#alternative senior thesis project
Attitudes Towards Coyotes
Coywolves can live successfully in a variety of habitats (for related information, see my post on range/diet). The primary sources of mortality in the majority of these environments are anthropogenic (i.e., trapping, shooting, car accidents, and poisoning). Poisoning remained a widespread method of predator eradication until 1972, when its use on federal lands was banned in the United States; the use of household rodenticides is, however, still allowed.
Though a portion of the general public has become sympathetic towards these animals in recent years [1-2], deliberate killings still occur on city margins. An example of this was discovered during a 2005 study of a pack of coyotes in eastern Massachusetts [3]. Activity and movement patterns in this study were typical; the coyotes did not kill local pets or physically endanger citizens, but rather increased their nocturnal behavior to avoid people and displayed territorial behavior towards transient individuals. Even so, sightings of the individuals in this pack—Maeve, Jet, and Cour—led to some upset.
All three individuals were found dead during the study; in each case, the cause of death was ruled an anticoagulant pesticide (Brodifacoum, a second-generation poison and active ingredient in some forms of rat poison). Because all three displayed no abnormal behavior in the week leading up to their deaths and all died in less than a week, it is likely that, rather than having eaten poisoned prey, they were purposefully dosed at high concentrations.
Public support for the lethal management of carnivores has noticeably declined over time. Jackman and Way surveyed Cape Cod voters to examine “knowledge of and attitudes toward current coyote hunting policies and practices in Massachusetts” [1, p. 188]. Knowledge was largely limited, with only 40% being aware that Massachusetts has a hunting season for coyotes and 14% being aware that there are no bag limits—meaning a hunter can kill as many coyotes as they want. Responses to the survey indicated that only 23% supported the no-bag limits; the “only group to include majority support (62%)” [1, p. 190] comprised frequent hunters, who represented only a small percentage of the sampled public.
Anyone wishing to determine shifts in attitude towards and/or awareness of coywolves should consider the use of surveys à la Jackman and Way [1]. I wanted to incorporate a survey to determine whether residents of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania (where I am currently based) had noticeably different stances, but I did not give myself enough time to get IRB approval and properly analyze data. I would also recommend a potential partnership with an ecologist and/or biologist. Because I am an anthropologist and have little background in those fields, I was therefore somewhat limited in my view/understanding.
[1] Jackman, J.L. & Way, J.G. (2017). Once I found out: Awareness of and attitudes toward coyote hunting policies in Massachusetts. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 23(2), 187-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/10871209.2017.1397824
[2] Way, J.G. (2021). Coywolf: Eastern coyote genetics, ecology, management, and politics. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/Coywolf/
[3] Way, J.G., Cifuni, S.M., Eatough, D.L., & Strauss, E.G. (2006). Rat poison kills a pack of eastern coyotes, Canis latrans, in an urban area. Canadian Field Naturalist, 120(4), 478-480.
Coywolf mortality is largely anthropogenic
Attitudes towards coywolves have improved over time
Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have no bag limits on coyotes; Pennsylvania has no set hunting season
Hybridization | DNA Analyses | Range & Diet | Behavior & Ecology | Conservation | The Anthropocene
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prinnamon · 10 months
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reposting my fanart of my good friend Stephanie's character Chelsey from their project Deadtoon because YOU CAN FINALLY SEE THE THING CHELSEY'S FROM! go check out deadtoon on steph's website right now! she's been working super hard for months and months to put together an amazing pitch bible for her senior thesis!
image description in alt text :]
alternate palette under the cut, but eyestrain warning for bright clashing colors and low contrast!
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theogonies · 2 years
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
yeah i'm pretty open about it lol. i don't really share details but at least one of my irl friends follows me here and my roommate beta reads for me sometimes so it's not like it's a secret ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🫘 Spill the beans. What's a new project you're doing this year?
hmmm I think I spilled most of my beans on the last ask, lol. ig my biggest project this year is finishing my senior thesis--I'm writing on climate change media and alternatives to hero's journey-style narratives using a couple of iyashikei animanga like Mushishi, Yokohama Shopping Log, and Girls' Last Tour :)
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?
I wanna write more second person/YN fics lol. they're fun and feel more low-pressure than my longer works, and it's a fun exercise to branch out from my usual third person.
new year's writer goal ask game!
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silverysongs · 2 years
... I would very much like to hear your Hector/Andromache thesis rant
(This is partly a response to this post by @laurelindorenan and partly something I've had thoughts about for the past year-ish.)
Anyway. So. I first read the Iliad in a college English class, and I was excited to read it because it was one of those things that I heard about but hadn't read and I love old literature and was a Percy Jackson kid, etc. etc. But I didn't like it that much at first. For those of you who haven't read it, the Iliad is literally about a war, and so you experience hundreds of lines about all the unique and gory ways in which men can fight and kill and die.
And then we got to Book 6. In Book 6, the commander of the Trojans, Hector, goes back inside the city to talk to some people but at the end, he goes to find his wife, Andromache. And Andromache narrates what has happened to her during the course of the war: her father and her seven brothers have been slain by Achilles; her mother was taken as a captive, then ransomed back, but she died soon after, presumably from illness or grief. So Andromache has literally no family left except her husband.
She begs him to stay in the city, or at least to stay within the line of fighting instead of forging ahead to the front, but he tells her he can't do that because he's the leader and it would be shameful not to. But he's not just being callous; it's obvious that he cares for his wife so deeply. His worst fear, he tells her, is not for his aging parents or his brothers or even the whole of Troy, but for her, his wife, and what will happen to her should Troy fall - that another man will make her a slave and she will mourn Hector (and he doesn't even mention that she will face sexual slavery too, almost as though he can't bear to imagine that).
So we have this really touching moment between husband and wife, who clearly care about each other - not to mention that this is the first time we've seen a character's domestic life, and Homer chooses to put the spotlight on Hector and Andromache, as though he means to make them the prime example. Their relationship in Book 6 and beyond is actually what I chose to write about for my senior honors project/thesis, where I wrote part of an Iliad adaptation from Andromache's perspective (you can read a scene from it here). And while I was writing, I realized: Really, this (my story) is not a story about war. This is a story about a marriage.
A few months before I started really writing my project, I stumbled across Pat Barker's The Women of Troy. Some friends knew about my love for the Iliad, and had pointed it out in a bookshop. So I was flipping through it and I found a scene where two women are talking about Andromache. And they're talking about how it was kind of this open secret that Hector wasn't really in love with Andromache, he fell in love with Helen like every other man in Troy, and although he was the perfect husband on paper, and respected her in front of people, he sort of viewed her as this lesser woman compared to Helen.
I shut the book, stunned. And then I was angry, because this wasn't the Hector I knew from Homer. This wasn't the Hector I was writing.
And I understand why Pat Barker did that. It makes sense why she would choose to problematize Hector's character in this way. It's an interesting choice, to push back against Homer and offer an alternate perspective. Some might argue that's why we have so many adaptations of the Iliad.
But it's also an easy choice. It's easy to choose the drama of infidelity. It's been done before. Over and over and over again. If you watch practically any drama show, you'll see it - a relationship might be the main focus, but the conflicts are always about one partner cheating on another, or being tempted, or working through those kinds of issues. I think those kinds of plots assume that a committed and healthy relationship is boring, or that there can’t be any conflict except interpersonal conflict. That’s not to say that there is no place for interpersonal conflict when you’re writing a relationship. And besides, infidelity is a huge part of the Iliad’s premise. But the fact that there are very few alternatives in media is really frustrating to me.
In fact, I think the lack of healthy, committed relationships in media automatically makes them more interesting. I am excited when I see married couples in fiction, because we don't see them often.
The bottom line is this: I think that stories can have good relationships and still have meaningful, complicated conflict. Especially conflict where the two members in a relationship or in a marriage can work together and support each other. And that's what I've tried to do - and that's what I think Homer does - with Hector and Andromache.
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likeastarstar · 3 years
Bright Things- Hoseok
(A/N: A little bit of a longer form of content with my one true love Hoseok to switch things up. Listen to Whisper by Park Ji-Woo while you read for the full effect. Feedback is appreciated.)
It was a big night for you.
Your final thesis project, the collection of art you had been working on the entirety of your senior year in grad school was finally out there for people to see. Hung up in a well lit art studio surrounded by your peers' art felt right- like a shiny red bow on the end of your schooling.
You had no idea what came next, there were a couple options on the table as far as a job went, but you were determined to soak in this moment. Your parents had already visited and gone home for the night, your professors had given their feedback and made their rounds around the exhibition- now all that was left was for you to do the same.
By the time you were back to yours, there was a good number of people admiring your art. One person in particular seemed stuck on what you'd say was your very favorite piece.
Bright, colorful, and loud- the piece had given you the most grief out of all of them. It had a deep meaning, not one you cared to share with others. You were a little notorious for having deceptively psychedelic art. While it seemed bright and sunny to others, the ultimate message was about being lonely.
Which you were; Lonely.
You stood by the man tilting his head to one side, dressed in all black with a long coat thrown over his shoulders. He was pretty incognito, a hat pulled low on his head. He shifted his gaze towards you briefly, turning back towards the large painting, "It's so sad."
"What? The painting?" You laughed, "How? It's as if a rainbow threw up on it."
He hummed, shrugging slightly, "Bright things can be sad, too."
You looked at him closer, admiring the straight bridge of his nose and his slightly wide set eyes. He was handsome, his lips were almost heart shaped as he sent a small smile your way.
"Sorry, I guess that's wrong, huh? I'm not an artist, clearly. I'm a dance major but I have a friend in the sculpture program." He laughed, "I seem to have lost him, though."
That's when it dawned on you that you did indeed know this man- Jung Hoseok. He was a bit notorious around your school for a couple different reasons. You should've known it was him instantly, all anyone ever talked about was how perfect he looked.
"That's okay. I'll keep you company," You said quietly, sending him a small smile, "I've always been curious about you anyway."
"Me? You know me?" He said, caught off guard.
You smirked and shrugged, feeling particularly bold, "I know of you. About the way you dance...among other things. I think there was a story about a very expensive art piece and a pool involved?
It was his turn to smirk, melting slightly where he stood. Talking to him was like dancing in itself, a balancing act with the power between the two of you shifting constantly, "That just happens to be the worst rumor about me out there, great. So if you've heard everything about me, why bother humoring me now? What's there left to be curious about?"
You sighed, looking around the room vaguely, "You looked at a rainbow and called it sad. Call it boredom, maybe I just want to see if the rumors are true, or it might be genuine intrigue. Wanna stick around to find out?"
He looked slightly surprised but nodded eagerly, letting you lead him around your other pieces.
"What do you think about this one?" You asked simply, neglecting to mention that you were the creator.
So the two of you went on that way, exchanging thoughts and comments on art around you. At some point you flittered closer to him and he responded by offering an arm, letting you slip yours through his comfortably. You didn't even tell him your name, nervous that whatever spell you two were under would break.
"Okay, this one is my favorite," He decided, staring at what could only be described as your most erotic piece. You made it after you dumped your ex-boyfriend, using it as an alternative to texting him to hook up one night. The image wasn't really about him, no, it was about you. About your tendency to mistake physical chemistry for intellectual. You had printed your body on a giant canvas, super layering strokes of paint and textured medium to cover the most important parts that would clue anyone into the fact that it's your literal naked form.
"Whoever that is, she's hot." he mumbled, making you stifle a smile.
"Oh, hey! Hoseok, I've been looking for you!"
You raised your eyebrows as the boy who's arm you were borrowing, watching him light up in recognition.
"This is the friend I mentioned, Taehyung this is..." Hoseok smiled, gesturing between you and his friend, "I've just realized I haven't even asked for your name."
You smile and told him, watching his eyes widen dramatically and whirl towards the art piece in front of him, zeroing in on the small plaque next to it with your name printed on it. You laughed, admiring the way all of his thoughts could be read so clearly on his face.
"Wow, you make amazing art," His friend, Taehyung, commented, reaching out a hand for you to shake. You slid yours out from where it was wrapped Hoseok's arm and took it, bowing slightly in thanks. "Unfortunately, we have to get going pretty soon if we're going to meet up with the others, Hoseok."
He looked stuck between you, still reeling from realizing who he had been talking to all night. You felt a little bad, in all honesty. Maybe you should've clued him in sooner.
"Oh, that's alright. Thanks for keeping me company, I'm glad you two enjoyed the art." You said quietly, ready to walk away from the two of them.
You didn't get far, Hoseok catching you by the elbow and standing in front of you with a wide look in his eye, "Wait, what you said earlier, about being curious. I know you probably already have an opinion about me but, I-I'd like to see you again. Can I see you again?"
You smiled easily, wanting to say yes really badly. But you knew him, he didn't date. If he wanted to see you again, he'd have to prove it.
"Ask me out when you know my worst rumor too," You said quickly, taking a couple steps backwards, "You're right by the way- about bright things."
You walked away hoping you hadn't just made a huge mistake, also that he realized that your phone number was on the business cards you had left at the front of the exhibit.
Thankfully, he didn't make you wait too long and called two days later with the first of a long list of potential rumors he'd work his way through to date you.
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Stay with Me | BNHA
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request:  Hi! Can I request a scenario where Bakugou thought that reader was starting to lose interest, but in reality reader is just really busy and doesn’t realize she’s treating baku differently and Bakugou confronting her about it then it ends with some fluff fluff. 💖 p.s luv ur work
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anime | character:  bnha | bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 1949
themes/warnings: soft!bakugou, insecure bakugou,  college AU
a/n: sorry for not posting a fic in such a long time, I’ve been SO busy. so anyway, okay I kinda went little off-track and ended up writing the way it is shown below but i hope you’ll still enjoy reading this, though i have to say I’m not really fond of how it turned out. this fic has not been beta-ed so pardon me if you find any cringey error.
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The city of Musutafu moved as sluggishly as possible for a city of its size and caliber. It was one of those days when the moon was mostly hidden behind the clouds.
Kirishima let his eyes roam the street outside. The inhabitants of the boulevard were constantly on the move despite being a Saturday; it was a startling contrast to the cafe they sat in where a comfortable nonchalance clung to every aspect of the little business.
The slow, sleepy music playing from the speakers.
The casual yet practiced movements of the baristas as they prepared the orders. 
The lazy, idling manners in the way the customers brought their cups to their lips. Carrying every bit of thoughtlessness and indifference in their actions.
Well, almost everyone but them.
A perplexed frown pinched between Kirishima’s brows as he turned his gaze away from the window beside them.
Bakugou Katsuki had been sulking at the window ever since he plopped into the seat across him. 
He had been sitting in brooding silence for what felt like fifteen minutes and the expression on his face hadn’t changed. If there were any at all, it was only that his scowl grew bigger.
“As much as I like hanging out with you, I have to say this is getting a little…weird.” 
Kirishima briefly flitted to the counter to see curious eyes on them, “My colleagues are starting to think we’re dating.”
Tonight was the fourth time Bakugou had come to find him right as he was knocking off from his part-time job this week. 
“Who gives a fuck about what they think?” Bakugou muttered gruffly,  finally looking away from the outside.  
Kirishima had known him ever since they met in middle school to know the scowl on Bakugou’s face was…well, his default expression. 
Long enough for him to tell at one glance that the scowl he’d been seeing on Bakugou’s face was different. This one seemed to come right out from the depth of his fierce vermilion eyes — Bakugou was upset.
And it was about you.
No matter how hard Bakugou tried to hide how much he was a sucker for you, Kirishima could always tell. 
Even though they had matured into college students, Bakugou was still the same stubborn guy who wasn’t the most comfortable displaying his affections openly.
Mere mentions of you would soften the scowl on his face, and the rough edge in his voice. It was easy for anyone else to miss the difference but it was obvious to Kirishima. 
His grumpy complaints about how clingy and touchy you are were one of their common topics in their conversations. The annoyance scowling in his eyes when he did was always subtly soft and warm. 
But something changed, as Bakugou had mentioned, in the recent two weeks.
Nights in his dormitory room were spent alone. He was so used to falling asleep and waking up, to the sight of you curling up right next to him.
The last time he saw you were from afar, watching you rushing off to somewhere. 
Dates with you, even as simple as a meal in the cafeteria was scarce. 
Your replies to his texts were late and sometimes curt. The usual ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ from you, if you didn’t spend the night with him, were no longer…usual. 
Sometimes his messages to you would be left hanging for days before you replied.
The tone when Bakugou was telling him about all these strange distances between them was nonchalant, but the scowl on his face told Kirishima a different story.
Kirishima tried to think of something to say, but all he could think of in the end was the same thing he’d been saying ever since Bakugou shared this with him.
“Stop worrying man, she’s probably just busy?”
Bakugou’s face carried a carefully blanked expression as he raised his eyes to meet Kirishima’s.
“…Or maybe she’s losing interest in me.” 
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His arm was tucked between his pillow and his head as his other held his phone to his face. Vermilion eyes stared blankly at the quiet chatroom he shared with you, particularly fixated on your last reply to him.
Two days ago.
The gloom hung over his gaze these days were like the dreary seasons of dull, gray monsoons. 
The hopeful morning sun filtering into his room through the wooden window blinds above him was a startling contrast, and so was the lively laughter ringing out from the basketball court somewhere near the dormitory blocks. 
Probably some idiots shoving snow at each others’ faces, Bakugou thought seethingly as he clicked his tongue in annoyance at a particular spike of volume in the ruckus downstairs. 
It was Saturday and the morning was already—
His eyes flitted to the time written in the corner of his screen.
— halfway to noon.
A quiet sigh left him.
Like on Saturdays, he should be on the way to meet you for your usual brunch. Except things weren’t quite ‘usual’ anymore.
Bakugou released another sigh as he let his phone fall away from his face along with his raised arm, landing on the bed under him with a muffled ‘plop’.
His forehead ridged with a scowl. Just how did he fuck things up?
His memories sifted through the times he called you names and how you would still smile back at him like he was your whole world as if he didn’t just call you an idiot, a nerd, or a moron. 
A bitter taste of guilt entered his mouth.
Maybe he shouldn’t have assumed that you knew he was feeling affectionate when he did?
Perhaps you’ve grown sick of him? And realized that you didn’t need a shitty boyfriend who called you insulting names or would shrug off your affections as if they were annoyances.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth as a frustrated hiss slipped from him.
Shit, maybe he did fuck up afterall. Fucked up big time.
And he was probably going to lose you. Everything that made you…you.
The way you smiled at him with a loving, bright glint in your eyes as if he was the one who put the stars in the sky.
The sweet kisses you love to plant on his lips and forehead.
How your hand would hold onto his — small but warm with your love.
Bakugou felt his throat swell with the presence of forming tears as his heart twinged in his chest.
The idea of losing all that spurred a rush of panic in him.
Bakugou shot off his bed, put on the nearest shirt and jeans he could grab, and hurried out of his room.
The first place Bakugou thought to look for you was your dormitory but his worst fear made him hesitate at your door, with a hand hovering over its handle. 
In fact, he’d thought about doing this for the past two weeks but the wisps of doubts whispering nasty things wouldn’t let him.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth.
What if there was someone else— 
Bakugou shoved the unfinished thought aside; it was unbearable to even think about that possibility. 
His scowling gaze snapped to his hesitating hand and his lips instantly curled into a sneer to a spark of irritation within.
What was with him? He was starting to remind himself of Deku, hesitating outside doors with twiddling thumbs like a wimp.
He was Bakugou Katsuki and he should be announcing his arrival by bursting through one.
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Man, you thought you could finally enjoy a good night’s sleep after countless of sleepless nights.
But no…nope. 
The heater just had to break down at an ungodly hour when you were still trudging through the last thesis for your project and you could find no other alternative places to work on them. 
Bakugou came across your mind but again, it was crazy late or more accurately, early to budge into your boyfriend’s room.
Like every other night, you’d been tirelessly working on it so you could finally submit the project you’d been assigned since two weeks ago.
It was the infamous final year project you’ve dreaded ever since you heard about it from your senior — dubbed as ‘the project from hell’.
And indeed, it was a project from hell. It seemed to suck out your very soul. The exhaustion weighing you down like lead ran bone deep, that even lifting your head off your pillow was such a struggle.
With a broken heater sitting uselessly in your room, you’d spent the whole night wrapped in your blanket, with the lingering winter chill prickling at your skin. 
So you couldn’t help sighing at the sudden warmth enveloping your body after spending the night shivering away under your blanket at the mercy of the dropping temperature.
Your arms found their way around the heat source.
You didn’t see the tender curl of his lips when you sighed blissfully and nuzzled into his chest or the softening glint in the usual fierce edge held in his vermilion eyes.
It was like nestling inside a warm cocoon that…
— awareness seeping into your groggy senses pried your eyes open.  
What or rather who greeted you lifted you right out of your morning grogginess and struck you with an overwhelming barrage of emotions.
“…Ka-Katsuki!” You missed him so much.
Along with how the shadows and sunlight filtering in from behind you fell across and highlighted his chiseled profile, there was something about the way his intense eyes looked down at you with his head leaning against an arm. 
This sight gave your heart a fluttery squeeze.
You weren’t sure why Bakugou looked so strikingly handsome like this — maybe it was because you haven’t seen him for awhile?
“When did you come in here?” Words started pouring out of your mouth. 
You’ve always wanted to vent and rant about the dumb project to Bakugou so there was too much you wanted to say, 
“Oh my god, you’ve no idea how much busy I was these few weeks-” but the brooding look that hadn’t left Bakugou stopped you.”…Katsuki?”
You’d never seen Bakugou look this down before, and it didn’t sit right with you.
You hesitated but asked anyway.“…What’s wrong?” 
The cloud that fell over his eyes told you that something was definitely wrong.
“…I’m sorry, (Name).”
You grew concerned as you tried to understand his unreadable demeanor. “What’s this about— ”
“Are you losing interest in me?”
Your next breath was caught in your throat at his strange question and the only thing you could do was blurt out a —“What?”
You watch him exhale carefully with a bewildered look. 
Bakugou didn’t even care how he looked to you now.
“Look, I know I’m a huge fuck-up as a boyfriend and you probably think I don’t care about our relationship cause I act like I don’t.”
There was so much to say, so much guilt brimming inside him. 
“But shit, I do care.”
He was desperate. 
He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t. He loved you but he was an idiot for not showing that to you. 
So he needed to let you know now.
His hand on your waist pulled you up to him and his eyes were pinned on yours.
Your mouth opened, then snapped close at the silent, blazing gleam in his gaze.
Your voice had fled at the way he stared at you. 
Longing and heavy with remorse.
“Stay with me,” His lips brushed lightly across yours as his voice cracked with an aching need.” …please.”
He kissed you and the world fell away.
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peaches-writes · 4 years
before one a.m.
description: bang chan, college of music, friend of a friend who surprisingly offers to share a workplace in a cafe on this busy friday night member: chan genre: fluff, college au, strangers to friends au, reader is a fine arts student word count: 7.4k warning: explicit language note: inspired by the before trilogy but it kinda feels like i didn’t do it justice i rlly cant do strangers to anything lmao im a clown + this took rlly long but it’s not that good sldkfjkdsl :( 
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6:30 PM
You hurriedly skip up the steps of the campus library’s entrance staircase, backpack slung over one shoulder and your laptop, tucked in its own bag, and a sketchbook pressed to your chest. Entering through the double doors, you breathlessly sigh in disappointment at seeing most of the working tables full. I run from Fine Arts across the oval to a full library, you huff at scanning the floor from the entrance one last time before proceeding to run up the staircase by the reception desk, skipping the steps again in an attempt to cross the distance faster. 
On the second to the last step, as you focus on not missing the steps you hop onto, your shoulders accidentally bump into someone rushing down from the opposite side, almost making you slip if not for the stranger who quickly steadies you by your upper arm in time. “Woah there.” A familiar voice mutters under his breath as you regain composure. “I’m so sorry, I’m sorry!”
You look up from almost dropping your laptop and sketchbook on the staircase, meeting eyes with an apologetic Bang Chan who has moved a step above you with a messenger bag and his infamous laptop. 
“Are you okay?” He prods on, going down one step again so you’re on the same level now.
Though he’s in a different college, you know him by name and face from similar social circles, hence the slight embarrassment you felt at recognizing him after almost slipping right in front of him. “I’m okay.” You muse, eyes then flitting over to the second floor entrance. “Is it full too?” 
Chan nods once, fixing his messenger bag with one hand as it starts to feel heavy. “Y-yeah, it’s finals week in the College of Sciences, I think.” 
“Oh.” You frown. “Well, that’s too bad.”
The two of you stand in silence for a moment, you slowly alternating your gaze between the second floor and the staircase leading back to the first, contemplating on what to do now, while Chan strangely waits for you to say something again. 
When you don’t speak, he speaks up again, “Do you want to...” He trails off until you avert your gaze back to him. “I’m going to Block 325 to work. Do you want to come and share a table with me?” 
Your eyes widen, surprised at a fellow college student being generous enough to share a study spot with you, but Chan misinterprets, thinking you don’t remember him from when you were introduced in Seungmin’s birthday party. “I’m sorry.” He quickly apologizes again, scratching the nape of his neck sheepishly. “It’s just that I thought you’d—now I sound like a creep. I’m so sorry, that’s not my intention at all.”
Simultaneously, you respond, “O-Oh, I was just surprised. College students aren’t really that generous with work areas—what?” 
Chan takes a step backward, leaning close to the railings. “W-What?” 
You chuckle, amused by the small miscommunication that suddenly made the atmosphere lighter. “Why did you think you sounded like a creep? I just said it’s a nice offer, not everyone here offers to share work spaces.” 
“Well, I thought you didn’t recognize me,” He answers honestly. “we were introduced at Seungmin’s party?”
You shake your head, your smile growing at how cute he looks when he’s flustered. “Bang Chan, right? College of Music.” You smile when he nods innocently. “See? I’m more worried you didn’t recognize me, CB97.” 
Chan blushes in embarrassment, but even more in the way his Soundcloud rapper name rolls off your lips almost teasingly. “So...” He changes the topic immediately. “Do you want to go with me, Y/N?” 
You nod, noting the way he mimicked the tone you used in referring to him by his stage name. “Of course, thank you for offering to share a workspace.”
“No problem, any friend of Seungmin’s my friend too.” He waves his free hand dismissively before leading you down the staircase. “Come on, let’s go.” 
You leave the library together, the feeling of the building’s cold air conditioning leaving escaping your skin making you sweat slightly. You don’t skip down the stairs this time since Chan doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to get to Block 325 cafe, North of the campus oval. 
“Look.” Chan points up as the two of you reach the sidewalk. You follow his gaze as you continue walking, seeing the sunset’s sky move with the crown shyness of trees forming a canopy over the road. “Careful when you’re walking.”
You deliberately ignore his last comment, musing, “Wow, it’s so beautiful.” Your mouth falls agape and your eyes widen. “The canopy shape makes it look so magical, don’t you think?”
“You don’t stay late out here much?” Chan asks when you turn your eyes back to the sidewalk ahead. 
You return his gaze with a shrug, “Only on hell weeks like this...but even then, I usually stay in our department building so I don’t get out much at this hour.” 
“So why aren’t you working in your building tonight?” 
“The floor where I usually work overnight is under renovation. I can’t work at my dorm too since we don’t really have that much space for studying,” Your eyes move down to his laptop bag, noticing how it’s bulkier than yours. “What about you? Don’t they have studios in the College of Music?” 
“They’re full tonight since a lot of seniors are starting their thesis proposals.” He points out. “I’m actually not out making a school project, this one’s for a gig.”
“And in your dorms?” 
“It’s movie night so everyone’s going to be really noisy.”
“Oh, then lucky you didn’t get a table in the library,” You point out with a giggle. “the entire College of Sciences would’ve been pissed at you.” 
Chan scoffs lightheartedly, “And you? If you got a table, the entire library would’ve gotten annoyed by you making a mess.” 
“I’m organized when I work outside the studio, thank you very much.” You roll your eyes, chuckling towards the end. “But yeah, I guess it’s better that we’re going to a cafe since I’m working with watercolor.” 
At this, you arrive in front of Block 325 cafe, Chan courteously opening the door for you.  
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7:30 PM
You settle in a booth by the window, illuminated by a white paper lantern and one of the cafe’s neon signs that reads, “COFFEE,” in a metallic color. Chan sits across from you and takes the half of the table near the window, his laptop blocking his face and his headphones covering his ears, while you sit near the aisle, occasionally mistaking your open cup of latte for the small bowls you brought with you containing tap water as you work on your plate due on Monday.
Chan glances over to your work space whenever he reviews his work every 15 minutes, propping an elbow on the table and resting his cheek on his palm, and you take rests from your own work by trying to catch him in the act, giggling when you do and shaking your head when you don’t. 
As an hour passes by, you put your brush down to let your plate dry and look up at Chan as he tests out melodies on his synthesizer, taking a long sip of your latte before asking, “How’s your song?” 
Chan’s eyes widen at the faint hint of your voice, hands traveling up to his headphones and taking them off. “Hm?” 
“I asked how’s it going.” You repeat patiently over your latte. The sweet taste of the coffee brew reminds you of Chan’s coffee order, finding the cappuccino only half-empty in the hour you’ve been in the cafe. 
“Oh, it’s going well.” He answers proudly, eyes alternating between your expectant eyes and his laptop’s screen. “I’m just fixing some mixing issues.”
You nod, looking around the surprisingly organized table. Before Chan could wear his headphones again, you gesture to the counter, “I’m ordering. Do you want anything?” 
He shakes his head in response, wearing his headphones again. “No, thank you, I’ll order later.” 
You purse your lips, standing up from your seat and briefly stretching your arms upwards. “Okay.” You then adjust your denim jacket as it loosely falls on your right shoulder before walking over to the counter. 
“Hello, is there anything you need?” The barista on duty politely asks from brewing an Americano behind the counter. Though the cafe is full today, like you and Chan, most of the customers are only here for the wifi and the work space. 
You skim through the menu once before leaning over the counter and responding, “I’ll have two slices of strawberry shortcake, a banana bread, and the chocolate glazed doughnut, please.” The barista immediately acknowledges it, moving over to the cashier to input your order. “Thank you!” 
You then pay when the she tells you the price, moving over to the display case of desserts and pastries where she then carefully takes your orders. 
You survey the other desserts, pastries, and bottled drinks before your eyes return to Chan across the cafe, catching him leaning over the table and trying to take a peek at your work from his angle, making you giggle once again. 
And as if he heard you, he turns to you, eyes widening briefly at getting caught before awkwardly waving at you. You decide on waving back until the barista presents your order next to the counter, neatly organized on a tray. 
“Thank you again!” You say politely before taking the tray and going back to your table, Chan eyeing all the delicacies the entire time. 
“Stressed much?” He asks, pointing at the two slices of strawberry shortcake. When you look down, only then do you realize that the two slices were placed in one plate with a pair of forks and napkins. “Not that it’s bad to eat a lot, it’s just...a lot of sweets.”
“The other one’s supposed to be for you but I guess the barista thought we’re sharing a plate.” You hand him the chocolate glazed doughnut, thrusting it into his hands when he initially refuses. “You need to eat on time even when it’s just a small amount.” 
“I’ll pay you later,” Chan says after thanking you for the doughnut, reluctantly unwrapping the plastic cover and taking a big bite. “And you can have the cake, it’s fine.” 
“I can’t finish the cake on my own.” You sit down now, taking a bite of the banana bread with one hand while pushing the cake at the center of the table with the other. Chan then politely helps you by placing the tray on the empty space of his share of the table. “Just take the other slice, you don’t have to pay me” 
“It’s for offering me a table tonight.” You immediately interject reassuringly. “Please, have the other slice of cake.”
Chan ends up smiling appreciatively at you, picking up one of the forks and cutting a forkful. “...Thank you.” 
You nod, moving your banana bread to your non-dominant hand to pick up your brush and go back to work. “No problem.” You muse, smiling unconsciously at watching Chan stop working altogether to eat. “Like you said, ‘any friend of Seungmin’s a friend of mine too.’”
As you turn back to painting, returning to your unfinished Winter wonderland, you look at Chan again, asking, “Anyway, what do you think?” 
He looks up immediately, his slice of cake almost gone. You quickly clarify, “My plate, I mean.” 
“Oh,” His eyes flicker down to your work again once. “It’s really beautiful. Akita, right?” You nod at his question, letting him continue. “I love the details and the colors—they seem so whimsical and nostalgic, like a childhood memory.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks by the genuine tone of his voice, “Thank you. I hope the professor feels the same way when he sees it.”
“Why Akita?"
“We’re supposed to make a study on nature but I didn’t want to just make something that’s so common around here so I chose this, from a winter trip I won in an art competition last year.” You look down on your work, a flood of memories making your smile wider. “It was the first time I went on a trip alone and it’s abroad so it was a little scary at first but I had a lot of fun.” 
“Really? That sounds cool.” He comments enthusiastically. “It must be fun to travel on your own. I mean, I do too but, sort of; only until I arrive in Australia when I visit my family.” 
Simultaneously, you nod, “It is fun, like it’s one of the things you have to do at one point in your life.” 
“Right, right!” He replies with a chuckle, nodding along still. “I don’t know a lot of people who think the same way so I’m weirdly glad.”  
You spare a glance at Chan, your gaze softening at his genuine expression. When he gives you a questioning look, you answer, “I’m surprised, too; you just seem more like the crowd-type of person.” 
He shrugs. “It’s always fun to be with friends but I think you can enjoy the company of others the best when you’re already comfortable with being on your own.” 
“And are you?” You prod, reaching over for the unused fork and and taking a small piece of your strawberry cake. “Already comfortable with being on your own?” 
He nods with a confident grin. “Yeah, I invited you over, didn’t I?” 
You smile back. “I guess so.” 
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8:30 PM
An hour later, you catch Chan stretching his arms upward, leaning back on the seat cushions. You momentarily stop touching up your work, looking up at him with a raised brow, “Break?” 
He nods, stifling a yawn as he brings his hand back down to close his laptop. “Just for 10 minutes.” He gestures over to your work, leaning close to the table. “You should, too, you’ve been working for an hour straight.” 
You glance down at your work, contemplating for a moment before carefully placing your brush to the side and leaning back to your seat as well. “Okay, but just for 10 minutes.” 
You then finish what remains of your latte while Chan organizes the table by gathering all the empty wrappers and your shared plate and cutlery to the tray you used a while back. In response, you take his empty glass. 
“I can take that.” He gestures over to the glasses in your hand with your empty plate while scooting over to the aisle. “Just sit down.” 
You shake your head but place the glass on the tray, standing up almost simultaneously as he does. You then pick up your bowls of paint waiter, holding them up to him. “I’m going to go and change my water.” 
“Oh...okay, then.” The two of you then proceed to the counter where the barista happily takes the tray from Chan’s hands while you dump your dirty paint water in their service sink and replace it with cleaner tap water. 
“Thank you for letting me use your water, again.” You told the barista after Chan offered to carry one of your bowls. 
“It’s no problem!” The barista replies with a dismissive wave and a smile. 
You and Chan then carefully return to your table, placing your bowls on your half of the table. 
Chan checks the time on his phone as he sits down, 8:34 PM. “We still have six minutes, what do you want to talk about?” 
“You’re really keeping check?” You ask in disbelief to Chan who nods with his lips in pursed and his arms folded to his chest as he slides down his seat. “So responsible.” 
“I just thought you might be wary of the time,” He shrugs nonchalantly. “so you can go home early and all, it’s Friday anyway.”
You shake your head, scrunching up your nose, “I don’t have to be somewhere this weekend. All my friends are all busy studying and catching deadlines and Seungmin’s tutoring someone for the entire weekend.”
You decide on busying yourself by scrolling through your Instagram on your phone, glancing over at Chan occasionally as he contemplates on what else to say while opening his laptop again. 
“How do you know Seungmin by the way? If I may ask...?” He settles for such a question when his eyes trail over the customized keychain on your backpack, a photo of you, Seungmin, and your other best friend, Sooyoung, in a Mickey Mouse-shaped frame. “I mean, he talks about you a lot when we hang out but didn’t introduce us until recently so I thought you were dating but he said you aren’t so I’m just...curious.”
When you look up at him, you follow his gaze to your keychain, an amused smile taking over your features. “We’re not dating, just childhood friends but not really close to the point that we know all of the other’s friends.” Unconsciously, your hand finds their way to the keychain, fiddling with them lightly before turning to Chan. “Anyway, even if we just met recently, I’m really happy it’s you and the others he specifically befriended.”
Chan nods with a hum. When he doesn’t speak, you ask him back his question, “How about you? I’m guessing you met through Felix and Jeongin?” 
“Yeah,” He agrees with another nod. “I toured them around campus last year during their orientation.” 
“Aw, you’re in the Orientation Committee?” You coo. Even though it suits his personality, hearing him say it out loud made it somehow more adorable. “That’s so cute! That’s probably why I always hear the Freshmen gossip about you in our studios.” 
His eyes widen at this, pink dusting his cheeks. “W-what?” He stammers, making you laugh. 
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know.” You shake your head in feign disapproval, crossing your arms for emphasis. “You’re very popular on campus: music major, radio DJ, performs in a rap trio, and I just find out that you’re in the Orientation Committee touring Freshman on the first week? If I was any batch lower, I would’ve swooned over you in my first months here too. Oh? You’re blushing!” 
Chan scoffs, rolling his eyes in an attempt to hide the now prominent blush on his cheeks. “I’m not, I’m not!” He waves his hand dismissively to distract you from the clearly seeing his face. 
“You definitely are!” You point out in between chuckles, sitting up properly when you unconsciously slide down the booth. “Are you not used to getting compliments? Seriously, this is why I didn’t think you’d remember me from earlier: you’re too charming and popular with other students.” 
Internally, he briefly wonders if you’d still swoon over him even when you’re in the same batch but quickly pushes the thought away. “I really don’t think I’m that popular. I’m pretty sure people like Jisung and Changbin more.” He shrugs. “And popular or not, I can remember you anywhere.”
The last sentence immediately makes you stop laughing, your heart skipping a beat at what you think is just a casual statement from him, You come up with a retort, only to be interrupted by a sound alert from Chan’s phone, reminding the two of you that it’s already 8:40 PM. 
“Okay, break’s done!” He exclaims happily, relieved that he can finally get out of this embarrassing conversation. 
You tsk playfully, picking up your brush while Chan opens his laptop again. “I still think you’re very charming and popular, CB97.” You comment before he can tune you out with his music again. “In fact, if someone asked, I’ll have to say that you’re my favorite 3racha member.” 
Chan pretends to increase the volume on his laptop in his flustered state. You catch this, an amused smile forming on your lips. You conclude to yourself that you feel more casual and comfortable around him now that you made him flustered. 
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9:30 PM
You’ve been done for quite a while now, having busied yourself in the past 5 minutes in disposing the paint water, cleaning your brushes, and packing your things while your work completely dries. Chan looks up at you from his own work when you return with clean bowls and brushes, his headphones falling down his shoulders. Hesitantly, he asks, “Are you leaving?” 
You sit down first, contemplating on the question as you carefully place your bowls and brushes inside your bag, before opting for a shrug and answering, “I’m too lazy to leave yet.” You then briefly break eye contact to check your phone for the time. “Besides, it’s too early. I can stick around, right?” 
He nods once, lifting his headphones up to his ears again. “Yeah, it’s okay.” 
You give him an appreciative smile, leaning back in your seat and opening your phone to Instagram. Blindly, you reach your backpack pockets for your earphones as well, managing to find them after a while. 
Simultaneously, Chan lifts another glance over to you just as you’re connecting your earphones to your phone. A thought then passes over him, “Do you want to...” He trails off again, just until you return his gaze with a raised eyebrow. “Do you want to listen with me?” 
“Wouldn’t we bother everyone else studying?” You ask back in response, your forehead crinkling in confusion as you gesture over to the other remaining customers in the vicinity. 
He quickly pauses his music and takes out what seems to be an adapter that splits into two ports on one end, holding it between the two of you. “You can connect your earphones here, I’ll do the same, then I’ll plug it on my laptop.” He motions to his laptop while taking out his headphones’ audio jack towards the end. “It’s an earphone splitter—for sharing music from one device, basically.” 
“Oh.” You nod along in fascination. You then disconnect your earphones from your phone, plugging it on one of the two ports of the splitter. “Okay, if it’s okay to listen.”
He shrugs reassuringly. “Well, it’s an unreleased track but it’s okay since everyone’s going to hear anyway—just don’t tell Changbin I let you listen to it first before him.” His eyes then widen and his mouth falls slightly agape when you get up from your seat, leaving your earphones on the table, and move to the empty space next to him, picking up your earphones again and placing the buds on your ears. 
You look to your side, raising an eyebrow at his surprised expression, “What?” 
“N-Nothing.” He stammers out, casting his eyes downward to connect his headphones to the splitter’s other port then connecting the splitter itself to his computer. 
You giggle. “I can’t stay in my seat, I’ll get cramps from leaning over the table.”
He pretends to ignore your comment in his flustered state, his mouse hovering over to the very start of the track before pressing play. “Playing now.” 
You slide down the booth comfortably, shoulders jumping slightly at the soft drums and bass that flows into your earphones instead of the usual aggressive percussion and beat that everyone associates with Chan’s rap group. Next to you, Chan props his elbow on the table and rests his cheek on the palm of his hand, pretending to watch the stacked and overlapping tracks’ wavelengths move with the music’s progression while stealing glances in your direction, trying to catch a reaction. 
“What’s the name of this track?” You ask over the music, your voice coming out louder against Changbin’s rap. “Does it have a name already?” 
He unconsciously grasps the fabric of his hoodie with his free hand, holding it up to you. “Hoodie season?” 
You chuckle, a little skeptical. “You sound unsure. Did you come up with that on the spot?”
But he shakes his head, gesturing over to the file name. “It’s the name of the track, seriously.” Internally, he also wonders why he seemed to have hesitated. 
"It’s a fitting name, I guess.” You end up nodding with a hum, eyes lighting up when Jisung begins to sing. “Perfect for the incoming Winter.” 
Jisung then starts rapping after the chorus, surprising you once again. “As expected of Han Jisung.” You clap lightly in satisfaction, a proud smile on your face. “Changbin’s verse was also great. Ah, I can’t wait to hear this live.” 
Chan starts feeling visibly anxious next to you as his verse nears, leg bouncing up and down under the table and his fingers poking into his cheek to the beat of the song, that he blurts out, “We’re performing here before break.”
You look up from the laptop screen to him expectantly. “Really? When? What time?” You ask hurriedly, not wanting to speak over the music in case Chan’s part comes up next. 
“On the Saturday before break, I think?” He answers, eyes glancing back and forth between you and the track. “Saturday night, from what I can remember.” 
The chorus then plays again after Jisung’s verse, making you sit up properly in your seat once again in anticipation for Chan’s verse. “Tickets?” You ask him to the already familiar tune of the chorus. 
“It’s free admission.” He answers, the most anxious now. Why did they have to say I’m their favorite member? He sighs in his head at the very cause of his sudden anxiousness. 
Chan’s verse then plays, your tight-lipped smile turning into a satisfied grin. You don’t say anything more, leaving Chan internally lingering over the question of whether or not you’ll attend the gig. 
“Hey, baby, I’ll make you my lover, ay. I’m thankful that I’m warm in the Autumn, ooh ah, ooh ah, I’ll hold you wherever we go.”
You chuckle somewhere between the lyrics, looking over at Chan in amusement who returns your gaze with a confused look. “You make hoodies sound so romantic.” You comment, answering his unspoken question. “Not that it can’t be, it’s just that you made it sound witty and funny somehow.” 
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” He asks with genuine concern. The song now ends but you don’t take your earphones out of the splitter and he doesn’t bother as well. 
“It’s a good thing.” You comment, careful of your tone in case you let it slip that you’re totally swooning over him right now. “Plus, this sounds fresh—it’s so different from the songs you usually put out.” 
“Really? Thanks.” He heaves a sigh of relief, smiling more carefree now. 
The two of you don’t speak for a while, not even bothering to take out your earphones. Sitting closer to Chan now, you feel even more lazy to get up and move back to your seat, much less leave and walk to your dorm right outside campus. 
After a while, Chan speaks up again. “Want to listen to something else?” 
You motion over to the track, “Are you done already? I might be interrupting your work.” 
He tilts his head to the side, placing his propped up arm on the table back on his lap as he sits up properly. “It’s pretty much done, just needs a little tweaking on the mixing. I can do that later.” For emphasis, he saves the track and exits the software, the screen displaying his files folder. “Come on, choose a song.” 
You scoot closer to him, your leg brushing against his now as you lean closer to the screen while he slowly scrolls down the files for you. “Oh, play WOW, that one’s funny.” 
Chan frowns. “Not that one, please.” 
In retaliation, you quickly swipe the mouse from him and play the track, laughing maniacally as the familiar intro skit begins to play. 
“Oh God.” Chan groans in embarrassment, hiding his face in his hands.
But he lets the music anyway. Though he’s feeling very embarrassed, all these feelings are immediately forgotten with seeing you enjoying yourself.   
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10:40 PM
The barista passes by your table to remind you kindly that the cafe is closing in a while. Only then do you realize that, besides her, it’s just you and Chan in the cafe now, having spent the last hour going through Chan’s laptop. 
“Ah, time passed by really quickly.” Chan muses as he finishes packing up his laptop then slings his backpack on his shoulder. You stand on the aisle, backpack on one shoulder while your laptop and sketchbook are tucked neatly on one arm reminiscent of when you came in, as you watch and wait for him quietly. 
“It sure did.” You nod when he turns to face you, walking you to the door now. He opens the door for you again, chuckling when you tried beating him to it. “Oh, that reminds me, we only ate sweets a while ago.” 
Chan hums in acknowledgement, catching up to you after closing the door behind him. Now, the campus oval is illuminated by yellow street lights, white building lights, and the occasional passing car against the dark night sky, a complete contrast from when you were outside hours ago. Besides the two of you, there’s barely any people outside anymore as well. 
“Chan?” You tilt your head so that you have a better view of his face while walking, catching him off-guard in his dazed state. 
“Yeah?” He blinks twice, embarrassed that he accidentally drowned you out. “Sorry, I zoned out.” 
“You look like you fell asleep for a second there. I asked if you wanted to get a late dinner.” You repeat your question with a chuckle, facing the sidewalk ahead now. You see the library still open at this time from up ahead, half-empty from the view on the clear windows now that it’s nearing midnight. “My dorm’s across the West entrance and there’s a 24-hour grill on the corner of our street.” 
“Oh...sure, sure,” Chan replies, suddenly realizing that he’s hungry again. “We can just eat at my dorm up ahead on the South side, though, it’s nearer.”
“In your dorm?” You raise an eyebrow teasingly. 
“Yeah?” He replies back in an unsure manner before quickly realizing how he seemed to have come off. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that! We have a common area with a kitchen. I’ll cook for you, don’t worry!” 
You nod in agreement just as you pass the intersection leading to the East entrance, laughing at the way his eyes crinkle in embarrassment. “I was just joking, sure, let’s go to your dorm.”
Chan sighs next to you, awkwardly rubbing the nape of his neck with his free hand. Such a tease. “Our pantry’s just ramen and canned food, though, so don’t raise your expectations too much.” He warns you lightly once he’s recovered from being a flustered mess. 
“Seungmin says you cook fine, though,” You counter. “so I’m still having these expectations.” 
You reach his dorm after 10 more minutes, Chan walking ahead as you walk up the steps of the entrance so he can open the door for you for the third time this evening and lead you into the common area kitchen. You catch sight of a few familiar faces in the dim light of the lounge area, mostly younger students from your department raving over an action movie playing on the big flat screen and Jisung and Changbin who greet you with knowing smiles on their faces before you disappeared into the kitchen. 
“Are they always glad to see people?” You gesture over to Jisung and Changbin behind you from the wide open doorway as you and Chan leave your things by an empty bench. You briefly turn around to look at them once again, catching them wiggling their eyebrows at Chan before they notice you looking and waving at you with sarcastically sweet smiles in return. “It’s just that...they’re smiling really weird.”
You then turn back around to see Chan a few steps ahead of you shoot the two younger boys an annoyed look, shooing them away with his hand when they lean over the lounge sofa they occupy to have a better look of you and Chan, before turning to you again and laughing nervously, “They’re just being weird, ignore them.” 
“Okay?” You nod, quickly dismissing the thought, before sitting down on the dining table as Chan proceeds to open the nearby refrigerator, passing you a pitcher of water and two glasses. 
He then moves over to the overhead cabinets to your left, examining its contents once before turning to you, “Chicken, beef, or jajangmyeon?” 
“Jajangmyeon, please.” You answer happily as you pour water on the two glasses in front of you. “I can’t believe Bang Chan of 3racha is making me ramen on a Friday night.” 
“Stop teasing me.” He scoffs playfully, taking out four packets of jajangmyeon and opening another cabinet for a clean pot and ladle. He glances over to you slyly over his shoulder, looking away immediately when he catches you taking off your denim jacket to place on your chair behind you. 
You take a sip of the cold water, the sensation making you feel refreshed after hours of working. “Bang Chan of 3racha offered me a work table, called my art pretty, let me listen to an unreleased song, and is now cooking for me—and this is the first time we talked without our mutual friend Seungmin.” You continue teasing him anyway, more as an attempt to distract yourself from the fact that he does look very handsome cooking even with your limited view. “I take back what I said a while ago, I’m definitely swooning right now.” 
Though your tone is casual and playful, Chan can’t find it in himself to fight the blush creeping up his cheeks and the way his hands shake slightly while cooking jajangmyeon. “I’ll burn your share of the jajangmyeon.” 
He hears you laugh behind him. “You wouldn’t dare.”
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11:30 PM
You’re presented with a steaming bowl of jajangmyeon along with a few quick side dishes after 10 minutes of scrolling through your Twitter with the dorm’s guest wifi. You thank Chan as you pick up your chopsticks, eating when he does as he sits right across from you. 
“Oh, this is really really good!” You comment after a bite, eyes bright and hands clasping together in satisfaction once again. “I don’t usually trust Seungmin but he is right, you cook well.” 
Chan narrows his eyes at you, his lips unconsciously forming a pout as he chews. “You tease me then turns out you’ve been doubting my cooking skills this whole time.” 
His expression makes you laugh in between big bites of your late dinner. “I meant to say after that what Seungmin said was an understatement, you’re not just fine you’re great so stop pouting!” You take a sip of water after swallowing your fourth bite, your gaze softening to a more sincere expression now. “Anyway, thank you for making me dinner.” 
He smiles shyly now, quickly eating his food to reply, “You bought me cake and a doughnut and kept me company tonight so thank you, too.” 
You take more sips of water as you slowly finish half your bowl before replying, “If I thank you again for offering me a table then we’d go on thanking each other the whole night.” 
He laughs, nodding wholeheartedly in agreement. “Let’s just say thank you at the same time and be done with it.” 
“Right.” You agree. “So, thank you for everything tonight.” 
“Same...thank you for tonight.” He then takes a sip of water before suddenly standing up, catching your attention. “There’s more jajangmyeon in the pot, do you want some more?” 
“Yes, thank you!” 
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12:20 AM 
You hold your used silverware tightly as you walk over to the sink, making sure Chan doesn’t snatch them from you and accidentally break them or wash them on his own. 
“Just let me do this since you cooked.” You argue for the fifth time since your conversation shifted from the most random of topics to determining who washes the plates, successfully placing the silverware on the sink almost at the same time as Chan does so. When he tries to gently move you out of the way, you stay firmly on your spot by holding the kitchen counter. “Besides, it’s just one set of plates.” 
“You’re in my dorm so let me wash the plates.” He protests for the second time as well while trying to swat your hands away. After two tries, he successfully moves you to the side, passing you a random packet of biscuits from the overhead cabinet to occupy yourself with. “You don’t have to make things even with us, we’re just hanging out casually.” 
You frown, opening the packet and eating a biscuit anyway. “Still, if someone cooked the other should wash the plates, that’s how it goes.” 
“That’s how it goes only when it’s a date.” He mumbles under his breath, not really expecting that you would catch it. 
“A date?” 
Quickly, he waves his hand dismissively at you. "Nothing. Seriously, it’s fine.” He smiles at you reassuringly, eventually feeling relieved when you don’t tease him further. “Anyway, it’s been a long night and you still have to walk back to your dorm after this so just rest over there.” 
You look down on your biscuits, a thought suddenly coming into mind. “Have a biscuit, then.”
“No, just eat it.” 
“Come on.” You hold up a biscuit to his face as he busies himself with scrubbing the plates and glasses. When he look your way or open his mouth, you poke his lips with the end of the biscuit. “Seriously, eat the biscuit!”
You see him trying to stifle a laugh as you continue poking around his lips with the biscuit, making you laugh as well. Moving away so you don’t take it as an opportunity, he replies, “If I eat this biscuit, will you let me walk you to the West gate? It’s late and dark out.”
You contemplate on this for a moment, your hand stopping in midair. Chan takes this as an opportunity to take a small bite of the biscuit, “Hey, you bit it already!” 
He nods, leaning his head to your hand when you try retracting it then taking another bite. “Yeah, so can I walk you home then call it finally even.” 
You sigh, letting him eat the whole biscuit in your hand. “Okay.” 
“You wouldn’t feel like you need to repay me again after, okay?” 
“Only if you don’t.” 
“Deal.” He concludes, finally turning to look at you while he rinses the soap off the glasses. “Can I have another one?” 
You take out another biscuit, initially extending it over to him before quickly putting it in your mouth before he can even take a bite. “Just kidding, you get the next one.” You mumble while taking out another biscuit, giving it to him this time when he’s done drying his hands, frowning. 
“You’re so mean.” He comments, taking the biscuit from your hand. 
“That’s what you signed up for when you decided on befriending me tonight.” You point out with a laugh, crumpling the wrapper and throwing it in the proper trash bin. 
“Anyway, aren’t you tired? Should we go now?” He changes the topic after a while, walking over to the bench where you left your things. 
You follow him, taking your jacket from the chair you previously occupied on the way. “Yeah before the RA kills me.” 
He laughs. “Strict?”
“Not used to me staying out at this hour.” You correct, pointing at your bag when he picks it up and slings it over his shoulder. “You don’t have to.” 
“This is what you signed up for when you agreed to let me walk you back.” He throws your comeback at you this time as he takes your laptop and sketchbook. “Come on, before your RA kills you.” 
With a defeated sigh, you follow Chan out, almost missing the way Jisung and Changbin follow the two of you with curious eyes as you pass by the lounge once again. 
“Do you think...” Jisung asks Changbin, not even needing to finish his question to get it across as Changbin fervently nods. 
“I think so too.” Changbin replies, taking out his phone. “Should we tell Seungmin?”
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12:50 AM
Eventually you reach the West gate. You stop on the side of the overpass, making Chan stop walking as well. 
“I can walk on my own from here, it’s okay.” You smile reassuringly up at him. “Thanks for walking me all the way here again.” 
He shakes his head, not showing any hint of letting go of your things. “I can walk you to your dorm entrance, though.” 
You gesture over to your dorm building with an amused laugh, “It’s literally right next to the other end of the overpass. I don’t want you walking back with an extra distance.” When his skeptical look doesn’t fade away, you sigh but with an appreciative smile. “If you’re worried so much, you can just watch me from here then I’ll wave at you from the other side.” 
After a moment, he finally gives in, handing you your belongings then stepping back so you can go up the overpass stairs. “Okay, okay.”
Such a gentleman, you muse internally to yourself as you take a step up the stairs, still facing him. “Goodnight, Chan.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He returns the greeting to you, hesitating on the last minute to give you a hug like he would do with his close friends. That’s too weird you just talked today, he reminds himself.  
You pretend not to notice the way he almost extended his arms out for a hug, secretly feeling shy yourself. “I’ll see you when I see you?” 
“How about the gig before break?” He asks, another question lingering in his mind but he decides on not asking it as a follow-up. 
You nod in agreement, “I’ll be there, of course, you mentioned it a while ago.”
You’re about to turn around and walk up the overpass at noticing that he doesn’t show any sign of wanting to say anything else when you suddenly hear him ask behind you, “How about on a nearer date?” which makes you turn back around to face him. “How about—tomorrow?”
Shrugging as if nonchalantly, you ask back, “What about it?” 
He hesitates again for a while before taking a small step forward so he’s looking up at you now from the bottom of the stairs. “Do you want to hang out tomorrow, if you’re free that is.” 
You feel your heart flutter ever so slightly at this but you quickly force yourself to ignore it. “That doesn’t sound too fun.” 
“What?” He frowns in genuine disappointment, almost making your teasing gaze soften. 
“I meant where’s the fun in tonight if we meet again soon?” You clarify. “Just wait until your gig next week!” 
He opens his mouth to speak but you’re already walking backwards up the stairs, adding, “And don’t try looking for me in the Fine Arts building, you should know I hide around there well! Goodnight, Chan! Thank you for tonight!” 
With a final smile his way, you finally turn around and walk up the overpass, glancing over to him again when you reach the very top and begin crossing the bridge. As the two of you agreed, he remained by the side of the overpass, watching you carefully even when there’s barely any people on the bridge anymore. 
In under a minute, you’ve reached the halfway mark of the other stairway where you can still see Chan clearly amidst the never-ending flow of cars. You raise a hand above your head, waving to him until he waves back.
Since you’re so far away, you miss the way Chan sighs before sending a dimpled smile your way. He contemplates on asking Seungmin more about you later. 
With that, you then proceed back to your dorms, disappearing from Chan’s sight when you enter your dorm building. He takes that as his cue to head back to his own dorm. 
“Next Saturday’s too far.” He huffs in frustration, sparing one last glance in the direction of your dorm building before passing through the West gate once again. 
Nevertheless, he can’t help but feel excited at the prospect of talking to you again. 
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1:00 AM
Chan arrives back in the dorm building, immediately bombarded by Jisung and Changbin who hold his belongings with teasing looks. 
“So you were with Y/N, huh?” Jisung starts, hugging Chan’s laptop to his chest tightly. “Why were you two together?” 
Chan raises an eyebrow, not really knowing where this ‘interrogation’ is going. “I bumped into them at the library when it was full so I offered we share a table at 325.” 
“That’s all?” Changbin asks this time, his arms crossed in front of his chest while Chan’s backpack hangs loosely on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, that’s all,” Chan nods slowly, eyebrows furrowing now. “Why? And why do you have my backpack.”
The two younger boys shake their head at the same time. 
“Oh, nothing.” Jisung dissmises with a small wave. “Just curious.”
As if on cue, Chan’s phone rings its message alert. 
seungmin: SO I HEARD U WENT OUT ON A DATE W Y/N [sent 1:04 AM]
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fantasiavii · 4 years
I was tagged by @milkcrates to share 10 things about myself!! Thank you so much!!  💖 I really loved learning about you and can guarantee I rambled just as much 😅
1. I love the theater. I was never a theater kid but some of my ballet friends were. I grew up dancing classical ballet and while I was never good at it, I still love it very much. Now, I don’t dance or anything, but I love going to see all kinds of theater and hope I can again soon. Lowkey wish I could work in theater but I don’t know anything about tech stuff and can barely sew for myself
2. Most of my music taste can be filed under “alternative” and “pop” but I have this weird, deep love of swing-era jazz and Frank Sinatra. It is my opinion that if your otp can’t fit at least one sappy Frank Sinatra love song, you’re doing it wrong
3. I’ve gotten a lot of new followers since my senior year of college when I lived-blogged thesis-ing so: hi, I study religion, with a focus on Islam, and I wrote my senior thesis by going into France’s graveyard and digging up the bodies receipts of how and why France has institutionalized Islamophobia. It was a really hard process and made me depressed for a Long Time. I was going to go to grad school but then pandemic and now I just flinch real bad every time I see the news coming out of France 
4. Even though I study religion, I hadn’t ever really studied Daoism or Buddhism before watching the Untamed and have since been trying to make up for that! It’s been fun but has also filled me with regrets because one of the professors at my college was an expert in ancient Chinese religions AND depictions of hell...perfect for my Orpheus and Eurydice AU research...if only I’d taken his classes. Now I just have to scrounge around JSTOR (which won’t even let me download pdfs anymore for some reason 😭)
5. I’m still learning to sew but I can crochet and embroider pretty well! I’ve sort of lost motivation for most of it recently but hopefully I’ll get it back one day
6. Every time I travel I come back with new foods that I like, even if they’re really simple. When I went to Hawai’i, it was guava (I’d never had it before). When I went to France, it was goat’s cheese and honey (on crepes or bread). When I went to the UK, I discovered that milk and sugar in tea are good actually. (Rip to me and my lactose intolerance for the last two--but I take lactase supplements)
7. I used to work for the community health organization at my college and my entire job was to patrol campus on weekend nights and give people water and snacks. Okay, that’s kind of a lie, I was also responsible for helping anyone having a medical emergency due to drug or alcohol-related problems, but mostly my job was to make sure those problems didn’t happen in the first place (by giving people food and water). As a result, I know a lot about safe drinking and drug-using practices even though I’ve never done either. (Before you ask--no, I was not reporting anyone either unless I needed to call for medical help, in which case there was the medical amnesty policy.) This job is also why I’m very passionate about safe drinking (and drug using) practices and get really worked up by fics being like “he’d had five drinks in an hour but only felt slightly buzzed” because that is not even close to how it works.
8. I absolutely adore historical costuming and fashion history and know Way Too Much about it for someone who doesn’t really sew... I have some abandoned projects I need to finish rip. I get really passionate about natural fibers and accurate corset/stays representation and fast fashion because of my love for fashion history
9. I relate to texts-like-a-grandpa modern au Lan Wangji so much because I also don’t know how to text like a normal (young) person. If you have ever interacted with me online and it’s come off awkward, I am so sorry; despite being on here for years I have never learned how to be casual and use slang and anything I’ve said or done is the result of many fraught choices that may have been bad
10. I can understand French well enough to read most things I see online but I suck at speaking it and Arabic is going exactly the same way (rip)
Tagging: @midshipmank , @fishfacethegrand , @yvain , @zoanzon , @whereisyourcahier , @orestesdreams-pyladesloves and anyone else who wants to do this!! No pressure of course
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high5nerd · 4 years
Aay, my first (at the time) Pitch x Reader one-shot!
Don’t fook your professors, folks.
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“When understanding the root words of our modern day languages, it can be daunting to fully comprehend the detail such a language as English can be intertwined with a multitude of other languages long forgotten,”
Dr. Pitchiner was certainly entrancing when he spoke at the podium, flourishing a hand at the list of most common prefixes and suffixes used in today’s modern English, along with a surprise list of obscure ones you knew you had to take note on. Dr. Pitchiner wasn’t one to give easy exams, the last exam was so gruelling someone almost passed out from a panic attack at the multitude of pages.
Despite enjoying writing yourself, you weren’t as invested in English as he was, which was a given, hence the reason his PhD in English as well as a degree in Latin Translation. Many times he’s journeyed to Italy to help assist scholars in finding new information on the lost civilizations of Rome, Sicily, and Pompeii, and that credit alone was the sole reason he got the job at this state college. He should have been employed at universities like Harvard or Yale, or even Oxford or Princeton, but yet here he was, teaching at your simple state college with an acceptance rate of 93% and the highest transferring stat in all of your state.
   Not a lot of students found him attractive like you did. Certainly there was more than a couple handfuls of girls, pockets of them, who’ve admired his lithe figure, his graceful movements and that firm ass that was way too snug in his black slacks. Most of them admired his physique from afar, some even daring others to get closer to flirt with him shamelessly, and usually that ended up with a bad memory for the attempted action, as well as the girl who tried to drop the class out of utter embarrassment at such a call out after class that could be heard around the hall.
   Dr. Kozmotis Pitchiner took no bullshit from anyone, and that’s the main reason your heart fluttered at the thought and sight of him. This class wasn’t the first time you two had met face to face either, shockingly. Quite hilariously, the first time you two met, you didn’t even like him.
Three years ago, you were an itty bitty freshman just like the ones that recently arrived this semester, and to the best of your luck, you scored almost five hours of total free time on Mondays and Wednesdays before your Intro to Biology class and Intro to Psychology course after lunch.
Why not explore the gorgeous campus during those five hours? It would get you more acquainted with your surroundings and in small cases, make new friends! Grabbing a can of fruit juice and a danish from the dining hall, you munched as you explored the massive quad before discovering where the art gallery was, venturing towards the art and theatre buildings you’d be in the next year for your art perspective requirements. You found yourself meandering in the photograph-covered walled hallway of the English department, unknowingly headed towards the campus’s own local newspaper headquarters when a voice startled you from your entrancement with your journey.
“Hey. Where do you think you’re going?” a voice matching the texture of velvet came.
You turn around, frowning at the sudden startling noise. There just feet away from you, emerged from his office was a man dressed in what you would consider funeral appropriate attire, a smooth black suit with a basic black tie, and shiny black dress shoes that looked like they could reflect sunlight and somehow cause a car accident if he walked outside.
“I’m exploring. Where do you think you’re going?” you shot back, taking a long sip of your fruit juice.
You were mildly surprised to see a smirk cross his devious lips, his silver-gold eyes narrowing at your sass. He almost looked amused at your attitude, even enough so that his tensed shoulders relaxed, but his arms still remained folded over his chest.
“At the moment, I’m going wherever you think you’re headed, which should be in the opposite direction you’re headed.”
Ooh, he likes playing word games. You took another sip and then took a big bite of your danish, not caring about how childish you were coming off to him. You pointed towards the hallway, “Why can’t I go down there?”
He gestured his head in the same direction, “It’s merely copy rooms and computer labs meant for the Daily Mascot Oracle. Nothing worth checking out.”
“Oh. That’s a shit title.” you commented.
He barked out a heartwarming laugh. You grin at him, glad he finally was capable of taking that stick out of his ass and be a decent human being. Almost three times so far in just two days you got two people to really dislike your presence and your sassy attitude, someone named Bunnymund and another elfish looking kid named Jack who’s definition of fun didn’t match yours at all.
“I certainly didn’t agree to it either, but the editor in chief made sure my vote was outnumbered,” he hesitated, thinking quickly before glancing at you, “Are you a freshman?”
You nodded, knowing what he would ask next, “Majoring in psychology with hopefully a minor in alternative medicine and therapy.”
He looked genuinely impressed, “I must say, it’s quite refreshing to have a new student under that field. Not a lot of freshmen choose that whilst entering for their first year. What makes you like that field of study so much?”
You shrugged with a smile, “I like the whole concept of the human mind and how it functions on an emotional state. It’s interesting how certain actions and emotions can create feelings inside us, and I especially love the study of dreams and fears and hopes. I want to do a project on dream therapy for my senior thesis when it comes time to that, but I doubt they’ll let me. Professor Oren didn’t like hearing me say that at orientation.”
Dr. Pitchiner nodded, “Oren doesn’t really believe in the science behind dreams, and certainly not the spirituality behind it if you believe in that sort of thing. I certainly do.”
“You do?” you were genuinely surprised, literally taken aback. You wouldn’t have considered such an eloquent, smooth and finely dressed man to believe in a spirituality. He reeked of realist to you, you certainly weren’t expecting that.
He nodded again, “Of course. It’s only natural for the human psyche to become understandable to a certain degree, and it’s been proven through many other cultures that such things exist, like the sixth sense or empathy or precognition. Why not in dream analyzation? It’s fascinating, I’m glad you’re interested in it. If I wasn’t an English professor I would immediately return to college to take advantage of that.”
That’s when you realized how gold his eyes were, how they sparkled like the richest coins ever discovered in the vastness of the sunken world of ships at the bottom of the ocean. His eyes gave away intense wisdom, feeling and intellect that you felt the need to learn from. You needed to unlock every part of him to see beyond that gaze he gave you with that strange upturn at the corner of his devilish mouth.
Sure enough, you eventually found yourself in his class a couple years later for your required English Analysis course, and the both of you took advantage of that. You found yourself wandering back to his office between classes and office hours, knowing full well no one visited him nor had the courage to due to his harshness in class and strict code he sticks to in not forming attachments to the student body. For you, somehow you were able to break that barrier and see a different kind of man than what people upfront knew him as.
Your friend Katherine is your first and only senior friend at the university, and from her story when you signed up for his course at the beginning of the year, he was known to be callous and strict, such a polar opposite to leniency that even if you were sick with proof of illness, he wouldn’t accept that as an excused absence unless you flourished a medical note from a doctor to him. Everyone feared him, but admired him from afar since he’s the only professor to actually cut down on the bullshitters and slackers in class, and is one of the most respected professors there because of his adventures in Italy as a historian as well as a translator.
You, however, knew him as a sarcastic, good humored intellect with an avid thirst for learning the unknown, and unlocking skills he’s never attempted. From the times you would visit his office or bump into each other in the hallways and have small talk, you learned that at one point in his life he was just as brash, brazen and impulsive as you are now. Before he considered becoming a professor, he was eager to study what you were studying in now, especially the study of phobias and humans’ reactions to certain fear-triggering events or objects. You were the only one that’s ever heard him snort at a god-awful joke you would attempt at, and the only one that’s ever seen him grin at you in such a way it made your stomach flip and flutter.
Perhaps you exposed yourself too much to him, or perhaps he was just so relatable you felt like you sometimes felt like you were talking to a part of yourself you’ve never discovered before. It slightly scared you how much he knew about you and it wasn’t even the end of the fall semester, but you trusted him in ways you’ve never trusted another before. He always promised you absolute confidentiality with your confessions to him, most out of pure merriment and in the goal of a strengthened friendship, like when you told him when you were fourteen you tried blending into the popular clique but still found yourself drawn to the nerds and theater kids once more. He once gave you such a dubious smirk at the notion of you once being the stereotypical geek, with what you claimed to be the unattractive flat hair, braces and awkward gait.
“I can hardly believe that of you.” he chuckled.
“Why? You can kinda tell, don’t lie.” you winked teasingly.
He tilted his head in his hand at you, looking your figure up and down so slowly and languidly that it made your face heat up with a sudden thrill you haven’t felt in a long time.
“Whoever you were before has grew into a fine young woman, that’s most of what I can see.” he looked at you seriously, his eyes hard with truth.
Ever since that you realized that the idea of him being closer than what you two already were was something else you wanted. You thirsted for it, like an obsession. Unhealthy, you weren’t sure, but you were careful not to give yourself away to him, in fear that it would destroy that friendship you two already had. Without anyone’s knowledge but his, you both called each other by your first names. You called him Koz, and he called you by the nickname you wanted him to call you.
Even just watching him write on the board, hearing his voice wrap you lovingly in it’s deep musical tones made your legs tighten in excitement. You furrowed your brows, trying to ignore the incoming thoughts of his voice saying your name like a mantra as you wrote down everything being scribbled on the board.
The guy next to you noticed your discomfort, and nudged his elbow with yours. You looked at him, affronted, “What?”
“You look pissed. You okay?” he looked suspicious.
“Shut up, I’m fine.”
Your blood froze, looking up at him in pure fear at being called out in front of class. His hands were folded behind his back, his eyes lingering on you and only you. The class stared at you, nearly a thousand eyes focused on your nervous leg bouncing and the pen in your hand being crushed by the amount of attention drawn onto you.
“I see you have already started to discuss with Stephen,” you could swear to the moon above he smirked ruefully, “Would you like to tell us what the definition of vorfreude is?”
You gulped quickly before looking down at your paper, noticing that the last couple notes were not even notes, they were sinful descriptions of what you wanted him to do to your mouth and in between your thighs. Your face grew incredibly red to the point it prickled your skin as you stood up. You never broke eye contact with him. You can’t be weak now.
“Vorfreude is a German word to define a type of intense anticipation of imagining future pleasures.”
He nodded, his smirk subsiding to something even darker at the moment you uttered the word ‘future’, “Excellent. Glad to see you’re still paying attention despite your distractions.”
Some people snickered at your red face deepening in color as you plopped back down in your seat. By now Koz was shuffling the exams collected last week, freshly graded and corrections that could leave someone in tears if not taken lightly.
As he passed around the graded exams going over the class’s weak points and what to look forward to for the next midterm, you doodled a bit more in your notebook and wrote more lines of absolute sin into a poetic verse, something E. E. Cummings would be absolutely proud of.
You read over your lines, admiring the visual rhymes as well as the absolute clear imagery of being locked into him, his arms like a vice as he would pull your hair and bite at the sensitive parts of your neck, and even now you squirmed at the daydream of such a carnal act going on in his office. More than anything, more than just impressing him with your knowledge and sharp tongue would be for him to pin you to the desk and make you cry out his name in ecstasy as your legs would quiver with release. You bit your lip as you tightened your grip on your sweatshirt, trying your damn hardest not to accidentally make a noise.
That’s when you noticed the shadow lurking over you.
You froze. Your entire body became still with horror and your blood turned cold as Koz read over your carnal poem and observed your lewd doodles with a casual eye as he handed you your exam. You reached out for it with a shaking hand and slowly placed it over the notebook page, knowing it was too late to hide the damage.
“Please see me after class about your note-taking.”
You nodded, trying to fight tears from the utter embarrassment as he finished handing out the exams. You close your notebook in disgust with yourself. Koz continues the class until 5:45, the usual time it ends when everyone wastes no time in dilly dallying and immediately leaving, most if not all heading to the dining hall for dinner. You, planning to indulge in just a minor dinner consisting of cereal or soup out of embarrassment and sadness, packed up slowly.
“(y/n), a word please.” he beckoned from his podium.
You refused to look at him as you stepped down from the lecture hall stairs to the podium, your backpack slung over your shoulder and your confidence crumbling even further as you waited with baited breath as he finished shutting off the projector and computer.
“You have quite a knack for poetry for someone who says English isn’t their forte, as well as for a psychology major.” he calmly noted, hardly glancing at you.
You couldn’t help it, you couldn’t hold it in anymore and let it burst from your chest, all your thoughts jumbled into a single rambling mess, “I swear I didn’t intend for you to see it, I just-I just-I don’t know why I did that and I know I messed up our friendship, it’s all my fault and I’m really really sorry, I seriously wasn’t thinking and I just can’t help but feel these things and it just makes it worse when I think about you, I don’t know what to do about it-”
A hand crept around the back of your neck and forced your head up, and without even a single warning you felt warm, wet lips enveloping yours, biting sweetly as well as fervently. You couldn’t help but make a noise of startlement at the sudden action, but before you could even have time to melt into the kiss, he pulled away, a smirk on his face.
“It’d be inappropriate for me to do such things, but more inappropriate for you to act on it as well. Yet, I know you are wise enough to not pursue it like you want to.” he stated, his eyes resembling molten gold.
Your gaze flattened, “Koz, what the fuck was that if you say you’re not ‘pursuing it’.”
He grinned, “Your confirmation of your feelings, as well as a promise of patience.”
He smirked again, tilting his head and embracing the feel of superiority again, “You have nearly one more year left. I wonder if you have the patience to stick it out-”
That pissed you off. You grabbed his black tie and pulled him down, startling him as you kissed him hard. You pulled away just as quickly, enjoying the look of surprise on his face as well as slight bewilderment at being cut off from gloating.
You smiled innocently, smoothing down his tie as well as the front of his jacket, “Nice to know I’m not the only one enjoying the feeling of vorfreude from now on. Have a good day, Professor.”
Without a second backwards glance, you confidently strode out of the lecture hall, leaving Koz impressed as well as out of breath at your grand exit. He didn’t realize he’d be aching for you just as much as you ached for him.
It’s only a year, right? Not too long…
Boy were you two wrong.
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The Anthropocene/Conservation Cont.
Individuals across a variety of species alter their environments (e.g., beavers build dams, birds build nests, and earthworms physically/chemically alter soil) in a process called “niche construction.” Humans excel at this kind of activity and often participate in ways that “[use] phenomenal amounts of energy” [1, p. 28]. Unfortunately, this often results in “collateral consequences for climate, species diversity, and landscapes” [1, p. 30]. In response to the acceleration and accumulation of these consequences, it has been proposed that we have left the Holocene and entered into a new geological age called the “Anthropocene.”
Among other things, the Anthropocene is “a tool with which to focus attention on the current role of Homo sapiens in altering the Earth as a whole, and is a shorthand descriptor of that phenomenon” [1, p. 27]. It has become central to many analyses of human-animal relations and has called for us to do away with dualistic thinking of nature/society—with nature existing firmly outside the sphere of human society [2]. Rutherford, for example, has stated that “for all of its conceits around the importance of humans to the stories of the earth, it does invite a recognition that the world only operates via entanglement” [3, p. 215].
In light of this, I would like to acknowledge a study of mammalian movement in response to anthropogenic activity. Tucker et al. have determined that anthropogenic activities are "not only causing the loss of habitat and diversity, but also [affect] how animals move through fragmented and disturbed areas" [4, p. 9; see also 5-8]. Mammalian movements were typically two-to-three times smaller in areas with comparatively high instances of human presence compared to the same movements in areas with lower instances of human presence [4, p. 9]. This was attributed to both (1) an "individual-behavioral effect, where individuals alter their movements relative to" human activity, and (2) "a species-occurrence effect, where certain species that exhibit long-range movement" change their behavior to no longer reside in areas with high instances of human presence [4, pp. 11-12]. In terms of conservation, the authors conclude that animal movements should be considered a key conservation metric and that the goal should be maintaining landscape permeability [4, p. 13].
While most nations have some kind of endangered species legislation in place to prevent the loss of biodiversity, the majority of current conservation policies, practices, and conceptual frameworks are ill-suited to the Anthropocene because they were created "before there was widespread awareness of the unprecedented pace and magnitude of environmental change caused by humans" [9, p. 107]. Kareiva and Fuller recommend that we should instead be anticipating future impacts and "establishing goals that [reflect] the best science as to what is feasible in the future" [9, p. 108]; in short, a review and potential overhaul of current practices and/or conceptual frameworks because "nature is not a business, nor should it be run as one" [9, p. 111].
[1] Boggs, C. (2016). Human Niche Construction and the Anthropocene. RCC Perspectives, 2, 27–32. www.jstor.org/stable/26241355
[2] Fredriksen, A. (2016). Of wildcats and wild cats: Troubling species-based conservation in the Anthropocene. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(4), 689-705. doi.org/10.1177/0263775815623539
[3] Rutherford, S. (2018). The Anthropocene’s animal? Coywolves as feral cotravelers. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 1(1-2), 206-223. https://doi.org/10.1177/2514848618763250
[4] Tucker, M.A., Böhning-Gaese, K., Fagan, W.F., Fryxell, J., Moorter, B.V., Alberts, S.C., … Mueller, T. (2018). Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science, 359(6374), 466-469.
[5] Patterson, B.R., Bondrup-Nielsen, S., & Messier, F. (1999). Activity patterns and daily movements of the eastern coyote, Canis latrans, in Nova Scotia. Canadian Field Naturalist, 113(2), 251-257. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285966455
[6] Way, J.G. (2011). Eastern coyote/coywolf (Canis latrans x lycaon) movement patterns: Lessons learned in urbanized ecosystems. Cities and the Environment (CATE), 4(1), Article 2. https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cate/vol4/iss1/2
[7] Way, J.G. (2021). Coywolf: Eastern coyote genetics, ecology, management, and politics. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/Coywolf/
[8] Way, J.G., Ortega, I.M., & Strauss, E.G. (2004). Movement and activity patterns of eastern coyotes in a coastal, suburban environment. Northeastern Naturalist, 11(3), 237-254. www.jstor.org/stable/3858416
[9] Kareiva, P. & Fuller, E. (2016). Beyond resilience: How to better prepare for the profound disruption of the Anthropocene. Global Policy, 7(Suppl. 1), 107-118. https://doi.org/10.1111/1758-5899.12330
Humans are niche constructors who greatly alter the environment
The degree to which anthropogenic alterations occur has led to the suggestion that we have left the Holocene and entered the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene is a central concept in contemporary human-wildlife analyses and invites a recognition of entanglement
Conservation practices, etc. may need an overhaul to account for the degree of anthropogenic impact on wildlife/the environment
Hybridization | DNA Analyses | Range & Diet | Behavior & Ecology | Attitudes | Conservation
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Glad you asked! The Healthy Alternative Project is a Senior Thesis regarding virtual spaces as they relate to the queer bodies that inhabit them. This project seeks to connect to queer virtual communities, understand how they interact with virtual space, and create a sort of “guide” to their development moving forward.
Coming soon: Website Discord Twitter
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myeducar · 4 years
Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program for Higher Studies at the University of Auckland
Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program for Higher Studies at The University of Auckland
General information
The Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program (ADB – JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Japanese government. The aim is to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to undertake postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asia-Pacific region.
Upon completion of their study programmes, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.
University of Auckland programmes covered by this scholarship scheme are limited to the following:
Master of Public Health
Master of Science (Environmental Science)
Master of Arts (Development Studies)
Master of International Business
Masters programmes in Engineering.
What it covers
Tuition fees at the University of Auckland.
Airfare from the scholar's home country to Auckland, New Zealand.
Basic cost of living in Auckland.
Health and medical insurance in New Zealand.
Airfare from Auckland, New Zealand, to the scholar's home country at the conclusion of his or her course of study.
For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be available for thesis preparation.
Note: The ADB-JSP does not cover dependents.
Eligibility requirements
You must:
Be a national of an ADB borrowing member. For a list of current developing member countries visit ADB - Japan Scholarship Programme.
Have gained admission to an approved masters at an approved academic institution.
Have a bachelors degree or its equivalent with a superior academic record.
Have at least two years of full-time professional work experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application.
Be proficient in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies.
Be under 35 years old at the time of application. In exceptional cases, for programmes which are appropriate for senior officials and managers, the age limit is 45 years.
Be in good health.
Agree to return to your home country after completing the programme.
Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of ADB, consultants, and relatives of the aforementioned.
Staff of JSP-designated institutions can't apply to their own institution.
Applicants living or working in a country other than his/her home country.
Applicants who are already enrolled in graduate degree programmes or who have already completed graduate degree programmes.
Undergraduate studies, distance learning programmes, short-term training, conferences, seminars, thesis writing, and research projects.
For more information, see Japan Scholarship Program Frequently asked questions
Required documentation
To be considered for the scholarship, you must submit the following documentation in full prior to the closing date:
Completed ADB-JSP Information Sheet
Completed ADB-JSP Application Form
Copy of your offer letter to the University of Auckland
Academic documentation – both academic transcripts and degree certificates
Certificate of Employment for the duration of employment issued by the company
Certificate of Income issued by the company
Certificate of Family Income issued by the company. Must be either your parents or spouses annual/monthly income.
Copy of your Passport
Valid IELTS test
All of the above documents must be submitted in full by post and received by the University of Auckland no later than 19 July 2020:
Applications and Admissions The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland 1142 New Zealand
Selection and closing date
2020 admission
Applications have now closed for study commencing in 2020.
2021 admission
Applications for study commencing in 2021 will close 19 July 2020.
Selection for the scholarship will take place between 22 July - 27 September 2020.
Successful applicants will be notified by November 2020.
If they require further information and documentation from you, they will be in touch with you via email. Otherwise, all applicants will be notified of the outcome by November 2020.
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animebw · 5 years
Schedule Sauce
So, I’m gonna be heading back to college on Tuesday for my senior year! I’m fucking terrified! Hooray!
In all seriousness, though, this is gonna be a heck of a year. I’ve got a bunch of projects coming up, and it’s gonna be interesting getting them all off the ground. As for this blog, I’m still gonna be here and doing my thing, but my schedule’s gonna be different than it’s been all summer. So here’s what you can expect from me going forward!
First of all, we’ve officially reached the end of my Summer of Suggestions! After finishing Gankustuou and Kekkai Sensen, I’ll go back to my normal lists. For those of you who joined me over the summer, here’s how my normal schedule works: I watch two shows concurrently. One of them is a long-running show that I choose for myself. The other is a shorter show that I choose from two pre-selected lists by random number generator. I alternate which list I choose from every time; they’re roughly divided into shows I’m excited for and shows I’m more apprehensive about, though that dichotomy’s been breaking down recently, so whatever. Point is, now that we’re out of the summer, these shows are the shows you can expect to see from me!
That said, I still want to hit the last few SOS you sent me, so I’m temporarily going to be adding a third list to the rotation, consisting of the final five shows I have yet to get to: Release the Spyce, Katana Maidens, Girl in Twilight, Sakamoto, and School Live! Until this list is empty, I’ll be rotating through all three of these lists, so if you suggested any of those shows, don’t worry; I will get to them in time! Once I finish those shows, I’ll officially be back to just my regular two lists.
But wait! Wasn’t Haikyuu also on my Summer of Suggestions list? Yes it was. And it’s going to be the first long-running show I tackle once I get back to a normal schedule! Yes, you’ve waited long enough, it’s finally time for me to tackle a sports anime! So once I finish either Gankustuou or Kekkai Sensen (probably Kekkai Sensen), Haikyuu’s gonna be the one to take its place. Get hype!
Most importantly, I’m going to be jumping right into a massive project once I get back to college; putting on my directing thesis. This is gonna take up a lot of my time, so sadly, my schedule is going to be constricted for pretty much all of September and the first couple days of October. I’m sorry, but I promise to still try and get posts out! Just prepare for things to be as uncertain as they were in July, possibly more so. Once I get through it, though, I’ll have a lot more time to invest in this blog all over again!
And on that subject, once I do get over this hump and reach October, I have a very special treat in store for you. For the first time, I will be returning to a show I previously binged, to tackle a new installment of the franchise that just came out. And if you were around for my epic love affair with Symphogear back in February and March, you’re already vibrating in excitement. If you weren’t around for it... well, go read my Symphogear binge-watch to get yourself up to speed, and then go watch Symphogear, because it’s a fucking delight.
Cool? Cool. Thank you all for over a year of this nonsense, and see you later today with more Monty Costco!
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“Ultimates Play” (a.k.a. Let’s Player AU)
Hey, Mod Snake here! So I realize that I’ve been sort of lax on my part in the 2K celebration. This has been mostly to the fact that I’ve been working on my senior thesis, and it’s been absolute hell trying to motivate myself to do anything with that nightmare hanging over my head. But now the thesis is officially over and I can finally get around to posting something I’ve been meaning to post for a while: an AU concept called “Ultimates Play!” The idea of this AU is similar to the Talent Development Plan ‘verse, except that the DR1, SDR2, and NDRV3 characters share a gaming channel on YouTube called ‘Ultimates Play’. Over the years since it started, the channel has evolved into sort of a Rooster Teeth-style project, with dozens of different series done by many different hosts. There’s a lot to unpack here, so let’s just jump right in! 
General Concepts:
As you can imagine, Chiaki was the one to set up the channel; in fact, the channel was originally called “Chiaki’s Gaming Corner”, and the channel URL still reflects this. Hajime quickly became involved in the editing process, since Chiaki would frequently fall asleep before uploading the videos. Chiaki then gradually began introducing her fellow classmates, who had become interested in the games during Class 77’s meet-up times (everyone involved refuses to call them “classes”), as hosts of their own series; before long, this spread to other classes entirely. And thus, Ultimates Play was born.
Junko in this AU is still technically in despair, but the passion for video games she developed after spending some time with Chiaki helps keep her Ultimate Analyst abilities occupied, preventing her from becoming bored enough to lash out at the world. She is still extremely competitive and aggressive, particularly towards Mukuro, but in general it is typically safe to be in the same building as her.
This AU uses the “Class 79” canon for the V3 kids, similar to the Ultimate Talent Development Plan, since the Tragedy doesn’t happen in this AU.
As the channel started to get big, the group decides they need a headquarters in which to stay; they end up building it a few blocks away from Hope’s Peak. Very few of them live in the building full-time, but the building is equipped with dozens of beds anyway just in case they all happen to crash there overnight at the same time. There are also multiple TVs, so that different students can record series at the same time.
The channel is one of the top 10 most subscribed channels on YouTube, due in part to the variety of content. Of the series, Chiaki’s and Ibuki’s typically have the most views, while Celeste’s and Hajime’s have the least views.
Even though Komaru isn’t technically an Ultimate, Makoto and Toko both begged Chiaki until she was allowed to join the channel.
Individual Series:
Makoto and Kyoko have “Detective Training,” in which they play mystery games together; typically these consist of point-and-click adventure games, although sometimes they’ll do other genres if there is a sufficient mystery element. Kyoko almost always figures out the entire mystery from the start, so she basically spends the whole time trying not to spoil the twists and puzzles for Makoto. Shuichi occasionally guest stars, but he’s too self-conscious around Kyoko to make regular appearances.
Sakaya and Kaede share a series where they play rhythm games like DDR, as well as general music-themed games like Rockband; they alternate off randomly between which one is the host, never appearing in the same episode.
Toko’s primary series is “Toko’s Shovelware Spectacular”, in which she plays the worst of the worst games on the iPhone and Android app stores. Komaru makes an appearance every time there’s a multiplayer game, or whenever Toko is so genuinely shocked by a game’s shittiness that she needs a second person to confirm she’s not imagining things.
Neither Togami nor the Ultimate Imposter have a consistent theme for their series (although they tend towards real-time strategy games); however, there is something of a running joke between them. Every time Togami uploads a video on a game, Twogami will then upload a video on the same game, starting off from the same place Togami left off and claiming to be the next installment. Togami is consistently infuriated by this, but he can’t figure out how to stop it. There’s a running debate in the comments about whether the ‘second Togami’ is actually a distinct entity or just Togami playing an elaborate practical joke; this, for Togami, is the worst part of the whole thing.
Ishimaru has a series called “Upholders of Justice”, in which he plays crime-themed games (GTA, Saint’s Row, etc.) while breaking as few laws as the game will allow him to. If you’ve ever seen the Saints Row the Third episode of Monster Factory, it’s sort of like that.
Hifumi and Kazuichi have a shared series called “Love Quest 3000”, in which they play dating sims together; this is ostensibly for the purpose of figuring out how to get better at real romance, but they have yet to achieve any success in this field.
Celeste has a recurring series on gambling games, such as video poker and virtual slot machines. To her eternal fury, they are by far the least-viewed videos on the entire channel; this may be because she always wins, or because her commentary consists almost entirely of A) ‘advice’ on how to win at gambling (which boils down to “be lucky and don’t panic”), and B) reiterations of how successful she is.
While Junko doesn’t actually have a standalone series, there is a playlist named “With Junko” on the channel. This is because, rather than star in her own series, Junko will occasionally crash episodes of other series and serve as a guest commentator for the episode, typically without the approval or knowledge of the players in question. HOWEVER, Junko does co-star in a regular series called “Rose and Thorns”, in which she and Mukuro play co-op games like Portal 2 and New Super Mario Bros. You can probably imagine how well their interactions go.
Hajime did an Undertale LP.
In her continuing effort to be the most meta human being in the universe, Ibuki has only a single ongoing series: “Ibuki Plays Danganronpa”. At no point in the series does she comment on the fact that her fellow Ultimates- and indeed herself- appear in the games; the closest she comes is her DR2 LP, in which she off-handedly remarks on the similarities between herself and Ibuki in the game. There is only one exception: every time game-Ibuki’s corpse is on-screen in Chapter 3, real-Ibuki goes absolutely silent until the scene changes or she turns away. None of the other Ultimates can figure out where the hell she got these games, and she refuses to provide a straight answer.
Hiyoko and Mikan, of all people, have a shared series entitled “Super Bestest Friends Play!”; it consists pretty much entirely of Hiyoko forcing Mikan to play the weird Flash games you find on various “gaming” websites (i.e. bootleg Frozen games and the like). Hiyoko uploaded the first episode without permission from the others, and promptly found herself being threatened with stabbing by Maki, who is always on watch to make sure things don’t get too upsetting for Mikan; every once in a while you’ll hear a soft click in the background of the episodes, at which point Hiyoko will immediately and urgently apologize to Mikan and suggest a tamer game. Also, every once in a while the situation gets shaken up a bit: on at least a couple of occasions Mikan very visibly starts getting aroused by the games in question, which freaks Hiyoko out more than anything else the other Ultimates have ever seen (this is the main reason they allow the series to persist).
Gundham and Sonia have an ongoing series in which they play horror games together. Gundham constantly pretends not to be freaked out by the jumpscares, even though he is. Sonia constantly pretends to be freaked out by the atmosphere, even though she’s not. They are exactly as adorable together as you can imagine.
Gundham also has a recurring Pokémon series, covering at least one game from every Generation. He makes a dedicated effort to capture one of every Pokémon, and at the end of each playthrough he hacks in any that he can’t obtain legitimately that Gen. His videos are each at least an hour long because he can’t make himself stop playing with his Pokémon. He also cites Pokémon-Amie as the single greatest innovation in the history of the franchise.
As more and more shows started appearing on the channel, Chiaki started putting out less and less content- which suits her just fine, since it gives her more chances to play games with herself and her friends, without having to worry about making entertaining commentary. Her only ongoing series at the time of the AU is a gaming news show, where she reports on announcements about games she’s interested in, as well as discussions about what she’d like out of future games. Hajime is a recurring guest star on the series.
Komaru has a series where she plays whatever games she happens to like at the time; most of these are Nintendo games, and almost all of them are on the casual end of the spectrum. Toko regularly drops in without warning.
Mitarai has an ongoing visual novel review series, which frequently devolves into tips about drawing and commentary on anime he likes or dislikes.
Himiko has a series of RPG playthroughs, many of them unfinished. The only playthroughs she will consistently finish are Final Fantasy games, since they’re Tenko’s favorites. She also did exactly three episodes of a Kingdom Hearts LP before abandoning it, citing the story being too confusing.
Maki has a recurring series in which she plays first-person shooters in order to test their accuracy. To the hastily-suppressed delight of Kokichi (and the well-disguised amusement of everyone else in the building), Maki usually turns out to be absolutely terrible at these games, being so used to real combat situations that she can’t adapt to the artistic license of most FPS’s.
Kokichi Oma has only one series, which is entitled “Kokichi Plays Minecraft”. The series is well over a hundred episodes long, and not a single damn second of that is from Minecraft. Instead, every episode is taken from a different game, with no apparent pattern; each episode has Kokichi acting as if he’s been playing this game for several episodes, as well as alluding to various incidents that happened previously in the game (which, of course, the audience doesn’t get to see).
Tsumugi’s series is literally just makeup tutorials for cosplayers. She doesn’t seem to realize that it’s otherwise pretty much exclusively a gaming channel, and no one else has bothered to tell her.
There are plenty of other series not listed here, including some that pop up without warning and only air one or two episodes before ending. In general, every character from the games has at least one recurring series, each with wildly different schedules. 
One series in particular doesn’t have a single consistent host; it’s called “Ultimate Date Night”, and the commentary role shifts between various couples within the group- Akane and Nekomaru, Himiko and Tenko, Sonia and Gundham, Kokichi and Shuichi- as they play various cooperative and competitive games together. There is also a spin-off series called “Double Date”, in which two such couples square off in team-based competitive games.
Other Headcanons:
At one point, Hifumi and Kazuichi definitely played Doki Doki Literature Club, and spent the second half of the series alternately screaming and crying. They were not ready.
For one April Fools’ Day, everyone on the channel traded series for the day; Makoto and Kyoko hosted “Love Quest 3000”, Celeste and Ishimaru hosted “Super Bestest Friends Play!”, Hiyoko and Mikan hosted the horror game series, Maki hosted “Detective Training” (with special guests Kaito and Maki), and so on. The only exception to this was Kokichi; the thumbnail for his video showed Mukuro as the host, but Kokichi introduces himself as usual at the start of the video and does his usual thing. Also, Junko cameoed on multiple series that day.
Makoto and Kyoko definitely played through Ghost Trick together, and Makoto cried multiple times throughout the game, particularly near the ending.
The only time anyone in the group has ever seen Junko legitimately cry is that one time when Mukuro beat her at Mario Kart 8. Mukuro has never let her forget that day.
Maki was banned from “Double Date” after her first and only appearance ended with extensive property damage and Fuyuhiko (who was on the other team with Peko) being rushed to the hospital with multiple broken bones.
Games Komaru has played include Super Mario Galaxy (finished, though not 100%), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (unfinished), Thomas Was Alone, and Miitopia.
Chisa regularly visits the Ultimates Play headquarters, bringing snacks and encouragement. Everyone is happy to see her, even Togami and Kokichi.
Himiko was the first non-Class 77 member of the channel; no one is quite sure how she ended up joining, least of all Himiko.
Let us know if you like this idea, and if you have other headcanons regarding this AU! Maybe you’ll get featured in a follow-up post or something; who knows? Anyway, hope you enjoyed whatever this was! 
- Mod Snake 
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Doubt Thou the Stars Are Fire
by redwineandroses
Ed is directing his senior thesis project, a student-run production of Hamlet. He's feeling uninspired by the process until one Stede Bonnet auditions for the leading role. A college theatre SMAU.
Words: 59, Chapters: 11/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Israel Hands, Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death), Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Theatre
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41037996
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calisundae · 2 years
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The Bubble
A game that creates a safe space for mothers and daughters, so that only one person speaks at a time, where they can freely share their feelings and reestablish a connection with each other.
The goal of the game is that both players win!
For my Senior Thesis Project, I wanted to find out why teenage girls prefer opening up to their friends rather than their mothers and how can their relationship be reignited. The solution I conceptualized is through a board game that can be a tool for communication and be free of judgement. 
Game Elements
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Feelings Wand
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It is the key of the game! Whoever holds the Feelings Wand is the only player who can speak, the other player will only listen. 
Card Decks
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There are 4 different card decks.
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Level 1 (Simple) | Break the ice type of questions.
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Level 2 (Lighthearted) | Fun questions
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Level 3 (Intimate) | Heart to heart questions.
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Action | The players will do an activity with each other. 
Reaction Tokens
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An alternative to talking while someone is speaking, these tokens may be used to express your feelings as you listen to your co-player.
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Each player starts on the Welcome Mat until they meet in the middle, on The Bubble!
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Player Tokens
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Can be personalized by putting your own 1x1 photos!
Promise Card
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An oath both players sign before they play to ensure an open and honest game.
Welcome Card
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Short introduction of what The Bubble is and its rules.
Mechanics Booklet
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Explanation of the mechanics of the game and the point system.
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Social Media (Instagram)
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Inspirational quotes from known Mothers and Daughters, talking about each other.
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Engagement posts which include questions from the card decks which serves as a teaser to the actual game.
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Bonding activities that mothers and daughters can do together. 
Profile Picture Frame
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First Runner Up for Best Thesis
Presentation Deck
Video Presentation
Research Paper
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