#alter my brain chemistry as they say
influencerpippin · 1 year
kisses u on the forehead in an unmistakably samfrodo 2003 way
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ilostyou · 1 year
ALSO my youngblood vinyl is arriving earlier than expected i’m PUMPED
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spicyboelives · 4 months
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This was a request,, and it actually made me so nostalgic and with an ich to draw Norman. Honestly, I dig Dig Doc Ock but mainly his older look in Spiderman NWH.
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girlcavalcanti · 6 months
I lied. I do like sex. take your clothes off, I'm gonna explain themes & motifs of the rocky horror picture show to you
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weirdfishy · 11 months
gotta urgent need for some not-quite-yet punkflower where hobie is chillin in some rubble post-(successful) battle all knackered out n miles is visiting (idk bc he just told his parents abt spiderman n it went well so he's bursting at the seems with love at being accepted n all yea? he's gotta tell someone, and why not him? why not hobie? it's no one else but hobie he's gotta tell, if he's being honest with himself [denile is not a river in his egypt, ok pav?] so yeah, he finds himself on 138) n catches the tail end of the battle, tracks down where hobie decided to make a couch outta concrete and lands in front of him, buzzing with cheezy lovey dovey feelins of elation, top o' the fucken world, and asks on abt hobie, rambling until hobie just lifts a hand, a silent ask for help up, (always asking for connection always makin sure they're actually there) n miles, have i mentioned he's happy? he's straight up a sap, so he takes that hand.
he takes that hand gently, bending at the waist a bit, dramatically sweeping back his other arm, bowing, for hell's sake, n plants a kiss on the back of hobie's hand, nice n proper, with a cheeky wink to boot (he'd finally fixed the eye mechanisms last week, thanks to penny), before pulling up new london's own spiderman chest to chest with a bright laugh that puts a different kind of stars in hobie's eyes, half dancing half belting out a song in spanish he doesn't quite understand but knows all the words to (it's some continental dialect, nothing his mami speaks, but would filter out the headphones of that kid in his building he walked w in middle school everyday)
before the sirens start getting closer n hobie can feel the warmth of miles-- the warmth of his smile, his hair that's still sparking from transdimensional travel, his arms, chest, laughter, everything, n all at once it pulls every affectionate n pining bit of hobie to the surface, if he weren't wearing his mask his blush would be so impossibly visible it's straight mad how much hobie loves n adores miles, how much seeing miles be happy lights hobie's whole fucking world
and oh, hobie's never seen a god he didn't punch, never believed in any one he couldn't, but right now, with his fingers entwined with miles', aches leaving his bones like he's never felt his left shoulder twinge the second it drops below 21 just because miles just yelled fuck off to the approaching pigs, he could fall to his knees n swear pious fealty to milesmilesmiles.
but hobie is cool (never has a label stuck to him like the one miles has given him), and his real, livin n breathing god is starting to ramble, so hobie webs them upupup, heat along his back as god wraps arms around him, breath on his neck as home weaves tales into the leather wrapping it.
then miles hears hobie's stomach growl, so he starts pulling them away from the path of what he knows is towards hobie's flat, and towards what he swears is the only good puerto rican food in the whole of hobie's haunt, his excitement steamrolling over his usual stuttering spanish, exchanging shouts n jeers with everyone behind the counter
bc everyone knows him, like miles has lived here, earth-138, new london, his whole life, like hobie brown being dragged into the shop every other week by miles morales to get the same two plates (n an extra something for miles to gush over n hobie to taste) is how the rest of this life will go, like hobie n miles are together, in a way that the unsubtle looks the owner's kid at the register is aiming at miles' left hand are correct, but don't involve stuffy socially religious systems like marriage
but they're not, as much as hobie would love to kiss miles, gaze into his eyes for ages, hear his laughter, his off-key singing, his scritch-scritch of something on paper everyday-- bc he can't go abt this like he does everyone else, can't do it with half a foot out the door n a shrug as agreed; it's gotta be both feet on the floor, n it's gotta be for the rest of this life, so he'll take what he can get, and he'll take the distance n devotion, take the faith n the heartache. take what he can get from his god, glad to be touched by his god, glad to be loved by his god, across universes n the fall from his bed to the futon on the floor where miles decides to lay his head for choice holy nights
(hobie doesn't know miles is putting himself at the base of his god's shrine, hoping for his deity to fall into his arms, spikes n all, (ready, so ready to tear apart dimensions again for hobie, to bleed and cry n go to war for hobie) fingers splaying on the side of the mattress warmwarmwarm after hobie starts snoring, before they slip down softly, a prayer imparting from the pads, memorizing the patterns of his god's breath, the smell of the room, the borrowed shirt he wears, the sounds of a second city he calls home, thrumming full with a bass note plucked from an electric guitar, usually shaky hands sure n still picking out a different shape to hobie's eyebrow piercing, deftly screwing a star onto the bar. miles brings offerings to his god in pins n patches on clothing, stickers n torn out sketches decorating a shrine)
so they'll song n dance in new york, in new london; learning each other's cities, earths, haunts, people, arts, each other, like new scars for the collection- permanent and signs of living, odes to loving and protecting.
chest to chest, fingers entwined, warmth in the skies above cities, right on the edge of it all until they fall together, eyes wide open, gods broken down into blood and teeth and lovelovelove
not-quite-yet 2 - 3
. my ko-fi 💛
ao3 link
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kayclipse · 5 months
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sans…………..that is all
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 year
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strawmaguchi · 5 months
Is it normal to tell the girl you just met & might have a crush on that you’d side with her over your godly father??? Now with: Prt 2
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zuzu-draws · 8 months
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4-armed Sukuna Appreciation post!! These were my favourite OG Sukuna panels from the latest chapter.
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radioactive-cloud · 3 months
time isn't real because wdym the horror and the wild the album came out four years ago??
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namonaki-arts · 2 years
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Rest in Peace, Kazuki Takahashi 💔
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yanteetle · 10 months
so, I've had this au where Donnie is like this insane mad scientist obsessed with I guess, experiments and y/n?? And I saw some of your art recently and was like "Well, now ms Donnie seems kinda yandere-" so now I think he should be.
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He's goofy
may the lord save me because WHEW YOUR ART. 🙏 🙏
I have never thought I needed a feral donnie more in my entire life. AND THE FIRST IMAGE?? I'm on the floor. I immediately had to follow you on my friend's/also my main blog because it's just that delicious. I'm very unwell for your art right now, thank you and have a nice day
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vagabondangel · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Live Q&A
Interesting notes from today's Hazbin Hotel live Q&A session with Viv, Erika (Charlie's VA), and Amir (Alastor's VA):
Alastor's fatherly tendencies towards Charlie aren't genuine; Viv said Alastor feels threatened by Lucifer's power and wants to get under his skin in any way possible, and undermining Luci and Charlie's relationship is simply the easiest way to do that
So apparently, someone on twitter asked Amir how Alastor can be aroace when he has so many cute lil gay poses, and Amir's response was "you don't have to fuck to be fab", which I guess someone made into a t-shirt? Lol
(Side note: people in the chat are paying money to ask questions about romantic Alastor ships through superchats and I'm so mad grrrrr let him be canonically aroace in peace you absolute ghouls)
Amir shows off the Oh Deer mug someone made for him!
They talk a bit about the fan screening - audience members were clapping along to the "My name is Charlie" drama game scene, and people were audibly grossed out at seeing Al eating a dead deer
Charlie has a really cool outfit in the finale episode!!!
Alastor and "I'm not the stepdad, I'm the dad who stepped up" jokes, apparently Amir laughs at those kinds of shitposts and he loves the jokes and the fanart and the cosplay, so much love for the fans!
Erika and Amir love the art of their characters in their red carpet outfits
Viv says that a lot of the theories floating around about Hazbin Hotel, especially stuff regarding the finale, is super accurate, and she doesn't engage with accurate theories on social media because she doesn't wanna spoil anything
Eventually, Viv will answer the question of whether or not Al has a tail. Sadly, today is not that day.
Viv and Erika imply that Charlie's perspective on redemption and her worldview will develop and grow more complex over the course of the next few episodes.
The next few episodes will offer a peek into Al's relationship with Nifty; Viv says that Alastor is very fond of Nifty and he finds her to be fun and endearing in his own way
When asked who their favorite Vee is, Erika says Vox, Amir says "no comment" lol
Amir says "Alastor enjoys Vox the way he enjoys his area rug" THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT
Viv, on the finale: "Someone dies, but I'm not saying who" ...she implies that Angel Dust won't die in the Season 1 finale, so we can sleep easy tonight
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spineless-lobster · 7 months
the "this wretched war" line makes me sick to my stomach like genuinely ill, I'm glad you understand.
WOAUGH because like the captain clings to the war so much. He uses it as a source of pride and he can go on and on about guns and tanks, but deep down he fucking hates it. He’s a sensitive man who wants nothing more than a sense of purpose, if that comes from international conflict, so be it. The war is a double edged sword for him, it gives him stability and purpose and allows him to be respected (somewhat) by others. But on the other hand it’s war and it fucking sucks and it’s stressful and he’s pretending to be something he’s not and he wants to be home for christmas and his love is on the frontline and he’s constantly wondering whether or not he is even alive.
To me “this wretched war” is more than just ‘aww he misses havers :(’ (though of course, that is enough to make me feral) to me it’s the fact that the captain has tied his entire identity to something that he despises, (the inherent self hatred the captain has is something that can be sooo personal) but he did it anyways because it’s the only thing that brought him and havers together
I’m… I’m so sorry for this, I didn’t realize how much I felt about that line until I started typing 😭
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slavhew · 4 days
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