you write/how will it happen? All of my ships are pretty much already canon.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Okay so pretty much everyone that I wanted to tag has already been tagged, but whatever, I’m tagging again lol.
@aphrodytevalentine, @yumikuran11, @kaname-v-kuran, @yumiko27, @roxy1294, @the-princess-button, @katsukiine, @lichthime, @kimi-ni-todoke
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br0kenphantasy · 6 years
Shipping Game
Tagged by the amazing @rebelmeg
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
1. FrostIron (MCU)
2. KageHina (Haikyuu!!)
3. SoMa (Soul Eater)
4. WinterIron (MCU)
5. Pepperony (MCU)
6. Vikturi (Yuri on Ice)
7. Hak/Yona (Akatsuki no Yona)
8. AkaKuro (Kuroko no Basuke)
9. Kuroo/Kenma (Haikyuu!!)
10. ZoRobin (One Piece)
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? 
From the scene in Episode 2 where Viktor seduces Yuuri on ice like the absolute beast/ siren he is? HELL YES. I think he took my heart too, tbh.
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4?
That’s actually... really hard?? There’s so many of them!!! At the moment... it’s probably The Devouring of Hearts by RayShippouUchiha! I love the dark Addams vibe and murder from the fic :D
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2?
It is definitely this of them... hugging, and coming so far. A tender moment for my two favourite dorks xD (Apologies for my lack of crediting; I found it on pinterest and I couldn’t find the actual source)
What’s your favorite headcanon for 1? 
The one where they are each other’s salvation because they match each other in wits, smarts and understanding the pain of not being deemed worthy enough in the eyes of their father.
... okay, the premise sounds sad but I swear its really good!
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? 
Hak and Yona? I love how they support one another and bring out each other’s strengths. The sheer freaking awe and respect they share, and their unwillingness to be each other’s burdens.
[Also the fact that they were childhood friends leave for a lot of endearing moments and mutual blind pining xD]
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? 
HANDS DOWN Kuroo would be more serious because he wants to give Kenma the good experience and Kenma will try to keep a straight face but secretly you know that little shit is giggling inside at the concern Kuroo is showing.
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry?  
... shoot, this one is hard. I’d give it to Pepperony, off the basis that RDJ and Gwyneth Paltrow are freakin’ phenomenal together on screen, and their relationship might be the most logically functional out of all my ships xD
And Iron Man 3? Their chemistry was off the freaking charts.
Which ship has the strongest bond?  
Maka Albarn and Soul “Eater” Evans, most definitely!! They’re partners in crime fighting, their entire technique and repertoire is literally dependent on them having a strong bond. I love their partnership :D
Which ship to you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? 
This changes from phase to phase, but I’m definitely hard stuck in WinterIron right now.
Which one was your first ship? 
Maka and Soul. I’ve loved the anime since I was thirteen? I think, and I loved the book worm and nonchalant badass with a past way to much.
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen?
Miscommunication. Literally. They’d love each other too much and try to let go because they think they’re holding each other back.
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse?  
Probably Maka and Soul, because did I mention one of them turns into a literal scythe and they hunt down creatures worse than zombies? Akashi, Kuroko, I love you very much (although zombies wouldn’t even notice Kuroko tbh) you have to step aside and let the other two through :P
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? 
They probably will. Yona is the Princess, and maybe Queen of her Kingdom in the future (this is pending). And Hak is the leader of his own clan and her general, which could complicate politics.
What is 9′s favorite date to go on?  
Staying at home and gaming the night away and then cuddling when they’re both tired :D
.What’s your favorite canon moment between 10? 
*whimpers* They’re not canon BUT ITS NOT STOPPING ME!
But probably the scenes where Zoro protects Robin while she’s under enemy fire ^^
What do 5 argue most about? 
Easy. Tony constantly risking his life as Iron Man and his poor lifestyle choices :P
 If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose?
*sweats* Loki and Tony.
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? 
Exhibitionism. Shame is for other people.
Do 8 want children?  
Possibly? Akashi would be secretly terrified that he’d be like his father though.
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather become canon?
WinterIron probably won’t happen ;-;
So Zoro and Robin please!
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends?
ALL THE FUCKING TIME. They’d cuddle and kiss and blush and their teammates are hundred percent done and prays they haven’t done it in the gym (they have. numerous times. why do you think it takes so long to clean up? ( ͠° ͜ʖ °)
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other?
Most romantic... Loki and Tony? The lengths they’d go for each other is extreme can be returned in kind.
How would the proposal between 5 go?  
Before a press conference as a distraction. Tony, I THOUGHT YOU’D DO BETTER (I love Pepperony to bits though, I do)
Who cooks more often in 3?
Maka! Soul can cook but he’s lazy.
and that’s it! That actually took a bit x)
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rammoram · 7 years
Pairings I ship from various series and why
Kindaichi X Hinata. Okay. Height difference, Hinata calling Kindaichi "turnip head", they have a cute rivalry, and all together it's just cute.
Kunimi X Kageyama. Uhh.. My friend got me into it. And then I shipped it. The end
Yahaba X Yachi. Honestly they're just adorable. Especially when Yahaba tried flirting with her. And t he f a ce. :")
Oikawa X Hanamaki. Literally no reason. I just do.
Akatsuki no Yona
Jae-ha X Shin-ah. "LEMME SEE YOUR EYES, SHIN-AH!!!" Also they both had shit pasts and need to bond but that's probably never gonna happen because I'm an unlucky person. (actually I started shipping it as a joke just to have a ship for Shin-ah and then became obsessed but--)
Soo-won x Hak. Childhood friends who became enemies. Must I explain more. :"D
Kija x Yun. I actually really don't know. It just popped in my head and I love it send help.
Haru X Sousuke: rivals. Just. R i v a l s.
Dance with Devils
Rem X Urie. Childhood friends. Flirty character x serious character. *screams into wind*
I can't think of any other series right now because I'm tired. Maybe a part 2 will happen but who knows.
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yona-chan · 7 years
AnY Chapter 145 Spoilers ➸
Below the cut you will find my personal (and very sloppy) summary of chapter 145. There’s uhh... spoilers and stuff (duh) so be careful XD
Please take what you read here with a grain of salt. As a disclaimer I am not, nor have I ever been, particularly proficient in Japanese. I am still learning myself, so this is in no way a professional job. This is also my interpretation of the chapter, so even that could differ from someone else’s. But, all this being said, I hope you enjoy the chapter :D
Just wanna say to start off that the cover for this issue was pretty darn cool. But seriously, what colour are Soo-Won’s eyes? :P 
We pick up right where we left off with Shin-Ah having come to Yona’s side and used his powers against the men firing at Kouren and co. He basically collapses onto Yona: he’s okay, his legs are still working, but the paralysis kickback from using his powers is taking its toll. 
It’s then that Yoon, Kija and Zeno all catch up to the group. They’re all happy to see Yona’s not injured and they have a cute little reunion with Argila too ^ ^ Jae-Ha then realises that Hak is injured (his shoulder is bleeding badly where the arrows hit him) and has a little freak out and calls for Yoon. Yoon rushes over and immediately begins inspecting him. Hak’s not looking too good, but puts on his usual, “’tis but a scratch” air while Jae-Ha (with what seems to be a bittersweet(?) smile) points out that all of them are covered in wounds.
Meanwhile, some of the masked men are still flittering around. They’re very hesitant about attacking the group again: they just saw what Shin-Ah and Jae-Ha did to their friends and are wondering if they are part of the monsters from Kouka. If they are, Gobi needs to be informed. 
Kouren is also injured and Tao sees that she is in pain. Yoon tries to take a look but Kouren is being quite stubborn and plays the, “Why would you help me after I captured you?” card, to which Yoon replies that he doesn’t want to lose anyone. From what I can tell he makes out that in the war he heals without discriminating between ally and opponent. Having to take sides and fight is the job of the four dragons, not him. Kouren asks (with that in mind) if they will take revenge on Soo-Won. Yona answers that the four dragons are not tools to be used to settle personal grudges, and Kouren asks if the grudge has therefore been moved on from. Yona says she doesn’t know: she can’t easily forgive what happened on that day, but doesn’t want to live as a slave to that feeling. (This whole scene was kinda deep, so I have no idea how to interpret it, I might be way off, just a heads up.) Kouren and Hak seem to contemplate this deeply. Kouren then asks if Soo-Won agreed to Yona’s request for them to meet. Yona confirms he did and that he wants to talk with both her and Tao. She then discuss Soo-Won and Yu-Hon and the two nations for a little while Hak contemplates how Yona is finally facing Soo-Won head on. Simultaneously Kouren thinks about Neguro, and his belief that the heavens would support her victory if she faced Kouka in battle. The hatred and humiliation they remember is not so hard to forget...
Kouren, however, apologises to the group for capturing them and using them as hostages. Everyone seems a combination of surprised, pleased and accepting of her apology. Tao helps her stand and they prepare to leave when Tao starts to cry. If she hadn’t put any trust in Gobi/had stayed away from him, this wouldn’t have happened and Neguro wouldn’t have had to... like that. Kouren, Voldo and Argila all seem upset at her tears when Yoon asks were Mizali is: after all, he ran from his cell at the same time Yoon and the dragons broke out, and he was also shot. Kouren hopes both he and Yotaka will be okay. 
Meanwhile, back near the border, Yotaka speaks with someone called General Namsek (ナムセク na-mu-se-ku, I dunno, he just looks like a grumpy guy that would love to be literally anywhere else) about the state of the soldiers. I think (again, take this with a grain of salt) that Namsek says that they’re doing okay, but without the presence of the Five Stars/an important leader, their morale will start to drop. Yotaka knows that, but it’s not the only thing worrying him.  Suddenly a soldier runs towards them looking for Yotaka. It’s the anti-war faction...
They make their way over to find Gobi and his cloaked followers spouting out the usual to a group of scared civilians: blah blah God’s will, blah blah 17 years ago, blah blah following Kouren is the path to defeat, blah blah Tao should marry Soo-Won... wait okay that last one is different and maybe important o__O Anyways, one of the listening women is like, “But what about the Five Stars?” Gobi goes off again speaking out against them and now Yotaka is getting angry himself. It seems like he’s about to step in and say something when...
He is literally stabbed in the back. 
The man attacking him was a friend of a soldier that Mizali cut down earlier in his little attack on his allies. And Yotaka did nothing... nobody did anything. Yotaka tries to talk to the soldier when Gobi arrives and tells Yotaka that he is all alone. Yotaka demands to know where Neguro and Mizali are: Gobi states that it seems Neguro met a fitting end for the head of the Five Stars. Yotaka is furious. 
Close by, Tae-Woo’s having a ponder and Han-Dae is kinda just bugging him XD Tae-Woo’s still caught up over Hak telling him to protect the Wind Tribe in his place and all that jazz. Basically, things are changing and Tae-Woo’s all over the place about it. He’s walking along a fence taking out his frustration on it when, through the fence, he sees the confrontation between Yotaka and Gobi’s group. He notices Yotaka is badly injured and that Gobi’s men seem ready to finish him off. He immediately scales the fence and throws his spear into the crowd, breaking up the impeding attack on Yotaka. Gobi’s all, “The hell are you?”. Tae-Woo says that he is Kouka Kingdom’s Wind Tribe’s Tae-Woo, and wants to know if he can join in the conversation.
Next chapter: September 5th ^ ^
There was also a drama CD included in this issue, so be sure to grab a copy if you would like that. A drama CD will also be included in the next issue as well!
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hey vinnie i've never watched an anime In My Life but most of my friends are into it so what are some of your favorite animes or recs for someone wanting to get into that sorta thing?
ooo boy i got a lot here so buckle up
i rlly like sports anime for some reason so here are my faves:
haikyuu!! - you’ve probably heard of it before, it’s a really popular sports anime about volleyball. every single one of the characters is great and it honestly changed my life i love it so much
yuri on ice - you’ve probably heard of this too lol, but again its a popular sports anime about figure skating and its very different from other sports anime but its really great and that relationship b/w yuuri and viktor is honestly top tier
kuroko no basket/kuroko’s basketball - this is honestly the most ridiculous sports anime ive ever seen in my life but it so fun to watch. like the shit that happens in this anime is literally impossible but i think its part of it’s charm. and kurokos and kagamis relationship is so good dude
daiya no ace/ace of diamond - this one is about baseball and it’s super long (s1 is 75 eps and s2 is 55 eps) but it’s great to watch. the characters are fun, the development is realistic, its a great show. though i would only recommend watching this if you can actually watch a show thats 130 eps long
if you prefer something with more action, here are my faves: 
boku no hero academia - this show literally changed my life, it is so good. this show is about a world where superpowers are normal and these kids go to a hero school. this show is wonderful, the characters are great, the character development is amazing, and the plot is beautiful. if you’re up for it i highly recommend you read the manga cause wow, its amazing 
hunter x hunter - also another really long one. i only saw the 2011 version which is 148 eps but every single one was amazing. the relationship between killua and gon is so adorable and this show is so cute. of course this show does get dark at times (like at the phantom troupe arc and the chimera ant arc). it is so good i highly recommend it. 
noragami - this show is about a minor god, yato who dreams about becoming more recognized and worshiped. again the characters are great and the animation is really beautiful. (the openings are also top tier lol)
mob psycho 100 - this is a pretty popular show and everything about it is great. its basically about this kid who was psychic powers and every time his emotions rise, it causes an explosion of his powers. this show is absolutely beautiful and mob is such a great kid (also a lot of ppl who seen this anime also saw one punch man but i never finished it so)
assassination classroom - i never talk about this anime but it is really good. its about this strange octopus like creature that ends up destroying the moon into a crescent like shape and says he’ll do the same to the earth and its up to this middle school class to kill him before their graduation but it turns out he’s a great teacher. im pretty sure i explained the plot really shittily, but its a great anime and i love the animation style. its really funny but its also really deep and sad
bungou stray dogs - without spoiling much, this show is basically about detectives with superpowers that fight the mob. this show is really great but i have to warn you that it’s really bloody so if you’re not into that then you probably shouldnt watch it
fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood - this is a really popular and with good reason. this show is about 2 brothers, edward and alphonse who try to revive their dead mother with alchemy but ed ends up losing a leg and an arm and al loses his body and his soul is inside a suit of armor. this show really hits you in the heart and every episode is a treasure. i havent seen the original fullmetal series but from i heard i say you should just watch this
no. 6 - ooo boy this anime is so good. its basically a dystopia where everyone lives in 1 of 6 cities and everything seems great until the main character shion meets nezumi and gets a different perspective on their world. this anime also has canon gay characters so…
there are a few romance anime that i do love as well, yes they are het but they are really good in my humble opinion:
yona of the dawn - i dont know if i can count this as a romance anime but its considered a shoujo so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . basically this story is about princess yona and how she lived in luxury until her father was murdered and now has to live on the run with her childhood friend/bodyguard hak and thats when yona learns about the poverty and corruption among her kingdom and aims to change this. the anime is wonderful and i got sucked in by like ep 3. ive only just started the manga but i would recommend you read it as well
snow white with the red hair - this is about a herbalist shirayuki who runs away from her homeland because she didn’t want to be a concubine to the prince and she befriends the prince of the kingdom she runs to. tbh i ended up liking this more that i thought i would and the characters are great. also one of the characters, obi, is canonically bi/pan. however its only shown in the manga and not the anime but i think it was pretty obvious in the anime. 
gekkan shoujo nozaki kun - again idk if i can count this as a romance anime but it doesnt fit in any of the other categories i have so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. its about this girl, sakura who has a crush on this boy nozaki who turns out to be a manga artist and she ends up being one of his assistants. despite the fact that nozaki is literally a romance manga writer, he is painfully oblivious to sakuras feelings and it leads to some really great moments. im pretty sure this was the first anime i saw when i started getting back into anime and oh my god it is so great. this is literally the funniest thing i have ever seen in my life
toradora - this anime is so fucking funny too. its about a girl and boy who hate each other but team up with each other to help them get in a relationship with their best friends but they end up falling for each other. this show is pretty lighthearted but later on the series it gets really wild and deep but i do love the relationship and the characters
anyways im sorry i took to answer this but i hope you enjoy these shows!
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psycho-alchemist · 7 years
Tagged by @xennariel and @missriza, thank you!! :)
1. Favorite anime? 
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Haikyuu!!, Barakamon, Kimi ni Todoke, Steins;Gate, Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, and Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou <3
2. Your worst anime? 
Psycho Pass 2 (s1 was great, but s2 was actual trash), Fairy Tail, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Kiznaiver, Yuri!!! On Ice
(Also, because some of these fandoms get really offended over everything, I’d like to say that I’m not trying to offend anyone with this list of my most disliked anime. I’m happy to civilly discuss any of them anytime.)
3. Do you read the manga that goes along with the anime you watch? 
Not usually, but I definitely think that in most cases, the manga is better than the anime. I just haven’t made the time to read a lot of manga, but I should! Incidentally, I discovered Shinrei Tantei Yakumo’s manga a month or two ago somehow, and I really enjoyed it. I found out a couple days ago that it actually has an anime too, but I’m not going to watch it.
4. Favorite genre? - sports and comedy
5. Least favorite genres? - ecchi and drama
6. Favorite character? - Luckily I have a list on MAL that I compiled just for this:
Chika (Kono Oto Tomare!)
Roy Mustang
Makishima Shogo
Mamiya Hokuto (Hapi Mari)
7. Least favorite character? - Hmmmmm there are a lot of characters I dislike. But the ones that come to mind are: 
Midousuji from YowaPeda (he grossed me out)
Moeka from Steins;Gate (literally everything bad that happened is this bitch’s fault)
Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari from Shigatsu (I just know I’m gonna piss someone off, but they were all shitty friends)
Eren from SnK (when will he stop screaming)
all the guys from Diabolik Lovers (because fuck them)
8. Qualities you like in a character? 
I really like sarcastic characters! Not to the point where they’re just raging assholes, but where they have a comeback ready at all times. (Ex. Hak and Greed) And also mild-tsundere boys are my soft spot <3 (Ex. Mikorin, Chika, Roy and Kageyama) And I LOVEEE badass girls (Ex. Yona, General Armstrong, Nakaba from Reimei no Arcana and Misaki from KWMS)
9. Short or long anime?
I usually go for short anime just because I don’t currently have the time to watch longer stuff. However, there’s this sense of adventure with starting a long series! It doesn’t always work out (*cough*DGM) but sometimes it’s a really great experience. Like with FMAB and HxH!
10. Anime or manga?
I watch a lot more anime than I read manga, but if it comes to adaptations, manga are better 99.99% of the time. The only reason I won’t say 100% of the time is because I enjoyed KWMS’s anime a lot more than the anime. But every other manga-to-anime adaptation I’ve watched has been a flop. I need to start reading more manga again...but I also feel like I would enjoy most anime less if I’d read their source material beforehand x)
Thank you for the tag!! I tag @princesstuttu, @princess-mustang, @2012meme, @sweet-and-sapphic, @hopeinashes, @thetrashiestoftrash, @shvena, @rihue, @michiishhere, and anyone who wants to do this!! I chose to who to tag based on new followers and biggest fans, so I promise I’m not stalking any of you! And as always, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. :)
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