eli-kittim · 3 years
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Is Free Grace Theology Biblical?
By Award-Winning Author & Bible Researcher Eli Kittim
Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,
he is none of his.
(Romans 8.9 KJV)
Sola fide
Sola fide (meaning “faith alone”) is a theological doctrine which holds that believers are justified by faith alone. Originally, the purpose of this doctrine was to distinguish the Protestants from the Catholic & Orthodox Churches that relied on sacraments (such as the Sacrament of Penance, aka Confession) and “works” for salvation. By contrast, Sola fide maintained that it is on the basis of faith alone that believers are justified (pardoned) and saved.
However, the original doctrine of Sola fide (faith alone) didn’t mean to imply that nothing happened to the believer existentially, psychologically, or supernaturally *after* they were saved. On the contrary, many reformers emphatically stressed that *regeneration* should produce verifiable evidence of the spiritual life. As 2 Pet. 1.10 warns (cf. 2 Cor. 13.5), make sure your faith is real:
Wherefore the rather, brethren, give
diligence to make your calling and election
sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never
The evidence of conversion is a believer’s *new self* in Christ (his new identity cf. Gal. 2.20; Eph. 4.24), with proof of ongoing fruit in their life. Many people mistakenly think they are converted or born again but they show no evidence of a personality change (a recreation) nor any fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace). Alas, despite what they say publicly, they have not been converted; they have not been reborn! Read Jonathan Edwards’ sermon, “Sudden Conversions Are Very Often False.”
The reformers knew the importance of John 3.7: “Ye must be born again.” This Biblical concept doesn’t refer to the time when, during a crusade, you decided to make a spiritual commitment to Christ, or to the time when you made a sincere profession of faith during an altar call at a Jimmy Swaggart rally, or when you decided to give your life to Jesus, in your living room one night, while watching Billy Graham or Joel Osteen. This “decision” is characterized under the category of “works” (since you decided the outcome by yourself), and it has absolutely nothing to do with Biblical regeneration or with God. Why? Because God had nothing to do with it, nor is there any evidence of a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in your life. That’s why 2 Corinthians 5.17 declares:
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a
new creature: old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.
Unfortunately, the sinner’s prayer doesn’t save anyone. It doesn’t change your carnal nature into a new creature. Your sin nature remains the same and dominates your mind and heart. So how, then, are you saved? A saved person is dominated by God, not by his passions.
That’s why the reformers spoke of irresistible grace (monergism). Regardless of whether we agree with it or not, the point is that this soteriological doctrine teaches that God’s grace is effectually applied to the believer in order to save them, and that God overcomes their resistance and *changes* them from *within.* In other words, a transformation takes place on the inside. It’s not just faith alone. If they cannot deny it or resist it, then that means that God’s grace has a direct cause-effect influence in their lives. That’s why scripture emphasizes the need for a baptism of the Spirit (Matthew 3.11): “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16.16)!
Free Grace Theology
Free Grace (aka Easy-believism) is a Christian soteriological position which holds that anyone can be saved and receive eternal life simply by believing that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God (John 20:31). The only condition for receiving the grace of eternal life is *faith.* Nothing else is required. In fact, one is not even required to stop sinning. They have completely removed Sola fide (faith alone) from its original Biblical and soteriological context, thereby isolating and distorting it to mean something entirely different.
By contrast, *Lordship Salvation* requires obedience to Christ. And this is the actual teaching of Scripture! The free Grace movement apparently forgot Jesus’ teaching which states: “repent ye, and believe the gospel” (Mark 1.15). Grace is free, but it’s not cheap. Christ says in Mt 16.24:
If any man will come after me, let him deny
himself, and take up his cross, and follow
Here are Jesus’ own words in John 14.15:
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Besides, how can *mere belief* ALONE be sufficient for *salvation* if the demons believe just as much? (James 2.19):
Thou believest that there is one God; thou
doest well: the devils also believe, and
In fact, 1 John 2.3-4 would call proponents of Free Grace “liars”:
And hereby we do know that we know him
[Christ], if we keep his commandments. He
that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his
commandments, is a liar, and the truth is
not in him.
And yet, *free grace theology* is constantly mocking Lordship Salvation, calling it evil and unbiblical. Therefore, we should take heed of Isaiah’s (5.20) stern warning:
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good
evil; that put darkness for light, and light for
In this paper, I’m only talking about the *regenerated* or *born-again believer,* and what their salvation consists of. I’m trying to demonstrate that a rebirth entails a new identity, a new creation, and a constant outflow of the fruit of the spirit. Just to be clear, Christian salvation is not based on the *works* of the law. Obeying the commandments of Moses doesn’t save anyone. We are not saved because we obey; we obey because we are saved! Nor is salvation an intellectual assent to the truths of Christianity (see Wayne Grudem’s “Free Grace” Theology). You don’t simply look at the facts, weigh the evidence, and conclude that Jesus must be the Messiah. Salvation is NOT an intellectual exercise. Rather, it’s an experience! In Paul’s “Participationist” model of salvation, we don’t merely stand afar off and believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ. No! Rather, we *participate* “in Christ.” We share in his baptism (Rom. 6.3), death (Gal. 2.20), and resurrection (Rom. 6.8). Psalm 34.8 says:
O taste and see that the LORD is good.
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tcfishadventures · 2 years
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The fuse box caught on fire in the middle of my sermon at a church last week. The electricity for the livestream recording, the computer, and all media slides went out. The lights were initially fine. Then the lights started flickering too. I kept preaching without a microphone and without the slides I prepared. Some leaders started praying right away. An electrician attends the church and started the repairs. I was worried because Esther was supposed to play and sing 3 songs for the altar call. I couldn't think about it too much because I was already preaching in two languages (self translating). And our baby boy was crying in the back for some of the time. There were many distractions to say the least. But the power came on right at the moment I gave the concluding sentence! Esther came up, waited 1-2 mins for everything to turn on, and the speakers came alive. Music ensued. We were not sure how many people responded to the gospel for the first time as there were many people who came up for prayer. But at the end, we received a few completed contact cards for first time believers. First it was 5, then more came in later. 8 people was the final tally. Despite all the distractions, 8 people indicated they responded to the gospel with saving faith (feedback showed it was mostly due to Esther's music than to my words). Plans are in place for a meal with these people and their families for assurance of salvation and other follow-up. This church is very good at this. Too bad for those who didn't fill out the cards, no free meal for them. Soli Deo gloria. P.S. Check out @pianistestherchuang for her testimony of the same event. #evangelism #gospel #testimony #altarcall https://www.instagram.com/p/CfSyvyGLG6s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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When you have something to say, minimizing does not guarantee safety . . . There comes a point in time where your silence gives consent or the balance of "small talk" adds up to chump change, when depth, exploration & transparency are the ONLY acceptable currency. I'm learning that "Voice" is an accounts payable beyond mere "talking", nor is it "muting" oneself Playing it safe is an altar ego waiting to be integrated through the layers our of our REBIRTH & FINDING OUR MOST AUTHENTIC VOICE isn't a one hitta quitta. Say YES To YOUR Voice, Value & VISION by taking up space that you have birthright to occupy, uniquely. Ask me how I know on 12/12 @12 It's Happening!!! #AltarCall Artwork: Throat Chakra by Mithsuca Berry available for purchase on INPRINT. #ReBirthwithLaToniaTaylor #RebirthSunday #FindYourVoice #1212gateway #isayyes #AltarCall #1212 https://www.instagram.com/latoniataylormedia/p/CXR6oLYLKgI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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obuszalee1 · 4 years
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WHERE EVERY CHRISTIAN TALENT IS EMPOWERED TO MAXIMIZE THEIR POTENTIAL to fulfill their purpose, communities will thrive and nation's will prosper. This Is A Rare OPPORTUNITY Trust Me... If People are not AWARE, no matter how talented you are... YOU will be of no meaningful value to them and to yourself, So LET PEOPLE SEE U and KNOW YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER.. Call JOY 0703 888 2449. . . . . . #extremelytalented #kingdomtalenthouse #5talentsfilms #twotalents #onetalent #onemanoneengine #onesquad #squagoals #oneteamonefamily #oneteamonefight #oneteamsg #oneteamforever #createdtoday #builttolead #selflessness #raiseeveryvoice2020 #diningatthealtar #altarcall #geniune #talentedteens #talentedcookiers @pastorfredigho @rain_richards @ratatanation @dr_osaz @badagry_got_stars (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CESXWSwFpXK/?igshid=1rfugfp3kblpf
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broaljn330 · 7 years
Fresh souls #tyj #altarcall #NLCSEworship (at UIC Pavilion)
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writerchiclady · 5 years
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So excited to read this important article about the work of Nap Bishop, Tricia Hersey and @thenapministry. Even more grateful that I was able to contribute my small testimony as an attendee of several collective napping events (this was a real #AltarCall kind of moment for me, y'all). The article link is in @thenapministry bio and will be temporarily in my bio as well so please share it widely. * * REPOST from @thenapministry - Beautiful new article in @elemental by @theemaya about our work, the powerful Black Power Naps by @fanniesosalove and @navildacosta, and the growing rest movement that is happening right now. The link to read is in the linktree found in our bio. #napministry #restasresistance #sleep #rest #spiritualcare #healing #naps #napping #soulcare #selfcare #chicago #atlanta #performanceart #naptime #community #archive #spiritualdirection #reparations #joy #socialjustice #racialjustice #justice #communitycare #womanism #restisreparations https://www.instagram.com/p/B1XAhIShoJz/?igshid=mnrwdiuton7a
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bgoodstudio · 8 years
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Praying, it must be intentional to the purpose. #peacefullyimperfect #intentionalfaith #faithful2follow #sweettothesoul #doaheadwoman #girlfriendsingod #thisonesforthegirls #madewithprayer #biblicalperspective #altarcall #pearls
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beblk · 5 years
flashback. work in process
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Will their be one??? 💁🏿‍♂💁🏿‍♂💁🏿‍♂ #TheAltarisOpen #AltarCall #InstaSermon #nowTHATSaread #ANDaDrag #onlyAuntieMax #MaxineWaters #ImpeachmentHearings https://www.instagram.com/p/B6PFXCGg_Xe/?igshid=ypt2clvha13g
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chattypassenger · 6 years
Who remembers watching #RKelly having his own personal #altarcall on #TheWordNetwork? #IDo #SurvivingRKelly https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRhyejhjqb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1637898m2d6u3
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#perfectlyimperfectministry #altarcall #WeekendWisecrack (at Battleground, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bop70NdlUjQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12xibinriszfg
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Remember last year's powerful 12/12 Gathering- I Say Yes To, Myself??? I wasn't planning to do one this year but the messages got louder! You feeling I Say Yes To, MY VOICE!?! If so, let me know & let's turn up The Volume & The Value of VOICE! #ReBirthSunday #AltarCall #divineenergy #divineguidance #SpecialSession #1212portal #ascension #ascensionportal #findyourfreedom #findyourvoice #giftedvoices https://www.instagram.com/p/CXQ4gazLkNI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamcoramdeo · 6 years
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Is there another? Won't you come? #altarcall #hethathasanear #cmoncletus
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The Day I Stopped Going To Youth Service...
So I’ve said before that my parents were less believers in Christ and more believers in free child care.  In my early teenage years before I could drive, my parents sent me off to a youth group that met weeknights for bible study.  This bible study rarely happened.  Youth group was more an exercise in playing kickball, hide and seek, talking to friends, checking out girls, and eating hot dogs.  That being said, although I was never huge on the religious aspect of it, I liked having friends.  I liked going to the church and feeling free enough to be myself and not getting reprimanded for anything.  Really, all I had to do was show up, have fun, be socially awkward, and go home.
Things changed completely from one day to the next.  I know it’s cliched to say there was an overnight change, but the youth group had gone from fun to fundamentalist literally from one night to the next. I got there after school a little earlier than I usually did, and nothing seemed too different at the time.  We were all outside the church doing our usual thing when the pastor’s wife rounded us up and asked us to come inside.  I put down my 8th hot dog and went inside.
Once inside, the pastor himself started preaching.  Not anything I wasn’t accustomed to, but he got more and more forceful and ended his sermon with an altar call.  A girl I had a crush on went up and got on her knees at the altar while the pastor’s wife played a hymn on the piano.  Again, nothing out of the ordinary except the pastor getting worked up.  I figured he was just mad about something.  He was usually a cool, jovial guy who was always humming (literally, like he couldn’t stop) along, snapping his fingers, grinning, full of piss and vinegar.  Caffeine was jealous of this guy.
I must’ve drifted off in a haze of childhood obesity.  I looked around the church room and everyone was bowed in prayer.  I thought, “Oh shit!” and bowed my head as well.  The pastor’s wife had been playing the same hymn, but now was locked into the same musical phrase over and over again while speaking in tongues.  I’d never experienced that before.  I wanted to say something like “God, check on her, she’s having a fit.”, but realized no one else was saying anything, so I went with it.  I kept my head bowed out of fear.  These were the only friends my awkward self had, and I was willing to consider them even if they seemed possessed.  After a few more exhortations to love God, the voice of the pastor was suddenly on top of me.
“Cory, do you take the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY INTO YOUR HEART?”  I thought, “Not while I’m getting screamed at.”, but nodded my head in agreement.  “YOU NEED TO COME TO MORE SERVICES AND READ ROMANS AND ACTS, THOSE BOOKS WILL SAVE YOU!” I nodded in affirmation again.  Why the hell was he singling me out?  I was perfectly happy just going along with the crowd, eating too many hot dogs and keeping my doubts to myself, and then they decided to take the purple-green bus to Weird, Indiana.
After the pastor calmed down a little we all opened our eyes and looked around. Everyone was either sweaty, red-faced, or tearful for no good reason.  We were all great people and having fun, then the next moment we were all horrible people destined for Hell.  It was exhausting.  My crush was still at the altar, crying hysterically until the pastor helped her back to her feet and tried to calm her down. Her knees had been bleeding.  The blood had soaked a little into her white hose and made things look worse than they likely were, but I’ll never forget that sight. She was crying like she was the worst person in the world without Jesus and I’d never seen this girl be so much as rude to anyone.  Why did she feel like she was such a bad person?  
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bgoodstudio · 8 years
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So this week is about creating packaging, being careful to acknowledge everything is #madewithprayer..... yesterday while I was installing the new altar scripture sign and arranging the flowers I realized I didn't have a ribbon to tie the flowers together...and not a Breath went By before God suddenly said....#letthescripturebetheribbon♡ Wow, number 1 it's such a blessing to have God's ear when I'm praying about the Altar but to hear him say something about it is overwhelming and took several minutes for me to process through. So for our packaging it became clear scripture has to be the Ribbon! Please share with us as we determine what scriptures we need to use and pray over the decisions with us! Molly has done a great Job creating hand drawn images and we can't wait to see what Brooke does with the design & screen printing. #onamission #faithful2follow #madewithprayer #simplegifts #christiancottageindustry #altarcall #girlfriendsingod #sweetforthesoul #doaheadwoman #suzieeller #prairieflowerfarm
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hecrowned-me · 7 years
They’re just going in with the oldie but goodies.. #AltarCall Y’all better know that there’s nothing you can do for God to love you any more or any less. #ComeAsYouAre, “broken” or “well put together.” He just wants YOU! SB: A whole family with 6 girls joined the church, but I had to show y’all the young man who #SERVED as a junior usher. He did that thing! 😁
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