#alt volpina
gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Can you continue your arrival swap au? I'm really intrigued to see what happens next!
(What if Lila and Alya swapped arrival times) Part 4
-Alya has the fox necklace and ran, Lila gives chase.
-Alya manages to hide in an alley way and slides to the ground, lila's words haunting her. While Alya is a confident individual, she still didnt establish herself in this new school, and her only friend right now happens to be the bestie of the bully that is threatening to destroy her social life.
-Hawkmoth picks up on this feeling and decide now is the perfect time to make an akuma.
-So he slides an akuma in the fox necklace and...
-"Fauxgarou, (Points if you actually guess what this is a reference too). I am Hawkmoth. You are doing what you can to stop someone from lying only for you to suffer the consequences. I am giving you the power to expose the truth and scare anyone that would dare do wrong.
-So Alya agrees and becomes a Werefox creature (Think kind of like Clawdeen but Fox variant and a bit more monsterous).
-Lila arrives only to see the new akuma and Fauxgarou is ready to fight.
-So now having made copies and met Fu, Marinette leaves and realizes oh s*** she was supposed to help Lila with a thing. So she starts rushing and finds herself in the park where she accidentally bumps into Adrien. She flusteredly apologizes and Adrien notices the book she's holding. Asking where she got it.
-Marinette mumbled an answer about it belonging to Lila, but Adrien realized something was off as he told her it isnt hers but his.
-Marinette was shocked to hear it and gives adrien the book back, not knowing it was his. Adrien accepts her apology and even says he should thank her for having it. If he went home without it, his dad would be mad at him, as he wasnt supposed to take it.
-Marinette now has a culprit, not adrien but Gabriel. But she also realizes Lila stole the book from Adrien. But why would she want a necklace made as a copy from the book...
-This thought was interrupted when lila runs into the park Bite mark on her arm. She was being chased by some sort of Fox human hybrid.
-Lila was screaming for help. Adrien and Marinette split up to go get help (transform)
-Chat noir arrives first and knocks back Fauxgarou saying its not polite to bite.
-Ladybug scoops up Lila and asks what happened. Lila lies about the encounter and suddenly she gains fox ears, she lies again and suddenly a tail. Everytime lila Lies she turns more and more into a fox! (Think like Truth mixed with Oni-chan with a fox twist)
-Ladybug realizes this and instructs Lila to tell her everything HONESTLY, and Lila still tries to twist it a bit only for her to gain a fox paw for an arm and decides to stop lying.
-Ladybug hides her disappointment and rushes into the fight to help save Alya.
-Chat noir got bit during the scuffle and is worried on what would happen.
-"As long as you dont lie, you will be fine."
-"Good to know, btw You are the most beautiful girl in all of Paris."
-There was no fox parts that appeared.
-"Focus kitty."
-Fauxgarou clashed with the heroes and thanks to quick thinking they stopped her.
-Alya gets deakumatized and appologizes (not remembering what happened).
-Ladybug tells her that she understood why she got akumatized and that she shouldnt be hard on herself over it. And she is sure that her new friend wont abandon her. The heroes head off after they fixed everything.
-Marinette came back and hugged alya saying she is glad she is okay.
-Alya is now convinced she needs to set up a blog dedicated to the two heroes that saved her... but first she needed to stand up to Lila.
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kari-go · 1 year
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I saw this post by @talulagrimm and thought that it was cool so I made my own version!
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nixthelapin · 9 months
What if Adrien never went to school?
I love those “what if” fics where Adrien never went to public school (then LB and CN become a couple bc Marinette doesn’t have Adrien to crush on). I like seeing a slightly different dynamic to the show’s main couple (plus seeing how no love square changes things). There are a lot of variations I could obsess over, but I’ll spare the text space.
Because one thing that doesn’t usually get discussed (not saying never, I haven’t read every single fic in this category), at least in depth, is how much Adrien going to public school in Origins actually affects the plot. Not just the love square, but the actual plot of the show.
There are, of course, single episode stories that wouldn’t happen- The Bubbler, possibly Timetagger, Rogercop, and Gamer, just to name a few that he was directly involved in from season 1 (not even including ones he indirectly influenced because of Marinette or some other classmate).
But then we get to the end of s1: Volpina. Adrien finds the Guardian book at home while getting ready for school, then brings it with him, where Lila and Marinette both see it. Lila uses that as inspiration to pretend to be a superhero’s descendant (*more on her later). Then Tikki has Marinette take the book, causing her to officially meet Master Fu! Without Adrien going to public school, she would only have met Fu as some mystery healer when Tikki got sick in Princess Fragrance. That’s major! (And I wonder if Adrien would’ve even found the book in the first place since he wouldn’t have had school to get ready for- he’d just be home). That’s the start of the whole Guardian Marinette plot line right there! And the catalyst for a lot of events in future seasons: the power ups, the other heroes, Natalie getting desperate and using the peacock miraculous, which would then remove Félix’s part in the plot (beyond wanting a family heirloom for his mom). And probably so much more!!
There could be some reason down the line for Marinette (or both her and Adrien) to meet Fu, but Tikki has only done it when the situation is serious (sickness and a lead on Hawkmoth’s identity), so there would have to be something else to be serious enough to actually go to him.
[*And a small aside about Lila: her crush on Adrien (or on his fame) is a major part of Marinette’s hatred for Lila. Yeah, she’d still hate her lies, like being friends with LB, but it wouldn’t be all mixed up in her feelings for Adrien, nothing for her friends to brush her frustrations on as an excuse- “you’re just saying that because of your feelings for Adrien.” So Lila would still be a self absorbed liar, but wouldn’t have any avenue to Adrien, and therefore no connection to Gabriel, and not a major player with Hawkmoth. So many layers!]
There are just so many things I could go off on about (I’ve barely touched on how his absence would affect other relationships in the class, like Alya and Nino dating), but thinking out these implications really makes you realize just how much Adrien’s position are school affects how the story goes.
If you guys can think of other major things, or want to expand on anything I’ve said in this quick post (or even if you disagree with anything), I’d love to hear it! It’s a fascinating concept to play with, so I’m all ears!
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armythings-love · 5 months
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I’m gonna cry… I had an entire analysis for this typed out but my wifi is shit so it refused to post😭😭 anyways, this is based off of the @ladybugout-au permanent superhero team. I decided against doing Luka’s Cadmeancio suit because I 1. Didn’t want to draw him in orange and 2. I was already pushing it with making a purple/red Neurofoxin. Only reason I made her purple is because natural coloring obviously doesn’t mean shit to the character designers if Juleka gets to be a purple red tiger. Anyways, here’s my take on their suits!
Hecattack: I wanted to diverge from the furry/bdsm influences Chat’s suit got, so I gave him looser fit pants, a hood and combat boots. His suit was lowkey inspired by Red Hood’s design because, dammit, DC may be super dark, but they know how to design characters well (something MLB could stand to learn from ಠ_ಠ) anyways, along with the hood and paneled top+cargo pants+combat boots, I gave him cat-shaped knee pads, similar to Ivan’s turtle shell knee pads. You will also notice a trend with a lot of my hero suit designs, which is fingerless gloves. Yes, this’ll take away from the cat claw thing Chat had going on, but I’m ok with that. To go with his punk/rock band aesthetic, he got combat boots with the signature cat paw steel toes. His tail is pretty much the same along with the ears. His mask is also different, covering the bottom half of his face. This also takes away from the cat sclera thing the original Chat had, but Luka isn’t a furry so… also, the mask covering his mouth alludes to his calm nature and quiet personality, not feeling the need to play around, especially during a battle,which was where the original Chat erred most often. Luka also has very expressive eyes, so I wanted to push that, like, even if he doesn’t talk much, he’s still a good communicator. Plus, when cats are hunting, they’re quiet! Which the original Chat cannot relate to!
Ladybug: ok, so her suit is still pretty basic, since I wanted to stick with he AU’s canon description of her suit. The main bodice/legs are similar to the season 4 suit after she calls on the lucky charm, but the sleeves are slightly different. I also got rid of the “reverse” polka dots cuz they just look ugly imo. Her gloves are also fingerless, since I feel like that would 1. Lend better to doing yo-yo tricks and 2. They just look better (u_u) anyways, her hair is still the same, as well as her mask. It’s pretty basic but eh…
Neurofoxin: her design is also super simple, but I also wanted to veer away from the gaudy orange normally associated with the fox miraculous. If she can make her tiger suit purple and red, I can make her fox costume reddish purple!! She’s goth, she’s not gonna walk around in *o r a n g e*. And I stand by that. Anyways, like I said her suit is relatively simple, the panels of the suit modeled after Volpina’s actually, because despite how I hate Lila and her stupid sausage link hair, her volpina suit was pretty cute. Instead of giving her a jacket w/coattails or a belt/sash to be her tail, I decided to make it her hair, cuz even in civilian form it’s pretty long. I also decided that instead of a dark grey/black to purple, I’d make the tips the same cream as her “underbelly” panel, as I wanted to incorporate the cream in more than just that singular spot. I also pulled her bang back because even if she’s goth, she still needs to be able to see properly as a superhero. Plus, I like Juleka’s eyes, and I feel like Trixx would like her to show off more. Anyways, besides the morph suit and her hair being a bit longer than normal+a different color, she has a cropped leather jacket,same color as her suit. There’s also paneling on the side/back of her thighs/back that’s a darker red/purple color. Again, to go with her rockstar/alt aesthetic, I gave her combat boots as well, though hers are knee high, plus I forgot to draw the laces, but eh. Fun fact: I headcanon the Couffaine twins as being super tall for their age, but Juleka is taller than her twin for now+her boots are heeled.
Fukiya: for Kagami’s suit, I pulled inspo from someone else’s LBO AU fanart, although I can’t remember who’s it was. Originally, I was gonna go for a suit similar to Kagami’s fencing gear, but decided to go w the suit she has now so it’d be more reminiscent of a bee. I gave her a sleeveless, cropped kimono, the bottom of which has a honeycomb pattern and an ombré going from dark yellow to black. Her obi has two layers, the bottom layer being a bright yellow and the outside layer being black. Her sleeves are similar to Queen Bee’s, but with an added black line. Her legs are completely black with the exception of her knee pads, which are a bright yellow and octogon shaped. I wanted her to look more bee-esque than Queen Bee or Vesperia (her character design is 🤢) so I gave her the yellow torso with black limbs, than made the kimono collar thick to look like a neck ruff or smth. I honestly struggled with her design a bit but it looks ok in the end so I’m happy with it :) also, Kagami is the shortest because I said so!
Heavy Matal: oh, Ivan, you absolute teddy bear of a guy. I adore the Iván of this AU, he’s so sweet, a gentle giant, so I wanted to focus on making him look slightly softer than the rest of the heroes, despite being the turtle holder. I gave him his signature cargoes, although they’re pants instead of shorts when he’s transformed, a sleeveless hoodie, and “turtle”-neck compression-esque undershirt, the sleeves long enough to be, you guessed it, fingerless gloves! The only reason Kagami is the only one with full gloves is because I wanted to giver a more serious/conservative look. Mari’s been ladybug so long she deserves to have cute, fingerless gloves! Anyways, back to Ivan! His hoodie is two toned, like a turtle’s shell, with the front being a light green. It’s patterned to look like a turtle shell underbelly, with a nice big pocket to hold whatever. He wears elbow- and knee-pads, which are shaped like little turtle shells. He wears regular Vans-style tennies, and his mask is similar to Carapace’s, except it cover the majority of the front of his face (think Kid Flash), and is colored/patterned similarly to a box turtle, with red accents along his cheekbones and his little tuft of hair is his usual blond with an ombré to that same red. (Ignore the ear I forgot to color in plz, I don’t feel like editing anymore T-T)
Ok, so that’s it for today’s character designs! I’m working on redesigning pretty much everyone’s civilian and hero costumes. I haven’t mentioned on this blog, but on pretty much every Gabe!Salt fic I’ve read, I will tell you, whoever the hell designed most of the characters in MLB, you deserve to be fired and then arrested. I’m so sorry, but there’s no way ur gonna convince me Fashion Designer™️ Marinette Dupain-Cheng walks out of her house every day, wearing ugly ass ballet flats+”denim” jeggings in that shade of pink. No way. And don’t even get me started on Gabriel’s candy-cane, red pants and duck hair headass, because omg… that man is supposed to be a world renowned Fashion Designer™️, one of the best in Paris. IN. PARIS!! No fucking way. No way. I get, you want ur characters to be simple and easily recognizable, but that doesn’t mean they have to be ugly!! And I get it, Adrien’s supposed to have a model-off-duty look, but wth are those shoes? Plus, why does he never change for his photo shoots? He’s a MODEL! I get it, you can’t even spend money to change the transformation animation to whatever the characters are actually wearing but wtf??? If you were gonna have any kid’s show where we get to see a lot of different clothes/outfits, this would be the show!! Two of the main characters are fashion designers, one of the minor antagonists is the daughter of a fashion magazine owner and your other main character is a model. IN PARIS!! A city known for its fashion and “romance”. And ur telling me you can’t add a few more outfits to the show??? That’s called lazy writing/animation.
Ugh, sorry abt that rant, but the character designs genuinely piss me off. It’s bullshit.
I digress.
I’ll be releasing the main 4 kids’ redesigns probably on the 15th!!
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So glad you liked this https://princess-of-the-corner.tumblr.com/post/751753011437682688/also-sorry-last-ask-xd-but-remember-that-alt-3 :D Thanks, plus some fun facts:
1: In the original idea I tinkered with Lila being present as Volpina/Chameleon fighting Fu. She's still being exploited by the villains like Chloe but is either less aware of it or the method is slightly different.
2: I ended up going with the Lila-Kyubi-Chimera mostly because I recalled a neat post arguing S3's climax wasn't excited and should have had Chloe try to use all the Miraculous, do so, be a huge threat, then go comatose for the drama. Basically it felt more dramatic and clear cut as an ending, even if part of me liked the idea of expanding the villain team.
3: The other reason I went for it is because I think Season 3 can be arguably called Gabriel's true 'fall from grace'.
Like, even ignoring the later seasons, before season 3, Gabriel could at least make some wiggle room for himself to be "Not that bad" or "redeemable."
Sure, he unleashed monsters on Paris, but that was to get a wish that would undo that/be worth it. & he can argue they didn't do too much damage, that if he won he could use Miracle Cure, that he didn't make them try to murder his son's childhood friend out of spite, ETC.
He even considered dropping the whole thing when Adrien was endangered,.
Even the Lila situation could be argued as just keeping an eye on her to see if she's still angry at Ladybug and nothing else. Invasive but not permanently harmful as actively grooming her for it.
But in season 3, even if we ignore the time travel episodes... oh boy.
He actively endangers Adrien's life to see if he is Chat Noir.
He uses Lila as basically a child soldier/sleeper agent & even dangers her in the process with Oni-Chan.
He has said sleeper agent actively harass, undermine and threaten another teen for the express purpose of Akumatizes her & her class.
He also uses said agent, himself, his adult partner, and multiple monsters to actively threaten, manipulate, gaslight and traumatize another teen to sufficiently break her that she'd join his cause.
These are very much intending to cause trauma and groom children as tools to act as his soldiers. This is very much crossed the moral event horizon where deniability of being a bastard was plausible.
Thus any remaining 'redeeming' features he has are squashed beneath that weight. & while redemption is always possible, it becomes a helluva lot harder her than it was even a single season ago.
Honestly I say that disregarding Chat Blanc that Gabe is only in the start of being in the 'oh no he needs his ass kicked' level. Because his purposeful endangerment of Adrien is controlled, and not much worse than the rest. And even Lila and arguably Chloé still fall into the category of all the other Akumas of 'hey they have problems might as well use it to my advantage'. Like it's a step up because he's being more directly involved in the situations, but it's not full horrible and he's just building on things that are already there.
I think the NY Special where he threatens WWIII is the definite 'oh you're FAR gone' line.
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Clover Rants Miraculously
I think I’ve complained about this before, but MLB has a terrible habit of telling you to hate a characters instead of simply letting the dislike form naturally.
Like, take Chloe for example - it was easy to hate her in season 1 because she was being the stereotypical bully and causing Marinette (and the rest of the class and city) problems while acting in a way that earned negativity from the audience. There was no need for the show to go out of the way and make her hateable because she did that well enough on her own while making her an interesting and dynamic character. Then the season 3 finale happened, and it, along with season 4′s portrayal of her, her previous arc as a temp hero, and Thomas’s responses to (genuine and bad faith) questions about it on twitter saw a surge of Chloe defense because hell if Thomas and the writing crew were not determined to shout from the rooftops about how Chloe was the spawn of Satan with a pitchblack soul of coal and you had to think this too or else you likely ate puppies. Every scene she was in was basically the audience constantly being berated with “Hate Chloe Bourgeois or else!” signs while trying to enjoy the episode that just caused them to roll their eyes because really? The dumb blonde girl who’s entire modus operandus is “Threaten to call daddy mayor” is supposed to be seen as an utter monster who’s within the same ranks as the man who, in an alt-timeline, beat his son and then tried to brainwash him into being his magic servant to hurt his girlfriend (“Chat Blanc”)? I mean, outside of the near traincrash she caused as Queen Bee (Which they had her show remorse for, even if they didn’t handle the aftermath all that well) and her actions as Miracle Queen, Chloe is just an entitled bully with a superiority complex. Just get the girl some therapy and cut access to her credit cards and problem solved.
Felix’s entire intro episode is about how he’s such an awful conniving little brat in comparison to our beloved blonde angel Adrien - which he was, and we all loved him for it! and the fact that Thomas and co. didn’t want this just made everyone love him more out of spite. Probably helped that he absolutely seemed to revile Gabemoth and helped move along the Agreste side of the plotline by uncovering important secrets/lore Which should have been happening for our Deutagonist seeing as how this involves his father and mother but you know what let’s move on as well as him being based off the PV!Felix whom Thomas openly hated - so that just meant the fandom should definitely love him more and create thousands of AUs where he gets the Black Cat (or Butterfly) miraculous instead. (Of course, now that he’s on his way to redemption, he’s definitely going to head straight into base-breaking territory, though I feel the writers are just going to sour him on everyone if they play this the same way they did his intro)
Lila was fun to dislike and theorize about after her debut in Volpina - like, the amount of recurring villain Volpina, antihero!Lila, and Butterfly!Lila fanart I saw back then was immense. That’s how much of a splash she made. Then Thomas shuffled her off into the void and left her there for a majority of the show until “Heroes Day/Catalyst”, and when she finally got another focus episode (“Chameleon”), the entire thing spent so much time harping about what an awful and terrible liar she was and how “evil” it was to deceive everyone that people started hating her less for that and began hating the class and Bustier more for being stupid enough to fall for such obvious fibs (though in their defense, that’s more fault of the plot twisting itself into pretzel shapes so that Lila schemes can work when they really shouldn’t), and it worsened with “Ladybug” because everyone was so quick to turn on Marinette in it (and that the school apparently doesn’t have security cameras or bothered to call Lila’s mom considering her daughter was apparently assaulted on school grounds) that it just worsened the class salt the previously mentioned “Chameleon” brought upon. The final nail in the “Hate Lila or else” coffin ended up being the bible spoilers, which just made almost everyone stan her out of spite because when you have the show creators claim a lying teenage girl is more capable of greater evil than the magical emotionally manipulative terrorist, that tells me a lot of things except what you’re trying to claim.
Even Su Han, who isn’t a villain, is victim to this - he’s basically supposed to be representative of the fandom criticism of the show and Fu, who’s only purpose is to yell at Ladybug for “not doing guardianing right” before either being proven wrong (“Furious Fu” and “Ephemeral”) or admitting he’s the actual screw up (“Evolution”). Naturally, fandom responded by either making him the replacement mentor for Fu in their fics/AU that actually helps Maribug and Adrichat and proves a competent ally, or actually make him a decent opposing force.
Meanwhile, the characters they want the fandom to like are immediately hated because they’re just put off by how obvious they are about it - Poor Zoe was hyped to heaven and back, ultimately causing her to be immediately reviled by a lot of the fandom (mostly by those who were still bitter about losing out on Ally!Chloe) in her debut, and disliked even more when her temp hero episode had every character and their mother praising her on how nice she was and how she was so much better than icky Chloe. The constantly being told about how “good and pure” Emilie was despite being given nothing on her life before the Peacock miraculous and Gabriel has caused a number of people to create Evil!Emilie aus where she’s just as much of a self-centered megalomaniac as old Gabemoth. And Gabriel himself is basically the #1 hated villain not just because he’s, as stated, a magical emotionally manipulative terrorist, but also because the show is trying so hard to make him out to be this “sympathetic grey character” who “just loves his family” when he’s done nothing to show this (Hell, his actions the past 4-5 seasons basically showed the exact opposite), not to mention how inconsistent he seems to be with his goals and the lack of competence he’s shown despite apparently being so “smart and sophisticated” (Like my man, you had a time traveling miraculous and have one that can give you any superpower you want - Emilie should have been out of that magical cryocoffin and tap dancing right now)
tldr; Don’t “tell” your audience to hate a character. They can do it fine on their own.
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 1 year
Delinquent World or How The Life of A Delinquent Is Never Easy To Keep A Secret
A little crossover story with my OC, Kate, and a few other characters from other fandoms.
(Note: This is based on delinquent mangas and animes I used to watch and experience, also shout out to the River City Girls franchise. Please enjoy!💪)
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Kate is the student council president of Helix High, a school for it's Japanese origins and history with Delinquents. Delinquents are high school students with special abilities, known as Chikara or 'power' in Japanese. Kate is one of those Delinquents, known as the 'Demon Queen', but she needs to keep a low profile in order to keep some peace in her life. However, that peace was soon interrupted by other Delinquents and this really pissed her off. So, how is she going to stop this? By defeating every single Delinquent with the help of allies and friends. It's time to get out of class and start a fight, let's rumble!
(Note: Helix High often have different uniforms due to color of choice, based on personality or other. Delinquents also have costumes, some of them, depends on their Chikara)
Main Characters
Kate (My OC): The student council president who is also a Delinquent, known as 'Demon Queen', but she tries to keep a low profile, however the other Delinquents are pestering her and it was getting annoying by then, so in order to stop this, she decides to defeat all the Delinquents with the help of her friends and allies. Kate is both kind and honest, her beauty and serious expression make her the 'idle girlfriend', despite that she is quite short tempered and often scold any student who tries to break rules. Her Chikara is 'Demon', which gives her the power of demons and the ability to manifest weapons, she also can transform into a Succubus/Harpy demon.
Strengths: Fast reflexes and inhumane strength
Weaknesses: N/A
Her Uniform
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Her Demon Form (Costume) (Demon Queen)
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Alt. Form (Costume) (Demon Queen Default Ver.)
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Lila (Miraculous Ladybug): The queen bee of Helix High and Kate's best friend. Despite being mean and spoiled on the outside, she's both loyal and snarky in the inside, making her the 2nd 'idle girlfriend'. However, she too has a secret and that, being a Delinquent herself back in middle school, known as 'Volpina' (which is 'foxy' in Italian, due to her Italia heritage). When her best friend was in trouble, she was always there in the nick of time to assist her, like the speed of a cheetah. Her Chikara is 'Fox', which gives the user the power of strength and illusions, Lila's weapon of choice is a magic flute that creates illusions.
Strengths: Speed, endurance, and strength
Weaknesses: Get dizzy and tired when creating too many illusions
Her Uniform
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(Note: Image does not belong to me)
Her Costume (Volpina Default Ver.)
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(Note: Image belongs to @zoe-oneesama)
Alt. Costume (Winter)
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Ace D. Copular (Powerpuff Girls): The bad boy of Helix High and leader of the Gangreen Gang. Ace is one of Kate's many friends/allies when it comes to busting other Delinquents' operations and a famous ladies' man. His Chikara is 'Ice Gamble', which he wields both ice and 'cards', which each has it's own ability: Heart-Fire, Spade-Water/Ice, Club-Plant/Earth, Diamond-Light/Dark, Joker-Illusion. He has a bad mouth and often gets him into trouble which Kate often scolds him for that.
Strengths: Ice manipulation and hand-to-hand combat
Weaknesses: Girls
His Uniform
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His Form (Costume) (Dark Ice Default Ver.)
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Alt. Costume (Knight)
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Aran Ryan (Punch Out!): His family move from Dublin, Ireland, Aran is a bit of a prankster, always getting in trouble for his antics. He is another friend/ally when it comes to combat since he has been taught boxing at a young age. Aran's Chikara is 'Luck', to which when he gets beaten up, he then gains luck and often spread bad luck to anyone who tries to tick him off.
Strengths: Boxing
Weaknesses: Lack of strategy
His Uniform
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His Costume (Mad Clover Default Ver.)
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Alt. Costume (Wonderland)
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Narcis Prince (Real Name: Nathaniel James Howard) (Super Punch Out!): Helix High's rich prince and 'Mr. Popularity', who is currently dating the president Kate. But under that exterior, he's a well-known Delinquent 'Narcis Prince', his Chikara is 'Midas Touch', which gives him the ability to touch anything into gold, that's why he wears gloves to school. Nathan is both narcistic and handsome but with a generous heart of gold, always protecting his friends.
Strengths: Swordsmanship and boxing
Weaknesses: His hair and face being messed up
His Uniform
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His Costume (Narcis Prince Default Ver.)
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Alt. Costume (Golden Prince)
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Ryuji Kenta (Mine)
A famous Delinquent known as 'Laughing Hyena'. His Chikara is 'Fast', which gives him the ability to run fast. Ryuji is the prime arch-enemy of Kate and one of the biggest bullies in Helix High, who is both cocky and proud.
Strengths: Hand-to-hand combat
Weaknesses: Allergic to Dust
Support Characters
Rainbow Dash (Alias: 'Thunder') (MLP)
Chikara: Weather
Bushroot (Full Name: Reginald Bushroot) (Darkwing Duck)
Chikara: Plant
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Chikara: Lust
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imthepunchlord · 5 years
I was salting Syren again and the part Chat is jealous about LB knowing things like the fox deal and, how would post-Syren Cat!Alya? Like Fu takes Adrien's Miraculous and gives it to part-time Fox since she already has some experience? And butterfly effect, LB never needs to take the Bee out since she didn't have to go solo against Style Queen? No turtle since LB would only need to distract Anansi for Alya to cataclysm herself out and claim Chat did it? Seeing Volpina at Heroes Day? Alt Heroes?
I’d lean no about Alya getting chosen for Cat and becoming a permanent hero; her being in the know is not enough to make her a good hero, and in truth, she’s not that solid a hero. If you look at Rena Rouge as a whole, she does the least for the team, unable to act on her own and needs LB’s direction. It could be that Fox just isn’t the miraculous for her and she needs a different one to shine, but since Rena Rouge is all way have as an example, I’m not impressed with Alya as a hero. It also doesn’t help that we got to see Volpina first and the limitless illusions she can do and then we get to Rena Rouge who does one and its a huge downgrade. 
Anyway, Cat is meant to be Ladybug’s equal, and as an equal, that means no full reliance on LB, leaving them to bear the weight of responsibility and winning all alone. Adrien and Alya both have an issue of being fully dependable on LB to make plans, unable to act on their own and handle things on their own. A true Cat should be able to handle things on their own till LB arrives, taking some of the weight off her shoulders, able to be a leader of the team, and coming up with plans to control the chaos. The Cat should be sharing the load instead of leaving it all on LB, to be her 2nd in command, someone she can have faith and trust in handling things on their own and knowing they will always have her back.  
Alya does not fit that bill. She’s someone who’s very tactless, she’s also not someone who steps up as a leader, not someone who steps up to help others, largely leaving that to Marinette alone. The only time we see her step up is Origins, standing up to Chloe for Marinette, and how does that end? With Alya opting out of the fight for the seat and taking Marinette to a different seat, which in the end gives Chloe what she wants and doesn’t do anything to change things. Another factor is that lately, her and Marinette’s friendship is getting very shaky and concerning (Chameleon and Oblivio being the biggest factors); knowing that’s coming in the near future, not ideal for Alya to be Marinette’s official partner, especially with her favoring Lila over Marinette, that puts one of two most powerful miraculouses at risk if Lila ever takes an interest in that ring. 
Another factor is Fu. Playing off Syren is Fu accepting and realizing that he made a mistake with Adrien, and now officially knowing that HM wants both LB and Cat, would he truly release the Cat again? And so soon? Playing off him being a smart character, if he releases Cat again, he’s going to carefully consider his options, truly look at everyone that is in Marinette’s life and see if they would be better as a partner for her. Or, he may opt out releasing Cat again and release a different miraculous, one HM doesn’t want so that Cat stays safe with him. 
And again, I’m uncertain if Alya would be chosen to be that partner to Ladybug. Fu would be studying people closely and Alya would not be his first choice. Marinette may have a lot of faith in Alya, but that doesn’t mean Fu would share that sentiment. I don’t share that sentiment since I see Alya and Marinette’s friendship becoming very unhealthy. 
With where she is in canon, I don’t have a lot of faith in Alya being a hero, much less even being Marinette’s friend. 
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alicepink-me · 4 years
Secrets Revealed
By: Alice Pink (Btw I was 14 when I wrote this, so not my best work)
Story Summary:
Chat Noir’s goal has always been to find out Ladybug’s true identity. Can one hint about Ladybug lead to the truth? Secrets will be revealed about the past as mysteries unfold. How will Marinette and Adrien react to everything?
Chapter 9: The Truth
Alya dashed up the stairs to Marinette's room and ran over to her friend who was sitting on the chaise.
"I have so much to tell you, but I still don't see why I had to come over here."
"I told you. It's easier to feel your excitement in person."
"Okay." Alya said giving Marinette a confused look. "Well . . . you made me come over here, so you better listen to my whole story before you freak out."
"What? When do I freak out in the middle of your stories? I'm perfectly relaxed."
"Yeah . . . your are so calm and collected." Alya chuckled. "So, what I asked you over the phone. Have you ever heard of it? The name kwami."
"I u-uh . . . n-no. I haven't heard of it." Marinette tried not to get nervous. She knew that Alya would notice.
"Well, a kwami is a sprite-like creature that helps someone with a miraculous, transform. They're amazing little creatures that are basically immortal."
"How do you know all of t-this?" Marinette said, starting to sweat.
"Well . . . I know all of this . . . because . . . I have a kwami!" Alya squealed. "I also have a miraculous too. Isn't this amazing?! I get to help save Paris."
"Wait. You have a miraculous?! But . . . how?!"
"I don't really know how. I just found a small box in my room with a necklace inside. When I opened the box, a kwami appeared and told me that I'm now a superheroine named Volpina."
"T-This is insane. Are you sure about being Volpina? That could have all been a dream." Marinette babbled.
"I'll prove it." Alya announced, unzipping her bag. A fox kwami floated up from the bag as she pulled out a necklace. "This is my kwami, Trixx. And this is my miraculous." Alya clipped the necklace around her neck and smiled.
Marinette's eyes should have fallen out of her head by now. She was astonished by what Alya had just showed her. Marinette slipped her phone out of her purse and started to text Adrien while Alya talked.
Marinette: We kind of have a problem. May or may not be good.
Adrien: What kind of problem.
Marinette: Alya has a kwami and a miraculous!
Adrien: Really?! She has a miraculous?
Marinette: She's Volpina! The real one at least. She came over to my house and told me everything, but I don't think she knows about us.
Adrien: We'll have to tell her the truth about us now. If she's going to be helping us protect Paris, then we shouldn't be keeping secrets from her. I'm coming over right now.
"What are you doing!" Alya shouted.
"U-Uh . . . texting Adrien."
"Adrien?" Alya glared. "And why are you texting Adrien?"
"Me and him are . . . dating . . . now." Marinette squeaked as she sank down into the chaise and hid behind her knees.
"Dating?! Marinette! Finally! It took you guys forever to get together." Alya screamed, hugging Marinette. "You should have told me sooner though. But at least now you guys can double date with me and Nino."
"U-Uh yeah. Why not?"
Marinette hadn't read Adrien's last text yet because she was questioned by Alya.
'I'm coming over right now. What?! No! He can't come over. Alya can't know yet.'
Marinette: No! Don't come over! Not yet! Not now! No!
Just as Marinette sent the text, Chat Noir fell through her trap door that led to her balcony.
"Aahh!" Marinette shouted in surprise.
"No way. Chat Noir?!" Alya said, in awe.
"Now Alya, I know everything must be confusing, but we had to lie to you before." Chat started as he walked over to Marinette and pulled her up from the chaise. "Me and Marinette know that the truth is surprising, but . . . " Marinette motioned for Chat Noir to stop, but he didn't notice and kept talking. "I hope that you can forgive us for not telling you that me and Marinette are Ladybug and Chat Noir."
Marinette hit her hand against her forehead in anger as Chat Noir released his transformation, revealing to Alya that he was actually Adrien.
The three kwamis joined together in the corner of the room as they watched and laughed at their chosen ones. Tikki and Plagg hadn't met Trixx before, but they were excited to. They hadn't met very many kwamis in their lifetime.
"I can't believe it! You two were Ladybug and Chat Noir the whole time?"
"Yeah." Chat said, confused. "I thought that Marinette would have told you the truth already by the time I got here."
Marinette looked towards Alya with an apologetic look. She was trying to think of ways to apologize.
"Look, I know that I didn't tell you before Alya, bu-"
"I understand, Marinette." Alya interrupted. "I can see why you didn't tell me. I mean, I do run the Ladyblog, which I'll be shutting down soon to protect your secret. I only told you about my new miraculous because I knew that I could trust you, but you probably thought that if you told me, then I would put it on the news or something."
"I'm just glad that we don't have to keep it a secret anymore." Adrien sighed. "But . . . can I tell Nino? I'd feel bad if we all kept secrets from him."
"I was going to tell him anyway." Alya started. "I was just going to tell you guys and Nino. I don't want to keep secrets from my friends since it causes trouble. I don't know how you two have lasted this long."
"You gave me a heart attack like fifty times with your Ladyblog." Marinette laughed. "Every time you mentioned something about Ladybug's identity, I thought you had found out that it was me."
"Now that I think about it, I was really stupid for not seeing it before. You guys are a little obvious." Alya laughed. "The only characteristic that's not obvious to figure out is your personalities. It's like you have two minds in each of your heads. That's probably why I didn't predict it to be you before."
"Yeah." Adrien smiled. "I get to say what I want whenever I want, so I definitely have a different personality as Chat Noir. I have freedom to be myself without judgment."
"That sounds amazing." Alya agreed. "But . . . you two liked each other this whole time . . . and aren't dating until now? Why?"
"Well . . . we didn't know each others identities before. Adrien had just found out that I was Ladybug. It's a long story, but basically I dropped a charm bracelet that Chat Noir gave me in front of Adrien and he connected the dots. And I only found out that he was Chat Noir two days ago."
"At least now you're finally together. Marinette has been obsessing over you ever since she met you." Alya snickered. "And now we get to double date."
"Oh a date." Adrien smiled, putting his arm around Marinette. "I'd like a double date. Any date is great with Marinette."
"And I do owe you a date." Marinette said, looking up at Adrien. "Since I kind of abandoned the last one."
"Last one?" Alya said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yep. Me and her went on a date up on top of the Eiffel Tower with ice cream."
"Technically . . . " Marinette started. "You forced me to go on a date with you, but I did leave you to go see . . . you."
"What?" Alya said, confused.
"I told Chat Noir that I liked Adrien and I wanted to go see him, so Chat said I could leave the date to find him at the dance. I left but . . . I told him I'd go on another date with him."
"Oh. I guess that makes sense. How about we go on a double date tomorrow? We could see that new movie that Jagged Stone is starring in." Alya smiled.
"Uh . . . " Marinette looked at Adrien for an answer, but Adrien just smiled. "Fine. We'll go on a double date, but do you think that Nino will be okay with it."
"Of course he will be. He's my boyfriend. I'll text him right now." Alya said, looking at her phone. "Alright well . . . I have to get back home, so I'll see you guys tomorrow Ladybug and Chat Noir." Alya laughed as her kwami flew back into her bag.
Marinette and Adrien waved to Alya as she left through the trap door on Marinette's floor.
"I finally get to go on a real date with you." Adrien said, pulling Marinette closer. "We get to go on a date as ourselves and I didn't even have to force you to agree."
"Lucky me." Marinette chuckled. "Although, I'm pretty sure that Alya is forcing Nino."
"Yeah. Nino doesn't stand a chance." Adrien laughed. "I should probably get going now before my dad or his assistant realize that I've been "in the shower" for a really long time."
Adrien stepped back from Marinette. "Claws out!" Chat Noir smiled at her before climbing through her trap door and left.
Marinette slumped down on her chaise and buried her face in her pillow.
"My mind has melted, Tikki. After blowing up from earlier, it's now completely destroyed. And adding to the list we have . . . Alya knows mine and Adrien's secret, Alya's Volpina, and I'm going on a double date tomorrow."
Tikki flew over to Marinette and sat in her hands.
"Don't worry, Marinette. Tomorrow will be much better."
. . .
Marinette's day at school was boring as usual. Although, this time Chloe didn't bother her for once. Now she just had to go on that double date with Alya and Nino.
Marinette sat in a chair up on her balcony, looking at the spell book. She was waiting for Adrien or Chat Noir to come and get her.
Marinette looked up from the book to see Chat Noir drop in front of her.
"Are you ready to go My Lady?" Chat Noir said, bowing.
"Yep. Just looking at all of the spells."
"Did you learn any of them?"
"Yeah, watch." Marinette closed her eyes and put her hand out. "Die Blumen und die Sonne leben!" As Marinette chanted, a flower rose from a pot on the balcony. "Well, if I'm ever sad, I can grow a flower."
"Cool." Chat awed. "Do a spell on me." Chat pointed to the book, bouncing.
"Fine." Marinette flipped through the pages of the book and held her hand out again. "Der Wind weht durch deine Seele!"
"Wh-What d-did you d-do to me? I-I am fr-freezing!"
"I know." Marinette smiled. "You did tell me to cast a spell on you, so I did."
Chat glared at Marinette. "U-Undo it!"
"Ugh fine. Rückgängig alte Wünsche!"
"Thank you." Chat said with a sigh of relief. "You had to learn a spell that will make me freeze. Why is your heart so cold Marinette?"
Marinette rolled her eyes at Chat. "Wow more jokes. I should have froze you in ice."
"I have a better idea. Let's go on our date."
"Okay." Marinette said, quickly jumping through her trap door.
She set the spell book on her bed and transformed into Ladybug. She stepped through her trap door again and leaped off the edge of the building. Chat Noir followed her and they swung through the city to the movie theater. They both hid behind a bush and detransformed into their normal selves.
"Shall we?" Adrien said holding out his hand.
"Let's go." Marinette smiled, taking Adrien's hand.
They both saw Alya and Nino waiting for them outside the door and waved.
"Hey Guys." Adrien said, waving.
They all walked away from the door so no one could here them.
"I can't believe that you guys are superheroes." Nino said in amazement. "I would have never guessed. Adrien was texting me last night when he told me."
"Are you mad?" Marinette asked.
"No. It all makes sense now. That's why you two would always leave class instantly when something went wrong. I just thought that Marinette was following Adrien out because she has a crush on him."
"Did everyone know Marinette had a crush on me, but me?" Adrien questioned.
"Pretty much." Alya and Nino spoke at the same time, laughing.
"Well then I'm glad Marinette told me because I would have never guessed."
"I'm gonna try to keep secrets better next time." Marinette said, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, yeah. We're all clueless idiots. Now let's go see the movie." Alya said, pushing everyone through the door.
They all found the right room and sat in the first row. The movie was just starting as they sat down. At the start of the movie, Jagged Stone appeared on the screen, playing his guitar.
Adrien reached over and took Marinette's hand. She smiled back at him before they both stared at the huge TV screen.
. . .
"That movie was awful." Alya said, as they walked out of the theater. "Jagged Stone should stick to music."
"Yeah. He's a much better mus-"
Marinette was stopped by a sudden scream outside. They all ran to one of the theater windows and saw an akumatized villain terrorizing Paris.
"We have to go." Marinette finished.
Adrien and Alya nodded their heads in agreement as all four of the friends split up into the bathrooms.
Nino had followed Adrien and stared at him in amazement as he transformed into Chat Noir.
"That . . . is . . . amazing." Nino awed.
"I know." Adrien smiled.
Alya and Marinette called to their kwamis from the other bathroom and transformed.
"Wow. My first mission." Alya said, looking at her suit and tail.
"It's sort of like a mission. A mission to save Paris." Marinette started. "I never thought that me and you would be fighting crime together. Actually I never thought you'd ever find out . . . but . . . let's go save Paris."
They met up with Chat Noir as they exited the building. They listened for danger. All of the screams had stopped, as if the people couldn't speak. Paris had been silenced.
The villain floated over to the theater. She was an older lady with a black and white outfit and white hair. Her hair stood in a bun and she carried a big dictionary in her arms.
"Silencer, there's Ladybug and Chat Noir. Take their miraculouses now!" Hawk Moth shouted.
"You two! If you want to keep your voices, hand over your miraculouses!" Silencer screamed. "If you don't I'll take them and you can join the rest of Paris. They talk and talk forever and never stop, but now they will."
"Hey Silencpurr! Have you ever heard of headphones? They can be useful."
"Shut it, Chat Noir! Give me your miraculouses now! You and Ladybug and yo-! Wait! Who are you?"
"I'm Volpina." Alya smiled.
"Hawk Moth didn't say anything about you." She thought, aloud. "Oh well. I'll have to take all of your miraculouses."
"Chat Noir, Volpina!" Ladybug whispered to her partners. "She looks like that librarian at the city's library. And I think the akuma is in her book. She uses the book to capture everyone's voices and she never lets it go."
"Okay. Now let's see what I can do." Volpina said, running towards Silencer.
Volpina pulled out her flute and lunged at her. Silencer quickly opened her book and stole Volpina's voice in a matter of seconds. Volpina borrowed a piece of paper and a pencil from a bystander and wrote a message:
                                      "Sorry. I'll follow you guys on this one."
Volpina gave them an apologetic smile as Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other.
"I guess it's up to us." Chat said, spinning his baton.
"She's too fast. If we try to attack her, she'll steal our voices before we can do anything." Ladybug said, watching Silencer.
"We need to slow her down."
"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug shouted, throwing her yo-yo into the air. "A top hat? What am I gonna do with this?" Ladybug looked from Volpina's flute, to Silencer, and then Chat Noir's hand. "I have an idea." Ladybug smiled. "Volpina, flute and Chat Noir, book." Ladybug whispered.
Volpina gave Ladybug a thumbs up and played her flute. She blasted the music towards Silencer and slowed her down. Volpina's power is to slow down or completely stop villains, but the stronger they are, the harder it is to stop them. Silencer was powerful and could only be slowed down.
Ladybug launched herself above Silencer and pulled the top hat down over her face so she couldn't see.
Chat Noir immediately shouted "Cataclysm!" and touched Silencer's dictionary.
The dictionary broke apart and the akuma flew out as Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo.
"No more evil doing for you little akuma." Ladybug dropped her yo-yo. "Time to deevilize!" She spun her yo-yo around in circles. "Gotcha. Bye-Bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug shouted.
The citizen's voices were restored back into their bodies and that cheered in happiness. They had realized that the duo had become a trio and that they had another hero to help protect Paris.
"Ah . . ." Alya sighed. "It's good to have my voice back."
"Citizens of Paris." Ladybug shouted from the top of a building. "Paris has a new superheroine named Volpina. The three of us will continue to protect you and all of Paris."
The citizens started to cheer again as Ladybug turned to her partners.
"We should get going." Chat said pointing to Ladybug's earrings. "Your earrings are blinking and so is my ring.
"Yeah. And your necklace is blinking, Volpina."
"Oh . . . yeah. Let's get going." Volpina said as she flew off of the building.
Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped off of the building and followed her to the corner of a  nearby building. They all detransformed into their normal selves.
"I'm really sorry that I was stupid at the beginning of the attack." Alya said, apologetically.
"Don't worry about it Alya. I was worse. When I first became Ladybug I had tried to quit and give it to you instead . . . but I transformed again to save you . . . and Chat Noir cheered me up. So . . . luckily I'm still Ladybug. And you can't do worse than I did the first time."
"Wait! You tried to quit?! I almost lost my partner? My favorite person to see everyday!"
"Wait!" Alya cut in. "You tried to give up your miraculous to me?! Why would you even think you shouldn't be ladybug and why me?"
"Well . . . I thought that I was too clumsy to be Ladybug and you were so confident that I . . . was really stupid."
"No kidding. You can pretty unintelligent sometimes. Like giving up a miraculous." Alya laughed.
"Yeah, yeah." Marinette smiled. "I have to go home now. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Marinette waved bye to Alya and Adrien and walked back to the bakery.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Can you make more Duusu early au, plz!
(It has been a while so a quick recap)
-In Volpina, Adrien finds the book and do to Plagg's messing around touches the brooch inside the safe to reveal that it is a Miraculous.
-Plagg and Adrien were both VERY SHOCKED and due to someone comming stuff the book and the Kwami into their bag.
-Now Adrien heads off to school like normal. Adrien and Plagg get to meet Duusu, who is a lot more wacky than Plagg remembers.
-"Regardless we need to take him to Fu."
-Plagg not really understanding the book didnt see the need to get Fu involved, but with a MIRACULOUS involved. Even Plagg knows that this is serious.
-Adrien gets to school but doesnt help Lila with her school work, though offering a raincheck. Which Lila is a bit sad about but doesnt make a big stink about.
-Marinette still finds out about Lila's video on the Ladyblog. But without seeing her try to snuggle up to Adrien, Marinette decides its not worth correcting at this time. But she does tell Alya to see if she can get more proof for that interview, it seems a bit too good to be true.
-Adrien was acting weird most of the day because he was covering for Duusu and his weird antics.
-Immediately after school, Adrien sneaks away to where Fu's place is according to Plagg.
-Fu is surprised that Plagg would bring Adrien here. He was honestly not expecting anyone... unless it was Marinette because of the Princess fragrance situation.
-So Adrien shows him Duusu. Who Fu confirms was one of the two lost kwami of the miraculous
-"Where did you find him?" Fu asked.
-Adrien would be skeptical to say anything until Fu confirmed that this guy was on the level. So Adrien explained that he was in his father's safe.
-Fu explains that the miraculous is damaged.
-Plagg then goes.
-"That explains why Duusu sounds so Nuts."
-Adrien would ask how the damage to the miraculous impacts the kwami.
-Fu explains that the damage to the miraculous impacts the Kwami as the miraculous is connected to the creature, and anyone that would use a damaged miraculous would be in danger as the miraculous acts as a regulator, which prevents the power from hurting the individual. Fu describes the symptoms and Adrien started getting flashbacks to his his mother's condition.
-Adrien shows Fu the book and to his joy. Fu realized it was the tome of the miraculous. Which means he can fix Duusu's miraculous. Once he has the ingredients.
-Adrien is happy to hear that, but realizes that his family likely used Duusu, and that means his father...
-Plagg picked up on Adrien's gloom.
-Adrien confessed that he believed his father may be the one holding the last missing miraculous.
-Fu realized that this was both a stroke of luck and misfortune. On one hand, this could mean that after so long the miraculous can be returned, on the other hand, its possible that this boy loses his family.
-"We can not be too sure. It is possible your father locked this away due to fear of his mistake and simply wished not to be involved with the miraculous. I am no stranger to such errors." Fu explained. "We must attain evidence first."
-Fu created a faux Peacock miraculous and Adrien helped Fu make copies of the Tome. The mentor told Adrien to return with both.
-Adrien asked if he should inform Ladybug about all of this.
-Fu ponders this but tells him that now is not the right time for that. He should keep this meeting and his existence a secret for now.
-Adrien hates keeping secrets, but since this involved his family. He did have to agree with Fu.
-Adrien arrives home and just like in collector was confronted by his father and Nathalie.
-But unlike in the show, Adrien had the book and gives it back.
-Gabriel left the safe open as he put the book inside. He asks about the brooch.
-Adrien points at the safe
-"Is that it?"
-Plagg has moved out of the book and stealthly put the FAUX miraculous behind the tibet brochure. then moved away out of view.
-Gabriel turned and moved to look where adrien was pointing. He looked relieved. Fooled by the fake.
-Adrien appologizes for taking the book.
-Gabriel asks if he showed it to anybody?
-Adrien lies and says he kept it to himself. Gabriel looks at him but simply accepts the answer. He tells Adrien that he is not allowed to go into the safe without his permission and next time he does he is pulling him out of school. Adrien agrees and promises not to do it again. He is grounded though. for two weeks.
-There is no collector because the book is back and if its only his son that knows about it, there is no need for anyone to suspect that he is Hawkmoth.
-Adrien asks Plagg what they should do. Is his father Hawkmoth.
-Plagg comments that he hasnt seen any miraculous jewlery on him, just that tacky outfit.
-Adrien decides that he should talk with Ladybug.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 6 years
We Hold Each Other
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ChA0vX
by miraculousinsomniac
Marinette has never been the best at containing her jealousy. Adrien is used to being seen as a perfect designer's son, nothing else. Everyone has flaws, but some aren't okay with that.
Alt. Adrien feels bad, Sunshine cries, Alya has sass, Ladybug needs more class.
Words: 2016, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste, Alya Césaire, Volpina/Vixen, Fox!Alya, Ladybug, Nino Lahiffe
Relationships: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Chat Noir/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
Additional Tags: ican'twrite, onlyherecauseofwordcount, thisistrash, godhelpme, fluffiguess, angstyteens, emomodel, Thanks, andgoodnight, alyaisdonewiththgesidiots
December 31, 2017 at 01:34PM read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ChA0vX
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crayon-lord · 6 years
TumbleFrostbite's Message: If Alya and Chloe feelings with each other grew over time into one of friendship (as they would spend more time together and knew each other more and more), how do think they would realistically handle them?
Hoestly, I don’t think that’s going to happen until especially Chloé makes some changes and Alya chooses to actually open herself up to the possibility that she might’ve changed. I think that the idea of Alya and Choé being Volpina and Queen Bee respectively will open them up more to that possibilty of growing closer (of course, probably not to the extent that my little shipper heart wants 😢) and, in my dream scenario, Bee and Volpina will become sort of an alt tag-team to Ladybug and Chat prior to Alya and Chloé being closer in their civillian forms. Talking to each other may cause positive change in Chloé, and slowly shift her into that good good tsundere sweetheart we all been waiting for👌👌👌And Alya and Cloé might be hesitant at first, but as they mature will learn to accept each other as allies, friends, maybe more ❤️❤️TL;DR: I think the actual change in dynamic will be linked to Volpina and Queen Bee’s interactions, and as Alya and Chloé mature they’ll learn to accept each other slow burn style. There’ll probably be a stint where Volpina and/or Queen Bee refuse to talk to the other because of the identity reveal or some discourse related to their civillian identities.
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rp history !!
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
Tagged by: @rawadachi​
Tagging: if you want to, go ahead! i’m doing this cause i should let u guys know whom i rped as before 8′)
***under read-mores cause it’s a LOOOOOONG list***
edit 1* added a few muses i want to play & rped before!
Currently Playing
shadow labrys ( right here )
marie/mariko kusumi @purseona
morgana @moruganya​
midnight venus/trisha/ishtar @aztarcth​
Want To / Will Be Playing:
koromaru ( from p3 )
fuka yamagisihi ( from p3 )
haru okumura ( from p5 )
tae takumi ( from p5 )
metis ( from p3 fes/the answer )
alt. milla ( tales of xillia 2 )
nemesis ( yansim )
osoro shidesu ( yansim )
oka ruto ( yansim )
ijimi garu ( bullied simulator )
shego ( kim possible )
caroline / cool girl ( snotgirl comic )
cutegirl ( snotgirl comic )
sitara dhawan ( watch dogs 2 )
alya ( ml )
juleka ( ml )
volpina ( tho idk if i’ll rp them from lila or *s2 spoiler info here* )
batwoman / kate kane
spidergwen / gwen stacy ( spidergwen-based comic )
kamala khan ( ms. marvel comic )
viv ( marvel’s champion’s comic )
isabelle lightwood ( shadowhunters tv show/book canon )
squid sisters ( splatoon )
rey ( star wars )
princess leia ( star wars )
Have Played: ( bonus: it is all in chronological order aw yis~ bold’s are rped in a diff. site! )
chrome dokuro ( khr )
starfire, raven, terra ( animated teen titans show )
mimi ( digimon series )
sabrina the teenage witch
sam manson ( danny phantom )
marceline abadeer ( adventure time & fusionfall!au based )
helga pataki
knives chau & ramona flowers ( scott pilgrim )
elyon, will, cornelia & irma ( w.i.t.c.h series )
aisaka taiga ( toradora )
haruhi suzumiya ( melchanoly of haruhi suzumiya )
mio, mugi & yui ( k-on )
katniss everdeen ( thg )
juliet capulet ( romeo x juliet anime )
misc. oc blogs
moon young, lee go seul, dal dal ( gotw )
namie yagiri ( drrr!! )
celty sturluson ( drrr!! )
saya & diva ( blood + )
namine & xion ( kingdom hearts )
merida dunbroch ( brave )
poison ivy
naoto shirogane ( p4 )
yukiko amagi ( p4 )
elsa & anna ( disney’s frozen // first duo-muses )
mavis dracula ( hotel t )
alisa ( tekken )
kido, ene & ayano ( kagepro )
ruby rose, yang xiao long & cinder fall ( rwby )
aigis ( p3 )
reyna, calypso ( pjo/hoo )
cat ( DmC reboot )
jean grey / storm / rogue ( x-men: evolution series )
deadpool ( marvel )
lucina ( fire emblem awakening )
anna ( fire emblem awakening-based )
zero, one, two, three & five ( dod3 )
argenta ( dragon nest )
sinon, philia & strea ( sao-game canon based )
rozalin ( disgaea 2 )
flonne, etna ( disgaea series )
tear grants ( tales of abyss )
natalia ( tales of abyss )
pascal, sophie, cheria barnes ( tales of graces )
milla maxwell ( tales of xillia ) 
rachel alucard ( blazblue )
kokonoe ( blazblue )
velvet ( tales of berseria )
black cat/felicia hardy & mj watson ( spidey comic series )
catherine & katherine ( catherine game )
marinette / ladybug ( ml )
junko enoshima, kyouko kirigiri, sonia nevermind & komaru naegi ( dr )
infochan ( yansim )
yandere-chan/ayano aishi ( yansim )
Will Play Again:
infochan ( becuz she my bae )
yang xiao long
lee go seul
starfire or terra?????
probably aigis???? idk when
black cat/felicia hardy
reyna or calypso ?????
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So, your answer regarding Tomoe's retconed relationship with Gabriel got me musing on how to weave her into the story more without retcons and amusingly I found a way that both connects to an Alt Hero's Day idea I had and creates a whole new timeline. This one uses my Only Twelve Kwami rules, so bear with me:
It is the familiar Heroes' day event, but the host and speaker is, unsurprising to the people of Paris but surprising to the audience. Andre. Its he who is dismissive of Volpina, endorsed by his wife who makes a snide comparison between the vixen and another 'failed' buzz, or she means, burnt out hero.
Elsewhere we see some reactions, from Chloe huffing and promising to prove her wrong, to Kagami sneaking away from her tutors to take Adrien up on that Hero Day picnic invitation and an irate Tomoe looking around the house for her daughter, muttering, "Not today, of all days."
Having seen the remarks, Lila is Akumatized and Andre ensures the recording airs "The people need to know!" before trying to call for calm as Paris begins tp panic, Audrey is seemingly Akumatized out of nowhere and runs off, while Andre goes to his "Command Center" to manage the disaster, sending Jean off to Pick up Chloe as an afterthought.
These events cause some minor changes.
Adrien sneaking out to meet Kagami means he is away from his bodyguard and can safely transform. Because of this he and Ladybug are travelling to Fu's together as she figures this emergency warrants it. Kagami upon seeing Chloe unaffected by the Butterflies and trying to get people to cool it also manages to stop herself. They start grudgingly collaborating along with Alya & Nino to keep things calm, but while initially succeeding Kim & Jean fuck that up and puts the pairs on the run.
Because Chat & Ladybug are talking they don't notice Vanisher until nearly at Fu's. There seem to be no Akuma, though there is a strange sparkly glitter in the air.
Fu is letting them take the Miraculous & while Ladybug wants only those they know how to use Chat thinks the more the merrier.
But before they can get passed Fu explaining the dragon "I know just the person" Chat insists, followed by Kaalki's boatsful introduction, they are attacked by Style Queen. She seems strangely in control compared to the other Crimson Akuma, and Kaalki is forced to open a portal so they can escape but is captured along with the Miracle Box, though not Sass who Fu had been contemplating replacing Wayss with.
The heroes escape, but several Kwmi & the box are lost.
They divide, with Chat going after Chloe & his secret friend, and Ladybug for Nino & Alya. Chloe is told to change her appearance and name if she wants to keep Pollen with her long term, which she does.
Heroes Day is mostly similar, though Tomoe's Akuma is leading the Crimson Army and is quite strategic. The average Crimson Akuma however is not that bright as they are too overwhelmed with rage and are too many minds for Gabriel to puppet. Still, its more tense and relies on Fu advising with Second Chance for the time it can be used.
The battle with Hawk Moth is also more of a group attempt at face stomping. His defeat however is not capped off with a Sentimonster but a portal swallowing him whole after he's stung.
Thus Hawk Moth escapes and the heroes muse on the danger now that he has several new Miraculous & can even use one. Fu is even more worried because they may have grabbed his notes on the Miraculous Spell book as well. Suffice to say he needs somewhere to stay and to basically retire after that experience. Though he will continue to advise. Kagami may offer her place, or Chloe sets something up.
Later, it ends with the reveal Gabriel's friends & allies are in on it.
Andre used Kaalki to evacuate him and both he & Audrey made their comments and sent Jean away to try and help Akumatize Lila & Chloe. Audrey's Style Queen form was so calm because she transformed willingly.
Nathalie has been strained deeply by being Catalyst, though its not permanent. There's a general air of mixed vexation and relief, as they flick through the notes debating on the pros and cons of key Kwami.
Tomoe is also present but the odd one out, making it clear she is here for her side of the bargain and not to commiserate. Gabriel grudgingly seperates Mullo the Mouse and assigns her as Tomoe's Kwami. Tomoe spares a glance at Audrey who waves her off, insisting when it can be done it will be done.
Tomoe leaves and they turn back to the captured Miracle Box and decide that evidently the Tiger will belong to Nathalie. Though the former archeologist suggests maybe she & Audrey could trade, but is jokingly rebuffed as she reveals her own Miraculous.
"Haven't you heard? Feathers are in."
So yeah, all the temp heroes + Kagami are now permanent, and they are looking for a Snake wielder. There's probably an episode spent stealing back the Spell book so Fu can continue his work. & once the Peackock is repaired a new status quo is reached.
One that sees Nathalie on the front lines alongside Akuma and eventually Sentimonsters. With Andre using his portals to help evacuate them, move Akuma & Sentimonsters around and make a profit on the side. Meanwhile Tomoe is utilizing some none Kwami magic relics/relic and the Mouse Miraculous to make herself a private army of herself. She's tangentially on their side but not really.
Thus we have:
Marinette - Ladybug - Creation & Good Fortune Luka - Snake - Ouroboros & Entirety/Time Adrien - Cat - Destruction & Misfortune Nino - Turtle - Protection & Resilience Alya - Fox - Mirage & Materialization Chloe - Bee - Order & Subjugation Kagami - Dragon - Storm & Power
Nathalie - Tiger - Ignition & Havoc (Fights on the front lines with Akuma & Senti Monsters) Andre - Horse - Action & Migration (Evacs Gabriel, assists with ambushes & transportation) Audrey - Peacock - Emotion & Evocation (Detects emotions, creates Senti Monsters & Weapons) Tomoe - Mouse - Multiplication & Duplication (Duplicates tools, intel, creates her own self made army) Gabriel - Butterfly - Transmissions & Transformation (Detects thoughts, creates Akuma & magical corruption)
Sorry this is running so long, but I'll try to be quick:
The gist of this AU is that Audrey's family had an interest in magical lore & relics. They weren't like super magic users, it was more scholarly. So while she didn't inherit this interest, she was still taught a log (Hence recognizing the temple) and had a collection of magic trinkets (Such as the bracelets Chloe had in season 1)
Nathalie an aspiring magic archeological scholar always wanted to see and study her possessions but could never get permission. Not until she found out about Gabriel and Emilie's issues with conception. She 'revealed' one of Audrey's artifacts, in fact her favorite could maybe be used to help.
IE, the broken Peacock Miraculous, that on a surface level just seems to change colors at the owners whim but also because its damages is subtly leaking its empathy magic. Meaning the wearer knows what others are feeling, which hilariously makes Audrey an even worse person.
Nathalie got it working, Adrien was made, and she got access to Audrey's magical artifact collection. But later, when Emilie began to grow sick, she realized how dangerous the Miraculous usage was.
This is why Nathalie is so dedicated, not only did she kind of become friends with Gabriel and Emilie. But she feels personally responsible for killing Emilie & wants to either bring her back, or rewrite history so it never happened.
Hence fighting on the front lines and Audrey having the Peacock.
Where does Tomoe fit in all this? Easy.
Morally, Tomoe's introduced as Gabriel if he had never had Emilie. IE, an control freak who isolated their kid and on them. But also shown to be less terrible than Gabriel became, IE, she's more reasonable about adjusting her behaviors as necessity dictates. Worse than he ever was, but better then what he became, but still not good.
Lore wise, even before Season 4/5, Tomoe was shown to be extremely wealthy, in Gabriel's circle of affluence and very invested in technology. Meaning she was the founder, or CEO or majority shareholder of an experimental robotics company.
One that Gabriel commissioned in secret for a human sized experimental cry-chamber.
Tomoe found this just fucky enough to investigate and determined he was Hawk Moth. But was convinced to let it slide in exchange for access to magical items, and especially Miraculous.
Also they both get to live.
Because if she reveals Gabriel he takes her down with him. If he kills her, there are contingency plans to reveal his identity.
Thus, she is new to the circle and not really invested in the Emilie situation or aware of the extent of the wish. She would like to claim the Miraculous for her own, admittedly more mundane ends. But she is mostly focused on securing a strong position no matter what happens in the future.
But yeah, that's how I figure things would go.
Also works quite well!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
After my nephew watched "Volpina" for the hundredth time, an interesting scenario occurred to me:
And if Ladybug hadn't gone to deny the liar- I mean, Lila.
THAT! Is an interesting idea.
(What if Marinette didn't expose Lila in Volpina?)
-Marinette wanted to expose Lila for her blatant lies. She HATED liars. And misleading Adrien like this was wrong.
-But Tikki pointed out that this is not their business, and that she needs to be the bigger person. They needed to get this book to someone.
-Marinette felt her nerves twitch, but despite wanting to just go in as ladybug and Expose that B****. She would hold back. 
-They took the book and left. (Taking it to Fu)
-Adrien listened to Lila go on about Volpina, and how she was her. (Even Adrien felt his patience starting to thin).
-He tells her that He is flattered that she would tell him all of this, but she should be careful on who she tells about her secret. “Don't most heroes, keep it hidden?” He flashes to his times with Ladybug “Even if you really trust them.”
-Lila uses this as a chance, saying that she can feel a ‘Connection to him’ a trust that can be deeper than anyone else. She couldn't help herself but to tell him the truth.
-Adrien is surprised by the confession. He tells her he is flattered but he has someone else he is interested in, hoping they can stay friends. He promises to keep her secret. He leaves, hoping he didn't crush her feelings. 
-Adrien comments that he feels bad, he never turned down a hero before.
-”Wait you actually believed her?” Plagg comments.
-”Yea, she had a miraculous.”
-”She clearly didn't. The Guardian would have told her Kwami to never tell anyone her secret identity. Especially some random person she just met.”
-Adrien blinked.
-Plagg realized he said too much. But then remembers the book and WHY it could be important. 
-”Meh, doesn't matter. We should take that book to him anyway. He might be able to translate it or see if its garbage.”
Adrien figures he can be a little late getting home as long as he has the book. So He takes the bag (Not checking if the book is inside) and listens to plagg’s directions.
-Marinette is there earlier then before. Fu and Her interaction are pretty much the same as in canon. He explains a bit of lore. He explains the other miraculous.
-Just when Fu asks about the book. There is a knock on the door.
-Fu Tells them to stand there and he will handle it.
-He opens the door to see Adrien.
-”Are you the guardian?
-Fu blinks, he wasn't expecting both heroes. He was expecting Marinette, because he saw her earlier (in princess fragrance) But not Adrien.
-Marinette heard the voice. She kind of moves, curious on who it is. She looks and sees Adrien! Why was Adrien here? Oh wait, Fu pretended to be a vet, maybe Adrien found a sick kitten. That must be it.
-Fu kind of freezes, since he had not planned for it, and plagg pops out. Telling the master he has a thing for him
-Marinette sees the kwami, falls over.
-Adrien looks to the sound, Seeing Marinette.
-Lila growls, her attempts to win Adrien over have failed. She is not as furious as she was in canon. She didn't get exposed, but she was festering. It was the first time her lies didn't Woo someone. She went through all of that effort for nothing. (I imagine it takes a bit longer for her to get mad
-I figure after a bit of stewing when she gets home, Hawkmoth then picks up on her negative emotions. Then he transforms her into volpina.
(What happens after that, is in Part 2)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML What If: Part 2 (Alt Volpina)
(What if Marinette didn’t expose Lila in Volpina?)
- Fu had not planned on meeting both Adrien AND Marinette on the same day. But he still got them both Tea.
-After Plagg popped out, the cat, was literally out of the bag. Tikki and Plagg sitting on the shoulder of their respective chosen now.
-Both teens were looking at each other, trying to process this unintentional reveal. Its clear they both want to say something, but don't know what to say. Thankfully Fu is there to cut the awkward.
-Fu however, was also processing his plan not going as well as expected. But honestly, he isn't too broken up about it.
-”Seems it can't be helped. You both know I am the guardian, and you both know each other’s identities.”
-Marinette was first to speak “So does that mean we have to give up being heroes?”
-Adrien iterates that he promises not to tell anyone about it.
-Fu eases them both. “I did choose you both for a reason, and you finding out the other’s identity is more my fault than either of yours. As long as no one else finds out your identities, I believe we should be fine.” (Fu’s whole bit with the identities was so less people would be involved. Having one’s identity public would put more then just themselves in danger. But, right now it would be MORE of a risk getting new heroes, and having them stay out knowing his identity.)
- Fu does ask how Adrien did know to come to this place. Which Adrien explains he had a book that Plagg wanted to show him. He opens his bag and finds it missing.
-Adrien freaks a bit (because that was his father’s book) but Fu then reveals the book. And Adrien looks relieved.
-Marinette had brought the book.
-So Adrien asks why Marinette had it?
-Marinette flustered, confesses that she saw him in the Library and Tikki saw the book. They noticed Lila take it, and followed her. Then they took it when the two were distracted, because Lila tossed it in a garbage nearby.
-Adrien comments that it explains how Lila suddenly had a miraculous looking necklace. She tried to copy it from the book.
-”Well it definitely is a fake. I didn't hand out the fox miraculous.” Fu commented. 
-Fu asks if Adrien revealed anything to this ‘Lila’. Adrien swears he didn't.
-Marinette apologizes for taking the book, explaining Tikki insisted they take it to the guardian. (Also is relieved that Adrien didn't believe Lila’s Lies)
-Adrien forgives her, even saying he knows Marinette wouldn't do something like that without a good reason.
-Fu hands the book over to Adrien, asking if he can sneak the book occasionally to him. Adrien comments he isn't sure if his father would allow it.
-”So this is your father’s book.”
-”Yes... I wasn't suppose to take it. Plagg found it.”
-Marinette suggests making copies of it. Which they do. Fu gives marinette his contact information. Adrien says it would be best if just Marinette had it. Nathalie might get suspicious about random phone numbers on his phone.
-Fu agrees. And Just like in Canon They make copies.
- Fu does ask why Adrien’s father has such a rare item pertaining to the miraculous. Adrien says he isn't sure. His father was very secretive...
-Fu comments that he should keep an eye on his father, he could perhaps know about guardians and be an asset, or could be working with Hawkmoth.
-Adrien states that his father would never...
-”Do you know what the Ladybug and Cat miraculous are able to do together?”
-Adrien and Marinette both look confused.
-Fu explains that both miraculous together can be used to grant any wish.
-”A wish?”
-”With a cost, but yes.”
- He tells them both that the wish is NEVER worth the cost, and that they should never use it.
-News of a meteor sets off notifications on their phones.
-Marinette and Adrien quickly transform. They take a second to realize, Yep, they do know their partner’s identity now (Cue blush). But the meteor does get them to focus on the task at hand.
-By the time they get there, Volpina had ‘Saved the day’
-Since Ladybug and Chat noir had just met the guardian, and a Fox miraculous hero just CONVENIENTLY showed up.
-Plus Fu already told them he never gave out that miraculous. So instant akuma.
-Ladybug and Chat noir don't know what her abilities actually are tho, so they decide to ‘Play along’.
-They ‘Pretend’ like she is totally a heroine. And they ask her what her power is.
- Same lie about super strength and Flight. Which they both know is a lie.
-They see the Hawkmoth mirage, and they are sus of it but no proof.
-They get split up, and just like in canon, Ladybug figures out the power is illusions.
-Adrien/chat noir does try his plan like before. (The interaction with Volpina is basically the same. But Volpina is less about proving Ladybug wrong (since she has no qualms with Ladybug at this time. More of trying to show Adrien.)
-Ladybug interrupts, Adrien is also much more insistent that his and Lila’s  ‘get together’ wasn't a date.
- Adrien escapes and transforms into chat noir. Volpina takes the fake Adrien.
-Ladybug was about to go after him but stops.
-”Oh right... that can't be Adrien.”
-”But Lila doesn't know that.”
-So Ladybug and Chat noir prepare a plan.
-They pretend that Volpina has Adrien and act like they will hand over the miraculous, But then fake out. They take the akumatized item from vulpine
-Lila is no longer volpina. No use of powers needed (one because illusions didn't cause any harm. and two, they were able to trick her)
-Chat noir tells Lila that she doesn't need to pretend to be a hero. She just needs to be a good person and be honest. They take her down from the Eiffel Tower.
-This actually annoys Lila, but she says she will think about it. Still grumbling about what happened. She does now have a story about how the heroes of Paris saved her. So she has no animosity towards Ladybug and Chat noir. So Hawkmoth doesn't bother focusing on her as much.
- Ladybug and Chat noir do go to the roof of a building, in order to “Talk”
-Ladybug tells him she is surprised that he is Chat noir. Not that she doesn't think he can be heroic, just that he is much more ‘Calm’ as Adrien.
-”Well, Chat noir does let me change my hair style, and be a bit more free. But I still love puns the same way.” He chuckles. “Glad you think I am heroic”
-Ladybug does realize, she has all these notions on what Adrien is, and all these Notions on who chat noir is. Now she is realizing some of those ideas are wrong. They are both actually really similar, because they are the same person. Just that her perspective on them was different. Amazing what a mask could do.
-”In hindsight, I am kicking myself for not seeing it sooner.” Chat noir answers.
-”Your hair style is the same.”
-Ladybug laughs at the lame joke.
-”But really, you are pretty much the same person with the mask on. Though maybe a bit more on the clumsy side.”
-Ladybug answers she doesn't have super human agility to catch her fall.
-”Don't worry, I will be there to catch you.”
-Ladybug looking at chat noir, giving his genuine smile. Yep, that was Adrien. Her face was red.
-”This is going to be harder now.”
-”Probably but we can cover for each other now. We can also communicate better. I can see you in school...”
-Chat noir realizes all of the things he did around Marinette as Chat noir, as well as how he tried to help Nino win over Marinette.
-”Just for the record... you aren't interested in Nino right?”
-”He is with Alya, but even if he wasn't, I already have someone else in mind.”
-Chat noir went red, now insanely curious.
-”W-Who is it?”
-Ladybug booped her partner’s nose.
-”Another time Kitty, we should head home.”
-They both say their good byes and head home.
- Ladybug and Chat noir transform back into civilians.
-They lean against the wall and slowly drop to the floor. both thinking the same thought.
-”The love of my life is my crime fighting partner.”
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