#although my best friends husband is like that kinda except its different a little
baby-prophet · 1 year
summary of my night. I was expecting to cringe so so hard at the rap but it was pretty good and only a little bit corny OH and tattoos. wish I got one but....... nah not my first tattoo lol
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1-3
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May, 1984
Oof, here we go.
Just gotta replicate the pace that let me do the Hawkeye miniseries in one go, three times in a row.
This is probably too much effort considering its Secret Wars (or more accurately Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars) and maybe there’s not going to be a lot of big changes from this in the Avengers book to really justify it.
But we’re getting Jim Shooter writing the Avengers and his non-consecutive runs were a lot better than I had remembered. And it continues the theme he had from the Avengers book.
It just makes sense in a nonsense way to cover this story.
Last relevant time in Avengers! Acting Completely Normal Vision warned the Avengers about some weird, possibly hostile energy surges right in time for an energy surge to surge energetically in Central Park.
When the Avengers went to investigate, they found a weird structure that looked like a techy coliseum maybe. When some of the Avengers wandered into it (apparently the most bankable Avengers? Sucks to be Vision and Wanda, shrug) they vanished.
In the next issue, after several days, these heroes returned, speaking of a secret war they fought. Weird stuff like She-Hulk taking the Thing’s place on the Fantastic Four happened. In other books, Spidey got a cool new suit.
Would you know more?
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After being raptured in their various books, the missing superheroes all end up on one of those distinctive structures like the one that appeared in Central Park, except IN SPACE.
Its cool that the Avengers will have some company.
We’ve got a terrific 3/4ths of the Fantastic Four, the X-Men (including Lockheed but not including Kitty Pryde for some reason), the Avengers, Iron Man, Spider-Man, the totally Articulate Hulk, and hilariously Magneto is also here.
Maybe Secret Wars is just setting up the most awkward moment in the universe, as a prank show.
I think I’d enjoy a big event that turned out to be a prank show at the last minute. The fan discontent. Imagine.
Everyone introduces themselves to each other but mostly the audience and Ben Grimm claims his new codename as the Easter Bunny.
Checking, marvel wiki doesn’t have Easter Bunny listed as one of Ben’s known aliases. Cowards.
Looking up into space, Captain America spots another one of the totally cool constructs and Professor X scans that it contains EEEEEEEVIL.
Specifically Amora the Enchantress, Ultron, the Wrecking Crew, the Absorbing Man, the Lizard, VICTOR VON DOOOOOM, Kang the Conqueror, Doctor Octopus, and Molecule Man. Also, hilariously, Galactus is there.
I’m more convinced than ever that this is a prank show.
You know what would be more hilarious? If Punisher ended up on this construct.
The distribution of villains is kind of odd though. Galactus and Doctor Doom map to the FF. Doctor Octopus and the Lizard to Spider-Man. Ultron, Molecule Man, and Kang are Avengers foes. The Absorbing Man and the Wrecking Crew can go a couple ways but started off as Thor villains. And Amora is usually a Thor villain but supposedly has chilled out around this time or at least is less of a pain than her horny sister.
No X-Men villains. Because Magneto is chilling with them in the generally heroic pod.
Also, all the heroes were raptured from Earth while the villains were grabbed from Earth, from space, from Asgard, resurrected just to be here, or from the FUTURE.
I know marketing is wagging the dog but be consistent, secret organizer who we don’t know yet.
The Thing points out that Magnet is off-sides, re: being in the hero construct, and Magneto is like ‘hey, chill out dudes’ and denies specifically doing murders.
Magneto: “I know not what power transported me here from my secret lair, nor why I was placed among you -- but I find it more appropriate to ask why such as you were judged fit to be placed in my presence!”
Then the conversation is put on halt on account of the wildest shit any of them have ever seen.
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An entire galaxy vanishes but probably not due to a wave of anti-matter.
Thor: “It’s gone! Gone -- ! Swept away like dust before some unseen, giant hand!”
And then around that last star left unswept, various chunks merge together to form some sort of world, perhaps for battle.
A nice touch for later is that you can definitely see that one of the chunks is a stray chunk of city.
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Some of the villains start squabbling because close quarters, ego, etc.
But Ultron goes hey we’re allowed to fight? I’m the best at that.
Ultron: “I am Ultron! I do not understand the events transpiring! I do not understand how I came to be resurrected... nor how I came to be here! Nothing computes... Insignificant! I am Ultron! My purpose is to slay that which lives. You are all living things, ergo -- Ultron must destroy you!”
With the benefit of having read all the Avengers up to now, I feel that Ultron got up on the wrong side of the resurrection a little.
He’s not not like this but he’s not usually this turned on?
(Then again, maybe he just came back cranky)
DOOM grabs and shakes Molecule Man to do something about this because given enough time even the mighty DOOM might fall before Ultron.
Ultron is famously annoying to defeat, what with that adamantium.
But Molecule Man is in therapy after the Avengers kicked his shit and Tigra yelled at him for being a punk. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone.
So Doom with all his brilliant genius tells MM a cool way to help out that won’t hurt anyone. Directly.
Using his Molecule Man power over molecules to lightly toss Ultron into Galactus.
So that Galactus goes ‘who the fuck scuffed my boots’ and rips out all the energy in Ultron’s Ultron.
He can do that.
Why wouldn’t he? If he can do that to a planet, he can do it to a pissbaby robot. Even one apparently containing more power than an atom bomb.
Then, because this is one of those plots where things are always thenning, a rift opens in the nothingness of space and a heavenly esque light shines out. A warbly voice commands the action figures beat each other up.
I mean. Its more like
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The Beyonder: “I am from beyond! Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!”
But you have to admire that this toy commercial of a comic book is being honest and upfront about being a story where action figures bonk off of each other.
Galactus just hears ‘i can finally shake off these persistent forever munchies’ and flies off to demand prepayment for action figure bonking, with DOOM following behind him.
The Beyonder speaks up warning Galactus that hey, personal space. And that a guy that can effortlessly wipe out a galaxy is gonna have a sweet barrier but Galactus wants the hunger pangs gone and does not listen.
DOOM recognizes a bad idea when he sees one once in a while and hangs back but still gets blown out of space by the force of Galactus bonking off the Beyonder’s barriers.
Captain America: “They were swatted back like flies!”
Professor X: “To the Beyonder, even Galactus is less than a fly, Captain!”
Interruption dealt with, the Beyonder gets the show on the road and sends the two constructs to different parts of the patchwork planet.
The Marvel Super Heroes And Magneto land on some hill and quickly make sure that there are no villains excepting Magneto around.
With Magneto around, the non-X-Men raise an objection to Magneto being around.
He sank a Russian submarine with all hands back in X-Men #150 but he insists that it was self-defense and also they started it.
The X-Men’s position is ‘hey he’s a jerk but he’s our jerk plus we could use his help? The bad guys get GALACTUS, how is that fair?’
Well, they don’t say it but they’re probably thinking it.
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And Hawkeye decides to be a little racist today.
Hawkeye: “You mutants stick together, huh? Well, sticking to a blood-soaked maniac like him doesn’t speak well of you, pal!”
Dude, Clint. Your dear old friend is Wanda.
Wait, why ISN’T Wanda here? Did the toy people really not want her? Fools. Her husband is toyetic as all get out.
Also, point of order, Wolverine? If anyone qualifies as ‘hey he’s a jerk but he’s our jerk!’ here its you.
Johnny “good life choices” Storm decides he’ll just kick Magneto’s ass and end the debate but yeah. Yeah, no. Magneto makes a fool of him.
And then Magneto decides eff this noise and flies off.
With Magneto alienated (good job, guys), Professor X decides this group needs some dang leadership and throws a nomination to Reed Richards. Reed defers since he’s thinking of Sue, left at home and not able to participate in the event.
Wasp, the cool leader of the Avengers, nominates instead Captain America.
Wasp: “We’re off in a strange land, up to our ears in a little secret war that may decide the fate of the universe! Some people don’t know me well! They might have doubts... and there’s no room for that!”
I’m baffled that there’s people here who don’t know Wasp who has been heroing since the 60s but sure. Cap(tain America) probably gets more crossovers and whatever.
I mean, heck, we’re talking a group of heroes consisting of the Avengers (who she already leads), the Fantastic Three (who she’s well acquainted with), and the X-Men (who I’m sure she’s met, although awkwardly its going to later be revealed that Wasp is in the Hellfire Club, but only the sex parts).
And I guess Wolverine’s extensive backstory with Cap doesn’t exist yet because Wolverine isn’t keen on him being the leader, describing him as the least of the assembled heroes. When Hawkeye is right there!
I kid because I love.
Meanwhile, DOOM wakes up adjacent to Galactus ankle and heads to a nearby fortress which he correctly assumes is where the villains have ended up.
Wait, the heroes get beamed down to a random hill while the villains get sent to an advanced fortress with weaponry and we later learn vehicles sold separately?
Kinda stacking the deck, the Beyonder.
You gave the villains GALACTUS and A FORTRESS PLAYSET right out of the gate.
The other villains tell Doom that they’ve (mostly) decided that he should be their leader. But Doom has bigger fish to fry than the prizes that the Beyonder is offering.
In typical Doomesque fashion, he wants the whole kettle. But the other villains what with their petty concerns think he’s too afraid to fight.
So he ditches.
He goes to steal-borrow a spaceship and even though he hates the thought, takes off to go talk to Richards. And then Kang shoots him out of the sky with a GIANT GUN THAT THE VILLAIN FORTRESS ALSO HAS? to stop him from allying with the heroes.
Said (marvel super) heroes see the distant explosion and fly as a group in the most hilarious way possible to check it out.
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God, I have always loved this image. Its squished down into the bottom third of the page but its a delight.
They find Doom sprawled in the crash site, rambling that he’ll only speak to RICHARRRRRDS and about the Beyonder’s power. But Cap offends Doom mightily but offering him a hand up and because Doom sees pity in Cap and RICHARRRRRRDS eyes.
So he blasts the heroes and fucks off.
How very Bakugou of him.
And right as the heroes recover from that, a bunch of villains arrive to get this secret war started.
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I have a fondness for this particular issue. For a long while, issue 1 was the only issue of Secret Wars I could find. So I just had the start of this story with all these non-Spider-Man non-X-Men heroes I barely knew cliffhangering into an attack by villains I really didn’t recognize except for Doc Ock and the Lizard.
It was a window into another side of the Marvel Universe. And for child me, this first issue worked perfectly to intrigue me. All these characters, the very straightforward conflict, all the complications that immediately pop up like Magneto, Galactus, and Doom. Alas, small child resources.
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June, 1984
The heroes react slowly to the sudden villain attack but thankfully, the villains aren’t working together well. Unthankfully, half of the heroes were already knocked out by the first attack.
Meanwhile, over at Doctor Doom’s side of the plot, he flies back over to where Galactus just in time to see him finally rouse from being slapped down by the Beyonder.
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Galactus floats to his feet and wanders off.
Doom: “He ignored me! As though I were a gnat buzzing at his feet! And so I am... Just as all of us, even Galactus himself, are but insects to the all-powerful Beyonder! Thus, the others have chosen to play the Beyonder’s simple game -- thereby, in effect, paying homage to him. Should I, too, pay homage? Should I worship at the feet of this god-like being -- or chose another path... one only Doom would dare!”
I think anyone that knows Doom knows which option he’s gonna choose.
He heads back to the villain fortress and finds Ultron’s deactivated body and decides Doom can use this.
Meanwhile, back at the first secret battle of the secret war, the heroes rally and start fighting back under Cap(tain America)’s leadership.
She-Hulk even gets a designated girl fight with the only female villain on the villain team.
I’d complain, I would. But at least She-Hulk isn’t the only heroine on the hero side.
She-Hulk: “Hiya! I’m the She-Hulk! You must be the Enchantress! Gee, I’ve heard so much about you -- ! You’re a not-nice lady!”
Enchantress: “A green woman? Is there no end to the varieties of mortals?”
The Enchantress magic slaps She-Hulk away and comments that she could crush She-Hulk physically but its beneath her.
Yeah, all Asgardians have some level of super strength, that’s right. Even the squishy wizards.
But all She-Hulk heard was, ‘someone I can really punch!’
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She-Hulk: “I don’t often duke it out with someone solid enough to really unload on -- and slow enough to let me! Oh, wow! That was, like tubular, you know -- to the max!”
Uh. Jen, are you okay? Did you have a stroke? You don’t usually talk so much in Mario World secret world levels.
I think maybe Jim Shooter didn’t have a good grasp on her. I don’t think he’s ever written for her. And the other heroes mostly don’t vary too much from generic hero speaking patterns. Add some smart for smart characters, add some rude to Wolverine, and so on.
The battle wraps up with Kang, the Enchantress, and the Wrecking Crew captured and the rest of the villains fleeing when the battle didn’t go their way.
Cap sends Storm off to scout for a cool playset that they can use as shelter and she does so, noting that the winds on Battleworld are super easy to control. Like Battleworld was created to create ideal fighting conditions for everyone. Pretty neat, the Beyonder.
Storm finds a particularly rad fortress (”Bigger than fifty-four and a half Pentagons, I’d estimate!” Wow!) and the heroes move in.
I unironically enjoy how toyetic this story is with the fortresses and the vehicles and the weapons. Because I’m almost positive that Mattel barely capitalized on it.
There were only two playsets. Pitiful.
Over in their new headquarters, Reed stashes the captured villains in some form of psychostasis which “works by controlling aggression through brainwave modulation!”
He also sticks Enchantress in a healing pod to address that nasty case of being She-Hulked right in the face. Nothing will salve her ego though.
Captain America: “It’s no wonder that the name Mister Fantastic is renowned for compassion as well as courage! You give added meaning to the word hero, Richards!”
Whenever someone loudly announces that Reed is super compassionate, it makes me feel like they’re overcompensating.
Nobody ever makes note of, say, Captain America’s compassion.
With the prisoners (of war? Is that the whole reason for the title?) accommodated, Cap calls everyone for a meeting in a cool meeting dome he found which has a small waterfall for aesthetic and so everyone has to yell to be heard.
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Wolverine yells that they should mop up the rest of the villains and get this over with.
Not mentioning that in order to “win it” they’d have to kill the villains, which none of the heroes have shown any interest in doing so far.
Cap(tain America) replies that A) planet big and they have no idea where the villains got to. And B) the remaining villains slash antagonists are Galactus, Doctor Doom, Molecule Man, Doctor Octopus, the Wrecker, the Absorbing Man, and Magneto. Not really people you mop up.
In a fun logistics bit, Cap sends out a patrol to make sure the area is secure but he also sends out two additional groups to find  if there are any places in this fortress they can sleep and whether there's any... food.
Makes me imagine a Secret Survival War where the sides have to wrestle over limited resources.
Hours later, the villains that escaped the fracas arrive back at their fortress.
I’m sort of confused here.
Maybe it took so long because they had to make sure they weren’t followed. Or maybe because they didn’t have the sweet tripod vehicle anymore. But think about the flow of events of: everyone beamed down to Battleworld > Doom ditches the villains and gets shot down > heroes investigate and Doom ditches > villains show up for cliffhanger fight.
The villain fortress should be pretty close to where that fight took place. And then the heroes find a nearby fortress of their own so their fortress should be pretty close to the villain fortress. Maybe not in the same neighborhood but surely the same zip code.
Anyway, they find that while they were gone, Doom swanned in and renamed the place the Doombase.
If they have problems with it, they can talk to his Ultron.
Which I’m surprised he didn’t rename Doomtron.
Doom also tells them that he’s in charge now.
Absorbing Man: “Aw! Who gives a hoot! I need a meal an’ sleep! You wanna be in charge, Doom? Okay by me!”
If you think about it, this is just some steps added what the villains wanted all along.
They wanted Doom to be their leader but he told them he had bigger fish to fry and fucked off. Now he’s fucked back on and told them all that he’s their leader. They initially object before reconsidering due to Doomtron but, yeah, its all gone full circle.
Doom is a lot more cordial to Molecule Man though.
Doom: “Molecule Man... uh, Mr. Reece, I believe it is? I trust you were not inconvenienced.”
Molecule Man: “Well, being absolute master of molecules I can just assimilate molecules when I want, so I never have to be hungry, and I can just shoo away dirt molecules, so I’m always nice and clean -- but I am tired!”
Doom: “I have prepared a special chamber for you! I hope you like it!”
Molecule Man: “If not, I can always reconstruct the molecules -- !”
Nice to see Jim Shooter able to follow up on the trajectory he sent Molecule Man on.
The rest of the villains head off but Doctor Octopus, the only other brain cell in this group, hangs back to talk to DOOM.
He wants to know what he plans to do about Galactus and then shows Doom on the biggest screen TV that Galactus is standing on a mountain glowing with an awesome power.
Doom just retorts that his plans are for his forces to triumph.
Doctor Octopus: Something tells me he’s got ambitions that dwarf merely triumphing in the Beyonder’s little contest! The question is whether he will destroy us in trying to achieve them -- or immediately after fulfilling them?!
Like I said, the only other brain cell in this group.
Meanwhile, while Magneto secretly sneaks into the hero fortress for Reasons, the heroes have a quiet moment that lets this Secret Wars biz really sink in.
Wasp: “I’d be having tea in my studio now, Jenny... And lunch on my patio tomorrow... This... um... situation we’re in... is kind of... much, you know? I feel there’s just a little thin wall inside me holding back a flood of despair!”
Its a nice touch, if intentional, that Wasp only admits this kind of thing now that she’s passed off the leadership responsibilities to Captain America. Its been a recurring character beat that she’s been keeping these sorts of worries to herself as chairwoman.
Over in another part of the fortress, Cyclops complains that he was right in the middle of his dang honeymoon when he was yanked into this event.
Cyclops: “I don’t know about you, Richards, but more than angry or afraid, I feel cheated! I -- I was on the verge of real happiness...”
Oof. This really sets the tone for his marriage with Madelyne Pryor.
Spider-Man and the Human Torch even have a little conversation.
Spider-Man: “You mean it doesn’t shake you, Torch, being here? What if we don’t get home?”
Human Torch: “The Fantastic Four have been off on space missions a couple of times, Spider-Man! We’ll get back! Believe me!”
I like when they’re friends.
So, I’m not sure what Magneto’s plan actually was. He was going to sabotage the fortress’ fusion generator as a distraction but Spider-Man’s Spider-Sense Spider-Alerts him to shenanigans afoot and he runs off to the power plant while Johnny Storm goes to get the other heroes.
Magneto decides to abandon whatever his plan was and captures Wasp as a consolation prize.
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Gasp, another prisoner of war!
The Thing tries to give chase but inexplicably turns back to normal, smooth skinned Ben Grimm.
Also, Magneto escapes with the Wasp.
It’s like the aardvark says, you can get what you want and still not be happy.
Captain Marvel is holding the randomly anti-mutant ball for Hawkeye here and comments that none of the X-Men showed up to help stop Magneto.
Cap(tain America) tells her to belay that.
Captain America: “Let’s keep our minds on solving problems, not creating more!”
And they can’t even go after Magneto or rescue the Wasp right now because they have bigger problems: Galactus glowing with an awesome power and a massive storm that’s forming on Battleworld.
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July, 1984
The Beyonder has thrown in a nice stage hazard to keep things fresh in the form of a massive storm raging on Battleworld, with lighting that shatters mountains and winds that could tear someone’s limbs clean off.
Or perhaps its the unintentional result of just slapping a planet together out of random stuff you have lying around. The climate must be shot to shit.
I like it either way. Secret Wars has a lot of very toyetic collisions between groups of characters so its nice when Battleworld itself manages to be an obstacle.
Over in his giant U-shaped fortress, Magneto finally unwraps Wasp from the ball of random metal crap he has her in.
He lets her wander around until she finds him so that he can be all casual and eating a space scone.
Magneto: “Do not bother trying to attack me, my dear! My person is magnetically shielded!”
Wasp: “Well, la-de-da!”
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Wasp: -blows up his space scone- “You think I have to strike at you directly to hurt you, monster?”
Hilarious spite, thy name is Janet van Dyne.
She also makes the point that magnetic shielding or no, she could bring this whole room down. Her being able to knock over a small house with her pew pew hasn’t stopped being true.
Magneto hastens to ask her not to do that because neither of them want to be out in the storm outside.
Besides, he just wants to talk! And flirt!
Magneto: “You are obviously a woman of intelligence and understanding as well as great beauty -- and I am not the monster you believe I am -- which is precisely what I wish to discuss!”
Wasp: “Oh? My intelligence, understanding and beauty or your non-monsterhood?”
Magneto: “Why... both!”
Back at the hero base (which is apparently ROUGHLY THE SIZE OF CHICAGO?? I want that playset), the storm has almost completely flooded the area, leaving just the top dome and such poking above the water.
The storm keeps dropping chunks of mountain at the base but Thor is standing on top, protecting it while grinning like a loon.
Captain Marvel even speculates that Thor could calm the storm but is whipping it up into a greater frenzy instead. Those storm gods, amirite?
Hawkeye is also standing by, with his explosive arrow, thinking to himself that if Thor fails, Hawkeye will totally save the day.
I don’t know whether that’s sad or endearing.
Mostly though he’s trying to distract himself from thinking about the new wife he left behind.
Cap, Reed, and Hulk are watching the villain base because apparently they do know where it is. The storm is keeping the villains in too but Cap figures they’ll pull one desperate attack as soon as the storm breaks.
They’ve already lost four of their dudes. Plus, Galactus isn’t a team player.
Spider-Man is just swinging around, enjoying how good for swinging the random technological pipes and tubes and whatsits are when he stumbles upon the X-Men having a secret meeting.
Professor X has decided, possibly on the basis of two (2) rude comments from Hawkeye and Captain Marvel, that the X-Men just don’t belong here and that they’d be better off going and teaming up with Magneto.
This... sure is a take.
Rogue comments that the Avengers don’t trust her because of that time she kicked their asses collectively. Which, hey, very possibly. They haven’t really had a thing to say about you though. They’ve mostly been grouchy about Magneto.
Which is kinda born out by the way he tried to blow up their base and definitely kidnapped the Wasp?? And is even now aggressively eating scones at her?
That’s the Magneto you guys want to go join because he’s more your people than the Fantastic Avengers and friends are?
You know, there’s a pattern I sometimes see with the X-Men where they loudly insist that the other superheroes don’t help them and don’t care about mutant stuff while at the same time doing shit like this.
“Should we get Reed Richards, smartest dick in the world to help with the legacy virus or the techno-organic virus Stryfe shot into Xavier? NAHHHH Beast can handle it.”
“Should we stick with the other superheroes or go hang with Magneto instead in a cool mutants only U-shaped fortress? Well, U is the coolest letter that isn’t X...”
If you squint, you can definitely see Krakoa all the way in the future.
Anyway, Spider-Man overheard all of this and goes ‘I’M TELLING!’
Wolverine tries to tell him that snitches get stitches but the thing is?
Spider-Man is ridiculous. He’s a ridiculously good combination of skills and powers which lets him make chumps out of entire groups at a time.
He’s embarrassed the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and now he’s about to embarrass the X-Men.
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After making them all feel foolish, Spider-Man gets away and goes to tell Reed what that doody-head Xavier said when Xavier uses his psychic powers to just wipe the entire encounter out of Spider-Man’s memory.
Yeah, it’s to cover their imminent blowing off but also? I don’t think he wants anyone else to find out how badly his X-Men just got stomped.
Psychics are too OP, I tell you what.
In fairness IN FAIRNESS, the X-Men kind of have the right to fuck right off if they wish. I don’t even know what it had to be in secret. In fact, doing it in secret is a massive dick move of its own for reasons.
What would the Fantastic Avengers have done if the X-Men had just said ‘hey we’re heading out’? Would they have put them in stasis tube jail? I doubt it.
Professor X made the decision to handle this the stupidest way for whatever reason. That scamp.
Speaking of Magneto, he’s over at the U-Lair turning down a partnership offer from DOOM. So, hey, he has standards.
Wasp has become less ‘i’ll blow up this room and your breakfast’ about him over the course of whatever the hell they discussed in their offscreen chat.
Magneto even starts to make out with her and Wasp is like ehhhhhhhhhh what the fuck why not.
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Why is this happening?
I guess he has a...................... magnetic personality?
Eh? Eh??
No, but seriously, I do have a theory that I heard someplace but it’ll have to wait.
What’s weird is that there’s a Marvel What If about some spinoff babies that come about if the heroes and villains got stuck on Battleworld and never managed to leave.
Wasp has a son with Human Torch. Which is pretty weird and comes from nowhere. I guess a lot can happen during a massive time skip. My point being though, its weird that they didn’t have a Wasp/Magneto baby instead given the weird chemistry they have here.
Meanwhile, over at DOOMBASE, DOOM has some women in giant tubes.
That’s So Doom.
Doctor Doom: “All is ready -- ! This alien technology, so rich, so subtle... so easily harnessed to serve my purpose... Energy, tapped from the raging tempest... And two mortal subjects who dare to gamble for power -- knowing that to lose is death, for truly, here I shall test the limits of power a human body can contain! With the throwing of a switch... so -- the die is cast! Hear me -- ! Power must be seized -- ! Crave it! Welcome it! Drink it in, despite the pain... or it will destroy you.”
And thus are Volcana and Titania created!
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Talk about lasting effects of Secret Wars! Titania is going to be around forever! Mostly annoying She-Hulk!
Where did Doom find two random women to give superpowers?
Denver, Colorado.
No, seriously.
That city chunk we saw as Battleworld formed? That’s Denver, Colorado, USA, EARTH.
Why isn’t there a miniseries or one-shot about a normal ass civilian from Denver having to deal with OH MY GOD WHERE DID EARTH GO?
I actually read an interesting thing re: this scene. It exists because Mattel asked Marvel to introduce some new female characters so Shooter wrote in these two and a third who I’ll get to when I do.
Mattel then promptly used none of these characters for the associated toyline.
The toyline, in fact, used none female characters at all. It made toys of characters who weren’t in the story but did not have a single female character.
So its very weird that they asked Marvel to introduce some but I’m not going to knock the results.
Doom introduces these two new characters to the other villains.
Hilariously, Absorbing Man guesses that Doctor Doom just made women from scratch. Because doesn’t it sound like something he could do?
Volcana and Molecule Man immediately hit it off, her being attracted to his sensitivity and him being attracted to... positive attention at all, I guess?
He muses that he could easily stop the storm outside, because molecules, but his therapist told him to let nature take its course. “Unless Doom asks me to!”
And Titania and Absorbing Man. They don’t hit it off. She either wants to hit him or hit that and its not clear and it might be both.
(Spoilers: Its both)
Titania: “You! Absorbing Man! You look like the toughest man here! Get up!”
Absorbing Man: “Whatcha got in mind?”
Titania: “I’m going to do anything I want to you! Everything I always wanted to do to everybody who used to be bigger and stronger than me! Maybe I’ll just play with you... or maybe I’ll make you eat dirt... or maybe...”
Absorbing Man: “Woman, if you got somethin’ to prove, prove it tomorrow against the guys we’re fightin’!”
Titania: “You’re backing down?”
Absorbing Man: “Nope! I just ain’t getting up! I got nothin’ to prove... to a dame!”
Would you believe that they become one of the healthiest and most stable romantic relationships in Marvel?
Speaking of weird relationships, back over at hero base, Thor goes and pops the lid on Enchanteress’ healing tube because he’s bored and wants to talk to a peer. A god peer.
Enchantress is at first more characteristically worried about what her face looks like after being She-Hulked.
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But she then creates a portal so she and Thor can go have a chat.
Later, it’s morning and Hulk has been too busy stressing over losing his Banner smarts to actually keep watch or wake up Cap for watch like he was supposed to.
So when the villains ram an airship into the hero base, the heroes are not at all prepared.
Titania hurls a giant slab of wall through the room the Terrific Three are sharing, breaking Johnny Torch’s arm and ribs and knocking out the other two. He manages to get himself and co out of danger by melting through the floor.
Meanwhile, She-Hulk is carrying a big heavy as she’s been doing since the previous night and is caught unaware by Volcana who blasts her off her feet and then collapses the room on top of her.
Doctor Octopus knocks out Captain Marvel who is in the hot springs dome but gets chased away by Hawkeye, claiming that long-range firepower is his weakness.
I’m stunned at the implication that Doc Ock is one of Spider-Man’s most dangerous foes but could be scared off by Hawkeye while Spider-Man could pretty easily drop Clint’s ass. There’s some rock-paper-scissors nonsense at play here.
Spider-Man and Iron Man are also taken unawares by Ultron but manage to hide under some rubble.
Hulk leaps into the fray at Molecule Man and Doom but Cap convinces him to fall back to a defensible position.
The villains reconvene with all the captured villains freed except Enchantress (since she fucked off to have a chat with Thor) and the heroes scattered and buried under various rubbles. How the fortunes of Secret War turn.
Sure would have been nice if the X-Men had been around to help or if they mentioned they wouldn’t be. Sure would have been.
Doom: “We have accomplished much here today! And to finish it, we shall level this place so that no stone remains on stone!”
No wonder Mattel didn’t make a playset of this base! Dammit Doom, you’re ruining the merchandising!
Follow @essential-avengers​ for more of Secret Wars! At this same pace! Its sustainable! This is fine! Like and reblog too!
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kacychase · 4 years
“I do”
AeGi; yes, it’s exactly what you’re thinking lol
My  mirror  image  looks  so  different  from  the  usual.  My  hair  is  made  up  in  a  hairdo  that  is  more  elaborate  than  I  have  probably  seen  for  a  while  –  Rika  and  Maya  insisted  on  making  the  make-up  and  hairstyle  extravagant.
To  be  honest,  having  been  younger,  I  bet  it  would  have  felt  a  bit  different  from  today’s  standards.  Though,  today  is  a  bit  of  an  exception.
Nope.  That’s  an  understatement,  today  will  be  one  of  the  most  terrifying  days  of  my  life…  What  if  I  just  got  out  of  here  with  Nol,  and  we  would  just  sit  in  the  Wac’s  a  few  blocks  from  here?  That  would  have  been  awesome.
But  probably,  the  white,  beautiful  dress  I’m  wearing  would  get  too  dirty  for  it  to  be  ruined  by  the  street’s  mud.  Its  lace  for  the  long  sleeve  and  the  v-neck  cut  really  makes  my  rather  slender  figure  look  less  like  a  stick.  Taking  in  a  deep  breath,  I  realize  that  maybe,  this  wedding  won’t  be  a  disaster  –  after  all,  my  friends,  the  Parks,  Nana,  dad  and  Rika  have  all  helped  me  through  this,  and  I  bet  Dieter  and  Soushi  were  Nol’s  anchors,  too.
I  bet  he’s  just  as  nervous  as  I  am.
“Shin-Ae,  your  necklace  is  put  in  the  wrong  way,  do  you  want  me  to  turn  it  around?”  Ah,  that  was  what  made  me  look  in  the  mirror  in  the  first  place.  Keep  your  head  together,  Shin-Ae!
It’s  not  like  he’s  any  less  nervous  than  I  am.  Well,  maybe  I  did  most  of  the  organizing  of  the  wedding,  but  honestly,  he  probably  is  just  as  nervous  as  I  am  about  becoming  my  husband.
Yeah,  that  must  be  it.  I  am  about  to  become  his  wife,  huh?  That  means  Mrs  Lochlainn.  Yeah…  Thinking  about  it  now,  his  proposal  feels  like  yesterday.  When  Nol  proposed  to  me,  it  was  oddly  romantic,  and  he  looked  like  he  wanted  to  escape  all  throughout  the  date.  Kinda  rigid,  but  at  least  I  found  out  why  after  we  decided  to  go  to  a  chicken  joint  instead.
Oh  man…
Anyway,  I’m  going  to  marry  in  30  minutes,  and  my  heart  feels  like  running.
“Shin-Ae!  Do  you  want  to  talk  to  your  dad?  Or  Min-Hyuk?  You  look  dead,”  Maya  deadpans  with  a  single  glance  into  my  direction,  shortly  checking  her  make-up  before  looking  back  to  me.  Rika,  through  the  while,  just  peeks  through  the  door,  then  turns  back  to  the  two  of  us.  “Well,  your  dad  is  definitely  at  the  door,  Min-Hyuk  looks  like  he’s  talking  to  Dieter  and  Soushi  about  something,”  she  announces  at  our  direction,  having  Maya  exclaim:  “I  bet  it’s  a  good  idea  right  now!  We  will  check  if  everything  in  the  wedding  goes  according  to  plan,  okay?”
This  is  going  too  fast.  Feeling  my  hands  shiver  about  the  whole  thing  and  the  fact  that  the  wedding  event  has  started,  I  feel  like  my  mind  is  blanking.  For  some  reason,  I’m  a  bit  scared  of  messing  up,  becoming  tongue-tied  when  the  vows  start.  Not  keeping  up  the  vows.  Being  a  bad  wife.  Everything  about  this  is  kind  of  strange.  But  thinking  that  Nol  is  my  husband  from  today  on  makes  it  reasonable  again.
“Alright.  Thank  you  guys,  I  owe  you  one,  for  real,”  I  sigh  in  distress  and  smile  at  my  two  bridesmaids.  Although  we  were  off  to  a  rocky  start,  we  really  have  grown  close  over  time.  “Just  repay  us  when  Dieter  finally  marries  his  fiancée,”  Maya  nonchalantly  replies,  while  both  women  in  their  yellow  dresses  head  to  the  exit
But  even  that  doesn’t  compare  to  the  way  Nol  and  I  have  evolved  into  two  dorks.  Even  during  the  times  when  I  was  crazily  stressed  out,  he  somehow  manages  to  put  up  with  my  attitude.  How  does  he  even  do  that?
Either  way,  I  could  need  him  right  now.  At  least  I  will  see  him  at  the  altar  I  guess.  When  we  are  about  to  listen  to  the  priest,  vow  to  each  other,  kiss  and  be  husband  and  wife.
Ugh,  this  is  going  to  be  something  else  for  sure.  I  could  use  a  good  old  hug,  or  a  laugh,  or  some  chicken.
But  my  father  entering  the  room  is  what  makes  me  rethink  rushing  to  Wac’s  for  a  Wac  burger  as  he  closes  the  door  behind  him,  and  maybe  his  excited  face  reminding  me  of  the  occasion.
“There  you  are,  Shin-Ae.  I  was  already  wondering  if  they  had  abducted  you  or  something,”  dad  says  as  he  approaches  me,  then  takes  a  halt  to  take  in  the  way  I  look  –  a  beautiful  bride  about  to  be  bound  off  to  the  man  he  used  to  hate.
He  would  have  hated  any  man  that  would  come  into  my  life  anyway.
His  stunned  but  soft  and  moved  voice  hits  me  as  he  mutters:  “My  beautiful  daughter,  about  to  marry…”  Closing  the  distance,  he  carefully  watches  as  he  probably  debates  whether  he  should  hug  me  or  not.  “This  guy  still  doesn’t  deserve  you.  If  it  went  by  me,  he  would  have  been  hist-“  “Dad!,”  I  interrupt  him,  “Who  else  will  support  the  fried  chicken  industry  as  much  as  he  does?  We  need  to  keep  him  alive,”  I  argue  back,  a  smile  creeping  on  my  face  as  I  giggle  eerily.
Today  really  does  it,  huh.
“Well,  you  seem  very  happy  honey,  and  I  hope  that  you  two  can  continue  to  be  there  for  each  other.  That  guy  really  blooms  with  you  around.”  Whenever  I  hear  that,  my  heart  starts  melting.  I  know  that  Nol  and  I  appear  to  some  as  the  ‘OTP’  (not  looking  at  Maya  at  all),  but  I  always  feel  a  little  softer  whenever  I  see  Nol  being  happy,  smile  like  the  fool  he  is,  or  actually  just  hearing  someone  how  great  he  looks  in  general  whenever  he  speaks  of  us  and  the  engagement  stuff.
At  least  now  I  know  that  Nana  didn’t  entirely  force  him  into  proposing  to  me.  But  we  do  have  a  catholic  prayer  included  into  the  ceremony.
My  stomach  feels  oddly  bubbly  right  now,  and  I  wish  I  wasn’t  so  affected  before  I  would  even  see  my  redhead  idiot  fiancée.  “Dad?  I  don’t  know  what  to  do  right  now,”  I  admit  to  him,  feeling  myself  take  in  a  deep  breath,  suddenly  hyper  aware  to  the  way  air  fills  my  lungs.
“I  am  about  to  go  out  there  and  vow  to  him,  and  everything.  I  don’t  even  know  if  I  am  a  good  fiancée  or  not.  What  about  wife  then?”
  Silently  listening  to  me,  dad  does  not  really  say  anything  as  silence  spreads  itself  in  the  room,  and  I  slowly  concentrate  on  my  breathing  as  Nol  has  taught  me  once  when  I  was  close  to  panicking  because  of  the  nurse  job,  and  it  has  served  me  for  quite  an  amount  of  times.
“Shin-Ae,  this  guy  is  already  happy  to  have  you  the  way  you  are,  don’t  worry  about  that,”  he  just  says,  strokes  his  fingers  through  his  hair  to  look  at  my  hair  and  my  make-up.  “This  guy  looks  at  you  as  if  you  saved  his  life,  and  look  at  you.  Now  both  of  you  are  here.  I  think  that  should  already  make  the  case  that  he’s  happy  with  you  marrying  him,”  he  finally  answers,  “Now  come,  let  me  give  you  a  hug.”
Feeling  his  arms  hesitantly  embrace  me,  I  also  lay  my  arms  around  him  slowly  to  avoid  getting  anything  from  the  dress  caught  onto  his  elegant  suit.  “Thanks,  dad,”  I  just  mutter,  careful  not  to  stain  his  shoulder  with  make-up  either.  “No  problem,”  he  responds,  releasing  me  seconds  after.
“Now,  how  long  do  you  need  to  revise  on  the  speech?”  he  asks  as  he  goes  back  a  few  steps  and  looks  at  the  cards  I  have  prepared  to  reread  before  I  might  blank  out  on  them.  “I-I  think  I  got  it.  I  revised  it  at  home  quite  a  bit,”  I  respond  with  another  breath,  stealing  a  glance  at  the  tiny  little  flashcard  that  I  have  tried  to  write  so  much.  It  feels  like  too  little  now.
In  my  nervous  stupor,  I  swear  I  wish  I  could  change  the  speech  right  now  and  just  add  more.
“Honey,  you  will  do  great,”  I  hear  dad  say  and  I  nod  absentmindedly.
“It’s  really  just  Nol  I’m  talking  to.  He’ll  probably  goof  out  more  than  I  will,”  I  mutter  and  stifle  a  chuckle.  I’m  just  as  bad  as  him,  so  I  shouldn’t  laugh.  Technically.
“Alright,  because  I  think  it’s  time  already.”
  This  sentence  makes  me  feel  a  huge  stone  weigh  down  my  stomach,  but  my  dad’s  genuine  doesn’t  tell  me  otherwise.  “What?”  My  voice  sounds  like  it’s  choking  on  itself.  “B-but  the  people  don’t  sit  yet,  do  they?”
“Actually,  they  wait  for  you  now.”
“OMG  WHY  DIDN’T  YOU  TELL  ME!!”  My  nervousness  shouldn’t  be  this  terrible.  “Sorry  dad!”  I  immediately  add,  feeling  sorry  for  my  little  outbreak.  “Let’s  go!”
“Alright,  honey.  Here  you  go.”
  And  as  he  gives  me  his  arm,  I  intertwine  my  left  one  with  his  right.
When  the  both  of  us  go  down  the  hall  of  the  church,  everything  feels  so  incredibly  dreamlike.  All  the  past  work  in  the  months  before,  all  the  organization  that  went  into  today,  all  the  guest  lists  and  seat  orders  and  bills  and  themes  –  they  all  fade  into  nothingness  as  I  finally  see  my  redhead  look  at  me,  his  eyes  so  intense  and  so  glassy  that  my  heart  might  jump  any  time.  His  smile  is  so  genuine  and  so  full  of  happiness,  and  I  can  see  nervousness  ooze  from  him  as  much  as  from  me  as  we  slowly  approach  him,  dad  still  firmly  holding  my  arm.  If  he  hadn’t,  I  really  don’t  know  what  might  have  happened,  but  the  way  Nol  and  I  look  at  each  other  now…  It  makes  all  the  doubts  and  fears  go  away.
I’m  ready  for  a  long  life  with  this  goofy  bigfoot.
  The  steps  to  the  altar  have  made  me  worry,  but  now  that  I  can  finally  see  Nol  within  my  reach,  I  suddenly  feel  calm,  as  if  I  didn’t  need  to  look  for  my  husband  anymore.  But  as  my  father  releases  me  with  a  smile,  all  I  can  see  are  Nol’s  smile,  and  I  swear,  teary  green  eyes.
My  heart  is  wrenching  as  I  see  one  drop  from  his  right  eye,  and  my  own  eyes  water.  Is  my  smile  even  a  pretty  one  at  this  point?  I  don’t  care.
“Dear  beloved,  we  are  gathered  here  today…,”  the  priest  starts  to  say,  and  he  is  a  friendly  one.  His  way  of  speaking  about  us,  our  duties  for  each  other  as  husband  and  wife  from  a  Catholic  standpoint  somehow  is  really  encouraging  and  sweetly  put.  I  am  glad  that  we  got  him,  and  before  the  ceremony,  I  remember  him  wishing  us  the  best.
While  I  smile  and  nod,  I  can’t  help  but  catch  myself  stare  at  the  freckled  groom.  There  he  stands,  in  a  suit  that  makes  him  more  handsome  than  he  already  is,  styled  hair,  a  yellow  boutonnière  and  funnily,  a  last-minute  addition  of  the  pizza  cufflink  Min-Hyuk  has  bought  him.  I  think  he  has  mentioned  that  he  got  them  for  him  last  week.  Looking  at  all  the  groomsmen,  I  can  see  Dieter,  Min-Hyuk  and  Dieter  looking  at  us,  and  as  I  glance  at  them,  each  of  them  smiles  at  me  and/or  gives  me  a  thumbs  up.  Trying  to  suppress  a  chuckle,  I  look  back  at  my  groom,  my  heart  already  elated.  His  face  tells  me  so  much  to  the  point  that  I  can’t  breathe  for  a  second.  Another  tear  falls  down  his  eye  and  he  smilingly  wipes  it  away  with  his  hand  as  my  heart  aches  to  hug  and  kiss  him.  But  for  now,  holding  hands  should  work.
This  man…
This  man  makes  me  cry  at  my  wedding,  too.  “As  now,  the  groom  can  from  now  on  proceed  with  his  speech  to  the  bride.”  With  a  short  Thank  you  smile  to  the  priest,  Nol  now  locks  eyes  with  me  again,  so  much  more  intense.  For  a  while,  nothing  happens  as  we  just  stare  at  each  other,  until  he  breaks  and  laughs:  “Sorry,  I  didn’t  know  that  a  wedding  could  make  me  this  nervous  today.”
A  few  short  laughs  fill  the  room,  mine  included.  In  the  background,  I  can  see  Shin-Hye  film  the  whole  thing,  but  I  couldn’t  care  less  right  now  as  my  eyes  gravitate  back  to  his.
“Shin-Ae.  When  I  first  met  you,  it  was  when  you  splashed  orange  juice  at  me  in  a  burger  joint.  You  stood  up  for  your  friends  and  gave  us  a  piece  of  your  mind,  even  punched  my  school  uniform  clean.  Back  then,  I  had  no  clue  what  a  ride  I  was  in  for,  and  what  kind  of  person  you  were,”  I  can’t  help  but  chuckle  at  the  memory.  I  was  a  socially  awkward  person  just  trying  to  make  things  right  with  the  little  money  we  had.  When  I  met  you  the  second  time,  you  stood  up  for  your  beliefs.  ‘I  don’t  care  whether  you  are  the  son  of  the  prime  minister  or  a  random  cashier  at  a  food  mart,  you’re  a  human  first’,  you  said  to  me.”  As  he  mentions  said  thing,  I  feel  starstruck.  He  remembers?  How?  Even  I  barely  remember  what  I  said  to  him  years  ago  at  the  party.  His  genuine  but  also  proud  smirk  is  telling  me  that  my  reaction  must  be  obvious,  as  I  hear  his  speech  to  me.  “And  it  was  that  that  made  me  think  of  you.  After  we  became  friends,  I  have  seen  you  defend  your  loved  ones,  and  over  the  time  yourself  from  what  is  bad.  You  are  brave,  you  have  a  heart  too  big  for  your  own  good,  and  the  best  taste  in  chicken  wings  I  could  wish  in  a  wife.  Thank  you  for  believing  in  me  when  only  my  Nana  told  me  I’m  handsome.  I  love  you”
His  unwavering  gaze  at  mine  gives  me  goosebumps,  but  I  don’t  care  and  wish  I  could  just  kiss  him  already.  At  least  my  cheeks  hurt  from  all  the  smiling.
"I,  Nolan  Lochlainn,  take  you,  Shin-Ae,  to  be  my  wife.  I  promise  to  be  true  to  you  in  good  times  and  in  bad,  in  sickness  and  in  health"  Although  I  have  seen  him  tearing  up  and  nervously  laughing  just  now,  these  words  come  out  in  such  an  assuredness,  warming  my  heart.
God,  now  it  is  my  turn.
Luckily  having  taken  my  flashcards  with  me,  I  smile  at  him,  vision  blurry.
“Nol,  back  when  I  didn’t  have  it  too  easy,  to  me,  you  were  a  sly  person,  a  good-willing  guy  who  came  off  too  strong.  I  didn’t  understand  that  when  you  were  doing  these  things,  you  were  probably  the  most  genuine  person  I  could  have  ever  met.  And  I  am  glad  we  made  it  through  the  times.  You  have  proven  to  me  time  again  that  even  if  there  was  no  other  way  to  both  chase  your  dreams  and  be  there  for  your  loved  ones,  you  made  it  work.  Whenever  I  was  down,  or  had  moments  of  doubts,  you  were  there  to  light  up  my  day,  and  make  the  best  potato  dishes  I  had  the  pleasure  of  eating.  I  love  you,  and  can’t  wait  to  spend  my  life  even  more  with  you.”
I  wish  I  was  better  at  this.  My  voice  quivers  as  I  keep  eye  contact  with  Nol,  taking  a  deep  breath.  But  seeing  him  break  into  a  smile  and  glassy  eyes,  I  just  have  to  reciprocate.  “I,  Shin-Ae  Yoo,  take  you,  Nolan  Lochlainn,  to  be  my  husband.  I  promise  to  be  true  to  you  in  good  times  and  in  bad,  in  sickness  and  in  health.”
He  shortly  looks  at  the  floor,  then  back  to  me.
“Nolan  Lochlainn,”  I  hear  the  speaker  say,  “Do  you  take  Shin-Ae  to  be  your  beloved  and  wedded  wife?”
The  tall  groom  tightens  his  grip  around  my  hand,  closing  up  my  throat.  “I  do.”
I  can’t  help  but  grin  at  him,  looking  shortly  at  the  pizza  cufflink  on  his  suit  to  calm  myself.  But  I  can’t  miss  his  gaze  right  now.  I  want  to  remember  this  for  the  rest  of  my  life.
“Shin-Ae  Yoo,”  there  is  a  long  pause  before  I  look  into  the  eyes  of  the  speaker,  eventually  hearing  the  only  words  that  keep  me  separated  from  calling  Nol  my  spouse.  “Do  you  take  Nolan  Lochlainn  to  be  your  beloved  and  wedded  wife?”
Looking  at  Nol  with  a  smile,  I  have  to  nod  while  saying  “Yes.”
  I  also  tighten  my  grip  around  his  fingers.  Is  this  really  happening?  His  face  looks  just  as  shocked,  but  I  can’t  wait  for  what’s  about  to  come.  “Now  you  may  kiss  the  bride.”
  I  don’t  care  about  the  cheers  once  Nol  approaches  me  and  I  put  my  arms  around  him.  It’s  too  sweet  to  really  describe,  but  I  am  sure  in  will  stay  engraved  into  my  mind.
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soontofustew · 5 years
about now
summary: your touring husband is finally home. 
pairing: park jaehyung x reader
word count: 2.5k ish
a/n:  hey hey @nara1509​!! this is written for you for the myday christmas fic exchange ~ (organised by the lovely @7abshy​) you didn't really specify anything except husband jae so i took the creative liberties!! truthfully, this was really difficult to write (figuring out marriage dynamics and thinking about life after marriage) but i tried my best!! my writing here is lowkey weird too?? feels kinda different from my normal style but sorry for the long wait >< anyway i really hope you enjoy this and have a great 2020!! 
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“ y/n, aren’t you heading home yet?” 
the sound of your typing slows to a halt as you finally look up from your computer screen after staring at it the whole day, blinking furiously in an attempt to drive the tiredness away.  sohye’s head pops out from behind the door of your office, concern briefly flickering across her face as she takes in the mess of your usually organised surroundings. papers were scattered across your table, you knew there were at least three different files lying open on the couch and a multitude of post it notes were pasted across the department whiteboard that you had (with much effort) managed to roll into the room. 
you attempt a reassuring smile at your closest friend and colleague in the department, although at this point you’re sure it looks more like a grimace. 
“well, i’m hoping to be done with this by 7?” you catch the clock ticking to 6.45 out of the corner of your eye and inwardly sigh, “scratch that. maybe 8?” 
sohye frowns for a moment, before stepping into your office. “i could come in early tomorrow to finish up the rest of the pitch and presentation? especially since you’re supposed to be on leave. minjung said she would be in early as well!” 
“i’ll finish up what i can and email the rest to the department to finish. don’t worry so much and go home, shoo shoo.” you wave a hand at her and she nods somewhat reluctantly, turning around to leave. 
“you better make sure you leave at 8.” she calls out as she turns to exit your office, not before fixing you with a stern glare that you know from past experience meant that she wasn’t playing around.
“yes mom.” you drone, waving your hands quickly at her in a shooing motion. “please leave safely.” 
“i swear i’ll swap all the pen caps on your coloured pens-”, you tune out the rest of her exasperated shouts as she heads to the elevators, staring at your computer screen for a second before running a hand down your face in frustration. 
today was not your day. 
when you had woken up, you were more than prepared to have a week of well-deserved rest and relaxation. what you discovered was an urgent email from your boss telling you that you had to come into work for an emergency (leave or no leave), you had managed to fall and bruise your arm before even leaving the house and spilled coffee on your favourite blouse. upon reaching work, you realised an incredibly dumb tech intern had managed to wipe out all the files pertaining to the upcoming pitch your company had prepared for a major client (hence the emergency) and that your department had to redo it all by the weekend. 
“and of course, all this just has to happen the one time i decide to clear the leave i have backlogged. and when he’s finally back home.” you grumble to yourself as you grudgingly continue typing. a chime sounds and you reach over to grab your phone, unlocking it to see messages from said person you were talking about.
[goat husbando]: hey hey i landed already. how u doing? .o. 
[goat husbando]: also its raining did you pack an umbrella?
[you]: i’m ok 
[you]: i think so? 
[you]: should have a spare one in my office anyway 
[goat husbando]: ok see u soon :”)
a smile creeps onto your face, as it sinks in that your husband is finally back in the country after what seemed like an eternity (admittedly only six months) on tour in europe and america. taking a moment to stretch your sore muscles from sitting all day, you think back to how you even met him and wonder how you managed to survive it all. 
- 24th july, 9.32pm. -
you take a sip of your chai latte, taking in the skyline of seoul before you. "being up here really puts my worries into perspective." you mutter to yourself. 
all of a sudden, a body crashes into you and you yelp in surprise, hands instinctively grabbing onto the railing to support your weight. your chai latte, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky and you stare mournfully as it falls from your grip. 
"oh my god, i am so so sorry! are you okay? ok i guess you're not, i just made you lose your drink. damn it younghyun, look at what you did-" 
turning to look at the situation after making sure your limbs were all intact, you meet a tall boy, his blonde hair tousled by the wind, wire rimmed glasses perched on his nose. he was clad in an oversized flannel, a simple black shirt and blue denim jeans completing the outfit. 
"um-" you make an effort to get this attention, seeing him arguing with another boy, his hair dyed with purple hues. 
he spins around, hands flailing in desperation, eyes large from worry. "i am so sorry! aH what can i do to make it up to you??" 
you can't help it. at the sight of him panicking immensely over your spilt latte, you burst into laughter, hands wrapping around your middle. "you.. you look like... like an octopus." you manage to get out in between breaths. 
the boy ceased all movement abruptly, moving to lean against the railing next to you. "i guess i kind of do huh?" he chuckles to himself.  extending a hand towards you, he smiles - a grin so bright and disarming that it takes your breath away for a split second. 
"park jaehyung. how about i buy another drink for you?" 
you guessed that the rest, like people said was history. 
but the past six months truly felt like the longest six months of your life. it was his first tour after the both of you got married and you convinced yourself that things would be fine. life without jaehyung seemed to function normally at first, you still woke up in the mornings and went to work, just that the bed seemed a little larger now, blankets a little colder when you wrapped yourself in them. skype sessions were irregular given the time differences, but you both tried your best and you would be lying if you said you weren’t happy that you had a folder of pictures dedicated to one park jaehyung falling asleep in the midst of conversation. by the third month of the tour, you were in “peak withdrawal mode” as sohye had termed, with every small thing reminding you of the tall idiot who occupied your heart.
grocery shopping and having to stretch for items that he would normally reach easily for. subconsciously cooking for two instead of one. turning around excitedly to show him a meme and realising he wasn't around. missing his warmth as the weather turned colder and you dug out old sweaters to compensate. 
the fourth month was when you started wearing his shirts to bed. somehow they still smelled like him, a comforting mix of sandalwood and grapefruit. the video calls lessened as the weeks went by, what with how tired he was from the consecutive shows. still, you pushed on - burying yourself in work and department meetings, refusing to allow yourself time to dwell on the missing presence of park jaehyung. 
and then you re-watched the proposal video. 
it was a random evening on the weekend and you decided to clear out some random bits and bobs you collected in your drawers over the years, when you saw the disc. once the video started, you immediately knew what it was. the video was shaky and badly lit, but watching it, you could see every moment that happened in your mind as clear as day. 
- 23rd july 2018, 11.54pm -
“isn’t the view nice?” the camera lens veers into your face as you lean against a metal railing, making you flinch and jump back slightly. 
"not so close, alex!" you laugh and push the camera backwards, turning back to the open view in front of you. you take a deep breath of the cool night air and stretch your arms out, feeling the wind rush between your fingertips. 
"hey hey of course i'm excited! i haven't visited you in ages and to get to tour seoul with you? have some sympathy for your best friend ok." the voice behind the camera rises in pitch and the screen fumbles for a second before readjusting and a blonde appears next to you, holding up a peace sign. 
the video ends up focusing on you again, back to leaning against the railing, eyes drinking in the night scenery - watching the city lights of seoul twinkle beneath you. 
"you really like this place huh?" alex asks again. 
you nod, smiling into the distance. "i met jaehyung here. about seven years ago? and we came here a lot for dates, it's quiet and hardly anyone can be bothered to walk up here since it's only footpaths up to this peak. we just sat around, ate take-out and talked together. i remember he asked me out here too. he brought his acoustic guitar and sang 'best part' before asking me to be his girlfriend."  
you turn around to look at her, eyes narrowing slightly before you spot jaehyung behind her, carrying his well-worn acoustic guitar. 
he slowly walks towards you, a grin on his face as he strums the guitar. 
"if you love me, i can love you till the end. so stay with me don't go anywhere. you will be without a doubt, my last love story. so please be my finale." 
he reaches you, taking off his guitar and leans down to give you a quick kiss on the forehead. kneeling in front of you, he grasps your hands and takes a breath.
"hey y/n. wow ok, i'm totally more nervous than i thought i was going to be. ok ok. we met here on this day-", he quickly looks down at his watch, "on this day seven years ago. meeting you has changed my life, as cliche as it sounds. during these seven years, you've supported me through all the good times and the bad, even when i might have been out of the country and not able to do the same for you. i once asked you to be my girlfriend here. but now, i want to ask another question. is that ok?" 
you can only nod in response, tears already gathering in the corners of your eyes. 
"y/n, would you do be the honour of being my wife?" 
"yes, yes! park jaehyung, i would love to be your wife." 
you paused the video then, curling into a ball on the couch. the apartment had never seemed emptier than at that moment, jaehyung’s missing larger than life presence causing an absence that left a gaping hole in your life. even the dish towels looked sadder, you laughed while blinking back tears as you made your nightly cup of tea. a few minutes later, you were seated by your bedside, staring at the cup of hot honey lemon you had somehow subconsciously made. it was jaehyung’s favourite drink before bed and as the scent of honey flooded your nose, you broke down. that night, you cried yourself to sleep listening to his albums, missing the feeling of his arms around you. 
a loud knock on the door breaks you out of your reminiscing and you look up, mouth dropping open in surprise. 
"someone requested for a delivery of one tall handsome man?" 
park jaehyung leans languidly against the door of your office, a cheeky smirk on his face. his hair messily ruffled from the plane ride, one hand in his jacket pocket and the other holding a multitude of plastic bags. 
"what-" you begin, when he shuffles over immediately, index finger out and shushing you. 
when did he get here from the airport? how?  
you were stunned, mind torn between wanting to run over to hug him and struck by how well he knew you.
"i figured i would pick my lovely wife up from work today. and i bought some takeout along the way too - it's your favourite - sushi and some strawberry shortcake from that small bakery you like. i got the car parked downstairs and i know you're definitely tired." 
he places the food down on the office table, leaning down to peck your forehead as he somehow manages to simultaneously save the work on your laptop and shut it down. "so, how about say we head home hm?" 
he cocks his head at you, and as you stare into his eyes, you know there's only one correct answer. you can never refuse park jaehyung. so you shut your eyes briefly, savouring the weight of his hand as he strokes your hair before getting up to pack your belongings. 
"ah, i forgot. younghyun invited us to dinner tomorrow. wanna go?" he asks without looking at you, hands tapping away on his phone. 
and you suddenly realise that he's always asking the questions. always making sure you're comfortable. always being there to catch you before you fall. you set your half-packed bag down on the table and reach out, tugging the edge of his coat. 
"hey." you lick your lips, watch as his eyes trace the edges of your face. "park jaehyung, can i kiss you?" 
his eyes imperceptibly widen, hand reaching up to run his fingers through his hair as he grins teasingly. "how can i say no when you're asking me like that y/n?", he whispers, voice catching slightly on your name.
so, you reach a hand out, cupping his face and pull him down towards you as you tiptoe to reach him. the warmth of his lips on yours grounds you, releasing a tension you didn't even know you had and you snake your other hand around his waist, drawing him closer. his hands settle around your lower back, tongue slipping into your mouth as you him kiss deeper. 
when you finally break away, face slightly flushed and lips redder than before, you catch a glimpse of jaehyung's smirk and refuse to look him in the eye. "you really missed me, didn't you?" he traces a finger down the side of your cheekbones. 
your response is to bury your face into his chest, breathing in the familiar scent of sandalwood. "i did. i really did miss you." 
"mm. i would love to stand here and hug you all day but the food's gonna get cold babe. besides, you got me to yourself all night." he slowly untangles himself from your embrace, and you proceed to gather up your things. fingers firmly intertwined with his as you leave the office, your heart skips a beat as you look up at jaehyung. 
your husband is finally home. 
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pax-2735 · 5 years
Got Fanfic: Come Into My Parlor (1/3)
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Notes: As per usual, I own nothing except the mistakes. This is Jon/Sansa, in case the picture didn’t give it away.
Summary:  When Sansa goes to the Targaryen’s annual Halloween bash, the last thing she expected was to come face to face with her demons.
Come Into My Parlor
This has got to be the Halloween from hell, Sansa thinks, even as the strangeness of that sentence strikes her over the head like a meat cleaver. Mostly like a cheap, plastic one like those she has been seeing adorning the heads of half the people in this stupid party but still. The analogy stands, as it’s the best one she can come up with at present.
Seriously though, what are the odds that not one, not two, but three of the world’s shittiest, most sorry excuses for mankind had ended up here, all holed up together in the middle of nowhere, with nothing better to do than to torment her very existence?
And yes, she´s painfully aware that the fact she has actually dated all three of them at some point in her life – some very deep, very low point in her life – doesn’t exactly paint her in the brightest of colors.
Sansa has always adored Halloween. Not so much the gruesome horror – although she likes a good scary movie and is not about to scream her lungs out if she happens to see a spider or a bat, no, that’s much more Robb’s thing – but mostly the part about dressing up. It had always been her favorite, ever since she was a little girl and her mother would make her the most amazing princess dresses.
Assuredly, her costumes have certainly graduated from ankle length ballroom gowns into decidedly slinkier, sexier outfits, but the feeling of slipping into someone else’s skin and be a completely different person for a little while is still pretty much the same. She’s still convinced the world lost its most astonishing actress the day real life and bills to pay pushed her into a very exciting career as an administrative assistant.
And so, as it stands to reason, the annual Halloween bash hosted by the Targaryens was evidently a no-miss. Even if this year they had decided to host the damn thing at Harrenhal.
As choices go, it was certainly appropriate. The ancient mansion had been abandoned for decades before Rhaegar Targaryen had bought it, determined to bring it back to its previous glory. It’s just that its previous glory included a series of skin prickling stories, ranging from the serial killer who lured his victims inside its cavernous halls to the satanic cults who performed blood sacrifices on its lush gardens.
Of course, no one knew for sure if any of those stories were true. And the fact that it was widely said that the mansion was truly and well haunted by the souls of all those who had perished there, well… that just made it perfect for this whole shindig. Except for the fact it was totally out of the way and it had taken her and Robb ages to get there.
The party had already been in full swing by the time they had gotten there, which in true Targaryen fashion meant that copious amounts of alcohol were being consumed, half the people were already barely coherent, and the music was blaring to the point it would most likely kill the other half soon enough.
Her brother had disappeared almost as soon as they had walked through the door, making a beeline for the drinks or the pretty girl currently pouring them. Sansa didn’t really care which because, exactly twenty seconds later, she had spotted him. Even worse, he had spotted her right back.
Enter asshole number one.
Joffrey Baratheon had been her golden prince during her teenager years. She was fifteen when they had first met and she had been instantly in love. He was the jock to her princess, the Romeo to her Juliet, and a whole bunch of other bullshit she had waxed poetics about at the height of her infatuation.
Unfortunately, as she had rather painfully learned soon after, Joffrey was anything but.
He made his way towards her with a smirk on his lips and stopped right in front of her, blocking any chance of escape. Sansa bristled at his nerve.
“Sansa.” His eyes gave her a once over before settling on her face. It was his trade mark during their relationship, the way he would lock eyes with her, forcing her to cast hers down. “How are you?”
She kept her eyes trained on his face as she heard her mother’s lilting voice in her head. A lady’s armor is her courtesy. She pictured her aunt Lysa, the poised way she had stood when her husband had been arrested for molesting a child, the way she had maintained her composure even when he had gone insane during his trial, screaming about the voices inside his cell telling him all about the horrible ways he was going to die.
(Sansa hadn’t felt pity then – she could still recall the way he liked to kiss her when greeting her, always touching her face or her lower back, his hands wandering over places they had no business wandering over. Petyr Baelish was never inappropriate enough to warrant saying anything to anyone but it was certainly more than enough to make her skin crawl.)
So yes, she comes from a long line of strong women. Strong, polite women, who know how to keep their cool in the face of utter sleaze bags. And Sansa Stark is certainly not one to disappoint so, when her eyes finally moved from Joffrey’s smug face to give him a rather pointed once over before saying, “Who the fuck are you supposed to be?” in a very snickery tone, she felt rather proud of herself.
She felt even better when he spluttered, drops from his drink landing on his black doublet. Yes, she’s not fifteen anymore and it’s high time he learned that.
“I’m Aegon the Conqueror. You would know that if you weren’t so stupid.”
She raised an eyebrow, cocking her head to the side in mock disbelief. “Isn’t that kinda tacky? Usurping the ancestors of the family who’s hosting the party?”
Joffrey narrowed his eyes in a move that used to make him look dark and mysterious back in the day but right now, it just made him look dangerous. Still, she repeated to herself, I’m not fifteen anymore you prick.
Her eyes wandered across the room, not-so-secretly plotting ways to escape, until they suddenly locked with a par of stormy grey, lurking in the back. Jon Snow. No, Jon Targaryen now. Keep up with the times.
Robb’s best friend since the first day of school and good boy extraordinaire, Jon had been a permanent fixture in the Stark household ever since. He had been raised by his single mother, Lyanna Snow having decided she wanted nothing to do with the boy’s father after having discovered he suffered from a permanent and very severe case of marriage-with-children.
Lyanna had died when Jon was in his teens and he had been sent to live with his estranged father. Rhaegar’s wife hadn’t exactly been too thrilled to discover her husband’s indiscretions but Elia Martell was not one to punish the child for his father’s crimes, and had instead turned the brunt of her anger towards her husband. It was a point of constant amusement amongst the highborn ladies of the city how Rhaegar had gone from having an affair with a woman who borne him a bastard to becoming a potential contender in the husband-of-the-year award.
Jon was staring at her with a concerned look on his handsome face and even though the music was too loud and they were too far away, she could almost hear his teeth grinding from how tightly his jaw was clenched. He gave a slight nod towards Joffrey, his body poised like a panther ready to pounce and she knew he was about to come over and put a stop to whatever the fuck this was.
Once again for the people in the back. I’m not fucking fifteen anymore. She gave him a slight shake of her head and saw his face furrow. He looked completely unconvinced by this turn of events but, to his credit, had stayed put.
Sansa took a dainty sip of her drink, her eyes still training about the milling people, before she paused. The drink tasted… funny. It wasn’t unpleasant, no. Just… different from what she’d expected. Her heart raced as she panicked for a second. Had Joffrey slipped something into her glass?
Just as quickly as that thought entered her head, she chased it out. That wasn’t possible, Margaery had given her the drink before she had even stepped through the massive oak doors and she hadn’t let go of it since. Joffrey was a lot of things but smooth wasn’t one of them; there was no way he could have done something while she was still clutching the glass to her chest.
Very carefully Sansa took another sip. It tasted fine. It wasn’t what she had been expecting, the taste far richer and smoother than what she was normally used to drink, but then again she wasn’t expecting the Targaryens to serve cheap liquor at one of their parties. She seriously doubted they even knew where to buy cheap… anything, for that matter.
It was probably just the company that had soured her taste buds.
Joffrey was still talking, about the party and the Targaryens and stupid cunts who got invited just so they could spread their legs to them later on, and Sansa was quite frankly fed up with it. “You know what? Go bother someone else for a change.” She started to turn away, ready to bask in her victory and enjoy the evening.
“Don’t you dare walk away from me bitch.” His voice was low and hissing and Sansa startled, although not at the venom dripping from it. She dropped her eyes to her wrist and then to his hands, furiously clenched at his sides. Fifteen years ago, those hands would have been wrapped around her wrists, gripping them so tightly she would have worn the marks for weeks to follow.
His face was red and clammy and she could see sweat gathering on his forehead as she looked back into his eyes. “Not so though now that you don’t have your friends here to back you up, are you?”
She didn’t wait for his answer. Sidestepping him, she quickly made her way into the throngs of people milling about, putting as much distance between herself and Joffrey as she could.
The music was getting even louder as she approached the dance floor. The lights were almost blinding, flashing in an orgy of red, blues and greens, and she could feel the thumping beat against her ribcage as Loras Tyrell suddenly appeared in front of her. With a joyous smile and a quick peck to her cheek, Sansa was pulled into the midst of dancers, where Renly Baratheon was already doing what she was certain was supposed to pass as dancing.
“Hey there birthday girl.” Renly was swaying, his brown locks plastered to his forehead and he gave her a cheeky grin.
“My birthday isn’t until tomorrow.”
“It’s almost midnight isn’t it?”
Sansa smiled and leaned closer to yell in his ear. “Renly it’s only nine.”
He winked at her before chugging down on more of his whiskey. “Never too early to celebrate.”
She laughed as all three clinked their glasses in a toast, and soon she was losing herself in the beat of the music. Sansa closed her eyes, smiling, as she let the sounds of the party carry her away.
Three songs later, someone came barreling in on their little piece of heaven, frantically calling for Renly. She watched in concern as his face lost his normally joyous expression and was gradually replaced with worry.
“What’s going on?” she yelled at Loras, who was already moving in on Renly, an arm carefully draped around his shoulders.
“Joffrey’s having some sort of allergic reaction or some shit. We need to take him to a hospital.”
Sansa moved forward, squeezing Renly into a tight hug. She didn’t say anything and Renly smiled sadly at her in understanding. The only thing she was sorry about was that she couldn’t really say she was sorry.
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zukadiary · 5 years
Mugen Musou / Krung Thep ~ Moon Troupe 2019
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Over the length of my trip I saw a pretty fair cross section of this show—way back in mid-March pre-Krung Thep changes in Takarazuka; the live viewing of Takarazuka raku with Miya’s sayonara show included; and last week in Tokyo, the first full day of Reiko’s absence with the cast changes in place. 
I solidly did not enjoy Mugen Musou. I love Tamaki’s Tsukigumi, I love Miya Rurika and was so glad I had the opportunity to see her last show, and no one’s treatment in Mugen Musou was able to save it for me. I think perhaps if you read and enjoyed the novel, and also love Tsukigumi, there’s a decent chance that you’ll like this. I did not read the novel, and it felt very much like I had to as a prerequisite. 
There was an awful lot jammed into an hour and a half. The flow of the show bothered me; there were so many scenes, they changed so quickly, and none of them felt very substantial to me. In Saito-sensei’s attempt to cover as much plot as humanly possible, I think he lost the characters; while I understood generally what was going on, I did not immediately get who many of the characters were, how they knew each other, or why many of them were doing what they were doing. 
That provided a poor setup for my biggest gripe: I recognize that I am an American, and I am not necessarily the intended audience, and that this is certainly a big part of Japanese history and culture, but in the year 2019, the whole samurai honor I-must-kill-everyone-just-to-prove-I’m-strongest thing is not very compelling to me. If accompanied by moving character relationships (which, I hear, the novel has in spades), I can definitely give it a pass; but in the absence of onstage character development, that as the standalone force driving the story was simply not interesting or relatable enough to me to be enjoyable.
With a few exceptions—and this probably just goes back to the overall lack of character development—I thought most of the characters were ill fitted to their actresses. I don’t even think anyone did a poor job, everyone really gave it their best effort; my hang up lies entirely with the directorial choices, and I guess the choice of this show in general. I find Tamaki the most charming when she’s fully in wholesome ideal husband mode. I finally watched Elisabeth recently and liked her Tod a lot more than I expected also, so that was a fair out-of-the-box choice for her. The samurai with something to prove for no good reason other than that he’s embarrassed about his dad did not hit me where I want Tamaki to hit me. Otsu is not really presented with much depth; she’s pretty demure, and she spends the whole show waiting around for men to come back to her and gets sad when they break their promises. I was hoping we’d get something that would allow Sakura to show off her strengths a little more in her Grand Theater debut (although she did play the flute for real). I wanted more pining between Otsu and Musashi, but I didn’t really get it, and what there was seemed kind of one-sided on Otsu’s part. Kojiro, too, was one-note; I’m not sure what there was to him other than “the strongest dude” (oh, and he wears a cross, so he’s CHRISTIAN. That’s BACKSTORY). Miya did her damnedest, and she did manage a kind of cold sexy anime boy vibe, but again, especially for her last show, this was just not the kind of character I most enjoy seeing her play, nor did it play to her strengths in my opinion (with truly all the love in my heart for this woman, I have to say she cannot swordplay her way out of a wet paper bag). On my first viewing I thought Ari was the villain, but after the other two I don’t think there even is a villain; Ari seems to be just a stern guy from a dojo (that Musashi passed through when he was weak and thus *had to* defeat in its entirety when he got strong). Again, I don’t really know what his motivation was, and the character didn’t show off any of Ari’s charms, or challenge her in a meaningful way to try something different. Very few other people got roles substantial enough to be worth mentioning. 
I DID enjoy some specific things:
Reiko’s character, Matahachi, was my favorite, and her portrayal was my favorite. Matahachi had personality, and amidst all this very serious samurai glory business going on, he had sort of his own contrary subplot that I found much more entertaining. He’s a loyal friend to Musashi, but also lazy, kinda dumb, and utterly useless. He runs away from home with Musashi in the beginning, but while Musashi is off on his quest for ultimate strength, Matahachi pretty much gives up, spends a lot of time sleeping in a brothel, has to do manual labor for 5 minutes and gets tired of it, and eventually happens upon a dying man who is trying to carry some sort of scroll of certification to Kojiro. Matahachi is thrilled at his great fortune; he takes the scroll from the dead guy and uses it to steal Kojiro’s identity, attracting hordes of women and scaring away thugs on his “reputation.” His aging parents WALK OUT OF THEIR TINY HOMETOWN with the purpose of finding him and bringing him home, and successfully find him and embarrass him in front of all his swooning admirers. I saw Oda on the first day she took over this role, and I wish I could have seen her after a little more warmup. She didn’t have the charm that endeared me to Reiko’s Matahachi, but she sure can hold her own with the rest of the upperclassmen in terms of acting and stage presence. 
Toki-chan as Akemi, a girl who Sachika’s character took into her brothel and raised, gave me the heart-wrenching yearning I wanted from Musashi and Otsu. In the very first scene after the prologue, Akemi and Musashi are walking and talking (she’s taken a liking to him). Musashi finds a bell on the ground and sticks it into Akemi’s obi. For the remainder of the show, Akemi jingles softly with every appearance and every movement, haunted via sound by the reminder of her unrequited love for Musashi, making all of her longing looks more poignant. 
There’s a scene at the end where Musashi sees a ghost/memory of his father (Shimon). Dad is like WHY DID YOU DO ANY OF THIS? and Musashi doesn’t really have an answer. Same, dad. 
I loved Krung Thep so much the first time I saw it. Then it went through some changes, and I cooled a little on it, but still thought it was really good overall. 
It’s been a 2-act heavy year so far, and Estrellas and Krung Thep (as of me writing this 2 days before Yukigumi shonichi) have been our only revues. I thought that for the most part the music in Krung Thep was beautiful, not really in a jam to the soundtrack way like Estrellas, but in a really nice ambient way; there are a lot of bells and other interesting sounds that we don’t get as frequently. It also has a dazzling gold aesthetic, the kind of spectacle you want as a Takarazuka lover going into a revue.
There were for sure some questionable moments. The boy band number (albeit this time with Sakura at the center of the boys), which, much to my chagrin, seems to have become a revue staple regardless of director, was originally THIS SONG, which I happen to know and love thanks to this Japanese version, so I forgave its presence. This was one of the three numbers that got the axe before filming day, and they replaced it with a synth remix of the Takarazuka classic C’est Magnifique. That rendered it no longer forgivable. The chuuzume was very long and set to Shall we Dance, but like... only the chorus over and over and over and over again with varying flair. It was also turbans doing absolutely nothing to disguise Daisuke’s favorite Latin ruffles, and, if not for the King and I undercurrent, it wouldn’t have fit with the rest of the show whatsoever. A King and I medley maybe would’ve been nice?
Standout numbers:
The first or second number after the prologue (depending on when you think the prologue ends) is a Reiko vs. Ari kickboxing match. It’s hammy and ridiculous and goes on for two whole rounds, which seemed TOO LONG for how awkward it was the first time I saw it... but then when the fight ends, they break into a song about “male friendship” and how they love each other no matter who wins or loses. After that I was stoked, and on subsequent viewings appreciated every detail down to their girlfriends and trainers in the audience.
There’s a beauuuutiful barefoot duet dance between Tamaki and Miya
Mayupon in drag singing in at least 3 octaves flawlessly. There’s an alternate timeline, perhaps a brighter one, where I’m just in Mayupon’s club
Admittedly one of my least favorite revue tropes where there’s a nightclub and a girl and a terrible boyfriend and a new guy who shows up and someone gets jealous and has a gun and the wrong person always dies... but this time Ari is in hotpants
The Grand Hotel numbers in the sayonara show are probably too tough a contender, but the Krung Thep kuroenbi is not only great (messy tailcoats with rolled sleeves, mmmmm) but also almost the best little taidan gift for Miya in the whole thing. I don’t know how they’re going to splice the frames together for the DVD, but it opens with Miya singing a solo, and then she goes down into the floor as the kuroenbi is starting (making it look like she won’t even be in it). The rest of the otokoyaku dance a bit, then Miya comes back up out of the floor dressed to match, and everyone else hits one of those sexy lunges in formation, and then they all turn their heads to look at her in unison. Ugh.
I’m gonna miss Miya!!!!! And I hope Reiko is doing ok.
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thehonestmommy · 5 years
What I wish people told me about postpartum life
There is a TON of advise and guidance on what to expect when you are pregnant. Theres even more about how to handle every little cough, hiccup, and milestone that your baby goes through. But theres something in between thats severly lacking in conversation and warning. Postpartum life. Im not talking about how tired you will be or how your house will turn into a toy store. I mean the little things that will likely take you by surprise unless a well meaning friend shares it with you. Because for some reason, we as a society dont talk about the post partum mom, except for breasfeeding, baby weight, and stretch marks. But let me tell you, there is a whole lot more than that.
Well, as the over-sharer that I am, allow me to prepare you for the things that never get spoken about, and might surprise you about life after pregnancy. Here are some of the things I had to learn on my own, and that I wish someone told me about so I was more prepared.
WARNING: I’m gonna get personal and gross right from the get-go. Buckle up.
You will sweat…profusely
Seriously. My first night after giving birth, I was so sweaty. But I passed it off as just part of recovery. I mean, I did just spend 3 days pushing a human out of my body, I’m understandably sweaty. But then the next night, same thing. And the following night, too. For weeks and weeks it continued. I would wake up at night to feed my baby and be soaked, almost like I had the flu! I felt disgusting, and was constantly changing clothes. But the more I questioned other moms (online and in mom groups) the more I realized we all were experiencing this to some degree….we just wen’t talking about it. I mean, sure. It’s a bit embarrassing, especially if you aren’t a person who sweats very much under normal circumstances. But it woulda saved us all a lot of embarrassment if it was something we were told was par for the course! No need to worry, soggy momma. You are normal.
You will smell
This goes hand in hand with being sweaty. But it’s so much more than that. I was constantly getting whiffs of my own body odour…and boy was it bad. And it wasn’t the typical B.O. smell I’d get if I’d done some cardio and wasn’t able to shower straight away. This was a whole other beast. I kept trying to compensate for smelling horrible by saying it out loud and apologizing. But my mom and my husband kept reassuring me that they couldn’t smell a thing. But how couldn’t they?! I was so rank. Im telling you, it was so bad that I would shower, and sniff my pitts after soaping up while SILL IN THE SHOWER and I could still smell myself. Seriously. No amount of soap or scrubbing was making this go away.
But heres the thing. No one around me could smell it (or at least they wouldn’t tell me so) except my baby. You see, this is a special function of a breastfeeding mom. You take on a unique signature scent that helps your young baby identify you. And as they grow and their senses develop, the stench (or strength of it) fades away.
If i had known this before it happened, maybe I wouldn’t have cried in the shower after scrubbing my armpits raw.
Postpartum insomnia is a thing
We all know that new parents have a hard time sleeping. But I always thought it was because
A) The baby keeps you awake with its very loud singing, practicing for auditions on The Voice, B) The baby being asleep makes you freak out that its too still to be breathing , or C) You cant stop watching this adorable little chubby mini-me peacefully sleeping
So, it really surprised me when my baby started sleeping through the night, but I did not. I didn’t feel anxious. I wasn’t plagued of thoughts about my baby’s safety. And even though I loved watching him sleep, I was cool with rolling over and enjoying my much needed rest. But, no matter how tired I was, the sleep wouldn’t come. I would lay awake, utterly exhausted. I would just nodd off and the baby would wake. Every 5 nights or so, I would sleep. Yes, you read that right. I would only sleep after about 4 full sleepless nights. Those 4 to 5 days were torturous cat naps only. After about a month of this, I went to my Dr because I thought something was seriously wrong. She knowingly chuckled when I explained what was going on. “Postpartum insomnia” she said. Apparently, it’s a hormone thing. Not every woman experiences it, but it’s not uncommon. “it will go away when you are done breastfeeding, most likely.” Oh. My. God. Are you kidding me? My kid is finally sleeping for more than 30 minutes at a time, and now I cant, and wont, until i’m done breastfeeding? (I plan to breastfeed for at least a year) Mother nature, your jokes aren’t that funny.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Exactly the same as postpartum insomnia, some women get carpal tunnel that wont go away till breastfeeding is over. Its not unusual for women to get it while they are pregnant, but even if you didn’t have it then, you could still get it once your baby has left the flesh-building. According to my doc, hormones mixed with weight-bearing hand positions (breastfeeding again, yay!) is the perfect recipe for some inflammation of the nerves in your forearms and hands. My hands didn’t hurt much during the day but at night they would drive me crazy. Think pins and needles to the nth degree. That shit is going to keep you awake #postpartuminsomnia
Breastfeeding + binge eating
breastfeeding burns a LOT of calories. You think you were eating for two while you were pregnant? Thats not nothing on breastfeeding. That baby keps getting bigger and hungrier. Get ready to smash some food.
Breastfeeding + thirst
Breastmilk is surprisingly watery. Baby drinks breast milk, your fluids deplete, the body needs more to make more milk. The process is not surprising. What might surprise you is that you get thirsty IMMEDIATELY after your baby has triggered the let-down (aka within minutes of him/her latching on) Keep a bottle of water handy for every nursing session. You are gonna need it.
Period pains
I think its fairly well established in the way we discuss postpartum that your period may not come back for a while. But what they DON’T tell you, is that you will still get similar pains fairly often. In the beginning, your uterus needs to go back to its regular size, so cramping/contractions will take place for a few weeks after giving birth to contract that uterus back to its old self. Thats right. You will still have contractions for WEEKS. Yay!
If you are breastfeeding, the cramping will happen DURING nursing. Its kinda cool, although pretty uncomfortable. You might notice the postpartum bloat go down in unison with those sessions of cramping. its different for all women, but for me, that intense cramping only lasted about 3-4 weeks. But here’s where people stop talking about it. But guess what? you will still get cramps! Pretty much once a month, I get a day of mild cramping. Its nothing like what it used to be (although my experience may be biased since I’m an endometriosis gal) but it’s still noticeable, and identifiable.
You are still ovulating
Carrying right on from getting those period cramps comes the obvious but often misunderstood fact that you are still ovulating. Many people are lead to believe that if they are breastfeeding and did not get their periods back yet, that they can not get pregnant. This is FALSE INFORMATION #fakenews So many woman end up pregnant again because they are not practicing safe sex under the assumption that no period means no ovulation. Sorry to say, your body goes right back on makin’ them eggs. Life, uh…finds a way #jurassicpark
Hormone imbalances continue (acne, sweats, cravings, mood swings)
Again, no secret to anyone that pregnant women are on a rollercoaster ride of hormones that are challenging at best, and downright unfair at worst. But whats most unfair is that you dont get to just be done with all that after your sweet little bundle arrives. Oh no. no no no. The rollercoaster gets more intense, if you can believe it.
Many people will be familiar with the term Post Partum Depression, which is common and no joke. If you suspect that you or someone you care about might be suffering from PPD, please access help. Start by talking to a doctor. There is LOTS of help available.
But, outside of PPD, it seems a disservice to me that no one explains that mood swings, food cravings, exhaustion, acne, hair loss/hair gain, sweating and the like are almost guaranteed to happen. I don’t mind speaking out about PPD and saying that I suffered, and I still do suffer from regressive episodes from time to time. But for a while, I wondered if all my other symptoms were PPD. My amazing midwife explained that those things are not indicative of PPD but a normal part of your body settling into its new role as a food truck (breastfeeding, again! argh!)
So if you are experiencing things that make you feel like a teenager again, you are not alone. It’s par for the course. But please talk to a Dr to get screened for post partum depression just to be sure.
leaking breasts
So I heard of this before. But I seriously was not prepared. I thought it was a unicorn thing that only happened to the rare woman who’s a breastmilk goddess with an oversupply. So i’m going to do you ladies a service and let you know the real deal here. Even if you think this wont happen to you, it probably might.
You don’t need to have an oversupply, your baby doesn’t need to suddenly sleep through the night. (although both of those things make it even more likely) Your breasts will spontaneously leak; maybe when your baby sleeps through the night the first time and your supply was hoping for a night feed. Maybe when your baby cries because it’s hungry and you don’t immediately get to them. Maybe when a srangers’ baby cries because it’s hungry. Maybe when you are looking at them on the baby monitor or watching them do something especially cute. Or maybe when you are having an intimate moment with your partner (YUP). MAKE PEACE WITH THIS. It will happen, and continue to happen, when you least expect it. You’r boobs now have a mind of their own.
Oh and just when you think that phase is over, it will happen again. #oops
Speedy hair and nail growth
This may be a pleasant surpriuse to some (or a major inconvenience depending on your maintenance level). Your hair and nail growth might speed up. Not sure why that one happens, but wow I feel like i cut my nails every week now. And I am getting 2x more haircuts, too.
Another common thing that happens is the texture of your hair changing. Many women go from luscious curls to straight locks or vice versa after pregnancy. Your body grew, sustained, and continues to sustain life. Those are MAJOR changes, so… Anything is possible!
Dry vaj (masquerading as injuries)
Oh yes. Im going there. If you made it this far, lets just assume you’re cool with how gross I can be at times. okay? Great. :) OKay, You are a mom. You might have pushed at baby out of your body. Or maybe you had someone surgically remove it. In both cases, your muscle structure gets significantly compromised. Under good health care, we are told to limit our activity for 6 weeks while the body heals. I dont know a single mom, c-section or vaginal delivery, who felt like their body was actually ready to get back in the game. It takes MONTHS to heal, and my midwife (did I mention shes awesome?) laid it out for me honestly. She said things are not gonna feel anywhere near normal for the better part of a year. I’m currently 8.5 months postpartum, and yo she was right. My core is weak, my diastases is still present, and I was in some serious pelvic pain for a long while.
So, on the advise of many a Dr and friend, I decided to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist in hopes that she can help guide me into a life where it doesn’t feel like I’m going to lose my uterus every time i squat down.
It was an embarassing and humbling experience. This Dr literally tests out your muscle control from within. Its like the most revealing pap you’ve ever had. But seriously, it was worth it. What i learned was even though i was expierencing pain, my muscle structure was NOT compromised. Where did the pain com from you might ask? Dryness.
Yeah I know. It’s not ladylike to talk about that. No one wants to admit its an issue either. But remember how breastfeeding affects almost every topic covered above? Well this one too. Surprise! Your body’s natural fluids are depleted in a big way when your kid drinks sometimes 200ml 6-10 times a day. (Go measure that our if you’r not familiar with it. Its a lot.) If you are not super hydrated, and extremely well nourished, your body will totally ditch its other systems to provide for your child instead. Its admirable, but dang if your not careful it really translates in so some serious discomfort.
Turns out that some topical moisturizers (coconut oil did it for me, but some people need something more substantial with estrogen in it) and maintaining my body’s hydration brought me back to 80%. Couple that with learning how to do diaphragmatic breathing and activating your transverse abdominus during kegel exercises (okay can we just not cover that? I’ve said enough gross stuff) and you’re well on your way to recovery.
The takeaway
Growing and serving up a baby does a number on your body, but it continues after the birth. It takes work, healthy choices and a lot of knowledge to stay on top of whats happening to your body once your baby is here. Breastfeeding, no matter how long you decide to do it, is a lot harder than people give credit for. It goes far beyond latch and weight peoblems, and not enough people talk about that. Be prepared for your body to continue to go through changes as your baby changes with you. Be kind to yourself, eat well, drink as much water as you can every day, and TALK TO OTHER MOMS about what the heck is going on. You’ll be surprised to know you are not alone. <3
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mounteenbase · 7 years
A/N: bad boy minghao is coming tomorrow! I do wanna post something so Husband Jeonghan here he comes!
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So he probably proposes pretty late, maybe even not even proposing? More of a mutual decision of “We love each other and wanna tie the knot”
Like he wasn’t prepared at all he’s just like “Y/n you love me right? Maybe it’s time we marry? Because I really love you too.”
So you get to pick the rings with him of course engagement and wedding rings
He will put a lot of effort into planning the wedding although he’ll let you make all the decisions
Except for some certain little things he wants to choose
Like he wants to choose he kids that carry the rings to you two
Not Seungcheol’s kids they’re too rough and active
Joshua’s kids are just right, still small and cute but also timid
And yeah they already have kids, you two marry really late as I mentioned
The wedding would be aesthetics though really
Also Jeonghan’s vow would be pretty short I think? He would just put a lot of feeling into it, quality over quantity
Puts an inside joke at the end that only you two get
But he’s emotional so the joke comes out really weirdly BUT DOESNT MATTER ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS
He would prefer going on a honeymoon somewhere not too far from Korea
Preferably in Korea
Maybe Jeju Island, somewhere by the sea (in a luxurious hotel though don’t get me wrong)
He just prefers going somewhere with the comforts of knowing the culture and language, his argument would be like “Isn’t everywhere special when you’re on your honeymoon?”
Would agree to go somewhere else if you did the work of talking and telling him about the cultural differences
If you wanna go somewhere else be prepared to work for it because his lazy ass isn’t gonna do anything if it’s not in his comfort zone
If you convince him and do all the work he’ll be like “You know actually this isn’t as bad as I thought...” 
Just imagine Jeonghan in a Hawaiian shirt and straw hat, cocktail in hand, laying in the shade of a palmtree while saying this
You see it? Okay moving on
The wildest sex on your honeymoon just saying
Will most definitely make a photo album of the whole wedding + honeymoon thing because “easy one year anniversary gift” sqljchfa okay no he does love looking back at it
Is a brat when showing it to others
“This day Y/n ate lobster for the first time, also after this pic they fell of their chair because their foot got stuck and they wanted to go to the bathroom.”
Best gift ever right
But after that anniversary gifts get better believe me, he’s also the kinda guy to like renew the rings after idk 20 years of marriage or something? Just because he’s like “We love each other still as much as the day we married, our love has stayed bu-”
“You lost your ring didn’t you?”
After a year of renewed rings, you found it in one of the potted plants inside
“Y/n, me or your best friend choose now.”
If you choose your best friend he’s gonna let you sleep on the couch for a day or two tbh just to be petty
If you choose him he’s gonna be like “Aaaaah that’s my Y/n love you.”
On days that you both get to sleep in he might make you breakfast in bed, like nothing too special but you can be sure he’ll come in serenading you to get you awake
He has his romantic moments don’t worry
Loved playing games with you tho
Hiding something and looking how long it will take you to notice
Probably tried some kind of psychological games on you, i can actually totally see him starting to get into these psychological tests
Tries classical conditioning on you, like ticking with a pen twice on the table before you eat dinner
After like a month he starts doing it randomly and yes, you immediately ask “Is dinner almost ready?”
When he explains what he did, you try doing something similar to him but he instantly notices 
Loves when you get up around the same time as you, he really dislikes eating alone or getting ready alone
Probably because he’s lived in a full house for so long
Empty nest syndrome
Does love his privacy, he needs his alone time from time to time
For kids, just like marriage he’ll be late
I don’t think he’d want kids that much but would love his kids so much if he had some
Spoil them overly and trick them way too much
Loves when he sees personality traits of himself in his kids
More of a distant parent but not distant as in your kids will have daddy issues
Just doesn’t always take time to listen to everything their kids say or what goes on in their lifes
He works on that later when he notices he thought his son has soccer practice but he’s switched to volleyball like a year ago already
If he realised it’s gotten bad he will suddenly get really involved, lowkey panics like “AM I A BAD DAD???”
His kids love him tho he’s a fun dad
I don’t really see him getting a pet but if he does, it’s a cat
Actually I think he’ll also try to use what he gathered being around Seventeen on his kids
Tricks of getting them out of bed, ways to get them to do their best in school,...
Just In short: Stan Jeonghan, stan talent
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orangememory · 7 years
Nirvana in Fire 2, Episode 4: Recap
We are onto Episode 4 now. Thankfully the wonderful subbers at Viki (Yay Gone with the shirt Team!) have very quickly subbed 6 episodes. For the first 2 weeks, we will get 6 episodes on Viki and DF, whereas in the mainland 12 episodes have already been released.
I will be saving my thoughts till the end of this recap. An idea by a friend on Discord was also to include screencaps of new characters so I will try my best as I am on mobile. Onto the recap!
Last Episode:
In Episode 3, Pingjing and Lin Xi start their investigations into the military boat accident aided by Pingjing's cousin Xiao Yuanqi. They have a few nice martial arts fights, and now race against time and baddies Magistrate Zhang, Policeman Qian and Smug-as-fuck Private Assistant to one Minister Song Fu, PA Qin (whose real name is fire-wielding martial artist Duan Tongzhou). The clue to unraveling the case lies in material evidence - and in the one ship that is still sunken in the river.
Episode 4 recap:
- Pingjing and Lin Xi make their way over to the river to find the sunken ship, where Pingjing very casually takes his clothes off in front of Lin Xi. I know its fanservice to the audience at least a little bit, but credit to (the writer and) Lin Xi for not turning all hot and awkward like all asian-drama heroines usually do. Well, she is a doctor, not some blushing maiden, and she has had her hands up and around the gorgeous abs of Xiao Pingzhang which are much better than his brother's....you can see how easily I am distracted here.
- Lin Xi's focus however, is the ridic Bollywood betrothal longevity locket Pingjing is wearing, and she flashes back to her sickly mother with the same locket, telling Lin Xi to not care about the position of a noble's wife, but gain a husband she could live long with.
- Our little Divine Diving Dragon Pingjing has been in the water too long, which disconcerts Lin Xi, so the brat comes up to declare that he can dive for longer but he knows 'softhearted' Lin Xi will worry so he wants to show his face. Not a smart thing to say to women who can fling darts and poison you, little Dragon. Learn from great-grandpa's mistakes.
- However, Pingjing's diving abilities are no joke when he indeed brings up some evidence from below, including some wooden parts of the ship. Later, our trio of smols including Yuanqi, investigate the wood piece and find that it was covered with some sort of jelly, which is hardened when submerged underwater - but becomes brittle when struck with force. Translation, someone coated the ship's wood with this jelly knowing there would be a collision, and the jelly helped exacerbate the impact and cracks, finally sinking ships that should not have sunk. Yuanqi becomes angry and indignant at people who would dare play with people's lives like this. Oh honey, in the future it's gonna be you, it will be sad to see you on the dark side.
- In the meantime, PA Qin/Duan Tongzhou calls over Evil Policeman Qian, and makes him an offer - because he can feel that Magistrate Zhang has not been entirely truthful in their dealings and has kept some buried proof to find his own way out of this mess. PA Qin reminds Qian gently that he is different - which means that Zhang has family and would likely confess, where Qian would lose his life. However if Qian helps destroy the threat that Zhang poses, he can keep his head. Points to Qian however, because there is honour among thieves, and he asks PA Qin not to hurt Zhang who he has served for 8 years. In the night, Qian spies on Zhang removing and burning some secret correspondences he has saved under the floorboard.
- The next day, Yuanqi and Pingjing take stock of all the spies dressed as beggars outside Jifeng Hall, knowing that they are being watched and followed. The most important course of action now, is to wait and watch - however they worry about one witness who is yet to be protected, Magistrate Zhang himself, who Pingjing believes will be crucial to the investigation. Pingjing goes to meet Zhang.
- PA Qin/DT pays a visit to Zhang and threatens him sweetly by burning his letters to complete ashes in his hand just by crushing them! I found this so dangerous and cool, like this dude has so much power that he can burn shit at will. Zhang has no choice but to agree to these conditions.
- Yun-jie, the nurse from Jifeng Hall, delivers supplies to an old, dilapidated winery which is hiding our main witnesses, the physicians and the military boat captain. But she has been followed by PA Qin's lackey! He reports this to PA Qin, who looks smug as usual (I hate his face) and decides to take action. He asks Lackey to undertake another mission for him.
- PA Qin leads Qian and his men to the hideout, and Qian again asks if Magistrate Zhang will be all right. I know this is a small, possibly negligible detail of a minor character - but this is what I love about this show or NIF in general. Even the minor characters have ideas, behaviours and agendas. Qian could have been shown as a mindless lackey but he has a brain, he has conflicted emotions about this business and he is loyal to his master. These characters seem real and fleshed out, no matter how small their screen time.
- The Jifeng Hall spots Qian leading his men to the hideout, and immediately inform Lin Xi and Yuanqi. They are slightly at a loss what to do - when Yuanqi offers to risk his life, taking a few men to the hideout while Lin Xi gets Pingjing. The smols are in action mode!
- At the Magistrate's office, Zhang receives the news with resignation that Pingjing is here. But before he can meet him, PA Qin's lackey comes with a white silk cloth and we know what that means. As Magistrate Zhang is taking his last breaths, wham!bam! Pingjing appears and saves the day. He knocks out lackey in one blow, I am impressed!
- Yuanqi and a band of his men rush to the winery juuuust in the nick of time and face off against Qian and smug-looking PA Qin. He uses his royal status and declares the hideout/winery to belong to him, and how dare Qian come and infiltrate his land! PA Qin does not seem worried or fazed by Yuanqi, entering into a battle of laws (yawn, boring) but he needles some sort of hidden anger in Yuanqi, by declaring that the Emperor has not bestowed a feudal land upon him, so Yuanqi does not know the difference between imperial property and personally-purchased property.
- Now this could be a trifling detail, but Yuanqi gets so angry that when Leader Qian asks his men to go forth and search, he kills a man in cold blood, declaring that just because he is idle nobility does not mean he cannot take action. You go boy! Also another interesting detail, Yuanqi's hands are shaking and his eyes fill with moisture, indicating he is actually afraid of this whole situation but yet he is standing strong. It shows the nature of his character who gets pissed off when he is told he cannot do anything. Interesting.
- Pingjing and Lin Xi arrive! They bring Magistrate Zhang as a hostage and Leader Qian is a bit taken aback. Pingjing shows his official badge from the House of Changlin, but PA Qin even dares question it. A tense stand-off ensues (with a great comic moment where our favourite brat raps Zhang hard on the butt with his sword lol) but it is broken up by the arrival of reinforcements!
- It is General Yuan of the Changlin Army (who PJ calls Uncle Yuan) and General Ji of the Shanliu Army stationed in Qizhou. Vastly outnumbered, Duan Tongzhou puts his skills to the test, throwing steel darts at everybody. Pingjing and Lin Xi manage to avoid them, but Duan Tongzhou kills Policeman Qian specifically before wuxia flying away. Lin Xi looks at Magistrate Zhang and narrows her eyes, suspecting something.
- Pingjing is verrrry put out by the arrival of Uncle Yuan, because this means his dad has not trusted him and has been plotting behind the scenes! His father had suspected the imperial envoys would be scholarly ministers who could not deal with the situation, and he felt that local forces near to Datong could be colluding with Zhang and Duan, hence he dispatched Uncle Yuan to seek the help of high-ranking General Ji of faraway Qizhou who came to help. This family, oh my god. I swear I smell bits of Uncle MCS in Tingsheng and Pingjing - those Lin family genes!
- Lin Xi offers to accompany the doctors of Jifeng Hall who are witnesses as they have received a shock. Yun-jie (Princess Liyang NIF2 version) also asks to go with her to Jinling to see the city, but the soft music in the background is the sliiiighest bit ominous. Yun-jie don't go bad on us please!
- General Ji is unable to capture Duan Tongzhou after a night of searching, so the retinue finally departs for Jinling with the witnesses, Magistrate Zhang in cuffs and the smol trio of investigators. Pingjing is wary throughout the journey, suspecting something may happen soon. At one rest stop, Pingjing goes to interview Zhang, who has been very quiet but General Ji is already talking to hom - and weirdly distracts Pingjing by going - Oh look theres Lin Xi! Talk to her. Alarm bells start ringing, tra la la la la
- Pingjing spots Yuanqi who is having an unfortunate bout, trying to cope with shock and trauma. He has never killed a man before, he never knew blood was so warm. He asks Pingjing if he has killed before and the answer is silence - because Pingjing has already been in 2 battles unofficially. The cousins bond over a drink, and its kinda nice to see this kind of detail as well - a man dealing with his own struggles. I like this broship, its only gonna get sad from here. *sigh*
- The next day, they are travelling through the plains. Nothing much happens except Pingjing gives Lin Xi his cloak. Its sweet again, but not in a blushing, cute manner. Pingjing is perfectly natural in the way he acts, offering a coat to a friend and benefactor, and Lin Xi accepts it casually as well. Although we see signs that Lin Xi is warming up to him, its not a contrived romance, so +1 for that.
- Pingjing and Yuanqi hold another discussion where he elaborates to him how he smells something fishy. Duan Tongzhou had the opportunity and skills to kill Zhang at their last fight, but he ended Qian instead. What was the motive? Yuanqi and Pingjing both wonder.
- In the Palace, The Emperor, cute Crown Prince Xiao Yuanshi and the Empress are looking over his progress in studies as every Asian parent does. :P The Empress praises Rasputin/High Priest Pu to the Emperor, citing evil spirits were removed from the Crown Prince's body. The Emperor is unimpressed to the moon and back, and gently rebukes the Empress saying that he has allowed for altars and all this hocus-pocus (much more politely than me, I might add), but its not only the CP she should be thinking about, but the thousands of brave soldiers who died in the recent war, and to pray for Pingzhang's health. The Empress' face sours a bit but she has already planned some prayers.
- I must take a moment to say how beautiful and supremely graceful Mei Ting is in this Empress role. Her comportment is very regal, the way she moves her hands and all the subtle actions make her seem very very grand and impressive.
- So Pingjing and the retinue are now in a wooded area near the Capital, and Pingjing is waiting for something to happen. And so is bro Pingzhang, having reached the capital already and convalescing, thinking about where and when Pingjing will be attacked. We are introduced to his wife Meng Qianxue (the ridiculously attractive Tong Liya) who takes care of his health and his mind it seems, puzzling over the matter with her husband. End episode in the same way as NIF, abruptly - but at least they know how to do it better somewhat, and end near a cliffhanger.
Tong Liya as Meng Qianxue, wife of Xiao Pingzhang.
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A more plot-heavy episode definitely, and also some moments of the budding camaraderie between Lin Xi and Pingjing and Yuanqi.
What I am liking about NIF2, or maybe it is something NIF1 taught me to observe- are the details. There are many beautiful aesthetic details sure, but there are these tiny plot points and acting minutiae that catch me. As I stressed on the recap, Qian's loyalty to Zhang, Yuanqi dealing with the effects of his actions, Lin Xi's subtle observations and the Empress' very perfect demeanour hiding her ill will - its all very well executed.
I would also like to state how ridic and amazing Tong Liya is in the one scene she appears now. I have only seen her in two melo romcoms where she was a very sad heroine beleaguered by life and slapped around by men, and to see her smiling and so cute! Her chemistry with Huang Xiaoming is very natural too.
I think I wont stop raving about the Xiao family's natural warmth with each other. It doesnt seem forced at all.
That being said, now the pacing is a bit sedate for me. I discussed this with a friend and she indicated that if I go back and watch NIF there are many episodes where much doesnt happen in the foreground, but the wheels are always spinning in the background. I am all for giving NIF2 a chance - and I dont think it is required to live up to NIF, considering how classic that show is, and How personally the UST and pain between MCS and Jingyan is a very very main driver of the show for me.
NIF2 does not have that UST for me, but it does have detailed characters, plots that seem reasonable and are exposed very well, a whole galaxy of competent characters. (can i mention how much I love competence kink? But I am shit at writing it!)
I don't know what I will take away from NIF2 towards the end, but right now its the competent men and women, and the lovely family bonds we never got to experience in NIF BECAUSE THEY ALL DIED. (Okay Nihuang and Mu Qing you are an exception).
Thanks for reading, if anybody is reading that is! :)
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Im 17 and ill be needing to pay for car insurence the car and th insurance compnay is in my parents name righ tnow they pay 150. my parents are putting me on the insurance policy and they are making me pay whatever is above 150, how much will i be paying. I live in virginia if that helps""
Why can you 16 years old own cars in America?
Hello, So when I'm watching MTV or whatever television program here in the Netherlands I'm noticing that so many 16 year old drive a car. But where do you guys get the money from? Because a really crappy cheap car cost about 1000 euro's and than you need to pay a 390 euro (507 dollars) a month. I'm 16 too and with my 40 hours of work in a month I make 200 euro (260 dollars), so I can't afford a car now. (at least not paying every single month 390 euros) Nevertheless in the Netherlands you must be 18 years old to drive a car, but even when I'm 18 I think I won't make a 390 euro a month (only for my car). So do your parents pay? Don't you have to pay taxes or whatever? Thanks. David Calculation: Cheap car = 1000 euro Good cheap car = 3000 euro Average insurance 18 year old = 100 euro a month Can't find translation but road taxes = 80 euro a month cost of maintance = 80 euro a month Average driving 1000km a month with 7/100L = 70 * 1,80= 126 euro We pay 1.80 euro a liter (benzine) = 1 gallon = 3,8L = 6,84 euro's = 8,9 dollar per gallon so: 390 euro = 507 dollars a month""
Insurance on a Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon.?
Would someone like please tell me how much insurance would run me on 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX wagon? I know that its not cheap, which I'm ok with. I just figured that it would be a little cheaper being that its a wagon, and I would also like to get a heads up b4 I talk to the insurance company P.S. If you have just an RS Impreza or a normal WRX you can also let me know how much that runs too. Either one is fine.. Thanks guys!""
How much does car insurance cost at age 16?
ok so i want a used 2002 toyota celica but i wanna know how much insurance will cost me first before i buy it. so if you can help plsss answer thxs =) p.s i live in the state of new jersey if that can help idk lol.
Which Insurance is better?
I am looking for new car insurance, so I narrowed it down to Geico and Progressive? Anybody have any experience with either of them?""
What the best insurance company that affordable to get for a new car?
looking for car insurance?
What is proof of insurance?
I am still on my parents insurance and was planning on renting a car(yes, I' am old enough). They require proof of insurance when renting and I was wondering how that works. Do I just show them my parents proof? And is it just the paper work in the glove box of one of our cars?""
How to get Get Affordable Car Insurance in Detroit Michigan.?
Is there any information i read about this?
Car insurance costs help?
I'm getting a car. Is there some website that will tell me or help me figure out how much my car insurance will be every month?
Why is there a huge difference in insurance quotes if all info is the same?
I'm shopping around for insurance quotes because I thought my car insurance was too high. Progressive gave me a very low quote, which I was happy about. It was what I thought I should be paying compared to friends I've talked with. All the other quotes from the other insurance companies were in the same price range and very high. I began to worry that Progressive had some incorrect info, so I called them back, we went over all the info again, and everything is right. They even emailed my quote to me and it's all correct. Should I be worried that the quote is so low or is Progressive just being competetive?""
125CC bike insurance for 17 year old?
I will be able to learn to drive nxt year, i have ruled out buying a car, as the incredably high insurance cost would force me to sell of most of my vital organs. I think i could afford a bike, but how bad would the insurance for that be????? pls give me some kinda rough amount plsplspls thx""
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
How much is insurance on a 05-06 chrysler 300c?
I plan to pay cash for it (around $8,000) and since I will only be 17, it will still be under my parents name although I am paying for it. Should I go with liability or full coverage, and how much would each cost?""
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
Do I need Liability insurance?
I live in So california, and just brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots are vacant land. Im being told that laibility insurance might be wise. is there someone out there who knows for sure.""
How much would average insurance be for a 20 year old student for a 2011 Camaro LS be?
Im looking just to get an estimate.
Is car insurance cheaper for older cars?
Is car insurance cheaper for older cars?
Can i get insured on my dad's car by a different insurance provider than his?
Hi! i just passed my driving test! and i rang my dad's insurance company and they said they can't insure because i'm a young driver and the car is too big for its a Peugeot with 4 door! so just wondering can i get insurance from another provider just for me on that car? is it legal and possible? what do you recommend?
How much will insurance cost for a BMW z3?
I'm 16 years old but will be 17 next month. So lets say Im 17 for now. Im looking to buy a BMW z3 because they are pretty cheap and really nice cars. I maintain a 3.0 GPA and have a clean record and live in Southern California. Anyone have an estimate on how much insurance will be?
Car insurance is too high!!!?
Been up since 8AM ringing several insurance companies. I have been declined 13 quotes, and offered 9 quotes noted below: Direct Line - 8,000.00 Admiral - 6,400.66 Insure motor - 9,294.00 Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva - 13,084.00 MasterQuote - 11,001.60 On some of the forms I have used my nan's address as I live in a high-risk area, so I will actually park the car at my nan's house, not fraudalent I will actually do that. Are there any more hints/tips on what to do to bring down the insurance? I recently bought a Peugeot 106 1.1 LOOK+ 3dr hatchback. I'm 20 years old and passed my test on 30/10/2012.""
What company would provide shipping insurance?
I want to sell some jewellery on Ebay and I will end up shipping it to Canada or US. Canada post offers a maximum insurance of $500. Which (if any) company would provide insurance at replacement value? Or at least a $1,000?""
Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?
i have a VW POLO mk2, 1.3. im trying to by a vauxhall rascal 970cc and the insurance is more than double. why? the van insurance is quoted at 1400 pounds best. its for social use only, minimum mileage with no tools. its crazy. the polo was only 480 pounds.""
Is group insurance cheaper than individual policies dollar for dollar?
I know they give discounts when husband and wife enroll but if you have the same insurance carrier,united of omaha, is the group going to be cheaper necessarily?
Just passed driving test. 18 years old. What is the cheapest insurance company for me?
Just recently passed 17, turning 18 in a few days. What is the best insurance company in terms of price? also what car would i need to purchase to get the cheapest possible quote? Advice needed!""
Is this covered under home owner's insurance?
We have been doing A LOT of work on our house (getting it ready to sell), and we've paid for basically everything (even things that would've clearly been covered by insurance). However, this problem is one I'd rather not pay for if it can be avoided. There was apparently a leak under our shower and it caused some fairly serious rot under the floor. We were unaware of the leak. The carpenter who came says that there will be some fairly extensive work necessary on the shower itself, not just the rotted wood (which will be easy and fairly inexpensive to replace). Will my home owner's insurance policy cover that?""
Car crash damage my insurance rights?
my 2009 vauxhall insignia was hit from behind sitting at a car park space in a supermarket,there is substantial amount of damage to the right hand arch right above the back wheel,the back bumper is also broken,it was hit that hard it was pushed onto the car park space in front of it,i believe what saved it from any further damage was the driver of the other car hit the wheel of my car which i guess cushioned the blow.i have went today and got estimates for the repair which is in the region of 2500 pounds though could be more as they have to put it on some sort of machine to see if the wheel alignment is of,the repair shops say what they will do is cut the arch out and put a new arch in and spray it but no matter what its never going to be the same.the reason they do it like this is because the whole back of my car runs to the front without any splits. Im not happy about this being done like this as this car today is worth around 10,000 pounds which i pay for and dont want it patched up,i would prefer if the other guys insurance wrote it off so that i can get an original car which i first had,is there anyway i can get this to be wrote of and claim it of the guys insurance,i have heard of depreciation money if my car has been hit but this is still not going to compensate me for my car being patched up. thanks""
$350/month for health insurance. Reasonable?
I'm trying to find better insurance plans. Is this reasonable or any better insurance? -$350/month -50% coverage for all including dental and vision -Deductable $3,000 -34 years old""
Car insurance for LHD car ?
Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed""
Cheapest life insurance in singapore?
which insurance company in singapore offers the cheapest life insurance?
Anybody know of any cheap car insurance or a car which is cheap to insure on?
I'm a new driver and i'm finding it really hard to get a quote under 2,400.""
Why is car insurance so high for young people?
Why is car insurance so high for young people?
Insurance company policy?
I was hit in a wreck. They're insurance company quoted me $400 and wrote me a check for it which I did not accept. All they did was look at the external damages. Then I took it to a dealer collision center and they quoted me $1100 and they guessed more damage was done but couldn't say unless they took apart my bumper. I'm not wanting to get it fixed in a shop since my father can fix it for me, but $400 is not going to cover the cost of fixing it. so my question is... Does their insurance company have to give me the money quoted by other body shops or is my only option having it fixed in a shop?""
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
""Where can I find good, (and fairly affordable) health insurance as a cashier?""
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good place to get some good health insurance at an affordable rate? Im almost 30 years old, and I work in a grocery store, and since it is only part time I have no health coverage. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have because I can't afford to keep paying for doctor appointments on my meager salary. Thanks.""
""Covered California applying for insurance, I have a question about household? Please help.?""
I moved to California from Nashville almost 3 years ago. I live with my girlfriend and her family. I am not related to them and I have to apply for insurance. In their household, she has a father, mother, 2 sisters and a niece. I don't have a job right now, but I did work and had two jobs and earned my own income. So when applying for insurance, and I want to apply for myself do I have to add them to the household. As well, when her father tries to apply for coverage for her and her mother and sisters does he have to put me under the household or not? Thank you very much have a great day.""
How much does medical insurance for a newborn cost monthly with a premium?
I just need an average. I'm doing a project for my health class on the costs of having a baby.
My car no longer runs. Should I cancel my insurance on it?
My friend suggestted that it might not be wise, because when I get another car in 5 months they will charge me more for insurance if I was not insured for a long period of time. His logic was that it's a red flag to insurance co. They think you were driving without insurance or totaled your car. Even though my car just died on it's own.""
Is it cheaper to get insurance on the same car or on a second hand car?
hi im taking driving lessons and my test is soon. I want to know if it is cheaper to get a second hand car and get insurance on that or get insurance on my brothers car. Which one is cheaper?
Health and life insurance?
im needing to look into health and lfie insurance for myself, and was wondering where to start? What is everyone using? i need something reasonable and something where i dont get the run around with!! Any help appreciated!""
How much does insurance through an employer cost?
I just got a job offer and was told that health insurance will cost $210 a month. That sounds really steep to me, is that normal?""
What is the cheapest way to insure a first car?
I want a ford ka which luckily I one of the cheapest cars to run and insure for young drivers. Is there anything else I can do (except from the black box as I have 3 siblings I will need to drive around) to make the insurance cheaper? My parents both have quite good jobs and are willing to pay it but they would like to pay 1500 p.a maximum if possible.
What are average prices for teen auto insurance in CA?
just averages not a sports car i have good grades too if that helps
Does auto insurance do this? Pay or Scam?
So it always seems that my Girlfriends mom is trying to slow her down by take her money or use her to get money from the state or what not. One of the new things is that her mom says is that geico called her up and told her because my girlfriend just got her Drivers License that she has to put her under her policy. She doesnt drive her moms car and is currently looking to get a new one. Is this a normal thing for the Insurance company to call up out of no where and tell them they have to pay because there is a new licensed driver that doesnt even drive the car the policy is on or Is it another way for her mom to gain more money
What kind of insurance do you need?
can a black cab be driven on a normal insurance or do you need a different insurance to drive it .
What happens after you settle with your insurance company?
My car was stolen Monday morning on July 15 around 3am to 5 am in Richmond CA the car was park right by my parking lot my question is what happend after I settle a payment with my car Insurance and The police find my car after I settle with my insurance?
North Carolina Health Insurance?
Right now I have blue cross and blue sheild insurance. It's becoming ridiculous to pay each month and deductibles are through the roof! I'm a healthy 25 yr old female. I need to know, what are some insurance companies in the state of North Carolina that are cheaper, but are still helpful with doctor's visits and prescriptions. What health insurance do you have and what's the cost? Any help or opinions about would be great! thanks:))))""
Car insurance company gave me money why?
I got into a car accident and filed a injury claim the person behind me rear ended me as has progressive insurance. I met up with their adjuster to discuss feb injury claim. I have insurance so they are refunding my insurance company for my physical therapy. They also gave me a personal check for 750 as a sorry gesture. I have never heard of this? Why would they give me a personal amount of money ??
How much would insurance be on a mistibishi lancer GT on my moms insurance? (16 yrs. old)?
We are thinking about purchasing a mistibishi but we fear the insurance would skyrocket as me being a new driver. Any help?
Is group insurance cheaper than individual policies dollar for dollar?
I know they give discounts when husband and wife enroll but if you have the same insurance carrier,united of omaha, is the group going to be cheaper necessarily?
Insurance Company sent me 2 checks?
So I recently got rear ended and the other party was at fault. I went to the appraiser that the all state agent had directed me to and had my car appraised. When I got my car appraised the appraiser wrote me a check then and there for the damages . Today I got a phone call from the insurance agent asking if my mailing address was correct and that they were going to mail me out a check for the damages that their appraiser had estimated. She never asked me once if I had already received a check for the damages.The appraiser made some kind of contact with allstate but I guess he never stated that he already had written me a check. Is it a crime if I cash both checks?
Florida car insurance inquiry?
I'm 16 years old and going to be 17 in a week and a half. Tomorrow I am eligible to obtain my Florida's driver license (as I will have had my learner's permit for a year tomorrow). My mom objects to me obtaining my license because I do not have a job and therefore will be unable to help pay for insurance. However, my dad just brought to my attention that I only need to pay for car insurance if I own my car (which at the moment my mom and I would be sharing a car). Which of this true? Do I have to pay for any type of insurance once getting my driver's license? I am out of a job, (but still looking) but want to be able to drive this summer so I'm not stuck inside. How does this all work?""
Car insurance problems?!?! Need help!!?
Basically my hubby took out insurance about 10 months ago with a new insurance company. He had 4 years no claims with his old company so informed the new company of this. The new insurance company have been taking out the payments every month from our bank however we have never had his insurance documents off them. When he contacted them the other day to query this they informed him that because the old insurance company will not supply them with no claims info they can not cover him. However all this time and even today they have taken their monthly payment. Surely they should not be taking payments for something they are saying they can not cover?? They have sent him a 30 day temp cover note for now while we try to sort it but it isnt looking good at the mo. My question is should they have cancelled the agreement before now then and ceased taking money from our account?
What company offer auto insurance for illegal ?
Do you know what company offer auto insurance for illegal ? I email for some company but they answer me that I need a valid license.
Whats cheap car to insure and run?
ive been trying to find cheap cars to insure, and it comes up with 2010 models that the car costs 12,000 i want something old cheap reliable for fuel car cost and insurance, i dont really care what year but im guessing the older cars like 1980s will be cheaper""
Can I drive my friend's car which without insurance?
I have car insurance,but my car broke , so I need to drive my friend's car, but car doesn't have insurance""
How much would car insurance be a month for a 20 year old driving a mid nineties car?
I'm 20 years old and I've been driving since I was about 17. I currently share a car with my parents and am under their insurance. However I'm looking into getting a car ...show more
Life Insurance for Children?
My husband wants us to get life insurance for our three kids. It's through Globe Life and is called the young American plan. It's a whole life insurance policy. I'm not ...show more
Best place for car insurance?
I'm 16, and so I plan on starting to learn all the theory before starting driving lessons the day after my 17th birthday - as you can probably tell! Anyway, my mother and I have been discussing little cars and what not for when I pass, but insurance is another problem. Is anybody aware of a good place that will insure a teenager for not too much? I have heard that Admiral's Littlebox is quite good - has anybody any reviews for them? All answers and suggestions greatly appreciated! :-) Thanks""
Can the car insurance find out that I have been in a car accident?
I have just gotten a new job and I said I havent been in a car accident, but I did twice. Are they gonna find out about it when they add me in their car insurance?""
How does car insurance work in Illinois?
This is something I have been confused about for the longest time. Instead of referencing me to a site, please explain it in your own words. Is it the same as in other states, and does it differ by company? In North Dakota, as long as the car is insured, virtually anybody can drive it. There is no such thing as individual insurance per family member or crap like that. I live in Chicago, and my family has Geico. My parents said they won't let me drive the cars because I need my own insurance card, which would cost $130/month, which we can't afford. I've had my license for almost 4 years now. Recently I have noticed a lot of my friends driving, who said they drive under their parents insurance. One friend has Safeway and says she has always driven under her dad's insurance, and when she gets pulled over the cops say nothing against it. Another friend has Allstate and says she has her own insurance, but on an older car, so when she drives her parent's cars, she carries her dad's insurance. And that that's perfectly fine and legal. So I am completely lost. Does it differ by company? I thought policies were state-wide. Is what they're doing actually illegal? Do I need my own insurance card? How does this work?! I need to drive!""
Advice regarding car insurance....I am new to it all?
Could someone please explain to me how the costs are decided, im aware the younger you are the more it will be (im 18 :/) but which cars fall into which category ? Any sites which will show me ? Also any advice on what is a good 1st car ? can anyone suggest a site where i can do comparisions regarding the car/insurance cost/insurance group etc because when i search nothing useful is coming up""
How much can home insurance cost?
i want to buy a home and i need to know how much my insurance might be.
Need health insurance?
looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]""
No claim bonus on previous car insurance?
""I am getting ready to get homeowners insurance in Indianapolis, IN. Anyone have a good place they go?""
I am going to be in the Speedway area but it doesn't have to be in that area, just someplace around Indy. Just looking for an affordable and reliable place. Hopefully you guys have some good suggestions. Thanks in advance!""
""Would Obama's plan mean free (or affordable) comprehensive health insurance for everyone, no matter what?""
Is this what we can hope for? Affordable or even free health care for all Americans, rich and poor?""
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
""Car insurance, from provisional to full uk?""
I have recently bought a car (a 2003 Ford Ka 1.3 Collection) & am on a provisional license taking driving lessons atm. Im looking at different car insurance quotes online & am thinking of going with Admiral as it seems like they offer the cheapest car insurance for my situation. As far as I'm aware, I would have to pay approx 1,100 to insurance my car while still on a provisional license, & approx 1,600 with a full uk. (A lot of ppl have said that insurance will be more expensive while on a provisional license but I know for a FACT that it's the other way around seeing as I would have a fully qualified driver with me at all times, meaning that I'm less likely to have an accident!!) Anyway, Because I'm looking at insuring my car for Nov while I still have a provisional license (I'm going to pay it monthly), when I hopefully pass my test at the start of Dec & obviously notify the insurers that I will have passed my test & therefore gotten a full uk license, HOW ON EARTH will that affect my insurance? Any help will be MUCH MUCH appreciated!!...I'm really CONFUSED atm!!!!! :):)""
What health insurance plan should I buy?
Hi I'm currently looking for a health insurance. I live in southern California. I'm a 27 year old female, 30 lbs overweight, no known medical condition, looking for something to cover mainly major or serious medical problems. Dont know whats better Kaiser Permanente or Blue Shield Blue Cross? Should I look for a high deductible plan or a copayment plan, PPO or HMO? Really confused!!!!!!""
Can I insure a car that is registered and has license plates from arizona?
I live in California and am about to buy a car that has its license plates from arizona and is registered there as well. Would i Be able to insure it? And if not what would the process to get it good over here? Just so you know, Its a 1995 Nissan Altima, and is going for $1500.""
How can i get free health insurance?
i live in Pennsylvania. i need health insurance. i am 18, live with my boyfriend at his moms house. i have no job, she has no job, no one in the house has a job. my mom moved to florida so i can't have her help me anymore. how can i get free health insurance? like completely free. i can't even remember the last time i went to the doctors, i really should go for a checkup. please help.""
Will I get my parent's insurance after age 18?
I plan on taking a year off of school when I graduate high school. When I turn 18 during that year, because I am not a full time student, will I get taken off my parents health care?""
Do you have to have vehical insurance?
do you have to have an insurance. I just want to use it for awhile.
""Female, over 25, 9 years driving experience needs CHEAP CAR INSURANCE?""
Hi, my previous insurance was less than 350.00 for third party, fire and theft (in london). My new car is similar but I am getting quotes for 800+ for third party fire and theft. This is ridiculous. I am in my late twenties and have been driving almost 10 years. I would really appreciate names of small insurance brokers. 10 points.""
Is group insurance cheaper than individual policies dollar for dollar?
I know they give discounts when husband and wife enroll but if you have the same insurance carrier,united of omaha, is the group going to be cheaper necessarily?
Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'?
I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance?
Insurance Quote on WRX for 19 Year Old?
Hi im just curious if anyone out there could tell me what im probably going to be paying for a 2009 Subaru WRX. Im 19, male, and in my second year of college no tickets only one accident which WASNT my fault. Progressive wants to charge me $466 a MONTH. car would be payed off after 1 month and i live at home with parents HELP ME!""
""How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
Does getting a parking citation raise your insurance rates?
I just got a ticket for parking near a fire hydrant and I wanna know if my insurance will be higher, i can't find any answers on my insurance website. And, does anyone know exactly what constitutes a no-parking zone, cause i have to pay 40 more for that too and the spot wasn't marked. Gahh i don't want my parents to know unless they absolutely have to!!!""
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
How does life insurance pay off or cover most of a funeral?
-I want to become a Lic. Funeral Director & Embalmer I work part-time in a family-owned independent funeral home (i don't like those chains) and by family-owned i mean it is independent and is owned by the original owners (not SCI, Dignity Memorial""
Question about car insurance?
1. How long does it take to get insurance? Can we go in and apply for it tommorrow and have it when we walk out? Or is there a waiting period? How long until you are legally covered? 2. If you get insurance on a car you are going to sell/trade in - can you switch over your insurance to cover the new car? Or how does that work? Problem is, our truck isn't insured right now but we're planning on buying a new car in the next month or 2.. will that make things more difficult for us? - first time insurance buyer""
Can i get a ticket for no insurance?
Can i borrow my moms car. I have a valid drivers license and her car is insured under her name i'm not on the policy. Can i get a ticket for no insurance if im not on her policy?
How does a 18 year old buy a car without a license or insurance?
I want to buy this camaro from this guy because he wants to sell it because he has two cars but I have not took my drivers test because I work so much and I do not have auto insurnce. I want to buy the car so it can sit in my garage until I get my license then I can register it and stuff. Like is their any paperwork or legal processes I should know of because In my mind I just think I can Get my uncle to drive me out there and give the guy the money in return he gives me the keys and my bro drives it to my house or does it need to be towed?
Motorcycle insurance question?
Hey, I dropped my motorcycle on the right side yesterday during a turn. It's a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Two pieces of fairing were damaged pretty badly (right side and front piece). I just got insurance the day of the drop (before dropping it). Will insurance cover the damage? Also is it even worth getting them involved? I already have very very high insurance ($400 a month for a Honda Odyssey) due to previous car accident. I don't want to get any more things on my record. Will my insurance go up if I call them? The replacement fairings will cost me $560 out my pocket. I have a $250 deductible on the bike. So I would save about $300. Is it worth it?""
How do I get health insurance?
Im a 22 year old college student but im no longer covered on my parents health insurance. I hate not being covered, and I want to find my own health insurance. My job offers it, but it is really expensive, and as I said im a young college student who already has tons of bills. Any ideas how I can get good, inexpensive health insurance? Anyone know where to even start looking? Thanks!""
Why doesn't car insurance go down every year since I owe less money to the dealer?
Every year my car insurance goes up and I am just 10 months away from paying off my car, I have never had an accident or a claim and been driving for 10 years. I have been with many car insurance companies but they do the same scam after few months.The insurance representatives don't even know why it went up, they just say theirs went too. WHY ISN'T THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS SWINDLERS? It's been going up for the four year, haven't had a relief despite I just owe 4k.""
""Insurance company does not want to pay for my car damages, what should I do?""
I let my mom borrow my car, which insurance is under my name, she crashes. She exchanged insurance info with the other driver. I called the other driver's insurance to make a claim to have them get my car fixed. As soon as I told the insurance rep what had happened, he hung up. I try calling them again only to have the rep say, we need to get the other driver's side of the story and hung up again. My car got really damaged, but the other driver's car only got scratches, I know it may not matter but nonetheless I would like to have them pay for my car damages. My insurance only has liability so I can't file a claim under my insurance. The only thing I have is a police report of them exchanging insurance info but no document stating in detail what happened and who is at fault, that's it. What should I do?""
Insurance under 4000 for 17 year old?
Ok, well I'm 17 (male) and have passed my driving test. I have compared many quotes for all the worst and lowest engine cars, like corsa 1.0, peugeot 106 1.1 etc I just can't seem to get a quote under 4000! Does anyone know if there is anything I can do to get affordable insurance? I heard that insurance for 17 year olds has doubled in the past year but didn't reckon it would be this much! Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated :)""
I am looking for an affordable DENTAL insurance...?
Okay.. so I am an 18 yr old college students.. who just so happens wants braces. My teeth aren't too bad but I just want braces so make my teeth look better. Since braces are very expensive I was thinking about maybe getting a dental insurance that will help me pay for my braces. Also, I want those braces that are either clear or that go inside your teeth and not outside (Not sure if its possible, but I've heard about em). What is the best plan and/or what type of insurance will work for me best. Anything helps..""
I have a nissan 2010 I just bought and I live in California can anyone give me an approximate insurance cost ?
I have a nissan 2010 I just bought and I live in California can anyone give me an approximate insurance cost ?
Is there a website for health insurance quotes?
im goin 2 b 19 & my current health insurance will exp. i need to find health insurance fast as well as as dentist insurance. sum ppl told me not 2 get eye insurance cuz payin da monthly payment vs. getting da benefit isn't worth it. meanin u pay more than u get out of it. but i want ur opinion as well sum other ppl told me 2 go 2 a hospital 2 ask sum ?'s of what health i should get, meanin like find out what im cover 4. like i don't want 2 pay hidden charges. like basically i need help cuz nobody is guidin me on what 2 do after im not cover. like im on my own.""
What are homeowners insurance rates for mobile homes?
What are homeowners insurance rates for mobile homes?
2010 Ford Fusion vs 2011 Hyundai Sonata?
I recently went in resolved to buy a 2011 Sonata at $26, 000 but then I saw at a Ford dealer that the Fusion was $16, 500 on sale from $19,000. I'm conflicted because paying $10,000 more for a Hyundai means I get more features like leather, seat heating, sun roof, more sleek sporty style, etc. But then I can't completely negate the fact that the Ford is so cheap. Which would you pick and why?""
How much will the incurance go up after i start driving?
im 17 and i want to get my license. but my parents are making me pay for the difference in insurance cost. so i was wondering how much it will go up. we have usaa btw
Question on car insurance and speeding ticket?
I was driving my friend's car and got a speeding ticket with 4 points (later reduced to 2 points). I didn't have my friend's insurance or my insurance in the car, but the officer let that one go. The car was from another state, and my license was from a third state. How will this affect the insurance rate? Also, I am under 21 and do not have my own insurance (I am under my parent's insurance) Additionally, is it possible that this could affect my friend's insurance rate? Thanks for the help.""
What's the best way for a 19 year old girl to get insurance through the Affordable Care Act?
I had full coverage medicaid(and dental) up until I turned 19, and my wisdom teeth have just recently come in and I have cavities in them because I can't reach them with a brush. I need to get them removed immediately and another beginning cavity filled. I am independent but I only have a part time job and I need to deal with this immediately. What's the best way to get insurnce through the affordable care act? Links & recourses would be appreciated. Thank you.""
Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?
I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.""
How dos US car insurance work compared to english car insurance?
I'm looking to get a bmw x5 but insurance is 9000k a year like $13000k I heard they do it different so its easier to get bigger cars. In england they don't allow young drivers to get big cars so the insurance is expensive How dos us car insurance work
Will homeowner insurance rates go through the roof if Cap and Tax passes through the Senate?
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying to sell a house, you get audited (like it says in the bill) and they say that you have to upgrade a whole lot of stuff that you can't ...show more""
Is group insurance cheaper than individual policies dollar for dollar?
I know they give discounts when husband and wife enroll but if you have the same insurance carrier,united of omaha, is the group going to be cheaper necessarily?
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